#whoever you think this is about its not them
corkinavoid · 2 days
DPxDC Danny Is A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
(not in a necessarily bad way and it's by Clockwork's design)
Bats, or Constantine, or the JL, or whoever you want to be close to Danny in this prompt, don't notice it right away. It takes them a while to figure out its not purely coincidence. And even after they do figure it out, they still have their doubts.
The thing is, it doesn't work all the time. It also doesn't seem to have a system or a schedule to it, nor is it any kind of a superpower, as far as they can understand. By God, does Danny have way too many superpowers, but most of them are consistent, and yet this one... is weird. Weirder than anything they've seen before, and they've seen a lot, okay.
It also only works if Danny does it without thinking.
"You know what'd be perfect right now? A cheese sandwich," Danny says over the comms, in the middle of the fight with Dr. Freeze, "A warm, grilled cheese sandwich just out of the toas- Owch, what?" There's a pause. And then, "Guys, you're not gonna believe it, a cheese sandwich just smacked me in the face! I think someone threw it out of the window or something!" Danny sounds bewildered, but excited, and there's a sound of chewing from his comm now. At least he is eating, so that's good.
"I fucking hate robots," he grumbles the other day, punching his way through the Brainiac invasion in Metropolis, with no comm and only for the Supes to overhear, "No, correction, I hate only evil robots. The ones that interrupt my astronomy class. The ones that shoot motherfucking lasers and walk like crabs, and ruin a perfect day, and- I wish- aw, fuck, no, that's bad wording. Don't wish for shit. But if all these robots would just suddenly, miraculously malfunction and stop attacking me and the whole city, that would be, like, real nice of them."
A few minutes later, something goes wrong with the Brainiac's control over the army of robots, and all of them just stop moving and fall down at once. It is deemed as a chance, a lucky shot, a coincidence. Supes keeps quiet over what he heard Danny say.
"Oh, you bitch-ass fruitloop, you know what I want?" Danny yells at Plasmius, as the ghost is laughing like a madman, "I want a fucking brick to fall down right on your head, like, right now! Maybe that can set your brains straight for at least five minutes!" And even before he is finished talking, there's something falling down from the sky and hitting Plasmius's head. It's not a brick, to be exact, it's Miss Martian's shoe, though. She has no idea how it even came undone and fell from her foot. But it did somehow knock Plasmius out cold, so there's that.
It doesn't happen all the time. Red Robin does the math - the improbable accidents only happen in about 26% of the situations, given that Danny says something. It's by no means a reliable power. It also doesn't happen only during the fights: there were numerous times when Danny just said something like 'I wonder if the cafeteria serves garlic bread today' and sure enough, there's garlic bread there. Even if it was not on the menu. Ever.
They try to question Danny himself, but he has no idea. He doesn't even notice the coincidences most of the times - which is not surprising, knowing that they only happen in one out of four situations and Danny is known to have a short attention span. So, after a few unsuccessful investigations and failed attempts at calculating how this even works, they all give up. It has never jinxed anything, as far as they know, so everyone just leaves it be.
Danny is just magically lucky like that.
Meanwhile, Clockwork is having a good laugh about it. Danny's suggestions amuse him, and it's funny to watch the other superheroes having a mental breakdown over it, so he rigs the timeline from time to time. Just a little.
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theglamorousferal · 2 days
Just found out about the Enough Stuff Non-Profit in Illinois and it got me thinking about Crime Alley and about if there was a place like that, they’d work hard to keep it going.
Now I’m imagining Danny, ghost king with its coffers, things at relative peace, but not having to actively work. He’d want to still be able to give back I think even if it’s not actively fighting. What if Danny started an Enough Stuff shop. Everything there is free. Everything is donated. It runs on donations. (The first few months it runs on his savings; ghost money translates thankfully).
Danny lives in the apartment above the store and the store has two floors. Sam moves in next door and runs an apothecary and plant store. She ends up running a vegan bakery and coffee shop too. If you perform or write a poem, you get a free coffee and scone. If she has the chance, she’ll teach you about basic herbal remedies and also some basic first aid because while honey is an antibiotic, it doesn’t do shit for something needing stitches. Jazz moves in and opens a free pediatric clinic. Tucker can be found running the business side of the non-profits and pushing Sam to “just get an EMT certification already, you’re more than qualified, and you know you want to.” Val travels a lot, she’s an Olympic martial artist, but when she settles someplace to train it’s usually with the trio in their Frankenstein apartment made up of the top two floors of three connected buildings. Between Danny finding he enjoyed training from his years as a hero and Sam wanting to always be in top form there’s a gym there she can train in and Danny’s usually free. She helps with whoever needs it when she has free time so she doesn’t feel like a mooch for living there only part-time. She ends up saving some kid from a thug and deciding to train him up. This leads to the kid bringing more kids to learn from her. She ends up buying a building on the block and renovating it to be a gym and training facility for her and it gets added to the list of non-profits Tucker is running. (He only leaves his corner office, he insisted, during working hours for lunch or meetings and the occasional lunch meeting).
Tim losing his mind trying to find anything about them. Him constantly hitting firewalls of binary, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Esperanto and some other language he could only describe as auditory Zalgo text. Tim desperately wanting to investigate in person but he promised Jason he’d stay out of it until he asked.
Jason coming back from a long mission with the Outlaws seeing the “cute little trust fund kid’s experiment” not only flourishing, but growing. He goes to research them only to find they’re mostly squeaky clean. There’s some stuff about disturbance of the peace and minor property damage when a teenager, but that doesn’t mean anything for someone setting up in Crime Alley. He watches them for a while, listened to what his guys said about them and the general opinion. He decides they’re above board, but he’d still watch them.
Then he got shot. More accurately, a shot grazed just under his armpit where there was a gap in his armor. He ended up stumbling out of an alleyway and directly into the pathway of one red headed doctor.
Kinda want to add more Amity Parker’s at some point. Debating having Paulina run a fashion house in the fashion district because she couldn’t convince her dad to let her move to a place known as Crime Alley, and just spend a bunch of time at Danny’s shop and maybe drop off ‘fits she made there. Star and Wes running a local radio station. Dash becoming a mechanic (after freaking out about not making it in football). Kwan opens a vet clinic. Eventually the Amity Parker’s own a full two blocks of housing and businesses.
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mimiriko · 2 days
gojo x reader. reader is described wearing makeup & a dress. little writing exercise to stretch the old fingers!! mdni this is a 18+ blog.
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Gojo has permanently finalised in his mind that his teenage years were the best time of his life.
Every memory is dipped into a thin film of honey, saccharine and sticky. The residue of his school life followed him into his adulthood as a sort of reference for his categorised “fun”. Something along the lines of loud karaoke, public stunts, or hours in gaming cafes.
Being above twenty has its perks though—he does feel more himself, strangely. It isn’t a product of intentional effort or self improvement, unlike Suguru, and yet the skin on him fits better. His voice sounds better on his ears and Suguru doesn’t have to help him flirt anymore.
But despite it, people and places and things that remind him of being seventeen years old again hold a special place in his heart. It’s a time capsule like no other.
That’s why, he thinks, he must be so attuned to you.
The bar is a personal favourite of his and Suguru’s. It’s dim enough for his eyes, and classy like those yakuza films they used to watch. High leather stools around a massive, circular counter; clinks of glasses and distant conversations blending into one another, mixing with the faint music playing overhead.
It’s not filled with sharp, neon lights and mobs of people like the clubs and bars he used to frequent when younger, but it’s lively enough to get him going. He doesn’t drink regularly and appreciates the decent length of non-alcoholic drinks offered too.
It also brings in the best women he’s ever seen.
You’re eyeing him. Almost shamelessly from the corner of the room, leaning slightly out of your seat at a booth. There’s someone opposite you, a tuff of black hair he can barely discern and it almost makes him visibly preen that you’re checking him out instead of the date in front of you.
He moves to make himself look better. He spreads his legs tastefully on the stool, making sure his thighs bulge a considerable amount against his black pants. (They fit him perfectly, he’s almost giddy he picked them for tonight.)
The whoever he was talking to prattles on about his business plan and the funds that he needs, and Gojo lifts his chin directly at him, hoping to give you a nice, clear view of his jawline. Sturdy and sculpted. The man stutters over his words, and he smiles widely at that too.
Over the next five minutes, he’s taken a total of three glances at your table over the hustle and bustle of people. Two times your attention was on him, the other was on the person you were with.
A win for me.
Being a homewrecker can feel like ecstasy at times. The thrill of it gives him a high like no other, similar to electricity zapping his nerves and singeing them black. He especially wouldn’t mind helping you cheat.
He doesn’t say it often, no one hardly deserves his praise, but you look good. Like those porn mags he used to jerk off to in high school, the same ones filling his drawer next to his underwear. On nostalgic nights he pulls out the earliest one he owns—the first mag he bought fresh as a fifteen year old, out of mere curiosity than anything.
He’d heard about it, the apparent sex on paper that had collections of girls who looked so ravishing with their lingerie sets on, so incredibly curated to whatever fantasy you liked that it was impossible not to buy them. Of course, in the throes of his multiple nannies and advisors, servants and guards, he couldn’t sneak any of them into his estate. His school life provided him that kind of freedom too.
And my god, did you look straight out of the earliest, most precious collection.
With your makeup done all dewy and pretty, the lights overhead accentuating the glitter across your eyelids; your hair styled best to frame your face with a delicate clip on the side, glimmering jewellery that brings your look altogether.
Your figure is hugged by deep red wine colored dress, and he thinks of how you would look standing and walking up to him, with your hips swaying and your eyes never leaving his.
His crotch area feels uncomfortable. There’s a lull in the talk he was half-heartedly having with the business man, and he figures there’s no point in keeping up an useless conversation.
He looks over to Suguru and sees him close, much too close with another woman. It gives him a boost of courage to smoothly manoeuvre himself until he’s facing you entirely.
Your eyebrows shoot up to the sky, and you look away shyly. Something in him yowls, splitting him with an ache. You would look so perfect between his teeth, skin soft for him to touch.
It’s been so long since he’s had such a teenage moment in his life. He’s never not been looked at, but never… this innocently. A cat and mouse game of who looks over first. Who catches the other first.
You converse while keeping your eyes on him, his body. There’s a look in your eye too, like you’re trying to figure him out. He can almost see a pout forming on your lips.
His fingers twitch.
He wants either you to come over, or the man to leave so he can slide in next to you and finally see you up close.
Suddenly, you stand up.
It’s so out of the blue that it knocks his heart to a faster pace. He puts an arm on the counter, leaning. A lazy smirk crawls its way on his face, and his eyes are alight behind his glasses, eager and restless.
You’re full of surprises because you interrupt his opening line altogether, and with curious, good-natured look, you ask,
“Excuse me but where did you get those pants? I think my boyfriend would like them.”
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lemon-natalia · 3 days
Nona the Ninth Reaction - John 8:1 🐄
the message now reads: ‘THE/TOWER/HA’ . i’m sticking with the assumption that ‘tower’ is a full word and ‘ha’ is the beginning of the next until proven otherwise
okay and now it’s talking about falling asleep within the dream, which is confusing as all hell. whoever this narrator is, ‘her body was a mystery to her’, which is very reminiscent of the themes throughout of Nona wondering who she is. i really do think that this narrator has to be Alecto somehow or on some level, maybe because of Harrow falling asleep in the Tomb at the end of HtN?
also hammocks made of ‘baby-soft skin’. Ew. 
and an interesting point of reference, John’s eyes are explicitly black w/ white rings on them, so this dream is set after Alecto becomes his cavalier. although it might mean nothing, it’s also very interesting considering just how significant eye colour has been that the torchlight makes the white ring ‘a satiny gold’, given his eyes were originally gold - i wonder if it might have something to do with the type of shared Lyctorhood he and Alecto have going on?
honestly if someone came on the internet showing off that they could control dead bodies or whatever, i would think it was a deepfake or some other trolling as well. i love that apparently there are still Flat Earthers around despite having the tech to have some kind of space station on Mars existing
its ironic people calling him the Antichrist initially, given that he eventually adopts the exact opposite vibe of being a deity. and the whole religious/God/Christ associations aren’t even something that he solely adopted post-Resurrection himself either, even here people, and John’s group of friends, are explicitly comparing him to Jesus and using Christianity as a basis of what to do
and uh yeah, realistically someone broadcasting that they can raise the dead and heal everyone would probably be considered a cultist not just by the government, but by most people honestly 
and we’ve got A— Junior, (presumably) Alfred, joining the team as well, who apparently went from being a hedge fund manager in one life to swordfighting in the next. wild. 
‘she’d adored being a cop’ i like Pyrrha well enough so far, but yikes 
even though John’s still getting to grips with his powers, and can’t do proper resurrections yet, he still seems a lot more powerful than other necromancers later, given he’s able to build an entire wall out of perpetual bone, something which from what I remember Harrow treated as a massive achievement at the end of GtN 
what the actual fuck did those cows and sheep do to you man!!! is this why Canaan House has all that horned skull imagery, as like a weird little tribute to how cow murder contributed to him becoming Emperor. maybe the real cow murder was the friends that we made along the way
‘they treated us like we’d done some kind of huge crime’ MY DUDE.
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idontcaboose · 3 hours
Haunted car au, pt 6
The next part is fighting me a bit, so I will just post this one for now.
Duke reeeaalllyyy does not get paid enough for this.
Good news, he was able to get the names of the dealers and suppliers and also narrowed down the places of interest to three warehouses. All he had to do was drop that info onto the server for the night crew, and that was that, not his problem anymore.
Bad news, the car is becoming his problem.
When Duke entered the cave, he could see the wheels turning, and not in a sick burnout way Jason does anytime he gets behind the wheel, they were just turning left and right. Then to add more insult to Duke's attempt at ignoring it, the car opened its driver door in what may have been a mockery of a greeting. Honestly, Duke could have also ignored that but then it seemed to fucking Panic and set off its own alarms and proceed to flail all the doors open and reverse to the point that the back wheels made it off the platform and into the gutter that runs though the cave. If Duke was a betting man, and he was, he would bet that whatever possessed or replaced the Batmobile was so incompetent that he had to worry more about Its safety from the Batfam. Whether that was protection from arrest or adoption is still up in the air.
Either way, this is becoming Duke's problem. He is really not paid enough for this. Time to calm down a sentient car.
“Hey, car buddy? You ok?”
Duke wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was talking to a car of all things, but absolute silence wasn’t it. Was this thing going to try to play car now? After everything that just happened? Duke slowly walked up to the driver's side door and looked in for the green blob person, only to see them in the back seat sprawled out. Duke tried to not think too hard while putting the car back in its spot, but the list of facts he has so far kept ticking.
1. The Batmobile has a new passenger or has been replaced
2. The thing/person is not good at hiding, so probably not a villain plot
2a. If it is a villain plot, they got the absolutely wrong person to do it
2aa. Possible meta forced to spy?
3. The person just freaked out so hard they fainted after setting off the Batmobile alarms.
4. Alfred will know what to do right?
5. Try to communicate again with the person in the car.
It didn't take long for the blur on the backseat to shift again. Luckily they didn't immediately jump into the driver's seat, where Duke still sat. Duke turned to look in the backseat, time to start this interrogation.
“Hey, you ok?” Duke was happy that he was able to see the head nod that the fuzzy blur gave.
“That's good. Now, I can't see you too well, but we can work out some basic questions, alright?” Another head nod answered him.
"Are you in danger? Like, did someone force you to do this?” The head shake that was produced shook the car. Duke internally sighed in relief, not a villain plot or meta trafficking gone wrong.
“So this was just an accident, and I am guessing you are now stuck?” Duke knew he was not as good at body language reading as the others, but the wave of embarrassment and resignation this blob was giving off confirmed that whoever/whatever this is, was not a total threat.
As usual tag list!
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @atinygracie
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cryminiz · 2 days
hot take or w/e: 99% of the main events of apology tour, tbh, would be better if the positions were switched.
because when you say "stoliz breakup arc where person A calls the other out for always making the relationship about sex and has an entire breakdown about how they feel the other person has never fully appreciated them in the relationship and never felt respected while the other person gets a reality check over their actions and has to realize how badly theyve been treating them" then its blitz on stage and stolas in the crowd. its the only way the plot makes sense
regardless of the whole "guys they were secretly childhood friends and um blitz was the one who actually made the first move to sex even if stolas literally leads with 'so you wanna fuck me????' so its all blitz's fault their relationship is just sex" Thing in s2 ep1.... it was stolas' idea to make their transaction of the book sexual.
he was literally the one going "hey btw i need my book back but you can keep borrowing it...... IF you fuck me into the bed until i cant see straight you sexy little fucking imp" so atp whoever first started the sexual aspect of their relationship is moot. stolas is the one who escalated it into a toxic benefits deal.
stolas is the one who consistently goes "my widdle sexy imp" and "blitzy witzy come fucky wucky with me" to ""playfully"" demean blitz without realizing how the imp doesnt actually like it. he has the power in the situation who just assumes blitz is cool with their relationship and the way he treats him.
stolas is the one who doesnt think about the societal implications of their relationship, because he puts himself in romantic daydreams and uses blitz as a coping mechanism to distract himself from how much he hates his life. he wont even consider blitz's complicated feelings on their dynamics from his perspective as an imp without stolas shutting it down like "hm, you sound TOO much like striker, so byeeee!" hes the one who needs a wake up call!
and while blitz is obviously not innocent in this relationship (avoiding intimacy, taking any chance he can get to escape dealing with his problems, blowing up and projecting his insecurity onto others instead of discussing his problems, keeping secrets, twisting it where it hurts to 'gain' one in an argument even if he doesnt mean it, etc)....
hes SOOOOO getting fucked over in this relationship. and currently, being in such a sex centered relationship with a power imbalance only serves to justify his own self-mantra that he has to be useful in order to be loved! he deserves to have a moment where he actually shakes off all of his insecurities and screams out I DESERVE BETTER! for once in his life. and not just turning to drinking or drugs or sex or living vicariously through millie and moxxie; really just screaming in front of a whole crowd like FUCK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO SHITTY!!! FUCK YOUUUUU
tldr; tops deserve rights actually and sometimes you gotta put a bottom in their place
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bartythebastard · 1 day
its so funny to me watching any sort of mystery or crime show when they have to ask a professor or scientist of some sort about some mythical or supernatural concept, because they make the expert of the subject (whoever they may be) a huge denier and super confused and questioning as to why someone would ask about this. like i know the reason they're doing it is the same reason someone smoking weed is super paranoid everyone knows they've been smoking, coz we as the audience know whats going on and we think the expert might catch on. they wont, they'll at most just assume our main character is researching for a paper or a book, and they'll probably be more excited to share their theories and thoughts with someone who also has enthusiasm on the subject. we forget that these people are just massive fucking nerds and probably cannot WAIT to explain why and how an ancient greek summoning spell would work or whatever. but god forbid we show people deemed as high intellectuals being anything other than the stereotype of pristineness and pompous intelligence we've set for them. "you do know this is...fake...right?" if i was trying to write a book concerning elements of ancient egyptian mythology and i asked about that bitchass heart and feather scale and some professor hit me with that stupid fucking question, i might genuinely throw hands like are you serious just give me the answer. in fact, more of these mfs need to start just saying they're writing a book about it but nooooooo they all just ask stupid questions and pretend to be students or something, come on you little freaks have INCENTIVE
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moeblob · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to Ferdinand von Aegir!
I actually made 33 emotes, affectionately known as Aegirglyphics to some, for my own personal use on discord. However, I figure why not share some of them! They're free to use for discord servers/icons/pfps or whatever. However, my only request is Do NOT use them as subscriber emotes on Twitch. You can make them free follower emotes but you are not to make them locked behind a paywall.
#fe three houses#ferdinand von aegir#discord emotes#i thought long and hard about this bc idk the actual want for emotes i made ages ago but#i still love my son and its his bday ad so i should be nice and share#since i no longer have nitro and can no longer use them myself#the fact i can technically post 30 at once was tempting but#some of them arent living up to my standards and also just might not be easy to use in most contexts#so those im gonna skip on lol#whoever wants 21 aegirglyphics tho have at em#i think i might have posted some before? but only 10 and i dont recall which ones#if you want a secret the last three and the middle on the second row are my favorites to use#i used concernednand (the upper one) so much#the internet concerns me guys it was a valid use every time#debated sharing heartnand but honestly the world could benefit from it imo because gotta spread that love#fun lil trivia i love making emotes and so when i was in a server and people knew me as the ferdinand fan and artist#someone was like why hasnt salmon made a ferdinand emote yet#and im like bc i dont run the server and i cant just demand they add my art#and then a mod was like i didnt wanna put pressure on salmon but i thought about it so i was like bet#and then drew a server exclusive happy ferdinand emote#and that was the start of me somehow being able to have like.... ten emotes in that server#some of them were just me joking and then mods encouraging me#cause i used to use felix for every single art prompt theyd give and one week someone said the prompt was pog#and i just was so upset because dude why would i wanna draw felix for that hes not pog#so a mod was like hey if you make a pog felix emote we ill add it to the emotes here#so i once again was like bet and then posted it and then they really added it lmao#anyway sorry for so many rambles please feel free to use them on discord in whatever server#i cant really expect everyone to credit me but also im not really concerned since i fear people know my nands a mile away
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 month
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Aaaaaah I know I've been talking abt this art for like 3 days but I FINISHED IT HEEHEE 💖💘💖💘💖💘💖 The thought behind this was Cherry was getting mugged during their walk back to her apartment cuz Townsville be like that, and this is the moment Mojo swooped in to her rescue (How did he know it was happening? He deeeefinitely wasnt spying on them lol) ANYWAYS ENJOY If you want more thoughts look at my tags!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
[[🧡 Reblogs and comments are all seen and very appreciated!! 🥺 Tag list below the cut, check out my pinned for my taglist form! 💙]]
@absentmoon @ava-ships @bee-ships @beetleboyfriend @berryshipbasket @canongf @clawfull @cloudyvoid @derelictdumbass @dissonantyote @edencantstopfallininlove @final-catboy @flowering-darkness @gible-love-nibles @nagirans @hoppinkiss @hotrodharts @hyperionshipping @iwishihadfangs @iyamifucker @judetama @lex-n-weegie @lficanthaveloveiwantpower @little-miss-selfships @little-shiny-sharpies @loogi-selfships @mandrakebrew @mintpecks @mothfinite @mrs-kelly @nameless-self-ships @orbitingaroundyourlove @nerdstreak @paper-carnation @p-i-t-s @qilinkisser @reds-self-ships @rexscanonwife @rotten--cotton @ship-trek @spacestationstorybook @squips-ship @toogayforthistoday @winterworlds
#my art#💜: loving you's a felony#🍒🧬: emotional processing lag#self ship#oc x canon#self shipping#self ship community#self insert#fictional other#mojo jojo#okay with organization tag outta the way. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖#GUYSSSSSSSS THIS ART WAS SO FUCKING FUN 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#i have NEVER done lining like this before and messing with line thickness was a fucking blast!!!!!#ALSO HATCHING. FIRST TIME DOING HATCHING AND THAT WAS ALSO RLY FUN 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#and of course oho. ohoho OHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#ive definitely talked about it on the blog before right. the idea of him being sooooooooo protective 💀💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#like whoever the assailant is here is DEFINITELY BOUTTA DIE LOL 💖#i hope i did good on the expressions but i mean i rly love it!!! 😳💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#also the way that cherry's a little roughed up. i like to think that they just tripped trying to get away 😂#like the person mugging them had very little to do with actually causing those scuffs. doesnt change how definitely dead they boutta be 😳#anyway whoo hooooooooo here it is i am so happy with it it was so fun and its making me so 😳😳😳 i hope yall like it too!! 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖#also last thing sorry for shitty hotel room lighting hrnsnzhf it was all i had to work with but I tried my best 😂💀😂💀
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bfdifan26 · 6 months
can you draw some seven x nine art
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listen to valentine by laufey then youll understand (also keep giving me requests today i like to see it as giving people presents)
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handsomejack-ingoff · 4 months
so in episode 1 of tales. where did vaughn and rhys get the handcuffs. huh.
did they just. have them??? did vaughn just come out of his room like "ok rhys im ready for pandora!!" and he randomly handcuffed the briefcase to his wrist and rhys was like "???? where did you get thos" and vaughn interrupts like "OK RHYS IT SEEMS LIKE WE'RE READY!!! LETS GO DOWN TO PANDORA TO MAKE THAT DEAL. NO TIME TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS"
or like. did rhys have them. did he see vaughn holding the briefcase of money and go "hm. he needs a bit if freakiness to his fit" and just. put vaughn in cuffs??
how did they decide who would be cuffed to the money. because rhys seems like. the infinitely better option here
i mean. come on. rhys has a super strong robot arm and also isnt so small and lightweight that he'd blow away in a breeze, like vaughn would
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sanitizarium · 4 months
having played side order i really dont get all the posts about it being The Horrors for eight like. this is enrichment for them!!!!!! eight fun!!!!!!!! like sure the first run is probably stressful considering the stakes but after that i think theyre going Yaaaay ^_^ yippee! :3 up the spire.. eight love violence in controlled environments
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strwbrymlkshake · 1 month
you can wish grave misfortune onto anyone who likes your beloved too much its ok. violence wins hate wins etc. any actions you take will always upset someone in this world so you might as well have fun doing them
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Thinking thoughts again guys.
Thinking about Ganke (42)
More SPECIFICALLY thinking about Ganke as Doc Oct. Or at least, a variant.
I MEAN COME ON!!! TRYING TO GET ACROSS DIMENSIONS?? STUDYING THAT SHIT? That may be more of a 1610 Miles thing but I like to think that both Ganke"s are REALLY interested in it too. Or at least 42 is.
I feel like with the way their world is too, 42 Ganke is more likely to get a position at Alchemax. At the very LEAST for their science and tech and ease of access to stuff for his own projects.
But like. Come on. Look at him.
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I just wanted to show that picture...
Assuming we know nothing(or little) about this Ganke's parents, is it too daring to think that, perhamps, his mother is Doc Oct? Or father, if we're being different. Just A PARENT in general?
And maybe I just like projecting onto them, but also maybe like... do you see what I'm getting at. Her ass probably hates kids. And isn't easily impressed. So imagine having a kid you probably don't even want (for science? Maybe.... more angst potential..) and he grows up absolutely DESPERATE to please you and get told that you're proud of him and that he's enough. And then he gets to an age where he no longer has to rely on you (or other people, her ass did nothing to raise him), and he starts thinking for himself, and since you're all bad and evil and stuff you realize something.
This whole entire time, the past thirteen long, dreadful years of your life, you haven't been using your full potential.
You have a pawn right at your fingertips.
A young mind full of turmoil and the overwhelming need to please you.
Someone who can be easily molded.
You have a tool.
Just sitting on the couch right in front of you. An entire person of just wasted potential. One who was sat on his ass for his entire life and done nothing (in her opinion)
And if you're all evil and bad, what are you gonna do with that information?
You're going to use it.
"Hey son I know I haven't really talked to you since your birthday three years ago but how would you like an opportunity to get close to the very grand and very loving mother that I suddenly am?"
He's going to say yes. That's like giving a mouse a cookie.
The chance to be with his mom some more? To finally get the chance to prove to her that he is worth loving? The answer might as well be a flashing neon green sign. Capital letters. Y-E-S. Because why wouldn't he
So she starts training him, in small ways at first, going easy on him since he's still just a boy, really, but gradually working him up with harder and harder tasks and missions until he's finally earned himself a pair of his own robotic octopus arms (that he had to engineer and build himself)
And FINALLY for ONCE in his fucking LIFE he is making his mom PROUD OF HIM. He finally gets the love, the praise, the appreciation he's craved ever since he was a toddler.
Ooh, and he's doing such a good job hacking into top secret shit and files and such a good job stealing and doing his mother's dirty work and-- what's this?
There's this new kid on the block.
Apparently, the old Prowler's retired. His alliance fell through. And the new Prowler? His loyalty has completely flipped. Motives, too.
Instead of aiding them in raids and taking out enemies, he's now actively ATTACKING them and foiling their missions.
Instead of being a villain like the rest of them, he's suddenly trying to get RID of the villains?
The fuck is this guy's problem.
Who does he think he IS suddenly poking his nose into shit he DOESNT belong in?? SCREWING UP GANKE'S CHANCE WITH HIS MOM!!! The chance he's been waiting SIXTEEN YEARS FOR! Oh, he's pissed.
He overhears hears his mom talking at a meeting about a plan to try and lure and trap this kid to get him off their asses (he's a master at sneaking and eavesdropping at this point.. even just to hear his mother's voice and think up ways he can make her like him) and he decided that this is his moment. His calling. His purpose.
That very night, he decides to make the Prowler (junior, as they're calling him) his very own personal mortal enemy.
But little does he know
The guy he's constantly trying to kill every night?
His roommate.
Yeah, The Prowler Junior(™️) is his high school roommate and (soon to be) certified best friend.
Blah blah blah they fight all the time oh but now they're chill and- I just blinked why are you guys kissing and holy hell your mother found out and tells you that you don't deserve your last name and will never live up to your potential (which, she claims she knew this, which is why she gave him his father's last name and not her own. Lee.) and you're fighting with Miles again and yet oh God now you've been disowned and have to go to him for help Oh No That's Bad What.
Do you see the appeal. I need to draw him. And make more of this AU. What should I call it? I'll be thinking.. also open to suggestions I'm Bad at naming stuff......
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frevandrest · 9 months
Why are Girondins so annoying?
Lmao, Robespierre, is that you?
Seriously, tho... Not sure why (if?) others find them annoying so I can't comment on that (I have some ideas, but I can't speak for others). Personally, I am not an expert on Girondins so I don't focus on them so much. I don't think they were "the best option" (not with the whole "protect propertyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!1111" shit that they had going on), and I disagree with a lot of stuff, though I do think some of them had some based takes.
But honestly? I am mostly annoyed at today's (mis)understanding of Girondins and flop takes that come with it. They are somehow remembered as these level-headed, "good" revolutionaries who want change but through democratic TM and not violent means... When they are the group who advocated for the fucking war that claimed hundreds of thousands of people (and also messy bitches who attacked their opponents - they were not somehow above that stuff).
Look. I love learning and researching frev. I like it even when the content is difficult or when I disagree with historical people. It's just so interesting to me. But I have a short patience for flop takes about frev that are just factually incorrect but try to sound profound (or, worse, like activism). Bad "feminist" takes are there, but also a lot of bullshit and misinformation about other things. Liking Girondins is often not about Girondins at all - it is about criticizing Montagnards, which is often based on incorrect info (biased Anglo takes, Thermidorian takes, horribly inaccurate online takes, etc.) If one wants to hate frev/Montagnards/Robespierre/whoever, be my guest, but at least be correct about it. Unfortunately, Girondins attract a lot of bad/incorrect takes precisely because of their reputation as "good" revolutionaries, which means people interpret them through today's lens, which in turn makes it very, very annoying to read.
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outism-had-a-purpose · 10 months
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The crowd (@pinanolada) has requested the limbus dregs! Ask, and they shall receive it.
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Woe, mirror Ryoshu be upon ye.
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I don't like this snagharpoon Ishy design much though. Is there a harpoon apparel and something that looks like her headband in FR? Without it she does not give off Ishmael vibes.
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