#which gets twisted into wanting to keep the third by his side forever
luveline · 2 days
hey love! first of all: i have to admit i started watching criminal minds for the first time earlier this year only bc of your spencer fics! can we get more stripper!reader and spencer? love your writing!!!
thank you!! It’s a slow routine. You begin in a crouch in your underwear, just like at the club. Chest to your knees, arms twisted with the backs of your hands touching. But, unlike at the club, this underwear is comfortable. There’s nobody watching, and you won’t make any tips. You don’t have a pole nor a stage. 
You run through the routine but forgo any pole tricks. You stretch for long, slow minutes, dancing from one space to another. The music in your head isn’t anything you’d play at home, but it works to keep time. You end on your knees again. 
It’s not fun. 
You stretch toward your phone and pick it up. Spencer’s texted you twice in the ten minutes you weren’t on it. 
Hi gorgeous, the first begins, do you want to sleep over? I can make you dinner. 
The second, Sorry, I don’t think I’ve ever called you gorgeous before, is that weird? Please come over and pretend I didn’t say that if it was weird
A third pops up while you’re reading. Can I come get you? 
You text him back with pleasure. He’s the only guy in your life who talks to you just to talk, without thinking he could fuck you if he says enough right things, even though he has fucked you. Hi babe you can call me anything it’s not weird, I’ll come over! Not working this week, maybe I can stay two days(?) let me know so I can pack enough clothes 
You can stay all week, if you want to. I miss you 
You imagine him holding his phone, his cheeks pink with blush. 
I miss you too, you text back. 
Just bring what you want to and we can work it out later
Working it out later could mean anything with Spencer. He’s silly enough to try and put you in his clothes, and generous enough to take you shopping if it saves the time it takes to drive you home. 
You’ve packed a bag of clothes and shower things when your phone rings. Spencer’s contact photo covers the whole screen, the two of you together with your face cut out, his smile wide. You were both a teeny bit tipsy. 
“Hello?” you answer, bringing the phone to your ear. 
“Hi!” He sounds nervous. “I’m outside. Am I gonna get towed?” 
“Not if you stay in the car. I’m on my way down right now.” 
“Okay, see you in a second,” he says. 
He never looks comfortable behind a steering wheel. You aren’t sure why he doesn’t sell his car, maybe because it’s dirt cheap to maintain. He never seems happy to be driving is all. 
He smiles when you approach his door, which is better. He rolls down the window. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. You bend at the knees to see him better. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I had a weird feeling about you, like you weren’t alright.” 
You lean down further. “I’m okay.” 
He grins. You’re waiting for a kiss he doesn’t give, finding yourself a subject for his staring, completely still as his gaze follows around your face. He makes no move to kiss you, and for a moment insecurity blossoms. 
“Well, you look okay. Are you getting in? It’s cold,” he says, nodding toward the passenger side.
“No help with my bags?” you ask, closing the door when he tries to open it. “Kidding.” 
You round the hood and climb inside. Then Spencer kisses you, polite but emphatic, one on your lips and another just under your jaw as he squeezes your shoulder. You feed into them lovingly.
“Maybe you can stay at my place forever? That way I can stop missing you all the time,” he says, pulling away slowly. 
“And when the mystery is gone?” you ask. 
“I don’t want mystery with you.” 
Spencer takes your bag from your lap and shoves it into the back seat. You drop the smaller one on your shoes. 
“Do you wanna get pizza or something?” he asks. 
You hold your jaw where he’d kissed you. “Sure,” you say, tingles of his kiss lingering under your hand. 
“Or Chinese? What do you want?” 
You want more kisses, but you love that he always gives you options. “Pizza for sure. Curly fries, too. Hold my hand?” 
Spencer takes it with gusto over the gearstick, and whatever felt like it was missing earlier fills itself in. “Wait,” you say softly, before he can take the car out of park, “just…” You grab his side and drag him toward you for a hug. Holding hands wasn’t gonna be enough —Spencer doesn’t know it yet, but you love him, love how safe he makes you feel, love how fun he makes your life. You can be yourself with him, no matter who that really is.
Spencer holds you, his hand across your shoulder blade rubbing soft lines. 
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spinningdials · 11 months
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Day 3: Time / Kazekage
The whisper in his ear has long been silenced. But the presence remains.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 2 months
My personal sun
A belated entry for the third day of @steddieangstyaugust, prompt 3 - "The sunset looks lovely, don't you think?"
"The sunset looks lovely, don't you think?"
They hadn't seen one of those in a while. The constant stormy sky of the Upside Down bled over to their world too, and everything turned dark and red.
But not now. El closed the gate and the clouds had dissipated just in time to grant them a gorgeous view of the setting sun. Its gentle embrace made it seem like in the end, everything would be okay.
Well, almost eveything.
Steve took one last wistful look at the setting sun and closed the curtains. No matter how much he wanted to reach out to that newly reclaimed shred of normalcy, Eddie needed him more.
Eddie shook his head. "Steve, don't be stupid. Go outside, enjoy it. It's not like I can go anywhere and disappear on you."
"That "don't be stupid" belongs to you, Munson. How is your face?"
Scowling, Eddie tried to turn away, but Steve was faster. He gently turned Eddie's head towards him and swept away the hair covering the right side of his face. The burn was nasty, full of blisters and peeling skin, but it was starting to heal. At least this part of Eddie's condition was good.
As if he could read Steve's mind, Eddie flinched away. "Yeah, it's still there. Just like the fangs, those fucking sharp nails...let's face it, Steve. I'm going to be this way forever. The Upside Down is gone from everywhere except me. And now that we've won, I can't even go outside." I can't go outside with you.
Steve took a deep breath. "Eddie..."
But as if a dam had burst, Eddie interrupted him and just kept going. "Do you understand what it means, Steve? I'm the only monster that survived the gate closing. It's over for everyone except me. I can't go outside. I can't be in the sun unless I want to boil alive in my skin. I can't eat normal food, I can't...I can't be normal." He spoke fast and through gritted teeth, but even then he couldn't keep in the sob that tore its way from his throat. "How long is it going to take until you understand that I'm holding you back, huh? Things can never go back to what they used to be when I'm around. Why don't we just call it quits now? Because Steve, even though you are an amazing guy, you will regret me. Everyone does in the end. And now? Shit. Even I regret me."
He curled in on himself, refusing to meet Steve's eye. A clean cut would be for the best. A clean cut, a chance to heal, if that was even possible. After all, it was only a few months that they were together. Wayne didn't know Eddie was alive yet. He could just disappear and not cause his loved ones even more pain and disappointment. Yep. A good plan, if he said so himself.
It was quiet for a moment, and then - gentle hands on his clenched ones.
"Well, I don't."
Eddie blinked through his tear filled eyes. "You don't what?"
"Regret you. I never could and I never will." Just like moments ago, Steve's calloused hand made its way to Eddie's cheek and forced him to look up, to have the conversation they so desperately needed.
It was ridiculous. Didn't Steve understand that this was all for him?!
"How do you know?" whispered Eddie. "You can't know that Steve."
But that stubborn man with a heart of gold that had enough room for everyone, even this new twisted  and broken Eddie Munson, just smiled at him. "I know. Because you're wrong on so many levels, Eddie, which is saying something because normally you're so smart. Things will never go to normal. Not like they used to be. We've lost so much. So many. We know things we shouldn't. And as for me being normal..." he laughed, and did Eddie detect a hint of bitterness? "I'm one head injury away from permanent damage to god knows what. I triple check all the locks, blinds, windows, and I still can't get a good night's sleep. I can't even fall asleep without having my bat nearby. My nightmares are so real I'm afraid of hurting someone if I can't recognize I'm not fully awake."
He grasped Eddie's hands tighter, with more urgency. "This is my new normal, Eddie. A life in a destroyed town I'm too stubborn to leave. I want to rebuild. I want to learn how to live in my new reality. And I want you to be a part of it. If you're willing."
Eddie bit his lip, nearly avoiding puncturing it with his fang. "I don't know..."
But Steve wasn't deterred. "Besides. The gremlins are growing up. Dustin is crazy smart, and the government owes us big time. You're not broken, Eddie, but I wouldn't give up on seeing the sun again just yet. After all, we have the rest of our lives to figure it out. But even if you can't ever go back, it won't change anything."
"And the sun?" That way the most important thing. Eddie knew that Steve wasn't repulsed by his new body, but having a partner who could never walk outside with him during daytime? Eddie couldn't do that to him.
"Triggers my migraines, did you forget?" After seeing Eddie's annoyed frown, Steve quickly continued. "It's not everything, Eddie. There are overcast days. Beautiful evenings and nights, with some quiet we both need. The forest has a lot of shade to hide in. And, if I ever miss the sun...I will go, enjoy it for a while, and then come back to you. Just as you will always come back to me. How does that sound?"
Despite his weakening resolve, Eddie could picture it. He could see the days when he'd stay asleep in a well covered room, catch up on the newest books, and Steve would come from outside, curl up next to him, and the sun's warmth would transfer from his skin to Eddie's. Like his own personal sun.
He was still crippled by fear, but if the last months taught him something, it was that he could be brave. It was worth it.
Eddie pulled one of Steve's hands to his mouth and kissed it.
"It sounds wonderful," he said, and when he saw Steve's grin, he thought - huh. Maybe sun is overrated.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Trans buggy is my lifeblood and I am SO HAPPY YOU LOVE HER TOO and I'm feral I'm shaking the bars of my cage FUCK I LOVE WOMEN
Like. Yes. Absolutely, Shanks and Buggy have little bits and pieces of ALL their parents, specifically Ray and Roger but No Adult Was Safe From Their Assimilated Found Family, Alright?
Shanks does this one movement when he's showing off and being SILLY about it that he picked up from Oden. Buggy uses chopsticks more easily than forks and spoons, which is mind boggling to those who know her and how clutzy she is.
Crocus was the KING of unexpected and frankly terrifying threats, something Buggy learned like a damned religion. Shanks got his penchant for Gay Uncle On Holiday clothes and patterns from him.
A lot of Shanks' attacks and swordplay was taught to him by Roger and Rayleigh, so his style is a mix of their own with a TWIST that's all him. Buggy wasn't as interested in swordsmanship, but she certainly isn't a novice at it. The forms and katas to her are meditative, and she can't really sit still for normal meditation ((AuDHD Buggy my beloved)) so THIS is her way of grounding. Her knife fighting is also derived from Ray's style, with quick, devasting blow that focus more on backlash damage, Haki and agility.
Buggy and Shanks both have Roger's grin, and when Rayleigh sees them, grown and side by side and beaming and greeting him so warmly, part of him breaks and heals and splinters and oozes love. He of course will not show weakness and instead teases them, as is his love language.
Also consider Cross Guild adopting the Seraphims. Stuff's normal at first until they give the kids some children's books. Cue "what is a dad? What is a mom?" questions. The adults answer them, and the kids simply nod before wandering off again.
Then, a few hours later, Buggy feels a tiny hand tug-tug at her pants. It's two little dark haired tykes, big saffron and violet eyes staring up at her. She blinks. "What's up, munchkins?"
"Mother, we want a snack and fathers are busy."
"Oh. Yeah, sure thing, sweeties, let me ju- WAITWHAT-?!"
Shanks is frothing, seething, crying in the window like a Victorian woman betrayed when he gets word that Buggy and the other two have "sons". He then proposes they have a baby too, to be fair.
Then the kids call him uncle or father twice removed and he is suddenly living his best life wdym he's gonna be the BEST uncle ever, hey kids wanna go harass people-?
Buggy is BEYOND flustered but she's also.... really flattered? Shanks wants a baby? With HER?? Like a real, whole ass baby. Wow. And she already has two sons! Maybe. Her little Birdie seems a tad unphased by the concept of gender anyway, so she won't push. She has two kids. And Shanks wants a third. Wow. Wow~ ♡
And then Crocodile has to go and ruin it by suggesting the kids stay with "auntie Al" for the weekend, while the guys see if they can get that baby idea rolling~
Buggy proceeds to blush so hard she's STEAMING and promptly faints.
Both of them having traits of all their parents and role models and keeping them with them forever,, When Rayleigh sees them again he's so fond of their little gestures and :(( He loves them so so much.
Also, the whole thing about Cross Guild adopting the Seraphims is just so so cute. And them calling Buggy 'mom'??????? Crying and sobbing, idk. Cute family that is not dysfunctional but pretty much not normal my beloved.
Honestly, Buggy as a mom just feels so right. But especially as an adoptive mom, you know? She just keeps seeing outcasts and understanding them so well and wanting to take care of them. Tbh, Shanks and Buggy should just,, Find a kid in a treasure chest and keep the baby.
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A Little More Warmth
A/n: I’m bored and have writers block for three different WIPs so I’m making a mini fic because one of my friends mentioned something that got me thinking.
CW: Fluff/crack, Typical Angel innuendos, David being a grumpy tsundere, GN and nondescript appearance for the listeners, mentions of alcohol, Sweetheart being their local menace to Milo, Asher and Baabe being flirty to each other, Darlin being stubborn, Sam being a good mate, Arden bullying Christian
Redacted Masterlist
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Angel had thought they were more than prepared for it all. They loved having the pack over because then they could see ‘the mates’. They convinced Davey to buy some beers because trashy beers at a pool party were everything for the aesthetic. Their mate had finished with his yard renovations, which had taken forever in Angel’s opinion, and Angel wanted to show off their new badass backyard. It had taken some time to convince Davey that “yes they should have some of the pack over because it will be an awesome bonding experience and don’t you love me, Davey?” 
He had given in when Angel promised to learn a new dish with him. Well, new for them. David knew how to make everything, despite what he claimed. It was okay, Angel would keep his secret for him, pat pat.
At first, Milo and Sweetheart had shown up. Angel had been overjoyed to see one of their favorite prank partners, which they jokingly called their sneaky link. David always pretended that Angel didn’t exist when Sweetheart and them constantly referred to each other as their ‘sneaky link’ or ‘side piece’ or ‘secondary/third hoe’. Milo just sighed like he had to the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was amazing.
“Side hoe!” Angel exclaimed, launching themselves at Sweetheart. The stealth went invisible for a second by reflex before reappearing and being pushed to the ground through the force known as the alpha’s mate. The department official laughed as their arms wrapped around the other in an embrace.
“Demons and Daemons Angel! You’ve got a lot of energy.” Their whispery voice said. Angel nuzzled against Sweetheart’s chest, not really caring about anything except the fact of pillow. 
“Yeah. Davey,” They could practically hear David’s glare from that. “didn’t tire me out well enough last night I suppose.” They said. Sweetheart bit back a snort and got up while Milo whistled, pretending to not have heard anything. Probably the smart decision. Angel felt a hand close around their bicep help them up. When the hand didn’t let go, they tipped their head back to look at David with a goofy grin. “Hello my handsome and wonderfully awesome mate David Shaw.” 
“Trying to backtrack isn’t going to save you, you little snot.” He said. Angel giggled and twisted to press a kiss to David’s cheek.
“No, but kisses will.”
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Darlin shook their head, glaring firmly at Sam, who remained in the darkness that the room provided. Darlin stood at the doorway, the hallway light illuminating their profile. Sam was trying not to get distracted by that.
“You said your pack invited you. You might as well go, Darlin. Besides, I’m sure it will be fun.” He tried again, feeling tiredness tug at his bones. This argument, if it could be called that, had been going on since last evening. He loved Darlin, he really did. But god could they be stubborn.
“Just because I said they invited me doesn’t mean I have to go. Besides, it’s going to be awkward there and you can’t come because of the stupid fucking sun.” Darlin said. That had been their argument, paired with nonverbal groans and glaring. While it did warm Sam’s heart that Darlin wanted him around when they were with their pack, he knew it was also important that his partner be with their pack alone. When he was around, they just spent time with him. He enjoyed it, but they needed their pack too. It was a weird mix of emotions.
“Please don’t pick a fight with the sun.” Sam said, trying to get a smile or laugh from the shifter. He failed in that and he sighed. “They’re making a bid for attention, Darlin. If you keep rejecting them every time it’s during daytime, your relationship with them is only going to grow more awkward. Besides, you said it was a pool party, so if you’re just underwater when you’re swimming you don’t have to talk to many people.” Sam regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He could practically see the gears in their head turning. “No you can’t just stay underwater the entire time, you’ll drown.” He said. He tried to keep the weary from his voice, but with his mate it was lecture after lecture. 
“Wasn’t gonna do that.” Darlin mumbled. It was a lie, but Sam just shrugged. “Okay... But I don’t even have a swimsuit. You need a swimsuit to swim, cowboy.” Darlin tried. Sam rubbed his face as he walked towards Darlin.
“Okay, first off you didn’t care about that when I told you not to jump in the pond. Second, you can buy one if you need to. Although I’m pretty sure wearing some kind of athletic shorts or something and a top would still work.” He said. Darlin huffed and Sam could feel their breath against his skin. It still smelled like the smoothie that he had made them a couple hours ago. They had been at his house for the past three days and now three nights. Neither of them had talked about moving in together, but Darlin was doing that thing where they slowly move their stuff into his home, whether knowingly or not.
“I only needed to jump in that stupid pond because-”
“We’re not talking about your excuses, we’re talking about how you’re going to that pool party.” Sam interrupted. Darlin huffed again and reached into the room, flipping on the light switch. It had been on previously, but Darlin had turned it off when Sam denied their request of calling David and saying that they were sick or something. One, because David was terrifying and Sam wasn’t about to lie to him. Or anyone, he wasn’t a liar. Two, because it would be good for Darlin to go so he wasn’t going to offer up any excuse to stop it. His mate was petty at times.
The shifter walked over to the dresser and pulled it open before grabbing one of Sam’s t-shirts.
“I’m going to it, but you have to compensate for the emotional pain I’ll be going through.” Darlin answered before Sam finished the question. He sighed and left it be. It took a bit of searching and help from the vampire before they found a pair of shorts that Darlin could use. “I could just shift to swim. David’s house has a high enough fence.” Darlin pointed out as Sam yawned.
“Wet dog smell.” He said simply with a shrug and earned another glare from Darlin, to which he just laughed it off. If they were genuinely upset with him they probably would just walk away. So considering the fact they were still here he didn’t offend. “You’re going to want a towel too. It’s polite.” He added.
“You would know about politeness, wouldn’t you cowboy? But I’m just going to run home, so there’s no point.” They added. Sam kept his question of whose place was considered home to himself. His brow furrowed as Darlin dropped the clothes on the ground and their fingers hooked under the hem of the shirt they were wearing now. It was also Sam’s now that he looked at it. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as they took the top off to throw unceremoniously at Sam’s face. He caught it and lowered, his eyes sticking to the fabric as Darlin changed. He would like to watch of course, but he didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Although a few glances were taken. He couldn’t help it when his mate was so breathtaking...
“Changing. I’m not going to bring a bag of shit to David’s house and end up forgetting something.” Darlin said as they slipped into the shorts and kicked their jeans off to the side. Sam sighed and walked over to grab them. “I was gonna pick it up... later...” Darlin said sheepishly as they watched him. Sam only arched a brow.
“Get going already. I’ll see you soon.” He said. Darlin nodded and grabbed their phone from the nightstand. He was pretty sure the battery was dead since they didn’t plug their phone in, but David was bound to have a phone charger if Darlin needed it. 
“Love ya, cowboy.”
“Love you too. Now get lost and stop calling me that.”
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel wrapped their arms around their ribs as they giggled, nose scrunched up. Several pack members were loitering around the yard or in the pool. Some were just inside the house. Davey was by the grill and ignoring everyone as he decided to just focus in on the food. They watched, still amused as Christian resurfaced, spluttering. Arden laughed from where she stood by the pool. Christian had been complaining once again about Asher being the beta and not even being here yet when Arden had shoulder-checked him into the water in the middle of his rant. 
Angel had gotten wet from the splash, and they still had yet to change into their bathing suit. They turned to Sweetheart who had their arms around Milo’s shoulders as they hugged him from behind, cheek against his. No matter what Angel called Sweetheart, there was no way they would ever want to break up the relationship that the two had. It was so... wholesome. Angel smiled before clearing their throat.
“Hey Milo, can I steal my side piece from you for a second?” They asked. Milo sighed before glancing at Sweetheart. They nodded as they unclasped their arms from around the shifter and kissed his cheek. Angel quickly grabbed their hand and started to pull them away as Milo watched. 
“What is it?” Sweetheart asked as Angel pulled them towards the room they shared with Davey. Normally they would never allow anyone into the room considering it was their shared private space with their mate. But Baabe and Sweetheart were exceptions in certain situations. Boundaries.
“I need your help with something.” Angel said, waving to one of the shifters that had taken up space on the couch to play minecraft. They supported his pro gamer move decision. They pulled Sweetheart up the stairs before going down the hall and opening the door to the master bedroom. Sweetheart took a few steps inside before standing still, hands clasped behind their back. 
“Angel, I know we’re in love. But in David’s house? What if he catches us?” Sweetheart gasped before grinning. Angel laughed and moved towards the stealth, placing both their hands on either side of the other’s face.
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart. No one will know.” They said dramatically before booping the empowered human and moving away again. Sweetheart followed carefully as they went to the closet. “Okay, so basically I bought a new bathing suit, right?” They said, getting down to the reason that they had pulled Sweetheart here to begin with. The stealth nodded and Angel continued. “The thing is, Davey hasn’t seen it yet. But the part that covers my dumpy truck,” Sweetheart snorted but Angel didn’t stop. “has hands on it. Like someone grabbing my ass. I had to act like a total psycho and measure his hands when he was sleeping during the summer solstice.” They could see Sweetheart grimace at the mention of that. David had explained to them how much the summer solstice sucked, but they hadn’t thought about what it was like at Milo’s house. Both them and Milo were moonbound magic users, so they both must be miserable and cranky. Definitely not a day to spend with them.
“So the hand size is his and it’s like he’s grabbing your ass.” Sweetheart said and Angel nodded.
“Everyone is gonna know that if he tries to cover it up too.” Angel added. Sweetheart looked confused.
“I don’t know I just wanted to share.” Angel said. “By the way, your swimsuit ate up all the crumbs.” They complimented. It wasn’t wrong. Sweetheart did look really good in their bathing suit. They smiled and turned around so Angel could change in privacy.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Baabe dragged Asher towards the pool, their excitement screaming to be let loose. Asher had already explained to them how rare it was that David host something like this without having some other reason, like a pack meeting or a celebration for something. It was purely because his mate had asked him if they could. So of course they were going to take advantage of it. 
Don’t get them wrong, they loved their apartment, they really did. It was home and only made that much better by Asher moving in with them. But there was something about a nice house with a nice backyard. They needed to get their fix of it every so often. And wonderfully so, they had a best friend who had that. It wasn’t the reasoning behind their friendship with the alpha’s mate, but it was certainly a perk.
Baabe’s eyes scanned for any sign of their friends, catching sight of David by the grill and Milo drinking a beer as he sat down with his legs in the water talking to Arden. They walked towards David as Asher cringed behind them.
“Hi David!’ They chirped. David lifted his annoyed gaze from the food, tongs in hand as he looked to whoever dared to disturb his grilling. The corners of his lips twitched when he caught sight of the beta and his mate.
“Hey. Glad you could make it.” He said. Baabe grinned and looked around them again.
“Do you know where Angel and Sweetheart are. I can see Milo but I don’t know where they went.” Baabe asked as Asher moved closer to the grill to see what was being made. David set the tongs down and pushed Asher’s face away as he responded.
“Angel got splashed from Christian and Arden’s squabble, so I’m guessing they went to go put their bathing suit on. Why they didn’t already have it on while lounging by the pool I don’t fucking know. But they probably took Milo’s mate with them.” He answered before grabbing a plate to put some of the finished food on. Baabe nodded and moved away to let the alpha be, their fingers still entwined with Asher’s. They brought him with them and didn’t miss the grateful look that David sent towards them. All part of the job.
They turned towards Asher, a smile on their face and wrapped their arms around his neck, leaning into him. “What should we do, Puppy?” They whispered. They could watch as Asher grew flustered and his eyes darted around to see if anyone could hear them. Baabe knew they couldn’t and if they could, they wouldn’t say anything. As long as nothing explicit happened, people were usually pretty chill when it came to mates flirting with each other. 
“I dunno... we could talk to Milo while we wait for the other mates to get here.” Asher said, trying to hide the slight tremor in his voice. Baabe laughed. it was so easy to wind him up like that. They made a small humming sound and looked around before their eyes caught on an unusual sight. They bumped Asher with their shoulder and gestured with their head towards the normally elusive shifter exiting the house to enter the backyard. “Holy shit, is that Tank?” Asher said as Baabe nodded. The two quickly scurried over.
“Hiya Tank!” Baabe chirped, letting go of Asher to hug Darlin quickly. The shifter tensed for a moment before laughing uncomfortably. Baabe let go, their smile not fading. “I’m so glad you’re here.” They added.
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Darlin regretted coming as soon as they stepped foot into the damn driveway. But they had made a promise and now pure spite and that were driving them into the house and out into the backyard. Luckily everyone seemed to preoccupied to notice. Or so they thought until the beta and his mate came rushing up. They could feel panic bleed into their system but they held it off. 
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yeah. I didn’t know if you were gonna come. Since you’re probably keeping vamp hours, you must be pretty tired.” Asher added. Darlin nodded carefully. They had some dark circles under their eyes, but they just decided to pretend it didn’t exist.
“Sam made me come, honestly. I don’t actually wanna be here.” They confessed. They could feel their anxiety rise as the two exchanged a look. Should they have kept that to themselves? Probably. Asher was the beta, he could take offense to that on behalf of David. They should just leave, that would be for the best. Sam would understand. 
The shifter was pulled out of their spiraling thought by an excited squeal and another pair of arms embracing them quickly. Their eyes glanced to Asher and Baabe, who were smiling and they relaxed slightly before seeing who had hugged them. They needed to look over their shoulder to see Angel pressing their head against Darlin’s shoulder. 
“You’re here! Davey and I didn’t know if you would wanna, but I’m so glad you’re here!” Angel said happily. Darlin glanced back at Asher and Baabe. The mate mimed locking their lips and throwing away the key while Asher nodded. Darlin sent them a grateful smile as Angel let go. They looked towards the door again as Sweetheart stepped through, ever the quiet one. They had their sights locked on their mate, who still sat on the edge of the pool, this time enjoying the sun.  
Darlin watched a smirk spread onto the stealth’s face as they walked towards their mate. Darlin could feel the other’s aura growing even more quiet. More small. Less detectable. Angel paused their chattering to watch Sweetheart in action. Darlin had to admit there was something about watching them become invisible in nearly every way except physically.
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Target found. 
Sweetheart continued their advance, making their intentions clear to everyone. Since they had a certain reputation with the Shaw pack, no one stopped them or warned Milo. In a different context, their lack of loyalty to their mate would have worried and annoyed Sweetheart. But they were going to use this to their advantage. They locked eyes with Marie and their smirk widened when the mother of their mate nodded with approval. 
Approaching target. Calculating best takedown. Wait for further updates.
Sweetheart tuned out the playlist that Angel had turned on for the pool party. It was a pretty good playlist, they had to admit. But this required maximum attention. Their mate still suspected nothing. They would have cloaked but they were providing an entertainment show for everyone else. Maybe a few months ago they would have been nervous about scaring Milo in front of his pack, but now it was different. Especially ever since Sweetheart had scared David that one time and caused him to shift. No one would make fun of Milo for getting scared by someone who managed to scare the pack alpha. Besides, Sweetheart wasn’t scared to takedown a shifter if they tried giving Milo shit. They were off the clock, therefore didn’t need to act like a respectable investigator. 
Stop advancement. Evaluate.
Milo had his eyes closed and face turned upwards as his shins and below were in the pool. He was in a fairly safe spot in the pool if he got pushed in. No serious danger of him hitting his head. If they pushed the middle of his back he shouldn’t twist anything or hurt himself either. They were momentarily distracted by the way the sun played across his skin. They watched the reflection of the water reflect on their’s mate’s legs before letting their eyes drop to appreciate  the way he was sitting accentuated his tiddies. No matter what he said, they were tiddies. 
Sweetheart attacked. They pushed Milo’s back. The curse he shouted out was cut off as he went underwater. Sweetheart quickly cloaked as Milo resurfaced. They smiled as he rubbed his eyes to try to stop the chlorine from getting in his eyes and mouth. The way he had his head tilted back again to try to get any danger of chlorine away from his eyes show a delicious sight of water drops rolling down his adam’s apple. God damn. And they could stare shamelessly since no one could see them.
“Who fuckin did that?” Milo asked, looking around. Christian was on the other side of the pool laughing, so Sweetheart couldn’t have the blame on him. They watched Milo’s gaze catch sight of Angel. “Wait a-” Sweetheart uncloaked suddenly causing Milo to yelp. Sweetheart burst into laughter as Milo hugged the side of the pool to regain control of his breathing. “You little...” Milo said. 
Flawless. Evacuate the scene.
Before they could leave, they felt Milo’s hands close around their ankles. Sweetheart’s eyes widened in panic.
“Milo? Corazon, we can talk about this. You don’t need to- AH FUCK!” They shouted as Milo tugged them into the water, flailing.
Evacuation failed. Better luck next time.
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
David watched his pack, hiding a smile behind a red solo cup. Asher was chasing his mate around with a water gun, laughing like a maniac. He could see Sweetheart kissing Milo in the shallow end of the pool. It certainly reminded him of a fun activity he had partaken in with his mate. He moved on, giving the two some privacy but if they started going past making out in his pool, he was going to put a stop to it. They weren’t the only ones though. There were two people in his hot tub. Apparently one of them was a friend of Milo’s mate and had become pretty good friends with Angel too. They were a telepath and as far as David could tell their boyfriend was an unempowered human too.
Tank was sitting on the deck steps, typing away on their phone. He assumed they were talking to Sam. But he was just glad they showed up. He could see the wet puddle beneath them from when they had swam in the pool. Angel had challenged them to a cannonball contest. Which was apparently just when people cannonballed and tried to create the bigger splash. Speaking of Angel, where were they?
His eyes narrowed as he searched around for his chaotic mate. He caught sight of them taking a running start towards the pool. He smirked as they cannonballed again into the pool. He hadn’t planned to have his pack over today, but seeing how happy everyone was, it certainly made up for the surprise change in schedule.He watched as his mate’s head broke past the water surface, panting for breath. He blinked as they got out of the pool, water streaming from their bathing suit. They turned their back towards him to talk to their latest competition and-
David choked on his drink. His eyes were wide as he stared at the rear end of his mate and the two obvious handprint designs that sat there. He couldn’t remember any clothing they had that had handprints there. Had they just gotten it? Was that why they wanted a pool party, to show it off? He set down his drink and walked over. He was one of the only ones who still wore normal clothing. He lowered his head to whisper in Angel’s ear.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He asked. He could see the smirk spread over their face as they spun around to face him. The other shifter walked away, giving the two relative privacy.
“A bathing suit, Davey.” They said innocently. He clenched his jaw. 
“You little shit. Since when do you have this suit?” He asked. Angel giggled and he could feel the last bit of his tension melt away and he rolled his eyes. 
“I just got it. But it’s special.” They said. David gave them a doubtful look.
“It looks good on you Angel, but I’ve seen clothes with this kind of thing before. How is it special?” He asked. He was kind of nervous what the answer was, but he asked anyway. He could tell Angel wanted him to ask so they could explain. He startled when he felt their hands slip under his shirt and drift their fingertips along his torso as they went on the balls of their feet to whisper in his ear.
“They’re your hands. Precisely the same measurements.” They purred. David could feel heat rush to his face as he grabbed Angel’s wrists to pull their hands out from under his shirt. They giggled as he started to pull them away. He didn’t go very far, onto to the low outdoor table made for this kind of thing. He placed his hands on either side of them, effectively trapping his mate as he pressed his forehead against theirs.
“You’re a fucking brat.” He growled out, a smile on his face. Angel giggled again and pressed a kiss to his lips instead of answering. 
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel waved excitedly at Asher’s car and his mate who was inside it. Asher waited for the prolonged goodbye to continue a few more seconds. When Angel blew a kiss towards Baabe, they could see Asher laugh from behind the steering wheel and then pulling out of the driveway. Angel giggled before settling their hands on their hips happily. It had been a damn good afternoon. They heard David approach and put an arm around their shoulders.
“Did you have fun Angel?” he asked. They nodded with a content smile on their face.
“Yeah. I did, Davey. Thank you for letting it happen.” They said. David snorted and kissed the top of their head.
“Yeah. Well I still love you and it was only fair.” He said, his voice soft.
“I love you too.”
“Good because you’re cleaning up the fucking mess.”
“Wait Davey! Please! We can talk about this! You don’t need to do something so drastic! I don’t think I’m ready to take this step in our relationship. Communication is important. ... WHY ARE YOU JUST IGNORING ME?”
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
(Alt PoV to the final scene of For All Our Sins, A Saviour. Written mostly aaaages ago, then I didn't like it, but now it's been long enough I go 'no actually this does have redeeming features'. As my hands are too bad to write what I want to today, I've just spruced this up a bit for your enjoyment. No longer even close to canon, the original was written while Forever was in the Nether. I like alt PoVs, but they're hard. Another Brazilian probably would have been a better match for Forever, but... Well, deathfam and Wilbur times were apparently on my brain whenever I started this.)
It is not at all a normal day for Philza, but it is a peaceful one. It is not normal because not only is Wilbur returned from his tour, but Missa has also managed to get just enough time away from work to stop by. Missa cooks and Wilbur anxiously fiddles with his guitar, and Philza perches on a crate of potatoes as he explains recent happenings. On the island. There's not a lot to say, not nearly as much as he would like, but he does his best.
He is just getting to the end of explaining the MiniMes when his communicator pings.
A second later, Missa's does to.
They both look down, and Philza finds a private message from Bad, of all possible suspects.
BadBoyHalo whispers to you: Get to the Nether Portal. Bring Missa.
Philza does not even need to think; there are only so many reasons Bad would call him there, of all places. He slams down a red sharestone, and catches Missa's eyes.
"Chayanne?" Missa whispers.
"There should be a sharestone for it," he says, not brave enough to follow Missa's thought. "If... Let's just go. Wilbur? We'll be bakc in a bit."
He does not wait for a reply; he activates the sharestone, and lets himself be pulled away.
The first thing Philza sees upon arriving in the Nether Portal room is Chayanne - his egg, his son, his chick - clinging to Bad's legs as he shakes.
The second thing Philza sees is the blood and bruises all over his son, the burns on his feet and the surpressed terror in his eyes.
The third thing Philza sees is the zombie piglin wandering from the portal, and making its way towards his child.
He does not even think; he draws his scythe and throws himself at the piglin, slicing it through and keeping it away from his child.
When he turns again, Bad is at his side - scythe also drawn - while Missa has picked up Chayanne. Both are sobbing, even as Missa rocks them gently.
And then there is Wilbur, who followed them as he always would.
"Chayanne?" Wilbur whispers. "But where's-?"
He cuts himself off, sounding of heartbreak.
Chayanne wriggles around, just enough to place a sign. 'Portal is unstable. I was the test. The others will come soon.'
It's short, it's sharp, Chayanne finishes the words and hides himself fully in Missa's clothes.
Soft Spanish can be heard from Missa as he tries to comfort the egg.
"Dapper?" Bad whispers, just as quiet. "Pomme? Dapper? Where are you?"
Philza glares at the portal a moment - sees nothing else coming, which only has his heart twist - before moving over to his partner and son.
"You are so brave," he whispers to Chayanne. "Dad's proud of you, I'm so proud of you. Don't worry, Papa will look after you, and Dad will protect you both, okay?"
Bad slices down another zombie piglin behind them, texting away on his communicator as he does - surely summoning the other parents. The movement causes Philza to twist, looking for the danger, but somehow he manages not to fall. The portal seems... unstable, the pattern of swirls glitching and shifting and changing as it tries to settle on a single point of connection. Where-ever Chayanne came from... He doesn't want to think about that.
Philza turns back to his egg, hugging him even as he's tucked in Missa's arms, giving him toast and a potion and a totem of undying, because Chayanne is hurting and dirty and scared and Philza wants nothing more than to have his child safe and looked after.
The toast is eaten so fast; Philza gives him more, because how else does he express his fear and his love? How else does he show just how much his heart is hurting, if not forcing his protection and resources upon him?
"It's okay," Missa switches to English for a moment, looking at Philza. "I have him. He's here."
Philza reaches around Chayanne, trapping him in the middle as he hugs Missa. Trust Missa to work it out, for all their communication failures in the past. Missa, blessed Missa, where would he be without him?
The sharestone and the portal both whirl again, in synch this time, and Philza hears at least three people yell "Pomme!"
Bad will have everything in hand, but Philza still turns, watching as Bad scoops her up, steps towards the sharestone, and is caught by Baghera as he slips to his knees. Etoiles is there too; they share a look, and Philza nods. He turns back to his egg.
"I need to protect the others," Philza says to his son, glancing to his husband in between words. "Papa Missa has you though, okay? I'll be right here, I'm just guarding the portal so nothing can hurt you - or anyone. You'll be able to see me the whole time."
It's wrong, so wrong, to see his brave warrior so terrified. But Chayanne still takes a deep breath, and nods, and turns his head to watch as Pomme parents fuss over her. Checking on his sibling, even as he's terrified himself.
Philza takes Bad's place in front of the portal, scythe in one hand, potions in the other, and waits for whatever comes next. Bad takes the opportunity to run over to his daughter, joining the French in the huddle around her. Behind him he hears more people arrive - Tubbo and Pac and Fit, Foolish, Cellbit and Roier and at that point he stops paying attention because there are more enemies to deal with.
He hears Wilbur demand to know what is going on, and leaves it in the hands of someone else to explain.
Zombie piglins are not /really/ a threat, except for the fact everyone is distracted and their children are hurt, and he doesn't really want to think about one of the horrors catching sight of an injured child - of easy prey.
Wilbur slips in beside Philza, hands nervously twisting before pulling out an axe.
No winning on someone else explaining, then; Philza wouldn't usually mind, but he's busy, and there's only so much thought he can spare.
"Will she be okay?" Wilbur asks, voice quieter and more shaky than it should ever be.
"She has to be," Philza replies, voice a little cold but his concentration split too many ways to comfort his son. "And once she's home and safe and feeling better, we'll kill everything that dared touch her."
He misses Wilbur's reply as a golden carrot is fired at a newly emerged, baby zombie piglin.
Philza is about to tell Wilbur to step back - that he and Fit have this, go ask Missa if he has questions - when the portal shifts again. The pattern... Philza's isn't sure, but it seems as though the swirls have shifted to another direction. It found somewhere to link to, if only for a few moments.
A second later not one but three eggs stumble out of the portal. Ramon has his eyes screwed shut, clinging to Leo's hand. Leo's other arm is supporting Dapper, who is struggling to stand. Philza does not take more than a moment to consider - he calls for Bad and Foolish, just in case they somehow missed this, and moves forwards. A splash potion in the middle, and then an extra right over Dapper. The poor eggs need it - they need a lot more than just potions, but it's a start.
Fit shoves his way past, opening up his arms and calling to Ramon. It takes a second for the boy to open his eyes, but as soon as he does he flings himself into Fit's arms.
Fit then steps back, making room for Foolish and Bad rushing in. Foolish laughs as he hoists Leo up and onto his shoulders, but he clings to little legs like the world might shatter if he ever lets go. Bad, meanwhile, is distraught; he scoops Dapper up and hides him away, then runs off to hide among the French.
Philza doesn't blame him; Dapper looked... All of the eggs have been hurt, but none of the others were struggling to stay on their feet. Philza clings the potions tighter; maybe something has caught up to them, maybe something is attack, maybe-
Wilbur steals the potion from Philza's hand.
"For Tallulah," he says. "In case she..."
"She'll be okay," Philza makes a promise he cannot keep. "If Forever's with them, he'll be protecting her from whatever is chasing them."
"He is," Fit calls across, sat a little way down the walkway, Ramon in his lap and Pac pacing at his side. "Ramon said Forever found them, and is the one who keeps forcing the portal."
It's a relief Philza did not know he needed to hear Forever is somewhere, on his feet, and even better with the eggs.
"Thanks mate," he grins back. "If anyone's injured, can someone let me know?"
"Pomme says Forever is," Baghera offers. "Badly. And that... Um... Sorry, English. Richarlyson needs a new leg and Tallulah's lungs hurt?"
Wilbur /whines/ beside Philza, and Philza cannot blame him. He reaches out, and squeezes his eldest's shoulder.
He can only do so for a moment, though; nearly as soon as he does, the last two children make it through the portal.
A giant blue beetle accompanies them. Warped mosco. One of /those fuckers/. Philza swears, stepping in to block it, while Wilbur moves forward. Philza is almost surprised that Wilbur picks up both eggs before running out of range of the mob.
Thankfully, it is only the one; Etoiles jumps up from the French huddle to help him, and together they cut it down.
Exhausted, Philza turns, and checks on his family. Missa and Wilbur stand close enough that Tallulah and Chayanne can hold hands, both cuddling their respective child close and wary of the danger.
It seems Richarlyson had been handed to Pac, as the boy is animatedly explaining something to his Pai. Cellbit and Roier, having been on the lower floor with the French, Bad, and Foolish, start heading up to the walkway. Now he looks, he can see Bagi and Felps too.
Right. All of the kids are accounted for. Philza should... He wants to back off, to scoop his partner and his eggs up and hide them away at uppies, or maybe even further out... He does have other warps - maybe they'd like that skeleton temple, it'd not take too long to drain a room to hide in... Throw a shitty house around them, make something better in the morning.
He doesn't, though, instead he flags down Cellbit.
"Pomme and Ramon said Forever is still there."
Cellbit looks at Richarlyson, then back at Philza. There's an exhausted curse, but Cellbit and Roier take out their weapons.
Felps and Bagi are a little slower on the take up, but pause too. Philza sees Pac start to get up, offering Richarlyson to Fit, but Cellbit waves for him to stay down.
"He'll come through soon?"
"You saw the bastard flying mob, right?" Philza asks. "He might... Pomme said he was already hurt."
He's almost surprised that Cellbit missed that, but then with all of the reunitings going on, maybe its not so surprising.
Cellbit runs a hand through his hair, tongue flicking for a second, "we give him five minutes. It's not like we can calibrate it from this side anyway - we tried."
"Right," Philza is glad someone else took the planning, even if he feels a little terrible to put even more on Cellbit's head. He hands a few potions to the Brazilians - Etoiles is still on standby, but very definitely has his own - just in case.
And then they wait. Nothing that comes through is especially dangerous, the portal having shifted back to its original configuration.
One minute, two, Foolish asking why nobody has gone home yet...
The portal shifts again. Philza readies his scythe, and the others too.
It takes a moment, but what comes first is Forever. Unlike the eggs he does not even make it off of the obsidian before he is falling. Philza reaches out to catch him, but Felps is already there, pulling an arm over his shoulder and taking his weight.
The Brazilians run to their fellow. Philza almost goes with, but more comes through the portal; he and Etoiles leap into action, cutting the enemies down. There's zombie piglins and warped moscos and things Philza does not even stop to identify as he makes quick work of cutting them down
There's some commotion, and the Brazilians do not pull away. Instead they huddle, and it makes Philza's job much harder as he tries both not to trip over them and to protect them. When he catches a moment he lets Etoiles cover him, and takes his pick to the obsidian.
It's obsidian, it always takes a while to break, but in that moment this one seems to take forever.
Eventually he manages it. The portal shatters, and he breathes a sigh of relief before diving back into the fight.
Once it is safe, Etoiles disappears back to his own huddle, while Missa, Wilbur, and Philza's eggs approach. Chayanne is squirming like he wants down and to walk, but Philza can see the burns on his feet. He and Missa share a look, and their son is hugged a little more tightly.
"You alright?" Missa asks, head tilting.
"Just tired," he reassures. "There were never too many, all these people just get to me a bit."
"Yeah, yeah, I-"
Whatever Missa was about to say is cut off by Cellbit screaming in... fear? frustration? Philza has no idea, but it has him quickly turn to the huddle.
What he sees is Forever unconscious, blood in his hair, blood all over the floor, and his heart drops.
There's not a lot he can do, however; he turns back to his family.
"We left the rice cooking; do you four want to head home?" he hesitates a moment.
Chayanne reaches for him, and Philza's heart breaks, "I'll be back really soon, I just want to make sure your tio Forever is okay, and make sure all your siblings get home safe."
Nobody likes the answer, but Missa nods, and he is the one holding Chayanne. Philza hugs both of his eggs, and gives them more toast, and nudges his family on their way.
Then there is just... Everyone else.
Forever and the Brazilians need space, and so Philza gently starts herding people home. Bad is easy - just suggest taking Dapper somewhere safer - while Baghera hesitates for the same reason as Philza. Foolish and Leo and Vegetta excused themselves as soon as someone else left, and the non-parents drift away after them.
Baghera is convinced to leave by Pomme, who wants to go to the caste. She makes Philza promise to update her - he has every intention to do so.
He checks the room, and the portal, before heading over to the remaining group. Forever is still out, and Philza's heart drops somehow further still.
"Richarlyson," Philza decides to start with the simplest of the group to wrangle, and the easiest to pull the other's strings with. "Do you want to come get a bed at the hospital ready for your dad?"
It's not a question anyone should ever ask of a child, but here it is, and here it is asked.
Richarlyson pops down a sign and, in more than a few emotes, communicates that he will.
Bagi sucks in air through her teeth and asks, "do we have a stretcher?"
"It's upstairs," Roier is the one to reply. "I'll come get it and set things up."
And that is that; Philza nudges Richarlyson upstairs, and soon enough Forever is clean, and treated as best they can, and resting on a hospital bed.
The same hospital bed, but this time there's at least a little more of his family gathered around.
It's horrible, it's a memory Philza does not want, but events overlap and a hatred for the Federation only grows; why the fuck did they send Forever, of all people, and why send him alone? He is grateful for his children safe, but this...
"He shouldn't be alone," is all Philza can say when they're done, feeling every bit the intruder he is. "Someone needs to stay."
"I'll be here tonight," Bagi offers. "Everyone else, get Richarlyson home to sleep."
Philza doubts that will happen, but takes it as excuse to leave even as the group starts arguing over who should stay, and if they should take shifts overnight. He whispers a thank you to Forever, and squeezes his hands, and then vanishes off back home.
As soon as he descends the ladder, two children attack him with hugs. He scoops them up and places one on each hip, and tries to ignore the bandages all over their skin. He kisses both of their foreheads, and moves to sit with them on Chayanne's bed.
Wilbur is loitering by the door, and he can hear Missa in the kitchen - either salvaging the rice, or cooking something new.
"Chayanne, Tallulah," he delights in saying their names to them. "It's okay, we're all okay. Tio Forever's all patched up, and Tia Bagi is going to stay with him and make sure he's okay - she's Cellbit's sister, so you know you can trust her. Some of the other Brazilians will probably stay, too."
Both of his eggs nod against his sides, shaking a bit as they soak in his touch. Neither of them reaches for a sign, so he just holds them and keeps them be.
Unusually, Tallulah moves first, running from Philza to her actual father, and being scooped up into Wilbur's arms.
She's carried to her own bed and sat down with him, and not long after Missa appears with five plates of some sort of mashed potato.
Philza, honestly, doesn't really care what it is as he eats, only enough mind for his children and for the way Missa sits beside him and leans his head on his shoulder, and perhaps for thoughts of Forever, who saved their children but lies badly injured in the hospital even now.
"If you're both feeling up to it, we can go see tio Forever in the morning," he promises worried children. "Your siblings, too."
The promise encourages Chayanne, at least, to eat - Tallulah has about fallen asleep on Wilbur already, too tired to do more than open her mouth and swallow as her father feeds her.
"I should get Tallulah home," Wilbur looks at her. "Thanks for the food."
"You can stay the night," Missa says, even as Philza says, "Wil, there's a spare bed and some sleeping bags in the chest."
Wilbur looks at them, and his laugh is humourless, but he whispers an okay. They drift into silence, and Wilbur breaks it as he picks up a tune. Missa doesn't know the words but he hums along, and Philza tucks the eggs into their beds.
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mdccanon · 2 years
I hope BP3 goes even more mystical, just to spite every Black guy who only watches The Wire, Empire, and Scarface and wants Black people to stop having fun
Some people are so boring.
Some guy said Wakanda Forever is too fantastical and it would have been better to focus on the CIA side and to introduce realistic racism like propaganda, US sanctions, and destabilization and assassinations attempts. A fantasy underwater Mayan lost world is just too silly! And they tried to make that absolute bullshit make sense by making up this as an example of going too far: "What if, in the third movie, the sky just turned purple or a unicorn turned Shuri into a wizard. Do you see how crazy it gets if you just throw around "fantasy" things, it starts sounding ridicu--"
Me: Did you just subconsciously invoke "the ski turns purple," forgetting that already does happen IN the story-world as a sign of being in the ancestorial plane? If you showed me a snippet of a trailer with the normal sky being purple, I'd assume that the dimensions between life and death broke down by some demonic means. I'd HOPE that means the cast could all have meetings with their ancestors, which would be freakin' emotional, plus Shuri and M'Baku could meet face-to-face with Bast and Hanuman, like how Moon Knight got to interact with Egyptian gods -- and Bast, who was cast and had a cameo in Thor: Love and Thunder in Zeus' meeting of the gods, would be the perfect person to teach Shuri some "wizard"-shit. X-Men's Storm comes from a line of Kenyan witches, so Bast introducing it would keep that door open for any future storylines... ... I mean, I'm excited for a political thriller war against the CIA and the Thunderbolts, too, but Shuri defeating them with magic from her goddess is actually a pretty dope resolution. Good job brainstorming that.
They responded that that's not a realistic enough for the MCU.
No, that's not realistic for being about Black people because you don't know what to do with yourself if a story about Black people isn't about slavery, suffering, and 1990s hip hop stereotypes. The Emmett Till movie was playing next door, maybe you got confused and wandered into Black Panther? Thor is a Nordic god who just got into a pissing match with a Mediterranean god, Egyptian gods just had a kaiju fight in Giza, the Eternals pissed off their gods a few months ago, but it would be too cw~azy for the Black people to meet their gods? (Especially if it wasn't being used as a scathing allegory against Christianity.)
He even complained that Anderson Cooper's positive-neutral, professional news coverage of Wakanda "isn't realistic" either. "They would say anything they could to make Wakanda sound barbaric and backwards. They wouldn't report Ramonda at the UN like that. They'd be on the UN's side."
You are saying anything you can to sound dumb. If you hate white people so much that you think Anderson fuckin' Cooper would talk like FOXNEWS if Wakanda was real, you just sound dumb. Anderson Cooper does NOT normally do these "real reporter in superhero world" cameos, which means he probably asked to be in Black Panther. If Ramonda was an IRL African queen, Anderson Cooper would swipe his personal credit card to fly to her whenever she cleared her throat. He'd be her personal biographer. You have to have an astronomical, desperate resentment to want to see Anderson Cooper say anti-African propaganda and twist the narrative of the Mali mercenaries scenes. You sound dumb. No, you sound sick.
Get therapy.
Why would Disney have a real reporter who people... children... see report real international news say anti-African propaganda? That would be haunting, disorientating, and possibly triggering. You need therapy for being mad it didn't happen.
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m34gs · 1 year
Tell us your yandere pairings since you know at least one of mine.
Lol, you really want to know, friend? Alright. I'll tell you. I'd like to preface this with: "Any ship can be a Yandere Ship, if you just believe in it". Hahaha. Truthfully though, I have a lot of ships where I would love to see them portrayed in the Yandere light. It's such an interesting dynamic, and it really explores the darker side of love and devotion in a way that is so...thrilling. You know I love that exploration of the darker side of humans. Horror has so much of that, lol. I really enjoy looking at what could push someone to the breaking point, what could make them snap. And do they continue in the downward spiral or do they drag themselves out of it by their fingernails? Does a victim keep being a victim, or do they turn around and become what they need to in order to survive? What does that look like? There are so many different ways to survive...which one will they choose, and why???? I absolutely love that focus on the darkest parts of people and I find it fascinating.
That being said, I'm also fine with a lot of the yandere pairings I like being portrayed in different ways.
Anyway, not to keep you waiting! Let's get into it.
Floyd Leech/Yuu(mc) from Twisted Wonderland. Let me tell you, I think Floyd would be such a fun yandere. He has the self-centered kind of attitude, and he already seems to gravitate toward his 'Shrimpy'...plus he has teeth. Sharp teeth. I like to think he would enjoy biting his "Shrimpy" and putting marks on them that scar and never disappear.
Jade Leech/Azul Ashengrotto from Twisted Wonderland. This pairing is one where I think they both are yandere for each other. I think it could be fun, seeing the ways they would try to 'outdo' each other in terms of trying to manipulate, control, and 'protect' the other. Lots of mind games in this one. Very interesting dynamic to play with.
Amaimon/Rin from Blue Exorcist. This is a ship I like experimenting with. While Bon/Rin is my favourite pairing overall (and I really love the concept of Big Brother Amaimon secretly doting on Rin), AmaiRin is so interesting. Once again, Amaimon is a self-centered demon who takes what he wants, but Rin is no pushover. I imagine a lot of what would draw Amaimon to him is Rin's determination and fight. I think Amaimon would want to see exactly how far he could push Rin before he breaks. Sadly, I do think that if Rin breaks, Amaimon is more likely to toss him aside, since he would be bored of him...but there is always that little side of me that is like "But what if...he breaks him and then he just keeps him, like some sort of treasure locked away forever?" And it makes me want to write to see what would happen to make Amaimon have that kind of change of mind.
Homura/Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica; specifically the third movie (Rebellion). Homura literally rips a piece of Madoka off to keep her with her. Like, rips off a piece of her spirit. Does it get any more yandere than that? Plus, I love the entire Madoka series, especially Homura's descent into madness.
Dabi/Shinsou from My Hero Academia. Yeah. Dabi/Shinsou rises from the depths once more. I know in my one fic I have them written more as equals, but in my heart of hearts, I am intrigued by Dabi being a yandere. I wanna know, would he internalize his father's abuse to the degree that he believes all heroes are evil? Would he consider what he's doing to Shinsou a favour, when he locks him away, and keeps him trapped? Would he be able to draw the connection between abusive 'punishments' he gives Shinsou, and the way Dabi himself has suffered? Or would he just keep falling into darkness....?
There you go, some of my favourite yandere ships! But as I said, any ship can be yandere if you believe. Yes, even the wholesome ones. Just...give them a little twist. :D
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The Most Important Meeting of Literally Ever (short story)
Gorseheart struggled not to shift from one paw to another, feeling entirely out of place next to the Starclan cats seated with him, not to mention judged. 
Firejay and Mallowstar had stayed for what Gorseheart guessed was a day, sleeping over before going back to Starclan to discuss how their going to the Dark Forest went. 
Now, cats gathered in a meadow in the Dark Forest right next to the border. There was what Gorseheart estimated to be fifteen Starclan cats, which included Mallowstar, Firejay, and Blightstar–who had nodded awkwardly at Gorseheart, but hadn’t said anything directly to him, fifteen Dark Forest residences, and eleven Dark Kits.
“It’s not a good idea,” one of the Starclan cats spoke up. Her fur was white and glossy. “Starclan and the Dark Forest are two different territories for a reason.”
“We may be separate, but we are connected,” another pointed out. “Or have you forgotten what we learned back when Ashfur took over the Clans?”
“He didn’t take over the Clans,” Bristleblaze commented.
“That part doesn’t matter,” the cat went on, “we exist in a balance.”
“Exactly,” a third–Jumptail?-- added. “If we merge our two afterlives together, that balance may shatter. Then where will that leave us?”
“I don’t want to merge with no Starclan cat,” Cloudfreckle spat.
“Oh, because we want to mingle with you mud-pelts?” Jumptail hissed.
“We’re not here to fight,” Firejay spoke above them. “We are not merging together, either. Those who have killed or committed one crime or another will remain on this side. Those who have not will still be welcomed into the Stars. But what of those who fit neither option?” She gestured with her tail to Proteafang, sitting at Gorseheart’s opposite side. “We know that, unfortunately, Dark Kits cannot enter Starclan for their own health, but does that mean we should abandon them? Can we not do something as simple as passing on our food, herbs, and moss, of which we are forever overfilled with?”
“Or are they to be punished for a crime their parents committed?” Gorseheart added. By the glance Firejay and Mallowstar casted him, he guessed they took note of the anger he had directed toward himself. 
“I’m sure we can all agree how unfair a Dark Kit’s life can be,” Ivypool–that was her name, wasn’t it?--put in. “But we start with passing on our herbs and supplies. What happens then? Kits and apprentices are brought over to grow. Then cats cross the border to visit their friends and family. Where do we cross the line before we can no longer see it?”
“You sound as if those things would be bad,” Blightstar grumbled. “Young cats being given the chance to grow into healthy young warriors would be a grand thing for all of us. And what of cats visiting criminals close to them? Speak for yourself all you wish, but I would rather walk around in this muddy, bleak forest for a moon than spend years asking myself where it all went wrong.”
Gorseheart’s heart twisted around in his chest until it split, bleeding down his legs and causing them to tremble. Noticing, Proteafang lay her tail across his paws. 
“Some of us know more about what the Dark Forest is like than others,” Ivypool snapped.
“Yeah,” Bristleblaze sneered, “like the Dark Forest cats.”
“You could be lying,” someone else joined in.
“Why would they lie, Breezepelt?”
“To get our stuff, obviously,” Breezepelt replied. “They tell us it’s not all bad here, they just need our moss, and food, and herbs, and oh maybe some water too, please?”
“Poor little Breezy, want to keep all the widdle wader to worself? Afraid the big bad cats gonna steal it?” Jackdawfoot chuckled. Ferndoe pressed against him, shaking her head.
Breezepelt jumped to his paws, slid his claws out, and hissed. 
“Fighting will add nothing to the discussion,” Firejay reminded them through teeth grinding in frustration. “Breezepelt, there is no point to be concerned about supplies that will be needed. We have more than enough to go around for as long as Starclan and the Dark Forest exists.” She paused to take a breath, waiting for some of the smaller arguments to die down before going on. “If we have a chance to improve the lives of cats who have done nothing to earn the punishments of those who came before them, how could we refuse? We will work with Dark Forest cats who wish to work with us, and together–in our own territories, we will find out everything we can about anything that there is to learn. Starclan cats who wish to stay here, such as Mallowstar and myself, will report back twice a moon. Too, we will keep an eye on all kits or apprentices that cross the border so that they may grow up, and ensure that they are protected. With that, I would like to propose that such kits would be allowed re-entry into Starclan. It is not a crime to search for the life taken from you so early. Does everyone agree?”
“Agree.” Gorseheart was relieved to hear most of the cats seated respond. Others murmured it, and others still remained silent, but no one outright disagreed or started any more arguments.
“It may not be like this for the rest of time,” Mallowstar informed everyone. “But we will test out how this new system works for seven moons. Any lingering grievances can be discussed when we meet again then. 
The entire time the meeting was held, Gorseheart felt extremely uncomfortable. Though he was far from the only Dark Forest cat there, he could feel every pair of eyes burning through his skin and setting his fur on fire. He knew he deserved it–there was nothing he shouldn’t be judged for, but right from the beginning, he wished he hadn’t agreed to come, and had just stayed holed up in his tunnels. Then again, he knew this was an important meeting–the most important of all, and he would have kicked himself if he didn’t attend it. He should feel lucky, really.
But then the group began to disperse, Starclan cats returning to the border, while some Dark Forest cats either left or remained to stick their tongues out at them. Some remained, only for a little  bit, and Gorseheart realized–trying hard not to look–that Blightstar was still here, and that he was staring directly at Gorseheart.
--Canon cats present because it only makes sense.
--Bristle belongs to @ambitiousauthor
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teenageread · 2 years
Review: The Orphan Keeper
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Seven-year-old Chellamuthu’s life—and his destiny—is forever changed when he is kidnapped from his village in Southern India and sold to the Lincoln Home for Homeless Children. His family is desperate to find him, and Chellamuthu anxiously tells the Indian orphanage he is not an orphan, that he has a mother who loves him. But he is told not to worry as he will soon be adopted by a loving family in America.
Chellamuthu is suddenly surrounded by a foreign land and a foreign language. He can’t tell people that he already has a family and becomes consumed by a single, impossible question: How do I get home? But after more than a decade, home becomes a much more complicated idea as the Indian boy eventually sheds his past and receives a new name: Taj Khyber Rowland.
It isn’t until Taj meets an Indian family who helps him rediscover his culture and family history that he begins to discover the truth he has all but forgotten. Taj is determined to return to India and begin the quest to find his birth family. But is it too late? Is it possible that his birth mother is still looking for him? And which family does he belong to now?
Chellamuthu looks like a typical Indian child, growing up in the streets of Erode, India. His mother loved him, his father wanted him to go down the right path, feet were constantly dirty, and he was  always getting into trouble. Chellamuthu may not have the american standard of life, but he was happy. His parents practice traditional teachings, such as burning of the feet when Chellamuthu was going down a dark path stealing from vendors. Chellamuthu knew his family was not rich, but he was loved. So when an older boy lured Chellamuthu away to a van, which drove him three hours away to an orphanage, Chellamuthu knew it was a mistake. Sure he ate better, had clean clothing, and a comfortable mat to sleep on each night, Chellamuthu knew he did not belong, that he had a family to go back to. Eli, the Commissioner for the Lincoln Home of Homeless Children, tried to explain to Chellamuthu that his parents could not take care of him anymore, thus selling him to this home which was going to adopt him out to American couples; he knew they were lying. Only once Eli had him, passport in hand, on a plane to Linda and Fred Rowland, that Chellamuthu knew his life was over. Going by an easier to pronounce name of Taj Khyber Rowland, Taj forgot all of his Indian roots, and grew up the all american boy. Feeling distant from his American family, Taj does a year abroad to London, where he begins to relearn his Indian culture. Determined to find out what happened to him, Taj begins to embrace his Indian side, dates Indian girls, and scrap and save to get himself back into Indian, and tries to piece together where he came from, and who his parents are.  
Camron Wright rewrites the tale of Chellamuthu into a young-readers novel, so middle grades youth can also enjoy this awe inspiring story. Starting the novel off with a “dear young readers” letter from Taj, the story is told from a third person point of view of Chellamuthu as he grows up in India, his way to the United States, becoming Taj Rowland, and how as an adult he goes back to India to figure out who he was. As this story takes place both in India and the United States, Wright writes in a sense of the importance of Taj’s multiculturalism. How he is both Indian, but also American, and how those sides of him make up who he is as a whole. You really feel the sense of Taj being lost, both in America as he was the only Indian for miles, but also lost in London/India surrounded by a culture he was unfamiliar with. This book, about Taj’s life, has the underlying message of the quest to claim your identity, and discover who you are through going back to your heritage and roots. With easy to understand writing, Wright keeps this book smooth by going through Taj’s life at a pretty rapid pace. With twists and turns to keep the plot interesting, you really feel like you grew up with Taj after meeting him at age 7, and leaving with him as an adult. With pictures included to show readers Taj’s real life, this book is worth the read for young readers and others.
Read more reviews: Goodreads
Buy the book: Amazon
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
May I request a john smut in which, despite being the cocky beast that he usually is, he manages to get all gentle and intense when, after years of mutual pining, he finally makes love to ada's best friend who's younger and totally inexperienced. Idk I just need this to be fucking intense, like John suffocating his desire for ages and now finally indulging in his worst temptation and showing her what lust is... please i'll burn in hellll
a/n: first of all let me say: this killed me. like, it’s literally all i can think about. god help me. but thank you so fucking much for requesting this bc i liked it sooo much that i decided to make a mini series out of it with the help of my babe @stxdyblr-2k who was sweet enough to offer to ghostwrite on the series 🥰 and to all my other angels who requested fics, don’t worry i will get them done! just wanna give you guys the best quality work i can. my 1st priority are some tommy requests i got, as well as some michael ones after :)
love, abi xxx
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (1 of ?)
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warnings: nsfw! eventual smut, slow burn, john being sexy as all hell but also soft
John couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the Garrison, arm loosely linked with Ada’s, clad in a black lace dress that hugged you just right, he couldn’t stop staring. Even Tommy and Arthur had noticed, cracking some joke about him being pussy whipped. The words floated right over his head, his mind on one thing only. The last time he had seen you, you were barely eighteen, cheeks pink as you waved goodbye out the train window to Ada as she sobbed. Ada had always had a flair for the dramatic, but the two of you had practically been attached at the hip your entire lives. So, he consoled her, reminding her that university wasn’t forever, that you would be back soon enough. And back, you were, red-stained lips sipping at a glass of something that Ada had practically shoved in your face. You weren’t a girl anymore, black heels crossed at the ankle as you sat across the room in a booth, laughing as Ada waved her arms, telling some sort of story.
“Just fuckin’ talk to ‘er, John-boy,” Arthur’s voice cut through John’s train of thought like a sharp knife, and he focused his eyes on his two brothers sitting at the booth across from him, clouds of smoke from Tommy’s incessant smoking heavy in the air around them.
“Fuck off,” John returned as he stood, earning a chuckle from Tommy.
“That’s right,” Arthur shouted as John made his way towards the bar, rolling his eyes at his older brothers. “Make sure you show her a real good time, eh?” Arthur’s voice was soon drowned out by the crowd around John, as they parted to let him walk through. He didn’t even see them, his eyes trained on your smile. Fuck, you were pretty.
“So, then I fucking kicked him in the balls.” Ada’s eyes sparkled triumphantly as she recalled the time she’d incited a riot, managing to cause great injury to a certain part of a policeman’s body. She did so casually, like it was no big deal. You couldn’t control your laughter as Ada grinned, pleased that she’d been able to make you laugh. “Fuckin’ missed you, Y/N,” she professed, shooting the rest of her gin and gesturing at the bartender to “leave the fuckin’ bottle, already.”
“Missed you too,” you smiled back at her, happy to be back in Birmingham in the company of an old friend. London was beautiful, but lonely. There was something inside you that missed the dirty streets, the crowded pubs bursting with familiar faces.
“Had to come over here myself to make sure it was you,” A deep voice interrupted your reverie and you looked up to see none other than Ada’s older brother John, looking even handsomer than the last time you’d seen him, in a grey-three piece suit, a cigar hanging from his lips. You’d had the hugest crush on him growing up, and the butterflies swimming around in your stomach seemed to confirm that you still found the tallest Shelby brother irresistible.
“Hi, John,” You offered him a shy smile and scooched over as he slid into the booth next to you, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. You couldn’t help but drink in the smell of his cologne, the various drinks that Ada had encouraged you to down making you press yourself closer to him.
“M’kay, if you’re going to fuck, at least wait until I’m gone.” Ada’s voice snapped you out of it and you looked away, a pink blush staining your cheeks.
“Says the one who managed to fuck three of my best mates before you left school,” John retorted, causing Ada to roll her eyes, shooting her whiskey and pouring the three of you another glass each.
“I feel like getting drunk, and I’m not doing it alone,” Ada announced, causing both you and John to crack a smile at her forcefulness.
“Good thing we took a cab here,” you returned, before shooting your whiskey. If you were going to have to stare at John all night, you thought, you might as well be drunk doing it. Wasn’t like he was going to be staring back.
Ada was shitfaced, dancing in the middle of the pub. Luckily, Isaiah had stepped in as her partner, making sure her stumbling didn’t cause her to trip and fall. Unluckily for you, this left a tipsy you and John alone tucked into a booth in the corner of the room, out of view. The conversation was friendly, and you were trying your best to keep your mind off the way you could see John’s forearms practically bulging out of his suit. It wasn’t fair, you thought to yourself, for him to walk around looking like that. Especially when you knew that he was probably fucking the latest movie star, or something. It was almost impossible for you to keep your head straight, yet you managed to keep it civil. However, you couldn’t help your gaze from drifting to his lips. God, they were so pink and looked so soft, it was unfair. You couldn’t stop yourself from imagining how they’d feel on your mouth, let alone other parts of your body. Jesus, you were fucked.
A third of a bottle of whiskey later, you couldn’t help but let yourself slide closer to him, heart beating fast in your chest as you sat tucked into his side, his arm around you as you laughed at a joke he’d made, something about the stick up Tommy’s ass. Your eyes shone as they met his blue ones, his arm sliding down until his fingers were brushing against your waist, radiating heat into your skin.
“Y’know, I’d tell you how fuckin’ pretty you look tonight, but I think you already know that,” John rumbled into your ear, lips just barely brushing against your neck. Your breath hitched, and he noticed, a small grin spreading across his lips.
“You’re something else, you know that?” You shot back, a small smile threatening to take over your lips.
“M’not just sayin’ that. Couldn’t take my eyes off ‘ya, since you walked in.” John wasn’t kidding. For a second you didn’t know how to reply, staring up at him with a slight look of disbelief. The whiskey, however, had other plans, and had decided to respond for you.
“Can't keep your hands off me now." You smirked, waiting for him to escalate the moment, anticipation and liquor silencing the blaring alarm in your mind. God, you shouldn't want him as badly as you do.
"Can you blame me?" He muttered, dragging his fingers across the lace of your dress, tracing the pattern's loops absentmindedly, watching your jaw tense and lips part to take a gasping breath, your jacket having long vanished into the chaos of the pub. Your arms wound themselves around his neck, fingers twisting into his short hair. "Fucking come 'ere lass."
His strong arms lifted you onto his knee, gripping a thigh to help you balance, the friction of his rough hand against the stiff fabric pushing your dress up slightly. The need for more and the desire to know him completely intoxicated you far more than anything from a bottle; you'd never felt as though you were on fire from your drunk hookups. His fingers found the zip of your dress, tugging it down desperately, gripping the flesh of your exposed shoulder blades. A small groan erupted from your lips as you felt him chuckle below you, pressing a thumb to your lips to quieten you.
"John," you whined, pouting playfully against his thumb.
"I'll sort you out, I swear," He muttered, slipping his thumb between your lips. Instinctively, you sucked, locking eyes with him, his hand straying from your back to roughly grab your jaw, holding your gaze. "But if you're going to scream your 'ead off, we'll get caught."
"You wish you could make me scream, John-lad."
"Come off it, I could ruin you, Y/N." He stated, lifting your jaw, as though memorising the construction of your face, tone brimming with a cocky confidence only John could make attractive. "You want that?"
"More than anything." The words tumbled out of your mouth thoughtlessly, watching how his jaw tightened in response as you attempted to read his expression. He studied you for what must've only been a few seconds, but the moment passed so slowly, you could barely remember what it felt like to not be examined by his dominating blue eyed stare.
His grip guided your face to his, fingers tilting your chin so John's lips could brush against yours, before pulling you into a heated almost aggressive kiss, the straps of your dress barely grazing your shoulders, the hem of your dress bunching around your waist as he reached down your back to grab your bum in a firm squeeze. Your mouth gaped open in a gasp of pleasure, John taking the moment to run his tongue against your lips, gaining access and deepening the kiss. You were so caught up in the thrill of John's seduction that you hadn't noticed his hand suddenly pull away after moving your skimpy underwear to one side. You had instinctively ground your hips against him, he'd broken the kiss to let out a string of curses, complimenting you through his quickening breaths (“Fuckin’ wet for me already, aye?”), gripping your thigh. But as soon as he had pulled the thin silk from your thighs, the atmosphere shifted, his lip curling in frustration as his hands left your skin as though your flesh was suddenly scalding.
"John?" You prompted, resting a hand on his shoulder, noticing the dark shadows under his eyes for the first time.
"It's getting late."
"What?" Your voice sounded high and whiny, you mentally scolded yourself for sounding so needy. It was embarrassing to be rejected by the man you've admired for many years, but even worse to be openly vulnerable and so pathetic in front of your best friend's brother.
Oh fuck.
Realisation hit you, it was either that or the unholy quantity of alcohol you'd downed which turned your stomach. You had gone too far this time. It was one thing to flirt with John and desire him from a distance, it was an absolute betrayal to have sex with him, knowing Ada's insecurity about being used to get close to her gangster brothers- sex, power and politics. You had sworn during those tearful walks around the canal that you'd never hurt her. You couldn't do that to her.
Your sudden panic must've been obvious, you tried to stand up from John's lap, stumbling slightly, only regaining balance due to a sudden arm across your back, anchoring you upright.
"No one has to know. It's our secret yeah?" He muttered into your ear, his words comforting.
You nodded silently, the reality of the situation settling in. Your hands are shaking by your sides, John catches them, locking his fingers with yours.
"It's fine, now. Nothing happened yeah?" He stood up in front of you, his muscular physique looming before you, the creases across his torso reminding you that just a few minutes ago his body was under yours, he was breathless, needing your skin against his, desperate and vulnerable. "I'll zip you up. Turn around."
His hands dropped from yours to fumble clumsily with your zip, struggling in the gloom and fog of intoxication, he eventually succeeded, the lace clinging to the curve of your hips, waist, back and chest again. You wished it was him instead that was skimming your figure but you pushed the thought away with a simple, "Thanks."
"I'll walk you home yeah?" He offered, as he straightens your skirt and his tie, allowing you to fix his crumpled shirt collar and the row of shining buttons below his throat which you'd ripped open as he whispered dirty nonsense in your ear, smirking at how you arched your back and swore back at him through your moans.
"Isaiah already said he would, it'd be better for us both that way. You know how people around here talk." You replied, glancing at the mirror on the wall of the booth to quickly smooth your tousled hair. Despite only recently returning to Small Heath, you'd already encountered the rife gossiping and quickly realised your neighbour was incapable of minding his own business. "Nobody has to know, right?"
John nodded, disappointed but appreciating your rationale and quick thinking despite your state, "Right."
"Good night, John," You said politely, ignoring the tension in his tone and the sudden soft sadness of his eyes, turning your back and walking to the door. Back to the sticky dance floor, back to Ada, Isaiah, Finn, Tokyo, back to spilling drinks, ashing cigarettes, back to noise, safety and far from the man who made your morals vanish with the same lines he uses on probably every single one of his conquests. Fuck it. You were going to enjoy it, you sped up your pace in your heels, trying to ignore your shaking legs. You tried to ignore the guilty twang in your gut when Ada screamed your name across the pub and stumbled over, dragging some lad on her arm, pressing drunken kisses to your forehead and cheeks.
You couldn't help but look back to see his shadow sloping away into the darkness of the booths closer to the dance floor, being bullied mercilessly by his brothers you assumed. You watched him fake a smirk, take the knuckles to his brow from Arthur, snap an insult back to Thomas and settle into his rightful seat. You only shifted your gaze to Ada for a moment but when you looked back up, he was staring at you, jaw tense, icy stare burning into yours, arms folded on the table, the gold chains of his sleeve garters barely glinting in the dim light. He looked away but you could see his cheeks were flushed with blood even in the glow of the oil lamps.
Pretending nothing happened was going to be impossible.
to be continued!
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friendlyjashinest · 3 years
Force fed // Yandere!Dabi x fem!reader
After a few days of not eating, Dabi is left with no choice but to force you. And you won’t like what he has in plan for you.
Content Warning: Yandere tendencies, force feeding
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It was well past 3am, Dabi trudged through the heavy snow back towards his apartment in the shitty part of town, and as he huffed, a puff of smoke from the frigid cold left through his chapped lips. His tongue ran across the burnt skin, moisturizing them as he did so. At this time he expects you to be well asleep, following his order like the good girl he wants you to be; he may not follow the 9:30 bedtime rule with his work schedule but he damn well demands that you do. A cunning grin stretches across his face as the image of you curled up in the blankets laying on a mattress, dressed only in one of his raggedy t-shirts floats in his head. Your chest slightly heaving as you sleep, maybe little snores passing through your lips, it's all too cute to think about and he just can’t wait to see you. 
He fiddles with the three locks on the door, unlocking them and entering his apartment. It’s cold. He likes to keep it that temperature so you’re forced to rely on him for warmth, mewling as you beg for him to run his calloused hands gently up your arms, radiating warmth throughout your body. Well, someday at least. You’re not quite there yet. It’s been a month since he took you and still, you cower in fear when he comes too close, you whimper when he touches you, and with weak fists try to fight him when he kisses you. He knows this won’t last forever, however, his patience is wearing thin. 
And this isn’t helped by the fact for the third day in a row he sees the plate of food in the fridge untouched. He sighs. How ungrateful of you when he went through the trouble of getting you your favorite meal, it wasn’t easy, you know. He pulls it out the fridge, tossing it on the table. He hasn’t eaten yet, he’s hungry, so why not; but he feels the frustration bubble inside him. How long will you pull this charade? How far will this go until your too weak from the lack of nutrition in your system that you pass out on him, or worse, he’s not here and it fucking kills you.
It’s agonizing, all the terrible scenarios that swarm his mind. He loves you in his own fucked up and twisted ways. That’s why he kidnapped you. He hasn’t hurt you. He wants you to be healthy. Eventually happy. For you to be healthy, you need to eat. He can’t let this go on, he knows. In the morning he’ll talk to you, yeah.
But then a new emotion, anger begins to swell inside of him. You see, considering this had been going on for three days, he made an order to you before he left that you were to eat, and you’ve disobeyed that order. You’ve disobeyed him. He can’t let you get away with that. 
He rises from the chair, kicking it to the side before making his way over to the bedroom. As he expected, you were wrapped up, snuggled into the blankets, with a small look of content on your face. You look cute in your slumber. He flicks the light on and your eyelids slowly open, adjusting to the light. You look around the room confused before your eyes land on him standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, and a frown you can’t ignore. His eyes look sharp, the piercing blue looking more frightening than usual. “Dabi?”
“Get up.”
It’s a simple command. You sit up in the bed, staring at him blankly. He waits patiently for you to slowly crawl off the mattress. The shirt he gave you barely covers your knees and you tremble now being touched by the bitter cold. He holds a hand out to you, which you hesitantly take, and he guides you into the kitchen. 
Your heart pounds painfully in your chest when you see the plate of food placed out on the table, a fork and knife on either side taunting you. Dabi doesn’t look at you, just gestures for you to sit down. “What time is it–”
“Sit,” he interrupts. You know better than to argue with him, so you sit on the wooden chair, pulling your seat in. 
You keep your head down. You don’t want to look at him, too frightened by his presence. And you’re tired, wishing you could just put your head back down and fall back into your slumber. The safest you feel is when you’re asleep, because you can’t feel his hands on you, you can’t hear his bark, you can relax and be free for a moment from the prison you’ve been crudely put into.
When you hear his gentle command, “look at me,” it takes everything in you not to break down in tears. Slowly you look at him; his face is relaxed, he radiates an almost tender composure. But he frowns, and that frown terrifies you almost more than the devilish smirk that bewitches his features right before he pounces at you. The frown shows disappointment, which is the most terrifying of all.
“Why didn’t you eat?”
You shrug. “y/n.” His voice is stern. “Why didn’t you eat?” he asks again. 
“I… I just wasn’t hungry.” You hate how tiny he makes you feel. He tuts, his head tilting slightly. He’s not satisfied with your answer. 
“You’re telling me after three days you’re not hungry?” You nod. “Bullshit,” he spits. You jump as some spit flicks in your eye, and tremble as his hand suddenly grabs yours prying your fist open. “Don’t be a crybaby,” he taunts as tears start to trickle down your face. He places the fork and knife in both of your hands then stands behind you, his hands firmly on your shoulders. 
“Eat,” he demands. 
You shake your head, hiccuping, you can’t control yourself. “Why not?” You don’t answer. Your voice feels trapped in your throat, burning as hot and as painfully as the flames that he possesses. 
“y/n,” he starts. “I’m going to do something you’ll really hate. Unless in three seconds you open your mouth. And eat.”
Your thoughts are going a mile a minute in your little head, that you don’t have time to process the three seconds going by and his fingers snapping forward to tightly squeeze your nose. Your mind is screaming, your mouth tightly held shut, but as you start to suffocate and it becomes unbearable your mouth opens. For a moment as Dabi watched your eyes start to roll back in your head he thought you really were gonna let yourself pass out, but the moment your mouth falls agape he’s shoving with his other hand a handful of food in your mouth. 
Before you can spit it out, he grabs the back of your head and jaw and forces you to chew. You feel yourself choking as you begin to cry, the food being lodged down your throat. You hate it, you hate it, you hate it. You want it to stop so bad, you claw at his hands but that doesn’t stop Dabi from pinching your nose again and shoving another handful in your mouth. 
This goes on for about ten minutes. He puts up with your hollering and force feeds you the food he made for you until the plate is clean. He lets go of your head and you hunch over the table sobbing, holding your stomach. You feel like you're going to be sick. Dabi just watches you; he doesn’t get any pleasure out of this, though usually your tears are somewhat arousing. 
He sighs, pulling up another chair next to you. He starts to rub your back, deciding to ignore how you jump from his touch. He lets you cry it all to you, his palm emitting some warmth which he hopes can bring some comfort. When you stop crying, he grins, reaching up to wipe the salty tears from your face. 
“You didn’t like that, did you?” he asks. You nod. He grabs your chin and forces your head towards him. The grim look he carried earlier had returned as he said, “If you don’t want that to happen again, you better listen to me and eat your damn food.” You nod frantically. “You do this again, I'll force you to eat food out of a dog bowl, and I'll make sure you eat every damn bit. Got it?” You nod. “Smart girl.”
Carefully, he scoops you up in his arms and carries you back to the bedroom. He lays you down on the mattress and tucks himself in behind you, pulling the blanket up to your chin. Wrapping his arms around you, he finally relaxes and falls asleep. You on the other hand for the rest of the night are haunted by the ordeal, quietly crying to yourself, wondering, wondering, what you did to end up in this situation. 
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capseycartwright · 3 years
the hand size prompt or the video game prompt, dealer’s choice i can’t decide 😂😂😂
dealer's choice was the hands, this time (though still v tempted to write the video game one) - comparing hand sizes and intertwining fingers because you’re adorable and we’re a pretty perfect for each other
The sun was slowly setting, but Eddie didn’t want to move – why would he, when he was curled up on a picnic blanket with the love if his life? He couldn’t think of a single reason to move from the borrowed picnic blanket they were lounging on, the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean glittering in front of them, the water like glass, calm and quiet, washed in golden yellow from the setting sun. There was nothing – barring a tsunami, if you could forgive the bad joke – that would get him to move from his spot next to Buck.
Twisting, a little, Eddie propped his head in one hand, lying on his side, so he could admire the long lines of Buck’s body. He was a magnificent man – Eddie had long since known that, but admitting it now, the way he regularly did, freely and appreciatively, felt like the kind of progress he couldn’t have imagined achieving, a few short years ago.
Buck was wearing that orange sweater of his that Eddie loved so much, the colour one that suited Buck’s blond hair so much. He looked absolutely delicious, when he wore it – which was part of why Eddie was sort of glad it was a sweater Buck tended to save for special occasions. Eddie wasn’t sure he’d be able to function, day-to-day, if the sweater was on regular rotation from their wardrobe.
“You’re missing the sunset,” Buck pointed out, gaze still fixed on the rapidly setting sun. “It’s very romantic.”
“I know it is,” Eddie reassured, reaching out, brushing a thumb against the dimple in Buck’s chin. It was cheesy, he knew, but he didn’t mind being cheesy – not with Buck. They’d driven to Northern California for a long weekend away, just the two of them, the first real holiday they’d been on as a couple, and they were ending their third day of four with a sunset beach picnic.
The thing, Eddie had realised, with two people who had never been loved the way they had craved, was that they were forever keen to make sure their relationship was never devoid of what the other needed. This, their weekend away, had ticked all Eddie’s boxes for quality time, and well – the little AirBnB by the seaside they’d rented was allowing them to more than achieve all the physical touch Buck tended to crave. They’d elected to spend as little time on their phones as possible – only staying on so they can keep an eye on Chris from afar – and instead, they’d spent three days eating good food, drinking good coffee, enjoying nature, and being together.
Eddie hadn’t realised how much they’d needed it.
“You’re very sweet,” Buck said, twisting so he was facing Eddie now, the sun watery, orange and pink as it started its final descent beyond the horizon. It was bathing Buck in the most beautiful glow, his eyes wide, and bright as he looked at Eddie, the two of them practically nose-to-nose. “Any reason for it?”
Eddie grinned, at his teasing. “No reason,” he reassured, pressing his hand against Buck’s, their palms warm. “You’ve got really big hands.”
“Mm, so do you,” Buck pointed out. Buck’s fingers were maybe a little longer, but their hands were about the same size – which made sense, really. It’s not as though there was much of a difference between them in terms of height, Buck barely had two inches on Eddie. Buck was definitely heavier – and not in a bad way, he just tended to favour weightlifting while Eddie had long-since been pro-cardio, preferring to run.
“Good hands to hold,” Eddie grinned, closing his fingers over Buck’s, intertwining their hands. They’d been together for a year now – officially year, as of yesterday – and even now, the feeling of being able to hold Buck’s hand felt thrilling.
“True,” Buck agreed, still grinning. “Good fingers, too.”
Eddie pulled a face. “Gross.”
Buck laughed, the sound hearty in the silence of the near-empty beach they were at. “You were not saying that this morning, Eds.”
“Shut up,” Eddie blushed, pushing against their intertwined hands. “Fine,” he conceded, at Buck’s pointed look. “Why are they good fingers?” he indulged, asking the question Buck clearly wanted him to ask.
Buck looked nervous for a second, before his expression settled into something contented, and sure. “Good fingers for a ring,” he said, and Eddie swore his heart stopped in his chest for a second. They’d talked about marriage plenty – openly, even, right from the beginning of their relationship. Buck wanted to get married, and Eddie did too – really, he did – but he needed to work past some of the lingering insecurities left behind by the nuclear disaster his marriage with Shannon had been. And he had, Eddie had done that.
Eddie had never felt more settled, more safe, more secure in his life – and he told Buck that, nearly every day. “Buck,” he managed to breathe, the sunset slowly turning to twilight, not quite dark, but enough that it made it feel like they were the only two people left on the planet. Maybe they were – Eddie wouldn’t have noticed anything except Buck, there and then.
“I have a speech,” Buck admitted. “I – I wrote a whole speech, Eddie, and now we’re just lying here in the most perfect moment, and I’ve forgotten every single word of it.”
Eddie laughed, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes as he squeezed Buck’s hand affectionately. “I love you,” he reassured. “I don’t need a speech.”
“I know,” Buck nodded. “But you deserve one – so just, give me a second,” he took a deep breath in, and out, Eddie watching the rise and fall of his chest carefully. “Eddie Diaz,” he began, and God – did Eddie’s name always sound that good, to his own ears? “You have been the best part of my life for the longest time,” Buck continued. “You made me the happiest person in the world, long before we ever dated – and uh, ever since we got together, I swear, life has been like the best fever dream I’ve ever had. I love you, Eddie – I want to love you forever. So, will you marry me?”
Listen – Eddie tackling Buck into the sand was a fully justified reaction. “Yes,” he breathed into Buck’s mouth, kissing him over, and over again. “God – yes, Buck. Let’s get married.”
(It was hours later, when Buck said it, a ridiculous grin in place as he picked up Eddie’s hand, fingers mimicking a circle around Eddie’s ring finger, where a wedding band would sit. “I should have said,” he began, and Eddie knew something ridiculous was coming. “Could I have your hand in marriage?”
Eddie would blame the way he laughed delightedly on fuzzy, ‘I just got engaged’ brain later. “Shut up, Buck.”)
send me an intimacy in a relationship prompt
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I posted 117 times in 2022
That's 57 more posts than 2021!
102 posts created (87%)
15 posts reblogged (13%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 92 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#redacted asmr - 50 posts
#redactedverse - 45 posts
#redacted audio - 38 posts
#redacted david - 21 posts
#redacted darlin - 19 posts
#redacted angel - 19 posts
#mha - 17 posts
#redacted sam - 15 posts
#redacted asher - 13 posts
#redacted milo - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#and totally wont feel like changing the entire thing i've got so far for darlins pov based on the responses
My Top Posts in 2022:
Let's be honest, when someone you absolutely adore the content of notices the bullshit you post, there is a sense of glee mixed with genuine terror because "Oh my god how did they find me I thought I was invisible"
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81 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
A Little More Warmth
A/n: I’m bored and have writers block for three different WIPs so I’m making a mini fic because one of my friends mentioned something that got me thinking.
CW: Fluff/crack, Typical Angel innuendos, David being a grumpy tsundere, GN and nondescript appearance for the listeners, mentions of alcohol, Sweetheart being their local menace to Milo, Asher and Baabe being flirty to each other, Darlin being stubborn, Sam being a good mate, Arden bullying Christian
Redacted Masterlist
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Angel had thought they were more than prepared for it all. They loved having the pack over because then they could see ‘the mates’. They convinced Davey to buy some beers because trashy beers at a pool party were everything for the aesthetic. Their mate had finished with his yard renovations, which had taken forever in Angel’s opinion, and Angel wanted to show off their new badass backyard. It had taken some time to convince Davey that “yes they should have some of the pack over because it will be an awesome bonding experience and don’t you love me, Davey?” 
He had given in when Angel promised to learn a new dish with him. Well, new for them. David knew how to make everything, despite what he claimed. It was okay, Angel would keep his secret for him, pat pat.
At first, Milo and Sweetheart had shown up. Angel had been overjoyed to see one of their favorite prank partners, which they jokingly called their sneaky link. David always pretended that Angel didn’t exist when Sweetheart and them constantly referred to each other as their ‘sneaky link’ or ‘side piece’ or ‘secondary/third hoe’. Milo just sighed like he had to the weight of the world on his shoulders. It was amazing.
“Side hoe!” Angel exclaimed, launching themselves at Sweetheart. The stealth went invisible for a second by reflex before reappearing and being pushed to the ground through the force known as the alpha’s mate. The department official laughed as their arms wrapped around the other in an embrace.
“Demons and Daemons Angel! You’ve got a lot of energy.” Their whispery voice said. Angel nuzzled against Sweetheart’s chest, not really caring about anything except the fact of pillow. 
“Yeah. Davey,” They could practically hear David’s glare from that. “didn’t tire me out well enough last night I suppose.” They said. Sweetheart bit back a snort and got up while Milo whistled, pretending to not have heard anything. Probably the smart decision. Angel felt a hand close around their bicep help them up. When the hand didn’t let go, they tipped their head back to look at David with a goofy grin. “Hello my handsome and wonderfully awesome mate David Shaw.” 
“Trying to backtrack isn’t going to save you, you little snot.” He said. Angel giggled and twisted to press a kiss to David’s cheek.
“No, but kisses will.”
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
Darlin shook their head, glaring firmly at Sam, who remained in the darkness that the room provided. Darlin stood at the doorway, the hallway light illuminating their profile. Sam was trying not to get distracted by that.
“You said your pack invited you. You might as well go, Darlin. Besides, I’m sure it will be fun.” He tried again, feeling tiredness tug at his bones. This argument, if it could be called that, had been going on since last evening. He loved Darlin, he really did. But god could they be stubborn.
“Just because I said they invited me doesn’t mean I have to go. Besides, it’s going to be awkward there and you can’t come because of the stupid fucking sun.” Darlin said. That had been their argument, paired with nonverbal groans and glaring. While it did warm Sam’s heart that Darlin wanted him around when they were with their pack, he knew it was also important that his partner be with their pack alone. When he was around, they just spent time with him. He enjoyed it, but they needed their pack too. It was a weird mix of emotions.
“Please don’t pick a fight with the sun.” Sam said, trying to get a smile or laugh from the shifter. He failed in that and he sighed. “They’re making a bid for attention, Darlin. If you keep rejecting them every time it’s during daytime, your relationship with them is only going to grow more awkward. Besides, you said it was a pool party, so if you’re just underwater when you’re swimming you don’t have to talk to many people.” Sam regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He could practically see the gears in their head turning. “No you can’t just stay underwater the entire time, you’ll drown.” He said. He tried to keep the weary from his voice, but with his mate it was lecture after lecture. 
“Wasn’t gonna do that.” Darlin mumbled. It was a lie, but Sam just shrugged. “Okay... But I don’t even have a swimsuit. You need a swimsuit to swim, cowboy.” Darlin tried. Sam rubbed his face as he walked towards Darlin.
“Okay, first off you didn’t care about that when I told you not to jump in the pond. Second, you can buy one if you need to. Although I’m pretty sure wearing some kind of athletic shorts or something and a top would still work.” He said. Darlin huffed and Sam could feel their breath against his skin. It still smelled like the smoothie that he had made them a couple hours ago. They had been at his house for the past three days and now three nights. Neither of them had talked about moving in together, but Darlin was doing that thing where they slowly move their stuff into his home, whether knowingly or not.
“I only needed to jump in that stupid pond because-”
“We’re not talking about your excuses, we’re talking about how you’re going to that pool party.” Sam interrupted. Darlin huffed again and reached into the room, flipping on the light switch. It had been on previously, but Darlin had turned it off when Sam denied their request of calling David and saying that they were sick or something. One, because David was terrifying and Sam wasn’t about to lie to him. Or anyone, he wasn’t a liar. Two, because it would be good for Darlin to go so he wasn’t going to offer up any excuse to stop it. His mate was petty at times.
The shifter walked over to the dresser and pulled it open before grabbing one of Sam’s t-shirts.
“I’m going to it, but you have to compensate for the emotional pain I’ll be going through.” Darlin answered before Sam finished the question. He sighed and left it be. It took a bit of searching and help from the vampire before they found a pair of shorts that Darlin could use. “I could just shift to swim. David’s house has a high enough fence.” Darlin pointed out as Sam yawned.
“Wet dog smell.” He said simply with a shrug and earned another glare from Darlin, to which he just laughed it off. If they were genuinely upset with him they probably would just walk away. So considering the fact they were still here he didn’t offend. “You’re going to want a towel too. It’s polite.” He added.
“You would know about politeness, wouldn’t you cowboy? But I’m just going to run home, so there’s no point.” They added. Sam kept his question of whose place was considered home to himself. His brow furrowed as Darlin dropped the clothes on the ground and their fingers hooked under the hem of the shirt they were wearing now. It was also Sam’s now that he looked at it. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as they took the top off to throw unceremoniously at Sam’s face. He caught it and lowered, his eyes sticking to the fabric as Darlin changed. He would like to watch of course, but he didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. Although a few glances were taken. He couldn’t help it when his mate was so breathtaking...
“Changing. I’m not going to bring a bag of shit to David’s house and end up forgetting something.” Darlin said as they slipped into the shorts and kicked their jeans off to the side. Sam sighed and walked over to grab them. “I was gonna pick it up... later...” Darlin said sheepishly as they watched him. Sam only arched a brow.
“Get going already. I’ll see you soon.” He said. Darlin nodded and grabbed their phone from the nightstand. He was pretty sure the battery was dead since they didn’t plug their phone in, but David was bound to have a phone charger if Darlin needed it. 
See the full post
95 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Seeking Company - Shigaraki X Reader
A/n: At long last, I have decided to give a birthday post for the best crusty boy around. It’s short because I have to also start thinking about Bakugou’s birthday post really soon. But next year he’ll get a better one that connects to this one. Kinda like a part 2! I’m sorry shiggy baby!!!
CW: fluff, Shiggy being introverted and kinda awkward because I said so
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Saying you admired the strange man that had taken over the newly named Paranormal Liberation front would be an odd statement to you a few days after he took over. You had seen him sit on that throne and proclaim what the organization would now be like with all his lackeys beside him. You’d seen Re-Destro turn into someone that would grovel at his feet. Although you had always thought that your former leader kind of looked like pinocchio. So maybe this man who wore a hand on his face was better? 
Either way, you sat down with your back to the wall in a hallway, quietly playing some random game on your phone. You didn’t really care what it was. It was just a mindless game to pass the time as you waited for a chance to go home. You had a movie you wanted to watch and leftovers to eat sitting in your fridge. 
“What are you playing?” A raspy voice asked you. You raised your eyes to look at who the voice belonged to, your gaze meeting a scarlet one through the obstructions of a hand placed over his facial features. It was Shigaraki. You looked back down at your phone, exiting the game to read the title of it.
“Plants vs Zombies.” Your first words ever speaking to the strange man. He nodded his head before continuing on his way, one of his lackeys that you didn’t know the name of following him. Your interactions persisted like that. A question and a simple answer. Sometimes it would end right after that, or he would continue with the questions. 
The one time you actually had a full conversation with him that wasn’t about bored curiosity was in early April. You were staying late, doing a favor for a friend and filing away some paperwork and information files. The information was outdated, but it was better to keep data than throw it away. At least, that was the policy from before Shigaraki had taken over. You didn’t know his view on it, but since he hadn’t said to do anything otherwise, you wouldn’t change it. You heard the door creak open and turned your head, being greeted with a familiar sight by now.
“Heya.” You chirped before going back to your task, expecting the normal route of conversation. Of course, it started like that. He moved over to a desk, hopping up on it and sitting down. He placed his feet on the chair, one hand supporting his head while the other rested across his thighs.
“What are you doing?” He asked. You hid your smile as you continued. 
“Finishing some work for a friend. Why?” You asked, shooting back one of your own questions for the first time. You heard him softly chuckle, although it was muffled through the hand. You were curious about that part of his attire. It was a constant.
“Just wondering why you’re here so late. It’s nearly eleven y’know.” You shrugged and turned around, leaning against the cabinet and crossing your arms in front of you.
“Yeah. I know. But if I don’t do this now, it’s gotta be done later. Plus I finished the last episode of my favorite show so I don’t have anything I want to do tonight in particular.” You responded, a smirk on your face. You watched his partially gloved hands carefully fidget with the base of the hand. This was curious. You walked over to him and he straightened, eyes narrowing. “Why do you wear that on your face, Shigaraki? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before without it on. If you took it off when you introduced our new goal and everything I wasn’t looking.” You asked. He sighed and pulled himself further onto the desk, his legs folding in front of him. He let his hands drop into his lap as he looked at you thoughtfully.
“Why do you want to know?” He asked. It wasn’t an answer. You wondered if he often deflected questions with his own questioning. It was clear that he didn’t like talking about himself. Only his goal. You shrugged again.
“Just wondering why.” You answered, partially parroting what he had said earlier. His hand raised again, his forefinger carefully tracing each finger on the hand on his face. 
“Symbolism.” He said simply. You frowned, not understanding. What did he mean by symbolism? Symbolism for what? But he obviously wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Alright.” You said before hopping up to sit next to him. “So what are you doing awake so late then, Shigaraki?” You asked him, glancing over. He raised his face towards the ceiling and you watched his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed before answering. 
“I couldn’t sleep. It’s my birthday today.” He said. You stared at him in surprise. It was his birthday?
“I’m sorry, your what?” You asked incredulously. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“My birthday. Y’know, the day I was born into this world? It’s the anniversary of that.” He muttered sarcastically. You sighed and gave your head a small shake.
“No. That’s not what I meant. I know what a birthday is. I just didn’t know it was today. You never said anything.” You amended. He pushed back some of his white hair.
“Of course I didn’t. Why should I? My birthday is hardly important in the grand scheme of things. We’re almost ready to level up and challenge the main boss.” He said. You bumped his shoulder gingerly with your own, surprised to feel solid muscle. He always looked so scrawny...
“Yeah, but you wouldn’t be able to do that if you weren’t born. So I think that’s something to celebrate.” You said with a grin. “Besides, it’s an excuse to eat cake and get stuff.” He looked over at you boredly.
“Fun fact, I can do that now anyways. I don’t need to wait for April fourth to roll around.” And the sarcasm was back. You frowned at him, crossing your arms in front of you. “Oh don’t pout please. It’s kinda annoying y’know.” He said. You uncrossed your arms and spread out your hands behind you, leaning against the desk.
“Fine fine. But I still think you should celebrate. I love celebrating my birthday.” You answered, closing your eyes as your smile made its comeback. “The singing, and partying, and treats. Plus it’s free stuff when they give you gifts. Who couldn’t love that?” You asked. He scratched at the sore skin on his neck.
“Me. Being around all those people while they’re waiting for a thank you? Nope.” He answered. You got off the desk and moved towards the printer, pulling open the paper container. You grabbed a sheet of it. “What the hell are you doing?” He asked. You closed the container, obligating not to answer. You grabbed a marker and wrote in big letters, ‘Happy birthday, Shigaraki! Your friend, Y/n!’ before you drew random doodles all over the page. You thrusted it towards him, a shit-eating grin on your face.
“There. Happy birthday. I wish I knew ahead of time because then I could actually buy you a card instead of making a crappy one. But next year, you bet I’m going to make you the best birthday celebration ever. And you can choose the people that attend. Deal?” You asked. You looked at him staring at the card before he started to stare at you.
“Yeah. Deal I guess.” Shigaraki replied. 
-----I’ll make a fancy spacer for him some other time and edit it in-----
A/n: I hate this so much. It’s so rushed and shitty. But I wanted to get it out before I accidentally forgot. T-T He deserves better than this. But I’ll give him that next time. Until then, I hope you enjoy this at least a tiny bit. 
124 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Redacted Incorrect Quotes
I have more redacted stuff on my profile in case you're interested, but I can't link the masterlist on this. It's in the pinned post though.
Honey: I can't think when he's around!
Sunshine: Ah, young love.
Honey: No! He's as loud as fuck and I can't form a thought when someone is screaming fucking Bohemian Rhapsody in my ears!
David: Tell me. Do you plan out all the dumb stuff you do? Or does it just come naturally?
Asher, staring at the flaming toaster: I plan, but it never goes how I want.
Brachium: You don't know me?
Elliot: No. Should we?
Brachium: Probably? I mean, I know you.
Darlin: I have a man I think we should kill.
David: We don't kill on personal matters.
Darlin: I know. That's why I'm telling you, because if you agree with me it's a green light.
David: Are you seriously arguing with me about this?
Angel: Yeah. What are you gonna do? Cry?
Darlin: You haven't seen my at my worst, cowboy. And you haven't had a chance to see me at my best yet.
Sam: And I never will if you don't get off the fucking counter with a rubber duck!
Warden: Please tell me you didn't just shove someone off a bridge.
Vega: Listen, they were threatening me. It was self defense!
Warden: You laughed when they hit the water! It was a 50 foot drop!
Cutie: Wow. You're being really stupid.
Sweetheart, trying to see if they can summon Cam with a squishmallow: You're one to talk!
See the full post
221 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I have covid right? Right.
And I'm listening to the redacted sick comfort audios.
And idk why but
David saying "Excuse you?" Is so damn funny to me
I've been rewinding it to that point for the past three minutes to just giggle uncontrollably.
Also it's over for all the Sam simps once we get a sick comfort audio. Can u imagine the southern vamp trying to get Darlin to just "stop a damn minute and rest already would ya?" And "no I'm not going to use my magic to heal ya, Darlin. Your body is trying to tell you to slow down."
"What do you mean you're going to fight God for making you sick? Jesus Darlin, you're sick because you've been trying to fight god."
243 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Father, dear father | JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: JJ always sees his dad when he least expects it
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Word count: 1096
Warning: Mention of violence/abuse
The rumbling of a motorbike resonated outside the chateau as you were piling up empty beer cans into a trash bag to busy yourself - and stop thinking about John B's death penalty sentence. You raised your head up, eyes on the door, knowing who was about to walk in.
''Where were you?''
''I went to see John B,'' JJ replied, the screen door flapping shut behind him. ''Orange doesn't suit him.'' If ithad simply been a joke, you would've laughed, but you knew JJ enough to see through his joke that it was a way to camouflage the emotions he was feeling.
''We're gonna get him out of there,'' you promised.
JJ looked down, nodding. ''I...I saw my dad too.''
You stilled at the mention of the one-who-shall-not-be-named. You hadn't heard from him since the day JJ stole the Phantom. You also hadn't seen his face at the gas station - which you work at - where he usually bought his beer and liquor in a long time.
''I saw him at the prison. He was with other inmates...as in, he is in jail.''
Good. Luke Maybank deserved to rot behind bars of a jail-cell until his last breath for all the shit he did to JJ. He was a thief, drug addict, a drunk and a shitty fucking father.
JJ opened his mouth, but was struggling to get words out. His eyebrows furrowed and water blurred his vision. ''Plumb said I'm gonna end up in jail just like my dad.''
His head hung low and your face twisted into anger. You weren't a violent person, but you wanted to punch her.
JJ had caused a lot of trouble around the island and made himself a name to the local cops. The Pogues often joked that JJ was going to go in jail one day if he kept being so reckless and stupid, but it was all jokes.
Plumb wanted to hurt JJ, she meant those words.
You refused to let him believe her.
Dropping what you had in your hands, you crossed the living room and held JJ's face so he'd look at you. ''You are not your dad, JJ. You're nothing like the shit-head, okay?'' You didn't miss the tears in his eyes as you spoke sternly yet gently. You wanted your words to stick and erase Plumb's. ''You're loving, brave and loyal. You're always looking out for me and your friends, always defending us at any turn. You're all those things your dad will never be.''
You felt his arms wrapping around your middle and you put yours around his neck and shoulders, allowing him to lay his head on your shoulder. JJ's hold was tight, but not so tight you couldn't breathe. You kissed the side of his neck and felt him smile.
When he pulled back, you searched his eyes for signs of tears and wiped it for him. ''You okay?''
JJ nodded. ''Yeah. I just had dust in my eye.''
You rolled your eyes at his bullshit.
He walked back you, heading to the kitchen, and you only now noticed his white shirt - its cuffed sleeves showing his toned arms - and snapback and fucking blue jeans. JJ never wore jeans. He was always in khaki shorts.
Your eyes followed him up and down with thirst. ''Since when do you wear jeans? Did you run out of clothes to wear and stole them from Pope?''
''I had to dress up to see my best friend. It's a special occasion, you know,'' he explained, closing the fridge and cracking open a beer. ''I had sunglasses too. Just wait for the full look.'' JJ put the aviators back on and- Christ.
''Honestly, I don't know if I want you to keep it on or take it off.''
JJ's lips curled at the corner, forgetting about the beer and setting it down. ''I'll make that decision for you.''
You heard a honk and looked ahead, seeing Kiara's dad's truck. Fucking finally.
''Oh, and speak of the freaking devil. Look who it is, the tortoise and the tortoise, just a couple hours late,'' John B pointed out, perched on top of the twinkie.
The van had water to its third by now and you had gotten attacked by an alligator - well, John B did.
''Where the hell were you, guys?'' Pope asked.
''Paternal complications,'' Kie briefly explained.
JJ got out of the truck and went to the trunk, grabbing the rope. ''Luke was at the chateau.''
You frowned. What the fuck was he doing at the chateau? Wasn't he in prison? You didn't say anything in front of the others as they didn't know JJ's dad was in prison.
Later, when it was only you and JJ, you decided to ask.
''How come was Luke at the chateau?''
''He was released for good behavior.'' JJ laughed dryly, having difficulty believing it. ''He busted a window in a pharmacy and stole from the pharmacist so the cops were after him. He hid at the chateau and waited for me so I could help him get out of the island - for good.''
Like always, JJ left some parts out. He didn't tell you the part where Luke had grabbed him from the back, hand over his mouth, as if he was going to kidnap him. Or, that he yelled at him and shook him. Or that he played with his feelings and head.
''H-he's not gonna come back, Y/N. I'm never gonna see him again.''
While it was mostly good that his dad was gone, a part of JJ was sad. He was still his dad.
''Now, all I have is you and the Pogues.'' His voice cracked and you reached out and took his hand, holding it between yours.
It pained you to see him like this. Hopefully, it was the last time Luke was causing his son pain.
''You'll always have me, J.'' You were still young and honestly didn’t know if you’d be together forever, but, at the moment, leaving wasn't in your future plans.
''It was hard watching him leave. Despite all the bad things he did, I love him, you know, in a weird twisted way.''
His old man didn't deserve JJ's love - not even a small part. All his life JJ wished to have a good relationship with his father. He forgave him over and over again; he was always hopeful that one day he'll stop taking drugs and drinking and abusing him. But he never did.
''You’re allowed to love him...even if just a little bit.''
''I shouldn’t.''
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hiraethenthusiast · 3 years
The Hollandairé | t.h.
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pairing: ceo!tom x ceo! reader
word count: 16k+
synopsis: exes cross paths on a big event. will they be able to forget each other's mistakes?
warnings: language, sexual innuendos, mentions of an anxiety attack (if you squint), talks about miscarriage, my favourite angst.
a/n: well, well, well im back from a very shitty writers block! look at me, writing angst with exes? oof. can you tell that i absolutely love angst and makeouts in the end? i was somehow inspired by 'idfc' by blackbear to write this fic lol. it took some time and ofcourse i went overboard with it, so hope you enjoy! don't forget to like and reblog! (i even made a moodboard kinda thing uwuwu)
"Conan I won't hesitate to knee you in the crotch if you don't stop pulling me off this sofa right this second" You tell your roommate, who is desperately trying to get you to go to a gala with him. Being a CEO brings its pros and cons. Pros being, you have a private jet, you're your own boss and you can shout at people with a reason. Cons being, annoyingly nice roommates. You had just shifted to a penthouse in downtown London with your friend Conan, because you refused to stay alone in this bigass house. (You tried living alone once, you were bored to death)
"Conan leave me alone yoo!" You said whining and hunching back into the sofa.
"Get the fuck up and get ready for the launch dude you promised me you wouldn't leave me hanging" Conan shouts over the voice of the t.v. blaring in the background. You pull you hand away from his grip and reach for the remote to shut off the t.v., focusing back on this tall red-headed figure in front of you.
"You know I don't like fancy shit." You grumble.
"It's YOUR fancy shit, get up Y/N." He says and reaches for your arms now, finally making you stand.
"Call Laura, I really don't want to go." You say pulling your phone out from your back pocket and handing it to him.
"If you haven't realised, your manager is the one who forced me to force you to attend the introduction of your fashion line" He fights back.
"- and Y/N. Hey, look at me. You've dreamt of this for how long? Almost all your life. And if you miss the chance to see your empire expand, it's gonna be devastating. You'll obviously miss the fashion show who's got the actual Rudy Pankow walking on a ramp, you'll also miss the opportunity to see people happy with YOUR work. Now get your ass up and get ready." He says and leaves the room, to get ready himself.
It's not that you don't want to go, you really do. Afterall, all of it is your hardwork. But the reason you're not going is because of that asshole. That asshole with whom you used to go out with once, the one who's current goal is to bring you down. The one and only, Tom Holland. You two used to date at some point, the ones who were in love actually, but the rivalry you two have got going on now has lead to you two knowing too much about each other. More than you know about yourself, the other knows it all. Small arguments turned into big ones, that eventually lead to the two of you leaving each other alone. You don't want to go because whenever you meet him, it all turns up into a big mess and your night is typically ruined, and you weren't in the mood for that, atleast not today. He's just a narcissistic bitch who thinks of nothing but degrading you. And that's the reason you don't want to go. Because you know if you talk to him one more time, these banters will persuade you.
But you do realise that you have to go. You have to go because you haven't gone to the last two launches for your perfume and swim line as well, and if you don't go today, Laura will actually end you.
So you just chug all your tea, leaving the kitchen with a grunt to go get ready.
"Hey Marco, can you send in that pantsuit I got done the other day? Look over for modifications if possible, although it looks great in just the solid colour, and please get it drycleaned." You tell your designer over the phone, to which he agreed and you go into your room to get your hair and makeup done.
"Wear a dress to the launch of your fashion line when it gets famous, yeah?"
"Pantsuits all the way Holland, you know I hate dresses."
"I know you do."
You remember the faint memory from over two years ago, that dream actually coming true, just without the person you dreamt it with.
You put your hair in a low bun with a middle part, giving you a classy formal look, and you do a almost non existent makeup look, only your eyes bold to accent with your outfit. Marco drops off the forest green pantsuit at your house, you giving it a twist with wearing a lace corset beneath the blazer.
"I look hot." You told yourself.
You and Conan leave for the event, you fidgeting in between 15 minute durations, Conan reassuring you that he'll be with you until the night ends.
That didn't last long. You lost Conan as soon as you entered the venue, so you occupied yourself with having conversations with other company owners, hearing how they're doing in the industry, blah blah blah.
"Do I look like I care?" You say to yourself.
You move ahead, only to cross paths with the one and only. He was wearing a cherry coloured perfectly tailored suit, adding a hint of Tom with the glasses. He looked good.
"And what do I owe this pleasure, Ms. Y/N?" He says, twirling his champagne glass in his hands.
"Look Holland I really don't have time for this shit, please take a goodie bag on your way home" You say with a bit of sass and start to move away, only to get your arm held back, making you bump in his chest.
"I see you wore the pantsuit you always wanted to wear at your event, angel " He says, making you pull away from him.
"Don't ever call me that again, and this is a warning." You were about to continue further with your answer, but you were utterly shocked to see the person in front of you.
"Is that the Y/N Y/L/N, in person, the one who's way too busy to answer my phone calls?" He says, making you laugh a bit.
"Jaeden?" You say, laughing heartily.
"In the flesh, tigeress." He says, doing grabby hands at you as an indication to pull you in a hug. You oblige and walk towards him and give him the biggest bear hug you've given anyone in two years. You pull back just to hit him on the chest once, playfully ofcourse.
"Tigeress. Oof haven't heard that in a while" You keep your conversation going on with Jaeden, while Tom is absolutely dumbfounded about whatever just happened in these past few seconds.
There's this hot guy named Jason or whatever, who calls you 'tigeress' and you aren't pestering him for calling you with a nickname but you definitely were ready to give Tom a piece of your mind when he called you 'angel'? Who is this guy?
Tom goes off to find Conan, who was situated at the bar downing a shot of tequila.
"Hey who's that guy Jason?" He asks him, pointing towards you and Jaeden in the middle of the hall.
"You mean Jaeden?" He says, biting onto a slice of lemon.
"Yeah whatever who is he?" Tom asks again, turning towards to bartender asking for a glass of whiskey.
"Why do you want to know?" Conan shoots back.
"Just curious. Can you just fucking tell me now?" Tom tries again, getting frustrated now.
"Chill dude. Jaeden used to work with Y/N a long time ago. He had this crush on her for like forever, but then Y/N went in for entrepreneurship and they were just not in contact with each other." He says.
"Crush huh?" Tom says, gripping onto his glass so tight that his knuckles almost turned white.
"Why do you look like you're about to murder someone?" Conan asks, getting concerned.
"Because I might." Tom says, grinding his teeth while forcing a smile.
The night goes by pretty smoothly, for you. You and Jaeden were clinged to each other almost the whole night, and then Tom watching you both from a distance, trying not to snap hard at people. He just took enough of it, he had to do something. He wasn't really sure why was he jealous, 'maybe because you love her' his heart said, but his mind crossing paths with a 'no you don't' in the middle. He was in a dilemma, but was mostly leaning towards his heart's side. He finally got up from his seat and walked towards you.
"Y/L/N." He says, keeping his composure.
"Yes?" You turn around to come face to face with him, laughing on something Jaeden had said.
"Board of Directors want to meet you on third floor. I was going that way only, wanted to inform you." He says.
"Oh okay. Jaeden I'll be back in a few. And tell me about that Mario Kart incident." You say, your laughter dying as you walk towards the elevator, motioning Tom to move as well. You both enter the elevator and you click the button for third floor.
"So Jaeden's a long lost friend, I assume?" He tries to small talk, failing miserably.
"Yeah, I used to work with him a long time back. Why do you ask?" You say, being the nicest you've been to Tom in two years.
"Just making small talk. So, exactly how long ago, you used to work with him?" He tries again.
"A really long time ago." You tell him.
"When we were dating?" He says, hesitating.
The elevator dings and you reach third floor, both of you moving into a very empty hallway.
"Why do you care Tom?" You say, making him frustrated even more.
"Because you're my fucking ex-girlfriend whom I'm worried about because that asshole has a mega crush on you" He says, making you jerk your head towards him.
"How many whiskeys have you had?" You ask him, because he was sounding oblivious that's for sure.
You turn around to open the meeting room to find it empty, making you glare at Tom once again.
"Why the fuck did you bring me up here Holland, where's the meeting?" You say, narrowing your eyes towards him.
"There is no meeting Y/N, the Board didn't show up this year, remember?" He says moving and fidgeting around the room.
"Then why did you bring me up here, dumbass?" That put him over the edge. He starts walking towards you making you take a few steps back, finally cornering you in the room.
"Because that guy is fucking flirting with you Y/N. That guy has been roaming around the whole night with my girl, touching and hugging my girl in front of me and you expect me to keep my calm? Huh? I don't fucking care okay? You're supposed to be mine and I was a jerk who let you go. I can't stand seeing you with other people. What the fuck is wrong with you Y/N, why did you leave me?!" He shouts at you, making your blood boil even more.
You push him back and stand in front of him, glaring as if you were going to rip his head off.
"No Tom, YOU left me, alright? I cried almost every night after that day when you left, and you didn't even have the empathy to give me a call. You, are too self-absorbed, and not me Tom. It was all you. I haven't been to even one of my launches just because I know you'll be there, you'll be there to put me down again. And why the fuck do you care about whom I talk to huh?" You shout at him.
"Why would I come to every single one of your launches Y/N?! To see you! To see the person who understood me more than I did, just to fucking see your face and calm my nerves!" He shouts back. He moves towards you and holds you chin to put your eyes at his eye level.
"Look at me Y/N. Look at me. Did we mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you? Look at me in the eyes and tell me you never loved me. Tell me I meant nothing to you and I'll leave this second. Tell me that this was all a lie." He says, making your eyes water.
"You know I can't tell you that."
"Then why do you keep hurting me Y/N?! You hurt me so much! You left me when I needed you the most! I wanted you and you weren't there-" He shouts again.
"SHUT UP TOM, SHUT UP! Stop it! Stop! Please. Stop." You're crying hysterically now, hunching up in a corner trying to calm yourself down. Tom immediately sees it and runs towards you holding your hands and cradling them.
"Hey, hey Y/N. Look at me, look at me baby. It's Tom. Hey baby. I'm here, yeah? I'm here. Stop crying come on babe, please. Love, look at me. I'm here." He says, now running his hand over your cheeks wiping your tears.
"Go away. Go away from me." Is all you say, which makes his ears perk and brings water to his eyes.
He stands up and moves out of the room, closing the door just to hear you crying again. He sits down on the floor with his back on the door now, crying, waiting for you to say something.
"Please, open the door." He says, bursting into tears and hugging himself with his arms, wishing it was you.
Fifteen minutes pass by and you still haven't said anything. Tom misses you so much, and it was so fucked up of you to leave him like this. He was hurt, but he could never stop loving you. Ever.
"Losing you would be a nightmare that I'd beg to be awaken from everyday." You say opening the door, your eyes blood red, hair disheveled making Tom look at you, whose eyes were blood red too.
"I was pregnant, Tom." You tell him, making his eyes widen and holding your hand for comfort.
"The day-" You clear your throat "The day we fought is when we lost the baby. I was going to tell you I was pregnant that day, but then that happened." You were crying a bit more now, but still held you composure so you can handle Tom from now.
"The argument gave me too much stress and, and it was affecting the baby so as soon as you left, um, my stomach started aching really badly and, and yeah we lost our baby then. That's why I left." You say, you were crying on his shoulder now, intentionally ignoring his reaction because you knew it would hurt him.
"We, we- lost our baby?" He says, a bit shocked but choking on his tears. You remain silent.
"Hey, hey. Listen. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have fought with you. You were already really worried and I just added onto your pressure. I'm so sorry baby I'm so so sorry." He was full-on crying now, he sniffled in your neck because he was too afraid to show his emotions.
"It wasn't your fault Tommy, it was ours." You say, running your hand in his curls. The way you missed his chestnut curls. It was all good again, well atleast you hoped.
Tommy. That always brought butterflies in his stomach.
You talked everything out in the bathroom, while washing your faces and cleaning up. You both understood that everything was going back to normal, just like the old times. One conversation lead to another, and you spent two hours on the bathroom floor just laughing and having gossip.
"It's been a while." You say laughing, looking at your watch.
"Why did you say 'my girl' Tom?" You ask him directly.
"You called me 'my girl' in the conference room. Why?" You tell him, and he instantly remembers that he did do that.
"You're in my head almost everyday Y/N. Even when you're not supposed to be. It shouldn't have been this hard letting go, but it was. I still love you, even if you don't." He says, taking some tissue paper off the counter.
"Who said I don't love you?" You say, making his eyes widen.
"Wha- wh- what are you implying here?" He stumbles upon his words, making you laugh.
"I still love you, you goof."
"Y/N you have to be serious you're making me want things I can't have." He says wholeheartedly.
You say nothing but grab him by his collar and kiss him with full force. After two years, you felt those soft lips on yours again, reminiscing every moment you had missed in these past years. They felt the same, soft and plump, just as if they were made for you. They fit in with yours like a puzzle, that was meant to be solved by these two hearts which were tangled, but now, in a right way. Tom kissed back almost immediately, feeling your lips was like a dream come true. A recurrent dream in his mind. You both pull back to see red and puffy lips and give out a light laugh. He doesn't stop, he keeps leaving peppery kisses all over your face mumbling sweet words again and again.
"I missed you so, so much angel." he says leaving a kiss on your nose.
"I missed you too bubba." you say leaving a small peck on his lips.
"Let's go now, we've been here for almost two hours." You start to move towards the door, but get pulled back by your waist.
"Tell Jaeden to maintain distance, yeah?" He says.
"Or what?" You say in a playful tone.
"Babygirl, I think you've forgotten what I'm capable of." He says, kissing your neck.
"I think I have. And stop kissing me I look shit." You say, laughing.
"I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to kiss you senseless right now." He says leaving another harsh suck on your skin, which can hopefully be covered by your blazer.
"Are you going to eyefuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?" You say, now kissing Tom's sweet spot.
"Finish this event in the next half an hour. I'll see you at my house babe." He says leaving one last peck on your lips.
You both reach downstairs after fixing your makeup and hair, you reach upto the stage and and hold onto the mic.
"Thankyou all for attending the event. We look forward to having more business with you! Don't forget to post something about our line 'The Hollandairé' on your social media platforms and don't forget to tag us! We are, The Y/L/N's thankyou have a good night!"
He listen to you and smirks to himself, because you do do what you say.
"I'm going to name my first fashion line 'The Hollandairé' " You say making a banner with your hands.
"And I'll be right with you then baby" He says, kissing your cheek.
Looks like he kept his promise too.
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tagging some friends whom i think would like to read!:
@hollandslittlekoala @hollandsmushroom @leafy-holland @tomsoxytocin @scarletspideyy @t-lostinworlds
(pls do tell me if you don't want to be tagged further on!)
don't forget to reblog!
ilysmmmm. tpwk y'all!
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