#who is very much her own character and her responses to thancred
anneapocalypse · 27 days
On Wuk Lamat, and Female Characters in FFXIV
The Thing with Wuk Lamat is you can tell me you think she had too much screentime; you can give me numbers on how many lines she had or how many scenes she's in relative to other characters or other expacs; you can prove to me "objectively" that she gets more focus than other main NPCs; you're simply not going to convince me that this is something I should be unhappy about. And not just because it's silly to think you can use numbers to prove a story is good or bad and make someone else go, "Wow, you're right, let me just throw away all the joy I experienced with this story and revise my opinion because you've scientifically proven to me that I'm wrong."
Because while I love Final Fantasy XIV and I have greatly enjoyed its story in so many ways, fundamentally one of my biggest beefs with this game has been how much female characters have been denied complex character arcs and growth and agency and interiority.
Minfilia gets treated as a sacrificial vessel who lives for everyone but herself and doesn't even get to have feelings about her own death because that entire arc is focused on a male character's angst about it instead. The game tells us in the Heavensward patches that Krile sees Minfilia as her best friend and then just forgets about that later and never follows up on what that loss must have meant to her. Ysayle is basically right about most of what she's fighting for but harboring a bit of self-delusion is apparently such a terrible sin that she has to pay for it with her life, while her male foil is deemed so worthy of salvation that there's a whole plot point about how important it is that we risk our lives and others' lives to save him. Y'shtola is a major character who's been around since the beginning, and the game keeps dropping maddeningly interesting things about her (apprenticed to a cranky old witch in a cave! saved her own life and the lives of her friends with an illegal and dangerous spell and it worked! reserved and undemonstrative yet regularly through her actions reveals herself to be deeply caring! disabled!) and then shows complete disinterest in following up on any of those things with the kind of depth and care shown to male characters with complex arcs like Urianger.
In general there is also a repeated thread of female characters being portrayed as weak or overly emotional: Minfilia is weak because she doesn't fight and needs to be eaten by a god in order to gain "a strength long sought." Krile is portrayed as not being able to pull her weight with the Scions (despite the fact that she actively keeps five of them from dying in Shadowbringers) and the only thing they could think of for her to do in Endwalker was be yet another vessel for Hydaelyn (hmm, that sounds familiar) and it's not until Dawntrail that she gets much actual character development in the main story and even that has to come alongside "Look, she can fight now so that means she's useful." (And I love Picto!Krile, I'm just saying, there's a pattern.) Alisaie, despite having very good reasons for needing to find her own path apart from her brother, is portrayed as having to prove herself when she returns, that she's "not the girl she once was," and "will not be a burden" (while Alphinaud is repeatedly given the benefit of the doubt and reassurance and affirmation from other characters even after he takes on responsibilities he isn't ready for and fucks up big time).
And if you follow me you know I adore Urianger, and I love Alphinaud and Thancred and Estinien too, so please don't misunderstand what I'm saying here! I'm not knocking those characters, or saying we shouldn't also love them. I just use them as a comparison to demonstrate how the female characters have been neglected.
Lyse has some of the stronger character development among the female Scions, and while she's still kind of portrayed as being too emotional and hotheaded in early Stormblood, I think it's actually explored in more depth in a way that I like; Lyse has good reasons for wanting to fight for her nation's freedom, but having been away from Ala Mhigo for several years now, she needs to understand the stakes for the people who've been there fighting for years, what they've lost and still have to lose. She grows as a person and rises to the challenge of leadership, and I'm even okay with the fact that she leaves the Scions afterward because it feels right for her to stay in Ala Mhigo, and at least she doesn't die.
And by all accounts she was, like Wuk Lamat, widely hated when her expansion came out.
Unironically I think the other female Scion with the strongest character arc is Tataru. She tries to take up a combat job, finds that it's not for her, and decides to focus on where her strengths are instead. In doing so, she both holds the Scions together as an organization in the absence of a leader by capably managing their finances, and also comes into her own as a businesswoman and makes international connections that benefit both the Scions and her personally. In contrast to Minfilia, she's not portrayed as weak because she doesn't fight, and is actually allowed to be an important character who's good for more than being sacrificed. Tataru is still distinctly in a supporting role for the player character, however, and her character arc happens as a side story that takes up a relatively small amount of screentime over several expansions, which I think is probably why she doesn't evoke such a negative reaction.
But there is a pattern of the game's writing showing disinterest in the interior lives of female characters generally, and in making their growth the focus of a story.
So yeah, I'm going to be happy about Wuk Lamat! I'm going to enjoy and celebrate every moment of her character arc, of her personal growth, of watching her put the lessons she's learned into action. I'm going to love and treasure every moment when she gets to be silly, embarrassing, emotional, scared, grieving, confused, upset, seasick, impulsive, and still deemed worthy of growing into a hero and a leader. I will love her with all of my soul and you simply will not convince me that it wasn't worth the screentime after such a profound imbalance for basically the entirety of the game. We've never had a major female character get such a strong arc with this much love and attention put into it and that means more to me than I can truly say. The backlash to it is disheartening, as this kind of thing always is, but I'm not going to let it ruin the wonderful experience I had playing it and how much joy it continues to bring me.
And for those of you who don't want any of that for a female character, thank goodness you have Heavensward and Shadowbringers and Endwalker and no one can take those away from you.
(And if you follow me you know that I love Shadowbringers and Endwalker and have very fond memories of Heavensward despite some issues with it, so not only can I not take that from you, I am not trying to!)
Some of us have been real hungry for a character like this with an arc like this, so, I think, y'know, maybe we can have that. As a treat.
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How do you think your WOL feels about the other Scions?
Under a readmore because it got kind of long!
Thancred: I had an Ul'dah start, so he was her first connection with the Scions! Very proud of how he's grown as a person in the time she's known him. Teases him mercilessly in the most affectionate of ways. Probably hooked up with him at some point early on; they don't talk about it these days, but mostly because that's not where their relationship landed
Y'shtola: Absolute greatest respect and a little bit of fear. She trusts Y'shtola's words and plans pretty much more than almost anyone else she knows--UNLESS Flow is involved. Please stop solving problems with Flow we're running out of ways to pull you back out. Fully supports all of her high level mage nonsense and wants to help with her dimension-crossing thing any way she can.
Urianger: At this point, if Urianger starts doing something that superficially looks like plotting against the group, she takes it on faith that he knows what he's doing and has a good reason. When he eventually confesses his duplicity and cries for forgiveness, she wraps him in the tightest hug and goes "it's fine, look, don't worry about it. I know you." Will listen to him endlessly even if she only grasps a fraction of what he's talking about
Alphinaud: Baby brother. Incandescently proud of him and the capable young man he's become in the time she's known him. When he called her his family in Eulmore she got a little misty-eyed; considers him and Alisaie basically actual family. The only person whose plans she trusts above Y'shtola's. He's going to be a great leader someday, and she hopes she can be helpful when that day comes.
Alisaie: Baby sister. If Alphinaud is the twin she loves but doesn't understand, Alisaie is the one she understands in every mote of her being; Alisaie is basically her but younger. Do NOT leave the two of them alone to carry out some part of a plan, they enable each other's most reckless and ill-advised impulses and will yes-and each other until only fire lives here now. (Probably my favorite of the scions)
G'raha: Her spouse's boyfriend. Not her type as a lover; something closer than a friend; ranks just below the twins on the list of "people I would kill and/or die for". Raha is an absolutely essential pillar of her life at this point so please stop trying to martyr yourself godsdammit. If ever she has a dilemma she can't see a way out of, or if she wants a second opinion of something, he's her first thought
Estinien: Understands him as a brother-in-arms and lets him dictate the terms of their friendship (so they're not super close, but warm enough when their paths cross). Keeps tabs on him for Aymeric's peace of mind as best she can. There's few people she trusts more to have her back in a fight. Makes a point to treat him to a meal anytime they see each other because she still fully does not trust him with money and wants to be sure he's eating
Krile: Worked closely with her for an extended period of time on the displaced Isle of Val and got to know her in that time. Krile is probably the scion that knows the most of her secret fears and uncertainties; my character feels it's only fair after Krile trusted her with her own survivor's guilt over being the only one to escape the isle. Despite Krile being younger than her, considers her a bit of a "responsible adult" and can be reined in by her
Tataru: Bestie!! Eternally indebted to her as the beating heart of the Scions. Would move mountains for her. Probably relies on her quite a bit as someone who's also started selling her crafts (mostly soup lately) and sells out of her storefronts. Every aimless adventurer needs a pragmatic tether to the real world, and Tataru is hers. They get together every so often to gossip and catch up, when my character makes it back to town
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faelune-home · 1 year
FFXIVWrite 2023 #28: Blunt
(A/n: This prompt actually had me and a friend go down a whole different rabbit hole of an idea that interested me in a way that I want to write it, but it wouldn't have worked today. So another time perhaps. The more reasonable idea I did write was instead another Yuri piece, since I do write her as very blunt and straightforward.
Introducing her to another Scion, and he gets a sense for that straight edged style of hers, especially when she's not really charmed by charasmatic rogues. Plus a small gag to end because Urianger hasn't been to the East in game or we'd definitely see someone baffle at what he's saying even with the game's handwave about everyone knowing a lot of common.
Word count: 962)
“Oh, perfect timing Yuri, I’d like to introduce you to someone,” Krile said upon Yuri’s entry into the main hall, a box in hand that was large enough that she had to peek around to even see the smaller woman. She hadn’t yet seen this “someone” due to the box as well.
She wasn’t particularly fussed about meeting anyone to be honest. She had plenty of work to do - Krile having recently given her the responsibility of supervising incoming reports from outbound researchers, and that pile somehow grew by 5 new reports every time she got through just one.
Was this “someone” even going to be here long? Someone she would be spending enough time with to justify getting to know them and committing their name to memory? Well, she had to trust Krile on that since many faces had passed through the Annex in Yuri’s time there without a proper introduction - names learned instead just bumping into each other in the hall or passing food or papers between each other - so maybe this one was significant? 
Like Fhara, who had gone off on her own errand, said to be gone for at least a week or so, but otherwise had spent a lot of time with Yuri. She drove the conversation mostly on her own, but she managed to drag enough out of Yuri for all her reticence that Yuri had found herself growing comfortable in her presence. Mostly.
She finally put the box down on the table, turning back around to take in the guest - a hyuran man with silvery hair wearing a heavy white jacket, and a roguish smile already on his face. Yuri already wished she’d just insisted on her work.
“Thancred,” he said with a small bow, “I ran into Fhara on her own little excursion and she told me much about you.” Oh, she’d certainly heard his name before. Unfortunately, the image conjured in Yuri’s head from Fhara’s tales still kept her watchful of the man, but nonetheless she matched his bow with her own.
“Yuri. Fhara also told me about you,” she said. His eyes rolled and Krile already seemed to be wearing a sly smirk.
“Only good things I should hope,” he sighed, to which Krile chuckled, “With you? Nothing but the finest.”
“Do you feel misrepresented in her stories?” Yuri dared to ask.
“Well, that would depend on what she’s told you exactly.” He looked somewhat hopeful.
“Mostly that you’re an amorous type with trails of broken hearts in your wake, and the one time you didn’t, you were distinctly not yourself.” She didn’t quite deliver the message with the same coyness Fhara had when she was telling the tales. And it was a sillier topic, about some of the Scions little faux pas to ease Yuri’s own spirits. But as it was, she knew so little about him other than those stories.
Indeed, his face dropped into a stunned dismay.
“Really? That’s all she’s had to say of me?” Krile had a hand to stifle her giggles, but it was evident enough by her shaking shoulders.
“Nothing about our courageous escape from Ul’dah, chased down and treated as criminals?,” he continued, though Yuri couldn’t be certain if he was genuinely upset and trying to salvage her character or if it was theatrics by how he gestured with his hands and shook his head, “Or my daring rescue of everyone against the Warriors of Darkness? Or was our time spent charging Mt Gulg at the van together not worth mention at all?”
“Oh they probably were, but they’ve only known each other for a short while now,” Krile said to placate him, mirthful in tone, “And you know what she’s like, certain others probably had more mention than most.”
“Ah yes, her adoration for those two would trump presenting me in a good light,” Thancred huffed, though the small smile he wore finally told Yuri he was at least good humoured about it.
“We haven’t spoken much about you or some others supposedly also in the Scions. That is all I know for now,” Yuri said.
“Well, that is to be expected with Fhara. Though I must say, you certainly aren’t tactful with your words,” he sighed, “Do me a favour, next time you meet, and ask her about some of our more dangerous or thrilling adventures please? I could do a better showing there.”
“I’ll try if I can get a word in with her. She normally does most of the talking, and I’ve been rather happy to let her,” Yuri admitted, “Though given your response here, I’m sure you’d be quite the storyteller. Why not tell me yourself now?”
“Y’know, I would, but unfortunately, I’m just passing through. Came to update Krile on matters and see how she was doing, and she insisted I hold so I could meet you,” Thancred replied, “And well met indeed. That’s quite the first impression you have of me, and I certainly won’t forget yours.” Yuri simply tilted her head, not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“As it is, I’m just waiting for my companion to arrive and we’ll probably head off again. Give you a quick introduction, but no time to chat. And probably for the best given how he goes on and on-”
A knock on the door interrupted him, and a taller elezen man walked in, dressed in a long black robe. Thancred shot a glance between the ladies, a knowing look in his eye. The elezen himself cast a brief glance at Yuri in acknowledgment of her presence, and a nod at Krile, but then focused on Thancred as he said– wait. What?
Oh kami help her, what kind of Eorzean was this man speaking?!
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zeledonia · 8 months
Seen one or two posts about it now (w their own valid opinions on it), but I wanna say - the sudden and fast paced quest structure to set up up Dawntrail worked really well for me! Personally, I enjoyed how it was completely sprung upon my character. Playing the .55 patch MSQ made me practically feel like Wuk was dragging me along by the arms in a hurry, and... I think that fits her character so far!
I didn't rly experience the speed at which we went from "goodbye void" to "let's go to Tural" as a pacing problem - I think it's very in line with the character who gets us there. I don't think a longer build-up and more suspense would have really worked in her favor. I feel like it would have given us -and potentially our character- more time to make up our minds, when the hasty nature of the request appears to be an intentional conflict being set up. I like it especially in comparison to the seemingly much more planned out set-up that Urianger and Thancred were teased to have gotten in previous patches. (At least if I'm guessing correctly that they are going to be aiding Wuk's brother, who we already know had established connections in Sharlayan.) My at-a-glance impression of Wuk Lamat so far is that she has all the good intentions but none of the experience and potentially barely a plan. This whirlwind of a character rushed in and was like "yo hello wanna help me get on the throne?" We are supposed to acknowledge that she seems woefully unprepared for half the responsibility that would come with it.
She's a big presence in the room, she's loud and hasty and bouncy... and everyone notices that it's going to cause issues. Erenville having to remind her to act appropriately and getting annoyed by her antics. You and G'raha noticing that she was a lot more affected by the boss fight than she pretends to have been. Your convo with G'raha about whether you think accepting her offer is the right thing to do.
How is she gonna be an effective ruler if she can't behave with dignity, hides her weakness instead of reflecting on it, and has no better argument to sell you beyond "well one of the other three eligible guys really sucks"? She's annoying her childhood friend with her attitude, an oversized parrot makes fun of her while she tries to kill it (a battle experience that left her trembling afterwards), she's so committed to appearing strong and confident that she keeps having to hide that something was too much for her (the fight AND the spicy food), and everyone is like "hmm. Are we really gonna help the first person who asks us to help her become ruler of a country??",
I like it. I think there are a lot of fun details in these quests. Right now, it feels to me like Wuk will have some variant of coming-of-age arc! The speed at which it all happens just perfectly underlines the absurdity of Wuk's idea of... travelling to another continent and simply asking the strongest hero she could find if they want to pick sides in a political conflict. tl;dr I greatly enjoyed being dragged along at high velocity and steamrolled into going to Tural haha. I think it did Wuk Lamat's character setup a favor.
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Thinking about thancred at 5am I guess
#owen plays ffxiv#i love the characters arcs for so many of the ffxiv characters but#Thancred’s is I just think he’s neat territory#he’s introduced as the whole flirty subterfuge sort of character with a touch of womanizer. guy likes things in life and there’s this#not quite smug but he’s a guy who knows himself#but you get more into things and you uncover his relationship with Minfilia and his kinship with her and the duty he feels towards her#but you know from the start that there’s a reason why he’s with the scions. why he has the neck tattoos#please don’t make look them up along w the twins grandfather’s name#but he was chosen for a reason and I dare say that thancred as a character is one especially shaped by those around him#being a kid growing up on nothing and being taken in by all these people. these pseudo family units over his life#he’s got this strong sense of duty towards Minfilia and Louis something don’t make me say it#especially towards Minfilia who he had something of a hand in raising her#as a way to repay her losing her family (by his own perceived lack of being able to stop the tradegy from occurring)#if there’s one of several things I wanted more out of ARR in retrospect it’s more fleshing out the two of them#which we do kinda get right at the end of the warriors of darkness bit and later in ShB#definitely in ShB#which that expac takes what we know of thancred and turns it into….all that happens l#his complex relationship with ryne. his difficulties with coming to terms with minifilia’s fate in front of him through ryne#who is very much her own character and her responses to thancred#his hesistancy and closed off tendencies in the face of loss#her perception of his dislike of her because she isn’t ‘his Minfilia’ and the conversation he had with the real Minfilia in Arang#she just others herself so much. distances herself so much from her existence. comparing herself to the real Minfilia#the whole of her saying the real Minfilia is just. YEAH#no doubt her life is much better with thancred but there’s such this back and forth#going on with him in his perception of her and his own inability to let go of the past#those feelings of how he didn’t do enough for minifilia. the letting her down the feeling like he didn’t do enough for her l#him and ryne are so….gosh they’re so wonderful#thancred is such a nice character with how he’s…steeped in having/benefiting from someone to Follow#someone to care for. someone to protect which feels so natural looking at his life#it’s all through the lens of duty but never resentful duty
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autumnslance · 3 years
I've got a writing question that's been on my mind for a while: how do you keep your OCs from becoming self inserts? Every time I think of developing an OC I realize that it's attributes that I
Oops, you got cut off! But in general: all your OCs are going to have traits of yours; it’s inevitable. Sometimes big things, sometimes small things. It’s how we relate to them, and also just natural, I promise. We write what we know, and we know how we interact with ourselves and the world.
But there is a difference between sharing some traits with a character and making them a self-insert. It’s letting their life, their community and culture, their experiences, also influence their traits and thinking, in ways that might be different from how you would respond in a similar situation. Even if you share those attributes.
This is me so let’s go behind a cut shall we?
Dark Autumn is as introverted and solitary by nature as I am; she can and does interact in professional and friendly ways with people (as I try to do), but needs alone time to recharge. However, Dark also has a very different outlook and relationship with her family than I, since her family is large and supportive, very close knit. If family is a lottery, I got the $50 scratch off prize while she hit the Mega-Millions. So I take that into account when thinking of her relationships not just with family, but with friends and potential romantic interests; Dark sees things through a lens of positive, low-drama familial relationships that I can barely fathom. This also means she has a support network and resources myself and other characters don’t, so gets some wish fulfillment of working through issues with care and grace instead of remaining in unhealthy places. She is my “comfort OC” so gets a lot of good things I wish I had—which shapes how she responds to others, like taking care of a FCmate and becoming something of a big sister figure for him, or the responsible older sister figure of my group of OCs. Which is me, really, idealizing my own older sister tendencies into this giant woman who’s better at it.
Aeryn was written to be on the ace scale; not my first character to be so, but the first written that way as I began to realize where my own orientations lie and wanting to examine that through fiction. That she fell for a certain rogue in the process of playing through MSQ again was not at all intentional. I like Thancred as a character—he hits a lot of tropes I enjoy—but in my own mindset, he’s a frustrating younger brother. I didn’t think I’d do NPC x WoL shipping. But there it is, because in determining Aeryn’s own experiences and how those shaped her, it ended up working out that way (and I spent the better part of 2 years writing the characters separately to figure that out and if it could work before writing them together because it’s not something that comes naturally to me).
Aeryn’s internal anger is something I have a difficult time with; it’s outside my own nature to carry things like that. I have my angers, certainly, but they are different from hers. I tend to need a lot to set me off and then it burns out hot and quick. Aeryn’s more of a long boil she keeps bottled up. I’ve gotten a few things through various fics, I think, but it’s why I do things like reference arguments but rarely depict them. Being non-confrontational myself (I’m meek and have hangups thanks to my own life) it’s a challenge. Aeryn responded to childhood traumas (that I never dealt with), bullying (that I did), losses (that I haven’t yet), and the responsibility she’s been given (thank goodness I don’t) far differently than I. Maybe I’d be more volatile, too, if I had her life. But I understand where her anger comes from sharing some of the reasons, I just shape it differently than my own.
There’s a lot of things about Dark and Aeryn that are accidentally similar, just due to the timing of their character generation and other RP OCs made for other games along the way; “Oh I haven’t done X or Y in a character in awhile” sort of thing, but how each approaches those similarities and why—their quietness, their issues with using magic, their tendency to “adopt” others as family—all come from different places and resolve differently, too.
C’oretta comes from a part of me that doesn’t quite want to grow up. That wishes I had been more of the peppy, active, cheerful, risk-taking, live it up stereotypical party kid, that “popular girl” archetype I felt so often on the outside looking in about. As my second character, I wanted her to be different from Dark Autumn—visually, emotionally, mentally. Where Dark is steady, C’oretta is flighty. While Dark is people oriented, C’oretta’s a bit selfish (like I often feel). Dark’s introverted, C’oretta’s extroverted. Much of C’oretta’s attitude is a deflection against the hurts in her life, a way to fight back against some terrible things. It’s a way I could never react. But I also can’t get away from a character who loves to learn and wants to try new things—but where other characters gain the ability to stick with and see them through, C’oretta gets my easy frustration and boredom, and then the “ooh shiny” of a new interest. There’s a history of ADHD (or whatever the acronyms are now) and even autism and learning issues in my family; it’s possible I have some undiagnosed ND stuff going on, and people have noted these things in C’oretta that I’ve based on my own experiences and those of people very close to me.
Many of my characters have traits I wish I had, or were better at; patience, kindness, consideration, convictions, courage, thoughtfulness, and so on and etc. They’re good at skills I haven’t the knowledge in, or the ability to do. They’re certainly more active than I am, or could be! Because I can take the time to think and plan and research and write those things out better, and just maybe along the way not only learn something myself, but try to practice it better myself. I can even sometimes let them teach me what I can possibly do or be, not just imagine it as an ideal that’s out of reach.
I try to let my characters make mistakes I wouldn’t—or in some cases, have in my past, and that’s OK. Especially if I learned from them, but maybe the character does not. Maybe they do but it takes awhile, or repeated instances until it sinks in. Maybe I let them make errors I still make, as a way to puzzle out better solutions I should probably entertain for myself.
Character voice is something I’ve felt I struggled with in keeping my OCs distinct. Do characters ‘sound’ alike, in dialogue and prose? Having distinct ways of speaking helps; C’oretta’s breathless chatty run-ons are certainly different from Dark and Aeryn’s quieter tendencies. I have to remember to trim down Aeryn’s dialogue more often, say less aloud, add more gestures and facial expressions. I tend to be a talker, an over-explainer (if you can’t tell), while the only times she gets like that are specific. Dark’s somewhere in the middle of those two, like I am. A lot of the reason I like writing NPCs and try to keep them close to my interpretation of canon is to practice distinct character voice to get better at it in my OCs, so they don’t sound like me!
And something I’ve never admitted to before is that I think for me, it helps that from the time I was a kid watching various series of Star Trek, I always have had an in-my-own-head-only self-insert. She’s always a support character (that’s what I’m best at). She has cool and unusual abilities to help the actual heroes, cuz heck it’s my internal fantasy and that’s fun. She has traits I want to be better at or wish I had, developed over time with more energy and focus than I can actually muster in reality. As time’s gone on, she’s become more of a mentor and Mom Friend as I’m now older and see a lot of protagonist characters as “my kids” now. She appears in nearly every story I’ve loved over time, in one iteration or another. And because I have a headspace character where I can say “this is what I, ideally, would say and do and be capable of in this situation…” My other characters that I actually write about can vary between doing something similar (if it suits them) to doing something completely different (cuz darn kids never listen) as I can compare them to the self-insert and decide where to diverge.
So it’s a mix of myself and my traits and knowledge, but taking into account how each character would respond and use those same attributes differently than I do or would. Write what you know, write who you are—and then add in some wish fulfillment, some what ifs, some bad choices, some good choices, and shake things up. Give the characters tics and tricks different from yourself and let that shape them, too, by remembering to take those things into account (even if you have to tape a note to your monitor).
And finally, don’t be ashamed of your self-inserts; I’ve known some great characters that started as self-inserts and grew, through their experiences, into wholly different people than their writers over time. Heck, the epic romance my original WoW priest was part of was with a character that started as a self-insert; his player began the game knowing nothing of the lore or roleplaying, but as he learned the story and how to RP, and determined how his character fit into the world and how that shaped him, the character diverged over time, while still sharing some key traits (some endearing, some frustrating, as people are and all part of that friend). It’s not a bad starting point at all. The rest can come over time and practice, especially if you make a lot of OCs and try to make them different from each other while also being aspects of yourself.
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elfyourmother · 3 years
Emmanellain for the character meme?
How I feel about this character:
Lowkey one of my favorite side characters from Heavensward and in the game period. Not long ago I started a NG+ of HW and was absolutely gobsmacked by him because I'd forgotten just how far he's come since we first met him in Fortemps Manor cracking wise about WoL doing their errands and Edmont admonishing him for it. He's hilarious ofc but like all of my faves (and especially the Ishgardians), he's got hidden depths and layers to him that you would never suspect at first glance. As much as I affectionately clown him for being a dumb twink, Emm really is extremely capable in his own way and I love that his strengths have gotten to shine in the Firmament and other minor quests, like the Weaver one where he's meeting with the Hingan dignitaries. He may not be a badass knight like his brothers but he's every bit as much an asset to House Fortemps, even if he had to do a lot of learning and growing to get there. It only made me love him more, watching him grow from an immature and somewhat spoiled and ignorant young noble cowering in the shadow of his brothers to the man who volunteered for the Grand Melee and took command of Camp Dragonhead (something that happens even in my verse, where Haurche survives).
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Jannequinard/Emmanellain is my secret crack ship hfskdfs
Basically this started because they were tipsy and found themselves making out in a dark corner of Durendaire Manor at a midwinter masque because Janne thought he was cute if a little dumb and Emm was thirsty. And in my hc, once the Athenaeum really seizes onto Sharlayan astrology, Astrologians trained in the Sharlayan methodology are deployed with the Temple Knights and also the High Houses' knightly companies, so it gives Janne an excuse to visit Emm at Camp Dragonhead. But they legitimately have a lot in common and would have a ton of things to talk about and would be genuinely fond of each other I think.
(in my hc Lanaiette is 100% a hard Kinsey 6, Emm is barking up the wrong tree and the gag is he's literally the last to know)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Emm is the little brother Gisele always wanted and never had. She was very exasperated by him at first, but they got to be fast friends in spite of that. It helps that they're both extroverted social butterflies. But Emm's responsible for a lot of the atelier's success, owing to his encyclopedic knowledge of who's who in the Pillars. He adores her and very much sees her as a sister and the feeling is mutual. Honoroit was the ringbearer at the wedding entirely because it was Emm's idea (though Honoroit did it gladly, because of his own genuine fondness for the ot4).
Tataru for the gossip exchange; between the two of them they probably knew everything going on in Ishgard, on both sides of the stairs. I hc that even after the Scions leave Ishgard (well, except Gisele), Emm is her most valuable contact there and they regularly stay in contact. They are genuinely fond of each other and are known to have a pint or two at the Forgotten Knight, still.
Jandelaine, for similar reasons. In my hc Emm got to know him through Gisele and they became very fast friends. When they get together it's basically Watch What Happens Live: Ishgard Edition.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't especially fault him for what happened at Falcon's Nest during the summit. Emm was dreadfully inexperienced and woefully unprepared to deal with the realities of command, and we know from previous experience he cracks easily under pressure--just like with the Vanu Vanu when Haurche and WoL had to bail him out of trouble. His reaction was definitely whiny and immature, and imo Thancred was well within his rights to pop him in his mouth for it even if it was imo less about Emm's actions and more about his shitty words striking a particularly raw nerve in Thancred, because of how much the latter had been beating himself up over what happened to the Scions and specifically Minfilia.
What I don't like is seeing him defined by this singular ignoble moment, especially when he clearly learned and grew from his mistake. He's not nearly as airheaded as he puts on.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I want to actually see him at work as Commander of Camp Dragonhead; we know Aymeric has been reaching out to the Ixal in Coerthas and Natalan is a stone's throw away from the fortress. Don't get me wrong, I adored seeing him in the Firmament quests, especially the one in Ul'dah, but I would like to see that other side to him too.
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enavance · 3 years
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cherry on romance,   and briefly on shipping.
tldr is:  cherry is bisexual with a tendency to prefer men,  but any,  especially violent people,  who are attractive and powerful,  cherry is really fond of them.   she’ll never develop feelings for someone who’s overly soft to a point that it discomforts her due to her own comforts and boundaries,  uwu,  openly and publicly affectionate,  overly clingy,  emotionally needy,  etc.,  people.  she just will not.  sometimes it bothers her,  other times she simply cannot emotionally provide what someone needs and she will not pursue people with great needs,  not because she finds them difficult,  but be cause she knows she’ll never be what they need and they deserve to find someone better who can love and care for them in a way that they deserve.  i love ships for cherry,  but she has a very specific preference.  she’s also difficult to ship with and requires extensive plotting and actual interactions due to her trauma related issues,  discussed below.  she’s not interested in having a family,  not right this moment,  and if she does it’s with very specific people only after an eon of processing emotions,  so she’s not interested in people who want to drag her into a family or tie her down or force her to grow roots.  cherry’s more or less a free spirit.  she loves the adventurer life,  being the warrior of light for the journey that comes with it and not necessarily the title,  going out and fighting all these battles.  it fuels her adrenaline and it’s the prime thing that makes her happy.  cherry is the type to ghost people when she gets uncomfortable,  which i think is a great angst plot,  but also it is shitty and i don’t want that to be misinterpreted as cherry being hateful or me not being interested in writing with someone.  it’s cherry’s instinctive trauma response to flinch and run away when people get too close.
everything will be under the read more,  and it’s a very long post,  but please take the time to read if you are interested at all in shipping  !!  if you find that by the end of this that our muses won’t get along like that,  that’s cool  !!  i would very much still like for cherry to try to be their friend and for us to write  !!
cherry’s romantic preferences are very small bc she flinches at the idea of romance and there are very slim avenues of personality types that she’d be interested in romantically,  but the tldr of it is she’s only ever exclusively romantically attracted to characters with personalities similar to people such as estinien,  emet  -  selch,  sadu,  thancred,  haurchefant,  ysayle,  hilda,  and aymeric,  and i would even throw yotsuyu in there if she’d gotten to know her  (  and if u write any of these characters,  please don’t sweat,  dkjfbvdf i’m just putting down personality examples to hopefully make things clear about who cherry gets along with so that i don’t write another 500 word paragraph about each individual personality type  ).  she enjoys someone who’s fun,  playful and kind and fun and strong,  and sometimes with a stern side who could sit cherry down and make her shut up for a second.  she just enjoys powerful people,  people who are humorous and witty,  but also firm and serious.  cherry sees kindness and tells herself that it’s not a kindness that she deserves,  and that she’d rather keep her distance because she’s raw in her anger, which drives her into recklessness,  and she doesn’t want to worry people.  she doesn’t want people to worry about her,   to stress over her.   she doesn’t want anyone to grow attached to her and feel that unbridled pain and grief and agony over mourning her loss,   or for them to ever stress over whether or not she’ll be okay.
cherry cannot stand overly soft people.  she thinks it’s gross and sickening.  just … overly hyper,  bright,  and bouncy people,  she just gets so irritated and cherry is very,  very,  very easily irritated.  she’s not interested in people who are excessively clingy.  cherry gets really uncomfortable with the feeling of affection and closeness to begin with because of all of her personal trauma related reasons related to intimacy and abandonment and losing people and fear of hurting people as a result of her either dying or acting in a way they don’t like or were not prepared for.  she loves people for their kindness,  but it’s the off  -  the  -  walls very hyper type of bouncy energy with them constantly being at 500 mph that she cannot tolerate by nature of her being as irritable as she is.  she doesn’t mind a little bit,  because she can be a little hyper too,  but to put my own oc down as an example,  azzaya  (  who is very soft,  doting,  clingy,  gentle,  and loud and optimistic and hyper in his constant happiness  )  is someone she’d never like romantically,  but is a friend she enjoys as long as he respects her own boundaries on affection and volume.  she likes being doted on by her partner,  occasionally,  but she doesn’t like for it to be constant,  so people who want to dote constantly and cling to her constantly are not people she could ever be compatible with,  because cherry is a wanderer,  and she has a tendency to want to wander off and be on her own.
she is not interested in settling down into a relationship.  even thinking about relationships would require so much battling within herself mentally to accept that she has feelings,  and then to turn around and face them and then discuss them with her potential partner and define what it is that they have,  which she doesn’t want to do,  because she doesn’t want to face reality,   she doesn’t want to make it real,  because making it real means that there is something for her to lose.  there is a way for her to be hurt,  there is a way for that potential partner to be hurt.   she doesn’t want to feel that pain of loss ever again,  and she doesn’t want anyone to endure that pain that she went through.
she doesn’t want to be tied down.  not even in a simple relationship,  and she certainly doesn’t want someone to ask her to marry her  (  especially if she is not interested in them in that way or isn’t ready for something like that.  each step in the relationship process with cherry is a very long and arduous path  ),  and she absolutely does not want to become someone’s family or make a family or join someone’s family as a homely wife.  she doesn’t want more people she can lose,  she doesn’t want more people in her life who would feel the pain of loss upon losing her,  should anything happen to her,  and it is very likely given her recklessness and her position as being the warrior of light who is tasked to do all of these impossible world  -  saving tasks.  she already failed by the scions becoming her family,  and she’s lost so many of them.  she won’t lose anyone else.
the recklessness cherry is so prone to is just  …  in her nature.  it’s part of what makes her  … her.  she doesn’t really think before she acts or speaks,  she dives headfirst into any scenario,   especially battles or small fights,  especially if she’s just picking a fight out in the world or at a tavern or bar or something.  she wants to be with someone who won’t stop her from that,  and while she’s not doing it with the intent to harm herself or to get herself killed,  she just has fun fighting.  she’s reckless and brash,  but she’s cautious at the same time.  she’s a skilled fighter and brawler,  even given her frame,  and she knows how to handle herself.  she just loves the adrenaline rush of being in battle.
she’s more careful in war,  she’ll actually listen to people like aymeric and raubahn and lyse,   etc.,  when they explain war tactics to her,  because she needs to be in line with the rest of the armies or else her screwups can cost the lives of everyone else.
now i’m getting off track for the main post because perhaps that’s a discussion for another time but the point is  …  cherry has a very specific type romantically.  if she’s not interested in you and you express interest in her,  she’s likely to just ghost you and not speak to you again,  and if you insist on speaking to her despite the distance she is trying to create,  she’s going to be very cold.  it’s more or less in an attempt to get you to forget your feelings for her and realize you shouldn’t have feelings for her,  but it also just genuinely makes her really uncomfortable and she doesn’t know how else to act,  especially if you haven’t outright confessed to her.  if you confess to her and she doesn’t feel the same way,  she’ll tell you to your face.  but if you haven’t said anything to her and she can glean your feelings and intentions,  she acts under that assumption and will ghost you.
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candideangel · 4 years
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Soft Summer Prompts Prompt 19: Fireworks Other Characters included belong to (-clears throat-) @ofthesilverlining @whitherliliesbloom @windup-dragoon @maiden-born-in-snow @invidia1988 @meepsthemiqo (there’s others with context of the adventurer’s guild, but I couldn’t add too many or it would’ve been way overblown) Content Warning: 5.3 Spoilers Mentioned! (I have an addiction to it and I apologize deeply)
It was another year, a new Moonfire Faire, Angelique had only experienced it once and at the time she had done so alone at the tail end of the celebration. This time around she had been so surprised to be surrounded by amazing friends, allies (which a handful of them were city state leaders). In fact she had been so enthused by the inspiration that she had to pull some strings with Gegeruju to let her rent out one of their more high end cabanas close to where the festivities would be taking place. With most of the adventurer’s guild being paired off with two per room (three if she counted Ardbert with Shuri and Estinien). Honestly, she was nervous because she had never done this with anyone much less with friends and more so someone that she genuinely loved as something more.
“And...done!” Laurelis spoke after helping Angelique tie off the back of a summer top making sure it was pleasantly secure and the Hyur took a look and smiled a little at the soft ocean colors that covered most of her skin. “You look beautiful, I was thinking you were much more for green, but I daresay blue looks quite fetching on you.” The pink haired Miqo’te was certainly someone with good fashion taste, and lightly she would pat Angelique’s shoulders and would turn on her heel, making mention she was going to be joining the others on the beach. Angelique glanced over to her path and lightly waved over to Haurchefant who had been waiting for Laurelis to finish up and flash her a smile before placing an arm around his love’s shoulders and they went out to the sounds of where the ocean was crashing against the shores.
“G’raha?” Angelique called over curiously to one of the doors that was still firmly shut, but she still heard some faint shuffling behind it. “Everyone’s gone ahead, are you certain you’re comfortable with this? You didn’t have to come if you-.”
“I wanted to.” his voice filtered through the door followed by nervous shuffling, possibly just his feet. “But...you know me, I’ve been covered up so much my entire life that something like this just feels so...exposed. Besides, how could I allow you to be disappointed and being here alone at the festivities? Understand, you have your friends here, but I know you wouldn’t be happy on your own when they started pairing away to do more...couple-like activities.” That was when the door clicked open and slowly G’raha Tia stepped out, a fresh bloom of red on his cheeks that could have matched his hair as he stood there in an open white shirt and red swim shorts, as well as a pair of simple sandals.
“You aren’t wrong, but it is silly of me to be jealous of them. However, I won’t deny, coming here with you certainly will give it a bit more of a meaning.” Reaching over she brushed part of his hair back a little when she approached him, and she pulled away one of the hair clips that he used to brush some of his bangs out of his eyes and replaced it with a similar one only this one had a little artisan craft cherry bomb on the end. “Now, if we’re both over our insecurities...how about we join the others and have fun, hm?”
G’raha chuckled softly as she took his hands in hers and her lips graced his knuckles. “Very well. Though I must ask...where did you come up with the gil to afford such a luxurious place like this?” He wondered as they were starting to leave the cabana, Angelique gave him a wry smile, lightly nudging his shoulder with hers.
“Those treasure map ventures were helpful, and Gegeruju owed me a favor, so it was somewhat at a discount, but for the love of the Gods, do NOT under any circumstances let Illya know.”
It was that level of luxury.
The Moonfire Faire had begun in earnest and as always it would seem the Lalafell in charge spared no expense for the fun. Much like last year he had put up a wooden platform jump course. It had taken some convincing for most of the men who were more athletically inclined to try and race to the finish, with the exception of Alphinaud who was perfectly content with keeping his feet in the sand with Illya, who was looking pretty in a white swimsuit and a straw hat on top of her equally white colored locks. G’raha took a deep breath as he could feel himself bounce a little on the fronts of his feet, he had been working out with Angelique, mostly for stamina training and endurance. Certainly he would be okay with this. Though he was surprised that Ser Aymeric had chosen to partake, if only for the mere fun of it. Everyone else from Estinien to Thancred were...more understandable at best.
“Ready?” Kiya questioned holding up a satchel that held some shards that would go off together with the correct incentive. 
“You got this G’raha!” Angelique called from down below as they were prepared in starting positions, and though he smiled a little to himself, his tail couldn’t help but flick in response.
“Go!” came the dark haired Miqo’te’s call as suddenly a spark of red shot off into the air, a star forming against the blue of the sky and like any race the guys took off at first in what appeared to be a dead heat. 
However, it wasn’t until the platforms split off into two different direction did the real competition reel out, some took the more safe space with wider platforms, but the more nimble took the riskier way. Of course, Estinien was the one that had forged ahead leaping from beam to beam with utmost ease as if he simply stood on a branch. G’raha though wasn’t too far off from him, but his ears flicked at the occasional splashes from those who lost footing and were disqualified like Ardbert and surprisingly Hien had taken a tumble too. In the end though, after Shuri had fired off the golden star prism did the first competition end with Estinien taking in the first place, Aymeric had done surprisingly well all things considered to get into a second place next to his friend. G’raha had come up third, if he hadn’t fumbled during the climb up he would have at least met up with Estinien.
After a quick reprieve and swim back to the main shore, they continued their little races with the ladies and Kiri had come on top, still claiming to be the better dragoon than Estinien, Angelique had taken to second on that one because of her archer’s instincts. They even attempted a carry back for pairs, but that...didn’t really end up going very well with most falling into the ocean below. It eventually started to devolve into just a competition between Kirishimi and Estinien, fun for the first couple of rounds, but eventually the group had decided to go and do some other activities while they would try to blow off whatever steam that had built up.
“Let’s go get something to eat!” Meeps spoke up excitedly, her long black tail flicking a little bit as she caught the scents of freshly cooking meals, most likely fish dishes and other tropical favors from Limsa Lominsa. “You’ll share with me right?” Her eyes darted over to Asahi who looked rather startled by the sudden turn of his love.
“I...well…” he stammered, reaching for words, but he watched as this very cute smile started to form on Meeps’ lips.
“I love you~.” she cooed sweetly, Angelique had to stifle a chuckle behind her hand with a cough. Then again this wasn’t an uncommon trait, watching as the Doman Hyur groaned and reluctantly agreed. It was the charm of the Miqo’te, weapons of mass destruction right to the heart. When he had agreed, she would wrap her arms around one of his and happily go over to one of the stalls that was starting to gain an audience with the delicacies served. Apparently though the group had worked up an appetite. Eventually Shuri with Estinien and Ardbert in tow, and Kiri who had come with a soaked Hien joined them.
Conversation and stories were shared around while they sort of sat in this big group circle away from the crowds for a little while. The ones most popular were the experiences they had ended up sharing in the First, more so the more light hearted ones. Angelique smiled a little to herself as she munched into a skewer of fruits, listening as Thancred lamented that he couldn’t bring Ryne for a little trip here. Or even bring something to her, but those being a Warrior of Light who could gain access to and from the First always offered to run anything they could to her on request. After all she had become part of this family. G’raha smiled to himself and lightly nudged his shoulder against Angelique’s, setting his head down on it for a moment, “Do you still have that item from Valentione’s day?” he asked softly and her cheeks brightened to a shade of red.
“If you’re talking about the moogle toy with a heart for the pom then yes, you would know. It’s in our room back at the Rising Stones.” She muttered softly and he gave her a sly smile to show that he had indeed been aware that it was there. “Geez, you’re lucky you’re cute.” she muttered softly as she would hold out the skewer to him and he just chuckled softly moving over and took a piece of melon that had been the closest one to get at. 
“It’s still odd to be genuinely hungry.” he replied softly and Angelique smiled, knowing that when she cooked for him at times, it was mostly just to make her happy. It wasn’t that he couldn’t taste it, no he loved everything she did, but the appetite to really be classified as hunger wasn’t there at the time. It was the same with resting and exhaustion. “But it feels good to genuinely work up an appetite.” 
It was apparent he was having fun, and that was a good thing.
After they had their fill, the group still played a few games related to the beach until the sun started to set. Laurelis was the one who called for the group to go get dry and cleaned from the sand, she had some surprises at the cabana for them. As it turned out she had come prepared with plenty of summer themed wear for everyone, some were yukata and others were happis, all were from Othard in origin. They came in a variety of designs like blue and silver for Alphinaud, pastel pink with white flowers for Illya, it was apparent that Laurelis was someone who thought her friends were worth every bit of gil. She even got Angelique a kimono that went to her thighs in pastel green this time with a variety of bright and colorful flowers stitched across it. Of course she had given her some tights to wear underneath it for modesty’s sake. Shuri had gotten a kimono in blue and white with snowflakes stitched across it, and the list went on until all were dressed for the evening.
Dark was upon them though as they were gathered around the shorelines, Asahi and Meeps were setting off a few sparklers with others, just having a good time until there was the announcement that the fireworks would begin soon. At first the group had been discussing options, but then G’raha would lightly tug on Angelique’s hand to get her attention. He wished to take her elsewhere and at first the bard was unsure, but Shuri smiled and shooed them off, after all they had been together most of the day and if they wanted to split off that was fine too.
“G’raha where are we going?” Angelique asked as they had gone pretty far away from the group, but he was smiling a little bit as they came to one of the huts with a sturdier roof than some of the ones built from straw appeared to be. Shifting a few crates he would climb onto them ascending to the roof and would hold out a hand to Angelique with a small smile.
“Do you trust me?” he asked and she looked a little bit confused before nodding, taking his hand and with his help pulled her onto the top. “Just be careful where you step, it’s sturdy, but don’t want you falling through.” he spoke as he moved over to take a seat as she followed suit, and there was no mistaking the reason why. The view was beautiful, the entire beach stretching out before them. Angelique could see that indeed their group had split off into their own little spaces for them, she could just barely see Alphinaud holding Illya in his lap, Shuri settled between both Ardbert and Estinien like a petite princess, Kiri and Hien were close with an arm around her waist...everyone just being together in their own worlds if only for a time. Carefully she would pull her knees to her chest, staring out at the smooth dark surface of the ocean.
“This is nice.” she spoke softly after a moment of silence. “Last time I came here it was on the tail end of the festivities...and I was alone.” she gave him a small smile, “After all I couldn’t very well drag a pool back to the First.” 
G’raha chuckled softly and reached over to lightly brush his fingers against her hair, “It wouldn’t surprise me if you tried.” he spoke calmly, smiling a little. “But from what you had given me during previous festivities despite the distance, I was happy you attempted to include me at that time. Though some of them I often wondered what drove you to do certain things. Like wearing that dress for All Saint’s Wake and...that one attire that is shut away forever to not be seen again.” He slid his hand away for a moment and sighed as he stared out at the water for a moment. “Though I think my favorite holiday was celebrating the day you came into the world…and I’m not speaking of the First, I mean you.”
“I know, I think my nameday was one of my favorites too. After all I wasn’t wanting for a ceremony or anything large...I was fine with just allowing it to pass. But it seems that you wouldn’t let it be.”
“Still won’t.” he replied with a smirk, “Now that I truly get to spend these times with you. I wish to experience everything with you, like here and now.”
“Raha…” Angelique spoke softly, but any other words failed as they came to silence as a high pitched shriek echoed through the air and a burst of color followed right after and cheers from down below. Looks like words would have to wait as the display began in earnest, but she glanced over to G’raha as he placed an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her in close so she could rest her head against his shoulder, his hand sliding down to her waist, the weight of his cheek pressing to the crown of her head, an ear flicking on occasion to the loud pops and explosions. And really it made Angelique happy just being in the company of her friends and G’raha...marking this as one of the best days she has had since indeed her nameday in the First.
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bsahla-pahsh · 4 years
For the character ask, 2, 8, 22 , 33, 41, 43 ? If that's not too much !
You didn’t specify characters so I’ll do both of them!
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
They both have Warrior of Light, and are Lieutenants in their Grand Companies (Twin Adders for Deidre, Immortal Flames for B’sahla). Job-wise Deidre has Blackblood, and Pure White for Dark Knight and White Mage respectively, but a personal title she is known by in Coerthas, specifically around Camp Dragonhead and Whitebrim is The Silent Conjuror. (That’s a specific thing in Gridania, IK) Deidre is incredibly withdrawn during the events of ARR, so before she really has a reputation there, while they’re looking for the Enterprise and most of the Knights don’t actually know her name in passing, they called her that amongst themselves. B’sahla has being the second Azure Dragoon under her belt, but to the small vulnerable towns where she got her start as an adventurer she is known as the Huntress of Thanalan, feared by criminals and businessmen who would take advantage of refugees or those downtrodden by the Calamity. Her favorite personal title, though, is Mama, from her children.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
The Hunt family has cats, but those are for the barn, not really for companionship. I don’t think Deidre will ever feel able to settle long enough to get a proper pet, but she LOVES her chocobos (Baby and Inkjet), and Maggie. Maggie has her own specialty built place in the stables at the Rising Stones, and if the Scions know she’s in Mor Dhona but can’t find her, she’s in the stables. B’sahla did not grow up with pets, but similarly enjoys the companionship of her Chocobos Whistle and Song, and Maggie. She plays her flute on the road, and incidentally the Chocobos of Camp Dragonhead now have Bard Skills. 
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Deidre bottles up her emotions so it mostly comes out Via a Fray Manifestation. I can’t imagine either of them really having specific insults they use, because it’s very moment to moment. Deidre Fray will insult people for being neglectful, for building foundations over the bodies of those they have used for personal gain, when people stop seeing soldiers as people and see them as assets. B’sahla insults those who use the lives of others as bargaining chips and things to be bought and sold, be it for labor or war. Especially in Ul’dah. She insults those who do not think of people negatively affected by their greed, people who take abundant resources from those who have none at all, who will not see compromise for the better of their neighbors. 
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Given the general feel of the time period FFXIV has I’d assume just general linens, around 1890′s era undergarments, between 1890-1920 depending on the city state. 
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Deidre is a Lesbian. She likes wit, dependability, and loyalty. She likes someone she can trust to hold her own in a fight, but that’s mostly because she knows that if she dies, she’ll be okay, but others do not have that curse benefit from Hydaelyn. Someone she can share a silence with, who she can trust not to be frightened by her darker emotions. (running Lesbian List being Ysayle, Moenbryda, Hilda, Lucia, and Alisaie, endgame being Alisaie, who she’s only two years older than) I’m not sure about B’sahla but she’s only ever been with men, the trend being romantic flirts ala her former Nunh Fhey, Thancred, and Haurchefant, with Haurchefant being end game (fix-it-fic). Easy companionship is a good sign, mixed signals being frustrating. As a single mother, willingness to take on a paternal role in B’valia’s life was a must. 
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
They are each dedicated to their patron/matron from the 12, Deidre’s is Oshcon, while B’sahla’s is Azeyma. Deidre was highly parentalized from a very young age and has seven younger siblings, both because of her mother’s line of work, and this really stifled her ability to get out into the world. She had a rougher patch in her relationship with her family when she was sixteen, and one night tattooed the symbol of Oshcon onto both of her ankles as sort of permanent prayers to him to someday escape from home, which she manages the night of her 18th birthday. She does not have faith in Hydaelyn, and resents the role as champion because it is yet another responsibility thrust upon her at a young age. There are many parallels between her parents’ expectations of her and her duty as a mother to her siblings, and Hydaelyn/the Scions’ expectations of her and her duty as the Warrior of Light, especially during ARR. She is not exactly devoted to the 12 anymore, but she does offer prayers to Oshcon for safe travels, especially for companions with her, when the situation arises.
B’sahla is dedicated to the Warden, and prays east to the sunrise every morning when she can. Faith is something that she and Haurchefant connect on, and while she does not consider herself to serve justice on behalf of the goddess, or claim to, she does believe that Azeyma guides her path to those in need of the kind of aid she can supply. She is also not that jazzed about Hydaelyn, especially when she builds a new family and has children only to be repeatedly called away from them and her husband. Her biggest fear is that Hydaelyn or Zodiark will choose one of them as her successor, and she will sooner kill the gods themselves than allow them to force the kind of life she’s lived onto her own children. 
Sorry this took a while to answer, but I hope I was thorough enough to make up for it! Questions in this ask are from here
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winterstorm032802 · 4 years
I made this myself, the name of my character is Nora so that’s what will be written. Enjoy, please recall this is a what-if situation not canon but has spoilers so read at your own risk
What if you became a Lightwarden?/Major Shadowbringer Spoilers!!!!
It had been done, taking Vauthry's Light and finishing it all. Nora couldn't stop it though, she fell to her knees in pain as the Light began to consume her. Alphinaud cried out "Nora!" Alisaie joined "Are you alright?" "The Light, she can't contain it" Ryne looked to the sky as Y'Shtola spoke "The sky! It's changing back!"
Ryne was right, the night sky changed back to the everlasting Light and Nora screamed. Alphinaud was quick to go by her side "Nora! Don't worry, we'll help you. Please keep it together" Nora opened one eye to see the Elezen and gave a strained smile "My friend, forgive me" "No! Don't please" Nora moved one hand to his face and put one hand on his cheek feeling the warmth "Alphinaud, I'll miss you. All of you, I'm sorry to ask of this but... Put an end to me, I'm asking you. As a friend" Alphinaud tried to get the Warrior of Darkness to stay awake as the Light blinded her vision "No! Don't leave us Nora!" Nora glanced at Thancred and nodded, he looked hurt but nonetheless he ran over and grabbed ahold of Alphinaud taking him away.
Alphinaud cried out and tried to get out of Thancred's grasp "No! Let me go, Thancred, damn you let me go this instant!" Nora shut her eyes tight and screamed, the Light she coughed and threw up as it overabundantly overtook her very being...
Hints of the Miqo’te showed but other then that she looked exactly as a Sin Eater does, her power coming off in waves. The power she held and taken from every other Lightwarden was massive compared to any kind known. Nora held a large Arcane Book, wings from behind expanding 10ft wide, her skin pale and her eyes devoid of color, she looked blankly at her friends. Nora turned to Alphinaud and even though her face showed no sign, her eyes looked sad "Alphinaud...I...love....you..." Alphinaud's eyes went wide upon hearing her words and he shouted "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! DON'T DO THIS PLEASE I BEG YOU! NORA I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE! SO PLEASE, STAY!" Alphinaud reached his hand out to Nora but she turned away giving out a ear shrieking cry, Nora left...
The Light returned through all of Nordvant, Alphinaud stayed in his room exiling himself from all his friends, even his own sister. The Elezen refused to leave the room and upon doing so had stopped nourishing himself. Alisaie and everyone talked to him from the other side and served food which he ate. Yet the food lacked taste to him, Hells, everything lacked something now that she was gone. Alphinaud felt angry looking upon the Everlasting Light, when they managed to get to the Exarch he and Urianger told them what they had planned.
Alphinaud was pissed at both of them, he almost hit the Exarch and so badly wanted to shout and scream at them for their friends' life. The Exarch with Urianger and Y'Shtola went through ways to save their friend. Alphinaud gave up on answers or false hope, instead his mind dwelled on the past and what he could've done had he been stronger. Yet he wasn't. That's what hurt him the most, he isn't strong or smart enough to save Nora. The first few days of his were spent stuck in the Cabinet of Curiosity begging for some answers, upon no such of a trace, he stopped going and he abided to his room. Away from the world.
Except it never ended, Alphinaud would hear and see it all. He would hear her laugh as clear as day, he would see her mismatched dark blue and teal sparkling eyes and he would hear her voice speak to him. Yet it was for naught. It was pure torment, his mind playing mere tricks.
"Alphinaud, why do you hide away?" Alphinaud looked to see who he longed for, yet he knew it was never going to be real again. "Because your gone and I'm done with these games you play on my mind! Your a Lightwarden now! A-and I couldn't save you, nor could the others... Leave, I implore you to go" Nora frowned and stepped closer "Alphinaud I-" "I SAID GO ALREADY!" Alphinaud shouted and slammed his fist on his desk, breathing heavy he sobbed once more and fell to his knees "Just go... I beg of you..." With that she left, leaving Alphinaud to himself.
"Alphinaud, it's me Alisaie. May I come in?" No response.
Alisaie opened the door to see the messy room he kept himself in, which is to say the least an exact opposite thing he normally goes by. Usually she'd have a hard time seeing a speck of dust in his room but this was not that kind of thing he did. That's how she knew it was worse then she thought. Alphinaud's hair was undone and stuck out in different ways. "Alphinaud, I think you'll do better in fresh air-" "And see that damned Light sky? I think not" "Brother please-" "No Alisaie, I don't want to" Alisaie got annoyed, his response never changed "Alphinaud you need to face it, one way or another" "You think I don't know that? I'll have to face her again if she were to ever show up in the Crystarium with an army of Sin Eaters" Alisaie grabbed Alphinaud by his collar and dragged him out his room, he protested ever so. "This is for your own good, Alphinaud I know you're upset and sad but you must face it one way or another" Alphinaud stopped struggling and Alisaie took him to the borders of the Alphinaud where the barrier would still protect them. "Please, brother I don't like seeing you like this. We need you, I know it hurts and-- and maybe you wish to hit and scream at someone-anyone-but right now they need us out there" Alisaie watched her brother, he kept his head down and he let out a soft cry.
"I-- I miss her so much. I see her, every day I see the Warrior of Darkness... I never got tell her, to her face that I love her. Why? Why her? If only those damned Ascians wouldn't have done this, then she would still be here! Her laughter rings in my head. By the Twelve it hurts so much to want to turn around to look at her and yet she'll never be next to me once more!"
Alisaie's eyes pricked with tears and she sat next to Alphinaud "Sometimes I see her too, I miss our good friend. We all knew how you two felt for each other, sometimes I wanted you to get it over with and confess so I wouldn't have to see such a lovey train wreck as you two were none the wiser" Alphinaud looked at Alisaie and slightly smiled "Is that so?" "Oh very so Alphinaud, it was always a bore watching you stare at your precious Warrior. It's the exact reason Krile and I kept teasing you around her so often" Alphinaud chuckled and looked back down "Thank you, Alisaie" Alisaie sighed "Anytime Alphinaud"
Alphinaud gasped and sat up looking around he noticed Nora's presence beside him. Her dark blue and teal eyes opening she looked at him and smiled "Good morning h-- Huh? Alphinaud your crying, what happened?" Nora sat up and wiped a stray tear away and Alphinaud embraced Nora "Twas a horrible nightmare is all, one which I am glad did not pass" Nora hugged Alphinaud back and he tightened the hug, he feared it was going to end up that she would disappear and yet here she was. "Do you wish to tell me about it?" "You turned...the Light corrupted you. I couldn't handle it, I hated myself for it. But twas only a nightmare, something which never happened, for that I'm glad for"
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katzenkrieg · 4 years
Loredump: Cam’s Thoughts on Urianger
I have a massive loredump (see link in my bio) I work on updating occasionally, recording all kinds of details on my WoL, paladin Camille Delane, and his journey to date. Just finally got Urianger’s entry updated! So if you like reading other people’s thoughts on their characters and on NPCs, here you go.
Spoilers through all of the ShB!
Urianger (canon, Scion; 29 at start, 33 before ShB time jump, 37 at end of ShB) – Up until the events that returned the Warriors of Darkness to the First, Camille had no idea what to make of Urianger. Why was Urianger even in the Scions? How did everyone else know him? Why does he talk like he does? No one bothered to explain any of this to Camille, and he mostly left Urianger alone because...that seemed to be what the Elezen wanted. He did let Urianger know everything he learned about primals in combat, but that was about it.
Following Urianger’s collusion with the Warriors of Darkness, Cam just about had had it with him. Yes, it worked out well in the end--but summoning primals and risking another Calamity without telling anyone else about what he was doing *really* seemed like a bad way to go about solving the problem. Or any problem, really. Alisaie joining the Scions saved Urianger from being cornered by an angry Warrior of Light who wanted to know what the fuck Urianger thought he’d been doing. Alisaie read the situation immediately after the final battle with the Warriors of Darkness accurately and had a number of pointed conversations with Urianger and Camille, both individually and together, that defused most of the tension between them--mostly by calling them both out on a mutual failure to communicate or trust each other. The fact that Alisaie has known Urianger since they were both very young has also helped Camille trust him more.
Urianger and Cam didn’t really have much to do with one another during the fight to free Doma and Ala Mhigo--aside from Urianger handing Cam a stick and being like, “This’ll only work if you have no idea what it is. You’re good at not having any idea what anything is.” At least Urianger was being direct about keeping secrets that time, and everything worked out well and without any Calamity-inducing surprises in Cam and Lyse’s fight with Fordola, so Cam didn’t hold the “hey, ignorance is your gift” thing against Urianger. Too much.
Meeting Urianger again in the First was something of a shock. Cam had never really thought of Urianger as an actual *person,* with his own life and interests; in Il Mheg, Urianger seemed to have found a place where he felt comfortable and engaged enough with his surroundings to actually *not keep secrets* and live a full life. At first, Cam was more than happy to help the pixies pull pranks on Urianger (like making his books into living, biting creatures…), but as time went on and Cam saw more and more of Urianger’s relationships with Ryne and Thancred, with the pixies and other fae, and with the First as a whole, he began to stop resenting him and seeing him as a mystery and a cypher, a symbol of the Sharlayan Scions’ pretentiousness, secretiveness, and exclusionary, gatekeeping ‘white tower’-ness. Urianger’s obvious feelings of duty to the First and to Ryne and Minfilia, and his, to Cam, fairly goofy interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale-type magic, in particular, threw Cam’s perception of Urianger off-balance and made him rethink his feelings toward the Elezen.
After overhearing Urianger’s very honest, open, supportive, and generally incredibly emotionally respectful and perceptive talk with Ryne, encouraging her to believe in and have faith in herself and admitting his own past mistakes, Cam finally had to sit down with himself and admit that Urianger had become the Scion he most trusted to deal with complicated emotions and relationships among the Scions. In fact, Urianger playing moderator between Cam and Thancred probably saved the group from dissolving into useless fighting and finger-pointing many times. 
Of cross, Cam also had to deal with the fact that Urianger was, despite these apparent changes, *still* keeping secrets from him--not telling Cam that he was undergoing obvious Light corruption, for instance. And then, finally, revealing that he had, in fact, decided to accept G’raha Tia’s desire to sacrifice himself to save Cam and go right along with it and not question it through the entire time the Scions had been in the First…
Though he *was* understandably angry about this last set of facts, when it finally came to light, Cam also had a lot of other things to think about at the time (for instance, being a Lightwarden in all but physical form…) *and* he had more insight into what seems to make Urianger tick, to explain Urianger’s actions. Cam sees Urianger now as someone whose primary weakness is the same love of lore and fairy stories that is his strength--Urianger will cast himself as tragic lead or the tragic lead’s secret accomplice in any interesting story that comes along, and it’s up to Cam and the other Scions to keep alert to that impulse and check it constantly. As the Light is finally banished from the First, Cam’s resigned to it being his business, in the future, to push into Urianger’s private life *and* to drag Urianger out into the larger world regularly, just to make absolutely sure Urianger’s not wrapping himself up in another self-isolating unnecessary tragic narrative. Cam’s incredibly grateful that Y’shtola’s also decided this is her job and that Urianger has Thancred, Ryne, and Gaia to impose social life on him now.
Cam’s certain Thancred and Urianger are a couple these days. He has no idea when or how that happened (beyond knowing it’s new to their time in the First), and he hasn’t asked about it yet. He’s not sure he wants to know…
Cam considers Urianger one of Ryne’s primary parents. Thancred, of course, is also one of Ryne’s primary parents, but Urianger’s done a much better job in the role than Thancred, really, to date.
If the Scions in the First ever get back to the Source, Cam may just drag Urianger off to get blessed by the kojins’ kami, because honestly, *swimming is not that bad,* Urianger. Who makes deals with the fuath just to avoid learning to swim?
Cam goes through Urianger’s stuff whenever he can, surreptitiously, and isn’t above also asking pixies, including Feo Ul, to look through Urianger’s stuff/keep an eye on him. He’s not going to let Urianger surprise him with some ridiculous secret tragic plot again.
If Thancred and Ardbert hadn’t been around, there’s a chance Cam would have gotten together with Urianger, or at least tried to, while they were in the First. He was lonely! In any AU where Cam ends up the Faery King, Urianger and Cam *definitely* get together, because Urianger is very clearly fascinated by the fae and also very clearly into seeing himself as responsible for his friends’ weird, life-altering choices.
He won’t admit it, but prior to events in the First, Cam was actually jealous of Urianger’s closeness to Alisaie sometimes. Especially when Urianger gave her that really cool, extremely appropriate for her pink crystal sword and Cam was like WHY DIDN’T HE THINK OF THAT. Urianger doesn’t even fight using a sword! How could Cam not have thought to give her a sword? He beat himself up over that one for a while.
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faelune-home · 3 years
FFXIV Write #9: Friable
I took the fragile synonym from friable and then took from that the more metaphorical meaning than the literal one (altho maybe it can be literal in this scenario), and wrote about the Scions caring for the WoD in the aftermath of Mt Gulg. I think its something anyone can relate to for their own WoL as a general idea; a character normally so strong, maybe cheery if that’s what you do, but then this just brings them down to the lowest point.
Also I just like caring family Scions. ;-;
Word count: 1358)
Fhara was normally a cheerful person, always wearing a smile, always rushing around with a flick of her tail to help when people asked. And in battle, she had this confidence in her stance, an unrelenting push to keep going, making sure most everyone else stood safely behind her before advancing onward. To see her then wrapped in grubby bandages on her bed, sleeping face twisted in pain, she looked so unnaturally frail...
The Scions were spread thin trying to offer their friend some sense of comfort in her aching moments. Healing magicks alongside the practical salves and gauzes for her wounds from the long battle - both the enduring climb up Mt Gulg and her duel against Vauthry - and Ryne barely left her bedside, always on hand in she was needed to calm the raging Light aether that threatened to consume Fhara whole.
A sense of guilt spread amongst the present party as well; knowing that she’d been slowly suffering under the weight of each Lightwarden absorbed into her, and yet never offering her much succor beyond insisting on a rest at the inn for the night. It was only Y’shtola’s own reminder that the girl repeatedly brushed aside her own concerns and kept going at her own choice. Even when she noticeably struggled while they ascended Mt Gulg, Fhara insisted she was fine. She wouldn’t have wanted them to worry.
Now all they could do was watch and wait, provide her what care they could until she awoke again, and then they could attempt to plot their next move.
They’d been waiting for hours.
But then even sitting in silence in that inn room, no-one had even attempted to discuss any possible plans. Urianger and Thancred had stepped out to procure more supplies, and no doubt would have to answer any enquiries for the concerned Crystarium citizens along the way. Y’shtola had turned to research, grabbing some books from the cabinet to study in the hopes she could find something for their warrior. Alisaie had stayed by the window, staring out at the dreary unchanging skies with a steady scowl. And Alphinaud and Ryne had remained by her bed, waiting to aid their friend if need be.
No-one had broken the silence in that time, only Fhara’s occasional weak groans of pain.
The door clicked open, the two men having returned, the only greeting they got being a turn of heads to acknowledge them. Urianger placed a basket of fresh gauze and salves on the bed, moving alongside the younger pair to replace the bandages on the woman. She didn’t stir.
“I can say now that Lyna is keeping the peace well enough,” Thancred announced, finally breaking the silence in the room, “However the people are clearly still worried. Understandable, since the skies have returned to this awful gloom and their leader is missing.” The other obvious reason didn’t need stating. They did have to bring Fhara’s unconscious body through the Crystarium to return her to her inn room, and Lyna only had so many guards not on duty elsewhere to offer them privacy during the Scions’ march through the city.
“There’s been no change?” he asked.
“Not for the worst,” Ryne offered hopefully, however the mood didn’t lift.
“While that is true, she hasn’t gotten much better either,” Y’shtola said, shaking her head. A huff by the window caught everyone’s attention.
“Why did we think this would work? Using the Blessing of Light to counteract the Lightwardens’ aether?” Alisaie asked, not dropping her frown as she turned to the rest of the room. “Of course it was all the Exarch’s assumption in the first place, but we all went along with it. Why was our only plan to just put everything on her shoulders?” Even with the wavour in the girl’s voice making it clear she was holding back tears, her words made the others wince or look away.
“It was the only plan that seemed to work so far,” her brother countered, albeit with less force than his sister had, “Twas never anyone’s intention to make her suffer alone…we couldn’t have known this would be the final result.”
“But what else can we do now?” Ryne asked, a wary glance at the still sleeping miqo’te.
“We still need to look into how we’re going to follow Emet-Selch,” Thancred mused, “Ideally with a method that won’t involve swimming, to ease some parties here.” His attempt at humour didn’t reach its intended targets, their focus still on tending to Fhara.
“We would have to leave her be to look into that,” Y’shtola said, to which Thancred shrugged and replied, “Call me callous, but if there’s been no change, then we can assume she’s stable and it would be safe to do so. And at least if we’re going to look into searching for ways to brave the Tempest, we can also include some research into how to help her.”
“As though people haven’t already been trying to do that for those afflicted by the Light for the past 100 years,” Alisaie stated, “And we’re just supposed to find a solution they’ve missed for a much stronger case?”
“Well with that attitude, you won’t find much at all,” the older man frowned. The girl’s eyes narrowed at him.
“Very well then,” she huffed, making for the door, “I still think we won’t find much of anything that the people of the First didn’t find and try for themselves, but I’d much prefer being out there doing something than waiting here any longer.” She stormed out, leaving in such a rush that the door didn’t close properly behind her. Y’shtola got to her feet.
“I would agree with both of your assertions,” she said, “I have many books in Slitherbough dating back centuries. Twould be remiss of me not to even try to consult them for a possible method to aid our friend.” She didn’t elaborate further on her agreement, only leaving with the books she already had under her arm.
“I’d like to go out as well,” Ryne declared, turning to her guardian, “There hasn’t been any changes in her aether since we arrived and I first stabilised it. I would worry in case things worsen while we’re away but…”
“Thancred does have the right of it,” Alphinaud agreed, backing up the girl, “I feel the same as all of us here, worried about leaving her with no-one to mind her. But knowing Fhara she wouldn’t want us fretting over her needlessly. Better to put our energies towards trying to help her instead.” Ryne nodded, appreciating the support.
“If we are in agreement on taking our leave for further study, I wouldst leave word with the manager of these suites, that he may check on her in our absence. Should she take a turn for the worse, we may be called upon, and henceforth return with all speed,” Urianger offered.
“A splendid plan, and hopefully we’ll make better progress with it than just waiting for hours on end,” Thancred affirmed, although the quick glance at their companion betrayed his concern, much as he was clearly trying to play it off. Picking up his gunblade from its resting point on the table, he announced, “Ryne and I shall make for Eulmore, maybe we could be so lucky and  hope Vauthry had some information written down about sin eaters or his own condition.”
“Then I shall join you, mayhap there’s an old library within the city,” Alphinaud offered.
“And you will no doubt return to Il Mheg,” Thancred said to Urianger, who nodded in response, “Then you can give them my regards, since I have no intention of returning there if I can help it.”
With all prepped and a vague plan of sorts in hand, they made to leave. Only Ryne stalled, standing by Fhara’s bedside. Seeing the peaceful expression on her sleeping face for the first time that day gave Ryne a touch of hope in her heart.
“Rest well,” Ryne said to the slumbering Warrior, “We’re going to look for something that can help you. Because I’m sure there’s something that will work. There has to be.”
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tarajenkins · 5 years
Given what you've said of Vauthry, about how we're never given any chance to even try and redeem him, help him become a better person, I'd like to ask: how would you go about "saving" him? When he transforms into that Lucifer/Archangel Michael-looking guy, he seems permanently lost, but how would you write out a redemption narrative for him?
I love this ask, I hate the answer I have to give. But it’s gonna be a long response anyway, because context and because you already know I don’t know when to shut up about characters, lmao. 
SO I HOPE YOU LOVE HEARING ME RAMBLE UNDER THIS CUT (but I won’t blame you if you don’t)
I don’t think the in-game narrative allows Vauthry any chance at redemption in the current time, even if he had the agency to take it.  I don’t think we ever saw what he actually could have been. I think what we saw in Shadowbringers was the Lightwarden he’d been carrying finally “awakening”, as Innocence’s Triple Triad card put it. Or, as the X-Files put it in their eighth ep: “We are not who we are”.  
Even if that Lightwarden could be driven out of him (I know an “Aethertech” who would do anything to make that possible cough), I don’t know if he’d regain clarity he may never have had to start.  I’d love to think that he did, a long time ago. The Minstreling Wanderer tells us he can’t say whether or not Vauthry was a monster as a child, when you unlock Crown Of The Immaculate EX.
I believe the Lightwarden’s influence was driving a lot of his brutal acts of “justice”, because that is kinda their whole thing.  As for the man inside the monster?  I have a hunch he was desperate to not be seen as unnatural, and was trying to make sense out of what was happening to him in a way that would not make him a hybrid abomination. Because if he wasn’t a God, if he wasn’t this divine thing he was told he was – then what was he? The way he worded it, “this is why I was born…as man and Sin Eater both…” – it makes me feel he had, at some point in his life, at least once, ASKED why he was born as he was. That he had perceived it was wrong. He needed it to be right. And that was just fuel to the corruption fire.
The talk of godhood actually seemed to be a recent phenomenon, as no other NPC mentions a thing about it – they refer to him as “Lord Vauthry”, and speak of him in mortal terms, apart from his miraculous ability to keep the Sin Eaters at bay. He freely boasted of being a God to the Crystal Exarch, yet we’re to believe he didn’t say a word to his own people, all this time? Or that no one, in turn, would mention to us “Yyyyeah, about this guy….” Mayor Punchable Face may have told him he was a God, but it doesn’t sound like Vauthry bought into it enough to spread the good word for at least twenty years. 
Also consider he called his transformation into Innocence a “trial”. Why would a god need to be tested? And by whom?
By the time we see him in-game, it seemed he was in a rapid decline of sanity, or at least the ability to keep up appearances, and whatever was left of him was fervently clinging to the only purpose he was ever apparently given – which is exactly what that Lightwarden (and Emet-Selch) would want. 
 He was really cynical about the rest of humanity. Given his father, I can see where he’d get that from. Not that daddy told him people suck, it’s that Vauthry probably learned that by his father’s example. Maybe by the rest of Eulmore, too, but I got the impression he was kept seriously isolated from society before his inauguration. He seems to prefer being alone – he only leaves that room when he moves the Sin Eaters against Lakeland. He gives no indication he knows how to socialize, period. You either come to him, or you don’t see him. (He may be keenly aware humes don’t typically reach at least fifteen feet tall. Seriously, look at Cruelty’s size compared to player characters, now look how Cruelty makes a comfy couch for him.)
Cynical, and yet, he wanted to see the people of Eulmore’s “dreams fulfilled, their wishes granted”. Just so long as he was the one responsible, and he was the one recognized for it. He needed their acceptance. 
ANYHOO.  On to stuff I still have zero idea what to make of. 
I should preface the rest of this infodump with the fact I found the Eulmore arc to be the weakest of the expansion, between Vauthry and Ran'jit. Most of the MSQ was given nuance. Eulmore was given a Saturday Morning Cartoon sledge. A -lot- of questions, with no answers, unless Squeenix decides to be generous in a fifty-buck lore book later. (something I hated Warcraft for. I should not have to pony up for a book to understand the main story quest chain in a game.) So, here are some of the questions I’ve got:
They don’t really explain why Emet-Selch thought corrupting an infant was a good plan, as the Sin Eaters seemed guaranteed a win on The First, if only by outlasting the survivors of the Flood. Impatience, maybe? Why not give it to the mayor? That dickpickle would’ve said yes. Maybe we’ll get more answers with the Eden raid. IT’D BE NICE *COUGH*
- The meol thing.  
It’s using Sin Eater’s non-existant flesh to make a bread, and through that bit of Sin Eater, Vauthry could control whoever ate it.  The fanbase loves the “soylent green is people” angle, but it’s done pretty haphazardly, when you think about it like that? Sin Eaters have no lasting corporeal body. They are Light, mixed with a bit of the lingering essence of whatever they originally were – and what they originally were did not have to be humanoid. They dissolve into sparklies in the air upon death – and arguably, they would not have to die to contribute sparklies to somehow mix into food. Forgiven Cruelty lost a whole wing to Thancred when Thancred first took Ryne from Eulmore, and it seemed to have grown back just fine by the time we see Cruelty again. Killing Sin Eaters also would be entirely counterproductive to a nation that devoted themselves to NOT killing them. Also – we are shown the Afflicted, people who are falling to corruption from a SIn Eater attack they’d survived. How is it people who eat meol don’t become corrupted themselves?
Where did the idea for meol  even begin? Vauthry’s father was ousted by the people as mayor before Emet-Selch said hey there, friend, you have a punchable face, let’s make a deal – and Vauthry only took control of Eulmore 20 years ago. He looks a LOT older than 20, or even 40. So his father must’ve rode his child’s coattails before then.  Did Mayor Punchable Face think that was a wise countermeasure against future insurrection? In any case, Vauthry did not exert that control until the WoL and allies were coming to kill the Lightwarden of Kholusia (him), so it did not seem to be a priority of his. Alphinaud confirmed the people were of a free mind until they were made to fight the WoL and allies. (and dialogue stressed it was very noticeable when someone was not of a free mind.) Squeenix: *throws meol into purse* I have to go plotholes came up
- The “Perverted Paradise”.  (I at least giggle every time Alphinaud says this.)
Vauthry is presented as the pinnacle of vice, yet the game does not really show this well – in some cases, not at all.
Gluttony: He isn’t shown to indulge in drink, let alone overindulge. Apart from the meol scene at the end, which was related to controlling the Eater-corrupted citizenry, not gluttony, he was not shown to have so much as a snack. There’s food in his chamber, all of it untouched. But! In the Shadowbringers trailer, Squeenix thought the best example to showcase Eulmore’s decadence was – three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
Not the creepy-ass old patron who thinks that  since his pretty servant can’t sing anymore, she should be “Ascended” as a kindness, although it was implied she could have recovered her health, just not her voice. Not the guy who tossed his servant from a balcony because reasons and wanted us to bring him back. Not even the noblewoman trying to have her servant killed because her lecherous husband put designs on the poor girl.
Three thicc'qotes. Having pleasant conversation ‘round a table. Eating fresh fruit.
We get it, Square, we’re supposed to see he’s fat and think that is bad. Moving on.
Lust: He doesn’t visit the adult nightclub downstairs (the adult nightclub that is shown practically empty and behind closed doors, the lewdness of it all – I clutch my pearls.) He doesn’t  creep on your player character like Magnai did in Stormblood – he doesn’t creep on anyone. He doesn’t want you to be his steed. No interest is shown in the Sin Eaters apart from them fighting for him, as much as some people in the fanbase theorize he is fucking them. (They probably think that Spirited Away is about the sex industry and My Neighbor Totoro is about dead girls, too.) This game is pretty blatant when they intend that sort of thing, see: Yotsuyu, Sastasha, any number of things in Ishgard or Ul'dah. I’ve found nothing here, except the German translation for “Consort Of Sin: Forgiven Obscenity” is “Purified Fornication: Playmate Of The Redeemer”. Since this is not implied in any other translation, I put my trust in Koji Fox and the fact Obscenity’s job seems to be Official Nose Petter to Forgiven Cruelty.
Greed: I am not going to hold his rings and his robes against him, as Urianger has just as much bling (more, actually), The wealthy are made to give up ALL their fortune to be permitted to stay in Eulmore – but that wealth is then used to provide everything for free to those who live there, and the free citizenry are apparently given funds for private use to boot. If they intended to show that Vauthry was using all that for hookers and blow for himself, it did not convey well.
Wrath: If one has broken the rules of the city (or has thrown shade that takes him a full two minutes to catch), Vauthry definitely has this in spades, with a temper tantrum a lot like Philia’s Fierce Beating attack.  But again, the writers don’t really show the extent of the wrath they are trying to tell . Because if you don’t break the rules? Nothing happens, apparently. Trouble seems to have to be brought forward to him, he doesn’t go looking for it.  It didn’t feel any different to me than the Grand Companies, yet this is the one that finally makes Alphinaud do the *GAAAAASP*.
The populace does not seem afraid of Vauthry. In fact, they feel free to pop ‘round to have a word if they think something needs doing. Chai-Nuzz did not seem distressed by his wife’s suggestion she would have a word with Vauthry to soothe the “hard feelings” stirred up in the quest “Emergent Splendor”.  
Pride: He has great pride in his ability to keep the SIn eaters under control, but doesn’t really display any vanity in himself. No portraits, statues, etc. When Alphinaud interfered with Kai-Shirr’s punishment, Alphinaud was told he’d be permitted to stay in the city if he made a painting – not a portrait of Vauthry, but of the city itself.
Sloth: We get it, Square, he’s fat and he sits down, moving the FUCK on.  No actually, hold up, to be honest? As tired and :| as he looked all the time, he struck me as depressed. What guy in Paradise looks that haggard?
NOW moving on.
Envy: If my theory holds, probably plenty of unresolved envy for folks who are not “half Sin Eater”. Otherwise, I can’t think of an example here.
- “Ascension” (Sure thing, Jan)
This is only made reference to in the Weeping Warbler quest chain. “As all know, the sin eaters exist to devour the sinful. But also do they serve to gather the souls of the innocent, and shepherd them unto celestial paradise.”
Sin eaters ate a meal that represents the sins of a household you fool oh wait this is The First
The thing I don’t get here is - why are there obviously limitations on who can be ascended, and when? If the idea is strictly to feed the Sin Eaters, or make meol, or just be an asshole, why is this the only time we hear of it?
It’s like if there are no more mortals, Vauthry wouldn’t have that reassurance he is doing good anymore. Either that, or since he’s never worked in retail, he doesn’t know how to push features.
But I’m betting on the former.
- LASTLY: the hypocrisy of the writer’s narrative (and the fanbase).
Tesleen was our first and horrifying sample of what Sin Eater corruption can do to a human. No matter how strong her will may have been, she was just lost to it. She scratches madly at her face when she uses one of her attacks in Holminster Switch, as though trying to stop herself, or punish herself. But she can’t help it. And we know this.
Titania was a tragedy, had to be stopped. But, a TRAGEDY. Whatever was left of the benevolent ruler was corrupted. There was never a moment where our heroes went “dis binch just evil, they gotta go down”. ( I had many choice words for Titania when I wiped enough times to them, but no actual game dialogue really says it. )
We, the Warrior Of Light, came this close to becoming a Warden ourselves. Somehow it was stalled (convenience!), but there was never a question corruption = bad and out of our control.
Vauthry, on the other hand, is treated as though he is in full control of his faculties, although the corruption before birth makes that questionable at best and he pretty clearly is not? Even as he did that Exorcist neck-twist, no one was like “oh fuck, the Sin Eaters got to another one, damn that poor man”.  (Which would seem a logical conclusion to me, I hate we have like zero real say in our characters’ reactions) Not even a “ahaha okay no seriously what the fuck is going on guys”. Nope. Their reaction was “EVIL”.  Trying to help somehow was never on the table. Watching him die slowly at our feet was.
We saw the Echo of the real circumstance of his birth. It had to come from the Sin Eater that corrupted him, because he wasn’t out of the womb to see that scene play out. Or Emet-Selch. Either way, we saw it, yet at no time afterward do we try to bring the truth out. We just let everyone believe he was evil by choice, and not another casualty of this mess.
And remember earlier, how I said Alphinaud confirmed the free citizenry were not under Vauthry’s control until the fight? Remember the noblewoman whose husband went after their bonded servant, and so she tried to get the girl murdered?
Yeah, we catch up to that noblewoman who tried to murder her servant. She feels really bad about that now.  And what is an option we get to tell her ex-bonded servant when she wonders how she could possibly trust the woman who tried to kill her?
“Vauthry’s society brought out the worst in people…”
Fffffffuck you Square lmao
In private RP land? In private RP land, where we can back the fuck up in the timeline at will? You are damn skippy that Lightwarden got purged before it took complete hold. (an Aethertech did it with SCIENCE.) And Vauthry is cynical and scarred and bitter and broken and betrayed, but he’s not evil. If anything, he’s actually pretty relatably human. And he’s actually pretty damn glad his father’s shitty legacy is over.
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starswornoaths · 5 years
Top 5 favourite MSQ events.
@lightsmercy I sat on this one for a while, in part because I sort of had to mentally sift through them for the ones that I really liked/liked the way they surprised me, but mostly because I had to track down their quest names (and lemme tell you how hard it is to just look up “that one quest where that thing happened” and get what I need ;_; but thank you so much for your patience!!!) I’m going to stick to ARR quests for the sake of my own sanity (otherwise this list would be impossible to make. There’s too many, dammit) and I’ll be listing them from 5 to 1, with 1 being the one I liked the most (or in this case, “like” is more “it shocked me in a way I wasn’t prepared for but made sense in the narrative so I liked it, even if it destroyed me”) (also under the cut bc I got real rambly about it. I just like talking about literary themes/foreshadowing/symbolism in game stories, sorry ;_; HERE WE GO!!!)
5. “Escape from Castrum Centri” This one…hoo boy. The entire quest arc leading up to this is amazing, for the record (I’m also a sucker for rescue missions and the planning thereof, but I always have been,) so I was hyped as we were led up to this quest. The whole breakout of the scions was fun, but man the whole while the Scions and myself were just going around like, “but Thancred??? Where is Thancred???” and it solidified that though they give him endless amounts of shit, the second the chips are down they’re all there for each other- you know, like a family or something, and then when we saw he was possessed by Lahabrea, and that that was what had led to them being captured, even! MY HEART!!! (Also I would like to submit a formal complain to SE for making Minfilia sad enough to cry out to her possessed father figure. Why would you do that to her. How dare you, SE. She didn’t deserve that.) Thancred’s possession didn’t feel like it came out of left field, either, something that I loved: there was a lot of foreshadowing that he was going to burn himself out in a very dangerous way even as far back as our fight with Ifrit, and even his optional dialogue if you speak to him was just him not coping with anything. It still surprised me, but not in a way that made me feel like the rug was pulled out from under me in a bad way, and I love those kinds of surprises in stories. 
4. “Yugiri’s Game” This one caught me off guard (and solidified that these kids were unofficially adopted by the Scions, too and were adored and doted on at every turn,) because Yugiri had managed to teach these little kids, who had only just recently escaped their war-torn home, the basics of being a shinobi while masking it as just a game of hide-and-seek. She was teaching them how to keep silent and hidden in the event of the Garleans finding them. Having such an innocent children’s game turned into a method of teaching survival was as clever as it was heart breaking, knowing that it was a necessity, that the kids knew why they were taught this way, and that the kids were still optimistic and cheerful in spite of that knowledge. The Doman Adventurer’s Guild is run by some wonderful kiddos, and this was a wonderful way to show that.
3. “Blood for Blood” helped cement that though Haurchefant, while the staunchest ally for building relations between Ishgardians and the outside world, he was not the only one that was willing to accept the aid of an outsider when they know their own people are failing them. Really, much of the Ishgardian quests within ARR did a beautiful job of leading up to Heavensward in that it showed that thought the government was rigidly against working with the outside world, its citizens- especially the working ones who just wanted to get by and not get into the political bullshit- were more than eager to work with those outside of Ishgard, though it also did an equally amazing job of showing how scared the population was of the Holy See and its Inquisitors- with their unilateral (and as is exposed with this questline, frighteningly unchecked validity of its own) authority, they can accuse anyone who disagrees of heresy, and their trial is literally a fucking witch trial. There’s no winning in such a trial: either you die and you’re proven innocent, or you refuse, in which case they kill you. These quests really solidified for me that going into Heavensward, we were going to have to save the Ishgardian people from it’s own government just as much as we would have to save them from the dragons. 
2. “Recruiting the Realm” was…eye opening. It did a wonderful job of really cementing the world’s view of the Scions, the Leveilleur name, and what everyone really thought of Alphinaud’s altruistic but ultimately doomed endeavor. The moment it was revealed that not only did Alphinaud obtain funding from the Syndicate, but that he was utterly disinterested in neither disclosing that to us, nor entertaining our concerns about it, it confirmed two things for me: 1) that though he (and really, at that point everyone that was a major NPC in a political position) genuinely cared for us and considered us a friend, we were, before anything else, the Weapon of Light (yes, Weapon, but I’d be here all day dissecting my thoughts on that and why I come to that conclusion) and weapons aren’t exactly asked for their opinions on the wars in which they are used, and 2) that A Realm Reborn was only going to end in betrayal and tragedy because all of the players involved thought they knew better when they didn’t.
1. “All Good Things”
Look. I’ve rambled at this point for several paragraphs more than anyone likely ever wanted me to, but holy shit I can’t articulate how much this gutted me- and how I liked the way in which it gutted me without writing a thesis on it so I’m sorry again in advance but from a writing perspective I love this quest so goddamn much.
Because it could have been easier for them to just have us ring up Minfilia following our success and have the attack on the Waking Sands already happening. It would have been easier to instill a sense of urgency and “Holy fucking shit we need to go now” to get us to the Waking Sands quicker, only to find the scene that we did. That would have been the expected trope: I mean, really, how many times has that sort of thing happened in video game stories before?
But they completely subvert that by having you report in to Minfilia as usual, and she’s always so bright and cheery and relieved that you’re okay, and her dialogue was just…in hindsight, it was fucking artful.
“Pray return to the Waking Sands, where you shall receive a hero’s welcome!”
And you have a moment, where you first get to the Waking Sands, where you realize that Tataru isn’t in her usual spot on the stool at the table by the door. And you think, “oh, that’s to be expected, she’s probably with the others downstairs waiting for me!” So you go down the steps and through the door like every other time before. You expect it to be warmly lit and densely populated. You expect everyone there cheering and glad that you’re alright.
You load in, and then your stomach drops. 
The lights are off, the vases that were otherwise just background pieces to fill space are knocked over and askew, and there are dead bodies in front of you- one of which is in a Garlean uniform.
I can’t properly articulate the way I felt cold when my brain caught up with what I was looking at. And I saw that the quest marker was pointing to Minfilia’s chamber, but I didn’t go down that way. I turned left first.
More bodies. Bodies of many of the NPCs that had always been there. Characters that had dialogue that updated with your quests, characters that were working on their own accomplishments and goals alongside you, characters that cheered you on as you went about your duties. Dead.
I couldn’t remember any of their names. I couldn’t remember any of their dialogue that stood out to me at the time. I even cried over the lalafell mender that usually stood on top of the boxes in there, because I couldn’t find him, either. 
Then I went to the Antecedent’s chambers and…hoo boy that Echo. That Echo. There’s a whole new type of helplessness when you’re watching a recording of a tragedy, personal or not, where you just wish you could reach out and just make it stop, but you can’t. You just watch in horror as people are gunned down, or stabbed, or taken away. You watch as Minfilia, at the ripe old age of fucking nineteen, doesn’t flinch when Livia fires a shot near her face, tries to negotiate sparing the lives of those she’s responsible for. You watch as Livia shows the levels of cruelty to which she will sink in the way that she not only denies that negotiation, but just kills a few more people- one of her own included- just because they annoyed her.
And then you watch poor little Noraxia, who had only ever done their best, die because you couldn’t save them, either. 
The quests that follow are ones of grief, ones of mourning. Ones of a lost person meant to carry the weight of all the hopes and dreams of the dead with them as they tried to rescue those that were not yet lost, but this quest…this quest continues to hit in that specific wound for the Warrior of Light: the further into the game and expansions that you go, even and especially recent content, you’re reminded that though woe betide those who stand against the Warrior of Light, those who stand with them are no safer.
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autumnslance · 2 years
Hi Autumn! Question! A friend of mine has me looking at my WoL and imagining her life back on Etheirys before the Sundering. I am calling my Azem, Artemis. I love the moon and did her and Orion’s story in middle school. (Headcanon Thancred was on Etheirys as Orion) My question what is the name of your Azems for all your characters? (Sorry for the ramble I got excited talking about my WoLxThancred ship! 🥰)
I completely understand! I can talk about my wolcred ship too, given a chance (FC's even gotten me to do it during content before I remember we're streaming on Twitch...). I don't do non-Echo-users in the Ancient times myself, but can see why folks headcanon it; there's some fun to be had there if leaning into the fated romance tropes. For my Azem though, I take a different angle.
I've really only figured out Aeryn & Zaine's past lives; since Aeryn's the only Actual-Capital-Letters Warrior of Light I run, the other 3 ladies would have their own Ancient selves but I've not considered them before. They would have been friends and companions to Azem.
Azem was Pandora, who looked like she had it all together and was cool and collected...but right under the surface was a chaos gremlin. I give her iridescent hair (light or dark depending on her mood) and multi-hued eyes cuz why not. She was also very aroace (and while using feminine pronouns, really just threw gender into the bin) and tended to adopt close friends into familial cuddle puddles; she had a "we've known each other since we were kids so are like siblings" relationship with both Hades and Hythlodeaus. She looked up to and adored Venat--but her most important relationship was with Icarus.
Icarus was Pandora's younger blood sibling, and they were very close. I don't know as much about him, except he was prophetic and saw some of what was coming in flashes of nightmare that left him a bit neurotic. He traveled with Azem often, along with a few other friends of theirs, on both Convocation business and on their own adventures. Icarus Saw that he and Pandora would always be reincarnated together through time--but his soul would always return to the Lifestream first.
In my headcanons, Ardbert had a sister who unexpectedly died in an accident alongside her young child, and he didn't know until seeking her advice and comfort when realizing he'd doomed the world to the Flood. And of course, Zaine was lost in the Seventh Umbral Calamity after struggling to protect the realm from it. Both the sister and Zaine were shards of Icarus.
I don't really recall a reason I chose "Pandora"; the name popped into mind alongside a very random need to tell A Version of the Hydaelyn summoning, back in 5.0 before we knew a lot. One regular reader mentioned "the last gift of hope" and y'know, it works.
I don't recall a particular reason for "Icarus" either; it also simply came to mind when filling a prompt response with a Final Days ficlet about the siblings through time and across shards, but he is the guy associated with flying too close to the sun, even if it meant personal disaster.
I'll just blame a lot of nerdy study of the ancient Greek stories as a kid.
However, the Ancients aren't a big focus for me; I prefer "modern day" Eitherys (and I only use that older name for the world for clarity's sake). Though now that the question's been posed, I'll maybe end up noodling something out for Dark, C'oretta, and Iyna; we'll see!
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