#which isn’t any time soon tbh but Hey
moonstruckme · 2 months
im literally in lovee with your writing of sirius black id love love love more of him x reader pleasee [my favourite is friends to lovers or just being super domestic but tbh I'd read anything u write with him in lmaoo]
Thank you for requesting lovely! It worked out that I'd just written this when I got your ask, so I hope it fits what you're wanting!
cw: reader has hair long enough to tie back
Sirius Black x whimsical!reader ♡ 833 words
Sirius finds you out behind Remus’ house, sitting in the grass and, by all appearances, playing with mud. 
“Hey there,” he says, “did you manage to find the bathroom?” 
You have a tendency to wander off. Sometimes it’s intentional, sometimes you get lost, and Sirius can never tell which is happening at any given time. As much as he’d like to tie a string between you so you’re never very far, he’s learned to let you go where you will; you always end up where you want to be anyways. 
“You were talking about football,” you say by way of answer, the slightest hint of sheepishness in your sweet voice. “I thought you wouldn’t mind if I went off for a bit.” 
Sirius hums and lowers himself onto the grass beside you, stretching his legs out. The sun is warm and welcome on his face, just enough breeze to keep it from getting too hot. 
It’s a beautiful day, you’d noted upon waking up this morning, already opening the windows in his bedroom. 
Looks like it, Sirius said from bed. He smiled wryly. It’ll probably be the last decent one we have all year.
You’d frowned. That’s not a very nice way to manifest the weather. 
While Sirius is upturned, you’re bent over, messing with something in your hands and dipping your fingers occasionally into a pail of water. 
“What’ve you got there, pretty girl?” 
“A mug,” you say simply. You thumb concentratedly at the slimy thing in your hands, lips pursing. “Or, a soon-to-be-mug.” 
“And you’re making it out of…mud?” 
“No,” you laugh, looking up at your boyfriend in that fond, indulgent way you have. Like he can be so silly sometimes. “Remember how Remus said there was clay by the stream back that way? I’m using some of that.” 
“Ah.” Sirius tilts his head, studying the misshapen lump in your hands. “I see. And this is going to be a drinking mug?” 
You hum in affirmation, and he leaves it at that. He’s not terribly sure whatever you end up with will be able to hold water, but he knows better than to try and dissuade you once you’ve set your mind to something. Maybe he can sign the both of you up for a pottery class sometime. 
A piece of hair falls from behind your ear, and you blow at it, trying to keep it out of your face with your hands occupied.
“Here,” Sirius offers. He takes an elastic off his wrist, gathering the hair away from your face and tying it back loosely the way you like it. 
You gift him a sideways smile in return. A bit of dried clay on your cheek cracks with the movement. Evidently, this isn’t the first time you’ve had to push your hair back. “Thank you.” 
“Baby,” he says, voice laden with fondness. He steadies your face with one hand, swiping at the clay with the other. “You’ve got it all over you.” 
It’s true. It covers your hands up past your wrists, and several places on your legs have pale gray tracks where you’ve wiped your fingers off on them. 
“It’s a messy business,” you say matter-of-factly, “but it dries sort of pretty, I think. Do you want some?” 
He cocks an eyebrow. “How do you mean?” 
You set your soon-to-be-mug down gingerly, extending a hand to him. “Give me your arm.” 
Sirius suppresses a sigh. He didn’t really plan on getting dirty today, but he’s hardly in the habit of denying you anything you ask for. He sets his forearm in your hand. 
You dip a finger into the wettest part of your clay, setting it to the skin above his wrist. Your touch is cool and slick on his sun-warmed skin. You draw a little star like you’re fingerpainting, the clay a funny contrast to the dark tattoos surrounding it. 
You look so pleased with your work that Sirius can’t help himself. He leans forward, giving you a drawn-out, amorous kiss. 
“Thank you,” he says in his most saccharine voice. 
Your lashes flutter prettily as you blink, a rare shy smile taking you. “You’re welcome.” 
Sirius dips two fingers into your pail of water, using them to wipe the remaining clay off your cheek more thoroughly. When he’s done, he spots another smudge on your shoulder, inexplicable. He tsks. “When you’re done with your mug, we might have to ask Remus if you can use his shower, lovely girl. You really do have it all over you.” 
“Oh, there’s no need to trouble him,” you say airily. “The stream’s not very far, and it’s flowing rather quickly with all the rain we’ve been having.” 
He blinks. “Did you bring your swimsuit?”
You look at him bemusedly. “No. Why?” 
Sirius bends his head, letting his hair fall like a curtain to conceal his smile as he kisses the clean part of your shoulder. “I think it’d be better if you used Remus’ shower, sweetheart. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
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Hey! So I really liked your child + overlords, and I’ve been watching too many horror movies lately, so I was thinking; what if a kid like Samhain (Sam from “Trick r Treat”) was the kid.
He’s not even an overlord but how would they be with him when he clearly likes them, he shares candy with them, follows them around, and likes to cozy up with them. (especially since he’s as old as hallow’s eve itself and still kinda acts like a child, but never had a caretaker or someone to consider family) But when someone tries to hurt them, Sam does something super horrific to their attacker that would even creep Alastor out? But then he goes back to the lovable Sam that they know but what’s their reactions?
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A/n: I haven’t watched Trick or Treat, so I based off a few clips I watched. Also by attacked them, I assume you mean the overlord? I’m so sorry if not!!! :( 
!!!not proofread!!!
Alastor: Very intrigued by you. Which, knowing Alastor is the reason he was nice to you in the first place, which spiraled into friendship. You were unnaturally cuddly. Which Alastor would usually hate, but, for some reason, he didn’t mind with you. Also, you kept giving candy? He wasn't entirely sure where you kept getting it because the hotel didn’t have any, but it was a sweet gesture nonetheless. One day both of you were going for an evening stroll. Until some, to put it frankly, idiot, attacked Alastor. Well tried to at least. Most people couldn’t get a scratch on him and this was no exception. What was different this time was that it was him who drew screams out of the sinner.  Instead, you, sweet, kind, you, were the one responsible.  You ended up disturbing Alastor, which is hard to do, so good job!  But after you were done you reverted back into your innocent self. Has a new reason for why he likes you after that day.
Rosie: I mentioned this in my overlord post but, mother figure. She will give you candy as well! (Just don't eat it if you're not a cannibal) She’ll make sure she always has time for you. And even when she is spending time with others she is not opposed to you tagging along. You and she had just bought some candy and were on your way back to cannibal town. You and Rosie were having a lovely conversation before someone tackled Rosie to the ground. She was able to push them off rather fast before you jumped in. Rosie was kinda shell-shocked. But despite how eldritch horror-esque the scene was, she was used to this because of Alastor. She was more surprised that it was you of all sinners. After you were done you turned back into your nice self. Tbh she doesn’t really care, she treats you the same. 
Vox: I’m going to be honest with you bestie he doesn’t like you at first. He didn’t hate you or anything, just didn’t particularly care for you. That being said, you do grow on him. He doesn’t eat the candy you give him (weirdly enough he can though. We see him eat popcorn in the final.) I don’t know bro just isn’t going to eat candy some random kid gave him from who knows where. Also, you're always in the ads. it wasn’t on purpose at first but soon he would just casually hold you in the ads, he never mentions it though. One day he’s going to film an ad and you are tagging along as you always do. When somebody tries to attack Vox with a bat, but they were stopped in their tracks by you. Vox just stared at horror and amazement as you made the sinner pay. After the horror wears off the dude is amazed. If you weren’t friends before you are now. Despite the fact that you’re, y’know, a child, he kind of uses you for scary dog privileges.
Velvette: Surprisingly accepting of you. Would probably post pics with your candy and cuddling with you. She does just straight up like you even without social media. Velvette is the youngest overlord which makes her a pretty easy target. So while it wasn't a surprise for her to get attacked how you responded was. Out of instinct, she starts recording not just to post it, I mean yes that too, but also to make sure what she was seeing was real. Which was especially needed after you went back to your cutesy self. Despite how unbelievable it was she was pretty indifferent at the end of the day. Will ask you if you can do that more for photos though.
Carmila: New mother part 2. Though admittedly she isn't one for cuddles or candy. She does take it and cuddle to make you happy. Very protective of you. You are kind and she doesn't want you to get hurt, thankfully she doesn't have to worry about you. Someone attacking the overlord who makes weapons isn't wise, but as you’ve probably learned by now, messing with someone you care about is even more stupid. She wants to stop you but also doesn't want to hurt you or get herself in the crossfire. But hey now she knows you can protect yourself. Maybe even against an exorcist without angelic metal because holy fuck. Anyway, now she trains with you.
  (A/n: Bro Tumblr fucking deleted this when I was ¾ done with it.)
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schrijverr · 6 months
Stiles as a Roommate
Classic outsiders POV of Stiles in college, where his roommate, Mike, and their other friends try to figure out who all these people are that keep calling Stiles.
On AO3.
Ships: Sterek
Warnings: they think Stiles is wrapped up in some bad shit (which valid tbh)
Mike’s roommate is profoundly disturbing and highly hilarious to have around. On the first day he comes crashing into the room, tripping over himself like an old school physical comedy, before assuring Mike that he’s fine and it doesn’t even come close to being beaten to a pulp by a grandfather.
It’s quite the introduction and for a while Mike was worries that his roommate is going to suck. Stiles isn’t the typical college student, you see.
He has amassed an entire herb garden in the windowsill, skips out on most parties, keeps a metal baseball bat by his bed and calls home every single day. On top of that, he doesn’t know how to shut up and his rants devolve into the strangest bullshit about the most random topics that make Mike wonder why the hell criminology major had looked into them.
So, Mike thought he is stuck with a weird paranoid kid, who doesn’t know how to have fun. He worries about Stiles getting mad about him getting back in late or judgmental about not studying as much. However, his worries had soon been put to rest.
Because Stiles is fun and Stiles is easy. He can become anyone’s friend in minutes and is up later than healthy most of the time, doing weird bullshit on his laptop that he calls research, though Mike never knows what for.
He might not be a party-goer himself, but he absolutely doesn’t care about what Mike does, just jeering at him to use protection when he goes out and waking him up with a smug smirk and coffee when Mike wants to disappear into his mattress with a hangover, kicking his ass to classes.
Stiles is probably what is keeping him from failing right now and Mike will go to great lengths to keep him as his friend, because, yeah, they’re friends now.
It’s impossible not to befriend Stiles, he grows on you like a very persistent mold.
His friendship with Stiles starts six weeks into rooming together. Classes are in full swing alongside parties and Mike has just started to get worried about his roommate being a stick in the mud, when he comes home at 4:00 AM piss drunk.
Naturally he tries (and fails) to quietly enter the room, trying not the be the dickbag that wakes people up every night to find the lights still on. He blinks a few times at Stiles, who is sitting on his bed with a laptop and smartly says: “Huh.”
“God, you’re so fucking drunk it’s not even funny, dude. I can smell it from here and I don’t even have a freaky nose,” Stiles comments, before he gets up from the bed.
Mike sways slightly in the doorway, mentally trying to decide if he can do a stumble and drop to his bed or if he’ll sleep on the floor when Stiles is suddenly in front of him. He startles and nearly falls over, saved from faceplanting by Stiles, who is usually the one meeting the floor.
“Oh, hey, there, hey, buddy,” Stiles says, righting him. He slips an arm around Mike and masterfully stumble-drags him to the bed, depositing him on it. He points at Mike, who is still reeling from the movement and sternly says: “Don’t move,” as if Mike had any big plans.
Moments later he returns with a glass of water and gets Mike upright, telling him to sip and not allowing him to stop until the glass is empty.
Mike isn’t sure what happens next, but the next morning he wakes up with a groan to find two painkillers, a glass of water and a glass of orange juice on his bedside table along with a note reading: go to your classes! And you’re not a very eloquent drunk
In that moment, it feels like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him, swiftly forgetting all his parents have done under the pounding headache. He takes his painkillers, drinks his drinks and actually manages to drag himself to his lecture, deciding that Stiles might not be so bad.
When he comes back from his class, Stiles is there, typing away on his laptop again. He greets Mike when he enters and Mike returns it: “Hey, dude. Thanks for the painkillers and stuff.”
“Yeah, man, no problem,” Stiles smiles back. “It’s just instinct at this point, I’ve had to drag worse people off to bed.”
It’s a bit of an odd reply, but something Mike can work with. “You friends with many party-goers?”
A strange look flits over Stiles’ face, but it goes as fast as it comes and Stiles says: “Something like that. I was the one with a car, who wasn’t a prick about it getting dirty on the inside when in crisis. I have passed up on many party experiences except the clean up. All my friends are idiots.”
Mike chuckles at that and plops down on his own bed, as he comments: “Do you have a big friend group back home?” See, he can have conversations, mom.
“Oh, yeah,” Stiles tells him with a grin. “We’re like a family. A very weird family.” A brief pause. “But how about you?”
“Nah,” Mike shrugs. “I’m making up for it now.”
“Yeah, I can see,” Stiles grins. “Alcohol is a poison, my man. Besides, I’m not sure you’re remembering the friends you made.”
The bluntness is something Mike has encountered before and turned him away, but it doesn’t sound mean. He remembers that he is going to try with Stiles, so instead of ending the conversation there, he shrugs: “Probably, but it’s fun while it lasts.”
“Come on, man, that’s not fun,” Stiles says. “I have some friends from introduction. We get fries on Thursdays and study on Sunday. You can come sometime, it’s fun.”
Okay, so the bluntness was genuine concern and Mike honestly could use some actual friends. He likes parties, they’re fun, but the loneliness is starting to get to him. So he replies: “Sure, sounds fun.”
“Hell yeah,” Stiles does a genuine fist pump and Mike snorts. Yeah, alright, maybe Stiles isn’t so bad at all.
“Why were you awake so late anyway?” Mike asks, suddenly remembering that Stiles was just sitting there when he stumbled in.
“Oh, Jackson called me,” Stiles says. “He’s in studying in at Cambridge, because his parents are pretentious fuckers. He needed to check in about… something and I was still awake. I had to look something up, I was just emailing him the details when you came in.”
“All the way in England?” Mike whistles, a bit impressed.
“Tsk, don’t let hear him that. Dick has a big enough ego as it is,” Stiles rolls his eyes.
“I thought you were his friend?” Mike says, a bit confused, because Stiles had literally picked up the phone at 4:00 AM for this guy, couldn’t be that much bad blood, could there?
“Surprisingly enough. He had a restraining order against me in high school for a while,” Stiles informs him casually, before realizing how that sounds and quickly amending: “Obviously, he revoked it, because it was completely unnecessary and a big misunderstanding. We’re cool now, promise.”
And that’s Mike’s cue to drop the conversation, giving Stiles a tight nod, before turning to his own work. He’s giving the other a chance, not inviting crazy. Though he does allow himself to be invited for fries on Thursday with Stiles’ friends.
There is Maya a shy, but enthusiastic biology major; Aalif, a kind but serious looking pre-law student; Nikki, a hilariously insane art major; and Kai a bit of a dorky English major. How Stiles had found this ragtag group Mike doesn’t know
“Mike,” he introduces himself. “I do history. I’m Stiles’ roommate,” before he’s pulled into a discussion about whether or not fries can be classified as a salad. (Potato salad exists, Mike, and it’s a side dish).
It’s honestly a lot more fun than expected and it’s nice to see that Stiles does know how to have fun, he just has fun arguing about nothing with someone studying to argue professionally instead of getting wasted.
While Mike doesn’t think he’ll keep away from parties entirely, he might cut back to make place for this. The genuine connection is way nicer than not remembering who you talked to, or if you even did.
They’re about to start opening the famous is cereal-soup debate when Stiles’ phone starts to ring. He nearly hits his head on the table as he dives to get it out of his bag, calling out a quick: “Sorry, guys, gotta take this real quick.”
But since he is stuck in a booth, all he can do is turn away from them as he greets: “Isaac, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
It’s not the most standard greeting and Mike raises his brow at the others, who all shrug. Apparently this has happened before. Mike watches as Stiles gets a reply, fascinated by how Stiles seems to melt, worries leaving him as he grins fondly, before practically cooing: “You missing me already? I am flattered, pup.”
He grins some more at what Isaac is saying, before raising a brow, voice turning into a tease: “I feel used here. Like a cheap replacement. You knew Scott was going to be busy with Allison, I even warned you. Not my fault no one in this p- family ever listens to me.”
Another reply to which Stiles says: “Yes, you heard correctly, I’m with friends, you can make those at college. I encourage you to try.”
An eyeroll at Isaac’s answer, then a sigh: “Yes, Isaac, having your own friends will get their attention again. But try also for yourself, meeting new people is fun. Maybe you even meet someone you like.”
“Bye, Isaac,” Stiles says pointedly, it sounds faintly like Isaac is protesting his departure, but he hangs up on him.
“Sorry about that, you know how they can get,” Stiles grins, trying to play it off, while Mike tries to ignore how much it sounds like the conversation he had with his mom last week, before deciding to join the others in not commenting.
And after that it their friendship takes off until they’re at the ‘waking him up with a smug smirk and coffee when Mike wants to disappear into his mattress with a hangover, kicking his ass to classes’- stage.
Turns out that if you’re closer to Stiles, he’s even weirder. He goes home pretty often, now that he has settled in alright, nearly every other weekend, at least once a month, though he complains about his dad forcing him to stay at college to get the full experience, air quotes obvious in his voice.
Mike doesn’t say anything, since he kind of agrees with Stiles’ dad. It’s a bit unhealthy how much Stiles’ calls home. Or at least, Mike thinks he does, though it always sounds like it’s someone else on the phone, because Stiles will tell the same story a bunch of times or tell the person that another person told him to tell them etc, like they couldn't call themselves.
The conversations are also just weird. Stiles cuts himself off sometimes, sending Mike looks, or he’ll fuss over whoever is on the other side of the line like he’s their therapist, or their fucking mother. Not to mention the fact that he always – always – picks up.
Mike has tried to call Stiles a few times, a lot of the time his roommate won’t pick up, or call back apologetically, yet he’ll leave a lecture if someone from home calls.
It’s just odd.
So, brave soldier as he is (as well as the head investigator of their little friend group, who are all more curious about Stiles than Mike expected when he first met them), he asks: “Hey, man, who are you always calling?”
Stiles look up from where has just hung up with a: “You be careful okay? I love you,” looking a bit confused, before smiling and shrugging: “That depends, honestly. It’s a bit much.”
That sounds like a deflection, but Mike is curious and got better at talking to people and standing up for himself. So, he goes: “I have time. I’m smart. I think I can take it.”
“Alright,” Stiles shoots him another uncertain look, before starting, “Well, my dad and Derek are holding down the fort, so I call them just to see how life is going. Boyd and Erica are there too, so I call them too, but Boyd doesn’t talk much, so I mostly call with Erica. She is my Catwoman, you know, we chat, she spills about Boyd. He has his own carpentry shop, it’s been going well. I’m glad for him, you know. And Erica is taking a gap year, but to be honest, I think she likes being a park ranger too much to ever go back to school.”
Mike nods along to Stiles’ rambles. His dad is explainable and the fact that he added Derek in there must mean they’re a unit in his mind, maybe a brother? Or even his father’s boyfriend. Erica is someone he’s close with and knows well, called her his Catwoman, so maybe girlfriend? But he connected her to Boyd, who sounds like a far friend of sorts, so maybe not.
“Of course there is Jackson in England,” Stiles continues on happily. “I told you about him. He is a bit of a dick, but we’ve forgiven him. Well, Lydia did and we all trusted her and it worked out okay.”
And yeah, Mike remembers Jackson with the apparent restraining order and wonders who Lydia is. Luckily he doesn’t have to wait long.
“Lydia,” Stiles sighs, making Mike think he loves her, which he naturally immediately disproves by going, “I used to be in love with her, but turns out, no. She’s being an absolute genius doing mathematics at CalTech. She terrifies me in the best ways.”
That’s not concerning at all.
“And then you have Scott, my best friend,” Stiles rambles on and Mike knows that the other probably won’t even notice if he leaves. He gets like that. “Now my man Scott is at Colorado State
to become a vet alongside Allison and Isaac.”
Those two names are also familiar and Mike feels awkward staying silent, so he says: “They’re all become vets?”
“No, just Scott, but they’re all at Colorado State, because Scott will probably perish without Allison and Isaac hates being lonely and didn’t get into Stanford with me,” Stiles says, like that’s the most obvious reason to pick a school.
Mike is distracted by Stiles hitting his arm enthusiastically: “Allison is also doing history, man, I hadn’t even thought of that! I don’t know how it would be relevant either, but you know, fun fact! I love fun facts, like did you know that human teeth are the only part of the body that can’t heal themselves, because enamel is dead tissue. That was fun to find out.”
He senses that there is a story there, but Stiles is already moving on: “And Isaac, my beautiful boy, is doing social studies, which I think will really help him. He’s come so far and he’s really happy with his courses.”
Isaac was the one that called during that first Thursday fries run Mike was a part of. He recalls the nicknames and the fact that Isaac was missing Stiles, not to mention how fond Stiles sounded and the fact that Isaac wanted to go to college with him. Maybe Isaac was the boyfriend?
“Anyways,” Stiles ends his rant. “I told you it’s a bit much, but I like knowing they’re okay and getting by and if I only call one, the others will get jealous. There’s only so much Stiles to go around and everyone wants a piece,” he grins.
Mike thinks Stiles has a weird relationship with his friends from back home, but also that he doesn’t want to create any friction with his roommate and best friend on campus, so he just nods and smiles a bit.
“But how about you?” Stiles returns the question. “You never call home, at least, not that I’ve witnessed.”
Since Stiles decided to share, something he rarely does, Mike knows he should return the favor, so he shrugs. “Not really much to call.”
“Is no one there?” Stiles asks, all concern.
“My mom and dad are, but you know,” Mike shrugs. “Dad just cares about my grades and mom is always prying, like she thinks I can’t manage by myself or something. It’s fucking annoying. I’m an adult now, she doesn’t need to hover.”
Stiles frowns at his reply, then bites his lip as if he isn’t sure he should say something, before he breaks and blurts: “But isn’t that nice? To have someone who worries?”
“What?” Mike hadn’t thought Stiles would pick his mom’s side, though maybe he should have seen it coming.
“I mean, I don’t know your situation of course, but I get it,” Stiles shrugs, backing off a bit. “You’ve always been her baby, who she saw every single day and knew when you had a bad day, when you got a good grade, etc, now she has nothing and you don’t tell her, so her mind makes up all the horrible things that could have happened to you between calls, resulting in what is practically an interrogation until she is satisfied that you’re truly as okay as you claim you are… Wow, that was one hell of s sentence,” Stiles ends his keen observation with a joke to lighten it up a bit, since he got way too into that.
Mike attempts to wade through the sea of words just slung to his head, before he realizes Stiles kind of has a point. He breathes: “How do you even know that?”
Stiles scratches his nose and shrugs: “I might be a bit of the mom-friend.” And Mike is reminded of the fact that Stiles is really weird with his friends and that he probably knows that because he does the exact same thing his mother does.
Next Sunday, he reports all this to the study group, which Stiles has had to skip out on, because someone called at midnight, which obviously meant Stiles immediately packed is bags and left, something that is more common than Mike would like.
“That’s a lot of friends,” Maya comments once he is done. “But it’s sweet he cares so much about them.”
“He cares mom-levels about them,” Mike points out. “I’m telling you, he got so intense while defending my mom, like it was personal.”
“So, he’s a bit intense about is friends,” Nikki shrugs. “One girl in my class is making a shrine to her boyfriend as a final project. We’re not at that level yet, so I think we’re good.”
“He took off in the middle of the night on a three hour drive, because someone called,” Mike replies.
“I don’t think it’s really any of our concern,” Aalif interrupts, before it can get out of hand.
“But what if they’re like a creepy cult or something?” Nikki asks.
Aalif levels her a look as he says: “I don’t think Stiles would get drawn into a cult.”
“You don’t know that,” she raises a brow. “It happens, even to smart people like Stiles.”
“He has a metal baseball bat by his bed,” Mike offers, not sure why he is backing Nikki in this debate.
“He does?” Maya asks, a bit concerned.
They all now look at Mike and he suddenly realizes that they’ve never been into their room, which is why he has become Stiles source number 1. He shrugs: “Yeah, he took it with him when he left for home tonight. It’s all damaged and shit, though I think some carvings are intentional. They look a bit like runes.”
Nikki raises a brow as she looks at Aalif and says: “But you don’t think Stiles could have joined a cult.”
“I don’t think a cult would have allowed him to leave for college, not to mention do criminology,” Maya offers. “I think he’s following a seminar about cults right now actually.”
“Okay, but even without a cult, still suspicious and weird,” Nikki huffs. “And it’s still a possibility, right, Mike?”
Mike startles a bit unsure how he got on the pro-cult side and not sure he isn’t agreeing. “I mean, he does have all these herbs and some weird books, but those could be from the library.”
And now they’re giving him more looks. Great. He puts his hands up defensively: “It’s not like I know, alright. Stiles never exactly cooks, maybe he just likes the smell of the herbs. And the books could be an aesthetic thing, though he keeps him under his bed in a box if they’re his.”
“What sort of books?” Kai asks after a beat.
“They’re leather bound. Old,” Mike shrugs. “I haven’t seen him with them much. He shoves them out of sight when I get in and the only times he hasn’t was when he thought I was asleep or very drunk.”
“Creepy,” Maya shivers.
“Come on, this is Stiles,” Aalif says. “He is not in some creepy cult. Do you all even hear yourselves? Seriously. Now, the midterms are coming up and I would like to get some passing grades.”
That gets a few boos and boring’s thrown at him, but Aalif doesn’t falter and they do all giggle a bit at the ridiculousness of Stiles in a cult. Before they can truly get anything done, Nikke snorts: “Maybe he tripped into it,” sending them all into giggles again.
It isn’t a joke anymore when Stiles reappears again on their Thursday fry run his face more bruise than skin and his hands both wrapped in bandages.
“Stiles!” Kai exclaims, already out of his seat. “What happened to you?”
“Hey there, guys,” Stiles attempts a grin, wincing at the action. “I’m good, I’m good.” He eases himself into their booth, wrapped fingers taking some fries and popping them into his mouth as the rest watches him with careful eyes. Of course he notices as he chews slowly, whispering to himself: “Knew Derek was right about the liquid diet. Fucker.”
“What happened?” Aalif asks when Stiles seems like he is going to ignore the whole situation that is his face and hands. “Stiles, if someone did this to do, you have to go to the police, file a report. You can sue.”
“Of course you’d say that, lawyer-man,” Stiles grins again, falling flat once more when his already split lip, re-splits and starts to bleed. “Ah, fuck,” he hisses, grabbing a napkin to press against it as he makes a disgruntled face.
“Stiles,” Nikki snaps.
“What?” he replies as if it’s not incredibly obvious.
Mike surprises himself by jumping in: “What the hell happened to you, man?”
It dawns on Stiles that they’re not letting it go and he sags a bit in his seat. Then says: “Nothing, I promise. It was just an accident, really.”
That’s just a thousand red flags there and Maya takes the lead for them, putting a hand on Stiles shoulder and saying in a soft voice: “We’re not going to judge you, promise. But right now, not knowing is so much worse.”
“Derek told me not to come,” Stiles sighs after a moment. “I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to come. I mean, he only had Boyd and Erica with him, because all the others were too far away. That wasn’t enough.”
“What were they doing?” Nikki asks, unable to keep her mouth shut and be patient.
Luckily, Stiles isn’t silenced by it. “Derek lives on the preserve, it’s in the middle of the forest and something was killing the animals. It was a mountain lion, we have a lot of animal attacks. They wanted to take it out before it moved into the town.”
Mike remembers Stiles telling him Erica was a park ranger, but Boyd was a carpenter and he knew nothing about Derek, which is weird on its own. Stiles loved bragging about his friends, or would casually comment about them or pick up the phone with their name on his lips, but Mike had before now heard the name Derek only once.
“Of course I tripped over a few branches in the dark,” Stiles laughs self-deprecatingly. “I should have known better. I’m a klutz, you know. Though I did get a hit in, before I went down in a not so glorious blaze of branches and a curse.”
“You hit a mountain lion?” Kai whisper yells.
“Yeah, with my bat,” Stiles shrugs, like it’s a normal thing.
“Dude, are you insane?” Mike asks.
“Oh, okay, I see what’s happening here,” Stiles backs up, like they didn’t make sense before now. “I didn’t want to admit I fell, because it’s embarrassing as fuck. And like, I know I’m clumsy, but after all the running away from shit trying to kill me, one would think I’d have gotten better at it, but noooo. I am surrounded by people who can do crazy shit, while I hit my head on a fucking branch, because why not.”
“Stiles!” Nikke cuts him off. “Running away from things trying to kill you? What the hell.”
“I was getting there,” Stiles says, though it’s obvious to all of them that he was getting further and further away from the point. “When I was in high school there were all these murders in town. My friend was targeted at one point, I got caught up in it. Nothing makes a friendship like getting locked into a school and running from a crazed murderer or holding someone up in a pool for two hours. It was a whole thing. Plus my father is the sheriff.”
“What the fuck,” Nikki voices the shared sentiment after a moment to process.
“Wait, here I have proof,” Stiles taps away on his phone, before showing a news article with the tagline reading: Five teens trapped in high school with murderer still on the loose
After letting them read it, he puts his phone in his pocket and proudly says: “We’re having a project about crimes in our hometown right now and I have an advantage over the rest.”
“That’s- That’s not-” Maya stutters. “…Stiles…”
“What?” he says confused, as if what he just bragged about isn’t heartbreaking. God, no wonder he’s a bit fucked from it all. Mike would want to know if all his friends are okay if he nearly saw them all killed alongside him.
“Are you, like, okay?” Mike asks.
“Probably not, like in general,” Stiles tells him honestly, “but I am really fine. As fine as I get anyway. Derek says I have to work on that, but he’s not the boss of me and I actually am doing better. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” Maya smiles kindly. “We just want to know you’re okay. Thanks for trusting us with that. Did you get those wounds checked out?”
“I did,” he returns her smile. “Got a clean bill of health and everything. Dad wouldn’t let me drive back before that.”
“Good,” Aalif says.
They’re all quiet for a moment, before the thing that has been niggling on his mind comes out. He asks: “Who is this Derek person anyway?”
Stiles regards them all for a moment, before saying: “I don’t think we reached that level of friendship yet. Sorry. Like, you’re all my friends and stuff and I like bragging about my other friends to you, but I don’t know.”
“What?” Mike exclaims as Nikki points out: “You just told us you nearly got murdered, but telling us about a friend is a step too far?”
“You know, that is actually a good point,” Stiles says. “I must still be a bit lightheaded from everything, I normally don’t tell people that.”
“Should we take you to a hospital? Kai asks worriedly.
“No, no, I’m kidding, I think,” Stiles jokes, before quickly adding, “I am truly kidding, please don’t take me to a hospital. God, no one appreciates my humor.”
“Stiles,” Aalif sighs tiredly when Stiles deftly gets them on a different topic than Derek.
“Derek is my husband,” Stiles finally tells them, shutting them all up as they stare at them with their jaws on the floor. That explains Stiles trips home and lack of partying or otherwise getting laid, he had a whole fucking husband waiting for him at home.
None of them could know that Stiles’ reluctance to talk about Derek and his relation is that as a prominent alpha, broadcasting that they were ‘mated’ (and yes, Derek, that term is still weird to a human) isn’t really smart. Especially after everything that had already come to Beacon Hills.
“Y- Your husband?!?” Kai squeaks.
“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you all,” Stiles groans. “You can’t imagine the rumor mill at home when it happened, like seriously, people were acting like I was signing my life away to the devil or something.”
“Why?” Maya asks and Mike has to agree. Marriage so early isn’t exactly uncommon, it just took them by surprise this time. What would make this different.
“I-” Stiles looks genuinely sheepish, “I might have gotten him arrested for a murder he didn’t commit and stuff. But that was like, what? Two, three years ago.”
Immediately their table exploded, voices overlapping, because – again – what the fuck.
“He didn’t do it!” Stiles exclaims, shutting them all up. “He was framed. Set up. Look, I know he wasn’t the killer. Derek saved my life, like a bazillion times at this point. I love him.”
Despite the bruises, the look on his face is quite clear with love oozing off of it. Like full on, ‘Disney princess, soulmate, found the one’-love. It’s a bit disgusting in Mike’s terribly single opinion.
“Well, then I want to see him,” Nikki demands. “You can’t tell us you got swept off your feet by a mysterious would be murderer and not expect us to want to see him.”
Stiles shoots them all a suspicious look, which is pretty rude all things considering, but Mike lets it slide in favor of satiating his curiosity. Then Stiles pulls out his phone, showing them a sequence of pictures that said more than words could.
It’s obviously their wedding day. They’re both in full suits, standing in a forest with the sunset hitting them, putting them in a glow of light. Derek is apparently a handsome, muscled man, who screams not bad boy as much as serial killer.
The first picture is pretty standard. They’re looking at each other, Derek’s bad boy vibe killed by the fact that he is smiling softly at Stiles, who is smiling back. Derek’s smile is toothachingly fond in a way that Mike feels in his chest.
In the second picture, the murder vibes are back in full force, with Derek glaring at Stiles, who looks like he’s saying something, his face smug like it’s an inside joke, his hands up to gesture like he always does.
Then, in the last picture, Stiles has Derek’s cheeks between his hand, face contorted in something Mike would call a coo, if Derek didn’t look like the kind of guy who would allow anything resembling a coo being directed at him. Though, Mike might have to rethink that assumption, because while Derek is raising one murderous eyebrow, the smile has returned again.
“I am his favourite annoyance,” Stiles announces proudly. “It’s wonderful how much bugging someone can do.”
And all of them would have guessed Derek was the one, who had pursued Stiles, but here Stiles is, telling them all about how he is a master at befriending people and Derek honestly needed someone to tell him how horrible he was at decorating or socializing, before fixing it for him.
Beside him, Nikki mutters: “Dear god, he has an ‘I can fix him’-mentality. We’re doomed.”
“I heard that!” Stiles exclaims indignantly, though he doesn’t deny it per se. But when Nikki’s soda arrives, it explodes in her face and Mike would almost suspect Stiles had something to do with it if he had to go off the smug look.
They drop the topic of Stiles injuries and apparent husband, for the evening, which Stiles seems grateful for at least, before catching him up on campus gossip. Still, they keep their eye on him and it’s hard to forget with his face all fucked up.
When they leave, Maya leans in and whispers to Mike: “Keep an eye on him for us, okay?”
He nods quickly, before hurrying after Stiles, who is yelling at him to hurry or he’ll drive back without him.
Mike also keeps his word, so when Stiles’ phone starts to ring, he pretends to be engrossed in his book, while secretly keeping an ear on Stiles’ conversation. He usually doesn’t listen in, unless something is so weird it breaks through his mental barriers, but he feels like this can be an exception.
“Hey there, big guy,” Stiles greets, voice much gentler than Mike ever remembered it being.
“Yeah, worrywolf, I’m fine,” Stiles tells whoever is on the other side. “Dad wouldn’t have let me drive otherwise and neither would you for that matter. You checked me yourself before letting me go, quite thoroughly I might add.”
And that last part is definitely an innuendo, dear god, Mike did not want to know that. However, it is confirmation that it’s Derek on the line, so he listens even harder.
“I know I overdid it, but no one got hurt except a few bruises on me,” Stiles argues. “And I get hurt even when I’m not in danger, you know how doors and the air are my biggest enemies. Come on, Derek. If it was bad, I would have told you. We promised remember? You made it part of our vows, because you are a complete softie.”
Okay, Mike isn’t going to lie, that’s actually pretty cute and he slightly hates that he’s becoming team Derek when all he knows is that he was (falsely) arrested for murder and married to Stiles, who comes running home when called on.
“I promise not to run into danger again,” Stiles tells Derek. “Well, I promise not to run needlessly into danger again and honestly one could argue that this time wasn’t needlessly, because you are my damsel in distress as much as you want to cast me in that roll.” A beat. “Yes, I will never let you forget the pool, we discussed this.”
“Yes, Derek, I always take care of my wounds,” Stiles rolls his eyes. “I’ll even send you picture updates and call you every day. How does that sound?��
Oh god, Derek is actually a concerned boyfriend – excuse me, husband – who needs updates and called the day Stiles left because he was worried. Mike is never going to be able to tell the others that without it turning into a riot.
“Great, because I am going to bed,” Stiles says. “Midterms are coming up and while spending time with you is a hundred times better, I actually need to pass these if I ever want to get a degree. So, goodbye, I love you.”
A bit of silence, then a very love-filled chuckle: “Of course I’m going to think of you. I always sleep better with you, you know that. Now bye. Love you, again and always.”
Fucking hell, Mike is going to die of a toothache, caused by his happily married roommate, which is honestly where his life is at right now.
Though, Mike can honestly live with a weird roommate. It’s a source of entertainment and he now can rest knowing Stiles has someone watching out for him, preventing him from going off the deep end, which was an honest concern.
Stiles is weird, but with what Mike knows, he’s allowed to be a bit strange and he honestly doesn’t want to know more than he does.
Disclaimer: I am not shitting on parties, if you like them, go nuts. I just don’t drink and hate social interaction, so I wouldn't know how to write a good party scene even if I wanted to, lmao.
Idk how well it came through, but Stiles is magic and burned his hands while overdoing it in the fight he got injured in. He also totally exploded Nikki’s drink as petty revenge, his herbs are also related to magic.
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ahoyrcmanoff · 1 month
— based on the s4 tarot cards scene.
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(hi! tbh I have no idea if this has been done yet. I’m finally out from the shock of this shitty ending lmao. Only seen a thing or two about this topic, talking ‘bout the Hargreeves’ fate… but i wanted to give it a deeper thought, ‘cause I just haven’t stopped thinking on that specific scene where klaus does a reading, and what each card meant for his character specifically, so, I decided to do this for fun & because I have my good knowledge on tarot cards. enjoy.)
Okay! So, the scene starts with Klaus sitting in the van, just passing time by doing a small reading with his cards. Which, not only gave us a brief look into the future for the Hargreeves’ fate, but it also gave us a look into who Klaus Hargreeves is. It shows us how his character could’ve been developed, what they could work at as a person (if they hadn’t erased a certain couple of scenes). And it is honestly sooo on point with their personality.
• We start off with Card #1 — The Lovers.
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This is the first card that comes out. A classic. And obviously, we all go to the same thought when seeing this one specific card, but if you watch closely you can see much more in it than just a couple. Klaus jokes about it, saying; “that’s obvious, I haven’t been laid in months.”
And sure it’s a fun joke. We all might think the main thing that is the talk about this card (love, couples, lovers, etc). And damn my mind also went to Dave. But it has a deeper meaning.
This card talks about self-love. Something we know Klaus struggles with. Sure, they are a very confident person in their body, they care for their appearance, but he also despises himself for their usual low points. For letting it out on his family, all the stealing he did, the times he didn’t accept help, the times he felt like he wasn’t important or that he was a disappointment. The Lovers is the card of the search for self-love, for confidence, of being your own soulmate, in a way. This person has a tendency to fall in love quickly, but they have to be careful — the mountains and the snake represent the obstacles to reach to that desired love. Which, hell, Klaus had to go through considering his true love (Dave) is from another time and couldn’t be free. Romantic love will be easier to find once you reach into that self-care/self-love. The angel does represent that not everything is lost, there is a chance for love, for a certain couple.
Yet— we don’t see that happy ending for Klaus on the screen.
• Card #2 — The Tower.
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What there is to say about this that isn’t obvious? This card represents pure chaos. Klaus says it himself; “Loss of self-control.”
It is also the card of change. Ringing any bells yet? All the siblings went through a big change on those six years without powers. And Klaus’ was impressive, he spent three years sober, now lives with Allison and Claire, and had developed a germaphobia.
If we get the negative sort of change, The Tower brings a misunderstanding, the way something that shouldn’t be will be forced. (Klaus getting his powers back, then when he sees how it will be inevitable to fall into old habits again as soon as he gets home and gets into the argument with Claire). But if we get the positive side, we’ll also get strength against the adversity, some optimism. (Which, hey, he managed to escape from the building and then from a goddamn tomb, it showed huge strength of character from someone like Klaus to do that.)
Now! If we look into the future with that reading scene being the starting point — there is even more change. Watch the card, there’s two characters jumping out of the window, away from the fire and darkness of the tower (one’s mind). There’s also some doubt, but it is something inevitable, you have to escape. It represents a freeing or liberation, a crisis, a rupture of some sorts. It can be shown in the other siblings as well, as we saw during the season.
But for Klaus specifically — he got freed from the constant fear, and got his powers back after dying. Again. Which, once again, wasn’t his choice but that is where the chaos starts. Right after that, there comes the fall in his sibling relationship with Allison, and once again the liberation, where Klaus finally stood up for himself. They are in a crisis, because he thinks he will fall into old habits. Because he thinks it’s inevitable as soon as the ghosts appear.
But with change, comes an end. A realization, an escape… In the deleted scenes, we see how Klaus decides to go to A.A. after Allison and Claire help him out of the grave. There’s this loving moment, where they let the fight behind and they go back to being a family. And this also shows strength from Klaus, because after so many years, he is willing to accept the truth. He talks about his struggles with addiction, opens up, shows his development during those sober years, says how he regrets on letting it out on his family (which surely means specifically Ben because he was the one to see Klaus on each fall, and then they never got a chance to have a serious talk because even Ben’s ghost is gone). And finishes up by saying he is an alcoholic, showing that development. Despite everything, he gained psychological strength and decided to accept the help, to deal with his problems and stay sober.
• Which brings us to Card #3 — Ten of Swords.
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Klaus is *very* clear when this card comes out. “The card of death.” He says, and then immediately put everything away, scared. And yes, it did show that he would die, to later come back to life — as we saw when he got shot and the siblings didn’t have any other choice but to give him the marigold. But once again, there’s always a deeper level with Tarot.
Well, there’s something about the Swords. They all talk about the mind, thoughts. The path of the swords is to learn through experience.
Klaus Hargreeves has gained plenty of experience in various topics throughout the seasons. Starting off with how much their powers developed over the years, how much they trained on season three. How emotionally developed he had always been. How each experience gave him a new thing to learn. And despite everyone’s thoughts, Klaus does learn. But he just keeps facing shit and sometimes has to hit the same wall to really learn first.
There is a certain insecurity in the swords, a lack of level, that is also shown on the other two cards that Klaus took. But before he learns, he has to hit the same wall, has to face the chaos, has to hit rock bottom.
And that is what this card means exactly, hitting rock bottom. We’ve seen Klaus hitting it a couple of times, but this was the drop that was needed to fill up the glass. When this card appears in a reading, it’s hard to advise the person, why? Because this person has auto-destructive tendencies. Sounds familiar? Klaus has had those tendencies since he was a child. We saw it. It started off with their addiction, then with hitting dangerous places, the constant dying, the way they haven’t really gotten into serious relationships, how he always chose the thing that would explode in his face. So, anything that happens could cut the stability that this person may have gained. Which is why Klaus kept falling into the same patterns over and over throughout his life.
But — with an end, there’s also a new start. With death also comes a reborn, literal death and reborn for Klaus, because of his powers. It shows that the person couldn’t escape their problems anymore, because the thoughts (the swords) they have been trying so hard to ignore, sneaked on them and killed them. (Once again, a bit literal for Klaus). One has to face their problems to come back. There is a need for transformation, like a butterfly, or like the Phoenix that comes back from their ashes.
And honestly, this would’ve been so much more clear if they actually kept the Klaus’ scenes they deleted. Where he embraced the transformation, accepted his problems and searched for a solution. Where he could get a closure, a hint of hope.
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Anyway, if you can’t tell, I genuinely love this sweetheart and I think they deserved so, so, so much better than the ending they gave him. It doesn’t take much but be observant on how interesting of a character Klaus Hargreeves is but unfortunately this fell into the wrong hands, because they couldn’t give a character with so much depth a good final. (And all the Hargreeves for all the matter! Justice for my fav siblings). If anyone actually takes the time to read through this, thank you. This was for fun, out of love for the show, love for Klaus and love for tarot all combined. <3
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haikyuu-x-male-reader · 3 months
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*Rubs hands together evil🙏🏽*
Let’s gooo
This isn’t gonna be too too long but I’ll try to make it good
Im Not gonna beat around the bush but most likely I’m prop gonna write this as porn plot sorta 🤷🏽
But as I’m writing this who knows??✨✨
started - 5/22/24
we all know Akaashis calm, and swag demeanor right?
Welp throw that ALL AWAY
Tbh I feel like he would be a
God he’s gonna go crazy for you
Oh did I mention that u FUEL his size kink
-The sound of Akaashi’s moans and the bed creaking fill the room-
“[Reader name] f-FUCK me harder alreadyy~”
With no hesitation you press him more into the mattress so he feels just how deep you are inside him
You also press urself onto him more since that riles him up
He says as he whines in pleasure
you start to slow down but got interrupted by him
*Huff* “D-don’t you *huff*..dare stop”
*His body is on the brink now, shaking and trembling as he chases the climax that threatens to overtake him.*
You speed up even faster then before
"Almost... almost... ah! Oh God... more.. please... god.. don't stop.. please don't stop."
*He gasps out, his hips stuttering with the increasing intensity of his pleasure, his breathing completely out of control
“I can’t t-take it anymoree~!”
*A stream of moans and gasps leaves him, his voice getting higher and louder with each snap of ur waist*
He starts to squirm around under but is limited due to you pushing him down
And he’s LOVING IT
“Ngh~!.oh my god.!”
“[Reader name] it’s so deep..Hngh!~”
*His eyes flutter shut, and he goes completely limp
*A loud, shuddering moan escapes him as you hit that sweet spot, his body tensing up briefly before it releases, a wave of pleasure crashing through him.
And then he says nonchalantly 
“Wanna do round 2?”
I feel like he wouldn’t really pay any mind to ut height at first but the more he thinks about it
The more it turns him on
The first time you guys do it he did think much of it
But his mind started giving him ideas
✨How naughty✨
oh and I think it would drive him crazy for you to be in control 🎉
*computer gaming streamer noises*
*You groan slightly after ur nap*
*you sit up, rub ur eyes and stretch
This causes kenma you look at you*
“Oh hey [nickname] you awake? I’m streaming right now”
“Sorry if I woke u up do you want me try to finish soon?”
*You turn to him*
“Nah it’s fine I’ll just be on my phone”
“Just stream and do yer thing
I know how you love gaming”<3
His face goes slightly worried
“You sure?I didn’t mean to wake up-“
Video game death sound
"Damn it-“
*you laugh at him loudly*
“Shush! It’s not funny..“
“Yeah Nono it’s fine don’t let me distract you”
“Just focus on streaming and entertaining ur viewers”
He shrugs
“Alright whatever you say my love”
“Sorry Chat lets get back to-“
he gets back to doing his normal stream stuff
As you’re on your phone you get an idea
Kenma would actually kill you if you did this ESPECIALLY when he’s gaming and locked in
but its worth a shot🤷🏽
You quitely get up from the bed and make your way towards him
“Ah thank you for the donate [random user]”
Blah blah blah insert Kenma streamer talking
you try to sneak under his desk which was tough as hell because god blessed you with height
You were able to get under surprisingly
Kenma sighs when loosing a game causing him to lay back in his seat
Which causes him to notice you
“Chat I’ll be right back” *turns off camera and mutes mic*
“[reader name] what are you doing.. how did you even fit under there? You know how tall you are..”
“Just focus on your stream you wouldn’t want ur viewers to know I’m under here right~?”
“Magic and hard work. But aside from that”
Kenma smirks slightly
" ..oh? really now? "
*he blinks for a second at your question. a soft smirk on his face before sitting back up straight and unpausing the game*
" alright.. I'll continue streaming.. don't try to distract me too much~ "
*he lets out a soft chuckle before going back to streaming. he tries to focus on what he's doing while you're down there.*
He is trying really hard to keep his focus, and not losing his composure.
You Loosen up his sweatpants and WHIP OUT THAT THANG
Note: is 11 at night so might be insane -5/27/24
you try to get into a comfortable position and start to suck on the tip of his member
*he quickly turns up the volume on the microphone so they can't hear anything. he lets out a small groan to keep in his composure*
“Mm ah- *fake cough* sorry chat I have a little bit of a cold….”
The viewers notice his so called “cold” cause his face is turning slowly red🌚
Out of spite you decided to put his full length inside your mouth
Kenma throws his head back,covers his face with one hand and moans
Username: WHAT WAS THAT??
Username2: bros getting freaky
He quickly realized what he did
“Oh Sorry Chat..I was stretching.”
“I’m hungry so I’m ending the stream early today.”
Meanwhile the chat was hollering and goin insane
But all that came to an end once he ended the stream
“Can you continue already…...”
Oh boy…
now Hinata definitely feels intimidated by ur height in a frustrated way and in-
The other way.
He REALLY LIKES ur height in a UNUSUAL way..🧍🏽
It’s night time
Hinata and you are chilling on the couch watching a movie
You both are sharing a buttery salty bowl of popcorn (yum)
*movie noises*
*godzilla scream*
“I was expecting this movie to be boring
It’s actually interesting!”
You say intriguingly as you munch on more popcorn
“Heh! You should’ve ✨never✨ doubted me then! I amm knownnn to be the best at picking movies~”
*movie background noises*
Hinata got up from the couch and went to get a snack
He tried to grab a snack form the top shelf but he forgot about his height
“Damn it-“
He tried to climb onto the counter but quickly remember that would be unsanitary
“Need help here?”
He quickly looks behind him to see you
“Nope! Im totallyyyy finee..!”
“Ya sure?, you were struggling not too long-”
After saying that. he attempts to hop up but you grab him by the waist to quickly stop him
“Here let me just help..”
As you reach for whatever tried to get, you press urself behind him purposefully
This gets a reaction out of him
“Hmm this thing is so far back in the cabinet”
You know damn well ur lying
“Sorry shoyo.. this might take a bit!”
As you say this you start to grind on him from behind
Okay so now it’s definitely clear on what ur trying to do
When you started to grind on hinata he started to move slightly forward which causes his erection to rub against the counter
You pause and look down
“Ok enough beating around the bush”
You unzip his pants and pull out his member
Hey y'all😅
Um. I'm sorta back?
I've been tryna finksh this request but my motivation to write just died 🥲🥲🥲
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towards-toramunda · 9 months
i'm not sure what the other anon is referring to, it feels like there's been way more meta and discussion about fearne as a character since shardgate. which is awesome, as someone who's been wanting to see more serious analysis of her as a character for a long time.
Yeah to me it feels like I’ve seen so much cool fan art of her since taking the shard and so many cool discussions surrounding what the shard means for her and her trepidation towards taking it (I mean, hell I even wrote a fic about that). I feel like the deeper into fearne we get to see the more I’ve noticed myself looking closer at fearne as a character, and hearing Ashley talk on four sided dive a while back about how Fearne is still pretty new to deep emotions because of how sheltered she was makes everything just… fascinating and interesting and I love it.
I remember a few episodes ago one of the hells mentioned something along the lines of “hey you all know we might die right?” and Fearne just immediately respond “no I think we’re all gonna be fine” because fearne hadn’t even slightly begun to emotionally prepare for losing one of them and that choice from Ashley was so good, and I feel like that specifically is why she was so upset and sad and angry when the first shard attempt happened. Cause shes been protecting herself and avoiding having to think about any of the hells dying or any of it going badly and then suddenly Ashton dies and everyone is angry and she was part of the reason why and she isn’t used to big emotions or severe consequences so of course her first reaction is lashing out! I think I’ve seen that her decision to beat up Ashton a bit afterwards is kinda controversial and really upset some fans, BUT I think in terms of the story Ashley is telling of a naive fey being who’s been sheltered until very recently it makes so much sense for her to feel these deep feelings of betrayal and grief and loss and hurt all at once so strongly for the first time and being drawn to violence from it. I think thats the most interesting thing she could’ve done there tbh (and I’m an Ashton Greymoore stan who was team “give Ashton the shard” before that all went down)
I’m so interested to see what all is gonna happen with Fearne cause shes just… shes such a good character and I love her. (I’m manifesting another bestie convo with her and Orym soon)
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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It’s Spinner hours again lets go. Specifically in depth ones this time rather than generic cause I feel like I’ve never really EXPLAINED it in specifics and in case there was any other confusion I feel like this helps clean it up. 
1 - Teenage confusion. Teen Spinner has been listening to the village go on and on about first relationships and snogging behind Papa’s lab where he can’t catch them and he just doesn’t understand it. At first he’s like ‘ok cool well I guess we’re growing up now those urges will come to me soon’ … they don’t.
Vanity Smurf is a bit of a serial romantic. Spinner isn’t sure he’d called Vanity a friend but … he’s the best he’s got. It’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to go about it but eventually he just sort of pulls Vanity to one side and is like ‘uh um ah I know this sounds weird but can I kiss you?’ and hey Spinner is a good looking enough Smurf so Vanity assumes he’s asking because he (Vanity) is just irresistible. Of course Spinner darling who WOULDN’T want a piece of this?
They kiss. Spinner does not react well. In fact he really doesn’t see what all the hype is about. They try again after an apology for the bad reaction. He just feels nothing. Not good, not bad … just nothing. It’s like kissing a warm stone. Vanity is a bit miffed because what kind of Smurf isn’t overjoyed to receive such an honour but Spinner decides to give up on his quest to understand the romance hype and goes home deciding to unpack that another day.
2 – Current day; Platonic Soulmates. So whilst Spinner generally prefers the company of Weaver and Tailor growing up, there is ONE other Smurf he eventually becomes quite close to and it becomes more than friendship … BEST friendship!
Spinner & Wooly refer to each other as ‘zucchini’ or ‘squish’ (platonic crush; desire to be close to but not romantic) and are a bit closer than even Brainy & Clumsy in terms of physical affection which can include holding hands, cuddles or sharing beds or partially living together all with the EXPLICIT understanding than none of these actions mean romance. Hence, rather than just being best friends like B&C, it’s a QPR which blurs the line a little bit. Think of it like a platonic life partner. There’s 0 kissing or intimacy but might joke about get married for tax benefits in the human au. Hence also why Wooly was the only one Spinner was comfortable asking about having a child, but they aren’t traditional “parents”. They’re both fairly lonesome Smurfs but that’s not the same as wanting to be loneLY. Call em besties, buddies, pal o’ mines, whatever, as long as they get to share a stew and a warm woollen blanket. Might say ‘I love ya’ but this is the same thing I’d say to a good friend so that’s more a familial love.
It’s also currently the only QPR (at least specifically described) and other aro-ace Smurfs like SmurfJockey and SmurfCobra specifically don’t want anything like this so it’s more of an exception than a norm but it works very well! Sometimes you just gotta cuddle ur buddy. Wooly could theoretically have a romantic relationship alongside if he wanted but he doesn’t anyway and is grateful to have his aroace pal because unfortunately for Wooly a lot of Smurfs have crushed on him and he can’t say he thinks the same about them DFJSK
Spinner (sorta but mostly mine tbh) Vanity and Wooly (c) The Smurfs
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devilsskettle · 2 months
okay i do think i need to start getting serious about getting tested for adhd soon <- been an active conversation since i was 8 years old + my mom only got diagnosed with adhd after i told her i thought i might have adhd in high school so she started looking into it more in an adult context but she was talking to my teachers and doctors about it since elementary school and nobody ever fucking helped me and based on her experience with the diagnosis process i don’t fucking trust any of these fucking doctors it seems like they actively want you to struggle as much as possible to even humor the tiny tiny tiny possibility that your suspicions of adhd symptoms could maybe have some basis and i honestly can’t think about having a doctors appointment without imagining chewing out some poor random doctor for everything about this process that i’m mad about that i will definitely project onto them which may or may not be fair but will not be helpful for me to do lol but it took me almost 10 years to finally go to a doctor and be like hey i think i am severely depressed and have been for a long time and i literally never went back to my pcp because of how dismissive she was of my experience when i asked her about adjusting my medication and that’s one of the “easy” mental illnesses to have hahaha and now i’m scared they’re going to use my depression as leverage that since poor concentration is a depressive symptom that might rule out adhd and like there is some possible overlap with symptoms but for a while i’ve been like well i think there is more at play here actually, i feel like i’m having some other problems that aren’t really depressive symptoms and i’ve even had suspicions that i could be bipolar because i have some stretches of time when i have more energy and can be a lot more. well. hyperactive. hmmmm. and i’m always like could this be mania? i don’t think it’s severe enough to be mania tbh but could it be hypomania? or is this normal? tbh it doesn’t seem normal either but have i been depressed so long that i don’t know what normal is? but if that IS part of my baseline and i am hyperactive sometimes because i have a disorder with “hyperactivity” in the name then that would actually make a lot more sense not to mention problems with executive function, bad grades, obsessive focus on whatever thing i’m into at any given moment, time management problems, racing thoughts, chronic boredom and understimulation. and look i know it’s trendy rn and i know that they could easily see me as a drug seeker especially because if i were to be diagnosed i would want to be medicated (i wish i was still medicated for my depression tbh but again i dropped my pcp 2 years ago and never looked back so i ran out of antidepressants ages ago. rip) but i think its unfair to use that against people who just want to be able to be on the same level of adult functioning as everybody else because i cannot keep up with basic household tasks and work full time and be in school part time (i’m not even in classes rn because it’s the summer and there’s no way i could be in this program if it weren’t offered online and even then i absolutely did fail a class last semester and i’m still waiting to see what the consequences of that are gonna be. hehehe.) but like the state of my room is appalling, mainly exacerbated by my laundry situation in that i never fully put it away AND i think there’s something wrong with our dryer, i always just get random “groceries” like quick meals and snacks from fucking cvs because it’s too expensive to get real groceries delivered especially since when am i going to actually cook???? our kitchen isn’t huge anyway but i definitely don’t have the kind of energy i need to cook AND do the dishes which i am so bad at doing that i have stopped using dishes, i will use a paper towel or i will buy stuff that is already in a container so i don’t have to dirty any more dishes. which is why i have no dishes in our sink rn or for the past couple of months JUST FOR THE RECORD but its not because i’m a paragon of cleanliness and maturity lol
obligatory paragraph change because of the character limit!! i have had to be given multiple “verbal warnings” at work for frequent enough tardiness that it was noticeable and on one hand it’s like lol a verbal warning. okay i am shaking in my boots but it’s also just another mark against me in the opinions of the people making decisions about who might get promoted or not and i don’t have a great “escape plan” from this current job especially since i don’t know where my future will lie academically with my current grades and that was like. my whole plan to have a better career trajectory lmao so another option could be 1) apply to be a supervisor in my current department if a position ever opens up? <- won’t happen because they think i’m “timid and shy” and consistently late and don’t like me or think of me in any position of authority even though i know everything there is to know about my current department other than like. ordering stuff for the store and how to close the cash drawer at the end of the day which supervisors and managers do. 2) apply for a job in a different department <- also won’t happen because a lot of positions require a drivers license for no apparent reason and they’re super weird sometimes about hiring internally and as we established they don’t like me or see me in any other role despite consistently, i believe, demonstrating my competence. we have performance reviews coming up this month and i am basically ready to jump off a bridge anticipating bad feedback for stupid reasons. but my manager said good things last time so maybe i can start saving some evidence of good feedback to whip out if i ever do apply for anything internally. even making the switch from part time to full time in the same role same department same everything was like a truly painful and humiliating experience i am not prepared to do all that again hahaha. anyway. ummmm all that is to say that i do think there are some behavioral problems i have that could be symptoms of adhd that are negatively impacting my life in a significant way. but w/e idk what doctor will ever listen to me because i’m so “timid and shy” <- said this twice in quotes because that’s a real thing the guy from hr said to me when i first applied to switch to full time and i did give him pushback on that in the interview but like that’s how people see me because i have a naturally soft speaking voice and i don’t say everything that i think all the time and don’t need to be the center of attention constantly or beg for other people’s approval and i mind my own business!! i’m in guest services i’m literally not too timid to talk to people lmao and the coworkers i like i can be very chatty with. he said this after meeting me twice for 5 minutes in a role i wasn’t usually scheduled in at the time and all of my performance feedback was based off of that. sigh. one of my coworkers who is this sweet older lady calls him “the rat” and literally hates everyone in hr so much hahaha it’s honestly so validating to me. anyway they don’t diagnose quiet girls with adhd but luckily i’m not successful like my mom was so i have a lot more “evidence” that this could be a real problem than she did and she was still definitively and emphatically diagnosed with adhd by a specialist who did NOT want to diagnose her with adhd and told her as much. so maybe they’ll see it as something real that they should really consider and give me a real solution for but i don’t trust that they will at all tbqh the process that my mom went through seems like my personal hell of paperwork and doctors appointments and talking about your feelings and your failures and having a series of people dismiss you and actively work against you to get anything productive done. AAAAAA but i do feel like i need to do it if i want to stop wasting my life and try to get on the right track again and if they really really really tell me i’m wrong and that i don’t have adhd then i will listen as long as they give me some next steps to help me figure out what the actual problem is then. tbh though like i said
another obligatory paragraph break!! i’ve considered other possibilities and part of the diagnosis process is ruling out any other possible underlying causes but before typing the word “hyperactive” about how i sometimes get a burst of energy for a couple days like that, i did not even make a connection between when i wondered if i could be manic/hypomanic vs whether that could be adhd hyperactivity unhampered by depressive gloom. like i kind of want to pull my hair out in frustration feeling kind of dumb that i considered mania before i considered the hyperactivity disorder hahahaha but anyway. i will send some emails tomorrow morning, my mom (unprompted by me) sent me an email with a bunch of resources to get tested lmao and since she has already gone through it i feel like i can at least see what happens and my process will probably be a lot easier than hers for a LOT of reasons (childhood history + testimony from people who have known me from my childhood to now, family history obviously, demonstrable evidence of adverse effects on my life and general adult functioning) so i should at least try before i really fucking lose my mind or fuck up my life any more than i already have lol
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greatyme · 10 months
hi bestie 😇✨ i'm anticipating some of ur answers and seeing if i get them right btw: 1, 13, 14, 17, 24 🫶
HEY BESTIE thx for giving me a reason to talk abt some of my favs hehe <3
1. favorite main couple
Right now… HIRA AND KIYOI…….. this specific dynamic isn’t that common imo but it will always get to me. I feel like no one gets them the way I do (except us lowkey..) and I have been Forever Changed after watching utsukushii kare. They as characters are a metaphor for devotion and love in its purest form👍
13. BL you think is overrated
Ok now that only friends is over and even the fans are mad abt it I can probably say that one lol. As soon as I realized the show wasn’t silly (and it didn’t need to be… idk) I was like nvm this isn’t for me. Ppl were writing so much analysis which like go you I respect it but I am not reading all that for a show idc enough about lmao
14. BL you think is underrated
SECRET CRUSH ON YOU IS MY GO TO ANSWER FOR THIS LIKEEEEE y’all this is CAMP!!!! IT IS SO OVER THE TOP IN EVERYTHING IT DOES!!!!!! It’s the silliest bl I can think of but also does its serious moments really well. Once you learn to embrace the cringe (see: camp) it’s honestly REALLY good… so why do I feel like ppl skipped over this one! Also recently: I FEEL YOU LINGER IN THE AIR. Mint ik u just watched it so U GET IT but the fact that 10 million people aren’t talking abt it confuses me. At least it’s popular in Thailand. While we’re at it I’ll throw in kimi no koto dake mite itai bc it’s short and sweet & has one of my fav confession scenes ever <3
17. Best kiss
This is so tough bc I’m allowed to say ANY bl… tbh whenever I answer these ask games I’m incapable of giving just one answer so yes I’m abt to give multiple answers again. First, obvo the obligatory bad buddy rooftop kiss which I watched over 200 times. I mean come on now. It’s iconic for a reason. But ASIDE from the OBVIOUS answer… mayhaps the seanwhite rooftop kiss, DEFINITELY the HIStory2: crossing the line locker room kiss (the BEST locker room scene in a bl do not play), the cake kiss in HIStory3: trapped, the yaijom rain kiss, and bc they’re my favs… the utsukushii kare season 2 finale kiss which was perfect. I am not immune to recency bias or my favs blinding me (I’m right tho).
24. dream actor pairing
Not to be basic but I feel like I already have my dream actor pairing w offgun <3 I’ll say even tho this is a bl ask game in another timeline we got filmlove after 2gether… milklove (& soon namtanfilm) are great tho!
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spiderbirdo · 2 years
Hey I wanted to ask you a question since you like hades and I like hades too. I read hades fanfic and I’ve noticed that if it’s about Hypnos they make nyx the villain or be a bad mom? I’ve never played the game but I’ve seen all of the dialogue and I didn’t really think nyx was bad mom but mostly a mom who wants her child to succeed but the child isn’t well suited for the job they are doing and would need some aid and that she is doing it in a let the child grow on their own type of way. Kinda like she expects her kids to be more independent in a way. Maybe she has a bit of favoritism? I just wanted another perspective on this because I can’t really seem to find an answer. I hope Im not like overstepping bounds asking you for this.
I guess it's because she seems to be neglecting hypnos as in she doesn't talk to him at all and doesn't seem to intend to any time soon. I don't really see her as a bad mother, she might be a little misguided on how to handle hypnos since he's so different from the rest of her children.
The thing about making fan content is that you take one tiny aspect of something in canon and blow it up. So someone saying they like bread will become their entire personality in fic. Or a negative aspect of a character will be emphasized and exaggerated for the drama or plot.
Any case this is just to say nyx is a little harsh in never talking to hypnos despite being one corridor away from him, mixed with Than's early distaste for hypnos' work ethic, you can kind of draw a line between the two dots and say nyx is harsh and neglectful of hypnos because he's not like her other incredibly accomplished children and this attitude rubbed off on Than who is the more 'accomplished' twin.
I suppose which ppl takes to the extreme in hypnos focused fics because angst and drama. Or ppl project onto and relate to him and dump their trauma onto their relationship with their neglectful parents onto him and nyx. Totally understandable tbh.
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ectonurites · 2 years
Do you think DC has any plans to make Kon queer (since they’ve been baiting TimKon since Tim has come out and Kon’s creator said he thinks he’s bi) or do you think canon queer Kon and TimKon are dead?
I don’t 100% think any of those things, tbh
I think right now the current solidified upcoming plans for Kon are far more Superfam-related (like, the upcoming new designs for the whole fam and stuff in Action Comics, and his solo book from Round Robin being him off on his own adventure in part at least bc of complicated feelings about how he fits into the Superfam nowadays based on the initial preview we got a while back) rather than… related to Tim or anything like that. Sexuality could maybe be a topic of discussion in the solo but my… vibe read, I guess (which isn’t based off much solid factual stuff but rather observation and intuition etc) is that there’s more character work to be done with just re-establishing him in the present day DCU and nailing down his status quo before shaking it up with something like exploring ‘hey what if he’s queer’.
any ‘baiting’ of TimKon in recent times (since Tim’s come out) has happened under Fitzmartin’s pen—and maybe that’s an angle she would like to explore with Kon and possibly has ideas/plans for down the road—but as of right now she’s not writing him in anything soon (since, again, the things he’s slated to appear in are Action Comics and his Round Robin book). I think it’s always like, relevant to remember that with something like DC where characters pass between different writers with different ideas and stuff, what may seem like something being hinted at with one writer could totally just… not be picked up on and continued by the next- especially when there’s different editorial teams the character is going between too. Things aren’t always as deliberate as we may want them to be.
But anyways, I don’t think it’s impossible for any of it to happen, i don’t think queer Kon or the possibility of TimKon are ‘dead’ or anything like that. but I also don’t really think of anything like that as being… solidly planned at this moment.
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Hiii I hope this isn’t weird but I’m traveling to Australia soon and I would like to know
what to do{I got recommended The Blue Mountain(The3sisters)}
Is there things(places) I should avoid?
Is there any customs Americans have that should avoid doing while in Australia?
Thank you so much I appreciate your time and response ♥️
Hey! Depends on where you're going. By the sound of it, if you've been recommended the Blue Mountains you're going to NSW. I don't know anything about NSW unfortunately, but I can tell you some stuff about Victoria!
I'll try and write some general stuff up, but if you send me another ask about what sort of stuff you'd be interested in doing/seeing, and how you're travelling (if you're planning to hire a car, or if you're going to rely on Ubers and public transport), I'd be more than happy to point you to some specific things :)
This'll be long, so I'll put it under the read more.
It depends what you're after, really. If you want to immerse yourself in nature, then we have some really fantastic natural areas such as the Otways, the Great Ocean Road, the Dandenong Ranges (not to be confused with the suburb Dandenong), the Yarra Ranges, the Macedon Ranges, and Victorian High Country etc. These are really fantastic places to walk around in the beautiful land. All these offer different hikes/bushwalks/walking trails that you can enjoy either by yourself or a mate. All these areas are very safe.
AVOID: TBH Victoria and Australia as a whole are very safe places, the only places I would recommend avoiding are outer suburbs of Melbourne. If you're going to the countryside you're largely going to be safe, I wouldn't recommend Ararat at night (they do have a really fantastic Chinese Museum there though), or some parts of Shepparton.
If you're interested in hanging out by the beach, there's heaps here. I wouldn't recommend Brighton beach, just because if it's a pain in the arse to get parking there depending when you'll be here, nor would I recommend Rye because it gets mad crowded. I'd also suggest going to Phillip Island, which has some cool stuff to do such as A Maze N' Things, which I think is geared more towards young children/families but I can't really recall. Phillip Island is most famous for its penguin parades, where you get to watch all the tiny little fairy penguins arrive home from their long days of fishing and swimming about. If you're really keen on animals, I also recommend Healesville Sanctuary (near the Yarra Ranges, it's about an hour and a bit from Melbourne), Werribee Open Range Zoo, and Melbourne Zoo (if you go to Melb Zoo, leave the car at home and take the tram! There's a stop right out the front :) ).
If you're keen on relaxing there's Daylesford, which is known as Victorian Spa Country because of... I'm sure you've guessed, the spas! It's also nice and close to some beautifully country towns such as Kyneton and Romsey which are part of the Macedon Ranges I believe. I used to holiday every year in Kyneton and Castlemaine, and they're really beautiful places. Castlemaine has a really great farmer's market every first Sunday of the month.
Near there, about an hour away, there's Sovereign Hill, which I highly recommend as it's SO much fun! It's a historical town, where everything is built like it would have been in the 1850s during the goldrush. You can do fun activities there like ride in a horse-drawn carriage, make your own traditional wax candles, and pan for gold in the river. If you go, I recommend you buy at least two jars of raspberry drops from the gift shop there: they are the best that you will find in the entire world.
Sovereign Hill is also close to Ballarat, which is a massive country town with beautiful architecture and some pretty nifty restaurants if you know where to look. I recommend The Forge, really delicious pizza, all wood-fired so the bases have that beautiful smoky taste. It also has a really nice ambience, and is IIRC next to a cute alleyway that has 100s of umbrellas hanging over like a little ceiling which is a great place to take photos :)
I'd also recommend Echuca, which is a far drive away but is worth it. Another old-style town with old-style shops. They have a really fun old-timey PENNY arcade (for reference, we stopped using pounds and pennies and switched to dollars in 1966) with arcade machines from 1900 to 1950. They also show old silent black and white films there. Just be careful with the bloke who runs the store because he'll try and trick you into electrocuting yourself on the electrocution arcade game 💀 it doesn't hurt dw but it does feel really weird.
Now for Melbourne. If you're looking for nightlife recommendations, I couldn't really tell you--however I can ask around and let you know. I would recommend checking out Melbourne Museum, of course, which is FANTASTIC. Beautiful displays of insects, they're absolutely mesmerising. We currently also have a display on Horridus, the triceratops fossil. It's a beautiful exhibit and you might cry a bit (I def did). There's also the State Gallery of Victoria, which is great fun as well. Do Not Go To The Restaurant There. It's nice! But it's overpriced. From there, you can hop on the tram back towards Federation Square, where you can find ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image--very interactive) and the Koorie Heritage Trust (which is a great place to go if you're interested in learning a bit more about the traditional owners of Australia and their art). If going to Fed Square, I recommend checking out Mabu Mabu which is an indigenous owned restaurant that uses native ingredients and flavours to make mega delish food. It can be a bit pricey tho, but definitely worth it!
Otherwise in Melb I would recommend the Queen Victoria Market (massive market with heaps of stuff for pretty cheap, can get really great food from here too!), Fitzroy Mills Market which is... it's a very trendy spot where you can get heaps of cool clothes and accessories. TBH it's not my cup of tea but there's also a bloke there that sells pretty nice toasties so it's fun to go to for that. I also recommend the Rose Street Market, beautiful handmade market with heaps of cool stuff. Can be pricey though, but even if you don't buy much from there, there's a lot of nice cafés and bakeries around that rule. It's also very close to the Fitzroy Market, so you can walk between them, as they run on the same days.
TBH for Melbourne, if you're interested pls send me an ask with stuff you're interested in, and I'll be able to narrow down some recommendations there. There's just a LOT of stuff to do in Melbourne as it is the State Capital.
Now for customs as an American that you should avoid while in Australia: this is a bit hard for me to answer as I've only been to the USA once so can't really remember that many differences so if any of these seem offensive to you, sorry. I would say you don't need to tip, but if you do it's appreciated. If you're on public transport, don't speak loudly on public transport, if you're driving, use your indicator/blinker. Our service culture is a lot different here, I would follow the etiquette of: the server/cashier/storeperson/whatever is doing me a favour, not the other way around, and this goes without saying but use please and thank-you with everyone for everything. Stick to the left!!! This goes for driving but for walking too, if you're walking around the city, stay on the left side of the footpath!!
God, that got long. Sorry!! Let me know if you have any other questions, esp regarding travelling around Victoria as I've done a HEAP of it with my family and can give you more specific recommendations if you would like :)
Most of all, when you're here, have fun! Strike up conversation with friendly looking locals and you will have a total blast.
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esxvspy · 1 year
Will the spy
(A/N- I didn’t proofread this so it might be absolute ass, be warned. Also mature language is used and this is inspired by @foodiewithdahoodie idea lol, and tbh this is my first fanfic like- ever. So be nice)
Will POV:
It’s been really tough recently, ever since we lost in our battle against vecna- well, not lost, hawkins is mostly intact and mostly everyone survived, but I guess lost nonetheless. It’s been 2 months and max is still in her coma, the doctors have no idea when she’ll wake up. It’s really taken a toll on Lucas and el, they both feel at fault. It isn’t though, no matter how much they want to believe it is.
It’s vecna’s.
It’s always been his fault.
Now that I’m back in Hawkins I can feel him again. But this time it’s worse. Almost like I can hear his thoughts. It’s awful.
On the bright side, me and mike are finally on good terms again. It’s almost like we never stopped being friends. He’s been super clingy, but I have a feeling it’s just due to nerves. We’re all super on edge now.
El invited mike over today, probably on a date. They haven’t exactly been on good terms recently so this is probably good for them. I really hope they can connect again, no matter how much it pains me to see them together. After all it doesn’t matter if my feelings are jeopardized as long as they’re happy. Especially el, she’s been hyper focused on max at the hospital, she’s barely left her side. She should have time to relax with the guy she’s in love with. I mean what did I expect really, that mike was gonna somehow miraculously return my feelings? No, maybe in my dreams, but this is reality.
*knock knock*
Oh that’s probably him, I don’t think el’s back yet.. hopefully not. I wanna at least have some time with him, I haven’t seen Mike in almost a week.
3rd person POV:
Will swung open the door, maybe a little too eager, but mike doesn’t particularly seem to care as his face lights up with a wide toothy grin. “Hey will! Uh I thought you were helping Dustin today.” Oh. Right. Yeah will might have forgotten about that. Perhaps he’s got too wrapped up in his thoughts. He really meant to go though, it might be too late now so, whatever. Might as well stay here. “Oh, yeah, I kinda sorta forgot to go.. so I’m just gonna stay here and plead forgiveness tomorrow.” Will said, laughing nervously.
“Ha, so.. where is everyone?” Mike said, stepping into the Byers new house, which led directly to the living room. Since nearly everyone cleared out of Hawkins, it wasn’t hard for them to find a new house, and for pretty cheap too! Will stepped back, flipping onto their couch. “Mom and hopper left yesterday to go get Murray, they should be back soon, and el went to the hospital this morning. So she’ll be coming home like, now ish.”
And speak of the devil, there comes el, strolling into the house. Her hair had slightly grown out, and she’s wearing some of max’s clothes that she stole, because as el said, ‘what is she going to do? Take them back? She’s asleep.’ And since will couldn’t argue with that logic, He let her do her thing.
“Hi Mike. Can we talk?” She said softly. Mike just nodded. And they walked into el’s room together, Mike traili b behind her like a sad puppy.
Wills POV:
I decided to go out to the woods behind the house, just to give them some privacy. The walls in our new house are paper thin, so I don’t need to torture myself like that.
I just strolled down the path, I didn’t have any particular direction or place I was heading, but I just kept on moving no matter what. The trees looked beautiful, for it being the apocalypse and all, and to think it’s still nice and hot like summer. I want to paint this scenery, with the green trees, and the blue flowers, the river flowing in the distance, and mike and el-
Wait mike and el?
Instinctively, I found a wide tree to hide behind. I usually don’t spy on people, as it’s not my place to hear their personal business, but I didn’t want to alert them, so what other choice did I have?
Mikes POV:
“So why did you bring me out here again?” I said questioning, I mean first she took me to her room, where we just stayed silent for like- forever. And then she just says, ‘let’s go outside, it’ll be more private.’ Which I get but that’s a lot of moving that I wasn’t prepared to do today.
“It’s secluded, will is in his room, and the walls are thin. I don’t want him hearing what I need to say.”
That makes sense. I bet they must be thankful that Jonathan shares a room with Nancy at my house huh. Unlucky for me, but they’re probably living it up.
“Listen, mike.” She takes my hands into hers, tentatively and gently. Looking up at me. God I hope this isn’t what I think it is.“We need to break up.” Oh thank the lord. I was really hoping that she wasn’t like-proposing or something. “Oh, uhm, ok.. why? Like, I thought I fixed us?” No I didn’t, I was completely bullshitting. I know this, she knows this, it’s known.
“No mike, you didn’t. You lied.” She paused. “Look mike, I love you. More than anything. But I don’t think you love me, not the way I want you too at least..” She pulls her hands away and takes a step back. “You lied when you said you loved me at first sight. Because you didn’t, you wanted to send me away.” Tears began to form in her eyes. “You lied when you said that your life started the day you found me, you lied when you said you weren’t scared of me, and you lied when you said you loved me.”
I felt really guilty, because what she’s saying is completely true. I mean I couldn’t even say it on my own volition, I had to be pushed by will.
Jeez, just the thought of him makes my mind go blank, I’ve known for a whole that I’m in love with him, it’s taken me a minute to accept that, but I finally have. And I’ve kind of been waiting for this moment to come, which, now that I’m thinking that out, sounds really rude. Damn.
I couldn’t speak, I didn’t even know what to say.
“El I-… I’m sorry.” Was all I could muster.
“I know mike. I know.”
Suddenly tears started spewing out of my eyes, and el carefully wrapped her arms around me. I held her right as i cried. I felt sorry, genuinely sorry. I have no idea the pain that i must have caused her. Especially after she requested for the painting to be made and everything. But she doesn’t need me. She never did. She was always strong and independent. And I couldn’t give her the support she needed. If anything I was holding back her full potential.
But suddenly a realization came to mind.
I haven’t cried in front of someone in 2 years.
“*sniff* thanks el. For uhm, everything really.” I smiled, still slightly teary eyed.
“You are welcome Mike.” She smiled, a little teary eyed herself.
“Oh, thanks for the painting by the way, even if the point is kind of meaningless now that we’re over, I still feel like I should thank you.”
El paused, and I heard a sharp squeak from nearby.
Wills POV:
Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
Holy shit I’m dead
He’s gonna find out now
3rd person POV:
Mike quickly brushed off whatever he had heard, he just claimed it was a deer and moved on.
“Mike.. what painting?”
Mike froze. “…what do you mean ‘what painting’ ?? Remember? The painting you requested that will make? For me? Talking about how you will always need me?”
El thought for a moment, a puzzled look on her face. “I didn’t request any painting from will.” I told you in my letter to you, that he wouldn’t even show me what he’s working on.” She looked around for a minute before leaning in. “I would ask will about it. If he told you it was from me, there may be some reason behind him saying that.” She winked and smiled before walking away from mike, and leaving towards the house.
And that when mike remembered.
“Will has been painting a lot, but he won’t show me what he’s working on. Maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes.”
Oh shit.
Mike is so stupid.
And he needs to talk to will right now.
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redheadbigshoes · 2 months
hey no pressure but do you have any advice for like…figuring out when you like someone platonically or possibly like romantically if that makes sense?
I have a few friends that like certain ppl when I talk abt them say they think I have romantic things for them and I don’t think so but like I can’t really tell the difference. I mean. one of them it’s a no but I’m not hard against the idea of dating her, like, in the future maybe (which is good because she’s the only one of these friends that does not identify as some type of sapphic). the other I have very strong feelings for but I think they’re platonic/famial but we did have a very homoerotic friendship a few years ago and like. idk. sometimes when I daydream we went up flirting with eachother and if we were in a time loop I’d probably kiss her but I wouldn’t explore that in this world where I have to live with the consequences of that (I think that’d be a very easy way to loose her) and the final one. I think it’s platonic but like I’m also not against the idea of dating her. If she asked me out I don’t know what I would say? I’d be scared if loosing her but I mean if she asked me out we’ve already crossed over into affecting the friendship territory. She is objectively very attractive too. If future ne showed up and said we were married I don’t find that unfathomable. Like. Makes enough sense. I also apparently talk about her quite a bit. I do get kinda nervous before we hand out but I think that’s just like…I think she’s really cool and I want her to liek me, yk? I do have social anxiety. Although for a point against, I know she wants kids one day and I 100% do not.
anyway, I don’t really know how I feel abt all them? I think probably not. Buut. I do want to get a girlfriend one day (I mean soon but do I see that happening soon? no ngl) and I fear I’m gonna end up in very similar situations as I make new friends because I don’t really see myself not dating my friends I don’t know how you do that really how do you date someone without being friends with them first yk?
I feel like it depends on what you mean by romantic attraction.
A lot of people use romantic attraction to mean when they have a crush. But tbh I think to be romantically attracted to someone it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a crush on them, in your case I do believe it could be considered romantic attraction because from what you said you can imagine yourself dating her and kissing her.
And ofc platonic and romantic feelings can coexist.
I’d say to understand the difference between romantic attraction to having a crush: if you’re only romantically attracted to the person you wouldn’t mind if they dated someone else or anything like that. But if you do have a crush on them you’d probably care if they dated someone else that isn’t you.
Tbh I’ve never dated someone I was friends first. Everyone I dated I met with the intention of dating them. But I get dating friends, it’s someone you’re already familiar with and have a stronger connection.
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writerfae · 2 years
Hiii! I hope your November was good! I have a new WIP ideas but I know absolutely nothing about it, despite desperately wanting to write it. I actually haven’t written anything for any of my WIPs since September or maybe even August. Which is maddening. Anyways, this new WIP is a very strange mix of things. It’s a high fantasy story with an all-queer cast (who I have no idea who they are yet) that has the vibes of Six of Crows mixed with a DnD campaign. Just a lot of chaos with some lovable disaster characters. I would tell you about the plot but I have no idea what that is yet either. Yeah, basically I know nothing about this WIP. But I love it anyways, lmao.
What about you? How was your November? Did you get any writing done? Do you have any new ideas? What are they? If you did write, what’s your favorite thing you wrote?
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
Hello @memento-morri-writes! ^^ it’s nice to hear from you! I hope you had a good November as well!
I totally get how you feel haha. Sometimes a new idea isn’t really a story but just some fun vibes, but it’s always fun to play around with what you got.
This wip idea sounds very exciting, not gonna lie! Even if there’s not much you know about it yet, the things you do know got me hooked!
Six of crows and DnD sounds like a wonderful chaotic mixture. If you ever figure out the plot and write this wip I’d love to read it! Or just hear more about it. I’m sure with a bit of time you’ll figure things out and make an amazing story out of it!
My November wasn’t all too bad, but quite stressful tbh, lots of exams and presentations for trade school and lots to do at work, so I’m glad that’s over now. The more excited I am about December finally being here though, since it’s one of my favorite months of the year!
I’m in a similar situation as you, I haven’t written anything in a while (I’d love to but I lack the energy cause I’m always tired from work xD). Most of my free time was spent watching documentaries and Barbie movies (strange mixture, I know haha).
Recently I started working through my story’s plot points though, to sort things out and hopefully continue working on my first draft soon.
Oh, and I also had a new plot idea for The Knights of the Alder! At one point my protagonist Aiden gets captured by the villain group and my brain was like “hey, wouldn’t it be interesting if he was offered to join the bad guys? If they try to manipulate him into sacrificing his brother to save his own life?”
And what can I say, my brain’s right, it would be interesting. So it’s canon now and I need to find out how to best integrate it in the story. And I’m really excited to work on the story again!
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
apparently my liver is super fucking fat ugh
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