#whichever is funnier to me
insinirate · 1 year
the time has come......
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
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GAY ANIMALS JUMPSCARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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« Mom can we get house of wolves ?
No we already have house of wolves at home! »
House of wolves at home :
(school concerts am i right chat?)
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lamboficarus · 8 months
shakes bars of my cage
guys please dont think husker is a cool guy that cat is so pathetic im gonna kill something if someone calls him cool one more time or fucks up the dates between when alastor died and husk did im gonna throttle someone like a rubber chicken do not TEST ME
he is a pathetic sad cat!!! he is not cool!!!!! he sadly pushes his shot glass off the counter!!!!!!!!!!! ok??????? husk mightve been an overlord but my guy he was NOT a mafia boss ill kill something ill do it !!! Alastor died WAAAAAAYYY before husker did!! 50 years!!!! decades at least!!! chomps bars of cage!
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knightsofeclipse · 1 month
I am so helpful lol
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I then laid on the couch for 10 minutes until @wetwibuwution came upstairs to tell me what my horrible daughter had done to warrant being texted about it first
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shiominato · 11 months
So, you’re Vinni, and I’m Vinny. Does this mean we should fight or become best friends?
I think we should fight
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worstloki · 1 year
Why am I getting islamophobia in my inbox 🧐
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Lol folks mad cuz you didn’t use a readmore when they could just filter the long post tag???
tbf i too am also very lazy at filtering the ‘long post’ tag so i get it ☠️☠️☠️
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piinetrees · 2 years
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[ txt ] hey uh [ txt ] found your number on… reddit? did you know it was there? seems like a pretty risky place to put your phone number [ txt ] anyways [ txt ] sources say you’re a monster hunter. pretty cool, pretty cool. [ txt ] how familiar are you with hauntings? [ txt ] see, i’m a pretty experienced paranormal investigator myself, i’ve been taking cursed objects off people’s hands and putting the spirits to rest  [ txt ] yknow what i’m just gonna get to the point [ txt ] pretty sure i got a dybbuk box and could use help getting rid of it [ txt ] oh, my name’s dipper, btw.
@jfouler liked this for a text starter
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krabmeat · 2 years
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harzilla · 2 months
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I was not expecting my silly AU idea to hit 1k notes, but what do I know?
since people seem to like the idea. I can throw some info on this idea along with relationships.
Yuu, like Silver, doesn't have a last name. Their name is also based off the word you, because Crowley couldn't think of anything and never really gave them one. So most of the time it was things like "Would you go get me this." Or "You need to be careful!"
Yuu's age is estimated to be 16 during the entrance ceremony. They are given a birthday roughly based on how old they were when they showed up.
Yuu's gender is ambiguous. Mostly because I haven't picked one. You can pick whichever you want but I vote for whichever is funnier in your head.
Yuu showed up when Crewel was a student and just before Vargas became one. Crewel was 16-17. Vargas was 14-15. If you wanna know how they handled babysitting when they were younger, pretty much this. Crewel returned Yuu better dressed then they started and Vargas returned them covered in mud and critters in their pockets.
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Trein is kind of like Yuu's grumpy grandpa. He spent a lot of time correcting Crowley when it came to parenting and gave him some of his daughter's baby clothes. Crewel and the other students during that time still remember when Trein would just, be holding Yuu during lessons because he's actually really good at calming a baby and Crowley's kind of an idiot.
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Yuu and Sam know each other from when they were kids. Sam was about 9 when Yuu showed up. Sam would help out at the mystery shop when he was young to learn the family business so sometimes he got to see the baby and play with them once in a while. Sam learned to team up with Yuu to guilt Crowley to buy more things for Yuu.
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As for Grim, he showed up the same day Yuu did. He's the one who found baby Yuu in the coffin, he blew the lid off because he heard the baby crying. He was captured by Crowley because he stalled, he wanted the robes but he didn't want to hurt a baby to get them. Grim was thrown out like in the game, but he kept sneaking back in. He ends up finding the baby again and the kid ends up being attached to the "kitty." Crowley caved when Yuu wouldn't stop crying when Grim was taken away. This version of Grim and Yuu grow up together and it's kind of a sibling bond. Grim is even more protective of Yuu and complains how HE'S the older one so that makes him the big brother no matter how tall Yuu gets. He would curl up in Yuu's bassinet and tell them they're going to grow up to be his henchman.
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Crowley is an obnoxious dad. Overly dramatic and drives Yuu insane. Crowley often laments his little hatchling discovering teenage rebellion and misses they days they were tiny enough to easily carry with one arm and called him Papa. But they love each other even if they get on each others nerves. When Yuu goes to S.T.Y.X. in book 6, they go to get back Grim and Crowley. At the end of the day, those two are Yuu's family.
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berensteinsmonster · 3 months
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Henry Ventriloquest, mirror reflection of Henry Stickmin
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
Resident SILLIEST guy, a clever little trickster, one of Capt. Bailfalse's three evil henchmen, somehow everybody's friend, improbably reality bending funny man, and well known unkillable immortal. He's very aware of all these facts and is just living life to it's fullest, for the entertainment of himself of course.
My favourite thing is to talk abt VQ's opposite-ness to Sticks so here I goooo-! Primary details include the fact its color motif is orange, opposite to Sticks' associated blue. He's more sociable and talkative. And what else uhh oh yeah he literally CANNOT DIE how could he this toon runs on slapstick. It could be turned to ash or squashed by a truck and he'd still come out fine (with birds spinning around his head or perfectly okay, whichever he finds funnier as a result).
Misc details include: Since Sticks is animated by Flash, the opposite of that would be something hand drawn, which is (In-Universe) where VQ originated from. And Stickmin being mostly recognized for his eye design, so Ventriloquest has a misaligned eye condition. Both still function, but his left eye isn't as good as his right. He's learned to live with this disability ever since he was created.
//AN: When I talk about his origins, I can only speak about his disability using research. Feel free to send me any corrections about Strabismus because I really do want to keep this part of his character. He may act silly but he doesn't have misaligned eyes for that reason, he is just playing god which is unrelated
But he also works as Stickmin's reflection, just a silly guy here for the thrills with inguity to get themselves out of trouble. How they both don't care too hard about the consequences until it devastatingly affects them! — but that's hv au plot development for next time.
He plays the role that RHM would have, just being a powerhouse that can whip HRM's hiney at any given point. But the difference here is that Henry V is alot more affectionate and giddy during these beat down that he considers as playing, and is cartoonishly violent instead of lethally violent. RHM causes destruction as a means to an end, but Ventriloquest causes destruction because he loves it. He's a force of discordance....For the funny.
And if you ever cross or make fun of him he'll drop an anvil on your skull ^_^
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badaspebble · 10 months
ah i’m loving your writing~!! i would like to request something where reader is a trainee on a survival show, since swf dancers often become judges, bada being a judge/mentors, and maybe reader gives her secret love letters? or flirts with her off camera because she has a crush. it doesn’t haven’t to be a whole oneshot or something headcanons would be cool too ! ty~
✎ To My Secret Admirer
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A/N: Hey babe! Thank you for the compliment and the ask 🫶🏽. I hope you’re doing well. This is like super short and rushed I’m sorry :(
Warnings: Swearing. It’s all just fluff.
Bada Lee x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
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Who am I?” Those are the first thoughts you had when you saw her. She was beautiful. Absolutely fucking captivating. Her tall stature made her seem unapproachable, but Bada was really just a giant puppy. Who were you? A contestant who was hopelessly in love with this woman. You were somebody that couldn’t have her, right? You pondered on that thought until you were reminded of the way her face would light up when she found your notes towards her. Your notes, not anybody else’s. Of course, she didn’t actually know it was from you, but let’s be honest. You’re way too obvious when you’re around her.
Tripping over nothing? Are you serious? Stuttering when you’re trying to impress her? Lord. Even if she was blind with no sense of anybody taking a liking to her, she would still know it was from you. Might as well write your name on them too. It wasn’t long until you remembered that did actually know.
The little glances towards you, along with the way she’d take any chance to be in contact with you…it made you keep going. You were glad you did, because you started receiving notes too. They weren’t much, but every single word that was written on them really brightened your day.
It would be stuff like “You look so beautiful today,” or funnier ones like “Your hair looks so good! (Please kiss me)” and “Tbh you shouldn’t let others perceive you in my honest, humble opinion that is not biased :)”
You especially loved those ones. Communicating through notes was good at first, but you craved her direct attention. You wanted her eyes on you, wanted her to smile while talking to you.
You’ve been recently feeling very courageous, sending more bold things her way. You’ve even left your lipstick mark on your newest letters. You figured since she basically already knew, might as well go up to her.
Your eyes were glued onto her as you walked up, ignoring the conversation she’s having. Which was a bit rude, but who knows when you’ll be this brave again. You took a deep breath as she turned to you, and swallowed harshly.
“H-“ Your voice cracked, embarrassing you even further. You both just stared at each other after that, with Bada trying not to laugh and you trying not to run away while looking at her blankly.
You didn’t try to speak again, but Bada thankfully spoke up. “Hey..” She smirked, holding in her laugh. Your voice was cute, and it still sounded cute with your voice crack. You were adorable. “How’s your routine going?” She asked, still smiling bright while trying not to laugh.
You swallowed again, threatening whichever higher being that existed to not let you embarrass yourself again. “It’s good…uhm it would’ve been better if you were there to help..” You coughed awkwardly.
Bada looked at you, slowly letting her smile brighten even more, if that was even possible. “Was that your attempt at flirting?” She said with a giggle.
You just looked at her and pursed your lips. “Anyways..” You said, turning your body around and walking away.
You heard Bada’s laughter behind you as it slowly got louder the closer she got. “Don’t run!” More laughter followed. “I thought it was cute, I pinky promise.” She grabbed your arm, turning you around to meet her twinkling eyes. “How about I teach you some stuff later? My studio is just around the corner.”
You looked up at her, letting a shy smile take over your face. “Are you sure that’s even allowed? You’re gonna get me kicked off this thing.” You say jokingly, avoiding her stare.
“I won’t let them. Don’t tell anybody but…you’re my favorite.” She leaned in to whisper jokingly, before she giggled.
Swallowing harshly, you finally met her eyes. “Okay..” You mumbled, still a little bit unsure. You felt her pat your head, subtly messing up your hair and running away as you noticed. “Hey! Bada??” You yell out, hearing her giggles down the hallway.
Sighing, you fixed your hair as you felt your heartbeat increase. Would she actually take the time out of her day to teach you? Are you guys just going to ignore the fact that you’ve been sending letters to each other? You laughed at that, not realizing how weird it sounded out loud.
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You sat on the ground next to the set, realizing you don’t have her number nor do you have the location of her studio. “Am I a dumbass?” You laughed at yourself, probably looking crazy as hell. You were about to get up and wallow in your self pity as you walked home until you heard a motorcycle in the distance. It rolled up to you before slowly stopping. You were about to tell them to fuck off before they took their helmet off, revealing Bada.
“Are we in a movie?” Was the first thing you said. “This is the most cliche thing ever.” You continued saying, looking at her in disbelief. Her smile graced her face as she laughed. “Just get on, I promise it’s not that far.”
She handed you a helmet as you looked at her in even more disbelief. “Girl…” You mumbled, putting the helmet on and sitting behind her. She started off going slow before revving her bike and going faster. “How do you even know my head size? That’s very weird of you.” You yelled so she could hear you over the wind.
Silence followed, and you guess she might’ve not heard you. “…Next question.” You finally heard her mumble. You laughed, the arms holding her waist securely started to hug her tighter as you rested your head on her back despite the helmet. It was quiet the rest of the way, both of you just basking in the comfort of each other.
It wasn’t long before you made it to her studio. She was fast as she got off her bike, taking her helmet off before pulling you off too. You giggled despite yourself, loving how unnecessary that entire act was.
Bada played it cool after that. “Yeah I’m like super strong and stuff. I workout occasionally…you know.”
You looked at her. So much for playing it cool. You tried really hard to keep in your laugh, your face turning red and your eyes looking anywhere but her.
“Interesting…” You said while giggling subtly. “Yeah..” Bada said with an awkward cough. “Anyways, let’s go in.” She hurriedly switched the subject, ushering the both of you inside. Once you both settled your stuff, you looked at each other. “Soooo…” You looked around.
Bada looked at you sheepishly, looking kind of guilty. “To be honest, I only did this so I could spend time with you..” She mumbled, looking like a kicked puppy as she looked around.
Smiling, you sat on the floor facing the mirror. You patted the spot next to you. “So let’s get to know each other some more..”
Bada giggled again, looking like she just won a million bucks as she sat next to you. The night went on, as the both of you talked about anything. From favorite colors, to wondering if aliens exist, to theories about the multiverse.
“Do you think we’d meet in every universe?” You questioned. Bada looked at you, her eyes sparkling brightly as she took in you, your soul…your existence in her life. “I would hope so…I think you’re the only one I’d want to meet in every universe.”
She held your hand, interlocking your pinkies together as you guys giggle. “You're actually probably stalking me in every universe” Bada says jokingly.
You look at her with wide eyes and an offended expression. “Way to ruin the moment dummy..”
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A/N: Tony Ann is so perfect to listen to whenever I write. Def check him out
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ir0n-moon · 4 months
When Toki was caught hanging out with Rockzo late at night it's pretty obviously implied that Charles was woken up and called into the room to help handle it
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But later in the same episode the guys are hanging out in the hot tub (or playing videogames in Toki's case) while Charles is literally just standing there 🧍‍♂️
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The guys are chatting about freeballing and generally pretty relaxed before Rockzo comes barging in. But Charles is just there
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I know that the logical reason for this is that the scene needed him to be there in order to interact with Rockzo but I like to imagine that this was one of the first, if not the first time, that the guys invited him to "pal around" with them. They asked him to be there. "Well, what exactly do you want me to, uh, do here?". "Nothin', just come hang out with us". They probably suggested he get in the tub with them but he's obviously much too professional for that so he just remained outside... watching
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And the thing is the guys are too stupid to even attempt to make him feel included in their conversation and Charles is both too disinterested and too awkward to try and push it. They cannot even fathom that he might feel left out (he doesn't, but it's still impolite of them). They probably assume he's having as much fun as they are... or straight up forgot that he was even there in the first place 😭
Either that or he's practicing observation like a Montessori teacher. Whichever i find funnier at the moment
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tommyssupercoolblog · 1 month
Also unrelated to the last Dan and Phil post but do other phannies know about queerplatonic relationships. Do they know that there is not just romantic or platonic relationships but a secret third thing. Like if Dan and Phil aren't dating they also very well could be a secret third thing. The point of QPRs is that they upset the ideas of what relationships are "supposed" to be like and what's platonic or romantic, because like, anything romantic can be platonic and vice versa because relationships are defined by the people in them. (And also some people consider their attraction in itself to be neither or both)
Like even if they DO call each other pet names and want to live together forever in the same house, or even if they want to get married, that doesn't necessarily eliminate the possibility that their relationship is a secret third thing.
I think about this a lot when I'm in the Dan and Phil tag because I sometimes see people say the sort of "friends don't do that" talk that aromantic people especially (since they're more likely to be in or know about QPRs) complain about sometimes, and like. Jokes like that are common and easy but it does make me wonder how many people haven't stopped to consider that Dan and Phil could also...be a QPR.
You don't have to be in romantic love to be life partners, and some people prioritize friendship over romance in a way that even if they do experience romance it's so low-key to them that their friends live with them more or have more stake in their lives than partners. The priorities of your relationships, like the order of what's more important, can be different depending on who you are, and so can what those relationships look like.
I'm not saying I think they AREN'T dating persay, I mean like how would I know??!!! But there are more options than yes or no, like... "It depends on whichever is funnier" or "only on Tuesdays" or "Fun sexy little gray area" or "yes and no at the same time fuck you" or "neither, actually It's digorno". There are a rainbow of possibilities, AND shrimp colors or possibilities. The possibilities are phendless
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