#the juiciest fruit
unohanadaydreams · 1 year
As I’m planting my summer garden, I am filled with certainty that Mayuri would introduce GMOs beyond comprehension unto me.
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babygirltony · 2 years
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baldgoddese · 1 year
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(📖: the rise of the goddess/lò.de/ to the Yoni)
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avid-idiot · 1 year
I am craving a fruit salad rn
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cauldroncreations · 2 years
green grapes are so good
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ddejavvu · 4 months
begging for more crumbs of obsessed and oblivious best friend james x reader 🫣🫣 it’s gotten out of hand, like how can y’all not see this isn’t normal behaviour 🤭 you guys don’t even bat an eyelash when james and the boys join you for breakfast, james using the exact same spoon that was just in your mouth. hell even minerva noticed the two of you, james resting his head on your shoulder when he’s done with his work, you wearing his jumper more than he does just because his scent brings you comfort, the boys room definitely have more of your things than james in there 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
okay but i genuinely do think sharing clothes/cuddling can be normal friend shit so i chose eating off of the same spoon
Marlene offers you the courtesy of sneakiness when she attempts to steal the food off of your plate, but James is beneath that. He doesn't bother trying to spare your feelings, he reaches over and snatches a piece of fruit right out from beneath your hand.
"James," Remus elbows the man, "The bowl's a foot away."
"But she's got all the good pieces," James speaks awkwardly, chin jutted out to prevent juice from flowing down his chin as he devours the grapefruit he'd snatched. And- okay, maybe he's right, maybe you'd picked over the fruit salad until you'd found the ripest, the juiciest, the tangiest pieces you could find, but there's barely anyone left in the dining hall, and you'd have left some if you'd known the boys still hadn't eaten yet.
"It's okay, he's right." You wave James's appalling table manners away, using the napkin in your lap to dab at the sticky juice on his chin despite his best efforts, "I took the good stuff."
"Thanks, bug," James hums, leaning into your doting presses of cloth to his skin, "Y'got any blueberries in there?"
"I ate 'em all," Marlene admits, and you shoot her a glare you'd never dare level in James's direction, "-What? So I can't do it but he can?"
"There's blueberries in my oatmeal James," You ignore her, speaking over the tail end of her indignance lest the man beside you catch on to what she's implying, "You can have some, if you want."
"Thanks again, bug," He grins, taking the spoon from between your fingers and blanketing your residual warmth in the metal with his own large fingers. He dips into the bowl of oatmeal that you'd made yourself, catching two blueberries on the spoon, and pops it into his mouth.
Sirius's own jaw splits to reveal a disgusted expression, and he sings it to the tune of a shaky groan.
"That's so fuckin' gross, mate. She had that in her mouth!"
"And now it's in mine," James speaks around the metal; you'll have to break this terrible habit of his, "S'alright, mate, I accidentally used your toothbrush the other day, and you're still kicking."
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Hiiiii could you do a fic where reader is pregnant for the first time? I need more soft!young president coriolanus so so bad
Soft as Snow || Young President!Coriolanus snow x reader
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A/n: thank you for this request anon!! I need more soft coryo too 🥹
Warnings: fem!reader, mention of death
Wc: 860
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
In the opulent sun room of the presidential mansion that you call your home, you sat in a plush chair with a bowl of fresh lychee perched carefully on your pregnant belly. The brightly lit room, adorned with decadent furnishings, seemed to reflect the weight of the world you carried not only as the First Lady but also as a soon-to-be-mother.
The door cracked open and Coriolanus entered with an air of authority that seemed to dissipate as he laid eyes on you, his precious wife. Coryo gestured the servants to leave the two of you alone as his steely gaze softened, and a small, genuine smile graced his lips as he approached.
"May I?" he gestured toward the empty space on the chair beside you. You nodded with an eager smile and he took a seat, his eyes fixed on your protruding belly which was covered by the softness of your silk dress. Gently, he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "How are you feeling, my love?"
His voice, usually reserved and commanding to people outside of his inner circle, held a tenderness and softness that sent a comforting shiver down your spine. You couldn't help but smile at the sincerity in his question.
"I'm well, Coryo. Our baby seems to be quite content by these lychees," You chuckle as your rub your stomach. Coryo smiles, lychees were a rare fruit to come by this time of year but he made sure that you were fed only the most juiciest, ripe, lychees.
"I'm glad," he hums. His hand finds its way to your belly, fingers tracing delicate patterns on the fabric of your dress, ghosting over your skin underneath. "It's a remarkable thing, life," he mused, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions—awe, anticipation, and a hint of vulnerability.
You watch him knowing where his mind was at. The thought of his mother dying during birth along with his baby sister. You knew that he was scared. Scared that maybe you would have the same fate as his late mother. But you assured Coryo, that times have changed and that you would be alright.
The weight of his responsibilities seemed to momentarily fade as he focused on you and the life growing inside you. Your fingers dipped into the fruit bowl, a lychee in between your fingers as you bring it to your lips, Coriolanus watching with fascination. The atmosphere hung in a delicate balance, as if time itself had slowed down to savour this tranquil interlude.
"Have you thought about names," he asked, breaking the silence. You chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the room, "I have actually. Vicky," you watch Snow's features contort into a mixture of emotions.
"Vicky. like my mothers-" "Yes, like your mother's name." You interrupt him as your thumb brushes over the back of his hand, a comforting gesture that spoke volumes. "I love it. Vicky Snow," He says with a smile on his face.
As you continued to share the bowl of fruit, the conversation drifted from politics to dreams, hopes and the shared future that awaited your family. Coriolanus, a man known for his strategic mind and politics, revealed a more vulnerable side, a side reserved for you, his wife carrying his child.
Time slipped away, and the room glowered in the soft hues of twilight. Coriolanus stood, his eyes lingering on you with an affectionate gaze. "I've got state matters to deal with, my dear. Just know, you and our child are always on my mind."
Days turned into weeks, and the swell of your belly grew more pronounced. The Capitol buzzed with excitement over the impending arrival of the newest member of the Snow legacy. Coriolanus, ever the stoic leader, became a pillar of support, attending to your needs with a grace that contradicted his ruthless reputation.
One evening, as the two of you stood on the balcony overlooking the Capitol, he wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting protectively on your belly. The lights of the city below shimmered like a sea of stars, and for a moment, it felt like the world paused to witness the union of power and vulnerability.
As the days dwindled down to the eagerly anticipated arrival, Coriolanus stood by your side, a beacon of strength. The birthing room, stark and sterile, contrasted sharply with the opulence of the Capitol. Yet, in that space, you found an intimacy that transcended the political stage.
The first cry of your newborn filled the room, and Coriolanus held the tiny bundle in his arms with a reverence that bordered on awe. His usually composed demeanor crumbled, replaced by the unfiltered joy of fatherhood.
"She's so beautiful, just like her mother," He whispers, his eyes never leaving the small face nestled in his arms. "Thank you, thank you for gifting me a gift beyond measure," Coryo looks at you as you couldn't help but let a teardrop roll down your cheek as you gazed at the future you had brought into the word.
You couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected beauty that had blossomed in the heart of the Capitol's calculated power.
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dante-mightdie · 5 days
Okay okay I saw something about cult! Farmer Johnny and my mind spewed this out
Farmer Johnny with a sweet naive girlie who doesn’t know what’s going on ever- like at all- she’s just happy to be taken care of and railed- she doesn’t care about what’s outside of the cult because she’s happy just being a pretty little housewife who gets to pick strawberries and make jam n cute little pies <3
c/w: cult!au, farmer!johnny, smut, breeding kink
the ripple muscle that once adorned his body has soften down into a more soft and bulky build from eating all the food you cook for him. he’s guilty of putting aside the best cuts of meat, the ripest vegetables and juiciest fruits for you. perks of being the compound farmer, I guess
there’s a sharp contrast to you both. johnny’s muddy hands compared to yours softened with flour from the fresh loaf of bread you had baked for dinner tonight. his work leaves him aching and drenched with sweat whilst your role leaves you soft and content for him to return home to, something pretty and pliant to ease his aching muscles after a long day
his hair has long since grown out, far too busy with his duties to maintain his old ‘hawk. besides, you like having something to yank on when he pries your thighs open and eats you out like a man starved when you settle in for bed that night
the rumblings about simon’s wife made him nervous for you, terrified his bonnie might get the same silly ideas about the outside world. that she may one day decide that staying at home, baking scottish desserts and hearty meals for your husband will no longer be enough
little does he know that his wifey is far more concerned about building their home together, cooking meals that are supposed to enhance fertility and sperm count so your johnny can knock you up sooner than rather than later :( you just want a big table of his rugrats so you can cook even bigger meals that won’t be wasted on just the two of you
he’s aged a bit now, not as rowdy as he was when he was a young man where he was show off with complicated positions and over the top dirty talk. he’s much more concerned with simply making his pretty wife cum until her thoughts are filled with nothing but him
flashy positions are swapped out for the classics. they’re classics for a reason, right? johnny is now much more content with putting you on your tummy and shoving a pillow under your hips, grinding and rutting into your cunt whilst he growls about knocking you up, how he wants to come home every day and see your belly grow with his children :(
sigh I want him
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hotwings0203 · 7 months
Needed to get possessive alpha bakugo off my chest, ill prolly write a sequel to this tmrw cuz i got some ideas
Tw: noncon, omegaverse
thinking about childhood possessive bakugo who's pined for his omega since she joined the pack Time after time again since you were kids he'd always tried to get close to you, using a number of strange to threatening courting techniques. It was benign at first when you both were young, with him jumping up the large apple tree to get you the juiciest fruit you could never seem to reach, but when you two grew older and played together with the rest of the pack, his efforts seemed more...possessive.
He'd always single you out and force you to be on his team, following up with growling at you whenever you'd run more than a few paces in front of away from him. His sleek gold and black coat would brush up against you constantly, as if only touching you would satiate his desire for your proximity. Bloodred eyes would glare at you when you'd shyly back away at dinnertime, opting to sit away from his intense gaze.
Not like he'd let you get that far.
When it would come time for bathing with your sisters, somehow, everytime you'd be out of the loop and would end up being forced to wash yourself on your own in the cold water.
Little did you know your sisters were not-so-kindly encouraged to not communicate their congregation to you by a certain fiery alpha.
And so when everyone was by the fire, barking out laughter and telling stories of their weekly hunt, you'd sulk to the riverside by yourself, clutching your towel over your shivering body as youd sink closer in the shallow water.
You wanted to get it done as fast as possible so you could join your pack in merry-making, haphazardly scraping dirt off your paws and washing the crevices between your ears.
But as soon as you take a step towards the lush bank, you hear a heavy splash behind you.
You whip around, ears drawn back immeditaley after seeing the alpha who shamelessly follows you around like he's already claimed you.
"W-whatre you doing here? Everyone's by the..fire..." you trail off unsurely as his spiked-up wet mane shakes in laughter. His lack of concern for the reprimands he'll undoubtedly recieve for being this physically close to you send faint warning alarms at the back of your head. Usually he glowers at you and turns tail, but this is new.
"I thought the pack leaders told you to leave me alone," your lip wobbles as your tone borders on fear and indignation. Your brothers had always kept you safe from him, snarling and hiding you behind their tall legs whenever he was around. Bakugo never seemed to give up though, his own flashing teeth and sick grin mirroring their own worry pulled back from their lips.
"Yeah? But you're here though."
You swallow hard and hope he doesn't hear your whimper as you splash backwards towards the bank, but his low grumble of pleasure upon smelling your sweet fear-omones says otherwise. It proves to him that you're not as immune as your other brothers swear you are to protect yourself against him, theyre actually worried for a reason.
They know you'd never stand a chance against him.
And his muscles do ripple amid the water as he steadily stalks towards you, leering as he licks his canines and trains his eyes on your feeble form.
It seems like as fast as you flail backwards towards unseen safety, he advances twice as fast, and within seconds your back hits a hard and scratchy surface.
Bakugo chuckles a humorless laugh as you've nestled yourself in a nice, private corner away from the mainland where everyone can see you. You've backed both of you into an enormous concaved treetrunk, one that circles around 10ft and only one opening...
which you've trapped yourself in.
The roots of various plants that have grown inside this hollowed out trunk provide little cushion as you whimper and try to desperatley climb the walls.
"When are you gonna give up?"
His voice is low, raspy with mixed want and bitterness.
"S-stop, stay away from me or I'll call for h-"
"When are you gonna realize you can't escape me?" He harshly whispers right at your ear as he lunges toward you, causing you to squeal with terror.
He nips your soft ear and inhales your neck, craning his own to get a good look at the sensitive unclaimed part of your neck.
His hands grip your sides and mold the squishy parts as though they were dough, his greediness increasing exponentially as he lowers his drooling mouth to your ear and laves his wet tongue over the planes of your neck and shoulder.
You begin to shake and sob, never having been dealt with him actually touching you and being a victim to his lust. You've taken the protection of your brothers for granted, and oh how you wish you could softly howl out if you had the courage to ask for help.
But the blonde's presence itself is enough of a threat to your life and safety, that much being made clear as his hands grow claws, no doubt his physical appearance shifting from being so riled up. Your skin prick and cuts as his nails jab harder into you, his hands roaming up and down your back, feeling your hips and ghosting over the swell of your ass as well as chest.
You writhe against him which unbeknownst to you, pushes your naked chest out against his own shredded pecs, your pebbled nipples grazing his toned skin and practically making his eyes roll back in efforts not to pin you down and take you like his bitch.
"I just wanted to wash," your voice comes out pleading, and meek. You have no idea how he'll react to you being aggressive and defensive against his assault even if you had the courage to speak out against him.
"And I want to claim you as my omega," he growls directly in your ear, causing you to whine again and cower your head beneath his hounding mouth. "But I guess we'll both have to wait for what we want, huh?"
He knows you know.
You have to know.
Have to have known how badly he wants you, wants to hear your voice ring high with laughter like you do teasing your sisters, wants to hear your playful growls as you wrestle with your brothers who let you win just to see you swish your tail with prowess. He wants to feel you rest your head on his chest, wants to see you look up at him with security and ease, knowing that he's there to protect and love you.
But how can he explain that, with years of nothing but threatening looks and yards of distance between you two?
If it brings you familiarity and perhaps ease of seeing him as you've always thought to have known him, as a brute with nothing on his mind apart from taking you like an animal and conquering you, then he'll save the monologuing for later.
"After all," he heaves in the darkness of the seclusion, voicing his thoughts, "your birthday's coming up, right? You'll be of age to be claimed."
He thrusts his knee in between your trembling legs, pushing your shoulders down while following with his head and never letting his mouth rise above your unclaimed mark. You gasp as he begins grinding his knee in circles against your hooded clit, bouncing you lightly to evoke whatever sweet noises he can from your pursed lips.
You choke and sputter, suddenly grasping around his neck for leverage as you try to pull yourself up, but you're no match for him as it only serves to prove his point and enrage him from your constant rejection.
You can lie to him all you want, but your body never will.
"And trust me, little girl, when that cunt ripens for me to take, when that neck fucking sings for me to lay my mark-"
Your voice cracks into a howl as he takes one of his hands and squeezes the fat of your tit while the other spanks your jiggling ass on his knee, feeling whiplash from the onslaught of sensations.
"-I can promise you, there's no running. There's no cowering behind your brother's legs like some fucking baby, there's no using your sisters as an excuse to turn your face away from me."
Bakugo presses you tight against the wall, smothering you chest-to-chest with him and using the confined space to rut his naked erection against your thigh, his hips snapping forward and chasing years of needed release in your presence.
"I'll tie you down on my bed, face down ass-up and breed you as my bitch. I'll take you bent over and wrapped around me against every surface and floor of our secluded cave."
You blubber as you can feel yourself coming to a high, the water splashing obnoxiously at your humping against each other. In an effort to keep your pride, you try as hard as you can to grit your teeth and delay your orgasm, but he seems to catch on pretty quick.
"And then," he drops your tit and uses both hands to pry your asscheeks apart, impaling you impossibly closer down on the hard bone of his knee, your clit grating deliciously as his leg vibrates and flexes from moving you back and forth, up and down, any direction he can get your teeth to latch onto your lip and pussy clench on nothing.
"Then, you won't have to hide that pretty voice anymore. I'll get those years of silence back in exchange for your screams for help."
At this, he hugs you flush against the wall and himself as you shake from your orgasm, the water rippling at your reaction.
"So if I were you, I'd be grateful for any solitude from now on. Because you won't be getting it anymore."
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soulaana · 2 months
𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 – c.springer
connie x nail tech!reader
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it was finally friday. and after a long hectic week, you thought you would finally get the chance to relax. but today proved to be just as long and hectic as the whole week.
first of all, you had no more monomer for your acrylic, so you had to order online. so most of your clients had to be moved to the next week, which made you feel bad despite them all saying it was fine. Then, after doing the little few clients you had, you went home to get some food, only to find that the fridge was damn-near empty. On top of that, your granny texted you about a cookout happening at her house that weekend and told you to bring fruit salad.
yeah, you was stressed. you sighed as you got dressed and made sure your lace was still glued down and not showing. you were prepared to head out, only to be stopped by your boyfriend, pin-head connie.
“where you goin?” he asked, eatin some candy. he walked over and wrapped his arms around your neck, bringing you closer to him. you sighed in relaxation, finally being able to lean on something.
“just the store. my grandma havin a cookout and want me to bring fruit salad.” you said, picking up your keys. as soon as you seen connie puttin on his shoes, you knew this day was about to get even more hectic and stressfull for you.
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all throughout the store, connie was running off at anything that caught his eye, touching shit, knocking shit over, everything under the sun. his big ass was just a giant kid.
“stop it, bring yo ass over here.” you said, dragging him buy his shirt and over to the cart again. yall had finally made it to the fruit isle, and you needed to hurry and grab everything so you could get home.
“now stay right here and don’t move.” you told the man-child. “yes ma’am.” connie smiled at you. and with that, you walked not even three feet away from the cart and grabbed some of the juiciest fruit in the whole section.
when you turned back around, thankfully connie was still there. he was messing around on his phone, leaned on the cart. you mentally relaxed.
you went and placed the fruit in the cart, the whole time, he couldn't just back up, bein all up on you. and when yall bagged everything and put it in the back seat, you felt relaxed and accomplished.
until you heard smacking and juice and chewing… and connie was eating one of the watermelons, a hole right in the middle and his nasty hands just searching for his next piece as he smiled at you.
“chile…” is all you could say in response with your hand pinching your nose bridge.
a man child indeed.
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lostbluejayart · 4 months
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✨🔔 ‘Dew drips from my eye’
cluster of grapes. . . juiciest of fruit swells
Pour like wine🍇
where broken dreams reside🔔 ✨
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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Illustration of a black woman with a light brown complexion, two tears streaming over her cheek. An earthy brown scarf is worn on her head, paired with round sea-green earrings. She is sitting on her knees in blue jeans, wearing a mint-green tinted bust top with long, ruffled low sleeves off the shoulders. She holds a big vase of flowers that sits between her legs. Just behind her rests a brown wolf, one eye closed while the other stares at the viewer with an eye that resembles a beautiful sunset. Two cluster of purple grapes hang in the air on either side of the woman's head, and water drips and falls off the fruit as if it had rained, making them appear delightfully juicy and delectable. Slightly above the grapes are also two patches of blue forget-me-nots that look as if they are falling from the heavens. At the top of the picture in both corners are white flowers with a honey filled center as big bells peek out from within. A blue python also slithers within both flowers, its long body connecting from one to the other. Five stars float beneath the flowers and snake while one rests just above the woman's head, and the sixth star hangs above the middle of the snake at the very top. The sky is painted midnight in dark blue tones, slowly blending into a light brown in the middle of the picture. And at the bottom lays a river of wine mixed in stars and black space, a couple of green and pink foliage sprouting from it here and there.
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Validate Yourself & Stop People Pleasing
A comprehensive guide to learn love & trust yourself and break out of your people-pleasing identity. Hope this helps xx
Remember the longest relationship you have in life is the one with yourself. While we all need an external support system to be well-rounded & healthy individuals, no one else will be with you throughout your entire life except for you. So, acting as your own best friend is the secret to living your happiest and most fulfilling life. You ultimately need to do what's best for you. Otherwise, you're damaging the only relationship you will have to confront in every aspect and stage of your life.
Acknowledge your humanity and fundamental right to have needs, goals, and personal desires. Validate your personhood and individuality. Remember you're only human and are bound to have your own physical/emotional limitations and preferences. If you would be willing to cater to others' schedules, boundaries, and limitations, give yourself this equal level of respect and expect others to do the same.
Know everyone is self-centered to a certain degree. No one cares about your happiness as much or is watching you as closely as you are. They all have themselves and their lives to worry about. People are paying attention to their own self-interests (or want you to accomplish things to boost their own credibility or self-esteem). Being your greatest personal cheerleader is the only way to fully give yourself the praise and spotlight you deserve for your accomplishments.
Self-confidence is magnetic. It is the secret to showing up as your best self in all areas of life. Being secure in yourself makes you a better friend, family member, lover, partner, spouse, professional, conversationalist, etc. Validating yourself will make you feel good, but also radiates into every relationship or interaction in your life.
Discover what you love about yourself. Reflect on the personality traits, skillsets, and behaviors you know to be admirable about yourself. Are you constantly making others laugh? Do you get endless praise for your cooking, drawing, singing, or problem-solving skills? Would people come to you first to manage a crisis like a champion? Are you a master disciplinarian when it comes to going to the gym or reading? Do people regularly compliment your outfits or nails? Think of all of the aspects of your being that make you unique and help you to feel content with your existing, authentic self.
Take control of your life to cultivate your ideal self. While you should consistently praise your naturally admirable qualities, remember that you always can change aspects of your life that will help you feel like your best self. Know that you're in control of your decisions and have the mental freedom to think & act in any way you desire to reach any goals or implement lifestyle changes to feel like the person you feel destined to be.
Block out the noise and negative self-talk. We're (almost always!) our worst critics. Consider every new experience or interaction as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures are life lessons that facilitate self-reflection and opportunities for growth. Remember not to beat yourself up for past mistakes: You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. If you weren't embarrassed by your past self, you never gave yourself the chance to evolve and grow. Every success, failure, and new life stage offers its own lessons and teachable moments. Remember that we're all our own unique life paths. Comparing your life to someone else's is like comparing apples and oranges. Both entities may be fruitful but have vastly different flavor profiles, growing seasons, and rates at which they ripen. As Dita Von Tesse shrewdly said: "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches."
Acknowledge that people-pleasing is a form of self-neglect. By prioritizing another person's desires or approval above your own, you're ultimately neglecting your physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual needs. Consider acting in your best in your own best interest as an act of self-care that safeguards your well-being.
Set boundaries. State your limitations, calmly, clearly, and directly. Understand that boundaries are your response to other people's actions, not a means to control other people's behavior. An expectation would be to ask someone not to call you during the workday. A boundary is stating that you will not pick up the phone during the workday and will only make/return calls in the evening after leaving the office.
Communicate your needs & expectations clearly. While you can't control what others will do, being upfront with your needs and expectations can eliminate unnecessary stress, logistical issues, misplaced hurt feelings, or disappointment in any type of relationship. Direct communication between parties will allow you both to respect each other's boundaries and to prioritize interactions that are mutually more positive, helpful, and emotionally nourishing.
Express your "no" freely (and without over-explaining). Remember that "No" is a complete sentence. You do not owe someone your time or emotional energy simply because they asked or expect you to do something/attend an event out of perceived obligation/guilt or simply to make someone else happy. Making sure you're okay is your first priority. Feel free to say "no" to any requests that would emotionally drain you, make you overextend yourself, or compromise any of your personal values/goals/priorities. You don't need to justify your needs. Just kindly decline, and let it be.
Remain consistent with your boundaries & priorities. People will treat you how you let them treat you. Once you set a boundary or share your priorities will someone, stick to these words through your actions to show you're serious about how you expect to be treated. Teach people how to interact with you in a way that doesn't feel self-sacrificing. No one will respect your boundaries and priorities if you don't and are easily swayed to forgo these self-imposed standards on a day-to-day or case-by-case basis.
Consider the long-term consequences of people-pleasing. While it may appease immediate conflict or anxiety, people-pleasing offers a one-way ticket to resentment and misplaced anger. By ignoring our own needs for the sake of others, we place unspoken expectations on these individuals' obligations to reciprocate our emotional labor – whether it be with their future actions or matching our generosity with unprompted favors or emotional support. We start keeping score as we continuously give ourselves over to others of perceived obligation. When someone doesn't return the favor, we get upset, despite never expressing this expectation of someone else or that we're even self-sacrificing in any way. This can lead to us feeling depleted or guilt-tripping others, and from their perspective, seemingly out of nowhere. It is best to remember we always have a choice whether to give to others and it should be of a genuine desire, love, or support for the other person – not as a way to gain external validation or manipulate a situation to create a false sense of obligation that we keep ourselves or the receiving party beholden to. Think of your energy, time, and personal resources given to others as a gift, not a bargaining chip.
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sunniskyies · 5 months
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𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐦 || 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: "do you think you write something with a percy x daughter of dionysus? i’ll take anything, feed me crumbs if you have to 😩🙏🏼🙏🏼" 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and your boyfriend compete to see who can pick the most strawberries 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: book!Percy Jackson  x Dionysus!fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: - 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Fluff? 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 530 𝐀/𝐍: Sorry it’s so short lovely! Thanks for your request, I hope you have a good day ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
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You and Percy are crouched amongst rows of strawberries, desperately rummaging for the little fruits like hunched goblins. It all started with your boyfriend innocently asking to spend the afternoon hanging out with you while you work and naturally has devolved into a competition.
"Yes! Take that, Grapes! I've already got a whole basket!" Percy tears his gaze away from his search to proudly hold up a wicker basket full of red berries. His smile fades almost comically when he sees you, though.
Surrounded by five large baskets brimming with strawberries, you grin wickedly. "Oh, woah, Perce! I think you've won," you exclaim, clapping your hands to your temples and dropping your jaw in mock disbelief.
"Shut up!" Percy retorts, but his eye catches on the bushes that are burying your ankles. One of the small green berries grows fat and red before his eyes.
"You cheater," Percy says incredulously, shaking his head.
Your grin widens. "Who, me? Cheater? Never!" You pluck the strawberry from the bush and crush it between your teeth, winking.
Percy's eyes narrow, and he silently rises to his feet. You raise an eyebrow suspiciously as he walks towards you. "Perce?" You ask.
He doesn't answer, just leans down, right up close to your face. You expect him to kiss you, so your eyes flutter closed. Percy raises a hand and—
Wipes a smear of strawberry juice from your lip.
"You're a messy eater," he smirks when your eyes open in bewilderment, holding his finger up.
"I thought you were going to kiss me!" You harrumph and quickly grab the juiciest strawberry perched on the top of your basket. Reaching up, you smush the fruit against his cheek.
Strawberry mush slides down his sun-kissed cheek, the same colour as the strawberry-flavoured lipstick you wear every day. You're laughing so hard your ribs begin to ache.
"Grapes! I've got training after this!" He cries, grabbing a berry of his own and throwing it lightly at your face. You catch it in your mouth.
"Thanks Perce!" You laugh. He looks ready to send a counterattack, so you scramble to your feet. Arms ladened with five heaving baskets, you stumble off down the field towards the kitchens.
"You can't get away with this!" Percy calls after you, but when he tries to follow you he finds himself tethered to the ground by vines.
"Sorry! They're making strawberry jam this afternoon, I promised I'd help!" You call playfully back, blowing a kiss as best you can with your arms full. "Love you!"
"Let me go!" The vines just wrap around his calves tighter.
Percy grumbles to himself, delicately untangling his feet to not anger the retched plants further. "Stupid girl," he mutters. "Stupid strawberries."
"You two are adorable," a voice says from behind him. Percy turns to see Marshall, an older Demeter kid, tending to a patch of plants.
"She's evil," Percy laughs. Marshall nods his head to the remaining basket, the one Percy filled.
"You need to take that down to the kitchens, too. Revenge can be served," he grins.
Percy has a vision of swiping a huge glob of sweet jam over your face, and smiles devilishly.
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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baldgoddese · 6 months
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There’s a reason God made the yoni the juiciest fruit 💧👅
📖: the rise of the Goddess/ló.de/ to the Yoni
Sacral Chakra. 💧
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bloodlust-1 · 3 months
You’re too sweet for me ₊ ⊹ part 2
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Halsin x fem Tav (dark urge) — Explicit 18+
Summary: Tav takes a dip in the river to calm those pesty dark thoughts, hoping it'd help settle these murderous urges. But things turn interesting when Halsin finds her, offering to keep her company in the water. If only he knew just how pure he was in her eyes, a shame it'd be to destroy such an image.
Note: Enjoy sinners.
-> Part 1 <-
Lovely photo by @moonslittlestar
He leaned in, pressing tender kisses along Tav’s neck, feeling the litter of goosebumps under his lips. His tongue traced delicate patterns along the sensitive veins of her skin, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Tav closed her eyes and surrendered to the tingly sensation of his lips.
Halsin nipped at Tav’s skin, his teeth enticingly grazing her nape. With each touch, he left behind a trail of gentle marks that faded darker into hickeys on her collarbones.
The warmth of his saliva felt like firey lava on her skin. Tav's breath hitched in response to every touch, bite, and suck.
Her chest rose and fell rapidly, arching into his touch. Her teeth caught her lower lip, releasing soft sighs that mingled in the air. In a husky breath, Halsin groaned into her skin.
He was enjoying himself in her body. Like a follower worshipping their god.
The heat built heavily into the air, and then, a small gasp. Halsin had found Tav's nipple between the grit of his teeth. Nibbling on the bud with a rough gentleness.
It hurt too good, and she was not surprised that Halsin was delivering so well.
“You’re better than I thought.” She complimented breathily.
With a pop noise, Halsin released her nipple, “I was afraid to hurt you…" He bites down at the plush of her breast roughly, leaving behind a purple bruise, "I could have tried to be gentle, but I don't think you're interested in such softness."
Okay, now she was intrigued by his words. Tav pulled him in for another tender yet passionate kiss. It was full of teeth and tongue with the occasional lip tug.
Halsin responded quickly, lowering her body closer to his as their kiss deepened. Her fingers traced patterns on his scalp and shoulders, eliciting soft groans with a hint of pain from him.
"Take me out of this water before I change my mind." Tav roughly bit down on his earlobe, whispering dominantly into his ear.
Halsin held Tav close in his arms, pushing past the river's waves. Tav’s heart raced as she felt the strength of his embrace, her breath quickening with anticipation. He occasionally bit down at her neck, sucking until it bruised under his tongue.
When they reached the shore, Halsin laid Tav down on the soft sand, their bodies glistening with droplets of water. Their lips met again, roughly ravaging each other while Halsin's hands kneaded Tav's breasts between his fingers.
Tav’s nails traced red lines into Halsin’s back, and a mixture of pleasure and pain danced off his tongue. It wasn't anything he couldn't take.
Their kisses were passionate and intense, until her palms met Halsin's chest, and pushed him with a gentle but firm tug away from the kiss.
He hovered over her with fast breaths, confused.
Tav spoke threw each ragged breath, "Lay back."
Halsin obeys her wishes, laying his back against the soft sand. With the softest touch, Tav climbed up his body, slowly, teasingly. She burned kisses into his chest, neck, and cheekbones while positioning herself perfectly to sit upon his face.
The eyes of a hunter stare down at its prey. This hunk of an elf was no match for Tav's uncanny attitude and desires. Although, this was new for him, exciting.
With watering lips, Halsin peered up at Tav. From his pov, her wet hair hung over her face, her chest dripping with water off her breasts, and then - the pheromones of the juiciest fruit nature could offer.
He wetted his lips and waited for her command.
Tav rolled her eyes light-heartedly, "Must I give you permission for everything? Do you not know how to eat when people put food in front of your face?"
"Of course I do. I don't need an introduction for such a treat. I'll enjoy this more than you." Promise lingered in his words.
And it brought a smile to her face.
His tongue teased the outside of her folds, tasting the sweet tinge on his tongue. Tav pushed her hips closer to his mouth, practically smothering him between her thighs.
Nails dug into her hips as Halsin held onto them, forcing her even closer than before. This caused her clit to be smothered perfectly against his mouth. And his tongue didn't take long to find it.
Halsin's tongue flickers and circles eagerly on her clit, rewarding him with the sweetest moans. It'd been the nicest thing he's heard Tav speak this entire night.
Her hips rocked against his face and his cheeks had flushed a deep red shade. The blood boiled in his face and his eyes squinted tightly when the sharpness of Tav's nails dug into his scalp.
Her moans were rapid and sloppy, constantly gasping between Halsin's licks. She loved the way his face looked buried between the plush of her thighs. It fit him quite nicely.
Tav's hips swayed and Halsin's hands directed her riding his face, pulling and pushing the rock of her hips.
Tav tangled her fingers between the braids of his hair and went stiff, "F-Fuck.." Her words trembled and Halsin knew she was coming close, "Don't..Nghh - M-Move.."
Halsin fluttered his eyelashes up at her and nodded his head 'yes' continuously. His groans between her folds vibrated against her clit, making Tav throw her head back with whimpers.
Tav wanted so badly to stain his face with something more than just those tattoos.
A yelp ripped out of her lungs and she trembled and twitched under Halsin's hold, coming undone into his mouth. She could feel the warmth of his tongue dancing on her core, licking up the cum.
Tav hunched over, her palms firmly on the ground between his head, horasly catching her breath.
"You taste absolutely lovely." Halsin pops his mouth off her core, licking the corners of his mouth. His chin was covered with his spit, juices, and white slick.
Something clicked in Halsin. If he continued to let her bully him into pleasure, she'd never look at him as an equal. Only someone who can take instruction very well, not that he minded.
The time was now.
In her moment of vulnerability, Halsin grabbed Tav by her hips, lifted her back onto the sand with a soft, thud. She gasped, quickly clutching onto his shoulders before Halsin wrapped his large hand around her neck.
He squeezes lightly, pulling her up to meet his lips, but he doesn't kiss her. instead, he spoke with a deadly tone she'd never heard before, "I'm going to fuck you until every living creature knows my name."
Tav's eyes went wide and she opened her mouth, only a whimper coming out.
"Shh..There now, my heart...The only thing I want to hear is my name cry out your lips." He squeezed her throat, forcing her chin up before crashing a searing kiss on her lips.
"Now - be a good girl for me."
Tav's eyes darted down, eyeing the hardened length between his legs. And gods, was it absolutely huge. Her mouth watered at the thought of even fitting that deep in her.
"Impress me, druid." Her eyes challenged Halsin with a cheeky smirk.
Oh she was so close, if only that pretty mouth didn’t sour it.
Halsin put his hands on her knees, spreading her legs slowly apart and watching the folds of her core expose to the cool air.
Hooded eyes bore down on Tav like a peace offering. Her body folded in every way perfectly, with curves as smooth as a petal. Halsin leaned over and pressed kisses into her stomach, looking up at her as he did.
“You’re beautiful.” He mummered between kisses, suddenly planting a kiss on her core.
“M-mmmh…” She squirmed slightly, arching her back up in an attempt to follow his fleeting kisses.
Halsin's knees dug into the sand while his hand dipped into Tav's core, collecting the excess juices she provided, leaving his fingers coated in slick.
He then used that to coat his cock with his already pre-cummed tip. Slowly pumping his fist a couple times to wet his shaft.
Tav looked down at him with glistening eyes. Just how far could she fit him before it started to hurt?
The veins on his hardened length bulged out and begged to be buried deep in Tav. The invisible string pulled them closer and closer until his tip eagerly rested perfectly on her entrance.
Tav locked eye with him, not a single stammer in her words.
"Fuck me."
A sly smile crossed both their features.
His hips slowly fed inch by inch into her wet core. She took him well, except for the stretching pain more than halfway down his length. Tav dug her fingers into the sand with gritted teeth.
"Look at you." His fingers tickled her legs in small strokes, "Taking me in so well."
"Ahh...You're so big." Tav squirmed and adjusted her hips closely into his, causing a deep chuckle to rattle Halsin's lips.
"Hah - I know, love." He hunched over her body and positioned himself comfortably between her legs.
A kiss was placed softly on her lips and it eased her of the slight discomfort, "You're doing good, relax and it'll feel much better." He whispered between gentle kisses.
She let out a breathy exhale and tried to relax her lower body, opening her legs wider which earned her praise.
"Very good girl."
Tav's eyes darted at him to such praise and her face turned a dark shade of red.
"Hmm...Is that what you wanted to hear after being so bratty?"
Tav averted her eyes and went silent, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him closer, deeper into her.
Halsin smiled softly, knowing already what the answer was. He began to jerk his hips in and out, skillfully, passionately, and possessively.
Their foreheads connected, breathing heavily amongst each other's lips. Tav's walls clenched and twitched around his girth, letting herself go in a plethora of moans and whimpers.
The bed of stars with Halsin hovering right above, it was the perfect POV. Not to mention the tingly sensation that tickled between her legs up her back.
Tav hungrily searched for his lips between the constant thrusts, causing her to bob like the river waves onto the shore.
Their teeth clashed in a fight for dominance, both moans mingling heavily between sloppy kisses. He reached to cup her ass, kneading and groping the plush while fucking harder and deeper.
His harsh thrusts buried himself deep in Tav's warm walls. The sounds of whimpers and smacking skin mixed with nature's atmosphere.
Tav dug her nails into his back, causing his blood to clot under her nails.
“Nnghh - fuck.” Halsin keened in both pain and pleasure - broken, raw moans leaving his mouth uncontrollably.
Tav smiled in satisfaction, the little evil thoughts in her head giggled at his every wince and whimper.
This smile didn't last too long, because Halsin suddenly shoved two fingers into her mouth, bullying his way inside her throat until she gagged and moaned around them.
His fingers rested in the sweet spot of her throat, making Tav's eyes gloss up so prettily.
Drool slicked down the side of her cheeks as her mouth hung open with hazy torn eyes. The tears streamed down her wet cheeks, and it was Halsin's direst imagination coming true.
And yet, even with gagged fingers in Tav's mouth, split apart on his cock, she still was shameless enough to be mouthy. Words muffled around his thick fingers and challenging eyes. “I want it more.”
His tone is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of seriousness that sounded so sweet in his voice, "You want it deeper, don't you? You want me to fill your cunt."
With strong arms, Halsin scooped Tav body on his lap, as he laid back and let go of her body completely. She sat perfectly on his length, twitching and trembling, gravity pulled her deeper until she was balls deep.
Tav mewled for a moment, her hands planted firmly on his broad chest. But Halsin jerked up into her just once, playfully edging her on, "Go on - show me just how much you want it."
Taking initiative, Tav dug her feet into the sand, arching her back. Her hands fell flat on his chest, knowing this would take a lot of her energy.
She leaned into her arms and began to bounce up and down on Halsin, groaning against the sweet bliss of him slipping in and out of her.
Their skin smacked against each other, and Halsin watched in complete awe as Tav's body crashed against his, her breaths and every plush of her body bouncing to her plunges.
Tav practically moaned out her lungs, fucking his cock until her knees burned and her body crumbled. But Halsin quickly grabbed a handful of her hips, using his strength to help her continue bouncing.
Their stomachs knotted into a ball of pleasure, sending tingles up their spine that dared to send them over the edge. Tav stared down at Halsin, noticing the flicker of yellow magic in his eyes with ever twitch she felt deep in her womb.
Slamming down, up, and down, Tav fucked him at a merciless pace. Loving every bit of attention he gave to her, pleasuring him.
Tav moaned out his name, knowing it would be music to Halsin's ears.
Purposely, Tav clenched her walls around him, pulling him over the edge with a yelp from their climax as both their juices spilled into each other. While Tav still bounced, the sound of juices swashed and sloppily dripped down Halsin's hips.
"Fuck - Tav..!" He breathlessly clutched tightly on her hips, forcing her into place.
She melted down onto his chest and met the swell of his lips, tongue exploring his moist mouth. She devoured his lips and lavishly kissed him with such passion.
Tav knew Halsin would forever be at her mercy, always remembering this moment when he lays lonely at night.
And there were soo many days to come.
She expects to see him more often, sauntering over after the sun goes down.
Tav traced small circles into his chest, feeling his heavy beating heart under her own, "I think we need another bath, huh? What do you say?"
There were hearts practically in his eyes. "Y-Yes...Just...I need a moment to catch my breath and I will carry you there, my heart."
A smile spread across her face, a look of trouble in her eyes, "That's what I like to hear."
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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lillaluna · 3 months
a serious question
You were lying on Neuvillette's lap, while he was looking through a document holding it in his hand, which he leaned on the armrest of an upholstered sofa. Dressed in gray satin pajamas, he still looked beautiful. Neuvillette's long hair was gathered into a careless bun, from which strands escaped, which added to his charming carelessness.
You watched the man's pupils run over the text written on the snow-white page, and his eyebrows frown slightly. He was breathing steadily, while Neuvillette's free hand was running through your hair.
"Neuvi?" You called, watching your man's reaction.
"Yes, my love," Neuvillette replied, without taking his concentrated gaze off the paper in his hands.
"And if I were a worm, would you love me?" You asked, trying not to let your voice waver for a second, and your tone remained as serious as possible, as if this question worries you more than anything in your life.
Neuvillette's pupils froze, as did his hand on your hair. The man blinked several times. It took him a few seconds to process your question.
"Yes," The man replied in an even and confident tone. He calmly turned over a piece of paper and continued to read from the other side.
"Why?" You continued the interrogation, carefully looking up at Neuvillette's face.
"Because I love you for who you are, for your soul and for your actions. No circumstances or forms will change my feelings for you," Neuvillette replied calmly, without looking up from the paper. "I'm sure you would be the most beautiful and intelligent worm in the world, and I would love you regardless of everything else. It would be time to buy you an aquarium, or something like that. I would bring you the juiciest and freshest leaves or fruits. Maybe I would have tried to become a worm too…"
"Neuvi?" You called again.
The man stopped his monologue and looked into your eyes.
"I think I'm starting to regret that I'm not a worm," You said, which brought a smile to the judge's face.
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