#while sam is the opposite the very thing he's trying to avoid feels like how things were always meant to be
likeasaltedwound · 3 months
sometimes i think about how sam was always meant to outlive dean and how HARD he tried to change that. His big brother is dying of a heart attack, his big brother is dying of a car crash, his big brother is dying over and over on tuesday, his big brother is dying by the hellhounds, his big brother is dying by his hand, his big brother is dying in a barn and i just. fuck. your elder brother will always die first, that's the way it's supposed to go kid.
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maple-the-awesome · 2 months
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 33
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,712
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
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"You could at least try to be civil, you know."
Rolling his eyes is the only attention Bucky spares Sam, not that it helps his own case any. His lack of response and attempt at still pushing past the other man actually has the opposite effect, only adding fuel to the latter's annoyance which has been building ever since Madripoor.
Sam forces Bucky to stop against his outreached hand, "Are you really that upset over the whole Hollie thing to be acting like this?"
It's no surprise that he eventually found out about your 'little' argument back in Madripoor; it was pretty damn easy to put the pieces together after your sudden disinterest in confronting Nagel and Bucky's beyond sour mood. Clearly, he said something to piss you off during Sharon's party - likely even hurt you judging on the redness of your eyes Sam spotted this morning.
Bucky's shameless avoidance of you has already been picking at his nerves, although he can no longer stand turning a blind-eye to it. It's unwarranted, out of character, and above all childish - at least that's what he feels like saying right now, but he realizes anger won't solve anything, especially if coming from his mouth.
Maybe if Steve were here, expressing disappointment would cut deep enough to reach common sense, however Sam isn't Steve. He lacks any meaningful, nostalgic history to fall back on with Bucky or you, therefore any accusations on his part are more than likely to just be met with defensive responses. Instead, he needs to try the friendly approach.
Inhaling away his exasperation, he looks to Bucky with genuine concern, "...Alright,look: I don't understand what it's like to be in your guys' situation and I'm not going to pretend that I do, but obviously this game of giving the silent treatment is hurting both of you - you're hurting them...You can see that, right?"
Bucky dodges Sam's stare, hating the reminder his words serve as. Of course he knows your previous argument hurt you! He isn't stupid! ...Okay, maybe just a bit, but it's not like he meant to make you feel shitty back there! He just didn't want you in harm's way - not over something like the super soldier serum and not while in Madripoor.
Yes, there were better ways he could've asked you to stay behind. He fumbled the bag, and he wishes he could apologize for it - to clear things up so that you can, at the very least, be spared from taking any blame regarding this entire hole he's now dug under you both - however what's he exactly supposed to say? Is there even a nice way to cushion what he's truly thinking inside? What good would an apology be if it's promptly followed by telling the receiver he still doesn't want to be around them anymore?
"I know it's going to sound cliché and probably like some bullshit your counselor has already tried throwing at you, but I think if you could just sit down and talk to each other about how your feeling - be honest and get everything off your chest - it might -"
"- This doesn't involve you," Despite Sam's careful efforts, his interference only adds fuel to Bucky's internal fire exactly as he had tried to avoid. The super soldier easily shoves past his hand and stubbornly ascends the stairs, "The Dora Milaje want Zemo. I managed to buy us some time, but they're not going to wait forever."
"You're changing the subject -"
"- To something that matters. The fate of the world is at hand, Sam. Don't you think you should be more concerned with that than with me?" Bucky responds condescendingly, not allowing for any more objections before they're inside the safe house.
Not much has apparently happened in their absences. It didn't take Zemo long to get comfortable, having treated himself to a nice shower in the time that it took for Bucky and Sam to make their entrance. While the former goes to plop down on the couch alone, the latter joins you in the kitchen where, having been left unsupervised, you've taken the liberty of raiding each cupboard in search of the most expensive alcohol present.
"Wanna glass? Mendis Coconut Brandy~ Made from the nectar of a borassus flower then matured for ten years in wood casks," You make a show out of pouring yourself a generous amount, however your 'tempting' offer goes denied by Sam who takes a seat at the bar counter with a lack of amusement written all over his face.
"We need to figure out another plan of action. Not just sit here lounging around while getting drunk."
"This is how I get my neurons firing," You assert before shamelessly taking a long swig of your loot.
Aware of how difficult it would be to take alcohol away from a Stark, Sam elects to ignore your behavior in favor of getting on with business anyway, "Nagel was our best lead before someone killed him."
"Must we litigate what may or may not have happened?"
"It's not up for debate. You straight shot the man!"
"Might want to come up with that plan faster," You interrupt. With your brandy glass balanced in one hand and your phone in the other, you scroll through the latest relevant newsfeed, "Our little superhuman buddies just bombed a GRC supply depot."
"What?" Sam whips his attention back to you immediately, then asks more solemnly, "...What's the damage?"
"Three dead. Eleven injured; doesn't list conditions, but judging on these pictures, I wouldn't be too optimistic...They made some demands, plus a promise for more attacks if they aren't met."
"She's getting worse," Zemo points out rather nonchalantly while sauntering over, "Now I, for one, am still willing to see our efforts through. Are you?"
"She's just a kid..." Sam sighs with a shake of his head, yet this information falls short of presenting a proper argument.
"You're looking for something in her that isn't there and you're allowing it cloud your judgment. Karli Morgenthau is a supremacist," Zemo's quick to chastise, "You see, the very concept of a super soldier will always lead to trouble. It's that warped aspiration towards one's goals that led to the Nazis, to Ultron, to the Avengers -"
"- Hey, you're talking about our friends."
"The Avengers, not the Nazis."
You roll your eyes after Bucky's needless correction. At least he's finally found the balls to leave his social isolation long enough to partake in the discussion at hand, however he still does so while maintaining his physical distance, collapsed on the couch with a deadpan expression that lacks any meaningful engagement.
"Yeah, Karli might be radicalized, but that doesn't mean there can't be a peaceful way to stop her," Sam counters, although Zemo once again lets these words roll off his shoulders, remaining stubborn to his own stance.
"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals. Anyone with that serum is inherently on that path. She will stop at nothing and, worse yet, she'll continue to escalate until you eventually kill her...Assuming, of course, that she doesn't kill you first, God forbid."
"Yourview of things is too black and white," This rebuttal is made to sound as if you're pointing out the blatantly obvious which is enforced by your lack of eye contact as you swirl your alcohol in a jaded fashion, "It's like I said on the flight to Madripoor: corruption is always a risk where power makes someone feel that they're invincible to typical consequences which is why you have to be careful who you grant that power to. Steve was chosen to become the original super soldier. Those abilities - They didn't change his heart. He wanted to protect innocent people from a war spiraling out of control and he did just that while staying true to his nature."
"In other words, the serum never corrupted Steve," Bucky concludes proudly, almost amused to see how Zemo's unknowingly poked the hornet's nest through his accusations.
Fortunately for him, you're being civil right now, all things considered. Bucky hasn't forgotten your true temper and the passion you hold towards your work. One wrong step on Zemo's part - one ill-worded insult regarding Project Rebirth or the achievements it set out to make - and there's no doubt in his mind that you'll have your hands on that Sokovian bastard faster than Sam can stop you. Is it bad that he wants to see that happen? At least watching Zemo get his well-earned broken nose might make him feel a little better after such a bitter past few days.
"Touché," Zemo admits, before selecting a cookie from the bowl in front of him and looking back to you with his next opposition, "But there has never quite been another Steve Rogers, has there?"
"Not with that attitude, there won't be," You scoff, finishing your brandy then giving him a pointed glare, "What I'm trying to get at is: to assume corruption will always be the case with superhumans will only ever shoot down the possibility of there being a variation. Karli might not listen to reason, or maybe she will - we can't be sure until we try - but treating her like a lost cause from the gates will only promise her to become the very enemy you're concerned with."
"Perhaps you have a point, however what happens if she already is a lost cause, hmm? Are you willing to take that chance in the time that it takes for you to confirm her intentions - even at the possible risk of your own life and those of the innocent?"
You cross your arms with your weight leaning to one side, "For one, I'm not saying that we just rush in to make friendship bracelets with them. We can attempt a conversation while still being cautious. Second, aren't you the guy who got a bunch of innocent people killed just so that he could get back at the Avengers? Are you really going to stand here acting like you live on some moral high ground?"
"Maybe we should just give him to the Wakandans now," Bucky suggests, suddenly acting exhausted with his spectator role in all of this. This leads you to redirect your glare his way, addressing him directly for the first time since Sharon's party.
"Excellent idea. Why don't you escort him there and stay awhile? Wakanda is where you were happiest, after all."
Bucky doesn't risk eye contact for long, swiftly looking away to avoid the sting felt by your response and that mocked smile you wear which drips sarcasm. This would be an amazing opportunity for him to be less of a jerk and deny your accusation. All he has to say is that he didn't actually like Wakanda that much, he doesn't even have to add that he didn't like it because it kept you two apart...yet he keeps his mouth shut instead of saying a single word. 
Sam, tired of all this clashing, promptly rounds the conversation back to more pressing matters, "Alright, let's just assume we have a consensus here and agree to talking with Karli. It sounds like Donya Madani was a pillar of the community here, right? ...You know, when I was a kid, my TT passed away -"
"- Your TT?"
"...Yeah, my TT."
"You're 'TT'?"
"His aunt," You sigh at the back-and-forth.
"Thank you! When I was a kid, my aunt passed away and the entire community got together for this ceremony to celebrate her life - I swear, it lasted like a full week. Maybe they're doing something similar for Donya."
"We can use it as an opportunity to get more information on the Flag Smashers. Maybe even get an audience with Karli herself," You finish his trail of thought, "She likely wouldn't want to make a scene in front of anyone connected to her, so it might be our best shot at a civil conversation without her trying to bash in our skulls."
"Exactly!" Sam smiles, looking back to Bucky who shrugs in response.
"...It's worth a shot."
"Your TT would be proud of you," Zemo, having used your distraction to sort through the cupboards, turns to Sam and tosses a wrapped candy his way before dumping the rest of the container on the counter in front of you, "Turkish Delights. Irresistible." 
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Perhaps you've simply become biased after spending so many years in Europe, but you really must say, you admire the grand beauty behind European architecture even when worn down after many years of resident traffic. The buildings here in Latvia are no different in their ability to catch your eye, being much more deserving of your attention than the flashy neon lights that lined Madripoor.
Sadly, it seems your appreciation isn't universal. While you remain silent in your observations, Zemo is quick to voice his annoyance the moment your quartet steps foot in the courtyard of the refugee enclave, "Shame what's become of this place. When I was young, my family would come here for fabulous dinner parties. Although I knew nothing of politics back then, I recall it being beautiful. Now it is this..."
"I'm gonna take a look upstairs. See what you can find out down here - and keep an eye on him," Sam excuses himself almost immediately, not waiting for a reply before he's gone from sight. It's possible that he just wants a break from dealing with Zemo's nonsense, although he could also be trying to escape the tension between Bucky and you, too.
The first thing Sam did this morning was try questioning you on what happened at Sharon's party to which you simply replied that he should be asking Bucky instead. You weren't - and still aren't - in the mood to recap anyone else on your argument. You received basically zero sleep last night thinking about it, Bucky's words constantly playing on repeat in your mind:
"I think you should stay here while we go talk to Nagel ourselves."
"It wasn't a suggestion."
"...You're a liability if you go..."
Who does he think he is?! He's been making it perfectly clear since your confession that he wants absolutely nothing to do with you, but now he wants to play nanny - to act like he's oh-so concerned about your wellbeing? Pick a side, damnit! He either cares for you or he doesn't!
Just thinking about it gets you all riled up again, especially since you have yet to receive any kind of apology even after Sam confronted him, too - You know Sam must have because why else would he have waited outside for Bucky after reaching the safe house? Your theory could further be supported by their sulking that followed. Sam finally said something to Bucky himself, however even that had no success in making him grow the fuck up.
It seems your plan of giving Bucky space to process his feelings isn't working. Despite trying to keep your head low, you still manage to cause him grief while he insists on treating you like an asshole by playing this stupid back-and-forth game of 'do I, don't I'...Well, he's an adult, isn't he? You suppose he can make his own decisions on how to behave, but that doesn't mean you have to keep putting up with it yourself. Two can play at this game and you're done taking the nice route.
"I'll stay out of your way," Zemo promises, holding his hands up and taking a few steps away from you both. Whether he senses the tension as well or is simply being smart, you don't care.
You only bother to spare Bucky a glance - which is more of a less-than-amused glare that he mirrors - then turn your focus to the courtyard. There's lots of people going about their days here, none who show any of you much attention. If anything, it seems like they're trying to ignore your group between cautious glimpses; behavior that Bucky apparently fails to read as he walks right up to an older trio doing laundry. He attempts to awkwardly ask about Donya, yet as anyone could've predicted, they wordlessly turn their backs to him before gathering their belongings and walking off.
"Maybe if you actually smiled, you'd look more approachable," You make a point of noting smugly, all too satisfied to earn a frustrated grumble.
"Let's see you try then since you're such a people-person."
"I'm not a people-person. I just know how to work people," You hit back before eyeing the rest of the courtyard. There's more adults busying themselves with different projects, but chances are they're aware of the dangers outsiders might bring to their beliefs here, so it'll be harder to pry information out of them. Kids, however, have much smaller filters, and it just so happens that there's a young pair sitting alone at a fold-up table nearby. Perfect.
"Hey. May I see what you guys are drawing?" You ask kindly, inviting yourself to slowly take an open seat at the table with them. The little boy hesitates and looks to his sister who is equally wary of your presence, but he ultimately pushes his drawing towards you anyway. You gasp, gently turning it to get a good look, "Oh, this is beautiful! ...You drew this? ...You did? No way!"
The boy nods, his sheepish smile turning into a quiet giggle after your mocked disbelief.
"This is incredibly well detailed! It's a dog, right? ...Wow...You're waaay better at drawing than I am. I couldn't draw a dog to save my life. Whenever I try to, my nephew says it ends up looking more like a cow instead."
"Now that's someone who knows what they're doing," Zemo whispers to Bucky as they observe your efforts from afar. He isn't wrong. It doesn't take you many more compliments before the siblings are eagerly showing off each of their art pieces, even taking you up on your request for them to show you how to draw yourself.
To anyone else, it may seem like you're simply playing the long game, but Bucky can tell when your smile is genuine and when it isn't. Right now, it's definitely genuine. Just listen to the way you laugh at the siblings' jokes, and watch how your eyes sparkle in delight when triggered by their childish excitement. He imagines that this is what you were like when Tony was little...and what you would've been like had you had any children of your own. Maybe it isn't too late for you in that regard, yet that's quite the bittersweet pill to swallow.
Bucky finds himself inching closer to the table, his steps awkward and slow as if his feet are stuck in a giant glue trap. His presence immediately makes the siblings fall silent as they keep a fearful eye on him, however you're quick to reassure them with a careless shrug of your shoulders, "Oh, don't worry. That's just my friend, Bucky. I know he looks real scary, but he's harmless...Do you see his cool arm?"
"Well, he'll have to come over here and show it to you then," You wave him over, smirking at his reluctance.
"I don't -!"
Not accepting that answer, you stand and take his wrist in hand before leading him the extra few steps over to the table. There, you pull him down to kneel between you and the curious children who watch in awe after you slide his glove off to reveal the bright shine underneath.
"- Isn't that awesome? I mean, how many people do you know who have a metal arm like this, huh?"
Bucky keeps as steady as humanly possible, practically suffocating himself out of concern that one wrong move on his part will send these children off screaming. Pressing his lips together nervously, he watches like a hawk as they gather closer and brush their little fingers against the cold metal of his forearm with bouts of excited giggles. You, meanwhile, keep his hand in yours while eventually locking eyes, your smirk remaining as if to say 'this isn't so bad, now is it?'.
"Hisarm makes him really strong. He can lift a whole lot of cool stuff with it...Just like our friend Karli. Do you know her, too?" The siblings nod, too distracted by Bucky's arm to face you, "That's actually why we're here. We came to town for Miss. Donya's funeral, but we've gotten a little lost...Maybe you two could help us? Do you know where it's going to be?"
They consider your question while glancing between both Bucky and you timidly. After a second, the sister finally motions for you to lean in which you do, allowing her to whisper in your ear.
"...Thankyou. We really appreciate it - and thanks for your drawing lessons, too. Maybe now I can finally draw my nephew a proper dog," The siblings match your smile before happily returning to their doodles.
"For your occupation, you are pretty good with kids," Zemo compliments and it's only then that you realize he had technically been left unattended for a few minutes there. Thank goodness he didn't take the opportunity to slip away, having instead spent that brief time passing out candies to children playing around the courtyard. That must be why he stuffed his pockets with those Turkish delights earlier. It seems you had similar plans of befriending them in exchange for information.
"What can I say? I got a soft spot for 'em," You shrug casually while keeping a close eye on him as he gifts the two siblings with the remainder of his candy stash since they missed out earlier.
"So did she tell you where the funeral is?" Bucky asks rather impatiently in your opinion.
"Yeah, because I actually smiled to look friendly," You chide, barely looking over your shoulder to face him, "She gave me an address, but we still have some time before it starts, so might as well go back to the safe house and wait. I, personally, could use some lunch in the meantime."
"Might I recommend: there is a wonderful restaurant down the street that makes exquisite cold borscht and sorrel soup," Zemo pipes in, following you as you slip right past Bucky. Neither of you spare him any more attention than his pouting deserves, which may be petty, but as far as you're concerned, he can feel the burn of being ignored for once himself.
"Sounds great. Now let's find Sam and be on our way. Our work here won't finish itself."
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incesthemes · 25 days
One thing I find interesting is that Sam and Dean who are as we all know very open about their sex lives with each other…with one exception. (I’m only talking kripke era) Ruby. When Sam is telling Dean about him and Ruby getting together it is the only time in five seasons where Dean cuts Sam off not wanting to hear more. Ruby who is the only other character to call Sam “Sammy” and not be told “only he (Dean) can cal me that.”
Ruby is the biggest relationship other than John to impact the boys. She is the wedge, the only person to be jealous of. Sam can hookup with girls on hunts but only the once. This is more. And she knows all about how dangerous their lives are more so then they do at the time. Creating jealousy and suspicion. She takes care of Sam and that’s Deans job. She never hated his freak qualities encouraged them when Dean shamed them (out of fear).
She nurtures Sams most hated aspects of himself. But also when he feels the strongest. When he can use this curse to help people. If he helps enough people will it scrub his blood clean?
so okay i'm working on 7-month old memory with ruby because i'm still only on season 2 in my re-rewatch but let's compare ruby and meg (i feel inadequate because i have such extensive notes about meg now but nothing about ruby lol).
they both occupy the same narrative role: to influence sam down the path of his destiny. they flirt with him, get close to him, say what he wants to hear, all to bring sam closer to his fate. they do this through manipulation so that sam will embrace his path and stop running for it.
dean is the diametric opposition to sam's fate, (narratively) the only person in the world who can stop him. this goes the opposite way as well: their choices in the story are between their fate and their brother, and it's only by choosing their brother that they ever manage to avoid their destinies.
so what both meg and ruby do is pull sam away from dean. this is subtle, and they go about it in different ways. meg is aggressive and encourages sam to hate dean, turn away from him. this is an appropriate tactic given the context in which she meets sam, because he and dean are fighting and separated and she's trying to embolden sam to strike out on his own and leave dean behind.
ruby on the other hand can't use that same strategy. they've already entered into a codependent relationship when she shows up, and if the choice is between literally anything else and his brother, sam is going to choose his brother. so ruby uses that against him and becomes dean: and not just dean, but an idealized version of him. the problem, of course, is that this idealized version of dean is the version of dean which is enabling sam to pursue his fate. sam wants dean to accept him and love him warts and all, so ruby does that in dean's place—and that's the danger of it all. she makes his fate out to be desirable and alluring, using dean's voice all the while to seduce him. ruby is not dean: she's just using his likeness to blind sam and manipulate him into fulfilling his destiny. choosing ruby isn't the same as choosing dean, and therefore in choosing ruby sam is unable to avoid destiny.
by all accounts it makes sense for dean to hate her: he not only has legitimate reasons not to trust her, but she's also manipulating sam by impersonating him. she's trying to take his place, and obviously that is going to make his fear of abandonment flare up.
but on the other hand, dean reacts completely differently with meg, even though she too embodies dean's fear of abandonment and represents sam leaving him. instead of being repulsed by her, dean pressures sam to fuck her and even after they figure out she's bad news, dean continues to tease him about this fabricated love affair they had going on. dean's reaction here is understandable too—he's displacing his fear and sense of inadequacy via sexual commentary because he believes sam is going to leave him for a girl.
both reactions are understandable given dean's psyche, but what makes them different? my current assumption is that dean simply learned from meg's example. she was obviously deeply traumatizing to both sam and dean in different ways, and meg is also the origin of dean's firmly held belief that demons are liars. so he's not quick to trust ruby, and she doesn't give him many reasons to trust her, at least when put against her red flags. monsters (especially demons) are also generally repulsive to dean, exacerbated over the years of battling against their respective fates. dean is disgusted by ruby, so he wouldn't want to know what she and sam are up to in bed.
on the other hand, ruby comes to embody just how thin the tightrope sam's walking actually is. sam shouldn't trust her, and he doesn't at first, but this is his fate we're talking about here. she worms her way under his skin and convinces him it's all okay. dean is probably not so blindsided by her because this isn't his fate—he's not faced with the allure of this path the way sam is. his direction is different, and he's blinded in different ways that sam can see straight through just as well.
it's kind of like how dean is exempted from the revenge arc in season 1: he stands on the outside of the conflict because he is in fact its opposing force. where sam is blinded by his fate, dean can see things for what they are and (try to) guide him back to the family. sam does the same thing for dean too because as i said, choosing the brother over everything else is the only way for them to avoid their destinies.
so way too long story short i think that's probably why ruby disgusts dean so much: she disgusts him, and he can see past her facade because he's not drawn in by fate the way sam is. he has no reason to trust a demon and no extenuating circumstances that would sway him to consider it, either. ironically, this just fuels the conflict and drives the wedge between sam and dean deeper because ruby's manipulation is just so complete and so perfect. there was no correct choice: sam was doomed from the start and there was nothing dean could do to stop it.
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tachvintlogic · 2 years
I blame @madametamma and this post for the fact that I can't stop thinking about how Tucker and Sam can be written as such good foils for each other. I feel like I'm slowly turning into a Veggie Burger shipper.
I mean, the ship "The people who hate each other in the pilot get married in the finale" requires the characters to grow and change and learn to like and later love each other. It comes prepackaged with good character arcs.
Sam is passionate, stubborn, and ready to dive into a problem to make the world a better place. These are strengths and weaknesses, as she will often leap before she thinks and not take the time to understand complex problems she has little experience with, which can end up making the problem worse. She wants to change the world for the better but if she doesn't pace herself, she will overwhelmed by the sheer number of problems and divide her attention too thin to make an impact on any one of them.
Tucker is chill, funny, confident, and wants to enjoy life doing and learning about what he loves. These are strengths and weaknesses. He doesn't care about problems that don't affect him until they do. While Sam champions too many causes at once, he champions none. If forced to act he will thoroughly research an issue before acting. His confidence and vanity incline him to take better care of his own needs, but leave him vulnerable to ego-stroking.
The way they play off each other is great.
When Sam starts ranting about a new cause she only just learned about, Tucker is there on his pda or computer, learning the ins and outs of whatever Sam is going on about so he can go "Um, actually Sam, if you did some more research, you'd know it's more complicated than that..." and she's mad because Tucker is right; she didn't do the research. Tucker's mad too for trying to drag them all into something that's not their problem.
Over time, Sam learns to appreciate when Tucker fact checks her to stop her from making a fool of herself and her cause. And over time, Tucker can't help but admire Sam's dedication to improving the world and the lives of others regardless of if she herself has a personal stake in the matter.
I keep thinking back to this idea of Sam trying to get the school to make Yom Kippur a day off. It's a Jewish High Holiday where jews (like Sam) are expected to take a day of rest (aka no working), attend prayer services, and fast among other things. The fasting and the no working make homework assigned around the same time difficult or impossible.
Unlike her other causes, Sam has a very personal stake in this and is Jewish, so there's no fact checking for Tucker to do. Making Yom Kippur a day off or a strict no homework day also directly benefits him, as nothing breeds religious tolerance like a free day off.
This campaign hits him differently than the others. While she brings in the same level of passion as she does in all her causes, he is moved by how deeply important this cause is to her thanks to how personal it is, and comes to understand just how deeply, desperately, and sincerely she wants to make the world better.
And there are other moments. When Sam is overwhelmed by all the problems in the world and how difficult it is to be 100% eco-friendly (so many things are made of unrecyclable plastic that it's hard to avoid them all), it's Tucker who helps take her mind off it by insisting they all do something fun.
He's the one who points out to Sam and Danny that they can't do everything and need to take time for themselves. He would know; his mom's a doctor. Being overworked, underfed, dehydrated, and sleep-deprived helps no one and only causes you to make more mistakes.
And while Sam is vulnerable to manipulation by introducing her to a new cause, she is immune to manipulation by ego-stroking. In an upper class world, ego-stroking sets off alarm bells in her mind. For Tucker the opposite is true. They're perfectly suited to recognize when the other the being manipulated and point it out.
And of course, they bond by mutually supporting Danny in any way they can. From patching him up, helping him stay caught up in class, helping him in ghost fights, going on patrol, etc.
I can fucking see the progression play out.
In the beginning Sam is very argumentative about her causes and Tucker rolls his eyes and argues back with his latest research. Then the arguments get more playful. If there was any animosity in their tone before it's not there now. Then their conversations become more constructive; Sam asks Tucker for information and Tucker asks about her game plan. The discussion can't be framed as an argument anymore.
Danny picks up on this and suggests that they split up on patrols and Sam and Tucker should patrol together. Totally not suggesting it because he wants his two best friends to get together, of course not.
And it's an interesting parallel to Vlad and the Fenton parents.
We have 2 trios comprised of one half-ghost and one romantic pairing. Vlad couldn't handle being the 3rd wheel even though the other 2 in the trio cared about him a lot, so he turned evil. Meanwhile, Danny is supportive of their relationship and doesn't resent Tucker. He's just happy his friends are happy.
Unlike Vlad, he won't refuse to answer his friends' calls for 2 decades and come back to try to get Sam to leave Tucker for him. Danny has in his friends what Vlad doesn't because Vlad is resentful little bitch.
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avtracker · 3 months
friday, march 29, 2024
woke up at 9:30 am
shower at 9:45
i have work at 12, so im leaving around 11
10:08 in starting to get dressed and i’m thinking about what i want to do with my life, what i wanna create. i have a couple ideas (and one is in progress!) but all i know for sure is i feel like im born to be some kind of entertainer, in one way or another. thinking about the people i look (or looked) up to and recognizing that they’re like digital renaissance men; music, comedy, sketches, even podcasts or talk shows. i feel like i have a lot to say, but idk how to start or what to start with, which sounds weird to say but it’s how i feel. i should probably finish getting dressed now, i have work today.
i skipped class once again—it started at 10:10, lol. just no energy with the whole “school thing” ig. c’est la vie
(i just don’t like traditional school or traditional jobs; i wanna do something new and exciting and unique. i want to MAKE something of myself)
10:32 i just cleaned the kitchen and took out the trash. turns out the dish soap dispenser got knocked over and spilled all over the counter so i cleaned that. currently running the dishwasher and the dryer, too. there’s still some dishes in/next to the sink, so i hope my dad isn’t too upset. it’s just a couple cutting boards and knives (from all the cheese i’ve been eating) and a pan i haven’t washed yet lol
5:47p just got on discord with em, summarizing work rn: i felt very faint and almost passed out many times, due to not eating and only consuming a monster in the morning. but i had a lemon loaf and then got Cookout with my tip money otw home. chicken strips there are D-tier on god. i listened to Ride’s new album 2x already, going for listen #3 while we play civ v lol. it’s awesome
8:25p played some civ v with em and liam. i’m actually kinda sweating (from fear). liam’s trad/lib strat is going surprisingly well and im afraid he’ll nuke me lol. i think em has been playing strong too, overall im p worried. i did war liam briefly (didn’t kill anything) bc he converted Wittenberg to taoism (the fuck 😡 /j), so i hope he doesn’t harbor any resentment in this game. victory isn’t quite as close as id have hoped and there’s a lot of opposition (em and liam are genuinely good and capable players). i feel way better now that ive eaten; i have to remember to make breakfast tomorrow morning!!!
i have work tomorrow morning (9am). i’m gonna try to go to bed at a reasonable time (10p).
overall today has felt kinda good, apart from almost blacking out a bunch due to no food (lol). i didn’t feel very much sadness, just stress/dread about classes that i’m avoiding (which ik makes things worse but i can’t help it 😭). i’ll see my dad after work tomorrow so that’ll be refreshing; it’s been 2.5 weeks since he went abroad. having good food will be nice too, since he cooks at lot and i don’t cook well (cooking is stressful! i do like baking tho :D) i think i’m gonna try to track what i eat, too, in the new month
tomorrow i’m probably gonna play some terraria after spending time with my dad and then i want to work on some projects: my semi-secret infomercial-based project and maybe some music. i wanna finish the demo for this song about justin, and im gonna go visit my friend sam this summer and hopefully record a split with him and he’s gonna help me with the instrumentals for this song. i’ve been thinking about justin a lot,,, i miss him, or at least who he used to be. it sucks having a friend that totally betrays you and everything you are, yk? oh well, ig. cest la vie lol
i’d also like to do some reading this year. i wanna read Scythe (Neil Shusterman), Interesting Facts About Space (Emily Austin) i’ve been really wanting to read, as well as the classic Fallout: Equestria (Kkat)
- 8:40pm
0 notes
a-libra-writes · 3 years
GoT Imagines - When You're Engaged to Someone Else
Woooo this is a doozy and I'm including new characters, mostly book ones! because i both love my followers and have lost my marbles.
In this preference, you'll be pining with: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Mance Rayder, Eddison Tollett, Pre-Reek!Theon, Yara Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Jaquen H’Ghar, Petyr Baelish, Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Arianne Martell, Tyene Sand
Ned Stark
He’s already an expert in suffering in silence, so this should be no different. Although he’s very surprised at the sudden arrangement, and while he isn’t a man to throw his rank around… He wonders if he can’t convince your family to reconsider. If it’s simply impossible, Ned would resign himself to having to stop the relationship. He’s too honorable to ever consider an affair and he’s not a man to start a duel or cause trouble, especially since it would negatively affect your reputation. The heavy combination of missing you, pining after you all over again and feeling like he didn’t do enough is hard. Some days he entertains the idea of still having a friendship, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea. He doesn’t trust himself.
Robb Stark
The young wolf tries to accept it, even if his feelings become more and more angry each day. Robb never threw his name around, but… he was going to be Lord Stark. Wasn't that good enough for your family? For you? He tries to be the bigger man, but if you're miserable with your spouse and they don't treat you well, he can't keep his temper in check. Expect him to have a sudden outburst at a feast and cause a scene. The only thinking keeping him from an outright duel are his parents and his worry about your reputation. But if he was pushed to it….
Sansa Stark
She should've known this would happen. It's the fate of all ladies, yet there's a bitterness that tugs at her when she hears the news. Sansa tries to bury her feelings around others, but she's never done that with you. She expresses her disappointment and sorrow, and swears she'll help if your spouse turns out to be awful. She doesn't want them to be, but she doesn't want you beginning to prefer their company, either. She wonders if her affection for you would wane if she just pined from afar and tried to keep her feelings to herself.
Jon Snow
Ah yes, once again his bastardry is hitting him straight in the gut. Jon knew it was going to happen eventually, he already felt like the relationship was on a timer, and now it’s finally ended. He’s convinced there’s no getting out of it, because even if you did - you’d never be able to be with him in the open. It makes Jon glad he’s going to the Wall; hopefully the distance and cold will dull his feelings. In spite of that, sometimes he’ll tell Sam about you, and he speaks so mournfully it makes Sam think that distance hasn’t done all that much to help Jon’s pining.
Benjen Stark
He should be the bigger person and accept that this is for the best. He’s sworn to the Wall, and you two shouldn’t have been sneaking around. He should be relieved neither of you were caught. None of these thoughts are comforting. Ben tries to cope by making not-so-joking jokes about you running off to the Wall too, or perhaps he should take Yoren’s job and find his way to your court once in a blue moon. Then there’s no joking, and it’s just bitterness. He removes himself from your life after that, not wanting to hurt you with his own negative thoughts. He’d rather you keep the happy memories.
Jory Cassel
He accepts it, not that it brings him any pleasure. Jory's always been proud of his service to the Starks, but he's long understood that his landed seat is not a valuable one. Whenever he married, if he did, it wouldn't be someone as lovely as you. The announcement still hits him in the gut and he dejectedly tries to break it off (though it's easier on him if you do it). If he was in charge of guarding you, he'd switch shifts immediately and begin avoiding you, thinking it'll make things easier.
Eddison Tollett
This relationship already seemed too good to be true, so it’s abrupt end is not surprising. He’s sworn to the Wall and you both were sneaking around to begin with, so this should have been expected, but… it just makes him feel even more tired and dumb. Sam and Jon notice how little he sleeps and that he’s begun to skip meals, and he doesn’t have to explain why. They can do the math. Edd at least doesn’t try to bury any sad feelings or memories. It’s too exhausting to actively try, and it’s something to keep him company while he works. Maybe the feelings will fade… eventually.
Mance Rayder
It's one more reason for him to leave the "South" and go past the Wall. He knew a proper relationship with you wasn't possible because of his vows, but watching you go through this sham of an arranged marriage is just depressing. He'll comfort you best he can until he has to go back to the Wall, though he won't make promises he can't keep. Having to separate from you weighs heavy on him for a long time, and is one of many reasons he abandons the Watch.
Theon Greyjoy
What the hell is this? Hearing the news ruins his whole day, worse if he wasn’t able to hear it directly from you. He’s the heir to the Iron Islands, and his interest in you was clear as day! No, he hadn’t proposed yet… but he was getting to it! Now some mainlander beat him to it? Theon is absolutely seething. He’d prefer to duel your spouse to teach them a lesson in front of everyone, but he’s open to more boring methods like reasoning with your family. If he wasn’t able to change the engagement, he’d be bitter, and more than willing to carry on an affair behind your spouse’s back. He ought to just go the Ironborn route and kidnap you for himself.
Asha (Yara) Greyjoy
When you give her the news and you’re clearly distraught about it, Yara considers carrying you off to her ship right there. If you’re non-Ironborn, you’ll be her saltwife -- and if you’re Ironborn, she wants to have a discussion with whoever the hell planned this when everyone KNOWS you belong with her. You hadn’t expected this possessive behavior, but now you know Yara’s willing to fight for you as soon as someone takes you. No surprise, she’s more than willing to sneak around with you behind your husband’s back - maybe she can goad him into a duel. That would certainly solve a problem, wouldn’t it?
Victarion Greyjoy
He doesn’t understand at first. Victarion had made it clear that you were his, hadn’t everyone known that? No, he never made any sort of formal marriage, but not because he didn’t care. He felt like there was no need, hadn’t everyone known? If your family and spouse are Ironborn, he’ll immediately sail to their keep and raise all seven hells, and marry you right there in front of them. If you were sent away to the green lands, it would take the combined power of Balon, Yara and Aeron to keep him from sailing off immediately and just kidnapping you - preferably after killing your spouse. Victarion is pissed. Someone is going to pay for this.
Daenerys Targaryen
She’s just as mad at you as she is with whoever arranged this ridiculous match. Daenerys doesn’t often entertain arrogant thoughts, but… How could anyone think to match you with someone else, knowing your relationship with her? She feels she ought to be offended, though Daenerys knows this is hard on you as well, and you didn’t ask for it. She’ll think of some clever way to get you out of the arrangement, no way is this person getting away from stealing from her. And yes, that might as well be what it is! While she’s working out what to do, if she so much as hears murmurs of the possibility of your spouse hurting you… all bets are off. She’s taking you back with her, alliance be damned.
Jorah Mormont
The announcement of your engagement is a punch to his gut and a shock to his system. Jorah knew he wasn’t the best husband material, but he was planning to ask for your hand himself - then this happened. What’s worse, he knows as far as practical marriage goes, he has little to offer. He goes into a bit of a panic as he tries to think of what to do. There’s sensible choices, like trying to talk to your family with you. Then there’s not so sensible ones… Maybe running off, maybe just continuing the relationship behind your new spouse’s back, maybe dueling them… While Jorah is in emotional turmoil, he’d do anything for you. Even if you wanted to break off the relationship… or had a plan for him to follow. He’s nothing if not hopelessly devoted.
… Oh. Maybe she shouldn’t have expected you to stick around for so long. As close as she is to Daenerys, she really has no fancy titles or things to offer. She understood why your family chose the match, it was a good one, politically speaking… but that does little to soothe her. Quite the opposite, a strong, desolate feeling overcomes her, one she hasn’t felt in a long time. She isn’t sure what to do, if it’s her place to stop the process. Perhaps if you asked her, she could try to make plans. Daenerys would help as well, considering how fond she is of you two, and how much she despises women being forced into arrangements.
Grey Worm
The sudden news takes him off guard, and sends him into a bit of an existential crisis. He was starting to see himself as a person, with his own name and a path he chose to follow… then this arrangement happens, and he’s forced to face what the rest of the world sees him as. It’s not that Grey Worm has a sense of ownership over you, but for once he was allowing himself all these happy feelings and memories with you, and now it’s gone. Of course he wants you back, but he feels paralyzed. What if he makes it worse? Does this have to happen? He starts to become even more withdrawn and distant, worrying Missandei until she decides to help. Grey Worm finally returns to his old self when he has you in his arms again.
Tywin Lannister
His steady composure is hit with such a rage at the news, the servant delivering it goes into a panic. His interest in you was obvious, so anyone doing this was trying to spite him. He doesn’t take the insult well. Perhaps before you’re even able to tell him the news yourself, threats will be delivered to both the spouse’s family and your own - Tywin is especially furious towards them, and won’t forget this - and incidents will be arranged. He refuses to be a man who pines after someone or covets another one’s wife, nor will he allow some lesser lord to take what he perceives as ‘his’.
Tyrion Lannister
The angst hits him like a ton of bricks, and it’s even worse if this came out of left field. It hurts less if he hears it from you, but only just. He should have known your family wouldn’t have accept any proposal he made - and gods know he was ready to do it - it’s just one more log to fuel his self-loathing and bitterness toward this world. But if you knock some sense into him, he’ll snap out of that spiral and begin to plan with you. There’s plenty of choices before the two of you - scandal? Running off? - but rest assured, Tyrion is going to investigate the hell out of this person. He’d never forgive himself if you got stuck with a brute.
Jaime Lannister
The fact he knew this was inevitable doesn't help Jaime's irritation. He can't believe your family arranged for that person to marry you. Seriously? You'd better keep Jaime at a distance from your spouse, because he can't help himself from making snide remarks and sarcastic comments. If he riles up the guy into a duel, all the better. He'll do all sorts of reckless things to begin with, and it's only worse when he's upset. He's also very willing to have an affair behind your spouse's back - you were with him first. You’ll probably have to scold Jaime about you two almost getting caught, but he’s above reproach. His stubbornness and jealousy gets worse the closer you two are.
Cersei Lannister
She’s absolutely infuriated with your family. You were her handmaiden, someone whose been with her for years - and they have the nerve to go behind her back like this?! It smells like a scheme of Tyrion’s, or perhaps Varys, but she’ll deal with them in time. For now, she’ll work out what to do about your spouse. She’ll try to keep you around as much as possible, and her possessiveness comes out in full. You can’t possibly be interested in such a worthless man.
Sandor Clegane
When you tell Sandor, he’s quiet for a discerningly long time before the anger and arguments come out. And then the quiet bitterness. The thing is, he knew this was coming for a while. He knew your time together was limited, he shouldn’t have things like hopes and happiness because it’ll just get taken away. And it is. Even if you explain you’ll try to break off the arrangement, that there’s still a way to get out, he has trouble believing it. He’s seen enough ladies get chained to useless fucking lords, he’d rather not see it happen to someone he cares about, thanks. Sandor will push you away as much as he can, but you could still attempt to convince him to have an affair… or perhaps leave King’s Landing entirely.
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
He’s only mildly annoyed at the inconvenience. It’ll be a lot harder for you both to sneak around now, and forget about it if you’re having to move somewhere far away. Guess that’s the end of that ‘relationship’ - he should’ve expected it. Bronn is way more willing to stay close if you remain in King’s Landing, and he expects you both to keep fooling around. Now, if he’s actually started to develop feelings about you… he’ll start to act differently. You don’t actually like your spouse, do you? Wasn’t that just some arranged bullshit? He’ll throw smirks and subtle insults your spouse’s way, as if trying to goad them into a fight. More then once you two will almost get caught because he decides waltzing up to your window is totally acceptable, or trying to have a quickie in the middle of the day. A surprisingly jealous side will come out and he’s in total denial about any feelings he might have.
Jacquen H’ghar
This isn’t alarming to Jacquen at first. He knew he could never have such a union with you, and since this Westerosi society is so insistent on marriage, it would happen eventually. Still, your pain hurts him as well. Jacquen would have a variety of plans … anywhere from easily disguising as a guard or servant so he’s always beside you, or perhaps whisking you away somewhere. This isn’t the end of your relationship for him - it’s just a challenge to overcome. He assumes you won’t send him away or break it off.
Petyr Baelish
You being someone else’s wife makes no difference to Petyr, though he’s surprised in himself. Usually he stays out of such affairs, it only causes trouble… But he’s been intrigued by you, and quite frankly, he’s offended that this Lord Whoever from Wherever didn’t take his interest into account. No matter. Petyr has plenty of plans to deal with this pest, though he’s annoyed at his own jealousy whenever he sees you together with your spouse, even if you’re miserable. While he doesn’t want you unhappy, it certainly makes starting an affair and/or disposing of your spouse much easier.
Robert Baratheon
He’s furious and everyone is going to know about it. Robert will complain endlessly to Ned and Lord Arryn about how he found you first, how that useless shit of a husband won’t know what to do with you. Since he does little to hide his disgust, rumors will spread all over court. Hell, he’ll probably say even stupider things when he’s drunk, or he’ll do something stupider, like actually try to aggravate the guy into a fight or a duel. If you’re actually able to get him under control, he has no qualms about having an affair with you… but he may not be subtle about it. So that’s another thing to keep in mind.
Stannis Baratheon
It’s depressingly impressive how willing Stannis is to bury and deny his feelings once he hears you’re promised to someone else. He’ll try to extinguish all the happiness he had with you, bottle up all the memories and feelings that went along with it. This will be fine. He’ll be fine. This iron resolve is easy to maintain if Stannis rarely sees you. If you both are forced to interact even semi-often, it chips away at him, and he can’t help himself from making biting remarks about your spouse when you both visit. He hates feeling this way, he’s never felt it before, and he carries a deep grudge against your spouse and family for making it happen. It’s easier if you write to him, but then Stannis starts keeping those letters and punishing himself by reading them over and over. Eventually he stops entirely, deeming it inappropriate, even if that feels like cutting off one of his limbs.
Davos Seaworth
The old knight is understandably saddened by news of your betrothal and marriage, but it makes sense. Politics-wise, Davos believes he isn’t much of a prize, even when he’s risen to Lord. He should’ve expected this would happen. He’d wish you genuine happiness… But if you were miserable, Davos would feel awful and powerless. If you truly wanted to continue the relationship behind your spouse’s back, his biggest worry would be the secret getting out and your reputation being ruined. He wouldn’t be able to resist forever, but he’d still try to talk you out of it and try to convince you to forget about him.
Margaery Tyrell
She seeks you out the moment she finds out - and that was quickly, because she often keeps tabs on you. Her grandmother warned her about getting so close to her favorite, but it still comes as a terrible shock. Margaery holds you close and promises she’ll make it better, somehow. Maybe she and her grandmother can reason with her family, perhaps you can marry into the Tyrell family, so you both can be together. She’ll fix it, she swears. The thought of someone else being with you is terrible enough, she’ll be even more worried if the person is abusive. Margaery won’t stand for it, and might take a few rare risks for your sake.
Brynden Tully
This stirs up a lot of complicated feelings in the old knight. He knew his relationship with you wouldn’t last forever, that you’d have to marry eventually, and he never wanted to marry…. But he feels like this is his fault, especially if you’re miserable. He could’ve prevented this. Brynden knows he ought to break off the relationship, and he won’t blame you if you do… but he’ll also consider the idea of continuing the relationship. And if you have to go somewhere far away, he’ll still appreciate you sending letters and having a correspondence. The relationship may not be the same long-distance, but he cares a lot about you, and it hurts having you cut from his life.
Edmure Tully
Woe and misery. How much wine is in Riverrun’s stores? He may end up drinking a dent in it by the time the month is out. He almost didn’t believe the news until he heard it from several people, or just you directly. How could this happen? Wasn’t he courting you properly, taking all the steps just the right way? Wasn’t his interest obvious to anyone with eyes? Edmure approaches your family with a bit of a hot head, almost demanding an answer for why they chose whoever over … whoever your spouse is. Edmure doesn’t even care who it is, he hates their guts immediately. More likely than not, he’ll do something foolish, like start a duel. If all else fails, he’ll make sad eyes at you at all the feasts and galas and go into a bit of a depression.
Brienne of Tarth
Brienne is immediately distraught, but also believes she deserves it somehow. This happy relationship just had to come to an end, didn’t it? Well, you two had to be discreet about it to begin with, which didn’t please her … but this alternative feels worse. Brienne switches between trying to stay frosty to make it easier for you two to part, and being unable to hold back her affection and sadness. The best solution she can think of is to stay as your sworn sword, independent of your new husband’s house guards. And gods know, she will come at him with a vengeance if he even dares upset you or lay an unwanted hand on you. That means the relationship could continue, but she dislikes the secrecy even more when you’re married. While she doesn’t like the idea of running away from problems, maybe in certain circumstances, she’d be open to the idea…
Ramsay Bolton
Ramsay is irate, to say the least. Even if you don’t actually know him, you’ve just caught his eye, he’ll become possessive. If you both were romantic before the engagement news, his anger and possessiveness would be even more dangerous. Woe to your spouse if he lives close to the Dreadfort - leave it to Ramsay to think up some “accident” for them to be involved in. And if he finds out they’re involved in some sort of treason or crime, that’s all the better, no matter how flimsy the “crime” is. If he’s feeling especially reckless, he’ll just arrange their murder and take you back right away. Ramsay is a terrible loser, doubly so if it involves one of the few things he actually cares about.
Roose Bolton
On the outside he doesn’t react to the news beyond a silent glare. On the inside, Roose is furious. He had plans for you, plans that may have taken quite a while to get to this point, and now it’s been ruined by someone whose actively working against him… or too stupid to realize what a massive mistake they just made. Roose thinks up various ways to circumvent this and have you to himself. In the meantime, he’ll gladly continue an affair behind your spouse’s back, but that won’t necessarily save them from death. You’ll notice him become increasingly possessive and jealous, even if you have zero interest in your spouse, and you can sense he’ll be holding a deep grudge against whoever arranged this in the first place.
Oberyn Martell
As soon as he hears about the news, Doran has to talk him down from dueling the man…Half his daughters support it, the other half suggest something more subtle. Overyn feels insulted, for one - your affection for each other was obvious, yet your family still made this arrangement. And if he doesn’t get his duel, he will spread all sorts of unsavory, salacious rumors about your spouse, in hopes of creating a scandal that makes your family break the union. Or better, lead to the man dueling Oberyn directly! Oberyn doesn’t even consider continuing your relationship with him an “affair”. You both were together first, and a farce of a marriage you didn’t agree to won’t change that. You just have to make sure he can be discreet.
Doran Martell
While the news of your engagement is depressing, it isn't surprising. He's quite aware of the politics of Westeros, even if his own family doesn't believe it, and he had wind of this engagement. He just thought he could stop it in time. He hides his disappointment, but his family can tell he's withdrawing. Oberyn argues with his brother to go get you and fight, but Doran is a man of silent plans. He'll still love to correspond with you, and you can tell by his letters that he seems hopeful. Maybe he's thought of a way to break it off …
Arianne Martell
Well, isn’t this irksome? Arianne loved having you in her palace and keeping you all to herself, but then this foolish arranged marriage happened… She doesn’t hide her disdain, and she’s annoyed at herself for not doing more to stop it. The princess will spend no small amount of time being angry at the unfairness of it. Once she’s calmed, she doesn’t see why you both can’t continue the relationship behind closed doors. You’re both used to sneaking around, anyway. And Arianne can’t resist ferreting around for some salacious rumors about your spouse… Wouldn’t it be a shame if she found out something that led you to your family cutting the betrothal off?
Tyene Sand
She’s beyond annoyed at this outcome. You were her favorite, in more ways than one, and while she didn’t delude herself into thinking you’d be together forever… well, couldn’t you both have spent your days in court in service to the Martells, or perhaps left forever on a boat to Essos? Why did this have to happen so soon? She’s despondent, much as she tries to hide it, even with her sisters trying to comfort her. She begins to think of plans, just little things … a rumor here, a scheme there. She’ll feel much better if you remain in the Sunspear court, so she can stay close and your relationship can continue.
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
Ashens (Part 33)
Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Rating: M for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy and angry sex, heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
++ +
Full story here:
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IT didn't feel like things could get any better than it had, and you were right. It didn't.
You had been optimistic last time you stood inside the main Avengers tent. This time, you felt the exact opposite.
Steady rain pellets hit the roof of the dense and dark green tent. Inside, the solar powered lanterns seemed to glow brighter as it got progressively darker outside because of the on going storm. The lights were orange, bright, and soothing. The air around you started to feel more humid and tight, and you could smell the faint petrichor, a smell you used to once love.
You watched, frozen to the spot, as the people around you hushed about what would come next. You almost found that comical. Next? You were still trying to process the now.
Sam and Wanda stood off to the side talking to each other, worried looks on their faces. Wanda's gaze would occasionally drift onto you, her eyes filled with concerned and also a bit curious. You weren't too shocked. Just minutes before the word had already spread about your pregnancy and about you and Bucky.
Sam's, on the other hand, his focus was entirely on Bucky.
He looked hesitant. You wondered if the hesitancy was out of fear of getting too close to him.
Steve and Bruce stood next to Bucky, both of their attention solely on him and his hand that was wrapped in your scarf. The one you now remember him taking off of you back on the roof.
The two men were talking quietly, trying to discuss what would be the next few steps to take.
Bucky remained quiet, his skin had lost more color by the minute, and his blue eyes stayed on you.
When Steve and Bruce look at you and begin speaking, you don't listen.
Instead, you ignore them and you take a step closer to Bucky, your eyes staying on his unmoving. He takes one back, as if to protect you from him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You ask slowly and quietly, the disappointment in your voice very clear.
He lets out a quiet sigh.
"I had to make sure I got you all here safely. Without any distractions."
You frown.
"You were next to us for days. You were with us while you were sick, and you didn't even tell me." You add to your previous statement.
"I know. It was wrong of me to put you three in danger like that."
You scoff at that, angry.
"It's not about that!" You shout. You stare at each other for a few more seconds before your face softens. You continue softly and more quietly, "You told me goodbye before going into the wall, and if I had known you were sick — I'm not sure how it changes anything that happened, but it does. I'm not mad because you held me, and kissed me, and protected me selflessly," everyone looks at each other feeling bit uncomfortable at this intimate conversation, "I'm not mad at you for saving my life," your voice softens, "I'm mad you didn't tell me and that you let it manifest," you say the word like its venom on your tongue and like it tastes putrid, your face crumbling along with it, "I'm mad you stayed infected for going on four damn days when we had the cure next to us the whole time, avoiding any damage it could've done. Who knows what damage it has already done."
Bucky swallows thickly and looks away from you.
"Wait, you guys have the cure?" Steve asks, incredulously. Bucky lets out a sigh and Steve looks at him, "Bucky."
"There's a lot we need to brief you on —" Bucky looks over at Steve to his right.
Steve and everyone is in disbelief as they watch the both of you.
"Yes, we have it." You cut Bucky off, answering Steve. You keep your eyes on Bucky.
Bucky doesn't look too happy with you but you don't care.
He finally takes a step forward towards you, Steve and Bruce moving back and making room.
Bucky looks down at you.
"You have to stay calm." He says, voice thick.
"Stay calm? Stay calm!" you say I like it's the funniest thing you've ever heard, but your face remains serious and lack of any humor, "You have an ugly flesh eating disease in your arm that has wiped out already a great percentage of the human race. You've had it in you for the last few days. Stay calm?" Bucky says your name a few times before his metal hands cups your face. You hear Steve start to protest, to ask him to be careful but neither you or Bucky are afraid. You feel your face leaning into his touch. Your breathing slows down, "You're my boyfriend. I can't stay calm. Please tell me you get that."
Bucky lets out a soft sigh and his eyes drop down.
His hand does the same from your face.
"You're right, I'm sorry." He says.
You clench your teeth.
"We'll figure this out." You tell him.
"Bucky we need to be briefed now so we can quickly take care of you if you have this cure." Steve says urgently, "As fearless as you are right now, Y/N, I'm going to need Bucky to stay on this side of the tent and we can go over to the table."
You and Bucky stare at each other for a beat longer, and you know he wants you on the other side, too.
You nod.
Bucky stares at you for a second longer before finally looking over at his best friend.
"The stark tablet and the folder are in my backpack." Bucky tells Steve. He points over to the black bag near the entrance and Steve walks over to it. Everyone watches as he unzips the bag and pulls it out, "You'll see everything from start to finish. When we got there, she did the intel, she got the job at a club where Hydra members frequented, and inside you'll see a name Sylas and more information on him. After following him for a bit, we found they were doing a transaction, but we weren't sure what. After I followed them, I realized it was for a vial of some sort; still an experimental drug, and that there was someone sick inside the capitol."
Everyone's eyes shoot up at that.
"Inside?" Sam asks incredulously, worry in his brown eyes.
"Yes," Bucky answers, "So I followed them again. It was a kid that was sick. It was Ashens, the little boy we brought with us."
"Woah, hold on—" Steve starts.
"Let me continue," Bucky cuts him off. Everyone is still as Bucky takes in a deep breath, "Y/N, she got the job in the tower and I was going to zero in on the ring leader and get more information. During all this time, we scoped out the city, we got a pretty good map going, which you'll also find in the bag. Y/N was in the stairwell when she heard a conversation between Ashen, the ringleader—"
"Ashen or Ashens?" Sam asks.
"Ashen is the father and Ashens is the son." Bucky says quickly.
Sam makes a funny face.
"What a mess. Who thought of that one?" Sam adds, looking over at Wanda who shrugs.
"Anyway," Bucky continues. You watch as he sucks in a deep breath, his metal hand going towards his right arm as if he was in pain, "in the conversation," he continues, voice tense, "she overheard that Ashens had somehow been cured and they realized it was him. Whatever he already had in his blood was able to cure him. So Ashen and his wife had a fight. He was going to take the boy's blood, distribute it just to Hydra and then kill the boy so it no longer was available to anyone else. Obviously, we couldn't let them do that. So we made a plan."
"So you took the boy." Steve says.
"Yes." You answer.
"And I killed Ashen." He says loudly. Bucky's hard gaze goes to you and you swallow hard, "I had to," you feel your chest grow tight, "He was going to kill her."
"And Hydra knows it's the Avengers. They know Bucky is still alive. And the city, too." Steve says, running a hand through his hair.
"And those vials you said they had?" Bruce asks randomly as he takes a step forward closer to you. He looks between you, Bucky, and the backpack.
Bucky sighs as he looks down and you look at him too, interested.
"I went to go grab them before we left," that's why he had been on the roof, your eyes go down to the ground as he continues, "but they were already gone. I don't know if they took it somewhere or if they got rid of it. It very well could've been a bad batch. Maybe with his son's blood he didn't find it to be useful anymore? Who knows." He finishes quietly.
"This is bad, Bucky. They must know the rest of us are still out here and that we have a plan, or had a plan." Bruce says.
"Yes. Hydra is on full alert and the city is, too." Bucky responds, "I'm sorry, Steve."
"It's not your fault. Nobody could've planned for these change of plans." Steve says, honestly.
"We don't know how the people inside the city reacted. And the wife? They're going to be after you once they find Ashens' body." Sam says.
"Hydra we can take down," Bucky says harshly, "They can get fucked. They aren't our biggest threat in this anymore and we know it. Our biggest threat is this virus, their plan for world domination using the virus as an indirect weapon, and how badly they brainwashed some of the good people in there."
"The boy. How—how is his blood able to be a cure? It killed millions of people, but this child somehow has something nobody else did?" Bruce shakes his head to himself as he asks this.
Your eyes dart down as you shuffle your feet.
"We hadn't had a chance to sit down with him yet." You say.
"I mean he's a son of hydra agent," Bruce thinks out loud again, "Is it possible he was given something? Maybe he as a serum in him? I'm not going to think this boy got lucky because of lucky white blood cells."
Yours and Bucky's eyes meet again and you know your eyes are wide.
You hadn't thought of that.
"It's possible, yes." Bucky answers.
"We will have to ask him." Steve says.
"And how about Bucky? The boy is here with us, Bruce. You can help Ashens give him something right?" You ask.
Bruce's eyes were downcast and your stomach dropped.
Bruce pushes his glasses up his nose and he crosses his arms over his chest.
"It doesn't work like that. If what is the cure is the serum in his system, and it's somehow different than Bucky's, I can't just give him a blood transfusion. After taking some of the boy's blood, I need a lab, I need equipment, I need certain machines that we simply don't have here - miles into the woods in the middle of nowhere."
"Maybe my serum will work too." Bucky says, "Who knows, maybe this freaking out isn't even necessary?"
"No," you stay sternly, "We can't risk that. You're already looking worse than you did five minutes ago."
"My only option at that point would be to go back, then." Bucky says straight to the point.
"And I would come with you." Bruce says, "We'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."
You didn't like this one bit, but you knew there was no other choice.
+ + +
The rain still falls outside, and unlike the main tent, you didn't have a lantern in yours. Wanda said she was still getting your real tent ready and that she would even room with you to help guard you. Ashens was in another tent down the pathway where some younger adults were, fixing him something to eat. It had been Steve's idea.
It was quiet and tense as you sit on your cot, watching Bucky pace back and forth in front of one of the boxes that held some extra blankets.
You had both been like this for a few minutes. Bucky still looked sick, and now with you knowing his condition, he refused to get near you which you found ironic but understandable. Like he had said, he had done that so you wouldn't worry on the trip here. Now that you had all the liberty in the world to worry, he kept away from you.
You were shocked he even agreed to come into your tent.
You swallow thickly, your eyes going down to his hand that was still hidden behind layers of fabric.
"I'm coming with you." You say, voice tight and eyes uncertain. He stops and lets out a humorless laugh that bothers you. You suck in a sharp breath through your nose, "Bucky."
"No. You're not."
"I can't let you go back in there again without me. Please."
"No. It's too dangerous and you're pregnant. I want you here where our friends can watch you and take care of you. Wanda said she'd be by your side. It's not like I'll be gone for that long anyway. Only a few days. It's just until I take whatever it is into my bloodstream and then feel good enough to leave and come back."
"It's my fault. It's my fault you're sick.
"—It's my fault. If I hadn't ran, if I hadn't ran away that morning—"
"—He still would've been there. He still put our names up there in the sky like that and was still after us, and we still needed to go get Ashens. That wouldn't have changed anything."
You take in a deep breath and your gaze falls down to his feet.
You run the back of your sleeve under your nose.
"About that, I'm sorry I ran."
Bucky stops and takes in a deep breath. His eyes soften as he looks at you.
"It wasn't you. It was me, I have issues I need to work on."
You look up again and tilt your head at him, face crestfallen.
"And I need to have patience because of them. I shouldn't have freaked out like that. I should've known better. I need to know better. I will help you."
"We're okay now. I'll be okay. And you're okay. You're safe." He says to you.
You give him a short nod. Folding your legs over onto the cot, and with one hand on your belly, you gently lower yourself down until you are laying on your side, your head on the pillow.
"Don't you think it's weird he put our photo up like that? Why would Hydra want to let non-hydra people know an Avenger was in their city? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose? Sure, Hydra hates you guys, but the majority of the world do not. The good people would stand by your side in a heartbeat. That's the perfect recipe for a civil war inside of that place. Would they really believe you're a fugitive? Of course not."
Bucky's brows furrow.
"I mean I have a past—" he says quietly, but sudden curiosity coating his every word. You made a good argument.
"No," you cut him off abruptly, "I refuse to believe it makes sense. It doesn't make sense."
"I don't know." He clears his throat. You both stay like that quietly for a little bit more until Bucky speaks again, "Will seems nice. I like him."
You let out a short chuckle.
"He is." you say, smiling.
"Let him know I asked him to keep an eye on you while I'm away."
Your smile drops.
"I'm serious. He seems like a nice guy and after what you've told me about him, I trust he'd put your needs where they need to be."
"He is very kind."
Bucky gives you a soft smile.
"He's nice, but he's still a guy so just, ya know," He perks a suggestive eyebrow at you followed by a smirk.
You look at him confused and almost breaking into laughter.
"Ya know what? Do you think that he'll seduce me? Just because he has a penis?"
Bucky shakes his head at you.
"That's not funny." He says.
"I'm sorry. I was only kidding," you run your hands over your belly subconsciously, "We're just friends. You don't have to worry about that. He's like my brother."
"Trust me, I know. I trust you and I trust him. But straight guys will always be guys sometimes, and you're beautiful."
You give him a funny look.
"How do you even know he's straight?" You ask playfully.
Bucky raises a brow at you.
"Is he not straight?"
"He is."
He gives you a smile.
You bite your lip as you watch his gaze travel down your face.
"I love you, you know that right? I might not get a chance tomorrow morning to tell you again, so I just want you to remember that until I'm back." You had every reason to be terrified and afraid, but somehow you knew everything would be okay.
+ + +
A few minutes after Bucky said his goodbyes so he could get some rest and also, to keep him away from you as much as he could, you saw another shadow enter your tent.
You had been seconds away from a gentle sleep so it annoyed it at first.
"Will." You whisper gently, a small smile grazing your lips as you sit up on one arm.
"Hey," he gives you a smile and looks down at where you arm was still wrapped around your tummy, "it's okay, you don't have to get up," he says quietly before leaning down in front of you, "I'll come to you."
You chuckle lightly.
"Thanks, I am tired."
"I bet," he looks over your face, "you're a hero now."
"I wouldn't call myself that. You weren't there." You say, letting your tired eyes flutter close again.
Will frowns down at you, letting his right wrist lay over his bent knee that was grazing over your blanket.
"What happened over there?" You can hear the concern in his voice and it triggers certain feelings in you.
Defense, guilt, embarrassment, and love.
"It went exactly how you'd think." You say quietly, not knowing how to put it all into words.
Will bites his lip and looks down at the ground.
"So...an avenger boyfriend huh?" You smile, eyes opening to meet his when he looks back up. "Wasn't he always your favorite, too?" Will asks.
This makes you frown.
"What do you mean?"
He gives you a smirk.
"Let's not act like you never owned Avengers merch and a bunch of collectors pops including one of Bucky that you kept on that side table next to your bookshelf."
His statement leaves you on edge. He wasn't wrong, but there was something in the way he said it that bothered you.
"That was years ago." Is all you can think of saying to that.
"Yeah, but still."
You raise a brow at him.
"Will, what are you getting at?"
He mouth gaps open and he looks away.
"I'm not getting at anything, I just want to make sure that you're okay," he looks back at you, "You're my best friend. At least we were. You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"Will, I'm fine."
"I know you are," he says seriously, voice raising a little louder. His eyes soften, "I know you are," he repeats, "You just seem different is all. You changed."
"What do you mean? I'm still me."
"Are you?" You look away from him, "you used to be so much stronger. You met this guy only a few months ago and you already gave him everything, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just scared that maybe you're acting irrationally."
Your nose flares at him.
"I'm sorry that trying to live in a post apocalyptic world and falling in love in one too, made me seem more human to you." Will stares at you silently and at lost for words. You feel your throat tighten as you look behind him, "I think you should go."
"Y/N — I wasn't judging you. I care about you. You're my best friend —"
"But you're not mine, anymore. He is!" You say as find yourself sitting up on one arm. You watch as Will's face falls and you regret it instantly. Your eyes drop down to the bed. You hear Will clear his throat as he stands up.
"I just want to make sure he didn't break you. You come back changed? I get that. Things happen. New friendships, new loves, and new trusts happen. I'm not an idiot, I get that. But like I said, I'm not an idiot," you're right and you hate that he's right, "something happened out there that you guys aren't telling us. I'm sorry that I'm defensive over the fact that I'm scared that he may have treated you in a way you might have not deserved."
You feel heavy tears cloud your vision.
"You're acting like you were there with us, you're acting like you know something after looking at me for one second, Will. That's not fair. Why not just ask me instead of assuming these insane things that are a product of your imagination?"
"I'm not assuming anything," he looks at you like you're crazy, "You're overreacting. I'm simply asking you if everything about this is as organic and healthy as it's supposed to be," you hate that he keeps getting it right. He waits a few long seconds before starting again, "excuse me if this isn't my place, but you know you and I were close. I might not be your best friend anymore but I was, and I know you wouldn't just give your first time over to just anyone. You were strong as fuck and the strongest girl I know. You were the strongest person I know. So either you fell in love with him that fast or it was something else that made you cave, but I know it must've been a hell of a cave. I'm not asking this so I can go over there and punch the hell out of him. I'm just saying I'm your friend and you can confide in me. I know you."
You find your bottom lip trembling.
"Even if it was something that happened between us that might've not been how I planned it, you need to understand that that is between me and him," you look up to meet Will's eyes who are still soft and kind, "He's my boyfriend. He loves me and I love him and it is our relationship, and whatever happened between me and him is our business and not yours. I won't cross that boundary." You raise a brow at Will, "And to convinced you otherwise, no, I didn't just jump into bed with him because I was a Bucky Barnes fan. We fell in love in spite of that."
Will looks at you for a second longer before nodding.
"You know I care about you, right? I would never judge you," you do. You nod, looking away from him again, "I'm sorry if I came off that I was prying into something that wasn't my business. I didn't mean for it to seem like that. I just care. I'm sorry."
You sit up until your legs are crossed and you stretch your hand for a cup of water which he hands to you. When you're finished, he takes it back and puts it back on the cardboard box that has a burgundy blanket over it.
"I know you do. He was right," You say slowly. Yours and Wills eyes meet again and he looks at you confused, "He said you cared about me." You say quietly.
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
most to least likely to be possessive/a lil jealous in a relationship? <3
mtl likely to be possessive/jealous over their s/o; mcyt x reader
+ judged by their actions and general feelings on jealousy and being possessive
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corpse husband
karl jacobs
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when wilbur is jealous…. he is jealous. and he is not afraid of showing it. he’s not the type to beat another guy up about it (unless there’s a good reason to), but pays no mind in giving you some nice hickeys right then and there. you’re his - that’s it. if someone’s even a tad bit confused about that fact, he won’t hesitate to show them. doesn’t really grow any suspicions on his friends, because he trusts them and he trusts you, but if it’s a guy/girl he doesn't know? he’ll show you off even if there was 0 signs of flirting.
place on the jealousy scale: 9/10
place on the possessive scale: 10/10
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corpse husband:
corpse is a very possessive man. like, he will pull you to his side in an instant the second someone tries talking to you, kissing you right in front of them, and then say “wanna fuck in the back like we agreed to?” and then pretend like he only just noticed the guy/girl and give him a hateful “hey”. he gives no fucks when it comes to someone else trying to get all up in your business. even if it means you getting embarrassed and flushed. he will actually start shaking in anger if someone is so obviously flirting with you, yet you don't notice, and will point it out afterwards to you; “how could you not notice?”.
place on the jealousy scale: 7/10
place on the possessive scale: 10/10
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HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU. if someone tries hitting on you or winks at you or some shit, he will shut that bitch down. no one messes with you under his watch. he’ll step in the minute they tried talking to you; “was there something you wanted to say?” and if they answered back with a remark instead of just leaving, he’d throw hands, and he won’t stop till they've learnt to stay the fuck away from what isn't theirs. it doesn't happen often though, thank god. would be pouty after you told him not to beat people up while cleaning his wounds; “but you’re mine🥺”.
place on the jealousy scale: 8/10
place on the possessive scale: 7/10
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karl jacobs:
he is a pouty baby🥺 will get very jealous if you hang out with someone else even just five minutes longer than him. especially with his friends. he’ll be vocal about it and quite touchy. will come up to you from behind while you were talking to jimmy, rest his chin on your shoulder and wrap his arms around you. “when are you gonna pay attention to me again?” easily gets jealous, but he isn’t very possessive. he feels guilty if he tries being controlling of you - you can do what you want after all, it’s just not always he likes it.
place on the jealousy scale: 10/10
place on the possessive scale: 4/10
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he doesn't get jealous very easily, but he doesn't like when random guys talk to you. he won’t really show that he’s jealous with people he doesn't know, but would rather be really really quiet. would stand around and mope until he asked if you could leave. he can seem kinda intimidating with his silence, and it can be because he’s very angry, but really he just doesn't wanna lose you. that’s what he's really afraid of. if it’s one of his friends though, even sapnap or george, he’ll be like “back the fuck off!” but it wouldn't really be ‘serious’ because he knew they would never actually flirt with you. he can get pretty possessive though, whispering “you’re mine” in your ear after any events like this.
place on the jealousy scale: 6/10
place on the possessive scale: 8/10
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luke can get pretty jealous and pretty possessive, but it takes a while to rile him up enough for him to show it. if someone is flirting with you just to piss him off, it actually has the opposite effect on him - it doesn't piss him off at all. because he knows the person is just trying to get to him, what's the reason of getting mad? he knows you belong to him, so he has nothing to worry about. but if someone touches you? like sapnap, he will not be afraid to throw hands. that’s straight up harassment and he is not letting that happen. he’ll raise his voice and get all up in their face. can stay pretty mad afterwards and overthink things too much. generally though, he isn't much of a jealous type.
place on the jealousy scale: 7/10
place on the possessive scale: 7.5/10
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alex is more insecure than jealous. he starts thinking that any other guy could easily take you from him, and that he isn't deserving of you (even though he is just so wrong because it would actually be a treasure to be with him. mans needs to know😩). he’d need some uplifting after dealing with these thoughts - just some reminding that you’re his. worst case scenario, he’d give the guy/girl a death glare, but he wouldn't fight them or very obviously show them that you're his or anything like that. he’d rather keep his thoughts to himself.
place on the jealousy scale: 6.5/10
place on the possessive scale: 7/10
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I feel like george gets a lot more jealous than most people think he would. he can be pretty possessive at times, pulling at your hand or arm to drag you away from someone. “don't talk to them, talk to me.” he shows his jealousy pretty calmly and would never pick a fight with someone just because he’s feeling a lil’ jealous. all he needs to do is just tell you or give you a sign, and that’d usually be enough for him to feel all good again. he’s not afraid to blatantly roll his eyes in front of someone who’s flirting with you or come with a snarky remark if he has to.
place on the jealousy scale: 6/10
place on the possessive scale: 6.5/10
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skeppy can get jealous, but he tries to avoid it at all costs. it makes him feel sad to see someone else try to flirt with his s/o, when clearly you're not available. he doesn't like the thought of getting angry about other people’s actions though, so he’s just kinda left feeling sad about the whole thing instead. will definitely need some cuddles and reassuring afterwards just to get his mood up again, and he gets back on his feet pretty quick, because in the end he has no doubts that you’ll leave him. especially not for someone else.
place on the jealousy scale: 5/10
place on the possessive scale: 5/10
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he just looks like a sad little kitten. it has to be very obvious that someone is flirting with you for him to get jealous. and even then he doesn't act out about it - just stares and feels sad. will tell you afterwards that he doesn't like you talking to that person, only because they were very clearly trying to get to know you more than a friend. wouldn't think much of it afterwards because he trusts you enough to then stay away from that person before anything else happened.
place on the jealousy scale: 4.5/10
place on the possessive scale: 4/10
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like fundy, worst case is that he’ll be a little sad. but I don’t really see him as a jealous type, and definitely not as a possessive person. I just think that if you were to be in a situation where someone was trying badly to take you from him, he’d grow defensive and push the person away and tell you; “I didn't like how that guy/girl was talking to you :(”. he wouldn't expect you to stay away from the person if it was someone you knew well, but would just want you to be aware of them. but as I said, that was the worst case scenario. I think he’d get seriously jealous very rarely.
place on the jealousy scale: 4/10
place on the possessive scale: 2/10
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pffff. if you think some guy/girl talking to you is gonna get him mad, you're wrong. you talking to other people affects him in no way other than if you were getting a little too friendly. maybe then he’d feel one single spark of anger inside of him, but it isn't anything that’ll make him act out. the only time he’d really get upset is if you were the one flirting with someone (which you probably wouldn't unless you want to see this man upset, and in that case I don't want to talk to you😔), where he’d feel his heart sink and would honestly just walk away from the situation and feel betrayed. generally, he doesn't get very jealous.
place on the jealousy scale: 3/10
place on the possessive scale: 3.5/10
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sam just does not get jealous. he trusts you 100%, but of course he’ll shut someone down if they got a little close to you (tried to kiss you etc.) because that’s just not alright. he doesn't get mad or anything if that happens, at least if the person isn't aware that you're dating him, and even then, he’s sure his height will do the job to scare the person away. like, c’mon, mans is 6′7. don't tell me that isn't intimidating. anyways, he’s doesn't get jealous. if anything he just laughs it off or jokes around with getting jealous about something.
place on the jealousy scale: 2/10
place on the possessive scale: 3/10
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like sam, he just doesn't get jealous. you can hang out with anyone you want - he knows he’s the one you’ll be coming home to at the end of the day. he’s the one who gets to kiss you, hold you, touch you, so why spend time being jealous of others when he already has you? this is eret we’re talking about - he knows he’s better than all of those bitch boys out there. if they wanna fight, they can fight but like, he knows they’ll lose since they won't get you anyway. trust is key in a relationship😌
place on the jealousy scale: 0/10
place on the possessive scale: 0/10
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Merry Christmas, Bucky
Pairing: Nomad!Steve / Fem!Reader / Bucky (Stucky)
Words: 5114
Summary: You and Steve are worried about Bucky and don’t know how to fix things.
Warnings: Angst, Explicit language, explicit sexual content (threesomes (MMF), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (M and F receiving), anal sex, double penetration), explicit descriptions of consensual violence, age appropriate alcohol consumption, SMUT!!!, 18+!!!
A/N: Merry Christmas and hoe hoe hoe! My promised filthy treat for you all: my very first Stucky fic! This was a lot of fun to write but ended up way different than I had originally imagined. The smut is actually pretty fluffy (as fluffy as you can get with a threesome I guess). This is technically a continuation of my original “Birthday Gift” Nomad!Steve fic, though it takes place like a year later. I hope you all enjoy and have a very merry holiday!
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“How’s that feel, Buck?” You asked, setting the arc-welder back on the tool bench as you sat back.
He flexed his fingers, testing the repairs you made to the neural link. “Good. You know you didn’t have to stay with me. I could’ve handled it on my own.”
The rest of the team was out on a rescue mission in Sri Lanka while the two of you hung back at your compound. His new arm had been on the fritz for the past few days, and he didn’t want to risk it crapping out on him in the middle of an op. He hadn’t planned on you staying, too, though you’d never joined the team on any of the other missions so he didn’t know why he was surprised.
“Right, you’re the one with years of experience with Wakandan tech. I’m sure Shuri would love to have a little conference with you about the intricacies of vibranium based neural networks.” You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes.
“Well, you don’t have to be mean about it.” He pouted, half-heartedly. It’d been a while since the two of you had some alone time, and he missed the banter.
You grinned at him. “Aww, Barnes, that’s nothing! Let’s test it out. C’mon, up.”
His smile disappeared quickly. “No, Y/N, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Jesus, Barnes. I’m not some little doll. We both need a workout. Besides, none of the other idiots ever wanna play knives with me. I know you miss it.”
You were right. Steve didn’t like relying on anything other than his fists since he gave up the shield and Nat and Sam definitely preferred guns if they were going to use any sort of weapon. But you and Bucky had a shared appreciation for the weight of a good blade in your hand.
“Fine.” He sighed. He knew you wouldn’t let up until he gave in, so he resigned himself to his fate.
He dragged his feet as he followed you to the gym. He’d been doing his best to avoid any close contact with you for the past few months. They’d been with you a little over a year now, ever since Siberia. When they found out about your history, Bucky bonded with you quickly over your shared tragedies.
But that only mattered so much, because you had Steve. And that was slowly killing Bucky.
He didn’t know how many more nights he could listen to the two of you. Granted, you managed to keep it down enough that the rest of the team didn’t notice anything, but his damn super soldier hearing made it seem like you were right next to him. The sounds of your wanton whimpers and low moans kept him up all night, his cock aching as he writhed in his sweat soaked sheets. He always had trouble looking at the two of you the morning after, and he could tell that things were slowly starting to get strained, but it was just too goddamn hard to be around you when he couldn’t have you, not that he would ever try. Steve was his best friend.
Of course, you had noticed how strange Barnes had been acting over the past few months, and you and Steve were starting to get worried. You were hoping that having some time, just the two of you, would help him loosen up and let you back in.
He arrived in the gym a few steps behind you and found you bouncing a sparring blade off the palm of your hand. You shot him a grin over your shoulder and tossed it to him, and he plucked it out of the air easily, giving a sigh at the familiar feeling as he spun it through his fingers. It would be nice to lose himself in a good spar.
“One or two, Buck?”
“One is good.” He said as he started to stretch himself out.
“Great.” You murmured, unzipping your hoodie and setting it aside before picking up a blade of your own and tossing it quickly between your hands, acclimating yourself to its weight. “Music ok?”
“Fine.” He didn’t know why you insisted on listening to music during your spar sessions, but he could admit it lent your fighting style a certain artistic flair.
The sounds of alt-J’s “Left Hand Free” came over the speakers and you let out a small sound of satisfaction. “Ahh, perfect. Alright, Barnes, I promise I’ll go easy on you.” You grinned at him as you tucked your blade against your wrist and dropped into a fighting stance.
He snorted at you as he headed to his corner. “Right, we’ll s… fuck!”
You barely gave him a chance to turn around before you were on him, your knee driving towards his midsection before you extended it at the last second to try to kick the knife out of his hand. He dodged at the last second but you were already ducking to sweep his legs out from under him. He dropped the knife in surprise as he went down and you caught it before it hit the ground and pounced on his chest, pressing both of your blades to his throat.
“Ha, that’s one for me!” You grinned down at him as you dropped his knife onto his chest before standing back up and heading back to your corner.
“You’re a cheater, Y/N.” He growled at you as he gained his feet, pissed he let you catch him off guard.
“Just preparing you for the real world, darling.” You shot him a wink as you shifted your weight back and forth, waiting for him to signal he was ready, this time.
His gut clenched when you called him that, and he had to steel himself. He was determined to not let you get under his skin today. He didn’t want things to get any more awkward.
You let him make the first move this time, and he ran at you full force, whipping his arm around to try to ram the blade into the side of your ribs. You blocked him with your forearm and he dropped the blade to catch it in his opposite hand and deliver a backhand blow to your side, which you just barely dodged. He brought his now empty fist up and drove it into your elbow and you dropped your blade with a grunt. He scooped it out of the air with the same hand as he sank to a kneeling position and brought the flat of the blade to rest at the juncture of your inner thigh on instinct, where your femoral artery would run. When he realized where his hand had landed, he drew it back with a hiss, dropping your knife at your feet.
“One for me.” He murmured, trying to cover the flush creeping over his face.
You didn’t notice, you were enjoying yourself too much. You flipped your blade up into the air with your toe and caught it before charging Bucky.
He barely had a second to prepare before you were flying off the mat towards his face. You looped one knee over his shoulder and the other around his upper back as you clenched your abdominal muscles then released them, whipping yourself back and flipping him over you until you landed on the mat with a slap and were straddling his chest. You started flipping your knife through your fingers when he brought his metal arm up and wrapped it around your waist, flinging you off him as he brought his knees to his chest and whipped himself into a crouching position.
You windmilled your legs until you were in a crouch of your own; chest bent low over one bent knee, your other leg extended to your side, holding your balance with one hand on the mat. He dove at you, trying to drive his blade towards your throat but you managed to wrap your thighs around his arm and your shins around his neck as you extended your legs and gripped his wrist, keeping in a hold. He brought his free hand around and punched you in the hip, knocking the air out of you as you buckled.
You managed to roll out from underneath him before he could bring the blunted blade to your chest and got him in a partial arm bar with your blade at his ribs at the same time he pressed his blade to your throat.
“Draw?” You asked after the two of you had stayed in that position for a beat.
“Draw.” He agreed as you released each other, rolling to his feet with a groan as you stayed on your back, breathing heavily. “Let’s take a quick break.”
“Yeah.” You sighed at him as you slowly climbed back to your feet and went to towel yourself off.
He grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge and tossed one to you before he started to chug. You held yours to your neck before taking a drink.
He watched you hungrily. You were damp with sweat and he was mesmerized by a stray bead of condensation that was traveling down the line of your neck to the valley between your breasts. Your hair was plastered to your scalp and your chest was still heaving. He imagined this was what you must look like after sex and had to school his thoughts immediately before they headed further down that path. He splashed himself in the face with some of his water to try to cool down.
You breathing had started to return to normal and you shot him a small smile, failing to notice how uncomfortable he was. “What d’you say, Barnes, one more round?”
He knew he should say no. He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts tamped down and was worried how his body would react if he had anymore close contact with you, but it was hard to care about that at this point. How much could one more round really hurt?
He tossed his empty bottle into the recycling bin and stalked back to his corner, not taking his eyes off you as you tossed your towel over the back of a bench and walked opposite him.
The two of you prowled around each other like a couple of cats, eyeing the other’s movements and trying to determine what your moves were going to be.
Bucky saw your eyes flick to the window for just a second, distracted by something outside, and he took his chance. He pounced on you, rolling the two of you over each other as he gripped the hand holding your knife and bent your wrist back until you dropped the blade. You wrenched your head back and connected with his face at the same time you drove your elbow into his diaphragm, causing him to release you.
You twisted your torso around and flipped yourself forward, bringing your knees to his shoulders and carrying your momentum forward to bring him to the mat with you kneeling on his chest.
He dropped his knife in the exchange but managed to bring a hand under your thigh and roll you until he had you in a half-nelson with top scissors, his upper body curled around yours as he pinned you to the mat.
His face was buried in your hair and he was inhaling your scent deeply before he could help himself. You were still struggling to get out of the hold when he tightened his grip around you with a growl. He could feel his cock hardening as it was pinned against the swell of your ass, but for the moment he didn’t care. He didn’t even feel you stop struggling, he just continued holding you in that position.
“Um, Barnes.” You murmured, your face pressed into the mat.
“Bucky.” You said, more firmly this time.
“Shit.” He hissed as he released you and scrabbled backwards on the mat, holding one hand out to keep you away from him. “I’m so sorry.”
“Buck, it’s ok. It happens.” You said softly, a look of concern coming over your face when you saw how distressed he was.
“No, it’s not fucking ok. Goddamn it!” He drove his metal fist into the mat hard, making you jump. “I’ve gotta go.”
“Wait, Bucky…”
“No, just, leave me alone.” He said over his shoulder as he rushed out of the gym, determined to seclude himself in his room for the foreseeable future.
“Hey, Buck, how’s the new arm… whoa. Something happen?” The rest of the team had arrived back at the compound and Steve had come to check on the two of you. Bucky just charged past him without acknowledgement. “Everything ok, sweetheart?” He turned his intense blue eyes to you with concern. He had hoped you two might be able to get to the root of the awkwardness that had seemed to be growing between you three, but things sure seemed to be worse now that he was back.
He wrapped a massive arm around your waist to help you up from the mat and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.
“I dunno, baby. I’m pretty sure I figured out what the issue is. We should set aside some time tonight to talk. I think we should also lay off the PDA for a bit.”
He scoffed at that before taking a good look at you. “You’re serious.”
“Yeah, we’ll talk about it later.”
It took Bucky almost two days to come out of his room and when he did, he did his best to avoid you and Steve. Tensions in the house were high and it seemed everyone was walking on eggshells. You were hoping that a little Christmas celebration might help everyone loosen up.
It barely helped. Buck just sulked in a corner, nursing a glass of vodka and glowering at everything. At least everyone else seemed pretty cheery. He was at least grateful that he hadn’t had to listen to you and Steve fucking each other like animals for the past week. He had actually been able to get some sleep. But now the two of you were acting cagey. You kept giving each other longing looks before glancing furtively in his direction and he was pretty sure his restful nights were over. Everyone else started drunkenly up to bed once the early morning hours hit and it was eventually just the three of you sitting there in awkward silence.
You kept looking at him like you wanted to say something but didn’t know what, and all he could feel was a hollow ache in his chest every time you made eye contact.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone now. I’m sure you have your own celebrations you want to get to.” He said bitterly when Steve came to stand behind you and rested his hand on your shoulder.
“Shit, Buck, just wait.” You pleaded as he turned to go.
“No, Y/N it’s fine.”
“It’s not, Bucky.” Steve rumbled, his brow furrowed with worry.
“God, not you too, Rogers.” He said, exasperated.
“Bucky, please.” The catch in your voice startled him, and he turned back to you. “Just, come with us.” You whispered, extending a hand to him.
He wasn’t entirely sure he had heard you right, but then you were standing in front of him, brushing your mouth along the hollow of his throat as your hands rested against his chest.
He looked at Steve questioningly and was just met with a small smile as he started heading down the hall to your room. You drew Bucky along with you, softly kissing his neck as your hands wandered under his shirt to explore the plains of his back. He felt like he was in a dream state, his mind wrapped in a warm cocoon as he let you pull him along.
You reached your room and he felt you close the door behind you. He only had a moment to register Steve resting on a chair in the corner before your mouth was on his and all his other senses abandoned him.
You tongue moved past his lips softly and massaged his, drawing a moan from his chest. He wrapped his hands around your shoulders and buried his hands in your hair, holding your face to his like you were giving him oxygen.
He was drunk from the taste of you as he reluctantly pulled away to draw in a breath. Your scent filled his lungs as he sucked down air and he moved his hands to the front of your blouse as he ripped it open and slid it down your shoulders, exposing your breasts and making you sigh. His hands moved to swell of your chest as he ran his thumbs softly over the slope of your breasts, brushing them over your nipples and raising them to sensitive buds as he gazed at you.
He pressed his mouth to yours once more, running his tongue along the cushion of your bottom lip before his lips started traveling down your neck. His hands pressed against the small of your back as he guided you onto the bed. Once he had lain you down, they slipped down to your hips, following the band of your jeans to unbutton them and slide them down your thighs with your panties as his tongue laved over your nipple and you gave him one of those whimpers he had only heard through the walls before. The sound of it made him groan against your chest as he nuzzled you softly before kissing down the flat plain of your abdomen.
His hands brushed against the insides of your thighs as he worked his mouth lower and when they reached their apex he found you soaked with your arousal.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
“Mmm, Bucky.” You sighed as his tongue brushed against the folds of your sex.
“Sshh, pretty girl.” He murmured as his fingers pulled you apart and exposed the small bud at the peak of your slit. He pressed his tongue against it softly before wrapping it in his lips and sucking.
“Oh, god.” Your breath rushed out of you as you arched yourself into him and you wound your fingers in his hair. His tongue massaged your clit languorously as he drew a single finger through the arousal at your entrance before inserting it into you and curling it. You gasped as he stretched you from the inside and bit your lip, fluttering your eyelids closed in absolute bliss.
He added another finger and you let out a soft cry, wrapping your thighs around his neck and begging him for more as his tongue increased its pressure and speed. The taste of you was like a drug on his tongue. He felt heady with pleasure as he drew more soft sounds from you. You clenched around him when he added a third finger and he eagerly lapped up the evidence of your continued arousal that seeped out around them as he fucked them into you.
You felt your desire coiling in your core as he curled his fingers against that sweet, secret spot over and over and when he wrapped his lips around you again and sucked, hard, you were finished. You let out a thin wail as your muscles seized with pleasure before trembling in your release. He felt your release seep over his fingers and coat his chin as you came down, slowly relaxing the muscles leading to your core. He slowly drew himself up to gaze down at you as he removed his own clothes, watching you twitch as he drew his shirt over his head as your release continued to pulse out of your cunt. He tossed his shirt to the side and dragged his jeans and briefs down his legs before kneeling between your thighs on the bed.
He tucked one hand under your neck and the other under your hips and drew you up until you were cradled in his lap. You felt the length of his cock sliding through the slick that was coating your pussy and you screwed your eyes shut with a moan, pressing your forehead to Bucky’s.
“Hey, open your eyes.” He whispered before nipping at your bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth with his thumb on your chin. “I wanna look at you.”
You dragged your heavy lids open and stared into his eyes. His pupils were lust-blown and just left a thin ring of ice around endless pools of black. You felt him guiding himself to your entrance and he slipped himself in slowly, sliding you down on his length until he was fully sheathed in you. You let out a gasp when you were full of him, loving the feel of being stretched around his full length.
He started moving his hips slowly, grinding them against you as he brushed his lips against yours, never breaking eye contact. You matched his delicious, slow rhythm and sucked his bottom lip between your teeth, nipping it softly.
“I love you, Bucky.” You sighed into his mouth.
“Oh, sweet girl.” He pressed his mouth to yours hungrily, his tongue tangling with yours for just a moment before he broke away. “I love you too. You ok with me moving?”
You nodded your head and sucked in a breath as he moved a hand to your hip and fucked up into you suddenly. He picked up the pace quickly, rutting up into you and making you gasp. He fought to maintain eye contact as he felt your breasts bouncing against his chest each time his hips moved, but he wanted to watch you as you came apart around him.
One of his thrusts had his tip kissing your cervix and you let out a hiss at the sensation. He felt you clench around him as you neared another orgasm and moved his hand from your hip to strum at your clit. Your breath started hitching as he brought you closer and closer, the muscles in your abdomen twitching as you neared the brink. One hard drive of his thumb was all it took to send you over the edge and you collapsed against his chest, screaming his name as your torso rolled with the waves of pleasure that were wracking you.
Once he felt you relax he drew your head up for one more kiss before laying you back against the bed as he moved his hands to your hips and pulled you into him over an over. He gave Steve a nod and turned his attention back to you, mesmerized as he watched your perfect tits bounce with each thrust of his hips.
You gazed at Steve through heavy lids as he stood from his seat. He was already undressed and had been watching intently as Bucky fucked you, stroking his length as he watched him take you apart. Now he stalked over to you like a cat. He knelt down and pressed a hungry kiss to your lips as your head hung over the edge of the bed.
“You ready for me baby?” He asked, cupping your cheek in one massive palm as he stared into your eyes.
You nodded eagerly and bit your lip, not trusting your voice at the moment after all your screaming.
He gave you a quick peck before standing back up and bringing the tip of his cock to your lips, swirling the precum that had collected there around before he pressed it into your mouth.
You drew his into your mouth eagerly, swirling your tongue around his tip and moaning at the taste of him before he pressed himself into you a little further. Bucky hit you at a new angle suddenly and you let out a thin whine around Steve’s cock, making him hiss.
“Shit, I don’t think I can go as slow as I thought, sweetheart, get ready.”
You took a deep breath through your nose as he shoved himself all the way into your mouth. You hollowed out your cheeks as he started fucking your throat in earnest and tears started to leak from your eyes. You did your best not to inhale the drool that was running from your mouth as he rutted into you faster. Bucky had picked up his pace too and you felt yourself winding up for another massive orgasm. You were worried the combination of rhythms and lack of oxygen was going to make you pass out.
As you drew closer, you felt your two soldiers starting to twitch.
“Fuck, baby, I’m close. Buck?”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Do you need us to pull out, honey?”
You absolutely did not. You wrapped your legs around Bucky and your arms around Steve as another orgasm took you and you almost choked on the pleasure, your body writhing between the two men as they picked up their paces. They were seconds behind you. Bucky came first with a feral growl and you felt his spend spurting inside you, warming you from the inside as your cunt drew it all from him. Steve was last and caught himself on his left arm as his release ran down your throat, his cock twitching as you swallowed around his length.
Bucky collapsed beside you to your left, flinging an arm across your abdomen and pressing his face into your neck. Steve sat down heavily beside your face before twisting himself to lay on your right side, wrapping one of his massive legs in yours and placing a soft kiss on you lips before laying beside you.
You gave Steve a smile before turning over your shoulder to Bucky and nuzzling your nose against his, running a hand through his hair.
He pressed himself into your back and brought his metal hand up to cup your cheek as he kissed you deeply. His other arm wound itself underneath you and pressed you closer to him, splaying over your abdomen.
Steve started brushing his lips across your chest as he brought a hand to cup one of your breasts. You felt arousal starting to pool between you legs again at the gentle attention they were giving you. You brought your hands down to palm their cocks and felt them begin to harden in your hands.
“God sweetheart, you’re insatiable.” Steve chuckled against your neck. “Good thing we have Buck here now or you’d wear me out.”
You felt Bucky laughing against your hair as he started grinding his cock into your ass. You felt his hand move between your ass cheeks and gasped as his fingers brushed against your puckered hole before running through your arousal. “Where do you want us, love?” He whispered as he pressed one soaked finger at the tight ring of muscle before inserting it quickly, making you gasp. “I think she’s good with where we are Rogers.” He grinned at his friend over your shoulder as he stretched you slowly, waiting for you to relax before he inserted another finger.
“You sure, baby?” Steve asked after pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
“Fuck, yes.” You hissed at him as Bucky inserted another finger and you felt a fresh rush of arousal seep down your legs.
“Alright, beautiful.” He said around a grin as the three of you moved into a seated position.
Bucky was planting soft kisses over your shoulders as he dragged his erection through your folds, coating himself in your release before he pressed the head of his cock against your anus, and suddenly you were drawing him into you until he was bottomed out.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He hissed in your ear, his fingers digging into your hips as you moaned at the sensation of being filled with him and leaned your head back against his shoulder.
Steve brushed his tip against your clit before sheathing himself in your sex and your brain short-circuited for a second, your eyes rolling up into your head.
“Fuck, Y/N. Stay with me.” Steve hissed at you, concern coming over his face.
“I’m good, baby. Just needed a second.” You grinned at him once you came back to yourself.
“Alright, honey, we’re going to move.” Bucky warned you as his hips drew back before thrusting forward.
“Oh, God.” You could tell this was going to be short work. The contrasting rhythms they were setting was driving you to your breaking point faster than you thought possible and their mouths tracing your chest and shoulders was only adding to the sensation. You felt yourself already clenching around them and came suddenly, digging your fingers into Steve’s biceps as every muscle in your body seized and you vibrated with your release between the two of them.
They started picking up the pace then, humming as their lips brushed against your skin and you went into sensory overload. Your skin felt like it was on fire and every nerve was singing. Wherever their fingers touched you felt like you had been shocked with electricity. It was getting to be too much and you started to mewl unintelligibly as they moved inside of you.
Bucky nodded at Steve as you felt them starting to twitch inside you. “Almost done pretty girl, where do you want it?”
“Mmmm, inside me.” You whispered, completely fucked out as another orgasm wracked you.
Bucky pressed a kiss behind your ear and Steve pressed one to your lips as their hips suddenly stilled and they came inside you at the same time. You sighed as you felt their release leaking out of you and down your thighs and you let yourself collapse backward against Bucky’s chest. He carried you backwards until you were laying on top of him while Steve headed to the bathroom.
Bucky murmured soft praises against your hair as he rolled you over until he was spooning you, his metal arm wrapped around you as his other hand ran up and down the outside of your thigh. You sighed against the pillow when Steve returned with a damp cloth and ran it over the inside of your thighs to clean you off before he crawled into the bed with the two of you, pressing the front of his body to yours and pulling the sheets up over the three of you as you nuzzled yourself into his chest.
“Love you sweetheart.” He whispered, planting a kiss on the top of your head as you started to doze off.
“Mmm, love you Steve. Love you Bucky. Merry Christmas, boys.” You murmured before falling asleep between your two super soldiers, absolutely content wrapped in their warmth.
“Merry Christmas Barnes.”
“You too Rogers”
Permanent Tags:
@drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @stargazingfangirl18​
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cazimagines · 3 years
A Freudian Slip - Part 3
Part 1, Part 2
Synopsis: While a fight breaks out Zemo asks you to run away from him, you accept leaving on an eventful journey with him
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Author’s note: A final 3rd installment for ‘A Freudian Slip’ I hope you all have enjoyed this brief series! Next to come out is a sequel to ‘Perfectly Exasperating’
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Bucky carried Zemo back into the house bridal style, his hands gripping tightly around Zemo’s legs and chest, and dropped him onto the sofa in the midst of the room. Zemo was knocked out from when John Walker had the brilliant idea to stop Zemo from smashing all the super-soldier serum by chucking his shield at him. You could see a nasty bruise forming on the top of his head where he was struck.
You gently run your fingers over the side of his face. At this moment he looked so peaceful sleeping, his lips pulled up into a natural slight smile, parts of his hair dangled down across his forehead, his face softened and not tensed like it usually appeared to be. You brush the hair back into its usual place, running your fingers over his feverish forehead.
You turn to Bucky and Sam, whose eyes burn into yours, millions of questions flashing through them, yet they remain unspoken. “I’ll look after him,” you tell them, turning your gaze back to Zemo's peaceful form. It was easier to stare at him than them at the moment.
“You and Zemo have been spending a lot of time together,” Sam states, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Because I’ve been making sure he doesn’t betray us,” You snap back, refusing to look at them
“Sam and I have been doing that as well and you haven’t seen us giving him bedroom eyes,” Bucky argues back, stepping forward, but Sam grabs a hold of his arm to stop him from going further.
“Look y/n, we’re just concerned about you. That guy a criminal, he could easily manipulate you,”
Your eyes flash to him angrily, “You think I would be easy to manipulate,”
“No, that’s not what I meant-” Sam says but Bucky interrupts him
“Yes. I know him, y/n, that is exactly something he would do. You can’t trust him,”
“I’ve told you already, I’m just making sure he doesn’t betray us. There’s nothing else. I’d appreciate it if you believed me,”
They sigh in defeat, glancing at each other, then back to you. “Look, I will not argue with you. Go get him the things he requires. Bucky and I need to check to see if we can find Karli. I might get a chance to talk to her again” Sam says and he and Bucky turn their backs, sending one last concerning look at you over their shoulders then disappearing.
You sigh looking back to Zemo who still slept peacefully unaware. A smile tugged on your mouth, but it twisted to a frown. You all knew damn well you had been lying. Whether you wanted to admit it, you liked Zemo. Every time you saw him, the urge to kiss his lips pulled you in. You could still feel his embrace, his kisses on your neck, shoulders, collar. The sensation of him inside you, touching you. You craved it more and more like he was your addiction.
You don’t know how you hadn’t gotten to this point of being so obsessed with him, where it had kicked in. You always found him attractive, from when you first laid your eyes on him as he broke out of the prison, you felt that attraction pull to him. You never expected it would be anything more though till that one embarrassing moment when you called him daddy in the undercover mission. You could still feel your cheeks burn up in embarrassment as you remembered that night, but you could also feel your body warm up as you thought about what happened in the alleyway. How he kissed you so passionately. So earnestly.
You had tried to deny your feelings, pretend it wasn’t there, and that kiss that never happened, but Zemo would not let you avoid him. Your eyes flickered to the bathroom and your breath hitches as you remember the intimacy you two spent together there. It was there you felt you truly saw Zemo for the person he was. A man who was lonely and broken from his past. A man who cared for you no matter what Sam or Bucky says.
You felt so scared when you saw the shield hit Zemo. Panic gripped your heart as you rushed over to him. John peered down at you like you were dirt as you cradled Zemo’s head in your lap. Sam and Bucky had run up to you and were surprised you were on your knees holding his head in your hands.
As you were observing him, Zemo's eyes cracked open, and he moaned in discomfort, bringing his hand to rub his eyes. Leaping up, you shouted at him to stay still as you fetched a flannel, running it under cold water, and brought it back to him.
He smiled as you handed him the flannel, the sides of his lips curling up like a cat. “Thank you” he mumbles.
“I’ll get you a drink,”
“You’re being very kind to me y/n,”
“Don’t get used to it,”
He snickered at your sudden switch to hostility, “Will we constantly be bouncing between kindness and hatred?”
You exhale, sitting down beside him, handing a glass of whiskey to him. “I don’t hate you, Zemo, though I really should. There’s something about you I just love and I can’t let go.”
You hesitate, both of you pondering over your sudden confession. Zemo raises the flannels of his eyes and looks over at you. His eyes, which are full of wonder, scan yours. You wanted to look away, embarrassed, but you couldn’t. You didn’t want to keep running away from how you felt.
“You terrified me earlier. I thought John Walker had killed you.”
His eyes switched to concern as his eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry I frightened you y/n. I- I never thought I would ever get over my wife and... I still love her but you enthrall me, you drive me wild because I want to know everything about you, feel all of you, touch all of you. It’s been so long since I felt this way and it frightens me.”
You reach out your hand to grasp his and he runs his thumb over your knuckles,
“Zemo I-”
The door opens and both yours and Zemo’s head snaps towards it as Sam and Bucky walkthrough. As quick as lightning, you let go of Zemo’s hand and strode away to the opposite side of the room. Zemo’s eyes sadly glance at you, then to his hand, and he lets out a sigh. He takes a sip of his drink, then pulls the flannel back over, his eyes settling down on the sofa.
Bucky rolls his views and wanders off while Sam grabs a seat at the table to work on his laptop. The silence was suffocating. At least for you. Sam seemed to try hard to concentrate on the laptop, but Zemo relaxed, sipping his drink and you pulled out your phone, playing a silly game to waste away the time.
“Were you ever offered it?” Zemo finally asks Sam. Sam’s gaze leaves the laptop looking at you, then over to Zemo.
“The serum,”
You glance between them, not knowing if you should leave or not. Sam didn’t seem to want to be engaged in a conversation, but Zemo wasn’t taking the hint.
“If you had been, hypothetically, that is, would you have taken it?”
Without a second hesitation, Sam replies, a harsh tone to his voice, “No”
“No hesitation. That’s impressive,” Zemo says, nodding in approval.
He raises his hand, taking off the flannel with a slight grunt, “Sam,” he says as he holds the flannel in his hand, his gaze unwavering from it.
“You can’t hold out hope for Karli. No matter what you saw in her. She’s gone. And we cannot allow her and her acolytes become yet another faction of gods among real people. Super soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.”
You look down to the ground, frowning at Zemo’s words, but Sam answers without hesitation, “Isn’t that how god's talk?"
Zemo’s eyes continue to glare down at the flannel, for once not speaking up.
“And if that’s how you feel, what about Bucky?”
“Blood isn’t always the solution” Sam finishes as you hear a door click in the background. As Bucky walks in, you get up and walk over to Zemo again, who sits up to let you sit beside him. He gently places his hand on your knee, your eyes flickering to each other, hiding the action enough so the others don’t see. Though you both say nothing because of the present company, it’s as if you could read each other's thoughts. You were both conflicted on what path to follow and because of that, you found solace in each other.
“Something’s not right about Walker,” Bucky mutters, shrugging off his jacket.
“Like we hadn’t known that from the start,” you mumble
“Well, I know a crazy when I see one. Because I am crazy,”
“Can’t argue with that,” Sam agrees
The two argue about the shield once again and you were preparing to stop them when the doors once again burst open and John Walker and his partner storm in. All your heads turn towards the disruption and you groan in frustration at seeing him.
“All right. That’s it. Let’s go. I’m ordering you to hand him over,”
Both Sam walks out in front of John to stop him from getting nearer Zemo. You stood up to go stand by him as well, but Zemo grasps your hand as he gets up, shaking his head. Your eyebrows turn down confused, but he doesn’t offer you an explanation.
With his other hand, he hands the bottle of whiskey over to you, then picks up his glass, dragging you over to the kitchen counter. You weren’t paying attention to what Sam and John were saying till a spear flew past them, imbedding in one pillar.
Your eyes widened as you saw Dora Milaje storm in.
One of them speaks in Wakandan to Bucky, obviously pissed. “Release him to us now” she orders in English. Zemo’s eyes glance anxiously from yours to them, his mind swarming with thoughts of how to get out.
“Hi, John Walker. Captain America.” John says walking over to them. They refuse to say anything to him, so he looks awkwardly away.
“Well, let’s uh put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?” he says, patronising them. You wanted to facepalm because of his stupidity.
“Hey, John. Take this easy. You might want to fight Bucky before you tangle with the Dora Milaje,” Sam warns
John Walker however doesn’t listen. He proceeds to antagonise them till he finally places a hand on her shoulder and all hell breaks loose.
Both you and Zemo stand at the side watching John Walker fight them. Zemo sips his whiskey and offers you a sip. You smile slightly at his nonchalant attitude about the fight, letting him raise the glass to your lips as you drink.
Both Sam and Bucky eventually join in the fight as well, and once again you move to join them, but Zemo’s grip on your hand tightens. “Not now little one” he mutters
He peers around, watching the fight as you stare questionably at him, “Zemo what the hell is up with you today. Did that hit to the head get rid of your common sense” you whisper angrily trying to tug your hand out of his. Zemo rolls his eyes at you, clasping your hand.
“We need to go” he whispers urgently and tries to tug you towards the bathroom.
“What? Zemo, Zemo wait. What do you mean we?” You ask, grounding your feet into the floor.
He looks around at the fighting, his skin becoming whiter as he gets more worried. “We don’t have a lot of time y/n, please. I need you to come with me,”
You didn’t know where he wanted to go, or how he was planning on leaving, but you could see fear prickling in his eyes as he looked at you.
“What about Sam and Bucky?”
“They will be okay. Please y/n, I want to spend this time with you. I don’t want to do this alone,”
You stare into his eyes once more, then nod, finally making your choice.
You let him lead you back into the bathroom and close the door behind him. He quickly pushes the bath aside, revealing a passageway into the sewer.
“Ugh,” you say to yourself as you look down the hole. “Ladies first,” Zemo says, placing his hand on your back, the side of his lip curling up into a smile as he guides you over to the hole.
You shoot him a glare before grasping onto the ladder and clambering down as fast as you could, trying your best not to slip.
After a minute you reached the bottom of the ladder and Zemo arrived quickly after. It was so dark down there, but thankfully Zemo had a flashlight in his coat. Once again grabbing a hold of your hand, he guides you down a pathway.
“So this was the best escape plan you had?” you ask, your nose wrinkling at the unpleasant smell
“I’m sorry y/n, did you have a better plan?” he replies sarcastically
“Well, I didn’t know I was running away with you until a minute before,”
Zemo pauses, beaming the light on your face, making you cringe. He lowers it slightly. So it wasn’t in your eyes but still illuminated your face.
“I owe you a thank you for coming with me. I know it wasn’t a simple decision to leave your friends for a person you meet just a few days ago,”
“When you put it like that, you make me feel even crazier for making this decision,” you grumble
“But it’s okay Zemo, Sam and Bucky will be fine without me, and I wanted to be with you,”
Zemo raises his hand to cup the side of your face, his thumb running along your cheekbone. Quickly he pulls you to him, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His spare hand holding the flashlight wraps around your waist as he holds you there, moving his lips on yours, which you reciprocate.
As suddenly as it had started, it ended. He pulled away slightly, his lips still brushing against yours. “Thank you, little one”
His nickname for you sends shivers along your spine and you let out a husky breath. He smirks at you, turning around, and continues to walk down the pathway.
Eventually, you reach another ladder that you can climb up. You blink a lot as you emerge into the sunlight, finding yourself on a random road.
“What now?” you ask
Zemo walks over to a car, jumping into the driver's seat, and pats the passenger seat next to him. As you get in beside him he easily hot wires the car and gets the engine started.
“So have lots of experience stealing cars?” you ask Zemo and he chuckles, “When you become a criminal you pick up a lot of new skills,”
“I suppose aiding with the escape of a criminal now makes me one as well. You bring about a lot of surprises,”
“I’ve been told I am quite surprising,” he glances at you, smirking as he drives, “And seductive,”
You slap the side of his arm lightly, “Eyes on the road, mister”
“Mister? I think I prefer what you called me before. Hm, what was that again?”
You groan as Zemo brings up that embarrassing night for you, “You’ll never let that go, will you?”
“You calling me daddy? Of course not. I quite like it,”
“Where are we even going?” you ask trying to direct the conversation somewhere else
Zemo turns from looking at you to the road, the smile on his face slowly fading.
Your breath hitches as he says the name of his country, bringing back the reminders of his previous family.
“I want to see the memorial,”
You nod quietly, not sure what you could say.
For the next ten minutes, you two sit in uncomfortable silence. All previous moments where you were having fun had faded. Eventually, Zemo sighed in frustration and made a sharp turn in the car, pulling into a secluded spot on an empty road.
He turns off the car and turns to face you. “It seems to me we need to talk,”
You look to him then away, “I don’t think so”
“Y/n” he growls
“I said we don’t need to talk!” you shout, glaring at him, but you snap your lips shut as you realised how much anger had suddenly built up in you.
Recognition flashes in Zemo’s eyes as he stares at you, “This is about my family, isn’t it?”
You look away, your cheeks burning as you knew how ridiculous you were being.
Zemo nods his head, looking at the road ahead as he thought over what to say.
“You are part of the reason I want to go to the memorial,” he finally admits
It was your turn to look at him, puzzled. He pushes his lips together as he prepares for what he wants to say next.
“I love my family. Every day, I miss them. But I also really like you y/n. You are someone I want to spend all my time and money on just to make you happy. Every time I look at you, I want to take you, no matter where we are. And I feel I owe it to my family to visit the memorial to pay respect and to accept that it is okay for me to move on,”
It felt like with his words he had lifted an enormous weight off of your shoulders. Tears sprung to your eyes and Zemo looked panicked noticing them but you grinned, placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Zemo,”
His fingers run along your arms and up to your face, tracing your jawline. His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and slowly move forward towards you. Once again he captures your lips with his but this time it was gentle like he was trying to savior you. You grasp the fur parts of his coat and try to pull him closer, you can feel through your kiss him smirking.
“Would you prefer to take this to the back seat?” he rasps and you nod your head quickly. You pull away from the kiss, shifting in your seat so you can clamber onto the long seat at the back of the car. Zemo holds onto your waist as he follows you through the back. He sits down on the seat and pulls you onto him so you were straddling his waist. His hands grip tighter to your hips as you go back to making out with him while you ground on his lap, feeling wetness stain your pants.
You smirked into the kiss as you felt Zemo’s trousers stiffen and a bulge appear as you grinded on him.
“Let go of me Zemo,” you sigh as you pull away from the kiss, hesitantly Zemo lets go of your waist curious to see what you were planning. It was hard positioning yourself with the limited space you two had in the car, but you sat on your knees, pushing his legs apart as you settled between them. You reach up and tug down the zip on his trousers, exposing his boxers. Zemo sits back and watches you as you tug them down, exposing his member.
Already some pre-cum had leaked from it, which you gladly licked up, running your tongue along its side. You traced the vein that stuck out, feeling it pulse against your tongue. Teasing him, you flick your tongue over the tip, hovering your lips just around it but not going further.
Zemo finally moves, impatiently he grasps your hair in his hand and pushes you down onto his member, making you take all of him. He lets out a groan, his eyes fluttering shut as he rolls his head back as he felt the heat of your tongue on his member. You suck your cheeks in to give him more pleasure as he pumps your head up and down so that his member could go in as far as it could.
You grasp his tights to position yourself better. You could feel aching between your legs as you longed for more, but at the moment all you wanted to do was please him. Zemo pushed your head faster, grunting, feeling pleasure swarm over him. He then suddenly pulled you off his member, grabbing your arms he lifted you, getting off the seat and pushing you on so you were lying down on your back.
“Forgive me little one” he purrs as his hands roughly grasp at your trousers and quickly pushes them down, exposing your pants. “I need to feel inside you” He runs his finger up them chuckling feeling the wetness soaking through.
“Do you have a condom?” he asks, looking in your eyes, “We don’t need one” you gasp, the urge to feel him swarming you.
“As you wish,” he says, immediately pushing your pants aside and slipping into you.
You moan feeling him stretch you out but as soon as he was in you he drew back almost completely out of you but snapped his hips back into you. He thrusts with all the strength he has, pushing your body up and down on the seat.
You wrap your hands around his back, your nails digging into his back as your body moves up and down with him. His head settles on your shoulder, where he leaves hickies. Every time he pulls back from kissing and biting you he would whisper things in Sokovian that you couldn’t understand but you were sure were endearing.
His fingers snaked down to find your clit and rubbed it, sending shock waves of pleasure to your brain. You let out a loud moan as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. As if knowing you were close, Zemo's hips thrust deeper into you, hitting the right spot to make you let loose, your walls clamping down on him as you came. He groans into your neck, feeling your walls flutter around him. His thrusts grew more erratic till you could feel him twitch in you and his seed spill into you.
He pants heavily, finally looking you in the eyes. “I love you little one,” he whispers
You smile, placing a kiss on the side of his face, “I love you too... daddy”
He chuckles and finally gets off you.
The car drive after that was comfortable. Zemo liked to drive with one hand on the wheel while the one hand resting on your thigh, as if reminding you, you belonged to him and only him. Hours later, you finally arrived at the memorial.
Holding your hand, Zemo walks up to the sculpture. He speaks to himself in Sokovian first, getting whatever he needs to say off his chest. After that he turns to you, his eyes capturing yours as they were glazed with tears, “The loss of my country, of my family, broke me y/n, but in some twisted way I am not as upset as I was about it before because it led me to you. I don’t blame you for any of it, I know you had nothing to do with the Sokovian attack just like Sam and James. I’m so glad I could spend these last moments with you.”
You look at him confused, “These last moments?”
You suddenly hear footsteps approaching and you quickly spin around, seeing Bucky appearing behind you. Your head snaps back to Zemo. “Zemo what the hell is going on!?”
He smiles sadly at the floor, then back at you, grabbing your hands. “I’m afraid I must ask something hard of you y/n. Please, can you leave”
The breath left your lungs; it felt as if your entire chest dropped hearing his words.
“... What,”
“I don’t want you to witness what must happen next,”
Your gaze flickers from Bucky who was standing back letting you two have your moment to Zemo who looked desperately at you.
“I’m not leaving you, Zemo,” you state
“NO!” you shout
“Y/n I-” Bucky says walking forward, but one death glare from you quickly shuts him up.
“How could you ever ask something of me like that, especially after... after everything that has happened,”
“I should have told you y/n, I’m sorry, but I needed to spend these last moments with you because you are so special to me, I didn’t want to ruin the moment by telling you what was to come,” tears gush from your eyes as you shake your head at him, He steps closer to you, holding your head in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away your tears.
“And because I love you, I don’t want you to see this. You know there is no other way out of this. It has to happen, and it’s okay, I’m ready. Just like I could with my wife, I know you’ll be able to move on and find someone who will give you everything I can’t and never will because you deserve so much better than me,”
“I love you,” you whisper, the hot tears spilling down your cheeks. Your eyes examine every detail of his face, trying to ingrain everything in your mind.
“I love you little one,”
He pulls you into one last kiss, gentle, but the romantic moment drowned in sadness.
You pull away. Turn around. You don’t look at him. You can’t because you know if you do you won’t be able to leave. You glare at Bucky though you know as well as Zemo it isn’t his fault. You walk a slight distance, just enough so that they are out of sight, and then you collapse on the floor.
Your hands into the ground, pulling at the dirt as you let all your pain out, trying to hold in your sobs. How is it you had fallen for that man so quickly? You loved him; you had risked giving him your heart, and he was pulled so quickly from you. You felt betrayed; he didn’t tell you what he was planning, but you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him for it either.
You don’t know how long you stayed there, but you opened your eyes when you felt a shadow fall over you. Looking up, you saw one member of the Dora Milaje looking down at you.
Your eyes widen in surprise, and then you gasp, connecting the dots. “Zemo'' you whisper, jumping off the ground and running back to where you last saw him. Sure enough, as you arrived you saw him being escorted to the Dora Milaje aircraft.
Hearing your footsteps, Zemo glances over at you. Sadness flickers in his eyes as he stops walking to look at you, but they grasp his shoulder, forcing him to look forward and to keep moving. You watch as they escort him away, till you couldn’t see him anymore.
Bucky walks over to you, looking at the floor guiltily.
“I’ll see him again,” you tell Bucky
“y/n I don’t think-”
“I’ll see him again, Bucky. You can count on that”
Taglist: @sinister-sleep @cable-kenobi @faustlyaccused @chipster-21 @icarusinstatic @yallgotkik @montypythonsholysnail @bunniwritesx @checkurwindow @huntheimpossible @jayxkelsi @avgravy @prestigious-tea @wonderwoman292 @there-goes-thefighter @multiyfandomgirl40 @freyjasamael @ineffablebean @aloyssia @hannahbal-the-fannibal
(I can't tag some of you, I'll keep trying but maybe check your invisibility)
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
technoblade: a takedown - pt. 1
(not clickbait)
aka i go over every argument people make against c!techno one by one and determine whether they’re valid, false, or a mixture of both. i rewatched every single stream/video, including those on his alt channel, so i could approach this with the most information possible. i’ll be breaking this up into parts because there’s just too much otherwise. all about the characters unless stated.
techno believes in a ‘dog eat dog’ world - false
this is an argument i see used a lot when people discuss techno so i wanted to address it first. luckily, the stream in which he says this is only his fifth stream on the server. there’s one major reason why this argument falls apart and one minor reason that isn’t objective like the first.
first and most importantly: techno has never acted on this. even at the beginning - which is when this comment was made - he was helping his allies, from building railings to keep them from falling, making a potato farm, and all the gear he grinded for to equip his allies in pogtopia with. moving forward, he’s also helped out plenty of people: giving tommy a place to stay and items, telling phil to reach out to ranboo after doomsday, as well as giving both tommy and ranboo food when asked. there’s more, of course, but the point is he’s never once followed up on this statement. he teamed up with quackity to stop the egg. he spoke to niki about how he was giving anarchy a bad reputation because of the violence and wanted to take a different approach which he has.
when people use this argument to insist that techno is the villain, it doesn’t hold up because it’s merely taking one statement he made and upholding it as a main part of his character when his actions and later statements have shown that he doesn’t actually believe in this randian view point. objectively, i can’t see how this argument can extend beyond ‘well, he said it’. regardless of what he said during the pogtopia arc, he’s said the opposite later - wanting everyone to live free with no oppression or imperialism - and has never acted on it nor brought it up later. this take honestly seems disingenuous and was in fact the driving factor of this post.
second and not as critical, techno mentions multiple times during each of his first streams that he’s not sure who all is on his side. this is a reoccurring point for him. he makes the comment about wanting a dog eat dog world during the red festival stream, while speaking to bad and sam. the first part of the conversation is techno asking about state secrets since they’re (as far as techno knows) on manberg’s side. bad mentions schlatt killing cats and techno launches into a spiel about massive anarchy and the weak being huddled in fear, asking them how does that sound. bad says as long as there’s no cat murder, perhaps. bad then asks techno what his ‘single issue’ is and techno responds that he wants to destroy the government. to me, the context of the conversation, who he’s speaking to and what his opinion of those people is, is an important thing to consider.
techno’s ‘we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it’ comment means he was always going to betray pogtopia/l’manberg - valid but not how you think it is
i’ve seen people say that techno saying ‘we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it’ is a clear sign that he was always intending to betray pogtopia/l’manberg which, yeah? 
but i wouldn’t call it a betrayal. 
he says the ‘we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it’ line at the end of the ‘eve of revolution’ stream while he’s talking to quackity, ponk, and sam. the conversation is as follows:
techno, to quackity: i’m glad we could get to know each other. i heard you’re on our side now. i heard you betrayed schlatt.
quackity: yeah, that’s right. are you betraying anyone?
techno: no. i would never betray my personal ideals.
[some chatter from ponk and quackity]
sam: what does that mean? what if the people you’re fighting along [sic] have different ideals than you, though? doesn’t that mean you’d betray them?
techno: listen... we’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.
then techno states that he ‘said what he said’ when sam questions him about his choice of metaphor.
he actually uses the same malaphor at the beginning of the ‘revolution’ stream when they (quackity and tubbo) question him again and in that case techno definitely avoids the subject which isn’t a good thing but considering everyone was so worked up about the possible traitor, i can completely understand.
overall, techno is extremely upfront about his intentions. yes, there is definitely some miscommunication between all the parties because none of them were on the same page but that doesn’t make techno the bad guy here nor does it mean he betrayed anyone. he was upfront about his intentions from the start.
in his first two streams, he makes a joke that if they happen to set up a new government/president that he would just take that one down and it would be a never-ending cycle. over and over, he says that he wants to do destroy the government/manberg. when tommy mentions taking it back, techno says, ‘what do you mean, take it back?’ though this kind of gets lost in the middle of everything else - dsmp (lack of) communication strikes again. 
the takeaway that i see here a lot is that techno always intended to betray them because he knew tommy wanted to take back l’manberg and knew that he would go against them if they set up a new government. and this is true to an extent! he did know that tommy wanted l’manberg back and he did know that he would go against them if they set up a new government. but wilbur was also telling techno that he was on board with the whole anarchy thing. 
none of them were on the same page and that surely led to a big chunk of what happened and hurt feelings on both sides but that doesn’t mean techno betrayed anyone or that he was the bad guy for doing exactly what he said he would do from day one.
techno destroying (l’)manberg was wrong - it’s complicated
the first thing to address here is that for most anarchists, destroying a government isn’t a bad thing. in fact, taking down the government/state is basically our goal. now, i don’t speak for all anarchists, of course, but overall the general feeling is that violence in the name of overthrowing an oppressive government is not inherently bad. there’s no way to do a one-for-one here because it’s minecraft but the general sentiment remains. so while violence enacted against the state is a bad thing for people who aren’t anarchists, techno has no reason to and would not view it as inherently bad.  
but it did hurt people and techno himself acknowledges that fact. he’s acknowledged what he’s done when confronted about it. he hasn’t said he was wrong because understanding that it was hurtful doesn’t mean he believes he was wrong. to him, he wasn’t. destroying what he viewed as an oppressive system was the right thing to do, even if it hurt people.
(also this isn’t any kind of meta but i think it needs to be pointed out that wilbur had already set off the tnt and techno summoned two killable mobs which did plenty of damage but he didn’t say wilbur was the great who came before them for no reason.)
again, this is going to be the most controversial part of this post because i don’t believe destroying government is a bad thing and i don’t believe techno is wrong for believing that as well. there are better ways to address the problem and techno is adjusting his tactics but if another government was to be established, i don’t believe he would be in the wrong to destroy it because he’s an anarchist.
the tl;dr of this section honestly could just be summed up with ‘watch less marvel, read more ursula k. le guin’.
‘techno is the villain because he called tommy the hero’ - so very false 
this is a take i’ve seen that to this day i don’t understand.
techno calling tommy the hero does not mean he was setting himself up as the villain in any capacity. it was merely pointing out tommy’s habit of putting himself at the forefront of almost every conflict, trying to shoulder everything, no matter how it hurts tommy himself. the speech was directed at that and nothing else. it doesn’t mean techno is the villain, it doesn’t even mean there is a villain; there are more stories to be told than the classic hero-villain and the hero-villain narrative doesn’t always apply to stories. (i’d certainly argue that it doesn’t apply to the dream smp but that’s a different conversation.)
techno is to blame for tubbo’s death - false
i think this one has been done to death but what would a techno post be without it?
no, techno is not to blame.
he said over and over that he was outnumbered and believed that if he had done anything, everyone would’ve turned on him and ‘torn him to shreds’. even if that wasn’t the case, it is what techno believed. he had no reason to think that he could take the entire crowd out until he actually fired the rocket launcher. and remember, he tested the rocket launcher earlier during the festival on niki (who volunteered) and it didn’t kill her. when he realized the amount of splash damage it did, he gives a surprised laugh and then begins firing into the crowd. 
as for saying he was under ‘mild’ amounts of peer pressure, techno has a habit of minimizing. not just the things he’s done, but often situations that he’s been in that were stressful. he stated that he deals poorly with high stress situations and one of the cognitive distortions that can come with anxiety is minimization. techno doesn’t actually believe it was ‘mild’ peer pressure - it was a situation that caused him enough distress that he brings it up later at doomsday - but it’s easier to deal with a situation when you downplay it, it’s easier for techno to keep up that calm façade when he’s acting as if whatever happened wasn’t that big of a deal even if it was. again, the way he speaks about it on doomsday was clearly upset and emotional. 
the only person to blame for tubbo’s death is schlatt. he was the one pulling the trigger and techno was the gun.
if you made it this far, thank you for sticking it out! i spent so many hours rewatching all the streams, some of them multiple times, while taking notes to be able to do this. i’m extremely passionate about techno and i feel as if a lot of the arguments against him tend to miss the nuance of his character. this project is on-going and i’ll be going over the butcher army/retirement storylines next. feel free to submit any points you’d like to see addressed! 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 years
He'll Never Know You Like I Do
Fandom: Marvel (Bodyguard AU)
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x GN!Reader
As requested by anonymous: I know you’ve already done this before, but I’m so obsessed with Chubby!Bodyguard!Bucky and I’d literally read anything about him omg. Especially if he’s all rough on the outside but soft on the inside. 😩😭❤️
A/N:...so here's the thing...this turned out a bit angsty and i'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted! it just sorta happened!
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Bucky didn't like this one bit. Actually, he didn't just like it. He hated it. He hated that, in the public eye, you were Sam Wilson's beloved. Sam Wilson was charming, suave, outgoing, funny, fit...everything that Bucky believed he wasn't. Buck had a chubbier, heftier build, he was often quiet, a little shy, and introvert. However, he supposes he must've done something right since he gained your affections, right?
"Y/N! Y/N! Look here! How long have you and Sam been dating?!" Bucky did his best to keep the paparazzi from you. The flashing lights and the shouting. He doesn't know how do it. All these fuckers shoving the camera into his face, he'd probably deck one.
He continues to guide you and Sam into the restaurant where the staff keep them out. You follow the host to the very back corner to a booth where you and Sam could have your privacy.
Bucky sits at a nearby table with Torres, Sam's bodyguard. The kid's still new to all this, but, so far, he's done his best to protect Sam.
While you and Sam have dinner, Bucky does his best to remain aware of his surroundings. But it's hard to do so when the love of your life is acting all lovey dovey with someone else.
He's scanning the restaurant and its patrons when your laughter reaches his ears. He turns around and sees you throwing your head back in laughter. Sam chuckles, watching you lose it. Bucky doesn't like the look in his eyes.
"Hey," Torres nudges Bucky, "You good man?"
He answers through gritted teeth, "I'm fine," and continues to scan the place.
An hour and a half later, Bucky is following you and Sam out of the restaurant. He's glaring at how your hand fits in Sam's perfectly. He twinge of sadness hits him.
You and Sam eventually part ways and you slide into your car, Bucky following you.
As soon as the door shuts behind him, you sigh, immediately curling into Bucky's side. You may not know it, but you reek of Sam's cologne and it makes Bucky want to punch something.
Noticing how tense he was, you pulled back, "Hey, are you okay?"
"'m fine," he murmurs, looking out the window, avoiding your eyes.
"Not now," he mumbles, "When we get to your place."
"Okay," you breath out. You scoot away from him, leaning against the opposite door and looking out that window. You wracked your brain trying to figure out what was wrong.
When the two of you arrived to your place, Bucky immediately shed his jacket and poured himself a glass of scotch. You sat there on your couch watching him, waiting for an explanation.
After he finished, Bucky asked, "I hated seeing you with Sam."
"What? Bucky, you know this is all PR."
"I know, Muffin, I do. But I couldn't help but compare myself to him. He's-He's everything I'm not. You could go out in public with him and no one would bat an eye. You can't even be seen with me without being questioned about what our relationship may be. People judge you because of me, even if, to them, I'm just your bodyguard. It's my insecurities talking, I know, but I can't help the way that I feel because-Muffin, I love you so much. The thought that you could end up falling for Sam and leave me-"
"Bucky, babe, that's not gonna happen."
"No, buts," you get up and walk over to Bucky to stand before him, "I love you too, Bucky. So much. I'm sorry that we can't do the things that normal couples do. I'm sorry I can't shout from the rooftops that you're mine and I'm yours. But that doesn't mean I don't love you. Besides...Sam's already with someone too."
"He is?"
"Yeah," you answer with a chuckle, "his childhood best friend, Riley. But Sam's been keeping it quiet for a while because he doesn't want people to attack Riley for just being with him. Honestly, I've been asking Sam for advise a lot about that. How he does it and everything."
"He says it's hard, but he'd do anything to protect Riley, so it's worth it." You reach out and cup his face, your thumbs stroking the stubble along his chin and cheeks, "You have nothing to worry about, Bucky. To the public, I'm Sam Wilson's, but in private, in my mind, heart, and soul, I'm yours."
Bucky started to feel guilty, his eyes watering and he started to sniffle, "I'm sorry, Muffin."
"I forgive you, Bucky. You can't help the way you feel. I love you, never forget that, my precious, handsome man," you lean in and gently press your lips to his. He kisses you back just as gently, but also lovingly.
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ayamturd · 3 years
summary: love is precious, love is pure; how insecure thoughts and concerns trouble a scared lover, and how to convince one they are deserving of said love
warnings: descriptive insecure + self-deprecating thoughts, slight angst to fluff
pairing: in-game c!awesamdude
a/n: couldn’t stop thinking of this concept, i wouldn’t physically sleep till i wrote it all out lol
pls know you are loved, that you matter and are important. even if it doesn’t feel like, i’ll say now that i do, i love you. i don’t need to know you to know you deserve love, you deserve to know you are amazing for being yourself and for simply trying your best by existing for what it is <3
wc: (2.1k) - m.list
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“Why do you love me?”
It was late. Very late. 
The sky was pitch black and the forest held nothing but a ringing silence to screen, the brief sounds of woodland creatures along with lurking monsters occasionally breaking through. While the night was alive by the stir of the wind, the world above was obscured beneath the depths of the newly discovered mineshaft.
You were tired, your body aching and sore from the continuous grind along side your lover for the past few hours now. Unbeknownst to you, the early morn had been replaced with the midnight sky, the twists of the cave’s darkness becoming so lost to your sensitive eyes. 
While you were resting on a large boulder, Sam’s stamina was relentless as he worked to mine into the next cave tunnel. He was beautiful, to say the least. 
The ever so flicker of nearby torches illuminated only the best of his features, his usual mask hanging low around his neck due to the cramped and tight spaces underground. His brows were furrowed, the gentle concentration that pulled onto his face strangely handsome to observe. 
His hair, the dark yet notable green shade, was seemingly drenched with sweat. In spite of how dreadful the thought could come across, it only did him wonders when weighing his locks down to frame his face. It curled around his eyes, the sage emerald-color contrasting his light skin tone while emphasizing the dark glisten of his squinted eyes. 
Through his intent and determined grunts with every swing of his blade against the course stone, his stance was firm and strong, each strike crumbling beneath him from pure strength and integrity. 
Moments like these were random, but reoccurring. Moments where you could stop to stare at him for hours on end, appreciate him for what he was and all that he did, yet question on why he was still here.
Why someone so talented and earnest in his work could even consider you as someone special, someone worth his attention and love to be with. 
You spoke before you could stop to process your words and what possible answer he could imagine. Your curiosity got the better of you, and your insecurity blinded your perception. It didn’t seem like he heard you initially, and as you began to take it as a sign to forget the question entirely, his diligent swings stopped and his heavy panting filled the air. 
He carelessly rested the large tool on top of his shoulders, twisting only his head in your direction while wiping the salty sting of raining sweat from his eyes. 
“Why do you love me?” you asked again. 
Pushing yourself up, you glanced down while fiddling with your pickaxe, the old wrap around its handle fraying ever so lightly despite its lack of consistent use. You’d need to replace it soon. 
“I just- it’s hard sometimes, you know? To think why you’ve stayed with me for so long or why you even want to stay with me altogether.”
You suddenly lost all courage, and couldn’t dare look him straight in the eye from your admittance. There was an unfounded trust your relationship, no doubt, but trust can only go far when comparing yourself to others. This was a question of worth, of importance when believing one has nothing special to give to someone who deserves the world. 
Shaking your head, you turned away from him to face the arching gem wall, driving your pickaxe into the thick, shimmering stone with a slam before wrapping your arms around yourself. You bit the inner side of your check, loose and anxious thoughts raging wild to come through in the vulnerable space.
Your hands shook in unpredictable expectations, fingers twitching against your pounding chest.
“I know you’re going to dismiss it as some kind of nonsense, ‘insecurity’ thing and honestly, you wouldn’t be wrong. But I can’t help it when you’re you and I’m me.”
The pause that followed was unbearable. Steady breathes pervaded the tense air, and after what felt to be an entirety in harsh, prolonged silence, you heard the shuffles of his feet when cautiously approaching you from behind.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” His tone was serious, yet his voice soft. Like he was cornering a scared and injured animal, he seemed mindful of his volume for your own concern. Another quality to consider: he was too kind than for what you rightfully earned.
There was so much to say, yet so little at the same time. You were at a loss for words on how to explain something so broad and conceptually troubling to see through. How does one explain how little they matter? How meaningless they are in the grand scheme of things to someone that only tries to see the best of them.
Someone that would refuse a truth for the sake of your troubled mentality.
“Well- you know…”
He stood directly behind you now, his radiating warmth encompassing your entire being, leaving you to shudder from the sharp contrast in the freezing underground. Hands hovering your rigid shoulders, he contemplated touching you but decided against it. He dropped his arms to his side with a sigh. 
“No, I don’t. What possible reasoning could you have for me not to love you?”
His pleading whisper was left unanswered, your body frozen to the guilt that consumed you from worrying him over your own problematic assumptions. As if he could read you, he began a different approach to break through to you. 
“Why do you love me?”
His unexpected question immediately caused you to go in defense. Spinning around, you glared up at him with resistant eyes, the response to trade your unsure gaze with ones that screamed in flipped concern for his own good. 
“Don’t do that.”
Sam’s own eyes remained just as hard, the unnatural line from his neutral expression pulling further to create an evident frown. He was just as serious as you.
“I’m serious here. What reasoning do you have to love me? A screw up, that does nothing but hurt others no matter how much I try in opposition to protect.”
Admittedly shaking your head, you unconsciously reached to grab the front of his chest plate, the enchanted armor glowing beneath your bare hands as you forcefully pushed him in disagreement. 
You knew what he was referencing to, and how hard the events became for him. No matter if Tommy would never forgive him, he had yet to forgive himself in any reasonable sense. 
“You know that’s not true. Mistakes are mistakes that can’t always be avoided or your fault.”
Tilting his head, Sam’s nose scrunched aggressively to your argument with a scowl.
“Can’t it?” 
While your face dropped from his jarring snap, he only sighed before bowing his head away, rubbing the back of his head with a tired exhale and dropped shoulders. It was his turn to struggle with his own words as you stared intensely for his explanation. 
His voice were soft again, and wavered slightly in the near beginning. 
“I’m not perfect, far from it actually. No matter how many times you try and reassure me of the fact, I’ll never truly believe anything there is good to say about me. I only see the worst of myself,” he murmured. Although a majority of his speech could have easily been missed from his airy quiet, your ears were strained and focused solely on him. 
As you tried to step closer to comfort him in some way or another, he finished his final thought then, causing you to freeze once more. 
“And when that negatively becomes too much, I look to you as my light.”
Sam sheepishly faced you, his bashful grin completely deviating from the conversation at hand.  An unexpected heat rushed to your face, causing you fall apart by the mere power behind his words. 
He gave an airy chuckle, closing his eyes with a gentle smile and opening to reveal such fragility in all he had to tell, eyes watering from the sight of you. 
“You give me more hope than I think I could ever deserve. From your shining smile to the smallest forms of affection, you give me a love irreplaceable by others and unconceivable to consider.” 
Biting your lip, your eyes also began to tear from the overly tender conceptions. He knew better than to let your thoughts run wild and interrupt him, so he continued before you could open your mouth in protest.
“I love you, for everything you’ve sacrificed and lost. You are my strength that pulls me through, inspires me to continue even on the hardest of days. You teach me to forgive myself and work through my hardships for a greater objective at play.” 
Steadily nearing your emotional state, Sam carefully pulled your hands into his own and caressed your knuckles with his callous thumbs. He squeezed them tightly once, before reaching a singular hand against your cheek, catching the fallen tears that escaped your adoring eyes.
“Even if you unintentionally did, you became that objective to pull me through it all.”
A sob escaped you, and Sam was quick to pull you into his chest. He kissed the top of your head earnestly while resuming to whisper his declaration against your hair.  
“I love you and all that you do. Everything that I said now, everything that I know how to express, it does nothing to how much you truly impact by merely existing as yourself.”
“Sam-” you had tried to interject, stop him from tearing you to complete bits as an over sentimental puddle, but he chose to speak over you instead. 
“I don’t love you simply because you’ve given so much to me, that you’ve went through notions with my sake as priority. I don’t care for any of that in all honesty. I love you, because you do all that you do as yourself.”
Shudder breathes caused you to shake beneath his firm hold, his only response to pull you inhumanely closer if possible. 
“It doesn’t matter why or what pushes you to do what you do, it’s the fact that you exist as yourself, that that beautiful heart of yours goes beyond any and all expectations anyone can conceive of you and never fails to the most of any situation to come.”
“You amaze me, y/n,” he hummed. Pulling you back, he raised a single finger below your chin to lift your face to his. He leaned a near breathes away, with an indescribable admiration that caused more tears to spill. 
“Why do I love you?” he re-asked.
His own tears coursed down his dirt stained skin, and you habitually moved to cup both of his cheeks. 
“Because you’re able to love me, and not even know the adverse effects you cause to those around you.”
Bringing your forehead to his, he kissed your scrunched nose as he released a small whimper, for he had nothing left to express through words. 
“If ever you question yourself again, ask yourself how are you able to love someone like me, and know that that same confounding thought shakes my very core and beats my love-stricken heart for you.”
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Pathetic giggles bounced around the gem filled enclosure, the high of work finally wearing you both down into a helpless mess of two exhausted, yet stubborn lovers. 
You leaned heavily into Sam’s hold, his own stance faltering from the unexpected weight you gave in as he groaned from the fast movement. 
“I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready for some rest, wouldn’t you say?” 
Giving out incomprehensible whines smothered into the crook of his arm, you raised a lazy hand to give a subtle thumbs up. Sam laughed loudly, and took your silent gesture as an answer. 
“You ready to climb back to the surface then?”
Mellow wails spoke for themselves, and he shook his head in joking disbelief to how drained you easily became. 
With you still in his arms, he maneuvered around you to grab both of your pickaxes and gathered resources, them too heavy to physically carry for his next course of action. He pulled out his Enderchest and swiftly packed everything away. 
Once everything else was settled, he worked on the actual situation in hand; literally, it being you basically asleep on your feet against his balanced arms. 
“Here,” he spoke. Lifting from your waist, he placed you on top of an overgrown gem stone and steadied your footing before quickly turning. He gripped your thighs, and even in your tired state, you instinctively jumped onto his back. 
He sighed when adjusting you, before making the trek back up the stair incline.
“To think I choose to love you.” 
You yawned loudly, and to his surprise, comprehended his words enough to respond.
“Mmmm, that sounds like a ‘you’ problem.” Head propped between his neck, he glanced down at you with a smirk. 
“Maybe, but a problem I welcome nonetheless.”
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Pitching a Tent
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,568
Summary: You and the team go on a camping trip together and you get stuck sharing a tent with Bucky. 
Author’s Note: This is for @aesthetical-bucky 1k challenge and the continuation of the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and the super fun prompt sent in below. For the challenge I had the prompt- enemies to friends/lovers: camping trip and you’re forced to share a tent with (Bucky) and then the smutty prompt- “are you wearing underwear?” Congratulations my beautiful love! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warning: Fun teasing, flirting, fluffy fun, implied sexy times ;)
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The tent pole pops out of the fabric and nearly takes your eye out. Letting go a string of curses you flail around in a huff. “Having some trouble, doll?” Bucky taunts, standing over you with a smirk. With a frustrated groan you stand, poking him in the chest. “Are you offering to help or just enjoying my suffering.” He picks up one of the poles and bops you on the head, “nope, definitely not gonna help,” and walks off with a laugh.
You grit your teeth, ready to stab him with the pointy end but Clint’s boots block your way. “Hey kid, need some help.” Looking up you frown, but it quickly turns into a smile when he gives you his own goofy grin. “That would be great thanks! Bucky basically came over here to make fun of me then left.”
Clint’s grin only grew, his eyes twinkling with something you can’t quite place. “What?” you ask, watching as he starts picking up the pieces of the tent. “Nothing. You two are oblivious is all. Hand me that pole, please.” You hand it over with a raised brow, blowing out a raspberry before saying, “if by oblivious you mean he’s an asshole then yea.”
With a shake of his head Clint continues building the tent, doing it far more quickly and efficiently than you ever could. “Wow,” you say, standing back and looking over the perfectly balanced tent. “Thanks, Clint! At least someone was nice enough to help me!” You shout the last words in Bucky’s direction, his head swinging your way. “Well it’s a good thing. You would have never been able to do it yourself.”
Clint can no longer contain his laughter as it rings out over the campground. “Oh man, so funny,” he mutters as he walks away. You narrow your eyes at Bucky, sticking out your tongue. He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and does the same back, your face scrunching up in shock. “UGH!” you say, not noticing when Steve leans over in Clint’s ear, whispering something that makes them both grin deviously.
The rest of the day goes by peacefully and you enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds of the woods. You manage to avoid Bucky for most of it. After dinner you head down to the lake to cool off with a swim. Ridding yourself of your clothes you walk into the refreshing water wearing only your underwear and bra, sighing at how good it feels.
You’re so caught up in the relaxation of your surroundings that you don’t hear Bucky quietly enter the water. It isn’t until he has his hands at your sides, tickling you and effectively scaring the life out of you that you know anyone is there. You scream loud enough to draw over Nat and Clint, the two of them going from terrified to annoyed. “I’m gonna drown the both of you if you don’t cut this shit out!” Nat yells over the water then stomps off, Clint hot on her heels.
“Nat’s not gonna be able to drown you because I’m gonna do it first,” you shout, trying your best to push Bucky under the water. It’s no use of course as he laughs and easily holds you back. “Nice try doll, but you might want to work on your take down a bit.” With that he dunks you one more time and strides out of the lake. You seethe, watching as the water drips down over his neck and chest. You don’t know if you’re angrier at the fact that he managed to scare you or that you’re staring because he looks so damn delicious.
Darkness finally descends on the campground and you and the rest of the team are huddled around the campfire, roasting marshmallows while Tony complains. “You should have let me buy a camper. Then we could have done this and gone to bed in style.” Steve throws a marshmallow at his head, tsking as he says, “that defeats the purpose Tony!” You laugh while trying to unstick your fingers from the marshmallow on your smore, finally deciding to just lick it off. You feel someone staring and look up to see Bucky’s eyes on you. His jaw is clenched, and he looks almost angry, so you just chalk it up to him being his usual jerky self. Throwing him a smirk you lick your lips.
It’s after midnight when everyone finally shuffles off to their tents. Nat and Clint, Tony and Pepper, Steve and Sam and then you and Bucky are left glaring at each other. “Oh, hell no, Barnes, you can sleep outside,” you say, going into the only empty tent left and starting to zip it closed. He barges through, “no way y/n. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You look down at the sleeping bag and although it’s giant there is only one. “Then you have to sleep outside the sleeping bag!” You stomp your foot with authority, and he laughs. “We’ll see about that.” Huffing and puffing you get yourself ready for bed, all the while very aware of Bucky’s closeness.
Once you’re under the cover and comfortable you sneak a glance his way just as he’s taking off his shirt. He starts to take off his pants and you screech, “what are you doing Barnes?” Giving you a cocky smile, he replies, “what does it look like, baby, getting ready for bed.” His pants are off in a second and he’s now standing in his boxer briefs.
You swallow hard and try to look away but can’t seem to bring yourself to. He lays down next to you, above the covers as promised and grabs his book. “Sleep tight, doll.” You mumble goodnight and turn over with a sigh. You’re not sure how much time passes before you start shivering but you can’t seem to stop.
“Are you cold, y/n?” You were hoping he was asleep already. “No, I’m fine,” you lie, curling into yourself. The next thing you know he’s getting into the sleeping bag and pulling you into his chest. At first you protest, pushing away from him with a grunt. “No thanks, Buck.” He doesn’t listen, tightening his hold on you and whispering into your neck, “don’t fight me, doll. You can’t freeze all night. Your feet are like ice.”
Giving in you go limp in his arms, finding it hard to fall asleep now that his warm body is so close to yours. You wiggle around to get comfortable and you hear his breath hitch, the low rumble of a growl vibrating through his chest. Ignoring him you cuddle closer, the feel of his hardness against your ass making you stifle a moan. You finally relax, the comfort of his strong body lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Bucky’s arms are still curled around you and your legs are tangled together. “Morning baby,” he murmurs, stretching his arms. You do the same, your oversized shirt riding up above your bum. Bucky immediately stills, his thigh brushing against your bare skin. “Are you wearing underwear?”
His question is barely audible over your heavy breathing, the air thick with tension as he runs his metal arm up your thigh. “Um. They were still wet last night after my swim in the lake, so I didn’t wear any to bed.” He rolls you over, caging you under him and between his arms. “Are you telling me you’ve been without underwear this whole time?”
You shake your head yes, unable to speak now that his thigh is nudging between your legs. “Fuck,” he growls before leaning down to kiss you. The very moment your lips brush to his you hear the zipper of your tent. Bucky jumps off you and throws the cover over your bodies. “Morning you two!” You hear Sam’s chipper voice before you see him poke his head into the tent. “Hurry and get up, Tony’s hungry and is already starting to yell about taking everyone out to eat. We have to get breakfast ready and we need all hands-on deck.”
He smiles, waiting for your reply. “Yea, yea, we’re coming Sam, get out!” Bucky throws a sock at his face which works better than expected as Sam wrinkles his nose in disgust and quickly leaves. “Fucking hell, he has the worst timing.” You giggle then blurt out, “but I thought you couldn’t stand me.” Bucky quickly moves back to you, taking you into his arms.
“Quite the opposite doll. I really like you a lot. It’s just easier for me to be a pain in your ass than actually tell you. I didn’t think you could ever feel the same way.” You straddle his waist, winding your arms around his neck. “Well, you’re wrong. I do like you. A lot.” His thumb brushes against your cheek and he leans in for another kiss only to be interrupted once again by Sam yelling outside your tent.
“Don’t make me come in there again! Hurry your asses up.” Bucky rests his forehead to yours and sighs, “I guess we have to go help with breakfast.” You tuck some hair behind his ear. “Yea, I guess,” you reply with a light laugh, then perk up, asking, “hey, so what are you doing later?” His grip on your waist tightens and he gives you a heated look. “You.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @emilylyoness @eurynome827 @imgaril-lindru @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @kaosera @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @scarletsoldierrr @sallycanwait68 @the-wayward-robot​ @softpeachbarnes​ @yansi1923​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Glad You Came (Julie x Reader)
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Request: Julie x reader where reader is kind of the fuckgirl of the team. Reader knows that julie have feelings for her and like her attention. Julie thinks that reader plays with her feelings. But reader actually like julie and try to get her trust back. End with fluff please.
Author’s Note: Idk if this actually fits the prompt, but I just couldn’t get the image out of my head. I hope you all enjoy.
Jj had always been a sucker for a good Rom-Com. The ones where the good girl fell for the bad boy (with a good heart) and that bad boy stepped up to the plate and got his shit together for her. 
But alas, though you were the team’s resident bad girl, this wasn’t a rom-com and it appeared you had zero intention of making a dent in your precious reputation. At least that’s what she thought. 
You always did have a knack for proving people wrong. 
The bouquet of roses was the first thing everyone noticed when they stepped into the locker room. It was an amazing surprise after such a rough practice. A not entirely unexpected, but still incredible surprise. 
JJ blushed as she approached her overflowing locker. This secret admirer stuff was getting a bit out of hand. 
“Why does Julie get roses, but none of the rest of us do?” Emily whined, settling down in front of her own bare cubby. 
Lindsey rolled her eyes. If JJ was going to keep getting gifts from a random person, she and the rest of the girls with significant others on the team were really going to have to step up their game. 
“You don’t like dead flowers Sonnett,” She called to the blond 3 lockers over. 
“Yeah, but it’s not fair if she gets them and the rest of us don’t,” Emily sighed dramatically, and the rest of the room giggled. 
“It's from her admirer,” Kelley chimed in, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 
JJ’s blush deepened. She carefully reached out and grabbed the thornless Rose with a little tag on it, bringing the delicate petals to her nose before examining the little handwritten note. 
“Ooo, what’s the note say this time?” Kelley asked, as half the team crowded around the midfielder. 
Julie took a big deep breath before reading the black cursive words out loud. 
“I wanted to get you something as beautiful as you are, but couldn’t find anything that came close,”
“Awww,” the team cooed, some rubbing Julie’s back and others ruffling her hair as they made their way back to their respective areas. 
She ran her fingers over the little words, trying to imagine the face of the person who could have written them. The person who would go to such lengths to show their interest in her. But the gifts were always sweet and never creepy. 
The gifts ranged from coffee orders sent to her hotel room, to a signed Mia Hamm jersey that had shown up in her locker, but the thing that always remained was the smooth black cursive notes that accompanied them. 
She brushed the soft petals against her nose again. How she longed to know who thought so highly of her. 
“Who could get roses in here?” Sam snorted, pulling her boots off. 
“It’s gotta be a teammate. They show up literally everywhere we go,” Rose said thoughtfully, glancing around at all the women in the room, her eyes lingering on where you were grinning down at your phone. 
There was just something about your smile and the way you kept glancing up at a certain blond midfielder. 
“At least we know it’s not Y/n,” Emily cackled. 
You looked up at the group from your place across the room, where they all thought you were trying to ignore the commotion (probably in favor of texting a random girl for a hookup). 
You had the reputation of being the fuckgirl of the team. And you took pride in that. You liked when women gave you attention, and as long as everything was consensual, you didn’t see the harm in messing around. That didn’t mean you treated women like objects. Quite the opposite. You loved to woo them, to make them feel beautiful, and then move on to the next conquest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“With a body count as high as yours, I doubt you’re capable of being this romantic,” Julie spat back, glaring at you. Your history with her was far from perfect, and she had found out about your reputation first hand. 
You smirked. If you couldn’t positively have her attention (the way you wanted but were too afraid to admit), then you would take the hostility any day. Angry Julie was still sexy after all. 
“How do you think I get them into my bed? Maybe I’m a secret mush at heart,” You asked, standing and approaching the woman. Your hands gently brushed over her shoulder and you began to lean in close to her. 
She brought her finger up to push against your nose, stopping you in your tracks. You tried and failed to cover your smile at the touch. 
“Yeah right,” She scoffed, shoving you back. 
Your smile widened, as you stepped back, your arms wide. “You never know till you try it, Jules,”
“Been there, done that. No thanks,” She shook her head and turned away from you. “At least I have enough class not to fuck anything with a pulse”
Rose tilted her head to the side at the brief look of sadness that crossed your features. Her eyebrows furrowed at the look, and how quickly it was gone. 
You picked at the tape around your wrist- a habit that started in middle school after an unfortunate event that required stitches and had become one of your many signatures within the team. The pressure around the area was calming now, and always put you in the right mode of a game.
It also gave you something to absentmindedly play with as you waited for the next set of drills on the bench (totally not checking out a certain blond when she wasn’t looking). 
“When are you going to tell her that you’re her admirer?” Rose said, settling down on the bench beside you. 
You shrugged. “First, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”  You glanced up at the bling again, before blinking back to Rose’s raised eyebrow. 
You took a deep breath, finally managing to get a finger under the tape. 
“And second never. I’m defective remember? Completely incapable of love,” 
You repeated the words JJ had said to you that fateful night. The night you had ruined the best almost relationship you ever had. It wasn���t you exactly, just the fact that a woman was texting you while you were in bed with Julie. You weren’t going to respond, but the blond midfielder had caught sight of the screen before you could clear the notification. 
That was enough proof for her. She kicked you out and didn’t let you explain- there was nothing to say apparently. 
“That’s why you always send her flowers and notes, and other gooey stuff right?” Rose rolled her eyes. 
She had known you since the two of you were in diapers. She knew all about your hang-ups on relationships, but she also knew the secret romantic side. The sweet side that you didn’t show to everyone. Everyone except a blond midfielder (who was still very smitten with you, even if you didn’t want to believe it). 
“I-,” You paused, biting your lip, your eyes getting that faraway look Rose knew all too well. You shook your head. You had your shot and it had blown up in your face. “She doesn’t want me. It’s just easier this way,” 
“What, to hopelessly pine after someone? Or to completely avoid rejection all together?” Rose snorted. 
You shook your head again, finally looking rose in the eyes. “I hurt her Rose. She doesn’t want someone she can’t trust,” 
Rose softened at the admission and the unspoken “I’m not good enough” that went with it. You had always struggled with that, maybe that’s why you were such a lady killer. You so badly wanted to be enough, that you jumped at every opportunity. But it was different after you met JJ. 
“How many people have you slept with within the last 3 months?” Rose asked suddenly. 
And you blinked at her a few times, completely unsure of where your best friend was going with this. 
Rose rolled her eyes. “If you can’t think of an exact number, ballpark it for me,”
You vehemently shook your head. You hadn’t met a hookup since that night, too hung up on JJ, and afraid that continuing would destroy any remaining chance you had with the woman. 
“I haven’t,” 
Rose snapped, patting your shoulder. “Exactly. You’re proving to her, the entire team really, that you can change. She’ll come around, especially if you’re honest with her and I don’t know, try to keep it in your pants for once,” 
The team had taken notice of your change, how you hadn’t engaged in hookups. Only a few of them knew the real reason behind your apparent abstinence. 
“You think?” You asked softly, and Rose sent you an indulgent smile. 
“Yeah, you just gotta grow a pair and tell her you’ve been her secret admirer for the last 6 months,” She finished with a cackle and you blushed. 
That was easier said than done. 
Julie had never been this impressed in her entire life. Sure she had been to some amazing restaurants before, but nothing like the little place her admirer had chosen. She felt every bit of hesitance leave her as she stepped into the building. It was quaint and romantic with an amazing buzz in the air. 
She had found the handwritten note with the time and place on the floor outside her hotel room door, along with one of the cutest black dresses she had ever seen. It fit her perfectly, and she looked good if she did say so herself. 
She approached the hostess stand, and the man behind the counter smiled at her. “Good evening miss, how may we assist you?”
She smiled back at him. “Um, I have a reservation. It’s under Mystique,” she said, suppressing a grin at the name her admirer had chosen. 
The man’s smile widened as he reached into his suit jacket pocket, and retrieved a neatly folded letter. “Ah, yes. I have this for you,” 
JJ to the heavy paper in her hands, running her fingers over her name written in familiar black cursive reverently. Her admirer rarely ever wrote her name out. 
She very carefully unfolded the note, revealing more of her favorite handwriting. 
First and foremost, I’m so glad you could make it. I know I’ve written this beforehand, but I must say I’m sure you look amazing. You always look amazing. It doesn’t matter if it’s during practice, or during one of our very chill team bonding nights. You never fail to take my breath away, but that’s not why it’s taken me so long to finally grow a pair and come clean. 
I know that you and I have history and that I’m not your ideal significant other, but I promise you’re not just another person to add to my long list. You make me feel things I’ve never really felt before, and that scares me. I don’t know how to do this, and I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I can promise that I’ll try my best. I will do everything I can to show you how much I love you, and to be someone worthy of your love in return. 
Now comes the hard part. If you want to give me the chance to show you that I’ve grown up and am ready for a serious relationship, just tell the matroids you would like to take a drink at the bar. or If you don’t want to see me, but want to eat, just tell him you’re ready for your table. Your meal will be paid for, and I’ll leave you alone. We can even pretend it never happened if you would prefer. Or if you want neither of those things, you can walk away. 
The choice is yours J. Ill respect whatever you choose, and no hard feelings either way.
Truly yours,
Julie stared down at the letter, completely stunned, almost unable to believe that you could ever do anything this remotely romantic. A small part of her cheered as if she was waiting for you to finally step up. 
She didn’t hate you, contrary to popular belief. She just thought you were incredibly confusing. You would flaunt your reputation, but then you would be sweet and shy with her. In the end, your first try at a relationship didn’t work because she was tired of you jerking her around. But this was a side to you she had never seen. One that intrigued her to no end. 
“Have you made your decision ma’am?” The maitre d’ asked kindly, sliding up beside her. She blinked up from the neat handwriting towards the man (who looked like he wanted to say more). 
She nodded at the man. “I have. I’d like to have a drink at the bar please,” 
his smile was blinding as he gestured to the left with his arm. “Right this way,” 
You carefully swirled your finger around the rim of your drink, staring listlessly into the amber liquid. You weren’t quite sure how long you had been sitting here, but with every passing second, you couldn’t help but think about how much of a terrible idea this was. 
She was never going to choose to come sit with you at the bar, and the longer you waited, the more pathetic you would look in the end. 
You almost felt bad for the staff. They were so excited to help, so enthusiastic about helping you get the girl of your dreams. You were sure you were going to disappoint them. 
“Fancy meeting you here stranger,” Her voice cut through your internal monologue. You lifted your head to meet her blue eyes, and the sight alone took your breath away. 
“JJ, you came,” You said breathlessly, standing to greet the woman. 
“I did,” She nodded, blushing when you took her hand and kissed the back of it before pulling out a chair for her. You sat down next to her, flagging down the bartender for the woman. 
“You look stunning,” You said softly, finally turning in her direction, and she caught the light shade of pink that tinted your cheeks. 
“So you’ve said,” Julie laughed, holding up the letter. The red in your cheeks spread up to your ears and down your neck as you ducked your head in embarrassment. 
“Megan may have helped me pick it out…” You mumbled, your fingers returning to your glass. 
Rose may or may not have gotten the entire team involved when she finally convinced you to make your move. While you were relieved to have help picking out the perfect outfit, you hadn’t enjoyed being made fun of for your “questionable” fashion sense. 
“Was she behind the other gifts too?” Julie asked, taking a sip of her drink with a raised eyebrow. 
You shook your head, rubbing the back of your neck. “No. Those were all me,” 
Julie smiled softly, reaching up to intertwine your fingers. She wasn’t used to seeing you so shy. It was kinda adorable. 
“Well, I loved them,” 
You nodded again, taking a big gulp of your drink, trying to calm your racing heart. “I’m really glad you came. I was afraid you would find out it was me and change your mind,”
“I’m glad I came too,” 
You smiled brilliantly at the woman. You hadn’t completely redeemed yourself yet, not like Zuko or Snape, but at least you were going to have the chance to try. You weren’t going to let her slip through your fingers again. 
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
In a Heartbeat  -  Five
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Pairing: Fireman!Bucky X Reader
Summary: You’ve always been careful with your heart. With your condition, you don’t exactly have any other choice. The last time you let someone in, you paid the price. A price you don’t plan on paying again. Until Bucky comes in and shatters your carefully crafted world.
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Smut (18+), 
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: hi I hope you enjoy this! So I’m thinking this will probably have two more parts and maybe an epilogue. I’m very very excited. Also my carpal tunnel has been hurting a lot lately so I haven’t been able to write much, plus I've been super tired. I hope to post more regularly and update stuff more often but I make no promises. Anyway, Enjoy!
Series Masterlist
“Going somewhere, Barnes?” The brunet smiles, raking a hand through his damp hair.
“Hell yeah, I am. I’ve got a date with the most gorgeous woman in the world.” Steve chuckles, shaking his head at his friend.
“Barnes doesn’t stink. What's he planning?” Sam asks, eyeing the way the brunet towel-dries his hair as he gathers his things.
Showering at the firehouse is something he likes to avoid at all costs. But smelling like sweat and fire before meeting you for another date? That’s ten times worse.
“Shut up, Sam.”
“He’s just jealous that no one wants to go out with him,” a female voice calls.
The men look to the doorway, smiles growing as they see Natasha standing there.
“What are you doing here?” Bucky asks, eyeing the cupcake in her hand.
“I come bearing gifts. Some better than others.” She steps aside and you smile from where she was standing, a Tupperware of cupcakes in your hands.
“Hey, (Y/n)!” Steve calls. You wave weakly at him, smiling nervously as you walk over to the table where he sits.
“Hey, doll. What are you doing here?” Bucky asks, eyes devouring your figure.
“Hi. Nat said she was popping by so I thought I’d go with her. Save you the drive over to my place, too.” You look at Bucky as you say the last part, smiling timidly at the grin on his face.
He walks over to you and leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips while his arm wraps around your waist.
You pull away when Sam whistles, giggling softly and shaking your head.
“I uh... I brought some cupcakes for you and the guys. Nat said I should leave them for her but I thought you guys might want some.”
Sam and Clint are diving for the container before you’ve even finished speaking, and you can’t help but laugh at their eagerness.
Bucky moves to stand behind you, his chin on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist.
“You okay?” He asks softly. You nod, bringing your hands up to rest on his.
He knows how you get around his friends, nervous that they won’t accept you. When he introduced you to them for the first time you’d had to excuse yourself to take nearly a double dose of your pills.
“We can head out right away. I just need to grab my things.” You nod your understanding and he presses a soft kiss to your cheek before letting go of you.
“Well if you’re trying to win us over, it worked. These cupcakes are amazing, (Y/n).” You smile at Clint then over at Nat who gives you a knowing look.
The drive over was filled with you panicking and freaking out, hoping that they didn’t hate the cupcakes or think you were weird for making them.
“If Nat kept these to herself I think I’d die,” Sam says, interrupting your thoughts.
“These are the leftovers from our Halloween party. I’m not gonna eat them all and I don’t think it’s healthy for Nat and James to share two dozen cupcakes between the two of them.” Bucky pinches your butt and you yelp, swatting his hand away.
“I could’ve devoured those in ten minutes.” You nod, smacking his chest. “That’s what I’m worried about. There’s only room for one of us to have a heart problem in this relationship.”
Steve chokes on his cupcake and Nat cackles, shaking her head at you.
In the time that you and Bucky have been together, your confidence has grown so much, and for that Nat is very grateful.
“It’s okay to laugh,” you say, noticing the way Clint and Sam are staring at Bucky. The brunet shakes his head, hugging you tightly and chuckling into your hair.
“Always a comedian, huh?” You shrug, “one of us has to be funny.” Sam laughs then, Clint snorting while Steve coughs the cupcake out of his lungs.
“Alright. Enough of that. Let’s get going.”
You bid goodbye to everyone and walk with Bucky to his truck, smiling when he starts driving.
“So you’re my girl then?” He asks after a while, a smile on his face.
“I thought it was obvious after our first date,” you reply coyly, heart skipping a beat as you remember everything that took place.
Since then you’ve had your fair share of make-out sessions, each ending in him pulling away with the excuse of wanting to wait.
He chuckles softly, eyes on you for a long moment.
“Well, I just never know. Don’t want to assume anything.” You hum, pondering this for a moment.
“Have you been ‘playing the field’ then? Waiting ‘till we’re a real item to put yourself off the market?” You’re half-teasing, but he can hear the nervousness beneath your words.
“No way. With a sweet thing like you by my side, I’d never even dream of someone else, even if we weren’t official.” You feel reassured and relax into the seat.
“Where are we headed?” You ask after a moment, realizing you don’t know what his date plans are for tonight.
“Well, I figured since it’s the start of the weekend, we could have a delicious dinner of Italian bread, tomato spread, cheese, vegetables, and meat. Maybe top it off with some gourmet pureed milk with fresh vanilla, frozen to the perfect temperature.”
You blink at this then shake your head. “Pizza and ice cream?”
“Pizza and ice cream.”
You’re cuddled up next to him on his couch, head tucked on his shoulder and legs thrown over his lap. He’s got his metal hand on your knees and his flesh around your shoulders, holding you close to his body while the two of you watch the movie.
You’re tracing tiny patterns on the back of his metal hand, marvelling at how warm the material is beneath your touch.
Your fingers gradually make their way up until you’re drawing on his forearm.
He shifts slightly, hand resting on your hip and tugging you up until you’re seated on his lap. The position is nice, but not the one you want to be in, so you quickly shift to straddle his lap.
His eyes snap up to your face, beautiful blues capturing your gaze and looking straight into your soul.
“Hi,” he murmurs, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Your fingers find their way to his hair, combing through and nails gently scraping against his scalp.
“Hi,” you reply, voice just as soft as his.
Something in the atmosphere changes at that moment, the two of you taking note of it at the same time. The tension grows swiftly between the two of you as you each glance at the other’s lips.
“It’s been over a month,” you whisper, lips just hardly brushing over his. He nods, hands gripping your hips tightly as he pulls you hard against him, forcing you to feel the outline of his hardening cock.  
“It has. And you haven’t run away screaming yet so I must be doing something right.” You chuckle, lips pressing gentle kisses to his neck. “If tonight goes well, I don’t think I’ll ever run away.” He groans and his hips thrust upwards, making you gasp.
“A-are you sure?” He asks, genuinely concerned as he pulls back.
“I don’t wanna hurt you... and I don’t wanna get your heart going too fast.” You smile softly at him, cupping his cheeks in your hands.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything, James. I want you. And if my heart gets too high, we’ll put my pills on the nightstand. I just want you. Please.” He lets out a big breath and you sigh, pushing off of his lap and scooting away from him until you’re at the opposite end of the couch.
“Babydoll, I didn’t say no. I’m just worried.” You say nothing. Instead, you keep your arms crossed over your chest and stare at the TV screen.
“C’mon doll. You’re not gonna be mad at me for caring about your heart, are ya?” You look over at him finally and sigh.
“It’s my heart, James. And if I wanna risk my health to have sex with you, that's my choice.” He chuckles and shakes his head, crawling over to you. His hands are on your body then, flipping you so you’re laying with your back against the arm of the couch. He climbs between your legs and grinds his hips against yours.
“If your heart needs a break you tell me, okay? I don’t care if I’m about to cum, you stop me and you take your pills. Your health is more important than anything to me.” You nod, eyelids fluttering closed as he grinds against you again.
“Do you promise? I won’t do anything unless you promise to tell me if it’s too much.” Yo open your eyes when he stops moving, hands coming up to his shoulders.
“I promise I’ll tell you if I need to take a breather, okay?” He nods, happy with your answer, then dives down to press a searing kiss to your lips.
The passion behind it is like nothing you’ve felt before, and you’re startled for a moment before kissing him back just as forcefully.
He grinds his length against your core through your clothes and you moan softly against his lips.
His tongue darts into your mouth, getting re-acquainted with every inch while his flesh hand shoves your shirt up just enough for some skin-to-skin contact.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him down harder against you and rocking your hips up to meet his.
“You gonna let me eat you out?” The way the words fall breathlessly from his kiss-swollen lips makes you moan, nodding desperately. He chuckles softly, mouth making a wet trail down your neck.
His fingers come to the neckline of your shirt and, with little effort, he tears the fabric straight down the middle.
The blatant display of strength has you wiggling your hips in a pathetic attempt to alleviate the growing tension between your thighs.
His fingers dart behind your back, unclasping your bra expertly and tossing it aside.
Lips wrap around your nipple, tongue darting out for a moment before he nips at it with his teeth.
Your back arches up into his touch and he uses that to his advantage, groping your other breast and pinching at your nipple.
He pulls away after a moment, eyes dark and focused on your face while his hand slides up to rest on your throat, fingers pressing against your pulse point. You roll your eyes but he seems determined to make sure you’re not overworking yourself.
“Just checking,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your lips quickly before climbing down your body. He tugs your pants down, panties coming with them, and lays on his stomach between your legs.
You bring one hand up to cover your face, heart skipping a beat as he places kiss after kiss on your inner thighs.
“Relax for me, doll. Lemme treat you right.” You nod, taking deep breaths to try and calm down while he brings your thighs over his shoulders.
His tongue darts out and licks you from entrance to clit, sending sparks shooting from your core to your toes.
He repeats the action a few times before focusing on your clit, tongue swirling and massaging over the bundle of nerves. Your thighs clench around his head and your heels dig into his back.
“F-fuck.” You’re surprised at how quickly he gets you to the edge, but you pay it no mind for now. Instead, you bask in the feeling of his mouth on your core and his beard scratching your thighs.
Your hands grab at his hair, pulling him in while your hips buck up off the couch.
Mouth open in a silent scream of bliss, you convulse. Your thighs tremble atop his shoulders and your hands nearly rip his hair from his head, but he doesn't mind. No, if anything the pain spurs him on.
It isn’t until you give an intentional tug on his hair that he lets up, eyes finding yours as he slowly lowers your legs and sits back on his haunches.
His hands rub gently over your thighs while you catch your breath, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
“You okay?” He asks, concern lacing his voice.
You nod, heart beating fast but not nearly fast enough to be concerning.
“Do you wanna take this to the bedroom?” He’s genuinely wondering if you want to continue and you find yourself smiling softly at him.
“Yeah, I really really do.” He nods, a smile spreading on his handsome face before he scoops you up in his arms and carries you into his bedroom.
He’s so gentle in his movements, carefully placing you on the bed, kissing every inch of skin he can reach.
He only stays with you for a moment before standing up and darting out of the room. You prop yourself up on your elbows in confusion, waiting nervously for him to come back.
When he does you feel your heart warm.
He’s got your pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other.
“Just in case. So you don’t have to go far.” He sets them down on the bedside table then stands sheepishly beside the bed, cheeks pink. You crawl up onto your knees, grab the collar of his shirt, and yank him down onto the bed with you.
He collapses on top of you, catching himself at the very last second with his metal arm. Your lips find his in a kiss that's all teeth and tongue.
“Take off your clothes,” you whisper against his lips, fingers toying with his belt buckle.
He pulls back and yanks his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor in a quick flash. Before he can come back, you’re tracing your fingers gently over his chest, eyes finding the angry red scarring on his shoulder.
His eyes are focused on your face as you trace over the scars with feather-light fingers, a frown tugging on the corners of your mouth.
“What?” He asks, worried that you’re disgusted with him.
“Do they hurt?” Your voice is a hushed whisper, almost as if you’re afraid of breaking the atmosphere of the dark room.
“Sometimes. But I deal with it.” You shake your head and look up at him, tears glistening in your eyes. “You shouldn’t have to.” His arms snake around your waist and he pulls you tight against his chest.
“We all have things that we shouldn’t have to deal with but we deal with them. I’m no exception.” You lean your head against his shoulder and press soft kisses to the place where metal meets flesh.
His fingers dance along your spine for a few minutes before he pulls away. You tilt your head back to look at him just as he leans down. His lips find yours, moulding against them so gingerly and expressing things that words could never.
Your arms wrap around his neck as he slowly leads you to lay down on the bed. Your legs come up around his waist, squeezing his waist and holding him tightly.
“You gonna fuck me?” The words slip out before you can stop them, but the growl that rumbles in his chest is enough for you to feel no regrets.
He leans back on his haunches and nearly tears his belt in half in his haste to get it off. His jeans are pushed off next, boxers coming with them until he’s naked before you.
You relax on your back as he leans over you, his hands coming to rest on either side of your head. You hold his biceps as he spreads your thighs with his knees.
“M’gonna treat you so well, darlin’.”
You nod, mouth dropping open in a gasp as he slides his hot length through your dripping folds.
He repeats the action a few times, coating himself in your slick before positioning the tip right at your entrance.
His eyes are locked on yours, holding your gaze as he slowly pushes into you, fire alight in his eyes at the choked moan that leaves your lips.
You finally manage to tear your eyes from his, staring down at where he’s pushing inch upon inch of his thick cock into your tight cunt.
There’s a brief moment of panic when you wonder if you’ll be able to take him fully.
“Look at that,” he murmurs, lips brushing gently over your temple. “Fuck, you feel so good... so nice...” You tilt your head back, relaxing further into the mattress as he bottoms out, hips flush against yours.
Your breathing hard, eyes shut and hands holding his biceps tightly as you adjust to his impressive size, the intrusion so foreign after so long.
“You okay?” He asks gently, voice laced with concern. You nod, taking a moment to actually check in with yourself. Your heart is beating fairly quickly, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.
“I-I’m okay. Can you...?” You trail off but he gets the idea, pulling his hips back only to press them forward. You moan softly, nails biting into the sensitive skin of his right arm and he hisses at the pain, snapping his hips forward harder and finding a steady pace.
Your head digs into the mattress, pleasure bubbling up and filling up the space inside of you with sparks as his cock hits the spot inside of you that makes your toes curl.
“Fuck... right there... fuck...”
He assaults your neck with rough kisses, his beard scratching at the sensitive skin and adding to the intense feeling of euphoria like gasoline to a fire.
Each thrust of his hips pushes you closer and closer to the edge, and your heart picks up speed as your climax approaches.
His metal hand pushes its way between your bodies down to where the two of you are connected, immediately working your clit and successfully pushing you into your climax.
Your entire body ignites, every nerve on fire and every cell up in flames. It rolls over you in wave after wave, drowning the rest of your senses so that all you can focus on is the feeling of him between your legs, pushing you headfirst into the most intense orgasm of your life.
The feeling of your walls clenching around his cock brings him rushing to his own release, hips faltering as he tries to maintain his composure and fuck the two of you through your highs.
He cums in hot bursts, painting your walls white and filling you with his seed. Your chest heaves, breaths coming in hard and fast in both an attempt to get oxygen and slow your heart, and also come down from your high.
Bucky pushes himself off of you upon hearing your laboured breaths and after one glance at your heaving chest, he’s pulling out of you and reaching over to grab your pills and the glass of water.
He balances them both in one hand and helps you sit up carefully, handing you the small bottle and then the glass of water.
You take your pills as quickly as you can, avoiding his eyes until your heart stops racing, and even then you don’t look up.
“Hey, look at me,” he whispers, taking the objects from your hands and setting them back on the table.
You slowly do, eyes glossy with tears as you bring your knees up and hug them to your chest.
“What’s wrong? Why the tears?” You shake your head, closing your eyes tightly and taking a few deep breaths.
“I ruin everything,” you whisper softly, pressing your forehead to your knees as tears drip down your cheeks.
He’s quiet for a long while, trying to figure out what’s making you say something so ridiculous.
“What... why would you say that, sweet girl?” You shake your head, sniffling.
“My stupid heart ruins everything. We were having a moment and I-” “Hey, you listen to me.” The urgency in his voice has you looking up instinctively, but you find nothing but softness on his face.
“Your heart is anything but stupid, okay? Your heart is amazing and it makes you who you are. I couldn’t care less if you have to stop and take your pills every time we have sex. If you wanna have sex again. I mean, I enjoyed it and I hope you did too, but if you didn’t that's okay, but maybe let me try again so that you can enjoy it more. But if you don’t want to that's totally fine, I don’t want you to feel pressured into having sex with me again if you don’t want to.” He stops himself and shakes his head, sighing heavily.
“What I'm trying to say, is that you could quite literally stop me as I'm about to blow my fricken load and take your pills and I wouldn’t be upset. We could be fighting, and if you need to take your pills it’s all behind us. Just because your heart needs a little help doesn’t make it any less important, okay? I will always put your health above anything.” You let out a shaky breath then nod, new tears welling up in your eyes at his words.
“Oh no. No more tears, doll.” You shake your head, a teary smile spreading on your face.
“You’re the nicest man I’ve ever met. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.” He’s got you wrapped in his arms in an instant, metal arm tight around your back and flesh hand holding the back of your head gingerly.
“Oh, darlin’...” His own eyes prickle with tears as he presses his lips to your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, pulling back after a moment and giggling softly.
“Don’t be. This is how I want things to be. I want us to be able to cry and laugh right after sex. It’s how we should be. And I’m so happy that you’re comfortable with me.”
You sniffle and nod, fingers toying with his metal hand.
“How about we go take a shower then get nice and cuddled up in bed? I’ve been meaning to catch up on some of that show you introduced me to.” Your eyebrows raise and he chuckles.
“How’s that sound, pretty girl?” You nod, a small smile on your face. “It sounds perfect.”
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