#which other hobbies I do have nothing to do with whether I am on a 'writing break' or not
Writing Habits Tag
I was tagged by @sergeantnarwhalwrites who I hope has some patience with me being snarky when I don't like the options XD
I'm gonna leave it as an open tag, and the unedited template is below the cut.
write: daily | most days | a few times a week I a few times a month | random
I write most often: when I first get up | later in the morning | afternoon | evening | the wee hours of the night | whenever
In one sitting, I tend to write: a few sentences at a time | a few hundred words | a few thousand words | a complete chapter / section no matter how long | an outline | whatever comes
I tend to write scenes: in chronological order with no skipping | mostly in order but with some filler / skipping | whatever scene I feel like who knows what's gonna come out
The things that comes easiest to me are: dialogue | description of senses | description of action I description of characters | exposition | other
I tend to write: on a phone | on a laptop I in a notebook I on whatever paper I can find I with speech to text I in the blood of my enemies | it doesn't really matter to me | on paper first and then typed up I old school typewriter on a computer
Here we get snarky. What are those options? What does a rainbow sparkly LED clown vomit gaming PC have to do with a typewriter? What does that even mean?
When I take a break from writing, it usually lasts: a few days | a few weeks | a few months I it's kind of random
My favorite thing to do when l'm on a writing break is: recharge with other creative hobbies | read / consume other media | do something physical | catch up with old friends | work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art I other
Wish I were writing
In general, I think my writing habits are: pretty much what I need them to be | okay, but l'm working on making them better I non-existent I not great I totally random I perfect for me
Fucking unhealthy, holy fucking shit
write: daily | most days | a few times a week I a few times a month| random
I write most often: when I first get up | later in the morning | afternoon | evening | the wee hours of the night | whenever
In one sitting, I tend to write: a few sentences at a time | a few hundred words | a few thousand words | a complete chapter / section no matter how long | an outline | whatever comes
I tend to write scenes: in chronological order with no skipping | mostly in order but with some filler / skipping | whatever scene I feel like who knows what's gonna come out
The things that comes easiest to me are: dialogue | description of senses | description of action I description of characters | exposition | other
I tend to write: on a phone | on a laptop I in a notebook I on whatever paper I can find I with speech to text I in the blood of my enemies | it doesn't really matter to me | on paper first and then typed up I old school typewriter on a computer
When I take a break from writing, it usually lasts: a few days | a few weeks | a few months I it's kind of random
My favorite thing to do when l'm on a writing break is: recharge with other creative hobbies | read / consume other media | do something physical | catch up with old friends | work on my WIP in other ways like with playlists or art I other
In general, I think my writing habits are: pretty much what I need them to be | okay, but l'm working on making them better I non-existent I not great I totally random I perfect for me
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ellsarchive · 1 month
Theo Nott Headcannons!! *.•
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Rebelogs are appreciated <3!!
Either sleeps for at least half of the day or never sleeps at all. This man has never had a normal nights sleep.
—> once, the Slytherins won the house cup. I kid you not when I tell you he didn’t sleep for two days and then slept for 20 hours straight.
Has never been angry in English
—> stubs his toe? Italian. Betrayed? Italian. Someone acting up? ITALIAN.
His arm WILL be around you at all times times whether you like it or not. Whether that’s an arm around your shoulders as you walk through the halls, a hand on your waist when you sit together, or arms wrapped around you as you sleep, is for you to find out.
Actually very loyal when in a relationship, but if he’s hung up on you whilst single he’s the most promiscuous man known to the wizarding world. It’s one of few distractions, in his eyes.
Speaks to you in Italian, saying the words he can’t bring himself to tell you in a way you’ll understand (assuming you don’t speak the language).
He knew he was in love when he found himself scribbling words on to a paper, his quill seeming to know nothing but your name and the way his soul screams it.
—> he’s never considered himself much of a writer. He took up the hobby after falling for you.
His mother taught him to play the piano as a child.
I wouldn’t say he “didn’t believe in love” before you, moreso he wasn’t sure if it was made for him. If he was meant for it. You made him feel so wrong.
Struggles with depression, it gets especially worse when his dad reaches out more.
He cried in the washroom when you took him to meet your parents.
—> your dad loved you despite you taking different paths than him, and your mother is still there. There’s nothing more to ask for. ‘Maybe that’s why he turned out him and you turned out you.’
—> Not long after, he received another letter from his father, and found himself crying into your arms for hours. He couldn’t even explain why, but you didn’t ask. You just held him. In that moment, he was sure his mother had brought you to him.
Offers you a smoke whenever he lights one, but not necessarily because he wants you to take it. He just feels wrong if he’s not offering you what he has.
Actually really nice, despite his sarcasm and apparent coldness. That may be who he seems to be, but anyone who bothers to look further will see what lies beneath.
Not necessarily quiet, but the most reserved of the group. Everyone knows him, but barely anyone knows him.
Lwk Noah (the notebook) coded, but in the “Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day.” Way.
Reads when he actually has the time, like when the dorms aren’t being used like a frat house and his life actually seems normal. He keeps it to himself, though.
Ended up buying his own first aid kit because you were always in his dorm patching him up.
—> what can he say, though? Mattheo’s always fighting, and he’d be a bad friend not to jump in. Don’t even get him started on when he fights for you, either.
When he fights, no emotion is poured into it. Instead of red hot anger that shoots through his veins and into his knuckles, he’s ice. Face straight as he beats men into the infirmary.
Dresses like if Jacob Elordi, David Beckham, and Brad Pitt had a fashion baby.
Never makes his bed (he’s not leaving it half of the time anyway)
Always says his favourite food is pasta but will DEVOUR a grilled cheese like no other
Loves chocolate chip cookies, holds a particular hatred for oatmeal cookies.
Dreams of people he loves being ripped away from him, and all he can do is beg for it not to happen.
—> sleep talks. Sometimes you’ll hear his faint pleads, and all you can do is hold him tighter and hope it ends soon. You never mention it after because he’d be embarrassed.
A broken, broken boy whose light shines through the breaks in his heart. He’s scared to glue it back together in case it will block out the light, but you’ve made him sure you’ll shine through him no matter what.
“Blue - Billie Eilish”
Also please comment recs for a playlist I’m making for him, or if you’d like more! <33
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kayesfanfics · 5 months
Morph (Kevin Sydney) x Reader Headcanons
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A/N: I’ve seen pretty much zero content for them and I AM HERE TO CHANGE THAT CAUSE I ADORE THEM AND THOUGHT THEY WERE SO COOL
Warnings: NSFW Headcanons under the second cut, Morph using they/them pronouns🙀
Morph definitely is super flirty with you, acting as if they’re still trying to win you over to go out with them. They love to just spend time with you and be around you, so if you’re doing something that requires your full attention, they’re perfectly content sitting with you and just watching you or doing their own thing beside you. Would LOVE to sit on your bed and kick their feet while he watches you get ready for the day. Whether you have a vanity and are doing your hair and makeup, or you just get ready in the bathroom quick in the morning, they love to watch you primp and preen yourself. Loves to shower with you too, not even for sexual activities, they just want to wash your hair for you and hold you skin to skin in the warm water and just relax for a moment in silence with you
You were actually the one to ask them out, yes they were flirty and seemed confident, but they didn’t have the courage to ask you out. You were gorgeous and amazing and powerful and they didn’t see themself as any of those things, so despite their friends telling them you definitely liked them back, they didn’t want to risk you rejecting them and getting their heart broken. So when you finally asked them out on a date, they were quite shocked but of course said yes, and the two of you had been dating ever since
They love to be your knight in shining armor, they’re always there to catch you or help you up during fights and missions. Will fight for the seat next to you on the X-Jet and lean over their seat to flirt with you, they love seeing you blush and squirm under their gaze and will grin like a dork if they make you laugh. All their jokes are aimed to make you laugh, they love being a source of happiness to you and just adores your beautiful smile. Will also squeeze or smack your butt when you walk by each other, snickering with a shit eating grin on their face when you’d turn with a red, embarrassed face glaring at them, which just made them laugh harder. They won’t go past your limits though, they just like to rile you up sometimes and tease you a bit to see you squirm
Super into PDA so if you’re not, you have to have a talk with them but if you don’t mind, boy will they be that annoying S/O everyone is grossed out with. Loves to randomly grab you and dip you into a kiss all dramatically and romantically, will pull you into their lap during meals and meetings, always wants to hold your hand or have an arm wrapped around you in some way. Will tap their own cheek for a kiss, which you usually grant, but will sometimes tease them back and flick their cheek with your finger instead of kissing it, which causes them to grab you and pepper your face in kisses, earning groans from everyone in the room. When they’re in their more human form, if you run a hand through their hair it’ll send shivers down their spine and make them giggle like a schoolgirl. Will twirl a strand of your hair while you talk to them, nothing but love and adoration in their eyes as you talk about something you love
Wants to try whatever hobbies you have. Sports? Cool, they can play or watch them with you. Video games? They’ll sit with you for hours playing in a dark room. Photography? Will turn into different famous models for you to photograph for practice. Cooking? They’re not great at it but they’ll help you and learn from you. They just love to spend time with you doing whatever it is you’d like, they’re like a little puppy who’s happy to just be with you and follow you around
When they struggle with their identity and PTSD from Mr. Sinister, they just want to be held. You’ll lay with them in bed and spoon them, giving them comforting kisses and reassuring words as they hold your arms wrapped around them. When they have nightmares, they’d cling to you shaking and it broke your heart seeing them so afraid and so unsure of themself. When they have panic attacks, they clings to you so hard you couldn’t pry them off of you even if you wanted to, they just needs their safe place and you provide that for them and they won’t let go. They had bruised you before from their grip on you, you hadn’t paid any mind to it but once they calmed down and saw bruises forming, they’d kiss them as they apologized repeatedly, feeling so bad that they had hurt you. They never wanted to hurt you. But you’d just hug them back and kiss them, telling them it didn’t hurt at all and that you understood they were just afraid, but that you were glad you were a sense of safety and security for them. They still wouldn’t really forgive themself and feel guilty about it, talking to Wolverine about the incident over beer to try and get a peace of mind
On a lighter note, you’d usually call them Morph like everyone else, but if they were in trouble with you, YOU’D CALL THEM ‘KEVIN SYDNEY’ AND JUBILEE WOULD BE ALL “Ooooooooh you got full named!” and laugh at their panicked expression
Oh, they are SUCH a switch leaning towards sub for sure. They will change forms during sex too, including their genitalia, so the both of you can chose how to have sex that night and they do like to have long talks about sex with you and what you’re comfortable with days before you even have it. They want to share their own boundaries and wants to know yours, they’re already vulnerable to you dating you, but sex makes them more vulnerable. They may be flirty and sexy, but underneath all that they have insecurities and fears and wants you to know them so that you’re both comfortable with each other. But after all that’s done, they are very fun and good in bed, making it sexy and comfortable at the same time for you
The both of you are so into body worship, you both want the other to know how much you love each others bodies and how gorgeous and handsome and sexy the other is. They love it when your hands travel all over their body and squeeze them, praise falling from your lips as you kiss every inch you can of them. They are extremely loud during sex, they just can’t help but moan and whine and beg for you, so sometimes you’ll ride their face to make them shut up before they alert the whole mansion of your activities. You’ve even tried light bondage with them and they allowed you to gag them, which muffled them but only a bit and you still got weird looks from everyone afterwards
They love to watch you top them, just watching your chest bounce and the faces you’d make as you’d ride their cock, hands pressed against their chest as you laughed at the pathetic little whines and moans they’d let out. They loved when you were in control and telling them what to do, but they also didn’t mind topping either when you asked them to. They’d still be focused on your pleasure first and foremost, and they’d be SUCH A TEASE. Would ghost their hands over your most sensitive spots, kissing and biting your inner thighs just inches away from where you wanted them to touch most. Morph would start off with turning into a feminine form and scissoring with you to warm you up and get you right to the edge, before stopping to make you whimper for them to keep going. They’d then turn into a masculine form and pump their cock a few times in their hand, before finally lining up with you and pushing in, watching your back arch off the bed towards their own body and relish in the noises of pleasure you made
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just-a-ghost00 · 2 months
What's your life purpose?
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Trigger warning : the content of these readings may be touchy. My intention is never to hurt or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Feel free to stop reading if it is too much to handle.
Group 1 - Rollerblade
Cards : Shadow, Compassion, Power, 9 of cups, Hierophant, 9 of swords
This felt very emotional and very specific but for some of you your sole purpose is to come out. Is to finally be yourself unappologetically, to get out of your shell and express your true nature. This will speak to anyone that considers themselves queer or wonders about their identity in general, whether it's about genders, sexuality, fashion, beliefs. Your purpose is to hep other people do the same. To raise awareness and compassion about being out of the norms, thinking and feeling outside the box. To empower people so that they can be themselves without feeling ashamed or fearing other people's opinion. Your purpose is to help people feel secure in their beliefs and feel fulfilled, to stop worrying about the future or whether they'll ever be able to be free. You're here to help shift paradigms around the notions of identity, norms and beliefs. Some of you may have faced public shaming in the past, whether it is in this lifetime or previous incarnations, surrounding your sexuality and/or your appearance. I was picking up specifically on World War II. There might be people amond your ancestors that were persecuted for similar reasons. I'm feeling very emotional doing this reading. If that is something you have gone through, I am sincerely sorry and I hope that you will no longer suffer the pain of being rejected for who you are. I'm getting the feeling of people being demonized because of their beliefs and wrongly accused of things they had nothing to do with. Your purpose is to help people get rid of such karma, to cleanse and purify transgenerational wounds surrounding sexuality, body image, cultural differences. Especially for women. And one of the ways you could be doing that is through art and/or entertainment. Like dancing, rollerblading, singing, painting. I asked for further information regarding hobbies or careers that you can pursue to accomplish your purpose and you got Self Love and The Explorer. So the general answer would be anything that gets you to explore and deepen your sense of self love. If I'm getting more specific, I'm thinking of modeling, yoga, group therapy, reiki, hypnose, meditation, sound healing. Since Self Love depicts a peacock, the activities have to have a connection with beauty/aesthetics/the body somehow. I'm also thinking of tantra. For some it could be related to surgery. Like helping people transition from one gender to another.
Keywords/signs/extras : In the shadows - The Rasmus, bats, ravens, crows, Pisces, Taurus, life path numbers 9/5, pride, rainbows
Group 2 - Lips
Cards : The Warrior, The Universe, Sacred Sexuality, 6 of swords, 10 of pentacles, 4 of cups
There are possible future public speakers among you. And also artists such as graphic designers, digital artists because when I started to do your reading, my drawing software just randomly opened when I didn't even click on it. So if you were hesitating about starting to draw or going digital, this is your sign to go for it. Your life purpose is to bring people together, to reunite people that were seperated. I'm specifically picking up on immigrants, war victims, orphans, people that are homeless or that have a precarious situation. Your purpose is to raise awareness about these subjects, to join an organization and fight for these people's rights. Again, the theme of sexuality is brought out here, similarly to group 1. You could be helping out people that had to flee their home in order to be safe because of their sexuality. Your purpose could be to help people free themselves of toxic environments if that is their wish. So it could be helping victims of physical abuse, domestic abuse, victims of racism/homophobia or any kind of hate crime. I sense some influencer energy coming from this group as well. In all cases, your purpose is to provide people with a safe space where they can either live freely or share their truth. So you could be creating an app to gather people facing the same issues or to put in contact people that are willing to help with people who are in need of help. You could be using your social media and your status to raise awareness about specific causes. You could be getting legally involved by filing lawsuits, by protesting, by adopting. You could be helping people with their administrative papers. There are so many ways this can be done. But I'm getting a very proactive vibe from your group. If group 1 was more about providing moral and emotional support, you are more of the kind to go to the trenches and fight the battles. So some of you could even literally fight by applying for the military. The 6 of swords can indicate travel and we also have the Universe card so this would make sense. Also you could be donating money, funding the construction of shelters for instance.
Keywords/signs/extras : Aries, social media, roses, cranes, dogs, mountains, river side, Indestructible - Disturbed, letter S, life path numbers 1/6/9, NGOs, Not today - BTS
Group 3 - Disco ball
Cards : Patience, The Magi, The Weaver, knight of pentacles, 10 of wands, The Star
Some of you could be tarot readers or use any other form of divination. If that is not your case now, you have the potential to be. You also have the potential of being a public figure. And by that I mean an important one. Kind of Beyoncé level or any other artist that you can think of that you like, no matter the field. It could be acting, it could be film making, it could be fashion design, singing, dancing, ice skating. Anything. Writing also seems really significant. Your purpose is to guide other people. To help them weave their way through illusions and obstacles. To help them move forward and lighten their load so that they can shine their light onto the world and be the best version of themselves. We also have teachers here, coaches, spiritual practitioners of any kind, healers. You bring people to life. You help them give birth to projects. It could be litteral. As in you help moms give birth to their beautiful babies. You help new souls come to life and navigate through this world. I'm picking up on One Piece and Magi references. Specifically I was thinking of Nami and Basil for One Piece. As for Magi I was mainly picking up on Aladdin. I did some research on these characters, especially Basil because I didn't know this character that much and it turns out Basil's ability uses Tarot. He's a fortune teller. When it comes to Aladdin, he's one of the most powerful magicians and his lineage is beyond great but he has no idea because he doesn't remember his past and part of his powers are tied to his memories. He is destined to save his world and become the most powerful wizard of his era but has to fight a lot of enemies to do that. So it could be that you won't reach your full potential until you've uncovered some of your past life memories / traumas. Also you may be facing a lot of challenges and opponents on your path. You may meet a lot of naysayers or a lot of people trying to distract you from your truth and your calling. So that could transpire in your work environment, in your family, in your group of friends. You might notice people hating on you for no reason. That's because your light and power disturbs them. Since there are a lot of magical mentions it could be that some of your ancestors were accused of being witches and persecuted because of that. That might be part of the past life memories you have to deal with. Or you might be living in a country / city that has a lot of legends surrounding witches/wizards (i.e. Salem in Massachussets, Rouen / Orléans/Domrémy in France for their history with Joan of Arc, Britain when it comes to Arthurian legends, New Orleans, Greece with Circe / Hecate, Russia with Baba Yaga and Rasputin, Ireland with the Morrigan, Northern Africa for Kahena).
Keywords/signs/extras : life path numbers 1/8/11/22, psychic abilities, magic, snakes, moon cycles, cranes, stars, Aquarius, Gemini, Youtiful - Stray Kids, wizards
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
The common misconception that Akane has no personality outside of Aoi is a sign of immaturity among many fans, in my opinion. This isn’t really their fault, seeing as the majority of the tbhk fandom is on the younger side, but it’s still something that should be noted
When people say this, they are talking about his hobbies. It’s true that every hobby Akane has is something he started to impress Aoi. I’m of the firm belief that he stayed on the Student Council because he enjoys it but that’s slightly up to interpretation (it could also be a way for Teru to keep an eye on him). However, in general, Akane doesn’t seem to have much going on outside of Aoi. His favorite food is something he imagines her baking for him, he joins clubs based on what type of guys she shows interest in, the books he reads all have a character that shares her name, and when she asks him what he enjoys, his response is “I like you, Aoi.” He’s even shown to zone out of conversations when Aoi isn’t mentioned. This is clearly unhealthy, though he does eventually learn to give her some distance which is beneficial to the both of them. But he still doesn’t seem to actively engage in hobbies that have nothing to do with Aoi
This is a consistent character flaw, but it does not mean Akane has no personality or character outside of Aoi. This is where the immaturity bit comes in, kids want to describe themselves entirely based on their interests. With the rise of fan culture and the internet, many adults do the same. It’s not just a young people problem, it’s an issue of how we identify ourselves. We like to put people into categories, understanding them based on their hobbies and careers. These are very important elements of identity, but they aren’t everything. A person with no job and no hobbies is still a person. They might struggle due to having no outlet for their creativity, but they are a person nonetheless
Fandoms notoriously love to understand characters based on their niche interests. Aoi is a gardener, Hanako loves the moon, Nene plays idol games, Teru has a very sad life. These are absolutely elements of their characters, but there’s more to them than their hobbies. They have personalities too, goals and passions outside of what they do in their free time
Akane puts his all into helping others, he takes his Student Council duties very seriously and keeps his hands full during every school event. He is a very empathetic character, able to understand characters like Aoi, Teru, and Nene without them having to tell him what they need. He’s competitive, as seen in his friendship with Teru. He’s romantic, as is the driving force of his character (and romance is a perfectly acceptable goal, marriage is one of the most common things for a person to strive towards in life). He’s violent and overprotective, striking down any man who makes Aoi uncomfortable. He’s emotional, prone to fits of joy, anger, and tears. He’s easily annoyed and carries a chip on his shoulder, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to help people. He hates supernaturals because of how they hurt others, and despite his stance as a School Mystery, he is so painstakingly human. He can be aggressive, especially when someone he loves is trying to do something self-destructive. He cares so deeply for people, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He’d stay up all night playing video games if it made the girl he loves happy, but he won’t attack Teru for having genuine feelings for her. He’s incredibly loyal. He’s also casually bisexual so there’s that
Idk there’s just so much more to Akane’s character than people give him credit for, I didn’t even cover everything. Remember when you’re analyzing a character, it’s important to look deeper than “they enjoy this” or “this is their job.” Akane may devote so much of his life to Aoi, but he is still his own person, whether he realizes that or not
I am begging ya’ll to stop throwing the “no character outside of Aoi” allegations at this man
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sh0tanzz · 8 months
hello I hope you are having a great day ☺️, i really like your readings hehe, please do Anton as your boyfriend reading soon, I am looking forward on your other readings of the other groups as well.
rest well and take care 💕💕
you are sooo sweet omg but here we go !!
Anton as your boyfriend based on Astrology
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Aries Sun: Many people are "surprised" that Anton is an aries since the stereotype is that they're hyper and aggressive but aries men can be pretty shy + to themselves initially and don't expose their extroverted behavior till they're comfortable. Aries is cardinal, they enjoy starting things and once they master it will move on to the next task (Anton went from swimming to instruments, to producing, to being an idol what bigger example do you need 😭) before the relationship actually starts he'd try to approach but wouldn't just straight up flirt he'd want to begin a friendship or some form of banter/rapport with you. Since there's no water supporting his sun in his big six it shows he wouldn't be a super sappy "my heart bleeds for you" type of boyfriend but would still be passionate and serious when it comes to you as his partner. If you had a rocky past he'd try to have you focus on the "now" of everything and help you not loath. Has his random moments of boldness but they go as fast as they came LMAOO so savor them when you can.
Aries Moon: Many people view Anton as very timid and though he is on a surface level he is most definitely capable of boldness and quickly acting on his wants, yes he is a contained individual but when he wants something he'll shamelessly go after it. So yes ! he is 100% capable of initiating things whether its physical affection or if he wants to see you. If he wants you he wants you, plus, in a video he claimed that if it was just him and the person of his affection one on one he'd express himself more freely. Which makes me think if it were you two one on one he'd be super real about his feelings and his guard wouldn't be as far up.
Aries Mercury: Yes. the headcanons that anton would spam your phone with tiktoks and memes are true. He wouldn't be afraid of hitting you up frequently and seeming "needy" like he loves you duh ofc he's gonna text you literally at any given opportunity. Would probably have your post notifs on and would be the FIRSTTT person to like your post and story. He'd be very honest and straightforward when communicating so you wouldn't have to worry about reading in between the lines or having to guess about what's going on between you two.
Taurus Venus: He could have short lived phases of being possessive and literally viewing you as "his person". He wouldn't want the relationship to continuously rush into new bases he'd want it to have a natural flow and wouldn't rush you into anything but would still want to know where you stood on certain things and be in the know (his aries stellium influence, he welcomes change and newness but, as said before, wants it to come naturally and at a certain pace). He'd be sure to be someone you could rely and depend on and would be as patient as possible with you. Would express his love through physical touch such as cuddling, resting his head on your shoulder, napping together and through spoiling you like paying for your meal, sending/bringing food and random valuable gifts at whatever time. HE JUST WANTS TO TREAT YOU RIGHHTT. Also would be very sentimental like he'd have photos, songs, posts and things saved or kept from when you two first met or started dating. He'd make the relationship so domestic oml. Ngl due to taurus venuses need for natural build up and the childish friendly nature of his aries placements he's probably a sucker for the friends to lover trope me thinks 😭
Gemini Mars: Oh he'd just love having one on one talks with you about anything interesting under the sun none of the convos would be surface level or shallow. He'd also flirt SM THROUGH TEXT every gemini mars dude I've known gets so flirty otp. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about the relationship having an air of monotony either. People claim that gemini mars people can be hot and cold but I don't think that's the case I think they're just aware that sometimes for a healthy relationship space is properly needed, so he'd let you have time to yourself/himself but with his taurus venus during these periods you wouldn't feel alone or abandoned because he'd still be there for you. Similar to Wonbin he could find your voice very attractive or a turn on. Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders so he may kiss you there or like to have some physical contact with them. Gemini also rules the lungs and nervous system so he might try to 'take your breath away'...take that as you will LOL.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Neptune Sextile: He is hyperaware of the feelings and emotions of those around him no matter how subtle they seem and also uses music as a vice so he'd use it to connect with you.
Venus trine Jupiter: He's naturally a giver and wouldn't be overly forceful, He honestly would nurture the relationship as much as he possibly could.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Square Neptune: Is willing to go LENGTHS for a partner/people he loves but may take things a bit too far or do "too much" and once you try to explain that though you appreciate his efforts it's a bit much he may take it the wrong way and feel unappreciated or used.
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scoatneyhall · 3 months
This news has people saying they'd like to see more from AFC Richmond (obviously) including the creation of the women's team. This is kind of a nightmare idea for me, because one thing I, as a football nerd, need people to understand about the concept of an AFC Richmond Women's Team is that they absolutely definitely already should have had one during seasons 1-3 of the show? Which made the pitch from Keeley in the s3 finale montage land SUPER badly for me. Like, a nice idea, easily conveyed, but nope.
Because the "football canon" of the situation is that every established Premier League club now has an affiliated women's team. And like yeah, Richmond aren't very good. But most other clubs going down the ladder into the Championship, League One, etc, also have women's teams. Richmond, when the show started, had been in the Prem without relegation for a long time. They would not be the only Prem club without a womens team!!! They would have been constantly called out for it, it would have been a huge criticism and pressure point.
(Side note: same goes for a youth academy - clubs are required to have one. So you can imagine that off-screen, AFC Richmond is operating an academy, a Development/ Reserve men's team, and a women's team, it just has nothing to do with the squad Ted coaches and their training may well be housed elsewhere.)
The WSL (womens top tier in the UK) doesn't have as many teams in it as the Prem due to structure (12 vs the Prem's 20), so the levels the men's and women's teams play at can vary drastically within the same club. Not all Prem clubs have the womens team in the WSL. But any club you (or the TL writers) may have compared to Richmond, or based them on? They do have a women's team, whether they play at the top level or not.
So for me, the moment with Keeley works okay as a "don't question it" thing in the context of a harmless series finale montage, but it doesn't work as something to build new stories off, at least not in the simplistic way it was presented. Because any extension of the Ted Lasso Universe, or a Ted Lasso season 4, that would possibly incorporate the "starting of a women's team" would be the show going SO far outside the realm of football realism that it feel like a major contrast to how the show has approached the football element before - including like, what division or tier a newly launched team would even be allowed to start in, and all that. You're not meant to dig into the moment in the finale, just process it as a nice, fuzzy concept. But if there is more show to come, with a plot line that tackles the idea pitched in the finale, it could never match the level of football realism that was applied to the show before, because they've invented a totally fake situation that just doesn't work like that. They would be lowering their own bar. I know that many elements of TL, like Ted coaching, are already extremely fake, but their dedication to most of what counts is very good and very specific. Following through on what the finale implied about the women's team would be a drop in football realism from their existing standards and I am suuuuper not interested in that happening. It would be a quality drop for sure.
This is a bit of a rant and I am possibly the only fan who cared about this, but that Keeley and Rebecca scene was honestly one of the worst finale moments for me just because it implies something soooo wroooong.
HOWEVER, there's a pretty easy fix, and it would be cool if they went in this direction: the only reasonable explanation is that Rupert ran the women's team into the ground/never funded it, just met the bare minimum requirements, and they were currently playing below FA level, like in the 5th tier with only semi-pro players who don't get a professional wage - basically hobby players, and Keeley’s pitch was about reviving them and getting promoted up the tiers ASAP, Welcome to Wrexham style, with new funding, recruiting etc. Sucks that they got no attention from Rebecca before now but they may not have had money to spare for it during season 2 or before Rebecca sold shares in the club... dealing with that, and the fact that Rebecca had to knowingly leave them on the back burner and neglect them... that could be interesting. There's a story to be had about the women's team, don't get me wrong, but it isn't as simple an idea as the finale implied and that the fans have since run with.
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sexyandhedonistic · 1 year
A word to some LOA blogs. You will know this is directed towards you when you read this.
The amount of times I have heard of a blog being rude and disrespectful to their followers is starting to become concerning and this is why I'm writing this currently, because it looks like a lot of you are letting your platform overinflate your egos and you do not know how to act as a result.
Not everyone needs to run a LOA blog.
I have reiterated time and time again regarding the fact that a lot of people join the community without knowing the first thing about the law of assumption which evokes confusion in so many people as a result. That is only one part of my issue with just anyone creating an account and starting to post literal gibberish (but that's a discussion for another day).
The other is the lack of basic empathy displayed by some blogs on here. I understand that the spectrum of questions in our inbox can range from very insightful epiphanies our anons have to hate to confusing questions to straight up irritating nonsensical ones, but that doesn't entitle you to be a piece of shit to your followers whether it's to their face or to your loa friend group regarding them asking you a genuine question they confided in you with.
As a blog, if you do not want to help someone, your options are the following:
Not respond.
Tell them you are unfit and redirect them elsewhere.
Running a law of assumption blog, much like indulging in any other task or hobby in which you have to help people, requires you to have three very important traits and those are:
MORE patience
A lot of you guys are simply not built to be running a platform that is specifically intended to help people. If you're gonna be constantly belittling them, invalidating their honest questions then why are you here? There are principles of the law that we learn and talk about and you need to familiarize yourself with them before you run to point and laugh at someone who's asking for your help. You do not get to make fun of people's questions just because your understanding of the law of assumption is deeply flawed and cherry picked.
You are always welcome to be a lurker in the community and read what other blogs say, but if you have nothing to contribute except shitty responses and unwarranted mocking maybe you should reevaluate your decision to run a law of assumption blog.
To my followers, I am sorry if you've ever dealt with a rude blogger before. You do not deserve to be treated with disrespect LOA or not. This is supposed to be a community where everyone is welcome to learn about the law and discuss it accordingly. I hope you guys are able to find a blog that resonates with you and can answer your questions in a kind and digestible way, but please do not humor some of these awful people.
This is alI have to say about the matter for the time being. If you felt like I was talking about you I most likely was. Apologize to your followers for being an asshole, deactivate your blog or leave the community altogether. Any of these options work.
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Day 7
The Terran, as it proved, seemed to become more and more talkative every cycle. I did sight her in the meal hall today, as she sat on the surface of one of the tables, rather then on one of the stools surrounding it.
She seemed to be conserving rather animatedly with Wrin, who was still relatively clear-headed, for their standards. Quinn must have said something that caused a rather strong reaction in Wrin, if the sudden change of their complexion from its natural dark blue shade into a bright pink and back was any indicator.
I had spent the rest of the last cycle studying the previous entries to determine whether or not the human seemed to have any clue about my task of observing her. I came to the conclusion that, up to this point, the human had not signaled any discomfort due to suspicious behaviour, but I certainly should continue to be careful and not try to appear threatening or dubious.
I retrieved the human and proceeded to carry out the tasks at hand. It was relatively silent in the main control room for a while, until the human put down her current tools with much more force than needed, possibly signaling anger.
"Y‘know, I ain‘t trying to be rude, but this is really boring.", she spoke up.
My front pliers rattled in concern. "Are you…underwhelmed by your work?" This statement seemed completely illogical to me, but alas, I could not come up with another interpretation of the words she had uttered.
"I mean, no, but…yeah? I‘m not trying to say that its underwhelming, it‘s just…like, I‘m on a goddamn alien spaceship, y‘know? And I get to work with all this crazy alien technology, and that‘s amazing! But, once you‘ve figured out how it works, it just keeps working like that and everything‘s doing exactly what it‘s supposed to be doing and there‘s no real challenge behind it, y‘know." She had begun to wave her hands around in a manner which purpose I could not discern.
I remained silent for a while, processing the enormous amount of information that the human had just verbalized. No real challenge? What was that even supposed to convey? 
"I am not quite certain if I understood your complaint correctly. You are…upset due to…understanding the technology?"
"No! It‘s not that, just…you know, humans like challenges. We like to solve unsolvable things. For some, it‘s even a hobby. We need to challenge our mind and brain for it to develop. So, if we are faced with a kind of monotonous situation, we get bored."
I blinked. Were human brains really that much more complex than I had previously deemed?
I was not certain what would be an appropriate answer to such a revelation, so I said: "I regret that your mind is unchallenged by the work that has been assigned to you, but I fear I have no say in the matter. It is the Vitrichl‘s wish."
"I‘m not asking for a different job. I quite like where I am right now. I‘m just asking you if I can do something besides just standing here all day long. I was raised to use my hands. I can run errands and repair stuff and I‘m good at making adjustments and figuring out what is wrong with a machine. I can do that!"
I contemplated the suggestion for a while. I would not go against the Vitrichl‘s wishes, and right now, the ship was running smoothly, apart the two leaks in close proximity to each other. I attempted  to think of something "more challenging" for the human to be tasked with. As nothing came into the front of my mind, I consulted V-7.
"V-7, are there any machines in need of a reparation that could be performed by the human?"
The human jumped in distress as the AI answered after scanning the ship. 
"The engines in sector 3 seem to be in need for a routine check-up."
"Holy shit, it can talk?!", the human spoke up, causing me to turn in it‘s direction. The humans complexion seemed to be even lighter than its natural shade, although it tended to be the most extreme around, what I assumed was, her nose (a protuberance placed in the middle of its face, seemingly a bone structure covered with skin, with two holes at the bottom facing the ground, perhaps nostrils).
I blinked once more. I could not determine what a "holy shit" was supposed to be, so I simply decided on answering the human‘s question. "Yes. "It" is called V-7, an artificial assitant integrated into the ship.", I informed her.
"There seem to be engines in sector 3 that you could examine."
The Terran made movement with her hand, swinging it from her body towards the door, seemingly indicating for me to take her to the location. "Lead the way." 
I guided the human to the aforementioned sector and instructed her on the proper routine check-up etiquette.
I observed her method for a matter of time before deeming it safe enough to leave the premises. In the main control room, I continued to observe the human over a video recording V-7  displayed, until another problem required my attention.
Once I am given the opportunity to watch the full tape, any further observations will be recorded here.
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invisible-pink-toast · 4 months
Is Misty a serial killer?
"I’m grateful, okay? I really am very grateful that your hobby seems to be figuring out how to be the perfect serial killer." "Why does everyone keep saying that?"
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Misty is such a fascinating character. We know that since they were rescued, she's become a nurse/carer at a nursing home, that she's a prominent member of the Citizen Detective group, that she loves her bird Caligula and is training him, that she's gone on a lot of unsuccessful dates, and that she's kept tabs on all the surviving Yellowjackets.
But none of this explains the murder dungeon set up in her basement...
For context, Misty's had a fascination with medicine and healing since before the crash, taking the Red Cross babysitter's first aid course twice, but it's after the crash that she realises how useful this skill is in making her needed and letting her be in control.
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It gives her power over people.
Her feeling appreciated for the first time in her life and feeling like she has a position of power in the group leads to her destroying the black box when she finds it. I'm not sure if she just meant to delay the rescue to give herself more time to shine, or whether she meant to trap everyone in the middle of nowhere permanently.
Even if her plan was just to delay, Ben is in a critical state, and everyone is injured and vulnerable to infection and exposure, not to mention their lack of supplies (Misty has no knowledge of the lake or cabin at this point). Either way it shows a complete disregard for others lives right from the get go.
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Misty doesn't know much about herbs and plants when they're first in the wilderness, Akilah is the most knowledgeable from her time in the girl scouts. But Misty obviously pays attention, and she gathers plants into a binder that she secretly hides in the woods.
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In her binder there is also a book on medicinal plants. As pointed out in this reddit thread, it looks faded, has no hole punches for the binder, and there's no reason Misty would have this with her in the crash. It's likely a book from the cabin. Instead of having it available for everyone, Misty has hidden the book so that only She has the knowledge - she's the one with the power, she's the most useful, and she appears to just know this information.
The plants in the binder include the ones that make you sick and hallucinate - you can see the 'vomiting' label! And this is not to know what to avoid, she gathers enough to use - which she does! It's completely premeditated.
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Misty's eager to control Ben and poisons him when he appears to reject her advances. When she thinks she has a chance with him at Doomcoming she excitedly goes to drug him into a state of compliance. Her plan is ruined before she can attempt it (though I doubt Ben would've ever accepted another tea from Misty lmao) when Mari adds the shrooms to their stew. Misty knows that Everyone is going to be drugged and there will be consequences - but she says nothing and even has the stew herself in order to try and appear innocent. So she knows it's not something someone's supposed to be doing but does it anyway for her own gain.
"You poisoned me! Why?" "That's a very strong word. I wouldn't-"
Chronologically, the first death that Misty directly causes is Kristin's.
Misty threatens to kill her if the other girl reveals her secret (destroying the black box) and backs Kristin up against the cliff. When Kristin steps back, she falls to her death.
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I truly don't think Misty meant to kill Kristin here. I think she was 100% capable of it, but her actual death was an accident. Misty panicked and was trying to gain control of the situation. Misty is in shock after Kristin falls off the cliff, she's devastated and climbs down and does CPR to try and save Kristin. Absolutely not a death she meant to occur, but despite her grief, Kristin's death does solve a problem for Misty.
Something that she'll remember going forwards.
The next death Misty is (at least partly) responsible for is Javi's. Misty is the one who relays Lottie's wish to be used as food if she dies, this causes the group to decide to sacrifice someone in Lottie's place. Natalie draws the card, Travis and Javi help her escape, but when Javi falls into the icy lake, Misty is the one to pull Natalie back from helping him and make it clear that it is Natalie or Javi's life and he is already drowning.
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Misty also has complicated reactions to death. She immediately covers up Kristin's death with the blizzard, knowing that she'll be blamed if anyone discovers she fell from the cliff. But she's also panicked and upset and berating herself. She makes justifications for Javi's death and looks way too intrigued when Travis bites into the heart. But in contrast - Misty's devastated when the baby dies, and she actually convinces Ben not to commit suicide because "I can't have another death on my hands"
Yet Misty is also enamoured with violence - looking positively gleeful as Shauna nearly beats Lottie to death and grinning after they feast on Pit Girl.
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At this point this is as much as we've seen of Misty in the '96 timeline but it's... troubling. Especially considering what she's like in 2021.
Misty's become a nurse, working in an aged care facility, where she can play God and have control over people's lives again without any real oversight.
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But none of this makes her a potential serial killer. What does is:
1) Her basement.
Misty kidnaps Jessica (we'll get into that) but she already has a basement set up for this exact need. A bed, TV and kitchen facility in a basement isn't usually suspicious - but we know that Misty has ZERO guests staying (willingly) with her, the basement only locks from the outside, it's already set up with restraints on the bed (potentially just kinky but given the context more murdery), a wheelchair that someone can be easily handcuffed to, duct tape, etc.
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There's also other details that show that... this is not the first time Misty has done this. She gives Jessica plastic cutlery like what a child would use (unlike the metal cutlery Natalie uses to stab Lisa and escape when she's kidnapped and chained to a bed). Misty wears gloves and a full jumpsuit to conceal her DNA and a pair of work boots that are clearly for this purpose only.
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Even knowing that Misty is a researcher, is fascinated by true crime and is a citizen detective, there's just too many details in the set up for this to be a one off thing and first time success.
2) Misty's knowledge, supply of, and willingness to use drugs.
Misty kidnaps Jessica in about ten seconds. She's convinced Jessica to willingly get into her car to discuss what they talked about on the phone, and without a word Misty stabs her in the thigh with a syringe and knocks her out. Then Misty drives away with a smile. hm.
After discovering that Jessica will be harder to crack then Misty thought, she's perfectly willing to... murder Jessica's father. By lacing chocolates with a deadly drug and sending them to the guy from his daughter. Misty even gets his nurse to agree to deliver them personally sjdlk;fhaskl;dfh holy shit??
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Drugs are Misty's weapon of choice. It's another thing that gives her power over people. She laces Jessica's cigarettes, murdering her, when Lisa shows up with a shotgun to try and get all the masked armed people away from Lottie, Misty's first instinct is to kill the girl. The only reason she doesn't succeed is that Natalie covers Lisa and sacrifices herself.
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So in the adult timeline - that's one straight up murder (Jessica), two attempted murders (Lisa and Jessica's father), and one accidental-ish killing (Natalie). All with drugs.
3) Misty's manipulation and lack of boundaries
Not as big of a reason as some of the others, but important to consider overall. Misty has no boundaries with other people, and uses her skills against everyone around her, whether she thinks of them as a friend, foe, or a complete stranger.
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She keeps tabs on the other survivors, including Travis, who changed his name and disappeared. She's disappointed in herself for not knowing Lottie was back from Switzerland.
She tampers with her own car to guilt her date into driving her home, then guilts him into coming inside by crying that he doesn't think she's pretty.
She tampers with Natalie's car in order to force Natalie into going with her to find Travis.
She texts Kevyn Tan pretending to be Natalie and starts up a relationship with him (i mean acab but still bad from natalie's perspective)
She puts a hidden camera in Natalie's room in order to spy on her, listening in on her conversations and watching her have sex (girl come on.)
To threaten Jessica, Misty finds out the aged care facility her father is in, who his nurse is, and using a fake name has a lengthy conversation with the nurse to find out as much information as she can.
Misty does a whole background check on the random motel employee in order to threaten / blackmail him into helping her.
Not to mention all the ways Misty abuses the residents in her care at her job.
4) She knows exactly how to get rid of a body
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She's so flattered I just-
Once again, because she's a Citizen Detective and loves true crime I can see her knowing a fair bit about this. Like the 'fun fact' that 12% of killers are caught buying cleaning supplies. Why she knows exactly what brand of bleach is best to clean up a murder because "regular bleach leaves behind hemoglobin for the luminol tests" is not something anyone who has not cleaned up a murder scene would know. Also she knows exactly what to steal from her work to clean up a murder scene and dump a body on short notice...
A lot of things that Misty still uses are things that she learnt in the wilderness - the drugs, the manipulation, etc. Cleaning was not a part of the wilderness. This and her murder basement are things she has learnt over time since they've been back.
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She's also so upbeat?? All of the survivors have dealt with bodies, but for most of them it's been a while and they're all pretty shaken when getting rid of the evidence of Adam's murder. Misty is practically glowing - but given that her 'friends' need her and that she's in charge, that tracks for her character.
So after all this, there's still the question:
Is Misty a serial killer?
Honestly? Yeah, probably. She has far too many resources and techniques and is just far too comfortable with murder and cleaning up afterwards to have not killed at least a few people that we don't know about. A serial killer is someone who has murdered at least three people over a period of time. I'm thinking Misty qualifies.
Then there's the question of why?
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Misty thinks of herself as a hero. The underdog who's protecting her friends, especially Natalie. She's doing what needs to be done when the others aren't able to.
And it's the phrasing of the quote above that really gets me. The 2021 timeline in both season 1 and 2 takes place over only a couple of weeks. The bulk of it - from Jessica's kidnapping and the blackmail to ending up in Lottie's compound - happens over about two weeks.
In that two weeks, Misty has (according to herself) taken care of things such as: helping Natalie find answers on Travis' death, stopped Natalie from relapsing, killed Jessica and neutralised a potential threat, helped the others cover up Adam's murder & tracked Natalie down after her kidnapping.
Only they really didn't find answers on Travis' death, Adam's murder was not covered up and Shauna is being investigated, and Natalie stayed willingly with Lottie. The other two are highly debatable.
So Misty did not take care of things. Also, "always" is a strong way to phrase a two week period. Considering she hasn't seen the other survivors in years.
So is Misty... not talking about that two week period? Is she talking about before?
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The Yellowjackets and their survival have been public speculation since their rescue. Jessica pretending to be a reporter and poking around for a story is not shocking to any of them. But no official story has ever come out. Maybe Misty has been "taking care" of any potential leaks.
Has anyone checked in with the author of 'Skin in the Game' i'm just saying
She already has the basement set up for interrogation. She already has the drugs on hand to make a murder look like an overdose. She would rather kill someone then deal with the consequences of them living. Take Jessica, or the fact that Misty used a lethal drug (probably the fentanyl) when attacking Lisa, when she could have easily used some sort of tranquilliser.
There's also the fact that she just enjoys having power over other people. She enjoys violence.
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Some theories:
There's Stan, the guy she went on a date with in 1x02. It's obvious the date is going terribly. Misty is trying way too hard and he's not into her but she keeps pushing. That is in character, and maybe they're just trying to set Misty up as being desperate. But also... the guy is kind of a loser. He's just been fired, he tries to ditch the date at 6PM, he's even more awkward then Misty. But she still messes with her car so he has to give her a ride home. She still manipulates him into coming inside.
Why? Why does she want this guy in her house? To try to convince him to have sex with her? She doesn't really seem that into him either. And once Natalie turns up Misty could care less about the guy.
Maybe Misty was looking to use her murder basement. This guy just lost his job, if he disappeared would anyone notice right away? If he turned up a week later, dead of an apparent overdose, would anyone suspect anything? Misty sees herself as being noble, when she kidnaps Jessica she taunts her saying "good night, sleep tight, don't let the fact that you're a terrible person keep you up tonight". Stan was a jerk, so would Misty justify her actions to herself because of that?
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Then there's Walter. He knows more about Misty then he's letting on. He may have found her on the citizen detective boards, but even with his odd behaviour, this doesn't explain his borderline obsession with her. When covering up Adam's murder, he's also covering Jessica's. How does he know about Jessica or that her murder relates to Misty? He's very into true crime - has he tracked Misty down because he's linked her to several suspicious deaths? It clearly doesn't bother him, it actually seems to be something that endears her to him, but it supports the serial killer theory. Also hilarious that he thinks her being a surviving Yellowjacket is the least interesting thing about her and... he's right actually jsldkfhsaldhfas;hf
At the end of the day, Misty Quigley is a fantastic and fascinating character and I can't wait to see where her story goes. I would love for this theory to be true, but either way I'm sure Misty will be as entertaining as ever.
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"I know when you look at me, you don't see someone you should be afraid of, but, uh... you're wrong."
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
Bunny laoshi’s 1005 birthday CPNs Part I 🎂
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I am giving it this title cause i’m pretty sure we will have more in the next releases or whatever. So yeah. First, I wanna thank you xiao laoshi for all the shiny presents he gave us for his birthday! we have been so blessed! I mean those photos from XZS? and the biggest CPN of the day which is him featuring the Leica camera we have been screaming about for the past days. Personally, we can skip all of these and that sugar alone is enough. But apparently, there’s more….
I will start with my favorite which is related to the birthday cake he was holding in one of the photos.
The person who designed the cake shared info on their creation. No problem. Anyone would be proud for making a cake for a celebrity like XZ. Yes, it’s camping themed. Which is a recurrent CPN in this fandom since both of them suddenly became camping enthusiasts around the same time.
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This time the customer wanted to make a camping model, so I started looking for some pictures from my colleagues. But because Master Fang doesn’t make other store models, He finally decided to use the scene of Xinjiang grassland then add with other camping accessory of ours~
AND THIS CAKE SHOP IS LOCATED IN HANGZHOU. Who is in HZ? Who frequents HZ? Definitely not ZZ. So who had this commissioned??? I’m sorry but as soon as I heard Hangzhou, what came to mind is WYB. I swear. He is that city’s adopted son or something.
Out of all ZZ’s “hobbies” who would decided let’s do camping. I can only think of Bobo. And the delivery fee is 3k. There is really nothing top expensive when it comes to each other.
Next is how photos were with him holding the Leica. Kind of like how the camera was posted in WYB’s photosets in Paris. They are both showing off. Clearly.
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When you put the bday messages from their studios side by side — it appears that the theme and pattern is the same. 😂😂😂😂
lament about how time flies >> one year role review >> talk about life >> good wishes
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I mean it’s not the most unique format but it’s so cute seeing how similar. even how it’s split in paragraphs.
Tho I have to say wyb’s was very very special. That message made me tear up.
WYB is about to go home, Paris to China and he is wearing Ralph Lauren. Yes, ZZ is endorsing the fragrance but it’s still an interesting choice.
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I am cackling tho cause you can see that WYB was online at midnight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It got some people nervous. Will he greet XZ? Will he comments on XZ’s bday post? I mean what’s going on???
Turns out, WYB posted about his experience with the Chanel PFW. This is the perfect time cause he is literally leaving Paris. What’s funny tho are the people commenting. It’s BXGs. Because come on, who’s awake? It’s us. We are awake cause it’s GG’s bday. I took a screenshot, just look at the pfps. I think by the time I publish this post, it will be overtaken by so/os cause one fan club asked other so/os to comment. Lol.
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Some are saying the first words he used to describe the show are actually for ZZ’s photos but i really don’t buy that. and well, he is gonna see the love of his life soon ^^ I really hope they get to spend sometime 1005 or over the weekend 😌😌😌
and well the repost on ZZ’s birthday post on his own weibo is another story too 😂😂😂
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AND SOME LAST WORDS ABOUT ZZ PULLING OFF THIS CAMERA CANDY TODAY. It’s actually a joint effort. Intentional or not, I’m all for it. It goes to show that the way we speculate on things actually make sense and are not too out there. They could easily hide the camera if they want to block all the cpf talk but they didn’t. It was displayed proudly.
It’s one of those things where I think they/their team really listen in on what’s going on in the turtle fandom and they get to decide which ones will be given more fuel or not. Again, their relationship is between them, but imagine them willingly sharing this personal part of their life to us is making me 😭😭😭.
Whether it’s the exact same camera or not. XZS’ posting closed the loop of doubt. It’s not all on WYB’s side, ZZ claimed it too. and that to me is an iron clad cpn. No one can say that “WYB is just trying to feed the cpfs…”. It’s mutual.
It’s a lesson on believing in them. A couple of times this year, I’ve seen people question them. Always throwing tantrums for “lack of candy” and being annoying. Be patient. You will be rewarded if you just wait — appreciate them as people and enjoy the content they put out. It will come to us in time. Trust them. 🤍
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gingerrtarot · 1 year
◌ 。 PAC “I am feeling lonely…” - why? and how to deal with that?
hello, everyone! welcome to the reading.
here, as you can see, we will talk about loneliness. it’s not about just not having a lover or spouse, so if that’s your problem this may not resonate, as my intentions were different. with this reading i want to provide some help to people who feel alone in general.
with that said, let us get to the reading. remember that this is a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you.
so, let’s pick a pile :)
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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°。 Pile 1. ◌
Hello, pile 1! definitely workaholics pile here. i see people with a strong will and self discipline. you can limit yourself greatly and set strict boundaries for yourself. sometimes this can be good, but you can overdo it. whether intentionally or not, you are closed to other people.
You probably take on a lot of responsibilities, be it work, study or self-development. you spend all your energy creating some kind of stability and confidence in the future for yourself. working hard to become your best self, and you may simply not have any energy or time left for others. You can also deliberately refuse to communicate and interact with people, so as not to be distracted from what you consider to be more important matters.
a saying comes to mind: “instead of catching butterflies, you need to build a beautiful garden and they will fly there themselves”. but in this case, you may devote all your time to building this garden, making it better and better and waiting for the butterflies to finally arrive, and at this time the butterflies are waiting near this very garden, which they cannot get into because it is closed. here i definitely see people around that share your ideas and ideals and are willing to be friends with you, and it is you - the one who don’t “let them in”. so advise here is simple, start to open up a little, let your guard down, “open the gates to your garden” :).
another message i get here is that people in this pile may be born leaders and they are used to talk to people in a manner where it sounds more like you are commanding. you may be as well too harsh with your words and that pushes people away from you. so you should watch your behaviour, because you probably don’t even notice it. you should try to be more gentle with others.
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°。 Pile 2. ◌
hi, pile 2! creative people over here. you have good and well developed imagination. you can be escapist. books, TV series, movies and other hyperrealities seem more attractive to you than ordinary life. maybe this happens because the conditions in which you live do not give you the opportunity to live the way you want. I feel that people from this group have problems with dealing with reality, fear of the future and a feeling of their own powerlessness in front of life. it feels you have no one or nothing to rely on, there is no feeling of support. such oppressive loneliness. the song by mitski- nobody comes to my mind. this pile probably suffers the most of all 3. you may feel almost isolated from others. the world is a cruel place to you. but it is still beautiful.. and you wish to be a part of it.
the reason for these problems may lay some differences with other people around you. Especially financial and status vise. but it may be just that you are different as well. not in a bad way, just the opposite. i see here people with unique talents and abilities, creative vision and truly interesting personality. your perception of this world, your ideas, thoughts and hobbies, even external attributes like style, appearance and so on are something that is not commonly accepted and approved. you may have been neglected many times. the experience of bullying, ridicule and misunderstanding may also have taken place here. it's caused you to stop expressing yourself and shut yourself from others. but still there is a desire to share whatever it is that you want with others. this pile has huge infp vibes, if you’re into mbti.
The advice here is to share whatever you value. and it’s not even about material values. well, it may be, if your high material status creates a gape between you and others, it may be great to do some charity. but, in general, it’s about your ideas, thoughts, creativeness. if you have a hobby, whatever it is, share it with others, let the world see your art. whatever it is that is important to you - share it. and you will be surprised by just how many people are out there will support you and will be willing to cooperate with you. i know it is easier to be said that done, but you can do it step by step, little by little. the things that we are afraid to do the most are the ones that will lead us to the biggest happiness.
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°。 Pile 3 . ◌
loving to be alone pile, huh? hello, pile 3. definitely, a group of introverts. and you are totally okay with that. you feel like you are “full” on your own. I feel that people in this group are extremely intelligent and spiritual. you have a lot to tell. and it’s not just idle talks, it’s something important and valuable. i see you may be into philosophy and may even have your own philosophical thoughts and ideas. with this pile I don’t see that your loneliness is a burden to you. people here strive for a deep special connection. you don’t need a big company of friends or a bunch of followers. you may have people around you but they are different. you don’t feel like you can have this connection with them.
I also think that people here believe in the divine timing.like, you know, the right people will come to you in the right time. so they just expect everything to happen naturally without doing anything (same guys).
I kind of see you like this princess in the tower. She is super smart, she has read thousands of books in her life, she knows so many things, but she has no one to tell it to. she, may be, has some birds and squirrels to chat with, but birds and squirrels are not able to understand princesses and so she stays there and waits for her lovely prince on white horse to come, whereas prince doesn’t even know about her existence. kind of similar to pile one.
advice here is to take actions. I think that some of you have this person in mind that you want to build this deep connection with, but you wait for them to take the first steps. and what you should do instead - you should do it yourself. take the initiative. even if you don’t have this particular person in mind you should still be more proactive. go for walks, travel, let the world know that you exist. don’t be afraid to draw attention to yourself. maybe, you won’t meet your “prince” right away, but it’s still better than to wait. don’t hide yourself from this world, let yourself experience all kind of experiences!!
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well, that’s all for today. thank you for letting me read for you!
you can like this post or subscribe for some energy exchange, hehe
i will be super happy if it resonates, so please please please, let me know if it does!
bye bye ^^
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outsidereveries · 6 months
Hi babe, could u do a personality reading abt jude bellingham? I love ur content
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jude bellingham's personality
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what he was like in his childhood: personally, i am unaware of how wealthy his family was during that time, but he was aware of the hard times his parents had during his childhood.. therefore, jude's family might've had more hardships than most people, and jude was aware of them. he might've wanted more toys or things, related to his hobbies during jude's childhood and it feels like (to me) he received them at later time, when his parents could afford them. despite these times his family was in, jude was very happy, very optimistic child who wants to achieve his dreams. jude wanted for his family to live well and not.. in these hard situations they were in. because jude started playing football since he was 6/7, he just worked really hard to make his parents proud.
off-topic, edit: since i got aware that his parents have had always money (jude went to private school), then his parents might've had not enough savings.
which qualities has changed during puberty: he started to adapt with the football industry, therefore he got a lot more courageous than before (confident too). he also started to balance in one way or another his personal life with his public one (i've seen some videos when fans of him were near him in a way k-pop fans would be and i got a bit worried tbh but if he's fine with this, then he just adapted with it).
what he's faking: i'd say nothing, however he repress his emotions in front of the public eyes. he admires highly the attention he receives because of his work and is very thankful, however he is just so thankful that he watches the other people in his industry and how is like a job to them, so jude just tries to not show it that much because everyone else isn't showing it as much as jude personally wants to. he also would like to be transparent to the public eye (to be honest and himself) but again because of his industry repress these thoughts and intentions.
what's also fake but tries not to be: his love life, i believe so. he tries to find his special person, but it just.. won't work. he just loves football (soccer) very much and is just too busy to do what he loves. jude might waits for his soulmate/twin flame at this point, so he just does what he loves to do. i doubt these cards are for his family, especially his brother. from what i felt, jude's energy is really pure and geniune, so i just really doubt there's anything fake about his family as he is very thankful to them and loves very dearly.
what's genuine: his charisma, his aura/energy, his love for the soccer/football.
what we don't see: jude actually knows his worth. possibly related to his family and what they went through around his childhood, he tries to negotiate anything as much as he can/could. jude tries to get more than his personal expectations, such as goals, money and etc. as much as he dreams about his future, he acts through it and thinks realistically. he might hide what he wants to do or will do, but this is better for jude himself because that works for him.
political views: jude is personally dissapointed in uk's current government (this doesn't have to do with the royal family at all as i saw their current prime minister) because there was a private conversation that happened in the past. whether if it happened recently (months ago or even weeks/days) or a year-two, there was political offer to jude. not for him to join the politics but for him to support something he doesn't actually supports, so he refused. bellingham seemed to not trust uk's current government because he saw the truth about them. he feels proud to refuse their offer (it seems to have a big amount of money if he accepted it), so he would be the happiest if he sees them receiving their karma. jude would want new elections to uk as soon as possible.
what's mixing between his morals and the fame: the dynamic life the celebrity life is offering. jude is more simplistic, he feels that his home is surrounding his family and not the fame itself. jude dislikes the long distance and really tries to be with them as much as possible.
would he choose the fame over his standarts: obviously, no. his family is before everything.
religious/spiritual views: might be an atheist or believes in specific religion but not to this extent the religious people believe. from spiritual perspective, he seems less woke as he puts his effort first before everything else (at least, from achieving his desires's pov).
controversial things he agrees with: that everyone shouldn't go after the fame and/or money at all costs. he believes that everyone should think through their future a bit and plan before acting.
addictions (either more prone to has them or might have them): bellingham seems to be an over-achiever, whether if it's about himself or not. i can see bellingham taking similar route to berbatov, where dimitar has a foundation to gifted kids. i see something similar for jude. you might be wondering where is the addiction here, and i'll answer. jude might be very, very stubborn about how he personally works. with the time, if he starts of course, he might try to do everything alone (with his family at its maximum, maybe?). basically, overworking/overachieving.
destruction traits: risking everything for an idea he wants to do.. possibly his impulsivity/stubborness.
qualities he's proud to have: how hardworking he is.. and how he balances his job with his personal life too.
intentions for the future: doing the same as usual. he will work even harder to be at its best form!
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saigawrites · 1 year
My dear gelatin orb pet,
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Seelie! Genshin x Platonic! Gn! Reader
Inazuma edition | part 1 part 3
Tags : crack, fluff, scenarios, headcanons
Warninigs : mentions of stalking, animal attack
Summary : you took home a strange creature that looked nothing like anything in your world. So you somehow try to live and be friends with the peculiar pet of yours.
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A strange flying orb is now basking in your presence, observing you attentively. Uneasiness filled your entire being as you were stared down at, so you attempted to break the suffocating atmosphere by talking to the orbit. Minutes pass, and there is no reaction whatsoever, until the little thing flies off somewhere, only to return with a torn off paper sheet and a pencil in their tiny nubs.
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Heizou ♥︎
"Hey~! I am Heizou, the great detective of Inazuma! It sure was a dream of mine to one day meet someone as odd as you! I hope we can get along with each other, even with our different physical traits. I was wondering, could I please make a psychological study with you? I want to know if there's any more oddities about you, especially your mind!"
Okay, why is this period blood blob trying to attempt psychological experiments with you now? You just met, and he's already looking through your soul 🧐.
You might suck at geography but you never heard anything about the so called 'Inazuma'. Wait, so he's an alien?
That theory have already explained why he was so interested in your psychology, and honestly, you were kind of scared of him after the realization.
But it was still hard to feel threatened by an dark red floating circle with a little bouncing antenna. Maybe he used that to communicate with his species?
You weren't familiar with the behavior of different creatures from another planets, but you discovered that these one seemed to be extra clingy.
He floats after you everywhere, always watching with the most attentive gaze, looking out for any type of quirks you might have. You became all the more aware of him, secretly staring at him with your peripheral vision so that he couldn't try anything funny🤨.
He would startle you a lot, annoying you and scaring you on purpose. He LOVES your reactions, whether it would be you losing your temper and tossing him around like a basketball, or you screaming at the top of your lungs when you feel something slimy wiggle under your shirt.
You're lucky that he doesn't do that all the time. Surprisingly, the cherry colored orb has his own business to do, which is just as strange as his appearance. He likes to go out, watch and stalk random people on the street. You found out when you caught him red-handed in the act, hiding behind a bush and looking at all the people passing by.
You tried to scold him, tell him that it's dangerous to go around for him like that, but to no avail, he would always nod in confirmation and then do the same thing on the next day.
So you decided to find him a hobby, something that would distract him long enough from harassing strangers on the streets. And that is, television. News channels in particular.
It was completely accidental when you found out about his interest. You were extra bored, and decided to finally watch the TV in like a decade. Soon you found your crimson red companion levitating in the hall, glancing at the TV and back to you a few times before flying to your side and nuzzling in your lap, making himself comfortable in your warm hoodie. Petting his tiny body, you both took in the situations happening all around the world.
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Arataki Itto ♡
Woah, that's one... energetic light bulb. Bouncing on your office table cheerily while his long vertical horns wobble a bit, he squeaks excitedly as if he just found out he won a lottery. Well, he kinda did though, if you're the one to take care of him.
At least that's what he thinks, as your demonstration of desiring to bathe him from all the dirt and dust he somehow gathered gave him all the right signals.
Even if he splashed and spilled all the water onto you, and wiggled and squeaked under the turned on faucet like an over-energized parrot, still, you would rub his soapy circular body with care, patting him with the softest towel of yours that he was sure you were the fittest blob-parent of all.
Did I mention parrots? He is one. An even more chaotic one. You have to hold him with your most strong grasp from him speeding across your house like a flash, bouncing off walls, ceiling and the floor like a deflated balloon. You always have to scold him like a concerned parent about how his form is not exactly unbreakable, and he still needs to be careful with surroundings.
And that escalated into him finding your bed as the best trampoline he can access. You want to stop him and tell him that he's going to break the carcass if he continues, but you just can't resist the sight of a palm sized jelly ball jumping on your bed gleefully, ridiculously rotating in the air as he lets happy sounds escape his nonexistent vocal cords.
Sometimes you would curse the universe for making your circle companion this cute, because he sure can cause a lot of trouble. Almost getting mauled by the neighbors dog because he wanted to pet it two days ago and almost breaking all of your glass dishes because he wanted to help you make the table yesterday. Oh boy, I'm sure excited for what's in store for the future😀.
Though, it was what you should've expected from a supposed gang leader. He even invited you to be a member of this band of his, remember?
You do agree now with all those shoujo mangas where the gangsta would actually be a softie inside, because your glowing orange ball friend sure is, no matter how destructive he acts.
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Yae miko ♥︎
"My, my... such a interesting creature you are! It is sure a blessing for me to be in your presence, another amusing humanoid~. I am the Guuji of the Grand Narukami shrine, Yae Miko. I am also the owner of the Yae publishing house. As a grandee of the kitsune clan, it is a pleasure of mine to be familiar with such a high being like you. I am in your care from now on, my dear~"
On all seriousness though, you tried your hardest to understand atleast half of what she wrote, but so far what you seemed to catch is that she's nowhere near an earth creature. Oh and her name is Yae Miko.
Confusedly glancing at her then at her message, your nerve cells steamed as they tried to figure out what type of emotions you should be feeling in this case. The guuji seemed to be quite entertained by your puzzled face and somewhat judging side eye.
Her actions make you no less confused, as you question why would she harshly tug on your clothes at the most randomest times of the day. Out of nowhere, the pink squishy orb would just sail in the air over to you, and then pinch a spot on your clothed body and pull it with an incomprehensible strength.
Which leads you to chasing her, speeding up after her oddly fast self. With groans and screams you would finally catch up to her and squeeze her annoying ass to smitherins☠.
If you don't react to her antics, she'll keep being even more of an ass and pinch on your skin, hard. So far atleast half of your body now itches and pulsates because of your flying jelly companion.
Other than annoying you, the cherry blossom blob with ears likes to do research. Literally on anything. It ranges from politics, history, culture to bitcoin, nfts and all of the other shady stuff. She doesn't take half of the happening seriously, finding the stupidity of your kind ridiculous.
Oh, and she is going to shove it in your face. Always giggling when you two would watch an educational video on some topic, as if making fun of you. When she would write her opinion on your communication notebook she would always leave a snide remark like "the absurd that your kind ensues never ceases to humour me" or some shit.
She really just makes fun of your whole existence as if she's superior in any way. You do your best to hold yourself and not slap her into the oblivion. Oh, but she knows you would never do that. She knows.
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Kokomi ♡
“I, Sangonomiya Kokomi, want to greatly express my gratitude towards your actions, human-like creature with a pure soul. Your kindness will always be remembered and appreciated in my heart. Now, as you read this, I shall, as the grand seigneur of Watatsumi affairs, be taken care of by you, as you are in capability to do so. I am one of the descendants of the Sangonomiya clan, and my full form being taken away from me is a major cause of danger for me. I hope you understand my demands, and I hope you will comply with them.”
A lot of confusing words and hard to spell names didn’t stop you from looking at her with puppy eyes and an ‘aww’ escaping your lips. Even though her tone might sounded a bit bossy near the end, your inner mother instincts still kicked in and your heart swore to protect the light globule that looked at you with anticipation.
Her colour pallet reminded you of aqua monsters, something along the lines of mermaids, sirens, and the similar. And you kinda guessed it, since the way your pink and ocean blue pearl like friend gravitated towards water was as if a magnetic pull was in between them.
The funniest thing is that at the first few days she didn’t even know you had water in your house. Modern furniture confused her senses and for a while she thought your biology didn’t require water.
Until one day you came particularly tired home, and the only thing in your mind was the thought of running a warm calming bath with the aroma of your sweet candles. Not noticing your dwarf merblob levitating right after you and watching you turn on the bath faucet, made you jump in your place when she plopped herself in the filling water.
You were about to groan and ask her to get out, up until your gaze fell on the itty-bitty joyous expression that she demonstrated while floating in the lukewarm liquid. With a snort, a small smile followed along with a defeated look. Letting the spheroid bathe instead of you, you contemplated about her otherworldliness.
It all escalated into a degree where she would spend almost all of her time in your bathroom, swimming in your bathtub hours on end. On your knees, with pleas and begging, you would query her to get out of the pear shaped tank, but to no avail, the deep sea creature would just ignore your whines and continue flowing around in the water.
“Komi please, I haven’t bathed in a decade.”
“Splash. Blub blub blub.”
And there she goes again, making bubbles and blowing them at your face as a response. Even so, you still let the marine pearl have her way, as she’s way too adorable to be mad at.
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Kazuha ♥︎
“Come driving rain or winds that churn, I shall return, by blade alone, armed, if barefoot, to my home... I am Kaedehara Kazuha, a wanderer who roams the land. Fate alone has destined us to meet, thus it is a great gift for us to be able to communicate, distinctive individual. May I put a question to your origins, your story, and your name?”
What is he, a poet of some sorts? Such a distinguished gentleman, saying such extravagant things, but looking so ridiculous it could kill a person.
Guessing was probably your only best talent, as this japanese flag jello was immaculately successful at using all of the paper and stationary that he could find in your house to make his pieces of art.
Or the “haikus” as he calls them. Paper scrolls all over any hard surface, fully scribbled over with elegant handwriting. You wonder how the heck can a round strawberry marshmallow with nibs instead of hands write so much and also write prettier than you could ever manage.
Reading through those is one embarrassing of a trip as more than 70% of the writings are about you. The other 30% are about the environment, the furniture, the nature, the textures and sometimes about his homeland as you assumed.
And no you definitely didn’t bawl your eyes out while reading those and no you certainly didn’t feel sorry for the tiny little guy and no you for sure didn’t hug him in the most gentlest way and promise him that you’ll somehow get him back, no, beyond any doubt that didn’t happen.
On another note, this guy was unquestionably the cause of your literature grades significantly improving. Both you and your teacher are raising a brow at how good you instantaneously became at writing essays and other in the sorts. You even caught yourself in the act of speaking flowery, as if your 18th century self out of the blue found themselves in the modern world.
And that’s all thanks to Kazuha, and his litres of poetry inside your house. What’s outside your house though, is his music. Yea, turns out your spherical friend is talented in tunes too.
On one particular morning when you two were in a public garden, choosing an outlying area to have your picnic in, you came across a eerily wholesome phenomenon.
Holding a tree leaf in his itty-bitty arms, he seemed to be performing a tune with the help of the frond. You stared at your pal in awe, mouth wide open as a beautiful melody rang through your ears.
When your homeboy finished his little concert you couldn’t help but clap gleefully and throw wows at his excellent performance. Just how lucky were you to befriend such a talented jelly orb.
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ARGGFDDDDGJSFICGGV IM SORRY FOR BEOMG SOOOO SLOW😭😵😰😓 I’m currently in a middle of a whole makeover of my house so it’s kinda unmotivating for me to do literally anything but no worries, your homegirl will always find a way to deliver🔥🔥🔥🔥
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
Happier (m)
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Pairing: minghao x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 5.9k
Tags: e2l, gendered reader, college au, mean hao, kinda toxic dynamics,svt member appearances (some good some bad), lap riding, oral (giving), unprotected sex, swallowing
Summary: Minghao was never more clear about how he really feels about you. And you couldn't be more wrong.
author note: So I found this old thing that i wrote a while and never posted and i was like, damn bestie you wrote that. It's been a while since I touched this so it's obviously very rough so I reworked it! always nice to revive old work. especially for hao and i think it turned out really well. enjoy!
You didn’t get why the hated you so much or at least behaved like he did. You belonged in the same circle of friends, were in a lot of the same activities and clubs on the same university campus, and lived a walking distance from each other, so you’d think that the two of you would at least bond or find common ground. Anyone that thought that would be wrong, including yours truly.
“Is dressing like shit your hobby or something?”
You huffed before turning to face him, gritting your teeth. “Nice to see you again Minghao, every one of our encounters is so...memorable and pleasant.”
Not to add fuel to the fire, but did you have to be so attracted to him despite him being a jerk? 
An evil chuckle escaped his assumably soft, pink lips, allowing his signature smirk to stretch over his cheeks. “I am speaking from the heart. There is such a thing as freedom of speech.
You cleared your throat, reacting blandly to his insult, already dulled to them, and pretended your attention was on anywhere but him. “I’m aware. Where’s Seokmin?”
He waved you off, walking past you. “Probably looking for you, when you see him, tell him how sorry I am for pushing your burden on him.” 
You didn’t know whether to punch his face for being such an asshole or punch yours for the hopeful feeling in the pit of your stomach taht is optimistic that his behavior is nothing but a ruse. Why he behaved like that around you, you had no idea, and neither did anyone else within a 100-yard radius. 
“Hey, Y/n. I notice Minghao passed by. How was that?”
You exhaled a breath of relief seeing the familiar teasing smile of the man you were looking for. “Like it always is, you know him. Rude, being a jerk, and me taking it like an idiot.”
“You always do something to change that, you know,” the boy wrapped his much thicker, brawny upper over your shoulders, guiding you to the warm and loving presence of your friends at the other end of the room bickering over an aimless topic like the purpose of time due to being either high or drunk, if not both, which was a disaster waiting to happen. You could see from where you stood, Minghao was already halfway there.
“Like I haven’t fucking tried. You know the man’s bitter like his coffee.” You spewed.
Seokmin looked at you amused. “You mean his vanilla latte with extra cream, I agree.”
“You know what I mean, Seokmin.”
His bright white smile resonates into view, softly giving his friend pats on the back as a sweet gesture, but loud laughter erupts from his lips. “Minghao’s weird and expresses himself unlike others, but he’s my best friend. However he chooses to behave, he probably has his own reasons.”
“Yeah, he finds me a burden and would rather have me dead.” You spoke rolling your eyes as you both reached your friends with friendly nods.
“Are you talking about Minghao again?” Chan oh-so rudely butted in.
You sighed at the younger as you accepted the beer offered in his hand and took a swig sitting on the space beside him on the worn-out, brown couch, “Yes child, but like any other times you ask, it’s none of your business.”
“Y/n, I’m not an idiot. You think I’m not listening when you’re ranting to Seokmin while I play games on my phone, but I do. So, you gonna jump his ass or not?”
You crinkled your nose, asking yourself why you bothered listening to what he had to say. “See? This is why I talk to Seokmin instead of you, Chan.”
You rejoiced in your reunion, smiling at the faces you’d see in some classes, faces that you wouldn’t ever see unless you’d intentionally planned something, and others that were new but simply pleasant. You’d poke one of your girlfriends at how Joshua reacted to being hardcore hit on when you knew she liked him, and every other minute you’d laugh at anything Junhui said, usually something random or obvious. College will always be stressful, but with the right people, it’s all worth it, even with Minghao throwing insults every few minutes, moments like these made everything seem okay.
“So, how long have you and Seokmin been a thing?” The radiant girl before you gave a breathtaking smile, making you peer at the male behind her blushing a deep crimson as you mention his name.
“A couple weeks, but I really like him and glad to know he likes me.” She pressed a tender kiss against his cheeks that would show no sign of deflating.
You cooed over at them, genuinely happy for the man whose care for you all this time. You remembered the last time you spoke the man face to face and that was when he had told you the truth of his feelings for you, how he found rapid his heart would flex at the sound of your voice, the familiar churn of his stomach every time you smiled, and the look of his eyes seeing you meters away jumping excitedly about some new music video from your favorite band.
It was awkward for a while knowing how he felt, but despite your honest rejection, it didn’t change how either of you acted toward each other. Seokmin understood your feelings and he was glad you told the truth instead of leading him on. You were still friends, and that was okay with him.
Now you couldn’t help but smile to see that he’s felt for you towards a girl more worthy for him. He’s someone you’ll always love as a part of your life, but you could never return the same romantic feelings. Now you were just glad that there was someone who would love your best friend for all he’s worth. He was special, and you knew that this girl would remind him of that everyday.
“You guys are precious. The last relationship I had wasn’t nearly this sweet.”
Seokmin chuckled, wrapping your arm around his beautiful girlfriend, “Well, in all honesty, your last boyfriend was pretty big as--Wait, what the fuck is he doing here?”
His eyes lingered on the presence behind you, who was anxiously finding a sign of his ex that has already forgotten all about him. You turned your head to witness the same scene as the couple, and accidentally met eyes with the devil himself, looking absolutely gorgeous from head to toe in a black t-shirt and jeans, stumbling and shoving everyone to grasp for your comparably small hands.
“Y/n,” he heaved a euphoric sigh of relief, “Finally, I’ve found you.”
“Mingyu, what are you doing here?” You spoke as you gave him a deadpan glare.
“I was wrong, everything I did was wrong, I was a terrible person and boyfriend.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
Your head averted to your friend you came with, red in the face, who voiced out her opinion in anger. “Jinhye!”
“No, no, she was right. It was no shit that was a terrible and you didn’t deserve any of that, but I’m here to say I’ve changed. I’m ready to be the person you can be with, Y/n.”
You shook your head. “Mingyu, you can’t honestly expect me to fucking forgive you every lie you’ve told.”
“I love you, Yn.” His broad arms wrapped around your smaller frame in an embrace, “Everything I’ve done was because I was being stupid and I’m going to change everything for you. Please. Please, tell me your feelings for me haven’t changed.”
You couldn’t lie to him, there were times you had thought about the good moments you both had and wondered if you had met later, that things wouldn’t have been as messy as it was now. You honestly missed his warm embrace, and how he smelled like he just spent hours building the most perfect tree house. Even though he ripped your heart into a million pieces in an uncountable number of ways and made you cry for three weeks straight, you couldn’t push him away no matter how much your head told you to.
Seokmin couldn’t stand the sight in front of him. You were just eating the shit he was feeding you as Mingyu grinned profoundly as if he reclaimed his prize. He obviously hasn’t changed and was just going to hurt you again just like he did before. No one could change that much or that quickly. This asshole was deadass looking for you just to use you again.
He was going to do it, make him leave quietly with a civil conversation, or a punch to the face, whatever comes first. Pulling himself up from the couch, he was blocked by the short, paler individual that did the latter for him, making Mingyu crash on the floor with bled out nose. “What the fuck?”
Minghao stood towering over him, stumbling over his own feet, but suavely swiping his nose with the pad of his thumb, displaying a shit-eating grin over his inflamed cheeks. 
“That’s right, bitch! You can’t come into someone’s home to get back a girl that’s dead over you. You cheated on her, stole her money, a whole apartment from her, and here you are groveling on your baby kneecaps saying you want her back. Well, stay the fuck away since she want nothing to do with your pathetic ass.”
Mingyu’s eyes burned a hole in Minghao’s head, quickly picked himself up and wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. He is now the one to tower over that man that previously stood up to him. “Excuse me?”
“You’re just a big dick with no backbone or conscience. You’re pathetic. You couldn’t see how beautiful, amazing, beautiful, sweet, and most kindest girl you’d ever have the pleasure to date. And you took too long to see that, well, sucks to be you!”
You stared speechless over at the man hollering from the top of his lungs at your ex-boyfriend, insulting him while complimenting you, the very girl he’s insulted since day one, making you wonder if he was doing this because he wanted to or because he was drunk enough to do anything, either way it made your heart swell.
You noticed, with everyone else at that party, that Mingyu was at his last straw seeing him finally land his fist on Minghao’s cheek, causing the smaller man to fall backward and crash unconscious on the floor. Everyone gazed over at Minghao in horror, questioning whether or not he was breathing and friends immediately rushed toward his side. You immediately followed until an arm wrapped its thick, rough fingers around your wrist.
“I love you, Y/n. Don’t give up on us. I wasn’t there then, but I’m here now. I want to be everything for you.”
After the scene in your of you, all you could do was a scowl. The rageful disgust from simply looking back at the eyes you once loved made you wish that your fist was the one that planted against Mingyu’s face. You ripped your hand away from his grip, looking him dead in the eyes saying all the right words for the first time. “I never want to see you again. Leave and never come back. Stay away from me and my friends.”
Tearing away from his gaze, you followed your friends and Minghao into a room upstairs, checking to see if he was alive. You never let a breath of relief so heavy leave your lips as you say the man’s chest heave up and down.
“Okay, thank god the idiot’s alive. Who let him drink vodka?” Seokmin asked no one in particular.
Joshua sighed. “We should really let him rest. Come on, guys.”
They all proceeded heading towards the door, ready to head back into that party. Seokmin noticed you staying by Minghao, unable to pull your gaze away from the man who need his rest. “Y/n, you coming?”
You finally met Seokmin’s eyes and shook your head. “No, I’ll look after him if he wakes up.”
Seokmin saw recognized the look in your eyes, it was the same look you gave Minghao when you thought no one was looking. It was the same look Seokmin would give you when you weren’t looking. Seokmin knew all too well of how they felt for each other and for the first time in a while, he felt ready to give it up. He always suspected Minghao’s behavior to be for some convoluted reason and tonight proved that.
He smiled at you and nodded, leaving you two in your own peace.
Your eyes fell back at the unconscious man and wiping his bleeding nose and lip with a tissue you grabbed from the nightstand, feeling his soft breaths ghosting over your hand as you subconsciously smiled. His sweat dampened hair with smoothed over his forehead as you pushed them aside.
This was the most peaceful you’ve seen him, it was a refreshing sight. Any other day, he would be bashing on you for whatever it is you had or looked with no remorse for your feelings, very much like the beginning of the party, but what happened only moments ago on that floor with the surprise appearance of your ex-boyfriend was anything but ordinary.
Why would the man that hated you cared at all about your love life or who even whom had hurt you?
His actions left you with many questions, and many doubts about where exactly you stood in his life. You’ve never a lover, nor friend, he had no reason to get involved the way he did, yet he did. Like a dark knight, his fist landed against Mingyu’s face with all his might, getting himself hurt on the process. “Why would you do that, you idiot?”
It was ridiculous knowing Minghao and the type of person he was, he’d never sacrificed himself in a life or death situation for someone he simply knows. He was a bystander type of guy and very much would laze around in the background, sometimes not even batting an eye if he was in of of those moods, which was most of the times actually. And in every way he has made it clear that the man had nothing but pure hatred for you.
So why?
Your internal monologue was interrupted with a stir in Minghao’s sleep, seeing that him quickly unfamiliar with his surroundings. “W-where am I?”
“Well,” you scanned your surroundings, “I can only guess it to be Chan’s room from the multiple empty cups of ramen, gross by the way, and the unhealthy amount of figurines on his shelves. Wow, when the kid says he commits, he really commits.”
“What dumb shit did I do this time?” He pulled his upper body against the wall behind him.
You looked back at him, “You seriously can’t expect me to believe that you forgot everything that happened there downstairs.”
“Will you stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened?” He gave you the familiar scrunch of his eyes he’d give everyone when he was irritated.
“What happened was that you saved my dumbass from making another dumb mistake with someone I know is all wrong for me.”
He huffed. “Don’t get all hysterical.”
You exasperatedly shook your head, moving your hands in the air uncontrollably in disbelief at his request and lack of reaction. “How can I not? You punched Mingyu, Minghao, someone twice--no three times--your size and even defended me by saying all these nice things about me that I’ve never heard--”
“I was drunk, get over it. As if you weren’t annoying enough.”
He was his old self again, his cold attitude was back, flinging insults to you like monkeys with hands filled with shit, acting as if nothing had happened. He brushed off your enthusiasm and gratitude and you weren't having it.
“Hop off your fucking high horse. You obviously don't find me completely repulsive and even if you did, why would you punch someone for me.”
He gave an aloof shrug, “Maybe I'm nicer than you anticipated. Ever thought of that, Sherlock?”
“You're not nice for no reason. Not the Minghao we know. Just two days ago, you knew Seungkwan was struggling with those boxes, but you just stayed there with your ass on his couch. Like a dick.” You pointed it out, clearly frustrated.
“Kwan’s a big boy, he could handle it himself.”
“Fine! You’re not a complete ass, but that does not change what you said out there, chanting from the top of your lungs how beautiful, amazing, beautiful, sweet, and most kind--”
He brought up his hand to your face, muffling your words. “Okay, okay, I get it.”
“That’s the thing, you don’t. You punched Mingyu in the face, said all those nice things, defending me every way you could, even though you act rudely to me on any other occasion because…” You almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth yourself, “...You’re into me. That’s the only logical reason for all this.”
“Will you shut up?” He sneered. “You’re so fucking loud and couldn’t be any more wrong.”
Your hands slapped against your sides. “Then what the fuck is it?”
“What? Maybe I did all that because you’re an ugly crier and I just didn’t want to see those stupid tears running down your dumb face since you’re a lot less ugly when you don’t cry. God damn it, Y/n. Just shut the fuck, before I go over there and make you.” He aggravatedly banged the back of his head against the wall, letting out a deep sigh closing off vision from all sides and closing his eyes.
“You’re so into me.” The corner of your lips curled up in a smile, taunting him.
He palmed over his head, feeling the alcohol hit him hard, but has found it in place to calm down. “Don’t get way in over your head because I was out of my mind a little bit, okay? This doesn’t mean I like you.”
You scooched yourself closer, feeling his arm brush lightly against yours. “Minghao, look at me and tell me you have absolutely no feelings for me.”
He exasperatedly sighed, rubbing his thumb and forefinger against his forehead before looking back at you, sitting up straight. 
“I…” He stared back at your eyes, gleaming in anticipation, finding it in his beating heart to reject you, only to find himself getting lost looking at every crease, mole, every scar on your face and committing it to memory. Much like the first time he laid his eyes on you, he could never get over how alluring you felt to him.
He let out a long and deep sigh to pull away from your gaze, then was quickly gripped by the chin to look back at them, noticing your other hand wrapped around his wrist, pinning him to the side of his head. “I’m right, aren’t I? That you’ve only pretended to hate me all this time to intentionally push me away. And for what exactly?”
He gulped down the saliva that formed in his mouth, wanting nothing more than to see if your lips were as soft as they looked. “What can I say? There’s no ulterior motive behind it if that’s what you’re implying.”
“What? There’s seriously nothing else to it.” Another lie. He’d spew them out like word vomit. He couldn’t stop.
Your hand crawled up to the side of his face, thumb brushing softly against the soft pink rose of his pale cheeks. “If I kissed you, would you actually mean all those words you’ve been saying?”
He said nothing as if those words have never been said, as if you weren’t in your position right now, hovering over him on the bed, staring deeply into his eyes, giving yourself enough hope that maybe you were actually right about your assumptions and maybe he did actually like you back.
You drew your lips close, fluttering your eyes close as you finally made contact with the velvety soft skin of his lips you’ve imagined on you more than you’d like, and needingly pressed against his until you realized the lack of response. You forced yourself to pull away, washing yourself over with disappointment.
The hand that gripped around his wrist loosened, only allowing you now to realize how insane you were acting, how the boy in front of you was probably terrified and hated you more than ever for being such a perverted freak. You tightly shut your eyes, embarrassed by your actions. You felt more ashamed than you’d ever been.
It came as a shock as he reached up for your face and reconnected your lips, returning the same passion you gave him seconds ago. His lips molded with yours, bringing his head up to kiss you deeper, now cupping both your cheeks in his hands, brushing loose strands of hair away from your face with his fingers.
You remained stunned, processing the fact the man you constantly thought and lusted over was here kissing you like he wanted you. You didn’t have any trouble reciprocating the kiss, running your hands up the soft locks of his thick hair. When you both pulled away, all Minghao could do was stare up at your eyes and for the first time and smile a smile that didn’t intend to be rude or insulting.
“Are you proud of yourself?” 
Heat rushed to your cheeks and now you were holding your cold, clammy palms against them. “I-I’d like to be, but your punk-ass had to get me all flustered.”
He hummed a low tune, brushing the pad of his thumb softly over your chin. His for the first time were genuine, gentle, and endearing, and your heart had no choice but to slam fast and quick in your chest, allowing you no control over the matter. “A-are you gonna deny that you like me?”
He sighed. He’s been doing that a lot lately, more than he should. Only realizing that resisting you get harder and harder every time. It couldn’t help with the fact that you get cuter and prettier every day, and this whole lying thing was getting to his head. He only had so much sanity left and denying it won’t make the truth falter from what it already is.
He was too drunk to deal with this responsibly, not that he wanted to anyway, so he kissed you again without for you a chance to think. He pulled himself up from the be, sitting up and cupped the back over your head. He relayed sweet pecks against the corner around lips, your nose, your cheeks, and then your lips against, unable to taste anything as sweet. 
“I don’t like you, stupid. Because I love you. I loved you then at that student orientation, I loved you when I got punched, I love you now. Happy?”
The corners of your lips pulled align your ears, pressing a hard cheshire smile as you nodded shyly into his shoulder, shielding away from his eyes. “You love me.”
The man scoffed, sliding his hand down to stroke lovingly at your back. “I do...but so does Seokmin, which is why I have to stop.”
You tore away from his embrace. “What? Y-you knew about that?”
“He’s my best friend, of course I knew. Like I knew it’d only be right if I backed off. If anyone deserves you, it's Seokmin.”
You let out a scoff of disbelief. “You don’t get to determine that, Minghao. Shouldn’t I get to have a say in who I get to be with?”
“I was just guiding in the right direction is all.”
You huffed, placing your hands against his shoulders. “Well, now I’m gonna take matters into my own hands and say there’s no way you are getting rid of me now. You’re stuck with me, stupid.”
He shook his head. “But Seokmin--”
“Did you not see him out there with that girl? He couldn’t have been happier.”
“But that doesn’t mean he’s over you.” He retorted.
“He will understand, like you,” you brought a hand to rest around his neck, looking back at him with knowing eyes, “he’s also an amazing friend, and I know that he’d want both of us to be happy, and what would make me happy is obviously you.”
A deep sigh escaped his lips, thumbing over your knuckles thoughtfully before looking back at your wide eyes, gleaming with pure ecstasy. He loved to see you happy, and all this time he thought it is with the best person he knew: his best friend. You were an adrenaline rush worth getting out of bed for. A perfect view to witness in the morning. He wanted everything you had to offer, maybe you were worth being selfish for.
He finally nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Your lips pulled back in an anticipating smile.
“Okay, let’s make this work. You like me and I obviously haven’t pushed you off of me yet, so yeah. Let’s make us work.”
You squealed and crashed your lips into his longingly. Your hands cupped the back of his neck and Minghao’s hands over your hips. You leaned in his chest, feeling him instantly melt underneath your touch. His hands reached around you, crawling up your back to rest on your shoulder blades. You steadily lowered your hands, easing them over the top of his pants to play at his button.
“I see you down there.” He spoke to you in hushed tone.
You hummed, feigning innocent as you undo his pants and teasingly allow your hand to pull the zipper down. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
A corner of his lips lifted up in a smirk. “Y/n, you’re being so obvious.”
You shrugged, “Are you going to try to stop me?”
“Now, I wouldn’t exactly say that.” You beamed a little too brightly. “I can only give you the excuse that our friends are a staircase away, maybe even smaller than that, and would definitely see what we’re doing.”
You drew yourself closer, your nose grazing his ever-so-slightly as suspicious playing against your lips. “I finally got where I want you and I’m not wasting any time, nothing and no one will stop me.”
You wanted this, only able to picture some things in the comfort of your bedroom, and if your roommate was home, the locked door of your bathroom with a running faucet as you touched yourself imagining his beautiful hands. You licked your lips at the thought and rolled your hips on his lap. Your lips reached up, ghosting up his jaw.
Minghao could feel himself practically shake underneath you. He’s never anticipated how active, and even dominant, you were. His mouth feels slack at the contact of your small finger over his member over the thin material of his boxers. He had always been sensitive, and strangely more than often when you were around. He would be lying if he were to deny the reason for his multiple trips to trips to the restroom was because of you.
Your lips pressed against his ear, flicking kitten licks against its structure, and darkly whispered inside. “I want you to fuck me so hard that I can feel your dickprint inside me for weeks. ”
The man in question was speechless, unexpecting such a vulgar and lust-hungry exclaim from the seemingly sweet girl everyone else knew, only giving him a few moments to respond back nearly the same level of passion. He pulled himself up from the bed and had you laid flat against the well worn out comforter.
“Don’t say words you’ll regret.”
His lips clashed with yours hungrily, holding you by your back wrapping your body possessively around his. Your hands reached down for the hem of his shirt and helped him pull it off to toss it aside to the end of the room. You neared your crotch over his, paying the throbbing cock in his pants enough attention to feel it grow against your arousal.
Your legs hook around his waist, allowing his upper body to sit up back on the bed as you, in result, straddled him. The tight dress around you scrunched up on your abdomen, allowing Minghao the easiest access to your cloth covered core as he fingered up your slit, feeling the damp material up rough fingers. “Fuck.”
The pretty brown eyes looked up content at you, satisfied with himself, and steadily bounced you up and down on his lap feeling his fingers thrust into you through your panties. That was enough to get your already weak heart from pumping your heart rapidly in your chest, “Shit, Minghao.”
Your hips moved in an identical rhythm, feeling the excitement pulsing through you like a shot of burning whiskey. You were beginning to understand the feeling of breathlessness as oxygen escaped your lungs in the hottest, unbearable way that just made you want more of it. Your hands instinctively clutched his arms, your mouth opened agape with your eyes locked in his.
A hand weakly pulled up and cupped his cheek, admiring the sparkly glint in his eyes that reminded you he wasn’t completely sober, but fully aware of what he’s decided to do. His hands ran up your sides and slid down the straps of your dress out of your arms and pulled down what covered your lightly-lined, cladded breasts, and reached up to pull the material down and handled them with a hankering squeeze.
The cold metal of his rings brushed along your exposed skin, running shivers down your back, making you gasp but quickly suppressed with the bite of your lips. Both hands grasp his face and your lips press more harshly against his, his hand squeezing, rolling your erect nipples in his fingertips effortlessly. You pressed deeper, feeling the full structure of his member in his pants twitch against you, urging your hands over it, pulling his boxers over, and springing the erect cock in action.
Your hands come in contact with his shaft with a single hand and thumbed over the tip. Some pre-cum immediately released on your digits, petting them inside for your mouth for a taste. “Mmh, tastes good.”
Slipping your hand over his length, you massaged it with between your fingers, coating himself in his arousal as you traced his bulging veins. Your fingers curled around his length to rub him up and down, jerking the grip you had on him, licking your lips. You can practically feel him squirm under your touch, letting soft, but low moans slip from his lips as he twitched in your fingertips like a vibrator at its mild speed. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“You like that, baby?” You pecked the corner of his lips. “Does that make you feel good?”
His chest heaved back and forth, looking at you with this delectable look of vulnerability, something that he knew he’s never felt until now. All he could do was shake his head, giving you an incredulous gaze. “Fuck you.”
“Soon, I promise.” You kissed his cheek. “Maybe I should get back at you for all those insults towards me.”
Your pace hastened, playing with it like a joystick with the single hand you held, and looking at him with a smug glint in your eyes.
“You know what’ll happen when you do that, it’ll backfire, Y/n.” Panting like a tired dog, he still spoke with such confidence and assurance.
“Maybe, I want to see that happen. Maybe, that’s my intention.” You shrugged well-knowingly it was exactly what you were doing.
He responded with a shrug of his one equally smug smile, and took you blindsided by pushing against the bed on your side. “Well, you’re giving me no choice but to react.”
His jeans were pulled down along with his boxers and kicked them aside. He leans close to you, pressing his lips along the structure of your back, tracing shapes against your thighs before reaching the wet arousal of your core. He pushed your panties aside and aligned his digits against your slit and chuckled lowly in your ear. “Damn, even wetter than before.”
He had his stiff cock in hand and help up against the entrance of your core and entered in you with ease. His upper body hovered face up against your side, watching as you struggled to adjust to his size. His eyes met yours as he thrusted his weight against you, feeling your walls clench around him. “Fuck, I’m going to enjoy this.”
His forearms are pinned on either of your sides as he leaned up to make a quick, but messy contact with your lips. Minghao’s hips moved in a steady rhythm and then proceed to grow more rushed. Your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he managed to lift a leg over his shoulder and spread you wider than before, his thrust becoming more than what you could usually handle. 
You ran a hand through your hair, pushing the loose, sweaty strands away from your face, and lifted your chest up slightly to watch him in action. “Minghao--ah--yeah, just like that.”
He grinned, fingering up your hair to wrap it around his hands, bringing low moans from you at his small tugs, accelerating the arrival of climax. You desperately grasped your breasts in your hands, feeling your vision grow bleary as you felt the urge of your orgasm happen soon than you’ve anticipated. “S-shit, you’re gonna make me c-cum. Minghao!”
“So soon, hmm. It’s okay, cum, I want to see. ” At the sound of his approval, you released against him and laid your hands for a momentary rest.
It wasn’t long before, Minghao felt himself soon about to erupt, quickly telling you lay flat against your back. He hovered his body and load-filled cock in front of your face and streamed the ribbons of milky white straight down your eager throat, catching every drop, only the small bit dribbling down yoru chin. Your chest heaved up and down, explicitly smiling as you looked up at him. His eyes showed clear pride and utter fulfillment.
He crawled back on top of you and press his lips chastely over yours, tasting sin on his tongue, feeling nothing but a blanket of warmth envelop him as you wrapped your arms around his body in the most perfect, fitting way. The man smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You were amazing.” He exclaimed breathlessly.
You gazed up at him with an undying grin on your face. “I could say the say for you. You were so...incredible.”
He returned to you with a sweet smile and kissed your lips once more.
Chan rushed downstairs, running from the rare scene in front of him, and proceeded to announce to everyone there that the injured and the person that caused his injury were upstairs frick fracking, inducing laughter from the couple themselves. A loud, but familiar voice then follows up by then shout, “Holy fuck, I knew it! Get some best friend!”
“Wait,” You stopped Minghao from going any further with kissing you, “is Seokmin talking to you or me?”
He scoffed. “Isn’t it obvious? Of course, me.”
“Well, what if it’s actually me.”
“Well, then we’ll see who is when we go downstairs after another round and ask, cool?”
You smiled this knowing grin, cupping his cheek in your palm. “Okay.”
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jacqcrisis · 7 months
Hello! Sorry if you're tired of talking about your older writing instead of the current works which I also love, but I wanted to say I love your characterization(s) of Charon throughout your work and I was wondering if you had any tips on understanding his character's core/just how to write him true to form?
Listen. Listen. I can talk about Charon all day. I love him. I have other hades AUs I haven’t even talked about on here that I think about often to this day and if I ever get the itch, they will be written.
And that’s very kind of you to say. Idk if I write him true to any form, but I am extremely anal about keeping characters as in character as possible. Or at the very least, as believably in character as I can. When I plan on writing a character for a longer fic, whether AU or not, I usually try to find out everything about them and break them down to the bone before building it back up. What is in canon that I can use to build back a believable skeleton that is fleshed by what I can infer from the bones underneath?
So core character concepts for Charon that are in canon that I use:
Greedy - he likes him gold and him stuff. No matter what universe you are writing in, this is one of, if not, the biggest driving factor for any job or hobby he has. He wants money, he likes money, and he knows how to make money.
Protective - of his things, his lifestyle, and the people he cares about. He’ll fight Zagreus, who he likes, if he touches his shit. One of the few emotions you can get out of him in game is anger at possibly uncovering his ‘thing’ with Hermes. He keeps Persephone’s location a secret (thereby protecting her) because either he cares for her or because Nyx does and Charon cares about his mom.
Difficult to discern - in part because he’s a big spooky skull man whose face you can’t see and who doesn’t talk, but it also seems to be mostly on purpose. Charon can communicate, given what other characters know more about him, but he specifically chooses not to. What you come to know about him, you find out through context clues, what other people say, and your own sleuthing which leads to-
Extremely private and disinterested in other people’s opinions about him - to the point, he doesn’t care what the GODS THEMSELVES think. All of them think he’s vile and nasty (save for Hermes). The people he’s close with know the kind of person he is, and that’s what matters. On top of that, he has his secrets, and he keeps them hidden, one of these secrets being who he is as a person. 
Independent - Nyx states she doesn’t worry about him because he’s extremely good at doing his own thing and he likes it that way, unlike her other failsons. His intentions are all on his own, and he doesn’t answer to anyone; not her, not Hades, not the gods, only himself. If he is helping someone, it is for his own reasons (maybe because he cares, probably because of money, possibly because Hermes asked).
Clever - He’s literally the head of an underground smuggling ring in game. Like this man knows how to do shit, make money, and get away with it. He’s capable of thinking many steps ahead, and able to plan for the long con.
Methodical - He's got his routine. He rows his boat. He counts his coin. He's mans his shops. He does things his way. He has his methods and he sticks to them.
Patient - that one's a gimme. He’s older than most of the gods and paddles a ferry around at the pace of molasses and doesn’t speak and does nothing to really speed Zagreus’ plight along. Clearly he understands and practices patience. 
Good Fighter - he’ll beat your ass.
Asexual (of some kind) - Aphrodite directly states she can’t get to Charon as he only ‘lusts after coin’. He is immune to machinations of the goddess of sex and beauty. But not the god of merchants, clearly.
A Gentleman - by Hermes’ opinion. Hermes really likes Charon. Please say hi to him for Hermes because- 
Charon Really Likes Hermes - no matter what you think is going on between them, if it’s just friendship, or professional associates, or he’s in love, this is canon. He ignores everyone at the party for Hermes and vice versa. He’s very protective of the thing they have going on. He specifically lets Hermes into the Underworld far enough that Zeus can’t sense him anymore. Hermes hangs out in his shop. Hermes boon is THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONE AT HIS LAST SHOP NO MATTER WHAT. I cannot stress how much Charon gives Hermes a pass and how much Hermes seemingly knows about him despite the other core concepts listed above I just- I- AH
Anyways, from those bones, you can start to infer and build back a believable version of the character for whatever you are writing. Is he kind and thoughtful? Probably, given how the people who know him talk about him. Is he loyal? Given how he acts in regards to his inner circle, you could say yes. Does he have a temper? Probably not, given he doesn’t care much about other people’s opinions nor reacts very much to anything in canon save for very specific circumstances. Is he lonely? Probably, on some level considering he’s alone all the time and how protective he is of his buddy, etc, etc, etc. 
The bones justify what you are putting on top of them and with that, for whatever thing you're writing, you can build up a believable version of a character. Even in the most extreme of AUs, like in the 70’s and on a beach in America or maybe in a dnd type universe where a character might be a lich for…reasons, as long as the core concepts are in place and every decision or authorial deviation from canon the characters make stem from those, it will be fine.
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