#which is a problem with no solution anybody is going to like but it isn't unreasonable to be annoyed about it actually
somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
you cannot uncouple "it's rich white people doing it not old people" from the fact that being a Rich White People makes it significantly more likely that you will get old in the first place
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years
all the reasons gabriel wears sunglasses so often: -obvious one, hangovers and comedowns -tendency towards migraines after getting his memory fucked with for years and years of his life (likely made worst any time he tried to fight against it/or remember things) -his eyes are naturally very light, bright colored (lighter eyes are more sensitive to the sun etc) -just the aesthetic of it+obviously easier to use them when needed if he has them on his head or already covering his eyes
#♥  i can’t breathe. 》 mun post#(he has the energy of if it gets worst so be it)#(plus i mean he's been beyond responsible for himself and then some since childhood)#(he's only 19 of course sometimes he will greet his problems with I know what I should do but that's not so fun)#(but also genuinely the migraines are literally worsened by dark rooms etc)#(so it isn't all recklessness when he's like well i guess the solution is to go clubbing until the bright lights and loud music fixes it)#(and he really wouldnt share the information with anybody cuz of how sucky people can be etc)#(of course solution varies and sometimes nothing works so after going through the cycles of solutions he just takes the edge off as he can)#(sometimes he just curls up listening to unhinged music super loud and cycling through self medicating)#(100% has some solution related to his power that's likely a mixture of helpful pain easing solutions that he uses to dull like 1% of pain)#(also like them just hitting randomly sometimes due to his subconscious seeing something and unconsciously reacting)#(which him in the middle curled up in a zip up hoodie smoking with music blaring and his sunglasses on)#(just chilling and light conversation pretty often he'd probably encourage lots of talking like i enjoy ur voice and passionate rambling)#(which he loves in general but is also helpful when his head is just violently hurting)#(especially if his hair is gently played with though depending on severity he might not like it so much-sometimes no contact at all is best)#long tags cw#headcanons#(he doesnt like addressing it i imagine even after it's just knowledge between the three of them especially if its memory fuckery related)#(can get really touchy about it for lots of reasons plus certainly had people who meant well make him feel worst or treat him poorly ovr it)#(and just being extra moody unable to help it which only compounds if say it's pointed out)#(people have no doubt in the past outwardly pointed out when his eyes were watery and teary due to it and in non gentle harsh ways)#(which him+things like vulnerability is also an lot)#(the ability for his problems to compound and him to just be like xD today is really fucking terrible im going to go sulk is common)#(i just want to talk about him so much and my characterization of him+what i'd give to write him at all let alone in his source material)#(im going to try another tag experiment by not tagging this with his tag until much much later even though its likely fruitless)#(aka when i do so i will probs delete these few tags lol)
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friezaglasiencold · 9 months
I know this might be out of the blue (and this somehow turned into a ask Algid blog ) but this is a question for Yamcha
What do YOU like about Frieza or what draw you towards him
(Since ya know he’s a villain)
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Hey, it's me. Told Frieza to look away until I post this, haha. He gave me the computer and just said 'go nuts,' so that's a good sign? I'll put it under a cut, cause I'm probably gonna go long, and there's a good chance I'll get a little sentimental. I know he's not into that stuff, so I don't wanna clog up his blog with it.
I haven't gotten the chance to talk about this, really, since the guys don't approve of us 'being together' and all--for obvious reasons--so, I guess first I gotta thank you for asking! It means a lot that you'd think about that, or be worried about that, or whatever. Because, yeah, he is a villain, and it's a pretty big deal.
I know he's a really bad person, basically as bad as it gets (he's kind of like if you put a bunch of real estate scumbags in a blender and then poured the result into a really sexy cup, and then that sexy cup had anger issues??), but there's a lot there that I think maybe nobody's ever seen before, or cared to look for, or maybe he's just never wanted to show to anybody...
For one, I just think he's really cute! Like, not even in a sex way. He's just cute. He does this thing with his face when he's thinking really hard where he'll scrunch up his nose and totally zone out. I don't think he notices it, but he does a lot of stuff with his tail, too. It's pretty easy to tell how he's feeling once you get used to reading him, and if he's in a good mood it, like, wiggles? Not wagging, not like a dog or anything, but almost like one of those wacky inflatable tube dudes. And I know this isn't really a "good" thing, but when he's frustrated with something, he stews about it, and crosses his arms and stomps around for a while, and he'll go on these little tirades about stuff that doesn't matter, and it's adorable how into it he gets. He's pretty easy to tease.
And he's really smart. Genuinely totally on the ball. Not the kind of guy you'd come to to vent or something, but if you give him a problem he'll hand you a solution in, like, ten seconds.
I'm always discovering new things about him, too, like these skills or hobbies he has that he doesn't even think are worth mentioning... he's killer at the violin, and he's a really good singer, and he likes to do all these little creative projects when people aren't looking. I think whatever he sets his mind to he just does, and I like that in a person. It's part of why I got with Bulma all those years back--she was really headstrong, just like he is. I'm into the type who knows what they want and who they are and stays honest about that.
Frieza's a lot less dramatic about it than she was, though. He'll do something, and he won't like, get all up in your face and start wagging a finger about it. He just does it, and then tells you it's done if you notice, because he's pretty used to being solitary, so he's not a needy kind of guy. As long as you give him what he wants, you're basically golden.
He's really up front about it, too. Who he is, I mean. He's never pulled any punches with me, or lied, or given me the runaround. He sat me down and said look, Yamcha, this is what my deal is, and this is what I'm looking for, and if you're interested we can make arrangements. I like that I know what I'm getting into, y'know? Like, yeah, it's a little disappointing that he's not into the idea of marriage, but we haven't been dating long, and there's always time down the line if we wind up staying together. What I'm really surprised about, though, is that even if we didn't, I think I'd still wanna be friends? Which isn't the kind of thing you'd normally think about with Frieza. I know Vegeta would flip his lid if he heard me say that.
There's a ton more I could talk about, but I don't want to wind up writing a novel, so I'll just end it on this:
He's a bad person, yeah, and there's stuff I've gotta talk with him about if we wind up making this a permanent thing, but a lot of my friends started out as bad people, including me. I can say for a fact, though, that he's got a heart in there somewhere, even if nobody else thinks that's true. I've seen these little glimpses of it, and it makes me really happy, and I wanna keep seeing it. That make sense?
I hope so.
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Captain America: Civil War
Summary: When on a mission in Lagos things don't go as you expected, Secretary Ross offers the team a solution.
Pairing: Platonic!Avengers x F!Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of violence. Language. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3K
A/N: It's only half of January and I've already been sick, great! Anyway, basically all the other parts of this story were queued and ready to go, so I got some time to rest but now I'm here writing with a fever! So, if anything doesn't make sense or I missed some mistakes, that's why. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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After months of tracking down Rumlow, you finally have a chance to get him once and for all.
You’re in Lagos, sitting at a cafe.
“All right, what do you see?” Steve’s voice comes in your ear. You know he’s talking to Wanda, she’s still learning how to be an Avenger.
“Standard beat cops,” she looks around her. “Small station. Quiet street. It’s a good target.”
“There’s an ATM in the south corner, which means…” he trails off letting Wanda finish his sentence.
“Cameras.” she promptly says.
“Both cross streets are one way.” Steve keeps going.
“So compromised escape routes.” Wanda reasons.
“Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out.” Steve says, “You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?”
“Yeah, the red one?” she asks “It’s cute.”
“It's also bulletproof,” you discreetly point out  ”which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.”
“You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?” she says and you smirk.
“Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.” Natasha answers from a few tables away.
“Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?” you hear Sam ask and try hard to contain your laughter.
“Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?” Natasha says and you can see her smirking.
“Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him.” Steve says in our comms.
“If he sees us coming that won't be a problem.” Sam says. 
“Yeah, he kind of hates us.” you add.
There’s a minute of silence as you all keep an eye on your surroundings, then you hear Steve’s voice again. “Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it.”
You turn around just in time to see Redwing flying under it to scan the truck.
“Give me X-ray.” Sam orders the drone. “That truck’s loaded for max weight. And the driver’s armed.”
“It’s a battering ram.” Natasha says and your eyes widen a little.
“Go now!” Steve says and before the words are even out of his mouth you’re moving.
“What?” Wanda asks confused.
“He’s not hitting the police.” you say and then you’re all running in the truck’s direction.
Steve and his supersoldier ass get there first, then Sam and Wanda who can fly, while you and Nat are stuck driving your motorcycles as fast as you can, but can still hear the conversation through the comms.
“Body armor, AR-15's.” Steve says “I make seven hostiles.”
You hear some gun fire and then Sam “I make five.”
“Sam.”- Wanda says and, after a few seconds, Sam again “Four.”
“Rumlow’s on the third floor.” Sam says, then Steve says in his Captain voice “Wanda, just like we practiced.”
“What about the gas?”-you hear her ask.
“Get it out.” he orders. You can see the green and red whirlpool from the street.
“Rumlow has a biological weapon.” Steve after a few minutes, just as you and Natasha get there.
“We’re on it.” she says and basically jumps off her motorcycle and it skids into an agent.
You make a sharp turn and come to a sudden stop in front of an agent on your right side, so you push your left leg off the bike and, twisting your body, you kick the guy hard on the stomach while also dismounting the motorcycle.
When you turn around Nat cocks her eyebrow at you and you shrug. “What? I’m not throwing my bike at these assholes.” she rolls her eyes at you as you two keep taking out soldiers.
You can see Nat getting dragged by Rumlow, but you’re too busy fighting off some agents to help her. You vaguely hear him saying ‘I don't work like that no more’ and frown, you manage to take out the last one around you and, just as you turn, you see Rumlow launch a grenade into the truck and say “Fire in the hole.”
You run towards it, knowing Natasha’s probably in it, but it explodes before you can get close and do anything, the door flying and Natasha falling out of it coughing.
Once you’re sure she’s okay, you turn around but Rumlow’s already gone.
“Sam. He's in an AFV heading north.” you hear Steve say and, sharing a nod with Natasha, you get back onto your bikes and run to catch up with the truck.
“I got six, they're splitting up.” Sam says just as you and Natasha get to where they ditched the truck.
Natasha jumps onto a car and then another and you follow her. “I got the two on the left.” she says.
“I got the middle!” you say and start your pursuit.
“They ditched their gear. It's a shell game now.” you hear Steve say as you run after your two guys. “One of them has the payload.”
Just as you manage to catch up to your guys and knock one of them out, you can hear Sam saying “He doesn't have it. I’m empty.”
You quickly take down the other guy and search through them. “I struck out, too.”
Then you hear Natasha say “Payload secure.” and you allow yourself to relax.
“Thanks, Sam.” She adds.
“Don't thank me.” he answers and you frown, confused as you start making your way back.
“I’m… not thanking that thing.” is all Natasha needs to say for you to understand, and you roll your eyes.
“His name is Redwing.” Sam corrects her.
“I'm still not thanking it.” she says.
“He's cute. Go ahead, pet him.” he says and you can’t help but laugh.
Your amusement is cut short as you hear Steve’s grunts, clearly still in a fight and you try to move faster to make your way to him.
You catch up right after Wanda, just as Rumlow says “And you're coming with me.” and activates the bomb vest he’s wearing.
You don’t have time to even try and cover yourself as Wanda keeps the blast contained in a ball around Rumlow, his screams the only thing that can be heard.
She launches him in the air and the ball of energy explodes too close to the building next to it, setting a couple of floors on fire.
As you all watch in horror, you barely register Steve asking Sam for Fire and Rescue as you put your hands on Wanda’s shoulders and turn her away from the building. You let her rest her head on your shoulder as she starts crying, your own shocked attention still on the building.
This is not good.
It’s been a rough couple of days for the team after the mission in Lagos.
You’re all back at the compound now, and you’re on your way to the conference room to wait there for Tony when you pass Wanda’s room and hear her talking to Steve.
“Rumlow said ‘Bucky’ and… all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn.” Steve pauses “And people died. It's on me.”
“It's on both of us.” Wanda counters.
“This job…” Steve starts “we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time… maybe nobody gets saved.” 
You see Vision approach and keep walking to make your way to the conference room, exchanging a knowing nod with him.
When you get there you’re a little startled to see The Secretary of State, but you sit down at the table in silence.
Once everyone gets there, Steve sits at the head of table, to his left Sam, then Vision and then Wanda, to his right you then Natasha, then Rhodey and Tony is sitting in a chair by himself to the right of the table.
Secretary Ross is on his feet in front of the table and, once everyone takes a seat, he starts talking.
“Five years ago, I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my back-swing. Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass… I found something 40 years in the Army had never taught me: Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives… but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some… who would prefer the word ‘vigilantes’”
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asks.
“How about ‘dangerous’?” Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Definitely not the word you were expecting “What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
Ross activates a screen behind him and News footage from past Avengers and SHIELD matters flash on the screen as he speaks.
“New York.” A Chitauri leviathan. Terrified citizens. A soldier firing a gun. The Hulk smashes into a building and sends a dust cloud that engulfs the camera. Rhodey looks regretful and he glances behind him at Natasha.
“Washington DC.” The three Insight helicarriers, firing on each other. The destroyed Triskelion. A helicarrier crashing into the Potomac and throwing up a massive wave, engulfing citizens and the camera. You and Sam look at each other, then down.
“Sokovia.” Terrified citizens, running. The city rising. A building falling over. Everyone’s eyes are glued to the screen.
“Lagos.” The burning building. Paramedics moving a body. A dead girl. Wanda is particularly affected by the footage from Lagos. Steve sees this and intervenes.
“Okay. That's enough.” Steve says, looking at Wanda.
Secretary Ross nods to his aide and the images disappear, then he starts talking again.
“For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.” he places a thick document on the desk and passes it to Wanda. She looks at it and then slides it over to Rhodey. “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries… it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.”
“The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place.” Steve points out. “I feel we've done that.”
“Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?” Steve looks up and meets Ross's eyes. “If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes… you can bet there'd be consequences.”
You narrow your eyes at him. They’re people, not weapons. Before you can voice your thoughts he goes on. “Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.” He points at the Accords.
“So, there are contingencies.” Rhodey says, familiar with the politics by now.
“Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” Steve glances at Tony “Talk it over.”
He starts to walk away when you speak up for the first time. “And if we come to a decision you don't like?”
Ross stops and looks back at you. “Then you retire.” he deadpans.
You simply nod, trying to stifle a grin and, when you look at Natasha, you can see she’s doing the same.
He leaves with his aide and there’s a moment of silence before you all get up and walk quietly to the common room. Some sitting, some standing and Tony laying down on a chair. And then the discussion starts.
“Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have.” Rhodey says to sam. You’ve lost track of how long the team has been discussing.
“So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”
“117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam,” He leans in to look at Sam since you’re currently between the two men. “and you're just like, ‘No, that's cool. We got it.’”
“Why am I always in the middle of this?” you say, a little exasperated at the two that are almost glaring at each other now, you make eye contact with Nat and she clearly feels the same way you do.
“How long are you going to play both sides?” Sam says, ignoring your comment.
“I have an equation.” Vision jumps in and everyone looks at him.
“Oh, this will clear it up.” you say sarcastically and cross your arms in front of your chest.
“In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.” Vision explains.
“Are you saying it's our fault?” Steve asks.
“I'm saying there may be a causality.” Vision clarifies, before going on “Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict… breeds catastrophe. Oversight… oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”
“Boom.” Rhodey says and you roll your eyes while Sam glares at him.
“Tony. You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal.” Natasha points out.
“It's because he's already made up his mind.” Steve says.
“Boy, you know me so well.” Tony says sarcastically and gets up, rubbing his head. “Actually, I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache.”
He walks to the kitchen and grabs a mug before continuing. “That's what's going on, Cap. It's just pain. It's discomfort- Who's putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”
He puts his phone in a basket and taps it, the phone projects an image of a smiling young man. He looks down, then back up, and pretends to notice the picture for the first time. “Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia.” Everyone is listening to him intently as he seems to be having a little meltdown, but his words are clearly affecting the whole team.
“He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.” He pauses and takes a pill with some coffee, then faces you all. “There's no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, if we're boundary-less, we're no better than the bad guys.”
“Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don't give up.” Steve says.
“Who said we're giving up?” Tony promptly answers.
“We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions.” Steve counters. “This document just shifts the blame.”
“I'm sorry. Steve. That- that is dangerously arrogant.” Rhodey says. “This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the World Security Council, it's not SHIELD, it's not HYDRA.”
“No, but it's run by people with agendas, and agendas change.” you interject, seeing Steve’s point.
“That's good. That's why I'm here.” Tony says, pointing at you. “When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.”
“Tony, you chose to do that.” you tell him, then Steve talks, nodding at you.
“She’s right. If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go? What if there is somewhere we need to go, and they don't let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.” Steve says.
“If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later.” Tony reasons. “That's the fact. That won't be pretty.”
“You're saying they'll come for me.” Wanda speaks up for the first time since this discussion started.
“We would protect you.” Vision says confidently.
“Could we?” you say and everyone looks at you, so you elaborate. “If we don’t sign this we’re criminals for even trying to keep her safe. If we do sign, it’ll be our job to come for her if we get ordered to.”
There’s a moment of silence while you all think about this, before Natasha speaks up. “Maybe Tony's right.”
You all look at her, surprised. “If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off-” she gets interrupted by Sam.
“Aren't you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?”
“He’s not wrong, Tasha.” You add.
“I'm just… I'm reading the terrain.” She explains. “We have made… some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back.”
“Focus up.” Tony says and looks at Natasha, clearly amused. “I'm sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me?” you roll your eyes.
“Oh, I want to take it back now.”
“No, no, no. You can't retract it. Thank you. Unprecedented. Okay, case closed--I win.”
They all start to talk over each other, but you’re focused on Steve’s phone that you can see over his shoulder since you’re standing right behind him. He gets a text that says ‘She’s gone. In her sleep.’ and you frown, watching Steve quickly get up.
“I have to go.” is all he says while dropping the Accords on the coffee table and, when he exits the room, you exchange a worried glance with Sam.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham
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stackslip · 9 months
what if you are a victim of sexual violence and you do feel forever damaged and angry though? what if you do feel that your perpetrators are evil?
so first of all, anon, i get you. your emotions and feelings about this are your own, and i'm not saying that they are fake or wrong. you're not a bad person for hating your abusers, and you're not wrong/bad for feeling damaged and angry. what i will gently push back on is that these are your feelings--i don't know your situation, past or current, and even if i did i still wouldn't be in a position to judge how you react to traumatic events. these are your own, nobody can take them away from you. what i am trying to say is, sexual violence does not have a specific essence different from other forms of violence that irredeemably damages its victims. rather, societal insistence that sexual violence is a black mark upon its victims, and a system made to fuck over victims of abuse and violence of any kind, leaving them little space or material resources to be able to heal in peace, leave many survivors barely able to stay afloat. it is normal to feel damaged when 1) you are told constantly that the thing that was done to you makes you lesser than, that it is your fault, and that you should not be able to talk about it or obtain any closure from it 2) for many survivors, ever since the violence occurred, they've been struggling with poverty, with being mocked and going through further abuse, with having very little space or material/emotional support to process and heal the pain they've been through, which compounds the feeling of being irreperably damaged. support of survivors *is* crucial to me. you should be able to leave your abuser and be in a space far away from them, to feel safe, to not have to worry about your material needs as your grieve and heal, to not being reinforced that you are broken beyond repair.
as for the question of your perpetrators, i'm not asking you to forgive and move on. again i do not know the context of what happened to you, but even then i cannot force you to feel anything, and forcing survivors in absolving their abusers in order to feel better does not do much. you cannot be forced to not hate somebody who's done harm to you! what i will try to push back on, though, is the notion that anybody is ontologically evil, and that figuring out who belongs in a class of ontologically evil people in order to wipe them out because they are Bad People Who Do Bad Things is not ultimately helpful as a whole. i'm not saying "if you killed your rapist you'd feel worse" bc that might not be the case. i'm saying that as a whole, a society that designates a group of people as irredeemably evil, and whose understanding of sexual violence is that it is done by Bad People Only who deserve to be lined up and shot, is not actually a society that reduces rates of sexual violence, or has the best interests of survivors at heart. you're allowed to hate your rapists and see them a certain way. but if you are told that the solution is to Kill All Rapists, that this will heal you and others and reduce the risks of sexual violence, the problem is that that just isn't true! if anything, it might make some survivors and perpetrators' families and friends even less likely to want to talk abotu sexual violence, because they have complicated feelings towards their perpetrators or materially depend on them. a society where people take matters into their own hands means even more silence around rape and sexual violence, and more shame around the victim. furthermore, it treats Being A Rapist as something people are born with, an innate evil, rather than the result of societal and economic forces, which then does nothing to actually prevent rape and sexual violence.
your feelings on the things that happened to you and the people who did this to you are real and valid. i am not judging them and nobody should judge you either. you cannot actually force yourself to love someone as yourself or to forgive, especially when you have been given no justice or healing. but also, while your feelings are your own, i will plead to you that using these feelings as justification to push for a worse world is not helpful to you or any other survivor. there are people on here and out there who will use what happened to you to try to convince you of a simple solution, one that they claim is helpful to survivors as they allow them to get justice in their own hands. but that is a lie. they are using your pain, your very real suffering, to obsfucate the real forces behind sexual violence and violence of any kind. they will often make you feel worse--not because revenge is morally bad, but because the idea that you are now irrevocably broken and damaged and that the only thing that can bring you a semblance of satisfaction is seeing all Rapists TM murdered is harmful to you too. it will not help you heal or make the world a better place for other or potential victims of sexual violence. it is a tool that people want to use in order to use it against more vulnerable people, who are seen as disposable and inherently predatory. it will not save you or others. so i am not urging you to forgive, or to magically heal from something traumatic. instead, i'm asking you to be kinder to yourself, to realize that while healing might not be in reach for everyone, including you, that it is because you were failed--not because sexual violence has inevitably broken you and soiled you. i'm asking you to not choose to support people who do not have your interests as a survivor in mind, but instead seek an easy solution with easily designated Bad People. i'm asking you to be kinder to yourself through both these things.
i hope this answer clarifies things somewhat. i wish you well. if you want to talk further about this in private, please feel free to dm me. i do not have all the solutions or the combination for a perfect world free of sexual violence, but i think there are paths to reducing said violence and making things better for survivors. sending you love.
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fatuismooches · 9 months
So, we all know that she has her robot that carries her around, I hc that she doesn't like walking that much and the robot carries her pretty much everywhere. And with you being her lover, naturally, she wants you to be with her pretty much everywhere. The robot ends up carrying her in one hand and you in the other.
Now imagine if the robot broke down on a day she had harbinger meeting to attend to... She didn't want to go, 'cause it meant walking all the way from her lab to the palace.
You try to convince her that those things are really important. She agrees that they are, but isn't her well being more important to you? ☝️😠
She just really didn't want to walk there, but you knew it would be more trouble than it's worth if she didn't show up, so you make a suggestion... Something you wouldn't do if she was anybody else.
You carry her on your shoulders, all the way from her lab to the palace. You were hesitant to make this suggestion, but it became clear to you that she wouldn't leave any other way.
Thankfully she wasn't too heavy, but the path to the palace wasn't really a short one. You thought you could finally have a break when you reached the door to the room where the meeting took place.
Then you heard the soft voice of your lover asking you why did you stop. 🙂
Turns out, the meetings can take a while and there's nowhere to sit during it. She can't stand for that long. 😞 Like fym, and I can with you on my shoulders?
Yeah, guess we'll find out since you did have to do it otherwise the whole trip would be for nothing.
Oh, and don't worry, she already informed the Jester that you're coming with her so you can't use "I can't attend the meeting since I'm not a harbinger" as an excuse. 🥰
Thankfully no one really commented on it. Childe was about to, but was silenced by the intense glare of the Marionette which was deadlier than usual. And you did get a dirty look from Scaramouche.
After the long meeting, your legs were slowly giving out. Thankfully, Sandrone noticed and was like "we can sit down for a while if you're tied" and you're like, "we?".
Yeah, you're replacing her robot for today, so she just has to sit on you. She finds out that sitting on your lap and feeling your warmth was actually quite comfortable. She wonders why you two haven't done this before.
After all of that she finally fixes the robot and you thought you were done.
NOPE! Now she constantly insist on sitting in your lap while she works, even after the robot is fixed.
But she has ran into one small issue. She likes the comfort of sitting in her lap, but the robot can move her where she needs to be when she's sitting in it's hand which makes her more productive.
But no worries, your smart lover has figured out a perfect solution. You sit on the robots hand while she sits in your lap. As goofy as it looks, it's both comfortable and productive, and it makes her happy.
[P.S. Can I be the 🦀 anon please?]
UGH YES I LOVE YOU 🦀 ANON... It is very rare that Sandrone is not seen either on her robot or on a regular chair... she doesn't even need to fight herself because the robot can for her... why would one get up if they have no reason to? Now you have no problem with walking places but your lover is rather insistent on having you be carried with her. It's rather fun! The robot holds its hands close to each other so you two are practically brushing shoulders! Very easy to hold hands. (Only in private of course.)
Although it's rare for her heavily invested in robots to malfunction, it can still happen on occasion but it's not a problem since she's very intelligent and efficient. However, this time she did not have the time because the meeting was far too close. She's annoyed but on the bright side, she doesn't need to deal with the irritating voices of her co-workers (Childe especially) but you aren't interested in seeing the Jester in the lab again for a "friendly reminder".
When you offer to carry her all the way there, Sandrone genuinely laughs at the suggestion (you always come up with the most entertaining ideas) but nope, you're dead serious. You will get your wife there, even if it means you need to cross bridges and endure the biting Snezhnayan cold! Even if your legs and shoulders collapse! (The thing you do for her... at least she's rather petite. Your wife said although you weren't as comfortable as her robot, she appreciated your warmth.)
Ahhh it would be so funny depending on how tall you are... If you're tall she would be well above most of the other Harbingers, literally looking down on them... even if you're short (like me 💔) it would still look really funny mwebfwew all while Sandrone has a straight face and you're dying. (You know, even though Sandrone thinks she's winning by hogging your lap, you can still take revenge by squishing her to death!! You may have gotten a death glare from her but it's okay!!)
Ouuuhh,, i can just imagine,, your arms snuggly wrapped around her waist as the robot moves the two of you up and around all the time... it would be so fun even though you're really doing nothing but watching her work,,,
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maoisarap · 10 days
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Maoru Headcanons~♡
When Mao isn't looking/in the bedroom with Rumi, Rumi likes to go into Mao's side of the wardrobe and steal a jacket or hooded jumper every now and then.
Neither of the two can actually cook all that well, so when it comes to food times they're either ordering in, making something cheap and simple, anything to dodge the stuff they fear of in the kitchen, the two always find a way.
Mao gets super clingy when he's expressionly tired. When he's with Rumi, all he wants to do is cuddle them until he falls asleep.
Mao is like a personal heater to Rumi, especially when their reynards play up. Even though there are professional solutions to help it, they prefer being warmed up by Mao, especially during the colder seasons!
One time when Rumi had to stay at the hospital for a few weeks due to a mental health problem, Mao went to some people he knew to create two personalised teddy bears that look like him and Rumi, and he gave them as a gift to them during one of the days he went visit Rumi.
Mao actually talks in his sleep, and it warms Rumi's heart every time they hear him mumble because all they can hear from him is about how much he loves Rumi.
Mao can play the guitar, but Rumi can also play the violin! So sometimes, when they're free, the two get together and make personal tunes together!
Adult!Mao and Adult!Rumi both own a one bedroom bungalow together, and they have two pets: a cockatiel bird and a ragdoll cat!
Mao's personal favourite thing about Rumi is their laugh, but he loves them overall either way.
Rumi's personal favourite thing about Mao is his eyes. Rumi isn't great at looking eye to eye with anybody, but when it comes to Mao, they feel at ease to do so. His eyes bring a sense of comfort and warmth like no other when they stare at Mao.
Mao and Rumi have matching phone cases for their own phones, which means that sometimes, in a rushed moment to get to work or some other place, the two will accidentally pick up each others phone and rush out of the door without looking back.
Mao gets distracted a lot at idol work/practice/hanging out with friends/etcetera because he's thinking about Rumi a lot.
The same can be said for Rumi, especially when they're drawing stuff up in their sketchbook and without noticing until a later time, they always draw stuff to do with Mao, even at times when they shouldn't be.
Their version of a movie night actually consists of watching a whole entire season of an anime for as long as possible until either or both of them have fallen asleep on the living room settee or in the bedroom, depending on where they're watching at that moment.
Rumi likes to steal Mao's manga a lot once he's finished with reading it.
Mao is very ticklish, and only Rumi knows the secret ticklish spots!
Mao can be jealous sometimes when others talk to Rumi, it more so depends on who and for how long than what about.
The two jokingly argue about who is shorter, and Rumi knows how to exactly win the "argument" every time: take away Mao's ramen privileges.
Mao tries his best to be flirty, but he isn't always the best at it. Which makes him embarrassed when he does try. But it's okay, Rumi loves what Mao says and supports that he keeps trying! They'd rather hear Mao's sort of flirting than the classic type!
Hugging and holding hands are the two's favourite versions of physical affection to one another. Although when Mao is feeling super confident, then he'll swoop down for a little kiss (they're really short, though).
Mao and Rumi, for fun, for conventions, any reason possible, will cosplay and match each other as much as they can! It's so much fun to do!
Rumi still gets nightmares, even after these few years, about Mao leaving them. Mao knows every way to comfort and remind them that he won't.
The two like to give each other post-it notes on their bags or lunch bags whenever it's either of their days to head to work! On the post-it notes are a message of positivity and love from one another!
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theworldvsyoshiko · 10 months
Now that the mod list has mostly stabilized, a slightly more useful overview of all hundred-something mods I've got installed right now. Mostly, because I found a lot of these mods from other people making similar lists. It turns out that Steam Workshop search isn't always great.
This is exported from RimPy but obviously not in the load order.
Obligatory Vanilla Expanded Category
Actually I'm not even going to list all of these, because basically anybody who mods this game has them installed. Really the only noteworthy part is that I skipped some of them, mostly some of the Vanilla Factions Expanded ones that added more mechanics to enemies who are already too annoying, or sounded way too complicated. I also added Vanilla Outposts Expanded recently, which will probably become very relevant before long. Oh, and skipped Vanilla Genetics Expanded, both because the game has genetics now, and a friend told me horror stories about it.
Prereqs for other mods
Not even gonna describe these. They're mostly frameworks. Besides, everyone knows Harmony and HugsLib.
Prepatcher [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2934420800]
Harmony [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009463077]
HugsLib [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=818773962]
Pathfinding Framework [https:// no link (local mod)]
TDS Bug Fixes [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895035527]
TD Find Lib [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895299310]
Humanoid Alien Races [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=839005762]
Mechanical Humanlikes Core [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2974524016]
Boring technical stuff
Performance Optimizer... does just that, mostly by cutting down on unnecessary background calculations.
Performance Optimizer [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2664723367]
All of the ReGrowth mods either add more plants/animals/features to existing biomes, or rarely introduce biomes of their own.
Real Ruins adds scattered ruins all over the place, using (heavily degraded) blueprints of the bases of other people who are using the same mod. tbh if I do another game I'll probably drop Real Ruins. It's fun, but sometimes it's wildly unbalanced. If you've noticed that the current colony has like five vanometric power cells, this is where a few of them came from.
ReGrowth: Core [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260097569]
ReGrowth: Arid [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2466442910]
ReGrowth: Boreal [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2106597000]
ReGrowth: Extinct Animals [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2266685892]
ReGrowth: Swamp [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182111148]
ReGrowth: Temperate [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2261114471]
ReGrowth: Tropical [https:// no link (local mod)]
ReGrowth: Tundra [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2107412614]
ReGrowth: Wastelands [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2122461695]
Real Ruins [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552146295]
ReGrowth: Aspen [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2545774148]
ReGrowth: Boiling [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2981924439]
ZiTools objects seeker is the best fucking mod out there and it should be in the core game. It's the solution to the standard 'well shit, somebody made a masterwork charge rifle, but I don't know where it is in my 340 tile storeroom' problem.
Recycle This adds a button to order people to smelt/deconstruct/destroy specific items.
More Harvest Designators adds buttons like 'chop all the mature trees in this area' and 'cut all the blighted plants in this area.'
Food Alert adds a status line on the main screen that estimates how many days of food the colony has stored.
Skill Master adds a list to the work tab showing the highest level in each skill in the colony, which you can click to go to that person.
Everybody Gets One adds new options to production buildings like 'always make this thing until we have four per colonist' or 'make dusters whenever we have more than 100 leather.' Very handy for things like food production when your population level is fluctuating wildly.
ZiTools objects seeker [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2021885930]
Recycle This [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2567877605]
More Harvest Designators! [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541250497]
Food Alert (Continued) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017538067]
Skill Master [https:// no link (local mod)]
Everybody Gets One [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1687566130]
Functionality From Dwarf Fortress
Follow The Vein adds a 'mine this mineral, and any new tiles of the same mineral that you uncover' designator. Like Dwarf Fortress has.
Path Avoid lets you make colonists prefer to walk around certain areas when possible. Like you can in Dwarf Fortress. Great for discouraging people from using your freezer as a shortcut.
Follow the Vein [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2923356196]
[KV] Path Avoid [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180719857]
Alpha Genes adds a zillion new genes and 14 new xenotypes. This is where we got the jellyfish and rock people. It also adds all the gene-tinkering tools that Yoshiko used to become a foxgirl vampire.
Alpha Genes [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2891845502]
Alpha Genes - Insectoid Mutations [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2906193379]
Cosmetic-only changes
World Map Beautification Project changes the textures on the world map to do things like make mountain chains more obvious.
Childrens Drawings adds more options to the pool of drawings that kids can leave on the floor.
Interaction Bubbles adds those nice overhead speech bubbles when colonists talk to each other. Otherwise you have to go to their social log to see what they've been talking about.
Dubs Apparel Tweaks allows you to hide certain clothing based on the situation. If you've noticed that nobody's wearing hats indoors, this is why. It's not perfect, though--apparently it has some minor conflicts. With one of the VE mods, I think? Also I haven't been able to find a working setting where it doesn't show everybody sleeping in the nude.
World Map Beautification Project [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2314407956]
Childrens Drawings [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2918817041]
Interaction Bubbles [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1516158345]
Dubs Apparel Tweaks [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296697286]
Things that are just common sense
But not the Common Sense mod, funnily enough.
Stabilize allows you to tend to a somebody's wounds in place, without needing to pack them to a special designated spot for it.
Injured Carry lets colonists rescue people who are injured, but haven't collapsed. Because otherwise, by default, if somebody gets horribly wounded but has a high pain tolerance, it's entirely possible for them to crawl toward the hospital with nobody else able to help them until they pass out, two seconds away from bleeding out.
Beautiful Outdoors makes most wild plants at least a little pretty, so people will get some Beauty gain from being out in the forest or whatever.
Trading Spot lets you designate where visiting caravans should park, instead of them choosing a random spot to hang out.
Backup Power allows your colonists to figure out the advanced science of turning off the fuel-powered generators when the colony's already running an electricity surplus.
Prisoners Are Not Swines makes prisoners clean their cells sometimes, rather than just wallowing in trash while complaining about it.
Wall Lights - imagine a far-off future where we could use light bulbs for things other than floor lamps. Just imagine. Arguably a little OP since they use a bit less power and resources, but default lights are weirdly expensive on both axes anyway.
Dubs Break Mod makes the severity of a mental break partially dependent on how unhappy somebody is, so someone who's just a little grumpy is less likely to go on an arson spree than somebody who's been on the verge of a meltdown for weeks.
Stabilize [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2023407836]
Injured Carry [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2413690575]
Beautiful Outdoors [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2011794898]
[GMT] Trading Spot [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2874517333]
Backup Power (Updated) [https:// no link (local mod)]
Prisoners Are Not Swines [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2613966365]
Wall Light [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1423699208]
Dubs Break Mod [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1722398508]
Arguably OP stuff
Device Standby makes it so that, like... a machining table doesn't draw exactly as much power when it's just sitting there as when somebody's actively using it. imo this is common sense, but it drastically reduces the load on your electric grid, so I have to admit that it makes things a lot easier.
Losing The Faith makes people lose confidence in their beliefs when they're unhappy. This mostly makes it easier to convert prisoners to your ideology.
Impressionable Children adds a chance that people will influence a child toward their ideology while tutoring them. Also common sense imo, but it does make it a lot easier to convert kids. Which, you know, is kind of important for this colony.
Pick Up And Haul makes it so that when somebody goes to haul, they look for other things along the route that need hauled in the same direction, and keep grabbing stuff until they're at their carry limit. Again, common sense, but it makes hauling a lot faster. On the other hand it's fucking stupid that by default people will go 'well there's a pile of t-shirts that need carried to the storeroom right here, but I should only grab one at a time.'
Pocket Sand allows colonists to keep multiple weapons on them at all times, and adds a button to swap between the weapons (with the normal equip delay.) Again, common sense. This is such a massive QoL improvement, because now somebody can be a sniper and then swap to a shotgun when the enemies get close. This is how Yoshiko remains a world-class marksman while also bashing skulls with a big hammer. (I know there's a sidearms mod that makes the swapping automatic, but that looked like it had some significant conflicts and stuff last I checked.)
Childhood Backstories makes colony kids get an actual backstory upon turning 13. Mostly a bit OP because this means that it gives everyone some automatic skill boosts when they hit that point. But it adds character, and tbh with how many kids show up when they're like 10-12 years old, a lot of them need it just to get up to an average skill level.
Not My Fault makes other factions not blame you for things like accidental deaths on your map. This is abusable in theory, but it's worth it to not have my relations with a faction ruined because they insist on driving a caravan into an army of killer robots that just landed outside. Also I think it (inadvertently?) removes some relations bonuses for rescuing people.
Device Standby [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2967053451]
Losing The Faith [https:// no link (local mod)]
Impressionable Children [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2879996327]
Pick Up And Haul [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1279012058]
Pocket Sand [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2226330302]
Childhood Backstories [https:// no link (local mod)]
Not My Fault [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870045856]
Persona Mechanoid Pawns is where we get Spencer.
Self Dyeing lets you instruct people to automatically go to the styling station to recolor their clothes, based on guidelines you set.
Inspiration Tweaks adds new inspirations and makes people more likely to get inspirations in skills they actually care about.
Custom Ritual Framework is where we get adoptions.
Persona Mechanoid Pawns [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925172029]
Self Dyeing [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2562859859]
Inspiration Tweaks [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2117570018]
Custom Ritual Framework [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2561617361]
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twotangledsisters · 4 months
In Two Tangled Sisters, how would things have gone if Eugene had been successful in getting the Moobstone from Cass and she couldn't get it back from him for whatever reason?
It took me a second to realise you probably meant during the incident in Corona and not at the Dark Kingdom XD
But this is actually a really interesting question!
I do need to preface answer though with the fact the answer involves some minor spoilers for later in the fic (specifically lore about Cass and her magic and how she works) so turn away anybody with a zero spoiler policy!
Now, the answer is... Cass would sorta start the process of dying.
We know Cass relies on sundrop magic, Arianna and Frederic discover this much and the solution is the sundrop vials. But we've seen Cassandra just expulse said sundrop magic from her body a total of three times!
The first is during the mother and father incident to save Caine. After which she becomes really lethargic up until they find a 'solution' at the Spire (Cass just steals the magic from another artefact).
The second is in the Great Tree... also to save Caine... I'm noticing a pattern... this time they do end up using a sundrop vial to replenish her magic! (also to purify Zhan Tiri's magic)
But the third time is the most relevant, when she grabs the moonstone she doesn't just grab it she releases sundrop magic, as seen here:
Cassandra took a deep breath, and she let some of the golden tendrils she held within her go, the exhaustion was instant but the way the gold mixed with the blue made her smile. “You miss them…” She whispered, seeing how the moonstone latched onto the sundrop’s power, the blue tendrils of the moonstone reached Cassandra and the exhaustion faded. “Thank you,” she whispered as her eyes took on a blue glow.
She trades in the sundrop magic for moonstone magic.
The moonstone isn't just giving her powers, it's her current life source.
Just like Rapunzel cannot escape the sundrop, Cassandra is similarly bound to the moonstone.
So chances are Eugene would give her the stone back in a panic as soon as he realises what's going on.
The other option is they push sundrop vials on her, throw the moonstone in a safe and try to ignore the problem. But eventually she'd need more magic and the moonstone would be they're best bet. So at most Eugene may be able to force the prophecy back a few years but sooner or later the prophecy is coming for them!
Poor Eugene... he really did just want to forego all that prophecy stuff XD
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justmenoworries · 1 year
It's really weird how the show basically tells us that Ever After characters are made to do their own things and then try to villianize them.
Like Jabblewalker, Red Prince, Herbologist, Curious Cat do stuff they are made to do. As we saw tree just eats you and remakes you if you don't follow your path. So why are we supposed to hate those characters cuz team rwby said so even tho they are basically forced to do what they do by the world they live in? Idk about others but I felt bad for all of them after Cat said that tree remakes everyone who fails at their fate path. Like are they really at fault when their world made them do this?
Honestly, this highlights another flaw of Team RWBY's that the story refuses to address: Their tendency to blame bad things on individuals, rather than acknowledge the bad thing is a systemic and/or situational issue.
Like when they put the blame for the racism against the Faunus on singular racists like Cardin or the random guy in Atlas, instead of thnking about how their world, their governments, keep encouraging this sort of behavior.
Or when they made Adam, a victim of said racism, out to be a) the actual reason the racism existed, b) the one solely reponsible for the White Fang turning to violence. The White Fang only became violent because peaceful protests and boycotts weren't working and the humans continued going after unarmed Faunus civilians. It was a logical response to Remnant's collective bullshit, but because RT wouldn't know nuance if it shot them in the head with an overdesigned sniper rifle, Adam is made the strawman for violent protest and taken down to prove definitvely that you should never ever do anything, or be anything than a good little minority who lets themselves get trampled on. Because if you fight back like Adam and the White Fang did, that makes you just as bad as your oppressors. According to RT anyway.
And we see this again with James. Team RWBY is very quick to make him the Bad Guy™ who refused to save anybody, instead of even thinking about how James was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was trying to save as many people as he could and keep a super-powerful magic item out of the actual Big Bad's hands. Instead Team RWBY acts like James thinking about the bigger picture makes him evil and untrustworthy, never once acknowledging their own dishonesty and secrecy. The situation isn't black and white, it's gray and there really wasn't a perfect solution. It was basically a trolley problem. And yet, the way you hear Ruby and friends tell it, it was actually just this one guy going crazy and being unreasonable.
Which leads us to the Ever After. The Ever After is fundamentally different from Remnant and its inhabitants operate on a completely different morality system. This is something that's established in the first couple of episodes. But Team RWBY are so insistent on pinning the Ever After's less pleasant aspects, like Ascension, on singular Afterans. It's like they just plugged their ears and pretended they were still home where everything works the way they want it to. And then they throw tantrums and get mad at the Afterans when that isn't the case. The Cat is naturally curious and whimsy, because their world made them to be? Ugh, no, they're obviously just being childish and annoying to make things difficult for Team RWBY personally. The Cat didn't tell us stuff we didn't ask about? Clearly they're evil! And the same logic gets applied to nearly every Afteran these girls interact with.
God, I really want someone to tell these girls to shut up and listen at some point. They have the mentality of spoiled toddlers.
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sentimental-apathy · 3 months
Man, if I just had the physical healthiness it takes to physically get things done, my life would be so much better.
Like the economic circumstances would still be shitty but goddammit if I wasn't chronically uncomfortable and in pain so much and doing one simple physical task didn't diminish my entire stamina... my room would be clean, my laundry would be done, my bedroom would actually be the sanctuary space I've got designed in my mind and I could work extra shifts if my body could physically handle it. So much of what's wrong with my life is physical discomfort ALL the time and not having the stamina to deal with the discomfort and physical pain that comes with exertion. Not to mention not having access to genuinely good Healthcare that isn't designed to do bare minimum for high profits...
I just wanna have more energy. But so much of my energy is spent on simply dealing with pain and discomfort due to chronic arthritis, fibromyalgia, and nerve pain.
About 5 months ago I bought an elliptical machine real cheap on sale. It's sitting in a box in my parents garage because I am not capable of moving it upstairs. Nor am I physically capable of rearranging the furniture in my bedroom to make space for it. I need another family member's help moving big things. I am barely able to lift a 40lb bag of cat litter because of how much my body physically sucks. It sucks when you're slightly disabled and you get a piece of equipment that could potentially help better your condition (losing a bit of weight and getting some cardio exercise would lessen my chronic pain) but you need so much help from others to even get the equipment set up in the first place. I've deep cleaned my room a few times since I've gotten that elliptical but I often work weekends and my brother, the one who can help me rearrange furniture, works the days I'm off. And on the days off we have had allign, we've both been too physically exhausted from work that we procrastinate and put off what needs done (my brother works a very physically demanding factory job and I hate to ask for his physical help on his only 2 days off per week).
I've been applying to other jobs here and there but so far haven't had anything worthwhile. I'm certainly not going to leave 1 part time job for another when the one I have not only pays more but pays for my lunch and I love and get along well with all my colleagues and managers.
The thing is, I could work full time, IF I could PHYSICALLY get through a 8-10 hour shift 4 or 5 days at a time. I've made the unfortunate discovery, time and time again, that when I force my body to work past its breaking point, I end up hospitalized because I have lyme disease which flares up when I stress my body out too much. I inevitably stop sleeping, the chronic pain gets unbearable, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in a psych ward because I stopped sleeping again due to too much physical and mental stress. It's extremely debilitating to deal with both physical AND mental illness that go hand in hand.
I honestly don't know what the answers or solutions to my problems are. I know losing some weight will help lessen the arthritic pain and so I've convinced myself this elliptical machine will change my life for the better. And I'm sure it will. But on the other hand, I also live in a society that, if I was ACTUALLY completely disabled, would not give me disability benefits without me literally hiring a lawyer to prove I'm "disabled enough" to qualify for help. One of my closest friends is on disability and gets less than $800/month. How does one survive on that?? How does anybody working 50+ hours/week just to pay for BASIC necessities like housing, food, and basic Healthcare NOT SEE HOW FUCKED THIS ALL IS? WHY ARE WE LIVING LIKE THIS????
I'm extremely privileged in that, for now, with my parents still alive and well off enough, I have housing. The truth is, I'd be homeless if it weren't for my family. I see so many people struggling constantly just to make ends meet. And I wish I could help. I wish we all had more. Just more in this life. I'm barely scraping by paying my bills monthly and I don't even have kids. If you're reading this and you're working yourself to the bone just to afford basics like housing and food... I'm so sorry that this society has failed us. I implore you though. Please vote in November. I know Biden is not our first choice by a looooong mile. But the alternative to him is literally a nightmare beyond comprehension for disabled people. Let alone disabled lgbtq people. Project 25 would mean no more almost free Healthcare for someone like me who's barely hanging on economically by a thread. Another 4 years of Biden gives us all time to continue recuperating from Trumps administration and hopefully pushes the left into more progressive stances. And 4 more years give us more time to find an even BETTER left candidate to take his place. Please vote. And vote blue.
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (dir. John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Making a Dungeons & Dragons film is not something you think would be difficult, but it has proven to be quite a challenge. Since the original tabletop RPG's release in 1974, only four official films have even been released, and the first one of those didn't come out until 2000, 26 years later. That original trilogy of D&D films had a rough go of it, all three being both commercially and critically panned, and none of them even coming close to truly capturing the wondrous and, frankly, kooky spirit anybody who has actually played the game before knows it to have. With literally endless narrative possibilities, how can filmmakers keep failing to capture the essence that makes this fantasy role-playing game so much fun? Honor Among Thieves bursts through the theater wall like some kind of medieval Kool-Aid Man with answer to that question, and the answer is: comedy.
I have only played Dungeons & Dragons a few times, but just from what little experience I have with the game, I can tell you that the one constant the D&D experience offers is humor. The main game mechanic of having to come up with your own solutions to problems, with everything revolving around some arbitrary numbers on a page and a roll of the 20-sided die, is a veritable stomping ground for quirky hijinks and mayhem. Having the utmost confidence in yourself and your plan to get past an obstacle only to roll a one and fail miserably, having to act out the ensuing embarrassment in real time, that's what makes D&D so much fun. The fantasy world is almost just a vehicle to introduce wild NPCs and gadgets and magic to even further induce mischief. The thing that makes Honor Among Thieves work so well is that it takes all of these aspects of the game and just slaps them onto the big screen. I can just as easily have seen this as a HarmonQuest-style internet show where Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, and the rest sit around a table with some cameras pointed at them as we watch them actually play this campaign out in actual Dungeons & Dragons. Characters shit talk each other, deliver quippy one-liners when appropriate, get caught off guard by something they didn't expect to happen, come up with crazy solutions that logically shouldn't work, but then it somehow miraculously does. Literally everything about the spirit of this film is perfect, and the most wonderful part is you don't have to be into D&D in order to enjoy this, it's mostly just a fun adventure comedy.
The whole cast shines perfectly in their respective roles (I'm always a huge fan of Hugh Grant in anything comedic), but a truly special shout out needs to go to Chris Pine on this one. If Chris Pine isn't the perfect choice for a too-sure-of-himself, slightly annoying, but lovable bard-type character, then I don't know who is. I would say my one reservation with the film is that there are a couple of moments where the writing leans a little too heavily on over-exposition when explaining some of the deeper lore the audience needs for context on characters. There was probably a way that could have been weaved a little more naturally into the dialogue, but I can probably just chalk it up to yet another D&D trope. Maybe when the writers were playing through this campaign (which I'm almost certain they did), they had a slightly over-zealous DM who got a little too into it sometimes. These moments never last too long and, ultimately, do provide a lot of necessary information regarding certain important characters in the story, so they didn't end up detracting from the viewing experience hardly at all. This was a fun, heartfelt, and hilarious journey into one of the most famous mythical lands there is that the film makers clearly put a whole lot of love and personal experience into. It makes for a D&D film that anyone, regardless of age or interest in the source material, can have a fantastic time with.
Score: 9/10
Currently only in theaters.
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Battery asks!
Picking a bunch of random ones for both Sydari and Tel because I've just charged my phone and my PC can't hold a charge so she's at 100%, too at the moment.
7%. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
11%. If your character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
33%. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
48%. If your character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose? And why?
55%. What is the character's favorite weather?
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
83%. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? How did that impact them? Did it have a lifelong effect on them?
100%. Does your character resemble anybody famous?
Look at all these batteries!
7%. What's one flaw about themselves that they hate the most and wish they could change?
Sydari wants her voice back, it's there sure, she can speak fine so long as she never raises it too high. It's hoarse a lot of the time which she hates and pitches in and out through long conversations. As for personality flaws, well she thinks it's all flawed, she'd change everything but if she had to pick one, she'd like to not fear commitment. She's trying, but something permanent is foreign to her. She doesn't know what stability is and tends to run away when something looks like it could become stable. She can't fully commit to anything unless she's got a point to prove. If she's going to show someone up then she can see something through, that's why she does anything. Something for herself? She'd have to twist that into a form of "I'll show them" before she can go through with it.
Teldryn hates that he can't put down the bottle. It's the cause of, and his solution to all of his problems. He's stupid when he's had too much. He doesn't remember half of what he does when he's black-out drunk, and what he does remember can be mortifying. He can't seem to stop, he's tried, multiple times. The only things that seem to work are him being incredibly focused on a task or if he's not present and he doesn't know what happens when he's not there, so he doesn't think that counts. The point is that he can't have room for thoughts. The longest he's gone under his own willpower was 5 years and he only managed that because he took up swordplay as an obsession. Something shit always happens and he falls back into it, every damn time! He's not doing it every night mind you. Ok, that has happened but that was decades ago... ok maybe he did do it again last week. Shut up! Leave him alone! He doesn't have to listen to you!
11%. If your character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?
Sydari hates those kinds of questions, she'll change how she describes herself depending on who she's talking to, whatever she thinks they'll like. She told Brand-Shei that she was a dungeon diver, and that's why she always had such interesting objects to sell and why she travelled so often. She told Teldryn that she was working as an agent for the EETC, but he saw through it pretty quickly, he knows a fellow bullshitter when he sees one. So she told him she's Guild, and he seemed to like that.
Teldryn, for all his sad sack, self-hating antics is a bragger when asked this sort of question. He makes sure to emphasise that he's an excellent swordsman. You really should hire him! He's excellent, he's completely professional, never messes up on a job, ever. Well almost never, he just won't mention that. Oh and don't ask for references, he never got their new contact info! Hey! Just because they're dead doesn't mean he's not competent! It means they're not competent... No, he's going to tell you how good he is at spells instead, no he's not uncontrollable if he's upset! Look, he still gets the job done, doesn't he? Look at the atronach he summoned to kill a skeever, isn't that cool! Please hire him, he needs something to do!
33%. If they're feeling upset, who are they likely to talk to for comfort? Or do they keep it inside?
Sydari doesn't talk about that stuff to many people, it's rarely a good idea. She used to use skooma for that but she's not touching it any more so she drinks a little, though she's not anywhere near as prone to going off the deep end as some people. She has a few confidants but doesn't like burdening them with that sort of thing. She'll discuss basic problems, like things that frustrate her in the moment but nothing deeply personal. A part of her doesn't think anyone wants to listen. It's self-pity and she hates falling into that. She keeps things buried.
Teldryn talks to the bottle, maybe it'll talk back? His failures are pretty public and he's always some form of upset anyway. No one wants to hear about his crap again! There are books that you can read about that. They're not all correct but you'll get the gist. He might talk about it to someone he really trusts but he finds that difficult. Most of the people he trusts with the actual version of what happened lived through it to varying capacities anyway. No, he just drinks his feelings.
48%. If your character could master a skill instantly, which would they choose? And why?
Sydari wants to improve her literacy, she missed the majority of her schooling and for a long time only really knew the basics. She actively avoided anything reading or writing-based until she became Guild Master and couldn't hide it any more. She's being taught on the down low and is doing quite well. She wants to learn Dunmeris, she has a note that she wants to translate but she also doesn't want to admit to anyone that she can't read it. There's a whole different alphabet to learn and she's only just gotten one down. Maybe she'll ask someone in Raven Rock about it but she's afraid of what it says. It could say anything, and she wants it to be meaningful. She's also afraid that someone will laugh at her for not being able to read it. She can speak the language, and that means people assume that she can read it as well. She wants to be able to read the books that are being left on her nightstand as well. She just doesn't want to admit that she can't. Instant knowledge of Dunmeris, that would be perfect!
Teldryn wants to be good at the lute, he use to have one but it mysteriously broke one night. He can play a few tunes but is still prone to missing notes and he eventually gets frustrated and stops playing. He'll borrow everyone else's because he won't buy anything new. It's not like he can't afford one, he just doesn't like anything that he has to "work in" essentially. He'll just borrow your old one, then he won't give it back. You'll find that it's broken but that wasn't him, he has no idea what you're talking about. Absolutely no idea whatsoever. He likes to just noodle. Playing nothing in particular. He'll eventually launch into an actual piece but forget his place and either get mad and *explicits* or go back to noodling. It depends on how many times he's lost his place. He hates being bad at things, so he embellishes.
55%. What is the character's favorite weather?
Sydari likes clear days, she likes it when the sun's out and there are few clouds in the sky. Unfortunately, Skyrim is the exact opposite of this. It's cold, it is wet in the south, windy in the west and frigid in the north. The winters are long so she makes the most of her summers. She likes swimming in Lake Honrich, and Honeyside has its own jetty. She's moving to a place that rarely gets full sun, and is objectively worse weather-wise but she likes it for other reasons. She can always enjoy the sun when she travels.
Teldryn likes anything that isn't snow. He can deal with ash, but the cold, his dunmer blood screams for heat! He likes warmer temperatures and the rain brings him some comfort. He likes the sound it makes on the roof when he's trying to sleep... if he can hear it, Redoran architecture is notoriously soundproof. He likes the weather in Skyrim during the summer, though it still skews a little cold for his tastes. Solstheim is just as cold and Blacklight was prone to frost during winter though not as cold as whatever frozen vortex has taken hold of Skyrim. It got hot and humid during summer, and he liked the atmosphere of that city, warm, muggy, always raining. He likes rain, it reminds him of home as much as the ash does.
76%. If your character could "unmeet" someone in their life, who would they choose?
Sydari wishes she never met Mercer Frey, she doesn't regret becoming a thief, or everything the Guild has given her but that man. She wishes she'd never gotten involved in their deeper politics. Maybe everything might have worked out in the end, maybe not. She's certain that things would be better if she never let him notice her.
Teldryn has a list of people he'd like to "unmeet". Topping his list is actually making that document delivery to Caius Cosades. He should have run as far away as he could as soon as he was dumped in Seyda Neen. He should have tried to get off that damn island, fuck the quarantine, there's always a way out! He should have tried harder. He should never have made that delivery.
83%. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? How did that impact them? Did it have a lifelong effect on them?
Sydari expects to be disappointed. Everything has a negative side so you have to mediate your expectations. Her most recent crushing disappointment is too spoilery but I've alluded to it a few times, though not in its entirety. She went off the deep end with that, winds up in a skooma den in the wilds of the Rift and finds herself 5 minutes away from being a vampire's lunch. She has no idea where her clothes went but that armour is lost forever. Which sucks because it was expensive. She freaks out when she finds herself in similar circumstances later. She's full of self-doubt from the first occasion, she just thinks that she'll make the same mistakes and will end up with the same outcome. She's worried about being left alone and afraid in the aftermath again. Avoidance is her crutch.
Teldryn has similar issues, everything always turns out wrong. His last disappointment is the main plot at the start of Serious Mistakes, so spoilery. But in general, he does not forget about his failures, and he's mostly disappointed in himself and how he handles his self-pity. He doesn't, he makes it everyone else's problem. He has 258 years worth of fuckups to think about. He's become reliant on getting black-out drunk to drown out the bad feelings and droning thoughts. He goes through phases with that, sometimes he's fine, won't touch the stuff but that's fleeting. He'll inevitably fall back into it with his most recent failures, he made it 5 years once. ONCE. But his past always catches up to him, and when it does the compulsion to drown it all out is overwhelming.
100%. Does your character resemble anybody famous?
Sydari in the story doesn't resemble anyone famous, she has a familial resemblance to an ancestor from the late second era but no, no one particularly famous. When I draw her I use a face claim, and it's not Zendaya, they just have a similar jawline. Teldryn hears that he looks a little like the Nerevarine! Pha! What idiot thought of that? No, no that's just...this is why he keeps his face covered. Younger Teldryn has a face claim too, though I merge that with his admittedly heavily modded in-game appearance. Those cheekbones need to cut glass. I need to make him pretty!
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quanblovk · 2 years
I have 2 interpretations of dametagala:
One where GK's a huge dork and DMK's a goth hobo (The dynamic that i've been making a whole bunch of content for basically, love it!)
The other where GK's an old, grumpy war veteran with a huge grudge against chivalry and knights while DMK's a chaotic bastard who acts in the most outrangeous ways unbefitting of a knight that charms Gala. (Still kinda under developed, but making content for this interpretation is definitely on my to do list.)
More detailed stuff under cut:
The first one is where GK's actually more of a dork contrary to how he's universally potrayed and he falls in love with that one scary hobo everyone stays away from. DMK was always being bad mouthed whenever he was the topic of any conversation and MK never talked much about him even when he informed GK about the events of KATAM. This made Gala even MORE curious and he made it his decision to know this guy better himself if they ever were to meet. Once he knew more about him, he realized he was just really misunderstood. Sure he was bad in a sense, but he never really seemed like he'd want to hurt anybody for no reason. Not to mention that his world is AWFUL. No wonder he's so grumpy all the time......
While on DMK's side, he really appreciates GK seeing him as someone more than an evil Meta knight. He achknowledges his existence and accepts his flaws. At first, he didn't know how to react and retorted aggresively at GK's actions. Though, once he calmed down and actually thought things through, he understood GK a lot more and fell in love.
Now OHOHOH! The second one is an entirely different AU! The Dream friend AU! GK's personality is a lot different here. He's much more hot-tempered, violent and holds the most spiteful grudges against anyone who had caused him pain (Watch out Sir Arthur...). However, he still has his heroic traits whenever there isn't any war. This Gala "acts" more mature than the one in the first interpretation. I say "act" because they're both equally serious. It's just that the circumstances for these two are very different and they have to act accordingly to their surroundings. Anyways, going back on topic, he hates Meta Knight with a burning passion due to his past with the GSA. In his eyes, Meta Knight's a kiss assing, boot licking servant who would do anything to get praised by everyone and increase his image (which isn't true, but that was the impression he got from MK when they were both very young. It still hasn't changed, but it definitely would once they interact more.). While DMK is a whole 'nother story. When they first met, he didn't care for him, as he saw Dameta as nothing but a reflection of MK's bad traits, therfore, he should be just as bad as Meta, maybe even worse. However, when Gala traveled with DMK more to save the whole universe of Void Termina, he got to know him a little better and even got charmed by his violent solutions to even the most trivial problems. He doesn't even care about chilvary or any of that knight nonsense that MK values so much. His murderous, carefree spirit entertained GK through their journey. It made his life on dreamland a lot more lively too. DMK has a special place in his heart!
maybe he'll convince him to go find what's left of the Ancients and slaughter them together~ 💖
While on DMK's side, he first saw GK as someone he could manipulate into giving him more infomation on the Jamba hearts so he could use their power. He was pretty confident he could pull it off until he actually met him and kind of chickened out. It was cowardly, but still a smart choice. He even felt kind of bad about it after GK opened up and told a few tid bits of his tragic backstory. When Dameta saw this guy in action, he immediately fell in love. Imagine the stuff they could do with this guy! The epic pranks! Maybe even overthrowing Shadow Dedede and taking over all of the mirror world! Gala wasn't opposed to the idea of opening up more and making new friends too. As he knew well that being overly cautious in Dreamland was a stupid idea. Then they somehow became the most chaotic and dangerous duo in all the galaxy, causing MK even more migraines than the one in the first interpretation.
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ebitachy · 9 months
short indigo disk thoughts under the cut (just kidding this ended up being long) (i am a little frustrated with the story bits)
while i'm having a lot of fun with the post-story stuff and the clubroom and i thought resolving kieran's issues in areo zero rather than at the school through battling was a good way to do it i felt kinda... idk... reminded? of what i felt was the weakest aspect of scvi's main story/the way home, which is that important characters cannot do things that can't be easily walked back or forgiven, even if it's honestly really small or petty in the grand scheme of things. and important characters ESPECIALLY cannot be implicated in someone else's wrongdoings. team star's story is so weak because to give the bullying plotline any sense of weight they'd have to implicate their shiny new characters at the school that they want the audience to care about, and that's no good. so instead all the bullying is a vague formless nothingness and none of the staff we actually know have any stake in it because they weren't there and even the biting back against it didn't even really happen. it's vapid. the consequences of sada and turo's obsession is pretty much the only thing this doesn't apply to-- because they're dead! even the AI has vanished! death resolves!
in the dlc it kind of felt like part two of this with the entire School Drama thing. kieran says some mean things and is pushy and rude blah blah blah ok cool. he's in a bad place mentally and is punishing himself and others because of it. wow that's so sucks. the resolution of this being that we fight our way to beating him down AGAIN, not helping at all, before finally figuring things out in area zero is even a good resolution to that i think!! i'm not against any of this!! it feels very gx the way our only solution to getting him to enjoy battling again is to make him hate it more by being too op as the protagonist (lol) and then go on a dangerous adventure with him.
but all the jokes people are making about how oh everyone actually liked kieran all along and and oh he didn't even have any problems at the academy he was just like that is like... Yeah? it's the same issue with penny and team star's entire plotline? in that a problem that should be there... seemingly isn't?
drayton is presented as manipulative and a schemer but his grander goal isn't to actually make kieran go back to being a bottom of the food chain wannabe or something by having you shove his face into the dirt. because then your cool new elite four member would be mmmmmmmmeean.
if kieran's issue was just that he truly struggled to make friends and felt too reliant on his sister and not that he was actively ostracized by anyone at blueberry academy, making it so everyone could clearly see that his 180 was bad and being upset with it feels a bit like a slap in the face. it's not like they knew what caused it! like, really! you're saying the majority of non-carmine people wouldn't see that in-universe and start flocking to kieran, the guy who shot up to champion seemingly over night? if you're going to write it like that, you couldn't make it so everyone but carmine and drayton (who don't get along!) see it as a good development, that everyone at the academy wouldn't either ignore or excuse or not see his roughness with the other club members who aren't "getting stronger", and not see how clearly unwell it all is? you're saying everyone saw this shy kid rise up from some average rank to the champion and went, "no, that's not your place, that's bad"? come on!
if they didn't want to risk you not liking the members and faculty of blueberry academy by having one of its students be actively ostracized, why was this not a story about going against the majority's belief that this is "good" for kieran or anybody else in the league club? give me something. anything. these kinds of writing decisions are so frustrating-- it is an active denial of the slightest weight.
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sentientburrito · 1 year
The Utter Serene Madness That Is tfwiki.net
Or: Why I'm thoroughly convinced liking robots that are also cars makes you a stickler for detail.
In my time as a hobbyist visual designer, I've come upon a lot of websites and graphics that convinces me tearing my skin off is a final solution to my problems. I could say the god-given combo of Firefox and UBlock Origin makes things more palpable, but if you rip out all the disgusting bits of a cockroach, you don't have a cockroach anymore. Just the world's saddest plate. This isn't about strictly advertisements either. The issue with ads on the internet is that they're counterproductive with the user experience. You don't get pissed at an ad because it exists, you get pissed because its in the way more than it should be and ruining the page. They are a necessary evil for products to get sold and hosts to stay online. UX is blatantly important beyond ad usage - clicks to get to a certain page, visual leylines, color composition, readability, etc. is important to make sure your website isn't a pain in the ass to feather through. UX is like a janitor's job; You're only going to get noticed if yours is obscenely bad.
Unless you're tfwiki.net.
One hallowed evening, @cabbagesenpai dragged me into the (what I assume) is the main wiki for Transformers. This is also after dragging me to an opening night of a recent movie. I'm not explicitly a fan of Transformers. I have nothing against it, it's just not my thing. My only knowledge is that at some point Sloptimus Brine has said "eBay." None of that is important, but it is. After being grabbed by the forehead like a gourd and smeared across a wiki entry, I decided to zoom out and just look at the landing page.
At this point, I need to mention that I like Warframe an obscene amount. Warframe is also a game where you practically NEED the wiki on the second monitor. Also, Warframe's wiki, and by extension Fandom, makes me need a cigarette. So when I was greeted with THIS:
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I cried, for I had seen God.
The design of this landing page is so maddeningly good that whoever the webmasters are for @tfwiki , I would let them spit on me, and I would apologize to them. Right okay, most important things first: A core understanding of why somebody would come to this wiki. Extremely visible, Easy-to-read, one click puts you to the pages for any recent release that may or may not have led you here, maybe because you think Airazor is fucking megacool and you haven't had enough but THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT.
Below that are base concepts that are essential to understanding the world that has unfolded from an americanized marketing scheme, like mushrooms from a felled tree. It's also just a good "branching off" point for if you're looking for something via category. To the left of that is a Featured Article, which is standard for wikis that are proud of themselves. Below that is a unique "Holy Grail" segment, which I'm awarding bonus points for. A layperson (me) can easily get a grasp on how utterly psychotic the average Transformers fan is (allegedly @cabbagesenpai) , and is also extremely useful, because maybe somebody coming here for the first time DOES have an ancient VHS of some obscure cartoon! Further left we get your useful tools for navigation, and... My god, a snake in the garden, an ad! But wait, this showing up has some major implications. Because I'm not partial for masochism, I use UBlock. But this banner about a figurine trading/selling website is still here. This ad getting through means AT LEAST one of the following: A: This is likely put here by the webmaster/host themselves as part of a deal directly with the sponsor instead of through a third party ad service. UBlock's element blocking is a communal list of ad hosts, so this one isn't on their list OR its part of the website itself. B: If the following above is true, this also means anybody else who visits this website hasn't flagged that element enough times to get put in UBlock's general list, which means A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE WHO VISIT THIS WEBSITE DO NOT FIND IT ANNOYING AS PISS, BECAUSE IT IS RESPECTFUL TO UX AND IS ALSO RELEVANT TO THE CONTENT AND/OR USER. Okay, alright, I need to cool down by moving onto my final, and subjectively, what I enjoy the most about this website. Pages themselves are organized extremely well in spite of the mess of canons/timelines/comics that characters can show up in. And these are punctuated by extremely helpful annotations for images!
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Right, okay, so after I had finished up my wheezing fit of a header image being annotated just with "Prick," I went back to my friend and had them explain to me why he is a prick. Now, without making this post too long, yes he is indeed a prick. Infact, half of the images in this character's page is annotated by how much of a prick this bloke is. This means that the entire wiki and its users/editors are in agreement that Prowl is a prick. And that this wiki has CHARACTER to leave that in. I've been hitting random here and there just to read the annotations for fun since then. Right, so, in summary: -TFwiki is, in a sea of horrible, slow, clogged websites, clean and extremely easy to navigate and use. -Monetization respects the user's time and I suspect is tightly controlled by those in charge. It's evident there is an ad for SERVER COSTS, not PROFIT. -The character of the utter controlled madness of Transformers fans, (which I can only assume is bred through figurines that NEED meticulous detail and quality to work and a universe that is BATSHIT INSANE,) comes through extremely well and enhances the experience without getting in the way. -robits r cool
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