#while will schuester is just the guy you hate
enter-drfrog · 1 year
Okay so I love this show and I love Stark Sands. In the best way, his Shakespeare is everything Will Schuester wishes he was
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gleekto · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022: Chemistry Sucks (12/?)
Summary: Nerd!Kurt/ Popular!Blaine high school AU - Kurt joins Glee club in his junior year to please his dad, though he’d rather just hide out in the library until he can graduate and get out of Lima.
Turns out he’s not the only gay kid in town. Too bad the other out gay kid is cocky and popular senior, Blaine Anderson. Sure of himself, gets all the solos, things served to him on a platter. Kurt finds him shallow and infuriating.
Blaine finds Kurt square and irritating.
Yet at a party one night, they promise to sleep together if they don’t have other opportunities by the end of the year. A dare. Naturally competitive spirits.
Day 1, Day 2,Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11
Chemistry Sucks (Day 12: Converge and Pat)
It's 3:32pm and the New Directions are all already at Glee club, converging at the piano where Mr. Schuester has placed the long awaited Nationals setlist and more importantly, the parts. Blaine has got to hand it to him - Mr. Schue somehow made his far too extra theme of gender-bending rock ballads into a decent and even creative setlist - An all girls' Bon Jovi medley, followed by Pat Benatar's iconic 'Love Is a Battlefield', and ending with a Rachel Berry led group number of a killer arrangement of Don't Stop Believin'. And oh yeah, Love Is A Battlefield will be sung by him and Kurt. It makes sense, it's on theme and their duet did help clinch Regionals. They've got this.
"Bold choices, Mr. Schue," Santana nods her head though Blaine is never quite sure if she actually approves or is about to bite his head off. "I think we can actually rock this Bon Jovi look." Okay actual approval. "And a wise choice to once again exploit Kurt and Blaine's annoying but undeniable chemistry."
"Oh yes," Rachel says very seriously before Blaine can even come up with a retort. "Their musical chemistry is off the charts."
"Is that what eye fucking is called these days?"
"Santana!" Mr. Schue, Kurt, and him all say at the same time. Probably for different reasons. "Language," says Mr. Schue.
"Oh my god, Santana. We were not eye fucking to One Direction."
"Blaine language!" Mr. Schue again.
Santana shrugs. "Call it what you want. That hate-attraction chemistry really worked in our favor at Regionals. Though I don't know - now you guys just slobber all over each other, rivals turned besties. And besties don't quite have the same intrigue."
"So you think we can't have musical chemistry now because we're friends?" Blaine is trying hard to follow the logic while simultaneously denying any suggestion of romance.
"Just friends? Meh. More than friends, maybe." It's irritating how self satisfied she looks.
"You're on, Santana," Kurt says before Blaine can continue his defense. "Blaine and I will just have to drudge up our old rivalry and give Nationals some electric Pat Benatar."
Santana nods in agreement. "It is a song about the agony of attraction after all."
Blaine shakes his head and whispers to Kurt as they take their seats. "The agony of attraction? Isn't it a break up song?"
Kurt stares down at the lyrics. "Push and pull of intense passion between two strong willed partners."
"Right. A break up song."
"Well, then I guess we'll just have to have a passionate break up with our legendary musical chemistry," Kurt whispers back to him. Slight sarcasm, Blaine thinks, but slight truth.
They look at each other. "Eye fucking," Blaine says neutrally.
Kurt elbows him in the side. "Language, Blaine."
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kuiinncedes · 4 years
guess who keeps writing random quinntina drabbles in completely unrelated aus and refusing to expand on any of them :D so yeah i wrote a shadowhunters!quinn and tina thing (that i actually might expand on bc i was working on a klaine shadowhunter thing and it’s not super different or anything ANYWAY) idk if i need to explain shit to make it easier to understand or anything but here’s some explanations :P
shadowhunters = demon killers born with angel blood, they draw runes on themselves to do things like heal or give extra agility, strength, etc. also shadowhunters usually have compound last names it’s a whole thing but i kept their last names anyway it doesn’t matter lmao
iratze = healing rune, when a shadowhunter uses one it heals them :P
parabatai = platonically bonded shadowhunters basically, and runes given to someone by their parabatai are sometimes more powerful
Behemoth demons = gross slimy demons with like a giant mouth or something and they’re really hard to kill bc they reform and stuff lol
witchlight = a stone that shadowhunters can use that lights up when they hold it
and i think that’s it, if anyone reads this lol and is confused about any of the shadowhunter aspects feel free to ask me about it :P
also kinda took some things from this prompt list that came across my dash - “you’re bleeding” and “There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow your close.” idk it doesn’t really stick to that tho
oh but yeah that means there’s description of blood and stuff not a lot at all and it’s not graphic or anything but yeah just fyi :3 
ANYWAY YEAH I KINDA REALLY LIKE THIS LDFJSLFJ maybe one day i’ll stop adding this random stuff at the beginning of the ficlets i post lol
“You’re bleeding.”
“News flash, Fabray, we’re Shadowhunters. It happens.” Tina rolls her eyes, then returns to scanning the surroundings for the Croucher demons that just disappeared. “I can’t believe I got stuck on a patrol with you,” she grumbles.
Quinn scoffs. “I’m not too happy about it either, hon.” She rubs her forearm, bare to the chill of the night air, and examines the wound on Tina’s leg, as best as she can given the distance between them. The blood has already soaked through her gear, the material itself slashed viciously halfway up her thigh. “Let me give you an iratze, at least. It looks bad,” she says, trying to keep the biting in her tone to a minimum. It’s hard, though, around Tina. She thinks she at least succeeds at not sounding like she’s actually going to kill Tina if she gets close.
Tina looks at her with an indecipherable expression, somehow different than the contempt and anger that she usually directs at Quinn. “It’s fine, we don’t have time for that. Mercedes can do it when we get back.” Tina seems to swallow, then looks away. “You know, being my parabatai, it’ll be a lot better than anything you could do.” The insult doesn’t carry half the heat of anything Tina usually says to her, which confuses Quinn. But she doesn’t have time to think on it when Tina’s eyes widen at some point behind her and Quinn whirls around with her seraph blade to meet the dark face of a demon, Tina coming up beside her, stabbing one demon and effectively causing another to vanish with a perfectly-thrown dagger.
Try as she might, Quinn can’t ignore just how insanely good of a Shadowhunter Tina Cohen-Chang is. And it annoys the fuck out of her.
Together they easily kill the demons in the group -- Croucher demons are not the brightest by far -- and Tina is retrieving a dagger from the ground when Quinn sees them. 
Three Behemoth demons, moving sluggishly, and not towards them, but they are going to have to take care of them. 
“What the fuck are Behemoth demons doing in a group…?” Quinn mumbles. They need help for this; no matter how exceptional of a Shadowhunter Tina is, and although Quinn is far from bad herself, two Shadowhunters can’t take on three Behemoth demons. 
“Fuck,” Tina whispers, coming up beside Quinn again. She can’t help but notice how Tina’s dark hair has fallen out of her bun a little, messy strands surrounding her face but of course she still looks so good --
“How do you feel about Behemoths, Fabray?” Tina says quietly, her tone challenging. They’re still just watching the demons, who haven’t done anything yet and have given no indication that they’ve noticed the two Shadowhunters.
Quinn scowls, “Hate them.” Which is an understatement. She and Kurt had a terrible experience with one a few years ago and she prefers not to think about it.
Tina nods. “Same.”
Of course, one of the demons finally turns their way and spots them. “Fuck, we gotta run,” Quinn hisses. She can already see that the demons are dispersing their slimy, disgusting bodies -- she really doesn’t like Behemoths -- to reform somewhere else, no doubt somewhere significantly closer to where they’re standing --
Or behind them. Quinn is yanked sideways by Tina and they sprint down a small road, dark but for the dim street lights reflecting off the wet asphalt.
It doesn’t take long for Quinn to notice something is wrong. She hasn’t patrolled with Tina before, but she’s trained with her, she knows Tina is somewhat faster than her. So why isn’t Tina way ahead of her right now… 
Quinn spares a glance over and right, her leg. Before Quinn can think about it, she’s pulling Tina into a small alley off the side of the road. 
“Shit,” Tina breathes, clenching her jaw and leaning against the wall in this really very narrow alley, they barely have enough space for the two of them, each against one of the walls -- 
Quinn looks at the wound on Tina’s thigh and hisses, “You idiot. You should’ve let me put a damn iratze on you, or you should’ve done it yourself, Angel’s sake -- ”
A Behemoth slides past, dispersing and quickly reforming further up the alley. The other two follow close behind. Quinn presses herself into the shadows of the alley, lessens her breath and tries to force her heart to stop pounding so loudly. She doesn’t think Behemoths have a sense of smell, she’s never learned that, but if they do, she and Tina are screwed and she will need to have a little chat with her demons instructor Will Schuester because this would not be a good time to find that out.
The demons pass. Quinn lets out a slow breath. 
“Lost my stele.” Tina’s breath is coming in shallow gasps; Quinn can tell she’s trying to minimize the sound. The gash on her thigh is way deeper and longer than Quinn realized. It’s hard to see anything with the lack of light in the alley and lack of contrast between Tina’s blood on her skin and the black gear she’s wearing.
“Fuck, do you have a witchlight?” Quinn asks. 
“No.” Tina’s muscles are tight and her body is wound. “It doesn’t matter right now. Call the Institute, we need someone to get rid of those Behemoths.”
Quinn wants to argue, wants to ask Tina if she’s seen her leg, but Tina’s right, infuriatingly. She quickly presses the number for her parabatai on her phone while Tina closes her eyes, resting her head against the brick wall, seemingly trying to calm her breathing.
“Quinn!” Kurt exclaims when he picks up. “What happened? Mercedes said she felt something happen to Tina and you guys have been out longer than you’re supposed to -- ”
“We’re fine,” Quinn interrupts. “Tina’s mostly fine, just a nice cut from a Croucher. We ran into some Behemoths though, need someone to take care of them.”
Kurt groans. “Of course you guys ran into Behemoths.” There’s some faint talking in the background -- Quinn can make out Mercedes demanding to know where her parabatai is, some other voices chime in that she can’t recognize. “Okay, luckily Mike’s here and he can go try to magic them away or whatever he does. Beiste is going with him. Mercedes and I will meet up with you and Tina. Send me your guys’ patrol location.”
“Don’t you know it?”
“Yes, but send it to me anyway,” Kurt says, exasperated, but Quinn can tell he doesn’t really mean it. “Okay? Be careful.”
“Always am.” She ends the call and shoves her phone back into her pocket. Then she remembers Tina, who’s sitting against the wall, legs stretched out in front of her and looking exhausted. 
“Here,” she says, finding her stele and holding it out to her. Tina gives her a half-smile and accepts it. She rolls up her jacket sleeve to draw the rune on her forearm, flowing black lines of the iratze stark against her skin in the dim light. 
“Kurt and Mercedes are coming,” Quinn says. “And Mike and Beiste for the demons.”
“Good, saves me from more time with you,” Tina mumbles halfheartedly.
Quinn rolls her eyes. “Let me help,” she says, kneeling down and reaching for her stele. “It will work better closer to the heart -- ”
“I’m fine,” Tina says hurriedly, leaning away from Quinn slightly. Quinn ignores the slight disappointment she feels at that and exclaims, “Are you serious? Your leg is still pouring blood, you can see that, right?”
Tina swallows. “I don’t want you that close to me.” Her voice is resigned, quiet and Quinn can barely hear her.
“Again, are you serious? What the fuck did I ever do to you?” Quinn knows she shouldn’t be getting angry, especially when they don’t know how far the demons are and they could hear her raised voice -- can Behemoth demons hear? Mr. Schue really didn’t do a great job in their demon education -- and come back to finish them off.
“Quinn, just… just don’t.” Tina rolls her stele back towards her. “Thanks for the stele.”
“No, I want to know! I want to know what the fuck I did to make you treat me like this, because I sure didn’t ask for it.” Quinn is seething now, unable to stop even if she tried. “When we were kids you were okay, but ever since the Shadowhunter Academy you’ve been such an asshole to me, and now you can’t even let me near you to help you, to put a fucking iratze on you -- ”
“I have feelings for you!” Tina yells, effectively shutting Quinn up. Quinn looks down at her in surprise. 
“What -- ?”
Tina puts her head in her hands, running them through her hair and pulling out her bun, her shining black hair spilling across her shoulders. “I… can’t let you near me because… I’m scared,” she says softly to her boots. “I’m scared of what my feelings mean when you get close to me and I want to kiss you so fucking badly... I want to be with you. I -- I realized that at the Shadowhunter Academy when I saw other girls kiss each other and I just,” she shakes her head. “I realized I want to do that with you. And I know there’s no chance for that, I get it. But that’s why I’ve been... mean.”
Quinn stares at Tina, jaw dropped open. Tina meets her gaze for a moment, then averts her eyes and smirks slightly, sadly. “It’s fine, Fabray. I’ll stop being an asshole and you don’t have to talk to me again. Except, you know, when Kurt and Mercedes want us all to hang out, but I’ll stay away.”
Quinn wants to say something -- wants to say no, I don’t want that, when the alley floods with light and she turns to see Kurt and Mercedes, the light coming from a witchlight stone in Kurt’s hand. 
“You know,” he says, smiling, “you could’ve come out after the demons left, would’ve made it easier for us to find you.”
Quinn makes her way through the unfamiliar halls of the Columbus Institute. She has a vague sense of where she’s going but she doesn’t live at the Institute so she’s still a little disoriented. But she mostly tries to follow the sound of voices and sure enough, it leads her to the library, where Mercedes and Tina are huddled together over a book, talking and laughing with each other. She watches them, quietly, awkwardly, for a second, then Tina turns and spots her, smile faltering a little.
“Hey, Quinn,” she says softly. Mercedes turns too and waves at her.
“Hey, guys,” Quinn says. She swallows. “Um, could I talk to Tina for a second?” Mercedes shoots Tina a look. She nods back and Mercedes pats her hand and leaves the library, and now Quinn and Tina are alone.
“How’s your leg?” Quinn asks, deciding to stall.
Tina smiles a little, walks up to her. Her hair is in braids today. “Good as new. Tends to be the case after a few iratzes.”
Quinn nods. “Good.”
A moment passes, then Tina exhales and says, “Look, Quinn… I’m really sorry about what I said in the alley. I… can’t say I didn’t mean it, but I promise I won’t act like anything’s different, okay? We don’t even have to talk about it -- ”
“I want to talk about it.”
Tina stops. “You do?”
Quinn runs a hand through her hair. “You meant what you said?”
A slow nod from Tina, and a deep breath from Quinn.
“I’ve been thinking about it,” Quinn says, gaze fixed on the floor between their feet. “I think I feel the same.”
“… what?” 
“I want to kiss you. If you’ll let me.”
At some point, they’ve gotten closer, and now Quinn stands right in front of Tina, their faces almost touching. She barely has to move to press her lips to Tina’s. Tina inhales sharply, but then relaxes and her hands flutter up to lightly cup Quinn’s face as Quinn pulls her closer.
They pull away and Tina laughs slightly, breathlessly.
“Does this mean you still hate me?” Tina asks, her dark eyes sparkling, pupils dilated. Their breaths mingle in the lack of space between them.
“Of course,” Quinn murmurs. “Do you?”
“Why would I like you?” Tina tries to say, grinning, but she’s cut off by Quinn’s next kiss. 
And another, and another.
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thechoir-roomhq · 4 years
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here is your SCHEDULE! you have twenty-four hours to turn in your account and post an intro. good luck and have fun with the semester!
[KATHRYN NEWTON, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER] who’s that? oh it’s {KENNA GIARDI}. i hear they’re {SIXTEEN} and a {JUNIOR} at {CARMEL}, * have a voice like {EMILY ROBINSON} *and are part of {VOCAL ADRENALINE & GOLF}. they’re known to be {GENTLE & ADAPTABLE} and {INDECISIVE & EASILY CONTROLLED}. some people say they remind them of {UNRULY WAVY HAIR, BELTING AT 1AM, SHOOTING FOR THE STARS, & THE SCREECHING OF A MOTHER’S HARMFUL WORDS}. only one way to find out! [lexi, 20, she/her, est]
Kenna Giardi was born as the youngest and only daughter to Kendra and Phil Giardi on July 15th, 2025. While she wasn’t the only child, it sure seemed like she was since her triplet brothers were already 22 by the time she was born. This subsequently led Kendra Giardi to using Kenna as her very own Barbie doll.
Growing up in a house like the Giardi’s really meant three little things. One, never ask to get vaccinated. Kendra was convinced it made her older sons stupid so that was out of the question for darling Kenna. Two, always look pretty. Kenna couldn’t find a suitable guy to take care of her and her parents if she was ugly, could she? And never go to William McKinley High School. That was just a part of Kendra’s diabolical plan. 
Kendra had an idea. Albeit it a bit terrible. She thought that if Kenna went to a different school, then she could employ Kenna to tear down New Directions and thus tearing the Schuester family apart. Don’t question it because it doesn’t really make sense, but regardless, Kenna ended up in the Carmel school district and getting into Vocal Adrenaline and simply… she loved it. It’s where she found an actual love for performing. Even if Kendra was hoping to tear down another glee club, at least Kenna was able to do something she enjoyed. 
While she was younger, Kenna quickly learned to take everything her mom said with a grain of salt. Kenna completely follows whatever her mom says. If it means forgoing any kind of argument or yelling, she’s more than happy to just follow along to whatever Kendra has in mind. That’s why Kenna loves being away from her house. That way she can actually be herself and feel free without worrying about displeasing her mom.
Even though it may seem like Kenna takes a beating whenever its given, she has a very competitive streak. She’d never say out loud that she hates the New Directions or the Canaries or even the Warblers, but she enjoys winning because winning means making Kendra happy and winning gives her an extra edge to getting out of Lima and getting a full ride to NYADA… or at least showing someone she has enough talent to get out of Lima. 
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muckrakerhq · 4 years
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featuring… this week’s guests, @ivystjamess & @lincolnonline
fondue for two is a weekly internet talk show hosted by joey hummel-anderson. fondue for two, joey, and the muckraker team strive to get all the steaming gossip while he interviews guests of his choice over a steaming pot of cheese.
[Joey's room - once again, Joey sits across from his guests, but this time it's Ivy St. James and Lincoln Clarington-Smythe; Gil the Fish is in the same spot]
JOEY: Hi everyone! Today's guests are very special, since I have here with me McKinley's biggest bitches, Ivy St. James and the new kid that is already more popular than Fiona Beckett, Lincoln Clarington-Smythe! Do you guys feel honored to be here, on what is the greatest internet show of all time?
LINK: A title I am more than proud to share. I can also say with complete confidence that the bar for internet shows is so low that I can't dispute that this one may just be the best.
IVY: okay, winnie is totally a bigger bitch than me but i'm like happy to be here before her anyway. even if it's with the new boy.
JOEY: Okay, you guys could smile a little more though, this is the internet after all. Moving on to the first question, a fan actually sent this one and it's for Ivy! Ivy, is it true that you got Danny Zuko because, just like your mom, you have what people call "man hands"?
IVY: oh my god that's like so. . . mean? i dont have man hands and neither does my mom! but if the people like really wanna know, i have my dad's hands. mine look like the exact same as his, even when we used to do jazz hands in our family dance routines they were the exact same down to like every flutter of the finger.
JOEY: I wasn't the one who sent this in, so you can blame someone named LucyQ99, because she was the one who sent it. Moving on from the story about Ivy's hands that no one asked for, the next question is for Link! Is it true that you got kicked out of Dalton because you were caught having sex with someone on the stairs and not because of a list?
LINK: Unfortunately, no, there's been a mix up in stories. I was actually caught having sex with someone on the stairs last year and I lied and said I was helping him check for STD's because 'he was too scared to see the nurse.' The list thing was totes the reason and it was unjust so please email and call your local council and accuse Dalton of homophobia, that would mean a lot to me.
JOEY: You heard it here first, I will leave the phone number and email down below because Dalton is homophobic... Anyways, next question is for both of you, who is the second hottest guy at McKinley? I'm number one, obviously.
IVY: ugh that's like so totally easy, Joey! Everyone knows it's--
IVY: actually you know what? i bet link is like SO totally unbiased from personal experience with these guys. 
IVY: link, who do you like think is hottest?
LINK: Uh...okay, well, in all honesty, the bar in on the fucking floor. And as much as I know you hate to admit it, I'm gonna say Leo because he gives me big Jack Skellington vibes if Halloweentown had a film school and I'm really into that, ya'know. Also maybe Theo but only when I admire him from afar, I don't need to hear him talk, it ruins it for me.
IVY: oh my god.
IVY: PLEASE say you're joking like right now. 
IVY: leo? like? mccarthy?
LINK: Yeah, and? I like the angst of it all!
JOEY: Wait, Ivy you didn't answer, and I'm not even going to comment on that, Link... This is the last time you'll be on my show.
IVY: i dated leo for like eight months! so not cool! the angst like totally isn't worth it. and from personal experience? you're like definitely better off with theo.
IVY: joey i didn't answer because there's like. . . not even a second behind you. maybe a close fifth though. . . yeah!
LINK: Listen, I'm not gonna try anything with Leo, I respect his heterosexuality! I'm allowed to admire from my bubble of him being my manic pixie dream film bro! And stop avoiding Joey's questions, you're dodging and weaving that shit. You may be McKinley's lil' actress ingenue, but you're not a good liar.
IVY: i am like . . . an incredible liar!
JOEY: Okay, that's enough talking about Leo in my room, you guys are bumming out my whole area... I liked Ivy's answer, moving on! How do you guys feel about the musical?
IVY: thank you! anyhow, i'm gonna like totally make everyone forget who john travolta even is. duh. ever thought you could cry to a rendition of sandy? no? well just like wait until you hear mine.
LINK: I'm hype. I really don't care about musicals but I was born to play Rizzo, it just makes sense. I'm gonna steal the show and Ivy and....uh...no, no, I'll get it....Jonathan? Jason?......Anyways, Ivy and the Schuester guy playing Sandy, well I'm sure they'll be great too. I've never been too pure to be pink, that's for sure.
IVY: Julien. 
IVY: but yea like im sure you'll make a good Rizzo. that's a compliment I don't give lightly.
JOEY: Good! I can't wait until everyone else in rehearsal to not fit in the room because of your giant egos. And I do know what ego means, I learned that word recently. Okay, between you two, who's more talented? The people want to know.
LINK: Yeah, him. Big hair. I'll get to know him when I have to bully him on stage. And let's look at the facts; I can sing, I can act, I can dance, I can write and direct, I can and have arranged multiple Cupcakke songs into acapella versions, I can work industry standard special effects equipment, I can give you splits and dips and I dress like Sharpay Evans. Make your own conclusions on who's more talented.
IVY: Listen, everyone thinks I'm like kind of a bitch, but the fact of the matter is I'm not just a bitch. I'm a talented bitch. And if acknowledging my ability makes me a bitch then like . . . whatever! Link's stuff is impressive but at the end of the day, I managed to be successful in the arts and like a totally hot and popular cheerio at Mckinley. It's no easy feat juggling both. So like . . . the proof is in the pudding or whatever.
JOEY: There's pudding? I want pudding... Well, I guess it's up to everyone else to decide, please leave a comment and say who you think is more talented! Right, next question is a serious one - do you guys think Gil looks okay? He looks tired, right?
LINK: I mean, yeah, why lie, this fish is probably moments away from the sweet, salty grips of a literal watery grave. But, hey, I'm no fish expert maybe he just needs to pop a Zoloft.
IVY: Ew, morbid. Maybe he just needs to like nap!
JOEY: I think he'll be fine. He hasn't been the same since I found out he's a secret slumlord... [turns to the bowl] The way you treat those families is really mean and they don't deserve that, but I think there's still good in you... Right, since I like to end it on a positive note, the two of you have to say something nice about each other!
IVY: Even though he's kind of delusional about who's gonna be the Grease show stopper, for someone who came from like a private school, Link does dress nice!
LINK: Why, thank you. You are very pretty and I get what the hype is about. You have a nice face and from what I can tell you have talent and when I get famous and if you weren't straight, I'd totally consider you for a part as the Final Girl in one of my movies. I try not to work with hets, it's not personal, I promise.
IVY: i see 
IVY: but just so you know, i have like two gay grandpas and i'm jewish so like when I'm inevitably the best and only option you can pull that info for the sake of being diverse
JOEY: Right, that was kind of nice! Last question of the show, did you guys have fun here? And if you say no, you're not allowed in my house anymore.
IVY: i'd never be banned from your house but yea this was like super fun!
LINK: It was a blast. I should point out though that this fondue cheese kinda tastes like, um....pure garbage. But I can look past that.
JOEY: Anyways, thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you next week for another Fondue for Two!
 [The End]
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insert-pun-here-now · 4 years
So I just wanted to write something for Marley since I like Melissa, and I like Marley, and I like Glee but I dislike how the writers wrote the entire S4 and S5 newbies. (Like come on... Kitty, Ryder, Jake, Marley and Unique deserve way better. Even Joe and Sugar. Also, God bless Blake Jenner. Hate the sin, not the sinner.) So because I love Marley, here’s some angst and whump! You’re welcome, and I’m sorry!
Shooting Star- All or Nothing
Edit: Now has a masterpost!
TW: Violence, blood, panic attacks and eating disorders
The shooting was abrupt, fast, startling. It took Marley all but a few seconds to realize that the bangs were echoing down the halls weren’t the figments of her imagination from lack of eating, lack of sleep, lack of everything really. Everybody was screaming, ducking down by lockers and suddenly Marley was surrounded by a sea of bodies pushing to run away, run to the exit.
Her brain kicked into overdrive as she began to push past people, rushing for the choir room. The Glee club was right there, she had to go to the bathroom to vomit and she had been in the middle of walking back when it happened.
Another gunshot, loud and clear. To the left, maybe? She really did not want to pass out again, not like Sectionals. She was relatively surprised at how everyone blamed her, how everyone easily brushed it off, moved her eating disorder aside. Blaine, Sam, Jake and Unique were doing their best to help her, but without the support of the adults, there was practically nothing they could do.
And Marley was no less than human, and so she didn’t learn from her mistakes, feeling the need to be in more control after Sectionals, counting calories till it made her feel safer, made her feel like she was accomplishing something. Making her feel like she was worth something.
But now, all she was cursing herself for was for the woozy feeling she had as she reached the wall and near sagged against it, eyes fluttering shut for a moment as the world spun around her. The people and the noises made her head throb.
She tried to ignore it as she refocused on a goal: get to the choir room. Worry about her being sick later. She stumbled forward, using the lockers and the wall as a support, as people screamed and pushed past her, trying to get into rooms for safety. Her hand landed on the choir room door handle and with renewed strength, she turned it.
Locked? Panic began to really set in, the feeling of the bile rising in her throat as she turned the handle over and over, almost rattling the door in her frustation and near-blind panic, heart thumping wildly in her ears, contesting with the gunshots coming closer.
“It’s Marley! It’s Marley!” Marley screamed, and her voice sounded raspy to her own ears. “It’s me! Let me in!” She pounded on the door weakly with her fists, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. “Help!”
No, no, no, this was not happening. Marley was standing in the hallway, with a guy carrying a machine gun trotting down the hallway, and he looked mad.
He looked so, so mad...
No. Marley refocused her attention to the door again, rattling it in pure desperation. She could make a break for it, but what were the chances he would miss?
Now she could hear voices from the other side of the door. A bit of yelling, something heavy moving from nearby. Orders were barked and the door swung open, arms yanking her into the room. The motion made her dizzy as she stumbled as Blaine fumbled to lock the door before Sam could push past and race outside.
It was a bit of a near miss. The gunshots made Marley’s brain throb with how loud they were, and it was only after falling to the floor abruptly, no longer held up by Ryder and Kitty, did she realize how close she was to being missed.
There was a graze by the top of her left shoulder, stinging from the fabric sticking to her skin from the blood. Kitty choked back a sob as the shooter finally reached their door. Mr. Schuester and Coach Beiste were trying to move the filing cabinet to block the door, but he was pretty determined to come in.
“Marls...” Jake gasped, face turning pale at the blood. The banging at the door would not stop, and it made Marley’s head hurt even more as the filing cabinet began to rattle with the force the shooter was hitting.
“It’s fine, it’s just a cut,” Marley reassured, but everything still felt so weird and spinny, and was she always this weak? She held a hand to her shoulder as she tried to stand, but black dots overcame her vision as she shook her head and crouched down onto the floor, crawling to where Artie, Sam and Blaine were positioned next to the piano.
Sam was still sobbing for Brittany, Blaine was sending a message to Kurt probably, and Artie was staring at her, wanting to say something but not having the courage to.
Everything was really spinning. She couldn’t shake the screaming in her mind, how out of control she felt, how weak she was. She couldn’t stop the voice telling her that she failed at even remaining at a good weight. Being thin takes some sacrifice, she had reminded herself. If she couldn’t take it, she was no good.
Kitty wasn’t the one to put the idea in her head- Marley already had it there in the first place. Kitty was just the final push to this deep, deep hole that she could not seem to get out of.
She could feel the tears welling in her eyes as she fumbled for her phone. She had to tell her mom she was sorry. Sorry for being the worst daughter. Sorry for not being good enough. Sorry that she was even there in the first place.
A text wouldn’t do. Her fingers were too shaky and she was trembling so much that a few times the phone clattered out of her hands, disguised by the sound of the shooter breaking the door, only held back by the filing cabinet and Mr. Schuester and Coach Beiste’s attempts to keep him out.
But she can’t call. Her mom couldn’t escape. Her mom could be with the shooters for all she knew. She didn’t even know if she was coherent enough for a call anyways.
Still, she sent a frenzy of babbling text messages, ridden with typos and mistakes due to her trembling hands, tears welling up in her eyes causing the screen to blur and her ever present headache and dizziness that seemed to ebb away, since she wasn’t standing.
“Stay with us, okay, Marley? We’re gonna get you help,” Blaine was saying, but Marley wasn’t convinced anyone could help her.
“I’m fine, it’s just a cut,” she slurred. She frowned at herself, repeating her sentence. Her voice was still raspy. Odd. She never sounded like this after purging.
“But you’re not okay,” Blaine protested, but it was no use. Marley reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze, mouthing, ‘it’s okay’ to him.
The shot echoed throughout the whole room as Mr. Schuester and Coach Beiste hit the deck and back away from the filing cabinet, which was easily moved aside by the shooter with a bit of effort.
“Finally! You Glee kids gave me and my partner a hard time,” the man sighed, nodding to a woman wearing a black motorcycle mask standing in the doorway. “We can bust into all the classrooms we want, shoot up a load of kids, but the choir room, somehow, is the hardest place to get into.”
He seemed to grin cockily, as they both stepped into the room, rifles sweeping across them. Everybody’s eyes seemed to track the guns’ muzzle movements, even Marley, whose dizziness and headache had now faded into a faint weakness.
“You sure you want to shoot them? They’re Glee kids. It’s not like anyone would miss them,” the woman snorted, keeping her guns trained on Mr. Schue and Coach.
“No, no, no no... there’s two cheerleaders here! And jocks!” the man grinned, as Kitty edged closer to Blaine, Sam, Artie and Marley. He also gestured to the McKinley jackets strewn on the chairs.
Jake tensed, Ryder tensed. Unique cowered, making sure to stay as small as possible. Joe and Sugar edged away from the woman, who was walking towards them while keeping her gun trained on the teachers.
“What’s the difference? They joined this pathetic club.”
“What’s the difference-? Seriously, you ask me that question?!” the man fumed, clearly having a flair for the dramatics. “It means they have quite the diverse group here. Yeah, people would miss them.” He tilted his head mockingly, sizing up each of them. Blaine crouched protectively in front of Marley, his hand clutching her free hand tightly. Kitty was gripping onto Artie’s sleeve for dear life. Sam was staring down the gun.
“Just hurry up, the police are almost here,” the woman snapped impatiently.
“Yes, mom,” he snapped back sarcastically before he trained the gun on Kitty. “I might as well start with the stupid blonde cheerleader bitch who looks like she makes everybody’s lives miserable. Am I right or am I right?”
Everyone stared at him with fear. His face twisted into a scowl as he stepped closer and backhanded her. “ANSWER ME, BITCH!”
“... no.” The answer was out of Marley’s mouth before she could stop it. “She’s not. I’m the one who makes everybody’s lives miserable. She’s been dealt a bad hand. I’m the one who cost everybody in this room a chance to prove themselves. A chance to show that we are better. She didn’t. I’m the one who burdens everybody with things that I don’t even know I ask of people. Like approval. Their time of day. Their love. I’m the one who doesn’t give anything back but keeps taking, taking, taking.”
The man still had the gun trained on Kitty, but he was staring at her in amusement. Everybody in the choir room was silent, even the woman tilted her head in rapt fascination and morbid curiosity.
“And who might you be?”
“I’m- I’m...” Marley had to swallow hard to push down a wave of nausea and dizziness. “I’m Marley Rose.”
“Rose... Rose... ah, yes... your father walked out on you when you were three. That man was a leeching scumbag. A conniving bastard in his own right and so many colourful adjectives I could describe him with. He said something about a daughter and a wife... he said you were the biggest mistake of his life.” He grinned wickedly when he saw Marley let out a tiny gasp.
“How... how do you know my dad?”
“Your dad is a pretty popular drug dealer and drug runner. News travels. Why am I not surprised that his daughter turned out to be more of a wimp than he was?” he mused, looking at all of them. “You her boyfriend?” he addressed Blaine.
“No, but stay away from her,” Blaine snapped.
“Nice try, pretty face, but I think that’s not the case.”
His hand snapped out, yanking at Marley’s hair as she screamed, dragging her along the floor by her hair.
“Marley!” Blaine cried, but fell back as the man aimed his gun at him.
“C, change of plans... we shoot one person. Only one. These kids look like they need to be taught a lesson,” he aimed this at the woman.
“They are just kids!” Mr. Schue yelled, and the woman raised her rifle again.
“No talking. And A, for what it’s worth, that seems so much fun than just bloody murder. Didn’t we come to leave a message?”
A shrugged, before dropping Marley unceremoniously in the middle of the choir room floor. “I think we need to leave them several.”
“Get off,” Marley tried, trying to crawl away from A, but he set a heavy boot on her chest, making her wheeze. He smirked further as he could feel her ribs practically through the thin material of her shirt.
“Glee kids... did you know she felt this way? I don’t think anyone’s supposed to be that ghastly looking, don’tcha think? I mean, man, this is too easy to do. Just watch.” He applied more pressure to the right side of Marley’s ribs, earning him a snap and an ear-piercing wail that quickly turned into a rasp and muffled sobs. He looked around, knowing that everyone was watching. They couldn’t just look away. But he needed an answer. He needed to wipe it in their faces. “Well?!”
“Maybe? Yes? N-no...?” Ryder tried, and A barked out a laugh.
“I’m gonna take that as a ‘some people know but don’t do shit about it’ kinda thing. Y’know? But it’s really odd. Usually you’d notice when someone was that thin. Marley, dear, did you hear that? You don’t mean anything to them. You probably never will. If your dad didn’t want you, what makes you think they will?”
“That’s not true!” Kitty defended, and A barely flinched, now putting a foot on Marley’s throat.
“If you don’t tell the truth, I’ll slowly suffocate her,” he said calmly, applying more pressure. Marley’s eyes bulged, hands flying up to the boot on her throat and trying to push it off. Her breaths caught and there was a radiating pain in her chest each time she moved.
She wheezed, and then whimpered as the very action of breathing seemed to cause so much pain. Everything was spinning, blurring, black dots appearing in her vision.
Her lungs screamed for oxygen. But as they did, her broken ribs seemed to stab into her body even more. Her face was turning purple as Kitty finally could not take the whimpers and mini screams of pain and deep gasping anymore.
“... it’s true,” Kitty relented and A sighed, lifting his foot from Marley’s throat. She took a deep breath of air, before choking and groaning in pain.
“See how easy that was? To admit it?”
Everybody else in the room but Marley knew it was a partial lie. They did care. Marley meant something to them... but they didn’t do anything about it. They abandoned her. But Marley never abandoned them. She was always that kind, supportive friend. Always with the smile and being helpful. She’ll stand up to others for others, but not for herself.
Her pulled his foot back and kicked Marley in the stomach hard. He angled it into her chest too, making her scream further, as blood spurted from her mouth, staining her teeth and the ground in front of her. She coughed out more blood weakly, curling up slightly as it dripped from her mouth. Her tired eyes met Kitty’s for a while as A circled around her like a predatory eagle.
“What is it they probably think? Oh, I know. Everybody, you may stop me if I am wrong. But at least one of you thought and felt these following thoughts...” he cleared his throat, and then he slammed his foot into Marley’s back.
“Why was she in Glee club? I don’t want her here.”
His foot landed on her left wrist, offering another painful snap and crack and break. Kitty looked away at the words. Artie looked guilty.
“I don’t even know why I’m friends with her.”
Unique closed her eyes as he aimed a kick at her face, towards her jaw. The kick broke her jaw as her mouth hung open, leaking blood from the corner of her mouth. There was a whimper, a whine.
“She’s too high maintenance.”
Mr. Schue and Coach Beiste fidgeted. He slammed his foot fully into her stomach, and a low, pained groan came from her as she writhed on the floor. Her eyes were half open, trying to focus on Kitty, Artie, Sam and Blaine.
“I’m embarrassed to be with her.”
Jake, Ryder and Sam hung their heads. A grabbed her by the front of her shirt and punched her in the face, aiming for her eye. He missed a little, slamming his fist into her nose and... now that was bleeding too. There was a red mark beginning to appear on her face, by her right eye.
“I have not thought one of those things,” Blaine steadfastly said.
“That’s because deep down inside, you know she’s struggling. So you pity her. You don’t actually care, you just pity the little girl you see inside this one.” Marley’s head turned a little to focus on Blaine, as if pleading for him to make it true.
“No.” But Blaine’s tone gave it all away. Marley’s eyes just turned sad, resigned, hopeless.
“Wow... no one cares huh?” A chuckled, kicking Marley in the ribs a few more times, causing more snaps and breaks and hoarse screams of pain. “You all should be ashamed.”
“You’re hurting her!” Kitty shouted this time, voice cracking due to fear, guilt, anger...
“My dear blonde cheerleader...” A laughed lowly, leveling the gun at Kitty’s forehead. “... you all already did.”
“Psych!” A grinned, as Kitty flew backwards. Artie moved to catch her, just barely managing to protect her head from coming in a rough landing. “HA! You really think I was going to get rid of one of the people who needed to hear that message? You all are funny!”
Kitty’s eyes fluttered open, as she tried to register what was going on. She should be dead.
But she wasn’t.
“Marley!” Jake yelled, as Marley’s hand was pulled away from her stomach to find the blood dripping from her hands.
He shot Marley instead.
“It seemed fitting. I thought, why not get rid of what you all didn’t care about? After all, it seems easier that way than dealing with the problem. It’s a blessing and a curse, honestly. I’ll put her out of her misery, but I’m not that kind with a bullet to the head. I want you all to feel my message... and Marley, your dad has now repaid his debt to me. I guess your life finally came in useful.”
“Marley!” Kitty screamed, and every part of Marley felt cold, except for her broken bones. Those, she felt, were hot and swollen and she couldn’t move them much. Her left hand was limp, wrist broken to the point where she could see a bit of the bone jutting out and it was burning, burning hot pain. Her vision was going in and out as her body expelled more blood via her mouth. Her right hand pressed against her stomach, where he shot her, and she could feel the stabbing pain, as if someone placed a hot poker at her stomach and left it there. She could vaguely realize the shooters leaving.
“Someone get a towel!”
“This jacket will work, right?”
“Hey, Marley, stay awake for me, honey, okay?”
Her eyes were scanning, unable to focus on any one thing. Faces were drifting in and out of focus, the pain seemed to be overwhelming. She felt like she had felt this pain so much that she practically lived in this state of pain. Her eyelids were heavy, like bricks weighing them down.
All Marley’s life she had been faced with bullying, loss of control, pain, suffering, being ostracized and now she was dying. It was so peaceful she felt like she didn’t deserve it. But she also knew it wouldn’t matter if she slipped away.
No one cared.
“I love you guys anyways...” she slurred, almost unheard except by Blaine and Sam.
She was so tired. She was ready to just lie back and fall asleep. Ryder was freaking out at this point, Unique was stuck between pacing, Sam was about to cry with worry and fear, Jake looked like he wanted to scream, Kitty screamed, Joe was praying feverishly to God, Sugar was... oddly calm despite the tears flowing down her face, Artie had a death grip on Kitty’s Cheerio cheerleading uniform, face white as a ghost, Mr. Schue was barking instructions but half of them made zero sense, Coach Beiste was trying to calm everybody down, Blaine was still trying to uselessly place his hands over Marley’s bullet wound, as if it would desperately put back all the blood she lost into her body.
“It’s okay,” Marley whispered. “You can let go now.”
“No,” Blaine protested, shaking his head wildly. “No, no, no, no. Please, god no. Please, Marley. Marley, no.”
“HEY!” Jake screamed, running to the broken down door. “HELP US! HELP US! SOMEBODY!”
Marley’s eyes were hazy and unfocused, flitting from one face to another as the corner of her mouth twitched up into a barely noticeable smile.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, no, what are you sorry for?” Ryder asked, gripping Marley’s free hand as if hanging onto it would prevent her from dying.
“Everything.” Her eyes flicked from Blaine to Ryder to Kitty. Sam had moved away, unable to take being away from Brittany, running his hands through his hair as his hysterical outside cracked and the tears began to flow. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay... it’s okay,” Ryder reached out and tenderly wiped Marley’s tears. She hissed lightly at the touch, whimpering slightly. “You don’t have to apologize for anything.”
“If anything, we’re the ones who have to apologize,” Kitty said, kneeling on the pool of Marley’s blood that seemed to grow bigger every second. “Marley, please.”
“I’m scared,” Marley admitted. “I’m scared of dying and being alone again. Don’t leave me.”
“We won’t,” Artie finally said, tears springing free. “Never again. We’re family.”
“Don’t leave me, I’m scared,” Marley uttered quietly, and then her eyes slipped shut. “I’m sorry.”
Blaine roared. He roared like he could shout out all that he was feeling, all the pain and frustration and the anger and everything- and he was scared too. He considered Marley to be one of his closer friends, the only one from the newbies he really connected with.
He shouted and screamed and sobbed as the paramedics arrived with Jake in tow and when he saw Blaine trying to gather Marley in his arms, sobbing, his heart shattered, running towards Blaine.
“Where the hell were you?!” Blaine shouted, as the paramedics were trying to extract Marley from him. No one was sure if he was shouting at Jake or the paramedics. “SHE NEEDED YOU! YOU WEREN’T THERE!”
“Sir, please let go...”
“Blaine,” Sam said calmly, putting a hand on Blaine’s shoulder, the cheerleader stiffening at the touch and turning to Sam. The tears told him all he needed to know. “Let go of her.”
No one wanted Blaine to. The energy was abuzz in the room. Because they all felt guilty for what they didn’t do. And letting her go felt like a finality, a regret they would have to carry for the rest of their lives, regardless of whether she lives or dies.
Sam’s grip on his shoulder tightened. “Please.”
Blaine slowly uncurled from Marley, and for the first time, he dreaded calling the old members. He dreaded calling Santana and telling her what happened to her mentee, dreaded calling Finn to tell him what happened to one of their Glee members, dreaded calling Kurt saying that he failed one of his friends by failing to be there. Not the first time that happened, anyways, but he promised himself that it would never happen again.
Everything was a blur once she left him. It took some tugging, some sobbing, some begging, pleading and some inner strength in all of their heads to get up and trudge towards the door.
For the first time, they all shrank back from the bright sun like a giant spotlight on their misdeeds. And for the first time, Mr. Schue would weep when he got back home. For the first and last time, Finn would feel like he failed a student.
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dumbofassjoey · 4 years
call it kicking the ladder || grease audition
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Grease had always been a part of Joey’s life from a young age – it all started with the traditional movie night that the Hummel-Andersons would host and one of the movies was Grease, as expected. Even if the movie seemed like it was a hundred years old, Joey had grown to love the movie, along with the recorded version of the WMHS production that had happened while one of his dads was still at school, even if he had only played Teen Angel for three minutes and the rest of the show was full of people he didn’t know that well. When it was announced that another production of Grease was happening, his dads were the first ones to say that he should audition, even if he was already planning on doing it. But apparently there was a twist – it was genderblind Grease, meaning that Joey could audition for every character, but he had already decided who he wanted to play. “Hello, my name is Joey Hummel-Anderson and I’ll be auditioning for the role of Danny Zuko…”
Ever since Joey had set on his mind that he wanted to play Danny Zuko, he had promised himself that he would practice every day, even if it was just for an hour or even in between classes when the choir room or the auditorium were empty. And that’s exactly what he did, practicing the song he had picked and perfecting the dance routine he had quickly arranged for the audition, as well as practicing the monologue that he had chosen after asking for help from both of his dads – they would know better. Of course, Joey had his doubts about auditioning for Danny Zuko. He knew that he wasn’t the perfect person for the role, but who could compete against John Travolta? But then again, he knew that if he worked hard enough, he could be the best audition that Daniel Schuester had ever seen. It’s not like he didn’t like any other roles, but he was set on getting that role in specific. Besides, Joey knew that if he even tried to audition for Sandy, Ivy would probably try and kill him and since he was set on getting a lead role, he decided on Danny.
His audition day had finally arrived and Joey couldn’t be more nervous for it, even if this wasn’t the first audition that he had gone to. After spending some time with Ivy in the backstage, even if the two of them weren’t talking too much, she was finally called on stage and Joey’s stomach dropped – this only meant that his turn was coming up. As he paced around, humming the song he had planned, he didn’t even notice the time passing nor did he listen what was going on while Ivy was auditioning. It was only when his name was called that he saw Ivy coming off stage, more pissed than she usually was – he couldn’t even say goodbye to her before she stormed off the auditorium and Joey was left alone in the wings. He took a deep breath and made his way towards the stage, standing in front of the microphone stand and adjusting it to his height, before trying to look at Daniel Schuester, but failing thanks to the spotlight that was directed to his face. Taking another deep breath, he was finally ready to start singing. “…I’ll be singing The Joke by Brandi Carlile.” He finished, before motioning towards the piano guy, as he was ready to begin.
“You're feeling nervous, aren't you, boy?” The first lyrics came out of his mouth softly and described how he was feeling at the moment – he was still nervous, even if he had started singing and even it wasn’t detectable in his voice. It was just another high school musical, there was no reason for him to be as nervous as he was, but he stood still as he kept singing, grabbing the microphone stand with one of his hands, trying not to pay much attention that there were people watching him sing – even if he was used to singing in glee club and competitions, but of course this was different. “Dress you down, and tell you that your place is in the middle, when they hate the way you shine.” He kept singing and that’s when it hit him – Danny Zuko wouldn’t be nervous like this, right? If he wanted to play this part right, he had to think about what Danny would do and not care about what everyone thought of him. He wanted that role and he didn’t care if Julien was auditioning for Danny too; it was his time to shine and he was sure that Julien could handle if he got a smaller part.
“Let ‘em laugh while they can, let ‘em spin… Let ‘em scatter in the wind.” At this point, Joey wasn’t feeling as nervous as he was when he started singing. He didn’t know how much he wanted this part until he started singing, but now he wanted it more than ever, as he belted out the verses that he had took so long to practice and he was sounding better than ever, at least that’s what he thought. Joey knew that he was talented, he could sing and he could dance, but being in the New Directions usually meant sitting in the back watching Julien and Ivy bag all the solos – at least that’s what had happened during sophomore year. He knew that Julien and Ivy were probably better sings than him and the two of them were the closest friends Joey had, but he didn’t want to stay in the back forever. “I have been to the movies, I've seen how it ends. And the joke’s on them.” He wanted to show everyone that he could get the male lead, he wanted to show that just because he was gay that it didn’t mean that he had to play a smaller role just because the character was gay and if he could land this role, the joke would really be on them. After all, Joey was used to being laughed at from all the things he said, so he just wanted to prove that he could do so much more. As he finished the song, hitting the high notes that he had practiced for long, Joey didn’t even remember being nervous in the first place – he felt confident for what he had just done, but the audition was far from over.
Now that he had finished singing, Joey cleared his throat as he got ready for the dancing part of his audition. As expected, Joey didn’t feel nervous at all for this part – he was on the Cheerios and he was captain of the dance team – he knew that he could dance better than everyone that was going to audition (maybe except for Lemon and Vega), but he wasn’t worried about them. The dance routine didn’t take him long to prepare – a few days in the dance team practice room were enough time for him to come up with something that would show Daniel that he was the best dancer – it’s not like he didn’t know that already, after all, Joey was the one that helped most of the people in New Directions when the competitions were coming up. Joey motioned towards the band, telling them that he was ready to start and so he did – he had chosen ‘Bad Guy’ by Billie Eilish, which now seemed fitting, since Danny was a bad boy, right? One, two, three. He thought to himself, as he tried to remember the choreography he had planned and even if he forgot one step, he was sure that Daniel wouldn’t notice. When he was done, he wiped off the sweat of his forehead, before thanking the audience and got ready for the monologue that he had prepared.
After asking his dads for some help, Joey had found something off the internet and even if he was prepared for it, this was maybe the part that scared him the most. All this because he wasn’t a person that would usually put that much effort into memorizing things, so when he found out that he had to memorize a whole monologue for an audition, he was scared. Of course he knew that he had to memorize more than one monologue if he actually got the role, but he had time to worry about that once the musical was up and running, but right now he had this to worry about. He had chosen a shorter monologue, something he could memorize quickly – even it wasn’t perfect by the time he was finished, Joey thought he had done a good job. “Thank you for your time.” He said, turning on his heels and making his way out of the stage, before he could listen to what Daniel what to say.
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E1 (Pilot)
Is it a smart idea to rewatch glee again? No.
Am I going to do it anyway? You bet your sweet bippy I am!
Am I going to liveblog my garbage monkey brain thoughts along the way even though nobody asked for it? Hell yeah.
Here goes!
Wow. The first frame of this entire show is literally of a woman who looks like she’s about 10 years above the natural lifespan of a Cheerio. Then again, I’m sure Sue’s not above holding back her best recruits for multiple years because Ohio high schools are apparently just Like That™
I also never notice this opening song was a remix of Keep Me Hangin On, wow. That’s actually kind of interesting foreshadowing of sorts, like, kind of smart. I’m glad I’m watching the part of Glee that was kind of smart.
This scene also doesn’t feature any of the Unholy Trinity as far as I can see. Are they a JV squad? Am I putting too much thought into this?
Sign #1 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Really, my guy? Driving around with your muffler dragging on the ground so bad it’s making sparks? That’s not very Road Safety of you. Fuck off. 
Sign #2 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Wow, there’s going to be a lot of these, huh? Anyway, anybody with working eyes would clearly see how scared Kurt is right now. “Making some new friends Kurt?” Fuck off. 
KURT. FIRST SIGHTING OF THE BOY. What a delight. But also, not a delight, because he’s being bullied and he deserves better. Look at his outfit. Iconic from day fucking one. 
Finn, you’re a himbo. What’re you doing with these assholes?
Puck’s first line in the whole series is “It’s hammer time!” What a fucking dork? Who made this boy popular. 
I paused while they were tossing Kurt in the dumpster and, wow, got the most hilarious frame where the guy who isn’t Puck is getting a meticulously polished boot to the face. Netflix let me take screenshots, you coward.
The first shot of Quinn... My wlw bones are shaking.
Why would they use that photo for Lillian Adler...? WHO WAS BORN IN 1937, MIGHT I ADD. THAT’S NOT A REAL YEAR. 
It’s weird to see Mr Schue actually speaking competent Spanish. Why did they veto that later? The ONE likeable thing about him was his competence as a school teacher, and they really threw it out the window huh?
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE MEMBERS OF SANDY RYERSON’S GLEE CLUB??? This kid seems to really like singing. Also, welcome to the beginning of Ryerson being annoying as all hell.
Oh my gosh, the background choir stuff. This show really had style back in the day!!!
R A C H E L B E R R Y Y O U R M A K E U P ! ! !
Ken Tanaka walked so incels could run.
Jane Lynch you beauty. You absolutely impeccable beauty. 
“Since when are cheerleaders performers?” Uh... Emma...? I get that Sue’s going ham on her budget but, like, be nice to the students? They perform their butts off!
Sue really just BRAGGED about having an iPhone. I was 9 when this came out. Why do I feel old...
Sign #3 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He hears his coworker, presumably of several years, just got fired and doesn’t even ask why. He just jumps on the glee club like a frog on hot asphalt. 
He really wants to Make The Glee Club Great Again, huh? 
MySpace was really a thing, huh? And why does this grown-ass male teacher know so much about the students having them?
I know nothing about actual American schools, but I do know that they sure as shit don’t work like this. Why does a club have to win EVERY competition to be considered an asset?
Mr Shoe really lying awake at night half-naked next to his wife thinking about the glee club already? Yeah sounds about right. Also, of course you’d think up Nude Erections for a name, you asshole. Put some clothes on.
Brad the piano player was really here from day ONE... Icon.
Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... Yes Kurt bby you killed it. 
Chris Colfer looks so YOUNG here!!! 
The hair fix... I C O N I C !
Tina really wrote her stutter down, huh? And nobody ever saw through it? Amazing. 
The goth Tina look, too... Perfect... Never change...
Say what you want about Rachel Berry being generally insufferable, but I really fucking feel it when she sings On My Own. The monologue kind of kills The Drama of it, but they really solidly established her character by layering them. She really is a gold star right now.
The first-ever on-screen slushie!
The way she walks down that hall. My God you can just see how terrible she is to be around.
Never forget Rachel staring at photos of her with two men who turned out to not be her dads. Who are they? What are their stories? We’ll never know.
God, I love this stupid scene of Quinn, Santana, and a bunch of Cheerios cartoonishly typing hate comments on Rachel’s MySpace video and laughing like knock-off Disney villains. 
I like watching season 1 Artie because season 1 Artie was a good character. Mostly. And he KILLED Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat. Rachel wasn’t asking for a male lead who could keep up with her vocally, she was being straight up ableist and that’s a fact. I love Cory, but Kevin McHale was always a better singer.
Mercedes picking up and spinning Rachel for this little routine is something I never really appreciated before, it’s cute even though they don’t like each other yet!
I really don’t get why Rachel says they suck. Yeah, sure, she’s gunning for a solo, but the vocals were solid there. The choreo was just a little janky, possibly because it’s their first EVER rehearsal?
“There is NOTHING ironic about show choir!” Incredible.
How long did it take Mr Shoe to find Rachel out on the bleachers? Did he search the whole school first?
I never understood Rachel quitting so soon. How long was she in the old glee club for? Surely they were never popular either?
Ah, the first “My hands are tied” for the series. Mr Figgins is a garbage principal. 
Not going to advise the principal against referring to Artie as a cripple, William Shoestir? Alright. 
How did the Schuester marriage last as long as it has? Do Will and Terri’s insufferable personalities just cancel one another out?
Sandy Ryerson really just openly brags about cheating the system for medical marijuana and dealing it? 
Matt Morrison 100% has lip fillers. Nobody’s smile curls like that naturally.
“Terri and I are trying to get pregnant” What a weird way to phrase it. What is it, a race? Who’s going to get knocked up first!
A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN, HOW I’VE MISSED YOU... The sound design of this show at this point is just... *Chef hand kiss*
“What you’re doing right now is called blurring the lines” Oh just wait until season 4, Sue... Just you wait.
WHY is Mr Schuester so ridiculously sweaty? I didn’t need to think about that?
EVERYONE on the football team is 30.
Hearing Cory sing this always makes me emotional. What a talent!
Sign #4 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: I don’t think I need to say why using the weed to blackmail Finn is a shitty thing to do, do I?
“I’ll pee in a cup! ...I’ll pee...” I love Cory’s delivery. 
PRIORITY #1: HELP THE KIDS Oh season 1... I love you so.
Mr Schue you WISH you were anything like Finn Hudson. You never will be.
Ah... Finn’s first monologue. He’s such a sweetheart. AND SO IS CAROLE. Carole is a queen I will stan forever. YOU THROW THAT MILK BB!!!
All Finn wants to do is make his mom proud. What a sweetheart. Mr Schue you do NOT deserve him.
These POV shots really enhance things, why the fuck did they stop using them?
Subtly having Kurt look at Finn in the same shot as Rachel was a nice touch indeed!
Terri’s a straight up hoarder, huh? Like a raccoon but instead of collecting edible garbage, it’s monogrammed garbage.
Surely you can’t just... BECOME an accountant, right? You need some serious qualifications for that right?
Also say what you want about how insufferable Terri is but her actress is ridiculously talented and absolutely steals every scene she’s in.
Now the background choir is doing Soul Bossa Nova and I am L I V I N G why didn’t they keep that motif!!! It was so ICONIC!
I don’t need my prostate removed. RIP Carole Hudson but I’m different :/
NO MEANS NO, KEN! TAKE THE L AND MOVE ON! Way to take out the fact that a girl won’t date you on everybody else around you! Toxic bastard. The absolute stench of melodrama on this bastard is noxious.
I was going to ask why Rachel didn’t know about Finn and Quinn if they’d already been together for 4 months, but then I remembered gossiping requires friends...
“Terri rides me. Hard. And I’ve always appreciated it!” Why don’t we talk about how this line sounds more. Why doesn’t Emma bat an eye at it oh my god
HERE COMES VOCAL ADRENALINE!!! And Jesse St. James is nowhere to be seen. How convenient. Also, they’re all 30. I’m sensing a pattern.
Sorry VA, all songs popularised my Amy Winehouse legally belong to Santana Lopez
Puck, if you were stupid enough to fall for the prostate excuse, that’s on you. Or maybe it’s on the education system...
You can do better that Mr Schue, kids. Don’t mourn him.
Ok, what the fuck is this scene where he’s filling out the job app to become an accountant? There’s a dude in the row in front off him just throwing crisps around? What is this place?? Why are you here sir??? 
“Accounting is sexy” shut up you horrible married man
The Cheerios sure did have straight ponytails for like, one episode, huh?
Finn is such a good boy. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is, and saving Artie from that portapotty is his first step to figuring it out.
This shot of Finn just wheeling Artie out of there... Ugh. My HEART.
Pee balloons. Nailing the lawn furniture to the roof. Finn, you’re better than that!!! Stop your dudebros. 
They really had Artie be a guitar player, and a pretty good one at that, but they never mentioned it again? Artie had such potential SMH. (Also, Netflix subtitles are telling me it’s Arty, but I categorically refuse to spell it that way.)
Whyyyyy didn’t he go to KURT for the costumes as well? Look at his outfit, Finn. He clearly wants in on that job. 
Will Schuester really is just desperately clinging to his glory days in high school. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a creep about it. 
Emma, meaningfully: Do you know who that is? That’s you, Will... [FRANTIC DISCO MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND]
I find it hilarious how the audio of Don’t Stop Believin’ just DOES NOT match the characters except for the solos... Also wow, autotune city. Am I awful for genuinely not liking this cover? 
I like watching them perform it though. Kurt’s adorable little shimmy... Rachel and Tina smiling at each other like that... Everybody having a blast... I’m here for it
Ok the way Rachel and Finn look at each other here is making me FEEL
I know Puck’s about to join anyway but WHY is he there watching... Just to have a mysterious bad boy moment? Lol you dramatic bastard
Please let them win nationals without you, Will.
So, yeah! There’s that! Those are my thoughts and feelings, basic though they may be. Episode one is fantastic, the kids are fantastic, and William Schuester can suck a toe. 
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miasswier · 5 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 7
7: Journey
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Written by: Brad Falchuk Directed by: Brad Falchuk
Overall Thoughts: I think that this may be my favourite Glee season finale ever, aside from Dreams Come True. It wraps basically every storyline up, while still reminding you that it’s not over. It’s emotional, and it’s tear-jerking, and honestly just amazing. Plus, I’ve watched that Journey medley about a thousand times and I never get tired of it.
What I Like:
Everyone crying at Mr. Schuester’s house – I know it’s sad, but it shows how much they’ve all come to love glee club and each other. It’s really sweet.
That scene where Don’t Stop Believing starts playing in Will’s car and he pulls over and bawls. Because honestly? Same.
Finn telling Rachel that she’s the leader of the club and that she needs to pull it together and lead. It’s nice to hear Finn telling somebody else to be the leader for once instead of assuming it should be him, and encouraging that person to do so.
This isn’t something I particularly liked, but when Puck said “do you think either of us is going to care about Finn in three years?” and then followed it really soon after with “at the end of your life you don’t get a medal for being good or bad, you just get dead” I cried like a fucking baby.
Will having one of his few good teaching moments and encouraging the kids, both before regionals and during, when he tells them he failed them if all they care about is winning.
Rachel not being able to reach the speaker to turn it off.
That whole Journey performance. I can’t even complain that Finn and Rachel sing the whole damn thing because it’s just so emotional and beautiful.
Quinn wanting Mercedes in the delivery room with her <3
The Bohemian Rhapsody sequence.
That scene with Rachel and Shelby at the end. I think what I really like about it is how Shelby makes it clear that she doesn’t just feel this deep desire for motherhood, that’s just part of what she wants. “I want a life.” I really love that line. She couldn’t make her dreams of being a performer come true, so she focused all her energies on trying to make other people’s dreams come true, and now she’s just left with nothing. While I know I’ve complained about the whole Shelby-as-nothing-but-a-mother storyline before, I really do appreciate that this was the first step in her really finding herself again. She gets closure with Rachel, and she gets to start a new life with Beth. Part of me really wishes they’d just finished her storyline there, honestly. Because it was so, so perfect.
Emma fighting with Figgins. She has so much fire and so much passion, it’s really a shame that they so rarely let her show it.
The scene with Will and Sue. Normally their scenes together exhaust me, but this one was sweet, sentimental, and encouraging, while still managing to keep their banter going. There’s only two other Will and Sue scenes that make me as emotional as this one: the one at the end of City of Angels, and the one at the end of New Directions.
The end scene of this episode. It’s so happy and full of hope and promise. It’s Glee.
What I Don’t Like:
I really wish they’d never shown us how Puck getting Quinn pregnant went down because that scene is icky as fuck. When she says she wants to stop, he encourages her to have another wine cooler (I know it’s supposed to be a joke because those barely have any alcohol in them, but I mean… still). He basically turns all her own words against her, and has to actually convince her to have sex with him. It’s really manipulative and leaves a very, very sour taste in my mouth.
When they show Quinn after that scene and she turns around to reveal her baby bump. It just feels unnecessary, you know? We know she’s pregnant. We’ve known since episode four. It’s not some huge twist.
Will forcing that kiss on Emma. She’s dating someone else, and she made it very clear that you guys are done. Stop it.
Faithfully: Probably my favourite Finchel duet. I really like this one. They sound awesome singing it, and the song in and of itself is great.
Anyway You Want It/Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’: One of my all-time favourite Glee mash-up’s! They blend so well together that often I can’t even remember which parts are of which song. The choreography is one of their best, and they really do show that heart they keep talking about.
Don’t Stop Believing (2.0): Mostly a re-run of the original version, with a couple of extra soloists thrown in for fun. I still love it, though. The perfect finale to an amazing performance.
Bohemian Rhapsody: Normally when Glee decides to shove the entirety of a song into an episode I hate it. I mean, just look at my review of” Light’s Out”. But this one really works, and I think that’s partially because of Jonathan Groff, partially because they intercut it absolutely perfectly with Quinn giving birth, and partially because it’s so fucking extra. It’s one of the most “Glee” things that Glee ever did, and I love every goddamn second of it.
To Sir, with Love: I don’t like Will Schuester, but I still get emotional as fuck listening to these kids literally sing him praises. Why? WHY?!?! It’s the magic of Glee. Seriously, I love this song though. So raw. Just… perfect.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow: This is the perfect song to end on. Over the years I’ve thought that maybe they should have saved this song for the actual finale, and had it be the last song of the series, but I’m glad that it came here, because it has the hope of more. It’s the end, but just for now. And seeing all the kids holding hands and leaning on each other (I noticed for the first time how Brittany and Santana are sitting exactly the same as Finn and Rachel in that final shot of all the kids. Foreshadowing, anyone?), and just being friends. It’s gorgeous.
Final Thoughts: I’ve watched this episode time and time again, and it always makes me bawl like a little baby. It’s one of he few episodes where the good far outweighs the bad (normally it’s pretty equal), and I like to think it’s one of the best episodes Glee ever did. I honestly feel like watching it again right now, and I just watched it! Seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how much I love this episode.
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dorigvbcorvis · 5 years
A Second Season Glee Story
SUMMERY Dalton takes a special interest in their new mid-session transfer student: Kurt Hummel, after he out performs nearly everyone who has ever taken their entrance exam.  Dalton wants to fast-track their student using an holistic approach and by making Kurt see a counselor, making him take more exams, and asking him to add more CVs.  While Kurt agrees on Dalton’s French Club, where he really wants to shine is in theater and the only Performing Arts Club  around is the one located at Crawford Country Day School for Girls.
NOTES: Story picks up right after Schue comes to see Kurt for gift advice for Sue in S2E10 A Very Glee Christmas Prompt: Kurt’s French Horn tee-shirt.  Kurt wore this shirt twice and I wondered if he ever played the horn.  Then wondered why he stopped,  This story answers both
CHAPTER 1: An Unexpected Visit 
Kurt sat back down in the common room - he propped his head up by planting his elbow firmly on the solid oak desk - Chuffed with himself he then let out long bashful sigh.  Kurt couldn’t believe what just he did…but just like that he did what he did.  In the most candid-as-a-matter-of-fact way possible Kurt admitted to his former teacher that he was in love.  But for as bold and progressive a move this was for Kurt, Mr. Schue didn’t stay long enough to hear the boy’s name or how impressively the boy could sing.  -NO-  Mr. Schuester only came to Dalton for gift advice …and as soon as Kurt said winter tracksuit and where to find one …Schue was turning for the exit.  Kurt convince himself not to dwell on how things had always been kept short between Kurt and his former teacher… He knew he wasn’t Schue’s favorite.  Hell, just showing up at Dalton was more than Kurt could bring himself to expect from the man.   The difference was rather than dwell on how things were - Kurt now had a growing list of things he could better occupy his mind with- Like his duet with Blaine for one.  
Kurt found he could also amuse himself on how in the most extraordinary change of fortunes he had left a school that didn’t much challenge him; not in the least! - and exchanged this for a school that did challenged him almost in every sense of the word.  The beauty of Dalton was the rewards kept coming.  Gone were the days of dumpster tosses, slushy facials, and Korosfski’s threats - Replaced now with guys who didn’t hate him for “destroying the curve” when he did well on tests.  Kurt also felt he had landed in a school where he could ‘be out’ at being both gay and an atheist and he wouldn’t hear the stray derogatory comment come at him from behind his back, but the crème de la crème above all these new found things was that he liked a boy and there were good odds the boy felt the same way back “…Oh crap!!!” Kurt suddenly blurted out.  An all together different thought occurred to him.  The skeptic in him made him wondered if he was simply imagining the flirting during the duet? There was flirting wasn’t there? Kurt sighed even deeper - He wasn’t sure anymore and yet for the first time in the 17 years of his young life he wanted this to be real and reciprocated.  
Maybe it was just that with his growing doubt what also came was the sobering reason why he was still in the common room, alone, and at this late hour - AND this wasn’t to dream about a boy -OR- take a running inventory of changes to his life. - NO - It was instead to play catch up with his classes and this meant he really did not have the time for the beautiful tenor with the hazel eyes.
Kurt’s mid session transfer to an academic prep school meant all but one of his classes were now AP; and these AP classes were not only harder but he also had to start from three modules behind and play catch-up…and then until he caught up he was to remain under 'Academic Suspension’.  Kurt didn’t like this last stipulation because it meant he was off limits to certain of Dalton’s perks - Like off campus privileges and The Library that he had only seen once while on his tour of Dalton.  The library was to remain off limits until his academic suspension was lifted.  At McKinley libraries were the safe zone where the Korosfski’s of the world never dared enter …and it was here Kurt became an avid reader devouring whole reading lists at any given chance …so if Kurt wanted into the library at Dalton - the only answer he had was to work hard at changing this status.
Currently it was Unit 3 of AP World History. History had always been one of Kurt’s better subjects and he would be all caught if not for how Charlemagne was proving dull and tedious.
Kurt cracked his book open to find where he had last left off when he heard his name spoken aloud. Kurt immediately looked up half hoping it would be Blaine asking again for another duet for which Kurt would gladly crater to - It however was Wes Seong.  
Wes was a tall good looking Asian senior.  The young man’s strong level-headedness meant he was entrusted with the task of being a liaison between the students and the faculty. Kurt addressed Wes only as “Head Warbler” - Kurt would have been just as correct to call Wes in some Harry Potteresque nod  'The Class Prefect’.
Kurt watched as Wes stood there in front of his make-shift work desk looking back-and-forth between the main doorway and then back at him - That was until Wes finally spoke up:  "Was that the Director of The New Directions who just left?“ Wes asked with the kind already known assurance that negated an answer.  And for Kurt the way Wes asked also left him feeling as if he had broken one of Dalton’s Cardinal rules regarding after hours guests and worse he did so with a rival of The Warblers - And now he was going to hear for it…about both probably.  
"Mr. Schuester? Kurt uttered, with a voice that was both wavering and elevated; there was no escape Kurt knew he had been caught.  "He just stopped by to say hello and ask about gift advice - I-I did not ask him to come.” - The way Kurt stammered and the way his eyes flashed showed his fear. He didn’t want to screw up so soon - And especially not while academic suspension was being held over his head.
“Relax Kurt. It’s okay.  Besides it’s Christmas time…The powers that be here are a lot more relaxed with guest rules.”
“So it’s okay?” Kurt now asked timidly.
Wes smiled - “Yes,”  He affirmed.  "I only asked because I thought he was the same man who shook my hands at Sectionals.  I am actually here on another matter,“ Wes said, shifting his focus to look at Kurt more directly.
The worry in Kurt’s stomach remained like a weighted balloon.
"Yeah,” Wes said, admitting there was this other thing. “I just had a conference with many of your instructors….they wanted to know how you were doing - They wanted to ask me if I thought being a Warbler was too much for you to handle.”
“What did you tell them?” Kurt asked alarmed that the next words spoken would be asking for him to quit.
“Only that you are as good student as you are a welcome addition to The Warblers.”
“I don’t think I understand,  Why ask?” Kurt stated with a frown.  "Did any of my teachers think I should quit?“ Kurt asked now visibly hurt.
Wes shook his head no.  "Most of your teachers said they enjoy having you as a student - And they also said how impressed they were at how you were nearly caught up in all your classes.
"What then? What would make them ask that question?”
“I think they only worry that you might burn yourself out”
“I am okay-  I can pace myself”
“I believe that.  But they did asked for me to check up on you - I would have said no but I also sort of see their point.” Wes suddenly paused, and his shoulders dropped with a sigh.   “Blaine as you might know came here under similar circumstances he had to repeat his first year here…he would be a junior same as you…but things happen.”
“Yes, Blaine told me about what happened; and what some guys at his last school did to him.”
Wes winced; he didn’t want to think about what it was like for either boy to be bashed and threatened.  Wes instead pulled out a business card and handed it to Kurt
Kurt read the name on the card: “Richard Thompson PsyD” he saw M-F hours listed on the back of the card.
“Kurt, Dr. Thompson is one of the onsight counselors here - He wanted me to let you know he’s available if you need to talk. He said No hurry just swing by when you get a chance but do stop by.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Nothing that I know about - I think Thompson just wants to let you know Dalton is here for you.”
“You would tell me if there was something else”
“It might be about what happened at your other school,  it might also be..,”  Wes stopped abruptly and didn’t finish.
“Might be what exactly?” Kurt now demanded.
“As you know Dalton Academy is designed to prepare you for college.  Right?”  
Kurt half nodded this well known fact
“The way your instructors were talking about you, they said you could just about name your college - Dalton has been known to fast-track students into Ivy League or other colleges with prestige.  I think Dalton lives for boasting rights or something.  But if this is what they want - Dr. Thompson would be the man to see about that.
"Ivy League?  Me?”  Kurt said shaking his head no.  Kurt’s heart was set on Julliard, he wasn’t sure what help Dalton could do there.  Kurt flipped the business card to look at both sides.  
Wes shrugged his shoulders.  "It could only be that he wants to see you as a guidance counselor - he was mine last year.“
"I thought Mr. Allen was my guidance counselor?”
“Allen is good - If it’s about setting up what classes to take and what programs to follow - But Thompson might be a better fit, considering why you are here and everything.”
Kurt now let out groan recalling how…  "The last time I was asked to see the guidance counselor it was because Miss Pillsbury saw me with one of her pamphlets on suicide prevention.“  
Kurt’s confession caused Wes’s eyes to widened - He had no idea how bad it must have been if killing one self was ever a consideration- Watching Kurt then laugh it off was just as disturbing.
[with a giggle] "I spent the next several weeks in her office trying to convince her I would never have gone through with it, and how I especially would never have done anything like that to my dad.”
“I think you should make an appointment.  Trauma is nothing to mess with.  When we moved here from San Francisco it was because my mom was car-jacked - it took moving halfway across the country and three years of therapy for her to get enough nerve to leave the house.  I think you should at least see Dr. Thompson - See what he wants.”
Kurt silently fumed feeling like whatever the reason he wasn’t really being given an option in any case.  He flipped the business card over again to look at the hours listed - concluding that he would go - but only so he could later say he went.
“Are you about finished in here? Wes asked, changing the subject completely. "It’s my turn to lock up.”
Kurt nodded and gathered up his books - For as much work he still had left to do in World History…he no longer was in the mood for studying.
Some how Wes understood the turmoil that was going off in Kurt’s head.  "I wouldn’t sweat it Kurt,“ Wes said with a sympathetic smile. "With what I heard from your teachers - And then I think Miss Perron your French teacher…is itching for you to join the French Club as soon as you can.”
“They’ll have to lift my academic suspension first.”
“Maybe that’s why Thompson wants to see you.”
Kurt left the common room and he headed for the dorms hopeful this was indeed the reason this guy Thompson wanted to see him.
END NOTES: I could not find a credible source for “Montgomery” as last name for Wes.  In my story Wes’ last name is Seong.  He is a Senior his DOB year is 1993.  His family is originally from San Francisco - Wes has attended Dalton since his Freshman year. Blaine Anderson DOB year in my story is 1994 (not 1995 as stated in The Glee Wiki) He transferred to Dalton in his Sophomore year but the events leading to his transfer to Dalton and its aftermath with his dad proved to be too much him for him to handle and he had to repeat his Sophomore year.  I have his DOB as April 8, 1994 Kurt Hummel whose DOB is May 27, 1993 means he started school late or at some point he stayed back a year. In all of my Glee FanFictions Kurt repeated the third grade with the reason that the death of his mother caused him to miss school and fall behind.  He stayed back a year also in part to his dad thinking Kurt was too small for his age.
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angelhummel · 6 years
Jumping right into this episode bc I hate myself lmao
Blaine shaking his ass while cleaning up the choir room is great and then the rest of the episode is all down hill tbh 
"Blaine, this is nothing to be embarrassed about!” ... “This is a revelation!” Mr. Schuester please stop talking and also don’t touch your students like that 
TWERK-TORIAL I’m literally gonna die Mr. Schuester what the fuuuck
Didn’t they say Jenna was the best at twerking but Tina had to be bad at it? We were robbed 
Why even bother filming a five second scene at a hair salon if Rachel just got a fucking wig?? I still maintain she should’ve actually cut her hair like that because it’s so cute 
Also I Am Woman is not a sexy song... What is this guy on about. Also if he didn’t like Rachel’s hair, literally everyone wears wigs on Broadway anyway. Jeez
I was about to skip this song but I said I like Rachel as Fanny better than Rachel as herself and I stand by that. Also idk about you guys, but when I think twerking, I think Funny Girl
Oh no this is the bathrooms episode. Ugh
Wasn’t twerking like getting stale by the time this ep came out? Also every time they say “twerk” my soul dies a little. Except for “our god given right to twerk” bc that’s hysterical 
Oh no Blurred Lines noooo. It’s been nice knowing you guys 
Seriously, why has Schue not been arrested yet? He should’ve been taken in about a dozen times by now
Okay I got to see Jenna shaking it so that makes it a little better. And Blaine and that hip thrusting move on the table... good times 
“You need to back your ass up to the fact that you, a married thirty-seven year old just performed a song about coercive sexual advances as nine minors twerked alongside you down the hallways of a public high school” “It’s called the first amendment!” oh my goddd 
Omg this episode also has shirtless Kurt yaaaas. Holy shit I remember we all lost our collective minds over this. It was so worth the wait though
Oh wow this Unique number was great. I almost got a little teary eyed. 
Also holy shit I really do love this New Directions better than the old New Directions. At least the guys. Jake and Ryder were so ready to kick some ass on Unique’s behalf. Where was that for Kurt, Finn?? Okay well just Finn I guess, since everyone else was ready to throw down tbh 
“We appreciate you moving this school board meeting to our auditorium because we don’t have any more sets” 
Oh I love this montage of dances though. So great. Blaine and Kitty look so fucking cuteeee. And Marley?? Holy shit. 
“Do you want to be on the right side of musical history?” Oh my god. This is honestly so funny. Like I hope no one is taking this seriously lol 
Aww Unique and Blaine used the same MLK quote as each other
“Are you dyslexic? Or illiterate? Or a charlatan?!” Kurt baby oh my god 
oh my god the tattoo guy is like “I don’t wanna hear everyone’s bs story behind their tattoos” .5 seconds later “What are you even doing here? Tell me everything!” 
“It’s femme-ophobic!” 
There’s something just so funny about season five and these last two episodes really highlight that. Like can you picture Rachel Berry on a wrecking ball? Quinn Fabray? Santana Lopez? Nah. But Marley on a wrecking ball?? Why not. I guess bc old gen Glee had The Climb and Party in the USA and new gen Glee has twerk demon thinks-she’s-black Miley 
Okay Will’s little bit with Unique was actually pretty good. I gotta give him props for once. “No one should have to work so hard and risk so much just to be themselves” ugh
Also wow Rachel had me crying. I think early s5 Rachel is the longest I’ve gone actually liking her. From 5x01 all the way to about Frenemies I think. But I draw the line there :P Actually maybe from some time during s4 all the way to 5x09. Wow that’s a looong time of liking Rachel, especially for me...
Actually I liked this episode more than I remember. It’s just a silly fun good time. You really need something like that and A Katy or A Gaga after something like the Quarterback
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jencey86 · 6 years
Take My Pain Away - Chapter 20
*TRIGGER WARNING* This story contains narcotic abuse, self harm, mentions of eating disorder, and emotional abuse.
Title: Take My Pain Away Rating: Overall M due to Content
Pairing: Dani/Santana. Mentions of Finn/Rachel, Quinn/female OC Genre: Angst with eventual Romance
Chapter Word Count: 4,483
Take My Pain Away
Chapter 20 – Week 20
 January 6, Monday – Glee
 Santana’s absence didn’t go unnoticed throughout the day. Of course there had been chatter surrounding it, but Dani did her best to keep her cool. The people in the school were the best at coming up with rumors. She had heard everything from her being arrested, to her dying in another car accident. Granted, it was the latter of those that really made Dani’s skin crawl. They joked about it like it was something that was meant to be funny.
 “So, you guys know where she is. Where is she?” Artie spoke when he saw Dani walking into the choir room and sitting with Quinn and Rachel, her normal spot in the room.
 The girl just shook her head some and chuckled. “Well, I’ll confirm to you that she’s not dead, since that seems to be the going rumor.” She put her bag down on the floor and glanced at her phone before replying to a quick text message from Santana. “She’s okay, she’s just at home and will be until next Monday.”
 “Why, what happened?” That time it was Mercedes asking the question.
 Dani ran her fingers through her hair before turning around to look at the girl and the others then. “She fell and broke her hip on Christmas and decided to go through with the hip replacement surgery. When she comes back she’ll probably be using a wheelchair to get around school easier.” She wasn’t exactly surprised by everybody’s reactions. Quinn and Rachel already knew and she was sure that Puck already knew too because of Quinn.
 “You mean she actually had it?”
 The girl nodded and looked to her phone again when she felt it vibrate. “She’s about to head to one of her physical therapy appointments now. Honestly, she’s walking better than she was before, but they don’t want her spending too much time on it yet while it’s still healing, hence the wheelchair when she comes back next Monday.”
 Dani hated the fact that she couldn’t be with her girlfriend that day. It was her first day of therapy and she was stuck in school while Maribel took Santana to the appointment. She hardly paid attention as their teacher came in to start talking about Nationals and how he had decided to let the Seniors pick the set list.
 Dani: He’s finally caved and is letting us pick the songs.
 Santana: It’s about damn time we know what we can do that is best for everybody
 “Dani and Santana should definitely have another duet.” Rachel suggested, taking Dani and everybody else by surprise.
 “Wait… you’re willing to give up the limelight to other people. I never thought that was possible.” Dani teased her best friend, earning a huff.
 “It’s our senior year, we get four songs, all of us can be showcased in some way.”
 Dani smiled widely and reached out to rest her hand on Rachel’s shoulder. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Rachel. This will be the last show for a majority of you. It should belong to you.” Mr. Schuester agreed with her before moving over to the piano to grab the envelope that he’d placed there when he came in. “I have something that I got in my mailbox this morning. This year’s National’s theme.”
 That was something that got everybody’s attention. Dani put her phone down for a minute to watch as he opened up the envelope to pull the sheet out with all of the information.
 “As most of you know from last year, it’s 40 teams competing from all over the country. We need to do our best to hold onto our title from last year.” He smiled to the group in front of him. “This year’s theme, perseverance.”
 Dani couldn’t help but laugh some and shake her head. She already knew she could go on all day long about songs related to that topic. Ignoring the looks around her, she went back to her phone.
 Dani: National’s theme perseverance
 Santana: You’re kidding me… that’s perfect
 “Do you mind sharing what’s funny about that theme, Dani?” Mr. Schuester asked, pulling her attention from her phone in her hand.
 “Nothing, Mr. Schue. Santana thinks the theme is just perfect by the way.” She went quiet after that, knowing that only Quinn and Rachel knew the underlying meaning behind Dani’s reaction and Santana’s statement. They were the only ones that knew anything that was going on in their private world. “I could just list songs off all day about that topic is all. You guys only know about the tip of the iceberg with me.”
 Dani: They’re all staring at me. I told him I could list songs all day long and made the mistake of saying what they know is the tip of the iceberg. Fuck me
 Santana: Baby, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell them anything you don’t want to
 Santana: I’ve been thinking about opening up some to them too, but we’ll see
 That was definitely something they’d have to talk about later on. Dani wasn’t sure if she was ready to tell them all about her eating problem. Sure, a lot of it had already been blasted around the school as a rumor, but she never confirmed any of it.
 January 6, Monday – Santana’s House – 3PM
 The therapy session left her in some pain. But it was weird. The pain she felt was nothing compared to what she felt on a daily basis beforehand. “I’m going to stay down here for a little bit before going to my room.” Santana slowly walked into the living room, taking the step down carefully.
 “Is Quinn coming by with your homework later?” Maribel asked, following her daughter into the living room to make sure she was settled on the recliner.
 “Yeah, she said she’d come by right after school.” She dug out her phone from her pocket then pulled the lever to prop her legs up so she’d be comfortable. “Dani texted me the theme for National’s this year. Perseverance. Her and I could have a field day with that.”
 “Then have a field day with that. Come up with a list of songs to share about it. You’ve both gone through so much just this school year alone.” Maribel reached out to run her fingers through Santana’s hair gently. “I wish you weren’t so afraid in school. When you’re home you’re yourself. But just hearing you and the girls talk I know things are school are different. Why do you care so much what others think?”
 “Because we live in backwaters Ohio. If we lived in a bigger city then I honestly wouldn’t care. But there aren’t a lot of gay people around here, you and I both know that. Kurt and Blaine… and Dani. That’s about it that I know of. Oh, and Rachel’s dads but we know the kind of treatment they get for being open.” She saw her mother’s face change some in understanding. “So, I choose not to be out in school. It’s easier that way. The rumor mill has already started because people see me with Dani, but I’m careful not to do anything to confirm it.”
 Santana watched her mother for a moment. She knew what the Berry’s have had done to their home just because they were a couple of gay men. The people that lived in Lima weren’t accepting of anything they didn’t consider to be normal and they passed that on to their kids. “Bree goes after Dani almost daily. Poking fun at how much weight she gained over the summer, and you already know why she gained weight over the summer. Even though I was a cheerio, I’m not immune to it either. I can’t wait to see what happens when they see me in a wheelchair.” Santana added on and sighed softly.
 “Mija, it’ll only be for about two weeks until your hip gets strong enough to walk from one side of the school to the other.” Maribel sat on the armrest of the recliner and reached out to take her daughter’s phone when she tried to look at it and distract from their conversation. “I wish you would have talked to us sooner about all of this. I want you to tell me if it continues once you go back. Your father and I will take care of it.”
 The teen took a deep breath and nodded some before shifting so she could lean into her mother. “Dani’s mom outed me as her girlfriend in front of the glee club when we were at regionals. They didn’t care. But I’m afraid of others knowing, I saw the torment she went through last year when she came out.”
 “But you being with Dani and how loving you two are in private… honey, it’s only a matter of time before people catch on or you two slip up in public. People will figure it out. Isn’t it better to tell them on your own terms then to have someone tell everybody for you?”
 Santana sighed softly as she thought. She knew, deep down, her mother was right. She was comfortable, for the most part, with being a lesbian. At least being out to the people she trusted helped her to feel comfortable. “I’ll talk with Dani about it.” She offered her mom a small smile before relaxing some against her. “I just don’t want to go to school and be scared like I know Kurt was for a while.”
 Maribel slid her arm around Santana’s shoulder and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “You just have to promise that you’ll talk to me if something happens.” She kissed the top of her head again once she felt Santana nod against her stomach.
 January 7, Tuesday – Santana’s House – 5PM
 “I have to say, you two are absolutely adorable together when you’re not trying to hide anything.”
 Santana lifted her head off Dani’s shoulder to glare at the other brunette. “You watch it Berry, I can easily kick you out of my house.”
 “And there’s the Santana that I know.” Rachel shot back as she adjusted on the foot of the bed to finish off the last of her homework.
 “You’re lucky I like Dani or else you wouldn’t be here right now.”
 “And you’re lucky that you’re hurt or I’d smack you.” Dani turned her head to look at her girlfriend. Santana just grinned to her, causing Dani to laugh and lean in to kiss her softly. “Did you finish the homework Quinn brought you yesterday?”
 Santana shook her head. “She brought me the assignments for all week that I’ll miss. I got a good chunk of it done earlier today because I was bored. Sitting up for a while starts to hurt so here I am, stretched out with you.”
 Rachel looked up from her math homework to watch Santana slid her arm around Dani’s waist. “Are you guys going to the Valentine’s Day dance?” She noticed how Santana immediately tensed up some. “You could go as friends, people do that all the time.”
 Santana actually wanted to talk with Dani about that, but it was also something she wanted to do in private. She wanted to go to the dance with Dani. As a couple. But she was still scared to do so. “What’s on your mind, baby. If I can trust Rachel, so can you. She knew everything about this past summer. Her and Finn where the ones that finally talked and got me to get help.” Dani explained as she ran her fingers gently along Santana’s back.
 “I um…” she took a deep breath and played with the bottom of Dani’s shirt some in order to keep herself occupied. “I wanted to ask you to the dance in private. I was talking with mami yesterday and about how I shouldn’t be as scared to be who I am at school. So I spent a lot of time last night thinking about it and I knew the dance was next month.” She heard Rachel laugh as Dani cut her off with a kiss.
 “Of course I’ll go to the dance with you.” Dani whispered against Santana’s lips. She knew there was more they needed to talk about in private and she respected Santana’s desire to do that.
 Rachel noticed the change between them and started to pack up her things. “I’m not going to force her to talk to me if she doesn’t want to. I’ll finish up my homework at home. Thanks for inviting me over for a while.” Rachel slid everything into her backpack then moved up to give Dani a quick hug. She patted Santana’s shoulder gently, not sure if the girl would accept a hug or not from her, but she chose not to push her limit. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school, Dani.”
 The Latina watched the girl leave before she pulled back and sat up some. “You know how hard it is for me to talk.” She chuckled some when she spotted the familiar smile on Dani’s face. “I’m still scared for how everybody will react to it. But I want to be able to hug you and kiss you at school.”
 “Then hug me and kiss me at school.” Dani stated to her and reached out to cup her cheek. “I know it’s a lot for you to overcome. I remember how much you panicked in Cincinnati when my mother showed up. But you have others on your side. It’s not just me and you against them. We’ve got Quinn, and Rachel, and the others too.” Dani ran her thumb gently along Santana’s jaw.
 “I’ll just need your help to have the courage to do it.” She leaned in some to rest her forehead against the girl’s and sighed softly.
 Dani leaned in to kiss her gently, letting it linger for a moment before pulling back. “How about I just hug you in the morning. Just don’t even think about it and give you a hug and a kiss before we head to our first class?” She whispered against her lips before pressing them together again. If Dani were to be honest with herself, she couldn’t get enough of Santana’s lips and could easily spend all day kissing the other girl.
 Santana sucked in a deep breath, forcing herself to break the kiss from Dani so she could look at her. “Okay.” If Dani were to kiss her in school, she knew there was no way she could deny the girl. There would be a lot of shock and she knew that all it would take was one person to see them for the entire school to know before lunch that they were a couple. “I think I’m ready.” She smiled to her and nodded. “At least I’ve got a few more days to work myself up to it.”
 Chuckling some, Dani stretched out against the pillows and pulled Santana close to her again to hold her. “It’s a shame that you’re restricted to any kind of physical activity for another week.” She grinned to her girlfriend.
 “Don’t remind me.” Santana huffed as she wrapped her arm around Dani’s stomach and rested her head on her chest. “It’s not fair to get all worked up and know I can’t do anything about it.” She pouted more when Dani just chuckled again at her. “You hush, you can take care of it when you get home. I can’t do anything. I tried last night and you never realize how many muscles you use until you’re hurting.”
 “Soon enough we can have fun again.” Dani kissed the top of her girlfriend’s head before turning back to the movie that had been playing in the background.
 January 9, Thursday – Santana’s Therapy – 4PM
 The Latina looked toward her best friend as she slid up onto the table for Matt to start with her range of motion for her hip. “So Dani and I talked the other day.” She laid back on the table and got as comfortable as she could until Matt could get back to her. “I want to take her to the Valentine’s Day dance.” Santana glanced over in time to see a huge smile spread across Quinn’s face.
 “I have a feeling there’s more to that too.” Quinn made herself comfortable on the chair beside Santana’s table. “Going to the dance together means everybody will know you’re together.”
 “I want people to know we’re together before the dance… I just want you to stay close to me Monday morning. She’s going to hug and kiss me before we part ways.” She saw the way Quinn’s eyes shot open. “Yeah… I figured. I can’t deny her a kiss. I’m tired of hiding who I am. I want to be able to be close to her in school too, not just in the choir room.” She looked up and smiled toward Matt when he made his way over to the table to check on her hip. Santana turned her head away some when he adjusted the waistband of her pants to check on the incision area as well.
 “When do you get your staples out?” He asked then moved to the base of the table to lift her leg up onto his shoulder.
 “Tomorrow morning. I think the appointment is at like 11. My mom’s taking me.” Santana hissed when he lifted her leg up a little too far.
 Matt let up a little bit when he heard Santana’s reaction. “Your range of motion is almost to where it should be with a healthy hip. Have you been walking around your house?” Santana nodded. “What about stairs? How are you doing with those?”
 Santana let her body relax as Matt took her left leg and stretched it out to the left. “Stairs are still slow. First day home was the worst. I went up and stayed up there.”
 “What matters is that you’re doing them. The steps help to build up the strength that you lost since the wreck. Alright, come on, bike time. You know the routine by now, it hasn’t changed since before your accident.”
 “I’m coming with you, we have to finish our conversation.” Quinn left her things by the table, knowing Santana would make a full circle and end up back at the table for some heat on her hip.
 Santana chuckled at her friend as she slid off the table and went over to get onto the bike. “All of this is really weird. I almost forgot what it was like to have just little aches here and there. How long until I can start running or something?” From the corner of her eye she saw Quinn smiling at her.
 “That might still be a little while. You want to avoid higher impact activities for about a month. Walking is okay though, so are stairs. Two more weeks I’ll put you on the treadmill in a light jog to see how you do, deal?”
 “Sounds like a deal to me.”
 Quinn waited until they were alone again before looking down at Santana. “Where did this old Santana confidence come from?”
 “I talked with my mother some. I don’t feel as helpless as I did before I fell.”
 “Honestly, I missed that Santana. The one that didn’t give a shit about what anybody thought of her. The one that realized once she got out of this place that nobody would care if she was gay.” Quinn stated to her, causing Santana to nod up to her as she peddled slowly on the bike. “Dani doesn’t care what others think, why should you?”
 Santana knew her best friend was right. She had been all along. Once they graduated, none of them would care about any of this because they’d be able to get out of Lima and move to a bigger city where people just didn’t care. “It’s still going to be rough.” She stated to her friend then, earning a pat on the shoulder from Quinn.
 “Trust me. I understand. I’m dealing with some things too that I’m trying to understand.” Quinn admitted softly. When she saw the way Santana’s head snapped up to look at her, she brushed it off. “How about I invite myself over Saturday night and we can talk some more?”
 “Dani’s coming over, would that be okay?”
 The blonde nodded. “That will be fine. Maybe she can help too to be honest.”
 Santana furrowed her brows some as she just watched her best friend, but she decided not to push the topic. Quinn didn’t push with her when she was struggling to talk about something so she figured it was best to return the favor.
 January 11, Saturday – Santana’s room – 8PM
 Quinn had come over shortly after they’d finished having dinner. Santana figured she wanted to stay the night and it didn’t bother her a bit, knowing she could throw the air mattress on the floor. She made her way up the steps with her girlfriend and best friend before climbing into her bed to get comfortable off of her hip. “So, okay. It’s been bothering me since you brought it up Thursday. What’s going on Q?”
 Dani slipped into the bed beside Santana and looked toward the blonde. “Is everything okay?” Dani propped herself up on Santana’s pillows as Quinn sat down at the foot of the bed and looked at something on her phone. Without a word the blonde loaded up a picture of a girl and turned it around to show them. “Who’s that? She’s cute.”
 “Very cute.” Santana agreed before she adjusted her pillows so she could curl up on her right side and still see Quinn.
 “Her name is Emily… and I’ve been talking to her.”
 Quinn’s simple statement caused Santana to sit up quickly. “Wait, what? Talking how?”
 The blonde blushed and dimmed her phone screen as she pulled back. “Talking like you two talk… in that sense.” Quinn nervously ran her fingers through her hair.
 “Are you coming out to us right now?” Dani reached out to take Quinn’s hand gently.
 “Honestly, I don’t know. I thought I liked Puck. But when I slept with him, I hated it.”
 “You fucking slept with him and you didn’t tell me?” Santana almost wanted to smack her friend then and she would have if Quinn wasn’t so torn over everything.
 Quinn pulled her hand back and glared at Santana. “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. It happened at New Years. He took me to a party where he spent more time with his friends than he did with me so I started talking to some people there and met Emily.”
 Santana looked toward Dani for a moment before she leaned back down to relax on her bed. “So, tell us about her. You know we won’t judge you, Quinn.” Dani pulled back from Quinn and started to run her fingers through Santana’s hair gently.
 The blonde smiled some to her friends and moved to cross her legs under her so she’d be more comfortable on the bed. “She’s 22 and in the Law masters program at the Ohio Northern University.” She watched their eyebrows shoot up. “Yes, she is aware of the fact I’m a senior in high school and that I’m not 18 yet. That’s why we’re just talking. She did, however, kiss me at the party before she knew I wasn’t a student there.”
 “Aren’t you still with Puck though? Does he know about all of this?” Santana asked then.
 “He saw it happen and of course, Puck being Puck, he thought it was hot and wanted her to join us that night. But I enjoyed the kiss. And I decided to sleep with Puck that night to try to prove something to myself. But I hated it. I don’t know if it was just with him, or guys in general.” Quinn kept her eyes down until she felt Dani’s hand on her arm gently. “Emily has the maturity that I want in someone. Law is what I want to go into, we’ve been talking a lot about that. I feel like I need someone that can challenge me intellectually. And she can.”
 Santana glanced up to Dani and smiled. “You like her.” She watched as Quinn looked up and nodded to them.
 “I do. And I told Puck that I needed to figure some things out on my own. He didn’t seem to care though. So honestly, he got what he wanted by sleeping with me. I’ve already seen him chasing other girls around school.” Quinn shrugged some.
 Santana suddenly let out a loud laugh. “That’s why you didn’t want to watch any of my shows with me. You were afraid it would add to your confusion.” She felt proud of herself for actually piecing something together. “You know I want to meet her now, right?”
 Quinn slowly let a smile come to her face as she looked up to meet their eyes finally. “Can you at least wait until after our date next weekend? She wants to take me to a place out in Ada that she loves. Then we’ll go from there.”
 Santana sat up then and reached out to hug her friend. She laughed as she kept Quinn in her arms and pulled her down to relax with them. “You staying tonight?” When she felt Quinn nod and laugh some, she pulled back to give her some space. “Make sure you tell your girlfriend good night.” She grinned when Quinn rolled her eyes.
 “And there’s the Santana that I know. Can we watch a movie?” Quinn wiggled out from between them and went to the bag she had brought with her.
 “Only if you go and fetch us all some ice cream. And you let us pick the movie.”
 The blonde rolled her eyes and left the room to head downstairs. The moment she was gone, Dani turned to look at her girlfriend. “I was not expecting that at all.” Santana shook her head. “You know her better than I do, and you didn’t suspect anything?”
 “Nothing. I mean at that party she hinted at being curious after her and I kissed, but I never thought she’d be gay.” Santana reached over Dani to grab her remote so she could turn her TV on and load Netflix. “I suggest we give her a proper welcome to our world.” The Latina grinned and typed in the name of one of her favorite movies. When ‘Imagine Me and You’ popped up, Dani laughed. “Good choice?”
 “Good choice.” Dani agreed and pulled Santana close so she could give her a soft kiss before getting comfortable again to eat her ice cream once Quinn brought it back up to them.
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itsfinn-huds · 7 years
The Less I Know the Better
Tagging: Finn & Rachel Location: William McKinley High School Notes: When Rachel overhears a conversation between Quinn and Dylan, she immediately goes to Finn.
Rachel liked being busy. Sometimes, she wished that she didn't have such a full schedule, but she knew that it was what kept her motivating to keep moving on. She felt like between every class, she was always running all over the school and it was partly the reason she never had too many friends. Honestly, sometimes, she felt like she didn't have time for friends. Now, she was just glad that she had so many friends in glee. Even if she didn't hang out with them all of the time, she still loved being able to have fun with them during rehearsal. As she packed up her backpack at her locker, she sighed as she realized she was meant to give Mr. Schuester sheet music that she had accidentally taken home with her. Moving to the choir room somewhat quickly, she stopped by the door when she heard Quinn's voice, clearly not happy. SHe figured that she was complaining about wanting a solo to Mr. Schue, but the other guy's voice wasn't Mr. Schue. She could hear Dylan talking back to Quinn, and as much as she knew it was wrong, she continued to stand by the door, making sure she wasn't seen. "I don't want this baby to be yours." She heard Quinn say, Rachel sucking in a soft breath. "Well, it kind of is, I guess." He said, Quinn sighing. "Well, I'm saying, I don't want you involved. Finn's my boyfriend, I have this entire thing planned out in my mind. My future. Well, I did. Before I found out that you got me pregnant." Quinn paused and Rachel was about to start walking away before she spoke again. "I'll just have to have sex with Finn, and I'll wait a little bit to tell him and he'll think it's his. I'm supposed to see him soon, anyway. It'll be fine. I won't bother you about it at all because you know Finn and you know that he'll do anything for me. He won't let me go." She said, Rachel feeling her heart sink. Rachel didn't bother sticking around any longer before she went to rush away from the choir room, pulling her phone out of her pocket. Where are you? She texted Finn, her heart racing in her chest. I really need to talk to you.
Finn figured things were going pretty well. The football team was doing awesome so far and he was really enjoying glee club. He made friends with people he thought he'd never talk to before in his life and he really was grateful for them. Especially Rachel who really was one of his closest friends at this point. Of course there was still a bit of weird tension between them but he figured all of that was in the past now. He just reached his locker when he glanced down at his phone and saw that he had a text from Rachel and he furrowed his brow in confusion when she said that she needed to talk to him. Whenever a girl said that they needed to talk it was never about anything good and he couldn't help but wonder what he had done wrong this time. I'm at my locker. I was just about to head out to my truck but I can wait here for you if you want to talk. Finn leaned back against his locker and he sighed as he waited for her. The second he noticed her walking down the hall towards him, his face lit up at the sight of her. God, he knew he liked her and he hated how confused he was about his feelings for her sometimes. "Hey, Rach. What's up?"
Rachel could feel her heart racing in her chest as she got a text from Finn. God, she knew that she wasn't even really involved or a part of this drama and she was still worked up just for Finn. She hated that this was all happening to him. "Hey," She said, slightly out of breath from how nervous she was and from how quickly she had walked through the school. "I... I walked through the school because I- I had to give Mr. Schue some sheet music and I... I heard Quinn talking in the choir room." She said, realizing she needed to actually calm down and talk slowly so Finn heard her completely. "I didn't want to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself. Quinn... she said that she's pregnant. And she said that it's Dylan's. I know you'll probably ask me if I'm sure and I am. I'm so sure that I heard her correctly. And she wants to... get with you so you'll think the baby's yours." She rambled quickly, stopping quickly before looking up at him and keeping quiet for a moment. "Sorry, that was all really fast and I'm sure your head is spinning. I just- I don't want to see you get into this big web of lies so I... I had to tell you. I had to make sure that you didn't get fooled by her. I don't want to see you get hurt."
Finn could tell immediately that Rachel was upset about something and when she began to talk quickly, saying that she had overheard Quinn talking in the choir room, he looked at her in confusion. When she told him that Quinn was pregnant and that it was Dylan's baby, his jaw dropped slightly in shock. "W-Wait what?" he breathed out as he looked at Rachel, sure that she had to have misheard them. He stood there for a moment, just nodding when she told him that she didn't want to see him get hurt. "Too late," he said softly as he looked at her before he shifted his gaze downwards. While a part of him wanted to believe that Rachel had heard them wrong, he also knew that she wouldn't lie to him. He trusted her. He probably trusted her more than any of his friends and he knew she would never hurt him. "So they - they've been hooking up behind my back all of this time?" he breathed out. "And I - And I thought that I should feel guilty for us kissing twice and she went and - she went and fucked my best friend." Finn took a step back for a moment before he ran his hand through his hair. When his phone buzzed and he looked down and saw that he had a text from Quinn telling him how she couldn't wait to see him later, he felt himself quickly starting to be filled with rage. "She was gonna try and get me to take care of her baby, huh?" he breathed out as he clenched his fists. "Where did you say they were? The choir room?" Finn's eyes narrowed as he quickly started heading in that direction, knowing that the second he saw Dylan that he was going to punch him square in the face.
Rachel knew he was upset the second that she heard him talk. "I'm sorry, Finn. I really am." She whispered, looking into his eyes. She knew that they had kissed twice and that they really shouldn't have, but Rachel really didn't feel as bad now that she knew everything Quinn had done behind Finn's back. Sure, Finn cheated on Quinn with her, but Rachel really didn't think that what they did was nearly as bad. "I... I guess so. I guess they've been hooking up for a while, I don't know." She said, looking at him. "Finn-" She tried, her taking in a deep breath. As Finn started to get angry and not just upset, she immediately felt her heart start to race again. She knew that she had to keep him calm, at least somewhat, because she didn't want him to get in trouble and she wanted him to just try and think about all of this rationally. "Yeah, they were in the choir room, but I-" She said, watching him start to walk away. "Finn, wait. Please. Try and calm down a little bit. I don't want you to give in trouble," She said, her grabbing his arm gently as she ran to catch up to him. She knew that if Quinn found out that she told him, she'd make her life a living hell, but Rachel really didn't even care. However, for all she knew, Finn could have just overheard the two of them talking. "Finn, don't do anything you'll regret later. I just- I don't want you to get too upset and I know you already are. Just try and take a deep breath." Rachel said as she walked quickly next to him, knowing that she had to try and protect him as much as she could. She didn't want to see him get hurt and she really didn't want to see him get in too big of a fight even though she knew it was inevitable.
Finn couldn't believe that Quinn had cheated on him with his best friend and he couldn't believe that Dylan would do this to him as well. He was done with the two of them and he just wanted to confront them and hear the truth from their mouths. "Rachel, I'm not calming down. My girlfriend cheated on my with my best fucking friend and is going to have sex with me just so she can lie and say I'm the father? What the fuck?" he breathed out as he walked through the halls. He could feel her hand on his arm and he knew she was clearly trying desperately to calm him down but it really wasn't working. When she told him to take a deep breath, Finn stopped walking for a moment and he turned to face Rachel. "I know you're trying to calm me down and I - I appreciate it but it's not going to work, Rach. I just - what if you hadn't overheard them? She - she was trying to ruin my life." Finn shook his head before he felt himself grow angry all over again and he quickly made his way towards the choir room. By the time he had reached it, the rest of the glee club was already there getting ready for rehearsal and he immediately stormed over to Dylan and slammed his fist into his face. Dylan fell to the ground and Finn immediately started landing punch after punch as the rest of the glee club looked at them in shock. It wasn't too long before Mr. Schue walked into the room and pulled him off of Dylan and when his eyes met his friends, he felt more anger surge up inside of him. "Tell me the truth," he said angrily. "You two - you two fucked behind my back," he said as he looked at them, Mr. Schue finally loosening his grip on his shoulders. "Tell me the truth, Q," he breathed out as he stepped closer to his girlfriend, feeling his heart breaking when she shifted her gaze away from him. "It's true," she breathed out before tears began falling down her face. "And you're - you're pregnant?" he said softly, feeling himself getting even more upset when she simply nodded. "Who told you?" Dylan asked, Finn only feeling more angry when he looked back to his friend. "Rachel did. But that doesn't matter... none of this matters anymore." Finn looked back to Quinn who was standing there with tears falling down her face and he knew that he had never thought she would hurt him like this. "I'm done with you. I-I'm done with all of you," he said loudly before he stormed out of the choir room, kicking over one of the chairs on the way out.
Rachel wished that none of this had to happen. She wished things could be way calmer, but she knew that she couldn't exactly help it. She wanted Finn to be happy and being unhappy like this first was the only way to get to this happiness. Rachel followed Finn to the choir room, keeping close to him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Once they arrived at the choir room, she moved towards where everyone else was standing, her looking down and looking off to the side as Finn started punching Dylan. She hated that things were this bad, and she wished she knew how to stop it. "Finn, stop." She tried, but she knew it really wouldn't do anything. Nothing would stop Finn at this point. Rachel looked at Finn with sadness in her gaze as Mr. Schue held him back to try and calm him down. Rachel felt horrible for Finn, she did. She hated seeing him upset, and she wanted to feel bad for Quinn, but she couldn't. Not when Quinn was the reason all of this was happening. As Finn told Dylan that she had told him about it, Rachel looked off to the side, already planning mentally to bring a spare change of clothes in case she had a slushie thrown in her face because she had told Finn about what was going on. The second Finn kicked over the chair on the way out, Rachel bit down onto her bottom lip, looking over to Kurt who looked at her, clearly uncomfortable in the situation. She practically felt everyone's eyes on her and the second Mr. Schuester said that he'd cut rehearsal short, Rachel was already rushing out of the room, afraid that Quinn would try and yell at her or something worse. Rachel caught sight of Finn turning a corner and Rachel rushed after him, her continuing to run slightly down the hallway until she caught up to him, him almost to the exit of the school. "Finn," She said, continuing to try and catch up to him. "Finn, wait. Please. Talk to me," She said, her heart broken in her chest for him. She hated that things were like this and she wished that she could change things for him. "Please don't shut me out. Don't shut everyone out. I know you're upset, but I want to help you."
Finn was done with glee club. There was no way in hell that he was going to sit in the same room as Dylan and Quinn when they had both betrayed him. He knew he hadn't been the perfect boyfriend to Quinn. He had struggled a lot with his feelings for Rachel but he had managed to overcome it. Hell, he thought he had been pretty damn good to Quinn for the most part and he had allowed himself to develop feelings for someone who clearly didn't give a fuck the whole time. Just before he could head out of the school, Rachel caught up to him and he sighed as he stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. "Help me how, Rachel? I - there's nothing that you can do," he said, anger in his voice as he turned away from her for a moment before a shaky breath escaped his lips. He knew better than to take his anger out on Rachel, especially when she was the only one who seemed to actually care about him and as he turned back to face her, he sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, I don't want to yell at you I just - I... I don't know how to feel right now." Finn looked down for a moment before he pushed open the door to the school, him stopping as he turned back to face her. "Come with me." He walked through the parking lot and towards his truck before getting inside and once Rachel was sitting beside him, he bit down on his lip as he stared out the windshield. "I don't know if I ever actually loved Quinn but I - she was my first girlfriend. Just when I thought things between me and her were actually good I find out she's been hooking up with my best friend for who knows how long." Finn turned slightly to look at Rachel before he shifted his gaze downwards. "Thank you for telling me the truth." Finn ran his hand over his face as he tried to just process everything that had just happened, pretty sure that he was still in shock. "I meant what I said in there. That I'm done with glee. I just - I can't rehearse with them, Rachel. I don't even want to look at them right now let alone sing with them and act like everything's fine. Because it won't be for a while, I know it won't be."
Rachel stopped in her tracks when Finn yelled at her, but she knew that he was just upset. She knew that he wasn't mad at her. If anything, she was the one that helped resolve this problem. At least now, he wouldn't have to deal with all of the problems of raising a child in high school. That would be all on Quinn and Dylan. Rachel took in a deep breath and she looked down for a moment before looking back up at him. "I... it's okay, I was expecting worse, honestly. Don't worry about it. I know you're probably really overwhelmed. I just want to make sure that you're okay." She said, looking at him. When he asked her to come with him, she nodded, not even questioning anything as she walked with him to his truck. She didn't know what he wanted, but she wasn't going to question it. Rachel just sat in his passenger seat and listened to him speak, just nodding gently. "I'm sorry, Finn. I'm really so sorry." She whispered, looking over at him. "I know that you're upset, Finn. Just take a day to think about things. We need you for performances, Finn. I agree that you need some time, but... please. Don't give up on glee completely." She said as she briefly met his eyes. "I know that you're upset and I can't imagine what you feel like but know that I'll always be honest with you and I'll always tell you what's going on. I never would lie to you, Finn. Not like that." She told him, bringing her hand to his arm for a moment, rubbing it gently. "I'm so sorry, Finn. I don't know what else to say. I just wanted to be here for you. I wanted to help you somehow. I don't know how I'd be able to do that, but... I know that it hurts and everything, but I would have told you regardless. I would have wanted you to know. At least now you can try and... and figure out your next move."
Finn looked over at Rachel and smiled sadly when she told him that she was sorry. It meant a lot to him that she had cared enough to tell him the truth because he knew most people probably wouldn't have said anything to him. Hell, his own best friend was part of the whole fucking problem. When she told him not to give up on glee completely, he sighed softly as he looked over at her. "I just - we have sectionals and of course this had to happen right before it when we're totally unprepared. I'm just not sure if I can do it. But I - I'll think about it... for you." Finn knew how important glee was to Rachel. Of course it was important to him too but he knew that this was something that could really help her future. When she brought her hand to his arm, Finn looked at Rachel and he sighed softly. "I don't know what to say either. And I don't know what my next move is but I'll figure it out eventually. I just - wow, I really didn't see any of this coming. I'm so stupid." Finn bit down on his lip before he started up his truck, knowing that he just wanted to get the hell out of this place. "Let me give you a ride home," he said softly. "It's the least I can do for you." As he started driving towards Rachel's house, he felt himself calming down just from the combination of both being with her and driving. When he pulled up in front of her house and parked the car, Finn turned to face her slightly. "You're my best friend, you know that?" he told her. "You're the only one who gives a shit about me a-and you're the only one who's always honest with me. I hope you know how much I appreciate that."
Rachel knew that she couldn't tell him what to do. She couldn't tell him that anything would turn out amazingly because she really didn't know. She didn't know what to do for him, but she wanted to try to do as much as possible for him. "Well, thank you. But I don't want you to have to make all of your decisions based on me. I'd obviously love if you were back in glee club, but I'd understand if you'd need a little break." She said, smiling gently. "I mean, it's not like something small happened, this was obviously a big deal." She said, shrugging gently. "You're not stupid, Finn. I don't think you ever would have saw it coming. They clearly were trying to hide it very well." She wished that he had found out sooner, but things had to come with time. Once they arrived at her house, she looked over at Finn as he turned to face her. His best friend? She could feel her heart swell at the words. She still couldn't believe sometimes that her and Finn were friends. "You're my best friend, too." She said, smiling gently at him. Rachel kept her eyes on him and she bit down on her bottom lip slightly, knowing that she couldn't do anything too crazy, especially because everything was so confusing for Finn. Especially after he just found out his girlfriend was cheating on him for so long. "I'll always be honest with you, Finn. I'll always be there for you even when no one else is." She said, bringing her hand to his arm again. "I just want to make sure that you'll be okay, you know? I promise that I'll help you with all of this. I know I don't really know what you're going through but I'll always try and help even if I don't understand completely."
Finn smiled softly when Rachel said that he was her best friend too. He knew that their friendship was complicated, it had been from the beginning, but no matter what there had always been honesty between them. No matter what they always had each other's backs and Rachel had proved that even more by telling him about Quinn and Dylan the second that she found out. When she moved her hand to his arm, Finn looked into Rachel's eyes and smiled softly at her before he looked down. He always felt so many overwhelming emotions at once when they were together and this moment was no exception. "I know you will be," he breathed out. "And I'll always be there for you too." A shaky breath escaped his lips when she told him that she wanted to make sure that he was okay and he brought his eyes back up to meet hers. "You already are, I promise. I just - I think I need some time, you know? I just kind of feel like shit about myself right now and I just think I need to process all of this." Finn paused for a moment as he looked at Rachel before he reached forward to bring his hand to her knee, him squeezing gently. "Thank you." He pulled his hand away after a moment and as he looked into her eyes, he could feel an intensity there but it was one that he wasn't willing to give into just yet. Not when his mind was all over the place. "Well I - I'll see you tomorrow, right? I just... I think I'm just gonna lay low for the rest of today and get all of this through my head," he said softly. While a part of him wanted to spend the rest of the day with Rachel, he knew that he couldn't because he didn't want to do something stupid when his emotions were all over the place.
Rachel nodded as Finn spoke, a small smile on her lips as he brought his hand to her knee and squeezed it gently. She loved being close to him and she knew it was wrong, but she really wanted to try and find a way to be close to him. "I don't blame you, Finn. Try and figure things out on your own and if you need me, you know where to find me." Rachel wanted to try and show him how much she cared, but she knew she couldn't do anything -- not when everything was so fresh and new and hurting so much for him. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah. If you decide that you need to talk, just call me. Okay? Thanks for the ride home, Finn. I'm really happy that we're okay." She said softly before moving to get out of his truck, saying goodbye to him before starting to rush off towards her house. The next day, Rachel was incredibly excited to see Finn again. She hoped that he was in better spirits, but she would obviously understand if he wasn't. As Rachel grabbed her books for a couple of her classes throughout the day, she held her notebook and folder to her chest as she shut her locker, barely making it down the hallway before she saw three football players approaching her. Rachel barely had time to react before she felt each one of them throw a slushie in her face, the cold, icy liquid hitting her skin immediately and starting to move down her body. She heard them laugh as they started to walk away, her eyes shut before she brought a somewhat dry hand up to clear her eyes off, her opening her eyes to see a few people laughing at her. It had happened before and it was still just as humiliating every time. Especially now because she knew that Dylan or Quinn had probably sent the guys to throw everything in her face. She wasn't even sure if she had brought extra clothes in her locker, and she already knew that this was turning out to be a horrible day.
Finn spent the whole night thinking about everything that had happened with Quinn and Dylan. He was shocked and upset by the betrayal from his girlfriend and best friend but he figured that they were just showing their true colors. Finn had talked with his mom about the whole thing as well and he knew that in the end, he was just grateful that Rachel had told him the truth. He was hurt and he was still confused because he knew he really had developed some kind of feelings for Quinn but he also knew that he just needed to move on from it all. He just needed space. When he got to school the next day, a sigh escaped his lips as he turned the corner to make his way towards his locker. He caught sight of Rachel further down the hallway but before he could call her over, he watched as three of his teammates threw slushies in her face. Finn's jaw dropped slightly for a moment before he hurried over to her, his heart sinking in his chest as he heard a few people around her laughing at her. What the hell was funny about that? God, he didn't get people. "Come on, Rach, let's get you cleaned off," he said quickly, his arm draping over her shoulders as he led her towards the locker room. He knew that no one would be in there this time of day and he just wanted to give her the chance to have a little privacy and time to clean herself off. The second they were in the locker room, Finn hurried off to grab a roll of toilet paper to help get some of the slushie off her face. He took her hand gently to lead her over to the bench and he sat facing her as he started wiping off the cold liquid from her face. "God, I'm sorry, Rach. You don't deserve that," he said softly. "This is all because of me," he breathed out.
Rachel hated this. She hated that this always had to happen to her. And because of what? The fact that she was apparently uncool? This time, she understood it was because of what she had done to Dylan and Quinn, but she didn't understand why this had to be her punishment. It couldn't have just been some other stupid prank. When she heard Finn's voice, she looked up at him and nodded, trying to ignore the emotion bubbling up inside of her. Usually, when she got slushied, she either just dealt with it, or if she was having a particularly rough day, she'd go off to one of the bathrooms at school that no one ever used and she'd cry for a bit and get changed. She had even gone home before when it had been particularly bad. As Finn tried to start cleaning her off, she looked into his eyes for a moment before looking down. "I-it's okay," She whispered before looking back up at him. "This isn't because of you. Please, don't worry about it. If it's for a particular reason, it doesn't matter, because it would have happened eventually anyway." She said, her looking down at her outfit for a minute and sighing. "I-I don't even know if I have anything in my locker. If I don't, I'll have to go home or something. I don't know. I just- I hate this." She said, tucking a piece of cold, wet hair behind her ear. "I don't know what I ever did or what I ever acted like to deserve this. I don't know why people have to be so mean." She wished things could be different, but she understood that not everyone had the same attitude or the same personality as Finn where he was accepting of everyone. "You don't need to help me. I- I can just go to the girl's locker room and try to shower or something."
Finn shook his head when Rachel said that this was okay. There was no way in hell that people throwing slushies in her face was okay. "No it isn't, Rachel. I saw the guys who threw them at you and I'm gonna talk to them at practice today. No one is going to do this to you if I can help it," he told her. He continued to wipe her face off and he knew that he hated this was happening to her. He hated that this happened to her in general. "Rach, you shouldn't have to miss school because of this. I - I think I have a t-shirt in my locker in here if you want to borrow that. I know it'll probably be huge but I - it'll do for now, right?" A sigh escaped his lips as he looked into Rachel's eyes and he knew that he really was beginning to see just how bad all of this bullying was in their school. Rachel always seemed so confident and to see her on the brink of tears, to see her talking so softly and so sadly was breaking his heart. "I hate this too and I - I don't know why people do this, Rach. I'm sorry that I'm friends with some of the people that do." When she told him that he didn't need to help her, Finn looked at her sadly, his hand that was still wiping off her face brushing against her cheek for a moment before he dropped it to his side. "I want to help you. Just like you helped me yesterday, okay?" Finn moved his hand to try and brush a strand of her hair away from her face and he frowned when he felt that it was sticky from the slushie. "I hate that they did this to you and I - I hate that this isn't the first time," he said softly. "I can wash it out for you in the sink if you want," he told her. "I mean, I understand if you want to shower instead but I - my mom forces me to color her hair sometimes so I kind of know what I'm doing," he said, offering her a small smile in an effort to cheer her up somehow. "I have shampoo in my locker. Your hair will smell like mine, though."
Rachel looked into his eyes for a moment as he ran his hand along her cheek to brush off some of the slushie. She was used to this happening, and as sad as that was, at least she was able to be prepared in case it happened. However, having someone help her, especially Finn, made her feel a little less horrible. "Well, I-" She really wasn't going to tell him not to help her, especially because she felt miserable, so she wasn't going to decline his help or force him to go away. "Thanks." She said softly, her looking up at him again. As he offered to wash her hair in the sink for her, she figured that it would really be the only option they had, especially because she didn't really want to run around the entire school to get clothes from her locker and to get to the girl's locker room without everyone staring at her. "Okay, uh... yeah. I'd really like that, actually. My hair is the worst part. I can deal if my chest or my stomach is a little sticky, but my hair will just make everything a lot more obvious." Rachel brought a hand to go through a sticky part of her hair. "It's okay that I'll smell like you, you smell good. And anyway, I'd rather smell like you than smell like slushie." She said with a sad smile. "Uh, do you happen to have a towel or anything? I can try and dry my hair off slightly with paper towels, but unfortunately, my hair isn't like your hair and I can't just let it air dry all the way, my hair will get my shirt soaking wet."
Finn felt horrible seeing Rachel so sad and he hated that it was people he was "friends" with that had done this to her. God, there was no way in hell he was going to let this happen to her again. He was relieved that she was letting him help her because he really didn't want her to have to deal with this all by herself. He didn't want her to feel alone and he didn't want her to feel hated by other people in the school. All he wanted to do was remind her that he was there for her no matter what. When she asked him if he had a towel, Finn nodded and offered her a small smile. "Yeah, I have stuff, don't worry. I'm in the locker room all the time because of football practice so I'm pretty well prepared." He smiled softly at her before he moved to get up from the bench, moving over to his locker and grabbing his shampoo and a towel out of it. "Let me get you a chair or something," he said before he walked into the Coach's office. Finn grabbed a small chair from inside before he brought it over to one of the sinks and he smiled softly at Rachel as he looked over at her. "I really am sorry that they did this to you, Rach," he told her. "And I know you'll say it's not my fault but I - I still feel horrible and I hate that this has happened to you before. I hate that you have to deal with any of this." Once Rachel was seated in front of the sink he turned on the water and began gently running his hands through her hair, trying to get all of the slushie out of her hair. "Your hair is so pretty," he said softly. As he added the shampoo into the mix he gently massaged her scalp and he couldn't help but feel closer to her in this moment than he ever had. God, he felt closer to her with every moment that they spent together in general. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you like this again."
Rachel wished that this could have all been different. While she wanted time alone with Finn, she didn't necessarily want time alone with him in the guy's locker room so he could wash slushie out of her hair. However, given the circumstances, it could have been a lot worse. As he grabbed stuff out of his locker, Rachel sat on the bench for a moment, looking at a few pieces of her hair that were covered in slushie. Once he moved towards the sinks, Rachel followed him, her shrugging at his words. "You're right, I am going to say it. It's not your fault. And it usually is just, you know, one slushie, not three, so it's usually just something I have to clean off of my shirt, so I keep extra clothes. And it gets on a little bit of my hair. Just... not like this." She said, her shutting her eyes for a moment as Finn started to run his fingers through her hair. She was trying not to enjoy this, she really was. She was trying so hard to give him space, especially after everything that happened with Quinn. But with no Quinn in the picture, well, she really did have her chance to see if anything could happen. "Thank you. I try to condition it well," Rachel said as he complimented her hair. She internally cringed at how awkward she sounded before she looked into his eyes as he spoke again. She wished she could tell him everything she wanted to, but she just couldn't. Not yet. "I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, either." She said as she looked at him, her voice soft. "Thank you. Again. You really didn't have to do this. But this... this shows the difference between you and between them. You're popular but you still care about other people. They just care about themselves." Rachel paused for a moment, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "I'm glad my hair isn't blonde, it would probably stain this blue color." She said, shutting her eyes for a moment. "I'm just happy it washes out easily. Well, mostly."
Finn smiled softly as Rachel mentioned that she conditioned her hair well. Even though this situation wasn't exactly a good one, he couldn't help but he happy that he was around her. Being in her presence always made him happy and he knew that he just wanted to be there for her the way that she was always there for him as well. When she told him that she wouldn't let anyone hurt him anymore either, he smiled sadly at her. They had both become very protective of each other during the course of their friendship and he knew that was something that would probably never go away. "You don't have to thank me, Rach. I want to do this for you," he told her. "And I - I do care about other people but I especially care abut you." As she spoke, he felt his heart break in his chest for a moment, hating that she was feeling so down. "I'm glad your hair isn't blonde either." Finn bit down on his lip for a moment before he focused back on her hair, washing out the shampoo before he stepped away from her so she could sit up fully. "I think I got all of it out pretty well. You're back to slushie free Rachel Berry," he said as he looked at her with a small smile on his face. Finn moved to sit back down on the bench, his heart racing slightly as he looked at her. He was still confused between his lingering feelings for Quinn and his building feelings for Rachel but he knew that he just always wanted to be around Rachel. He wanted to be there for her and he knew that he cared about her as more than a friend even though he had never really allowed himself to admit it.
Rachel looked at him as he said he was glad her hair wasn't blonde. She honestly didn't even think about what she had said relating at all to Quinn, but now that she really thought about what she said, she felt horrible for bringing up any feelings about the girl while he was trying to help her. As he moved away from her when he was finished, she sat up more fully, grabbing the towel he had brought over for her before she started to dry off her hair slightly, placing the towel around her shoulders for a moment, just sitting on the chair next to the sink before she watched him walk away from her and sit down on the bench away from her. She met his eyes and she offered him a small smile before she stood up, moving back over towards him, trying to think of how to cheer him up slightly. Rachel continued to dry her hair off a little bit with the towel before she took it off and held it in her hands, moving to sit next to him on the bench. "Are you still holding up that offer for me to wear one of your shirts?" She asked with a soft smile. She just looked at him, honestly never wanting to look away. "I love that you're not like them, Finn. I see the way you willingly talk to anyone and the way you... connect with people that aren't just popular like you. I know that it must be hard being in your position sometimes, but... it makes me happy to know that I can be close with you and not be afraid that you... that you're just doing it to make fun of me or to take advantage of me or something. I just- you're different. I could tell you've been different since I met you at that first glee rehearsal."
Finn looked up at Rachel as she walked towards him, a small smile on his face as she moved to sit beside him. "Oh - yeah, of course," he said when she asked him if he was still offering one of his shirts for her. As she spoke, he looked into her eyes and could feel his heart racing in his chest and a part of him was brought right back to that moment in the auditorium before they kissed for the first time. "I'd never make fun of you or take advantage of you, Rachel. I just - I know that my friends are assholes and I... I haven't always been the nicest guy either but when it comes to you everything is different. Ever since I met you everything in my life has been different." Finn paused for a moment as he looked into her eyes, his gaze flickering down to her lips for a moment before he snapped back to reality. "Oh uh - let me... let me grab you a shirt," he said quickly before he got up from the bench, him tripping over it slightly for a moment. His face turned a light shade of pink and he shook his head before he reached into his locker for a clean t-shirt. "Here you go, Rach," he said softly as he turned back to face her, him sitting down on the bench once more. While a part of him hated how intense things always were between them, he liked it too and he felt himself only becoming more confused about his feelings the more that he was close to her like this. "I um - I'll just close my eyes so you can put that on," he said quickly before he put his hands over his eyes, him turning away from her slightly so that she knew he wasn't trying to be an asshole and peek at her or anything.
Rachel felt her cheeks heat up slightly as she heard him speak, her not able to miss the way that his eyes moved towards her lips. She wanted to kiss him again. So badly. But she just couldn't bring herself to ruin their friendship when he had just broken up with Quinn. She wanted to be with him, very badly, but she just couldn't bring herself to put him in an even worse situation. "Everything in my life has been different since I met you, too." She told him softly, her biting down on her bottom lip as he got up and tripped slightly before he got to his locker for a t-shirt. Rachel held his shirt in his hands and she thanked him quietly as he sat down next to her again. "Thanks." She said with a soft laugh, her turning slightly away from him so she could take her shirt off. "It's not that big of a deal, but I appreciate you being polite. I mean, I change in front of girls for gym all of the time, but obviously this is a little different." Rachel took off her own shirt before she slipped on his slowly, reaching into her pocket to find a spare hair tie. "I'm done, you're allowed to look now." She said, grabbing a lot of the excess fabric of his t-shirt and tying it in a knot off to the side so she could tuck it underneath her shirt so it didn't look as long. "It looks like a dress on me, so I needed to tie it up. If I ruin your shirt, I promise, I'll buy you a new one. And I'll wash it and everything for you, too." She said, looking at him and moving to sit down again for a moment. "Well, we probably missed part of this class period, so I may as well just wait until the next one." She said, offering him a smile. "Look at you, making the perfect student Rachel Berry miss a class. It was for a good reason, though."
Finn kept his eyes closed as Rachel changed into his t-shirt and while she said it wasn't that big of a deal, he was pretty sure that the sight of her in just a bra would actually kill him if just them kissing had the effect on him that it had. When she told him that she was finished changing, he turned back to face her and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her in his shirt. "Wow, that really reminds me how tiny you are. And don't worry about the shirt, Rach. Plus it uh, it looks good on you anyway." Finn smiled at her for a moment before he looked down at the bench, a shaky breath escaping his lips. "Yeah, we might as well wait," he said softly. He didn't know how long they had until the bell would ring but he knew that he liked the idea of spending alone time with Rachel until then. When she said that he was making her miss a class, he couldn't help but laugh softly. "What can I say? I'm a bad influence on you." A playful smirk pulled up at the corner of his lips before he shifted his gaze away from hers once more. He didn't know why being alone with her always had such a strong effect over him but he could already feel that tension setting in no matter how much he tried to ignore it. "We probably have like twenty minutes left in this period," he said softly as he brought his gaze back to hers. "Do you - do you feel better now? I mean, I'm sure you feel better because I'm sure the slushie stuff feels gross but I just um, I wanna make sure you feel alright."
Rachel let a soft laugh leave her lips as Finn spoke. "I'm really tiny, Finn. I'm probably half the size of you." She told him before biting down on her lip. "And thanks." She never thought she'd ever wear a boy's shirt, but here she was in the middle of the school day wearing Finn Hudson's shirt. She kind of felt a little unlike herself but in a really, really good way. "You are a bad influence," Rachel teased, sitting down next to him and grinning. Her smile faded slightly as he looked away and she really couldn't help that things weren't as good as she thought they were. She understood that he had just broken up with his girlfriend so he probably wasn't in that great of a place, but she also knew that whenever things felt even the slightest bit intense between them, her and Finn both acted awkward but Rachel wished they could just get past that. There was something between them and they both just had to accept it. "I feel better, yeah. I feel a lot better thanks to you," She said with a soft smile, tucking a piece of damp hair behind her ear. "We're... okay, right?" She asked him softly, her looking into his eyes. "Because I know that things have been... uhm... different between us and I know I caused a lot of the drama for you and Quinn and I just- I want to make sure that things are okay. That we're okay. Because I know that sometimes, things feel fine and then other times things don't feel fine and you're really the only person in my life that I can really talk to like this. And I understand if you want more time to work through things on your own, but I don't want to have to lose you."
Finn smiled when Rachel said that she felt better. She was so important to him and even though he was confused about how he was feeling, he knew that he wanted her to be happy. He wasn't always the best at reading other people's emotions but he knew that with Rachel it was different. They both knew something was there between them even if neither of them acknowledged it. Of course, now the reason for ignoring it - Quinn - wasn't in the picture and he didn't know how to feel about that. God, he didn't know how to feel about anything anymore. When she asked him if they were okay, Finn shifted his gaze back to hers and he smiled softly. "Yeah, we're okay," he breathed out. "Please don't say that you caused the drama between me and Quinn, Rach. You didn't cause anything, okay? You just - you saved me from getting into a situation that could have changed my life forever. I mean, she was willing to have sex with me just so she could say that I knocked her up, you know? How messed up is that?" Finn shook his head before he shifted a bit closer to Rachel on the bed, his heart racing from the lack of space between them. "You aren't going to lose me, Rachel. I meant it when I said you were my best friend, okay? I'm not going anywhere. And I - I don't know what I need anymore," he breathed out. Finn sighed as he looked back to Rachel and before he could even process what he was doing, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. His eyes slipped closed as they kissed and he knew that he had missed this feeling more than he had ever admitted to himself. As he pulled away, he licked his lips and offered Rachel a small smile. "I promise you that we're okay," he whispered softly.
Rachel let a sigh escape her lips as Finn spoke, her looking into his eyes. "I know that I saved you from a lot of bad stuff, but I- I don't know. I just feel bad that all of this stuff happened. I feel really, really horrible. I know what she was going to do was horrible and I just didn't want to see any of that happen to you." She told him, looking into his eyes as he moved a little bit closer to her on the bench that they were sitting on. Rachel really didn't know what was going on between them. She had no idea about anything or anything about how she was feeling, but she just wanted to figure it all out with him. Rachel was about to speak before she felt his lips on hers, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment. She kissed him back softly and as he pulled away, she opened her eyes slowly and looked at him, her eyes flickering to his lips as he licked them. God, what was happening to her? She didn't know what she had ever done to be in this situation, but she wasn't going to stop it now. She'd do anything to be here with him. "Okay. Good." She whispered, her not able to stop herself from kissing him again, moving her lips against his slowly. She didn't pull away for a few moments, and when she did, she bit down onto her bottom lip before looking at him again. "What is this? I just- I know things are really complicated but I- I don't know what's going on. With us." While she didn't want to force him to put a label on anything, Rachel also just wasn't the girl to run around kissing random guys and getting involved with multiple people. She just wanted things to make sense and she wanted to figure out everything with Finn.
Finn knew kissing Rachel probably wasn't the best idea but he couldn't really help himself. He couldn't help the fact that his whole body was practically screaming at him to kiss her any time they were alone together and for the first time he could actually give into it without feeling guilty. When she pressed her lips back to his, Finn moved his hand to rest on her knee for a moment before they pulled away from each other. He bit down on his lip as he looked into her eyes before he moved his hand away from her. When she asked him what this was between them, Finn furrowed his brow for a moment in confusion. "Rachel, I -" he cut himself off for a moment as he tried to figure out the right words to say but he knew that there really weren't any. "I don't know what this is," he told her, trying his best to be honest with her. "I just - I know that I... I like you. I'm not trying to confuse you and I'm sorry if I am because I'm already confused myself but I just - I can't help it sometimes when I'm around you." Finn looked at her for a moment and he knew that the last thing he wanted was to hurt her. He was pretty sure he had strong feelings for Rachel and a part of him did just want to explore all of that despite the feelings he still had lingering for Quinn. "I don't - I don't even know if you... if you'd want to be with me?" he breathed out as he looked into her eyes, not really sure what the hell he was doing anymore.
Rachel didn't speak as Finn tried to find some words to say, and she knew that she really didn't know what to say, either. This wasn't something simple and she knew that this could really change everything. Obviously, Rachel wanted to be with him. She had wanted to be with him ever since they had first started talking, and well, she was pretty sure she always had a little bit of a crush on him. But then again, who didn't want to be with the quarterback? As he said that he liked her, she felt her heart race a little bit in her chest. No one ever really liked her, so hearing that he did made her incredibly excited. "It's not that you're confusing me, I just... I don't want kissing in an empty locker room whenever we find time alone to be what we always are," She said, looking at him. As he asked her if she'd want to be with him, she looked into his eyes. "Well... yes, I'd like to be with you. I know what we're feeling is something real and I don't want to see it just go to waste." She didn't want to turn into Finn's rebound girl, but if it meant she was Finn Hudson's girlfriend, well, she wasn't exactly going to say no. "I'd understand if you don't want to be with you. I mean, I'm no Quinn Fabray and I'm not on the cheerleading squad, but..." She rambled, her sighing softly. "But you're my best friend and I know that we have something between us that we should figure out."
Finn nodded when Rachel explained that she didn't want kissing in an empty locker room whenever they had alone time to be what they were. He definitely didn't want that to be their relationship either, especially when he knew that wasn't right to do to her. When she said that she did want to be with him, he couldn't help but feel his eyes light up. Rachel made him feel good, she had ever since they had met and he couldn't deny that it especially felt good to hear her say that after what had happend with Quinn. Quinn apparently had never wanted him and she had definitely never looked at him the way that Rachel did. "Hey, don't - don't compare yourself to Quinn, Rachel. Please. Just - you're nothing like her and that's a good thing, okay?" He offered her a small smile before a shaky breath escaped his lips and he knew that he didn't want to overthink this situation anymore. Hell, he just wanted to get his thoughts off of Quinn and onto someone else and Rachel really did seem like the perfect person. "I think we should figure it out too. So let's... let's figure it out," he said softly. Finn knew he was probably being impulsive about this whole thing but he didn't care. All he cared about was seeing what happened with Rachel and the look on Quinn's face when she saw that he was already moved on and done with her. Because he totally was.
Rachel wished she could scream because it was honestly how excited she was. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her, just like every single little thing that ever happened with Finn. "Okay," She said softly, knowing that while she didn't want to be like Quinn, Rachel knew that she wasn't exactly as attractive or as popular as anyone that he could have. However, she did want to figure things out with Finn and she wanted to figure out if this was just some silly little crush they both had or to see if this was something real. Rachel wanted it to be real. She wanted to have a relationship with Finn. But she would understand if it didn't turn out the way that she expected. "Okay, yeah. We'll... figure it out." She said, offering him a small smile. She knew that this was her only chance, and Rachel knew that she also wanted to try and help Finn get over everything that he had been dealing with when it came to Dylan and Quinn. "Well... I know that you probably never imagined this happening and I really haven't either, but I'm glad we're trying things. I know I may be a little different than what you're used to, but I promise, this will be really, really amazing." At least she hoped it would be. When Rachel heard the bell ring, she sighed softly, looking down. "Well, I guess we have to get going. I've already skipped one class today, I can't miss another one or be late to a class." She laughed softly as she stood up, running a hand through her hair that was now almost dry. "Well, I guess I'll see you again when school is over," She said, offering him a small smile. "Thanks for helping me again. I really appreciate it. And I'll give you back your shirt as soon as I can."
Finn smiled softly as him and Rachel agreed to figure things out. He wasn't really sure what he was doing or if this was the best idea but he did like Rachel and he did want to get over Quinn and he figured that this was the best way for all of that to happen. "I'm glad we're trying too. And I - I'm sure it'll be amazing." Finn smiled softly at Rachel and as he looked into her eyes he could tell that she was so excited, he could tell that she was so happy and that made him happy too. When the bell rang, he nodded when she said that they needed to get going. "Yeah, I uh, I shouldn't miss another class either," he said. "Don't thank me, Rach. I'm always here to help. And don't worry about the shirt, I have plenty of other ones. I'll uh - I'll see you later." Finn got up from the bench before he leaned down to press a quick kiss to her cheek, a small smile on his face as he pulled away. He didn't really know what was happening or what he was doing but as he headed out of the locker room and down the hallway towards his locker, he hoped he was doing something right. Rachel was his friend and he liked her and he just hoped that moving things in this direction so quickly wasn't a mistake that would hurt them.
Rachel was honestly so incredibly happy. She knew that her and Finn really hadn't been together long, but she really loved being with him. While she enjoyed texting him and hanging out with him the small time they had been together, being able to tell people that she was dating Finn Hudson was definitely one of the biggest perks. People had kind of left her alone with the bullying and she felt like she might actually be someone after so long of being a nobody. Walking into school the next morning with sheet music she had bought the previous night and had printed, she was incredibly excited to show Finn. She knew that they had to start thinking more seriously about competitions and just performances in general, and she really did want to make sure that they had the perfect songs. Plus, well, with her and Finn in the lead, they'd be guaranteed a win. Seeing Finn at his locker, Rachel smiled and rushed over to him, her holding the folder containing the sheet music in her hand. "Finn!" She said excitedly, opening the folder when she saw him. "I've been researching a lot on songs that would showcase our voices perfectly together, and I think I've found a couple of different options that we can run by Mr. Schue. As co-captains, I think it's important that we continue to set the standard for how everyone else should be performing and I think we'll really be able to amaze everyone. I've printed several copies, so if you'd like to look over it before glee, I can give you a copy if you'd like. And maybe we can practice together later if you'd be up to staying a little bit after school with me," She said with a smile on her face, holding the folder close to herself.
Finn was beginning to wonder if jumping into a relationship with Rachel had been a good idea. It wasn't that he didn't like her - because he did - but after winning Sectionals and finally feeling as though he was back on top again, he was realizing that being with Rachel was kind of... tanking his popularity. He knew worrying about his reputation was probably stupid but it scared him to think of not being popular anymore. He didn't want to deal with people messing with him or throwing slushies in his face and he definitely didn't miss the way that every cheerleader seemed to be interested in him now that he wasn't with Quinn. Especially Santana and Brittany. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood at his locker and when Rachel approached him, his eyes widened for a moment and he took a slight step back from her. She had always been intense but ever since they started their relationship or whatever it was, she had only become even more intense. "Oh uh, cool," he said with a slightly forced smile before he shifted his gaze downwards for a moment. "Rachel, I need to talk to you." He didn't want to hurt her feelings, he really didn't but he knew that if there was anything that they talked about it was always that they were honest with each other. And he needed to be honest with her. "I don't think I want to be your boyfriend anymore," he said quickly. "I just - you're really awesome and you're still my best friend but I - I think that I just... I need to explore being single. I think I just need to figure out who I am," he explained, hoping desperately that he wasn't hurting her feelings even though he knew he was going to.
Rachel looked at Finn and her smile dropped slightly as he didn't seem that excited. The second he said that he needed to talk to her, she already had a feeling the conversation wasn't going to be good. Whenever someone said that they needed to talk to her, it was never good. And if Finn was her boyfriend and saying that? It really wasn't good. "What?" She whispered, already feeling her heart break in her chest as he said that he didn't want to be her boyfriend anymore. They had barely been together for any time at all and Rachel just felt like he hadn't even given anything a chance. Sure, she was very intense and she knew that it was a lot for people, but it was just who she'd always be. As he gave his reasoning, she really tried to go over it all in her head but it just felt impossible. She felt like everything was falling apart before it had even really started. "Explore being single? Finn, I knew that things were complicated for you and I- I told you that. If you didn't want to really try and be with me, I don't know why you did this," She said, her voice a little shaky. "And you don't need to figure out who you are. I'll tell you exactly who you are. You're just a scared little boy and you're too afraid to admit anything to yourself. You're afraid of dating me and being with me because you're scared it's going to hurt your reputation. And even though you'd never admit that to me or to anyone else, I know how important it is to you," She told him, her eyes stinging slightly with tears. "That's why what Quinn did hurt you so much. I know you were upset because she betrayed you, but it humiliated you. And that's what really hurt the most. Because it hurt your reputation. And you're still that little boy that cares about all of that stuff when in reality, it's not going to matter when you're out of this school because no one will talk to each other, anyway."
Finn felt bad that he had led Rachel on. God, he was the one who started this whole thing and here he was breaking up with her just days later. But he couldn't help it. He wasn't one hundred percent in the relationship the way he knew she deserved and he needed to figure out what he wanted. He needed to figure out who he wanted to be. When she told him that she would tell him exactly who he was, his eyes widened slightly as she spoke. It scared him sometimes how well she knew him when they hadn't even known each other for that long and as she told him that he was just trying to protect his reputation, he avoided eye contact with her. "It's like you're in my head right now," he breathed out, clenching his jaw slightly before he brought his gaze back to hers. He could see the tears that were in her eyes and he felt horrible for being the one to put them there, especially when he had promised that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. "I - I just need to be by myself, Rachel. I need to - to find out who I am and what I want. And yeah maybe I - maybe I want to be popular. Maybe it doesn't matter to you but this place is all I have, Rachel. I don't have Broadway to go off to after this. Lima is all I have," he said before a frustrated sigh escaped his lips. "I'm just - I'm sorry."
Rachel looked at Finn with tears in her eyes, her looking at him and taking in a shaky breath. "This place isn't all you have, Finn. You're so talented and you're just too blind to see it. Lima will always be here but you're not stuck here. Sure, maybe I'm going to Broadway, but you don't have to be stuck here working at some random place." She looked at him and sniffled, before looking off to the side. "I'm one of the only people in your life who really know you. Who care enough about you to tell you the truth," She said, feeling her emotion build again. "I see you for who you are and all you're ever able to see me as is this silly little girl who made a fool out of herself at her first glee club rehearsal. I may not be that popular girl that will keep you at the top of the school and I might be a little intense sometimes, but all you can see me as is that girl. That's it. And that's where you lose, Finn. Because if you were ever to take a second look at me, you'd realize that I'm one of the only people who can accept you for who you are. No matter what." She said before she felt her emotion bubble up too much inside of her, her quickly turning away and looking down to hide her tears from everyone that was in the hallway. She quickly rushed away from anywhere close to Finn and went off towards the girl's bathroom, going to grab a paper towel to wipe at her eyes with, her crying slightly as she leaned against the wall in an attempt to calm herself down. She knew that she had to bounce back from this in true Rachel Berry fashion, but she knew that she needed time to get through all of the emotion she was feeling.
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ofsonganddance · 4 years
Taking Chances || Quiff
who: Biff McIntosh & Quinn Fabray when: what: Biff and Quinn have a conversation in his office notes: N/A
With a bunch of files in her hand, Quinn began making her way to Biff' office. The two of them had been growing so close since she went to his family' for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and even had just made plans to do dinner that didn't involve talking business. She knocked on Biff' door before entering. "Jake and Mike are holding out on signing a new contract because of other commitments" Quinn explained "So it looks like the band may be on a hiatus for a while until their time frees up. Six months give or take" she added with a sigh as she sat down on the leather couch inside Biff' office. She was afraid of this. With Will Schuester out of the field for whatever reasons, they weren't fast enough to get the brothers to sign another contract for more albums BUT all hope wasn't lost. "Before you start stressing I started exploring different ways to keep the other brothers under contract until Mike and Jake are free it just depends if you would be willing to take a little risk".
 It had already been a long day, and Biff was almost sure that he wasn't even half done with it. But at least he had something to look forward too, dinner with Quinn, and they weren't going to talk about work, so that was a plus, over the last few months they had been getting closer and closer. Biff had been positive that he wasn't going to be mixing business with pleasure, but it was looking like it was going to be harder and harder to keep that from happening. Just the other day, his mother had called and asked about Quinn, so it seemed like Christmas had gone they way the had hoped, and Quinn had won his mother over. He pressed send, on his latest email reply, when Quinn entered his office. "Hey," he said, a small smile appearing on his lips, but it disappeared as soon as he heard what Quinn's next few words were. "Okay, that doesn't sound good at all," he said, leaning back, making a motion with his hand, letting her know that she could sit down, "okay, so what is the risk I need to take?"
There were so many different avenues they could explore, to keep the boys under contract until the other boys were ready. Quinn sat down in the chair, crossing her legs. She took a deep breath before revealing her plan. "Well the worst part of the scenario would be to continue Band Of Brothers but as a Trio instead but I strongly feel that may be out of the question. So I was thinking the tour had a pretty big turn out. Biggest tour for the label ever. So I was thinking with the Angels not wanting to tour for their new album and Brothers not being contracted, I was thinking while we wait for them to sign another contract I was thinking perhaps how about some of them doing like a musical TV show. Think S Club 7, Big Time Rush tv series. So I was thinking maybe combining the members of each, the ones that would want to do the project. They'll play themselves but with fictional backgrounds. The show would be scripted and would include brand new music and allow our artists to work together........". The blonde bit her lower lip as she stared at Biff, there was more but she wasn't sure how he would react. "I may have already pitched an idea to a few networks and streaming services. Free-form, Netflix, Apple and The CW all want in on it. BBC One in London wants in as well".
If there was one thing that Biff was sure of, it was that Quinn probably had done a lot of research about what they could do to make sure to keep the guys under contract. This was the first time he was actually having to figure something out, the girls had been easy, and John Doe had a couple of years left. "I don't think a trio would work," Biff replied, as much as he would hate for it to happen, losing half of the group wasn't something that would work, "losing one would work, but not both of them, I can't think of a group that survived losing two members." Biff let out a breath, he leaned back, "we put a lot of time and energy into that tour and it worked out just like we planned." He nodded his head, "I know that we had talks about making the tour into like a documentary either as a movie or like a short series, but we never got someone to film and do behind the scenes interviews." Biff ran a hand down his face, "it might work, but I'm not sure on how much they want to act, and what about the girls, wouldn't we have to rework the contract since this wasn't in the one they signed."
 Quinn sat back in her chair, remembering all the talks about the tour and making it an exclusive film. That was such a missed opportunity. So many people were interested in wanting to make it happen but sadly they could never get Will Schuester in the office to make it work. "These are all individual contracts different from their recording contracts. Not every Angel will have to do it. It'll be optional. As for the boys I'm sure Ryder will do it, he loves to act. I have a feeling Sam will do it as well. Brody will be the hold out but I'm sure I could get him on board. I could probably get Kitty and Rachel on board. Santana is a wildcard as is Brittany but Marley definitely wouldn't do it. As for John Doe, I don't know. If Rachel gets on board perhaps Puck could follow suit and join in. It's great exposure for the label and for them. Plus if we get Kitty, Brody, Rachel and Puck on board we'll have two of the biggest "couples" on these shows which will no doubt attract more viewers.
Biff nodded his head. Well aware of the fact that Quinn probably was right about part of what she was saying. The TV show could probably be great for publicity, he knew how much PR the tour had given them, and as long as this wouldn't cost too much, well then it could work. "Maybe we should talk with all of them one on one," Biff said, "it might be easier to get a feeling for what they want." He rubbed a hand down his face, "but if they aren't playing themselves, we could always shake some things up if needed," he said, "or well a version of themselves, and as for John Doe maybe cameos or guest spots for some of them."
Quinn bit down on her lower lip before she let out a breath. "Well you're in luck because I managed to talk to some of them. Ryder will do it, it's acting and music which he loves. Rachel, Kitty will do it. I haven't gotten a clear answer from Brittany or Santana. Marley, Mike and Jake sadly don't want to do it. I haven't had the chance to talk With Sam and Brody yet but as for John Doe...." Quinn paused as she ran her fingers through her long blonde locks "if we could get Noah on board I think we could have a great lineup" she said with a nod. "The show could be them playing a version of themselves. We could do a remake of showing all these singers auditioning for a record company for the next big singer and the executive sees something in each of them but only one can make it and he or she ultimately decides to band them all together and bam, we show their rise, lives, some fun hijinks, love. Same name but different last names. The places we could go with something like this. It's a huge gamble but it might just pay off" she rambled on.
"Sounds like we got a cast going," Biff replied. A part of him was scared of what all of this meant, but at the same time he knew that it was going to be worth it in the end. "And I think we need to talk to them, and see what kind of show they would prefer to do, even if we will have to make the last decision on what we're going to do." He let out a breath, drumming his fingers against the desk in front of him, "and I'm sure that if have a good idea on what we want it might be easier for us to convince those that haven't agreed yet. But we need to be sure if we're doing this because I don't think we can afford this not being a hit."
Having worked for Biff for quite a while and even spending time with him out of work, she could tell when he was stressing. Quinn set her notes down on the desk and rose from her seat, making her way over to the other side of the desk where Biff was seated. "Relax" she smiled as she placed her hands on his shoulders giving them a good rub down. "You worry too much. Stress too much. Trust me I got this. Just let me handle this one okay" Quinn said with assurance.
Biff knew that he should trust her, he knew that, but it was easier said than done. "It's not that easy to relax," he replied, "it feels like the whole label is at stake and if this doesn't work we'll go bankrupt and it's not something I want to happen, since that would mean that I would have to move back to the east coast, and work at McIntosh Inc." And leave you behind, it wasn't something he actually said, but he liked working with Quinn and spending time with her. "But I trust you to have this handled, and use everyone you can think of for this to actually work." Biff leaned back, and let out a breath, "I think we could get Artie to direct a few episodes, and that might help them to agree, a familiar face among the crew."
"Already talked with Artie. He's definitely down for directing the show". What she was suggesting was a gamble but she was 99.9 percent sure it would be a success or even bigger. If only he didn't get so worked up and stressed about everything. Even if this wasn't a success which she was so sure it would be she wouldn't just let Biff go back East so easily. "You're not going back at east, Biff, I promise you that" she smiled as she continued rubbing his stiff shoulders. So stiff. Tense. There were a few ideas she had that could relax him and then a few ideas that definitely weren't exactly workplace appropriate. "Why don't we have a drink and relax" she suggested giving his shoulders a soft pat before making her way over to the mini bar (that was filled with mineral water, club soda and of course she knew there was a certain something Biff had hiding in the cabinet underneath) that Biff had in his office. She opened the small cupboard and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. She poured them each and glass and handed him one.
Biff let out a small breath, it felt a lot better knowing that they had something in the works. "Maybe not all episodes but a few would be good, just to get something out there for people to see." He ran a hand down his face, "I really hope you're right because I've finally gotten used to the sun and the fact that it don't rain as much." A small laugh left his lips, and he shook his head. He relaxed as he felt her hands on his shoulders, he knew that he was tense. He always had a hard time relaxing, at least at work. He had a few ideas on what could work for him. "Sure, but we're not getting drunk," he said, a small smile playing over his lips. He took the glass from Quinn, "thank you, I'm pretty sure you know what I need before I even do."
Quinn nodded in agreement. A few episodes for Artie to direct would be perfect for them. It would be a familiar territory for the groups. She rolled her eyes playfully after he cracked a joke. "Never said we were" she said with a smile. He was so right. She knew pretty everything he needed before he even knew. "I kind of do" she teased. Quinn took a quick drink of her beverage before setting the glass down. She sat down in his lap, her arms around his neck.
"I know, I was just making sure that you knew," Biff replied, a small smile playing over his lips. He knew that it was the truth, Quinn somehow knew what he needed before he did, and he didn't mind it, and it was something that had been clearer and clearer over the last couple of months ever since Thanksgiving and Christmas. A part of him was still surprised that it had been so easy for them to fake a relationship, and for it to seem real, for such a long time. His parents asked regularly when they were visiting again, but so far he had managed to keep it from happening. He wrapped and arm around her waist, holding on to his drink with the other, he turned his head smiling at her, before he leaned up a bit, pressing his lips against hers, in a soft, short kiss, he wasn't sure on where it had came from but it had felt right.
The kiss took Quinn by surprise however she quickly found herself reciprocating the kiss and kissing the man back softly. It just felt the right thing to do and part of her had wanted to do it again since the first couple times they kissed BUT this however was different. She let out a soft moan, tasting the alcohol on his lips. "I've been waiting for you to do that for a while" she admitted against his lips before she began pulling back.
Biff knew that this kiss was different, in more ways than one. And of course he had thought about kissing Quinn, she was beautiful, smart, and a lot of other things, so anyone would want to kiss her. And maybe it was the couple of sips from his drink that had made him actually do it, but he wasn't drunk that much he knew. "You have?" he asked, arm still around her, a small smile teasing his lips, "how come you never said anything?" If she had said something then maybe he would have had the courage to actually kiss her sooner.
"Yeah" Quinn replied. She had been thinking of it a lot especially after he kissed her in front of her parents during the holidays. Quinn shrugged her shoulders in response. "I guess I kind of just figured you would make the move......eventually" she replied, the last word followed by a chuckle. She leaned in and kissed his lips softly once more.
Biff shook his head, a smile teased over his lips. "Well, if you were planning on waiting who would know how long it would have taken." He was still a bit scared of what this would mean, but they had been friends first, and faked a relationship that most of the people that was important in his life had believed to be real, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard on them. His arms tighten around her, "what do you say about coming over tonight, some takeout and maybe a bottle of red wine?"
"I say yes" Quinn answered with a smile. She leaned in and pecked his lips softly. She was still a bit scared about this. Even a bit excited. It was becoming real now. Something she had wanted for a while and Quinn couldn't help but take a risk. How about instead of takeout I whip us up a homemade dinner" she suggested, it would definitely be more romantic and could really set the mood for the evening. "You do have food in your fridge right"? She joked against his lips, kissing him tenderly.
"That's good," Biff replied, a smile teased over his lips. He knew that this was something he had wanted, but it was still hard for him to actually take the final step, but now he had, and he was going for it. It was real now, no more faking. "Well, I do have some food, so I'm sure we can figure something out with what I have." He shook his head, stealing a short kiss, "and maybe I'm the one that should cook you something, maybe I'm a master chef, and you don't know it." 
Quinn arched her brow, a small grin forming on the corner of her lips. She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Hmm, okay. You're right" she said with a chuckle. She leaned forward and pressed another kiss to those irresistible lips of his. "If you wanna cook for me, I'm definitely not going to be the one to stop you, master chef".
"Or maybe we can cook together," Biff replied, a hand resting on the small of her back, "I think it might be a bit more fun for both of us." A smile played over his lips. It was almost too easy to get lost in her, and if he was honest, not a lot was going to change between them, they were just going to add some more touches, and kisses. The rest was most likely going to stay the same. "You can ride with me, after I've finished up work, and we can take a look to see what I got at home for us to cook."
Quinn nodded in response. This should be pretty fun to do. She and Biff doing something other then work together. She was curious if they would be as good at it as they were at work. "I like that a lot. Sounds like a plan" she grinned. Quinn leaned in and pecked his lips softly. It was so easy to get lost in him. In those soft lips of his. She gave him one last kiss before sliding out of his lap and to standing to her feet. "I have to finish a few things in my office then we can go"?
 The smile played over Biff's lips, it would be nice to get a chance to spend some more time outside of work with Quinn. He was well aware of the fact that he didn't really spend a lot of time with the people he worked with outside of work. "Great," he replied. He was finally ready to begin the progress of moving things forward with Quinn. "Of course, you come find me when you're done, I'll just wrap a couple of things up, and then we can leave."
"Alright" Quinn leaned in and placed a soft kiss on those irresistible lips of his. The lips she could easily get lost in. She pulled back a moment later. "I have to make a few calls and then I'll be ready" she smiled, needing to get out before she found herself kissing those lips again.
It was hard to not smile when he was around Quinn, especially now. Now that he was trying to keep things to move forward, and yes, maybe it was hard not to kiss her. "Okay," he replied, "I probably have a couple of reports that I need to go through, but just come find me when you're done with your calls." He let out a small breath, as he watched how she left his office. Biff had a feeling that he would spend the night kissing her, and he for one wasn't going to complain about that.
Quinn took a breath as she left his office. Things were going surprisingly well with her and Biff and she couldn't of been happier. She had a good feeling about tonight, that things were gonna be great for them. Whether tonight involved kissing those irresistible lips of his or not remained to be seen but she had a feeling that was going to happen and she wasn't going to complain about that one bit. She walked back to her office finishing up the paperwork she had to do before spending the evening with Biff.
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herstarburststories · 7 years
I wish I was an ostrich ✘ Sebastian Smythe Imagine (Smut) ✘
✘ A/N: I'M BACK! Finally post something again o/ 
I explained what happened in my last post, in case you missed it, a little summary: problem with the loader, school took my time, finally posting the old requests and starting to write the new ones, hopefully, wednesday (so, no promises to write and pos a new request before Wednesday). But you can still request!
Oh, and I’m kind in love with Savitar. (and nope, I don’t want Iris to die t.t).
I have to say, I wasn’t expecting this one to be that long!
Well. MY FIRST SMUT, YAY! Hope you like it c:
Thanks @lyss-91 for beta!
✘ Request: Could I have a Sebastian imagine please where you are a member of new directions and are competing at Nationals and fuck before the main show getting caught by your group? Thanks x
✘ Warning aka disclaimer: S M U T and shame xD
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 “I can’t believe you said I was as attuned as a dying goat.” You giggled as you entered the dark room, knowing that Sebastian was already there, he always arrived before you on any date. Mainly a sex date. “You used to do better with your insults, Sebastian.”
“Says the girl who called me horse’s teeth. You were so original, (Y/N). What happened to stealing Santana’s insults?” Sebastian said wryly and you rolled your eyes, little taunts like these were normal in your secret relationship, and they were actually fun. But now all you wanted was not to talk. You raised your arm to try to find the switch and turn on the light, you didn’t know what that was since Sebastian was the one to send a message saying that he had found the perfect place for both of you to wish each other good luck, which obviously meant the perfect place for him to fuck you, and sent you the way. 
He could have added an ‘after you turn right in the last hallway, you will see a green door where everything will be dark and I will not let you turn on the light, making you sexually frustrated’ because Sebastian held your hand before you could do anything to illuminate the place.
''Seb!'' You protested, but any complaint you had in mind was soon replaced by your body bristling and your breath being gasped as you felt his body pushing yours against the wall: strong enough for a mute thud, weak enough for no pain to arrive. ''Sebastian...'' Your tone had completely changed from frustration to bargaining.
Sebastian laughed against your neck, and his breath, which you knew had a taste of coffee and mint, as always, against your skin made you sigh.
''When you get up on that stage, everyone will look at you and no one will know that you are mine, and they will want you.'' Sebastian's hands traveled to your waist, squeezing it, making sure you were there with him, listening to every syllable he said. "But you'll know you are mine, and I'll make sure to make that clear." He smiled with obvious malice and a kind of anticipated lust. Sebastian put one of his hands on your thigh and up, the fact that you were in a dress just made it easier for him to work. You could already feel wet, as by the words of your 'enemy' as the tingling that his fingers provided, and the torture that was how slowly they were going. He pulled your panties away with one of his fingers "You're so wet, babe," Sebastian murmured as as he placed two fingers inside you at once, and you bit your lip to choke out a moan as he placed another finger, moving them inside you.
"Sebastian..." You moaned softly, knowing that Warbler knew exactly what that meant.
"What, darling?" He said, faking an innocent tone as he began stroking your clit with his thumb, still moving his 3 fingers inside your pussy. You let out an almost "ah" and pressed your body forward, feeling his erection against your body and making his fingers go even deeper, making it turn to his time to moan instead. You took off his tie and threw it to the floor, putting your hands around his neck.
''Seb, please. I need you now." You lowered one hand to his arousal, caressing it over his pants.Sebastian growled and used every willpower inside him to pull away from you, taking off his clothes as fast as was humanly while you did the same. In the exact second that you let your last piece of clothing fall to the floor, he picked you up and put it on what looked like a table.
"Oops!" You laughed at the sound of something falling, but your attention soon changed focus as your boyfriend began to suck your neck. ‘’You’ll end up leaving a mark.’' You warned, not really complaining.
"That's the goal," Sebastian said as he parted his mouth from her neck and you took his cock in your hand, stroking it. "Fuck ," Sebastian snarled and walked away from you to put the condom he had left in the pocket of his blazer, the Warbler couldn’t stand another minute without fucking you.
''SEBASTIAN!'' You screamed in pleasure when felt him inside you without any warning. Sebastian started fucking you, moving his hips quickly as you did the same, making him go deeper, just like you did with his finger. You leaned in for a rough, clumsy kiss, the two showing how much they needed that, each other’s, your bodies together.
While his hands tightened your hips, your hands scratched at his shoulders, your lips were connected just like the rest of your bodies, you realized something: you were completely at the mercy of that boy. 
''(Y/N)... " Sebastian gave a weak moan against your lips and you knew what that meant, and you were close too. Before any of you could catch up the liberation, the light was turned on. You closed your eyes, no time for a reaction, but Sebastian bent down and grabbed his blazer, covering his ass, taking his cock off you and using his own body to cover you. A voice screaming the word traitor made you wake up from your trance, widening your eyes at the sight of the New Directions staring at you two.
Being an ostrich to stick your head into a hole didn't seem like a bad idea.
"Um... Hi?" You said, feeling your face burn. You were NAKED in front of your Glee group!
‘’Hi? Seriously, (Y / N)? '' Mercedes was the first to speak.
"You could give your beloved virgin vagina to anyone, but you had to choose our gay enemy?" Santana said angry, almost screaming. You were afraid Snixx would come at any moment, if it was not the one who had just spoken.
''I don’t think he's gay, Santana.'' Rachel said, and then you noticed that she had her back to your and Sebastian’s… situation.
''Can you guys please get dressed?'' Kurt basically begged.
"Well, if the idiots get out of here, we can finish what we were doing and get dressed." Sebastian rolled his eyes at that vision, even though, in the position they were in, he could only see some of the members with his head turned.
''I'm not leaving here until you two explain what's going on!’' Santana exclaimed, she was 100% sure that wasn’t going to let you and your need for sex take her and New Directions trophy.
''Santana, I know you would give anything to be in my place now, but this is my girlfriend. '' Sebastian mocked.
''Girlfriend?'' Tina asked confused, hadn’t Sebastian hit on Blaine before almost blinded him? Wasn’t he gay?
''(Y/N) has a penis? '' Brittany asked, trying to understand what was going on.
"No, all she has is the ability to betray her own friends right under their noses." Santana said, her irony and coldness taking form into her words.
"Guys, we're dating, but can’t we talk about this later?" You asked, you just wanted that situation to end.
''That would be hilarious... if it was not disgusting.'' That was Sam.
''Right, people. We should leave them alone." Blaine tried, but it was obvious that Santana was not going to let a situation like this go easily.
''You're what, a spy? Did you give our songs to him? Besides giving something else.''
"She's not a spy, Satan." Sebastian defended you and you sighed, knowing you would have to reveal your relationship to your friends who did not so discreetly hate your boyfriend.
Actually, your relationship was more than exposed. So…
"I think you blinded her, Sebastian." Santana smiled wryly at the double meaning of the phrase.
''What are you... Wow!'' Mr. Schuester widened his eyes as he met his students in such a situation. He turned his back, just like Rachel. ''E… Everyone back to rehearsal room, let's (Y/N) and Sebastian get ready.''
''But M...’'
''Now, Santana!'' Will ordered, and she rolled her eyes, walking into the dressing room with her teacher and the rest of the Glee Club.
You put your forehead against Sebastian's shoulder and sighed, still embarrassed and knowing what you would have to face in less than five minutes.
''I'm fucked.’' You said and Sebastian smirked, never losing his humor.
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E6 (Vitamin D)
They call it vitamin D for the whole thing but wasn’t it just a component for some really hard drug??? We love the bullshit
The millionth step ball change... And we’re only 6 episodes in
Mr Schue just said “Maybe so” and now all I can think of is the gif meme thing
heheheheheheh.......Sorry. Funny youtube. 
Sign #27 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He’s eating that sandwich in the GROSSEST WAY POSSIBLE. He’s chewing with his mouth open, breathing really loud, talking with his mouthful, and he’s clearly being messy about it because there’s mustard all over his chin!!! How is Emma crushing on this dweeb
Sign #28 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: When Emma says he’s got a “cute Kirk Douglas chin dimple” (barf) he doesn’t say, hey! Maybe don’t flirt with me, I’m married!
I’m genuinely starting to feel ill whenever I have to just look at Mr Schue...
Everybody trying to learn their choreo and they’re just.... Spinning. Kurt’s about to fall over, Matt and Mike are bumping into each other, and Brittany’s just Tasmanian Devil-ing her way across the room. Love em
Brittany completely ignoring Artie’s high-five and him being like “oh-- okay...” is underrated
Matt Morrison just delivered “simply stopped trying” really weirdly. I don’t know what’s throwing me off about it, but it is
You’re right, Sue. Bones won’t grow properly without fear. AND EMMA’S BLOUSE IS INSANE
“I don’t understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool” You’re RIGHT KURT and you SHOULD SAY IT! Bears and sharks aren’t in competition either! Call out post for Mr Schue: The man knows NOTHING of the most basic ecology!
The look Quinn gives Finn when he yawns... Let my mans nap!!!
Kurt did his best to get to the girl’s side. Can you fucking blame him? Puck’s still an asshole to him as far as we all know!
Santana and Brittany just casually linking arms... Be still my beating heart
Kurt just walking along with Finn to football practice... Look at those brothers go!!! I am ignoring Puck
Ohh Sue’s journal... A wonderful character
You’re right, Sue, Will Schuester IS to blame for the world’s problems. Please do destroy the man
“I’ve always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness” Got ‘em
And thus begins the saga of Sue pushing problem people down the stairs. I’m not saying she should do that to Mr Schue... I’m just saying, why doesn’t she?
If Will wasn’t flirting with Emma, he wouldn’t get all nervous and upset when his wife turns up. Them’s the facts.
Does Terri know about Emma’s germophobia...? Because if so, it’s probably not cool for Will to have told her that. Unless Sue did, but I wouldn’t put it past him
As if they could get away with hiring a random unqualified woman as a school nurse?
Is “route” really pronounced like that......? Huh
Finn getting Biofreeze in his eye will forever be hilarious.
LEVEL 2!!!
I hate hats. I don’t know why, but I do. And I want Kurt to live his best life, but man, I hate that hat
Cory Monteith really got paid to drool. Goals
“Puck, with respect, you’re more helpful when you don’t contribute” Tell him, Artie!!!
Everybody making fun of Quinn :C Britt, you’re better than this!!
People (I’m people) can hate on Rachel all they want but this scenario is one example of her actually working harder than anybody else in the group. Yes, the solos should be shared more equally, but it’s hard to be mad at her when the others are claiming her ideas as their own and sitting around when they should be rehearsing. Except Brittany! She’s stretching, at least, love her
Terri let him NAP. WITHOUT DRUGS.
Finn’s having some serious mental health concerns but he’s not getting what he needs and I hate it. Help him!!!
Why does Terri care if Finn’s not faithful? Like, yeah, he should be, but it’s not going to affect the baby!
Surely if she took those pills for ALL of high school, they would’ve lost their effect after a while?
God I love high Finn. He just CHUCKED Matt outta that chair. 
Puck knows what’s up. Kurt thinks it’s vitamin C, because Vogue said so, and Iove him. He also looks SO weirded out
Terri gave him a whole BOX huh?
Time for season 1′s best mash-up. I love this so much. They’re all going so HARD and Finn looks like his eyes are about to pop right out. The way he’s rubbing the mic... How could they not tell he was off his face???
I feel like I shouldn’t find this performance cute because they’re all meant to be high as shit BUT THEY’RE JUST SO EXCITED???
Kevin McHale bumps every song features in up by at least 2 letter grades and that’s just a fact
I would say the same for Matt but then I’ll get sad about him being dumped into the void in like 16 episodes time
Oh Rachel worrying about Quinn... Be still my gay heart
Rachel just cuts right through her bullshit without hesitating for a second. She knows what it’s like to feel like the odd one out and she’s doing the absolute most to make sure Quinn doesn’t feel that way and I love her for it
The way Quinn slowly turns to face her... And Rachel says they don’t have to be enemies and Quinn can’t understand why Rachel would offer her a second chance... 
Quinn legit draws porn of Rachel it’s canon. I mean it’s fucked up but there are only so many reasons a person would do that
“I would’ve tortured you if the roles were reversed you know” “I know” And then the way she watches Rachel walk away... My HEART
Ken and Terri, the power duo of awful
“Laughing... Talking... All the stuff she never does with me” I hate it. They suck. Emma is a dumbass for agreeing to date a guy who she just genuinely doesn’t like and Ken’s just an ASSHOLE for bullying her into it
And now Ken’s about to propose because he’s being bullied into it. Why the fuck does this happen?
I don’t buy that Rachel took this long to berate all the girls for not prepping their mash-up harder after the boys killed theirs. She’d be right on that
Kurt I love the waistcoat and the bowtie but WHAT is happening on your ELBOWS.
You really wanted those guys in cornrows, Kurt? None of them have the length for it. ALSO I love that the exotic bird feathers thing comes back next season 10/10
F-ROD!!! GO OFF RACHEL!!! Even if Finn doesn’t know what half these words mean!
Rachel really wakes up with flawless hair, huh! And then she just... Does all that. She never stops being extra...
Did they just start walking in the opposite direction?
I feel like it’s dumb that Rachel doesn’t just tell Mr Schue that they all took pills, but it’s more in character for her to not waste an opportunity to perform anyway
Howard Bamboo,totally unqualified man who absolutely isn’t staff, is just allowed on campus to deliver DRUGS? HELLO???
Quinn only gets folic acid... And yet I’m pretty sure she manages to keep up with everybody else. HOW?
“What’s up with Ken?” [FRANTIC PAPER SHREDDING] 
I don’t care how married you are, no person should lick another person’s face
I can physically feel the awkwardness between Will and Terri. JUST DIVORCE ALREADY
Don’t like ya Will but you’re right, shit’s not healthy if there’s no space!
Imagine proposing in the staff room at work just because a random woman told you to
“Emma Pilsbury, this is not an engagement ring” “Oh thank god--” “No, I mean, it is” Just take the L, Ken
Quinn’s so fucking concerned. I love this
I usually don’t like yellow clothes but these girls make it look so dang CUTE. More pastels plz
Again, I have no idea how pregnant Quinn is keeping up at all...
Kurt’s wearing those blocky shades so the boys can’t see his betrayal
Where the hell did this mock-stage set up come from
“We came up with the idea together!” No... Will, that was Sue. Sue gave you the idea
Emma’s pretty much explicitly told Will she’s only marrying Ken because Will won’t be with her. EVERYBODY SUCKS
This argument between Terri and Emma is a nightmare. The most confrontational person VS the least... I’d fucking evaporate if Terri came at me like that
The way Emma’s voice shakes when she tells Terri that Will deserves better... Ouchie
Quinn is just adorable. Diana made this character, and she did such an amazing job... She’s more empathetic than she lets anybody realise
The fact that Terri won’t even help this TEENAGE GIRL pay for the baby that she’ll eventually adopt is a nightmare. Where do you expect her to get the cash from?
Wanting to get married without being married is kind of a mood... Secret marriage
Finn and Rachel both realising they screwed up is perfect. 
Finn continuing to not know what any words mean is also perfect
This is a cute Rachel moment actually... Yes girl compete WITH your friends!!! You’re a team!!!!
Ahh, methamphetamines! That’s what it was. Yeah, fuck Terri
I’m still looking at Matt Morrison’s lips and trying to figure out if he’s had fillers. They just curl too far!!!
Mr Schue being called out for making things too competitive - fine, I guess. Bringing in SUE to rectify that...??? Hello? Figgins?
Those white jeans are a LOOK Kurt. He’s like a twink Steve Jobs rn
Britt and Santana’s little smiles at each other when Sue’s announced as co-captain... Hell yeah future wives
I’d like to think Will’s upset about Emma marrying Ken for the right reasons (i.e. Ken’s an asshole) but we been knew he’s not. He’s looking at her like he’s just been shot
I really just love how stupid this show is! It makes no god damn sense and I fall for it every time!
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