#while their teenager is crying
carmenlire · 2 years
today's semantic error thoughts: one day sangwoo and jaeyoung go to the park and they're just walking around talking with the coffee they stopped to get when a little kid comes running up to them crying. sangwoo immediately gets down on one knee to talk to them at their level and jaeyoung is surprised at just how good sangwoo is with the kid.
the kid can't find his mom and he's scared and jaeyoung just watches as sangwoo gently wipes the tears from the boy's eyes and calms him down by being logical and explaining exactly what they're going to do to find his eomma.
once the kid is calm, sangwoo stands up and the boy immediately reaches for his hand and sangwoo doesn't hesitate or seem uncomfortable at all letting the little boy hold his hand as they start looking for her.
sangwoo asks a steady stream of questions that are a mix of practical and distraction-- what was your mom wearing? your shirt has batman on it, is that your favorite superhero?-- and jaeyoung just watches the scene in front of him feeling like his heart is about to burst from the onslaught of love and pride right now.
eventually the boy looks back at jaeyoung and tugs on Sangwoo's hand to ask who the ahjussi is. while Jaeyoung splutters-- aish, this kid, he's a hyung-- sangwoo just says that's Jang Jaeyoung and he's my boyfriend. the kid just nods and says "your boyfriend is too tall."
sangwoo swings their hands a little and looks down at the kid, nodding with a frown. "you're right, huh? he really is too tall-- what is he trying to be, a giraffe?" and the kid laughs while Jaeyoung's mouth drops open in affront.
finally, the mom comes racing over-- the office called and she turned away to answer for one minute-- and she profusely thanks sangwoo and jaeyoung. the kid goes to his mom and hugs her and sangwoo and jaeyoung turn to continue their walk.
they make it a few yards before the sound of running feet grabs their attention. they turn around just in time for the little boy to barrel into Sangwoo's legs, hugging them tight. as soon as he can, sangwoo crouches down so they're at eye level.
his face is serious for a moment before jaeyoung watches a smile softens his features. sangwoo straightens up the boy's jacket as he tells him to be more aware of his surroundings and his caretaker in the future.
the little boy nods seriously before leaning in again to wrap his arms around Sangwoo's neck. "thank you hyung," the boy whispers.
sangwoo returns the hug for a moment before releasing the kid and telling him to get back to his eomma.
when sangwoo stands up again, jaeyoung slings an arm over his shoulders and pulls him to his side, kissing the top of his head.
their conversation shifts to sangwoo being good with kids and jaeyoung attentively listens as sangwoo explains kids are easy because their motives are pure and they don't hide what they're feeling. they talk about the possibility of their own kids some time in the future and both feel content knowing they're on the same page.
later that night, though, when sangwoo asks jaeyoung to get something from the top cupboard, he rolls his eyes as his boyfriend crosses his arms and says, "good thing you're dating a giraffe after all, hm?"
#idk what this is#just a little idea that popped into my head#really i was thinking of a future fic where sangwoo and jaeyoung have kids#and jaeyoung is surprised at Sangwoo’s affinity for children#and how good of a dad he is#but ofc they would've talked before having kids so this started them thinking about that eventual chapter#live for the image of parents Jaeyoung and sangwoo#sangwoo would be so good at schedules and the practical element but with his children he would also#be amazing at the emotional side and would show them so much love in his own way#their kids woukd go to both of them when they needed help and knkw that their parents support them and are good at advice#the image of sangwoo reasoning with an 8 year old on why they cant stay up till midnight on a school night#but hes also surprising bc sometimes he does let his kid have cake for breakfast#and jaeyoungs like what yeobo? you okayed this?#and sangwoo shrugs and says cake for breakfast brings them joy and im balancing it out with a lunch that hits my nutrition guidelines later#and their kid going to sangwoo when theyre 15 and just got their heart broken for the first time#jaeyoung comes home from a meeting#and sees his kid and sangwoo under a blanket on tbe couch watching a romcom and eating jce cream straight from the pint#while their teenager is crying#and jaeyoungs first instinct is to say who hurt his baby but he just changes clothes and sits on the other side with his own spoon#man theyd be amazing parents#my writing tag#my writing#semantic error#semantic error hc
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aron-mp4 · 6 months
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"So.... You guys from Jersey?"
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tinteduse · 6 months
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lala playing + having fun lala
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rawliverandgoronspice · 11 months
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behold: my least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
#totk critical#totk#tloz#gerudos#when will my brain return from the imprisoning war....#I just stumbled upon it again doing research yesterday and....#there's so many layers as to why it aggravates me#that it's spoken from the perspective of a masked woman as to embody all gerudos while removing her own identity#in the context of her loyalty to rauru as well#that giving birth to a bad man makes you responsible for his actions (he's not a toddler anymore he's an adult ok)#or more metaphorically that your initial conflict with hyrule makes you Sinful and cursed and you must Feel Bad Now *shame shame*#that she's passing on that ageless guilt with no expiration date onto the shoulders of *a teenager* and it's considered GOOD???#(wind waker shaking crying right now)#ALL OF THAT to prop her up to swear her loyalty to the people planning to go murder their ancient king (sure he's a Bad but still???)#using some sort of weird ass original sin scenario that is arguably not any gerudo's fault but Ganondorf's#(or if it is then it's not shown so ???)#the vibes are so so so off I just really !!!!! don't like#this is stuff like this that makes me reject that it's a good story about alliances being formed in good faith#because this is just manipulative#maybe the alliance angle everyone's stronger together was the intention but the execution is another story entirely#gerudos never benefited from ganondorf's actions also#so it's not even a case of making reparations for the way you benefit from systemic oppression due to your ancestor's actions#gerudos won literally nothing in ganondorf's war#apparently he even subjugated them if they weren't on his side (like.... a king would.... not to excuse it but the double standard here)#so it just instrumentalizes the ageless sin of motherhood + suffering under a bad monarch billion of years ago for war#so uhhh.... yeah that's not... that's pretty bad imo#the gerudo girl could have went “hey girl this man used us and still hurt us to this day let's kick his ass once and for all”#and this would have been a different story entirely#a little cheap but not.... That Bad
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fallen-blade · 2 years
I think the reason the “wipe that grin off your face” scene hits me so hard is that Leo isn’t smiling because he’s trying to provoke a response from Kraang. He’s not being his usual cocky self and gloating.
It’s because, in a place that he’s sure he’s going to die alone in, he found a genuine source of happiness in the fact that he succeeded in keeping his family safe.
And then he was beaten for it.
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some-french-asshole · 2 years
Just an emotionally unavailable bad boy
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grumpytheunicorn · 1 year
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“When you press me to heart
I’m in a world apart
A world where roses bloom”
- La Vie En Rose, Edith Piaf
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Soo I did a thing
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
y'know how siblings will fight all day, and then like, one of them falls asleep (typically while in the car) and the other huffs and puffs but lays them down on their lap/shoulder and totally doesn't play with their hair and they pretend they are fine but inside they're gonna cry, cause their sibling is just their little baby and they would die for them and they regret being mean all day and get themselves so close to crying....
that's Miles², no I will not be taking criticism.
like, Milo (miles 42, using the little nickname for the sake of ease) and Miles going back and forth all day, being mean, teasing each other, calling each other names, being REAL mature, but the second the other falls asleep, it's done, over, they will go to the ends of the earth to make sure the other stays sound asleep, is comfy, and is not in any way disturbed. Milo will SHOOT you, if you dare breathe too loud when his brothers sleeping, he will not move a muscle for hours if his brothers sleeping on him, and the whole time he's teary eyed, trying to pretend he's not doing the little thumb thing on Miles's hair. same with Miles, he's just actually crying, he's drafting a heartfelt apology, he's fighting the urge to hug Milo as tight as he can, he's normally curling up next to/around Milo and going to sleep himself cause he's a wreck at that point.
they're brothers, better yet, twins, your honor, I love them.
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sucharandomwolf · 2 years
Small Talk 💬
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I started working on this a few weeks ago and didn’t think it’d take me as long nor be as long but I love the outcome. Given that Raph was with Mikey when they helped Draxum, I like to believe that he would be the second to start seeing him as a father after some time.
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reyiosa · 2 months
me in april 2014: i need an extension on a major paper and all my friends fucking hate me
me in april 2024: i need an extension on a major paper and all my friends fucking hate me
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cutiepatootiekatie · 2 months
so i swim for the school my old crush goes to and yesterday when i was walking home to my car after practice i saw him walking out 😭
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yikes-ajax · 7 months
Thinking about how deranged this thanksgiving was.
I hit a kid with my cane. I popped so many painkillers. I hit a kid with my cane again. I went black Friday shopping and came back only with things that weren't on sale. I hit that kid with my cane so hard in the shin he's gonna need a cane, too. I had a religious crisis. I threw my cane at that kid in the passenger seat because he said I don't need handicap parking. Some dude dressed in a really nice santa costume was just standing at the end of his driveway waving at cars and I barked violently at him. I fucking punched that kid. I spent more money on a dog than my family. I still bought that kid ice cream because I hate him but I hate the company I took the money from more. At some point I just fell asleep under the dinner table. I played Minecraft with that kid and he's a fucking loser. I had a whole therapy session in the car trauma dumping for the two hour drive home. I'm going to ruin that kids life I'm just too tired right now. It's been days and I still feel hungover. I didn't even drink.
Needless to say I think the spirit of doctor House possessed me for thanksgiving. Either way 10/10 would do again and Christmas is either gonna put me in jail or back on Lexapro
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nana2009 · 2 years
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i think osaka and gamzee would get along well 1. both look stupid but are somehow smart to some extent 2. silly little fellas 3. real silly i love them
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So let me get this straight. TOTK!Rauru had repeatedly requested that the Gerudo join the ‘protective embrace’ of his kingdom, to serve him. Protection from whom? The monster clans? If anything, the Gerudo seem at the peak of their power! They have some measure of control over the molduga, the fiercest of the desert’s monsters. It’s also established elsewhere that the Secret Stones merely amplify one’s existing power—that one would catapult Ganon to near-unstoppable heights speaks of his already formidable might. With him at the helm, the Gerudo were ready and willing to invade Hyrule. Until Rauru demonstrated a superweapon that quite literally vaporized any notion of a military assault—a superweapon that Rauru (and his cohort) brazenly wears. Ganon is entreating a party wearing nuclear launch codes around their necks! And those aren’t even the only Secret Stones in Rauru’s possession, later handing those out as he sees fit to the Sages. Of course, the narrative portrays Rauru as someone who would never abuse that kind of power—he’s a Good King. But that’s a terrifying Sword of Damocles.
Yep. Pretty much.
Also I'd like to point out that apparently, Rauru's "sin", and what passes off as his character arc (so far, I haven't finished the whole game yet), is that he was too confident that he'd keep Ganondorf under control as a vassal? Like, okay what were the options otherwise? What should he have done that he didn't do? Like in OoT/TP beforehand: was Rauru supposed to simply imprison the king of a foreign nation just because he didn't pass the vibe check --or worse, kill him off? And then what happens to the gerudo? I feel like we've gone down this road before, and it didn't lead anywhere pretty...
This is what I mean about the poor character writing in this game: I think Rauru is supposed to be the emotional core of the story, and he might be the only one with an "arc" so far, but his flaw/regret is... a whole bunch of nothing? Unless you think he should have commited genocide to protect his kingdom from evil, according to the game that refuses to examine his actions/power, there's nothing he should have done differently besides... not having his wife be murdered? That's not a character arc, that's just an unfortunate event you participated in unwillingly!! To make a comparaison that is worth being brought up: the king of Hyrule in BotW worked much better in that regard, because he is indeed partially responsible for the fall of his kingdom through the pressure he inflicted upon his daughter and the prideful belief that he could control a force of nature (Calamity Ganon being treated as such in that game) through technology; both of these attitudes costing him everything, condemning his daughter to a century-long fight and said technology ruling the lands through terror in his stead. As a ghost, he haunts the wreckage waiting for the hero to wake up to try and finally correct his mistakes through Link.
I think they kind of wanted to do that again in TotK, but it extremely doesn't land in my opinion because Rauru has no flaw --beyond, apparently, not being bigoted enough?
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terrazooid · 1 year
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Just some silly au doodles of my guys
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