#which is the best course after bds
varamreprogenesis · 4 months
Which is The Best Course After BDS
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Completing a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) is a significant achievement, but many dental graduates seek to further their education and specialize in specific areas to enhance their expertise and career prospects. Some of the best courses after BDS include the Master of Dental Surgery (MDS), which allows students to specialize in various fields of dentistry, such as orthodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, conservative dentistry and endodontics, and pediatric dentistry.
The Master of Public Health (MPH) is an excellent option for those interested in broader aspects of healthcare, focusing on public health principles, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, and community health. With an MPH, graduates can work in public health administration, health education, and health policy planning, equipping them with the skills to design, implement, and evaluate public health programs.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a game-changer for dentists aspiring to combine clinical practice with business acumen. This degree covers various aspects of business management, including finance, marketing, operations, and strategic planning. With an MBA, graduates can manage their own dental clinic more efficiently, take on administrative roles in dental organizations, or work in healthcare consulting.
Fellowship programs offer advanced training in specific areas of dentistry, typically shorter than degree programs. Popular fellowship programs include Fellowship in Cosmetic Dentistry, Fellowship in Implantology, and Fellowship in Oral Oncology. These programs provide practical skills and knowledge, allowing students to quickly enter specialized fields of dentistry.
Diploma courses are another excellent option for BDS graduates looking to specialize in specific areas, such as Diploma in Orthodontics, Diploma in Oral Surgery, Diploma in Endodontics, and Diploma in Periodontics. These courses can provide practical skills and knowledge, allowing students to quickly enter specialized fields of dentistry.
For those interested in academia and research, pursuing a PhD in dental sciences can be highly rewarding. With a PhD program, graduates can work as researchers, academicians, or consultants, playing a crucial role in advancing dental science.
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intersectionalpraxis · 11 months
A lot of what folks have been emphasizing about the BDS movement (which is an acronym for: boycott, divestment, and sanctions) is that it is NOT meant to be a quick or temporary solution -some BDS movements have lasted decades (South Africa being the first example I can think of), and I wanted to talk a little about this here because sustainability is an important element within this as well.
So, the top 3 that were suggested (and seems unanimous by lots of voices on social media) is McDonald's, Disney, and Starbucks, which have many agreed is a GREAT start because these are HUGE multi-billion dollar industries, whose profits margins are astonomical. There were 2 points I wanted to make into this post, and that includes:
When you're boycotting Starbucks, it means you're not purchasing their coffee beans/teas/tea concentrates/iced beverages/etc from stores as well. I listened to a person on tiktok talk about how Starbucks actually receives the most revenue from this, just a reminder for folks that's also included in this long-term BDS movement, ALL products from Starbucks must be boycotted.
Disney products, passes for the parks, Disney plus/etc are all included in this boycott, as I am sure you are aware. Anything Disney is involved in production-wise is as well. People have been talking about boycotting Snow White and the upcoming Marvels, for obvious reasons; this is just ANOTHER reminder to hit them where it hurts financially. Don't attend the shows -if you need to watch them later or even elsewhere (and I'm not suggesting anything specific per-say, but you know what I mean).
McDonald's seems self-explanatory, but finding alternatives to fast food and convenience items is key here as well.
And lastly, as I mentioned, SUSTAINABILITY is so important! Yes, we can always find a new local cafe or a coffee shop we like (or start making our drinks at home/find other convenience products to use), and sure we can find other fast food options while on the go or again, prepare a snack or meal in advance. We also can find other places to watch shows, to go out and find places to have a good time -but please, remember this isn't like 'when the ceasefire happens we go back to Starbs/McD's/Disney.'
It will include lifestyle changes for SO many of us, and there are plenty of other companies on that list (which includes Lo'Real, who owns a TON of makeup lines -so for so many folks, it's going to be something we find what works best for us -the key is not to get overwhelmed with these dozens of subsidiary companies and labels, but to focus on these 3 at first and then go from there).
Just a final reminder: please don't harrass workers at any of these stores/companies. They aren't alighing themselves with their company's values and statements, they're just folks earning money/an income like us and are navigating this shit just as much as we are.
I've been learning a lot from people who do research on BDS movements, and they can be effective, but it is something we must persist with.
Also, if you already have products from any of the brands listed, don't waste them. Use them, and of course go from there. You don't have to feel pressured to throw a hair product or makeup or coffee beans in the trash. This is about what you do AFTER using them up/and find something else hopefully with a brand that doesn't support Israeli apartheid and colonial violence.
Another huge area we must tackle is BIG TECH, especially since a lot of children (but of course this includes EVERY Congolese person) are being used to mine the Cobalt that is used to make laptops, phones, tablets/etc. They are doing this with THEIR BARE HANDS in the heinous of conditions in the Congo, and are paid terribly -every aspect of this 'work' is a form of modern enslavement.
There are ultimately many things we need to do, and there are steps that have been given by so many amazing Creator's talking about these issues, so with as much solidarity as possible --do your research, support brands/companies that stand by people being oppressed by imperial/colonial forces because this doesn't end until we are all safe, and free from violence.
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zaenaris · 9 months
#50「Meet his fate」: and today we say goodbye to TR best antagonist
wow, they really gave Kisaki a gay ass weird flash back(?) about Takemichi?
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That "I just wanted to be like you" wasn't in the manga (even if, reading between the lines, even from the manga the reader could get there was this feeling involved, beside Kisaki’s superiority/inferiority complex towards Takemichi)
I didn't expect it since his death in the manga is quick and brutal but it's a very good adaptation choice, it makes sense and it explains better Kisaki's contrasting feelings for both Takemichi and Hina. But surely we had some kisatake fan in the anime team for this episode which, again, good??? but really unexpected
I like Kisaki, he's a good villain, but, I'm sorry Truck-kun arriving and doing like in "Mean Girls" is still funny to me (and I talk as someone who appreciate Kisaki as a character and as a villain lol). But after that, the way his limbs are all broken and he's like that on the street it's really sad/horrifying, Wakui was able to show how much pain there was in his dying body in that moment, beside the psychological fact he knew he was dying and didn't want to, he still had so much to do for his evil plan.
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They kept unchanged the moments with Inupi and Hakkai on Inupi's bike which is cute, especially considering their past with the Black Dragon, with Taiju as Inupi's boss.
I would have like to see the relationship between the inuneko duo and Hakkai and Yuzuha, prior the BD arc, where of course they're opponents: what I mean, is that I would have liked to see their "everyday life" relationship: did they have to watch over Yuzuha and Hakkai - we know Taiju has a weird/abusive sense of familial love, but he still cares about them and kokonui are his second in commands and most trusted soldiers- or were they indifferent to the younger Shiba Sibling? Something else? we'll never know.
It's also cute considering the Thousand Winter🥹 and Hakkai's birthday pic where he asks Inupi for a strawberry lol
They also kept Koko, that should be on Inupi's bike with him, but he walks away, alone for the first time (and he will be alone from now on, kill me right now)
Also, they closed the season with a weird cliffhanger?
For the other parts we really had some Big Cliffhanger™️, here everyone gets that something is pending but well… I guess they really had no time, they made a faithful adaptation of the manga, there was no time to add anything else. The arc is not really closed like that, we still have to say our proper goodby to Emma, Izana and Kisaki, we still have the inukoko farewell...
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...but alas, it is what it is.
I hope we'll get the confirmation for a next season, that sure, will open saying goodbye to the tenjiku arc, -it opens with an ending... weird- but i guess there was no other choice given the pacing of this season
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year
BD: the narrator tries to let go
i have several clock 0ut meta posts in my heart and i have no idea how strong this fandom is in the red string department so i apologize if they're well-trodden ground by now. this one is about my theory/interpretation that in blank decay the narrator led stanley to the exit, and also had no intention of leaving with him.
we see his motive in his guilt over how he has hurt stanley in the past as he examines the wound stanley received by saving his life anyway. that's REMORSE, babey:
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also this, because i can't imagine the single word he says here being anything but 'sorry'. stanley turns away from him after he says it, a clear indication that this apology wasn't enough (because of COURSE it wasn't):
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the narrator needs to actually do something to make things right. and so he takes him to the exit. i think the narrator already knew about it; the trek didn't seem to take a long time (stanley's wound didn't heal) or involve any searching. they walk in a straight line right to it.
stanley can't be the one who knew about the exit, though, because 1. he definitely would have ditched the narrator if he'd found it on his own prior to their little trauma bonding moment, and 2. his excited pointing here:
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note that the narrator responds to stanley's exuberance with a lukewarm half-shrug. he hangs back when stanley runs to try the door--a probable indicator he has no intention to go through it--at which point we see this expression:
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not the face of a man who's about to escape a dangerous wasteland with his friend(?) there. see also the look on his face on the walk there:
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it's anyone's guess whether the narrator was unwilling to leave or believed that it wasn't possible for him to do so (let alone whether he's correct). maybe it wasn't possible for stanley to leave either at this point, given that the exit was stuck when he tried it. i figure some game logic probably required a certain condition be met which they hadn't done yet, but that's just speculation.
it's more likely that the narrator expected stanley to leave without him given his little sad faces :( either way, i think he very much intended to remain in the wasteland indefinitely in the absence of the watch. hell, he was looking for new glasses! that's the behavior of a man who is resigned to making the best of things. he didn't have a backpack like stanley, so maybe he'd even set up somewhere to live nearby--though perhaps he just didn't need survival supplies, being an android.
P.S.: i wanted to touch on the narrator's awareness of the gears and their connection to the watch. much like stanley, i think he would have reset without a second thought before their trauma bonding moment--the problem being, that's when he realized rebuilding the watch was an option. note the look of sudden recognition on his face before he shoves his hand into the gearling's screen here:
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i don't think he knew he could just explode it, but upon seeing the gear as it took aim, he definitely realized something that prompted his next action. and, of course, he thought to slip the gear into his pocket.
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sucks when you find the means to do something you've been desperately wanting to do moments after you stop wanting it, huh?
EDIT: meta post about the red entity is [here], and another post about various little details i noticed is [here]!
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sewmice · 7 months
Hai as a decently new utapri fan I wanted to ask your opinion on how new fans should get into utapri after finishing the anime. Should they play through the otomes games or maybe try listening to the Masterpiece shows instead?
Welcome to Utapri! I hope you're enjoying the ride so far! And as someone who has been here for 12 years, welcome to Utapri hell, this is your life now! (with love of course)
Since the Masterpiece shows are all alternate universes/acting, it doesn't technically matter? So the real question is, do you like the idol side or the romance side more? Idol side, go for the masterpiece shows. Romance go for the games. And honestly switch around as you please. Just get to SOME game knowledge at some point because that's where you really learn about the boys after all. Personally it's best to know at least a little from everything.
Also the next most important thing will be whether you know Japanese or not. Because currently the anime, movies, and Starish special are the only things available in English. So what you can enjoy is more limited. Shining Live was in English for it's lifespan, and has some archives out there. Live Emotion we can only hope will have an English version but we do not know currently.
Now my answer to assist gets real long so gonna put it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
If you know Japanese, absolutely go enjoy the otome games, all of which have updated ports on the Switch! The release order and thus suggested order would be Repeat, Amazing Aria and Sweet Serenade, Debut, All Star, and finally All Star After Secret. And one day we'll have Dolce Vita.
If you want Quartet Night, while you meet them in Debut, their routes start with All Star. Ringo and Ryuuya have routes in Sweet Serenade and All Star if you're looking for them. Mitsuo in Amazing Aria is well....you'll see.
If you don't know Japanese, I still suggest looking into the games, but your options are more limited. ShiningWonderland has a fantastic crew pushing out translations. They're working on Repeat for Starish and All Star for QN currently. Couple of the routes are finished for at least one ending and others seem to be nearing completion. But I can't speak for that team past that. They are all wonderful people though!
If you don't mind getting a shortened, not amazing experience. There are some old summaries floating around from Breadmasterlee. Those, plus some friends who could understand enough, were how I learned parts of the games back in the day. Not the preferred experience though.
You could also technically struggle your way through with like Google Lens translation? Definitely not recommended though.
As for the masterpiece shows, again if you know Japanese, just enjoy them. If you wanna know what order they released in, the sets were as follows: Masquerade Mirage, Tenka Muteki no Shinobimichi, and Joker Trap Bloody Shadows, Pirates of the Frontier, Every Buddy!, and Polaris Lost Alice, Trios, and The Forest of Lycoris Dreaming of OZ, Never Again Neverland, and Faust Last Cantata
I know that next to last set, the Shining Masterpiece Shows, have translations by Kanasmusings. You can also find translations for some other dramas there, and subtitles for a majority of the stage plays (you will need your own file or DVD/BD).
The most recent Dramatic Masterpiece Shows seem to be works in progress at the moment. I know utapri-translations-uuuu is working on Heavens! And the CDs can be found in my masterlist.
The older ones I don't know off the top of my head if translations exist at all.
There are also Discord servers amongst the community, some public and some private, with resources and amazing people. But I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be to post the public ones. They don't allow piracy so as much as I push buying legally, uh, understandably linking from my blog publicly feels wrong. You can very likely find said discords via the Twitter fandom. Or talk to me in DMs.
This is a lot of info I know. Trying to cover as many bases as I can off the top of my head! Enjoy Utapri!
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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Appendix II: The Ants
Pierre Huber’s Les fourmis indigènes (Genève, 1810), of which a cheap edition was issued in 1861 by Cherbuliez, in the Bibliothèque Genevoise, and of which translations ought to be circulated in cheap editions in every language, is not only the best work on the subject, but also a model of really scientific research. Darwin was quite right in describing Pierre Huber as an even greater naturalist than his father. This book ought to be read by every young naturalist, not only for the facts it contains but as a lesson in the methods of research. The rearing of ants in artificial glass nests, and the test experiments made by subsequent explorers, including Lubbock, will all be found in Huber’s admirable little work. Readers of the books of Forel and Lubbock are, of course, aware that both the Swiss professor and the British writer began their work in a critical mood, with the intention of disproving Huber’s assertions concerning the admirable mutual-aid instincts of the ants; but that after a careful investigation they could only confirm them. However, it is unfortunately characteristic of human nature gladly to believe any affirmation concerning men being able to change at will the action of the forces of Nature, but to refuse to admit well-proved scientific facts tending to reduce the distance between man and his animal brothers.
Mr. Sutherland (Origin and Growth of Moral Instinct) evidently began his book with the intention of proving that all moral feelings have originated from parental care and familial love, which both appeared only in warm-blooded animals; consequently he tries to minimize the importance of sympathy and co-operation among ants. He quotes Büchner’s book, Mind in Animals, and knows Lubbock’s experiments. As to the works of Huber and Forel, he dismisses them in the following sentence; “but they [Büchner’s instances of sympathy among ants] are all, or mostly all, marred by a certain air of sentimentalism... which renders them better suited for school books than for cautious works of science, and the same is to be remarked [italics are mine] of some of Huber’s and Forel’s best-known anecdotes” (vol. i. p. 298).
Mr. Sutherland does not specify which “anecdotes” he means, but it seems to me that he could never have had the opportunity of perusing the works of Huber and Forel. Naturalists who know these works find no “anecdotes” in them.
The recent work of Professor Gottfried Adlerz on the ants in Sweden (Myrmecologiska Studier: Svenska Myror och des Lefnadsförhâllanden, in Bihan till Svenska A kademiens Handlingar, Bd. xi. No. 18, 1886) may be mentioned in this place. It hardly need be said that all the observations of Huber and Forel concerning the mutual-aid life of ants, including the one concerning the sharing of food, felt to be so striking by those who previously had paid no attention to the subject, are fully confirmed by the Swedish professor (pp. 136–137).
Professor G. Adlerz gives also very interesting experiments to prove what Huber had already observed; namely, that ants from two different nests do not always attack each other. He has made one of his experiments with the ant, Tapinoma erraticum. Another was made with the common Rufa ant. Taking a whole nest in a sack, he emptied it at a distance of six feet from another nest. There was no battle, but the ants of the second nest began to carry the pupae of the former. As a rule, when Professor Adlerz brought together workers with their pupae, both taken from different nests, there was no battle; but if the workers were without their pupæ, a battle ensued (pp. 185–186).
He also completes Forel’s and MacCook’s observations about the “nations” of ants, composed of many nests, and, taking his own estimates, which brought him to take an average of 300,000 Formica exsecta ants in each nest, he concludes that such “nations” may reach scores and even hundreds of millions of inhabitants.
Maeterlinck’s admirably written book on bees, although it contains no new observations, would be very useful, if it were less marred with metaphysical “words.”
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 132
TLDR; Heavenly Demon warns Cale. Misunderstanding about Cale again. Cale versus Heavenly Demon begins.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
First of all, let me tell you that this entire chapter was a pain to read. RidiBooks, the site where I purchase the raws, forgot to add the new chapter today. So I had to buy the new chapter from Munpia.
The problem with Munpia is that Chrome's Google Translate extension does not work on the chapter itself. In order to read the raw chapter in English, I had to do the following:
Use the Snipping Tool on my PC to screen capture all the text.
Use an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to convert the Korean text in the screen captured images into plain text.
Manually check for any errors or misspellings because the OCR software is not 100% accurate.
Copy-paste the text into Google Translate's page to read it in English.
Decipher the MTL.
See? That's how hard it was. This process also applies to other Korean websites that legally sell the chapters, like Kakaopage. However, Naver is the worst offender because it doesn't even allow you to screen capture the chapter!
Alright, now that I've let out my frustration, let's begin with the chapter proper.
Heavenly Demon's warning HD: *barges into Cale's carriage* HD: *says something about knowing Cale's identity and warns Cale of the plans of HD's other self* HD: *refuses to elaborate further* HD: *leaves* Cale: W-What???
No, seriously, Heavenly Demon did that above meme and left Cale confused. 🤣🤣🤣
Moving on, Cale told his party that the messenger was actually Heavenly Demon, which surprised everyone. Fist King thought that Heavenly Demon must be higher in martial arts rank than him then.
What did Cale do with this warning? He became cautious, especially of Brain Demon. Because Brain Demon might be using them as sacrifices in order to save Heavenly Demon.
The Imperial Palace is the Best! Everyone, another round of Cale coughing blood is nearing. Cale realized the seriousness of the situation and asked Chief Eunuch Wi for more elixirs. And Wi agreed without hesitation, leading to Cale mentally praising the imperial palace as his best backer and financier in this world, much better than the Good and Evil Factions.
Psst, psst, Cale. *whispers* You should thank Jungwon for introducing you to them, so please stop ignoring our baby Jungwon's messages. Pretty please?
Young Master Kim is not human And as usual, we have people misunderstanding Cale again... 😂
(Legend: HD = Heavenly Demon; BD = Brain Demon) HD: Young Master Kim is an interesting person. BD: Is that so? HD: He didn't learn martial arts. BD: ! HD: But he has nature in his body. I can't even compare. BD: ! HD: He may not be human. BD: ! HD: It seems that he excels in a different way from martial arts. BD: !
Anyway, after Heavenly Demon's conversation with Brain Demon, he went ahead of the group because he could feel that his "other self" was waking up. Aaaaah, poor Heavenly Demon-nim. Even Cale was feeling sorry for him after he would be purified.
The Left and Right Guardians We are briefly introduced to new characters: Left Guardian and Right Guardian. These two elders are the closest aides of Heavenly Demon, and are older than Brain Demon.
The two greeted Cale's group and treated them hospitably, so Cale had a good impression of them. Unfortunately, Wi destroyed that by secretly telling Cale that Left Guardian was famous for ripping apart people to death, so Cale got scared of them... 😂
Of course, Cale also felt that something was strange. The two elders had the word "Guardian" in their titles, so they should be "guarding" Heavenly Demon. Yet, they were here greeting the guests.
Oh yeah, there are actually three guardians. The last one is Shadow Guardian, who never reveals him/herself.
Cale meets Heavenly Demon "alone" Finally, the Soos are here! The two guardians informed Cale that Heavenly Demon wanted to meet him, alone, so CH and the two Soos began to be protective of Cale.
But Cale agreed to that, surprising his party. After all, Cale had the invisible Raon, so he could just teleport away if something happened.
Raon: I told Choi Han that I'm going! I also told the laughing team leader and Choi Jung Soo who eats well! I didn't tell Ron-gramps and Beacrox!
Cale wondered why Raon did not tell the Molans, and understood when he saw their vicious gazes. 🤣
Durst and Heavenly Demon In case you're all wondering how our sniffing dog reacted to Heavenly Demon, here it is... Durst did not gag or cough. Rather, he instantly fainted from the overwhelming smell... Poor Durst 😵
Boss Battle Start! And it's here! Cale versus evil HD! Cale and Raon are led by the guardians to Heavenly Demon's room. And they were greeted by... black mana smoke seeping from the door!
Cale prepared to go against it with his Fire AP, leaving the two guardians shocked to see it. He barges in and sees the entire room full of dead mana smoke, so thick that Heavenly Demon could not be seen. But our Cale could hear him groaning and suffering.
And that's it. It's a cliffhanger! Noooooooo! 😖
Ending Remarks Overall, this chapter feels average to me. My frustration at just getting to actually read this chapter overshadowed whatever emotion I felt for the chapter itself. But I guess I feel a little excited at the upcoming boss battle (and frustrated at the cliffhanger). So see you all on Monday, and hopefully, RidiBooks would not be late in updating the new chapter.
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
danbi dog walking w/ tae sort of meet cute-type date vibes
🪩 WORDCOUNT | 700 (exactly!) 🪩 NOTE FROM HOLLY | so i kinda think they're impossible to have a meet-cute, just because danbi was sooooo anti-tae at the start. like she always knew he was interested and used to try soooo hard to pretend that she wasnt!!! plus if anyone is a man hater (complimentary <3) it's danbi!! I can't remember when, but i know it's mentioned earlier on in the story that tae had been at memorial park with dan so.... here u go!
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“Again?” Danbi sighs as she notices the man walking towards her up through the path of the Memorial Park.
She’d put her hands on her hips if either of them were free - but she’s currently got three dogs to each hand. The leads wrap around so tightly it’s a miracle her fingers haven’t fallen off yet.
Still, her facial expression conveys everything her body can’t - and yet Kim Taehyung has the audacity to stand there fucking smiling. 
“Fancy seeing you here!” He beams, turning on his heel to stop himself from walking on by. Doesn't miss a beat. Heads in the same direction as Danbi, now.
“Y’know, some people would consider this stalking,” she tells him with nothing but disdain. 
“See, I would agree,” Taehyung answers with contemplative arrogance. “But it’s funny - DB seems to reckon you’ve changed your route, recently?”
“Oh has she, now?” Danbi says, resisting the urge to curse you out. Loves you to death, but knows exactly what you’re doing. Begins to think that your joke about dressing up as cupid for Halloween isn’t really a joke.
“Mhmm,” Taehyung nods, hands in pockets. A little shy, but trying desperately hard not to be. “You used to do your walks down by the river, apparently.”
Danbi’s jaw is tense. Unwavering. “Sometimes a change of scenery is good. Gives the pups more mental stimulation. Different smells.”
“There are so many parks in the city,” he muses.
“Well I’ll pick a different one, once I’ve decided they’ve had enough of this one.”
“Maybe you should try the city forest,” Taehyung suggests. “The one by the last stop on line two. I go there pretty often, too.”
The narrowing of Danbi’s eyes only serves to make Taehyung smile. He’s learning pretty quickly which buttons of Danbi’s to press - and given how easy it is to wind her up, he doesn’t have to try particularly hard. 
It’s what he likes about her, though. She’s fiery. Ignites a little something inside him.
“My route choices have nothing to do with you.”
“No?” He challenges. “So why’d it change after you found out my studio overlooks Memorial Park?”
“Y’know,” Taehyung smirks. “Some people would consider it stalking.”
If there’s one thing Danbi hates, it’s when men make her smile - and Taehyung is getting dangerously close to that. She has to nip this in the bud, or otherwise her mild-infatuation with him will inevitably grow, and she cannot let that happen.
She’s dated musicians. Dated pretty boys. Ones with egos. Knows that artists are even worse.
And the ones who look like Kim Taehyung? Nothing but trouble. She knows that as soon as her guard is down, some girl from his art school will end up back in his DM’s and then she’ll have to fight for his attention, which she refuses to do. Dreads to think of the notches in his bedpost. Doesn’t wanna have to look at the art he’s made from other muses.
Again, she’s dated men who are menaces before. Had songs written for other girls cosplayed as serenades for her (fuck you, Sanghyuk). Refuses to let it happen again.
Better to just fight with him. Easier that way.
She’s incapable of doing anything by half measures though, so hatred seems like the best course of action.
“With all due respect, Taehyung, I’m working,” she shrugs, picking up her pace.
“Let me help.”
“I'm good with animals.”
“You’re not insured.”
“I know how to walk a dog”
“Let me-”
“Fine! Take Mabel,” Danbi finally relents, adjusting the leashes to hold one out from him. On the end is a Pomeranian, not too dissimilar from Taehyung’s own dog - the same dog Taehyung keeps trying to convince Danbi to walk, just so he has an excuse to see her. “She bites.”
“It’s fine,” Taehyung says, taking the leash in his palm and wrapping it over slightly for a little extra security. Starts walking. Is cheeky, as he says, “I’m used to bitches who bite.”
“You did not just call me a bitch,” Danbi gasps, genuinely affronted. It’s the first time throughout this entire interaction that Taehyung thinks he’s getting genuine emotion from her. Knows the rest of it is bull.
“Well, are you planning on biting me?” He flirts. Wouldn’t be opposed. In fact, he’d quite like it.
“Shut up,” she whines with a deadly roll of her eyes. “Just walk the damn dog."
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slayaj · 1 year
I suddenly had the idea to write these. Only a few, maybe I'll add more in another post later. This is part 1/???
What some of the Creepypastas would do when you're sick! Of course, this is my perception of them based in my own fictional little setting for them. As soon as I finish my current fic, there'll be more set in the same world as The Game. So enjoy this little sneak peek into the future of the series :)
JTK • Jeff the Killer
Honestly, if you were sick- Jeff probably wouldn't give a single shit. He most definitely would make it worse, because of course- he's a bastard. A serial killer. He doesn't care about you at all.
EJ • Eyeless Jack
Jack would probably freak out, especially after growing attached to you. Of course, from his past experiences in medical school, he would know what to do- but it doesn't help the fact that he would think about the worst possible things. He isn't heartless, which you'd learned over the time you've known him.
BD • BEN Drowned
BEN sometimes forgets that you're a human, and that humans get sick, so when you do get sick- he doesn't understand why you feel like shit, and he tries to cheer you up by playing video games with you, but it doesn't help. He only realizes it once you're coughing, and from then he panics. He does his best to comfort you, but he doesn't remember the first thing about that kind of stuff.
JE • Jane Everlasting
Jane knew you were sick before you even knew. She got to making soup, and a compress for your head. With her around, your recovery was more than swift. Of course, she cares about your wellbeing more than anything else.
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satohqbanana · 2 years
BD story/scenario I wanna see:
Miri gets taken back by her bio mom because mom decided to go single and get sober. Kazuki and Rei can't do anything about it especially that they don't want to ruin a family that has reunited; they don't really want to take Miri's (now clearly sober) mom away from her.
At first the duo feign nonchallance; that they're not affected and they can live without Miri, just like how they used to. Lo and behold, Kazuki manages to keep making meals for three and Rei buys a family-friendly game because he knows a certain someone will like it. They're on a job, but they still strive to finish it before like 3 pm so they can catch daycare closing hours. So on and so forth. The two hide their sentiments on the matter from each other, thinking it's for the better they not bring it up, but they also keep making small mistakes like this.
Slowly, Kazuki and Rei begin to blame each other for the situation. Somebody here should've been a better dad. Somebody here should've never agreed to this whole ordeal in the first place. Blah blah blah. Kyutaro notices; tells them to knock it off; tries to be helpful to the best he can. He's not too successful at playing peacemaker when the subject of Miri is sensitive for the duo.
The argument between Kazuki and Rei occur during a mission where they start taunting each other. And they begin crying and all that while punching and shooting and evading their enemies. Kazuki then goes, "Well if you REALLY wanted to play house, I can get you a cat! We can have a cat or a dog or whatever!" to which Rei replies, "I don't want a cat; I want Miri!" "I want her too but what should we do? Kill her mom so we can be her dads?!" (Cue the two trying to punch and shoot each other.)
Kyutaro has to pick them up after because they've turned into a big sobbing mess after this argument. He scolds them in the car and suggests that if they want to see Miri and play with her, why not just visit her and her mom often, even support her mom because single moms have it the toughest? Kazuki and Rei realize how big of an idiot they've become.
So they go visit Miri and her mom with lots of food and toys. Mom is surprised but she accepts the help - as long as it isn't financial since money is bad luck for her - and of course, Miri is happy to be with her Papas again.
(And they do get the cat. Because it does get lonely in the apartment sometimes. Also to let Miri have a pet when she comes over.)
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varamreprogenesis · 6 months
PG Diploma in Epigenetics and Molecular Diagnostics
Varam Reprogenesis is a premier institute that offers a PG diploma in Epigenetics and Molecular Diagnostics.
Epigenetics has emerged as a cutting-edge field in medical science, with its potential to offer personalized treatments for various diseases and disorders.
The PG diploma in Epigenetics and Molecular Diagnostics by Varam Reprogenesis aims to provide in-depth knowledge and practical training in this exciting field.
The course has been designed by a team of experts and is regularly updated to stay in sync with the latest developments in the field.
Course Outline
The course is spread over 12 months and is divided into 3 modules.
The first module focuses on the basics of epigenetics, including the principles and processes involved.
The second module delves deeper into the various techniques and tools used in epigenetics research.
The final semester emphasizes hands-on training and practical applications of epigenetics in clinical settings.
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Course Objectives
The primary objective of this course is to provide a strong foundation in the field of epigenetics and its applications in clinical settings.
The course aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct epigenetics research and implement it in patient care.
Another objective is to familiarize students with the latest tools and techniques used in epigenetics and molecular research, such as next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics.
The course also aims to train students to critically analyze and interpret epigenetics data and apply it in medical decision-making.
Tools and Techniques
The course covers a wide range of tools and techniques used in epigenetics research, such as DNA methylation analysis, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and gene expression profiling.
Students will also learn about advanced techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and single-cell epigenomics.
The course also includes training in bioinformatics tools and software for data analysis and interpretation.
Students will have access to state-of-the-art equipment and technology during the hands-on training sessions.
Hands-on Training
The course includes practical sessions where students will work on real-life case studies and experiments under the guidance of expert instructors.
These training sessions will help students gain hands-on experience in using various tools and techniques and analyzing data.
The practical sessions will also help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for a career in epigenetics.
Expert Instructors
The course is taught by a team of experienced and qualified instructors who are experts in the field of epigenetics.
The instructors have years of experience in both research and clinical settings, providing students with valuable insights and practical knowledge.
The instructors also regularly update the course curriculum to stay aligned with the latest advancements in epigenetics research.
Practical Applications
The course focuses on practical applications of epigenetics in clinical settings, such as using epigenetic markers for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.
Students will also learn about the role of epigenetics in personalized medicine and its potential to revolutionize patient care.
The course also covers the ethical, legal, and social implications of epigenetics research and its impact on society.
Certification and Assessment
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a recognized and accredited PG diploma in Epigenetics and Molecular Diagnostics from Varam Reprogenesis.
The assessment will include both theoretical and practical components, ensuring that students have a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Students will also be required to complete a research project and a final presentation at the end of the course, showcasing their knowledge and skills.
The PG diploma in Epigenetics and Molecular Diagnostics offered by Varam Reprogenesis is an excellent opportunity for students to delve into the exciting field of epigenetics. With its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on training, expert instructors, and practical applications, this course offers a well-rounded learning experience. Graduates of this program will be well-equipped to make significant contributions to the field of epigenetics, taking it to new heights in the medical world.
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lgcmanager · 5 months
this is a bit of an honest talk as an admin/creative director in lgc. part 2 of BLACK BANQUET should've been up weeks ago. unfortunately, not long before that happened, actress han sohee was embroiled in an 'attitude' controversy. as i (admin el) was waiting to see the impact, her follow-up scandal happened and she started being dropped by her advertisers and even quit a film project. with this in mind, i was a bit hesitant as to what to do with the npc character. this might not seem like a big deal, but if i kept wondering if down the line more negative events surrounding her happen, what to do of this. of course, we could simply change the name/npc, but these npcs were carefully chosen for this script. after discussion with my co-creative director, admin a, we came to the conclusion that the best thing would be to replace the npc with another actress. ic wise, this will be presented as the actress herself quitting the project, which would've put a halt on filming and filming will resume on APRIL 22. as consequences, the cast will have to reshoot several scenes and promotion material. you may use these events for your threads. do not worry detailed information and (most of all) part 2 of BLACK BANQUET will be revealed next week! all the DEADLINES of project BD will be moved 1 MONTH, with one additional requirement for all participants ! i really wanted to get candid and be honest about what happened behind the scenes and give a warning as to the content of the upcoming update ! thank you for your patience - admin el
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zaenaris · 10 months
Thinking about how Tenjiku was extremely painful but important for Koko and Inupi’s development and sub plot.
It was the moment where the worst fears of both of them emerged in very dangerous moment.
Inupi feared that Koko saw him only as Akane’s substitute and Koko feared that Inupi was using him for his own interest - the gang and money, since he’s good at making it - like everyone else, having internalized and accepted it was the only way to make amend for Akane’s death and that it was the only thing he was good at and that people needed him for.
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Take into consideration both of them was thinking of saving the other:
when Mucho and Sanzu ambushed them, Koko had no choice in joining Tenjiku to save Inupi -and Takemichi-, (and it's not that just because Kakucho says to Takemichi that Koko "chose to be in Tenjiku himself" , that's how it went: it's obvious Koko was coerced and tried to do the best he could to help Inupi and himself given the situation: he was alone, he couldn't fight the whole Tenjiku alone), while Inupi wanted to be in Toman, under Takemichi’s division, because he saw that Toman is similiar to the original Shin's BLACK DRAGON and because he knew they wouldn’t have been used anymore, Koko in particular since he’s the “money maker”.
But Koko was so used to that life and to not consider his own wishes that he never reconsidered joining Toman, it wasn't the safest option. Koko had no attachment to any gang in particular, he cared about Inupi and his money making activities, therefore as long as Inupi wanted him in a gang, he sticked with him (we saw in the last birthday pic that Wakui draws for Koko, that middle school koko made business with the haitanis before being in the 10th gen BD, he clearly had his own illegal side activities unrelated to gangs-of course being in a gang helped with his business and of course when he was one of the executives of BD, that gave him also power and protection, but Koko always did what he did alone, before being in any gang) ;
but that time Toman was weak, meanwhile Tenjiku, even if it was the opposite of the gang Inupi wanted to belong to, was the safest option and a situation more similar the the 10th generation Black Dragon, where violence and profits were the norm; so Koko negotiated a place for Inupi if he’d joined Tenjiku, thinking it was the safest option.
Meanwhile Inupi was willing to fight to finally be free from that world. I am always so sad that Inupi's trauma is always so overlook and never directly addressed in the manga (undirectly it was, I mean joining a gang it's not a thing that you generally do when everything is fine in your life). Because Inupi
was saved by Koko when he was looking for Akane - and Inupi knows it, that's were the fear of being just a substitute for Akane comes from
sees Koko being desperate about trying to save her and blaming himself when she died anyway
is aware that his parents have financial problems after loosing the house and ofc they're a mess for Akane
some of these facts are in headcanon territory, but how could have Inupi have felt after her death? of course we see him crying and sad, but he's aware he's alive "by chance". How did this conditioned him? did he felt he wasn't supposed to be there? that his parents and koko didn't love him enough and would have preferred her instead of him - canonically we kow Inupi doesn't go home often -ch.157- and so we can assume he has not the best relation ship with his parents, which is understandable after such a tragedy; we know Inupi is grateful that Koko always followed him -ch.142-, which is the same Koko felt about Inupi -ch.252., but was Inupi grateful to be alive at all or he himself would have preferred to die? and his relationship with his late sister? he cries, he grieves, but then what? is there a part of him that sees koko so desperate for akane that, in an irrational moment, would like to be on the receiving end of all koko's attentions? does he get a closure? probably he does, but it's off screen.
At this point of the story, -Tenjiku arc- Inupi understood Koko's behavior, when he tried to talk about the whole situation (in the previous arc,when he asked Koko if he was still thinking about "the promise") and Koko denied, he never insisted because he knew Koko wasn't ready yet. Maybe Inupi, probably for narrative reasons, or maybe because that's how he is as a person, or maybe for some other reason that Wakui didn't explain, somehow manage to arrive to a point of self awareness, but in that moment, it was a complete chaos, and the insecurities and the communication problems that Inupi and Koko always had emerged and couldn't be contained and escalated the way we witnessed.
Even if they had the other’s well being in mind, but all their deepest fears came out in the worst moment and that lead to their break-up.
**spoilers for the end of the arc and their sub plot resolution in the final arc under the cut**
But even after their fight they still wished the best to each other, showing their genuine care even after what happened, because in the end, Koko wanted to be with Inupi, it's his conscience in Akane's form that "frees" him and allows himself to follow his heart and to stay with Inupi forgiving himself for something that wasn't his fault❤️‍🩹
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risingshards · 1 year
I finished Jedi Survivor and have to talk about it and nobody I know has it WAHHH
My thought as the catharsis of finishing settles is that I think it's one of my favorite Star Wars things like ever.
For reference, my tippy top tier of Star Wars is the OT (duh), KOTOR series, OG Battlefronts, Mandalorian (particularly S2), Visions (especially The Twins which is maybe my favorite #1 SW thing because I'm so obsessed with Am and it's like Star Wars I love distilled into half an hour), TFA, and some particular TCW and Rebels arcs. There's probably more that I'm forgetting I tend to do that. And of course the Jedi series.
My Jedi series history: I remember at Celebration 2019, one of the best experiences of my life, I left one of the meet and greets (I met Ian McDiarmid and Billy Dee Williams!!!) and my partner at the time and I looked at the main stage and were like "wait what the fuck is Ian from Shameless doing here?!?!" Because we were in lines all day, we didn't see the announcement that Fallen Order was a thing.
And then the first one was a great time. Maybe a bit too hard for my game ability, but with difficulty turned down I was able to handle it. I loved how they just let Cal be kind, just a sweet good dude, like the true spirit of what a Jedi can be is in him, BD-1 is one of the best game companions ever, the supporting cast of Merrin/Cere/Greez was REAL good, loved the main villain and made sure to get her figure and Cal's, and the failure is not the end scene made me ugly ugly cry and is one of my favorite (I'm talking favorite a lot which I think is a persistent theme for me playing this series). So I was excited for Survivor obviously.
And it was very very good. There are a lot of things I can't stop thinking about in game, I had trouble sleeping one night (not cuz of the game it was just one of my "well we aren't sleeping tonight" nights and spent most of it just like "wow what about this thing in jedi survivor" which is the sign of a game I either supremely cared about or was supremely troubled about (for example of the latter, I legit lost sleep after finishing Mass Effect 3 LOL).
I loved how big the opening was and how well it told the themes of the story and Cal's journey, weary from fighting the Empire and weary from losing friend after friend.
The inciting incident of Cal finding the frozen in bacta Jedi from the High Republic era Dagan Gera was my like "YES. OH MY GOD YES. RESPAWN YOUR VISION FOR STAR WARS IS JUST LIKE THIS IS WHAT I WANT!!!" Something about this angsty anime boy villain had me like "RELEASE THE ACTION FIGURE FOR HIM ASAP PLEASE HE'S COOOOOOOL." And the High Republic thing had me excited for Cal to get a new story that was his own deal that wasn't just Cal vs. Empire (well. didn't get that entirely but the main thrust of the story was the High Republic adventure which was fun.)
The family aspect was handled really well here too, with Cal's family being separated and you gradually reunite with them. Greez is like the lovable grandpa uncle, Cere the new parent/guardian figure to Cal after losing his previous one, and Merrin as the scary gf. BD-1 of course the loyal best friend pet, I have a small dog so like BD 1 and Cal's friendship hits so hard for me.
I thought the moral of the game would be like "you don't need to have this big mythical home in Tanalorr to go for, you have one to establish in Koboh" but they twisted me similarly to Cal breaking the holocron in Fallen Order. The Jedha battle with the crazy walker thing was amazing, and Cal and Merrin are so sweet together that I dug the kiss a lot.
The story felt like it halted for a bit after that and before getting to Dagan at the observatory, with the beautiful force vision duel with Dagan feeling like a "well the game COULD end here and I'd be pretty satisfied" moment. Then things went into high gear with Bode's betrayal leading to everything falling apart. Playing as Cere was amazing, and I did lose my mind for Vader showing up (love the parallel to him being in water for the first game and fire here, third game he'll be in the air or the dirt for the elemental trifecta). I definitely got emotional losing Cere, and thought that was really well handled, dealing with the tragic sense of "this couldn't end up any other way with Vader wanting revenge on her" well. As they said later, she got to go out winning her battle against the dark side and that's beautiful.
The last act of the game is mostly focused on dealing with Bode's betrayal. Cal's dalliances with the dark side are super interesting, because nothing is the same once he gets that first taste. Even the pause menu is tainted afterwards, as if a part of his soul is corrupted by just tapping into that incredible energy once. Mechanically it was a bit clunky to make tapping into the dark side a forced thing like in the last boss fight, and a bit of a clone of Ghost of Tsushima's ghost stance but Sucker Punch ya won't make Sly 5 so I'm not gonna judge if people take stuff from ya. Bode was gone by the end and willing to physically hurt his own daughter so like I didn't feel bad about Cal tapping into the dark side to defeat him (when Bode hit BD-1, that was his "oh there's no coming back for this guy is there" moment). I really loved the ending with the pyre funeral for Cere, Cordova, and Bode. It felt like a movie ending, and Cal talking to Cere about being so afraid of failing, of losing himself to the darkness was beautiful and probably the closest the game got to the failure speech in terms of making me bawl from the first game. After finishing, I felt like I had just finished watching a movie, like the same cathartic feeling of finishing a big Star Wars movie.
My bigger downsides: 155GB for a console game is fucking absurd. That stretch of time where it was just gameplay with the story being light was a bit of a drag (those sequences of just wave after wave of enemy were BS), and it felt like there weren't a lot of planets total (unless the side missions add planets because I just played the main story, that'd be cool if the bounties sent you back to old planets from the first game). I REALLY wish Dagan Gera had more to do and wasn't in the same role as Taron Malicos where he's the like sub-antagonist that gets offed relatively easily because I feel like there was so much more potential with a reawakened High Republic Era Jedi who immediately falls to the dark side. Like Second Sister, I do wish there was more with these super interesting villain characters before they get somewhat anticlimactically killed off, but cool as fuck villains getting somewhat anticlimactically killed off is basically Star Wars tradition.
I think it's a downside of the time period that at the end of the day the Empire has to be the big bad looming over everything. I'd love to see Respawn get a blank slate (there are a couple teams I'd love to see get a blank slate doing their own Star Wars from scratch, like Respawn, the Clone Wars team...) where they aren't beholden to have things fit into a timeline. But the Jedi series has been fine about that so far and nothing's felt like too hopeless or too crunching into a timeline. It was kind of cool in a video game-y way that you can be like "Oh it's the sequel so the formula is setting in, oh here's the sub villain, now we beat them, oh here's a surprise Vader appearance, etc. etc." I was excited for the Raiders led by Dagan to be a new threat for Cal and co., but because it's the Emprie reign era the Imps end up taking the main villain focus, which makes sense ofc, but I'm a slut for new factions.
Another downside that's not the game's fault: I'm streaming the game for a friend, and they guessed the entire plot immediately and I'm so mad at them about it because I hadn't pieced anything together when they did LOL. 30 seconds into Bode's appearance they were like "he did it. traitor. he's a spy for the empire and killed everyone there. i bet vader shows up too" and now I'm like I HOPE YOU DIDNT READ SPOILERS AND ARE JUST ACTING LIKE YOU PREDICTED THIS CUZ THAT'S A LITTLE TOO SPOT ON but I know they're just a genre savvy type. usually I can guess the immediate traitor which is a trope of games but I was just like "bode's voice actor voiced kotallo and charles :) " Part of me is thinking of ways to convince them they're wrong to mislead them as revenge but I'd have to act really well to pull that off and that'd be mean lmao.
What I'm hoping for to close out the trilogy assuming it gets a third game: I don't want Cal to turn to the dark side, but I do trust this team to handle his battle with it well. In a galaxy of tragic endings, there aren't many I want to have a happy ending more than Cal so that's my main hope for the third game. I hope Cal and his family establishing the hidden path is their way out of avoiding a fate of just "vader and the empire wipe them out because canon dictates it so." They've done so well so far that I trust this team to handle wrapping up Cal's story well, so I'm mainly just excited for what's next.
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aipmst-primay · 1 day
Scholarship Offered by AIPMST Primary to Help Aspirants Achieve Their Dreams
It is an honourable and tough task to pursue medicine as a career. However, financial constraints could act as barriers for many prospective doctors seeking to enter medical schools. To address this problem, All India Pre Medical Scholarship Test (AIPMST) Primary was established with the aim of helping students access education through scholarships targeted at medical students across India. This merit-based award not only acknowledges academic merit but also ensures that the worthy get quality learning in the field of medicine.
What is the AIPMST Primary Exam?
AIPMST Primary is a scholarship examination on national level that supports the students who would like to take up their career as medical professionals in India. 
Scholarship is designed for a specific group of students who want to be admitted into MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS and BPT courses only. 
It covers either totally or partially the tuition fees by taking into account how one performs in these scholarships’ exams. 
As such, it allows for talented but financially disadvantaged individuals to study hard and realize their dream of being involved with health care services through AIPMST Primary.
Some Useful Perks of AIPMST Primary Scholarships for Medical Students 
Numerous advantages are available to those who want to study medicine through AIPMST’s primary scholarship. Here are some essential points about why one should prefer this program.
The magnitude of financial support that AIPMST Primary brings forth is what makes it immensely favorable. 
Huge destinations of education by way of medicine are actually so costly where this loan would need financing. 
This way, there is a reduction in educational costs which induces lesser strain on both amateurs and their families.
Admission into the Leading Medical Colleges: The AIPMST Primary Scholarship allows students to gain admittance into India’s best medical colleges. Students can use financial aid to go to these top institutions without having to worry about costs.
Selection based on merit: AIPMST Primary Scholarship is given on the merit basis. Those who perform well in the scholarship examinations are generally high flyers and thus stand a chance of getting significant support to aid them pay school fees.
Reduced Dependence on Education Loans: The students are able to avoid putting so much reliance on education loans because of a scholarship obtained through AIPMST Primary. This means that they can graduate without the stress of having debts. As such, this enables them to give undivided attention to their careers after finishing their medical training.
Support for High Standards: The scholarship not only gives students monetary help but also inspires them to attain high levels of education. By rewarding individual performances in studies, AIPMST Primary creates competition among the students as well as motivating them towards academic success.
Eligibility requirements for AIPMST Primary
AIPMST Primary Scholarship for medical students, aspirants should follow these set criteria
Compulsory subjects for students should include PCB i.e. like Physics, Chemistry and Biology in their Class XII or equivalent examination. It may also include a minimum percentage level depending upon the criterion for the year.
Country: The scholarship is available only for Indian citizens.
Entry Test: The AIPMST Primary Test needs to be taken by candidates and it is based on Class 12 PCB syllabus. It checks students’ knowledge and abilities in these disciplines.
Age Restriction: Age should be within the parameters defined by AIPMST for eligibility. This aligns with the normal regulations for medical entrance exams in India.
AIPMST Primary Scholarship Application Process
AIPMST Primary Scholarship application is straightforward and contains the following stages:
Online Registration: Candidates are required to visit the official AIPMST Primary website to register themselves online. They need to provide correct personal and academic information during registration.
Fill Out Application Form: After enrollment, students must complete an online application form that contains a range of information including their academic qualifications, phone numbers and preferences for examination centers.
Pay Application Fee: After completion of the form, candidates need to pay for the application fee using online resources such as credit cards, debit cards or net banking systems.
Download Admission Slip: Once both application form and fee are successfully submitted by students, they can then download their admission slips from the website which entail significant information concerning examination date as well as venue.
AIPMST Primary Exam: It is compulsory for candidates to give the exam at their specific venues. Based on their results, scholarships would be awarded to only the deserving contenders.
AIPMST Primary Student Grant is an excellent avenue for those who would like to be in the medical field but do not have enough money. 
AIPMST Primary gives medical sponsorships thereby allowing gifted individuals to pursue their ambitions despite being broke and therefore they become fully-fledged doctors. 
Anyone who aspires to become a physician someday can use it.
AIPMST Primary Grant to realize his or her ambitions and eventually flourish in this area of expertise.
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sikshapedia · 1 month
Overview of the Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S.) Course to Develop Your Dental Profession
The Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S) is a prestigious postgraduate program that provides advanced education and training in various specializations within the field of dentistry. This course is designed for dental professionals who aspire to enhance their skills and knowledge, allowing them to excel in their careers as specialists. In this blog, we will explore the master of dental surgery courses, the master of dental surgery syllabus, and key details such as the master of dental surgery eligibility and the master of dental surgery salary in India. We’ll also highlight the master of dental surgery colleges in India, with a focus on the top college for master of dental surgery in West Bengal.
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Understanding the Master of Dental Surgery Course
The master of dental surgery (M.D.S) program is a rigorous postgraduate course that typically lasts for three years. The master of dental surgery course duration in India involves comprehensive training that includes both theoretical learning and practical experience in specialized areas of dentistry. The duration of master of dental surgery in India may vary depending on the chosen specialization and institution. Graduates of this program are equipped to perform advanced dental procedures, contribute to dental research, and provide expert care in their chosen fields.
Master of Dental Surgery Eligibility and Admission Process
To enroll in the master of dental surgery (M.D.S) program, candidates must have completed a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) degree from a recognized institution. The eligibility for master of dental surgery in West Bengal and other regions includes clearing entrance exams specific to the institution or state. Popular entrance exams for master of dental surgery include NEET-MDS, which is a gateway to securing admission in the best college for master of dental surgery. The admission process is competitive, requiring thorough preparation and dedication.
Exploring Master of Dental Surgery Courses and Specializations
The master of dental surgery courses offer various specializations, including Orthodontics, Periodontology, Prosthodontics, Oral Surgery, and more. The subjects in master of dental surgery are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in the chosen area. The master of dental surgery syllabus is comprehensive, covering advanced clinical practices, patient management, and research methodologies. This curriculum ensures that students are well-prepared to meet the demands of the dental profession.
Master of Dental Surgery Colleges in India and West Bengal
India hosts several renowned master of dental surgery colleges that provide excellent education and training. These institutions are equipped with modern facilities and staffed by experienced faculty, making them ideal choices for aspiring dental specialists. For those looking to study in West Bengal, the best college for master of dental surgery in West Bengal offers top-tier education and clinical training. These colleges emphasize both academic excellence and practical skills, ensuring that graduates are well-rounded professionals.
Career Prospects and Salary After Master of Dental Surgery
Graduates of the master of dental surgery (M.D.S) program have numerous career opportunities in both private practice and academic settings. The master of dental surgery salary in India is highly attractive, with specialists earning competitive salaries that increase with experience and expertise. After completing the program, many professionals pursue further research, teaching, or specialized practice. Understanding what to do after master of dental surgery can guide you in making informed career decisions, whether it involves starting your own practice or joining a reputed dental institution.
The Master of Dental Surgery (M.D.S) program is an essential step for dental professionals aiming to specialize in their field and achieve excellence in dental care. With a strong foundation provided by the master of dental surgery courses and a detailed master of dental surgery syllabus, students are well-prepared for the challenges of advanced dental practice. Whether you choose to study in West Bengal or other parts of India, enrolling in the top college for master of dental surgery will significantly impact your career. The master of dental surgery course duration may be demanding, but the rewards, including a fulfilling career and a lucrative master of dental surgery salary in India, make it a worthwhile pursuit. Prepare diligently for the entrance exams for master of dental surgery, and take the next step toward becoming a skilled and respected dental specialist.
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