#which have been my no. 1 mortal enemy for YEARS
i was thinking about how people talk about sans having nightmares and that's fine and well and all but like. nobody ever seems to talk about papyrus having nightmares (if at all it's rare, or maybe i just haven't ever seen much of it).
then i got to thinking, in my usual "i-overthink-everything-i-make-eyecontact-with-and-then-some" way, how likely would it be that BOTH of them have nightmares? and if in the same night, what would happen???
which led to this weird headcanon that whenever both of them have nightmares (or just generally can't sleep or whatever) they just watch movies together
shadings kinda broken but ehhhhhhhhhhhhh khgfhfygkhj
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xjulixred45x · 8 months
I could't contain myself guys sorry--
Bro, do you realize how scary it would be to have Vox as a Yandere?
just imagine it. You could be one of his workers, maybe too good at your job, because not only do you do what Vox tells you without asking questions, but you also know what to say and what not to say to avoid a "tantrum" from him. or rather, when his insecurities attack with force like when Alastor returns.
Vox would probably be a somewhat condescending yandere (as seen with Val) but don't think you can't turn tables easily, if you stroke his ego enough, you can have him around your finger. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous for those around you.
He makes the typical 180 degree turn in attitude when it comes to Other Employees and when it comes to You. Damn, you may be the only one of his employees who gets paid vacations (or even vacations) or even birthday bonuses, things like that. He likes to give you his things or products with the excuse that "they are for testing" even if they have already been released on the market.
Vox: who the fuck eat My leftovers!?! WHENEVER WHO WAS I'M GOING TO-
Darling: it was me sir.
Vox:--give You the rest and take You out for lunch, You haven't eaten in the whole day AGAIN, didn't ya?
He definitely avoids conflict with you by hypnotizing you, when he starts to feel hostility, fear on your part or that you want to leave, he makes you "out of nowhere" have "ONE MORE TASK" and you can't help but do what he says.
and IT IS NOT just to avoid fights or for you to leave, it is something CONSTANT (once every two days MINIMUM), although Vox is not worried about your brain turning into mush due to its powers, it always keeps nutritious things in your diet and they come out relatively often , as you have to follow him everywhere.
Eventually he becomes more clingy and needy in this case, it's practically not that he's proposing to you or anything, he's just slowly dragging you into a relationship without you realizing it (because you're not lucid enough). Unless you develop a higher level of tolerance to his hypotonic trick, I don't think you'll notice his Red Flags.
I think it would be ESPECIALLY BAD if Darling is also a Sinner, because then they wouldn't even be able to get out of the pride ring to run away from Vox. leaving you with many fewer options and having to avoid all of Vox's technology, which you could only achieve by 1- going to the Cannibal Legion or 2- going to the Hazbin Hotel.
Running away is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, not only because of his hypnotic trick, but because he literally has EYES EVERYWHERE, on every screen in hell. If you somehow manage to get away with it and run away, Vox would be SO ANGRY and looking for you all over hell with their screens.
Although definitely if you were gone more than a day, he would be more distraught than angry and would begin to despair. Even Val and Velvet would give him a hand because of how bad it would be.
Just imagine, thinking that you finally lost sight of Vox's search drones, without realizing that you stand in front of some store and VOX ITSELF appears on the screens :)
If you made the stupid decision to go to the Hazbin Hotel, Vox would be distraught and would even think that Alastor was somehow holding you hostage, obviously! Why would you go there if you knew his biggest enemy was there? Alastor must be using you as a bargaining chip! How dare he!?
(in this case, fortunately, the punishment is much less severe, but he would definitely monitor you for the rest of your life)
When he eventually gets you back (after a few days or even WEEKS of anguish) expect, first of all, to be in a mortal embrace that lasts AT LEAST 2 days and then receive your "punishment" which would be to be under hypnosis for AT LEAST 1 YEAR to be sure that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
Although calm down! He gives your mind breaks periodically because 1- he doesn't know if that would ultimate mess with your head and 2- it's nice to hear YOU talk instead of the robotic version.
When that year FINALLY ends, you will be a much more obedient, more terrified, sweeter version of You, according to Vox, like a frightened Deer. It was a long and hard process, but the good thing is that you don't have to do anything anymore! absolutely! Just do what he tells you and everything will be fine.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Not one of the Best yanderes to have, but Def not the worst
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
You're My Heaven, Angel (Paramedic Steve x Rockstar Eddie) - Part 2
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 (Coming Soon)
AN: I just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU to everyone who has been so kind and so supportive of Part 1! I hear you and I, too, want to create a whole series based around this idea. It's a lot of pressure following-up something that's so beloved, but I'm going to give it my best!
Robin must secretly hate Steve.
She must be the most incredible actress in the entire world. She must be the most prolific conman that’s in the business of conman-ing people or whatever. She must have made a blood oath with an elder god during a full moon that no matter how many days or weeks or months or years it took, she would one day make Steve Harrington’s life absolutely miserable. There’s no other reasonable explanation for why she insists on taking the scenic route to Eddie’s room - a scenic route which adds on two additional minutes of travel time instead of heading straight down the hallway (which maybe adds forty seconds tops). 
A route which means Steve has to bear two additional minutes of Eddie loudly introducing him to every single doctor, nurse, patient or family member that they come across on the way to his suite. Never mind that Steve’s worked with most of these doctors and nurses for years now, never mind that he actually goes to Sharla’s poker group when he has Thursdays off with the other fifty-something moms on staff (which Robin never ceases to find absolutely hilarious); no, Eddie is all smiles and arm flourishes, loudly – too loudly – proclaiming that they are now in the presence of his angel, his baby, his angel baby, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, his amor, his partner, his husband – 
“Congratulations, Steve! I didn’t know you got married!” Sue laughs as the entire production passes by. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve rolls his eyes. Eddie blows her a noisy kiss before clearing his throat. He takes a deep breath, and – 
“Robin, he’s singing again!”
“I know, dingus, I can hear him.”
Steve turns back, risking a glare at Robin mid-step. “Remind me why we’re going the long way around?”
Robin snorts out a laugh, shit-eating grin firmly in place. “Come on, Stevie, we all need the exercise.”
“ – GET ME TO THE CHURCH ON TIMMMMMEEEE – Stevie? Stevie,” Eddie turns and sighs at Steve and okay, Steve can’t tell if Eddie’s eyes are super dilated because of the probable head trauma or if there’s a weird reflection from the fluorescents, but his eyes are, like, legit sparkling up at him. “Steeeeeevieeeee - ”
“Yep, I’m still here.” Eddie grins, flopping to the side so that their joined hands are resting up against his head. He sighs happily, his feet wiggling under the shock blanket, and it’s not cute Steve stop thinking it’s cute – 
“Steve!” He pulls his eyes away just as the gurney comes to a stop in front of Brenda, one of the intake nurses currently on shift. Brenda’s blonde and cute and ethically non-monogamous, but Steve is more of a one and done sort of guy. That doesn’t mean they don’t flirt like crazy anytime they bump into each other, though. (Hey, he’s gotta stay in shape somehow.)
“Looking good today. Is that a new shirt?” She asks with a smirk, her eyes running over his biceps. (It’s not a new shirt, Robin just ran it through the dryer, so it shrunk. Really, he should have gotten rid of it, but it makes his biceps look amazing.)
“Nah, it’s - ”
He has a line. He has a great line. But as soon as he opens his mouth to speak it, he’s cut off by a very loud hissing sound coming from his left and – 
Yep, it’s Eddie. Eddie, who’s glaring at Brenda like they’re mortal enemies. Seriously, it’s a good thing he doesn’t have laser eyes like that one superhero guy because if he did, Brenda would be at risk of getting too tan.
“MINE!” Eddie snaps at the end of his hiss and then, all while still maintaining eye contact with Brenda, he yanks Steve’s hand to his mouth and licks it. And not, like, a gentle lick that you’d get from a puppy. No, Eddie licks his hand like he’s trying to give Steve a tongue bath.
(His first instinct should be to pull away, but instead all Steve can think about it Eddie giving him an actual full body tongue bath - )
“Dude!” Steve exclaims when he does finally pull his hand away. (He hears Robin snort under her breath, clearly having caught onto the fact that his brain broke at the whole licking thing and shit, now he’s thinking about it again - )
“No, MINE!” Eddie growls, and Steve barely has a chance to wipe his hand on his pants before Eddie is grabbing it back, clutching it between both of his hands like it’s his special or something. (Special, was that the word that the guy used? The little creepy guy in that one movie? He needs to text Dustin and ask.)
“Aww, I’m glad to see you’ve finally met someone!” Brenda teases.
“Uh, yeah,” Steve replies distractedly, trying (and failing) to shake one of Eddie’s hands off of his hand because now that they’re actually at his suite, he’s going to need them. “Brenda, this is - ”
“The concussion patient from Lollapalooza, Sarah clued me in,” Brenda says, snapping her gum. “Eddie, right?”
Eddie pauses from wrestling with Steve to sniff at Brenda and honestly, as someone who spent way too much time at country clubs as a child because of his parents, Eddie has the whole I’m-better-than-you-you-poor-person-wearing-Adidas expression locked down. “That’s Mister Eddie to you, Briony.”
Briony? “Who’s Briony?”
Robin kicks the gurney forward with an eye roll and suddenly they’re moving into the suite. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, dingus.”
Eddie finally manages to tear his eyes away from Brenda. He perks his head up at Steve and once Steve’s face is in his line of sight his expression softens, the sparkles coming back in full force. “And it’s such a pretty head, baby.”
Such a pretty head SUCH A PRETTY HEAD – 
“I’ll show you – ow, Robin, seriously?” Steve yelps at Robin’s pinch.
“Stop being horny and help me get him on the bed.”
“I’m - ”
“Don’t listen to her baby, please, please stay horny, and lose the shirt while you’re at it!” Eddie sits up and starts frantically grasping at Steve’s sleeves. “Christ almighty, these arms, arms of heaven, arms of an angel - ” 
“Steve!” Robin barks and shit, he needs to focus. He takes advantage of the fact that Eddie let go of his hand to grab at his shirt and darts down to the other end of the gurney. They lift on a count of three, placing Eddie onto the bed and kicking the wheeled cart out of the way. (Eddie makes a loud WHEEEEEEEEE sound and then immediately goes back to demanding that Steve get naked.) Sarah, who’s followed the procession the entire time, grabs the empty cart and wheels it out of the room just as Brenda steps in.
“Well then, Eddie, let’s get started on intake,” Brenda nods, bringing out her iPad. “Are you ready to answer a few questions?”
Robin groans and steps to the side, energetically fluffing and reorganizing Eddie’s pillows so he’s seated up. Somehow Eddie is able to lean around Robin’s wide-armed movements and fix Brenda with yet another piercing glare.
Brenda shoots Steve a look before nodding her head at Eddie.
“Hey, uh, Eddie, we really need to ask you a few questions - ”
“Hand!” Eddie snaps to look at Steve and sticks his hand towards him. He wiggles his fingers a few times before making a grabby motion. “Hand!”
It’s not cute. It’s totally not cute.
Steve sighs but walks back around from the foot of the bed and places his hand gently in Eddie’s. Eddie links their fingers and squeezes tightly. “Uh, how about now, is now okay to ask a few questions?”
Huffing, Eddie looks at their fingers for a few moments before looking upwards at Steve. Their eyes meet and he grins. “Hi angel,” he lets out a pleased sigh. “I missed you.”
Don’t say it don’t say it DON’T SAY IT - 
“I missed you too, Eds.” 
“Awwwww, my little schmoopers are being all schmoopy-moopy!” Robin sings in her best baby voice. (That’s it, he’s eating the rest of the Chunky Monkey.)
“I’m eating the rest of the Chunky Monkey.”
“Uh, like fuck you are.”
“I'd rather have you eat me,” he hears Eddie whisper and yeah, okay, that’s one he’s just going to choose to ignore for the sake of what little sanity he has left.
“Right, okay,” he hears Brenda try to get things back on track. “About those intake questions - ”
“Oh, don’t worry Nurse Brenda,” the lilting voice of Dr. Suzie Henderson floats into the room. “I can take it from here.”
Steve turns just in time to see Suzie strut into the emergency suite. She shoots Brenda a grateful nod and Brenda, with one last wink to Steve, hands her iPad off to Suzie and heads out of the room. 
“Bye Steve!”
“Bye Brenda.”
“Yeah, bye Brittany!”
Suzie has the best laugh in the world, and she lets it fly on her walk over. “Hey Steve,” Suzie grins at him as she makes her way towards the foot of Eddie’s bed. “How are things going today?”
“Oh, good,” Steve replies quickly before turning to look at Eddie. “Eddie, this is Doctor Suzie Henderson, she’s my sister-in-law.”
Eddie slowly scooches his butt backwards so he’s sitting up more. “No, she’s our sister-in-law,” he huffs before turning and smiling at Suzie. “Hey sis!” 
“And you must be Eddie! I heard you were thinking about marrying into the family.” She lets out a quick giggle at those words but then clears her throat and throws her shoulders back. “Well, if you are serious about joining our Steve in holy – or unholy – matrimony - ”
“Fuck yeah,” he hears Eddie whisper.
“ – then I’m going to need you to answer a few questions.”
“Proceed, milady.” Eddie starts gently caressing Steve’s hand with his fingers. Steve shoots a look at Robin, who makes exaggeratedly sappy faces while glancing between Steve and their intertwined fingers.
(Forget the Chunky Monkey, he’s eating all of the ice cream they have left tonight.)
“Full name?”
“Edward Anthony Munson.”
“Name of your emergency contact?”
“Oh, that would be Uncle Wayne and Chrissy! Baby, you’re going to love Wayne,” Eddie says, turning to gaze lovingly up at Steve. “And he’s going to love you! Not as much as I love you though, that’s impossible.”
(Steve’s pretty sure that Bambi eyes here is the impossible one.)
“Great, is Wayne and Chrissy’s contact information in your medical file?”
“Uh huh,” Eddie replies dreamily, still gazing at Steve. 
“Okay, speaking of your file,” Suzie taps at her iPad, “any major events in your medical history that we should know about?”
He can feel it on his face, he can feel his stupid grin on his stupid face, but he chooses to instead focus on helping Eddie pay attention. “She wants to know if there’s major health events in your past that we need to know about, Bambi.”
“BAMBI?!” Robin squeaks after Eddie.
Shit shit SHIT -
“I mean - ”
“Bambi,” Eddie hums, blinking rapidly as he slumps back against his pillows. Once he's settled, he tosses his free hand across his forehead and moans happily. “He loves me. He loves me, he loves me, HE LOVES MEEEEEE - ”
“Oh my god that was amazing, I have literally never seen you this red, you look like an actual tomato. Oh my god, I have to tell Nance, like, now.”
“Right, yes, okay Bambi,” Suzie interrupts with a snicker, “like Steve said, is there anything we need to know?”
“Well, we’re in love,” Eddie sighs, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Stevie’s hand. “I think I’m still a little high but it’s only weed, I’ve definitely stopped doing cocaine since, like, five months ago. No need to worry about that, angel,” Eddie pats the top of Steve’s hand.
“Yeah, no, I definitely won’t worry about that.” (He’s definitely going to worry about that.)
“Well, thank you for your honesty, Eddie. I’m going to take a closer look at your files once we get them just to get a better picture of your overall health before we run our tests. Now, second set of questions,” Suzie loudly taps and drags a new window on her tablet open. “What is your annual income?”
(Huh. That’s weird. Steve’s doesn't think he's ever heard any of the nurses ask that question before.)
Eddie snorts out a laugh. “God, I make so much money. A fucking stupid amount of money.”
���You have something in way of a retirement plan then?”
“Doc, I could retire for, like, the next five hundred million years.”
Susie hums as she makes a note. “Do you have anything against sharing resources with your romantic partner?”
(Okay, Steve definitely hasn't heard anyone else ask these questions before.)
“Nah!” Eddie scoffs before gently tugging on Steve’s hand to get his attention. “You’ll be the hottest trophy wife, babe. Do you have an apron? I’m going to buy you an apron.”
“And what are your feelings on children?”
“Kids? I love kids. Is he good with kids? I bet he’s good with kids,” Eddie rushes out. “Fuck, you’re going to look so hot pregnant, baby.”
Robin makes a loud barfing noise which Suzie naturally ignores. “What exactly are you looking for in a relationship?”
“Suzie - ”
“Him! My angel,” Eddie slumps to the side so he’s leaning up against Steve’s hip. “I want to wrap him up in a warm towel and keep him forever and make sweet, sweet love to him under the - ”
“OKAY, next question please,” Robin loudly cuts him off.
“So what you’re saying is you’re looking for a committed relationship with Steve,” Suzie ignores Robin's dramatics. “Are you prepared for lifelong monogamy?”
“Suz - ”
“And you’ll work every day to be deserving of Steve?”
“For the rest of my life,” Eddie proclaims and fuck, he actually sounds serious. He actually looks serious too.
Suzie quietly observes him for a moment before her face relaxes into a warm smile. “I believe you. Now, dealbreakers. What are your opinions on outdoor weddings? Steve gets scared in churches.”
“What?!” Eddie gasps, snapping back to Steve.
“SUZ – what, no, I’m not afraid of churches - ”
“Uh yeah you are, you said that every time you visit one you get nightmares about being sacrificed on an altar,” Robin chimes in.
“Gee, thanks, Robin.”
“Baby, baby, don’t worry, I’d never let them sacrifice you,” Eddie tries to comfort Steve, but everything that’s happened in the last thirty seconds – hell, the last thirty minutes – is starting to finally sink in and yeah, okay, there’s an obscenely hot and rich and famous rockstar telling Steve that he loves him and sure, he’s partially concussed but the joke isn’t ending, he’s acting like he’s serious and they’ve only exchanged like maybe twenty words total but he’s acting like this is actually happening and what if it actually could – 
“Shoot, we’re going to have to wrap it up here, loverboy,” Robin waylays his runaway thoughts as her beeper goes off. “We’ve got a fainter with a broken nose."
“Okay, okay.” Steve shakes his head and tries to gently extract his hand from Eddie’s grasp but Eddie lurches at the feeling of Steve moving his hands and whines, digging his finger into Steve’s hand.
“Eddie, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to get back to work.”
“But – no, angel, please,” he blubbers before turning his eyes on Steve and –
Oh no.
They’re even bigger and shinier when he’s crying.
“I’m sorry, Bambi,” he replies totally deliberately, “but I’ve got to go finish my shift. I’ll come back when I’m done, okay?”
Eddie sniffles, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “Promise?”
“Okay,” he whimpers sadly, and – look, this joke isn't really joking anymore so if Eddie's gonna go all the way, he might as well go all the way too.
He leans forward and presses a quick kiss to the top of Eddie’s head. “Be good for Suzie, okay?” As he draws back, he glances back down at Eddie. Eddie is blinking dazedly at Steve, all glassy-eyed and rosy.
“Wow,” Eddie whispers, and while the smile that appears on his face is small, it’s the warmest one Steve has seen yet. “Whatever you say, baby.”
“Right, right.” Steve nods and then pivots, making a hasty retreat out of the room.
“Later, Bambi,” Robin sings behind him, and then she’s quick on Steve’s heels. The hall’s crowded, though, so they aren’t fast enough to escape the start of Suzie and Eddie’s conversation. 
(“So, outdoor wedding? Maybe in spring?”
“Can it be in Hobbiton?”
“Uh, it better be in Hobbiton!”)
“I’m kinda surprised to see you staking your claim already, dingus,” Robin says, thrusting the portable gurney mat into Steve’s arms as they walk. “I was worried I’d have to make you.”
“I shouldn't have done that. I mean, he’s a patient, Robin!”
“Not anymore, he’s not!” Robin gently bumps his hip. “He's not your patient anymore so now we need to start planning your next move. I mean, he’s obviously going to say yes when you ask him out, but it still needs to be smooth.”
“What – I’m Steve Harrington, I’m always smooth.”
Robin is purposely silent.
“Okay, first of all, rude,” he says after giving her plenty of time to politely agree. “Second of all, even if I did decide to make a move, there actually isn’t a guarantee he’d say yes. Even if he wasn't just doing this because he's heavily concussed, I’ve hardly talked to the guy!”
“I know, he has no idea how much of a dork you are, it’s great.”
Steve offers Robin a hand as he climbs into the ambulance. (Not without shooting her a look once they're both seated, of course because again, rude.) 
Robin shrugs Steve's frown off. “Look, dingus, I know you think that you have all these great lines or whatever - ”
“Uh, I don’t think, I do have them - ”
“ – but they’re, like, obviously lines. Whatever you say to him has to be more real. He needs to know that if he says yes, he’s going to be going on a date with a guy that has the ooiest, gooiest, squishiest little itty bitty heart!” She squeezes her hands together like she’s holding Steve’s heart in her hands (which definitely isn’t concerning given the fact that she’s technically a medical professional who knows just how vulnerable that particular organ is.)
“Robs - ”
“ITTY BITTY!” She kisses the tips of her fingers. “And that’s why we gotta plan, doinkus. Edward Anthony Munson needs to be constantly conscious of the fact that he’s dating the best guy on the entire planet because you are, Steve, you are the best guy on Earth and you deserve a Prince Charming even though the Prince Charming archetype is totally outdated and part of a patriarchal initiative to establish systematic gender dynamics - ”
Well, shucks. Maybe Robin doesn’t hate him after all.
“ - doesn't exist, its still what you deserve. But more importantly than that, if Eddie does start dating you, then I have a better shot of getting him to introduce me to Chris Hemsworth.”
“Chris Hemsworth?"
“Uh, yeah.”
"Chris Hemsworth - Chris Hemsworth? Out of every famous person Eddie could hypothetically introduce you to, you'd want to meet Chris Hemsworth?"
"Well, yeah," Robin takes a brief sip of her water before shooting Steve a playful smirk. “I mean, as great as you are, I wouldn't be opposed to upgrading my emotional support himbo.”
Never mind, she’s evil incarnate.
(And she’s going to be out of Chunky Monkey in about five hours.)
Tags list: @piratefishmama @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @noxturnallyevermore @little-trash-ghost @justforthedead89 @mmmmwaffles94 @omletlove @lostonceandneverfound @sweetwaterangel @punctualhowell @sapphirecobalt-1 @kedtheduck @lunesispunk @mrs-dr-reid @clockworkballerina @stayonmars @maya-custodios-dionach @kahri1 @renaissan-vvitch @xwildangel @sweetarts116 @musical-theatre-gay @ladylokilaufeyson5 @ellietheasexylibrarian @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @designatedgrape @steddiesoulmates @starlightshadowsworld @inmoonywetrust @hellfire--cult @singmeyoursimpsong @sleepdeprivedflower @loserhotline @m-owo-n @magpiemuseum
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seonghwaddict · 1 year
EYES DON'T LIE — i. heat, physics and jeong yunho.
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synopsis. you've always resented jeong yunho, and you were positive that the end of high school would've marked the end of your rivalry and hatred. yet now you find yourself in the same crappy hotel as him. assigned to be right next to each other much like the good old times. pairing. jeong yunho x fem! reader. genre. mini-series, fluff, slice of life, mature, academic rivals to lovers, non-idol au. chapter warnings. mentions of infidelity, immature teenagers, swearing. word count. 0.7k
playlist. chapter ii.
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if you were asked to list three things you hated, it would have been the following:
1. heat
2. physics
3. and jeong yunho
first, it started with you two being in the same class for the entirety of elementary, middle and high school. you were an exceptionally hard working student; top of the class in every subject.
because jeong yunho was just always equally as good as you. he just had to be. it’s not like either of you were first or second place. it was a shared space at the top. it was the most annoying thing. you hated it, but most of the time you refused to let it bother you. sometimes you thought about him too much, thinking about how if it weren’t for the constant arguing and you weren’t so petty, you could’ve been great friends. perhaps more.
unfortunately though, it seemed like his mission was to be a cocky smartass who just had to annoy you every chance he got.
like in chemistry class, you two were paired up out of a coincidental and greatly unlucky wheel of names spin. and he just wouldn’t stop taunting you.
“i think you’re doing that wrong.”
“one more word out of you and i’ll break this beaker with your face.”
“as if you could reach.”
“jeong yunho, if you don’t-“
or that time when you were assigned to sit next to each other in english for a full year. one day you walked in looking positively murderous because you hadn’t slept in three days. and he just wouldn’t mind his own business.
“damn, were you run over or something? who hurt you?”
“you. 5th grade spelling bee where you beat me by one word.”
“no, of course not… actually maybe partially.”
or of course the times where’d you’d spit immature jabs at each other for no particular reason.
“you look stupid with your hair like that.”
“your lips are chapped.”
“stop looking at my lips, idiot.”
“i would but they’re so dry they might compare to your social life, it’s painfully hard to ignore.”
but then things got slightly more serious.
despite you warning her, your best friend started dating your mortal enemy jeong yunho in junior year. it wasn’t a surprise to you when they broke up and she came running to you, crying and stuttering out about how he absolutely broke her heart.
about how their three month long relationship came to a stop when he drunkenly admitted to cheating on her. multiple times. with different girls.
after that, any respect you had for him which wasn’t much anyway disintegrated into nothingness. though you did talk shit before, now it was a lot more frequent.
you found yourself and your best friend going on and on about how insufferable he was. how much you both despised him though you were usually the one throwing in more and more points.
to you, it was justified and perfectly valid.
he broke your friends heart, and soon after, you also heard about the things he’d say about you. spitting shit about how you thought you were “soooo much smarter than him” which you were and how you were “so obsessed with him” which you definitely weren’t.
you were more than relieved when twelfth grade came to an end. nothing could’ve ruined your day not even when the devil himself jeong yunho sauntered up to you with a cocky smile. you barely spared him a glance, even when he brought up the fact you were each other’s co-valedictorian—a title your school had come up with because they genuinely couldn’t choose who deserved it more.
after the ceremony, the two of your had to stand together for almost half an hour, receiving flowers and congratulations from teachers and parents alike. but, alas, before you knew it, it was over.
all the prolonged eye-contact and glares from across the classroom. all the accidental run-ins during your free periods. the heated yelling during debate club. analysing and picking him apart to find flaws, just to realise there weren’t any. the bickering. the frustrating and borderline flirtatious comments he’d make any chance he got.
it was all over and you’d never have to see him again.
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playlist. chapter ii.
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[ lilo's notes . . . ] and there is the first chapter. i hope you guys enjoyed this :)
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thefirstknife · 11 months
New article with more details (from Jason Schreier who first broke the story). If you can't see it, I'll copy the whole text under read more.
About 100 employees were laid off in total (8%) and one of the main reasons listed is "underperformance," "sharp drop in popularity" and "poor reception of Lightfall."
So you know when for the last year and a half content creators have been shitting and pissing on the game as a full-time job and the amount of negativity and ragebait content became the only thing to make content about for them? Well they certainly won't take the blame, but I will let it be known. These people either don't understand the influence they have or they do and they're doing it on purpose, and I don't know which of these two options is worse, but I am 100% confident that their campaign of rage and hate contributed to this.
You don't base your entire community around constantly hating everything about the only game you play (despite clearly not enjoying it anymore) and somehow avoid galvanising thousands and thousands of people into perceiving the game negatively. Imagine being employees who have barely worked there for 2 years and the only community reception they've seen is 24/7 hate train for their work and then they get fired because of "poor reception" and "drop in popularity." How can they not take that personally? I am absolutely devastated for these people who delievered a banger product and who were met with an unrelenting barrage of toxic gamer children which ended up having more sway over their boss than them.
Which brings me to the next bit and that's FUCK THE CEO. He is now my mortal enemy #1. I am projecting psychic blasts directly into his brain. What an absolute spineless coward who is more willing to bow down to fucking gamers than to protect his own employees. This is absolutely rage inducing because this has happened before. From the article from 2021 about the toxic culture at Bungie:
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Reading this shit from the new article absolutely fucking sent me into blind rage because I immediately remembered this. Another instance of employees suffering because of comments on reddit. And because of toxic players. And proof that leadership is not protecting employees and is instead siding with players.
Match made in heaven. Asshole gamer content creators and asshole CEOs, all of whom sit at home on piles of money made from someone else's labour. I hope they all explode. None of the people that worked on this game deserve this.
Another article with an infuriating comment from the CEO:
In an internal town hall meeting addressing a Monday round of layoffs that impacted multiple departments, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons allegedly told remaining employees that the company had kept “the right people” to continue work on Destiny 2.
"Kept the right people." Really. Veteran composers weren't the right people? Die!
Bloomberg article in full:
Bungie’s decision to cut an estimated 100 jobs from its staff of about 1,200 followed dire management warnings earlier this month of a sharp drop in the popularity of its flagship video game Destiny 2. Just two weeks ago, executives at the Sony-owned game developer told employees that revenue was running 45% below projections for the year, according to people who attended the meeting. Chief Executive Officer Pete Parsons pinned the big miss on weak player retention for Destiny 2, which has faced a poor reception since the release of its latest expansion, Lightfall. The next expansion, The Final Shape, was getting good — not great feedback — and management told those present that they planned to push back the release to June 2024 from February, according the people, who asked not to be identified because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly. The additional time would give developers a chance to improve the product. In the meantime, Parsons told staff Bungie would be cutting costs, such as for travel, as well as implementing salary and hiring freezes, the people said. Everyone would have to work together to weather the storm, he said, leaving employees feeling determined to do whatever was needed to get revenue back up. But on Monday morning the news got worse: Dozens of staffers woke up to mysterious 15-minute meetings that had been placed on their calendars, which they soon learned were part of a mass layoff. Bungie laid off around 8% of its employees, according to documentation reviewed by Bloomberg. Bungie didn’t respond to requests for comment. Employees who were let go will receive at least three months of severance and three months of Bungie-paid COBRA health insurance, although other benefits, such as expense reimbursements, ended Monday, sending some staff racing to submit their receipts. Laid-off staffers will also receive prorated bonuses, although those who were on a vesting schedule following Sony Group Corp.’s acquisition of Bungie in January 2022 will lose any shares that weren’t vested as of next month. The layoffs are part of a larger money-saving initiative at Sony’s PlayStation unit, which has also cut employees at studios such as Naughty Dog, Media Molecule and its San Mateo office. TD Cowen analyst Doug Creutz wrote in a report Monday that “events over the last few days lead us to believe that PlayStation is undergoing a restructuring.” PlayStation president Jim Ryan announced last month that he plans to resign. Many of the layoffs at Bungie affected the company’s support departments, such as community management and publishing. Remaining Bungie staff were informed that some of those areas will be outsourced moving forward.
#destiny 2#bungie#long post#and like i don't care what's anyone's opinion on lightfall. it doesn't matter#the expansion is fine. there's some bad shit in there as there is in every expansion#literally nothing on this earth was so bad to deserve the amount of vitriol that lightfall got#it was purely motivated by hate and rage from people who have clearly lost their interest in the game a long time ago#no one else normal enough would respond even to a weaker expansion this way. and lightfall wasn't even weaker#literally nothing ever released in destiny deserves to have comments bad enough to end up affecting employees#there's been some bad expansions/dlcs/seasons. whatever. none of them were like... gollum level. not even close#people genuinely treated lightfall like it personally killed their dog. it was insane. the reaction to it was insane.#it stemmed from people who should have stopped playing a long time ago and stopped being content creators for one game#i can't even properly explain just how long and tireless the ragebait content campaign for destiny has been#opening youtube and seeing 10 videos in a row of just complaining and bitching#opening twitter and seeing thousands upon thousands of posts and comments dedicated solely to hating the game#imagine being an employee trying to maintain some communication with the community#hippy was relentlessly bullied by people I've seen suddenly lamenting that she was fired. you caused this#they will never accept even a miniscule portion of the blame for this ofc. they will just keep claiming they don't have that influence#but they do. it's been proven years ago. in the same way#community comments DO reach devs and community comments DO influence what happens to them and the game#'the event is bad' 'meta is bad' 'pvp is bad' 'raid is bad' 'story is bad' stop playing. no longer asking.#it's a video game. if you hate it stop playing. you don't have to justify it to hundreds of thousands of people and take them with you#especially when it leads to employees taking the fall#so to all content creators who are appalled and baffled after spending 2 years hating the game: you did this.#and to the ceo even more: explode into dust and be forgotten
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wylanzahn · 1 month
New-ish post, kinda posting this on different platforms and getting a general vibe check for some ideas I have. But basically this Halloween I want to actually do something for the TTRPG and Actualplay world (oh yeah I’m into those kinds of things). I want to try and get both players, GMs, and casual viewers alike something fun to look forward to this especially spooky season. I’ll probably talk a little more when we get closer to the actual season of scare-giving but just know that if you’re interested I’m still looking for people to join in!!
As my team and I’d first debut we’re going to try and do a two to four session actual play, which will probably be released in the weeks leading up to Halloween. We’ve had a couple good friend way in on the matter of “setting” but now I come to you fine folk. Mind you this is a horror campaign/arc so if…
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Isn’t your thing, keep on a moving.
But without further ado here are a couple of the possible settings for our players, and myself, this coming espookee season…
1.) Somewhere off the coast of Florida, 1926 end of the first major housing boom in the state, a small island which calls back to the Spanish Empire, is Isla Boñyela, a small port made tourist location during the boom of disposable wealth in 1920s America. A small group of friends from the northeast tag along down for the perfect paradise vacation. Only to discover the island is much much older than anyone could have ever assumed. Whilst dealing with upstart gangsters, unnerving US soldiers, and the terrified locals they find something older than even undead conquistadors.
While I don’t have a working title, this is an old project in the running which I’ve had a few attempts at revamping over time. Its previous title was “perfect paradise vacation,” and runs on the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game. Anywho it’s a blast of fun with Caribbean lore, tone of anti-imperialism, and something dark lurking beneath the waves.
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2.) 1950’s America, the nonexistent state of Mid-Atlantia (DMV coded) in a small suburban neighborhood where nothing goes wrong… it’s almost “All-Hallows-Eve” and little Johnny and Susie want nothing more than to trick or treat this year with all the big kids, Dad’s finally getting the big promotion at work, and Mom just got a new waffle iron! Sure everything is neat here in America. Heck you just got new neighbors! Newlyweds in fact from somewhere big and fancy, they sure aren’t like any of us in our simple town. But… and you can’t say exactly why but things are different. Or perhaps they’re all too the same? Everyday a repeat of ever other bland day that followed you over and over and over and over… and you could swear, while no one may listen to you there’s someone out there. Stalking you from outside your own home- or- perhaps, he’s just your friendly new neighbor welcoming you… to the end.
Ahhhhhh! I’ve also been working on this one for a sec and god writing it out does excite me. This is also a Call of Cthulhu game but modified/homebrewed to have a uniquely 1950s horror feel. This is definitely one of the more unique games I’ve written and am truly interested in seeing where it goes (even if we don’t choose it). This is for those who feel like isolation, fear of the unknown, fear from within, and liminal space horror comes best into play! So whadya say neighbor?
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3.) The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, or How I Learned to Love Strahd, okay so this one is a lot less horror-y and falls much more under the comedic spooky category, just so yall know. Deep in the middle of Barovia, the ancient kingdom of Vampires, meets a council of Count Strahd von Zarovich's greatest commanders and lieutenants to hunt down Strahd's greatest enemy Rudolph van Richten and his party of heroes known as "The Grape-Smashers." Strahd's lieutenants have been gifted powers greater than any mere mortals, but are these gifts enough to stop Van Richten, or even enough to stop the personal ambitions of each other? Come find out in "How I Learned to Love Strahd."
Okay, as much as this may seem like a joke suggestion it cracks me up and I feel like it would be ill-advised of me to not at least mention it. In an era where "The Curse of Strahd," is well-overdone at this point, it's worth a take from an all evil "revenge story." Obviously this will be in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, which, in my opinion, is really hard to use for horror, but this is a nice go-around. Come for the evil PCs, maybe a PvP battle or two, and a game of intrigue in the shadows of Barovia! All that and a buff Van Richten.
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4.) Before Annapolis was ever called such it was known as Providence, a settlement of exiled Puritans in the Province of Maryland, but these early days were no easy set-up for the far-flung protestants... in the mid 1600s the English Civil War spilled out into their holdings across the waves as brother turned on brother, clan erasing clan, and something from the shores of the Old World would arrive in the New. When around every corner could be someone you've known your whole life, what's stopping them from hunting you in the depths of winter. All matters made worse when rumors of a witch begins circulating your small home.
Think "The VVitch" (2015) meets "A Field in England" (2013) meets Atun Shei's recent film "The Sudsbury Devil" (2023). It is the unexplored wilderness of early colonial Maryland, but the hateful warmongering that slowly builds that makes the horror and tension so clear. Unsure of what system we'll be using, but maybe the new Regency Cthulhu system.
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5.) The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 destroyed some 140 Acres of Baltimore proper... and in it's rubble awakened something far worse. But you and your fellow survivors are just trying to get by in the aftermath of the fire... only for something to call out, whether some strange magicks or perhaps just a sickness... but sickness doesn't even linger like this... it doesn't call to you...
Some more local history, aspiring from the actual Fire of 1904 things quickly devolve from there as rumors of a cult begin to spread along the streets of Rosland Park... a mysterious illness leaving even more dead... and the death of an eclectic professor. Definitely using the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition for this one.
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Aaaaaaaand that's it! Let me know what y'all think!
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Somehow Palpatine Returned
Ok I had a hilarious thought and I need to share it with all of you. I don’t normally venture into the Sequels, for all that I have been a FinnPoe and a FinnPoeRey shipper for years, or into anything close to canon,  but I want to share this with you. 
Picture if you will the moment where Poe is telling the audience that ‘Somehow Palpatine has returned’. Ponder for a moment Obi Wan Kenobi, in the Force, at that moment. The look on his face. 
We are going with, somehow, Palpatine managed to hide his real identity from the Force Ghosts so they did not know he was still alive. 
We are also, from my own personal headcanon, going with the idea that Obi Wan severely dislikes (as close to hate as he is capable of) Palpatine and has for almost fifty years at this point.  Like 90% of the horrible things that happened in Obi Wan’s adult life can be traced back to Palpatine (both directly and indirectly).
At the moment that Poe reveals that Palpatine is back, in the Force Obi Wan starts swearing. He starts swearing in every language he knows. He starts mixing languages in his swears. He starts inventing new curses and new languages to be able to express his displeasure at the news. 
Obi Wan Kenobi is about ready to materialize into the mortal plane for the sole purpose of ripping Palpatine’s arm off and beating him with it (in a way that violates all manner of physics and Force). 
Slightly to the Left of Obi Wan, Anakin Skywalker is staring at his grandson in mild horror going ‘why are you…this’. 
The Force starts manifesting people to calm Obi Wan Kenobi down (For fear that Obi Wan will break…everything). First Force Sensitives and Jedi he cared for, then Clones, then non force sensitives, even a few old enemies.  
Note 1: Maul appears at one point and screams ‘Kenobi’ for a really long time, to the point that everyone else (other than Obi Wan) looks at him. He shrugs and goes ‘I just wanted to get your attention’ then goes to sit down next to Satine so they can both score Obi Wan’s curses while splitting a bottle of Force Wine. 
Note 2: Maul and Satine have a weirdly cordial relationship for being a pacifist government official ex girlfriend of a Jedi and the Sith Warlord that murdered her in front of said Jedi, but they have found in the afterlife that they both get joy from the face Obi wan makes when they argue about something inane with him. Also they may be each scoring Obi Wan’s swears (with the occasional addition of Yoda, Dooku, Ventress, and Padme) but they are using different metrics so their scores are vastly different at all time (Maul is scoring on Creativity, Violence, and the number of organs violated; Satine is scoring on creativity, number of languages used, how poetic/rhythmic, and how well it translates into basic).
A battalion's worth of clones are arrayed around Obi Wan, taking notes. Quinlan Vos appears and vanishes in rapid succession as he helps to calm then egg Obi Wan on (at which point the Force yanks him away only to be convinced to put him back). Cody tries to calm Obi Wan down for precisely three minutes, then he realizes what has Obi Wan so steamed. At that point he goes ‘no this reaction is completely valid’ and starts discussing how one would make some of those curses a reality (as they do violate physics, the Force, and human structural integrity. Also Palpatine does not even have some of those organs) with Qui Gonn Jinn, who is deeply amused but happy to bond with his pseudo son in law. 
Plo Koon wanders through and announces that he is adopting all of the new stormtroopers both dead and living (in the mortal plane Finn, Rose, and others suddenly get the feeling that they have been absconded with and have no idea why). 
In one corner Anakin, still despairing over Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and his life choices, is having an ongoing yet supremely awkward family reunion with one or more of the following at any given point and time: his wife, whom he had a hand in killing; his daughters adoptive parents, whom he helped murder; his daughter’s husband, who he tortured, froze in carbonite, and sold to a bounty hunter; and his step brother and step sister in law that rose his son on a planet that Anakin hated, whom he only didn’t torture because he never remembered they existed; Assorted Jedi who he had been close to, whom he might of had a hand in murdering.
That one corner has so much passive aggressiveness that it is insane.  A lot of Anakin asking out loud why Kylo Ren is…like that with one or more of the previously listed people going ‘Maybe if his grandfather didn’t become a Sith, Ben wouldn’t have gotten the idea’. Which is both slightly unfair, as Anakin had been dead by the time Ben Solo was born, but also funny as anything. 
Also no one in that corner was actually discussing their elephant in the room, which was Anakin turned out to be THE PROBLEM for two decades. 
There is an ever growing parade of everyone Obi Wan has ever met being thrown at him by the Force because the Force effectively went: SHIT that is a lot of anger. Deflect.Deflect.
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miss-choi-park · 8 months
Sin never tasted so...
Chapter 1 - Fate is a bastard
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A TXT Yeonjun Fanfiction from Mrs. Choi-Park
CEO/non-idol/dom/bully!Yeonjun! / Confident/sub/named/fem!Reader!
No obstacle - made of stone - stops love, what love can do, it dares to do. - pretty cheesy, right?
Romeo and Juliet, literature that can only be endured through modern language and films, nowadays. We all know the plot.
~A boy and a girl, madly in love with each other but the tragic circumstances of the family dispute kill both of them in the end.
The "most beautiful" love story in the world...if you don't experience it yourself. Fate is sometimes an ice-cold bastard.
Warnings under the cut
Warnings: rough language, hate speech, bullying, sex language, they kinda hate each other, caring yeonjun
Please remember that I fully respect the privacy of all K-Pop Idols and that this is just a fantasy. It's not my intention to harm anyone! (I've been a MOA since March 2023)
The hot whirlpool was just right thing for my muscles, which were pretty acidic from two days of skiing.
I still had four days ahead of my parents and my winter sports trip. And even though skiing was my favorite sport after hip-hop dancing, it was pretty tiring. My parents and I also received an unpleasant surprise yesterday.
The 5-star sports hotel high in the Pyeongchang Mountains has also attracted another rich Korean family from Seoul.
Why did the Choi's - my father's chosen mortal enemies - have to have a vacation in the same hotel as us in the same week as us?!
Ever since I was little, my parents always instilled in me that the Choi's were truly the spawn of hell.
It wasn't until I was 13 years old that I really found out why our family's didn't get along at all.
My parents, who had moved from Germany to Korea four years before I was born, had started with a small bookstore, which developed into a publishing house for small authors and later into the second largest publishing house in South Korea. My parents have always hated the Choi's, who put obstacles in their way, even now they were holding back our really great success.
The Choi's owned the number one publishing house in Korea, which had also been producing Manhwa's for several years now. (Counterpart to Japanese anime)
Because of this family, my parents struggled with racism, failure and stagnation. We had to deal with copyright lawsuits again and again - fights that emptied our Bank account and were never really justified. We also couldn't follow up with the manhwa's because it was forbidden to us. The old Choi was "a big animal in the world of Politics," as he always said. And even though my parents had come a long way...we had to constantly look into our pockets while the Choi's lived in luxury.
The 5-star holiday was the first in 6 years. Before that we either couldn't go on a skiing holiday or we could only go to a 3-4 star hotel. That's why I wanted to enjoy the whirlpool now and do not think of anything bad, who knows when I'll have that again.
For two minutes I enjoyed the flow of water and the bubbles massaging my back.
"Oh no, that can't be possible! I wanted to go into that hot tub, potato!" I heard a voice. It didn't take a split second before I recognized the voice. The unpleasant nickname, only one person used it for me, was the final hint.
I opened my eyes and lifted my head, which I had rested on the edge of the hot tub.
Choi Yeonjun.
As expected.
The 24-year-old son of the family I had grown to hate.
Yeonjun stood on the stairs that led up to the hot tub where I was relaxing. I rolled my eyes, not giving him a second glance after dropping my head back down again.
He wasn't worth saying anything back.
"Come on out, I want to relax!" he grumbled. Without saying anything, I raised my hand out of the water with my middle finger held up.
There was silence for a moment. Before I was about to look up to see if he had disappeared, I heard an angry murmur. Then noises coming from the water. I raised my head again and actually saw Yeonjun across from me climbing into the large whirlpool.
"Fuck! What are you doing?!" I threw it at his head and Yeonjun looked up. His look more than disgusted as he lowered himself.
"Maybe I can get you out of here when I'm in." Yeonjun's arm swirled through the water in front of him as his gaze followed his movement. I saw him grin evilly, "Cool, through the whirlpool bubbles, you can't even tell that I've just made bubbles."
As his gaze climbed up to me, I understood what he meant and jumped up immediately. I had 100% confidence that he had just farted in here. So I rushed out of the water, exclaiming in disgust: "You really are the stupidest creep I've ever met!"
Yeonjun laughed as I tied my towel around myself, crawled into my flip flops and rushed away.
Stupid asshole! Why did I have to bother with something like that? Life could be so beautiful.
Even at school he was the biggest idiot I knew, who made every day there a living hell until he finally graduated and I could enjoy four years without him.
Stupid private comprehensive school from the first to the eighth grade we were in one school. Luckily he was always four steps above me, but I was always afraid the stupid idiot would repeat a year and we will sit together in a class at some point. Surprisingly this never happened.
He ruined everything. My school days, my school dance club - which he also signed up for after I signed up - the success of my family and so much more.
I really hated Yeonjun.
He was a brat, idiot, know-it-all and disgusting. I had asked my fate several times 'Why him? Why do I have to know someone like that?' ~ I would never have received an answer.
I really hoped he wouldn't come to the little party in the mountain hut by the ski slopes this evening. Hopefully he wasn't in the hut today where there were a thousand posters saying that today was a Party. Because as far as I knew Yeonjun, he took every party with him and always a slut from there who fell for his tricks and then was dropped by him afterwards.
I didn't want to spend any longer in the hotel's swimming area so I went to my room.
The smarter one always gives in, right?
Hope dies last, but eventually it dies too.
For me the time had come when the door of the cozy mountain hut opened and Yeonjun entered.
From my seat at the bar I could see the door perfectly and everyone who entered could also see me. Unfortunately, our eyes met immediately. I exhaled in frustration and rolled my eyes. The nice young man named Danwoo, who I had already met on the ski slopes yesterday, looked at me in surprise.
"What's up?" He asked over the loud music in the bar as I looked deep into my cocktail glass, hoping Yeonjun would just ignore me.
"Heyjo Sumi!" A loud voice shouted at us.
Oh, please don't! Why me?!
While Danwoo turned in the direction the voice had come from, I drank my cocktail, which was actually quite strong, in one go.
When I put my glass back down, I was immediately greeted by Yeonjun's sharp eyes. He had stopped close to Danwoo and leaned on the counter so he could look at me.
"I thought you didn't like parties, sweetie." He greeted me.
I gave him a dark look.
"First of all, don't call me sweetie, second of all, I don't like parties when you're around and third, fuck off!" I replied.
Unfortunately, I knew that Yeonjun wouldn't be shaken off so easily.
Yeonjun gave a half-hearted laugh and raised his eyebrows: “That’s bad, I wasn’t planning on going.”
"Excuse me...may I ask who you are?" Danwoo interrupted our conversation and I clenched my teeth so hard that my jaw hurt as Yeonjun looked disparagingly at my acquaintance.
"The question would be mine first." He replied to Danwoo, who seemed a little taken aback.
"Yeonjun! Just shut up and leave!" I protested, causing his gaze to turn back to me. His bored look turned into a wickedly amused grin.
He rested his head on his hand: "Why so pissed off, little one? Your problem if you're always looking for someone who can't satisfy you."
A fire burned inside me. I immediately jumped up from my chair, wanting to choke Yeonjun with the small silver chain that hung around his neck.
I walked up to him and held my finger close to his nose: "I'd like you to-"
Before I could even continue speaking, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back and away from Yeonjun faster than I expected.
It turned out to be Danwoo who pulled me through the dancing crowd, out of Yeonjun's sight. When we finally got to the corner where sofas were, he looked at me a little surprised: "Who was that?"
I looked at Danwoo for a few seconds before I glanced over my shoulder and was relieved to see that Yeonjun didn't seem to have followed us.
"Oh, that was nobody. I've called him my problem my whole life...please don't worry about him, he's just an asshole." I said and Danwoo's facial expressions relaxed a bit.
"Why is he here?"
"I would like to know that too, believe me, fate is just not kind to me."
"Then let's get out of his way."
Surprisingly, I didn't even see a trace of Yeonjun in the hut for the next 2 hours. He had probably already grabbed the next poor girl and was fucking her somewhere.
I didn't care. Danwoo was so generous in ordering me a ton of alcohol that I didn't even think about Yeonjun. Until Danwoo went to the toilet around 2am, I took a short break from dancing and sank onto the couch in the back compartment of the mountain hut.
The party was surprisingly well attended, the songs were first class and the atmosphere was electric. I was happy to have met Danwoo because I would never go to a party like this alone.
My vision was still clear, but I noticed that my mood was getting significantly better with every second. I also started some conversations with complete strangers on the dance floor. Well, my inhibitions were long overcome.
"Where did you leave your boyfriend?" Someone asked me. I looked to my right where a bad awakening awaited me.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked, horrified. My good mood immediately disappeared.
"I was sitting here the whole time." He grumbled, taking a sip from his beer bottle that had been resting between his legs.
I stood up immediately.
I thought Yeonjun had already left the party, what was he doing here all of a sudden?!
I stood up immediately.
"Hey, wait! I asked you something!" He protested as I tried walking away. I ignored him and tried to escape through the dancing crowd. Unfortunately, this turned out to be difficult, thanks to the somewhat chubby man in front of me.
"Hey!" I heard Yeonjun say, shortly afterwards a surprisingly warm hand on my forearm. I was spun around and to make matters worse, lost my balance due to my drunkenness.
The next moment I found myself on the floor, between Yeonjun's legs. When I glanced up at him he seemed confused, but this was quickly replaced by a broad smile.
"Oh what did I do to deserve this honor?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.
But before I could get up, Yeonjun leaned forward, his face now close to mine.
"Will you answer my question now?" He asked. The smell of beer could be clearly smelled from his breath. But my breathing probably wasn't any better.
"Why? Jealous?"
"Pfft!" with that amused sound, Yeonjun leaned back and I took the chance to get up.
"Why should I be jealous? You should be." He said and I looked down at him confused.
"What does that mean again?!" I wanted to know and Yeonjun shrugged indifferently.
"I thought I saw your guy disappearing into a cubicle in the toilet with someone earlier." He explained himself and I raised an eyebrow.
"God! How much have you drunk?"
"3 beers and a soju shot. I know what I saw.", He murmured before taking another sip from his bottle, "Think about it, how long has he been gone now?"
Oh my god...he wasn't entirely wrong. Danwoo had probably been gone for a little longer than 15 minutes. I bit my bottom lip, rather unconsciously, as I looked over my shoulder at the toilet entrance.
Well maybe the queue was long…
"Come!" Yeonjun said in a firm voice and walked past me. More successful than me, he made his way through the dancing crowd. I was left a little surprised. It was Yeonjun we were talking about here...he probably just wanted to convince me of something again. Lies were his specialty.
"What's wrong now, potato?" Yeonjun shouted, just loud enough for me to hear him over the music. I bit my lip again before hesitantly moving forward. I trotted after Yeonjun through the crowd. We got to the toilets pretty quickly.
From what I got to know - Danwoo was the complete opposite of Yeonjun. Funny, understanding, decent and attentive...I wouldn't trust him to ever cheat on anyone-
I froze when I saw Danwoo in the doorframe of the men's toilet. A short woman with long black hair stood in front of him, giggling wildly.
"Danwoo?" I immediately forgot it when I saw him and the unknown girl together.
Danwoo turned his head to the side and immediately stood upright. His features looked shocked. Like a little kid who just got caught stealing candy.
"Hey Sumi... uhm it's not what it looks like."
"Oh no! It is exactly what it looks like! What was he like, doll?" Yeonjun joined the conversation, the question obviously directed at the black-haired girl.
So he was right...Yeonjun hadn't lied to me. Then why did I want him to do it?
Contrary to my expectations, my eyes began to burn. A sign of impending tears.
Oh no!
The girl standing in front of Danwoo looked back and forth between me and him, more than surprised, as if she wanted to make sure we both were real.
"What do you want again? I don't even know you." Danwoo said to Yeonjun and I just turned around and ran. I didn't know where my legs would take me, but I just wanted to be somewhere else right now. Somewhere far away.
Why were all boys so shitty? My first boyfriend had already cheated on me...why does it have to happen again?! Why does fate always have to put obstacles in my way?! Why can't I be lucky too?!
Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the mountain hut in the freezing cold winter when the first tear finally ran down my cheek.
The cold wind that blew over my arms, which were only covered with a thin sweater, gave me goosebumps. But I was less interested in that right now. I folded my arms and pulled my shoulders up to my ears, as I ran from A to B and cursed things that even I couldn't understand.
Only the light from the window of the hut and the light from the drag lifts twenty meters away brought light to the pitch-dark ski slope that stretched below me.
It's not what it looks like! It's always what it looks like! - "Asshole, idiot, wanker!" I called out into the clear evening air.
"I hope you don't mean me again?" A voice suddenly came from behind me.
I turned around and recognized Yeonjun in the dim light of the surroundings. I quickly turned away again.
Never let your enemies see your tears!- my father always says.
"Are you crying?" He asked further and I heard the snow crunching under his feet.
I frantically wiped my cold teary cheeks.
"Pff, not because of him! How long have you known him - a day?" Yeonjun said. His voice now close behind me.
"What do you want here, Yeonjun? Leave me alone, I have enough to worry about right now!" I replied sharply. For a moment there was silence. I kept my gaze fixed on the snow beneath me. I started to shiver, unintentionally but no wonder given the cold.
"I'll make sure you don't freeze to death out here." I heard him say. His answer was a little softer than usual.
"Ha! That would be fine with you." I hissed back.
"That's nonsense!" Yeonjun exclaimed, the next moment I felt his hands on my shoulders and I promptly were turned around.
"Why are you crying and trying to get yourself killed out here? Boys suck, you should know that."
"Cheating is not only shit, it's anti-social, unrespectful and a crime!", I pulled myself out of his grasp, "I just want to be alone right now, so get lost!"
"You're such a stubborn person sometimes that I just-"
"That you want to - what? - You want to kill me? Then make it easy and get inside! The cold will do the jo-"
Before I could finish, Yeonjun grabbed my forearm and pulled me with him surprisingly easily.
"Let go of me, asshole!" I protested as he opened the door to the mountain hut again.
He showed the tall, broadly built security man his party entry bracelet and also mine, since I was wearing it on my wrist, which he was holding tightly. The man nodded and looked at me a little confused as Yeonjun dragged me further.
"What's your jacket?!" He wanted to know when he got to the cloakroom and finally let me go. His grip would definitely leave bruises. "Mind your own business?" I asked and Yeonjun gave me a dangerous look.
"If you have your jacket, you're welcome to stand outside all night long, but you won't die." He growled.
"Since when have you been interested in my health?" I didn't give in.
"SUMI!!!" Yeonjun shouted clearly for everyone in the hut to hear, even over the loud music. I winced.
"Can't you forget your fucking pride for once and tell me what your fucking jacket looks like?!" He cursed at me. I looked at him for a few moments and then at the woman in the dressing room who had been watching us in shock. Finally, I rummaged through my back pocket of my jeans for the little chip that told the woman where my jacket had been hung.
The woman accepted the chip and disappeared into the cloakroom without saying a word.
"Finally!" Yeonjun turned his back to the coat rack and slumped against it. He looked at me and I suddenly felt very small. My gaze went down.
"You can be quite annoying, you know that?" He said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. But I didn't say anything, even though there was something on the tip of my tongue that I had been able to respond.
A moment later the woman came back and put my jacket over the counter.
"Here you go, I wish you a pleasant evening." She murmured casually as she eyed Yeonjun skeptically, who still had his back to the woman.
I grabbed my jacket and decided at that moment that there was no point in staying here. So why not leaving?
Without saying another word to the woman or Yeonjun, I turned around and left.
"Put it on in front of me, otherwise I'll have to go out again!" Yeonjun asked me, but I kept going. When I finally got back outside, I put on my warm ski jacket and adjusted my scarf that was stuck in the sleeve of the jacket. Then I stalked off. The snow crunches beneath my feet.
I loved that sound and it always brought me a childlike joy, but right now it didn't spark anything in me.
I was drunk, sad and pissed off...sleep would help...maybe.
"Potato!" I heard Yeonjun calling, who seemed to have followed me outside again. I didn't stop, just looked over my shoulder in the direction of the mountain hut. Yeonjun ran after me, also frantically pulling his jacket over his shoulders.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked when he was no longer two meters away from me.
"To the hotel, I don't want to stay anymore." I explained myself and trudged up the stairs to the drag lift.
"Oh, fuck Danwoo! He wouldn't have made it anyway!" Yeonjun said. The sound of a zipper followed his statement.
"Is it always just about the one thing for you?” I asked as we arrived at the drag lift platform, that was supposed to bring us down. It was empty except for the two of us. The lift attendant had probably gone home hours ago and had just left the lift running.
"Well, I'm just saying, you always pick the losers." Yeonjun said as we stood so that a lift could swing directly into our legs. What happened immediately afterwards. We dropped into the cold seat of the seat lift and began our way down.
"How do you know? Danwoo wouldn’t have-"
"Oh no, don't tell me that. Danwoo wouldn't have gotten anything done. And that's exactly your problem!" He interrupted and I looked at him questioningly after I pulled down the bar that now served us as a belt.
"What's my problem?"
"You're totally unsatisfied! That's why it's so annoying with you."
I tried my best not to give the most sarcastic laugh the world had ever heard.
"You're such an idiot! That's not my problem, it's you! I'm a gentle little flower to others, you know...but as you are to me, I'm to you!"
Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, "A gentle flower? How much did you drink?"
"To be honest, a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm telling the truth." I said and crossed my arms.
"Hm...I'd rather stick to my opinion - sounds more logical." Yeonjun grumbled.The rest of the ride was silent. After we got out, we had to walk about 10 minutes to the hotel.
It was strange. I almost didn't feel the need to avoid Yeonjun. Of course he was annoying me - to hell - but I was almost happy not to be alone, even if it was Yeonjun...with whom I shared the silence of the night.
In the second minute of the walk, Yeonjun found his voice again: "Honestly, when was the last time you had really good sex?"
I looked at Yeonjun in horror. He looked at me almost innocently. A stark contrast to his question.
"As if I'm telling you this..." to be honest I've never had sex...but he didn't need to know that. With my first boyfriend it never got further than foreplay. Well, I was 20 now, but I never put any pressure on myself to have sex.
You don't miss what you don't know, so why the rush. The right one will come at some point.
"So it's been ages?" Yeonjun asked and I rolled my eyes. "Why am I even talking to you?!" I grumbled and Yeonjun gave a small laugh. "Because you know deep down that I'll bring it." This statement makes me stand still. I never expected such a statement even from Yeonjun. "Please what?" It slipped my mind and Yeonjun also stopped two steps in front of me. He smiled broadly at me and wiggled his eyebrows.
"I don't want to praise myself, but I've only ever received good feedback. I could get you to your high." He said and you could practically see him mentally patting himself on the shoulder.
"You're disgusting! I thought I am too annoying to put up with for even two minutes." I pointed out and Yeonjun shrugged.
"Drunk you're ok." He said and continued walking. After a few seconds I started moving again.
"Still this won't happen in a thousand years!" I said, earning a laugh from Yeonjun.
"Not even if you were the last one in the world." I continued my thought. Now nothing came from Yeonjun. The thought shook my body.
No, no, I would never go into bed with him. Disgusting!
"I..would." I then heard and looked up. Yeonjun looked over his shoulders at me.
"I do not think so."
"I guess so!"
"Oh man Yeonjun, are you really just thinking with your cock?"
"Would be a huge space for thinking." It took me two seconds to understand what he meant. When it clicked, I pushed him aside: "You're really gross!"
The hotel was already in sight. I almost thought we had a good moment, a minute ago, but now I just wanted to get away from this conversation quickly. Luckily, Yeonjun stayed behind me and kept his mouth shut. But I felt his gaze very present on me.
"Apart from your stubbornness, which really annoys me, you have a really nice body." Yeonjun finally said as we turned into the hotel parking area.
"Yeonjun stop, this is really strange!" I protested, only hearing a deep breath behind me.
"Are you really drunk?" He asked further and I looked over my shoulder. His warm breath puffed into the cold air, clearer than my own.
"I don't think DRUNK but ON DRUNK." I said as I pushed open the front door of the hotel. The lobby was only dimly lit, but cozy and warm. Nobody was here anymore - sure it was about 3am. I stopped briefly in front of the fireplace and stretched out my cold fingers. The ember still released heat.
Mmm, that was nice.
Suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back violently. Immediately afterwards I noticed the corner of the old wooden reception desk on my lower back. Startled, I looked up and was greeted by Yeonjun's sharp eyes. I knew that Yeonjun was significantly taller than me, but he was just so close to me that I had to look up high. His hands firmly on my hips, holding me close to the reception.
"What the hell-"
"Funny...I'm pretty horny right now." He murmured and I saw his eyes suddenly darken. That sent a shiver down my spine.
Please feel free to let me know your opinion 🤗
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rippeanuts1950-2000 · 1 month
i hate u, i love u
Chapter 1)
There’s a flyer taped to her locker.
It’s not just any flyer though. It’s a flyer for a battle of the bands with a note written on it from her mortal enemy.
Do you dare Penn?
She growls and snatches up the flyer from her locker. Corey Riffin has been a pain in her side for the past three years since they stopped being friends but it’s gotten worse since she started working at his dad’s pawn shop. In the past three years he had gained this stupid cocky attitude towards everything, decided he was better than her and found entertainment  in flirting with her. And he was always challenging her. So in response to this, she does the mature thing and snaps a photo. Then she sends it to her band group chat.
The Newmans
Laney- battleofthebandsflyer.jpeg
Laney- do we dare
Carrie- uh yeah we do!
Konnie- i’m always up for petty fights
Larry- same
Kim- there’s money involved, i'm in
Laney- thank you girls and larry
Laney grins at the texts and then storms over to Corey’s locker. “Riffin!!” She shouts, once he comes into view. He has his hands shoved into his pockets and his trademark lazy smile is on his face. “Penn, I was wondering when you were gonna stop by.” He says, leaning against the locker. Corey looks her up and down, like he’s expecting her to immediately start giggling that the great Corey Riffin is looking her way. Once upon a time, she would have reacted that way, but the times have changed.
“The Newmans are gonna win.” She says simply, crossing her arms. “You sure about that? Cause we have gotten better in the past few years since you’ve been gone.” He leans over her, trying to prove that because he’s taller than her, he’s intimidating. It doesn’t work because while Laney is shorter than Corey, she doesn’t care about her height.(She’s 5’3 he’s 5’11).
Laney raises an eyebrow. “Oh really? I would have thought that since Trina’s in college now, you wouldn’t have any inspiration to steal anymore.” It’s a low blow and she knows it. But if he’s going to insinuate that the band has gotten better without her around, then she is without a doubt going to bring up the stealing of the diary. Even if she participated in it a few times. Actually multiple times. Okay, every time.
Corey scoffs. “I write my own stuff now, Lanes, which you would know if you were still in the band.” Oh jeez, he’s not gonna try and convince her to rejoin the band again is he? He kept trying to do that when she first got hired at the pawn shop. “I’m not rejoining the band Riffin and don’t call me that.” Laney snaps, tightening her grip on her backpack strap. The stupid small part of her that still kinda likes Corey, weeps a little when she sees Corey’s laid back expression falter for a bit. She ignores it. “Look Laney, if you would just let us try again-” Laney cuts him off. “The only times I’d ever consider rejoining Grojband is when pigs fly or if I lose a bet.”
Corey hums, clearly letting her words sink in as they stand in silence for a few moments. “So if I made a bet with you about Grojband winning the battle of the bands and you lost, would you rejoin?” He asks and for the first time in years, Corey has stunned Laney into silence. “I guess so, but there would be conditions, like for how long it would last.” Laney says and Corey lights up at her words. “Really? How about forever!”
It’s Laney’s turn to scoff now. “Not happening, besides we haven’t even set up a bet yet.” She points out. “Okay, here’s an idea for a bet! If Grojband wins the battle of the bands then you have to rejoin for a month and if you like it, you have to at the very least consider rejoining the band. And if the Newmans win, I will leave you alone and only be polite to you from then on.”
Is it just her, or does it sound like has Corey been planning to do this for a while now? His idea was a good one and Laney would really like to be able to reorganize the jewelry in the shop without Corey pestering her with how great Grojband is now. Or getting a snack after work without him trying to tag along. Or just being left alone at work and school in general, that would be great. The more she thought about it, the better the bet looked. “You promise you would leave me alone?” Laney asks. Corey nods wildly. “Yes, I promise I will leave you alone IF The Newmans win, which isn’t gonna happen. Do you want me to do a blood oath or have it in writing?” He teases. Despite herself, Laney laughs.
“You don’t need to do a blood oath and I don’t need it in writing. What I want is a pinky swear.” Laney says, holding out her pinky. When they were younger, they had this tradition of making pinky promises when something important happened. It goes back to the early days of their friendship so the part of her that holds attachment to Corey wants him to remember the significance of the pinky swear. “Swearsies.” She adds for good measure.
If Corey remembers the gesture, he doesn’t show it. “Swearsies.” He says, locking her pinky with his. The bell rings, signaling that it’s time for lunch. Laney quickly removes her pinky from his and runs off without saying goodbye. There’s only one thought in her mind, The Newmans have to win.
I hope you guys liked this! I think I I have everyone in character but let me if you think something’s off! Also feel free to send asks about this. See you next week hopefully with a new chapter!
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 5 Semifinals 2
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Blackie vs Maccabee
check their descriptions and catpaganda (new for blackie)
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
- weird old man
- known to bite people's elbows when prompted
- frequently sleeps with one (1) limb stretched in a random direction
- the reason submitter can't have pineapples in the house
- knows the word "treat," meaning it cannot be said out loud around him
- they got him for chanukah (hence the name). diversity win! this cat is jewish!
- they paid $150 to buy him a half-page ad in submitter's high school yearbook because he's worth it <3
has a post made by his human as a separate propaganda piece. it has bribery. the offer as far as i know still stands
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also has agitational posters!!
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So glad to see Blackie still in the competition! His response so far has been "aow."
Truth be told, I'm running out of propaganda. If he make it to the next round, I'm gonna try my darnedest to capture his meows on video, which I haven't been able to do before because he sees me coming with the camera and starts purring XD
For now, more assorted Blackie facts!
Very rarely, when he gets the zoomies, he'll laugh. Like "huhuhuheueheHUEHEUE" kinda laugh.
I like to let him sniff human food/whatever I'm holding just to make sure he feels included (still doesn't like anything but pizza crumbs). But he has gagged on pickled ginger, banana, and CBD rub. He always gets really embarrassed when he gags tho
Ever since I got a job, he has been following me to bed and jumping on my chest to get the pets that he now lacks during the day.
If he sees you getting out the cat brush, he''ll lead you over to where he wants to be brushed.
On that note, when I had hurt my leg one time, Blackie saw that I wasn't leaning down to pet him and instead lead me over to the couch to have me sit down to pet him. He kept that up for a couple months once he saw how relieved it made me.
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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Amaltheia Othonos
Avatar of Primordial Khaos | Devotee of Hera, Hellenic Queen of the Gods
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[Moodboard Created By Me | Images All Found On Bing]
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Name: Amaltheia Othonos
Amaltheia - "Tender Goddess" & The Name Of The Animal That Helped Raise & Feed Zeus In Greek Mythology
Othonos - "Wolf" & "Wealth"/Fortune"
Parentage: Irrelevant [None Related To The Godly World]
Pronouns: She/Her Pronouns But She/He Gender
Age: 17
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↳ Ever since Amaltheia was born, she's always bled gold instead of red.
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Ethnicity: Greek
Up until the beginning of the book, Amaltheia spent her life helping out the homeless. It didn't help that he was homeless, too, but at least she could say he did at least something normal.
She had been defending herself against someone that would eventually be known "The Gatsby"--after "The Great Gatsby" book & conspiracies created from it--at the beginning of the book when she unexpectedly teleported herself to Olympus after she backed herself into a corner and was too exhausted & panicked to fight her way out. This leads to general confusion because 1) no new god or deity has been fostered in hundreds of years and 2) mortals shouldn't be able to teleport to Olympus even if they had those powers without the assistance of Hermes--for technical and safety reasons.
Powers: Creation; Teleportation
Weapons: Tackling; Exhausted Spite; Inexhaustible Energy
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Characters That Inspired My Creation Of Her: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Logan Howlett, My Other OCs
Likes: The Sky, Wind, & Rain [it reminds her of endless freedom & little worry]; Having A Sense Of Purpose [Why She Chooses Lady Hera To Devote Herself To, Since They Are Similar]; Life [Yeah, It's Shitty, But Its Also Life. She Loves Being Alive]
Dislikes: Smell [Just Because You Get Used To It Doesn't Mean You Like It];
Enemies: "The Gatsby" [Original Name Currently Unknown]
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Fun Facts:
Lady Hera & Amaltheia are very similar in character--minus the whole "marriage" thing--which is why they bonded so well & will have so many scenes together as Amaltheia starts Attending to Lady Hera in the first part of the book. Lady Hera even comes to view Amaltheia as her own daughter at some point, which her other children took to instantly :)).
Amaltheia will have many moments with Lord Ares, Lady Hebe, Lord Hephaestus, and most of the other gods because of her relationship with Lady Hera & attending to Her needs
Why is she "Attending" to Lady Hera? Well, there are many reasons why she is one of Hera's main Attendees--the main of which is to provide her a space among Olympus to reside in so she does not have to return to her homelessness in the mortal realm. The Greek Gods are very welcoming but they are also Gods and have their own internal Hierarchies and Duties. They have systems in place so everyone among them must have a place that benefits and helps move along their systems. Why Lady Hera specifically? Ultimately, Amaltheia chose her because she knew her myths from her mom's lullabies and bedtime stories and because, as soon as she looked at The Queen, she felt a connection with Her and wanted to work with her. Other reasons include learning the ropes and keeping an eye on her, etc etc
As it was mentioned/implied before in both Amaltheia's Quote and Backstory, Amaltheia was born with full-on ichor--the blood of the gods--and is, technically (complicated), a god herself (see The Avatars of Primordial Khaos). This, as you may be able to tell, comes with powers (some of which Amaltheia already knew of):
The Ability To Transform: Amaltheia has the ability to transform matter in one form to another, as long as it is an equal exchange of matter necessary to transform the atoms into what she needs. This is one Amaltheia's known of and uses regularly to mend clothes (alongside the traditional way), get blankets, supplies, etc. She's tried to do money before but having unaccounted for money running around has always been tricky... but she's well-known among the homeless circles as someone who always has whatever you need. They assume it's because she's great at stealing--which is true--and finding clever ways of accounting for things--also true--but it's not just that. Amaltheia does it whenever she can get away with it.
The Ability To Teleport: Amaltheia has the ability to teleport just like any other deity could. She has unlimited access to things--as she is of The Creator & a deity without a specific Domain or Purpose (being a God/dess)--but is absolutely horrible at geography with how little education she has (she knows about the places from various stories she's heard among the shelters and news, but not where they are) and does not have the ability nor the experience to see the earth from above/feeling it through various powers/domains, like "proper" gods & other immortals do. The reason why she got to Olympus in the beginning of the book is out of sheer luck & panic + her ichor looking for safety among the numbers & itself.
Inexhaustible Energy: Amaltheia still can get exhausted because there are many different types of energies such as mental and spiritual that can drain & block the use of one's physical energy, but when available, she does have endless amounts of physical energy from her ichor & the source of its Energy being everywhere/always moving, so she can't ever get physically tired & can do physical labor for weeks if she can keep her mental energy up. Participates in a lot of physical contests for the money bc of that & then uses the money to give back to those around her because she's always got that safety net of her powers to rely on. The only thing is that she heavily struggles with her mental energy & has struggles like depression and insecurities :((
There are other feats within her that currently go either undiscovered by me, the author, or fall under those categories of Need.
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mr-clow · 8 months
Aria: Blood and revenge. Part 1:
Humanity was ready, all the ships heavily staffed, as they would board several other Spin’d ships once they got out of the system. All the engines of the fleet had been dormant the last year, to avoid raising any flags. I walked through my throne room one last time. I wasn’t expecting to see it again. Four humans, two KalHals, one Sanarin and one Spin’d were waiting for me. It was time to cast the last speech from the moon station. My eight knights were there, to hear me first hand. Some of them would stay here, others would board different ships and go to different destinies. The last two were going back to their planets, to take one more chance to help humanity.
I sat on the throne, looked upon the people that had joined me in the last two years. They had been a great guide and support for me to achieve all this. I smiled at them and nodded to start the transmission.
Today, I stand before you not merely as your Imperatrix, but as the fiery embodiment of our collective will and unwavering determination. Humanity, built on the foundations of strength, resilience, and unity, now faces its greatest test. We stand on the precipice of war, a crucible in which our mettle shall be forged into legends!
To our steadfast allies, I extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support in our darkest hour. Your solidarity is a beacon of hope that pierces through the shroud of despair. Together, we form an unbreakable bond, a coalition forged in the crucible of shared purpose. Your presence in this fight amplifies our strength, and your loyalty deepens our resolve.
Know that we do not march alone. We march as one, a united front against those who would threaten our way of life. Your sacrifices, your courage, and your unwavering commitment to our shared cause inspire us all. Let our alliance serve as a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who value justice, freedom, and the enduring bonds of honour. Together, we shall overcome, and together, we shall emerge victorious in the face of adversity.
Listen to the beating drums of destiny, for they call upon us to rise to the occasion. The tempest of battle looms on the horizon, and it is our destiny to face it head-on, for we are not mere mortals. We are the descendants of warriors, the architects of our own fate, and the masters of our destiny!
They believe they can break our spirit, that they can extinguish the flame of our resolve. But let me make one thing abundantly clear: they have unleashed a tempest of fury unlike any other. The loss we bear upon us shall become the driving force behind our indomitable will. We will honour the memory of our loved ones with a relentless pursuit of justice and victory.
To those who would stand against us, I say this: you face not just a civilization, but a relentless force of nature. We are not just warriors; we are avengers. Our determination knows no bounds, our unity no weaknesses, and our purpose no wavering. We will hunt you down with the fury of a thousand storms.
The sacrifices of our fallen will not be in vain. Their memories shall fuel our every step, their spirits shall guide our hands, and their love shall be the beacon that lights our path. We will not rest until every aggressor faces the consequences of their actions.
We will not yield, we will not falter, and we will not be broken. Our enemies shall tremble in the face of our unwavering determination. We will not stop until justice is served, until retribution is exacted, and until our fallen loved ones can rest in peace.
To victory, to honour, and to the enduring memory of our cherished ones! Onward, my warriors, and let the world bear witness to the unyielding spirit of humanity!
A thunderous war cry was heard along the moon station that filled my hearth. I assumed that every ship around in the inner system, Mars, earth and Venus were the same. I stood up and looked at my knights again. I decided to give them a few last words to remember by, not as a good and caring ruler, but as someone who came to deliver a promise.
You are the inner circle that shares my unyielding vision. We stand at the precipice of conquest, and it is our duty, our destiny, to claim what rightfully belongs to us.
They have known nothing but weakness and complacency, while we have honed our might, nurtured our hatred, and stoked the fires of our vengeance. They will know the price of opposing us.
Our enemies have deluded themselves into thinking they can oppress us, that they can defy our supremacy. But I tell you, their opposition is nothing more than the feeble cry of the doomed. We shall crush their pathetic armies, reduce their cities to rubble, and make them kneel before our absolute authority.
Hatred, my trusted confidants, is our greatest weapon. It fuels our desire, sharpens our resolve, and guides our merciless hand. It is the very essence of our being, the driving force that propels us forward. Let it flow through you, let it consume you, for in our hatred, we find the strength to achieve the unthinkable.
As we march toward victory, remember that our cruelty knows no bounds. We shall sow the seeds of fear and discord, and we shall reap the fruits of our revenge. The world shall tremble at our might, and history shall be rewritten in our image.
To victory through hatred, my loyal inner circle!
Except for Carlos, all the others took a fist to their chest. Even the KalHals, Mouriette and Anton, that were relegated to stay out of the front lines. Neith was a deathworlder, she understood the feelings I expressed better than the other aliens that had joined.
Carlos was resigned, he knew this day would come. We all departed to our positions, Carlos said his goodbyes with his team that now was a full-blown media company designed only to create support and approval of my cause. I waited for him a couple of hours until he arrived. In complete silence, we marched toward a small ship that waited for us amidst the chaos of the station and surrounding planets. Ammunition was being loaded, crews were taking their post or aiding other ships. Commercial ships were checking all that was necessary for the support and logistics. Inside the ship, he looked more anxious than ever.
Boudica – This is your chance, you can stay and live your life, Carlos.
Carlos – I have already made my mind Boudica, that does not make it easier, but I’m glad some humanity is still alive inside you.
Boudica – Is respect Carlos, I feel I’m taking away one of the best assets of humanity for a cause that is not his.
Carlos – Yes, that might be true, but you also respect my choice.
I nodded and stared outside to see humanity alive again.
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deadmountaindaughter · 2 months
Ok! The promised theory post! Shorter than I thought it would be because the document I thought would have had all my notes did not have those notes, so i'm reconstructing this based off messages to a friend who also read pnat, along with a reddit post i made ages ago. Without further ado, twenty theories:
1. the large subterranean insect spirit is Sandman's real form. First off, here's the insect's leg:
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And here's Sandman's "head":
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these are CLEARLY the same shape. I think the "sandman" we saw was just a chunk of the real thing. Bonus proof:
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2.One interesting thing I noticed is that throughout the entire time we see Peekaboo, it never shows any spectral energy. We could assume it's orange, like dimitri, but it's weird that out of all the partner spirits we see, every single other one of them has their energy show up at least once. Except...
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we never see the Shadow's energy either. additionally, take a look at those drippy bits coming out of the hole on the right side, and compare:
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So here's my theory, illustrated incredibly poorly:
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given the reveal of davy's locker spirit, which makes the SAME NOISES when he uses it as peekaboo does(the wrrrwrrrwrrr thing), and that cody describes as "squashing and stretching" space- exactly how dimitri explains peekaboo's powers- i think that spirit is another chunk in here. maybe the missing eye on the left?
3. on page 8-49, cody mentions a time he was "caught sleepwalking after a curfew [davy] commanded" and saw these scars, which he thinks are from shrike:
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we've seen shrike's hands in werewolf mode. those hands did NOT make those scars. if davy had been hit by those claws, he would have half his chest missing, not just a few big cuts. but what interests me is HOW Cody found out- he was sleepwalking after curfew on a night that just happened to be a full moon. but every other time we see him talking about davy's commands, it's like they're physically impossible for him to break under any circumstances, and i highly doubt sleepwalking would be able to break that effect.
but werewolves and vampires are apparently mortal enemies and opposites, so maybe a werewolf curse could nullify a vampire command. and cody's hands are pretty small in human form...
4. i think eightfold is in a very important book. take a look:
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this is what the book looks like in its spirit realm. davy's symbol is pretty clear there, along with the author (a. beaumont or something) and the title: on the birth of gods. if you ask me, that sounds like the name of a manual for making a wight.
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i think lisa is a Witch. in fact, I think Witch is not necessarily a name, or a title, but a descriptor of WHAT someone is. we have fauxbia the fear witch, but what if lisa is the...i don't know, the weirdness witch? someone smarter than me can figure that part out. as for what Witch means:
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I think in the same way medium means the host to a spirit, Witch means host to one of these parasites. as for lisa, suzy has confirmed this:
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it would be SO zack morrison if that line was literal.
6. ok im not going looking for it but sockpuppy's intro card describes them as not a spirit but an "anomalous spectral lifeform". apparently they were created by mina, who also defeated the witch years ago-did she make them out of a scrap of the witch that was left behind? they do share the same aesthetic.
7. razor rex is weirdly childish in a lot of ways, and apparently sometimes asks for video games as tribute. a lot of her cultists are also teachers, so i'm wondering if her hideout when she's not being a goddess is mayview middle. that's not much on its own, but look at this prophecy:
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going off theory 5, this could also refer to Lisa as the Witch in the prophecy. But we see from the second line that occasionally the sphinx of truth switches l's to w's, and i guarantee that zack morrison would not have done that without it being plot relevant somehow. we see from "wiffin" that sometimes other parts of the spelling of a word are also changed... so what if it wasn't meant to say witch(fauxbia or lisa) but instead Lich(razor rex)?
8. doorman mentions that "fearsay" was defeated by the activity club. fearsay. fear + hearsay(something not true). fauxbia. phobia(fear) plus faux(something not real). i dont know what this means but i think it's important.
9. so pj is totally davy's son. he died and thats why davy wants to be such a good dad to cody, and why he's so protective. what if pj died BECAUSE OF davy? he says it had to be a meteorite, but he doesnt know for certain- could it have been the blast from killing a wight? and adding on to that, according to zack ghosts can only do one thing with their spectral energy, and it relates to how they died. it would be incredibly zack if pj's power is some absurdly powerful blast that puts him at the top of the power scale. just. imagine that.
10. when angel is talking to cherub, there are several instances where it seems like she's manipulating his emotions to make him trust her. the way it's described seems oddly similar to another emotion-manipulating spirit in the comic. and we haven't seen ventrilobite since the flashback...
11. this one is the hill i will die on even if it gets confirmed false: we know ghosts can kind of stretch themselves into weird shapes(see the faculty ghost from way back in the beginning) so it stands to reason that given enough time dead, their appearance can change radically(has anyone here read everlost? yeah like that).
we also know that ghosts do not have legs, ever. just spectral energy. we see from crush that they CAN make legs out of that energy if they want, but it's still just energy. spirits, on the other hand, ALWAYS have legs. except for one.
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he's described as a spirit, but that may not technically be false- after all, ghosts are a subtype of spirit.
conclusion: king c is an aztec/mayan era furry who decided to become really cool in the afterlife, and honestly he was so right. he probably got struck by lightning- the lightning he makes is the same color as his energy, so what we think is a spirit power may just be the spectral energy ability his death gave him.
12. just... this entire page: https://www.paranatural.net/comic/chapter-5-page-228
is so suspicious to me. she doesnt turn around until the end, and when she does- INHUMANLY fast- her eyes are a blur with a single white line- almost like she's trying to hide the glow of spirit trance by closing them almost all the way. i think everything isabel said there was right, just not in the way she thought it was.
(also- on this page, isabel asks to talk and the principal says "I'm afraid not, child. important meeting to attend. Come by during office hours and-" the VERY NEXT PAGE, lucifer demands to talk with hiSpender, who says "S-sorry, let's talk later. I'm busy right now and-" the parallel here is INCREDIBLY interesting.)
(also why is she so small? it could just be a comic thing...or it could be a medium thing.)
13. The Shadow's power seems to be based on perspective: when the shadow looks like an umbrella, it can become one, and a dark shadow that Mr. Spender sees as a bottomless pit becomes that too. The Shadow is a shard of the Doctors Burger's prisoner, and Dr. Burger tells Spender to "leave Clayview and its darkness far behind". Clayview. Clay-view. Clay(molding, shaping, sculpture) View(perspective). Was the prisoner-the spirit named Clayview- originally able to mold reality based on its perspective, sort of like Superliminal to the extreme? "Its darkness", therefore, would have that only in regard to shadows, and also implies Dr. Burger knows what Spender did.
14. why does zarei have yellow eyes? i don't think she's been confirmed as a medium but that's really weird.
15. Moving in spirit trance is apparently really hard, but Ed just…does full workouts in it without noticing? And runs all the way down the hall without breaking trance? How???
16. More a question than a theory, but how was Polaris captured in the staff without killing the disciples? We know wisped wights absorb everything around instead of tooling up, but Angel somehow got around that.
17. Why was the barrier created? It contains spectrals and spirits, but not ghosts or tools/non-spectral mediums. Theory: it was made to kill a wight twice. If a wight was inside the barrier and killed once, its absorption effect might have been contained by the barrier(while another barrier protects whoever was doing the killing), and if that was still enough to heal it, then there wouldn't be any energy left for it to absorb if it was killed again. Was that how they beat the Great Sphinx, or was it the plan for handling the Doctors Burger's prisoner, except something went wrong?
18. Completely insane theory: Shred Eagle, after leaving his surfing job for TV and leaving that due to the "accident", returns to his hometown and becomes a teacher. Mr. Garcia. I have zero basis for this outside of the "messily dismembered and devoured" thing and their vaguely similar appearances.
19. Flipflop swaps positions. Switchswatch makes me think of color swatches, so maybe swapping energy colors? Hiphop…I don't know, but I feel like they each have one aspect of Polaris's powers.
20. doorman also mentions that "facade" was eaten by the witch. and now we come to the thing that i am 100% certain of and incredibly mad at zack morrison for:
facade sounds like the name of a spirit dealing with disguises. just a wild guess, but what if its power was to make a really bad disguise work as well as a good one?
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i probably have more but these are all for now.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
NNT Rewatch s2ep1-6
(This was written weeks ago but was in my queue. I am moving back to my college town Saturday so busy days are to come but now I have things to procrastinate 😈)
So YAYAYAY time for season 2 (my fave season overall) !! I’ve rewatched this one before, so i actually remember some of this lol
Ban: I quit
Meliodas: your face is the only joke we can handle
i love both of diane’s orange fits, but s1 leotard hits different
i have thots abt the introduction of power levels that will be told beneath the cut
i mean it’s all very dragon ball (which i love, but in a very different way). I feel like they are just better executed in manga format, because saying the numbers out loud just kinda breaks up the flow of dialogue and action. Plus the numbers never stay accurate since the characters are always powering up and nakaba lowkey just stops using them at one point. so like assault mode!Meliodas has a power of 142,000. BUT he defeats enemies with powers higher than that and is shown to gain even more power. But this is the highest number we have for him. Overall, theyre clunky, not updated enough to be accurate, and just kinda cheesy :/ I feel like plot could have been added to justify and explain the eye of Balor (AKA Drole if i remember correctly) but it’s just used as an excuse to quantify the characters’ strength since this season is mainly focused on physical and emotional growth, as seen by the Ishtar Arc (one of my fave arcs hehe)
merlin’s friendship with hawk is actually so cute tho
so Meliodas’s beginner stats (still missing his powers) are magic 400, strength 960, spirit 2010. The way I see it, his insane spirit strength could mean one of two things: bitch is just hella determined in his quest to end their curses and protect his friends (likely) or merlin taking away his power only affects his strength and magic since spirit has to do with your mind (also likely) anyway what do y’all think?
how the fuck is gowther’s strength 500??? The average person who can lift 50-100 lbs has a strength of 30. HOW IN THE FUCK?? IS GOWTHER SECRETLY SWOLE????
Meliodas being like “no idk who the ten shadows could be haha” when he and merlin literally formed the sins to fight them and HE WAS THE LEADER OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS is so funny like so tru king lie to their faces
the first thing Zeldris says is “3000 years... please tell me that he’s still alive” which tells me two things: 1) he doesn’t know about Meliodas’s curse, which could explain why estarossa kills him when he’s just going to come back a rival to the throne of the demon king and 2) the listed life expectancy of 1000 years for demons is probably not accurate lol
maybe it’s driven down due to number of battle deaths like the mortality rate of the middle ages lol
we are introduced to a demon who hopes mel is alive, shares a voice actor, AND HAS THE SAME FACE yeah the brother coding is very thick
ban’s refusal to get jericho’s name right makes me laugh every time
Jericho: is scared and runs to Ban
Ban: 🤨 yeah. i don’t remember asking you to grab my arm🙄
im sorry but king rlly was a bad fairy king like mans didnt even know the forest was there 😭 its ok tho i love that for him
King hating Ban at first bc he “killed elaine and destroyed the fairy kings forest” only for Ban to pull THE BIGGEST uno reverse on him will never not be funny
wait does that mean ban is technically the 4th fairy king and king is both the 3rd and the 5th bc that would be rlly funny and does happen quite a bit historically
I love how as much as a smug asshole Ban is, he’s not rubbing it in King’s face and is showing him he’s still his friend
so if Gil is Margaret’s guard and Griamore is Veronica’s, does that mean Howzer was Elizabeth’s ?? bc that would be so fucking funny
Helbram got King’s ass with “and you’re short”
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Best girls Melascula and Derieri fr
i love that they said slader is gay, how can we let the audience know and then gave him the smoothest, gayest voice imaginable
merlin calling og gowther a great magician when we know he was the one to train her is actually so sad, i want to give baby merlin a hug
slader is hot, thanks for coming to the ted talk
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how the fuck does he walk like this tho??
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is there a reason i just don’t remember why they never really bring up albions again or do they just ~disappear~ conveniently from the story lol
So the whole concept of sacred treasures is really cool to me because they are clearly something unique to the Sins, despite all of the sacred treasures being very different and made of different materials. I mean Gowther’s is straight up made of light Still, them having weapons that serve as a constant and grow with them as they become more powerful is just a neat concept to me. I just wish we could have seen Ban use Courechouse more than just a few episodes. There really isn’t a plot reason he couldn’t have had it beforehand.
Gerheade being a bitch to Ban bc he’s a human makes literally no sense when we learn her backstory with Rou. Like NO sense at all lol
I honestly love that Meliodas destroyed the albion on his own. Like yes, he is my OP blorbo BUT he’s also supposed to be incredibly powerful in canon, which we haven’t seen him go all out with an enemy yet. Not only does he know all about albions (bc he’s a demon), but as leader of the 10 Commandments, he probably was on the controlling side of the golems. Then, as a member of Stigma, he fought against them. Not to mention, this is when he finally gets Lostvayne (the DEMON sword) back. This moment for me is when he gets to show off the perks of him being a powerful and high ranking demon. Might fuck around and do a full post later on Meliodas’s relationship to his own race and what/who he is lol
Ban screaming “you bitch!!” is... a wonderful experience
Yass king (hehehehe get it? bc his name is king? hehehe)
Galand petting Gloxinia is actually so cute lol
Merlin covering Arthur’s eyes 😭😭 she’s his mom fr
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“its been a while meliodas” oop galand just let the Meliodas is 3000 years old cat out of the bag ehehe
(stay with me bc im about to get delusional) WAIT so galand says “to think that after all this time has passed youd still be in that form” in this essay i will prove that Meliodas looks like a young teenager because he essentially is biologically young for the demon race. Galand doesn’t know Mel was cursed, so he would think that he had aged in the past 3000 years. Plus, I think the demon king’s possession of Meliodas AND Zeldris can be (somewhat) compared to Sariel’s aging up of Solaseed. Anyway, i feel like this can support my hypothesis of Zeldris and Meliodas are just babies who will eventually look like adults. Also, I think them being super young just enhances the angst quite well.
everyone is fucking terrified of galand but hes just a silly foolish little fellow to me lol
ban and king being brothers-in-law makes my heart happy like theyre so cute
Ban threatening Gerheade and actually being pissed and serious has suddenly reminded me that if i saw a grown ass man who couldn’t die and was a 7 foot tall violent alcoholic i would be fucking terrified
like a demon 14 year old? creepy ig but not a 7 foot tall masochist with an 8 pack
I love how hard Diane always goes for the ones she loves, she’s just so devoted and passionate Best Girl tm behavior
*Merlin being incredibly confidant and nonchalant starting a proposition*
Meliodas doing the same thing Hendy did by reattaching his fucking arms using Darkness and the sins still being like wait?? is Meliodas?? a... demon ??? 🤨
okay so we DO see him in this mode again. But what is it called? and why does he become no thots head empty? its not like he died. and even in assault mode, he has thoughts and emotions (when they’re not stuck in purgatory) 
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Im ngl, i forgot everything about this episode entirely lol
obvi i hate that derieri died, but at least the souls she fucking ate got returned lol
do we think arthur has a tiny teenage gay crush on meliodas? Discuss.
(the answer is yes ehehe)
gowther walking around with his dang a lang swangin hehe
Gil crying in annoyance and defeat as griamore and howzer bicker is literally so hashtag real
very suddenly realized that Hendy’s probably only like in his 30s. Mans is just not that old
exactly 3 seconds after I had that though Howzer calls him old man LOLLL
i forgot about hendy’s childhood trauma. damn. thats actually rlly sad :/
look how cute he is tho 😭😭
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hendy and dreyfus are in love. thanks for coming to another one of my ted talks
so do we think dreyfus is half druid (and zaratras is full) or zaratras is half druid? i mean they’re half brothers but only one is a called a druid sooo
IM SORRY BUT THIS IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SCREENSHOT ASDFFHSLDH elizabeth scandalized, meliodas accepting his fate, slader leaning in closer and blushing ITS JUST SO GOOD
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The ass shot of Diane 🤨😑
Damn Idk how i never realized that all of them pretty much only call Meliodas captain. Merlin, Ban, and Elizabeth are the only ones who will call him Meliodas, but even merlin and ban typically go with captain.
“im a giant, why arent you afraid of me?” hes a fucking demon. lol
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nicsnort · 3 months
The Dark Kiss - Lore
All the lore from the larger canon Forgotten Realms setting that I used for my Astarion fanfic The Dark Kiss (part 1). If you have any questions about specifics let me know! Cause I consume too much content about the Forgotten Realms lore.
From part 4
Lore Negative Energy: The Negative Energy Plane or the Plane of Death was destroyed during the Spellplague (when Cryic and Shar killed Mystra - temporarily). It was the plane that provided the "Evil" energy in the world that necromancers and the undead used to power themselves - negative energy enhanced the power of the undead and harmed the living. Shar used some of the energy from the Plane of Death collapsing to create the Shadowfell between 1385 and 1395; interestingly Dame Aylin would have been trapped in a newly created Shadowfell as one of its first inhabitants. The rest of the energy went into the planes of elemental chaos (fire plane, water plane, etc.) along with the Plane of Death's counterpart, the Plane of Life/Positive Energy Plane. Lore Vampires: So, in 2e Vampire Lore it is clearly stated that the bite of a vampire is one of the most pleasurable things a mortal can experience! This is what is supposed to be what keeps most victims from fighting back. There are also various ways that a vampire can be created - it isn't just draining someone's blood. 2e vampires used to drain a person's life force using negative energy aka draining their level and if they reached level 0 they died becoming a vampire. Additionally, vampires had venom in their bite, so if you were bitten, and died (from the bite or soon after) there was a chance you could turn into a vampire as well. There are others mentioned but the guide really just says "Whatever you want DMs, vampires are supposed to be mysterious." LOL. Heraldry meanings: So Bats are actually used in old heraldry and crests. A Bat was a representation of watchfulness while also used to inspire fear in enemies. Stars represent honor or achievement which I think works for Ascended Astarion or even better could represent a divine aspect bestowed upon the family very fitting for a "vampire god".
From part 5
Lore Vampire Ages: In old 2e D&D vampires were more powerful than in modern editions. One of the major things was due to vampires getting more powerful as they age. There was no such thing as a "vampire spawn"; when a vampire drained the life of a person they created another full-fledged vampire. Instead, there were different age categories of vampires that determined their power. Fledgling vampires (those under a century) were the weakest but still super powerful enemies and able to create more vampires with their bite. At a century Mature vampires gained a small amount of magic resistance, more health, and were immune to the repealing effect of garlic. Old vampires (200-299 years), saw a stat boost, more magic resistance, and gained immunity to the turning effect of mirrors - this is what Cazador would be. Very Old vampires at three centuries get a pretty big stat and magic resistance boost. Ancient vampires at four centuries were immune to holy symbols, along with a small stat boost, here too we see that the mere voice of a vampire could charm/compel people instead of having to meet their gaze. Eminent vampires were those 500-999 years old, they could withstand running water, could be in the sun for an hour, got another stat boost, etc. Finally, Patriarchs were over 1000 years old, they could compel people with their sheer willpower, were immune to sunlight, majorly resistant to magic, and got massive stat boosts. Interestingly all vampires still had to be invited into your home and had to sleep in a coffin. Additionally, all vampires were able to control undead including younger vampires - to an extent. The older they were the more they were able to control/summon. Fledglings felt compelled to follow their sire's commands for a few years but could resist (it was just difficult), after a few years they did not feel this compulsion though they could still be controlled through other means. One of the interesting things about the Dark Kiss ceremony was that the "bride" did not feel this compulsion to follow their sire's orders or be charmed by the sire but otherwise was a normal Fledgling vampire. In D&D games I run, I always play this lore conflict about spawn as vampires spawn whose sire is destroyed (or who lets them feed) slowly gain power based on age. Additionally, a spawn that isn't claimed by their sire will become a fledgling after a few years though if they meet their sire they then will have to fight against the sire controlling them.
From part 6
Lore the Dark Kiss: As I mentioned in the first chapter this story is based around the Dark Kiss a ritual from Van Ritchen's Guide to Vampires from the 2nd edition of D&D. The ritual itself is very simple but has some requirements. Firstly, the vampire must bite their intended consort three times (it is implied that this is over three nights but it could be played over a single night). Second, when the intended consort is about to die from blood loss the vampire gives them their blood - the consort must feed for at least 1 minute but no longer than 2 or go mad/feral. Third, the consort dies and awakes a few hours later a fledgling vampire but different than any other fledgling. [the "spell" Astarion speaks is just something I came up with since this ritual is based on that famous passage from Dracula.] There are some interesting points with this ritual which actually makes it dangerous for the vampire. The ritual temporarily drains the vitality of the vampire performing the ritual therefore they need to be at least four centuries old to even attempt it. Also, the consort becomes a weakness for the sire and vice versa; if either is destroyed the other one takes a whole bunch of psychic damage and cannot use their vampiric abilities for some time. However, the consort and sire are more powerful together than most vampires would be - they can communicate telepathically even when miles apart, they can tell if the other is in danger, and some even benefit from other perks as the DM desires. A sire can have only one consort through this ceremony at a time. There are potential downsides more for the consort though. Consorts do not feel compelled to follow the commands of their sire - they have complete free will. However, when they wake they are easily influenced by their creator as they wake confused and unknowing how to use their powers. This means a sire can manipulate them very easily to make their consort reliant on them. Additionally, in becoming a vampire the consort does change - becoming lawful evil, seeing people are pawns and food, etc. - if a vampire turned a consort because of their "innocent" or "good" nature this change could be displeasing to the sire and they may want to destroy their consort. Breaking the bond between sire and consort is possible, however, the sire has to allow it. If it gets to this point the sire being the more powerful vampire will likely destroy their ex-consort afterward. If you are interested in reading about this ritual and other 2e vampire lore the book is available for free online (just google Van Ritchen's guide to vampires, there are a few options). Or else google D&D Dark Kiss and there is a Reddit post in r/CurseofStrahd that has a 5th edition version of the ritual and the associated lore. Lore Undercity: Yeah this is a thing from the first Baldur's Gate game, you can find out a bit more on the Forgotten Realms wiki but there isn't much known about it. Jeheria talks about it and Wyll mentions it when you arrive at the Bhaal temple. I just assume that Cazador is tapping into the same ruins. If you look at the official digital art book there are tons of street-like pathways and other doors making it look like part of a city. I swear they were originally planning on having more vampire content but just like the upper city they had to cut it.
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
Top 5 pens
yay thank you for asking!! :D
Fountain pen (specifically the one fountain pen I have, bc that's the thread holding my life together)
Muji 0.5 ballpoint pens
Pilot be green greenball ballpoint pen (used these religiously for years before we got a Muji-store here and switched to those)
Muji fountain pen. It was my gateway fountain pen so it deserves a spot and like it's still nice & I take it with me when I go to places if I'm not feeling like dealing with the pressure of having the #1 pen with me (if that gets lost, I will pretty much die ig)
this one random one that I have no clue where it's from, has no labels or name. Black-ish ink, looks like it's made from wood but I bet it's some weird lifelike plastic
also I want to include my ultimate least-favorite-pen mortal enemy. A dishonorable mention if u will: those mf Pilot Frixion ones that you ''can erase'' and u never rly could, and they just smudge all around until it's way worse than what it'd been if u'd just scribbled over ur failure (which is what those pens are)
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