#which means either more doodles or little nothing at all for days
Woe, Crack Baby Shitten au be upon thee.
(@bamsara 's little doodle of Nari being dubbed Cult Babysitter and holding a little lamb irrevocably changed my brain chemistry. So of course, I'm now making it everyone else's problem with the headcanon that Narinder is good with children of all ages.)
A couple of months before Lamb gets captured, they meet another lamb or a very small flock that have to split up very quickly after meeting since there's more chance of the lamb species surviving if they aren't all together. In the meeting, Lamb agrees to try continue the lamb species and gets pregnant via *magic* or afab.
Of course, all of the lambs are captured and killed with Lamb being the last, still a few months away from giving birth.
But then they are chosen and resurrected by The One Who Waits.
Fun fact: a fetus can survive for a few minutes after the death of the carrier. (Also this is a world with magic and gods in it. Logic means nothing to me.)
Lamb starts their cult, crusades across the lands and meets all sorts of allies and enemies. All while quietly mourning their entire species and the child that never would be.
Right up until they go into labour.
The baby is lamb through and through with soft wool, wide eyes, tiny cloven hooves and floppy ears.
But the influence of the crown is blazingly obvious since the baby's wool is jet black and they have three red eyes.
I can't tell which would be funnier. Lamb giving birth in The Lonely Shack or while they are physically in The Gateway just post-beating Leshy. Like they were in active labour right throughout fighting Leshy and had no idea. Either way, it's Shocked Pikachu .jpeg all around. (My fucking KINGDOM for a doodle of this.)
Various dot point shenanigans under the cut
There are two ways to go about this. But either way, Baby is not staying in the Cult. Too dangerous, especially if word gets to the Bishops about there being another lamb. So Lamb can and will speed-run this shit. So it takes them about 4-6 years to fully defeat the Bishops.
Baby stays with Ratau:
Lamb goes and yells at TOWW. They are panicking because they have no idea how to raise a probably-half-god baby.
Narinder has no idea what happened right up until Lamb comes in screaming about him being a Baby Daddy and child support.
Ratau is Grandpa now. This is his fate. He embraces the Grandpa life.
Baby learns how to play knucklebones before they can speak.
Shrumy tries to wager with Lamb/Ratau for the whole Baby. Once and only Once.
Baby's first word is dice. Or die.
Baby worships TOWW, but they are a Baby and don't really comprehend worship so the small shrine gets a lot of flowers, neat rocks and some drawings. Narinder always gives a lot of gold for them. And No, it's not favouritism. Shut up.
Baby knows curses. This is concerning for everyone except Baby.
Baby gets a little TOWW doll. It's their favourite, it goes everywhere with them and washing it is a nightmare for everyone involved.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower because of the doll.
↑ this action will have consequences.
When Baby is not so baby, they make stuff out of their wool for TOWW and for his disciples. Or asks their parent to help them make stuff.
Cue Lamb awkwardly giving the three some very wonky scarves or hats.
Baal loves it.
Aym refuses to take his off. Ever.
Narinder is actually upset cause his doesn't fit. He's too big. He had to wear it like a little ring.
Or Baby stays/is brought to the Gateway ala Aym and Baal situation:
If Lamb gives birth in the Gateway, everyone is getting a free midwifery education and free trauma. The cats want a refund.
Ya know when a baby instinctively clasps their little hand around a finger and it's like a crime to pull away? That but with Narinder's big ass claw that Baby can only barely cling to.
Aym cries the first time he holds Baby.
Baal straight-up refuses to give Baby back for a good hour.
Lamb visits at least once a day.
Lamb also brings baby things since a baby will do what a baby will do.
Depending on how old Aym and Baal were when they were gifted, Narinder is either learning all of this for the first time or is reminded of how challenging baby care can be.
Narinder purrs = a zonked Baby.
Baby's first word is Vessel.
Baby is taught to fight. Lamb doesn't like it but accepts it.
Baby has a little lamb doll. It is only due to the fact the afterlife doesn't have dirt that they avoid the nightmare of trying to wash it.
Baby is jokingly referred to as TOWW's most Devoted Follower since they refuse to be parted with him for long.
↑ this action will have consequences.
Lamb teaches Baby about being a lamb and if Aym and Baal join in, well who are they to deny their child's only friends/guardians this?
Narinder and Lamb figure out how to get Baby to teleport to the Living World and Baby gets to visit Grandpa Ratau.
Post-game shenanigans.
Narinder: Give me back my crown. Lamb: Ok. Sure. Narinder: I will now sacrifice my most devoted follower (the Lamb) for my freedom. Lamb: *Kill Bill sirens*
Lamb somehow doesn't kill Aym and Baal and instead kidnaps them via Indoctrination Circle out of spite/ reluctance to hurt them.
Narinder feels betrayed that the Lamb would refuse like this and kidnap his acolytes. He was going to resurrect them! He can't fully commit to raising a child while being the God of Death.
Lamb feels betrayed that Narinder would want to kill their child. After all they've been through together! After the way they saw him treat Baby with such gentleness and now he wants to kill them?!
This comes out in the very final moments right before Lamb goes to give the final blow.
Narinder: You are a vengeful false idol and a traitor! Lamb: At least I'm not a monster who wanted to kill my own child! Narinder: Wait. What.
This devolves into a massive argument with divorced-couple vibes.
Narinder is insulted and a bit hurt they thought he would kill his own child.
Lamb is hurt that Narinder would just demand their sacrifice without even talking to them about the whole situation.
Either way the lesson learned is Narinder needs to be more blunt and Lamb needs to not jump to conclusions.
So they are left with a newly usurped Narinder and a newly crowned Lamb. Oops.
Baby is with Ratau when all of this is going down.
Baby is happy their family is all together properly. Baby is Not Happy about this whole cult thing demanding attention from Their Baba.
The Cult is baffled by the sight of their leader with both a baby and a Spouse? Bitterly Divorced Ex? Estranged Co-parent?! What ever it is, most of them have elected not to touch the whole situation with a 10ft barge pole.
Baby learns what the word Father is and how that word refers to Narinder.
Baby calls Narinder Father/Papa/Daddy. Instant KO.
Narinder somehow gains a small hoard of children that like to follow him. Baby Does Not Approve.
Baby also Does Not Approve of this newly formed rift between their parents.
Cue Parent Trap level of Shenanigans.
Aym and Baal are recruited.
The Hoard of Children are recruited. Baby now Slightly Approves.
Narinder and Lamb have an Actual Conversation after the 18th time they get locked in the confessional together.
This of course evolves into Narilamb.
Bishops are saved from purgatory.
Despite all attempts otherwise, Baby is introduced to them.
Shocked Pikachu .jpeg x4
Maybe after a few more years, not-so-baby Baby wants a sibling.
This got so much longer than I thought but yes. Shitten Shenanigans: Accidental Child Acquisition flavoured.
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cerosin-bis · 8 months
Nikto hcs pls? if theres some you got for scraps.
Of course.. Of COURSE it is my pleasure!! I do not stop thinking about Nikto like ever. First main hc post here (it's old but still relevant) and then many more in my nikto tags. the one about his youth is also relevant to my view of the character. Here are more Nikto headcanons:
He fidgets when he thinks. Not when he's anxious or upset (in that case he just stands like this 🧍‍♂️ he's perfectly still and it's terrifying. it means he's holding back.)
Very self-aware about the way he processes things, which allows him to plan out & avoid certain situations when needed.
Actually has a lot of self control in general, but if he indulges in one (1) thing - usually the thing is an unhealthy coping mechanism - then the dam breaks immediately. It's basically all or nothing.
Extremely funny when he wants, mostly because he can deliver anything with a perfect deadpan and has a *lot* of wit. It's not that hard to make him smile either, if one has the right type of humour - and in his squad, everyone does.
Doodles of him! i will post the full doodles of my friends' niktos one day. ok. My take on Nikto is that he got nerfed by life because bro literally had too much for him he was too huge too handsome.
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a lil more under the cut about my face hc for him.
Features of my version of Nikto weren't actually really defined from the start save from the sad mohawk tbh. After drawing him semi-consistently for 3.5 years I can now list them and it's.
chemical burns, mostly limited to the middle and left side of his face + left shoulder - with a defined pattern on his face (that probably no one noticed because my lines are that messy 👍)
burnt/cut top part of his left ear
almost no eyebrows remaining. a few hairs on the right side.
very little facial hair
fairly big nose with the left nostril damaged like his upper lip is (prolongating his cleft lip sort of)
square jaw, with a slight underbite
stitch marks on some smaller, different scars mostly around the chin
a few cigarette burns under his chin/neck
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hwajin · 1 year
#! — 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
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boyfriend stuff during spring!! since it's finallyyyy getting warmer where i live hehe
genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of food, veryyy soft in general tho <3
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the australian in him longs for warm weather so when it finally starts getting sunnier and the remainings of snow melt away he's outside with you as much as he can! doing nothing in particular as well - he simply loves being out, even if that only means booking an outdoor seat at some café he's invited you to. loveslovesloves taking you on rides as well! he'd pick you up right before sunset, loving how set sun would set later and later with each day, enjoying ever added minute of daytime he can possibly get with you, and would drive around remote field paths or forest clearings to find a spot perfect for sunset watching. would have snacks and drinks prepared, a couple blankets and pillows to throw into the trunk to get comfortable in it.
bro takes you camping even if you hate it 😭. it'll either be a bet or another form of luring you into it, and you're so reluctant to go he has to console you all the way there. like argues that camping during spring especially is PERFECT because it's not too hot or cold, you have some alone time away from everyone, you'll be closer to nature, can enjoy a nice campfire by night and he's so enthusiastic about it all that you can't help but be infected slightly by it (though you obv wouldn't give into his words, arguing back and forth that you can all those things on a different type of vacation.) you'll end up enjoying it though, especially since it's him you're with — you won't have to do much cooking or prepping or bedmaking, even — he knows you're with him not out of full free will so he'll silently (without rlly admitting) takes over everything to make your stay a bit more pleasant. and admittedly, watching the sunset and the following sky if stars with him has a certain satisfaction to it.
he's a romantic so the moment the weather hits anything above 15 degrees celcius he dragssss you outside for good old typical couple stuff. will plan picknicks even though the grass is still damp with condensation and will invite you for ice cream even though you're not yet craving it due to lack of actual warmth but he's just so excited the weather is getting warmer and you can finally do stuff aside from watching movies at home :((. will sulk for days on end when the weather suddenly gets super rainy or super cold again, which you'd have to take into your own hands to cheer him up again - cooking for him or inviting him out for dinner, or simply dragging him outside while it's pouring rain because he can't stop pouting over not being able to go outside - which is all but wrong, and as silly as it'd be you'd end up laughing about getting soaked and cheesily kissing in the rain.
another romantic candidate though he's less motivated himself if the weather is colder than expected. he loves, however, whenever the sun comes out, even for a little bit - will want to be outside, even if only sitting on a park bench, letting your faces sun bathe while thick coats still kept your bodies from shivering to death. he'd love walks so much too!! would love to explore all sorts of new places by walking around unknown city parts and areas, ocassionally sitting down in restaurants or cafés if they're accustomed to both your liking. you'd talk about everything and nothing, or would sometimes not talk at all - simply sit in silence while he'd unpack his notebook and pencil, doodling you and everything around him to memorize the day.
is a homebody even when warmer weather comes around so you'd have to be one dragging the man outside 😫. even convincing him for a walk is a task not easily handled, though he wouldn't be able to say to you on the long run if you'd nag at him for the remaining day until he'd actually agree to walk a round or two with you around the neighbourhood (you'd love to walk a bit more, though you'd decide to not let him suffer for much longer.) you'd spend a bunch of evenings outside simply watching the sunset together because you both love how late they are getting and how much longer you can stay up and still see that darkness hasn't yet occupied the night.
starts buying SO many fruits you have to use half of them to bake something for them to not grow moldy omg. like he loves how seasonal fruits are finally cheaper and way more delicious, tasting all the more natural and fitting to spring. starts baking strawberry cakes like every other weekend because he loves bringing it to picknicks you'd plan whenever the weather is warm enough and loves that you love it just as much as the other stuff he bakes :(. would DRAG you to some lake or a public swimming pool the moment it gets a tad warmer because he loves to be in the water when the sun hits the earth in hotter temperatures (it's be way too cold still, but somehow none of you would mind much if it was the two of you together.)
he's a determined and hard working boy but i feel like he'd LOVEEE to lazy around in bed in the morning with you, listening to those morning birds that only ever start singing when spring comes around. in general gets so much lazier with you, like he loves basking in the sun when it's out and shining warmly, not thinking of possible assignments or duties — loves just enjoying the starts of spring and early summer with you. is so excited whenever you go to a lake or someplace similar, runs around teasing you, splashing water even though it's freezing still and you end up soaked and falling sick probably but you'd do it all again </3.
mall dates all day every day!! he looooves shopping for new clothes that he can wear in warmer weather, especially with you!! loves getting fashion advice from you and giving out some himself, enjoying the teasing you'd confine into. you'd play a game of picking out outfits for the other, purposefully chosing outrageous ones and laughing about it when the other stepped out of the changing room, taking pictures to remember how silly each of you looked. would end up buying a couple matching sets (those that look cool together and not all cringy) and would wear both fits to the next date, be it going out for ice cream or seeing a movie and enjoying how after stepping out of the theater the sun would still not be fully set.
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@leihey @happycandynoelle @hyvndee @cotccotc @etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @rseanne @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @etheralsung @nyrasneedy @seochhj @spidercomics @chans-starlight @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @sstarryreads @svintsandghosts @bokjaz @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus
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askblueberry · 30 days
Princess celestia and princess twilight sparkle size comparison:
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This ask actually inspired me to make a height chart of all the occurring characters in the Blueberry storyline thus far (minus Celestia).
I also will be leaving information about each character down below for anyone to check out!
Princess Celestia - I do not plan to have Celestia appear in the blog for several reasons. Firstly, the Blueberry story is set 70+ years in the future after FIM. Therefore both Celestia and Luna are retired and not really in the picture anymore. Secondly, I really only included her in the post because it was in the ask and thirdly, I figured it would be good to put her in there for a true size comparison of all the characters.
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Princess Twilight has grown into her role as the Princess of Friendship. She lives in Canterlot but she still frequently visits Ponyville to see the monument of her and her friends. A couple years after Twilight moved to Canterlot, the Tree of Harmony (along with the Elements of Harmony) disappeared. Her quest since has been to find out what happened to them and where they will reappear next.
Treasured Hope - Treasured Hope is a long-time resident of Canterlot, having grown up there herself. She always had a talent for finding the good in other ponies and helping them out when they were in a tough spot. That is how she gained her cutie mark, at age 9 no less! When she noticed the population of orphans rising, she decided to open an orphanage, which has been very successful. Treasured Hope does everything in her power to bring out the best in the fillies and colts in her care with her nurturing nature, patience and gentle voice.
Blackberry - Blackberry has been at the orphanage since she was two years old, she doesn't really remember her parents. Growing up in a safe and secure environment thanks to Treasured Hope, she quickly grew comfortable. Maybe a little too comfortable. Blackberry is a drama queen, she always wants to be the centre of attention and she had been until Blueberry arrived. Blackberry doesn't actually hate blank flanks, it actually has nothing to do with blank flanks, Blackberry has simply always been envious of Blueberry. It doesn't mean how she treats other ponies right, and she knows it. She's just not quite sure how to be nice and get her way at the same time. She just turned 10 and is still trying to figure out how to be comfortable in her own skin.
Blueberry - The baby herself! Blueberry was dropped in a blueberry bush just beside the orphanage only days after being born. She's always been smaller than the other fillies and colts, but it doesn't bother her one bit. Blueberry doesn't have her cutie mark yet either, but she's content with that, she knows she'll get her mark when it's time. She loves nature, spending most of her time outside; going for walks, feeding birds, playing with local pets. She also loves to draw, whenever Treasured Hope has spare paper, Blueberry snatches it to doodle. Many of Blueberry's drawings line the halls of the orphanage. Blueberry also enjoys reading, she visits the Canterlot library often to take out and return books, always having something to say to the librarian with a smile. She is currently 6 years old and living her childhood to the fullest, but she may be destined for more than that of a city pony.
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ashpkat · 6 months
ash dump ideas u never completed or just had on me
idk what fandom. and idc
feel high but also dead rn so j need some brain juice.... please, dickmaster ash the smash.....
oh boy i can do you one worse better. here’s an unfinished first chapter of a cassidy blake fusion au idea i had for magisterium. (u don’t need to know what cassidy blake is to understand but it’s by v.e. schwab)
Call had always been able to see ghosts. Somewhat. He could feel ghosts than he could see on a regular basis, it required a little work to actually see the ghosts. There were some rules. The Veil rule, for instance. How ghosts could only be seen in the Veil. With one exception of course.
Some people think ghosts only come out on Halloween, or during the night. That was not true, not by a long shot. Just because people couldn’t see them doesn’t mean they weren’t there. They could be anywhere, in some poor old lady’s garden, the bread aisle of the supermarket, the front seat of a bus, anywhere. 
Call could feel when a ghost is near. It was something reminiscent of the pitter patter of rain on a window, or maybe someone lightly tapping him on the shoulder. In other more severe cases, sometimes it was like a pulsing headache or someone digging their nails into his brain. 
It happened at random. And this certainly wasn’t the first time he felt it, and it wouldn’t be the last, either. Call was sitting in his desk during Algebra when it began, the tap tap tap. Like always, he tried to ignore it. Key word was tried. It chiseled away at his focus, and there was only one way Call knew that would make it go away. If he went and saw for himself.
Which more often than naught, he doesn’t want to go do. He can tell Aaron doesn’t either, because across the room when Call met his eye, met the intense glare he’s giving him from his seat. Very intense, like terminator laser death intense (Calls never seen the Terminator, so he doesn’t know if they actually shoot lasers but he thinks they probably should because that would be cool). 
Aaron couldn’t feel the tapping, but he knew his best friend well enough to realize when Call does. 
Call shifted in his seat, bouncing his leg absentmindedly. It had gotten stiff and painful from sitting down all day. The teacher just kept droning on. 
“When you get the variable X in this scenario isolated then you’ll have to…” Mr. Graves wheezed out as if he’d been smoking for thirty years. Knowing the amount of stress his students cause him, he probably had.
People around the room were getting antsy with their boredom. No one could even stay still. Rafe wqs sleeping with his eyes open, Kai doodles on their shoes, Kylie and Lacy were giggling and passing notes to each other. 
It was nothing good, Call assumed, because nothing good comes out of popular kids. That’s what Kylie and Lacy were, popular. He could tell because of their bleach blonde hair and perfectly painted nails and how they all looked like carbon copies of eachother. 
They’re usually all had similar personalities too — being general assholes. Kylie has once told Call not to get too close because she thought his bum leg might be contagious. Call fumed for at least 2 weeks after that (and still, 7 years later, he still was).
Maybe he should’ve wanted to be popular, but that was never his style (both literally and figuratively). There were just too many rules, like laugh at jokes but don’t laugh too loud. Smile but not too wide. Wear the right clothes. Play the right sports. Care, but don’t care too much. Etcetera, etcetera.
Call had rules he lived by, like rules with Aaron, but those were different.
 Kylie flicked the note in front of her, over to Lacy’s desk, but she missed and it floated to the floor like a leaf in the wind. From his seat, Call can see Aaron strike a rare, impish grin. 
“I know just what will get your mind off this ghost tap,” said Aaron. Call looked over at him, cocking an eyebrow with mild surprise.
The thing about Aaron was this: he could be popular. He could be the star quarterback. He could be the teenage heartthrob of the school. But he couldn’t.
Because Aaron was dead. He’s a ghost.
Aaron got out of his seat and sauntered over to Lacy’s desk, she’s retrieved the note and is stifling a giggle as she scribbled a reply.
He read aloud over her shoulder, but Call was the only one who can hear him, “Top ten cutest boys in the school,” Aaron feigned surprise, “not to spoil anything but.. number one is Ryan.”
Call rolled his eyes. He could see as Lacy turned around and placed her response on Kylie’s desk, her arm went straight through Aarons torso. Aaron shivered. Then, he turned his body to face Kylie's desk, gingerly putting his fingers on one of the many multi-colored pens that lined it. He focused all his attention on it, scrunching up his semi-transparent tan face. It doesn't move.
In movies, poltergeists could throw TV's and slide beds across the floor. But in reality, it took a lot of ghost energy to cross the Veil -- which is what Call dubbed the little curtain that separated the living and the dead. And the ghosts who do have that energy are typically super old and not very pleasant. Luckily they've never had to deal with one of those. Call was secretly glad that Aarons wasn’t made of all that stuff.
Aaron caught Call staring at his pen escapade and sheepishly smiles, as if he knew he's probably not supposed to be doing that. Then he gracefully clipped himself through the floor and reappeared next to Call. 
He perched himself on Calls desk, effectively hindering what little attention Call was paying. 
“I’d say that didn’t get your mind off it, hm?” Aaron cracked a half smile.
Yeah, actually maybe a little, but now all I can think about are Ryan’s chiseled abs, Call thought to himself, careful not to speak aloud. That was one major perk of having a ghost best friend, he never even had to open your mouth to have a conversation, with the mind link and all. He doesn't quite understand why their minds are linked, however.
“Better than thinking about ghosts right?” Aaron said, but as he does Call could feel the tapping getting stronger. Like an itch at the edge of his vision, pulling and begging for him to look that way. Aaron sighed and shot him a sympathetic look as he hopped down from his desk.
It really only made Call think more about ghosts, and not just the one pestering him, somewhere far in the school, but also Aaron. Call doesn’t know how long it’s been since.. the incident. He tried not to think about it too loud, since Aaron typically gets a little upset when Call mentioned it— how he got stuck actually being a ghost.
He couldn’t have been dead for too long, since there’s not anything retro about him with his floppy blonde hair, Nikes, and Marvel T-shirt. And also because he’s only showed up as of lately, and lately being the last 2 years. It was when Call was 12, and his dad had gotten some weird antique with some weird ghost boy seemingly attached to it. 
“I prefer the term corporally challenged.” Aaron rolled his eyes at Call.
Quit reading my thoughts you freak, Call shot back at him, can’t I get any privacy? 
“It’s not my fault you’re a loud thinker,” he retorted. “Also for the record, I wasn’t attached to the antique! I was following the pull back to you. Things aren’t haunted like that. You know that’s not how it works.”
Thats not what my dad says, Call hid his laugh with a swift cough into his hand. A few people turn and look at him anyway. He sunk lower into his seat and eyes the clock. The tapping was getting worse.  
Calls dad, Alastair, had always been a little obsessed with antiques and the history behind them. Lately, he had been inching towards supernatural territory. Actually no, not just inching, it was a full on sprint into spectral space.
It was like a switch being flipped in his brain, and all Alastair wanted to buy now are creepy old dolls that looked like they would be haunted but weren’t. Call would’ve known if they are. And it wasn’t like Call could ever tell his dad that, because he’d go crazy and try to interrogate him. Alastair had even been talking to some medium that claims he can see ghosts, but Call doubted. He’d met the guy and he couldn’t even see Aaron, so that was enough evidence for a faker for him. 
Maybe he’s going through a midlife crisis, Call thinks to Aaron. He just crinkled his nose at Call and shook his head.
”I don’t think Alastair believes the medium can actually see ghosts,” Aaron said slowly. “Maybe he just likes the company. If you’re catching my drift.”
Call tried hard to not let his face twist up and make it look like he was constipated. No? Whats the drift i’m missing here?
”You know,” he sighed, “that they’re not just chatting about ghosts? They’re getting… romantical?” At Call’s blank face, he gave up the ghost (ha) and soldiered on. “Is the tapping still there?” Aaron asked, even though Call was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
Sure is, he replied and rubbed the back of his neck. Like a knock, knock, knocking on the base of his skull. It was telling him that there’s some serious paranormal activity going on. Call sighed. He could certainly do without all this spectral nonsense, he couldn’t wait for Summer. Because in Summer, Call could get full nights rests without hearing the tap of the Veil and rather the sounds of Alastair tinkering with cars in the garage. There's something odd about the Hunts house, because Call found that it’s strangely quieter than the rest of the town, especially in Summer. Six weeks of quiet, six weeks of Summer sun and reading comic books with Aaron, six weeks of almost feeling normal with his best friend. All Call has to do was make it through these final days.
Call raised his hand like the dutiful student he was. Mr. Graves saw him and gave him a stern look, already knowing Calls question wouldnt be about math.
“Yes, Callum?” He exhaled, sick of him even though he hadn’t even spoken yet.
”Can I use the bathroom?” Call shuffled in his seat and rolled his shoulders, trying to shake off the feeling, but the tapping was persistent. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Aaron sigh and frown. It didn’t take a genius to understand where Call planned to go with this.
”Can’t it wait?” Mr. Graves sighed wearily, “I’m in the middle of very detailed instructions. You’ll miss them.”
Call scowled, ”You know I’ll miss them anyway, even if I was in the room, now c’mon I really gotta go!”
Mr. Graves looked considering, eyeing Call like he was some disease-ridden freak. Then he sighed again and pinched the bridge of his nose with his pointed and his thumb.
"Fine. But make it quick, do not dawdle," he waved him off and turned back to the board.
Call was already out of his seat and snatching the hall pall before Mr. Graves could even think about finishing his sentence. He shuffled out of that stuffy classroom as fast as his leg would allow. In the hallway, Aarons slightly transparent head popped out of a wall, and he didn't look too pleased. Call hardly spared him a glance as he limped down the staircase, his footsteps audible in the nearly silent hallway
"Can we just be normal for once?" Aaron asked, sounding a bit sad. He’d floated down the steps instead of walking, which Call was jealous of. If he was undead, he’d sure love to go without the constant pain in his left leg.
"You're a ghost. And I can see you. That's not normal, so I doubt normal is something we could even achieve." Call hissed at him, the tapping was pulling him somewhere weird.
Call back tracked. It pulled him like a rope attached to his gut right down into a completely seperate hallway.
A locker door swung open and hit Aaron in the face. Call instinctively flinches, but he passed through it like it was nothing. He appeared to be sulky.
"Well you could at least try and be normal," he muttered.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Call stopped dead in his tracks and glared in the other boys direction. Aaron held his hands up in surrender. He looked apologetic enough for making Call mad, which irked him a little because Aaron was just too nice.
The thing was, they both knew that Call wasn’t a normal boy and Aarons not a normal ghost. There was an accident, snow and ice, cars screeching, and slipping into darkness. And then Call was whole again, flash forward 13 years, and a ghost soon-to-be best friend showed up in Calls house. (a/n: fix/ ??? dunno if i want this to be canon)
Call turned away, skulking off and letting the tapping pull him away. He doesn't even have to think about where he had to go. He ducked into the library, the librarian was somewhere in the backroom, therefore, she couldn't and wouldn't bother Call. Call slunk in between the rows of books. By now, the tapping was more a thudding. This was probably, no, definitely where he needed to be. Aaron appeared in front of him, bottom lip jutted out in a pout.
“I mean this: have you ever tried to ignore the tapping? Just wait it out?” Aaron crossed his arms, “I know, I know..”
“Do you though?” Call exclaimed, but quickly lowered his voice when he realized where he was, “We’ll be quick, in and out.”
Aaron frowned, “But…”
“In and out.” He repeated.
After contemplating silence, the tension in Aarons body eased and he sighed, “fine. Rule number 9 of friendship, friends don’t leave friends in the Veil.”
“Bingo.” Call shot him quick finger guns.
Behind him, Call reached for light airy fabric. It’s wasn’t actual physical fabric, but it was the only tangible way to describe crossing over into the Veil. He pulled it away and let himself fall. Then it was all black and Call felt sharp cold air pierce his lungs, his fingers turning icy, and his whole body becoming overwhelmingly cold.
And then it was again, Calls was back to his normal self. Except, he wasn’t. Not in the veil. He was slightly more translucent than before, and there’s a glowing blue, almost grey, light inside his chest. Beside him is Aaron, looking more solid than not— however he lacked the glowing light inside, telling Call he is indeed still a—
“Ghost?” Aaron sighed, “You’re thinking a lot today? What’s up?”
“Now is not the time for our therapy sessions,” Call snapped back.
(the ghost is jennifer? idk? canon book was that ghost died in a fire but maybe the bookshelves crushed her / someone pushed the shelves?)
(call goes home. uhhh. oh yeah the medium is constantine this is another alastine au. alastair is like surprise we’re going on vacation to salem and call is Fuck)
the only other notes i had for this was
Salem, Massachusetts
(3 locations minimum:
Burying Point Cemetary,
The Witch House,
Protectors Ledge,
House of the seven Gables,
The Salem Inn,
Wicked Good Books(Tam), Gallows Hill)
- Ghost boy!Aaron
- Ghost Hunter!Call
- Ghost Hunter!Tamara
- Regular boy!Jasper deWinter that gets dragged along w/ Tamara
- Big bad!Maugris, steals Souls in hopes to get a body because he’s a fucking idiot and doesn’t know that’s Not How It Works LMAOOOO
- one sided calron :( but call doesn’t end up with any one in the end
- this is future ash i don’t remember how aaron died but i think he got murdered? idk it was really really weird. in cassidy blake, jacob (the ghost best friend) drowned to death trying to get smthing for his sibling but. eh. aaron has no siblings)
- deadass remember nothing abt this au. btw don’t remember what the funny idea was for rockafellas im so sad i remember losing it at SOMETHINg
YO reblog this shit if you want me to share more of my unfinished ideas / chapters
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or0ch1maru · 3 months
Zetsu headcanons please 🌓
hellooooo bby<3 I’m excited for this because I feel he doesn’t get talked about enough. I love our plant friend. Let’s get into it🫵🏻
-I’ve stated before but I feel like he can’t read the room or a situation well. Tensions could be high and he’ll crack a joke or say something unrelated or completely unhinged because he didn’t know
-which brings me to my next point, if you’re Zetsu’s partner, you’ll have to be the one taking the lead in most things. He’s loves to learn, especially if you’re his teacher so when it comes to relationships, you need patience with him
-but once you get past that hill, he’d be one of the most committed, loyal, loving, and protective lover
-love language I believe would be touch and gift giving. Loves holding hands, head pats(him to you, or you to him) hugs, etc
-don’t be surprised if he brings you flowers or new plants every week. And they’ll never come from a shop, he grows them himself. He’ll create a garden in the land behind the akatsuki compound, just for you. The longer you two are together, the bigger the garden.
-I personally believe his pinchers/leaves, are rather sensitive and could be tender if touched or toyed with too much so he’d refrain from having others get close to them, but you, you’re the only one who’s never made it uncomfortable or unbearable for him
-it would take a while before he even thinks about letting you touch them, but when he realizes you’re not like the others and won’t hurt him, even on accident, he’ll guide you and tell you the proper way to handle them
-he doesn’t eat right? I mean, he does, but we’re not getting into that…anyway, i can see him learning how to cook & prepare your favorite meals
-you’d come home to find Tupperware after Tupperware in the fridge of all your favorite baked goods and meals, all prepared by him
-with goofy little notes stuck to the lids. Whether it’s a simple “love you” or a funny doodle, you’ll always have something cute to look at when away
-Will pop up randomly wherever you are. Off on a mission? Look down. Went shopping with your friends? Look down
-he doesn’t do it to be a stalker, he just likes to check in on his princess/prince to make sure things are okay. It’s his quickest way of communication and travel
-his bedroom is simple, he keeps it neat, but not perfectly tidy. May have a misplaced book or two on the desk, or a small pile of clothes on the couch but nothing more than that
-will split, black and white Zetsu would separate and go off and do their own things whenever he feels like it
-black Zetsu would go off and bother Tobi, while white Zetsu chills in the room and watches movies, etc
-has a shelf or two in his room of poisonous, and carnivorous plants. Will use tweezers to drop flies or other random bugs between their leaves when it’s feeding time
-has a calendar next to the shelves which he marks watering and feeding days to make sure they don’t get over fed/over watered
-I think Zetsu enjoys music. Nothing heavy, or too vulgar, but nothing as calm as classical either. Something with a nice beat and catchy lyrics are his go to most days
-has a difficult time expressing his feelings and would write down what’s bothering him. Holds the paper out for you/other members to read so they understand and give him his space or advice
-he’s funny. Mostly when he doesn’t mean to be^, but any outrageous comments that fall from his lips are alwayssssss hysterical
(Would gladly do nsfw headcanons bout this babe as well as other members)
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masked-and-doomed · 11 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Please feel free to ask me about my OC, UG!! Hell, even cooler if you do it in a roleplay kinda way.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Twitter: @ThatOneKats
I have a twitter now I fucking guess. A bit of bonus content there (a little bit more of unhinged thoughts) but you're not missing much if you don't go there.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for my 4 darlings. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos, meaning that I won't talk about them (eg., fau.slayer) together.)
I am. Also obsessed with my lambs as well. (The Conclave, consisting of Axus, Libraria, Baldias, and Chronus) They mean a lot to me. I wish to give them happiness they didn't have the time nor place for. You will see me reblog lambs and tag it as them. Feel free to send me lamb pictures, effectively beaming Conclave to me.
NOTE! I do sometimes post about needing my darlings to kill themselves, or wish great harm upon them. I will not always have positive things to say about them. I am a hater as much as I am a lover. (Not the "I want him dead" (lovingly) (though I do have sadism and would enjoy killing them for the fun of it), I have genuine hatred towards them all (Libraria the least) and I loathe their existence.
(if I had to guess, this is the bpd doing its thing)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have (currently empty. DW about it)
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#UG spoilers - in case you wanna go through the UG tag but not be spoiled about the endings and such.
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#girl what you on?? - posts where I'm in some sort of delirium, talking to my beloveds. And being ill about them.
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
#mask quartet - fucking stupid masked bitches trying to save humanity gone wrong
Liveblog tags:
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture, #pride in my gears: strive
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
Pictures i want here
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(This applies mostly to Faust. Sorry not sorry Faust. I will give you the worst horrors.)
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(This is me any time someone mentions Conclave. I wish I could say I was exaggerating. I'll just say that Conclave has spiked my libido and I've been the fastest to draw suggestive art of them and write smut of them than of any other character I've fallen in love with. I need them carnally. And I tell you, it is a need.)
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darlincollins · 2 years
don't go breaking my heart
david/darlin fake dating high school au! inspired by my rewatch of he's all that (a classic)~
content warnings for vague allusion to unsafe home environment!
tag list: @dollscircus @taelonsamada @darlin-collins @romeo-the-homeo @friendlyfaded @angel-shaw
"We need to talk."
David closes his locker to face the newest pack member, impressively scruffy with their choppy, scissored haircut and oversized jacket made up of more stitching than fabric. They look serious and a little uncomfortable; not unusual for them, and of course, the fact they've actually approached him to begin with probably means the world is ending, but still. It doesn't bode well. "About?"
Their eyes flicker around the hallway, suspiciously eyeing the students passing by on their way to classes. "Not here. Lunch. Meet me in the library." They spare a glance at David’s arm, on which Asher had spent most of homeroom doodling cats and skateboards. "Leave the peanut gallery." Before David can object or demand more information, they slink away, vanishing into the crowd. Fuck's sake.
David’s next class seems to crawl by; his mind keeps drifting from their assigned worksheet to whatever his aloof packmate could possibly want to discuss with him. Part of him doesn't even want to go- the fact that they've willingly initiated a conversation with him can't mean anything good. But every time he considers skipping out on the meeting, he hears his dad's voice in the back of his head, reminding him that pack means family, and family means showing up. Besides, the difficulty their new member has had in adjusting to the pack has been a matter of extreme concern to its alpha. He would definitely want David to reciprocate if they are in fact reaching out. Still, he admits he does drag his feet a little bit in putting his books back in his locker, eating his lunch, making excuses to Ash and Milo about why he's leaving the cafeteria early, and heading to the library.
The library is never really packed, but at lunchtime it's completely deserted; even the librarian seems to have abandoned the premises, leaving the place half-lit and hazy with dust. David searches the aisles until he finds his packmate sitting with their back to a bookcase, absorbed in a battered copy of The Monkey Wrench Gang with an untouched lunch tray sitting in front of them. The slightest pang goes through him as he wonders if they eat lunch here every day, but he shoves it down- it's not like they couldn't sit with the pack if they wanted.They jump a little when he clears his throat, but quickly brush off the startle and set the book aside, gesturing for him to sit down.
A long moment passes while they stare at him, completely inscrutable. It's not often that they make eye contact with him or anyone, and David feels a little like a bug pinned to a board under the pressure of their gaze. He resists the urge to squirm or look away first, and finally they speak.
"I need you to go out with me."
David chokes on air. "What the fuck?"
"How flattering."
His mind seems to be lagging; he's heard the sounds that came out of their mouth but surely has not correctly interpreted them into words, possibly is hallucinating, possibly is dreaming. "Wh- I don't understand. Since when- why?"
"Wow, I hope the ends of these sentences are coherent."
He takes a deep breath. Maybe this is a prank. Maybe this is real. Either way, it absolutely is not happening. But how to do this without driving them further away from the pack? He's not cut out for this kind of thing, with the need for tact and gentleness and soothinghurt feelings. Why couldn't this be happening to Asher? Distantly, David recognizes that this is still going on, right now, in the present, and they're staring at him again, waiting for him to speak. Nothing to do but go for it, right? "Look, I think you're great, but-"
They make a face at him. "Ew. Stop talking."
"Ew?" (Should he be offended by that?)
"It's not like that. You know Kyle?"
"That sonal energetic from math class?"
"Yeah, him. The jackass."
"You call everyone a jackass. That's not a clear identifier coming from you."
"Most people are. But him especially."
"What about him?"
"Long story short, if I can keep up a relationship until prom, he'll owe me $500 dollars, plus I get to punch him in the face."
They continue like he hasn't spoken. "You will help me win. In exchange, I'll give you half of the profits."
"Why would you-"
Something almost vulnerable flickers in their eyes for a second, but it's gone before he can decipher it. "What can I say, I love money. I wanna be like Scrooge McDuck diving into a swimming pool full of gold. Are you in?"
Is his brain short-circuiting? Is that medically possible? "I- Why me?"
"Because you know how to keep your mouth shut. I can't risk some random blabbing to Kyle and losing me my winnings. Our winnings, if you agree."
"What if I don't agree?"
They shrug. "Then you'll lose out on $250 and I'll find someone else. And if you snitch, I'll make your life a living hell."
"You really know how to woo a guy, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm Casanova over here. So?"
This is crazy. It's stupid. It's completely ridiculous. He shouldn't entertain this for a second, especially not with someone as standoffish and weird as his sullen new packmate who has never once given him or his family the time of day. He thinks about his dad, always stressing the importance of pack and going way over the extra mile for anybody who needs help. What would he do in this situation? David can't even imagine, because this is the kind of thing he never thought happened outside of stupid 90s movies. He did ask David to make an effort to bring the new pack member into the fold and to get to know them. But surely not by participating in some definitely ill-fated scheme involving 500 dollars, right?
He sighs. "How exactly would this work?"
They hum thoughtfully, pulling their lunch tray closer and unwrapping their cafeteria sandwich from its clingfilm before opening it and separating its ingredients into discrete piles at opposite corners of the tray. "I'm thinking we just act like we're into each other at school and pretend we're hanging out on the weekends. We can coordinate our stories in case anyone asks."
"That's it?"
"What? You think it needs more?" they ask, tearing the sandwich bread in half.
It feels... anticlimactic, in a way. But that's probably good. "I guess not."
"Fab," they say, somehow managing to pack that one syllable with more scathing sarcasm than most people could probably manage in multiple sentences. "So are you in?"
David sighs. "I guess I'm in."
"Cool." They wrap half of the bread back up in the clingfilm and put it into their backpack, then fold the other piece on itself a few times and shove it in their mouth. "We're done here."
"You don't think we have to talk about this more?"
They swallow the bread. "About what?"
David represses the urge to slam his head against a bookshelf. "Well... if we're... pretending to date. Here. There should probably... be some... physical contact."
"If you're gonna hurl, try not to do it on my lunch," they snap, pulling it away from him and picking up the lettuce that used to be in the sandwich before tearing it into shreds. "What about it?"
He decides slamming his head against the bookshelf wouldn't really do it, and briefly considers just walking away and lying on the football field to be punted around and trampled by jocks. "Shouldn't we have... I mean, some kind of... codeword, or something?" He wouldn't by any means claim to know a lot about them or their life, but... he's noticed things. Like how they always sit in places where they can see the whole room and there's no risk of someone walking up behind them. Like how they always look like they're gauging the distance between themself and the person closest to them, shuffling back if that space grows too small. Like how they watch the movement of people's hands more than their faces, and tense just a little bit if voices around them grow loud or heated. Whatever picture those pieces belong to looks pretty fucking unpromising, and if this is happening the last thing he wants to do is make them feel unsafe.
"You want a codeword." Their voice has gone stiff and angry, and shit, somehow he's messed this conversation up in a very short span of time.
"Well, yeah." He can tell he's walking on dangerous ground, but this is too important to drop.
They glare at him. "What, you think I'm gonna jump you? Crawl under your shirt in the middle of English class?"
"Sure, fine, let's have a codeword. How about Appalachian? Or 'the spotted owl flies at dawn'? Or-"
"For fuck's sake, I am trying to respect your damn boundaries," David snarls, and they go quiet, looking shocked.
The silence between them thickens to the point of discomfort. "Oh," they say finally. "Well. That's- okay, then."
They sigh, looking everywhere except at him. "I mean, we only really need to keep this up at school. And maybe pack stuff. So... it's not like we need to do anything, uh- you know. Just... we could... hold hands, I guess? Is that-"
"Fine," David mutters, feeling heat crawl up his neck. "Anything around that level is... fine. But we should still-"
"Okay, alright..." they sigh. "What about... darling?"
David contemplates the lying on the football field thing again. "What?"
They growl, rolling their eyes. "Like a sappy pet name, you know. It's subtle and if either one of us say it then we back off."
"Okay. Makes sense."
"Makes sense," they echo quietly, staring at the ground.
The bell rings and both of them jump up quickly, relieved to be done with this conversation. They pick up their tray and book, then nod at him. "I guess we can start tomorrow?"
"Sure," David says, head starting to spin nervously as the reality of what he's agreed to starts hitting him. He follows them out of the library and walks down the hallway with them in silence until another thought strikes him. "Why'd you say 'ew'?"
"When I thought you were actually asking me out. You said ew."
"Oh," they smirk, dumping their leftovers into a trash can outside the cafeteria and setting the tray on top. "Yeah."
They shrug. "Nothing personal. You're just... way too tall."
"I'm... tall?"
"You're tall." Still a few inches shorter than he is, of course, but definitely above average height.
"Yeah, but I'm a normal tall. You're, like, aggressively tall. It's like you're shoving my face in it. What are you doing up there, foraging for leafy growth?"
He feels weirdly offended, and then annoyed with himself for being offended by the judgement of his weird pack member who reads environmental terrorism novels alone during lunch. "It's not exactly like I had a choice in the matter."
"I know. That's why it's not personal." They turn to face him so suddenly that he almost trips over his own feet. "So... tomorrow, then."
Apparently they're done with that subject. "Right. How do you want to..."
"I guess we just act like we're together and let them figure it out?"
"Yeah. Okay."
They nod once, businesslike, and start walking to their next class, leaving David thinking about how he's going to pull this off.
"Hey, wait," he calls after them. They stop and wait for him to walk closer. "You should... sit with us. Tomorrow at lunch."
"What?" They almost look... nervous?
"It'll look weird if we don't eat together."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess." Their grip tightens on the strap of their backpack until the color bleeds from their knuckles. "Okay then, I will."
This time, they walk away a little faster, as if they're worried he'll stop them again to say they should also get matching face tattoos or promise rings. David closes his eyes and leans his forehead against a locker, wondering what could possibly have compelled him to agree to this. Tomorrow is going to be... interesting, to say the least.
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itsheccincheebs · 1 month
A preview of an AU I've been cooking up...
When you wake up late one Thursday morning, there’s no obvious sign, no premonition that your world is about to be turned upside down. You had gone to bed late the night before, sending Shinsou stupid memes and ignoring Yoarashi’s late night text spam of how many cats he rescued that day (but you still save the cat pictures). It’s as mundane as Thursdays go and breakfast is spent in a quiet corner with Shinsou, who doesn’t have much to say other than matching your tired yawns.
“What would you rate this out of ten?” you say, turning your phone so he can see the chubby tabby splayed out in the sun.
“Trick question. All cats are tens,” he answers around a mouthful of rice.
“But he’s so fat,” you snicker. “Look at those neck rolls.”
“Doesn’t matter, still a ten.”
You take a sip of your miso soup just as Ochako stops by your table. “Hey, have you seen Deku-kun anywhere?” she frets, looking a little frazzled. Your stomach does its usual swoop at the mention of Midoriya, but you ignore it. “He said he was going to lend me his notes for Ectoplasm’s quiz today, but I can’t find him anywhere.”
You frown, exchanging a look with your friend across the table. “Maybe he got called in to Endeavor’s last minute,” you suggest, but her frown only deepens. “I mean, you can borrow mine if you want. They aren’t as good, but they’ll do in a pinch.”
Her face brightens and you relax. “You’re a lifesaver!” she beams, bouncing a little in place as you rummage through your satchel. “Thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it,” you say, handing over your notebook.
“That might explain why your Icy Hot boyfriend isn’t around either,” mutters Shinsou under his breath. You shoot him with a glare so severe that it could probably strip paint from the walls, but he just grins. Unrepentant little shit…
“But Bakugou-kun left for class a few minutes ago,” interjects Ochako, which effectively stops any potential bickering.
“Odd…” you murmur, then shrug. It’s really none of your business, but…
Ah well. Stranger things have happened.
And it turns out all your worrying was for nothing when both Midoriya and Shouto finally show up to class, disheveled, clearly sleep-deprived, and almost five minutes late. Iida stiffens with displeasure and Aizawa opens one bloodshot eye from his spot on the floor. “Detention, both of you,” he drones without preamble. “I want you at my desk as soon as the final bell rings.”
“This is completely inexcusable behavior!” Iida bellows, waving his arm stiffly. “At this hallowed institution, it is imperative that you develop good habits as heroes-in-training!”
“Class prez is in top form today, huh?” mumbles Shinsou, arms folded on his desk and clearly trying to cram in a last-minute nap.
At that moment, Kaminari bursts in and Iida nearly has an aneurysm. Aizawa gives up trying to restore order just as the class erupts into chaos.
Whoever guesses the ship in this AU gets a doodle of Izuku picking lint off his All might hoodie (/hj). There's more than one~
I'm going to be on vacation for two months, but rest assured that I'll still be writing tons! I've been super busy with work, but now I get to breathe easier and work on my fics without (much) interruption.
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starpirateee · 10 months
The streetlight outside Pasquale's
@lautski-week day 6 - light
warnings: injury detail / read on AO3 here
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The parking lot of Pasquale's was dark at this time of the evening. Steph reminded herself that it was almost winter, of course it was going to be dark if the sun set before she even had the chance to leave school... Pete still hadn't shown up, and she was starting to get bored. 
"I'll be twenty minutes" he'd said. He was coming from the library and probably walking, that was a fair amount of time. 
Thing was, it had been forty. And still nothing.
He couldn't text to say he was running late, because she'd rang him from a payphone. She couldn't text him to ask where the hell he was, because again, payphone.
Her notebook was out on the table, filled with notes that she'd actually taken in class. Well... Some notes that she'd written in class. The rest of it was absent doodles and notes for songs she was never going to write. She grabbed a pen, found an empty space, and started to doodle some more. Maybe those nerds he was with had held him up or something? Maybe he had something to finish before he got to her, some project that she'd probably forgotten about...
As her hand moved, she started to let her mind wander. These were half-hearted scribbles, they didn't have to mean anything. At some point, she gazed out of the window and tried to make anything out. There was only one streetlight in the whole parking lot. Which, given that it wasn't a large restaurant and didn't have a large car park, was fair. It's light bounced off the street, bathing everything around in a rather harsh white glow. She could make out a couple of cars in marked bays, the beginnings of rain hitting off the ground, and what looked like someone lying on the asphalt. 
The sight of it made her stop drawing, and she gazed out of the window with way more intent this time. Sure enough, there was someone there, in the middle of a few empty bays. Whoever it was looked up at someone, and Steph leaned in to try and get a better view. 
Was that Max Jagerman?
Oh shit, it was.
And the guy on the floor... Dark hair, looked kinda tall...
The broken pair of glasses next to the kid really sold it for her, and her eyes widened. Ditching all of her belongings on the table, she bolted out of the door and towards the scene. "Hey! Jagerman!"
Max stopped, about to land a punch, and turned towards her, clearly trying to source the voice. 
"What the fuck, dude?" She didn't really want to believe what she was seeing, but there it was. Right in front of her. "Back the hell off him!"
Max respected her to some degree, she knew that. Whether she was using it to her advantage this time or not, she didn't know, but she did know that it was working. Max huffed, muttering something she didn't care to catch, and then stormed off with the other guys that were with him in tow. 
Steph immediately ran to pick up the glasses, and handed them back, a concerned look creasing her brow. "Jesus, Peter... Here-" He pushed himself up off the ground, accepted his glasses from her open hand, and she helped him to his feet. His face was slick with rain, and the knees of his trousers were scraped with dirt and a slightly different shade of brown from the wet pavement. 
"Uh- yeah. Thanks-" When he got his bearings, he seemed to realise who was standing in front of him, and drew back. "Steph... Shit, I'm late. I'm sorry..."
"Don't be stupid... Let's head inside, I don't think either of us wanna get even more soaked, right?"
The two of them wandered back inside the restaurant, and Steph showed Pete to her table. Everything was already laid out, but she felt guilty about that now, and shoved her work aside to give him a little space. He sat in the booth opposite her, and shifted uncomfortably. He threw his bag onto the empty space to his side, refusing to meet her eyes or say anything, and reached into the front pocket for what looked like a roll of bandage tape. 
The bridge of his glasses was cracked, but not quite fully split, so he still had a chance to save them before he managed to break them further. He pulled a length of tape from the roll, snapped it off, and started awkwardly winding it around the crack. Then, he finally replaced them and tested the tape barrier against the bridge of his nose. Yeah, that would work until he could get home and fix them for real, at least. Finally, he decided that it would be a good idea to at least acknowledge Steph's presence. He looked up, and immediately noted how concerned she looked. How much of that had she watched?
"Are you okay?" She asked, unable to disregard the fact that he'd done that so automatically. How many times had that happened for him to actually carry around tape in his bag? Should she be worried that he seemed so lax?
Pete's gaze flitted out of the window momentarily, as if Max would come back for round two. When he saw nothing, he shook his head quickly. "I'm fine..."
"What the hell was that?"
"What, Max? Well, he found out I was coming here for you. You don't have to imagine how that one went." Though he didn't entirely mean it, his tone was direct and dripping in something that almost sounded like a bit of anger.
"Oh, no. You're not serious- Fuck's sake. That's messed up, who the hell gave him the right-?" She took a breath. God, if she ever saw Jagerman again, she'd fucking kill him. Nobody deserved to be beaten to shit in a parking lot, but Pete had gotten it in the neck because of her. 
What he'd said outside of the office suddenly resonated. She knew who he was afraid of now. And she hated knowing it. 
"You didn't have to say yes-" Before she could think about how much worse that would've made things, the words escaped her. Pete tensed, and then glared at her, and she wanted to take it back.
"Yeah, y'know what, next time I won't! It's not worth getting my ass kicked."
"Pete, I didn't mean that."
He sighed, drawing a hand over his face, and came off it wincing. Clearly, he hadn't noticed the graze that sat just at the top of his cheek, rubbed red and sore. Maybe, with the growing bruise that was starting to spread around his eye, he didn't know that the source of pain was coming from multiple things.
"Wait," she held out a hand as he went to leave the table, evidently to sort it out. "I'll be right back."
She rushed to the bathroom and bundled a few paper towels together, running them under the tap. By the time she returned, Pete had loosened up a little, and seemed to be looking at the doodles she'd been making from his angle. He hadn't moved the book. It was almost like he didn't want to be caught looking at them. She got his attention, and handed him the wet paper towel.
"What are you, the school nurse?"
Not knowing how to react, Steph slipped into her seat silently. But, Pete chuckled, and she saw the humour in it. 
"I mean, c'mon, they've been treating Max's bullying with a wet paper towel since middle school! It's their answer to everything, I think.."
"It might actually help this time. Get that dirt outta your face..."
He nodded and started dabbing at the mark on his face, using his phone screen to gauge where it was. Every time the cool paper touched his cheek, he drew in a breath. For god's sake, Steph was right there, why did he have to be so snippy and pathetic all at the same time? Surely he'd be able to fight his own battles by now...
Not against Max, apparently. 
"Pete, seriously, are you okay?"
"You get used to it, Steph. It stops mattering so much."
"Nobody's tried to stand up to him? You guys really shouldn't take his bullshit, it's uncalled for."
"I tried. Just then. He ribbed me, twice."
Steph's gaze lowered. Pete was actually holding his chest with his free hand, as if it was bruised or something was going on down there. She couldn't help the wave of anger that flooded over her. "You tried?"
"Yeah. Good time for it. I'd really hyped myself up for this, and I felt stupidly confident. Look where that got me." This chuckle wasn't so sincere. It was more like a scoff, and he'd meant it, too.
"It wasn't stupid. You did what everyone else would only dream about... That's pretty brave if you ask me."
He stopped what he was doing, and his eyes met hers. A smile, involuntary but completely intentional, crept across his face. "Yeah?"
"... Thanks, Steph." He took the paper towel from his cheek and glanced at it. Still bleeding, but it looked like it was slowing itself down. When he saw the collection of papers on the table between he and Steph, he subconsciously remembered why he'd bothered to hype himself up in the first place. "Oh, wait, I totally forgot-"
"What?" Steph laughed, and he could've sworn he heard a hint of sympathy in it. "No! Oh my god, you just had the shit beat outta you, that's not important!"
"Hey, I didn't come here for any other reason, and besides... I've been worse. It's only Max, I can handle it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, totally... Don't worry about it. I'm all good."
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woetoy · 1 year
Anon art human again, I mean finding views or just acknowledgement for you art, I'm broke and either way wouldn't feel right blazing the nsfw stuff I draw but it gets no traffic or notes. Idk leaving an ask was impulsive but I really respect your art and was curious how you got your followers, if it was more a waiting thing or you found the right areas to post.
I dunno, it probably takes patients to get attention but finding motivation to make good art and then getting nothing but emptiness and boredom at the end of the process isn't motivating lol. Anyways Im thankful for your response and apologetic cause I got this trigger instinct to just blurt my questions to the cool artist I found on tumblr, and I'm sorry for bothering you so
No worries, I just felt bad that I didn't understand ya!
Getting noticed depends on a lot of things. I've had several accounts through 12 years spent on this site, and this one is the first that kinda popped off!
Do you make art that has crowd appeal? As in, is it a little silly, cute or relatable? Does it have a story behind it besides looking pretty? Is it attached to a fandom? Are you making stuff for an underrepresented niche? I often see people make something that is technically impressive, or their personal best, but it doesn't get shared too much because it lacks that appeal. It sounds harsh, I know, but it happens to me too. Until recently, my most popular piece was a doodle I banged out in an hour - just how it is, but I'm happy it resonated with people! You can have a look around at what other people post and see which posts of theirs do better or worse as well.
I don't follow the rule of posting at specific peak times, or posting every day. But I do try to tag stuff appropriately. Tumblr only uses the first 5 tags from your post in the search function, the rest you use for categorizing for your blog. So if you're starting out, it really is a waiting game until someone notices and shares your stuff, unless you have a buddy that can boost you.
I come here to have fun, I make art for me and if other people like it - awesome! I don't really optimize that well for social media reach, I just have my characters and their little stories. I do my specific niche of porn/kinks that are fun for me to draw and talk about. It helps that I have a more solid art style now than I did when I started. Apparently I've been doing NSFW for the past 7 years, and early this year is when it took off on tumblr.
To counteract the emptiness, it helps to have friends to bounce ideas around with or to make characters together with. It's why I create, really. I do it with friends because that's what I find fulfilling. And then I feel driven to draw and post about it as well, and that's been true all this time for me.
I hope you can find fulfillment as well, I think it does come through sometimes if a piece was made for reach or from personal joy. I for sure see that in ancient fanart I've done, I hate those pieces. But the personal stuff that I did for fun is still cute to me, even if it did get at most 5 notes way back when.
Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled. But yeah, this is what I do and what worked for me. But it's always different person to person. Much luck in your endeavors!
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viccyfics · 10 months
Sinful Pencil Strokes
Summary: Swiss gets a new sketchbook and wants to use the other ghouls as models so they can see how beautiful they really are.
Rating: explicit
Words: 1508
(chapter 1/?)
Also available on Ao3
It couldn’t be that hard after all, Swiss had seen all of the ghouls draw at least once although some were undoubtedly better than others.
Red-irised eyes stared down at the sketchbook that Copia had bought for him earlier in the day.
The Muli-ghoul had been given it after Copia decided that he no longer wanted to see Swiss just sit playing video games or chatting up siblings of sin in the hallways and said that he had to do something more practical with his spare time when he wasn't rehearsing.
And to him this seemed like the best and easiest option, after all, how hard could it be to fill a sketchbook? he enjoyed drawing and often found himself doodling on sticky notes or the corners of sheet music.
But those weren't exactly good, just small squiggles everyone always seemed amazed by.
They were just trying to be nice. right?
Swiss used a thumb to flick it open to the first page, this was usually the easiest part for him. And dug through his pockets to find a pencil.
once retrieving one, and several clumps of lint which he shook to the ground he held the chipped yellow object just above the paper.
Normally he didn't even have to think, he would just zone out and let his mind wander, a few silly genital-shaped things here and there or even the back of whoever was in front of him at that time's head.
Dewdrop was most common to end up on a post-it note, his sharp angles and long hair captivating Swiss in a way he couldn't explain, but that didn't mean the other ghouls weren't also frequent attendees in a crumpled stash in Swiss' room.
But this time nothing was happening, the pencil wasn't moving and his mind wasn't blank. he was still sitting on the ghoul den couch its faded and peeling leather dipping under his weight, buzzing light above his head, an uncomfortable cramp in his left leg from having it tucked up under himself, and pressure to fill the notebook filling his head.
perhaps this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought.
Swiss had already told a very excited phantom that he could look at the sketchbook later on, what if Phantom came back and was disappointed? Or what if Swiss did end up drawing something but it wasn't as good as the quintessence ghoul had been hoping?
Sighing he placed the sketchbook down next to him and placed the pencil on top a little too forcefully than he meant to.
"Fuck" he muttered quietly rubbing at his face with both hands, his right ring finger scratching against the base of his horn a few times.
He took in a deep breath and once letting go he uncurled from the position he was sitting in, letting the spade of his now numb tail hit the floor with a soft thump.
so if emptying his mind didn't work what if he filled it?
tilting his head to the left to glance down at the sketchbook he paused, what did his other drawings have in common?
Most of them had been of the ghouls in the room with him, he didn't even realize he was doing it most of the time but he was always drawn to the beautiful creatures around him.
They were his muses.
He sighed again deeply remembering his beloved packmates were either going about their ministry duties or were outside playing and most likely didn't want to be disturbed.
his eyes lit up as a thought ran through his mind, they might not be here... but my phone is.
jumping up to his feet as fast as he could, the couch creaking at the change in pressure and his legs not wanting to move so quickly made the ghoul roll his eyes.
But that didn't stop him from rushing to his bedroom.
It seemed like the old wooden door weathered with time and scratches of ghoul claws couldn't open fast enough, the rusted joints protesting as Swiss almost used his entire strength to open it.
His bedroom itself was pretty plain in comparison to some of the other ghouls, the bare brick walls chipped and damaged, a wooden single bed Pushed against the back wall with white fitted sheets messed up at the foot where Swiss couldn't be bothered to make it that morning, and matching pillows by the headboard.
A wardrobe diagonally across from the bed next to the window just as damaged as the rest of the room.
Swiss hurried over to the bed and started to look around for his phone, dropping to his knees and pressing his left cheek to the cold floor.
His tongue stuck out slightly and the edge of his mouth as he reached under the bed feeling around for any sign of the phone, and finally a finger brushed against it.
"come on" he grunted as he finally grasped it and pulled it out into the light.
Swiss chuckled as he switched his phone on and was met with the smiling faces of his pack, he had taken the pictures only a few days ago but it was one of his favorites he had ever taken.
once he had unlocked his phone and started scrolling through his camera roll one photo caught his attention immediately.
It was a selfie the ghoulette had sent him one day, she was leaning against the wall of a hallway Swiss couldn't identify, unmasked, and her hair a mess around her. dark curls falling in her eyes as she smiled, a grey jumper slipping off of her shoulder a black bra strap close to falling with it, and a little too much cleavage to not be intentional, but the best part was the cluster of hickies on the side of her neck in varying sizes some of which swiss had sucked onto her skin himself.
She looked gorgeous, she always did but this photo was just something else, every time he looked at it he could feel his trousers tighten.
this would be his new drawing.
rushing back to the living area and throwing himself back onto the couch Swiss was finally ready to draw, he placed his phone against his knee after crossing his legs.
flipping to the first page with a large grin.
It was fitting that Cirrus would be his first of many drawings to enter the sketchbook. soon the room was filling with the rhythmic sound of pencil against paper and the soft humming of Square hammer leaving Swiss' throat.
faint and deliberate hatching dancing across the page, delicate lines becoming shadows and small smudges in corners of the page and spreading to the Multi-ghoul's dark skin.
He barely needed to look at the reference as he had stared at the selfie many times before especially late at night.
Swiss couldn't help the blush that appeared on his cheeks or the noise that came from his throat as he sketched out the curves of her breasts and the dip of her cleavage.
Leaving her hickies until last had caused the ghoul to change position and try to adjust his trousers without taking the pencil off the paper.
He sighed as he made up his decision to use his tail to flick the spade out across his bulge not enough touch to get him to completion but enough to calm himself until he was finished drawing.
With a final flick of the pencil he was done, and his mind screaming at him to stop the edging, he closed up the sketchbook and threw it onto the floor but not too far away where it could be a tripping hazard for anyone who could walk in.
Swiss deftly slid his clawed fingers down his zipper, a metallic zing cutting through the air, his cock throbbing and precum staining his boxers.
Swiss hissed as he finally pulled out his member exposing it to the cold afternoon air, he was so lucky the temperatures never bothered him.
"Nn..." The ghoul moaned under his breath as he squeezed the base. kicking off his jeans and boxers but doing his best to keep pressure on where his knot would form.
precum spilling down the tip as he sat back down with his legs widely spread, releasing his grasp slightly to get the right amount of pressure but still beginning to pump his right hand up and down, his left drifting up his torso to rest on his chest.
His cock bobbed and dripped as he moves faster "Ah.." he grunts out bucking into his hand feeling his knot swell, as much as he loved popping his knot in someone else this would have to do.
With a few final strokes, his cock erupted, and his knot popped into his palm which he quickly grabbed squeezing, come covering his hand and stomach.
His dark eyes glazed over as he panted, a large smile on his face.
He was going to love filling out the rest of the sketchbook.
TYSM FOR READING CHAPTER 1 comments/criticism/just reviews in general mean so much to me and please leave kudos on the fic via ao3
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Another Julius canon info please!!
I'm so sorry, this is all over the place and I'm pretty sure I've already posted all the information over the course of the last 15 months (I can't believe I posted Julius 15 months ago..) I included his ref and some illustrations/doodles/stretches to jazz it up. ANYWAY
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Julius stands at 6'5 inches in his boots, 6'2 without.
Julius is all about deception. Nothing more than a thin veil of beauty to hide the rot beneath – both metaphorically and literally, as Julius is always rotting inside. This leads him to have to regularly replace his internal organs to prevent the rot from consuming him. He has a special rose that decays at the same rate as his body, which lets him know when it's time to change the insides.
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If Julius doesn't keep up with maintaining his body, his false form will eventually completely rot and he'll be left in his true form until he fully rebuilds a new body to be his false form
↑ has never happened, however. Being a perfectionist, Julius always keeps up with self maintenance.
Julius is significantly more messed up than Killian. Deception is a helluva thing. There's a reason he scares the living shit out of Killian.
Killian nearly always calls him 'Jules' (his nickname for him), instead of Julius. (Keep that in mind, it's important for MWTSN)
Julius loves animals, especially cats. He really loves cats. He doesn't own any, to his dismay, because he panics over the idea of cat hair getting everywhere.
Julius is basically a cat in human form. Killian discovered when they were young children, if he dangled a string in front of Julius's face, Julius would watch it swing back and forth silently before eventually pouncing at it with no warning. Julius still does this.
Julius is completely apolitical.
He usually uses straws with his drinks, and has a tendency to deliberately loudly slurp from them.
He's generally just a complete sassy bitch and petty as hell.
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He's not actually stupid and clearly is rather intelligent. His lack of knowledge on many logic 101 things is based on either 1) the lack of education being a product of his time 2) Julius only learns about things he has interest in, if something doesn't interest him, you couldn't pay him to learn.
Still.. He is..a little dumb xD ↓
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Julius was born December 24, 1874 in the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. He immigrated to Boston shortly after turning 18.
Being a man from the 1800s, he has the expected skill set of one. Meaning, yes, he can hunt, build stuff, ride horses, knows how to survive in the wilderness off the land, so on and so forth.
Julius came from a working class family and came into his money on his own, having a very successful dress shop.
Julius is age locked at exactly 24, he was killed on his 24th birthday.
He was born a human but has been a demon since January of 1899.
He's mob affiliated because of Killian.
His stuffed animal Mr Bear doesn't have any supernatural aspects, Mr Bear is just a regular plushie that Julius is very attached to. He's had Mr Bear since longer than he can remember (fun fact: he was actually gifted Mr Bear by his mother on the day he was born). Mr Bear is very much a comfort item to Julius, he kinda brings it everywhere.
Julius has childish behavior but it's due to mental/emotional stunting, as well as OSDD (I won't elaborate on his OSDD, at least at this time).
Julius is also wise farrrrr beyond his years in other aspects.
He really can't stand being called a Twink lol (he's really not a Twink at all).
Julius is a bit intimidated/made anxious by "fangirls"
He's gay, idk where the bisexual (and straight🗿) rumors began but he's canonically gay and married to Killian Lynch (who is pan)
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source: myself, I created both Julius and Killian xD
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haysprite · 1 year
do you have any jeff hcs?
YES ! I love Jeff so much, he's my FAVORITE original survivor (Jill and Bill being my main favs), so I have PLENTY! He means a lot to me as a character as well, so I've put a lot of thought into him and his story alongside The Legion. Once again, a lot of these are my personal interpretation of Jeff's (and Legion's) stories, so just keep that in mind! I'm just grateful I have a good chunk of lore to work with here unlike Legion 🙏
• He didn’t have that many friends during high school, he mostly kept to himself and did his best in his classes. When he lived in Ormond, though, he did interact with Joey, Julie, and Susie a little bit, mainly Joey since they were in a lot of the same classes. He enjoyed talking to Joey every so often, who also tended to stop by the store he worked at to rent movies to watch with The Legion. I also feel like he barely knew Frank, who he immediately did not like all that much
• When not at work or school, he’d typically lock himself in his room and mess around on his guitar, which he picked up rather quickly, both learning songs he enjoyed as well as making his own
• Most of his art at first was just rough sketches and doodles of people (from either school or customers at the store he worked at) and objects he’d find laying around at first, though he started to experiment a lot with cartoonifying them and drawing random shit from his mind as well
• He had a LOT of fun working on the Legion’s mural, spending as long as he needed to make it as perfect as he could. He was super surprised that anybody would wanna commission him, but super grateful since it felt like a huge stepping stone for him
• He has a fascination with Norse mythology, and used to bury his nose in books when he was much younger. A lot of this shows up in his artwork, especially later in life when he started revisiting this interest of his
• Though he was grateful to not have to listen to his parents' constant fighting after moving away with his mom, he absolutely hated how lonely he felt, having nobody at school to confide in. Even when he’d focus on his art and music, he’d struggle to find as much joy in it as he used to, though he continued to work on them since he didn’t wanna give up on the main sources of happiness in his life
• When on the road with his bandmates, he felt nothing but free, having finally escaped the silent hell that was high school and embracing the exciting music filled life he knew he had ahead of him
• Whenever they were stopped to perform one of their shows, Jeff would find something or something to draw or paint to remember the area by, like a memento, so he’d always have that memory
• As rough as the fight he got into was, he didn’t necessarily regret it due to having helped somebody out instead of just standing by and watching them get hurt. The pain is still hard as hell on him some days, and he doesn’t particularly enjoy the scar he was left with, but he refuses to look back at his life with regret.
• Though he missed his band mates and being on the road, he absolutely loved going to art school. He made new friends and found his true passion in his artwork, finding the happiness he had been looking forward to for so long.
• He listens to a lot of heavy metal when he works on his art, finding that it gives him a lot of motivation and drive to keep creating, even when he’s a bit frustrated with his current project
• He LOVES his dog so damn much! He’s such a dog person, and always dreamed of having one, he just never had the opportunity to do so until he finally settled down. That dog was his best friend, and kept him company whenever he was working at home
• Losing his dad was pretty rough on him. He hadn’t seen him since he moved away from Ormond, and did have some regrets about not visiting him a lot. Finding that guitar meant a lot to him, and he found himself confiding in music a lot more than he had in a while
• He had heard something about the body found at the old lodge and the four teens going missing after he had moved, but he knew very little about it other than knowing Joey and the others were gone. He was a bit upset and confused by this, especially since he had known them, though he ended up forgetting about it after a while, only being reminded after he returned to Ormond
• He defo owns a motorcycle, which he loves riding around whenever he’s feeling overly stressed, the feeling of the cold wind as he rides around calming him down
• He designed a good majority of his tattoos, which he spent forever designing since he wanted them to be perfect before getting them permanently drawn onto him
• Absolutely HATES listening to people fight, since it reminds him a lot of his parents. He tends to freeze up before going into fight or flight mode when he hears or sees a fight break down
• Most of his wardrobe is made up of band shirts and jackets, a lot of which he collected throughout his time out on the road. They all mean something to him, cherishing each and every one, and he also loves how comfortable they are. Some of the shirts from his band were ones he even designed himself 
• Hates the idea of cutting his hair and shaving his beard, since he both loves the way they feel, and also feels like they’re what makes him *him*
• Autism :) His special interests are heavy metal, art, and Norse mythology (listen,,, he’s my fav original survivor, let me have this lmfao)
• He enjoys inspirational quotes a lot, and has a bunch taped around his room/house, just so that they’d be there whenever he needed to look at em
• He’s just a very chill guy to be around, and will always be there for anybody that needs him. He always has great words of wisdom to share, and gives great hugs as well
• He’s not much of a show off, but he absolutely loves talking about his art and the thought and meaning he’s put behind every piece of his
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talentbloomed · 1 year
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Did they believe in Santa?:
Yes, he did ! Tooru would make sure there was milk and cookies for Santa every Christmas, and would leave a handwritten note for him as well with little doodles on it ! ‘I wish for a new volleyball so Iwa-chan and I can play!’ and there would be stick figures of him and Hajime weljnweljf Tooru’s mother and big sis thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Were they a dinosaur or rock kid?:
Rock kid because he used to give Hajime pretty rocks he’d find on the ground because Iwaizumi means “rock” so lil Tooru naturally assumed he would like them ahahaha
Bugs or slimy critters?:
Tooru doesn’t like either !! He used to burst into tears and freeze up whenever Hajime stuck a bug on him for fun. As he got older, they don’t scare him to that extent anymore but whenever there’s a spider in the house, he’d still call Hajime over to catch it.
Do they fidget? How?:
Tooru fidgets with his hands and makes motions with them when he’s restless before a volleyball match or for the next set of the match. His face is always serious and composed but if he’s up against a difficult team, he can be seen fumbling around with his hands. Outside of volleyball, if he’s nervous about something he’ll shift his weight from leg to leg or twirl a finger in his bangs. When he first wears skirts, he’d unconsciously keep running his hands down the fabric to adjust it even if it looks fine.
What were they frequently in trouble for as a child?:
Tooru was a really sweet and well-behaved child and would pick flowers from the school garden to give to his teachers. They found it very cute but would have to gently tell him why he shouldn’t do that. He can also be very loud when he’s his cheerful self so a teacher might have to shush him every now and then.
What underwear do they like?:
Briefs / boxer briefs ! Tooru’s the type to have silly underwear too and I wouldn’t put it past him to have glow in the dark + space themed undies 🤣
Designs on clothing or no?:
Oh yes !! He’s very stylish so he likes all types of clothing, with designs or plain !
Tooru doesn’t have any birthmarks, the only blemish he has on his skin are the self-harm scars along his right hip. During timeskip, he gains some stretch marks along his inner thighs which he gets a little insecure about !
Do they have good self control?:
In middle school, no. Tooru’s very emotional and insecure with himself and his skills at this time in his life. He overworked himself to the core and would not stop until Hajime would forcefully get him to, in which he’d get upset at his best friend and there would be many emotional outbursts. In high school, his self control is much better. He’d take breaks and properly rest his body but some of his harmful tendencies are still hard to curb.
Favorite franchise?:
Star Wars and Star Trek (even tho I know nothing about sci-fi media oOP)
Do they re-enact scenarios in the shower?:
Tooru re-enact the day’s matches and plays in his head whilst in the shower. He’s always thinking about how to improve himself and his team, and what he could have done better or which toss he should have gave instead for a different result.
Do they tell the waiter that their order is wrong?:
He does with a smile and he’s very polite about it !
Stairs or elevator?:
No preference, but he typically opts for the stairs since taking them is usually faster than waiting for the elevator.
Are they an exaggerator when telling stories?:
Absolutely ! Tooru knows how to charm and perform, plus it makes the story all the more interesting. On top of that, he’s a very animated speaker and uses his arms/body for emphasis while his tone fluctuates to add more dramatics to any story he tells.
tagged by: @strawberrycolaaa​ ( thank you, this was a lot of fun !! ;W; ))
tagging: @kisumshi, @aerael, @multianime, @mymanymerrymuses, @prudenze, @msby15​ !!
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demonkeeperdark · 1 year
This is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg story so I'm having to put it under a keep reading line lol
For those curious - this is a recent experience I had at a metallica weekend concert which waz the best weekend of my life
My dad had gotten me metallica tickets for my birthday in April for night one w/pantera and mammoth WVH because I had never thought I would ever see pantera in my life (Due to Dimebags tragic incident) and I had already seen 5FDP last year when Megadeth opened up for them. A few days ago before the concert I found out that we had accidentally gotten both day tickets. I was stoked because I had been thinking how cool it would be to see 5FDP again along with metallica twice in one weekend. We carefully planned out our weekend because I was not going to let my dad waste those tickets let alone we had 2 more- One for his girlfriend and originally one of his buddies who backed out. I pulled along my boyfriend since 1) hes never been to a concert and 2) metallica is also his favorite band so if he saw them as his first band I thought- well shit- if I was in his position I wouldve been fucking stoked (best part he said the weekend was his best weekend ever)
Friday morning we skipped school and work and shot immediately down to LA to avoid traffic (if you live in California or have at least driven through LA at least once you know what i mean) and had to find somewhere to stay the night and get ready for the first night.
We get to the stadium and find our seats and hear Mammoth WVH first and ive never heard any of their music and it was very good (highly recommend listening to them) and I was slowly getting more hyped. Pantera came up and- Phil Anselmo gets out there on stage in fucking board shorts and no damn shoes on his feet and hella made the entire stadium straight up go fucking crazy. So well fucking performed that night. We had about an hour wait before metallica and when they came up playing Creeping Death- like holy fuck??? Just straight up slapped in the face by this godly fucking music ive only heard in the car- on my headphones through either phone or cd player- through my record player- and now I get to hear it for real...right there...and oh my god, I felt like i was in a dream all day that day, and this wasnt even the best part of this weekend- and I felt so fucking amazed. The next 2 were Harvester Of Sorrow and Leper Messiah and it sounded so fucking good...2 very good songs I wasnt expecting them to play but holy shit- it was worth it. On came The Memory Remains- the entire stadium was singing- you could hear your own voice align with everyone elses... And then it was Lux Æterna- and then it was Too Far Gone?... It was great- it was amazing. Rob and Kirk had a little bit of a "doodle"... And they looked like they were having fucking fun. Next they played Fade To Black, and I started getting emotional...then they played Shadows Follow which is my favorite off the new album which brought my emotions back up- Just to get myself lost into listening to Orion...and Nothing Else Matters really kicked me in the feels...
Sad But True played and my bf got really hyped since it was one of his favorites off the black album, and once again i got hit in the feels with The Day That Never Comes....
And once again Hardwired brought my energy and emotions up and when Fuel hit my dad and I went full on screaming the song to each other and watching the pyro and flames go off.
Metallica all paused for a second and went...
"We have time for a couple more songs...how do you all feel about...SEEK?"
I didnt hear the first "seek", but fucking hell...my bf lit up like a light bulb...
And then fucking Master Of Puppets to finish off put that cherry on top.
And all i could think off was...
I get to see them.
In two
Hyped as shit.
I get to see 5FDP Again.
I get to see fucking Metallica Again.
My phone dies...
So I think welp I'm fucked if I want to take photos and videos for myself but eh I get to enjoy it in person, I dont really need my phone and I cant complain about just seeing it and everyone else could record it and take photos so we could all look at it later together or something and have fun with it
It was hotter this night compared to the first, so before we ran to our seats we got drinks and I ended up cutting my hand open on a water bottle but I didn't let it bother me much
We went to our seats and started getting settled and this guy came up with what looks to be a VIP ticket slung around his neck and an envelope in his hand and goes
"Hey how are you guys tonight?"
My dad with his audacity goes
"Well my daughter got a cut on her hand from a water bottle a bit ago but this is her late birthday present and shes not letting that bring her down so I think were doing great!"
"Fucking sick!" This guy replies and says, "Hey you know what?" He puts his hand into the envelope...
Snake Pit Wristbands.
He hands them to us along with guitar picks that my bf took so fucking many of and walks away saying
"You guys will be down there, have fun"
I start balling my eyes out.
I couldnt believe all of this was happening, we were trying to find our way down and I'm just crying while everyone was taking turns guiding me down and I stand there in this field and I look around really questioning if I'm asleep and I'm just tripping on drugs or if I'm literally in the middle of the snake pit and imagining how fucking cool James Hetfield is going to look standing there in front of me where I was standing against the wall.
I must've lost it for another 15 minutes before I came to my senses and actually started getting hyped for all this because everyone would be right there in front of me.
A few minutes later Ice Nine Kills performs and I also havent heard much of their music but they were badass, all dressed up and acting like they were killing people on stage and it looked so cool yet if you were where I was it also looked so fake at the same time but it was fucking great.
They ended and 5FDP was up next and the first time I saw them it was another situation where I was at the top of the stadium and i just saw them from a distance but now I could actually see them right in front of me.
And then they came up.
Holy shit.
I was so excited to see them again and right there that I couldn't stop jumping (literally) and I had more energy then everyone else in the pit for them to the point I had Ivan Moody, Zoltan Bathory, AND Chris Kael point at me at least once.
They started wrapping things up when Zoltan Came over, points at me, and throws a pick directly at me, and I had everyone around me trying to catch it before I did but I got it directly thrown at me and caught it and I got so happy I shook my bf, dad, and his girlfriend.
Next thing to you they played The Bleeding and Chris comes over and points at me while playing his bass guitar and we looked at each other and both lip sang to the song and I got more excited over that then getting the pick.
When they started leaving the stage he came back and gave me his sweatband that has his last name imprinted on it and I couldnt fucking take it.
It was so fucking cool and badass and I didnt stop wearing it till a couple hours ago when I could finally put it somewhere safe.
Everyone started crowding in for metallica and we all started getting crowded in, and once AC/DC's A Long Way To The Top started playing everyone got really excited and hyped and crowding in more.
Everyone also started looking at Jason Mamoa amd taking photos of him in the snake pit with us before metallica came out.
After Metallicas long cutscene/intro finished they came out and played Whiplash...
If I had just reached as far as I could I could've touched Hetfields foot thats how fucking close I was to him.
At that point I couldnt even explain song by song how amazing it was, I was just rocking out and I couldnt stop, it was so fucking cool and amazing and I couldnt stop jumping again and throwing up the devil horns it was great.
End of the show they were doing theyre out to and throwing everything out and my bf got one of their picks and I started having that verge of tears again because I still couldnt believe what I just witnessed.
Not only did I get rare collectables from 5FDP, but Metallicas crew gave us pit tickets to make everything possible and that proves how fucking amazing they are.
Best weekend of my life, I couldnt be anymore grateful.
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