#which is OFTEN
j7lkx · 1 year
but does growing up just change your body?
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or also
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your soul?
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mouthlessmaiden · 9 months
if you appreciate male characters you like as whole, complex people with positive aspects as well as deep flaws but view all of your favorite female characters as perfect flawless badass snarky women who take no shit from the infinitely stupider and less competent male characters you’re not actually doing that because you just like women soooo much more than men hehe you’re doing it because you’re less interested in female characters and dont consider them to be three dimensional people in the way male characters are commonly viewed as
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starfruit-grafitti · 2 years
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gay people
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autisticlancemcclain · 8 months
keith is forever 5’7” in my heart but how tall do you think he is?
depends on my mood tbh. sometimes he is a short 5'4 king sometimes he is 5'7 sometimes he is 6 foot even often he is whatever he needs to be to be one half inch taller than lance post space whale
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Percy: babe-babe you know I love you right?
Jareth: yes?
Percy: and that I’d never want to hurt you?
Jareth: Yes.
Percy: and that I would never ever want to change you or make you uncomfortable?
Jareth: historically yes???????
Percy: then please know that I say this with all the love in my heart, all the loyalty in my bones, all the-
Jareth: you want me to wear briefs don’t you?
Jareth: am I too distracting Perseus?
Percy: nooooooooooooo
Jareth: 👹
Jareth: Is that while you walked directly into a tree?
Percy: She moved and I fucking know it.
Jareth: I can assure you she didn’t.
Jareth: It’s your right to look. Who am I to stop you?
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allastoredeer · 6 months
You know, ever since I've read De-Lovely, I can't help but think that it is Alastor's and Lucifer's song. I even have this headcanon, like, at the end of your series, after all the issues have been solved and Alastor and Lucifer finally got together, one evening Lucifer stays up late talking with Charlie in the hotel lounge about anything and everything, and when they decide to wrap things up and go to sleep, Lucifer starts to his room but suddenly hears faint music coming from the kitchen. He follows the music, now he doesn't even have to wonder what it means, and of course finds Alastor there, cooking, exactly like that night many months before. They share a look, not speaking, and Lucifer silently goes and sits down, watching Alastor work through the recipe. The radio plays soft jazzy tunes and suddenly the first cords of De-Lovely starts to play. "Oh, that's the song" Lucifer pipes up without thinking, "Hmm? What song?" asks Alastor, "The one you were listening to when I first found you here cooking" Lucifer explains and sighs nostalgically. And to his surprise, Alastor pauses, puts the oven on low heat, takes off the apron, then extends his hand to Lucifer and asks "Would you honor me with this dance?" And after like a moment of surprise he takes Alastor's hand and next thing he knows they are dancing, laughing, twirling to the tunes of the song, it's so lovely, and it becomes their song. Plus point if Charlie comes down to the kitchen for some milk or something and secretly spies them having the time of their lives, and her heart swells with so much happiness because her dad(s) is(are) happy and everything will be alright. Sorry for the long ask, I just love your series very much and can't help but imagine scenes for it. Looking forward to the next installment!
Honestly, it's kind of become Alastor and Lucifer's song to me too T.T every time I listen to it now, I think of them.
And that's such a beautiful scene 😭 Just a complete replay of the first fic, but with all the development and experience between them now making it that much sweeter. And the dancing. I am a SUCKER for Alastor and Lucifer dancing with each other. That shit gets me every time.
Never apologize for a long ask! I really enjoyed this!
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
what's your opinion on this emoji?
-> 🥹
it’s me when brad does anything remotely silly
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myceliumelium · 1 year
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... all I’m going to say is that female fish are usually a fair bit larger than males.
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sleepy-bear-tm · 8 months
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Hello, Siri, please play Rosalina’s Observatory for me
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maxgicalgirl · 1 year
WtNV headcanon that Cecil and Carlos call Esteban “Ban Ban” as a nickname.
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linktothefags · 4 months
So I think I might like boys...
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fallenclan · 1 year
ik everyone's still losing it abt Otterslip & Stormsight (me too) but I'm curious. what do the blue/newt/evie kits call their parents?? since they have two moms
I imagine they'd call Evie Dad, Newtscar would be Mom, and Bluefern would be Mama
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Hi just want you to know that you're absolutely 100% right about Gaz being a fish person
Anon you grasp my vision and you see my truth <3
In honor of this I have another installation in the Gaz Fish Person canon
One day about a month after Gaz added the last of the goldfish he wakes up and nearly has a heart attack. Ghost is sitting near the head of his bed, half in half out of his gear with the skull mask crooked and eyes as wide as saucers.
"he's dying"
He scrambles to put a shirt on, not bothering with pants because he's panicked and his lieutenant refuses to elaborate on who the bloody fuck is dying. So he ends up getting dragged to the rec room in his boxers at 0400 only to stop short when Ghost pulls him directly to the tank.
The goldfish are all happy to see them, swimming up and begging for food (Monster in particular because God knows he spoils her). Then he sees it, Spooky.
"What's wrong with him why is he doing that?" Ghost asks and Gaz has push back a laugh. Spooky the giant black moor has started turning a brilliant gold color. It's just a few scales on his stomach right now but it would be very alarming to someone who doesn't know goldfish. He's honestly surprised that Ghost has noticed, but perhaps his big scary lieutenant is just as invested in the fish tank as the rest of them.
"He's not dying I promise, it's something that happens naturally to his breed as they get older. They usually only stay black for the first year."
"...you're sure? I read that it had something to do with ammonia."
Gaz smiles reassuringly "I promise, if he were turning white it'd be a problem but he's a nice vibrant orange."
Ghost stares deep into his eyes for a moment before grunting and looking back to where Spooky is trying to eat his fingers through the glass.
"Thank you."
"Sure thing mate, now I'm gonna go put on some trousers yeah?"
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Okay, I've just sped through bloodletting in one night [I did not sleep] and 1. it's really good!! looking forward to the next chapter! but 2. You seem really fluent in Mando'a, any tips for learning??
omg! I hope you have some time to sleep now! Thank you so much <3
I am slowly becoming more fluent in Mando'a. Largely because I keep reading Star Wars/Mando AUs and old Legends fics. There's a really large, thriving fanon of Mando'a coming together over there, which is super cool.
I honestly think the best way to pick it up is to just keep reading things with it. I use the mandoa.org dictionary, but honestly most of my functional grasp of the language comes from fics and fanon discussions.
There's also some pretty basic rules in Mando'a that help a lot.
Plural forms tend to turn the last vowel to an e (vod'ika becomes vod'ike or ad becomes ade)
Words are often combined with other words to make bigger words: jate, meaning good, becomes very good when adding ori (big) to it (ori'jate, or "big good" literally)
Another example of combined words: Mand'alor is a combination of Manda and Alor, roughly meaning head/sole of Mandalore.
Mando'a loves its diminutives, such as vod (brother) becoming vod'ika (little brother)
Turning nouns into adjectives is usually fairly easy. dikut (idiot) becomes dikut'la (idiotic) or naak (peace) becomes naakla (peaceful)
There are, of course, complexities and tenses/conjugations that are entirely beyond me. But those rules generally keep me on track when reading someone else's Mando'a.
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icarus-suraki · 2 months
Anyway, I stumbled across someone else's artwork and it looks almost exactly like the way I picture this one OC I've got, so now I'm thinking about all the Tormented Lads again.
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restingbuchface · 1 year
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chowder is teaching me things about the sharks that i never knew i wanted to know
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