#who ever wrote made this
papertowness · 10 months
i’m so sorry but comedy peaked when the shameless writers made lip gallagher have anger issues and then decided he was absolute shit at fighting like you can’t get any fucking funnier than that
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cherryskeletoncake · 7 months
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C!dream no blade that actually has so much contexst and is based on a fic. But the fic isn’t out on ao3 so i cant link it (yet)
But basicly demon techno x necromancer dream in a fairytale type of au. They’re so gay and kill people who are ‘’bad’’ in their town thinking that theyre sneeky about it (but theyre not, the whole town knows and don’t mind, lmao)
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nipuni · 1 year
OH my god we just watched Dr.Who "Human Nature" and "Family of Blood"
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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the dredger.
a comic about closure.
(buy the digital copy of the comic anthology here)
creative notes:
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kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
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My gift for @puddtoast for @dishonoredgiftexchange’s 2024 fugue feast. I went with the prompt of Aramis Stilton thinking about lost love in the wake of Luca’s downfall while listening to his last audiograph from Theodanis Abele, and then realizing he’ll be okay when a monarch butterfly lands on the audiograph player.
I’ve been head over heels for this emotional sucker punch of a prompt, so I hope I did it justice!! Also I’m delighted to have finally drawn Stilton for the first time. Thank you for providing such fun and detailed prompts to choose from! (Btw I didn’t know what symbolism you were hoping for - if any - when requesting a monarch, so I ran with what I grew up with, in terms of the whole “carrying souls of the dead” thing. Hope that works for you!)
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thebroccolination · 5 months
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By now I think many people have heard that KristSingto’s upcoming series is an original script that was written for them. What we also have confirmed is that it was written about them.
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KRIST: This series was written by P'Backaof and directed by P'Lit where they created this script from the start deliberately for the two of us and they got information for the characters etc. from KristSingto directly. In the series, the name for P'Sing is Tamtawan, and my name is Phatapi. And Tamtawan Tamtawan and Phatapi are KristSingto themselves.
INTERVIEWER: Does that mean you play yourself?
KRIST: [laughing] Yes, we act as ourselves, so it's not difficult at all.
Today, Aof elaborated on his part on Twitter:
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[source: @backaof]
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[translation: @_beinglistener]
And Jojo added:
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[source: @jojotichakorn]
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[translation: @_beinglistener]
So, two gay men are the leading creative minds behind KristSingto’s comeback series. Time to study up on your KristSingto history, kids. \:D/
Long live sanctioned RPF. 🎉
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#krist perawat#singto prachaya#kristsingto#the ex morning#i’ve already seen the same tired ‘guess rent was due’ about krist and#i see on twitter when people link my thread about krist to people still insisting he’s homophobic#man’s rich#he works constantly#he even said it’s something he regrets now that his grandmother who raised him passed away#he worked so much he didn’t have as much time for his family—who he helps support#he is quite literally considered bl royalty#he has more queer people in his circle than straight#waa (gay) is his mentor#aof (gay) wrote this series and jojo (gay) thought up the concept so even professionally he's supported by queer people#you don’t have to like him#and you don’t have to admit to sending death threats to a stranger who doesn’t speak your language based on rumors you didn’t verify#just y’know#admit quietly to yourself alone in your head that you were wrong and you caused harm to a person who didn’t deserve it#plenty of actors use bl as a stepping stone to bigger jobs#he’s not one of them#he wanted to do bl for years but gmmtv told him he could only work with singto#so literally the only reason kit didn’t do bl until BMF was scheduling issues because singto wanted to study abroad#and singto couldn’t get a fixed date for it and then the pandemic messed with his plans even more#i’m glad to see more and more people are understanding who krist is recently#and even in the series they made pathapi’s controversy an impulsive act of anger#krist has said he used to struggle with being hotheaded#and one of his apologies for the igs was even something like ‘i acted without thinking of how it would look out of context’#he just wanted people to stop harassing him for his sexuality but the context isn’t in the igs#anyway my go-to when i’m too tired to talk about this is always this#if he had ever been homophobic thai people would be the ones leading the charge against him…but it’s interfans
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markantonys · 4 months
just accidentally stumbled on an egwene hate reddit thread and everyone was bitching about how she tries to act like rand's equal when she's only the second-most powerful authority figure on the continent, and one sane person was like "well, balance was a huge theme of the series, so it's pretty clear that RJ did consider the dragon and the amyrlin two halves of a whole and that rand is meant to be egwene's equal co-authority rather than her superior" and of course they were downvoted to hell. and this one little thread just really epitomizes how the readers who approach WOT as a male power fantasy just fundamentally will never understand the series and its themes and the story it was ACTUALLY telling.
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There's nothing wrong with "Kai is the Green Ninja" AUs but I feel like we forget that a) elemental powers are hereditary and b) Lloyd is the descendant of the First Spinjitzu Master. Like forgive me for saying this but I think him becoming the prophesied savior of all Ninjago had less to do with his character or destiny and more to do with the fact that he's the literal grandson of god
which then would also explain how Misako knew before anyone else like
Wu: the Green Ninja will wield all four Elements of Creation at once, just like the First Spinjitzu Master
Garmadon, with baby Lloyd in his hands: oh wow I wonder who that'll be
Wu, patting baby Lloyd on the head: such a mystery indeed
Misako: are you two fucking stupid
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 months
When I got back into fanfic writing, I expected the most positive outcome to be finding people who wanted to engage with my works and who kept coming back to read my stories. And I have! I've made so many friends from that and from befriending other writers this way.
But what I didn't expect was to be told that I inspired others to write. This, more than any response to my writing itself, is honestly the highest compliment I think I get. And every time I hear it, I am equally as blown away. Every once in a while I think of those people, and it's the axis that keeps my little world spinning.
If a writer (or any artist) inspires you to create, don't be afraid to tell them. You'll make their day, I promise!
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Midst spoilers for S3 E16: Trustfall
This is sort of just a jumble of my own interpretation of Phineas and Jonas’ dynamic (which is definitely influenced by my being aspec and having a strange understanding of romance) but I honestly don’t think the kiss complicates their relationship any more than it already is complicated. I feel like their overall dynamic would have been relatively unchanged if they hugged in that moment instead of kissed. Phineas said it best— they’re each others’ person. They both made atrocious mistakes and fucked each other up, but at the end of the day they love each other. When going into this episode, I had no idea if they were going to kiss or not (I knew both were possibilies, but didn’t know the direction it was going to take). But I knew based on their respective arcs and views of each other they were going to plan their futures in conjunction. They were always going to be the most important person to each other. They just so happen to be similar-aged and both attracted to each other, so they used a kiss to demonstrate that to each other instead of other methods of affection. I think trying to wrestle them into typical “romantic” or “platonic” boundaries will always fundamentally miss an aspect of their dynamic. They both fucked each other up, but they want to work through it and plan a path forward. They are the most important person to each other, and they demonstrated in multiple ways througout they episode, one of them being a kiss.
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theloveinc · 2 years
bakugo + february
(warning: gn i think? kinda shitty world building😖, a lil angst, happy valentine’s day!!!!!)
“This is the third box of chocolates in this bin alone.”
You throw the frilly, silver package onto a large pile of red cardboard and ribbon, on top of another box of neatly wrapped sweets. Some of the gifts with sappy, little valentines written on top, others with pink and white sticky notes.
Bakugo huffs with a pout and an eye roll, in his own hands a stack of rainbow cards he flips through quickly.
“That’s funny.”
You don’t look at him, just continue to paw around in the bin in front of you. You pull out a dark brown teddy bear, it’s fur soft in your hands, and turn to plop it in the pile of things he said that you could keep: stickers, fake flowers, toys.
You don’t even glance at him as you say it, like it doesn’t matter, and he picks at a bit of lace falling off of a large greeting card and snorts.
“Not like I ever got any of this kinda crap in high school.”
You stop your rifling to stare at him, your expression so different than from moments before. “You didn’t get any fan mail in high school?”
You assume he did, at least: he was just as cute back then as he is now… you’ve seen the pictures of that blonde boy, smaller, still scowling, but still any teenager’s dream. He was working as a hero by then, surely he had some sort of fan club.
(You would’ve been amongst them if you had known. Now he’s professional, though, and you only met him through Jirou when you transferred from her team to his.)
“I didn’t get any…” he pauses, his face twisting in a frown, his cheeks going the slightest bit ruddy. “Chocolates and shit. Letters.”
“Katsuki…” he grunts but doesn’t look, your tone incredulous in a way he doesn’t want to address. “You were never confessed to?”
He blows out an angry raspberry, picking up and throwing a bottle of nicely-labeled hot sauce into his own keep pile. It clinks with the rest.
“Don’t fucking rub it in.”
“I’m not!” you try to assure, reaching out for him. “I’m just… a little surprised, is all.”
He glares, wordless and accusatorially, like your giggles are threatening and the vacuum sealed pair of panties you teasingly wave in the air (and he snatches, immediately trashing) are nuclear.
“…’cuz I would’ve thought you got tons. Like now, big boy.”
He turns even more pink. As pink as half the mail room has become with all the love notes sent in for February.
“Yeah, well,” Bakugo tries to move on, grimacing as he picks up a plain envelope that he initially had high hopes for and unfolds it into a long, love poem. “Can’t win ‘em all, I learned.”
And as you throw another box of store-bought chocolates onto the stack, you think you know what you want to get him for Valentine’s Day.
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starwarjotta · 1 year
there’s a special place in hell for people who take the time and go through the effort of leaving negative comments on fanfics, like-- what is wrong with you, what is LEGITIMATELY wrong with you? I’m so angry and so devastated on behalf of everyone who has been harrassed like this and who is going through something like this right now. There’s no excuse for shitty behavior - if you intentionally leave a hurtful comment on something someone created and put out there for other people’s enjoyement, for free, after spending probably HOURS if not WEEKS or MONTHS or longer on it, you’re an incredibly shitty, disgusting, miserable waste of space of a person be better
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amtrak12 · 23 days
Look OTP shipping is my wheelhouse, but now that I've found the Lucifer discord, I will break out the multi-shipping, secondary shipping, and crack shipping to get more femslash in this fandom 😩 I cannot let this show be so damn het!
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evilkitten3 · 7 months
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well on the one hand i would be ecstatic bc i love bears but on the other hand when we made fortune cookies fortunes for each other in second grade the one i ended up with said "you will be eaten by a bear" so i must admit i would also be a bit concerned
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im-smart-i-swear · 3 months
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unable to let go
something something both of these fuckers have spent so long depending on each other that they cant function w/o the other guy despite Tashi's continously worsening mental state and unhealthy clinginess and Soup's desire to explore the world and meet new people...
like the thing about soup is that she had never really been a person who does well stuck in one place for too long, but also tashi is her brother. theyve been through hell and back together and she feels immense guilt for even considering having a life outside of their little family, and also she has NOT worked through her gladiator trauma AT ALL and has been just holding everything in and trying to be a perfect caring figure despite all the anger and frustration she experiences on a daily basis...
(tashi is dealing with that too, but hes never been as good as her at hiding it, and also he has the tendency to make this stuff everyones problem - thus sidelining soups problems by accident. i think soup is kind of what tashi desperately WANTS to be, in a way. on the outside shes the 'stoic selfless caregiver' and i think tashi is jealous of that, so much so that he sometimes forgets that soup is just as much a person with her own problems and desires and flaws as everyone else)
soup is frustrated by how shes been having to take more and more responsibilities as time goes on (bc of tashis Whole Thing and buddys fear of assuming any kind of leadership position) and a part of her loathes this life and she wants to leave. i think her and zoras relationship plays a big role in her feeling on the matter bc shes NOT part of the family, shes someone new and diffrent and thats enticing... also over the years soup had built up this calm easygoing persona that zora can see through, zora is very aware of soups violent past and she is not sfraid of it, giving soup a safe space to express those more negative feelings freely for the first time in YEARS
Its very hand in unlovable hand coded but they very much love each other still and thats kinda the problem
Also putting some notes on their younger selves here bc this feels relevant to how these two ended up
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lloydfrontera · 1 month
i think it fucks immensely that bk moon went out of his way to 1) establish rakiel wished to live a long life and eventually pass away of old age, 2) have him very briefly envy an immortal being only to be told very clearly to be careful what he wishes for by that very same person because living forever isn't all it's cracked up to be, 3) make the main antagonist be another immortal being who is so desperate to die he's willing to destroy the universe just to finally rest and 4) have said antagonist psychologically torture rakiel with the threat of making him live for a thousand years as everyone he loves and knows eventually grows old and dies and becomes nothing but forgotten memories.
only to then end the novel by making rakiel also immortal
like. god. it's so fucking good i love it. i'm not being sarcastic i genuinely think it fucks and it's one of the best ways bk moon could've wrapped up the plot.
it's a happy ending by all means but it has consequences and through the entire novel we've been shown and told over and over again just how heavy the consequences are and/or will be on rakiel.
he got his happy ending but it was at a price and by the last time we see him he's only just starting to pay for it.
it's great i love it
#i talk a lot <3#cpsm#cpsm spoilers#rakiel magentano#i also think it's funny that this puts bk moon in the very awkward position when it comes to his 'romance' with adeline#because either rakiel allows her to remain human and sees her grow old and eventually die just like acheros threatened him with#(and like he will do with absolutely everyone he loves anyway <3)#or he keeps her alive and frozen in time just like acheros wanted to do with him forcing her to be cut off from the world#in most ways that matter and see the people she loves grow old and die. again. just like acheros threatened to do with him :)#like. either way. the situations sucks for them <33#i do think it's cheap if he can make her immortal without it being a big deal. because. why wouldn't it be.#it would be absolutely broken if absolutes can just. make people immortal for funsies whenever they want. that would be bad writing.#but again i also think it's cheap that he made alicia an angel for no other reason than bc someone needed to remind us lloyd is married#to a woman actually. like. she doesn't even do anything why did you ruin the absolute tragedy that is being an immortal being surrounded#by very mortal humans just to make awful 'my wife is annoying' jokes. i hate you.#sigh. it's lose/lose when it comes to women with this man and his choices.#either they're fridged to make his male characters sad or they become the butt of misogynistic jokes. i cannot fucking win.#ANYWAY. do i think any of this was on purpose? maybe idk i certainly hope so and want to believe it is because otherwise it would be#too much of a coincidence but like. this is also the man who wrote a character very explicitly and clearly wishing to live a quiet life#with his family in his middle-of-nowhere estate where nothing ever happens with no contact at all with royalty and court#so he can laze about and do absolutely nothing. and then married him to a queen who cannot stand lazy people and squeezes the last bit#of talent of everyone around her. and he saw nothing wrong with this. so like. i genuinely cannot tell with this man sometimes 🙃🙃
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