deanbeve · 2 years
Mi más bonita casualidad
¿Sabes que es lo más bonito de las casualidades?
Que no te esperas nada de lo que pueda pasar, todo viene de manera desprevenida y puede ser bonito o catastrófico, pero tu amor, eres una casualidad y de las más bonitas que me han podido pasar.
Te conocí pensando que podríamos llegar a ser buenos amigos, que no pasaría más nada entre nosotros dos y desde el momento en que te sentaste a mi lado en el restaurante, pensé: No quiero separarme de él, me gusta sentir su olor y su calor a mi lado.
He de admitir que estaba confundida porque te analizaba pensando, ¿será diferente? ¿es de verdad alguien tan especial como me hace ver?
A medida que pasaba el tiempo, sentía miedo, pero no por algo terrorífico. Sentí miedo de que llegará hora de despedirnos porque pensaba: ¿Volveremos a vernos? ¿Le habré gustado como persona? No sé… eras tan diferente, que me esperaba cualquier cosa.
Desde ese día, el 03 de noviembre, intenté pensar en otras cosas, como que no me gustabas y todo era cosa del momento, pero joder, no era capaz de sacarte de mi cabeza, de dejar de hablarte y de mirarte cuando hablabas.
Al final, cuando me besaste después de vernos varios días, sentí algo dentro que no sabría explicar. Llámalo fuegos artificiales, no lo sé.
Era como si estuvieras destinado a estar conmigo, en ese beso sentí amor, cariño, tristeza… tantas emociones en un momento que me imaginé, quiero estar con él toda la vida y después de dos meses, afirmo que necesito estar contigo toda la vida.
Dirás, que loca, no sabes lo que dices, solo han pasado dos meses. No es así, no lo pienso a la ligera, eres la persona que quería a mi lado y lo tengo claro. Tienes todo aquello que necesitaba en un hombre y eres todo eso que me completa para ser la mujer más feliz hasta ahora.
Por eso y por mil razones más, te digo que te quiero amor y eres mi mas bonita casualidad
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spotforme · 10 months
in the universe where all my shows exist in the same timeline, it's good to have something like Ghosts to springle throughout everything. for example, Fanny, she was in and about England, a family friend of Jeeves's of course. and that weird airport coup that Pat was caught up in? Thrush's doing.
though it still trips me up a bit that mash happened before any of mfu, but the nice thing with that is because Waverly seems so old, i can assume he and Henry Blake had some pretty good times, they're both american after all.
just rambling, don't mind me. i've said this before but Captain (james?) must have have some off days from the military during the 20s, might've gone sight-seeing, there he witnessed Biffy shattering that window and being dragged away by the police.
and just for fun, i'm gonna say that the Gays (Bertie's parents) were on that ship from 1899 (the not empty one)
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smak-annihilation · 9 months
this is about the best thing I have ever heard of ever, anyone can join! awesomesauce! :D :D :D
@acursedpink @zoeythebee @olivertreeofficial @queenoclowns @the-prince-of-vaillancourtia @ultimateedgelord3073 @xer0her0 @juliawithay @sevenredsuuns @seattlesea
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nightfallsystem · 2 years
Me: hmm. I can't tell who's fronting
Me: *tries to type but it's fucking awful*
Me: oh yeah. Basil
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galpal-galaxy · 6 days
I have veen recently thinking about last year and remembert a strange course of events including a spider. I don't actually remember when it happened but i was in the washroom doin some think turned around and it was there a big black spider just...standing there not moving not doing anything it didn't even disapear as i turned around. So i asked my mom and she caught it in a match box and took it out side. Now that woudn't have been strange at all spiders some times apear inside houses and they aren't harmfull most of the time there isn't a reason to be scared of them nor harm them(unless you live in an area where spiders are dangerous and shouldn't be interacted if possible, where i live there is just one species of venomus spider and that one unless you have an allergic reaction it just causes pain infllamation of the bite area) and i though that was that...it wasn't it came back a few days later and again it was just standing there nothing else just standing there infront of me. Now once encountering the same spider( know it was the same one it was missing a part of it's leg ) is not noteworthy and twice is but after that when we of course relised it outside again my mom saw it there when she was talking about it with a friend out side. Same as before just standing and staring but this time it must have gotten tired of them talking about it as it left while they where talking. And then it came back the one and last time in the strangest of ways. While my parent where away i was staying in they're room as my room was under going some changes. Now it didn't apear while i was staying in it but after my parents came back my mom was in the room when it crawlet from under the bed and begun scuttling around like it owned the plase. She caught it again and relised it some where further from the hose as it hasn't been seen since. I know this may sound made up but to me this wierd expiriance looking back is kinda funny and i wanted to share it.
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dogblight · 1 year
I do not want to go to the doctor tomorrow.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 4 months
Having a nightmare
Lucien x reader , Eris x reader
Summary: this is what I did already for Cassian, Az and Rhys :)
- Lucien wakes up when he feels you whriting in his arms. Your breathing pattern a little faster and your brows softly furrowed
- He doesn’t want to wake you up at first, so he tries to calm you down from the nightmare by softly tracing the lines of your furrow with his fingers. He tries to be so gentle with you and whispers some soft “sh’s”.
- When you don’t seem to calm down Lucien would also try things like humming a calming melody or extending the traces from your face to your hairline.
- When you calm down he kisses your cheek, savoring the comfort of your smell
- But when your nightmare starts to get worse and you begin to murmur and sweat a little, he gets truly worried and wakes you up
- “Y/N, love, hey wake up” he whispers. “No please, please no” you say in your sleep. “Y/N honey, it’s a dream, you’re dreaming” he tries louder.
- You jolt awake and Lucien immediatly grabs your cheek, rubbing it softly. You still seam a little confused, looking at him like you don’t know where you are. He feels the sting of sadness and fear through your mating bond
- “It’s me, Lucien, you’re safe here with me baby, don’t worry everything’s okay”
- Tears start to form in your eyes. “I.. I.. I thought…” you stumble on your words but Lucien’s loving strokes in your hair comfort you a little. “I thought you were gone, you.. you were dead.. you..” you breath out
- “It was all a dream honey, I’m here with you and I’m not going anywhere, ever” he murmurs. “Promise?” you ask. “Promise” Lucien answers with a smile on his pretty plump lips.
- You lean in for a kiss and lay your hands over his broad torso, pulling him closer to you. His long hair tickling your face softly, in the most comforting way possible .
- He would be a little more panicked, not knowing what to do at first when you wake up with tears in your eyes breathing heavily
- “Baby, are you okay? What did you dream about?” he asks worried.
- “Nightmare” was the only thing you could breath out. “Oh baby, don’t worry, I’m here with you, kay?” he sighs with a sad loving look on his handsome face. His big hands intertwining with you hair. Grabbing your face to bring it closer to his. Giving you a soft kiss.
- “I love you” he sighs into your lips. You could not stop crying, sadness overtaking your body.
- But Eris grabs your hips gently, pulling your body closer to his. Now your leg is over his legs and you push your face in his neck, crying softly against the soft skin.
- You stay there, crying for a while with his strong arms around your hips, his fingers tracing circles on the lower half of your stomach. The soft sound of autumn rain falling outside of your bedroom. Safe, in his arms.
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Heyyy , can you whrite something about JustinxRamona ( maybe Ramona doing Justins hair). I know its not one of the ships you usually recive.
First thank you for the support during my break up but I’m glad to say I’m getting over it but still thank you
Anyway omggggg these two are so cute but I do want to apologize in advance for any future fics with these two that might be smutty because I don’t know how to write lesbian smut.
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
Ramona never gave much thought to how her hair looked. If she had the energy maybe she’d brush it out but other than she just let it be.
Justine on the other hand was obsessed with doing her hair, so much so that the O’hair twins would always joke that maybe she was the next Rapunzel and not them.
Every morning she’d wake up early and take at least an hour for her hair. Ramona always chalked it up to being princess typical behavior, yet there was something endearing about it.
She didn’t know what but she just always wished she could run her fingers through the girls thick locks while they talked about everything and nothing.
So she had decided, when Justin woke up that morning, Ramona would be ready and up to do her hair however the girl wished.
It was easier said than done of course, growing up with the big bad wolf hair care and styling weren’t a priority and even her mum hasn’t taught her that much.
And obviously she couldn’t ask for advice from anyone else. Imagine the damage it would make on her reputation if someone find out she was trying to research hair styling.
So Ramona had went to the library. And to say the frequent quests such as Dexter, Rosabella, Humphrey were surprised to see her was an understatement.
But in the end Ramona felt 99% sure that she could pull of a good braid, maybe add some pins and clips if Justine was up to it.
Now all she had to do was wait for the princess to wake up.
Like clock work, the sing song birds flew by Justine’s window, singing in her ear until the princess arose from her sleep.
But before she could do anything else she paused as she saw her roommate sitting by her vanity a brush and pins in hand.
“Oh! Good morning Ramona. Had good dreams?” She slipped out of bed with a tired yawn, looking at the ballet slippers she needed for class.
“Oh yes the greatest dreams.” Justine rolled her eyes softly while standing behind Ramona. She noted the odd look on her roommates face as she approached.
“Is there anything you need?” Ramona mentally slapped herself, obviously this looks suspicious to her. She probably thinks she was trying to steal something.
“Uhh yeah… I was wondering if I could… test something out.”
“Like what? I’m open to suggestions.”
“Maybe I could- I could braid your hair?”
There was a silence as the two girls stared at one another for a while, neither knowing what to say next.
Ramona started to think this was bad idea before Justine beamed and hugged her from the back. “Oh that would be lovely!”
“Of course.”
“… ok yeah umm sit.”
Ramona promptly got up from the vanity, pushing the chair out for her roommate. Justine sat with a bounce of glee, she wouldn’t admit it but she always wanted to know what this would feel like.
Picking up a comb with intricate carvings of flowers and ballet shoes, Ramona started to section Justine’s hair in three.
She didn’t realize it but as she combed and brushed through each strand, she was touching Justine’s hair with a delicacy that she didn’t know she had.
Justine sat there patiently, her eyes fluttering shut as the girls fingers ran through her hair. Her mind becoming fuzzy from that warm feeling bubbling inside.
As Ramona went on with the plating, she winced at the messy outcome. Baby hairs sticking out and pieces of the braid all different sizes from each other.
She tried not to look at it too long as she went on, knowing that if she did the urge to start over would overwhelm her.
Justine lost in her bliss from the running fingers didn’t even realize that Ramona was tying the end of.
Seeing as the princess had yet to open eyes, Ramona wondered if she should put the pins in. One was with a craving of a wolf and the other a wildflower.
Neither seemed to be the type that Justine would wear so she pocketed the pins. But before she could let go of them Justine’s hand was on hers.
“I want the pins in.” Ramona thickly nodded, softly turning to face her as she stuck one pin at the base of the braid and the other at the mid end.
“Thank you. It’s really pretty.” Ramona knew that she was probably lying but she couldn’t deny the warm bloom that sparked in her heart as Justine gave her smile before standing up.
She inspected the braid, wincing as pieces of hair fell out the braid. It probably wouldn’t last long but at least it was there now.
And as she turned to gather her things there was only one thing in mind. She would do anything to have Ramona to do her hair again.
Like I said thank you for the support and please forgive me in advance for the horrible lesbian smut that might be requested
Anyway new fic on Tuesday but idk how well I’ll be able to post considering that I’ll be in the middle of know where in the mountains
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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hustparovoz · 6 months
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Ive drawn some silly things on @absurdumsid 's whiteboard and now I'll go to sleep it's 3 am-
I forgot how to write, Im writing the word 'write' like whrite I'm getting stupid and my english is getting worse
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
can u pwease whrite yandewe mike wazowski? uwu 👉👈 🥺
Go outside. Feel grass.
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rumple04 · 1 year
Alchemy & Late Shows
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OS Reader x Christoph Waltz
(Only fluff, no smut)
Inspired by “Emotional Interview” by @headoverhiddles
You are late to the studios of Jimmy Kimmel's Late Show. The traffic jams on the streets of New York got the better of your organization. You hate arriving late, especially when you are not responsible for it. Hair in the wind you hurry to join your dressing room so that the make-up artists try to hide your drawn features due to fatigue. Tonight, like every past and upcoming nights this week, you have to promote a film in which you shot. Yesterday you were alone against David Letterman, tonight at Jimmy Kimmel's and tomorrow at Jimmy Fallon's. Fortunately, tonight and tomorrow you are not alone since you are accompanied by your co-star Christoph Waltz. It is also the moment you come out of your dressing room perfectly prepared with a bun that you see it waiting in the backstage, tapping from the heel.
- Hi Christoph, you say as you approached to kiss him.
- Hi y/n, how are you?
- I was stuck in traffic jams at the height of Grande Avenue, I thought I would never arrive on time ! And you?
- I would rather be everywhere else than here, in fact. But I'm glad to see you.
You blush at these last words. You've been blushing for months at every sweet attention of your co-star. And, in fact - you've been trying for months to hide what you feel deep inside.
- Everywhere else, are you sure? Even in the burger restaurant where Joe (Whrite, the director of the film you just shot) brought us to last week?
- ... don't say that. But really, Kimmel's interviews...
- I know... Get ready, tomorrow is Fallon’s one.
- Dear me...
You know how much, Christoph hates these big Late Show, you don't like them so much either. Like him, promoting your work is not what you like to do the most, but you can't help but have a certain enthusiasm for sharing these shows with him. A man approaches to hang the microphones on your clothes. Christoph is always perfectly dressed. You think that you haven't seen him a single day badly dressed since you worked with him. Perfectly ironed shirt, perfectly cut pants, well-cut suit shirt. You're not bad either with your fitted blouse and your long high-waisted skirt. Without consulting you before, your outfits are in the same shade of color. Another man signals us not to speak anymore because our microphones are activated, and in the same movement we are invited to move forward. You hear Kimmel announce:
- And now, I know that you expect them as much as I do. They are featured in the new drama period by Joe Whrite: Pride and Prejudice. A thunder of cheers for y/n and Christoph Waltz!
You walk on the stage, a polite smile for Christoph, a shy smile for you. Christoph signals you to sit down first, to which you answer a complicit smile towards the audience with a hand wave to mimic a fan.
- Ah Christoph, always so polite! I must tell you that I’m really happy to receive you tonight, says Kimmel when the public stopped the applause.
- And we are delighted to be there, you hasten to reply.
-Yes, we will say that, adds Christoph, winning the laughter of the public.
- But I hope you are happy to be there! This is not the first time you have come Christoph since I had the pleasure of welcoming you a few months ago for the release of Django Unchained, and you there some time ago for the release of Sense and Sensibility.
- Indeed, you answer.
- I saw your film, of course, and what a pleasure to see you both shoot together! What an alchemy! Did you like to play together?
- No, really not. I can't stand the presence of y/n. Ironizes Christoph, still winning the laughter of the public.
- Really? Ask for dazed Kimmel.
- Stupid question, stupid answer, adds Christoph, crossing his legs.
You smile at him timidly and look at yourself a few seconds before you decide to add:
- No, you’re right. We really enjoyed working on this project.
- And it shows, precisely we have a small excerpt to show you! Answer Kimmel by turning to the camera.
The screen above us then shows the first images that your production communicated for the promotion.
"You appear reading letters in an Old England-style living room. You hear ringing and get up. A maid opens the door and reveals Christoph who seems confused, stressed and eager.
- Forgive me. I hope you are better, he says, walking mechanically towards the fireplace with the missing air.
- I'm better, thank you. Aren't you going to sit down? Answer by sitting near the living room table.
He doesn't answer you and an embarrassing silence takes place. He remains standing as stressed as ever. He looks in turn at the emptiness and your eyes, then he takes the hundred steps. His discomfort is really palpable and you look at him not knowing what to say. He wants to say something but seems sick at the idea of opening his mouth. He sits down not letting go of your eyes. Then gets up. Finally, after a fierce internal struggle, he declares:
- In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
You remain speechless for several seconds in silence. He adds:
- By declaring myself in this way, I am fully aware of speaking against the judgment of my family, my friends, and I must say it - of my own judgment. The respective situations of our families are such that an alliance between you and me could only be perceived as highly reprehensible by society. My reason dictates me to consider it as such but I don't bring myself to it. No sooner had I met you than I felt an admiration and a passionate inclination for you that, despite my efforts - defeated any rational objection. I therefore beg you fervently to put an end to my suffering by agreeing to become my wife.
Eyes full of tears, you don't answer right away. Christoph is standing in front of you, in faith relieved to have delivered his burdens but at the same time anxious to see you not answer him right away. You finally answer:
- In such circumstances, I think it is customary to express gratitude, to feel gratitude. But I can't.
Christoph's shoulders sag slightly. He is hanging from your lips and it seems that this last sentence surprises and hurts him deeply. You add:
- I have never desired your affection and it is even reluctantly that you give it to me. I regret having caused you trouble but I did it unintentionally and I hope it will be short-lived, you add.
A heavy silence takes place in the room. He turns his back on you and joins the chimney on which he leans for a few seconds. Then straightens up. He is upset by your answer and turns to you.
- So this is the whole answer I would have the honor to receive. Can I at least know why I am repulsed with so little politeness?
- And can I know why with the obvious intention of offending me, insulting me you come to tell me that you love me against your will, against the concern of your reputation? ».
The screen turns off and you are covered with applauds from the public and Kimmel.
- Wow! It's breathtaking. What is the effect of dismiss Christoph?
You laugh and seem embarrassed. Christoph smiles gently and says nothing.
- This is only possible because it is written on the script, in fact ! You say by not daring to turn to your co-star.
- And you Christoph, how does it feel to be put back in place by y/n?
- My heart was just as broken as Mr. Darcy's, he replied to the heated applause of the public.
You laugh to hide the embarrassment you feel. You know that Christoph is joking, he always does it, but deep down you would like him to be simply delivering the bottom of his thought. Kimmel then adds to close the show:
- I am really delighted to discover you together in this new adaptation of Pride and Prejudice and I hope it marks the first collaboration in a long series. Ladies and gentlemen, y/n and Christoph Waltz!
You leave the stage and Christoph hastens to get rid of his microphone. You go side by side to your respective dressing rooms and he declares:
- Frankly, what did this interview bring? No relevant questions.
- It's true... you know that's what the public is always looking for. Showmen simply respond to the demand.
- You're right...
It stops at the height of your dressing room and you look at yourself for a few seconds. He adds:
- I would have invited you to eat somewhere but tomorrow is as busy for you as it is for me.
- Yes, unfortunately I think it would be wiser for us to go to bed early enough tonight. But we can see it at the end of the week, it would be a pleasure.
He doesn't answer, just smiles at you. He takes your hand and puts a kiss on it.
- See you tomorrow y/n.
Indeed, the day that awaits you is not easy. Each on your side has several trays to turn for the promo. It is only in the evening that you finally find yourself in Jimmy Fallon's studios. This is the last interview you have to give on your program. Unlike the day before you arrive early on site and while you are heading to your dressing room, some members of the technical team stop you to ask you for autographs and selfies.
- I'm really a fan of what you do. I love Jane Austen's adaptations and I find that your work really pays tribute to her, throws you a woman of engineer.
- Thank you very much, it's really nice!
- Can I ask you something?
- Yes, of course.
- Is... Christoph Waltz as grumpy as he lets it seem?
You can't help but let out a laugh. It's true that Christoph gives this impression. Moreover, he gives a lot of his person to always seem grumpy and sarcastic. However, this is not the attitude you know him on the set and behind the scenes. You don't want to undermine all the hard work of your co-star and you answer:
- He is adorable, but yes he is often grumpy!
The whole team laughs and with these words you enter your dressing room. It is only several minutes later, and after an intense makeup session that someone knocks on your door.
- Come in!
- So like that I'm grumpy? Announce Christoph by theatrically entering your dressing room.
- Wow, definitely the information circulates well here!
- Am I grumpy?
- I also said you were adorable!
- I hope so!
He smiles maliciously and comes to put a kiss on your forehead.
- We have to go, the team is waiting for us to put on the microphones, he says kindly.
You finish hanging your earring, you get up and you follow him. The team puts the microphones on you and just before he turns them on you touch Christoph's arm by whispering to him:
- Come on, it's the last one!
He smiles at you gently by placing his hand on yours. You don't have time to feel your heart beating the chamade you hear Jimmy Fallon announce to you.
- You loved him in Inglorious Basterds, and you loved her in Sense and Sensibility! They form an iconic couple in Joe Whrite's new adaptation of Pride and Prejudice! Ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure to welcome y/n and Christoph Waltz!
As the day before you enter the stage under a thunder of applaud and as the day before Christoph shows gallantry by letting you sit first. You find your colleague more relaxed than the day before.
- Wow! You are both beautiful, begins Fallon with a glittering smile. I'm really delighted to see you here!
- Same! You answer with a polite smile.
- You are definitely subscribed to the roles of the drama periods, aren't you?
- Maybe well, indeed. I'm not going to complain about it, it's an area that I really like both in audiovisual and literature.
- You Christoph, it's the first time we have seen you in this register. How does it feel to have played the legendary Mr. Darcy?
- It's...somewhat unexpected. I did not expect to one day be led to play such a "British" role as this one.
- And yet! You are brilliant in this role. Would you be interested in continuing to shoot films in this same register?
- I didn't know how to oppose it. What interests me is the story that a director has to tell. As long as I like the script and is good, I'm always in.
- The alchemy between the two of you is powerful. Did it feel on the set ?
Christoph lets you answer, his head slightly bent and a shy smile digging the wrinkle of his cheek.
- Uh... I think so. In any case, it's true that I had never felt such complicity on a set, you answer timidly.
The audience whistles at this statement and the musical group on the set plays some sexy notes. Fallon reacts:
- Wouuu! It's hot this way! Have you seen what is being said on social medias about you?
- Dear lords, answers Christoph. I don't have social medias and it's very good for me.
The audience laughs for several seconds after which you add.
- I'm on Twitter, but I was careful not to show him what is said there, you reply laughing behind your hand, timidly.
- It's very good because I have here some incredible tweets that concern you both.
- My god... answer Christoph by collapsing on his chair.
- Come on, I'm starting!
On the screen above them displays a screen of tweets :
"Who would have thought that an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice would be as hot as that of @y/n and Christoph Waltz?! ”
"Thank you @JoeWhrite for bringing us together @y/n and Christoph Waltz on a set! I don't know if I ship more Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy or literally the two actors! ”
"Joe Whrite: You're going to play the mythical couple of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy!
Literally Y/n & Christoph Waltz being the hottest couple of Jane Austen's universe. ”
You couldn't be more red and more delighted than right now. You turn - enthusiastic - to Christoph who against all odds wears a small satisfied smile. Jimmy Fallon notices it and adds on top of the enthusiastic applause of the audience:
- You see, there are not only bad things on social medias!
- I’m certainly satisfied to have done my job correctly, he answers a little timidly.
- You are incorrigible! But you are not as reserved on other TV sets. Replica Fallon bursting with laughter. I have a small excerpt to refresh your memory.
"On the same screen appears an excerpt from Christoph on Ellen DeGeneres' set. The latter declares:
- You have great complicity with y/n, it's quite striking on the screen. Did you feel it on the set?
- Yes, in fact I must admit that I even have a big crush on her...
Christoph smiles slightly and Ellen opens her mouth wide laughing to the applause of an amused audience. ”
- What do you have to declare in your defense, applies Jimmy Fallon?
- Absolutely nothing, answers Christoph with a smile.
- And you there y/n?
- You will never be able to laugh at Christoph, you say, turning to him.
He looks at you with great complicity and puts his hand on yours. Fallon does not pay attention to it and starts the end of the interview.
- You can find these two lovebirds on the bill of Joe Whrite's latest film Pride and Prejudice of which here is a short trailer. Thank you for coming tonight!
Under the applause you get up and go behind the scenes. You do not dare to speak while you reach your dressing rooms. As you approach yours, Christoph approaches you and asks you:
- Do you feel like coming to dinner with me tonight?
- With pleasure, Christoph...
You find him disturbed, and gently you put your hand on his arm:
- Is everything all right?
He looks at your hand on his arm and in the same movement grabs it and kisses you tenderly. You feel all your muscles relax one after the other. You realize that for several months now, your whole body has been tense and was only waiting for that. He barely detaches himself from you and whispers:
-I'm sorry... I've wanted to do this for a while.
- Don't apologize, I've been dreaming about it for months.
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Sorry for the bad hand whriting I have dylexia so it is difficult for me .
It is a little comics of Adeline Gardina Sarah who save Doll's life .
- Doll : i'm gonna die shit
* she faint*
- Doll : Who are you ? Where are we ? How I for here
( she is scared because she almost die )
- Adeline Gardina Sarah : don't worry , you were passed out when I found you outside . So I pick you up and heal you . You are in my house this is a old room ( this is Charlie's room )
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javiar · 1 year
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Scream & Whrite
Ryan Bloomer
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OMG, yes someone please whrite a story i really want to read that, anyway how was your day??
✨ the mystery of the frog anon ✨
my day was ok, i wanted to play the piano but my annoying music teacher got there before me and she sucks at piano so i was stuck listening to that instead
how was your day?
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luxashy · 1 year
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