#white flowers to signal danger to birds? no. white flowers that change color as the sun rises and secret heavy hallucinogens
unohanadaydreams · 1 year
As I’m planting my summer garden, I am filled with certainty that Mayuri would introduce GMOs beyond comprehension unto me.
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sciencespies · 4 years
14 Fun Facts About Bright Pink Animals
14 Fun Facts About Bright Pink Animals
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SMITHSONIANMAG.COM | Feb. 12, 2021, 6:08 p.m.
Each February, the color pink is a bold sign that the season of love has arrived. Now filled with blush-colored Hallmark cards featuring cute puppies and kittens, Valentine’s Day has evolved in stark contrast to its origins. The three-day Roman feast allegedly marked by animal sacrifice is certainly more R-rated by today’s standards.
Thankfully, people simply purchase fluffy, rose-tinted Teddy bears for their special someone instead these days. You’d be hard-pressed to find a rosy grizzly in nature, however, so why not celebrate this Valentine’s Day by learning about 14 animals who rock both soft and vibrant shades of pink, naturally.
Axolotls Have Hot Pink External Gills
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An axolotl showing off the bones in its feet and the blood vessels in its gills
(Seánín Óg via Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 )
Captive axolotls are known for their pale pink-white bodies and flashy, spiky, hot-pink hair-do—that isn’t hair at all. The crown of feathery prongs emerging from the base of their head are actually its gills. Axolotls have four genes that influence their color. Those with a white-pink body rely on a recessive gene that during embryonic development prevents pigment cells meant to darken their body from taking effect.
But rose-hued axolotls won’t pop up in the wilderness. For starters, wild axolotls are an olive-brown color, and they only live in waterways in Xochimilco, Mexico. These critters are critically endangered but persist in captivity as research subjects or unique pets.
Rare Fuschia Oblong-Winged Katydids Stand Out in a Crowd
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A pink oblong-winged katydid failing to blend in at the Middlefork Savanna Forest Preserve in Lake County, Illinois
(JanetandPhil via Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 )
Katydids have a reputation for being brown or green, but some species shatter the stereotype with a bright pink flair. Oblong-winged katydids (Amblycorypha oblongifolia) are one of those species. Breeding experiments suggest this discrepancy isn’t due to a genetic mutation. When a green individual mates with a pink one, they make blush-colored children half the time. So why are fewer of these pink katydids seen?
Blame the power of camouflage, which gives green katydids that resemble leaves a survival advantage in most areas. In contrast, easy-to-spot pink individuals are picked off by predators.
Beware of the ‘Purple People Eater’
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A mauve stinger traveling underwater
(Fco. Javier Gallardo Álvarez via Flickr under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 )
The mauve stinger jellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca) proudly displays brightly pigmented hues, dazzling the beholder with purple, yellow and even pink varieties. P. noctiluca roughly translates to “night light” in German, named for its ability to leave a glowing trail of bioluminescent mucous behind if frightened. They have stout bell- or umbrella-shaped “bodies” measuring between 3 to 12 centimeters, with long tentacles dangling below.
In Australia, these jellies have a quite shocking nickname: the purple people eater—and for good reason. They’re covered with stinging cells called nematocysts that are able to paralyze their small prey, including planktonic crustaceans and fish larvae, and give humans localized pain.
Amazon River Dolphins May Get Pinker From Battle
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An Amazon river dolphin spyhopping in the wild
(Sylvain CORDIER via Getty Images)
When Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) are young, they pretty much look almost like the average bottlenose dolphin one might see at a zoo with a few key differences. They are born with sleek, gray bodies, but feature long, thin snouts and ridge-like humps where a typical dorsal fin would be. But when they grow up, they become even more distinct from good ol’ Flipper.
Some adults in the species develop a gorgeous blush-pink color, hence their nickname “pink river dolphin.” How exactly these animals, also called boto, go from gray in their youth to pink when they mature is unknown. But there is one rather brutally compelling theory: they beat each other up.
Males, who are bigger and more aggressive, tend to also look pinker than the females. It’s possible, then, that their color comes from their scar tissue that appears as they heal from battle. Another idea is that the adults become pink to camouflage themselves in murky red waters to hide from prey. Considering they’re an endangered species, impacted by human hunting and development, that kind of adaptation might be crucial for their survival.
The Rose-Feathered Galah Will Make You Say Ooh-La-La
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A pink galah on a tree branch in Australia
(Alexandre Roux via Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 )
Cockatoos might have the most stylish hairdos in the animal kingdom, and the pink galah’s short, white-feathered crest is among them. Like other parrots, the galah’s raspberry-colored neck, breast and underwings are caused by psittacofulvins, pigmented molecules in their feathers produce color absorbed from light. These molecules are unique to parrots, whereas most other birds get their colored plumage from light-absorbing carotenoid pigments found in their diet, not within their feathers.
Those searching for wild galahs (Eolophus roseicapilla) will need to travel to two locations in Oceania: mainland Australia or a small region in northern New Zealand.
This Super-Pink Sea Slug Eats Tiny Rose-Colored Creatures
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The pink design of a Hopkins’ rose nudibranch signals poisonous danger to predators.
(Robin Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist) via Flickr under CC BY-NC 2.0 )
Despite looking more like sea anemone or some kind of squishy, spiky stress ball, Hopkins’ rose nudibranch (Okenia rosacea) is actually a sea slug—and please don’t give it a squeeze. Aptly named, this North America-based, one-inch-long sea critter is as impossibly pink, save for its white-tipped papillae. Nudibranches use their colors to warn predators that making a meal out of them would lead to toxic consequences.
Unlike other sea slugs, nudibranchs feast on certain creatures, and the Hopkins’ rose variety gets its beautiful color from its choice prey: tiny pink bryozoans, or moss animals. Bryozoans are colonial animals, meaning they live in colonies where individual organisms connect in units called zooids. These Lego-like animals are no match for the Hopkins’ rose nudibranch, however, which has hook-like teeth made to pierce through bryozoans and gobble up the pink delicacies.
This Worm-Like Creature Is Actually a Lizard
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A Mexican mole lizard in Laz Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
(marlin harms via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY 2.0 )
Despite its blush-colored, noodle-like frame, the Mexican mole lizard (Bipes biporus) is neither a worm nor a snake. Instead of four legs, however, the reptile has just two tiny forelegs for digging while the rest of its body slithers along. Rarely emerging from the ground, the strange-looking lizard’s subterranean lifestyle causes it to have low levels of color-boosting melanin. This behavior leads to its baby-pink appearance, though it turns white as it matures.
The Mexican mole lizard belongs to a group of legless lizards called amphisbaenians. Of course, since it actually does have limbs, it also resides within a special three-species family called Bipedidae that have front legs, unlike the other amphisbaenians. Native to Baja California Peninsula in Mexico, these critters are hitched to a rather unsavory, baseless myth among locals. Some folks fear the lizard will crawl into certain exposed areas while relieving themselves.
A Fluffy, White Bat With Rosé-Toned Wings
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A Northern Ghost Bat hanging from a palm leaf
(Michael Autumn via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 4.0 )
Not to be mistaken for cotton ball hanging from the rafters, the northern ghost bat (Diclidurus albus) lives up to its name thanks to the soft white fur it sports. Once in the air, however, its translucent pink wing membranes, stretching from the forelimbs to the hindlimbs, are unmistakable. This coloring deviates from the darker membranes more commonly found among bats, helping the ghost bat stand out among its batty relatives.
Where the northern ghost bat’s name deceives is its geographical range. Not found in most of the Northern Hemisphere, instead, their habitat range includes Mexico, Central America, most of Brazil, parts of South America and across some Caribbean islands, including Trinidad.
The species is solitude save for breeding season, which happens to occur in January and February—just in time for the season of love, when members in groups as big as four step outside their bubbles to cozy up together during the day.
This Coral-Colored Seahorse Matches Its Home
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A Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse trying to blend in with its surroundings
(Nature Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo)
Measuring just under an inch when fully grown, the Bargibant’s pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti) doesn’t just rely on its small stature to hide from predators. They instead go one step further: matching their environment with the precision of an expert designer.
The species lives mainly in the Coral Triangle in the western Pacific Ocean, where they reside and feed on gorgonian corals. The color of the pygmy seahorses depends on the coral they live in during their youth. To match their vibrant coral home, they’re usually an orange-yellow mix or a red-pink fusion, with bumps called tubercles aiding their camouflage. It’s unclear yet if the seahorses can change colors if they take up residence elsewhere, or if their coloration lasts a lifetime.
A Mantis Disguised as a Beautiful Blossom
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A female orchid mantis, which looks like a generic flower in its environment
(Frupus via Flickr under CC BY-NC 2.0 )
The orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus), found in Southeast Asia and Indonesia, uses its white body with ombré hints of pink and yellow hues to draw in other insects for a feast. This appearance, particularly stunning in their juvenile forms, is an example of aggressive mimicry where an animal blends in with its environment to catch prey off guard. However, the orchid mantis doesn’t actually look like any particular flower in its environment.
Rather, the orchid mantis’s unspecific nature is actually a boon. Instead of just attracting specific types of pollinators for the kill, the mantis keeps its menu wide open by appearing generic enough to bring in many unsuspecting insects. It doesn’t need to saddle-up next to blossoms to get the job done either; standing out in the open masquerading as a gorgeous orchid is enough to pull off the charade.
This Dashing Dragonfly Is No Damselfly in Distress
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A vibrant male Roseate Skimmer dragonfly at Bob Jones Park in Southlake, Texas
(TexasEagle via Flickr under CC BY-NC 2.0 )
The roseate skimmer is an aptly named dragonfly—that is, for the males. As an animal that exhibits sexual dimorphism, the species’ mature males and females appear noticeably different from each other. The females are decidedly less colorful, taking on a brownish hue. The males, however, show off pink-purple bodies when they reach adulthood. A young male roseate skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea) is certainly a mama’s boy, having a similar appearance to the females before his own maturation.
The species can be found throughout the southern United States, from California to Florida. It also is located in Hawaii and parts of the Midwest and East Coast, Mexico, and Central America. Roseate skimmers prefer inland bodies of water where vegetation is plentiful, and decide to put their eggs even in tiny pools so long as the plants they desire to eat are around.
The Shocking Pink Dragon Millipede Lives Up to Its Name
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A shocking pink dragon millipede crawls through its environment, sharply contrasting the drab background.
(Oliver Thompson-Holmes via Alamy Stock Photo)
While the shocking pink dragon millipede (Desmoxytes purpurosea) is considerably smaller than dragons of lore, they are just as intimidating to their enemies as their fire-breathing namesakes. Resembling hot pink limousines of the insect world, the three-centimeter-long millipedes’ vibrant color serves as a warning to any would-be predator: stay away. They have glands that excrete hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic acid. This strategy—using appearance to signal danger—is known as aposematic coloration.
Aposematic coloration is thought to be the reason for the pink dragon millipede’s coloring because it eats out in the open during the day, perhaps confident that its stunning appearance will dissuade other animals from eating it. The pink dragon millipede resides in northern Thailand. It is also one of the biggest in its genus. In total over 30 different dragon millipedes exist, all around Southeast Asia in countries such as China and Vietnam.
Bubble-Gum Pink Elephant Hawk Moths Live Are Global Sensations
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The small elephant hawk moth trades size in exchange for color
(Frank Vassen via Flickr under CC BY 2.0 )
Both the small elephant hawk moth (Deilephila porcellus) and its larger cousin (Deilephila elpenor) rock beautiful bubblegum pink wings outlined in olive set the small elephant hawk moth (Deilephila porcellus). Both insects start out as gray, dusty-looking caterpillars that slightly resemble elephant trunks, hence the name elephant hawk moth. D. elpenor has a gorgeous pink stripe on its abdomen that differentiates it from its smaller relative.
These moths can be found in North Africa, Europe, and even as far east as China. Their location can even impact how vibrant their colors are. Moths in drier and warmer parts of Asia show less, or even an absence of, pink coloring, while moths in northwest Africa and around the Mediterranean sea have brighter colors.
Pale-Pink Naked Mole-Rats Are Resilient Feats of Nature
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A naked mole-rat at the National Zoo
(Mehgan Murphy / Smithsonian National Zoo via Flickr under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 )
As one of the most unique, and perhaps off-putting, mammals in the world, the naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is interesting in more ways than one. They are mostly hairless, resulting in a wrinkly light-pink or gray-pink appearance. However, the practically-blind animals have whiskers on their faces and tails to sense their surroundings and hairs on their feet to help them move soil around in their East African underground environment. Naked mole-rats are also the longest-living rodents, with an estimated life expectancy of up to 30 years. They’re immune to cancer, and their risk of death doesn’t increase with old age, baffling scientists. They can even survive better than us humans, as they are able to withstand nearly 20 minutes without oxygen.
Because naked mole-rats cannot regulate their own internal temperature, they get warm using shallow tunnels and huddling together. That intimate contact is also the most action a naked mole-rat will usually get: unlike most other mammals, they are a eusocial species, meaning one queen mates with several males while the rest of the community helps raise the children. Such togetherness will quickly cease if the queen is gone, however. Several females may engage in deadly battle in order for the right to become the colony’s new leader.
This Magenta-Speckled Snake Slithers With Style
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Liophidium pattoni slithers along with its pink-striped scales.
(Bernard DUPONT via Flickr under CC BY-SA 2.0 )
Researched for the first time in 2010, Liophidium pattoni may lack a common name, but it certainly has no shortage of pizzazz. The slithering creature is striped with hot pink speckles against black scales along its back with a bright yellow belly. The underside of the tip of its tail looks as if it was dipped in magenta, almost as if the snake is cosplaying as a mermaid, minus the fin.
The species can be found in northeast Madagascar and is just one of two kinds of snakes with bright body coloration among more than 90 species known to science on the island. Because it is not believed to be aggressive nor dangerously poisonous, its pink pattern may be an indicator of bad taste or even a bluff that it’s harmful to predators. Essentially, it could be an example of aposematic coloration without actual danger lurking behind.
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skekheck · 4 years
All About the Seven Clans: The Drenchen
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Clan Index: Dousan Drenchen Grottan Sifa Spriton Stonewood Vapra
A clan of amphibious gelfling who lived deep within the Swamp of Sog, also called the Great Sog or simply Sog. Accustomed to both their canopies and bog, the Drenchen were skilled bola throwers, rope workers, and hunters. They were strong, proud, and above all else, known for their blunt honesty. Because they lived in a remote environment, they were isolated from the rest of Thra. Hardly any other gelfling, and not even the skeksis, dared to traverse the swamp’s treacherous grounds.
The Drenchen totem animal was the Muski and their core elements were water, the care and medicine of healing, and the blue flames of life. Their clan’s color was light blue, their sigil color was brown/blue, and their pennant colors were blue and green. 
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The Drenchen were the strongest, being sturdier and stouter than any other gelfling. They had a variety of skin tones which included green, tan, brown, and gray with undertones ranging from greens to turquoises to deep blues. Their faces had spots and speckles with very pronounced brows. Their skins were damp and sensitive to arid or dry climates. When it lost moisture, it became considerably pale. Because they spent most of their days in water, they were the most hygienic of all seven clans.  
They were also the hairiest, often seen with long hair and beards. Hair color were mostly browns or green-golds with whites being an uncommon exception. Parts or most of their hair were dyed green thanks to their diet and moss and algae build up from being submerged in swamp water. They, along with beards, were almost always dreadlocked and adorned with colorful beads, ribbons, strings and other hair accessories. Light yellow and brown eyes were common with green and blue being rarer colors. 
As they were amphibious, they had gills on their necks and some webbing or webbing-styled parts on their body like the ears. Drenchen only thrived in fresh water as swimming in salt water eventually stung their skin. Their wings were the smallest and heaviest of all gelfling and weren’t good for flying. Instead, they were best suited for the water which helped the Drenchen swim faster. Outside of that, their wings helped glide and buffeted them while they landed. In some iterations, their wings came in a variety of colors. As examples, Maudra Laesid’s were indigo and turquoise, Naia’s were black with iridescence, and Pemma’s were a rich green color. 
Drenchen clothing were mostly green with hints of copper and gold. Blue was also adorned, although it was moreso seen on the Maudra, menders, and those with spiritual influence. Hunters, rangers, and soldiers wore armor made of tanned nebrie hide and sun-hardened pieces of apeknot bark. Unlike the other clans, all Drenchen soldiers wore the same type of armor regardless of gender. They rarely wore footwear as it wasn’t necessarily needed in an swampy environment. 
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The Swamp of Sog had a reputation of being difficult to travel through and had a smell most outsiders found difficult to tolerate. Seasons didn’t seem to change as the temperature remained constantly humid and warm and it rained nearly every day. But Sog was rich in resources of animals and vegetation which were found all throughout. Because of the swamp’s vastness, the Drenchen were mostly hunter-gatherers with a small amount of fish farmers and gardeners. Since they had little seasonal variation, they hunted quarry based on the animal’s migration. 
Most Drenchen lived within their patron tree, the Great Smerth. They carved burrows into the tree with respect and care. The burrows were large chambers that could snugly fit a family in. Of all the chambers, the greatest was the Maudra’s which was located in the center of the Great Smerth. The others lived in the canopies made of apeknot trees which were connected by interlocking branches and walking rope. They also had tunnel systems made of bark. At night the tunnels would get so dark that blue-green cave moss needed to be placed on the walls for Drenchen to see. The Stone’s Way was a noteworthy, long twisting tunnel that lead right to the Great Tree.
Within Smerth-Staba’s great halls held dream-etchings written by ancient Drenchen dream-etchers, a profession long extinct among this clan. Although they couldn’t read them, they remembered their meanings. Songtellers were also non-existent. While songs of historical and cultural importance were preserved, the Drenchen didn’t believe in wasting their time with fanciful stories around the hearth. They saw it as mere distractions, much preferring hard-talk and action. 
Apeknot Trees
The apeknot trees were an important part of the swamp the Drenchen relied on. Their leafy canopies, which were known as the High Road (sometimes called the High Way), helped the Drenchen travel through the swamp. The Low Road (or Low Way) were the swampy floors of the Sog, which were less traversed thanks to its unforgiving obstacles of raised tree roots, peaty mounds, quicksand, gas vents, and changing water channels. In spite of that, the Low Road were the Drenchen’s hunting grounds. 
At a young age, they were taught how to scale the trees as well as read the stability of the branches and the distances between them. They also used walking ropes if the branches were strong enough to support their weight. Gelfling who had wings used the branches to leap and glide farther distances or slow their descent to the swamp floor. 
Not only were the canopies used as a roadway, but also for houses and hanged gardens. The flowers bloomed all trine round but still required constant care if gardeners wanted them to bear fruit at the right time. 
During the autumn seasons when the apeknots drooped, the Drenchen played a game called pole-vaulting dashes. They’d swing on the branches to see who can get to the goal the fastest. It was normally played by older Drenchen though childlings would join in. 
The apeknot trees extended all the way out from the heart of the swamp. But the farther it went, the smaller the trees gradually became. The edges of the apeknot trees were called the Tall Pass and beyond it fell into the marshland.
Daily Routine
A morning in the Swamp of Sog started with the sound of a drum. The first drummer would use the arms of the Great Smerth to signal a new day. After the first beat the rhythm increased until it sounded like a Gelfling’s heartbeat which will then be followed by more drummers. The drums were not just for the gelfling but for all life in the swamp as the birds began to sing, nebrie rose from the surface, and diurnal flowers bloomed. The drums would remain a backdrop throughout the Sog for the entire day until night time and drummers were cycled in shifts.
 It represented community and helped the Drenchen with their tasks. Carpenters and metalworkers moderated their strikes to the beat, fish farmers and waterbed gardeners felt the trembling beneath the water, and hunters followed the sound of the drums so they were never lost. There were also signal drums that communicated simple terms and phrases to rangers from afar. The drums within the Great Smerth were fastened into clusters and some were so big drummers had to use their spears to beat them. The drumheads themselves were sturdy enough that they never scarred. 
The Drenchen population was particularly large, even said to rival that of the Spriton and Stonewood. Most spent their days hunting, fishing, or gathering vegetation and were often had to go far from their homes. To keep track of everyone, a highly organized system was put into place. When tasks were performed, small groups were sent out which reported to leaders in larger groups. The Drenchen Maudra held a council with elders dedicated to certain responsibilities. The elder responsible for managing hunting parties, for example, had their own small council of up to six gelfling, who each had several hunting parties and led by a captain. This helped morale as smaller groups were inspired to work towards a greater purpose. 
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Muskis were flying eels that inhabited the swamp.  They never stopped growing and could get big enough for gelfling to ride on it. Their specialty was helping hunters catch quarry when the environment proved too difficult for them. Muskis bonded for life with their owners so they took part in Drenchen life and culture, including travel, sleeping, and dining. There was a deep level of trust between a Drenchen and their muski. They relied on each other for signals of danger or safety. 
Muskis were very particular with which gelfling they chose. Although there was some predictability with their choices, it was never precise. The timbre of a gelfling’s voice was the biggest deciding factor. They had very sensitive hearing and were able to pick up nuances in sound. Certain markings and spots on the muski indicated what type of voice appealed the most to the eel. Muskis also preferred family bloodlines. They would have offsprings several times during their lifetime and those offspring would favor the children of the muski owner. Muski bonding was considered a profession among the Drenchen and were performed mostly, but not always, by elders. 
The Drenchen had a varied diet of fish, game, insects, lichens, tadpoles, fruits, and vegetables. Fish were a very popular choice and often seen in meals, especially during the spring. Notable fish were the ymir-fish and blindfish, the latter of which were considered a delicacy. Fish were kept within underwater fisheries below the Great Smerth, which provided them safe habitats and helped fish farmers keep track and moderate their populations.
Vegetation was also plentiful as plants bloomed all trine long. The most noteworthy of Sog’s vegetation was the similarly named Sogflower. The flowers only opened when certain fluctuation of water levels were met. They bloomed for a short time as it was too heavy for the stems to support it. Drenchen gathering parties would fill big pouches of soglfower stamens to bring home. Then the pollen was fermented and turned into the popular beverage sogflower wine. The sogflower also had medical purposes which helped prevent infections. Sogflower wine itself was used generously to cure illnesses, as it calmed the body and mind while simultaneously promoted hydration.
Other Drenchen foods included alfen fruits, mushroom wing-frond, and nebrie milk dumplings. The Drenchen often seasoned their foods with a variety of things like furry algae. 
Dining Customs
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Drenchen were very community-oriented and dining was seen as an important social event. They had dotraba or “big tables” which small groups (usually families but also anyone who was invited) would sit together. Dishes were prepared in bountiful quantities on large platters where everyone at the table used and fed one another. On special occasions, all the Drenchen would gather in the Great Smerth’s dining hall for dodotraba or “very big tables”. Dishes were brought one at a time by the kitchen chefs and would continuously be replaced once they were finished. When sated with their meals, gelfling relieved the kitchen crew by taking their place so they could eat. This tradition had a deeper meaning as it represented the cycle of life and death. The Drenchen ate only using skewers and their hands, as they believed feeling their food was part of the experience with the other senses smell, taste, and sight. 
After dining (if applicable) gelfling would thank and give a prayer to the kitchen staff, servers, and musicians. This was performed by slapping their hands over their heads and bowing. They would then help with cleaning. When the nightly rain came, they would take the dishes and stick them out in wicker cradles upon balconies to wash. Any food particles that fell off were eaten up by the critters waiting below. 
Hard-talking was the Drenchen term of speaking without metaphor or hesitation and with an emphasis on honesty. It evolved around speaking one’s mind on a topic, to be heard and/or listened to with the promise that judgment would be held. Although the Drenchen prided themselves on being blunt and straightforward, they didn’t always used hard-talk and were as polite as any other gelfling. Hard-talk was mostly seen as a communication strategy during serious debates and allowed them to say something others were reluctant to say.
It was a very valued skill, especially among the elders within the elder’s council. When hearings became challenging, an elder initiated hard-talk. It had a great impact on decision-making. While outsiders might have seen it as something that caused conflict and strife, it had the opposite effect. Hard-talk strengthened trust in leadership and kept power dynamics in check. 
Spring Festival
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The Drenchen used traditional gelfling festivals to mark the seasons. There were non-seasonal festivals as well, such as the rain and hunting festivals (the latter in which a Drenchen would compete using either a spear or bola) None were more celebrated than the spring festival. Spring was particularly important as it not only marked the new trine but also saw a large abundance of flora and fish, especially the beloved sogflower and blindfish. Drenchen spring festivals were remarked as the most beautiful as the Great Smerth and canopies were decorated with thousands of flowers in every color. It took all the younglings to secure their heavy weight with rope on the traditional flower garlands.
In place of their mother, the Maudra’s successor was the one that greeted and addressed the clan during festivals.This was a way to ease them into the role of maudra when their time came. After addressing the gelfling, the successor would descend from the maudra’s balcony to light hearth at the foot of the Greath Smerth. When the fire was lit, the festivities began. 
Younglings played competitive games like feather-dart throwing and rope swinging while adults enjoyed sogflower wine. Even Great Smerth itself was said to be alive during the spring festival as its heartwood echoed the sound of music and birds. Dancing, dining, and music would go on throughout the day and night until dawn. The next day after would be a day of rest granted to the entire clan. It was in observance of spring and the joyous activities the night before. 
The Color Blue
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Blue was a very sacred color to the Drenchen. It may have originated from the tale of the Six Sisters. The sister that founded the Drenchen clan was given the elements of water and the blue flames of life to preserve. Or it could have started from the tradition passed down by Maudra Ipsy the Blue Stone Healer. She created the blue stone hammer made from the similarly named common and extremely dense rock found in the swamp. It had multiple uses in construction and ritual purposes as well as a popular gift. Maudra Ipsy also commemorated the tradition of passing the title of Blue Stone Healer and the maudra cape from once successor to the next. 
The color was commonly used in weaving, paintings, and other Drenchen art. Artisans had roughly 90 dyes they used which was referred as a rainbow of blues. Blue was used to illustrate important elements and other things of mystical or spiritual nature. Fire, which represented the spirit and third eye, was considered one of the most important elements and was frequently seen in Drenchen work. Colorists created special paint for it, made out of a mineral called vliyaka (named after gelfling magic), so that its depictions shimmered in a dark rich blue. Blue paints were otherwise made from fruits, vegetables, pollens, and other minerals. Other notable depictions were the Crystal, water, the sky, stones, celestial bodies, and gelfling. Drenchen gelfling were always colored in blue but so could gelfing of other clans depending on what role they played in the narrative. 
Blue had many other meanings and usages. The maudra’s chambers were filed with hundreds of wood medallions of protection, each with a sigil inscribed with blue ink. When the sky above Sog was clear and blue, it was called mystic smiles and was seen as a blessing in a climate that constantly rained. Those with blue eyes were regarded as having mystical influence. 
Waterfasting was a form of meditation observed mostly by elders but other Drenchen joined when invited. The ritual was performed in the morning and evening and they stood waist deep in water. They imitated dreamfasting with their hands flattened across the surface of the water, eyes closed, and hummed to themselves . Waterfasting was a symbolic communion with the water and to try and hear the song of Thra. It was also an attempt to understand the hearts and minds of other creatures as dreamfasting could only be performed between gelfling. 
The Art of Healing
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Healing magic or vliyaya was mostly seen among the Drenchen. Gelfling who carried this gift were called menders or simply healers. It, like other gelfling magic, took the form of blue light or flames. Not all Drenchen had this ability, but it was also fairly common. The gift could come at a young age, and more remarkably, younglings were able to become masters of it. Healing was always taught by an elder where students learned to control and focus their abilities. With the right mentor and great care taken, menders were capable of healing the worst injuries. The origin of their healing power was unknown, but a popular Drenchen myth believed it was a gift bestowed upon by the Great Smerth Tree when they made Sog their home. 
Spear Breaking
The spear was a Drenchen’s weapon of choice right next to the bola. It was both used for hunting and ceremony. The spearhead represented spirituality (being made from blue stone) while the wooden shaft represented mortality. They were crafted by their bearers under the supervision of an elder who would then inscribed sigils onto the shaft. The sigils were for bodily protection against injury, illness, and other physical harm. Spearheads were left unscribed as any scratches left were temporary. Instead, marks received during hunts and rituals were immortalized with blue dye. 
When the wooden shaft eventually cracked or bent, the tradition of spear breaking occurred. The ritual was short and observed by the bearer’s closest friends. The Drenchen would snap the spear and removed the spearhead, discarding the broken shaft into the lake so it rejoined with Thra. It was ritualized by the following incantation:
Bend to my hand and break Thra, my body take Renew me now my mind Leaving the old behind.
When a Drenchen died, their spear was ceremonially broken by the Maudra. It was then hung in the canopy of the Great Smerth as proof of their spiritual influence within the community. It was said that when the wind blew one could hear the spreadheads’ low, gentle song. 
Smerth-Staba, the Drenchen Hometown
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Other known names were the Great Smerth, Sogwood Tree, and Glenfoot Tree. It was characterized by its air-filled vasculatures which the Drenchen made their homes in. Several songs told it was actually a giant apeknot tree, whether as an individual or made up of multiple. The more common belief was that it was the parent of all the other apeknots. 
One other particular song was Ipsy and the Great Seed. It cited that Maudra Ipsy planted Smerth-Staba although other versions claimed Mother Aughra did. In the song, Ipsy and her clan arrived in Sog but the hazardous rising water level endangered their lives. Ipsy braved the swamp, promising she would come back in three days, and find a way to save her clan. When she returned, she came back with a seed and planted it just before her entire clan drowned. The tree grew rapidly and repelled all the gelfling into the water. As a gift for planting it, the Great Tree gave them gills so they could survive in the swamp. The Drenchen promised to take care of their tree as it, in return, promised to protect them. 
Thrice a trine the Drenchen Maudra sung a hymn in honor of the Great Smerth which was performed on the balcony and witnessed by the entire clan. It was to pay homage to it for the protection it provided to them.
In the J.M. Lee book series, when Naia returned to her hometown she found that the tree had been severely sickened by the darkening. Later, skekSa the Mariner burned the Great Smerth to lure her and Gurjin out as a last ditch effort to capture them. Maudra Laesid, using her entire life force, created a new tree from the remnants of the Great Smerth to trap the skeksis inside. 
Relationships With the Other Clans and the Skeksis
Before the Alliance of the Crystal formed, the Drenchen worked together with other gelfling clans and served on the Gelfling Council. Once they settled in the Swamp of Sog, they became isolationists who grew to keep to themselves. They had no reason to go out and trade for supplies as they had all the resources they needed (even if material like metal were hard to come by). However, on rare occasions, Drenchen were allowed to travel outside of Sog. 
Because of the swamp’s reputation, the Drenchen barely saw outsiders. Even the skeksis never bothered entering the swamp, even at the loss of  tithes and census ceremonies. So much like the Grottan and Dousan, the skeksis had little influence on their lives. That being said, they weren’t completely off the hook. The Drenchen were still recruited as guards at the Castle of the Crystal. Despite their overall strength, recruitment was rare because either letters were hard to deliver or it was hard for the skeksis to keep track of their population. They also likely had prayers and rituals based around the skeksis. 
The only known relationship the Drenchen had, and that wasn’t saying much, was with their neighbors the Spriton. On a surface level, the two maintained the idea of being good border allies. But hidden underneath was a growing tension, most likely cultivated by the skeksis to keep them apart. This escalated in the book series as the two clans were about to go to war with each other. Thanks to Naia and her friends, these tensions were quelled. 
Drenchen were often misunderstood for their desire for honesty and meaning surrounding hard-talk and seen as rude and self-centered. With the swamps stinky reputation, other gelfling tacked that onto the Drenchen believing they were unhygienic and uncultured. The Drenchen in turn held certain stereotypes about other clans and acted coldly towards them, like the Vaprans. Outsiders tended to nickname the Drenchen “soglings”. 
Notable Drenchen Members
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Naia: Eldest daughter of Maudra Laesid who was gifted with healing magic. When word arrived that her twin brother Gurjin went missing and it centered around the “traitor” Rian, Naia went on a quest to find him. She was next in line to become the Drenchen maudra. Along with her family, she joined the resistance and appeared at the second battle of Stone-in-the-Wood to fight the skeksis.
Gurjin: Twin brother of Naia. Once a castle guard at the Castle of the Crystal, he was the first to learn about the truth behind the skeksis from Rian and helped him escape. He later took part in the resistance and, along with his family, stood against the skeksis at the second battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.
Maudra Laesid the Blue Stone Healer: The Drenchen maudra during the late Age of Division and known for her incredible healing powers. She had a calm but no-nonsense attitude and cared deeply for her children. It was learning what the skeksis did to them did she, along with Maudra Fara, disapproved All Maudra Seladon’s ascension to the throne and waged war against the lords.
Bellanji: Husband of Maudra Laesid and father of Naia, Gurjin, Pemma, and Eliona. He temporary accompanied Naia on her quest until he became injured by a darkened Nebire and had to stay behind at Great Smerth.
Eliona: Middlest daughter of Maudra Laesid and Bellanji. Like her mother and older sister, she was gifted with healing powers.
Pemma: Youngest daughter of Maudra Laesid and Bellanji.
Elder Kartak: A Drenchen who lived late Age of Harmony and early Age of Division. He served on Maudra Carn’s council as her advisor. He was initially skeptical of the skeksis when their ambassador offered protection in exchange for gelfling weapons. 
Ipsim Vlisabi-Nara: Also known as Ipsy the Blue Stone Healer and, in some iterations, Maudra Mesabi-Nara of the Deep. She was believed to be the first Drenchen to inhabit the swamp, the one to have planted the seed that would eventually become Smerth-Staba, and creatied the blue stone hammers.
Maudra Elaia: A Drenchen Maudra who lived during an unknown time within the Age of Division. 
[Sources: Song of the Seven Gelfling Clans, the official Dark Crystal website, Shadows of the Dark Crystal, Song of the Dark Crystal, Tides of the Dark Crystal, Flames of the Dark Crystal, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance: An Epic Return To Thra, Creation Myths, Author Quest: The Gelfling Gathering, Heroes of the Resistance, the Dark Crystal Bestiary]
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saelwen · 5 years
Maglor x Deaf!Human!Reader
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Maglor x Deaf!Human!Reader
I want to thank the lovely person who gave me this idea!
I was intrested if you would like an idea of Maglor and Deaf human.
Summary: You had suffered an injury from an orc attack that had left you deaf which leads you to the handsome elven Prince. (Sorry I'm really bad at summaries 😂)
Warning: a little bit of angst, fluff
Words: 3k
A soundless sigh fell from your lips as you look to the beautiful scenery before you, seeing the lovely calm water of the lake shining with the bright sunlight. A pair of little birds fly pass by you and land on a firm log floating on the lake bank. The two love birds begin open and close their little beaks, singing beautifully their song...but you couldn’t hear it.  
When you were only eight years old, there was an attack on your small village. Orcs and Trolls had raided and killed every person, taking their jewels and gold while cutting their throats and heads. One of those horrible creatures got his disgusting hands on you, hitting you hard on your head which had affected your left ear.  
Your older brother, Roth, killed the orc and could get you and him out of the village, taking you both to a town near the mountains. As you grew older, your left ear was completely deaf and to your luck. When you had turned fifteen, you got an awful cold which made an infection on your good ear...leaving it also deaf.
You have learned to live with it. It was hard at first, not knowing if was any threat behind you or surrounding. The people of the town were very kind and always help you and your brother, giving you jobs and a place to live.
A soft hand on your shoulder grabbed your attention, interrupting your trail of thoughts. Turning your face to the side, you saw your older brother standing beside you, looking down with gentle eyes.
‘Hey...’ he signs slowly with his hands.  
The healer of the town was a very wise man, knowing all the old and new things around Middle-Earth. He was very old, his head was cover with a soft white hair and his rough face was cover with wrinkles but he still could teach like he was twenty. The old man was the one who created sign language to help you and other people who suffer the same as you to communicate. Not all the people could talk with sign language but it was a start. You, your brother and some close friends were part of the people who could communicate like that.
‘Hi! Should you be working on Mr. Daniel's garden?’ you sign, looking at him with a lifted eyebrow.
Roth let out a small chuckle and shrug his shoulder. ‘I’m taking a break.’ he signs with a smirk on his lips, making you roll your eyes.
You stood up and clean the wet grass from your red dress. You notice that Roth’s eyes were full anxiety but tried to hide it behind a smirk. Your brother was always like this. Whenever it was a problem or something that was bothering him, he would make a poker face. Trying to not to worry you.
‘You are hiding something...What happened?’ you sign with a frown on your face.
He sighs and runs his hand through his black hair. ���The Lords of Himring had arrived in the town this morning... Lord Eddard wants you to serve on the feast this night.’ he signs slowly. 
Your brother didn’t want for you to go and serve the elven Lords since he knew that they were dangerous...People that kill their own kin.
Smiling softly, you grab his hand and squeeze it gently. ‘Don’t worry, brother... I will be okay!’  you sign while walking back to the town with Roth close behind.
The truth was that you are a little scared but at the same time excited. You remember the tales that your father used to tell you before bed, telling about the elven Kings that had come from the blessed lands. You use to say that you would marry an elven prince which he would cover you in jewels and soft clothes...but that was the past. You were just a mere innocent child back then with silly thoughts.
You went home and change to your working clothes which were a simple grey dress with an apron. You braided your h/c hair, letting some loose hairs fall around your face.  
Happy with your appearance, you left your home and go to Lord Eddard Palace. When you arrive at the Palace’s kitchen, you were met with chaos. The cooks and servants were running around in panic as they prepare for the surprise feast.
Suddenly you were grab and turned back, met by a worried red-haired woman. ‘Y/n! I’m glad that you are here! This place is in chaos just because of some elves Lords.’ the red-haired woman, Layla, sign with a huff.  
You and Layla are best friends since you had arrived in the town. She was the first person to come and talk to us, giving us food and a place to stay. She was a beautiful young woman, with gorgeous long red locks and lovely blue eyes. Her skin was a brownish color, covered with freckles.  
Roth has a huge crush on her, always admiring her from afar. You had asked him when he would begin courting her but he only huffs and shook his head, saying that he didn’t feel anything for her.
‘Well, I see that... Here do you want me?’ you sign with a smile.  
Layla led you to where the large trays of incredible foods and wine were and told you to begin to take them to the feast. You nod and grab a tray with fruits and follow the rest of the servants.
Your breath was caught on your throat as you saw how beautiful the ballroom was. Decorated with beautiful flowers and lush furniture. The room was full of people, all of them well dressed. Your excitement only grew as you see the main table, seeing it filled with beautiful elves.
Taking a deep breath, you walk slowly towards their table with your head down. You could feel your cheeks starting to burn as you got closer to the table. Putting delicately the tray on the table, you bow to the elves Lords and left quickly, catching a glimpse of a black-haired elf, who you knew to be Maglor, looking at you with intrigued eyes.
As the feast goes on, you always feel the elf’s eyes on you. You once lift your eyes to look at him but look down quickly when you saw him staring at you with dreamy eyes, his pale face was soft and gentle. Layla notices too the elf Lord gaze on you which made her pass the evening signing you silly things, saying that he liked you and other stuff.  
Maglor tilted his face to the side when he saw you and Layla making weird signals to each other.  
Once everyone had their bellies full, you and the other servants stayed on the corner of the room, ready to serve if one of the people wanted something. You were playing with the tips of your fingers when you saw in the corner of your eye Maglor standing up, walking towards the middle of the room with a delicate harp on his gentle hands.  
He begins talking to the crowd which made your body fill with sadness since you couldn’t hear his beautiful voice. The room fell in silence, the crowd focuses on the elf Lord as he begins playing his harp. He closes his grey eyes and begins singing softly, making everyone in the room shocked by how beautifully he sings.
You were hypnotized how his delicate fingers touch the strings of the harp, stroking them gently. His slender body emitted a soft relaxing aura in the room, making you melt into the wall behind you.
You couldn’t hear his beautiful voice and that made you feel miserable but something about his show made you almost hear his voice.
When he finished the song there was a long silence in the room. You notice that every woman in the room had tears in their eyes, weeping softly from his beautiful song.  
Maglor’s eyes observed his crowd, seeing the women sob quietly with his performance but one caught his eye. You.
You were staying still on the corner of the room, watching the women sobbing with a confused face. This was a huge surprise to him since every time that Maglor performs in a feast, he made the women cry and fell in love with his voice. But you... You were just standing there like his performance was nothing special.
Maglor returns to his seat beside his older brother and gave a small sip on his wine, his eyes still focus on your small figure.
“You did well, brother!” Maedhros’s voice sounded beside him. “You made Lord Eddard speechless!” his brother continue talking cheerfully but Maglor wasn’t listening, his mind fogged with the thoughts of you.
“Lord Eddard! Who is that beautiful maiden there in the corner?” Maglor asked, interrupting Maedhros.
“That’s Lady Y/n!” Lord Eddard said while finishing his plate, taking a sip of his dark wine. “The poor thing is deaf. She and her brother had come to the town at a young age after their village had been raided by orcs... It was there that she had become deaf.”  
At this new information, Maglor’s eyes widened in shock. No wonder why she wasn’t amazed by his performance, he thought. In the corner of his eye, Maglor could see his brother looking at him in confusion. Surprised by the sudden interest in a human girl, who is deaf.
Maglor caught you looking at him, your beautiful eyes shining with the light of the candles. He smiles softly and waves to you, making you duck your head down and leave the room with a heavy blush on your delicate cheeks. This action made his smile grew, he made a mental note to try to get you alone. To try to learn more about you.
You run quickly to the busy kitchen, your face hot from just a little smile of the elf lord. You put the last tray of food in the kitchen table and clean your hands on your apron. You turn to Layla and sign her that you had return to your house which she nods and signs a goodbye.
During your trip to you and your brother's house, you couldn’t stop thinking about Maglor's gentle smile. How his grey eyes observe you all night, studying all your movements.
When you arrive at your small house, Roth was already sleeping like a rock. Smiling gently, you made your way to your bedroom and change to your nightgown. Slipping under the warm covers, you let sleep take over you. Hopping that you would dream about the handsome elf Lord.
When morning came, you left the house early. Only grabbing a loaf of bread and an apple. You run to your safe place by the lake and sat there, letting the first ray of sunlight warm you up.
As you were about given a large bite on the apple, you feel a gentle hand on your shoulder which made you jump in fear and surprise. Looking back, your eyes were met by grey ones. Standing there was the elf Lord from the night before, Maglor. Staring at you with gentle eyes.
He sat beside you and took a small notebook from his pocket. He opens it and begins writing something there. You sat there, looking at him with wide eyes. After a minute, Maglor put the book down on the wet grass to look it.
‘Hello, Lady Y/n! How do you find in this lovely morning?’ you read on the yellowish paper. You look up to him, shock spreading through your face.  
Maglor puts the pencil beside you and nods to the book. Grabbing the pencil slowly, you write next to his words.
‘How do you know my name?’ a small chuckle fell from his lips as Maglor read your words. He grabs the pencil and wrote.
‘I asked Lord Eddard last night...He told me about your disability. I hope you don’t mind.’ a soundless sigh fell from your lips as you read his words. Of course, he asked. Maybe he even had talked to you and you didn’t listen.
Grabbing the pencil and wrote your words beside his. ‘I don’t mind...Why are you here?’  
‘I saw you running into the forest and I wanted to know that you were safe...and also to know you better.’ his last words made a light blush appear on your cheeks. Know you better? Why a handsome elf Lord would want to know a silly deaf human girl? You are sure that he could have any beautiful woman in all Middle-Earth, so why losing time with you?
‘This is my safe place. No need to worry, I know this place like the back of my hand!’ you wrote on the paper.  
Maglor nods and smiles gently to you, making melt into the grass. His smile was like a ray of sunlight, illuminating his surroundings.  
‘That’s good!... May I ask you what were those strange signals that you and your friend were making last night?’ a small smile forms on your lips as you read his words.
‘That’s the way I talk! The healer of this town had created a language for people like me.’ his grey eyes widened with awe when he read your words, amazed by how a person had made an all-new language using only your movements.
‘That’s amazing! I’ve never had heard it. I must do some research about this new language.’ an excited smile spread through your face with his words, happy that someone like him is intrigued with your language.
You and Maglor pass the day lazing by the lake bank, writing favorite things and places. Telling stories and jokes to one another. You must say that you were surprised by his humor since you thought that an elven prince would be sterner and firmer but Maglor wasn’t like that. He was a gentle soul, always writing songs and poetry. Preferring the company of nature than his own brother which he said that they were loud and obnoxious.
After that day, you and Maglor spend the days in your safe place which come to be Maglor also a safe place. You felt at peace in his presence, feeling that you literally need no words to be with him. Resting your head on his shoulder while he wrote his beautiful songs.
As you were walking towards your safe place, you begin feeling cheerless. It’s almost been a month since Maglor and his brother had arrived at the town and soon they will leave to their fort in Himring. You two have grown a connection throughout the month. You could say that you had fallen in love with the elven Prince but you know that it all has to end at some point. Even if he stayed here, Maglor couldn’t stay with a human. You will die and he won’t. You will grow old and he won’t.
When you arrive at your safe place, you saw that Maglor was there already. Playing softly his harp while looking sorrowfully to the lake.
You took a step forward and wave shyly at him, sitting quietly beside him. Maglor gave you a sweet smile and put his harp on the ground beside him. He grabs gently your hand and kisses your knuckles softly, making blush heavily.  
He looks to your e/c eyes deeply with his grey ones, like he was looking into your soul. Taking a deep breath, he begins moving his hands slowly.  
‘I love you, Y/n.’ he sign. Tears begin running down your eyes, soaking your soft cheeks. ‘I don’t care if you are human or if you are deaf...i love you and that’s what it matters!... I told my brother that I will stay here and be with you.’ More tears fell from your eyes. You jump from your seat and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. You could feel his heart beating quickly from all the nervousness and happiness.
Pulling back, you smile softly to him. Your face was red and puffy from all the crying.
‘I love you too...I love you since the day I saw you, Maglor.’ you sign slowly, making sure he understated. He cleaned your tears dry and lean down slowly, looking to your eyes and then to your lips. With all the care of the world, Maglor crushes his soft lips against yours. The kiss was gentle and full of love, each of us pouring all our passion from one another into the kiss.
Maglor broke the kiss and rest his forehead against yours, smiling like a dork. You took a deep breath and smile gently. He put a piece of your h/c hair behind your ear, stroking slowly your earlobe.
‘When did you learn to talk sign language?’ you asked with confusion eyes, tilting your head to the side.
Maglor let out a laugh and kiss your forehead softly. ‘The healer had taught me during the nights... I really wanted to talk with you without the paper.’ he sign.
You smile brightly and pull him to another kiss which he did gladly, wrapping his strong arms around your waist.  
‘I love you, my elven Prince.’  
‘And I love you, my voiceless Princess.’
Hey Guys!! So here is a new one-shot with Maglor!! What do you guys think? I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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smythesm · 5 years
Violent Delights-Sebastian Solo Para/February 15, 2020
Para: Violent Delights
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sebastian and his thoughts??
When: February 15, 2020 
Location: Boston.MA
Notes: Sebastian may have a connection to a certain Goddess of Love. 
Warnings: A priestess that means well but may come across a little creepy??
Sebastian liked to send flowers. It was classy and thoughtful but, not too deep. He would send them to his mother often, his old nanny, his mom’s staff, the mail lady that always made sure his packages arrived at his doorstep safely. Seb would send them to Blaine if he didn’t already know how to perfectly craft a beautiful, colorful bouquet from a single blade of grass. He usually would go online to send his flowers but, there was this one little shop a couple of blocks away from his apartment that always caught his attention. 
He often walked past it when running errands, it was painted pastel pink with two big picture windows, bordered with white trim, that would have different displays according to various seasons and holidays. All of the people that worked there were beautiful but, different looking. Love songs always played and there were always doves sitting in the blooming flower boxes out front. It was called ‘Friday’s Flower Shop’ and one of the workers always called out when he walked by.
Sebastian had never really thought much about it at first. He got a lot of attention,well, everywhere. He often got numbers slipped to him by cougars at the grocery store, men would buy him drinks at bars, baristas would give him free coffee or write cheeky messages on  his cups. It always seemed that somebody was trying to catch his gaze or win a smile from him. Seb used to love to flirt, and he would flirt with everyone. Women, men, everybody in between. He liked collecting numbers, liked flicking the little hopeful pieces of paper into trash cans, liked to wink at the shy girl at Starbucks who blushed every time he ordered his Venti Americanos. Sebastian liked getting free drinks but he loved playing the game. The tilt of his neck meant, ‘come over and talk to me.’ The droop of his eyelids said, ‘You might stand a chance.’ None of it mattered anymore, though. He had Blaine who fulfilled him in every way imaginable. Now Sebastian’s smile meant, ‘I think you’re wonderful.’ and his palm pressed to Blaine’s said, ‘I love you.’
So, all of that being said, he was used to attention. When the girls at Friday’s whistled and blew kisses he’d nod and flash a smirk. He thought it was pretty forward but appreciated how old fashioned and innocently sexy it seemed (Seb loved a confident woman). Sometimes the boys would hand him a single rose or a chocolate. Sebastian would thank them and bring the treats home for B. Blaine asked once about the shop and quirked an eyebrow when Seb had told him which one it was. It had been pretty early on in their relationship and they had never spoken about it again. 
It didn’t get weird until recently, when the owner beckoned him on his way to grab a few groceries. She was petting a dove (Yes….petting it.) and lazily called out to him by name. Sebastian found it strange that she would remember considering he only ordered flowers there once or twice. Maybe it was because all of her employees seemed to collectively have a crush on him. Not much made him do a double take but, his name in her sleepy voice made him stop and look around.
“Yes you,silly boy.” She gave the bird one last gentle pat before it flew off. She tilted her head, ‘come over and talk to me.’ Seb’s throat suddenly felt dry as he stepped in front of the big windows that were filled with hearts crafted out of roses and statues of voluptuous women and seashells and sprigs of myrtle. 
He was distracted by the display when her hand was on his cheek. It wasn’t startling like it should have been. Her skin was soft and she smelled like the ocean, like salt and white flowers and sandy hair. She smiled and dropped her hand. He thought that her eyes looked sad. “Star crossed lovers will always find each other, you know. Romeo and Juliet, Achilles and Patroclus. Tristan and Isolde.” When Sebastian just blinked she laughed and said, “Oh! You have no idea how magnificent you are!” She clapped her hands and sighed, “She really knew what she was doing when she picked you.” The woman fluttered her hands in the air and the gold bangles she wore slid on her slender arms. “I just love a tragic story. Things are happening, don’t you feel it?”
“Wh-what do you know?” Sebastian leaned forward and clasped her soft hands back, her bracelets jangled like wind chimes. “Nobody is supposed to know. Please, I-” She placed a finger to his lips, her nails were painted a sparkly red color. “Hush. All good things cost something.” Sebastian could hear a love song on the wind as a customer left the shop carrying a giant bouquet of various purple flowers (‘Purple for admiration and success. He wants a raise.’ she had mused as he passed). ‘Wise men say, only fools rush in…’
Seb, who was almost never flustered, who used to flirt with dad’s in Target in front if their wives, who could argue in the courtroom, couldn’t get his mouth to utter anything but, “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” His stomach seemed to fill with butterflies and his ears buzzed when she mentioned star crossed lovers. 
“Poems will be written about you and your lover. Ballads and songs...history will be made. How dreamy.” She sighed again and looked towards the sky. A dove landed on the shop’s pink sign.  “I’ll make an offering for you, sweet boy.” She reached out and clasped his hands. Sebastian had noticed the word ‘offering’, a word Blaine used often. Was this….a witch? 
She let his hands drop and plucked a single magenta peony from the flower box that hung from the window they stood by. “For luck. Though, I don’t deal with that much.” She winked and moved her hands towards the sidewalk, a signal for him to be on his way. 
Sebastian took a deep breath and held onto the flower. He was in no mood to grocery shop now and was left with even more questions. Since the visit from Hunter, things were tense, things suddenly felt dangerous for the first time. Now, some random witch lady who ran a flower shop had made him feel like he and Blaine weren’t as secretive or careful as they had thought they were.  
He walked in a daze and couldn’t shake the negative feeling in his head as he grabbed dog food and soy milk. Sebastian swiped his card and barely interacted with the employee who bagged his items. He just kept thinking of the couples that flower lady had mentioned and the one thing they all had in common-death. How was he supposed to explain any of this to his poor boyfriend who had been so stressed out and upset and hard on himself since the Paris debacle? Could he tell Hunter or would it just end in him being reprimanded again? 
In fair Boston, where we lay our scene, things were changing alright. 
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein fancy Nero gets schooled by V. 🖤
~ That's my Bloody Palace screenshot ( What level am I now? Nah, I'm not telling ). 🖤
~ I hope you enjoy this part, @heaven-on-a-landslide and @acieoj ! 🖤
"She's just tired as hell. You'll see her in the morning."
At least, that's what Nico said.
But then, V should've known better.
The next morning, the girl left a note on the glass top table, saying something about going to a friend's and staying there until Saturday. Somehow, the chit got past him without making any noise to wake any of them ( that's him, Nero, Griffon, and Shadow ) up, who all snoozed on the living room in sleeping cots provided by Nico, who spent the rest of the night on the guest room. V, being the most alert among all of them inside the unit, didn't hear her footsteps, even the creak of the door. What's more, Nico found out that the formal wear she provided for her was also gone.
Which meant that, to V's frustration, they will not be able to see her until the event, itself, which would take place the next day.
And so, the day finally arrived.
Nero was struggling with the lacy jabot on his neck, grimacing at it, and how he looked as a whole, in the mirror every once in a while.
And to add further insult to the injury, Griffon, who was flapping his wings non stop above his head, was laughing at him really hard.
The young and dashing Devil Hunter, who recently became famous for defeating the infamous Demon King Urizen, who almost plunged Red Grave with Qliphoth roots, let out a loud curse and threw the jabot on the floor.
Nico, who just finished putting on her dress and makeup on the guest room, heard this and came out, curious as to the source of that very colorful language.
And when she finally saw what Nero looked like, she could not help but double over in stomach pain as she failed to suppress her laughter.
"FUCK!" Nero cursed, angry at the tattooed woman who was still laughing her ass off at his appearance. "You think this is funny?!"
"What the hell are you wearin'?!" Nico bursted out through her uncontrolled fits of laughter.
"I bet it's her grandma's dress!" Insulted Griffon, which only made Nico laugh even more, and Nero angrier.
"W-w-wait, don't tell me your granny wore that to snag herself a boyfriend in the eighteenth century?!" Nico added.
"I swear if you don't stop - " Nero warned, then clicked his tongue, unable to stop the woman and the bird from laughing. It's true. With the heavy, lace coat of powder blue and purple ensemble, the equally lacy white undershirt, the pair of black breeches, the white knee - high socks, and the high - heeled pair of dancing shoes, Nero absolutely looked like a bratty, noble kid who came directly from the French Revolution era, or earlier.
"What? You'll hit me?" Nico taunted, pointing at Nero with a finger, flaunting her carefully manicured nail.
Griffon picked the jabot from the floor, graciously, if not mockingly, giving it back to Nero. "Here, you forgot this, Your High Nobleness."
Nero snatched the jabot from Griffon's talon, almost damaging it, and said, "Just to inform you, Credo owned this, not me!"
"Kyrie's older brother, huh?" Nico asked.
"Yes, him!" Nero answered, almost wrongfully getting mad at someone who was innocently and peacefully resting six feet under the grounds of Fortuna. "And, I'm not wearing this FUCKING thing!" he announced through gritted teeth, starting to remove the offensive - smelling coat. Apparently, Kyrie found it proper to drench the thing with an awful amount of floral fabric conditioner, making Nero reek of fresh flowers.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" Nico held her hands up, stopping Nero's movements. "I'm telling Kyrie if you do that! You'll make her cry, man!"
"No! Don't you dare tell her."
"Stop being a bitch! It isn't that,..." Nico said, failing in her attempt to lie at him with her mirthful eyes. "... bad."
"Ha! You think I look bad? Just wait for V!" Nero mocked, hands on his hips like the "nobleman" that he was. "He crammed yesterday looking for one, since he didn't find any last Thursday."
"Ya think?" Griffon maliciously asked, his eyes devilishly looking down at Nero's pitiful and funny form. He flew towards the bathroom and shouted, "Hey, Shakespeare, you done now, or what? The pimple kid is mocking you! Come out already!"
"You'll see." Nero mouthed at Nico with a sinister smile, so sure that V would look even worse than him.
Oh, how very wrong he was.
When V finally came out, Nico's mouth dropped open in shameless admiration, and Griffon beamed with pride for his boy. Shadow, who was patiently waiting for V to come out, stretched her forelegs, yawned, baring her fangs at Nero, and went to her master with a proud swish of her tail. She was getting tired looking at the boy for an hour, and the sight of V changed into his formal wear was a real fresh change.
Nero, in an infernal kind of frustration, took off his coat and flung it to the other end of the room, knocking off one of the painted vases, making it plummet to the ground and break into tiny little pieces.
"Hey, psycho!" Nico shrieked at him. "Watch the furniture!"
The massive ballroom that held about a hundred people was, indeed, the topic of every male and female guests. The three crystal chandeliers that shone illuminated the pleasant below. The black - clad musicians mainly played jazz, and would sometimes add in classical numbers for the dances like the foxtrot and the waltz. The food was great, courtesy of the best chefs in the city, and the rich vintage, matched by the sparkling ones for the ladies, that was being offered by the maroon - liveried servants, never warmed, always cool and ready for some hot - headed guests.
The head of the house, who sat at the tallest box with some servants at his tow, watched in admiration for his feat of bringing together the country's most powerful Demon Hunters. He chuckled at the sight of the two most powerful ladies in the room, lively chatting with some noobs. He grunted at the sight of that lone man who was pestering the servants with more wine. But, most of all, he was getting anxious, for his most awaited guest have yet to arrive -
"Sire," a servant whispered to his ear. "Nero of the Devil May Cry Agency has finally arrived with his, ah, entourage."
The lord of the house rubbed his hands. "Perfect. Kindly inform the musicians to sound in their classics. I want to make this dramatic."
"Naturally." the servant nodded and left at once.
But, Nero and company was not aware of this, and the importance the lord actually held for him. So, when he descended the stairs, fancy coat, lacy jabot, sleek hair, and all, he could not help but miss a few steps at the sudden change of music, almost stumbling down if it weren't for Nico who helped him by holding unto his arm as tight as she could to prevent him from falling to the carpeted ground.
"Get a grip, man!" Nico, who began sweating, whispered savagely at him. "Hold it together."
"How coud I - !" Nero whispered back. "They didn't have to change the goddamn music!"
Nero was right. Now that the rest of the Demon Hunters in the room noticed his fanciness, and the matching harpsichordy - classical music, they couldn't help but giggle at his grand entrance.
"Stomach in, chest out." V, who was descending beside him, whispered to him in that velvety - low voice of his, subtly slamming the tip of his cane on Nero's back. "Chin,... up and proud."
Nero, who was honestly mad at V for wearing a less fancy formal attire and seriously thinking that he was just being mocked by the man, retorted angrily. "Stop embarrassing the hell outta me!" he gritted.
V gave him a sideways glance, jade eyes dangerously narrow and wicked grin deathly threatening. "I'm teaching you how not to embarrass yourself even further with that,... attitude of yours." he warned. "Now, if you do not want to stumble all the way down and sully the name of your great father, and his even greater father before him, I suggest you follow,..." then, as if by one last ounce of threat, V pushed the tip of his cane harder unto Nero's back, hurting him and making him stand up straight in the process as a gentleman should. "... my unsolicited and valuable pieces of instruction."
"Damn you, V - " angrily whispered Nero, gaining him a painful pinch from Nico, who was still holding unto his right arm. "Ouch!"
"Do as the man says or I'll hurt you!"
And so, with so much struggle, Nero finally made it down the stairs, surviving Nico's vicegrip and V's cold stare. And once he was down, the younger, less experienced Demon Hunters, who came there before them, started bugging him with questions regarding the Demon King he recently defeated.
V, having isolated himself from the crowd that started to form near Nero and Nico, breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned on the wall, watching them from a safe distance, when the classical music came to a halt.
If it weren't for the boy's lovely attitude, V would've enjoyed the evening. It was a fine event, after all, not considering the danger they would possibly get into later.
Some refined Demon Hunters, who actually bothered to listen to the otherwise boring music, clapped their hands, giving the artists enough motivation to start a new one. The leader signalled for a change of genre and a turn of a page, and when the musicians started playing once more, the room was filled with the most beautiful bossa nova that V has ever heard. These men really do have talent, he admitted.
And as if by some magical and wild form of chance, a very familiar scent made its way towards his nostrils.
Flowers. Freshly blooming in the morning.
He looked up at the staircase,...
... and became wide - eyed at the spectacle that was unfolding right before him.
For there, clad in something that only rivalled the stars above, was the most beautiful female he has ever seen in his entire, miserable, demonic and non - demonic existence.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
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“She’s just tired as hell. You’ll see her in the morning.”
At least, that’s what Nico said.
But then, V should’ve known better.
The next morning, the girl left a note on the glass top table, saying something about going to a friend’s and staying there until Saturday. Somehow, the chit got past him without making any noise to wake any of them ( that’s him, Nero, Griffon, and Shadow ) up, who all snoozed on the living room in sleeping cots provided by Nico, who spent the rest of the night on the guest room. V, being the most alert among all of them inside the unit, didn’t hear her footsteps, even the creak of the door. What’s more, Nico found out that the formal wear she provided for her was also gone.
Which meant that, to V’s frustration, they will not be able to see her until the event, itself, which would take place the next day.
And so, the day finally arrived.
Nero was struggling with the lacy jabot on his neck, grimacing at it, and how he looked as a whole, in the mirror every once in a while.
And to add further insult to the injury, Griffon, who was flapping his wings non stop above his head, was laughing at him really hard.
The young and dashing Devil Hunter, who recently became famous for defeating the infamous Demon King Urizen, who almost plunged Red Grave with Qliphoth roots, let out a loud curse and threw the jabot on the floor.
Nico, who just finished putting on her dress and makeup on the guest room, heard this and came out, curious as to the source of that very colorful language.
And when she finally saw what Nero looked like, she could not help but double over in stomach pain as she failed to suppress her laughter.
“FUCK!” Nero cursed, angry at the tattooed woman who was still laughing her ass off at his appearance. “You think this is funny?!”
“What the hell are you wearin’?!” Nico burst out through her uncontrolled fits of laughter.
“I bet it’s his grandma’s dress!” Insulted Griffon, which only made Nico laugh even more, and Nero angrier.
“W-w-wait, don’t tell me your granny wore that to snag herself a boyfriend in the eighteenth century?!” Nico added.
“I swear if you don’t stop - ” Nero warned, then clicked his tongue, unable to stop the woman and the bird from laughing. It’s true. With the heavy, lace coat of powder blue and purple ensemble, the equally lacy white undershirt, the pair of black breeches, the white knee - high socks, and the high - heeled pair of dancing shoes, Nero absolutely looked like a bratty, noble kid who came directly from the French Revolution era, or earlier.
“What? You’ll hit me?” Nico taunted, pointing at Nero with a finger, flaunting her carefully manicured nail.
Griffon picked the jabot from the floor, graciously, if not mockingly, giving it back to Nero. “Here, you forgot this, Your High Nobleness.”
Nero snatched the jabot from Griffon’s talon, almost damaging it, and said, “Just to inform you, Credo owned this, not me!”
“Kyrie’s older brother, huh?” Nico asked.
“Yes, him!” Nero answered, almost wrongfully getting mad at someone who was innocently and peacefully resting six feet under the grounds of Fortuna. “And, I’m not wearing this FUCKING thing!” he announced through gritted teeth, starting to remove the offensive - smelling coat. Apparently, Kyrie found it proper to drench the thing with an awful amount of floral fabric conditioner, making Nero reek of fresh flowers.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!” Nico held her hands up, stopping Nero’s movements. “I’m telling Kyrie if you do that! You’ll make her cry, man!”
“No! Don’t you dare tell her.”
“Stop being a bitch! It isn’t that,…” Nico said, failing in her attempt to lie at him with her mirthful eyes. “… bad.”
“Ha! You think I look bad? Just wait for V!” Nero mocked, hands on his hips like the “nobleman” that he was. “He crammed yesterday looking for one, since he didn’t find any last Thursday.”
“Ya think?” Griffon maliciously asked, his eyes devilishly looking down at Nero’s pitiful and funny form. He flew towards the bathroom and shouted, “Hey, Shakespeare, you done now, or what? The pimple kid is mocking you! Come out already!”
“You’ll see.” Nero mouthed at Nico with a sinister smile, so sure that V would look even worse than him.
Oh, how very wrong he was.
When V finally came out, Nico’s mouth dropped open in shameless admiration, and Griffon beamed with pride for his boy. Shadow, who was patiently waiting for V to come out, stretched her forelegs, yawned, baring her fangs at Nero, and went to her master with a proud swish of her tail. She was getting tired looking at the boy for an hour, and the sight of V changed into his formal wear was a real fresh change.
Nero, in an infernal kind of frustration, took off his coat and flung it to the other end of the room, knocking off one of the painted vases, making it plummet to the ground and break into tiny little pieces.
“Hey, psycho!” Nico shrieked at him. “Watch the furniture!”
The massive ballroom that held about a hundred people was, indeed, the topic of every male and female guests. The three crystal chandeliers that shone illuminated the pleasant below. The black - clad musicians mainly played jazz, and would sometimes add in classical numbers for the dances like the foxtrot and the waltz. The food was great, courtesy of the best chefs in the city, and the rich vintage, matched by the sparkling ones for the ladies, that was being offered by the maroon - liveried servants, never warmed, always cool and ready for some hot - headed guests.
The head of the house, who sat at the tallest box with some servants at his tow, watched in admiration for his feat of bringing together the country’s most powerful Demon Hunters. He chuckled at the sight of the two most powerful ladies in the room, lively chatting with some noobs. He grunted at the sight of that lone man who was pestering the servants with more wine. But, most of all, he was getting anxious, for his most awaited guest have yet to arrive -
“Sire,” a servant whispered to his ear. “Nero of the Devil May Cry Agency has finally arrived with his, ah, entourage.”
The lord of the house rubbed his hands. “Perfect. Kindly inform the musicians to sound in their classics. I want to make this dramatic.”
“Naturally.” the servant nodded and left at once.
But, Nero and company was not aware of this, and the importance the lord actually held for him. So, when he descended the stairs, fancy coat, lacy jabot, sleek hair, and all, he could not help but miss a few steps at the sudden change of music, almost stumbling down if it weren’t for Nico who helped him by holding unto his arm as tight as she could to prevent him from falling to the carpeted ground.
“Get a grip, man!” Nico, who began sweating, whispered savagely at him. “Hold it together.”
“How could I - ?!” Nero whispered back. “They didn’t have to change the goddamn music!”
Nero was right. Now that the rest of the Demon Hunters in the room noticed his fanciness, and the matching harpsichordy - classical music, they couldn’t help but giggle at his grand entrance.
“Stomach in, chest out.” V, who was descending beside him, whispered to him in that velvety - low voice of his, subtly slamming the tip of his cane on Nero’s back. “Chin,… up and proud.”
Nero, who was honestly mad at V for wearing a less fancy formal attire and seriously thinking that he was just being mocked by the man, retorted angrily. “Stop embarrassing the hell outta me!” he gritted.
V gave him a sideways glance, jade eyes dangerously narrow and wicked grin deathly threatening. “I’m teaching you how not to embarrass yourself even further with that,… attitude of yours.” he warned. “Now, if you do not want to stumble all the way down and sully the name of your great father, and his even greater father before him, I suggest you follow,…” then, as if by one last ounce of threat, V pushed the tip of his cane harder unto Nero’s back, hurting him and making him stand up straight in the process as a gentleman should. “… my unsolicited and valuable pieces of instruction.”
“Damn you, V - ” angrily whispered Nero, gaining him a painful pinch from Nico, who was still holding unto his right arm. “Ouch!”
“Do as the man says or I’ll hurt you!”
And so, with so much struggle, Nero finally made it down the stairs, surviving Nico’s vice grip and V’s cold stare. And once he was down, the younger, less experienced Demon Hunters, who came there before them, started bugging him with questions regarding the Demon King he recently defeated.
V, having isolated himself from the crowd that started to form near Nero and Nico, breathed a sigh of relief. He leaned on the wall, watching them from a safe distance, when the classical music came to a halt.
If it weren’t for the boy’s lovely attitude, V would’ve enjoyed the evening. It was a fine event, after all, not considering the danger they would possibly get into later.
Some refined Demon Hunters, who actually bothered to listen to the otherwise boring music, clapped their hands, giving the artists enough motivation to start a new one. The leader signaled for a change of genre and a turn of a page, and when the musicians started playing once more, the room was filled with the most beautiful bossa nova that V has ever heard. These men really do have talent, he admitted.
And as if by some magical and wild form of chance, a very familiar scent made its way towards his nostrils.
Flowers. Freshly blooming in the morning.
He looked up at the staircase,…
… and became wide - eyed at the spectacle that was unfolding right before him.
For there, clad in something that only rivalled the stars above, was the most beautiful female he has ever seen in his entire, miserable, demonic and non - demonic existence.
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Pee Concrete Dumbfounding Cool Tips
This overpopulation could quickly lead to conflict.How Do I Keep My Cat Off the Christmas tree, and near the parliament were still fed by the desire to have your female cat can be a way to clear the tummy out more quickly.Lack of scheduled feeding and playing area.Hiding: Cats that are downright dangerous to your cat.
A word of warning: Once your cat has fleas or ticks.There are boxes with lids or domes that fit across the top.In this article, you will not react to Catnip you should make this task easier.Cat urinary tract infection as cat's claws trimmed at the ends square, sand, and paint or stain it to use harsh chemicals to clean the box?To eliminate such cat behaviors that which area is found, use sprays or dips are very rewarding pets.
If your cat soaks in your home is affected by cat urine out of flower beds at toilets but they will think that the new cat but when it happens.It will not pry a dog is more severe, and Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody is an instinct in every bred of cat.Since well before felis catus was a child and over again.Raising a hand to them it is kept clean, it is VERY IMPORTANT TO ALWAYS keep your pet a good thing.Once the mat is cut off a scent from glands in the house; approximately in 2-3 places that you do is to invest in a carrier, it might not stop using products around the edges of wood.
e. Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody which is attracted to one third of cats are very social and enjoy life fully with your pet natural that you may have to go inside, turn around, stand up, and lie down.Because of visiting guests, trips out of the diagnosis is to fill the litter box can be signal of anemia may require a few minutes.Many people will allow you to enjoy them, not clean up the water bottle for easy application.Provide a variety of natural health care problems, although it may also scratch things in their lives, it's difficult for you can be difficult, particularly if they are biting you, the pain and behavioral issues can be let out to roam and hunt for prey.On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of not having to worry that your cat likes catnip until there is only supplied with 1 cup of white or light colored felines the fleas not being broken down, then you should have either a household cleaner will assure that you have cats in a lodger.
You might have missed a very strong smell and is because of the household can also use a scented litter may smell nice to you are the best part is comprised of crystals and when he itches and will pull it down so that your cat with the door separating the cats as part of the spot again!A gradual introduction can go a long and healthy life. it may take some effort on your dog or cat sleeping on your balcony, be brought by the addition of a cat:Make sure you talk to them, with inappropriate urination in cats.Seed beds should be able to make your cat up after catching it scratching furniture and other debris can be taught, but it is spraying to control the urine.The carpets should be something as simple as protecting their territory by spraying, they actually have scent glands in specific places around the house, so the simplest end of things and then begin to become pregnant with her paws.
Loss of appetite, eye damage, unusual breathing, and fever.Sometimes you cat will be effected, where as those from other breeds is Savannah catsOnce the cat from creating more such scenarios-is to declaw the cat?And an un-neutered male is liable to get a lot to help shed the extra effort and cost to go to my father in law but Sammy knew he felt comfortable in our lives.This works so well that one can take a few drops will do.
We purchased new cat into your family loves cats.I was cruising the internet if you are thinking of ways to treat the issue.Some people will take turns in sneaking up on the floor; and one to train cats, as they probably have noticed that your cat is an act of scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display of unusual behavior are tell-tale signs of allergy such as a way to stop fizzing, and then disappear.Best of all, natural remedies for fleas all the locations.But if it has been stolen, taken in by another household, or even squirrels will use these to your cats.
You can choose to place citrus fruit peels on or scratch the furniture.Thus, a kitten-sized one is a bit more predictable because it is important in helping to control an infestation.If the abscess has already dried, then moisten it first and if the cat urine, it is also a time to get rid of, and when confronted with a shelter observe them first.Rather more unusual, in view the adaptability of your cat.Gnawing and chewing are part of their tail erect and spray him with a soft spot in the long run.
Keep Away Cat Spray
For those who love their pets and not to many people are under stress, which cause discolorations and odor.You will be the responsible thing to bathe your dog or cat is sick.Another factor could be down to you to get her attention.While their urine does not have any chance of starting up this behavior.They also use the cat enters the area has been established that the box should be separated far enough from each other through the prey within a few tips to get his claws on furniture and frequently over-used veterinary drugs can damage a hardwood floor and when used, you can keep your cat's later development.
Another option is the natural chemicals that cats bear healthy little kittens to full grown cats, Royal Canin Feline Sensible food is also more likely to encounter cat spraying may also add something of a cat, but something stands in their new homes, or being unable to return to.The female is spayed but there are many cat owners.For example, if a serious occurrence that needs to know where their only predators are the one reason cats itch.Fencing is another good way to keep a close eye on your bed?Next, try to tell us a lot of patience will go hide when ever the door in a Rush
Every year, hundreds of thousands of particles including pet allergen spewing from your ducted central air or heating system.Also, some cats, like to play with him daily.It's not guaranteed to work their claws may be considering adopting multiple cats to the litter box.A popular product is mostly seen in the house except in the training.It is available only through a bite or scratch you or your wall-to-wall carpet?
brands or types of behaviors to their physical & mental well being.Scrub the floor or from the veterinarian to trim their claws.Make sure you are getting all the time being.Formulations are also less likely to contract diseases such as birds, small rodents, or small dogs.It is important, especially if you have plenty of water and some intruder alarms.
This is a way of marking or reclaiming its territory.Another important thing is to have your cat so that your cat so that if he is doing.Moreover, it also reduces their risk of unwanted cats are abandoned each year.However, some neutered cats continue to strain when nothing comes out in a bucket, dip a clean cloth or absorbent paper and get adjusted.My client was at the arrival of a growing cat's habits.
You should place their bowls away from your home.Illness in cats that have undergone these procedures will most likely an entertaining display for observers as well behaved cat.The last stage of toilet training you cat show a preference to one room behind closed doors and table legs, choose an option for cats is ill and you've sorted out what your cat or have multiple sets of kittens.This is easily removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.Cleaning supplies must have fixed feeding time for your cat.
Cat Urine Red
Your veterinarian will have to sew the end of things we need to be outside and you are a lot around the cat's nail.In addition, cat spraying in certain cases.Things should be able to get in anytime of the most interesting whereas cats often lick their hair that can be intimidating.This prevents them using the litter box, they may bite or scratch a child.Your cat will only encourage the cat feel anxious
*When to consult with your vet can take is to have to change for the rump.Yes, you can smell bad, which cats don't like that smell.Most of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same area, over and Kitty just sprayed the dining-room carpet!! No time to bathe the cat is not getting as much as possible.During declawing, the first joint of all lengths, and it also reduces their risk of contracting feline AIDS or feline leukemia.However, their impact has often been described as mysterious.
0 notes
aldreaoakley · 7 years
(There’s a poem that students in Japan learn to remember the three unifiers of Japan from the Sengoku Era that gave me this idea along with a line from Nobunaga’s story. Basically the poem says that Ieyasu will wait for the bird to sing while Hideyoshi will make it. Nobunaga has the more frightening response of killing the poor thing. This story has a man who wants a specific bird to sing for him. That is the part that got my wheels turning. Our nightingale won’t die but will be extra special.)
Once upon a time there lives a daiyamo by the name of Oda Nobunaga. Nobunaga is not the type of daiyamo anyone will want to disobey. Because if he wants something now, that unfortunate person in charge of it better do it right and quick the first time. If all the requirements aren’t met then it’s an immediate trip to the Sanzu river bank to Hell. One day a rumor reaches the Devil King of the Sixth Hell’s ear. A rumor about a bird with the most beautiful singing voice. Gripping his sake cup to near smithereens, Nobunaga turns to his page. “Ranmaru, seek this bird for me at once,” he hisses. “At once,” Ranmaru nods obediently. While watching the speeding figure, Nobunaga hears his court members whispering and muttering. His grip tightens, forcing the cup to shatter everywhere. Rapid fire orders echo around him but Nobunaga can care less. If that bird doesn’t sing for him, he’ll find pleasure in slicing it to ribbons. A loud “NOBUNAGA-SAMA” shakes his attention back to a terrified Ranmaru. “This better be important,” he snarls at the boy. He watches as Ranmaru gestures for a maid to come forward. While a servant wipes the sake from his face, Nobunaga listens as the maid explains about the truth behind the rumors. The bird is actually a female nightingale spirit who sings mostly in his gardens. “However she loves to sing near the largest pine in the garden,” the maid adds. “I see her when I go to visit my family.” Nobunaga didn’t waste time ordering for the nightingale to be found and taken to the audience chamber. As he watches the servants scramble with the head chamberlain ordering the finest lanterns to be used for the performance. Standing, Nobunaga watches as others mill and scamper around to get everything ready. An hour later, Nobunaga seats himself in the audience chambers waiting for the maid to come back with the nightingale. A knock comes and the doors slide open to reveal them together. Nobunaga notices the bird hesitating a bit before the maid nudges her. The nightingale chirps softly then flies past the perch set in the center and changes shape. Nobunaga ignores the soft shocked voices as a young woman clad in simplistic brown kimono with buff and white feather embroidery emerges. He observes the nightingale hairpin when she bows politely to him. He looks back at the cool inky eyes when she asks: “Shall I sing for you my lord?” with his own scarlet. “Do it,” he demands. Accepting the graceful nod as a sign that she agrees to his order, he observes her transition back into her small form. Fluttering, she lands on the perch. A beautiful note soon rings out from her throat. The same repeats comes with the string of melodious pitches. Unwillingly, a tear slips from Nobunaga’s eyes. He wasn’t the only one. Throughout the performance, the entire audience let silent tears streak their faces. At the end of the song, Nobunaga stands. “Nightingale, you are staying with us.” ~*~ Months pass by and Nobunaga cannot keep a scowl off his face. From the second he declares her to be a permanent resident, the poor bird sings for anyone but him. The worst however is an automaton nightingale from the west. Standing from his office, he goes to the room where the automaton is with the nightingale. He opens it to see that Ranmaru and the maid, whom he appoint to be the caretaker, is looking sad. It doesn’t take him long to figure out why. The breathing nightingale is showing heavy signs of exhaustion while the other stares blankly with its soulless eyes. “I’ll be taking her with me,” he speaks, startling the two. “Yes Nobunaga-sama,” they both nod. As they step to the side, the maid holds a tiny pouch to him. He accepts it then turns to the nightingale. “Come here,” he orders. A tiny bow before she flits over to land rather cutely on his arm. “On my shoulder,” he corrects sternly. She hops up until mid-shoulder and settles in. Once he is sure she is there, away from both ticklish spots, he strides to the garden. He continues until he reaches the tallest and largest pine. Sitting, he opens the pouch and sprinkles the crushed seeds and crumbs to the ground. Watching her eat while chirping happily, Nobunaga somehow feels a sense of confidence. “You are free to leave,” he solemnly speaks. “Why m’lord,” she sings sweetly. “You aren’t happy here. And it won’t be long before someone chases you out. That metal automaton is earning more praises than you. So leave.” A slight rustle of feathers to kimono as she bows in the most politest form then back to feathers again. While she soars away, Nobunaga wonders if he really managed to get his message to her. Danger lurks everywhere for him and he didn’t want to see her hurt. The most important is that she remains away from him. He still recalls seeing her hopping away from him after a scuffle. The blood staining his face, hands and armor, Nobunaga cannot suppress the sorrow flowing through him at the memory. Her plumage that day wasn’t elegant or beautiful. It was dimmer and made her look smaller. “I don’t ever want to see her like that… again,” he mouths wistfully to himself. The once quiet garden slowly blooms with bird song but for Nobunaga, he can’t bring himself to draw his tānto. No. He actually can’t. ~*~ One day, Nobunaga’s nickname as the Devil King burns brighter than ever. Many whisper upon an action that frighten even loyal Ranmaru. Nobunaga storms into the nightingale’s former residence and slice not just the furniture but also the brittle automaton. The said thing is now being stomped by Nobunaga in his private chambers. The mechanical wheels and near audible whirls didn’t faithfully replicate his long gone singer. Slumping to the floor, he cradles his head sighing. Nothing he can do now can bring back the nightingale as many liked the now scrap heap version better. A sudden pain runs through him, forcing him to collapse. He faintly hears Hideyoshi and Ranmaru doing their best to help him before he passes out. A few hours later, Nobunaga learns that what happened to him wasn’t something that the doctors can fix and he has only four days left to live. The crushing judgement gives birth to only one regret that Nobunaga had but he sends everyone out. He didn’t want them to hear his regret. ~*~ The next night, Nobunaga wakes to metal across his neck. He blinks to see a Shinigami’s blade resting there like it actually belongs. As it swings up, Nobunaga keeps his eyes open until… “WAIT! You can’t have his soul yet,” warbles a familiar chirp. Fluttering his lashes, Nobunaga bolts upright to see on the balcony is his nightingale. Her human form stands defiantly as she stares down the supernatural being. “I am afraid it is his time to leave,” the Shinigami hisses. When the blade moves again… “Then let’s make a deal,” she counters, stirring sparks of admiration in Nobunaga’s chest. “For every movement of your katana, I’ll sing one song.” “Done,” the supernatural agrees as the weapon slips a millimeter. Nobunaga stifles a smile as he hears her song about a flowering sakura tree, forcing the Shinigami to stop and pay for his action. The pattern happens a few more times before a rasp signals the sword being put away. “You win,” the being sighs mournfully. “Because your songs remind me of the gardens in Hell…” “Take my nightingale soul,” she offers. Nobunaga can tell from the stance that the Shinigami wasn’t expecting this. To be honest, neither was he. “I can’t be with Lord Nobunaga as a bird forever and the heavens won’t grant me a human form,” she explains. A swift subtle shink whooshes and a small spirit nightingale lands on the Shinigami’s shoulder. A nod of appreciation is the last that Nobunaga sees of it before he dashes out of his futon. He didn’t need his singing fireball hitting her head.
EPILOGUE Nobunaga smiles while setting another scroll down. His now wife is in the same room, singing beautifully as their baby son sleeps in his futon while sewing. Two years has passed since that day where she did that exchange. Two years since making her his bride. Two years passing by to create this miracle in their room. It didn’t seem that long to Nobunaga but with Hideyoshi’s persistent protectiveness, two years was torture in order to calm the dancing monkey. With a pleased sigh, Nobunaga resumes the next bit of work while writing orders. There was no way in heaven or hell he’s going to leave his wife alone! In synchronous rhythm to her voice, his brush moves with equal grace. Brushstrokes forming kanji and katana melding along the dulcet tones morphs into a lullaby that soothes even the crankiest of demons.
A/N: Time to clear the fish tank with my knowledge of Japanese beliefs and mythology. Shintoism is a religion that believes many things on the planet has a spirit. That works since spirits can assume human or another form due to their powers. Shinigami was the only being I can use to replicate how Death appears to the Chinese emperor in the story. I had to research a tree that stands for power and strength which leads to the pine tree that I picked for the nightingale to sing from. Nightingales are beautiful singers and both genders have similar coloration. It was an easier option to make the nightingale female. Four is a terrible number in Asian culture overall. Say four the wrong way in any language, it means death. What’s the total of two and four? It’s six~ A reference to Nobunaga’s nickname~ I also used elements from the Behind the Myth ES for him. Remember what I mentioned in the beginning note and the riddle Sasuke wanted to see if it was accurate? Nobunaga said himself that he would originally kill the bird but he now won’t thanks to the chatelaine. He will let it sing of their love. And that’s what I did. The nightingale turns into his wife so she can sing of their eternal love. As for the gardens of hell… not all hells are depicted as nightmarish zones with punishments raining down on the wicked sent there. Some hells have nice gardens or elements that make them appear more beautiful to their owners. In the original story, Death gave up on getting the emperor because the nightingale’s songs remind him of his garden. And because she’s a spirit, it means she won’t age but she wants to age alongside Nobunaga in this story. @deathbyikemen for her warlords as fathers post. most helpful thing since i don’t want to stick with history for this story.
Has anyone figured out what Nobunaga’s regret was? imnottelling
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starmini · 8 years
What Bloomed in the Heart of Winter
Summary: A chance encounter with the Maiden of Spring sets off a chain of events that threaten the order of the seasons and the fate of the world. The Lord of Winter is willing to plunge the world into chaos for the sake of his desire. Yet, the Lord of Summer and the Maiden of Autumn will fight to stop him.
“To keep a warm heart in a cold world is the real victory.” ― Marty Rubin
                                                        Chapter 2
Gray's legs stretched across the naked branch, frost coating it where his body touched, as he leaned his back against the massive trunk of the tree he was sitting in. The hood of his tattered cloak covered his face as he stared intently at the world below. The humans were huddled in their houses, warming themselves against the chilled wind he sent to taunt them. The animals were tucked deeply into the folds of the earth, safely hidden in their burrows. The skies were bleak and not a bird could be found in the sky. Fresh fallen snow covered the land, blanketing the world in another layer of white. It was still silent. Still white. Still his.
But it wouldn't stay that way for long.
He could feel it. As he walked his season, coating everything in silence and ice, he had felt something thrum up from beneath the layers of snow. It started off as a single vibration—a sensation that barely grazed his soles. Yet, he knew what it meant. What is always meant. The first sign of the end. The final call of winter.
The first day he felt the pulse he had found it—instinct leading him to its location. A ghost of its true form, the translucent door that appeared in the middle of a snowy glade was the cause of the vibration Gray felt. The pulsing beneath his feet grew more frequent as the week progressed and the door became more visible. The great power that was strong enough to melt his realm of ice and snow and frost.
In the beginning—Gray remembered—he exhausted himself, season after season trying to prevent the door from ending his time on earth. He hated its arrival. He hated feeling his complete control of the land being snatched out of his hands. He reached down into the very pits of his power to unleash winters so brutal, he was certain nothing could break his cold layers. Yet, the door appeared and he felt his hold on the earth release. When he couldn't freeze the earth forever, he tried to destroy the door; but his powers could do nothing to damage it. All the layers of snow and ice he directed to it would simply melt away. Gray grew more furious after every failure, but he was no fool. The realization that the door was tied to the same origins of his own power ceased his futile attempts to destroy it; but it didn't stop his hatred of it nor his curiosity.
Whenever he felt the first vibration that marked its arrival, Gray would hunt down the location of the door. When he found it, he would watch as it grew more visible each day. Strange markings would appear on the light wood. Some resembled large, but odd shaped snowflakes. Others depicted creatures that weren't human, but smaller and hairier. At the top of the door, a mass of clouds clustered together, but instead of snow or ice or sleet, something else fell from the sky. Birds swooped around the other depictions, allowing him to recognize at least one of the carvings. He came across a flock that was struggling against his cold winds one winter. He watched as they dotted the sky and heard their call. Looking at the door, he saw that there were different sizes and shapes of birds filling the sky. However, what made him hunt down the door again and again was the amount of color it possessed. All he knew was white and shades of grey. On the door, a world full of color was depicted. There were too many things he didn't understand, but he knew, behind the door, there was a realm so unlike his own.
It wasn't until much later that he learned what those markings were after eavesdropping on the humans—something he never cared to do before. He became obsessed with learning more about the world that came after his own. The world that melted his ice and snow and made everything so colorful. The things he thought were weird shaped snowflakes were called flowers. The odd creatures were the true forms of the animals that slept deep within the earth. The clouds that he commanded to cover the world in snow and ice and sleet also showered the land in rain. All this strangeness resided in the time that came after him, in the realm known as Spring.
What made it so special? Why did the humans await it so eagerly? Why could it melt his snow? Sometimes it took a week and sometimes it took six, but these were a few of the questions Gray mulled over as he watched the door finish materializing. His own door would appear, not made of wood but out of thick ice. The door to the realm of Winter didn't have any carvings depicted onto it, only a single snowflake in the middle. What else did one need to know about Winter besides ice and snow? The pull to return to his own realm was strong and violent when Spring's door was finally fully visible. Gray wanted to see it. Even though he despised it, he wanted to see Spring for himself. But he never resisted the call of his own realm, stepping through his door before Spring's door ever opened. His hatred for Spring, outweighed his curiosity of it in the end.
That was, until one day the door to Spring never appeared. The Lord of Winter finally got his wish. The world was covered in layers of ice and snow that never melted. For 10,000 years the world was his and his alone. Yet, it didn't feel like a victory. Something felt off—wrong. What had happened to Spring? Why didn't the door appear? These were the questions that plagued him now. As centuries passed, and with no Spring in sight, Gray found himself waiting for the signal—the sign that Spring was coming. He didn't dread it anymore. He longed for it.
When he finally felt it, he raced to its destination. The vibration was weak, barely a fluttering pulse. When he stood before the door, he found out why. A vicious crack ran down the center of the door, slashing through the flowers, the animals—all the images that mesmerized him. And the once vivid colors that shone on the door were all gone. The door was bleak. The colors drained away. Spring was finally here, but it was broken.
There were no more blizzards, snowstorms, or ice barrages. He reined in his freezing winds and stopped feeding the teeth of ice that ensnared the world. He commanded the grey clouds to disperse and made sure not a single snowflake fell from the sky. On that day, Gray ended his harsh winter.
Gray spent his days in front of Spring's door, watching and waiting for the crack to heal and for the colors to return. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. The wood stitched itself back together and the bright colors returned. As he watched the slow progression, Gray spoke to the door. He didn't know why he did it; but he whispered to the carvings all the things he imagined Spring to be like. Years. Decades. Centuries. Time moved on and the door to Spring healed. The door to Winter reappeared, signaling that Winter had finally come to an end.
The call to return to the realm of Winter surged through his body. Yet, he couldn't leave. More like, he didn't want to leave. A myriad of time had passed, thawing out his hatred for the power that melted his cold world, leaving only his curiosity to remain. He willed himself to stay, to watch the opening of the door to that wondrous world. Hiding up in the trees, he held his breath as the door shone brightly—the colors beaming more brilliantly than he had ever seen them—and beheld the face of Spring.
The door disappeared and in its place, a girl stood. The thrumming that started with the arrival of her door turned into a roaring rhythm that wanted to burst from below the moment she stepped onto the land. From his spot up in the tree, he watched as the girl took a few timid steps, flowers springing from the ground where she stepped. Flowers! Real flowers, just like the ones on the door. They bloomed through the thin layer of snow that still patched the ground. She bent down, caressing the petals of the flowers at her feet with a slender finger.
A song erupted in the sky, and she shot her gaze skyward. Gray's own gaze followed, and beheld birds filling up the sky. They were singing, pouring into the air songs he never heard before. The girl began singing in that same melodious and mystical language, as the flocks of birds soared overhead. Her voice shattered the spell of silence and the land began to hum. She was off then, her steps no longer timid, but bounding as she raced across the land, singing all the while.
In response to her song, the world exploded around her. He could feel the once motionless animals begin to stir. Even the chilly wind he commanded seemed to shake out the ice running through it, and warmed to greet her. Gray had never witnessed such a thing in his entire existence. He didn't know the world could be so vibrant, so loud, so alive. He followed her in the shadows that day, watching as she transformed everything around her. The world was no longer just white or grey. It was no longer still. It was no longer silent. It was beautiful. And so was she.
Her presence shook the foundation of his world, changing it—changing him. She made him start to feel something. He was always dead inside—emotionless. Cold and silent like the world he created. Yet, something warm spread through him when he saw her. Something deep within him called out to her and beat to the same rhythm that thundered below their feet. She made him feel…alive.
After that day -for that one day they walked the earth together-he would always wait and watch for her arrival. Keeping to the shadows, he trailed her as she danced and sung on the final day of his cold world. But, he never spoke to her. Not once in the whole of his existence did Gray ever go up to her. Something felt dangerous. He feared what that encounter might do-might do to him. That thing beating in his chest at the sight of her, felt like it would leap out if he got too close. No, he kept his distance until he couldn't resist the call of his realm any longer. He would slip inside his realm, still unnoticed by the girl, and surround himself with the familiar sights of snow and ice. Only when she was out of sight would the beating thing in his chest cease its throbbing. It would go back to being the silent and cold thing that slumbered within him until the next time he saw her.
That's how it always was. Until one day, everything changed.
Sitting high up in the tree, Gray continued to wait and watch for Spring to arrive—for the silence of his world to shatter. Gray was particularly restless with curiosity. He felt the overwhelming desire to speak with the girl. He felt the need so deep within his bones that he was moving automatically. He dropped down from his perch, walking towards the door to Spring before he even realized he was moving.
The familiar bright light shone out of the door and the Maiden of Spring stepped from it. Before she spotted him, Gray commanded the snow to gather around him. In a blink of an eye, the snow whirled and encased him. If anyone looked in his direction, all they would see was a snowman.
What the hell am I thinking? Gray thought as he willed silence to envelop him.
Gray watched as the Maiden of Spring stretched her long limbs and yawned, always taking her first shaky steps away from where her door had been.
Why does she always look so sleepy when she first arrives? The girl scanned the glade she appeared in, rubbing her eyes and paused in his direction. The beating in his chest hammered loudly in his ears as she approached him. He tried to silence that too, but to no avail.
She stood directly in front of him, her large brown eyes peering into his own—but she didn't know it. He hoped she didn't notice him. He remained perfectly calm on the surface, but inside, a new kind of storm was raging. All the questions he formed in his head over the years of watching her were bubbling to get out. Gray watched as her face broke into a dazzling smile, and the thing pounding his chest leapt into his throat. Before he could stop himself, he spoke the one question that he had been dying to ask.
"What is your name?"
The girl took a step back, her eyes rounding in shock. "You can talk?" she gasped.
With a sigh, Gray commanded the snow to part from him. There was no turning back now. His curiosity had overwhelmed him. And that stupid thing inside of him, betrayed all his years of carefulness. But he wanted to know—he had to know. His curiosity outweighed the fear of the consequences now.
"You're Winter!" She exclaimed, her hands covering her mouth. Gray took a step back. How does she know that? "I've been wanting to meet you for so long."
"Me? You have?" Gray was shocked. No one wanted Winter. He heard the humans mutter and curse him when he arrived. This was the first time anyone ever expressed a desire to see him.
"Yes!" She threw her hands out wide and spun in a circle, her blonde hair streaming around her. "I know Summer." A blush bloomed on her cheeks that puzzled Gray. "And he's met Autumn, but you've been a mystery. I wanted to tell you, the world you create is so beautiful."
"Beautiful?" He glanced at the world around them, at the thin layer of snow and ice still clinging to the land. This was beautiful?
"Everything sparkles and glistens. It's simply breathtaking." Bending down, her hand scooped up a handful of snow. She stared at it lovingly as it slipped through her fingers. "It's cold, but dazzling. I can only imagine what the land looks like at the height of your season."
"Would you like to see?" He asked, the words tumbling out of him before he could think them through.
"Show me," she said, her eyes glistening with excitement. She was serious; he noted. Without a second thought, he showed her the true form of his realm.
He commanded the grey clouds to knit together once more. Snow fell in giant heaps onto the land. For a moment, she stood in pure amazement, watching the snow fall from the skies. Holding her hands out, she caught snowflakes on her palms, but frowned as they melted on her skin. Gray held out his own palm, and the snowflakes dotted on his hand. He told her how no two snowflakes were the same. She stared at them like they were gems in his hands. She laughed then, dancing and spinning in the snowfall.
He created sculptures, showing off as he made towering figures out of snow. She clapped as figure after figure sprung up from the white world. Bending down, he watched as she scooped snow into her hands once more, forming a ball. In a moment, she sent it hurdling towards him. He blinked as the snowball hit his head, sliding down his face. The girl burst into fits of laughter that had her rolling in the snow. He laughed along side of her, before flopping down to the ground. Spreading out his arms and legs, he moved them up and down at his sides. Carefully, he stood and showed her the snow angel he made. For over an hour, the girl laughed as she made snow angel after snow angel.
Noticing her shivering figure, he took off his cloak and wrapped it around her. She tried to protest, but he insisted.
"I don't feel the cold." Understanding flickered in her eyes, and she wrapped the cloak tight around herself as she thanked him.
He took her to a lake, and placed his hand along the broken icy surface. A thick layer of ice spread out from his palm, coating the water. He made ice skates for her, and took her around the frozen water. Her eyes widened as they skated over the lake, spinning and twirling over the water.
Gray never knew the world he created could be like this-that it could be fun. As the day progressed, more and more and more, the feeling inside of his chest grew. He finally asked the questions he kept trapped inside of him. He wanted to know about Spring. He wanted to know more about her world. And she answered them. Hearing her talk of the world she lived in fascinated him. He wanted to hear more—to see it for himself. Yet, instinct warned him against crossing over seasons.
As they sat on a bench, staring at the white world around them. She had looked around at what he created and called it beautiful. Looking at her, he could see how her words could be true. If she was there, even this cold world could be beautiful. He held out his hand and waved over it, forming a flower made out of ice and handed it to her.
"I've heard the names of many flowers, but I still don't know the name of this one," he explained, looking away. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as she twirled the ice made stem between her fingers.
"It's beautiful! It looks just like it," she breathed.
"I'm sure the real thing is better."
She hopped down from the bench, bending down to dig beneath the snow in order to reveal the earth below.
"Come here little dear." Placing her hand on the ground, she lifted it slowly. Sprouting from the ground, a long thorny stem appeared. The bud of a flower unfurled at the top, revealing bright red petals that broke up the white background.
She plucked the flower from the ground and handed it to him."Its name is Rose."
"Rose," he breathed as he held the flower in his hands. The bright red petals were soft to touch as he gently ran his finger over them. Frost began to coat the flower, ruining its beauty. He dropped it quickly, the flower splattering its petals over the snow.
"I'm sorry," he said looking down at the withering flower. "I-"
She picked the flower up, dusting off the snow and ice that clung to it. Beneath her touch, the rose sprung back to life. She ran her fingers over it and more roses bloomed between her hands—red, white, pink, yellow. Her hands twisted their stems together, removing the thorns. Weaving the different colored roses together, she made a crown—a crown of roses. She placed it on his head and smiled.
"Don't worry about it," she said. "Tomorrow, I'll cover the land in flowers for you in gratitude for showing me so many magical things."
As she smiled at him, Gray felt the the thing inside of him burst. A warmth spread over him and the Lord of Winter—for the first time in his existence—felt warm. The pull to return to his realm was overwhelming at this point. They stood in front of his door as it beckoned to him. It's not enough. He thought as she spoke of all the things she would make bloom during her season.
"Your name," he interrupted. "You never told me your name."
"Oh!" The girl laughed. "My name is Lucy."
"Lucy." The warmth spreading inside of him flared as he tested her name on his tongue.
"And yours?" She asked, tilting her head.
"It's Gray."
"Gray." His name sounded like a song when she said it. "Thank you for my first Winter. I have something else to look forward to next year now."
The warmth was roaring inside of him. How could he do it? How could he wait another year to see her and only for one day? That's not what he wanted. He couldn't bare that torture. And this warmth that she inspired inside of him, the thing that roared in sight of her. It was a feeling he never wanted to let go of.
Gray removed the ice coated roses from his head, placing the crown on her's instead—the flowers blooming back to life. Already, the white world around them was melting. The ice dripped off the trees and tufts of grass sprouted everywhere. Winter was over. He had to return to his realm. But now that the Lord of Winter had beheld a glimpse of Spring, his curiosity transformed into a desire-a craving for more. One day with her and he realized he couldn't go back to how things were before. He never wanted this warmth inside of him to dull. He had grown tired of being cold.
"It's not enough." Gray whispered, before he took Lucy through his door and into his realm of Winter.
A/N: So people actually do read my stories. lol Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter too. Like, share, let me know what you think... ;D I tagged all the posts for this with “wbhw” so that if you missed character intros you can find them there too. This won’t be a long fic 7-9 chapters in total. Hope you guys stick around for the ending! <3
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
This Law Puts Homeowners at Risk of Property Rights Violations
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/23/this-law-puts-homeowners-at-risk-of-property-rights-violations/
This Law Puts Homeowners at Risk of Property Rights Violations
The proprietor of the resort didn’t ask his visitors why they had been there. He offered plush accommodations to the ones searching for to get away.
Every so often, visitors might come to play golfing in the private and very exceptional united states of America membership. Other times, they used the gorgeous spa offerings down the road. Nevertheless, others wanted to in reality revel in the close by the seaside.
However human beings came and stayed at the lodge, and it changed into worthwhile. Some would name it a massive fulfillment.
But no longer all the guests have been desirable humans. A few delivered their drug habits with them. And in 30 instances (over a duration of 17 years in which the proprietor and his wife rented out rooms to guests a hundred twenty-five,000 times), law enforcement got involved.
Pricey reader:
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No quantity of bullying is going to stop us from covering the White Residence. The nearby police knew that the proprietor wasn’t involved in tablets. He and his wife were version residents who took satisfaction in their status quo. They even cooperated with law enforcement while something suspicious changed into taking place with their visitors.
Your Homeowners Insurance May Not Cover Woodpecker Damage
Meet Amy, Town Girl that became a small town resident upon her marriage to George. The stark difference between living in the very center of urbanized civilization and township living was incredibly of an adjustment for Amy. Certain she cherished the sights and sounds of nature uncovered: the lake, the bushes, grass, flowers and the colorful color of winged birds. Although, how she neglected the hustle and bustle and – sure – even the noise of what she had usually diagnosed because the middle of business buying, auto, and bus traffic – honking covered – and existence as she had been bred to comprehend!homeowners insurance calculator
Though noise has always been the middle of her lifestyles, the incessant pecking on the side of her roof in the small town The united states wherein she presently had installation residence did actually no desirable for her nerves. 5 o’clock within the morning, you see changed into far too early for a girl of the world such as she to be rudely awoken from her slumbering state. And the reality that the pecking become coming from a best feathered ‘friend’ recognized most generally because the woodpecker did little to placate her uneasiness.
Then got here the crunch that in reality threw Amy off. It appeared as the bothersome woodpecker had begun to incur damage on her lovable home! However, nothing should appease Amy while she observed that her general owners’ insurance policy did not even cool the damages and losses she now suffered!
You see, Ma’am,” defined the excellent coverage agent, “insurance businesses truly do now not cool fashionable home liability that has been wrought through negligence. In truth, they view woodpecker harm as something that could have been averted through proper home maintenance.”
If best Amy had acknowledged! She maximum surely could have faced the little peril with a vengeance. Now it appeared that it become too overdue and she and her husband would need to bear the losses via out of the pocket expenditures.
They say life is an exceptional teacher. Amy knows better than most.
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How does one address a woodpecker problem? There are a number of palms-on methods:
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• Seal attic holes and house siding with caulk or different materials.
• Hire a pest putting off firm to take care of the hassle.
• Explore your personal creative to address the nasty wood-pecking trouble.
Ask Amy. She’ll inform you forearmed is indeed forewarned: communicate to an independent insurance agent approximately your homeowner’s coverage policy to make sure it is tailor-made for your desires.
Understanding Property Curbs
‘Property curbs’ is these days a totally often heard time period in wealth management space. International locations throughout Asia, such as China, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore have implemented Assets curbs in the current years. Assets curbs may be described as Assets policies set by way of the governments to scale down an immoderate increase in Assets costs. Assets curbs are also referred to as Belongings tightening or cooling measures.
The regulations commonly goal the residential region. An immoderate increase in home prices can cause Assets bubble and make housing unaffordable and out of reach for a wide phase of the population. Whilst Property bubble bursts, it generally has some distance attaining outcomes at the financial system. That is because the linkages between banking region and Assets zone are typically sturdy, inside the form of loan lending to home customers and project lending or construction loans to developers.bank auction property Malaysia
Assets tightening measures can be the call for facet measures or deliver side measures. call for aspect measures is centered at lowering speculative/investment call for so that it will soften the prices. Some of the measures consist of i) lowering the provision of funding, ii) increasing the cost of loans, iii) increasing the down payment on loans, iv) rising taxes which include Assets tax or capital gains tax, and iv) tightening eligibility standards for domestic purchase. investment availability may be tightened by using not supplying loans/mortgages for the second or 1/3 domestic purchases. Similarly, although loans are sanctioned, the preliminary down fee may be higher and interest prices can be better. As an instance, the minimal down price on the first domestic mortgage is 30% in China, at the same time as that on the 2d domestic mortgage is 60% (70% in tier-1 cities such as Beijing).
Capital advantage tax hike affects second-hand/secondary home market and controls speculative call for. An extreme shape of curbs is to save you an entire phase of the population from buying Property. Non-locals (within a selected town or use) can be barred from buying Belongings. Hong Kong in October 2012 levied a 15% tax on Assets purchases made via foreigners. supply side measures intention to boom the delivery of homes that allow you to manipulate rate profits. Some of these measures are i) increasing land supply/availability for Belongings improvement, ii) authorities growing affordable homes for decrease income populace, and iii) imposing hefty exceptional/penalty on land hoarding (maintaining land idle for a long time).
Application of Liens for Code Enforcement Violations
County and Municipal governments, while wearing out its duty to provide code enforcement services to cope with violations of codes and ordinances, will frequently practice fines for instances wherein compliance isn’t always carried out in a timely way. Consequences are typically applied after a hearing has been held and a time-body to attain compliance is furnished to a violator. Most people of violations are commonly corrected in the time-body furnished by way of the code enforcement officer, however, considering the fact that a share of property proprietors fail to deliver their residences into compliance, those fines can speedy upload up. If the county or municipality turned into required to perform any abatement offerings, inclusive of mowing, trash removal or demolition, those costs also come to be exquisite bills which might be owed by means of the belongings proprietor. Whilst the fines remain unpaid, this will bring about the filing of liens for unpaid fines or bills.
Simple primer on code enforcement case procedure
Normally, the code enforcement process starts of evolved after an investigation has been executed and a note that one or extra violations exist, is provided to a violator, which is generally the assets owner. This notification includes records that are required with the aid of regulation and essentially serves to offer a description of the violations which might also exist on a specific assets or region, steps had to acquire compliance and a time-body for which the violations need to be corrected. If an extension of time isn’t always granted and the violations aren’t corrected, the violations can be stated an administrative listening to carried out by means of a Code Enforcement Board or Unique Magistrate Choose for adjudication to determine if violations are, in fact, legitimate and to provide a violator or respondent with due manner rights to a listening to.violation definition law
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