#which is just a more accurate name for the concept of the game i think
tripably · 8 months
writing a story is like playing labyrinth (the board game)
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ecrivainalene · 2 months
Leviathan Panel at Otakon 2024
I was OVERJOYED to be at the Leviathan panel during Otakon 2024! I'll do my best to recap it below, but if you want a more coherent play by play, this Twitter user did an excellent job.
I've got a handful of photos, recap of Sharp Gender Discussion, plus misc. things I remember.
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Not everyone was up for the entire time, but I snapped this photo near the end when everyone was on stage! From left to right: Waki Kiyotaka (Studio Orange), Yoshihiro Watanabe (Studio Orange), Scott Westerfeld, Christophe Ferreira (Quibic Pictures), Justin Leach (Quibic Pictures), Katrina Minett (Quibic Pictures), and Diana Garnet (ending theme vocalist).
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New concept art! Looks like Dr. Barlow, Klopp, Alek, and Sharp, right before the Germans attack the Leviathan.
More under the cut!
Alternative shot of that art bc I couldn't get my lighting right:
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Clanker and Darwinist technology designs. Watanave explained that Studio Orange's early days were spent doing contract work on Gundam anime, so I can't wait to see how that translates to the Clanker machines.
Some more concept art:
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By the way, the entire series is being adapted at once - so we'll get the complete story at once! That in mind, the second image here makes me think of that maneuver near the beginning of Goliath to pick up the cargo.
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Sharp!!! Look at them!!!
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I don't have much to say about these but I'm fairly sure I hadn't seen them before. I am wondering if they downsized Alek's crew for the sake of the story, or perhaps we just haven't seem Bauer and Hoffman yet.
We got some new character art! The panel was very cryptic about who the character designer is. Apparently they're pretty well known, but they can't share it yet!
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Volger I am so sorry your photo was unfocused. Forgive me.
The panel jokingly described him as "Alek's dad," which feels accurate. And maybe I misunderstood, but it sounds like he plays an even more important role in the anime than he does in the books. I've always considered Volger to be a pretty important character, so I wonder what else he'll do in this new series.
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Klopp looks exactly like how I pictured him in my mind!! They said if Volger is Alek's dad, then Klopp is like his mom. Which is very fair but also made me laugh a lot.
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Dr. Barlow!! She looks amazing. There was a lot of talk about the dynamic between her and Volger and how they're often playing mental chess games with each other. I'm really glad they're leaning into that dynamic.
And one more concept art:
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This looks like the visit to Istanbul, which I'm desperately hoping means we'll see my favorite chaotic bisexual, Lilit.
That's all of the photos I have! They also showed us a preview of the show plus a live performance of the ending song with Diana Garnet. No video recording was allowed and I don't break rules, but believe me when I tell you it was stunning. The world feels so full of life and adventure and I can't wait to see the final show.
Tbh I was too busy holding back tears of joy but one thing I remember distinctly is there's a shot of Sharp getting ready for the day, and we see a sheet of paper with a bunch of names written and crossed out before finally (I think) "Dylan" is circled.
Which actually brings me to the Q&A part. TLDR, between the use of "Sharp" for Deryn's name, Scott referring to Sharp as "she/he/they" during the panel, and the scene I mentioned earlier, I feel really hopeful about how they're approaching Deryn's gender and identity in this adaptation.
I asked a question about this at the Q&A and voice recorded it, so I'll try to transcribe it here as best I can because the audio is not great lol. I stumbled through my question so I trimmed it down here but I'll transcribe the response as clearly as I can!
Me: I just finished re-reading [the series] for the first time since I was probably in high school, and one of the things that interests me about this adaptation is the approach to Sharp's character... I guess I'm just interested, like, was there a lot of thought put behind, or what kind of thought was put behind how to approach their character in the anime, I guess as a chance to re-approach the story however many years after it was originally written.
Scott Westerfeld: Yeah, there's a lot to that. The "girl dressing as a boy" as a trope was something completely different in 2007 when I started writing this than it is now. And so we really approached Deryn's identity as what was at stake rather than just... rather than just her being in disguise, it's about their recreating themselves and becoming a different person and transitioning and, and so... but it's always been interesting to me that the words that I wrote back in 2009, 10, 11, y'know, as an old guy who grew up in Texas in the 70s - who was David Bowie fan! - but otherwise didn't have a lot of access into issues of gender, I'm amazed at how many people have been [able to?] adopt Deryn/Dylan as one of their own. I just got an email a week ago from a trans boy whose chosen name is Dylan. So it is amazing to me how whatever imperfections or whatever problematics there are in the text, people still find their way into what they need from a character. And as a writer, I can say that I always respected that character, I always respected their choices, I always respected who they were. I never tried to stick them into a dress and have everyone go "Ooh now you're pretty 'because 'cause you're in dress!" We didn't do that, and I think that what may be important for people and I think that's why it's still what's gonna work here, but it's been fun to be able to update it and everybody on the team's been really great about understanding that.
TLDR I don't want to get anyone's hopes up too high, but I'm really appreciative of the care that's being taken with Sharp's story and identity in this adaptation. It seems like Scott and the others on the team are taking that into account, and I'm excited to see how it plays out.
Other random things I remember:
THERE WAS AN ALEK COSPLAYER. I took a photo with them but I won't post it without their consent. Just trust that they looked fantastic.
Scott said one of the first things he was told was that Alek can't actually kill Nikola Tesla because he's too well loved by people in Japan, which I think is the funniest possible reason for a change to be made in an adaptation.
Diana Garnet (they/any) mentioned how much they love Sharp (don't we all) and also how they used to work at a Barnes and Noble and remembers selling lots of Westerfeld books!
Scott said his approach in writing Leviathan was taking everything he'd always wanted to write about and basically throwing it together, because he was just coming off of the success of Uglies and figured he could get away with it.
If I remember anything else I'll add on to this post! Overall, it was a wonderful panel and I'm incredibly excited for this project.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
I’ve been simping over your ‘human’ Nomicon design since it came out in Ninja-November. If you have any headcanons about them, would you please share?
ah, a fellow monster/eldritch horror enjoyer I see! thank you! <3 tbh that Nomicon design was like an one day revelation, because while I love all the human!Nomi designs I've seen over the years (and there are some banger ones, man), it hit me that we as a fandom really underutilize all the uncanny aspects Nomi possesses. So ye. I do have a couple hc.
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Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have its own face and voice.
Whenever Nomicon talks to Randy it uses proxies in form of art/images/drawings/scribbles/writings. It gives strangely non-verbal vibes for something so cryptically eloquent! And whenever it does use a voice, its voice of the First Ninja (or more accurately his VA xD) , its first owner/wielder. When it uses a face, its usually the static/unmoving marble-like faces of Art or silly pen scribbles - both of which hold that uncanny valley look of something that looks human but really isn't. Not to mention the fact that it once literally stole Randy's face/body to teach him a lesson.
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I like to think that Nomicon has a library of faces/visages/voices it can take on, but all of them are creepily unsettling because - what would a book know about how to be human? It's face moves wrong, the eyes are too wide open, its body is creepily still, the voice uses inflections like its copying someone else (and sometimes voice warbles and changes/overlaps with other voices because it has so many).
All of it gives these fae/cryptid vibes of creatures that steal voices/faces to trick people, but in this case Nomicon collects those faces/voices from its owners along with their memories (which is another messed up thing we collectively forget is very creepy lol).
Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have a body, and most importantly - hands.
The reason I gave Nomicon so many shadow hands is because, well, Nomicon is a book. Hands hold those books, so the hands are very important to Nomi. All those shadow hands? Are memories of all the hands that held it (mostly previous Ninjas, but also the Creep and some others). It remembers everyone who held it.
The fit- the hat and the cape are kind of obvious, it look like center of the cover and the cape looks like covers on either side with pages underneath. The weirdest addition I made - is the spaghetti noodle-doodle 'hair'.
It constantly fascinates me that Nomicon, besides the Greek Key/9 motif, has those sort of concentration circles that are also present during Mask/Suit transformation. It gave me thought of sort of weird halos i guess?? Which adds to creepy vibe, but in this case its biblically accurate angel / holy deity type of vibes.
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Nomicon has very basic understanding of humanity.
For all the experiences/memories/personalities it was created from and it absorbed over the years, human things are a rather alien concept for the book. It's the reason Nomicon is so bad at its timing whenever it buzzes Randy. It just doesnt care that you are at school Randy, its trying to teach you how to be a better ninja!!! In some sense, it absorbed the most prevalent quality of First Ninja - the dedication to duty, the whole reason for its existence - to serve Ninjas to be the best they can. So, such human/mortal things as good grades/video games/a good nights sleep are very nebulous concepts to it.
Less of a hc but more of an observation/gripe but-
COME ON ITS NAME??? Ninjanomicon as in Ninjanecronomicon??? Because lets be honest its not just a book/guide for Ninjas its a book full of DEAD NINJAS??? LIKE??? In some sense all previous Ninjas, when they go through Ultimate Lesson, 'die' in the real world (because they are no longer Ninjas) and are preserved in Nomicon. And First is like deadass dead? (Plop plop too lol). So I feel like there should be more creepiness about that.
Anyway thats basically most of it, and sorry for silly doodles but i cant really draw creepy stuff xD
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grapebritain · 5 months
Jax is not an npc
I've seen the idea of Jax being an npc being floated around after ep2's release, which while i ADORE this idea in concept (as some parts of it explain certain parts of his character )that doesn't mean that this is the answer as to why Jax is the way he is.
Jax is a self absorbed, sarcastic, and non-serious character who seems to know far more than he actually should so far with what we've seen. He is the only human who has broke the forth wall , not just once, but twice, and has a very performative 'vibe' to him. Like he's on some sort of stage a bit like Cain does. Due to this, and with the plot of episode 2, people have drew the conclusion that this MUST mean Jax is an npc which, eventho it is deffo plausible , there are several reasons why i do not think this is the case, and people are trying to jump to conclusion too quickly to find an explanation to these questions.
1.Pop culture reference
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Jax in episode 2 makes an offhaded joke about Charlie and the chocolate factory, a popular piece of media that most people do know about. It seems pretty insignificant but boy is this a really important detail.
With the recent release of other teasers of the next episodes that are yet to come, in terms of copyrighted media showing up in the game, we can see that Cain INTENTIONALLY makes off branded versions of popular parts of our world such as McDonalds and other fast food brands
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So for Jax to make a pop culture references, the names would likely have to be inaccurate from the actual piece of media, being...well...off branded versions of them. The fact he literally uses the accurate name "Augustus Gloop" adding an "ed" on the end for comedic effect shows that he HAS seen or heard of the actual piece of media, which would be impossible if he was an npc.
furthermore, say even the offbranded version was due to glitch themselves not being able to use actual brands in the show visually (which is also highly likely), the implication that Cain made an ai that was aware of these sorts of things is almost nonsensical considering that gummigoo didn't know anything outside of the established plot he needed to serve his in game purpose. When another npc doesn't even have a visual memory of his own mother, something closely linked to the established motive of an npc, why would Cain give an ncp knowledge of random pop culture reference for no reason ?
i would say this is a pretty strong point to put the argument forward Jax is not an npc.
2.NPC's immersive feature
this point is a little less strong, but is still a very important one to make.
I think people are forgetting that Gummigoo is intentionally meant to be far more immersive compared to pervious ai. We are going on the basis of Jax being an ncp , based on how intelligent Gummigoo is, which with the timeline we have, would not exactly work out that way.
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Obviously, Cain establishing that the ai SHOULD be more immersive, doesn't mean it will be, but if we take into context the episode prior, it does actually seem to be somewhat more advanced in a way than it wasn't before, dialogue being a bit less generic and more fluid . With the consideration this is only Pomni's second adventure, and the ai already seemingly at least, being far better than the last, that could imply that going back a couple of adventures before Pomnis arrival , this ai was much more primitive.
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Looking at when Jax arrived could give us some idea of how good the ai was at the time, and with gooseworx establishing jax arriving before zooble (who already seems to have grumpily adjusted to the world) , i would imagine that Jax, if he was an npc, would be far less advanced then he currently is and much more one dimensional as a character to hint at him being an npc....which brings me onto my next point.
3."Jax is violent and impulsive " argument
I've seen the occasional argument that Jax being violent and impulsive could be an argument for him being an npc. He realized he has no purpose, so started being violent and uncaring of the world around him, but this argument completely disregards the fact that...the human characters kind of have that 'reality shattering' moment too. Pomni does, which is why she can relate in the first place to Gummigoo.
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All of the human characters have to come to the scary realization that, they are stuck here. Stuck in a fake world. Most of the characters draw closer to each other people that are real because of this as some form of comfort such as Pomni and Ragatha, but Jax is own person, and different people react differently to different situations. Jax just happens to react in a rather emotionally distanced way to the seriousness of the situation.
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He seems to be the most emotionally immature character, so it makes complete sense as to why he would react in an immature manner. Not to mention he is the youngest out of all the cast, and may have been even younger when entering the digital circus.
When an emotionally immature, impulsive , frankly not very morally amazing person is told they can basically do whatever they like with little to no repercussions to their actions, what are they going to do? Cause chaos of course, which is exactly what Jax does.
he even more so causes chaos by breaking one of the only rules he's can't break, the whole keeping everything family friendly.
This seems to be his way of coping with the situation and seriousness at hand, brushing it aside and acting impulsively instead because he knows full well he couldn't do this in the real world, it also keep him emotionally distant from everyone else, which seems to be an intentional move by him as he doesn't go to Kaufmo's funeral despite briefly seeming upset about the matter.
He cares in his own weird way, but he refuses to show that to the rest of the cast (unimportant but i wanna add as well, it is common for men to be emotionally closed off due to the idea vulnerability for men esp is a bad thing, which ofc it is not ).
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Which also builds up off my pervious point that despite his exterior, Jax isn't one dimensional or flat as a character, which if he was an old ai npc he probably would be 1d, and we wouldn't have this small moment of slight care from him, despite still trying to stay distant.
Final thoughts
So what about the forth wall breaking? him owning keys to all the rooms? Well quite honestly, i don't think we know enough about him or anyone to fully know why Jax is the only one to do this. It could be for some deep lore meaning, or it could be simply he is the comic relief character so is the one to do this more consistently than the rest.
Personally, i DO think it's something deeper, what that deeper thing is yet is something i'm sure will be explored in future episodes, but rn, i think jumping at the first thing is not an amazing idea (eventho it is a super interesting and exciting one).
Just thought i'd share my feelings as this is the only theory i've seen around rn abt my fav stupid purple bunny.
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betelgo0ze · 7 months
People seemed to really like my fanon v canon rant so here’s another rant about the concept of Cybertronian gender and language 
Pronouns aren’t limited to he/she/they, and I’m not just talking about Neo and non-mainstream pronouns. Words like “you” and “our” are also pronouns, so the next time you hear someone say “i dOnT uSe pRoNoUnS” yes you do. Literally yes you do(excluding people who are referred to only by name, I’m talking specifically about homophobes and bigots but I digress)
The English language, along with most earth languages, have unique words that can only apply to that language. Of course you can translate as close as possible, but some words are exclusive to that language and you can’t accurately translate them. I speak English and Spanish(specifically Argentinian) and there are many words that I can’t translate into English. My father’s from Argentina so he taught me, and even he can’t translate a few words because they simply aren’t words in the English dictionary.
Now when we talk about Cybertronian, it is a fictional language that directly translates into English. Each letter has a symbol that represents that letter so people can directly translate it. It doesn’t have its own structure or grammar, it is just a silly easter egg. 
(Also there’s two main versions of cybertronian I could find but they both follow the same format of what is basically a decoding game) 
It’s obvious they have their own language, but it’s presented to us in a format we can understand, but if we’re thinking of cybertronions as a real species than it would not directly translate and just like any other earth language.
Quick but important detail: cybertronions don’t reproduce. They call us organic for a reason. They can’t do the squinty and dirty because they don’t have things to do it with, therefore don’t have a true concept of gender identity or sexual orientation. The only reason they’re referred to as “he,” “she,” or “they” in media is because it’s translated into English, the same way languages don’t always translate accurately.
There are transgender characters but they are for the viewer if anything, and Cybertronian gender is so much more complex if anything at all. A good theory is that humans introduced the concept of gender, but I don’t think that’s the case. Some people might like slimmer frames which just happen to be a characteristic of women. Some want bulkier bodys and to not be as slim, like a stereotypical male. Words like “he” and “she” are translated into words that refer to physical characteristics rather than mental. There’s also instances of this not happening like when Swerve mistakes Nautica for a man despite her having colored lips and a slim body(traits which normally apply to AFAB people)
At the end of the day, Cybertronions are something to dissect with their culture being so vague due to language barriers and Rodimus being British apparently(different areas have different accents, Rodimus is just compared to having a British accent. Don’t think too deep into it)
also if your curious here’s the two languages sorry that ones transparent lmao
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Oke thanks for coming to my ted talk I love you drink wawa and eat please I beg of you
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moriartyluver · 2 years
May I request William as a father hcs? Preferably to a quiet prodigy son as the oldest and a spoiled rotten sassy daughter as the youngest🤭 (also Albert and Louis as uncles to them if that’s not too much💕)
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A/N: I wasn’t sure if this was a platonic character x child! Reader request so I just decided on making it a William x reader and they have two children too. Thank you for your request btw! I love father! Liam smmm
(Also in terms of the timeline, I’m thinking the first son would be born before liam “died” and then the daughter would be born when he returned.)
Characters: William James Moriarty x fem!Reader
Format: headcannons
Genre: fluff
Prompt: William as a father of a quiet son and a spoilt but cute daughter headcannons
Warnings: Reader is female, reader is William’s wife, reader takes William’s last name, reader has a similar personality to William but can be a bit spoiled and competitive (mostly when she was younger though. She’s not implied to be unkind dw), Reader is a prodigy in a more literary and philosophical sense , mentions of childbirth & children, cursing, some nsfw themes. THE TIMELINE ISNT ACCURATE
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When (sons name) was born, both you and William were ecstatic. You both weren’t planning on having any children but when you both found out that you were pregnant, you had no objections to keeping the child.
He was such a peaceful child even as a baby. You could tell he took after his father a lot but in terms of looks, he looked like a genderbent you but with scarlet eyes just like his father’s.
I think William would be a pretty gentle parent but also quite disciplined. He loves you and his children more than anything in the world and he tried his best to show it despite being quite busy and (unintentionally) emotionally distant. He wants his children to grow up in a loving environment that he never had but will be strict if it’s for the sake of their safety.
Everyone in Team Moriarty adored your son. Jack would often comment on how similar he was to William when he was a child, sometimes calling him “little will” just like he did for your husband except it would be his own nickname instead of ‘Will’
Moran would also play card games with the young boy, (even though he was barely tall enough to look him in the eye as he knelt down) and would usually lose. James would often tease him for his inability to win against a toddler.
James really liked playing dress up with him, even though (sons name) would usually get all pouty when James tried to put make up on him but he was happy when your daughter came along, as she was a lot more fond of dress up games (but I’ll get onto that later)
Your son probably got along best with Fred due to their shared quiet nature. He had taken a special interest in the flowers in the garden and would often go and talk to Fred about how he would grow them and their different meanings.
It didn’t take either you or William long to realise that your son was a prodigy (who had especially taken a liking to the sciences) just like you two. Instead of playing outside or socialising with other children his age, he would stay in the library or William’s office while he worked silently and read whatever he could get his hands on, whether it be a fairy tale (which he had gotten tired of by the time he turned 3) or a book on philosophical concepts that he found on your desk
William once caught his son trying to mark his own papers and he didn’t even do anything incorrectly either.
“(Son’s name)? What have I said about being in my office while I’m not there?..wait are you-?”
“I’m marking your papers for you, father.” (He spoke very politely and had a wide vocabulary despite his young age) he held up his red crayon to show him “I noticed you didn’t have much of one to spend with Mother recently so I wanted to give you some free time to enjoy yourselves so I can have a little brother or sister .”
William blinked and got a bit flustered at the comment about his son wanting a younger sibling but was more focused on the fact that his 3 year old was marking advanced mathematics papers. He picked up one of the papers and looked through all the corrections. “Not a single mistake..”
“Of course there are. He got only 69% on the test after all,” his son said, thinking he was referring to the paper “You really should be checking on some of your students..now may you please go make a little sister, or brother but preferably sister, with mother?”
It was only natural that you’d have an incredibly intelligent son with a quiet personality, he took after both of you. His parents were some of the smartest people of the century ,after all.
Once the two of you noticed his abnormal intelligence that seemed to be even grander than either of yours, you both decided to give him more resources to aid his brain development. He would tend to understand material fairly easily and often got bored of the childrens textbooks you would give him.
If Sherlock ever met your son, probably post time skip, he would constantly point out how intelligent he was and although your son would find his attitude occasionally ridiculous, he would soon become very close to him, even referring to him as ‘uncle sherly’ which annoyed Louis a little. They’d do science experiments together and Sherlock would take him under his wing, teaching him everything he would ever want to know.
Your son was only a about 4 years old when his younger sister was born, who you originally thought would have to be raised by only her mother, and he was quite happy about her, despite asking for confirmation on his theory of how babies were made whenever he saw his baby sister.
“Mother, did you and father have s-“
“(Sons name)! Who taught you that?!”
“…the biology textbook..also Mr Moran might have had some involvement in my extended knowledge..”
Safe to say that Moran wasn’t allowed to babysit again.
As for your youngest daughter…she could certainly be a handful..
She had taken after her father quite a bit, but with slightly younger and more feminine features. She had your eyes though which complimented her pretty blonde hair. Even as a baby, she was incredibly beautiful and people would often tell you that whenever they met her.
She grew up a lot more spoilt than her older brother. Not because either of you favoured her more, but it was mostly because (daughter’s name) required a lot more attention than her brother who was alright with peace and quiet to read his science books in.
James would often dress the little girl up in pretty clothes that he would insist on buying her, Moran was very fond of her too, Fred would give her flowers to put in her bedroom, Jack would offer to a babysit and would treat her like his own granddaughter.
Sherlock would sometimes compare her to James’ previous us identity as Irene Adler due to her cunning behaviour (she was very good at getting whatever she wanted) honestly he was kinda scared of her, but would hope that she would grow into a girl like yourself some day.
She was on a similar intelligence level to her brother but could get jealous at his achievements if she felt insecure. Sometimes she felt as though she didn’t fit in as much with the rest of her family but both you and William would remind her that it was okay to be different and she gave personality to what would otherwise be a quiet and slightly boring family.
(Daughters name) grew up to be quite competitive with her brother and other people she knew. She had a fairly sarcastic and spoilt personality, a lot more extroverted than you, your son or William. At parties, she would be well liked and she made friends a lot easier than her brother would. Although she could come off as rude, she was very kind at heart and you and the rest of your family all knew that.
William also had the tendency to shower her in affection and spoil her with gifts, but he made sure to raise her in a way that she wouldn’t forget her own privilege and treat those less fortunate than her as inferior, which she surprisingly had no issues in understanding and would often stand up for those of the lower class.
Bonus headcannons for Louis and Albert as uncles
Albert would be like the rich wine aunt trope. As your children grew up, he would spoil both of them with expensive gifts, for your daughter it would be dresses, make up, dolls and other things she liked whereas your son would receive microscopes and up to date science equipment.
With your children, he would tell them stories of William in his youth and if he had known you for long, he would do the same for you.
If your children ever asked about how the two of you met, trust Albert to give them a long ass romance story about your relationship from the start, when the two of you met, to present day where you were both just as in love as ever.
I feel like he’d get along with both children equally as well. With your daughter, he could be a bit more fun and a slight gossip about which nobles were doing what. As I said earlier, he’d shower both children with gifts but especially your daughter who could be very materialistic sometimes. He’d try to keep her in check though, as he didn’t want her to turn out like his younger biological brother.
With your son, he would be more of a listener to what he had to say. An easy way to make the quiet kid to come out of his shell was to mention anything about a subject that he would be hyper-fixating on and boom 💥 he’s blabbering on about it for at least an hour while all Albert has to do is sit and listen while he drinks his wine. His knowledge astounded him more than William’s did when he was his age, which was very difficult indeed. While you were a literary and philosophical prodigy, and William was a maths prodigy, your son had more knowledge than most scientists of the era.
Your children both really liked uncle Albert, especially when they grew into teenagers. Your daughter would always smile with glee whenever she got presents from him and your son would often come home and ask his father for confirmation on the stories his uncle had told him. They’re only issue with staying with him was that he was a terrible cook and everything he made would either be burnt or undercooked, no in between.
Louis as an uncle would be a lot more serious than any other adults that the siblings would interact with. He was very loving too but would show it in other ways.
Your daughter was a fairly picky eater, and sometimes you would worry for her because of it. Louis was surprisingly tolerant of this though and would ask her for her favourite dishes so he could cook them for her alongside the meals she didn’t tend to like as much, which she was incredibly grateful for.
Louis really liked your son too, mainly because of how nostalgic he made him feel. The quiet boy would remind him of William when he was a child. The same looks of excitement when they found new pieces of information, the protective nature over their younger siblings, their intelligent personalities. They were almost carbon copies of each other.
Louis was very protective of the kids. If Sherlock ever came home after a day of teaching (sons name) science experiments and how it could tie into detective work, Louis would frown and drag the boy away as he said goodbye to uncle sherly, then clean him up and ask him if Sherlock had been reckless with him, which your son would deny.
If your daughter was ever criticised for her big ego or given subtle remarks about her looks, it is on sight!!! Louis would not hesitate to get into a fist fight for the sake of his niece and nephew.
If you ever needed someone to babysit, Louis is the best option. He would be able to take care of your kids better than you and William could take care of them.
He also noticed that your son took after William in terms of his strange eating habits but he didn’t mind. Oh he want tomato shortcake with chocolate and sausage icing? Why the fuck not? He’ll make it in seconds. William wouldn’t have a problem with it and would just remain 😊 while you would try not to throw up at the sight.
Overall, both of the uncles absolutely adore their niece and nephew and protect them with their lives. Nobody would ever even look at the kids funny and remain in one piece afterwards.
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menthum-mint · 9 months
I think
Okay but in all seriousness, i have completed two references and also made more concept designs for some others, heh-
So for now, we look to the references, because up first. The man himself.
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Tatiana Darling? Wally Qwartz? Idk. But I can say thay he is hot stu-[BOOING CHORUS]
Up next, Neon Frank and his bot boys!
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I will say that the bots do likely have 'human' forms, but I didn't feel too bothered at the time to worry about it, besides, Frank's in the spotlight, who really cares? (Some may and I'm looking at you with understanding eyes)
And now, for the last finished piece I have
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Sweethearts, the both of them🥺🥺
Oh how sweet they always are with one another
(Frank threatens to launch himseld into space to follow after Eddie when the protagonist launch him into space... And speaking of the protagonists.. Let's just say [the] (Vinyl) Neighborhood isn't quite the same without You ;) wink wink)
And now for a few concepts!
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DJ Howdy Pillar! Just a local radio show host looking to get local bands' voices heard even if they're all starting out small!
Since there is no actual shop in game, and the fact DJ Zam is an actually pretty prominent NPC (plus funny canon voice for Howdy), who else but Howdy for Zam's place? Welcome to Howdy MD people! :)
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Let me just say that B.B. Beagle and Tatiana Darling (still dunno) are still very much good friends, even despite the large age gap. To Wally, it feels like.. It feels like he knows Barnaby, but on a deeper level, like they were old friends somehow, and they were reunited.. His jokes make him laugh as if the man knew exactly what made him tick.
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Though, dogs are trult man's best friend
And one more design (which is definitely very subject to change [to make look softer and more accurate to a youngling])
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Now, I still have yet to truly figure out what is going on, but I will say Poppy is definitely very much the youngest in this AU, and unlike in most other places, she is not the mother figure, she is loved ever so gently by the rest (shown by the way Frank loathes your name for having destroyed her piano. The way it tears are the heart strings of onlookers to see her precious instrument shatter, the shards scattered wildly upon the floor of the stage.
How cruel of you. She's only 9..
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Bonus obligatory Howdy Bean based off of Cofi's lil beans🥺🥺 I had to, it was legally required by law or else I'd be sniped on sight
But anyhow, I suppose this concludes the update. I'm not entirely sure if I can even explain more or if I even have more of an idea to explain, but if there are any questions, by all means send in an Ask and I'll try to answer them all without giving too much away until I can truly get things going. ;)))
See you :0!
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And sorry again for no update in forever.😭😭😭
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iammeiamwe · 1 month
So, finally, the continuation of this post here.
The first thing I want to say is that I was pleasantly surprised at how many people actually liked the previous post and wanted to see more - so thanks so much to all of you, I've never thought that so many people would be interested in me talking about the design and my country's culture🩷 (and yeah thank you @signanothername for your kind words again)
I'm sorry this post took so long, but I actually struggled a lot with Nightmare design. Everything just felt wrong for some reason and I literally couldn't finish it. I even took a break at some point, and it actually worked in a surprising way.
You see, I like the Dream design I made previously. But I always felt like something was missing. The design was beautiful, and the different ornaments actually had meaning that fit Dream well, but it was lacking... a story? Like, it wasn't completely accurate, and I could really imagine a person looking like that living somewhere in the ancient Russia, walking in the streets. It was a good representation of different russian cultural elements, but that was the only thing that it was really.
So instead of thinking what russian culture elements can I include in a design I started thinking about a completely different thing.
Can I possibly imagine the dreamtale brothers in the setting of Russia in the past? What would they look like? How would they live? Can I somehow "adapt" their powers and turn them into something more related to the russian culture of that time?
And well, I made a completely different concept with completely different designs.
Now, I wanna say that this post still contains an enormous amount of text, but know it's not only about the russian culture, but mostly about the kinda au that I made? It's still in the development, I'm still thinking about the details, I mean, I haven't even got a proper name for it yet... But I just haad to write about my thoughts and share some artwork that I did so here we are.
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The whole thing is inspired not only by the russian culture, but also by the Black Book game which I mentioned in the 1st part and which gave me a general direction of where to go with this.
So, the setting is somewhere around the 19th century, in a quite ordinary russian village. Both Dream and Nightmare are children from a family of villagers. Here are some examples of 19th century russian villagers clothing that I took inspiration from:
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At first it looks quite simple, but it has some interesting small details and looks quite unique:)
One of the reasons I chose 19th century is that despite being quite a "modern" time, with different new technologies and overall progress it was a time when many russians (especially in villages) still believed in different myths, sayings, tales and epics. Russian culture and mythology still played a big role in ordinary people's lives, changing and transforming through the minds of different people to better fit the ever changing reality and new technologies being introduced. Russian paganism, orthodoxy and local beliefs finally began to coexist organically with each other, in some ways even blending in together creating some unique traditions, customs and overall culture.
So now, about their magic.
One of the questions I asked myself was: What kind of magic would Dream and Nightmare wield if they lived in the traditional old russian village settings? Was there even a concept of "magic" in old Russia that could be suitable for the brothers?
And while I can't say that I've found a perfect alternative, and what I'm about to tell you might seem not fitting at all at first, I think the concept I'm about to show and especially the idea it can convey is not that far from the whole "positive and negative emotions" thing.
So, as it turns out, the concept of magic or paranormal abilities in old Russia is quite unique and different. There actually were people who were considered "magicians", or rather witches and withchers, but. The whole idea of magic itself was tightly connected with different mystical creatures that inhabited the whole country in minds of russians (and there were many. like MANY) and the ability of a person to talk with them, connect with them, correctly perform various rituals related to them and basically ask them to do certain things.
In other words, a witch or a witcher in old Russia is not a person inhabiting magical powers all by themselves, but a person who can "deal" with spirits and mystical beings of different kinds, ask them to do the magician's biddings or help them in a way needed.
And let me tell you, there are many different types of beings, creatures and spirits in russian culture, all of them fulfilling their own purposes. There aare the classical spirits of the forests, of the rivers and lakes, but we also have creatures living in people's houses (spirits that look after the well-being of the house), beings living in every banya (a small russian bathhouse located near the house), spirits of field, arable land, sowing season, winds (northern and southern separately) and many more. And don't get me started on the evil spirits and different types of demons like bisi and chorts, that's a whole another category.
What I've noticed is that the different beings of russian mythology are mostly either the ones connected with nature, like keepers and protectors of forests, lakes and etc, or the so called "evil spirits", different types of demons and devils or other beings that are overall considered dangerous, which are often portrayed to have connection with human routine and different temptations and sins.
And well, here comes my idea and the whole concept. What if Dream had the power and natural talent for connecting with the different spirits and beings of nature, while Nightmare had the natural talent for connecting with the so-called "evil spirits".
Maybe you already think it's fitting, but wait, there's more. You know, I (and probably many others) always thought of positive and negative emotions as a neutral concept. Emotions aren't bad or good themselves and both types can lead to good or bad things depending on the situation and the person who is experiencing those emotions. Guess what? (And I was surprised too when I found out during my research!)
There IS a similar concept with the russian mystical creatures and magic wielders. While people who can connect with "evil spirits" were quite often viewed in a more negative light (like the situation with negative apples and Nightmare), those people could (and actually did) use their abilities and knowledge for good purposes! Of course there were people who used such abilities for their own gain and evil deeds (especially when there was always a threat of being tempted and corrupted by the forces such people were working with). But there were other uses for such powers, people like that could help and save people from the evil spirits, tell them what to do to avoid getting "on the bad side" of dangerous beings, cure people from different illnesses and being possessed by demons, etc. For example, while it was partially done out of fear of a witcher rage and revenge, people used to invite people who had connections "with the darker powers" on their weddings so that they can protect the important event from different kinds of dangerous beings and spirits, to protect newlyweds from various misfortunes in their future life together. Even shepherds were believed to have connections with different kinds of low rank demons, and used them to watch over the herd, prevent other evil beings from stealing the animals.
On the other hand, the practice of talking to and performing various rituals involving spirits of nature was viewed more positively, since it was mostly used to please such beings and ask them for a good harvest, catch off fish, successful hunting, safety during travels and etc. But such powers could also be used with evil goals. Such people could easily affect the weather, cause different natural phenomenon and even poor harvest and famine.
So, we have a situation where there are two types of powers that are overall kind of similar, are actually completely neutral by themselves, can both be used for both good and bad and completely depend on the user, but one power is mostly viewed positively while the other is considered to be rather dangerous and evil. Yeah, I feel like I've seen that somewhere.
Now, let's talk about Nightmare and Dream separately (and the children designs I made for them)
Starting with Nightmare:
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• She/her in this. I don't know why, I just see Nightmare as a girl in this and Dream as a boy. She is also inspired by the main character of Black Book who is female, sooo
• She and Dream were born in a small village in a family of a skilled hunter and a powerful witch, who wielded a mysterious artefact - a book containing a huge number of spells, rituals, descriptions of various creatures and other knowledge. She was able to connect with both types of spirits and beings and often helped the villagers out. Unfortunately, while there were no problems during the birth of Dream, the process of giving birth to Nightmare was hard and the witch passed away soon afterwards.
• As already mentioned, has a natural talent for communicating with "evil" and "dark" spirits and creatures. The villagers already thought of her as cursed since in their minds she was the reason the village's beloved witch died, and when they found out about her dangerous abilities (especially since connecting with dark spirits was considered a difficult art that people learned and studied, and being born with such ability on a good level was rare), well yeaah, she doesn't have the best reputation.
• So, this is actually a cool one imo. When I was creating this whole mess in my head I thought that them being named Dream and Nightmare was, well, not the most fitting and authentic for my traditional russian au thing I'm trying to do... So I thought that maybe I can find them some cool ancient russian names that have a meaning suitable for them? And I did. So they have ancient russian names now too! So, the original Nightmare's name (the one her mother gave her) is Tihomira (Тихомира) or Mira (Мира) for short, which means "a calm and quiet, reserved person".
• But eventually the villagers gave her another name (more like a nickname) - Zloba (Злоба), which literally means evil and malicious :'(
• She was always surrounded by rumours about her and the death of her mother, she obviously doesn't remember her mother but misses her dearly, she always looks at photos of her parents together with eyes full of longing.
• Her and Dream's father shuts down after the loss of his wife, he's rarely at home at spends most of the time hunting, Mira has to stay at home to work around the house most of the time.
• In search for explanation of her abilities, as well as trying to prove to herself that she's not the cause of her mothers death, she actively seeks out all the different object, photos and painting, anything that once belonged to her. And one day, she finds the book.
• By the way, unfortunately, the father doesn't really like his daughter too. Sometimes he looks at her and really struggles not to see the reason of his lovely wife's death in her. Actually he knows about Mira's slight obsession with her mother's things, he finds it unnatural and even creepy, he tries to hide all of the witch's belongings, especially the book, thinking it can be really dangerous in Mira's hands. Well, she finds the book eventually anyway.
• I know that some people don't really like the canon concept of Corrupted not being Nightmare but rather a completely different being. I don't like that too, but I don't want to completely get rid of Corrupted as a character, so they are both present in this story as separate characters, Corrupted being an evil spirit sealed in the book (you can see him in the background of the art).
• At first Mira tries to use the knowledge in the book to prove to the villagers that she can also do good with this power, but the book eventually influences her and corrupts her.
• The apple incident is now the book incident :/
• Corrupted and Mira remain to be separate beings even after the incident, although they heavily influence each other, I'll probably talk about the incident and what happens after it in the next post after this, I still have to develop their adult designs too.
Now I'll give you a couple of examples of different creatures this Nightmare can interact with:
Actually, I need to put a warning here for descriptions of gore, death and violent actions since russian mythology is not just a couple of happy fairytales an can actually travel to some dark themes, so be warned ( if you don't want to read just skip to the Dream part)
1. Kikimora:
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Kikimora was described as a short, crooked, slovenly and ugly old woman, a long-braided girl or woman. According to various other descriptions, a kikimora can be very small and thin, with a large head, long arms, short legs, bulging eyes, hairy paws, horns, a tail, and covered in feathers or fur.
It was believed that Kikimora could appear in a house after the death of one of the family members, but she could also be sent into the house by a witch or a witcher using a ritual artifact in the form of a small doll.
It was commonly believed that kikimoras cause great harm to people and can be dangerous: they prevent them from sleeping and frighten them with various sounds, annoy small children, pounce on and strangle them at night, throw various objects, drop and break things, pull out or cut out hair from people, wool from cattle, feathers from poultry in their sleep. The activity of kikimoras could even force owners to leave their home. There are stories in which kikimoras brought people to death.
Kikimora's favorite tool in the house is a spinning wheel. At night, Kikimora often spun, making a lot of noise; any things spun by her were considered cursed. If the owner of the house noticed Kikimora doing this at night, it could be a sign of imminent death. Most often, people did not see this spirit, but they heard her noise and felt her presence; it was possible to drive her out of the house only with the help of strong spells and rituals performed by a witch or a witcher.
2. Likhoradka (fever)
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Likhoradka (which means fever in russian) is a disease personified in the form of a woman in russian mythology, invading a person and causing either chills or fever.
A distinctive feature of Likhoradka is her multiplicity. Most often, this spirit came in the form of several women at once (7, 9, 12). It was believed that Likhoradka crawled under a person's skin, causing illness, and after the death of a person, it jumped into the body of another. Likhoradka spread very quickly, sometimes taking many lives throughout the village. She can be driven out either by strong spells or by curing all the sick with special decoctions. If Likhoradka was driven out, then most often it was "sent" to the forests, fields, swamps.
3. Bannik and Bannica
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Bannik lives in the banya ( russian bathhouse); usually invisible, sometimes takes the form of an old man covered in dirt and leaves from a broom, or a man with long hair, and also turns into a boar, a dog, a cat, a frog, a white hare. A female Bannik is called a Bannica, or an Obderikha. An Obderikha is a shaggy, scary old woman.
In general, Banniks are quite peaceful spirits, but only if a person follows all the rules during a visit to the bathhouse and does not forget to make offerings to the spirit. To appease Bannik, people leave him a piece of rye bread with a large amount of coarse salt, and also leave some water in the tub and a piece of soap nearby.
If a person angers the Bannik, he turns into a dangerous and malicious spirit - he can burn people with boiling water in the bathhouse, throw stones at them, and also knock on the wall, frightening those taking a steam bath. If a person has violated very serious prohibitions, the Bannik can cause great harm: he can peel off the skin or steam a person to death. People often came to witches for advice on how to properly appease the spirit, what should and should not be done in the bathhouse, and also asked for help if the spirit was angry.
Now let's talk about Dream:
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• He/him
• His russian name is Peresvet (Пересвет), or Svet (Свет) for short, which means "the one fighting for the light". I know, it's really cool😅
•As mentioned, has a natural talent for speaking and connecting with different spirits and beings of nature.
• The villagers though of him quite well, especially compared to his sister. When they found out about his powers, they started to value him even more since he could help out villagers and perform various rituals which would bring a good harvest, protect crops, bring good weather, etc.
• He actually has sort of a hobby collecting different plants he find beautiful, one day villagers started noticing that all the flowers and plants he bring are actually either medicinal herbs that are good for curing different diseases or are used in some useful rituals. It's actually not because he's just lucky, some spirits of nature are actually helping him find them from time to time. It's after many such occurrences that the villagers started suspecting about his powers.
• Opposite to Mira, Svet is almost always outside, either just playing with other children, helping villagers with his powers or learning more about them.
• On the contrary to his sister, is not really interested in developing his powers or learning more about them and all the rituals, he mostly wants to have a simple happy childhood like other children, he also dreams of becoming a simple herbalist in the future, not a witcher, but he feels like he has to do all that to help the villagers and be a good person, so he tries his best to practice and study anyway.
• Is actually quite close to his father, well as close as you can get to a shut person like him, sometimes the father takes him to some walk in the forest with him, he tells him about different plants in the forest and how to properly survive there since he's a hunter. Svet cherishes such rare interactions quite a lot.
• Doesn't understand his sister's troubles and doesn't spend much time with her, the villagers are always demanding him to be outside, to help with some rituals or collect some herbs. But he actually wants to spend more time with her, he just doesn't know how to say no to the villagers.
Some examples of the spirits Svet can connect with:
Actually, there are no descriptions of gore here or anything, but some darker themes like death and being lost are present so please proceed with caution
1. Leshy
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Leshy is the spirit-master of the forest in russian mythology. In mythological stories, Leshy appears as a plant, animal or anthropomorphic creature. It is also common for the leshy to appear in the form of relatives and acquaintances. The leshy was sometimes described as a giant, sometimes as a dwarf; there are beliefs that he could change his height.
As the master, the leshy takes care of the forest, protects it, and is the patron of forest animals and plants. The leshy was considered a fair master of the forest, who would not harm without reason, but could punish people for inappropriate behavior in his domain, or if a person behaved,he could help them. According to popular belief, the leshy could ensure good luck in hunting and safe grazing of cattle, but for this to happen, hunters and shepherds needed to make an agreement with him.
Such an agreement was called a "forest charter", people (usually with the help of a witch) wrote their requests on birch bark, asking Leshy to help in hunting and not to harm the village. In order for Leshy to accept such conditions, he was appeased and brought offerings: various foods, bread, milk, sometimes coins. However, Leshy punished people who violated the forest's prohibitions - he could kidnap them, make them wander and get lost in the forest, from where people rarely returned and usually died wandering in the forest.
2. Gamayun
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Gamayun is a mythical bird of paradise in Russian culture. In literary works of the 17th-19th centuries, it is a bird that flies in from paradise and flies forever with the help of its tail. In the culture of the 19th-21st centuries, there were two main directions in the development of the image: as a bird of paradise, which is associated with ideas of happiness and bliss, and as a mythical bird that foretells trouble. Depending on which side it flies over a person's head, either luck or misfortune can await them.
Yay, I actually found some time today to finish this! Of course that's not all, and I have a lot more to tell you: about the specifics of russian spells, about the book, the incident and what happened after (I still need to do the adult designs), who knows, maybe I'll even add other au sanses to this. I also will certainly do more fanart for this, tell about the traditional russian house called izba, I'll also talk about more mystical creatures (I actually wanted to tell you about one more here that Dream can interact with but I cannot put any more pictures). So stay tuned for updates for this!
(i really gotta think of a good name for this au...)
(actually all the research, drawing my own art, finding pictures and materials as well as translating everything so that it would be understandable to non-russian audience takes quite a lot of time, especially since making one art piece can take me anywhere from two hour to several days, so please be patient since the next part probably won't be posted soon. anyway you are free to ask any questions about the au or russian culture as a whole while you wait, i'll try my best to answer them)
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Buck's Eleven
Title: Buck's Eleven Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Bucky and Steve with mentions of Bucky x ex!wife Reader Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Going into a job this big, you have to take the house or know the house will hunt you down and swallow you into its belly. Vegas is unforgiving. Good thing they're the best at what they do.
Content/Concept Warnings: Thief/Con Artist AU, smoking, 1960s elements, references to sexual acts
Notes: CONQUERING FOUR EVENTS/CHALLENGES, which is my crowning moment this summer:
@buckybarnesevents WEEK FIVE of Hot Bucky Summer: "When I First Met You..."
Sixth square of @buckybarnesbingo U4: "AU: Historical"Playing Games"
Featuring Lemonade and a Road trip for @the-slumberparty's June Challenge
AND MY FOURTH AND FINAL SQUARE for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C4 "Thief/Con Artist" (and including an Alpine sighting so I can collect my TOE BEANS)
This is an MCU homage to Ocean's Eleven drawing direct inspiration from the 1960 and 2001 films. The 2001 has been one of my favorite heist movies since it came out, and I had never seen the 1960s original until this week, but once I started watching it, my jaw dropped with excitement over how ripe it was to adapt for a Bucky (and Steve) AU because in the original, it's 15 years after WWII and the crew is a reassembled group of guys who were in the army together!
I borrowed some dialogue beats directly from the 2001 film, and those are in bold italics.
Story graphic by me, story dividers by @firefly-graphics, reblog graphic by @vase-of-lilies
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Bucky takes a seat in the chair across from the penitentiary’s release board and settles his hands casually in his lap.
The man in the center taps his cigarette in the ash tray before returning it to his lips. “Please state your name for the record.”
“James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Thank you. Mr. Barnes, you’re meeting with this board today to answer a few questions so we can determine whether or not you intend to break the law again.”
Bucky nods. Contrition. Congeniality. A touch of charisma, but nothing too memorable. That’s what he must serve up.
“This is your first conviction, but you have been implicated in a long list of other cases for confidence schemes and frauds. Is this a fair and accurate record?”
Bucky glances at the doll off to the side at a small table of her own, clicking away impressively at a typewriter.
“I expect your records to be nothing but accurate, though – as you said – I’ve been implicated but never charged.”
“Mr. Barnes, what we’re trying to find out is: was there a reason you committed this crime, or was there simply a reason you got caught this time?”
“My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.”
Exactly what he knows they would like to hear.
“If released, is it likely you would fall into a similar pattern?”
Bucky cocks his head almost imperceptibly. “She already left me once; I don’t think she’d do it again just for kicks.”
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“Fellas, you know I’d do almost anything for ya, but not… not this,” Banner looks between them, rubbing the back of his neck.
Steve smiles warmly, the smile he knows tricks his friends and his marks into whatever he needs. “Why waste all the little tricks that the army taught us just because it’s sort of peaceful now?”
The din of the night club around them – games of cards, dames performing on stage, drinks being served up all around – gives them all the privacy they need to hold a sensitive conversation around the table, just the three of them.
“We’re trained men,” Bucky adds.
“I know. I know you are, and we always did good work.”
“Better with you on the crew, you keep us careful.”
“You remember a little operation called Stacks back on the Sokovian front?” Steve asks.
“Do I! Eleven of us in and out under the cloaking of the trees at night with more Axis piles of cash than was decent for either side to have stockpiled away.”
“We should have buried it,” Bucky says.
“Speaking of money, you’re going to need an enormous amount of backing to pull this off in Vegas. The city’s not a sleepy little town tucked away near the mountains and off the grid of the main occupation, it’s got a million neon lights glowing on it every night.”
“Fury, easy.”
“None of us are gonna be as easy as you think. You’ll need the best electrician around, and Tony’s out.”
“Got religion?” Bucky asks.
“Naw, he and Pepper have got a kid now.”
Bucky looks to Steve, but he seems unconcerned. “Morgan – she’s cute.” Steve looks back to Banner. “I think he’ll do it.”
Banner shakes his head, but grins. “Pepper’s already unhappy he’s back in the game on the fluffy jobs, but if you think you can convince him… You get Fury and you get Tony, I’ll play ball with you.”
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“You can’t do it. It’s impossible. I made it impossible. I invented casino security. When I first met you boys, you were bright young cocky upstarts. Now you’re bright and cocky – and just lucky that most of the time you’re not too cocky. Now I like you boys, but it can’t be done.”
“You know what? You’re probably right.”
“Eyes were too big for our stomachs.”
“You would know better than anyone.”
“Sure, sure. I just don’t want to see you boys behind bars, especially since you’re fresh out, Barnes.”
“Well, we appreciate the lemonade all the same,” Steve says, setting down his now empty glass.
“It’s hand pressed every morning down at the river market.”
“And thank you for taking care of Alpine while I was away,” Bucky scratches the the head of his white cat, who hasn’t stopped purring since being reunited. He scoops her up to his chest, and he and Steve stand to leave.
“It was good to see you, Nick,” Steve says.
“Give Maria your addresses on the way out, she’s got me a good source on Cuban cigars, I’ll send each of you a box.”
Bucky nods. “That’s sure nice of you.”
They turn and start to walk across the terrace toward the patio doors.
Fury looks after them. He sighs. “Tell me the marks.”
They slowly turn back, appearing to casually answer, but knowing this will bring him in.
“The… Sahara–“
“–Sahara, the Riviera, and the Dunes,” Bucky finishes.
“Hold on.” Fury stands. “Those are Pierce’s places. What do you two got against Pierce?”
“Pierce is the king on top of the mountain right now, nothing more than that.”
“I still owe him for how he got me with Project Insight,” Steve adds, “but I could get him back some other way. The golden opportunity to knock over his casinos on the fight night of the year, Thor vs. Starlord in a few weeks? That’s just destiny giving me the gift to make it sweeter that it’ll be his money.”
“And, Rogers, you’re okay with this knowing full well who the dame rumored to be attached to his son’s arm?”
“Yep,” Steve says without hesitation. “It’s not about her. Pierce is the king on the top of the mountain right now, we just want to topple him over. I still owe him for Project Insight. Besides, Buck’s not stupid enough to make this about a dame who divorced him, and like you said it’s only a rumor that she’s his doll.”
Fury turns his stare to Bucky. He shrugs. “She’s made it pretty clear with the divorce papers.”
He studies him for a moment, then seems satisfied.
“And you’re just going to go on your little road trip across the country recruiting your team?”
“Who doesn’t love a summer road trip?” Bucky asks, a full grin on his face.
“Sam’s already in Sin City, picked out a nice house for us to set up and lay low in Henderson.”
“Henderson’s nice and sleepy. Banner will be there by the end of the week, and we just came from seeing Tony.”
“You should swing through Salt Lake City, look in on the Maximov Twins, they’re pulling off some impressive stuff among the locals there.”
“I’ll put them on the list.”
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Steve leans up against the side of the convertible while Bucky starts to pump the gas.
“Sam’s not eager about the kid.”
“I know he’s not,” Bucky smirks. “But he’s our grease man. There’s a reason they’re calling him the Spider Boy Wonder now. Besides, he was a kid before I went in, it’s been four years, he’s not a kid anymore.”
“He’s impressive.”
Steve lets silence fall for a beat.
“Tell me it’s not about her. Tell me you are not stupid enough to make this about her.”
Frankly Bucky is shocked and impressed that it took Steve thirty minutes to press him about you now that he knows.
“It’s not about her, it’s about five million cool a piece.”
Steve looks dubious. “Because when we say ‘till the end of the line…’”
“It’s not about her, she just happens to be there, but I’m not ignoring that fact – we’re just going to use it to our advantage because she’ll be a blind spot for him.”
“Because she was a blind spot for you?”
“No, she was never that.” She was fireworks, electricity, what kept him sharp when he was on his game, before he got caught and sulked behind bars.
Steve sighs and his face softens. “I know. Just promise me we don’t do anything stupid.”
"No, nothing stupid. Too much riding on this. Heist of our lives."
As they pulled out onto the street, car aimed for the interstate, Bucky wouldn't spend the duration of the road trip thinking about you, but you would cross his mind frequently, as you always had.
With the miles ahead of them, the memories of you could distract him in peace. Thoughts of when he first met you. Thoughts of sneaking into rooftop parties and pools at places like Fury’s like you two had done when you were both too broke to get in any other way. Thoughts of his hand disappearing under your skirt and up to tease the delicious heat between your thighs. Thoughts of your head falling back and exposing your throat to him. Thoughts of your head falling forward to rest against his. Thoughts of you gasping beneath him as he thrust inside you. Thoughts of you wrapped up in his arms, leaning against his chest as you watched the sun set on your little balcony of that third-floor apartment in the city. Thoughts of the soft mornings and late nights in the bed you had shared together until you didn’t. Thoughts he fights both to hold onto and forget.
But you were unforgettable. You were his. You had to be his again. He's waited for just the right angle to set you in his sights again, and he knows he can get you as sure as he knows they will walk away with over fifty million and without a trace.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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yew-yew · 10 months
More Stardew valley au? 👉👈 (Could be art or rambles but I am INSANE about this concept and would love to hear/see more)
sure! here's a little bit, and both art and my verbal nonsense ahahah
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little sorry for the anatomical mistakes, but it was drawn like... in summer and i'm just too lazy to change something now
speaking of art, law collects stones. that says it all. (this is a bit of a self-projection, but i have my whole house in stardew in chests full of beautiful stones-)
now let's move on to the rest, and i hope you don't mind that it would be just a pile of thoughts
• ahem, from what i have is that instead of an archaeologist (i don't remember the names of characters very well, especially from stardew), we have Robin. it's logical, isn't it ahaha? Law, helps in the hospital, because this is the only way and nothing else! the saloon keeps a Makino, and wow, it's probably a place where you can really eat, so i think Sanji works here in the kitchen. and forgive me, i can't help but add stupid foster parents to au, so Zeff is here too. i really liked someone's fan idea that the Penguin is the cook of heart crew, so he probably does something like moonlighting there?
• Franky and Ikkaku (omg this gorgeous woman) both are something like a carpenter and a blacksmith, although i think Franky is more of a blacksmith?? anyway!!! had idea that Shachi was moonlighting for them??? Maybe???
• Usopp works in Pierre's store, and i think this is not only a store mainly garden, but literally a place where you can buy almost everything? it sounded funny, so why not. Usopp sells some of his little things too!! stupid little fireworks i think are also among them? shop literally everything, wonderful
• i removed the fisherman and his shop (i sorry??), as a result, Nami lives somewhere on the beach, she is their personal meteorologist and the most accurate weather guide, no TV forecast will be as accurate as she is!!!
• ASL trio is a personal periodic spontaneous catastrophe of the whole town. in short, Ace is an eternal visitor to the mine (although many of them are like that ... but he is especially ...) who brings stone mining things. And monster stuff? Luffy for some reason became an absolute fisherman, idk why, but I liked it, huh. Sabo helps Robin i think? Also Luffy and Sabo guys who basically bring Robin different collecting things (Ace does not understand they collecting thing : (( ) all three of them bring Robin some artifacts or minerals. Sabo really interested in discussing all this with Robin, as well as books and the history of all sorts of artifacts and so on?? i had idea about Law in this "nerd" club. Ace... is not interested in these "nerd" clubs and just brings them everything he finds in the mine. Luffy brings Robin something that sometimes comes across on a fishing trip (i like the thing with chests in the stardew itself so much)
• there are also Mihawk, Zoro and Perona who live in a winery/vineyards outside the city. Gothic family is my undisputed love
• something about Bepo: i remember that somewhere at the beginning of the game at some point an animal comes to our farm, which we are offered to keep for ourselves. ahah, i can't choose between being a polar bear(lmao, it’s fun) or a samoyed dog, but in any case, i think he's just like in stardew....came and its just....adopted too
separate huge thanks for the help with the ideas of my beautiful lady @liquidsao
and for the help with the organization of my thoughts to this wonderful person @cal-cium-the-nerd
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bbu-fan-blog · 1 year
Is there any kind of facts that you found about Aristotle?
I have some, yes!
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Aristotle is Billie's mentor: decided to take up this task amazed on how much she is like her father, and out of the desire to relieve the glory days.
Aristotle goes by he/him and they/them, and is gay.
He and Arthur, for all intents and purposes, were married, just not in the traditional sense.
Aristotle's gem (yes, the purple brooch on his cape is one of the gems) is a magic booster.
This makes Aristotle REALLY powerful; but they're still an axolotl, which means that, despite their magic power, he gets easily hurt.
He's made a name for himself at Dutch's hotel, having tried so many ways to get the wolf's gem. That's why Dutch has wanted posters of the axolotl everywhere, making them enemies. Ari doesn't know which gem Dutch has.
Ironically, Ash ships them as an "enemies to lovers" kind of thing.
Katie and Ash want to include book extracts that Billie can collect during the game, and one of them is a book wrote by Aristotle and Arthur, titled "The ABCs of Magic Casting". This suggests the two of them wrote books about magic together.
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And as you can see, they shared a last name together.
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Aristotle likes eating worms.
The symbol on Ari's forehead is meant to be an infinity symbol. Specifically, it's meant to represent the iridophores that axolotls have on their skins, that create a sparkly effect when exposed to the light.
In the fandom he's officially known as "Rad Magic Dad"!
In the first concepts, Aristotle was supposed to be calmer and more reserved; the devs made him more akin to goofy yet fun dad since he came off as too boring. Also, apparently he used to be a crow before Ash officially made them an axolotl.
He also used to constantly float in a bubble.
On Mario Kart he'd choose Luigi because they'd feel sorry for him.
His favorite Halloween treat is chocolate covered crickets.
Aristotle is autistic, and he stims by swinging his hips from side to side while waddling the finger, and tends to walk by keeping his hands inwards.
When overwhelmed, he tucks at his gills as if they were hair.
Apparently one of the characters who inspired Aristotle was none other than Pikachu!
He's also inspired by game characters like E.Gadd from "Luigi's Mansion" and Toriel from "Undertale".
He's very talented in magic, and can make magic spheres he'll juggle with.
Apparently he's never met Barnaby.
He loves food and cooking; apparently the devs had in mind to have a cooking minigame with him, but I don't know if that's still going to happen.
Despite being powerful at magic, Katie believes he'd have slow reflexes.
He'd love ice skating!
He's also definitely ticklish!
Will happily recieve hugs, very soft and squishy!
Despite his calm and friendly nature, he's got flaws too: as in, he can be petty, overly confident and sometimes rash. He's been compared to Pearl from Steven Universe, and Ash thinks it's a pretty accurate comparison.
His name is a reference to Ace Attorney!
His go to instrument would be a concertina.
Would be friends with Glamrock Freddy, according to Ash!
He can stand on an orb made of magic, just like Raz from Psychonauts with his levitation orb.
If he owned Pokémon, he'd mostly have a Fairy Type team.
He'd never swear; he's the kind that would go "LANGUAGE!" if he'd hear someone say a bad word.
His way of speech has some Weird Al elements to it.
This is what I have, for now! 💜
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bonefall · 10 months
Getting my ask in for Clanmew day! I translated some of my OCs from a personal project - they might not be fully accurate, but I tried my best.
Hindstar - Nisushai
For this one, I did a contraction of Niaa and usihu - I chose 'hind' instead of just 'doe' or 'deer' for her name to sound old and grand, which she definitely... tries to be. Her name is specifically meant to be archaic, evoking an old glory.
Deerspring - Augyiao
Pretty direct translation. If -spring wasn't a loanword, I would have it specified as the future tense, "deer about to spring." My cats are in North America, so her name would refer to a whitetail rather than a red deer, but I'm not sure how to translate whitetail calls.
Fawnspots - Mweenwoowoo
Again, pretty direct. She and Deerspring are sisters, and I wanted to give her a relatively plain name for contrast. It makes for a good nickname - I cannot imagine a better one than Weewoo.
Dapplepaw - Paplapwyr
Direct translation. I toyed around with the idea of contracting dapple with fawn to make Mylapwyr, both to tie her more directly into the deer theme of her family and to reference her mother.
Velvetpaw - Gawrekpwyr
Direct translation, don't have much to say on them - although, iirc, I sent an ask forever ago about antler velvet for their name and I think it ended up turning into the guide on deer.
Littlebird - Eebwipwik
"Small quail" - he's the father of Dapple and Velvet, and doesn't have the deer theming. His family has game-bird theming, but 'Littlequail' didn't sound quite right to me so I went with Littlebird instead. I like saying his Clanmew name though.
You're probably correct! Occasionally a Clanmew ask ends up becoming a full fauna guide. Yours probably became the one on deer broadly, the category of "Kleka" including sheep and horses.
So with all the deer totally covered, and your OCs all having great names, here's some fun words for Littlebird and his side of the family.
Wattle = Shubpi
The fleshy facial parts of a male pheasant or the head feather on a male quail.
Interesting etymological origin; the word "Shub" had a use in Old Tribemew AND Parkmew. In Tribemew, it meant Gray as in the normal color of the sky in England; inconspicuous; humble. In Parkmew, it meant uncooked chicken, especially guts and edible bones, rare treats that were not particularly common in the Park and had to be acquired from the wider city.
The siblings Gray Wing and Clear Sky were referring to a wing that blends in with cloud cover, and a blue sky that would put such a bird on full display. Since Gray Wing the Wise was killed before ever meeting a Tribe Cat, xey were associated more strongly with xeir role in death as a great, holy sage of wisdom, conveniently tied to their concept of delicious chicken.
And what's closer to a chicken than a pheasant?
As the two cultures mixed to create what we now know as Clan Culture, the many uses of Shub mingled. Gray Wing the Wise became associated with pheasants, the mid-gray color of thinner clouds with the sun behind them, and revelations of hidden or ancient knowledge. Xeir appearance as a patron reflects that, with prominent wattles over both eyes.
So "wattle" is a contraction of Gray + Perceive. It's also used to quickly describe just about any fancy bit of adornment on the head of a bird.
A fantastical bird = Eer-roo
Before the meeting with the Tribe after the destruction of the White Hart, Clan cats no longer saw eagles, and slowly forgot the truth of chickens as they were confined to farms.
The two things merged into one fantastical animal. A massive predator bearing the most delicious meat you've ever tasted, bearing a huge wattle and thick skin as if its hide was already tanned, big enough to carry off hogs and so heavy that it could only fly by jumping off the highstones.
Could be described as a feathered dragon. Its wisdom is stressed in the tales, unlike many other mythological beasts, even able to trick careless TigerClan warriors.
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themastermarkus · 2 months
Miquella: Unalloyed Gold or Electrum
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In the 1.0 version of Elden Ring, the description of Miquella's Lily suggests that Miquella wasn't originally associated with unalloyed gold, but electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold, silver, and trace amounts of other metals like copper and platinum (this description also refers to Miquella as "her", but I assume that this is a spelling/translation error as everything else referring to Miquella's gender in version 1.0 uses he/him as in later patches). Even in the current version of the game, a lot of visual elements related to Miquella suggest this alloy rather than the pure gold of "unalloyed gold". For instance, objects like the armour of the Haligtree knights, Malenia's prosthetics and armour, and Miquella's Needle are predominantly a darker, faintly goldish-silver colour. Even Miquella's own visual design, including his magic, has a strong tendency towards whiter hues and a lighter, less yellow gold than characters associated directly with the Golden Order. "Unalloyed gold" in reality, is the purest gold, which has a distinctly deep, orange-tinted yellow colour, something that is much more visually similar to things associated with the Erdtree and Golden Order, such as Leyndell knight armour and talismans like the Blessed Dew Talisman and Erdtree's Favour. This all suggests to me that it was quite late in development that Miquella started being associated with the term "unalloyed gold". But why was this changed? It's possible that someone thought that the golden alloy's name, "electrum", sounded inappropriate for the setting; perhaps due to the association we now have with terms like "electricity" and modern technology (though the word is a Latinized version of the Ancient Greek "elektron", which referred to the metal before other words were derived from it). However, terms like "white gold" and simply "alloyed" make this a non-issue. In metaphorical terms, within the game, Miquella's "unalloyed gold" is suggested to represent a more "pure" form of the Golden Order, but I think that associating Miquella with alloyed gold is actually a more apt statement, as his goal is making a better age that accepts more facets of the world than the Golden Order does, such as Albunaurics, misbegotten, and Omens/hornsent. Therefore, I think this would be better represented by a golden "perfection" that is tempered and strengthened with other aspects represented as other metals like silver and copper. Miquella's rule and what represents it is allowed to be "impure" because purity is just a concept created by the Golden Order to subjugate others, and this combined ideology, like the alloyed metal, is arguably stronger than that golden purity. I think that the metaphor of alloyed gold is a more clear statement about the flaws of the Golden Order and reflects Miquella's ideals more accurately than calling Miquella "unalloyed", which instead suggests an assertion that his is the "real order" within the Golden Order's own of concept of purity.
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mayordea · 1 year
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songwriting with meiko 🎙️
i have a few things to comment abt this which will be isolated under the cut so the post doesnt get too bloated :] mainly small hcs about meiko/kaito/miku hhhh
an idea that briefly popped in my head when i was brushing my teeth that i did not want to let get away. it was ambitious and i liked the concept of using my hc'd versions of the younger crypton vocaloids (miku's beta design and meiko/kaito's v1 designs) interacting with each other, so i went for it. i designed the general vibe of the background in animal crossing, ol reliable for these kinds of things, since i knew i wanted to cram as much detail in the environment as i could. i made a post about it on my personal account here since i was quite proud of this build.
as i was decorating, i kept spontaneously making headcanons for the younger meiko/kaito/miku unit in order to understand how to populate their living space with accurate clutter. i ended up totally overdecorating the whole thing and only referenced a small portion of the interior (like, why'd i go so hard on thinking about the yard? thats just what happens when i try taking this route) but i did like some of the ideas i came up with to explain my decorative choices. here's just a ramble.
oh yeah i guess i should get something i mentioned in the tags of that art i made w all the crypton gang's "younger" versions out of the way: i hc the character vocal gangs' "younger" designs to be their "IF" or beta designs. and meiko and kaito's younger versions are their V1 designs, mainly inspired by how they appear in the earlier project diva games (every time i look at them i just see them as awkward teens still trying to figure out who they are lmao)
also mentioned there that sakine meiko and meiko are one in the same and the fanloid and vocaloid arent separate entities. sakine meiko was meiko in her early music career as a relatable teen pop idol, with the "sakine" family name being made up to create that image. once meiko grew into an adult, she put the persona behind and just went by meiko, and around that time she met kaito and theyd be musical partners for a while
meiko sort of adopts miku into their unit when she recognizes her potential and serves as a mentor to her after then. kaito is the same but acts more as a supportive guardian in comparison. rin, len, and luka would come along later of course.
yeah i really fuck with the idea of the crypton gang being a little family :] i think it's neat! and this art/animal crossing build was a fun way to explore that hc a little
meiko is a physical media fiend, especially for music. loves collecting cds and vinyls and the like; they're littered all over the house. loves rock music too
kaito on the other hand has a knack for gardening and tends to the very modest garden outside their house. also collects a lot of art he finds in thrift marts and such for novelty's sake
miku always dedicated herself to improving her craft and finding her voice thanks to the help of meiko. she was also kind of a nerd at this era. very serious and dedicated
these folks did not know how to clean shit up, everything left lying on the floor ends up being an intentional decoration (probably not clear in this but i did like scattering stuff around to the best of my ability in the AC build)
ummm that’s it for now i guess i had less than i expected? but i’m glad to get this down somewhere lol feel free to share your own hcs if you wish, i love hearing them
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storiesofsung · 6 months
Obey Me Rewrite - the Passion Project
Note: spoilers below the cut
I’ve always been in love with the game obey me and been super passionate about it as a long time fan however the game itself is kind of lacking.
Obviously it does what it does well, it’s a dating simulator about demons from hell but what I mean is it lacks potential.
I love the characters and their relationships with each other and the overall concept, that is what made me fall in love with it in the first place however I do have my own issues with the game not as a dating simulation but as a story.
To give you more context:
- characters are given great potential with interesting backstories and fun personalities however the direction the game takes them completely wastes any sort of progression as interesting 3 dimensional characters
Example: Satan - he is shown to show personal struggle with a sort of inferiority complex with the way he was brought into this world (or hell) by people only viewing him as an extension of Lucifer and only as wrath, not as an individual living being. He works hard to create a name for himself and he prides himself on wisdom. He has a strong character and one of the best self restraint in terms of anger I dare say (he did attack mc but honestly from the way he was acting in Nightbringer it is progression) plus he is calm and collected and obviously by now a respected demon. Though he knowledgeable in itself, he still has issues to work with, one being working out his difficulties with Lucifer, (maybe) coming to terms with the way he was born and the trauma he went through when Lilith fell (he technically felt Lucifer’s pain). Instead as the series progressed we only saw him a soft cat boy, cmon 😀.
There are much more examples of this in fact all of them have such wasted potential, I’m not going to go in depth (unless someone asks me to hehe) but a very notable mention I would also like to make is
Example 2: MC - I’m not going to comment on how they are dull or has no personality because actually they can be very sassy depending on which options you choose. Also the mc is supposed to just be a self insert so I understand that enough. Anyways what I would like to give note to is the fact that mc forgave belphie right away after he I don’t know KILLED US? Or should I say, more accurately, the game forced us to forgive him so we would have the belphie lovey dovey options (no hate to belphie stans I’m just saying). What I mean to say is that we shouldn’t have not forgiven him you know, honestly it’s more of pacing. We COULD have forgiven him and actually that would be interesting development and a look into their backstory as angels, however there was no real progression towards forgiveness or us even being remotely scared of him (I may be wrong on this but I remember belphie and mc becoming besties real quick with no hard feelings) like the snappy mc incorrect quotes I think would actually fit well into the story as well as proper talk and real progression towards forgiveness.
2. Concepts and storylines
This is slightly less of an issue but I do take slight to the way the game handles storylines. Season 1 was the best (in my opinion) because it was less of “uwu mc marry me” content and more of demons being demons.
Alright so this really bugged me but I don’t like how MC is a a descendant of Lilith, like I know the brothers and Lilith are not blood related and are honestly more found family and that MC and Lilith and so far related (in terms of how many generations were between them) that they barely share dna I believe (in terms of physical dna and all that good stuff not the angelic powers) but I’ve always found it kind of gross but I guess that’s just a me problem…
I’m going to take the next part of my issues with concepts and storyline as general as possible but it’s really long but… hell doesn’t feel like hell, or should I say devildom doesn’t sound like hell
There is technology in other depictions of hell (like Hazbin hotel) but that’s done better because it’s not so emphasized (I know DDD is part of the game but I think they drive the technology bit overboard) it’s a lot less subtle and hell just feels like an abridged human world with slight magic involved.
The demons don’t even act like demons or look like demons, as hot as their demon forms are they look like emo teenagers that just discovered hot topic like girl bye 😭. They don’t act remotely demonic like sometimes, and everything just seems like a cosplay is the best way I can describe it. I know it’s 12+ and not 18+ but I really enjoy the more gorey fanfic versions of obey me concepts because that feels like hell, it brings out emotions in me of shocked scared and surprised which is what Dre me into the game in the first place, not a bunch of boys going to play dress up and harass the MC.
I have much more problems with the game( I still love so obviously I’m gonna play it) but this is more of a rant and I just played Nightbringer so I hope there is more lore that resolves some of my issues but yeah!
I’m not that skilled of a writer or anything but I would really like to try and rewrite obey me as a kind of “real hell” as a passion project, obviouslt no characters, or anything trademarked belong to me this is more of for fun. Again I’m not that experienced so if anyone would like to give me tips on how to write or would lousy like to chat about obey me, about this rant and other issues or just obey me in general feel free to dm me I’m always looking for more obey me stuff hehe but yeah, or actually honestly I just want your opinion on this.
I know it’s not that deep it’s a game about horny demons but it still means a lot to me and I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from. Thank you.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
“Salt & Storybook” Analysis and Trivia
@anobody277642 If you’re interested, I will take your reblog as an invitation to pinpoint some of the other things that went into the whump fic. Sorry in advance about the length. You can disregard this if you want.
If anyone has any questions or would like clarification, don’t hesitate to ask!
First though:
1. You were absolutely correct about Rafal’s Bird Motif! And yes, there are a few other instances wherein it appears. (I will list and explain the remaining ones later.)
(And I’ll go through everything in a vaguely chronological order after I respond to your points, because, honestly, that’s the easiest way for me to keep track.)
2. You are indeed correct about the bookcase! It was a direct callback to that TLEA moment.
3. Yes, that was intentional. I think I paraphrased a line that occurs around the point of Rafal’s return to the School in Rise, while Rhian’s in exile.
4. Interesting! I will take you at your word on this one since I’ve forgotten how exactly that happened specifically. I thought it happened at the end of AWWP, but Tedros frequently gallivants around shirtless, so I just… don’t know. I’m sure you’re right nonetheless.
5. That section was not intended to evoke the Black Swan gold, but it could. Actually, I had slightly different thoughts around it.
I just invented these hummingbirds because I thought they'd fit and they worked in line with the bird motif. Also, their being "vampiric" parallels Vulcan himself—matching types of villainy and all.
Plus, I had been thinking of the Capitol's biochemical warfare in the Hunger Games, with their Mutts. This could be a less technologically-advanced form of that, in the world of the Endless Woods.
Besides, Akgul was canonically a prosperous kingdom and did mine during the day only to carouse all night, which I think does work with this concept starting up in the first place, with these birds as their "watchmen,” to safeguard all that wealth required to maintain their lifestyles.
Additional things of note:
1. Foreshadowing of the literal salt that appears later:
“The floor crunched underfoot with every step he took, a mosaic of inedible salt and pepper,”
2. The excerpt of the Vulcan song from Rise, I decided to include:
It exemplifies Rafal’s whimsy and mockery as character traits I sometimes forget about. I do have more to say about this, but instead, it will go into a future post since it would divert too far from this.
3. The shifting frequency at which Rafal drinks and how I tried to narrow the span of time/reduce the number of words between every time he interacts with his wineglass:
Essentially, I wanted to increase the frequency of Rafal reaching for his drink or sipping it and decrease the proximity of those lines in the narration itself to do so, so it would happen more and more often, narrowing the focus as an effect. That way, it’d be as if he’s losing control in the most minor of ways to start us off, down his decline into misery.
The whole decision to try to contextualize and justify the whump in the first place was kind of an interesting phase as well since it seemed to require perhaps more actual thought and reasoning than the pure action sequence sections did? I tried to integrate the tower’s design features into the setting and incorporate nearly every one of Vulcan’s named objects, so overall I’d be accurate to canon, while attempting to sound novel in my slightly altered descriptions of them.
4. This probably unobtrusive line:
“Here, he’d remain, ’til the end of time.”
This thought is stated positively here, yet it is given a negative spin much later, and is turned on its head (around the part about the bandages and musings about living an immortal life).
5. When Rafal burns Vulcan’s things in a pyre:
Rafal burns something; Rafal gets burnt himself—it’s a really loose line of cause and effect, and a close equivalency. I wanted it to seem like it was "an eye for an eye" situation in some sense.
6. Possibly symbolic foreshadowing?:
“the deformed periscope Rafal had knocked the lenses out of,”
This was unintentional, but I realized that this line could be read as Rafal losing his physical sight later, temporarily, and also losing his rational judgment (or “foresight,”) while it's impaired by his drinking. I mean, he does it to himself. It’s not anyone else’s fault.
7. I wanted the thermal imagery I deployed to parallel the state of the plot:
“The rising heat was hellish.”
Like: rising heat? Rising stakes. It’s the start to all the rest of the Hell references since what he goes through is obviously hellish in its own right.
8. Overall, how unreliable Rafal’s narration is:
“Then he set to work, freeing the storybooks.”
Yeah right. He’s an oppressor if anything. Again, true enough yet horrendously biased, acting as if he's the savior, which, that’s fair. He sort of was for a short run in Rise. But still. It's another instance of: look how full of himself this man truly is.
Another such instance of his own biases:
“charting such a course for the students once again under his eminent tutelage.”
And then, there’s several other instances of unreliability in which he either believes he’s shouldering all the responsibility, or in which he devalues Rhian directly and/or makes false statements about Rhian.
The truth is, Rafal won't let anyone else clean up the literal and plot-level messes. He thinks everyone else is incapable, when they're truly not. Except, he's rather earned the right to think that way, given the catastrophes he's had to deal with in the past, only to unfortunately be proven right by his false belief, time and time again, effectively reinforcing it—all due to horrific happenstance. Thus, from a more sympathetic angle, I don't 100% blame him for thinking that way. The problem is: he’s just handicapping himself doing it all solo.
9. These lines and the irony:
“He wasn’t Rhian’s personal manservant. What a degrading role that would be.”
Is he not though? Truly? And yet, Rhian implicitly expected Rafal to clean up for him later on. Well, I’d like to think Rafal’s just in denial about his “role.”
10. Parallel sentence structure:
“He and he alone would restore the storybooks to their former, casual glory in their places of honor, just as the brothers themselves had been restored by the Pen.”
I suppose you could say this relates to the Meleager reference (coming up soon, wait a bit) about lives tied to the storybooks. Thus, the storybooks and the brothers have the same fates. Both fall. Some from the shelves. And those two from power, from the Storian's grace.
11. Reference to how Rafal did this once before in Rise:
“Naturally, Rafal stacked all of Evil’s tales at the top of the tower’s shelves, for his own reference.”
12. A double meaning:
“That batty substitute had no place in his School.”
13. This parallels Rhian's small cut later:
“his pale hand was dotted with pinpricks of blood.”
14. In my opinion? This bit is massively ironic (or that was my intention, at least):
“Rafal tended to cast off pain with ease, like it was just another one of his overcoats.”
15. Could be interpreted as an appearance of the bird motif:
“In a glaring, grandiose script, the tale’s cover read: THE UGLY DUCKLING.”
But actually, it's simply a reference to Vulcan calling Rhian "duckling," which I assumed would and could enrage Rafal.
16. More of Rafal’s bird motif:
“as if he were plucking feathers from a wild fowl to be cooked”
17. This next one, which you pointed out, does a few other things, too:
“It caught on the fireplace’s grate, angled like a broken bird.”
It’s not only the bird motif but foreshadowing. Rafal himself becomes the “broken bird,” of course.
To some extent, what he does to the storybook happens to him. Again, it’s the fairy-tale element of karmic equivalencies, of deeds being paid back or paid forth to the next in a sequence (or there’s Newton’s third law). I just felt like it could be a law of their world or of classic fairy tales as a whole. The balance.
Also, this may be a stretch—but you could view the storybook as functioning like a sinister talisman of a certain kind. It being tossed into the fire right before Rafal’s torture began could be read as similar to Meleager's life being tied to a piece of wood, in classical mythology. He died when it was burnt.
In Rafal's case here, the burning storybook could represent how he's brought punishment onto himself, marking himself as not wholly a victim but as a deeply flawed vandal.
And, fun fact: in the myth, when Meleager's prophesied death came true, his sisters were turned into guineafowl. So, more birds!
18. The Storian’s pov leaking through, taking over the narrative momentarily, at various times, just as it overpowers Rafal:
“The Pen’s tip brightened to a blinding, radiant, white pinprick, as if it were readying itself to defend its tales from the scourge of Evil it had allowed to take up residence in its tower.”
This also serves as one of the demon references, even if it’s indirect. We know Rafal calls the Pen “the little devil,” but what if that sentiment were mutual? Could it be applied in the other direction? Like: that demon! That monster of the School Master! All he does is wreak havoc!
19. Rafal is light-averse and thus, “dark:”
“Rafal squinted at the light.”
Yes, this is only justified situationally in the fic, by the sheer brightness of the Storian in that one moment. I’m fairly sure it’s not actual canon that he avoids bright lights, but it could explain why Evil’s castle was dimly lit, and that could serve as a counterpoint to his typically being insensitive toward most stimuli, however implicit it may be. (Maybe, I’m just projecting because I avoid bright lights under certain circumstances, haha.)
In fact, this was not intentionally set up in this way for the sake of the fic, but I figured it would fit my case to point it out now. The same thing happens later with Rhian’s gold light anyway.
20. Bird motif again:
“The storybook’s binding rocketed out from its resting place, where it had nested in the grate, flying at him like a missile, sizzling through the air, like a shot bird with its flaming wingspan spread, its front and back covers open, its spine cracked.”
21. A distorted view of himself:
“Yet first, Rafal strained his neck and examined his distorted, many-eyed reflections in the shards beneath him,”
For all the eyes present, he truly lacked the foresight that could’ve saved him here. And, his self-image changed, especially after the Rise morality-reversal plot twist and his supposed “Goodness.” So, this is a lead-up to that since that event hasn’t happened yet, considering where I would hypothetically insert this fic into the duology’s timeline.
The reflections could also be read as an indirect reference to the mythological figure Argus Panoptes or to the structure of a panopticon in a prison.
Like: Oh, you live in a tower cell? Isn't that basically a form of imprisonment, aside from the imprisonment of an eternal life?
For reference, here is a definition of “panopticon” from the internet:
“The concept is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single corrections officer, without the inmates knowing whether or not they are being watched.”
This would imply the Storian is the brothers' prison warden. And, of course, Rafal didn’t know he was being watched earlier, by the Pen.
22. Evil thorn motif:
“thin rivulets of blood trickling down his neck, criss-crossing in a fine, thorny latticework, ultimately staining his starched, white shirt collar.”
This motif is just common imagery in the series, and I wanted to imitate it here, without the use of literal thorns.
23. Signaling Rafal’s personality through a kind of visual shorthand:
“he unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, the one, restrictive one that always pressed against the base of his throat, so he could breathe properly and catch his breath.”
He's often so stiff and buttoned-up in demeanor, so I wanted to make that literal.
24. Every time a thought like this crosses his mind:
“He’d served the absurd, seemingly arbitrary punishment the Pen had dealt him and it was now well over with.”
Every time he thinks it's all over, it's actually the start of a new wave of pain. For the dramatic irony, I just wanted him to be wrong, haha. “Arbitrary” is also incorrect; he’s just not self-aware enough to see everything for himself.
25. Light and dark imagery:
“As it neared, the bookcase grew larger and larger in Rafal’s sightline, rushing forward rapidly, encroaching on him, almost eclipsing him.”
It could connect to Rhian’s light later, the moment Rafal was discovered in the dark.
26. Bird motif:
“his vision dimmed, turning to a feathery blur.”
27. The “suffocating weight of history” fits the Nevers themselves in general, past their not-yet-existent 200-year losing streak. Thus, this could be considered foreshadowing on a larger scale.
28. The final bird motif:
“The structure of the shelf collapsed further, the more he struggled beneath it, like a snare closing in on a bird, threatening to cut off its circulation—”
And this one is specific. It could be considered my very niche reference to the “springes to catch woodcocks" moment in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Huzzah!
29. The Milton reference:
“His students would dance over his grave—dancing in the chequer’d shade… come forth to play, on a sunshine holiday—how’d that line go? And which tale was it from?”
As I was thinking about this line while writing, I realized I had made a mistake, and yet, the mistake actually served to further the story.
First, John Milton was a poet from the 17th century and the most recently dated tales in the world of SGE are from the early 1900s (Peter Pan), meaning, Milton’s body of work could plausibly exist in the Endless Woods, depending on how loose the Woods’ parameters of what a “fairy tale” could cover are.
Here’s the catch though:
As a writer, Milton was hyper-literary, and I’m not sure if he ever did write for children, seeing as there were many fairy tales that were eventually sanitized and assigned morals for children’s consumption. (Back in the day, fairy tales were once considered more low-brow literature, being as scandalous and riveting as they were, like their time period’s “thriller films” or “commercial/genre fiction,” even if a lot of them were told through oral storytelling that could be modified when there were children in the audience.)
Moving on, Milton references classical mythology a lot in his work, which is, in a way, a close relative of fairy tales, or at the very least, part of humanity’s collective folklore. Therefore, could Milton's work exist in the Endless Woods? Quite possibly.
Ok, this part could be controversial, but Rafal literally works in academia, so I think he’d be familiar with some poets. Then, to elaborate on his confusion: he conflates two, entirely different poems while drunk.
And, that line, “[...] dancing in the chequer’d shade [...,]” from the poem “L’ Allegro” stuck with me. Something about it, the imagery probably, just made it take root in my head, so I had Rafal make the same mistake I had momentarily made, attributing that line to the other, second poem, the epic “Paradise Lost,” that recalls the “tale” of Satan's fall.
Here's an excerpt from “L’ Allegro”:
“When the merry bells ring round, And the jocund rebecks sound To many a youth, and many a maid, Dancing in the chequer'd shade; And young and old come forth to play On a sunshine holiday, Till the live-long daylight fail;”
30. The recurring demon, “heathen,” or “monster” in the dark comparisons and more of the Storian’s pov dominating for a second:
“Wrapped in a delirium, he thought of the sprawling tale of Satan’s fall. Demon, chastened and exiled. Hell. What had he gotten himself into? Hell.”
“That was the moment the Storian chose to attack with a new vengeance, redoubling its efforts against Evil incarnate.”
31. The same material the plates in TLEA were made of, which Sophie commented on—a call forward in time (since I can’t call it “foreshadowing” in any meaningful way):
“His ears rang with the strident sounds of shattering bone china”
So, I assumed the brothers would have those plates now since why not?
32. The lack of an apology to Rhian:
“But could apologizing be any worse than where he lay now? Perhaps, he should.”
Rafal doesn't apologize later, mainly because I realized his feeling any kind of remorse would possibly be a step too far and too sympathetic. He can't possibly be that Good, at least not at this point in time?
Also, I wanted the thrill of a potential set-up, like a red herring, only to subvert it in the end. Thus, Rhian gets no apology whatsoever and Rafal mistreats him in return with his harsh, cutting words—just after he was mistreated by the Pen! Ergo, there's an underlying cycle of abuse going on here, like they’re playing pass the parcel (pain).
33. Betrayal:
“In that instant, his vision whirled, reddening, and his body betrayed him, surrendering to the Pen as he blacked out.”
I specifically felt like I just had to use the word "betray" because it fit the recurrent "everyone is a traitor" theme in Rise. Rafal constantly and always betrays and gets betrayed, so why not have it happen on the self level?
34. Another TLEA reference:
“New, youthful skin was already beginning to pave over his cuts,”
This was a call forward to when Excalibur cleaved through his skull, except it’s a different area of his body healing.
35. TLEA zombie/necromancer reference:
“A copious number of bandages dangled from his outstretched arms as he shuffled back into the main chamber of the tower like one of the undead.”
36. Embalming and Sherlock Holmes references:
“At last, when he was partly wrapped up, he resembled a dehydrated corpse that would be preserved for the rest of time, forever bound to his duties, like one of the undead, who hadn’t the mind to know when to let go, tugged along by the colorless skein of an immortal life.”
Here, I riffed at mummification and the general concept of achieving an eternal life of the soul by preserving the corporeal body, and that all marginally related to the concept of immortality in the flesh, not just an immortal soul.
And here is a probably semi-famous Sir Arthur Conan Doyle quotation I drew from:
“There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.”
In truth, I haven't read much of Doyle’s work at all, yet I knew enough to twist this to fit my purposes of alluding to misery, immortality, and the banality of life, of living, of acting for nothing when everything is futile, no matter what you do in a world governed by predestination.
37. The omnipresent thematic idea of literal darkness = hopelessness and misery and Rafal’s aversion to light again:
“He didn’t bother to light a candle.”
This same idea would also apply to the “moonless night” Rhian observes later.
38. Situational/dramatic irony:
“His brother was often a spoilsport and Rhian wouldn’t have been surprised if Rafal had tossed their last bottle.”
Rhian ends up with many subverted expectations. I may’ve exaggerated it a lot, in retrospect. Yet, these expectations demonstrate how the twins aren’t actually in sync, despite being magically-inclined twins.
39. Rhian counting his chickens before they’ve hatched (not technically the bird motif though):
“Indeed, maybe the Pen really was on his side, and Rhian could check that item off his list now.”
40. A very slight nod to Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz (a “fairy tale” in the SGE world iirc):
“the stairwell was coated in dust, like it had been beset by a cyclone of some kind.”
41. Book one reference:
“Now, it wasn’t unlike the Nevers themselves to bathe in dust,”
I think Agatha lied and claimed she took dust baths, when Tedros accused her of being a witch.
42. Biblical reference/Rhian-as-God imagery:
“Rhian lit his fingerglow. It burned with warm, pure, golden light, gilding the stones around him. He would vanquish any threat that lay ahead of him.”
“a scene of total carnage flashed into existence.”
I’d like to think that this particular diction harkens back to God creating the world, like this:
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, and it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness."
Also, later, Rhian is backlit in the doorway and Rafal is blinded.
These bits happened sort of serendipitously while I was writing, when I realized I had a clear set-up to use with Rhian’s light, in contrast to Rafal's "heathen"/dark “monster.”
43. The curtains and Rhian’s wrong-headed assumption:
“the presumably monster-clawed, blood-encrusted, silver curtains”
I imagined that Rhian, as well as Rafal, would’ve become more paranoid about intruders after the Vulcan incident, so that’s why he jumps to the worst possible (conceivable) conclusion (aside from the inconceivable: Rafal literally being the torture victim).
But, all this goes back to Rafal, within his world’s context, being a skeptic, an “atheist,” or a disbelieving "heathen" of some kind, especially because Rhian was always more faithful with his comparatively more unquestioning belief in the Pen.
44. Rhian’s (unconscious) word choice:
“in the confines of his own home.”
Clearly, “home” and “confines” are in conflict, and besides, Rhian is confined to the outer limits of his role as a School Master, to limited human contact, relationships, and possibly, geographical areas. We could assume that both brothers were sort of supposed to remain at the School. Forever.
45. Rhian’s assumptive dialogue:
“Where’s our intruder then? Have you burnt up the corpse?”
Ideally, Rhian's first assumption was intended to characterize both brothers at the same time. I, personally, thought it was a little funny, and ironic that in Rhian’s mind, the blood could never be Rafal’s.
46. The ice:
“Ice. Bring me ice.”
My hope was that this line came across as blisteringly cold, so the ice could work a dual purpose in the story.
Rafal ices Rhian out, symbolically and literally, by not telling him a thing. He leaves Rhian in the dark about what went on while he was gone. And, by ordering him away, to get the actual ice, Rafal literally sends Rhian away.
47. “The Evil School Master” epithet:
“Now,” the Evil School Master cut out caustically. “And not a word about the Pen favoring Good.”
Using “the Evil School Master” reduced the psychic distance between Rhian’s pov and his brother. I felt as if it were a better decision than calling Rafal “Rafal” during that particular moment since he is leaning more into his Storian-given role as opposed to being his more human self.
Rhian may not be as close to Rafal anymore, with this one-day time gap in his knowledge, and I wanted to represent that state in some way, hence the use of the epithet.
Additionally, it’s also the Evil School Master, who, as an authority over his students, reinforces and perpetuates that very same cycle of violence, when he tortures them in Rise. And, considering that this fic slots into a hypothetical space in the canon timeline prior to the Doom Room’s construction, we could say that this torture event theoretically could’ve made him worse. It could’ve led him to inflicting more pain back onto his Never students.
This line is probably one of my favorites, partly because I had the idea to use the verb “cut out,” seeing as Rafal was cut up and figuratively cuts Rhian back. It wouldn’t only be the students as his victims. He dealt back the pain he received to Rhian.
48. Not-Fun Fact: A long time ago, several days or weeks after I had the initial concept for this fic, I somehow walked into and cut my shin on a sharp, metal chair edge. And the interesting thing I learned from that encounter is that certain things can cut through fabric more easily than you’d think.
49. Last line:
“Rafal hadn’t learnt his lesson and never would.”
I wanted to try to go for maximum impact with the last line, so this line played with the idea of: is Rafal more subdued or not by the end of it all? And the answer had to be “no,” which is why I hope it read as ominous or heavy.
I'd like to think nothing of him would change. He’d carry himself with the same defiant, unbreakable spirit as always (probably).
By my interpretation, the actual change in him would be that he leans into being a slightly more extreme version of himself, that he’s more paranoid. Or, at least, that’s how he’s supposed to have changed, over the course of this story.
My second intention with the last line was to allude to future Evil Rhian, worsened by Rafal’s verbal mistreatment of him. So again, we have the theme of Rafal dooming himself!
50. Absurdism and Kurt Vonnegut:
I just learned that apparently this fic could possibly fall under the category of absurdist fiction (because immortality suddenly becomes slightly undesirable to Rafal, unlike in canon):
“Absurdist fiction is often used interchangeably with ‘absurdism.’ What is absurdism? It is a style of writing that calls existential concepts (such as “truth” or “value”) into question. It portrays the experiences of characters in situations who cannot find purpose or meaning in their lives or actions.
Absurdist fiction writing leans into unconventional imagery, plot structures, and formats to convey meaning. It is a book genre defined by pervasive themes of nihilism, existentialism, and purposelessness.
While absurdism aims to derive purpose from a seemingly pointless or meaningless event, this doesn't mean the event is an inconsequential one—in fact, most absurdist fiction is about traumatic experiences.
[...] Traditional storytelling uses systems like setup and payoff, playing on audience expectation and tailoring reality to make a satisfying narrative. But life isn’t like that. Trauma isn’t like that. And neither is absurdist fiction.”
I had tried using an online writing style analyzer on the completed fic, and I got Kurt Vonnegut as a result. I had never read his work, so when I started to do some research about it, I stumbled onto the topic of absurdism, which was apparently a decent match by sheer coincidence.
Here are two sources on absurdism, style, and verbiage:
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