#who do you think came out on top at the end of the day mayor L?
goldkirk · 25 days
#everything’s fine and I’m fine I’m just saying this to say it rn#I don’t know what I would choose to do if he WAS still alive and I COULD still report officially#but a large part of me is really really glad that that mayor is dead. and I don’t ever have to hear him or see him at events or feel his#unusually long weird fingernails and iron grip while telling me to smile for pictures ever again#a part of me would love to confront him#but most of me is just glad he’s gone and can’t scare me or make life hell for my parents ever again#he never should’ve gotten away with all the things he did for so many years. but he did.#now that we’re here in the present. it’s a gift to get to move on from it knowing he’s not still out there at least#he was a gross greedy person with police and government power and never should’ve had those positions for so many decades like he did#but that being said. he can’t ever speak to or touch me again.#I’m not grateful now. I wasn’t grateful then after he stopped pretending either. but I’m glad I get to walk away and never live near#any subdivision or building or anything else with his name or picture#ever again. and he’s never able to touch another child ever. good riddance. you gross greedy poor excuse for a public servant.#now I’m gonna go try to write some of what I’ve learned into a fic to help my future self and others#who do you think came out on top at the end of the day mayor L?#I came out of this with friends and kindness and gentleness and healthy rage. you died just as greedy and fake and paranoid as you lived.#I hope you got better towards the end. for your wife and family’s sake.#I get to protect others from people like you for the rest of my life. and I’ll win.#because I deserve it and every current kid deserves it too.#shh katie
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undercoversasa · 1 year
Hiiiii! Could you write a Marcus x fem reader? Idk if you write smut, it’s okay if you don’t and you can just leave that out but I’d like fluffy and angsty smut please. :) or just fluffy with some angst in there somewhere. Maybe something with him climbing into readers room or her climbing into his at some point? But please don’t write anything where reader or Marcus cheats/cheated. Thank you!!!!
Hi yes of course I can write that
his actions are kind of ooc
Wounded Dove
It was Friday night. Ginny and I had gotten into an argument over mom’s suspected murder. I knew mom would never hurt anyone unless it was for our family. Unless there was a reason.
I was the eldest daughter of Georgia Miller, y/n. Ginny and I are the same age but not twins. I came along when mom married my dad, Anthony. To be blunt, I’m her stepdaughter. He was a shit dad to be honest. After his death she took me in. Growing up we had moved between so many different locations that me and my siblings barely had any time to make friends or find where we belonged. Our newest location being Wellsbury. We’ve actually been here long enough to find friend groups and love interests. Mom seemed to be settling in quite well with multiple guys as per usual. I ship her the most with Joe, a total sweet eye candy. Although it seems she much rather prefers the mayor. Ginny has hit it off with this boy named Hunter. He’s good for her, he makes her happy. I happened to hit it off with our neighbor, Marcus Baker. He’s a total eye candy and he rides a motorcycle somewhat like Zion. Me and him had a connection ever since the first day we ran into each other and ever since we made things official between us he started to call me his dove. Lately he’s been sneaking into my room to have make out sessions but it hasn’t gotten to second or third base quite yet. I was hoping today would be the day until the fight with Ginny happened. Now I just sat pathetically crying in my room, having completely forgotten the fact that Marcus would come over. I didn't realize his presence in the room until I heard a slight coughing. “You good, dove?” he approached my side.
“Yea, I’m fine” fidgeting with my hands. “you know you can talk to me about anything, I’m always gonna be here for you” I sighed “thanks it’s just Ginny” I didn't really want to burden him about my family issues but I knew that I could trust him. “What happened? Did she do something to you?” he inquired whilst holding my hands. “it’s just we got into an argument over Georgia. She’s always being so rude to her and for whatever reason she believes she’s always out to get her. She’s our mom for Christ sake.” Speaking of this made me recall how Ginny called our mom a “dangerous woman” who could “hurt us” and it made me feel sick. “ dove, you know her relationship with your mom is complicated. Don’t stress yourself over it because I assure you, it probably won’t end any time soon.”
I realized I probably ruined the mood for the plans we had tonight but I really had looked forward to it so here goes nothing. “can we kiss?” when I said that his face turned slightly red and we began to make out. He certainly knew his way around these kinds of things. Things started to get heated and before I knew it, his hands were up my shirt fumbling with the straps of my bra while I tried my best to aid him. Finally with a bit of struggling we got my top off and we’re just about to take of the rest of our clothes when all of a sudden someone pounds on the door “Y/N YOU BETTER NOT BE GETTING FRISKY WITH WHITE BOI IN YOUR ROOM” ah shit… it’s mom. that’s kind of the end please let me know what you think
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nighthaterfrfr · 6 months
Do you have any more headcanons/thoughts about your Steph and Max as half-siblings AU? :)
ive been wanting to discuss this for so long but for ppl who want to know (mostly background)
-i think that max and steph share the same dad, he seems like the one to sleep around. however, he settled w steph's mother and a secretly pregnant max's mother ended up w his ass of a dad.
-for a while, maybe 13-14 years, they never knew about their relation to each other. however, max and steph definitely saw the other one in school. max was praised as a football prodigy and steph was infamous for being a slacking and skipping mayor's daughter.
-they look somewhat similar. from the nose, ears, eyes, hell even the hair? there are small differences here and there, but they were definitely called siblings by their classmates
-they were also quite good friends. apparently, once u find out both ur dads are assholes, u bond. max would invite her to all his football games and she somehowb goes. these two were best friends, practically inseparable.
-one day in 7th grade, solomon was complaining to ms tessburger abt his affair. steph was overhearing about how it's odd to see one of kids succeed at something, while the daughter he has is doing nothing of importance.
-like any teenage girl w a completely shitty relationship w her father, steph was enraged, and a bit jealous. finding out she was related to max unlocked a bit of a one-sided hating towards him
-max however, always knew that he had a sister. before his mom divorced, she told him stories abt his birth father, and how when she was with him, she had no idea solomon already had a girlfriend.
-she reached out to steph's mother and had informed her of what happened. however, since she couldn't get out of the marriage jst yet, her mother instead acknowledged and thanked max's mother.
-ofc, max's mom never told him who his sister was. knowing him and his father, she feared that sudden new relation between him and the mayor's daughter may get to his head. so, instead she jst told him that he had a sister in hatchetfield.
-from around mid 7th grade to early 8th grade, max noticed how whenever steph was forced into a group w him, she'd always looked pissed off. annoyed. generally angry.
-in the 8th grade during lunch, max came up to her table, asking "the hell is wrong w me??? we used to be close u fuckin', uh... DINGUS!" this offended the hell out of steph and she umped out of her seat and started to swing punches at max. as any middle school in america does, a bunch of students started recording and posting it.
-steph and max sat in the principal's office, both with a lot of bruises and some bloody hands and noses. as solomon lauter and jagerman's father walked in, both of them stared at each other. eventually, max's father got into a full blown yell w solomon.
-as the two kids watched their fathers yelled at one another, that was when steph turned to max and finally revealed why she was so distant. "apparently, ur my fucking brother or smth."
-max sighed, looking at steph w a disappointed glare. "im sorry for being.. ur brother, i guess?" he replied, the two laughing as he explained his side of the story, and further strained the relationship between steph and solomon
(alr onto actual headcanons)
-they do love joking abt being half-siblings around their friends. despite it being true, theyre all so confused on if either max or steph is lying or not.
-the first person for max who found out that his sister was steph was kyle. he couldn't rlly believe it, but he jst kinda vibed. so max telling him went rlly chill.
-on steph's side however, when pete found out she had max jagerman as a brother, she was immediately bombarded with questions and pleas from pete. she tried offering these ideas to max, but he dismissed them, telling her "i need to remain on top, steph!" secretly, he does go easier on the nerds. by a little bit.
-max and steph spend the most time together outside of home, more at school or wherever. whether its going bowling w max's teammates at some bowling lanes, or hanging out in the lakeside mall jst the two of them.
-neither of them ever had a proper enough relationship w their family, so spending time w each other relived them of that disappointing truth a little bit.
-one time, max got so pissed at steph he threw a football at her from like, 40 yards away in order to get her attention. unfortunately, steph being preoccupied on her phone did not notice the absolute perfect throw coming right into her head.
-safe to say, he apologized and ran to her, trying his best to relieve her of a bruise.
-because of this incident, steph had wanted to begin learning how to play football. max was her teacher, and he sucked at it. like, explaining anything to her was alien to steph. however, over time, she slowly got the hang of it, and was good to a point when max stopped teaching her
-sometimes after a nighthawk game, if u stay jst long enough, u can see steph and max throw a football at each other from pretty far. and if ur lucky, seeing steph trying to tackle max. but most of the time, that mostly leads to the funniest image of steph falling ever.
i have a lot more, but my ask IS open yall lmaoooo
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Hi yes hello there, you have officially rotted my brain my guy. I just can't get the yandere small town out of my head, top teir stuff. So I had this thought, I don't know if this is something you do but, imagine with me. A serial killer darling. Like the reader just moved into this small town because they recently got a little slopy and need to lay low for a while. My question is how exactly do you think the towns people would respond? Do you think they'd fully throw themselves at the readers feet, begging, praying to be killed by them. Or do you think they'd be a bit more subtle? Cops off handedly mentioning gaps in patrols that would make a perfect time to strike, the diner siblings showing off a new knife set they got from out of town, someone who's been trying to take you away suddenly perfectly lining up with the kind of people you kill.
Sorry this so long, but believe it or not this is the short version (the brain rot my guy, what have you done to me XD) you don't have to respond to this if you don't want to, I just needed some of this out of my head
This is absolutely wonderful, thank you for sending it in! <3
The first people to find out you were on a most wanted list (in more ways than one ;)) was the sheriff, which then quickly spread to the rest of the station. An alert was sent out nation wide, showing footage of you taken from a cctv near one of your killings, followed by a composite sketch from two different witnesses. It didn't look exactly like you yet they recognized it instantly as the person who moved into town two weeks ago with only a duffel bag at your side. You hadn't known what to do, knowing it was only a matter of time before you were caught. You didn't have a plan when you fled, basically choosing a direction based on the cheapest bus ticket to a tiny city. On the way, you found the path to an even smaller town, isolated and out of the way. It didn't take long for the town to fall in love. They ignored your red flags like how you didn't talk about where you came from or how you kept buying rope and duct tape. In fact those items seemed to be on sale more often than they weren't.
The next town meeting was a long one, with everyone debating what to do, how best to keep you in town and protect you from the outside world. They also discuss how best to keep you "entertained". They end up selecting two primary categories of victims for you, willing sacrifices and heretics. They also agree they have to be subtle about their knowledge of your "hobby". They can't have you suspecting anything. So you may casually over hear the mayor talk about worried they were about someone living by themselves in the wilderness, how no one would notice if something happened to them (if you go after them, you'll find some houses locked from the outside, some not locked at all). The librarian orders books about forensic science and untraceable poisons for you to check out. The grocery store clerk tells you about the federal agent who came into town yesterday, looking for some serial killer, casually mentioning his motel room number and how the place didn't really have the best security since almost anyone could grab a copy of the keys from behind the desk.
You can kill almost anyone you please in town, the only exception being a few citizens protection like the mayor and church disciples who haven't been chosen as a sacrifice. All criminal matters are handled locally. You still have to be careful when committing crimes since the police will use that as an excuse to lock you up for a few days where only they can see you. Don't worry, you'll be pardoned by the mayor in a few days
basically this energy between the townsfolk and outsiders:
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
For these foamy green hills are but saltwater desert
Richie, Mohji's lion, isn't doing so well. The crew end up at a small island with a dwindling population to seek help and Buggy meets Midori, the mayor who is far more stubborn and trusting with his crew than he can really comprehend.
Rating: PG-13, gonna have smut at some point later though. Warnings: Buggy being obnoxious, of course. I'd call this a fast paced slow burn. It takes the place over the course of the week and days are split into two chapters. There's also some drama and other pirates. A/N: Full confession. I honestly wrote this because I have been watching the anime and Richie is one of the best characters. Do I know a lot about the anime? No. Is some of this chaotic and characters OOC? Of course! It's a fanfic. Is it self indulgent? Hell yes. I had fun writing this and wanted to share it. Also, I wrote this more with anime!Buggy in mind since we don't get to see Richie in the live action. Title comes from the song "Dryad's Promise" by Tricky Pixie.
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Chapter 3
Day 2 pt 1
Buggy woke up the next morning to the most horrific screaming coming from the barn. He heard the roaring from Richie, and he quickly threw the covers off his bed and rushed outside wearing just his pants, hoping he wasn’t about to come across something gruesome. Midori couldn’t have seriously gone to see Richie without anyone, right? He knew Mohji was staying in the barn with the lion, but that idiot was a heavy sleeper. He wouldn’t hear Richie wake up, or hear the barn door, and probably wasn’t aware his lion was eating their host.
He ran to the barn as fast as he could, a look of horror on his face as he saw Richie on top of Midori. She was thrashing around underneath him, trying to fight him off, no doubt being stubborn about dying from a lion attack.
But as Buggy got up to them, the screams were now giggles and Richie was no longer roaring but purring, nuzzling his large face against Midori, nearly crushing her into the ground. She was trying to push him off while laughing, grabbing at his ears playfully and giving them a tug.
“You silly cat, get off me!” She insisted as he gave her a face lick before finally getting off her. She stuck her tongue out at him and wiped her face with her sleeve. “C’mon, I know you’re excited. I got a cow in the small pasture around the barn for you.” 
“What the hell is this?!” Buggy shouted, startling them both. Richie hid behind Midori. It was almost comical if Buggy didn’t think he was about to deal with a corpse a few minutes before that. “Y-You could have been killed!”
“I woke up to him yowling.” Midori explained way too calmly as she reached back to rub Richie’s nose. “I guess Mohji is a heavy sleeper, huh? Poor kitty wanted out of the barn so I came down to let him out. I guess he’s already feeling better because he practiced his pouncing on me.”
Buggy couldn’t wrap his brain around this. Richie, that fearsome lion, playfully attacking Midori like he was some little kitten? And she was fine with it? She survived the crushing weight of the large creature and laughed about it. This woman was insane and Buggy wasn’t sure if he could handle an entire week in her home. 
Midori led Richie around the barn and Buggy followed after her. He could see the grass stains and mud all over her nightgown, and there were some leaves sticking out of her hair. Richie perked up seeing the cow in the pasture. The cow wasn’t old enough to be on her last legs, but she had definitely seen better days. Midori opened the pasture gate for him and he crept in, body low to the ground as he began to stalk his prey. She shut the gate and started heading back to the house, Buggy following after her in a stunned silence.
She let him into her house first and put her hand on his lower back to direct him to the kitchen table to sit. Besides sleeping or eating, this was the quietest he had been so far. And to her surprise, he allowed her to touch him, her hand grabbing his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze before she made her way to the stove. He wanted to feel that again, her hand on his bare skin like that, but he shook his head to clear it. No, no. He couldn’t think that way. Instead his hand grabbed hers, and she turned to face him, expecting to see it unattached from his body, but it was him grabbing her, pulling her back toward him as he narrowed his eyes at her.
“You could have been killed.” He told her gruffly. “What would have happened to your village if their mayor was killed by pirates? Huh?”
She didn’t pull away from him, instead focusing her gaze on his eyes. She swallowed heavily and shrugged. “I don’t fear your lion, nor do I fear you. If he had attacked me with intent to kill then it would have happened and your crew could have full reign of this place, doing whatever you please, but since that overgrown kitten trusts me for some reason, as does Mohji, I had no fear of him when I saw him this morning.” She finally pulled away from him. “Why did you come running in a panic?”
“B-Because I didn’t want to have to deal with your corpse first thing in the morning!” He told her angrily, his voice wavering as the adrenaline coursing through his body finally crashed. He fell back into his chair, almost slumping down to the ground if Midori hadn’t caught him and pushed him back into it. She used her body to keep him up, hands gripping the seat on either side of his thighs while she stood between his legs. She carefully moved one of her hands off the seat and reached up to pat his cheek gently. She hoped no one came up to the window or door at that moment because it was certainly an interesting sight. Buggy, shirtless and slumped back in a chair while she hovered over him in just a nightgown. 
“Buggy? Captain?” She asked softly. “You okay? I didn’t mean to scare you, don’t die on me in here from… whatever it is you can die from. Shock, frustration? I don’t even know.” She sighed and patted his cheek a little harder. “C’monnnnn.”
He grabbed her hand and moved it away from his face with an annoyed huff. “Stop that. I’m not dead.” 
Buggy took a moment to realize what was going on. She was almost in his lap. Her one hand was still gripping the side of his chair next to his thigh while her other hand was near his face. She was still between his legs, and he was feeling a bit uncomfortable with how close she was. The nightgown she was wearing was a thin material, he could feel her body heat, almost comforting, but he didn’t want to be that close to her. He pushed her away from him and looked away.
“I’m fine.” He muttered. Midori studied him for a moment, wanting to be sure he really was okay before she went to the stove to heat up some water for coffee. “I’ve been here barely one day and you’ve almost killed me once. Do I have to worry about my life when I’m around you?”
She looked back at him. Was this an attempt at humor and making conversation? Midori opened the cupboard to grab two mugs down from the shelf, but his hand beat her to it, setting them on the counter for her. She shrugged as she made sure they were clean of dust. “Hopefully not. I’ll try not to accidentally kill you by petting Richie or overfeeding you.” She grinned as she looked inside one of the mugs before wiping it again. “No promises, Captain.”
He put his elbow on the table and rested his head in his hand as he watched her. “Y’don’t have to keep calling me Captain… you’re not on my crew.”
“Yea?” Midori grinned. “I can call you Buggy then?”
“Only when we’re alone.” He warned her. “Around the crew it’s still Captain.”
“What about around Richie?” She asked with a cheeky grin. He glared at her and pointed his finger at her, waving it at her as to make a point.
“Even around Richie!”
“Fine, fine.” She chuckled. “I’ll make sure to mind my tongue, Buggy.”
The crew had yet to drink the place dry and they had now been there 24 hours. Buggy finally recovered from the morning’s excitement, and he chewed Mohji out regarding keeping a better eye on Richie. The lion had definitely perked up since arriving on the island, and with Mohji’s assistance, Midori had the townsfolk - all 14 of them - come up to meet Richie, with the understanding that he was there to recuperate and he wouldn’t bother them or their animals. 
Buggy stood nearby with his arms crossed, glowering at the group as Midori hoisted a small child up to pet Richie. The lion basked in the attention and Mohji had a huge smile on his face, no doubt relieved at his friend’s improving condition. 
“Okay, that was all, everyone!” Midori announced. “Thank you for coming to the town meeting. I’ll see you at the end of the week for the feast!”
Several of the crew perked up at the mention of the word ‘feast’. They were leaving at the end of the week, would they get to participate? The mayor noticed the way they were looking at her and she laughed. “I’ll make sure we have enough food for you guys as well. It’s a fun thing we do every few months, and it’s even better since we have guests!” She looked over at Buggy. “If that’s alright with you, of course, Captain. I would like to extend an invite to your entire crew for the feast.”
He grumbled and looked away, not making eye contact with any of them, even though the crew was looking at him with the same expression Richie and Mohji gave him the day before about staying on land. “Fine, fine! We’ll come to the feast.”
The crew cheered. Midori smiled. 
Buggy took time to explore the island by himself. It wasn’t large by any means and he couldn’t see any way to get lost. There were trees, some hills, and a stream that ran through it from one end to the other. There were birds and small critters that ran about, but no predators, unless he counted Richie who he saw no less than five times, running around the trees excitedly with Mohji nowhere to be seen. Since Midori allowed Richie free reign of the island, it allowed Mohji some time to himself. Buggy didn’t think his first mate needed time to himself, but apparently he did, because he was nowhere to be seen in the forest while Richie sniffed at some birds that were perched on a log.
Buggy sighed and kept walking. 
The mayor was also on his mind and he… he didn’t like that. He didn’t want to think about her. He couldn’t understand her. Why was she insistent on staying on the island even if everyone else left? She mentioned a family was planning on leaving, literally taking away half of the island’s population. What kept her from wanting to leave, and why did it bother him so much?
She was ridiculously stubborn as well, not to mention an idiot from what happened that morning with Richie. She was too trusting around the animal, and far too trusting around Buggy and his crew. They were pirates, they were supposed to be terrifying, but they just got invited to a feast at the end of the week like it was nothing. 
And then being in her nightgown this morning around him, touching him, checking on him, making sure he was okay when she was the one knocked on her back by the giant cat. He hated how warm she felt next to him, and he wondered if she felt that way all the time or was it just from the excitement of the morning? What would it feel like to be skin to skin with her, wake up next to her in bed, touch her-
He stopped in his tracks and slapped his cheeks repeatedly. He was not thinking of someone he just met like that. He let out a frustrated shriek and kicked a rock out of his path. He was supposed to be exploring and relaxing, not thinking about her. She frustrated him, challenged him, and he couldn’t believe how much stubbornness was inside one person. He didn’t want to even have another conversation with her because he would just get frustrated by her again.
Maybe he needed to stay on the ship for the remainder of their stay, but then he wouldn’t get the meals she made, and she was a decent cook. He wondered how she felt about him, though. She said she didn’t fear him, was that true or was it just talk? She seemed more… amused by him than anything, no way intimidated by his actions or how he spoke to her. She just giggled or laughed, and admittedly, he was getting used to her laugh by now. She did it as much as talking.
He hated that he was already getting used to this place after a day.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hi can I request a mayor x reader oneshot?
Can it be very fluffy..?
Absolutely! I've slowly but surely started actually liking this man lmao it's a bit of a problem.. ^^"
"Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy"
(Mayor x GN!Reader)(romantic, fluffy)(930 w.c)
Pronouns: you/yours
CW: pet names, eating at the end
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Working as an intern for your boyfriend made your job a lot easier considering how laid back he was. The mayor himself was hardworking, always lending a hand to anyone who needed it at a moment’s notice. He just also happened to be smart enough that no one went without a break or a paid vacation for too long. Lately, you’d been biting off more than you could chew, which wasn’t bad in theory, but it was when the stress was starting to pile up.
You were halfway through a new pile of paperwork in your own office when he called you to get you to come over to his. You worried that the reports you submitted the night prior were, in fact, backwards like you thought. But when you entered the room, his expression was one of concern.
“What’s up? I’m not in trouble, am I?” You joked, hoping that he wasn’t just hiding his anger behind that unwavering smile of his.
“No, no. Not in the slightest. I just wanted to check up on you and give you a break from your workload,” he gestured to the chair across from his desk, and you accepted the offer and took a seat. “Dear y/n, you’ve been really pushing yourself lately.”
“I mean, I guess. But I’m fine, it’s nothing to worry about!” You waved your hands in an attempt to come off as carefree. However you could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed that he didn’t really believe you.
“I hope you realize that you fell asleep at your desk last night and I was the one who carried you back home?”
So that’s how you wound up in your shared bed. You had no memory of actually walking to it, but now it made sense.
“That was one time.” You protested.
Your lover sighed and shook his head, getting up from his desk and walking around to stand across from you. He folded his arms and leaned against it.
“You know how much I care about you and your well-being. Which is why I’ve prepared a solution for you.”
“You and I are taking the weekend off and resting at home. No buts,” he held up his hand as you opened your mouth to speak. “You’re practically dead on your feet. I demand that you accept this offer.”
“Aren’t you technically dead on your feet too?”
He laughed at this, walking behind the chair you were sitting in and placing his hands on your shoulders. He gave them a comforting squeeze.
“Only on the inside, dearest. Now, what do you say?”
“I guess taking a bit of rest wouldn’t be so terrible…” you hummed as he found a knot below your neck and gently worked it out. His hands were nice and cold. You could get used to this.
“Exactly. Now, go take your lunch break, get done what you can, and then when we get home tonight we can just enjoy the weekend. Alright?”
You nodded and stood up. Before you left, he gave you a quick hug. He smelled like coffee. You didn’t realize how much you actually missed spending time with him outside of work. Maybe you two could go see a movie, or visit a nice restaurant.
“Are you alright?” He asked when you didn’t pull away from him.
“Yeah, just thinking.” Your voice was muffled by his chest, but he still understood. He ran a hand through your hair and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Okay, now seriously, go take a break.” He chuckled. You didn’t let go of his waist.
“Nope, you’re trapped here.”
“My greatest weakness!”
You both laughed as you detached yourself from him, making your way back to your office to grab your lunch.
At the end of the day, the Mayor came into your office, jingling his keys in one hand and holding his coat on his shoulder with the other. He leaned on the doorframe as you saved your work on the computer.
“All good?” He asked. You nodded and got up, taking one of his hands as you two walked to his car. You had your own vehicle, of course, however when you two were on the same schedule you tended to just travel together. Since it was pleasantly warm outside, he rolled down the windows to allow for some fresh air. You closed your eyes and relaxed as you two went home.
“What would you like to do for dinner?” He said as he pulled into the driveway.
“Is takeout okay?”
“Anything you’d like.”
You two could go have fun this weekend tomorrow. For tonight, it was much nicer to just get into comfortable pajamas, turn on some cheesy movie, and enjoy the takeout that you two had delivered to the house.
On the couch, he had finished his food, and was clearing away his trash. When he sat back down, you got close to him, laying your legs across his lap and balancing the food you were finishing on your thighs. He had one of his arms around your back to support you and was lightly tracing circles with his fingers.
“It does feel nice to not have to worry about anything.” You yawned as you put your box on the table and leaned your head on his shoulder. His chuckle reverberated through his chest as he held you closer.
“It does, doesn’t it?” Mayor smiled, but not in the over exaggerated way he usually did, in a soft way. “Get some rest, darling. You deserve it.”
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rhaenella · 1 year
You & Me - Rhys Montrose x Reader - Part 14
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Part 13 | Part 15
Summary: What happens when reader assassin is tasked with killing the possible future mayor of London; Rhys Montrose. Politician by day, Eat the Rich Killer by night. But he isn’t the only person wearing different masks. 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Violence, murder, immoral sociopathic behaviour, mentions of alcoholism, drug abuse and neglect, (eventual) smut
Word count: 5.6k
A/N: at the end.
Song: Cherry – Lana Del Rey
Mystery Woman on the Scene with Rhys Montrose.
You squinted at the headline of the article Sadie was showing you on her phone. 
“Rhys Montrose’s mystery woman,” she whispered seductively, wiggling her eyebrows.
You sighed when you placed a bowl of yoghurt and fruit in front of her. “Kittykat, please. Get that phone out of my face.”
You were busy preparing both of your breakfasts, standing behind the counter in Rhys’ kitchen whilst Sadie sat perched on top of one of the bar stools. Evidently scrolling through unimportant twitter articles you had been deliberately ignoring.
“What?” She laughed, nevertheless obliging your request. Sadie scrolled through the article, chuckling lightly.
“Wait, wait. Hear this,” she cleared her throat. “Still no news on the mystery woman who accompanied famous writer Rhys Montrose two weeks ago to a disastrous house fire in Hackney. Their visit ended with Montrose leaving on his own, refusing to comment. Montrose hasn’t been spotted with a potential lover since his divorce from Emma Wilson was finalised in December last year. Could this be Montrose’s new bird? And if yes, is there already trouble in paradise? More news coming soon.”
You shook your head at the daft article. “News,” you scoffed. “Is that what the tabloids delude themselves to think they are?”
“A new bird,” Sadie repeated using air quotations, completely ignoring your retort.
“Oh, fuck off, will you?” You laughed, adding a splash of milk into your cups of tea. Sadie couldn’t help but laugh as well, locking her phone and setting it down.
Zoe entered the kitchen then, her keen eyes shifting from Sadie to you. You looked up at her when she took a seat on the bar stool next to Sadie. The amused look she gave you told you Zoe knew exactly what you were talking about. 
Zoe was looking a lot better today. Stronger. More herself. And so was Sadie. Almost a week had passed since you and Rhys killed Lockwood. You’d settled into a bit of a routine, integrating yourself into Rhys’ life with remarkable ease.
Zoe and Sadie’s recovery went well. They were still a little bruised and beaten up, but they came downstairs for their meals now instead of taking them up in their room. In the afternoon, you would take walks around the neighbourhood, building up their strength and stamina, increasing the length of the walks each day. They were getting better and that realisation was enough for you to put up with Sadie’s irritating comments this morning on all these tabloid articles written about you and Rhys. It was ridiculous. But it seemed lots of people were interested in who you were and where you had suddenly come from. 
“Tea?” You asked, already moving to grab Zoe a cup.
“Actual tea or are you referring to gossip tea?” Zoe asked. Your back was turned to her but you could almost hear the smirk in her voice. 
“God, not you, too. What is it with you two this morning?”
“You’re famous, sis. Accept it,” Sadie said as she shoved a spoonful of yoghurt into her mouth.
You poured boiling water into the cup, taking out the tea bag before adding some milk. You turned to face your sisters, setting down Zoe’s tea in front of her. 
“I’m not. They don’t even know my name. Hopefully it stays that way.”
“We can always call The Sun and become an inside source,” Zoe shrugged, stirring her tea. “I reckon that’ll be a quick pay day.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you warned. But Zoe would never do it. You knew she was only joking. She confirmed it when she barked a laugh at your tone.
You reached for your own cup of tea, softly blowing to cool it. You raised it to your lips to take a sip but paused midway at her next words. 
“You know it’s going to become public knowledge at some point, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Rhys is about to announce his candidacy to run for mayor of London. All eyes are already focused on him and it will only get worse,” Zoe said, leaning forward on the kitchen island. “Simply put, you won’t be able to keep your private, nightly escapades with him to yourself forever.”
You set down your tea with a little too much force, making a clanking noise echo throughout the kitchen. You bit the inside of your cheek.
“How often do I need to tell you, there’s nothing going on between us,” you said, carefully enunciating each syllable. 
Zoe straightened in her seat as she shared a knowing look with Sadie. “Maybe you should just stop denying it. We have eyes, you know? You haven’t exactly been discreet,” Zoe noted offhandedly as she picked up her phone to check her messages.
Zoe was referring to your and Rhys’ late night chats. The ones that seemed to exponentially grow longer in duration with each passing day. Apparently, Sadie had heard you both talking around three AM the other night and since then, the both of them couldn’t and wouldn’t let it go. Thinking there was more going on. Which there wasn’t. 
Nevertheless, you couldn’t deny that Rhys was becoming infinitely more distracting. Having seen him exit the bathroom on one particular morning with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, his skin still glistening from the shower, and a few drops of water sliding down his back from his wet hair as he disappeared into his bedroom — it had made you pause, clutching the door handle with an iron grip. Yep. Rhys was really testing the limits of how well you could keep your stirring desires in check. It was almost like killing Lockwood and disposing of him had lifted the final emotional, and evidently physical, barrier between you. 
Speaking of Tom Lockwood — the aftermath of getting rid of him, including the minor hiccup in the shape of a bodyguard named Hugo, had progressed as smoothly as you could’ve hoped for. 
Your plan had always been to anonymously bribe Lockwood’s pilots to take his — empty — private plane to whatever destination in Europe. To generate the illusion that Lockwood had simply gone abroad again. Preferably to a country that would make sense for him to go to, as well as one that didn’t have rigorous protocols and regulations in place. Which is why you settled on Barcelona. Sunshine, beaches, Sangria… a perfect location for a recently murdered phantom to disappear to. 
The lucky opportunity that presented itself when Rhys was able to hack into Lockwood’s financials was a bonus. Rhys had already set up an off-shore account through which he would transfer the money to the bribed pilots. But now, Rhys was able to use Lockwood’s own money to bribe his pilots, funnelling the money through your dummy account. It was the perfect play. Besides, it meant you didn’t have to spend a single pound on the man. 
You hadn’t taken any money for yourselves, though. No, it had never been about that. It was about finally seizing control, and you had succeeded. Rhys by your side as an equal partner, instead of someone who gave you orders.
The night of the murder, after you’d gotten takeout and had returned to Rhys’ home, you’d gotten Lockwood’s phone out for the final step. You’d texted some of his closest employees to let them know he would be with his daughter in Barcelona for the next couple of weeks and that he wouldn’t be disturbed, only having Hugo accompany them. Rhys then took his turn to message Kate and text her more or less the same — obviously without the part where she would tag along — and ending with an imploring statement to reconsider Lockwood’s proposal for joining the company. 
The both of you knew that this story would never stick. But it didn’t have to. It just needed to keep everyone at bay long enough for the trail to have gone cold. You also figured that the moment Lockwood’s employees and partners would figure out the man had disappeared, along with his most trusted bodyguard, they would likely keep it quiet for a little while longer. Such a massive breach in security was not going to reflect well on the company. 
The only person who currently knew that Lockwood had been killed, was Jonathan. He had received Lockwood’s hand and watch in a lovely fruit basket that you had thoughtfully put together. The morning after the murder, you and Rhys had sent a text to accompany the discovery on Jonathan’s doorstep. 
Keep quiet or Lockwood won’t be the last member of the family to disappear. 
The confirmation that Jonathan had read it came not even two minutes later when Rhys’ text disappeared. Evanesce really was a handy tool. Three dots popped up on the screen, indicating Jonathan was typing. But ultimately, he stopped. You smirked, realising Jonathan had made the smart decision to indeed keep fucking quiet. 
If for some reason, Jonathan would decide to do something rash or try to go to the authorities, it would immediately backfire on him. You had decided to put the off-shore account through which you’d paid off Lockwood’s pilots, in Jonathan’s name. Or actually in Joe Goldberg’s name. It was a tiny piece of crucial information you wouldn’t share with him just yet. Only if the situation would become unmanageable, would you use that technicality as a final warning. And if Jonathan still chose to ignore your warnings. Well, then you’d really tried your best at keeping him alive, but you would resort to killing him if need be.
All of what transpired had gone by unbeknownst to your sisters. Really, the only thing they noticed was your more relaxed attitude, as well as Rhys’. Which they interpreted to indicate a developing relationship between the two of you. 
You couldn’t deny your relationship was developing. It was honestly reaching depths you couldn’t have ever anticipated, but nothing in terms of anything physical. Other than the familiar touches you shared. But that wasn’t anything new. 
Those little moments had felt significant from the beginning but in the past week it had started to feel like more than that. Stronger. More… electrifying? Describing it like that in your mind made you nearly want to puke because of the sappiness. Your life wasn’t a bloody romance novel you’d pick up at the airport. Yet it was true. And you knew Rhys felt it, too. The knowing glances and the constant smirk lingering on his face. It made you want to punch him and haul him to your room at the same time. 
Apart from the knowing looks, you also felt this inexplicable feeling that he was up to something. You had thus far not a clue as to what it was, but the sly way with which he behaved himself during dinner and conversations with your sisters was definitely noticeable. 
You let it all be for now as you were still mostly preoccupied with helping your sisters. But as they were slowly getting better each and every day, you couldn’t hide behind that much longer either. Nevertheless, apart from those little moments, you weren’t lying to your sisters. Not about this. Nothing had actually happened between you, which was something you’d started repeating to yourself as well. Although you weren’t sure how long that would remain the truth. 
It felt like you and Rhys were on a crossroads, and soon the inevitable direction of your colliding paths would become impossible to ignore.
The connection between you undoubtedly grew stronger with each passing day, but it was also something that felt inherently private to you. You wanted it to be something shared just between the two of you, without any spectators lurking in the shadows. It could very well be that you subconsciously waited for that — longing for the privacy of intimacy.
But you weren’t there. Not yet. Perhaps what you needed right now was some space. You’d simply been here for too long, Rhys invading all of your sensible thoughts. Besides, you didn’t want to keep imposing on him like this with you and your sisters staying at his house for an undetermined period of time. 
You had to find your sisters a place. But the flats that you had been looking at for them were all gone before you knew it. The housing market was absolutely bonkers and you didn’t know when, or even if you were going to be able to find them a place anytime soon. 
You’d been deep in thought, staring out of the double backdoors that led to the beautifully blossoming garden, when you heard someone walking down the stairs. Zoe and Sadie both looked up from their phones. They'd undoubtedly been checking if there was any more gossip on you online. Your sisters looked at you, grins forming. You exasperatedly shook your head at them. 
“Good morning,” Rhys greeted as he entered the kitchen, making you all turn to him. 
“Good morning,” the three of you replied, Zoe and Sadie with a light chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Rhys asked, stepping behind the counter and leaning past you to grab a banana. The movement made you momentarily feel the warmth of his front pressed against your back, whilst his arm lightly brushed your shoulder. You shuttered your expression, well aware of your sisters’ eagle eyes on you.
Rhys curiously looked at all of you as he leaned back against the stove, peeling his banana. Zoe and Sadie were still grinning at you but kept their mouths shut like the little brats they were. 
“Nothing,” you said pointedly. 
Rhys slowly inclined his head. He obviously didn’t believe you for a second. 
“Ah, well. It’s good to see you both continuing to feel better every day,” Rhys swiftly shifted gears, indicating your sisters. 
“We are,” Sadie confirmed with a sincere smile. Rhys returned it before taking a bite of his breakfast. When he swallowed, he made a slight thoughtful noise, making you all look at him. He glanced apologetically between both of your sisters. 
“I am aware I’ve only just entered this conversation, but would you mind giving me a moment alone with your sister?” 
You didn’t think the look on your sisters’ faces could get even more insufferable but they proved you wrong. “Of course,” Sadie said, quickly finishing the last of her breakfast. Zoe downed her tea, using the cup to hide her smug smile.
When they left you and Rhys alone, Rhys amusedly turned to you, eyebrows raised in a silent question. It seemed he was very curious as to the particulars of you and your sisters’ interaction just now. Of course, he would be. The prick. You walked around the counter to sit on the bar stool Sadie had occupied a few moments prior. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you sighed in annoyance, looking up into Rhys’ observant blue orbs.
He just hummed at your non-answer, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“But,” you visibly shook yourself. “You did want to talk about something. So, what is it?”
“Ah, yes. Change the subject. That always works well for you,” Rhys joked. You pursed your lips and he couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as he threw away the banana’s peel and poured himself a glass of water.
He leaned back against the stove once more, taking a generous sip without breaking eye contact with you. You were silently transfixed by his irresistible eyes, nevertheless trying to decipher what he wanted to discuss. 
Could it be Marcus Atkinson? His political opponent, slash the arsehole who had ordered his hit. Although, you’d already agreed to let that particular issue rest for now. Figuring it would be a little too conspicuous if Atkinson and Lockwood disappeared around the same time. Sure, Rhys never shied away from killing prominent people, and neither did you. But these were the mayoral elections in fucking London for crying out loud. And since Atkinson had already announced his candidacy, too many eyes would be on him. At least for now. 
Luckily for you, this logic worked both ways. Meaning that when Rhys would officially put himself forward as second candidate, Atkinson’s hands would be tied. Which was why Atkinson and Lockwood had felt the need to rush the hit on Rhys in the first place.
Rhys had his own announcement planned for later this week, on a day that held great significance for him. The anniversary of his mother’s passing. Leave it to Rhys to transform that godawful day into a politically, savvy move.
Anyhow, by then you’d be certain Atkinson wouldn’t try anything — marking a stalemate between the two politicians fighting for reign over London.
“Don’t look so bleak,” Rhys said, shaking you out of your thoughts. “It’s good news.”
You furrowed your brows. “Stop fucking stalling then and tell me what it is.”
“You know, we should really work on that impatient attitude of yours.”
“Yeah? And how were you planning to do that?”
“I have my methods,” Rhys smirked. “They’re really quite effective.”
You quickly opened your mouth to respond but you stopped yourself, closing it again. No, you decided. You weren’t going to take the bait. “Rhys just tell me what the fuck it is you want to say to me.”
Rhys grinned, yet he seemed a little disappointed at not having been given the opportunity to land whatever suggestive quip he’d wanted to throw at you. “You’re no fun.”
Still, he gave in to your request. Rhys moved forward to rest his arms on the counter in front of you, leaning down slightly so his gaze was levelled with yours. His teasing demeanour changed slightly and you canted your head in curiosity.
“I’ve found your sisters a flat,” Rhys said, foregoing any preamble. “It’s not much, but it’s got two bedrooms and it’s located in your neighbourhood.”
You didn’t answer him at first. Too shocked to say anything. He had what now? You blinked a couple of times, trying to ascertain whether what he just said had been in your head or if he’d actually spoken those words out loud.
“How?” You uttered quietly after what seemed like forever. 
This was London for Christ’s sake. You hadn’t been able to get your foot in the door on behalf of your sisters. Sure, you had the money saved up, but that didn’t mean batshit in this ridiculously competitive housing market. 
“Perks of becoming the next mayor,” Rhys said confidently, as if there wasn’t an entire election to be won first. “In my line of work, every now and then, you meet useful people who can help pull some strings.”
You stared at him, wide-eyed. “I honestly don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to. Although, you should know it’s only a rental place. Buying anything suitable on such short notice, it’s an impossible task. Even for me. Well, for now at least,” he quickly added with a wink. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, suddenly remembering your earlier thoughts. “Is that why you’ve been acting so bloody mysterious these past few days?”
“Possibly,” Rhys shrugged nonchalantly.
You didn’t know if you wanted to strangle him or kiss him. Or both.
“But, on a more serious note,” Rhys paused, making sure you were carefully paying attention to him. “I’ve made sure your mother won’t be able to get her hands on their new address. No matter how hard she tries.”
Right. Your mother. You still didn’t have a single clue on her whereabouts. Or even if she was still alive. Yet, something told you she was. If only to keep lighting that candle of hope that one day you could be the person to make her see forever darkness. 
You and Rhys had both tried to locate her, separately and together, but nothing had come out of it. It was like she was already one of your victims, someone who had seemingly stepped off of the face of the earth, not leaving a single trace behind.
Still, Rhys taking these extra precautions against your mother meant a lot to you. You’d come to learn that Rhys understood all of your complicated feelings for her better than anyone else ever could. He’d never gotten the chance to make his own mother pay for her crimes, so he was more than well-motivated to aid you with your revenge. 
“Thank you,” you replied sincerely.
“Even so,” Rhys continued. “I didn’t want to take any unnecessary chances. Which means I’ve also taken the liberty to have the latest security system installed. And,” he trailed off, a coy look crossing his features. 
“I may or may not have called in a favour to an interior designer to decorate the place. So, it’s all set, really,” he concluded, emphasising his words by retrieving a set of keys from his pocket and placing them on the counter in front of you. 
Your eyes moved downwards to stare at the shiny keys that would open the door for your sisters to finally move on from the horrors of their childhood. To embark on this new journey and enter the next stage of their lives.
You were quiet for another moment, not able to take your eyes off the keys. A warmth spread through you at the realisation what Rhys had done for you and your sisters. To help you with a task at which you’d thus far hadn’t been very successful — thank you, London. 
You felt his stare linger on you and ultimately, you gazed up into his eyes, the pull too strong to ignore. You wanted to ask him why — why did he choose to do this? He didn’t have to. From what you could gather, Rhys rarely did anything that he wouldn’t benefit from himself in some way, but this… It had been purely selfless. To help you and the people you loved most in this world, not asking for anything in return.
His eyes softened at your expression, evidently being able to read you like an open book as he answered your unspoken question. “I care about you, Y/N. It’s quite as simple as that.”
You briefly looked down at the keys again before quietly standing up from the bar stool, walking around the kitchen island. Rhys straightened, turning to you just in time as you wrapped your arms around him. Your sudden action surprised him the slightest, but he almost immediately returned your embrace.
You snuggled your face into the nape of his neck, sighing when you breathed in the faint traces of his cologne. Rhys gently rested his cheek on the top of your head. The way he allowed you to find solace in simply being with him — it was really something else. You felt his grip tighten around you, not wanting to let you go.
“Let me take care of you,” he softly spoke into your hair. 
You could feel his reassuring words reverberating through his chest, which was firmly pressed to yours. It made you lean back to stare into his eyes. They held so much feeling, radiating nothing but tender affection.
“I know you’re perfectly capable of handling things on your own. But I just want you to know that you don’t have to,” Rhys said, minutely glancing down at your lips. “We can do anything together.”
You suppressed a shiver at his words — his delightfully welcoming and inviting words. Rhys’ lips were slightly parted and you could feel the hint of an exhaling breath on your cheek. His pupils dilated when you subconsciously bit your lower lip, his eyes filling with an insatiable want. You were quite certain that desire was reflected in your own eyes as well. You both started to lean in, your lips nearly brushing his. 
You finally would’ve found out what he tasted like, what having his soft lips descending on yours would feel like, if it wasn’t for the loud ringing of a phone to interrupt your moment. 
It shook you both out of it. Instantly letting go of each other but not stepping away entirely, wanting to remain in each other’s proximity. Rhys sighed, glancing at his ringing phone on the counter beside you. Your gaze zeroed in, trying to read the caller ID upside down. Rhys begrudgingly reached for his phone, sighing again when he sheepishly looked up at you. “I’m sorry, but I have to take this. It’s the estate agent for your sisters’ flat.”
You nodded in acknowledgment, more than a little vexed at the interruption as you walked back around the counter when Rhys answered the call. You detected a hint of annoyance in his tone as well, but he masked it so expertly, the person on the other end would likely not pick up on it unless he knew Rhys very well. 
The conversation was brief, Rhys only providing short affirmative answers. When he put his phone back down on the counter not even two minutes later, the intensity of your previous moment had significantly alleviated. Unfortunately.
Rhys cleared his throat. “The agent just confirmed all is done. So, whenever you and they are ready,” he said, indicating your sisters. “Their new, fully furbished and secured flat is officially waiting for your sisters with open arms.”
Your answering smile made an unfamiliar sense of joy bloom inside of Rhys. Seeing you happy, unquestionably made him happy. And he would do anything to forever keep you that way — elated and unburdened. 
It was late in the afternoon when you walked side by side with you sister Zoe through Darcy College’s courtyard two days later. The sun was still very bright and it bathed the centuries old, but nevertheless beautiful, architectural masterworks in its warm light. You wore a simple and light sundress with a pair of heeled sandals. It was a bloody hot day today. Zoe fashioned a similar outfit, shooting you a beaming smile as you entered the library. 
You were here to pick up some books Zoe needed to catch up on. Her and Sadie had moved into their new flat the day after you and Rhys had broken the good news to them. They were ecstatic. No, beyond ecstatic. Barely being able to fathom Rhys’ incredible act of kindness in helping them with securing a new place to live. They’d each attacked him in a semi-crushing hug, still having to be wary of their injured bodies. Their happiness was mirrored in Rhys’ expression, which had made your own grin widen.
Zoe and Sadie had wanted to leave right then and there. Not because they were sick and tired of Rhys, but really because they shared your curious and impatient nature. Rhys had shot you a knowing smirk and you’d answered him by hitting him playfully in the chest. 
Ultimately, you were able to come to an agreement to leave the following morning. Rhys generously helped out with moving the couple of bags that you’d brought to his place. When you arrived at their new flat, Zoe had been the first through the door, gasping loudly as she took in the space.
Like Rhys had said, it wasn’t massive, but it didn’t have to be. The flat was really more like a loft, open-designed but still cosy. It was situated on the corner of the building, allowing lots of light to enter the flat from different angles, making the rooms feel light and perhaps slightly bigger than they actually were. The entrance hallway led to the main area, the separate bathroom and two bedrooms. They were spacious enough for a queen-sized bed, a closet and a desk, each. The overall decoration was simple, but warm and inviting, leaving enough room for your sisters to further decorate it how they saw fit. 
By the time you’d stopped gawking, Rhys had opted to give you and your sisters some time alone. To share this moment together. He knew that the three of you hadn’t been able to spent much, relaxing quality time together. It was mostly over-shadowed by you taking care of them after the terrible ordeal they had been through. When Rhys announced he had to leave for work, Zoe and Sadie were the first to give him a hug. 
You’d walked with Rhys to the front door, pausing as he’d turned towards you. You’d held your breath when he’d slowly leaned in, delicately kissing your cheek and lingering there perhaps a moment too long. When he moved back, the message in his sparkling blue eyes was clear — there would be more where that came from. You’d only have to come back to him. 
This time you wouldn’t think twice whether you would or not. The doubts you once had about him completely erased from your existence.
That night, you’d settled in with your sisters, who weren’t able to shut up on how wonderful their new flat was. You’d ordered some pizza for the three of you and Sadie had taken control of the remote to decide what you would watch on the tele. Ironically deciding on a rerun of Killing Eve. 
Before going to bed, Zoe had insisted on swinging by Darcy College the next day. She was clearly emboldened by how quickly she was feeling better, as well as the renewed energy she’d gotten from their new place. Craving to finally return to some sense of normalcy. You’d hesitantly agreed. Making it clear to her that you would allow it only if she wouldn’t be too tired in the morning. Which, of course, she wasn’t.
And that’s how you found yourself currently trailing behind your sister through rows upon rows of books. You’d been cordially promoted to be her personal book-carrier. Zoe mockingly using the excuse that due to her injuries, she wasn’t able to carry the weight herself. You rolled your eyes. How fucking convenient. But you knew she was right, so you didn’t argue. 
“I think this is it,” Zoe announced, leading the way to the centre of the library where a dozen of students were busy studying. You were about to suggest going home in time for dinner but Zoe suddenly took off towards a figure sitting at one of the tables at the far end. You sighed, but followed her. You recognised the student Zoe had spotted from a distance. It was Nadia, one of Zoe’s best friends. She was sitting across from a dark-haired individual wearing a tweed jacket. 
Nadia and Zoe exchanged pleasantries, Nadia carefully giving Zoe a side-hug. The man she’d been sitting with moved to stand up, saying something you couldn’t hear. When you approached them, the man turned around. And if it wasn’t for your immaculate self-control and practiced poker-face, the surprise would’ve been very much apparent on your face. 
Jonathan Moore. 
AKA the man you’d gifted Tom Lockwood’s hand. He couldn’t know who you were, or that you had anything to do with that. Nevertheless, you were certain you saw a speck of recognition flitting across his features. When he didn’t say anything, you took a step towards him. It was time to give a BAFTA-worthy performance. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Zoe’s older sister,” you introduced yourself, holding out your hand to shake. 
Jonathan glanced down at it for a moment before accepting it. “Professor Jonathan Moore. I lecture your sister and her friend Nadia.”
“Ah, yes. She told me about how you’re helping her out with her short story.” 
You briefly glanced to your right, but Zoe and Nadia were deeply engrossed in their own conversation. They were evidently not paying attention to your interaction with their literature professor who was also capable of killing people, not to mention excellent at getting rid of them. 
“I’m glad I bumped into you,” Jonathan quietly spoke in his distinct American accent. It made you look up at him again, raising a single eyebrow in question. “I’ve wanted to discuss your sister’s progress. See how she’s coping with the aftermath of the accident and all.”
You slowly nodded. That was not unusual. Right?
“Okay,” you drawled. “When?”
“Would right now be okay with you? We can talk in my office. It’s around the corner.”
Zoe had apparently heard this because she quickly cut in before you could answer. “It’s fine, sis. I feel good. I’ll be here, catching up with Nadia, yeah?”
You internally groaned. Fucking great. There was no way out of this now. Although, this might be a rare opportunity to get to know the man Rhys had taken such an interest in. You couldn’t deny you weren’t the least bit curious to see what this Jonathan chap was all about. Also, you could potentially poke around his head a little. Find out if he knew anything about you. That would most certainly be crucial information.
“All right, then. Lead the way,” you said, raising your hand to indicate you’d follow him.
Jonathan wordlessly moved towards the library’s exit and you closely followed behind him. He took out his key to open the door to his office, stepping back to let you enter first. When you walked past him, the look Jonathan gave you nearly made a shudder run through you. You turned around when you stood in the middle of his office, facing Jonathan. The stony, dark expression you were sure you had spotted out of the corner of your eye was gone. Now he had a small, welcoming smile plastered on his face. 
Jonathan indicated the chair in front of his desk where you could take a seat and you nodded politely at him. You got the distinct feeling you weren’t here just to discuss Zoe. He must’ve recognised you. Likely from those stupid tabloid articles online. Fuck.
How much did he know? Had he figured you out? Had he somehow been able to connect the dots between you and Rhys? But that was practically impossible. Yet you couldn’t shake that look on his face. He knew something. But what? You tentatively took a seat, hearing the door close behind you.
A/N: Another long chapter! Also, a little bit of a fluff one. Idk there’s something about making sociopaths only soft for each other that I just love. 
I’m not sure when I’ll be able to post part 15, but I will try my absolute best to upload it this week :) By the way, this chapter was supposed to go up yesterday but I was held up in a bar after watching the Monaco GP… Oops? Anyway, I feel like I owed you the terrible explanation lol
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lizard-shifter-noms · 6 months
Wayward Waters Chapter 17
Hello everyone! Chapter 17!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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Having gotten whatever they needed half of the crew of the Halcyon followed us to the Call Of The Damned,  which looked as imposing as ever.
Boarding the ship I could see Ronan getting tackled by Shalimar,  who after a hug decided to throttle him.
Yeah not my problem, also probably deserved.
Ignoring that I went to the front of the ship, where Cassidy had stood after Grella first emerged from Graves keep.
Should I tell him about the encounter I had with her? 
And what she'd told me? 
Ultimately he probably already knew what Grella had told me so there wasn't really a point.
The only thing I noticed here was that they had a pretty short Bowsprit compared to every other one I'd seen but that was all.
“Do you like sitting at the front of the boat?”
Came it from Robin who had followed me, heaving himself up to sit next to me.
“Sort of, i just like knowing where we are going, last time i didn't pay attention and couldn't even tell anyone where i was supposed to go to”
Also I was now pretty sure the stupid mast had given me a concussion, though a bit late for that now.
“Right, that probably sucked, wait what did you tell them where you wanted to go then?”
I shrugged, moving both legs to face the ocean.
“Back to Kamerasca, i figured if i couldn't manage to get to wherever you are i could at least wait back home,  i mean better than nothing right?”
Robin nodded to that.
“That's true, but i was really worried, i saw how the mast fell on top of you, and then you just didn't resurface, and then Rikaad wanted to help the sailors and i had to cling to him so he wouldn't run out again”
He had by now drawn his knees up to his chest, hugging his legs.
“Well, it turned out alright in the end, though very chaotic,  i'm still not sure if that all was even real”
I moved to mess up his ginger hair and he stuck his tongue out at me.
“If you mean the Kraken at the weird island, I've seen that too! Though i do wonder how all those little fires are doing, i mean they just wanted to warn us”
“Eh, they're fire they probably went somewhere that's a lot more dry than the ocean, also the island is called Graves Keep”
Probably because of all the shipwrecks that they couldn't really get to on account of the aforementioned Kraken.
“Mhm, what do you think Naroa island is like? I mean it is a colony of Kamerasca, do you think it'll be like back home or different?”
Good question actually, I didn't know very much about it though.
“Well, no idea but I think a good few things will be like Kamerasca,  it WAS built by citizens and volunteers as far as i know,  So I guess at least the architecture will be similar? 
But it's also an island so they probably had to modify stuff as well and built a few things that probably don't exist in Kamerasca”
It would make sense if they had taken what they were familiar with and modified it to fit their needs in the new place.
“Well, they probably don't have a castle as big as back home! 
I know the island is twice as big as Kariba island at least but a castle would take up so much space!”
That was true.
“Yeah, though I'm sure they at least build the mayor some stupidly big mansion or something! You think we get to sleep in that?”
“Yeah! It's probably built right at the beach! Oh we could go collect more seashells! You already have some cool big ones! I want some too!”
We talked and talked about what we thought the place looked like, which drifted quite a bit towards the end of the day with more and more unreasonable or straight up impossible things.
At some point as the sun started setting someone threw a stick at me.
Well, ‘someone’ the only one that could manage to get a stick out here was Jamie, who indeed was cussing us out and telling us we were missing dinner.
So we went to get that, which at least did not feature hardtack nor soggy bread to my relief, and then got shooed into a cabin to go to sleep.
I could hear though that Akeem was telling Cassidy he didn't need a cabin and was fine staying outside and keeping an eye out.
The end of that eluded me as Robin asked what part of the cabin would be his.
We hadn't even seen it yet so we walked there and Robin ended up getting the window bed.
At least that way I didn't have to deal with the morning sun shining into my face the next day.
Instead I was woken up by someone kicking the door open and for a strange moment I thought I was back at the castle in Kamerasca and that Nea had once again no regard for doors.
But no it was just Jamie who told us to get the fuck up as Naroa island was apparently within sight already.
Huh, the Call Of The Damned was fast, very fast.
Though not really a surprise,  The ship was big and I wouldn't put it past Cassidy to know some water spirits or even wind spirits that would help him out.
Walking half asleep I suddenly realized I had not taken the medication Oakley gave me, despite it being back in my possessions.
Well, there were no nightmares for once,  but I had the strange feeling that Grella had something to do with it.
It was debatable if letting her poke around my mind was a good idea or not but as long as that was all she did i wouldn't complain.
Besides, I was the one who let her so it was nobody's fault but mine.
But the island we were heading to was indeed already in sight,  and as far as i could tell had a more longish shape.
But it was indeed at least twice as big as Kariba island,  if not a tiny bit bigger.
Though it was more sparsely built on with more space between buildings,  the number of inhabitants seemed to be about the same, if not less. 
“Huh, not long till we reach it, hey how many people do you think got scared when the Call Of The Damned was first sighted by them?”
Robin giggled at that.
“Well it IS a scary looking ship! And probably the biggest one ever!
Let's go look for Rikaad!”
With that he climbed up on a crate, trying to spot the dark haired king.
“Robin, behind you”
Rikaad was in the completely opposite direction from where the ginger was looking, and right behind him though not on the crate.
“Huh? Oh hey Rikaad!”
“Robin don't climb random crates you don't know what's in them,  or if the wood will hold you”
Robin blinked and looked down at the crate he was standing on,  jumping off at Rikaads words.
“Oh sorry, didn't know, but hey we are already close to the island! 
Are you excited? I am! What are you gonna do first?”
Rikaad let the ginger ramble to the end before answering.
“I do admit to being intrigued,  i have never been here before and i am not entirely sure what i will do first, i'm waiting for more information at the moment”
Ah so he'd wait till we were actually there to make a decision,  probably a smart move not to set on one path if something else might come up as more important.
“How long are we going to stay there? A day or two? Or longer?”
Rikaad watched as the island got closer and closer,  appearing bigger the nearer it got.
“We will see, depending on what has to be done we could stay for two days or an entire week”
Also true, who knew how good the current mayor had been with paperwork, hopefully at least better than the old king, 
though it WAS hard to top that chaos.
As if reading my mind,  which was strange to think that someone, something? 
No, someone, else had already done Robin spoke just that aloud.
“As long as it's not as bad as the stacks of paper back home it shouldn't take long right?”
Rikaad just nodded at that.
“Hopefully so, though i am sure someone that would neglect the official affairs that much would have been replaced pretty quickly,  after all Kamerasca does get quite a few goods from this place”
Oh yeah, trading island and all that, hopefully the people here would be a bit more open minded about halflings and nonhumans.
They definitely were not, which was made very clear shortly after we debarked from the giant vessel.
Some onlookers could be heard shouting insults,  though strangely enough most weren't even aimed at me.
They were aimed at Jamie, who was right next to the way taller Akeem.
Rikaad did tell them to stop, though I doubted anyone here actually recognized who he was and that he was the new king.
Then again he wore no crown, only had once or twice.
Someone threw a knife at them, shouting something that sounded like 'Stupid Zoa’ but I had no idea what that last word meant.
Before I could think to ask anyone, Akeem had left the convoy to the mayor's abode, grabbed the knife thrower and tossed them a good twenty feet into a little stream where they landed with a splash.
Someone else tried to stab him in retaliation but the short sword didn't even scratch him, he gripped it and squeezed, the metal bending under his fingers like crumpled paper.
After that he went to stand back next to Jamie, who was hunched over and kept close to Akeem.
Ronan himself was somewhat hiding his ears next to Shalimar and Cassidy, wearing a headband that I was pretty sure used to be clipped to Shalimar’s messy belt.
Since I was pretty much in the middle of the people walking I had not been largely noticed, though the next street was a good bit narrower and people were still looking.
No hiding there.
Suddenly a triangle-esque hat was planted on top of my head,  hiding the top of my ears.
Looking forward again i could see it was the chicken guy,  who was still covered in layers and layers of fabric,  one of which was wrapped around his head, 
still hiding nearly everything aside from a strand of very dry hair the color of sun bleached flaxen and eyes that had slitted pupils with a way to green iris and no sclera to speak of.
I stared perplexed at him, the skin around his eyes wrinkling for a moment before he put a very thin sliver of gray silk over them, thin enough to look out of but also not letting anyone else see what his eyes actually looked like.
Smart, he must have been through something like this before.
I quietly nodded at him, making a mental note to properly thank him later if I got the chance, and of course give the hat back.
Also up close like this it was impossible to ignore that he was even taller than Fable, nearly seven feet.
And still holding the chicken,  who seemed content to just be held at the moment.
It wasn't long that we reached a larger and mostly circular place with a floor out of tile shaped rocks.
There waited some dapper dressed guy on a small wooden platform, confusedly looking at the people in the convoy before seeing Rikaad and bowing down in front of him after a few seconds.
The man himself was rather unremarkable, with pretty average features aside from a nose that seemed to have been recently broken.
“A good day and welcome to Naroa sir Rikaad Drayton,  King of Kamerasca, i am the mayor of this beautiful colony”
At least after that the surrounding crowd finally shut up.
Rikaad stood upright in front of them,  seeming taller in stature than even the guy on the small platform.
Rikaad sure had a way to make even the tallest people seem small next to him.
Must be the confidence,  he had way more than i did, or anyone else i knew really.
Even the mayor shrunk back a little,  walking off the podium to meet at eye level.
Well, eye level was good, Rikaad was about an entire foot taller than the man with the broken nose.
The Mayor started rambling something about how well they were doing aside from the pirates, which we had already dealt with, well Grella had dealt with them, and the people of Naroa might not even know that they were gone yet.
Rikaad simply watched and listened as the mayor praised every square of the island, which to me came off as that the mayor just wanted to look good.
Well, he kept rambling until a blonde woman walked out of the crowd with quite a few parchments in her arms.
She looked oddly familiar as well, kind of like a paler and taller Shalimar, probably her mother, whatever she was doing here.
The mayor stocked in his weird ramblings and praising everything to angrily point at the woman, shouting.
“That's the woman that broke my nose! Guards! Get her!”
Before anyone could properly react Rikaad had told them to put their weapons away, taking the parchment that the woman held out to him.
He read aloud a list of offenses, quite heavy ones as well,  including trafficking, murder,  and things that made at least two people in the crowd throw up.
Rikaad then looked the mayor straight in the eyes,  his own as icy as they had been back in the snow.
“Did I miss anything? 
Or do you spare us the paperwork and plead guilty?”
The mayor had gone into a fight or flight stance, frozen for just a moment before rushing forward at Rikaad with a knife.
He didn't get far with that as his pants caught fire and he got attacked by an oversized chicken that apparently could breathe fire,  because why not.
Sad to say it wasn't even the strangest thing that had happened,  also Shalimars mother shooed the chicken off only to punch the guys nose again, yeah that would not heal correctly anytime ever.
Rikaad ordered some of the surrounding Guards to toss the,  now former, mayor into jail, leading the rest of the people that came here with him to the biggest building.
As expected it had been used as the living place of the mayor,  though not anymore now.
Rikaad told us to take a break and that he had to carefully plan what to do now, go over the information the woman, who was named Marianna, had given him.
Marianna herself walked up to Cassidy, socking him in the jaw before pulling the taller man closer to her and kissing him.
I politely looked elsewhere.
There was quite an evident semblance to Shalimar, and not just the appearance.
Since nobody would try anything dumb as long as we were here i decided to hand the hat back to the Chicken sailor,  and finally ask for his name.
Robin had immediately taken a liking to a dog that lived here,  playing with the curly tailed canine.
Yeah he was fine, now where did the chicken guy go?
Looking around my eyes fell on Akeem,  who after noticing silently pointed at a balcony door.
Since nothing was going on and my presence wasn't needed I went outside as well,  seeing the man in layers and layers of fabric lean on the balustrade.
How the fuck did he not get a heatstroke?
I carefully took the hat, which was a little too big,  off and handed it back to him.
“Uhm, thank you for the save there, I'm sure I would have gotten stuff thrown at me as well, what's your name? 
I don't think i heard anyone say it”
He put his hat back on, tilting his head.
“That's because i don't have one”
My brain buffered for a good moment or two,  how could one NOT have a name?
“What, wait what do people call you then? 
How can it be that you don't have a name?”
The man tilted his head to the other side.
“You better be careful when dealing with Fae and how they word things, if they ask you for your name you better not give it,  sometimes they even trick their own brethren to give up their name”
I HAD heard of Fae taking peoples names,  but that they did it to their own kin was new.
“Oh, well getting the name of a Fae cant be easy,  you must have been tricked badly huh?”
He took his hat off again, pulling an arm completely out of the fabrics he was covered in, revealing a pale,  four fingered hand that seemed strangely chitinous.
“Oh yeah my sister had a knack for getting what she wanted,  Did you know Elves aren't actually Fae? 
Fae are never so naturally human like, Elves however are”
I stared at him, at probably the only true Fae I'd ever see in my life.
“I always thought it strange that most depictions of Fae had some insect things about them or horns while Elves didn't,  but that's new information to me,  wait what are Elves then if they aren't Fae?”
He shrugged, gripping the balustrade with his chitinous segmented hand.
“Not sure, but Elves are not Fae,  though they might be a mix of human and Fae, or had been once upon a time when there was less hatred in the world”
If that was true then, then every Elf was also a bastard,  yeah no wonder they had obscured that so much that they themselves believed them to be Fae folk nowadays.
“Well i guess i don't really have anything to compare,  but what you are saying does make some sense”
Though Fae being more insect-like did make sense,  most of the depictions I had seen, while crude,  had featured things like bug wings or multiple arms. 
Elves had none of those.
Well, what the fuck where Elves then? A question for later.
Suddenly I remembered something I had heard snippets of in Kamerasca a good two years ago.
“Hey about the name thing, why don't you get a new one? 
I've heard of people changing their names,  most times after a divorce though but it's just some paperwork,  well at least it's possible in Kamerasca, no idea about the isles”
I was not sure at all how the isles worked, not to mention that each island could have its own laws and the like.
The Fae man chuckled at that.
“A new name eh? Not a bad idea, I should have thought of that myself!
Though there are many to choose from, i will give it thought, and if i can't find an island to do it you might see me in your Homeland sometime”
Yeah, though I wouldn't doubt that Cassidy would specifically make that a possibility even if just for one instance.
“Well good luck thinking of a new name, does your chicken at least have one? Or is the feathery fella also nameless?” 
He laughed and picked up the way larger than average rooster with brown, orange and black feathers.
“This guy? Technically he's a Basan,  but yeah they look like chickens, eh bird either way,  his name is Basha because he used to Bash his head against me”
The Basan made some very chicken-like sounds,  bonking his head against the Fae man.
“There really are just things that look like other normal things but just aren't huh?”
“Well that entirely depends on what you define as normal,  your normal might be quite unusual for someone else”
That he was right in, especially in my case as the only other living Ardua had rejected to wear the bracelet, leaving it in Oakleys care.
“Yeah, you're right, also does sunlight hurt you like some Fae stories say? You are quite covered up, uh sorry if that's rude to ask”
He chuckled again, shaking his head.
“Curious huh? Well i can't blame you,  but the main reason im covered like this is that im ugly”
I stared at him, that being the LAST answer I had expected.
“Wh- what? That's a joke right? I know that big insect like things can freak people out but im sure its not that bad”
He full on laughed at that.
“Boy it's not because of me being an insectoid,  well i guess the mandibles would freak a good bit of people out,  but quite frankly, Nobody wants to see a mutilated man run around and showing off all his scars and stumps”
To emphasize he held out a second left arm right under the first, 
but the second one ended in a horribly scarred stump somewhere in the middle of elbow and where the wrist should be, the rest of the arm also adorned in strange silvery scars that had a slight bluish tint.
I stared at it confusedly for a second, so what? 
“So? If people don't want to see that they can look somewhere else, like, don't go out into the public if you don't like seeing people being people, also i don't think anyone seeing that would think you did that on purpose”
Now it was his turn to stare confusedly at me with his sclera less way too green eyes.
“I just mean, a lot of people have scars, i have some too,  namely on my back and shoulder, and one time some guy stole one of my kidneys so there's that one too, i don't think that scars necessarily make someone ugly or less of a person,  it just- it just shows you've lived”
He tilted his head,  at an angle that would probably have broken my neck if I tried it.
“It does sound like an age-old struggle of simply being deemed ‘other’,  I feel that you relate well to it,  even if your struggle with being ‘other’ has been different.
I suppose listening to those deemed ‘others’ would show things about myself I was not aware of, or would never be.
Also someone stole your kidney? How does that happen?”
Huh, yeah it was probably no matter what kind of ‘other’ one was,  they would find the same or similar reasons to shut those ‘other’ out any way possible.
Also of course he had to ask about the kidney thing.
“Yeah, some wannabe alchemist got it,  though i punched his face before he got anything else, i actually have no idea what happened to the guy, maybe he poisoned himself”
It was likely, that or someone else lynched him considering he'd been quite an asshole and did say something about testing on pets.
“Well, it looks like we both survive when we have to”
The Fae man stared out at the ocean,  gently scratching his chicken’s err, Basan's Head.
Then he ripped the cloth covering the bottom half of his face down, revealing what was indeed mandibles,  though more thin and boney and halfway folded into his maw.
One of his cheeks had a hole that was held shut by stitches and the other half of his face looked like someone had held a burning hot horseshoe against it.
Wait, iron, that was an iron burn, ouch, Fae did NOT take well to iron.
Aside from that there was a long and jagged scar going down the side of his nose, having blinded one of the secondary eyes under his normal ones, both of which were sewed shut like the hole in his cheek.
That man had been tortured,  There was no other reason for things to look like that as even multiple accidents wouldn't cause an iron burn this deep.
“I said i was ugly”
“What? No i'm just-i've never actually seen a Fae before, you weren't joking about the mandibles huh? Though i didn't think they'd be so thin”
He smiled, his face twisting weirdly around the scar tissue.
“Oh i suppose one would expect something more spider like,  however Spiders are arachnids and not insects,  ticks are also arachnids, but yeah i can move them individually”
To prove it he stuck one out and ‘waved’ with it,  then doing the same with another one.
“Wait, how do you eat with those? 
Don't you just bite your own mandibles while eating?”
“That's the question you ask? 
But yeah i guess sometimes i bite my own mandibles, though don't tell me you've never bitten your own tongue while eating”
Fair, to him it was just one more appendage he had,  not anymore strange to his own body than my tongue was to mine.
“Yeah fair, one time i nearly bit a chunk off because i fell out of a tree while eating, not exactly my smartest day”
At least it had healed quickly, but damn that had hurt.
“Oh we all have some dumb days,  and you know what i think i'm going to make this a smart one and go get some new shirts, and maybe a bandana for Basha”
“Wait then he's Basha the bandana wearing Basan all words with B”
He laughed and jumped on top of the railing, cradling said Basan.
“Oh I'm well aware! That's why I'm getting him one!”
With that he jumped down and I realized a bit late that this was built on top of a natural wall and thus went down about three stories deep even though it was technically ground level.
I rushed to lean over the balustrade,  but the Fae man had landed safely and was walking away while his Basan perched on his shoulder like a parrot.
Man the Islands were sure one chaotic place,  there was lots of stuff I would never consider trying on my own.
Then again the ones doing it weren't Human or elf and knew better what they were capable of than me.
Aside from Ronan maybe, he had to be frequently stopped from doing dangerous things that definitely would kill him.
I should probably head back inside,  I did want to see if the other ones were okay, 
especially Jamie who had rocks thrown at them among other things.
At least Akeem deflected the knife, and just threw a grown man twenty feet or so like he weighed nothing.
For someone that didn't even have muscles he was stupidly strong.
For a moment a horrified realization crossed my mind, if Grella was right about Magic Dying then what would happen to Akeem?
He was a statue come to live through some wayward magic, would he simply revert back to being a statue? Fall apart into parts and pieces?
Crumble to dust?
Or would it not affect him since he technically was some sort of gem and Grella did say magic could be stored in some of those.
I really hoped it was the latter.
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thetistaboveall · 1 year
The Descending and Ascending Of A Hero Part 1
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Dick Grayson is on his normal midnight run of Gotham City from his haunting grounds of Bloodhaven landing on Gotham Banks roof top.
He rolls over kneeling on to the scene he is staring down peering in to a strange and eerie occurrence as the cloud of mist faded on to scene.
A familiar sound of whimsical child like lore of music blows in the wildness of the wind images of the past penetrating in to his own mind.
His body shook a bit remembering the busy night his world came to a crushing holt of it all with crowds coming bursting through the grounds.
The screams of children yelling out in to the area, clowns and other members of Hypno circus start to appear to Dicks shock of it all.
The entire campus of the circus appears before his eyes flashes of the big top opens and his entire family takes flight in to the air The Daring Graysons.
His parents rope is cut leaning them falling to the floor of the circus tent Dicks mind is returning to his current reality where a new crime is about to happen.
He flips off the rooftop on to the scene in awe of it all the wonderful feeling of his old life erupts when a strange group of loving employees.
A man walk out in the middle of the campus ready to fight for the total control of the fair Dick Grayson to serve only me his future Master.
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“Welcome to the home of The Grand Old Hypno Circus”
“Ok! Who are you? What is this about?”
“I am only here to entertain the masses”
“How? Mind control?”
“Perceptive but so much more”
“I am here to put a end to your reign of terror.”
“Can you list any criminal activities on my part?”
“No! You give me eerie vibes.”
“Fuck off with that.”
“Did I hit a nerve?”
“Actually they did”
“You are so weak”
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“Fine then! Here is a gift from you to me.”
“Take a look at this spiral”
“Wait! No get that shit away from me”
“Why the hell would I? Stare in to my minds eye.”
“Fall in to the void of madness”
“Release control”
“Give in”
“Yyyyyyeeeesssss boi”
“Yyyyeeessss….Ring Leader”
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“My love Richard”
“My love”
“Yes, Ring Leader”
“Take a dive “
“Watch the spiral and the light”
“The spiral “
“The light”
“Good boi”
“Yes, Ring Leader”
“I must obey”
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“Take knee obey your better”
“‘My purpose “
“My life is yours”
“My body is made to be used”
“Break me”
“I own you “
“Of course”
“Only right”
“To be yours”
“Do as I say”
“Yes, Ring Leader”
The Descending and Ascending Of A Hero Part 2
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Bruce Wayne is tired of waiting for an answer from Dick Grayson for weeks on end after he had disappeared and no word to know what happens.
Bruce is currently downstairs in the inner lair of the basement of Wayne Mayor the bats are flying high above the Batcave flying over him.
The Bruce sleeps all day and night for days on end body slump over on to the chair and his head laying chin forward on to his chest snoring away.
“Master Bruce? Master Bruce?” Alfred yells shaking Bruce awake from his deep slumber as his snores crackle.
“What? What Alfred?”
“The Bat signal is on high alert.”
“Nightwing’s signal is on”
“Where is he?”
“Tracking him now”
“I will bring him home”
“Be safe”
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“Bruce Wayne? How lovely it is to meet you?” A familiar voice calls out.
“Dick? Where are you show yourself?”
“I will when I feel it need be”
“What is the matter with you?”
“You vanished for weeks”
“I had to retreat this god awful city”
“Dick quit it”
“From your awful influence”
“I said STOP IT!”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“Beat in to your submission “
“You really think so?”
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In the midst of it all a letter fell from the sky to the ground of the grounds dropping in the light of the night.
The lights hit the letters Bruce walks close to the sight bending over to pick it up in a bit disappointment.
He turn its over beginnings to read the letter he is in total shock at the horrific, evil and absolutely cold shill of his words.
Bruce eyes open wide, his mouth drops slow open, the letter fell as Bruce anger rages up in anger.
His hands form a fist ready to fight his old protege looming figure leads a shadowy silhouette.
A downcast cover ls Bruce’s body in time to see a light shadow backflip in to the scene he lands in the yard.
“Will you head my words? Will you obey him?”
“Who ?”
“The Ring Leader”
“Never heard of him”
“You will soon enough”
“Follow him”
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“Be one of him”
“Join us”
“Yes Master”
“Don’t listen to him”
“Dick! Come home with me”
“Zip it! Bruce you have no idea”
“About what?”
“The man is my hero, I love him”
“Own your crap”
“Why can’t you accept the truth?”
“I will make you “
“You live and learn”
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The end
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seroothincs · 1 year
Part 6.
1989 - 1991
Aight, so you know shit is gonna go down in this because Tony and Legs are only now coming back to Springfield where many gangs and rivals have already claimed their territory over the city.
They had known they would be met with this issue, seeing as they once were the most feared in Springfield besides the DiMaggios and with them gone a lot of power and the empty chair at the top would be up for grabs.
Now they had to re-earn all their respect on the streets, but they couldn’t do it alone as a duo.
They had to find Louie, but it was more of a hunt for him this time, he wasn’t at the college he said he’d be continuing to attend and he hasn’t been seen in Little Italy or the east end at all. Tony eventually found him one day at the Glen Country club and Louie was not rather fond of seeing him again. Long story short, and after a heated argument. Tony came clean over what really happened and that sort of regained Louie’s trust? Eh- Louie was still not happy. It took some convincing to do once he got him to join the mafia again.
Anyways. Word on the streets were that the D'amico's were back, baby. And stronger than ever.
Now stronger than ever is an understatement, it was just the three of them currently.
Legs knew they needed to recruit new members to help them take back their territory. They began scouting for potential members and found some young, tough-looking guys who were eager to join their gang.
Some notable names who were a part of these new kids were Joey “The scar”, Joey “The Arsonist”, Ronnie “The Rifle” and of course, one man called Johnny Tightlips.
Now this fella was an eccentric one, he wore a purple suit with a fitting long coat and a hat. He once approached Tony in a bar, said he worked for Vittorio and warned him to not expand his business.
After having questioned his status, Johnny simply talked his way out of his question and left the bar with a warning. Tony was seriously not impressed with that man.
Back to the plot, they started small, taking over small businesses and extending their reach into the city. Smuggling and fraud were their special tactics, at times they even worked with the current Mayor Quimby together, one such thing no other gang had even thought about doing.
This continued to anger the rivals, even the DiMaggios. A final time Tony met Johnny, but he strictly stated that he did not come on the words of his boss, he came on his personal views.
Johnny talked about how he admired Tony’s courage to keep up with an old pain in the ass like Vittorio, Tony stated that Johnny could join them if he’d like.
Johnny replied he couldn’t, not while he worked for Vittorio. They left it at that and Johnny once again left.
That purple guy was really eccentric.
His words made no sense and Tony even detected a slight german accent behind him.
And time-skipped to some weeks having passed and the D'amico's were knee-deep into a feud with the DiMaggios.
This didn’t hold up for long as a second gang stepped into the spotlight, the two families had a shared enemy who was threatening both of their territories and operations, so they decided to set aside their differences and work together to take down this mutual threat.
And this threat were the Castellanetas, the don off the gang was a hated nemesis for Vittorio.
They planned together an attack that could scare the Castellanetas back into the corner they came from, and a side ambush to kill the don.
This was also the time where Tony met Johnny again, Vittorio introduced him formally to Tony and Vittorio was actually thinking about giving Johnny over to Tony.
He dealt with Vittorio for a long time and swore him his loyalty but he felt as if the young man didn’t get enough experience under Vittorio’s position.
He was old and Johnny was so young, he still had a lot to learn about the mob business and so he wanted him to join Tony.
Johnny didn’t give much of a reaction to this news but he was satisfied with that decision.
Several weeks into the preparations, someone came knocking on the door.
And here comes Jimmy “The axe”.
The three wiseguys were wondering what he was even doing here and he explained his situation.
Jimmy had previously overheard back in Italy how the DiMaggios and the infamous D'amico's were starting to work together to take down the Castellanas for good, everyone back home knew who Tony was and who Vittorio was.
Naturally Jimmy was deeply concerned for his nephew. He flew all the way back to the U.S.A to take Louie with him.
He wanted his only relative to be protected by him and he no longer wished for Louie to be affiliated with both Tony and Legs. Something the two found greatly anger over.
Louie did absolutely not let that slide and an argument soon broke out, in just one brief second Jimmy slapped Louie.
Causing Legs and Tony to intervene.
They continued to argue with Jimmy until the axe made it clear his request was now an order, demanding Louie to have his bags packed for tonight.
Legs was totally outraged by all this, thinking Jimmy can just walk in here and pull Louie with him back to Italy without his consent.
Tony was pissed off just as much as Legs was but he was also confused because Louie never mentioned that his uncle was Jimmy the motherfucking axe. He was a well-known mobster in the business and a respected made man.
Louie could not let Jimmy take him, he hated his uncle ever since he was 8 but now he really was upset with him.
His minor anger towards him was only caused by Jimmy who always had a say in what 9 year old Louie was supposed to do each day, turning into now a deep anger that Jimmy wanted to drag him away from his friends and his actual family.
They went ahead with their plan on the take-down on the Castellanetas for tonight.
It was all going so well until they had the whole gang cornered, when Legs wasn’t looking, they ambushed him and he was stuck with a gun pointed to his head by the direct capo off the Castellanetas.
In a brief second, Louie managed to save his friend from the enemy but without its own damage as Louie was struck with a knife in the back.
He was down and the Castellanetas fled the scene. They had to immediately get Louie out of there before the police arrived, what they didn’t know is that Jimmy “The axe” was right with the gangs as the whole thing went down.
Working under Vittorio for the remainder of the battle.
And he had seen everything of how Louie risked his own life for just one person, a person that his nephew seemed to really like.
Once at the hospital, Jimmy had arrived with some flowers and met Legs in the hall.
He asked if Louie was alright, Legs responded he was still under-going surgery, it could take a while until he would be open for visitors.
Jimmy simply replied that the flowers were a waste for it all and attempted to throw them away until Legs stopped him.
The two talked for a while, Jimmy mentioned how Louie seemed to be so selfless in rescuing Legs. Furthermore it became clear to Jimmy just how precious Louie is to both Tony and Legs.
That was the moment where Jimmy broke down, he came clean to Legs and talked about all the wrong-doings he put Louie through.
Legs listened to Jimmy's confession and could sense the sincerity in his words. He knew that Jimmy had always cared deeply for Louie, despite his past mistakes.
But he still was a bad man for treating Louie this way.
Not until Jimmy mentioned the part where he promised Louie’s father that he would take care of Louie, but he broke his promise and Louie hated the man Jimmy has become.
He could never forgive him even if they tried to fix it up. Legs comforted him and told Jimmy that Louie was a tough yet kind-hearted kid, if Jimmy were to explain everything to him then surely Louie would forgive him.
And that’s just what Jimmy did.
He went back to the old house of Louie’s parents and found just exactly what he needed.
After the Surgery and after Louie was met with Tony and Legs, it was finally Jimmy’s turn to visit him. Louie did not take his visit lightly and only replied with what he wanted.
Jimmy knew his nephew wasn’t fond of seeing him right about now, he only put down a box and said that hopefully this would clear their relationship up and said his goodbyes.
Jimmy even admitted that Louie would be happy to hear that Jimmy was going back to Italy, alone. Louie opened the box in curiosity. He could see multiple things laying in it.
One most crucial thing was a picture of himself when he was 3 with his parents, and one with his father and Jimmy on it.
There were two letters.
One had the name of Louie's father on it, while the other one had Jimmy's on it.
The Letter that was from Louie's father described how he was in deep trouble and he and his wife would soon pass away under mysterious circumstances, he wanted Jimmy to act as Louie's legal guardian, he also wrote that this would be the last time he would ever talk with Jimmy. So he said his final goodbyes.
In response Jimmy wrote that he will take care of his nephew, which he stuck to his promise of raising Louie, Jimmy also wrote that he will forever cherish and protect Louie since he was the last thing Jimmy had in his brother's memory and as a family member.
It was clear to Louie now that everything Jimmy did was only to protect him since both of them were the last they had on family.
Jimmy cherished this little kid who he raised like his own son. It was a bitter but needed realisation for Louie, that no matter how much he hated his Uncle, his Uncle only had good intentions for him. And Louie used those against him.
Saying his uncle only wanted to manipulate him all while Jimmy only wanted to protect him because they were on their own, the last ones of their families.
Once Louie finished reading both letters, he slowly sat laid back down on the bed. He was overwhelmed with tears, and his lips and face were twisted up as he let out a quiet sob. His whole body started trembling and his face scrunched up, his eyes turning red as the tears fell and rolled down his face, dripping onto his hospital gown.
It was maybe too late to change anything but Louie knew Jimmy wasn't that far away yet, he could still apologise to him.
Though as Louie was about to get up, his legs went out beneath him causing him to fall down, he was still weak after the operation but he didn't let that obstacle get in his way.
He just ran down the halls, feeling like he could run forever.
He even passed Tony and Legs in the halls as Legs had forgotten his jacket in Louie’s room. The two were deeply concerned about seeing him out of bed and ran after him.
Once Louie stood at the entrance to the Hospital, he noticed his uncle was about to step into a vehicle.
He yelled out to him and ran towards him, all while he was only dressed in nothing more but his hospital gown in the pouring rain.
Louie wanted to hug Jimmy so bad but he couldn’t, he stopped right in his tracks as he hesitated to.
This was his last chance to apologise, and he was determined to get this right.
Louie broke down in front of Jimmy and just admitted to him that was sorry.
His short confession didn’t hold on as Jimmy immediately hugged him, he dropped his umbrella in the process but didn’t care.
He just wanted to hug his nephew, and the two eventually broke down in tears.
Slumping to the floor as they hugged each other.
Legs and Tony watched on from the entrance and after a couple minutes, started nearing the two.
Legs was glad they finally got their apologies out.
Jimmy truly regretted that he couldn’t stay but he needed to go because of his business, though he promised Louie he would write every day.
With that they finally got their hatred out of their ways and Louie was on the path of recovery.
Over the past weeks, they succeeded in several more ambushes on the Castellanetas.
Sadly a few men of both the DiMaggios and the D'amico's lost their lives in the fight but they kept going strong and didn’t back down.
Their time finally came as they managed to reduce the territory of their rival, allowing the winners to come out on top. They didn’t defeat the don but at least they delivered a heavy blow on the Castellanetas resources and men.
After such a long feud, the two rival families settled it by becoming one big family.
Vittorio would still remain as the big boss while Tony would play as the underboss and soon would take Vittorio’s place as the head of the organisation.
Life was beginning to get better.
And now with Johnny Tightlips on their sides, he made him a caporegime, seeing as he earned that title after his many strategic in-puts during the gang war.
Legs and Louie stepped down from their positions to make way for Lefty and Righty, both very professional caporegimes who deserved this spot on the team.
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verycrowindeed · 1 year
The legend of the man from Covaspo
Howdy!! It's Crow here!! So i've been thinking lately and i've decided that i want to share with you all a little something i wrote a while ago.
Some context: This legend is a tiny part of the lore of a bigger story that my friend and I are writing. Everything is completly fictional and it contains upsettling themes (See the tags)
With that already said, here's the story
They entered to her website and were greeted with a big text, all in red, that seemed to talk about the old legend of the man who founded the city, a legend that was, of course, a simple horror story that some teens probably made up some decades ago, and that for some reason was passed from generation to generation as a way to scare little kids,
"Of course" -Sinno thought- "If anyone on earth would actually believe in this shit , it had to be Hela".
.The first man in Covaspo.
They say that a man whose surname was Covaspo was the founder of this town.
He, his wife and his two baby twins used to live in an unknown city, where their monetary situation was worse each day, and the Covaspo family lived in absolute poverty and misery, so one day, he decided to run away with his family to a place far, far away, where they could forget about all their problems and start anew.
After many hours of driving they found a place in the middle of nowhere, so they built a house near water well, and they started a new life there, where no one could bother them.
And that could be the end of the story, but then that man and that old well would mean nothing today, and we all know it isn't like that, because it turns out that Covaspo and his wife (of whom we don't know the name) were really good people, and so they decided to invite some close family to live with them in what they called "The Covaspo Community", the word started spreading and what once was a little community formed by family and friends gathered around a well, slowly became a small village, and then a town.
And so, the city we all know and love today, was born. Or at least that's all they teach us in school and in books, but they refuse to let us know what happened to Mr Covaspo's family after that.
Well, to make it simple for everyone, the man went nuts.
So, you see, Covaspo had run away from his old life in the city to finally be able to take a breathe and have a peaceful time the last years of his life, not to accidentally become a Mayor in a city he accidentally created, so that caused him some stress, and, in the top of that, protection wasn't exactly a thing back then, so he had more kids.
His wife announcing her 5th pregnancy was the last straw for him.
The night after she gave birth, everyone gathered at the church to bless the newborn and to pray for his health while the mother stayed in her mother in law's house, who would take care of her and the baby the first month, as it was the tradition back then.
Mr Covaspo stayed at home, taking care of his other kids, because at that time people believed that the man was the strongest one in the relationship, so he had to manage the kids while his fragile baby and spouse where resting. Everything seemed to be normal, the kids where playing and laughing and yelling -As kids usually do-, until suddenly there was complete silence.
It turns out that it was really late at night, and Mr Covaspo couldn't stand all the noise, so he came up with an amazing solution, with a kitchen knife he slitted all the four kid's throats open and they all bled to death.
After that, Covaspo was never seen again.
A week after the incident, miss Covaspo, was found dead in the city well, some say the grief and fear was too much for her so she decided to take her own life, some others claim that it was Covaspo who came back to finish his job, but nobody knows for sure what happened (But, if you ask me, i think it wouldn't make sense for it to be covaspo's revenge, because then why wouldn't he also kill the baby, his fifth son??)"
At the end of the publication there was a "Do you want to cite this?" link that when you clicked it, it showed this little window to copy and paste in whatever you wanted to, if for some reason you really, really wanted to quote this crazy girl
"De Covaspo, Hela. "The first man in Covaspo." Aug. 28, 2000, find more about this in my website; Hela's Magic World."
Okay! I hope you guys liked it and if you did, please reblog this!!!
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josephsaturn · 2 years
Rewriting Miraculous Ladybug
...From somebody who hasn't watched a lot of miraculous ladybug.
If i'm being completely honest, I haven't watched a lot of this show, really only the first few episodes and whatever clips end up on the local video essay analysts' video on why miraculous is the anti-christ, or something.
(not to say that I don't agree with certain takes, but I think the hate kinda gets a little bit excessive)
I decided that, for my rewrite, I'd strip... a lot from the main source material, keeping the main plot (magical animal-themed jewelry that turns you into a superhero-also animal themed-and do some wicked sick stuff is bequeathed to two middle...high school... (?) kids with the depth perception of toddlers, and an old man who misses his wife very much...also with the depth perception of a toddler), and cutting the fat off of everything else.
So here's what I got!
Under a Readmore!
The inciting incident:
Taking place over the course of an entire year (from January to January of the next year), Miraculous features Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste.
At the start of the spring semester, Mme. Bustier's class at Collége François-DuPont recieves it's final student: Adrien Agreste. This was supposed to be Adrien's first full year of public schooling, but due to a family emergency, he had to take the entire fall semester off. The Scion of the Über-Famous Gabriel Agreste, owner of the Agreste luxury fashion house, is...well, strange. He's immensely awkward around kids his age and carries himself with an almost cold sort of quietness. A kind of quietnesss that's completely offset by his childhood best friend and mayor's daughter, Chloe Bourgeois. Despite that, he's quite kind, and most of the class is drawn into his mystique...save one.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette, only child of M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng, is something of Chloe's punching bag. Of course, she couldn't possibly tell you WHY this was, but apparently it was hate at first sight.
And, it seems that Bourgeois got to Adrien before Marinette could so much as make a first impression.
But... the rest of the class, when not under the seemingly-omnipresent eye of Bourgeois, Agreste, and their friend Sabrina, is pretty nice to her.
After that first day, some other members of the class decide to invite Marinette out shopping, which she accepts. They check out quite a few stores, but something stops Marinette in her tracks at a dingy little thrift store.
A pair of earrings.
They looked...well, they looked like something her paternal grandma would wear if she was a bit less of a daredevil...
And yet.
Marinette walked out of that thrift store with a new pair of earrings.
In the high-end triangle of Paris, Adrien and Chloe have decided to go shopping as well, mostly so Chloe can "de-stress" (and get Adrien out of the house).
It's here where, much like Marinette, Adrien has found quite the interesting piece of Jewelry.
A small black ring, with the top forming a shallow bowl with the middle showing a raised cat paw.
The ring was quite plain, and, if Chloe's whining was any indicator, too "Plebian" for him.
She can say what she wants, but jokes on her, he bought it anyway.
Both sets of kids returned home, unaware of the surprise that awaited them.
But that's for another post.
The Miraculouses themselves:
Each miraculous works...basically the same as their canon counterparts, save for the Ladybug and Black Cat.
Oh, sure, you still get your wish granted like in canon, but after that's done, the jewelry that contains the Kwami - all Kwami - will shatter irreparably, but will come back...on it's own time.
The last time somebody made a wish, it took 60 years for the Ladybug Miraculous to show up again.
80 for the Black Cat.
Also, the piece of Jewelry will look like the decade it came back in, and base the wearer's costumes off of that decade or aesthetic.
As for the aesthetics...That's for later.
The clusterfuck that is the Agreste-Graham de Vanily-Fathom Family:
More on that later!
And that’s it for now!
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cleoselene · 2 years
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I posted 2,636 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i am like showing my age because i watched a couple eps of fleabag and felt scandalized like an old lady lol i was like oh no this is too yo
My Top Posts in 2022:
that 2022 existential dread feeling from watching DS9
Bashir: You know, Commander,  having seen a little of the 21st century, how could they have let things get so bad? Sisko: That’s a good question.  I wish I had an answer. [END EPISODE]
30 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
screaming at this amazing article:
“You see a single woman of 40, who has never had children – ‘Bless, that’s a shame, isn’t it? Maybe one day you’ll meet the right guy and that’ll change.’ No, maybe she’ll meet the wrong guy and that’ll change," he said. "Maybe she’ll meet a guy who makes her less happy and healthy, and die sooner.”
68 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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legends only
293 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Bill Nye wants you to vote and I know y’all love Bill Nye so there ya go
417 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Basic political concepts Americans should grasp
You have to vote in every election. Yes, every election.  Not just the Presidential ones.  You have to vote for Governor, Senator, Congresspeople – all of your state legislatures.  You have to vote for mayor, city council, school board.  You have to do this every single time.  Republicans do this every single time.  You can too.
It takes less time to tear things down than to build things up.  This is why it’s so easy to be a Republican and accomplish Republican goals.  They are destruction artists.  It’s easy to eliminate rights, easy to eliminate social programs.  Building and codifying and establishing these things is really fucking hard, takes time and patience.  This sucks, I know.  It sucks bad.  But it’s just reality.  So when you wonder why Republicans seem to accomplish more of their goals, it’s because their goals are to burn it all down.  They’re not really goals so much as just torching shit.
Mistakes of the past will continue to haunt us and we will have to continue to fight against them.  This really sucks, especially if you weren’t old enough to vote in previous elections.  But we’re all handed what we’re handed in life, and the people who came before us who accomplished real change took what they were handed and did something with it, they didn’t just check out.  And a lot of them fought really fucking hard so all of us could do #1 – VOTE.  Do not spit on the memories of people who literally laid down their lives fighting for the right for all of us to vote by not voting or throwing your vote away.
We can learn a lot from the last generation of activists who accomplished significant change and a lot of those people are still with us, for now.  Civil Rights Leaders still exist in our society, though they’re aging out.  Take a look at what they’re saying, because you know what?  They actually accomplished real change in their lifetimes, under really difficult circumstances.  Believe it or not, there are older people you can learn from.  We ignore the lessons of history to our peril.
Do you think you have something to offer?  Run for local office.  Or get involved with someone who is running for local office.  YOU can make a difference if you get involved.  But we also have to work together.  Coalition-building has always been the key to liberal success.
752 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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skiptvads · 9 months
Source Episode 5 of Silo : The Janitor's Boy really tells how the administration, sheriffs and judicial have different interest and agendas for the Silo, for their people, for the structure and the future. The entire plot about the internal conspiracy from why they are really inside the Silo and if the outside is really safe or not is very interesting but every time they mention how they are confine to this space and how its an eternal circle of people been born and die inside the Silo without really seen the outside world, without experiencing what is to be free makes me sad and claustrophobic, the Silo does look big and when they go through the apartments looks like small corridors of a small city within the Silo so its very big although you can go from top to bottom in a single day as they have mention before so compare to been free outside and travel to any country or place you want makes a lot of difference, you are still limited to planet earth but its way more bigger and you get to meet different people every day, see the world, the landscapes, different cities, been free is just more than what they consider free on the Silo, besides they are not really free as George Wilkins thought and probably discover the reason why there is a conspiracy and why they are all tricked into thinking the outside is not safe and how the Silo population is manipulated by those in high hierarchy charges like judicial or the mayor. On this episode we also know more about Robert Sims from judicial and his ambition, at the end he tells Trumbull how hard was life for him as a kid, as the Janitor Son, his father was a janitor who was proud of his job and how important it was for the Silo despite of what other said but Robert as a kid probably didn't think the same and grew up with that ambition of been important and have power to step over those who look him and his father over the shoulder, now as part of judicial he has got part of that power that he wanted but his ambition is bigger than that, Bernard is there to remind him he is in charge and not Robert, as an intern mayor, I think this intern position was all planed and we are soon to discover how they did it, there has to be a network of spies, mics and cameras around the Silo and probably secret passages, rooms and doors that aloud them to control and do things without people noticing. Source It seems that the Mayor and Judicial always have plans to been steps ahead of the Silo sentiment, right now after the murder of the mayor and a sheriff people are scared to go out, kids to go to school, adults to go to work because they think a murder is loose out there and they could be next, after all there is not much room to run away, to prevent this chaos the mayor and judicial have come up with ideas to distract people, Sims idea (judicial) is to offer a holiday, Forgiveness Day although Bernard is more creative and came up with a celebration to commemorate Marnes and Ruth as an in love couple who were murder but the narrative is to talk about how great their last years together were, how much they love each other and on that day do things they "like" , for example having a race to the top in honor of Marnes, Robert disagree with the idea but Bernard idea generates a story, more than just giving a day off to the Silo and keep people thinking about a murder that is still out there, this two are going to clash in the future but Bernard is in charge, Robert cant step over him. Source As the clever man Bernard is, he tries to guide Jules around Judicial, not for them to be friends but to keep her alive, Im sure he already knows why she took the Sheriff job and wants her to also stay distracted thinking she can solve George murder case but at the same time keeping her away from the truth that might involve either him or Sims, keeping here running in circles but Jules is too smart to fall on that game, she is going to become a problem for Bernard and Sims. Source
I would say that the first ten minutes of the episode was the interesting part where you have to analyze how Bernard, Robert and Jules think, how they react to each other, Paul Billings was there too but more like a compliance auditor since he knows so much the pact but the real talk and tension was between this all three, Bernard thinking he is the smart one on the room and have everyone figure out, Sims trying to step over Jules and Jules not giving a fuck about anyone and determine to discover what really happens with George. This scene shows how Ruth and Marnes are buried together as a couple something that was just for married couples based on the pact but Bernard made an exception as the mayor, this was part of his plan for people to think about a couple in love and not about a couple with high hierarchy jobs murder, that was smart. Jules gives a small speech that really reminds how sad is living within the Silo, how they are all trap without knowing why, how there a large population that knew Ruth as their only Mayor since they were born, this shows the monarchy and monopoly of politics within the Silo. They are buried at a very low depth in a field of apple threes, everyone bites an apple an throw it at them because they will now serve as fertilizer for the apple threes and all those apples they bite are the seeds, the cycle of life and death within the Silo. Source Its all about distractions, shining things and mirrors, but this time Jules caught it right, she front runs Judicial and got Patrick Kennedy under her custody without telling anyone else, few days after Ruth was murder Marnes visit Patrick as a suspect of his witch hunt and got his ass kicked, he was the last person to have an altercation with Marnes and now Judicial wants to incriminate him, Jules picked up that thought fast enough to safe his Patrick's live but also putting her own at risk, she was going after someone with way more power than her, Sims, who mention at the first scene of the episode how he was visit Marnes the night he died to convince him to make Paul Billings Sheriff so he could have inside man of his own. Jules takes Patrick and then stay around his apartment waiting for someone from Judicial to show up and she was right, Douglas Trumbull a man who was mislead by Sims under the impression he was a candidate to be Sims shadow, he was doing the dirty work for Sims and when Jules caught him in the act of planting false evidence on Patrick's apartment there was a chase that ends on him pushing Jules over the stairs railing where she almost fall, same as George died, it was an intense scene. Source After Douglas failed to plant false evidence on Patrick's apartment, got discovered by Jules and failed to murder her after he got caught, it was evident that he was a threat to Sims, its here where Sims shows how drunk with power he is and his complex of been the Janitor's Boy, he gives Douglas a pep talk about how hard was for him to be the Janitor's Son and how after all the limitations he got to the point he is, even tells Douglas that he is going to be his shadow, the man smiles at Sims of happiness because it but Sims throws him to the bottom of the Silo, this shows how twisted and sick Sims is and he will anything to stay in his position of power, but I'm sure there is more to it, how he kills a man publicly and gets away wit it, there must be an insurance system that lets him manipulate the stories. I got to say I really enjoy Episode 5 of the Silo: The Janitor's Boy, there was a lot of suspense and the action scenes were intense, on this Episode Sims starts to become an important character of the story, I remember how I mention this before, we start to see how Bernard and Sims are the ones really in charge of the Silo, from the first two episodes when Bernard was introduce he look like a robot, never thought he could be so sleek, sharp and manipulative, how he came up with the story of Ruth and Marnes been in love
to change the narrative around the Silo, Sims show his true colors manipulating Paul, Douglas and telling Jules straight to her face how he is going to work to get rid of her and send her back to mechanical. I still don't know who killed Ruth and Marnes, going to watch the episode again if cant figure out then probably on the next episode they will figure out the murder. Episode 1: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/silo-freedom-day-episode-1 Episode 2: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/silo-holstons-pick-episode-2 Episode 3: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/silo-machines-episode-3-recap Episode 4: https://peakd.com/hive-121744/@skiptvads/silo-truth-season-1-episode #skiptvads #tvseries #tvaddicts #tvseriesblog #cinetv #hive #episode5 #janitorboy #robertsims
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Popular restaurant, apartment buildings destroyed in Sackville, N.B., fire
With the smell of smoke still in the air, all that’s left of a historical building in Sackville, N.B., is a massive pile of rubble.
A major fire broke out Friday morning, completely destroying a popular restaurant and apartment buildings.
“It’s a sight and a feeling that we’ll probably never forget,” said Jenna Miller, a Mount Allison University student who is now without a home.
Miller lives with three other Mount Allison students. Their Good Friday started off with the smell of smoke, which Rachel Carson initially wrote off as their furnace. But when the smell got stronger, she knew it was something more serious.
“I got out of my room and looked to my left and Lucy’s room was full of smoke. So then all of us were like, ‘OK, we need to get out of here,’ and we just grabbed as much stuff as we could,” said Carson. “There was actually flames coming out of the side of our building to the point where it was actually hot on our arms when we were walking down that way.”
For the most part, the students grabbed laptops, cell phones and odds and ends, but Lauren Steele also made sure she was able to get her neighbour’s dogs out of the building.
“I knocked on the door and there was no one answering so I just opened the door and I knew she had two dogs so I grabbed the leash I saw at the door and I just got them out of there,” said Steele.
“You don’t want to leave anyone behind,” she said. “The stuff doesn’t matter, you can replace all of that.”
Sackville Fire and Rescue were called to the scene around 9:30 a.m. where officials say they were met with smoke and flames at the rear of the building.
“Within half an hour, fire started coming out of the top of the building and then I watched as the building came down, unfortunately,” said Municipality of Tantramar Mayor Andrew Black.
Fire crews from Dorchester, Point de Bute, Amherst and Memramcook all were called into assist.
“Listening to the firefighters afterwards just talking about that, saying unfortunately and fortunately it happened on Good Friday because there were firefighters around,” said Black. “It was a day off of work for a lot of people so they were able to be here, and we had, at one point, 60 firefighters on the ground.”
The fire resulted in a total loss, one that Municipality Councillor for Downtown Sackville Josh Goguen says will be felt by the entire community.
“If you talk to anyone who has either gone to Mount A or lived in Sackville, Joey’s has always been a staple in town and it’s definitely a huge loss for the community,” said Goguen.
“I’ve eaten [at Joey’s] many times from lunches to suppers to staff parties for my work, definitely it will be missed and hopefully they bounce back,” he added.
Right now, the cause of the fire is unknown and officials say the Fire Marshal is investigating.
Following the aftermath, the four roommates stood dressed in matching donated track pants and stared at what’s left of the apartment they’ve lived in for the last three years.
“It was just a crazy experience to see everything go up in flames,” said Miller. “We had no idea the severity of it until the day just continuously progressed.”
While there is definitely still some shock and disbelief, the four friends are thankful for the support of the community.
“Right away, everyone was trying to cover all our bases,” said Lucy Newman. “Like housing, clothing, food -- any possible thing that we weren’t even thinking of in the moment, there was someone who was trying to figure it out.”
“Even just students. At the chapel, they had a donation centre. Seeing students you’ve been in classes with folding clothes for us to go through, bringing food, seeing professors going to Moncton to get us stuff because it was Good Friday and it was obviously closed here, it was definitely a good feeling and we’re very grateful,” she added.
Mount Allison activated its emergency fund program to help with housing, essential services and donations. Following an outreach of support, clothing and personal items were donated quickly and now only monetary donations are needed.
“Being in a small town and just how small our school is and knowing how people are, I think we wouldn’t have expected anything less,” said Carson. “It’s just been really nice to see how supportive everybody’s been for us because this has been pretty stressful for the past few hours -- or day.”
A GoFundMe has also been set up to help support the four friends.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/BYmA9lQ
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jrpneblog · 2 years
Mixed week for North End in this busy schedule
A mixed week for North End on the field with and outstanding win at Norwich last Saturday afternoon followed by a disappointing reversal at Ashton Gate on Wednesday evening. The 3-2 win at Carrow Road was the outstanding result of the season so far and led to optimism for Wednesday evening when a win would have put us in a play off spot. However a poor performance meant that North End go into this weekend and next weeks fixtures sitting just outside the top six. The next seven days sees Stoke City and Alex Neil visit Deepdale on Saturday afternoon followed by a second trip of the season to Huddersfield on Tuesday evening. Four points is a minimum from these two fixtures if North End want to challenge the play offs and I think that is very possible if North End can shake off the cobwebs from Wednesday evening.
The win at Norwich last Saturday surprised everyone a little bit as the Canaries were unbeaten in ten but after going behind North End came back into the game and inspite of the home side leveling with fifteen minutes to go it was Troy Parrott who made sure that we brought the points home with a deflected shot ten minutes from time. The spirit North End showed down in Norfolk was particulalrly pleasing to see and certainly made the journey home more pleasant for the 525 who made the 500 round trip to cheer Ryan Lowe and the boys on.
In BS3 on Wednesday evening it was a case of after the Lord Mayors show as North End lost 1-2 to a very average Bristol City side. We never really took control of the game apart from about fifteen minutes in the second half and with the crucial midfield battle lost we were always going to be up against it. Although North End fought back from a goal down when Andrew Hughes equalised, the home side won the game on the stroke of full time with a second goal from Atkinson and to be honest you couldnt really deny the home side the win as they had clearly been the better team on the evening.
Saturday sees Stoke City visit Deepdale and with it the return of Alex Neil for the first time. Some fans still hold a candle for the Scot but to be honest I thought that the Covid pandemic actual extended his stay and if fans had been in the ground then I think his departure would have been at least five months earlier. Stoke sit three points behind North End and have won four and drawn four of their thirteen games and have had a couple of decent results recently. Off the field I hope Alex Neil get the kind of reception his work at Deepdale deserves and I for one will be applauding the ex North End manager. with a crowd of 17,000 expected it is a great opportunity for the fans to really get behind the boys in the middle of this very busy period of matches.
With the games coming thick and fast the bandwagon continues as North End visit the John Smiths Stadium on Tuesday evening to take on Huddersfield Town. North End had a great 4-1 win in West Yorkshire in the fist round of the Carabao Cup and another result like that would go down very well. I think next Tuesday will be a tougher game that the League Cup game but I think this is a very winable game for North End with the Terriers only winning three league games so far this season, although two of these wins have been in their last four games. Huddersfield sit twenty third in the Championship as we speak so they desperately need the points. I think this will be a real Roses battle with North End hoping to have over 2,000 cheering them on.
And finally this week:- I saw some negative comments on Social Media regarding North Ends following at Bristol on Wednesday evening which I thought were bang out of order. 464 on a Wednesday with a cost of living crisis and a trip to Norwich the previous Saturday was not a bad turnout in my opinion. You dont get points for having the highest crowds or the biggest following - the only matrix that counts is the league table and we are doing ok in that respect.
Swindon to beat Colchester 1/1
A £5 Stake returns £10.00 on bet365
Returns £88.88 Stake £55.00
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Predictions 11 won 8 lost 3.
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