#which puts me in this weird place of knowing more about how gender applies to and affects other people
bodybahng · 2 months
the way you are
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word count: 1.1k
pairing: bang chan x gender neautral reader
warnings: insecure chan, pet names (baby, angel), curly haired reader
summary: chan finally gives in and lets you help him take care of his natural hair
a/n: i saw someone posting about this request and thought i’d give it a try <3 i have curly hair as well but i’m not the best at taking care of it so i’m sorry if i messed anything up ;–; anyway, i hope you guys enjoy it! :)
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having curly hair was something chan always struggled with — he didn’t know how to style it or take proper care of it, always opting to have it straightened instead.
he barely even thought about wearing it natural until you came along. your hair was even curlier than his, having accepted your texture and keeping it as healthy as you could most of the time.
chan had been a bit hesitant the first time you brought up helping and teaching him to do the same, saying how it was too much work and it wasn’t worth the effort. but he couldn’t help but wonder if his insecurity could go away, if it was possible to get his hair to look as beautiful as yours.
“baby?” you called from your spot on the bed as you saw that he was just staring at himself in the mirror quietly. “everything okay?”
the biggest sigh left his lips, he knew you already had this discussion a few times, but he couldn’t keep things from you. “i’m just feeling weird about my appearance again. well, mainly just my hair.”
you placed the book you were reading on your nightstand and walked over to hug him from behind, eyes meeting his on the mirror.
“do you want me to take care of it for you?” you offered softly, lips pressing a faint kiss to his neck. “if you let me, at least you’ll know how you feel and if you’d like to start managing it better. how about that?”
maybe he was too tired to deny you after the long day he’d had at work or maybe he was finally opening up to the idea. either way, he found himself nodding, and a grin spread on your face.
“i swear it’ll be relaxing!” you promised, taking his hand in yours and bringing him to your shared bathroom. he watched with a small smile on his lips as you grabbed a few bottles from your hair care shelf, knowing exactly which products to use on him.
“so walk me through it?” he asked, now a little more excited to learn something new that could potentially make him feel better.
“firstly, since you haven’t showered yet, we’re gonna start with a hair oil. this will help to add moisture to your curls,” you explained, opening the cap and squeezing the right amount into your palm. “i’m gonna heat it up in my hands and apply evenly all over your hair.”
he nodded, body relaxing at the sweet smell of the product hitting his nose. he closed his eyes as you put it on his strands, completely taken over by tranquility.
“okay, it’s done!” you wash your hands with soap to get the excess off. “now we wait at least an hour.”
“what?” he asked confused.
“yeah, this is a pre-shower thing. we can eat dinner in the meantime and then i’ll continue after you wash it.”
“okay…” his hesitation was back, but he knew he couldn’t go back on his word.
after eating a full fancy meal of your favourite flavour of instant ramen, he went to shower as you tidied up the kitchen. chan had insisted on doing it with you, but you ushered him to the bathroom with a shake of your head.
you both got done at the same time, and he brought the products you had picked to the living room, placing them on the coffee table.
“hi, baby,” you greeted with a kiss. “you smell so good.”
“thank you, angel. can we watch watch something as you finish doing your magic?” his voice was filled with tiredness, the water doing wonders to relax his whole body as the evening grew darker.
“of course,” you replied, smiling as he sat down in front of the couch and patted the cushion behind him for you to sit on.
you grabbed a microfibre towel on the linen closet and sat on the couch behind him, your legs open on either side of his body.
“always use a different towel for you hair, a microfibre one so it doesn’t create friction and make your hair all frizzy.” you softly patted his hair to dry it a little bit before grabbing another small bottle and collecting the product on your hand. “now i’m gonna apply a curl cream to add shine and define your curls.”
“mhm,” he hummed, attention focused on your words even if his eyes were on the movie he had put on.
“i’m gonna gently comb through your hair as well to detangle it, but it has to be done carefully because wet hair is more fragile.”
he nodded, sighing happily again when he felt your fingers working on his hair. it didn’t take long for you to finish, gently scrunching his hair a few times to help activate his curls.
“now, for the last step, i’ll put in a hair mask that helps keeps the moisture in, as well as contain the frizz we usually get. it also helps for your curls to not have that crunchy feeling to them, you know?”
“yeah, i remember when you told me to feel yours hair once when you forgot to do that.” he laughed, the memory making his dimples show as he turned his head slightly toward you.
“exactly.“ you chuckled, leaning in to give him a chaste kiss. then, you picked up the last item, finishing off his hair with it. “we’re done!”
chan got up to sit beside you, grinning as you unlocked your phone and clicked on the camera so he could admire your work.
“your hair is still humid, but i’m out of heat protection product so i won’t blow dry your hair right now. it’ll look fuller in a couple hours but you can already tell they’re looking gorgeous!” the smile never left your lips as your gaze switched from his hair to his image on the screen.
his heart tugged in his chest at you being the best partner he could ask for. he couldn’t believe he was starting to see how, with the correct treatment and attention, he would start at least liking his natural look a bit more. all because of you.
“i love you, baby. thank you so much,” he said, grabbing your neck and pulling in to kiss you properly. “i might grow to like it… if you keep helping me, of course.”
his smirk made you roll your eyes, feeling your heart speeding up with love even after months of dating.
“if it depends on me, you’ll never see a straightener ever again. i love you just the way you are, my channie.”
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nothorses · 7 months
I have an acquaintance who I believe has been gone to the tirf side and while I don't think she's going to be able to be talked to on this the thing she posted to me to try to be like "well this trans man thinks you can't be specifically against trans masc people" did make me think like,
If transmisogyny has been expanded from just being about the type of extreme violence described by serrano to a lot of other items, but some people don't believe that anything similar can be described to trans men, then it feels like they are saying that men are the default in the way that anything bad that happens to a trans man or trans masc person is just transphobia but bad things that happen to trans women are transmisogyny.
Like I feel like it's a bit like, what is just transphobia any more then, is it something which just applies to all trans people or is it the same transphobia which can affect trans masc and trans fems?
Are there limits to what can be called transmisogyny like people are putting to transandrophobia?
Honestly, I think this idea kind of rests on this very weird model of gender categorization that really just ignores what transphobia is, and how it actually works on a systemic level.
The implication here is that trans women are women, therefore what they experience is misogyny. Which means that because trans men are men, what we experience cannot be misogyny.
We see this same logic in "TME/TMA" ("transmisogyny exempt/transmisogyny affected") language, which also conflates oppression with identity: do your actual lived experiences with oppression determine your "TME/TMA" categorization? Or are people of certain identities simply considered exempt from transmisogyny, by nature of those identities alone? In practice, it is overwhelmingly the later.
If we consider transmisogyny to be a system of oppression that is expressed in particular ways, rather than a kind of oppression that only impacts certain people, "TME/TMA" categorization immediately falls apart. Nobody is "exempt" from a system of oppression that, for example, polices conformity to idealized western standards of cis womanhood in sports; we know for a fact that women of color are regularly deeply affected by transmisogynistic rules and laws in sports. Those same women do not face many other aspects of transmisogyny-- currently they are not in danger of being places in men's prisons, for example-- but clearly, that doesn't mean they're exempt from transmisogyny, either.
The point here is that these are systems of oppression, and while they target certain qualities in people, their goal is ultimately to police certain societal rules. It doesn't matter what your identity actually is; only that you are breaking those rules.
Trans women are women, but they are not seen as women by these systems. They are seen as people who are breaking a particular set of rules; not "woman", not "man", but "other". Even "defective", "failed", or "outlaw". Transmisogyny exists to police their particular ways of breaking those rules, and it does not particularly care how they actually identity themselves, on an individual level.
Trans men are men, but we are not seen as men. We are breaking rules, too, and there are systems in place to police those rules; we've named them "transandrophobia" (or "transmisandry", or "antitransmasculinity", or whatever) so we can talk about them a little more easily.
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a-polite-melody · 3 months
RE: That afab transfem post, I think it's wild to see people in the notes claiming that no afab perisex person has ever had femininity denied to them and masculinity forced upon them bcs like...hello, I am an afab perisex person who as a child was, for whatever reason, deemed a failed girl by the adult women in my life who then proceeded to deny me femininity to the point that my hair was cut against my will, my dresses and skirts literally taken away, I was forced to wear ugly unisex clothes I hated while my female siblings and cousins got cute dresses, my parents wouldn't let me pierce my ears no matter how much I begged despite every other girl I knew having earrings, and was not taught any stuff that women tend to teach their daughters. The first time I went bra shopping, I was alone, and ended up wearing a too-small sports bra until it was falling apart and a friend offered to teach me how to buy a properly fitting one. I had to beg my mom to teach me to shave and she kept saying she didn't want to the whole time. No one even offered to teach me to make my hair nice or put on makeup or how to pick out flattering clothes. I guess they just decided I didn't need to know all that. And hell, my expressions of femininity were legit punished by my peers. I got mocked relentlessly every time I dressed femininely, girls at school spread rumors about me secretly being a guy, the idea that any guy could ever like me was apparently hilarious, I never even risked attempting to wear makeup because I knew what would happen if I did. Hell the one trans guy I knew(who was not out at the time but still dressed almost exclusively in guy's clothing) had more people trying to force femininity on him than I did. I don't ID as transfem, I'm genderqueer and transmasc(and when I came out my sister kinda implied that she's never really felt like I was a Girl in the first place which...she means well but it was weird to hear) but the idea that this sort of thing only happens to trans women/fems is just completely false. Despite being afab, the society I was raised in did not view me as a woman or want me to be one, and they treated me accordingly, to the point that sometimes I wonder if my current gender identity was one I was born with or simply a result of me having femininity denied to me until I decided trying to earn it wasn't worth the trouble. I genuinely feel like I have a lot in common with trans women/fems, at least in the ways we were raised, and I admire them for finding joy in femininity when I never could and probably never will. It does make sense to me that some afab people could feel the label transfem applies to them, and drawing lines between trans and nonbinary and genderwhatever people based on assumptions regarding what's in their pants feels so pointless.
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mlembug · 1 year
Untitled Story
Originally published: 23th of February 2021 Summary: Supportive gf and an eggy bf
It's been a month since I asked out my crush and we decided to go out.
A few days ago said she has something very special planned for me today. So we decided to meet in her house. I wonder what could that be?
I knocked on the door. Soon enough, the doors opened, with my girlfriend standing in the doorframe, saying "Hi, c'mon in!"
I entered her room, with her behind me.
"I'm gonna lock the door so no one bothers us.", she said, and took a shopping bag she had on her desk. She pulled a frilly blue dress out of it, and said "See? This is what I mean!"
"Ummm... I'm really happy for you, but I don't get what you mean. You'd look cute in anything, after all. That's how girls are.", I said.
"I was actually thinking of you when I picked it.", she winks.
"I... still don't get it?", I responded, with continued confusion.
"You know exaaaactly what I mean.", she teasingly said, "I can see the longing look into girls' clothes section when we go out shopping."
I gulped, and said "What... do you mean?"
"I also mean this festival of emotions of yours, whenever I am with my girl friends.", she said, "I'm gonna let you taste what you consider a forbidden fruit".
"I'm not a crossdressing pervert or anything! Besides, a lot of guys wonder how it would be like to be a girl.", I took offense to her comments.
"Yeah, a lot of them do. Which is why I don't consider you a pervert. Put on the dress."
"I would just look terrible in it. Like a guy in a dress."
"Don't worry, I will take care of that. Put on the dress while I'll prepare the rest."
While I was struggling with the dress, my girlfriend has been preparing concealers, foundation, mascara and eye shadows. Soon enough, I took off the clothes I had, aside from the boxers, and put on the dress.
She turned to me and said "Good, good. Now turn your head to my side and let me do my magic."
She spent a lot of time touching up my face, which seem to have taken forever. "Just a bit more", she said, while applying mascara on my eyelashes. Soon afterwards, she put a wig on my head, and put a hair clip on the wig's hair.
"...and, done!", my girlfriend proudly said.
I felt super flushed from embarrassment.
I lowered my head.
"Now let's see how you look", said my girlfriend, and held my hand while we walked to the other side of the room, and placed me in front of a full length mirror.
"Is... is that me?", I was shocked. I have no clue what witchcraft she has done, but I could hardly believe that it's me.
My girlfriend hugged me from behind. "See how cute you are? And you like it, too. I haven't seen a smile so wide on your face before."
"Uuuuuu... I feel so embarrassed."
"Awww... Don't worry, I am not judging you. You are not harming anyone, and I completely do not mind. After all, I enjoy feeling cute, so why shouldn't you?"
"But... I'm a boy...", I responded, feeling more shame.
"Are you still worried about such trifling matters? It's not like the clothes have a gender. Or is it that...?", my girlfriend said, followed by an "aha!" reaction.
"What?", I puzzledly asked.
"Is it that being a boy bothers you?", she asked what seem to be an armour-piercing question.
"I guess not, why would it bother me?", I deflected.
"I kinda have my suspicions. I wanna confirm it with you, but you'll have to be willing to experiment a bit with me.", she said.
"What sort of experiment?", I asked.
"We'll check whether you'll feel better when not being a boy."
"And how do we do that? It's not like you're some sort of magician who will turn me into a girl."
"Well, no, I am not. So I will need a bit of cooperation on your side, sweetie."
"Wait, what do you mea-", I got interrupted by her placing a finger on my lip.
"You're my girlfriend now, honey.", she said, "While I can't physically change you, I could make you feel like you're one, at least, for now."
"Ummm, but that would be just so weird!", I blurted.
"If you dislike it that greatly then we can stop as soon as you tell me.", she said, attempting to calm me down.
"Ummmm, no, it's not t-that bad, I guess, ha ha."
"Good. Just please tell me when you want to stop."
"Sure I will.", I assured her.
"With that in mind, we should try more things to get you in the mood.", she said, pulling adorable pink panties from the bag. She then said, "We should go all the way. With this you will gain awareness that you are a woman."
"Having second thoughts about that. How will I do that by wearing them, with what I have down there?"
"That's okay, we can hide it between your legs. I can help you, or, if you aren't in the mood for me touching you down there, you can do it yourself."
"It's okay, I think I'll do it myself."
So reached with my hands below the dress, and reached toward my boxers, and I took them off. Soon enough I picked the panties and put them on, carefully tucking 'it' away.
"I did it."
"There, there.", my girlfriend pat my head. "Good girl."
Why does that make me feel so warm?
"I-I'm feeling weird!", I whimpered.
"Oh.", she held her hand.
"I didn't say I want you to stop, though", I said.
And so my girlfriend continued patting me and calling me a "good girl".
A dozen minutes later, I asked a question.
"Say, if one day, a wizard somehow actually turned me into a girl, would you leave me?", I said.
"Oh, sweetie, is that what you were worried about all along? I like you for being you, for your personality. Whether you're a boy, a girl, or neither of those, I feel it would change nothing for what I feel for you.", she said, "for you see, I actually lied a bit before."
"What... what do you mean?", I asked worriedly.
"You mentioned that it's common for guys to wonder how it is to be a girl, and confirmed that. However, when I asked my guy friends, they deny that. One of them said he wondered about it just once in his entire lifetime."
Tears were forming in my eyes. I'm feeling so confused.
"It's okay, it is okay.", my girlfriend immediately went for the hug. "We'll figure this out together. You just need to be honest with yourself."
"Okay", I said.
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girlvinland · 1 year
I had this post saved in my drafts for a while and originally had put all my thoughts in the tags but I felt like maybe it wasn't really my place to do that since I don't ID as ace, but I still kind of connected with the post on other levels and wanted to write things out somehow.
It made me start reflecting on how I've always related highly to having feelings of gender detachment even though (or maybe especially because) I was really shoehorned into this feminine mold as a kid, which felt confusing and stupid (and tbh I'm sure a lot of people feel like heavily gendered things are confusing and stupid, even if they don't otherwise think about gender very much).
But that kind of thing eventually started to confuse me too about my sexuality and my role in romantic/sexual relationships. I couldn't understand why it was drilled into me that I needed to conceptualize a future where I was meant to be a Wife orbiting a Husband and do all the things that entailed/get on the traditional heterosexual relationship escalator (there’s never been a point in time when I identified as straight bc I assumed myself to be bisexual early on, but the idea still always felt so weird). Even in relationships where traditional gender roles weren’t very prominent, I still had this revulsion in me that just kind of sat there bc I didn’t know what to do about it.
It wasn't until I started really accepting more about what I desired wrt romance/sex and applying it to how I saw my gender that I was like ohhh. It makes sense that x and y and z never mattered to me or felt so wrong even when I tried hard to fit them. It makes sense that I wanted to embody qualities that didn't match the mold I was "supposed" to fit, especially when for a long period I didn't really have the freedom or knowledge to explore how or why. I thought I was just weird and broken somehow tbh, and that if I tried hard enough, I could just squish myself into the mold. And I definitely did try that, only to end up kind of spilling out of it.
Anyway, I know sexuality and gender aren't fully tied together for everyone, but it was something that helped me a lot I think, especially knowing now how much gender nonconformity has always been an aspect of how a lot of people who aren't straight exist and experience the world.
But yeah. Idk, it's frustrating how society makes it so hard to figure out how gender and sexuality might intersect for you, even if it means you don't really connect with either or both of them, and especially when you grow up with little to no or only negative representation of anything that goes against the grain. And even though the initial post was about people on the ace spectrum and I can't speak on that experience at all, I feel like I can empathize with the confusion about these things.
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
Stares at you from the dark corner of the ceiling and a holographic turtle sticker floats down
Hey so. How do the Reds and Oranges feel about the hoard of blues? Are any of them particularly attached to one or more/do they do activities with them?
Also, are there any *whole* family outings? Like as one giant group all together? My first guess would be a birthday. Which also raises the question of how do they handle the blue/purple birthday with so many of them?
Last question (for now), I promised. Do missions still happen? Do the villains just suddenly have to deal with a rotating cast of turtles or is there just a select group that goes out to fight/mess around?
Parting thought. Leonardo in his Batman arc now. I’m giving him a cape to hide the maximum amount of children in
Slowly dissolves into the corner, taking the spiderweb that was up here with me
STICKER *puts it directly on my forehead*
This is the most ridiculous nonsense Angelo has ever seen. He knows good and well that Leonardo had zero ideas in all this beyond Obtain Horde and that the future is probably going to have a lot of mistakes in it. Some of these children are getting lost their first time away from home. He knows it. But any thoughts he might have about holy shit you moron are promptly wiped out by the fact that Unicorn adopts him immediately, because Orange was her favourite brother, and therefore so is Angelo. He then adopts all the rest of the little blues because it's like seeing a bunch of puppies, they're adorable and he can't resist loving them all.
His favourite is Unicorn, though, and nobody pretends otherwise. He also gets along great with Heiwa, who's a bonsai artist and likes having someone to talk to about it. (Also Jihi lets him pet them and Angelo is lowkey jealous about Heiwa having a pet crab.) He also has some Gender Conversations with Spruce, cause they're genderfluid and it's fun for them to talk about how their genders are similar and different.
Mikey, upon seeing, his big brother come back with fourteen mini blues, knows that that turtle is having a mental break of some kind. He's briefly worried he's going to have to step in and do something about this to help Leonardo stabilise, but Angelo reassures him that he doesn't have to do anything, and then Mikey's just immensely curious about all his new siblings. He updates the family drawing to include them all. That gets him adopted into the blueberries in return and he has a great time getting several new BFFs.
He and Lee are the same age, at fifteen, and they get along great, which means that by extension, Mikey and Echo are also friends. Some of the younger blues also ask Mikey for advice about how to find their place in a family. Not all of his advice is applicable, because his family was much smaller, but they have plenty of things to talk about regardless.
Red is laughing hysterically at all this. She's very nervous around some of the smaller ones though, like Baby Blue and Pep, because she's pretty sure they would never recover if she accidentally stepped on one of them. They're all awestruck by how tall and spiky she is, and several of them have nicknamed her 'kaiju' because of course Tello insisted on them all watching Pacific Rim on their first family movie night. It wasn't a unanimous vote but they have teeth and quite possibly rabies so.
If you try to take Baby Blue from her, she will tail-whip you all the way to Jersey. Her baby now, fuck you. Same thing applies to Pep, who is not above texting Tello for a 'rescue' while he's being cuddled by her just to see the unfolding carnage. He's a feral little bastard. She also gets roped into tea parties by the dozen with Unicorn and River, and teaches them how to paint their nails like Leo once taught her.
Raph is a little stressed at first because they're family and that means that it's his job to help protect them. He's also vaguely weirded out by there now being several more Leos that are older than him. But then he sees that Hamato, Alpha, and Vanilla are all helping to wrangle the Child Horde and is slightly less stressed about it. There's no way that the Horde are going to be kept safe without other people, takes a village and all that, and he's relieved that the older blues are a built-in support system.
That's part of the reason that he gets along with Vanilla so well! He's the most businesslike blue out of all of them, and Raph respects that and appreciates how it makes it easier. And to the surprise of pretty much everyone including him, he also gets along with Alpha pretty well. Alpha doesn't have to worry about much hurting Raph with how tall and strong he is, but not so tall and strong as to be intimidating like Red is.
There are family outings, and half the future family is wheezing with laughter at the sight of Leonardo with over a dozen children trailing behind him like a bunch of ducklings. The blueberries have organised three teams in case of emergency, with Hamato, Alpha, and Vanilla being team leaders. They manage to wrangle their mini-hordes fairly well, but random children keep disappearing to tail after Leonardo instead (or Tello, in Pep's case).
Leonardo also takes them all to the Hidden City to show them that there's other non-humans out there, besides Krang. They're all very fascinated with it, and of course they have to be warned away from Big Mama and Draxum, and introduced to Hueso. The look on Hueso's face when 16 Leonardos walk into his pizza place is literally priceless. Tello remembers it fondly.
Most of the blueberries have their own birthdays already. For those that didn't, or don't remember, they get to choose new ones! Their family calendar suddenly gets flooded with blue dates and Leonardo finds it hilarious. He's also very soft for the fact that Leon and Don also share a birthday as twins.
Blueberry birthdays are special events! Generally speaking, Leonardo takes the blueberry out for lunch and then they do whatever the little one wants for the afternoon until meeting with the whole family at Hueso's for dinner. Hueso appreciates the money, but at what cost?
(Some blueberries, like Alpha, do not care for outings. They stay at home and finds things to do there instead, like video games and movies, or sometimes board games. He let Monopoly happen once and it did not end well.
Missions still happen! Some of the smaller blueberries are banned from going on missions because they are Baby and nobody wants a twelve-year-old getting suckerpunched by Meat Sweats or some shit. On occasion, they are allowed to come along and sit in the turtle tank for a safe view from the sidelines.
Generally speaking, children under fifteen are not allowed on missions where weapons and villains are in play. Cobalt thoroughly ignores this whenever Alpha is out because he'd be safe in a war zone with Alpha there to maul anyone who comes near him. Alpha is rather stressed by this but nobody can get Cobalt to behave including him.
Hamato, Alpha, Vanilla, Heiwa, and Echo and Lee are the usual ones who are added to patrol teams. There was mass confusion on the villains' part when seven blue turtles showed up because clearly they had missed something. All the old-enough turtles (and Cobalt) go out sometimes but not all of them are interested in doing so regularly.
Occasionally younger turtles end up on missions because a day off gets gate-crashed by some asshole who wants to cause trouble. Leonardo always fusses over them when they're anywhere near any kind of danger, which they find hilarious. Pep flings himself toward danger with the reckless disregard of a hedgehog on a highway, content in the knowledge that Tello is right behind them.
Leonardo would love a cape, Batman arc or not. He does have a habit of wearing large blankets across his shoulders, during movie nights and such, so that he can blanket-burrito whatever child cuddles up to him. There's always a cuddler at hand. Usually four or five. He loves being in cuddle piles so it works out great. Sometimes when the littler blueberries get nervous about something, they'll hide in the blanket and he's gotta remember not to knock them over when he starts walking again, which is... shall we say unsuccessful a couple times.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
are there resources you suggest for playing trans characters?
I don’t have a “go-to” link (or links) that I can give you, I’m afraid. I’m sure there are loads of great posts out there on tumblr and elsewhere, and I’ve done a quick search to find you a few places to start (links below!), but since gender identity and gender constructs etc. is a subject in which I’ve always been immersed, it’s not something I’ve ever had to search-out a how-to for the writing thereof. Honestly I find it’s a topic best explored and/or explained in story-format (whether fictional or non; prose or oratory) because it’s so entangled with who someone is that the best way to learn about it is to feel it -- to experience it through the lens of an actual person (fictional or real) who lives it. If that makes sense? Gender is such a personal, individual thing that the whole beautiful mess of identity and discovery and labels and self-discovery and determination etc. etc. that it makes it hard (in my opinion) to really encapsulate in a how-to guide sort of resource...but try starting with these:
An Important Note About Pronouns!
A General Overview/Reflection on Trans Characters and Stories
Probably the Closest Thing I Found To a “How To”/”How To Not” Guide
Some Further Tips On What Not To Do
HP Specific: The Attisgalli Corrective Draught (already part of our world building!)
Scriptwriters Trans Tag (this blog is a great resource in general; check their tags!)
Stories That Did It Wrong And How Not To Repeat Their Mistakes
A Detailed Guide to Writing Trans Masculine Characters
A Few Links On Definitions, etc.
*Some of these links are old, so the information contained therein may be outdated or the links within may be defunct; in many cases we also skimmed rather than reading in detail so the merits of their information/terminology may vary. Please use your own discretion and if you need clarification on something don’t be shy about asking, either us or the authors or check in with the fine people at Script LGBT+.
If you really want to immerse yourself in the subject, here are some of my favorite stories that involve exploring identity and transition and so-on:
When The Letter Comes is a beautiful short story that includes both Hogwarts-type tropes and genderqueer characters and it’s available to read online in its entirety for free which makes it a good starting point (it may make you cry. It does me. So good.)
Dreadnought is an impeccable superhero origin story featuring a transgender protagonist and if you want to understand the experience of being a trans woman, I can recommend no better place to start than here because it puts you right inside Dani’s head and takes you along every step of her journey in a way that’s both excruciating and exhilarating and while I wouldn’t classify it as a “guide” to writing trans characters (only because there’s no one way to be/write trans), it should still give you a solid understanding of being trans that you can build from.
The Deep And Dark Blue is an excellent fantasy graphic novel about two royal twins who survive a coup by hiding in a magical convent and I don’t want to give it all away but gender identity is a crux of the plot and its really just lovely.
Snapdragon is a charming (and sometimes charmingly-gross) graphic novel about outcast kids finding friendship and magic and an elderly witch and it does some really lovely stuff with gender and transition along the way.
The graphic novel Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe is a deeply emotional and moving memoir about e’s experience and exploration of eir gender identity that I genuinely cannot recommend enough. (This one also gets you right in the heart.) If you really want to know what it feels like to live outside the assigned-x-at-birth cis-binary box, this is absolutely the number one place I recommend you begin your journey.
The most important thing I think is to keep in mind that there’s no one right way to write a trans character, just like there’s no one right way to be trans. Every person’s life, personality, and experiences are different (just like for cis people). And a trans person is more than just their gender identity and transition experience. That’s just one part of who they are, like being left-handed or allergic to milk or having a good ear for music. It’s part of a person’s life and identity and there’s ways and times it will influence them and their experiences, but it’s not all that they are. Be respectful above all, and remember that even though your character is fictional you’re writing about real people’s identities and experiences too, so your number one rule should be do no harm.
To that end the links in the first section to posts or essays written by trans people about harmful tropes and their own views and experiences on trans depictions in media are a good place to start, because they can tell you what to avoid. For how to, I really think you’ll do best by feeling it first like you do when reading stories like Dreadnought or Gender Queer -- but that’s just me! If anyone else has other links or thoughts to chime-in with, please don’t be shy!
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Weird that they are placing so much emphasis on having bio kids as the ultimate form of happiness and legacy, when Mr. Miyagi is like, right there. Do the writers think of him as different/a tragedy because he would have had it if his wife and son didn’t die, or did they just forget?
I answered and I deleted and I answered and I deleted, because I agree so much with you and I don't want to ruin the enjoyment for anyone, so let's put this below the cut:
maybe miyagi was actually secretly evil the whole time........ 🤔🤔🤔(joke)
that family structure is suspect dude, sounds queer to adopt a kid who's being bullied, years after your wife and child died and then not even knock up his mom, what are you gay?
at the very least don't pretend it's a real family you've got there, you'll always be a tragic sad man, without your biological progeny, which is the only kind that matters, and only if done in the Correct way (single parents need not apply)
weird we had the "tanmee" line in s3, but this season just straight up forgot a lot of its own building blocks in favour of some weird aggressive and regressive heterosexual bullshit -- the more I think about it the more discomfort I feel, which isn't to make this deeper than it is, I don't think there was bad intent. I think there was a tragic lack of imagination and it coincides with some real-world Politics that the show doesn't care about and is tacitly conservative about, but I sign onto the show not to be reminded of that world
a lot of people have mentioned that the show bears very little resemblance thematically to the core of the original (two) movies -- it's always been conservative in its depiction of military and war and violence, and simplified an actually incredibly complex, and yet incredibly clear-cut messaging that positions Miyagi (and his ideals) on one side and Kreese (and his ideals) on the other, with very clear reasoning as to why one is right and one is not
the show has been antisemitic, it's been racist, it's had a lack of queer characters that is all the more obvious in a story about a group of outcast kids with found family themes (first produced in 2019), and it's been sexist/underwritten the value that women have in a story about legacy and toxic masculinity and gender roles
and in fandom there have been interesting bits of analysis and writing from very talented and clever people to acknowledge these unexamined prejudices and flaws. they have been challenged in art and in narrative, and there has been plenty of discussion about where we can suspend disbelief and what we (individually) won't take onboard in our own various tellings of the story
up until s5 I have been able to hold that tension, because I truly enjoyed the story and the underlying themes and characters and was baseline expecting those themes and motivations to still matter
but oof the way that this season became entirely divorced from any of the show's own grounding themes, hasn't only made the characters hollow to me, but it's also made me realise (and hey, maybe I should realised this sooner, more fool's me) that they really don't give a shit about Miyagi
which is crazy because the story's about him.
EDIT: and i do still feel deeply uncomfortable about the final fight, and generally how daniel “defeating” anything was done totally absent of miyagi’s ideals -- the only way to solve anything is violence now. beat the other guy into submission to beat your fear i guess. meaningless to what daniel’s journey was, but good to know he’s also manly enough now
and more importantly than anything in a story that's just about liking or disliking trajectories and reads... I am deeply uncomfortable with its politics now
I think how I felt about s4 was that it had some moments I didn't like, but the trajectory made sense to me. with s5 there are moments I do like, but it's empty. I don't know why anything in the last episode happened. I feel intense discomfort about the treatment of women and girls. And to be clear I don't think that there was an intentional drive to make the messaging... that about queerness versus dominating toxic heterosexuality, but honestly I'm living in a pretty shitty world these days with a lot of backsliding in equality and I don't think that I can happily shut off my brain and watch something that conservative anymore
it's not technically anything deep as such, it's not real life. I've really enjoyed the show, I've made some lovely friends through it, and read some of the best fic, and gotten to hype up some wonderful artists and I'll stay in fandom, but I think I might be done with the show itself
but hey, miyagi adopting this skinny little punk from new jersey and giving him some valuable life lessons only for this kid to adopt him right back, that I can rewatch a million times and like I said -- the story is all about that (and it most certainly isn't a tragedy)
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rotshop · 3 years
to be fair fucked up regenerative reader is such a cool and interesting concept that could lead to so much potential so i look forward to seeing you write more abt them some day :DD
goddd yeah . idk i especially love characters who are like comically durable. characters who fail saw traps and live or something idk. adore them so ,,,, i want their gender i wish that were me ,,,
anyway .
main 4 + regenerative s/o who is a little bit fucked up .
[ tw violence, injuries, gore?, read note please !! ]
note ; while i wasn't sure how to properly tw it, please be warned there is talk of not caring about health / well-being of self. s/o KINDA has personality but it's just mostly like. being stubborn.
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-You scare the 4 of them. Like on one hand oh cool they don't have to worry about you dropping dead as much but on the other hand. are you ok??? bestie?? even though they know logically you'll be fine they still flinch whenever a lucky agent manages to lodge a knife in your gut or gets a well-placed shot. it especially doesn't help if you're nonchalant about it.
-hank is probably the most outwardly calm about it since he's kinda the same way, he's got his ass handed to him on more than one occasion and yet he's still alive and kicking. they still refuse to let you knowingly do anything that would put you in too much danger, even if you come out fine it's still. bad. they don't know how to explain it (so, most times they simply don't. it's hard to not listen to them with their height and general intimidation no matter what little explanation or reason they give) very well, they just can't help this weird writhing and aching sort of feeling they get at the thought of you being seriously hurt, it's even worse if the thought of you not caring about it all is present. he still instinctively reaches for you and yanks you out of the way before any agents can fire at you. honestly chances are you two kissed for the first time or something after getting into an argument about the topic (will say this applies to most of them lmao)
-chances are you mistake 2b's concern for plain irritation (or some sort of mal-intent if ur a more paranoid type like urs truly <333). which. to be fair.is understandable. where hank shows their concern by eliminating certain scenarios and keeping an eye out for you, 2b scolds you. it's never too scathing (unless you went seriously too far and don't have any real remorse for it, then he will get a little desperate to try and stress his point to you, even if it means being a little bit harsher than he intends to be) but it's still clear he doesn't like you putting yourself in harms way. he tends to be the one to deal with your worse injuries since smaller ones heal pretty quickly on their own (though, he still prefers to look at those and try and disinfect them), so it's safe to say he gets plenty of time to speak his mind. (Not entirely sure of how / where to put this so im putting it here in parenthesis lol ,, but . he does need a good bit of reassurance you're fine, he's seen a lot of the experiments the aahw has had but he's never seen someone quite like you. lot of late night hugs that go on for long periods of time because A) if you're taller then he can bury his face in the crook of your neck and feel / hear your heartbeat a little B) if you're shorter then he just . likes holding you. he knows you can handle yourself but he likes feeling like he at least some kind of ability to help / protect you.)
-dei does his best to not outwardly show exactly how concerned he is- he doesn't wanna put more pressure on you than you probably already have by your own standards n shit. you can still see it pretty clearly since you get stuck w/ him on missions quite a bit, and in some cases you both have to sit somewhere for a little while so you can try and heal a little after pushing too much. always offers for you to lean / lay on him, it feels like the least he can do since he doesn't have very much medical experience and you don't seem keen on teaching him when you're half conscious. admittedly he does freak out if you fall asleep / are especially cold, it makes his paranoid little brain go 'ohhh shit what if this did them in what if they don't get up fuckkk oh god oh god' . he does his best to power through it and just let you sleep or just put his jacket around you but he still clutches onto you a little too tightly (not to mention he's shaken you awake a few times before, he does his best to be gentle but again, grips a little too tightly and he's a little too frantic w/ it). he's had a few breakdowns where you've had to hold him because he's just that scared for you.
-sanford is kinda the same way as dei except he DOES scold you like doc does. not as much but he still gets on your case a little every now and then whenever you come back from a mission where you started to test some limits. also yanks you out of the way in the same way hank does, tends to keep you pretty close to him so he can keep an eye on you if you're especially bad at recognizing / following those limits. also has had to stick with you while you healed on missions sometimes, tends to just pull you into his side and keep you close. unlike dei though !! he does try and encourage you to rest a little (this might just be a me thing but if it helps you sleep too then he will kinda . pet you ? if that makes sense?? he runs warm and he's pretty gentle so it's just nice and tends to calm you down from any adrenaline rush you've got going on.) he however will not . he's too busy keeping both an eye on you and for any other agents / bandits / etc to be able to properly shut his eyes.
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froggywritesstuff · 3 years
Sisters... for today
“Hey, Dolores,”
“What?” Dolores sighed, assuming this was another one of her brother’s pranks.
“Um… could you, maybe, do my makeup?” Camilo asked, her heart beat racing with worry when she saw Dolores’ confused expression.
“You want me to do your makeup?”
Camilo nodded weakly, “L-like how you and Isabela do yours. Like… more feminine?”
A smile formed on Dolores’ lips, “Of course I can.” she whispered, her heart melting at the smile her little sibling gave her.
Dolores pushed her bedroom door open further to let Camilo in, guiding them inside to the vanity.
“Dolores? Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Camilo asked, fiddling her hands together nervously as Dolores brought out various makeup tools.
“Of course I do, Cami. Trust me, you’ll look gorgeous!”
Camilo slightly relaxed, easing into the chair in front of Dolores’ vanity, her reflection in the mirror staring right back at her. It wasn’t right. Camilo rarely felt like their reflection, always feeling like someone else. But today - feeling aligned with a different gender - definitely wasn’t helping with that. Readying her makeup brush for use, Dolores saw the pained look on her siblings face as they stared at themselves. She knew they had always felt somewhat detached from who they really were, but she had never seen it this intense.
“Hey,” she called, wanting to distract Camilo from whatever lost place her mind must’ve been in, “Which colour would you like?”
Camilo whipped her head around to see the two shades of lipstick in her hands. One was a bright shade of red lipstick, the other was a shimmery, maroon shade of lipstick. Camilo’s eyes darted between the two, not having a clue of which one to choose, “Uh… that one?” she suggested, gesturing to the maroon coloured one. Dolores smiled, placing the red lipstick away in her drawer, “Great choice.”
Camilo fidgeted in the seat, filled with nerves and excitement. Obviously, she had been wanting to talk to something like this forever, but she still couldn't help but feel nervous about how Dolores would react.
“Um, Dolores?” Camilo began, the nerves clear in her voice, “You don’t think that I’m… weird? For wanting this?”
Dolores tilted her head in confusion, “Obviously I think you’re weird. You’ve always been weird. But not because of this. If you want to start wearing makeup like mine, then that’s great. That’s who you are, and you’re finally figuring that out. Who am I to tell you if that’s weird?”
A wide smile grew on Camilo's face, before it disappeared as Dolores shoved a brush full of powder into her face.
“A little warning would be nice,” she coughed, scowling at the sudden feeling.
”Don’t move,” Dolores mumbled, roughly stroking the brush against their freckled cheeks.
”Do you have to be so aggressive?” Camilo whined.
”What part of don’t move do you not understand?”
With a roll of their eyes, Camilo shut her mouth, relaxing when the brushstrokes came less aggressively.
The two sat in a comfortable silence as Dolores continued Camilo's makeup, applying various creams and powders that Camilo had never heard of before, and was frankly too scared to ask about.
"Camilo," Dolores began, her concentration divided as she applied a dark shade of eye shadow on Camilo's eyelids, "If you don't mind me asking... do you feel like this often? Like, you feel more like a girl?"
Camilo sighed, “I dunno… sometimes I feel like a girl… other times I don’t? But then… I feel like neither sometimes… ugh, it’s confusing.”
“That’s ok, Cami. You don’t have to have everything completely figured out yet. It’s ok if you’re confused.”
Camilo gave a weak smile, but her face still held sadness.
Dolores smiled, “I mean… I always wanted a little sister. But I guess I’ll put up with having a brother on some days.”
Smiling ear to ear, Camilo felt happy tears sting the back of her eyes, when Dolores pulled the makeup brush away from her face, "And that's all done."
A small gasp escaped Camilo's maroon coloured lips as she stared at her reflection, "That... that's me..."
Dolores smiled, watching as Camilo stared at herself happily. Jumping out of the seat, Camilo hugged Dolores tightly, though still careful not to ruin her makeup, "Thank you." she whispered.
Dolores hugged her back just as tight, "So... sisters for today?"
Camilo nodded, "Sisters for today."
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mmmonie · 4 years
I have obey me brain rot and I physically cannot take it anymore so here are some random HCS I fucking busted out about demons under the read more (and some angel stuff thrown in. For fun. Spice is the variety of life or whatever) I formatted this on mobile so forgive me for my crimes pls..... 😔
Also as an fyi I have never written anything in my life <3 (and also I’m dyslexic) so if something sounds stupid I’m sorry lol <3 also I’m sure u can tell but I never know where to put commas so if that bothers u........sorry again lol
*There are (at least) two demonic languages: one is a bit like Latin albeit way more fucked up. The second one is spoken only. A human can learn to understand both but the second one requires a lot of concentration to discern due to the subtlety in the growls, clicks and other noises demons are capable of making. It’s also very dependent on body language, especially in demonic form.
*It would be nearly impossible for a human to be fluent in the second one because of that. (unless you’re like. A really good mimic?)
* the second one is the oldest language. The new language and it’s written counterpart are derived from it with a little twist, so you’ll still hear some interesting noises thrown in there. It would take some dedication to learn, though the written part is fairly easy once you get the hang of it. It was made to be read quickly and efficiently. The speaking part however...................good luck.
* Demons and angels can instantly pick up human languages including reading and writing. Wouldn’t do you much good to be summoned in like. Germany and not know the language LOL
* Demons purr LOL you can’t click and growl and NOT purr. Like cats, it is both a happy thing and a self soothing thing.
* There is a slight difference between a happy purr and a self soothing purr, but the difference depends entirely on the demon.
* Demons (and angels) are nearly impossible to kill. It’s also very hard to damage them in any meaningful way. They also heal very quickly, so even if you did get a good hit on one, if they managed to get away chances are they’d heal in a matter of hours.
* Stronger demons like the brothers are even MORE impervious to damage. The amount of times Beel’s reached into the oven barehanded just to pop a piping hot cookie in his mouth is insane. He swears it’s the best way to eat them.
* Angels are very stiff but very physically powerful. They have a lot of control over their bodies and are trained from a young age to be able to wield that power responsibly.
* Demons on the other hand are incredibly flexible and bounce back easily. Though your average demon might not be the same physical strength as an angel, they have agility on their side. Angels are heavy hitters where demons rely on their ability to strike multiple times very quickly.
* This was a very weird transition for the brothers, though the amount of strength they had barely changed between realms. Fallen angels don’t change that much strength wise, but a little bit is burned up in the fall (to protect themselves.)
* Angels may be strong but demons also posses a massive amount of strength and have to learn to control it over time. This is known as a “juvenile phase” but it happens at different ages depending on how they were born. Fallen angels do not go through this as they have already learned to keep a grip on their power. Do I have an entire separate post ready about this bc I just couldn’t shut up? Maybe...
* There are four ways of being “born” a demon. Fallen angels, half demons, human borns and natural demons.
* Humans can choose to be turned into demons, but it is a very painful process and they won’t be able to gain any strength, what they get is what the get. They are referred to as “human born” and were considered the lowest of the humanoid demons until Diavolo came into power.
* Human born used to just be made whenever by whoever but that caused problems. Demons would make human borns and then just leave them to flounder about by themselves in an unknown territory. Diavolo’s father put an end to that during his reign, but “accidents” still happen. Now you have to do paperwork if you want to turn your human friend/lover into a demon lol.
* The ceremony for turning humans into demons is incredibly complex, which is why banning making human born unless given permission is less of a problem than you’d think.
* Half demons are just that, they’re only half demon. Most are half human but there are a few other kinds of magical creatures mixed in there. They aren’t as strong as a natural demon nor a fallen angel but they can gain power through their other ancestry. Many of them specialize in unique kinds of magic.
* Half human/demon children aren’t as rare as you’d think they are. This is due to the fact that demons have all sorts of ways to keep a demonic baby alive. Ranging from shapeshifting and (magically) taking the baby themselves once it’s grown enough to handle the transition to various forms of potions and spells to help a human along.
* Half demons and natural demons have the luxury of being born already (mostly) acclimated to the devildom, making some of the transitions that come with a demons lifespan easier on them than human born and fallen angels.
* Angels are taught to control/ignore their instincts where demons are taught to rely on/embrace theirs. Because demonic instincts often work against the things taught in the celestial realm fallen angels have a hard time adjusting to their new environment. Though, as their sins overtake them, their instincts become easier to fall back on.
* Demons have multiple forms, not just the two shown in game. All in all, the brothers have 5, each becoming less and less humanoid.
* Half/human born demons are more likely to have both a tail and wings in their first demonic form. Stronger demons like the brothers are merely showing off the strongest of the two, but everyone has both. (Bc I think they slap LOL *points* u get a tail and wings! *u get a tail and wings*)
* •a demons features can be influenced by what sin they are, but it’s not a hard or fast rule. Don’t be surprised if a demon who looks more akin to Mammon is actually a Sloth demon.***this does not apply to little Ds who’s look is entirely dependent on their sin. Little Ds are an entirely separate conversation 😈
* human borns/half demons can have two sins assigned to them, though this makes them less powerful in both. Usually there is a more prominent sin.
* Diavolo’s rule has helped quite a bit with bringing humans into a new better light, and many natural born demons who haven’t been able to interact with the human realm have become increasingly curious about humans and the way they work. Much of this is due to media that was brought from the human world to sedate Dia’s intense curiosity.
* In the eyes of many older demons, humans are merely playthings and it is expected that most demons will eventually mate with at least one other demon. A human and a demon dating is seen as just infatuation on the demons part, and it’s often thought that there are no real feelings behind a relationship like that. However there have been/are many successful and happy human/demon relationships.
* Demons don’t really have a concept of marriage. They live so long there really isn’t a point to tying yourself to one single person (or a few people) However, that’s not to say that there aren’t relationships like that. There are binding ceremonies for expressing love and devotion to other beings and it has its own unique culture.
* though the gates to the human realm are still technically closed and have been for a long time, demons can still be summoned by witches (sorcerers, wizards, warlocks, whatever you call yourself.) They can also be successfully summoned if you are not a magic user, however this is rare and often can go wrong, much like horror movies.
* Summoning very powerful demons like the brothers is incredibly hard even for an extremely experienced magic user, so often the demon you get claiming to be Satan really isn’t LOL. There are demons who are actually assigned to go to summonings in the place of the seven lords of hell, but many demons will just take on the role to fuck around with whomever summoned them. You think a prince of hell has time to just go possess some object or person for fun? (Ok...Mammon Satan and Belphie might.......if they’re bored enough LOL)
* Demons are actually relatively cuddly creatures. They might be a little rough with strangers but base instincts with family members will always be to coddle rather than fight. They’re more like humans in that right.
* Angels don’t do much casual touching, they’re very uptight. Beel and Belphie being as close as they are was a bit of an oddity in the celestial realm. That’s not to say angels don’t need causal touch lol just that they were trained to avoid that “temptation”.
* the brothers had a hard time starting out in the Devildom because of this. They still have a hard time with casual touches, which is why they seem so touched starved with the MC.
Things I might elaborate on later:
* There is a difference between demons, incubi and succubi but it’s not what you think it is.
* Demons, angels and humans all have very different takes on gender.
* The juvenile phase (DO not tempt me I wrote out like 1000 words about it bc I couldn’t shut the fuck up)
* Animals in the Devildom are fucked up. I WILL fucking talk about this bc it’s my passion.
* Pacts and how they work..........
* Maybe I’ll also elaborate on the hierarchy/power structure of demons sometimes 
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raiseyourcups · 4 years
Life Day
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (I think it reads as gender-neutral) Warnings: none, just fluff Word Count: 1.6k of pure, tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: It’s Life Day and that means presents. But Din has trouble finding a present for you.
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Life Day was coming up and Din was at a loss. He had never had to buy anyone anything for the holiday before. But now he had you and the ki--Grogu. He only had some semblance of an idea of what to get Grogu, but you? He had no idea. 
He knew you liked blasters but those weren’t Life Day presents, tradition stated that weapons were not appropriate because they took life. He vaguely remembered what his parents would give each other. But Din didn’t think those kinds of presents applied to you two. Not that you two weren’t--it was complicated. 
It took him until the week of the holiday, on some random planet they had landed on for supplies, to finally find what he was looking for. He made sure that you were distracted at another booth. He almost got distracted watching as you waved a stuffed...something in Grogu’s face before you turned to the person running the booth to pay them. Din did the same before you could turn to find him. 
He had just shoved your present into your bag when you came over. “You will not believe how cute the toy I got Grogu for Life Day is!”
“Does he know he has to wait until Life Day?” Din asked, nodding his helmet towards his son who was already hugging the toy that was almost as big as him.
“Don’t be silly!” You gave Din a light tap on his chest piece. “I got him another one that he hasn’t seen.”
There was a warmth that grew inside Din’s chest at the way you treated him. Everyone only saw the armor and would rather throw themselves into a sarlacc pit than speak to him. But you? You went out of your way to let him know that you were speaking to the man beneath the armor. It was almost like you didn’t even see it. 
“Are you ready to head back to the ship?” he asked before he could accidentally say something he didn’t mean to. 
“Yeah, I have everything I need,” you said but then your eyes drifted to something behind Din and you paused. “Actually can you take Grogu and go on ahead? I need one more thing.”
“I’ll go with you,” Din said, although he did take Grogu from you. He knew that you were aware of his unease leaving you on your own when they stopped on planets they hadn’t been to before. 
You came closer to him before whispering, “Din, I have to get you a present and in order for it to be a surprise…”
“I’m not leaving you here alone.”
The two of you stared at each other in silence until you finally gave in, throwing your arms up in the air. “Okay fine but turn around and don’t peek.” You waited until he sighed and turned around, Grogu in his arms now. Once you were sure that he wouldn’t peek you rushed over to the booth you had seen. 
“I need one of these please,” you held the item up and placed the credits in the man’s hand. He gestured towards Din with a small smile on his face.
“Are you travelling with the Mandalorian?”
“Yes, why?”
He shrugged his shoulders but the smile stayed on his face. “No reason, enjoy your Life Day.”
“Thanks?” You say even though now you’re confused. You took the item you picked out and placed it in the bag with Grogu’s other toy and headed back to your odd pair. 
“Ready?” Din asked once you were by his side again. You pushed the merchant’s strangeness to the back of your mind and smiled at Din. With a simple nod, the three of you were off to the Razor Crest again. 
The presents both you and Din had gotten were all but forgotten for the rest of the solar week. He spent the time trying to chart out your next course, which planets were safe to land on for more than a day. You on the other hand had taken it upon yourself to try to teach Grogu his colors. Neither you nor Din wanted a repeat of him accidentally electrocuting himself even if you had expressly told Din to not have Grogu do that again. 
And while you knew Din was asleep, Grogu with him in his little hammock, you stayed up at night. Practicing words from a dictionary you had found on the HoloNet while hoping that it wasn’t all bantha shit. You weren’t sure you could live after an embarrassment like that. 
Life Day snuck up on you both and you had almost forgotten until Grogu came up to you with the one toy you had let him keep. “What’s wrong, Grogu?” 
He lifted the toy with one hand while holding up the other hand. It took a while for it to click but then it finally did. “Oh!”
It was Life Day and you had completely forgotten. You scooped Grogu up and ran over to your bag to grab both Grogu’s other toy and the present you had gotten Din. Both of the presents were wrapped in pieces of spare cloth that you had found laying around. 
“Din! It’s Life Day!” You exclaimed up into the cockpit, opting to stay down in the hangar to wait for him to come down. You heard a muffled bang followed by a curse. You winced, figuring he had hit himself on the armor somewhere, hopefully not his head. You watched as he came down the ladder and held up a finger for you to wait before he went over to the cot. He came back over to you with two wrapped presents and you stared at each other awkwardly. 
“Um, do you want to go first?” You asked, hoping he would say yes. 
“How about,” he paused to clear his throat. “Grogu first?”
You let out a sigh of relief, “Yeah, that works. And then what about we give ours at the same time?”
Din nodded but didn’t say anything, just placed the one meant for Grogu onto the table. You did the same before putting Grogu down onto the table. “Grogu?”
He looked up at you with his wide, brown eyes, making a questioning cooing sound. “Go ahead and open your presents.” His eyes lit up and he ripped into the cloth, letting out a loud squeal when he saw the second stuffed animal you had gotten him. This one was a mudhorn while the one you had given him a week ago was a frog. He looked up at you and cooed happily before turning to the one Din had given him. 
You couldn’t stop the smile when you saw that Din had had the same idea as you and had bought Grogu a little stuffed Loth-Cat. “That’s so cute Din,” you said as you watched Grogu pull all of his toys in as best as he could to hug them all. 
“On three?” Din asked, pulling your attention away from Grogu, holding his present for you in his hands. 
“On three,” you agreed. You weren’t even sure why you were so nervous about this present. It would be nothing compared to the other one that you were still worried about. 
You both counted to three before exchanging each other’s presents and opening them at the same time. You stared down at it in surprise, wondering if you had accidentally gotten them mixed up. You looked up at Din and could see the confusion in his own stance and that made you burst out in laughter. 
“Did we really get each other the same thing?”
“I guess so. Why did you--?”
“Because I noticed that yours was getting ready to break. Why did you get me--?”
“I wanted--if you wanted to, that is, I wanted you to be able to reach me if I have to leave the ship for more than a day.”
You stared at Din, mouth open as you tried to think of how to respond. “Um, there’s one more present I got you,” you finally said quietly, cheeks already warming as you licked your lips to wet them. 
“You didn’t, I only bought you the one--”
“Well I technically didn’t buy this one.”
“Um...just don’t tease me, I tried really hard to learn this,” you said first before leaning over to where you knew Din’s ear would be inside his helmet. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum.”
You went to move away but then Din stopped you by placing a soft hand on the back of your neck. He brought his helmet down to your forehead and you stared into the t-visor in shock. “Do you mean that?” 
Din let out a disbelieving chuckle, the voice modulator barely catching it, before he spoke. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, cyar’ika.”
You two stayed like that for a few moments before Grogu made an impatient sound and you both let out a chuckle. You only moved away long enough to pick up Grogu before Din pulled you into an embrace. “We make a really weird family, don’t we?”
“Yes but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” Din said, bringing his helmet back down to your forehead.
“Me neither.” You weren’t sure why Din was resting his forehead against yours but there was so much you still had to learn about Mandalorians. And you wanted Din to be the one to teach you everything. 
To himself, Din made a promise to himself and to you that next time there would be no helmet between your foreheads. Next time...
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lesbianlotties · 3 years
follow you to the beginning (just to relive the start) - Sam/Deena  - Fake Dating AU
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Fear Street Trilogy (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Fraser/Deena Johnson, Samantha "Sam" Fraser & Deena Johnson, Samantha "Sam" Fraser/Peter (Fear Street Part 1: 1994), Samantha "Sam" Fraser & Simon Kalivoda, Samantha "Sam" Fraser & Kate Schmidt (Fear Street), Deena Johnson & Kate Schmidt, Deena Johnson & Simon Kalivoda, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Deena Johnson, Samantha "Sam" Fraser (Fear Street), Kate Schmidt (Fear Street), Simon Kalivoda, Josh Johnson (Fear Street), Peter (Fear Street Part 1: 1994), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon Lesbian Relationship, Canon Lesbian Character, Slow Burn, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Best Friends, High School, Angst, Humor, Fluff, First Love, Eventual Happy Ending, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mutual Pining, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Sam and Deena are next-door neighbors, and they inevitably and enthusiastically become best friends... until childhood gives way to tragedy, grudges, and regret.
By the time they make it to high school, Sam and Deena are still next-door neighbors but also sworn enemies... until high school introduces bigger threats that they will need to face together.
Faking a relationship might be a bad idea. But it might be the only way for Sam and Deena to understand their shared past and their feelings for each other.
Chapter 1:
Sam and Deena became best friends during one perfect summer day when they were seven years old. In Shadyside, however, perfect days weren’t meant to exist. The only reason little Sam Fraser finally had the time and freedom to spend time with her next-door neighbor was because her parents were caught in the first big fight of hundreds more to come. A part of Sam would associate both events as one and the same for a long, long time. The beginning of her friendship with Deena and the downfall of the Fraser family. In contrast, Deena was living some of the best days of her life. Days that she would treasure and idolize, perhaps more than she should have, for many years to come. Her mother was alive, her father was sober, her little brother was safe in their hands. She had all the time in the world to go out into the backyard, lay on the ground, and look for shapes in the clouds. She had been doing that for a while then a shadow suddenly appeared over her.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked. Her voice was still trembling slightly from the way she had run out of her house crying. Her eyes were red and she had a runny nose, but she looked genuinely curious to understand what her neighbor was doing.
Deena didn’t reply at first. She couldn’t. She was too shaken by the impact of Sam’s first impression on her. It wasn’t the very first time they met, of course. But their parents were usually hovering above them. So far they had never been alone together. They were very different kids, it was easy to tell with just one look. Not just physically, with Deena’s wild mane of curly brown hair and Sam’s being straight and blond, Deena’s brown eyes being warm and guarded meanwhile Sam’s blue eyes cried out her every emotion. It was also about the way Deena was thrown on the grass, comfortable and taking as much space as possible in her slightly oversized clothes that she picked herself, as long as they were in sale, while her mother fondly chuckled and followed her around the store in spite of which gendered aisle her daughter got lost in. Sam was the complete opposite, in her bright pink clothes that were always too loose or too tight because her mother didn’t care to bring her along when buying her clothes and it was made all the more noticeable by the way in which Sam stood tense and awkwardly, uncomfortable from head to toe, her feet restless as if ready to run at any given moment.
The silence between them had stretched out for too long, but Sam was good at waiting. Deena moved to a seated position and took a better look at the girl in front of her. “Fraser,” she blurted out. She couldn’t remember her neighbor’s name, but she knew her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Fraser of the constant frowns.
“Um, Johnson?” Sam tilted her head. She didn’t understand this game of calling out each other’s last names.
“I’m Deena,” the brunette said and jumped to her feet, not bothering to brush away the grass stuck to her clothes.
“Sam,” the other girl offered her hand.
Deena laughed, but she was troubled. She wanted to laugh so much more. There was this weird girl in front of her, obviously a second away from bursting into tears again, probably from the weight of the glittery pink ribbon on her head, and she was offering Deena her hand in greeting. However, her laughter died in Deena’s throat. The instinct to tease was, for once, overpowered by something new and somewhat unfamiliar. She didn’t know it was protectiveness, she didn’t understand what it was at all. She only felt a pull on her heart that wanted to make sure her neighbor was okay.
So, Deena shook Sam’s hand. She invited her to lay down with her to watch shapes in the clouds. She didn’t laugh at Sam, she made it her mission to make Sam laugh. Unknowingly, with that innocent handshake, they were starting out together the greatest adventure of their lives, with all the glorious ups and devastating downs that it would include.
It was still early, they had the entire day ahead of them, and under the clear blue Shadyside sky, the world was all theirs. 
They started lying down on the grass, side by side, looking up at the clouds. At first, it was perfect, and fun. Sam’s stomach started aching from how hard she was laughing every time Deena pointed out at the sky and said “That one looks like a butt.” And then Sam would point at a completely unidentifiable cloud and say, “That one looks like a robot.”
“What?!” Deena laughed wholeheartedly. “No, it doesn’t! You weirdo.”
Sam’s laughter dimmed. “Do you think I’m weird?”
“No!” Deena scoffed. “Isn’t that like a compliment?”
The blonde hummed in response. She hadn’t considered that the other girl was just as inexperienced at talking to other girls her age.
For a moment, there was silence between them. Enough silence for Sam to remember the deafening noise of her parents fighting, blaming each other, blaming her, blaming the town. Before she could stop it, Sam was crying again.
“Sam?” Deena called her name. She moved to a seated position and placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder gently. “I’m sorry. I really don’t think you’re that weird.”
“That weird?” Sam chuckled through her tears.
Deena laughed along with her, but she still looked out of her comfort zone dealing with her crying neighbor. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“I’m okay,” Sam wiped her tears away, willing herself to regain her composure as her mother always told her to do. “I just… cry a lot. My dad says it’s because my mom doesn’t have feelings and I have to cry for the both of us.”
“Okay,” Deena nodded, not knowing how to put into words how wrong that sounded. Then she noticed a single blade of grass stuck to Sam’s pretty blonde hair. “Hold on Sam, you have grass on your head,” Deena said, and reached out to take it off.
However, Deena’s hand on her hair made an idea light up in Sam’s mind. She gasped and grabbed Deena’s wrist, holding her in place. “We should make flower crowns!”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to do it,” Sam smiled teasingly.
“Of course I do!” Deena scoffed. She was happy to see Sam smile, but she was second-guessing her previous statement about the blonde not being weird. Plus, it turned out not even Sam knew how to make flower crowns. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed. 
The two girls ended up hiding behind flower bushes between their homes. Sam had entertained herself weaving the prettiest flowers she could find in Deena’s curls. Meanwhile, Deena was content pulling blades of grass and unceremoniously letting them fall on Sam’s head. Deena couldn’t understand how Sam could be unbothered by the game. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Sam didn’t have many friends. In fact, not too long later, Sam whispered, “You’re my first real friend.”
Deena beamed upon hearing the words. She was happy with her parents and baby brother but, secretly, she had always wished for a friend, a girl like her, and here she was, finally. “You’re my only friend too,” Deena replied, a little shyly.
“Really?” Sam’s eyes widened.
“Yeah,” Deena chuckled.
The blonde hummed thoughtfully. “I think that makes us best friends,” Sam said.
“Oh yeah?” Deena asked. She received a confident nod in response. That made sense to her too. “Then we should celebrate.” She jumped to her feet and offered her hand to Sam, who didn’t hesitate to follow.
The day was long, and there was so much they were dying to show each other. The hours passed by in a sun-bathed blur of childish laughter. They did everything and nothing, jumping without reason, running without destination, rolling in the grass, picking flowers, climbing trees, scratching their knees, and jumping back up into made-up games and fantasy scenarios that they hadn’t ever had a chance to share with anybody.
There were a thousand little moments that years later they would wish they could have immortalized some way. When Deena showed Sam a spider and Sam ran away. When Deena hurt her finger with a thorn from Sam’s mother’s rose bushes, and Sam kissed the afflicted finger and promised she wouldn’t tell anybody Deena cried.
When Deena started climbing the tree at the back of the backyard, Sam started freaking out. “Deena! You’ll hurt yourself!” Sam repeated many times. Deena was thinking Sam sounded older than she really was when she was worried.
“I won’t,” the blonde scoffed, getting comfortable in what actually was a really low branch of the tree. “Besides, if I fall you can catch me!”
“I can try!” Sam said, throwing her arms around her. “But you’ll probably crush me and then we’ll both be dead!”
“Hey! I’m not that heavy!”
Deena’s protest, unfortunately, made her lose her balance. For a moment, she was hanging from the branch of the tree, feeling her heart on her throat. But then Sam’s slender arms were holding on to her legs, as tightly as the little girl was capable of. Deena smiled brightly. She felt surprisingly safe, even if she knew that Sam wasn’t strong enough to literally hold her up. “Sam, let go, it’s okay, I got it,” Deena let her know.
Sam stepped back to let Deena land on her feet, but a second later she was back, wrapping her arms around Deena’s torso this time, holding just as tightly if not more. “You scared me,” Sam mumbled, her voice muffled by the way she had her face pressed against Deena’s shoulder.
“It’s okay,” Deena said. She let her arms fall limply at her sides. She still felt out of her depth with Sam, even after one of the best days of her life. Her instinct told her to make fun of Sam, who was moved near to tears. But her heart stopped her for unknown reasons. Instead, she let her cheek rest on top of Sam’s head. At the time, Deena was taller. “It’s okay,” Deena repeated. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m your best friend, remember? I don’t think I’m allowed to leave you now.”
Sam chuckled and finally dropped her arms. Deena felt a chill at the loss. “Do you promise?” Sam asked.
Deena frowned a little, but continued to smile. “I promise,” she said, finding it increasingly difficult to say not the blonde girl that had stumbled into her personal space earlier that day with tears still in her eyes.
“Okay,” Sam exclaimed. She leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on Deena’s cheek. She was so excited it nearly threw both of them off balance, and when she pulled back, they were both blushing. But they moved on quickly, that day. Sam took Deena’s hand and started leading her to a different spot in the wide and free space behind their houses. “My mom told me about a spa. It’s a place where they put mud in your face to make you pretty. We should try it.”
“I’m already pretty!” Deena protested.
“Yeah, you are,” Sam shrugged. “But maybe it can help me.”
“You are more than pretty, Sam,” Deena frowned.
That made the blonde girl stop in her tracks. “Do you think so?” She asked Deena, and the brunette nodded enthusiastically. Sam was thoughtful for a moment, but eventually shrugged, and tried to continue with her plans, clearly not completely believing the other girl’s words. She was stopped by Deena a moment later, refusing to go further.
“Hey, you didn’t make the promise too,” Deena pointed out.
“Oh! You’re right,” Sam nodded, very seriously. “Okay then… I promise to always be your best friend, and to never leave you, and… um, is there something else?” She looked up at Deena for guidance.
Deena grinned at her. “No, that’s it. That’s cool.”
The two girls started laughing again, and continued with their games for a long time. They did end up playing with the mud, and then tried to wash it off, creating a bigger mess, with the hose they found behind Deena’s house. 
Toward the end of the day, when the sun started to set, both girls were well aware that their parents would be coming out at any moment to call them back home. They chose to end their first day as best friends exactly how they started it. They lay on the grass in the backyard in between their houses, and they looked up at the infinite sky above them. There weren’t many clouds anymore, but the first stars were showing up in the sky, and they were more than happy to count them one by one. 
That was how it started. One perfect day, and dozens of them just the same. Sam ran away from her house to the backyard every time her parents were having a fight. Deena made her laugh until Sam couldn’t remember crying for anything other reason than pure joy. Sam picked the prettiest flowers she could find and gave them to Deena, and hugged her especially tight every time Deena fell down from the tree she loved to climb. From the Johnsons’ window, Deena’s mom watched them fondly, happy that her daughter had a friend. From the Frasers’ window, Sam’s mom watched them with a frown on her face, upset about Sam ruining her clothes. But they never had reasons to stop them from having fun, they didn’t have any reason to put barriers between their daughters. And the two girls couldn’t imagine a world where they would be anything but the best of friends.
Much like everything in Shadyside, their perfect days would soon come to a bitter end but, even then, it wouldn’t be the end of Sam and Deena’s story.
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“Feminizing” Paul
There is a difference between A) calling a man pretty or admiring his graceful body language or his feminine features (although I don’t personally think eyelashes and lips need to constantly be gender-labeled as “masculine” or “feminine” - they can just be “long” or “lush” etc) and B) mocking a man for having what you perceive to be “feminine” traits (even if you think your jokes are not mean-spirited because Hey! feminine guys are awesome!) and especially C) making insinuations about a person’s sexuality based on external mannerisms or physical features.  The last example is homophobic behavior.  Even if you love gay people or fetishize them or personally identify as LGBTQ, it doesn’t matter! It’s still exactly the same thing homophobes do. Paul McCartney is not a sassy queen. If he was, and he self-identified that way, it would be totally cool to call him that and celebrate his fabulousness!  But as far as we know, Paul identifies as a straight man. Maybe not a super “macho” one- he wore ladies’ clothing in the 70s and sometimes he likes to playfully prance and twirl and stuff like that, which I agree is endearing and cute! But it’s questionable, at the very least, to make joke after joke about how OMG!feminine! the guy is. Of course you can admire his physicality (option A)- that’s what fans do with celebrities.  But please do so without taking a different sexuality and applying it to this person in a mocking way (as if everyone is in on the joke except Paul, who doesn’t realize what a flamboyant queen he is, LOL). I think it’s fine to speculate on an artist’s sexuality, too, so long as it’s based on their own words or even their art. But not when it’s second-guessing someone’s own identity based on your own judgments about their posture or bone structure (or worse yet, their interest in theater or having gay friends- like do you realize how homophobic that is?). Can you imagine a group of men coming on Tumblr and making post after post about a straight female celebrity, talking constantly about how butch she is and how hard she would fuck basically every woman she’s ever been photographed with? Lord knows there’s nothing bad about being butch or W/W but it would be a WEIRD thing to keep harping on about a straight woman!  Wishful thinking and fangirling/fanboying is fine.  “I wish she would top me” is different than calling a straight woman “such a power dyke.” The first is just a fun wish, the second is… weird and inaccurate and it just strikes me as maybe only half-way thought-through. I don’t think I have all the answers or claim that we’re perfect either. In our episode on Yoko we made a joke about her “big dick” - which we meant as a compliment, but that could be seen as problematic too. And maybe it was? The whole concept of a dick as being where power is stored is pretty lame, even if we all enjoyed making “big dick energy” memes and jokes for a year or so.  And yeah, Paul’s so-called “femininity” (which I put in skeptical quotation marks because again, we’re talking about gender-labeling both physical traits AND personality traits that DO NOT INHERENTLY BELONG TO ANY SEX) has been historically used to undermine everything from his intelligence to his artistic depth to his credibility (”diva” anyone?).  It’s not mine or anyone’s job to police and gatekeeper and tell people how they’re supposed to talk, I just urge us all to be a bit more thoughtful with how we use words and how we appropriate gay culture so voraciously. Also, please stop this tiresome straw-man argument of “there’s nothing wrong with being femme!” Of course there isn’t.  There’s nothing wrong with being anything! But everyone on this site knows better than to purposely mis-label a person’s gender or sexuality. Everyone also knows better than to characterize a person’s sexuality or gender identity in a way that would upset that person or make them uncomfortable. If someone prefers “Black” to “African American,” call them Black. If they prefer “Brown” to “Black,” call them Brown, etc. It’s not your place to make a judgment call about these terms, it’s for people to choose for themselves and it’s our place to respect them. I know I’ll probably get pushback that “this is just fandom” and “it’s not that serious.” And to an extent I agree because none of the Beatles would appreciate being called assholes or hearing our shitty opinions about their songs either and we all feel free to criticize them for all kinds of stuff that is essentially none of our business. I just think we need to pump the brakes from time to time when it comes to throwing labels on people.  
And yes, perhaps I’m sensitive about this topic because I grew up in a much, much more homophobic era than our current one and I’ve definitely got scars from it. But I also believe that it’s OK to encourage everyone to think about this stuff and talk openly about it without attacking each other or getting overly defensive. -Phoebe
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vintage-bentley · 2 years
sorry if you've already said something on this but opinion on f/f stuff written/drawn for GO or OFMD? i have a soft spot for genderbent azi it's really cute but i can see how some people could be put off by genderbending m/m
Dw I don’t think I’ve said anything about it before! And even if I did, I don’t mind talking about things more than once.
In general, I don’t really have a strong opinion. My problem is more with the people who only genderbend one of them and make it M/F, because then they’re turning a gay couple straight. Turning a gay couple into a genderbent gay couple isn’t really an issue imo. Unless it comes from a weird place of only being okay with M/M or F/F, but I think that would apply more to starting with a F/F couple and then genderbending to M/M. Because the majority of fandom seems to be straight women, who can sometimes have an attitude of “omg I love gay men so much!! Slay, queens! Lesbians are gross though”. So if they started genderbending, say Calliope/Juliette from First Kill into men, I would be wondering if it had to do with them finding M/M more digestible.
HOWEVER. GO is a bit different from OFMD because of the fantasy elements and general fandom bullshittery. I find myself uncomfortable with ineffable wives because I know that often the idea isn’t that it’s a separate AU, but rather that it’s the canon characters magically changing their sex, which isn’t something I’m a fan of. Especially because it comes with the implication that they’d both suddenly be attracted to women if one or both of them magically became female, and I see them both as being exclusively into men. But if it’s an AU where they’re both lesbians from the start, with no genderism going on, I’d probably like it. (You know those fics where the TV guys meet the book guys and it’s like a multiverse thing? Somebody needs to write something where one or both pairs meet the lesbian versions of themselves from a genderbent universe where Adam ate the apple and A/C are female. That would be peak LG solidarity right there)
So basically, when it’s an AU, I don’t really care. When it’s magic sex shapeshifting, big nope. And because I know the GO fandom is usually coming from the second perspective, it usually makes me uncomfortable.
On another note, I tend to be really picky with F/F content, and I assume that comes from my being a lesbian and wanting content that reflects myself and my experiences. And also because of my tendency to look at things through a feminist lens, so it’s hard to enjoy a lot of content about women because the women can often feel more like decorations than people. For example, a lot of ineffable wives designs are hyper feminine women who you can only tell are supposed to be A/C because of the hair colour, and I’m not a fan of that. I’m here for Aziraphale and Crowley, not Random Pretty Woman #1 and Random Pretty Woman #2. It often just feels like people are drawing generic attractive women and slapping the ineffable wives title on them. It’s not for me. Some designs are really nice though and do feel like the characters I know, just as women. It pretty much comes down to, does this genderswap keep the personality of the original characters, or are they just here to look good?
Genderbent OFMD, from the little I’ve seen, seems to just be drawing the characters the same way as they are in the show, but just as women? I haven’t seen enough of it to be sure of what it’s like but I’ve seen a few female Edwards who are basically just him but female. I don’t actually think I’ve seen any female Stedes but I’d assume they’re the same?
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A wounded heart. Pt.2
Pairing: Wong Yukhei x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, slight smut in this chapter (High school !AU)
Warning: Yandere!Lucas, kidnapping, obsessive behaviour, rough handling, swearing, Explicit thoughts,  Slight corruption kink...if you squint. (NSFW will occur later into the story, and I will write the warnings onto those chapters)
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: I wasn’t too sure if I liked having the first chapter in first person, so I’m going to try switching it over to second. Please don’t be afraid to tell me which one you prefer. Anywho, please enjoy the chapter.
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                                           Chapter 2: Bad thoughts
Lucas’ pov
“Y/n… what a beautiful name. Suits the person.” Of course I already knew their name, I’ve known their name since I was 5 years old. And look at them now, so gorgeous, and wonderful… and Innocent. God, so fucking innocent. 
“Now I really hope you don’t mind, but it wasn’t so much of an offer to walk you to class. I’m going to walk you to class, I'm pretty sure you head my way anyways.” I told them with a big smile on my face, not wanting to spend one more moment away from you. Not for one second, not for one minute, not for a year, not EVER again.
You’re not getting away this time Y/n.
Y/n’s pov
I couldn’t do much against the man in front of me, except just nod my head at what he was saying. He was making me so flustered, so flustered that I couldn’t even think straight. The only thing on my mind was the man standing in front of me.
My thoughts were quickly snapped back to reality as I heard his deep voice ringing in my ears again, telling me he would be walking me to class. It wasn’t a request, it was firm, almost stern. There was a look of anger in his eyes, but I obviously wouldn’t just start asking about it. It wasn’t my place to do so, it was only my place to say “Yes of course you can walk me to class! I just have to run back to my locker and grab my books okay!” and off I went, motioning for him to follow after me, which he did. 
Reaching my locker, I quickly spun the lock off and gathered my books. I slammed the locker shut just a little too hard, and yelped just at the sound that rang through the entire hallway. The look of concern that washed over the man's face was readable from a mile away, almost instantly scanning up and down my body.
“Are you okay Y/n?” and with a quick nod, I just brushed it off like it was nothing, because it was nothing. “I just scared myself with the locker, that’s all” I said almost shyly, a little embarrassed to be admitting that. 
“You’re so cute” He said to me, making my face heat up more with embarrassment. “Oh shut up and walk me to class you big oaf” I said in an almost defensive tone, not knowing why I got defensive all of a sudden. 
We walked almost silently through the halls, only the feeling of his eyes watching me the entire time. It was weird. It almost made me uncomfortable. If I hadn’t talked to him earlier and knew that he was interested in me already, I would be seriously creeped on.
“This is my class” I told him quietly and he stopped with me outside my class. He looked sad, pained. Like he wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye yet. “Can I take you out to lunch? I’d love to get to know you some more.” He asked me and moved a little closer. I just nodded, knowing that I wanted to get to know this mysterious man a little better too. “I have a spare next period, so just come find me.” 
“Great, I have a spare as well, I’ll just meet you back here after class” He said as he placed a kiss on my cheek “Until then, my lady” He smirked and walked away, leaving me a blushing mess in the middle of the hallway. 
Lucas’ Pov
I don’t have a spare next period. I’m not even available at lunch time, I’m supposed to have a detention. But none of this was going to matter once the moment I got them alone would arrive. Nothing would matter anymore, except being with them.
I quickly sat down in my class, grade 12 applied math. Gross. I put my textbook on the desk, and laid my head down, closing my eyes and not waiting long before he fell asleep.
*Explicit, mock NSFW scene ahead. Skip if it makes you uncomfortable.*
“Y/n?” I groaned out as I woke up to an odd sensation in my lap, a pleasurable sensation. 
“Yes daddy?” I heard them groan out, breathing heavily. Panting. A beautiful mess just laid out in my lap. So fucking messy and I haven’t even touched them yet. So pretty and ready to be ruined, stripped of their innocence, all for daddies cock. 
“You look so fucking pretty grinding on my lap like that baby boy/girl. Be good and don’t stop” I groaned out, my hands landing on their hips to control their pace.
So fucking pretty, pleasuring themself in my lap. Using me as their little toy, thinking they’re gonna get away from this with a free pass. I quickly leaned up and bit into their neck, watching their face morph in the pain and pleasure. I smirked as I leaned up to your ear, dropping my voice as deep as possible.
“I’m going to fucking destroy you. Now get on your knees” I commanded, and watched as they scurried off my lap and onto their knees in front of me. I spread my legs wide and smiled down at them, admiring how obedient they were being for me. 
I slowly, teasingly slowly undid my belt, followed by the button on my pants and then the zipper. Slowly sliding them down my thighs. The thighs I couldn’t wait to see you riding later. I slowly slid my boxers off as well, letting my cock fly out and hit my stomach. 
“Now then, get over here and get to work baby.” I watched as they slowly crawled over, taking me into their hand so gently, so soothingly. I watched carefully, not wanting to wait one more second to see those pretty, plump lips of theirs, wrapped around my c-
I quickly woke up to the sound of the school bell, groaning in discomfort of the tent that had been built in my pants. I stuff my books into my bag and stand up, quickly storming out of the class to get to their class before they decide to just leave. 
“Hi Y/n” I said quietly, and growled a little bit when I noticed another boy was making them laugh, taking their attention away from me. 
They’re mine.
“Hi Y/n” I said a little louder, and a little firmer as well. Oh that beautiful smile of theirs when they turned around. So pure, like that of an angel. An angel coming face to face with the devil himself. Cute.
“Where did you wanna go for lunch? I’ll drive us anywhere.” They just told me the cafe down the street, so off we went to the parking lot, to get into my car and go to the cafe.
Sure. The cafe. That’s where we’re going.
Once we were in the parking lot, I grabbed a hold of them and started dragging them to my car. Ignoring all the squirming and fighting that was going on, I kept dragging, unlocking the door and throwing them into my car. On the inside, all the handles had been removed except for the one of the drivers' side. On my side. 
I crawled into the car myself and buckled you in, starting the car and quickly driving out of the schools parking lot in the opposite direction of the cafe
“Where are we going?! What are you doing?!” They cried out, and I just ignored them. I would explain when I got you home.
“Answer me!” They shouted at me, and I just smiled in response “We’re going home baby.” and the look that appeared on their face gave me all kinds of pleasure. I love that you’re afraid of me. Cry for me Y/n. Cry.
“Where are you taking me!” They cried out, repeating the same question in different words. “I said we’re going home baby. Don’t make me repeat myself.” I said in a stern tone, trying not to get angry with you. 
But when they made a sad attempt to reach over me for my door, I snapped. I grabbed them by the throat and threw them back down into their seat, buckling them back in.
“I said we’re going home. Now sit the fuck down and shut up. I don’t want to hurt you, Y/n.”
To be continued...
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