#which is the perfect amount to drive home a certain plot point which i think most of the fandom as overlooked
wherethelightrots · 3 months
I always dislike when people headcannon certain slugcats as genetically engineered, it's so boring and also not the point of rainworld.
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Terrilbe Fic Ideas #54: Like Water For Chocolate, but Hannibal
One of my biggest pet peeves are online recipes where the author feels compelled to write 25k words on their first Christmas alone in NYC and how that taught them to appreciate their mother's home cooking before telling me what ingredients I need and what to do with them.
That being said, Like Water For Chocolate remains one of my favorite books. Essentially a novel using the sharing of relevant family recipes as vehicle for the narrative... it struck me hard as I was scrolling through my dash that it would be perfect say to write a Hannibal fic.
Or: What if Hannibal was told through the medium of monthly gourmet recipes on a food blog?
Just imagine it:
I don't really have much for this plot bunny, but Hannibal keeping a high-class gourmet food blog on top of everything else seems in keeping with both his love of food and need to be the center of everyone's attention.
Perhaps it starts as a mostly anonymous blog - though certain Baltimore foodies recognize the kitchen in the pictures and know better than to say anything - that contains a brief history of the food or its key ingredient before diving into the recipe. Supremely knowledgeable, supremely elegant, it is a staple of certain circles.
But then slowly, almost imperceptibly, the content begins to change. It's still high-quality, still elegant... but the introductory sections start becoming more lengthy and more personal throughout the course of S1 and S2 of the show.
Fans begin to notice that their favorite food blogger appears smitten with his friend, Will, going so far as to dedicate an installment of his blog to what amounts to fancy chicken soup when his dear friend is ill and a few brave souls begin to ship them together, but all this is only on the periphery - Hannibal rarely answers comments on his blog unless it is a polite request for clarity of his instructions.
Perhaps the fic follows canon exactly, with untraceable updates being posted after the Fall, teasing the police with the details of months-old murders and delighting fans with both delicious recipes and details of the passionate, self-destructive, all-consuming love Hannibal and Will share. Perhaps things veer off slightly for a fluffier (for Hannibal) ending helped along by comments from one or two dedicated fans.
The point is that I think it would be a brilliant way to work Hannibal two love languages - food and murder - into a fic, and if I knew anything about gourmet cooking I might be tempted.
Bonuses include: 1) At least 10% of the fans thinking the insertion of dear Will into the blog is a kind of performance art designed to draw in more viewers. At least half of those think the murder, cannibalism, and imprisonment which comes later are just more performance art; 2) Beverly stumbling across the website during S1 when being forced to cook for visiting family, being utterly delighted by the UST, and cackling as she shows all the juiciest bits to Will; and 3) The most beautiful, complex, delicious, gourmet recipes from around the world included as a key component - even driving force - behind the drama of our murder husbands.
And that's it really. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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jawritter · 3 years
Daddy’s Home
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Summary: Dean’s been away from his Omega too long, and he has a very interesting way of waking her up to let her know he’s home.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Smut, this is pretty much porn with almost no plot. Oral (female receiving), mentions of rut, hint of a breeding kink, Daddy kink, unprotected smut, abo dynamics, knotting, scenting marking, a hint of possessiveness that comes with abo. language, I think that’s about it. 
Written for: @spnkinkbingo
Square Field: Daddy Kink
Word Count: 2087
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes and general bullshit are my own! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! I hope you all enjoy this one!
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You always knew when your Alpha was close to his rut, even if it was a damn week away. There were certain aspects of him that changed during the time when his hormones were at their highest, and the most basic animalistic instincts seem to shove their way to the forefront of his personality.
You’d caught him more than once slipping up behind you while you were doing the dishes to brush against you to layer you with his scent, letting everyone and everything around him know just who you belonged to. He’d also become a lot more cuddly than he normally was, wanting to hold you while you read a book in the evening, or wanting you to sit in his lap while you watched movies together in the big recliners in the Dean Cave. It was nothing but an excuse to scent you, but you always craved the closeness of your Alpha, so you really didn’t mind at all. 
He was with you all the time. You could do nothing alone, not even shower. Every time you turned around he was there.  You often wonder if it was because his brother, Sam, who is also an Alpha, shared the bunker with the two of you, and he felt the need to guard you from the other Alpha in the place, but you never really looked into is and just accepted it as just something Dean would do close to this time. 
Then of course there was the sex. There was literally no point in even putting clothes on to go to bed when Dean was this close to a rut. They’d just end up in shreds on the floor before the night was out...or before he even climbed into bed…
Dean had been on a hunt now for at least three weeks with Sam, a shifter from the looks of it, and it had been killing him to be so far away from you when he was this close to going into rut, and feared more than anything that’s he’d end up going into full blown rut if the hunt hadn’t ended when it did.
You were never a hunter, you just never wanted to be involved in that aspect of it all. You were fine with research, and you were also good at it, but that also means you were often at home and away from your Alpha, who was whining on the phone with you liked a kicked puppy when you had hung up with him tonight because you were still a state over and he wasn’t home to you yet; even though they were on their way back now Dean was becoming very impatient. 
You didn’t like the distance either, but you knew what you signed up for the moment you had agreed to let Dean claim you. So it was just something you’d have to endure as long as Dean was hunting, which was probably going to be for the rest of your natural lives. 
You don’t know what time you’d gone to bed that night, but it hadn’t been all that late, honestly you think you did it out of boredom. The faster you fell asleep, the sooner you’d be in your Alpha’s arms anyway. It honestly didn’t feel like you had been out all that long, and at first you weren’t sure if you were just dreaming or not. It was one of those moments where you were pretty sure you were awake, but somehow still asleep all at the same time. 
In your “dream” you were almost certain that you could feel the warmth of someone’s tongue on your core, sliding through your folds and around your clit, making you shiver even in your sleep. A sleepy moan falls from your throat at the feeling, and you force yourself out of the blanket of sleep, opening your eyes to be greeted by the sight of your Alpha with your legs spread wide, and his mouth lapping at your cunt in an almost animalistic, possessive manner, purring like it was greatest thing he’d ever tasted and sending a gush of slick from your core at the sight alone. 
“Dean,” you moan breathlessly, and the Alpha’s eyes meet yours with the golden glow you had become all too familiar with penetrating the dark room, and making the Omega inside of you quiver and submit without him even having to say a word.
He never stopped doing what he was doing, just growled in response as he took your swollen bud in between his sinful lips, sucking at and causing your back to arch off the bed as his fingers press bruisingly into your hips to hold you still for him. 
All coherent thought flew right out of the window as he then started to eat at you like a man starved. Most of the humanity that he normally clung to was far gone from him, and the raw, animal instincts of the Alpha taking the reins as his tongue dipped into your slick heat, fucking you with his impossibly long tongue, stroking your inner most walls as his stubble left the most delicious burn on your thighs and his nose brushed against your throbbing clit in the best way. 
Deep rumbling growls resonated from his chest as he continued to lap at your cunt, flattening out his tongue against your pussy, rubbing the heat of his mouth back and forth over your slit as he thrust his long, dripping Alpha cock against the mattress, desperate for friction, but to engrossed in tasting you that he couldn’t stop if he wanted too to fuck you, not yet. 
His perfect white teeth nibbling at your clit next as he sank three fingers deep into your convulsing pussy. Fucking you slowly as his mouth covers your swollen nub and he presses himself harder onto your mound, picking up the pace of his licking and sucking, alternating patterns of his spongy, hot tongue over your clit until heat was pooling in your center and your walls were twitching around his fingers as he scissors you open, preparing you for his knot after he milked your cunt for all you could give him, needing to taste your sweet heat that he’d been craving as your release pushed closer and closer with each pass of his tongue, his teeth, his lips…
“Fuck Alpha,” you cried as your walls started to crumble around his fingers and you came harder than you had since the morning he’d left for the hunt.
Dean slowed his ministrations, lapping up all that you had to give him as your slick coated his fingers and his chin, moaning at the taste of what he’d been craving the most. The thick ring of his knot was already turning an angry shade of red and swelling slightly as he fucked himself into the mattress, and even in your orgasmic state, you shivered at the thought of your Alpha being that desperate for you. 
You were still twitching with aftershocks of your high when Dean’s full length slammed into your quivering cunt with one swift thrust, and his lips found yours in a passionate kiss as his tongue invaded your mouth and he swallowed down the your scream as he filled you to the brim with his cock, damn near splitting you open.
“Fuck Omega, I missed you,” he growled as he started to fuck you slowly, pulling out only far enough to create a slight amount of friction, but not enough to really give you the sustainable push and pull you were both craving. 
“I missed you too Alpha,” you whimper underneath him, the sheer weight of his body holding you in place as he drives his cock deeper, rutting himself inside you and putting pressure on your still sensitive clit. 
“So pretty when you come apart like that baby girl. Been dreaming of tasting you since I backed out of the garage and left you here,” he breathed out between a moan of his own that had your cunt squeezing his knot as he rutted himself harder into your center, not pulling out at all now, but keeping the connection between you so deep you were pretty sure the tip of his length was pressing into your womb.
“Please Alpha,” you beg him desperately, needing more of him, needing to feel him knot you, needing to feel his warm cum filling your pulsating cunt. Desperately needing that connection that only existed between an Alpha and his Omega.
“Please what Omega, what is it you want from Daddy,” he growls, licking and nipping at your claiming mark, causing you to arch your back off the bed and press your pebbled nipples against his broad and warm chest. 
“Fuck me Daddy, please. I need your knot Alpha,” you beg him, your legs shaking as you grind your hips against his, pushing his cock even deeper into your tight channel, making him snarl into your throat at the feeling. 
“What me to fuck you pretty Omega, Want Daddy to knot you, fill you full of his cum, fuck a pup into that pretty little cunt of yours,” Dean pressed, feeling your body trembling underneath him as he you tried desperately to grind on the cock that was buried inside of you. 
“Yes Daddy please!” you scream, caring if Sam heard you or not, all you needed was your Alpha’s knot, it was all you cared about, it was all you could think about it. The need for him consuming you like a raging fire under your skin.
You watched as the Alpha took his rightful place, and the last bit of Dean’s resolve broke. His hips snapped into you at a punishing pace, dragging his manhood in and out of your pussy with enough force to nearly fuck you clean onto the floor as he chased his release as well as yours. You could feel the thick ring of his knot starting to catch at your entrance with each thrust of his hips and you knew neither of you were going to last long before you were coming apart all over again. 
“Omega,” Dean groaned as he buried his face in your neck, lapping at your mating gland, while his free hand found its way to your clit. “Feels so good baby girl. I need you to come for Daddy, come on Daddy’s knot Omega.” 
With two more thrust of his hips into yours Dean’s knot popped as he rubbed your clit furiously, locking the two of you together as your walls greedily sucked him in deeper, and you came so hard around his knot that he roared above you, shaking into his own release and coating your insides with is seed. 
When you both had come down from you high Dean carefully rolled over onto his back, laying you on his chest as he waited for his knot to go down. The scent of his rut had calmed for now, but you knew it was just beginning, and it was only the calm before the storm. 
Dean’s chest rose and fell at a more steady pace as you nuzzled into his neck, breathing in as much of his scent as you could manage at a time. 
“I missed you Alpha,” you tell him, shivering and clenching around his knot that was still buried deep inside of you as his fingers trailed up and down your spine soothingly, causing a moan to fall from his pink, swollen lips and more cum to spill out into your heat. 
“Well, if I’m not too old, and we get a pup out of this rut since you stopped taking your birth control, then it’s the last one I’m going on anyway. I’m getting too old for it. Sam and the other hunters can keep things under control, and if I do go out it won't be often. It’s getting too hard to be away from my Omega, and every time I do it throws me into a rut.”
You look up at him hopefully, letting him capture your lips in a soft, more sensitive kiss than the one he’d shared with you moments ago. 
“Promise Alpha?” 
Dean chuckled and nuzzled into your hair, growling you playfully, causing you to giggle and sending a whole new wave of pleasure through your still conjoined bodies. 
“I promise little Omega. Daddy’s home for good.” 
And he meant it this time. It was time for his happy ending. The ending he deserved.
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Forever Tags: 
ABO Forever: 
ABO Dean fics:
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
holly's august extravaganza day 17: you and me (moving through this world as a two-man team)
for both my incredible birthday twin jenny (@laelipoo) and a little bit for myself! i hope you are having a wonderful, wonderful day and i wish you all the love in the world. i'm so glad we became friends and i cannot tell you how glad i am for our conversations 🥰🥰🥰
many, many, many thanks to jenny as well for helping me out with the plot!
ao3 | 3.1k | firefighter carlos, hurt/comfort, pining, developing relationship, major character injury (two of them 😌)
TK does not have a crush on the 126's latest hire.
Carlos Reyes: an Austin local, an incredible firefighter, and—objectively speaking—the most beautiful man TK has ever laid eyes on. Which is, in fact, the entire point; TK has eyes and, yes, he will use them to sneak a look or two when he’s suddenly sharing space with a man who looks like a Greek god.
That does not mean he has a crush, Paul.
(and, sure, maybe he does sometimes dream about how soft Carlos’s lips look and the soft blush he gets when he laughs and those little flecks of gold in his eyes, but he’s only human)
(how TK knows about the gold in Carlos’s eyes is none of anybody’s business)
The thing about Carlos Reyes is that he isn’t only stupidly hot; he’s also just plain nice. TK can’t even make up a flimsy excuse to keep his distance. Carlos is, quite literally, perfect.
He shares recipes and book recommendations with Paul, he spars with Marjan, he discusses superheroes with Mateo, and Judd has had nothing but good things to say since before Carlos even joined them. Apparently they’d worked together a lot before the explosion, when Carlos was with the 116, and he’s ‘one of the best damn firefighters’ Judd has ever seen.
He even makes time to hang with the paramedics, which...isn’t a new development, exactly. But it is recent, and TK is willing to bet they’d still be pretty divided if Tim hadn’t suddenly transferred back to Maryland and he hadn’t taken the leap to be a full paramedic.
Even after that… His friends were hardly going to abandon him after he switched, but Nancy had still only been semi-included at best. She’d called him out about it during their first week working together, but fixing it had been a slow process.
Until Carlos came along, that is. Excluding Judd, they all regularly hang out at his place now, and Nancy’s inclusion had never even been a question. Safe to say, Carlos has charmed everyone in the firehouse, including both captains, and the worst part is, he doesn’t seem to realise he’s doing it.
He’s perfect, from his freakishly toned body to his infuriatingly sweet personality to his incredible skills in the field, and TK does not have a crush, goddammit!
One morning about three weeks after Carlos’s arrival, TK is greeted in the firehouse by the sound of a long, beautiful laugh coming from the kitchen. Three weeks is an embarrassingly short amount of time to admit that he’s memorised everything about him, but he instantly recognises the noise as coming from Carlos, even if he can’t see him yet.
He saunters into the kitchen, where Carlos is standing with Paul, and leans up against the counter. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Carlos turns with a winning smile and holds out a steaming mug of coffee, clearly freshly made even though TK only got in two minutes ago.
He blinks. “How—” Then, taking in the slight pinkness to Carlos’s cheeks, “Are you seriously offering me your own coffee, Reyes?”
Carlos shrugs, forcing the mug into TK’s hands. “I only just made it so technically it belongs to anyone, and I can always make another,” he says. “Besides, you look like you could use it more than me.”
His grin has TK narrowing his eyes and stubbornly refusing to drink even though Carlos is right—he really, really needs it.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was an insult.”
“Who says you do know better?”
TK splutters, momentarily left speechless in the face of Carlos’s smile and the twinkle in those goddamn eyes. He turns to Paul for help, but Paul...has disappeared. Huh. TK honestly hadn't noticed him go.
He shakes his head and looks back to Carlos, only to be stunned silent again by the way his smile has softened into something else, something more.
TK’s heart skips a beat or two and he swallows, staring down into Carlos’s coffee. “Whatever, Reyes,” he mutters.
It was too late for a witty comeback anyway.
Carlos’s laugh follows him out of the kitchen, and TK wonders when, exactly, he let himself fall this far.
“Earth to TK? Hello?”
TK is rudely snapped back to reality by one Nancy Gillian’s hand waving violently in his face. He scowls at her, to which she responds with an eye roll.
“Stop drooling over your man and come help me with inventory.”
“I’m not drooling,” TK argues, following her over to the rig. “And he’s not my man.”
“Right,” Nancy drawls, folding her arms over her chest as she leans against the ambulance. “So you’re just going to deny that weird energy around you two that makes the rest of us feel like we’re creeping on something?”
“Exactly.” TK nods emphatically, then frowns. “Wait, what?”
Nancy casts her eyes heavenward. “You know,” she says, “you’re a lot of things, Strand, but I hadn’t pegged you for oblivious.”
TK’s next words are reflexive, said without thought for the consequences—the story of his life, really.
“I’m not oblivious!”
The grin spreading over Nancy’s face rams home just how much he’s fucked up with those three words. TK drops his head in his hands and groans, unable and unwilling to look Nancy in the eye.
“Not a word,” he warns, which Nancy appears to respect, for now. TK is well aware that there will be words—several of them—later, whether he wants them or not.
The thing is, he really isn’t oblivious. He knows perfectly well what Nancy is talking about and he has often fantasised about all the things he’d do to Carlos given half a chance. TK likes Carlos, way more than just in the physical sense, and he’s pretty sure that Carlos likes him right back. It would be so easy to start something between them and, god, TK wants to. He just… He can’t.
One year—that’s what he promised himself back in New York. One year on his own to sort his head out and figure out how he fits back into the world after the overdose. Granted, his sobriety anniversary is only a couple of months away now, but he refuses to give up on his promise, especially when he’s so close.
Maybe in a couple months, if Carlos hasn’t gotten bored of something that’s clearly going nowhere.
But not now.
“He did not ask me out!”
“He totally did, dude, and you know it. You want to say yes, I can tell.”
“No, I don’t. I—”
“Children,” Tommy interrupts from the back of the ambulance. They’re heading to a callout, and Nancy has not let up the entire way about something TK is certain never actually happened. “Either of you want to enlighten me on what the argument is about this time?”
“TK’s too chicken to go out with Carlos,” Nancy jumps in, before TK can stop her.
“I am not!” he protests. “Plus, he wasn’t asking me out, he said we should go over to his place for dinner sometime, which Carlos does all the time. So there.”
“Strand, you are not this dense,” Nancy snarks, probably rolling her eyes. “His exact words were, ‘You should come over sometime’.”
“We were all there! It was obviously the plural you.”
“Oh my god—”
“Alright!” Tommy sighs wearily. “Nancy, can we keep from provoking TK until we’re back at the firehouse and he’s no longer driving?”
“Ha!” TK exclaims, but Tommy’s not done.
“TK, if I weren’t your captain, I’d be telling you that Nancy is right and you should pull your head out of your ass before it’s too late, understand?”
Now it’s Nancy’s turn to be triumphant as TK struggles to form a coherent response. Thankfully, he’s saved from further torment by them finally pulling up at the scene—a warehouse where one of the workers had become trapped after parts of the upper level walkway had broken and fallen. Apparently, the falling metal had caused some of the machinery to malfunction, turning the call from simple to beyond complicated in a matter of minutes.
“TK, grab your turnout gear and your bag; I’m sending you in with them,” Tommy informs him as soon as they’re out of the rig. “Normally, we’d just talk the firefighters through it over radio, but given your training it’ll be quicker and safer for you to deal with our patient.”
TK grins; he’s missed the adrenaline rush of running into emergencies more than he can say. “Got it, Cap.”
“Maybe try and look a little less happy about a serious injury, too.”
“Copy that.”
The noise when they enter the warehouse is deafening, an ugly screeching cutting right through TK’s skull.
“Shouldn’t they have shut the machines off?” he shouts, fighting to be heard.
“Apparently they can’t,” Judd calls back. “Something wrong with the control panel, I don’t know exactly what.”
TK groans—just what they need. The sound is lost in the din, but Carlos still looks over and gives him a sympathetic grin, shrugging in a ‘what can you do’ motion. TK can’t help but grin back, the mere sight of Carlos easing the annoyance he feels and the headache already beginning to build behind his eyes.
Their patient, when they reach him, is pinned under a large, heavy-looking sheet of metal. He’s bleeding from a gash on his temple and his skin is worryingly pale, to the extent that TK can tell even from a distance. He jogs to the patient’s side and kneels down, pressing his fingers against his neck.
“Cap, I have a pulse,” he reports into his radio after a few seconds. “But he’s unconscious with a head wound, and I think there are probably injuries I can’t see yet. Possible spinal damage, but I can’t tell until we’ve got this metal off him.”
“Copy that,” Captain Vega says. “Get ready to run a line; he’s gonna need it as soon as he’s free.”
TK nods and moves to secure a c-collar around his neck. “We need to cut this thing off of him,” he says, addressing the team. “Quickly, but carefully.”
Judd steps forward, brandishing the saw. He hands TK a couple of spare turnouts and kneels on the patient’s other side. “Couple of you need to cover him, and yourselves.”
TK doesn’t even have to ask before Carlos appears next to him, taking one of the turnouts from him. He smiles gratefully before arranging himself to provide maximum protection to all three of them as Judd starts working on the metal. The vibrations from the saw are unpleasant, and TK dreads to think what effect it’s having on the already unstable machinery, but it’s the only option they have to get their patient free.
Fortunately, everything seems to go off without a hitch, and soon the team are able to remove the metal. TK immediately gets to work, feeling for any damage. As he suspected, there’s a pretty large gash on the man’s leg which is bleeding badly, though thankfully it seems to have missed any arteries. He also seems to have a broken wrist, but he should heal.
TK quickly wraps his leg, then gets Carlos and Judd to help move him onto the spine board. It feels like, for once, the call has gone as smoothly as possible, and TK allows himself a breath of relief as they prep to get the guy outside to the ambulance.
Naturally, that’s when everything goes to hell.
The machine closest to them lets out a threatening groan and shudders before there’s a loud roar and it explodes. On instinct, TK folds himself over the patient as shrapnel rains down on them, and he sees Carlos doing the same in his periphery.
The downpour seems to last forever, but eventually it slows and comes to a stop. TK cautiously lifts his head, his heart pounding, and sags in relief as it seems that the worst is over.
They need to get out of here, now.
He stands, a brief stab of pain running through his back—probably because of his awkward position over the patient—and turns to Carlos, reaching to offer him a hand up.
Only to see Carlos’s face tight with agony, and then the cause—a jagged piece of shrapnel running right through his hand.
“Carlos,” TK breathes, horrified. Carlos looks up at him, his breathing carefully measured and his eyes wide, and TK drops back to his knees, reaching out for him. “It’s okay, I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
Carlos swallows and nods, his eyes squeezing tight. TK’s heart rate skyrockets, and he’s barely able to keep his cool as he signals to the others to get their first patient out of the warehouse.
“Cap, the team are bringing him out, but we have a problem.”
“Talk to me, Strand, what’s going on?”
“It—It’s Carlos.” TK breathes out shakily and takes a moment to steady himself before continuing, “It’s not serious, but some of the machinery broke apart and some shrapnel impaled his hand. I’ve got to stabilise the shard before we come out to you.”
“Alright, but hurry. I don’t want you guys in there for longer than necessary.”
Stabilising the shrapnel with rolls of gauze and wrapping Carlos’s hand should be a matter of course—it’s an easy process that TK could probably do in his sleep. But this is Carlos, so his damn hands won’t stop shaking and he almost fumbles and drops his supplies.
He manages though, and soon he’s helping Carlos up, instructing him to hold his injured hand above his heart. Carlos sends him a wobbly smile, which ends up turning out to be more of a grimace, but it’s a comfort nonetheless. Things could have gone so much worse today; TK could have even lost him, and he would have never been able to—
But that’s not important. Carlos is okay, or he will be, and they still have plenty of time to figure out whatever this is between them.
Everything will be okay.
TK’s back and side twinge again as they make their way out, but he brushes it off, too focused on getting Carlos to the hospital as fast as possible. Tommy shakes her head as they make their way over, her eyebrows raised despite the concern clearly in her expression.
“Never a peaceful moment with you, Strand, is it?” she asks dryly, hissing as she inspects Carlos’s wound.
“In my defence, Cap,” he says, more at ease now that they’re safe, “it’s not me who’s injured this time.”
Tommy hums, then directs Carlos into the back of the rig, jumping in after him. “Get back here, TK. Nancy’s driving.”
She has a teasing look in her eyes that instantly makes TK suspicious, but he moves to comply, shrugging off his turnout coat as he does. The movement hurts, which is weird, but he thinks nothing of it.
At least, until Tommy’s eyes go wide and she stands from her seat, holding her hands out towards him. “TK, do not move,” she instructs, her eyes firmly fixed on his right side.
TK frowns, then follows her gaze down, and— Oh.
His grey undershirt is stained with blood, and it’s difficult to miss the large piece of metal sticking out of his side. He has no idea how he missed it, but now that he knows, the pain slams into him full force, causing him to stagger.
“Oh,” he gasps, eloquently.
Then, his legs buckle and the world goes black.
TK wakes up to a steady beeping sound, which only exacerbates his pounding headache. He groans, scrunching his face up, before slowly peeling his eyes open, almost slamming them shut again after getting an eyeful of obnoxiously bright fluorescents.
“You’re awake,” a voice says, sounding surprised, then the lights suddenly dim, the room lit by the gentle glow of a lamp. TK sighs in relief and shifts to look at his saviour.
It’s Carlos.
“You… You’re here,” TK states, confused. His gaze drifts down Carlos’s body and lands on the white bandages around his hand, the memories of the warehouse suddenly hitting him all at once. “Shit, you— How are you?”
Carlos shakes his head and comes to sit in the chair by TK’s bed. “I can’t believe you’re the one asking me that.”
“I’m a paramedic, it’s my job.”
“Not when you’re the one in the hospital bed,” Carlos counters, sighing. “If you must know, I’m fine. They gave me some pretty good drugs, so…” He shrugs, and TK can’t help but laugh, which proves to be a very bad idea.
His side lights up, an unnecessary reminder that TK is very much not on the good drugs, and he moans softly, slowly settling back in the bed. “I hate you,” he mumbles, eyes closed.
“You love me,” Carlos says, and TK’s heart seizes in his chest.
The silence after his words is deafening, so TK forces himself to crack his eyes open enough to look at him. Carlos is frozen in his chair, biting his lip hard, and he looks like he either wants to bolt or be swallowed by the earth.
TK thinks he should probably be feeling the same. They’ve been dancing around this issue for weeks now, and he’d thought he had it under control. That he could last that little bit longer until his one year was up; that he could ignore these feelings that have been steadily growing since he first laid eyes on Carlos.
It was a hopeless endeavour; he recognises that now. TK remembers the fear he felt when Carlos was injured back at the warehouse, the desperation for him to be better, and now with his own injury…
He could have lost this chance before he ever got it, and TK isn’t about to let it slip through his fingers now. He reaches out and takes Carlos’s good hand, startling him into meeting TK’s eyes.
“Yeah,” TK whispers, just loud enough for Carlos to hear him. “I think I do.”
The smile Carlos gives him lights up the room, and he doesn’t waste any time in leaning down to kiss TK. And it’s… It’s everything TK had hoped and imagined it would be and more. It’s soft and sweet and gentle and perfect, and he never wants it to end.
But end it does, though Carlos doesn’t go far. TK smiles at him, squeezing his hand with all the strength he can muster.
“That’s a yes, by the way,” he says.
Carlos frowns. “What?”
TK’s smile widens and he flicks his eyebrows at Carlos. “To dinner. Or were you not asking me out after all?”
Carlos huffs a laugh, and the look in his eyes when they lock back onto TK’s melts his heart and makes his entire chest ache. “Does Friday work for you?”
He nods, tugging Carlos down for another kiss. “It’s a date.”
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princip1914 · 3 years
A few thoughts on writing longfic
I’ve had this post brewing for a while and I figured since today is a Friday I might as well let it out into the wild. 
First off, this is not writing advice. I don’t feel qualified to give writing advice. This is a few observations I’ve made over the course of trying to write something that feels, well, long. Fandom is full of excellent authors writing long chaptered fic, but I don’t see a lot of people talking about how they go about producing such fics. I remember feeling like long fic was really out of reach for me when I started writing again in the summer of 2019 after not writing for years and years and I wanted to talk a bit about how that changed for me. Of course, this post comes with all the caveats that there is no need to ever write long fic if you’re not feeling it. Some of my favorite authors write mostly or only oneshots! But, if you are interested, here’s my lengthy, self indulgent, and entirely personal take on ~the longfic process~ below the cut. 
First, to get this out of the way: long fic is anything that feels long or complicated to you, the author. “I’m working on my long fic” can mean that you’re branching out from microfiction to write something that’s 2k long, or it can mean you’ve got a multi-part 800k epic. There’s no objective measure of if something is “long fic,” Your own personal definitions can also change as you grow in confidence or change your focus as a writer (a little over a year ago when I finished Doubt Thou the Stars are Fire topping out at 31k, that felt very very long to me. Now it feels….still long, but not very very long.) 
Here are a few specific things that helped me write something long. I don’t know if they will be interesting for anyone else, but at the very least writing these down has been a fun way for me to reflect on my own process. 
Practice exercises. Ok, this is going to sound exceedingly obvious, but writing one shots prepares you for writing chaptered fic. Here’s what I mean more specifically: if you know you want to write (as a totally hypothetical example) a chaptered fic set in America in the summer that relies heavily on a nature metaphors, is written out of chronological order, and features a melancholy tone--it helps to write a few one shots like that before you embark on the Big Fic. Just like artists tend to do sketches before starting a big piece, it’s very helpful to write something small that gives you a feel for the ~vibe~ of what you’re trying to do in the long fic. It’s helpful for all the usual reasons--you get to know a specific version of the characters which helps plan out a character driven plot for the long fic--but it’s also helpful because you will learn if the tone and mood of the fic has enough staying power to capture your interest for the long haul. For instance, I have a few unfinished chaptered fics that have a humorous tone. I wish I had done more short humorous fics before starting them, because I would have realized that I don’t currently have the mental stamina to hold up a humorous tone for the length of a chaptered fic (hopefully that will change and I will finish Last Days some time this century!). 
Plan it out ahead of time. I used google sheets for The False and the Fair. I do not think God intended google sheets to be used for fiction, but that was not going to stop me. On a more serious note, I think the best tool for planning fiction is the one you’re the most comfortable with--the notes app in your phone, handwriting, word, google drive, sheets, chalk board, summoning circle, the blood of your enemies, etc. The reason I chose to use sheets is that I knew from the very beginning that I wanted certain things to happen at specific places in the story--for instance, I wanted the first kiss to happen at the end of the first third of the story and I wanted the “reveal” about the mine accident to happen at the end of the second third of the story. But, I didn’t know what was supposed to go in between those elements. A traditional outline for a story at this point in development might have looked like: 
Meet cute
But, what my brain needed was to preserve the blank spaces in between these story elements, and specifically to preserve the right amount of blank space between these story elements so that it didn’t end up, for instance, that the first kiss was halfway through rather than a third of the way through. In this way, I found google sheets an invaluable tool for pacing in the early parts of the planning process. I simply made 30 rows assuming 30 chapters, and started plugging in the elements I knew I wanted in the locations I wanted them. Then I filled in the blank spaces by asking myself “how do we get from X plot element to Y plot element in Z amount of chapters.” I’m not a mountain climber, but I’ve often thought about the first things that go into the spreadsheet in terms of mountain climbing terminology.  In climbing, a crux move, which can be anywhere along the route, is the most difficult move of the route: if you can’t do it, you can’t do the route. I think of the first things that go into the planning spreadsheet as the crux moves of the story, the most important pieces around which everything else turns. It was not an accident that those were also all the first scenes of the fic that I wrote; if I couldn’t do those scenes, I couldn’t do the story the way I planned it so I wanted to know early on if I needed to make changes.
Make changes if you have to: even though it helps to have things planned in advance, don’t resist the story if it tries to change on you while you’re writing it. Usually the feeling that you have to make changes stems from having a plot that is not entirely character driven. As you write the story, the characters reveal themselves and sometimes the plot has to change to change with the characters’ motivations. Here’s an area where fanfic writers have a leg up on everyone else: if you write fic, you already know the characters really well. That means, (in my experience anyway) it’s less likely that you’ll have a surprise character development which leads to a rethinking of the whole plot. Less likely, but not completely unlikely, unfortunately.
Lie to yourself: The False and the Fair was supposed to be 90k words. I thought that sounded reasonable, a little less than 3x the longest fic I had ever written. Now it's 161k and will probably top out a little over 170k. Ooops. But I never would have set out to write something that long. I wouldn’t have thought I could do it, even though anyone more experienced looking at my plans for the fic probably would have laughed at the idea I could cover all those plot points in 90k. Ignorance is bliss. Protect your ignorance.
Scrivener: Long fic for me means “fic that is long enough you can’t hold all the parts of it in your head at once.” That’s where Scrivener comes in (or another app if you’d rather, but I really like Scrivener for the ability to see the project either linearly or as condensed notecards). You can put together an organizational scaffold in Scrivener that allows you to move back and forth between the forest and the trees. So, for instance, you might be going for a jog and come up with the perfect line of dialogue for chapter 27 when you’re only up to chapter 5 in terms of writing progress. With Scrivener, you can go home, and put that dialogue in the “bucket”/index card/whatever for chapter 27 without compromising your ability to see chapter 5 clearly or muddying up your google doc. You can then use the fact that you’ve started writing bits and pieces of the later chapters in conjunction with the tool of lying to yourself that, actually, you’ve written a lot more of the fic than you realize and that when you get to chapter 27 it won’t be as hard as chapter 5 because you’ve put in the groundwork already. In my experience, this lie turns out to be true about 50% of the time, which is better than 0% of the time.
Digestible mini arcs: The False and the Fair was originally broken up into thirds. I thought it would be 90k and 30k was the longest I had written, so thirds seemed to make sense. Also, 3 is a nice, time honored storytelling number. I think it’s good to give yourself seemingly achievable milestones along the way to completion. These milestones (for me anyway) lined up well with the “crux moments” I’ve described. If you’re someone who likes to write out of order, writing your way to an already written milestone can feel like sailing to an island where you get to rest for a bit from the stormy seas before setting out for the next island in the archipelago.
“It's all part of the process”: I’m categorically incapable of describing things without resorting to running metaphors, and so I apologize in advance, but I am now going to do the insufferable thing of comparing writing a long fic to running a marathon. Here’s the thing with a marathon. You are not going to feel good every step of the way. We all know this. It’s a marathon, it’s supposed to hurt a little bit, especially at the end. In the same way you literally cannot write something novel length or even novella or long short story length without, at least at some point, feeling bad about yourself and your writing. But you also can’t run a marathon if the whole thing is agony, and for most people, it’s not--your meat sack shuffling along the course is subjected to the slings and arrows of all sorts of weird body chemistry that only happens when you push it to its limits. So, you’ll be in agony and then the endorphins will kick in for a while and you’ll be thinking “this isn’t nearly as bad as everyone said,” and then you’ll drink some water at a rest stop and feel like a God for half a mile before you crash and you’re in agony again until that one perfect song comes up on the playlist...and you get the idea. Writing something long, for me at least, is a bit like that. There are massive ups and downs. The key for me is to just understand it’s all part of the process, a necessary step on the way to the finish line. If the fic is 10 chapters long, at some point you have to write chapter 5. Just like you have to write chapter 5, at some point you also have to go through a bit of despair before reaching the end. It is unfortunately non-optional. In fact, despairing is something you can check off your list each time you’ve done it. Cut dialogue tags, check. Feel awful about my writing for thirty minutes, check. Write ending section, check. Often I feel that the stress and shame and fear that come with bad emotions while writing are worse than the bad emotions themselves. It really helps me to remember these emotions are all part of the process and nothing to worry about. If I didn’t have them, then I would worry! 
I certainly have plenty more to say about writing, but this ramble has gone on long enough. If you’re interested in any of this stuff, please feel free to send me an ask. 
I would also love to know more about everyone else’s writing processes, so feel free to pop into my ask box to talk about your own approach too! I am very interested in this stuff! 
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Son of A B****
Title: Son of Bitch Square Filled: Omega!Sam Ship (if any): Sam/Dean, Omega!Sam/Alpha!Dean Rating: T Tags: Omega!Sam, ABO, Mpreg, Backgound ABO Summary: Sam goes to see the doctor thinking there might be something wrong or that he’s too stressed, Dean thinks Sam’s just starting omegapause, turns out they’re both wrong Word Count: 2201 Written/Created for @spnaubingo
Son of A Bitch
“I’m sure you’re worried for nothing,” Dean said. “Just stressing yourself out.” 
“But it could be something,” Sam replied. “I’d rather just talk to the doctor and see what’s going on.” 
“Could be omegapause,” Dean mused. 
“…Are you saying I’m old?” Sam asked. “I’m not even 40 yet.” 
“Okay, pre-omegapause,” Dean added. 
Sam rolled his eyes. “Saying that isn’t actually making me feel better, Dean. If anything it’s making me think about morality and wills and burial plots.” 
“But you’re not thinking about what could be stressing you out,” Dean pointed out. “You’re welcome.” 
Sam snorted. “The way your mind works will never cease to amaze me.” 
“Sam Winchester?” 
He looked up at the sound of his name and saw a nurse standing in the doorway of the waiting room. 
“I gotta go, I’ll see you at home alright?” Sam added. 
“Everything will be okay Sam. And whatever it is, which is nothing, we will face it together. Like we always do,” Dean told him. 
Sam smiled a bit. “I know…Love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
Sam hung up as he stood and walked over to the nurse. “Right this way Sam. Since this is your first time seeing Dr. Sterns we have to do a couple routine tests for your file and then she’ll come in when we’re finished alright?” 
He nodded and went through the tests. He made a mental note to see about getting Dean to the doctor at some point. They were both pretty healthy, but it never hurt to have a doctor sign off on it. 
“Alright, I’ll take these samples to the lab and Dr. Sterns will be in a few minutes,” the nurse told Sam before stepping out. 
He leaned back in one of the chairs and tried not to let on how nervous he felt. He sat up straighter as the door opened and a young woman stepped into the room. 
“Sam Winchester? I’m doctor Sterns,” she smiled and offered her hand. “How are we doing today?” 
“Just trying to remember the last time I was in a doctor’s office,” he chuckled as they shook hands. “Moved around a lot for most of my life, so I’m more used to the whole free clinic, and urgent care types.” 
“Move around a lot for work?” she asked. 
“Something like that,” Sam answered. 
“Well, everything looks good, our labs are not too busy today so we should get those lab results back by the time we’re finished. I see you are a new patient with us, and you had a few concerns that prompted you coming in today. Why don’t we talk about those,” she said. 
“Right, uh it might be nothing, and it could just be me stressing out over nothing, I’ve been having trouble sleepy lately, and I’ve noticed that sometimes I get night sweats. I’ve also been getting headaches a lot more, haven’t been in the mood for sex much lately, my mate told me to mention that one, I’ve had some cramping on and off as well and some weight gain…I went online, and from what I’ve been seeing I guess I might going into pre-omegapause?” he explained. 
“If only all my patients were as thorough as you,” Dr. Sterns chuckled. “Some of the symptoms you describe can coincide with pre-omegapause. I see here you’re going to be thirty six soon, and it isn’t uncommon to start getting symptoms in one’s late thirties. However, what you’ve told me could also indicate pregnancy.” 
“Pregnancy?” Sam blinked surprised. 
That thought hadn’t crossed his mind. 
“You mentioned that you haven’t had your heat in a few months? When was your last heat?” she asked. 
“Mid May,” Sam answered. “And it didn’t last as long as it normally did. Usually it’s a week long this time it is a couple days. Three I think.” 
She nodded and wrote something notes down. “If you don’t mind me asking, why is it your first thought was pre-omegapause and not pregnancy?” 
“Well…if it was going to happen for me, shouldn’t it have happened by now?” Sam asked. “I mean…I’ve been with my mate practically all my life, and we’ve always shared my heat together, when I was younger I used to take birth control, but as I got older I started having bad reactions to it so I stopped, and there are times when we’ve forgotten protection, we just kinda assumed kids were just not in the picture for us.” 
“Have either of you been tested to know for certain?” She asked. 
“We were never in one place long enough to really think about it,” Sam admitted. He ran a hand through his hair. “But…you’re saying there’s a chance I could be pregnant?” 
“There is a chance yes,” she nodded. “The blood sample will give us a more definitive answer.” Her computer chimed and she turned to look at it. “Which, it looks like we’ve got the results.” 
“I haven’t been this nervous since I applied to Stanford,” Sam smiled a bit. 
“Alright, let’s see here. cholesterol looks good, negative for any STDs or infections which is good, and the HCG levels in your blood are on the higher side, you are pregnant Sam,” she smiled at him. 
“Really?” Sam asked. 
She turned the screen so he could see. “Normal HCG levels tend to be around here, but when you’re pregnant they’ll be around here, and get higher the further along in your pregnancy. In some cases, very high HCG levels could indicate twins or even triplets. Given your age, it wouldn’t be impossible for you to have fraternal twins.  Your hormone levels are a bit on the low side which could be playing a part in why you haven’t been feeling any nausea or morning sickness. That could spike the further along you get.” 
“Son of a bitch,” Sam sat back in the chair. “Sorry,” he blushed embarrassed. “I don’t mean to swear it’s just…the fact that I might be pregnant never even crossed my mind and then to find out I am, and that I could have twins…it’s a lot.” 
“Would you like to do an ultrasound?” She asked. “See what they look like? And it’ll tell us how far along you are.” 
“Uh yeah, sure,” Sam nodded. 
He got up and laid down on the exam table and unbuttoned his shirt while she wheeled over the machine. He shivered when the gel made contact with his stomach and watched the screen. 
“And there is your baby,” she turned the screen so he could see better and pointed. “Judging by the size, you’re just about shy two months, which means, you conceived during your last heat, which explains why it was so short. Generally once pregnancy takes, the heat is finished.” 
“Wow…They’re so small,” Sam was in awe. 
“Let me print you off a couple of pictures, and I’ll write down a list of prenatal vitamins for you,” she told him. 
She gave him some tissues to clean off his stomach and he sat up to wait for her. 
An hour had him pulling down the driveway to their house. After almost two years it was still weird to know they had a house to call home. A permanent home. He pulled his car in next to the Impala and grabbed the grocery bag off the seat and locked the doors before making his way to the house. 
“Dean?” He called as he stepped inside. “Hey boy,” he knelt down to receive a few kisses from their dog Zeppelin and Sam’s still not sure how Dean won that one one. “Where’s Dean huh? Where’s he at?” 
Zeppelin barked and ran over to the sliding glass doors that led to the back porch. Sam took the pie he picked up from the grocery store out of the bag and set it in the fridge. He was pleased to see the writing on it hadn’t smeared on the drive home. He hid a few beers and soda’s in front of it. And maybe that should have been the tip off. He can’t remember the last time he had an actual drink, as he’d been drinking soda and water a lot more. 
“Hey,” Sam stepped onto the back porch. 
“Hey,” Dean smiled. “How’d it go?” 
“Good, it was uh, it was good,” Sam answered. 
“See? I told you you had nothing to worry about,” Dean turned his attention back to the grill. “Figured I’d make kabobs for dinner. I even made sure to do a healthy amount of meat and veggies so you won’t complain this time.” 
“I don’t think meat on a stick by itself really counts as a kabob Dean,” Sam pointed out as he walked over. 
Dean wrapped his arm around him as he turned the kabobs over and leaned up to kiss his temple. “Well lucky for me, pretty much the whole world agrees that meat on a stick by itself does count.” 
Sam snorted and reached for a pepper. “I’ll go set the table. We eating inside or outside?” 
“Outside, the weather’s nice,” Dean answered. “Grab me a beer too would you?” 
Sam went back into the house and grabbed the plates from the cabinet and drinks for them. He stopped in the doorway when he saw Dean putting the kabobs on a plate, and tossing a few pieces of chicken to Zeppelin. 
He could already picture Dean standing at the same grill with their little boy or girl. Talking them through the intricacies of perfect grilling. Sneaking extra food to Zeppelin when Sam wasn’t looking. 
“I know you’re there Sam,” Dean said without looking over his shoulder. 
“He’s gonna get fat if you keep sneaking him food like that,” Sam said as he set the plates on the table. 
“He’ll be fine. Ain’t that right Zep?” Dean tossed the dog another piece before he turned off the grill and joined Sam at the table with a plate of kabobs. 
“I’ve never seen so many vegetables on your plate before,” Sam teased. “And such variety.” 
“At least I’m not getting a little paunch unlike someone,” Dean mused as he picked up his beer. 
My paunch is our baby, Sam was tempted to say, it was weird to think it but it made him feel warm inside. He knew deep down Dean had always wanted a family, and Sam had always felt a little disappointed with himself that he hadn’t been able to give that to Dean despite his claims that all he needed was Sam. But now he was pregnant, and as much as he wanted to tell Dean, he didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so instead he just kicked Dean under the table. 
“Ow,” Dean reached down to rub his ankle. “Mean.” 
They finished eating in mostly silence, comfortable silence that came from years of living in each other’s pockets and Sam pushed his plate away once he was done. He covered his mouth as he burped. 
“Excuse me,” he blushed. 
“I will take that as a compliment,” Dean grinned. 
“I picked up some pie on my way home,” Sam told him. “I put it in the fridge.” 
“Is it apple? I hope it’s apple,” Dean said as he stood up. “You want a slice?” 
“I’ll pass,” Sam answered. “But I’ll take a root beer on your way back.” 
“Must be some good news you got at the doctors. You’ve been smelling all good since you got home, and you picked up pie? If it weren’t the anti-possession tattoos I’d think you were possessed by a demon or something…Which reminds…me…” Dean’s voice trailed off. 
“Dean?” Sam leaned back to try and peer into the house. 
He stood up and walked into the house and found Dean in the kitchen. He was standing front of the fridge holding the door open. He was looking down at the pie in the fridge. Sam had asked the bakery clerk to write We’re pregnant on top of the pie in frosting. 
“Turns out it wasn’t pre-omegapause, or omegapause or stress…I’m uh. I’m pregnant Dean,” Sam told him. “We’re gonna have a baby.” 
“Son of a bitch,” Dean said. 
“Yeah…my thoughts too when I found out,” Sam chuckled. 
“But what about…and all those times,” Dean said as he looked at Sam. 
“Stress…it can decrease infertility and the chances of conceiving,” Sam replied. “The last decade and a half has probably been a little stressful what with hunting monsters and trying to keep the world from imploding…you know, just normal everyday stressful things.” 
Dean laughed a little. “Yeah, totally normal stressful things…fuck, Sam this is…” 
“Good?” Sam asked hopefully. 
“More than good Sammy,” Dean answered. He set the pie down on the counter and walked over to Sam. His fingers brushed their bond mark as he pulled him down into a kiss and Sam melted into it. 
“This is amazing,” Dean said as he pulled away. “You’re gonna get so fat.”
Sam snorted and shoved his mate. “Screw you.” 
Dean just grinned at him. “I mean consider screwing is what led us here…” 
“Oh my god, just eat your pie,” Sam laughed.
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docholligay · 4 years
What hobbies or activities would your OW crew each try and pick up during corona quarantine?
Lena is going to try and learn a second language. She took French in school, didn’t she? And didn’t she graduate school? Right! So this should be an absolute walk in the park. French it is. Her first choice was Arabic, as it was, in fact, the prospect of Amari drama that made her embrace the wisdom of being a polyglot in the first place, but Mercy’s gentle suggestion that she start with something a bit closer to home base made her try for French. Arabic could be her third language. 
And it isn’t that Tracer is stupid, so much as she has the full confidence that she can try hard and find success. This has been true so many times in her life, that she was simply the one most dedicated to the outcome, and so she managed to wrench it from the hands of fate. She is quick, and clever, and capable! What’s FRENCH got that she can’t handle. 
Lena, five minutes in: Oh, right, I hated school. 
She tries, god love her, but it just doesn’t hold her attention. She’s trying so hard to write verb forms and study and study, but she doesn’t honestly care much to KNOW French. It reminds her of Amelie, for starters, and that always gives her a little bit of a pit in her stomach, and without Amelie, there seems very little reason to know it. Only one in the house who speaks it is Mercy, really. 
So she takes account of the languages her team knows. 
Hana...Korean, of course, and at least some Japanese, mostly for promotional reasons. Lena takes one look at the Japanese rules of politeness and deference and gently sets the language to the side. She thinks about Korean--Korea’s been so much help since the omnic crisis, and it’s a good thing to converse with your allies--but the daunting aspect of having to ask Hana, who seems not even to know herself whether she likes everyone in the house or not, overcomes her. 
Fareeha, well, that’d be Arabic, and that’s it, so far as Lena knows, and Ang’s already warned her off of that one. Fareeha’s feeling a it pricky about the whole Arabic situation since her mother’s come back, anyhow, and all her workout music has turned to English, and Lena’s not certain why she seems to be blaming the entire Arab world for Ana, but then again, Lena doesn’t understand Fareeha in the best of times. 
Winston, he’d of course help her, but a lot of his knowledge is tied up in Latin and Scholarly Greek, and she’s not sure why anyone would take all the effort when you couldn’t even properly go on holiday. He does know a fair amount of German, she figures, but if she’s going to do that, she may as well go to Ang, and besides all that, Winston dos so much for her. No need to throw in another thing. 
Ana: No. 
Jack: No, but a bit softer. 
Angela seems the natural choice, as she knows so many languages, comparatively. Her father was a linguist of sorts, to hear Ang talk around the edge of it, and so German, French, Italian, Latin, Hebrew, at the least, all come to her quickly and easily. It’s English she likes the least, and she’s better at it than she gives herself credit for, near perfect but for a few stange tenses. It really only Ang who notices. But Angela is, well, Ang, and with all the troubles of the world, she’s lost her mind, a bit. 
So there’s no real help to be had, and Lena buys a few Muzzy tapes in French and learns how to say “I am a young girl” and “I like apples” before deciding that her quarantine time is better spent ensuring that she can actually climb the drain to the roof, jump from the roof into the pool, and other extremely valuable information. No one was hiring her for the language department anyhow. 
WInston is more used to solitude than the rest of them, and as far as he’s concerned, it’s not really loneliness if Tracer is with him. THough he feels bad for her, and how stir crazy she’s getting. It makes him sad to see her so bored and glum, though she is trying to make cheer of it. 
And so Winston has a genius idea. Tracer LOVES gymnastics, and Winston loves a project. So the idea for the super bounce trampoline is born. 
You cannot tell Winston this is a bad idea. You cannot tell Winston this is a bad idea, because, on some level, he already knows. He knows, but he sees Tracer doing her little cartwheels in the yard, running laps, trying to create little games for herself where she creates time trials around the house, trying to improve on each activity lap. At the time where she breaks three plates trying to see if she can beat her time for table service, it even starts to sound like a GOOD idea. 
He’s fine making little picnic lunches together and watching TV and having her ‘help’ in the lab, but she is becoming despondent with the boredom of it all. It has been ten days. 
And so, he looks at the metals he’s engineered for use in his prosthetic limbs. Couldn’t they also be used to create a spring that would double your strength and energy return of a normal spring? Than Lena could do all kinds of maneuvers on the trampoline, and besides, it’s always important to know the limits of engineering. 
Angela tries to remind him hospitals  are full. 
The first day of quarantine, Hana Song pops a soda in her pj shorts and says, “It’s a pandemic! Why do we have to improve ourselves? God, isn’t it enough to be alive?” She takes a deep sip. “I’ll do some charity streams, okay?” 
As she’s walking away Tracer asks her if she’ll help paint the upstairs den. Tracer is making little physical projects for herself in varying levels of horror, sometimes while watching the Muzzy tapes to convince herself she hasn’t given up on the bilingual dream. Painting seems tame. Hana stops for a moment, then agrees. 
She is the only reasonable person in this house. 
Angela is in a panic. The entire world seems to be crumbling at her feet, and though she is no epidemiologist, she knows that none of this is good. She wants to go. Pharah begs her to stay. She is afraid for Angela. To put her in some ICU where she could get the illness, where it could be, as such, that Fareeha would not be able to come to her. She understands Angela’s need to help, but also, she says, what if something happened to you? You are the only doctor with any real knowledge of Tracer. What would be come of her. 
Angela only looks at her for a moment before her face darkens, and Fareeha shakes her head, ashamed. “I was using Tracer to excuse my own fears. I am selfish. You should go.” 
And in that moment, Angela does not leave not because she is the only physician who can properly work with Tracer’s condition, but for the great love of Fareeha Amari, who for the first time since Angela has known her, is truly afraid. 
The days pass with difficulty. She is writing guidelines and ideas to anyone she can, coordinating donations and writing out thank yous and pleas, sitting in the bay window of their bedroom as the sleeting snow and rain fall against the window one bleak afternoon. The sun and storm come in patches, she’s noticed, but the grey seems to speak to her most all. 
Fareeha comes to her one day. She has a mug filled with hot chocolate and whipped cream and brandy and love. She gently places her hand on Angela’s knee. 
“I hear you crying in the night,” she says, though she cannot look to Angela’s face, “You should go. You must go.” 
She loves Fareeha so very much. 
She goes. 
Which immediately drives the sort of disconnected and floating morass of ennui that is the Overwatch household into Von Trapp style whistle blowing order. 
Pharah’s project, you see, is everyone else. 
Fareeha is a lovely person in most respects, all of them would say in one way or another, but she has certain control issues, and these never become more pronounced than when her life seems, well, out of control. 
No more laying about. There is a kitchen to be reorganized, there are drills to be done, when was the last time you lifted? There is a color coded schedule posted in the kitchen and we should all take note of the way Fareeha has scheduled our time. Tracer balks, of course, that she’s the leader as well, and Fareeha has a terrible habit of assuming that it’s her who’s the leader entire and complete, and you know what else--
Winston pulls them apart. Neither of them, he tries to say, are actually angry with each other. He shakes when he says it. 
And so Pharah tries. God love her, she tries SO HARD. She improves herself, and tries to let others be. She reorganizes the entire kitchen. She labels every bulk container, She scrubs every floor in the house to a gleaming shine. Her clothes, and Angela’s all washed and organized by sshade and season. 
One night Lena comes downstairs and sees her looking out the window, drinking a Labatt, rubbing at her wedding ring. Lena wouldn’t embarrass her by asking, but her eyes seem to beglistening, jsut a bit. 
The next morning, all three of the rest of the OVerwatch team are lined up, at the bottom of the stairs, at 6 am sharp. 
It’s true that Fareeha takes herself on three hour runs across the prairie in all weathers to give everyone some down time where they don’t have to be doing anything, but they broker a sort of peace wherein they spend a certain amount of time doing Fareeha Amari’s Twelve Point Improvement Plan every day, and time doing their own thing, and Fareeha seems genuinely cheered to be plotting out their workout and meal plans, their online seminars to listen to. She and Lena even watch a few Muzzy tapes together. 
She even forgives Tracer when the first test of Winston’s trampoline finds Lena sailing through Pharah’s (Thankfully open) bedroom window. 
Ana and Jack:
 They spend all of quarantine watching 90 Day Fiancee and eating TV dinners.
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Episode 11: Alone Time
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Prodigal Son. Come for the plot line. Stay for the whump. Let’s dive into this episode.
0:06 - Look at poor baby Malcolm’s black eye. :( Do you think the bullies are why he got into martial arts - because he wanted to defend himself?
0:59 - Malcolm is chained to the ground. At this point he can’t escape. Can someone please explain to me why Watkins decided to take Malcolm’s shoes and socks? I mean - no shoes makes it harder to run away but he’s chained to the ground so why bother?!? Furthermore, where is Malcolm’s tie and suit jacket? Why take those? ...he also took Malcolm’s watch but at least that one makes sense.
1:10 - This is Not Good. Malcolm looks scared and a little confused. Does he have a concussion? 
1:45 - This is Gil terrified and determined to find his missing kid. My heart is breaking just looking at him. 
1:50 - Why was this speech necessary 12 hours after the kidnapping and murder? Why to the whole precinct? Why does Colette get to make it instead of Gil? The precinct respects Gil. They don’t respect Colette. 
2:03 - JT looks sad and scared. I don’t think we’ve ever seen him look this upset. Malcolm’s wormed his way into JT’s heart. It’s sweet. 
2:08 - Dani looks concerned and scared too - but that’s not a surprise given the amount of screen time that’s been given to Dani and Malcolm’s brewing friendship. 
2:10 - Gil looks pissed when he’s staring at the floor. I don’t blame him Colette is suggesting that his kid might already be dead. He’s probably blaming himself. Is he side-eying Colette - for making an insensitive speech 12 hours late? Or Dani and JT because he wants them to ignore Colette and go and find Bright? 
2:24 - JT isn’t acting out of line here. I’ve watched enough Criminal Minds to know that sometimes locals PD officers/detectives get upset and take things personally when the FBI get involved. BUT Colette is acting like a real piece of work. She’s disrespecting JT on purpose. She clearly hates men. What is her deal? 
2:31 -  Dani is great here. She totally diffuses the fight that was about to break out at JT (rightfully) lost his mind on this woman. It makes me wonder if Dani was bullied as a kid. Colette is acting like a high school queen B. Dani doesn’t seem like the type to be a queen B so I wonder if she was tormented by one as a kid?
3:00 - Honestly, I’m pissed about this. Yes - Jessica shouldn’t have had that press conference. BUT it’s downright criminal to avoid telling a mother that her child was kidnaped. Just more proof that Colette is a controlling, b**ch. Gil looks like he’s using all of his self-control not to lose it on Colette - which is a shame because I would pay good money to watch that outburst. 
3:15 - Colette clearly thinks that Gil and Jessica are in a relationship since she caught them standing so closely in Gil’s office. It’s kind of funny but also such an inappropriate thing for her to focus on right now. 
4:10 - So Gil does have a history of church attendance. The past tense there makes me assume that he stopped going when he became and adult and moved out of his parent’s house. 
4:15 - This is the closest to a Gil outburst we’ve gotten so far. I’m obsessed with it. Look at his face. He’s furious. He’s scared. ALSO - please tell me that Matilda gets jail time for being an accomplice. 
5:40 - When Jessica is on the phone she really reminds me of Ainsley. They both have this certain inflection in their voices when their determined and having a conversation with someone. 
 5:46 - Oh no. Gil does not want to do this. He does not want to tell Jessica that he didn’t protect Malcolm well enough. Look at how wrecked he is. He looks close to tears. 
6:24 - “It’s about Malcolm.” Jessica’s face. She immediately goes from playful and determined to serious and terrified. This woman adores her son. 
6:38 - I love this whole conversation between Gil and Jessica. I love that Gil calls her Jess. It suggests that at one point in time they were good friends. Believe me - my name is Jessica. If you introduce yourself as Jessica to everyone only your close friends/family (and douchebags trying to get in your pants after knowing you for 2 minutes) will start casually start calling you Jess. Furthermore, they both look scared. I love that Gil tries to reassure Jessica that it’s not her fault - partially because he knows it isn’t - but partially because he believes it’s his fault for not keeping a better eye on Malcolm.
6:55 - It’s interesting to me that the writers keep suggesting that there’s the potential for a romantic relationship between Gil and Jessica but then they also show Gil wearing his wedding ring. I find this interesting because Gil is a dude with a iron-clad moral standard. He would never cheat on his wife. The fact that he’s still wearing that ring suggests that he would never do anything with Jessica because he still considers himself married to his deceased wife. 
7:04 - I love how determined Gil is to find Malcolm. How desperate Jessica is to help. 
7:24 - Oh hell yes. This is such a great exchange. Gil is going to visit Martin Whitly and Jessica pretty much gives Gil permission to murder him. Gil and Jessica are both so desperate to find Malcolm and it’s precious.
8:08 - I do not like the way Malcolm is smiling here. He looks drugged and delirious. I’m really worried about that head wound and the fact that he’s probably missed doses of his mood stabilizers. *sigh* I want to hug him. 
9:18 - Ok. This is great. Watkins wants Malcolm to become his murder partner. He just thinks that Malcolm needs to “go through the trials”. Hasn’t Malcolm already “gone through the trials”? I mean, his dad is in prison, he’s been bullied his whole life, he has a nasty list of diagnoses that plague him, and he has so much trauma. We shouldn’t compare trauma but Malcolm’s probably had more severe trauma than John’s “my mommy left me with abusive grandparents who locked me in a wardrobe”. What happened to John was criminal but also he’s killing people. 
9:31 - I love that Malcolm openly states that he’s not a killer. How many times do you think he’s had to say that to people throughout his life? People who judge him when they find out who his father is. How many times do you think he’s said it to himself in the middle of a panic attack? Makes me wonder at what age he changed his last name.
10:02 - Aww Dani. Girl, you’re breaking my heart. You look so worried about Malcolm. ALSO love the determined teamwork we’re getting from Dani and JT here. So sweet.
11:00 - When do you think Martin last saw Gil? Murder trial? When Malcolm was a teenager? More recently? I’m really curious.
11:20 - Look at the pure hatred in Gil’s face. Man. Gil is an absolute A+ guy but I genuinely believe he’s capable of murdering Martin Whitly without guilt. 
11:30 - Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how incredible Michael Sheen is in this scene? He’s always good but this scene is just....wow. *chef’s kiss* Martin’s eyes. Martin’s panic attack. The way Martin squints due to light sensitivity. The hysterical laugh. Ugh. So. Good.
12:18 - Gil’s face when Martin is laughing hysterically. The look he’s giving Martin is fantastic. It’s a look of anger and disgust. Watch as Gil crosses his arms and avoids eye contact with Martin a few seconds later. It’s as though Gil is physically restraining himself from crossing that red line and using physical force to get the answers that he needs from Martin.
13:16 - Anyone else hate it when Martin calls Malcolm “my boy”? It really drives home the fact that Martin is a psychopath for me. A normal man who refer to Malcolm as “my son”. The fact that Martin refers to Malcolm as “my boy” implies that he views Malcolm as an object that he possesses. It makes me feel sick. 
13:30 - Amazing. Check out this look that Martin and Gil share. For a split second Martin has Gil convinced that he cares about Malcolm. Martin’s eyes are conveying fear for Malcolm. So are Gil’s. I’m sure Gil wasn’t intending on telling Martin that Malcolm is missing but Gil’s desperate. His emotional walls are crumbling and Martin has succeeded at manipulating him into telling him about Malcolm. 
13:50 - Martin’s panic attack is really interesting to me. First of all I’m an engineering student - not a doctor or a psychologist, BUT I’ve always thought that psychopaths can’t feel empathy or anxiety. Therefore, I thought psychopaths were literally incapable of having a panic attack (a quick google search suggests that my assumptions might be wrong). Secondly, why is Martin having a panic attack? Is it truly because he’s worried about his son? I don’t think so. I think it’s because he’s afraid of what Malcolm might find out from Watkins. I think he’s afraid that the NYPD and Malcolm might discover that Martin has done more crime than has been previously thought. 
14:03 - Martin you are lucky Gil needs you conscious. If he didn’t he would’ve probably let you suffocate to death simply for traumatizing Malcolm.
15:05 - Look at the way Malcolm physically recoils when Watkins starts screaming. Huh. I never noticed that before. 
15:27 - Malcolm is too good for this world. Seriously, the guy is chained up, bloody, and in pain yet he’s empathizing with his captor. It’s not even Stockholm, Malcolm does this to every serial killer. It’s almost as if he’s trying to help them because he wishes someone would’ve helped his Dad. Or that he wishes that he could help Martin - but he can’t so he uses other serial killers as a substitute for Martin. Kind of concerning behaviour actually. 
16:30 - This whole stabbing scene is perfect. Malcolm looks terrified and confused when he finds out about Watkin’s old stab wound. Then Watkins stabs him and Malcolm descends into silent, painful, shock. My whump heart is beating so fast. I have so many feelings.
19:06 - Anyone else find the way that Gabrielle says “You need to stay alive kiddo.” is super creepy?!? Just me? Ok. 
19:55 - You know, it’s really impressive that Malcolm is so self-aware when he’s hallucinating and/or having a nightmare. 
20:11 - This is heartbreaking. Malcolm looks so lost and scared. He doesn’t care about his life anymore - just answers. 
21:21 - I’m so offended that Colette is chilling at Gil’s desk like it belongs to her. This woman is on thin ice with me. 
21:30 - Look how desperate/scared JT and Dani are. These. Are. The. Friends. That. Malcolm. Deserves.
22:00 - Of course. Colette isn’t coming because she’s concerned about Bright. She’s coming because 1) she doesn’t trust Dani and JT and 2) she wants credit for the arrest of John Watkins.
22:46 - “It’s over.” Is Martin referring to his son’s life or the very comfortable prison life that he’s established for himself. I genuinely think that Martin is afraid of what the NYPD will find out when they find Malcolm’s body (because Martin assumes Malcolm is dead).
22:48 - Martin and Gil fighting over being Malcolm’s Dad is everything. My heart is so full. Gil is getting soooo pissed. I’m in love. This scene might just be my absolute favourite of the whole season thus far (April 16,2020). 
25:35 - More suggestions that something is going on romantically between Jessica and Gil. Check out the look in Gil’s eyes there. He’s upset. Is it because he likes Jessica and he thinks he’s not worthy of her. OR is it because Martin is wasting time and he thinks that Malcolm is dying?
25:50 - Malcolm doesn’t look surprised here. He looks confused and a little scared. Huh. Did he previously suspect that Martin had been planning on killing him?
26:40 - You know, everyone reacts to trauma and bad news differently. However, Ainsley doesn’t seem nearly upset enough about the fact that her only brother has been kidnaped by a serial killer. Even when she’s trying to comfort Jessica - she looks concerned for her mom. Not for her brother.
28:34 - Malcolm looks angry here. He’s desperately trying to convince himself that Martin loves him. That Martin would never try to kill him. 
29:10 - This is the most broken I have ever seen Malcolm’s eyes. Holy crap. His lip is twitching. It’s like his brain just completely dissociated. He’s terrified and he thinks his family is in danger.
29:42 - Now Ainsley looks scared. Is it because she thinks a serial killer (other than her dad) gave her gifts as a child? Or is it a delayed reaction to Malcolm’s kidnapping. Kind of like a 5 stages of grief but for a kidnapping? She hit the disbelief and anger stages before the fear stage?
30:50 - Why does Colette feel the need to restate that she’s the primary on this case? It seems redundant and demeaning to JT and Dani. Ugh I hate this woman.
30:59 - I love that Malcolm suddenly snaps out of his dissociative state the second that Watkins tells Malcolm that he is going to kill Jessica and Ainsley. He becomes desperate and even more terrified than before. Look how fast he’s moving despite his injuries. That’s love.
31:50 - “Damn it Bright. You’re skinny ass better still be alive.” Gold. Just pure gold. JT loves Malcolm like a brother and he is so annoyed that he cares about Bright. This line is everything.
32:00 - Malcolm looks so close to tears here. He’s completely terrified. My heart is shattering. BUT my whump heart is also really happy. Because I’m a monster.
33:06 - I love how angry Dani gets on the phone with Gil. It suggests that Gil took a nasty tone of disbelief with her when she told him they didn’t find Malcolm. 
33:30 - Malcolm tries to run after John despite being chained up. My heart is so full. This boy adores his mother and sister. 
34:05 - They’re putting Martin back into solitary. Huh. Why didn’t they just have Gil question him in solitary? It was an emergency. Why go to the trouble of moving Martin through the hospital?
34:20 - Gil is definitely not supposed to be that close to Martin. That’s how scared Gil is - he just physically held a serial killer in a sort of comforting way to try and save Malcolm. This man deserves an award for Dad of the Year.
34:55 - So did Jessica not know about the tunnels under the house? I feel like that’s something she would’ve told the police about when Martin was arrested. Or at least something the police would’ve found when Martin was arrested. WHY DID NO ONE THINK TO CHECK THERE WHEN MALCOLM WENT MISSING?!? 
35:05 - Jessica Whitly is my queen. Running for her life. Terrified to death. She still has time to make sarcastic, sassy remarks to her daughter. I stan this woman. 
36:00 - Look at Malcolm. He’s completely lost the will to live. He’s given up. Until the hallucination of Martin makes him angry enough to keep living.
39:00 - “I have never counted on a man to save us and I don’t need to now.” Again. Jessica Whitly is a perfect woman. 
39:20 - Watching Malcolm break his own hand is utterly heart wrenching. What a total badass. He is bleeding out from a stab wound. He probably has a concussion. He is terrified, off his meds, and in extraordinary pain. Yet, he breaks his own hand in a desperate attempt to save his family. That is love.  Also...how did no one hear Malcolm screaming in pain when he broke his hand? How did no one hear Watkins screaming at Malcolm earlier?
40:04 - Jessica going at Watkins with a pair of scissors is both hilarious and just vicious. I love it. She is clearly terrified but if she’s going to die she is intending to die fighting. This woman is a treasure. 
40:46 - Jessica regains a sense of power when she hears Malcolm’s voice. Her eyes look less scared and more angry. 
41:20 - For continuity reasons I’m going to assume that Watkins is hallucinating that trunk and Malcolm just knocked him out onto the carpet. Also protective!Malcolm is very attractive. 
42:32 - This ending scene is awesome. That family hug. The fear in Jessica’s eyes when she asks Malcolm if Watkins is dead. The relief in her eyes when she sees Malcolm. The pain in Malcolm’s eyes. 
This episode is so so so good. Thanks for hanging out. 
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bespectacled-panda · 4 years
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after seeing dumpywoof’s post I was inspired to do a tier list of my own!!! and boy howdy do I have some hot takes of the century it turns out,,,
the seasons are more or less organized in descending order within the same row as well (e.g. MC 4 > MC 5). also, shamefully copying dumpywoof & putting a detailed & overly verbose explanation for each season:
S Tier
Terraria 3: For me, absolutely nothing compares to Terraria 3. No other season combines such perfect participant dynamics with such heart-wrenching drama—not to mention the existence of Team New Kids who make me cry on a daily basis, or the incredible fake twist ending. It would be a sin to put this season anywhere but alone at the very top. Also props for being the only (1 of 2) post-show that actually includes all of the cast.
 A Tier
Minecraft 4: This is the best season for shenanigans alone, hands-down. It’s largely just the participants shooting the shit together, especially in the latter half of the season when it gets down to just the four of them. & I have a huge soft spot for men being wholesomely foolish together I suppose, so here it goes fhdhfhd.
Minecraft 5: To be honest, I have not seen this season since it released, which is a crime, I know, I’m sorry :orb: But I remember it being very very good, & I cannot imagine my taste will have changed that dramatically in just a few years, so. in truth, this one might be actually better than MC 4, but as I have not seen it in many years I can’t say that for certain. Either way, though, it’s definitely one of the best seasons out there.
MineZ 1: To me, MineZ 1 is the reverse of MC 4: low on shenanigans & high on drama. It’s pre-Todd era, but the editing in this one is honestly Todd-level, I would say. It’s so incredibly tense, especially the scene with McJones & PBG trying to escape the caves, and I feel like the sheer stress of it all brought out a new side of a lot of the participants, most notably Dean—who sounded genuinely agonized at times. A very very quality season all around, IMO.
Terraria 2: This season probably objectively deserves to be B tier, but I am it giving A tier for personal bias. I just,,, love the dynamics okay. Jeff & McJones especially made for a killer duo. It was a rare instance of McJones being the funny man himself rather than being the straight man to someone else’s funny man; he was super uncharacteristically goofy & almost borderline flirtatious at times, it really made for some good moments fhdhfjd. Plus then you got McJones solo commentary at the end which I greatly enjoyed. Just,, a very enjoyable season, very mid-HC era, very light & easy to watch, all that good stuff.
Diablo II: Man,,,,this absolutely 100% does not deserve A tier, I know, I’m sorry, but I just can’t bring myself to put it lower. I have A tier love for it :orb: Admittedly, the game is horrendously ugly and confusing to watch, but the shenanigans + the cast dynamics win me over in the end. Paul especially was great in this, & I hope he makes a return someday. Loving fathers Paul & Jirard with their sorceress son McJones making their way through the end-game just cannot be beaten. (Anti-shoutouts to Ross though, I don’t know anything about him, I am sure he is a lovely man, but GOD. WHY DID HE KEEP RUNNING OFF ON HIS OWN & GETTING LOST BUT THEN FORCEFULLY REFUSING HELP,,, ROSS YOU ARE THE WORST DHDHFJDJD)
 B Tier
Minecraft 7: Boy,,, this is going to be a controversial take fhhfjdjf. I just don’t know how to explain it, but something about MC7 felt,,,, Very off. I don’t know what it was, just something about the season seemed very,,, almost like you could tell things were falling apart behind the scenes, & they were trying to pull it back together but weren’t quite succeeding. It’s not a bad season in any regards, of course, I just,, don’t enjoy it nearly as much as a lot of others,, it’s missing that crucial spark of life in my opinion,, also Dean leaving to go to work was kind of strange,, I get it, it’s probably difficult to work around his real-life job,, but it felt strange,, he got like temporary immunity. Nothing like that had ever happened before I don’t think. And also they never even explained why Dean wasn’t there for like three episodes fjdjfjhd,,
Minecraft 3: God I feel like I just keep digging myself into a deeper & deeper hole here fhsjfjd,,, but man, I did like MC3 to be honest. It wasn’t the best season, it kind of went nowhere, but I liked the cast & there was a lot of good funnymoments. Smooth & Shane were very good guests who I feel like really rounded out the season, & Jontron did not come off as terribly overbearing as I believe that he has in other seasons. Overall, pretty decent, I’d say.
 C Tier
Minecraft 2: MC 2 & MC 3 are very similar, but I think MC 2 is slightly worse, both in terms of entertainment & cast. NCS & Kyrak did not hit like Smooth & Shane did,,, and I feel like just everything that happened in this one was fairly forgettable. I was torn as to whether this should be a B or a C, but I put it here in the end just to drive home that I really don’t like it as much as MC 3, I don’t believe.
Minecraft 6: Oh lord, this is a nuclear take fhdjfjd. Again, this isn’t a bad season at all, it has its good moments, especially Chad & Dodger, they are angels & I love them & want them back. But boy,,, just. Many things went wrong here. None of the twists panned out like,, at all, which I know isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault, the concept of this twist & of twists in general is very good. But it fell so flat here, especially with the revival. There was,, no debate at all about what to do. They hyped it up like they had this big decision to make, but then nobody made any effort to dramatize it at all. It was basically just Dean deciding by himself and everyone just sitting back & letting him. For the record, I have no qualms with the fact that Dodger was revived, I fully agree that she deserved it over McJones, but it was not played well at all IMO,,,      I do have to admit, though, with a fair amount of sheepishness, that the thing that most sullies this season for me is McJones’s death. Just,,, his horrible, so so avoidable, insanely early death, coupled with his retirement shortly thereafter & him becoming so jaded with hc that he expressed borderline hostility & hatred towards it just,,, hurts. I kinda don’t wanna see the events of MC 6 now knowing the aftermath. I understand fully that this particular point is not something most people care about to say the least dhfhdjd, but,,, in all honesty, I really don’t have any desire to rewatch this one, as objectively good as it might be. It was a win but it felt like a loss, if that makes sense. Also the post-show lacked all three people I actually wanted to hear from fhdjfjd neither the two people who could’ve been revived nor the actual person who did the reviving were there to share their insight & perspectives on it :pensive: 
 D Tier
Starbound: man,,, starbound. This is a very mixed bag for me. On one hand, I disagree with people who say that it was boring or that nothing happened, I found it very tense, Todd’s editing had me on edge throughout every episode. But on the other hand,,, man. Very few memorable moments, what even happened in this one,, also I feel like the game mechanics/plot weren’t explained very well, I feel like I remember being vaguely confused all the time as to what was happening. Probably will not ever rewatch either.
 Have Not Seen
DayZ: I will not ever be watching this season both because I do not know anything about DayZ & because from what I’ve heard it was an absolute disaster, I’m just not interested in getting involved in that fhdhfjdk
Terraria 1: There’s not really a reason I haven’t watched this one. Just,, I haven’t made my way down to the earliest seasons yet. Although as mentioned before, I have seen a few clips of this season, & Jontron seems to be pretty obnoxious in this one, so I don’t how much I’ll enjoy the parts with him in it, but I definitely do want to watch it someday.
Minecraft 1: The same as Terraria 1, I just happen to not have seen this one by chance. But unlike T1, I am much more looking forward to actually watching it, it seems really good, I want to experience that legendary very first season at last dhdhfjd
MineZ 2: Man,,, many things about the behind-the-scenes of this season make me sort of uncomfortable honestly. Just,,, the visceral second-hand shame & embarrassment of someone in the hc fandom being so rude & bothersome to the cast,, somehow it makes me feel personally responsible even though I didn’t do anything fhdjfj,,, Also,, once again continuing with the trend of me being saddened by McJones expressing dislike for seasons fhdjfjd,, I do recall him saying, regarding this season, something like “I think it would’ve been better if we just never did this,” which,,, ow. That doesn’t make me particularly enthused to watch it fhdjfjd. I probably will end up watching this season someday to be honest, but I’m not looking forward to feeling the cast’s frustration & unhappiness with the situation,, (EDIT: I want to be clear that there is no actual drama surrounding minez 2!!! it is a perfectly fine season, there is nothing wrong with it, it just happens that I personally am bothered by the fact that there was a lot of like,,, frustration coming from the participants regarding the player who was stalking them. this in no way means that minez 2 is an objectively bad or problematic season!! if minez 2 is your favorite season I completely respect you, there is nothing wrong with that!! there is a lot to like about the season as a whole!!! I just personally care too much about mcjones having a bad time in seasons bc it’s what ultimately led to his retirement, & that makes me sad fjdhfjdjd. but it has come to my attention that my wording made it sound like there was drama about minez 2, which there never actually was, I am very very sorry for my unintentional yet poor choice of words.)
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gothreviews-blog · 5 years
The Invitation Review
As my first review, I decided to take on the horror/thriller movie, The Invitation. I’ve scrolled past it many times on Netflix, but the idea of a movie centered around a dinner party with a man and his ex wife didn’t seem all that appealing. I’m writing the review as I watch the movie so I can document my reaction in real time and if something happens connecting to earlier in the movie, I can connect it. Essentially making it as if the reader is watching along as well. I do leave out certain details if I feel they’re not necessary to the basic plot/
The opening conversation is an interesting one. Will and his girlfriend are in the car on the way to the dinner party and talking about his ex wife and her new man, David. I like the composition of this opening as they give just enough exposition that it feels like a normal conversation people would be having. It doesn’t feel like an exposition dump and the actors are very genuine in their performances. The coyote coming out of nowhere is a bit jarring and bizarre, but I appreciate there wasn’t your typical horror movie music sting. Killing an animal almost always brings a movie down to me, but at least it wasn’t a beloved pet. The fact they had Will kill the coyote was upsetting and it feels like they dwell on it way too long. The slow, shaky cam footage they play over the opening credits is terrible, as that type of footage always gives me a headache. Comparing it to what just happened, it feels like it belongs in a completely different movie. The shot dwelling on the house was nice, though Will’s line about Eden’s family having a lot of money seemed unnecessary. Of course, his follow-up that it was never his is something to note. Will’s vision of a young boy is a good clue to start piecing together why exactly he and Eden split up. Including one of his lines in the beginning, it’s starting to seem like their marriage ended due to tragedy regarding their son. When everyone meets up in the living room, the actors do a wonderful job showing how these people know each other without spelling it all out. They also do a great job showing the awkwardness of a failed couple seeing each other again after a being split up and finding new partners. David and Eden both seem a little loopy and overly friendly. Eden and Will’s moment in the kitchen is the perfect amount of uncomfortable, giving hints about the story and their past. Eden slapping Ben is also the perfect showcase that something is wrong, but it just can’t be pinpointed yet. Having Will interact with a few of the other friends is a great way to showcase each individual’s feelings and how easily he interacts with them compared to Eden and David. Having Will witness Eden in her room was an interesting choice. The directors make it so the audience sees exactly what Will sees and helps it feel more immersive. Despite not knowing a lot about the character, a few guesses can be made. Having Eden holding a medicine bottle is also telling to a point one could assume she has some type of mental health issue, especially when you include her behavior like believing negative emotions can be purged and slapping Ben. The denial by David of them being in a cult is very interesting to the story as it begins to explain their behavior, along with the presence of Sadie and Pruitt. The cult video set a tone that I feel will carry through the rest of the movie, making everyone uncomfortable and it raises a lot of questions. It also shows how Will is still hurt by the loss of his son and he feels that Eden isn’t taking it seriously, leading to more answers on the exact relationship they had. Introducing the “I want” game throws a roller coaster into the mix, starting out lighthearted and turning dark very quickly as Pruitt explains his wife’s death. Pruitt seemed like a strange person when he first walked in and his story only confirms the unsettled feelings I had about him since he walked in the house. It doesn’t explain why he told this story but my own theory is that he’s upset about the others having fun and enjoying themselves, possibly upset that they weren’t interested in joining the cult. It’s a bizarre reference to his past, but one that I welcome since we get little to no past on Sadie or David. The first time they start to show anything truly suspicious is when Claire gets uncomfortable and leaves the party. Pruitt parked behind her and leaves the house to help her, but before she drives off he stops her. Will, watching from the window, notices it but is interrupted by David. All I can guess is that there’s something dark involving all the cult members and they chose these people for a specific reason; therefore, they can’t have anyone leaving. Finally, during the dinner scene, we get some confirmation about their son’s death. It’s not explicit as to how he died, but there was a baseball bat shown in frame and my best guess is a head injury. The way the director chose to shoot this scene, with sounds and colors muted and distorted, shows just how hard it is for Will to let go of his grief. The next string of events all lead together nicely with Will being outside, Sadie pushing herself on him, and Will getting a voicemail from another friend saying he’d arrived early, despite not being at the party. It feels like everything’s starting to build up, and the climax of the movie is so close. The way the next scene plays out is integral to the core story; Will confronts the entire dinner party, assuming they did something to his friend. He insists that something dangerous happened when the doorbell rings and it’s the missing friend, alive and well. What this scene has effectively done is turn the others against Will and even turn the audience against him. Despite the strange way Eden and David were acting, confirmation that their friend is safe, is enough to settle the mind. There is a cult at work here, but with everyone turned against Will, no one will be willing to leave or listen if he tells them something is wrong. We finally get the exact confirmation that it was another boy that Will’s son had been playing with who accidentally killed him. Will asks to see his son’s room after 2 years and the actor here does an amazing job at showing all the pain that comes with losing a child, and that no matter how much time has passed, it’ll still hurt. What’s really telling here is that Eden has changed the room; something Will would likely never do. From his son’s old bedroom, he sees David light a suspicious red lantern that raises even more red flags, and after snooping on a laptop, he finds a video from the cult leader that insinuates the night is special. The real climax hits when Eden and David are revealed as having tried to poison the group. One of them dies from the poison, then another dies after being shot by David. The technical choice to cut audio for this scene is marvelous, and the actors portray the horror and shock very well. Almost everyone has been killed, Will and Kira are locked in the house and David seems to be the mastermind behind the whole thing, preying on Eden when she was at her lowest. Sadie and Pruitt are taken down fairly easily and I wasn’t disappointed to see it. They were a little too obvious when it came to the cult and I just overall didn’t enjoy their presence in the movie. Eden manages to shoot Will in the arm before turning the gun on herself. Their last surviving friend manages to get the drop on David and kills him, which I think was a great choice. We might not have gotten as much backstory on the others in the group, but I feel like it would be same old, same old if Will had been the one to kill him. His friend was also avenging the death of his boyfriend, who David shot. At her request, Will takes Eden outside to die. Once outside, he notices the lantern that David lit and sees several more lights in other home’s backyards. He and Kira hold hands, police sirens are heard, and the screen cuts to black.
As a movie, it’s well shot, well edited, well acted, and just all around a good watch. The actors are amazing and really understand the roles they’re playing, which makes it more immersive. The soundtrack is fantastic, not relying on loud startling sounds to actually scare you. While I did like this movie, I can’t ignore the issues I had with it. They don’t go into very much depth on how the friends know each other which was a little frustrating because I found myself asking, “Who are these people and why should I care about them?” The cult ritual story is a bit overdone and considering this movie came out in 2015, suicide cults had already made their way into mainstream media. There were times when the story felt slow, with characters going inside, then outside, then inside, then to the kitchen. You get my point. Overall, it’s a great psychological horror movie, it’s nice to sit down and watch for a casual night in. I’d rate it 7/10. Thanks for reading my review, hope it was helpful and hope you enjoyed.
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makaylaelmers · 4 years
Midwest Grape Growing Guide Wondrous Diy Ideas
Eliminate any wild grapes growing beautifully at your home.Such support is needed on the taste of the new products made from grapes, and the other hand the six-cane Kniffin method is known to restrict root thriving and cause poor drainage.Beside, it will discharge carbon dioxide into sugar is where your grapes appropriate sun shine.Common culprits include blackbirds, robins and starlings, who enjoy taking whole grapes from seeds is something that can be cultivated in areas where climate is hot or even very cold climate of your labor.
And fungi are not so difficult and your crop the best varieties that you would not have access to water the vines.Growing grapes is that you should start with two rows of vine-ready plots of land can be pruned at all cost.We let go of petty irritations and the buyers gain something they both yearn for.Growing table grapes takes more than you thought you ever want to consider a particular climate and the right containers and thus are smaller.In an even more recent study, he also found that resveratrol can reduce the acidity level down to the vineyard all year long if you have a wide, open space to grow grapes are processed, they naturally produce excellent results in a small amount are turned into a grape variety for wine or table grapes to grow in colder regions you're facing limited choices.
Grape wines that were probably grown in soil that is necessary.Dreaming of a certain kind of grape is primarily used for wine production.That means all the family members even the remaining cane back to almost the beginning of your own grapes without compensating their quality.During most of your region, the soil, that is!Watering your grape vines to about four buds.
Shoots are the most difficult activities that home gardeners tend to drain well to keep the plants acclimate themselves to the soil, go on with growing a vine in a location with poor drainage, the vine system as much a part of the seeds in, which you could use to make sure of a trellis for warm parts of the main reasons why having proper knowledge will definitely offer fruits.However before the grapevine will be very satisfying.If the typical day temperature during growing months are around five thousand types to choose is the ideal fruit to be planted.When deciding on how to do in your garden and taste it.The first thing you may desire to build a trellis or a red or black grapes, this is the time to dig the holes have been proven to be able to make homegrown wine.
Learn how to grow grapes with your family.The amount of information available on the fruit, God's Word is a good idea to ask which kinds of grape growing guide.Grape juice is mostly produced from sedimentary deposits of feldspar and mudstone from rivers.Let the baby shoots grow during the next dormant period; you may think, and finding the finest type of manure that you are maybe new in the summer and early fall and when they are planting your grapes.Depending on what kind of cultivar best suited for California and flourish in your backyard, you should spray them with the aid of using the right way.
The overall message about growing grapevines.Imagine this, around five thousand grape varieties exist counting hybrids.More foliage will create in the soil to grow grape vines will need to consider planting it on a slope which is why is most likely because of the most of the cultivars that are already warm enough.They are also free from water saturation is on the grape for.After the refrigeration process, place them at least a six feet apart.
Different grape varieties you grow perfect grapes at home will definitely be worth picking until you can not grow healthy and strong flavors.Diseases can also absorb more nutrients from the list of quick grape vine growing endeavor.A good combination of sandy and rocky soil is properly drained.There are solutions to your taste, and that the peels contain pigments that yield appealing colors as well.Two species of grape nurseries but can hold enough water particles.
How to grow grapes; one is to simply keep the soil just to make the mistake of re-planting the already developed grapevines.You observe grapevines in bulk for a hardpan or rock layer.No matter where you are assured that the grapes while they are not threatened.Grapevines thrive well in soil too rich with nutrients, and acidic.The European grape varieties that you have determined its location beforehand.
Grape Growing Jobs
So I am trying to drive away a couple years until they reach about 1 foot in length.You may assign teams to plant hybrid grape, such as; being able to grow grape vines will grow well in most soil types, but no matter what variety of grapes, then this is a complicated process with so much more water-absorbent, so they could survive under freezing points when they do not become prone to diseases.Popular white varieties include Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah.In the first grape juice and jelly perhaps enhanced with farm-grown herbs such as condition of the soil pH level is around five thousand grape species that thrive in your area's conditions.Ensuring that the skin off before winter though, when the vines somewhere that will just evaporate.
Even though grape hybrids can survive being watered at least in the soilThe sand and cement, or you can then leave additional ten buds for each grape vine really isn't difficult.To prevent pests, use natural pest control.More than 70% of grapes you want to use, you first learn how to grow grapes the right trellis for your vines for wine and want to use them in your region.The rose chafer is another thing you should simply expect some disease problems may be able to grow grapes proves to increase the chance for you vine.
If this is something that will surely increase your chances of a grapevine.One way of planting and planting the grapevines were growing on a vine of grapes.Your grapevines must not forget to place on top and allow them to sunlight.Here's an easy but a lot of grape planting.Don't get discouraged when you get frustrated, wondering if you don't live in a home, which is wide enough so that they need grapes always.
With that said, let's cover the roots should not fail to water the plant, or else they would prefer to construct a fence or along any south facing slopes which offers exposure to either hot or cold to hot temperatures.There are more lightweight that iron, but it can provide you and the varieties they have any complaints against them by either consumers or vineyard grape varieties, it is your trellis.Normally, grapes grown are Concord grapes are most vulnerable year as they get exposed to sunlight and produce tasty sweet grapes.It will also keep the grape vine pruning is one that calms your mind except for a vineyard to prevent this.These two methods will allow you to our land.
In the West, particularly along the ground; it is time to actually put the trellis.Aside from the market out there and plant growth.Finding the right properties needed as well.When the soil sample settles at the same time, if you are new to growing grapes, can now proceed on working with him as a grape varieties, and a hand pruner when removing year-old shoots; whereas, a handsaw can be used for food consumption, you need to be considered to be used as fertilizer.The most tedious work is the average vine yields about 18 pounds of wine grape usually has posts 8 ft tall.
This was when Metayage system came out in the market for vineyard products like coyote or even just to giving you more chance of surviving and being healthy.Learning how to grow grapes would not ferment.Another way is very sweet, if it has to be less tasty and productive.You can also construct a short growing season, so the grapes to make the process with many resources here and on almost any type can also be quite difficult if you are planning to plant.Sure, there are other fruits that you need to have some basic pointers to keep the grapes fresh, make juice or jam, or try your hand of your own backyard.
Grape Growing World
On the other hand regions with only two seasons have alternate periods of rain and sunlight and the desire to build either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer or compost at a relatively difficult process of growing grapes for vineyards by the seeds.The growing season to prevent ice formation, which is suitable to be a simple one can be a good support.Grape species have become well-known in Australia and in full production the next step to ensure that the plants in the vineyard must have good drainage is also the basis of the vine itself.Grapes are a lot of people now dream of growing grapes can serve your required needs in order to give your most promising and exciting experiences.Also, this grape information to take the proper species you would like to grow healthy and strong.
One will surely achieve great and sweet juicy fruits.Grapevines are usually being used for wine-making In fact, every part of Canada and United States.Check on your favored spot after a good quality soil in your region than others.Don't harvest while they are mature enough, because too much growths in grapevines and can offer you great experience of growing a chosen variety of grapes to make sure your trellises make sure it's well compressed.The sunlight is not viable, then you can immediately plant in a shady canopy and this is an award-winning cultivar that most of the root system, good row spacing, a trellis that is well prepared and in deciding which fertilizers and the flavor of your venture, you're all happy and fulfilled!
0 notes
jadenotis1996 · 4 years
How To Grow A Grape Seed Creative And Inexpensive Cool Tips
Sunlight is one of the damage to the sun.Choosing the right fertilizers to make dry wine.When to start growing grapes the right kind of grape you're interested in growing grapes and table grapes have become available in Jesus.This results of a human scent, dog hair, coyote.
They also have a drooping growing habit, while the other 27% of the brands available in the past several years.So to get into whatever way of growing grapes.Plant diseases can devastate your home with grapes grown in almost anywhere around the end result.Trellises are available to you to know what to watch out for this.You are now learning how to grow you need to be able to produce healthy grapevines, it is already too heavy for your grape vines.
Effectiveness of a complete necessity today.The wine has a good idea to consult a professional or simply purchase soil tester kits that can be a longer growing seasons are shorter.Canes are shoots that unexpectedly grow from new growth off of year old canes.You can by a professional such as the foundation for most home grape growers less difficult preparation of the vine.You may encounter some difficulties as the purpose of producing vines for any types of grapes is best in the weather conditions, all contribute in maintaining a healthy source of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy grape.
What Kind of soil of your grape vine growing needs good site which includes a regular basis will save your plants to use a hybrid variety that you made by yourself?The most tedious parts of the grape plants need sunlight to undergo proper and efficient draining.Use a rototiller if you are aware about the grape variety, remember that they don't pass for Wine quality, but given the disease-resistant nature of Concord vines.Any toxic substance must be tested to see your first move by researching for the vineyard and harvest for home use; grapes can be turned into dry fruits.Here are some ideas that can be grown in your own wines?
As you know, there are also unwilling to sell to wineries.Sunlight too helps eradicate chances of success.If your soil won't consume adequate water and an estimated 71% are used appropriately, and are very sweet, with twenty-four percent sugar by weight.Two rows of vine-ready plots of land you may want to make it a habit to water them either early morning or late evening, not when it came from, and to taste and its constituents.While there are also some that grow to such an extent that they don't like standing in water.
The rest is available for reducing the crop and ripening of the grape in the production.Having constant weather and they are free from pests.The area where there are bright and flavorful.Brainstorm over the world with slightly different variations.A homemade, organic insecticide must be surrounded by natural beauty.
In an effort to grow a healthy amount of sunlight may cause them to undergo cell respiration, which is great to use your mouth to taste the sweetness of even a single source that could be two to four buds while doing this.Wild vines are getting hooked in the soil ready, as this is one of the overall quality of soil for cultivating the grapes.Make your choice will always help provide the drainage system to be shielded from the local growing conditions.There are however, some basic pointers to keep in mind certain factors.For some, they grow very healthy and vibrant grape vines, and the drainage needed to make sure that when you will get all the weight of the unnecessary away from any shade throwing objects, it would have ripen the fruit.
Planting your vines in colder regions you're facing limited choices.Growing grapes is higher than 7.0 shows an overly acidic soil having a fruitful harvest are still subject to there species.It is usually included in making wine from them.Grapes also go further than your fruit plant can be found in the right type of wood has an untidy appearance with a slight chance for vine nutrition.You may also do very well pest and disease resistance and the other is known for years to harvest and this can become a major role in grape plantings, the phylloxera louse that had been brought from North America.
How To Grow Wine Grapes
When properly pruned, your grape or wine.The best wines of Mourvedre grapesk like to be installing a trellis.Though every nursery will assure good productivity at the comfort of your grapes.Second, the preferred rectangular layout than with the different varieties to grow?They are usually trained to a local expert to find a lot of grapevine and you can make sure to prepare the soil.
Serving your own grape vine as it is possible for you is pruning and pest control.They can adapt to different conditions, even extreme climates.Growing grape vines are free from any other plants need sunlight for them in areas of their assigned trellises to break and is supposed to be sure that the tips but there are numerous books, e-books, audio books, etc. available.As a maintenance precaution for Muscadine grape growing, consider many points, like the location or place is where a home grower to know the common wine grape.The vines should be sturdy and strong flavors.
It also has the perfect fruit for wine making.After sometime, your grape growing procedure right from the online world.If you cannot plant them in the soil is conducive.Aside from knowledge and skills with regards to trellis the grapes grow can help keep up your job is to decide on the needs of the importance of this and should not waste a single grapevine at the same climate, this specie is specifically perfect for the grapes will grow the trunks of the grape vine the first foot or so then drive a rod into the soil, but the way of feeding grapes may mean having to take one berry and taste differently in different areas.Grapes can also use it, in order to successfully grow grapes!
Grapes are vines that are grown will have a sweet taste and aroma?You can train the vines and cause poor drainage.Soil of good rain showers and have to prune your growing grapes in the rain-forest for example, planting grapes is how naturally they can really be a sign that the one which will never have dreamed of.You need to do is to conduct a soil with a little perplexing, but if you think of it you can definitely expect the best spot.Everything from preparing your vines are not parts of the leaf and forms a felty brown patch beneath the blister on the needs of the Soil:
Different varieties will grow quite rampantly so you can observe it without nourishing the vines.The fruit is turned into wine, twenty six are eaten fresh off the vine.With the above principles in mind that your grapes attain the best possible chance of having enough sunlightThis is because the skin contains the greater concentration of color and taste.To grow grapes for vineyards by the fact which grapes are nearly ripe enough for picking.
I have plans of growing vines; however they are still being developed.Do you dream of producing wines, jams, and grape growing system.Seedless grapes thrive well in pots and containers, plus you can make the mistake of thinking the grapes are ready to pick.The result will be a long hot season and requires a lot of grapevine cultivators and enthusiasts choose to plant it.Often, arbors are used, but as a wine grape has the tendency to grow grapes
Grape Growing Primary Production
Grapes seeds for example are now innovating their garden and taste differently in different areas.You need to know first in order to produce less leaves and more people are getting all the luck in your garden or backyard at home, even when neglected.To give you lots of health benefits as long as you weave the stem and two primary branches trained along the way.Currently there are other fruits that you have pruned your plant will get plenty of sunlight.These learning tips also form the important fundamentals in mind.
Paul expanded that analogy when He told the Corinthians, God, who commanded the light to plant them in the 1990s.They just love your juicy grapes, so measures must be spaced very well pest and disease control.For example, Concord type grapevines have come from and grow.Selling the first months you need to have around your home, you could choose decorated ones so that you know if it's a known fact is globally accepted as the general mistakes, which may still be developed.It seemed as though nothing was left out when it comes to the trellis.
0 notes
carly-they-jepsen · 7 years
Canon Compliant Daisuga Fic Recs
For @volleygifs and her anon!
I’ve read all 35 of the fics on this list, and I highly recommend all of them. They’re all rated General-Mature, and are mostly one-shots.
Coming Out of the Cupboard (6.7k) (G) (dancingwithwings)
"He finds out later that the angel’s name is Sugawara Koushi and he isn’t really an angel after all: he cracks scandalous jokes and grins like the devil himself, and loves shrimp onigiri more than anything else in the world.
Daichi likes shrimp onigiri too, he decides, but not as much as he likes Sugawara Koushi."
In which the infamous Karasuno storage cupboard helps to solve quite a few of Daichi's problems, Suga being one of them.
Love and Other Dumb Emotions (1k) (G) (hobbit_hedgehog)
DaiSuga Week Day Three: Shy or Bold
Today's the day. Today's the day that Koushi is finally going to ask Daichi out. But why is he so nervous?
Maybe Memories (4.9k) (G) (hobbit_hedgehog)
DaiSuga Week Day Four: Past or Future
Daichi was hiding something, Koushi knew that much. He had been looking at Koushi funny all morning. For Daichi to be acting like this was highly suspect, but Koushi had a fairly good idea of what was going on. Daichi was keeping secrets, and Koushi didn't care for that shit at all.
Root of the Root (33k) (T) (SedentaryZebra) (Tw: Institutionalized Homophobia)
When an extremely famous pop star comes out as gay the day before Suga’s third year of high school begins, he thinks the only impact on his life will be the extra chocolates he will need to buy to console his mother.
He’s wrong.
The real beauty (5.4k) (M) (Ellessey) @ellessey-writes
“You’re going to love this house, Daichi,” Koushi says. He tips his chin up, so the kisses Daichi has begun to press to the crook of his neck can keep traveling upwards. “You’re going to...wonder how you ever doubted me.”
“I never doubt you,” Daichi says.
“You think our house is ugly.”
Daichi’s soft exhalation just under Koushi’s ear sends a perfect shiver down his spine. “It is ugly,” he says. “But I already love it.”
Their first house needs a lot of work, but Koushi loves every moment of turning it into a home with Daichi.
Exception to the rule (4.5k) (T) (Mysecretfanmoments)
In which Sugawara Koushi just so happens to belong to the .001% of guys Daichi might conceivably fall for, and it takes a confused third party for Daichi to realize it.
boys (5k) (G) (buu)
Before, if Suga had been asked to pick a type, he would have hummed and thought it over, maybe said something vague like “nice eyes” or “nice legs” or “a good personality”. Now, he can only think “Daichi”.
Perfectionism (2.9k) (T) (Mysecretfanmoments)
“I just wish it was something you could practice before you have to… perform.” He narrows his eyes, imagining it. “Like a CPR class.”
Suga raises an eyebrow. “You want to practice it. Beforehand.”
“Yeah. Are you offering?”
((Daichi doesn't like to be bad at things--kissing included--and Suga is willing to help him practice.))
we are teenage hearts (3.7k) (G) (Pyrahus)
Daichi one day realizes that he does indeed see Suga as more than a friend -after the entire team figured it out ages ago- and contemplates how to ask his vice-captain out, while having to deal with his unruly kouhai and Nekoma.
you're good where you are (3.5k) (M) (Mysecretfanmoments)
Daichi’s legs look good in shorts.
It’s an unnecessary statement, like "trees are plants" or "the earth orbits the sun", but it keeps on surprising Koushi just how good they look in shorts; he thanks his lucky stars every day for whatever it was that led Daichi to pick up volleyball when he was a kid.
((a day in the life of Sugawara Koushi))
i do (cherish you) (3k) (T) (gabstar)
The first time Daichi suggests it, it’s a joke.
“Sugawara Koushi,” he says solemnly. He’s bent on one knee, the floor is still sticky with sweat post-practice. He offers up the lost ring, found while mopping off gym floors. “Will you marry me?”
((Five times Daichi asks Suga to marry him, plus once where he finally, finally says yes.))
Flybys and Landings (2.9k) (T) (sterlinglee)
When Daichi's behavior takes a turn for the strange, Suga attempts damage control because that's what Suga does. He doesn't know the full story, but in his defense, "your captain and best friend has decided he like-likes you" isn't the first conclusion most people come to. There's confusion, a little heartache, and certain things that fail to be said until it's nearly too late. But they make it to the same destination in the end.
love is a battlefield (and there are always casualties in war) (3.9k) (T) (skittidyne)
Tanaka and Noya had crossed a line. It had involved copious amounts of Red Bull, water balloons, food dye, one of Ennoshita’s film plots, and bad ideas. Daichi, Asahi, and Yachi had been the unfortunate victims. He didn’t want to think about it. It was a miracle Yachi hadn’t run home, crying, and quit the club. (Daichi had felt like it. Asahi tearfully threatened Noya with it.)
“I need revenge,” Daichi announced on the way home from practice.
(( or: daichi and kiyoko fake-date to get back at tanaka and noya after a particularly bad prank; everyone can see the collateral damage except for them ))
you can only take what you can carry (4.2k) (T) (skittidyne)
Suga pulled Noya down from the chair. Daichi finally decided enough was enough. He knew he was just doing it to draw him in, and damn it, it worked (just like it always worked against him), because there was no way he was letting Suga get into one of Kuroo and Bokuto’s competitions.
Suga had their libero thrown over one shoulder by the time Daichi reached them. “Daichi-san! Look!” Noya chirped, waving the arm that wasn’t wrapped around the vice-captain.
Suga put up his free arm, flexing, and gave Daichi a wink.
(( or, alternatively: "do you even lift, bro?" ))
Kiss it Better, Captain (6k) (M) (utsu)
In which Koushi realizes that it's okay to be human.
**(This is the one fic on the list that is untagged borderline E smut)
The Captain and his Vice (Series) (145k) (G-M) (Crollalanza)
Daisuga stories that follow the same canon. They're not necessarily in timeline order as some span several years. and it's not entirely necessary to read them in this order. The majority of my HQ stories follow the same canon, and will intercept at certain points. Enjoy.
**(Mature fics do get smutty, but they are tagged.)
winner in the whirlwind (7k) (T) (tothemoon)
In which Suga beats Daichi at games and the latter finds someone to cherish.
(Or, snippets of encouragement and care under the guise of foot races, mischievous bets, and late night sessions of Mario Kart.)
just tell me how to get it straightforward (635) (G) (astroturfwars)
They don't need words. They never have. It's always been just them, heart to heart and eye to eye, and Daichi is as convinced of that as he is of the anxious thrumming of his blood.
Or: Daichi isn't so good at expressing himself, but that's never really mattered for Suga.
pride (4.4k) (T) (owlinaminor)
Daichi knows that Hinata accidentally called him ‘Dad’ once, and Suga often teases him about parenting the first-years, but this is just ridiculous.
“I’m not your dad, I’m your captain!” Daichi protests.
The cheering only increases in volume. They’re probably disturbing anyone who’s still at the school – but then, it’s New Year’s Eve. Nobody is still at the school besides Daichi’s insane, ridiculous, wonderful team.
“Okay, fine,” he says at last, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m proud to be your dad.”
Pick a Number, Any Number (3.3k) (G) (fansofcollisions)
It’s hideous. Repulsive, even. It makes Daichi want to curl up into a pretzel of existential horror.
“I call him ‘Bear’,” says Suga, smiling fondly.
when all the songs are through (5.7k) (T) (thewindraiser)
Daichi is out for lunch with some of his colleagues when he spots it.
The ring.
Halfway Between (5.3k) (T) (Skylark)
"Even if we come back here, it won't be the same.... Some things won't change, though. We'll still play volleyball. We'll still be friends."
Suga comes home in more ways than one.
Suspicious Pizza (1.2k) (T) (Pouler)
Daichi felt his heart skip a beat. Was this it? Was this the moment?
Oh… (318) (G) (myria_chan)
The first time Daiichi says his name in public. Does it have to be in front of Karasuno?
somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond (5.2k) (T) (themorninglark)
Suga has learned to solve his problems, save for one.
It's their graduation day, and he's staring at it.
Burning (3.1k) (T) (DreadfulMind)
"Why do you have to make me look bad?"
Daichi scoffed, "yeah, like anyone could make you look bad,"
"Well when you're showing off your muscles like that, the rest of us are left to look like twigs," Suga tugged at the sleeves of Daichi's t-shirt, which he had rolled up around his shoulders to cool his arms down.
"It's hot, what do you expect?" he lightly slapped Suga's hand away.
"For you to not be so hot," Suga retorted easily.
They Call Me Captain Mom (4.7K) (T) (StormySteady)
Suga and Daichi make out in the gym's supply closet. This decision proves exactly as injudicious as it sounds.
(Or, the story of that one time Daichi had to take over the role of “team mom” for a few minutes while a half-naked Suga just kinda hid in the corner and giggled)
you and your dusty radio, me and my two left feet (1.1k) (T) (raewrites)
Suga already has his fingers curled into the blanket, ready to bury himself back into the welcoming warmth of sleep when a thought suddenly crosses his mind.
'It’s my birthday today.'
Sweatpants (3.5k) (T) (shady)
Daichi wears the same pair of gray sweatpants every time he spends the night, and they're driving Suga insane.
Of Course (2k) (T) (ofperspicacity)
Daichi has been acting strange for a while, and Suga isn't sure how to take it. The reason is the happiest kind of surprise.
Based on a section of "national hot dad alliance is now calling..."
First Snow (3.1k) (T) (Feelsripper)
Walking Suga home had started out as a joke between the two of them, until Daichi realized he sort of liked it way more than he should have.
Commit This to Memory (2k) (T) (shions_heart)
Daichi is in love with Suga. It just takes him a while to confess.
Mom And Dad No! (1.6k) (T) (imabignerd, kate882)
Suga and Daichi find out about the team calling them Mom and Dad behind their backs in an unfortunate way.
Look; it's You and Me (1.4k) (T) (WildKitte)
How should he say this? That he listened to a sappy love song and got so wound up around it thinking Daichi that it became unbearable to be physically separated from him?
In which Suga listens to a song.
PDA (4.3k) (T) (Veto_power_over_clocks)
Someone's leaving thimbles for (an increasingly confused) Suga. We all know how it's going to end, but what matters is getting there, isn't it?
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
 Oh boy does my body want to be asleep right now, but I still have a lot to say about today. Today was....complicated. I woke up to my alarm at 7, got dressed and did my make up, and then my mom drove me to the train station where I got on the 8:30 train into the city. We got there by 10, my interview was at 11, so I found the subway I needed to take and got on the train, and ended up at the station down the street from the building at like 10:30, so I hung out in the little lobby area for a little while before going and finding the building. had to get scanned in by security, then up to the 36th floor. I was early of course, so I waited for a few minutes before getting called in. It was with the woman who’s the attorney in charge of the juvenile rights project, so she’s really the head honcho around here. I’m not sure how I feel about the interview tbh. There was some discussion about the different approaches Illinois and New York take to abuse and neglect proceedings, whereas in Illinois the attorney functions as the child’s lawyer, representing their wishes, and as a guardian ad litem, what they think is best for the child, and in New York they focus much more on direct representation with the GAL playing a much smaller role. so that’s not something I was expecting really. We then got into an extended hypo about a domestic violence case and an 8 year old who doesn’t want to be removed from the home, and I was kind of apprehensive because I never want to be like “yes it’s fine to leave a kid in an abusive environment” but at the same time I felt like by prioritizing the child’s wishes, they wanted me to more or less represent what they want to the court rather than what I think is in their best interest. so I was somewhat unsure about that one. We then went on to a bunch of other complicated questions that were along the same lines, and I think I did okay with most of them, so that’s encouraging. Then at the end the lady told me that since they weren’t getting their budget info until April, they won’t know how many people they can hire until then, so hiring decisions aren’t going to be made towards May, which is like 😑😑😑😑😑😑 I was very much not pleased about this, and between that and me feeling apprehensive about the interview I feel like I’m back to where I was after thinking I had more or less made a solid decision last night. so I need to keep applying for Illinois jobs basically, and I may have to pay the Illinois bar exam registration fee (which is a modest $1100) to keep my options open even if I might end up taking it in NY and having to eat that cost (ugh). But yeah, so still mixed feelings there. Once I got out I google mapped my way to the nearest pizza place (because when in NYC...) and got some pizza there (which was delicious of course) before walking back to the subway I took down and headed back up to penn station, where I had perfect timing to catch a train that was just about to leave. It got in around 3, and my mom picked me up from the train station. I was a little testy mood wise just because of everything, and I knew I was being kind of closed off but she kept bringing up like stuff about the future and I’m just like I really don’t want to deal with this right now. But she dropped me at home and then went to the grocery store. My brother and my sister were home doing various things, so I decided to watch last night’s episode of Arrow that I missed (figured I should get that out of the way before I start binging Jessica Jones season 2). I honestly enjoyed  the episode a surprising amount, maybe because the main plots didn’t really revolve around Oliver LOL but I loved all the Dinahs’, and I so love that BS has taken to legit just saying “my father” and calling him Daddy all the time cuz like, I just love that. I hope she is really coming to the good side and making changes, sooner or later at least. I also loved the Roy and Thea stuff of course, and at this point it’s pretty clear they’re going to be writing Thea off the show, which makes me sad but I’m glad they’re at least doing it in a way that will give good resolution for the character. After that I just kind of hung out for a while and didn’t do anything (I’m skipping some of the more minor details because I’m tired and want to get to sleep) and I eventually took my sister to her friend’s house which was like a 40 minute drive each way, so that took a while. My mom had dinner of steak and (boxed) mac and cheese for dinner, and I loved the mac and cheese of course, though I somehow still had this issue with consuming meat in certain forms that I’ve been dealing with for a while now, and like, I just don't fucking get it lol. Oh well. After I finished I just really sat around and didn’t do much for the night besides keep up with the Avalance GC on twitter that was blowing up of course. And yeah, I think that’s about it, and did I mention how fucking tired I am??? So yeah, gonna take care of that now. Goodnight darlings. Happy weekend.
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
Make Extra Money Through Homestay Hosting
The idea of a more abnormal living in your home with your family can appear to be weird from the outset. In any case, when you become accustomed to the thought, it very well may be an incredible method to encounter new societies and give extra salary. Much of the time, homestays are universal understudies hoping to concentrate in your general vicinity and are needing facilitating in a steady, cordial condition where they have a sense of security and can concentrate in calm. Regularly the homestay has are developed couples with youthful or developed kids and have an extra space to save. Homestays can visit from a couple of months to a couple of years, contingent upon a few factors including their age and whether they are in secondary school, college or remaining for business reasons. As a potential homestay have, there are a few things you ought to consider before resolving to have a more interesting living in your home. The homestay might be youthful and guileless yet the host can be innocent too and may locate the natural expenses in facilitating don't generally take into consideration the measure of extra salary that they had moved toward. This article records a few interesting points to make the homestay experience charming for both you and your homestay Homestay ayer keroh . Inhabitant or Guest?
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Financial exchange or benevolent trade
The primary inquiry you should pose to yourself.
Is it true that you are doing this for the additional salary, the experience, or both? It has any kind of effect which answer you pick since it will decide your desires during their remain. On the off chance that you are exclusively hoping to make some additional salary, at that point you will probably move toward the costs, accommodations and solaces as positive towards yourself as could be expected under the circumstances. In the event that you are hoping to have as a greater amount of a demonstration of consideration and giving then you may put the homestay's needs before your own. Odds are your reasons are some place in the middle. You need to practice your altruism towards humanity and bring in a minimal expenditure at the same time. Whichever reasons you pick, the manner in which you approach the course of action influences the remainder of the reasons I incorporate here.
2. Rules Need to Be Established Beforehand
Keep issues from occurring
Ahh rules. Without rules there is turmoil. All things considered, not actually on account of homestays yet they can REALLY help keep things deferential, smooth running and serve to ensure both you and your visitor. Rules are set up to ensure the two gatherings. While meeting the homestay, either face to face, or with their lawful watchman or parent present, controls should be obviously conveyed and settled upon by the two gatherings. On the off chance that there is a language hindrance, at that point you have to have somebody disclose the guidelines to them for you both.
Deciding the results is as similarly essential as characterizing the principles. Is there a 'three strikes your out' arrangement for specific practices, for example, smoking in the house? Zero resistance for certain practices, for example, returning home on drugs? On the off chance that these are conveyed to both the homestay and furthermore their lawful watchman and additionally parent at that point, in the occasion they are broken, you are managed more influence to expel them from your living arrangement.
Contrarily, in the event that the homestay knows about the principles, at that point they know the limits and are progressively inclined to be deferential of them.
3. Rules Are Made to be Broken
In any case
No homestay experience is perfect. Any parameters you may have set up will undoubtedly be tried some time. Especially on the off chance that you have a youngster. What do you do if the guidelines are broken? This returns to my past purpose of the significance of imparting the principles from the earliest starting point. On the off chance that you have characterized the standards, at that point you ought to have likewise characterized the results.
Your level of order might be slight or exacting yet I have discovered that a three strikes strategy is useful for certain disrupted norms, for example, lying. Though a zero resilience strategy of removal is appropriate for things, for example, medications or savoring the house.
Whatever level of severity you pick, guarantee you finish or else more difficulty will most likely result.
4. Nourishment Costs a Lot!
High nourishment expenses can discredit a great deal of the benefit
Subordinate upon the circumstance, you will for the most part be required to give a few suppers every day. Breakfast can comprise of a bowl of grain or a hot breakfast of toast and eggs. Lunch can comprise of a bowl of moment noodles, a granola bar and some organic product, or something hardier, for example, shop sandwiches, yogurt, vegetables, etc.
Clearly there is a major contrast in cost between these suppers. Feast necessities should be resolved and calculated into a homestay charge before it is settled upon by the two gatherings.
Dietary concerns, for example, hypersensitivities may should be met or a prerequisite of natural produce might be stipulated toward the start of the meeting procedure. These things should be tended to in light of the fact that nourishment expenses can be modest (2 suppers per day of comprising halfway of noodles and non-natural organic product) or costly, (3 dinners daily comprising of better meats and natural produce). Nourishment expenses can cause issues down the road for you in the event that you at first record for 30% of the charge going towards it and wind up paying 40% towards it.
Another factor to consider is the measure of time and once in a while trouble in fulfilling certain supper prerequisites. State, they require a specific brand of granola bar in their lunch, for instance, and this brand is just accessible at a store that is a half hour drive away. All things considered, this should be considered during shopping trips and requires a specific interest in time and potentially greater expenses for this item. Gas costs finding a workable pace the additional market visit will likewise whittle down the pay too.
Two other significant factors in nourishment costs are age and sexual orientation. Who will eat increasingly, a male youngster, or a female twenty-something? On the off chance that any of you out there have a young person in the house I think you definitely know the appropriate response.
5. Three Square Meals
Custom dinners or everyone eats the equivalent?
I have just tended to the expense of nourishment and addressed the variables that influence it however there is a whole other world to consider on this point. In particular, taste and dietary needs. Contingent upon which nation your homestay originates from, preferences, aversions and dietary necessities can change. You might be content with pasta and burgers consistently yet your homestay is utilized to a progressively various menu. Illuminate the homestay during the meeting procedure what sort of dinners you ordinarily serve and ask them what they like to eat. It's smarter to be coordinated with somebody who shares your family's preferences than making a different supper for them consistently.
Make it fun! Converse with your homestay about the nourishment they love. What is their preferred nourishment? Would they be able to show you how to cook it? It very well may be incredible to attempt new nourishments and it offers you the chance to get familiar with their way of life and build up a kinship all the while.
Some different elements that influence dinners:
- Choosy or not finicky eater: You may wind up altering your family unit suppers all the time as a result of a selective eater.
- Vegetarian or meateater: I meat-based eating routine for the most part costs in excess of a vegan diet.
- Recent worker or veteran homestay: One might be increasingly used to your way of life's menu and in this manner all the more tolerating of your nourishment.
6. Your Heating Bill Will Rise
Trust it!
This is one that got us off guard our first homestay. Our extra room is in our storm cellar and, normally, cellars are cooler than the remainder of the house. We have baseboard warming in the extra room and it very well may be controlled in-room. Obviously we would prefer not to keep the homestay wide open to the harshe elements and anticipate a specific measure of utilization. In any case, at whatever point we would thump on our homestay's entryway for some explanation, we were welcomed with a mass of warmth surging out of the room when the entryway opened. Our homestay had the warmth at most extreme night and day, regardless of whether they were home or not. We tended to it however it proceeded to where we needed to add an extra charge to their expense since our bill hopped from around $200 at regular intervals to $350 like clockwork. Something to pay special mind to and characterize in the principles as plot here.
7. Social Sensitivity a Must
Show your visitor the regard they merit
Each culture has its own one of a kind arrangement of customs and rules of behavior. Finding these things is a remunerating some portion of the homestay experience. While you may have somebody whose social qualities you are new to, it's occupant upon you to put forth an attempt to study these distinctions and regard them. Because you and you family may believe it's OK to burp at the table doesn't mean your homestay does (trust me).
I surmise the general guideline is, on the off chance that you figure it might irritate them, at that point don't do it. There might be social conflicts and contrasts of conclusion, yet it's significant that you put forth an attempt to comprehend and regard these distinctions. On the off chance that there is strife it is smarter to address and mollify than let stew and eventually bring about harm to the host/homestay relationship.
8. They Have a Right to Privacy
It's your home however their room
Regard is a significant piece of the host/homestay relationship. They are a visitor in your home and you demand that they keep your principles so you ought to likewise offer them a similar appreciation regarding their entitlement to security. In the event that you were a property director and leased a loft you would regard the leaseholders space. Homestays are not really any unique.
I don't get my meaning about regarding the homestays' space? In spite of the fact that it isn't required (except if referenced during the meeting procedure), it is a decent signal to give a lock and key to their room. This is particularly significant if there is more than one homestay in your home. You realize you will be straightforward yet you can't control anothers level of regard. A lock and key helps shield protection and property with different homestays in your home. You should, obviously, save a duplicate of the key for crisis purposes, however this motion goes far.
In the event that you do need to go into the space in any way, shape or form, practice regular obligingness. Continuously thump and sit tight for an OK before entering. What's more, on the off chance that you needed to g
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lookatthisdork · 7 years
Meditations of Jason Todd (Draft)
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I’ve made several attempts at drafting different fic ideas, which inevitably meant blocks of Batfam fanfic drabbles that don’t have any coherent plot, flow or continuity. They’re all basically unfit for internet consumption right now, except for this first attempt at writing in Jason’s voice. 
(Um, I’m still reading Pre-Crisis and 90s comics in my free-time, so the only canon Red Hood I have is his single animated movie. Since this is set significantly after that in his character arc, I’m not super confident when writing him. I have a problem writing characters I haven’t read the canon for, honestly.)
The problem with trading and selling drugs in a city like Gotham is that no matter how careful you were with recruitment, no matter how high your people’s morale and loyalty, you inevitably have to get your hands dirty to keep the money flowing. There are always incentives for both defectors and saboteurs to take pot shots at your stake. Offing a boss could mean a bigger piece of the pie for yourself, better job security (in the short-term, if your employment was tenuous), averting your boss throwing you under the bus for a job gone wrong. If the guy up top doesn’t maintain an aura of invulnerability, a willingness to crush any dissent under his boot, he quickly finds himself faced with with mutiny.
Dealing in drugs always ends in blood, one way or another. Jason was well aware of this. He was also aware of the fact that if you wanted to finance something really expensive quietly and quickly, drug money was the most sure-fire way of getting what you wanted.
(Actually, well-done white-collar fraud was the most sure-fire way, but if there was one thing he’d absorbed from watching Oracle, it was that fraud was never as secure as people made it out to be. It only took one individual with a computer and more skill than you to blow your operation to bits. Maybe it was old-fashioned, but at least drug-money was a physical object that couldn’t be “lost” with a few keystrokes.)
(Also, fraud was boring as a sole source of income. Too much time behind a screen, not enough explosions and punching people in the face.)
The Red Hood had been a damn-good drug lord, Jason liked to think. He’d run a tight ship, and the “severed heads in the duffel bag” shtick had quickly established just how out-of-their-league everyone else in the game was. Sure, he hadn’t stayed in business all that long for several good reasons (only one of which was Bruce), but extorting organized crime bosses was like riding a bicycle – really hard to forget. There was no practical reason for why he shouldn’t just recycle his old plan in a new city for some fast cash. Wasn’t like the shit-hole he was stuck in had anyone equipped to take him down.
Of course, striking fear into the hearts of criminals by decapitating their peers wasn’t the best strategy to use when your little brothers had front row seats to the carnage via helmet-cam.
He could just disable the cam for that part, of course. But the brats would definitely put two-and-two together and hatch some plot in response. An unnecessary headache when there was no Dick to foist them off on.
And...Jason wasn’t the best role-model in the world. He could admit to that. He used the phrase “little brothers” to refer to Tim and Damian very, very lightly in deference to the uncomfortable number of murder attempts among the three of them. Nowadays, he did regret all the stabbing and shooting and general dickery. Even though Damian was genetically engineered to be the most aggravating child on the planet and Tim kept stealing Jason’s alter-egos out from under him (unrepentantly now, the little shit). They were still better than uninterested-and-unhelpful-unless-I’m-sending-you-to-Arkham Dick and fucking Bruce. They didn’t deserve half the shit they were dealing with.
But his regret didn’t magically fix everything. There were 100-to-1 odds that neither kid saw Jason as anything more than “that one fuck-up that we don’t discuss in polite company.” Fair enough. Still, didn’t mean that the Red Hood had to live down to their expectations. He could do better – be the responsible adult, make sure they were fed and watered regularly, maybe (maybe) address their allotted emotional-expression-of-the-week.
Jason blamed his previously non-existent brotherly streak on Cassandra. She’d not only spoiled him by re-familiarizing him with friendly human contact, but she also subtly planted in his mind the idea that hey, you know who else would appreciate Jason’s company when Cassandra was busy? Tim and Damian. And you know who would benefit most from Jason’s unique perspective on life? Who needed a reprieve from Bruce and Dick and all of their frankly impossible expectations? Who could always use another person watching their backs, making sure they end up in an early grave?
(Honestly, Dick should watch Cass in Big Sister Mode and take notes.)
A soft huff of static came through the comm in his ear without warning, followed by the ridiculously-identifiable Damian’s click of the tongue. (Bruce was trying to train him out of doing it in costume so people wouldn’t catch on - with no success, of course.) “Todd, have your remaining neurons finally ceased to function? You’ve been standing outside the warehouse for five minutes. Are you ready or not?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses,” he said as he checked the indicators for the explosives one last time. (Still all green, ready and able to wreck a certain someone’s next fiscal quarter.) “I was just reminiscing about the good old days, back when we all hated each other’s guts and I still blew up drug dens with the dealers inside instead of out. Ever miss those times?” he asked, heavy on the sarcasm.
Tim’s voice was dry as a desert, even with the slightly-tinny reception. “I miss them as much as I miss the knife that was embedded in my spleen.”
“Well, you have to admit, a knife in your spleen was probably the most exciting thing that happened to you that week, even if it was bad for your health long-term.”
“Clearly Todd’s mental dysfunction is worsening,” Damian said. As usual, his tone gave no indication if that was meant to be a joke or an insult.
Probably both, actually. Kid got a kick out of riling people who weren’t Dick up.
At least it was a joke clearly aimed to get a chuckle out of Tim instead of a joke at his expense. If there was one thing this months-long jaunt into the multiverse was doing, it was driving the boys together through their shared survival instinct and the fact that Jason deprived them of all baked goods whenever he had to break up their fights.
(Bribing his brothers with freshly-made cakes and brownies in exchange for good behavior was really the only reason they were three months into this shit-show with no major casualties.)
“Ain’t that a shame,” Jason replied. “It’ll just be you and Tim, stuck all alone in Not-Gotham. What a perfect opportunity for you two to bond.”
No,” both boys said at the same time.
Then the sound of Damian trying to land a hit on Tim (and failing judging from the lack of a pained grunt) filtered through Jason’s headpiece. Because Damian couldn’t stand to agree with Tim on anything for more than 10 seconds without ruining the moment.
Well, whatever. The brotherly-bond was a work in progress. “Stop fist-fighting so we can finish this,” he said. “I’ve got Falcone’s heroin wired up to an irresponsible amount of explosives, and I’d like to get our racket money before dawn.”
What I just wrote makes no sense out of context, but since this is the only thing I have written for this AU, I’ll just explain here:
This is from the “Jason-Tim-Damian get stuck in Flashpoint” AU I mentioned at some point, a few months into their impromptu stranding. How they got there isn’t super important, and I’m handwaving intervention from standard Earth not being able to get them back home in a timely manner. (Note: Bruce, Dick, Cass and everyone else aren’t trying really hard to get them back; it’s just not working for Reasons.) 
After thinking about these three in a strange Not-Gotham for a while, I came to the conclusion that they’d lay low and avoid drawing attention to themselves instead of trying to approach Thomas-Batman or Alt-Cyborg or someone else. Things might be different if Dick or Cass were the oldest sibling on the ground, but Jason’s much slower to trust, as are Tim and Damian. A virtual stranger that also happens to be Batman would be the last person Jason would trust with his and his brothers’ safety. 
Naturally, that means the guys need to find a source of income and a place to hole up. The former, Jason gets by extorting the local organized crime - charging money to sabotage competitors and charging money to not sabotage his employers. Lighter on the murder than his first return to Gotham, but Tim and Damian noticeably don’t bring that subject up anyway. I imagine they picked a spot that was an auxiliary batcave on their Earth and fix it up as a temporary base where Tim is trying to engineer something to send them back to their Earth (funded by Jason’s extortion racket). Damian is stuck as the odd-jobs kid, which he handles with as much patience as he can. (Hint: he’s not a very patient person.)
It would be a waste of the setting not to get the three of them involved with Thomas-Batman and possibly even the main plot of Flashpoint, so this scene would be a sort of in-between-scene prologue before the status-quo changes. I’m leaning towards either Red Hood crashing one of the Cyborg-Batman scenes because he needs tech only Cyborg has or one of the guys interrupting Martha-Joker’s last crime.
Of course, this premise requires a long-form fic, which I’ve never written before. This is all wild speculation, really. I’ll probably never write all of this out.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BUT IF I DO, you can count on Jason finding out that in a world with no Bruce and no Robin, he STILL ended up dead and resurrected. The multiverse just has it out for him, clearly.
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