#why am I having to consider this? oh no particular reason
Hey, I have an intersex Salandit, who i originally thought was male as he was a rescue from a shiny breeding operation, but it turns out Ruth has enough "feminine" hormones that he could potentially evolve and I'm wondering if there's possible health problems that come from everstoning a salandit? Conversely, if an intersex salandit evolves are there health problems that come with that?
I've obviously scheduled a follow-up appointment with the vet to discuss this topic, and Ruth has his own particular health problems to consider, but I'm curious about the in-general answer? I am kind of interested in having a Salazzle, but I definitely care more about what's best for my special little guy.
oh, that's really cool!
salandit are a really interesting kind of pokemon because of their unique social and evolutionary structure. the sex of a salandit is an important determining factor for its role as either the leader or a member of a harem. salandit are also pokemon that heavily favor the production of male offspring, because a salazzle needs a sufficient number of males to help protect her eggs.
what's really neat about this, though, is that salandit's sex chromosomes are distributed in a way that should result in a 50/50 split in sex: XY males, XX females. the reason why there ends up being more males in the end is because salandit can actually change their anatomical sex while in the egg based on the temperatures they're incubated at. in very warm environments, with more resources, salandit with XX eggs remain anatomically female, but in colder environments where ensuring as many eggs survive as possible is more important, up to 35% of XX eggs will hatch anatomically male. they produce sperm and are able to fertilize eggs, though they can only supply X chromosomes.
im betting that's what's going on with ruth, especially since breeding mills aren't known to always provide ideal hatching parameters. the main concern if ruth evolved would pertain to his sex organs; while evidence of XX male salandit evolving is very rare, a specimen that was tracked and captured post-evolution ended up reversing sex again, i.e. turning into an anatomically and genetically female salandit.
we just don't know enough about this particular situation to know if there are any adverse affects caused by this kind of evolution. however, the good news is that, with proper management, most salandit dont need to evolve! they do very well with an everstone and rarely experience evolutionary stasis (it tends to only occur in female salandit kept with a large number of males). your vet will talk to you about watching for signs of any issues, but i think ruth will probably be okay as a funky little salandit.
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jorvikzelda · 2 years
Where will the battle against Garnok be set?
^ This is a question I keep returning to lately, especially as the main story grows more and more intense. There has to be a grand face-off at some point, right?
In Starshine Legacy, Garnok was never truly released; the efforts to keep this from happening took place in Pandoria. The same applies to the first three books, though there, Garnok came closer to his return and the Dark Riders gave the Soul Riders far more trouble than in SSL. In SSO, we know with certainty that Garnok still resides in this Pandorian prison. Potential locations to battle Garnok include:
Pandoria. Unlikely and anticlimactic. It's where he's imprisoned; it is no show of power to wander into someone's cell and take them out with a stab in the back while they are in a weakened, restricted state. (That's not how the Druids think, obviously, but it is how the writers probably think; there's nothing epic about such a defeat.) Garnok's Pandorian residence is also probably heavily guarded by Pandorian beasts and Dark Core goons alike. They gave us trouble trying to rescue Anne, even when they had no use left for her; I doubt they'd let us off easy trying to get to Garnok. Our best hope trying to defeat Garnok in Pandoria would be luring him, and thereby the rest of Dark Core, to us - needless to say, a complicated and dangerous affair where we would run the risk of being the ones to let him loose on Jorvik, should we need to escape and accidentally pull him with us.
Devil's Gap. Severely unlikely and somewhat nonsensical. This used to make perfect sense (at least to me) - the implications that Devil's Gap held high concentrations of evil and danger gave strong associations with Garnok, the greatest evil known to Jorvik. Now that we know Devil's Gap to be the residence of the Vala - known protectors of Jorvik - this seems far likely. Their (most likely brief) alliance with at least one Dark Rider and the Druids' resentment towards them means, to me, that Devil's Gap isn't entirely off the list, but I don't really see it happening unless Dark Core manage bring down the Vala's presumably strong defences to let Garnok loose there. It may be noteworthy, though, that Galloper Thompson (or Gunnar Thrymson, if you prefer) has memories of a great tentacled monster attacking Jarlaheim.
Dark Core's headquarters. Did we ever find out in game what the portal is for? It seems to be dangerous - but at the same time, Katja seemingly appeared from it. In the books, it seems to be a gate to Garnok, or at least his powers. No matter, Dark Core's headquarters are a strong contender in my mind, especially if the battle and its location are out of our control. We may very well have to rush there at the last minute, only to arrive to Garnok already there and ready to wreak havoc on Jorvik the second he is directed towards the coast.
Anywhere by the ocean. Garnok's natural habitat seems to be deep under the sea. It's less likely he'd pop up in a random location than just... at the oil rig - but if Garnok's release is as much out of Dark Core's control as it is ours, rather being entirely of his own volition, he may very well appear anywhere he wishes. This is probably more likely than Mr. Sands believes it to be.
Pine Hill Manor. Wild card of the week! We haven't unlocked it yet, and I'm not sure it's even far south enough to fit within the reaches of the in-game map's greyed out area - in fact, there isn't even any water - but it is Mr. Sands' own personal headquarters. Perhaps it is here he has spent time communicating with, researching, Garnok. Perhaps this, not the oil rig's platform, is the place Garnok sees power (and most of all, vulnerability) in.
All of the above. Garnok, going by the books, seems to be just as much a shapeless, endless presence as he is a physical being. Perhaps the climactic battle will have us attempt and fail to stop his escape, and then follow him around Jorvik in a great race against time and the Dark Riders in an effort to bring an end to him once and for all. Garnok's release would not be a threat only to a small part of Jorvik - it would affect every piece of land and sea. A gameplay representation of that is not all too unlikely.
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a-very-tired-jew · 1 month
Conversations with a younger colleague about I/P conflict
In my department there is a grad student who is friendly with myself and a few others of the openly nerdy ecologists. We actively talk about anime, video games, TTRPGs, etc... We've also all collaborated on research together because we generally study the same thing, and being a grad student we are also letting them helm their own research to carve their own path. The research topic that links all of us is decomposition ecology.
Meaning, we study death, how it effects the environment, and all the things having to do with it. Often we have our own terms that we define and use, but we also work within the framework of various medical and legal definitions nationally and internationally. Recently this student has been talking to me about the I/P conflict because it has dominated their social media feed. Like many young adults, this is their first I/P conflict and their first exposure to anything regarding that region. As such, they have come to me to talk about things knowing that I am Jewish. Not out of maliciousness, but because I am the only person they talk to that has any sort of connection to it. Over these past months they have repeated the "genocide/Holocaust" rhetoric that we have seen Western Activists use to make the conflict the Worst Thing Ever. Our conversation went as follows: GS: I can't believe they're committing a Holocaust on them after what they went through. Me: How is it a Holocaust? GS: They're committing a genocide against the Palestinians. Me: They're not doing either one, but let's touch upon the first thing you said. How? GS: They're killing them in large numbers! Me: Oh...oh...that's not what made the Holocaust the Holocaust, you know that right? It was years of systematic dehumanization that culminated in what we know. There were death camps, torture, experimentation, and so much more than simple "killing in large numbers". GS: Damn public school education... Me: You didn't really go over it too much did you? GS: WWII was, like, a week I want to say. Me: *sigh* yeah, not surprised at all. GS: Okay, so a genocide then? Me: GS, what do we study? GS: Decomp Me: and that involves? GS: Death Me: One avenue of which is mass casualty events which a number of our friends have published on. GS: Yeah! I read those papers, they were really good. Me: They were, but do you remember conversations we had about them and what differentiates mass casualty events from one another? GS: Cause? Me: And...? GS: Shit. Intent. Me: Exactly. Has their been an official stated intent to commit any genocide? I mean, you've got the bigots in the government like Ben Givir and the shit they say, I'll give you that. But has the official stance been genocidal? GS: No. I don't think so. Me: What has it been? GS: To get the hostages back and get rid of Hamas. Me: Uh huh, and what has been Hamas's stated intent? GS: To kill Zionists. Me: And before 2017 when they changed the wording in their charter? GS: ah fuck...it's Jews isn't it? Me: Ding ding ding. GS: So that's why no one in the group has said it's a genocide... Me: Correct. Humanitarian crisis brought about by war? Yes. Mass casualty event? Certainly. But genocide? Well, there's a reason no one in our circle has endorsed the term. And remember, we're considered experts on death. GS: I got puppeted didn't I? Me: Yep. GS: Shit. The only reason this went so well is due to our friendship and mentor/mentee dynamic. They already trust me to not lead them astray, be informed, and address the holes in their knowledge. Hell, they help me be a better scientist as well with how they bring in new and novel techniques that I didn't know. But they're still getting a lot of their info from TikTok and IG, and they've talked about a lot of BS from those two particular apps these past few years. This is just the latest (they had a TikTok induced anti-GMO trend for a while, it was bad).
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Just any genshin or aot girls of your choice watching 50 shades of gray with their s/o
I had this idea and was giggling at the thought of Lisa being like “gives me idea cutie…”😭
(Genshin impact) Lisa, Eula, Jean, Lumine, Yae, Ei, Yelan, Rosaria, and Ayaka, and Shenhe watching Fifty Shades of Grey with their S/O
I feel like I would be in danger considering the characters that are on this post.
NSF-W Implications below the cut!
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(Lisa) "Oh my. This is an...interesting movie choice for us tonight, S/O."
S/O had shown Lisa many of these "movies". They ranged from comedic, serious, action-packed, name a genre, S/O would have it!
Though, she didn't predict "smut" to be on their movie library.
Part of her wonders if S/O was trying to tell her something by having this movie on tonight.
(Lisa) "You know, if you wanted to try something exciting in the bedroom, you could have just told me, dear.~"
Lisa teases as her fingers brush across their shoulder, giggling.
Lisa was highly amused by the movie, but can't help but wonder how anyone could've acted those scenes out with a straight face.
Well regardless, it definitely gave her some new ideas.
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(Eula) "...What on earth did you put on, S/O?!"
Eula is blushing madly as the movie goes on, eventually just shaking her head and pausing the movie straight up.
She did not mind the selection S/O usually put on during movie nights, but this was too far!
Her heart couldn't take it Eula had far more class than whatever the hell this was!
(Eula) "I refuse to watch something so indecent! S/O, put on a different film at once, lest you incur my wrath!"
This time, she actually means it.
The fact they specifically chose this movie changes Eula's view on S/O on...certain topics.
She tries her best to keep the movie's scenes out of her mind lest she succumb to becoming a flustered mess.
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Jean's face is blushing madly, her jaw slightly agape, and eyes wide open.
She could not peel her eyes off the screen, being completely speechless.
Jean does not look S/O in the eyes the entire duration, just remaining dead silent.
(Jean) "..."
It's only after the movie is done that she clears her throat.
(Jean) ahem "T-That...was an odd choice for a movie, tonight S/O."
She does not say a single thing about the movie other than that.
Jean's face is completely red, hoping that S/O wasn't going to say anything about it.
Barbatos help her, the movie is on her mind for at least then next week, even while at work.
Her flustered state gets worse when she envisions-
(Jean) frustrated sigh
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(Lumine) "...I think I would've liked an action movie better."
Lumine can't help but be a little flustered while watching the movie.
Especially with S/O sitting next to her as it goes on.
But it was made worse as Paimon was just sitting there, eating the popcorn.
(Paimon) "Uh...Paimon doesn't understand what's happening here. Why is she tied up?"
(Lumine) "Paimon, go get us some more popcorn. Now."
Paimon happily agrees to get more food as she shovels the remaining bucket into her mouth, leaving them alone.
Lumine crosses her arms and frowns at S/O.
(Lumine) "If you're trying to tell me something with this, I don't find it funny."
She would be taken more serious had her blush not completely overtaken her face.
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(Yae) "Oh, they turned that book you lent me into a theatre production? How risque."
Yae is highly amused by watching the scenes she read acted out.
She also notices how many differences there were between the film and novels.
(Yae) "Hm. They do not pounce on each other nearly as much as they did in the text. I do not know if I am disappointed or relieved..."
Nitpicking aside, she enjoys the experience of watching the movie and comparing the book.
(Yae) "I wonder how this would do if I were to publish this in house. Would many people read it, or would it be forgotten?"
She shrugs and looks back at S/O, a dangerous glint in her eye.
(Yae) "Nevermind that. Is there a particular reason you wanted to show me this, little one? I doubt it was solely because you wanted to see my reaction."
She laughs upon seeing S/O's face, her hand covering her mouth.
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Confusion, thy name is Ei.
There were so many questions she had throughout the movie, especially when it came to the spicier scenes.
(Ei) "Ana is getting tied up, is she about to be interroga-...Oh. They are naked. What exactly is happening to her?"
She just blinks in curiosity throughout the entire movie, her attitude barely shifting.
Ei feels like she has even more questions about what humans do in their off time than ever before.
(Ei) "Is this based off a true story? I do not feel like this is entirely healthy for humans to have. Unless we are the outlier?"
She doesn't really know what to think of the movie, honestly.
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(Yelan) "Well, this is as subtle as Ningguang throwing the Jade Palace at whatever's inconveniencing her that day."
Honestly? Yelan finds the movie pretty entertaining.
Beats just doing nothing with her night.
But she can't help but wonder the implications of S/O choosing this movie of all things to watch.
Especially considering her Vision's powers.
Yelan had never really thought about using her strings that way before.
(Yelan) "I hope you're not planning on asking me to try everything we saw, S/O. I have more class than that. And I certainly hope you have higher standards than her."
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Rosaria has a slight smirk the entire movie duration, not really commenting on anything aloud.
Not until the movie is finished that she speaks up.
(Rosaria) "I feel like I need a bath after watching that."
She leans back into the sofa, looking at S/O with an eyebrow raised.
(Rosaria) "Not that I hated watching it, but why exactly did you wanna show me this movie? I know you got your kinks, but I didn't think you were that freaky."
Rosaria chuckles as she simply moves to find another movie.
(Rosaria) "Not judging. Just surprised is all."
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Ayaka didn't really know what to expect hearing the name.
But as the film progressed, her face scrunched up and cheeks heated faster than anything in her life had done.
The moment the first spicy scene hits, she's already sweating profusely as she turns to S/O, trying to ignore the sounds.
(Ayaka) "S-S/O! Could we change the movie?...Please?!"
She would literally watch anything other than this. Even the horror movies!
Ayaka was already embarrassed in the bedroom, there was no need to have it presented to her in such...such a degenerate form!
(Ayaka) "I would thank you if we were to not watch those kinds of movies S/O. Not that I am ungrateful for us spending time together but...But why that?!"
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Shenhe's face barely moves the entire movie.
Her monotone voice simply speaks up during certain scenes like:
(Shenhe) "We do not do that when you are on top of me."
(Shenhe) "Is that how you're supposed to do it? What you do to me is very different."
Shenhe doesn't even blink at any of the more spicy scenes.
Shenhe unintentionally guts the eroticism out of the entire movie, watching it as if it was some kind of guide on how romance should be done.
Regardless, it's something Shenhe doesn't approve of, at all.
(Shenhe) "That did not look enjoyable. Thank you for treating me well, S/O. May we watch another movie?"
Shenhe puts on something that she can understand far better, and was far more enjoyable.
She doesn't even really think about Fifty Shades of Grey. For her, it was a movie, and that was about the extent of it.
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unoislazy · 7 months
Fucking Brat
Mizu x Reader
Summary: you fuck around, you find out.
Disclaimer; Ray if you read this fic I’m gonna kill you.
Obviously swearing.
A bit heated but no nsfw
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You and Mizu met during one of her many stops, this stop in particular happens to be the town you lived in. Mizu had essentially saved you from being taken by three men who had no regard or respect for your boundaries. From then on, you refused to leave her side, wanting some kind of protection in exchange for really anything Mizu wanted.
Well apparently the one thing off the table was your cooperation.
While traveling together, you and Mizu butt heads constantly. The fact that she had kept you around this long would’ve been a shock to anyone considering how you two talked to each other. You always liked to poke fun at things that she did, situations you came across, anything and everything. Mizu never openly found your jokes or teasing manner all that funny and yet for some reason unbeknownst to you, she kept you around.
You liked to tease her, oftentimes that meant just openly flirting with her despite never getting a reaction. You almost thought it was impossible for her to ever flirt back so you never felt any shame in what you said. She had never truly given you a reason to believe otherwise so you constantly tested her patience.
You had found a place to rest, which this time surprisingly was not in the middle of nowhere in the woods. Due to low funds, you, Ringo, and Mizu all had to share a room but you had agreed to sleep on opposite sides of the room.
Now you sit staring at the woman across from you, the room was extremely quiet given the fact that Ringo was not there. You had your chin resting on your hand as you pouted. Mizu didn’t even need to look up to know that you were staring at her.
“What do you want?” She asked, one of her hands lightly rubbed a cloth on the lense of her glasses to clear them up.
“Am I not allowed to look at you?” You asked in a very sarcastic tone, you knew what you were starting.
“Not when you’re staring, no.” She argued, her voice was low and she didn’t really want to enable you by responding but she couldn’t help herself.
“Why? Are you going to burst into flames if I don’t stop?”
“No, but you’ll lose an eye.” She responded, placing her glasses down on top of her cape which had been folded beside her. She really had no reason to wear them, you already knew two of the secrets she hid.
“Oh, scary.” You mocked, pretending to be trembling in fear. “You know you’d never hurt me.”
“You wanna bet?” She asked, finally looking up at you.
“You’re no fun.” You pouted again, now facing away from her. You didn’t think Mizu would actually ever put you in danger, but honestly you didn’t want to find out either.
“Never said I was.”
“Do you have even the slightest sense of humor?”
“Considering what you think is funny? No.”
You groaned at her response, she was so annoyingly dull and barely ever gave you anything to work off of. Which is why, any chance you’d get, you’d try your best to annoy her and push her to her limit.
“So, Mizu.” You began. The woman didn’t even pay you any mind this time but you knew she was at least still listening. You had slowly begun to make your way next to her, much to her very clear dismay. “Are you always so serious?” You asked despite obviously knowing the answer.
“Only when I’m annoyed.” She answered just as plainly as she had every other time. By now she had already set down her glasses but she still refused to properly look at you.
“You know I feel like our time together would be much more pleasant if you would lighten up a bit.” You jokingly suggested. You didn’t mind her reluctance to give you any sort of answer, sure it was incredibly annoying, but it only made your job more interesting trying to find more intricate ways to go about it.
However, this time Mizu didn’t even answer. She sent you one look and that was it.
“Your eyes are so pretty, it’s too bad that every time you look at me they’re only filled with disdain.” You pouted, still not gaining any response from the woman. Alright fine, if she was going to be boring, you’d have to up your game.
You moved yourself closer to the woman, now sitting beside her
You very carefully moved your hand closer to hers before you muttered,
“You know letting yourself have fun won’t kill you.”
You were persistent, she’d have to hand you that. She had to catch herself at one point, she couldn’t let herself so much as look interested in whatever kind of trouble you were trying to offer. No distractions, that was what she kept herself to, and that’s what she planned on staying with.
Your persistence was beginning to get on her nerves though, not because she didn’t enjoy your useless bickering, oh no it was quite the opposite. It was because she enjoyed it that she was annoyed. She didn’t want to let herself cave in, she had to keep herself from pointless endeavors, no matter how tempting they may have been, and you had tried tempting her on more than one occasion and nearly succeeded.
Why she kept you around if she didn’t want to be distracted was beyond either of you.
“Come on Mizu.” You teased, your hand overlapping hers as you noticed the annoyed look on her face. It wasn’t incredibly noticeable but the way her lips and nose scrunched ever so slightly let you know you were doing precisely what you wanted. Besides, Mizu was no stranger to being blunt, had she not wanted this attention she would’ve stopped you well before this point.
Your hand slowly traveled from her hand, lightly grazing up her arm before landing on her shoulder, you leaned towards her and whispered,
“Let go, just for a little.”
Mizu then swiftly grabbed your arms pulling them off her shoulder and then pinning you down. You hit the ground fast, but it wasn’t a hard enough impact to hurt, if anything it simply shocked you. You weren’t expecting such a sudden outburst, and especially not such a restricting one. Now you were lying beneath her, her lower half straddling you much like you had seen her due to a few others on your travels.
You’d never admit it to her but any time she did this to someone else you silently wished it would have been you, well it seems like you got your wish.
You looked up at her, her breathing wasn’t incredibly heavy but it was noticeable enough, her hands were tightly wrapped around your wrists, they didn���t hurt but it was a bit uncomfortable.
The annoyance she held on her face had become much more noticable, but her eyes held an emotion that you couldn’t quite read.
“Do you ever stop talking?” She asked, obviously not wanting an answer. Your eyes were widened from the sudden shift in attitude before you smirked.
“I think you already know the answer to that.” You joked, earning a scoff from Mizu.
“You think you’re so funny.”
“I know I am.”
“Would you shut up?”
“Make me.” You challenged. The woman whose face was no more than a few mere inches away from your face paused for a moment. She was contemplating something and honestly with the way she acted it could either be that she wanted to slit your throat or make you regret saying that somehow.
You wouldn’t though, you said what you said and you meant it.
“What, you don’t know how too? That’s too bad, I guess you’ll just have to de-“ Before you could finish your snarky remark, Mizu had planted a kiss directly on your lips. It wasn’t a soft loving kiss, it was rough, full of longing, and an annoyance that only you could be the blame for. You couldn’t help but melt into it, sure you were trapped underneath her so there was not much else you could do but you’d be lying if you said this wasn’t something you wanted to come out of your shameless flirting.
She shifted a bit on top of you, her legs were firmly planted on either side of your waist keeping her still. She was still holding your hands down but not as tightly as she had been, one of them slowly moved down your arm as she deepened the kiss.
While this wasn’t exactly what you were expecting from Mizu, you weren’t complaining. If anything you just expected, “you’re so annoying leave me alone.” And to call it a day, but clearly that’s not where you were going to leave this off.
As flirty and unflustered you wanted to act about this situation, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last that long. Your heart was pounding rapidly, you shifted your legs a bit uncomfortably underneath her, trying to readjust yourself.
Seeing as this wasn’t the outcome you were expecting you didn’t know where to go from here, you truly didn’t believe you’d get this far.
After some time Mizu finally released from the kiss, lifted off of you only to return back to the position she had been in before where she was a few inches away from your face. Once she had lifted from you, you both sat in silence for a moment before she let out,
“God you’re such a fucking brat.” She practically growled. You stared at her, your eyes widening even the slightest bit as you felt your stomach do a backflip. You had never felt that way with anyone so feeling it now with her was a discovery you had not planned on making at this specific point in time.
As funny as you might have thought this situation was before this point, You had pushed her to the limit and now you were dealing with the consequences of it.
You weren’t complaining either.
She continued to hold you in place despite you making no real effort to move away from her, not like you could even if you tried. You both sat there, inches away from each other, just staring at each other. Her eyes were filled not with annoyance like you expected them to be but… amusement. She was enjoying this just as much as you were.
Seemed like she was willing to partake in a distraction after all.
Your reluctance to make another joke at her expense after saying what she did didn’t go unnoticed by Mizu. A smirk slowly made its way onto her face as she scoffed, “That's what gets you to shut up?” She asked rhetorically.
She wasn’t wrong, you hadn’t said anything since then and honestly it embarrassed you. You had so many good lines but that one thing made you shut down almost completely. It felt almost as if the whole reality of the situation came running into you full force.
You were laying under Mizu as she straddled you, and you got yourself into that position by annoying her until she wanted to make you shut up. If this was anyone’s fault, it was your own.
“Nothing to say now?” She mocked in a way similar to how you had originally. You didn’t know what to say and all you could do was just stare at her. What does one say in this position?
“Where did this come from?”
Finally you had at least managed to get a few words out.
Mizu leaned forward, her lips gently brushing against your ear as she whispered,
“From you testing my patience.”
With that the feeling had come back yet again. She knew what she was doing and you really couldn’t complain, not like you would anyways.
“Not so brave when you have no power.” She continued to tease, a very knowing smirk stayed plastered on her face before she had neared your face once again. You could see it in her eyes that she had gotten some sort of idea and you hadn’t a clue in the world what it could’ve been.
“Since you feel it so necessary to speak all the time,” She began, pushing your wrists together so you could grab them with one hand, the now free hand was now gently placed on your chest.
“Why don’t you say out loud what you want to come from this, and we’ll see how lucky you get.”
Her eyes were staring into yours, suddenly you felt as if you never wanted to speak again. Sure this wasn’t what you planned but it was still what you wanted, and yet you felt an odd sense of stage fright.
It was only you two, no one else. Ringo had been off gathering items which often took him up to an hour, Taigen had been left behind yet again after trying to get Mizu to duel him for the millionth time. There was no one else but you and her and an empty room.
“I want…” You began, earning an expectant gaze from Mizu. She was being surprisingly patient for someone who seemed to really want to drag you off the pedestal you pretended to put yourself on sometimes. As you tried to express whatever it was you wanted, her hand slowly made its way from your chest and up to gently cup your face,
“You don’t know, do you?”
It was as if she read your mind, or just paid attention to the fact you couldn’t figure out how to answer. You shook your head, you didn’t want to admit to her that you had been bluffing throughout your flirts but it seems like that wall was wearing thin either way. You were surprised it even took this long to begin with, you had been bluffing from the get go, but now that you were actually face to face with the extremely attractive woman who you’ve said multiple things you might have wanted to take back, you didn’t know what to do or say until it finally clicked,
“All of you. I want all of you.” You finally answered. It wasn’t the answer your originally intended but it was an answer nonetheless.
“Not exactly what I was referring to, but it’s ambitious, I like it.” She admitted. You couldn't help but feel embarrassed before she leaned down yet again and whispered,
“Let’s see how much you can handle.”
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
the open road (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
Happy 5.5k 🤪🤪 I’ve literally had this idea in my head for a WHILE so I am mf glad to have it out. Enjoy ;))
Summary: All the times you and Hotch spent on the open road, and the one where you couldn’t help yourself.
Warnings: smut 18+ only blah blah we know the drill (pls!), car sex!! blowjob ;)) unprotected sex (don’t be like them, use a condom), lots of teasing, lots of fluff/smut adjacent dialogue
WC: ~2.8k
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It started when you saw how Hotch drives when he’s in a hurry.
Your body flung against the car door despite your hold on the safety handle above you. Infuriated, you went to yell at Hotch to slow the fuck down, until you saw the look on his face, the way his hands gripped the wheel, the way his muscles flexed underneath his dress shirt.
Oh, the thoughts you had were beyond inappropriate, especially considering the circumstances. You were rushing to catch the unsub, and you were having unholy thoughts about your boss.
You quickly focused your eyes back on the road ahead, chanting cleansing thoughts to calm your mind down from whatever the hell that was.
It worked in the moment, but only just. What truly didn’t help matters was that you somehow always ended up riding shotgun with Hotch, no matter what. Sometimes with Rossi in the backseat, but most times it’s just you two.
Which makes it impossibly hard to hide your staring.
On this particular day, you and Hotch went to a prison about an hour away to interview a serial killer on death row. This sort of thing is routine, but you’ve never tagged along for them. It’s usually Reid or Prentiss, but for some reason, Hotch decided to take you.
It was a boring day, to say the least. Traffic getting there was awful. The checks to get into the prison and then to the specific area took forever. To make matters worse, the killer didn’t really want to talk. He wanted to play games.
Needless to say, you feel like it was a waste of time. But you can’t say that to your boss.
Instead, on the ride back to Quantico, you say, “That was enlightening.”
Hotch scoffs, then laughs. “It was a nightmare.”
“Okay, well, I wasn’t going to say that.”
“It’s alright, you can say it.”
“Fine, it was boring as hell and a complete nightmare,” you blurt, glad to have gotten it off your chest.
Hotch laughs loudly this time. “You were holding that in.”
“Maybe,” you shrug, grinning. “Definitely.”
Hotch goes to reply, but stops himself when he has to slam on brakes. A sea of red taillights are ahead.
“That looks like a nightmare,” you groan, pulling up your GPS. “Two and a half hours to get home?”
“There must’ve been a wreck,” Hotch comments, angling his head to get a better look and that looks hotter than hell.
“We should probably get off at this exit,” you say. Thankfully, you’re in the far right lane, so exiting won’t be hard.
“Good plan,” he says, putting on the signal to get over to the ramp. “Can you navigate back to the BAU?”
“Sure,” you say. “Take a left up here.”
At first, the traffic is just as bad with everyone getting off at the same ramp to avoid the interstate, but soon it calms down.
You rant about the interview while navigating, not even realizing Hotch is replying to you until he compliments you.
“What?” you blink.
“I said you did good today,” he repeats. “You held yourself well. You should do more of these with me.”
“With you?”
“Well, I wouldn’t advise doing them alone.”
“Why not?”
“It’s better done in pairs,” he says, and that’s all he’ll elaborate.
So, you decide to tease him. “Sounds like you just want an excuse to spend more time with me.”
“I don’t need to make excuses to do that,” he replies smoothly, catching you off guard.
“I chose you today on purpose,” he says. “Not as an excuse.”
“Oh,” you say, not sure what to make of that. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he says. And the drive is silent after that.
Now, you look forward to riding shotgun with Hotch.
Maybe you shouldn’t, but you let yourself think those wildly inappropriate thoughts. And the more tame ones, which you’re able to voice, because he’s taken a liking to complimenting you, too.
“New haircut?” he says when you knock on his office door. He had barely glanced up at you from where he’s sitting, but one second was all he needed to see the difference.
“First one to notice,” you smile, stepping into his office.
“I just pay a lot of attention to you.” That’s enough to make you swoon, but he continues. “It looks good on you.”
“Thank you,” you reply. You study him for a moment. “New tie?”
“Yes,” he chuckles, lifting the piece of fabric. “A birthday gift this morning from Dave.”
Your eyes widen. “Is today your birthday?”
Sheepishly, he nods.
“Aaron!” you scold, blowing right past the fact that you used his first name. “Why didn’t you say?”
“It’s not a big deal, and serial killers don’t care about birthdays,” he says, grabbing his briefcase. He stands and buttons his jacket. “Are you ready?”
“I guess,” you mutter. “I’m mad that you scheduled this for your birthday.”
“Not for my birthday, it just happens to be on my birthday.”
“Same difference.”
“Alright, let’s go,” he gestures for you to go out the door. “Before we’re late.”
“We won’t be late,” you scoff.
“You just have to have the last word today, don’t you?”
You pause. Well. Those thoughts are definitely inappropriate, and you’re glad you stopped yourself from saying something you shouldn’t have. Especially with the rest of the team staring up at you and Hotch from their desks down in the bullpen.
They’ve been listening to your bickering for the past few minutes. They knew it was his birthday (courtesy of Reid), but they also know he isn’t a fan of huge celebrations.
Still, you’re upset about this, and Hotch has no idea why.
You bid the team goodbye as you and Hotch head out to the garage to pick up a BAU vehicle to take to the prison.
The drive there is smooth on the interstate. The interview is slightly less of a bore than the last few, but also not enlightening. Everything the killer said, you already knew.
Hotch decides not to take the interstate back to Quantico.
“It’ll only add half an hour,” he says. “I’m tired of seeing only interstate signs.”
“Suit yourself,” you say. Normally he can’t wait to get back to work.
You use this as the perfect time to corner him about his birthday, sure that he’ll regret his decision and get back on the interstate.
“How are you celebrating?” you ask.
“I’m not,” he shrugs.
“Why not?”
“Well, for starters, we have work tomorrow.”
“I don’t want to be out late.”
“One drink won’t be late.”
“I’m old.”
You snort. “You’re not that old.”
“I’m 44.”
“Not old, I’d still go--” you stop yourself abruptly.
“You’d what?”
“Nothing,” you laugh. Shit shit shit. “You’re not old.”
“What were you going to say?”
“Nothing!” you cry, laughing awkwardly.
“Nothing, Aaron.”
“You can tell me.”
You shake your head. “I definitely cannot.”
You stare at him and he stares back at you, intermittently looking away to watch the road, but it’s wide open. No one is around. And he’s better at staring than you are.
“Fine,” you grumble. “I’d still…I’d still go for you.”
“Go for me?”
“Yes, like, have sex with you— with a 44 year old because 44 isn’t that old— Please watch the road and stop looking at me.”
He grins, but he looks back at the road. One car passes. You’re mortified. You want to jump out of the window and roll into the ditch and stay there.
“Will you say something?” you blurt.
He laughs, and that makes you grimace. This is not how you pictured this conversation happening.
“Thank you. I think,” he says.
“You’re welcome,” you huff. “Even though I shouldn’t have said anything. That was inappropriate.”
“It wasn’t inappropriate,” he replies, and his hand does what it has done this entire trip -- and drives in the past. He gestures into your space on the passenger side, each time nearly connecting with your arm. This time, his fingers graze your skin.
“Okay…” you hesitate for a moment, keeping your arm on the console, not inching away from his touch.
He doesn’t move his hand, either, and it’s strange. His knuckles brush down your arm, over your wrist and to your fingers where he rests his hand over yours. You can feel his own hesitation, wondering how many lines this is crossing and how many rules are being broken.
“So, if I-- if someone my age,” he corrects himself, “asked you on a date, you would go for it?”
“Absolutely,” you reply a little too quickly.
“It seems like you’ve thought about this.”
“I have,” you admit.
“Good to know,” he says, smirking. And that’s the end of it.
It’s a slow progression, your relationship with Hotch. The many car rides together on the open road provide for perfect moments. Here, with no one around, the two of you can be affectionate without worry.
He holds your hand while he drives, occasionally bringing your knuckles to his lips for a kiss. You play with his fingers, tracing his knuckles, the lines on his palm.
Sometimes, when he’s feeling bold, he’ll rest his hand on your thigh. The first time it happened, arousal paralyzed you. Now, it makes you want to climb in his lap.
He has to know what he’s doing.
He squeezes your thigh and you’re done for, squirming in your seat like it’s uncomfortable.
“What is wrong with you?” he asks.
“Oh, don’t you dare,” you mutter.
“You have your hand on my thigh and you’re asking me what’s wrong?”
“Do you want me to move?”
“No, you-- Let me just--” You move his hand, only so you can give him a taste of his own medicine. You place your hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch, and his jaw tenses immediately. “See?”
“I see.”
You squeeze your hand, digging your fingertips in, and you see him swallow hard. “Want me to move my hand?” you ask playfully. You begin to take your hand away and he grabs your wrist, keeping your hand right where it is.
He says nothing about it, so neither do you. The drive continues in silence, only the radio playing lowly.
After a while, you notice that not a single car has passed by. The two of you seem to be alone again on this road.
Your skin is burning with the anticipation of what you want to do. Your fingers twitch against his leg, wanting to move further up his thigh, but resisting.
He’ll tell you to stop. If it’s too much. You should just go for it.
So you do.
In a moment of reckless boldness, you stare straight ahead at the road and slowly creep your hand up his thigh.
You hear him inhale sharply, but he doesn’t stop you.
You trace slow circles on the fabric of his pants, each time inching closer and closer to where you want to be. His belt will be in the way, though. That’ll have to go first.
“You should tell me to stop,” you murmur, letting your fingers travel to his belt. You begin to tug on it, getting his attention. “Aaron?”
“Keep going,” he says, through a tight jaw. He glances over at you but then back at the road. His left hand tightens on the wheel.
He wore the belt that snaps, so you’re able to open it swiftly. Unbuttoning his pants, you tug the zipper down. He’s already hard, but not fully just yet. His restraint is unbelievable to you, but you know his body well enough now to get around it.
He adjusts his hips to give you better access, but accidentally revs the car when he does.
“Relax,” you chuckle. “You can’t run us off the road.”
“I won’t,” he says firmly.
You hum as you tease him some more, lightly touching him, smirking as he grows. Easy.
He’s uncomfortable, reaching down to move his underwear. If you weren’t so pleased with yourself, you would’ve swatted his hand away. But instead you let him do it, wasting no time in wrapping your hand around him.
“Your hands are always so cold,” he laughs, his voice deeper now.
“You’re always so warm,” you retort, stroking him gently. “Is there anyone around?”
He looks in the rearview and then shakes his head. “No.”
“Good,” you smirk, unbuckling your seatbelt. You lean over the console, glad that this model has such a flat design.
“Shit,” he cusses, realizing what you plan to do. He should’ve known better than to assume otherwise, honestly.
You take him into your mouth with a low hum, loving the way the muscles in his legs tense immediately. Only the tip rests on your tongue, yet you feel his heart rate beginning to pick up.
He talks a big game, acting nonchalant and cool, until your mouth is on him. He’s said before that he loses it all with you. There is no holding back.
Taking him deeper, you feel him hit the back of your throat sooner than expected, causing you to gag. This angle is different, and his hand reaches for your shoulder, a gentle touch, asking if you’re alright.
You suck him down again, better prepared now, and his hand tenses, lifting off your skin to not leave bruises, even though you’d like him to (but you haven’t told him that just yet).
To compromise, you grab his hand and place it on the back of your head, looking up at him. He glances down in surprise, meets your eyes, and groans, letting out the sound he’s been holding inside.
His hand pushes on your head, the pressure igniting something inside of you. You adjust to get a better angle, pulling back to swirl your tongue over his head.
The car speeds up again, but he catches himself, not wanting you to stop. His hand remains at the back of your head, keeping you in place, as if you’d go anywhere anyway.
“I’m gonna have to pull over,” he mutters, barely getting the words out.
You shake your head and he groans loudly. Lifting up, you look at him. “Where’s the fun in that?”
His head hits the headrest and he sighs, chuckling deliriously. “You’ll be the death of me.”
“You say that every time,” you tease.
He continues driving, determined now to not pull over. The thrill goes away if he isn’t driving.
Continuing as you were, you chase his release, desperate to hear him. You take him into your mouth fully again, swallowing with a contented hum.
You feel it when he begins to unravel, the way he twitches in your mouth, the way his abdomen tenses. He keeps your head pinned down, only lightly, but enough for you.
His climax is unexpected even for him, spilling down your throat without much more than a few seconds warning. He lifts his foot from the gas, willing his eyes to stay open enough to see the road.
You swallow it all, coaxing more from him, relishing in his little noises. If it weren’t for the console finally digging in a little too hard to your ribcage, you would stay.
You lift your head with a satisfied smile, squeaking in surprise when his hand on the back of your head pulls you into him for a kiss.
“The road!” you mumble through kisses, keeping an eye on it, even though it’s still empty.
“Fuck the fucking road,” he mutters, swerving to pull off to the side. He puts the car in park and pulls you back in.
“Aaron!” you laugh, letting him haul you into his lap.
“I can’t drive and do this,” he says, putting both hands on your face and smothering you in a kiss.
He grows harder underneath you, especially now that you’re sitting in his lap, grinding your hips against him.
“Thank god these windows are tinted,” you chuckle as he practically rips your pants off of your legs. You hear a seam rip and you give him a tired look. “Seriously?”
“I’ll buy you more,” he says, finishing the job and ripping them entirely. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Whore,” you snicker, but it’s broken off when he enters you in one swift movement.
“You were saying?” he whispers, smirking against your cheek. You can’t answer and he starts to grin, nipping at your jaw. “That’s what I thought.”
When the two of you return to Quantico two hours late, the team starts to wonder what is really going on.
Each time, your excuse is traffic, stopping to get food, gas, or all of the above. But this time, there is no hiding the obvious.
Meaning, the way Hotch has to come into the office to grab your go bag from your desk so you’ll have a pair of fucking pants to wear into the building.
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narafeedee · 2 years
Top 10 weight gain hacks?
In no particular order:
1. Replace everything you can with the higher calorie version. This may seem obvious but also consider alternative ingredients and increasing quantity of ingredients, for example swapping milk or water with heavy cream, adding double the butter that’s called for, etc. I know that that’s a no-brainer but it really does make a difference if you’re cooking a lot at home.
2. Surround yourself with snacks. When I shop and get a bunch of snacks, I just leave the grocery bag next to where I sit on my couch. Cookies, chips, poptarts, pastries, hand pies, you name it. So any time I’m feeling peckish or I’m just bored and need something to do, I have something within arms reach. I can mindlessly pack away an extra couple thousand calories a day this way and not even notice.
3. Create smaller goals. This one can be a little challenging, of course we all want to hit our ultimate goal as quickly as possible. But it’s so easy to get discouraged when you’re looking at a number that seems so far away. Breaking your goals up into manageable chunks makes the process quicker and more successful than lamenting over not gaining “fast enough” and losing steam. It also gives you reason to celebrate more often than if you’re only looking forward to the next 50-100lbs. For example, say you’re starting on 01/01 at 300 and your ultimate goal is 350. For the month of January your goal is to hit 310, for February it’s 320, and so on and so forth. That way you’re only really “pushing” for the gain for a few days at a time, if you even need to push at all. I hope that makes sense lol
4. That belly tapping thing actually works, lightly tap above your navel and continue tapping as you move from center to left. It may take a couple rounds of this, but in less than a minute you should feel your stomach start feeling empty again. It really really works, it’s also great for when you’re stuffed to the point where another bite will make you sick - just do the tapping thing and the pain and nausea dissipates. I don’t know the science behind this but it’s something I use on a weekly basis and has been a lifesaver.
5. Diet soda. I’ve always been a Diet Coke addict but I’ve found in my gaining journey that the days I drink Diet Coke I am OBSESSED with sweets and sugary treats. Otherwise I’m not too into sweet things, but when I’m chugging aspartame? Oh god it’s game over, I’d eat straight sugar if I had to.
6. Buy the bigger clothes in advance and wear them. This one is hit or miss, cause I love feeling my clothes bursting at the seams, but on the other hand it takes a lot of effort to get super fat and maintain it, so being comfortable as possible is also a must. I do wear the super tight ones still too, but I alternate depending on the day. If you have clothes that are (temporarily) loose on you, not only will you be comfortable but you’ll also have the added benefit of feeling yourself outgrow those too, which to me is more impressive than outgrowing something that was already a little snug.
7. Preset meals; if you’re a fast food junkie like I am and eat every one of your meals out of a greasy brown bag, this is a game changer. Spend a little time making lists of what you like from fast food places and their respective calorie counts. Then come up with realistic 2000+ calorie meals from that. Not stuffings so much as just a casual everyday lunch. So if you know that you need to hit a minimum calories per day, it’s super quick to order exactly what you need and you don’t have to put any effort into it. A lot of apps let you save your favorites to a separate list anyhow.
8. Fast food apps. If you don’t have a rewards app for every fast food place in a 20 mile radius of your home, are you even a feedee? All jokes aside, the amount of free or deeply discounted food I get every day is insane and I am so proud of my points balances lol this is one of my top hacks, I eat so much fast food anyway why wouldn’t I reap the rewards from that?
9. Eat before bed. Most of my eating happens within 2 hours of me falling asleep at night. I would conservatively say half of my daily calorie intake happens in the evening. It works, do it.
10. I’ve been gatekeeping this website for the last 9.5 years, but this is the most accurate calorie calculator I’ve ever used. It tells you your estimated weight over the next few months based on your body metrics and estimated calorie intake (or rather your daily goal lol) and has been consistently accurate for me in my gaining. I use it to plan my gains/other feedees gains and our daily and weekly calorie goals 😉
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iridescentdove · 10 months
What about a Platonic! BSD x Child! Reader is very smart, like almost Ranpo-level smart, but they don’t use their smarts and intellect for anything at all except for online video games, board games, etc., and they’re lazy and don’t go outside at all. Plus, the first time Reader and Dazai had a game of chess, Dazai literally lost two moves in, and Dazai was rethinking his entire life choices in that moment because how the fu-
(How Dazai and Reader’s game of chess went *REAL* link)
platonic!bsd x child!smart!reader
A/N: I for an odd reason, love it when characters are humbled and seen inferior 😭 I love this request too! Here it is~
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Everyone loves you.
I'm so jealous rn /j
Well as a kid it would be expected to be like that! Although, it was a little different as you were ... considered unique to other children around you. How so?
No but for real. FUKUZAWA merely took you into the agency since you seemed to have had no parents by your side to take care of you. As such, he took on the responsibility himself. The agency takes care of you now! <3
Anyways, let's say you were basically rivalling RANPO in terms of deduction and overall smartness capabilities, as he now thinks you are a worthy opponent.
But even he himself lost to someone like DAZAI.
Yes. Of course it was true, the suicidal detective just seemed to be way too good. The so-called 'world's best detective' had lost to a man, in which who, flirts with women 24/7 and asks for double suicide everywhere he went.
But to say the day came when brunette's demise lurked around the corner ... because of a chess game.
The agency had nothing important going on in particular as the peace of Yokohama was maintained in the meantime. Simply put, you guys were on vacation. So what else to do other than some old family bonding?
There were lots of activities planned that day, and everyone had enjoyed it to the fullest. You did also find it fun, but ... of course, for someone your age – you were mature as fuck.
And so, you did what everyone wouldn't have the balls to do.
Challenge DAZAI OSAMU himself to a chess match.
So obviously, everyone got a bit nervous. Pretty sure you had no idea how smart the suicidal maniac was, nor did they ever believe you would last a good 'ol round even once. By some experience of a certain detective – there is absolutely no one better than DAZAI himself.
The chess game went on. You looked so cute and innocent! Maybe he should go easy on you?? After all, you're just a kid.
And yet ... he was downright horrified.
In a matter of four turns in, the death-craving young man was absolutely OBLITERATED by you. Upon the match ending, a pin drop silence was heard. Eyes widened in shock, whom even RANPO himself never imagined such. Everyone never spoke, not even coughed for a solid 5 minutes.
But it was true. You DID defeat him. FUKUZAWA had the face of a very proud parent – he really didn't think you'd emerge victory in this small innocent match.
The president promised to treat you out next time a successful mission was in tow. Of course, DAZAI couldn't believe he had lost to you! A little child!
It would definitely take a lot of time for him to wrap his head around that – but once he does, oh boy.
I think you a little crazy there uncle ahaha
He almost literally brags about your existence everyday to anyone. You can't tell me he hasn't literally shoved in and mocked in front of people's faces with that shit eating grin of his oh my fucking God 😭
Then again, no one is safe. An even better gifted than the two greatest treasures of the Armed Detective Agency.
FYODOR better be shaking in his fugly ass boots.
You're coming for him alright. (and so am I)
Honestly, the ADA cannot be anymore proud to have an ally like you by their side. Missions and war would cease to exist from how well you managed to help them. And even moreso, combined with RANPO himself.
World destruction who?? I only know (Y/N) (L/N) 😍
Your existence is known, everyone knows about what you've done and how respected you are despite your young age.
Who tf let the Port Mafia fuck ya'll up?? Oh nevermind they were destroyed because of ur amazing little ass. The Hunting Dogs tryna tear apart the ADA which was mistaken as terrorists? Umh chill anyways so you already had a plan– RANPO doesn't know what to do for once? You're already there to help. Decay of the Angels? Lives up to their name, they're decaying under your superior brain and intellect.
You're just found to be the lifeline of the agency. In return, everyone treats you very well (spoils you even), making sure you lived your days as a child to the best extreme possible.
And to be frank – no one dare underestimate you anymore.
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payasita · 9 months
Good job getting ADHD medication! I’m so proud of you :D
thanks so so much im very happy and so hopeful for the first time maybe ever but also it TOOK ME LIKE. A YEAR. A YEAR.
like yall for real?? for real. for real i have been diagnosed since i was like six. (funny story my teacher thought i was on the spectrum so my parents get me tested with the nodes and shit and according to mom, who loves this story, my neurologist did all that and talked to me and then just turned to my mom and went "she's not autistic. she just hates the other kids" but they DID find an adhd diagnosis in there so net win for all of us)
diagnosed since i was SIX. on stimulants until i turned 8, and you know why i got off em? my pediatrician retired. we could not find another who would take our low-income insurance. so i just had to rawdog The Rest Of My Fucking Life. diagnosed when i was six. legally neurodivergent for 20 slutty slutty angry years.
and it still took me like. a few months to get a psych appointment. a few weeks to reaffirm my diagnosis as an adult. a few more weeks for another appointment for meds. he doesnt Want to do meds first, because i must have been doing fine without them if its been two decades, right? i got a job and a car and everything. well gee fuckin shittickers Dr. Brain Guy, just WHAT was my alternative? would you prefer i be maladapted to the point of incapacitation; is that what it takes for someone to be considered? i cheated my way through school. every day after work i sit for an hour in my car because i dont have the executive function to stand up and walk the ten steps to my house. garbage just appears around me. i have three empty bags of hot chip and two cans of sprite on my desk as we speak, neither from today. at that point i hadnt had a debit card for six months because that would have required me to Drive To The Bank, a location that was new to me in this area, so i just did everything on credit. is this all normal? is this fine? am i GOOD, actually, Dr. WeirdBrain?
so we cordially agree that yes i should probably be medicated. i want to do a stimulant. he does not want to put me on a stimulant. "stimulants can mess with your heart," he says, "and you're young, you don't want heart problems." i say ok because i dont want to make him think im just looking for narcotics. even though i am. because they WORK. i agree to try some kind of antidepressant.
the antidepressant gives me tachycardia. i go to the emergency room after reading a heartbeat of, oh, 140 bpm, which is about like double what it normally is and juuuust below the You Are Having A Heart Attack threshold. i get to the ER and the doctor there is very obviously convinced i'm a local addict having some sort of episode. it is the most ironic experience i've had all year and i feel an abrupt and all consuming kinship with those birds in australia that will swoop you and peck at your face for seemingly no good reason.
so yeah, we narrow it down to the antidepressant. as it turns out, these particular meds are known to, semi-commonly, Mess With Your Heart. i have my next appointment with my psych and somehow refrain from pecking his eyes out. he puts me on a noreprinephrine inhibitor(iirc) that isnt actually FDA approved to treat ADHD specifically(i DEFINITELY rc) but it IS given to smokers to help them quit. i dont smoke. i may very well fucking start before this whole ordeal is at the point where someone listens to me
it obviously does a combined total of jack and shit, and the man waffles with this one because he has "had success" using it as treatment for other ADHD patients. he ups the dose. twice. three months on the smoker meds, which are also apparently notorious for destroying your appetite, but they didnt even do THAT. no change to the average amount of hot chip on my desk.
he wants to try quelbree after that. i finally tell him i'm tired of this shit and would like to have more than two hours of usable daylight to function before it all falls to uncontrollable youtube shorts binges and a daily experience i like to call The Weighted Nothings and i would very much like to PLEASE. TRY A STIMULANT.
he's been friendly enough with me over these past four or five or whatever months but at this he gets suddenly very very business-baseline. gives me the whole spiel about the north american shortage. gives me a spiel about how i absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, lose or sell this medication, because they will not refill it if i do. i am sitting here wondering if he he's telling the truth about having other ADHD patients at all like ever in his career, and also, am i nuts or should the "don't sell your prescription drugs" bit apply to EVERYTHING? i dont fuckin know man i just live here
he says he wants a urine test first. its scheduled for two weeks out. i take it.
"hey uh, your piss came back with cannabis in it" "well it'd be weirder if it didn't, we are in california and i am a kitchen manager" "you can't have weed if you want adderall" "fine i'll stop" "we'll schedule you another test in a month" "aight bet" it didnt go exactly like that but this is kind of what the vibe between us has devolved into by this point.
anyway i wait a month and get a good grade in piss. i get the meds prescribed. i go to fill out the prescription
all i really need to say to you are the words "prior authorization error" for most of you to get what happened next.
the psych isnt even aware. i wait another month for our next meeting, which was yesterday. i do not yell at him. he tells me to take it up with the pharmacy, and yell at them. i am going to yell at them.
so i go, and guess what, it actually went through a while ago! NO ONE TOLD ME OR DR. FEEL-BAD OVER HERE. but we can't fill it right now because its a controlled substance so come back in a few hours. hey it's ready where the hell are you? TAKE YOUR METH AND GET OUT
anyway i started it today, reorganized my pantry, and fixed the fire alarm in my hallway that's been chirping at me for a week. i no longer have to wear earplugs to bed.
and with my newfound executive function superpowers, i will be spraying my weed-free piss all over Reagan's grave.
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wayfayrr · 9 months
I've been on a little bit of a first kick recently - so here's a first meeting of reader and him based on this piece of the dolls au by @ovegakart (this amazing comic piece in particular) and on the topic of tagging people I've got some new friends on discord who have a love of first so consider this a gift <3 @fanfic-fairy-fountain @dreaming-of-lu @angry-trashcan @neverchecking <333 enjoy!
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“Hello..? Time… Sky… Link? Is anyone there?”
As if being forced into Hyrule wasn’t bad enough when I was with the chain, now that cursed shadow decides to push it even further by separating me from them? Why not just kill me outright… Is it to try to give the heroes hope? Wouldn’t it be worse for them for it to kill me outright than string them along with false hope?
Where even am I? It looks like… Oh. Alone in catacombs, yeah if there’s anywhere to be killed by a malicious shadowy entity it would be in catacombs. Are there going to be redeads here?  If the rest of the monsters are anything to go off of it’s going to be much worse dealing with them now. They can’t handle sunlight though, can they? 
Then that means the pile of rubble in the centre here should be the safest place for me to think through the best way to handle all of this. If the shadow really wants to get to me then of course that won’t stop it but I have to try something right? Is sitting on top of what looks like a grave a little disrespectful? Yes. Do I have many options at the minute? No.
“What… happened? Where is this place?”
I think without a doubt the sound I’ve just made is the most blood-curdling scream I’ve ever let out and - WHY IS HE COVERING MY MOUTH!?
“I’m sorry I know you’re confus- ACK.”
Was biting him the right option? Probably not! But it’s the only thing I could think of to do seeing as well, I'm not exactly calm at this moment in time. Despite the fact that this man has known me for, what, the span of less than a minute, he seems to have at the very least noticed my panic. Backing off like you would with a scared animal - do I really look that petrified? It’s taking everything in me now to not give into my racing heart. 
“I’m sorry, I must’ve overstepped your boundaries. But please can you not be so loud?”
“... yeah. Yeah I can be a bit quieter”
“So you uhhh-”
Where do I even start - this man just - He just crawled out of a grave. What do you even respond to that with??? 
“...You come round here often?”
[name]. [name] what the heck was that. That's how you flirt with someone at a bar not speak to a living corpse.
“No, I don’t really?”
“Yeah, I figured. I -”
“Are you alright?”
“Look I’m just a bit overwhelmed, I was separated from my group and dropped here then you- You crawled out of a grave and now I’m just?? I’m just stressed and this is only things that have happened today. Now I know that you’re probably more stressed for obvious reasons, but I’m just - I’m sorry for screaming.”
He took a step closer to me at that, not trying to be intimidating, but more cautious. Asking for permission to touch me with an invitingly open outstretched arm, one that seemed to promise some sort of salvation from all the stress I’ve been feeling. One that I was embarrassingly quick to accept. His touch - His hold, is so warm for someone who should really be so cold, there’s definite comfort in feeling his heart beating as well something that proves he’s alive. It didn’t last for long though, as he pulled himself away, reluctantly if I were being bold in how I was to describe it. His fingers lingered, resting on my arm in such a teasingly wanting way. He’s definitely a link thats for sure, that helps me to be more comfortable around him than I would have been with anyone else. He looks like he’s about to start crying.
I - oh god I’m the first person he’s seen since he came back to life. 
“Are you alright link?”
Was that the wrong thing to say? He hasn’t introduced himself to me,  I shouldn’t have said that. It seems like now it’s his turn to look confused - more so than he already was. 
“you how do you know my name?”
“I just guessed, the group I was with before they - well they all looked similar and went by the same name ‘link’ so I just assumed it was the same with you. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”
“No it doesn’t.” Why is he reaching for my face? He’s got such a soft look on his face, do I remind him of someone? He’s been dead so it could be possible I guess, but it feels like there’s more to how he said it than just something that simple. 
“Oh my dearest love...”
His hands are so soft… it’s hard not to just lean into his touch and stay there, but there are more important things to be dealing with right now. As much as I’d prefer to not have these questions answered. 
“What do you mean by that link? I don’t - I don’t think I’ve met you before.”
He’s so warm, I hate the fact that he’s most likely going to stop holding me when he realises I’m not the person he’s really ever going to want in a relationship. 
“You haven’t but, I can already tell that you’ll be my beloved soon enough.”
“I’m sorry? We’ve only just met how can you tell s- ACK”
This has to just be a link thing. What is it that makes them fall so quickly? But to hold someone so tightly when you've only just met them - when you’ve only just come back from death?  That doesn’t seem like a healthy thing for him, not in the slightest. 
Is my shoulder wet?
Why would it be wet - he was tearing up earlier and - no there it is he’s sniffling as if he’s trying his hardest not to cry. Even if he’s mildly delusional how cruel would you have to be to not help someone go through something as tough as this clearly is. It’s not hard to gently rub his back as he cries onto me, it’s not hard to hum to him as he clutches me like a lifeline, it’s not hard to be here for him when I have to do so little for him. 
“Link? Would you like to talk about it? I don’t know you but - but I’ll be here to listen to you.”
“Thank you. It’s simply that I - I don’t know why or how I got here, It’s simply that I woke up in there after everything then I saw you -”
“[name] and well you know what has happened since. I have to thank you for being here though, there’s something about you, some kind of energy that just feels like a part of myself that I lost. You feel like home to me [name]”
With that last sentence, he burrows his head even further into my neck seeking what I can only guess is comfort. He’s probably just desperate for another person's touch right now, rather than him having fallen in love with me from the briefest interaction that didn’t even go that well.   There’s no harm in waiting here with him for a moment though. What could go wrong in this amount of time?
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eldritch-ambrosia · 6 months
“What?” Merlin finally asks, his voice dripping with annoyance from across the king’s chambers. 
Arthur fumbles with his parchments, averting his gaze and raising his eyebrow at a page that was most certainly not upside down, heat rushing to his cheeks, 
“Arthur!” He says warningly.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Well then, stop watching me!” Merlin rolls his eyes, leaning back down to grab for the sponge he had thrown in his frustration. “I’m doing my job, aren’t I?”
Arthur scoffs. “I’m not-”
“I can feel your eyes burning into the back of my skull, you prick.”
He wavers.
“I’m just… thinking.”
“Oh well don’t hurt yourself,” Merlin grumbles, scrubbing a particular part of the chamber floor harder. A wine stain that they both know won’t come off clean, from years prior, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. Trying to clean or trying to annoy Arthur though, he couldn’t really be sure. 
He finally sighs, tossing the sponge back into the bucket, and stretching out his back. “What are you thinking about?”
He considers not answering. He’s the king, he can demand anything he wants from his servants, including leaving him the hell alone. Though that didn’t usually seem to work with Merlin and there were some conversations he couldn’t avoid forever. 
“Why didn’t you accept the position on the council?”
Merlin turns to him fully now, head tilted in confusion. “What?”
“You could be in your own chambers right now. Large, lavish chambers,” he emphasizes, placing his parchment back down. “Dining and drinking wine and preparing for bed. Instead of… this.”
“My knees are getting a bit worn for this part, to be honest.” He says, standing and curving his back slightly, the crack of his bones echoing awkwardly through the chamber. “But I couldn’t do that to whatever poor fool would end up getting this job instead. I wouldn’t want to punish someone with your dirty socks and poor habits.”
“And then who would help Gaius? I am still his assistant, even if you seem to forget that. You’re telling me that you want Gaius to train someone entirely new to take over after him?” He crosses his arms, tutting disappointedly. “I didn’t know you could be so cruel.”
“Shut up, Merlin.” Arthur rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair. It was just like him to throw off a serious question about himself with some long winded complaining or stabbing at Arthur’s character. 
Now, though, he knew why.
Merlin shrugs, drying off his hands with a spare cloth, his eyes scanning the room. He always did this before it was time to get Arthur ready for bed, a final once over of a job mostly well done. 
“You asked.”
“Because I wanted an honest answer. Not your usual prattle.”
“I am being honest.” Merlin insists, though his voice wavers.
Sighing, Arthur finally pushes forward. “Is it because you want to stay by my side? Because you and I can’t be parted?”
“What?” His head jerks, his knuckles gripping the cloth tighter.
“If that is the reason, we can still be together when you’re a council member! Hell, you’ll be a nobleman so you can stay near me without having to serve. Get off your feet for a while.”
“You’re talking nonsense, Arthur.”
“I know, Merlin.” He says gently, standing. “I know.”
Merlin’s eyes are wide as he swallows hard, and Arthur is sure he can see him shaking. “I don’t-” His voice cracks. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“It’s okay,” Arthur says, approaching his servant as if he were an anxious cat and not his closest friend. “I heard you and Lancelot talking in the training room a few weeks ago.”
He considers what Arthur’s said, his eyes darting back and forth before they settle on the king. “And you’re just… fine with it?”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly say fine with it. I wish you’d have told me, at the very least.” He stops, only a few feet in front of the other man. “But, I suppose, yes. I’ve thought a lot about it and I don’t think we should be parted either.”
“Really?” He asks, blinking owlishly. 
Arthur nods, reaching a hand out to his shoulder. “I want you by my side, Merlin. Whether that’s as my servant or as my advisor, you will always be the person I turn to first.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly, though his eyes are still shining. “I don’t want you to do this just because you feel bad. And what would the other advisors say? And the knights?”
“They’ll have to go through me then. And I don’t think making an enemy of the King of Camelot will really go well for them. Do you?”
“An enemy?” Merlin smiles and Arthur feels his whole body sigh in relief. “Do you really mean that?”
“I do.” A pause hangs between them, a familiar and comfortable silence. Merlin brings his hand up to Arthur’s, gently holding onto where the king’s hand rests on his shoulder, and Arthur can’t help but think that to stay here, in this moment, would bring him utter peace. 
He’d never admit that, not to Merlin, or anyone else for that matter, but he could accept it for himself and that would be enough.
“Is, um, there anything I have to do to… move forward?”
“For your job, not at all. I’ll take care of everything.” Merlin nods, grinning softly. “But for us, can you tell me? I don’t want to know just from overhearing you and Lancelot. I want you to tell me the truth. Please.”
Merlin’s grin widens, his grasp on Arthur’s wrist tightening. “Okay. Let me just…” And he leans forward, tilting his head down ever so slightly, pressing his lips to a startled Arthur’s.
The king freezes, heat rushing to his face, and he can feel his chest tightening as Merlin pulls back.
“I love you,” Merlin murmurs in the air between them and Arthur can see it in his eyes. Which means that Merlin can see the absolute shock in his in return. Merlin’s face falls. “What?”
“You… what?”
“I… You said you knew!” Merlin accuses, attempting to pull back but Arthur’s grip on his shoulder tightens. “You shouldn’t be… I mean, you know that! Obviously, you know that, right? Why else would you have said all that?”
Arthur’s red in the face, sputtering and feeling like an absolute idiot. “I know about your magic, Merlin! I had no idea-”
“My what?!”
I know it's been done before but I'm a sucker for this trope. The only way I'm okay with miscommunication. Whatever you think happens next, it absolutely does :)
Hoping to write more Merlin blurbs to motivate me to finish my multichapter fics because writer's block is a bitch.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Human Illustrator Wally x Reader (part 4)
Howdy's Place! Howdy's Place! Howdy's Place!
TW: Mentions of Varying Mental Illnesses and Medication, Hallucinations
🐻 You hum, looking at the question list you made up as you sit in the cafe area of Howdy's Place. It kind of reminds you of how the bookstore nearby has a cafe, too. You look around, waiting for Me. Darling. You made it here early, much like the last time you went somewhere to meet him. You don't want to make a poor second impression. After all, the first one you made with your staring? Must've been awful.
🐻 To your surprise, Howdy casually strolls up to you. He usually never leaves his cash register, so it is a surprise to see him not only leave his post, but single out YOU. Does he know you are here to see Mr. Darling?
🐻"Morning, (Y/N)!" You giggle, pointing to the clock "It is afternoon, Howdy. But, I appreciate the thought. Afternoon, Howdy. Do you need something?" Howdy chuckles, placing his hands on his hips "This is my store, and I say it isn't afternoon until it hits 12 on the dot. It's only 11:30. Anyways, I gotta talk to you about something."
🐻 He sits across from you, looking out the window as he asks "You work with a lot of kids, yeah? How many of them have what can be considered mental illnesses. I am not asking for me, or for any specific names. I just want to know for a friend. They are thinking of bringing their kid there, but couldn't find anything on the websites or flyers." You tilt your head, thinking, before saying "A lot of them, actually. A few have what could be considered childhood depression, for a variety of reasons. A lot of them have some sort of anxiety, these days. Is there anything in particular they want to know about?"
🐻Howdy looks back to you, then down at the table, as if thinking on how to word his question. Then, he speaks again, in a very quiet voice "Well... I already know that you have cared for children on the autism spectrum. It's just that... Umm... My friend's kid has hallucinations, too. They don't know why, yet. They want to know if they would be in a safe, nonjudgmental place at the daycare."
🐻 Oh... OH. You got it, now. You smile, shrugging "Well, we have had kids with hallucinations, before. It was caused by a head injury, so if your friend's kid went through that, I also have direct experience with their case. Do they have any medications?" Howdy shakes his head. "Nope. They took some for a bit, but they said that they didn't like the side effects. They tried a few more, only to decide to try talk therapy on its own for a bit. They have been doing better, now, but it still gets to them from time to time. They are good at hiding when it does." You nod again, thinking for a bit. "There have been some cases where children went without medication because the ones they tried didn't work and the remaining options were restricted to a higher age. Your friend's kid should be fine."
🐻 Howdy nods, looking outside the window again. He gets up as he sees a specific car pull into the parking lot. You grab his sleeve to get his attention. "Let your friend know that, even if there are a few problems along the way, I will be by their kid's side to help them through. I believe that every child should be given a chance to succeed." Howdy smiles, nodding. "Thanks. I'll let them know. They are just outside." With that, he quickly leaves.
🐻 You sit back, looking at the clock. It is about... 11:55? You have never been the best at reading analog clocks, even though you know how. You look back to your list of questions, trying to think of which one you should ask, first. Time and date sounds the most important, yes, but it would be a relatively quick thing to figure out compared to activities. So it could be asked at the end. Then there's the question if-
🐻"Hello." You look up, seeing Mr. Darling. He looks a bit tired, but his grin is still there. He also seems to be wearing a... Disguise of some sort? He's let his blue hair down from its normal style, allowing it to fall down into a waterfall of slightly curly, coarse strands. He is also wearing a dark sweater, with a hood over his head. You grin, waving "Hello! You look nice, today?"
🐻 "Yeah..." His face turns a slight pink as he says that, before he sits down. "You don't look so bad, yourself... Um... What should we talk about, first?" You look down at your papers, before looking at the bottom of the list. That should be relatively quick, right? "Well... Before the main stuff, I was just wondering how you knew my name, yesterday? I don't remember telling you it." He chuckles, letting out a very odd, but charming sounding laugh. He grins lazily as he says "I asked Frank, the library owner. He is a good friend of mine! He saw you running out, so he walked over to me and asked if I had anything to do with it. That's when I asked. Sorry if it scared you."
🐻 Giggling, you shake your head "Not at all. You could never scare me. You seem too nice to do anything bad." He taps his fingers against the table. "Really...?" You nod slowly, before picking another question to ask.
🐻 After that conversation with Howdy, you find yourself noticing the odd little things about Mr. Darling that make you go "hmmm". His odd way of looking at you for long periods, before suddenly looking to the side or making a strange expression for a moment is one thing. Then, when he takes out a few items to show you ideas for activities, he stares at a sketchbook for a few moments, as if something is wrong with it, before placing it with the other items. You had noticed these before, at the book signing, but didn't think anything of it.
🐻"Ah, this one is easy. I live a few hours away from here. About two, I think." Your eyes widen. You ask, just to be sure "Like... You live a few hours away from here permanently? Or is it a summer home, or...?" He lets out that laugh, again. "Permanently. I don't need to live somewhere fancy or anything. This small town is great for atmosphere and I'd rather just live with my best friend and help him get his comedy club off the ground." You write it down, saying "Wow! That, alongside the other stuff, makes you pretty available at all times! This is great!"
🐻 You smile, getting to the last question "So... I was wondering, what really made you interested in illustration and art? This one is just something I put in for fun." He looks around, growing quiet. "Well... um... I just always liked it. I got a lot of inspiration from things people said and the um... scenery around me. You know?" You place your papers down and your chin in the palm of your hand, leaning against the table as you look at him.
🐻 "Look... if you aren't going to be honest with that, it is fine. You don't have to tell me. You don't seem like the type of person to lie, though. Are you okay? You have been acting a bit off." He waves his hands, quickly saying "No- I mean... I just... I have been thinking about what you said earlier. To Howdy, you know? It was so sweet, I-" His eyes then widen, before he places a hand over his mouth.
🐻 You get it now... "You're Howdy's friend that has that kid, aren't you?" You ask, pointing at him. He shakes his head, sighing, before pointing to himself. "Nope! Guess I just can't hide it. No use in doing so, either. It is probably pretty obvious. I am that kid. Like... I hallucinate." You sit up straight, as you notice him tense up.
🐻"Well, why didn't you say so? Actually, I probably know why, considering Howdy's questions... Scratch that." You clear your throat, starting again "I hope nothing I said gave off the impression I would judge you for it. Were you up all night worrying about it? Is that why you are so tired looking?" He lets out a tiny "ugh", before saying "Yeah... Is it that obvious? I tried to cover it up with makeup." You nod, smiling as you point over to the cafe's ordering station.
🐻"Let's go get something to drink. You said the milk tea was good, right? We can try it out while we talk about how this all might affect your visit. Don't worry, I am sure it will be fine. We'll do our best to accommodate you!"
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moonlight-prose · 10 months
Ahh I am so in love your 𝑰𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒅 - what a great idea!! Could I please request Joel Miller + clumsy attempts at flirting? 💕 So excited to see what fics you share!!
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a/n: the thought of joel being clumsy with flirting is absolutely how i'd see it going down. he's messy and fucks up sometimes and it's so human it just makes me want to smile stupidly thinking about it. this one in particular has been sitting in my drafts for quite some time, so i am finally happy to finish it. i hope you enjoy it babes!
summary: "yet somehow—despite you never realizing it—joel always ended up with you."
word count: 0.9k+
pairing: joel miller x reader
warnings: not explicit, joel tripping over his words, flirty joel, softness, the beginning of more.
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There was going to be a party. Not a small gathering of older folks that normally happened around the holidays, but an actual party. With alcohol and music and fun. The type of event that you hadn’t been to since well before the outbreak. Sure, you’d been an adult at that time, the years having passed you by long ago, but there was something about the prospect of fun that made you feel your past self peek out.
You weren’t sure exactly how it would happen. What they planned, but you could see yourself enjoying at least some of it. If nothing came of this so-called party, then there was always the bar where you knew many—if not all—the adults would wind up before the night came to an end.
The sun had just begun to stay out a bit longer during the day, giving way to some warmth in the midst of the frozen atmosphere. You wanted to savor it for as long as it was around—knowing just how brutal winter time was. But it still wasn’t warm enough to forgo your favorite denim jacket. It was old, worn in and nearly falling to pieces, but you refused to part with it.
It had seen you through the worst of the outbreak and still continued to last. For some reason it reminded you of yourself.
Entering the stables you headed straight for the little notebook stuck to the wall—your name top of the list to help clean the horses. You didn’t mind the task. Time with the gentle animals gave you an opportunity to think, to find some peace amidst the destruction and decay of the world.
You paused, glancing over your shoulder at the man who walked in. Joel smiled softly, the same look he always seemed to give you whenever you ran into one another. Apparently you hadn’t checked the name beside yours. He was scheduled to work the same day too. Of course, you didn’t mind. Why would you? He was kind, helped when you needed it, and more often than not was considered a loner in this small town.
At least that’s what Tommy called him jokingly when you spoke. Yet somehow—despite you never realizing it—Joel always ended up with you. Whether that was doing chores around town, or making runs to go hunting. You had half a mind to ask Tommy if it was his doing, but thought against it.
It wasn’t your place to complain.
“Not yet,” you said, grinning when he moved to sign his name. “Did you hear?”
He glanced at you, eyes a little wider than before and mouth slightly parted. You found it was difficult to tear your eyes away from his plush bottom lip. “Hear?”
“The party.”
He chuckled—the sound echoing in your chest until you could feel it in your heart. “Oh that.”
You laughed, grabbing for the supplies needed. “That. You sound like an old man Joel.”
“I am an old man.”
“Well…I’m old too but it still sounds fun.”
He shrugged. “Yeah I suppose.”
“Are you agreeing with me about me being old? Or the fun part?” Biting down on your lower lip when he nearly dropped the brush you handed him, his cheeks flushing a dark crimson.
“No I’m—you’re not—ah shit. Darlin’ I didn’t mean you’re old—”
Laughing, you nudged him in the shoulder and headed into one of the stables, greeting the horse with a soft coo and pat on his side. “Calm down Joel I was kidding.”
“Right,” he huffed, following your lead. A beat of silence passed between you two before he decided to break it—wanting nothing more than to hear the sound of your voice again. “Are you uh…you goin’ to the thing?”
You shrugged, not meeting his eyes entirely. “I was thinking about it.”
His chance was now or never and Joel honestly would have rather taken on several infected than try to come off as some type of suave. He hadn’t dated since before the outbreak. Shit he couldn’t even call what he did dating. It was merely him trying to fill an empty space for Sarah, because he thought she needed it. Yet deep down he realized all she really needed was her dad being there for her.
But now he was alone. Ellie needed him, but not as much as she used to. Which meant he now lived in his big old house all by himself—wondering if maybe…you’d like to live there too. With him.
“Do you got…” He let out a long breath, trying to calm the racing of his heart. He felt like a fucking teenager again and you seemed to be enjoying the nervousness that radiated off him. “Do you want to go with me?”
You tried to stop your smile from growing, but gave in once you saw the sheer panic in his eyes. It suddenly occurred to you why he always ended up paired with you. All his attempts at conversation, his stuttering comments. He was flirting with you. Heat rushed to your cheeks, eyes alight with a wonder that hadn’t existed since you were young.
“Are you asking me on a date, Joel?”
He stuttered, his eyes quickly glancing to the horse that let out a puff of hot air from its nose. “I um…”
To put him out of his misery, you stepped closer, catching him entirely off guard as you lightly gripped the front of his coat. “Pick me up at seven?”
He nodded, mouth parted in awe as you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Sure thing darlin’.”
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patheticdarling · 2 years
One of Six
     Summary: Reader finds out some pretty big news before the final battle against Vecna. Breaking the news to anyone is going to be challenging, how will everyone take it? How will Steve in particular take it? (conversation between Steve & Nancy but between Steve & Y/N instead)
  Warnings: mentions of sort of teen pregnancy/ fluff & angst/ mentions of violence/ cussing/ mentions of marriage
  Word Count: 1931
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   “No! No! Shit! Fucking,” you swore, trying to keep quiet in the bathroom of the stolen trailer while all of your friends stood just feet outside of it. 
  “Y/N?” a soft knock on the door, the voice belonging to your best friend, “You alright in there?”
  You cracked the door open slightly, “I need you to come in here but be discreet.”
  Robin raised her eyebrow slightly, “Everything ok?” she asked as she entered the bathroom, “God, it’s so cramped in here. Why can’t we just go back out there?”
  You stopped her as she tried to reach for the doorknob, “Because I don’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to tell you.” 
  “You’re not possessed too, are you?” Robin’s voice thick with worry. 
  “Hell no. Thank God, I can’t imagine what Max is going through right now,” you answered. 
  “Then what is it? Something happen between you and Steve? Because, honestly, right now a couple fight about who didn’t do the dishes or you stealing his hair spray isn’t all that important, meaning no offense-” 
   “I’m pregnant.” 
   Robin’s rambling came to a screeching halt, “What?” 
     You sighed heavily before handing over the pregnancy test that presented quite possibly the brightest little plus sign you’d ever seen. 
   “Holy shit,” she muttered, “Holy shit!”
   Your hand slapped over her mouth, “Robin!” you lowered your own voice, “What part of ‘I don’t want anyone else to hear’ wasn’t clear to you?”
  “Sorry,” her apology muffled by your hand. 
  You pulled away, “What the hell am I gonna do, Robin? This couldn’t have come at the worst possible fucking time. I mean Max might die, who am I kidding? We all might die and what is Steve gonna say?” you sniffled a bit, the tears pooling your eyes, “We just turned 20, I mean he works at a video store and I work at the school paper with Nancy. We are not ready for a goddamn baby. Fucking-” 
  “Y/N,” Robin cut you off this time, “We all understand that there’s a lot going on right now, really. But you have to tell at least Steve. Look, he’s a dingus and all but the guy is a real softy. I mean complete goo,” you chuckled a bit as you wiped your tears, “And he is literal silly putty in your hands. Whatever you choose, he’s gonna be there for you. And if for some reason he’s not, I’ll knock some sense into him.” 
  You sniffled again, “Thanks, Robin,” you pulled her in for a hug, “You’re the best.”
  “I know,” she sighed, you pinched her arm playfully, “Joking. I’m always gonna be here for you, Y/N.” You both held one another for a moment, “Now can we please get out of this closet of a bathroom? I’m getting a little claustrophobic.” 
  The two of you laughed, you stuck the pregnancy test into your pocket before you followed Robin out of the bathroom. 
  “Everything ok?” Nancy asked as she was the first to take note of the two of you returning. 
  “Yeah, just jitters or whatever,” Robin answered for the both of you. 
  “Oh ok,” Nancy smiled, “I think Steve was asking for you, Y/N.” 
  “Thanks, Nance,” you nodded before making your way to the front of the stolen trailer. 
  Steve took note of your presence as you sat in the passenger seat, “There’s my girl. Everything alright?” 
  “Yeah, just was talking to Robin about some girl stuff,” you answered, buckling yourself in, “So, how’s it handle?” 
  “Not so bad. Considering that this is a house,” he answered, you chuckled in agreeance. “Yeah, it’s silly I’ve actually..um..” he sort of hesitated for a moment, “I always had this dream that I’d have this really big family. I’m talking like a full brood of Harringtons. Like five, six kids.” 
  “Six?” you raised a brow, laughing slightly. 
  “Yeah. Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys,” Steve continued, “And every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and just see the country.” Your eyes soft as you listened to him, “You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.”
  “That sounds nice,” a slight relief in your voice that you tried hard not to make obvious. 
  “Yeah?” he questioned, there was a hidden need for reassurance in his voice. 
  Your smile tender, “Yeah.” Both of your eyes soft before you shook your head, “Well, uh, except for the six-kid part. That sounds like a total nightmare.”
  “If only I had some practice,” he gestured to the back of the trailer. 
  You nodded, “All right. Fair. That’s fair.” 
  You should’ve been relieved by Steve’s words, that you might make his dreams come true. But just because he had this realization didn’t necessarily mean he wanted that right now or anytime soon. Hence, why you were iterating all of those thoughts to Robin as you trekked through the woods of the Upside Down along with Nancy and Steve who were trailing just a bit behind the two of you.
  “If I had gotten pregnant at a better time then maybe I’d be a bit more relieved. But look at us Robin, we are using a 15-year-old girl as bait and hiking through the Hell version of Hawkins!”
  “You’re pregnant?” a voice came from behind the two of you. You turned to see Nancy, her eyes wide as she looked at you. 
  “Maybe we shouldn’t have been talking so loud,” Robin bit her inner cheek. 
  You marched up to her and kept your volume low, “Nancy, where’s Steve?” 
  “He went to go pee really fast so I said I’d catch up to you guys. But back to my question, you’re pregnant, Y/N?” 
  You let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah, Nance. I’m pregnant.”
  “Oh my God. Does Steve know?” 
  “No, and you have to swear not to tell him or anyone else. This is the least of our problems right now,” you explained. 
  “Y/N, it is a pretty big fucking problem. I mean you shouldn’t be here, you should be somewhere safe and not in the Upside Down!” Nancy lectured.
  “Nance, I was not going to let any of you do this on your own. The safest place for me is with you guys. Besides, too many questions would have been asked if I backed out randomly.”
  “Wait is this what you guys were dealing with in the bathroom of the trailer?” 
  “Yup,” Robin answered, “She went and stole a pregnancy test while we were in the army surplus store.” 
  “Oh my God. I mean, what now? Should we-”
  “Am I interrupting girl time?” Steve’s voice cut off the conversation. You all straightened up, guilt-ridden faces. “Or gossip time,” he glared, “Why do you all look so suspicious?” 
  All of you recomposed yourself, “What’re you talking about, dingus?” 
  “Yeah, shouldn’t we get going? We’re running out of time,” Nancy urged us on before she and Robin sped off, leaving you and Steve. 
  “Well that was weird,” Steve noted.
  You attempted to shrug it off, “Not like anything is normal right now.”
  “You could say that again,” Steve chuckled as you both followed suit.
  There was an unusual silence between the two of you. Usually in a situation like this, as if anything was comparable to it, the two of you would try your best to keep one another’s spirits up. 
  Steve took note of it too, “Is everything ok, Y/N? I mean I know we’re heading into a literal death trap but you still seem uneasy. What’s going on?”
  You tried to push past it, “What’re you talking about? Everything is fine.”
  Steve stopped the two of you, “Look, I know you and I know when everything is really fine and it’s clearly not. Plus you’ve been sneaking around talking to the girls all day. I wanna know what’s going on.” 
  “Nothing is going on, Steve. You’re being ridiculous-”
  “Ridiculous? No, what’s ridiculous, Y/N, is me feeling like I can confide in you when you obviously don’t feel the same way.” Nancy and Robin were now completely out of earshot, “Do you not trust me?”
  “What?” you took note of the pain in his tone, “Of course I trust you, Steve,” you took his hand. 
  “Then tell me what’s really going on with you. Please.”
  You let out a shaky sigh, “Fine.” you turned to look at Robin and Nancy who tried to give you reassuring looks, “I’m pregnant, Steve. I didn’t get a period last month so while you guys were getting supplies, I got a pregnancy test from the pharmacy next door. So that’s what’s really going on with me. And I didn’t want to tell you or anyone for that matter because it should be the least of all of our problems and I didn’t want to give you another reason to be worried or upset. Which you have every right to be with me and I’m sorry I’m doing this to you-”
  Before you knew it your rambling was cut off by Steve’s lips on yours followed by a loving embrace, “It’s alright,” his voice stuff as he stroked over your hair. 
  “I-I’m so sorry, Steve-”
  He pulled you back, holding your face in his hands, “Look at me,” your teary eyes hesitantly lifted from the floor, “Remember the dream I told you about?” You just looked up at him, “About the Winnebago. About seeing the country with my six lil’ nuggets?”
  You smiled a bit, nodding as you recalled the sweet moment, “Yeah, I do.” 
  He nodded, “It’s all true. Every last word.” A small moment passed, “But I left one part out. It’s the most important part. You’re there.” A tear fell from your eye, “You’ve always been there.” 
  “Steve,” your voice trembling. 
  “And if, no, when we live through this, I want it to start right away. I want that life with you or whatever life we might have. I just want you, Y/N.”
  A soft smile spread over your face, “I want that too. I want you, Steve.”
 “I love you,” he smiled. 
 “I love you too,” he pulled your face in for a soft kiss but it was one of the most meaningful ones the two of you had ever exchanged. 
 “Though we might have to talk about that whole six-kid thing. Don’t know if I can handle that stress all over again,” you teased. 
  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we can just say one of six? Keep our options open.”
  You laughed, “Sure, Harrington. We’ll keep our options open.” Steve moved in for another kiss. 
  “Guys!” Robin’s voice pulled you from the moment, “We found- oh shit. Are we interrupting something?”
 “Sort of,” you chuckled. 
 “Not sort of, totally and completely,” Steve rolled his eyes. 
 “You told him I take it?” Nancy smirked. You nodded as Steve intertwined your fingers.
 “How’s it feel that you’re gonna be someone’s old man, dingus?” Robin teased, “That poor kid.” 
  “Well, they’ll have Y/N and us so they just might make it,” Nancy smiled.
  “That’s fair,” Robin laughed, “Now come on Mom and Dad. We’ve got something to show you.”
  The two gave you both genuine smiles before turning and leading you off. 
 “Mom and Dad,” Steve repeated, “I really like the sound of that.”
  “Oh really?” you smiled. 
  “Almost as much as I like the sound of Mr. and Mrs. Harrington.” 
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
I love how Bane is an absolute prick even by the Dead Three's standards.
Like Myrkul is too deep in this plot to back out (and is also a selfish prick, let's be real) but he has a positive relationship with Bhaal, grieves his death, and stabbing him in the back as part of Bane's plan was the breaking point in this alliance (it wasn't just the betrayal, it was Bane being an idiot several times over, and Myrkul having to sabotage his own interests, but it's still entertaining to read it this way)... and then Bane makes fun of him for it: "Oh no, Bhaal will be mad at you for this, won't he?" :)
Meanwhile Myrkul has zero fond feelings for Bane and considers dropping him down a ravine, for some strange reason.
I'm so sad I don't get to see Bane and Bhaal interact (Bane is mouthy and loud, Bhaal is laconic), but judging by his wording that he was happy to see Bane dead after Bane kills his followers, Bhaal didn't even have any particular vendetta with Bane until this point! (And seriously, how bad does your murder plot have to be that the god of murder won't touch it?)
Also, this is just hilarious to me: Myrkul stopped returning Bane's calls:
“I am intrigued, Myrkul,” the Black Lord said as he paced back and forth. “As you have delighted in reminding me, our last collaboration was hardly a crashing success. Still, after my battle with Mystra, when I asked for your assistance, you all but laughed. I, on the other hand, am polite enough to answer your summons in the middle of the night.”
“I need to take care of a problem in Tantras. I’ll be taking some of my fleet and-“ The God of the Dead smiled a rictus grin, showing a row of rotting teeth. “And I am to have a part to play in the battle,” he noted flatly. “I need the power you gave me in Shadowdale, the soul energies of the dead,” Bane said, drumming his fingers on the table. “Can you do it?” “I need a large number of people to die at once in order to empower that spell,” Myrkul said suspiciously, rubbing his chin. “You sacrificed your troops in Shadowdale. Who will pay this time for the increased power I can give you?” [...] “The assassins,” Bane whispered through an evil smile. “The assassins have failed me time and again since the night of Arrival. They failed me in Spiderhaunt Woods, in Scardale, and now in Tantras. For this, all the assassins in the Realms must die to give me the power I need!”
Bane logic: my Banite assassins specifically failed me, so every single assassin on the planet must be punished.
The God of the Dead laughed. “You’ve become as mad as your assistant. The assassins are valuable to me.” “Are they?” Bane asked, arching one eyebrow. “Why?” The God of the Dead frowned, and as he did, his cheekbones protruded through his decaying skin. “They provide my kingdom with souls. There is a pressing need-“ “Ah, yes… the Realm of the Dead,” Bane said dryly. “Have you been there lately?” Myrkul was silent for a moment. When he spoke, there was no trace of amusement in his rasping, hollow voice. “I have not come here to listen to you state the obvious. We are, of course, both barred from our kingdoms.” [...] Bane tried to act confident. With a shrug, he noted, “I had no doubt that you would aid me.” “You had every doubt,” Myrkul rasped harshly. “That is the only reason I chose to help you. I am pleased to note that you are no longer blindly stumbling into situations that you know nothing about.” The God of the Dead paused and fixed Bane with an icy stare. “But there is one thing you must consider: You may not have my assistance the next time you need it, Lord Bane.” The God of Strife nodded, dismissing Myrkul’s threat as so much pointless rhetoric. Then the Black Lord mocked a look of concern and noted, “Bhaal will not be pleased if you kill all his worshipers.” “I will deal with the Lord of Murder,” Myrkul said, rubbing his hand across his decaying chin once more. “I will contact you when all is in readiness.” The Lord of Bones paused for a moment then added, “Have you given thought to what form you will use to hold the soul energy my spell will channel to you?” Bane said nothing. Rage danced in Myrkul’s eyes.
(The answer is no. No, Bane does not have a plan; he just does things and assumes they'll work out because they're his plans, and unlike Bhaal he doesn't know how to cooperate and Myrkul is going to choke him one day.)
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mollymagician · 11 months
Using the fact that ao3’s down as a reason not to be mad at myself for finishing chapter 2 of my street artist!Dream story tonight
But I’ll post a niblit of what I got as an offering to the gods of Please Bring Our Stories Back 🙏
As Matthew lifted his phone to snap a shot, Hob said, “Hey. Uh. Maybe don’t post this one.”
“What?” he squawked. “It’s free advertising, dude. Why not?” At Matthew’s perplexed look, Hob could only shrug.
He didn’t have to wait long for it to click “Oooohhh. I see.”
“Aww.” Matthew followed him back around the front of the building and through the main entrance. For all he looked broad and soft-edged, once he latched his brain on something, he was relentless. It was like being pecked to death by ducks. Pecked to death by something, anyway. “Oh come on, man, it’s adorable.”
“Matthew, zip it.” Hob ducked past the bar, hoping he could make a quick exit into the kitchen. This wasn’t a conversation they could have out here, not if he wanted his dignity intact. Any moment now—
“Not that I’m not a fan of anyone telling Matt to zip it, but why are we telling Matt to zip it this time in particular?”
Hob sighed. Too late, he was doomed.
Dar’s russet head poked through the kitchen doors, followed by the rest of her, busily tying on an apron. They’d just opened for the day and only a few regulars had so far trickled in, at least, which meant there would be minimal witnesses to what he was about to endure.
“Our resident mysterious artist left him a token of affection on the wall in the alley and he wants to keep it all to himself.”
“Ooh!” Dar said brightly. “Tall Dark and Spooky strikes again!?” Matthew handed her his phone where the photo of the yellow and gold flames swirled in miniature. She gave a little whistle. “Oh my!”
Hob dragged a hand over his face. “It’s not a token of affection.”
“Wanna bet?” Matthew pulled out his wallet and waggled it. “Bet you ten bucks. Pounds. Whatever. Shit. What country am I in?”
“—and he’s not our mysterious artist,” Hob continued, undeterred.
“He’s decorating your pub and he likes my tea,” Dar said decisively. “That means he’s ours. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
“Actually I’m pretty sure most of the time you do.”
Hob wondered if noon really was too early to start drinking.
“I’m sure he’d be fine with the attention,” Matthew said, “considering that he’s dropping this stuff all over town.”
“No one knows anything about this guy, Matt,” Hob argued. But. You do, a little voice whispered in the back of his mind. You know how he likes his tea, you know his hands look cold, you know his eyes are the bluest thing you’ve ever seen— Hob shook it off and plucked the phone from Dar’s hand, closing the screen and poking it back into the front pocket of Matthew’s shirt. “You didn’t see the look he gave me last time he was here. Maybe he doesn’t actually want any kind of attention at all.”
“Well,” Dar said, flipping a dishtowel over one shoulder. “I can guess at least one type of attention he wants.” She looked past Hob and jutted her chin towards the door. Slowly, trying to be nonchalant and failing, Hob turned to glance behind him.
…you know his eyes are the bluest thing you’ve ever seen and he keeps looking at you with them…
Dream edged in through the door of the pub, cautiously. He moved, Hob thought, as though the space around him was packed with rickety shelves covered in teacups. Slow and precise. Or, as Matthew would say, like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. As soon as his eyes met Hob’s he glanced quickly away and busied himself with settling in at his usual table.
“WELP I should be—“
“Oh look, I’m just gonna head—“
Hob watched in resigned amusement as Matthew and Dar both suddenly discovered they had somewhere else to be and nearly ran into each other trying to get there. He sighed, and set about making a cup of tea.
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