#while he doesn’t do anything during the day and works 4 hours in the evening
meaningtotellyou · 2 months
i would rather be homeless than try to deal with finding a place with my dad
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bangtanflirt · 10 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 5)
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5 > Part 6
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: brief mention of the lasting effects of performing sexual acts under the influence of the synthetic hormones (aka dubcon), slight daddy issues
Yoongi wakes up to the sound of his phone alarm blaring in his ear. It takes him a moment to remember he’s not in his room, the chandelier on the ceiling making that evident. No matter how many times he sleeps in this room, the extravagance of it will always startle him. You really were not one for subtlety when it came to home décor (or at least, twenty-one-year-old you wasn’t).
He looks at the door and remembers the reason he’s here…how there’s six wolf hybrids on the other side. Sure, they’re about as docile as a box of puppies at the moment, but it’s only a handful of more days until that changes. And worst of all, he still has to go to work and leave you alone with them for hours—especially now that you’ve paused housekeeping and chef visits. Even if you didn’t pause them, they’d stop coming on their own; no one sane would take a chance around a 40% wolf pack slowly remembering their natural instincts. Hell, the security services he’s looked at won’t even take that risk. No matter how many times he tells you how insane of a decision this is, your stubbornness will always win out in the end. He’s never been able to stop you when you’re determined to do something.
Yoongi wishes he could stay here with you, but he knows there’s no way you’d rest easy without him keeping you updated on business. He’s always been your right-hand, and while others might find the role burdensome, he prides himself on it. You don’t keep people close often, having your guard set up higher than the Great Wall of China, and it feels nice knowing he can see a side of you others don’t. Yes, it’s probably the feelings talking—feelings he’s tried to shoo away for a long time now—but that doesn’t make it any less true. He likes this job, and being by your side every day, far too much to risk it by trying anything. And he sure as hell won’t be put in the box of men who constantly hit on you during work, knowing far too well how much you hate their gazes and remarks.
It's when he’s making his way to the kitchen for his morning coffee does he lock eyes with Jimin, who’s already bright-eyed and making pancakes.
“Good morning, Sir! Would you like some pancakes and bacon?”
Yoongi doesn’t normally eat breakfast, but he does not have it in him to say no to the cheery wolf.
“Um…sure, thank you.”
“My pleasure. Anything else I can get you? Juice? Coffee?”
“I can make my own coffee but thank you for offering.”
“No please, I insist!”
He doesn’t leave any room for objections as he races over to the coffee machine, keeping a skillful eye on the pancake on the stove while brewing a new pot.
Yoongi watches awkwardly, not really knowing what to do in this situation. He’s never really talked to a hybrid before.
Do I just talk like I would to another person? Should I howl? No, dumbass, don’t howl. That’s weird.
He opts to stay silent as Jimin prepares his meal.
The wolf is in a visibly cheery mood, as evident by the soft whistling he does while making his way around the kitchen. The cause of this mood is simple: his hyung was still not in the room when he woke up. If you’re using Hoseok’s services, then that’s one step closer to getting you to use the whole pack. Which means they have a chance at staying here. Hoseok hyung did his part, now it’s Jimin’s turn. So he woke up early, memorized where everything in the kitchen was, and started working his magic.
And the fruit—or pancake—of his labor is sitting pretty on a plate, served with a cup of hot coffee on the side. He waits eagerly for Yoongi to take his first bite, which the man does quickly under the expecting gaze.
“This is really good, thank you.” He mumbles between mouthfuls, making the younger man break into a wide grin.
“Thank you for enjoying it Sir! I can make it again for breakfast tomorrow, or eggs, or toas—”
“Just Yoongi is fine. ‘Sir’ isn’t necessary. And thank you again for the food, but there’s no need to cook every morning. I usually prefer to make my own coffee and head out.”
“Oh…then I’ll just prepare the coffee for you! It’ll be in your hand right when you walk out your room!”
Yoongi waves his hand dismissively,
“No need. I’ll make it myself.”
Jimin looks for any sign of a trick. He remembers things like this from the lab, where they’d give him trick scenarios to see if he was smart enough to catch on. But Yoongi’s face doesn’t indicate anything.
He seems awkward, so maybe he just doesn’t know how to use a hybrid yet? I should let him know how to use me.
“But I’m here to serve y/n, and you’re y/n’s guest. This is what I’m made to do.”
Yoongi takes a deep breath, it’s too damn early in the morning for a conversation like this.
“Neither y/n nor I are expecting any services from you or the others. This house is a place for you to recover and rest.”
Now the wolf looks even more perplexed.
“But y/n is using our services. She let Jin hyung do the dishes yesterday, Jungkook helped move furniture around, and Hoseok hyung was with her all night. So why can’t I make you a cup of coffee every morning?”
Yoongi halts his motions, replaying what he just heard in his head.
Hoseok hyung was with her all night.
Hoseok…the “romantic” hybrid?
No. It couldn’t be.
You wouldn’t do something like that.
“What do you mean he was with her all night?”
“Hyung went over last night. He’s still in the room with her now.” He says if it’s most casual thing in the world.
Yoongi’s legs work faster than his brain at that moment, as he’s already rushing to your door in an instant, leaving an oblivious Jimin to clean up in the kitchen.
He knocks but you don’t answer, so he knocks louder. It’s Hoseok who delicately opens the door, making Yoongi feel like he’s about to vomit the entire breakfast he’s just had.
He practically bulldozes his way in, looking around for you before hearing the water running from the bathroom.
“Y-y/n is in the shower. D-did you need anything, Sir?”
“Don’t call me Sir.” He snaps.
Hoseok doesn’t know what to do. This is his first time talking to this man, and it’s clear he’s already in his bad graces. It feels as if his feet are stuck in one place.
“What happened last night, between the two of you?”
Hoseok knows it’s wrong to lie, especially to a guest brought by his owner. He knows he should say what really happened: how you and him slept on opposite sides of the bed and didn’t even touch the entire night, how he didn’t even have a single thought of touching you nor the desire to have sex with anyone anymore—but how could he, a romantic, trained to do just that, admit this? How could he admit it to himself, let alone Yoongi?
So he doesn’t.
“I-I w-was g-good for her the whole n-night. She was happy with my s-service.”
What the fuck y/n.
Yoongi’s seeing red, leaving the house as soon as possible and not sparing Jimin a single glance as the wolf exclaims a “Have a good day at work!” on his way out.
Something feels off when you text Yoongi this morning. He’s usually not the most expressive texter, but his tone feels cold even for him. So you ask if he’s free for a call, which he says he’s too busy for. That’s the second red flag. Yoongi never declines your calls unless he’s with his mother in the hospital.
Maybe there’s problems with her health again? Maybe it’s got him distracted at work?
Your worries keep you too occupied to realize how eagerly Jimin is standing there, waiting for praise for his creation. It’s only when the wolf’s nervous fidgeting becomes unavoidable do you look up and get the cue.
“Thank you so much for breakfast Jimin. It was delicious.”
His heart swells at the compliment.
“Did Yoongi eat this before he left?”
He nods.
“How did he seem? His mood, I mean.”
Jimin stares up for a moment, recalling the interaction.
“He seemed okay? He said he liked the food, but then he got up really quickly to go somewhere…back to his room I think? I’m not sure. Then he left the house really fast.”
“I see.”
You wrack your brain, trying to think of what could have happened in the morning. But you have to remind yourself that it’s Yoongi, and one thing about Yoongi is that he opens up on his own terms—something you both have in common—so all you can really do is wait until he’s ready to talk about whatever’s on his mind. Hopefully it’s something you can help out with.
“Is everyone else awake? Have they already had breakfast?”
“We’re allowed to have breakfast too?” His pupils dilate at the thought. No one thought breakfast would be on the table when you were already being so generous with lunch and dinner. He’s been staring at each pancake he’s flipped, desire in his eyes as thick as the maple syrup he drizzled.
“Yes Jimin, breakfast is for everyone here.”
“I’ll get the others right now! Thank you so much!”
You watch fondly as he does a half-walk half-skip out of sight.
“Guys! Y/n said we can eat breakfast, come on out!” It doesn’t take long until the four from the hybrid room come out, and Hoseok makes his way out from your room, instantly receiving proud looks and pats on the back from his packmates.
“What did she say about last night?!” Taehyung wastes no time in inquiring from his hyung.
Hoseok chuckles nervously, wanting nothing to get the five pairs of eyes off of him.
“She was very satisfied.” The words are bitter as they leave his mouth.
“I knew it! No one can resist our Hobi! Good job hyung!”
Namjoon is simultaneously relieved yet disappointed. Relieved that there’s a chance to stay, but disappointed with himself that he couldn’t step up and be the reason. He can’t help but feel like he let Hoseok down by relying on him. He’s the Alpha. He’s supposed to be the reliable one.
“Come on guys, let’s go eat.”
“Thank you so much for the meal y/n. We’ll wash up first then assist you in any way you need.”
“You can use the other three vacant bathrooms if you don’t want to wait on each other. There’s fresh towels under each sink.”
“Oh just one bathroom is enough. We’re used to showering together.”
You don’t miss the way Jungkook recoils at the mention of a shower.
“Jungkook doesn’t like showers. He prefers baths.” You state matter-of-factly, surprising Namjoon.
Has his pup been going around demanding things from you? He knows better than to do that.
Jungkook writhes under his Alpha’s gaze, unable to handle disappointing him.
He knows he’ll have to go back to showers with the others now, but there’s a selfish voice in the back of his head wishing he didn’t.
“He’s fine with showers, aren’t you Koo?”
Jungkook nods quick, but you’re not buying it.
“Jungkook, don’t lie to me. Are you sure you’re okay with taking a shower?”
His throat goes dry. He can’t lie to you but he also knows what he’s about to say will disappoint his packmates—make him look like a spoiled brat.
“N-not really. I-I’d like to take a bath please—if that’s allowed.”
“Jungkook. We are not going to waste y/n’s water by washing up separately. You know better.” Namjoon’s voice is low and solemn, making the other hybrids watch with bated breaths. He feels bad, knowing why Jungkook is so afraid. The labs used to only let them have freezing cold showers. The researchers didn’t like how he would shiver in the stall, something the rest were much better at controlling. They called it misbehaving and made him stay behind to hose him down with even colder water.
So, no one really blames Jungkook for not wanting to take a shower here, but it’s about principle. Sure, it seemed you were lenient enough to let Jungkook have his way on some matters, but that was when it was just the two of you. What if the others follow his example and start asking for special treatment? There’s only so much you’d allow before getting fed up with them. No, he has to snip it off at the bud, make sure everyone is behaving perfectly for you.
Jungkook’s floundering, looking for any way out, but thankfully you step in.
“It’s okay Namjoon, really. Everyone’s free to use either one, and please feel free to take individual showers. You could each take twelve hour showers and I’d still have more than enough money for the water bill, I promise.”
Namjoon examines your face carefully, seeing nothing but sincerity.
“Are you sure?”
“One thousand percent.”
The atmosphere lightens up enough for Taehyung to speak up from the back.
“W-what about warm water? Is that okay?”
“More than okay.”
Namjoon looks at you with a sliver of solace, but still on guard for the slightest hint of a trap.
The rest of the day goes by with the hybrids focusing on little tasks you’ve allocated.
Jungkook’s still making his way through Extraordinary Woo, Hoseok joining in with his own little notebook. You still can’t look the older one in the eye after last night, feeling like shit for even considering what he was offering you. Thank god you snapped out of it quick, or you could never forgive yourself. You still need to find a good time to sit them around and tell them nothing happened; as dumb of a decision you made to let him sleep over, the last thing you want is for anyone to actually think you did anything more than just sleeping. Every time you tried to bring up the topic at breakfast, however, Hoseok asked you some other question to distract you, never quite letting you get the words out.
Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung are tucked away in an abandoned study room, organizing your extensive book collection. It was Jin who suggested it, having his hands itching to clean the moment you showed the room during last night’s tour. It’s not hard labor, so you agree to appease them.
Namjoon prefers to keep by your side in your home office, working on a rather difficult puzzle you laid out for him. It’s endearing to watch his chin protrude as he scans the image on the box and the 250 pieces scattered on the table.
Even though you’re technically on vacation, work never really stops, as evident by the documents that need your approval piling in the database. Yoongi texts you updates of a couple of ventures, but it’s with the same stand-offish tone. It makes you more upset than you care to admit, not receiving his little sarcastic quips throughout the day.
You’re scanning through some current market trends when you receive the call you’ve been dreading: your father. You clear your throat before answering, trying to come off as confident as you can.
“Hello father.”
Namjoon’s ears perk up at that. He knows he shouldn’t use his hybrid hearing right now, keep everything filtered to his immediate surroundings like they taught at the lab (no one likes a nosy pet), but his curiosity gets the best of him. He almost jumps at the yelling on the other side of the phone, your father clearly not happy with you at the moment. He doesn’t make it obvious that he’s listening in, only sparing the shortest glances your way in between the puzzle. Your face is aloof through it all, showing no indication that you’re being so harshly berated at the moment; it’s an expression he’s all too familiar with. It’s one that was trained into him perfectly at the lab; stoic, statue-esque features to never show you’re scared—never show weakness. Namjoon, who’s had it beaten and drugged into him, can’t help but wonder what circumstances made you have the same expression.
You hang up just as calmly as you picked up, only indication of your actual mood being your nervously tapping foot.
“Is everything alright? Anything I can help with?”
He knows nothing is alright, considering you’ve spent the last fifteen minutes with your father telling you how spineless you’re being.
“The people at my company don’t like me right now. If you know how to change that, I’m very much all ears.”
He’s surprised to receive a real answer, expecting you to give him an unconvincing “Everything’s fine” at the best and a “None of your fucking business” at the worst. Not many people actually answer hybrids, he’s learned since entering captivity. In the wild, where no one would dare dismiss a wolf hybrid, he was used to having his thoughts valued at the highest regard. However, the human world taught him quickly that hybrids weren’t meant to be talked to as equals—it will always be a master/pet relationship.
It's been a while since someone other than his packmates have earnestly asked for his opinion.
“Can’t you fire them if they don’t agree with you?”
You smile at him, but not the mocking “that’s a stupid idea” smile he’s used to with humans, but rather a sad “I wish it was that simple” smile.
“As much as it is my company on paper, my father still impacts a lot of the decisions I make. I can’t really fire them for stuff he doesn’t think 'important'. If I do, he’ll fly out to the next shareholder meeting at literal superspeed, I’m sure. If they don’t violate any major laws or policies, I basically have my hands tied. Just have to pretend everything is okay.”
The wolf’s features soften, weirdly understanding where you’re coming from. He feels the same, with his “Alpha” position holding no real value anymore. He’s only the leader of his pack on paper, but it’s you who provides for them. It’s you who they follow.
“That sounds really rough, especially having to pretend you’re okay when you’re not.” He doesn’t know what else to say. He wishes he could give you some genius solution that would prove to you how useful he is, but that’s all that comes out.
“We both do that well, don’t we? I think that’s why I’m drawn to you the most.”
It’s evident on Namjoon’s face that that’s the last thing he was expecting to hear from you—or from anyone really. If you should be drawn to anyone it should be Jungkook with his doe eyes and unadulterated innocence, or Hoseok with his irresistible charisma, or Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung with their soft and loving temperaments. Not him. Not him who’s rough and rigid and the least fun. Not him who does nothing but worry all day yet put up a front that he’s strong and in-charge.
“You seem surprised to hear that.”
“I’m usually not what people are drawn to.”
“People like us never are, are we? I wouldn’t tell my worries so candidly to most people you know, but I see so much of myself in you.”
People like us. Not pet and owner…both people.
Again, he doesn’t know what the right thing to say is.
A/N: Hope you are liking the story so far! Please interact if you can 💞 have a great rest of your day!! 🫶🏽
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highhhfiveee · 8 months
Mike x reader, with reader who works long hours during the daytime and Mike working at night which results in them barely having time to see eachother besides from dinner and bedtime
oh, you wanted angst fr 🥲 i think it could go either way, but honestly angst is what stood out to me first. i’m going to make this sadder too, just because i can 💜
to crumble (mike schmidt x reader)
tags/warnings: angst, pain, prescription drug mentions, fluff and cuteness in the beginning but not for long. mike fucks up, reader picks up his slack. things just don’t work! let me know if i missed anything! mndi.
this is long, sorry ;-; there are also probably a million errors in this, please ignore 💜
part 2 here: 🏳️
all i can think ab is the unbearable pain that replaces the love in your hearts as time goes on.
you’ve been together for half a year. things were fun at first, but once you decide to move in to help with abby, you start to see the cracks in the foundation.
in this one, reader works two jobs (bc let’s face it, this is unfortunately realistic); teaching from 9-4 and cashiering from 5-8:30. mike doesn’t want you working two jobs and you didn’t want to, but you knew that your salaries combined wouldn’t keep you afloat. abby’s school is expensive, and so is everything else in life. the extra money you get from cashiering gives you guys flexibility.
every morning at 6:30, monday to friday, you wake up alone. even though you know it’ll probably be empty, you still reach your arm over to run it over mike’s side. it’s always cold and flat, completely untouched.
you brush this off at first; it's one of the things that comes with him working overnight and you know he needs this job so that he can keep abby. you want that for him and know that love is sacrifice.
you wake abby up and start getting her ready in between fixing yourself up; brushing her teeth while you brush yours, letting her get a few more minutes of sleep in while you throw on your clothes, guiding her through packing her bag while you make breakfast. by that time, closer to 7:30, mike is finally walking into the house.
his eyes are hooded and surrounded by dark bags and you can tell he's exhausted from the way he hangs his things up lethargically. he kisses abby, who's running around collecting things, on the head, then ambles over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing along your neck.
they're soft, gentle actions that make you forget about not being able to do things like this at night. it doesn't matter when you have mornings with him, even if it's only 30 minutes before you have to go. you giggle and reach a hand up to his cheek, kissing him on his other one.
"missed you," you whisper.
"missed you too," he mumbles back, planting a kiss on your lips before stalking away to ask abby something.
you all eat breakfast together, and then you're slipping abby's coat over her shoulders before you put on your own. you usher her to the car and give mike one last kiss before you leave, a deep one that you hope he feels all day. when you pull away, you can see the affection sparkling in his eyes, low and tired but expressive nonetheless.
"i love you," he whispers, his sleepiness masquerading as love-drunkeness.
"i love you, mike. get some rest, okay?"
you drop abby off, wishing her well, before you're alone for the next 12 hours. it often drags. at your teaching job, you feel as if it's just passing you buy in waves, everything whizzing past you at light speed. you're aware that you're in front of the kids, but then you just blackout. you're thrown into autopilot, and you do this over and over until your lunch break at 1. you text mike to pass the time.
sometimes it's something silly, like "god i do not get paid enough" or "a kid just ate glue /: send help", to which mike will respond "😂😂😂" or "lol you deserve millions (:". he makes you laugh, and it's enough to help you push through the end of the day.
he picks up abby from school, asking her all about her day and what she wants for dinner. he'll text you what she says so you know what to expect when you get home, like "meatloaf 🍖🍞 (:" or "chicken alfredo 0: fancy".
for you, transitioning from teaching to customer service was easy; all you had to do was maintain that same autopilot: smile on, eyes alert, prepared for anything. no one suspected a thing when you could keep up and answer their questions.
mike helps abby with her homework, scratching his head with the eraser of a pencil when he draws blanks on a math or history question. abby only sighs, telling him about something off-topic. "art class is much more interesting."
mike starts dinner while you're closing up at work, sweeping the front end of the store and counting down your drawer. he lets abby help sometimes, and they usually have it ready for you by the time you're home at 9.
abby meets you at the door, and you hug her tight, picking her up and waltzing her back into the house. mike is setting the dining table, greeting you with a sleepy smile and, "the queen has arrived."
you all sit down and eat, and it's another one of those moments where everything feels okay. the last 12 hours didn't matter when you were able to have this at the end of it.
you tell abby and mike about your day over spaghetti, spilling details about prideful parents and spiteful customers. abby laughs all throughout, asking questions about being a cashier. mike just listens, eyes and heart floating between the two of you.
you clear the table while mike goes to get ready for work, and a wash of dread passes over you. your brain knows what's happening next. you'll kiss him goodbye, clinging to his hoodie sleeve for a second longer than you should, and then you'll settle down with abby, bathing her and reading her to sleep. then you'll be alone. it will just be you and the screech of infomercials until midnight, and then you'll be off to sleep, snuggling into a pillow that smells like mike.
you push the feeling away, shaking your head and hands and doing just as you know. there's the kiss, the night routine with abby, and the moment you sit on the couch, surrounded by tv light and the croaking of cicadas.
mike doesn't text during his shift unless it's an emergency. it makes you sad, but you understand. security requires focus, and you require sleep.
for a while, this works. it's what you and mike have to do to make ends meet, and while you both think that it'll only get better with more time at it, it doesn't.
you still wake up alone and go through the same rhythm, but when mike comes in around 7:30, it's not 7:30 anymore. it's 7:39, then 7:45, then 7:58. the latest he's ever been, so late that you're not able to eat with him. he shrugs it off when you mention it, kissing your cheek and retreating to the bedroom to sleep.
you drop abby off as usual, and go to work. work. work. work.
mike starts missing your lunch break texts, sometimes dozing dangerously close to when abby's school lets out. while your class works, you bitterly stare at your text conversation. your unanswered "shaping america's future is kinda sick" message stares back at you until it's replaced by abby's school calling. your heart drops to your stomach as you step out of the room to take the call, answering the phone with, "is she okay?"
mike didn't pick her up. she's out at 2:30 and it's 3:30 now, and she's crying and scared because he didn't pick up the phone, and she always calls him first.
you leave work in a flurry, asking a fellow teacher to take over, and you speed to abby's school, not caring about tickets or police or anything. you only want to get her home.
mike is dashing out of the door when you pull up, wrenching a sobbing abby out of your backseat and clutching her close. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry," he breathes, smoothing her hair and looking up at you with regret etched into every feature on his face.
you try your best to hide your upset, ushering everyone inside before changing into your work clothes. you were going to be late, but you shake it off. abby was home and that was all that mattered.
"hey," mike reaches out to you when you're on your way out. his fingers graze their way down to your hand, and it makes you wish that you could stay home. "thanks for that. i've just been super tired lately and i overslept and---"
"it's okay, baby," you give him a tight lipped smile and a kiss on the knuckles. "just don't let it happen again."
it happens again. and again. and again. it happens so many times that abby starts to think mike is forgetting about her, and you don't know how to get that out of her head. she cries about it more and more with each time you have to pick her up. he stops running out to apologize, still asleep inside.
you rush into the bedroom. he's splayed out over the bed, snoring loudly with his arm hanging over the side. you find an orange pill bottle on his nightstand. an old ambien prescription.
you argue with him before work sometimes.
"what do you need ambien for?"
"i can't sleep."
"but every morning, you skip breakfast to sleep."
"i do fall asleep, but i started waking up out of it. i just take the ambien to help me fall again."
"what time do you take it?"
"i don't know, y/n."
"why are you lying to me?"
"i'm not."
"what time?" you cry, grasping at your chest. a sharp pains thud through your ribcage, and you literally sob. it feels like your heart is tearing in two. "you stare at times, mike. what time do you take the ambien?"
he doesn't answer you and he doesn't know why. it would be so easy to tell you that he takes it at 9 or 10, and that he believes he'll be able to wake himself up around 2 but he doesn't. he can’t sleep without the ambien. he needs it now because he kept himself up in the early days of this, mind toiling over their situation, the endless reassurance that this would work sending him into insomnia.
you leave when he doesn't answer, wiping at your watery eyes and runny nose.
you cashier as a shell of yourself. abby stops asking mike for homework help, and eventually he stops cooking dinner too, trading all that time in for extra sleep after picking her up. you have to explain the situation to your retail store manager, just in case mike forgets again, and start looking after abby more. mike only ever made time to spend with her on the weekends, content with awkward moments over lunch and low energy bickering.
the lunch break texts stop. the dinner texts stop.
he's dressed and ready to leave when you get home these days, prepared to exit as you enter. you don't know what to say as you face each other in the doorway, eyes focused on anything but each other. you don’t even kiss anymore.
"i think abby's asleep already."
you shake your head. "i think she's really sad. she hasn't been coming out of there like she used to. she misses you."
"i miss her too, of course. i'm just busy."
"all you do is work, mike," you deadpan, exhausted with him. you never thought you'd ever get to a point where you looked at mike, the sure love of your life, with disdain, but you felt it creep into you ever so slightly.
"yeah, i know. it fucking sucks, but it's what i have to do to keep abby."
you scoff, scooting past him to take your coat and bag off. "as if you're going to keep her by leaving her at school everyday." it's supposed to be under your breath, but the disdain creeps onto your tongue, bitter and raging, and you say it aloud, to his face.
his jaw clenches and his brown eyes burn, staring you down with an unrelenting severity. you hunch yourself over, dropping your head and sighing out, "mike, i'm sorry. i didn--"
he leaves without another word.
how it got to this, neither of you know. not even the weekends healed anymore. mike caught up on sleep, you caught up on grading, and in your downtime, you avoided each other. for him, it felt easier than being around you. you were irritable all the time, a quick fuse with any word he could think to speak.
for you, it seemed like it was what he wanted. time away from you, from abby, from everyone; time to be alone and recharge for the only thing he ever did, the only thing that was keeping his sister in his care.
you didn't even remember what his touch felt like, what he tasted like. the man that you loved had become but a memory, a ghost that passed through your plane. you’re able to imagine his fluffy hair, his perfect smile, his laugh, his rich smell, but none of it mattered. he didn’t feel like yours anymore.
you suppose it was the same for him, with you existing in the same space but only tangible to him some of the time. he would catch glimpses of your smile, laughing at something on your phone, or talking to abby, meet your eyes when you shuffled back to the bedroom from the bathroom, rimmed in red from crying for the last 30 minutes.
he starts sleeping on the couch, unable to even lay beside you.
mike does a lot of crying. a lot of screaming into his pillow, wondering why he fucks these things up so badly. you do the same, wondering why you stay in situations that hurt you.
this goes on for longer than you two would like, so long that you don't even celebrate your one-year anniversary.
the day passes without noise, mike sleeping and you working.
a prequel of sorts : x
THIS WAS SO FUCKING LONG MY BBBBBBBB OMG. i did NOT mean to go this deep in, i just felt SOOOOO MUCH! my little brain got sad ): i could go deeper into this too one day, breaking up moments into specific little blurbs or ficlets d: let me know if y'all even enjoyed this lmaooo off to write for Halloween lol
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cypherthesuccubus · 2 months
Let daddy take the reigns~
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Luci x Reader -Part 1- (NSFW) (MDNI)!!!!!!
Warnings: smut, daddy kink, praise kink, body worship, cock worship, pussy worship, gentle dom luci, edging, tail play, she/ her pronouns, vaginal sex, creampie
Other tags: Fluff, angst
Luci is the aftercare king~ ✨
Part 1 of Luci x Reader is here!! Let’s see what adventures await you this time~ 😍✨(sorry for the wait again. Got busy around the house and kids lol 😂)
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(Y/N’s P.O.V)
As I walk through the halls of Morningstar manor; my mind couldn’t help but wonder. Looking up at the paintings, strewn across the halls; each one depicting the seemingly happy family of Lucifer, Lilith, and Charlie. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been close friends with Lilith ever since the first time I’ve went to one of their annual gala’s. A friend of mine convinced me to go since there was gonna be free food and drinks; which was the main reason I went. I’ve never been one for social events; they’re always so uncomfortable when you don’t know anyone there. In the end, it turned out better than it did when Queen Lilith at the time; decided to chat up a conversation with me over the punch bowl. It was an instant click of how well her and me got along; we even went on shopping trips together; just having fun like a couple of teenage BFF’s. In turn, also meant that I got to know Lucifer and Charlie better too over time. Charlie is like the perfect mixture of her parents in both looks and personality; very sweet girl to be blessed with as a daughter. Lucifer was definitely silly and fun; always had so many creative ideas with incredible powers to boot. On my end, they always seemed like a picture perfect happy family, but I guess that was a fantasy. During later years, everytime I had a girl’s day with her and Lucifer came up in the conversation; she became more dismissive of him as a subject of topic. I always told her if anything is going on, don’t hesitate to let me know. But, I guess she never really wanted to talk about him as much as she used to. Then one day, her messages and calls never came through when I tried to contact her. As if she went completely silent; not wanting anything to do with me anymore.
Coming to find out, when I went to visit the manor that day to see what was up; there was Lucifer just sitting in his study in a fetal position on the floor. He was having a serious mental breakdown on account of Lilith wanting to separate, and left as soon as the papers were signed. No one knew where she went; just dissipated without as much as a text to let us know she’s still alive. I guess our friendship didn’t mean that much to her either, but Lucifer was definitely suffering more than I was. For the longest time after she left, he would completely lock himself away from everyone; barely eat or sleep due to his constant cry’s of pain and agony every single night. He really loved her so much that he would do anything for her, only to realize it was all a dream and she never wanted to spend the rest of eternity with him after all. For months no one heard from him, not even Charlie the poor girl. Many of the servants tried to get him to do at least something to let them know he’s still alive, but honestly it was mostly to see if they had a job or not. I started making my attempts to persuade him out of the room or at least have a conversation. I would visit 3 times a day for 4 hours; sitting on the floor while leaning against one of the double doors. I would tell him about my day and how things were going in my life, like you do when you hang out with friends. I mostly wanted him to know even thou things didn’t work out with Lilith; doesn’t mean you’re alone. I constantly reassured him that he’ll always have a friend in me when he’s ready to talk. This went on for an entire year without as much as a noise from him.
I soon arrive at the double doors once again; sitting down in the same spot. While sitting against the door once more; talking about how my night went before coming to the manor. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up. It’s been an entire year and still nothing! God! I know Lilith was my best friend, but why did she pull something like this?! She has left him in pieces with absolutely no way to put him back together. Before I decided to call a quits for the very last time; I decided to put my all in my final attempt to get him to talk to me. “Luci….I know getting over Lilith is gonna be absolute hell….literally….but you do have Charlie that needs you. She needs her dad more than anything now. She’s been on the news; talking about her dreams towards redemption for sinners. Obviously it didn’t go well and everyone pretty much laughed at her face. She’s pretty much been made a joke to every denizen of hell who watched the news. She must be so hurt right now…..she really needs someone to help support her dreams more than ever now….so please…please come out of there….do it for Charlie….she needs you.”
I waited for what seemed like an eternity; still no response. If that wouldn’t work, nothing will at this point. With a heavy heart, I picked myself off the floor and proceeded down the hallway. As I was at least 4 feet from his door, I picked up a slow clicking sound; coming from behind me. I turned around so fast to see it was his door slowly opening. I walked back to the door; stopping just a foot away to see Luci finally standing in front of the now opened door after so long. He looked a mess; his hair was pointing in many different directions with his clothes was a very loose fitting white shirt; paired with grey sweatpants. It was hanging off his small waist showing the hem of his black boxer breifs. He definitely hasn’t slept very well due to the dark circles under his eyes. I felt so bad for him that this got him in such a state like this. But he finally made the decision to show himself, so I’m gonna help him the best I can to get him back on track.
(Luci’s P.O.V)
She was right! No matter how things are right now, my daughter still needs me! This entire year has been absolutely horrific for me. I still can’t believe that Lilith would do this to me. After everything we’ve been through; obviously meant nothing to her now. I would do anything for her, but I guess it wasn’t mutual. It still baffled me how Lilith’s best friend, (Y/N), would make it her personal mission to help me all this time. I guess in a way, she was hurt by Lilith as well since that was her best friend. Still she came to my door 3 times a day every day for an entire year. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than (Y/N); I’m definitely going to do better for me and my daughter!! “Thank you, (Y/N)….I appreciate you opening my eyes to what’s important.” She smiled as she offered to help me to get cleaned up, along with other self care stuff. She went through my drawers to pull out clean pair of my red and white silk pjs along with clean black boxers. She brings me to the bathroom; sitting me down as she starts the shower while setting up all the essentials. “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be out cleaning up the room and putting fresh sheets on your bed.” I smile at her “No problem.” she then takes her leave, shutting the door.
Finally stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist as I walk out the bathroom; drying my hair with a second towel. I look around to see my room being spotless for the first time and my bed neatly made. She really didn’t have to do this, but I greatly appreciated it nonetheless. I head to my bed; picking up the clean clothes as I put them on one by one. Finally brushing my hair, the door of my bedroom open with (Y/N) walking in with a tray with a 2 big plates full of pancakes. “How did you know pancakes was one of my favorite comfort foods?” She giggled as she places the tray on the night stand “I’ve noticed that when the servants brought you food; you always took the pancakes over anything else.” I smiled genuinely, grabbing a plate as I proceed to sit in the middle of my bed. (Y/N) grabs her plate as she joins me “Did you want to watch a movie while we eat?” I nodded; taking a bite of the pancakes “Sounds good to me! What should we watch?” She takes a minute to think about her answer; perking up as she got the perfect idea “OOOH! There’s this new comedy movie that just came out actually. We can watch that.” I chuckled; taking another bite “Sounds great!”
The movie was really funny surprisingly. I’ve never been one to watch too much TV since it really scrambles the brain, but I honestly need the distraction. But I didn’t expect the sudden romance between the main guy and his sister’s best friend. I thought she said this was a comedy, maybe she missed that somewhere when looking at the trailer maybe? “Isn’t this a comedy?” She looks at the movie confused, then pulls her phone up to look at the genre of the film. “Oooooh it’s a romantic comedy. I’m so sorry we can change it if you want.” I chuckle as I start waving my hands back and forth “No no no no no! It’s fine! I was just wondering is all.” She puts her phone away; bringing her plate back in her lap “Well ok then! As long as you’re comfortable.” She smiles at me as she pats my shoulder. We turn our attention back to the movie; shoveling another fork full of pancakes into our mouths.
Everything was going good until a certain scene started to unveil. Of course it was implied, but still felt very realistic. The main guy was getting very….intimate with the best friend. Touching and caressing her as they kissed passionately; slowly undressing each other. I clear my throat as I hook my finger into the collar of the silk pjs; pulling out to let some air down my shirt.
I guess she really didn’t know this was going to be in the movie. I glance over at her to see how she was holding up with this. Her cheeks were flushed as she stared wide eyed at the scene. She swallowed hard as I noticed a tiny shift with her crossed legs; trying to inch closer together. I had to look away for she almost caught me staring at her. I feel my cheeks start to heat up from embarrassment. I literally have only been divorced for only a year and here I am; getting flustered over a “intimate” scene while sitting next to (Y/N) being flustered as well. Maybe she should have changed the movie? This should feel wrong to be like this next to your ex wife’s best friend…….but it strangely felt……so right at the same time. What am I thinking?! I’ve been with Lilith for so long and now a year later of not being with her; something like this is making me all hot and bothered so easily?! Maybe I am a little touch deprived due to everything, and rightfully so. But should I feel like this when around (Y/N)? Wouldn’t it be considered betrayal? Well, not really if Lilith left me to begin with. Maybe it’s not so wrong. I mean….I kinda did find (Y/N)…..rather attractive. Maybe….even more than a little~ Maybe…..it wouldn’t hurt to……indulge~
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seungmoonandstars · 7 months
𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝑒
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Kim Seungmin/Female Reader
wc: 8.5k
rating: mature/explicit ಇ
comments: part three was heavily edited from it's original version. There are most likely some grammatical errors that I've glossed over from staring at the screen for so long. Feel free to send a message and let me know if you see anything wildly wrong.
Part 3 of 4
“You can’t be nervous if I’m nervous.”
He’s right. You take a deep breath and turn to face him again. Kiss him on the lips. Your free hand snakes around his waist, finds the hem of his shirt, and tucks underneath to run over his skin.
His muscles tighten for a second, then slowly relax as your hand moves upward against his side and back across his shoulder blade. He sighs as you touch him.
You haven’t felt this much of his body until now.
Your plane lands four hours later than scheduled. You’re tired, hungry, and your back is killing you. Korea Air is fine, and it always has been, but 13 hours in coach is something you’ll never get used to.
There were no plans to travel home up until three days ago, and it’s a miracle you got the week off to deal with your family. As much as you hate doing it, you don’t mind a change of scenery and a break from your typical work days in Korea.
Honestly, this is the perfect solution to the loneliness and monotony. It was only three weeks ago that you finally got to see Seungmin again, but it’s been a long three weeks. And he has kept his promise of keeping in touch.
Every single day since date number two, he's sent at least one text. You try to send messages only when he does, but occasionally you can’t help yourself, and you send something in the middle of your work day, or right before you go to bed. You’re still a little worried about being a bother, and holding back your clingy-ness has been difficult, but he always sends something back. Not always right away, but he does answer. And he sends selfies often—those texts are your favorite.
You have failed to mention that you’ve been on your way to Chicago (he sent a text about two hours ago, letting you know the first two shows had gone well), and that you’d be arriving the day before he would also be in the same city. But you’ll let him know soon. You don’t have much hope for getting to see him while you’re both here; he’s busy, and the last thing you want to do is bother him during a tight schedule. But he's been the only thing on your mind for weeks.
You managed to get a ticket to the Chicago concert the night you realized you be in town for it, but it wasn’t cheap. Even if you don’t get to see him alone, seeing him on stage will be worth the price.
“Who are you talking to?”
There’s a giggle in his ear, and a sharp chin lands on his shoulder. “Why are you smiliiing?”
IN grabs Seungmin’s shoulders and takes a seat directly behind him, giving him a good view of the phone in his friends hands.
“Don’t be nosy.”
“Is it the girl you’ve been talking to?”
Seungmin half turns and stares at IN, then looks him up and down, “What are you talking about?”
IN stares back wordlessly, a grin plastered on his face. He’s squinting his eyes at him accusingly. “I’m talking about the girl you’re always texting.”
Seungmin picks up his iced coffee, takes a sip, then releases himself from IN’s stare.
IN follows him across the room.
“Send her a cute selfie.”
“I already did.”
“Oh, haha!” He beams with pride at thinking he got him to slip up. “Did she send one back? Can I see her?”
“No. And no.”
“I won’t tell anyone else, I promise.”
“How did you know if nobody else knows?”
IN stops and thinks for a moment, then he side-eyes the other two members that are currently in the same room. They’re too far away to hear the conversation, but Seungmin stands and heads over to them.
Chan turns and looks at him with a smile. He doesn’t get a chance to speak before Seungmin does.
“Did you tell IN about her?”
It takes him a few seconds to process what he’s being asked. “No, no…I didn’t tell anyone.” his voice lowers as he realizes what they’re talking about.
“How does he know?”
Chan peaks around him at IN, who’s already staring wide eyed. He beckons him over with two fingers, and he runs over, unbothered.
“How do you know?” He asks softly, very curiously. “I didn’t tell you.”
“I just guessed.”
Seungmin and Chan stare, speechless.
“I always see him smiling and laughing while he’s texting, and then taking selfies. I didn’t know he was actually texting…” he looks around at the others that just walked into the room. “…texting someone.” He whispers the last part.
“The less people that know, the better…” Chan says, but casually, as if he knows he doesn’t really have to tell IN. “It’s nothing serious, right Seungmin?”
“Huh…” he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. “Oh um, no…it’s not.”
Chan stares a little longer, “is it?”
Seungmin feels like his mind is being read. “We just talk a lot.”
He nods and leaves it at that. IN smiles at Seungmin once more before walking off. Then he pulls his phone out to check his notification.
Sounds like you guys had a good time. I did catch some fan videos from last night!
He smiles at the text, and then wonders what you’re doing up at four in the morning.
You pull out your phone, hoping the buzz in your pocket is him.
What are you doing up so late? Are you okay?
Oh, you forgot about the time difference. Maybe it’s time to let him know you’re not in Korea.
“I’m okay. I just landed in Chicago. I had a family thing come up, and I had to come home. I promise I’m not following you.”
You see him typing a few seconds after your message is delivered.
oh, you’re from Chicago! That’s so exciting that you’re here. Are you coming to the concert tomorrow night? Please come!
Before you have time to reply, he’s typing again…
Maybe not if you have family to see
“No, I’ll be there. I wouldn’t miss it”
let me know what seats you have…maybe I can get you closer
You’re trying to text him and stuff your bags into the trunk of you moms car at the same time.
“I don’t think they’re very close, but I’ll let you know as soon as I get home”
don’t worry, I’ll figure something out
“What are you so smiley about?” Your mom asks and slams the trunk shut.
“Just a text.”
“Soooo what?” Seungmin glances at IN. He has an inkling about what he’s getting at, and he’s trying not to indulge him too much. But Seungmin will admit that if any of them were going to find out prematurely, he's glad it was him.
“Can I see her?” He’s careful and quiet saying it. “Please?”
“Fine, give me a second.” He types a quick message and then pulls up the photos you’ve both shared. He finds one of the very few selfies you’ve sent him and shoves it a few inches from IN’s face.
He looks and his eyes widen, smirk grows. “Oh she’s not…” he stops himself and lowers his excited voice, “she’s not Korean? Oh she sent a text.” He giggled and tries to finish reading before Seungmin pulls the phone back.
“No, she’s not.”
“Where is she from?”
“Chicago. She’s here now, too.”
“Oh she’s gonna come see us tomorrow!”
Seungmin nods and types, “yeah, she is coming. I need to get her a better seat.”
“Sneak her into soundcheck.“
The next morning, you wake up to the buzzing of a text notification. A Seungmin message. You open it up and squint through sleepy, jet-lagged eyes. It’s barely 8 am. You slept an entire ten hours, at least.
Good morning 🤍 if you’re able to, come down to the venue at around 2!
A close-up selfie follows. You can only see his eye, a peace sign, and a little bit of hair.
And a heart emoji. That combination is a first.
You reply, set an alarm, and immediately fall back asleep.
And luckily, you don’t sleep through it. At eleven, you’re up, nervous, showered, more nervous, and then when it’s time to figure out your wardrobe, you feel like you’re going to puke. Knowing you’ll see Seungmin is keeping most of your nerves at bay, but the fact that it’ll be at an arena of this size, with this many people (you assume there will be a massive amount of fans already hanging around that early, because you know how concerts here are), and throw in the possibility of meeting his friends…you’re nervous.
It’s as busy near the venue as you expected. And you find yourself enjoying it, surprisingly. Seeing all of the fans gathered around and clearly having a good time, despite the heat, is nice.
You jump out of your Uber and send a text to Seungmin. You need a more accurate location to head to, but for now you don’t mind wandering around and people watching. Just a glance at someone seems to immediately give away their favorite member, and you make it a point to look for anyone who prefers your favorite.
A text message buzzes before you get too far.
there is a staff entrance at the box office, just walk in and pretend like you belong
That sounds like a terrible idea, but you trust him and head in that direction. It’s not very busy there, because the tickets have long since sold out, but there are staff members milling around. You don’t look like you belong, but you also know that attitude and demeanor can get you far, so…
Seungmin only mentioned his plan (IN’s, really) to Chan about ten minutes prior to his last message to you.
“I don’t know if that was the best idea,” he says. “Is she already here?”
“Yes, she’s somewhere outside. And I know.”
“Okay, I might have a solution. Wait here.”
Chan disappears for a few minutes, and in the meantime, Seungmin actually starts to feel a little nervous. His plan was simple: have you walk casually in through the staff entrance he’s already seen used many times that days, by many different people—some with and some without staff shirts or lanyards.
“Even if she gets in using your terrible plan,” Chan returns, and behind him is a man much larger and taller than either of them. “She can’t walk around alone or with you the entire time.”
“She gets her own bodyguard!”
“Chaperone. And she won’t look too out of place with him. “
“Thanks, Chan. Thank you, Jay.”
“No problem, buddy. Let’s go find her before she gets lost.” Jay pats Seungmin on the back and leads him down the hallway. “What does she look like?”
It’s a long walk toward the entrance, but both of them scan every person and group as they pass by. It gives the butterflies in his stomach more time to move up to his chest and throat.
“She’s right there!” Seungmin waves and gets your attention before approaching. He doesn’t want to make a scene, so he waits until none of the venue staff is around.
You have a hard time containing yourself when you finally catch sight of him. You don’t remember him ever smiling as wide as he is right now, and it makes your legs tremble a little.
You wave and wait for him to reach you.
“Hey…” Seungmin stands a few feet from you. He seems a little uneasy.
The man following behind him is obviously trying to keep some distance, but not too much distance. “I can turn away if it makes you both more comfortable.”
“No Jay, you’re fine,” Seungmin laughs but doesn’t look away from you.
“Is this your bodyguard?”
“He is, actually. But today he’s going to hang out with you so you don’t look out of place, and you have someone who knows what’s going on.”
“Oh, that's a relief.”
“But I’ll take you to our dressing room if you’d like…if you want to meet everyone."
"I'm...I do, but do you think it's too much? I mean, too much too soon?"
"Meeting them?" He thinks about it. His mouth is pushed to one side, puffing up his cheek. "I don't mind if you want to wait. We can always just go right out by the stage for soundcheck. You'll see them out there, they'll probably see you. You'll be a mystery."
"I like that idea. Maybe afterward I'll feel better about it."
He nods and waves Jay over. He still hasn’t taken his eyes off of you.
“You look nice.” He lowers his voice and and drops his gaze to the floor. But you can still see his smile.
You’re sitting a few rows back from the main stage. Your chaperone is a few yards away and much more relaxed out here. There are so many people working the sound check that your extra face is hardly out of place, so now you feel like you can relax and enjoy the view.
All eight of them are on stage, along with a few band members, and some techs. There’s a camera filming everything just off stage, and another directly on stage with them. You watch Seungmin as he interacts with it. He looks relaxed and happy. No more worry in his eyes.
You get out the earplugs he gave you, but for now you just enjoy listening to him speak into his mic and headset. He looks at you a few times, but subtly, trying not to direct too much attention.
One of the others keeps looking your way, you assume out of confusion or curiosity. Or both. It’s Lee Know. You watch as he walks along the edge of the stage closest to where you’re sitting. Another member joins him and looks out; this one is smiling, almost as wide as Seungmin smiled at you earlier. You know who everyone is thanks to the endless videos you've watched. It's IN.
You try not to make too much eye contact, but you don’t avoid them completely. They seem to know who you are.
Your chaperone appears next to again and takes a seat, “having a good time?”
“I am, thank you for dealing with me.”
“No problem, anything for these boys.”
“Do you know them well?”
“I’ve been working with them for a while now, so I’d say I do. How’d a girl like you meet Mr. Kim?”
The Mr. Kim is said with a bit of sarcasm, but a cute, playful sarcasm. And by a girl like you, you assume he means an American.
“I live in Korea, near where he grew up. We met through a friend. Do we seem like a weird match? I mean…we’re not a couple—"
“Are you sure about that? He’s looking at you right now with those big puppy dog eyes.”
Jay points up to Seungmin. When you look, he quickly smiles and waves before running back to the center of the stage.
Your adrenaline is off the charts at the end of the concert. You had an idea of what to expect from footage of other concerts, but being there in person, watching them…watching him, was obviously on another level. You feel like you’ve been introduced to a new little part of Seungmin’s personality. You feel closer to him.
Now you’re back outside in the fresh night air. You haven’t heard from him yet, but you’re not surprised. He’s probably exhausted. You stick around, though. He didn’t mention anything about seeing each other after the concert ended, so you don’t assume anything or get your hopes up (even though they are, by default, always up when it comes to him).
A small group of girls—you can’t really tell how old, maybe around your age—find a place to sit near you. They’re understandably excited and very loud, so you listen in as they talk about their favorite parts, favorite songs, and biases. The loudest of the group is a Felix fan. You sneak a glance at them and one of them notices you.
She waves, “are you here alone?”
You look around and then point to yourself, “Me? Oh, yeah I am.”
The rest of them wave you over with such enthusiasm that you can’t possibly deny them your presence.
“Was it your first concert? It was mine, but not theirs. We’re flying to California for the first two next week.” The girl who looks the youngest, and has a Han Quokka plush strapped to her gestures to the whole group. “Are you going to any more?”
“This is the only one I got a ticket for, so probably not.
“Who’s you bias?” The one who spoke to you first asks.
You hesitate for a moment. Who is your bias?
“It’s Seungmin.”
The girl continues talking, but you’re distracted by the buzzing of your phone. It’s him.
you are still around, yeah?
“Of course! I’m outside”
Now he’s calling. “Sorry, I gotta get this!” You excuse yourself from the group and answer.
“Hi, it’s a little loud out here.”
“Okay, I just figured calling would be easier. Come back in the way you did earlier, I’m already here.”
“Okay, I’m near there. Give me 10 seconds.”
He starts counting down…
You laugh and speed up a little—
—but there are more people here and dodging them is not easy.
“Count slower!”
You see the door and push through a couple much harder than you intend, but your hand is pushing the door open just as Seungmin says—
“Two! You did it!”
He’s a good distance away, but you can see his smile. He takes a few steps toward you, but lets you finish closing the gap. He holds out his arms and pulls you into a hug, which catches you off guard. You’re surprised oh makes him giggle. There’s nobody around except for Jay, but it still feels very bold.
“You were amazing.” You squeeze him a little tighter around the waist, and he reciprocates.
“Thank you…I hope you had a good time.”
“I did,” you slowly release him but keep a bit of his shirt clenched in your fist. “What’s your plan for tonight?”
“Hotel tonight…and I think we are leaving in the morning. Unless they change things last minute, which sometimes happens.”
“Well, at least you don’t have to leave right away. It’d be nice if you stayed in Chicago a little longer, though.”
“Yes, it would be nice.” You see him glance at Jay and lower his voice. “I can let you know which hotel, though. And I’ll text you my room number.“
“Oh?” You feel your face getting hot, and Seungmin’s cheeks have definitely turned a shade of pink.
“Unless I have to share the room.”
“Well, you just let know which hotel. And we’ll figure something out if we need to.”
He nods shyly and takes your face in his hands. He doesn’t pull you in for a kiss, though, just gently rubs his thumb over your cheek. And it’s somehow even better.
“I have to go, but I’ll text you.” He disappears with Jay around the corner.
And then you panic a little, because you weren’t ready for a hotel invitation. You’re having flashbacks of the last date, and how heavy things got for just a few minutes. And how Seungmin reacted, because he hasn’t gone that far with anyone yet.
Maybe that isn’t what he was getting at. You’ve spent plenty of time with him alone in your apartment, why would being alone in his hotel be any different?
It’s just a feeling. Just in the way he lowered his voice and blushed. Things will play out how they’re supposed to, though. No pressure. You’d never put him in an uncomfortable situation.
It might be a good idea to prepare anyway.
Going home seems pointless, because the hotel is most likely here in the city. You don’t want to waste time traveling home and then back. You’re already short on time as it is.
But when you find a convenience store to pop into, you get a look at yourself in the mirror. It could be worse, you suppose. It was a hot day, and the concert was no different. Besides, Seungmin has already seen you like this. It can’t be that bad.
But you do buy a water to chug, gum, and when you pass by the condoms, you stare at them for far too long. Buying them means you expect something to happen, and you feel weird about expecting it for some reason. Not buying them and being unprepared seems worse, though.
You grab a pack. You grab two, actually. You did get a quick feel of him before. And you remember it well. Now you just have to deal with the awkwardness of checking out with two different sizes of condoms.
You stuff your purchases between the mess of other things in your bag and walk aimlessly for a few blocks. It’s still crowded down here, even though it’s getting late, and you can’t help but start worrying when almost an hour passes with no text from a Seungmin.
Maybe you should have gone home and waited.
But just as the thought crosses your mind, you get a message.
“Here’s the address, and my room number is 1344.”
Your heart starts to race when you read it. He has his own room, so things will at least be easy. And the address is only another two blocks away.
You text him when you get to his room instead of knocking. You’re afraid to make any unnecessary noise. He's shuffling around in the room before the latch clicks and the doorknob turns.
Somehow every time you see him, he’s even better looking.
The door is closed and locked behind you before either of you speak.
“Hi…you got here fast!”
“I was close by. Was I too fast?” You look him up and down. He’s in sweatpants and a black t-shirt, and his hair is a little damp.
“No, definitely not. As long as I don’t look like a wet dog.”
“No, you look very handsome,” you grab a handful of his shirt and pull him toward you. “It’s a good look.”
He leans forward and kisses you on the forehead. Another romantic gesture. It gives you butterflies. You like it, but you can't help but be baffled by his very bold and distinct romantic gestures. Three weeks ago he had a hard time with your hypothetical dating question. But that was three weeks ago.
“Do you want something more comfortable to wear? I can give you one of my shirts.
Okay, so maybe he does want you to spend the night, “Yes, I'd like that.”
He grabs one from his bag and shakes it out. Then he brings it to his face to smell it, “this is clean.”
“Thanks,” you hold it up and look at it.
“It not very big on me, so it should fit okay.”
You head into the bathroom and look at yourself again, try to get the butterflies in your stomach to calm down. Big breath in, slow breath out. It doesn’t seem like he’s trying to drive you crazy, but he’s doing a very good job.
You start taking off your necklaces, your bracelets, and then peel off your shirt that’s long since dried from the sweating you did all day. You check yourself for any offending odors, and even though it’s not bad, you take the time clean up the best you can.
It’s been a while since you had to do a sink bath before a potential lay. And every single one before this wasn’t even worth it. Seungmin is different, though.
Now you wonder if this is the way you want things to go. In a hotel, very little preparation. But you may not see him again for a while after tonight. And if this feels good for him, it's good for you.
There is still the possibility that he won’t be ready.
You slip into his shirt, and it's still pretty big. The sleeves reach your elbows and the bottom hem just covers your shorts. You could walk out without them and he might not even realize it—you take them off and fold them up neatly with your shirt and jewelry, look at yourself one more time, and then head back out to him.
“Oh, that looks good on you,” he turns from his seat at the edge of the bed, then pats his hands on the spot next to him. “Come here.”
As you climb onto the bed and crawl toward him, he slowly lies down on his back. “Are you tired?”
“No, not tired,” he props himself up on his elbow to get a better look at you. “Not yet...it takes a while to relax after a concert." He pulls at the hem of your shirt and his fingers slide across your thigh. He takes his hand away, so you grab it and put it back. Seungmin takes the hint and slides his palm to the side and gently squeezes.
When he looks up at you, you grin, but he just lets himself fall forward so he can hide his face in the blanket. You hear a big sigh, and maybe a soft laugh.
“What’s the matter?” You lie down next to him and wait until he turns his face to yours. “Minnie?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“Do you want to get cozy and watch something?”
“Yes, that sounds nice.”
You pull the blankets down and fluff the pillows while he gathers himself again. “Which side do you prefer?”
“I’m not sure, I don’t usually have to choose.”
“Okay, I’ll take the left side.” You cover yourself up and relax against the pillows.
Seungmin follows, but he stays on top of the blankets for a moment and stares at you. You stare back and say nothing. Then he crawls underneath them, too.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” You say.
He just pushes himself into the pillows and pulls the blanket up to his chin without a word, but he turns himself to face you.
You do the same.
“If that’s what you want.” He says.
You roll your eyes around as if you’re thinking and hmm under your breath. “Can I come closer?”
He nods.
You scoot yourself toward him until you can rest your forehead against his. “That’s better.”
“Can’t watch anything like this.”
“Oh, no I guess not,” you move back a little and look him over. “Should we—“
“No,” he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you back. “This is good.”
You take the invitation and place your hand on his neck; he moves in for a kiss before you get the chance to, though. And he kisses hard enough to push you on your back.
For a moment you think this might be it, but you find yourself hesitating and softening your kiss. Then loosening the grip on his neck.
He pulls back and stares down at you.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do,” you cup his face and hold him there. “There’s no rush.”
“I know.” He comes back down, kisses you once, and then falls back at your side. But his arm remains draped over your stomach.
Your heart sinks a little. It feels like you don’t know what you want. Well, you do know you want him, but you’re nervous. Maybe just as nervous as he is. “Don’t think I don’t want to, because I do.”
Seungmin smiles and sets his head against your shoulder. “I know you do.”
He knows you want him. You’re glad he knows—and you love the way he says it.
“Are you stopping because you’re worried I’m not ready?”
“No, only you know that. I’m just a little nervous, I guess.”
“You’re nervous?”
“I am.”
“You can’t be nervous if I’m nervous.”
He’s right. You take a deep breath and turn to face him again. Kiss him on the lips. Your free hand snakes around his waist, finds the hem of his shirt, and tucks underneath to run over his skin.
His muscles tighten for a second, then slowly relax as your hand moves upward against his side and across his shoulder blade. He sighs as you touch him.
You haven’t felt this much of his body until now.
You keep going, touching his stomach, his chest. It’s then that you feel his hand on you. It��s warm moving across your thigh, over your hip. His touch is soft, but he squeezes when he pulls you closer.
Seungmin slides his hand down to the back of your thigh and brings you as close as he can manage.
He’s on top off you again, hand still on you. His hips are gently pushing into yours. You can feel him through his sweatpants, and now your brain only wants one thing: to get them off of him.
“Seungmin,” you get him to look at you. “Seungmin?”
You pull his shirt over his head and toss it aside.
“Yeah?” He kisses your neck and lifts your shirt. “Are you okay?”
You nod and help him get it off.
“Oh,” he laughs and touches the spot directly below your sternum. “Tattoo.”
He looks over you slowly, a little shyly, before placing a kiss on your collarbone. You run a hand across the back of his neck. The other slides down his stomach until it reaches the band of his sweatpants.
Your heart beats wildly in your throat as your hand disappears. Fingers wrap around him and feel every inch. He whimpers softly into your neck. The hand buried in his hair moves down and kneads hard into his shoulder as your fingers stroke him.
Seungmin’s face is still in your neck, breathing hard. Eventually he takes a hand and maneuvers it to pull at his sweatpants. You let go to help slide them down enough to free him.
He moans, a little apprehensively, when you touch him again. You know you have to take it easy; he’s obviously very sensitive and you want this to last as long as possible for him.
“I like hearing you, don’t be shy.”
He tries to hold back an embarrassed laugh, but he does a bad job of it.
“Are you comfortable in this position? I could…do this with you on your back.”
He nods, but you don’t know which part he’s nodding to.
“Lie down.”
You let go of him until he’s on his back and relaxing. His face is still flushed and his breathing is a little shaky, but his eyes are almost closed. He seems relaxed enough. You kiss him and wrap your hand around him again.
His eyes open fully when you begin to stroke him again. His lips part and you slide your tongue against his.
The moans coming from him become a little louder. His hand lightly grips and slides down you arm.
“I didn’t really prepare for this. It could be better…if we had lube.”
“It feels good.” He whispers and smiles into your mouth. “Oh, I do have some.”
“Where?” You slow down a bit and let go of his lips. “I can grab it.”
“It’s…” he laughs sleepily, “it’s in my bag on the chair, in the smaller black bag.”
You climb over him and jump off the bed. The bag is is already open and a few things have been pulled out, but you can see a small black bag on the side. “I found it,” you unzip it and look around.
“It’s in the other little bag inside of that.” He laughs again. “Everyone is very nosy.”
You unzip the second bag, and there it is. It’s small, and still looks pretty full. You turn and look at him, “for when you’re lonely and horny on the road.”
He laughs again. “Yes, exactly.”
You warm a small amount in your hand and push the blanket down a little. You’ve touched him, but you haven’t really looked anywhere besides his lips and eyes yet. Now you watch your hand slowly move up and down , and the warmth and slickness makes everything so much better. You can feel how good it is for him. Your heartbeat drops into your stomach and you can feel yourself getting wetter every time he lets himself moan.
But as wet as you think you might be, his size is still more intimidating than you expected.
“You’re very good at this.”
You don’t think you’ve ever heard his voice so soft.
He bites his lips and nods. “It feels so good.”
The room is warm, and the AC hasn't kicked on again. There are a few beads of sweat forming at his temple—you kiss him there and work your way down to his chest, then across his stomach.
The muscles tighten as you move across his hot skin, further and further down. When you slide your tongue across his head, he moans out the breath he’d been holding since you got to his chest. The sound he makes is desperate. He does it again when your lips close around him and your hand grips a little more tightly.
He wasn’t prepared for your mouth. He breathes out your name and it sends a wave of pleasure through you. His hand touches softly across your back and neck.
He says your name again.
“You okay, Minnie?” You kiss his stomach again and look up at him.
He nods and sits up, “can I touch you?”
You let go of him and straddle his stomach. He reaches for you and runs his fingers over the thin fabric. You put your hand over his and push your underwear to the side so he can feel you. There’s another, almost inaudible moan when he does.
Two fingers slip deep inside as you lean in to kiss him, and with your help, he gets the hang of moving inside of you.
You sigh sweetly into his mouth. You’re already much more sensitive than you normally would be. Every little movement he makes is causing just enough friction where you need it. The heel of his palm found your clit and you’re not sure he even realizes.
“I’m gonna come if you keep that up, wait a sec,” you stop his hand and take a deep breath.
“You are?” His voice cracks and he sits up more. His other hand has been digging into your hip, and he finally loosens his grip. There might be a bruise there later.
You grab his face and kiss him hard, then finally maneuver yourself out of your underwear while he’s there to keep you balanced. You reach behind and find his cock, stroke him a few times, and move back.
“Are you good if I…have a seat?” You laugh and wrap your other arm around his shoulder.
“Yes, very good,” he holds onto your waist to help steady you both.
When his head slides across you, he smiles and throws his head back. You do it again before carefully pushing him a little bit inside of you. It doesn’t take much to get another sound out of him.
“There’s a lot more to go,”
He looks drunk, but he smirks, “sorry.”
“For what?”
“For having a lot more to go,” he laughs.
“I’m not complaining.”
You push him deeper, just a little, because you’re not sure what your limit will be in this position.
And deeper. You watch him carefully. His eyes are closed and his mouth is open. You hold him tightly around the neck with both arms before slowly lifting yourself.
It takes a few more times before you find a rhythm , but when you do, you’re sure the sound Seungmin makes reaches the surrounding hotel rooms.
You try to quiet him with your mouth, but it only stifles him a little. You love the noise, but if the others are close enough to hear him, it might makes things awkward.
His hands hold your hips and slowly guide you up and down on his cock. You breath his name into his mouth, and he bites down on your lip.
His voice is a whisper. “Is it okay?”
“Yes,” you whine and push yourself as far down as you can. It stings, just a little, and only for a moment. “You feel so good.”
He leans back to watch himself slide inside of you, and the lusty, satisfied look on his face is making the ride even smoother. “Do I?” He takes your face in his hand and runs his thumb along your lips and cheek.
The room disappears and all that exists is the feeling of him; his breath on your neck, his voice in your ears. His hands grip you tighter, lifting you, and holding you steady when he fills you up again.
He’s not ready for it when you pick up your pace. His fingers dig hard into your hips—you hear him swear under his breath as he attempts to keep himself under control.
“Talk to me, I wanna hear your voice. Do you like it, Minnie?”
Seungmin kisses your neck, his lips graze over your ear, “yes,” he manages through the soft sounds he can’t hold back, “yes, fuck. You feel amazing.”
You pull him away and look at him, arms still wrapped firmly around his neck. One hand slides up and into his hair. “I like you like this.”
“Like what?”
“Under me, lost in it. I thought you were sexy before…but—“
“You think I’m sexy?” His smile is cute and tipsy, voice is airy. If it weren’t for you holding him up, he’d be flat on his back.
All of the sudden, you’re snapped back to reality. Seungmin is there, eyes wide, but the room is back. You’re no longer floating. You lost control and went a little too hard, and it hurt. You make a pained sound and all of your weight is on his shoulders.
“Did I hurt you?” He holds you up and pulls out, and you’re now relieved to be giving your burning thighs a break.
“No, no you didn’t,” You have to kiss him to get rid of the worried look on his face. “That was my fault.”
“We should change positions.”
You lay back on the pillows and grab his waist when he crawls over you. Your legs fall open and rest on either side of him.
“This is a bad angle for you to look at,” he smiles and hides his face in your neck.
You lift his face back up, “is that a joke? You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever had between my legs.”
He whispers a no and hides his face again, but at the same time, his fingertips slide down your thigh as if he’s teasing you.
”Sexiest…” you moan into his ear and wrap your legs around him to bring him closer.
You don’t need to give him any more direction. He explores you briefly with his fingers before guiding himself in the same way you did; slow and gentle.
“I’ll be careful…” he slides in easily in this position, stopping short to make sure he isn’t going too far.
You take his hips and carefully pull him in the rest of the way.
A rough groan jumps out of him when you meet. He stays there and looks at you until you brush the hair from his eyes and speak. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he smiles, looks down your body, then back up to your face. “Just like looking at you.”
“I’m the one with the view,” you kiss him and shift your hips, getting another sound out of him.
Now he’s finding a rhythm, but he’s much more reserved than you were. He seems to know his own limits, and maybe he’s trying not to overdo it and finish too fast.
“Is this okay?” He nuzzles into your ear and whispers before kissing you just below it.
“Yes,” your hands run up his sides and back, his neck, into his hair, “it’s perfect.”
He thrusts into you, very delicately, a few more times before slowing down. Then he stops completely, still inside of you. He’s breathing hard, eyes closed in concentration.
“I just…need a few seconds.”
“Take your time,” you take his hand in yours and help his thumb find your clit.
He moves it in slow circles and watches you for any direction. But he does very well. He has a light touch, and a good pace. His hands are soft and warm. This, combined with him inside of you, looking down at you with eyes drunk with pleasure trying so hard not to come yet, is making everything happen very fast. But you don’t mind.
When he pulls out halfway and pushes back inside, you whimper and the pleased look on his face pushes you over the edge. He smiles and starts fucking you again, and he doesn't let up—you feel it coming. You moan much louder than you intend. He loves hearing it.
Your back arches up and your legs squeeze around him. It lasts a long time, and he doesn’t stop—just carefully touches you in the right spot until your body finally relaxes
“Wow…did you—”
You nod and try to catch your breath.
He doesn’t get through his question because it’s his turn. He comes hard and fast. The condom was completely forgotten up until this point, and he certainly doesn’t attempt to pull out. You don’t even allow yourself to dwell on it—you just enjoy the moment.
Seungmin’s mouth hangs open, and his eyes water. His moan is different this time; it’s more feral. His whole body tightens and moves in slow motion as his orgasm passes through him. He pumps into you until he can't take it anymore..
Then he’s catching his breath and regaining his composure. He comes down to kiss you, tucks an arm under your neck to bring you closer. He slowly pulls out and puts his weight on his knees.
“Come here…”
He listens and slowly lowers himself next to you. His hair is a little damp from sweat, and his face is pink. It’s a good look for him. You pull the sheet up and over both of you, then wipe at his brow with your thumb.
“That was nice,” he’s still catching his breath. His eyes close and you can see his body soften and relax on the pillows. “That was very nice.”
“Yeah, it was.”
“It was better than nice,” his eyes flutter open and he looks at you. Then he reaches out and pulls until there’s no space left between you. “It was much better than I thought it could be.”
“Wow,” you say into his neck. “That’s quite a compliment.”
“But I’m sorry, it’s probably not great that we didn’t use protection.”
“No, but I’ll take care of it in the morning.”
Someone’s phone buzzes.
“I think that was me,” Seungmin says and reaches behind him. His phone got lost somewhere underneath the blankets. As soon as he glances at the screen, he tosses it behind him again. “Are you going to stay the night?” He asks, arms tight around you again.
“I should get home before my mom starts to worry.”
He nods and tries to hide a pout.
“But you’re leaving in the morning, right?
“I think so, I’m not sure what time.”
“Would it be alright if I spent the night? So we can say goodbye.”
“Yes, that's a much better plan.”
“Can I use the shower?” You wiggle free of his grasp and look at him, “heat, concert, sex…that’s a lot to sleep in.”
Seungmin laughs and nods, “yes, go take a long hot shower.”
When you come back to the room, Seungmin is sitting at the desk writing. You can hear soft music playing from his phone. There are fresh clothes laid out on your side of the bed: the shirt you had on very briefly, and a pair of very comfy looking sweatpants.
“Are these for me?” You ask. He’s already cleaned up and redressed.
He closes his book he’s writing in and spins around in the chair, “yes, I’m sure they won’t fit very well, but they’re comfortable.”
“Thank you.” You drop your towel and pick up the shirt.
Seungmin stares at you as you pull it over your head, “what?” You laugh and grab the sweatpants. They are soft and they look expensive.
“Uhm, sorry…I didn’t see you without your bra before.”
You think he might be blushing.
“Oh!” You grab your chest, “I guess you didn’t. Come here.”
“Hm?” He smirks and walks toward you as you lift the shirt back over your head. “Oh…”
You take his hands and he immediately touches you, running his palms, and then his fingertips, over your nipples. They stiffen from his touch. He sits at the edge of the bed and pulls you closer, keeping one hand on your chest. The other runs down your side and over your ass. He squeezes and kisses the spot where your tattoo is.
This could turn into something very quickly, but right now you want nothing more than to get under the covers with him and sleep. You know he needs it.
“I like this,” he pulls at the hem of your shirt when you slip it back on. “You look cute in my clothes.”
It’s nice waking up next to him.
The room is still dark because the curtains are pulled shut, but not completely—little bits of sunlight make it in through the sides. You can see his sleeping face, cheek squashed against the pillow, lips slightly parted. He’s curled up tight in his spot with the blanket only covering his lower half, but one bare knee is far up enough to poke out.
His arm is reaching toward you, palm up and fingers curled. You slide your hand over the sheets and gently touch him. His fingers twitch and then close around yours.
He sighs deeply, then opens his eyes. First he looks at his hand holding onto yours, then his eyes move along your arm and up to where you’re laying on your pillow.
“Good morning,” he squeezes your hand and moves himself closer to you. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod and pull his hand up to your lips. “Did you?”
“Mhm, very well.”
“Did I tell you how amazing you were last night?” You ask and fluff his hair, “I mean…” you hide behind a hand, “I’m still asleep.”
“Well, I don’t know about…amazing.”
“The concert I mean!” you hide your face in the pillow, and Seungmin giggles as he tries to get you to look at him.
“I was okay I think.”
“The concert was…and you. I was focused on you the whole time.” You clarify as much as possible through your grin.
“You focused on Seungmin the whole time?”
“Yeah, the best part.
“And last night…last last night.” He smiles wide.
“Also focused on Seungmin.”
He pushes himself closer until his face disappears into your neck. “Thank you.”
A knock echoes through the room. Three heavy knocks. The voice that comes through is soft. “Seungmin, are you up?”
“Oh, it’s Lee Know. Stay here.”
You stay put and pull the covers up over your shoulders, but you turn to face the door. Seungmin opens the locks and pulls it open a few inches.
“What’s wrong? It’s still early.”
“I know, but I thought you might want to get breakfast,” Lee Know puts a palm on his side of the door and pushes, “can I not come in?”
“Uh, you can but…” Seungmin hesitates. “I’m not alone.” He gives in when Lee Know takes several steps into the room. He won’t be able to hide you for much longer.
“Oh,” he looks to the spot on the bed where you’re under a pile of covers. “Is it the girl, the one who was at the soundcheck?”
“Did IN tell you about her?.”
“No, Chan did. I should go. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to go,” you squeak out. You can just make him out from your spot, and when you pull the covers down from your nose, his whole body comes into view. Then you remember that one of them doesn't speak English very well, and you think it may have been him. You repeat yourself in Korean.
His eyes widen a bit. “Should we all get into bed, then?” He can be sarcastic and dry; you remember Seungmin mentioned that as well.
You sit up and look at him with a smirk on your face. “He’s the boss.” You nod toward Seungmin.
“You’re the boss,” Lee Know looks at Seungmin and winks. “Text me if you want to come.”
Now he turns to you, “nice to meet you,” he smirks and lets himself out.
Seungmin let’s out a long sigh when he’s gone.
“Come back to bed,” you move the blankets from his spot and fluff up his pillow. “Please.”
He listens and crawls back to your side. When he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you close, he says, “I was nervous about you meeting him.”
“Lee Know? Why were you nervous?”
“Am…am nervous, I guess.”
“You don’t think he’d like me?”
“The opposite, actually.” He hides his face in your chest and whines.
You oooh into his ear and it makes him giggle. “Does that tickle?” You move his hair and place a kiss there.
“I think you two are very similar.” Seungmin says. “You remind me of him sometimes, especially when we text.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No,” he shakes his head, still shoved into your chest. “But, I just think you’d like him.”
You scoot yourself down until you’re face to face with him, but he still doesn’t lift his gaze. “Hey, look at me.”
He doesn't.
This time he listens, but he also gives you his best puppy eyes.
“You think I’ll get to know him and like him more than I like you?”
Seungmin nods.
“And that he’ll steal me away from you?”
He nods again, then stops and shakes his head, "You're not really mine to be stolen away..." he scrunches his face up in thought, wondering if his English made any sense.
“Well, I’m a little flattered you’d think someone else would like me that much. I’m much more flattered you don’t wanna have me stolen away.”
He rubs his eyes and sits himself up on the bed. “I’m sorry, I know we already talked about this.”
“We can talk about it again if you want to.”
He shakes his head and gets back under the covers. His hands find you and start to paw—at your side, your hip. He slides one down your outer thigh, and slowly back up. Then he starts to talk anyway. “He also knows Choonhee very well.”
“Okay, I think I'm understanding. I could have possibly been set up with Lee Know instead of Seungmin?”
You can hear his dramatic whine from underneath the covers. “It is very possible.”
“But I was set up with you for a reason. And you’re the first person I went on a date with since I left home, so I got very lucky.”
“Yeah, lucky. Good dates are hard to find.”
Seungmin pokes his head out from the covers and smiles at you. “I’m glad I was a good date.”
"You were a perfect date."
"You should call me Minnie more." He says it's softly, but his hands are in a dangerous spot. "All the time. I like it.
"You were a perfect date, Minnie."
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rae2velaris · 1 month
Azriel's ongoing theme is to find...
To realize that he is:
Worthy of love
Loved by his family for WHO he is as a person
Not defined by his traumatic past and actions
Allowed to fight for who or what he wants
This male has been:
Locked up in a cell for ELEVEN years by his stepmother, only being let out an hour a day and an hour a WEEK to see his mother
Burned ruthlessly by his half brothers at the age of eight, resulting in burns on his hands that didn't fully heal, leaving scars (which he's STILL extremely self-conscious about after 500 years)
Surrounded by darkness and shadows for years without sunlight as a child
Forbidden to train and fly while he lived with his father, something that's taught to Illyarians as a BABY
Shipped off to an Illyarian camp when his father found out he was a shadowsinger
Mocked as a bastard child alongside Rhys and Cassian
Hated by the Illyarians for his immense power due to being a bastard child (Illyarians valued patricharcy more than anything)
Separated from his friends for seven years during the war. (Rhys' father was FEARFUL of the bat boys being together because of their power)
Assigned as the spymaster by Rhys' father and was forced to do all his dirty work (we don't know what ALL Rhys' father made Azriel do during the war, and he was a ruthless male)
Pinning over Mor for over 500 years, even finding out Cassian slept with her
Thinking he is only of value to his friends for his work as a spymaster
Almost killed twice (once when trying to save Elain from Hybern and second when he was pierced by an ash arrow)
Finally able to move on from Mor, finding solace and peace with Elain (who is interested in him as well) only to be ordered to stay away from her due to Lucien being her mate ( even though she doesn’t show interest in Lucien)
Azriel needs some all-around PEACE in his life.
What about a love interest?
The fandom seems to debate on this topic, but one thing for sure is that he doesn't need to be "challenged" by someone... Where do we even see THAT being anywhere in the books?
Here's what we are shown...
1. Where do we find him most at peace/relaxed?
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With Elain
Even Feyre states that Elain would find PEACE and QUIET with Azriel... and liked the idea...
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2. Who do we find Azriel's focus on?
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3. Where do we find the IC being the most surprised by Azriels reactions/actions?
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With Elain
4. Who does Azriel ALWAYS try to beat Feyre to greet/assist?
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5. Who does Azriel always volunteer to help?
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(Omg I hit my limit with photos 🤣)
But I strode to my seat—nestled between Amren and Mor—in time to see Elain say to Azriel, “Hello.” Az said nothing. No, he just moved toward her. Mor tensed beside me. But Azriel only took Elain’s heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, “Sit. I’ll take care of it.”
6. Who stills Azriel's razor-sharp thoughts?
Too many razor-sharp thoughts sliced him any time he grew still long enough for them to strike."....
Azriel let his shadows whisk away the box as she said softly, "Put it on me?"
His head went quiet.
7. Who was Azriel willing to give up his LIFE to save?
From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
8. Who openly accepts Azriel's scars, one of his BIGGEST insecurities?
Azriel, graceful as any courtier, offered her an arm. I couldn’t tell if she was looking at his blue Siphon or at his scarred skin beneath as she breathed, “Beautiful.” Color bloomed high on Azriel’s golden-brown cheeks,
9. Who actually SEES him and notices his needs?
“I had Madja make it for me,” Elain explained. Azriel’s brows narrowed at the mention of the family’s preferred healer. “It’s a powder to mix in with any drink.” Silence. Elain bit her lip and then smiled sheepishly. “It’s for the headaches everyone always gives you. Since you rub your temples so often.” Silence again. Then Azriel tipped his head back and laughed.
10. Who is Azriel thinking about every night?
He had only allowed himself these thoughts in the dead of night. Had only allowed his hand to fist his cock and think about her then, when even his shadows had gone to sleep. How that beautiful face might appear as he entered her, what sounds she'd make
11. Who does Azriel want to kiss and have a lovely pussy eating feast on?
Wrong -- it was so wrong.  
He didn't care.  
He needed to know what the skin of her neck tasted like. What those perfect lips tasted like. Her breasts. Her sex. He needed her coming on his tongue --
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
The Cheshire Cat and The White Rabbit ☆ Headcanon
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☆RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x White Rabbit!Heartslabyul Student!GN!Reader:
As you go through your day to day life as a Heartslabyul stundent, you begin to remark an odd/out of place presence lingering during unbirthay parties, or anytime you’re back on dormitory grounds. Unbeknownst to you and that unknown presence, your relationship would soon change to somewhat of a more intimate one…
Warnings: Non-Conseual Kissing??(Che’nya appears out of nowhere to kiss reader on the cheek), suggestive tones for the last sentence. Not proofread.
Note: This is based from this ask, this work is a bit a of a mix between Headcanon and Drabble, so sorry if this is longer than you wanted. But I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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As obvious as it sounds, Che’nya with a White Rabbit!Reader comes out as an odd pair up to anyone around able to see it. But despite the aloofness of it all, it is still a one of kind relationship that is precious to both concerned parties.
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First I’d like to elaborate on White Rabbit!Reader;
White Rabbit!Reader would definitely be assigned to Heartslabyul following the NCR Dark Mirrors’ logic.
White Rabbit!Reader just like the original in Alice in wonderland, would be a jittery individual.
White Rabbit!Reader would be the extremely cautious type, and very much so around troublemakers like Ace and Deuce.
They would automatically freeze up as they heard the duo’s familiar voices. Readers long ears would be wide and rigid along their back while their body is stiff, crouching down close to the floor. A natural reflex to seem less threatening, as one is scared.
White Rabbit!Reader is very submissive, despite not wanting to get in trouble they would often go along with anything anyone asked of them, if said person was persistent enough.
White Rabbit!Reader is definitely one of Riddle’s favourite dorm member, despite their willingness to go along with whatever is demanded as long as some pressure is applied. This is simply because of how much they follow the rules.
White Rabbit!Reader probably would have the rules all memorized half way into the first semester, if not sooner.
But this exemplary display of discipline doesn’t come by because the reader wants to follow the imposed rules. No, not at all, they even have beef with some of the 810 rules, not agreeing with them at all.
They just follow them because they get easily frightened by the idea of having anyone mad at them for doing something wrong, especially house warden Riddle. Oh boy, is he a scary one to our poor little rabbit!
White Rabbit!Reader is definitely the apologetic type, to an extent that they would repay any damage cause 10 folds.
Ex. They stepped on your foot by accident, and in addition to an extended apology, they would also bake you cookies for you to forgive them.
Also despite excelling in academics, in fear of disappoint anyone if not, White Rabbit!Reader is very naive. To the point of doing things way beyond deserved to repay someone.
I feel like they might have bumped into Azul some day, spilling WATER on his uniform. And obviously Azul being Azul, after seeing their reaction to the situation. Used their naivety against them, making White Rabbit!Reader work their bones off for a week at the Monstro Lounge, for ‘Damage of his personal property’.
Another thing about White Rabbit!Reader certainly has allegrophobia(phobia of being late). They would probably arrive to an event 4 hours early if anyone actually let them. But at last, to our little rabbit’s demise that time has been realistically reduce to 30 minutes, in some cases a max of 1 hour.
They most likely, once arrived 10 minutes late to the preparation for an unbithday party, and upon realizing it, they bawled their eyes out, profusely apologizing to Riddle and their fellow dorms members for their tardiness. Begging for everyone present for forgiveness after ‘they ruined the day with their latenesses’. Even after “Strict Housewarden Riddle” told them it was fine, they wouldn’t let it go for a month, apologizing to him and any Hearstlabyul students they encountered during that time.
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Now that we have established their character, let’s move on to White Rabbit!Reader with our favourite Cheshire Cat beastman!
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How they met;
Che’nya definitely had seen the reader around Heartslabyul before, after all how could he not notice them with their long white ears, puffy tail and constant trembling out of nervousness. But their official meeting didn’t happen until a little later…
White Rabbit!Reader would have met Che’nya during one of the many unbirthday parties that took place during the year. The encounter was one sided for the most part.
He had snuck in on campus from RSA, to spend some times with his childhood friends Riddle and Trey, maybe scare some freshmen with his signature spell.
But he instead found himself observing the reader. He watched as they would constantly look around before the tea party begin as some sort of nervous tick, and how they held their tea cup with two trembling, making it seem like they didn’t trust themselves not to drop it.
Honestly it was all really amusing to him.
Che’nya would’ve certainly decided to mess with the reader, by play with a strand of their hair, blowing down their nape, even resting his arms on their shoulders with his head on theirs, all that while being invisible. It really did mess with reader’s head, they felt stuff but no one was their to do them!
And that only made it more fun to him.
This would continue for about halfway through the party, he had then made the choice to reveal himself. Hugging the reader tightly from behind, as only his toothy grin was visible. Making the students around the reader freak out and Riddle sight in exasperation.
But how did the reader react you may ask? Well as they always do! They froze up, ears flat down, and completely at his mercy.
After seeing that, he bursted out in laughter, forgetting about maintaining his magic, now fully visible.
Having reader’s frozen self in his arms for a little while, he then release them from his tight grasp. Watching as they slowly unfroze, now fluster, with a blush creeping on their face(this is only if they have the skin-tone for it). They would babble incomprehensibly as they register fully how close they had just been to someone else.
They would then look up at Che’nya, grin plaster on his face, with a trembling pout as if they would soon cry from the overload of emotions.
That didn’t necessarily make him feel bad, well maybe a little. But he mostly though it was cute, and made him want to play and tease them even more.
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How it started;
After White Rabbit!Reader and Che’nya’s first official meeting, the mischievous cat beastman would frequent NCR more and more often, basically on a weekly basis.
Getting his dose of entertainment at the reader’s expense…
Things started small, from surprise hug attacks, playing with reader’s hair without their knowledge, doodling on them when they weren’t paying attention. All small and sorta sweet things, but they could still be completely considered platonic.
Than things started to shift a little, Che’nya would visit on the daily, actually chat with the White Rabbit!Reader instead of just messing with them.
He would of course still mess with them tho. His favourite way of doing so was by playing on the reader’s immense sympathy and willingness to fix their wrongs.
Che’nya would fake being offended by minor mistake the reader did to get them to do silly things to amend, such as;
Selfies with odd clothes on, dumb challenges like pranking riddle together.
But his upmost favorite ‘compensation’ was when he would make the reader do something they’re afraid of, so that they would rely on him.
Ex. Reader is afraid of heights; Che’nya is making them go on a broom ride so that they’ll cling onto him.
Reader is afraid of spiders: He’s bringing them to barn full of them, so that they’ll hide their face in his shirt.
Anything goes really, as long as they’ll into for him for comfort and protection. Even if it is something he’s also scared of, he’ll still continue with this tactic just to see the reader all squirmy and looking up at him with begging eyes, counting on him to chase away any danger.
Just the thought of it made him grin…
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A bit further into the semester, he started to switch things around. He would do this thing where he would chase the reader around, making them do embarrassing things as punishment if he caught them.
But this confused White Rabbit!Reader so much. Sure Che’nya had developed some sort of fixations with seeing them a bit miserable, but this was new, like did he seriously like them?
Now some might be confused by this train of though, but there is a viable background to it.
You see, in the wild, males rabbits chase females as part of “courting”. Sometimes, males and females chase each other.
Some of it is just fun and games, but sometimes it is part of the dominance relationship.
So to our dear White Rabbit!Reader, this was like Che’nya told them he was interested. After all he was already sharing a meal on most day with them!(probably just snacking on some chips). Which is another way rabbit show courtship.
White Rabbit!Reader liked how Che’nya focused his attention on them, and didn’t seem to care if they made a mistake despite him ‘faking’ offense. He always had a big warm grin on his face no matter what. This made them fall for him.
So White Rabbit!Reader had liked him for a little while by then, but were never sure if they should confess. ‘Because what if it offends Che’nya, or worst he doesn’t want to be around them anymore!’
So they kept it to themselves, but after Che’nya started chasing them around, they weren’t sure on what to believe.
So about a week later since the original events, White Rabbit!Reader talked about their feelings to Trey, a kind soul they had befriended. They explained to him all the behaviour Che’nya was displaying, and how it made them feel. They even admitted to wanting to date Che’nya if he’ll have them, but were to shy to actually confess.
But unbeknownst to them and Trey, Che’nya was listening in, as he had decided to pay a visit that day.
And after hearing about reader’s thoughts and feelings, Che’nya made the decision to take matters at hand. Showing them his own feelings, in his special way…
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The usual hug attacks would now be followed with a peck on the cheek, he would start nipping at them: nape, cheek, etc., he would hold their hands when dragging them somewhere.
White Rabbit!Reader little bunny brain was overwhelmed by the obvious display of affection, causing them to by pass their initial shyness and out right ask Che’nya about his feelings.
Of course the confident cat beastman answered without a problem, admitting he had been pinning for them for quite a while now, and that he also knew that they felt the same.
This made White Rabbit!Reader break away from their usual obedient and non-controversial self, replacing it by one that would proceed to call Che’nya mean and selfish for playing with their feelings, despite knowing they had difficulty expressing theirselves.
The cat only chuckle at this, grabbing the reader by their waist, hugging them tenderly to bring reassurance. Finally, the both of them ask each other out.
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How it’s going;
After Che’nya and White Rabbit!Reader start dating, the dynamic wouldn’t really change.
Reader would still be his favourite person to tease and play with. And reader would still fall for his tricks.
The only feasible changes would be reader being more open to reprimanding Che’nya for his mischievous acts, and a great augmentation of physical contact.
PDA would be at almost its max between the two, Che’nya would kiss and cuddling them in public.
But he would keep make out session for behind closed doors, only he should be able to enjoy his bunny’s sweet gasp and breathless panting!
And anything that follows~
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Thanks @chaoticsilly66 for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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strstab · 1 year
𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 - 𝐣.𝐦
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summary ; kie’s fever got to you so jj helps you feel better
pairing ; jjaprilbank x fem!reader
notes ; sick readerrr, bath w jj, besitosssss, body lovin, cuddling, our beloved sock, & tinkerbell 🧚
a/n ; so this was actually meant to be out earlier this morning but then got caught up in a family function.. so sorry abt that. ALSO. i was going to post something tuesday but instead of posting it i accidentally deleted it… so shopping w the girls probably won’t happen 😭
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after a sleep over at kie’s last weekend, you’ve felt yourself feeling more like shit by the day. on wednesday you were coughing up a storm and now you couldn’t feel your throat or stop sneezing.
you called off of work right after another restless night. jj was at john b’s and kie was the reason you were sick so you couldn’t hang out with her. you were on your third tinkerbell movie with a pile of tissues next to you.
you tried sleeping the sickness away during the day but even with the large amount drowsiness that was killing you slowly, you kept waking up with the same sore throat that wouldn’t seem to disappear. it had been like that since you were feeling symptoms so now you’ve been sleeping like 4 hours a night. or day.
you blew your nose into the tissue and then threw it into the pile. you felt soft fur rub against your neck which meant your cat had joined you in bed.
“sock, please help me. don’t you have powers to make your dear old mom feel better?” you whined just for your cat to give you a blank stare. you huffed and sat up, stretching your arms. you hadn’t gone up to do anything since the second movie started.
you dragged your feet all the way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana off the counter and peeling it open. you took a big bite as you searched the fridge for something else to munch on. there wasn’t much in it. the last person who did groceries was jj. the only things he usually brought home were beer, hot pockets, cookies, an 8th of weed (which he definitely picked it up from his dealer on aisle 10), and cat food. all of which only lasted a week in your house.
you found a cup of strawberry yogurt and decided to diy your brunch. you grabbed a bowl and poured the yogurt into it, then cutting up the banana you got from the counter and placing the bits into the bowl. ‘what a chef i am’ you thought.
you ate your ‘meal’ over the counter while scrolling through instagram. you were watching an interview from a netflix show when you felt strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you into their hold. you squealed and looked above to see blonde hair making it’s way to your neck.
wet kisses were placed all over your soft spot. “baby, i’m sickk” you whined pulling away from him.
“i know. and?” he pulled you back, this time holding you tighter.
“i don’t wanna get you sick,” you sniffle and he shrugs. guess getting sick wasn’t a big deal for him. but to be honest, he’s always had a strong immune system.
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you were conversing about each other’s day, yours sounding quite boring. he was ranting about how john b wouldn’t let him redecorate the cats ass and how pope smacked the shit out of him while waxing his board.
your responses were short. your throat hurt too much to be talking a lot, so did your stomach to be honest. everything ached. you hopped up from your seat on top of the counter and went to get a bottle of pills. jj watched as you took two pills in your hand and swallowed them with a small cup of water. “what hurts mama?”
“more like what doesn’t hurt.” you sarcastically answered. he stared at you for a minute before smiling and picking you up bridal style. “jj what the hell?!”
your feet were kicking air and your arms wrapped themselves around jj’s shoulders, holding on for dear life. his hand was supporting your back as he made his way to your bedroom.
he placed a kiss on your lips and sat you on the edge of the bed. “did you get any sleep last night?” he asked rubbing the eye bags that were forming below.
you shook your head as he peeped the pile of tissues that sat next to your laptop. “stay right here i’ll be back okay?”
“i mean.. where else would i go” you grumbled as he ran off to the bathroom.
you sat there on your phone, continuously sniffling while he did his thing in the bathroom. quickly after, he ran back out to you and picked you up swiftly, dropping your phone on your bed.
you laughed out loud (lol😜😜😜) as he brought you to the sink in your candle lit bathroom. he stripped you of your clothes, eyes taking in your body that was perfect in every way.
you felt your face heat up when you noticed him, arms quickly trying to cover yourself. “stop staring.”
he chuckled and kissed your lips softly. “just appreciating what’s mine, princess,” he murmured.
you let out a sound of annoyance. “c’mon baby, you know you’re prefect.” he picked you up and placed you in the tub. your muscles immediately relaxed as the heated water touched your skin.
“too hot? cold?”
“‘s perfect, j.” you smiled at his thoughtfulness. he really didn’t have to do this, but it made you happy knowing he cared enough to do so.
everything about the room right now was just calming.
you inhaled the steam and aroma from the cookie scented candle that followed it. as jj massaged your back with soap you let out a hum of pleasure. he peppered kisses on your shoulder and upper back while you relaxed in the water. “mmm, i could fall asleep right now,”
“yeah? seeing how tired you’ve been it seems like you could fall asleep anywhere.”
after your bath you guys cuddled up in bed. his request obv. you protested because you didn’t wanna get him sick but he still didn’t care. he went on a rant while drying you up about how all he wanted to do was be close to you.
so now, you laid head on his chest as his fingers were tangled in your hair. there was still a pinch of guilt in you for having him this close knowing you could get him sick but you couldn’t deny the fact that this felt amazing.
tinkerbell played on the tv instead of the laptop but you weren’t even watching either way. your eyes were half lidded as sleep tried taking you over. you tried fighting it, wanting to appreciate the time you were spending with your boyfriend, but it was winning by a lot.
even though all you were doing was watching a movie in comforting silence, it still meant something to you. so, you wanted to be up for it.
he moved his hand to the side of your thigh and rubbed his thumb against it. “you’re falling asleep on me, love.”
there was no response from you but your eyes were still half open. he patted your side and you perked up. “sorry, what’d you say?”
you felt jj’s chest abruptly shake as he giggled above so you got up fully to look at him. “what’s funny?”
“nothing. just how cute you look half asleep.” he smiled and pushed your head back down to his chest. “jus get rest babe. you need it.”
you buried your face in his hoodie and dozed off while his thumb caressed you softly. maybe all you need was your boyfriend with you to get the rest of a lifetime.
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yeah yeahhhh ooohhhhaahahshiegsksba
hey yall. hope u enjoyed thatttt. so if you read my a/n you’d know this was meant to be up earlier this day. (april 1st) but i got caught up in a family reunion kinda thing so yeah..
also i had shopping with the girls (cleo, kie and sarah) in my drafts but i accidentally deleted it bc my fingers tend to touch before reading what it’s going to touch… so yeah that’s gone. -(edit) i tried editing my notes and ALMOST deleted this post too…
y’all know my requests are always open so feel free to request!! or just talk to meee. entertain me guys i’ve been bored
but anyways… i’m cuddling with my cat so i’ll catch you guys laterrrr.
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hamiltonaf · 9 months
Hi bestie, can i request how lewis would help you when you have insomnia? Mine is really a pain in the ass this week, could use a distraction
Night Owl | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello loves ! Apologies for the delay in writing requests…I fell really ill over the week and was so out of writing :( but I’m back. Thanks anon for requesting, I hope you enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
Another night that I found it hard to sleep. It was like this for over a week because of stress and anxiety. I don’t even have anything to stress about, it’s just how my mind works when my brains thinks I have so much to do and I won’t complete everything I want to do in time.
It wasn’t that big of a deal to sleep at early hours of the morning all alone because I didn’t have Lewis with me so I’d wake up late. However, now that Lewis is around, I feel the need to sleep and wake up at a normal time so that we could do more things together as a couple since I hardly see him anyway.
Once in a while I’ll experience an adrenaline rush in the middle of the night and I’m so full of energy, I could literally eat a whole meal, probably even host my own fake concert and I still wouldn’t be tired till around 4 or 5am.
I joined Lewis and his family for the start of the summer break before Lewis was off on his boys trip. I was over the moon to see Lewis after a whole 2 weeks. Doesn’t seem that long but felt like a lifetime for me.
We spent the day with the family catching up and playing with Kaiden and Willow. We played countless rounds of Uno and spent most of our time out in the sun. Watching Lewis with kids and spending time with him had me thinking about him leaving on his boys trip soon - anxiety trigger because the thought of us being apart again soon.
I swear I’m not selfish… we video call everyday and I physically see him every weekend or every second weekend, but with our schedules clashing I can’t even spend time with him when I’m free because I’m working. Race weekends also fly by so quickly, before you know it, it’s already Sunday and I’m on a flight back home whilst he takes a flight to another race.
I just would’ve wanted to spend some more time with him during this summer break and it could make up for the lost time.
I didn’t even realise I was daydreaming until Lewis snapped his fingers in front of me. “We’re at the hotel… you’ve been so quiet for the past 15 minutes. Is everything okay ?” He asked softly. “Oh yeah. Uhm everything is fine… don’t worry” I faked a smile and exited the car. He followed behind me back to our room, it was quite evident to Lewis that I wasn’t my usual self. When we reached our room, he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me flush against his chest. “Are you sure you’re okay ? You seem off. Is something bothering you ?” He raised a brow.
“I’m fine really” I gave him a soft smile then pecked his cheek. Just as I was about to leave his grasp, he held me tighter. “Babe I can literally tell when you’re lying. You pull that fake smile on me when something is bother you” he pointed out. I immediately felt embarrassed. “What ? No” I scoffed and giggled. “And you do that as well” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Okay well I’m not in the mood to discuss it right now, maybe later” I trailed as I pecked his lips and walked over to the bathroom. I had a shower and to my surprise, Lewis had fallen off to sleep. I on the other hand was full of energy, but might as well try to sleep.
I got into bed and cuddled up close to him. In hopes I would fall off to sleep, unfortunately I was too restless and ended up turning from side to side. I know he’s a light sleeper and I felt bad at the thought of him waking up because of me. A whole hour of trying to sleep and I gave up. I jumped out of bed and went to our lounge to watch something to pass some time. About half and hour into the movie, I got a shock when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
The movie I was watching had me in a depresso mode where I was bawling my eyes out. “Oh my- love are you okay ?” He asked concerned. “Oh my god. Babe you scared me” I screamed as I placed a hand on my heart. “Didn’t mean to scare you, if anything, you scared me… why did you leave me alone in bed ?” He pouted as he jumped over the couch to sit right next to me. “I can’t sleep” I sighed. “No worries, I can help” he smiled. “Lew it’s not one of those nights where I randomly can’t sleep, I have insomnia. It’s much harder to sleep when you’re an insomniac” I pouted and laid my head on his shoulder. “Well what’s keeping my girl up ? You didn’t tell me earlier, I wanna hear it from you now because I’m concerned” he said as he turned to look at me.
“Okay don’t take this the wrong way. My brain overthinks the smallest of things, when normally I couldn’t care. We’ll blame it on some chemical reaction on my brain, maybe lack of serotonin I think-“ he cut me off. “Babe. You’re rambling. Calm down. Deep breaths and tell me straight up how you’re feeling” he smiled as he cupped my face. “Look, you know how much I love you and it hurts me how little we see each other. My mind for some odd reason isn’t its normal self because all my mind thinks about is how little time we actually spend together …” I said embarrassed. “Look I’m all for you going on your boys trip, but I had to be honest with what’s on my mind” I gave him a soft smile.
“Aww baby you’re so cute. You want me all to yourself ?” He smirked and raised a brow. “Low-key yes, but no” I said as I then slapped my forehead in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry that sounds so dumb” I covered my whole face with my hands. “Darling, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about” he said as he pulled my hands away from my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. “I’m just glad you’re honest with me. Sorry babe for hurting you, why didn’t you tell me sooner ?” He cooed. “I thought it was stupid and I was just being dumb” I shrugged.
“Never. Your feelings are valid, always. Consider me all yours for the rest of the summer” he smiled as he pulled me in for a short kiss. “Wait, what ? Lew no ! You can’t not go on your boys trip” I argued. “This is not a debate love” he grinned. “But Lew, you can’t not-“ “End of discussion. Let’s go” he cut me off as he stood up and carried me in his arms towards our bedroom.
“Now I definitely won’t sleep, you’re making me feel awful as if I’m holding you back which I’m really not. My mind is just racing at the thought of how quickly time is going and how we’re barely together, this has nothing to do with your mates by the way because I think they’re all amazing. My brain is just not braining these past few days” I pouted as he laid me in bed and jumped in to cuddle me closer to him.
“Babe just don’t worry about it, that’s the least of my concerns right now” he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. “Lew !” I groaned. “You need to sleep and I’m doing my best to help put an end to your insomnia” he smiled into my neck as he snaked an arm around my waist. He placed soft kisses along my shoulders before turning me around in his grasp. “I really love you” he smiled. “I really love you too Lew Lew” I felt my cheeks flush as he pulled my face closer and connected our lips.
I felt so at ease in his embrace knowing he’s right with me after quite a while of being apart. I guess all I needed was a goodnight kiss.
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My Heart Is Yours
Joel Miller x reader (previous) Daryl Dixon x reader
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The Walking Dead x The Last Of Us
Daryl Dixon x fem reader
Crossover fic
18+ only please
Warnings - angst, heartbreak, zombies, smut, fluff, Joel being a asshole, Joel being shit at feelings, loss, death, swear words, Daryl is a sweetheart, reader described as female, talk of infidelity, Daryl is a virgin, reader grows to be a badass, my terrible writing, Carl doesn’t die in this, as I can’t do that to him, he deserved better!
Not cannon at all!
This is long!
Words- 5.2K (sorry)
Let me know if I’ve missed anything.
As you walked alone through the forest, somewhere in Georgia or there abouts, you contemplated the last 6 months of your life. How you ran from the man who you thought loved you, how you snuck out while he was sleeping after he’d crushed your heart. Kicking dusty dirt under your shoes you contemplated it all, you remember how calm he'd been, when ripping it from your chest while you broke into shattered glass.
It wasn’t always like this you knew that, not so long ago you had Joel’s full attention. He was stern and grumpy, but he was also sweet and tender with you while you were alone. When the outbreak happened your dad was bit by an attacking walker, he had barricaded himself away from you and begged you to leave him, to go next door and find Joel, his best friend of 15+ years now. Joel also happened to be the man you’d been having a secret “relationship” with if you could call it that, it’s been going on about 4 months now. And even though it had no label, recently things had shifted, it had started to feel like a real relationship, not just hooking up.
When you had run over to Joel’s he and Sarah who was a five years younger than you, but you’d become like a big sister to her over the years, were frantically packing their bags to leave. When he caught hold of your distraught face he knew what had happened and he’d said “Come on sweetheart you can come with us”. He took you with them, protected you and even after Sarah’s death, he kept you close. He’d gotten you to safety a place called the QZ, you’d been given a two bedroom apartment together, they’d presumed you were Joel’s daughter and not his lover. By now Joel was a broken man, he’d barely speak and intimate moments were rough and lacking any emotion. Still you gathered he was grieving, this was temporary and your Joel would reappear at some point, if you were just patient with him.
But it never happened, as the months dragged on things between you got more and more distant, he began sleeping in the other room, coming home drunk he would crash on the spare bed or the sofa. One day you came home ready to confront him, tell him to not push those who still loved and cared for him away, to ask him to make a go of this again. But what you came home too was him animatedly talking to another woman, who appeared to be around his age. He was smiling, laughing, telling a story about something you couldn’t decipher, as all your attention was spent on watching his movements, watching the way his eyes creased with laughter for the first time in a long time. He barely acknowledged your entrance just nodded in your direction, as you quietly padded your way to the bedroom.
You later found out her name was Tess, and they had developed some sort of apparent friendship during their time working with one another. As the coming weeks went by, you noticed lingering looks between the two, subtle touches and knowing looks shared. Until one night he came home in the early hours smelling of her perfume. You’d sat there all night waiting for him, hours ticking by ready to demand to know what was going on.
When he did come home he jumped, startled seeing you sat at the dining table, waiting for him with an expectant look on your face. “Where were you all night?, and don’t lie to me because you stink of her perfume” you sneered.
He sighed “Yeah I was with Tess”.
“Did you fuck her?” You asked, trying to keep your voice stern and unwavering.
He looked at you almost remorseful, his eyes filled with a sadness “Yeah” he affirmed.
A gasp left your chest without meaning to let it slip, tears filled your eyes as you stood nodding. “Ok then” you stated, starting to leave the room. Joel grabbed your wrist trying to get you to look at him, “Darlin’” he tried to explain “Don’t!” You snapped back “Just don’t, what ….. what did I do to deserve this huh? Was I not good enough?” You questioned, tears now freely flowing. His face contorted, pain evident on his features. “No don’t say that sweetheart this is all on me, and I’m so sorry but she gets me, we are the same in age and our pasts are similar, your too young, you had your whole life ahead of you, and I was wrong to get involved with you, it was a mistake” he explained. “Right” your jeered “ A mistake” your heart was broken, you had nothing left now, you’d lost your dad, your best friend and now Joel. “Thats your best excuse huh?” You exclaim “Look I saved your ass, coz let’s face it your next to useless out there, you’d be walker food if you didn’t have me, but you are my responsibility and for your dad I will continue to look out for you, but that’s all I can give you now” he answered.
With that you stormed into your room slamming the door, before falling onto the ground as sobs wrecked through you, while Joel was left stood static in the kitchen. After your tears had all but dried on your face and you had gained some self control, you stood up and grabbed your bag aggressively shoving everything you owned into it.
Once packed you waited until you heard Joel’s soft snores, then you left quietly out of the front door, out of the apartment block and snuck through the walls of the QZ.
That was two months ago now, you’d learned pretty quick how to protect yourself. You had too, your life now depended on survival skills, there was no one left to watch your back. You’d killed countless walkers by this point, Joel had taught you before to always go for the head. Your walker killing skills had most definitely improved, and when a heard came you quickly climbed a tree, where you’d wait patiently for it to pass.
It was almost dark now, a soft moon glow was casting through the trees. What did they call it ‘blue hour’ the twilight period where the sun had sunk enough that it casted a blue haze. You found a large tree with a vast amount of thick branches higher up, this would be your bunk for the night. You clambered up as high as you could, finding a suitable perch and wrapping a rope around you and the trunk, securing yourself safely in place while you slept. You pulled your tarp out of your bag, using it like a blanket covering yourself from the elements, once you were happy with your position you closed your eyes, letting sleep overcome you.
You awoke to bickering voices, getting louder the closer they came. Looking up you realised the sun was relatively high in the sky, indicating it was at least late morning. Untying yourself slowly and as quietly as you could possibly muster, you gathered up your belongings and peered over the edge of the branch. You saw two men approaching, one with short curly hair, scruffy beard and a sherif hat perched on his head. The other had shaggy brown hair that just passed his ears, face adorned with stubble. He was shorter than the man with the sherif hat, he had a crossbow attached to his back, and he appeared to be peeved by the sherif dude.
“All I’m saying is if you gave them a chance they may surprise you, just because they were part of the governor’s group, doesn’t make them bad people, just scared people” the one with the hat reasoned.
“That dun mean I gotta be their friend now does it” the archer replied.
Just as the sherif went to reply a small branch you were holding snapped, loud crack echoing through the tree’s. “Shit!” You gasp quickly grabbing another before you fell to a splattered end. Both men pull out their weapons at an impressive speed pointing them in your general direction, “Come out now! Slowly” the sherif guy shouted. “Umm that may be hard” you meekly replied. “Why!” He demanded. “I’m kinda up the tree” they both looked up, the archer spotting your form and pointing to show the sherif. “I’m only armed with a knife and I’m alone, if you promise not to fire at me I’ll come down” you reply.
“Ok” the sherif replied pointing in gun downwards towards the ground, the archer though kept his crossbow aimed at you, clearly not trusting you. Taking a deep breath you started a slow, calculated decent down the tree, before dropping to the ground and raising your hands in surrender. You let out a squeak as they were on you in an instant, patting you down searching for any weapons, finding the one machete knife you claimed you had, and a pocket knife in your bag.
“Where yer from? And why were yer up the tree?” The archer challenged. They both glared at you expectantly “Uh I’m from Texas, I’ve been travelling by myself for a couple of months now. And I sleep up trees for my own safety, I don’t fancy being mauled to death in my sleep by walkers” you sassed back. The sherif smirked at your answer, “what’s your name?” He asked. “Y/N my names y/n” you reply.
He exchanged a look with the archer who nodded back. “If you want somewhere safe to stay, we have a small community close by. But you have to answer three questions truthfully” he communicated.
You thought for a second, what alternatives did you have really? You were tired, lonely and will be close to starvation if you carry on like this much longer. “Ok, but promise your not serial killers or something” you stammered. He huffed out a laugh, “No not serial killers, but we will however stop at nothing to protect our family” he affirmed. “Ok” you noted.
“Ok then, how many walkers have you killed?” He asks
“Too many to count, over 40 at least” you ponder.
“Ok, how many people have you killed?” He continues.
You look down in shame before answering “One”
“Why?” He responded.
“He tried to …” you trail off tears filling your eyes. “He tried to force himself on me, I fought him, shoved him hard and he fell back, hit his head, I didn’t mean too! I just panicked” you stammer out, getting visibly more upset. To your surprise the archer came over and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Hey it’s ok, no one shud have ta go thru that” he voiced. “I’m Daryl, n’ this is Rick” he introduced them both. You nodded, “Did I pass?” You ask. “Yeah” Rick replied “Follow us”.
Six months pass in a blur, you followed them back to a prison with huge double iron walls. You settled in quickly making fast friends with Daryl, he opened up to you, told you about his past and his abusive father, about his brother Merle who he’d lost not long before finding you. You’d told him about your Dad and about Joel, eventually in great detail not leaving out any of the things he did to send you running off on your own.
He’d been so angry when you did, it was the dead of night, the prison silent. He pulled you in close on the bottom bunk of your cell, whispering into your hair how you deserved so much better, how special you were, how much of an idiot Joel was for ever letting you go. He placed a kiss to your forehead, and it was in that moment you realised how deeply you’d fallen for the archer. He was your saviour, your heart and the one thing that tethered you to the world now.
One rainy night a storm was raging outside. Everyone was holed up in the safety of the prison, trying to get some sleep as thunder rumbled through the halls. You were snuggled into Daryl’s side, his hand tracing patterns over your back.
“Your my reason now Daryl, my reason for living in this fucked up world. You make everyday worth it” you’d confessed. He’d turned to you in disbelief, where did this come from and how could someone so wonderful, so brave and amazing as you, just profess that to him. Astonished he searched your face, looking for any chance of a lie but he found nothing but sincerity.
So he swallowed any doubts he had, shuffling onto his right side, his eyes still bearing into yours, he traced your jaw so carefully with his thumb, before leaning in and placing his lips on yours. The kiss was so gentle, as if he was worried he would break you. Snaking your arms around him as you pulled him in closer, wanting to feel the weight of his body on yours and deepening the kiss. The hand cupping your jaw finds your hand, entwining your fingers and moving it down beside your head. Daryl moved his body to lay over yours resting on one forearm, his other hand still closed around yours, you open your mouth, tongue swiping over his lips asking for access, which he grants hesitantly caressing his tongue with yours. You let out a small moan starting to roll your hips against his, your spare hand sliding under the front of his shirt and tracing his chest. Daryl heaves in a breath, pulling away from your lips to rest his forehead against yours.
“I’ve not dun this before” he breathes, now hiding his face in your neck, embarrassment creeping in. “What do you mean?” You ask confused. He lifts his head again “I mean this” he gestures between the two of you, “I’ve neva had a relationship, neva been intimate like this, I mean Merle tried when we wer younger, paid sum girl to sleep with me, sum druggies sister, she was older than me, I felt uncomfortable when she tried to touch me nd I dunno I panicked n left. That’s when Merle started callin me Darylina, callin me a pussy, I neva tried again” Daryl confessed, waiting for your reaction, rejection maybe.
But it never came, you just hugged him tighter again “Oh Daryl” you whispered, kissing the side of his head. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We can take this a slow as you want.” You continued, stroking the hair from his face. He looked you in the eyes again, fingertips stroking your cheeks. “I love yer” he drawled, eyes filled with emotion “I love you too”.
He kissed you again more passionately than the last, more confident with his actions now, Hands roughly cupping your face as he pulled you into him. Pulling away from your lips he starts peppering open mouthed kisses down your throat, then tugging up the bottom of your shirt. Getting the hint you pull the worn material over your head leaving your top half bare. He pauses then staring at you in awe, before gently stroking a thumb down the side of your breast, then leaning in taking your nipple into his mouth, running his tongue over the bud and gently sucking. Leaning back again he mumbles “These are amazin’” massaging both in his palms. You let out a small giggle between moans “Well they are all yours” pausing then reaffirming “I’m all yours Daryl”.
“I’m all yers too sunshine” he replies, muffled by his lips mouthing into your neck. Getting up he takes a step back, pulling his own shirt off over his head and pushing his pants down, causing you to eagerly do the same. As soon as your both bare he crawls back over you, catching your lips with his own once more.
You take his hand and gently guide it down your stomach to your wet folds, nudging him to touch you, and letting out a strangled moan when he obliges gathering your slick and rubbing your clit. It’s clumsy and miscalculated but he’s gentle and patient, and eventually he gets it right causing you to let out pleasured gasps. You stroke down his stomach grasping his hard member, sporadically moving your hand up and down watching his reactions carefully, ready to stop if he looks at all uncomfortable. But when he throws this head back and lets out a low moan, you know your good to carry on.
Wrapping your other arm around his back you pull him into you, guiding his cock to your soaked pussy “I need you” you whimper, raising you hips to rub yourself against him. “Shit” he curses “I dun know how long I’ll last” he admits, cheeks turning pink. “That’s ok baby we have the rest of our lives to practice, and I don’t think I’ll last long either” you reply. Nodding he takes himself in his hand before nudging his tip at your entrance, he places his forehead against yours and pushes in, bottoming out in one slow thrust.
“Fuck you feel soo good” he groans before pulling part way out and slamming forward again, causing you to scream out. Daryl hastily puts his hand over your mouth “Geez woman, be quiet you’ll wake everyone up”. You mumble an apology against his hand as he starts rolling his hips into you again, letting out small gasps in your ear, the hand he’s supporting his weight on lovingly cards through your hair and he nuzzles his nose against your cheek.
His pace picks up and you start feeling that familiar tingling in your core, you move your hand down and frantically start rubbing your clit, after a few more hard thrusts he has you cumming hard, core fluttering around his cock, your head thrown back in pleasure. His pace becomes sloppy, his soft pants turning into whines before he quickly pulls out, stilling with a groan as he paints your stomach with his spend.
He kisses you slow and deep, fingers carefully caressing your side. You smile up at him lovingly as he collapses on the small bed beside you, your both still panting trying to catch your breath. Daryl turns to you “That wer amazin, your amazin” he breathed, you hum “It really was, I love you” “I love you too sunshine”.
3 years later
You’d been through so much, the family you’d all created had been through so much. In the space of less than a year, the prison fell thanks to the governor and you were all split up, you made new family members on the road.
Then more than half of you arrived at terminus which lead to an impromptu rescue mission, together with carol you both saved them all, throwing yourself at Daryl after thinking you’d lost him forever. You later found Alexandria as well as hilltop, two communities who welcomed you in, and you all created a life again finally feeling safe.
Until you made an enemy of a man called Negan, he killed Glen and Abraham, then took Daryl as a prisoner. Those weeks were the most miserable of your life, you couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat and your mind haunted you of all the what if’s. When he arrived back at hilltop pulling you into his arms he asked you the most important and easiest question of your life”
“Marry me” he pleaded, holding your face in his hands, blue eyes filled with tears. His heart at peace for the first time in weeks.
“Yes, yes I’ll marry you Daryl”
He pulled you against his chest, burying his nose into your hair, you were together again and that’s all that mattered, even if war was on the way.
Negan was stopped, his community fell and he was held as a prisoner in Alexandria’s prison, where he still sat to this day. Apparently showing everyone that change can happen, that the killing of humans needed to end. You’d lost people though, friends, family, it was an awful fight and one you hope never to encounter again.
Another peace offering was this notion, one to connect every community together with a bridge. It would make travelling quicker and safer, the building of this bridge was currently underway you, Daryl and Rick were overseeing the project.
Your husband was currently hammering down planks, while you were going over plans with Rick.
“We need more workers Rick, they are working themselves silly, is there any give on the saviours yet?” You asked.
“No carols been working on them, tryin to convince them, but it ain’t working’ yet” Rick sighs.
“But your right, this can’t continue” he vented, before walking off to check on the progress.
Rolling up the plans you theorise that this bridge will never get completed, no one is getting on and the saviours that are here are causing nothing but issues. While you were pondering you hear desperate footsteps charging towards you. One of the younger citizens of hilltop, she looks panicked “There’s a small heard coming this way, I saw them from the watch tower! Aaron’s got a team out there cutting down trees, the coms are down and I don’t know what to do!” She pleaded.
“Ok don’t worry I’ve got it, I’ll take a group out to deal with it” you reply, giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder.
You throw on your baseball cap to shield you from that blazing sun and jog over to find Michone, “There’s a small heard on the way over and Aaron’s teams out there” you relay. “Ok let’s get going then” she urged. Gathering a group of able fighters you make your way in the direction of the heard.
After joining you guys at the prison Michone had taught you to how to use a Samurai sword, an art you’d skilfully mastered now over years of practice. You’d stollen another one from terminus’s artillery stock years back, and you haven't parted with it since.
Tying a bandana over the bottom half of your face, you breathe in a slow calculated breath calming yourself before running towards the heard, slicing the heads off the walkers with exact precision along side Michone. While the others shoot arrows and stab machete's into their skulls, working together you clear the walkers quickly. Unknowingly being observed by a small group of people from the tree line, once the walkers were all cleared the group emerge making their presence known.
Snapping up your eyes meet those of a young girl, about Carl’s age she looks at you with wide eyes, glancing at your sword. You lower your weapon, and Michone speaks first “Who are you?” She demands “Umm I’m Ellie” the girl replies shakily, a broad man is by her side in a flash, pulling her behind him protectively. It’s then you look up meeting deep brown eyes you recognise instantly “Joel??” You stammer.
“Do I know ya?” Joel asks his tone warning.
You let out comical laugh, of course he doesn’t recognise you, he’d moved on before you even left. Although your hair was shorter now, cut into a long bob to ensure walkers and enemies couldn’t grab it. Your body was more muscular, toned by the years of fighting. And you were less feeble, your demeanour had changed.
This will be fun you thought before removing your baseball cap and your bandana, Joel lets out a low gasp “y/n?”
“Yeah it’s me, how many of you are there? And do you have a community?” You ask voice unwavering.
“Woah, hold on there darlin’ the last time I saw you was nearly four years ago, and you snuck out of our home while I was asleep! And I never heard from you again! I thought you were dead!” Joel exclaimed
“Well sorry to disappoint, now answer the damn question!” You demand.
Joel gawps at you astounded, Michone smirks proudly, she knows who Joel is, she’s your best friend after all. You’d told her everything it’s why you asked her to teach you, so you’d never be weak and defenceless again. “There’s just us four, me and Ellie, and we met Chris and Ellen here on the road a few weeks back” he answers.
The girl named Ellie is watching the exchange, eyes narrowed trying to get a hold on what was going on.
“Right follow us, we have a safe camp close by. There’s food and water, your welcome to both and a safe bed for the night” Michone cuts in, obviously realising the tension rising between Joel and yourself. You nod along with her before hastily walking back towards camp. Joel staggers trying to catch you up, “y/n! Hey stop please” Joel pleads, you blatantly ignore him, still stomping your way to camp like a petulant child. As he goes to grab your wrist a lone walker stumbles out of the trees, taking Joel by surprise. But you instinctively jump in front of him slicing the head in half, allowing it to fall to the floor with a thud. Then once again picking up your pace, one destination in your mind, Daryl.
“Jesus y/n” Joel mumbles, before trying to catch up to you again, “Look can we talk please?” He asks desperation laced in his voice. “You can talk as we walk” you snapped. All you wanted right now was to be in Daryl’s comforting arms, all that tension would wash away.
You'd be able to think straight again.
“Ok I’ll take what I can get, what I did to you wasn’t right I know that, but running off like that? That was beyond reckless, I couldn’t sleep for weeks! I was worried sick, you have no idea how immobilising that was!”
“It’s called guilt Joel” you deadpan
“I’m alive and well, I have a family now one we all created together in Georgia. People who love me and protect me, as I do back for them. So you can leave that guilt behind now because I’m fine” you summarised.
“I can see that…. You’ve changed” Joel sighed.
“Yeah well I needed too, it was you who said and I quote “you are useless out there, without you I’d be walker food” sound about right?” You ask.
“I didn’t mean that sweetheart I was upset in that moment, I always knew you could handle yourself” Joel implored.
This stops you in your tracks, you turn to him anger cursing through you “You were upset?” You laugh out voice like venom.
“You cheated on me Joel, I was just trying to be there for you, I know you’d gone through a lot but I was there for you, and you tossed me aside like I was nothing!” you cried.
“I didn’t” he whispers
“Didn’t what?” You ask
“Cheat on you, I didn’t, I asked Tess to spray me with her perfume she was only a friend, I knew you deserved better, I was dragging you down, I knew you needed to move on, find someone your age, less broken. I wanted you to still have a life! I knew you wouldn’t move on unless you thought somethin’ had happened between me and Tess, I was wrong I regret that night so much darlin’” he explains, tears rolling down his cheeks. He hastily wipes them away with the back of his hand, as Ellie approaches.
“Everything ok Joel?” She asks carefully
“Yeah” Joel replies meekly.
He wraps an arm around her and ruffles her hair, you felt happy for him to get that chance to be a dad again, he was a good dad.
By the time you reached camp your head was in complete turmoil, you were still angry and hurt but now it was for different reasons. How dare he take your choices away from you like that, he didn’t get to decide that you deserved better. But you did find better didn’t you, a man who loves you wholeheartedly. A man who had never once hurt you, who never made you feel like a burden or unwanted.
Your eyes searched for your archer in the sea of people, when they landed on him he was ruffing with the kids, laughing as they chased him. You stood for a minute admiring him as he scooped up Judith, swinging her around before handing her to Carl. He looked up his ocean blue eyes meeting yours, then he’s jogging towards you smile gracing his features. “Heard ther wer sum walkers? You ok?” He asks checking you over “Yeah I’m good, we took care of it” he nods, hands cupping your face before placing a tender kiss to your forehead. “We found some stragglers, brought them back for food and rest, Michone will decide after that if they can stay” you explain “Joel is with them” you confess, he stills then “As in the Joel?” He asks “Yup, the Joel, it’s ok I think. I’ve said my bit, he won’t be here long” you reply.
Daryl looks over towards the newcomers his eyes meet Joel’s, who’s already watching Daryl’s and yours exchange. “Guess I’d betta go introduce myself then huh” Daryl all but growled. You smirk to yourself, you’d never seen this jealous protective side of him before, you gesture for him to go for it, and watch as he walks over.
Reaching his hand out to shake Joel’s, Daryl introduces himself “Hey I’m Daryl y/n��s husband, I’ve herd a lot bout ya” Joel hesitantly shakes his hand “Joel” he replies stoic as ever. “Well I jus wanted to thank ya” Daryl continues small smile on his lips. “Thank me?” Joel asks visibly confused, “Yeah for messin up so badly, for givin me the chance to meet her, and show her how she shud be loved, she’s the best thing I’ve eva had in mah life, and I am thankful every day for her, so yeah thank you” with that Daryl walks off back towards you, leaving Joel watching after you once again, realising how much he had lost when he gave you up.
Pulling you into his side as Daryl walks you to where Rick and the rest of your family is organising the next steps of the project, Michone gives you a side hug and Rick looks up “You ok?” He asks big brother protectiveness coming out, “Yeah I’m good, I have my family” you smile, Carol chimes in with “You sure?” Nodding you think to yourself how lucky you are to have these guys, your hand finds Daryl’s, and your arm loops around Michone. “Yeah I’m really good”
You knew these new emotions would be hard to navigate, but you had those who loved you right here.
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agent-oo-z · 2 months
Alright gaymers time for more BG3 companion headcanons! This time featuring my beloved Atavia!
Potential spoilers below, you’ve been warned!
Still no Minthara, I failed to rescue her during Atavia’s run
Ultimate nature nerd buddies. Atavia and Halsin love just going full autism mode and discussing the nuances of plant identification/creature behavior/etc for hours on end.
Once Atavia and Halsin become a “thing” they are almost annoyingly in love. Constant pet names, lots of physical contact, getting distracted by each other. Astarion teases them about it relentlessly, not out of jealousy though. He’s not immune to envy but he trusts his partners to be open and honest and does his best to do the same.
Halsin and Astarion are less stereotypically lovey dovey with each other but only because Astarion shows his love by being a menace. He teases and makes jokes and gets all sarcastic. Halsin usually responds with sincerity, not because he doesn’t get it but because he enjoys the challenge of getting Astarion flustered. It doesn’t take long for the pair to develop a sixth sense about what’s going too far.
Turns out having two(eventually three!) people who are willing to dedicate themselves to you heart and soul can be overwhelming, even when you want it more than anything. Astarion develops a “non sexual safe word” for moments when he needs to be left alone/given space. He usually only needs a moment to recenter.
Astarion ends up working with the society of brilliance and the Gur to study vampirism and search for a cure. Some of the spawn in the underdark volunteer to help test theories and potential cures. This involves everything from finding out what types of fabric/materials can be used to prevent sunlight from damaging their skin to studying potential non blood food sources. Astarion mostly works with his partners to search for artifacts like sunwalker rings and magical/alchemical cures.
Astarion is good with kids. Once he has time to rest and begin healing from his two centuries of trauma he finds that children don’t annoy/upset him as much anymore. Yenna lives with Halsin at moonrise and is especially fond of him, the pair often play together when he’s visiting.
Quickest way to his heart is to compliment his cooking. And not just “wow this is good!” compliments. The type that shows you actually noticed things like the unique seasonings or the plating.
Because he doesn’t divulge much about his personal life to his students and fellow professors he accidentally ends up the center of a minor scandal. Astarion makes a surprise appearance on campus during a stormy day to deliver Gale’s lunch(which he left at home) and kisses him in front of his morning class. Atavia had done the same on multiple occasions but was out of town at the time, so the students thought Gale was having an affair. Eventually another professor confronted Gale when Atavia surprised him at work(she had gotten home from her trip early) and Tavi just burst out laughing while Gale desperately tried to explain the situation. The next day Astarion and Tavi deliver his lunch together to put the rumors to bed.
Gale develops a whole host of modified and new spells after becoming a professor. This includes spells that allow for the indefinite storage and preservation of food(including blood), spells that allow individuals with sunlight sensitivity to go outside for up to 4 hours at a time during the day, and enchantments that can be applied to collars and armor that allow animals to speak with people. He also publishes certain spells anonymously, not exactly out of embarrassment but because he’s uncertain how it might impact his career. Basically all of them are modified spells for sexual encounters.
After deciding to break his pact with Mizora, Wyll procures the prosthetic eye Volo has. He continues to use the sending stone eye up until he and Karlach enter the hells after the death of the netherbrain. Given he is no longer working for the cambion he “swaps” eyes and tosses the sending stone eye as far as he can.
He waits to propose to Karlach until about a month after her engine is stabilized. They’d been dating for a while at that point, but he didn’t want her to feel like she had to agree because he had helped with her engine. He also wanted time to prepare a proper elaborate fancy proposal because she deserves it. She says yes before he can even finish asking, he’s not even fully on one knee before she practically throws herself at him in a massive embrace.
When Tavi complements his skills as a ranger at the reunion party he almost explodes with joy. She’s one of the best ranger he’s worked with(the other being THE Minsc) so it truly means a lot.
One of the few people that Tavi isn’t romantically involved with who is allowed to be super physical with her. Tavi isn’t opposed to friendly hugs and the like, but doesn’t do well with extended touch from those she’s not with. Karlach is just such a giant cuddly teddy bear that somehow Tavi doesn’t mind. She doesn’t even fully understand it herself. If Halsin or Astarion weren’t wrapped around her at camp it was Karlach in their place.
Once she’s able to permanently return to the material plane, Karlach becomes a legendary hero in her own right. She often joins her former companions when they go out on grand quests.
Karlach is called “Auntie Karlach” by the various offspring of the Tavi-cule. She’s the favorite of all the companions when it comes to baby sitting(at least for the children.) She loves kids of all ages, but especially enjoys spending time with those between the approximate ages of 7 to 10.
Lae’zel eventually introduces her companions to Xan, the hatchling rescued from the crèche in the ruined monastery. Xan is just as fascinated by the material plane as his adopted mother was, and is delighted to interact with Tavi’s familiars and companion animals.
After the defeat of Vlaakith Lae’zel and Xan move in with Shadowheart. It was originally supposed to be just until Lae’zel could find her own place but turns out Shadowheart and Lae’zel are in fact very much in love still. Xan now has two moms.
Tavi helps Lae’zel learn about the courting practices of the sword coast so she can make her intentions clear to Shadowheart(and not at all because Lae’zel doesn’t want to fight her because the idea of causing her harm is deeply distressing) Lae’zel and Shadowheart do end up romantically sparring eventually, but it’s far less intense than standard Gith fighting.
Before Lae’zel moves in, Shadowheart is a bit of a hermit. She makes time to visit her companions but otherwise spends her days tending to her animals and her gardens in relative solitude.
During her first visit to Waterdeep she joins the Tavi-cule for dinner. She ends up staying over because of how late into the night the conversation goes. The next morning she learns about Gale’s Modified Silence spell when joking that based on how disheveled Tavi looks she’s surprised she didn’t hear them. She asks Gale to make her some scrolls to take home, and encourages him to consider publishing them under a pseudonym.
Shadowheart and Astarion love to gossip. During the absolute adventure they would sneak away and chat in elvish to avoid being heard, and post adventure they keep up a correspondence. When they get together in person they can spend hours talking about the latest gossip while enjoying some good wine and snacks.
When Atavia is pregnant with her first child, Jaheira visits to give her advice and guidance. Most of it consists of “here’s how to not kill a baby” and “here are safe ways to manage your symptoms during and after pregnancy”. She helps Atavia and her partners set up a nursery in Gale’s tower because Tavi is worried about it looking nice while still being safe. She serves as a sort of safety auditor. Jaheira is also the “god mother” of all of the Tavi-cule children. She accepts on the condition she is never called anything like “granny.”
Jaheira often joins Tavi and Astarion(and whoever else is with them) when they go out searching for artifacts. She’s with them when they get their hands on a real sunwalker ring, the first time they find evidence of a cure for vampirism, and when they finally get their hands on the last thing needed for said cure. They start to jokingly call her a good luck charm.
She continues to work with the Harpers on and off. Geraldus is one of the few Harpers she genuinely enjoys working with and the two become good friends over time.
Minsc is eventually able to communicate half decent information about the vampire cures Boo supposedly knows of. It’s one of those cures in particular that the Tavi-cule is able to find evidence of and actually create. And it works! Astarion complains about being indebted to a hamster, but privately thanks Minsc and Boo. Tavi is beside herself with pride for managing to pull it off despite the language barrier.
Minsc will randomly appear on the doorsteps of the various party members with no warning. He usually only stays for a day and rarely spends the night, but he always comes with unbelievable tales of his most recents adventures. He always makes an effort to visit after any of the party members have major life events to offer his support/congratulations/etc.
Atavia keeps a stash of Boo’s favorite treats on her person at all times. You never know when you’ll run into Minsc and she never wants to be caught unprepared.
BONUS: The Creatures
Scratch goes to live with Alfira and Larkissa after the death of the netherbrain. Atavia makes an effort to stop by and say hello whenever she’s visiting the gate.
Owlbear Cub
Once the owlbear cub moves to the grove Atavia makes sure to bring some fancy smoked meats when she and Astarion visit to spend time with Halsin. She loves to curl up and nap with him under the sun.
Taking the form of a cat in the eyes of all but the former adventuring party and their loved ones, Us ends up living at Gale’s tower. Tara and Morena eventually allow it to join their tea parties. It doesn’t drink any tea of course.
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calmasyoghurt · 12 days
Back for day 2 of joker out pride project. Before this chapter begins I want to do an extra disclaimer. I’m writing Kris as trans (ftm) in this fic. But Kris doesn’t know that yet. Kris won’t know until day 7 or something. I’m not ftm, so if I write something that would not happen, then please let me know how I can change it.
Anyways, chapter 2 below and on my ao3.
June 2nd, promt 4. Queer people exist?
Kris is not like the other girls in her class. Kris wears shorts instead of skirts in the summer. She plays football and tag instead of family and restaurant during recess. She plays guitar instead of clarinet, flute, or piano. Kris doesn't want to be like the other girls. One time she asked her mum if she could cut her hair short like a boy. When she arrived at school the next day, the other girls started calling her a boy, and secretly it made her happy. She's always liked being called a boy. Not that she is one, of course she isn't.
But one of those people that thinks she's a boy stands out. Kris is 13, and is doing everything to hide the fact that her breasts started growing last year. When she enters her guitar teachers classroom, there's a boy sitting in one of the chairs with a guitar in his lap. Kris looks at the clock on the wall. She is five minutes early, but the class before hers should have ended ten minutes ago. So who is this boy, and what is he doing here? As if on queue, the boy starts speaking.
“Hey, I'm Jan. Apparently I'm here because we would sound good playing together or something”.
The teacher enters the room just as this Jan guy finishes his sentence. He, their teacher, says he would like to hear them play together just this once. When they do, it sounds amazing, and it's decided they'll have joint lessons from now on.
When the lesson is done Jan tries to start a conversation.
“Kris, huh? Is that short for anything? Let me guess, Kristoffer?”
Kris is sure he's joking because sure, she hasn't said that much during the lesson, but he must have heard she doesn't have a guy's voice.
“Uhm, no. It’s short for, well, Kristina” Kris answers.
“Huh. You sure?” Jan says and the confusion must be visible on Kris' face because then he says “Never mind. My bus doesn't leave for another hour, I'll buy you tea at the café”.
When, 15 minutes later, they're sitting at a café table with a mug each, Kris can't help to wonder if Jan has thought this as some kind of date. She hopes he hasn’t. But, once again, it's as if Jan can read Kris' mind, because not even a minute later, he starts speaking again.
“This isn't a date or anything, right? Like, we're just hanging out? As friends?” and Kris can see a bit of relief in Jan's face when she agrees with him. ”Good. To be honest, I did think you were a bit cute, but then you said you're a girl, and well… I'm gay, so that wouldn't have worked”. It takes Kris a moment to really hear what he's said. But then she starts blurting things out.
“Wait, you're gay? Wow, I would have never guessed. I mean, it's not really something you can tell, is it? But like… Okay, yeah, cool”. Kris can feel her cheeks heating up but luckily Jan only chuckles a bit.
“How… how did you know?” Kris then asks nervously.
“I don't know. Had a crush on my best friend. Did not have a crush on the prettiest girl in the school. Stuff like that”, Jan answers. Kris needs wants to know one more thing.
“But like, what if I had a crush on my friend, who's a guy, and then a while later, I maybe have a crush on the prettiest girl too? What does that mean?”. It's the first time Kris admits that her feelings towards Anja last year were anything but friendly.
“Maybe you're bi, dude. It means you like both”, Jan answers.
When Kris gets home a while later, there is so much to think about. That casual ‘dude’ that Jan had used, bisexuality, and the existence of young gay people. It's going to take a while to get used to things.
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 days
the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip. part four. south dakota.
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angst, comfort, friendship, & fluff for @hibatasblog rocket & wanda | part 4/7 | word count: 1864.
rocket and wanda get in a fight.
During a watch party for Avengers: Endgame on Twitter, Markus revealed the idea to team Wanda with the Guardian of the Galaxy captain actually made it into several versions of the film's script. "We had whole drafts with Wanda on a road trip with Rocket," Markus wrote, "but after the Vision plot in Infinity War, nothing we came up with was anything but wheel spinning for her character." CBR
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They don’t stop until Rapid City. Wanda looks like she might actually be ready for a nap — her firestorm-eyes somehow blunted by exhaustion — and Rocket himself could go for a few drinks, which is apparently not a thing you’re allowed to do if you’re in a moving vehicle in this corner of Terra. 
Stupid, he’d scoffed at the witch. M’not even the one working the frickin’ pod.
Car, she’d corrected mildly, and she still hadn’t let him have a drink. He’d thought about swiping some booze at one of the so-called rest-stops, but then he’d felt all twisted-up inside about sneaking a drink when it was clearly something she didn’t want him to do. In some ways, she reminds him of Gamora — too serious, carrying way too much for her skinny baldbody shoulders — and the thought of fucking around with her rules when she’s got so few of ‘em just makes him feel small and low.
Sometimes he misses the days when screwing with someone brought him twisted shreds of meanspirited joy. 
Time to be the captain, he thinks bitterly.
By the time they find a hotel with a vacancy that doesn’t look like a shithole — not that he minds shitholes, of course, they kinda feel like home to him; but Wanda’s muttering something about bedbugs and reminding him that Natasha’s paying  — well, by then, he’s a little worried he’s not gonna get a drink after all. There doesn’t seem to be a bar within reasonable walking distance — not that he can see. But when they check in, he can see from the corner of his eye that there’s a bar attached right to the frickin’ lobby, and he thinks maybe Terra doesn’t completely suck after all.
The witch is so exhausted that it actually doesn’t take long for her to drift off this time — at least, not by his standards. He can hear her heartbeat suddenly thumping her awake every few minutes for the first half-hour or so — but eventually, her stifled breaths of wakefulness spread out and smooth over. 
It’s not that he’s trying to sneak out. He hasn’t done that since — well, since Pete was around, and that was mostly just to fuck with an easily-annoyed Star-Lord. Really — and Rocket would never admit it if asked — he’s pretty sure that, like himself, the witch finds it easier to sleep when she’s not alone. 
So he putters around, quietly working on a series of tiny linked infrasonic mines made from some scraps he’d squirreled out of Nat’s sound system and a pocketful of things called earbuds he’d swiped at one of the fancier rest-stops. Once he’s sure Wanda’s asleep, he scrawls a note for her — hoping he’s remembering the written Terran language Pete had insisted on trying to teach the Guardians before everything went to hell. Rocket had picked up a fair amount of it, even if he’d pretended disinterest. 
He wishes he hadn’t been such a frickin’ dickhead about it.
witch -  goin to lobby bar. see you in mornin. r
He snags one of the access cards out of the flimsy paper envelope that the front desk had issued them, and carefully eases the door shut behind him. Currently, the plan is to let the poor witch sleep, and to get so wasted while she does it. He’s been sober for cycles now, and he frickin’ deserves it.
Down the hall he goes, whistling a jaunty tune, tail swinging casually behind him. On the way past the ice machine, the door of another room opens. Some baldbody woman looks out, then drops her eyes to his. She blinks, goes white, and closes the door right back up again. He shrugs — weird — and hops in the elevator. He ain’t a fan of the little crack between the floor of the hotel and the little metal box, dropping down countless stories to the basement below. Don’t Terrans know how to make any safe tech? He tries not to think about being in a deathtrap while he hits the button labeled G, which Wanda had explained was for ground floor. 
On four, the elevator pauses and a man nearly steps in before noticing Rocket. The interim captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy offers a friendly, nonthreatening mock salute. 
“Hey, guy.”
The man goes white, and steps back out of the elevator, suddenly gripping his messenger bag in front of his belly. Rocket frowns as the doors slide shut.
Terrans are so frickin’ weird, he thinks again.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open, and Rocket grins at the sight of the bar, with all its glass bottles reflecting molasses-brown shadows and amber light.
“Hello, gorgeous,” he murmurs, and strolls across the tiled floor and through the little entryway. The bar is nearly empty — perfect for penance-drinking. He leaps delicately onto a stool at the bar. “I’ll take the hardest thing you’ve got,” he tells the bartender — a slender humie with thick, darksilver hair. The man blinks at him, eyes growing wide and face turning to ash. “The whole bottle,” the captain clarifies, suddenly recalling that Terran humies tend to distill some of the weakest liquors in the galaxy.
“I — I don’t think I can do that,” the Terran says thinly. His eyes flicker over Rocket, ears to tailtip.
Rocket’s brow pleats. “Huh? Why not?”
“Uh,” the bartender says, eyes siding nervously to one side, “we don’t serve… pets at the bar…”
It takes a minute for Rocket to be sure he’s understood correctly. His lip peels back from his teeth and he catches himself at the start of a seething hiss when the man shrinks back.  
Terrans are just morons, Rocket reminds himself. You’re s’posed to be the captain now. Of the Guardians of the frickin’ Galaxy. A good guy. 
Hang onto your frickin’ temper.
“Dude,” he manages to grind out between sharp teeth. “I ain’t a frickin’ pet.” 
“Wild animal, then,” the bartender mumbles, eyes nearly as big as Mantis’ had been, but much less kind. It sends a spear of leaden regret right through the fucked-up, half-shredded muscle of Rocket’s heart. 
That chick with the antennae, he’d called her. Why’s he always gotta be such a dickhead?
For once, he tries not to turn that pain outward, even though it’s always so much easier. Still, he can’t help but feel his fists curl and his ears flick back, flattening against his skull. “How many wild animals do you know that talk?” he asks the humie behind the bar, trying to be reasonable. “I’m a frickin’ Guardian of the Galaxy. An honorary Avenger or whatever. I fought Thanos for you assholes.”
I lost my whole family for you.
The bartender begins backing away, palms raised in surrender. “Look, I don’t know anything about you being an Avenger, but if you’re not a service animal, I don’t think you can even be in the bar—“
Rocket feels his eyes go round and his spit go sour. The fur on his back and neck and arms splays wide, and his tail puffs to twice its normal size. “A. What?”
The bartender looks like he’s going to cry. “I don’t know, man! For all I know, you could be rabid—“
“I ain’t rabid,” Rocket snarls, rising to his feet on his barstool. “I get my frickin’ shots—“
“—and we don’t serve raccoons!”
His jaw clicks shut. The sharp electric-shock of the word burns every nerve and short-circuits his brain, and all he can think is how much he’d give up for Pete to call him that shit-name again.
“What’d you call me?” 
He launches himself over the bar and lands on the mirrored shelf behind it, spraying bottles across the narrow space while the Terran shrieks and cowers. Glass and booze explode against the tile while Rocket spins and hooks his hands into claws, ready to rend. 
“I’m gonna frickin’—“
He’s springing through the amber and blue shadows when strands of light, as glowing-crimson as his own warning-beacon eyes, loop around his waist and tug him back, suspending him in midair. He tears at the gossamer-fine threads, but they slip through his fingers like mist.
He bares his teeth and glares upward. 
The witch. 
She strides across the lobby, smudged and tired, her red-star eyes spiraling and spilling molten fire. Her hair’s all tangled from whatever brief sleep she’d gotten, and her face looks white and pinched and pained. She must’ve woken, some part of him notices — smothered under the heat of his fury, his lashing tail and kicking legs. She must’ve woken, and noticed he was gone, and seen his note.
She looks concerned.
The front desk staff flinches away from where they’d been watching the scene unfold in the bar.
“Rocket,” she says gently. “Stop.”
“I will, sweetheart,” Rocket promises earnestly, still twisting and tearing at her threads of power. “Swear I will. Just lemme take care of this one jackass first—“
“No,” she says, stepping up next to wear he’s suspended, her face just a few inches from his. Her magic pulls him gently over the bar, closer to herself. “He’s not worth it.” She looks around the lobby, and some distant part of Rocket wonders how such a volcanic stare can suddenly look so utterly cold and remote. Is his own eyeshine is picking up the reflection of her light and throwing it back at her? He can picture it: four firestorm-eyes lighting up the entire hotel lobby. 
“Nothing in this place is,” she adds icily, and the ends of her hair begin to flicker and float in a wind he can’t feel.  His instincts suddenly shudder and go still: the freeze element of a classic flight-or-fight reaction. Something deep under his fur acknowledges the pure threat of her. The witch’s voice is dark, and crackling with raw red lightning. Something at the base of his spine recognizes it as the most dangerous sound he’s ever heard, and his ears flatten in alarm, puffed tail suddenly tucking in against his inner calf.  The silk strands of magic lower Rocket gently until his feet rest on the surface of the bar, but they don’t release him — not yet. Never mind that he’s not fighting anymore.
“You are a fool,” she tells the bartender, turning her molten eyes toward the baldbody still cowering behind the bar. She lifts a hand to point at Rocket. “This person is more than just an Avenger. He has saved the entire galaxy — a number of times. In all likelihood, he has saved you. Personally.” Her eyes skim the weeping bartender disdainfully, then flick dismissively over the front desk staff and the two other patrons Rocket hadn’t even noticed, hiding near a potted tree that reminds him too much of a young Groot. 
“He’s no animal,” she tells them in that terrifying, midnight-voice. Honestly, Rocket wouldn’t blame any of them if they’d wet themselves. His own bladder suddenly wants to let go and it’s only his superior frickin’ aversion to embarrassment that keeps his body under control. 
“He deserves your deepest respect, and your deepest gratitude,” she tells them. Her eyes, still haloed in red radiance, hold onto the bartender.
“Now pour him a drink.”
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topaz-witch-tea · 9 months
Yanqing’s Happy Family AU: Yingxing’s Parenting
It’s been a while since I last posted something for Yanqing’s Happy Family AU. I took a much needed vacation from work so now I am a lot more energized and ready to write. Work and the fact that my free time is 9 PM - 12 PM makes it hard to write, which is why my work has a lot of typos. I try my best to catch all of them but some do slip through.
Please enjoy my head canons on Yingxing’s parenting. Please feel free to send me asks and messages, you can also send them anonymously if you wish. You can ask about head canons, current, or future works and anything that strikes your fancy. I am opening to answering most things. I hope to have a proper writing schedule set up for me so I can write more. My brain keeps cooking food but I can’t plate and serve them efficiently. 😂
1. Yingxing makes all of the swords Yanqing uses. From his main sword to the spares on his back and even the daggers he hides on his body, Yingxing forged all of them. This was his child after all, how could he let anyone else but the best make his son’s weapons and he was the Furnace Master, and therefore, the best. Improperly made weapons could decide life and death in the battlefield and he would be damned if the reason his child was buried before him was because of poorly made weaponry. He poured countless hours and funds into creating these weapons all to ensure that it was the best. Yanqing, in turn, shared his father’s love for swords and loved collecting them, especially ones his father made. Private auctions or competitions were the only way to get non-custom swords made by the Furnace Master and Yanqing competed in them constantly. Sure, he would spend his entire allowance for the next two weeks just to get his hand on a sword his father crafted completely out of jade, but it was absolutely stunning from a collector’s point-of-view and he simply could not let the opportunity pass him by.
2. Yanqing would collect the swords of other master’s as well, but he would never use them on the battlefield. Until one day, when a new craftsman who had transferred from the Yaoqing arrived on the Luofu. He was an expert in daggers infused with qi and Yanqing was absolutely smitten with them. So much so that he replaced the daggers Yingxing gave him with the qi-infused ones during an minor expedition. The expedition was successful and Yanqing was more than happy with his purchase. Yingxing, however, was not happy to hear he was been replaced with someone else. To him, swords were his and Yanqing’s thing, so to hear that Yanqing no longer carried his daggers but those of another craftsmen was a strike to his heart. He fretted over whether it was due to his skill as a craftsman or maybe the designs were not in style. He took this matter so personally that he had suddenly burst into tears right as he and his husbands were going to sleep. Of course, Yanqing got tired of the daggers in a week or so and returned to using the ones his father crafted for him. They just felt more comfortable and far more suited to his fighting style then anything else he could buy at the market.
3. Yingxing, out of the three, is by far the strictest. His success in life was due to self-discipline and perseverance, something he hopes to impart upon Yanqing. However, “strict” should be taken with a grain of salt. Yingxing will say no to Yanqing when it comes to certain purchases but a successful sword lesson or an excellent exam score is enough to make Yingxing open his wallet. He does try his best to teach Yanqing financial responsibility, but it’s hard for him to preach that when he was doing the same thing at Yanqing’s age.
4. Before every mission, Yingxing checks every weapon Yanqing is bringing with him to the battlefield. It doesn’t matter if Yanqing has polished and inspected each item the night before, Yingxing has to look at it. The sharpness and sturdiness of the blade, the quality of the sheath, even the way it is attached to Yanqing- everything has to be checked. While Yingxing will tell his son that it is for his safety, it is more for Yingxing’s own anxiety. There are times he is unable to follow his child onto the battlefield, and in those moments, his mind spins a thousand horrible scenarios of his child’s fate. To know that all of Yanqing’s weapons are in order is the only thing he can do as he waits for his child to return home.
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gurlwithluvx3 · 2 years
birthday sex | jjk
Pairing: boyfriend!jk x fem. reader
Summary: wanting to spoil your boyfriend on his special day, you do the best you can to make sure that he enjoys it.
Word count: ~2K
Genre/Warnings: starts out fluffy and leads to explicit smut [oral (m. receiving), multiple positions, unprotected sex (please protect yourselves irl), choking]
A/N: i literally spent the last 3 hours making this birthday smut fanfic. happy birthday to the loml x3
you wake up before your alarm, as you stretch out your arm towards the nightstand, looking for your phone to check the time. it’s 6:20am. your body is used to waking up at this time on a typical work day, but today is different. 
you set your phone back down as you try to get comfortable again, scooting your body to the other side of the bed until your body touches your boyfriend’s. 
your boyfriend isn’t even fazed, and honestly you’re not surprised. he can sleep through anything, including the 4 times you press snooze during the work week. 
you cuddle into his body, yearning for his warmth and close your eyes, in hopes to fall back asleep. but then your brain wakes you up and your eyes shoot open, suddenly remembering that today, in fact, is different. 
you lean back on your side of the bed and do a quick stretch before getting up. you try to be as quiet as possible, even though you know that even if you drop all the pots and pans in the kitchen, your darling boyfriend would still be knocked out. 
and so you take your time preparing for today. you’ve planned a couple of things for today and decided not to waste any time. as soon as you’ve gathered all the ingredients for breakfast, you hear something. 
you quietly head back to the bedroom to find your boyfriend sprawled on the bed. his naked upper half exposed and you can’t help but take this sight in. 
he looks so peaceful, so beautiful, so hot. you try to shake yourself off from more thoughts and basically force yourself to leave, but before you can fully step away you hear him mumbling. and so you pause and turn around. 
he’s still sound asleep as he lightly snores, but you decided to wait off for breakfast, considering it’s still hella early. nothing you’ve taken out for breakfast will easily spoil, so you go back to bed. 
as soon as your back hits the soft mattress, your boyfriend moves and for a quick second you think he might actually wake up. but he only switches positions in his sleep and begins his light snores once again. 
you can’t say that you’re upset because you want him to get all the rest he can, as he deserves it. but you do admit that you are a little upset, only because you’re suddenly yearning for him. 
you rest your chin on the palm of your hand as you watch your sleeping boyfriend. he’s laying on his back now, with one of his arms behind his head and his legs are spread out. your comforter is barely on him, meaning everything is out for you to enjoy. 
the more you stare, the hornier you become and you’re doing your best to resist the urge to do anything. but then again, why fight the urge? he deserves it since today is different. 
and slowly you remove the comforter so that it’s solely on your side and your boyfriend doesn’t move a muscle. you see that your boyfriend is exposed and completely naked and can’t help but drool. 
you move yourself towards the foot of the bed while still facing your boyfriend and can’t help but admire all that he is, and all that he has. 
you carefully place yourself in between his legs and sit yourself on your ankles, carefully mapping out what you want to do. but then you say fuck it and go straight for it. 
you lean in so that you’re met with his soft dick knowing exactly what exactly will happen. you’re careful to grab it before licking the tip. 
you look up to see that that didn’t even faze him and it stirs you up a little more. your other hand cups his balls as you begin to lick the tip a little more intensively. your boyfriend stirs in his sleep for a moment until you hear a little moan come from him. 
and that means that what you’re doing is working. and so one hand cups his balls, you begin to pump his soften length while your mouth focuses solely on the bulb. 
“mmm” you hear your boyfriend say from the top of the bed, as he’s careful to not hurt you as his legs move around the bed. your licks are now erratic and you feel his length begin to harden. 
“baby?” he says confused. “what are you doing? what time is it?” he says, trying to stay as calm as possible, until you lower yourself more onto his growing length, and he moans once more. 
“i’m spoiling you today” you say as you move away from his dick for a moment to talk. “happy birthday jeon jungkook” you say before you continue what you had initially started. 
he lets out a loud and long sigh as you do your best to wake him up in the best way possible. and now that he’s hard enough, you’re bobbing your head to take in more of his length. 
you’re so into giving your boyfriend the best birthday head he’ll ever receive that you don’t even notice his hands are now in your hair until you feel a slight pull. 
“fuck baby” he says as you bob your head at a more consistent pace. you’re using your hands now to heighten the moment and then he’s pulling on your hair a little more aggressively. he sits up and taps your shoulder. 
“i want you to ride me” he demands and all you can do is smirk. whatever birthday boy wants, is whatever birthday boy will get. 
you take off the robe you put on the moment you got out of bed and jungkook rubs his eyes, almost as if he was in disbelief. 
“is this new?” he says as he gently touches your new lingerie set. you nod as you move and step off the bed, to turn around and show off the new set you bought specifically for him. 
“do you like it?” you ask him and he nods and licks his lower lip. 
“i love it baby” he says as he pulls on one of the strings from this set. 
but suddenly, you wiggle yourself out of it and set yourself on top of your boyfriend. and all your boyfriend does is place his hands behind his head, adjusting the pillows behind him. you lean forward as your lips crash with one another. 
“happy birthday baby” you whisper and you feel his smile while you’re kissing him. 
you slowly begin to move your hips as you straddle over your boyfriend, but not exactly where you want to be. you stop kissing him on his lips as your lips find purchase on his cheek, then to his jaw, to his neck, and down to his chest. 
you then sit up and carefully adjust yourself so that his length is barely making contact with your folds. but you decide to tease him a little bit, so that his length is rubbing against your folds. 
and even though you were meant to tease your boyfriend, you realize you’re only teasing yourself. you make eye contact with him and he’s biting his lower lip. 
you lift yourself up a little so that you can grab his length and tease him a little more, making yourself moan in the process. he then places his hands on both sides and tries to push you down. you instantly look up and he’s only focused on where your two bodies become one. 
you slowly lower yourself onto him, making both of you moan in sheer pleasure. you start the pace slowly and steady, wanting to feel all of him. but then you begin to lose your patience and start moving at a faster pace. 
his hands move up your waist, when suddenly he grabs both of your hands and carefully places it on his chest, making you lean forward. 
you know he likes it when your boobs are pressed together as close as possible, and so you lean in a little more, moaning at the new angle. 
“fuck baby” he says as you continue to ride him. your pace is a little more relentless as you hear him grunting and moaning. and soon enough you’re bouncing a little more, making yourself feel him all the more. 
but then suddenly you’re growing a little tired and you know that he can tell. 
“lay on your back” he says as you’ve slowed down the pace and taps one of your legs. 
you move to one side of the bed and he’s quick to get on his feet. he grabs you by your ankles so that your ass is hanging on the edge of the bed. 
he lines his dick to your core, teasing your folds at first. but as soon as you lean on your elbows, he leans in and you feel him inside of you. 
“fuck” you can’t help but moan as your head crashes onto the mattress. seeing you like this only stirs him all the more. 
unlike you, who’s pace is slow and steady, your boyfriend’s pace is quick and rough. he first places his hands on one of your boobs, firmly squeezing it, but he immediately stops. 
“i’m not gonna last” he says out of nowhere. but before you even say anything he places that same hand on your core. 
he carefully finds your clit and begins to rub it with his thumb. you can’t help your moans at this point, almost reaching your own orgasm, when his pace quickens. 
“choke me” you blurt out of nowhere. nothing makes you cum faster than when he’s rough with you. you slap his hand that’s on your core and replace it with your own as his hand makes its way to your throat. 
he’s leaning more into you and you feel so much more of him inside of you. your own fingers are rubbing your clit at a relentless pace.
he’s careful when he chokes you, it’s rough enough to leave you a little breathless but also gentle enough to not hurt you. 
“fuck baby” you say and seconds later you come undone. the feeling of your walls clenching around his dick makes him cum seconds after you and you both ride your highs together as his pace is slowing down. 
he leans in to give you a kiss and you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck. 
“happy birthday baby” you say as you give him another kiss. you feel his bunny-like smile against your lips before he steps away and heads to the bathroom. 
You’re still laying on your back, trying to steady your breath when you realize what he’s about to do. he’s going to clean you both up. 
you’re quick to get on your feet and try to run after him. you meet him in the bathroom as he tries to pee. you make your way around him to turn on the water in the shower. 
“baby, hop in the shower when you’re done peeing. let me take care of you” you say as you check the temperature of the water. you look to make sure you both have towels. 
you step out of the bathroom to grab a hair tie and once you’re back in the bathroom, your boyfriend’s barely done peeing. you bend over forwards to tie your hair up and jungkook immediately looks up at you. he can’t hide his smirk now. 
you slap one of his butt cheeks as you pass him and step into the shower. 
“damn i wish it was my birthday everyday” he says before following you into the shower.
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 19 will be posted soon.
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Currently 18 chapters completed: 673.4K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 19 because there are only 21 days left until Buck and Eddie get married.
For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 18, here's a brief overview: Since Eddie had to work a 4/10 from Monday through Thursday, Buck and Chris went to the Diaz family's Thanksgiving celebration without him. After Helena was rude to Buck the Sunday before the holiday, he was completely nervous about the way everyone else would treat him too and he hoped he wouldn't end up standing in the backyard alone but Eddie reassured him the Diazes would love him. Also, Eddie, Buck, Adriana, Antonio and Sophia had a meeting with Helena the day after Thanksgiving and the proverbial $hit hit the fan.
Buck and Eddie will tie the knot before Christmas 2023 but they are NOT getting married in the U.S. and they won't have a wedding ceremony until May 2024. They've revealed their relationship, their engagement and the fact that they're going to Europe to their found family during the 118's Thanksgiving dinner and now to Eddie's parents, his sisters, his abuela and Tia Pepa but they didn't tell them everything. No one knows they're getting married in three weeks, not even Chris because they haven't told him yet.
Have they revealed their relationship, engagement and European vacation to everyone or is there someone else who'll find out in Chapter 19? 👀
Here's a snippet from Chapter 19 of Buck and Eddie being romantically fluffy while they're lying in bed.
He sits his phone down then he takes Eddie’s phone out of his hand and sits it next to his.  After he does, he kisses him on the cheek and whispers into his ear, “Babe… today is another “Diaz Day” and all you’ll be doing is studying for your exam.  It’s scheduled for tomorrow morning so you won’t be doing anything other than taking practice exams and reviewing scenario questions.  After we eat breakfast, me and Chris will clean the house and we’ll work together to make sure all his homework is done before he goes back to school tomorrow.  I’ll handle everything”.
“I love it when you give me “Diaz Days”.  He replies then he kisses Buck on the forehead.  After he lays his head back on the pillow, he asks, “Will I still get my “Diaz Days” after I’ve passed all my exams?”
“You certainly will but um… they’ll be different.”
He furrows his brow and asks, “How?”
“Well…”  He begins but he trails off as he starts walking his fingers up Eddie’s chest.
While maintaining eye contact, he moves his head a little closer, then he leans in and presses his lips against Eddie’s.  After he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, he opens for him and it quickly turns heated.  They start gasping, moaning and panting into each other’s mouths and as their tongues become tangled, Eddie wants to hear his fiancé make that high-pitched noise in the back of his throat that he loves to hear.  So he puts his right hand on the back of Buck’s neck and applies a little bit of pressure and he gets an immediate reaction because not only does Buck make the sound; he makes it twice.
They kiss for what seems like hours and after he breaks it, he talks against Eddie’s lips and admits, “For the rest of our lives, every day will be a “Diaz Day”… and you know what else?”
Eddie smiles and asks, “What?”
 “We’ll get to…”  He trails off and moves his head to the side so their cheeks are pressed together then he whispers, “faremo l’amore” into his ear.  After he says it, he pulls back and meets his eyes but he doesn’t translate it from Italian to English.
Eddie pouts.  “My love… you just said something else in Italian that you haven’t taught me yet.  Just like Friday night when you said “facciamo l’amore” and “fai l’amore con me”.  I know what amore means but what about…”
He doesn’t get to finish because Buck kisses him with so much desire and longing that it takes both of their breaths away.
What is Eddie going to do? 👀
Will he learn the meaning of those three Italian phrases before they leave for Italy? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Will he commit the new phrase to memory like he did the first two? 🙃
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant.  The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-18 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 19 will be posted soon.
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