#while you were sleeping 2017
kdramacrybaby · 1 year
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gigglyramblings · 1 year
While You Were Sleeping (2017) Overall Thoughts
Spoilers ahead.
I'm convinced that I would have enjoyed this drama a lot more if I was watching it while it was airing as it just feels a little dated now. It's a good drama but not a great one it's biggest flaw is that it doesn't maximize on any of its strengths thus doesn't pack as much of an emotional punch as it could have. For example, it employs some great tropes such as the protagonists being neighbors and kind of becoming a found family of sorts as they share breakfast and stuff but I think it misses the crucial part of why found families are so appealing because it fills some sort of Gap that the protagonists were missing in their life. However, this drama fails to capitalize and emphasize on the emotional bit and it just feels like they are having breakfast together because two out of the three protagonists suck at cooking.
This weakness is further exemplified as the three protagonists all share the ability of having dreams that correctly predict the future, the drama cuts the chase and the protagonists find out fairly early on and help each other out using their dreams. However, again you have a news reporter, a prosecutor and a cop and your entire drama kind of revolves around cases yet, we only see them working on three cases across the entire drama together? That number just feels way too low I'm not saying they should have rushed the cases but it just feels like they wasted a lot of opportunity for them to use their professions to the fullest capacity and make it sort of like a crime solving trio.
My biggest gripe with the drama though has to be the fact that they made the protagonists dream prophecy powers to function like a free get out of jail card when they hinted at the fact that changing things may actually make things worse we never actually got to see that play out. We never got to see any consequences of them using their powers to get better outcomes for themselves and those around them. Fate was never like I'm the ultimate bitch and you can't escape me even though it was heavily hinted at. All this just puts a damper on investigator Choi's death because why he try to change it since he knew was going to happen we've seen characters do that with no negative consequences so I don't get why he had to die.
I get that it was his choice and given everything that has happened to him so far it is fitting for the character but without establishing consequences for using the powers for what essentially amounts to self gain it just makes his ultimate choice seem like a bolt of extreme noble idiocy, which in my opinion is like the worst k-drama trope there is.
I am most likely being overly harsh on this drama and like I said at the very beginning of my post I would have most likely enjoyed the heck out of this drama if I watched it while it was airing or a few years earlier perhaps. But I suppose my expectations were too high? It is definitely the weakest Park Hye Ryun drama I've seen. So if you want to watch a Park Hye Ryun drama pick either Pinocchio or I Hear Your Voice those are far better examples of her work in my opinion.
And now I've seen every notable Park Hye Ryun drama except Startup and I'm definitely not in the mood for that one and probably never will be as I really don't want to get into the love triangle drama. But I'm totally looking forward to her next drama starring Park Eun Bun so Diva of the Deserted Island please be good!🙏
TL;DR: one of those shows that I would have totally loved if I watched it a few years earlier. Didn't pack the emotional punch I was hoping for. It was fun seeing so many familiar faces and that they have all deservedly become such bigger stars in kdrama land. 7.5
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Kdrama: While You Were Sleeping (2017)
He hugged the wrong person and was seen by his girlfriend 🤣🤣#whileyouweresleeping #fypage
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BXJ0sN3tDrA
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 months
The Oriental Blue Clearwing Moth: these moths were regarded as a "lost species" for more than 130 years, until they were finally sighted again in 2013
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For more than 130 years, the Oriental blue clearwing moth (Heterosphecia tawonoides) was known only from a single, badly damaged specimen that was collected in Sumatra in 1887. There were no recorded sightings of this species again until 2013, when entomologist Dr. Marta Skowron Volponi unexpectedly found the moths feeding on salt deposits that had accumulated along the riverbanks in Malaysia's lowland rainforest.
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These moths were observed by researchers again in 2016 and 2017, and research indicates that the moths are actually bee-mimics, as they mimic the appearance, sound, behavior, and flight patterns of local bees. Their fuzzy, bright blue appearance might seem a little out of place for a bee-mimic, but those features do appear in several different bee species throughout Southeast Asia.
When the moths are in flight, they bear a particularly strong resemblance to the bees of the genus Thyreus (i.e. cuckoo bees, otherwise known as cloak-and-dagger bees), several of which are also bright blue, with banded markings, dark blue wings, fuzzy legs, and smooth, rounded antennae. The physical resemblance is compounded by the acoustic and behavioral mimicry that occurs when the moths are in flight.
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Cloak-and-Dagger Bees: the image at the top shows an Indo-Malayan cloak-and-dagger bee (Thyreus novaehollandiae) in a sleeping position, holding itself upright with its mandibles clamped onto a twig, while the image at the bottom shows a Himalayan cloak-and-dagger bee (T. himalayensis) resting in the same position
The moths also engage in "mud-puddling" among the various bees that congregate along the riverbanks; mud-puddling is the process whereby an insect (usually a bee or a butterfly) draws nutrients from the fluids found in puddles, wet sand, decaying plant matter, carrion, animal waste, sweat, tears, and/or blood. According to researchers, the Oriental blue clearwing moth was the only lepidopteran that was seen mud-puddling among the local bees.
Dr. Skowron Volponi commented on the unusual appearance and behavior of these moths:
You think about moths and you envision a grey, hairy insect that is attracted to light. But this species is dramatically different—it is beautiful, shiny blue in sunlight and it comes out during the day; and it is a master of disguise, mimicking bees on multiple levels and even hanging out with them. The Oriental blue clearwing is just two centimeters in size, but there are so many fascinating things about them and so much more we hope to learn.
This species is still incredibly vulnerable, as it faces threats like deforestation, pollution, and climate change. The president of Global Wildlife Conservation, which is an organization that seeks to rediscover "lost species," added:
After learning about this incredible rediscovery, we hope that tourists visiting Taman Negara National Park and picnicking on the riverbanks—the home of these beautiful clearwing moths—will remember to tread lightly and to take their trash out of the park with them. We also recommend that Americans learn about palm oil production, which is one of the primary causes of deforestation in Malaysia.
Sources & More Info:
Phys.org: Bee-Mimicking Clearwing Moth Buzzes Back to Life After 130 Years
Mongabay News: Moth Rediscovered in Malaysia Mimics Appearance and Behavior of Bees to Escape Predators
Journal of Tropical Conservation Science: Lost Species of Bee-Mimicking Clearwing Moth, H. tawonoides, Rediscovered in Peninsular Malaysia's Primary Rainforest
Frontiers in Zoology: Southeast Asian Clearwing Moths Buzz like their Model Bees
Royal Society Publishing: Moving like a Model - mimicry of hymenopteran flight trajectories by clearwing moths of Southeast Asian rainforests
Medium: Rediscovery in a Glint of Blue
re:wild.org: The "Search for Lost Species" Project
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matchaverse · 2 months
The Walls | CL16
pairing: singer!charlesleclerc x late!partner!gasly!reader
summary: with the loss of his longterm partner, charles dedicates him and his bands music about them
faceclaim: none
warning: mentions of drugs, overdose, death, thoughts of suicide, alcohol.
no part two.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
[instagram] yourusername
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liked by charlesleclerc, pierregasly, and 12 others
tagged | @charleclerc @pierregasly @estebanocon
yourusername | these fools are trying to make music!
charlesleclerc: fools??
pierregasly: i’ll tell my mom that y/n is being mean
yourusername: snitch.
“y/n stop being mean to your brother and his friends” your mother, Pascale, yells from the kitchen. you huff and roll eyes as you walk down the hallway from your room to your brothers room.
“you’re such a snitch” you chuckle as you take a seat on the floor next to charles as he tunes his guitar.
your brother, pierre, just rolls his eyes with a chuckle. “maybe don’t be mean to us” he shrugs as he helps esteban with his bass.
“what happen with karting?”
“we still do that but with the way max keeps winning every single race we wanted to try and dabble into something we are passionate about” charles answers looking at you with a smile. you nod in understanding.
“you guys are pretty good a making music, so do you guys think you’ll make it big?” you ask curiously. all three boys look at each other with the same idea in mind.
“yes” they all say with certainty.
[instagram] yourusername
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liked by charlesleclerc, taylorswift, and 126,537 others
tagged | @ChaseAtlantic
yourusername: four years later and my brother and two best friends are playing their songs in clubs!! so proud of you three ❤️
pierregasly: thank you! we wouldn’t have been able without your support ❤️
charleslecler: someone had to be our stage manager
estebanocon: y/n literally whined for days just to get that position
yourusername: no shame, i’d do it again.
estebanocon: 😒
you’re standing backstage of the local club where the boys were playing at with a few other bookies as the three young men walk back to meet you after the show.
“you three did wonderful, truly, the crowd loved you” you say with a huge smile, giving each boy a hug.
“no, thank you for getting us a gig here” esteban chuckles as he sips from his water bottle. charles and pierre nod in agreement.
“how did you get us a gig anyways?” the monégasque man asks while crossing his arms and a small smirk rests on his lips.
you give a small shrug before answering with “used to sleep with the owner”
“what?!” pierre’s voice rings out.
yourusername posted a story
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caption: love the party life
charlesleclerc: wya??? you walked away
yourusername: just partying
charles lost you, pierre and esteban at this party. he’s been walking around for about twenty minutes now, his messages not sending.
“chug! chug! chug!” charles hears a loud chant of a few people hooting, he makes his way over and see you standing the middle of the circle just downing whatever liquids are in the red solo cups on the table in front of you.
he shakes his head with a sigh, making his way into the circle once you finish the last cup.
“y/n..”charles mumbles as he places a hand on your waist. you turn and look at him with a smile, he can smell the alcohol in you
“hi charlie!” you slur, letting out a giggle.
“how drunk are you?”
you shrug, you stopped counting after the first few drinks. charlie’s lets out a big sigh.
“come on, let’s find the others and head back home”
[instagram] charlesleclerc
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liked y yourusername, madisonbeer, and 648,638 others
tagged | @yourusername
charleslecler | one year with my love ❤️
yourusername: aww baby🥺🥺
username: y/n smokes??
username: and they party all the time
username: i mean their life ig 🤷‍♀️
username: anyone else see the one clip on twitter where y/n did a line of coke?
username: 🚩🚩🚩
username: they are grown??
username: yeah but it’s not cute
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“i don’t understand what the problem is!” your voice raises to match charles’s tone.
“the problem is that you don’t understand how serious drugs and alcohol can be!” the veins on his forehead and neck look like they are about to burst from the sheer amount of anger running through his body. you can only scoff in response.
“i’m young charlie! im only 22 and it’s nothing serious!”
“YES IT IS!” you flinch at his tone. charles seems this and sighs, walking closer to you and taking your hands in his own.
“baby…i’m not saying you can’t have fun but the drugs isn’t needed to have fun..please just stop”
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to say charles was freaking out was an understatement, he was terrified. he didn’t understand what happen with you, you were doing so much better than last year. you weren’t partying as much and he knew you stopped drinking but he didn’t know you were still doing some type of drug.
pulling up to the hospital, charles didn’t care if his parking job was decent, the only thing on his mind was you.
“how’s y/n?” charles breaths out as he makes his way to the waiting room to meet your brother. pierre had tears in his eyes and his cheeks were puffy.
“..they..t-they said it’s not looking good” pierre breaks down, charles moves forward and pulls his best friend into a hug, trying hard to keep his own tears from flowing.
“it’s okay..it’s gonna be okay..”charles whispers, not even believing his own words.
[instagram] charlesleclerc
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liked by pierregasly, estebanocon, and 639,739 others
tagged | @yourusername
charlesleclerc: it’s been two years since we lost you. you were the light of my life and i’m so sorry i couldn’t help you get better. i continue living on for you, i wake up every morning to keep your name alive, you were my best friend, my other half, i love you so much ❤️
if anyone is going through hardships do not hesitate to reach out and contact someone, there are people who will help you out. reach out to me, pierre or esteban because we will help you. everyone deserves to live a happy life. 🙌
i, myself, have struggled with moving forward after losing y/n but with the help of my friends and family i knew i had to keep pushing through this hard patch in my life. i understand the struggles and pain and would never wish this onto anyone
pierregasly: two years already..
estebanocon: the world is cruel.
charlesleclerc: truly don’t understand how the world moved forward after this
username: our hearts go out to you charles!! ❤️
username: you’re so strong!!
username: i reached out to charles during my depressive episode and he is a sweetheart, he did help me out.
username: i love how charles donates to rehabs around the country
username: hes a big advocate for charities that help people who are struggling with drug addiction
username: stop that’s literally so sweet
charlesleclerc: i will spend the rest of my days advocating ❤️
tags: @honethatty12
tell me why this took like three days to write 💀
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 10 months
A prominent women’s chess player has accused a fellow player of rape and sexual harassment as she warned a “toxic culture“ of misogyny and sexually predatory behaviour plagues the chess community.
Sabrina Chevannes, a women's international chess master, said she was raped at a chess tournament by another contestant.
The 36-year-old, who quit professional chess in January 2017, told The Independent the incident happened when she was black-out drunk as a teenager.
She added: “I woke up in the linen room of the hotel on a table. I was in so much pain. I didn’t quite understand what had happened.
“While playing chess I was in so much pain I could barely sit down. Him and his friends were high-fiving about it.”
Ms Chevannes, who won ten British chess titles, said sexual harassment, sexual assault or discrimination against women has taken place at every chess tournament she has ever attended.
She has endured racism from fellow chess players, with people often assuming she had cheated when she did well in tournaments, she added.
She told of an incident at a chess tournament when a man who was a chess master groped her.
“I was 11 years old,” she recalled. “I wanted to have a picture with him because he was famous in this world. He posed for the picture but did this thing where he put his hand down my back touching my butt. Then he turned around and winked at me.”
She encountered him again at another chess event when she was a teenager where he told her he had seen her on the front of a chess magazine, she added.
“He said ‘You are developing so well’. I said ‘I was at my best rating’, and he said ‘No, I don’t mean developing like that’,” Ms Chevannes recalled.
“He said he may need another copy of the magazine as he said he had worn his down with all the night time reading. He looked at me in a creepy, lecherous manner. When he met me when I was 18, he said ‘now you are legal in all countries’.”
The former player said she would actively avoid tournaments where he was playing. She noted he sexually propositioned her a few years ago - asking her to go back to his hotel room.
Ms Chevannes said: “He used very racist misogynistic language to my face.”
She told of another incident where a different chess player offered to let her sleep in his hotel room as she was tired from her flight but couldn’t check into her room until mid-afternoon.
“He wasn’t in the room when I was sleeping but I woke up to find one hand down my pants and one hand in my bra,” she added. “He did the same thing again when I was in the same house as him and lots of others in the chess community.”
Ms Chevannes, who now coaches chess, said she did not report any of the aforementioned incidents to the police at the time as others warned her she would not be believed.
But she explained social media posts she recently shared about her alleged experiences had been seen by the police who are now looking into her claims.
Female chess players have come forward in recent weeks to make allegations of sexual assault, violence and harassment from male players.
Earlier in the month, 14 of France's top female players wrote an open letter, “denouncing the sexist or sexual violence they have suffered” in the chess community, with over 100 women in chess signing the letter in the space of only five days.
Ms Chevannes described the chess community as an “insular world” with a rigid hierarchy where people are judged by their chess abilities and women are perpetually belittled.
“Women are seen as inferior, they genuinely believe men are superior to women in every way - including intellectually,” she added. “If you beat someone, it's described as you raped them.”
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agroteraa · 3 months
Calling All My Lovelies
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Felix Catton x f!Reader
My fic masterlist
Summary: AU where Saltburn's ending never happened. Felix lived happily up to 2017 (and on), where he happened to meet you. Meaning he is around 29-30 here.
Featuring the song "Calling All My Lovelies" by Bruno Mars
Also mentioning songs like "24K Magic" and "Too Good to Say Goodbye" by Bruno Mars, you can listen to them or even the whole "24K Magic" album for the right mood and atmosphere ❤️
Tags: fluffy angst, AU.
Warnings: mentions of sex, kinda?cheating, relationship misconception.
Word Count: 2,7K
Felix's London apartment was luxurious. Of course, it wasn't Saltburn, but there was a lot to see and be impressed by here too. Especially the view of the Thames, which was strewn on both sides with many lights of the most beautiful sights of the UK capital. Felix and all his guests found the lights especially bright in winter, as on this late February evening.
Especially the girls. Each of those whom he brought here stopped in awe at the huge panoramic windows and looked at the views almost from the height of the flight of a city bird. If before that they had somehow not been one hundred percent fascinated by Felix and his lifestyle, then this luxurious apartment was always the final charming argument.
Y/N was no exception.
When he brought you to his place after a fun evening full of alcohol, it seems that you looked at the views of the city more closely than anyone else and even managed to point out to him some new places from afar, which he did not pay much attention to or did not know what exactly these places were.
Felix smiled warmly - he would love to admire the view of the city with you, preferably standing in an embrace. But then he wasn't interested much of it back then, rather in something else. When he returned from the kitchen with a bottle of expensive alcohol and two glasses, you barely had time to taste the drink, as you merged again in a passionate kiss, which flowed into an even more passionate night. One of the best for both of you, and oh how he would like to repeat it.
But you weren't here right now.
There was no one but Felix himself, this evening was also full of alcohol, but there was little fun in it.
And all because you misunderstood each other. Very much.
When he brought you to his house from the club that day, he didn't think that you would take it all so seriously. Kate didn't take it in. Therefore, from her friend (or whoever you were to her, or maybe you didn't communicate that close? After all, if Felix had to think about it, it was the first time he saw you there with her…) he expected the same understanding.
You had a great time at the club, and then a night at Felix's apartment. Then you started to chat online a lot, went for a brunch and for a walk in the park, where you talked for a long, long time, cheerfully chatting about everything in the world. Well, except for discussing relationships. Then another night together, no less, if not more wonderful than that the previous one. Then another brunch. And after that… You had a lot of work and things to do, while Felix had a lot of free time and his own needs.
When you found out from Kate that he had slept with a couple of girls during that time (not with Kate herself, though they stopped sleeping not so long ago), you were crushed.
And she just shrugged her shoulders and said that you should have known or guessed that Felix lives in a free relationship mode.
You didn't know. Or you didn't want to know. And the main thing was that you thought that something special was going on between the two of you, you saw it in Felix's eyes, felt the distinct warmth of his touch and a certain special thrill overall. The way you talked to each other. It wasn't just sex or an empty mindless flirt, even if the beginning of your relationship was very fast and passionate. It was all felt even after two nights and many days, evenings and nights of mutual texting and calls.
Anyway, you didn't discuss otherwise. That was the whole point. And so, when, after things suddenly got clear, you received another usual message from Felix, you ignored it for a long time, unable to respond, being numb with pain, indignation and shame. You still was processing it and didn't believe to the end (that it would happened or that you were such a fool, you weren't sure yourself, probably both). Then, after a few more of his messages, you somehow pulled yourself together and answered all of them at once, quite briefly and dryly.
After some dialogue in this manner, Felix realized that there was clearly something wrong. He started asking what was the matter, to which you answered him:
"As if you don't know yourself."
"I don't want to, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now. If ever at all."
You didn't answer. Felix called. So, roughly in ten minutes of a phone conversation, you found out in raised tones that he "doesn't owe you anything nor didn't promise anything" that you "are fine as you are now, why complicate everything" and that "please, let's keep seeing each other, it doesn't mean anything special" was a real argument to him.
You shouted into the phone "No, if you don't want to complicate things, then I do, I'm sorry! More precisely, I wanted to. I thought we were serious.… Maybe... it seemed all... special. That's it, look, I... I don't want to talk any longer. And don't call me anymore, okay?"
And so, one day had passed, then two and three. And now the fourth day was already ending, turning into the fifth. You really didn't pick up the phone anymore and didn't respond to his messages, which were getting fewer and fewer every day.
But Felix had more and more thoughts in his head instead. He has almost passed all the stages of acceptance these days:
denial - "no, it's nothing, she's going to be mad a bit and come back to me";
anger - "not coming back? Well, fuck her!";
bargaining - "please, Y/N, answer my messages already...";
depression - "have I really lost touch with her forever?..".
Except for the acceptance itself, of course. And besides the fact that he was returning to all these stages randomly from time to time.
He really did not understand, he was not used to the fact that a girl could take a relationship with him that seriously, especially so immediately. Okay, these infatuations at school and even sometimes at university, when people fell head over heels in love with him, romanticizing him without really knowing him, but now? In the adult world, when everyone should understand the "rules of the game" and that no one seriously owes anyone anything until it is discussed. That was how Felix thought about it. And that was why it was so strange to him that it could hurt you so deeply.
He contemplated about it all the time and, to tell the truth, it even began to flatter him that someone could fall in love with him so much and take him that serious from the start. If he got everything correctly. Yes, at first it surprised him, then it worried him, then it flattered him, and after that... something inside him began to hurt unpleasantly?
He wasn't lying back then. These girl didn't mean a lot to him. But did this mean that Y/N did?..
His heart and mind began to fill with deep, complex feelings that he had not experienced for a long time and, to be honest, had not realized properly and processed in an adult way, being almost-thirty.
And Felix got scared. He was genuinely scared, that was why, first of all, he was pouring alcohol into himself all evening, inhaling lots of smoke as well.
And right now, he decided to brighten up his company not only with wine, champagne and cigarettes, but also with music. He chose Bruno Mars, whose new album he has listened to quite often since its release. Fancy stereo speakers filled his apartment with the loud sounds of "24K Magic".
Felix danced to the rhythm of the songs, sipping wine straight from the bottle. Now he tried to imagine that he was having fun in a club, and not alone in a dark empty apartment, and he almost succeeded in that.
That way Felix Catton decently lifted his mood along with the level of alcohol intoxication.
He skipped the song "Versace on the Floor" because he wasn't in the mood for slow romantic songs. But when "Calling All My Lovelies" started playing a little later, Felix was unable to switch it either.
He leaned back in one of the chairs, frowning and very intently listening through a decently tipsy consciousness to the lines of the song that had begun.
I got too many girls on hold for you to be so bold
Too many on my team for you to act so mean
"Oh, yeah. Exactly so," Felix thought.
You say you wanna go and have fun, well, you ain't the only one
If I ring, don't let it ring too long or I'm gone
"That's bloody right," he said aloud and nodded slightly several times, taking another sip of wine from the neck of the bottle.
I got Alicia waitin', Aisha waitin'
All the -eeshas waitin' on me
And also Stacey, Tracey, Macey, Lacey… Had he mentioned Tracey already? In general, all sorts of -aceys were waiting for him too, and not only them.
So why you contemplatin'? Playa hatin'?
If this is how it's gonna be
I'm callin' all my lovelies (Callin' all my lovelies)
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
At these words, Felix gripped the bottle so tightly that it almost broke under the force of his fingers squeezing it. It was definitely unpleasant for him to hear from Bruno Mars things that Felix was afraid to admit even to himself. He shook his head, closing his eyes. No, that was bullshit.
Since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me)
Oh, look what you're makin' me do
Sharp breath. Closed eyes. Exhale.
Honey pie, I'm far too fly to be on standby
Sendin' me straight to voicemail, suga, what the hell? (What the hell?)
That was right! What the hell was all that? You ignored him too! How long had he been texting you and even calling you? Was that fair? Why should he run after you? He shouldn't.
Ooh, you ought to be ashamed, playin' these childish games
I don't get down like that, tell me where you're at, hit me back
Yes. Come and tell him that to his face. Oh, how he wanted you to be right in front of him now. Or didn't want to. No, he actually did. And not only to talk, getting things clear, but also to repeat the night like these… His imagination had already begun to draw pictures of how he would kiss you, undress you... and then… Your sensual moans echoed in his head. He almost felt your skin with his elictrified fingertips. And after that... no, no, stop.
Mmm, I got Alicia waitin', Aisha waitin'
All the -eeshas waitin' on me
"That's it, Bruno, you understand me, buddy! Felix mentally raised a bottle of wine as a toast and drank another sip to "them boys", to "free spirits".
So why you contemplatin'? Playa hatin'?
If this is how it's gonna be
He could have called any of the girls he mentally had listed. And everyone would come to him immediately or at least as soon as possible, doing everything Felix would have wished. Ha. How do you like that, Y/N?
But for some reason he didn't want to text to any of them, much less call them.
The only voice he wanted to hear right now was yours.
I'm callin' all my lovelies (Callin' all my lovelies)
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
Since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me)
Oh, look what you're makin' me do
For the second time, he couldn't stand listening to these words. Abruptly and carelessly putting the bottle on the glass table and staggering decently, Felix wandered off to get his phone. It was time to call his not-even-ex-not-girlfriend. Catton-Jr. seemed to be listening to the dial tone more on purpose, just not to listen too closely to the words of the song that went on:
Pick up the phone, pick up the phone
'Cause all this lovin' needs a home, oh, yeah
Oh, no, look at what you started, baby
Now, I'm left here brokenhearted, baby
"Pick up the phone, yes, pick up the phone, come on," he repeated, tapping his foot. The phone dropped the call after a short time, and the guy dialed for the second, then the third time and…
There's a pain in my chest, I cannot explain
I told myself I wasn't gon' cry (Oh, not gonna cry, no, no)
But somebody's gotta come dry these eyes 'cause (Dry these, ah, 'cause)
The dial tone beeps continued. Felix studied London at night under their measured rhythm. His favorite activity was to peer at passing boats and ships of various sizes, models and speed, as well as trying to count their number. He often got distracted, but still loved it.
So, he didn't notice that the beeps from the real phone had flowed into the beeps from the song. In "Calling All My Lovelies" Bruno's imaginary crush was a famous actress. Her voice "responded" in lively yet sensual tone:
Hi, you've reached Halle Berry. Sorry I can't get to the phone right now
But if you leave your name and number, I'll get right back to you *mwah*
Damn... (Bruno Mars' voice hissed back with increasing echoes and annoyance).
At this point, Felix himself clenched his teeth and threw the phone on the floor out of anger. Fortunately, the carpet was soft enough for the phone to survive the fury of its owner and continue to function in case you suddenly wanted to respond.
I'm callin', callin', callin', callin' all my lovelies
'Cause I can't get a hold of you
Oh, since you ain't thinkin' of me (Since you ain't thinkin' of me, baby)
Look what you're makin' me do
Felix almost whimpered at the realization of what a fool he had been and what a stupid situation he was in right now. Where he led himself. Why couldn't you two just talk? Why couldn't he just tell it all at once, from the start? Maybe it would have been different otherwise now. Resting his forehead against the big window, he felt its pleasant coolness, but it could not cool down his burning resentment inside. Most of all, he did not like it when the blame for the current situation could not be shifted to anyone or anything else, and this pained him incredibly right now.
Pick up the phone, pick up the phone
'Cause all this lovin' needs a home, oh
He collapsed into a chair near the window, clutching its handles tightly and stretching his long legs. If only he would…
Felix inhaled and exhaled noisily, throwing his head back and taking a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter out of his shirt pocket. The fingers did not obey a little, as the hands of their owner were shaking slightly from nerves and alcohol intoxication. He growled slightly in irritation. When the guy was finally able to light a cigarette, he took a long drag on it.
Now he wasn't in the mood for energetic and carefree songs. He skipped "Finesse".
That was how the last song from the album started playing - "Too Good to Say Goodbye":
I've made mistakes
I could have treated you better
I let you get away
There goes my happily ever after
Tell me why, why can't we try and start again?
This can't be how our story ends…
Oh, please…
He really did miss you.
And he was not right.
He wanted to win you and your trust over again. He finally admitted it with all his heart to himself. He would try. Really.
If only you could…
The phone, thrown on the fluffy carpet, suddenly came to life and started vibrating.
Releasing all the smoke from his lungs, which Felix had inhaled, at once, he abruptly bent down to the carpet.
Your name appeared on the phone screen, gleaming brightly in the darkness.
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natailiatulls07 · 9 months
please more leclerc!reader with her brothers !!
Let her go
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Arthur Leclerc Charles Leclerc Lorenzo Leclerc Pascale Leclerc & Leclerc!reader
Summary - Y/n is getting married and her older brothers is learning to let her go
Warning - Herve Leclercs death, poor translation of French
A/n - I know I haven't finished the golden trio but look I've been wanting to post a written fic for a while now and I have seen so many brothers first look tiktoks so thats what you're getting today!! 😚
Herve Leclerc was on his last days when he called his three sons to his hospital room. "Papa? Is everything okay?" Lorenzo asked of his dying father.
"My three sons as you know I'm nearing my last day and I only have one thing to ask of you..." The three brother surrounded their fathers bed, Charles and Lorenzo sitting in seats on each side of the bed with Arthur sitting at the feet of the hospital bed. "I want you three to step up and take my place in protecting, caring and loving your sister"
Herve adored his sons equally but he had a different sort of adoration for his youngest. Since her birth, he has always thought of her as an angel. "Of course...we'll do anything you ask of us Papa" Charles answered his fathers orders, alike their father they also felt that level of undying adoration for their younger sister.
Charles had sat Y/n down on the plush couch in their Monte Carlo childhood home. "Chérie...Papa died last night" It broke the twenty year old's heart to see his sister find out about their fathers death. He could see her eyes gloss over and fill with salty tears.
He took her into his arms as she started to sob. "He loved you so much, and he said he will watch over us always..." He could feel himself breaking down at his sisters reaction. But Charles knew it was coming.
The twenty year old Monégasques knew it wouldn't be easy for anyone, not for their mother, not for him, Lorenzo, Arthur or her. But they would do what they always did, push through and come out stronger.
Waking up today, all three of the Leclerc brothers knew it would be both a hard and joyous day for them. It was the day they would have to give away their sister, the sister they promised to their father they would cherish, protect and love in his place. But today they'd need to give her away to the love of her life.
They were staying in the childhood home, back in their childhood bedrooms. When planning her wedding with her fiancé, Y/n insisted they have it in Monte Carlo. Of course her fiancé agreed, knowing how she wanted to be close to her late father on her wedding day.
Getting out of his bed, Charles made his way down to the kitchen where Pascale and Lorenzo were sat eating breakfast. “Bonjour” He announced his presence before making a start on his coffee.
“So where is the bride?” Turning to look at his mother, Charles wondered how Y/n was feeling this special morning.
There was a audible sigh from Pascale. “Well your sister couldn’t sleep last night so I imagine she is currently still sleeping” Both Lorenzo and Charles had concerned looks on their faces.
Noticing their concern, Pacale continued "She couldn't sleep because she was too excited. Don't worry no cold feet" She knew every single one of her children, Pascale knew all too well that her three sons would be overly worried for their sister.
The two oldest sons just nodded, concern evidently gone.
There was a knock on the front door. Charles, who was talking with Arthur on the sofa, got up to answer the door. Behind the door stood, the maid of honour and the rest of the bridal party. "Hello Ladies, how can I help you?" Charles joked before stepping aside letting them in.
"We're here for the special bride, where might she be?" The maid of honour asked as she looked around the open plan kitchen and living room where Pascale, Arthur and Lorenzo currently sat. After hearing the question, Pascale quickly pointed up the stairs to which the excited party followed.
After watching the girls running upstairs, Charles moved to sit back down on the couch. As he sat down, all the Leclerc brothers and Pascale could hear was the sounds of excitement.
It had been a few hours since the bridal party arrived and everyone had now gotten ready. Standing on the balcony was Arthur, Lorenzo and Charles, all facing away from the balcony doors and more towards the Monte Carlo harbour.
Y/n insisted they do a first look for the brothers, so that’s why she was stood just behind her three older brothers. “Maman are you filming?” She asked of her mother who stood off to the side filming. Pascale nodded. “Okay, you guys can turn around now”
Turning around, each brother now faced their Y/n. She was dressed in her long white gown, hair done and makeup perfected. Tears welled up in their eyes, they could remember the day she was born and how they watched her grow up into the incredible woman.
“Oh chérie tu es si belle” Arthur was the first pipe up from their stunned state, walking towards her before bring her into a careful hug.
Soon enough Lorenzo followed, hugging his sister. “Je t'aime tellement petite princesse” Even now when she was just about to get married, he still used his nickname for her. The same nickname he has used since her birth.
After stepping aside, Charles was the last one to break his stunned state. “Cha Cha…?” Y/n called out for him, everyone knew he was the closest to her, that he loved her the most.
“Mon rayon de soleil…” Finally he stepped forward, taking her hands in his. “Je suis si fier de toi” Through his tears was a soft smile the same smile he had when Y/n started high school, when Y/n graduated and when Y/n was born.
The next question meant so much to Charles, even more than anything else. “Cha Cha…m'accompagner dans l'allée?” She was asking him to take their fathers place and walk her down the aisle before giving her away.
In that moment, he really felt like he had accomplished the one thing his father asked of him and that was to take his father place once he was gone.
Nodding aggressively, Charles crashed Y/n into a hug. “Oui oui oui bien sûr!”
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lovelytsunoda · 10 months
slumber party // lance stroll
summary: when lances wife gets sick the morning of their daughters sixth birthday party, he offers to step in and play host. but of course, that’s before he finds out that it’s a slumber party, and he’s stuck with an army of six year olds until ten am the next morning.
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the party was planned down to every painstaking detail so that it was perfect
right down to the princess decorations they started putting up a day early to the disney cake that chloe was making herself
it was going to be perfect
until y/n wakes up on the morning of with a blistering headache and nausea
she thinks they’re going to have to call off the party. she’s in no condition to handle a group of children
until lance steps in. he’ll call esteban and mick and between the three of them, they should be able to run a party without a hitch, right?
they all arrive at the same time, and when the girls go running into the naive living room and start setting sleeping bags up under the skylight, the panic in his eyes is evident
“did your wife not tell you it was a slumber party?”
“no, she did not.” he bites his lip, running his fingers through his hair. “but how hard can it be, right?”
The other mother just laughs before she goes back to her car
horrible decision, really, but he leaves esteban and mick in charge while he runs upstairs to check on y/n (and get more details on the slumber part of the party)
and when he comes back downstairs, the girls are crying and one of them is hiding under the couch
“i left you alone with them for five minutes, esteban! what did you do?”
esteban looks at the floor, and mick rolls his eyes.
“somebody thought it was a good idea to open the afternoon with scary stories.”
“esteban, they’re six!”
“one of the girls told him he looked like the rat from flushed away and he decided the best course of action was to tell her that the house was haunted and micheal meyers would get her in her sleep.”
“this house was built in 2017 and I’m pretty sure nobody died here!”
he puts on an old barbie movie, and the girls calm down enough that they sit on the floor to eat party mix and gummy bears while the boys go over the game plan in the kitchen.
“what did you like doing when you were six?” lance asks desperately “there has to be something!”
“karting.” esteban shrugs.
“i cannot take ten six year olds to the karting track.”
but that gives him a different idea
which is how they end up in the simulator room trying to load Mario kart instead of the fia approved programming
which turns into an all out war between the girls
more like the army of six year olds against estie lance and mick
lance definitely lets his daughter win
chloe drops by dressed head to toe like a disney princess and brings the cake
scotty brings pizza
please please please imagine lance giving all these little girls princess manicures
his daughter defo makes him wear a plastic tiara
when the kids finally conk out and go to sleep around nine thirty (and esteban because he’s fucking tired), he goes upstairs to check on his wife while mick starts to clean up
she’s curled up in bed with the dog, buried under blankets
but she could hear the laughter coming up through the floor
“the girls are having a great time, honey.” she says sleepily, pulling him into bed with her “you guys are doing a great job.”
“i know. but please, for the love of god, never leave me in charge of a slumber party again. also, you might need to explain to mike and my dad why a ton of six year olds were using the sim to play mario kart.”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @oconso @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @httpiastri @clemswrld @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre
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onakomiyaki · 30 days
just a silly crush (not) pt.3
pairing : daniel ricciardo x childhood friend-brabham!reader
summary : turns out you're not as stong as you think you are, and you were sure that you've made a mistake. or are you?
warning : unedited and rushed work, harsh words, slowburn.
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there is nothing better than to be able to sat on your own bed, any 5 stars hotels will never beat the comfort of your own bed and you know it very well.
"finally." you said as you plopped onto your bed, falling head first to your king-sized mattress.
you inhale deeply as you close your eyes before exhaling slowly through your mouth.
"no one can ever replace you..." you mumble to your pillow as you close your eyes.
you always love your own bed. the familiar lavender scent, the lovely satin pillow, and most importantly your navy blue hand-made knitted blanket that you got for your 17th birthday.
it was one of those chunky knitted blanket that everyone obsessed about back in 2017. and you're proud to say that you did it first in 2007, ten years before that thing even trending. well, actually, daniel gave it to you so he did it first.
you remember how adamant you are about him buying you gifts for your 17th birthday. you knew he would spent lots of money because he was is that extra, and you knew money is not a problem for him.
"c'mon (y/n), let me buy you gift for your birthday before i move to italy."
and you can't say no to that. but of course you gave him a budget and told him no expensive shit because it won't be special (since you can buy it also) and daniel happily agree.
so when he gave you a huge blue box, you'd expected something like a huge teddy bear. but you remember telling him that you hate teddy bear.
"open it, open it!"
and when you open the box you let out an audible gasp as you pull the blanket out of the box. the soft merino wool engulf you, and you squeel in excitement as you put yourself in a cocoon of the blanket. daniel watch in amusement as he ruffle your hair.
"i asked one of my friend's sister to make it for you. i paid her don't worry!"
and now back to present day, 14 years later, the blanket still there with you. although its not as fluffy as it used to be, you still snuggle with it when you having trouble to sleep. but of course no one knew about that, not even daniel himself.
the navy blue blanket is draped over your sofa, sitting there snuggly. you always put it on your sofa since the accident that almost cost you that blanket. it was 3 years ago and you remember you're about to cry when you saw that the threads is coming lose because you accidently pull the blanket too hard when you were having a 'guest' on your bed while doing the devil's tango.
the phone on your back pocket vibrate and you relucantly take your phone out and answer the call. must be important.
"(y/n) this is lando norris."
you sat down now, sitting with your legs pulled close to your chest. why the hell lando would call you at this hours? its 1 past 15 a.m right now.
"oh, yeah. what's up bud?"
"we're in budapest right now and daniel is wasted... and i heard that you live here, can you pick him up? i can't take him back with my car since i'm here with my plus one, and calling uber at this hours seems dangerous–"
"god i am not a good driver, when did it all went wrong??"
'– daniel don't go there its dangerous! daniel– oh god i have to go he's about to walk to the pool!"
"what? lan–lando? hello?"
your exhaustion seems to gone instantly, make you shoot up from your bed. you grab your purse and car key as you running to your garage, almost tripped when you descent from your the top of the stairs.
thanks to baby jesus you're still in fairly 'decent' clothes so you don't have to worry about changing it. what you didn't think about was grabbing a coat, and boy the cold weather bite your skin.
but you could care less about being cold. daniel is your top concern. him being drunk is something you rarely see because of his high alcohol tolerance, and you know the situation is bad if he is wasted. you don't know what happen, but maybe it had to do with the hungary grand prix. you have not watched the race so you don't know what happen.
you drove out from your garage as you fumble with your bluetooth connection. your aston martin dbs roar in the almost silent road as you finally able to connect your phone.
you clicked a call button from your car, quickly calling lando again as you drove like a maniac. budapest is almost two hours drive from your place in szeged, so you have to turn yourself into an f1 driver.
"lando, drop your location i'm on my way from szeged."
"szeged? you don't live in budapest? (y/n) its two hours drive, will you be fine? should i go order uber instead?"
"yes i'll be fine lando, just drop the location."
"okay i'll send you the location."
"i'll be there as fast as i can, you keep an eye on daniel okay?"
"okay, will do. thanks (y/n). drive safely– daniel get back here!"
you cursed under your breath as you maneuver through the quiet road. thank god the tram is already stop working in this wee hours and the street is fairly quiet.
beads of sweats starting to form on your forehead as you watch your speedometer. god you really drove like a robber who got chased by the police.
you watch your navigation and gosh it still 1 hour and 20 minutes despite you driving like your life depends on it.
"fucking hell..." you said as you accelerate your car, hitting your record on the fastest you ever drove a normal car.
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lando bit his lip nervously as he hold daniel, basically hugging the man from wandering away. daniel sobs quietly as he slump against lando, eyes half closed and the younger man watch in sympathy.
the reason of the man drinking carelessly was his race result today. p11, not even scoring for the team after his p5 at silverstone. lando had dnf-ed so he understand the frustration, but deep down he knew that its different for daniel.
he remember how daniel had avoided everyone like a plague, including him. so when daniel invite him to go to the club he immediately agree, only to find him already drinking and half drunk on the bar.
"where i went wrong lando?" daniel asked for the umpteenth time that night.
lando sigh as he softly rub the older's arm.
"its just one race daniel. you're not wrong at all." he said.
lando's plus one had gone to buy some mineral water as him and daniel sat down on the curb. he watch as the older man start to aggressively hit his own chest, lips pouting. the sight of drunk daniel is a little adorable. a little.
"its my fault... i'm sorry i can't score for us lando. sorry i finish empty handed."
"lan, i got the water." luisinha give the cold water bottle to lando.
"thanks lu, sorry you have to run i need to keep an eye on this baby."
luisinha laugh as she sat down beside lando, watching how daniel mumble incoherent words. "its all good... beside, he need you right now." she said, fanning daniel's face with her hand.
"what he need is (y/n) honestly," he said as he wipe the sweat on daniel's temple. "daniel, drink this." he said as he sat daniel straight, bringing the bottle close to his mouth.
daniel grumble as he open his mouth, taking the bottle of water from lando's hand and slowly emptying the bottle. some trickles of water slide to his throat.
there is a screech of tires not far from them. lando turn his head at the noise as he watch you half running to their direction. his eyes widened at the sight of you. just how fast you drove here? its only been an hour and fifteen minutes since he sent you his location.
you were wearing a white camisole and some black sweatpants, a white nike air force and hair in messy bun. lando was sure she saw you shivering a little from the cold and he watch in awe as you kneel down in front of daniel.
"is he okay?" you asked, voice trembling.
"well see it for yourself." lando said.
there are some tears stain on daniel's cheeks and your heart ache at the sight of him. you slowly caress his cheek and he lean into your touch, eyes still closed.
"you've been driving only in those? aren't you cold?" lando asked pointing your decent outfits
"yeah, it is cold. and yeah i am driving basically topless. i also run past few red lights." you answer, huffed as you lightly tap daniel's cheeks.
"i'll be okay. i'll pay for the fine if they caught me," you shrugged. "do you know where he stayed?"
lando nods his head as he stand. "same hotel as me, i'll lead the way. just follow my car. how fast you drive?"
"mate, you don't want to know."
"fine... i just want to know if you got that racer blood in you."
"just-help me with daniel, please." you said as you put daniel arm around your shoulder, ready to hoist him.
"hey, let me." lando said, stopping you before kneeling in front of daniel, back facing him. he swiftly move daniel arms around his shoulder.
lando hoist daniel on his back, and the sight is so bizarre. lando grunts as he walk to your car and daniel's legs drag lazily since he is significantly taller than him.
you and luisinha walk side by side ahead of the briton in comfortable silent. she had offer you lando's jacket which you politely refuse since she is also in sleeveless dress.
"sorry for ruining your date." you smile apologetically to her and she just wave you off with a smile.
"its not a big deal, really." she smile.
"(y/n) open the door–ugh–quick! he is so heavy." lando grunts and you open the passenger door.
he drop daniel down slowly before strapping the seatbelt on his body. his chest rise and fall in rapid motion as he slowly close the door of your car.
"well that's a workout." he simply mumble, hands on his hips.
"thank you lando... you don't have to do all this but you still did, i appreciate it." you said, pulling lando to a hug.
the young briton laugh as he reply your hug, patting your back gently. "no problem y/n. now, lets go before you get hypothermia." he said.
you drive slowly pass the empty road, following lando's car in silent. every now and then you stole a glance to your friend, who is sleeping rather soundly. you slowly stroke his hair since he lean towards you, almost falling from the seat.
"y/n..." daniel softly calls your name.
you stop your movement as you watch how his face seems to contort in sad emotion. he looks so hurt.
"i'm here big guy." you whisper as you return your hand to his hair.
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after another help from lando, you manage to somehow put daniel on the bed. you had bid you a goodnight with luinsha before entering the building with a hug. lando, who originally insist on staying, give you a concern look.
"you sure you want me to go?" lando asked one more time as you lean on the door, hand folded in front of your chest.
"c'mon now, i've known this man even before you learn your a b c, norris." you answer, rolling your eyes at the him.
"we're not 20 years apart, y/n. in fact lewis is older than you and daniel. stop treating me like a kid." he protest.
you give him a ruffle on his hair, messing his already messed up curls. "i'll be okay, i can handle him. now go, don't make lui wait even more."
lando give you a nod as he walk away, waving at you before jogging down to his car where his date is waiting for him to return her to her hotel. you waved back at the briton, waiting for him to dissapear. as lando took a turn and gone, you close the door as you walk to daniel–who currently sprawled on the bed.
you slowly starting to take of his shoes along with his socks. carefully, you turn his body so that he lay down on his back. you take a deep breath as you carefully unbutton his tropical shirt, and you had to close your eyes for a bit.
"can i bite you instead?"
you stopped your hand as you reach the last two button of his shirt, opening your eyes to watch daniel and how his chest rise and fall slowly.
goddamit control yourself, y/n.
you bit your lower lips as you continue your task, finally manage to unbutton his shirt. you slowly move your hands, slowly undressing the man and hoping you won't disturb him.
but your breath hitched when you feel a steel grip on both of your wrist, and your eyes widened. daniel had open his eyes, staring directly into your soul with half-lidded eyes.
and you are basically on top of him, jerking your body back so you won't fall on top of him.
"y/n?" he sofly call you.
"hello big guy."
"wha- i'm-"
"you're sobering up. lemme get you some aspirin and water." you said as you slowly taking both of your hands from his grasp.
daniel drop your hands as he sat down, rubbing his eyes and and holding his pounding head. he stare down at his-now unbutton-shirt, before shedding the cloth opting to go shirtless. he aimlessly throw his shirt then laying down again, this time massaging his temple.
you took the aspirin from your bag and then walk towards daniel, not forgetting the cold water bottle.
"drink this. and please put on some shirt." you said as you rolled your eyes, handing him both the aspirin tablet and water.
"why don't you put on shirt first?" he answer, sitting down once again as he drank the tablet and washing it down with water.
"well, thanks to you, dickhead, i forgot my coat. i had to turn myself into a f1 driver just so i can get you here." you said as you sit down on the sofa, right across him.
he feel his soberness coming back to him slowly and he feel how his stomach churn. so he walk towards the bathroom, washing his face with cold water.
"you've been driving in those?" he asked, half shouting from the bathroom.
"yeah." you answer, eyes on your phone as you let out a small yawn.
"who called you to pick me up?"
"lando norris. and also what the hell man, i thought you're wasted."
"my head is still pounding y/n, i am wasted."
"well, you're sober enough to nags."
daniel took a small towels from the shelf as he look at his reflection, noticing the redness of his eyes and his tears stain. he wash his face once again, making sure he got rid his tears stain. then he make his way to your direction.
"y/n its... 3.25 a.m, aren't you cold?" daniel asked, small towel on his hand after he pat his face dry.
"m' fine." you said.
when you finally look up from your phone, your eyes instantly widen. daniel is standing in front of you, still shirtless as he look up at the ceiling. he seems to not noticing how you're struggling to look away from him as he close his eyes to flex his sore muscle.
"gosh i'm getting old, a little drink got me wasted." he said, still unaware how you are a flustered mess.
you slap his stomach, earning a grunt from your friend. he touch his stomach, shoulder hunched as he dramatically fall to the floor.
"you hurt me, i can't believe this." he said with overexagarate tone.
"just put on some goddamn clothes, ricciardo." you said as you lay down on the sofa, ignoring the dramatic aussie.
and so he did. he rose from the floor and walk to his suitcase, and taking a random t-shirt. he also taking his flannel shirt (that he didn't know he have) and throw it at you. you swiftly catch the flannel before it hit your face.
"what is this?" you asked as you open the shirt.
"its a shirt, dumbass" he said as he wear his t-shirt.
"and why you throwing this at me?"
daniel, who currently struggling with his jeans, looking at you silently. "wear that. and also turn you body, i want to take off my pants."
you rolled your eyes as you turn your body, facing at the head of the sofa as you drapped the shirt daniel gave you over your body.
"what you're hiding behind your pants anyway. its not like i'm gonna stare and oogle at your body or something, you won't affect me." you said.
"well turn around and face me then. see if i dont affect you." he challanged.
"no! what? i won't do it you creep."
"face me yourself or do you want me to flip your body myself?"
"i am not gonna face you, you bogan." you said with a huff.
truth be told you are scared of what gonna happen if you turn your body to face him. you don't know if you can see him in the same way you've seen him for this past 20 years.
but you felt his hand on your shoulder, and before you can react daniel already turn your body. you let out a gasp as you dumbly stare at daniel who is hovering you, trapping your body on the sofa.
daniel look so hot from this angle. has he always looked this good? 20 years of friendship and you just see how good-looking this man is when he hover over you?
he give you a smirk as he inching closer to your face. you can smell his perfume mixed with whiskey and you can feel his breath fanning over you.
"you said i won't affect you. but you are as red as a tomato now, y/n." he whisper, hand cradling your jaw.
"its hot in here, move away." you said, looking away from him.
red alert, this is dangerous.
"really? because i believe it is cold in here. i saw your body shivering y/n." daniel said, inching closer to your ear. you can feel his nose ghosting over your skin.
"daniel..." you called, trying to warn him.
"y/n..." he reply.
"danny you don't want to do this, you are drunk."
"but i want to. for a long time." he whisper as he nuzzle to your neck.
okay, you really need to get out of here before its too late.
"y/n, please?" he beg, lips almost attached to your neck.
he sound so desperate, so wounded, and you almost choke on your own spit.
ah screw this.
you turn your face, hands grabbing his face as you lean in for a kiss. daniel grunts as he slowly lower his body, hands immediately went to your waist. he kissed you back, finally tasting your lips after what felt like eternity.
you tilted your head when you feel his hand at the back of your thigh. he guide your leg wrap it around his waist as your body pressed together.
oh you're so screwed.
you both finally let go of the kiss, staring at each other with that mixed feeling. and with last ounce of sanity left in your body, you jerked your body up, pushing the poor daniel aside.
daniel fell with an oof, and you quickly stand up.
"this is wrong this is wrong." you mumble as you walk to the table, grabbing your purse and key.
"wait–y/n wait!" daniel said as he struggle to stand on his feet. "don't go–i'm sorry."
you basically run towards the door, opening the door harshly as daniel chase you. he calls your name but you ignore him, as you close the door behind you and immediately went for the elevator.
when the elevator door open you quickly enter and pressing the basement button. daniel was about to get you but the door is closing in.
as the door finally closing, you lean on the wall before sinking to the floor. you hide your face in your hands, breath ragged from all the adrenaline rush.
"what the hell." you muttered.
as the elevator finally reach the parking lot you bolted out, quickly running towards your car. its not hard to find your car since its the only aston martin there. you quickly enter your car, revving the engine.
there is a ring from your phone and you believe that it's daniel. so you decided to ignore the call and just drove away from the hotel. you nervously bit your bottom lips, contemplating on what just happen back then.
this is not good.
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kdramacrybaby · 1 year
Started watching While You Were Sleeping (2017) thinking - for some reason - that it was a cute romcom. Oh my god was I wrong 😨
I know they just pulled the whole “oh it was a dream” right after shit really hit the fan, but still what a rollercoaster
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angellesword · 2 days
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, drama, OC cusses excessively so watch out, blood, pregnancy, discussion of abortion, giving birth
Pairing: dad! Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 6.1k
← Previous Chapter (06) | Next Chapter (08) →
Six Years Ago, 2017:
France was not all that you expected. One would think people pursuing their doctorate degrees would be busier with their academic lives, but it looked like French people cared more about their social lives.
"Come on, just a few more steps!" Elyna, your classmate, chuckled while dragging your warm, sweaty body across the street. She almost tasted victory when she got a glimpse of the façade of your apartment.
Admittedly, Elyna still gets jealous whenever she remembers your apartment being nicer than hers. Talk about favoritism, huh? You were both scholars of Sorbonne University pursuing your doctorate degrees, but Professor Verlaine liked you the most.
"There you go! You can look after yourself, right? Bye, cutie." Elyna kissed your cheek before practically throwing you in your front door.
You were smaller in stature compared to your French classmates, making it easier for them to push and pull you around. You groaned when your back hit the door.
You were too drunk to cuss your classmate, so you could only suck it up and push yourself to enter your apartment. After what felt like forever, you finally stumbled inside, puffing out a breath and debating whether to just sleep on the floor.
Hours of clubbing with your classmates messed you up. You shouldn't have gone with them, but those shitty French didn't really give you a choice. Even Verlaine encouraged you to go out, going as far as postponing the submission of your business paper so you could have a fun Friday night.
Verlaine's exact words were, "Have fun. You've been in France for months already. You're the only international student who hasn't gone clubbing here."
You did not care for clubs. In fact, you hated them. You only attended your graduation parties and some quiet bars with Jungkook.
"Hah! Stupid pompous freak!" You cussed your traitor of a best friend, wanting nothing but to beat yourself for thinking about that bastard. You had done so well suppressing thoughts about Jungkook for the whole day. It's ten minutes before midnight. How could you fail so miserably?
You struggled to fish your phone out of your pocket, vision doubling, but that did not stop you from sending chains of messages to Jungkook.
To: Jungkook-shit I fucking hate you traitor
To: Jungkook-shit yoi betrayed me freak,. i hope you rot in hell
To: Jungkook-shit fucker
To: Jungkook-shit i hate you so mcuch pleas fo me a favor snd die
To: Jungkook-shit i will ndcevef dorgive you digshfit 
To: Jungkook-shit dick 
To: Jungkook-shit duck you
To: Jungkook-shit ny heart hirts
To: Jungkook-shitcan we go back?
The last message remained unsent as your intoxication finally caught up to you. You dropped your phone on the floor, face hitting the cold tiles as darkness clouded your vision.
You fell asleep.
That night, you had a long dream, which you were pretty sure had happened in real life—back when you were still very small, probably at five years old.
If you thought about it, you'd say the dream slash memory was triggered by going to a club with Elyna and the others. Your dream started off in a club, too.
Your Jisoo-unnie told you to hide in the closet and never make a sound, no matter who tried calling your name. You were an obedient child, only trusting your older sister. But it didn't mean your mother was as kind as Jisoo. Your mom would boss you around as she entertained guests. You basically served as an errand girl at a young age, forced to keep your mouth shut even when you saw your mother and the other girls get violently beaten up by rogue men.
"Where is my sister!?"
You were lighting heavy scented candles for your mother and client when you heard your sister's voice.
Your ears involuntarily perked up. You threw the matchbox aside and immediately ran out of the club's private room.
"Jisoo-unnie?" You blinked innocently.
Your sister was standing there, looking as if she was going to smack your mother. But Jisoo stopped when she heard you call for her.
"Don't take her away!" Your mother screeched and tried to pull Jisoo's hair.
Jisoo dodged, immediately running toward you and hugging your frail body. She covered your ears. "I will take her away! Please. Stop it! She’s just a kid!"
"Bah!" Your mother spat. "She earns me money, unlike a brat like you!"
"I will take her place." Jisoo did not even hesitate. She hugged you tighter. "Let me be your errand girl or whatever you want me to do. I will do it. Just leave her alone."
You couldn't properly hear what the adults were talking about. Jisoo covered your ear tighter to ensure you heard nothing. It took a while before your mother spat on the ground for the second time, but she relented and let Jisoo take you away.
Your memories were pretty vague. All you remembered was that Jisoo had brought you into a tiny apartment; it was cramped and dark and smelled like dead rats. But it was better than those heavy-scented rooms at the club. At least in here, Jisoo cared for you and did not try to beat you up.
It didn't mean all your trauma would go away instantly, though. There were many moments when you would wake up in the middle of the night, silently crying because of a nightmare. You usually dreamt about your mother's client beating up girls and throwing profanities at everyone, including you.
"It's okay, my little one. Your Jisoo-unnie is here, I'll protect you." You weren't sure if you were recalling memories of the past or if it was just part of your drunken dream. All you knew was that Jisoo's warm embrace was palpable. She used to cradle your little body in her arms.
You were a docile kid, wings clipped by those men at the club. They used to threaten to beat you up if you so much as made a small noise or a mistake. For a long time, you carried that pain and refused to talk to your Jisoo-unnie, or anyone else, for that matter. At school, kids made fun of you for acting all meek and weak.
There was a time when Jisoo was called by your teacher, asking if there was something wrong at home for you to act so distantly. You were seven years old around at this time, and you still didn't understand adult words. You just recalled your teacher telling Jisoo that you needed therapy or whatever that was.
Jisoo was barely of legal age. Your mother had a cut whenever Jisoo took in clients at the club. She spent more than half her money to feed you and ensure you could attend class.
Your Jisoo-unnie only had one reminder: "Study well, my dear. That's all I ask. You can get anything you want if you're smart and have lots of money."
You still didn't speak much but diligently followed whatever your sister said. Things took a turn after your teacher talked to Jisoo. The latter took the teacher's advice to heart, but she didn't have enough money to bring you to a professional. She could simply improvise.
"My dear, there's nothing to be scared of anymore, okay? I won't ever hurt you the way they did. Here," Jisoo offered her cheek to you. "You can slap me and tell me all the bad things those men did to you, I won't ever fight back."
You shook your head rapidly, cowering. Memories of those nasty men came like a tidal wave, sweeping you off your feet until you felt nauseated.
"Sshh, my dear. It's okay. Just try, okay...You're okay."
It took a lot of conviction before you relented. Every day, Jisoo would coax you to act like a regular kid who was not frightened of acting difficult and throwing tantrums. She made you feel like it was okay to be mean and that whatever you did or said, you would still be loved—this was the beginning of you having a sharp mouth that couldn't go one statement with profanities leaving your mouth.
You got away with so many things because of Jisoo.
That had been your setup for many years, but your life slowly progressed. You worked hard in school while Jisoo did all the jobs available to her. You got out of that tiny apartment and were able to move to a new house. You were initially reluctant to leave, afraid you would lose connection with the first friend you made in the neighborhood—Jungkook.
You didn't talk to Jungkook before, either. You two would casually sit beside each other and be in your own world.
"You don't have an adult at home? Cool, me too." That was the first thing Jungkook told you. You weren't bothered by his presence before, but Jungkook had become insufferable over time, teasing you here and there until you had to snarl at him.
Despite your banter, you had grown attached to Jungkook and even begged Jisoo not to separate you. Jisoo smiled at you, ruffling your hair and explaining that you would only move to a nicer home, but it was still around the area.
You felt relief flood your veins. Things were going well. You slowly healed from your traumatic childhood as you stayed close to Jungkook and your Jisso-unnie. Your sister kept her promise, never once leaving you.
Every day, Jisoo would go home to you. You gingerly waited for your sister to arrive; you'd set aside your homework and other stuff to open your front door and greet Jisoo with a simple "Welcome home!"
You couldn't maintain your happy façade as Jisoo smiled faintly at you, coughing and smelling like smoke. There were bags under her eyes, too exhausted at her work at the club.
You were getting older. You thought you could apply for a part-time job and help your sibling with the expenses, but Jisoo wanted you to focus on your studies. She brushed your concern off, saying, "It's just secondhand smoke. You know those men at the club, they can't live without cigarettes. Don't worry."
As usual, you blindly followed your sister's request. You hid your verbal concerns and could only welcome her home with hot water with honey. You did your best to care for your Jisoo-unnie until you moved to the university dorm and got busier with school. As time passed, your time with Jisoo lessened until it reached a point where Jisoo would not contact you. She even went as far as betraying you.
She must have known, right? How could she not know that you were hopelessly in love with Jungkook? How could the two most important people in your life betray you like this?
It just didn't make sense.
But then again, nothing made sense—not when feelings were involved. For instance, you flew all the way to Europe so you wouldn't have to deal with the mess back in Incheon. You had cut off connections with Jungkook and Jisoo, but months later, right when you were recovering from your hangover from clubbing too much, was when your doorbell rang.
It's probably Professor Verlaine, you thought. You didn't bother checking the peephole because, for one, you didn't want to see your professor looking prim and proper while you looked like shit. You were still wearing your clothes from last night and you just got up from the floor. Seeing Verlaine at the peephole would make you want to freshen up first; you just didn't have the energy for that.
And for fuck's sake. It's seven in the morning. Seven! Anyone who dared to disturb you at this ungodly hour deserved to see your bed hair, drool on the side of your mouth included.
So you opened the door, fully expecting to grin at your professor, but your smile froze mid-air.
You were still hungover, yet your reflexes were as agile as ever.
You slammed the door shut—no, wait, that's wrong. You swore you were about to slam the door shut. You were not a pushover and didn't intend to talk to your traitor sister.
But you stood there, stiff and unable to shut the door to her face when you heard her cough.
A stupid fucking cough.
Jisoo coughed, and you felt as if you were a child again, excited to open the door and welcome your sister home with hot water mixed with honey from the comb.
In hindsight, you should have seen it coming. Jisoo could go a long time without contacting you, though she could never cut you off completely.
Once, she promised to stay with you forever, and until now, that promise still stands.
A promise is a promise.
Jisoo was sitting on your couch. You foolishly let her in, heart still throbbing after hearing your sister's cough. It was just a stupid cough, yet you felt your resolve crumbling.
This can't be. You couldn't possibly still have a soft spot for her.
"Ya having a sidepiece spawn?"—so you attacked her.
Jisoo visibly flinched at the roughness of your tone. You sighed a breath of relief. Her expression would help you sleep at night: Jisoo lowered her eyes, lashes trembling because of your intense look at her stomach. You longed to damage her heart until all she wished to do was run.
Jisoo called your name, choking back a sob. It was hard to say if it was because of the guilt she felt toward you or if it was because of what you called her unborn child.
Yes, Jisoo was heavily pregnant.
It was unfair. Jisoo felt the kick in her belly while you felt like your heart had been stomped.
"It's Jungkook's." There was no room for rebuttal. You said it with finality.
Jisoo didn't deny it, either.
"Of fucking course." You chuckled mercilessly. "How many rounds of 'playing around' did it take before you finally managed to get knocked up?"
"We weren't playing around." Jisoo defended. It was real. The thing they have done, it was real. "But I never dated him."
You scoffed. "But you fucked him." Your jaw slackened. Looking at your sister ignited your anger.
"Once." Jisoo was desperate.
You did not know what to feel anymore. A searing headache hit you. You barked a laugh.
"Tell me, Jisoo-unnie," you said pointedly. You might as well knife her heart. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
Crashing defeat settled at the pit of Jisoo's stomach. The baby kicked her tummy aggressively like it was punishing her, too.
Jisoo called your name, trying again. "It was a one-time thing."
"A one-time thing." You repeated. It was probably said to reassure you, but it didn't. If anything, you just found a way to nitpick her excuse. "Not a one-time mistake?"
Jisoo inhaled sharply. For a moment, she looked like she wanted to cup her stomach to calm her baby, but she saw your piercing gaze there, leaving Jisoo no choice but to keep her hands on her side.
"We were both drunk. I admit, it was a moment of weakness."
Cliche. You snarled, feeling acid burn your throat. You wanted to vomit bile. "Still not calling it a mistake?"
"We both wanted it."
"Why!" Millions of questions attacked your head at once. Why did you betray me!? Why did you sleep with him, out of all people!? Was it good!? Was it worth breaking my trust? Why did you want it!?
Jisoo parted her lips, seemingly ready to answer your query, but you raised your hand to shut her up.
Jisoo obediently followed. 
"Don't answer that." You felt your knees buckling. You wanted to crawl and die.
"It is—"
"Please, stop." You were certain your heart had been broken to pieces, and you thought there was no way Jisoo could shatter it more.
But now you weren’t so sure anymore.
You could only storm off to your room, slamming the door and hoping Jisoo would leave you alone.
Jisoo did not leave you alone. She was sheepishly sitting on the couch when you emerged from your room.
"You're still here," you observed, no snark in your voice, but exhaustion was there. 
"I will be here," Jisoo responded with a small smile.
You ignored her, but she kept her promise.
She stayed the whole day in your home. The next day, she was still there.
Then the next.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And the next day.
And the next day.
You couldn't keep track anymore.
You and Jisoo were certainly not on good terms or talking terms. Fortunately, you learned to cohabitate without tearing each other apart.
Sometimes, you would buy baby clothes for Jisoo's child. You’d leave the shopping bag on the couch where your sister usually sat. However, you wouldn’t wait to see her reaction after checking the clothes.
Once, though, you accidentally saw her hugging the new clothes you had bought.
You caught Jisoo's gaze. Your sister smiled shyly at you.
Unlike before, you didn't immediately look away. In fact, you gazed at her as if asking, "It's white. A pretty neutral color. That should work, right?"
You weren't siblings without a reason. Jisoo picked up the question in your eyes.
She embraced the clothes tighter. "It's a boy. You’re going to have a nephew."
You did not react. You cast your gaze away and wordlessly left your sister alone.
But the next day, you had ten shopping bags in your hand. You left them at the usual spot.
Blue. You brought blue clothes and a bunch of toys.
You also brought pink clothes because assigning colors to gender was stupid.
But also because your nephew would surely look cute in blue, pink, and all other colors.
Jisoo was 32 weeks pregnant when you made up your mind to say something to her.
"That's it." You barged into the bathroom, catching your sister on the spot. She was vomiting blood.
Jisoo gave a start; her eyes were glistening with tears when she snapped her head up and met your glare. She hurriedly wiped her mouth.
"Why are you here?" Jisoo felt cornered, so she stepped back like a frightened lamb.
You smacked your lips together, finding this situation ridiculous. Jisoo had already slept with Jungkook; nothing could ever top that betrayal, so why was she acting like you would strangle her for puking blood?
"This is my apartment, in case you forgot."
"That's not what I meant." Jisoo inhaled as she struggled to swallow blood back to her stomach. "You're supposed to be at school."
"Yeah, whatever I skipped." You couldn't bear to see your trembling sister any longer. You helped her sit on the wide edge of the bathtub.
You worried about your Jisoo-unnie. She'd been retching in the bathroom almost daily. She thought she could hide it by turning the faucet on to muffle the sound, but she was wrong.
You planned to put an end to this. Your brow creased. "Enough with your bullshit. You are thirty-two weeks pregnant, and you can't possibly still be experiencing morning sickness. Even if you were, you'd be vomiting vile or that strawberry yogurt you've been eating every day. Not fucking blood."
"It's fine." Jisoo brushed it off, making a move to stand and end this conversation. You two never talked for more than one minute since she arrived, so why were you being loud now?
"You are not getting out of this conversation." You blocked her way out, glaring at her with the storm in your eyes. "I'll ask again. Why are you vomiting blood?"
The silence was deafening.
You wanted to punch the mirror. You cursed your sister; your eyes were turning bloodshot. The betrayal from before was back in full force. The fact that Jisoo wasn't telling you anything made you feel like she was hiding a nasty secret again.
You couldn't handle any more treachery. You might actually die.
"Don't lie to me again—" You cut yourself off, afraid you’d make yourself look pathetic by murmuring a soft please.
Jisoo stubbornly refused to speak. She watched as tears fell into her open palm.
She had done so well hiding this. She didn't want to tell you about her sickness, but every second that passed made Jisoo feel like the distance between you and her was stretching.
In the end, she could only concede. 
"I'm dying." Shallow breath. "I've cancer."
This time, it wasn't the distance that stretched but the silence.
Jisoo dared to peek at your reaction as the silence made her uncomfortable. Only two people knew she was sick: Jungkook and now you.
Jungkook at least hugged her and wiped her hands, telling her it would be all right.
But Jungkook was Jungkook. She hadn't done anything to hurt him.
But you? She shattered and betrayed you, so she should have expected it when she heard your giddy chuckle. However, when Jisoo looked at you, no sign of happiness or sadness could be traced on your face.
It was eerily impassive.
And then she heard you say:
"Good. That's good. I hope you die."
The bathroom door slammed shut, leaving Jisoo with tears in her eyes and kicking unborn child.
Jisoo was 33 weeks pregnant when you gave up on radio silence. Your sister was lying on the bed she bought herself. Your apartment only had one bedroom, but Jisoo still squeezed herself in. Seeing her dozing off on the couch was a pain, so one day, you brought brochures where Jisoo could choose a bed of her liking.
Jisoo bought a single bed, putting it close to your bed. You two slept without bothering each other. Tonight, though, you couldn't take it anymore.
You lay on your side, staring directly at Jisoo. Your sister was already looking at you.
She smiled and said hi.
You didn't bother with greetings. You went straight to the point.
"What type of cancer." It was like you were reporting the weather, refusing to ask the question properly. Your monotonous voice made you appear apathetic. No one knew how heavy your heart was.
"Does it matter?" Jisoo cupped her bulging belly. Her baby seemed excited whenever he heard his aunt speaking. He was wildly kicking Jisoo's belly.
"Tsk. Just answer the damn question. Why do you have to make everything difficult?"
This was starting to get on your nerves. Even after everything that happened, you still weren’t used to Jisoo not indulging you.
"It's not difficult. It just doesn't matter. I'm dying, anyway." Just like what you wanted. But Jisoo didn't say the last part. She was not in a position to hold grudges against you.
You hugged your pillow to your chest like you wanted to shield your heart that was about to jump out of your body.
"Just answer."
It was getting harder for you to breathe. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead; you couldn't seem to get the image of Jisoo coughing in your head.
Please don't let it be lung cancer. Please don't let it be lung cancer. Please don't let it be lung cancer. Please don't let it be lung cancer. Please don't let it be lung cancer—
"It's lung cancer."
Your heart missed a beat.
"How much time do you have left?" You dug your nails into the pillow while Jisoo sighed. She was sure you couldn't wait for her to die.
"Not too long. Maybe I'll pass soon after I have my baby."
"But why." Jisoo wasn't sure if she was imagining things, but she thought she heard you whine. "Don't you have a treatment plan? Fucking chemotherapy and stuff?"
"Chemotherapy is harmful for the baby." Jisoo's tone was soft.
"Fuck the baby!"
Even you were surprised by how resentful you were. But it was true, wasn't it? Her baby was the devil's spawn. It was the fruit of betrayal, so why was Jisoo choosing it over herself?
"Why didn't you abort it?" You abruptly sat on the bed, shooting daggers at Jisoo. A whirlpool of abuse danced at the tip of your tongue. You didn't voice it out because Jisoo looked sad.
"Don't be like that to Soobin."
"Who the fuck is Soobin? Why should I care!?"
"It's your nephew's name," Jisoo explained patiently as she caressed her stomach. Soobin had stopped kicking, probably scared of his aunt.
"That's such a basic name. It's so ugly. I hate it. I hate him."
You didn't give your sister a chance to speak. "Forget it." You turned off the lampshade. "I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going to sleep."
You laid back down. Darkness enveloped the room. This was better. This way, you couldn't see the sadness in Jisoo’s face.
But you couldn't sleep. You tossed and turned all night, but nothing worked.
It's my fault. You wanted to say. Jisoo got cancer because of you. That club was a rotten place. You should've stopped her from working there.
Lung cancer. What a bullshit thing to have.
"Don't die." A week ago, you were saying the complete opposite. "If you die, I'll chase you to hell. You can't die, Jisoo."
You still have debts to pay. I have not forgiven you yet. You have to suffer my eternal wrath, so do not die before me.
*** In Jisoo's 34th week of pregnancy, you had asked her another question.
"Why did you do it?"
Jisoo didn't need context. She knew exactly what you were talking about, but like before, you cut her off before she could explain.
"Never mind." You covered your face with a blanket and slept.
In Jisoo's 35th week of pregnancy, you pestered her again about chemotherapy.
"I told you already. It's harmful for Soobin."
"And I told you already, I don't care about Soobin." You rebutted.
This bedtime routine was tiring Jisoo. She felt like she was arguing with a wall.
"Good night," so she just turned off the lampshade and went to bed.
*** You asked about the betrayal again in Jisoo's 36th week of pregnancy.
"Are you sure you want to know now?" Jisoo's carefulness shot your heart.
You shook your head, your chest heaving.
"No," you admitted. "Never mind it."
Jisoo's 37th weeks pregnant when you panicked upon seeing her looking like she was in a lot of pain.
"What's the matter?" Your heart leaped to your throat. You were beside Jisoo at once.
Jisoo bit her lip and wiped the sweat on her forehead. "It's nothing. Your nephew's just being naughty. He keeps kicking my tummy."
Your heartbeat returned to normal. And then you snorted and folded your arms across your chest. "Tell that scrub to shut his trap and quit being annoying."
You were about to return to your bed when Jisoo seized your wrist.
You flinched, but you didn't push her away.
It gave Jisoo the courage to push through her suggestion. She cleared her throat, "Why don't you pacify him yourself? He's quite obedient. Here, I'll guide you."
Jisoo slowly led your hand to her tummy. Your hand was stiff at first, almost resisting when you had contact with the skin of Jisoo's belly.
"Sshh, it's okay, dear." Jisoo's voice was like a lullaby. You relaxed at once.
It took you a while before you finally started caressing your sister's stomach without wanting to die.
And then you felt it.
"Oh!" Your eyes grew big. "He kicked me! Your kid kicked me!"
An involuntary chuckle came out of Jisoo. "Yes, he likes his aunt a lot."
"Hmp." You withdrew your hands. "Too bad I don't care about him."
Jisoo didn't react because, deep down, you were fooling no one.
You asked about the betrayal again in Jisoo's 38th week of pregnancy. Jisoo had learned her lesson, so she did not speak and pretended to be asleep.
You found the courage to be honest in Jisoo's 39th week of pregnancy.
"I take it back." You gripped your blanket. "Soobin isn't so bad. I think his name is cute."
Jisoo gasped, which had you worrying. You thought your sister was in pain again. These days, all she did was vomit blood.
However, Jisoo's gasp was because of plain surprise. She beamed at you, "Soobin just kicked me three times. He means to say he loves you."
"You're an idiot, and you know it." You clicked your tongue in disgust, "Tell your devil spawn I hate him."
Your words were harsh, but Jisoo knew your heart was melting.
Just a few more. Jisoo mused, mentally patting her baby's head. Your aunt’s gonna warm up to you soon, Bin-bin.
Jisoo was in her 40th week of pregnancy when she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
It took a while before you got out of the hospital because of Jisoo's worsening condition. Thankfully, you were there to look after Soobin.
"Welcome home, mon bébé," you secretly whispered when you finally got home.
Soobin cooed at you, and you wanted to cry.
You stopped calling Soobin the devil's spawn.
Jisoo's 3 weeks postpartum, and she was delirious.
"Jisoo-unnie, it's time for your medicine." You were sitting in your sister's bed with a glass of water in your hand.
"Honey water again...?" She blinked, eyes unfocused. She was hot to touch. "I don't want honey water. You make them too sweet."
"This is not honey water." You tried to make her drink, but Jisoo was stubborn.
She called your name. “My dear, please. You have to listen to me, alright? Hide in the closet. Don't answer even when mom calls for you. I will..." She cupped your cheek. "I will be back for you, okay?"
Postpartum was foreign to you, but you figured your sister was struggling.
"There's no need to hide. I'm not a five-year-old anymore, Jisoo-unnie."
It was the wrong thing to say because Jisoo scowled. She was unhappy, though she kept caressing your face.
"What are you saying? You'll always be my little girl."
Jisoo's 9 weeks postpartum when her mind cleared up. Regrettably, her body became weaker.
"You can't even carry your own baby," you taunted, peering down at your bedridden sister as you gently rocked Soobin in your arms.
Your nephew was so well-behaved.
"It's okay." Jisoo coughed. "Soobin has you."
"I'm not a babysitter." You jutted your chin, annoyed. "Hurry up and get better. I'm getting tired of—oh."
You weren't able to finish whatever you were saying. You couldn't even remember what you were trying to prove. All your thoughts vanished when Soobin wrapped his tiny hand around your pinky.
"Jisoo-unnie! Look! Look! He's holding me!" You stepped closer to Jisoo's bed, crouching down so your sister could see.
Jisoo forced out a smile. But that small action was taxing to her body. She coughed up blood again. She wiped it before you could see it.
"That's good. That's really, really good...."
Jisoo was 10 weeks postpartum, and she was still rotting in bed.
"You have to force yourself to get better," you demanded, a deep scowl on your lips. "Just look at your son. He clings to me a lot. Do you want him to recognize me as his mom?"
Your statement was meant to be threatening, but it made Jisoo happier.
"He is yours, dear." Her voice was barely above a whisper. She didn't have the energy to speak louder, but she could still smile. "He is meant to stay by your side."
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes. "I'm not cut out to be a parent. This is your mess. I was not there when you made him." I was against you making him. You hurt me.
Jisoo's forehead creased, though. She didn't agree with you. "But I made him for you."
You couldn't believe your ears. If postpartum was this kind of bitch, then you were willing to fight it. It was making your Jisoo-unnie act crazy. She was full of shit.
"Soobin...stay...you..." And she was blabbering random words.
You touched her forehead. She was burning. Her fever was probably making her crazy.
"Next time, I'm bringing you to an asylum." Soobin slept soundly in his crib, so you had time to care for your sister. You put a wet towel on her forehead. "You're crazy, did you know that? Who would have thought a cute baby like Soobin came from a nasty girl like you?"
Jisoo's scowl deepened. She struggled and weakly caught your wrist. "No. Soobin looks like...me."
You glanced at Soobin's sleeping form. Yeah, right.
"Keep dreaming. It's free."
"No." Jisoo cried. It looked like she took your statement to heart. "He looks like me...he should look like me..."
Suddenly, Jisoo was crying. You were stunned. What was this drama queen crying for!?
"He looks like me. Please. He should remind me of you. I'm dying, I'm dying. I'm dying--!!"
Your eyes widened. Jisoo was out of control. She was sobbing and kicking her feet, albeit weakly.
"Jisoo-unnie, calm down." You held her hands, giving up. "I believe you, okay? Soobin looks like you."
She was easy to pacify. She stopped crying at once, and then she cupped your cheeks.
"My dear, my little one...I'm sorry, your Jisoo-unnie can't keep her promise to you. I'm going soon. Stay...stay with Soobin, alright?"
Jisoo slowly trailed off. The terrible realization slapped you in the face.
You were shaking, bile crawling to your throat when you connected the dots:
There was a high possibility that Jisoo, your sister, planned on sleeping with Jungkook so she could get pregnant. She wished to get pregnant because, after all this time, she still saw you as a little girl who needed someone by her side.
And since she was dying, she needed someone to...
You stopped thinking. You looked at Soobin's sleeping form and sobbed; your sister's words echoed in your mind:
Stay with Soobin. I made him for you.
In Jisoo's twisted way, what she did was for your sake. Unfortunately, you did not ask any of this.
Jisoo was 15 weeks postpartum. She was like a withered flower. No color was left on her face. Death was around the corner.
"Are you there, my dear?"
You did not answer. The question you didn't have an answer to entered your mind. You hadn't asked in a long time. Should you?
"Why did you betray me?" You asked it aloud before you could think properly. You thought Jisoo's too weak to answer, but she forced herself to speak.
"I was lonely. We were both lonely."
In the grand scheme of things, that explanation should have made sense. Lonely people sought comfort. You should be the first to understand that. But you didn't. It only brought you pain.
"I can't make you happy?" But you were her sister and Jungkook...Jungkook was your best friend. How could you not know that the people you loved were suffering? That they were lonely? Were you that...insensitive?
"It's not about you." Jisoo groaned. She was in a lot of pain. "You will never understand our grief. Your life is...a bliss."
The pain was unbearable. You wanted to cover your ears. You regretted asking that question, but you just couldn't stop.
"So you don't trust me? You don't think I'd understand you?" Did Jungkook think so too?
Jisoo didn't give a clear answer. She couldn't breathe. Her chest was stuffy.
Silence prevailed.
You stared blankly at Jisoo.
Jisoo struggled to maintain her breathing. She called your name.
"Have you forgiven me?"
It took you an eternity to respond, but your tone was biting when you did.
"You and Jungkook bonded over something you thought I was too immature to understand, so tell me, Jisoo-unnie, how can I forgive you?"
It meant to hurt. But Jisoo smiled through the pain.
She seemed...happy.
"Good…Good. Don't forgive me. I don't deserve it."
Blood. There was blood everywhere. Jisoo was barely awake.
"But leave Soobin...out of your...anger. That kid will love you. I swear, he will love you."
You had no plans to give Soobin away.
"I know...I am in no position to ask you anything, but...Jungkook...he must know about his son. He deserves that much, no--" She seemed to shake her head. "Soobin deserves that much....Promise me, in three..."
She paused. She was thinking....calculating...
"No four...four years...three years..." It was getting confusing. "Return him home in three years. Ugh."
Jisoo couldn't hold on.
She called your name. “ You and Soobin...you two are my life...I love you...I'll see..." you.
Jisoo didn't get to finish her last statement. She died, eyes clamped shut and blood splattering everywhere.
She died while her son slept, and you wept.
**** A/N: I wrote this for so many hours...this is not edited, I feel like I'm going to vomit if I read this chapter one more time. Imdeadtired.exe.
We will be back in the present in the next chapter.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Kdrama: While You Were Sleeping (2017)
Salah satu drama favorit saya 🎬❤️ #whileyouweresleeping #baesuzy #leejongsuk
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WZp2YRWV9Fk
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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gunnerfc · 6 months
❄️ WOSO FICMAS: Dec. 21 - Lucy Bronze ❄️
Lucy Bronze x Reader (USWNT & Barça) | WC: 1304
Dec. 21 prompt - spending christmas together with your crush because you couldn't go home for the holidays
-> woso ficmas masterlist can be found here!
With the last game of the year being four days before Christmas, it was hard to get a flight back to the States. You wanted to be able to spend the holidays with your family but it was looking like you were going to be spending it alone in Barcelona.
Lucy had an extra ticket back to England that she was debating on offering you so you wouldn’t have to spend Christmas alone. The two of you were close, having been teammates briefly at Manchester City in 2017 before Lucy moved to Lyon. Your closeness was often the topic of teasing from some of your teammates, thinking the two of you were dating.
You always rolled your eyes and ignored their teasing but a part of you wished they were right. You had a crush on Lucy but were always too nervous to tell her for fear of messing up the friendship you’ve built over the years. Little did you know that Lucy felt the same way about you but didn’t think you felt the same.
The Englishwoman had bit the bullet after the game, offering you the ticket to England and a chance to spend Christmas with her family as opposed to spending it alone. You were hesitant to say yes, not wanting to feel like you were intruding on their family gatherings but Lucy was quick to tell you that her family didn’t mind.
So here you were, sitting next to Lucy on a short flight to England, ready to spend the next few days with her and her family. The flight went by quickly, arriving at the airport a couple of hours later. Lucy had ordered a rental car for the two of you to use during your stay, even though you told her you could take care of it.
The drive to Lucy’s parents' place was filled with back-and-forth banter and loud singing of Christmas music mainly from you. The defender’s mother was the first to greet the two of you when you arrived. It was when her mother gave you a small tour of the house that you realized you’d be sharing a bed with Lucy while you were here. The thought alone caused your face to flush.
You were left to get your things situated in the room when Lucy joined you after staying to speak with her dad.
“Sorry ‘bout the one bed, I can take the couch if you want?” the defender spoke, leaning against the door frame and catching you off guard.
You jumped slightly at her voice before turning to her with a confused look. “Don’t worry about it, it's your house anyways I couldn't make you sleep on the couch,” you replied, with a bit of nervousness coating your words.
“Just don't want you to be uncomfortable y’know,” Lucy shrugged as she walked into the room to set her things down.
“You could never make me uncomfortable,” you said as you sat on the end of the bed.
Lucy didn’t say anything back but sent you a small smile as her response. The room was silent as Lucy moved around the room, putting things in her dresser while you watched. When she was done, she turned to face you, finding you already looking at her.
“You hungry?” the defender asked, nodding her head towards the door. You nodded and stood up to follow her to the kitchen to get something to eat.
The rest of the night was spent getting to know Lucy’s parents and hearing numerous stories of Lucy from her childhood as well. You’d be meeting her siblings and their families tomorrow when they arrived.
As you lay in bed beside Lucy, you couldn’t sleep. Your mind was racing with multiple thoughts, most having to deal with the defender lying next to you in the dark room. You laid on your back staring up at the ceiling while Lucy was lying on her side with her back to you.
You had to resist looking at her, feeling like you would blurt out your feelings for her if you did. You were deep in thought when Lucy rolled over and propped her head up on her hand. You turned your head slightly to look at her when you felt her movement.
“You okay,” the defender whispered, not wanting to speak too loudly.
“Yeah, just missin' home,” you whispered back moving to lay on your side as well so you were face to face.
You sat in silence once again, your eyes darting over Lucy’s face taking in her features. You wanted to tell her your feelings so badly but didn’t want to ruin anything, especially during the holidays.
“y/n.. Can I tell you something? I've been meaning to tell you for a while now but now seems like my best chance,” Lucy spoke, her voice still whispering.
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice to not break if you spoke. Lucy had a small smile on her face before speaking.
“I like you, y/n/n. Like way, more than a friend should and I think I've felt this way since you joined the team. I wasn't sure how to tell you because I didnt want to risk anything and I valued our friendship too much to just let it go if you didnt feel the same. When I found out you weren't goin’ home for the break I was glad I had an extra ticket and I was so nervous to ask you to come with me. But now that you're here, I wanted to tell you exactly how I felt.” the defender spoke softly but meant every word that left her mouth.
You sat up in the bed, and the small amount of light from the moon peeking in through the window hit your face. Lucy could see the determined expression on your face and stayed silent as she also sat up.
“I feel the same way, Luce. I think I felt something when we ran into each other on my first day when I was on the tour. I was scared to tell you because I didn’t think you felt the same way and I didn’t want to make things tense between us. I'm glad you had that extra ticket and offered it to me, if I couldn’t go home for break I'm glad I was able to spend it with you.” you rushed out before you could change your mind.
The room was silent again, the two of you locking eyes. Lucy moved closer to you from her side of the bed and her hands moved to cup your face.
“Can I kiss you?” Lucy asked, wanting to give you time to say no if you wanted.
You nodded your head and her lips met yours in a deep kiss. Your mouth moved against hers passionately, moving your body to straddle her hips. Lucy’s hands dropped to your waist and yours moved to wrap around her neck. You both pulled away panting when you needed air, eyes never leaving the other.
“If I knew that was gonna happen I would have told you sooner,” the defender joked, a smirk gracing her face.
You shook your head at her comment before moving off her lap. You both laid back down, this time with your back pressed against Lucy’s front and her arm thrown over your waist. She placed a quick kiss on your cheek before settling back down behind you.
You couldn't be more happy about not being home for the holidays, happy to spend them with Lucy. the two of you could figure out the next step in your relationship in the morning, right now you were content to have her arm around you as you drifted off to sleep with a smile on your face.
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