#which is probably more to do with the fact the drink was actually refreshing
muerteporfavor · 9 months
¡Buenas días!
I never like to have specific goals for my day as I like to meander through my tasks without regard to the time and lists tend to make me gravitate towards rigidity.
However a rough outline of some things I'm interested in achieving:
I want to set up a Spanish journal specifically for grammar and writing practice. I'll probably end up transferring some of it on here to highlight my progress. Maybe.
a Russian lesson (I'll probably go into at some point why I'm learning Russian. But I do have a point to it.) - I'll probably begin setting up a journal for that too.
definitely want to continue yoga. And strengthening exercises. Might add in lung capacity exercises. It isn't what it used to be.
probably tidy my space again. I think I want to put up some wall art I've been neglecting.
finally I want to work on adding artwork to my one jean jacket in prep for vacation
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emphistic · 3 months
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Things Reader Should Acknowledge: I THINK IVE FINALLY GOTTEN THE HANG OF TUMBLR (hip hip hooray!), i plan on having yuuji being sukuna's baby brother, however, yuuji hasnt been born yet
Prologue: Ever since Sukuna moved in next door, you two have grown closer. Like, impossibly close. One might even call you two "friends;" albeit Sukuna would always shut that idea down. But one thing Sukuna wouldn't shut down? — is that he loves to see you smile. And he would do anything to hear your laugh, over and over again.
A/N: this is in the same universe as "I'm Lactose Intolerant", and while the ages of sukuna and reader dont really matter here, i wrote this with the idea of sukuna being 14 years old and reader is 13 years old (feel free to change that to whatever you desire), brownie points to whoever recognizes the movie that sukuna and reader are watching
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"This movie is stupid."
"You think everything is stupid, Stupid." You quip back, flicking Sukuna's forehead.
"Touché." He scoffs, and crosses his arms over his chest before leaning further back into the couch. You put your legs on his lap.
You grin to yourself, wondering if he really didn't notice that you called him by the name "Stupid". Then you think, he's probably just in a good mood, and go back to watching the comedy playing on the screen.
"I mean, how can it take you so long to figure out that someone who looks exactly like you is actually your long lost twin sister?" Sukuna moves his hand around to somehow make his point seem more valid.
"Besides, isn't this supposed to be a comedy? Where's the humor in this? This isn't funny, at all," Sukuna drones on — until you decide that you've finally had enough.
"This isn't funny? Well . . . it's not like you're funny, either." You stick your tongue out at Sukuna, in a teasing manner — to which he does the same.
"That's just what you think. I bet you didn't even know that all your friends come to me during break just to listen to me talk. In fact, most of the time, I'm not even trying to joke around, I'm just that naturally funny," Sukuna wore a smug look on his face.
"Sure, 'Kuna. They're just laughing because you have such a funny face. Sometimes I even get you mixed up with a chihuahua, you know."
"Oh really?" Sukuna glares at you, and gets closer to your face.
You copy him, "Yes — really."
At this point, the tips of your guys' noses were just centimeters away from touching. You could practically feel his warm breath on your face.
Now you could hear your own breathing quicken.
Since when were Sukuna's eyes so red?
Your cheeks felt warm.
Why are his eyes so, so—?
"Buttface." Sukuna interrupts the silence.
You get pulled back to reality. "What did you just call me!?"
"What, you deaf now? I called you 'buttface,' Dumbass."
"Seriously, someone needs to control your vocabulary."
"Pft, I don't need any controlling."
You laughed, "Sure, Sukuna. Sure."
The movie ended, and the credits rolled. Sukuna grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, before getting off the couch.
"Want something to drink?" He peered over his shoulder at you, raising a brow.
"Ah, sure. Lemonade."
"Too bad, I ain't getting it for you," Sukuna stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweats and walked off — to the kitchen, you assumed.
You grumbled, and threw a pillow at his back. It just bounced off, though, and you sighed.
He returned minutes later, with a glass of lemonade in his hand. Which was a clear sign he was trying to aggravate you, because he's expressed multiple times his strong detesting of the refreshing drink. (You completely disagree with him, by the way.)
"Dude, seriously?" You frowned.
"Totally serious. I mean, I couldn't resist. This glass of lemonade was just calling my name." He took a sip.
"It is so good."
Another sip.
"Shame you don't have a glass yourself."
And another sip.
You were practically ripping out your hair at this point. "C'mon, 'Kuna. If you won't get me a glass, can I just have a tiny sip of yours?" You entreated him with all your might.
Sukuna rubbed his chin with his thumb and index finger, pretending to think about his decision. Finally, he said, "What's with that name you keep calling me? And — what's the magic word?"
You huffed, "Please?"
He gestured for you to go on.
You clasped your hands together in a desperate, beggar-like manner. "Pretty please, Sukuna? Just a teensy weensy sip? For poor ol' me."
"Hmm, let me think. How about . . . no."
You gawked at the pink haired boy.
"You heard me."
"Aghhh!" You jumped on Sukuna, trying to grab the glass of lemonade yourself. If he wasn't going to share, you just had to take matters into your own hands — literally.
Your attempts were fruitless, however; Sukuna just kept on raising the glass higher and higher above his head, to the point you couldn't even reach his wrist. Damn him and his stupid growth spurt.
His hand starts to shake as you try to climb him like a tree. Next thing you know, your wish is answered. You got your lemonade. Except, not in the way you had hoped. The lemonade was everywhere. On your clothes, Sukuna's clothes, the couch, everywhere.
"Oh shit." This time, you didn't correct Sukuna's obscene language.
The room became so silent that you would be able to hear a pin drop.
"Sukuna!" You whisper-shout. (You had no idea why you were whispering.)
"Don't look at me, this was your fault!" His hand still held the now empty glass.
"Me? This was all you," you retorted, jabbing a finger into the older boy's chest.
"Sureee, Y/N. Let's just forget about the fact that you were practically climbing my body."
You blushed.
"You could've just gotten your own cup of lemonade, but no, you just had to spill mine."
You scoffed, "Well, you could've shared, but you didn't — because your shellfish."
Sukuna looked at you funny, "Do you mean 'selfish'?"
"Same thing, you know I make mistakes with pronunciation."
He shrugged. Then, a great idea popped into your head.
"Your mess," you exclaim, before pushing off of Sukuna and darting away, only to be pulled back by your hood.
"Hey!" You shout, falling back onto Sukuna's chest.
"This is your mess. You caused this, remember?"
You groaned, turned around, and tackled Sukuna. You guys ended up rolling off the couch altogether. Pillows were thrown, and the lemonade spread onto the carpet.
"Let go of my foot, you big oaf!" You yelled, shoving at Sukuna's face.
"Not until you admit this was all your fault." He continued to wrestle with you on the ground.
"In. your. dreams."
You guys continued to fight, which made the mess even bigger. It felt like hours had passed. Hours where you still didn't get even a sip of lemonade. Then, you heard the sound of keys, and next thing you know; your parents walked in.
Your heartbeat hammered in your chest.
Your mom and dad took one good look at the two of you on the floor, and your mom said, "Knock it off, you two. And clean up the couch. I don't want my living room smelling like lemonade for the rest of the year." They walked into the kitchen.
You turned back to look at Sukuna, just to find him already staring at you. You guys continued to stare at each other before bursting out into laughter. Tears were basically streaming down the both of your guys' faces at this point.
Your mom yelled from the kitchen, "Ah, young love these days. So different from us — right, honey?" Your dad responded with a loud chuckle.
Looking down, you realized the position you were in. Sukuna lying on his back beneath you, while you were sitting on top of him. The expression on your face immediately soured.
You and Sukuna pulled away from each other in record timing, both of your expressions clearly, visibly flustered.
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Drunk& horny tamaki, Katsuki, and shinsou headcanons plssssssss
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He's the type of guy who acts like he can handle just about anything, but surprisingly has a terrible alcohol tolerance.
For that very reason, he prefers to avoid drinking much. He isn't looking to make a fool out of himself, after all. But if someone goads him into drinking by phrasing it as a challenge, Katsuki definitely isn't going to back down.
It's a rare treat being able to see him so vulnerable and needy, cheeks flushed like never before. Katsuki will become incredibly clingy when drunk. He's actually quite touchy to begin with, but now that his inhibitions have melted away, there's really nothing holding him back.
He tends to chuckle and smile a lot more when he's drunk as well. You find it to be incredibly adorable, but others are kind of horrified, since it's such a stark contrast from what he's normally like.
When he's drunk, the odds of him getting into an argument with someone are also amplified tenfold. He's rather docile around you, but if anyone else says something to get on his nerves while he's drunk, it's probably going to turn into a bit of a hassle.
When Katsuki has a partner, his sex drive is fairly high. He can hardly stand to keep his hands off you on a good day, but now that he's drunk, all rationality has gone out the window.
"Katsuki!" you cry out, mortified when he starts feeling you up in public. "You need to calm down!"
He'll just laugh and keep on groping you, all the while pressing kisses to your neck and nibbling on your ear.
"How could I calm down?" he mumbles. "You're way too fucking hot. Look. Feel how hard I am."
He will literally grab your hand and place it right on top of his boner, which is itching to break free of his pants. Again, all of this is happening in public, so you're going to have to do your damn best to make sure that no one sees anything.
Katsuki won't hesitate to grab your face in his hands and plunge his tongue down your throat. You should be prepared for the sloppiest make-out session of your life. It's a good thing you love him so much.
He's way too horny to be reasoned with, and although you protest time and time again that you should leave this sort of thing for when he's sober, it's safe to say that it doesn't end until his arousal has been dealt with.
Katsuki isn't really one for semi-public sex — when he's thinking coherently, that is — but while he's drunk, pretty much anyplace will do. He'll shove you into a bathroom and push you flat against the wall, then pull down your underwear and pound into you relentlessly.
"Is it just me, or are you extra tight today?" he'll groan, panting against your ear. "Fuck. I love you... so much!"
Since he's drunk, he'll either cum pretty quick or it'll take a while longer than usual. Despite the fact that he's intoxicated though, he'll still make sure to overwhelm you with pleasure. It's not just about chasing his own orgasm. He wants you to enjoy it just as much as he does.
Needless to say, he's prone to hangovers after a night of drinking, so you'll need to baby him the next day. Not that he'll ever admit it, but he loves resting his head on your lap while you stroke his hair.
Even if there are gaps in his memory from the night before, he'll remember the sex clear as day.
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He's not really a big drinker, so it's rare that he ever gets drunk. But when he does, it's pretty much the cutest thing you've ever seen.
Tamaki is the type of drunk to hiccup after every couple of words and occasionally slur his speech.
"Can I—hic—h-have a bit more water? I'm really t-thirsty."
You're barely able to bite back your grin. "Tamaki, that isn't water. It's vodka."
"Huh? It tastes like water, though..."
Tamaki's smiles are normally timid, like wobbly little lines forming across his lips. Seeing him drunk is quite refreshing, because he's able to smile widely without feeling self-conscious about it. The sight of him with violently flushed cheeks and a big grin is so cute it makes your heart clench, and you definitely snap a few pictures to look back on later.
His self-esteem goes up in general while he's drunk. He isn't outright extroverted, but he's definitely less worried about the things he says or does, and how people might react to it.
He's also more likely to initiate physical displays of affection while he's drunk. Things like wrapping his arms around you or giving you a peck on the lips don't embarrass him as much as they normally would.
Seeing Tamaki horny while drunk is also quite rare, which is why it's so memorable.
Unlike Katsuki, Tamaki will hold himself back from doing anything inappropriate in public. Even if he's super drunk, a part of him will retain enough self-control that he doesn't do anything to embarrass either one of you. Once you get back home though, it's a different story.
His body will push you down against the couch or whatever the nearest piece of furniture is. You can feel his heart beating like crazy, and before you can even process what's happening, he's kissing you like a man starved.
Strings of saliva connect your lips together, and Tamaki is panting so heavily it sounds like he's struggling to breathe. "I-I want to put it in," he begs. "Can I?"
You can't possibly refuse him, not when he's so horny and desperate for you that tears are blurring his vision. You strip yourself as quickly as you can manage, then spread your legs with a sultry smile. Tamaki doesn't waste another moment before pulling out his cock, which is flushed an angry red and throbbing as if it's about to burst.
"Y-You feel amazing," Tamaki moans, hips rutting against yours uncontrollably. "Ugh... I-I'm sorry, but... I can tell I won't last long."
Sex with Tamaki is very intimate and usually happens at a slow and sensual pace, but when he's drunk, he fucks you harder than ever. It's nice to be able to see a different side to him, especially since he acts more dominant for a change.
He feels very spent afterwards, and since he's drunk, it's mostly on you to clean up and all that. You don't mind, though. He's more than worth it, and you'll probably be having dirty thoughts about moments like these for a good while.
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He's not opposed to drinking, but he has a much better tolerance than the other two. It will probably take more drinks per sitting for him to end up fully drunk.
Whenever that does end up happening though, the effects are immediate. Shinsou isn't normally super talkative, but that sure changes once he's drunk. He can hardly keep from babbling on about things he wouldn't normally bring up. You sometimes record videos of him going on all kinds of funny rants and show him once he's sober — something that embarrasses him beyond words.
Shinsou also tends to brag about you a lot more when he's drunk. It's especially funny because he'll just decide he wants to show you off out of nowhere.
"Isn't [Name] so great? I'm the luckiest boyfriend in the world."
You get a bit flustered in the moment, but you know this is just him voicing his genuine thoughts, and that makes you happy.
Shinsou doesn't usually have much of a problem with PDA, so it's not like he gets shy about physical intimacy under normal circumstances. He's probably bit touchier than usual while drunk, but he doesn't do anything outright inappropriate. Well, he'll maybe sneak in a quick squeeze to your ass while people aren't looking — then grin crookedly — but that's about it.
Once Shinsou has you alone and he's really feeling the effects of all the alcohol, it won't take long for things to escalate.
Even while drunk, he's always mindful not to accidentally use his Quirk. He loves you and would never want you to feel like you're being controlled or pressured into doing anything. It's a different story altogether if you ever ask him to use his powers on you, but he would never do it without your consent. It's a good testament to his morals and self-control that he's never accidentally activated them while drunk.
He will be adamant about stripping you himself, but his hands are a bit shaky from how drunk he is.
"Just give me a minute," he'll insist, looking a bit embarrassed. "I-I've got this."
You might expect him to be a bit rushed about things because he's drunk and horny, but if anything, the foreplay actually lasts longer. Shinsou just can't get his fill of kissing and licking up every inch of your body. His entire body is already burning up as is, and the longer he stares into your eyes and drinks up all the lewd expressions you make, he just knows the pay-off will be that much more worth it.
Normally, Shinsou isn't partial to any one position in bed, but when he's drunk, he'll want to spread your legs out wide and fuck you at a fast and steady pace. It takes him longer than usual to climax when he's drunk, so you can expect a fairly long session. He'll want to make you cum multiple times, ideally.
He's also especially needy about cumming inside you when he's drunk. He won't be upset if you refuse, of course, but watching his seed spill out of you and run down your thighs just turns him on like crazy.
Shinsou is a sleepy boy, so odds are he'll probably be out like a light after finishing. The fact that he's exhausted from being drunk means he'll finally get a good night of sleep for a change.
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Just thought about Ghost learning to enjoy small things (mostly food) in his life through coffee.
So here is the idea:
Ghost always preferred tea over coffee.
Tea was something soothing and calming, something he could drink to fall asleep easier. He enjoyed the taste which was kind of herbal and pleasant on his tongue. Even the process of making it, the routine of waiting for the tea leaves to do their magic, pouring just a bit of milk, waiting for the tea to cool off just a bit so it didn't burn his lips.
Tea was a luxury, something he did because he wanted to, but he also did it rarely for the exact same reason. He rarely felt the need to satisfy himself with things he just simply enjoy.
Coffee on the other hand was a necessity. Something he had to pour into himself usually boiling hot and straight out of the kettle. The beverage was bitter and heavy on his pallet, almost nauseating and leaving this awful aftertaste in his mouth.
But it was necessary for him to drink it. He needed it to wake up and get through the day after a night of terrors.
He for a long time didn't understand how Soap could enjoy this.
But then he noticed Soap making his coffee every morning.
Taking his time every morning.
Sometimes adding various syrups
and whipped cream.
Ghost at some points doubted if Soap was for sure still drinking coffee.
But he was curious, so one morning he asked Soap to make him a cup too.
And he was surprised when Johnny asked him "With what Lt?".
And Ghost realized that he had no idea what he actually enjoyed. He never paid attention to those things, he never actually bought anything for himself 'just because he thought he would like it' except tea.
So he told Soap to surprise him. And he actually did.
Because when Soap's coffee wasn't even close to his tea, he did enjoy it.
It was sweet, creamy and cool- maybe even refreshing.
So he began to ask Soap for coffee every morning. And with time he developed a taste for things. An enjoyment for a chocolate latte with whipped cream and brown sugar sprinkled on top.
Yes, it was atrocious and probably shouldn't even be called a coffee. But he liked it.
And he noticed that Johnny started to serve him small snacks with his latte.
Some he despised, some he liked and some became his absolute favourite. Soap would always get him more of those which made Ghost mutter in approval or close his eyes in enjoyment.
Soon Soap could vaguely say which snacks Ghost would enjoy.
They learned Ghost likes milk chocolate but not dark chocolate. He didn't like gummies and banana-flavoured things- it tastes artificial.
Soap cringed when he bought some liquorice candy for Ghost, just to fuck with him a bit just to realize that the bastard actually loved that black excuse of a candy.
But what was nice was the fact that when they were both on supply runs, Ghost began to... kind of look longer at things at the store. He never actually took those things himself- but Soap was always sure to snatch those things and put them in their cart.
Ghost silently appreciated that.
It was a long road for Ghost to learn that he can have nice things just because he feels like it.
But one special day in a grocery store, when he and Soap were already heading to check out. Ghost stopped and grabbed a pack of marshmallows and before he put it in the cart he looked at Soap like he would be denied this sweet snack.
But Soap only smiled at him.
"Didn't know you like marshmallows, Lt."
"I don't know if I do... I never had them."
"Well, it's a great time to try!"
And Soap smiled the whole way to base because Ghost finally wanted something for himself.
I don't know what I mean by that, I just kind of went with the flow. Sometimes I Just get the urge to write about those two, you know?
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nyxlaufeyson · 7 months
Loki Oneshot Masterlist - Main Masterlist
POV: Second
Ship: Loki x Reader
Type: Fluff + Angst
Wordcount: 7,082
Song: Slut (Taylor's Version) [From the Vault] by Taylor Swift Listen Here
TW: There is a lot of insecurity kinda going on with the reader, and also some alcohol usage that probably isn't healthy but it's not that bad.
Synopsis: You see Loki at a pool party and can't get him out of your head. More meetings happen. Insecurity happens. And then, finally, confessions happen!
A/N: Okay so I don't know why there are way too many parties in this fic but idc because it works out for what I was going for. Enjoy this, and sorry for not being as active life really is crazy and it's abt to be tech week. My theatre people, you get me.
Also, the reader turned out to be more fem this time, sorry, it just worked out that way. Not too many mentions of gender though.
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Flamingo pink, Sunrise Boulevard
The first time you saw him in-person was at a pool party you and your dad had been invited to. You were the child of a prominent businessman who had several connections with other rich businessmen. Which, given the nature of these men, meant that you had to attend a lot of parties. 
It wasn’t the type of party you were used to attending, because it usually consisted of a bunch of people drinking, crappy music, and people dancing right up on each other. This party was toned back, with the guest list significantly reduced. This was due to the fact that the party was a celebration for a business deal between your father and the billionaire Tony Stark. 
Since it was a more private affair, you felt like there was a lot more attention on you. The Avengers were there, which still put you to awe, even if you had seen them at several parties. This time, however, some of them actually came up to talk to you.
You froze up as The Black Widow approached you, unsure of what to do or say. “Cute swimsuit.”
She just complimented you. The Black Widow just complimented you. How were you supposed to process that?!
“Uhm- thank you!” You said, looking down at your flamingo-pink swimsuit. It was flattering on you, but it made you feel exposed. Unfortunately, you didn’t have time to get a new swimsuit before the party, and it was the only one that still fit you. “Do you really think so?”
She nodded, sitting down in a lounge next to you. “Of course.” She offered you a drink, and her smile felt refreshing. 
You took the drink, thanking her. You made introductions, and began to talk.
“What’s it like being an Avenger?” You asked, and then immediately felt repulsed that you would ask her a question she probably had to answer hundreds of times. “Sorry-I’m sure everyone asks you that-”
She waved her free hand. “Don’t worry about it, it’s okay to be curious.” She paused to take a sip of her drink. “Honestly? It’s hard sometimes, with everyone always on your back. Everyone expects you to be perfect.”
I nodded. “I get the feeling. Not that I have that level of pressure, of course, but I still feel like I’m supposed to be perfect all the time. This one time, when I was eight, I stole a chocolate egg. I knew it was wrong, and my dad caught me and made me return it, but the media was on me for weeks. ‘Eight-year-old criminal executes heist despite being rich.’ I don’t get it. I was eight, and made a mistake. Shit happens, you know?”
She agreed with you, and you continued conversing. You got to learn some interesting things about her, and she learned some things about you. You were sure that yours were boring in comparison, but she didn’t make you feel inferior. 
As you were talking, more people arrived and the sun began to set. You turned towards it, gasping. “Holy shit, look at that!” The sky was a beautiful mix of oranges, pinks, and purples. It definitely was one of the best sunsets you had seen. 
“It’s beautiful,” Natasha said, “There’s a reason they call this Sunrise Boulevard. There’s an excellent view for a sunrise or a sunset.”
Clink, clink, being this young is art
You smiled, admiring the sky before the sun would inevitably disappear. Natasha raised her glass towards yours, and you clinked them together. “To sunrises,” she said, “and new friends.”
New friends. You couldn’t help but grin a little wider. 
Aquamarine, moonlit swimmin' pool
Suddenly a man with a microphone-Tony Stark-amped up the music and yelled, “Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's get this party started!”
With that, several people whooped and hollered, and a man with long blonde hair hopped up and ran into the now-moonlit swimming pool. “CANNONBALL!” He screamed before jumping in, and making a splash that couldn’t have been made by a human. When he came up from the jump, you recognized him as Thor.
Natasha chuckled, and then stood up. She held her hand out to you, and she helped you up. “Have you gotten the chance to meet the others yet?” 
You shook your head. “No, I haven’t. I’ve met Stark briefly, but it was more of a formal, business introduction.” 
She smiled at you, dragging you in the direction of a small cluster of people. “Well then, let’s introduce you.” 
Your eyes went wide, and you tried to pull back. “Uh, I’m actually going to go use the bathroom. I’ll be back!” You said, turning to leave. It was one thing when someone cooler than you comes up to you and makes introductions, but going up to them and introducing yourself? That was something you couldn’t do. 
Unfortunately, Natasha caught your bluff, and pulled you back towards her. “I can see right through you. Don’t worry, it will be fine, they’re not going to judge you.” 
“But you guys are the Avengers. You’re literally superheroes! I look like a loser next to all of you.” You didn’t know where all of this was coming from, but you felt comfortable enough in Natasha’s presence to voice your feelings. 
She sighed, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Trust me, it is all in your head. Don’t let the anxiety get to you.” She managed to steer you back towards the group. “Plus, you have me here to introduce you.”
Although your anxiety was still there, you let her pull you up and introduce you to several of her teammates. You recognized several of them from clips you had seen of them on TV, and you were most certainly overwhelmed when they started to shake your hand. 
You had been introduced to a number of the Avengers, when a wet Thor walked up to the group, not noticing you at first. “Has anyone seen my brother?”
Tony shook his head. “He’s probably moping inside the lounge and plotting ways to kill us all, or whatever he does in his spare time.”
Thor nodded, picking up some grapes from a nearby table, and when he came back, he spotted you. He stretched out a hand, and you shook it. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Thor Odinson.”
You introduced yourself to him, and you talked for a short while until you sensed the air tense around you. The faces of your new acquaintances had gotten stiff, except for a few people who seemed not to care. Still, even they shifted their gaze behind you. 
What if all I need is you?
You spun around, confused, and saw a gorgeous black-haired man make his way outside. You vaguely recognized him, but you couldn’t pinpoint where from. He was wearing swim trunks and a tight shirt that left little to the imagination. 
Natasha mistook your staring silence for fear, and started to assure you. “Don’t worry, he can’t hurt you here. He’s got limited magic, and has supposedly ‘changed.’ If anything were to go wrong, we are all here to protect you as well.” 
You nodded, not registering her words as the man met your gaze. He had the most hypnotizing green eyes, and after you realized that you were blatantly staring, you turned away. “Uh-yeah, yeah.” 
Got love-struck, went straight to my head
You chastised yourself for being so starstruck from the simple sight of a man. Sure, he was beautiful, but you hadn’t even had a conversation with him.
It took you a few seconds to sort out your mind and absorb the words that Natasha had said to you. It clicked in your brain who the man was. It was Loki, Thor’s brother, the man who attacked New York.
Of course, this all came to you as you had taken a gulp of champagne to recalibrate. So, you did the most flattering thing you could think of, and choked on your drink.
You managed to pass it off as your drink going down the wrong way, excusing yourself to go get some water. This might have been the most eventful party you had attended thus far.
Got lovesick all over my bed
The next day, you sat in your bed, questioning your entire life. After you had gotten back to the party, Loki had been gone. You didn’t know where he had gone, and you didn’t know why you were disappointed.
Despite the fact that you hadn’t talked to him, or seen him for more than a few minutes, you couldn’t get his green eyes out of your head. Whenever you closed your eyes, you saw them, and whenever you saw them, you felt giddy. 
Love to think you’ll never forget
You wondered what he had thought of you, that moment when you had locked eyes. Did he think you were pretty? Or did you disgust him? You rolled your eyes, pressing your head into your pillow. You could lie to yourself, but you knew that he most likely forgot all about you. 
You didn’t understand your feelings. You had never felt this way with anyone before, not even your ex. You groaned as your mind brought him up. A few months ago, you had broken up with  your ex-boyfriend after a two-year relationship.
Memories of you and your ex flashed through your mind, and now you missed the green eyes that you had recently tried to get out of your mind.
Handprints in wet cement
There was this one time you and your ex had come across a pavement that had just been filled with wet cement. You instantly had remembered a cute couple's photo you had seen, and made him put his hand next to yours in the wet cement.
If you could go back, you wouldn’t have done that. Now you had to face the fact that your handprint was out there somewhere next to his until the pavement got redone.
You got up and made your way through the house, grabbing your bag and headphones. Whenever something was plaguing your thoughts, you would venture outside and listen to music. 
This time, after taking the subway, you found yourself in the heart of New York City. Your dad was always too busy with work to know or care when you went out, so you enjoyed taking advantage of that.
Even though most people would see this as freedom, you never truly felt free. Sure, you could go wherever and buy whatever you wanted, but you felt restricted when it came to doing things. Anything you did would be questioned by everyone if it got public-and the media was everywhere. 
Adorned with smoke on my clothes
You coughed as a particularly potent wave of cigarette smoke hit you. There were several times when you would go home with your clothes smelling of smoke just from being out in the city.
When the sun began to set, you made your way back to the subway. You boarded and found a seat next to a man with a vibrant green shirt. The exact shade of green of Loki’s eyes. 
This, along with the music and strolling you had done through the city, took your mind off of your ex and back to the mysterious man who you had seemingly become obsessed with.
Why he was plaguing your thoughts, you didn’t quite know. Especially when you hadn’t even talked to him.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
You wanted to talk to someone about it, but you didn’t have anyone you could trust with this sort of information. You had friends, sure, but you didn’t want to have to explain this feeling to them. You didn’t think that they would understand. And that was before mentioning that the man in question had tried to take over the world.
Love thorns all over this rose
On one hand, it was nice to feel like a giddy teenager again. Love-not that you would call this that-had a way of making you feel all fuzzy and warm inside. But on the other hand, you were completely perplexed and confused as you tried to understand your feelings. 
It was all stupid, really. You hated that you kept thinking about this man despite not having a conversation. It was unsettling how you couldn’t control your own thoughts and feelings.
You wrote it off as you missing the feeling of being in a relationship. That, and Loki was hot. So it was fair enough that you felt attracted to him, no matter how weird and silly it might be.
I'll pay the price, you won't
Another month, another party. However, you couldn’t help but find yourself more excited than you would have been before the pool party on Sunrise Boulevard. For starters, you had more acquaintances at the party. Friends, even. Natasha had kept in touch with you via text, and you even went out for coffee a week or so ago.
There was another reason too, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. You ignored it. The weird flutter in your stomach that happened when you thought about running into Loki at the party was nothing short of a childish reaction to seeing a pretty boy.
But if I’m all dressed up
You were wearing a long-sleeved black dress that stopped a little above your knees. It was beautiful, filled with rhinestones. You paired it with some jewelry and a matching clutch.
They might as well be lookin' at us
It was a little more flashy than you would usually wear to one of these parties, but you couldn’t help it. Someone caught your eye, and now you wanted to catch theirs. 
And if they call me a slut
You were slightly worried, since the dress’ front was a little lower than the cut you typically wore. Now, a normal person in a normal life might get away with nobody noticing. Unfortunately, that would most likely not be the case. 
Would the press notice? Probably. Would they spin articles speculating why you were being ‘sluttish’? Likely.
You know it might be worth it for once
But maybe they wouldn’t. And even if they did, who cared? They did it all the time. If wearing this dress would heighten the possibility of catching a certain someone’s eye, you would take your chances.
“Ready, sweetheart?” Your dad called from downstairs. You made your way down the stairs, grabbing a light coat just in case you got cold. He smiled when he saw you. “You look pretty.”
You returned his smile. “Thanks, Dad.” You made your way out the doors and into the car that would lead you to the heart of New York City, and towards the Avengers Tower. 
When you arrived, you had to make your way up an elevator and through a lot of security before getting to the place where the party was being held. As soon as you got in, your dad was off to go talk to some of his business friends, leaving you on your own.
You sighed and walked over to the bar, ordering a drink. The great thing about Stark’s parties was that he provided an entire bar so people could order their own drinks.
The barista handed you your drink, and you thanked them. The taste was exactly what you wanted.
A hand on your shoulder startled you, so you whipped around to see who was touching you. To your surprise, and relief, it was Natasha. “Natasha! You startled me.” 
“We need to work on your spacial awareness then, hun.” She ordered a drink and took a seat next to me. “How’s life been since I last saw you?”
You took another sip of your drink, considering her question. “It’s been fine, rather uneventful. Which is a good thing, it means that there isn’t anything incredibly bad happening.” You paused, pondering whether or not to tell her more. You decided to very briefly graze a more emotional response. “However, I've been struggling with some feelings that I don’t quite understand.”
She looked at you, intrigued. She was about to say something, probably to prod for more information, when Thor and Steve walked up. They seemed to remember you, saying their greetings. 
“We’re going to play a round of poker, you want in?” Steve asked Natasha, who nodded, taking a final swig of her drink before finishing it. Steve then looked towards you. “How about you?”
Captain America had just asked you if you wanted to play poker with him and the Avengers. Normal day, normal day indeed. 
You took a sip of liquid courage. “Sure. I’m going to get another drink, I’ll meet you guys over there.”
They nodded and walked off towards a table where people were gathering to play. Your eyes scanned over who was there. Other than Thor, Natasha, and Steve, you recognized several faces that you had met that day at the pool party, including him .
And if I'm gonna be drunk
You turned back towards the bar, ordering another drink, this time something stronger. If you were going to make it through this game, you were going to need a lot more alcohol.
I might as well be drunk in love
But hey, maybe being slightly drunk would help you make a move.
You found yourself a seat in between Natasha and Wanda, right across from Thor. And Loki. Bruce shuffled and dished out the cards, as he preferred to be the person outside of all the action.
You began to introduce yourself to those who you hadn’t met, including Loki. He scrunched his eyebrows when you introduced yourself, but he promptly shook it off and responded. “Loki,” he said, “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
Well, it was a start. You flashed him a smile and took up your cards that Bruce had passed you. You were no expert at Poker, but you knew how to play and were decent. 
The game went on, and you could quickly tell who had good poker faces and who didn’t. Natasha, for example, gave no indication as to what her cards were. As would be expected for a spy. On the other hand, Sam was easier to read because he smiled too damn much whenever he got a good card. 
But Loki? You couldn’t quite tell. He wasn’t entirely blank as Natasha, but gave subtle indications to his cards. Something told you that he did this on purpose, though, and wasn’t actually giving hints towards the truth. 
Apparently he noticed you staring at him, and he caught your eye. You blushed, immediately looking back down at your cards. Way to go, me, you thought, wanting the floor to come and swallow you up.
After that, the rounds passed by rather quickly, since you were so focused on what Loki might have thought when he caught you staring. Eventually everyone called it quits on the game, Natasha won, and instead circled over to a sitting area. People were beginning to clear out from the party, since it was getting late. Your dad was chatting away with some of his friends, so you took up an empty spot next to Loki. 
You had drunk several more drinks, so your common sense wasn’t really working for you. Loki gave you a weird look when you sat down, but you ignored it.
Thor called your name, so you turned your head towards his. “I believe I heard you mention that you like to read, no?” 
Your eyes widened in delight, nodding. “Yes! I do. In fact, just earlier today I purchased a few more novels from a bookstore.” 
Thor smiled. “Loki enjoys reading as well. He always seems to have his nose in a book.” Loki glared daggers at him, and was about to say something, when you interrupted. 
“Oh, really!?” You turned towards Loki, the topic of conversation overriding your nerves. “What is your favorite book?” 
Loki faltered, closing his mouth. He pondered the question for a moment before answering. “That’s a difficult question,” he said, “but I suppose if I had to choose I would go with Hamlet. What about you?”
Your smile widened. “Hamlet, an interesting choice indeed. I can totally see you as a Shakespeare guy, though.” Dear god, did I just say that? “And I can’t actually choose a favorite book, there’s just too many, where to start? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, my childhood favorites, or more classical books like A Study in Scarlet or Pride and Prejudice? ”
You began to ramble on and on about some of your best reads, and you didn’t realize until it was too late that he probably didn’t want to hear about literally everything you’ve read. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“No, please, go on, I don’t mind at all. I understand being passionate about reading.” Loki said, causing you to blush. 
The two of you continued your conversation, while Thor smiled into his drink across from the two of you.
That night was a success. You made it out of the party with not only having had a conversation with Loki, but also with his number. You had never been so proud of yourself for being a nerd.
Fast forward a few months, and you and him had practically become best friends. You hung out all the time, and texted each other whenever you couldn’t be together. You had never been this happy in your life. 
Unfortunately, that was all you were, friends. There was flirting, sure, from both ends, but neither of you took the step to initiate something. You were sure there was something there, but you were afraid it was one-sided. So you made peace with just being his friend, as it was enough for the time being. 
On one particularly bad day, there had been a nasty article written about you. The press had caught on to your friendship with the god of mischief, and they were ecstatic that they could spin some atrocious stories on it. You were called a slut, a whore, all for being seen with someone of the opposite sex. They used photos of the two of you holding hands, even though it had only been a friendly gesture. 
Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t been for who you were with. The press wasn’t exactly fond of Loki, given his reputation.
Send the code, he's waitin' there
You shot Loki a text reading ‘Fairytale.’ It was the code word for whenever one of you was feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and you needed the other to come and help you escape from whatever situation you were in.
Making your way towards the Avengers tower, you couldn’t help but let a few tears escape. You tried never to let the media get to you, but the article hurt. It wasn’t just the fact that they were spinning nasty rumors and words about you, it was the fact that you wanted some of them to be true. Not the ones calling you names, but you wish that there was, in fact, something going on between you and Loki.
When you got to the tower, you made your way to the elevator. Security didn’t stop you, since they already knew who you were. You had been to visit frequently enough to where they knew you by name and greeted you. They probably could even tell that something was off, since you only briefly greeted them. On most days, you would stop and ask some of them how their day had been going. But, you didn’t have time for that today.
Once you reached the floor of the Avenger’s common areas, also where Loki’s room was, Loki was standing there, waiting for you.
The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
As soon as you saw him, everything somehow became a little bit better. You rushed into his arms, and he hugged you.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime
Some of the stories had only talked shit about you, and not Loki. Forums online called you names, while praising Loki. You weren’t ignorant to the fact that despite everything he had done, Loki still had loads of fans that would defend him and get jealous of anyone who actually got close to him. That was how fangirls and fanboys worked. Also, people were just misogynists and loved to put the blame on women. 
The wrong place at the right time
Maybe you weren’t supposed to be here. Maybe some of the articles were right, you were in the wrong place by being here in Loki’s arms. But damn the articles, because you felt safe here.
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
He brought you through the halls and into his room, where you both sat down on his bed. “What happened?” He asked.
Had he really not seen the articles? You opened your mouth to talk, but your emotions got the best of you and you started to break down.
Loki pulled you into his lap, resting your head under his chin. “Hey, hey, shhh.” He coaxed, petting your hair with his hand. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
See? How was there not something there? Were you going crazy?
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
He continued to coax you, and eventually you fell asleep in his arms.
The next morning, you woke up with arms around your waist. This wasn’t new, you had slept-in the literal sense-with Loki on several occasions whenever one of you needed emotional support. It did hurt that it was always as friends, but it was better than nothing, and you would take what you could get.
Loki rustled beside you, and you turned to face him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, and you instinctively reached out to brush a loose strand of hair behind his ear. His eyes opened at your touch, and your face went red. 
“Sorry, I-” He hushed you, smiling at how your face was heating up because he caught you.
“Don’t apologize, there’s nothing to apologize for.” He took your hand, and finished tucking his hair behind his ear with your hand .
You cleared your throat, slipping out of bed. You noted that he had magicked you into some pajamas sometime after you had fallen asleep.
He slowly sat up, his hair falling loose once more. “I’m going to get into the shower.” He said, and you nodded. 
“I’ll go out and see if anyone’s making breakfast I can steal.” You said, and he chuckled.
The Avengers were used to your presence at this point, and you were friends with them. You were even invited to their movie nights and poker nights, events that were exclusive to just the team and occasionally their friends, such as you. 
They were relatively surprised that you and Loki had become such good friends, but nobody really said anything about it. You got a few warnings to be careful, but for the most part, they trusted your judgment.
Thor was especially happy that Loki had made such a good friend. He would always tell you how much he appreciated you being there for Loki. He must not have quite understood just how much Loki was there for you as well.
Scents of eggs and bacon wafted into your nose, and you grinned when you found Clint in the kitchen. He saw you, smiling. “Hey there, Brownies.” He said, offering you some breakfast. 
Clint, along with some of the other members of the team, had begun to call you ‘Brownies’ after you got into a stash of edibles that some of them kept for whenever they were particularly stressed. Of course, you had thought that they were normal brownies and ate several of them. You had ended up throwing up multiple times that night.
You scarfed down the food, and Natasha walked in and sat next to you. When Clint left to go for a morning walk, she turned to you with a raised eyebrow. “So?”
You looked at her, confused. You had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. “So what?”
She rolled her eyes. “Did you and Loki finally confess to each other?” She said, without batting an eye.
You choked on your orange juice. “What?!” You hadn’t told a single soul about your crush on Loki, but it wasn’t too hard to figure out. Honestly, it didn’t surprise you that she knew about it, but it did surprise you that she would ask you so passively like it was idle talk.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She took a bite of her food before continuing. “Literally everyone knows that you and Loki are pining for each other. It’s blatantly obvious, Sestryonka. Maybe you two won’t admit it to yourselves, but ask anyone else in the tower.”
At that moment, Sam walked in to grab a few pieces of bacon. “Hey Sam?” You started, and he looked towards you. “Do you think that Loki likes me?”
Sam raised his eyebrow. “Aren’t you two dating?” Once again, you choked on your orange juice. “I’ll take that as a no. But yeah, he likes you.”
“Did he tell you this?” You inquired. How were other people so sure?
Sam shook his head. “No, but it’s obvious.” He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. “Gotta go meet with an old friend, see you around.”
Natasha gave you an I-told-you-so look, and you just sat there, stunned. “I think I need to go home. I forgot that I told my dad I would go with him to some business meeting.” You lied, and Natasha most definitely saw through it, but she didn’t say anything. “Tell Loki whenever he gets out of the shower.” 
She nodded, and you left to go back to your house.
Got love-struck, went straight to my head (Straight to my head)
Could Natasha and Sam be right? Could Loki really recuperate your feelings? It wasn’t entirely impossible, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up. 
All the times that you thought he had been playfully flirting with you, what if it had been real? The moments flashed through your mind, and suddenly the line that separated you and Loki as friends became a little more blurry.
Got lovesick all over my bed (Over my bed)
When you made it home and to your room, you fell into your bed, emotions overflowing. You didn’t know what to do.
Love to think you’ll never forget
You had to just be a friend to Loki. He would live thousands of years after you died, your life could never compare to his. He would move on with his life, and forget about you. It was bound to happen sooner or later.
We’ll pay the price, I guess
It had been a solid month of you ignoring Loki. Your thoughts had spurred you into insecurity, and you figured that it was best that you disconnected yourself from Loki. He would be fine, he would move on, but you wanted to spare yourself the hurt for when that did happen.
Turns out, ignoring him wasn’t easy. First of all, he called you daily and messaged you several times a day for the first week. You couldn’t keep yourself from reading the messages.
Lokes ♥️: Natasha told me you had to go to some event. Have fun 🙃 Lokes ♥️: Are you okay? You didn’t respond to my last message.  Lokes ♥️: If you need anything, please let me know. Lokes ♥️: You’re worrying me. Lokes ♥️: Darling, have I done something wrong? I know you're online, you sent Thor a funny dog video, he just showed it to me and said you sent it. Please tell me if I’ve done something that displeases you.
You were surprised you were able to make it a month without breaking your resolve and writing him back. You didn’t want him to feel that he did anything wrong, but you couldn’t risk your heart being shattered any further.
Unfortunately, your dad was making you go to another party. And, lucky you, it was at the Avengers tower. Just how many parties did Tony Stark have to host?
You walked into the party, confident that you had enough willpower to keep away from Loki and make it through the party unscathed. 
Knowing you would need some alcohol, you made your way to the bar. Natasha was there shortly after. “We haven’t seen you around in a while.”
You hadn’t visited the tower since your decision to ghost Loki. While you normally would hang out with the others, you knew you couldn’t risk the chance of bumping into Loki.
“Yeah, I’ve been… busy.” You knew Natasha wasn’t stupid enough to buy your lie. 
She took a sip of her drink. “Well, we’ve missed you. And for the record, I think you’ve been going about this the wrong way. I don’t know what’s going on with you and Loki right now, but it doesn’t seem that Loki wants this. He’s not been the same since you stopped talking to him, he’s always moping around even more than usual.” 
Your heart squeezed. “Still? It’s been a month. Surely he’s got some other friend, girlfriend even-”
Natasha cut you off with a laugh. “You are blissfully ignorant, aren’t you, Mishka?” You were about to excuse yourself to use the bathroom, because you needed to get out of here. “He has literally come to me every day asking if you have texted me. Hell, I didn’t ever think that I would feel bad for the little bastard, but seeing him like that nearly did.”
You locked eyes with Loki, who was across the room. As soon as you did that, you could feel your walls of built resolve crumbling down just with the look in his eyes. 
You could hear Natasha still talking next to you, but it was drowned out. You quickly made your way opposite from him, trying to find an exit before you broke down.
A hand pulled you around to face him . The one you had been avoiding. Your breath caught. He looked tired and sad, with eye bags under his eyes. Had you being away from him done this?
But if I'm all dressed up (If I’m all dressed up)
The dress you were wearing was the same black dress from the night you had finally introduced yourself to him. In fact, you weren’t far off from where you had talked about your favorite books. 
Loki breathed your name, and looked at you like you were a fleeting memory about to disappear.
They might as well be lookin' at us (Lookin' at us)
Suddenly, you couldn’t care if the entire world was watching as you glanced down to his lips. You took a step towards him. “Loki.”
“Where have you been?” He sounded heartbroken. “I’ve called you, texted you, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve laid up at night-”
You silenced him by pulling down the collar of his shirt and kissing him. Was it the most logical thing to do? No. But maybe it would answer some of his questions. 
“I’m sorry.” You said when you finally pulled away. You waited for him to say something, anything, but he pulled you in for another kiss. Maybe that was better than words.
And if they call me a slut (If they call me a slut)
Consequences be damned, you were going to enjoy this kiss while it lasted. You could deal with the press later.
You know it might be worth it for once (Worth it for once)
You knew that it would be worth it anyways, since Loki’s lips against yours felt like pure nirvana. It was the best feeling you had ever experienced in your life.
Eventually, you both needed to breathe, so you pulled apart. After catching your breath, you gestured to the bar. “Let’s get a drink.”
And if I'm gonna be drunk
You had a lot to explain, and you were going to need a shot or two to get it all out. You already felt less nervous than you did originally, considering the kiss. 
I might as well be drunk in love
After taking a shot, you turned to him. “Loki Laufeyson, from the day that I met you, I’ve felt this inexplicable feeling. I didn’t know what it was at first, but I knew that I needed to get to know you better.” You took a deep breath. “And once I realized what it was, I got scared. When the possibility of something happening got too real, I got insecure. That’s why I didn’t contact you. I thought it would be better for both of us.”
He stared at you for a long moment, and you felt a tear drip down your cheek. He reached out to catch it with his finger. “Oh, love.”
He kissed you, this time in comfort. “I’m just glad you’re back.”
Slow clapping filled your ears as you leaned your forehead against Loki’s. You whipped around to find Natasha with a smirk on her face. It wasn’t just Natasha, it seemed that the majority of the Avengers were now staring at you. Nobody looked shocked.
Thor wore a huge shit-eating grin and walked up to Loki, clapping him on the back. “See, Brother, I told you it would all work out!” 
Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. “No thanks to you and your advice.” 
You tilted your head, confused. “Advice?” You turned to Thor. “Thor, what is he talking about?” 
Thor’s smile didn’t falter. “Well, my lady, my brother here inquired for advice on how to woo maidens. Since I am well-rounded on the subject, I gave him my best advice.” 
Loki’s usually pale face had now turned red, and you could feel your cheeks getting hot as well. “Did he really?” You said, teasing Loki. 
“I was desperate. Next time, however, I will most definitely be more straightforward.” He kissed you on the forehead. “We wouldn’t want you running off again, now, would we?”
Half asleep, takin’ your time
Loki pulled you closer to him in a half-asleep state. You squinted at the alarm clock, reading the time. It was 10 in the morning. Last night, you had told your dad that you were going to spend the night with Natasha.
“Loki.” You whispered, shaking him gently awake. He groaned, tightening his hold on you. “Loki, we should get up.” 
In the tangerine, neon light, this is luxury
The sun cast a tangerine-colored neon light into the room, and it highlighted his features beautifully. You couldn’t think of anywhere else in the world you wanted to be other than right here in his arms. It was a pure luxury that you would cherish forever.
“Can’t we just stay here?” He whined, and you were tempted to agree and fall back asleep against his chest. But you knew that you had things that needed to get done that day.
You traced lines across his chest, slowly. “Nope, we gotta get up. Come on.” You pulled the blankets off of him, and he grumbled but sat up. 
He looked like he was about to complain some more, but he stopped himself when he saw you. “You’re beautiful.” He breathed, like he was seeing something magical. 
“Yeah, okay, silvertongue.” You got out of bed, and scavenged through his closet to find some of his clothes to steal. 
He came up behind you, kissing your neck. “I mean it, darling.” You blushed. How were you ever going to get used to this? 
You're not sayin' you're in love with me
He hummed on your shoulder, hugging you. Neither of you had blatantly stated your undying love for each other, but it was heavily implied. Every action either of you took was filled with passionate love for the other. 
But you're going to
And it was okay if you didn’t acknowledge your love quite yet. Taking things slow never hurt anyone. It was okay. It would happen. Eventually. Right?
You wanted to say it, to say those words: ‘I love you,’ but you were too afraid that you would be taking things too fast and scare Loki off.
Half awake, takin' your chances
“Darling?” He said, and you tilted your head up as you grabbed one of his sweatshirts. “I love you.” 
Had he been reading your mind? You froze, unsure of what to say or do. He seemed to have only been half-awake, but when he said those words, he fully woke up.
“I didn’t mean to- I wasn’t think-” You shut him up with a kiss. 
You smiled into the kiss. “I love you too, you big idiot.” He relaxed at this and helped you put his sweatshirt on. 
It's a big mistake, I said, "It might blow up in your pretty face"
“Although, loving me might blow up in your pretty face.” You said, rustling your hands in his raven locks.
He leaned into you. “If I’m with you, nothing else matters.” He grabbed some clothes for himself. “And I’m flattered you think my face is pretty.” 
I'm not saying, "Do it anyway" (Do it anyway)
You knew then and there that he wouldn’t care about the fallback from a relationship with you, no matter how bad it might be. Loki’s never been one for caring about his public opinion, anyway. 
“Are you sure?” You tried, still slightly insecure about the entire thing. “Won’t you get bored?”
But you're going to
He laughed. “Darling, with you, I could never get bored. You’ve shown me so many things about this world that I never would have thought possible. You’ve helped me through my emotions, and didn’t run away when it was ugly. You didn't go away when I attempted to shut you out.” 
He pulled you into his embrace. “You’re everything I didn’t know I needed all balled up into one soul that I finally have found. I wouldn’t be able to get bored of you even if I tried.”
You felt hot tears stream down your cheeks. Never had fate been this good to you, and you finally felt like you belonged somewhere without a doubt. You belonged here, in Loki’s arms.
And if they call me a (Slut) You know it might be worth it for once And if I'm gonna be (Drunk) I might as well be drunk in love
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Tag List (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee @fandxmslxt69
Hope you enjoyed! Comments and notes are always appreciated. I hope I didn't add to many scene changes/focus too much on the reader, it just kind of turned out that way.
99 notes · View notes
trailerprk-princess · 2 years
—dating dean winchester | dean winchester x fem!reader headcanons
!!!: my work is not to be reused without credit/permission!
request rules
warnings: nsfw & mentions of drugs! minors dni! fluff & not edited
authors note: im really obsessed with him rn🫣 requests are open!
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he is so desperate for your love & attention that its kinda concerning. he never got love growing up or has been involved romantically with anyone for long & he is used to one night stands that dont go anywhere. so its very refreshing to him to have someone being as equally in love with him as he is w u
he is very hesitant to talk about his feelings & past to everyone, including to those he loves. but you really get him to open up to you about those things. which is really good for him bc he learns that his dad was a shit father & he finally gets to know what real love is. & what it actually feels like to have someone be concerned & care for him. & he knows that he doesnt have to hide anything from you bc you wont judge him or think of him any differntly
when sleeping next to him, he finds it very hard to let you go from his grip. hes very touch starved & craves any touch he can get from u. whether it's spooning you, putting his hand on ur thigh, or just holding ur hand
he is a very conflicted person. almost in every episode he thinks something is wrong w him bc he "enjoys" killing. but it really is bc hes pushed aside every emotion he has ever felt & doesnt deal with them. him being with someone who is willing to listen to his vulnerabilities really helps him figure himself out
he is a VERY loyal person & boyfriend.
he likes to give gifts & is very close to being ur sugar daddy from how much money & gifts he gives u bc he thinks that the only way to keep u around is to give u everything u could ever dream of. which is very unhealthy thinking on his part
he needs CONSTANT reassurance. he needs to know that you will never leave him for someone better. believe it or not but hes pretty insecure. hes not insecure of his abilities in bed or looks but insecure of his lifestyle
he gets you little souvenirs from every state he visits! & now u have a whole bookshelf of knickknacks
type of person to tell u that he loves u within a week of dating. im half joking but he falls for people very easily
hes pretty controlling & protective of u, he just doesnt want you to get hurt. he will not let you go hunting with him, anyone, or alone. he needs you to be safe at all times. which yes, is understandable but you have to tell him that its toxic when it gets to the point hes too nervous about you leaving the bunker, your house, motel, anything really. & there's probably a tracking device in ur bra
he never smoked marijuana or says he does in the show. but everytime he sees a bong hes gets weirdly excited so i think hes a pot smoker. which is nice! bc hes very good at getting you strains of marijuana that r good for u & fit ur needs. he rolls ur blunts/joints for u!! & he even lights them for u as well! smoking weed is a huge part of his aftercare for u as well bc it helps to calm u down
he is very casually dominant! he orders for u, ties ur shoelaces for u, takes away ur soda if uve had too much, denies chocolate from u if u have too much cause he needs u to be healthy for him & eat right. he turns off the tv at the same time every night & makes u go to bed. he doesnt like it when u cuss & gets on to u everytime that u do cuss. he likes to pick out ur outfits as well. he also doesnt let u drink due to the fact his father was an alcoholic
he teaches u how to play pool & poker!! & even takes you out shooting every once in awhile!
he has the BIGGEST innocence kink known to man. he literally loves taking virginites
he literally has an angel kink. theres nothing that screams innocence/corruption kink more than that
he likes to dress you up as an angel too!! white lace lingerie & it would get him going more if he could get you to wear a halo headband!
his literal petname for u is, 'angel.' inside & outside of the bedroom. youre just so sweet & precious, how could he not call u angel??
literally just wants to corrupt u everytime he has sex w u. taking your innocence or making you look innocent while doing a not so innocent activity
a lot of people think hes a switch but i dont think so tbh. he literally has no control in his real life which would make him more likely to want control in the bedroom. not saying he tops everytime but theres no chance i can see him giving up his domination/control
but what i do know for sure is that this man is a FREAK
his list of kinks is longer than the amendments on the bill of rights
breath play, bondage, knife/gun play, impact play, corruption/innocence kink, praise/degradation kink, literally anything if youre down
i mean. he is horny 24/7 so it is for certain that he would try anything once or do anything sexually w u as long as u liked it
he LOVES to praise u! youre his 'pretty baby' or 'good girl' but he also LOVES to get praised too. he needs to know how good he is doing
but there are times that hes very degrading, usually when he has had a bad day. because u can be his 'good girl' one day & the next youre his 'dirty slut'
he is also a brat tamer! if your acting too bratty he will bend u over his knee
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dean winchester masterlist
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mamibaddie · 2 years
Okay!! I finally wrote out how perv!bestfriend!Eddie x reader start dating. The next ones will obviously be more smutty but in the format of the other ones. I haven’t had much motivation lately with writing but I hope this is still enjoyable. I’m trying to work through my writers block with plans for my WIP and two other new stories I’m planning for this cozy fall. If you haven’t already, or if you need a refresher, I suggest reading the other parts of Perv!bestfriend!Eddie so that you can kinda understand what’s going on. I’m not sure if I ever have but I wanted to thank y’all so much for enjoying my Perv!bestfriend!Eddie mini stories! It means a lot to me that people enjoy them and look forward to them. Please let me know what you think!!
As always, 18+ only!! Contains smut. Minors DNI!!
This is it. Todays the day. Eddie was finally going to work up the nerve to ask you on a date and be his girlfriend. After many, many months of excruciating teasing from both sides, he decided to put his feelings and heart out there. He had teetered back and forth with whether or not to actually do it. He had assumed that everything you’ve said and done were flirtations. However, there was a side of him that thought maybe you were making fun of him. He knew he was a bit of a perv and toed the line of boundaries one too many times.
That didn’t stop his mind from wandering. It also didn’t stop his heart from wishing. It was now nighttime. The tail end of summer in the air. It was still unreasonably hot out, but some cool air would come in and wrap around you. It was rather welcoming, considering you two were on the second blunt of the night. Eddie had drank three beers in a lame attempt to calm his jangled nerves. You were nursing your first wine cooler for the evening. You typically liked the fruity, sweet type of alcoholic drinks. Before you, Eddie only had beers stocked at his trailer. But since you started coming around more and he started falling for you, he realized what kind of alcoholic drinks were your favorites. Hence why he now keeps both beers AND wine coolers stocked at his trailer. So, when he looked over at you, he knew he might as well do it now.
“H-hey, uh-“ he cleared his throat before mumbling your name. Your head slowly turned over and a grin spread across your face.
“Yes, Eddie, my love?” You let out a little snicker. You always called him that and it made his heart flutter. It was the corniest thing ever, and the if it was anyone else he’d probably scoff but the fact that it was you; made all the difference.
He stammered before clearing his throat. “I have something to tell you…”. You looked him in the eyes and based on his tense and serious demeanor, you knew it was serious. You tilted your body towards him to let him know that he had your undivided attention. Which should’ve comforted him but only made him more nervous. “Okay, what’s up?” You ask. Taking a drag of the blunt before passing it back to him.
He puts it between his lips and inhales a large amount. He slowly let it leave his lungs in a last ditch effort to calm his jangled nerves and figure out the right words to say. “Well,” puffs of smoke escaping out of his mouth and nose, “it’s more of a question to ask you. Actually, uh, it’s both.”
You gave him a look that let him know he can continue. He whispered an okay and took a deep breath. That’s another thing he’s always liked about you. You were patient with him. It might slightly irritate you at times, but you allowed him the space he needs enable to gather his thoughts. “I…kinda, sorta…like you…a lot. I don’t really know how to say it or to put it into words but, you’re so…” you were expecting him to say hot but instead he said, “…captivating. Interesting, even…um…” he began to rub his hands up and down his thighs, something he did to calm himself down. You reached out to put your hand on top of his. “Eddie,” he looks up to look at you in the eyes. “I like you too…sorta, kinda.” You rolls your eyes playfully and laugh. He lets out a sigh of relief mixed with laughter. “Really?” You smile at him. “Really, really.”
“Well, in that case, I was wondering if you’d wanna be my girlfriend?” You smile at him while biting your lip. You nod your head. “I can’t believe it took you this long to ask me. I was about to lose hope, ya know.”
“Wait… you knew that I liked you?”
“Eddie, it’s so painfully obvious. You didn’t know I liked you too? With all the, you know, reciprocating I was doing.”
He looks back at the times you both teased one another and played the game of cat and mouse. The longer he thought about it, the redder his cheeks got, and the harder he became.
“Besides,” you say, rubbing your hands up his thighs and leaning closer into him. “I’ve been wanting to know if the rumors are true.”
“W-what rumors?” He gulps. The closer you get, the more he can smell your perfume and it almost has his eyes rolling back.
“You know,” you look at his lips, “how much of a freak are you really Eddie?” He whimpers and you lean in to kiss him. It started of slow and gentle at first, and became lustful and hungry. Especially on Eddie’s end.
He broke away from the kiss breathlessly. “Do you really wanna know?” You nodded. You gently grab one of his wrists and pull it towards you. You guide his finger past your flimsy shorts to feel your bare pussy. “Do you feel that Eddie?” You moan and in turn he lets out a groan. “I get so turned on thinking about you Eddie.” You push two of his fingers into you. You start moving his fingers in and out of you. “Do you hear that?” The gushy noise of how wet you are, rang throughout Eddie’s room. “O-oh fuck.” Eddie groaned. “That’s all for you.” Eddie looked up from the image of seeing his fingers being pushed inside you, in and out. You were so turned on that his fingers were drenched. You both looked into each other’s eyes before he pulled his fingers out of you and moved to hover on top of you.
“Get ready sweetheart.” He said, looking you in the eyes. Before popping the two fingers that were in you into his mouth. You moaned at the sight. You thought he was going to reach to unbuckle his belt but he moves off the bed and towards his wall. He got his handcuffs off of the nail and turned to you with a mischievous grin.
“Ever been handcuffed before?”
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dangopango00 · 4 months
After Last Night (2)
Waking up with him after a hookup
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 |
FAT/LBC men x gn reader (Ayn and cael)
CW: Suggestive, cael (sorry i like him i just happen to also like hating on him), ok genuinely cael but its the fact that in his blurb MC is kind of your daughter
A/N: Ayn is my fave but i dint do him in part one to keep me motivated to finish part two 💀💀 mind games also im acc so obsessed with step parent reader wtf thats so cute
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more utc
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AYN / AI YIN (艾因)
- SCENARIO: Ayn is very aloof and he doesn’t drink so he’s not sleeping with anyone he doesn’t know well; you two are very close. You’re in the music club and trying to pick up/get better at an instrument and you pestered Ayn into giving you tips until you became so close that he basically acted as your tutor. Tbh you’re probably already in a situationship and you’ve probably kissed a few times but nothing crazy, you’ve never pushed it that far— well that is until last night. You hadn’t seen each other in a long time just because you were both busy and Ayn missed you so he had you come to his hideout and well shit happened
- He wakes up first but is incredibly out of it like there’s still drool dribbling out of his mouth and he’s only really half awake; he kinda looks dead in his stupor
- He’d probably just pull you closer, lay on you and go back to sleep to be so honest; he can order takeout for the two of you later
- He tangles himself with you like unbrushed hair. His legs and arms are all wrapped around you and he’s trying to get as close to you as possible and his breath is tickling your neck with how much he nudges his head against you and gives you a quick kiss before he goes back to sleep
- His bedhead usually isn’t messy because he doesn’t move a lot in his sleep but after last night his hair is more messy than usual because of how much he’s pushing his head against you lol
- Even if you wake up he won’t let you get up. Go back to bed, he missed you; he just kisses you until you give up but if you’re hungry he’ll order something from his phone
- Likes if you trace parts of his body while you’re laying down like his collarbones or running your thumb down his chest. Keep it below the head though, otherwise the ticklish feeling will bother him while he’s trying to sleep (he’s such a princess 🙄)
- Is actually pretty chill about the whole thing; it was only a matter of time in his opinion and will be a little confused if you’re super embarrassed because you’ve already made out before it’s not that crazy
- He thinks the situation is pretty simple honestly he’s just gonna invite you on dates and confess which does admittedly take a bit of time because he wants to do something special and you’re a little nervous when he doesn’t confess or anything but when he does it makes the wait 100% worth it
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- SCENARIO: OKAY. I’ve thought about this one deeply because Cael is like I think a confirmed virgin so he would have to be suuuperr close with you to want to hook up. So in my delusional little head you are a very old friend of his who helped him basically raise MC. You weren’t formally her step parent but you helped out where you could and ended up becoming close with the two. At first Cael was just grateful to have you for help and as a dear friend but as time went on he started to notice you more and more. You lived together and seeing you do random domestic things or just normal mundane things like doing laundry or gardening or sth was driving him insane. It just built up and randomly one day when you were getting ready for the day he suddenly kissed the back of your neck and confessed and things just escalated
- You wake up first and Cael is just lying so peacefully. He’s never felt more refreshed to be honest
- His bedhead is a little messy but it’s not really noticeable except for the bangs and he snores but he doesn’t really drool, doesn’t move much either; moves in between long intervals
- You run your fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead as he sleeps and you notice him crack a smile (he woke up a few minutes after you but he wanted to see what you’d do while he slept so he could tease you later)
- He loves it when you hold his face in your hands. His cheeks heat up and he has a small smile as he opens his eyes; such a small form of affection makes him feel so warm inside and he can’t help it
- He’d take your hands in his and kiss them then leading you to the kitchen so you can make breakfast together
- After all. That his infatuation is boosted like x10 like he starts drawing you just doing normal activities, thinking about you while in the middle of a battle among many other things
- However, he hasn’t slept with you since that night because he’s really worried
- He doesn’t really know how nor does he think he should pursue a committed relationship with you because tbh he could die at any moment and he has enough responsibility as is; it sounds harsh but he doesn’t want to have to worry about you and vice versa. It’ll take a lot of convincing and persistence to get him to realize that no matter what you’ll be by his side and that you want to take care of him and MC too— that you will always care about him no matter how much he distances himself
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Dead by Daylight Commission: Party Shenanigans (Albert Wesker x Reader)
Commissioned by @homine I hope you enjoy~ Happy Holidays Everyone!
Warnings: Mild Drug Use, Possessiveness, Slight Force, Brat Taming, Rough In General, Smut
Well, this was a first. The Entity provided weird festive shit all the time, throughout the year. Or… was it through the year? Time was messed up in Her realms, but they went off like clockwork, so everyone, survivor and killer, used it as a means to tell time. A chill had set in the air- well, something colder than usual, that is- frost turned into snow and now all the tacky lights, snowmen and stupid party poppers had begun appearing all over the place. Winter was upon you and, more specifically, Christmas was close at hand. 
You never cared for it. You didn’t dislike it or anything it was just… Ehh… Another holiday? More like just another day, really. Other survivors were buzzed about the holiday, the change in scenery, wondering if they would receive any gifts from each other or the Entity, and some thought something different was afoot. You just shrugged and shoved your hands in the pockets of your jacket in an attempt to stave off the cold from setting into your fingers. 
To your surprise, there was something going on. Something very different that actually managed to peak your interest for once! A party? Here? Okay, okay, Entity… She has your attention, and she would maintain your presence now that you know, for a fact, there will be alcohol and weed there too! How do you know? Well… 
You watch the shitshow that is this little get together from behind the cup of beer you were currently downing. You didn’t know what kind of beer it was, but it was like every single beer you’ve ever drank- not good, not bad, just alcohol which is fine by you. Some of the… others were here and man that pissed your friends off. Killers and survivors have never coexisted before and now wasn’t exactly a great time to start. Especially since there was alcohol and drugs present. 
There was probably a rule against killing or something, you assume. Even killers that don’t know how to behave themselves aren’t engaging in mindless slaughter, though they definitely weren’t happy to do so. Laurie and Michael were having a staring contest, the Wraith was cloaked and bumping into people on purpose, the Trapper was angrily standing away from the crowd and huffing to himself, the Demogorgon was on a table eating food- It’s a mess but it was overall pretty entertaining. A tap on your shoulder nearly made you choke on your drink. 
“Damn, Becky! Don’t do that! I thought you were that creep Ghostie or something!” A joke, mostly. If she was Ghostface, well… she would be covered in barely chilled beer. Rebecca laughed and tugged you along as she said “C’mon!” 
Oh shit- There’s weed?! You wanted to know where it came from but then decided against asking. Don’t look a gift blunt in the mouth or whatever the saying was. Now this was a party! The Entity knew what She was doing. You could respect that. And you sure as shit could respect how perfectly Rebecca rolled your joint! Damn… you need to ask for some pointers… Any nervousness you felt about being here, in a crowd and around killers began to evaporate as the alcohol and weed started to kick it. Nicely buzzed, you don’t really notice the daggers being glared into you and Rebecca, who was sitting beside you on the ground. 
You noticed that your friend became… uncomfortable. Her cues were subtle, but her usual, bubbly self became more quiet and she looked around more frequently. You asked her if she wanted to step outside with you and she agreed. Maybe she needed some fresh air? 
It was cold but not to the extent it was too bad. You needed a jacket to be comfortable but that was how it usually was in the Entity’s realms. Snow was falling and overall it was dead quiet, save for the soft wind and the murmur of the crowd inside. The air was refreshing for you, but Rebecca seemed even more uncomfortable, somehow.
“Rebecca? What’s wrong? Is it not mixing well for you or-?” You wiped off the rail of the little patio… thingy before you rested your elbow on it. She shrugged and picked at her nails awkwardly. 
“I-I think… I might go back in. F-For a bit! You, uh, can do whatever you want…” You quirked a brow but ended up shrugging. She was a big girl and she could do whatever she wanted. You asked again if she was okay but Rebecca flashed her trademark grin and waved off your concern. 
“Yep! I’m f-fine! Just… come find me when you go back in, I guess.” And with that, she threw open the doors and quickly closed them behind her. O-kay… 
The glass was frosted fogged, so you couldn’t see very well back inside. Was someone getting her attention? Rebecca was acting weird but then again… she is weird. You shrugged it off one last time, and went back to looking out over the railing. A whole lot of nothing… Fog, to be exact. You were all just stranded in the void. You already knew that but it was still weird to see it so plainly. Just as you were getting lost in thought, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you knew you were being watched. 
Damn, who’s got such a hard on for you today?! Night- whatever! The Wraith? Possible… but Rebecca isn’t bothered by him. Doctor? Nah, same as the first- Wait- Maybe it’s Wesk-
“What do you think you’re doing with the likes of her?”
You aren’t proud to admit it, but he scared the shit out of you! You actually shouted in surprise as you jumped hard enough for you to lose your footing on the slightly slick ground beneath you. Even though you recognized the voice- you would any time, any day- it took you a moment to compose yourself enough to even think of a reply. All that came out was-
“Huh- Uh- Wha-?” Wesker scoffs and folds his arms as he leans his back against the doors inside. He’s blocking your escape. Greeaaat… 
“Rebecca? Really? You would involve yourself with the likes of her?” His tone greatly annoyed you. ‘Likes of her’- Who the hell does he think he is?! Your dad? You roll your eyes and decide to not dignify him with a response. Bad move. He’s the type to hate being ignored. You knew this all too well, so you weren’t surprised when he stood, walked towards you and leaned down so he was nose-to-nose with you as he spoke. 
“You are better than that.” You rolled your eyes. 
This wasn’t the first time he’s shown a weird interest in you. You were pretty sure he had a crush on you. Like… Who goes around saying shit like that? He was a control freak that also refused to acknowledge whatever it was he was feeling, so Wesker opted to make you both miserable, instead. Which was a damn shame, since he wasn’t too hard on the eyes and you certainly had moments where you thought about him using those Uroboros tentacles of his in… other way… 
The corners of your mouth began to twitch upwards. Wesker frowned behind his sunglasses. 
“What? You think I’m joking? Chambers is a no good-” It was too late. Annoyance turned into something weirdly giddy, and now you can’t help but to giggle to yourself. If Becky could see you now… Her old boss is reaming you out because she’s a bad influence… Like you weren’t the one getting her into trouble all the time! You burst out laughing when Wesker recoiled, looking genuinely taken aback and maybe even hurt that you weren’t taking him seriously. You only laugh harder when he starts to shake with anger, and when a familiar, sticky feeling wraps around your torso, your laugh morphs into something completely different. 
“Y-You’re so f-fuckin- MHPH!” A strained moan was squeezed out of you as Wesker nearly picked you up off the ground with his Uroboros. 
Well… that was unexpected. He didn’t let you go, nor did he immediately move to capitalize on the situation. He might have been just as surprised as you were… at least at first. Wesker, of course, quickly regained control of the situation and squeezed you a little tighter. Not enough to hurt, but more than enough to be uncomfortable. Unfortunately for him you were into that shit.
“You are an insufferable brat.” His voice was level but you could feel his Uroboros trembling and kneading against your skin. 
“Always involving yourself with the lowest common denominator… How many times must I admonish you before you understand your actions have consequences?” There was a dark undertone to ‘consequences’ that made your skin crawl pleasantly. 
Wesker clearly had something of an infatuation for you. Something twisted and possessive. He didn’t like to see you share yourself with anyone or anything other than him. You were wondering when he would finally show his hand and take you for his own. Really… you were wondering if you would be the one to make the first move! With Uroboros wrapped firmly around your torso, you knew you’d be getting more or less what you wanted from the very beginning. 
You rub your thighs together and twist in his grasp as your knees collide with the ground. It kinda hurt, but you were quickly distracted by your hair being grabbed and the bridge of your nose was rubbed against his clothed erection. As much as you wanted to reach out and touch him, Wesker had pinned your arms to your sides with the slimy tendrils of Uroboros. Not that you could complain much. It was… well… 
“I have grown impatient with you. I am so incredibly-” He emphasized the pause in his words with the buck of his hips against your face. “-frustrated with your antics and foolish games!” Your face heated up as he struggled with his belt. 
“You will open your mouth- Now!” Wesker cut himself short. Looks like he can’t control himself any longer… You comply, of course, but you can’t help but to see how far over the edge you can push him. 
His cock was pressed against your lips, but you didn’t immediately open your mouth. You parted your lips, but not your teeth. A swift yank to your hair and a growl accompanied by a squeeze to your ribs made you gasp enough for Wesker to shove more than half of his length into your mouth. 
It’s been a while since you last sucked a dick… you’re more than a little rusty but Wesker seemed content with just fucking your mouth, himself. You choked a little when the tip of his member slammed into the back of your throat. Gagging didn’t really seem to bother him all that much. Good. You had the intention to be a tease but it would seem that he had decided to not give you the option to even try. 
Damn… You really pissed him off. Every time he thrusts into your mouth, you gag. The wriggling mass that had enveloped your torso has thinned and spread up and down your body. Pressure was applied to your nipples, as was a familiar kneading motion that you had felt earlier. It inched its way down your abdomen and slipped past the waistband of both your pants and your underwear. Fuck… When you weren’t recoiling from having your gag reflex triggered, you peered behind him, towards the foggy glass door. 
All it would take would be for someone to simply walk past that door or for them to hang out around it and you would be found in such a compromising position. It wasn’t like you wanted that to happen, of course! …but you couldn’t exactly lie and say it didn’t turn you on immensely. The Uroboros stopped just short of your pubic area, low enough to make you cringe and twitch but not low enough for you to really feel anything. And he said that you were the tease? What an asshole… 
Wesker growls as your teeth grazes against his shaft. Your jaw burns and strains from being forced open so wide for so long. You know better than to try and pull away or to bite down. Not that you would do either on purpose. Or that Wesker would allow you to do either regardless of the reason behind it. Tears stream down your face and you gag as he grabs the back of your head and buries your nose into his pubic bone. 
“I-If you even DARE t-to-!” He can’t even finish his sentence before he groans. His cock twitches in your mouth and your eyes roll skywards.
Oh FUCK it’s so deep-! FUCK- You squirm and kick as you choke on dick and your own saliva. Again, you’re barely able to take a single breath in before he’s pounding into your mouth again. In. Out. In. Out. In- You choke and it starts over again. It hit a point to where you could stand it. That or you were about to pass out. Either way, when he finally yanks you off his cock by your hair you cough and splutter, relieved to finally be able to breathe and close your mouth. 
If you thought he would allow you to catch your breath, you thought wrong. What little breath you inhaled was quickly knocked out of you as the railing behind you collided with your mid-back. It hurt like hell but you didn’t have time to really concentrate on anything other than the cold blade that nicked your inner thigh. Wesker, while using Uroboros to hold you in place and off the ground, has unsheathed his knife and used it to cut a line through both your pants and your boxers. You hiss and flinched as you felt the sting of the topmost layer of your skin being sliced open. 
Some blood was likely beading on the thin line that ran along the length of your inner thigh. You weren’t able to move much, given the Uroboros held you at an awkward angle. You blushed and whimpered a little as a gloved hand grabbed the inside of the tear in your clothing and tore the crotch of your pants and underwear open wide. J-Jesus CHRIST-! Your body trembled and you clench at nothing as he likely stares at how aroused you already were. 
Oh, you were wet. You could feel the cold in the air clinging to you, as you could feel the slickness against the very gloved hand that tore your pants open as it rubbed up and down the length of your sex. Oh God- Oh FUCK- Two fingers in with no build up. It’s been- It doesn’t matter how long it’s been, you’re so wet it doesn’t even matter. And you guess that Wesker has become totally impatient, since just as you were starting to moan and roll your hips against his fingers, he pulled them away. Before you could whine in protest, you heard the clanking of his belt and the unzipping of his pants. 
“You’ll take me rather nicely now, won’t you?” Oh… fuck yes you will… You can’t vocalize it exactly, but you moan as you feel him press and rub the head of his member against your entrance. 
You’re thankful he didn’t make you beg or wait for it too much, since you couldn’t really do either. You squeaked and kicked your legs out when he pushed into you, not stopping until his hips were flush with yours. Fuck… it was uncomfortable to have it in all at once but damn if you didn’t moan and whine when he started to pull out. 
Wesker had in mind to make you beg for him, but seeing as you were already so ready for him, how could he resist immediately taking advantage of the situation. Going slow? Out of the question. He didn’t wait for you to adjust before he grabbed your hips and started fucking you and damn if you didn’t take him in perfectly… 
You had been such a fucking tease… Since the first time he saw you in a trial, you were a brat among brats. A pain in the ass that always caught his attention and distracted him from his work and other priority targets. You wanted his attention? You got it. And you even had the audacity to ignore him after acquiring it! If you think you were just going to walk away from him after all that you have another thing coming! 
Wesker’s earlier attempts to belittle you and humiliate you swiftly turned into praises of how fucking good you felt around him. How tightly you squeezed him, how warm you were, how wet and soft you were and how damn good you took him inside of you… It made your toes curl every time his hips snapped against yours. 
Things were stretched and rubbed inside of you that you had nearly forgotten existed in the first place. Between his pace, the Uroboros still massaging your chest and the quite real possibility that someone would actually find you being fucked by a killer- FUCK! You didn’t try to stop yourself from crying out or squeezing down onto him. It felt too good! And even if you were caught- 
Eh… okay, maybe it would be better to not think about that right now. 
It wasn’t like you could really think with how hard he was fucking you. Your cries of pleasure were quite literally being knocked out of you. The tension inside of your core was on the precipice of snapping at any moment, all you needed was a little push- 
Wesker throbbed inside of you as he pulled you down further onto his cock. Hot, wet warmth gushed inside of you and it was exactly what you needed to be pushed over the edge into your own climax. You were so fucking buzzed it wasn’t even funny. Someone could walk out right then and there and you wouldn’t give a single fuck. You clench around him and Wesker was posed to start again when he suddenly says.
“Do you mind, Chambers?” You furrow your brows. Wha-?
A door hastily closes. Loudly. Your face heats up.
“Oh shi-” 
That’s a problem for future you to deal with. 
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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malevolentshrine · 5 months
ou im not just stopping by u gotta tell me ur sukuna headcanons now *latches onto ur blog like a leach* :3
this has been percolating in my brain for a couple days now, i feel like my hcs aren't all that unique but i'll share them anyway! i stuck to sfw ones bc i've never written anything smutty in my entire life, despite reading a lot (too much). this list does get more delulu as you go down tho haha
*gives gentle headpats to newfound blog leech*
SFW(ish) Sukuna HCs
appreciates the arts, although not forthcoming with that. i feel like he likes literature for sure (probably quite picky with anything modern tho).
this isn't a headcanon bc its literally a fact that trueform!sukuna has stretched earlobes, but i just think its worth remembering (both because of the references to buddhism and also because they suit him)
not straight - this man (curse?) is pansexual, and maybe demiromantic? will fight homophobes
i feel like he would commit murder for misgendering uraume (who i hc as nonbinary/x-gender). if asked about it by uraume, he'd say it was because they irritated him, rather than because he's defending them in his fucked up way. i don't think uraume would ask tho.
in the heian era, i can almost see him being into making things like carvings and possibly even sculptures? he might even use his techniques for them. but i don't think he has time to be "idle" like that in modern times
this is random, but i think he might enjoy some video games, particularly violent ones. however, if he had full-control of his body, i think he'd quickly get bored and realise that he could just go do the same things irl.
while trapped inside yuuji, i think it playing violent video games could initially be a way that sukuna can be temporarily placated. however, i can see him trying to make yuuji do particularly horrific things in game, which he'd refuse and then i think he'd just get even more frustrated with his confinement.
(i had a mental image of yuuji getting sick of sukuna's urge to kill people and opening up sims 4 to show all the different ways you can kill a sim, but sukuna thinking the methods of killing were pitiful and uninspired. then, sukuna would mock yuuji for thinking that this would be enough to entertain him)
i think that he'd definitely drink, and might have even dabbled with mind altering substances in the heian period. he's a hedonist, y'know?
i feel like if you were in some kind of relationship with him (read: if he decides to keep you as his lil pet), i think he'd be very possessive. i think it'd be to the point where he wouldn't want you out of his sight, maybe even want on his lap at all times. he'd never admit it, but i think he relishes in skinship (particularly after 1000+ years of being sealed) but passes it off as ownership over you
actually i think if you catch his interest, he will go full yandere, but i think it'd take A LOT to genuinely intrigue him to that extent
i think he'd also find it refreshing to be looked at as an object of desire despite/as well as being a monster. again, he'd never admit it and would ruthlessly bully you for it, but i think he likes the ego boost
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starpirateee · 25 days
would you be interested in writing a fix where Ted and Mark where together in high school, and they meet in the modern day?
They're both like "oh no not this guy (he's so hot what do I do)".
Pining ™
Man it's been a hot minute since I had holy bastard in the inbox.... I would be happy to!
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Ted couldn't count the years after high school. Time was never on his side, but he knew for a fact that he wasn't expecting it to come back and bite him in the ass.
He had very much left all that befind many years ago. The past— the teenager that actually cared about romance and the need to just be with someone— was behind him. He knew that. Seventeen year old Teddy had learned not to get his hopes up, and he'd managed so far… He was absolutely fine.
Well, he managed to convince himself of that until he saw Mark Chasity again.
That was a past that he wasn't so happy to let go of. Mark was most of the reason that his teenage self had been so content in finally experimenting with a life that wasn't so straight and narrow. Self-conscious, hard working Mark wasn't just the first man he'd ever loved, but probably the first person, period.
He was different. He was scared, but knowingly content in Ted being able to keep a secret. Nervous to know that part of himself, but ever more willing to just see where life took him.
And now, he was back.
It wasn't like either of them had been explicitly avoiding the other, and both of them had continued to live their lives in Hatchetfield— Mark had a wife now, and a daughter, too— but their paths had never crossed quite like this before.
It was like Mark had lost the ability to form a coherent thought. There they were; the two of them feet away from each other, the only two people occupying the bar floor. Ted noticed the way Mark's breath hitched, and the way he straightened as soon as their eyes locked.
Ted did what his instinct told him to do. Ted heaved a sigh, called in another round, and offered Mark the barstool next to him.
Mark hesitated, and Ted shot him a half amused, half sympathetic glance. "C'mon, Chasity, your gay awakening wasn't that terrifying, was it? It's better than bumming yourself out all alone in the corner somewhere, right?"
A glance around the empty bar. A sigh. Then Mark plucked the confidence out of somewhere, and sat down. He was stiff as a board— unusual for being seated on a stool without a back— but Ted couldn't help but notice how familiar he was. Sure, Mark had never been one for dramatic changes (for the moment, he was going to ignore the fact that he'd had a woman cover for his sexuality for about twenty years) but he looked exactly the same.
And part of him thought that was as refreshing as it got.
the bartender slid over two drinks, and Mark stared down at it as if he was trying to recall whether he'd ordered.
Ted raised an eyebrow. "God, what happened to get you so tense? I got you a drink, what of it? I promise I didn't have him poison it or anything…"
"What of it? Ted, it's been twenty-two years since you and I were friends."
"Friends? that's what you're gonna call it? Mark, do you kiss all your friends on the quiet?"
"Alright, alright. I get it… But still, there's a reason why you're out there on your own, right? And, like you said, you and I were friends once… What's the real harm?"
Mark seemed to genuinely think about this for a second, his gaze flitting between Ted and the glass. Ted, and the glass, and then Ted again, before he nodded to himself and took the glass into his hand. "What's the harm?" he echoed, as if trying to assure himself. "Right. Thanks, Ted."
Ted hummed, and just watched for a while as Mark took the first drink, and seemed to relax ever so slightly. "Really though, it's been all that time?" He hadn't been able to get his head around that fact. The twenty two years since they'd left high school felt like an eternity. Like, for some reason, that was wrong, and yet he couldn't decide in which direction.
"I mean, you've clearly moved on in that time. A wife, a kid… And we've been reduced to friends." He leaned forwards a little. "Did all of that mean nothing?"
"I don't think I have moved on. Honestly, I don't think I can."
That was uttered so quietly that Ted barely caught it, but he was certain that he'd heard it right. Still, he had to make sure. The world seemed to grind to a halt while Ted waited on Mark to continue, to say again what he had said, or for him to completely ignore it as if it had never happened.
"The years after high school didn't exactly make me any straighter."
Ted couldn't help the laugh that followed, and he was thankful that Mark didn't follow that up with a glare. Maybe things really haven't changed. "Coulda fooled me," he hummed. "You and your little nuclear family out in the suburbs…"
"That's not—"
"What? Not how things are?"
"I don't love her." Mark cleared the glass, and sighed as the liquor burned down his throat. "I've been avoiding her for years, why do you think I'm here?" Ted had changed so much. He looked so tired these days, but he had managed to properly alter his appearance in all the ways his teenage self had wanted. Longer hair, something that could actually pass for a moustache… the loud choice of button down was a bit of a surprise, but he couldn't claim that he didn't suit it. Deterring the subject from himself for a moment, he managed the slightest of smiles. "It's kinda nice to not be doing this alone for once."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. and, it's good to see you again. Properly, I mean."
It was strange how the two of them just co-existed in the same spaec over the last years, and had never so much as acknowledged the presence of the other in all that time. Both of them silently agreed on that.
"You've changed."
Ted scoffed. "And you haven't. Not in the slightest."
Mark's smile was a little more genuine this time. "Is it that obvious?"
"God, I wish I had a photo of you in high school with me now, it'd still be like you were looking in a damn mirror!" But, it was a good thing that he hadn't changed, because looking at him now almost felt like no time had passed at all.
"What was it you always said? Pick a look and stick with it?"
"Shit, Mark, I didn't expect you to take it that literally!" Ted laughed, throwing back the rest of his drink. "Besides, that was intended more for myself than anything... Couldn't be a hoodie guy forever, could I?"
"How much of your current wardrobe is so..." Mark tried to accentuate his point with a gesture, a vague yet somewhat endearing glance at his choice of shirt, which he could confidently say looked a little like an arcade carpet, or the seat of a coach. "Expressive..."
"Fucking— expressive... Is that your choice of tryna be prudish or inoffensive?"
"I really don't know how best to describe... That."
The way that Ted looked at him after that attempt was a mix of genuine curiosity and whatever was holding him back from bursting into laughter. He briefly wondered whether the inoffensive part hadn't paid off as intended, but he realised that Ted was grinning too, and that alleviated a little of that anxiety.
"Some people just have no sense of style..."
"What would you call it, then?"
"Pretty much anything but the thirty years out of date tragedy everyone seems to think it is."
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vixstarria · 7 months
Write your Tav (other characters' POV edition)
So I was going to do something similar to this write your Tav headcanon post by @spacebarbarianweird (hello!), but decided to postpone it until after I've actually finished the game. (Guilty of still being on Act 2 here, although much has been spoiled)
Still, I wanted to do something to flesh her out a bit, and ended up doing something entirely different, being short blurbs from the other characters' perspectives, to varying degrees of insight and self-interest, as though given sometime before the end of the game.
If anyone else wants to do this - I'd love to read it. My stuff under the cut.
Our good luck charm. I could never tell how old she is. Not just because she’s a half-elf – oftentimes she would act like an adolescent with a devil-may-care attitude, but then you would sense a profound world-weariness from her, that made you question the span and depth of her experiences... She’s gotten us out of the most perilous situations just by knowing which buttons to push, no matter whether with humans, goblins or any other assortment of abominations. Could it be just intuition? I’ve overheard her discussing books with Gale and Astarion that she had no business even knowing about. One thing is for certain: she’s no pampered court bard. I get the sense she’s been running from something. I wonder what. 
She is the rainbow at the end of a bout of rain. A renewal of hope. Vibrant. Comforting. Refreshing. Delightful. ...Unreachable. Maybe if not for that blasted vampire... Although she’s certainly not the sort of woman I’ve ever envisaged my life with. Nor the type I would like to bring to meet my mother. Nor would she fare well within the collegiate circle. ...Come to think of it, she probably would not want the kind of life I could offer her, either. And yet being near her makes my heart sing... 
Weak. But courageous. Whelps like her do survive through sheer determination sometimes. She is lucky that Astarion took it upon himself to watch her back from day one. We all are. She is an inspirational leader. She has taught me that there are more ways out than ‘through’. To ‘think outside the box’, as the istik say. She has, truth be told, shown me the box, and rubbed my face in the fact I was in it. I am grateful and honoured to have met her.  
Oh she’s a good egg. Shame she never sang for us in camp. Too intimate, she said. What’s that all about? I suppose some things are more easily done before strangers... At least she played. I do hope we’ll write the story of our adventures together one day. Ballads, books... It all deserves a place in recorded history, written by her, with my assistance of course. Someone has to make sure the account is accurate. Wouldn’t want her to diminish or overinflate anyone’s role.  
My sister! I love her! I’m sorry I got us banned from that tavern, but I’m not one to walk away from a challenge, and ale had to be chugged, and tables had to be flipped. But she’s my best bud for all things debauchery. Skinny boy fangs, too. Him and his wine. Wait, was that wine in his goblet? Can vampires even drink wine? ...What the fuck was in the goblet and where did it come from?! I remember he was drunk... Actually, no, that was another time. SHE was drunk, and then he had her blood, yes. And then I eventually had to throw them both over my shoulders and haul them out of the tavern, because they had the bright idea to start a pickpocketing competition. And I say if you’re going to steal – steal responsibly, NOT while you’re hammered. Gods I’ll miss them both.  
My little dove. When I asked you why you let me bite you that night – you're not that naive and trusting after all – you said: “I had nothing to lose by agreeing to feed the strange sexy vampire – I couldn’t care less whether I lived or died anyway”. The joke fell flat. I asked whether you still felt that way. About life and death. “Not anymore,” you said, and took my hand.  
You are, perhaps, the only person worse than me at expressing their real feelings. Or at admitting them to your own self. It’s deplorable for a bard, darling. Even Lae’zel can get straight to the point, when she must. But I see you through the masks you wear. Just as you see me.  
None of these fuckers know I’m the real princess of House Nightstar, married to a tarrasque named Johnathan.  
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Gentle and Thorough Lover
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It was a pleasant morning so far for the pair of roommates, as the blue haired male sat by the couch, drinking his coffee, while the other blonde haired entered the kitchen.
"I bought some cereal. I feel so good I'm gonna choose from the low fiber end of the shelf." Albedo spoke, patting his hands on either side of his hips in refreshment as he searched through the shelf with cereals arranged according to their fiber level, choosing to go with Honey puffs for the day. Kaeya sat tensely across the room, on the couch, wondering what will go down today due to the past night actions.
You see the two roommates had sneaked into their neighbour's apartment, not to steal. Oh No. To clean. Albedo was a clean freak by his right, and since the day he saw Y/N's apartment, he made it a self goal to clean and organize every. goddamn. shelf. Meanwhile Kaeya over here was the almost sensible enough person, to prevent Albedo from doing that. But alas, the storm has to someday set its foot. Kaeya watched helplessly as Albedo used the key to their neighbor's apartment which Y/N entrusted them to, of course trying his best to stop the blonde, but himself couldn't get over the fact of the untidiness in the apartment. Needless to say, he finally relented and let Albedo enter the apartment and help him clean and organize it.
*present time*
Kaeya sat tensely across the room, on the couch, wondering what will go down today due to the past night actions, when,
Kaeya anxiously sighed, now leaning back against the couch, looking towards his roommate, who now also stared back, knowing that shit was about to hit the fan.
"Y/N's up." Kaeya declared nervously raising his mug by one hand and then taking a sip.
"YOU SICK GEEKY BASTARDS!" Y/N yelled across the floor, making the roommates wince at the choice of words, "How did they know it was us?" Kaeya asked, confused. Albedo nervously broke his gaze from his roommate, looking everywhere across the room, "I may have left a suggested organizational schematic for their bedroom closet." Kaeya groaned audibly, setting his mug aside on the table in front of him.
"KAEYA!!" Y/N yelled as Kaeya got up from his seat, walking towards the center of the room in panic, "God, this is gonna be bad."
"Goodbye Honey puffs. Hello Big Bran." Albedo muttered out, as he changed his choice from low fiber to a high fiber cereal.
Y/N slammed open the door of the roommates' apartment, "You came into my apartment last night while I was SLEEPING?!!"
"We-well it was only to clean." Kaeya said in gentle voice, trying to calm them down. "Really more to organize. You're not actually dirty per se." Albedo spoke up, making the blue haired male groan while the neighbor ran their hands frustratingly across their head, "Give me back my key!" Y/N demanded, to which Kaeya relented.
"I'm very very sorry.." Kaeya apologized,
"Do you understand how creepy this is??" Y/N exclaimed
"Oh yes we do," Kaeya nodded frantically, "we discussed at length last night." Kaeya added.
"In my apartment, while I was sleeping." Y/N continued emphasizing more on the last word. "And snoring." Albedo added, 'And that's probably just a sinus infection," Albedo explained, as he walked towards the duo in the hall, as if he was explaining a certain topic to some students, "But it could be sleep apnea. You might wanna see and otolaryngologist." Albedo continued.
Kaeya closed his eyes, facing his head towards the floor, while Y/N stood there astounded with their mouth open, staring at the blonde male. "The throat doctor." Albedo further added, assuming they did not know the meaning of the term 'otolaryngologist'.
Y/N rubbed their palms together, looking down and walking towards the blonde male, before looking up to his face and speaking, "And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses." Albedo stared down at the person, quizzically staring into their face before replying, "Depending on the depth that's either uhh.. proctologist or a general surgeon."
Kaeya, who knew that his roommate had a certain difficulty deriving emotional tones of the people, had already walked over with a pen and paper, when Y/N had asked the million dollar question, scribbling on it something, before standing behind Y/N, displaying the word 'SARCASM' in bold letters to gesture to the blonde as a clue, that it was a sarcastic question the neighbor had asked, and not a serious one, making Albedo's eyes widen in realization, muttering out and 'Oh..' before diverting his attention anywhere except the neighbor's eyes.
"God!" Y/N groaned as they turned around, walking towards the door, before being stopped by Kaeya, "Look look Y/N, I think what you're feeling is perfectly valid and maybe a little bit later when you're feeling a little less, for a lack of a better word, violated, maybe we could talk about this some more-" Kaeya frantically said before being interrupted, "Stay away from me!" Y/N exclaimed, "Sure, that's another way to go." Kaeya muttered meekly, crossing his hands immediately.
"Y/N wait!" Albedo called out, making everyone halt at their places, "Hold on, just to clarify because there will be discussion when you leave," Albedo said, walking towards their door, where Y/N was standing, "Is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping, or do you also object to the imposition of the new organizational paradigm?" Albedo questioned, making the neighbor taken back for the second time in the day, with their mouth slightly open, before turning around and returning to their apartment. Albedo turned around to find his roommate also looking down, rubbing his index finger and thumb between his eyes. "Well that was a little un-responsive." Albedo commented before closing the door.
"You're going to march yourself over there right now and apologize." Kaeya ordered, to which Albedo chuckled, which made the former make an offended expression at the laugh. "What's funny?" Kaeya asked, still offended, "Wait that wasn't sarcasm?" Albedo questioned, now with his eyebrows raised. "No!" Kaeya exclaimed, pointing and gesturing his roommate towards the neighbor's apartment. "Oh boy you are all over the place this morning." Albedo commented, as he walked over to the area.
Albedo knocked while muttering, 'I have a master's in two PHDs. I should not be doing this." Y/N opened the door, "What?"
"I'm truly sorry for what happened last night. I take full responsibility. And I hope that it won't color your opinion on Kaeya," Albedo spoke, as Kaeya slightly hid himself behind his apartment door, listening in to the apology, "who is not only a wonderful guy but also I hear a gentle and thorough lover."
Kaeya who was listening in to the apology, as soon as he heard the last four words, put his hands on his head in absolute devastation and exasperation, sitting down on the couch hopelessly as if he lost a whole tournament by one miscalculation, his mind going blank but at the same time running with hundreds of thoughts, mostly cursing his roommate the most, his brown cheeks showing a huge tint of red, almost matching his brother's hair.
Y/N looked at Albedo in shock and surprise, their mouth being wide opened for the third time in a day, slight pink shadowing on their cheeks before slamming the door on Albedo's face.
Albedo walked inside his apartment, standing near a sat down Kaeya, who held his head in his hands, surprisingly warmer than usual. Albedo stood there for a few seconds before speaking out, "I did what I could." and walked to the kitchen counter to make his cereal bowl.
Since I was having Kaeya brainrot and was in the mood for writing, here is a gift for you kaeya stans. Have fun! Don't forget to like and reblog!
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lovingfunthing · 1 year
People have told me, that's not love you're feeling, it's infatuation; you can't fall in love quickly, it's not really love; it's just an illusion, not the real thing. Sometimes they are right.
I actually do believe in love at first conversation, however. Not first look...that's just objectification...but yeah. It can happen.
Maybe it's not a lasting love. Maybe it's a love that comes and goes. Sometimes, love takes a while to develop. There are many types of love.
Personally, I feel love for a lot of people. I think that scares people, intimidates them and seems volatile. But it's really, a gentle and healing thing. It is the opposite of wanting to control someone.
Love isn't falling in love with a whole person, it's you feeling a bond of attraction and commitment and care for, your perception of that person. Which, hopefully is accurate, but is always incomplete. Someone might let you in more and more, and so the love deepens.
But it's not necessarily real, or not real, based on how quickly or slowly it develops. It often is finite in our lived experience, but love itself is theoretically infinite. However, we still have a shortage of actual love in the world, and people don't really do anything to change that even though we could all do that together if we tried.
How do we talk about love? Do we talk about it? We might be so tangled up with our preconceptions, we need a simile or metaphor or analogy, to really unpack things and see it clearly.
Love that happens between people, their connection, maybe it is rather like a well.
Let's see. Well, it gives you a scarce resource you need to survive. its a portal to what is stuck underground beneath a cold and unyielding earth, and it takes a varying amount of labour to get ito produce that resource, which can be refilled over time by the earth if treated gently and generously only taking what you need, or extracted and exploited til it's gone.
Sometimes, you look and already see a depth to it, all the way from the top of the well. You won't really know what everything feels like at the bottom of the well unless you actually get in there and check it out up close, or how refreshing the water is til you drink it, but, nonetheless, you can see it's a deep well even though you're at the surface, because the water is clear.
Sometimes the water is hard and calcified, but pure, and you can't see how deep it is, but it's still good to drink. In fact, it gives you other minerals you need in your life.
You might have one well, but you know it's not such a bad idea to know where a few are. You might even carry water to a neighbor who has a dry well. You never want somebody to let any well get damaged, or the water to be poisoned, because while you can't see it directly, the earth's aquafiers are all interconnected, and so groundwater poisoned in one well will share that toxin to many other wells.
These days, most people don't use wells. They just turn on the tap, swipe and twist it left or right, and what they need is delivered quickly and easily, without any need to worry about where it comes from. Some people say it's got fluoride in it, and it's somebody else's job to make sure nobody gets sick from what you drink, but it's also sold to you by a company. Often, it feels like you don't really value it the way that somebody with a well does.
Despite water's seeming abstract infinitude, we are actually increasingly in a drought. While we could probably solve that issue by purifying all the undrinkable ocean's worth of saltwater, or not wasting what we already pumped up from the well...we know there's, in practice, a serious crisis in the world, and so wells are important.
Still, most people aren't interested to go back to wells, or at least develop a relationship beyond the purely commodified norm with what provides them this totally necessary condition for life. They want other people to take care of it, amd they don't really want any responsibility for or to it.
There are many people who die from a lack of it, and there are evil people who want to poison it for profit, or even take it away from people and keep it for themselves, so there are and will be wars about it. Yet, the apathetic attitude is stronger than ever.
So if you know all this, when you find a nice well close to your house, you really want to cherish it. You might be nervous about the water quality or the depth of the well, but sometimes you just know it's a good well that can give you and your neighbors what you need. Amd sometimes you just get a good feeling, even before you look into it, because it's so clear and you still can't see the bottom.
The best neighbors share it, view the well as something nobody should try to violently keep to themselves, and something everyone has to take care of. People should be grateful for the well, and shouldn't try to pump water out of one without their neighbors knowing. People should share the well with people they can trust to keep it healthy and full.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
Which asoiaf characters would like chocolate?
WELL chocolate in Westeros wouldn't look like the chocolate you buy in stores. Chocolate - or cacao in its original form - was used as a drink for most of history because actually making chocolate sweets is kind of a laborious process even with a steam engine and cultivating cacao is much harder than most people realize (that's......um, probably why it's so infamously tied to slave labor eeven in the modern day. shout out tooney's chocolate tho). it was considered a delicacy but the spaniards hated the bitterness of it originally, so they added honey, and then understood why half the americas had lost their damn mind over cacao. so while it’s likely there’s some sort of chocolate in Terros, they probably drink it!
Arianne Martell/Dornish chocolate - there’s two types of “chilate” drinks (this one is central american the other is mexican), I think Arianne would like the spicier version, which involves adding chilies to spice it (and you use a masa drink base like atolli, mix that with the cacao, then add chilies), and I think she would make Myrcella drink it super spicy just to fuck with her and then pull out a sweeter version when Myrcella is like “oh you think you’re so slick making fun of me bc i’m white well you’re right give me the honey”
Myrcella - I think she’d love a good cinnamony drink ya kno. The other version of chilate is served cold, basically the same concept cinnamon and sugar. I think she’d find it very refreshing with the hot Dornish weather.
Tyrion/Westerlands/Crownlands - another way they drank cacao is using the bitter white part of the bean as a fermented sugar for alcoholic drinks and personally, not only do I think the tricksters of House Lannister would be allllll over that, I think Tyrion specifically got introduced by Genna and brought it back in style everywhere he could because he loved it.
Cersei Lannister - refuses to partake because Robert also thought the chocolate alcohol was tasty BUT she WILL drink the version of it that the Spaniards loved which was spicy but add vanilla AND honey AND sugar, and it gave all those spaniards a lil tummy ache, and it definitely makes Robert’s stomach hurt but Cersei will down a keg of it without blinking on spite alone.
Sansa Stark - the second chilate drink, the one Myrcella likes, I think Sansa would also love that. Rice milk + cinnamon + chocolate + sugar girlies, besties for life, plus it’s usually eaten with a fritter of some sort and we know Sansa loves her lil cakes.
Ned Stark/The North - one of the earliest ways of using cacao was to use the whites as part of a frothy, bitter drink and I think that screams Northerners to me and I think Ned would unironically love how bitter it is. He makes sure to invest in some bee agriculture when Cat moves north so she can have honey tho
The Reach/Alicent Hightower - the fact that one of the popes said that drinking a chocolate drink doesn’t count as breaking a fast is so funny so i FULLY believe that the Faith went WILD AF for chocolate, which means Alicent introduced it to KL and got half the population hooked bc it’s the only think she and Aemond can drink when they fast so they need a constant supply just in case they gotta be super catholic about something
Baelor the Blessed - real talk though, a drink made with masa & water or rice & milk, is probably more filling and a little better for your body, so Baelor drank chocolate drinks but ONLY the spicy kind because it was punishing to his white people sensibilities
Naerys - I can’t imagine she did much fasting considering how sick she was but we know she was religious AND close to Baelor, so she’d like drinking it to feel closer to her faith and Baelor. Plus, again, both Spain and Indigenous Americans thought chocolate was the shit they used it during religious ceremonies and considered it a delicacy, so I can see chocolate really catching on in court after having back to back Alicent/Baelor/Naerys chugging it all the time.
Ser Duncan the Tall - chocolate is very much a rich people (or religious) delicacy pre industrial revolution so Dunk likely hadn't had any until after he meets Egg. I like to think he had like the chocolate milk type drink and it rewrote his brain chemistry lmao. I actually think it's likely that Egg shies away from it and sees it as sort of an example of the social stratification between the nobility and smallfolk, but probably couldn't help but get Dunk some every time he could.
Daenerys - Dany definitely takes it spicy and cold, I really think she'd get a kick out of it, she seems very interested in trying different flavor profiles and I think the play of flavors in typical chocolate drinks would fascinate her.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck Ch. 139 thoughts
[Strategy Meeting]
So...I was wrong, Fuuko does plan to take out Autumn to get the third Roundtable seat. I really thought that the final layout of the world would resemble the real world, but I guess not
26 years have passed and Nico’s team has built up the Union to its former glory, if not beyond it. Seeing Nico himself get starry-eyed and excited is a side we never got to see when he was in his 70′s and bitter, so it’s really refreshing to see him like this
Fuuko says that the Quests are randomized, but I still wonder if that’s consistent between Loops or exclusive to this one. I’ve harped on this enough in the past so I won’t do it again now, I would just really like a more explicit explanation. Still, it’s a good thing that this world isn’t the same as the previous ones, since now Fuuko needs to actually strategize with her team and bring them up to speed for what’s to come. This arc could easily have been abridged to just the actual events, but Tozuka is really taking his time, building suspense and allowing his cast and the audience a chance to breathe before the intensity really ramps up
As I mentioned last week, Void would need to have already killed his opponent in the ring for him to have become Unavoidable, and Tozuka does in fact address that by introducing us to the current Unavoidable, an elderly man named Kenji who uses his ability to draw desired outcomes towards him, proving that an ability won’t necessarily manifest the same way between people. This goes way beyond “reinterpreting” the specifics of the Rules, as it works entirely differently from Void’s version. I wonder if someone like Tatiana could retroactively alter her Rules that drastically, or if the basics of the Rules are established for the individual at the time of activation based on their personality?
More on topic, feels kind of messed up that Fuuko is cool with Kenji dying. Considering his age, he’s probably going to die of old age or natural causes rather than a horribly tragic accident, but it’s still a little cruel that Fuuko’s just like “yeah, he’ll be dead in a month, then we’ll be able to complete the Quest with Void who we actually care about!” Also, again, why was Fuuko okay with potentially skipping this year when Void’s tragedy was set to happen?? Was Void’s opponent really so expendable for the sake of the mission?
Because they’d have to wait for Kenji to die before recruiting Void, the group decides to prioritize defeating Autumn, despite the fact that Autumn needed the combined power of Fuuko, Andy, Rip, Latla, Bunny and Anno Un in the previous Loop. Currently, they only have Fuuko and Gina, but Fuuko is sure that Gina by herself will be more than sufficient if only she can achieve the level of power that the previous Gina did. To that end, Fuuko resolves to allow herself to be turned into a book, just like Andy was, and let Gina meet the version of her that Fuuko met in the last Loop
On that note, Gina looks so cute trying to figure out her power, playing with her drink to try to Unchange the shape of the liquid. It’s really clear through her character acting that even though she looks the same, this is a much younger and less experienced Gina, and she’s extremely endearing for it
Seeing Nico and Ichico gang up on Fuuko for being so vague a lot of the time is really funny when you consider that she’s in the same position that Juiz was in for the last 100 Loops. She really doesn’t command the same kind of respect that Juiz did, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The fact that her team is this informal with her makes the atmosphere feel more...organic, less clinical. The previous Union felt like a shady organization, now they feel like a team of friends. I’m sure she’ll get that level of respect later, but this will put it in a much different light overall
I do wonder how Fuuko is going to return to normal after being booked by Autumn, and also why doesn’t she just make a claw with G-Liner like Anno Un did? She doesn’t need to do this in person, she can just cheat it like we’ve seen in the past. I may be splitting hairs here, I just think there’s not much excuse for her not to revisit that method. I am glad to see the Autumn/Soul Calibur training method making a comeback, though, it was a really fun idea that was kind of sad to lose before
The chapter closes with Fuuko trying to give the mission a codename, only to be interrupted by Nico giving it a much cooler and snappier name than the one she was going to suggest. Whether she’s self-aware enough to know her codename wasn’t good or she’s just a people-pleaser, I don’t know, but she very easily accepts the short and sweet Operation Metamorfall, which again was a really endearing moment for her
Honestly this entire chapter, though not extremely exciting because of a lack of action, really helped endear me to this cast of characters that I already know and love anyway. I suppose it helps that this is the group that had the least overall screentime as is, so this is our golden opportunity to see them in new situations, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s a particular impression we have of them from the previous Loop, and while that impression still sticks, we’re seeing a lot of interesting new facets of their personalities
The point of any given chapter of a manga is to convince people to read the next chapter, so while nothing of any real consequence or import happened in this chapter, the set up it supplied for the next mini-arc is more than enough to make me want to know what happens next. Sad that it looks like we’ll be waiting a few more weeks for Void, but seeing Gina train up her Unchange is sure to be a good time (for us, probably not for Gina)
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