#which firstly ew i like him a lot but ew not like that
cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
Taking melatonin knowing I'm going to have some wild dreams tonight like
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thief-of-eggs · 6 months
I love the way you write Alastor and the way you write Luci. I know so many writers who maintain a very specific stereotype about aroace people, e.g. “Ew don’t touch me, you’re gross and I want to kill you because i would rather DIE then be touched” or “haha this character hates every single type of affection and is snarky because of it” and it’s just so icky to me… like yes some aroace people hate touch but they don’t hate other people, arocas people can have friends
yes alastor is snarky, it’s not because he’s aroace. he’s just a bitch (said with love) and his sexuality shouldn’t be used as his only personality trait,
idk if any of that rant made sense but I js wna say how much I appreciate the way you write and characterize Radioapple :3
Firstly- thank you so so much, this is so amazing to hear!!! It means a lot to me to have a canon aroace character, which is why I love diving into/embracing it in the fics I write!!
100% as you said, Alastor is a bitch because Alastor is a bitch, nothing to do with his sexuality. He’s a bit self centered, a bit harsh, a bit inconsiderate- but that’s just him and his sparkle. Not his sexuality.
And as for the hating touch- I wish more people understood how asexuality and aromanticism is a spectrum! It’s not a one size fits all! It’s huge!!!
Personally, I like to think that Alastor doesn’t particularly like touch due to past trauma, as well as sensory issues. I don’t think it’s all to do with his aromanticism (I think he’s more the type to be indifferent to romantic things, not repulsed by them) But I do think his touch aversion is real, just not stemming from his aroace identity.
And of course, I’m not in Alastor’s head (or Vivzie’s) but I like to think that touch is OK with Alastor, so long as it is on his terms- and I think “on his terms” includes those people whom he’s given either silent or spoken permission to in regards to touching him. Which is a huge difference from “I hate all forms of touch and I’ll kill you if you touch me”
We see with Mimzie and Rosie and Niffty that Alastor is OK with touch- he lets them initiate touch and he doesn’t bat an eye. Which is why I think so long as he’s comfortable with them, then touch is somewhat permitted. He may not feel the same sort of butterflies or attraction etc through touch- but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy it for what it brings to him!
I think it’s a big trust thing, and I also like to think it changes day to day. What’s alright on one day may be too much on the next. But I also like to think that Luci would be 100% understanding of that.
As you said- it’s not just all or nothing with aroace people, and it sucks that that streotype exists. At its core, asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction- but that says nothing against physical touch in general. And aromanticism at its core is a lack of romantic attraction- which again, says nothing on physical touch!
Not to mention, love is such a complicated, multi faceted thing. Aroace people are not incapable of love. Aroace people are not stony beings who do not crave reassurance and human connection. We just crave it differently than others.
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bawbawbridgie · 4 months
the 'palace' scene
i have been WAITING to talk about this scene and it has finally come to it. this will be my last post in terms of the changes because i believe i have gone through them all (could be wrong).
instead of writing the whole scene (because that would make this post even longer), i decided to include an audio recording from the current broadway version (Joel Meyers & Erik Christopher Peterson 2024) and the original script. i recommend listening to it while reading the original script before reading the rest of this post.
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alrighty, time to go into my thoughts. 
essentially, this scene has gone from a cute little moment between two besties having a lighthearted chat about their feelings for girls, to now a very intimate and quite emotionally vulnerable scene between them. 
removal of love interests: 
rose and scorpius’ dynamic is strictly friendship now with him only asking to be friends in which she still says no. that is a self explanatory change which results in no evidence of scorpius having romantic feelings for her. along with this, polly, another female love interest, is completely removed from this conversation. this takes away pretty much EVERY interaction scorpius has with a female interest in a ‘romantic’ way. 
now with albus; thank god no random mention of the older female professor ew. and no albus getting a girlfriend first. coincidently also removing all the lines referring to him having romantic feelings for female characters. without the statement of liking older women, it removes he emphasis on albus romantically having feeling for delphi in which we know was also changed in the scene with ginny and albus. 
now what does this do to the narrative and perception of these characters? when you remove the female love interests in this situation, it leaves a gap in the story. the gap being who do these characters now actually love?? and since this play is pretty much about ‘love can conquer all’, WHO ELSE ARE THEY MEANT TO PUT THESE FEELINGS OF LOVE ON TO OTHER THAN EACH OTHER???? you cannot deny that all these changes made are for the benefit of this relationship and puts a lot more emphasis on them and what they mean to each other. 
slight word changes: 
“marriage” to “allegiance” again relates to the removal of scorpius’ romantic feelings for female characters, completely taking away this whole part of the plot for him. like all he wants is to form a friendship with rose! platonic friends is what they are now. 
again removing “love” and changing it to “harmony” takes away the romantic feelings and just creates a nice friendship. but i do think its sooooo funny that they changed “love” to “harmony” because THAT would’ve been too far for them. as albus wants that palace with scorpius, having “love” would be confirming that they love each other. that can absolutely not happen. but aren’t they just kinda synonyms or am i stupid. also it wouldn’t be that controversial because they already used “love” as albus’ weakness WITH SCORPIUS IN THAT SCENE soooo… the creatives were just too scared to leave it the same. 
we also have the whole ‘in my head’ but we have gone through it in a previous post (https://www.tumblr.com/bawbawbridgie/748173064391557120/since-you-guys-were-begging-me-to-write-about-it?source=share). 
rose’s line is now changed to “if YOU TWO let it be weird”… WHY WOULD IT BE WEIRD???? firstly, he was only asking to be friends. and secondly, why would it be weird for albus? my boy didn’t do anything? it’s almost as if rose is implying something else? perhaps her finding out that something else is going on between them? mhmmm idk. reminder that rose is quite literally on the stage listening to this whole convo.
THAT line: 
i have so many thoughts on this line and what albus is getting at. is this albus’ way of admitting he has feelings for scorpius? is it albus ‘subtly’ trying to understand how his best friend feels about him by pushing the limits of their friendship and see how he’d react? is he asking him out? is he saying he loves him in his own way as he struggles with feelings? orrrr is it simply albus just asking him if rose, his cousin, is actually the one scorpius, his bestie, wants? this line is definitely up to how you all perceive it. for me, i personally feel it’s albus attempting to address delphi outing him because they never really expand on that moment, as well as attempting to push the boundaries of this friendship to see if scorpius wants more than this as well. 
i also find it amusing that albus says this after scorpius expresses he only wants “harmony” and an “eventual alligence” with rose. like scorpius hasn’t actually shown any romantic interest in rose so this means albus doesn’t even want him talking to her. god he’s obsessed with him. 
rose’s input: 
THANK GOD FOR THE REMOVAL OF “SCORPION KING” COZ HOW DID SHE KNOW???? whatever moving on. her cute little line, “you good albus?” eeeeee i love her new role in this scene. she is just looking out for the happiness of her cousin in which i assume she knows about the two of them being more than besties. fr she is also a big scorbus shipper by the end of the play and we love her for that. 
why tf did the creatives do this?:
ughhhhh i do not know. i guess this was the closest they could get without actually confirming they are together?? idk. i do find it amusing to think about the creatives trying to rewrite this scene and how proud they would’ve been when they created this line. kudos to you jack thorne and john tiffany. but in general with the changes, i have so many thoughts and theories about why/when/how they did this which i would love to dive into but it deserves a whole post dedicated to itself.
but i think at the end of this scene/play, this relationship is open ended like there is no definite answer of what they are and can be interpreted however you’d like. and i genuinely really like this, it’s somehow comforting. one question that i still ask myself (which could be quite problematic but here we go) is: are they actually canon? i have so many thoughts about this and could definitely do a seperate post but put simply… sadly no. PLEASE DONT HATE ME I WANT THEM TO BE CANON BUT I CANNOT 100% SAY THEY ARE!!!! and i have my reasons… but that’s a whole different issue.
although we would all like a CLEAR confession/answer (to get us out of our misery), but they are only 14/15 and finding themselves so who knows, maybe at dinner they worked out what they are but i guess we will never know?? ok bye sorry for all that xx
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
Everything hits the spot except for sand. I mean doesn't he have enough to care for. Hell his primary caretaker is someone who needs to be cared for and he cares for himself. Isn't that difficult enuf. The urge to fix something that's broken, that has potential to be beautiful, i understand. But why love him...sand is confident. Then where does his need for acknowledgement stem from. So many options and he still falls for messy selfish problematic ray? I mean other than that face and an occasionally entertaining mouth he has nothing going for him. Ok fine the money and sex. And sand has definitely refused the former, the later I bet isn't all that happening at the moment. So it begs the question why. If they do get together what's in it for sand? Or is it the overall love is love stuff. But that means sand is one of the only person in this messy story that is actually in love. Not sure if i'm supposed to say ew or aww...
You raise an interesting question here, which is Why does Sand like Ray anyway? I think this question is so important because I imagine it's the same one Sand has been asking himself this whole time.
You're right, Sand has lived his whole life having to support both himself and his mother. Ray isn't particularly special—he doesn't make exceptions for Sand the way Sand does for him, and he certainly doesn't always treat Sand the way he deserves.
I think there are ultimately two parts to this answer of why Sand cares about Ray. Firstly, even though it's difficult being in a caretaker position, Sand has grown so accustomed to it that those responsibilities have become a part of who he is. He sees himself as a helper and provider, as someone others can turn to when they're in need. I’d argue he gets fulfillment from knowing that he's taking care of others well. His mom is grateful to him, and I believe he savors the thought that she's okay largely due to his efforts. The term ‘savior’ might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I don't think it's too far off. As you say, fixing something that's broken is a thrill in and of itself, so I imagine that factors in as well.
If Sand sees himself as a natural caretaker, then Ray is the prime example of someone in need of caretaking. Ray is reckless and immature in a lot of ways, not all of which are his fault. Even before Sand learns part of Ray's backstory, he consistently helps him and indulges him. Part of it is Sand's instinct to help people, but I think it's also due to intrigue. Additionally, while Ray has a lot of flaws, he's shown that he can admit his faults. (He's also incredibly thankful, which I think Sand values even more than his apologies.)
The second reason Sand gravitates towards Ray is because of their genuine chemistry. For how cruel Ray acts towards Sand later (I'm referring specifically to their fights, though Ray is notably drunk/high both times they've had a real argument), Ray is quite flirtatious and friendly towards him in general, if a bit pushy. It's implied in episodes 2 and 3 that they spend a lot of time talking and enjoying each other's company. I imagine a lot of Sand and Ray's relationship development happens offscreen, when they're just hanging out. Ironically, those quiet moments are some of the most important when it comes to growing feelings.
I get frustrated when Sand and Ray's relationship gets reduced to "Sand is a pushover and Ray is just using him," because to me that's discounting all of the actual relationship building they've done. Not to say Ray has not used Sand in some ways (then again, Sand also used Ray to get his revenge on Top), but for Ray to be strictly using Sand, I don't think he would show such active engagement with Sand's own interests. The clothing store, the record store, the concert, the club—those are all places that Ray went with Sand because he wanted to get a better sense of his life. He wouldn’t dedicate such time to doing what Sand wanted if his sole intention was to have Sand take care of him/offer his companionship.
You could argue that Ray goes along with Sand to convince him that he cares without actually caring, but there are signs suggesting Ray has been paying close attention (more recently, someone pointed out how Ray recognized the Freddie Mercury costumes in Ep8, while he didn't even know who Queen was in Ep4). To sum it up: I think Ray cares too much about learning who Sand is for him be a mere distraction. At first, this argument made sense to me, but not so much now.
We see Sand grappling with this question of why do I care?" a lot in Eps 5. In Sand's monologue in the intro and conclusion, he sounds almost perplexed, like he can't believe he's really carved out a 25th hour in his day for someone like Ray. We see Ray through Sand's eyes there, and it's clear Sand has this pull towards him that he can't quite define.
That's the other tricky part about this whole "What makes him care?" discussion…it can be hard to articulate what draws us to people. Their aura, their personality, the way they look at us, their sense of humor—all of these could have some role to play here, but I don't think Sand could boil down his interest in Ray to a single answer. The two of them just click. Add some deep discussions and a few fun dates, and the feelings develop naturally from there.
If I were to condense all of these argurents down, I'd say that Sand's care for Ray developed out of an inclination to help someone in need, someone he recognized as being a victim. Sand's smart; he noticed early that there's more to Ray's drinking than a college kid's bad habits. That inclination to help morphed into intrigue, and from there he got caught up in the thrill of being with Ray, enjoying his company the same way Ray enjoys his. As the audience, we've seen the worst parts of Ray, but I think it's easy to forget that Sand and Ray have had a lot of friendly interactions behind the scenes. We don't necessarily have to see those scenes to know how deep their impact is on the relationshug.
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f0point5 · 27 days
I don’t want to bring up drama but I really want to know if you think the simply lovely thing is big deal or not because people are still talking about it on Twitter and I’m curious about your thoughts
Oh this is going to turn into a think piece lol.
Firstly, no, I don’t think it’s a big deal. I think unless Lando’s wins the next 30 races in a row, no one will ever remember that he once said simply lovely after winning the Dutch gp 2 years from now.
But I do get why people are talking about it now, because it’s yet another low EQ moment for Lando and people love to either hate or defend him to their last breath.
Look, I think it’s pointless to speculate about Lando’s intentions. We don’t know the guy. And that goes for people who think they “get” his humour as much as people who think he’s an ass. No one knows what he was “meaning” to do other than him. And it kind of doesn’t matter imo and here’s why.
If win a race against my friend, who is considered to be one of the best at what we do, who has had a hard time with negative media attention, whose achievement at this very circuit was met with a lot of criticism; if on top of this I am known for being “misunderstood” and “arrogant” and I’m aware that the thing I say get taken out of context…that all being the case, I wouldn’t say “simply lovely”. That is not who I am as a friend or a person, that’s not how I’d want my win to be remembered. A general cognisance of the context would tell me to make a different choice. So for me, regardless of the intention, ew.
I’d also like to point out that if it’s just a joke between friends, maybe say it to the friend who is in on the joke? Because saying “simply lovely, huh” to your race engineer isn’t a thing unless you’re bantering about that with multiple people.
We don’t know what Max thinks about it, and really he might be totally fine about it, or he might be silently seething about it or somewhere in between. Regardless, his and Lando’s relationship is his business. If that’s the company he likes to keep then who tf is anyone to say anything about that?
But we can say for ourselves whether that’s the company we’d keep in his position, or whether we find that distasteful.
As for Daniel stirring it…I said this elsewhere but as an outside viewer I’m glad he stirred it lol. Because I never like to speak when something’s pissed me off in case I look petty but I do like when other people recognise the thing. Maybe Max wouldn’t be impressed by Daniel talking about him and maybe Daniel should have just kept his mouth shut and been a bit more professional. But Daniel would know more about the spirit in which the comment was meant and how it was received than anyone on the internet. Daniel is also pretty close with Lando, he knows the “humour”.
But yeah I guess my final PSA is, even if it was meant as a joke, Max isn’t obliged to find the joke funny. Lando could have meant it with absolutely no negativity and Max could still say “I actually found it rude” and that’s okay. All these people like “oh it was obviously a joke” well maybe not everyone is laughing? We don’t know either way but “it’s a joke” it’s an exoneration in and of itself.
What it all comes down to, for me, is fuck the intention because we don’t know it. To me, the person I am, the fact that twelve seconds after winning your second Grand Prix the first thing that came to your mind was a joke about your friend? That’s the biggest dick ride in history honestly.
Statement made indeed.
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sootwilb · 7 months
Hello, i just wanted to say the post you made today that got like 3 mean comments? I agree with you. Im just a pussy hiding rn but I need to get my thoughts out somewhere. Feel free to ignore because idk how long it's gonna be lmao, I just want to talk to someone who feels the same way as me.
Biting, and not being very self aware at all, are very ND things. It's pretty bad that he didn't stop when she was in pain, but... this was 2 years ago. He's mentally ill. He's probably autistic. He isn't heartless, he isn't evil, he made a mistake and if he knows whats best for him he's learned from it.
It pisses me off that people are using this as an excuse to bring up his messy house, as if this- isnt the same guy who wrote a song about how he wants to jump in front of a train??? Mental health matters until they are messy! Because ew, who would want to look up to him?
I DO. I look up to him. I DON'T support him hurting his girlfriend at all. I really don't. But there's a lot more to it. This is the man who released an album in 2020 which kept me company. These songs brought me through my OCD diagnosis, my suicidal thoughts, and he helped make me realise I WASN'T ALONE. It's so empowering when someone you enjoy watching is open and honest about his mental health. Its nice to know whenever something happens to me, or I think something, I know- Wilbur has been here too.
So I won't be dropping him. I'll keep it on the lowdown. I genuinely can't stop loving him I always always will. Four years of the worst mental pain ever, and him being the only person who I felt genuinely understood by? I won't give that up. People who haven't been here would never get it. ABUSE IS NOT OKAY. But I need something to keep me going, and I'm not risking like- attempting suicide without it. I don't care how parasocial I sound. I really don't. He's been an advocate for mental health, he's been empowering for teenage girls.
And lastly, my dad has been falsely accused of abuse before. They straight up lied. So even if all the signs point to it, I will wait until wilbur and wilbur only, confirms it.
If you do end up posting this, hey guys who think I'm justifying abuse! I'm not. He's unwell. He's SICK. I will support him and he deserves love and he deserves to get better.
hello lovely anon! firstly i want to say im sorry you've been through all of that
wilbur is someone who is autistic and mentally and chronically ill, i hate that people are using this as an opportunity to villainise these traits when people who have them already get a bad reputation as it is. i hate that people support mental health until the person suffering from it is messy and makes mistakes. like ive said before wilbur doesn't deserve shunning he deserves support and help
feel free to dm me if you want to talk more about this anon
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pbear · 6 months
Opinions below the cut. May include spoilers for any of the shows
Spy Classroom: Okay, the first three episodes are terrible then it gets better. They rush the plot without developing any of the characters so I don't care at all. Also, they pull a lot of uno reverses with Klaus' mentor being alive and then materializing an eighth girl out of nowhere (I love Erna but still). After that the show actually has stories that help develop each girl which is what I was looking for coming into the show. I started really enjoying the characters at this point. Thumbs up on not making it harem. Season 2 followed that energy and learning more about Annette (she was blowing my mind), Thea (I like that she's the kindest out of the girls), and Monika (it's so cool seeing her in action) was great. It's not the most amazing show ever but I would definitely watch more if it came out.
Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon: Yeah I hopped on the bandwagon. I’m not sure how to describe what makes this show so good. I think it’s just really well balanced and all its components are done very well. It succeeds in a more slice of life setting where this party is traveling and cooking, but it’s also exciting in the action scenes and as an adventure to defeat the Red Dragon and save Falin. (The animation 👌) The characters are all likeable in different ways. They each get little moments that help reveal more about them even in the more casual episodes. It’s also really funny. Wearing the frog skins made me laugh so much:
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So yeah. If you have heard good things about Dungeon Meshi and are considering watching it, check it out.
A Sign of Affection: I have a hard time articulating my thoughts on romance aside from just saying I liked it or not. I did like this one though. It’s very sweet. Kind of similar to Horimiya, I like that the side characters get moments and development alongside the main couple. (Rin is the bestie we all need and Shin is scratching my itch for unrequited love stories) Overall a really sweet show.
Oshi no Ko: I was listening to the AmaLee cover of the opening so I thought I’d check out the show. Firstly, the animation is beautiful and the opening absolutely slaps.
The first episode is wild and it GOT ME at the end. I really liked Ai’s character and her doubts about whether she could ever express true love to anyone. Even though she wasn’t sure if she could love someone truly, it seemed so clear that she loved life. She chose to give birth to her children, she chose to continue being an idol afterwards, she enjoyed every moment she spent being with her kids.
After the first episode, it’s a hunt for who killed Ai. Miyako stepped up after the murder and I need to shout her out. Ruby doesn’t get much to do, at least where I am, other than wanting to be an idol. I admit the stuff Aqua is up to is more interesting but I thought it would be about both of them equally. He also scares me sometimes with the dark look he gets in his eye. Also, I don’t know how he keeps attracting girls. (Kana and Akane both seemed to have a thing for him. Also, shout out to Akane for her exceptional acting. I screamed when she impersonated Ai.)
A double whammy for pedophilia and incest in the weirdest way possible and that’s the main downside to this show. It’s not super prominent but as someone who normally avoids both of them it’s still an ew.
Yugioh Go Rush: I’ve included this one another iteration of this poll, but I thought I do it again since we’ve just hit the end of season 2. The final episodes were really good, Yuamu’s character has been saved for me. The revival of the Velgearians didn’t happen and I’m not sure if it ever will (I said previously I didn’t want it to but I will miss Zwijo).
It looks like season 3 is going to be traveling space. I’m not super excited by the group of Yudias, Yuhi, Damamu, and Epoch. Yuhi is my favorite of the group easily. Yudias is pretty good if he has other characters to bounce off of and the plot challenges him. Damamu I like and they’re fun but they’re not too interesting/dynamic. They’re very powerful and I hope that comes into play. Epoch isn’t bad, but most of her character so far is cheating. If they can do something interesting with her and have her grow some, I’ll be okay with it.
I’m mostly disappointed that they’re leaving a lot of characters I’ve grown attached to back on Earth. I don’t know if they’ll introduce new characters on this journey, but I’m going to miss Asaka, Yuna, Rovian, Zaion, and the Ryugu brothers.
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thebucketlst · 8 months
Indiana Basketball Needs A Change
So before I go too deeply into this, I need to make it abundantly clear that I am not an Indiana alum, nor am I current student at Indiana University. I’m not from Indiana, and truthfully, I’ve never been super invested in the inner workings of Indiana sports. However, that may be why I am qualified to speak on this. I have been a college basketball fan for as long as I can remember, and that means I’ve seen programs rise and fall. I’ve seen the craziest of upsets and most dominant of wins, and all in between, my friends and I seemingly keep saying, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if Indiana was good again?”, and every single year, they severely under perform. Whether it was the Tom Crean era, the Archie Griffin era, or even the shortly lived Kelvin Sampson era, Indiana basketball always finds a way to be below average. And now here we are again. The prodigal son, Mike Woodson, recently took a loss at home against the dregs of the Big Ten this season, Penn State, and everyone immediately got to questioning whether or not he’s the best man for the job. Keep in mind, this is probably the most talented team Woodson has had, bringing in talented freshmen like Gabe Cupps and Mackenzie Mgbako, adding a major transfer in Kel’el Ware, and returning major contributors from last season like Malik Renau, Trey Galloway, and Xavier Johnson. On paper, this team should be well positioned in terms of making the NCAA tournament, and in the conversation for the Big 10 title. Instead, the Hoosiers are 13-9, and well outside the tournament. So what is the problem? Well there’s several problems, the system they play, the contributions from Johnson, and the laziness of the team are all reasons for why the Hoosiers are well out of contention, but if we’re being totally honest, there’s a very obvious problem. I’m not the kind of guy who thinks every coach should be canned because they’re doing badly for one season. Teams have bad seasons from time to time, and it’s perfectly normal. However, when a coach loses his locker room, he’s lost the respect he has gained, and there’s no going back at that point. I’m not in the Indiana locker room, so maybe I’m wrong, but all it takes is watching an Indiana game and you can see the team has no hustle, no motivation. I actually do think Mike Woodson is a good coach as well. He’s not the usual prodigal son, such as Patrick Ewing or Chris Mullin. Sure he didn’t achieve as much as fans wanted with Trayce Jackson Davis, but Indiana was competitive. This season has been different, and it’s not for the better. So which way should Indiana look if they decide to move on from Woodson? Well there’s a lot of options out there. Firstly, the job is massively appealing to a lot of coaches. The contract will make it well worth their time, and the program will be fully behind a coach the boosters believe in, both in NIL and in and fan support. The most obvious name that people are gonna look at is Dusty May at FAU. May just recently signed a new contract, which will make his buyout quite large, but there’s still questions on if the Indiana alum is up for the challenge. May is in 6th season with the Owls, and even though he’s coming right off a Final Four run, May has yet to show that he can have much success outside of last season Cinderella story. Two more names that will surely be brought up are Will Wade and Chris Beard, both of which are basketball exile as of now, but will surely be back at a major job in due time. So what are my thoughts on all of this? Well like I said, I think Coach Woodson has lost the locker room, but I don’t know if that’s necessarily on him. I certainly think it’s too early to judge him off 2/3 of a bad season, but on the flip side, I’m not entirely sure if he can get you back to the promised land. Hell I’m not sure if they can ever make it back at this point. One thing I do know is this; College basketball has the highest highs and the lowest lows, and once you’ve hit rock bottom, it’s hard to get back.
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willel · 2 years
Do you think there any specific moments or things they're going to parallel in s5 from s1?
Hmmmm..... lemmie just ramble and see what my brain thinks off the top of my head
The unlocking the door sequence. I can imagine another chase scene where Will, El, or someone else is on the run from Vecna or one of his creatures and they lock themselves in somewhere they think is safe, only for the door to unlock itself
I think they'll continue with the super bright light thing when something or someone is using a low of power. That's been referenced in season 1, 2, and 4. I mean, season 3 had light flickering moments, but not the bright light moments.
Maybe we'll get another blood trap situation going on. They lure in some Vecna creatures with the scent of blood? Hopefully they don't cut their palms this time though, let's keep the whole scare on the palm thing for the originators of that strategy (Jonathan and Nancy). They kinda used the same tactic in season 2 with meat from the store, but as we saw, they get tired of non-human meet real fast seems like. Human bait might be necessary. Then again, in season 4, Steve was bleeding out like crazy and no creatures seem to smell or care about it, so eh.
We can keep up with El showing off her skills? So far she's thrown a van, a car, moved a train, and a helicopter. Maybe she can throw a tank this time eh? That would be epic.
Still hoping for a tie back for season 1 and 2 with El getting in touch with Kali. Kali doesn't have to show up in person, but I hope El uses her mind to tell her what's happening or make up with her or something. Doesn't even have to be her whole crew, just Kali.
Maybe they'll need to go back into the Upside Down like Joyce and Hopper and get to that library. That is the point in which all points meet, something important must be there, right?
I suppose we'll get some answers about those vines. Maybe they'll try to attach themselves to Will again, I dunno. Ew gross. Maybe he gets caught again by some vines, which have happened to others a lot at this point, but the vines behave differently. They tried to strange and trap the others. Maybe they do something else like season 1
Maybe Lucas goes full army man again, gets his bandana back, maybe he gets a gun! Yes
Maybe El will continue trying to find Max, similarly to season 1 when she kept trying to fin Will. Each attempt gets progressively more dangerous, but she also gets more and more information about her whereabouts? Hm, if El has no luck, maybe Will somehow aids with that. Like he boosts her search range or something if they hold hands. Like he's a special receiver for Upside Down/Vecna shenanigans That'd be cute.
If things are really going to poop, I wonder if Hopper will get back in touch with his cop buddies. They'll be like "WTF" at first, but I mean... they are gonna need help right??? Even if it's from those dummies, it'd be cool if they got past the shock of Hopper being alive and were serious allies for once. It'd turn their comedy cop shtick on its head, which season 1 is known for
I can sorta picture something for Lonnie, but it's difficult you see? Firstly, why the hell would be come back to Hawkins during this disaster? Even if he found out his kids were there, I doubt he'd care??? But I can picture the writers having him retain an inkling of parental affection and coming back to "help" his kids. Maybe for real this time? :/ But I don't really want that, I want them to punch and kick him. But reintroducing Lonnie to be a thrown in the newly formed Hopper-Byers family seems right on target for Duffers writing.
To go with the previous point, in no way do I imagine Joyce falling back into Lonnie's arms or giving him the time of day. But it would be interesting to see Hopper vs Lonnie scenes of Lonnie trying to plan the seeds of doubt in him. I may be remembering wrong, but I think I remember Winona saying once around the release of season 3 that Joyce and Hopper's relationship reminded her of her old one with Lonnie or something. I can totally see that for season 3 Hopper, and maybe Hopper can too. But things have changed significantly, so Lonnie's attempts to screw things up would fail.
So to sum it up, I can see them paralleling:
The door opening scene
The light getting bright scenes
The blood trap scenario
El showing how strong she become by throwing something even BIGGER, like a tank
Terry and Kali returning to the story and getting a proper conclusion
Full on Lucas Rambo
Visiting the Upside Down library like Joyce and Hopper did
Something with the vines and Will
El searching for Max like she did for Will in season 1 and getting progressively closer. Maybe needing Will's help
Hopper getting his cop buddies back but then being useful for once
Lonnie returning to Hawkins to screw things up. Either they pull a 180 and he's a little less of a dick, or maybe he continues being a dick
Ok, that's what I got!
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misora-msby · 4 years
embarrassing moments with inarizaki
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inarizaki always looks so cool but you know they’re actually dorks and i am here to provide you the content to show theyre clowns. enjoy the headcanons :)
Kita Shinsuke
firstly. kita shinsuke being embarrased? making a mistake? unheard of.
he’s a perfect man and we all know it.
you two were having a nice dinner out together. 
it was a pretty fancy place so you decided to dress in a different style today
but you were beginning to wonder if kita liked it or not because he seemed to keep looking past your shoulder instead of at you
he was an observant guy so you were wondering if something had happened behind you
but you couldn’t hear anything weird so you assumed not
you decided to just stay quiet about it at first but now it was beginning to become annoying! 
why wasn’t he looking you in the eye to speak?
midway through your dinner, kita finally spoke up tho
“y/n, your shirt is slipping... yer bra’s showing.”
right. you were wearing your off-shoulder top.
“o-oh. shin, it’s that kind of shirt, you know?” you had to explain your outfit to ur bf with a pink face.
“oh... that so... well it’s cold these days so if yer feelin’ cold lemme know. i’ll give ya my jacket.”
Ojiro Aran
another man with next to no flaws.
but nature says everyone has to make some mistake.
so it was a regular school day, our aran has just come to class from morning practice and there’s still some time left until class starts.
all the girls in class are gathered around a table
he’s not sure why, it’s probably watching an idol video
but ur man wants to be a little romantic!!
plus he just showered so he smells Great uwu
he goes over and hugs you from behind, placing his chin on ur head.
“hey, bb whatcha ya doin”
all the girls gasp.
he doesn’t get whats wrong, it’s not like it’s a secret y’all are dating
pda to this level aint bad either
especially compared to his teammate miya atsumu
“ojiro aran.”
why is your voice behind him
he looks down and nearly faints when he sees he hugged the wrong girl.
to be fair she looked a lot like you from behind, just maybe 1cm shorter.
“i’m so sorry!” he keeps apologising to literally everyone and all the class is giggling bc they never seen their school’s ace so red before.
“didn’t think i’d come back from the toilet and see my bf cheatin”
hes so funny i swear
the volleyball team hears of it and it gets even better 
Miya Atsumu
it’s not a secret that miya atsumu, setter of the inarizaki volleyball team and invited to national youth training camp, had a gf
he was very much in love with u 
the whole class knew it because he’d show it off whenever he could too
so here comes valentines day
last year he received like... 50 different gifts from girls and guys aiming to win his love.
you didnt even give him one lmAOOOOO 
but this year, he had been not so subtly trying to hint that “i better not receive any chocolates this year when i’ve got a gf!”
he reaches school and plops into his seat.
there’s an anonymous box of chocolates with “please accept my love, miya-kun! <3″ on it
“the hell’s this?!”
“oh? chocolates?” - osamu who just popped his head into the class to shove into his twin’s face how much chocolate he got.
especially since the blond was off limits, the grey-haired twin had a bigger following now.
“do they not know i have a girlfriend...”
“well, ya might as well eat it. ya dont know who to return it to.”
“that’s like receivin’ their love!”
“no it ain’t. it’s just food.”
atsumu couldn’t argue with that and popped a piece in.
it was very delicious. the chocolate practically melted on his tongue and was the perfect sweetness and was filled with a delicious ganache too.
it was perfect
but he couldn’t accept this!
“it ain’t even good. too sweet and the filling’s sticky.”
“ah. really? is that what you think, tsumu?” you ask from the door where you had been watching the exchange take place.
“y/n! look at this! some weirdo gave me some choco and like... samu said to test it but i’ll toss it out, promise.”
“tsumu, i made that... i wrote it anonymously because i thought you’d know it was me and i wanted to tease you a little.”
osamu: “yeah actually i went over to her place to teach her how to make it.”
atsumu: “you said you went to suna’s place?!”
osamu: “i went there later but i first went to help her.”
you: “anyways if it’s not good i don’t mind if you toss it out...”
you: “you just said-”
“you’re always so honest though... are you sure?” you were having your fun teasing him now.
he still cringes at the memory 4 years into ur marriage
Miya Osamu
osamu would DEFINITELY make home made dinner dates a regular thing.
this alone shows he’s the better twin - miya atsumu stan
he loves cooking and eating with you so sometimes when he’s got a day off you guys’ll set aside the afternoon to make a real nice dinner
imagine candlelit dinner with miya dorito body osamu in a suit
of course some fun stuff happens after too ;)))
and today’s your third anniversary!!
so osamu adds lots of ‘natural aphrodisiacs’ to the meal
i’m talkin
garlic bread and soup for an appetiser, a nice juicy steak with garlic and red wine sauce for the main, and chocolate coated strawberries for dessert
mm yummy
you two cleaned your plates completely (it was very delicious) and as you were washing the dishes, osamu comes up behind and wraps his arms around your waist
“yes, ‘samu?” 
“i’ve already prepared us a nice bath with yer favourite scents.” he’s got his head resting on ur chin
“really? thank you~ i’ll be there in a bit”
but he doesn’t let go of you while you’re still scrubbing at the baking sheets.
“osamu, you can let go for now.”
“don’t feel like it.”
“i gotta wash the dishes since you did most of the cooking.”
“mmm, i’ll do it if ya gimme a kiss.”
you roll ur eyes bc what a cutie 
u turn ur head to give him a kiss but suddenly he 
he burps
that garlicy wine smell is just kinda there
“ew! ‘samu!!”
his face is real red but he’s also trying not to laugh because he’s still a dude and this is absolutely hilarious to him
“want another?” he starts teasing
“i’m not getting in the bath with you.”
“wait wait wait i’m sorry, i’ll go brush my teeth and give you a proper kiss”
Suna Rintarou
you two were taking the train home today
it was quite late due to practice going a little longer than usual, so he insisted he walked you back home today.
sunarin can be a good boyf sometimes ok
it was getting a little crowded on the train tho, since people were heading home or going out for dinner
luckily you had already grabbed seats so you were quite comfortable sitting side by side. 
you and suna have the type of relationship were you dont have to talk all the time
silence is v comfy.
he’s just scrolling through twitter on his phone while you’re looking around the car, lost in ur thoughts
suddenly you notice an old lady standing a little bit away from you and you stand up
“baa-san, please take my seat.” you whisper in the crowded carriage
“oh how kind of you. thank you, dearie.” she smiles and takes your seat while you stand in front of her and suna instead.
suna doesn’t realise this exchange has happened tho
(he’s on his phone as usual)
probably starting some fights on twitter
he decides to try to be a little romantic and pretends to stretch his arm around (who he thought was) you.
why is your voice right in front of him?
“young man, i appreciate it but i’m married.”
suna jumps as he sees someone he did not recognise next to him.
he looks up and notices you had moved.
you’re giggling
the granny’s giggling
atsumu and osamu sitting opposite on the carriage look like they’re going to cry because they’re trying not to laugh
“i was just stretching. really.” he mumbles and crosses his arms, face red as a tomato
he’s so embarrassed.
Ginjima Hitoshi
sometimes the inarizaki vbc would go for an after practice snack at the nearby family mart
they were really hungry after an intense preparation for nationals which was in two weeks so kita insisted they all get something to fill them up on the way home
but lucky lucky ginjima hhehe
you (his classmate who he had a crush on) were working at the cash register today.
“welcome!” you greet everyone as they enter
he cant help but stiffen up a bit 
why are u so cute and cheery today
the 2nd years already know what to do.
“heyy, i think last week i bought ya that ramen right? ya owe me my konbini snacks today!” - atsumu
“yeah. you lost a bet to me last week so u gotta pay up. a pack of jelly fruit sticks please.” - suna
“forgot my money today, mind payin’ for my snacks too?” - osamu
“like hell i’m paying for all of you. especially you, osamu. you eat too much all the time.” 
aran’s noticed what’s going on,
“hey, if it’s just for today you can do it right? if ‘samu don’t pay ya back tomorrow i’ll nag him ‘til he does.” 
“fine...” his basket is full when he goes to the counter.
he’s trying his best not to have a red face while watching u scan the items, ur hair swaying slightly as u look back and forth between the objects and the screen.
“alright. 4,890 yen please!” GOD he hated how expensive it was, that’s almost all his weekly allowance but bc it’s u and ur voice saying it it’s kinda ok
“mm, ok.” he still has his eyes on you while he takes out his wallet and puts it on the counter.
his wallet, not the money
“...” “...”
“excuse me, sir. this is...”
he almost slaps his face wtf he’s so embarrassed.
“s-sorry. just a little absent minded after practice.” he starts pulling out his cash.
“it’s fine! i know how hard you guys practice!” you smile while performing the rest of the transaction and pass him his big bag of goods. “good luck for nationals, ginjima-kun!”
he almost runs out of the store and is about to fight the rest of the 2nd years for watching and (suna) recording
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glowingbadger · 3 years
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Okay folks, get ready for a Modern Au Fluffy Megapost~
Firstly, Sylvain and Dimitri have gotten a fluff post already that you can see here if you like! I'll think about whether I have anything to add that would be relevant to a Modern AU for them, but their sections are gonna be shorter as a result.
Yuri, Felix, Ashe x GN Reader
Fluffy relationship headcanons - SFW
- At first, it's not really in Yuri's base nature to be soft and gentle towards a lover. "Delicate" in the cunning, teasing sense, perhaps- but vulnerable and kind? Less so. Which is why it's a bizarre feeling for him when he finds himself wanting to be softer to you- wanting to comfort you and hold you and protect you. He doesn't really know what to do with this new-found tenderness at first, but it will start to manifest in how he treats you despite himself. His tone is completely different with you, he smiles to himself whenever he checks his phone to see you've messaged him, he starts saving songs you mention to listen to later- he simply can't help it.
- He won't let on that he's got quite a lovely singing voice for some time (he intentionally doesn't audition for musicals)- but one night, as your head rests on his lap as he reviews a script for the next play on campus that he's performing in, he starts quietly humming to himself. He stops as soon as he realizes you've noticed, but you carefully say, "I'm... pretty sure I recognize that song- how does the rest go?" He indulges you, humming the rest, even peppering in some of the lyrics. But by the end, he smiles with a quirked eyebrow and pokes your cheek playfully, "Don't think you fooled me with that line earlier- you couldn't repeat a single note of that song, you were just goading me into singing it."
- After this though, he does treat you to a song or two whenever you're upset or not feeling well. He knows that, with all of the complex and duplicitous relationships he's left behind him, it's a relief to finally have something he can give you that he's never willingly given to a partner before. So when you're sick or stressed or dealing with a mental health issue, he'll stroke your hair and sing softly to you, the quiet smile you wear tugging sweetly at his heart.
(most of my thoughts are in the link above)
- Dimitri loves doing boyfriend tasks for you, like carrying heavy things (really any things) for you, reaching the top shelf, opening jars (he has broken one or two), and so on. He's the type to make sure to hold the umbrella over you even if it means he gets rained on.
- He's a clumsy texter, and his messages to you are always full of type-o's and ridiculous auto-corrects. He also has every voicemail you've ever left him saved on his phone and will listen to them when he hasn't seen you for a while.
(once again, he's in the link up there)
- He sends you stupid memes of animals with "this is us" typed below. Most of his signs of affection are dumb and cute but goofy like that, and getting him to actually level with you and express his genuine love and care for you can be pretty rare.
- Sylvain secretly likes romcoms, like, a lot. He tries to brush it off, saying, "Oh you know, I've just seen a lot of them on dates." but his encyclopedic knowledge of their plots and cast suggest otherwise. Once he fesses up to you though, he refuses to meet your gaze and mutters, "it's just.. nice sometimes to think that a relationship can actually be like that, y'know?"
- He's so bad at being soft, but he wants to be for you, but also doesn't want to be because ew feelings. Which he has a lot of. This is why the main way he expresses his affection is through physical contact. It's mostly in private, where he can be super cuddly with you- but in public, he'll still find times to lightly brush his hand against yours, or an excuse to "fix" your hair, mumbling, "It's flying all over the place, hold still-" even though it's really not that out of place, he just wants a reason to touch you.
- Felix is a funny one to bring your problems to. He's actually a surprisingly good listener for someone he cares about, so he's happy to just hold onto your hand and listen to you vent about whatever's bothering you. If it's an interpersonal problem, he'll probably offer to confront or straight up fight whoever is giving you trouble, which might at least get you to laugh, even though he fully means it. But for a more serious problem, he'll quietly wipe away your tears and remind you, "Hey, listen- you just... keep living your life as you, okay? You can't be anyone else, and I don't want you to be."
- He secretly loves it when you play with his hair. While he's studying or gaming, he likes to lean back against the edge of his bed or a couch and have you sitting behind him brushing out his hair, or even braiding or pulling it up for him if you like. He finds your touch incredibly soothing, and there have even been times when he's spaced out a bit and completely forgotten what he was doing because he was just enjoying your nails along his scalp and your fingers through his hair. Honestly, it's a bit like scratching a cat's ears- he'll even subconsciously lean against you if he's not careful.
- 'soft' is Ashe's default state in a relationship, and it is just the cutest. He wears his affections openly on his sleeve, and if you're upset or unwell, his concern is completely obvious. When you're sick, he'll immediately start looking up your symptoms and any possible solutions, and he's always got extra pillows and blankets to lend you. He knows your favorite snacks and movies by heart, and always has them on hand for off-days.
- He loves cooking for you, and cooking with you, if you're into it. There's something so intimate and domestic about making and enjoying meals together, and he has an uncanny way of making the best of even a crappy little college dorm/apartment kitchenette. Though, you're going to have to set some strict boundaries with your friends about date nights, because if you let them, your friends and his will swarm to his cooking and mooch off of the fruits of your labor- and we all know Ashe is too nice to say no.
- Ashe absolutely wants to own a pet with you. Perhaps even before moving in together, he'll help you select a small, low maintenance pet, and he'll always be delighted to come visit it and help you take care of it. If you're living together, he definitely wants a cat or a small dog, and he's a total pet-dad about it. He'll give them cute little bandanas to wear, experiment with which brand of food they seem to like best and so on. He gets a bit shy if you tease him about his doting, but ultimately, he'll just kiss your cheek or forehead and say, "I just want to take care of you both as best I can, that's all."
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mistleaneous-chaos · 3 years
Hey so I’ve been replaying Elden Ring as a str faith confessor, and since there aren’t a lot of people discussing the Golden Lineage specifically, so I figure I should try and take a crack at lining them up in a post focused to them, instead of giving myself a headache trying to do every single demigod(Which would be simple but the relations to the second generations after the Big Gods just is hard for me), so. Here it is!
The Golden Lineage and its Messy Relations
Spoilers for Elden Ring Btw
Now, firstly we have, of course, Godfrey. I’m considering him as the Beginning of The Golden Lineage, as in everyone in it is his descendant. Godfrey was the First Elden Lord, and the King Consort of Marika. He lead the war against the Giants, and managed to defeat them. However, after his last opponent fell, the light faded from his eyes, as the Warrior known as Godfrey had lost his purpose. He had 3 children, and was an inspiration for countless individuals, such as a young man with bright red hair who was the Son of the Queen of the Full Moon. However, he was one day cast out of Leyndell by Marika, and left to the Badlands, becoming The Chieftain: Hoarah Loux. He did return one day, after leading a life outside of the Lands Between to reclaim his throne, only to be felled by an Unknown Tarnished… And after him are his kids: Godwyn, Mohg, and Morgott.
Godwyn The Golden, son of Marika and Godfrey, was famously known for doing battle with, and then befriending the Ancient Dragon Fortissax, which was the cause for the rise of the Ancient Dragon Cult in the capital(See: The Lightning Spear spell for evidence). Godwyn was the first recorded demigod to every be killed during the “Night of Black Knives” in a plot involving the stealing of a fragment of The Rune of Death, supposedly causing Queen Marika to shatter the Elden Ring, causing The Shattering. His corpse is now inherently dangerous, as any who disturb it too much will be inflicted with Deathblight, and will either die immediately, or become crippled and die at a later time, as shown by Rogier’s status after making contact with his distorted face under Stormveil Castle.
Secondly, we have the Twins: Mohg and Morgott.
Mohg(We do not have as much info on Mohg as the others, so some of this will be assumption): Mohg, like his brother, was an Omen. He despised the order that the world was under, and lived mainly in the Sewers of Leyndell. And it was there that Mohg communicated with an Outer God, one that we know only as the “Mother of Truth”. Now whether Mohg worked with them out of desperation or a desire for any kind of “mother” in his life is unknown, but what is known is the actions Mohg took in order to establish his own Dynasty: The Mohgwyn Dynasty. Mohg stole Miquella, son of Marika, and ripped him from the Haligtree, in order to allow the Empyrean to ascend to Godhood and become his consort(Ew.) But no matter how hard he tried, Mohg never received a response from the seemingly dormant Demi-God, and eventually, was slain by an Unknown Tarnished inside the Mohgwyn Mausoleum, leaving Miquella undisturbed(Will Possibly be DLC content)
Morgott, Mohg’s twin, was also an Omen. Unlike other demigods, Morgott never received any guidance or grace from the Erdtree due to his status as an Omen. Unlike his brother, however, he did shave his horns, allowing others to see his face. For most of his life, Morgott thought that nobody loved him, as not only did the Erdtree not guide him, it’s likely that his mother did not either, causing him to also live in the sewers, similar to his brother. However, after the events of the Shattering and the Murder of his Brother, Morgott took it upon himself to become the King of Leyndell, and protect the Erdtree, despite it holding no love for him, as he loved it regardless. Whether it was due to what it represented to others, or that it represented his own Mother is unknown, but it is known that he loved it regardless. Along with that, he also sent out an illusory form of himself to guard Godrick, likely out of hope that it would prevent others from harming his Nephew, as it is in Morgotts nature to love others despite their treatment of him, even if they were, in his own words, “Willful traitors, all.” He would defend the Erdtree to the end of his days, until the day came that the same Tarnished that slew Godrick slew him as well, as he died believing two things: That he failed, and that still no one loved him, unaware of his father’s utter grief when coming across his son’s body.
Now we get to the third Generation, which is simple, but we still don’t know a lot about him, so again: Assumptions.
Godefroy the Grafted was likely the son of Godwyn. Desiring to become Elden Lord, he fought against the forces of Leyndell, only to be defeated and captured by the Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff, and imprisoned in an Evergaol in the Altus Plateaur, where he would remain until one day, an Unknown Tarnished entered and slew him. However, he did manage to pass down one thing to his son: and that was his grafting techniques
And finally, we have the biggest shitter of em all: Godrick the Grafted.
Godrick was originally known as Godrick the Golden, a title claimed out of a desire to be like his grandfather. However, the fact remained that Godrick was nothing but one who was extremely far down the Golden Lineage compared to the others, with his demigod blood far diluted by his time. So his attempt to claim the Elden Ring was thwarted, as he then hid in his castle among to woman to hide from Radahn, and then, after taunting and losing to her, begged Malenia, Blade of Miquella, for his life, only managing to survive due to his utter Cowardice. He then lead a number of Tarnished Hunts over the years, and lead a tyrannical rule, as he abducted and grafted people’s limbs to his body, all so he could make a measly attempt at becoming like his ancestors, even going so far as to Grafting a dragon onto his arm just to be like Godwyn who’d befriended a Dragon. However, like the majority of his family, he was also felled by an Unknown Tarnished, thus marking the end of the Golden Lineage….
(P.S. no I didn’t forgot Nepheli, I just don’t know enough about her besides that she’s Godfrey’s daughter to give her a lot of background, I’m sorry)
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Vestige AFO/Outside AFO
Firstly--this isn't a meta so much as it is a prediction, since I'm seeing the topic of Shigaraki vs. AFO and what that's gonna look like since there are TWO AFO's to get rid of.
So now that we can pretty much safely assume that AFO is definitely gonna be the final challenge for EVERYONE (heroes, kids, civilians, AND the LOV) on the outside, I wanna touch on what I think is gonna be the difference between the outside AFO and the vestige AFO battles.
This is just how I personally see things going, of course it can go differently. But based on what we know so far, I see several different factors that can be included, but all basically have the same set up:
The biggest difference between Shigaraki vs. AFO outside and Shigaraki vs. AFO in the vestige, is that one is a physical battle, and one is a mental battle.
I'm sure it's obvious which one is which: Vestige= Mental, Outside= Physical.
So in the vestige we have AFO fusing with Shigaraki (ew). Seemingly they're becoming this confusing mesh of a person, where neither AFO nor Shigaraki can tell who is who. But one thing we know FOR SURE without a doubt, is that somewhere in there, there is still a split between the two, dividing them and keeping them somewhat separated:
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If one can take over the other, then both are still in there. Even if only split by a hair. Backtracking to the end of the war arc and the Deku solo rogue arc, there was a lot of words said about what exactly is keeping Shigaraki under AFO's control in the vestige. It's not a battle of strength in there, it's a battle of wills. And what's keeping Shigaraki unstable and unable to take control is his emotional instability and, as said many times, his hatred:
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And this is backed by the hand on his face in the war arc triggering that AFO awakening:
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Yes I understand AFO was gonna take over regardless, but THIS was the moment it happened. Not any time before, not even during the vestige moment with Nana and Yoichi. That hand. Those severed hands have been reiterated time and time again to be triggers of his trauma, and that hand was chosen specifically to be associated with the precise moment AFO fully took over. So basically my main point here is that this battle over who controls the body is mental, not physical.
SO where does that leave the way of defeating both AFOs 🤔
On separating ShigAFO in the vestige:
That's mostly set up to be a Deku task. For one, I mean he's the main character this is what he said he wanted to do, but also he's literally the only one who is physically capable of even doing it. Nobody else can access this vestige realm. A lot of other more in-depth reasons I think this but I'm just gonna stick to stating the obvious: Who else can literally physically do it? And, he gets there, how? I mean, that requires a whole meta on its own and god I've made plenty on this topic, but something something about words and coming to an understanding and being a hero who doesn't sweep someone's pain under the rug anymore etc. etc. etc., I could go all day. But the appropriately named talk-no-jutsu so many haters wanna shit on is what I see happening here. Shigaraki can gather himself and hold himself together enough to take control again on the outside, maybe we're shown this by him decaying vestige AFO to break free of him (following through on what he tried to do in the war arc but couldn’t) and start using his own body to fight alongside the heroes to fight a common enemy.
Now there's an AFO on the outside, but still an AFO in the vestige. Both need to be dealt with. The physical AFO is a task for the kids and the LOV to deal with together, in a way. This is the redemption part of the LOV arcs.
This is where it could honestly go ANYWHERE, and at this point I just don’t know, but there are a couple details to wonder about:
There is this fucking door that was getting weird attention drawn to it back in the rogue arc:
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Sooooo...possibly that door will connect OFA and AFO. Maybe how Deku gets to Tenko? Or maybe how all the users can help fight the vestige AFO. I've no idea what the hell that door is for tbh. Because Yoichi was behind a vault door, I think it’s something like that again. Tenko being behind it (not literally but like, symbolically I guess, Deku opens the door to get to him when the time comes to save him). Idk, an idea I’ve thought about a lot.
Then there’s All Might basically being down for the count in the physical world, but possibly being useful in the vestige world along with the other users. Mostly because I don’t see him being completely irrelevant like he has been lately in this final arc.
Nana and Shigaraki being set up to meet each other again. That’s gotta happen.
Yoichi and AFO coming face to face again, obviously in the vestige. That also has to happen.
So I’m partially believing that the rest of the users will help with vestige AFO once Tenko is able to gain control over his body, leaving the only issue to be vestige AFO needing to be dealt with.
Anyway--I don't think the two AFO's will both be dealt with by just Shigaraki. Not completely.
I really, really think that physical AFO is going to be decayed by him--because that's how Shigaraki can put a stop to the destruction AFO is causing. That's how he redeems himself and helps save everybody. I mean Shigaraki decaying AFO has been a popular prediction for a loooong time, and I just don't see that moment being dedicated to the vestige realm where NOBODY will witness it besides Deku. Yes we would see it, but the background civilians wouldn’t and therefore wouldn’t change how they view the LOV. Meaning saving them is kinda pointless if it doesn’t lead to them being seen any differently than they were seen in the last war. Shigaraki, and the rest of the LOV have to openly fight for the civilians and show they've changed. Or show that they don't want to dedicate their lives to snuffing out everything around them, not anymore at least. So that's why I really think the physical fight will be a Shigaraki thing, while the mental fight will be a Deku/Shigaraki thing, where it’s mostly kept there and not interfering with what’s going on outside of it.
I think this got way more specific than I intended it to. Honestly my MAIN POINT was just this:
Vestige AFO= emotional aspect of this fight, handled through Shigaraki and Deku in the vestige---then when they're done, by the vestiges to get rid of him for good
Physical AFO= the actual battle aspect of this fight, the redemption part of the LOV's arcs, the big battle for the UA kids---handled by Shigaraki and Deku (possibly Bakugo too, probably tbh)
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yehet-about-it · 4 years
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Chase Me | Part 17 - Lock The Door Next Time
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🎮👾 ~ The Boyz Social Media AU ~ 👾🎮
"Twitching" is a British term used to mean "the pursuit of a previously located rare bird." In North America it is more often called chasing...
Pairings: Changmin x Reader, Sunwoo x Reader
Warnings: 17+, language, some smut in later chapters, fuckboy!sunwoo 😉
Updates Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday @ 9pm GMT/1pm PST
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Word Count: 3.1k (I am SO sorry... although I'm kind of not bc I lowkey love this chapter) Warnings: Mature content, may involve maStUrBaTioN, a whole lot of embarrassment and Chanhee having the time of his goddamn life bc its not him in the awkward situation for once 🙃
You sighed, dropping your unreasonably heavy camera bag on the table as you walked into the living room, Chanhee in close pursuit looking equally as tired. You’d spent several long hours at a shoot for a new project you’d been hired to do and had come back to the boys’ apartment to do some editing before you called it quits for the day.
“Should we order food now?” You called out as Chanhee went to his room to unload his gear and fetch his macbook for editing. You knew you needed to work but you hadn’t eaten since the morning and you couldn’t stop the thoughts of takeout food swirling around in your head. “Mm, the Chinese?” Chanhee replied sitting down across the table. “Can you go and ask Changmin if he wants anything while I set this up? He’s probably in his room.”
You nodded happily, perking up at the prospect of food and left Chanhee to upload the photos from the day whilst you went off in search of Changmin. He wasn’t in their gaming room as you walked by so you continued down the corridor towards his room. As you neared his door you could hear a murmur, and coming to a stop outside the room you recognised your name being called by Changmin, only it was ever so quiet, barely audible through the wood of the door, so you figured maybe it was just him registering your presence. Assuming he’d realised you were there, you swung the door open not quite expecting the scene that was presented before you. Changmin was sat on his bed, propped up against the pillows with his lips parted, hair hanging low in front of his eyes, and scanning further down you saw that his sweatpants were bunched low on his hips as his hand gripped what appeared to be a very hard erection. You let out a shriek as you realised what you had stumbled upon, immediately slamming the door back shut and racing down the corridor before Changmin even had chance to react.
“Oh my god, oh my god.” You repeated it like a mantra, your heart pounding from the shock as you slid back into the living room and into your chair opposite New. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Chanhee asked in bewilderment looking at you as though you’d just committed the 7 deadly sins. “I should have knocked!” you squeaked burying your face in your palms in total, unfathomed embarrassment. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself, but the image of Changmin’s hand wrapped snugly around his length, pleasuring himself as he uttered your name was well and truly burned into your brain.
“What? Why?” Chanhee asked, a puzzled expression forming from his features. “He- oh my word- he was- touchi- Ugh I can’t say it!” you whined. “He wasn’t…? Oh my god...” Eventually realising what had happened, a hysterical fit of laughter erupted from your best friends throat as you hid behind your hands, your cheeks most definitely flushed with the brightest pink. “Oh my god that idiot” Chanhee cackled, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes from the sheer force of his laughter. You sank down in your chair a pained smile on your face as you couldn’t help but be affected by Chanhee’s reaction. “Chanhee what am I gonna do? I’ll never be able to look him in the eye again!” You wailed, the howling starting to dye down as Chanhee regained his composure. “Not my problem” Chanhee teased. “I’ll make it your problem” you replied stroppily, whacking him lightly on the arm in annoyance. “Ow!” Chanhee clutched his arm in feigned pain before proceeding to laugh at you once again. “It’s not funny Chanhee! This is so awkward!”
You had by now gotten over the initial shock of seeing one of your longest friends exposed like that, and now you were wondering how the hell you were gonna get over the awkwardness of the situation. But most of all, you were wondering why the hell he’d been moaning your name of all names and what that meant. Not that you were going to mention that to New. That would open a whole new can of worms and lead this conversation down a whole new road that you didn’t particularly want to explore, as well as give Chanhee even more ammunition for further teasing.
“That’s exactly why it IS funny.” Chanhee chided, whipping his phone out, presumably either to tease Changmin or get the Chinese menu up, or both. “Guess he won’t be joining us for the Chinese then?” You rolled your eyes at Chanhee’s teasing (though also legitimate) question. “Well it’s not like I stuck around to ask.” You crossed your arms as you gave Chanhee a warning glare. “Fine, I’ll ask him then.” He said, and your phone lit up on the table a moment later – of course he’d mentioned it in your group chat.
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Changmin had heard Chanhee’s cackling from his room at the other end of the apartment and had been mentally cursing for the duration, his face perhaps an even brighter shade of scarlet than yours. Of all of the awkward things to happen, the girl he liked and one of his best friends walking in while he was halfway to climax thinking about her had to be the most unfortunate. Firstly there was the problem of how he’d ever look you in the eye again, but secondly was the problem that remained below his waistline. You walking in hadn’t helped that of course. If it had been Chanhee or Kevin walking in, his stiffness would have gone in a split second, but despite the embarrassment of what had just happened, his length remained taut against his boxers which he’d quickly pulled back up in shock after your momentary appearance. He was no longer in the mood to continue, too worried about what you might be thinking, so he decided his only option was to go for a cold shower in the hope that that might fix it.
Before he had the chance to hop in however, his phone buzzed, showing a text from New. He groaned as he read the older boys words, knowing that he’d never live this down whining again when he realised the texts were sent not just to him but to your group chat. Thankfully Changmin had already eaten, although he wouldn’t mind a bit of Chinese, but given the current awkwardness he decided to pass up on the offer for food. He would probably be able to face you later but if he ordered food he’d have to sit with you to eat it, and the embarrassment was stilll far too fresh for that to be a comfortable affair, so he quickly typed out his reply and hopped in the shower to deal with the problem beneath his pants.
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An hour or so later you and Chanhee had just about finished your editing for the day and were tucking into your food, but you still hadn’t heard a peep out of Changmin. You sighed, finishing your bowl of jajangmyeon, feeling a little guilty that Changmin wasn’t sharing in the joys of your takeout food, all because you’d been dumb enough not to knock. “Hm maybe I should take him something” you sighed looking across all the cartons of food you’d ordered. Maybe he had actually eaten already, but there was so much, and you were sure he’d like some. “You’re not going to eat all that are you?” You asked Chanhee, nodding to the half full box of kkanpunggi in the middle. Chanhee just shrugged. “You sure you want to go back in there?” He sniggered as he asked the question, deliberately trying to provoke you. “No I am not, but I’m not going to avoid him forever just because I’ve seen his dick” you declared defiantly, making Chanhee almost spit out his boba as he doubled over in laughter. However awkward you were feeling, you’d have to face each other eventually. Normally you wouldn’t be so thrown off by something like this, for instance, you’d once accidentally walked in on Kevin going at it with someone one time when you’d stayed over at Sunwoo’s, but you’d just greeted it with an ew and laughed about it later. The only thing that had you feeling so utterly flustered was the sound of him uttering your name whilst he was clearly having some ‘time to himself’, but since you figured he wouldn’t necessarily be aware you’d heard that, you decided you’d be able to brush it off for now and pretend like everything was just peachy.
“Well just remember to knock this time” Chanhee quipped as you stood up, taking the box of spicy garlic fried chicken with you, picking up some of the spare chopsticks the restaurant had sent too. You grinned sarcastically at Chanhee, your eyes silently telling him he was an asshole, before disappearing off down the hall to Changmin’s room, praying that he’d be fully tucked into his pants this time. “Changmin? Can I come in?” you called as you knocked tentatively on his door. You heard some shuffling and low muttering before he answered with an uncertain “sure”.
Swinging the door open for the second time this evening you were relieved to see Changmin perched on his bed, fully clothed with an xbox controller in his lap and his headset to the side of him. You saw the overwatch character select screen flickering brightly on his tv screen too so you could only assume he was playing online with someone. “Oh you’re playing? Who’s on?” you asked quietly as you walked a couple of steps into the room, the carton of kkanpunggi still in hand. “Uh, just Eric.” Changmin replied, his eyes darting around the room as he struggled to make eye contact with you, for understandable reasons. “Hi Eric!” You sang loudly so he could hear you through the microphone. Though it was quiet, only coming from Changmin’s headset you heard a faint chuckle and Eric’s voice returning the greeting. “I brought you some kkanpunggi, I thought you might like some, it’s really good” you said, turning your attention back to the boy actually in the room.
Changmin’s expression softened watching as you stood there, proudly holding up the box of chicken and chopsticks. Even after what happened you were still thoughtful enough to bring him nice food so he wouldn’t miss out. What he wouldn’t give to be able to just pull you onto his lap and feed one other the delicious food, cleaning up any stray sauce with kisses. In his dreams he thought.
“Awh how come he gets chicken?” Eric whined through the headphones pulling Changmin out of his daydream. “KEVIN-HYUNG CAN WE GET CHICKEN?!” The sudden loudness of the younger boy through the headphones made you giggle, and you shared an amused look with Changmin. As bizarre as it was though, you were rather grateful for Eric’s random inputs which actually seemed to have the effect of relieving some of the tension in the room.
“Yah be quiet! I’m not even wearing my headphones and that hurt my ears!” Changmin called towards his headset shutting the younger boy up with an insincere sorry. “Oh it smells good, thank you y/n!” Changmin smiled sweetly at you as you placed the box down on the side table next to his bed. “That’s okay!” You replied, moving a few steps away again before looking nervously towards Changmin’s headset. You wanted to apologise for your earlier intrusion to get it out of the way, but you definitely didn’t want Eric to be witness to that, so you lowered your voice to a whisper. “Oh um, so I’ll be leaving in a bit, I just wanted to say sorry for earlier, I um- I should probably have knocked before I came in.”
Changmin could feel the heat rising in his cheeks being reminded of the earlier incident and although his hair mostly covered it, the tips of his ears were now definitely a blazing pink. “Oh-“ He was frankly a little stuck for words. He’d been sat in his room for the better part of an hour rehearsing what he might say to you in his head, but now you’d come in here to apologise, with chicken no less, he didn’t really have an answer for you. “Uh- it’s okay,” he mumbled. “Sorry you had to see that.”
Before it could get too awkward however, you snickered as you heard Eric and Kevin clearly having an argument about chicken faintly through the headphones still laying next to Changmin and you thanked your lucky stars that they evidently weren’t listening to you and Changmin’s awkward exchange. “Well I promise I’ll knock next time.” Changmin chuckled, running a hand sheepishly through his hair as you moved back toward the door. “I’ll let you get back to the game if those two ever stop arguing, I’ll see you later yeah?”
Changmin nodded and said goodbye as you slipped out to return to the dining table where New sat, a mischievous glint in his eye as he grinned at you. “On a scale of 1 to Eric talking to girls, just how awkward was he?” He asked, clearly trying to stifle his laughter. “Shut up New” you scoffed as you began picking up the empty food cartons to throw in the trash. This little shit was gonna milk this out for as long as possible and you weren’t here for it. “Well at least you didn’t scream and run out this time” he bantered, only to be met with a look of pure contempt from you as he passed you one of the empty food containers. “I am this close to pouring this black bean sauce all over that new balenciaga t-shirt Chanhee” you threatened holding out a carton that had the remains of some sauce wobbling about in the bottom. Chanhee jumped back covering his shirt with his hands, knowing that it wasn’t an empty threat from another time he’d pissed you off and you threw half a cup of peach tea all over him. It was a waste of the tea, but he’d had it coming. “That’s what I thought.” You proclaimed before disappearing into the kitchen to dispose of the containers.
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On your way home your head was filled with all kinds of thoughts about what you’d unintentionally just witnessed. All you really wanted to do was relax after a long day of work and carrying heavy equipment around, but all you could think about was your name on Changmin’s lips and what the hell it meant. Was it just an accident? Or if it wasn’t, did that confirm everything that Kevin had been telling you? Did Changmin really like you? There had been an undeniable vibe between you for the past few weeks, what with the increasing amount of time you spent together and the intimate moment on the roof last night, but until this weekend, you hadn’t thought about it much, your mind largely preoccuppied with your anger towards Sunwoo.
Your mind flipped through your memories with Changmin as you sat on the tube, trying to make sense of everything, and as you did so, it dawned on you. Kevin was right. Changmin liked you. Perhaps that was even what he had tried to tell you the previous night before Jeju had abruptly cut him off. You recalled all the times Changmin had sat with you and listened to you rant about Sunwoo, the way he’d been so angry the day after that one fateful party, and how he’d always been there waiting for you with a hug when you were down. It was a wonder you’d never realised it before. Perhaps Changmin’s warm presence in your life had just become so natural you never thought anything of it, but it was becoming increasingly clear that this wasn’t just two friends looking out for eachother. No, it was more than that.
You felt a heat in your chest as you processed this revelation, trying to make sense of your own feelings. You adored Changmin, but then who didn’t? The way his dimples made him look like the sweetest angel whenever he smiled, the way his eyes lit up whenever he discovered something really interesting, the way he couldn’t stop himself from giggling even at the most inappropriate moments. It was impossible not to like him. But then not everybody knew him like you. They didn’t have your relationship. Changmin had always been there for you, even though it was Chanhee you called your best friend and Sunwoo he called his. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed – when to give you space, when to give you hugs or when to make you laugh so hard you cried. Upon reflection, there was no one who came close to making you feel as happy and comfortable as Changmin did. You couldn’t think of a single occasion he hadn’t made you smile and you slowly began to realise… Was it possible… that you liked him too?
Then the thoughts of Sunwoo swarmed your mind. Did he know Changmin was into you? No of course not. They weren’t on the best of terms right now but you imagined it would be a hell of a lot worse if he did know his best friend was infatuated with his ex-girlfriend. If anything were to happen between you and Changmin, Sunwoo would be outraged for certain. But maybe that was what he deserved. He’d lost the right to an opinion on your life when he tried to get back with you by sleeping with you when you were drunk. Although perhaps falling for his best friend was a little far…
You leaned your head back against the glass of the subway train, sighing as your mind replayed the memory of Changmin’s breathless expression as his hand gripped his manhood. You kind of wished it would stop, not wanting the embarrassment of getting so worked up in public, but you just couldn’t tear your thoughts away from it. After your newfound revelation, you were getting dangerously close to imagining what had been happening before you walked in, and what sort of things he might have been thinking of doing – you nearly missed your stop in your dazed state but thankfully the announcement pulled you out of your thoughts and you rushed to the doors just in time to hop off before they closed and the train sped off into the distance, away from you and your insurmountable dilemma.
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Taglist: @lovelymultiwrites @shiberrysan @m4rshm4llow @softforqiankun @sktbzc0re @staysstrays @softyfor-sweaterpaws @glxwingstar @chiefturtlebonkghost @faiirybread @lolibaaae @younggwingss @sunqnew @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @mx23 @bbangsoonie @seokgyuu @ateez-babygirl
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shijas · 4 years
touched-starved megumi slowly being acclimatised to touch really lives rent free in my head.
like, his childhood was pretty all over the place, and he clearly spent middle school getting into fights and straight up brooding, so it’s make sense for touch in megumi’s mind to be associated with strength and violence and pain and vulnerability, the latter two things would especially be hard for megumi to live with i think???? i don’t really know how to explain??? but like we see that uncontrolled vulinerabilty, and leaving yourself vulnerable is like putting yourself on a wanted list for shamans. and so touch, in megumi’s eyes, should only occur with a few specific purposes and those purposes usually weren’t the most pleasant experiences in his mind. i assume people only touched him for: training/sparring, which is literally allocated time when someone can just straight up, inflict harm; someone deciding to fight him out of jealousy or revenge or fear or some sort of negative emotion; and in the worst case scenario people are touching him to heal him because in some capacity he’s weak, he was not strong enough to do whatever he needed to do without injury. i think healing touches, when the touch has to be gentle because fundamentally megumi is already vulunerable and already hurting would sting the most, like emotionally and physically because sometimes touch, even gentle touch, do he hurting tho... (this got long, but for how nobara/yuji break this pattern keep reading!)
and then nobara and yuji arrive and it’s like a hurricane of positive touching. yuji is affectionate!! physical touch is definitely a part of his love languages and so yuji just enjoys giving hugs!! yuji likes high fives!! and fist bumps!! and holding hangs while swinging them in the space between eachother while walking, even though it’s kind of childish. and megumi doesn’t know how to say no to these things, to the boundless enthusiasm that is yuji!! and he also feels a little guilty because he kinda dragged yuji into this world, away from his friends and the familiar comfort/touch he was used too. so megumi doesn’t like, consciously, try to stop any of the touch despite his general aversion. instead he indulges yuji to the best of his ability, because he comes to find that it’s not always bad and he doesn’t really mind; it takes a while to fully like not have a defensive, fight or flight response to the touches and he defo judo flips and sucker punches yuji over and over, because yuji is 1000000% a sneak affection attacker. the closest touch has ever been to ‘nice’ for megumi is probably healing for his stupid amount of serious wounds, and as both an apology and his first steps in reciprocation, megumi applies the gentleness of healing touches he remembers to the injuries he (accidentally??) gives yuji, because all he really about touch that isn’t supposed to hurt is how to rub softly against a spot that will probably bruise, and how to wrap or plaster a cut from a judo flip that led to some scrapes, he’s very good at icing bumps and twists and strains; and so they put themselves back together like that, and yuji keeps up his ‘surprise back hug events’ like they don’t straight up lead to a bruised sternum.
nobara breaks down the ‘touch is violence, touch is pain and pain is bad’-thing even faster than yuji, because she’s lived by her philolosphy as an affectionate puncher, a sweet kicker; she’s defo the type to bite your fingers and pinch your arm, but it’s well and truly out of all the love she cannot contain in her heart (which frustrates her a little bit so she will give you a sharp jab in retribution for feelings). what helps uncross the wires of megumi’s learnt behaviour (or maybe cross them idk) that ‘touch and violence and therefore bad’, is that her teasing and, honestly barely painful, ribbing is always interspersed by the softest of touches that aren’t tinged by the smell of antiseptic, blood or pity. this type of touch gets more frequent the more comfortable they get with eachother (think learning to lean on eachother post yuji death), like nobara will say ‘ew’ while forcing megumi to lay his head in her lap when they’re tryna catch their breath during training, and if his towel is nearby she’ll pat the sweat off his forehead and then complain about said sweat just because she knows he likes listening to her complain about mundane stuff; and she’ll make a million and one spiky sea urchins puns (did you know the japanese word for urchin is uni and linguistically meguni is a hilarious pun that i can see happening in canon) but is the first to rake her fingers through the mess of megumi’s hair, if she noticed he’s tried and hasn’t been taking care of himself. like yeah she throws her pens at him when he tries to help her with their maths homework, but her aim is so scary good it’s funny, and he can always throw them back and she won’t really get any more angry, and so they throw pens at eachother and laugh about it and nobara sketches random patters on to megumi’s skin with the pen she almost used to impale his eye.
anyway the point i’m getting at (probably incomprehensible into this mess of hc and meta) is: yuji and nobara come along, and suddenly, touch isn’t something that burns a little, isn’t something that spooks, isn’t something that requires the tightening of megumi’s jaw and his ribs and his spirit, and of course, sometimes it gets a little overwhelming (WHICH IS OKAY!! TOUCH AS STIMULATION IS OVERHWELMING SOMETIMES AND THATS OKAY AND VALID, EVEN IF YOURE AN AFFECTIONATE OR TOUCHY PERSON!!) and megumi needs to like take a couple of steps back. and they talk about it, because communication is key, and boundaries are healthy things to put in place, and by god the first years will try and build as safe and healthy a relationship between the three of them as they possibly can! and yeah they talk about it, and some days touch is too much for of them and that’s okay, affection, fondness, compassion can be shown in other ways, through other actions and they’ll utilise those a bit more as easily as they utilise touch a bit less, and slowly but surely, megumi becomes a lot less touch-starved and starts to seek it out on his own and initiate it in ways that are comfortable to him, like learning to braid hair so he can play with nobara’s or grabbing yuji’s hand first while their walking or just pressing his thigh into whoever he’s sitting next to in class and that’s fine and that’s good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i’m very much attached to this idea.
bonus gojo (as per usual): when megumi became his ward, for obvious, bitter, reasons he wasn’t really tryna like touch. this kid. riling megumi up was easy enough with just words and i feel like firstly, teasing is a part of gojo’s love language in a mirror of how it’s a part of nobara’s (mmmmmmm gojo and nobara parallels are another brain worm that EATS me) and secondly, gojo goes through his own thing with touch, and like affection. as someone whose essentially raised on an absolutely, ridiculous, pedestal and then successfully surpasses even the heights of that pedestal to basically become a living legend AND the whole physical, literal thing with infinity or limitless (or whatever his cursed technique is i’m sorry i didn’t pay attention to the cursed energy explanation any of the times it came up) ANYWAY, so gojo and megumi probably both touch-starved idiots. but, like gojo does care for megumi, like as his student and as this kid he watched grow up, like ofc he does because he’s not a completely useless person. and so he definitely encourages nobara and yuji’s plan to positively reinforce touch in megumi’s brain and slowly, for fear of being straight up bitten, endeavours to extend the casual affection he easily applies to the other two, to megumi too. idrk the logistics of it, but i think it’d be cute for one day gojo putting his hand out to ruffle megumi’s hair, but like not imposing his hand, like it’s just out and about really, and usually megumi nopes or hisses or whatever other gremlin mood he’s decided to incorporate to the finite number of facial expressions he’s willing to make, but today he’s feeling charitable and lets gojo ruffle his hair, kinda like a cat ya know, like leans into it a bit in a very clear you have permission to pet!!!! and gojo’s just jojo sobbing through his blindfold like “oh my god my son loves me” and megumi is regretting not biting him.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
do u think the teachers being gossip girl made sense? do u think they explained well their motivations in the pilot?
firstly, i think we have more proof that josh safran reads dair fanfic than that dair affair he tweeted about literally resembling @mysteriesofloves 's fic 'we are the crossroads' which is like, one of the best fics ever, even though it's SO sad.... back to the tweet and the parallel though: meme here, us yelling here. why am i talking about this?
well, a teacher being gossip girl is literally the fix-it that 'wrapped in ribbons' by @nevertothethird proposes (& that was published in 2018, so.....)
and honestly, this fic did it SO MUCH better. here's the extract, because i couldn't resist (do yourself a favour and read it, it's like. one of those fics that's on everyone's rec list)
They spend the next stretch staring at one another, kisses shared from time to time, when eventually he asks her about the fall of Gossip Girl.
After she explains he goes silent but he pulls her closer so she knows he’s awake.
“Who was it?” he eventually asks.
“Former teacher at Constance.”
“We really got to start paying teachers more.” She laughs and kisses his chest.
honestly, i think it being a group of teachers makes a lot of sense. there ARE teachers who are inappropriate and policey and use their authority over students in ways that are objectively wrong. i am a little confused by the flood of posts about 'the new gossip girl is so problematic predatory adults ew' .... like... what were you all expecting?? it is gossip girl.
that said, i don't think the execution of it was very good, lmao. we barely know these teachers. i saw someone else saying something about how the problem is that we barely know the teachers, so we don't get to see them being conflicted and grappling with making the wrong decision. we see them literally at breaking point, and it doesn't do their character arcs any favours. the example i'm gonna give here is like. when dan outs asher in s1. that's objectively bad. but it's also something that you wouldn't expect from him and YET it's something you understand why he did - even if the logic makes no sense and doesn't excuse the shittiness of the action and his behaviour, you see his reasoning.
if we'd been given an arc like that, where we got more of the teachers’ personalities before they became cartoon villains, i could totally buy it? it's not too far fetched. i mean, in 2008, rachel carr was sending in tips to gossip girl and i definitely bought that, and i bought that because her general behaviour was so fucky that i was like. yeah. seems like something she'd do.
but the reboot just... didn't do that. it dived right into it headfirst and i think that made it harder to kind of like, engage with that plot point as a viewer, for me, personally.
i also think the tone that they took felt a little off. like, yeah, it's gossip girl, and i don't want to be one of those oldies who's like 'the 2007 show was flawless the 2021 show sucks!' because lbr, the 2007 show sucks too, it's just. it's garbage that i adore. but i think the way they engaged with the teacher storyline.... i'm not saying you can't have humour but it was very sitcommy and it felt really, uh. isolated from the context? like, they trivialised it wayyyy too much. not good. i feel like i've written a better script in high school for our class play, and i was like. 15 then, lol.
so yeah, basically, the tl;dr is that i loved the concept (it's fucked up but it's not unrealistic) but i think the execution of it was a little strange and left SO MUCH to be desired.
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