#why are you already calling the school to tell them i'm gonna be absent??????
misiahasahardname · 4 months
i found a photo of me in the hospital after my first seizure and i am wearing the most HORRENDOUS combination of clothing imaginable 😭😭
thinking of redrawing it with mikey because epileptic 2012 mikey is real
#either that or i'll just redraw it as myself#i'm not gonna share the photo rn but like. god girl what were you thinking#a blue shirt with pink and yellow cats that's obviously too small for me#light grey pajama bottoms with pink cuffs(?)#ugly ass red socks with a white pattern or smth that look a bit like the psych ward socks#the nerdiest pair of glasses i've ever owned#and leapard print trainers 😭😭 (velcro because i didn’t know how to tie my shoes)#please get a better taste in fashion omg#my first seizure story is pretty funny to me tbh#i was at my desk at like 10pm colouring a pair of sunglasses red in honour of red nose day#(it was supposed to be part of my outfit for the next day because red nose day and pudsey day tended to be non uniform days)#and all of a sudden i wake up on the floor with a mild stomach ache#now i had had a lot of those and my parents began to not trust me when i said i felt sick#but this one was a bit worse than usual#so i started making whimpering sounds to make it beleivable#and my parents (who were in a bit of a panic) misinterpreted this and thought i was in too much pain to talk 😭😭#and i was so confused because i was just. lying on my bedroom floor as my parents ran about stressed saying shit ljke#“should we call them” which confused me further because#why are you already calling the school to tell them i'm gonna be absent??????#and then someone FINALLY explains to me i had a seizure and i'm like. oh.#i have a few other odd seizure stories#like when i had a seizure while playing othello#or while playing crazy 8s on gamepigeon with my friends#or when i had sent a status “coming back from the hospital” which scared my grandma but we assured her i was fine and healthy#and that it was just a checkup and everything was good and i hadn’t had a seizure in ages#and then i proceeded to have a seizure that night.#the irony is amazing#epilepsy: making my life interesting since 2018(?)#tw seizure mention#mia has a stupid thought
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AITA for pointing out contradictions in my friend's speech?
This happened a few years ago but I still think about it sometimes. I had a friend at school, let's call them Alex [16X, gender irrelevant], who I had been struggling to communicate with. I'm autistic and I don't get social cues. They knew about my diagnosis, but still relied on social cues when speaking to me. I have misunderstood them several times because of this, then reminded them that I don't understand them if they aren't being direct, they promised to be direct text time and I foolishly believed them.
Later, we started communicating better... almost.
It's just that when they're exhausted(?) They don't really want to talk to anyone, and instead of saying it directly, they go back to using social cues again. I had no idea what they were feeling at the exact moment or if they're exhausted at all, so I continue talking to them unbeknownst of me.
I tried looking for a pattern to recognize whenever Alex doesn't want to talk to anyone, but I could never find it. They wanted me to figure it myself because "it's clear".
So, whenever Alex was feeling that way, they never said what they meant, ever.
Example #1: one day I was telling Alex about the movie I saw. I saw that they had tweeted about it and even made a comment about the ending scene, so they definitely watched it, so I mentioned it and mentioned a spoiler plot point.
They said "Hey, take it easy, some people don't like spoilers."
The only other person who was in the room was the person who recommended the movie. I pointed out that everyone had seen the movie already and Alex said, "you don't know for sure." And I reminded them about how they tweeted about and the other person said it was good. Alex got up and left, stopped talking to me for days, then told me the truth that they just didn't wanna talk and I should've picked it up.
Example #2: One time Alex was still in class sitting alone and I asked them if they were gonna leave, they said they're waiting for "Beth" so I can leave by myself, I told them Beth was absent and she wouldn't be coming here. Alex got angry and yelled at me for being insensitive and not knowing when to leave people alone.
Thing is, I can't tell if it was a lie, or if they were genuinely mistaken/misremembering something and I think clearing things up is helpful. Why can't people just say they don't wanna talk instead of making up a lie that's easy to figure out and call it social cue? The thing is, everyone else in the friend group told me I was being insensitive and "press the issue" when they clearly don't want to talk and "were being polite about it". So was I TA for pointing out something is contradictory/untrue?
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 1 year
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 9
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
When I reach the bathroom Lylah is already there, hands on her knees as she pants.
"Did you run here?" I ask her in concern as I approach.
"Uh, yes. I need to know what the hell Trent did."
She places her hands on my shoulders, lightly shaking me with an urgent look on her face.
"He just tried to grab my leg. But I got up before he did and asked to go the restroom."
She grimaces, brows creasing in disgust.
"That's gross, Ash. I would say report this to the counseling office but they won't do jack shit."
"Why not?" I ask in confusion.
"Because Trent tried the same thing with me and they didn't lift a finger to help," Wren said, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, making both of us jump.
"Jeez, Wren. I told you to stop doing that," Lylah says, putting her hands on her hips.
"Sorry not sorry, boo," Wren says, leaning against the wall and examining his nails unapologetically.
"Wait. So Trent was bothering you too?" I ask.
"Yeah but it didn't go very far," Wren says, nodding solemnly. "Once I realized the school wasn't going to do anything about it I switched my classes to avoid him."
"But we're already weeks in, Wren. He can't switch his classes anymore," Lylah says, her hands grasping her red mane in distress.
"It's okay guys. I'll just avoid him," I offer, not wanting to burden my friends with my problems.
"Wait, no no no, hold on."
Lylah puts up her hand to stop me, the look on her face saying she has an idea.
"Why don't you tell Daemon?"
They both seem to like the idea, looking to me expectantly to see if I approve.
"I don't know," I absent-mindedly grasp the back of my neck, a nervous habit of mine. "He won't care,"
I definitely don't think Daemon will want to help me. I mean this morning, he seemed different but he's so hard to read. I don't understand what he's looking at me with now but what can it be besides hatred or annoyance?
"He might. You could ask?" Wren pushes.
I shake my head. I don't want to embarrass myself by asking Daemon to interfere in some petty high school drama just to be refused.
"No, I don't think it's a good idea."
They seem adamant about getting me to tell at least someone, even asking if I'll tell Alpha Lucien. I strongly put that suggestion down. Trent hasn't done anything that I can really call incriminating.
Sure, his presence is an inconvenience but a minor one at most. I don't want to cause a fuss over nothing.And to be honest, I'm afraid to ask for help.
I'll just sound like I'm complaining about what Lucien's been so generous to grant me the ability to go to school in the first place. I don't want to bother Lucien with something so insignificant.
I'm sure the head Alpha of the pack has much more serious and important matters to deal with.
"It's fine, really. I appreciate your help but I'm gonna just try to deal with it on my own," I tell them, patting both their arms in gratitude.
"Alright, Ash. We won't pressure you anymore if that's your decision," Lylah says, hugging me fiercely and I gratefully hug her back.
I can't remember the last time I received a proper hug. Lucien gives me awkward half-ones. I know he's just trying to respect my personal space but I wouldn't mind a bigger hug.
But I don't speak up because of how awkward the topic is.
"Hey, I want in," Wren says, joining in on the hug and we all start laughing, stumbling against each other as we almost lose our footing.
I can imagine how weird we look, all laughing as we form a huddled circle in the bathroom.
"Thanks guys," I say, truly grateful for them.
"It's no problem, cutie. Now why don't we get out of here?" Lylah gives us a mischievous grin.
I don't understand what she means until Wren complains that he already has too many absences.
"Wait, you mean ditch?"
"Yeah duh, Ash. How about it?"
I hesitate. It feels like a little angel is on my shoulder telling me not to do it. School is a priority that I can't miss and I also don't want to get into trouble.
But the little devil on the other side tells me I should go have fun with my friends. And then I can miss sixth period and not have to see Trent.
"Let's go," I reply.
We stop at a drive through and get some burgers before heading to the west side of town. I don't really know where we're going but it's apparently a common hang out spot for Lylah and Wren.
We pull up on a patch of gravel near an outcrop of trees and Lylah parks there, then we get out. I follow after them and we walk around what seems like a miniature harbour, with a few small fishing boats and nets strewn in the water.
We pass a large garage and I spy a man with blonde hair and a stern brow squinting at us from afar, before he shakes his head and walks back into the garage.
He looks familiar but I can't pin down why. More importantly, it doesn't seem like he wants us here. I go to tell Lylah and Wren but realize they are already way ahead of me, giggling and playing around as they walk on the docks. I run to catch up to them.
"Wait up guys."
"Ash come here look there's fish."
Wren waves me over, crouching at the edge of the dock and pointing at the water as I approach. I crouch down with him to get a better look, peering at the giant spotted koi fish that swims around in the water.
"It's pretty."
"Lemme take a pic," Lyla says, putting her cell-phone out to snap a photo, though I don't know how she will be able to get a clear shot with it moving in the murky water.
"Don't drop your phone hoe," Wren snickers as Lylah fumbles with the device.
"Wren. You almost made me drop it by saying that," Lylah clutches her pink i-phone to her chest. "That would be like $800 down the drain."
"Pshhh. Apple is so overpriced. Android's where it's at."
Lylah puts her hands on her hips, raising a brow.
"Maybe. Until you try to record a video and suddenly you're living in mine-craft."
"It's not that pixelated," Wren shoots back.
I ignore them, admiring the koi fish. I've always wanted a fish. I used to have a little goldfish that my mom had bought for me but Alpha Ferix dumped the entire contents of its food container into the water.
It over-ate and died. The memory makes me sad. Now I prefer to just let animals live in the wild.
I know what it feels like to be caged in and I don't wish that on any living thing. Then I hear the creak of wood behind us.
"So the little Omega who bragged about being oh-so scholarly this morning is the same one ditching class, is that right?" a deep voice came from behind me, startling all three of us as we whip around to stare at the owner of the voice with wide eyes.
"Daemon?" I stutter, face going pale with fear of being caught.
"Omg," Lylah gasps, putting her hand over her mouth.
"How did you three get all the way over here? This is pretty far off from your school," Daemon asks calmly.
"We came in my car," Lylah trails off and then Wren steps forward.
"We hope we didn't get Ash in too much trouble. It was all our idea," he admits.
I'm thankful to him for defending me but I don't think Daemon cares whose idea it was. He looks intimidating as ever dressed in all black, sculpted chest painfully obviously under the fitted shirt he's wearing, his abs tight against the fabric.
He crosses his arms and I watch as the muscles in them flex. Shit, am I in trouble?
"We can go back in my car though," Lylah offers timidly, a stark contrast from her usual outbursts.
I nod at that, looking to Lylah like she's offered the best solution ever because right now anything seems better than suffering the wrath of Daemon.
"Yeah we can go now," I say, inching off toward Lylah and Wren when I feel Daemon grab the handle of my backpack, gently stopping me from going any further.
"No. You're coming with me."
I deflate at that, disappointed I can't go with my friends and just be let off the hook. We bid our goodbyes awkwardly, though I can tell Lylah and Wren are intimidated by Daemon's dark stare that's telling them to get on their way.
When they rush off down the dock back toward her car I look to Daemon expectantly, fearfully apprehensive.
"Are you angry with me?" I ask.
Daemon sighs, leading me off the docks and back to the garage.
"Maybe Lucien cares but I don't give a shit if you ditch class."
I'm relieved at that but I still clutch the straps of my backpack anxiously.
"But if you're gonna ditch, don't come here," Daemon continues. "This area is off limits for a reason. Kids have drowned here. Done stupid shit like try to swim only to get caught in a net or fuck... it's just dangerous."
As he says it Daemon's face looks pained and his brow is deeply furrowed but he quickly looks away from me as if to hide it. Why does he have that expression?
I mean I'm guessing he wouldn't want to be held responsible if I drowned. But I just thought he'd be more angry.
"I'm sorry, Daemon," I say up to him, my eyes filled with guilt.
I already feel bad about ditching.
"I don't want an apology, Omega. Tell me you're not gonna do dumb shit like this again,"
"I won't. I promise."
Our eyes meet for a moment after that, silent as we look at each other. Daemon's eyes wander down my face and I let out soft shallow breaths from how nervous he's making me with his intense gaze. I bite my lip out of a nervous habit and his eyes darken.
"Don't do that," he growls.
"What?" I ask confusingly, not understanding what he's referring to.
Daemon puts a hand to his face, shaking his head.
"Never mind. Just get in the car."
He pulls his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the black vehicle parked just outside the large warehouse. How did I not notice it was Daemon's car before?
I guess I didn't expect him to be here, working or whatever Alpha business he's up to.
I do as I'm told and start the walk towards the car. Daemon walks back to the garage door, opening it to speak to someone inside. I see the blonde man from earlier appear and he's watching me as I get into the car.
It gives me a weird feeling. I can't hear what they're saying but Daemon moves so his body is blocking the man's view of me.
It's a relief because he's kind of creeping me out with all his staring. They speak for a minute and Daemon's fists are clenched all the while. I don't think he likes this guy.
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mavkasilas · 3 years
Percy: I'm not going to class tomorrow.
Oliver: WHY?!
Percy: I have a fever, and mom says it's better takes some days off, based on the pandemic now.
Oliver: So you're saying that you're gonna leave me alone to face that horror Prof. Snape's Math class?! HOW DARE-
Percy: *cough cough*
Oliver: You good? You're really sick...
Percy: Or else? You think I'm faking it?
Oliver: Well then, I should not disturbing you. You need to rest now. Bye! *hangs up the phone*
Percy: *sulking*
*Midnight, and Percy has absent from school for 2 days*
*Percy heard something knocking on his window*
Percy: Wh- Who- Who's there? *whispering in his bed*
*knocking sounds won't stop*
*quickly unlock his phone n calls Oliver*
Percy: Ollie! there's something outside my window and i-
Oliver: Open the window! it's me! *whisper loudly*
Percy: Why the hell are you doing outside my window?! I'm in second floor!
Oliver: QUICK! you want me fell down from the tree and wakes up your whole family, and found me lying on the ground with a broken leg?
*Percy quickly get out from his bed and let Oliver into his room*
(Both of them are whispering)
Oliver: Jeez the tree is full of ants! Got my back so itchy.
Percy: IT'S 2 in the morning! Why aren't you in your bed?
Oliver: Night at the Percy's bedroom!
Percy: *speechless*
Oliver: Without you, everything is so boring. I just want to check on you, but the my schedule is full of the hockey practices. Forgive me have to come and find you at this time. *doggies eyes*
Percy: You hurt yourself? The tree? *noticed a big bruise on Oliver's arm after he takes off his jacket*
Oliver: Oh, it's from the practice. No biggie.
Percy: You never getting hurt before, not even once. Distracted by something? The hot cheerleader?
Oliver: If i say that you're the reason why i got distracted from the practice, will you believe me?*smirk*
Oliver: Come on, let's go to sleep.
Percy: You broke into my bedroom just to sleep with me?
Oliver: Really, Perce? We used to did this when we're small when you're sick!
Percy: But now we're not kids anymore! Did you ever think about how you gonna explain to my mom in the morning?
Oliver: I guess she already know i'm here, because the little backdoor on the backyard didn't lock...
Percy: *sigh, hand Oliver a little key from his table before he climb back to his bed.*
Oliver: What's this?
Percy: The backyard's door spare key. No wonder why mom give it to me earlier after the dinner.
Oliver: Miss Molly is really a brilliant lady! Did you ever wonder is your mom a witch or something? Why does she always seems like she knows everything?
Percy: Maybe cuz she's a mother? Now are you gonna sleep or not?
Oliver: Sleep! *jump into bed and hold Percy in his arm*
Percy: Let go of me, it's so warm. You might get the germs from me!
Oliver: Then we can stay in the bed forever!
Fred: Thanks for the 10 bucks, my dear brother and sis. *bow and bump fist with Ginny*
Ron: Imma tell Charlie and Bill! *climb back to his bunk bed*
George: Oh, don't cry Ronnie. I lost my 10 bucks too!
*someone open the door*
Molly: I swear if i hear any noices from this room again, it's not about 10 bucks anymore. Now go to sleep!
Twins, Ginny and Ron: YES MADAM!
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To Raise Children: Chapter 20
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
OC List
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: You tell the boys about their sister!
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings:
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
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"I'm glad Flynn is doing better." Tom says into the phone as he walks around his apartment. You and him were still talking despite him being back in London.
"Yeah, he's doing much better but has been in my bed the last four days, Never share a bed with a five year old." You warn him.
"Geez that bad? Why doesn't he sleep in his bed?" Tom asks you.
"He can't climb up the ladder, Felix's bed isn't big enough for them to share and Felix refuses to stay on the top bunk until Flynn can use his arm again. I'm probably gonna move Flynn's mattress onto the floor so he can sleep on it." You sigh.
"That would work. The boys at school?"
"Nope my dad took them shopping. Probably for Christmas gifts."
"Oh! What did they ask Santa for?" Tom asks as he sits on his couch looking at the ceiling.
"No clue they haven't told me, and we haven't written their letters yet cause of everything that's been going on. Have I told you that I've been talking to their sister's parents? They're nice."
"They have a sister? Wait wouldn't her dad be your ex?" Tom asks, he thought you hated your ex.
"He didn't want to be apart of the girl's life so her bio mom put her up for adoption. I've been talking to her adoptive parents." You explained.
"Oh that makes more sense. Do they know about her?"
"No, she also doesn't know about them so I'm telling the boys today, and her parents already told her this morning."
"I'm sure the boys will love having a sister! What's her name anyway?"
"That's a really cute name... Hey I got to go I promised my mum I'd have supper with them tonight since all of us are in London right now. But I'll call you when I get home if you want?"
"Sure. I forget your five hours ahead it's only noon for me."
"Just don't call me when it's your dinner time I'll be asleep." Tom laughs.
"Don't worry I'll call you at ten tonight." You laugh.
"Okay. Bye darling, Tell the boys I said hi."
"Bye Tom. Don't worry I'll tell my dad you said hi."
"I meant Flynn and Felix! But tell him I said hi too." Tom laughs.
"I know I will bye Tom."
You had no clue how you were gonna tell them about their sister. They're gonna ask questions and you'll just have to answer them the best you can. You know they'll ask about their dad eventually. Especially since they're in school now. You just hope you have more time to prepare for it.
"Boys, I have to talk to you real quick." You say to the two boys who were focusing on the TV that plays the paw patrol movie.
"Okay." You grab the remote pausing it before you sit in front of them.
"So you guys have a little sister." You begin.
"Are you pregnant?"
"No... Where did you learn that bub?"
"My friend Jackson's mom was pregnant then he got a baby sister!" Flynn says smiling.
"Oh... I'm not pregnant. Your father has another kid, and she's your baby sister." You explain.
"Will we get to meet him?"
"Probably not sweetie, but you will get to meet your sister!"
"Has she met him?" Felix akss.
"Oh so she only has a mommy like us!" Flynn concludes.
"Well no... A new mommy and daddy adopted her."
"Why?" Felix asks.
"Uhm." You didn't know how to explain this in way they'd understand. "I don't know sugar."
"Why does everyone else gets a dad though," Felix argues. Your heart broke a little hearing that question.
"Yeah I know and I can't tell you why you don't have one because I don't know either, but I do know that you have so many people who love you both."
"Like who?" Flynn asks.
"Well you have me, your poppy, your nana, don't forget your aunts, and uncles and cousins and your Gran."
"Oh... Do you think our sister likes spiderman?" Felix asks.
"I don't know and your sister's name is Amelia."
"That's a pretty name!" Flynn grins.
"Can we see her?" Felix asks.
"Yeah let me find the photo they sent." You pull out your phone and go through the messages you have with, Kevin, Amelia's dad. You find one of the little girl in her stroller, she has big brown eyes, short blonde hair, and a similar face shape as your sons. She looks a lot like them when the were toddlers. The only difference was their skin tones, they were slightly different.
"She's cute." Flynn says looking intently at the photo.
"She looks like me!" Felix smiles.
"She does. So tonight after dinner we're going to call them if that's alright with you two?" You asked them.
"Yeah! I always wanted a sister!"
"Okay." You smile at them.
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Taglist: @fic-for-readers @denisemarieangelina @thevelvetseries @kaitieskidmore1 @ellerosie2332 @tahniemarie @runawayolives @marajillana @buckybarnez @positivelyholland @firehoseevan @coldmuffinpartycloud @beautifulrose0809 @believinghurts @laura-naruto-fan1998 @shadow-dixon @claaaaaaire-blog @mrs-brekker15 @h-j-s-03 @moniffazictress11 @buxkybarnez @ducks118 @kalopsia-flaneur @silverrmist @some-lovely-day @peterparkerbae @Olivia197810 @gengen64 @Bellagaseta20 @hollzo-03 @bubb1eana1ee @cmalas @jamie0515 @mpamphsss @bucketbarnes12 @cedricdiggorysimpp @snigdha-14 @hunni-bunny
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ohgodmyeyes · 3 years
Movie Night
Luke x Anakin is my new favourite ship, so I’m gonna crosspost one of those, too. I’m bored.
3k words of modern!Anakin fucking his son on the couch below the cut.
Luke liked to sit next to his dad.
"What are you watching?" he asked one evening, as he fell beside Anakin onto the well-worn old couch in the basement.
"Huh?" Relaxing downstairs after work was one of Anakin's favourite things to do. He liked to bathe, shirtless, in the gentle, blue glow of his television set. Like the sofa, the TV was old— Anakin had never bothered to upgrade to HD. Not down here, anyway.
Luke didn't mind. Again, he just liked to sit next to his dad.
"I said, what are you watching?"
"Oh. Movie."
"What movie?"
"Oh, cool. I like the old ones."
"Fuck off." Anakin didn't think 'Rambo' was that old.
He'd just started drinking when his son had walked in— cans of beer, interspersed with the odd shot of dark, spiced rum. When he offered some of it to Luke, Luke didn't refuse.
Luke liked to do the things his dad did.
So, the two men drank— shot after shot, beer after beer, late into the night. 'Rambo' ended and 'Predator' started, and then 'Predator' ended, too. Luke rested his head on his dad's chest. It was strong, wide, and smooth. 'Top Gun' started to play next. Luke began to absently stroke Anakin's stomach.
By then, they were both certifiably shitfaced.
"You're pretty," said Anakin, sometime during an extended commercial break between films. It seemed to come from absolutely nowhere.
"What?" Luke turned his head to look up at his dad's face. He always seemed so serious. Right now was no exception.
"You're pretty," repeated Anakin flatly. "Like your mom." He was slurring his words a bit, but he wasn't lying. Luke was fucking gorgeous.
Luke felt himself blush. Why the hell was he blushing? "You... you think I'm—?"
"You're gonna get me in trouble one day." Anakin hadn't had a coherent thought for hours. Luke and the heat of his body were all there was. That, and the glow of the television screen.
"What are you talking about?" Luke tried to sit up a bit, but it was difficult. His dad's chest seemed almost... magnetic. He felt stuck to it.
"I'm talking about how you're even worse than your mom. She's a tease, sure... but you're a goddamn sadist." Anakin peered down at Luke. The kid looked like he belonged on a beach— naked, with the sunlight kissing his skin and glinting off his hair. How the hell had he turned out so damn blonde?
"She likes to... I don't know. Flaunt herself around to get me going. Always has. You fucking torture me, though, and you don't even know you're doing it." Luke would do things like shower with the bathroom door open, and then walk around the house in nothing but a towel. Padmé and Leia were both busy, ambitious women, and that meant they were away a lot— working, socializing, attending school.
When they were away, Anakin would imagine ripping that damn towel right off and having his way with Luke.
He'd never actually tried it, though.
"I— uh, I... I'm... sorry?" stammered Luke. His face still felt hot. Now his dick was getting stiff, too. He didn't know what to say.
"Don't be sorry," said Anakin. "Just... take off your shirt." Again, Anakin was already shirtless.
"...What...?" Luke did manage to sit all the way up then. He looked his dad up and down, unable to stop his eyes from lingering. Anakin had always seemed so big to him— big and strong, and capable, too. He could fix anything, do anything, be anything.
Luke, sometimes, woke up hard and wet in the middle of the night to thoughts of his dad's body.
He'd never done anything about those thoughts, though.
...You really weren't supposed to think about your dad that way, were you?
"Take off your shirt," Anakin repeated. He shifted sloppily in his seat so as to get a better view. Luke's perfect, slight little frame and smooth, milky skin cried out to be touched.
Puberty had been very kind to Luke, Anakin thought, and he secretly loved that his son had stayed a couple of inches shorter than him. He would often sit right here in his basement and fantasize, in fact, about having Luke against the wall near the boiler— he was just small enough to lift, so it would be fun and easy to take him from the front, flush against the rough, bare cinderblock.
Luke would wrap his legs around his daddy's waist, and then Anakin would pound him until he—
Anakin realized he'd become distracted.
Luke sat in front of him, newly shirtless.
"Fuck," said Anakin.
"What is it?" murmured Luke. The room was spinning, but his dad wasn't. His dad looked perfect. Too perfect. Fuck. Fuck.
"Y-you— you're as hard as a fucking rock."
Luke looked down. Anakin was right. He was only wearing a pair of soccer shorts, now. They were favourite pair— green. He was making a tent out of them with his cock. "S-so are you," he said, glancing across to the bulge in Anakin's own pants.
It was fucking huge.
"Goddamn it," Anakin said. He could feel the tip of his dick starting to drip. His heart was racing, too. This had to be a dream. He'd had dreams like this before.
"...Daddy?" asked Luke, wide-eyed and visibly tentative. He hadn't called Anakin 'daddy' in years. Why did he do it now? He didn't know.
"Tell me what you want, baby boy. Tell your daddy what you want."
"I— I want... I w-want you t-to..." Luke faltered, and faltered badly. How the hell was he supposed to say it?
"Tell me, Luke." Anakin shifted in his seat, and pulled his dick out of his pants. It stood tall and thick. Eager. Ready.
"I want you to fuck me, daddy," confessed Luke, struggling not to gape at the sheer size of his father's hard-on. He'd never seen it like this before, but now that he had, he knew he needed it.
Up to now, he'd thought dicks like his dad's only existed on the internet.
A half-shade or so darker than the skin on the rest of Anakin's body, it looked nearly as thick as a soup can, and more than long enough to choke just about anybody. It had a subtle, very alluring inward curve, and adorning its base was a pretty nest of haphazard, amber curls. Those curls lightened and grew sparse as they trailed up Anakin's stomach, stopping just short of his navel.
Luke found himself overcome with a disconcertingly urgent desire to touch his dad's cock— to lick it, suck it, and take it up his hole. He'd played with toys and played with his own fingers before, but he'd never had anything so magnificent as Anakin's hard-on up his ass.
He wondered if it was going to hurt.
Part of him hoped it would hurt.
What the fuck was wrong with him? He was too drunk, that's what it was.
...Not too drunk to fuck, though. Not too drunk for his daddy.
Luke sprang into action. He got onto his hands and knees right there on the couch, kicking off his shorts behind himself as he ravenously stuffed the length of Anakin's throbbing dick into his wet, eager mouth. Everything in the room seemed to move along with him, and when the head of it first hit the back of his throat, he thought he might throw up.
His dad leaked haplessly onto his tongue.
Luke forgot all about puking.
"Jesus Christ!" shouted Anakin. He'd be glad, later, that his wife and daughter weren't home to hear him. He took a handful of his son's lovely hair in his hand, and pushed down to the delightful sound of a muffled squeal.
This was no dream.
Tears gathered at the edges of Luke's eyes. His dad was thick in his throat, hard against his back teeth. He bit down gently, and Anakin dripped. He coughed, swallowed, and whimpered through his own painfully full mouth. He began to choke as he felt his hair being gathered up, and his head being pushed down and pulled back in turns. On the way up, he'd try to breathe and blink, and on the way down he would simply relish being consumed.
"D-does th-that taste... g-good, baby boy?" Anakin gasped, although Luke didn't answer, because he couldn't. Padmé never let him fuck her mouth like this, Anakin thought. Never let him grab her by the hair, or force her face onto his cock. She thought she was too dignified for that— too 'good'.
Luke was under no such illusions.
Anakin bucked upwards, still pushing and pulling on the back of Luke's head. That pretty little mouth of his was talented, and every time it came down on Anakin, it seemed to have something new in store for him. Luke bit, Luke tongued, Luke swallowed, and Luke sucked. Anakin let out a groan, and realized that he was beginning to lose his rhythm.
Shit. No. Not yet! With a heavy grunt and very little warning, Anakin pulled his son's mouth away from his dick. He wanted to cum, but not like this.
"Daddy," coughed Luke. "A-are you g-going to—"
Anakin interrupted by twisting Luke's hair tightly in his fist, and hoisting him up so that the two were face-to-face. "If you let me fuck you," he warned, "it's going to hurt for days." Anakin knew very well that he had a monster hard-on. He'd always liked to make his wife squeal with it. Would Luke squeal, too?
"I— ah!— I... I want it anyway!" Luke bent his head backwards, squirming and struggling against his father's grasp. His own cock twitched, because he didn't really want to get away.
"I bet you have a tight little asshole, Luke. Tell your daddy you want him to wreck your hole." He pulled Luke close, again by the hair, and went on to sink his teeth into the boy's exposed neck. He smelled and tasted just like a teenager: All pheromone-laden sweat, and cheap, obtrusive body spray.
It was fucking intoxicating.
Luke cried out, and bucked his hips into the air. "W-wreck me, daddy. Destroy me." Anakin didn't know yet that Luke had been leaving the bathroom door open on purpose. Deep down, he wanted his dad to smell his soap, and catch glimpses of his body.
He always had.
Anakin released Luke's hair, letting him fall heavily back onto to the couch. "Give me your ass," he said, stumbling to his feet as hastily as he could manage. His dick was already out, so getting up was all he had to do.
"H-here," breathed Luke, sloppily rising from where he'd been dropped, and taking the back of the sofa in his hands as he stuck his ass out toward his father. He felt hungry right now— empty— in a way he never had before. He'd stopped asking himself how or why, because the reasons didn't matter. All he knew was that he needed it. "Fuck me, daddy," he begged. "Please, please fuck me!"
Anakin had been busy squeezing a generous portion of silky, high-end lube out onto his hand. Padmé had bought it for him to use with her, but he mostly kept it down here because he liked to make jerking off a more pleasant experience for himself: Anakin was horny by nature, and he jerked off a lot... although these days, he tended to do it most often following Luke's cruel, exhibitionist showers.
There was still plenty of slick left on his hand, so just for fun, he started with his fingers. He massaged Luke's little hole, poking and prodding and rubbing circles around it with awe-filled fascination, all while Luke shouted and whined. He reached around, too, to grab Luke by the cock. He stroked its shaft and teased its head, and every time it pulsed, he squeezed it hard and tight.
"You've always been such a good boy," whispered Anakin, curling his fingers up into his son's ravenous little hole.
For what felt like a long while, all Luke could do was writhe and whine as his dad fondled and fingered him... soon, though, his thighs began to tremble, and an intense, very familiar type of desperation started to well up inside of him. His breath hitched as he begged haltingly, "P-put... put it in! Please, dad, I— I—"
"Say it again first," demanded Anakin, abruptly withdrawing his attention from Luke's cock.
Luke screamed in frustration; again, it was a good thing his sister and his mother weren't at home. He knew just what his dad meant, though, so he obeyed immediately and unquestioningly, "Wreck me, daddy!"
"F-fuck... fuck, that sounds so damn good. One more time, Lukie— one more time for your daddy!" He was letting his cock brush up against the backs of Luke's thighs. Sticky little droplets of cum leaked out of him and onto Luke's skin, and Anakin spread them all around with his tip.
"Wreck me, daddy!"
That made Anakin grin. Wordlessly— he knew he didn't have to say a thing— he thrust his waiting length right past the threshold of his little boy's ass.
Luke would always be Anakin's little boy.
"F-fuck! Fuck!"
Again, Luke had played with toys before— his dad's cock, though, was something else altogether. The stretch burned, but as Anakin eased his way in further, a unique sensation of unfettered fullness overtook Luke, displacing his pain entirely.
By the time Anakin was buried up to his sack, Luke had been overcome with an urge to touch himself. When he went to try, though, he was foiled by his father's scolding.
"Stop that," Anakin chided, the very moment he noticed Luke's hand start to move.
"But dad—"
"You'll come when I say."
Luke blinked fresh tears out of his eyes as his own cock throbbed painfully, bobbing about in the air. He didn't have time to argue with his dad, though, because Anakin had already started to thrust: He felt too desperate to take his time, unable to spare Luke even an ounce of his own desperation.
Every one of those open-door showers came back to him then— every time that towel had ever slipped, every time Luke had bent over to grab one of the bottles of sugar-free iced tea Padmé liked to set up in neat little rows along the bottom of the fridge.
Every time the water in his hair would drip onto his shoulders, sending little rivers cascading down his chest and back... every time the outline of his flaccid cock would make itself evident through the immodest strip of blue terrycloth draped around his perfect little waist...
Fuck. Fuck.
Luke felt sticky tendrils of himself begin to drip helplessly onto the couch. Something akin to a sob forced its way up from the very back of his throat, and he gripped the back of the sofa with all his strength. He didn't dare reach back down between his own legs.
Anakin, for his part, just kept on fucking. He placed one hand on Luke's waist to steady himself, but the other shot straight to the back of the boy's head, twisting its fingers up once more in that pretty, blonde mop he so admired. Luke's whining only made him move faster, and their mutual trembling only caused him to tighten his grip. He was merciless, tearing into his son with the unbridled power of years of repressed lust.
Anakin had wanted this for what felt like forever.
Luke's neck bent back at a near-impossible angle, and his cock continued to bounce tortuously beneath him as his dad intensified his rhythmic pounding. He moaned and yelped as Anakin yanked on his hair, and dug a persistent set of strong, blunt fingertips into his waist. He tried not to clench too hard around his dad's dick, but he couldn't help it.
Not that Anakin minded being squeezed.
"Dad, I can't— I— I can't t-take—!"
"Just hold on, baby boy," Anakin interrupted breathlessly, lost in the frantic movement of his own hips. "Just hold on for daddy."
Luke did hold on. He held on with all his might, waiting— waiting for a shout, waiting for a tug, waiting for the sensation of—
"Fuck! L-Luke!"
Neither of them would ever know who went off first: Luke's eyes squeezed themselves shut while every muscle in his body tensed. His breathing grew ragged, and he let out a series of obscenely loud, strangled cries as his dad's ravaging finally became too much for him bear. Dick still bouncing along with Anakin's rhythm, he erupted all over the sofa in a hot, sticky, needy mess.
At what might have been the very same moment, Anakin ground his hips sharply into Luke's ass. He cursed, growled, and relished the dire, pulsing sensation of his cock exploding deep inside his boy. It felt like the ultimate indulgence: An indulgence of every single one of the sick fantasies to which Anakin had ever closed his eyes and stroked himself. He'd needed this for years.
He pushed hard while he drained, letting the hand he'd been keeping on his son's waist snake around to finger his sexy little navel. Anakin let his fingertips dance along the edge of the near-indiscernible trail of fine, strawberry hairs leading down to Luke's slowly-softening dick. He finally did wrap his hand around it again, giving it a loving pump or two as he held himself inside of Luke for as long as he could manage.
Luke sputtered and panted, and backed into his dad's cock insistently despite the fact that his arms and legs had begun to quiver. Soon, he felt Anakin start to soften up, and eventually— begrudgingly— pull out of him.
"D-Daddy," he whined yet again, as the very head of Anakin's dick popped out of his ass, leaving him with only its seed, and a uniquely wonderful, strangely devastating emptiness.
Anakin took a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure. He looked down and saw Luke's hole, still bearing the evidence of having been stretched to its limit by his cock. It was beautiful— so beautiful that Anakin traced one last circle around the rim of it with his fingertip, and then reached back to give the fleshiest part of his son's ass a hard, unexpected slap.
With a yelp and a hop, Luke finally gave up his grip on the back of the couch, letting go in favour of sloppily turning to face his dad. He fell into a heap then, almost seeming to dissolve into the old, threadbare fabric. He was sweaty, but still naked, and growing cold. His skin was peppered with goosebumps.
Anakin stood and stared down at him, mesmerized. His cock was still out, although it was now wet and flaccid. He didn't tuck it away until he registered for himself the chill in the basement air.
Then, he sat down next to his baby boy... who immediately moved to cling to his daddy's chest, warming himself contentedly as he basked in the glow of the TV, and in the lingering delirium of their sex.
The old movies had long since finished airing— now, there were only infomercials.
Anakin and Luke were quiet. They were still drunk... although, perhaps, not feeling their drunkenness quite as acutely as they had before.
"See?" asked Anakin.
"See what?"
"I told you— you're pretty."
Just as it had done the first time, Luke's face went red... however, the new heat rising in his cheeks was accompanied, this time, by a serene little smile.
He didn't say anything... but he did snuggle in just a little bit closer to Anakin. His ass hurt, but it was a good hurt.
A hurt that made him feel loved.
Luke liked to sit next to his dad.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Mature [References Bullying and Homophobia]
Prompt: AU Rivalry Teamup
Summary: Sent away to a delinquents academy, Freed knew life wouldn't be easy. That was proven to be the case when he met Laxus, a cocky, aggressive arse who used his fists over his words. At least, that's what he thought when they first met, but things can change over the span of a year.
Notes: This is the sixth submission for Fraxus Week, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. This one has a brief descrition of bullying and period typical homophobia.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
The London School for Delinquent Boys
Year 1890
Location: London, England
"We've a new boy in class today," The teacher – Mister Porland, that's what he'd called himself – said as Freed stood before the blackboard. "Freed Justine. I expect you all to behave and not cause any trouble with him."
Freed would have picked another way to be introduced if he'd been granted the choice. He would have much rather not had an introduction at all, and instead he'd slip into the back of the classroom, wave off all the questions that would be aimed at him, and try and get through the first day without any complaints. Instead, he'd been forcibly marched to the front of a class of about thirty sixteen-to-seventeen-year-old boys – all of whom had been taken from regular education and placed in a disciplinary academy – and been served up almost on a silver platter.
He had to wonder if this was a punishment in and of itself. A hazing from the teachers.
It wasn't that he was intimidated by them, of course. He'd earned his place in the school just like them, and he could more than handle himself, but he didn't care for the fuss. This was as close to jail someone of his age and social stature could undergo and, due to an enthusiast habit of reading and a slight flare for the dramatic, he'd decided prison rules might best serve him. Rule number one was to keep your head down.
A few jeers, exclamations and a patronising whistle filled the room, quickly quietened by the teacher. Freed made an effort not to pay attention to it. Animals, all of them. At least he could be safe in the knowledge that he held moral superiority over them, not that he'd state it out loud. Idiots tended not to like being told that.
Keeping his head down would be harder than he thought.
After he was allowed to take his seat, he was forced to walk through the lot of them to the back of the classroom. The jeering continued, albeit quietly, and someone tried to trip him as he walked. He ignored them, and nearly got to his seat when a particular classmate caught his eye. He wore an arrogant sneer, had a scar running down his face, and had shoulders larger and broader than a student their age ought to have.
Freed would have thought the boy attractive were it not for the look of challenge in his eyes, one Freed knew all too well. This boy was testing him, wanting to see if he would be a victim in the school or someone to be respected. To show him, Freed halted his step, made eye contact with the boy for a few moments, and then continued walking to take his seat.
A little 'hm' was the blonde's only response, but Freed paid it no mind.
Two weeks passed before the blonde actual did anything. The two weeks consisted of Freed getting used to his new surroundings, idiots trying and failing to one-up him in the hopes of looking tough in front of their idiot friends, and the blonde's presence being constant but in the distance. That changed when the blonde approached him in the dinner hall.
"Hey," The blonde grunted in greeting, storming towards Freed. His body was tense, coiled up and ready for a fight. "You think you're better than me or something?"
Freed didn't know why the blonde thought that, exactly, but his response was instant. "Better than you, yes."
He felt that was a fair way to think. The blonde had proven himself to be nothing of note intellectually, he barely spoke in lessons and when he did it was usually to make an unwarranted joke or to get an answer wrong, and he seemed quick to anger. More than once, he'd lurched at another student, looking ready for a fight he'd probably win. The fights never happened exactly, but they seemed like a constant risk. So yes, Freed did think he was better than him.
"This whole thing might 'a worked out in yer old school," The blonde growled, taking another step forward. Freed didn't flinch. "But actin' like yer hot shit and that yer smarter than everyone here ain't working. You're here like the rest of us, and you ain't better just because your pa's got money."
"I don't think I'm better than everyone here," Freed retorted, also taking a step forward. "But I am better than an idiot who can't shut up and takes his hobby by rolling around in the mud, somewhat like a little pig. My betterment was never in question."
The insult wasn't his best. The reference to the blonde's position in the rugby team tenuous at best, and Freed's supposed superiority complex might have shone through – but it annoyed the blonde, so it served its purpose.
He would have rather not been shoved in the chest, though.
Stumbling back slightly, Freed made a choice. He had been told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't to get into another fight, it was partially the reason he was there in the first place, but the blonde deserved a punching. He seemed to be something of an unofficial head-boy, and the fear of him was obvious to anyone who would look, and as such Freed felt a punch to the face was long overdue. He was a student like anyone else, and while others might want to lie down and take it, Freed didn't.
That was why he punched him. It hurt more than he thought it would.
Their fight was hardly that. It lasted less than a minute, and anger overpowered its elegance. Freed perhaps got another two punches in, and received one in return. Teachers were storming over the moment it started, and were dragging them away before it could get out of hand, but Freed felt good to hit the bastard.
"Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine," Their head teacher yelled, voice filled with a rage that Freed felt was slightly exaggerated given the situation. "My office, now."
As Freed was dragged – literally dragged, which again was an overreaction – into the office, he was sure of three things. He'd already completely failed in his goal of not bringing any attention on himself; his father was going to find out and want him thrashed for getting into a fight again; and Laxus Dreyar had perhaps the most interesting name he'd ever heard.
"You heard what he did?"
"Nearly killed him."
"Apparently they're gonna kick him out."
"Nah, he's the team captain."
Freed didn't pay attention to the conversations happening around him as he ate. After three months of being in the academy, he'd learned it was best not to. Most of the people had nothing of interest to say, and the people who were interesting were the ones likely to try and start a fight with you if they knew you were listening. He'd learned that when a younger boy, Natsu, tried to punch him and Freed had ended up dumping a bowl of cereal over the man's head and temporarily strangling him with his tie. The detentions and lack of breakfasts for a week had been worth it.
In truth, he'd forged a comfortable place for himself in the school. He was known as the boy who gave Dreyar a black eye, and that title came with its perks. Mainly that most people would leave him alone. He and Dreyar had… something. He couldn't tell if it was a truce, or simply a stalemate. But either way, Freed would enjoy the calm and only reignite the fight should Laxus need another punching.
Other than that, Freed was forgettable in the school. People ignored him, he ignored them, and everyone went on as if he hadn't arrived. The school was fine – teachers were far too happy to punish, but that was to be expected – and their lessons were as good as his old schools had been. Had his parents been scammed, the tuition fee had been high?
His parents were an issue. They hadn't visited, but they were in constant communication with the head teacher, and apparently their 'donations' meant Freed was put under a spotlight by the staff. Maybe that was why they were so quick to punish: they were being paid to do so. Annoying, but it could be worse.
The food, however, was abysmal.
Mashed potatoes and sausages would be a good meal, but the potato was half cooked, and the sausages were tiny. He'd eaten as much as he could stomach within a minute, so he absently played with the food with a slight huff. The rain, as tended to happen in England, was heavily pouring and Freed knew the moment a teacher saw he'd stopped eating he would be forced into the yard for recreational activities. The eating hall was at least partially warm, and he had to admit that the conversation behind him was of interest.
"What's that got to do with anything?" One boy shrugged.
"They don't wanna piss off the rugby team, they all worship him," The other explained. "If they kick him out, everyone gets angry about it, and they fight back. They'll never do it."
"You didn't see the kid," The first dismissed. "Half dead. They've gotta do something."
"Doesn't seem like Laxus to just beat a kid up for no reason," The second argued, and Freed did have to agree. Laxus was an argumentative and aggressive man, but he did tend to stick to people his own age. Mainly those who knew how to fight back, as well. "The kid must have pissed him off."
"Romeo, nah," The first laughed, and Freed frowned. "Kid's nothing. Wouldn't bother Laxus."
Romeo. Romeo Conbolt. It took Freed a moment to put a face to the name, and when he did his fork stalled and his body tensed. He had heard the rumours of a kid being beaten half to death, of course he had, but he hadn't heard who it was. He wouldn't have cared, were it not for the fact he had seen days prior the beating Romeo had endured. Laxus hadn't been the one to beat the kid, it had been a group of six of his classmates.
Freed had stopped it, of course. They were all thirteen, he was seventeen and the boy who got into a fight with the school's toughest figure, so they scarpered when he yelled at them to stop. He told the kid to go to the nurse, and saw the issue as finished with.
Had the kid used Laxus as a scapegoat? Or had it been the group of brats?
Either way, Freed was a man of principles. As much as he wouldn't mind seeing the back of Laxus and his insistence of approaching problems with his fists, it wasn't fair to have him blamed for something he hadn't done. Especially when a grown man beating a kid was something that could get him taken from the school and placed into an actual jail. That wasn't fair. He stood, and quickly started to walk towards the head teacher's office.
"Enter," The headmaster, Mister Fernandes, said once Freed had knocked on the door. Freed entered, and waited in silence. "Mister Justine. It's rare you're here voluntarily."
"I suppose so, sir," Freed agreed, ignoring the insult. "Sir, I have a complaint to make."
"Of course you do," Mister Fernandes sighed, removing a pair of spectacles, and leaning forward in his chair. "You do know that this is a disciplinary institution, and I don't act on the word of my students. If you have issues with your treatment then it's not my concern."
"I understand that sir," Freed assured him. "But my complaint is more about the treatment of another student: Laxus Dreyar."
"You needn't worry about that," Mister Fernandes dismissed the complaint, despite the fact Freed had yet to make it yet. "I know that you and he have something of a… personal vendetta against one another, and I'm sure that the rumours about what he has done have reached you. I will be following a strict set of procedures which will likely end up with him incarcerated for what he did to a younger boy. He'll be out of your hair soon, so don't concern yourself about it."
"That is not my complaint."
"If this is something to do with your silly feud then I'm really not interested by it," Mister Fernandes sighed. "As I said, he'll most likely be out of here within the month. If you can't be civil for that long then that's a bad reflection on your own character. And boys your age really should be fighting their own battles."
Freed bit back a retort, wanting to point out that the time he did try to fight his own battle he was dragged away and reprimanded. Instead, he calmed himself and spoke again with the level of respect a teacher believed they deserved.
"Laxus wasn't the person who attacked Romeo, sir," He said, and the headteacher paused. "It was a group of his classmates. Six of them, I believe."
"And you know this how?" Mister Fernandes asked.
"I walked in on them doing it, sir," Freed admitted, not flinching when the teacher looked at him with sharpened poise. "They stopped when I approached, Romeo went to the nurse's office and I expected him to tell you who actually was responsible, rather than placing the blame on Laxus. Had I known earlier what he'd done, I would have spoken to you sooner."
Mister Fernandes took a moment, thinking before sighing. "He did, actually. He gave me a list of names, before returning a day later stating that it was actually Laxus to blame, and that he'd lied initially as he was worried about the consequences."
"And you believed him?" Freed asked before he could stop himself.
"Are you questioning me, Justine?"
"No, sir."
He was.
"You're dismissed, Justine. Thank you for speaking with me," Mister Fernandes waved a hand in his direction, and Freed nodded curtly and went to walk away. "It was big of you to do this, Justine. Well done."
"It's what's expected of me, sir," Freed dismissed.
"Good man," Mister Fernandes nodded, before waving Freed off again.
Freed left, closing the door behind him. He immediately turned to the right and started walking towards the courtyard, which was still being battered by the heavy rain. As he walked, he was completely unaware that Laxus was leaning on the wall outside of the office, looking at Freed with an expression of mingled bewilderment, disbelief, and belligerent respect.
The idiom that the enemy of one's enemy was one's friend was a complicated one. It was limited, didn't work for all situations, and seemed to fall apart under any scrutiny. Freed had long since decided that it didn't make much sense when thought about, and yet he found himself subscribing to the idea when it fitted him.
That was the reason he found himself walking into the rugby team's changing room.
Laxus seemed to notice him approaching the moment Freed walked into the room, and stopped mid-way through changing into his kit to stare Freed down. Freed wasn't put off by the intense and lingering gaze of the man, walking towards him without hesitation. The room seemed to quieten around him, and Freed couldn't be sure if it was because of his presence in the room or because Laxus apparently changed in the back corner away from most of his team. That worked well for what Freed wanted, at least.
"The hell are you doin' here?" Laxus said, voice growly and angry sounding. He always sounded like that with Freed, but it seemed more intense today. Perhaps this how he acted before a match.
"I have a favour to ask of you," Freed stated.
"No," Laxus rebutted immediately.
"You might enjoy doing it."
"Wouldn't be a favour, it'd be an opportunity," Laxus smirked, seemingly proud of himself. Freed had to give him credit, it was somewhat clever. "So, what's the great and powerful Freed Justine need from a man like me? Lessons on how to be an idiot; that's what you keep calling me. Or is it a few tips on rolling around in the mud? Y'know, because that's all rugby is, right."
"The captain of the team you're playing," Freed began, rather than rising to the bait. "Hurt him for me."
"What?" Laxus asked, a laugh tainting the word.
"Hurt him," Freed repeated. "Kick him, punch him, give him a concussion if you're able to. Or perhaps accidentally kick him in the balls, that'd be rather nice to watch. Just do whatever you can to make him cry."
"Why?" Laxus grinned, clearly enjoying this.
"You're playing my old school's team, and he's the reason I got sent here in the first place," Freed admitted, ignoring the quirked eyebrow he got. "He deserves more pain than he gets, I suspect. I want you to remedy that."
"And why should I?" Laxus said, voice a little taunting as he continued to change into his rugby kit. Freed forced himself to ignore the strong body that was revealed to him when Laxus removed his shirt. "We ain't exactly friends, are we? Maybe I'd have more in common with him than I do with you."
"Do you need an excuse to hurt someone?" Freed asked, and Laxus held his gaze. Freed eventually relented. "I can tell you the team's weaknesses. The coach wont change tactics and so they can be exploited."
Laxus thought for a moment. "Nah, you don't need to. I'll do it."
"You will?" Freed asked. He… honestly hadn't expected that.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "So long as you watch. If I'm gonna put on a show, I wanna know I'm gonna have an audience."
Laxus pulled on his shirt, much to Freed's quiet disappointment, and sat on the bench before his locker. He leant against it and looked at Freed expectantly, who was looking back with confusion and disbelief. His arrival in the changing room was stupid at best – he'd seen the man who had gotten him there in the first place and old resentment bubbled up faster than Freed would have liked – and as such he had thought Laxus would dismiss him. It's what Freed would have done were the situation flipped.
"Why?" Freed asked.
"This place is shit, anyone would wanna punch the guy who put 'em here. I don't get to do it, but it'll be fun to do it to some other guy," Laxus shrugged, standing up and cracking his back when the coach called for the team to leave for their warmups. He stepped past Freed, but halted once they were all alone. "Be there, pretty-boy."
"What?" Freed stammered slightly. Had Laxus just…
"You think I don't know the reason you're here?" Laxus chuckled a little, but it lacked the edge it normally did. He lowered his eyes slightly and spoke softer than Freed was used to. "You two get caught? Or did he catch you with some other guy and squealed on ya?"
Freed shouldn't answer. He and Laxus weren't friends and admitting anything to him was stupid, but he found himself whispering, "The latter."
"Fucker," Laxus growled, equally quietly. Freed didn't know what to think of it. "Yer right, he needs a kick in the balls. I'll handle it."
"Thank you," Freed whispered.
"Don't worry about it," Laxus dismissed. "Besides, I guess I kinda owe you for stopping me from getting expelled, don't I?" Freed frowned a little. That had been half a year ago, and he didn't know that Laxus even knew of it. Laxus didn't seem to notice Freed's change in body language and continued talking with a smirk. "And, you never know, having a pretty little rich boy watching me might make me play better."
That was all Laxus said before slowly dragging a knuckle over Freed's cheek in a gesture so light but so intimate that Freed felt a shiver run over him completely. Laxus grinned at him, pushed his knuckle against Freed's lips for a split second, before leaving Freed alone in the locker room, heart racing and eyes wide.
"How did you know?"
"How'd I know what?"
"The real reason I'm here."
Both Freed and Laxus were sitting on the school house's roof. Laxus had been taking a drag of his cigarette when Freed had approached him and sat bedside him, and the blonde absently offered Freed one. He didn't take it, and for a few moments they had been sitting in silence before Freed had broken it.
It was the last day of the school year. Freed would be dragged back to his home, where his parents would no doubt have a list of grievances about his behaviour throughout the year. His father would make threats about how if his behaviour didn't improve immediately, he would be punished off the back of the man's belt. Nothing would come of it, of course – the elder Mister Justine stopped punishing Freed that way the moment Freed was of an age where he could fight back – but the yelling would be near consistent. It always was when Freed met with his parents now.
He wasn't going to complain. There was no point. Instead, he was going to tie off the loose ends of his school life, particularly with Laxus. Because, when it came to the beautifully, and now somewhat flirtatious man, Freed really didn't know where he stood.
"It's obvious, when you've been here for long enough," Laxus explained, puffing out a stream of smoke. "Yer not obvious, I don't mean that, but when you've been here for years you look out for the signs."
"And what were the signs?"
"You never spoke about why you're here other than saying you got into a fight. I'm guessing it was with the guy who told on ya," Laxus shrugged a little, shifting slightly so that his side was pressed against Freed. "Everyone here wears their story like a badge of honour. Getting into fights, beating kids up, stealing from places. They're all good stories and get's you a lot of credit in a place like this. The worse you were, the more respect you get," Laxus chuckled. "There's only one thing that gets you in here that you don't talk about. Yer queer, and you get found out."
"You don't talk about why you're here," Freed pointed out, and Laxus turned to look at him with a lazy smirk.
"My dad saw me with the neighbour kid," He laughed. "He wasn't even good looking, felt sorry for him really and wanted to know what it's like to kiss a guy. But dad walked in, threw a fit, and I've been here since I was thirteen."
"That's awful of him."
"Maybe, but this place ain't so bad once you get used to it," Laxus shrugged again, leaning back against the wall he was resting on. "Kinda funny, really. I'd say about a quarter of the guys are here for the same reason we are. If you know what to look out for, you can have a pretty good time."
"You could have told me," Freed laughed a little. "I've been rather bored."
"If I told ya, I wouldn't have you all to myself," Laxus grinned, and blew a puff of smoke directly into Freed's face. Freed simply quirked an eyebrow. "I've been spending the last couple of weeks showin' off to ya on the field and I think it was working pretty well. Hardly fair on me if I got you all excited only for ya to use it on some other guy."
"You're a manipulative man when you want to be, Laxus," Freed smirked, leaning just a little closer to Laxus. "But you haven't done anything yet, have you?"
"Maybe I want ya to be desperate for me," Laxus whispered, voice low and rumbling. "Maybe I'm waiting for you to make the move on me."
"If that's true, then maybe you've waited long enough."
They were close now, and Freed wanted to be closer. Laxus' hand was resting against his thigh, and Freed leant further in. He could smell the smoke on Laxus breath, see the slight dilation of the man's eyes as he grinned, and slowly brought their lips together in a slow, tentative kiss.
His first kiss. A beautifully electric, smoky kiss that set Freed's very soul on fire.
He tangled his hand into Laxus' short hair, tugging at it slightly and relishing the slight groan that he was given in return. Laxus pushed into him further, and Freed practically melted.
Eventually, when a harsh gust of wind flew over them and shook them from the spell of their kiss, they pulled apart. They were quiet for a moment, the gravity of what happened only just hitting Freed. He had just kissed the brutish, angry, brilliant man he had once expected to hate, and had felt more alive than ever before.
"You better be here next year."
"Nothing could stop me."
"That's right, pretty-boy."
They shared a smirk, and leant forward to reignite another perfect kiss.
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dragonbugsuperior · 4 years
Something that I've been meaning to say about Miraculous's "Rich Girls".............
Before I even go into this, All you Lila, Chloe, and Kagami stans out there I suggest to skip this post, leave disgusting comments and I'll block and report you because I'm saying it now, that I will be saying some things about Lila, Chloe, and Kagami that aren't really pretty. If you like their characters "Yay!" good for you,
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Nobody cares. grow up
So........something has been on my mind lately and I would like to get it off my chest because it's just been stuck in my head and I think it's good if I do make some clear points that clearly people are missing in regards to the show's "rich girls". So Marinette.....has been going through alot this past season and people are saying stupid things like "Oh wE NEeD a NEw LAdyBUg!"
Or "oH MArINeTtE iS teRRiBlE At dOiNg heR jOB!"
Let's dive right into this
I'll start with Chloe first. Chloe bullied Marinette. She has for 7 whole fucking years. Marinette has done nothing to Chloe literally. She hasn't bullied her, talked about her, criticized her, she has done nothing to that girl. But oh! Chloe is some rich snobbish brat that thinks everyone below her should be treated less of a human than she is. Where was her mom when Chlow started to go to school with Marinette? Also Chloe's mom not playing a big part of her life doesn't excuse her terrible behavior and awful treatment she has given marinette and students at her school. Just because her mom is a total snob and shallow person doesn't mean Chloe has to be exactly like her. It's okay for Chloe to express sadness and frustration but what's not okay if for Chloe to lash out all her negativity on Marinette as if Marinette has done something to her. Her parents have really failed her and she has failed herself. She's so full of herself that I'm starting to believe she's delusional. Clinging onto Adrien 24/7 at school like their some type of couple is already mouth-gagging. Like girl, he is not some toy that is all yours and that you can just cling yourself onto. I'm glad Marinette calls her out on her bullshit and handles Chloe's ass and she's not afraid to do so.
And that tacky ass makeup really defeats the purpose because it's makes her look worser than her personality. Tired of these blonde stuck up popular rich girls that think they can just overrule people.
Treating everybody around her like her peasants is clichè mean girl shit. I'm willing to go as far as to say she's a fucking narcissist. Having excessive interest and admiration for herself and treating everybody around her like shit as if she's 10 times more important than they are when in reality she's nothing but a spoiled brat that's jealous because she knows Marinette is better than her.
2nd to last....Lila
Literally 'lie' is in her name. She lies her mouth off and thinks she's fooling every fucking body. Marinette knows damn well she's lying and tells her up to her face in Chameleon. I'm sorry but her lies are ridiculous and the class is so undeniably stupid for believing her bullshit. Yea she's another "spoiled rich girl" her mom is present in her life but we know nothing about her dad. Don't know what happened to him and I don't care to know what happened to him. I know one thing though. Just like in Chloe's case, her dad being absent doesn't make it "okay" for her to be a two-faced person who can pathologically lie to people for personal gain. That's disgusting and weak of a person. She literally frames Marinette and corners her in the bathroom to a wall and pushed herself down the steps to look like she's actually injured. Her fans can try to shed all the light they want on her character but that's never gonna erase all the terrible shit she's done. And once again! Marinette has done nothing to Lila and somehow Marinette is Lila's main target. She lied about her friendship with Ladybug just to impress a boy. Her negativity she's trying to pass onto Marinette isn't working because Marinette is strong and optimistic. I can't believe she had fans, cough looks like a knock-off version of Dora cough. She's so stupid she really thinks Adrien wants to be with someone like her. A liar and manipulative bitch. lol
"But Jen she's only been a character since season-
Yea I already know how long she's been in the show but that doesn't mean that I'm going to get her the benefit of the doubt. First time she met Marinette she treated her terribly as if Marinette did anything to her. Then again, people like to claim she's from a strict household so that gives her an excuse when it really doesn't. Secondly Kagami in general seems phony, Marinette is trying to be her friend and give up on Adrien just for her!!! and so she can grow as a person!!!!! Kagami chose Adrien over Marinette while Marinette gave up Adrien just so Kagami can have him. Seems like the only reason Kagami really wants to be friends with Marinette is because of Adrien. But let's not get into that.... In Animeastro she acted like she had a problem Marinette was talking to Adrien. I just don't get her at all. One minute she wants to be Marinette's friend (which I believe is completely fake) and then the next she's glaring daggers at her as if she did anything to her.
I don't even want to fucking hear "Oh but Jenny, Marinette didn't confes- SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Marinette has tried time after time to confess she's always getting interrupted. Kagami thinks of Adrien like some prize to win all for herself after only knowing him for not too long. Give me a break then she's the one who got akumatized over a fucking picture instead of asking Adrien "hey, what's this?" She got salty and got akumatized. In Frozer, Adrien told her that he had feelings for someone else, she jumped to conclusions and thought it was fucking Marinette and suggested him to "switch targets" he told her he wouldn't and she still pushes him to literally kissing him and then getting mad because he rejected it. Girl! Did he not fucking say that he has feelings for another girl and he won't be switching targets. She's really that desperate that she's telling Adrien to get over that other girl, and she's so fucking desperate she tried to kiss him then got mad when he didn't kiss her back. Let's not forget she literally cut out the fencing class picture and left Adrien and herself out. Then she gave us a little "insight" on how she views Adrien in Oni-Chan. "Image of Perfection" she likes Adrien because he's perfect? That's funny. Because for 1, he's not nobody is and for 2 that's a stupid reason to like somebody. Let's not also forget when she literally lied in Miracle Queen about the villain attacking people in love. She knows Adrien likes somebody else so why is she trying so hard to push into being with her? Desperate much? "We're so alike" and Kagami really believes their soulmates? She should just shut the fuck up. She sounds stupid as fuck. How are you "soulmates" with someone you just met not too long ago. Bless her delusional soul. After he rejected her kiss and only knowing him for 2 seasons. Liiiiike......are you that desperate for a boy. I can't wait to see her reaction to when Adrien dates Marinette. Lmao
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It's so funny how all these girls think Adrien's theirs when in reality Marinette is his true soulmate and is gonna end up with him in the end. Adrienette is literally endgame. There's no need for people like Chloe, Lila, and Kagami to get on the way of that. It's also funny how people like to claim Marinette as the possessive one when all these rich spoiled brats have gotten akumatized over him, cling onto him like he's some coat rack, and go out their way to make Marinette feel terrible. And marinette has given Adrien up. The only real clear reason I can see the 3 of them act bitchy towards marinette without a reason would be because they're jealous and don't have the best lives at home and wish to be like marinette.
If I'm not mistaken who's the one that got bullied for 7 years straight and tries her very best to be strong? Who's the one that literally got sexually harassed by Felix? Who's the one who has anxiety? Who's the one who has pressure and responsibilities hunched all over their shoulders? Who's the one that has go around every fucking day to save their city? Oh okay. Everybody always wants to talk about how tough they are without actually going through some real shit. Because I don't recall Lila, Chloe or Kagami going through any of these things while treating Marinette like shit. Kagami is the one that lied to Adrien, Kagami is the one that treated Marinette like crap, Kagami is the one that pushed Adrien after he said he had feelings for someone else /this b*tch didn't even wait/, Kagami is the one that is acting like Lila and Chloe. Let Marinette act like how Kagami did, I'm pretty sure she would've got bashed.
Once they go through all that bullshit then we can chit chat until then, they don't know what struggle is. Spoiled ass brats who clearly don't deserve Adrien because they're immature. They think Adrien's "theirs" they pushed themselves on him as if they can't live without him and they do sneaky shit in order to be with him. Lila and Kagami have clearly showed they would lie to get with him and Chloe does too. Marinette has the courage to let Adrien go, I'm pretty sure if the shoe was on the other foot Kagami would never let Adrien go.
And before people go around saying how it's their parents fault they act do toxically and immature (bc ppl like to give them excuses for their "mommy and daddy" issues) it's really not. Yes, it's partially their parents because they raised them but they also have a big role for their actions. No body is responsible for making Chloe, Lila, or Kagami a better person. No body. Stop putting the blame all on their parents because it's not just the parents I'm pretty sure Tomoe didn't teach Kagami to "lie" in order to get with a boy. Kagami chose to lie to Adrien in Miracle Queen with her own free will. Nobody said "lie to Adrien" Kagami lied that's her fault Nobody told Chloe to bully and belittle Marinette, Audrey is very shallow and brat-like but I don't recall her ever saying "Chloe bully Marinette" Nobody told Lila to constantly lie and manipulate people hell, her mom doesn't even know she's doing it! None of their parents are responsible for certain shit they do so stop pretending like their innocent kids that have horrible parents. I don't have time to analyze if Kagami is like Chloe and Lila or not because I know she is like them she acts just like them. Treats marinette like crap but acts different when Adrien's around. Simple. I tried to give her character a chance in Oni-Chan but after hearing how she views Adrien and how she acted in Miracle Queen I hated her even more than I did before.
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Truth be told, Chloe, Lila, nor Kagami are nothing without Adrien. If we're really gonna go there. Their just some pointless characters that want to get in the way of things and can't stay in their places. Marinette made this show, she's the center of the plot, without her their is no Chloe, without her there is no Lila, without her there is no Kagami.
Call me absent-minded but I see alot of jealous hoes and I'm not with that shit at all. Sorry not sorry
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junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 5. | Mistake
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: Nick Fury has successfully managed to kidnap Peter and yourself by taking full control over your vacation, Peter’s jealously and love takes control as he targets Brad Davis... quite literally. 
WORD COUNT: 2687 words
WARNINGS: Mention of blood
a/n: i still have to write the next chapter and gonna be honest i dunno when i will but i hope you enjoy this part !!
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On a bus in the Eastern Alps, Austria...
"Why does Flash do those livestreams?" You tilt your head to the side as you observe Flash talking into his phone as he exaggerates his current status.
Peter simply shrugs with his mouth turned down and eyebrows raised as you giggle at his weird facial expression.
You and Peter were seated toward the back of the bus and the both of you were stoked that you two finally got to have quality time; a time to finally relax and try and not stress about the Fire Elemental that could potentially destroy all of Prague.
You had to also be mindful of what you said and who you said it to so you don't accidentally expose yourself; sure you'd been Saviour as long as Peter's been Spider-Man but still always kept track of your words and actions.
"So, how have you been Y/N/N? Just, haven't really talked or seen you in a while and I'm really sorry about that." Peter's eyes soften as he shifts to look at you.
Knowing he was referring to Spider-Man duties, you weren't mad or anything at him; the crime rate has risen after the Blip since people left with nothing have corrupted themselves and villains have become more 'popular' merely because the Avengers don't exist anymore.
It was up to you and Peter to protect the neighbourhoods in New York like you two had done in previous years but now you both are expected to carry the mantles of the deceased and absent Avengers.
Yes it scared you to be seen as one of the next Avenger's to promise to live to guard the Earth from any threats with your life, sacrificing everything for everyone to be safe but what scared you the most was drifting from the important people in your life like your family, F/N, MJ, Ned and Peter.
"'M sure it's not your fault you've been busy and it's fine Pete. I'm doing alright I guess; just everything feels out of balance after the whole you know. But I don't wanna waste time sobbing about-"
"Hey," Peter gently grabs a hold of your knee in a comforting way, "I know you're not big on talking about feelings but it's good to let it out; whenever you're ready I'm here."
Peter rubbed soothing circles on your knee with a twinkle in his eyes as if he swore on his life he'd be there for you no matter what.
You deeply sigh and refuse to cry but you placed your hand to top of his, turning your head to face him.
"T-There's something I wanna show you." Peter kept his hand on your knee as he dove, scrambling in his bag he fished out what appeared to a glasses case.
The case looked so familiar to you but you couldn't exactly identify where you'd seen it or what possibly is inside it but it seemed to be important.
"Is this you're way of telling me you need glasses?"
"N-No! I got these off... Nick Fury."  Peter said ever so quietly, afraid someone would hear him.
"O-Oh... what is it?" You lift your hand off Peter's so he can open it.
Peter opens the case and reveals a pair of glasses with a Stark Industries card beneath it.
"Oh god." You exhale as you stare intensely at the glasses and instantly remember seeing Tony on multiple occasions working on that exact pair or wearing glasses so similar to the one's in front of you.
Peter sees your face and panics. "S-Sorry Y/N I shouldn't of-"
"Try them on Peter." You blurt out and surprise yourself and Peter.
Peter nods and picks the glasses and puts them on. "How do I look?"
You look cute.
"You look like Tony." You smile and pick up the card to fiddle with it and turning it over, you see Tony's handwriting and read what he wrote.
"Pete." You nudge him and pass the card to him so he can read it.
"For the next Tony Stark, I trust you. P.S Say Edith?"  Peter reads out loud and gives you a look of confusion.
Suddenly, the lenses of the glasses turn blue as if an AI had been activated.
"Standby for retinal and bio-metrical scan." A female voice from the glasses speaks.
"Peter what's happening?"
"I don't-"
"Retinal and bio-metrical scan accepted." The female voice announces.
"H-Hello?" Peter calls out to the voice in the glasses.
"Hello Peter and Y/N. I am EDITH, Tony Stark's reality, security and defensive system
"So he made you for us?" Peter asks.
"No. But both of you do have access to all of Tony's protocol's."
That sure'd come handy.
"W-What do you stand for and what can you do?" You question EDITH.
"EDITH stands for Even Dead I'm The Hero. Tony loved his acronyms.
"Yeah, he sure did..." Peter agrees.
"I have access to the entire Stark Global Security Network, including multiple defensive satellites, as well as back doors to all major telecommunication networks."
"Woah..." You and Peter say at the same time.
Peter begins to glance around the bus with bewilderment and disbelief.
"W-What can you see?"
"P-People's phones. Like w-what they're on..."
"Oh my god..." You say with astonishment and you can't help but chuckle at your and Peter's discovery.
Peter chuckles along with you and he can't help but grin at you, thinking just maybe, the universe has given him the break and happiness he needs; Y/N is almost back and cannot wait until then or when he finds the perfect opportunity to let his hidden feelings out.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"10 minutes everyone!" Mr. Harrington shouts as the bus stops and everyone jumps to their feet to get out.
Even though Peter's plan was already failing miserably with Paris now out of the trip completely, Peter at least 4 and a half hours just with Y/N without anything going wrong or bad or Brad Davis trying to swoop Y/N away from him was a bonus.
Peter and Y/N had talked for the whole bus ride and shared a few laughs and reconnected more than they have ever done in the last 8 months.
"You go first." Peter offers Y/N to go before him to hop off the bus.
Y/N complied and thanks Peter but as he went to follow her, Dmitri struck his arm out to prevent Peter from walking any further.
"What?" Peter queries as he watches Y/N and the rest of his class walk further away.
Dmitri points and Peter's eyes travelled along Dmitri's finger to a blonde woman with her arms crossed staring at him before disappearing from plain sight.
Peter grips his backpack and began to pursue after her and entered in what was a closed bar and the woman standing with her arms down her sides and noticed something black lying on a fussball table.
"Close the door." The woman says with an accent.
Peter twists the blue door's handle and closed it shut, giving the woman an awkward smile, started to walk to her and held his hand out for the woman to shake but she stayed perfectly still and unimpressed.
"Um, I'm Peter Parker-"
"Take off your clothes."
I-I'm sorry what?
"Excuse me-"
"You told Fury Spider-Man couldn't be seen in Europe. So I made you this; another suit" The woman leaned toward the table and picked up a black package and gifted it to Peter.
"Oh uh, thank you." Peter grabs the suit but stood with it, not knowing what to do and certainly not wanting to-
"Take off your clothes!" The woman demands in a frustrated and annoyed tone.
"This is embarrassing..."
Peter moves ever so slowly, hoping that maybe she'd tell him not to but she yelled at him to hurry up so Peter dropped his backpack and setted his suit back onto the table.
Here goes nothing...
Fumbling with his zipper, Peter pulls down his jeans and to his horror, the door clicked open.
A beam of white light shone into the room and Peter scrambles to the woman who was reaching for her gun.
"No, no, no don't!" Peter latches his hand to grab the woman's gun and held his other hand as some sort of protection and saw the person at the door was none other than his rival Brad Davis.
"Woah!" Brad peers up from his phone and examines the scene in front of him. "Sorry, uh,  I thought this was the bathroom?"
"This is not what it looks like!" Peter hurriedly stammers.
"Uh yeah." A flash from Brad's phone followed by the noise of a camera click.
"What are you doing-"
"I'll leave you two alone." Brad backs his way to the door.
The woman quickly grasps her gun and aimed it to Brad's head as Peter struggles with his pants. "Don't shoot anybody!"
Peter beckons to Brad to stop so he could explain as he zips up his undone flyer, Peter leaves the bar and sees Brad speed walking back up to the group.
"Hey man look-"
"Look, Peter. I'm not here to judge your life choices, dude. If you want to hook up with some random European chick on our school trip, that's on you." Brad gradually slows down to a stop.
"That's not what that was. Honestly."
"I can't pretend I didn't see what I just saw. I know you're trying to get with Y/N/N. It's obvious. But I like her too."
"Wait a minute, hey, hey you can't show Y/N that photo dude come on."
"But I have to. She deserves the truth." Brad spins back around and jogs to everyone, desperately searching for Y/N.
Peter heaves out heavy breaths; years of friendship and everything could be ruined within the next couple of minutes all because of an out of context photo, stubborn Nick Fury and Brad Davis falling for Y/N too.
Oh no.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hoping back on the bus, you managed to score the backseat and promptly waited for Peter; saving a seat for him again and eager to spend the remaining extra 4 and a half hours with Peter again and possibly trying on EDITH for yourself.
As everyone piled onto the bus and finding their seats, you couldn't see Peter anywhere and worried that maybe something happened to him.
But your concern was turned into disappointment as you saw Peter sit in the nearest seat toward the front, the seat furthest away from you.
Maybe he didn't see me?
As if he'd read your mind, you see Peter shoot his head from his seat, staring down at Brad who was furiously scrolling on his phone and then avert his eyes to you before drawing away.
"Oh." You slouch into your seat and can't help but feel upset in a way.
Peter, again, sticks his head from his seat but is wearing the EDITH glasses and standing up with regret written all over him.
Curious, you sneakily stand up and glimpse out the back window and understand to why Peter's face is as pale as a ghost; a Stark Industries drone was hovering to the bus with intentions to strike.
"Holy s-" Your statement is interrupted by Flash Thompson being punched by Peter Parker.
Did he just punch Flash? About time! But wrong time Parker!
"H-Hey ARIS?" You squeak, heart racing with fear for the safety and lives of everyone.
"Good afternoon Ms. L/N, how may I-"
"Need you to tell me what the hell Parker did." You grumble and aim your wrist at the drone for ARIS to scan the drone.
"Target is Brad Davis and is about to fire in 3, 2-"
Surveying the bus, you spot Brad out of his seat with his eyes on you and without thinking, you leap out of your seat.
"Brad-" Immediately the bus is taken under and swerves violently, people screaming at the instant motion.
Inertia fails to keep you balanced and you forcefully slam into a row of seats and bang your head slightly on the window.
Groaning in pain, everything around you seems heightened and intensified, vision blurred from the strong and unexpected impact, a weight of someone yanking your arm awakes you from your state and soon realise Brad had dragged you to the floor with him.
"Lookatthebabymountaingoats!" Peter's piped voice strains, begging for everyone to look the other way.
Semi shoving yourself off Brad, you help him to his feet and allow him to go in front of you so he can see the 'baby mountain goats'.
With everyone distracted, Peter springs into the air and through the emergency exit window, you watch with two thoughts: What the hell are you doing and what the hell did you do?
Hearing sounds of the drone malfunctioning, you rotate yourself and see flames being emitted from the drone and wince at the explosion, you crawl back into your original seat.
"Didn't see any mountain goats..." Mr. Harrington sadden utters.
"You missed them."
"I know you think none of us have notice Peter." Betty abruptly confesses.
Your heart drops to your stomach; for sure Peter Parker was not in anyway subtle about being Spider-Man but he did have you fooled for years until- until then...
"But your new look," Oh thank god Betty, "I love it."
Sinking into your seat again, you hiss at the pain of your head and massage to rid the pain but as you land your fingers to the wound, you feel that the back of your head is damp.
Pulling your hand from your head, you gasp as you see blood staining your fingertips; the red metallic liquid decorated with black meant that the wound would be deep if it was secreting your 'black blood' which contained essence of your powers out.
"Damn it."
There was only one way to heal it but that would require for your eyes to fully blackout but the chances of someone seeing your eyes could mean the end of your life but if this patch doesn't heal fast enough naturally without extra energy or power converted strictly to the injury could mean severe blood loss.
Let's do this...
You shut your eyelids and focus intently, a small shallow breath leaves you, feeling your iris and eyes become tainted with black.
You could feel the wound closing up and blood seeping its way back into your body, an invisible wave of energy forms around it and soon enough, the gash is no more but you could tell there would be some sort of mark and continuous aching.
"Hey Y/N, you have to see this."
Opening your eyes, you forget of your darkened pupils and squint your eyes shut and knead them to make your eyes go back to normal.
You'd only seen Brad with his eyes glued to his phone but you had no clue of the people around you.
Going with Attempt #2, you bravely open your eyes and breathe out a breath of relief.
Brad, still retaining to his phone, slides into the seat next to you.
"What is it Brad?"
"It's about Peter. He and this chick were in the bathroom and-"
Peter would never.
"You got proof?"
"Yeah! I got a photo of them; can't believe Peter could do such a thing."
Brad enters his photo gallery and is puzzled as he insanely swipes through all his photos.
"Uh, this is so weird, it was right here on my phone!" Brad tries to justify.
"Uh huh... totally weird... Brad if you don't mind, I'm incredibly tired from almost being killed again and would like to enjoy a nap by myself?"
"Oh, yeah, s-sure..." Brad lowers his seat and goes back to his seat, still hunting for his precious picture.
Bending down, you fish out your pair of headphones and plug them into your phone and open your playlist, adjusting the headphones to your ears and Google 'Popular attractions in Prague' and 'Events in Prague'.
Prague for the meanwhile before getting burnt to crisps better be worth it...
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BFCD Reviews by Nesha: Summertime on Netflix
This is what I’m gonna do... I’ll be doing more structured reviews later and most likely liveblogging suggested stuff and tagging with “Nesha Watches (Insert Title) for all liveblog posts. For this first review, I won’t be as structured, because I didn’t really plan on reviewing, so this is basically all of my comments to friends @chenoahchantel and @daintyurbanprincess that were made whilst I was watching this show suggested to me by @rbaifzau 
It didn’t take me long to be annoyed with the white boy in this show. It doesn’t take much anyways, but one episode in and I’m over him already. This dude saw her at a party, she got pushed into the pool accidentally, he gave her a dry shirt, and two minutes later tried to kiss her… TF..  
Girl, this bout to be IGNANT...
Chile... She was like, "What are you doing?" And he looked surprised. Like whet. And in episode 2 after having seen her thrice and spoken to her once, he telling his best friend, "I'm pretty sure I like her a lot." I HATE stuff like this. Why did I tell old girl I'd watch this and discuss it with her? 😭
But she like him, so like??? 😭
And her daddy, who we haven't seen yet is presumably a rolling stone. Only one negro in this town and the nigga gotta be probably running around on his wife? 🙄 I'm like, OH, so the one Black man in the show gotta be a rolling stone? And even though his wife is also highly irresponsible as a parent, she's sort of made out to be the victim of his dreams. They never portray Black mothers doing things on their own as victims. That woman was messing up left and right and it's all on her husband not being there, when that's only part of the problem.
Also, if she IS the only present parent and made the decision to do that, she should be doing it instead of leaning on Summer all of the time. 
And she got a close friend that have an obvious crush on her but she seems oblivious. I hate dis
This dude reminds me of Max Theriot. He always looked musty to me. 🤣🤣🤣 He look like him breaf stank. Him and Jack Griffo were working on something where they play soldiers and I absolutely said, "He still look like he stank" when I saw him on Instagram…
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This is basically the same mold of dude and it looks moldy and should be tossed out. None for me, thanks.
But, there are moments in this show that's really cracking me up. 🤣🤣🤣 It's like, I feel like I should enjoy it for the messiness of it, but the main characters can be infuriating.
She called him an asshole and he said, "You don't even know me." No duh dipshit. She ain't know you when you tried to kiss her neither. NOR when you was talmbout you like her. 
This girl kissing her friend!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She's gonna hurt this boy! My Gwad. He finna be discombobulated. 😭😭😭 He all happy today and she don't even see him like that. Lordt.
He walked up and she look uncomfortable AF. Her younger sister is like, "You're being weird." 🤣🤣🤣 Even SHE hip to something. He on the beach talmbout "It's hot today, don't you think?" And took his shirt off. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I like Summer's friends and feel bad for them because she really didn't treat them kindly. She used Edo whenever she was upset by Ale and then she just completely ditched Sofie on her birthday and didn't even text her or anything. Just had her waiting on her and didn't even apologize. Like, I love that she gets a chance to be human, but being an asshole to the people who you're supposed to be friends with is such an upsetting trope to me.
And the connection between her and Ale is so weird. He comes across as super predatory in the beginning and I don't understand why she liked him in the first place, but also whenever he does something by mistake, she is so angry at him, even though she's been just as inconsiderate when it comes to her friends.
Talmbout if she got a boyfriend he'll "take care of him" 😖 After she told him to leave and he said he'd wait for her outside, she asked her coworker, "What do you do to let a guy know you like him back?"
NOW, she went outside and he's there, but her friend showed up to surprise her after work. 🤣 Whoever made this HATES me
He stole a book out her locker and left a card with his phone number. How is this the start of a romance???
Chile... And she don't even wanna tell their other best friend. Bruh. He said, "What we have doesn't need to be discussed." Summy PLEASE tell this young man...HE TRIED TO KISS HER AGAIN AND SHE SAID, "We just talked about last night's mistake" 😭😭😭
And she done hurt my friend this way, but she worried about Maxface because his mama can't reach him on the phone??? Girl.. go.. girl...
The gag is that she got mad at Ale because she saw him talking to his ex and she had to cover for him at work, but you've now ACTUALLY put your best friend in a bad space. And he ran into her mom and little sister and looked so uncomfortable but kept it short and sweet. These are people he loves. Idk. I feel bad for him and also like she kind of a hypocrite.
That was what REALLY bothered me. I don't expect her to be perfect, by all means. Black girls should be allowed their imperfections and their mistakes, but the fact that she knows what it's like to have the people you love be so absent and that she would treat her friends this way because of one guy who she's only known for a couple of months was disappointing for her character. She could have been written imperfectly without this glaring problem that I don't believe a real person in her position would actually have. 
I think in real life, the girl who raises her sister and basically has to lift her mother up all the time would overextend herself to her friends, but instead, she just leaves them in her dust as soon as she gets some dick. 😭
He is now hanging out with her little sister. 😭😭😭She goes to school with them but she looks tiny. I'm cringing at everything.
BRUH. Like... I can't tell if they're trying to or not, but I wouldn't be surprised because he's cool with the sister too, but they've been friends a while, so I didn't think much of it until Summer hurt him.I thought she liked him earlier, so idk if he is noticing her or I just EXPECT it. 
OAN, this man realized his son had a motorcycle accident on purpose and got mad instead of concerned
At one point, they say he's been riding bikes for 20 years, and whenever his father is mad that he had his accident on purpose (which I'll come back to) he says that he's never made a mistake like that, not even was he was 4, so Ale is AT LEAST 24 and she JUST turned 18. Which is WILD to me, even though at 18 I dated someone who was 23 (he was possessive and abusive, so I have a real suspicion of age gaps). 
But, aside from that - she gets mad at him any time she sees him with his ex when It is perfectly fine to speak with your ex and whenever she did see them together, it was always innocent and she didn't give him a chance to explain.
But then, when he does something questionable, like whenever he tried to kiss her the first day they met, or whenever he came to her job to ask her out and she told him to leave but he said he was going to wait outside (toxic AF and presumptuous) she is fine with those things.
Now, back to Ale's accident. I really felt so bad for him whenever we discover he did this on purpose, because his father is mad, when they should be concerned. His mother says, "You could have died" and he agrees...
How did they not notice that meant that this young man was so disappointed with his life as a biker that he was literally suicidal? They just grazed past it and whenever he vanished on them, there wasn't a huge call to find him,even though he'd just admitted to purposefully filling a possibly fatal mistake.
I'm prepared for nothing but disappointment. ALL these people outta there. Ale's best friend is in love with his ex. 😭 IT'S SUMMER'S 18TH BIRTHDAY. MYNIGGA She really stood her other best friend up to go get some dick on a little ass boat
The little sister shot her shot! 😭😭😭 He told her she's like his little sister and she burnt off mad denna muffugga
This child drunk, walking down the street in the middle of the night without her glasses...
I was really upset by these things coming to light, and also whenever Blue gets hit by a car, because all of the reviews that I've seen on this site have been that it's a cute love story with likable characters, but nobody mentions the problematic content, the dark portions of the story that can be triggering - like suicide and alcohol incidents and literally seeing a young Black girl be hit and run by a car??? 
I wasn't prepared for that shit in a "cute love story." I think that this story is less cute and more dark than people have made it out to be, and that's one of my problems with it. It isn't marketed as a dramatic coming of age story. It's marketed as a romantic comedy, when it is more serious than that and has a lot of issues that should be considered.
The lesbian best friend is in love with her too??????????????????? I. Hate. This.
My favorite person in this whole thing is the lesbian in the background, Irene. And also Dario.
I was entertained a lot of the times. Just heavily confused because I couldn't figure out what the tone was supposed to be. 😁
In conclusion - it's maybe a dark comedy, not a cute comedy, IS a coming of age about a young Black girl who is kind of an asshole, but Black girls should be free to be assholes too. White dudes do it all the time and are valued characters. The dude is weird AF for chasing around this 17 year old girl and he's in his 20s. Idk if that's normal in Italy. It's nasty to me. Their beginning is young people foolishness and there's not much that we see their relationship built upon, but that happens, yanno. You young, tired and silly and some pushy dude makes his move whenever he see you. Slap some discount sex in a dinghy on it and you have this show. I don't recommend it, but a lot of folk loved it, so I guess it did what it meant to do.
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Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Genre: Romance. Fanfic. Fluff(?). A bit aged up characters. A bit OOC for katsuki (?)
Warnings: Cursing.
I know I said I'm gonna post Todoroki's fic, but this hot headed boy is pulling me back.
For real though, todoroki's fic is just under editing.
P.S: I made another OC here.
P.P.S: I don't know who is the artist behind this picture of Katsuki, this is not mine. Credits to him/her, cause he looked so hawt.
Hope you like it guys. Please don't copy/plagiarize. Lovelots. 💟
You are on your way back to the dorm, lost in thought, you can't believe it's already your last sem at U.A.
"Im the one breaking up with you, do you understand that?! I hate you katsuki!" You were taken aback by the sudden yell.
Out of the trees near the dorm, Akira, resurfaced, she passed by you, not even throwing a glance. She's covering her face.
You took a step forward to where she came from and saw, your friend, leaning on tree.
"She broke up with you, huh?" He glared at you.
"Are you fucking eavesdropping on me?" He growled at you. You shook away his comment and stepped closer.
"Well, she practically yelled that she's breaking up with you, so I heard." You heard him muttering curses under his breath.
Bakugo Katsuki, may be an ill tempered, rude, brat, he's also hard to deal with, but you know he's a good person.
He's passionate about becoming a hero, the number one hero.
You reached out and patted his back, you stared at the sky, trying not to look at him because you can't bear to see pain in his eyes.
"You will be able to move on, katsuki. You still gonna be the number one hero,right?" He fell silent. You figured he would want to be alone.
"I'm here for you katsuki, if you need my help." You started to walk back to the same direction where you came from.
You felt him hold your hand.
Your eyes wandered back to him, he is staring at you, his smirk evident.
"Will you help me then? Be my girl, y/n." You blinked, not sure if he's being serious.
"A-are you an idiot?!" You pulled back your hand.
"You said you're gonna help me? Help me forget about Akira."
"Do you seriously want me to be your rebound?!" You were in utter shock and awe of his arrogance.
You didn't even wait for his reply, you stormed back to your dorm room.
The moment you entered your room, your knees felt weak and yiur body slid down the door.
Your heart is racing, your head is full of confusion.
It keeps on replaying the moment the very person you have unrequited love for, asked you to be his girl.
It hurt a lot when you learned that he hd a girlfriend, who could actually
They are not that big on PDA, but you can see them holding hands and one time you even spotted katsuki sleeping in Akira's lap.
Even though seeing them everyday makes your heart hurt, you can't stop yourself from falling in love with katsuki.
You played video games with him, you trained with him.
You even fought almost everyday, but everytime he's in the wrong he would secretly give you a bar of chocolate, his way of apologizing without actually saying he's sorry.
He would also give you medicines, when you're sick, he would somehow notice even if you didn't tell him.
Deep inside you know, he cares for your friendship, and every little thing he does, even the ones that annoys you, makes you fall for him deeper.
The next day came with you only having a wink of sleep because of that hot headed fool.
Why are you in love with that guy anyway? You keep on muttering to yourself, when you felt a hand land on your shoulders. It surprised you and so you let out a shriek
You turned your head and saw Ochaco looking at you.
"You looked so irritated, y/n. Is there a problem?" She worriedly asked you
You defensively waved your hands telling her that you're okay.
The both of you walked towards the classroom together, the closer you get to the classroom, the more your heartbeat speeds up.
How will you talk to him? How will you face him? What if everyone notices that you guys are being weird and they ask? All these thoughts are flowing through your head.
Ochaco opened the door and found that almost everyone is there already.
You took a good look around and noticed that the red eyed goblin is not yet here, which is odd. Very odd.
"Ehhh?! Bakugo's absent?" Ochaco asked, surprised as you are.
"He doesn't answer the door when I call him. He was in a bad mood since yesterday. He and Akira broke up." Kirishima answered,scratching his head.
That idiot. What is he up to now.
All through out the morning class, he did not show up, you were worried.
What if he gets himself into a fight. Yeah, he's strong but what if he was outnumbered. What if he got injured badly. Countless thoughts of what might have happened passes through your mind that you can't concentrate in class.
"I'm gonna check on him." You quickly ran back to the dorm, the moment you were dismissed for lunch.
You practically banged the door when you arrived.
"Hey idiot!! Open this door or I'll slice it in half!" You yelled.
Still, no answer.
"Bakugo Katsuki. Don't you do anything stupid." You mumbled to yourself.
"This dimwit!" You have been banging his door for ten minutes already, and still, nothing.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You looked behind and saw katsuki standing there.
You ran to him checking his face.
"The fuck are you doing, brat?! Let go of my face!" He pulled your hand away.
"Idiot. I thought something happened to you!" you slapped his hand away and glared at him.
"I was just called by the agency I applied for, I told the teacher that I'm gonna be gone the whole morning." His lips twisted into a teasing grin.
"Were you that worried for me?" He teased.
"Because you're a hot headed idiot." you told him.
"Hmmm. You're right. Maybe I'd pick a random fight and kick some fucking ass.I got dumped and I'm really pissed about it." You frowned, when he started to step closer to you, everytime he does, you take a step back.
"So, why don't you be a good friend to me and help me?" He smirked. Your eyes not leaving his ruby colored ones.
You gulped.
"Fine! I'll be your girlfriend." You gave in. His smirk grew.
"Great. Im now your boyfriend, y/n." You were stunned when he gave you a quick peck on the lips and went inside his room.
You stood up there, rewinding what happened, then it dawned you.
You hands flew to your face, feeling it heat up. You tried to calm yourself and took a deep breath.
You walked back to the school. Your heart beating like crazy, and your face looking like a freshly picked tomato.
Well, its already your last sem in the school so, why not.
You're gonna make that bastard fall for you.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Three: The Pollywog
   Phina woke up the next morning before the sun had even started to light the sky. Her dreams had been plagued by nightmares that she could not remember, like they had been every night for a year.
   Some nights, she would remember them all, usually those were about the Demogorgan and the hell she went through last year. They would always make her anxious. She would search around her room for any signs of a portal to the upside down with her nail ridden bat that she hides in her closet.
   Other nights, like this one, she couldn't remember a thing, all she knew was that they were terrible. She would wake up covered in sweat, breathing like she had ran a marathon. Some nights, again like this one, she would wake in tears, a silent scream escaping her lips as she fell back into reality.
   She was glad she couldn't remember these ones, because if she could, she would probably be paralyzed forever by fear.
   Phina wanted to get her mind off the terrors of her nightmares, but unfortunately, it brought another topic she didn't want to think about, Steve. Phina had insisted on driving him home last night, mostly because she didn't trust him not to do something stupid do to his heartbreak.
"I'm driving you home and that's final," she told Steve sternly.
   "Phina, I'm ok," he argues, "I'll be fine."
   "No," she fires back, "I don't trust you."
   He chuckles, "of course you don't."
   She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips, "shut up Harrington and get in the car."
   Phina doesn't give him time to reply as she steps towards him, reaching her hand into his blazer pocket to grab his keys. Steve was frozen in place as she walked over to the driver side door.
   "You coming Harrington," she asks, opening the car door.
   He looks over at her. She is smiling warmly at him. She didn't hate him, not anymore. He could see that now, could see the kindness that she had never showed him before. He nods and walks to the passenger door.
   She gets in as he opens his door. He gets in as she starts the car. They are silent as she begins towards his house. The silence lets Steve's mind fall back to Nancy, and the grief hits him again. She didn't love him, she called their relationship bullshit. His head falls back against the headrest.
"Steve," Phina whispers.
"I'm ok Phina," he whispers back, tears beginning to form in his eyes, "I'm ok."
"No you're not," she says sternly, "you just had your heartbroken, you're allowed to be upset."
"I know," he sighs, "I know."
Phina sighs, "I'm sorry. I wish I could help."
"You are," he whispers, she didn't know just how much she was.
They fall into silence again. Steve watches her, her eyes were trained solely on the road ahead of her, attentive. His eyes scanned her, looking for something that couldn't be found. Phina was by far the hardest person to read, she locked herself away from the world, surrounding herself with fire and ice. Steve wanted to fight his way through her walls, find who she truly was beneath them, but, would she let him. Every time he thought he'd broken through a wall, she would put up another one, one that was harder to break.
   "Steve," she said, looking at him.
   "Yeah," he asks absently.
   "We're at your house," she says.
   He tears his gaze from her and looks out at his large, empty home, "oh."
   She turns off the car and steps out, Steve following her actions. They meet at the front of the car, both of them silent.
   "Thank you," he finally whispers.
   "You don't need to thank me," she whispers back, handing him his car keys.
   He looks at the car and then back at her, "how are you gonna get home?"
   She shrugs, "I'll walk."
   He shakes his head, "do you know how far your house is from here?"
   She smiles, "I am aware."
   "Not to mention." He looks down at her outfit, which definitely didn't provide any warmth. "It's freezing."
   "If I recall correctly, the last time I was at your house, I walked home, soaking wet," she chuckles, "it was cold then to."
   Steve rubs the back of his neck, "about that, I never said I'm sorry—"
   "You don't have to," Phina cuts him off, "it's in the past, all is forgiven."
   "That doesn't stop me from feeling like a dick," he laughs.
   "I was fine Steve," she smiles, "besides, I wasn't cold for long."
   She raises her left hand, her palm facing up. A small ball of golden fire dances across her hand. Warmth radiates from it, fighting away the frigid autumn air. Steve watches it in amazement.
   "I'll never be able to get over how cool that is," he chuckles.
   She looks down at her fire lovingly, "yeah, it is pretty cool isn't it?"
   He looks at her and sees her eyes, they glow, like actually glow, "beautiful."
   She looks up at him, their eyes meeting. The moment stretches on and on forever. Her eyes were the stars to him, bright, warm, beautiful. His eyes was the ground of which she grew in, safe, comforting. They both felt like they could stare for a million years and still not find every detail hidden within their eyes.
   And then Phina comes back to the present, her sister's name dancing across her mind. Steve can practically see her walls build back up, and he builds his own. He had already had his heartbroken once tonight, he didn't need it to happen again.
   She coughs awkwardly, the fire in her hand going out, "I need to get home."
   "Yeah." He shrugs off his blazer. "I know you don't need it, but at least let me feel like I actually helped somehow."
   He steps forward and wraps the blazer around her shoulders. She looks down but he can still see her smile.
   "Goodnight Steve," she whispers.
   "Goodnight Phina."
   And then she is walking down his driveway. He watches her walk away. She can feel his gaze on her the entire time, the weight only lifting when she is hidden behind the trees.
   Phina looked towards her desk chair, where Steve's blazer hung on the back of it. She didn't know how to get it back to him, she couldn't bring it to school, that rumor would spread like wildfire. She didn't want Nancy to see it either, because, even if she had broken Steve's heart, said she didn't love him, Phina was scared that her sister would believe the worst of her.
   All Phina wanted to do was lay in her bed and forget the world existed. She didn't want to go to school, because of the chance of seeing Steve, and having to confront her feelings, made her head ache and her heart clench.
   Phina groaned, putting her hands in front of her face, she'd much rather hunt another monster than deal with these stupid high school feelings and the stupid drama.
   Throughout the day, Phina isolated herself. She didn't even try to talk to Jonathan or Nancy. Some little part of her was actually angry at her sister, for what she did to Steve. Phina tried to reason with her emotions, but she couldn't help it.
   Steve loved her sister, everyone could tell that just by the way he looked at her. He changed who he was for her, became a better person for her. Seeing Steve so broken over her sister last night, broke Phina.
   But Phina couldn't stay mad, long. Phina knew why Nancy said she didn't love Steve, she knew the name of why. Jonathan. Her best friend had made a place in Nancy's heart, even if Nancy didn't know that. Phina did though, and that was why she understood her sister. She knew better than anyone that it was hard to fight what you felt.
At the end of the school day, Phina was ready to go home and hide in her room till the next day. She was almost to her bike to do just that when her backpack started to make sound. Her radio, one that she had gotten so the boys could get ahold of her whenever needed, usually only if their was an emergency.
She swung her bag off her shoulders and put it on the seat of her bike. She quickly dug through the bag, wrapping her fingers around the radio and pulling it out.
"Phina," Mike's voice yells through the speaker, "Phina come on! Over."
She raises the radio and presses the call button, "Mike? Mike, what's wrong, over."
"Emergency," Mike says, "get to the middle school now, over."
Phina doesn't even reply, she just throws the radio back in her bag, hardly even closing it as she throws it back over her shoulder. She gets on the bike and speeds out of her parking spot. A few people have to jump out of her way. Something was happening, her kids were in trouble, nothing was getting in her way.
Phina turns out of the parking lot, cutting off Billy Hargrove in the process. He honks his horn at her, more times than necessary, but Phina doesn't pay him any mind.
The drive from the high school to the middle school was usually only five minutes, she got there in one.
-1577 words-
Mostly OC stuff again, but the first few episodes are hard to place Phina in because there is so much character development happening, next chapter will get more into the story line I swear.
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astromedea · 3 years
Times Like These
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⚝ Synopsis: A student transfers to Aliraei K's school and claims to his classmates to be interested in her.
⚝ Genre: romance
⚝ Note! (synopsis needs revision)
⚝ Masterlist
<<previous | chapter 1 | next>>
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"Hey, Ali! You should really get a boyfriend, you know!"
"Hey, Ali, so when are you getting a boyfriend?"
"Ali!" "Boyfriend!"
Ali sprawls down to her armchair.
"Ugh, why is everyone pestering me to get a boyfriend today?"
"Haha, well don't you get pestered a lot for that?"
"Yeah, but it wasn't this bad before geez."
"Ali, oh my gosh you have to hear about this!!"
"What? Are you going to tell me to get a boyfriend too?"
"Oho~ Maybe?"
"There's someone who I think is totally your type that's interested in you!! He's in the arts and design strand!"
"How did you even get to know that if it was way over there?"
The arts and design strand is a bit far from our building. How could a rumor like that go so far?
"Plus, my type? I've familiarized practically everyone's faces in campus already. How could I suddenly have someone I don't know as my type?"
The campus isn't too big and I've been in this school since the start of junior high, that's why I've come to familiarize with everyone already, especially someone who was in our batch.
"Well, my great friend. The thing is, it's a transfer student! Didn't you always wished that we'd get a transfer student because you keep complaining that you didn't have a type with anyone else here?"
"Oh hey, you guys. Talking about Ali's transfer student boyfriend."
We looked up at the ever so charming Pryce. Heh, well I do have a type here, he's right here now in fact. Ah he never liked me back though so I gave up trying.
"Wait, transfer student boyfriend...? You know about that too?"
"Well, duh, he's part of my group. Our entire group knows. We went to the arts and design building to pass the group project to sir. Wait, you guys haven't passed yet? Oho~ does that mean you're gonna see this transfer student yourself?"
"Hah? I—"
"Group 2! Let's pass our project!"
Ah frick.
"Goodluck hihi."
I stood up, ignoring them with their smirks and head straight out to the hall to meet my group.
"Alright, everyone's here. We're going to pass the project to sir since he's already at the Arts and Design building!"
"Um excuse me?"
"Yes, Ali?"
"I'm... my head actually hurts right now. Can you guys go on without me?"
"Oh really?? I'll get medicine for you when we get back since we'll just walk by the clinic!"
"Oh, you'd do that? Thank you so much! Uh here's where the project is. If sir doesn't have a laptop when you meet him, can you just let him keep the usb drive and tell him to return it back to our group on our next meeting with his sub?"
"Okay! Thank you, you can count on us! And rest well too!"
I got back in the classroom and plopped on my desk again.
"Hm? Why are you here? Isn't required for all members of the group to be there?"
"I told them my head hurts and I can't go."
"Wait. Does it actually? Or are you just making that as an excuse so you won't have to show up on their building?"
"You want us to get you to the clinic?"
"Ah no need for that. Lia volunteered to get medicine for me when they get back. And hey, my head might be throbbing right now, but that doesn't I can't understand what y'all are saying. You didn't get to explain to me, Rhie when I asked you how did you guys heard about that. Did they see you guys around here?"
"Luckily we didn't. We caught sir before he could enter the class so his class doesn't even know that we were there. But after we talked to sir and was about to head out, we heard from their room right away your name. We did a little snooping and peeked what was going on and it was this transfer student saying he was interested in you!!"
Hm... weird.
-> -> ->
[In front of Arts and Design 1]
"Excuse me sir! Group 2 from STEM 1, here to pass our project, sir!"
"Ah come in, come in."
"Ooo they're students from STEM!"
"Dude do you want to introduce yourself to them? They might introduce you to her~"
"This is one step closer to seeing her heheh."
I wonder who they're talking about?
"Hm? Why are you guys only 6? Aren't you all supposed to be 7? Didn't I say the whole group should be hear when passing the project?"
"Oh right, about that sir, Ali's head hurts so she couldn't come with us."
"Ali?" The teachers eyes the transfer student which he catches on. "You mean, Aliraei K, yes?"
"Um yes?"
That seemed to have made the class we were in rowdy. Everyone was nudging the unfamiliar guy in his seat and telling him to take care of her and whatnot.
"I see. But could you tell her to come here when she feels better tomorrow at the same time? I need all of my students to approach me in passing the output, but for her, just tell her to collect a 1/4 sheet of paper from each group written with their members and contributions. You group should tell the class directly about the 1/4."
"Okay sir! Understood!"
"Okay, all of you can go now."
As we got out of the room, we hear the class even louder now. Everyone was thanking sir, probably because he made Ali to show up.
"Was that a transfer student? Never saw him before."
"Yeah, and he seems interested in Ali."
"Wow lucky Ali, he looked so good!"
"Oh they would look so good together omg."
"I wonder if Ali knows."
"Do they even know each other?"
"Hmm maybe."
"Hey you guys shouldn't gossip about this when we get to our building alright? Ali doesn't like it when she gets teased!"
"Can we at least tell them that there's a new student in campus? A good-looking one at that!"
"But wouldn't that just lead them to asking if he was interested in anyone?"
"Well then just let them do the work to ask him himself! Anyway, let's not forget to go to the clinic first."
-> -> ->
"Sir asked me to what...? thank you for the medicine btw."
"you're welcome! To hand out those 1/4 by tomorrow yourself!"
"Heeeeh, destiny really wants you to meet the transfer student, Ali. There's no escape~."
"I guess your headache had just probably made the situation worse."
"Ugh can't you guys go with me? I don't want to go there alone!"
"Hm I do want to know who this transfer student is. You guys don't know what his name is?"
"I don't know who he is but I kept hearing them call him I think Warren?"
"Yeah, Warren's his name. Do you know him, Ali?"
"No. I don't know anyone named Warren."
"Wait, you already know about it, Ali?"
"Yes! I told her myself! Which was probably a mistake because I know even with a headache, she'd still want to go if she didn't know there'd be problems there..."
"I told you not to tell her~"
"Geez I'm even thankful you guys told me or I would've gotten an even worse headache."
"Well, you better get well soon then. You'll be going alone there tomorrow, after all."
"Hah?? Can't you guys go with me??"
"Ah I remember now, we have vacant classes at this time that's why we could all go there but tomorrow it wouldn't be so we can't accompany you."
"Ah yikes, it's miss Decap too. She doesn't like it when the one who asks for dismissal are a group of people, even just a pair wouldn't suffice for ma'am."
"Ugh my head's hurting way more. I'm going to be absent this afternoon."
"Oh? Are you going to have a beauty sleep so you'd look good tomorrow for him—?"
I hit Rhie lightly on her shoulder.
"Ugh no, I don't want to prolong this so it's to make this over with as soon as possible. If I went to school soon, who knows how worse this headache would be especially that I'm already expecting his classmates to be really loud."
I really hope things would just be fast tomorrow.
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iamforevercaptured · 5 years
Lady WIFI (s1e7)
I don't know why but lady wifi being the 7th episode is pleasing to me for some reason...also I like that it comes after Pharaoh. like Astruc was like yes let's explore Alya and the badass that she is. 
the cats were chased away from trying to climb my blinds, which Macchi had a few things to say about. He little mews in response to me chiding him are adorable. stop climbing the blinds my child. mew. yes you cant climb the blinds. mew. boyyyy. mew. its a whole convo I swear. they are now playing in a box with their jingle balls. hydrate my lovelies and let us begin what I’m already assuming is gonna be such an alyanette ep I'm gonna lose my shit. damn you @megatraven
no chill nette has definitely been rubbing off on Alya omg
ok but if mari is MIA working why was Adrien in class?
also why was chloe’s ladybug costume at school
SEEEE CHAT was there so why was he in class???
also thinking Chloe is LB is hilarious CRAYCRAYLADY is right Nino knows what's up
had to handle the little aliens. Toff though climbing the window screen was a good idea (she's fine, I just worry) and then proceeded to wrestle Macchi (which again i worry since they had surgery the other day). Now they've settled-ish. Tof is under my computer again and Macchi is on my shoulder watching her lol. my kits are being cray cray dear god
glad to see your priorites are in order Mari lol
Sabine that sounds exhausting no the child needs sleep
is wifi like not a private thing you have to buy yourself in France?
Toff is being an absolute sweet little monster omg. yes ill hold your paw baby girl.
chloe serving up salt wow
weird analogy Nino but ok
same Mari same
does anybody else see the flirting couple in this scene?? i wonder if they get together lol
DJWIFI BABY lol what was the plan here???? seriously???
no really im curious
chloe calling her dad is iconic WAIT TIL MY FATHER HEARS ABOUT THIS
weird analogies in this ep seriously
this line she says about truth when shes is akumatized omg guys do you see how much Alya and Mari are alike? like Ladywifi is all about truth and the fandom’s akumatized Mari is “Lady Justice” who is all about TRUTH AND JUSTICE its indirect alyanette omg
Mari is actually good at slipping into class OR NOT lol no chill nette is back
Adrien having an internal crisis lol
but like this is how horror movies start?
again with the transformation space, what if he can actually still see you? like guys be smart about this
RUN FOR YOUR LIVES but don't forget your homework
see Adrien get the whole being incognito thing
uh but the hair hun
BLESS his little flex omg and their look like “uh really you don't know us?”
this running perspective is so weird O.O
Chat this isnt the time omg
lady wifi is a cool villain. I'm curious where she got all those phones tho
**BeCaUsE iTs MaGiC**
also Hawkmoth is very absent here like that would’ve been the time to tell her to get the miraculous jus saying
TOMCAT’S COME TO SAVE HIS LOVEBUG we know your jealous alya we know --and his little wink omg #LADYNOIR yesssss
Plagg: no I want to shiver here I'm not gonna help
OR YOU COULD JUST TAKE THE MIRACULOUSES FROM HER EARS honestly hawkmoth this is why you keep losing
[she cackles] nice
same LB same
you would think Chloe would've learned NOT TO ANSWER THE PHONE
Plagg is just sitting there. not helping. dude. babe. help the sunshine child.
love this fix omg
gentle bug awwww #LADYNOIRRRRR
omg I love this part
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ok but how did she break the service thingy?
I love how Chat and LB depended on each other so much in this ep omg
fangirling Alya cool
awwwwww gentle Chat he loves her so much awwww #LADYNOIR
Plagg dude he can’t know, you know this.
wise Mari, but were you guys seriously talking about telling Chat?
Alya hooking her bestie with pics of her crush cute #alyanette and low key being the smartest idiot on the show 
so end card was peak Alyanette but the ep was actually more ladynoir and I really really loved how chat was actually like the reason they won and it was just so wholesome to see them teamwork it so well omg
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Step By Step
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Bucky Barnes X Step-Daughter!Reader (Platonic you nasty weirdos)
Summary: You're growing up and he's growing old making memories you'll always hold but he thanks God for sending you his way cause it ain't his blood or DNA that made that precious child but it don't take rocket science to figure out that you're his life.
Warnings: Very emotional, mentions a fight, never directly says absent biological father but it's clear
Song: Step By Step By Brandon Davis
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Well I wasn't there to see the first steps or hear the first word or watch the doctor bring them in and there's a lot of time I missed out on I'll never get back again
Bucky shuffled nervously on his feet as he stood by your mom watching children running out of the elementary school. A thing he never thought he'd do. He didn't know which kid was supposed to be coming toward him and his girlfriend but he waited. His girlfriend, of a year told him she had a 8 year old daughter, you, that he hasn't met, now of course that was 10 months ago. He understood why she didn't tell him, or let him meet you yet but here he was waiting to meet you.
"Doll? Maybe I should meet her another day?" He said full of nerves.
"Babe she already knows your gonna be picking her up with me. She was so excited." Your mom said. Bucky sighed nodded looking ahead, he saw a girl running toward them.
"Mommy!" You said barreling into the legs of your mom, before looking up at the man. "Hi Mister! I'm y/n."
"Hi babydoll I'm bucky."
"My name isn't babydoll! It's y/n I just told you that."
"Yeah Buck." Your mom teased.
Call it stepping up or stepping in but step by step my world went spinning around that little heart and angel face
"Hey tiny Barnes." Sam said as you walked into the tower with your mom. It's been two years since you met bucky, and he almost instantly became your dad.
"Hi, Sammy! Where's Bucky?" You asked, smiling.
"In the lab getting his arm fixed." Sam said. You nodded running off toward the lab. "What's she so excited about?" Sam asked.
"There's a daddy-daughter dance at her school she is gonna ask Bucky." Your mom explained.
"Bucky!!! Hi! I have a really important question." You said once you made it into the lab. Tony looked toward you and rolled his eyes before he continued to fix the arm.
"Okay BabyDoll what is it?" Bucky asked patting the seat next to him with his flesh hand. You sat down before rummaging through your bookbag.
"Here!" You passed him a flier. "Will go with me please."
"Babydoll of course!" Bucky smiled.
"Yay!!!" You exclaimed smiling even bigger if possible. The sight got Bucky smiling, and even Tony.
They're growing up and I'm growing old making memories we'll always hold
"Babydoll! Wait up!" Bucky exclaimed as you ran toward the restaurant him following.
"But dad!" You stopped turning around and looking at him. He stood staring at you like a deer in head lights. "Sorry bucky.." You mumbled.
"Hey! That is not my no more babydoll! I'm dad to you and only dad nothing else." Bucky said grabbing your hand to bring you to the side walk before he hugged you.
"What about father! You asked giggling.
"Nope Dad." Bucky said as you two hugged.
"Okay, dad." You said before you pulled from the hug.
But I thank God for sending them my way cause it ain't my blood or DNA that made that precious child but it don't take rocket science to figure out that they're my life
Bucky tossed and turned on the couch, having a nightmare. You were up to sneak late-night Nickelodeon, cause you wanted to watch Full House. You noticed a sound coming from the living room once you got to the doorway. You halted and hit the switch visibly relaxing when you saw it was Bucky. Then you noticed he was asleep and having a nightmare. You walked over carefully not touching him before you whispered yelled: "Dad!" Bucky shot up tears in his eyes. He saw you pulled you into his chest resting his face in your hair. You freed your arms from in between the two of you to hug him.
"Babydoll." He mumbled into your hair. His nightmare was about losing you and your mom because the winter soldier came out. Now of course he'd never tell that to you, you're only 11 after all.
"Dad... Can we watch Full house together? I won't tell mom." You whispered. Bucky smiled gently looked down at you.
"What's full house?" He shuffled on the couch before lifting you onto his lap keeping his arms around you.
"Oh it's only the best sitcom from the 90s!" You said grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.
"The best? Really how many sitcoms from the nineties have you watched babydoll?"
"Only this one. Now I'll tell you who everyone is! That's Danny, Uncle Jesse, Joey, aunt Becky-" bucky listened to you drone on about the characters, feeling relaxed.
One day they'll have their first kiss, their first dance
"Babydoll. You look so beautiful." Bucky smiled when you walked down the stairs of the house. He looked at the person who would be taking you to your first homecoming, expectantly but they were was to busy admiring you to notice.
"Thank you dad." You got to the bottom step and smiled. "Hi."
"Hi you look pretty." The teen said.
"Thank you. Let's go!"
And their I turned 16 car and I'll be right there when they walk in hurt from their first broken heart
You walked into the house slamming the door and going up the stairs. Bucky looked at the stairs, hearing another door slam so he excused himself from the conversation he was having with Steve before.
"Babydoll. Open the door please." Bucky said knocking on your door.
"Hun, what's wrong?" Your mom asked walking over to Bucky.
"I don't know doll." Bucky sighed hearing you crying on the other side of the door. "Babydoll." He tried the handle surprised to see its unlocked. He looked at your mom and she shrugged motioning for him to go in.
"Go away." You grumbled throwing a pillow at them hitting Bucky straight in the face. You froze staring at him. Bucky held the pillow contemplating what to do before he dropped it on your bed and sat down next you, your mom on your other side.
"What's wrong sweetheart?" Your mom asked.
"They was kissing Jolie! In the hallway!" You mumbled burying your face in Bucky's chest.
"They are a jerk. And they aren't worth your tears Babydoll." Bucky lifted your face wiping your tears away.
"He's right Sweetie." Your mom said rubbing your back.
And I'm longing for those moments along with all the ones I missed I never knew this was how life would turn out but I'm sure glad it did
You stood behind your mom watching the ceremony before bucky paused, right after saying his vows to your mom. It's been two years since you met him, so your ten, he proposed to your mom last year. Bucky waved you over and next to your mom. You furrowed your brow in confusion but did. He bent down smiling at you.
"Y/n, I wasn't there for your first moments on this earth, I wasn't there when you learned to walk, but I promise to be there when you learn to drive, from the day I met you, you have been my daughter." Bucky took a deep breath reaching up and wiping your tear away. "There's been no doubt to that so on this day I vow to treat you as though I've known you your whole life, as though your my own. I give you this Necklace as a symbol of the day you became my daughter." He reached into his pocket pulling out dog tags, one had Babydoll on it and the date the two of you met engraved on it and the other one said Dad with the date of the wedding on it.
There wasn't a dry eye in the room, you were crying, your mom was crying, bucky was crying but trying not to show it. You hugged him. He smiled hugging you back. Once you pulled away he put the necklace on your and stood back up. You back up back to where you stood with your mom's bridesmaids. You were the flower girl.
Call it stepping up or stepping in but step by step my world went spinning around that little heart and angel face
You fiddled with the necklace you've worn every day since you were ten, as you waited in the office at school. So you got into one little fight, they can't be mad at you. You hope. Flash was messing with you, Peter, and Ned so you egged him on till he threw a punch at you then you beat him up. Peter and Ned had to hold you back until a teacher came who sent all four of you to the office. MJ had just been watching didn't get involved at all.
"I don't regret it." You whispered to ned, right before parents and guardians began filing in. Aunt May, then Ned's parents, then Flash's, and finally Bucky walked in a frown on his face, you assume your mom couldn't get out of work
"Come in." The principal opened the door letting them file into his office.
"Bucky isn't happy with you." Peter whispered.
"Yeah I know I was hoping mom would come not dad." You sighed still messing with the necklace. After a few moments, Aunt May and Ned's parents come out. Neither of them were in much trouble but their guardians had been called in.
"Bye." Peter and ned said before following the adults out of the room. You waited for what seemed like forever for Bucky to come out he took a deep breath and motioned for you.
"Dad I can explain." You said as you followed him. Bucky looked at you and crossed his arms.
"Then explain! You broke the kid's nose!" Bucky said scowling.
"He's been bullying me, Peter, and Ned since freshmen year. He went to punch me so I fought back!" You explained.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Bucky asked.
"Peter didn't want Tony finding out... And the teachers did nothing!" You said. Bucky sighed, pulling you into a hug.
They're growing up and I'm growing old making memories we'll always hold
But I thank God for sending them my way cause it ain't my blood or DNA that made that precious child but it don't take rocket science to figure out that they're my life
You walked onto the stage proudly as you heard your parents and other family cheering.
"That's my babydoll!!!! Good job!" Bucky screamed proudly as you grabbed your diploma.
You ran over to them after the graduation smiling. Your mom was the first to get a hug, then Bucky.
"I'm a high school graduate now." You said proudly.
"That you are Babydoll." Your dad said, as Steve pulled you into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."
One day they'll look back through all these years and I pray that they'll find
You sighed setting the last box down in your college dorm. You were sharing with people you knew from high school which you were excited about. You were sharing with Ned and Peter. MJ was going to a different college than you three. You smiled looking around the dorm happily.
"Okay Sweetheart we need to be getting home now your brother rid getting fussy." Your mom explained, holding a 2 year old in her arms, your little brother Benny.
"Bye momma." You said hugging her before taking your brother. "Bye bubby." You hugged him and kissed his forehead before handing him back to your mom and looking at your dad.
"Call me if you need anything Babydoll. I'll be there." He said.
"I know dad. Oh I wanted to give you this!" You leaned down in your bag and pulled out a picture frame on it said: "Any man can be a father it takes someone special to be a dad" in the frame was a picture of you and him at your middle school daddy daughter dance. "I found the photo when I was packing I got it a new frame!"
"I love it Babydoll." He hugged you.
That even though they didn't come from me they know that they're mine
Bucky couldn't believe how fast time went by, it seemed just yesterday you were running out of school excited to meet him. Now your about to walk down the aisle to your spouse. Bucky had the honor of walking you down the aisle. You walked out of the room you were getting ready in, a beautiful white dress, he could still see the dog tags he gave you so long along hanging.
"Your all grown up." He said.
"Yeah." You smile. "Dad... Thank you."
"For what?"
"For... Loving me. For choosing to be my dad even though you didn't have to." You said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.
"You don't have to thank me for that Babydoll... Come on everyone is waiting for you." Bucky said linking arms with you.
Call it stepping up or stepping in but step by step my world went spinning around that little heart and angel face they're growing up and I'm growing old making memories we'll always hold but I thank God for sending them my way cause it ain't my blood or DNA that made that precious child but it don't take rocket science to figure out that they're my life
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A/n: I found out how to do a read more tab on mobile so that'll make fics come out faster!
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things Fanfic
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Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Seraphina Wheeler sat in her room, running her fingers across her wrist, where a small, black tattoo had rested her entire life. She was thinking, not about anything specific, just any thought that came to her mind. Her mind traveled through multiple things, happy and sad memories, painful and terrifying ones, all of them, of which she could actually remember. One stuck out like a sore thumb, but she kept her thoughts away from it, from the anger and sadness that came with it.
That thing festered in her mind, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before it consumed her. She had locked it away a long time ago, not able to handle that pain, the feeling. She was good at locking away her emotions, but one day, she won't be able to hold back anymore, and she'd break.
A knock sounded at her door, she jumped a little, her mind coming back to the present, "come in."
One of her little brother's friends stood there, Dustin, "Hey Phina, since Nancy just refused the last slice of pizza, do you want it?"
She smiled at him, "sure Dustin, just set it on my desk. You guys done for the night?"
"Yeah, your mom is kicking us out," he said, slightly sad, walking over to the desk and setting the box down, "we didn't even get to finish!"
"Wow that sucks, you guys have been planning this for two weeks," she shouts, a small frown on her lips.
"Yeah," Dustin huffed.
"I'm sorry Dusty," Phina smiles at him, "come on, I'll walk you out."
Dustin nods happily, he'd had a cute little crush on her for the longest time, and she knew that, she thought it was adorable. She had babysat him when he was little and ever since then, he had the cutest little puppy dog crush.
The two walked down the stairs, talking about the campaign. Dustin told her about the Demogorgan and how Will had used fireball.
"He should of used a protection spell," Dustin whined.
"I don't know Dusty, if it were me, I would've used fireball," Phina smirked, knowing a double meaning behind her words.
Dustin shook his head, "and I thought you were the smart Wheeler."
Phina laughed loudly and smacked his shoulder, "I am the smart Wheeler, and that says something about my siblings."
Dustin laughed and opened the door to go into the garage, seeing his friends grab their bikes. He follows suit, turning to Mike.
"There is seriously something wrong with your sister," Dustin said to him.
"Ouch," Phina mockingly says, holding her heart as if she had been hit there, "my ego Dusty.".
"Oh you know I meant Nancy," Dustin laughed, "well, maybe it was just a little bit about you."
"Oh whatever Dustin," Phina playfully scoffed, "you know you love me!"
"What are you talking about," Mike asks.
"Nancy's got a stick up her butt," Dustin answeres, blushing a little because of Phina's comment.
Phina snorts loudly, both at Dustin's blush and because of what he said about her sister.
"Yeah," Lucas agrees then adds, "it's because she's been dating that doucheage, Steve Harrington."
Phina's smile falls and turns into a hard scowl at the mention of Steve Harrington, "damn right it's because of Harrington."
"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk," Dustin nods.
"She's always been a jerk," Mike scoffs.
"Nuh-uh she used to be cool." Dustin starts to ride away on his bike. "Like that time she dressed up like an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"Four years ago," Mike shouts back.
"Just saying," Dustin says.
Phina chuckles at them, earning a small glare from Mike. She raises her hands in surrender, but continues to smile.
"Later," Lucas shouts.
"Be safe boys," Phina yells at them.
Dustin waves his hand in the air dismissively, "yeah yeah, whatever!"
Phina shakes her head and yells, "don't be a sarcastic ass Henderson! That's my job!"
Will stays behind for a second and turns to Mike, "it was a seven."
Mike looks at him, confused, "huh?"
"The roll, it was a seven. The Demogorgan, it got me," Will explains, "see you tomorrow."
As Will turns and rides off, a chill goes down Phina's spine, something felt a little off about what he said. The lights flickered a little and she looks at them a little wide eyed. The feeling did not go away, only pierced deeper into her.
"Be safe Will! Tell Jon and your mom I said hi," she yells after the boy, almost wanting to tell him to come back and just stay the night, but she knew her mother wouldn't let him stay on a school night.
Phina shakes her head, trying to tell herself that she was just being paranoid.
She puts on a fake smile and turns to Mike, putting her arm around his shoulders, "did you have fun?"
"Yeah, it was one of our best campaigns yet," he says excitedly.
"Well good," Phina smiles at him and pushes him inside, "now go get ready for bed."
"But," Mike begins to protest.
Phina lifts her hand, "ah, don't argue with me Micheal."
He huffs, crossing his arms like a pouty child. Phina chuckles and ruffles his hair. She pushes him towards the stairs and he complies, swatting her hand away, laughing.
Phina smiles at him as he runs up the stairs and turns around. She goes to shut the door, but a cold wind blows into the house, surrounding Phina. She shivers, the creeping feeling in the back of her mind sends a deep chill through her. She shuts the door and shakes her head, staring at the door.
"You ok sweety," her mom asks.
"Yeah, I'm ok." Phina jumps, turning around to give her mom a fake smile. "Just tired, I'm gonna head up to bed."
Karen smiles at her, "ok sweety, goodnight."
As soon as she was in the comfort of her room, she locked her door and closed her curtains. Phina did a mental checklist in her mind, making sure she was not going to be seen. Once she had checked off everything at least twice, she sat in the center of her bed, closed her eyes, and concentrated.
In the house next door, a small girl looked out her window, and towards the Wheeler's house, almost every night, the same thing happened. A golden glow emitted from the window, but the girl could not see what it came from.
The girl watched in awe, the light was beautiful, swirling and flickering in the night, almost as if someone was making a shadowy story for the little girl to see. The magical light was the girls favorite part of bed time.
The light went out, and back to the normal light of the room. The girl left her window.
Phina walks down the stairs of her house, dressed in her normal outfit, dark denim jeans, a black long sleeve shirt and a red flannel over it. Her long, blood red curls flowing down her back freely. She sat at the table, where her family had already started eating breakfast.
Mike pours syrup all over his foom which gets a look from Nancy, "that's disgusting."
"You're disgusting," Mike snaps back.
Phina smiles at the two bickering, but the smile vanished when she hears her mother pick up the phone.
"Hello..... oh, Joyce, hi."
Something happens with Phina's siblings and they start yelling. She doesn't spare them and attention. Their bickering was normal, and, unless it escalated, she wanted no part of it.
"Will? No no no, it's just Mike.... no, he left a little bit after eight. Why? He's not home?"
A sickening feeling settles in Phina's stomach, the same one from the night before. Karen hangs up and looks over at Phina, giving the empty plate in front of the girl a look.
"Are you going to eat?" she asks.
"No, I think I'm gonna head to school early, I have to meet up with a project partner," Phina lies, not at all hungry.
"Ok sweety," Karen nods absently, though her tone says she isn't happy about it.
Phina stands from the table and grabs her jacket, bag, and keys, before heading out to her motorcycle. She threw on her black leather jacket and then her backpack. She hopped on her bike, started it up, and drove off quickly towards the school, all the while, the sickening feeling settling deeper into her stomach.
Phina drove into the schools parking lot, people jumping out of her way as she sped past them. She parked in her usual spot, which was relatively close to the door. She noticed a few people standing by a car, watching her. Steve Harrington and his group of asshole friends.
Phina wanted to snap at them, but that would cause more harm than good. She avoided looking at them, but that didn't stop Carol from harassing her like normal.
"Watch out everyone, the freak of Hawkins is coming," Carol said loudly.
Phina didn't even pause, her mouth moving before she had time to even process what she was about to say, "watch out everyone, the slut of Hawkins is out spreading STDs."
The sound of Steve's sharp laugh, and Carol's cry of anger, made Phina smirk. She continued into the school not bothered by Carol screeching and calling her a bitch.
The crowds parted slightly as Phina made her way to her locker. She had a reputation at the school, and that made people very hesitant of her. Her, I dont give a shit attitude and her history of fights certainly kept people away. She kept to herself, only ever talking to her best friend and her younger sister.
Phina got to her locker and opened it, grabbing the things she would need for her first few classes and putting them in her bag. Then she grabbed her sketch book and her pencil case and shut her locker. She turned around and was met by the face of her best friend, Jonathan Byers, who had his hand held out like he was about to touch her shoulder.
"Shit Jon, you scared me." She jumped, then noticed the look on his face, distressed. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Will, he didn't come home last night. My mom called your mom but he wasn't at your house," Jonathan explained.
The feeling in Phina's stomach began again, almost painfully present, but she kept calm, for Jonathan.
"I'm sure he probably just stayed at Dustin's," she tried to reason with him.
"Yeah, you're probably right," he sighed.
Neither of them believed her.
-1771 words-
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