#why are American rooms so small??? that you could only put twin beds in there if you wanted room for other furniture
wildestheart4ever · 5 months
So I switched rooms with my youngest sister, yes? Yes. Because my cousin is coming back and I might as well give him the room he used to stay in [Never mind that there’s the unused study downstairs - I just really wanted a window again].
So any plans I had for room decoration now have to be changed with the smaller space
Mostly I’m just hoping that my sister takes the desk and the computers that are sitting outside of the media room so I can put my sewing stuff there….
At least I have a window again.
Anyways! Renewed list of stuff I need to get:
Small|Tall dresser [More storage/surface space to put stuff]
Corner shelves
Side table because the thing I currently have is a sad rickety lump of plywood
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff x Reader - Seven minutes of truth and dare
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Summary>  You and Pietro have been friends since elementary school. On his 18th birthday, you try to socialize with his twin sister, Wanda Maximoff, who never seemed to like you very much.
Warnings> (implied) Enemies to Lovers/ Fluff and Smut/ Vaginal Fingering/ Boys Kissing/ Girls Kissing/ Underage Drinking/ 18+/ implicit sex/ swearing
Words>  3734k (Oneshot)
Read on AO3 
It took little time to get to Maximoff's house, considering that you had to walk to the residence, since your ride - Natasha Romanoff, best friend, currently on the run together with her boyfriend Bruce Banner - just stood up to you. You were lucky to live only a few blocks away.
The noise of the party could already be heard from around the corner, and you wondered how long it would take for one of the neighbors to call the police. At least it was the weekend, and you remembered that Pietro had commented that the Parkers would be traveling on their honeymoon, being the only neighbors of the house. Pietro was always lucky for things like this.
When you finally arrived at the house, the sound of some electronic music was much louder. You greeted a few people with a nod, the vast majority classmates, who were actually more Pietro's friends than yours, and then you went inside. 
The Maximoff residence was very nice, but at this moment it was full of teenagers drinking and dancing, many glasses and bottles lying on the floor. 
 Looking for Pietro, you found him upside down, drinking directly from a beer tank that was set up in the outside yard past the kitchen. You frowned slightly, hoping your friend didn't have an alcoholic coma, as you walked up to the group of teenagers who cheered and encouraged the challenge.
When he finished, the two boys holding him by the ankles helped him to balance again, laughing and patting Pietro on the back. Your friend staggered a bit, but then he saw you, flashing a smile before hugging you.
- You stink, birthday boy. - You teased, and Pietro just rolled his eyes humorously.
- You took your time. - He remarks as you release from your embrace. You shrug.
- You know this isn't my thing. - You remark, referring to the party. Pietro smiles.
- Yes, yes. But I'm glad you're here. - He replies and then takes your hands, lifting them a little and looking down your entire body. - And look at you, you even dressed up to come! Are you trying to have sex with someone?
You laughed, letting go of Pietro's hands to push him gently, which made Pietro laugh too. Soon you were surrounded by other friends, but not being very good with crowds, you said you were going to get something to drink before you left.
In the kitchen, you tried to find something that didn't have alcohol in it. You ended up grabbing one of the bottles of soda from the refrigerator, hoping that none of the Maximoffs would mind.
Someone changed the music and turned up the sound, so you heard the excited shouts of several people, who began to move into the room and dance around each other. You laughed at the image, walking upstairs.
A few people were scattered on this floor, mostly trying to smoke pot in hiding, or to have some privacy from the noise. A few others were just making out in the corners. You walked to Pietro's room, checking his present in your pocket.
He would be too busy being the popular extrovert he was tonight, so you thought it best to leave the small gift you bought for him on his bedside table, he could appreciate the gift when the party was over. 
You closed the door on your way out, and frowned as you looked down the hall, a couple of strangers kissed passionately while one of the boys groped the walls for somewhere to go, you watched as he found one of the unlocked doors and went inside. You sighed, hesitating to make a move. You knew very well that this was Wanda's room. You figured that no one would want to know that strangers were screwing in their bed.
Hurrying inside, you opened the door.
- Sorry, boys, this one's off limits. - You warned them as you entered, noting that they were already almost naked. Grabbing the fallen clothes from around the room, they looked at you angrily, but then left the room.
You shifted the weight of your feet, realizing where you were at last. Looking around, you bit your lower lip as you observed how everything was just so Wanda. 
The color of the walls, the sheets, even the way she organized the books and records. You ran your finger between the shelves on the wall, smiling at the collection of music she had in vinyl record format. And then you looked at the collection of dvds, compilations of old American sitcoms.
You walked over to the study table, a picture of Wanda and Pietro as children caught your eye. It was Halloween, and they were dressed up adorably, Wanda as a witch, with horns and a red cape, and Pietro as a superhero. You put the photo back, running your fingers through Wanda's notes displayed in the notebooks she left open on the table. On the few occasions you saw her at school during the past year, she was studying. Pietro had commented that she was going to apply to the best colleges in the country. 
- What are you doing here? - A female voice sounded behind you, and you stumbled with fright, turning around quickly.
- God, Wanda, you scared the hell out of me. - You grumbled, but she continued with a look of mixed annoyance and curiosity. You looked away before speaking. - Sorry for snooping. I just came here to keep some boys from having sex in your bed.
Wanda blinked with confusion, but her expression softened. You noticed how beautiful she looked, and scolded yourself for thinking that the next second.
- Oh right. Thanks, I guess.
You nodded slightly, not being used to being alone with her. 
- I didn't know you liked sitcons. - The words escape your anxious brain, and Wanda blinks in confusion. You thought she would throw you out of the room right away, but she just smiles, shrugging.
- You never asked. - She says, and you bite the inside of your cheek.
- Yeah, I didn't know you wanted me to ask. - You retort, your voice coming out almost in a whisper. Wanda looks away, twiddling her fingers.
You were silent for a moment, and Wanda looked like she was about to say something, but then the door opened again, and you raised your eyebrows as you watched two girls snuggled up to each other and stumbled into the room, unaware of your presence. Wanda made an impatient expression.
- Get out, now! - she warns, and the girls part in shock. You raise your eyebrows as you realize that you knew them.
- Damn, we didn't know it was taken. - Carol grumbled, and when she looked at you her expression changed from embarrassment to happiness. - Y/N! I didn't know you were coming.
You nodded at her clumsily, and she just smiled, apologizing again as she dragged Maria out of the room, closing the door. You didn't even want to think about what you two were going to do.
- Maybe you should lock the door. - You said, and Wanda looked at you with a raised eyebrow, a tone of surprise and malice in her gaze. You blushed as you realized what your speech implied. - I-I mean when we get out of here.
Wanda laughed, and you tried to cope with the butterflies in your stomach that seeing her laugh gave you.
- I think I will stick around here anyway. - She comments after a moment, sitting up in bed. - Parties aren't really my thing.
- Yeah, I know how it is. - You add, a little awkwardly. - I only agreed to come because Pietro really wanted me to.
- You stopped coming here at home. - Wanda says with an expression you don't understand, it was as if she wanted to read you. - Are you two all right?
You look at her with mild surprise, not really expecting her to have noticed you anyway. 
- Me and Pietro? Yes, we're fine! - you affirm, putting your hands in your pockets. - I guess the exams have been keeping me busy. And well, Pietro has lots of friends now, it's not like I'm missed that much.
You looked at the floor, not noticing Wanda's frown. You didn't want to think too much about Pietro replacing you, not today.
- I don't think that's true. - Wanda says after a moment. - Pietro likes you very much.
Wanda's tone is almost hurt. At first you thought that maybe she was thinking that Pietro enjoyed your company more than hers, which was absolutely ridiculous, but then you understood the tone of the insinuation, and laughed lightly, attracting the other girl's attention.
- You know we're just friends, right? - You start to explain, the idea of dating Pietro is so absurd that your voice comes out in a tone of debauchery and humor. - He has never looked at me like that! And I always thought he was like a little brother.
You laugh at the possibility, but Wanda looks at you intently.
- Would I be like your little sister too? - She replies in a low tone, and you feel your smile drop and look away, completely embarrassed.
- No. - You deny it, a little breathlessly. - I don't see you as a sister.
- And how do you see me?
Feeling your heart race, you force yourself to look up, looking at Wanda. She has a glint in her eyes that makes you want to kiss her.
Before you can answer, the door opens again, and Pietro stumbles inside.
- Great, I found you two! - He looked drunk. - We're going to play seven minutes in heaven, come on, come on!
Giving you two absolutely no chance to respond, he pushed you through the house, leading you to the basement, where your group of friends were waiting for you.
- Hey guys. - You greeted awkwardly seeing everyone standing there. 
- No fucking way you two are at a party together! - joked Tony Stark, smiling at you. Despite the teasing, the others were genuinely happy with your company. - And they're still going to play with us? This is legendary.
- Why don't you just fuck off, Stark? - retorted Wanda as she entered. You knew they didn't get along very well, but Tony just shrugged, laughing at the other girl's aggressiveness. 
- Come on, guys, do the circle! - asked Steve, who was already sitting in one of the armchairs. He put a bottle in the middle of the group. - Are you sure you want seven minutes?
- We start with truth and dare, Rogers. - said Tony as he sat down next to Thor, one of Pietro's soccer teammates.
- All right, all right, let's just play this game once and for all, - said Pietro impatiently. When everyone was sitting in a circle, Steve touched the bottle, smiling at the group.
Turning the bottle, everyone looked forward in anticipation. The tip stopped at Sam, one of his closest friends, who seemed confident to respond to anything.
- Truth or dare, Wilson? - Steve asked.
- I'll go for truth.
- Boring. - Grumbled Tony, but Steve just laughed, and assumed a thoughtful expression.
- Who was the last person you kissed?
Sam bowed his head, a smile on his lips. You frowned, he was not the type to be shy. Tony noticed as well and assumed a curious posture, looking at Sam intently.
- The last person I kissed... - Sam began, pausing, as if wondering if he was really going to say it - Was Bucky.
The whole group exclaimed in surprise, and Tony burst out laughing. You looked at Bucky, who just seemed too embarrassed to respond to the jokes.
- Okay, let's pretend this isn't the biggest sex scandal in school, and move on. - Pietro said in an amused tone. Sam laughed at his comments, and turned the bottle, which stopped at Thor.
- Dare. - Said the blond man without even waiting for Sam to ask. Sam laughed and thought for a few seconds before saying:
- Okay, everyone will need to put their cell phones on speaker for this one. - Sam said and nodded, waiting for everyone to obey. The group laughed, but followed his lead. - Well, my challenge is very simple. Send a message to the person you want to make out with from here. Everyone will know who.
- You are terrible, Wilson. - Thor commented, ignoring the sighs of excitement that the group shared.
It took a moment for Thor to pick up his cell phone, and type something. He took a sip of his beer before pressing enter, and the next second, Valkyrie's cell phone rang. 
- This is not at all surprising, actually. - Steve joked, making everyone laugh.
Valkyrie gave Thor a surprised and mischievous look, but said nothing. Thor looked slightly flushed.
- If you guys are lucky, you can win seven minutes. - Sam teased.
Thor laughed but said nothing. He stepped forward to spin the bottle. Tony let out a pleased exclamation when he saw the bottle stop on him.
- Fuck, finally! - He said, and raised his hand to interrupt Thor, who was probably about to ask the choice. - No need, darling. Of course I want a dare, this game is no fun without it.
- Fine, Stark. - Thor laughed. - Since you love to show off, I dare you to give Rogers a lap dance.
The group burst into laughter, but Steve seemed considerably anxious. Tony laughed, a little awkwardly, and then stood up. 
Thor was quick to get some music playing, and everyone was quiet in anticipation. When Tony started to perform, you blinked awkwardly. You had no desire to see Anthony Stark do a lap dance on someone's lap. You pulled your cell phone out of your pocket checking for messages, and smiled when you saw that there was a message from Nat, just a picture of her and Bruce, smoking together in what you thought looked like the Skateboard Court near the school.
The group laughed again, and you lifted your head to see that Tony was riding on Steve's lap, with his shirt off. Steve was very red. 
- Okay guys, I think that's good enough! - Thor laughed, and Tony stood up. The group laughed at the visible erections on both of them, before continuing the game. 
- Can you keep up, Stark? - Thor sneered, pointing at Tony's pants. He gave a lopsided smile, and pointed a middle finger at Thor before picking up the bottle.
You felt your stomach flip with nervousness when the bottle stopped on you. 
- Well, well, this should be interesting. - said Tony looking at you mischievously. - Tell me, kitten, truth or dare?
You considered your options for a few seconds. If you asked for truth, Tony would not only tease you, but also find a way to make you confess something embarrassing. At least with dare, it would be quick and without much impact on your post-party life.
- Dare. - You say simply, and Tony looks surprised.
- It's been a night of surprises. - he scoffed. - And I think it's time for us to start the seven minutes in heaven.
- Damn it, Tony. - You mumble clumsily. Tony laughs and then flashes you a smile of fake kindness.
- I'll be nice to you. The bottle will choose your partner.  - He says, and you cover your face with both hands for a moment before grabbing the bottle.
- I hate you, - you mutter to Tony before swirling the bottle around. With luck it would stop at one of your friends, and you would spend seven minutes talking.
- No fucking way! - shouted Tony excitedly as the bottle stopped at Wanda. You felt your stomach drop. - I always knew you'd end up with a Maximoff, I never thought it would be with the most gothic of them.
The group laughed, but you were feeling extremely anxious. You felt your legs tremble slightly when Tony pulled you off the couch, seeing your lack of reaction. You tried to smile, but it must have come out as a grimace, since Tony laughed. 
- Remember girls, no cheating. - he warned, opening the closet door. You went in first, and then Tony closed the door when Wanda came in.
The closet was completely dark, and you could only distinguish Wanda's silhouette by squinting your eyes. You leaned your body against the wall, your breaths were the only sounds in the room, since the noise of the party was muffled.
- That's awkward. - You said trying to ease your nerves. 
- Why is it awkward? - Wanda replied. The closet was small, and looking at the floor, you noticed that your shoes were only inches from touching.
- I don't know, I guess I never thought I'd be in a closet with you. - you confess humorously. But with Wanda's lack of response, you bite the inside of your cheek, not knowing what to say next.
- Who did you think you would be stuck with? - She says after a moment, sounding as if she is trying to prolong the subject.
- I don't know. - You say, looking at your shoes again. You think you're imagining that the distance between you has decreased. - I don't really think about being stuck in closets.
Wanda laughs at your statement, and you feel your heart race at the sound. You count twelve seconds in silence before she speaks again.
- I never understood why we didn't become friends. - Wanda confesses, and you look up at her silhouette. 
Because I've been a gay disaster in your presence since I met you. You think, but think it best to just shrug. Then you remember that she can't see the gesture, and try to think of something to say.
- Different political views. - You joke, and Wanda giggles. 
- I like your humor. - She says next, and you feel your cheeks heat up, and look down, only to see Wanda's shoes signaling that she has taken a step toward you. You press your back against the wall, watching her move closer in the dark. - And honestly, I've always liked you a lot.
- W-what? - You ask breathlessly, feeling Wanda's presence right in front of you, your noses touching.
- I always noticed you, you know. - She says, drawing her face closer to your neck, inhaling the scent of your hair. You were thankful that there was a wall behind you, serving as a support. - I would see you around the house. Playing in my yard. And the jokes at the dinner table. Always so quiet and shy at school, so behaved and obedient. - Wanda whispered, and then she brought her mouth close to his ear. - Tell me, did you notice me too?
- Yes. - You confess breathlessly. And ignoring the uneven beating of your own heart, you continue. - I have always noticed you. Ever since middle school, when you started wearing leather boots, and painting your fingernails. Or when I was at your swimming pool and you sat quietly with a book. I noticed you.
Wanda lets out a sigh, bringing your foreheads together.
- Tell me to stop if you don't want this. - She whispered against your lips. You would have laughed if you weren't so anxious. 
You didn't answer, and wanting her to know how much you wanted her, you moved forward, pressing your lips together in a tender kiss.
Wanda took a step back in surprise, separating your mouths. You were about to apologize, thinking that maybe you had got it all wrong, but the next second she moved against you, her hands on your neck as your mouths joined in a firm, passionate kiss.
Bringing your hands to her waist, you pressed her against your body, and you gasped against each other's mouths. Wanda asked for passage with her tongue running over your lower lip, and you opened your mouth, gasping as you felt your tongues come together.
Kissing like this for a moment was enough to warm your whole body, a familiar discomfort forming below your belly. Having Wanda moaning against your mouth was not helping.
You slowed the kiss, stroking her tongue with yours slowly. Wanda pressed herself against you, one knee coming up between your legs. With the new friction, you felt your body tremble in anticipation, delighting in pleasure.
You were startled when you heard a noise, someone must have knocked something over outside the closet. And then you remembered that you were in a closet, with your best friend's sister, who was in the next room with six other people, with no idea that you were about to fuck Wanda.
You began to slow the kiss until you separated the two of you. Your chests were rising out of rhythm as you were breathing heavily
- We only have seven minutes. - You whispered out of breath, feeling Wanda nod her head slightly as you stood there with your foreheads pressed together.
- We can go to my room. - She spoke in the same tone. You nodded in agreement, beginning to miss the taste of Wanda in your mouth.
- Should we wait until the party is over?
Wanda let out a breathless giggle.
- Tell me. - She whispered, and removed her hands from your neck. With one hand she lifted her skirt, while with the other she took your hand from her waist and guided it down between her legs. You trembled as you touched her, pushing the fabric of her panties aside to feel her wet pussy. - Do you think I can wait?
- Fuck, Wanda. - You spoke breathlessly, and felt her moan as your finger moved against her clitoris. She squeezed your shoulder, closing her eyes. - You're so wet. So fucking wet for me.
You began to move your finger, penetrating her shallowly. Wanda buried her head in your neck, moaning against your skin.
It takes all your mental and physical control, but you withdraw your finger from inside her, while with the hand that was still on her waist you move up and down her back, stroking to calm her down.
- I want to feel you in my mouth. - You whisper to her. - I want you to come for me with your legs spread wide open on your bed. 
Wanda nods against your neck, trembling slightly. And then the door opens. You barely catch Tony's joke, feeling disconnected from everything that isn't Wanda. 
And before you can say anything, Wanda grabs your hand, pulling you out. 
- Where do you think you're going? - You hear someone shout, but neither of you even bother to answer. 
You can't help but smile when you reach the second floor, and Wanda pushes you into the room, locking the door as she brings your mouths together.
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llendrinall · 3 years
As we all know, Charlie Weasley could have played for Britain had he not gone off chasing dragons. There’s a lot of gold that comes with being a good international player. What do you think it would have been like if the Weasleys were doing better financially?
Frankly, I don’t think things would change all that much. Not everybody is a Ronaldo or a Messi (to draw parallels with football/soccer) making really stupid amounts of money. At least during the first few years, until Charlie became a Big Name, he would make money, maybe even tons of money, but I doubt it would be enough to change things significantly.
Mostly I think Charlie would be very unhappy and Percy’s break with the family would be much more intense (what! After the way he behaved in canon? Yes, more than that. Percy would be the next Charlie, getting a job far away and visiting home rarely).
The question here is: why are the Weasleys poor? There is a quick and dirty answer, which is that JKR wanted a rich=bad, poor= good - noble, structure. But she didn’t build a reason as to whyit is so. (There is also no reason why the Malfoys are rich, but money has inertia so we can half buy it). Thus, she accidentally made the Weasleys come across as reeeeally financially irresponsible and the creators of their own poverty.
Let’s look at the money. Supposedly, Hogwarts is free for all students, which makes sense because a significant portion of those students will me muggleborns and I can’t imagine how that conversation would go with their parents (“Your child is gifted! Magical! Now let us take them for 10 months of the year and give us money”). Hogwarts budget must come from the Ministry and the expenses are supervised by the Board of Governors. This, together with how big the Ministry infrastructure seems to be, makes me think that taxes in the wizarding world must be pretty high.
(US readers, double whatever number you are thinking).
Let’s say… 40% of income at the very least. That’s a big chunk for the Weasleys, considering they only have one salary. Since Arthur is overlooked for promotions, we can guess his salary isn’t high. He is head of a department, but it’s a joke department.
The books hint that the Weasleys own the land they live in. If they were renting the Burrow, and it would be hilariousif their landlord were Malfoy, then the house should be in a better state and they wouldn’t be responsible for the gnomes or the ghoul. Since there was no dramatic subplot about Malfoy trying to kick them out, I will assume they own the house and the land. Maybe they have a mortgage on it? One with ridiculous high rates, for argument’s sake.
So that’s most of the money accounted for. What other expenses do they have? According to the ONS the average UK household, after taxes, has a budget as follows (simplified):
Housing (rent, interest and upkeep) – 33%
Food and utilities – 20%
Transport – 14%
Recreation – 12%
Holidays – 11%
Restaurants – 7%
Other – 3%
Let’s say that the mortgage has an insane rate, so 40% of the budget, after taxes, is going there. But we can scratch transportation right away since they have apparition and side apparition and, more importantly, they have nowhere to go. The kids are homeschooled and the one person in the household who has to go to work everyday, can simply apparate right before the office. So that 14% of transportation can go to the housing budget.
Next, food. The Weasleys have many more children than average so the food expense should be higher. On the other hand, they have a lot of land. Supposedly a plot of land of 24x30m (80x100 feet or, for the Americans, about the size of a small Starbucks, the kind that is integrated inside a business) is enough to feed one person for a year in an exclusively plant-based diet. My experience is that a plot of 10x10 meters (32x32 feet or a small Subway shop) can feed a family of 4 if they supplement with eggs and milk and they are smart with the crop distribution.
If the Weasleys kept hens and an orchard, they could keep the food costs low enough that the large family size wouldn’t matter. Plus, during the teenage years, when the calorie demand is higher, the kids are in Hogwarts 10 out of 12 months of the year.
This still leaves them with a very small budget. But considering the only thing magic can’t produce is a) food b) a property deed, almost everything else can be procured with a spell. Furniture wear and tear? A reparo will take care of that. Kids are growing and we need bigger beds? Transfiguration. Clothes? Buy the fabric and use a spell. Maybe it won’t be pretty, but it will be cheap. There will be many luxuries they can’t afford. No eating out, no holidays, no fancy broomsticks. And there are some unavoidable expenses, like school supplies (although books could be reused). Although with the exception of Ginny, there are 2-3 years between children so they have time to save. The moment a kid reaches Hogwarts age they have to make a big investment of wand, cauldron, etc. and then they can write them off. The high taxes also mean they have services like free healthcare and free education with board and room.
It’s a difficult situation. But notice that it’s one that I have created myself. We don’t know if they have a mortgage and we don’t know the tax duties. I’m just coming up with reasons for the expenses while not giving them supplemental income, like Molly selling preserves and whatnot.
I still think that things shouldn’t be so tight that they can’t afford a new wand for each kid. Yet Ron went to Hogwarts with Charlie’s old wand and spent a whole academic year with his wand broken. The Weasleys should had been able to afford a wand. Sure, they just bought Ginny’s school package, but Harry gave her some of the books. It might set them back, it might mean no new robes for the family, but they ought to have that money. Books you can reuse and hope the content is pretty much the same. Wands, you cannot. With broken wands, you are putting your child’s education and even life in danger.
Ron didn’t get the new wand because it was useful for the story that his wand was broken, but the internal logic of the story speaks of extreme economic irresponsibility. Despite all the excuses I tried to come up with (high taxes, high mortgage, Molly is working all day at the garden) not giving Ron a new wand points at a situation of extreme financial ignorance.
So, if Charlie went the Quidditch route the Weasleys would do a bit better, they might pay off their debt, but I don’t think they would be able to grow savings because they simply don’t know how. Charlie would have the added stress of not only performing well in his job but also being the main bread-winner for the whole family. Percy, who is quite observant, would have constant fights about what he considers unnecessary luxuries. He would resent his father even more and he would accept the first job that took him out of the country. The twins would probably resent Ron and Ginny a bit, since they would be the ones to experience having new things.
Charlie would have to make truly astounding amounts of money so that his earnings overcome the family’s blundering of the budget.
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peepeepotter · 4 years
New Girl Hogwarts AU Chapter 5: Merry Christmas, Georgie.
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Pairing: George Weasley x fem!reader; Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Warnings: Cursing? I think?
Word Count: 3.2 K
Series Masterlist
“It was just so weird.” Y/N shuddered, using her rolling pin on a sheet of cookies in the Hogwarts kitchens.
“I mean, yeah, that sounds uncomfortable as fuck. What are you guys, teenagers?” Fred asked her, his head in his hand, watching her closely. He had told George before, Y/N is totally George’s type. Fred couldn’t help but think that it was a surprise it took this long for them to have an uncomfortable sexually tense encounter. “What did Terry say?”
“What do you mean? Terry didn’t see. I don’t want Terry to know. I’m trying to date casually right now.” Y/N said, suddenly remembering the reason she moved into the loft.
“Casually? With TERRY? Have you met that guy? He looks like he cries during sex.” This made Y/N laugh loudly.
“It’s so weird to talk about this with you. You’re his twin, maybe I shouldn’t be talking to his dead brother about this.”
“Hey, I’m basically alive. I’m just a ghost. And stuck in this stupid castle.” Fred pouted, reaching to grab cookie dough and put it in his mouth. “Although I really can’t taste much. But from what I remember, this tastes a lot like some cookies mum used to make.” Fred smiled.
“Fred, I love you, but please don’t talk about your mom when I just told you about a sexual encounter with your brother.”
“Sexually tense encounter at best, don’t get ahead of yourself, love. Anyway, how could you be attracted to him? I’m so much better looking than him.” Fred scoffed, fake-offended. In actuality, Fred was quite happy that George was moving on from Angelina. Fred was especially happy George was moving on with one of Fred’s most consistent friends at Hogwarts. Plus she baked like Molly.
“Fred, I hate to break it to you, but you died when you were a teenager, so you still look like one. As an adult, I’m not attracted to teenagers.”
“I’ll have you know I was twenty when I died. No longer a teenager, thank you very much.” Fred grinned. “Besides, mentally I’m like four years older than you.”
“You know what I mean.” She rolled her eyes, but maintained a smile on her face. Y/N always liked hanging out with Fred, he was actually her first friend at the school. He found her crying one day after the breakup with McLaggen and did everything in his power to make her feel better about it. Ever since then, Y/N spent the majority of her free time between classes with Fred. She supposed it didn’t help that he looked an awful lot like the guy she liked. No, shut up, I don’t like him. Don’t listen to her thoughts, I’m the narrator. I’m always right, just wait.
“Y/N, do you even like Terry?”
“Well, he’s nice. And I could see myself liking him.”
“So you don’t.”
“Not yet.”
“Y/N.” Fred had his head resting in his hand against the counter, giving Y/N a look of pure disappointment. He knew Y/N and George would wind up together the minute he met her. He’s the one that showed her the ad on the wizarding web for a new place to live. Although, Y/N wasn’t happy that he didn’t tell her that she would find a man identical to him when she went to the interview with the boys. Fred just shrugged, he knew George well enough to know that they’d let her move in. He also knew George well enough to know that George would find Y/N just as adorable as Fred did.
“I just, maybe I need to rebound, okay? I don’t want to end up with someone like Terry, but I don’t want to end up hurting someone I really like in case I’m not ready to date yet.” To Fred, this sounded like code for ‘I don’t want to fuck up with your brother.’
“So you’re using Terry.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“Y/N!” Fred chuckled, knowing he was right.
“I mean, so what? We’ve only been on a few dates, what’s the worst that could happen?” Little did Y/N know, she’d just jinxed herself.
“I’m sorry, what?” George asked, throwing his head back on the couch.
“We’re going to a party. Together, all of us.” Draco asserted. “None of you have a choice, I need people to know I have friends.” At this, Harry and George started snickering. Draco might not have been as bad as he was when they were at Hogwarts, and it certainly helped that he switched sides at the battle of Hogwarts, but people still didn’t like him.
“You mean you need—” George started.
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Draco quickly interrupted.
“What are we doing?” Y/N asked upon leaving her bedroom. “I was on the phone with my mom, what’s going on?”
“You mean mum, you stupid American.” George said unwavering, taking a sip from his beer.
“Okay, ha-ha, it was funny at first, now it’s just sad.” Y/N scrunched her nose. “Also do you ever drink water? I don’t think I’ve seen you drink anything other than beer for the past few months.”
“No comment.”
“We’re going to a Christmas party on Christmas eve.” Draco answered. He was tired of the two bickering all the time, and wouldn’t entertain it anymore.
“Oh fun! Can we also go look at Christmas lights? There’s this no-maj neighborhood not far—”
“A what neighborhood?” George asked, teasing Y/N.
“Muggle. I hate it here.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Anyway, it’s called Candy Cane Lane and it’s supposed to be super cute.” Y/N’s face lit up, her hands clapping lightly out of excitement. George felt that stupid feeling in his stomach again.
“No.” Draco said.
“Sure.” George shrugged. Draco turned and glared at him. “If we have time. I have to get to the Burrow that night. I’ve missed Christmas with my family for the past three years because of these idiots.” He gestured towards Neville and Harry chatting in the kitchen.
“You’re supposed to party on Christmas eve!” Harry interjected.
“Yeah, party, not get black out drunk and go to the hospital annually.” George muttered, causing Y/N to giggle quietly. She took a seat on the couch near him. To her it seems that they had gone back to normal after their interaction on Thanksgiving.
“We’ll go if we have time.” George whispered to her again. She nodded with a small smile on her face.
“So Y/N,” Harry started, walking towards the couch from the kitchen. 
“It’s actually—”
“Just Harry, I know, it was a joke.”
“What are you getting your boyfriend for Christmas?”
“Oh god, I have to get him something? We're barely dating. What do you get someone you’re not that close to?”
“You don’t?” George offered.
“A plant?” Neville shouted from the kitchen.
“Hand soap. I have the feeling that man doesn’t have any in his bathroom.” Draco straight-faced. Y/N snorted.
“Let’s go to the shops and find something.” Harry smiled.
“Why? Why did I split up and go with you?” Y/N sighed, standing behind George who was distracted by some small robotic trinket. Y/N, a muggle-born, had seen them all the time as a teenager. George clearly had not.
“Because I’m the comic relief of the group. Also, I’m the hot one.” George smirked at her. She rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face she was hoping he wouldn’t see. He did.
“Whatever, help me pick something for this stupid man.”
“So you admit it?”
“He’s stupid?”
“I mean, yeah, but I have a muggle doctorate and I’ve studied magical creatures forever. I’d say objectively most people are stupid to me.”
“Even me?”
“Especially you.” He pushed her arm lightly, she pushed back laughing.
“Just get him one of these. They’re cute. He’s simple.” George shrugged, handing the small robot that said “Merry Christmas,” over and over to her. She shrugged, figuring he’s right.
“What about you? What do you want for Christmas?” Y/N asked. She asked to be nice, but she had already gotten him a bunch of Friends merchandise. George had proved to be a real sucker for most muggle things.
“Don’t get me anything. Seriously.” He turned towards her quickly. He had a stern look on his face.
“Because I’m horrible at gift giving, and I always feel in-debted when someone gives me something really good.” He didn’t look at her when he spoke this time, walking towards more muggle items. She raised her eyebrows, noting that she might have to return his Christmas gift. Actually, no. He’s getting a gift. Idiot.
“Here, merry Christmas.” Y/N said to Terry. They sat at the foot of her bed the day before Christmas Eve, giving each other their gifts.
“You open yours first.” He smiled at her, handing her the envelope. She opened it with a shrug. Her heart dropped. In front of her were two passes to a portkey that would take them to New York City. At the bottom of the card that contained the tickets, Terry had written a sweet note, signed with love. Love? Oh Merlin.
“I-I—” She stuttered, not knowing what to say. “Thanks, Terry.” She suddenly felt very bad for her cheap muggle gift. When he opened it, though, he wasn’t disappointed, just amused by the toy.
“Thank you so much.” He grinned at her. “I love you so much.” Her heart dropped further, and she had to keep herself from cringing.
“Oh no. You said THANKS? To a confession of love?” George asked, all of the guys holding back laughs as she sat on the couch with her head in her hands.
“What was I supposed to do? Lie?” Her words were muffled by her hands.
“Well, no, but thanks?” Harry chortled out. Draco was bent over, almost on the ground from laughter. Neville was flushed red from secondhand embarrassment.
“What do I do? Break up with him? I’m not ready for any of this.” Y/N felt nauseous.
“I mean, weren’t you just kind of using him anyway?” George lectured.
“Why do you guys keep saying that?”
“You guys?”
“You fucking Weasley’s, your brother said that too.” She rolled her eyes, storming into her room. She hated living with men. They were never helpful but always thought they were.
The next day, George opened her bedroom door without knocking. She glared at him.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s fine, I overreacted. I’m just annoyed at the situation.”
“Well, we’re leaving soon, so get ready.” He offered, ducking back out of her room. Y/N put on black tights and a little black dress. She grabbed a red coat after putting on fake eyelashes. She grabbed her purse, and opened her door while slipping on her heels. Stumbling into the hall, she once again was faced with several men staring at her.
“Why do you guys do this every time I wear a dress?”
“You’re pretty.” Neville smiled, making Y/N almost tear up. They always did this, stare at her, but they almost never complimented her.
“Yeah, plus we only ever see you in sweatpants. So maybe we would stare less if you dressed less like a goblin every day.” Draco said, ruining the moment and heading towards the door.
“I don’t think you look like a goblin.” George whispered to her as they walked out of the loft. She smiled softly up at him.
Upon arriving at the party, Draco flocked towards his work wife. Harry headed towards Ginny, ready to give her the gift he got her. He was only slightly disappointed to find that she had brought a date to the party. 
“Here, Ginny.” He gave her the small box when her new boyfriend (boy toy, hopefully) walked away to get her a drink.
“Harry, you didn’t have to get me anything.” She said guiltily, not having gotten him anything. She opened it slowly as he shrugged in response. It was a small bottle. “What is it?” Her eyebrows scrunched. Harry laughed.
“It’s perfume. I’m not telling you that you stink, before you say that.” Ginny smiled, glad to know Harry knew her so well. “It’s a bunch of scents that remind me of you.” He shrugged, not wanting to admit that he had Draco make amortentia to see what she smelled like.
“Oh Merlin, if I smell like this I’m so sorry.” She coughed upon smelling it, making Harry laugh.
“Yeah, it’s a little all over the place. But it’s the thought, I guess?” She grinned at him, nodding.
Meanwhile George and Neville followed Y/N over to Terry. After a short, awkward conversation, Y/N excused herself to the bathroom. Neville walked away to find Luna. George stayed with Terry.
“So, quite a present you got her.” George said awkwardly, drinking from a plastic cup.
“Oh yeah, I think she really liked it.”
“What? Did she tell you she didn’t like it?”
“I think it was just a lot really soon, buddy.”
“Oh no, do you think I should’ve toned it down?”
“Probably, Terry. You spent a small fortune and told her you loved her after like three weeks.”
“Oh no, what are you saying? Did she say she doesn’t love me? I was so stressed after she didn’t say it back, but I just assumed she was nervous.”
“I— you know I don’t actually think it’s my place to tell you that, Terry.”
Simultaneously, Y/N and Ginny convened in the bathroom.
“Did you like the present Harry got you?”
“It doesn’t smell very good, but it was really sweet.”
“Well, yeah, it’s Harry. He’s been in love with you for like, ever.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I mean, has he, though?”
“You absolute idiot.”
“Whatever, did you like what Terry got you?”
“I didn’t tell you, yet? He got me plane tickets to the states for him and I and told me he loved me. When I’m out here thinking about my roommate.”
“Oh Merlin, so a bad perfume is definitely the way to go.” Y/N nodded in agreement. “Why are men so difficult?” Ginny added.
“It’s like they’re so simple that it’s difficult.” Y/N hummed. “We should go back out there.” They fixed their appearances in the mirror slightly before returning to the party. Y/N found George and Terry out on the balcony.
“You really don’t love me?” Terry said, turning around to face her with tears in his eyes.
“What? Where did this come from?” Before anyone could answer, she turned to George who immediately cringed. “What did you do?”
“I just- sometimes I speak without thinking?”
“Terry, don’t listen to this idiot.” George put his hands up in defense and went to leave back to the party, but found the door locked. He went for his wand and realized he had forgotten it at the loft.
“Oh no.” George whispered
“You don’t like me, do you? Did I do too much too soon? Be honest, stop doing that thing where you make me feel better.” Terry looked like a puppy, making the whole situation a lot worse.
“Somebody please help!” George pleaded, banging against the glass.
“I-Terry. Yes, okay? You scared me. It was a lot really soon. I just got out of a relationship, and I really wanted to take it slow.” Y/N confessed.
“I’m stuck out here! This is so awkward, please help!” George kept banging on the door.
“I— what if I can’t do that?” Terry asked.
“LET ME OUT!!!” George shouted.
“You can’t take it slow?” Y/N scrunched her brow.
“Oh Merlin.” George sat on the ground against the door.
“Isn’t it obvious? If I already love you and you can’t say it back, maybe we shouldn’t be together.” Although Terry’s words kind of hurt, Y/N felt somewhat relieved. “I’ll see you at work, alright?” Terry approached the door and unlocked it wordlessly with his wand.
“Thanks Terry.” George went to follow behind Terry as he left, but stopped, looking back at Y/N. He sighed, realizing he needed to clean up the mess he had made. He walked back over to her, leaning against the balcony next to her.
“You know, I think maybe this was my fault.” He admitted, looking through the glass doors at the party.
“You think, George?” She snapped.
“Well, didn’t you want to break up with him anyway?”
“Yeah, I did, but I wanted to do it on my own terms.” She puffed a breath of air out of her lips.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to completely ruin your relationship. I was trying to help him tone it down.”
“Well, thanks I guess.” She pushed off of the balcony, heading back into the party to find Neville and Luna.
“Well, fuck.” George sighed. 
The group, Ginny included, left the party at three in the morning. Walking through town, George attempted to rush his sister and Harry.
“We’ve got to get to the burrow like, three hours ago.” 
“Who cares? Mum and dad are asleep. They won’t know we were late.”
“Because I still have to wrap all my gifts, Gin.” George sighed. Y/N was behind the group, attempting to peel her shoes off despite the snow. Harry and Ginny started talking, and George looked around for his best friend. Finding Y/N at the back of the group, he slowed his pace until he was walking with her. He looked at her shoeless feet, walking in only stockings in the deep snow. He sighed.
“Stop.” Y/N looked up at him, his voice startling her. “All of you, stop. We’ve gotta go somewhere.”
“I thought you needed to get home to wrap your gifts.”
“We’ll just be late. It’s fine.” George shrugged, he faced Y/N suddenly. “Jump on my back, alright?” He leaned down in front of her, offering a piggy-back ride. Y/N smiled a little and climbed up on his back. The group walked to Candy Cane Lane. Upon arriving, the magic-users were disappointed. The lights were all off.
“HEY!” George started shouting.
“Oh my god, George it’s not that important, it’s okay.” Y/N whispered into his ear. Goosebumps raised on his neck upon feeling her breath so close to him.
“It is important! It’s Christmas! COME ON! YOU ALL PUT SO MUCH EFFORT INTO THESE STUPID LIGHTS! TURN THEM ON!” He shouted. Ginny grinned.
“YEAH! TURN THEM ON!” Ginny shouted
“TURN THEM ON!!” Harry grinned.
“WAKE UP!!!” George added.
“TURN THEM ON!!” Neville shouted, although much more softly than the rest.
Suddenly, one at a time, each house’s lights turned on. Draco’s wand was lifted, turning on each house's Christmas lights.
“You all are so dumb. We are fortunate enough to have magic, there was a whole war. Remember?” Draco rolled his eyes.
Y/N grinned, feeling her heart swell upon seeing the bright Christmas lights. “Thanks, Georgie.” She whispered, nestling her cheek against his neck. This time his heart swelled.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” He said, squeezing her thighs as he held her up off the ground.
“Merry Christmas, Georgie.” Y/N pressed a soft kiss against his cheek.
Taglist: @yllwtaxi @ememseay @droppingthegloves @wassup-peoples @dejayoon @astoriaplease @postsbyjenipeo @edmunds-torch @ummmlana @kennreid @charming-fan-girl @expelliarmusmyass @boxofbadaddiction @pillowjj @losers-club6 @concepcion @gaysludge @melizabethhack @n-dg-wm @when-thedarkness-comes @sarcasticallywitty15 @kinkycalamari @draco-and-tom @rangotangomango 
Permanent taglist: @amourtentiaa​
A/N: if anyone wants to be added please just comment or message me and ask! I’m also working on submissions and asks if anyone wants a one shot or something <3 -mj
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ebp-brain · 3 years
rosemary boxer/laura thyme. only one bed!
the traditional rosemary & thyme fic for @bigblackdogfic on her birthday (even if she’s rarely on tumblr these days!)
Rosemary should probably stop expecting luxurious accommodations just because she and Laura are working on the garden of a luxurious house. This latest, for instance, Morewood Manor in east Hampshire, takes her breath away when they rattle the Land Rover up its sweeping drive, and she and Laura exchange their well la di da look, the one they save for the most ostentatiously expensive homes—three parts cynical amusement at the way some people live, one part genuine awe, and one part a kind of mental rubbing their hands together at the thought of the cream teas and feather pillows they will hopefully get as perks while they’re there. But they should really know better by now. It’s true that the house is stunning, an 18th-century Palladian building with a large portico and towering columns, and the gardens stretch up a broad slope to the back of the house, overgrown but in relatively decent shape. And their host, Charlotte, a friendly but harried woman with corkscrew curls and scuffed black pumps, is welcoming and generous. But they can see from the moment they walk in why they, with their reasonable prices and small-scale operation, were hired to spruce up the grounds rather than some posh landscaping company.
“I’m sorry, it is a bit in disrepair,” says Charlotte as they crane their necks to look up at the peeling plaster and the damp spots on the ceiling. “Oh, no, it’s more than a bit,” she amends immediately, “I know, it’s a dreadful mess. I’m selling it. The last Clifford-Smythe, my great-aunt Euphenia, finally passed away—oh, you’ll think I’m dreadfully heartless, but she was ninety-eight—and now there’s no one left who refuses to let Morewood pass out of the family, so—” She flutters her hands around at the neglected surroundings. “Well. One can’t keep up these absurd estates anymore, can one? Not without masses of help and goodness knows there are few old families in Britain who can afford that these days—and the National Trust didn’t want it, more’s the pity, so…. That’s why I want the gardens done up, at least, make it look as appealing as possible from the outside anyway and hopefully some rich American will think it’s a jolly fixer-upper. Goodness, how I babble. You’ll want to settle in first, yes?”
“That would be lovely,” Laura manages to get out before Charlotte Clifford-Smythe is off again.
“Now I have to warn you, most of the house is shut up. Absolutely uninhabitable. I can only manage to keep a few rooms in working order all on my own, and I don’t generally have visitors here, you see, since I live in my little cottage in Winchester most of the time. So, that is to say, I can put you up as promised, but there is one small issue.”
She hesitates. Rosemary and Laura exchange surreptitious glances. Rosemary knows what’s in Laura’s mind as well as if it were her own: It can’t be worse than a tiny attic room with bunk beds and party music pounding through the walls past midnight. It can’t be worse than a tent pitched on lumpy ground—which was then set fire by an arsonist.
Can it?
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll manage,” Rosemary says heartily. Perhaps a little too heartily, judging by the look Laura gives her.
“I am sorry for the inconvenience,” their host says apologetically as she leads them up the stairs and along a musty-smelling corridor. “It’s the one room I’ve got, other than my own, and…”
She opens the door. Rosemary braces herself for mouldy patches and water stains—or possibly a cell-like chamber where some poor Victorian wife was confined for “hysteria” on her doctor’s orders—but for at first glance she doesn’t notice anything wrong at all. It’s a pleasant room, with pale pink walls and a spectacular view of the rose garden. The late afternoon light shines through the thick paned windows, turning everything dusky gold: the antique vanity, the carved armoire, the faded carpets, the heavy four-poster bed—oh.
“There’s only one bed.” Charlotte wrings her hands a bit. “I did think maybe I could put one of you in the Blue Room, since it’s only been shut up for a couple of decades—it used to be quite grand—but as it happened a whole colony of moths had taken up residence in the mattress, and—”
“No, no,” Rosemary says hastily, feeling that she’d better interrupt while she has the chance. “This is lovely.”
“Really?” Charlotte turns worried eyes on them both.
“Oh, goodness, yes,” Laura says genially. Rosemary can see her biting back a smile and has to look away to stop herself smiling back. “We’re easy, really. As long as no one tries to shoot at us in the night—”
“Heavens, of course not!” Charlotte says, looking scandalized.
“Only a joke,” Rosemary quickly cuts in. “Really, this is more than all right.”
“Well,” says Charlotte, “if you say so. Now, why don’t I leave you two to get settled in and we can have a tour of the gardens before supper? It’s only rabbit stew, but—”
“Perfect,” says Rosemary firmly. “We’ll see you soon, then.”
Charlotte closes the door, finally, and Rosemary and Laura look at each other, grinning.
“Well,” says Laura, sitting on the bed. “This is a pickle, isn’t it? Only one bed. Whatever shall we do?”
“Yes, I will miss the twin beds we manage to get stuck with everywhere else. They’re so…chaste.”
“Mm,” says Laura. “I don’t know how I’ll cope. I’ve gotten used to feeling like I did when I visited my mum two weeks before my wedding and she made me and Nick sleep in separate rooms.”
“Your mum was very wise,” Rosemary said. “It’s dangerous, sleeping in the same bed with you. You’re a dreadful temptation, you know.”
“Are you threatening my virtue?” Laura demands.
“Oh,” says Rosemary, sitting down very, very close to Laura on their one bed, “absolutely.”
After a few moments, Laura, now rather flushed and out of breath, says, “Do you remember at that house in Dorset with the French garden, where they put us in the nursery and we broke that flimsy little bed?”
“I still maintain that that beam was already cracked,” Rosemary replies with dignity.
“Better than when the curate almost caught us out back of the rectory at—”
“Yes, yes. Well, we’ve got three nights here and we can take full advantage.”
“Thank goodness for the decline of the English aristocracy,” Laura says.
Rosemary snorts. “Thank goodness.”
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deathbecomesnerds · 3 years
"Imposter" Raymond/Astrid + Jax Teller
I was going to write some smut, and then lost my nerve so here's 1.7K words of nonsense!
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He didn’t like this fucker--not one bit, but as he sat across from said fucker and his boss, the Kingpin of the London Bush game, he bit his tongue as they stared each other down while Michael Pearson droned on and on about logistics of moving a shit ton of supply from London to Charming, CA.
Jax’s eyes shifted back to Mickey, listening intently on what he was saying before Mickey sat back in his chair with a smile.
“So, what do you think?” the Texan asked.
Jax smirked “I think it’s a good deal, when do we draw up the paperwork?” he asked.
“In the morning, but tonight--lets celebrate!” Mickey chuckled, glancing over at Raymond who remained firmly in his place.
Jax chuckled “Sure, lets party!” he proclaimed before standing up and extending his hand to Mickey, who took it and gave a firm handshake before turning to leave the table.
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Mickey glanced at Ray and smirked “You’re sure you’re an only child?” he asked.
Ray nodded his head firmly.
“Just checking,” Mickey said before walking away from the table to catch up with Jax.
Meanwhile, Ray grabbed up all the paperwork before grabbing his phone out of his jacket pocket to text Astrid that he was going to be late--that work was running overtime. She understood, said she wouldn’t wait up, and Ray thought to himself Well, that’s that then.
As the night droned on, Ray had left early to drop off the paperwork at Mickey’s home office--but not before Jax pocketed his wallet and checked it out for his address. Who the fuck was this guy? They were practically identical, but their personalities clashed like Toothpaste and Orange Juice--and Jax wanted to see how his elitist twin lived as he noted his address and excused himself from the party as well, knowing full well that the house would be empty, or so he thought.
Jax broke in through the backdoor, quiet as a mouse and closed the door gently behind him only to run into the couch in the dark that pushed into the coffee table that then knocked over a lamp--it wasn’t his most graceful moment, when he saw the lights flicker on from the hallway and attempted to hide, but whoever was coming down those steps was quicker, and they turned on the lights to the living and dining rooms to expose the Biker King.
“Raymond?” Astrid called out.
Jax blinked his eyes to see a tiny brunette in front of him, gun now pointing down at his feet as she sighed heavily while glaring at him.
“You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!” she continued, now looking him over as she approached him slowly “What the hell are you wearing? Raymond--where are your glasses!?” she asked him.
She reminded him of Tara, may she rest in peace, but he knew he had to think quickly as he stood in front of her, and she had a gun, much to his surprise. “I’m sorry...love.” he managed out a quick English accent.
Astrid tilted her head at him “What’s wrong with your voice?” she asked him.
Jax cleared his throat, still trying to find words when the woman in front of his sighed heavily “Ray, is this one of your experimental sex things? Cause if it is, I’m not in the mood. Tonight has been...a fucking nightmare!” she approached him closer before taking his hand “Just come to bed.” she muttered while guiding him upstairs.
He looked around the house as she held his hand with the gun still being held in her other, he needed to get the fuck out of here--how the hell was he supposed to know that Billy Tight Ass had a life outside of work? A woman who...he wouldn’t mind showing her a good time if he had the chance, but Tight Ass would be home soon, and he needed to get out of there ASAP!
“Love,” he finally said, almost perfecting the accent while Astrid stopped and turned to look at him.
“What, Ray?” she asked, looking his outfit over yet again.
Do it. He’s not here. Just a kiss.
“I have to...finish up some paperwork real quick.” he said.
Astrid huffed “It can wait until morning.” she insisted, dragging him into the bedroom.
She was so strong, gripping his hand tight and pulling him into the bedroom before letting him go and walking back over to her side of the bed, putting the gun back in her night table and crawling back into bed. Jax just continued to stare at her.
Astrid stared back, crossing her arms while sitting up in bed--something was off. His posture, his voice, his smell...clothes...all of it! His touch even seemed unfamiliar to her! But it’s Raymond. It’s my Ray.
“Come to bed, I won’t tell you again.” she muttered.
Jax nodded, taking off his kute as he walked towards the bathroom--hoping that this swanky home would have a window in the bathroom so he could jump out and escape but he could tell from just looking into the room there wasn’t one. He groaned before sighing heavily--he had to get the fuck out of there now.
“I forgot something downstairs. I’ll be right back!” Jax said with the accent, insistent as he turned to leave the bedroom, his kute in his hands.
As he stomped down the hall and hurried down the steps, he tried quickly to leave the home only to be somehow turned around and ended up in the kitchen.
“Fuck,” Jax muttered to himself.
He heard a voice clear his throat and he turned to see her behind him with her arms crossed still.
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“Raymond, what is going on with you?” she asked him softly “Did something happen?” She asked him.
Jax looked her over again, the American woman who stood in front of him was so appealing to him and his cock kept aching to touch her even though he knew he had no time.
“No, everything’s fine.” He said, trying to assure her as he approached her and touched her arms “It’s just been a long night.” He said.
Astrid swallowed hard, reaching up to touch his face “Ray, it’s okay. Whatever happened tonight, you can fix it. You always know how.” She assured him before leaning in to kiss him.
Her lips were the softest thing he had ever felt, of the hundreds of sluts he’d managed to bag, Jax Teller could not stop himself from kissing her back and wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“I love you, Ray” she whispered in between kisses.
“I love you too.” Jax muttered out like it was nothing.
“What the fuck are you doing?” they both heard, as Jax looked up to see Ray fuming as he stood in the doorway into the kitchen. Astrid swiftly turned to face her husband with a look of pure shock on her face as she glanced back at Jax, then back at Ray.
Astrid jerked away from Jax as she looked at Ray “Ray?” she asked, so much confusion in her voice as Ray grabbed her arms and pulled her further away from the imposter.
“Go upstairs,” Ray demanded.
Jax scuffed “Just like at work, you bark orders at your old lady? It’s been a rough day for her, Raymond, maybe ease off the commands.”
Ray clenched his jaw, not saying anything while Astrid narrowed her brows at Jax as she pushed Ray aside while stomping towards Jax to throat punch him. Jax’s cocky smile ceased as he fell to his knees all before Ray grabbed the back of his neck and dragged him to the front door where Astrid opened it, and Ray promptly threw Jax out of their house.
Neither of them said anything as Ray slammed the door shut and locked it before glancing at Astrid who was still processing what had just occurred.
Ray placed a gentle hand on her cheek “Did he hurt you?” he asked.
She slithered away from his touch “Please don’t touch me,” she muttered as she walked away from Ray “Who the fuck was that guy?!” she asked, stopping at the staircase in the hall.
Ray sighed “...the new client.”
Astrid swallowed the lump in her throat while her eyes formed tears as she looked away from Ray “I thought he was you,” she said, “...I thought he was you, but something was wrong,” she choked on tears.
Ray went up to her “It’s alright,” he comforted her.
She shook her head “Everything felt wrong, how did I not know!? The way he touched me, the way he moved--his clothes should have been an obvious giveaway! I…I cheated on you!” she began to cry.
He shook his head, gently grabbing her and holding her close as she cried into his chest “You did not cheat on me, how were you supposed to know? I could have just been having a mental breakdown.” he assured her, before pulling away from Astrid “Look at me,” he insisted “Look at me, you did nothing wrong! That piece of shit broke into our home and then tried to take advantage of you! That is all!” he told her.
Astrid brushed away tears “What’s gonna happen to the deal?” she asked.
Ray couldn’t help but let a small smile out, even after what had just occurred--she was still more concerned with him and Mickey, he shrugged his shoulders “...I don’t know,” he admitted.
“Are you gonna tell Mickey?” Astrid asked.
Ray nodded “Absolutely. Nobody puts a hand on you, ever. You or Ros, you understand me?”
Astrid nodded.
“It’s late, my Star.” he whispered to her “Why don’t you go to bed, I’ll be up in a second.” he told her.
Astrid glared at him “Work can wait,” she told him.
“I’m gonna make sure everything’s locked, so that cunt can’t weasel his way back in.” Ray told her.
She nodded “Okay,” she muttered, leaning in to kiss Ray and felt the normalcy of it--the returning calm of familiarity after what Astrid could only deem a cautious moment. Ray watched as she slowly climbed up the stairs and Ray waited a few moments before he pulled out his cell phone and dialed for Mickey.
“Raymond,” Mickey greeted.
“Boss,” Ray sighed “There was an incident…”
Mickey was silent for a moment “What kind of an incident?”
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destiniesfic · 4 years
i hate everybody (but maybe i don’t) 1/3
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This is my @jurdannet​ & @jurdannetrevels​​ Secret Snusband gift for @sevenfreckles-for-sevenloves​​! You tapped into a story I’d been wanting to write for ages, so you get three parts and three POVs (Vivi, Cardan, and Jude). Happy Holidays, I hope you like it. ♥ Thanks to @xdarkofthemoon​ for betaing!
This fic is rated E. Content warnings this chapter for excessive alcohol consumption, references to alcoholism, and (prescribed) antidepressant use.
Read on AO3 or read below:
Bars in Barcelona are not especially different from bars in the US. It’s a discovery Vivi has made over the course of her study abroad tenure: everything is different on the outside, but on the inside, not so much. She does like the outsides, though. She likes the tidy streets, the way the buildings don’t rise to blot out the sun as they have a habit of doing in American downtowns. She likes the cozy sameness of the facades, broken by the whimsical surprise of the odd Gaudí contribution. Like a lot of the European cities she’s visited there seems to be some unifying design principle, some common understanding. At home it’s anyone’s guess what the next office building or apartment complex might look like, a mishmash of styles as the cities clamor to reinvent themselves, modernist or postmodernist or deconstructionist or whatever.
Heather could name them all, if Heather were here.
But Heather isn’t here. Tonight, Vivi is out on the town with her two younger half-sisters, Jude and Taryn. Her twin baby sisters, although they hate it when she calls them that. The twins’ spring breaks overlapped by happy accident, so their adoptive dad, Vivi’s biological father, had sent them off on an all-expenses-paid Barcelona trip for a mini family reunion.
Taryn had been thrilled to go out. “I’m so excited that we can drink here,” she’d exclaimed, as she touched up her makeup in the AirBnB’s living room mirror. It’s a two-bed, two-bath apartment with an updated kitchen and certainly beats the dorms. Vivi was forced to give a silent, resentful thanks, Dad, but not out loud.
“You drink at home,” Jude reminded her from the bathroom, where she was trying to wrangle her hair into some style Taryn had sent her from Pinterest. “We have fake IDs.”
“It’s not the same,” Taryn had huffed, applying another coat of mascara. Vivi got that. It had not been the same when they came to Europe before, either, because they had been with Madoc, Oriana, and little Oak. Somehow parents at the table makes the glass of wine with dinner much less daring.
Jude had eventually settled on a high ponytail, and off they went.
Now they’re out at a bar not far from the AirBnB, with each of the twins perched on stools and Vivi leaning against the bar between them. Maybe it’s because she hasn’t seen them for so long except over FaceTime, but Vivi is shocked to notice that her little sisters aren’t kids anymore. They haven’t been little for a while, not since they overtook Vivi in height when they were twelve, but it’s one thing to not be little and another to be an adult. Taryn, who’s been yearning for adulthood since her tweens, finally looks more at home in the role. And Vivi doesn’t know how Taryn got Jude into that dark purple halter dress, which dips low in the front and lower in the back, but the way she wears that and her lipstick is a stark reminder that Vivi’s sisters are in fact nineteen, and no longer chubby, soft-faced children. It’s weird, and Vivi doesn’t like it.
Vivi gets hit on sometimes—with her undercut and piercings, mostly by “alternative” men and curious women—but the novelty of good-looking twins means Jude and Taryn shouldn’t need to pay for their own drinks. And they wouldn’t, except anytime a guy gets too close to Jude or Taryn, Jude adopts a laser-eyed glare and says, “No,” which is thankfully the same in both languages. Otherwise she might start speaking with fists.
“I don’t know why you won’t let us get free drinks,” Taryn pouts.
“The drinks are on Madoc,” Jude points out, nodding to the credit card Vivi puts back in her pocket. “They’re basically free.”
Taryn mutters, “It’s the principle of the thing.”
“You guys are such sisters,” Vivi says, taking a swig of beer.
“What does that mean?” they demand in unison.
Vivi grins and closes her eyes, shaking her head. For a second she just stands there, between the twins, and lets everything wash over her: the sibling bickering, the pungent smell of beer and whatever syrup is in Jude’s cocktail, and the music. Music is a strange experience in bars here. First there’s a Spanish song Vivi’s never heard, and then there’s Halsey, crooning over a Chainsmokers beat, and then back to Spanish with perennial favorite “Despacito.” It’s total whiplash. Vivi loves it.
It’s only because she’s listening so hard that she hears Taryn give a tiny gasp.
Vivi opens her eyes. Jude has gone very, very still. Her shoulders, which had been hunched up around her ears as she leaned over the bar, roll down her back, and the muscles there tense. Vivi is not sure Jude is remembering to breathe. She and Taryn are both staring at some fixed point across the bar, so Vivi looks too.
“Oh, hell,” she says.
On the other side of the bar—of the small space they are all crammed into—are four familiar figures. Three boys, one girl. Vivi has to blink to place them, because it seems absurd that four kids they went to high school with would show up in Spain while they, the Duarte sisters, are also in Spain, and also because they weren’t in Vivi’s grade. She knows them, though. Everyone knows Cardan Greenbriar and his trio of hot, mean friends, but Vivi knows them particularly well because of how her sisters have tangled with them over the years.
Taryn whispers, “What are they doing here?”
“I can go ask,” Vivi sighs. That group of kids has no quarrel with her. She and Cardan were friendly back in the day, meaning “ten years ago when Vivi would go hang out with Cardan’s older sister.”
“No,” Jude says, voice firm. Without taking her eyes off the interlopers, she picks up her cocktail and downs the rest of it.
Vivi doesn’t know exactly what happened, but Jude shed her fight-or-flight response sometime in high school. Now, she only has a fight response. Maybe Vivi took her flight response, because it was Vivi who was the terror until she turned eighteen, when she got the hell out of dodge. Taryn has always been in the middle, trying to keep the peace.
“We can go somewhere else,” Taryn suggests.
“No,” Jude repeats, setting her glass down on the bar a little too hard. “I’m not going to let those jerks keep me from having a good time.”
“Which I respect, and more power to you, but also, like, there are plenty of bars in Barcelona,” Vivi points out.
Jude glares. “I’m fine.” And then she holds up one finger in the bartender’s direction.
“You know those are really alcoholic, right?” Taryn says. Worry begins to seep into her voice like melting snow through cracks in a sidewalk.
“I know my limits.”
Vivi and Taryn exchange a wary glance. Jude might know her limits, but she has no problem blowing past them. Jude may not think Vivi remembers the tae kwon do tournament she sat through when Jude was eleven and Vivi was thirteen, but oh, Vivi does. Vivi remembers how her sister volunteered to spar until she had tired herself out to the point where she could no longer stand. Vivi also remembers Jude driving to school on a single hour of sleep after staying up to finish an extra credit essay in a class where she already had an A. Jude somehow didn’t crash her car, but she had been unbearable the entire day. Jude is a danger to herself and very occasionally a menace to society.
But Jude is also an adult and it’s not Vivi’s business.
“Suit yourself,” Vivi says, with a shrug. “It’s dear old Dad’s money.”
A few minutes later, Jude is nursing her second cocktail, and Vivi and Taryn are trying to carry on a conversation as though everything is fine. Any normal person would be well loosened up by now, but Jude retains that unnatural stillness like a dog who’s noticed a squirrel on the other side of a yard. Or, more accurately, maybe like a deer who’s spotted a human hunter approaching over the ridge.
Jude is no defenseless herbivore, but Vivi knows half a lifetime of being bullied has made her feel like a target.
“Hey,” Vivi says, jostling Jude with her elbow.
“Tell me about your freshman year misadventures. Taryn won’t open up.”
Jude snorts. “What misadventures?”
“You have to have a few,” Vivi says. “I didn’t raise my sisters to be boring.”
“You didn’t raise us at all,” Jude mutters at her cocktail.
Vivi has never seen her sister anywhere near drunk before and is not sure she likes her like this. “What about boys?” she asks, gently elbowing Jude again. Then she raises her eyebrows. “Girls?”
“No. Nobody.” Jude finishes her second drink and, glaring across the bar, apparently makes the decision to switch to shots. “Vivi, is vodka still ‘vodka’ in Spanish?”
“I’m not answering that.” Vivi sighs. “What about you, Taryn? Anybody?”
“Huh? Um, no.” Taryn had been looking at their erstwhile schoolmates too. One of the boys, the redhead, is looking back. Locke. Vivi exhales. Bad news. There’s history there, the kind of history that shouldn’t repeat.
“Reeeeally?” she asks. “Nobody? Not one boy?”
Taryn blinks back to herself. “Vivi, I go to school for fashion design. They’re all gay.”
“Well, that can be fun.” Vivi gestures at herself. God, she wishes her sisters had brought Heather along. The hot lady bartender with the gorgeous tattoo sleeve keeps trying to catch her eye, and Vivi and Heather had established a “what happens in Barcelona stays in Barcelona” policy before she left, but Vivi doesn’t want a hot lady bartender. She wants her girlfriend.
“Yeah, they’re cool.” Taryn glances back across the bar. Now the blue-haired girl—Nicasia, Vivi recalls—is looking back, along with Locke. Not good.
Since Jude is negotiating for a shot of vodka with hot lady bartender in competent enough Spanish, Vivi lowers her voice and asks Taryn, “Are you feeling especially homesick?”
“We’ve kept in touch.” Taryn doesn’t meet her eyes.
Vivi would hold more of a grudge if someone had tried to sleep with her and her sister, but that’s very much not her circus or her monkeys. She asks, “Did you know he’d be here?”
Taryn shakes her head. “He said they were doing a European tour for spring break, but, like, it’s a big continent.”
“Good news,” says Jude, holding up a shot glass. “It’s vodka in both languages. Cheers.”
“You are going to be sick,” Taryn says.
Jude gives her a sarcastic shrug and then downs the shot. She coughs a little, which somewhat ruins the impression she’s trying to make, but swallows it all down.
“Jude,” Vivi says, beginning to worry, “we really can just leave.”
But Jude is looking at her old high school nemeses again. Cardan had been a particular thorn in her side, or he in hers; Vivi never made sense of that conflict, of who had started what. What she does know is that they’ve definitely been spotted now. The blond boy—Vivi doesn’t quite remember his name—seems to make a move to walk over to them, but Cardan reaches out and grabs his arm, shaking his head. Valentine? Valentino? looks sour, but doesn’t approach. Jude stares them both down.
“I have to use the bathroom,” Taryn announces. “El baño.” Taryn had taken French in high school.
“But—” Vivi begins.
Taryn has already vanished into the crowd. Vivi puts her elbows on the bar and cradles her head in her hands. “This is all going great.”
“Not how you pictured our night out on the town?” asks Jude, who has obtained another shot of vodka from God knows where.
“Yeah, not really.”
“Well, I can fix it.” Jude drinks her second shot and does not cough this time. “I’m going to go talk to them.”
Vivi picks up her head. “That’s a terrible idea.”
“So what?”
“Dad’s going to hold me responsible if anything happens to you.”
Jude fixes a level stare on her. “Dad never holds you responsible for anything,” she says. She slips a little when she gets up off her stool. Vivi wonders if she’s really thinking about fighting someone in those heels.
“You’re mean drunk,” Vivi tells her, trying to grab her arm. “Don’t go.”
“I’m mean sober, but nobody notices,” says Jude, which doesn’t make any sense. She shakes Vivi off. “Besides, I have a few things I want to say.”
And for the second time that night, Vivi watches as one of her sisters pushes her way into the crowd of people, unsure if she should follow or not. Maybe it’ll be good for Jude, in the end, to get some of this out of her system.
The guys across the room are watching Jude approach. Cardan especially. The blond guy is sneering, but Cardan watches Jude with the same strange stillness with which she’d watched him. Like he’s holding his breath until she gets there. Unlike Jude, he doesn’t seem that drunk at all, which Vivi notices because, well, it’s a rare day that Cardan Greenbriar isn’t drunk.
But he is too busy watching her and not his blond friend, who decides that he’s going to intercept Jude before she can even reach Cardan. He pushes over to her first and bars her way, and although Vivi is too far away to hear what’s said between them, she notices the squaring of Jude’s shoulders and the widening of the blond guy’s sneer. Because she is watching closely, she sees that Valerian is the one who shoves Jude first.
Valerian. That’s his name.
It clicks right before Jude punches him in the face.
The bar erupts. Cardan springs to his feet and tries to pull his friend away from Jude. A couple of nearby patrons try to save Jude from herself—Vivi could have told them it was a fool’s errand—by holding her back, not knowing Jude has sharp elbows. Valerian struggles hard and manages to break away from Cardan, only to find himself being grabbed by more pairs of hands. There is shouting in Spanish. Even the hot lady bartender is drawn away, trying to signal her coworkers.
The most Vivi-like thing to do would be to leave Jude to it and keep her nose clean. But Vivi remembers asking Madoc on the day of that fateful tae kwon do tournament, while they revived Jude with sips of Gatorade, why Madoc hadn’t stopped Jude when it became clear she was flagging. “Your sister needs to learn for herself when to stop fighting,” he’d said. “If I make those calls for her, she never will.”
Vivi has a lot of qualms with Madoc’s parenting style, and Taryn is nowhere to be found.
“Oh, hell,” Vivi says again, and she dives into the knot of drunk brawlers to pull her sister from the fray.
“I can’t believe you got us kicked out,” Vivi says.
Jude, drunk, hapless Jude, is sitting on the curb with her head between her knees, presumably trying not to barf. There’s still enough anger left in her to flip Vivi off.
“Unbelievable.” Vivi folds her arms and looks left, then right. It seems like a good quarter of the bar spilled out onto the sidewalk with them, a crowd of people chattering about what just happened. Forget kicked out, Jude’s lucky she wasn’t arrested. “Do you see Taryn anywhere?”
“What do you think?”
Vivi pinches the bridge of her nose. Taryn will be fine. She has the AirBnB address and a phone she can use on WiFi. Besides, as far as Vivi knows, she ran off with Locke. Vivi hasn’t seen the two of them come out of the bar yet, and she would not be surprised. She knows a bad decision when she sees one.
“You keep sitting down,” Vivi tells Jude. “I’m going to figure out a ride home.”
“Your face should keep sitting down,” Jude mumbles spitefully.
“Hey, guys? Vivi?”
Vivi cringes as soon as she hears the voice, because she knows the voice, and because in this situation the owner of that voice will only make things worse. Vivi doesn’t have any personal grudge against Cardan Greenbriar—they’ve even sometimes been friends—except for how her sister feels about him. Taryn’s always said he was kind of a dick, but Taryn doesn’t hate him like Jude does. Nobody hates anybody the way Jude hates Cardan. Vivi wonders if Jude has something to prove.
Sure enough, Jude’s head swivels at the sound of his voice like the kid’s head turning around in The Exorcist. “You,” she snarls, and then stumbles to her feet.
“Jude,” Vivi says, trying to catch her sister’s dress to pull her back, but Jude is already out of reach. With another sigh, Vivi stands too.
“What are you doing here?” Jude demands of Cardan, openly hostile. It would be funny, because Jude is a full head shorter than him, if Jude was anybody else’s sister. “We were all having a great time until you showed up.”
“It’s anybody’s city,” Cardan says, but he doesn’t seem to be mocking her. He holds up his hands to show her they are empty.
“Go the fuck home!” Jude yells, and shoves him, sending him back a couple of steps.
Vivi shouts, “Woah!”
“It’s okay,” Cardan tells Vivi over Jude’s head. “She’s not hurting me. Let her get it out.”
With a little cry, Jude pushes him again, and this time he only stumbles back a half-step, but he keeps his hands up and his stance somewhat grounded. The next time Jude shoves him he doesn’t budge at all, and Jude lets out a grunt of frustration, fisting her hands in his jacket.
And then she bursts into tears.
“Oh,” says Vivi, but Cardan doesn’t seem that surprised. She wonders if he’s used to people behaving badly while drunk or just being drunk himself.
“You’re so a-awful,” Jude says between sobs. “Everything’s awful all the time.”
“I know, Jude,” Cardan replies. He gently pries the jacket out of her fists so he can remove it and drape it over her bare shoulders. Jude grabs onto his shirt instead.
“Why do you hate me so much?” she asks, with a small hiccup.
“I don’t,” Cardan replies. His hand rubs circles between his shoulder blades. “But I hope you’re too drunk to remember that.” He looks up at Vivi, and Vivi feels a brief flash of embarrassment, like she’s intruded on something intimate, before she remembers that they’re in public and, also, she has no shame. “Were you going to get a taxi? I can keep an eye on her while you do. I don’t think she should walk back.”
“Oh.” Vivi blinks. “Yeah. I’ve got it. Where’s your ‘friend?’”
“Sent him packing. He’s back at the hotel, or he should be.”
“Well… good.”
But Cardan isn’t listening. He’s already looking down at Jude again.
It turns out Vivi has, carelessly, let her phone die. She isn’t anal about things like that. Taryn’s the one who keeps a charger in her purse at all times, but Taryn has vanished, and Jude’s phone only works on WiFi outside of the States.
So they hail one of Barcelona's bumblebee-like taxis the old-fashioned way, and Vivi is the one who climbs into the passenger’s seat and tells the driver where to go in Spanish that’s fluent, if definitely not Spain-Spanish. It is deeply ironic that Vivi, the only sister without a drop of Duarte blood in her veins, is the one who speaks Spanish the best. But Jude and Taryn were only seven when their parents died. Vivi had been nine. Two years makes a big difference with these things, especially because memories are shaping and re-shaping themselves in the minds of children that young. As far as the twins’ brains are concerned, they only had their parents for a short time.
Vivi remembers more. She remembers sitting on the counter in the old kitchen, legs swinging, as her dad cooked on Fridays—the special day, the end of the week day—and pointing at things in the kitchen so Justin could tell her their names in Spanish and she could echo them back. Cebolla, onion. Queso, cheese, of course. Cuchara, spoon. The words had a favor of their own, different from the English words she learned in kindergarten. She remembers the smell of toasting coriander seeds, the bright songs her dad would hum, the vibrant melodies bursting from the CD player Vivi leaned her elbow on. When she got far enough along in school, she threw herself into Spanish, hoping the words would pave a road that would lead her back to the man who shaped her.
Sometimes Jude gets in a sulk about their awful twist of fate, or Taryn gets weepy, and Vivi just wants to yell Justin Duarte was my dad, too! She feels like her throat is raw from screaming it her entire adolescence. It was easier in the end to just move away for college.
She ended up in Spain because Madoc and Oriana weren’t keen on her going to Mexico. Oh, sure, they’d been before on vacation no problemo, but as soon as Vivi wanted to go alone it was game over. No matter how much Vivi told them it was very racist of them and a total double standard. Apparently Oriana didn’t want her getting kidnapped. Vivi, who has in fact seen the movie Taken, knows she can get kidnapped in Europe just as easily, thanks very much. That had not been a persuasive argument with Madoc.
So here she is, in Barcelona, where familiar words can have entirely different flavors, and that’s even before getting to Catalan, which she can now speak a little but not well. Most of the time, she’ll be honest, she does love it here. At this moment she’s not feeling charitable toward anything.
Cardan helps load Jude into the backseat of the taxi. The driver, looking in the rearview mirror, asks, “¿Su novio?”
“¿Qué?” Vivi asks reflexively. She cranes her head around to see Cardan sliding in next to Jude, his arm around her shoulder. She switches to English. “What the hell, dude?”
“She won’t let go,” Cardan says simply. It’s true; Jude is clinging to him like a very weepy barnacle, her shoulders still shaking.
“Alright, well.” Vivi turns back around. It’s good to have the extra pair of hands. She wishes again that Heather was here. “You’re the official Jude wrangler now.”
“Copy that. I just—” He sighs, and in the rearview, Vivi sees him rub his face with his free hand. “It’s my fault.”
“Sure is.” The taxi begins to pull away from the curb, and Vivi checks her anger. She amends, “Actually, no, it’s not your fault that my sister’s a lightweight and an angry drunk. But from what I hear, the years of prior psychological damage are totally your fault. So, credit where credit is due.”
Cardan nods. Jude sniffles forlornly. Vivi is intrigued by how gentle he’s being with her, how tolerant. His shirt looks like a regular cotton tee, but knowing him it probably costs about the same as a single night in their very nice AirBnB. He doesn’t seem to mind that Jude’s getting snot and tears all over it.
“Hate you,” Jude mutters, pressing her face into his shoulder. “Hate this.”
“I know.” He pushes a lock of hair that’s escaped from her ponytail. “What are you on?”
“Huh?” There’s a pause. Vivi is watching the road now, but she can imagine Jude’s confused blinking. “I don’t… drugs.”
“Oh, um, fuck.” Another pause. “Zoloft. I switched this year.”
“You’re not supposed to drink on that stuff,” Cardan says, but it almost sounds like he’s teasing. “It messes you up. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”
Jude sniffs. “It’s not like I’m operating heavy machinery,” she says, slurring slightly.
Cardan chuckles. “I did the Zoloft thing, too. I’m not on it anymore, though.”
“‘Cause you couldn’t drink?”
“Like anything would stop me.” He pauses, and Vivi looks into the rearview mirror to find him biting his lower lip in an exaggerated way, so drunk Jude is sure to get the joke. “No, there were... personal reasons.”
Jude is utterly nonplussed. “What?”
“Ah, you know…” He leans over and whispers something to her. Her eyes widen, and then she lets out a small, nervous chuckle. “Oh.”
“Yeah, I was like ‘If I can’t have sex, won’t that just make me more depressed?’”
To Vivi’s great surprise, Jude giggles. A totally surreal sound. She hasn’t giggled like that in years, if ever.
“There we go,” says Cardan, weirdly indulgent. “No more crying. Or, well—oh, okay,” he adds, as Jude turns her head and begins quietly sobbing into the sleeve of his shirt. “I guess some more crying.”
“You seem very sober,” Vivi remarks.
“Yeah, I’m trying it on. Just club soda for me tonight.” He leans over to rest his head on top of Jude’s. “It, cómo se dice, sucks.”
“Like your accent.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Vivi is beginning to get vaguely suspicious. She says, “But you are handling this well. Just used to dealing with a lot of drunks?”
“Huh? Oh.” Cardan’s dark eyes flick up to meet Vivi’s in the mirror. “This isn’t the first time. Jude got wasted at prom, after the stuff with Locke and Taryn came to light. Completely trashed.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“You were finishing up sophomore year, right? In like, Massachusetts? And it’s not like she would have told you. If she’s lucky, she doesn’t remember it. I loaded her into the Uber that took her home.”
Vivi’s stomach twists, but she channels the newfound sister guilt into suspicion and narrows her eyes. “Decent of you.”
“Yeah, I was trying that out, too. Got puked on for the trouble.” Cardan leans his head back against the headrest now. Jude’s sobs have quieted down. “But I still remember the Four Phases of Drunk Jude Duarte.”
“I’m glad somebody does,” Vivi admits. “What are they?”
“Angry, weepy, horny, sick.”
She snorts. “Basically Snow White’s shittiest dwarves.”
“Basically,” Cardan agrees. “But you’re not in danger of her getting sick yet, because we haven’t hit—ah. Um. Well.” He clears his throat. “Never mind.”
Vivi looks up into the mirror again to see Cardan plucking Jude’s hand off of him and returning it to her. “Did we just hit horny?”
“We just hit horny,” he says, his voice strained. Jude has her face buried in his neck again, but this time for entirely different reasons. The hand he had returned to Jude is already sliding back down his shirt. “Okay, hands above the waist. No, above—”
“Oh my God.” Vivi covers her mouth to stifle her laughter.
“Great. Very helpful, Vivienne,” Cardan says, grabbing Jude’s wrist and holding it still. It speaks to their relationship as nearly family friends that he can use her full name without invoking her wrath. “Your sister is outright molesting me and you can’t even tell her to knock it off?”
He doesn’t sound totally panicked, though. “I think you might want my sister to molest you,” Vivi guesses, turning around in her seat to look at him. Somehow, Jude has managed to thoroughly drape herself across him, but Cardan is showing admirable and frankly uncharacteristic self-restraint by keeping her from doing anything that can’t be undone. “Just a little.”
“When she’s sober. Jude, don’t bite my ear. Jude—”
Vivi snickers. The rest of the short ride passes like that, with Cardan deflecting Jude’s advances and Vivi deflecting the taxi driver’s questions about what exactly is happening back there and whether Jude is going to be sick all over his floor mats. They are lucky enough to not hit “sick” until Jude is out of the car and walking up the five stairs to the door of the apartment building. With Cardan’s warning in mind, Vivi is able to jump back in time.
Cardan, who is nearer to Jude, is not so lucky. She leans against the railing and doubles over it, but his shoes and the bottoms of his jeans are still caught in the splash zone. “Okay, great,” he says, gathering her back up. He does not sound entirely tolerant now, but he also doesn’t sound as angry as Vivi might expect. “That’s over. Feel any better?”
“No,” Jude mutters.
“You might in the morning.” He moves them both so Vivi can pass and open the door. “Man, is this really only the second time this has ever happened to you? I have to say, I’m jealous. Not of you in this moment, of course. Just in general.”
“We can’t all be charming teenage alcoholics,” Vivi says, propping the door open so Cardan can help her through.
“You hear that, Jude?” Cardan asks. “Your sister thinks I’m charming.”
“Uh-huh,” says Jude.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” Vivi warns. “She’s almost out. Let’s get her upstairs.”
Jude doesn’t make it into the bedroom she and Taryn are sharing. They put her to bed on the couch, on her side, with Cardan’s jacket draped over her. There’s no laundry machine in the AirBnB, but Vivi finds some detergent in the cabinet and they fill the bathroom sink with lukewarm water so Cardan can wash his jeans. Vivi is not sure the right time for the conversation she should have is now, when Cardan is standing in his boxer briefs and Jude is passed out in the next room, but on the bright side, there probably isn’t a worse time.
“You know, I didn’t think we had this level of friendship,” Cardan remarks, dunking his jeans in the sudsy water. “Dealing with your sister must really be a bonding experience. You always liked Rhyia best.”
“Well, Rhyia’s cool.” Vivi folds her arms and leans in the doorway. She kicked off her boots when they got in the door, so Cardan now looks even taller, although certainly not very intimidating in his underwear. “Calvin Klein. Nice. You always struck me as more of a boxers guy, I have to say.”
“Sometimes. These jeans are pretty tight, though.” He looks over at her. “Do you need something?”
She shakes her head. “Oh, nothing. I just can’t believe you’re trying to fuck my sister.”
“I’m not trying to fuck your sister,” Cardan says, massaging his jeans in the sink in such a way that Vivi is forced to wonder whether he’s ever done his own laundry. “She’s wasted. And she hates me.”
Vivi frowns deeply.
Cardan asks, “What?”
“Vivienne Leigh—”
“Don’t you pull out my full name for this. You’re playing some game here and I will figure out what it—oh.”
“What now?”
Vivi squints at him. “Are you in love with my sister?”
Cardan lets out an exhausted sigh. “Taryn isn’t really my type.”
They both know they aren’t talking about Taryn. “What the fuck. How long?”
“Like a year. Or maybe my whole life. I’m not sure.”
“Does she know?”
“I really hope not.” Cardan grimaces at his reflection in the mirror, and then looks past himself to see where Jude sleeps on the couch. “She’d never let me live it down.”
“Okay, well…” Vivi pauses. This is more older sibling responsibility than she signed up for. “What are your… intentions?”
“I don’t have any.” Vivi purses her lips, and he adds, “I really don’t. I wasn’t expecting to see her tonight. I kind of thought I’d never see her again after we graduated.” He pauses and looks down at the sink. “I think, someday, I’d like to be a person she likes. That she’s capable of liking.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Huh.” He has it really, really bad. Vivi can’t imagine what Jude said or did to make him feel that way about her. Maybe it was her total lack of regard for him? “Is this why you bullied her for years?”
“I hope not!” Cardan exclaims, in a way that suggests this thought has occurred to him before, and moreover, that it actually bothers him. “I don’t know! I don’t want to be that fucking cliché, Vivi.”
“We’re all cliché in our own special ways,” Vivi says, glancing back at Jude. A vague plot is beginning to take shape in her brain. Jude is the plotter, Taryn the planner—there is a difference—and Vivi the pantser, normally. But there is something here that she thinks she can exploit. “Seeing as you have no pants, you should probably stay over. I don’t think any of our clothes will fit you.”
“Seriously. You can have one of the twin beds.” After a beat, she adds, “I’m not telling you which one is Jude’s.”
“Darn,” Cardan deadpans. “Now I don’t know which one to jerk off in.”
Vivi pulls a face. “That’s the idea.” And then, because Cardan is hopeless, she reaches forward and yanks the plug from the drain. “Rinse off your jeans in clean water. Otherwise they’ll dry all stiff and soapy.”
“Thank you for the advice, oh wise one.”
She rolls her eyes and leaves him to it. After checking on Jude, whose coloring and breathing are both normal, she heads back to her room and looks at her phone. Nothing from Taryn, even though it’s later than Vivi thought, but Vivi isn’t worried. Taryn’s kind of like a cat in that, somehow, she always manages to land on her feet. Vivi fires off a quick text to her, then stares at the glowing screen, thinking about the way Cardan had rested his head on top of Jude’s in the back of the taxi.
She texts Heather: sisters are a lot of work
i wish you were here
It’s much earlier in New England. When the three dots pop up to indicate that Heather is typing a reply, Vivi smiles.
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im-a-space-gay · 4 years
Welcome to Camp Sanders!
(I’ve downloaded three translators to find out half the time Google Translate was either the only one getting it right or the only one getting it wrong. If there is any mistakes in any language besides English, I am sorry as I only speak English fluently [ha, fluently]. Also yes, ANOTHER AU. Look, I’m idea/story fluid along with gender fluid. Deal with it.)
“I do not see the point of summer camp,” a fourteen year old boy stated, looking out the car window in resentment towards the camp and kids of varying ages running around.
This boy’s name was Logan Lee Lucy, born November 3rd in Japan and moving to the U.S. when he was three. With black hair pushed away from his eyes that were sapphire blue, he wore rectangular glasses and a black T-shirt with gray shorts. Normally he wore polos and ties, but his awful mother said that was too formal for where she was sending him.
Camp Sanders.
Camp Sanders was a summer camp for kids from eight to eighteen, and was in the middle of a forest without anything around it. It was a place for kids to find and pursue interests, and there was plenty activities from outdoors to indoors, pleasing every kid.
Every kid, except for Logan, of course.
“You need to spend some time in the sunshine and make friends,” his mother said in response, and Logan huffed, crossing his arms and sliding down the seat.
“Friends are for spineless maggots who are dependent on others for happiness,” Logan glared, and his mother sighed.
“No wonder why you’re never happy.”
“I’m happy plenty, I’ll have you know!” Logan lied, finally unbuckling his seatbelt, and grabbing his backpack.
“Alright,” his mother said, twisting around to look at him with a smile from the driver’s seat. “Just... try to have a nice summer, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too,” Logan said before leaving, grasping his backpack straps as he stared down the streams of kids, his mother driving away behind him. He was just about to follow the children before someone poked his shoulder. He looked over to see a boy that was probably his age, smiling widely.
He was fairly tan, with a infinite amount of freckles and curly orange locks with bright blue eyes. When Logan paid attention to the smile, he could see a small gap between his two middle incisors on the top. He had a baby blue crop top and khaki short shorts, with a pink backpack and round glasses.
“Hiya! I’m Patton Hart, fourteen, he/him!” He said, sticking his hand out to shake, which Logan did with a raised eyebrow.
“Logan Lucy, fourteen, he/him.”
“Nice to meet ya Logan!” Patton smiled wider, and Logan picked up on a small Irish accent. “Now, I’m no expert, but are you new?”
“Yes?” Logan blinked, wondering if he was that obvious before something else crossed his mind. “Wait, some people come here repeatedly?”
“Yeppers!” Patton said, pointing at himself. “I’ve been here for three summers before this one, and I’m friends with most that keep coming here! I just really love this camp! Among other things....”
Patton murmured the last part with a blush, suddenly acting shy as he fiddled with his earlobe with a tiny smile. Logan would ask, but he was rather befuddled with this new information.
“So you come back to summer camp... because you want to?” Logan asked in desbelief, and Patton’s shy demeanor vanished as he nodded with a bright grin.
“Uh huh! Who knows, maybe you’ll do the same!” Logan scrunched his nose at the statement.
“Doubtful, but alright.”
“Now, I’ll help you get signed in since you’re in my age group!” Patton said cheerfully, taking Logan’s hand and dragging him with the rest of kids that were going to a giant building, which Logan found out was the mess hall upon entering.
Logan, after looking around the -rather aesthetically pleasing- hall, realized that Patton was talking to him and listened in.
“-onder which cabin you’ll be placed in!”
“Cabin?” Logan parroted, and Patton glanced in his direction before pulling him to a forest green table with a couple clipboards.
“Yep! You’ll be placed in a cabin based on age and sex -unless you’re trans, than you go in with the gender you identify with so you don’t feel dysphoria- and you get five bunk mates!” Patton explained, telling him to sign in while he checked which cabin Logan was placed in.
Logan finished his signature when Patton gasped loudly, and Logan jumped, looking at him in confusion. Patton faced him excited, showing the clipboard to him.
“You’re in the Sides cabin! THAT’S MY CABIN!” And before Logan could open his mouth, Patton gasped again with a worried look and turned the clipboard to him again.
After scanning it, he sighed in relief.
“Uh,” Logan intelligently said, and Patton looked up, blinking.
“Oh sorry, I was just checking who left the Sides cabin. It was just Dev, so no reason to worry!”
“Alright,” Logan nodded, feeling like he was missing something.
“Well,” Patton said, grabbing Logan’s hand again. “Let’s head to our cabin! You’re going to love the others!”
They were out of the mess hall before Logan could blink, Patton being in more of a hurry than before, they weaved through the crowd before arriving at a small cabin that looked exactly the same as the rest of the cabins, if you excluded the sign above the door reading “Sides”. Patton took a calming breath before opening the door, and everyone in the room looked over, making Logan flinch even as they looked at Patton with wide grins.
Two of the boys were undoubtedly twins of Hispanic origins, one wearing a red T-shirt and washed out overalls, while the other wore a green T-shirt and black overalls with holes, their dark brown hair swooping dramatically and brown eyes filled with energy. It seemed these two were playing tug-o-war with a small rope before they opened the door.
Another had dark skin with a splotch of a lighter skin tone on the left side of his face, black hair braided away from his eyes. His left eye was green, while his right was brown, and he had a yellow tank top with a two headed snake and ripped jeans. It appeared this one was recording what the twins were doing with a smirk on his lips.
The final one seemed to be the only one of American descent in the cabin, with pale skin and brown hair long enough that it covered his eyes and ears and touched the tip of his nose. He had a strange hoodie that mainly was black, but the sleeves had alternating black and purple stripes, and the hood and pocket were purple. He also wore black high-waisted shorts with black thigh highs that almost reached the shorts, leaving the smallest sliver of pale skin between them, and purple headphones around his neck. He was hanging upside down, halfway off one of the top bunks, showing his emerald eyes.
“Hiya!” Patton said excitedly, dragging Logan in behind him, making Logan barely have time to close the door behind him.
“Patton!” The twins yelled simultaneously, dropping the rope and running over to hug Patton, thankfully making him let go of Logan’s hand so he could back away from the group hug.
When they pulled away, they looked at Logan, and smiled near-identical grins.
“Who’s this you brought with ya?” The one in red asked, making Logan happy when he stayed out of his personal bubble. Patton gasped and clapped, gesturing widely to him.
“Everybody, this is our new bunk mate, Logan! Logan, meet everybody!”
“Hi?” He said confused, and Patton pointed at the twins.
“These are Roman and Remus Royal, the twins! Roman wears red and Remus wears green,” Patton explained, and Logan nodded, making a silent note that the twins were color-coded. Then Patton walked over to the dark skinned one and slung an arm around him. “This is Janus Smith, a ball of sarcasm and friendship!”
Janus snorted, waving before saying, “less friendship, more snake.”
Logan blinked confused, wondering what that meant but Patton was already bounding toward the one hanging precariously from the bed, blush on his face.
“And this is Virgil Storm! He’s really anxious, listens to music a lot, and speaks any language except English out of spite, I’ve been told. He still understands English though!”
“こんにちは,” Virgil nodded, biting his lip. Logan nodded back, pleasantly surprised when Virgil spoke in his home language.
“こんにちは。英語を話してみませんか?” Logan asked, and he saw the others looking confused while Virgil smiled.
Logan rose his eyebrow but nodded.
“Anyways,” Patton said, dragging everyone’s attention to him. “It’s nice to see you all again!”
“You too!” The twins chimed, Janus nodding.
“Tú freisin Patton,” Virgil said, finally moving so he was not about to fall off the bed, covering his eyes with his bangs, and Logan was pretty sure Patton was blushing again. Probably because of everybody saying it was nice to see him as well.
At least, he thinks Virgil said that. Logan only spoke English and Japanese, not whatever that was. Though that did make him curious how many languages Virgil knew.
“So, shall we play twenty questions?” Janus questioned as Logan and Patton put their stuff on the remaining bunks. Everybody was quick to agree (wow okay he was going to have to get used to people speaking languages he didn’t understand), and Logan had only one thought as he watched Janus play catch with the twins, with Patton telling them how his year was and Virgil occasionally muttering to him in Japanese that he wished Logan luck with dealing with all of them.
Maybe this summer won’t be so bad.
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9tzuyu · 4 years
the art of delicate hands – pt. i
[ wandanat. ]
College AU.
Multiple part series ;
↳ snippets of their relationship and how I perceive them.
wanda doesn't like to talk very much, only to her brother (and sometimes her lovely redheaded girlfriend).
if anyone international is reading this, ASL is shortened for american sign language (language of the hands).
this is a revised and edited version from when i wrote it on ao3 in 2018.
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The only person that knew was Pietro. It was her little secret, and she could only hope that no one now would find out. She knew she shouldn't be ashamed, it was nothing to be ashamed over. Unsurprisingly however, it became her biggest insecurity – years of relentless bullying ensued that.
Wanda was always anxious. When she was seven she began experiencing panic attacks. The metallic taste of blood in her mouth became familiar over time as her panic attacks worsened.
All because she was mute and didn't feel comfortable to speak to anyone, including her parents. The only person Wanda felt comfortable enough to talk to was her brother (you could say that's because they're twins).
A doctor in Sokovia mentioned to Wanda's parents that therapy may help, that it may get her to speak more than four words a week. So her parents moved her when she was 16 and hoped for the best.
Within a year and a half Wanda was able to develop a clear understanding of American Sign Language. Eight months into the move and Wanda's parents had given up on Wanda ever talking, something that she took personal. They didn't catch on to English as quick as the twins did, their native language stuck closer than expected. Pietro didn't mind learning English quickly as he wanted to fit in school, and he also didn't mind studying ASL to communicate with Wanda on a deeper level.
American high school wasn't much better than her hometown. People talked, whispered and gossiped about her in class, muttered hurtful things about her appearance and the way she carried herself; a shy, quiet, timid girl. The worst part of it was when they mocked her for using a language that was supposed to feel safe for her. Pietro always came to her rescue, shooing people away, reminding them that she's his sister. The silver haired boy had no problem fitting in, it was only when they were apart did people tease the younger brunette.
When their parents died, Wanda took the brunt of the emotional attack it had on the twins. She'd been sitting in the backseat of the car, earbuds in, with her music volume at maximum capacity. Her father had tried to tell her to turn down the music while her mother rest in the passenger seat, window down with her eyes closed. When Wanda didn't hear her father, he reached over, eyes off the road, and tapped her. The second she registered his touch a semi-truck hit her father's door. In a matter of minutes Wanda and Pietro both were left alone to fend for themselves.
Putting the blame on herself only caused her to shut down further. It took over a year for Wanda to speak to Pietro again.
But as per usual, the twins stuck together and finished high school. The only difference was that they lived in foster care, they belonged to the state, up for grabs if anyone wanted them. That came to an end six months into their stay. The foster family proposed the idea of adoption, they had no problem in taking care of the twins for the rest of the time being – or, if they wanted, every day after as well.
At twenty, Wanda and Pietro eventually both went to college and shared a house with a bundle of other people on campus. The younger sibling even found herself a girlfriend within the group, her name being Natasha Romanoff.
Natasha didn't mind at all how little Wanda talked. She was curious, of course, but even before their relationship Nat never pushed her girlfriend into anything uncomfortable. Natasha could tell Wanda always made effort though, that's what drove the brunette into allowing herself a relationship.
When the redhead would sleep, Wanda would continuously practice signing. She'd sign songs and poems, movie scripts and books, everything she possibly could to improve herself. It was a very personal, in touch form of language for her.
Wanda had been with her girlfriend a little over a year and Natasha still didn't know all the unpleasant factors that came about her life. Wanda only told her just enough to get by, and she felt immensely guilty for that. Truth was she desperately wanted to tell Natasha, she just didn't know how. She'd thought about just signing something to her and hoping she would catch on, but figured that would be too much. Anxiety spiked in her chest and in her bones, and she was tired of feeling like a liar.
With a sigh, Wanda plopped down on her bed and pulled her phone out from her back pocket. Unlocking it, she went to her text messages and scrolled to Pietro's contact. When she was sure no one else was in the house, she tapped the call button and listened to the phone ring until Pietro answered.
"You know I'm in the other room, right? You literally could've called my name." He greeted, accent heavy through the speaker.
Wanda giggled as she ran her fingers through her hair. You're safe. Speak, it's okay. She reminded herself.
"Yeah, but are you free?"
"Can you come here? I need to ask you about something." Pietro gave out a loud, playful sigh but walked to her room, disconnecting the call on his way in. "What is it, my dear sister? What could possibly be troubling you here on this day? Is it that scruffy redhead?" He smirked arrogantly but sat down in the desk chair across from Wanda, not failing to notice how she rolled her eyes.
"She doesn't have scruffy hair and you know it. It's soft, gentle – and much less damaged than your shit show of an excuse for bleached hair."
"Whatever you say, little chaos."
Wanda groaned, "Why must you still call me that?"
"It suits you well."
There was a shared moment of silence between the two before Pietro spoke up. "What was it you wanted to ask me about?" A small frown was plastered on Wanda's face and Pietro found himself wanting to know even more now. Wanda waited another minute before finally answering. "Should I tell her? You know, about..."
A huge smile took over her brother's face. He was ecstatic that she wanted this for her girlfriend. "Of course you should! I really think she'd be interested to know more about you – y'know, since you don't ever tell her anything."
"I tell her things!" Pietro shook his head, "Does she even know your birthday?" Wanda nodded and turned herself away from him. "I just don't know how to do it. I mean it'd be kind of heavy just taking her out to dinner only to tell her my deepest, darkest secret afterwards. I'm scared she'll hate me, Pietro! And I've never even spoke. More than like, 12 sentences all at once with her!" He softened knowing how much trouble one past  had caused his little sister. "Write her a note?" He suggested, but she shook her head. "I want to tell her, not write her."
Right before he was about to speak again there was a knock at the door. The pair looked up to find Natasha standing in the doorway smiling down at the two. "Am I interrupting?"
Wanda froze while Pietro arrogantly raised his eyebrow and announced his answer. "No. We were just finished talking."
Confusion was written on Nat's face and she stood there until Wanda shook her head and muttered a small "No," giving her the signal that she could come in.
"I'll be in the other room if you need me." Pietro got up, despite Wanda's silent plea for him to stay. He gave her a thumbs up and left the room.
Natasha closed the door and laid next to Wanda, wrapping her arms around the younger woman. "You okay?" Wanda nodded in reply and Natasha knew not to push. For now she'd just keep an eye on her, reassuring her that she could talk to her if need be.
Over the next few days Wanda seemed to be doing better. She was supposed to go to a party with Nat, but opted out to study for classes instead.
"Be safe," she whispered and planted a small kiss on Natasha's lips.
Everyone else went to the same party, leaving the house to just Wanda. She sent out a group message telling everyone to text her or ring her (at the very most importance) if they needed a ride. Wanda didn't drink much anyways so she didn't mind being the designated driver of the bunch. And besides, she didn't mind having some time alone, it gave her the absence of the boys so she could study.
However, after over an hour or so of studying Wanda was beginning to feel stressed. Her nerves were building and she could feel her jaw clench.
She needed a break.
With a small sigh, she got up and connected her phone to her speaker. After scrolling and clicking on her song of choice, Wanda found herself signing the words to a Modest Mouse song.
Green eyes closed as her hands began to string along with the words of the song. It was rather fast paced, but Wanda was able to keep up fairly well thanks to years of practice. Lyrics flowed through her fingertips and in the palms of her hands, her stress levels immediately decreasing as she went on.
Unbeknownst to her, however, Natasha was standing in the doorway watching her every move. She was absolutely mesmerized by Wanda's hand motions. Her finger spelling was very fast, and Natasha was curious to know how long Wanda had known ASL.
When the song was over, Wanda stopped her music and moved herself so she could study again. She grabbed her pens, pencils and highlighters, along with her textbook while her back faced Natasha.
"I didn't know you could sign." Natasha commented. A mix of shock and uneasiness quickly took over the calm look on Wanda's face.
It wasn't until then when Tasha put two and two together. She quickly rushed over to her girlfriend, and carefully engulfed her into a hug.
"Hey, no, I think it's really cool. You don't have to worry now, your secret's safe with me." Wanda began to shake in her grasp, tears forming in her eyes. She backed out of the embrace and against the wall, pulling her knees to her chest.
"No, you're supposed to hate me, laugh at me. You're supposed to be anything but be cool with it." Natasha tilted her head, "Is that what they did to you?"
Wanda peaked out from underneath her arms, the confirmative nod sent Natasha's heart well beyond sinking. She’d never understand how people could willingly be so cruel.
"I'm here to listen, not judge." Her words softly echoed in Wanda's mind, and she watched Natasha carefully to see if she was lying. When she didn't make any remarks or snide comments, Wanda knew it was safe. Accent heavy, she began letting words slip from her mouth.
"I have really bad anxiety when it comes to talking, so I just don’t. Asl makes it easier to communicate, but growing up I was often teased for it. You’re really good at reading me without it, so I hid it from you. Guess their words still haunt me...” Wanda finished, giving Natasha a little more insight on her life.
Natasha moved closer to her girlfriend, bringing Wanda’s shaking body into her embrace. She then kissed the top of her forehead.
Wanda looked up to see Natasha thinking, her eyebrows scrunched together and she was chewing on her lip. She nudged her.
“I think it’s quite beautiful if you ask me.” Wanda cracked a smile and rest her head on Tasha’s shoulder. “Beauty comes from pain, I guess.”
But Natasha shook her head, “No, No, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Wanda nodded. She understood what Natasha was saying, she just didn’t believe it to be true when it came to herself. Nonetheless, she spoke the words, repeating the mantra so that maybe she could start to feel a belief in them.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
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Daisies and Daffodolls Day 17: Book Series
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Sorry I've been MIA a lot. I've been busy doing sewing stuff (next photo challenge I'll prepare a few weeks in advance). But anyways, I took a pic of Celestina in what would be her meet outfit. Celestina's story is different in many ways than other AG characters. For one thing, she's my Gorillaz OC as well, so her story involves some Gorillaz lore as well, and her story starts at age 11 in middle school in 2016 and goes to at least 2020 when she's 15. Basic outline, Celestina is a cheerful creative girl living in Orbitz Ohio. She was raised by her mom Sharon and her stepmom Mia, (they got married in 2015 when gay marriage became legal in the US), and her dad is Stuart "2-D" Pot, the lead singer of the British band Gorillaz. In her story, Celestina faces many changes, such as her Mom starting a new paramedic job, her dad returning to England to reunite with the rest of Gorillaz to record Humanz, as well as starting her first year in middle school. I'm actually planning to write a whole book, maybe more, about Celestina, and post the chapters here on tumblr. I think I'll go ahead and post the first chapter here as a preview, but I'll post the full story later, maybe with illustrations.
Summary - It's the year 2016, and Celestina is starting her first year of middle school.  While she's excited for a fresh start of the new year, she's also nervous.  School uniforms, more classes, more teachers, and new classmates.  Unfortunately, the school year starts out on a sour note, she barely shares any classes with her best friend, and in homeroom class, she gets paired up with Lucy Phillips, a cold, aloof, yet mysterious, new girl from Britain.  Meanwhile, things aren't easier at home either, her dad ends up returning to the UK to reunite with his fellow band members to record their next album, and her mom begins work at her new paramedic job.  But when Celestina begins to get close with Lucy, the new girl's iciness starts to melt, and they both learn they have more in common than they thought.  
Celestina's Family and Friends
Celestina Damon - An excitable 11 year old girl starting her first year of middle school in the year 2016.  
Sharon Damon - Celestina's mother, a practical, but cheerful, lady.  She starts working a new job as a paramedic.  
Mia Lucci - Sharon's wife and Celestina's stepmother, a funny and kind woman, she's always there when Celestina needs advice.  She runs and works at The Leaning Tower of Pizza pizzeria with her twin sister Gina.  
Stuart "2-D" Pot - Celestina's father, and lead singer of the British band Gorillaz.  He isn't quite wired like other people, but in his own 2-D way, he's very deep, and he's also got a big heart.  Despite the troubles that come with being a long distance parent, he loves Celestina immensely and tries to be in her life as much as possible.  
Kailey Green - Celestina's next door neighbor and best friend since childhood.  A smart and sweet girl, if a little awkward.  A self proclaimed theater nerd.  Often gives Celestina the nickname "Lessie".
Lucy Phillips - A new girl in Celestina's homeroom, who's family arrived from Britain.  She seems mysterious and comes off as cool and guarded, but in reality, she's a little shy, and becomes much kinder and sweeter once you get to know her.  
Chapter 1
New Year, New School, New Hope
The alarm clock on the bedside table chirped on and on as Celestina Damon slept in, nestled in her soft, pastel colored, blankets.  She was dreaming a wonderful dream; Celestina, rocking a sparkly, purple, galaxy print dress, was singing in front of a sold out crowd on her first performance.  Fans in the crowd were holding handmade signs and cheering her name.  Here she is posing for pictures with fans!  There she is signing autographs!  She finishes her last song of the show, wishing the audience a good night.  The crowd erupted into a thunderous roar of applause, fans shouting her name "Celestina!  Celestina!  Celestina! -"
That did it!  At the sound of her mom's voice, the young girl jolted up from her bed with a start. "Gah!" she exclaimed.  Her wavy blue hair was messy and needed brushing, and she was no longer clad in galaxy print, but rather, blue and white pajamas with panda bears printed all over.  Celestina ground the sleep out of her eyes and smashed the "stop" button on her alarm. 
"Okay, I'm awake Mom!" said Celestina, slightly irritated.  Her mom chuckled.
"Hey, if I let you have your way, you'd be asleep until lunchtime." laughed Mom.  "I told you not to stay up too late."
"I didn't stay up late!" Celestina protested, "I'm just, not used to waking up this early."  She was kinda right.  Today was the first day of the new school year, after three months of staying up and sleeping in later than usual, it can be hard to get back on a schedule.  
"Fair enough," said Mom, "but I can't always be around to make you wake up, especially now, you understand?"  Celestina nodded.  What her mom had meant was that she just got hired to work as a paramedic at a new ambulance company, which meant that some days she had to go in early.  Unfortunately, it also means that she would come home later after working many hours, some nights possibly after when Celestina was supposed to go to bed.  Luckily, today was only her orientation, which wouldn't start for a few hours, so her Mom could drop her off on her first day of school, but she was still dressed in her work uniform, black boots, navy blue pants with lots of pockets, and a wine red shirt with the ambulance's logo embolized on the left breast, and her curly blonde hair was tied up in a long ponytail.  
Speaking of uniforms.  Not only was Celestina starting her first day of school, but it's the first day of a new school, specifically, middle school.  Okay, so technically this school is a combo middle and high school, so not only does she have to deal with the 7th and 8th graders, but also all the high schoolers as well.  And all the students have to wear uniforms.  Actually, the uniform itself wasn't that bad, it was pretty cute, the top was a rich shade of purple with a white collar and ribbon, and a white pleated skirt that fell below the knees, had a "sailor suit" sorta look to it, kinda like what an anime character would wear.  All the same, Celestina couldn't understand why she just couldn't just wear her regular clothes to school, you know, like everyone did in elementary school.  Sigh, another change to have to get used to.  Mom caught Celestina eyeing her uniform.  
"Well get dressed, hon." said Mom, "And come downstairs for breakfast.  I think Mia made some chocolate chip pancakes!"  Mmm, just the thought of those pancakes made Celestina's mouth water.  
"Okay, you win." laughed Celestina, giving her mom a hug.  "I'll be down in a few."  After Mom had left the room, Celestina got dressed, brushed and pulled her long wavy blue hair into a ponytail, using a hairband with two pink poofballs on it.  Before she left to go downstairs, she looked toward the corner of her room, and saw Scratchy, her fluffy gray bunny, stirring around in her cage.  
"Hey there Scratchy!" she cooed, giving the bunny little pats.  She then slipped a little chew treat for her to play with.  "Be good while I'm at school, okay?" 
The young girl grabbed her backpack, filled to the brim with school supplies, and headed downstairs to the kitchen.  The aroma of chocolate chip pancakes and maple syrup filled the room.  Mom had seated herself at the kitchen table, eating her small stack of pancakes, and Mia, Celestina's stepmom, was busy flipping the pancakes at the stove.  Her mother, Sharon, and Mia have only been married for less than a year, but Mia has lived with Celestina and her Mom her whole life.  They probably would have married sooner had it been allowed before last year!  Mia is a pretty lady, tall, tan skin, and shiny dark brown hair, and she's a great cook.  Her and her sister Gina (Aunt Gina to Celestina), run a pizza place called Leaning Tower of Pizza.  
"Pancakes, comin' up!" shouted Mia to Celestina.  Mia still spoke with a New York accent, despite the fact that she's been living in Ohio for at least 15 years.  She served the girl her pancakes before sliding her own onto a plate.  Celestina took her breakfast to the table and poured on the sweet maple syrup.  She cut a piece and took a bite, mmmm, was so good.  Her smile fell slightly looking around the room.  She couldn't get used to the empty space at the table.  
"What's wrong?" asked Mia, noticing Celestina's frown, "Don't you like chocolate pancakes?"
"I LOVE them!" exclaimed Celestina. "I just wish Dad was here to have some."  Mia and Susan exchanged a look of understanding. 
"You miss him don't you." said Mia.  Celestina nodded. 
"Yup!" said Celestina.  It was actually more than that.  She paused a bit, trying to think of how to put it into words, "I mean, I dunno, I guess I'm also a bit worried, you know, about him leaving again."  Celestina's eyes looked down at her pancakes.  Talking about stuff like that always made her uneasy.  
Celestina's dad, her whole family life in general really, was, well, unusual to say the least.  For one thing, her parents weren't married when her mom had her, in fact, they split up shortly before Sharon found out she was pregnant.  Whatever, no biggie, there are lots of kids whose parents are like that, people who have children before they got married, or had kids and didn't stay together.  However, it was even more complicated in Celestina's case, because her mom is American and her dad is British, meaning it's harder for her to see her dad on a regular basis because he lives so far away.  Also, her dad is famous.  Celestina's father is none other than Stuart Pot, better known as 2-D, the lead singer of Gorillaz.  Yes, that 2-D!  It's been awhile since the band did any songs together though, the last album, Plastic Beach, was released when Celestina was 5, but a couple years before that, something else happened, and that's what worried Celestina.  For a short while after Celestina was born, 2-D would often call the house to say hi, sometimes even visit.  But after a visit that Dad made sometime when she was 3, he had gone on a trip somewhere, and suddenly vanished.  Her mom tried to keep calm around her when she asked where Dad was, but even as a kid, Celestina could kinda tell that her Mom was worried about him.  The sudden release of a new Gorillaz album didn't help either.  At one point, her Mom told her stories that 2-D and Murdoc Niccals, the band's foul mouthed, green skinned, bassist, were taken by pirates and trapped on an island called Plastic Beach, an island in the middle of the ocean made of garbage and spray painted pink.  Looking back, Celestina wasn't sure if this all really happened or if this was something Mom was making up, but she knew something happened that made her dad unable to contact her for awhile.  Shortly before Celestina was 8, her dad had called her on the phone for the first time in years.  
"Celestina, is that you?" said 2-D in his thick Londoner accent, "You sound so big!  How old are you now?"
"I'm gonna be 8, Dad!" answered Celestina proudly, "I'm a big kid!" 
"8!?  Wow!  You really grew up!" exclaimed 2-D, Celestina could hear the tears caught in his throat. "I've missed you so much!" 
After a brief vacation, or "holiday" as her dad called it, in Guadalupe, he visited Celestina and the family for the first time in a while, right in time for her 8th birthday.  And since then, he had been able to keep in better contact, and came to visit Celestina in person more often these last few years, as if to make up for missing out for those last 5 years.  She even got to fly with him to England one time and met her grandparents, David and Rachel Pot, for the first time at the amusement park that Grandpop had owned.  This year, 2-D stayed in the guest room for a few months, he was able to keep Celestina company during the summer while Sharon was taking paramedic classes, and Mia was working at Leaning Tower.  2-D had been helping Celestina with her budding interest in music, teaching her how to play her new blue Melodica, a small keyboard with a flute-like pipe in it.  When they weren't practicing, the father daughter duo would watch scary zombie movies, or listen to some older Gorillaz songs on Celestina's old CD player.  On June 23rd, the whole family, and a few of Celestina's friends from school, celebrated her 11th birthday with a bonfire cookout in the backyard.  It was a wonderful summer.
But all this fun and excitement of summer had to come to an end.  It was now time for school, and just as well, Dad left to go back to England, rather suddenly at that.  Somehow, one of his old band mates, Noodle, the guitarist and the only girl in the band, (and Celestina's favorite band member, next to Dad of course), ended up getting back in contact with him.  Apparently, the band was getting back together to make a new album called Humanz, which would be released sometime next year.  Like always, Celestina was sad to see him leave, but she was also worried too, maybe because a part of her is scared he would go missing again.  
Sharon put a comforting hand on Celestina's shoulder.  "It'll be okay," she reassured her daughter, "He said he's gonna text us when he arrives to meet the others.  Plus, he said you can visit him during spring break."  
"I know," nodded Celestina.  She finishes up her pancakes, thinking about everything going on.  Mom's starting a new job, Dad's going back to England, I'm starting a new year in a new school, and we have to wear uniforms!  So far so good, she thought sarcastically.  She rinsed her dirty plate in the sink and slipped on her black flats to meet Mom out in the car.
"Are we taking Kailey today?" asked Mom.  Kailey Green is Celestina's best friend and next door neighbor.  
"No, Mrs. Green wanted to take her this morning," answered Celestina, "but she's picking both of us up after school."
"Okay, good," said Mom, "let's get going, you don't wanna be late," she checks her watch "and neither do I!" she laughed.  Celestina gave Mia a hug goodbye.
"Have a good day at school, rockstar." said Mia lovingly.  "I'm coming home from Leaning Tower about an hour after you get home from school, okay girlie."
"'Kay 'kay, I got it." smiled Celestina.  She gives Mia a fist bump, complete with a little explosion sound effect.  
"You have a good day at school," then she turns to Mom "And good luck with orientation Sharon."  Mom gives Mia a loving kiss on the cheek.  
"Bye honey," said Mom grabbing her keys.  "I should be home by dinner tonight."  Celestina and her mother wave goodbye to Mia before getting in the car.  As Sharon drove on to the school, Celestina sat in her seat nervously, her breakfast doing flip flops in her stomach.  
"Are you doing okay back there?" asked Sharon, looking at her daughter in the rearview mirror.
"I dunno," she answered.  "Honestly, I'm pretty nervous.  Middle school sounds kinda scary.  All these classes, new teachers, ugh, no recess, school uniforms," she grimaced.  She had so many thoughts, so many "what-if's", that they started coming out one after another.  "What if I don't like my teachers?  What if me and Kailey don't have any classes together?  What if all the classes are too hard?  What if I get bullied by the older kids?  What if -" 
"Celestina!" said Mom suddenly, "sweetie, sweetie, it's alright." She took a deep breath before continuing, "I know this isn't something you want to hear, but I kinda know how you feel.  I was nervous starting middle school when I was your age.  And, if I'll be fully honest, I can relate to how you're feeling right now.  I'm a bit nervous starting this new job."
Celestina looked up in surprise, "You are?" she wondered.  "But you said you were excited."  Mom gave Celestina a loving smile.
"And I am," answered Sharon, "But I have so many mixed feelings.  I'm worried I won't be good enough, I'm worried the boss could be a jerk, or that I won't like my co-workers.  So many things can go wrong.  But," she paused before continuing, "There are also good things I'm looking forward to as well.  I'll be able to use the skills I worked hard learning in all these classes, I'll be able to help people, I'll be bringing home a little more money, which means we will be able to go out more often." she said with a smile.  "It's normal to be scared and nervous, it's okay in fact.  But you also have so many good things to look forward to.  Yes you have more classes, but you get to have more classes you enjoy, like music and art.  And even if you don't have any classes with Kailey, you'll always be able to see her because we're neighbors.  If you're having a problem, whether it's classes, mean kids, or even a mean teacher, you can always come to me or Mia.  I just want you to know, even if the bad things do happen, there are also a lot of good thing to come, I want you to remember that."  Celestina thought over what her mom had said.  She did have a few good points.
"I did hear that the music department puts on a school musical every year," said Celestina, feeling a bit more hopeful, "And there's all these fun clubs".  Sharon's eyes lit up.  
"See, there you go!" said Mom. 
"It just seems like so many things are changing at the same time." Celestina admitted, "it just feels so fast, I feel like I can barely take a breath."  
"I know, it sucks, it really does." said Sharon in an understanding tone.  "The funny thing is, is that the only thing that never changes, is that everything changes."
"That's so confusing to think about!" said Celestina laughing.  
"Ah, but that's the truth," said Sharon with a chuckle.  "But you know what else will never change?"
"No what?" asked Celestina.
"I'll always love you," Mom answered warmly, "The same goes for Mia, and for your dad, we will never stop loving you.  You are our child, and nothing will ever change that."  
"Aw mom, I love you too!" she exclaimed.  At that moment, Celestina's cell phone chirped with a new message.  Oops, better silence it before class, she thought, making a mental note.  But seeing who the message was from made her smile.  
"Ooh I got a text from Dad!" shouted Celestina in excitement.  The text read "i made it to studio 13 in london.  about to start recording for the new album.  I miss you already, but i'm happy to be home again.  russ, noodle and murdoc say hi.  say hi to your mum for me.  love you little panda bear."  Celestina smiled at the mention of the special nickname her dad gave her.  Attached with the message was a picture.  It was a group photo of the whole band in what looked like the inside of a recording studio.  Celestina had yet to meet the other band members in person, but she knew who they were from the music videos and interview clips on YouTube, and from a few stories from her dad.  There was Murdoc Niccals, the band's bassist, and probably the biggest troublemaker of the band.  He has an odd scrunched up nose, and green skin and black hair, sorta made Celestina think of the Gangreen Gang from The PowerPuff Girls.  Then there was Russel Hobbs, the drummer, a heavyset black man from New York, with bright white eyes lacking pupils, a result of being possessed by a demon when he was young.  He seemed to be the voice of reason in the band, and when he speaks in interviews, he has a gentle voice.  Then there was Noodle, the guitarist, and the only girl in the band.  Celestina almost didn't recognize her at first, she's so used to seeing her in the music videos back when she was a kid or a young teen, and now she's a beautiful grown up woman!  Noodle was not much older than Celestina is now when the band released their first album, and according to her dad, when they were first looking for a guitarist, Noodle traveled from Japan all the way to England, in a FedEx delivery crate, and gave such an epic explosive guitar solo, that the band ended up giving her the part on the spot.  Celestina likes to imagine that if they were the same age, she and Noodle would be great friends.  And in the middle of the pic was her dad, 2-D himself.  He's tall and wiry, the tallest of all the band members in fact, he has spikey blue hair, and due to two separate car accidents (which were Murdoc's fault), he lost his front tooth, and his eyes were injured, they now look like blank black circles.  Murdoc gave him the nickname 2-D because his black eyes made it look like he had "two dents'' in his head.  Surprisingly, her dad liked that nickname, at this point, the only people who really call him Stu anymore would be Nana and Grandpop, as well as Sharon and Mia.  People would often describe her dad as, well, not very bright, sometimes saying he's thick and calling him names like "space cadet", but Celestina doesn't like any comments like that.  To Celestina, her dad has his own 2-D way of thinking, and his creativity with making music is where he shines the best, and he's got a kind heart.  In the attached picture, all four band mates were smiling (even Murdoc), and that made Celestina happy, seeing her dad and his old friends all back together.  
"That's great!" said Mom, "What does the message say?" 
"Dad said he got to England safely, he's excited to work on songs again, and that he loves and misses me, plus he sent a pic of him and the rest of the band." said Celestina.  "Oh yeah, Dad says hi, and so does Russ, Noodle, and Murdoc."
"Aw that's awesome!" replied Mom, "See, I figured he would make it there okay.  How do the other three look?"
"Murdoc is as green as ever," Celestina replied with a laugh, "Russel pretty much looks the same, but Noodle looks so different!  She's a grown up lady!"
"Yup, I believe it," said mom with a chuckle.  "Oh man, I haven't seen her since you were a baby, she was still a teenager then.  Grown up so fast, both of you." she said with a sigh.  "It's good they seem to be doing well." She paused, thinking, "I got an idea.  We're almost there, why don't we take a few back-to-school pictures of you when we get there, and you can text them back to your dad?"
"Ooh I'd love that!" said a delighted Celestina.  She was quiet for a bit before continuing.  "Hey, I know I was sad before with Dad leaving, but, well, it's also really cool that the whole band is back together and they'll make more songs again."
"I know, I can't wait to hear them," agreed Mom, "but like I said earlier, it's okay to feel sad about missing him.  Just don't forget that there are also a lot of good things to look forward to."
"I understand," answered Celestina.  Mom had just pulled up to the school.  There it was, Orbitz Public School.  Mom was lining up to park at the entrance where the middle school classes were.  While Celestina had seen the school many times when going on errands with her mom's around town, today the building somehow seemed larger and more intimidating.  Her breath slowed down and her hands grew sweaty the closer they got to the entrance.  Mom had found a parking spot and Celestina nervously left the car, carrying her backpack.  
"This place is way bigger than South Lincoln," remarked Celestina, referring to her elementary school.  Sharon gave Celestina's hand a comforting squeeze.
"I know it's scary," said Mom. "But you got this."  Even though Celestina was still nervous, she somehow felt a bit better with her Mom hyping her up.  
"I got this!" repeated Celestina.
"You're the star of your own stage," encouraged Sharon, "You knock 'em dead!"
"I'll knock 'em dead!" repeated Celestina, feeling pumped.  "Oh yeah, let's get that picture taken to send to Dad" she remembered.  Celestina and Sharon walked around to find a spot with good lighting in the courtyard. 
"Ooh, we can take one here," said Celestina, handing the phone to her mom.  She struck an adorable Sailor Moon style peace sign pose in her new uniform with the school in view in the back.  After the picture got taken, she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.
"Huh," said Celestina, before turning around to see her best friend, "Oh hey there Kailey!"
"Hi Lessie!" greeted Kailey, using the nickname she used for Celestina since they were little.  Kailey was wearing the same purple and white school uniform that Celestina was wearing.  She kept her short brown hair in her natural curls, and her red square glasses framed her blue eyes.  The giggly girls greeted each other with a hug, before realizing that both their moms were standing by with their phones.  
"Smile you two," said Mrs. Green.  Both girls smiled for the camera with their arms around each other.  
"Perfect!" exclaimed Sharon before handing Celestina her phone back.  Celestina then quickly sent both the pics to her dad with a special message.
"So glad you made it home safely Dad.  Mom and Mia say hi back.  Today is me and Kailey's first day of school.  Can't wait to see you again, and maybe meet the rest of the band (even Murdoc lol).  Have fun recording.  Love you lots!  We got this!"
Shortly after she sent it, her dad replied with another quick "I love you", and Kailey got Celestina's attention.
"C'mon Lessie," said Kailey, "We still need to get our schedules."
"Oh my, that's right!" exclaimed Celestina.  "We gotta get going!"  
The girls gave their Moms a quick hug and said goodbye, and headed into the school.  Celestina still felt a bit nervous, but she felt a lot better than this morning.  She headed inside the front doors of the school with Kailey, walking through the purple and white crowd of students, feeling determined to take on the day no matter what happens.  
"Celestina, you're on!" 
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remmyswritings · 4 years
Dragon Rider
Hello my lovely Puffs! I hope you enjoy this fic that not only includes Theodore Nott but also the second babe of my dreams: Charlie Weasley. I’m definitely considering writing for Charlie sometime in the future so let me know what you think pretty please :) <3
taglist: @booksmusicteaandanimals​, @curious-curios​, @summer-writes​, @willowbleedsonpaper​, @strawberriesonsummer​, @jenniweaslee​, @cherrycolakxsses​, @kalimagik​, @iliveiloveiwrite​
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Theo couldn’t believe how his life had turned out after the war. Realizing he couldn’t stay in London, he traveled around Europe until he somehow found himself in Romania face to face with a dragon. That’s when he met the man that changed his life: Charlie Weasley.
“Oy, mate!” the man exclaimed as quietly as he could, “You need to stay as still and as quiet as possible.
Theo merely nodded, so caught up in awe of the beautiful creature in front of him. Of course the first time he stumbles in front of a dragon’s nest it just so happens to be that of an Antipodean Opaleye.
Next thing he knew, the man moved around and threw a rock in the opposite direction of him, causing the dragon to look away with just enough time for him to reach over and grab Theo, apparating away with him. 
The man landed them in front of a tent where he dragged Theo inside, “Here why don’t you sit down and I’ll get us some tea.”
Theo stood there in shock, not expecting such hospitality.
“Well,” he hesitated, “we can stand instead if you want.”
Theo then shook his head, “No no it’s fine. Sorry I just think I’m a bit in shock.”
“No need to apologize,” the red head- one that reminded him of a certain set of twins that were two years ahead of him in school- joined him at the table, “it’s always a bit of a shock when you see your first dragon.”
“It wasn’t my first time though. I just couldn’t help but admire her beauty. That was an Antipodean Opaleye, right?” Theo looked towards the man with eyes full of curiosity.
A smile formed on the man’s face, one that seemed to be full of pride, “Yes, you’re right! How rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Charlie Weasley.”
“Weasley?” Theo couldn’t help the question, “Like the prankster twins? Sorry, I meant George-“
“No it’s perfectly fine… and ya I’m one of their older brothers,” Charlie’s smile dimmed slightly at the mention of his younger siblings.
“I’m Theodore… Nott,” he hesitated waiting to see how Charlie would react at the mention of his last name, “but I typically go by Theo or Teddy.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Theo,” Charlie brought out his hand to shake Theo’s. “Say you seem pretty tired, why don’t you crash here for the next couple of days? It looks as though you haven’t seen a proper bed in a while.”
“No,” Theo looked down bashfully, “No I couldn’t properly intrude.”
Charlie shook his head, “My mum would have a fit if I found out I’d met a person in need of help… so no you’re staying here.”
“I guess I don’t have much of a choice then do I,” Theo chuckled.
Charlie laughed and nodded his head, “You really don’t.”
After that day, a brotherhood had formed between the two men, one that surpassed a typical mentor-mentee relationship… that’s right, Theo started to work with Charlie the next day. It had been around three years since that day that Charlie came to Theo with a proposition: come with me to the Burrow this summer.
Charlie would return to his family every 6 months for a couple weeks at least, and by now he felt it was time that his two families: his blood family and his new “brother” actually spent time with one another. Obviously Charlie informed his mother of Theo the night that he found him in front of that dragon and by then everyone else in the family knew that Theo wasn’t like his father… he didn’t believe in those pureblood beliefs. Yet, this was the first time that Charlie had even brought up the idea to Theo, possibly because this was the first time that you’d also be returning to the Burrow since you left after the war.
To him, you weren’t just Ginny’s best friend, you were also a little sister. Someone that he saw blossom into a beautiful, mature woman having gone through trauma after trauma only to come out of it even stronger. So in his head, you and Theo were perfect for one another, and he wasn’t the only one to believe that- so did his mother. Those two couldn’t help their matchmaking tendencies, the second you and Theo, respectively, decided to go to the Burrow for those couple of weeks.
You knew you were in for one hell of a treat when you landed in the front garden only to find a particularly rugged redhead standing outside, “Charlie!”
He turned the second you called his name, only to see you running straight towards him, jumping into his arms for a long hug. Charlie couldn’t help but laugh at your antics… even after all this time you still got excited when you saw your friends. 
“Your mom didn’t mention anything about you coming as well,” hints of your new American accent tainting the air.
He placed you down on the ground and held your forearms so as to get a better look at you, “Well might I remind you, little missy, that you’re the one who hasn’t visited in a while, not me.”
“Ok, ok. Point taken,” with the slight distance between you and Charlie, you were able to look over his shoulder to find another man standing there. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see that someone was with you.”
Charlie chuckled, knowing that you truly did feel bad about not having seen Theo, “It’s alright Y/N. You can make up for it later,” he winked cheekly. He turned behind him and grabbed Theo by his forearm bringing him closer to the two of you, “Y/N, this is Theo. He works with me on the Reserve. Theo, this is Y/N. She’s been living abroad the last couple of years and is Ginny’s best friend.”
You looked up at Theo, only to realize that you recognized him from Hogwarts- something that you had no plans of bringing up unless he mentioned it- “It’s really nice to meet you Theo,” you smiled brightly with a small blush accompanying it.
Before Theo could respond, a certain redhead that happened to miss you the most came rushing out of the house, “Y/N YOU’RE HERE!” Ginny tackled you into the ground as she went in to give you a hug.
“Ginny,” you groaned out, “I love that I get to see you too but I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t try to crush me por favor.”
Ginny rushed to stand up pulling you with her, “Sorry about that. Also what was the last thing that you said? I didn’t understand it.”
“She said please,” Theo smiled softly, “right?” he turned to you looking you straight in the eye.
You nodded, and then lowered your eyes as you felt a blush grow from your neck. 
Charlie watching your interaction with amusement, as it merely confirmed what he believed: you and Theo would be perfect for one another. It was then that he knew he needed to put his plan into action, starting with the two of you sitting next to one another. He had a feeling his mother was most likely going to think the same thing, so he merely hoped that she had set up the seats in such a way to make it happen. 
The four of you walked into the house and enjoyed the company of all the other Weasleys and their partners until Molly said the fateful words, “Dinner’s ready!”
According to plan, you and Theo sat next to each other only it seemed as though you would never have the chance to get to know one another since everyone else wanted to learn about how the last years had treated you. Once dinner had ended you’d finally decided to do a Gryffindor thing and ask Theo to join you outside for a walk.
Thankfully, Theo and Charlie were the only ones left in the living room. Walking up to them, you tapped Theo on the shoulder, “I was wondering if you’d like to join me outside for a bit,” you whispered.
Charlie answered for Theo, “You know what Y/N that sounds like a great idea, you two should do that! I’m starting to get a bit tired anyway so I’m gonna head up. Goodnight the two of you,” he headed to the stairs, turning back to send Theo a quick wink. 
Theo stood up and grabbed your arm softly, “Shall we?”
There was an awkward silence between the two of you when you made it outside, as if you were waiting for the other to speak, “What is there-” “Are you-”
You cut each other off and then laughed at each other’s eagerness. You then motioned to Theo, “Why don’t you go first?”
“Ok,” he nodded, “I was just wondering if there was something between you and Charlie you seem really close.”
A blush grew on your face as you shook your head, “Oh no! He’s like my older brother and either way I think he is a bit too old for me even if I am into slightly older men. What about you, are you with anyone?”
Theo’s eyes seemed to brighten at your response, “No, I hadn’t met anyone at the reserve who I really felt I could be in a relationship with.”
“Really,” you slowly looked at him seeing the hopeful look in his eyes, one that you knew you were mimicking, “Well you said hadn’t so I’m assuming that you’ve found someone then.”
Theo stepped forward and slowly brought your hand to his lips, “Well… there is this really beautiful and quite frankly wicked woman who I remember from my Hogwarts days for being an incredibly kind and loyal Puff.”
You brought Theo’s hand to your waist and then wrapped your arms around his neck, “It just so happens then that there is this very handsome and interesting man who just so happened to come and visit with my best friend’s brother.”
“Oh really,” he brought you closer to his body.
You leaned in slowly, your hands tickling the tips of his hair, “Mmhmm, I’m just wondering if he’s going to kiss me or not.”
“He definitely is,” he closed the gap between the two of you, his lips slowly and softly touching yours so as to give you the space to back away if you wanted to. When he pulled away, he placed his forehead against yours and swayed with you in his arms, “Tu eres la mas bella mujer que yo he conocido.”
The two of you stood there for who knows how long merely enjoying one another’s presence and stealing a couple more soft kisses before you went off to bed. For the first time since the war, both you and Theo slept soundly, happiness filling your bodies after finding your person. 
translation: “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”
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lupins-sweater · 4 years
Tea and Chocolate (part 3)
(Remus Lupin x American Reader)
Summary: Neither of them can take a hint
Warnings: brief mentions of sex, but nothing actually happens
Thank you to these very supportive writers @kalimagik @obsessedwithrandomthings @bforbroadway​ @poppin-potter​ for your help; I don’t know how to flirt!
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You sat there with your chin resting on your hand wondering, “How on earth can someone so attractive be single?”. The sun coming in from the window illuminated Remus’s sand colored hair making it golden. His eyes. Oh Merlin, his eyes stood out in the warm lighting; they were like the color of melted caramel. His lips that always seemed to be curving upwards started moving which brought you out of your trance.
“Do you need help, Y/N?” the professor asked with a grin.
Your future coworker invited you into his room, so he could help create your lesson plans. This wasn’t exactly what the situation you hoped being in his room for the first time would be, but you weren’t going to complain.
His room smelled like old books, as there were plenty placed around the room. Tall shelves crammed with leather backed novels were pushed up against the wall. The only space on the wall not covered with books was where his four poster bed stood. A floor lamp and rather large, squashy chair sat in the corner, and you two sat at a square wooden table next to the window. It was rather cozy; Lupin chose to sit on the side of the table instead of the end, so he could see what you’re doing easier.
You immediately blushed, embarrassed at being caught staring. “O-oh. Yeah a little,” you lied. You had an idea of what you were doing, but you didn’t want Remus to know you were admiring his looks.
“I want my students to connect my lessons to other classes. Y’know, apply the information they’ve learned to other situations,” you continued.
The man sitting next to you mimicked your position and placed is chin on his hand. “Hmmm,” he pretended to think hard, twirling his pen in his long, slender fingers. “What if we did that with DADA and herbology? We could even join classes. I’m sure we can get the potions and transfiguration professor on board, too,” he suggested.
You immediately smiled. “That sounds great!”
Remus got up and walked to the bookshelf closet to the bed. He pulled out a black leather journal with papers sticking out which he handed to you. “This is where I record what I’ve done in my classes. Maybe we can see if there’s anything similar to what Sprout wrote in her book.”
He pulled his chair closer to you and sat back down. Without thinking, you inched closer, too; your leg barely touched his, but you blushed at the contact. He leaned closer to examine the former herbology teacher’s writing. His hot breath tickled your ear when he pointed out how gillyweed could be tied to his underwater lessons. You weren’t really paying attention, though. All you could think about was how you wanted to close the small space between you, how good he smelled, and the feeling of his breath against your ear.
Godric. Get a hold of yourself, Y/N. He’s just trying to help you, and all you can do is fawn over him.
Remus laughs nervously and leans away. You snapped out of yet another trance-like state and realized you’ve been staring at each other for the past minute. “W-what’s so funny?” you asked.
“Oh n-nothing,” he replies as he rubs the back of his neck. A light pink blush paints his cheeks. “Maybe we should take a break; we keep getting distracted.”
“Alright. Sounds good. See ya for tea tomorrow?” You said as you packed up your things.
Ever since you’ve helped him after his transformation, you and Remus have been basically inseparable. He loved confiding in you, but he loved hearing your stories of Ilvermorny more. You’ve been together so much, he could remember how you took your tea, your favorite sweaters, and what could make you laugh. (Even though you laughed at all his jokes and times told about the Marauders.) Your chocolate obsessed friend adored how you hung to every word he muttered, how you always supplied him with chocolate, and how you flustered you would get when he would wink or say something slightly suggestive.
You waved goodbye, leaving Remus still smiling at the door. 
The next night the tall, cardiganed man lightly knocked on the door, which you rushed to open. 
“Long time no see huh, Rem?” you tried to joke while stepping to the side.
He rolled his eyes and let out a breathy laugh. It wasn’t really funny, but he found himself laughing anyway. “I brought something you might like,” he said, pressing a package of Reese’s Cups into your hand.
Your face automatically lit up. “Rem!!! Oh my goodness!!! How did you get this?”
“I ordered some American chocolates after I heard you discussing them with the twins. I thought we could try them. This is your favorite?” Remus explained. He was kind of nervous you would be creeped out with him listening to your conversation, but you were over the moon. 
“Yes! I would love to!” you gushed, “People don’t really do things for me like this. You’re so ‘sweet’!”
He groaned and tried to feign annoyance, but his grin gave him away. You went over to the stove to pour the steaming tea; however, Remus put a hand on your arm. The room seemed to get warmer. 
“Allow me. You always go through the trouble of making it,” he leans in to tell you. You shiver under his touch. 
He knows. He has to know I like him.
“A-are you sure?” you ask trying to compose yourself.
 Apparently he didn’t seem to notice the chaos going inside your head. “Just a splash of milk where it’s a dark tan,” Remus said giving you the mug. 
You smiled to yourself as you took a sip. “You remembered?”
“Well. I’ve watched you make it how many times now?” He cringed as he thought,” That definitely didn’t sound creepy.” 
“Fair enough,” you admitted, “How are you?” You pushed the wooden desk chair toward him.
“I’m alright. Thank you,” he sipped from his cup and played with the handle. “I’m sorry, Y/N, for disappearing for so long. I was afraid you would find out about my condition and not want to chat with me anymore. Not many would willingly befriend a werewolf. I never really apologized.”
You looked at him for a moment before answering, “Rem, I hope you know I’m not upset. You are the most kind, thoughtful person I’ve ever met, and I’m from another country! I don’t care if you’re a werewolf or a lamp; I’m always in the mood to talk to you.”
His eyes began to water as he processed what you said. He finally met your gaze and slowly reached for your hand, letting you have plenty of time to move your hand away. Your heart raced as you laced your fingers together; both of you blushed furiously. 
He swallowed hard, trying his best not to cry. “Thank you. I truly appreciate you coming here, Y/N. I cannot wait to work with such a magnificent professor.”
“Ugh. You’re going to make me cry,” you replied setting your mug on the vanity to wipe away your tears. 
You glanced at your joined hands and admired the look of them. 
I hope he feels the same way I do. I mean is it normal for friends to hold hands? you thought.
After a moment of sitting in silence, Remus freed his hand to refill the mugs. “How are you today?” he inquired.
You sighed and took the warm cup. “I’m doing okay. Although I’m still having trouble sleeping.”
He brought his chair closer to you with a concerned expression. “You’re having nightmares again?”
“Yes. I guess I’m really stressed with everything going on lately. It also doesn’t help we can’t get out of the house. But tea nights really seem to make things better; I don’t have nightmares. Just wacky dreams.”
“Oh? Like what if you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t quite remember them, but there was this one where I was in this huge mansion. I had to watch demonstrations about electricity.”
Remus laughed. “That’s what you dream about?”
You teased him with a cheeky smile, “Yeah. Disappointing that they’re not about you.”
He blushed and decided to play along, “Well. You do enough daydreaming about me anyway.”
You were glad no one could hear your thoughts, because they were screams. 
AAAAHHHHHHHH He knows???? 
The blush spread to your ears and neck. If he didn’t know, he knows now. Remus blushed too since he now knew you thought about him. He quickly changed the subject. 
“Why don’t we open up the candy?” he asks.
He opens the wrapper and pulls out two Reese’s Cups. You watched his reaction as you sank your teeth into the peanut butter chocolate candy. He took a bite and nodded. 
“This isn’t bad. Quite good actually,” he said turning a darker shade of pink, “Oh. And Y/N?”
“Yes, Rem.”
“If- if you ever have trouble sleeping, you can always drop by my room.”
You smiled and winked. “That sounds lovely.”
Lupin’s face was now red.
Tea and Chocolate
@bi-andready-tocry @pregnant-piggy
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hateswifi · 5 years
Rising from the Ashes: Of Nicknames and Luck
So this is Part Five here is to my Master List and Part Four. Enjoy!! I just felt like... hey why not post two today? So that’s what I did, I hope you enjoy these shenanigans.
Back with Marinette now in her hotel room, she decides to unpack a bit and look for an apartment offer online using the hand-me-down laptop Chloe had given her. 
After about an hour, she decides to take a break from apartment hunting and go to the grocery store even though she couldn’t exactly cook anything from her hotel room. She could at least make some good sandwiches.
When she got to the grocery store and after she had collected everything she needed which included: bread, peanut butter, jelly, chicken, lettuce, tomato, and some chips she hadn’t heard of before. The cashier looked her up and down then asked. “Are you the Ice Prince's girlfriend?”
“I’m no one's girlfriend. You must be confusing me with someone else,” she said as she paid then left. On her walk home she heard a bing: someone said they would meet with her about renting an apartment. The person was the manager of a building owned by Wayne Enterprises. They said she would like to meet Marinette at one o'clock: two hours from now. She decided on a salad for lunch because she had something so sugary for breakfast. She still wanted to keep a somewhat healthy diet.
She sits down and decides to check out what Diana recommended last night. She Googles ‘Gotham's Heroes' results immediately came up with Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and lastly a traffic light looking boy named, Robin. Seriously, who designed that outfit? If she ever met him she would have some words with him. She sighed while checking the time: twelve-thirty. She grabbed her stuff and left quickly.
“Hello my name is Marinette, I’m here to talk with,” she pauses, looking at her phone. “a Ms. Simms.”
“I’ll call her,” the receptionist said reaching then dialing on the phone. “Hello, Ms. Simms your one o’clock is here, Miss Marinette? Of course.” She hangs up then stands. “Please follow me.” They walk quietly into an office. She knocks on the door. 
“Enter,” a voice says from inside. “Hello, Marinette. My name is Sarah Simms. Please come take a seat.”
“So I recently moved here and need an apartment. I already have a way to pay for it, I got a job on Monday,” Marinette said, sitting across from Sarah. 
“Well want to visit the apartment?” Sarah asked, standing. 
“That would be lovely,” Marinette says, following. 
“So the last tenant left their stuff here which includes a fridge-freezer combo, a table, a couple of chairs, a couch, and two beds, one queen and one twin. They also left a smaller television,” she finishes, opening the door. The apartment was on the third floor with a decent view. “The rent would be six hundred a month and you would need to sign a year contract with a down payment of a hundred today.”
“This sounds almost too good to be true!” Marinette smiles after she finishes looking around the apartment she says. “Where can I sign?”
“Let’s head to my office and I’ll print the papers,” Sarah said, smiling as they left the apartment. 
After the papers were signed and money was paid, Marinette left for the hotel grabbed her stuff and checked out. She smiles for the first time in quite a while she was happy and proud of herself. 
She heard ringing as she dropped her stuff: it was Chloe. She immediately picked up. “Hey, Mar, how’s the second day of your new life,” Chloe asked, her voice crackling over the line a bit. 
“It has been pretty good. I got up early and went to a park close to the hotel I was staying at. This dog tackled me and the dog’s owner felt bad, so he took me to breakfast. His name is Damian, I really hope to see him again… crap he ran off before I could get his number,” she pauses falling on the couch. 
“Sounds like someone has a crush?” Chloe asks, Marinette can hear Chloe’s smirk through the phone. 
“I only met him once. After that, I went grocery shopping. Also, I got an apartment! Most of it is already furnished all I have to buy some basic things like pots, pans, plates, utensils, towels, and you know little things like that,” Marinette explained. 
“That’s great Mar. I’m so happy for you!” Chloe said.
“How was your day going?” Marinette asked. 
“I miss you a lot and life is quite boring without you. Lila was talking crap about you again,” Chloe answered. 
“I don’t even care at this point, as long as we know the truth. She doesn’t affect me anymore,” Marinette explained. 
“I know it just makes me angry knowing that her lies are so terrible,” Chloe sighed. 
“I know I’m sorry I’m not there, but I couldn’t stay in Paris. There is too much trauma and no family left for me,” Marinette explained. 
“Marinette I’m family. Luka, Adrien, and Kagami. We’re all your family! We all love and miss you!” Chloe exclaimed angrily, then hung up. 
Marinette sighed and plopped on the couch then turned on the small tv that was just across from her. It was some celebrity news so she changed it and watched an English cartoon instead as she checked her Twitter feed, which is still based on Paris. Chat had given the announcement of her leaving Paris, along with an announcement of no longer endorsing the Ladyblog after a post of Lila being love rivals with Ryuko for Viperon. Chat also announced that the rest of the team would continue with patrols. 
She hung out for the rest of the day making a list of things she needs to get. She would go to buy things after work tomorrow. She made herself a chicken, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. She then went to bed early so she could be on time for work which starts at seven.
When she woke up to her blaring alarm at six-twenty she put on a pink long-sleeved sweater, which she tucked into a black high waisted shirt with a belt. She paired her outfit with kitty black heels. She also put her hair up in princess bun. 
She rushed to work and arrived on time. She greets Diana and put her purse in the back. 
“Marinette in a little bit there will higher class customers in need of suits. I would appreciate it if you would measure them. They are as I said celebrities and like their privacy, please respect that,” Diana explains. Not long after Diana finished speaking a group of people walked in four of them to be exact. 
“Welcome, Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim. Damian is not with you?” Diana asks as they entered the store.
“No, he had a class this morning,” Bruce informed Diana of the changed plans.
“But it is to my understanding that he also needed a suit,” Daina states. 
“That is true, I was wondering if I could call in a favor,” he asks.
“Well, I can’t because I’m leaving to visit my family, but I’m sure I could ask my new employee, Marinette, to go take his measurements,” Diana said, looking for Marinette.
“I’m right here, Diana,” she says, exiting the back room. “I was grabbing the measuring tape, a notebook, and a pencil.”
“Oh my god! You’re Demon Spawn’s girlfriend!” Dick yells, running up to her.
“I’m no one's girlfriend,” Marinette says back then mutters in Mandarin. “Why does everyone keep asking that.”
Jason hears what she says and responds in Mandarin. “Because people saw you out--”. Dick elbowed him before he could finish not wanting to blow Damian’s secret. “We mistook you for someone else.”
“What was that for!” Jason exclaims. 
“I’ll tell you later,” Dick mutters.
“Ok so now that's over, please take the boys to the back to take their measurements,” Diana said, pointing the boys to follow her. In the back, Dick stood on a platform so Marinette could measure him.
“So Marinette,” Dick started being cut off. 
“I am pretty sure Diana didn’t say my name. How do you know me?” Marinette paused her measuring of Dick. “Would you be able to step down? I have to measure your shoulder blades.”
“I heard Diana say it,” Dick says as he stepped down. He felt her feather-light touch dance across his back as she measured him. She then stepped in front of him measuring his chest then arms. 
“How old are you and how long have you been working here?” Tim asks, staring at the petite girl while she works. 
“Ummm… today is my first day working here, but I am experienced in the fashion world. I don't want to talk about my past work because this is my new beginning and I turned eighteen about two months ago,” Marinette said, measuring her legs.
“We’re all about new beginnings, that's why Bruce adopted us,” Jason chimed in.
“They’re not pretentious like how I thought Americans would act,” Marinette mutters in French. 
“Thanks, but we’re not like most Americans,” Dick responds, looking down at the now flustered girl.
“I’m sorry to assume. In Paris, most Americans are shown as fools or snobs. I’ve only met a couple before today. How many languages do you all speak?” Marinette asked, working faster while keeping her head down.
“We all speak, English, French, Mandarin, Spanish, and Italian, but our youngest brother also speaks Slavonic and Arabic,” Tim explained.
“Ok, you’re all down Ummm… I’m sorry I never caught your names,” She speaks softly while backing up to give Dick room.
“You don't know us?” Dick asked shocked.
“Diana said you guys were celebrities, but I don’t pay attention to famous people unless they’re from the fashion industry and I haven’t exactly caught up on American celebrities yet,” Marinette explained.
“Well I’m Jason Todd-Wayne, this is my younger brother Tim Drake-Wayne, and my oldest brother Dick Grayson-Wayne,” Jason said, pointing at each of them as he talked.
“Ok, which one of you wants to go next,” Marinette asked, looking between the younger two of the trio.
“He’ll go next,” Jason said, pushing Tim forward.
“So you said you’ve only met a couple of people we know a bunch of people would you be able to tell us who you met?” Tim asked.
“The first person I met Diana she is quite nice, I don’t know much about her though. The second person I met was a guy named Damian. His dog, Titus, tackled me, so I guess he felt bad, we met at the park across from where I was staying. He wanted to make it up to me by breakfast, which was so delicious. I had waffles!  I met my landlord, Sarah Simms, she seems a bit distant, but I barely know her. Then I met you guys, your dad seems cold, but you guys are quite nice,” Marinette explains as she finishes up with Tim. 
“Are you and Damian friends now? You sound quite fond of him,” Jason asks as he takes Tim’s place. 
“He ran off to take a call or something as I was going to ask for his number, it’s truly a shame he was nice,” Marinette says then blushes and looks down. “And he was handsome not going to lie.”
“Aww someone has a crush?” Dick asks. 
“I’ve only met him once, but if I ever met him again I would ask him out, he was so nice, so kind,” Marinette sighs, looking lost in thought. 
“Are we sure she’s talking about the same person?” Tim asks in Italian. “She looks smitten by him.”
“We have to get them together! She would be so good for him,” Dick answers in Italian. 
“Guys I’m pretty sure Damian doesn’t want us to interfere,” Jason responds, holding out his arms for her to measure. 
“I’m all done. I’ll go call Diana to see what she wants me to do with the measurements,” Marinette says as she gets up and leaves. 
“She’s perfect for him. Think he hasn’t dated or been open with anyone before maybe she could be a first,” Tim says still in Italian. “Also she’s adorable!”
“You guys decided to talk in Italian while she was working? She thought that you guys don’t like her and we’re going to have her be fired, but she may have been overthinking,” Bruce said, entering the measuring room. 
“Damian was nice to that girl. She likes him. He likes her!” Dick exclaims, standing up.  
“Well it’s a good thing she’s coming over tomorrow to take Damian’s measurements,” Bruce smirked. 
“She is, what time?” Jason asked. 
“You’re not to disturb them. If there’s a girl out there he won’t send off or a girl who won’t run to the hills, we have to at least try to set them up,” Bruce said. 
After Marinette left the boys she went to give the measurements to Diana. 
“Here you go,” Marinette said, cheerfully. 
“Thank you. Also tomorrow there’s one more boy’s measurement to do. Bruce said he would pay extra if you go to the manor after the boutique's closing. Would you be able to take the boy’s measurements?” Diana asks taking the notepad. 
“That will be easy, but would you be able to tell me the address?” Marinette asked, pulling out her phone ready to type the address. 
“Bruce said he would send a car,” Diana informed Marinette. “May I have your address to give to him for his driver?”
“Yes, I live in Wayne Apartments, which is ironic because you know they’re the Waynes,” Marinette said, laughing. 
“That’s so funny!” Dick said, pointing at Bruce. “You’re friends with us, the Waynes, and you live in a building he owns.”
“To be fair I’ve only been in America for three days and I already have a job and an apartment. I think that’s pretty good,” Marinette says, crossing her arms. 
“I would also say pretty lucky, Spot,” Diana says as Marinette blushes. 
"Bye Sunshine!" Dick calls as he goes to open the door.
“Thank you, guys! I guess I’ll see you tomorrow!” She waves to them as they leave. The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, she designed a bit while there weren't any customers in the store. 
Diana closes her shop around seven o’clock, her business is thriving. She goes home eats some food then grabs her money to buy the stuff on the list she made earlier. She left quickly and went to the closest store. She finished shopping and when she got home put the stuff away. She then took a shower and went to bed.
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Roguish Women Part 44
Summary: Kate is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and  playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 44: Kate feels uneasy about the match but Tommy does his best to put her worries to rest. Even though it’s valid worries.
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            “Well, you can put your trust into Alfie,” Kate said as she stepped off the boat.
            Tommy took her hand to help her down. “I think you put too much trust into him. But I’m glad you think he’ll see us through this.”
            “When Luca showed up, he hid me.”
            Tommy’s face changed noticeably. He thought for certain that he had timed everything correctly. That his aunt had nothing to worry about because Kate would come back completely unharmed and not even close to where Luca was. Well, she looked unharmed but it drove a knife into Tommy’s stomach knowing she was that close to their enemy.
            Kate noticed his look. “It’s okay.” She said gently. “I know you didn’t plan this and we should just be grateful that nothing happened. Alfie stepped up and made sure I was safe. That’s why I’m saying you can trust him.” She touched his cheek and gave him a small smile. “It was scary but all in all I think it was worth it.”
            He let out a deep sigh. “You’re strangely calm about this.” He replied with a grimace.
            “Because you and Michael both had run-ins with Luca. I wasn’t even in the same room as him. So, I think in the grand scheme of things, I was safer.” She took his hand. “Now, c’mon, I’m hungry.”
            Tommy brought her home and sat down at the table while she had free rein of the kitchen. He pulled out a cigarette to light. “Why don’t you have one of the girls come in and make you something?” He offered.
            “I’ve been in a boat for days; I’d rather be on my feet.” She replied, scouring the pantry. “I’m not giant yet, although Alfie seemed to be able to tell I was pregnant even if I’m not showing.”
            It was as if she had come back to tell him everything he didn’t want to hear. “For fuck’s sake. How did he know?”
            “Relax. I told you, we can trust him.”
            He just shook his head and took a few drags from his cigarette to calm his nerves. His eyes were staring at the wall, slipping off into a daze as he was lost in his own thoughts.
            Kate came over and set down her lunch, interrupting him. “I was thinking about the things we could do once this is all over. I think it would be a good idea for you to take a little break.”
            “I’ll take a break when the twins arrive.” He reminded her. “I have plans to get in the works.”
            She looked disgruntled. “Tom, can we agree that these long-winded plans get you into tricky situations like the one we’re in now?”
            He nodded absent-mindedly. Of course, how could he deny that? But what else could he do? “Things will get better.”
            It sounded like something he had told her before. Maybe after Black Star Day or after the Derby. She wanted to trust him, wanted to trust his judgment, but she had a hard time trusting the rest of the world. It was common knowledge that her fiancée thought that the world would bend to his will if he was smart enough and had a good enough strategy. Yet no matter how many times Kate reminded him, he seemed to forget the world was untamable. He was aware it was unforgiving, but he’d survived death so many times. Maybe he thought death wouldn’t come to him unless he accepted it.
            “What are you planning?” She asked cautiously.
            “There are parliament elections…”
            “Wait, wait, wait.” She stopped him before he could go on. “Tommy, be reasonable.”
            “I am.” He tapped some ash off his cigarette.
            Kate was suddenly not very hungry. She took a deep breath. “I recognize that you are smart enough and capable to hold a government position. Please understand that I don’t doubt you.” 
            He took her hand and looked into her eyes to let her know he was listening.
            She felt a bit more comforted as she moved closer to him. There was never a time in their relationship that she felt unable to voice her opinions. Even in the beginning when he wasn’t keen on listening to her, she made sure he still heard her.
            “I’m worried that you might be taking on too much. I’m worried you think you need to hold the world on your shoulders when you don’t. I know you want to bring change; you want to make the world a better place for people because you don’t want them to go through what you have.”
            He lowered his eyes a bit. It was never easy when she dug right into the center of who he was. No one could quite drill past his armor like she could. Talking to her was like looking into a mirror and seeing the man he wished he was. The young bright-eyed boy who hoped for so much more.
            “But you deserve peace and happiness, Thomas Shelby. You can’t sacrifice every part of you.” She pressed her lips to his knuckles.
            “What do you suggest I do?” He asked quietly.
            “Give yourself some time. We’ll be waiting for the twins to arrive anyway; I don’t think there’s much to do. Won’t be much I’ll be able to do.” She smiled slightly. “Allow Polly and Michael and the rest to run operations. You don’t have to give up any control but just trust that they know what’s right and what you need them to do.”
            He sighed. It was difficult to even imagine giving up so much control. But if he had his eyes set on Parliament, he wouldn’t have the time to run everything. Realistically he would have to relinquish some control.
            Kate saw the doubt in his face. “If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for me. Do it for the babies.” She urged softly. “Allow me to make up for the time I’ve lost with you.”
            Tommy nodded. “Okay.” He agreed. “Okay.”
            “What’s the long face for?” Polly asked.
            Kate shrugged. “I’m not upset, just thinking.” They were sitting in the tailor’s shop the day before the big boxing match. She found that the dress she had planned to wear wasn’t going to fit. Even though it was slight, her baby bump was starting to show and starting to make certain dresses difficult to wear. So, Polly brought her to get the dress taken out a bit instead of having to find another one to wear.
            “About what?” Polly wondered.
            “I just don’t feel right about the match.” She admitted. “Something’s just…it just feels off.”
            “Everything feels that way these days.” Tommy’s aunt sighed. “I suppose it’s the atmosphere of Small Heath. I almost forgot it.”
            “Yeah.” Kate nodded. “I suppose you’re right. We were used to it once upon a time. But now that we’ve tasted life outside of it, it’s hard to be stuck in again.”
            “It’ll all be over soon,” Polly assured her. “Just be patient. Think about the good times to come.”
            The seamstress, Sophia, came out with the dress. “Here you are, that should do it. Do you want to try it on, Miss Lynch?”
            Polly stood up from the sofa in the front of the store. “We’re in a bit of a hurry so she’ll have to try it on at home. I’m sure it fits perfectly now. Such a shame the woman who made it in London took the wrong measurements.”
            Kate glanced at both women before coming to her senses. No doubt Polly had been enlisted by Tommy to make sure no one else caught onto the pregnancy. It was frustrating enough that he had accidentally told Michael and Alfie just took a wild guess. But Tommy was capping the list off at five. No one else would know.
            “Oh, yes.” Kate stood as Sophia began to wrap up the dress to put in a bag. “I’m sure it’s all set. Thank you so much.”
            The seamstress didn’t appear to be used to people just walking out without making sure it fit. “Oh, not a problem. I hope you all have fun at the boxing match. My husband’s going.” She smiled idly as she wrote up the receipt. “I told him to not bet too much money but I think he thinks he’s going to make a fortune off of Alfie Solomon’s boy.” She laughed softly.
            Kate stood near the door. She wondered how nice it must be to be so oblivious to everything. To think the match was nothing more than just some good sport. Kate didn’t have the luxury to be that naïve.
            The night of the match, Tommy came into the bedroom where Kate was getting dressed. He smiled when he saw her sitting on the bed pulling up her stockings. “I wasn’t sure where you ladies got the idea that this was something you all needed to dress up for.” He teased. Hopefully, a little lighthearted banter would put her at ease. Tommy only wished he could calm himself down.
            Kate glanced up at him and stuck her tongue out. “We’ve all been stuck in Small Heath for weeks. None of us have had a chance to dress up. I think you should’ve expected us to take the first opportunity we have.” She finished with her stockings and stood up. “Now can you fasten the last few buttons?”
            Tommy came up behind her and brushed her blonde curls away from her neck. “I’ve always loved red on you.” He said gently.
            “I wore red to the derby.”
            He frowned. “No, you didn’t. You wore black to Epsom.”
            “Not Epsom.” She shook her head. “I meant when I met Kimber.”
            Another one of Tommy’s ghosts, long-buried, long dead. He sighed. “Yeah, that’s right.”
            “You remember what I wore to Epsom?” She went to turn around but Tommy stopped her. He hadn’t even started on the first button of her dress.
            “Could probably remember a lot of things you’ve worn.” He admitted and slowly did up the buttons of her dress. “You wore purple when you first said you loved me. You wore blue when you showed up at John’s wedding. You wore blue to my wedding too. You wore green the last time I saw you before you left for Boston. And you were wearing red when I came to get you. You wore purple when I proposed in Scarborough.”
            Kate felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had never known he paid so much attention to her at such an early stage of their relationship. “What about at the Moulin Rouge?” She asked, her voice shaking with emotion. “What was I wearing when we first met?” Not even she could really remember. She recalled Tommy looking very well dressed but couldn’t quite recall what she had on.
            “Black but then you changed into a green dress. Then you wore purple the next day.”
            She turned around. “I can’t believe you remember all of that.” She said touching his cheek.
            His thumb came to swipe away the tear that slipped down her cheek. “When you were gone and I was in hospital, my worst fear was never seeing you again. My memory was already fucked after the surgery. So, I put all my effort into trying to hold onto the memories I had of you. It didn’t matter if I forgot everything else. As long as I remembered how you looked and the way I felt around you, then I’d be okay.”
            Kate smiled through her tears. “Tom…”  
            “You don’t have to cry, love.” He hushed softly and kissed the corner of her lips.
            Her laugh was interrupted by a hiccup. “I know. It’s probably the pregnancy. Ada said I would get weepy for no reason sometimes. It doesn’t help that you’re being this way.”
            He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Can’t help it.”
            “So, I can guess that because you’re in a good mood, tonight is going to go well?” She asked hopefully.
            He nodded. “It will, you’ll be perfectly safe.” He sealed the promise with a deep kiss, pressing his hand into the small of her back.
            There was a knock downstairs and Arthur called out to his brother. “C’mon, Tom!”
            Kate reluctantly pulled away. “I’ll see you later?”
            “Pol, Lizzie, and Ada will come to pick you up. You’ll all be escorted there, so there’s no need to worry about anything.” He said softly.
            “Okay.” She felt a little more relieved and less anxious about the event as he kissed her lips a couple more times before he unraveled himself from her.
            “And tell the girls to watch how much they drink.” He warned before leaving the bedroom.
            Kate smiled. “No promises.” Perhaps this would finally just be a night they could all enjoy themselves. But she was forgetting the first rule she had always followed in life. Trust your instinct.
            There wasn’t much Kate could do about Ada bringing along a giant bottle of gin. Besides, she wasn’t going to stop her future sister-in-law from having any fun. That would just be unfair.
            “I’m glad the dress worked out.” Polly smiled as Kate got into the car with them. “Did Tommy get to see it beforehand or did he go early?”
            “He saw it.” Kate smiled. She wanted to tell them all about what he said but decided to keep it to herself. She wanted it to be a special moment kept between the two of them.
            “Guess who I heard showed up,” Ada said. “A few women from the Forty Elephants.”
            “Really?” Kate lit up. What was once a night she had been dreading was starting to become more like a party. She had a sneaking suspicion that Tommy was in on it too. Maybe he was hoping to give her a nice fun evening. Or maybe, he was trying to distract her. “Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet them. They’re a treat.”
            Alice Diamond apparently got the news that all the women were dressing up for the affair. Or there just wasn’t a time or a place where she wasn’t dressed up. She and Maggie Hill turned heads as they entered the venue. The mysterious women were quite a sight to be seen in Small Heath. And they were joined by Ruby and Lillian who walked arm in arm, daring anyone to make a comment about how close they were. There was another woman along with them that Kate didn’t recognize when they approached the Peaky ladies.
            “Oh, Kate.” Alice embraced her and kissed her cheeks. “We heard all the awful news. That bastard-”
            “It’s okay,” Kate assured her gently. “I just hope Sabini hasn’t been giving you girls any trouble. I told Alfie to keep an extra eye out for us.”
            The glamorous woman rolled her eyes. “That moron doesn’t know when to quit. Once those Americans are gone, he’s going to have a big problem on his hands. But enough work talk. I want to see how Birmingham puts on a show.”
            Kate laughed. “Let me introduce you. This is Polly, Tommy’s aunt. Lizzie Stark, his assistant, and Ada Thorne, his sister.”
            “Alice Diamond.” She greeted them. “My associates, Maggie and Ruby. And this is Lillian and her sister Mabel. Kate, I don’t think you’ve met her.”
            “No, I haven’t.” The woman looked to be older than Lillian by a couple of years. She had a similar soft charm to her just like her sister. But she appeared more timid than any of the Forty Elephants leading Kate to believe that she may not be involved with the organization.
            She wore a more modest dress than the others, and her hair wasn’t bobbed like theirs were either. That’s when Kate noticed a simple gold necklace resting on her collarbone, the charm was a Star of David.
            Kate could remember Lillian mentioning how her family was fairly conservative and approved of neither her lifestyle nor her relationship with Ruby. She wondered if maybe they were a part of the Orthodox community in Camden Town.
            “Mabel, this is Kate Lynch. She’s the one Alfie always talks about, she’s engaged to Tommy Shelby.” Alice explained.
            “Oh, of course.” Mabel nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.”
            “She was jealous until she knew you were engaged. Alfie always raved about you and Mabel fancies him.” Lillian smirked.
            “No, I don’t!” The woman’s face went completely red.
            It was like a lightbulb went off in Kate’s head. Oh, she’d prove Tommy wrong alright. She was already scheming a plan to make sure Mabel would by Alfie’s plus one to their wedding.
            She smiled at her and touched her shoulder. “Come and sit with me so we can get to know each other.” Kate encouraged as they all began to walk to the front row of seats by the boxing ring. “You know I think Alfie might be here tonight.” She hinted just to gauge Mabel’s reaction.
            It was clear as day as the pretty woman perked up and looked a little nervous. “Really? I mean…I know Goliath is fighting but I didn’t know-”
            “Kate?” There was a soft hand on her shoulder.
            She turned to smile at Tommy who was waiting for her. “Hi.”
            “Ladies, you all look very nice. I’m glad you could make it.” Tommy nodded to Alice.
            “Of course, Mr. Shelby. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s always fun to watch Goliath beat someone to the brink of death. I hope your boy made a will.” Alice teased with a cocky grin.
            “Looks can be deceiving, Miss Diamond,” Tommy replied then bent down to whisper in Kate’s ear. “Alfie wants to talk to you.”
            “Oh, okay.” Kate stood up to follow him to the back area of the venue. The further away she got from the excited buzz of the crowd, the more dread sank into her stomach. Instinct was not something to be ignored. And there were alarm bells ringing in her ears.
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i’ve sort of found the time between tests and trimming and taking my dogs on walks to think a bit. so i’ve been thinking a lot about myself recently, about lidded eyes and overheating in a twin sized bed and seeking out the cold wall. and i’ve been thinking about how hard my heart was squeezed between round hands with blunt fingernails and splayed out fingers and how to reshape it after all that.
i have also been thinking about how i can’t call it what it was. i can’t call it by it’s name, because then i give it power and i am weak and she was strong enough to hurt me like that. he told me the other night at like 4 am that he would have told me ages ago if he’d had known that i can’t see my own mental scars. look, you can even see me avoiding the right words here and now, when language is all i really have. i still don’t want to say it, but i will. she traumatized me.
and yknow, recently i’ve been thinking about that trauma, and what it did to me. who i became after that. the contractors didn’t just come into my house, there are now miles and miles of brick walls and trenches into october and we banned the color blue, while painting my dining room wall the same shade. there are songs i can’t listen to anymore, food i can’t eat without making a face after years of an existence as a human garbage disposal.
and most importantly, i think about how i became stingy. i am frugal with this love, i am somehow selfish in my selflessness, and i am terrified. i never used to fear kissing someone but now all i can think about is how that kiss, how one single brush of the lips is an action that only leads to loss. loving you will lead to losing you, so why should i even bother? we create something just to break it over our knee ten months later underneath stage lights in front of our whole town. why the fuck should i even bother?
this all leads me to think about how this applies to you. you’re new to me, in a very old way. it took me four years to realize how i feel about you. do you understand how insane that is? my pseudo little brother asked me some questions in such a little brother fashion and i smoked some weed but not really enough to have a good time with it and then i loved you. gold, and orange, and mauve, and winter. you’re very winterized, for someone so warm.
all of this is to say i have been thinking about if it’s worth it to love you. i don’t want to put you through my mental meat grinder, and i cannot nor will not lose you, ever in a million years. and yet this yearning to shove my hands under the hem of your shirt and tuck your hair behind your ears and lend you my coat in the goodwill parking lot kind of states that one day i will lose you. i am not quite sure how to cope with that. i don’t know how i am going to live without your hard rock cafe leather jacket or your brightly colored vans or your wooden rosary hanging by your rear view mirror that at this point is nothing more than a representation of your family and a reminder of your catholic guilt that kept you from realizing you were gay for so long. and i know that if you ever read this you’d probably say i was being dramatic, and that none of these things really mean for sure that i would lose you and that you are more mature than she ever was and that “damn ma you really want to put your hands up my shirt?” with some stupid blushing emoji that makes me want to kiss you stupid and also punch you in the mouth. i want to like you so ridiculously much. and i think i do, for the first time i think i found somebody who made me stop thinking of her and who really knows all the parts of me that i shove into closets with the light off and put high up on shelves and pretend don’t exist. i wanted to like someone else. i tried a few times, but even a year ago almost to the month i considered this thought and this color and the taste of boba and bento boxes and market chips in the front seat but i brushed it off as a fantasy. and now here i am, i guess.
no one knows me like you do, and i’ve been thinking that that might be what is so scary about this: if i fuck this up, and i mean really fuck this up, i can’t replace you. there will never be anyone else in this world like you to me. this is new, and old at the same time, and i’ll never be able to replace the old you, and that scares the fuck out of me. but still, even with all of that, even with my heart having gone through a fucking playdough extruder, with a disdain for red and blue and lots and lots of scars, i still want to give this a go. i guess that’s the point, right? you bother with the whole mortifying ordeal of being known because of someone who makes you want to bother with it. i have another shot at something good. i really hope this is something good, yknow what i mean? like, this year has fucking sucked and if i could be a knight in shining armor for you and save the whole damn thing i would be more than happy to. or if you would prefer some 1950s all american man from an old movie musical i could do that too, even if i would just be a butch in a suit who can’t really dance but just wants to prove that chivalry isn’t dead. or, or honestly i can just do the small things if you’d prefer. i’ll just open your car door and carry your weight and pick up your hardships for you and hold you when you need me to, all you have to do is ask.
what i’m trying to say is that i have been thinking that actually, yknow what, i am dying to bother with this whole terrible mess for you. i am desperate to show you that, and what it’s like to really love and to maybe even love me and truthfully i am desperate to love you back in return. i am going to swallow glass and fire and swords and her, and pretend like this doesn’t make me sick with worry for the future just because i want to sit in your lap and memorize every single part of your face and watch your pupils blow out every time i walk into a room. i am crazy about you, and you’re so beautiful. you make me feel brave or stupid or maybe just flat out gay enough to try. and i really hope i don’t hurt you. i hope you’ll like me still, even when you really, and i mean really get to see what a fucking idiot i am when i love you like this. i hope you’re willing to give it a try. i am more than willing to.
(i could hold the door open for you at starbucks, too, if that means anything at all.)
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embeanwrites · 4 years
can you do an artemis x reader based off of either crush culture by conan gray or scary live by the neighbourhood? sorry if you don’t do song-based fics, i wasn’t sure. thanks anyway!
A/N: I haven’t written a songfic in so long, so I hope I still have that magic! I use to exclusively write them! I hadn’t heard of either of these songs, so I listened to both and went with Scary Love! Also decided to put them both in college bc I’m a sucker for two nerds meeting at a party (Also I’m a simp for cuddles and kisses 
Move to the city with me
Don't wanna be alone
Don't wanna be alone
You're too pretty for me
Baby, I know, it's true, yeah
It was rare Artemis went out with friends, it was even rarer that he followed them to a party. But here he was at some frat house on a Friday. He had ditched his friends five Fridays in a row and he was starting to feel bad about saying no every time. He told himself he just needed to go to one party and then he could say no without feeling guilty. 
He was holding a red solo cup full of a mix between fruit punch and vodka. It was honestly terrible, but by holding it fewer people walked up and asked him if he wanted a drink. He wanted to leave, but he felt bad ditching his friends when they were absolutely wasted. 
The pop music was beginning to give him a headache so he headed outside. He was surprised that the police hadn’t been called to tell them to turn it down. Not technically leaving the party, but he went far enough away that maybe he could just take a break from this mess. Hopefully, his friends would be ready to leave soon. He wasn’t looking forward to babysitting the three of them. 
You look better when you first wake up
Than anybody else I've fucked
Baby, I got good luck with you
I didn't know we'd get so far
And it's only the start
Baby, you got me worried 
Outside a few stragglers were sitting in the grass. Including a couple of people making out. Artemis began walking around the house to find a quiet place to sit.
“Artemis?” He turned towards the voice and saw a girl he recognized from his political sociology class. They were the only two people who regularly talked and answered the professor’s questions. She was highly intelligent and was a decent debater. 
“(Y/n).” He smiled and walked towards her. He sat down next to her. She was sitting in the grass with a book. When he sat down she put her bookmark in and held her book to her chest. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” She looked over at him with a small smile. 
“I didn’t expect to spend my Friday here.” He smiled back at her. Maybe it was the vodka in his system or maybe he was just really happy to be around her. 
Your love is scaring me
No one has ever cared for me
As much as you do, ooh
Yeah, I need you here
Your love is scaring me
No one has ever cared for me
As much as you do, ooh
Yeah, I need you here
“Do you make it a point to come to parties and sit outside to read?” He teased. She laughed and looked at her book.
“No, I have an essay due tomorrow night and I’ve been putting it off.” She sighed. “My friends forced me to come. They’ve asked me every Friday and I’ve finally run out of excuses they’ll buy.” Artemis felt his face heat up. She was smart and socially awkward like him. 
“What’s your essay about?” He gently took the book from her. ‘Controlling Desires’ by Kirk Ormand. He smirked and flipped through the book. 
“It’s supposed to be about comparing translations to direct sources. However, this dude found new fragments and he credited them to Sappho, but it really seems that he made them up. I asked the professor if I could write about that instead. She said yes, but now I’m regretting it.” Artemis watched her nervously pulling and fidgeting with grass. He noted how nervous she seemed. “I know, I’m a huge dork. I just like sociology and classics.” 
“You’re not a dork for enjoying school.” He nudged his shoulder against hers and she smiled at him. “If I wasn’t here I would probably be reading.”
“What would you be reading?” She asked, watching him flip through her book. 
“Well, seeing this book makes me want to re-read Ovid’s Metamorphoses.” She turned towards Artemis and her whole face lit up, she had a nervous smile. 
Ridin' through the city with me
Just watching you glow
I'm in the passenger sea
You're in control
It's on you now, mhm
“This might be a little forward, but do you want to come back to my dorm?” He watched her fiddle with more pieces of grass. He was surprised by how forward she was, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed by her. She had guts.
“My friends, they're wasted and I really need to make sure they get home safe.” He watched her face fall, causing him to wince. “I would really like to, it’s just-”
“It’s okay, really I shouldn’t have asked-”
“(Y/n)! Are you ready?” Artemis looked over to see two girls looking over at the two of them curiously. Before he could say anything else she gently took her book back, gave him a small wave, and left with her friends. 
That was the first girl that’s expressed interest in him since coming to college. He pulled his knees to his chest and hugged his legs. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in her. She is smart, passionate, and cute. He liked the way her eyes lit up when she started talking about something she liked and how she never backed down in class, no matter how many people were against her. He was afraid she wouldn’t like him back, but she just asked him out and he said no. 
“I’m an idiot.” He muttered into his legs. 
You look better every day, I swear
Really, it's a little unfair
Baby, I'm star-struck by you
Didn't know we'd get so far
And it's only the start
Baby, you got me worried (ay)
Artemis managed to wrangle his friends and get them back to their respected dorms before he was standing outside her residence hall. He felt weird knowing where she lived, but she complained about it one time to him in class. It had no AC and the hot water only worked half the time. He had no idea what his next move would be, he didn’t have her phone number and he didn’t even know where her room was. 
“Hey?” He turned around and there she was for the second time. She was still clutching her book from earlier. “What are you doing here?”
“I got my friends home and I thought I’d come by if your offer still stands of course. I understand if you want me to leave.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his feet, failing to notice her small smile. “Why aren’t you inside?”
“I walked to my friends' home, they live a couple halls away.” She looked at him nervously. “Do you want to come up to my room? My roommate went home for the weekend. I have a really cool Greece and Rome translation book you may like.” 
“That sounds like fun.” She walked over to Artemis and gently grabbed his hand, leading him inside the building. 
Your love is scaring me
No one has ever cared for me
As much as you do, ooh
Yeah, I need you here
Your love is scaring me
No one has ever cared for me
As much as you do, ooh
Yeah, I need you here
Her room was nice and orderly except for her desk. She had at least twenty books stacked on the desk, papers filled with notes, and old quizzes. He looked over and saw the last paper they had gotten back from political sociology. 
“You got a 99 out of 100?” He asked, he knew she was good at the class, but he hadn’t realized that she was probably the top student in the class. Even with his paper, he got a 95, but he credited most of that to the fact he didn’t grow up around American politics as she had. He looked over at her, her face was flushed red and she looked embarrassed. 
“Yeah, I put that paper through the wringer. I got a 98 on the first one. My goal is to get a 100 on the last one, but I may have bitten off more than I can chew with my topic. What are you writing about?” 
“Political Polarization found in non-fiction books unrelated to politics. What about you?” She smiled widely.
“Conspiracy theories and political polarization. Lord knows how many crazy videos I’ve had to watch for the paper.” They both laughed. “So, I’m a pretty straightforward person, so hopefully this doesn’t freak you out, but I really like you. I think you’re smart and funny and I would be so mad at myself if I didn’t tell you that before the end of the semester.”
 If we fall apart
Maybe it wasn't meant to be
If we fall apart
Then it was our favorite dream
Ooh, ooh, yeah
“I like you too.” He whispered he could barely believe this was happening. But she was standing in front of him with an unreal smile. He couldn’t help but smile back. “This may be the vodka talking, but do you want to make-” She gave him no chance to finish as she pressed her lips against his. 
Without breaking away they both made it towards her bed, well he assumed it was her bed because she led him to it. Breaking away she jumped up on the twin-sized bed and shyly smiled at him. 
“Lowkey, I have liked you since the beginning of the semester. Do you want to make out and cuddle? It’s kind of late to walk back. Don’t you live across campus? You’ve also been drinking so it’s unsafe anyway to walk back alone and if I walk you back then you’d have to walk me back and it would just be an endless cycle.” She talked so fast Artemis thought he was experiencing whiplash. He smiled and jumped up on the bed next to her. 
“Cuddles and making out sounds like a great plan.” He didn’t think it was possible, but her smile grew as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed one hand on her cheek and the other on her waist as they resumed kissing. 
Your love is therapy
No drug can give me clarity
As much as you do, ooh 
Yeah, I need you here 
Your love is scaring me 
No one has ever cared for me 
As much as you do, ooh 
Artemis woke up the next morning with a minor headache. He tried to move but realized something was on top of him, one of his arms, in particular, felt as if it was on pin and needles. He must have been in this position for a while for his arm to fall asleep. He looked down and saw (y/n).  
She had her head resting on his chest and one of her arms laying on his stomach. His arm that was asleep was pinned underneath her and his other arm was resting next to hers on his stomach. She looked so peaceful. Careful not to wake her, he brushed some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. She hummed in contentment but didn’t seem to be awake just yet. Artemis could barely believe that all this happened in one night. 
Maybe going to parties with his friends wasn't always a waste of time. 
Yeah, I need you here
Ooh, I need you, babe
Yeah, yeah, I need you, baby
I need you
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