#which feels fucking so clean and nice.
Stash Organizing Day! I finally got all the furniture into my bedroom after a year of living here (long story) and came to the conclusion that it was time to Stop storing my yarn in trashbags (mostly, I have to get a couple more plastic totes). Photo dump and rambling under the read more.
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Here is all my yarn that I don't consider an "active" project (MOSTLY, there's an active project in the pink tote bag (Shawl 13) but I wanted to put up the extra colours I was finished with and it was easier to carry the whole thing in).
The already filled plastic tote has all my wool yarns in it (also in ziplock bags because these totes aren't airtight). I'll eventually organize them better and lay them all out for a photo too but for now they're staying Contained. Instead I dumped all my acrylic yarn out of the trash bag it was in.
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Before starting Blanket 10 my acrylic yarn took up about twice as much room as it does now. The big pile on the left is all the scraps from it that I'm undecided as to what to do with them. Other than that mess, along the top is some Lion Brand Jeans yarn I had bought for a striped sweater that I swatched for and never made. Below that is all my fingering weight acrylic, mostly Loops and Threads Woollike. The big cake is one of the 300 gram Lion Brand Mandala cakes.
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Also acrylic but kept in the very cute Purple Hawaiian Hello Kitty Tote Bag(TM) is a metric fuck ton of Lion Brand Re-Spun. I knit one strip out of like 9 for a blanket before realizing I wasn't having fun and it hurt my hands and I didn't like it. I don't know if I want to frog it or not or what to do with this yarn so I've just kinda been sitting on it, I might end up with another granny stitch blanket.
For now my acrylics are all staying in the trash bag, I currently only have one other plastic tote and I'm going to use it for my cottons.
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By weight the majority of my cotton yarns are Hobbii brand Cotton Kings Sultan. I like knitting with them, they're pretty, I'm using the bottom three as decor in my room. Right now I only have projects set out for two of them (the peachy orange one and the two rainbows (i bought them with the intention of using them together in a huge brioche project and still don't have a pattern picked out lmao)), but it won't be hard for me to find more lace doily patterns to make giant. Most of the scrap (middle bottom) is also from Sultan cakes, and directly above it is some fingering weight cotton also Cotton Kings brand.
On the right bottom is all that's left of my Knit Picks Dishie out of my original purchase of something like a dozen and a half balls. I did give a couple balls of it to my aunt but most of it I used, I really really Really like Dishie. Finally on the right top is my size 10 crochet cotton.
I didn't grab photos of all my bulky yarn bought for suffies because I'm honestly not sure what to do with it and for now most of it is staying in it's cardboard box. Bad Yarn Gets The Box.
There's also the pile of Shame. Some of them are completed projects I don't have a good storage place for, most of them are incomplete projects. There are several projects I need to either frog, finish, give away, or throw out and I just do not want to decide right now. There's also at least one shawl in that pile that I finished while living at my old house and never got to block because of space concerns and simply haven't. Blocked it even tho I have space now.
I Think that is all of my yarn that isn't currently being used for a project. It feels really good to finally get everything organized and out of my actual work area. I still have some things I need to find places for (the shame pile and all my sewing materials mainly) but I got rid of the Yarn Mess by literally hiding it under my bed <3
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i love haircuts. i cant stop petting the back of my skull
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somekindafairy · 18 days
someone should hire me to be their loser stay at home boyfriend. skills include cooking, gardening, bad art, being a general layabout, cuddling, errands, basic carpentry and plumbing, jerking off while you're at work, finding weird movies to watch, spiraling into crisis, chronic fatigue......cooking again
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doctormage · 6 months
the weirdest and most noticeable thing abt being on my new antidepressant is that when I do ye olde adhd trick of making a task so small it’s impossible to fuck up (e.g. “I only have to dust two windowsills then I can stop”), I actually do it 99% of the time AND I’m usually like. well I already have the duster out so I might as well do ALL the windowsills (which then becomes dusting all the surfaces in one room, which becomes dusting all the surfaces everywhere). this shit is insane. literally unfathomable to me that this is how a mentally well person is supposed to feel on an average day. it’s like discovering a mod that makes a laggy and unplayable game run smoothly and easily
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simptasia · 17 days
i had a great day a comic con today!
highlights include meeting emelie de raven
annnnd getting my first tattoo!
#it's the x-men logo on my left bicep#i hadnt planned this at all - i didnt know you could get tats at cons#but i saw it. and liked the look of it. and something just clicked in my head. didn't get it right away tho i met emelie first#so i had all the time in the world. and while the photo with her was being processed - i got the tattoo#it turned out perfect. not gonna show it off because its been bleeding quite a bit and doesn't look so nice now#but when its all healed up and cleaned up i'll get some pics#but yeah. holy shit i have a tattoo. i drink alcohol and got modification on a whim? oh yes. im a wild girl now kjhfdskjh#anyways. its my first convention since 2018. and my first one without mum of course#i found out about it a week beforehand and it just felt right. which feels like a step in a good direction for me#i made the day of it. and spent the birthday money mum gave back in september. and then some!#nothing at comic con is cheap so i was like. fuck it go ham#i got lotsa merch. i think my favourite purchase (other than stuff with emelie and the tat) is a silver star trek ring i got <3#i like merch with staying power. like clothes and jewellery#oh oh speaking of which i wore my star trek voyager comm badge brooch today. i'd never worn it before so that was nice#one day im gonna get myself a voyager trek uniform to go with my badge and my pips. and i'll wear that to a con#i've gone to several cons but i've only cosplayed once! ...it can be tricky to get organised. but i'll do it again someday#so yeah great day! my feet are fucking killing me! but im so happy!
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deklo · 10 months
just left the house for the first time today to see the full moon :) it is almost 70 degrees out and so smokey :)
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bastard-of-a-bog-being · 11 months
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Wip but you know what
I was initially SO bothered by this guy not having a nose or eyebrows but the more I make art with him I’m just like “oh thank fuck the little guy doesn’t have many facial features this is way easier than making Poppy or whoever else”
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toytulini · 3 months
i cant see posts cos my app is borked but i can still MAKE posts so you all can still see me complain!
it is so fucking impossible to search for fucking anything at all on the goddamn internet and if you want any amount of specificity at all you are well and truly fucked
#toy txt post#me: ceramic gooseneck kettle#borosilicate glass gooseneck kettle. does this exist? even one? etsy: google: wayfair: amazon: one billion listicles with amszon affiliate#links: here are metal kettles? cast iron kettles? thats what you want? best gooseneck kettles of 2024#i dont want that. theyre all gonna be fucking metal bc thats easy to make that shape ig and ppl dont Taste it except for me ig#and its like low cost and not fragile compared to other materials? theres glass kettles that i should probably just go for but i thought id#check if there was even a possibility of a really nice controlled pour with a material i cant taste. but whatever. ive even capitulated to#having to do it on a stove at this point somewhat just fuck i want one that boils the water and pours it nicely that doesnt have fucking#metal touching the water at any point bc i can Fucking Taste It and it tastes bad#and it also doesnt even taste metallic which is cool. love that. just tastes like maximum grody. no one else can taste it. i feel insane#the water vessels were so clean and yet still tasted so fucking bad i was wondering if i even still like coffee. i did and do. i just dont#fucking like water thats interacted with metal i guess#anyway this is just me complaining about how impossible it is to fucking gind anything#find* also im Exploring Black Coffee. im in my coffee era. im trying to taste and unlock and understand and explore the Complex Flavors#i bought a chemex. its fun to watch it brew...imagine if i could control the water flow better. rn im pouring#from a pyrex bowl out of the microwave and its impossible to control the pour. it pours so bad. im going insane
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bunnyb34r · 4 months
Really missing having good/good enough managers man :/
Super fucking slow at work and they just let the auto-scheduler put in our shift schedules which is fine when it works but.... we're so fucking slow at work. Like my area is completely filled (with what I have... new shipment save me... save me.... new shipment) and recovered by 6am. I'm not needed. Not atm.
Now a good/good enough manager would remove my shifts (which would SHOCK save the company money! :0 and leave more of a budget for the managers which means bigger paycheck! Wow!) Or at least tell me that the reason I have ONE shift next week is in fact bc I'm not needed, and not the scheduler being fucky. But god we cant have THAT now can we!
I mean if I see "shift for DAY has been removed" on my app then hell yeah free time off! But bc they routinely forget to reprompt the scheduler, there's consistent weeks where I have 0 hours, but know to come in/assume I'm needed.
Like ffs arent you supposed to cut hours?? Which would be MINE since I'm only 20 a week??? Come on man 😭 I'm so bored
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Hoooo boy hitting a depression spike harder tonight than I've had since I left home
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lzrdprsn · 1 year
It's really weird when you know someone in a context different from how everybody else knows them so you look at them and you still kind of see that person they used to be
#this post is about the boy i dated my senior year who was so incredibly sweet tbh wouldnt be the person i am today if i hadnt met him#but he was so fucked up he had so many issues it was really hard so it didnt work out but i loved him and i think he loved me too#but hes in a moderately successful band now which i just found out about do i looked them up and theyre good#but its so weird because its like i know that when you were 17 you wanted to be an underwater welder#i helped you clean your room at your grandmas house because you were so sad you couldnt do it yourself#i ditched 5th period AP English to sit on the steps behind the auditorium and listen to you talk about whatever#you pushed me on the swings and we took the bus to the movie theater and you liked cherry wraps and you played me my favorite songs#i havent REALLY thought about that guy in years and we were only together MAYBE 6 months but its so weird what you remember about people#and especially how you remember how they made you feel because he made me feel so good like i was in control#all my previous relationships was me trying to desperately please someone who wouldnt do the same for me#and honestly a lot of my relationships since have been the same especially in college and with the one girl who honestly if she called me#today i would drop everything and go be with her again no questions because i cant get her out of my head#but stuff witj him was never ever like that it was so easy it was like breathing even though it ended messy i have 0 regrets#and its nice to know that things are going well for him because honestly he changed my life a little bit#the way i dont give a fuck now is something i learned from him#ill probably delete this later but you know
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pansyfemme · 1 year
ppl ask a lot abt my traditional coloring process but its rlly not that complex u just rlly water down inks and layer thin layers until you realize you’ve been working for 9 hours straight and pass out with all ur supplies still in bed w/ u LOL
#i clean my paint water like. twice a week and i paint everyday 😔#i use a variety of translucent mediums dependin what im going for#if i want somethin a little more pigmented. high flow acrylics + matte pouring medium. esp for neons since neon acrylic inks and watercolors#r pretty weak. flourescent paints tend to be transparent so gouche or acrylic is ur best bet bc neon watercolors are hard to come by and#basically only show up on white paper. and flourescent inks are ok. but a little gloopy usually#also golden has a rlly good color range of neons so.#i also like holbien acryla gouache neons bc the luminous red is prob my most used paint color i use it watered down in about all of my#paintings its just. that fucking beautiful#I also use concentrated watercolors bc they are hypersaturated and transparent and only semi-liftable which is a lot of fun#some ppl dont like them bc despite the name they are not watercolors or liquid watercolors.#they are first and foremost. inks. they are dye based and heavily staining so if you put them down you can lift a little bit but the stain#isnt going anywhere. which is fun bc i like playing with lifting. i also like them being dye based bc if you mix them. when you apply them#they sometimes settle color wise and there are slight blooms and inconsistancies in color which i adore#kiiinda like granulation? but not rlly#ofc for areas where i feel i need something less saturated i use tube watercolors#and acrylic inks for areas that i dont want to lift.#u gotta be careful tho bc a lot of inks r hyperpigmented#i dont like thick opaque paints i find them rlly dull and boring to work with#so everything has to be thin and layerable#bc thats where u get those nice color interactions
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violentviolette · 1 year
last week my dad who is too slowly dying of kidney failure had a stroke and is still in the hospital, one of my sorta-cousins died of a drug overdose, found out my wifes mom is having surgery i have to help out with aftercare for, had to have daily phonecalls with multiple members of my family, and then i capped it off with getting violently sick and now my sleep schedule is upsidedown
i think if a single solitary thing goes even slightly wrong this week im allowed to begin killing people. like legally.
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motheyes · 1 year
sometimes i forget how gut wrenching dysphoria can be
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omtai · 1 year
after being off for 4 days and having to go to work tomorrow genuinely fills me with dread (rant in tags ignore it i just wanna bitch)
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orcelito · 1 year
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LARPing as Yosuke Persona 4 on my way home today by biking through heavy fog
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