#which is why I love those flashes where you can tell she wants to be better
inkspiredwriting · 24 days
The Day of Swapped Powers
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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In the dimly lit basement of the Umbrella Academy, Five Hargreeves and his wife Y/n were elbow-deep in an experimental project. Y/n, with her ability to read minds, and Five, the seasoned time traveler, were working on a device designed to enhance their powers temporarily. It was supposed to be a simple test, but, as with most things involving the Hargreeves family, things quickly spiraled out of control.
"Are you sure this is safe?" Y/n asked, eyeing the array of wires and glowing components skeptically.
Five, ever confident, waved her concern away. "Of course, it’s safe. I’ve triple-checked everything. What could possibly go wrong?"
Those words hung ominously in the air as they activated the device. There was a blinding flash, a strange crackling noise, and then silence.
When the smoke cleared, Y/n and Five blinked at each other in confusion.
"Did it work?" Y/n asked, touching her temples.
Five glanced at his watch, which now displayed an array of random dates and times instead of the usual readings. "I’m not sure. I don’t feel any different."
Just then, Five’s head buzzed with an overwhelming wave of thoughts—Y/n’s thoughts. "Did he forget our anniversary? What if this messes up our abilities permanently? Why does he always have to be so reckless?"
Five’s eyes widened. “Y/n, I can hear your thoughts!”
Y/n stared at him, her eyes widening in shock. “Wait, what? I can’t hear yours anymore!”
Five glanced at the mess of equipment, realization dawning on him. “I think we’ve swapped powers.”
Y/n’s mouth fell open as she processed this. “You mean I can time travel now?”
Five nodded, grimacing. “And I get to hear everyone’s innermost thoughts. Fantastic.”
The next few hours were a comedy of errors as Five and Y/n bumbled through their new abilities.
Y/n stood in the middle of the living room, attempting to blink across the room. She scrunched up her face in concentration, only to find herself standing on top of the coffee table, much to the dismay of Pogo, who was quietly sipping tea.
“Try focusing on where you want to go!” Five shouted from the other side of the room, nursing a headache from the mental chatter of his siblings.
“I’m trying!” Y/n replied, a mix of frustration and determination on her face.
With a deep breath, she managed to blink to the other side of the room—right into a wall. She slid down with a groan, rubbing her nose. “I think I broke something,” she muttered.
Five winced sympathetically, while also struggling to keep Klaus’s incessant mental babble out of his head. "I wonder if I left my sandwich in the fridge or if Luther ate it. Maybe we should have a séance later. Ooh, what’s Five doing?"
Five squeezed his eyes shut. “Klaus, could you please shut up?”
Klaus, lounging on the couch, raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t say anything!”
“I heard you thinking,” Five snapped, pinching the bridge of his nose. “And I don’t care about your sandwich.”
Klaus blinked. “Whoa, you’re reading my mind now? That’s… actually kind of creepy. Cool, but creepy.”
The rest of the day was no less chaotic. Five, now unable to block out people’s thoughts, found himself avoiding crowded rooms and anyone remotely agitated. He fled from Luther’s worries about him being a bad Leader, Diego’s brooding thoughts about his love life, and Allison’s musings about her career.
Y/n, meanwhile, was discovering that time travel was far more complicated than it looked. She tried jumping back to the living room, only to end up in her parents' bedroom. Her Mother's screams could be heard throughout the neighborhood
She reappeared in the living room, panting and wide-eyed. “You didn’t tell me there were so many things to consider when jumping!”
Five, who had taken refuge in the kitchen with a pair of noise-canceling headphones, looked at her sympathetically. “Welcome to my world.”
By evening, they had gathered in the living room with the rest of the family for dinner. Five was trying to block out the cacophony of thoughts, while Y/n was gingerly sipping on a glass of wine, hoping to steady her nerves.
“Are you okay?” Viktor asked, noticing Five’s pained expression.
“Just fine,” Five lied through gritted teeth. "When will this dinner end? If I hear one more thought about mashed potatoes, I’m going to scream."
Y/n shot him a sympathetic look. “We need to figure out how to reverse this,” she murmured.
“Agreed,” Five said, wincing as Klaus’s thoughts about unicorns and rainbows floated into his mind.
After dinner, they returned to the basement to work on the device. Y/n, with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of time travel, meticulously followed Five’s instructions. Five, on the other hand, tried not to get distracted by Y/n’s focused thoughts and their shared determination to fix the mess.
“Okay, try activating it now,” Five instructed, holding his breath.
Y/n flipped the switch, and the device whirred to life. There was another blinding flash, and then everything went silent.
They blinked at each other again. Five tentatively tried to blink across the room and succeeded without ending up in a wall. Y/n reached out with her mind, relieved that she could hear the thoughts of the people she loved.
“We’re back to normal,” Y/n said, exhaling in relief.
“Thank God,” Five muttered, rubbing his temples. “I don’t know how you deal with all that mental noise.”
Y/n laughed, stepping forward to hug him. “It’s not easy, but now I understand how much you handle with time travel. I’m impressed.”
Five returned the hug, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have a newfound respect for your abilities too.”
The next day, as Five and Y/n lounged on the couch recovering from their ordeal, Klaus sauntered in, a mischievous grin on his face.
“So, how was your day in each other’s shoes?” he teased, plopping down next to them.
Five rolled his eyes. “Let’s just say, never again.”
Y/n chuckled, squeezing Five’s hand. “It was definitely an experience.”
Klaus’s grin widened. “Maybe next time you can swap bodies instead. That would be hilarious.”
Five and Y/n exchanged horrified looks before bursting into laughter. No matter how crazy things got, they knew they could always count on each other, even if their powers were temporarily on the fritz.
As they cuddled together on the couch, exhausted but happy, Five realized that their love and partnership could withstand any challenge—even a day of swapped powers.
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nomazee · 5 months
could i req childhood best friends dan heng x reader word(s) is sneaking out if you want a timestamp, it's 11:42 p.m. thank you so much!!!
THIS REQUEST WAS SO CUTE i had way too much fun with this this hit 1.5k words which is way over the limit i set for myself... but i do not regret it at all. I LOVE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND DAN HENG AAAA THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING
my 1k event!
The ringing of your phone is cut off by the automated voicemail message for the nth time in a row. Your neck hurts from how long you’ve been staring up at Dan Heng’s bedroom window,  where the lights are off and the curtains are drawn and he’s definitely asleep. 
Anticipation makes you bounce on your feet, itching to just break into his front door and shake him awake yourself. Fortunately for Dan Heng’s family, it doesn’t quite reach that point, because your phone suddenly vibrates in your hand with Dan Heng’s contact flashing on your screen. 
Incoming call. Jackpot. 
“Dan Heng,” you answer the call with no formalities whatsoever, because those aren’t needed after knowing him for so long, “come outside! I’m here to pick you up.” 
“What is wrong with you,” he grumbles out. The grit in his voice is endearing and familiar and makes your breath stutter. “It’s— almost midnight.”
“I know, and you’re already asleep? You’re such a senior citizen,” you hear the exhausted sigh he makes at another one of your old-man-Dan-Heng jokes. “There's a carnival tonight. Like, one of the cool ones that only open at 10 o’clock. March just texted me about it, she’s already there with Stelle!”
“Why wouldn’t you tell me earlier?” You hear shuffling, and spot movement in your peripheral vision. Craning your head up to look at his window yet again, you see the flicker of his bedside lamp being turned on (and you can already picture it from how well you know his room—that goofy-looking toucan table lamp that you got from some vintage store years ago for him), and the curtains pull back to reveal Dan Heng in all his half-asleep glory. He looks terrible, bangs sticking up and his corny galaxy-printed sleep shirt all wrinkled. It’s a charming look, though. 
“I told you, March just texted me about it! Literally five minutes ago.” 
“So, you ran here just to tell me about it?” 
“Well, yeah, duh,” your tone is incredulous, because he should know by now that he’s the first person you go to for anything. The first person to hear about your failing grade in calculus, or your embarrassing run-in with your middle school ex girlfriend, or the bitter orange that you had as an afternoon snack. Dan Heng’s call history is probably full of your contact (which is just your name, no fun emoticons or inside jokes, and no profile picture, much to your everlasting dismay), and every call would show that he answers every single one without fail. 
And, really, if you’re going to be honest with yourself (which you really hate doing), there’s a hopefulness twitching in your fingers tonight, something carried to you through the wind. You’re thinking of the carnival, about the sticky sweet snacks that you’re going to split with Dan Heng, the ferris wheel cart that you’ll be cramped in, the view of the stars from way up there and the tender way he’ll look at you. 
Because he does that, sometimes, with no explanation, and you’ve never had the strength to respond in any way but a hesitant smile and a smack on his shoulder and a stupid joke. But there’s a tote bag slung around your arm now, full of money and two water bottles and the weight of your heart. 
“Listen,” you tell him after a bout of his reluctant silence, “I brought you a jacket and your scarf, because I know you’re vitamin deficient and you’ll blow away in the wind unless I hold you down. It’ll be so fun if you come with me! Please? And I’ll get you home before your family notices!” 
Both you and Dan Heng know that’s a lie, because you have a tendency to drag him out for long periods of time where both of you forget to check your phones. In your opinion, it does more good than harm, because it lets you live in the moment—or so you tell Dan Heng’s parents when they question you about keeping their son out past sundown. 
“I’m not vitamin deficient,” Dan Heng tells you, but the argument is weakened by the fact that you’ve had to carry around a spare jacket for Dan Heng since you were both stumbling on your tiny baby legs. He must realize that, too, because you can see the way his face softens as he looks at you from his window, peering down. Despite the minimal light, you can still see the vibrant sheen of his eyes, the way that his mouth presses into a thin line to hold back a smile. 
It takes only a moment of contemplation before he lets out a yielding sigh and mumbles, “Okay, fine. I’m coming downstairs to let you in and then I’ll get ready. Don’t be loud.”
“I’m never loud!” 
The call ends with a click and Dan Heng slides his striped curtains closed. Circling around to get back to his front door, you made sure to be as quiet as possible and not trample his family’s gardenias. When the door opens to reveal Dan Heng’s beautiful, sleep-swollen face, an overwhelming warmth blooms in your chest and leaves your lungs dry and aching for air. The smile that appears on your face is instinctual, as most behaviors are for you around Dan Heng. 
“Hi,” you whisper, really truly whisper, because he told you to be quiet and sometimes it’s good to do what Dan Heng wants (only sometimes). His lips are still tightened into that thin line, and you think, I’ll make him laugh tonight, which is a goal you’ve always set for yourself, ever since you befriended him in first grade with a paper flower and a loud, blatant, childish proclamation of best-friend-ship. 
“Wait on the couch,” he directs you quietly, stepping aside to let you in. “Get a water from the fridge and pack it.” 
“I already brought two for us,” the apples of your cheeks strain with the force of your smile, and you’re trying not to giggle. The water thing—that was established forever ago, too, just like the spare jacket, and staying out late, and the toucan lamp, and the paper flower. You always shared a water bottle, reminding each other and passing one between your hands until the last drops were wrung dry from it, and then you’d spend half an hour trying to find a fountain to refill it because you never packed more than two on any given day. 
“Dan Heng,” you stop him with a hand on his shoulder before he can go back up the stairs to get ready in his room, and he looks back at you with the same look that you were envisioning before. The color of his eyes has gone dim, but in a fond way, in a way that tells you his breathing is even and his pulse is steady. 
You take the brief moment where his attention is on you to wrap your arms around him, the sleeves of your jacket pulling him close, warm, tender to you. Your tote bag dangles awkwardly to the side, but you try not to let it stop you from squeezing him tight, letting him know you’re here, right here. 
“What’s this about,” he mumbles into your shoulder, hands going up to grasp at the back of your sweatshirt and tug you just a few millimeters closer. A gentle weight sits between your hands and in your chest and you stifle a laugh into his barely-covered shoulder. 
“Nothing. Just really happy you’re coming.” 
“Okay,” he says, because he’s awkward and awful and so are you, but his hands still squeeze between your shoulderblades and keep you against him. A whistle of wind makes the gutters of the house creak, and you think of the stars that you’ll see from the top of the ferris wheel tonight, glinting in the sky and in Dan Heng’s eyes. 
“Let me go so I can change.” His voice is monotone, seemingly disinterested, but you don’t take offense to it, you never have. Reluctantly, you loosen your grip around him, and let him pull back the rest of the way because you can’t bear to do it yourself. 
The look, the glimmer, the depth of his eyes are all still there, accompanied by a new rosiness in his cheeks that you know isn’t caused by the heat of your hands or the cold wind outside. You don’t get the chance to laugh at the waver in his mouth as he fights back a small laugh, because he’s already turning back to rush up the stairs, stance wobbling as he tries to hide from his own embarrassment, and it’s so terrible and familiar and you ache with the urge to burrow into this home and make it your own. 
Your phone is flooded with dozens of texts from March, you’re sure, but even as it pushes midnight, you take your sweet time walking to the carnival, fingers clasped with each other as your jacket hangs off of Dan Heng—like it always has, like it always will.
gen taglist: @tragedy-of-commons @lasiancunin @flower-yi
event taglist: @confusion-star
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remuswriting · 22 days
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Thunderstorms used to be your biggest fear. Now it's the feeling you have when someone else wants Tooru.
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TAGS: Angst with a Happy Ending; Self-Esteem Issues; First Kiss; Hurt/Comfort; Male! Reader; Not Beta-Read
WORD COUNT: 4,817 words
NOTES: This comes from this ask I got. It got a little longer than I intended it to be, but I had fun writing it. Hopefully everyone enjoys!
Expect typos in this. I do not have the time to properly edit this. Sorry.
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Thunderstorms have always been an enemy of yours. The way thunder booms through the sky, sometimes even shaking the building from its intensity. How the lightning flashes through the curtains, lighting up a room when it doesn’t want to be. The fear you had as a child only grew into something where you avoided school on days it was forecasted to rain. You now hide under the covers with tightly shut eyes, praying for it to be over soon.
How you feel about thunderstorms is how you feel right now, staring at your boyfriend being surrounded by girls again. You knew before dating him that he’s well-loved, but sometimes you just want to walk home together without being bothered. Most days aren’t like that, though. Today is particularly worse when Aoi pulls out a box from her bag.
“I made you something,” she says, and suddenly, she sounds so shy. She doesn’t resemble the confident class president you’re used to seeing. Aoi extends the box to Tooru, and he slowly takes it. You can just barely see Tooru’s face, but the smile he has is forced.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” Tooru says as he grips the box tightly.
“But I wanted to!” she says with wide brown eyes. She’s so pretty with her delicate features, and you think it’d be better if she wasn’t so pretty. “I read that milk break is your favorite, and I wanted you to feel appreciated, so I baked it for you!”
She baked Tooru milk bread, which is something you’ve never done. Baking has never been something you’re good at, and Tooru has never commented on it. He’s never asked for homemade treats, which you always figured was because you’re both boys. You’ve never thought about it too hard, because you figured both of you were on the same page. What if you weren’t? What if you’ve been depriving Tooru of something simply because you can’t do it?
You stare at the box, and the sight has you closing your eyes so tightly it hurts. It’s almost like hearing the threat of a thunderstorm on the news with how your stomach churns. The worst part is how silly it feels to be upset about it, because this is a constant. Tooru receives love confesses constantly, and although you’ve never liked it, it’s never bothered you like this. Because aren’t you supposed to be the one giving him things? Aren’t you supposed to be the one who stands wide eyed in front of Tooru, gifting him something just because you wanted to?
You don’t want to be here anymore. Watching all of this has you wanting to hide under your blankets and pray for these feelings to go away. When you open your eyes, ready to say you’re going to leave, you find Tooru looking at you with those concerned brown eyes. Guilt floods through you, because he’s meant to be enjoying the gift he received, not being worried about you.
He looks back at Aoi. “Thank you so much for the gift, it’s very considerate,” he says with that warm, genuine voice. “However, Y/N and I have to get going. We have a study group.”
There’s no study group, and you’re not sure why he’s saying you two have one. You don’t say that, though, because if it gets you out of this situation, you’ll go with just about anything.
Aoi pouts a little, and she’d be a good girlfriend. She’d be a better significant other than you are. That thought makes you feel like thunder is shaking the house so violently you think it may be an earthquake. You want to tell Tooru that you need to head home instead, but you know he won’t leave you. His loyalty doesn’t let him do that, and sometimes it hurts just a little.
“Okay, but please tell me if you like them,” Aoi says, and Tooru nods.
“I will,” he says, and then you’re walking away with him as he waves bye. It’s quiet for a moment, just the sound of your shoes against the pavement, until Tooru passes in front of you and tosses the box into the trash.
“Why’d you do that?” you ask, eyes wide in horror. He’s never been one to treat gifts like that. Tooru looks at you, and the sun bounces off him in a way that makes him look magical.
“I don’t want gifts like that if you’re not the one giving them to me,” he says, and you look away from him as your face heats up. The way he says it so casually has you flustered, but his words cause that guilt to come back. If he wasn’t with you, he’d be able to cherish the gifts he receives. He wouldn’t feel obligated to get rid of them.
“You could’ve kept it,” you say as you look up at the sky before tilting your head to look at him. “What will you tell her tomorrow? That you threw it away?”
Tooru rolls his eyes as he lets out a laugh. “I’ll tell her it was delicious, but I can’t have it anymore because of my diet.”
“And if I got you some, would you still eat it regardless of your diet?”
Tooru smiles at you, and your heart pounds too hard in your chest. “I’ll eat anything you get me, regardless of my diet or allergies or whatever.”
It should ease your nerves, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t at all.
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It’s meant to storm after school, which means you’ll be saying you’re sick to skip out on club activities to go home. Your parents used to chastise you about it, but being the top in your year ceased their comments entirely.
You’re preparing what lie you’ll have to give when Tooru drags his desk next to yours for lunch. He has a letter with him, and his name is written on the back in messy handwriting. There’s also a heart sticker keeping the envelope shut. A confession. Someone is confessing to him after school.
“Want to read it with me?” Tooru asks, because that’s what you did. You read them together and laugh at the desperate words that border into cringe territory. It never bothered you before you got together, even when your crush felt so impossibly big. It didn’t bother you in the beginning either, but it bothers you now. You just don’t know how to say that.
“No, I’m okay,” you say, and his brows furrow slightly.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, trying to make it to where only you can hear it. It’s simply a reminder that to everyone else, you’re just best friends. No one knows that you’re boyfriends. No one knows that the idea of coming out terrifies you nearly to the same extent that thunderstorms do.
“It’s going to storm later.”
Your voice is so soft it’s nearly embarrassing, however, Tooru doesn’t seem to care. His face just relaxes in understanding. “I’m sorry,” he says, and he leans in slightly. You want to lean in too. You want to give him the same level of love back. “You’re leaving early, right?”
“Yeah,” you say, and the confession letter now sits on his desk, forgotten by him. But you can’t look away from it, especially because you now recognize the handwriting. It’s Sato’s handwriting—Sato, who is a boy and your academic rival. Sato, who is charming and handsome and that everyone likes. Sato, who apparently isn’t scared of letting the world know he likes boys.
“Okay, I’ll tell coach that I’m sick so I can go with you,” Tooru says, because that’s what you do. Tooru spends thunderstorms with you, so you’re not so scared and alone.
You look at him. “No, I’ll be okay.”
Maybe it’s the way you say it or just that fact that you said it that has him taken aback. He’s looking at you like he’s trying to understand what he did wrong. You just don’t know how to tell him he’s not done anything wrong. It’s you—you’re too caught up in your head, and you don’t want to involve him in that.
“And if I do it anyway?” he asks, and you look away.
If he was with Sato, this wouldn’t be a conversation. He wouldn’t have to lie to his coach about being sick just to comfort his boyfriend because of a stupid fear. Being scared of thunderstorms is so stupid, and you’ve always known that. Your parents have always made sure to tell you, but now you’re having to tell yourself. This fear is affecting others when it should only ever affect you. Your heart pounds in your chest as your fingertips tingle, and you only ever feel like this when it storms. However, there’s no rain or thunder right now, so you’re just scared without an obvious reason.
“I can’t stop you,” you say, voice shaking. “But you should probably answer that confession first.”
“Not going is an answer,” Tooru says, and he’s serious. Tooru has never missed a confession before, always saying he believes people deserve some form of closure, but he’s suggesting it now. He’s suggesting it because of you—because of a stupid fear you have that you struggle to face alone. It should be romantic, but it leaves you wanting to cry.
“No, you need to go,” you say, because he’ll regret it later on. He’ll feel guilty seeing Sato in the hallway, looking at Tooru with upset eyes. Tooru is too soft to move on from that.
He looks at you, long and hard, before slowly nodding. It’s almost as if he’s seeing through your cracks, slowly noticing something is wrong. You wonder if he’ll figure it out before you do something impulsive.
“Okay, but we leave not a moment later,” he says, and your chest is tight.
“You’re still not going to practice?”
He shakes his head and leans his cheek against his hand as all of his attention is focused on you. “Not when it’s going to storm.”
Guilt continues to eat deep inside you. Interhigh Prelims are rapidly approaching, and you’re taking him away from that. You’re hindering him. You’re being difficult. But you know there’s no point in arguing, because he’s one of the most stubborn people you’ve ever met. So you slowly nod.
“Okay. Do you want me at the confession?”
He smiles, so warm and real. “Yes, or else you’ll run off without me.”
You can’t help the small laugh you let out. He knows you too well, which makes this all a little worse. Shouldn’t he realize how hard this is becoming for you? Shouldn’t he know what to do?
“I wouldn’t, but okay,” you say, and he rolls his eyes.
“Oh, whatever.” He finally pulls his lunch out and divides it in half before offering it to you. You take it as a reflex, because this has been your routine from before you even started dating. It’s easy to see why you fell in love with Tooru. It’s easy to see why other people are falling in love with him as well.
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The sky is gray and ominous when you and Tooru meet Sato at the tennis courts. Sato is pacing around until he sees Tooru. He stops in his tracks, and the growing breeze pushes his black hair into his face. You’ve always found him slightly attractive, but never have there been true feelings there. Maybe it’s because you fight for the top spot or maybe because you’ve never had a moment where you’ve actually talked.
Sato looks past Tooru at you, and his brows immediately furrow. He wasn’t expecting an audience, which you can’t blame him for. You wouldn’t be expecting one either. You’re tempted to run away, but Tooru looks at you, and you know you can’t. If you run away, he’ll just run after you.
Instead, you look away from him and at the sky instead. It’s only getting darker, and fear runs through you at the thought of getting caught in the rain. Fear also runs through you at the fact you have to hear another boy confess to Tooru.
“Sato-san,” Tooru says, and he’s using the voice he uses when rejecting people. You close your eyes, ready for the rejection to come from him, but it doesn’t.
“Please, just listen to me,” Sato says, and he sounds far too desperate. “I know I’m a guy, and this is all weird, but I like you, Oikawa-san. I’ve liked you for so long, but only recently have I let myself like you.” Tooru doesn’t say anything, and you don’t dare to open your eyes. “You make me want to tell people.”
“What do you know about me?” Tooru asks. It takes you by surprise, because in all the confessions you’ve witnessed of his, he’s never asked that before.
You open your eyes, and Sato’s hair is messy from the wind and his eyes are wide. “What?”
“What do you know about me?” Tooru asks again. “Why do you like me so much?”
“You’re smart and talented,” Sato says, and Tooru just stares at you. “Dedicated too.”
“Is that all you need to love someone?”
This is the first time you’ve ever seen anyone who has confessed to Tooru look so dejected. It’s the first time you’ve ever felt bad for them, because you understand Sato. You understand your feelings being so big that you have to confront them. This confession has been far more vulnerable than other ones, because Sato knew he could’ve faced a far harsher rejection. It could’ve been far worse than his crush questioning him on why he likes him.
“I’m sorry, Sato-san, but I don’t feel the same way,” Tooru says, and although he sounds apologetic, there’s an edge to his voice. “I really hope you find someone you truly like, though.”
It’s quick, Tooru turning and grabbing your hand to drag you away. The wind is harsher now, trying to blow through your uniform. You’re nauseous from the sky and how Sato still stands there, staring at you two. It all only reminds you that there are people out there who are ready to be seen with Tooru while you’re not. You fear you’ll never be ready for that, and that only means he’s trapped liking you in the bubble that surrounds you two.
“I’m sorry,” he says once you’re past the school gate. You’re no longer holding hands, even though you need the contact. The storm is quickly approaching, and you’re so scared. You’re scared you’ll get trapped in it, and that it’ll feel like watching Sato confess to Tooru. “We’ll get to your house before the storm hits.”
You nod, but nothing comes out. You hope he thinks it’s entirely because of this fear of the storm when it’s not. The thought of Sato has a different kind of fear boiling inside you, and it’s the fear that Tooru will realize there are better people out there.
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You reach your house right as the rain starts hitting the pavement. The thunder hasn’t started yet, but you’re on edge as if it has. It’s a waiting game at this point, and you’re kicking off your shoes without care as you hurry to your room. Tooru waits for you to change into comfortable clothes before pulling him into your room.  Your blankets are still a mess from this morning, but he fixes them for you.
“Come here,” he says as your room lights up from the lightning. You start counting for the thunder.
One. Two. Three.
The thunder hits, and you can’t move. You’re stuck standing in the middle of your bedroom, closing your eyes as you try to calm your breathing and pulse. It’s funny that even though you’re so scared, your thoughts are slightly jumbled, you wonder if this is what people feel like when Tooru rejects them.
The bed creaks, meaning Tooru got up, and your thick comforter is wrapped around your shoulders before you’re being pulled in to be pressed against his chest. He’s warm and comforting, almost like a second home for you. It’s so easy to just melt into his embrace and try to ignore the outside world for just a second. Until the lightning strikes again, so bright you can see it through your closed eyes.
“I love you,” he says, and then the thunder hits. It’s loud, and you reach out to grasp his shirt to know he’s there. He pulls you closer, and your cheek presses against his shoulder. “I love you.”
It’s all so overwhelming—the storm and the confession. It’s so hard to think clearly, especially with your nerves sky-high. “Tooru,” you gasp into his neck before you start crying.
He pulls you to the bed before sitting you in his lap. You’re both surrounded by your comforter, and this is the closest you’ve ever been. “It’s okay,” he says as he gently rubs your back. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
You melt into him completely, crying into his skin and desperately grasping his shirt like a lifeline. Even with his confession, guilt eats at you as the thunder crashes through the sky. There are better people out there for him—people who are fully ready to love him outside of closed doors. However, he’s so loyal to the point it’s his weakness, and you refuse to extort that, even if that’s not what you’re trying to do. You cry harder, because this is all so unfair—having this realization while a storm rages outside and he’s the one holding you.
“I love you too,” you say through tears. It’s unfair to say it to someone you don’t deserve, but you don’t know for how long you’ll be able to say it. You don’t know how long he’ll believe you. “I love you so much.”
Tooru presses a kiss to your hair, and you try to even out your breathing as the storm rages outside and in your head.
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Mondays are your date days. Other days are spent studying together at home, sometimes eating something together. He’s just always so tired after practice that you never want to push him anymore than he’s already pushed himself. Those days, you go over to his house, where he showers and then you blow-dry his hair for him before working on homework. Today is Monday, though, which means a date. This week is Tooru’s turn.
“We have to go by the clubroom really quick. I forgot my wallet in there this morning,” Tooru says, and you roll your eyes as you follow him. He forgets things there often, as if it’s a second home to him. You imagine it is. “But don’t worry, where we’re going will make up for it.”
He starts going on about a restaurant he and the team went to last week and that he’s been dying to take you to. He claims it’s definitely your style—that you’ll love it. You watch him talk, his eyes bright and his smile unwavering. Is there ever a good time to leave someone? Or will it always feel like you’re putting it off?
“Tooru,” you say, cutting him off mid-sentence. You’re in the privacy of the clubroom now, and he looks at you. “I think we should break up.”
You’re not sure what to expect, because you’ve not wanted to think about this at all. It’s made you sick even barely thinking about it. However, you didn’t expect for tears to well up in his eyes as he let out a shaky breath. “What?”
It’s hard to not pull him in and take back your words, but you manage to not move. “I think we should break up. It’s—It’s just not working anymore.”
Tooru blinks a couple of times, his eyes looking around as he does so. Tears are really welling up in his eyes now. “What are you talking about? We love each other.”
“But you deserve better,” you say, and it’s like a breath of fresh air saying that. You’ve been holding it in for so long, and finally sharing it is a burden lifted off your shoulders. “I’m—I’m not good enough for you. You deserve someone who’s good enough for you.”
He looks at you like he doesn’t recognize you and then tears fall down his cheeks. The sight and his silence hurt, but you can’t look away from him. This is what you deserve.
“What’s going on?” he asks, voice wet. He wipes his eyes, and the sight breaks your heart. “I know you’ve been off, but I didn’t think it was this. I thought—What’s going on?”
It’s been years since you’ve been labeled as shy, growing out of that as you realized the only thing that truly scares you is thunderstorms. Now, at the age of 18, losing Tooru is the thing that scares you most. You’re facing this fear head on, but you wish it was thunderstorms instead. You wish you had never said anything and let yourself hurt.
“You’re so amazing, and I’m just me,” you start, and your throat starts feeling scratchy. You can’t let yourself cry. “I’m not amazing like you, and you deserve someone who is. You deserve someone like Aoi-chan or Sato-san, because they’d love you better than I do. I’m just holding you back.”
“No,” Tooru snaps, and you flinch. “You’re wrong, Y/N. If anything, you’re the one who is amazing. You’re not holding me back—you could never hold me back. I am better because of you.”
“But I don’t give you gifts just because, and I didn’t confess to you ready to tell the world about us,” you say, desperate for him to just understand.
“If I wanted those things, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.” Your breath catches in your throat. “Yes, I’m in love with you.” He takes a step towards you. “I’m pretty sure I was made just to love you, so please let me.”
“But what if you realize it was all a mistake?” your voice breaks from tears, finally crying with him.
He takes a step closer to you, and he’s so close it’s overwhelming. “You’re the only person who gets me,” Tooru says, and your hands are nearly touching. “That’s the most important thing to me. Not if you give me gifts or if I can hold your hand in public. What I care about is that you know me and still love me.”
“How could I not love you?” you ask before wiping your eyes, trying to dry your eyes so your vision doesn’t become blurry.
“And how could I not love you?” he asks, and he takes one of your hands into his. “Y/N, there is no other person I want to love. You’re the only one.”
You want to believe it so desperately that you don’t think he’ll understand. It’s been weeks of this doubt building in your stomach, and you can’t stomach it anymore. All you want is for it to go away.
“But there are other people who are better for you.”
“And I don’t want them. I want you.” He squeezes your hand a little. “I would’ve told you this if you’d just talked to me.”
You cough slightly from how hard you’re crying, because it’s overwhelming listening to genuine words that go against your thoughts. It’s overwhelming trying to let yourself believe it.
“I—I didn’t know how to tell you.” You gasp before going into a slight coughing fit. “I was so scared I’d tell you and you’d realize I was right.”
“So you decided to break up with me?”
“All I want is what’s best for you,” you say, and he’s not crying as hard as you are. It’s unfair, you think.
“You’re what’s best for me.” Tooru brings your hand up to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. “What do I need to do to prove that to you?”
“Stop being so popular.”
He laughs slightly, and butterflies itch at your rib cage from the sound. “Consider it done. I’ll become hated for you.”
“You could never be hated,” you say, and you wish he was kissing you instead of your knuckles. “You’re too good.”
“And you’re better.” Tooru presses his cheek against your hand. “You’re also far more popular than me, but I’ve been too selfish to let you see that.”
Your brows scrunch a little. “What are you talking about?”
Tooru sighs before kissing your palm. “I throw away your confession letters. You’re so mysterious that girls come to me, and I smile before throwing it away.” He’s attempting to be apologetic, but the smile on his face negates that. “I don’t want anyone else having your attention.”
“I didn’t know you were like that,” you say, and he laughs again.
“You make me like that.” He pulls you closer, and your face burns. “You drive me crazy, and I can’t get enough of it.”
Your chests are nearly touching, and you could kiss him. That’s not something you’ve done yet, though, because there’s always been that fear that someone will see. If someone sees, then you may really lose him, but right now, you don’t care. All you want to do is kiss him.
So you do.
It’s awkward since he’s not expecting it, but Tooru recovers quickly by pulling in closer, making your chests press together. You feel his heart pounding, but yours isn’t much better. It’s exhilarating to finally do this. It’s far better than anything you’ve imagined before.
Tooru uses his free hand to hold your cheek while his other hand doesn’t let go of yours. The kisses are clumsy, not used to each other, but you want more. You never want this to end, but then Tooru pulls away. You’re both breathing heavily, and you just want to kiss him again.
“God,” he says, his thumb caressing your cheek. He kisses you again, and it’s so gentle you feel loved. “I love you,” he says as he kisses you.
Although it’s still hard to hear those words, the doubt still eating at you, you smile. You let him love you, even with the fear that he deserves someone else. Maybe the more he says he loves you, the more you’ll start to believe he’s not going anywhere and doesn’t need to.
“I love you,” you say as you pull away. When you open your eyes, Tooru’s eyes are still closed. There’s a soft smile on his face, and his cheeks are beyond flushed. He’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.
His eyes open, and they’re so warm. You’ve always loved brown eyes, but his are your favorite. They’ve always looked at you with such warmth it nearly burns you. Tooru has that effect, though—burning people with his warmth and care.
Tooru laughs a little as he pulls away, pressing a kiss to your forehead. All you want to say is that you love him. All you want to do is prove you love him.
“Let’s head home,” he says, his hand falling from your cheek to his side but not letting go of your hand.
You raise a brow. “We’re not going to the restaurant anymore?”
His smile is so boyish. “I can’t kiss you if we go there.”
“Oh, so you don’t care if I’m hungry?” you tease, and he pouts slightly. It’s so easy to just lean in and press a quick kiss to his lips. He goes to pull you back in, but you pull away slightly as you laugh a little. “We can’t go anywhere if we’re kissing.”
“Maybe we should just never leave then,” he says, and you roll your eyes but your cheeks burn as you look away. “Hey, don’t act as if you weren’t the one who kissed me first.�� You push his shoulder slightly, trying to let go of his hand, but he won’t let you. He pulls you closer to him. “Nope, you’re not going anywhere.”
You tilt your head to the side with a teasing smile. “Then how am I meant to get home?”
“Attached to me, obviously.” He kisses your forehead, even though he can now properly kiss you. “You’re not leaving my side if I can help it.”
“Be careful what you wish for,” you say, and his smile is so bright. “You may regret it later.”
He shakes his head as his thumb caresses the back of your hand. “I’ll never regret anything where you’re involved.”
You let yourself believe his words as you press another quick kiss to his lips. When you go to leave, you stop holding hands, but it’s okay because Tooru walks so close to you that your sides keep brushing against each other. It’s just as intimate, if not more.
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sketch-twentytwo · 2 months
This is coming of the heels of the FOP:NW season 1 finale, and I guess I was just disappointed in the ending.
The season has been building up Dev and Hazel's relationship (friendship you heathens!) and showing Dev's struggle to mature and really understand what he thinks is missing in his life (parental love from his father) but his heel turn kind of comes out of nowhere.
I don't think it should've been on Hazel to "save him" but they barely have a conversation the whole second half of the episode. I thought she could've given him some tough love, a speech about real friendship, or something.
Instead Peri tells him he cares about him (which is nice) and he basically forfeits and succumbs to being fairy/friendless and most likely being reset to square one (that is unless his sunglasses blocked out the magical, memory erasing flash).
I just think it could've been one of those finales where Hazel fights Dev with the power of friendship while still extending a hand. The guy is a selfish jerk and all, but he's also a ten year old nepo baby who doesn't know any better. Maybe we'll get some more dev-elopment if we get a season two, but he just felt more fleshed out and complex than the rest of Hazel's friends who get to keep their memories for some reason.
Oh yeah. That. For all the flack Timmy Turner got for almost revealing his fairies and the threat of them getting taken away from him over and over, Hazel just wishes her buddies can remember. At that point why not use the next rule-free wish to wish that she'll be able to remember her godparents FOREVER? IDK, it just sort of feels like some of the stakes of the show have evaporated.
I think it would've worked well if they'd just kept it with Hazel and Dev being the only god-kids in the show who have knowledge/memorize of fairies. Now it feels like there's too many people. But, we'll see what happens I guess.
Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish has it's Pros and Cons, in my opinion. The character writing is FANTASTIC when it's good, but the plot lines aren't always compelling to me. I want to see more of it because I think it can and will be improved/built upon, but for now, it's a nice show I'd probably watch once and not again.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Can I place an order for Marvel? If yes: HERE YOU GO. Where the reader is Steve and Natasha's daughter, Tony and Bucky's goddaughter (you can already imagine that) and mainly, she was raised by all the avengers and hidden from the spotlight. Just something pretty fluffy for what her relationship with them would be like 🥺✋
Ohana means family
Paring: Romanogers!Daughter!reader X Avengers(Platonic)
A/n: thank you for the request. This is my first request for the MCU Fandom, hope you enjoy.
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Being the daughter of Captain America and Black Widow is blessing a curse... I'll tell you why.
But first if your the daughter of them I could imagine you having Steve's kind heart and Natasha's temper. Your Godfather Tony always got a kick out of a tiny you getting all angry. And his laughter would only get heavier if you came and started punching his leg for laughing.
Tony would definitely be a second father. He's wanted to be different from his father so he will always show you the love and affection his father didn't show him.
You don't like hearing about Peggy. I think it's because she was almost your dad's love. Natasha never had a problem with hearing Steve talk about her but the woman always left you frustrated just by the sound of her name... You'd never tell your dad this though.
Anyway, being around all theses heros obviously inspired your choice of future work, this scares not only your parents but the whole team.
Sure your mother would teach you how to shoot or Tony will teach you how to build a robot but they all fear the day you'll actually have to use those skills.
Your other Godfather Bucky seems to be the only one with peace about this suprisenly. If you told him you want to be a superhero he'll grien and listen to your reasoning.
There's been times where he'll put toy boxing gloves on your hands and teach you how to punch. Natasha put a stop to it quickly though. One day he was setting on his knees so he was your hight and you kept punching his flesh hand. He wouldn't let you hit his metal hand in fear you'll hurt your self.
Sam would always tease that you have Bucky wrapped around your little finger.
Bucky and Tony always compete to see who can be the coolest Godfather. If one gets you a cool Lego set or dollhouse the other one will get the bigger version. You love Elvis Presley at the time Tony will take you right to Graceland. You want to go you a waterpark Bucky will have you there in a flash before Tony can have the chance.
A down side is you learned how to be independent with your Hero Family. It's not a bad thing and they don't do it intentionally but there's many times you spent at the compound with Pepper and Happy.
But your mom and dad always make it up to you. I wouldn't say your spoiled, but if you ask one of your godfathers nicely(with puppy eyes) you usually get it.
But another down side of being a part of this family is them being extremely over protective. There's been many times you couldn't do something or had to stay indoors for long periods of time because someone was plotting your father's death.
If you do go somewhere one of them is with you. If you want to go to a zoo trip for school one of them is with you. You want to check the mailbox Sam is flying around watching you. And don't even think about going to friends house for a slumber party. Steve and Nat aren't trying to be strick or anything they just always have this sicking feeling something will happen.
On a more positive note... You always have the best time with them. To be honest you never worried about having friends because you had them. You of course have friends your age but you consider the Avengers your Best Friends. Speaking of which Cassie Lang is probably your Best Friend.
Which means the first sleepover you ever had was with Cassie. Since you technically would be with an Avenger it was okay. Tony thought it was dumb to leave you alone with "Thumbelina" but Steve trusts Scott and Nat trusts Hope.
Speaking of which play time is always token to the extreme. You want a nerf gun war, the whole team is involved. You want to build a Lego thing, tony will buy the biggest one. Blanket fort? You don't have to ask Clint and Scott twise.
I think you'll always try and lift Thor's hammer. You've tried but couldn't so one time Thor lifted it with you so you could have the experience.
You love it when Bruce reads to you. If you come up to him with a book he'll drop everything and read to you. It's the only thing that will make him leave the lab immediately. It's calming to him and he always uses different funny voices to make you laugh.
I won't tell anyone but once you got older you had a small crush on Peitro, which didn't set well with most of the men in the compound when Cassie acdently let the cat out of the bag. You've never saw the ironman suit appear so quickly..
I think once you got older the over protectiveness got old. You found it annoying a frustrating at times but in the end you're greatful that you have a group of people that care about you so much.
Be patient with them. They love you and trust you, they just don't trust other people.
Since you can't be on the flighting field you went to medical school and with everyones help(especially from Bruce and Tony) you were able to graduate with a trauma certification and now you work with Dr. Cho in the med bay.
You always hate seeing them beat up from missions but you also love helping Them and other people.
I don't think you and Peter would get along. I don't know why, I just do. I think at one point they tried to get you to go on a date with him but it never happened.
For a little bit I think you had a jealously thing going on and didn't like how close Peter was getting to Tony. Your Godfather noticed this and told you that you'll always be his number one.
Speaking of Starks, your literally the best big sister to Morgan. You two are basically two peas in a pod. And don't even think about messing with her because you will through hands to anyone who's rude to her.
Your basically to her what Tony was to you.
When you get older you do become an Avenger and the elders got over it. You proved you can survive and they couldn't be more proud of you.
This is your family and you couldn't be more thank full. There may have been bumbs mountains along the the way but they'll always be family. And that's forever.
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hitlikehammers · 7 months
taste like loving
rating: t ♥️ cw: pre-relationship-to-established relationship, SUCH FLUFF ♥️ tags: idiots in love, pickles, slice of life, softness
for @steddielovemonth day seven: Love Is Silently Passing Them A Pickle Because You Know It’s Their Favorite (@steddieasitgoes)
@pearynice and @hbyrde36 suffered my languishing over this more than once; it felt wrong to delete it (which was the original plan) 🥒 (and yes I am well aware this is VERY late for @steddielovemonth but I had this one and one more that I never got to post bc schedules and I still wanted to...not-delete them? so the other one will go up sometime before the 29th's over worldwide) ♥️
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The first time he notices is the first time they all hang out after he’s discharged. The first time it feels almost normal. Eddie’s still not mobile enough to leave the couch at most—at least a little variety of the one-room view of his bedroom, at least—but this.
This is awesome. Because there’s no hospital to remind him of the way he’s a mishmash of still-healing incisions that he can ignore if he doesn’t move wrong, or breathe to deep, and when he does breathe to deep and reminds himself it’s for laughing, it’s a raucous and joyful thing and it’s wild in a way he never knew he was missing because—or else, he thinks because—probably there wasn’t a deep pit inside him full of all the horrors they saw and stood against together, and so he’s got this new capacity to be bowled over and filled past the brim with a kind of giddy, buoyant relief that’s unbound in ways he probably didn’t dare to even tease at, despite all his ranting about conformity and letting your fucking freak flag fly: he never could have envisioned a time he could be this unbound. Untethered.
Just…fucking free.
Because these people have seen his literal fucking insides, right? One of them held those insides in his hands, held them where they belonged long enough for him to be sitting here cackling with them, aching for the jostling of his laughter but hell if it’s not worth it, if he pops a stitch or two he won’t even fucking complain because these people saw him inside-out, y’know, and from the first he felt safe with them, with all of him, spoken and unspoken because it really felt, for the first time, like all of the things that mattered to the world at large, that could get you killed in the wrong company: it all felt…dulled; distant, after what he’d seen.
What he’d survived.
So in the now: home, on the couch, with the Buckley and Harrington tag-team feature show splitting his fucking sides and making him feel like he’s drowning in only good things and breathing full for the first time in his fucking life—
That’s when he first notices it happen.
They’re opening the boxes with deli sandwiches from Leeanne’s down off Brooklyn, the big towering fuckers with the toothpicks in the center to hold them together, and Eddie’s fucking ecstatic about the Reuben he’s staring down because real-not-hospital-cafeteria food is still an honest goddamn thrill, but he sees Steve flip open his monstrous looking Club and it’s not even all the way flipped back, the top half of the little foldy-box, when Robin slips her equally-big-ass dill spear next to the one lined up against the bread of Steve’s lunch, flashing an overstretched grin as she plops it down:
“For my Dingus,” she nods to him almost graciously and he chuckles before he picks it up and chomps it almost…almost aggressivelyand yes, okay, fine: Eddie notices because he pays attention to his friends, especially some of his very best friends, but yeah, sure, he probably notices Steve’s biting enough to characterize it because, well.
And look, see: after Steve had set himself up as permanent guardian at his bedside?Eddie might not have had all the reasons for it, all the answers to the whys, but he did have Steve Harrington in the flesh beside him always, kinda day and night, and after that? Eddie had stopped telling himself it was useless, the things he was feeling, all the relentless want in him. It might still be hopeless—just because he knew now that Steve swung that nail bat for both teams didn’t mean he’d want Eddie specifically by default—but there was no harm in feeding the deathless little lust-monster that’d lived in him from sophomore year, and that now, fed by the knowledge that Steve Harrington was beauty and brawn and brains in a way no one never expected because it wasn’t theirs, all on top of a heart of fucking 
: the monster was now a full-grown beast that wasn’t…just prone to lust, anymore.
Whatever, though. Eddie could fucking look.
So he noticed the way Robin gave Steve her pickles. The way he playfully accepted and usually leaned into her, grateful and tactile in their shared-brain kind of way.
And if he keeps noticing, what the fuck else is he expected to do? The more he learns, the closer they grow, the stronger and bigger and louder his not-lust creature gets, its stomping like a riot in his pulse save no, that’s actually just his heartbeat for what it is: hopelessly and pathetically and godawfully smitten, kinda recklessly and unrepentantly devoted, and he…
Okay, so in the beginning, Eddie knows it’s a long shot. He knows what he was doing, but it’s easy to play off as something…less. Something just playful, instead of playful-and. He already sits next to Steve when they’re all together, on a floor or a sofa or in a booth: he’s expected there. That is his place. One side him, one side Robin.
Robin even takes across-from-Steve when there aren’t enough spaces. Eddie has somehow…made the cut.
He isn’t throwing a fucking party inside his ribs about it or anything, but.
(Yeah, he is.)
But it starts small, and sorta-almost-casual: when he pops his pickle on Steve’s plate the first time. And Steve blinks at him, tilts his head in that way Eddie associates with softness, with safety, with something so adorably protective, cute and yet let herbal, on alert while breathing slow: and there’s something irresistible in the dichotomy of it that has Eddie’s pulse ramping-up by instinct at just the little gesture, the little tip of the chin and then Steve’s grinning, slow but so big, and at him, and, okay. Okay, yes, fine.
Eddie may or may not be playing this like one of those fucking birds that brings pebbles to court their intended, that drops shining little bits and bobs of nothing special that mean everything special as they try to convince their mate they’re a good bet. It may or may not be a thing he should be at least a little embarrassed of, whatever.
The way Steve chomps with fucking gusto on that pickle though: the way he grins as he chews and keeps his eyes locked on Eddie’s the whole goddamn time?
Eddie’s not gonna be embarrassed of jack shit, if he gets that in exchange.
He’s also sure as shit not going to stop, when he gets that in exchange.
He tries to up his game as the gesture extends, expands: he does his best to make it clear that he fucking loves his beloved briny cucumbers, that the way he saves them and gifts them to Steve isn’t just mimicry of his platonic soulmate; that it’s deliberate and intentional and he’s willingly and willfully forgoing something he loves for something he loves—yeah, yeah he’s ready to say that, at least in his head, because the days turn to weeks turn to months and there’s no fucking denying it anymore—so very much more, and he just…wants to make sure Steve notices. Knows it and, like, whether he decides to act on it or not, Eddie just wants him to know that a choice was there to make, right? Like, he doesn’t want it to go unnoticed.
It’s only once Steve sucks half a spear through his lips, hollows his mouth wholly unnecessarily and positively sinfully, and puckers around the pickle with wide pleading but teasing, goddamn teasing eyes trained on Eddie expectantly with the bare half sticking out his mouth, an invitation from where he sits next to Eddie at the table: it’s only then that Eddie thinks maybe there was hope after all.
He bites the loose half clear just shy of brushing Steve’s lips because he’ll be damned if their first kiss—if this is where it’s headed, if this is really possible and a thing—he’ll be fucking damned if he kisses Steve Harrington for the first time over a fucking vegetable.
Given the way Steve’s lips ultimately close around a pout all on their own: Eddie thinks…yeah. Yeah, that’s where they’re headed.
Their first kiss is very much not-pickle-flavored, but they laugh about the almost of it, once they settle comfortably into a version of ‘we’ that’s not entirely unlike the one they had before; this one just says the love part out loud. Which honestly kind of highlights how much it was there, just unspoken, almost the whole goddamn time. Which is wild.
Then of course it grows. There’s always a jar of pickles on their shopping list, because there’s always a need when the last one’s always empty. Sometimes because he wanted something to eat in the middle of the night. Sometimes because he feeds a slice to Steve Lady and the Tramp style, and does lick the taste from him after, now, not because it isn’t momentous; kissing Steve. But more because it’s…it’s going to be momentous again, whenever he wants.
For, like, ever.
Though it’s carrying on in that fashion that kinda leads in to, about a year-and-change and going strong, Eddie getting his mind goddamn blown.
It starts, mostly, with Eddie thinking—mistakenly—that his boyfriend’s not gonna be late for dinner and honestly, Eddie just doesn’t want the spear to get all warm and floppy so he figures he’ll quick eat the ones he set out, cannot let a delicious pickle go to waste, and he’ll get a fresh one for the plates when Steve gets in, no problem, he’ll just—
He’s maybe almost fucking fellating the pickle when Steve clears his throat unexpectedly from the doorway to the kitchen.
“Am I interrupting?” the arch of his brow is enviable, and the giddy delight in his tone is delectable, and Eddie wants him to come over and kiss the fucking blush he feels just lightly heat his cheeks as he tries to decide what to do because…
Eddie’s never not given his pickle to Steve, or not shared his pickle with Steve, in Steve’s presence, okay? It’s just…that’s for Steve.
And Steve probably wouldn’t be grossed out with Eddie’s slobber all over it, but, like, he deserves better by default any—
Steve’s next to him before he fully notices him crossing the distance, and he’s nudging Eddie’s hand with just a finger, pressing the pickle past his lips, slow enough to chew but steady with the pressure, and hell if it’s not erotic as fuck.
Steve goddamn Harrington.
And he smirks when Eddie swallows with a gulp, leans to kiss him and comments kind of idly:
“That was hot, babe.”
Eddie huffs, and then looks at the pickle-less plates and remembers.
“I’m so sorry, Sweetheart, I’d have kept it for you, but I wasn’t sure how long you’d be—“
“Eds, relax,” Steve laughs, unbothered; “you don’t have to save me the pickle. I buy you whole jars.”
Eddie frowns a little, because that wording sound…off. He’s not quite sure why, until Steve picks up on his confusion, the grit caught in the works that he can’t pick out, because Steve always notices; and Steve always finds the catch to smooth it clean.
He’s amazing that way.
“They’re your favorites,” he goes and grabs the jar in question from the fridge, pops the lid and meticulously catches the drip on the glass lip before offering it to Eddie with a smile so warm Eddie can feel it in his knees, because it fucking makes them melty and shit even now; he prays it’ll never stop making them melty and shit, honestly, but—
“I never even really liked them, until you.”
And that’s the part that catches Eddie up entirely, almost chokes him on the end of his hand-fed pickle feast.
“What,” he pauses, clears his throat; “what d’ya mean?”
“Robin fucking hates them,” Steve shrugs, still smiling that knee-targeting smile; “so she always pawned them off on me, and I didn’t have any strong feelings either way, but then,” he reaches, traces Eddie’s lips and gathering any stray juice before sucking his thumb between his lips to clean it off. Eddie almost fucking feels his pupils dilate.
“You know I wanted it to mean something from the beginning,” Steve says simply, because Eddie did know; “and then when I found out it wasn’t just, like, convenient, but you liked them so much yourself, then it felt,” and then Steve’s biting his lip, which is that knife’s edge between adorable and hot-hot-sex that regularly threatens to explode Eddie goddamn brain, but than he’s smiling again, a little softer, a lot more fond:
“It felt like they meant you liked me,” Steve ducks his head solely to glance through his lashes, a little bashful even still; “it felt like it maybe meant you, you know, maybe, like maybe you loved me?”
And Eddie can’t handle the question mark there, dives in and kisses Steve sound and sure and licks his way in to rub away that bit of punctuation that could ever possibly cast any doubt on Eddie’s feelings at basically any point they’ve shared fucking air.
“It tastes like that, now.”
Eddie cocks his head a little.
“What tastes like what, baby?”
Steve leans and licks into Eddie mouth again, but this time it’s got direction, like he’s seeking something, but then just as quick he pulls back, though not far, and looks up at Eddie with a little extra curl to his lips as he murmurs between them:
“I fucking adore pickles, now. Because they kinda taste like you loving me.”
And Jesus H., this man is gonna kill him.
And Eddie—who can do nothing less than capture Steve’s lips again and let him taste this particular flavor of loving as long and as deep as he wants—Eddie kinda thinks that’ll be a fucking glorious way to go.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson @estrellami-1 @bookworm0690 
divider credit here
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starboltz · 7 months
Since a new TADC teaser came out, I really wanted to do an analysis of this post by gooseworx.
To start off with, in the quick flash of new characters we see in the trailer, 3 of them are seen in the teaser image - those being the cowgirl ghost, the candy princess, and the bubble man. The only character we don't see is the frog-looking character.
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While not obvious by the reflection, the round part of the ghosts head is likely a hat, as seen in the teaser on the cowgirl ghost. I am fairly sure that both of these ghosts are the same character based on the dress silhouette of the reflection, and the design of the upper body of the ghost in the teaser. (If I am wrong about the ghost's gender and/or pronouns, I will edit this post.) I find it incredibly interesting that this is the most humanistic character yet on TADC.
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The next character, the candy princess, has a silhouette that is very easy to match to the reflection. The only major difference is that her gloves and upper part of her skirt are a darker pink, but that could be due to lighting. She is very likely the princess of Candy Canyon Kingdom. If not, she's definitely royalty of some sort because of her crown. I did see a few people think that she was going to be similar to a betty spaghetti toy, but now that we see her in her natural setting, it seems like her arms are more like cake pops. The rest of her body seems to be a neat amalgamation of cake and other candies.
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I don't have much to say about the bubble man, other than he appears to be a customer at Spudsy's - where Jax is being forced to work for minimum wage. If you look closely, you can see Jax's reflection in the bubble man's face. His (or it's? again if I'm wrong I'll change it later) reflection counterpart is a much darker blue, which again could be lighting, but it could also mean that other customers at Spudsy's are bubble people. (Also I love how Spudsy's is a ripoff/homage of McDonald's, hopefully it'll make for some good satire of the fast food industry).
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While we don't see the frog character from Gooseworx' teaser image, a lot of people theorized that it is some sort of gummy frog or reptile, which makes sense when it comes to one of the other characters announced in the teaser trailer.
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The gummy gator appears to be in the Candy Canyon Kingdom, and looks to be some sort of cowboy or guide. He has a white belly similar to the frog, which is why I think they exist in the same storyline/location. Something hard to see in the trailer is that he starts fading to green from yellow around his shoulders. It's hard to tell what he's holding, but it's very possible it is reigns.
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Another character from Candy Canyon Kingdom is the chocolate ooze monster, who looks similar in style to the gloink queen. I love the details of candy corn teeth and jawbreaker eyes. It's difficult to tell if this will be the big boss of Candy Canyon Kingdom, or just an obstacle for the TADC crew.
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A fourth character from the Candy Canyon Kingdom is revealed in the teaser, and that is the periwinkle drawing mannequin. It seems to be the only character from the CCK that is not made of candy, which leads to some questions. In the teaser it is screaming its head off, so it's likely it is running from the chocolate ooze monster.
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Going back to the cowgirl ghost, another cute little ghost appears. It doesn't really have any defining features other than its puppy-like face, but its a ghost, so it works. This is the only other character in the western ghost town story revealed in the teaser. Though the gummy gator looks like a cowboy, I think the ghosts appear in a different location from the Candy Canyon Kingdom.
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The last character I haven't talked about is the tape recorder. It doesn't really look like an animate character, but if TADC has taught me anything, inanimate objects can always become animate characters. It's hard to tell what storyline it's from, but based on the lighting, it's from the western ghost town storyline. One of the most unnerving things about it is that it is one of the most realistic looking characters in the entire show.
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Overall, 4 characters were revealed for the Candy Canyon Kingdom storyline, 3(ish) characters for the western ghost town storyline, and 1 character for the Spudsy's storyline. I personally don't think all of these storylines and characters will appear in the same episodes, unless the TADC crew is split up like in ep 1. The Candy Canyon Kingdom and the Spudsy's storylines definitely don't, because Jax can be seen in the wagon, along with (at least) Pomni, Gangle, and Kinger, in the large image shot of CCK in the teaser. (I have no clue what kind of gummy animal is pulling the wagon.)
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I also wanted to briefly talk about the unfinished location that Caine showed in the teaser. My first thought was that it was a baseball stadium, but after further inspection the field seems a bit off to be a baseball field. Regardless it definitely is set up to be a performance space, whether it be a theatre or arena of sorts. From the design, I don't think it connects to the other locations revealed in the trailer.
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If you've made it this far, thanks for reading my theories on this teaser! If you have any thoughts, please comment or reblog to let me know!
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yazthebookish · 1 year
I just reread the bonus chapter and I'm just, as always, struck by how fucking obvious Gwyn and Azriel's set up is.
✨ He found it already occupied. His shadows had not warned him. It was too late to bank without appearing like he was running, Azriel landed in the ring a few feet from where Gwyn practiced in the chill night, her sword glimmering like ice in the moonlight.
I'm telling you those shadows are going to play wingmen for Az.
✨ His shadows peered over his wings at her. The young priestess smiled--and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows.
Does anyone ever really smile at his shadows except for Gwyn 😭
✨ "Happy Solstice," she said, as much a dismissal as it was a holiday blessing. -- He snorted. "Are you kicking me out?" -- Gwyn's teal eyes flashed with alarm. "No! I mean, I don't mind sharing the ring. I just...I know you like to be alone." Her mouth  quirked to the side, crinkling the freckles on her nose. "Is that why you came up here?"
Gwyn really indirectly said he was going to be a brooding ass so let's wish him a happy solstice and let him go and he still teased her back instead of taking the opening she gave him. Also, no one pays enough attention to this detail but SHE KNOWS he likes to be alone 👀 girl is paying close attention to him alright 👀
✨ Sort of. "I forgot something," he reminded her. -- "At two in the morning?" Pure amusement glittered in her stare. Better than the pain and grief he'd spied a moment before. So he offered her a crooked smile. "I can't sleep without my favorite dagger."-- "A comfort to every growing child." -- Azriel's lips twitched.
Gwyn has no filters on I love her 😂😂😂 she really indirectly called his lying ass out.
✨ "How was the party?" Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music. -- "Fine," he said, and realized a heartbeat later that it wasn’t a socially acceptable answer. "It was nice."   Not much better. So he asked, "Did you and the priestesses have a celebration?"
For a 500+ year old immortal Az you should've been better at this game, but I'm proud of you for at least being self-aware and trying to have a normal conversation. 2/5 on the effort but still appreciated.
✨ She angled her head, hair shining like molten metal. "Do you sing?” -- He blinked. It wasn't every day that people took him by surprise, but..."Why do you ask?" -- "They call you shadowsinger. Is it because you sing?" -- “I am a shadowsinger--it's not a title that someone just made.” -- She shrugged again, irreverently. Az narrowed his eyes, studying her. "Do you, though?" she pressed. "Sing?" -- Azriel couldn't help his soft chuckle. "Yes."
1. Not many people take him by surprise but she did. -- 2. I wouldn't be surprised because it's funny as hell if she asked him because of shadowSINGER -- 3. Azriel taking offense and reaffirming he is, in fact, a SHADOWSINGER. -- 4. Sarah confirmed there will be a scene of him singing, as far as we know Gwyn is likely the only character who knows he does, also the fact that SJM created something common between the two of them and it's that they both sing? -- 5. It's sweet to think that Gwyn wanted to know something about him and asked him about something she herself loves to do, which is sing.
✨ "I blame Cassian for this. He's too busy making eyes at Nesta to notice such mistakes these days." Azriel laughed. "I’ll give you that."  
Gwyn complaining about Nessian and Az is like "I can relate " 😂
✨ Gwyn smiled broadly. "Thank you." -- Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch.  
She smiled at him and both him and his shadows felt calm 🥹 like compare how aloof and depressed he was at the start of his scene with Gwyn to him feeling this just after one conversation with her 😭😭 it's so 😭😭 I love them so fucking much.
✨ Gwyn nodded her farewell, again facing the ribbon. A warrior sizing up an opponent, all traces of that charming irreverence gone. Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer.
"That charming irreverence" Gwyn is so unapologetic about that irreverence I love her for it -- also, that's a clear, in-your-face, clue about a mating bond. I stand by that and my opinion remains unchanged since I first read the bonus chapter in 2021.
✨ Clotho was smart enough to see through his deflection. She wrote, "I’ll give it to Gwyneth, Tell her a friend left it for her". -- He wouldn't go so far as to call Gwyn a friend, but... "Fine. Thank you."  
I don't really find this alarming when people try to push into my face. It's obvious they're not in love "yet" and Azriel doesn't have any friends outside the IC, he doesn't know how to label it. It's still early to even label it. That "but..." leaves an opening there.
✨ Clotho's pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring to her. -- Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.  -- But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. -- A thing of secret, lovely beauty.
When Clotho thanked him for the joy the gift wil bring to Gwyn that's when something sparked in him. That's when he started to picture that joy. "For whatever reason" she's likely your mate bro that's why but we'll save that for later. He was aware and conscious enough to erase his smile yet bury the image of Gwyn's joy in his chest. He had a DAMN SMILE on his face while thinking of Gwyn's joy, like, that's so precious 😭 and Clotho is 100% true, she deserves all the joy the world has to offer for her (I just wish it wasn't a necklace meant for someone else). I get the kindness behind the act but it can bite him in the ass if SJM brings it up in the main book.
That's only a teaser for what's to come and that's the purpose of the bonus chapter. I can see why Sarah was more excited for readers to read Azriel's chapter than Feysand's chapter. She knew what she was doing here and what she's setting up. I didn't want to post the earlier scenes since I don't want to deal with people showing up with pitchforks and I don't need to talk about other ships I'm happy and content to gush about my own.
Every time I reread this chapter it just reminds me of how obvious Gwyn and Azriel's set up is and you don't need a pairing to bang or make out to create a set up. We didn't even get much but they are going to be such a fun couple, I need more of funny and easy-going Azriel.
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unicornsannie · 7 months
Park Seonghwa-Rockstar
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I'm back with another story. I hope this cheers you up this morning/evening
You walked towards the entrance of the concert where you had to pass through the crowd of fans at Seonghwa's concert today You are not interested in rock but who else brought you other than your friend who is really interested in Seonghwa
"Y/N, I promise to make you happy tonight. Just don't expect to run away from this concert again" You just looked at your friend who was holding your arm instead of running away
"The situation here is crowded and noisy. But I like it" You gave a tight smile to your friend making her laugh.she took your hand and dragged you forward to see a good view"You think your sarcasm can change the situation? Don't expect it. This time you will be with Me all through the night"
You just sighed and glared at your surroundings.All the lights went out making Seonghwa's fans shout excitedly and wait for his arrival.When the lights focus on Seonghwa. Seonghwa makes eye contact with you and is stunned for a while.
When you seeing your friend back, Seonghwa regained focus and apologized to his fan"Everyone, I actually have news and it's about me randomly choosing one of you to be my lover"
Everyone screamed like crazy making you laugh. Your friend noticed and grabbed your shoulder."Why are you laughing Y/N?"You shook your head and tell him something." I don't want to laugh at anything but the way he wants to find his lover is weird like he will choose randomly"
Your friend laughed and whispered in your ear"Imagine if Seonghwa chose you"You just glared at her and looked back at Seonghwa"Shut up and listen to what song he wants to play later"Your friend slapped your shoulder playfully making you smile widely.
Time skip
After being at the concert for 2 hours (I have never been to a concert ༎‿⁠༎)Everyone still has the energy to wait for who Seonghwa will choose.Even your friend started to hope that she was chosen by him which made you just sigh
"As I promised, I will choose..." Seonghwa called security and whispered something then the security nodded and ran.Before Seonghwa started choosing security entered your area and picked you up and took you out of the crowded area
Your friend shouted your name but you couldn't fight back, instead you just crossed your arms and walked away without being grabbed by security.You walked towards the back of the stage and saw Seonghwa adjusting his bass guitar"Oh hi dear, how was my concert"
You just walked and sat on the chair. Crossed your arms and just looked at him sharply. Seonghwa chuckled and rubbed your cheek." I'm sorry my love but you're challenging me aren't you?"
2 weeks ago before the concert
You and Seonghwa fight strained your relationship."You are always busy with your career than me" Seonghwa stood up and trapped you against the wall "Y/N, please understand me, I did this for us. why are you still childish"You looked at him before taking your bag"You go find someone else who isn't childish like me"Those were your last words after you left him
When you heard that your friend was interested in Seonghwa, he took you to the concert, which disgusted you but you had to follow her
End of flash back
You were still silent and looked at him."Eh? Can't talk anymore.Y/N"You saw his hand slowly touch your cheek and bring it to his face.He kissed you deeply makes you not fight and continue to kiss him
He broke the kiss and looked deep into your eyes."I hope you talk back to my magic kiss."You just looked at him before opening your mouth"I hope you are happy with your decision"Seonghwa smirked and held your thigh and brought his face closer to yours
"I already chose" You raised your eyebrows waiting for his answer to come out of his mouth and he smiled"I choose you" He gave a quick kiss makes you smile
"I still love you. It's impossible to replace you. You're special to me Y/N" You looked at him who was gently stroking your hand "I want to apologize for focusing too much and forgetting about your existence"
"I also forgive you Hwa, it's my fault for making you stressed" Seonghwa smiles and hugs you." So, what about your fans out there with your promise"Seonghwa just stared at you and bit his lip
"I'll take care of it later, right now I have something to do which is you" Seonghwa pinched your cheek making you smile "I knew you would come to this concert and be jealous right"
You laughed and nod between his hands on your cheeks"Don't worry my love,no one can replace you" Seonghwa smiled before kissing your nose
I just want to make a little plot twist🙂👍
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | 13: An eventful summer
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): We love an avoidant queen / talk about death and torture [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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You trail after Draco and your aunt as they make their way over to the train. You have no desire to speak, especially to your aunt. Not after she stood by and said nothing.
"I suppose I can't stay at school during the winter break?", you ask as Aunt Cissy makes sure that not a hair on Draco's head is out of place.
You turn your head away as your aunt tries to hug you. A look of hurt flashes on her face before she smiles sadly. "I'm afraid not, honey."
With nothing else left to say, you board the train. As you make your way towards where you usually sit with Draco's friends, you stop. Before you can discreetly turn around and spend the rest of the trip alone your eyes meet those of Theodore.
He straitens up in his seat, even raises to his feet. His eyes are almost hopeful and his lips parted. Practically begging you to come to sit next to him. Begging you to talk to him.
You haven't answered a single letter Theodore had sent you after that dreadful day. Because you realised that now you bear that mark, you aren't safe for him. Voldemort must know that Theodore means something to you. Merlin knows he can dangle Theodore's life before you if you don't do what he says.
And that can't happen.
So, you've decided to cut all contact with Theodore. And as torture, you've kept all letters. Even the single letter he sent to Draco, asking him to talk to you. To make you talk to him. You've made Draco lie and say that you've received no letters.
Those letters have kept you sane in a house filled with Death Eaters. And you've brought them with you. You feel them in the inside pocket of your jacket. And they weigh you down.
Averting your eyes, you turn around and hurry towards the other end of the train. You don't hear your name being called or feel him follow you. Good. Great even. 
You pass a closed compartment, but its door slides quickly open and your name is being called. Hermione stands in the opening, a genuine smile on her face as she invites you in. 
She makes Ron sit next to Harry so you can sit next to the window. That way there is no easy escape for you.
"How was your summer?" You're quick to ask the question, so you don't have to answer it yourself.
The trio give each other looks. "Eventful", says Harry eventually. You raise your eyebrows and Harry tells you about how he was attacked by Dementors, how he was expelled for using the pratonus charm, and the hearing at the Ministry.
You shake your head. "In the name of Slytherin's monster. Is your cousin okay?" 
Harry shrugs. "Dunno. I left for Grimmault Place quickly thereafter."
Leaning back in your seat, you notice how hot it is on the train. Sliding off your jacket, the letters slip out of the inside pocket and spill all over the floor.
"Shit", you mutter and crouch down to grab them. 
Hermione goes to help you but gasps as soon as she sees the bandage on your left arm. You quickly pull down your sleeve — which has ridden up with picking up the letters. 
"What happened to you?!" She wants to reach out, but you pull your arm towards your chest.
You can't say what truly happened. That would mean your death. You're sure Harry would strangle you with his bare hands. "I tried to bake last week but I burned my arm on the doors of the oven. It's pretty nasty."
Ron raises his eyebrows sceptically. "Why didn't you get a healer to fix it?"
Shit. Right. "I'm not actually allowed into the kitchen at home..." Good safe. 
The truth behind your bandaged arm is that you don't know how else you could hide the Dark Mark.
The redhead seems to be satisfied with your answer and drops the hostile position.
You give Hermione a smile, but she looks concerned. "Are you sure you're okay? You look... tired." She gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze that says that you can tell her anything. 
But you can't. At least not this.
"Yeah, no. I'm fine. Just tired. And happy to go back to school."
The subject of you gets dropped after that. The trio understand — with all that they went through — when someone doesn't want to talk about it. And you're glad they do.
You walk with them towards the carriages that take you to Hogwarts when you encounter your cousin and friends. He tries to intimidate Harry, but the boy quickly advances towards the boy. If Ron didn't hold him back, you were sure Harry would have punched Draco.
Theodore slows in his steps and looks at you. You meet his eyes and quickly look away. A guilty feeling gnaws at your heart at the hurt look on his face. 
"What's with you and Theodore Nott?", asks Hermione as she catches the silent exchange. "You two seemed so... happy before summer."
You look sadly at the back of the boy's brown curls. How can you explain that Voldemort has taken residence in your home and that, in your mind, the only thing you can do to protect Theodore from the Dark Lord is pushing him away?
You contemplate your words as you wait for a carriage, Neville catching up to you four. As you want to answer you hear Harry question what is pulling the carriages. You turn around and gasp out.
What once was pulled by magic, now stands a black, leathery creature with white eyes and looks so meagre, it's almost emaciated.
"It's beautiful", you whisper, stepping closer to the black... horse? You reach out a hand and touch the beak of the creature. 
You've heard about the creatures before. Only people who stared death in the eyes can see them. The petrified look of the dead muggle flashes through your mind and you clamp your eyes shut, willing the tears not to spill.
"Don't worry, you're just as sane as I am", says a dreamy voice from into the carriage and all five of you look up. Luna Lovegood. Pale hair and even paler skin. A Ravenclaw girl a year below you. And that's all you know about her.
The ride to the castle is spent in silence with Luna trying to start a conversation but is met with awkward silence. It doesn't seem like she minds.
You dread the moment you have to go to the Slytherin table for the feast. Sitting as far away from your cousin, you watch how some toad-faced lady from the Ministry is introduced as the new DADA professor. She interrupts Dumbledore's speech, and a soft gasp makes its way through the Great Hall. Umbridge's speech makes one thing clear, and that is that it is another year with a worthless teacher.
Just when you need a decent one the most.
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"You've been ignoring me." A bag drops on the table you occupy in the library. It's the farthest one away from everybody, on the top floor in between bookshelves nobody uses. And it annoys you that someone has found you.
Term has been going on for a handful of weeks. The new DADA teacher, Dolores Umbridge, is a worthless teacher and only gives theory lessons. She says that there is no need for you to practice the spells. Sucks to be a practical learner I guess.
So, you've taken the need to study more as an opportunity to avoid Draco and his friends. 
"I'm not ignoring you, Draco. I'm just busy studying for the O.W.L.s. Like you should do." You glare at him before turning back to read the same page over since he dropped into your space.
Draco's posture seems to slump a bit before he leans closer. "You should talk to Nott. He's been going practically crazy ever since you've been giving him the cold shoulder."
Slamming your book shut loudly, you turn angry towards your cousin. "Drop. It", you hiss between teeth. "You know why and you know it's for his own safety."
Draco rolls his eyes. "Please. I would feel honoured to bear it."
Sudden anger boils in the pit of your stomach. You don't know what possesses you, but you angrily take Draco by the front of his blouse and pull him closer to you. "You don't know how it feels. I feel it. I feel it slither under my skin, pulsate and burn. I feel him. His lingering presence, breathing down my neck.
"So don't tell me what to feel. The only thing I feel is anger and the want to cut my fucking arm off."
You release him and collect your books. The wide-eyed scared look brings satisfaction to you as you stomp out of the library.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu
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ashisill · 1 year
Honey, it’s alright
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Summary: Josh brought you home completely wasted. Jake takes care of you, and attempts to sober you up.
Warnings: obviously alcohol use, mentions drinking and driving(it absolutely does not happen), praise, crying/emotional drunk, sweet absolutely tooth rotting Jake.
“Hi joshhhhh” you yelled as he walked into the party.
“Omg your fucking wasted. Girl we gotta go home” Josh told you as he saw the state you were in.
“Wait no I am notevendrunk joshuaaa” you slurred.
“Yes you are darling. I gotta get you home. Can you come with me please?” He asked you as he dragged your arm towards the door.
You pulled away “We going to Jakey?” You asked letting yourself fall into josh. “Jakey Jakey Jakey” you sang
“Exactly! That’s exactly where we’re going” he told you.
The car ride back was a roller coaster. It started out quite with you asking a few questions, and josh always answered them. No matter how odd they were. Then you turned the radio up, and you and josh sang your hearts out. Of course this roller coaster wouldn’t be complete without a breakdown.
“I love this song” you busted into tears.
“Oh god don’t cry” he turned the radio down. You yelled at him for it, and he was trying his hardest not to laugh about it.
“It’s .. just … so …. gooood” the tears fell from your eyes.
“Hey guess what” he said trying to distract you. You tried to guess but it was nowhere close. “We’re almost to Jake!” Which of course made you cry more.
“I miss Jakeyyy” you curled into a ball and cried.
“I can’t win” josh laughed.
You arrive back at your house. Josh had barley parked the car when you decided it would be a good idea to take off running inside. You somehow made it to the door, and Jake opened it.
“Dear god your wasted love” Jake said. “Oh fuck did you drive home? How did you get here? Are you safe?” You laughed as you fell the ground on the front porch. Josh started walking up to Jake.
“I drove don’t worry. I wasn’t even there long enough to drink I promise I am completely sober” Josh assured him.
“How much did she drink?” Jake asked.
“I don’t know I literally just walked in. She came up to me completely hammered.
“Jesus. Hey stand up okay. I gotta get you in the house baby” Jake said, and wrapped his arms around you to lift you to your feet.
“Hi Jakey” you said letting your body go limp in his arms.
“Hi sweetheart” he laughed and gave you a smile.
“I amdrunkkkkk” you slurred.
“Trust me I know” he said but your attention had been turned somewhere else.
“Where’s Josh? Where’s Josh?” You panicked.
“I am right here silly girl” josh laughed.
“Hi joshyyyy. Did you know I am drunk” you let out a belly laugh as they drugged you inside.
“No who would of guessed” josh and Jake both laughed. They laid you on the couch as you talked pure nonsense to them. Jake handed you a water and demanded you drink it all. When you did he just filled it up again. Which angered you, but when you asked him why. He said “I am trying to sober you up so you won’t feel as bad in the morning” he flashed you a soft smile that made your heart melt. It was impossible to be angry after that, so you drank the water.
“Those were such interesting stories my love, but it’s bed time now” Jake said.
“No no I can’t- I can’t I have to- I have no- shower” they looked at each other confused. “You want to take a shower? Jake asked. “Yep” was all you responded with.
“You headed home?” Jake asked Josh as he walked you to the bathroom.
“Yeah you’ve got her” josh said. You broke into tears in jakes arms.
“Baby what’s wrong?” Jake asked you brushing your hair out of your face.
“Josh don’t leave” you cried drunken tears.
“I’ve got to darling. Lover boy is waiting on me. I’ll be back in the morning” josh told you.
“No no no tell him to stay Jake” you said as Jake carried you like a baby.
“He’ll be back in the morning. We’re gonna take a shower remember?” Jake said.
“Oop yeah … okay. Bye joshhhh” you laughed throwing your head back.
“Oop yeah? Interesting dialect” josh laughed at your antics. “Goodbye darling … call me if you need anything Jake”
“Is the water to hot?” Jake asked you. You shook your head no, and he helped you into the shower. Maybe it was the shampoo that was leaking on the shelf, or maybe it was josh leaving. Perhaps it was the music that was playing. You started feeling that crash. When the high starts to wear off. Your sorta sobering up and nothing makes sense. Yeah that’s the point your at right now.
You started to whine. Which was followed by “no tears my love. Everything’s okay I promise”. You sniffed, and looked at Jake. “Good job just like that” he comforted you. You had no problem telling him how much praise meant to you. Ever since that conversation he made sure to always give you what you needed. “Your doing so good baby. Just breath”.
“I am ?” You questioned.
“Yes angel your doing amazing. I am so proud of you. Just keep breathing just like that” he washed your hair. You did as you were told, and took some deep breaths. “Give me a few more okay?” You nodded you head, and breathed in and out. “Look at that I am so proud. You’re okay I promise”. He looked you in the eyes, and saw how you were struggling to hold back the tears.
“I know nothing really makes sense right now, but I need you to understand a few things” you nodded your head to show you understood. “You’re okay, your safe, and I am right here” you nodded again. “Do you understand?” Which was followed by a nod. “Words” Jake told you.
“Yes I understand” you said softly.
“Good girl” he pulled you into a hug.
You stayed like that for a while. Skin to skin. Safe in jakes arms. You’ve always thought your inner child picked him. A sense of peace comes over you when Jake steps in. He makes your heart safe. You know he won’t break it, and that’s a feeling most people won’t feel.
Jake got you dressed and walked you to the bedroom. “What do you wanna watch?” You cuddled up on his side ignoring the question. “Any suggestions? … no …. Okay then we’re watching this”.
“Nooooo I don’t wanna watch this” you complained.
“Well you didn’t tell me what you wanted. Let’s try again what do you wanna watch?” You shrugged your shoulders. “Use your words”
“Shameless” you said. Jake wasn’t the biggest fan of shameless but he would always watch it with you. Normally getting into the episodes then you’d ask “I thought you didn’t like this show?” Followed by a giggle from you. “Its interesting okay”
As you laid your head on his tummy he brushed through your hair with his fingers. Every time he gently scraped your scalp you could feel yourself falling. “Getting tired sweetheart?” You shook your head no, although you both knew the answer.
“Y/n?” He called out. You finally drifted to sleep on jakes tummy. He picked you up gently and laid you on your pillow. You stirred around letting out a whine. “Shh shh I am here right” he pulled you into his arms.
“Get some sleep darling” he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“Jake?” You asked in a whisper.
“Yes?” He asked.
“I love you” he said weakly drifting back to sleep.
“I love you too” he gave you another forehead kiss “and I always will”.
And just like that two souls intertwined with each other for a good nights rest.
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I was in my car stuck in traffic when I received a message on my phone from my stepdad Rick. 
‘Jessica where the fuck are you? We had an agreement and you’re an hour late. Get your ass home immediately young lady!’ 
I messaged him saying I would be there as quick as I could. The agreement I had with Rick involved him not telling my mom that I had been bought home in a police car after being caught drunk with some girlfriends flashing our tits at passing cars. My mom was letting me go on a month long trip to Europe (and paying for most of it) with my friends. If she had found out about me being bought home drunk by the police there was no way she would let me go on the trip. So my stepdad promised he wouldn’t tell her if I started giving him a blowjob every day before my mom got home from work. It was still two months before my trip so I was going to have a lot of practice sucking cock. 
I pulled into the driveway and was relieved to see my moms car wasn’t there so she hadn’t got home from work yet. I walked into the house and found my stepdad Rick waiting for me. 
“Where the hell have you been? I’m horny as fuck and your mom could be home any minute. If you want to go on that trip you’re going to get down on your knees and suck my cock right now,” he said sounding very annoyed with me. 
“Ok ok, I’m sorry I’m late but I’m here now. You want it here in the kitchen? What is Mom walks in?” 
“Upstairs in your room then. Are those the stockings I bought for you?” he said as he pulled my skirt up to check. He loved seeing me in thigh high stockings whenever I gave him blowjobs.
“Yes I wore them today just for you.” I said.
“Fuck yes,” he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up the stairs. Once in my room I got down on my knees as Rick took his pants down. He sure wasn’t joking about being horny as fuck as his cock was fully hard. I slipped my fingers around his cock and closed my lips around the head of his cock, slowly sucking on him. I will admit that Rick sure does have a nice big sexy cock. I did quite enjoy sucking his cock. 
“Mmm yes that’s it. Suck me Jessica. I need to cum in that pretty little mouth so fucking badly. I know I usually tell you to take your time but not today. Make me cum as quick as you can before your mom gets home,” he said as he watched my fingers sliding back and forth along his shaft as it slid in and out of my mouth. I started stroking him faster and bobbing my head along his cock with increased urgency. Rick had told me that my mom hated oral sex which was honestly TMI in my opinion but that’s why I had become his little cock sucker. 
I kept looking up at him as I sucked him harder and as he groaned with pleasure he kept glancing out the window for my moms car. I had tasted his first drop of precum on my tongue so I knew it wouldn’t be long before his cum was flooding my mouth. 
“Oh shit she just pulled up!” he suddenly shouted out and I pulled my mouth off his cock and went to stand up but he pushed me back down on my knees and shoved his cock back into my mouth saying, “Don’t you dare stop before I cum. We’ve got a couple minutes still now suck it Jessica!” 
My eyes were wide with panic but I kept stroking and sucking as hard as I could. I could taste more precum and I started praying Rick would quickly cum. He was groaning hard and thrusting into my mouth as I sucked. We both heard the back door open as my mom walked into the house. I sucked cock harder and harder desperately trying to make Rick cum into my mouth. He had his hands on my head making sure I didn’t pull away from him. 
“Rick, Jessie, anyone home!” we heard my mom shout up the stairs as Rick fucked my mouth. 
“Be right down hon!” Rick called to her in the calmest voice he could manage. Almost immediately he exploded into my mouth, his cum shooting from his cock and splashing against the back of my throat. As I did my best to swallow his cum load I prayed my mom wasn’t walking up the stairs. Rick gasped as he held his cock in my mouth making sure every last drop ended up down my throat. He finally pulled out of my mouth and tugged his pants back up as I stood up wiping away any cum still on my lips. He opened my bedroom door and quickly slipped out then I heard him greet my mom. My heart skipped a beat as I realized my mom was probably seconds from knocking on my bedroom door 💋
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hawkinsmethlab · 1 year
Part One
Read on AO3
They want to throw him a party whenever he gets released from the hospital.
“You know,” Dustin says with a shrug, “before the world goes tits up, or whatever.”
“Dude!” Steve smacks him across the back of the head, knocking off his hat.
Dustin gapes at him. “What?”
“You can’t just say stuff like that!” His eyes flash over to Wayne, who knows the whole story because Eddie’s been on the good drugs and tells his uncle fucking everything, especially when he’s high. He’s got a raised brow and a half-smile, which is basically a laugh.
Dustin smacks his hat on his knee before putting it back on. “What, I can’t say ‘tits up?’ We’re all adults here.”
“You’re fourteen.”
“Excuse you, I’ll be fifteen in three weeks, you know this.”
“Still not an adult.”
“Oh, bite me.”
“Ladies, please.” Eddie holds up a still-shaking hand to get them to shut up for a second. “You’re both pretty. And as much as I would love any chance to let loose and live young… I’m not too sure now’s the best time for it.”
His hospital room has a window that Wayne keeps the blinds drawn for, no matter what time it is, but Eddie knows what’s on the other side all the same. He sees it in his nightmares plenty. A red, cloudy sky that crackles with lightning, the chokes the light out of the daytime and turns nighttime into one of the seven rings of hell.
Eleven says that Vecna is getting stronger. That it’ll be a while before he’s back up to full fighting strength, but that she thinks he’ll be more powerful than ever when he is. And Will’s been having visions of what he thinks are glimpses into the Upside Down, into the stuff that hasn’t already leaked into Hawkins. Will says they’ve been both unhelpful and just generally bad.
Not to mention that Max is still asleep, and that’s a whole other can of worms that everyone is trying to be optimistic about, but Eddie can see their hope draining by the day.
“That’s exactly why we need something to celebrate,” Dustin says. “Everything sucks right now, and it’s probably gonna keep sucking for a while—”
“Like a while,” Steve chimes in.
“—so we should take every chance we get to, as you said, let loose and live young. For morale.”
Which is great, and a part of Eddie agrees, but that’s the part from before. Where something like facing off against an alternate-dimension-evil-bad-guy was from out of a board game. Before this was real, where it’s outside and under his skin and those bats stole like, half of his tattoos and his nipple.
He nearly died, and all of them still could.
“I’m just not sure it’s the best time,” Eddie says.
Dustin rolls his eyes. “Okay, well when exactly—”
It’s Steve’s hand on his shoulder than cuts him off and a shake of his head that has Dustin slumping back in his seat. Eddie hates to see the kid put down like this, hates that he was the one to do it, but when he tries to say something to apologize, anything, the words get stuck.
Then it’s Wayne’s hand on Eddie’s arm and his uncle’s eyes are familiar and gentle. For someone who everyone thinks is such a gruff guy, Eddie’s always though it was obvious how much of a wuss Wayne is. Or, maybe wuss isn’t the best word. What do you call someone who’s lived through what he has and come out kinder for it?
Wayne gives him a squeeze and says, “Dustin, I need some fresh air but my knee’s been acting up with all this…not-rain. I hate to ask, but do you think—”
The kid practically jumps to his feet. “Oh, sure, Mr. Munson, I’d be happy to help out! Y’know, my granny says that I have an intuitive touch for the older generations.”
“Well, I think that’s just what I need. What else does your granny say about you?”
“Oh man, where do I even start? There was this one time, in first grade—”
Then they’re both out the door, shutting it behind them, and Eddie lets his head fall back with a sigh. “Jesus Christ, that kid.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, moving to sit in Wayne’s now-empty chair. “My mom would say that he grows on you like a fungus, but he’s just trying to help.”
“Yeah, I know.” Eddie can’t look at him, so he looks at the ceiling instead, at those corkboard-y panels that seem to always have stains on them. Anywhere else you go, those stains would usually just be water from leaky pipes or rain, but here they’re all sorts of different things. Water, blood, vomit, medicine. Whatever’s managed to get high enough.
(There’s a weed joke in there somewhere, Eddie thinks, but he doesn’t have the will to make it. How sad is that)?
“It’s weird, though,” Steve says, and Eddie feels him lean forward. Feels the heat of him on his arm, crawling up his neck. “Eddie Munson, dodging the spotlight. Never thought I’d live to see the day.”
“Well, here it is.” It comes out a little bitter. “Thought it was time for a change of pace.”
“I don’t know. I kind of liked the old pace.”
When Eddie looks over, Steve’s already looking back. He’s smiling, just a small one, like he’s teasing him. Because he does that now. Teases Eddie like they’re real friends, makes him feel like he’s going insane, like maybe he actually did die back in the Upside Down and everything that’s happened after has just been some crazy, fucked up version of the afterlife.
Except, Steve saved him. He doesn’t remember who told him, but someone must have, because the first day Eddie woke up (or really, the first day he remembers) that had been his first full thought.
Harrington gave me the goddamn kiss of life.
Followed immediately by:
He’s gonna lord this over me forever.
But Steve hasn’t even mentioned it. Eddie has some vague sort-of memory of one of them saying it probably tasted gross, but beyond that it just hasn’t come up, and it’s leaving him feeling kind of off balance. Like he’s forgotten the chords to his favorite song. His fingers are hovering over the strings, ready to play, but he doesn’t know what kind of sound is going to come out.
It was easy when they were both in school. Jock Harrington and Freak Munson, two opposite ends of the spectrum, never to collide past some classic teenage bullying and the occasional drug deal.
Now, they’re Steve and Eddie. Harrington and Munson, the savior and the saved. Two maybe-friends who apparently swapped spit, but in a totally I-had-to-do-it kind of way and the worst part is that Eddie doesn’t remember a single second of it.
He wonders, if he were to start flatlining, if Steve would do it again.
(But of course he wouldn’t. There are doctors and nurses around for that now, because that’s the only reason he did it in the first place, right? He was the only one who could, and Eddie’s grateful, but maybe also a little bit…ashamed? Stupid, for sure. He knows that it was last resort only, that he wouldn’t even think about doing it again unless he really had to, but here Eddie is, praying he might anyway).
“You just want an excuse to get drunk,” Eddie tells him, because he has to say something. Steve is looking at him like that, and he has to say something.
But then Steve’s smile goes a little wider, almost cocky, and he says, “Munson, I don’t need an excuse to get drunk, thank you very much.” Then, quieter, “Although, I’ve gotta admit, it’d be nice to get drunk because someone’s alive for a change.”
Eddie shouldn’t get it, but he does. He realizes it like a slap to the face, a big ohhhhhh. Steve Harrington, of the big house and the new money and the nice car, gets drunk for the same reason Eddie Munson gets high: to forget. The people they’ve let down, the ones who’ve left, to the ones who keep leaving. To the fact that maybe it’s never gonna get better and their entire lives are gonna be a big ol’ circle of finding and losing and regretting.
Finding people, losing them, regretting all the rest.
Steve is sitting next to him, staring at Eddie like he’s someone else, someone better, and Eddie thinks that he wants to break the cycle.
So, he groans and rolls his eyes. “Fine. Damn it, alright. We can have your little party.”
“Not my party.” Steve’s close to beaming, smug.
“Dustin’s party then.” Eddie bites his lip so he doesn’t laugh at how stupid this is. “He’s got big shoes to fill, though, I want a party that’s gonna put all of King Steve’s ragers to shame. I never got to actually have fun at one, y’know. Always too busy handing out the party favors.”
Steve snorts. “I’ll make sure it’s nothing but the best for you. Want me to roll out the red carpet, too?”
“Like it’s the goddamn Oscars.”
“I’ll get right on it.”
And then he winks, and Eddie realizes just how close they are. Steve’s leaning on the bed, their arms brushing, their faces close enough that Eddie could count every single one of Steve’s moles, pick out every individual shade of brown in his eyes and the smell of his body wash. The way his lips are parted and curved and Eddie has never wished more desperately that he remembered what they felt like. The taste of him, the amount of pressure and give, if he would bite and lick better.
It's a dangerous fantasy.
But Steve is looking at him like it’s real.
Before he can say anything, do anything, Steve leans back and says, “Once you’re out, I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”
And Eddie, hopelessly fucked, can only say, “Can’t wait.”
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epickiya722 · 5 months
I think people took the "hey, you should be aware of issues about the way some stories treat it's female characters" and instead of actually going forward and treating these characters as, well, characters that deserve to be fairly analized
they went backwards and put up impossibly high standards for these female characters and made anything remotely sexual about them regardless of context as "it is evil and bad writing" when they wouldn't ever do the same for the male characters.
They don't even bat an eye for the fact that whole fandoms will absolutely ADORE a guy who is either the most vile asshole in the story or straight up a bland nothing as long as he is generically attractive enough.
Like that's just misogyny but "girlbossed" now.
(I kind of went on a ramble here, I won't lie and I apologize for that. I just.. had a lot to say.)
And I definitely agree with you, Anon.
I made that same point that you stated in this point right here in a post I wrote a while back.
The same people who will say "it's bad writing" are the same people who don't take the time out to analyze a female character.
It's not "bad writing". You just don't want to understand her.
A male character can have the exact same traits as her and can be analyzed and "He's just misunderstood" and adored, but the most that female character can get is the bare minimum from the fandom.
I have my male faves, too, that I like to analyze. But don't the female cast also deserves the attention, too?
Everyone who follows me know I am a big Miruko fan. And I love her more now because over the past... 2 years or so I have written posts about her of why she probably acts the way she does or does the things she do. And it came easy to me.
Mind you, she is a minor character. She doesn't have a lot of screen time and we don't much about her backstory unless you have read Vigilantes where she gets a flashback arc. And even with all the little information she has from canon, analyzing her was fun for me.
Analyzing her actually why it's fun for me when I do so for Yuji.
It's just there.
Let's say a female character is comfortable with her own sexuality and femininity. "Slut, whore, oversexualized". But the same people who apply those terms to male characters in a more positive way.
"Such a slutty waist, look at him so sexy, he's such a whore and I'm here for it".
So let me get straight. A woman can be a sexy character, but a man can even those that aren't even all that sexy.
Again, I'm using Miruko as an example.
People will have grievances over her costume but were so quick to be horny over the male characters wearing that same costume. Which, and I know some of you ain't gonna like, some of them did not look good in.
Also, then what about the male hero costumes or the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi are obvious fanservice now? You're telling me you're okay with the fact that Endeavor and All Might's costumes are super tight but Miruko shows some skin and it's a problem?
Oh, I'll give another example of some fandom misogyny.
Maki Zenin. The JJK fandom be pulling some tomfuckery when it comes to her. "She's such a girlboss". Okay, but you feel sympathize or empathize with her? "Oh my gosh, Sukuna is gonna kill her!" So, let me get this straight. Even though others who have been hit with Black Flash has survived, Maki the one female victim of it is going to die from that one blow? Whose body is pretty much a cheat code against cursed energy? That Maki? That one?
Let's not forget, you can bring her up without someone bringing up Yuta! I wrote a post about her and Nobara and someone goes "At least, Maki loves Yuta, right?" THIS IS NOT ABOUT YUTA!! GOOD GRIEF, CAN THIS BE ABOUT THE FEMALE CHARACTERS FOR ONCE? LIKE, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE WITH THAT!!
And Yuki! Sooo... y'all are upset that Gege killed her off, right? Okay, understanding. I like Yuki, too. With that said... um... then why in the fuck did I have to type a Yuki Lives tag for her despite her being dead in the manga since December 2022? Almost 2 years? There are currently 3 fics with that tag and two of them are mine!
Kaori, oh, the fandom doesn't love you enough! I had to type in a tag for her! There was no Itadori Kaori & Itadori Yuji tag! THAT IS STILL HIS MOM?! "But Kenjaku---" Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is still Kaori's body, right? If Choso states he has three parents, then Yuji can, too. Guess what, Kaori is his mother. People love to make sure others know Kenjaku and Suguru are separate people but what about Kaori? You don't think she was her own person?
From Wasuke's words and behavior, I figure she was different than how Kenjaku acted.
Also, with Delicious in Dungeon! I haven't even watched or read it and I have seen so many posts about how that one helmet guy had a lot of panty shots and loving it, yet I hear about people having problems with Falin and Marcille being sexualized? Makes no sense to me, it just doesn't.
It's like people in fandoms want something involving female characters just to bash those female characters.
Complex female characters - insult them
Female characters is written to have a variety of personalities and backstory - boring, shifts focus to more bland male characters
Female character exist with many characteristics - fandom focuses on one trait and make that her whole personality
Female character just exists - labeled just one single word, not worthy of any attention, post about her and someone will make it about a male character
Just... honestly, I feel like before you call a creator a "misogynist", how about taking a step back and observe how you treat female characters and understand the story in which those female characters come from?
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Batgirl/Nightwing Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson is literally the worst. Even worse that there are people who ship both Oracle/Nightwing and Batgirl/Nightwing when like their personalities are completely different, it feels like people are willing to ship them together just because they are Dick and Babs.
Honestly I feel like it’s unfair to talk about Batgirl/Nightwing because I feel like the majority of people agree that Oracle/Nightwing is better but I wouldn’t say I like it much either. There are some good panels between them but honestly it always felt more friendly like the thing that always irked me about them is that there will we or won’t we is so tiring, especially when you have so many other couples who have valid reasons for being star crossed, their arguments and fears always felt juvenile and annoying and then when they are together there is something that just feels off in their dialogue or tone of the ways things are written for both characters. There’s also this thing that shippers do where they make both characters finding a home in each other or being each others safety net which doesn’t really feel true to their characters because their are so many other characters that played a bigger role in Dick’s and Barbara’s life compared to what role Dick and Barbara had in each others lives (this is why I also hate the retcon that they were childhood friends because they weren’t! They didn’t grow up together!) And I don’t care about the age gap, like people can meet as adults and develop feelings for each other but like it makes no sense to me what they would see in each other that makes those feelings go from friendship to romance other then it just does. Like all the skills they can do other characters can also do and a lot of their character traits that they have other characters have as well, like what makes these two characters look at each other and desire the other. That chemistry and desire has always been lacking for me when they are together. Like it feels like just two Barbie dolls being smashed together with writing telling me I have to like them together meanwhile I’m just scratching my head.
You talked a lot about Dick but honestly there are many things that he has done that makes me wonder why Babs would want him.
It’s sad because Dick and Babs are such cool characters but when they are together I’m so bored!!!! Barbara deserves an interesting love interest and a love interest that can be just as complicated and messy as she!
"it feels like just two Barbie dolls being smashed together with writing telling me I have to like them together meanwhile I’m just scratching my head."
Honestly everything you said is so true.
There's physically no possible way to like both Oracle and Batgirl and still respect the Dick and Barbara. I'm not a big fan of Oracle/Nightwing either but I like them much, much more than Batgirl/Nighwing.
The safety net thing is the biggest crutch for Dickbabs. DC is trying to push them as if they'll always catch each other but that's only true in the physical sense like literally grab the other out of mid-air. Emotionally the wishy-washy behavior is tiring and emotionally draining and neither of them come out of it happy.
It makes me mad when DC has Dick claim that Barbara is Dick's best friend
Wally's stewing moodily on Dick's couch when he heard. He'll probably be like "I made you best man at my wedding and you calling her your best friend?"
The Flash (1987) Issue #142
Dick'll be like "W
Wally...I swear-"
Wally: "I made you best man! TWICE!!"
Not to mention, Dick and Barbara before the retcon didn't even know each other's superhero identities! I think it might've been the Legends of the Dark Knight comic but Dick's hanging out with his friends when he runs away to the bathroom with Congresswoman Gordon enters the place because "Robin and Dick Grayson can't be seen in the same place!" Barbara also says something in her point of view when they're fighting crime.
EXACTLY!! They do their best work separately. But together their personalities are an awful combo and it really makes me mad.
Yeah, I know I'm biased towards Dick but the reason I took Dick's side is because while Dick may have done things to Barbara, the majority of the transgressions are against him in their relationship. I don't know DC writers constantly nerf him when they're together or why they write Barbara so awful in a relationship when she's fine otherwise. The only thing I know that was wrong from her perspective is during that Devin Grayson scene. But that's just one of the worst writings of his character that I've seen (post).
Barbara deserves someone like Jason Bard
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #42
Someone she can save and whose skillset won't be overlapping. Someone she can be strong with and will let themselves be commanded without it weakening them. Someone she doesn't have to feel like she's fighting the world over to call hers.
Jason Bard was perfect, sweet, good-looking, and smart for her. He even described him as complicated as a trait she loves about him.
Barbara definitely needs someone who isn't Dick and Dick needs someone who isn't Barbara so that way both their skills and personalities can shine.
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danime25 · 9 months
Jingle All The Way
ao3 // normal masterlist // christmas masterlist
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*Summary: Six and his wife take on their first mission as a married couple. Shopping for their beloved daughter Claire
*Content/Tags: Fluff, Couples Taking Things Way Too Seriously, Shopping
*Rating: E for Everyone
*Status: Oneshot/Complete
“So I’m just going to meet up with Jenna and Ashley in the food court. I’ll text you if we go anywhere else.” Claire told her dad
“Okay, love you. We’ll meet back up at 3.” 
“Okay. Love you too.” Claire made a little peace sign with her fingers and made a run for the food court. Meanwhile her father and mother turned around and pulled out a map of the mall that his wife had in her purse
“So we need to hit… Barnes and Nobles for those books Claire likes.”
“On it.”
“I’ll go to Kohl’s and get some sweaters.”
“Then we take on Gamestop together?” Six asked her, looking up from their pre-planned route
“Then we can go to Sephora.” She nodded, her eyes still fixated on the paper
“What do we need from there?” Six raised an eyebrow
“Well I wanted a perfume…” She started, “You bought it for me already didn’t you?”
“Can’t say, sworn to Santa secrecy.”
“That only applies to Claire.” She huffed but shook her head. “Okay, let’s break.”
“Break.” He replied and they went in opposite directions in the mall. He sprinted past people who were on their phones, arguing about what color to buy a toy for their kid. He scooted around teenagers waiting in the mile long line for Starbucks all in an effort to get to the bookstore. The employees gave him a weird look as he dashed into the store from the mall entrance but he made a straight line to the Young Adult section for Claire’s books. He thumbed through the dividers until he found the last name of the author he’d been given by his daughter. There were books written by him that weren’t the one Claire asked for, but he’d definitely seen in her room. Finally, the series seemingly popped out in his line of vision and he grabbed every book from the shelf. He held onto them and carried the stack up to the register. The employees begrudgingly rung the total up for him and he flashed his credit card up against the machine. He flipped through his phone for a second to see where his wife was on the agenda.
“Stuck in line. Sweaters. Go on without me.”
With that, he made a beeline to Gamestop.
“Going to…”
“Do you really need to tell your dad everything?” Claire’s friend rolled her eyes as she waited for Claire to finish typing.
“Yes.” She replied, not lifting her eyes up from the screen
“Because… my parents are on a mission.”
“A mission?”
“Yeah.” Claire sighed
“Is that why they’re using maps like weirdos instead of looking up the mall map on their phones?” Claire’s other friend asked
“Yeah.” Claire shook her head, “Mom thought it’d be more fun.”
“Yeah. I know.”
Six had made it to Gamestop when he saw his wife making a run for him. He held his arms out as she basically landed into him
“Hi Honey.” She smiled, “Managed to get out of there with more time than I thought.”
“Good.” He smiled back at her and kissed her, “Ready?”
“Ready.” She replied and let go of her husband. She got in the line to buy a system with a game face on, ready to deck a Karen if it meant getting a system for Claire. Six couldn’t have been more proud of his wife if he had tried. She smiled at him and waved as she waited. He waved back to her and thumbed through the games. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he checked it. Claire was moving from the food court towards Kohl’s, which would put her right on their path. He makes a gesture saying that they either needed to buy the system or get out of Gamestop right now when she makes it to the counter. She quickly buys the console and they hide behind the clearance bins as their daughter passes by.
“I don’t think she saw us.” She sighed out of relief
“We should be clear.”
“Anything else we can get here today?” She asked Six. He pulled the map out from his pants pockets and took a quick glance of his notes
“No, we’re good.”
“Okay, you go to the car and get the presents in the trunk. I’ll go run my errand.”
“Okay. Love you.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek
“Love you too. Whatever you do, don’t move the car. That parking spot is gold.”
“I know.” He nodded as she went off on her own. Six decided that this would be the perfect time to go buy her her gift.
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