#why are you asking ben how it fits???? i am the one???? who saw this problem????????
icehot13 · 2 years
here to report that sexism is still alive and well on the jobsite despite the groundbreaking “men/women at work” sign out front!!!!
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
Backpack Bnuuy
“Your training,” Yoda warned. “You must complete your training!”
“The whole point is-” Luke began, biting off the words. “Look, I know it’s a trap, but my friends are in trouble! The reason why it’s a good trap is that it’s going to work, and it’s going to work because I won’t abandon my friends. I don’t want to be someone who would abandon my friends.”
Yoda looked thoughtful.
“A good point, you make,” he conceded. “Still. Face Vader alone, you must not.”
“I don’t have a choice,” Luke objected.
“A choice, there always is,” Yoda chided. “A good choice, less often. However…”
His cane swung up to point at Luke. “Wait there.”
Luke stood there as instructed, confused, then glanced at Ben’s spirit.
“Do you know what this means?” he asked. “Was he always this odd?”
“Not really, no,” Ben replied. “He’s really been able to focus in the last few months.”
Yoda came back out of his hut, holding a fuzzy animal.
“Here,” he said, putting it down. “A travel sized Jedi Master, this is.”
“I wish you wouldn’t call me that, Master,” the animal replied, shaking out his long ears. “Good day. I am Master Ikrit.”
“Small enough to fit in your ship, he is!” Yoda said, with a nod. “A pacifist, he also is.”
“I can explain myself, Master,” Ikrit replied.
“...have you been there all along?” Luke asked.
“I was actually on Yavin Four,” Ikrit said. “Meditating on the Force. I… lost track of time a bit.”
“Missing for four hundred years, you were,” Yoda pointed out.
“I said I was sorry, Master,” Ikrit replied. “I did skip the whole… massacre thing, though.”
His tail flicked slightly, then he launched himself in a Force-guided leap that placed him neatly on Luke’s shoulders.
“As my old teacher says, I am a pacifist,” the lapine-feline Jedi Master said. “Fortunately, the World Between Worlds does not involve violence. Do you have a backpack?”
Luke blinked, confused.
“...a backpack?” he repeated, carefully.
“I will be your emergency evacuation mechanism,” Ikrit told him. “Through my four hundred years of meditation on the Force, I became aware of the ways in which distance itself is an illusion. A very persistent illusion, to be sure, but I can take you from one place to another in an instant.”
His ear bounced. “...so long as I already know the destination, that is. Distance is an illusion, but getting lost is not. I only got here by following my padawan bond with Master Yoda.”
Luke still felt confused.
“What’s a padawan?” he asked.
“An old term, it is,” Yoda supplied. “A Jedi term. A term for the one who learns while a Knight or Master teaches.”
Around a day later, Yoda was humming to himself and cooking when there was a thump outside.
“Master?” Ikrit called. “Do you know how to heal? I’ve got Luke and his hand, but… there’s an and there.”
“Always rushing around, young kids these days are,” Yoda grumbled, taking his cane and stumping out of the house. “Lost, you did?”
“I don’t think so,” Luke replied, staring at the stump of his hand, then winced as Yoda began making passes over the gap and lifted his severed hand to intersect with the stump. “I lost the fight, but… Leia and the others escaped. I can feel it. I won.”
“Good,” Yoda said. “You did learn the lesson.”
“...does that whole process of going from world to world involve hallucinations?” Luke asked, looking at Ikrit and away from the healing process going on with his missing hand. “Because I swear I saw a really big wolf.”
“Oh, that’s Dume,” Ikrit said. “I’m… not really sure what’s up with him. He’s nice but I’ve not spoken to him much. I think he used to be human?”
His ears flicked. “Sorry I didn’t catch the lightsaber.”
“All right, that is,” Yoda said, firmly. “Make a new one, we will.”
He pointed his stick at Ikrit. “And then, take him to Yavin, you will. Get in touch with his friends from there, he should. Visitors, I do not want.”
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darthpotater · 1 year
No One Else but Han
You and Luke “try” to help Han after he screwed up with his dad duties.
The Misadventures of Reader with Han, Luke and Leia | Part 1
A/N: this was such a random thought I had one night and is completely self indulgent cuz I love han and messing with him. But nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing.
Yeah, i’d still consider this more of a a luke x reader but also a han x reader but with a sibling/platonic type of relationship
Forgive me, this was a pure 4 am thought.
“Han, what did you do?” You asked quietly as you peered down at little Ben who was happily babbling at you. You glance back at the smuggler who was busy pacing back and forth. “I know, alright? I screwed up. But could you please help me here? Leia’s coming home today and I know she’ll kill me.”
You nodded, trying your best at hiding a smile before turning to look back at the little boy in his crib. You stared at him, trying to stop yourself from doubling over with laughter as you carefully reached for his soft hair, hair that was once black now dyed Blue.
“I don’t understand. How did you confuse shampoo and hair dye?” You asked, finally turning around to look back at Han. “The bottle was blue!” Han defended, throwing his hands up in the air. “Yeah, because it’s blue hair dye.” You said matter-of-factly.
“His shampoo bottle is blue too.”
“Han, do you ever read the contents of the bottle?” You asked with a laugh. He dropped his head, “I assumed it was the right one.”
You let out a laugh before turning around once more to look at Ben. “Oh my sweet Ben, what do we do with you? Although, gotta admit, it fits him don’t you think?” You smiled as you carefully picked up Ben who let out a squeal. “You’re not helping.” Han groaned as he ran a hand down his face. You chuckled before leaving a kiss on Ben’s temple, making him snuggle up against you.
“I have a question for you though, laserbrain. Did you ever think to stop when you saw his hair turning blue?”
“I did, starshine.” Han started sarcastically, making you playfully roll your eyes at him. “But when I rinsed it off, well, it was too late— Now my son looks like Max Rebo.” Han groaned before plopping down on the couch. “Leia’s going to kill me.”
“Why is Leia going to kill you?” Luke’s voice asked from behind as he entered the room. “I came as soon as I got the com. Is everything alright? What happened?” He asked once again, his voice laced with obvious concern. “Oh, everything’s alright, just a small problem.” You giggled before turning around with Ben. You laughed when you saw Luke’s expression change; the concern and worry leaving and instantly replaced by amusement.
“Ben?” Luke called out as he slowly made his way over to you both. “What did they do to you?” Luke laughed, eyeing you and Han. “Don’t look at me, it was all him. No one else but Han.” You smiled, motioning to the man of the hour who was slumped against the couch, head in his hands. “Well, I certainly did not expect to see this.” Luke smiled before looking at you, leaning in to give you a quick chaste kiss on the lips.
“So, are you two going to help me or stand there and mock me?” Han asked with a sigh. You and Luke share a look before smiling and looking back at your favorite nerfherder. “We will help but I cannot promise I won’t mess with you from time to time.” You answered, handing Ben to Luke who happily wrapped his arms around his nephew. “Although, I don’t see how you expect us to help you, Han.” Luke pointed out while running a hand through Ben’s blue hair.
“I was thinking maybe you could, I don’t know, use that mind trick thing you guys do, on Leia.” Han shrugged. You scoffed, “On Leia’s behalf, I’m offended you’d even think that would work on her.”
“I don’t even know how it works!” Han exclaimed as he started pacing once again. Luke laughed as he gave Ben a small bounce, making the boy laugh. “Or, maybe we could just shave his head.” You suggested with a shrug, making both men look at you. “What?”
“I don’t think that will make things any better, my love.” Luke chuckled. “I think Leia would prefer coming home to a bald baby than a Max Rebo.
“She’ll kill me.” Han groaned, shaking his head. You turned to look at him. “I think she’ll kill you either way, Han.”
“You sure know how to make things better.” Han said sarcastically, making you laugh. “Just being honest.”
“Oh grow up.”
“Said the man who mixed up blue hair dye and his son’s shampoo.”
“It was an honest mistake!”
You were about to make another teasing comment but was stopped by Luke. “Okay you two, that’s enough. Why don’t we focus on the task at hand? Could we possibly re-dye his hair with black?” Luke asked. At this point, the constant back and forth between the three of you had Ben laying his head on his uncle’s shoulder, sleep obviously trying to take over.
Han pointed a finger at Luke, “Yes. That’s it. I can run to the store and buy some black dye.”
You shook your head as you hopped onto the kitchen counter that was nearby. “No, that’ll ruin his hair. We don’t even know how strong the blue one is, just imagine adding more?” Luke nodded, agreeing with you. Han dropped his hand, convinced by your point. “Can’t you guys use your magic to change his hair?”
“Han, how do you think we Jedis work?” Luke asked, holding back laughter as to not wake Ben up who had given in and was now fast asleep in his Uncle’s arms. Han shook his head, “I don’t know, you tell me, kid.”
You watched Luke as he carefully shifted the boy in his arms, cradling the back of his head before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead. You smiled sweetly, enjoying the sight in front of you. You couldn’t help but start imagining a future where the two of you start a family; to have a child with him would be amazing because you just know he’d be such an amazing father and oh how you’d want to be there to witness it all.
“Okay, maybe a hat. We could buy him a hat.” Luke suggested as he now carefully place sleeping Ben back in his crib. “I don’t think that would hide his hair forever, love.” You teased, making Luke nod agreeingly. “Come on, there has to be something.” Han pleaded. You and Luke share a laugh, “I think our best bet is to come clean. Like you said, it was an honest mistake.”
Han dropped his head in defeat, knowing well enough there was no other choice. Luke walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink. “Just know, if ever you need a place to stay, we have extra room and we’d be more than happy to take you in.” Luke teased, making Han roll his eyes. “I say we shave his head. He’d be a cute bald baby.” You added once more, pushing for your initial plan. “No way I’m letting you mess with my son’s hair.”
“Fine then, because that’s all the solutions I can think of at the moment.” You sighed before eyeing Luke who stood in front of you, sipping on a cold glass of blue milk. You watched for a few seconds, starting to crave— and as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, which he probably did, he handed you the rest of his drink with a smile. You happily accepted and took a few sips yourself. “I have no idea how you guys like that stuff.” Han started. “Leia keeps a kriff ton of that for you both but I just don’t get it.”
“And I love her for that. It’s a beverage for people with taste—thank you very much.” You grinned before handing the glass back to Luke. He downed what’s left and giggled as he reached up to wipe your milk-mustache off.
“Han? I’m home.” Leia’s voice greeted from the door, making the three of you look her way with wide eyes. “You’re home early.” Han gasped, making you look at him with a crooked smile.
“Yeah, the meeting ended early—Oh! I didn’t know you two were here. Is this my surprise welcoming party?” She asked with a grin. You snickered while Luke cleared his throat, stopping himself from bursting out in laughter. “We were just about to leave, actually. Just wanted to check in on Han and Ben, that’s all. Welcome home.” Luke smiled as he gave his sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek; you doing the same.
“Don’t you two want to stay for dinner? I have so many stories to tell you all.” She said as Luke downed his drink and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. “We can do that another day, perhaps tomorrow? For now, we’ll let the three of you catch up.” Luke grinned as Han shook his head vigorously as he stood behind Leia, “Oh okay, I won’t force you both.” She smiled tiredly.
Luke reached for your hand and motioned for the door. You nodded with a smile before looking back at Han and mouthed a sorry. He glared at you which made you stifle in a laugh harder.
You and Han quite the unique relationship. Anyone who didn’t know you and on a personal level would think you two despised each other but to those who did, would know that you and Han always had each other’s back…despite the constant teasing and messing with each other. He was like the brother you never had, never really asked for but you were extremely glad to have.
You and Luke rushed out the Solo residence just before Leia could give Han a mouthful.
“Poor Han,” Luke chuckled as you two began walking down the halls, making your way towards the elevators. “Yeah, but that’s what he gets for not reading. That’ll teach him a lesson.” You grinned.
“I promise you, I won’t accidentally dye our child’s hair like that.” Luke said, making you stop dead in your tracks. Luke looks at you, eyes wide as he realized what he had just said. “I didn’t mean— I just… sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud… I’m sorry.” Luke apologized anxiously as he stared at the floor.
“… You want to have a child with me?” You asked quietly, making him look up at you, his blue eyes glistening under the faint hallway lights. “No one else.” He whispered softly. You stared at him, not knowing what words to say but one thing’s for sure, you wanted the same damn thing.
“I.. I don’t see anyone else I want to start a family with nor do I want anyone else to spend the rest of my life with.” He said, voice so soft that you could barely hear him but you did, and oh how happy that made you. “Well, I’m really glad we’re on the same page.” You smiled before grabbing his collar softly and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. You felt him smile. “And hey, maybe we could you know, start trying…” You told him, trying to shrug off the blush creeping up your cheeks. Luke stood there with wide eyes, staring down at you with so much intensity and so much love. And without saying another word, he intertwines your hands together before guiding you into the elevator, determined to get you both home.
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romanarose · 10 months
For the Longest Time: Chapter 7
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Lorelei and runs into someone from Will's past. Later, Ben is in trouble.
Warnings: (This is a heavy one.) Bulimia, homophobia, self conscious thoughts, talk of euro-centric beauty standards, dinge drinking, puke and vomit (from the drinking, not bulimia endued), potential suicide attempt (it wasn't they just worry), mentions of "taking pills", stomach needing pumped, ER visit, risk of asphyxiation, Benny's alcoholism, Lorelei's worry of Will leaving her like her dad did.
Special thank you to @mrs-lockley for talking to me about Lorelei's character and correcting me to make sure things are more comfortable for everyone. As always, I am a white person who is trying to branch out ad not only write white characters. I want to be accurate and inoffensive, but I don't want to be colorblind. If I *ever* say something about a character that is offensive or inaccurate, please do not hesitate to reach out and correct me. I want to make sure I have a safe space for all my readers.
Lorelei was going to kill Jana.
Not actually, her intention was nice. But did she have to suggest getting a massage when their fairly small town only had so many massage therapists, and one of which was Will’s ex-fiance.
She hadn’t purposely tried to get her; Lorelei didn’t even know her last name, just her first. Emily, and then a very polish last name she hadn’t been able to memorize in the brief sight she had. Lorelei didn’t think twice booking the appointment, not even knowing what Emily did. Hell, did she know if Emily still lived in town? When Lorelei saw her face, she recognized her. On their shopping trip, Lorelei had gotten just a bit messy and asked Laci if she had a picture of Emily. Laci, in fact, had Emily on facebook. When questioned if Will did, Laci said Will didn’t have a facebook. Smart man. 
“Why do you have his ex? Did you used to see her a lot with the guys?”
“No, they broke up year before I met Santi, but I’ve met her couple times. She came to a christmas party last year.
Lorelei’s ear’s perked up at that. “Oh. Do her and Will still talk?”
Laci smiled a cheeky smile. “Are you jealous?”
“No! I’m just curious who's going to be around my baby and if she’s gonna have a step mom.”
Shaking her head and still smiling, Laci showed Lorelei the facebook profile. Fuck, she was pretty. Really pretty. Stunning, actually. Lorelei knew she was pretty enough. She had full lips, a slim face, and up until the pregnancy had a body she was proud of. Still, she found herself constantly comparing herself to european beauty standards. Lorelei couldn’t understand it. She was proud of how she looked; brown skin, thick, dark hair, brown eyes, but sometimes she still found herself comparing her features to other women, and often the ones who fit a euro-centric mold. She didn’t want to pass these feelings onto her daughter.
Since finding out they were having a girl, Will and Lorelei talked a little bit about Lorelei’s eating after she rested.
“Listen, you can’t tell him I said this, but Benny was bulimic in high school.” Will shifted uncomfortably. “Freshman year, he hadn’t really hit puberty yet. He was short, small, was getting bullied although I didn’t really know how bad it was for a while. I thought it was just like… y’know. Teenager stuff.” It was clear he felt guilty for letting any of it happen, but Lorelei sat quietly and let him talk. “I told him he needed to get out more, that moping in his room wouldn’t do anything, join a sport. He choose wrestling, and I don’t know if you know the connection with wrestling and eating disorders, but I sure do now.”
Lorelei nodded. “Yeah, I took a course on eating disorders in undergrad. I guess I was trying to figure myself out to. We learned wrestling triggers eating disorders in men quiet often.”
“Yeah, it got pretty bad pretty fast…”
“Is he still bulimic?”
Will shook his head. “Not that I know of anyway. Far as I know, he stopped sophomore year. I made him quit wrestling and he met a… well a friend, I guess. Yeah. His friend Cam helped him a lot. They were inseparable for two years until he left. Then Ben got depressed again and started on drugs. I left that year for the army and he just. Spiraled.” Will was fidgeting, constantly fixing up items on the coffee table to align in different ways.
She couldn’t very well tell him she stalked Benny and Will through Tyler’s yearbook pictures and she knew who Cameron was. “You needed to get out, I get it. I did the same thing when I turned 18.”
“17, actually.” Will chuckled, still not looking at her. “I graduated at 17 and got my dad to sign off on it. Started basic a few weeks after graduation.”
His dad would. Through more talking, Will expressed he wanted to learn how to be of better support, to help Lorelei in a way that he felt he failed with Ben.
“We’re having a daughter, I don’t want to pass the things my mom ingrained into me into Chloe”
“I don’t either, Lore. I don’t wanna make her feel the way your dads made you feel...”
Lorelei didn’t think that was possible. He could never be cruel. Hot headed, yeah, and he’d told her how he’s acted towards Laci in the beginning, but Will was the first of them to seak therapy, and had come a long way. He would never take his pain out on a child, especially his child. Their daughter. Her bio dad… she wasn’t sure. 
It wasn’t that Lorelei though he’d leave, but she remembers her mom saying she never saw her dad leaving coming either. Being nice was easier than staying around. She was comforted by the fact Will’s whole life was her. His brother, mom, grandpa, his found family… but still, she couldn’t be sure.
Seeing Emily up close was even worse. She was in casual clothes and still looked beautiful as she greeted her cheerfully. No wonder Will loved her. She was happy, graceful, and welcoming. She bet Will called her princess.
Lorelei recognized her and realized the mistake immediately. God dammit Jana, you couldn’t let me know Will’s ex-fiance worked here? She would just have to get through this, act like she doesn’t know, pretend everything is fi-
“So what do you wanna know?” Emily said as she began on Lorelei’s neck.
“HM!?” She squeeked out, trying to sound casual. It was not working.
Emily gestured at pregnancy belly. “You’re having a baby with Will. I assume you’re here to find out about me since we were engaged. We haven't been romantically involved in almost a decade, and haven't been sexually involved for 5 years, which I’m sure he told you if you asked. I don’t want your man anymore, trust me.”
Clutching the cloth to her, Lorelei sat up, turning to the blonde. “Okay I know what it looks like!” She waited for Emily to start arguing or maybe get into a fight, but she just started back at her, curious but letting her talk. Emily seemed open to listening. “I just wanted a massage and it wasn’t even my idea it was Jana’s and you came up with good reviews so I went here and then I saw you and yes I recognized you because I found pictures of you because of course I did but I’m not here to stalk you, I’m not even dating Will!”
Emily visibly relaxed, even laughing a little bit. Her smile was warm. “It’s okay I found pictures of you too.”
Lorelei tried to calm down a bit. She was always hot tempered, but this was a different feeling. She wasn’t mad at Emily, but… anxious? Pregnancy emotions. “You… you did?”
She shrugged. “Of course. Will called me to share the news-”
“He called you?”
“Yeah, he was really excited, but really nervous. Wanted to talk to me about it. We were together for like, a decade. Sometimes he just needs someone to calm his spirals.”
Will did spiral a lot. “Have you… been talking to him recently?”
“Not much. He used to call when he was over thinking but he hasn’t done that recently. Said you calm him.”
She calmed him? Lorelei has never calmed a man in her life, outside of work. She is no man’s peace… William thought she was calming? Lorelei felt a sense of pride… she thought Will was calming too. “I don’t… I don’t think I do anything.”
“C’mon, lay down. You paid for an hour.” Gently, Emily coaxed Lorelei to lay down again and began massaging. “Sometimes he just needs someone there. Frankie is good at that too. Those two will sit in silence for 4 hours watching a game. First time they did that I walked over and asked if they were in a fight or something, they both looked really so confused.” Emily said with a laugh, and Lorelei couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, they uh… they are interesting.”
“I guess my point is, sometimes he just likes that. God know’s Benny isn’t going to calm anyone, and Santi is 5 feet of anger issues and attitude. He probably thinks of sitting with you as a love language.”
“Oh- we’re not-” Lorelei was quick to protest. “We’re not in love.”
“Sure you’re not.”
“We’re not!”
Emily laughed as she replied. “Okay, whatever you say. You’re just living with him, having his baby, spending time with his friends and family, putting up with Santi.”
Lorelei laid there for a while enjoying the pre-natal massage… she was good at what she did. No wonder Will proposed to her. Pretty, personable, and those hands… “How did you find pictures of me?”
“The same way I assume you found pictures of me. Through Laci. She posted a picture of you guys at the beach and I connected the dots. Can I ask why you are so insisted you don’t want to be with him? He’s clearly nuts about you.”
That made Lorelei’s ears perk up. Will? Nuts about her? “Huh? What’d he say?”
“Not explicit but, you know a man or as long as I’ve known Will-” Lorelei wished Emily would stop mentioning how long she’s known Will. “You can pick up on it. He was saying how much he admired you.”
He… admired her? Lorelei had never been admired before… “Huh?”
“He told me how you first met, how you weren’t afraid to put him in his place and controlled the room, how you took care of Benny, your concern for Laci… said he thinks you’ll make a beautiful mother.”
That first meeting… It's been over a year now since that day he and Laci took Benny to the ER… She recalls not liking him, thinking he was controlling, being suspicious he had hurt Laci… now she know’s he’d rather die than harm her, that he cared about Laci and Benny more than anything, that Laci’s inability to speak and her unwillingness to leave him side was not fear of him but fear of the world. Will would do anything for those two, Will would do anything for Santiago, and Frankie, for Jana and Rosie. For her.
Lorelei couldn’t stop thinking about the interaction for 2 days. She told Will she ran into Emily of course; it’d look bad if he found out from Emily. The words Emily had told her wouldn’t leave her head… there was so many ways Lorelei would describe herself, many positive, many not… but the way Will saw her, he had taken that interaction that Lorelei thought any man would find abrasive and annoying, he’d seen something beautiful in it… he thought she’d been a good mother…
It was a few days later when Lorelei got home at 3:29 AM from her night shift. She’d been taken off overnights due to the pregnancy, but tonight there was a car crash on the interstate so she stayed late to help until everyone was stabilized. It had been a hard day; she watched an 80 year old die from internal bleeding, but she spotted the signs of going into shock on preteen when the idiot Dr. Jones insisted she was perfectly fine. She could at least rest knowing she’d saved the young boy's life. 
She told Will not to wait up, but she knew he would. He always did. Lorelei texted him updates occasionally, just to ease him mind because she knew he worried, and when her last text ‘Leaving rn. Best be asleep when I get home (this is a threat)’ was read at 3:12 am, she knew she was right. Never in her entire life did she think she’d be texting a man updates on where she was, but it was different with Will. Tyler always accused her of cheating. Her parents always accused her of sleeping around. Will just wanted to know she was okay. It was nice, honestly, knowing someone was waiting for her, but also knowing that person wasn’t going to tell her she had to come home. She just came home for him. 
Home… Yeah, they had a home. She had to admit it now, she wanted him, she wanted a life with him… And goddamn did she want to fuck him again. Her vibrator had been getting the job done, but as her stomach grew, that became harder. She wanted his broad, warm body all over her, the way his mouth devoured between her legs, his hands so ready to please… he was a giver, and boy did he GIVE. God, she needed him. She’d give him the best blowjob of his life if he could just make her cum on his mouth like she did when Chloe was conceived.
Despite knowing he was up, Lorelei was surprised to see the lights on as she approached the front door. Will never left all the lights on. He left on the front porch light, then the oven light so she didn’t walk into darkness. And no, Will would not forget. He checked the lights and that any fire hazard was unplugged every night were unplugged. Multiple times… he really should get checked for OCD… 
When she walked in, she was greeted with a nice sight of Will in boxers and a white tank top, showing off his arms and a small assortment of tattoos… and also looking very, very worried as he paced the floor and looked at his phone. Lorelei thought back to the day of his dads funeral, when he opened up to her about the child abuse and how she wanted to bad to protect baby Will. She couldn’t go back in time, and maybe Lorelei wasn’t the best at comfort… It was easier in the ER, people she didn’t have to be vulnerable with… but she needed to be emotionally open if she was going to raise this little girl. Lorelei couldn’t protect Will as a child, but she can be there for him now.
“William? What’s wrong?”
Will only briefly glanced at her. “Oh, hi, sorry um… somethings up with Ben…” 
Of course it was Ben that had him up this late. “What’s going on?” She asked as she set her purse down. That was step one. Step 2 was taking off her bra, and she reached behind her back to unclasp it. Will wasn't phased, she’d been doing this for months.
“He sent me a bunch of drunk texts, they got more and more incomprehensible… I tried to call him after a while but he won’t answer.” Normally, Will would have Ben’s location just as Santi had Frankie’s before he got sober, but Alice made him stop sharing his location. In her defense, he didn’t go black out in bars anymore.
Lorelei slid off her bra straps and pulled the bra out through her shirt before tossing it into her room. “Have you called Alice?” 
“Yeah, she sends me straight to voicemail, won’t answer my texts either.” 
What’s her fucking deal? Santi had talked to Will about the fact Alice had forced Benny to cut most of his contact with Laci, who Benny had previously proudly called his best friend. Santi had hoped Will would say something to Ben, but Will took the stance that they were not Benny and Laci’s parent’s, and didn’t need to set up playdates. Lorelei had been very proud of him for setting a boundary. She liked, sometimes even loved his friends, but they all could use a few boundaries.
Will was pacing, clearly in distress and an obvious mental loop that was going to keep Will up all night. She wasn’t the best at comfort, but she could be practica. “Well, let’s go to his house.”
He stopped his pacing to look at her, and even in the shitty fluorescence his eyes were striking. She vividly remembers then staring up at her with nothing but wonder as she rode him- fuck, consentrait.
“Really? I know you’re tired-”
She waved him off. “It was a busy day, I’m pretty wired. It’ll take a few hours for me to fall asleep anyway.” She said, swollen feet throbbing in pain, feeling like she could lay down and be asleep before her head hit the pillow.
“I mean… I can do it myself. You should go rest, you need-”
Lorelei grabbed his keys. “Are you coming?”
“BEN!” Will shouted, banging on his door. Benny’s light was on and had car in the drive way, but no answer. “Fuck, something’s wrong, I can feel it…” He typed in Ben’s house code and entered the house. “Ben? You alright man?”
He wasn’t in the entry room or living area, but when Will rounded the corner and the kitchen came into view, the pair of legs with jeans bunched at the ankles caused his panic to spike “BEN!” Will ran to him, finding a passed out Ben in a state of undress, white underwear covering his butt, jeans at his ankles and a black shirt tangled up in his arms and face and the smell of puke permeating the air.
Will and Lorelei’s medical kicked in. Lorelei went for his shirt, knowing the puke wouldn’t help Will with his germophobia and Will set Ben into recovery position as more puke spilled out of his mouth. Not a good sign. “Ben! Ben, you need to wake up, man!” His voice croaked with emotion as he tried to wake the unconscious man.
 Lorelei dialed 911. “Is he breathing?”
He wasn’t listening. “Ben! Come on!” He pulled his brother into his arms.
“WILL!” Lorelei shouted at him as she tried to speak to the 911 operator. “If he’s not breathing, you need to do CPR!” She told the operator the emergency and the address. She declined needing CPR instruction but set the phone down still on the line in case she needed to update. “Will, he needs-”
Ben began coughing and sputtering when Will slapped his back, hard.
“Ow.” A drunk Ben mumbles, but is breathing.
“Oh thank god” Breathing a sigh of relief, Will pulls Ben in closer, burying his face in Benny’s neck. He was okay.  “Jesus, Ben! What the hell!”
Benny was still barely conscious, so they wanted to take him to the hospital anyway in case he had alcohol poisoning… Look at him better, Will could see he had a busted lips.
“Alice…” He murmurs. “She broke up with me… she…”
“We can talk later Ben, right now I need you to tell me if you’ve taken anything.”
“Mmmhphhmph” In comprehensible murmurs.
Will lightly tapped his face to get his attention, but the gesture made Benny gasp, attempting to scramble away from Will. “Hey! Hey, Ben, it’s me, it’s okay! I just need you to talk to me!”
For a moment, Benny’s eyes were wide and alert. He looked scared, and it took a lot of scare Ben… but when he saw it was Will, he relaxed. Will would take care of everything. Will would keep him safe. He always did. Ben’s eyes unfixed again.
“Pills…” then he was unconscious again, head flopping back in Will’s grasp.
That was bad. Lorelei watched as Will shouted, trying to get his attention, trying ask what fucking pills, why did he take them and so on.
“Will…” She tried to say. If he took pills, especially if he was going through a break up… knowing Benny’s past history with poor mental health, this might have been a suicide attempt. 
“Ben, please… c’mon Benny talk to me…” Will’s eyes were tearing up, and Lorelei thought she was about to watch Ben die right there. Will’s love for his brother and panic he was feeling was clouding his ability to act, and Lorelei knew she had to take action to save Ben.
“Will!” She snapped, bending over and starting to adjust Ben in Will’s grip. Ben was 6’3 and heavy with his muscle, so it was hard but Will got the message. They needed Ben to throw up the pills he took.
They get him into position, bending him over and Will puts his hand to Ben’s mouth that already has vomit… then pulls it away to wipe his hands.
“Will, you need to act now.”
“I know! I know just…” He goes to try again, getting his fingers in there but retracting and wiping his hand again. “He already threw up didn’t he?” It was not enough vomit to extract what he potentially took.
After this, they were going to have a serious talk about Will’s germophobia. She wasn’t judging him; she knew he could do it if she wasn’t there and as someone who struggled with a severe eating disorder most of her youth, Lorelei knew how painful obsessions and compulsions could be. Eating disorders and OCD are often comorbid. Anything that was strong enough to make him hesitate on life-saving treatment for his precious baby brother must be so painful… but right now, there wasn’t time for empathy. Benny could be dying.
“Move.” Lorelei knelt by Ben, her pregnant belly making it difficult but not stopping her. “You hold him, bend him over, yeah like that.”
She wasn’t listening. Lorelei jammed two fingers down Benny’s throat, only briefly moving her hand to the side to allow the vomit to escape, then going back in. Her arms were covered in the disgusting solution, the extraction splattering on her legs. Lorelei saw no pills, but that didn’t necessarily mean much. When there was nothing left to throw up, the red and blue lights were at his doorstep. 
Lorelei took her light jacket and gave Ben’s bare chest a wipe down once over. “Take him to the ambulance, go with him, I’ll meet you there.”
Will scooped his baby brother up, all 6 feet of him. He turned to say something to Lorelei but she told him to go. They’d talk later. He looked guilt stricken, clearly hurt and feeling like a failure for not doing what he could. Lorelei smile softly at him and he headed out the door.
Lorelei took care of things here. 
She wasn’t really religious. Vietnam itself practiced largely folk religions, and both her parents didn’t have anything to do with the religions of their parents… she knew now this was quiet common with the second generation in immigration. Her step dad’s family was buddhist, but it was more nominally than anything, but she did enjoy the philosophy. In short, she wasn’t sure what she believed, if anything… but she hoped whatever was out there took care of Ben.
Never in her life did she imagine she’d be taking care of men like this, cleaning up a kitchen full of vomit and gross clothing, packing up a bag of essentials for both Benny and Will… if this was an attempt, Ben would be getting put on a 72 hour hold. He’d want a few books. She never thought she’d take a little time to do Ben’s dishes so that they didn’t rot while he was gone. 
But lately… it didn’t feel like she was a woman doing submissive things for a man because she was a woman and they were men. She did it because she cared about Will, and she cared about Benny. Seeing Benny like that made her sad… When she first started hanging around their group, Lorelei wouldn’t understand Laci and Santi at all. She didn’t understand how Laci could be happy in her position, so dependant on Santiago for money, cooking for him, cleaning, it all seemed so… motherly.
But as time went on, she started to see it different. Laci was largely dependant on Santi for money, yes, but Santi never held it over her. She didn’t have to ask permission for normal purchases, and bigger purchases were decided on together. She did a lot of the housework, yes, probably a majority of it, but Santi was building a whole ass addition to their house, took care of their car, mowed the lawn… And the cooking? Well, Laci loved to cook, and it wasn’t like Santi was afraid to put something together or do dishes… She understood now that the things Laci did for Santiago were not because they were expected of her as a woman, they were because she loved him, she wanted to care for him. She wanted to see Santi happy and healthy and Santi wanted the same for her.
Lorelei had never had someone outside her brother and sister she cared enough about to want to take care of them… but in this moment she realized that was Will to her, that was Ben, that was Laci and Jana and Frankie and yes, even Santi. Santi had been ready to throw hands for her at Mr. Miller’s funeral, and Lorelei would throw them right back for him.
They were a family she never thought she’d have.
Her phone chimed.
William Miller: They pumped his stomach. Benny was conscious for a while, said he hit his lip on the counter when he fell trying to undress. Says all he took was melatonin to go to sleep, I’m not sure I believe him. I hope you’re at home and asleep. Thank you for everything tonight. 
He thought she just… went home?
*Calling William Miller*
“Hey, William, I didn’t go home.”
“Oh. Where are you?”
“At Ben’s? I was cleaning up and going to head over. I wouldn’t leave you both like that.”
“No, Lore it’s okay, I want you to rest-”
“I can rest later. I’m on my way now with some things for both of you. Is he awake?”
Will signed over the phone. “No, he’s out again like a light. I’m gonna stay the night here. In the morning I’m gonna try and commit him. I don’t know if he’s lying about trying to kill himself or not but I can’t risk it.”
“Okay, text me where you are and I’ll come find you. Need anything from walmart or something?”
“Clean clothes.”
“Already packed some of Ben’s for you.”
“You get me.”
When she arrived, Will was awake and sitting slumped on a chair, watching Ben and listening to the melodic beep of his monitors. She pulled up a chair, Will didn’t have the energy to stand and greet her, but he welcomed the warm body that slide right next to him.
“He stable?” She asked. 
“Yeah, doctors said it didn’t look like he took anything other than melatonin, but they want to monitor him over night. They said if he’s not willing to commit himself, they can’t make him.” 
Will was not happy with that. How was he supposed to sleep at all knowing Ben was like this? Even if he didn’t try to kill himself, he was clearly as a low point to be drinking so much. Fucking Alice. He knew she was a bad idea.
“He say why they broke up?”
“No, but my guess is that she’s a fucking cunt.”
Oh. “You wanna tell me why you hate her?” Lorelei coaxed his head to lay on her shoulder and he was too tired to fight it. 5 months pregnant, she was not comfortable in the shitty hospital chair, but Will needed her right now.
“She was awful to him in high school. She fucking lead the crusade on bullying him for being gay. He wasn’t even out yet but… bullies always seem to know. Knew before I did, anyway. I thought they were just being shitty.” He paused to yawn. “He had this friend, Cameron… more than a friend. It was… complicated. In 2003, everything like that was complicated. I don’t know if you remember Matthew Shepperd’s death…”
“I do. Awful.”
She felt Will nod. “Yeah, that was in 98’ and… I don’t know if Ben knew what he was back then, but I remember it having an effect on him. Our dad had some… words to say about it. Ben and him broke out into a fight over it. I wasn’t there but I came home to Ben with a split lip, just like today. He iced it with a beer can. I remember thinking I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to keep him alive… Anyway, I think the Matthew Shepperd case scared Ben real bad, so when him and Cameron started, I dunno, seeing each other, he got real secretive about it. Didn’t even tell me, and he told me everything, I thought.”
“What happened to Cameron?”
“He turned 18. He was working on the farm nearly full time. Was good at what he did, too. My dad liked him more than me and Ben” He chuckled slightly. “He wouldn’t if he knew what they were doing on the barn roof, but that’s neither here nor there. Cameron had a pretty shitty home life so when he graduated he was supposed to move into the barnhouse and work for my dad, then when Ben graduated they were going to announce they were together and leave. I didn’t know that last part for years. All I knew was the day Cameron was supposed to come, he never showed. The next day Ben went to his grandparents- who he was living with- and checked on him, they said he left home. Just up and left. It was the first time since middle school I’d seen Ben cry. Was up half the night tryna make sure he didn’t do anything to himself.” Will sighed. “He didn’t have another long term partner until Alice.”
“Why would Ben be with her if she bullied him?”
Will shrugged. He never understood Ben. Never pretended too. “Ben see’s the best in people. Our leader on Delta, Tom, he was an asshole… Ben loved him though, thought of him like a dad. And Santi… before Laci, Santi wasn’t always the nicest. Ben had a crush on Santi too.”
He could feel her laugh. “What is it about Santi that’s got everyone wrapped around their finger.”
He laughed back. “I dunno, he’s certainly not my type.” Will could feel himself drifting to sleep. He tried to stay awake. Ben needed him… but Lorelei’s touch was soothing.
“And just what is your type, William?”
He couldn’t help it. He was so fucking tired, so exhausted, he couldn’t think straight. He wished he could tell her, make her know how much he loved her, how badly he wanted to be with her… his hand reached to caress her stomach with the back of his hand, feeling where his daughter, his Chloe, was growing in the safety of the woman he loved. “Pretty, short, hot tempered brunettes, apparently.”
He couldn’t see her facial expression, or feel her body language, but he could hear her soft voice as she wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his shoulder. “Sleep, handsome. Get some rest.”
“But Ben-”
“I’ll watch Ben. You just get some sleep.”
And sleep he did.
I'm well aware Im writing this for like. 4 people only but I DONT CARE. Lorelei is so precious to me and I will see her through! She deserves a happy life with Will and her baby
A lil bit of a confession?!?!?! either way, Lorelei is able to show up for will and her new family <3
she loves them <3 and poor benny boo...
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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fitrahgolden · 1 year
Should You Need Me: 4 - Let you let me down
You've got to be shitting me. What did I do to deserve this? Anthony conceded that, actually, there were plenty of things that he’d done for which this would be a fitting punishment. Still, here he was, minding his own damn business, supporting Benedict like a good big brother, when who should he see but Kate Sharma. In an art gallery. Looking fucking amazing, even from this distance. The gallery space wasn't particularly small. He could avoid her.
He should avoid her.
Because that night, after their ill-advised lunch, he found himself lying in bed, stroking himself to the idea of Kate moving above him, lips parted and cheeks flushed.
He wanted Kate, and he couldn't have her. Anthony was not in the business of chasing unavailable women. So, he decided the best course of action was to cut out early. He just needed to find Ben– What the fuck?! Why is Ben talking to Kate?!
Anthony wasn't even aware of how fast he was moving as he approached Benedict and Kate. He caught his brother’s eye first.
"Ant! I ran into one of your clients. I believe you know Kate."
Not nearly as well as I'd like to.
Kate turned around and Anthony had to actively stop his jaw from dropping open, now that he was seeing her up close. She was wearing yellow high waisted trousers that flared over her hips perfectly, paired with a black, corset style crop top. She wore her hair up for their appointments. He'd never seen it down like this, black curls framing her face and shoulders.
"Kate. Hi."
"Hey, Anthony. You should be very proud of your brother's work."
"Oh, I am. He's very talented."
Despite referencing Benedict, Anthony and Kate kept their eyes on each other, which was becoming the norm. It's becoming a problem. This is why you should leave. Right now. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Anthony caught the grin Benedict was trying and failing to hide behind his champagne flute.
"Have you been here long?" Anthony asked, trying his best to ignore his brother. He wanted to ask if she came here alone, but was able to resist. He did take a quick look around, though. Not that he even knew what Tom looked like.
"Yeah. I'm about to head out, actually." She flipped her hair back on one side, revealing one bare shoulder. Anthony's jaw clenched.
"I'll, uh… Can I walk you out?"
Kate seemed surprised at the offer and Anthony was about to take it back when she responded, "Yes, thank you. It was very nice to meet you, Benedict."
Benedict took Kate's proffered hand. "Thanks for coming, Kate. I really enjoyed talking to you. Oh, and best wishes on your upcoming wedding!"
Anthony's smile tightened at the mention of Kate's wedding. Why are you doing this to yourself, mate?
Kate and Anthony walked side by side towards the exit. He chanced putting a hand on Kate's back, not too low, and she relaxed against it. Good–No, bad. Very bad. 
"Seeing you tonight was a pleasant surprise."
"Is it weird that I didn't tell you I was coming? I assumed you two were related, so you might be here." Kate pushed her hair off her shoulders again.
She really needs to stop doing that. 
"No, no." Anthony looked down at his shoes. "It's not like we're–"
When he looked back up, the expression on Kate's face stopped him. She looked…disappointed? What did she think they were? Friends? What did she want them to be?
"It wasn't weird," Anthony reached out and touched one of those distracting as hell shoulders. His touch lingered for much longer than he intended. Like, way too long. Stop touching her, you fucking creep. And he did, but not before sliding his hand down her arm as it fell away. And Kate let him do it.
Anthony cleared his throat as Kate shook her head, as if they were both trying to refocus.
"You have a good night, Kate."
"You, too." She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she just turned and walked toward the car park.
Anthony was frozen as he watched her walk away. That is, until she turned back and waved when she saw he was still there. As he waved back, he heard the telltale chuckle of a smug Benedict Bridgerton.
"Don't fucking say anything," Anthony warned before he even turned around. 
"So, she's the reason you've been on such a bender." Benedict popped a canapé into his mouth and grinned as he chewed inelegantly. 
"Fuck off. I haven't been on a bender."
"She's a client."
"A bridal client."
"I thought you didn't date clients. Or engaged women."
"Well, I'm not dating her, then, am I?" Anthony all but growled.
"And that's got you in a tailspin."
"I'm fine," Anthony muttered, looking back in the direction of the car park, as if Kate would still be there. 
"Clearly," Benedict said as he rolled his eyes.
Anthony took a few breaths before clapping Benedict's shoulders. "Listen, go enjoy the rest of your night. You really are quite talented and you deserve to bask in that. I'll resume my telling you to fuck off tomorrow. Good night, brother."
"It doesn't have to be him."
"If you love him back."
"It doesn't have to be him."
"No need to think that hard about what time the ceremony should start, babe."
Kate forced a laugh and avoided The Mums' gazes –like she had been all night–as she put her head on Tom's shoulder.
"Sorry. You're right."
"You tired?"
Sure, that works. "Yeah, I am. I think we should head home."
"OK, let's do that, then." Tom kissed Kate's temple before he got up and moved to the other side of the table to give Kaveri and Mary each a kiss and a hug. "Dinner was amazing, as always."
"Oh, thank you, Tom." Mary patted him on the cheek.
Kate felt her mother's eyes on her as she got up to join Tom.
Fuck. Kate turned and didn’t even try to smile this time. There was no point. "Yes, Amma?"
"I need to talk to you before you leave. We won't be long, Tom."
Kate felt herself being led into the living room as Mary made easy conversation with Tom.
Her mother sat her down on the couch.
"Kathani, what is going on? It hurts my heart to see you like this. Talk to me, please. Do you want to stay here tonight?"
Kate shook her head, causing a couple of tears to fall. Kaveri wiped them away as she put their foreheads together.
"I need to go home with Tom, Amma. I have to."
Kaveri sat back and studied Kate's face. She nodded her head sagely. She understood. "It's OK, Kate."
"I'm afraid. I'm… so scared, Amma." Kate's whisper was barely audible.
"But you're going to do what you need, what Tom needs, anyway, because you're brave, Chellam. You're the bravest person I know."
Kate wanted to believe that so badly. She had made up her mind. She was certain that she was making a terrible mistake. Because of it, she was going to lose her best friend, but there was nothing she could do about that now. The damage had been done.
Tom wrapped his arms around Kate from behind as they entered his house. The ride home had been completely silent. Kate had closed her eyes and pretended she was falling asleep.
"Are we just going to bed, or are we turning on the telly and falling asleep on the couch?"
"Let's, um… Let's sit on the couch." Kate was doing a piss-poor job of keeping her voice light, but what was the point? Another couple of minutes of keeping Tom in the dark?
"Alright…" Tom sat down and tried to pull Kate onto his lap, but she backed away and sat next to him. "You're scaring me, Kate."
Kate gulped. "I'm sorry."
Tom turned ashen. "You're sorry for scaring me or for whatever you're about to say?"
She knew he knew the answer to that.
"I can't marry you, Tom. We shouldn't get married."
Tom released a heavy breath like he'd been holding it. Kate tentatively put her hand on his. Not only did he let her,  thank fuck, he put his other hand on top of hers.
 "I love you so much, Tom."
"But you aren't in love with me."
Kate winced. He looked up at her.
"It's a cliche, but that's what the problem is, isn’t it?"
Kate willed herself not to look away from him. "Yes."
"Were you ever? In love with me?" Tom's voice was low and even, gentler than Kate felt she deserved. 
Just answer his question. He deserves the truth. Tell him the truth, finally. 
The gut punch was written all over Tom's face. Kate knew it was coming but felt utterly unprepared for it. She didn't know what to do now.
"I said yes because…" God, it sounded so dumb now that she was going to say it to Tom. "Because you're the best person I know. You've been a part of my family for so long. And… It made perfect sense."
Tom laughed, though there was no humour in it. "'It made sense,' did it? Well, I'm glad it made sense. Like a good business plan."
"Tom, I'm so sorry."
"I believe you. Um… Fuck, I don't know what I'm supposed to say."
"You don't have to–"
"Is this where I'm supposed to fight for you? Do people actually do that? Fight for someone who just said they don't want them?"
Kate gripped his hand. "Tom, I know I can't ask anything of you. I fucked this up. I… I can't imagine how you feel."
"Be thankful for that, Katie."
Jesus Christ. How do I make this better? 
"Is the 'I hope we can still be friends' cliche coming up next?" Tom had stopped looking at her, and had found a spot past her to stare at.
"I don't want to lose you, Tom," Kate whispered.
“Right. I love you, Katie. But I’m also actually in love with you, so… I don’t know what that means for us. For me and your family.”
I’m never going to see him again. Kate let the tears fall, opting to continue to hang on to Tom’s hands for as long as he would let her rather than worry about wiping her tears away.
“You should go, Katie. I’ll, um… We’ll figure out how to deal with everything. I guess I should be glad we didn’t get very far with the planning.”
Kate barely had a voice when she said, “OK.” She moved to get off the couch when Tom suddenly pulled her into a hug. They both cried as they held each other. Tom was the one to back out of the embrace, even pushing Kate back a little before he turned to look at the floor and waited.
Kate didn’t know what to expect. Tom asked her to leave, so she knew that that’s what she would do next. But she wanted to stay. She wanted to sit with him until she knew they would eventually be OK. It was selfish as hell. Maybe they would never be OK. And Kate had no right to a guarantee that they would be, even if Tom was able to give it.
The house was deafeningly silent as Kate walked towards the front door, taking Tom’s grandmother’s ring off and leaving it for him on her way out.
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sharkneto · 2 years
Any WIP's you wanna share? 🔫
Man, always, but I also feel like I'm running low on WIPs to share lol. it's hard to keep track of what's already been shared. What to pick from, tho, what to pick from...
Have a snip from this fic that's just been sitting on my computer for too long. It's technically done, idk why I haven't posted it. Fits in with not alone series, Allison finds Five in a low moment:
There’s one of Five’s problems, right there, Allison thinks. Another one they don’t know how to fix. “What about you?”
“What about me?” he repeats back dully, tucking himself tighter into his ball.
“What about your happy ending?”
He doesn’t respond for a long time. They watch another delivery at the florist on the corner. She thinks he’s just not when he mumbles, “This is it, isn’t it? My good ending.”
Allison tightens her grip on his foot. He doesn’t react to it.
“Really,” he adds, almost to himself, “what do I have to complain about? Got everything I wanted. Well, five-sixths of what I wanted. That’s pretty good.”
Her heart aches for Ben, too. She wonders how that grief, now dull and familiar after all these years, would twist if she technically had the ability to save him but still couldn’t. Five is Five, so he must have tried; the fact that they don’t have Ben means there’s something that stopped him. She won’t ask. “You did really good, Five.”
He hums absently. “Never said I didn’t. Could have done better, though.” He glances at her, an eyebrow raised in a sad mockery of playful. “’Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.’”
It’s times like this where it really slaps her in the face that her brother truly is a fifty-eight-year-old man trapped as a thirteen-year-old. The weight to his gaze around how he’s trying to lighten the mood for her is extraordinary. That did sound like a quote, though, the cadence he said it with. “Is that from something?”
Five shrugs. “Something or other. I only found the one page of it. Some play. It was at a point where most other paper had disintegrated if I hadn’t saved it, so it was an interesting find. Stuck with me.”
“It’s a good quote,” she offers.
The corner of his mouth twitches up. “It does sound rather profound. Which means it’s probably the only good line from the worst play that no one ever saw. That’s my luck.”
Allison smiles with him, although it cuts her a little bit.
Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
She looks back outside.
“You don’t usually talk about this stuff,” she says after a beat.
He sighs. “And I shouldn’t. You don’t need to deal with any of it and here I am dumping it on you. Guess you caught me at the wrong time.”
“Or the right time. I’m always happy to listen, Five.”
He gives her a flat look. “Nothing about this is happy.”
“You know what I mean. I’d rather you weren’t stewing in it by yourself. We want to help.”
“The whole point of everything was you wouldn’t have to. I’m fine, Allison. Really. Turns out I’m just a tired and maudlin old man. Who could have seen that coming.”
Allison rubs her thumb over the top of his foot. He still hasn’t pulled it away from her so it must be ok. His word choice gives her pause. “You haven’t been drinking, right?”
Another flat look. “Three, it’s two in the afternoon.”
The not yet goes unspoken but she hears it. “Touché,” she says anyway, her heart thumping funny at him calling her by her number. It’s something he’d done when they were kids, too; they’d had real names by the time they were nine but Five, as the lone number left, was the only one still allowed to use the numbers. He did rarely, when particularly irritated or – in truly rare instances – particularly affectionate.
It's something she’d forgotten. Another piece of him, still there.
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genz420 · 2 years
The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 37: Idañas.
Pervious Part - Next Part 
137 - Red Keep
Night had long passed, yet the labour continued.  Visenya wonders if this is her punishment for killing so many.  That the gods thought this would be some funny joke.  Whatever child was meant to come out certainly inherited their parent's stubbornness.  
The pain got worse in the past hour if that was even possible.  Visenya has long stopped trying to stop her screams and wails, no longer caring about worrying people.  She knows that sooner or later, the maester will ask Aemond what he wants to do, that the maester will decide that it has been long enough, and Aemond needs to choose between her or the children.  
Visenya has prayed to every god she knew of, the Valyrian, the seven, the old gods, the drowned gods, and even the Lord of Light.  
None of the midwives hold her hands anymore; Visenya thinks she has broken one of their hands.  Now they just aid the maester, and Rhaenyra is the only person of comfort that she has.  Visenya leans her head back onto her mother's shoulder as a congratulation rips through her. She lets herself scream at the pain.  She doesn’t know how much longer she can do this. 
Visenya can hear the door open, but she has no strength to lift her head to see who is now in the room.  From how her mother tense, she knows it isn’t Aemond.  She wants Aemond, but her pleas to have him beside her have fallen on deaf ears.  
Alicent hadn’t wanted to step foot in the room until the labour was finished.  All of her pregnancy had been easy.  Helaenas had been easy.  Alicent had been weary of going into the room when she saw how much it shocked Ser Blackwood.  But as time passed and no news from the maester, Alicent finally decided to go into the room to see what was happening.  
“Maester,” Alicent calls out, trying to get his attention away from Visenya.  
“My Grace, I am rather busy at the moment,” The maester tells her, the threat from Daemon still looming in his mind.  He knows that he will be the one who they all blame if the princess dies.  
“Jiōragon bona kasta orvorta hen sir,” Visenya says through greeted teeth. She doesn’t want anything to do with Alicent right now.  She is the reason why Aemond is not here right now, the reason why she had to spend the first hours alone and scared. 
Get that green cunt out of here. 
Visenya tries to get off the bed, something she has been trying and failing to do for the past hour.  She wants Aemond, wants to hit him for making her have to go through this.  The maester looks to Rhaenyra, and she pulls her daughter back to lean on her chest.  Visenya follows her mother's guide and breaks into a fit of laughter, tears running down her face as the pain worsens.  
“Maester, I think we should talk about-” Alicent starts but is cut off by Visenya.  
“If you come anywhere near me with a knife, I will stab you in the fucking throat, and then I will take your head,” Visenya threatens Alicent before looking to the maester.  “And bash it into the wall till it is nothing but mush-”
“Princess, you need to push,” The maester tells her, now used to Visenyas threats.   She had gone into great detail about what she will do to the maester, and he now understands how she deals with her pain.  
“Really, I thought you wanted me not to,” Visenya snaps at the maester, and she grips the blankets around her as she shuts her eyes. “Seven Hells,”
“My Grace, I think you should leave,” The maester tells Alicent, who nods her head before leaving.  
– – 
Alicent had tried to make Aemond go back to the hall, or even his old room, but he is keeping his eye on that door.  Waiting. 
Ben and Daemon haven’t left either, both waiting for news.  The screams had been hard to listen to at first. Just knowing that Visenya was in pain and not being able to be at her side pains him.  But now he welcomes the screams and wails.  As long as he can hear those, that means she is alive.   
The Kingsguards still stand post outside the door, now four Kingsguards after Aemond had punched two when trying to get through the door.  Along with the larger presence of the Kingsguards, the four had been given chairs once it became clear that they would not leave.  
Aemond stands as his mother comes out of the room. As a loud groan rips through the air Aemond lets himself breathe.  Visenya is alive.  She and the child are still okay.  Alicent wakes towards the three men, Aemond being the only one to stand in her presence.  
“Is she okay?” Aemond asks, and Ben scoffs at the question.  Another scream.  She is still alive.
“Does she sound like she is okay?” Ben asks.  Ben stands and steps toward the Queen.  “Aemond should be in there with her,”
“You forget your place, Ser Blackwood,” Alicent tells Ben.  Even if he is worried about Visenya, that gives him no right to talk to her like that.  Alicent looks to Aemond.“The maester was too busy to give any news,”
Daemon looks at Alicent with an expression asking her if she is serious.  Of course, the maester is too busy to answer any questions or give any news.  
The air is silent.  No screams.  No wails.  No groans. No threats.  Nothing.  
All of them slowly turn their attention toward the door.  Aemond is the first to move, going towards the door with the mindset that he will get in this time.  The Kingsguards grab Aemond once he gets close enough to the door.  He doesn’t understand why he can’t be with her. Maybe it was spite because Alicent had been alone during her labours.  Maybe because Aegon hadn’t been with Helaena during her labours, but unlike her father and brother, he loves his wife and yarns to be with her.  
Aemond struggles again with the Kingsguard's hold, trying to get through them to the door.  No noise.  Nothing.  
Everyone stops moving as the door opens.  Standing in the doorway is the maester, blood covered and tired.  The Kingsguards let Aemond go, and he pushes his way through the door, pushing the maester out of the way so he can see his wife.  
Aemond doesn’t waver as he enters the room, making his way straight to the bed.  Visenya's still body lies on the bed, and Rhaenyra sits beside her daughter.  She has a wet cloth in her hands as she cleans Visenya's face.  Rhaenyra looks at Aemond as he climbs the few steps up to the bed. She stands and hands Aemond the cloth before letting him take her spot.  
Aemond sits down where Rhaenyra once was.  Visenya's eyes are closed, and Aemond lets a breath as he sees her chest rise and fall deeply.   Aemond grabs Visenya's hand, cold, which is not like hers. He cleans the small amount of blood on her hand before kissing the now visible scar on her palm.  
Visenya smiles weakly as she feels the kiss; she knows who it is.  She opens her eyes, and her smile widens as she sees Aemond.  Aemond looks back at Visenya's face, relief filling him as he sees Visenya's tired eyes.  He moves closer to her and kisses her forehead.  Visenya lets out a noise of content as Aemond does so.   
“Avy jorrāelan,” Aemond whispers against her forehead.  “Iksan sīr vaoreznuni,”
I love you.  I am so sorry.
Aemond moves closer to Visenya, not wanting to make her sit up and needing to be closer to her.  He didn’t know what he would do if Visenya had died. He didn’t want to even think about that.  Visenya brings her hand up to Aemonds face, resting her hand on the back of his neck.  Feeling his skin against hers makes her smile.  
The soft sound of a baby fusing makes Aemond remember what was happening.  Aemond pulls away from Visenya and looks into the sitting room, and he keeps his hold tight on Visenya's hand.  He doesn’t want to let go of her yet.  
Visenya moves to sit on the bed, her hair falling in front of her face, and Aemonds attention goes back to his wife as he hears her groan.  Aemond moves to tie all of her hair out of her face, the usually clean and white hair now dyed pink at the ends. 
She leans on the headboard with a tired smile on her face.  She is still in pain, but she can rest later.  
One of the midwives walks towards the two, and Visenya takes her hand out of Aemonds.  The midwife hands Aemond the bundle of blankets, small white curls poking out from the opening, and Aemond is careful when he takes hold of it.  Visenya smiles as he watches how gentle Aemond is, the worried look on his face.  
“Laenor,” Visenya speaks up as Aemond stares at his son.  Taking in every small detail that he could see.  Rhaenyra comes up next and hands Visenya, the second child. Aemond pulls his attention away from Laenor and to what Visenya is holding. “And Daenys,” 
“Twins?” Aemond asks as he looks between the set of twins.  Visenya leans towards Aemond as she shows him their daughter.  
“No, I stole a baby,” Visenya jokes as she rests her chin on Aemonds shoulder.  “Yes, twins.  Laenor has inherited our stubbornness,”  
Aemond looks between the two babies before looking at Visenya.  Aemond is careful to swap the babies, giving Visenya their son while he gently takes hold of their daughter. Her tired eyes meet his, and he leans toward her, gently pressing his lips against hers.  The scars they share meet, and Visenya smiles against his lips.  
Aemond pulls away from his wife as he looks back to his children.  Visenya rests their son against her chest as she leans back into the bed.  She is tired and can feel sleep calling her.  Visenya rubs her stomach out of habit as she watches Aemond admire the babe.  
Unlike her brother, her head is bare.  Aemond notes that the babe has his nose and wishes to know if she has inherited Visenya's eyes or his.  Part of him wishes that she takes after him with a light shade of purple, but he would be so happy if she had the same dark shade as Visenyas.  
Aemond fills like he is handling glass. That one wrong move and the babe would shatter.  
Aemond had thought their wedding would be the happiest day of his life, then it was replaced when Visenya told him the news of her being with child, but now he knows that this day could not be topped.
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mystery-star · 1 year
Rulers – Ben Wade
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Pairing: Ben Wade x reader (gender neutral) 
Words: 1512 
Warnings: death and violence 
A/N: Just something I had in my story ideas too and it fit today’s prompt :)) 
With a sigh you left your daughter’s bedroom after she had deemed it necessary to dash out of her bed again. At least you know where to look for her because the reason she left was to get a goodnight kiss from her father, despite having gotten one earlier as Ben went to work. By the time you entered the saloon, your husband already held her in his arms and was peppering little kisses all over her face, making her squeal in delight. It was still early so there wasn’t too much going on in the saloon yet. 
“And now off to bed with you” he decided when you approached them 
“No” she declared, clinging to his shirt “I stay with you” 
“Hmm, how am I supposed to work then?” she tilted her head then whispered something in his ear, making him laugh. He whispered something back that upset her and made her hit his chest “Oi, we don’t hit people. That ain’t nice” the words made you chuckle because what the girl or the rest of the townspeople didn’t know was who Ben used to be before settling down with you to raise your daughter. She gave him an unamused glance and then got tickled before he put her back to the ground, telling her to go back home and to bed with you. With a little pout she walked over to you and held out her little hand for you to take. A few of the guests wished her a good night, most of them were regulars that knew Ben and the family well. She waved back at them and as you wanted to leave you heard shots from outside on the streets. Gasping in shock, she clung to your leg and you placed a hand on her back, glancing towards your husband. He seemed calm but you knew the shots unnerved him too. It was a quiet little town and nothing much ever happened here. Whoever was shooting there was an outsider. For most patrons the issue seemed alright after a couple of seconds but Ben remained on high alert. 
“Maybe we better take the backdoor” you muttered, more to yourself and then tried to lead your daughter outside when someone smashed the glass of the saloon doors. Now everyone turned around and Ben was with you with a big step, pulling you with him until you were behind the counter where you could easily hide if something happened. Meanwhile a couple of guys entered and just by the looks of them you could tell they were looking for trouble. Ben seemed to have noticed too and you saw his eyes flicker to the hidden gun under the counter. 
“Listen up folks” one of the newcomers said “Tonight you’ll have grand company here, so we’ll expect everyone to be on their best behavior” he fired a shot into the air and three guests ran out of the saloon, probably scared shitless. They didn’t make it far because two of the men gunned them down. Your daughter took a shocked breath and hid her face against your leg, digging her fingers deeper into the fabric. “Now, our king will need some subjects to rule over, doesn’t he? So, I suggest the rest of you stay right where you are” 
“Who are they?” you whispered to Ben when the men that had just entered, you were pretty sure they were outlaws, started stealing people’s beers and drinking them themselves. 
“And where is this king?” someone asked and got hit with a gun handle 
“His majesty, King Charles, will be here shortly” Ben raised an eyebrow 
“Got a problem, barkeep?” 
“Just wondering if Britany’s wanting their colony back. ‘Sides hasn’t there been a King Charles before? Think I read he got killed even. And as far as I know there’s a lady on the throne right now.” you gave your husband a doubting look. Why was he provoking them? Sure, it’s what he used to do in his outlaw days and often brought him more trouble than necessary. But ever since you lived here he had held back, for your and your daughter’s sake, to not get you in trouble as well. Why was it different now? Because he was back among outlaws for the first time in years? The one who seemed to be leading the men in the saloon stepped closer, giving him a hard glare but at least didn’t shoot him. However, Ben got socked in the jaw but he didn’t seem to mind. Another man entered the saloon and it seemed he was with the outlaws too, giving a nod. So this was the leader, you guessed. 
“All of you to your knees. Show some respect” some patrons were quick to listen while others hesitated and got one by one forced down on their knees. The newcomer helped too and it led you to believe that he obviously just was another one from the gang and not the boss. As the one in front of you stepped closer you just decided to listen as well and pulled your daughter, who was still clinging to you down as well. “You got a problem with hearing or something, huh?” the outlaw then barked at Ben who was still standing. Soon a second one came and grabbed a fistful of Ben’s hair, kicking the back of his knees to try and force him down. Somehow you were glad when Ben just complied and you tried to move a little closer to him. He held out his hand and took yours, giving it a squeeze. It wasn’t just one to cheer you up, it was reassuring as if he knew that nothing bad was going to happen. “Keep an eye on that one” the leader said as he returned to the door. Half a minute later, the door opened and a man in white trousers and black boot entered. From what you could judge he was wearing a red coat and bright hat. Then the man behind you knocked you against the back of your head, telling you to keep your eyes down. The outlaw boss stepped through the saloon as if he owned the place and you just hoped they only were here for a drink and then would leave again without causing too much trouble. Finally, he had reached the bar and the man behind you hit the back of Ben’s head again. 
“What are you waiting for? Serve your king something” Ben let out a deep growl. Oh he was definitely pissed. He had never really liked people that made themselves too important and this one obviously did. After all, his men played along the stupid ‘king’ part. 
“I thought you wanted me to kneel” Ben replied instead of getting up. Again he got hit in the head and your daughter cuddled up more to your side. 
“Problem?” someone asked and you saw the boss stepping towards you. Ben’s eyes flickered over to you and then he tried getting to his feet, which was of course prevented by the guy still holding him down. 
“This one’s causing loads of troubles” suddenly he had a knife out and held it against Ben’s throat, lifting his head “Shall I?” you let out a shocked gasp and wanted to protest but were scared they’d hurt you or your daughter too.  
“No” the boss said to your surprise and you breathed out in relief “Let him go” luckily the outlaw listened and once he was free, Ben got up, pulling you with him.  
“Daddy” your daughter cried now clinging to Ben’s trousers instead. Now you dared to have a closer look at the outlaw boss and now that he stood so close you had to admit he looked familiar. Maybe you had met him once during the time Ben had still been living as an outlaw too?  
“Ben” he gave a nod towards your husband “Good to see you” Ben, however didn’t look pleased and was throwing the other man a glance that seemed to be a plea. And you understood. This man could most likely expose him in front of everyone and get him in even bigger danger. The outlaw looked at you “(Y/N)” now you suddenly recognized the man. Charlie Prince, Ben’s former second in command. You almost chuckled because suddenly the whole ‘King Charles’ circus made sense – it was just a play with his name. And yes, Charlie had always been way too assured of himself and it seemed like he had a new gang now and not the men who had also been riding under Ben before. 
“Not here, Charlie. You don’t know me here” Ben said under his breath. 
“Get everyone out of here” Charlie commanded and so his men got to work, throwing all the guests out. As the last one was trying to leave the room, Charlie pulled out a pistol and shot him. “Make sure we don’t get visitors” he told two of the remaining men “We got a lot to talk about, Ben” 
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Okay here is a preview 💕 full thing should be on A03 in a few days to a week 💕 chapter one is up now!
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You often wondered, if Benny kept up with your life too, from a distance, as you did with him for so long. Looking, asking but not making an appearance, not picking up the phone and calling him yourself, even though you’ve thought about it so many times.
Sometimes, when you laid in bed with Daniel, you thought about Benny. In a few ways, they were alike. Beautiful sun kissed, golden boys with oceans for eyes. Sensitive. Big hearts. Creative. Gentle yet tough when it counts.
“Baby, come in, I made lunch.”
You glance over your shoulder as Daniel waves you inside. His hair is down again, beach-kissed brown curls that make your heart skip a beat. Same as Bennys golden tresses would whenever he let his hair grow a little longer. You definitely have a type.
“I’ll be right in.” You call back, letting your eyes move over his body hungrily as he sets the table. Daniel is fit, muscular but the perfect amount, his skin tanned from island living, tall. But not as tall as Benny who is a little taller, leaner, less muscular but strong. At least, that's how you remember him. You wonder what Benny looks like now, if he’s still fighting and training.
Daniel comes behind you and kisses the top of your head. “You’re doing that self-reflective, lost in a memory thing.”
“I am, sorry, I’m wheeling myself back.” You tilt your head up to receive his kiss.
“Come inside.” he whispers between a second kiss.
You smile against his lips and let him help you up from the ground. Walking hand in hand, you enter the house and have lunch.
After lunch, you relax on the beach and have a lazy afternoon. As the sun sets, you make love and feel utterly completely present with Daniel. With each kiss, each caress, each hitched breath, you love him more.
Benny POV
It’s been a year. A year since South America. A year since returning to his apartment feeling the loneliest, he’s ever felt. A year has passed since Ben decided to use that money to travel and find whatever it is he’s looking for; whatever it is he needs to feel whole again.
Being home in North Carolina wasn’t it. Even though he knew he wasn’t exactly alone, he has his brother, he has Fish, and from time to time he has Santi. As for his dating life, that was up and down like a rollercoaster. He never had any trouble meeting or attracting anyone, anyone who sticks though, that’s a separate topic.
The only one who ever fit for Benny was you, his sweetheart, his sunflower, his sugar pie. Even after all these years, his heart still longs for you, misses you, needs you. No number of women in his bed have ever changed that or chipped away at the pain in his heart that you two didn’t work out.
Benny wasn't at his best upon his return home after mission one, and especially after mission two. And your relationship suffered because of it, especially because he wasn’t sure what was going on with him at the time, or how to separate out there from civilian life. Over the years, he got better at it, but he did so alone, without you. Even when you broke up, and made that heart shattering decision, you, being the angel you are, still saw him off at the airport, the last beautiful sight Benny saw for a long time after that. Even with the tears in your eyes, still, beautiful.
The breakup ruined him. It ruined you. And when he got back and found out you moved, he wasn’t mad at you, he was hurt, but not mad. Benny understood why you did it. It took a long time for him to realize he would no longer catch glimpses of you in town, at the market, or picking up food from your favorite take out spot.
Bennys never gotten over you. He’s sure he never will. There are things he learned later and gained a fuller understanding of as he grew older, things he wished he knew then. Maybe if he was aware of those things and coped better, he’d still have you.
The nice thing about active duty was how busy it kept him. He was too busy to think about you, the one who got away, the only woman in the entire world he wants. Once he retired, thoughts and memories of you came rushing back like a storm, he drowned in them. You return so vividly to him, he can recall your scent, the smell of your shampoo, your favorite body wash, the way you open your eyes in the morning as he snuggled you.
No. Benny will never forget you. He can’t. And though all he has is your ghost, he keeps it close, even if it hurts him and forces him to live in a land of what-ifs.
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moonctzeny · 4 years
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baby, we're two strangers
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pairing: jeong jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 2,255
summary: "When you attend your company's black mask party, you expect free booze and boring small talk with your co-workers. What you don't expect is to meet a cute stranger, who's more than willing to take you out of your misery. You don't know anything about him, not even his name, only the two deep dimples adorning his cheeks"
warnings:  alcohol consumption, fingering, cunnilingus, smut in public (what else did you expect from me), jaehyun is a little on the subbier side at some point(??) but not really
a/n: happy birthday to our precious jaehyun! hope you like this anon, sorry it took so long :(
You always thought those business parties were a pain in the ass. You barely managed to go through 5 days a week with your co-workers without committing first degree murder, now you had to see them during your precious weekends too? The thought of you starting small talk with the lady at the front desk, or having to laugh with your boss’s terrible humour all night made you sick to your stomach. But alas, you know how much your supervisor loved those kinds of parties, and your wallet needed that promotion. He’d lecture you about how they cultivate group spirit and strengthen the company’s teamwork. You just saw it as an excuse to get drunk free of charge.
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you spot a stray hair that escaped the adhesion of your new hairspray, and you quickly brush it to place with your fingers. Your favourite black dress hugged your body, simple jewellery decorated your skin. You don’t even know why you bothered with eye makeup, the obligatory black mask for tonight’s dress code hiding most of your face already, with the exception of your red lipstick. You wonder whether the people who just quickly rushed by you in the hallways, too focused on their own deadlines and to-do lists would even recognize you.
The party was boring, just like you predicted. You’d given up long ago in trying to keep the conversation going with Matt from the IT department (who proved to be the most boring man on earth, apparently) and planted yourself right next to the booze table. You had your own little wine tasting party in the past hour, trying aged drinks from 10 years ago up to vins ordinaires. The alcohol relaxed your muscles and left a pleasant buzz in your head, effectively drowning out the dj’s playlist that only had hit songs from 2016. You were content in your solitude, satisfied with just staring at your co-workers interacting with each other, noticing who disliked who, who were the funny ones, who needed help with social interactions. But your comfortable loneliness wouldn’t last for long. 
“Mind if I join you?”
Ugh. Just what you needed. Matt from the IT department probably told his buddy, Ben - who keeps rudely staring at your skirts at work - that you’re here and informed him about your location. Maybe if you ignored him he would go away. Or maybe you’d just tell him that you suddenly need to go to the bathroom. Had he ever heard you speak? You wonder if he’d believe you if you told him you were deaf, actually.
You turned around to face the man, hoping that he didn’t know sign language when you finally made eye contact with him. This definitely wasn’t Ben. He was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen in your life.
He was tall, with loose curls adorning the top of his head. His porcelain skin seemed to absorb all the light in the room, then send it out three times as bright. He looked fit, his small waist cinched in with the buttons of his suit, filled in fully in all the right places. You could only manage a deranged hum that barely sounded human. 
Through the small holes of the black mask he was also wearing, you can tell he was staring at you. You tried to keep the eye contact but failed miserably, your heart picking up a pace that sure can’t be healthy.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around. Do you work in the IT department on the bottom floor, maybe?”
You clear your throat, begging the wine in your system not to mess this up for you by making a fool of yourself. “I also work on the top floor. Maybe you just didn’t notice me before.”
“No no”, he insists, taking a sip from his drink as well while raking up and down at you with his eyes, “I would definitely remember”.
Your cheeks are burning up at this point and you leave your drink at the table, not trusting your clammy hands to not drop the 2017 Merlot all over the floor. You were done acting like boo boo the fool. You weren’t gonna let this one slip away.
“It’s weird, I don’t remember you either. And you seem like such nice company”
He smiles at your reciprocation and you almost gasp at the appearance of two deep dimples on his cheeks, framing his lovely smile. He looks like a mixture of a prince and what you pictured Edward Cullen to look like when you were reading The Twilight Saga as a teenager.
“What department do you work at, then?”
You have to roll your eyes. The wine has made you a little impatient, and the heat of your body was getting hard to ignore.
“Here’s the thing Dimples, one thing I really fucking hate is small talk. So how about you really entertain me out of this boring party?”
He seems taken aback by your sudden confidence, yet amused either way. He doesn’t miss the fact that you’re the one checking him out now, your whole body leaning against him.
“I figured I should be a gentleman first”
“I don’t want a gentleman. I need a distraction”
He flashes you those dimples again and you get the sudden urge to tackle him.
“I see. Wanna get out of here?”
You didn’t need to hear more. Taking his hand, you lead the mysterious stranger outside the hall area the party was held at, finding an empty bathroom. You felt naughty dragging a man - a stranger at that - to a place like this, reminding you of your days as a teenager. A cold breeze sneaking through the little window spread goosebumps all over the skin of your legs that was uncovered by your short dress, yet you were hyper aware of the heat emitted from the man’s body.
The moment your hands left the rotating lock, you felt his body towering over yours, then the pressure of his soft lips. He tasted sweet, like the liquor he had enjoyed earlier, his hands snaking around your waist to bring you even closer against him. You kissed with vigor and a passion that was burning in your belly, and you suck on his tongue to show him a sneak peek of your talents. He moans in your mouth, a deep rumble that you gladly swallow up, your fingers tugging on his locks in hope you get another one out of him.
You do, and he’s had enough, wrapping his hands around your legs and lifting you up on the counter. He’s sitting right between your legs, right where you want him most, and your dress has now well ridden up, only one layer between you. He seems to be thinking the same thing as his teeth are breaking the skin of your neck, one hand behind you on the mirror, staining the glass.
“Can I make you feel good?”, he asks with a voice filled with arousal and the want to please. In that moment, you wanted to moan out his name, followed by a ‘yes, please’ but you realised you never asked for it, and it didn’t really matter at this point. 
You nod back pleadingly, your eyes watery with how much you’re desperate for any sort of friction. He lifts the hand that had been kneading the soft skin of your hips, and places his thumb right over your lips. Like a reflex, your tongue peeks out from between your teeth, tasting the saltines of his finger. He moves it further inside, satisfied with the feeling and your tongue dancing around it, and when he has finally pushed half of it in you start to suckle the digit. 
The stranger’s eyes haven’t left your lips for a second, completely mesmerized by your mouth’s work and he messes up your red lipstick a bit, dragging his finger down your chin, leaving a red line behind. Dipping his thumb back in your mouth again, he lets you suck a little more until you have coated it with a satisfying amount of spit, then brings it right over your panties.
They are cotton, dampened from the moisture of his fingers and your own arousal. He applies pressure right over your clit, just enough to see you squirm on that counter, then continues to draw figure eights over the fabric. His finger dips in your opening on the lower curve of the number and you feel yourself get wetter, holding on tightly to the man’s broad shoulders and moaning in satisfaction.
He shuts you up with a kiss, nibbling on your lower lip as he pushes you panties aside, and you’re a little embarrassed with the printed watermelons they have on them. He toys with you a little, spreading your wetness around before finally dipping in, smirking at the way your head falls back. 
The heels of your feet are sitting stubbornly on the marble surface of the counter, knees next to your shoulders to give your new friend as much access as he needed. There was no time for you to be ashamed for showing him all of you, the pleasure was overflowing and ripping out your seams. He starts a trail of kisses from the junction of your next, sucking and licking his way to your chest, and frees one of your boobs with his other hand. The cold and arousal has your nipple stay erect and he seems to enjoy the view, sucking lightly and then harshly, while following the same pace petting your pussy. 
“Am I a good company?”, he asks you then, and you’d expect his tone to be teasing but it’s anything but. He’s looking back at you with wide eyes, expecting your feedback and you pet his hair, lowering his head down with the tiniest bit of pressure so that his mouth reconnects with your chest.
“You’re doing so good, baby. Are you going to make me cum?”
He nods eagerly and you lift him up with the collar of his shirt, and you know his expensive cologne will dwell on your fingers after you’re done. You bring him into a kiss, tasting his lips before you whisper over them.
“Then you have to try a little harder”
You could practically see the determination in his eyes, and he wastes no time as he immediately gets on his knees. His breath is cool over your hot core, the feeling sending tingles down your spine. The anticipation is so high that when his tongue finally comes in contact with your sensitivity you almost yelp. 
His talent isn’t limited to his fingers, you think as he leaves kitten licks over your clit, giving the bundle of nerves a gentle suck periodically. Just as you’re getting used to the soothing circles of his tongue he dips one more finger in, successfully stretching you open and you bite your hand to stifle your moans. You’re worried that your wetness will drip down to the floor but then you’re reminded of your panties, the friction of the fabric stimulating you even more. 
“I’m gonna cum”, you moan in a high pitched tone, bracing both you and the man feasting over you on his knees. One last suck and you’re thrown over the edge, legs shaking as you’re desperately trying to hold yourself in place, before you fall or crush his head with your thighs. He lets you ride out your high, still dipping his fingers in and out slowly, prolonging your pleasure as much as possible. When you both feel like you’re done he gets up again, drying up his chin that is wet with your come. The tent in his slacks is painfully visible, and you rub over it seductively as you also rub your still exposed nipple.
“How about I pay you back”
The stranger doesn’t have time to answer, a loud knock making you both jump in shock and you quickly get decent again.
“Is someone still in there? I really need to use the bathroom”
You facepalm at the dumb mistake, exposing yourselves so easily at the man on the other side of the door. He lets out a rumbling laugh, and if there was really such a thing as ‘the end of the world’ you wish to any god out there that it happens right now.
“Ahh, I get what’s going on. You keep at it kids, another bathroom became available just now. And use protection!”
You bury your face in the stranger’s shoulder, and you feel him laugh silently at the ridiculousness of the situation. He opens the door just a slither, and when he makes sure no one is waiting for you outside the bathroom, he leads you back to the main hallway.
“So that was…”
“...hot”, he finishes your sentence with a naughty smile and you swear those dimples are gonna kill you.
“My name is y/n”, you say and firmly shake his hand, the gesture too formal compared to the things you’ve just finished doing together, “I still want to thank you for that, if you do too, of course”
“Jaehyun”, he says right back, then rubs the skin right under your lips with his thumb, and his fingertip comes back red. “Sorry for that, I got a bit carried away. You have nice lips.”
“Thank you, Jaehyun”
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locahaz · 3 years
shoot your shot - a one shot
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a/n: hiiii this is my first posted fic on my refurbished account soon if you see this and you like it, lemme know!! Request some things, I would love to go back into writing. Enjoy x ..................................................................................................................................................................... harry plays on the football team where you are the medic helping out and things get quite interesting when he invites you to his party
warnings: mature content
word count: 11,1k
I felt it from the moment I had walked on the field with the others. 
Someone was staring at me. Or everyone was. I didn’t look behind me to see if it was true, but I could feel their eyes staring straight at my ass. They asked me to wear athletic clothing for this, so I just chose the first thing in my dresser that I saw, picking out some black yoga pants. The material clung to my butt and I regretted I had put them on the moment I had arrived here. My oversized sweater I chose to wear over it luckily covered my upper half, a decision I did appreciate I made now.
Walking onto the sports centre was nerve-wracking in itself. I liked sports, I liked watching it, but having the possibility of someone else watching you do something was disturbing. I couldn’t find the way I was supposed to go. I didn’t bring my hair tie so I was forced to keep my hair floating around my face and this place was huge. There were several buildings and a squala of fields for specific sports. Indoors, outdoors, you name it. The college was probably sponsored by some wealthy upper class fathers who wanted their sons to be on the radar for new opportunities.
Luckily, I was led right to the canteen which was easily locatable since it had a terrace. A terrace! Lord, I feel like I should’ve worn other clothing for this. 
I approached a team player who had blond hair, feeling the nerves floating around in my stomach, “Uhh… Hi.” 
The boy who was filling up his water bottle turned around, raising his eyebrows, “Hi there.” 
Shit, he was nice. I inhaled, “I was looking for uhh, the football team…” He gave me the same look, “I was asked to help.., or I need to help with their inju-”
“Ahh!” He exclaimed, disregarding his bottle and he turned to fully face me, “You’re the one!”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I guess I am?”
“My name’s Niall.” He held out his hand, “I’m the star player of the time you’ve been assigned to!” 
I shook his hand, smiling a little. “Hi,” We still held hands, “Do you know where I’m supposed to go?” 
Still holding my hand, he began shaking it up and down. “I’m glad we finally have someone.”
“You are?”
“Yeh, we desperately need new people to liven things up a little.” 
I pried my hands from his grip, which wasn’t that strong. But I was already sweating, I didn’t need more reasons to be nervous. “Alright, that sounds good.” 
The pregnant pause that followed made him inhale and pack his bottle in his bag, “You are probably wanted by the football field, which is right there.” 
He pointed out somewhere behind me, making me turn my head. I already saw some players dribbling with the ball, so that was easily recognisable. “Go to the coach, he’s the tallest and biggest one. Has a loud voice too, probably won’t miss him.” He grinned, making me smile up at him. 
“I’ll meet you there in a second, we’re starting in like two minutes.” 
I nodded, “Alright, thanks…”
“Niall.” He answered for me, giving me a wink. “But you can call me anytime.” 
I rolled my eyes at his remark, but by the look on his face and the laugh that followed his statement, I knew it was to lighten my mood and assure me. 
I walked towards the field with a small smile on my face and with a lot less nerves. The players were now assembling and putting their heads together so I walked towards the dug-out and waited for them. There weren’t a lot of spectators or bystanders standing around the field, since it was a friendly game. I inhaled again. This should be fine. I recognized some of the players. They were all from the same college after all. Why did I sign up for this? I’m such an idiot.
When the team was done with sharing strategy and doing their, what appeared to be a yell, the trainer walked towards me. I was nervous when he approached me, he towered over everyone. 
“Hi Mattie,” he said, “You ready?”
I stood there, with my own little bag of supplies in my hand. I nodded. Luckily he spoke to me when I got drafted for this, so I already knew him. What if it was someone else who ended up being the coach? Since our conversation was very brief, you’re a nurse, I’m in need of a carer for the team, the deal was easily made. I didn’t know exactly what to take with me for this, but it was a college football team anyways, so nothing was really high-class. I had put some aspirin, plasters, scissors, antiseptic wipes, bandages and tweezers in my supply bag. That should be enough for a college team right? Surely they wouldn’t crash and fall every single game. He saw me fiddling with the bag, and smiled at me, “Good luck.” 
I nodded at him in gratitude and looked around the field. Gosh, couldn’t I talk? I was punching myself in my head. The trainer, whose name I seemed to have forgotten the second after the interview, sat down on his seat. 
Right now, all the players on the field were starting to go to their positions, other members of staff, the referee, seconds officials and the trainers and staff of the opposing team, all seemed ready to go. It wasn't hot or cold, but the slight breeze that blew over the field chilled me just slightly, making the tip of my nose go red. My job was already halfway done, which is just waiting for something to happen and providing the supplies they needed. If something did happen, I was the chosen person to help the players and fix their injuries. I didn't expect that these games would be very intense anyways. The players often knew each other since the teams were always against other colleges. Today it was just a practise match to start off the season, so I should be fine. 
The minute everyone started and the whistle blew, I wondered where Niall even was. Wasn’t he one of the players? As everyone was running and shouting on the field, I felt like he fit right in. I let my eyes wander. I didn’t know that much about football. I rarely watched the Champions League, I could just about name all the rules. The players, however, were something that did interested me. Especially the ones I already knew.
As I was sitting there, everyone seemed to be in the right place and doing exactly what everyone expected of them. The coach shouted an obnoxious loud praise towards his team, making me jump in my seat. The referee whistled at what suggestiably were the right times. No-one seemed to be getting angry at him. They were getting into it already. It'll probably go fine tonight, and my nerves I had bubbling in my stomach would probably be for nothing. At least, I was hoping for that. I watched the players going for the ball intensely, running after it and passing each other the ball. 
Right as the spirits of the team heightened and they almost scored, Niall crept up from behind me. “You didn’t even give me your name.” 
I shrieked, startling even the trainer who was deep into the game, “Jesus, Niall. Don’t scare me like that.” 
He sat down next to me, “Sorry, babe.” 
“My name’s Mattie.” I said, looking at him briefly. He nodded his head, “Like that.” 
I smiled, turning my head towards the field. “Aren’t you playing?”
He pointed towards his knee, that was covered by his track pants, “This annoying thing won’t let me.” 
“Ahh, that’s too bad.” I grimaced. 
“It’s alright,” he shrugged, “get to sit next to you.” 
I rolled my eyes again. “You’re not getting any.” 
He burst out laughing, “What! How could you resist me?” 
I playfully smiled at him. I was glad he was here to ease my nerves, “Dunno,” I glanced at the field, “quite like the others.” 
“You already know them?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” I nodded, “same college.”
Liam was the goalie. He was broad, quick and could move fast so he was the one that suited that job the most. He was also rough, and shouted really loudly which was a benefit when he would have to coach the team from the goal. He scared opponents off easily, grabbing the ball before they could shoot to keep the score at zero. Liam shared a house with Zayn, Louis and Brad, who were also playing tonight. Zayn was a little bit more of an introvert, and I didn’t really speak to him much. He did show he was a good midfielder though. He was quick and could pass the ball to his teammates effortlessly. When he did score though, he wouldn’t hesitate to cheer loudly and scare everyone with his intensity. 
Brad was a little bit older than the rest, but he was great nonetheless. He was very broad in the shoulders and had legs every gym boy would be jealous of. He was the ex-boyfriend of my sister’s, who also attended this college a few years ago. But to me, he still felt more like an older brother than someone who had been in my sister’s life for years. 
Louis was very serious. He was known for only having one thing on his mind, and that was to score goals. He was quick, could dribble fast and made the stronger players against him look back at him in surprise. Others called him Suarez because he was just that good, and his name was close to Luiz’, which made it easier for his teammates to choose a name. He was actually the only one, alongside Harry, to maybe get upgraded to a higher team. From what I heard of some girls on campus, was that he was a bit snarky. He had some quick-witted comebacks, and he didn’t care if he would hurt your feelings.
The house right next to their one, was filled with other boys from the team. This one was occupied with Josh, Ben and Harry. They had been friends since they were around sixteen, and now had the best bond you could have as college brothers. The three boys were always seen with each other, going out together and even doing groceries together. It wouldn’t surprise me if they also fucked the same girls. 
I actually didn’t know them that well, they were just known around campus. That house was classed as the party house and had a reputation of being used to shag a new girl every week. Don’t get me wrong, they were also good at their sport, but the girls they pulled mostly went for their looks rather than for their skills. 
It wasn’t a surprise that two of the boys that I knew, Louis and Harry, played as strikers, in the centre forward position. Harry was the only one that I had never actually spoken to before but knew from the parties. He was in the team because he was good, but also because he could easily show off to the ladies that way. He was popular amongst the college, mainly because he offered up his house to all the party-goers that wanted to celebrate a win that he created. No-one complained about that, seeing as he was gifted with the most attractive face on the campus. He could dribble the ball, yes, and he had the skill of a young Neymar when it came to approaching the goal. But with those eyes and smile with dimples, and his full head of curls that were covered in a backwards snap-back most of the time, I couldn’t help but check him out instead of his moves on the field. He was the captain of the team, living up to his name. He was also a leader of the group outside of football, which made all the girls like him even more.
“Ahh,” Niall exhaled, “shame I don’t know you.” 
This time, I shoved him, making him laugh. He was already a pain in my arse. “Fuck off.”
The boys were playing for around fifteen minutes now, without something happening that would probably make me do some work. The coach was getting into it, standing up every so often and giving the players some tips. He had really created a team, I felt like. You could feel the bond and fondness between them. When a player fell down, another player helped him up and patted him to ask if he was okay. When it almost went wrong and the opposing team had a shot at the goal, everyone from the team would shout positives to each other. It felt like a real team. This team wasn’t only together while playing, though. I had seen them all at parties together and they also liked to play outside of the games they already had. 
I was really into it the first fifteen minutes, but now I was growing kind of bored. Sure, watching boys play was fun, but with no work or particular action, it was kind of boring. Especially since it was a friendly match. The one form of entertainment I got, however, was Niall, who was really into the game.
“Fuck’s sake, Leon! You’re a defender! You should play in the back!” He shouted profanities to his team mates, cheering them on. 
When Niall saw that Leon didn’t comply, he nudged another player next to him and said something in his ear with a scowl on his face. It made me grin lightly in my seat, him being so serious. I liked watching them already. 
“Come on!” He yelled again, standing up in his seat, “Run Louis! Go after…” 
I was looking at Niall with a smile on my face. I also saw how his face turned into a grimace and his hands went to cover his mouth. “Oooh,” 
I looked at the field, panicked. Niall nudged me, tapping his hands on my arm. I saw that Louis had fallen to the ground, his arms holding his leg up now, groaning in pain. It was probably his ankle. I didn’t know what to do at first, shocked that something had actually happened. I looked at Niall, who was already looking at me, nudging his head towards the field. “Go!”
I jumped from my seat, wanting to run straight to the victim. I saw the referee signing for me, which made me run onto the field even more desperately. After a couple of seconds of running, I realised I had forgotten my bag. Fuck. Seriously? Groaning to myself in embarrassment, I quickly grabbed my supplies and ran a little quicker to the boy who was lying on the field in pain. 
“Hey,” I said as I approached him, a little out of breath from running so quickly. 
He didn’t look at me, just kept touching his ankle. It made me frown, it was probably really bad. He was crying out in pain, and some teammates and opponents had gathered around him to see what happened. In the meantime I had wet the sponge in the bag that the coach had brought with him, stretching Louis’ leg. He didn’t really want to, resisting to want to move it. 
“Don’t worry, it’ll be alright.” 
As I was wetting his ankle to cool it down over his shoes, I tried to look if it was bruised or if it had swollen up. None so far that I could see, so that was a good sign. I stretched his leg a bit to keep it moving, but with his socks on, I couldn’t see if there were any wounds or cuts. I tried to sit him upright, but he wasn’t having it. “Calm down,” He hissed, still holding his ankle. He sat upright now, finally looking who was taking care of him. When he saw it was me, he raised his eyebrows. 
“What’re ye doing here?”
I looked at him in shock, already not wanting to help him anymore. So much for running hurriedly over to him. I tried to not react to his degrading question, although it was hard. I continued to check out his foot, trying to place it straight down on the field. He placed his other food next to the injured one, and leaned on his knees with his elbows. The trainer gave Louis a bottle with water, which he gladly took. He took a large gulp, sitting there for a while. Was I overreacting or something? He seemed to be in a lot of pain, why was he now so calm and chilling?
I started grabbing my things, giving Louis one last look to see if he was okay. He seemed to be fine, being helped up by another team mate and testing to stand on it. 
I couldn’t believe this, he was groaning about his ankle no less than one minute ago! What an idiot. Letting me come all the way over here for nothing. As I was walking away frowned my eyebrows in confusion. If it was going to be like this the whole time, I was gone. Not gonna happen. I was here for a reason and the team mates should take that seriously. 
I looked back one last time to Louis who was now laughing with Brad, which resulted in me bumping into someone. His back was hard. He had drawn his head back so he could fill his mouth with water, causing me to also run into the back of this someone’s arms. 
“Fuck, sorry.” I exclaimed, “I shouldn’t..”
When he turned his head around and I saw who it was, I immediately shut my mouth and stared at him. I was frozen into my place for a moment, not knowing what to say. He turned around completely, a dimple showing on his face. I blushed. He was even more attractive up close.
“Don’t worry about it, babe.” He didn’t look angry or anything at all, he actually smiled, which made me feel a little bit better. I wanted to keep on walking to let me soak in my distress towards the situation that just occured, when Louis spoke up again from behind us, “So who’s the pretty girl who wears tight ass clothes to her job?” 
I heard him laugh quietly at his own remark, and he said it loud enough to let his mates in on it too. Instead of just ignoring him and walking on, I decided to turn around and shout after him, 
“Someone who can actually pull it off.”
His team mates ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ at my quick remark. I sighed. Harry was still looking at me. I saw his face turn into a frown, silently apologizing to me with his gaze. I shrugged at him. My comeback towards Louis made me feel good again. He’s the idiot.
When I turned around again, and actually began walking, I smiled quietly to myself, forgetting the situation. This was going to be an interesting job.
The whistle blew, announcing the end of the game. For a practice match, the game went surprisingly well. There weren't any more instances or fake ankle injuries, what I was glad about. Harry had scored the one and only goal, which made the team go home with a win. Even though the game was for practice, they were pretty happy about it.
"Okay boys! Bundle up," the coach announced as everyone was walking off the field. I was still standing by the dug-out, not really knowing if I had to say goodbye or when the next game was. I saw everyone rounding around the coach, listening in, just like I did.
"Great game, happy about this one. Leon, next time: please bring your shin pads, so you could actually play and I could see what condition you're in. I have made notes and I will be announcing who's playing this Saturday, before the real game." The team looked around at each other, gauging who played good tonight and who didn't. 
Apparently they used this match as a mock try-out, so the trainer and coach could see who were in shape and who weren't for the first big game on Saturday.
"Before you all go, I would like to introduce you to our new on scene doctor, who will be helping you if there's anything actually wrong." He glared at Louis when he said that last part, making him scowl.
I took a step forward, looking around the group. I saw that everyone was intensely looking at me, so I spoke up quickly, "Hi everyone, my name's Mattie and just like Patrick said, I'll be helping you guys out during the games."
"You'll help me out outside of the game, too?"
I ignored him, saw that Niall was once again encouraging me and disregarding his team mate who shouted that from the group, nodding his head for me to continue. I smiled a bit, and went on, "I'm studying to be a doctor, and I'm currently doing the bachelors for it, so yeah.."
Patrick, the coach, nodded at me and returned to the group, "For now, keep in shape boys and help each other out. I haven't decided anything yet so miracles can happen!"
The team shuffled away quietly, talking to each other. I tapped Patrick on his shoulder, "Sorry, coach, is there some place where I can put my bag so I don't have to bring it with me every time?" 
He nodded, gazing above me to where the boys were walking, "Of course Mattie, just a moment,” He took two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, making me try to cover my ears, “Captain!" he shouted, "Harry come here!" 
I turned around and saw that Harry was saying goodbye to his teammates, as he already heard his couch, before jogging over to us. He nodded at me, looking me up and down and placed his arms in his sides as a greeting and turned to Patrick, "What's up coach?" 
Patrick cleared his throat and looked at me, "Mattie here would like to put her bag in the dressing room so she won't have to take it with her," he started grabbing his keys from his pocket, "you can show her, yes?" 
Harry nodded, taking the keys from him. "No worries coach, I'll help her." 
The coach patted Harry in his shoulder, "Thank you, bring the keys to my office tomorrow. And work on your left foot!" 
Niall was waving goodbyes at me, so I quickly waved back, “Bye!” and turned towards Harry. 
With the team and Niall gone, it was just Harry and I. It was still dark, with only the lights from the field still on. Harry jiggled the keys in front of us, and winked at me, "I'll show ya," 
It wasn't that I was nervous or anything, but I hesitated for two seconds before strolling behind him. He was so cocky, with his kit still on and smirking all the time. I couldn't help but watch him while he was playing. He had a certain glow around him, an aura that just radiated confidence. He could probably pull everything off and he certainly could wrap everyone around his finger. 
"So you enjoyed the game, doc?" 
I cringed at the nickname, but decided to let it go this time, "I enjoyed watching it yeah," 
Nodding, he faced me, "You liked my goal?" 
He said it with a smirk and as if he knew I was watching him the whole time, which was true, but he didn't need to know that. 
"Actually, I really liked how Leon could outrun everyone on the field.." 
He stopped abruptly and turned around, in the middle of the path. Once he was fully in front of me, he leaned in, “I saw you watching me, you know.”
Because he stopped suddenly and leaned in immediately, I accidently took a step too much, almost bumping into him again. “Maybe I was watching Louis.”
He laughed, showing me his dimple as he looked to the side. “I know you weren’t, that douchebag really doesn’t know how to play it.”
I nodded my head, and rolled my eyes as if he was stating the obvious. “That’s right.” 
I began walking again, not really knowing where to, but at least in the same direction we were already going. Harry followed me soon after, jumping into step with me. I already saw the building coming closer, which made me think of something. “Why aren’t you all showering in the dressing room after a game?”
He bumped his shoulder with mine, which made me notice the height difference we had. He was a lot taller than me, my eyes looking straight at his collarbones when I turned to look at him. 
I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows in question. 
“You would like to see that, huh?” He stated, smiling shyly at me.
I groaned, “Harryy..”
“Already moaning my name, I see.” 
This time it was me that bumped my shoulder with him, making him laugh in response. “I was just joking, love.” 
When we fell into step once more, he looked ahead and started explaining my question to me, “No we’re not there because it was a practise game and obviously we want to go home fast so we can go to the party later, so we just decided to shower at home.”
I nodded my head, kneading my eyebrows in confusion. There was a party tonight? I haven’t heard anything about that. I quite liked going to parties. Normally my friend Niamh made sure we could get invites so we could go together, but not tonight apparently. It was a Wednesday after all, so maybe she just wanted to stay in tonight. “A party?” I asked Harry. 
He nodded, “Yeah it’s like a frat party only, I would have gotten you an invite but I didn’t really know you before this, soo..”
I laughed, grinning to myself. Harry was really nice. At least, nothing like I had pictured him to be in my head. I didn’t like to judge people before I knew them, but with Harry that was kind of inevitable. Also, I couldn’t exactly invite myself now since he said he didn’t know me but I already knew him. I was not going to make a fool of myself, obviously. So I just shrugged.
“Don’t worry about it.”
We had reached the building where the shower rooms were. We walked quite slow, and it was already quite late so it was kind of eerie here. No lights, the doors were all left open and there were no people to be seen. 
“So these are our shower rooms,” Harry started as we walked into the building after he unlocked it, “We normally take the first one, so you can just put your stuff in there.”
The dressing room was big and spacious. Everyone had a seat, there was a whiteboard in there and the showers were in a separate room. The closet that stood against the wall next to the showers, held all the equipment. “There,” Harry said, as he took my bag and placed my stuff in, “A special place for you.”
As he placed my stuff in the closet, I could finally see how he’d looked up close. He still had his short sleeved football shirt on, revealing his tattoos on his arms. For a guy that was still in college, he sure had a lot of them. Not that I minded. 
“Thank you Harry,” I smiled at him, at which he winked in return when he faced me again. Gosh, I could almost feel myself getting red. I was acting like a schoolgirl, I needed to step up my game. “I’ll remember this place,” I said, as I looked at the showers. I could almost imagine all the naked boys right here. 
I smirked, glancing at the shower himself, “I’m sure you will.”
After making sure everything was locked and closed, we started to walk back to the parking lot.  I was sure Harry was also with his car, considering campus was at least a twenty minute walk. Right as we reached our cars and I wanted to say goodbye, he faced me again and leaned on his already open door, “You know what, Mattie?”
I looked up from the inside of my car towards him, giving him a questioning look. “What?”
“You free Saturday?”
He said it so casually that I wasn’t sure how to respond. He wasn’t asking me out on a date was he? I mean, I was attracted to the guy but I barely knew him! And it wasn’t like I wanted to go out with him, really. But I did want to see him. With hesitation evident in my voice, I answered him, “Yeah, why?”
He saw my facial expression and laughed a bit, “To take you up on my offer. We’re having a party again at our house, so if you’d like to come?”
I almost sighed in relief, “Yeah, I’d like that, thank you Harry.” 
He shot a quick wink at me as he started to climb in his car, “No worries!” As a last afterthought, right as I wanted to shut my door, I heard him shout, “And bring your friends!”
My friend Niamh was present at the game this time, too. We were here a little early, so we could catch up on our week and talk about everything that had happened to us. She was a friend from years ago, almost from when we were kids, so she knew everything about me. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to be a doctor and had chosen to go pursue her dancing career. She was really good at it, too. She was asked to dance in videoclips and she often performed on stage with singers or bands. It was her job now, one she always wanted. It made me proud of her, because she actually went for it, and ignored her parent’s complaints about it. She had proved them and their comments about how she was never going to make it, wrong. 
We sat in the canteen, which was still fairly quiet. The game would start at two, and it was now one thirty. I had only been to a professional game once, and then I arrived at two on the dot and I didn’t even look if there were many people there. The only time I’d been here was when I met up with the trainer to see if this was the right place for me to take my extra credits. I could choose to work in an elderly home, or at the swimming pool, but I had decided that this would be more fun for me. I didn’t mind watching 22 boys running after a ball for two hours back to back, particularly. 
Niamh had ordered a coffee whereas I preferred cold drinks over hot drinks, so I just stuck with some soda. “So how has your week been, Matts?” She said as she took a sip of her drink. 
I smiled at her, excited to tell her she would be having something to do tonight, “Actually, I need to invite you to something.”
Her eyebrows perked up, and she placed the drink on the table, “To where?”
I grinned, “Harry Styles asked me if I wanted to come to this party at his house tonight, and said I could bring some friends.” 
“No way!” She exclaimed gasping, “Harry Styles from the team?” 
I nodded happily back at her, “That’s the one.”
She already started to grab her phone, so she could text our friends, I presumed. “When did he ask you this? I didn’t even know you talked to him!”
After I placed my drink down from taking a sip of it myself, I shrugged casually at her. “Well, I had to help at that game you know,” I said as she nodded at me, “And right after he had to show me where I could put my stuff and started talking about this party he had this Wednesday----”
“Oh yes!” She interrupted me with wide eyes, “So that’s the party Emily talked about! She said she had fucked the captain of the team, and that he was quite good. That’s Harry right?” 
I paused, opening my mouth in surprise. “What? Yeah he is the captain.” 
“That’s so sick! I have to text Emily about this party tonight then,” She said, grinning excitedly at me and putting her phone down to look at me again. “Anyway, go on, I’m listening.”
I coughed, choosing to ignore this disappointing bit of information, “Yeah so he told me about that party and that he couldn’t invite me then, which is a bit weird if I think about it now, but anyways, he invited me for tonight and said I could bring some friends.” I forced a smile on my face as I finished my story and looked at her. 
She copied my smile, “That’s great! Maybe I can finally meet Niall and get to know him better, if you know what I mean,” She said as she wiggled her eyebrows. 
I laughed, genuinely excited for her. “I hope you will!” 
After I had finished my drink, I announced to Niamh that I had to leave if I wanted to be at the dug-outs on time. She wished me well, and said that she would see me tonight. After I hugged her and said goodbye to her and the bartender who had served us, I walked out of the canteen towards the shower rooms. 
I needed to grab my bag if I wanted to be helping players today. Today they had to play against a popular college not far away from where we’re from, so it was kind of exciting to be able to see that. The coach had probably announced who would be playing and who wouldn’t for today, which made the pressure on the players to play well a tad bit higher. I knew that obviously Harry and Louis would be playing, along with our goalie Liam, but the rest of the team was still unsure. For me it would be kind of fun if Niall was still benched, just for entertainment, but he would rather be on the field, I’m sure. Hopefully his knee was doing better.
I had reached the shower rooms and discovered that the door was still open, allowing me to walk right in the building. I knew Harry said it was the first one when we dropped my bag off, so without hesitation I whipped open the door. Right as I did that, I heard commotion and deep yelling from from the inside, causing me to rapidly close the door again. Shit. How the fuck was I supposed to know they were still here, they were just warming up outside!
Bowing my head in embarrassment, I quickly walked out of the building. I would just grab my bag when they were out so I didn’t have to walk in with all of them staring at me. I waited outside, leaning against the wall and just staring ahead at the field they would be playing on. They were taking their sweet time. Probably just discussing the match quickly just before the game started, but to me it felt like ages.  
The other team was walking towards the field in a pack, and the referee started to walk towards this building, probably to let our team know the game was about to start. I actually felt nerves bubbling in my stomach, with everything being so serious in comparison to the last game. There were a lot of supporters walking towards the bleachers, too. 
I was just staring at the field again when the door opened and everyone on the team started to walk out. First it was the coach and trainer, who nodded in greeting. The coach was needed here too, apparently. I saw that Niall walked in the front with his jacket still on, so that meant he was benched again. When he walked by me, he ruffled my hair. “Hey Matts!” 
“Hey!” I shouted after him, “I’m here to help you, you know!”
He turned around and laughed loudly, pointing at his knee, “Not me!’
At that, I didn’t have anything back to say knowing he was benched again, so I just shook my head. 
“Is he messing with you?” 
I heard Harry’s voice before I saw him, making me look up towards him. He was walking at the back of the team’s row to get out of the building with a smile on his face, standing out from everyone else walking before him.  
When he reached me, he stopped and raised his eyebrows, awaiting my answer. “No it’s just Niall,” I told him, shrugging my shoulders indifferently. 
“Right,” He smirked, “Well, I figured ‘t was you that tried to come in during our important speech, so I decided to grab your bag for you.” 
My heart swelled just a little bit at his kind gesture, having not expected this at all from him. Shit, you should never listen to rumours, huh? He proved once again that he could actually be kind.
“Wow, Harry! Thank you so much. That’s so kind of you to do that!” I grabbed the bag from him and in a split second decided I wanted to hug him. I threw myself in his arms, catching him off guard for a second. My bag that I now carried in my hand whipped him in his back, causing him to groan in my shoulder. Hugging me back, he draped his arms slowly around me, positioning them right above my ass. 
When I loosened my arms around him, I nodded my head towards the field, “You should probably go,”
He nodded in confirmation, still standing in close proximity to me. “I do.”
I placed my hand on his shoulder blades, and wished him luck for the game, “Break a leg Harry, or don’t actually.”
He laughed at my comment, showing me his dimples. Before he walked away towards the field, he winked at me, “I’ll try not to.”
When I saw him run on the field and give his teammates one last cheer for good luck, I smirked to myself watching him. It was a good choice to wear my tight yoga pants again, at least. 
The game was very intense. Not like practise-match intense, but full on competition match intense. Louis luckily hadn’t faked any injuries yet, so that was a good sign. However, I had to run on the field in the first half for Liam, who had taken a good shot right in his eye. He fell to the ground, making me run on the field for him. When I got there, he was already sitting up and not at all groaning in pain like Louis had, making me smile a bit. At least Liam could handle something. I also discovered his injury wasn’t fake, because I could see a bruise forming immediately. I cooled it a little, but told him it would be better if he took some rest. He said that he’d be fine and would just tell me and the coach if he wanted to switch between the other goalkeeper and him. I was still a bit concerned, but he insisted. So I walked back with my supplies and some worries, hoping that it was really just a shot with the ball, and it wouldn’t turn out to be something worse. 
The score was 2-1 for our team, with just ten minutes to go when I came back from grabbing some more water. It was so tense, all the players were proper going for it. The bleachers were filled with supporters, all reacting to the match as if their life depended on it. When the opponents came near our goal, they would stand up and shout at our defenders. And when our team was striking and near the opponents goal, they would yell and scream for us to score. I was nervous too. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping that the score would stay the same. I was fiddling with the hem of my shirt to stop myself from standing up and screaming towards the players. 
We did have a good few people that came out to support us, yes. But our biggest supporter sat on the bench. He was biting his nails, screaming in frustration and cursing loudly whenever we missed a goal. 
“Fuck! Who in their goddamn mind would even pass like that!”, or “Holy shit! That was fucking close!” and my favourite: “Son of a… get that fucking ball in the goal you arseholes!”
Least to say, I was entertained for the match.  
Currently we had the ball on our side, passing each other the ball and walking forwards towards the goal. Once we had crossed the midfielders of the opponents, Zayn passed the ball towards Brad who then passed it on to Ben. Ben had a good shot, and could easily get the ball miles away. So when Louis sprinted towards the goal, Ben saw an opportunity to pass the ball onto him. He put the ball in front of him and shot the ball, right into Louis’ feet. I could see that Louis was looking for someone to help him out, because there were two defenders near the goal and he couldn’t pass them himself. Luckily Harry had seen it, and sprinted with him on the other side. He made sure he ran close to the goal but not to close, so he had the space to shoot the ball right in if he got it. He shouted for Louis to pass the ball onto him, and Louis immediately did. The ball was flying over the defenders, in a straight line towards Harry. Harry prepared for it, taking his foot back so he could place it right on it. He jumped, the ball almost near him, and kicked the ball--- 
Right before he could kick it, a defender sprung onto him making Harry fall right to the ground. “Nooooo!” Niall yelled loudly from beside me, “For fuck’s sake no!”
I heard everyone gasp from the audience, immediately voicing their worries from behind me. I panicked for a second, freezing in my spot. Shit! Harry just fell to the ground. He was laying there, in pain. I heard the coach shout my name, making me snap back to reality. Immediately I grabbed my bag, and ran towards him in a hurry. Shiiit. Why Harry? Others had gathered around him, so I couldn’t see how Harry was doing. Right as I arrived near him, I shouted for them to walk away. 
“Everyone! Leave!” 
My voice must have sounded really angry or intimidating, because everyone hurried away quickly. This way, I could finally see Harry. He was laying on the ground, on his back. He had his hands on his forehead, making me think there was something wrong with his head. Hopefully he didn’t have a concussion or something. The defender that had pushed him to the ground, was still looking at Harry. He was probably worried about what he’d done, but I didn’t care. 
“What are you doing? Leave!” 
He started saying that he was sorry, and that he could help, but I wasn’t having it. “I don’t care, leave before I force you.” 
He nodded, worry evident on his face. For a second I felt bad, but then I saw that Harry was still laying here, and then those thoughts escaped my mind right away. The defender walked away eventually, leaving me alone with Harry. I looked at him, seeing how he had one hand over his head, feeling for bruising. The moment I sat down next to him, he turned his head towards me. He opened his eyes, and smiled.
“Am I dreaming?” 
Relief washed over me immediately. At least he could still make jokes. I began sitting next to his head, wetting my sponge once again and placing it over his head. “You okay, Harry?” 
He nodded, his head in front of my knees on the ground. I looked at him from above, so that I could see how his body reacted when I would do certain things to see if he was okay. Right now I had my hands on his forehead with the sponge in between, “I’m fine actually, Mattie. I just wanted you to come save me.”
I rolled my eyes, not believing him. “No you didn’t.” 
He laughed, causing his chest to go up and down, “I did,” He smirked, his eyes shining as he looked at me. 
I shook my head in disbelief, staring at him smiling at me for a second. But then I remembered I could take revenge. He saw that I was wetting the sponge again, and began to sit up straight. “No you won’t!’
I began splashing him with water in revenge, making him soaking wet. I was laughing my ass off, seeing him so flustered and shocked at what I was doing. “Mattie! Shit, stop!”
I was aware that the rest of the team and the coach were still watching us, so I stopped splashing him, throwing the sponge in the water bag. I took a step towards his soaked body, pressing my lips together and looking him in the eye mischievously. “Next time you’ll play a joke on me like that, I’ll take you to the hospital so you’ll have to sit next to Niall for a month.”
He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. “Noted, doc, noted.” 
As I walked away smiling and the referee began gathering everyone together again, I heard him shout one more thing after me, “I’ll pay you back tonight Mattie! Watch out!”
I just shot my middle finger in the air, hearing him bark out another laugh in response. 
The party was in full swing when Niamh, Emily, Joey and I arrived. It was in Harry’s and his roommates’ house, one that I had never been in before, let alone seen how packed it could be. Everyone that was just a little bit known around campus, was there. I recognized some people from my class, and others I knew because they were popular around campus. 
When we arrived, the door was unlocked and you could just walk right in. That wasn’t unusual with the parties I went to, if we ever went to house parties. There was a pile of jackets formed, so we just threw ours over it. Joey and Emily claimed they knew some people and went off to speak to them, leaving me and Niamh alone at the party. 
“Let’s have a drink,” Niamh said to me over the loud music, “We need to get drunk to process this!”
I nodded in agreement, already taking her arm towards the kitchen. It was already quite busy, but we had come a little late. We didn’t want to be the first ones to arrive, as we didn’t know a lot of people here. All the drinks were placed on a table, leaving us with a lot of choice of what we wanted to drink tonight. I hadn’t realised before this that these college boys actually spend a lot of time planning these things. They had a lot to think about. And to be fair, they had done a good job at it.
We had appropriately dressed ourselves, luckily. Since we didn’t really know what to expect, we just went for black: Niamh wearing a tight dress with spaghetti straps and me wearing a skirt with a t-shirt. It was something you could never go wrong with.
I poured myself some alcohol, waiting for Niamh to do the same. Once we both had our drinks, we leaned against the table and started looking at people. This was our favourite activity to do. You saw some crazy people at parties, so we had a lot to think about. 
“Oh wow, there’s already people on the edge of drunkenness.” Niamh laughed, raising her eyebrows at a boy who had run straight towards the loo. “Jesus wept.”
“Shit,” I exclaimed, looking at a girl who had just came in with a gift in her hand, “It’s someone’s birthday? Did we need to bring a gift?”
She just shrugged her shoulders at me. “No fucking clue.” And resumed to look around the room. We had been sipping on our drinks lightly, just enjoying the music that was blasting loudly and how everyone was dancing and talking with each other.
“Look at that girl, she's going for it!” Niamh pointed out at me, looking at a girl that was standing in the middle of the room, dancing her ass off. I followed her gaze, seeing how the girl was dancing to the music, not caring about anyone it seemed like. I wish I could be like her. “She’s really good!”
Right as I wanted to respond to Niamh, I saw that Louis had walked in the door she was close to. I rolled my eyes and turned around, looking at the sink. 
“What’re you doing?” Niamh asked me incredulously, looking at me over her shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” I answered her, “He just annoys me.”
She came to stand beside me, searching for my eyes. “How? Last time we talked about him you said he was hot!”
I shrugged my shoulders again, “He’s just annoying.”
“Right.” She answered, turning around again and taking a sip of her drink. “If you want to fuck him just tell me. I could be your wing woman.”
I bumped my hips with hers, and turned around to look at the crowd again, “Never.” 
She laughed, standing up straight and finishing up her drink. “Okay then, just tell me why another time. I just saw Harry come in and you need to talk with him.” 
Immediately I felt my stomach go wild. Shit. My eyes began to search around the room, looking for his head of curls amongst the crowd. I found him talking with a friend of his from his team, who’s name I couldn’t remember. Harry looked extremely attractive tonight. Instead of the usual kit I saw him in, he wore all black. His black vans stood out with the other clothing he wore, black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Even with such a simple look, he made it seem like he wore a million dollars. As he was talking, his jawline moved with his mouth and it made me just weak in the knees. He was actually so hot, how hadn’t I fully appreciated this man before? 
It seemed like he was asking if his friend wanted a drink, because he leaned into him with his ear, nodded and started walking away towards the kitchen. Oh no, why had I been sitting in the kitchen, so obviously out in the open? He strode confidently towards the drinks, when in mid-walk he saw me sitting there. Niamh also recognised him and saw he was walking over here, so she made up an excuse to leave. “Just need the loo for a moment,” 
I couldn’t answer her, because Harry interrupted my thoughts. He was also smirking at me as he arrived right in front of me, only leaving a few inches in between us. I crossed my arms, looking up at him challengingly. 
“Hey doc,” he greeted, speaking in a raspy voice. He began to smile mischievously, making me wonder what he was going to say, “Or should I say, hero?”
I groaned out loud, hitting him in the chest with one hand, and shaking my head. It made him laugh, making his chest vibrate. I could almost feel the vibrations with how close we were. “Shut up,”
He was still chuckling a bit as if he were still thinking about it. Suddenly he stopped, and looked me right in the eyes. “Really though, that was really hot with how you fought everyone out of your way for me.”
I felt my face go warm and I tried to not to smile too much. “Thank you,” I said, straightening up a bit and raising my chin up at him, “But like hell that I fought everyone away.” 
He gasped, nudging me with his arms “Heyy, you did!” he said with a fake offense, frowning his eyebrows, “You were basically performing CPR on me with the way you acted!”
I laughed, making me lean into him a little bit and hide in his shoulder. When I brought myself back in front of him, I raised my eyebrows at him, “You would like me to give you a mouth to mouth performance, wouldn’t you?” 
My heart skipped a bit when he got all serious and looked me straight in the eye. “I would,” 
Our eye contact was intense, I could feel it in my stomach. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face. I was almost certain that he could feel my heartbeat against his chest. We weren’t even touching completely, but it was beating so hard that I wouldn’t doubt it. I looked at his green eyes, to his plump and pink lips. They were a nice shape, and I felt the urge to just kiss them. I didn’t though, maybe he did this with every other girl he tried to get in his bed. 
I was proven right when he took my hand, “Come with me,” 
I tried to act confused, furrowing my eyebrows, “Where to?” 
He didn’t respond, just tugged on my hand and began leading the way. People weren’t even looking at us, they were dancing or drinking and talking. And even though I liked doing those things at parties, this thing that I thought Harry was planning to do with me, seemed much more fun. 
He made his way towards the door to go upstairs, avoiding bumping in with people or getting splashed by someone’s drink. Once we were on the way up he let go of my hand so we could walk better. There were only one or two people upstairs, making out with each other or searching for someone. Two doors were open out of the four, and Harry went into a closed one with me. 
He revealed his bedroom to me, which was completely dark apart from the moon that lit up the room a little bit. His room was mostly a dark blue, with a grey colour covering the one wall that wasn’t blue. His bed stood in the middle of the room with two bedside tables next to it. He had a desk and his sports bag that he had used still stood in his room, untouched. He didn’t have a desk, but a dresser was shoved against the wall. Once I did my onceover, I saw Harry standing in front of his bed, looking at me. 
He smiled, and began to walk over to me again, making me back into the door once he reached me completely. He stood closer than he did when we were in the kitchen, his pelvis against mine and his chest leaning against my body. “Hey,” He said again, even raspier this time. 
I looked up at him, examining his face, “Hey.”
He cleared his throat, and hesitated a bit, “Can I kiss you?”
I hesitated, “One thing.”
He raised his eyebrows, “Tell me you don’t fuck girls every week, otherwise I won’t be able to handle this.”
He took a step back, frowning, “Who told you that?”
Looking up at him, I felt myself growing more nervous, “Just hear that about you.”
He looked up at the ceiling, then back at me. “I promise you Mattie. I didn’t bring you here or invite you just to fuck you. I’d happily talk with you all night. You seem fun.”
I smiled, “And,” he continued, “my roommates are the ones who get laid every party. I do have sex yeah, but I promise you, I haven’t had sex since the first week of this semester.”
With the sincerity in his eyes, I believed him, “Okay, you can kiss me now.”
“Only if you want to.”
I looked into his eyes, “I really do.”
With one nod and another reassuring glance he was in the clear and we were done with being slow. He smacked his lips against mine, moving his arms from against the door to my body. Roaming his hand around my hips to my ass as he hungrily kissed me. I kissed him back, recuperating his movements. He squeezed my ass, making me gasp a little bit, giving him access to use his tongue in the kiss as well. I moved my arms from his shoulders to his neck, pushing him closer to me with my fingertips in his hair. Our tongues were wet and desperate, making the kiss hot and heavy. Once he had enough of just making out, he grabbed me by my thighs and lifted me up, turning me around towards the bed. 
I fell backwards onto his soft mattress, with Harry on top of me. My legs were around him in an instant, crossing my feet on his back. I still had my sneakers on and all my clothes, but not for long. Harry’s hand went from my ass to the hem of my shirt. I lifted my back for him, pausing in the kiss, to let him take my top off in one swift movement, leaving me in my bra. I didn’t wear my sexiest bra, but he didn’t seem to mind. His mouth went from the sweet spots on my neck towards my cleavage, leaving wet kisses on my body. He was already working on getting my bra off, pushing the straps off my shoulders. I sat upright for him, making him readjust his position to get closer to me. He was struggling with the clasp, so I unclasped my bra for him and threw it on the ground. He didn’t waste any time cupping my breasts, feeling them and leaning in my neck to leave some more spots, but I wasn’t having it. I pushed him away on his chest, making him stand on the ground again. He looked at me in confusion for a moment, until I stood up and pushed him on the bed. I bent my knees so I could reach his t-shirt, and he got the idea. Moving his arms up to let me take his shirt off, he gladly let me do it. 
His chest was revealed to me, just like mine was to him. This wasn’t enough, though. I crouched on my knees completely so I was level with his belly button, and began to unbutton his jeans. His bulge was evident in the tight material, so when I moved the zipper down I cupped him over his jeans and pants, making him groan in response. 
“Fuck, Mattie.” 
I just smiled at him, moving to tug at his jeans. He got the hint and thrust his hips up, so I could take his jeans off. Once they were off, he was just left in his boxers. I moved a little closer to him, so I was level with his bulge, making me look up at him with wide eyes. “Impressive,” I smirked. 
He wasn’t having it, and took his boxers off immediately, revealing his dick to me that sprung to his stomach. He must be proper into it, because I had never had a man be this turned on from just kissing. He threw his boxers onto the pile we had already made, and leaned on his arms so he could look at me properly. I took him in my hands, gliding my thumb over his tip. I looked at him for his consent, and he nodded at me eagerly. That was all I needed before I licked him on the tip. He responded loudly, groaning and moaning through the room. I never knew he was so loud in the bedroom. 
I licked him from his balls to the tip, and let him slip in my mouth to take all of him. He moved his hand in my hair, not pushing me, but finally having something he could do with his hands. 
I started bobbing my head up and down, all the while looking at him how he responded to me. His eyes were closed and his pink lips were voluminous and opened just slightly. 
I enjoyed giving blowjobs, especially if it was someone as responsive as Harry. He was groaning and moaning for me, letting me know how much he enjoyed it. “A-ah,” He cried once I hit him in the back of my throat. “Fuck,”
Kissing his tip, feeling his balls and sliding my tongue over his dick was making me wet as well. He still had one hand in my hair, the other going from my arms that were drawn over his upper thighs. My naked boobs rested on his naked legs, and my still clothed butt was stuck in the air. 
He slid his hand over my arm and went to my back, leaning over my head that was still bobbing over his cock. Once he could reach the hem of my skirt, he started moving the zipper. At least, trying to. 
I stopped sucking him off and let my mouth pop when his dick was out of my mouth, making him moan in annoyance. I quickly took my skirt and panties off and went back on my knees in front of him, when he was the one that stopped me this time. He grabbed my arms and basically threw me on the bed, covering my body immediately. Fuck, he was good. 
He started kissing me again, while I searched for his dick and began giving him a handjob. He cupped my breasts and squeezed them. I started leading his dick towards my entrance, giving him a hint of what I wanted. He backed away to look at me with wide eyes, paused for a bit and went to his dresser to get a condom. I watched him as he slid it on, and grabbed his shoulders as he started to position himself in front of me. Before he did, he looked at me once more. I nodded in approval, and he slid himself in me slowly. I could feel him filling me up immediately, making me throw my head back in bliss. “Fuck, Harry..”
“You like my dick, don’t you?” He said as he began thrusting into me. 
I could only nod in response, gasping as he looked at me, “Tell me,” he said as he thrusted into me hard once, “Tell me how you feel.”
His trust were getting harder with each second I wasn’t responding, because I could only moan in pleasure, “Fuck Harry,” I moaned, “I feel so good..”
He reacted with his hips. Thrusting into me rapidly, making my breasts go up and down and the bed creak against the wall. “I know, baby, I know.” 
“Holy shit, I do.” 
He started to kiss my neck, hungrily going for it as my legs crossed at his back once again. I was certain that the guests that were still here could hear us, but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted to everyone to know that he was fucking me, and not some other girl. 
“You’re so good baby, I knew it,” 
I started to roam his back with my arms, feeling his muscles move each time he thrusted. His dick was so long and hard that he hit the right spots inside of me each time. I could feel my head getting a little lighter, and my stomach filled with warmth. “I’m gonna cum, Harry, please,”
“Begging for it, see?” He cockily stated once he moved to look at me again, he even had a smirk on his face when he was fucking me. “Knew you would do me good,”
“Mhh, Harry, almost there,” 
“Me too, baby, me too.” 
He thrusted a couple more times before I could really feel it, my pleasure taking over me completely. I came hard, my legs trembling around him and my head thrown back. My orgasm made me cry out loud, and he was still going at it. 
He was coming too, I knew it. His thrust became harder before they slowed down, squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. He groaned loudly when he came, looking beautiful while he did. His cheeks had gone slightly pink, making his lips stand out even more, and his hair was all dishevelled and damp with sweat. Once I felt that he filled the condom inside of me, he opened up his eyes and slid out of me. 
We both smiled at each other and started catching our breaths from out intensive activities, “Fuck, Mattie.” He laughed, pulling out of me completely and leaned on his arms to stand up. Once he cleaned up the condom, throwing it in the bin, he started walking back to the bed. He plopped on it, almost on top of me. “That was good.” 
I nodded in response, “Almost as good as Louis’ goals.” I smirked, hoping to get a reaction out of him with bullshit. 
He laughed, letting his head fall on the pillow, “Shut up.”
There we lay, both naked over the covers with our chest moving as we breathed, still hearing the thumping music from downstairs where the party was still going in full swing. 
“I told you,” He started, looking at me playfully, “I would get you wet later.” 
I groaned, but couldn’t help to let a laugh escape. I grabbed my pillow from underneath my head, saw how he was smiling to himself, and smacked him in the head with it. 
Payback, my arse.
I felt it from the moment I had walked on the field with the others. 
Someone was staring at me. Or everyone was. I didn’t look behind me to see if it was true, but I could feel their eyes staring straight at my ass. They asked me to wear athletic clothing for this, so I just chose the first thing in my dresser that I saw, picking out some black yoga pants. The material clung to my butt and I regretted I had put them on the moment I had arrived here. My oversized sweater I chose to wear over it luckily covered my upper half, a decision I did appreciate I made now.
Walking onto the sports centre was nerve-wracking in itself. I liked sports, I liked watching it, but having the possibility of someone else watching you do something was disturbing. I couldn’t find the way I was supposed to go. I didn’t bring my hair tie so I was forced to keep my hair floating around my face and this place was huge. There were several buildings and a squala of fields for specific sports. Indoors, outdoors, you name it. The college was probably sponsored by some wealthy upper class fathers who wanted their sons to be on the radar for new opportunities.
Luckily, I was led right to the canteen which was easily locatable since it had a terrace. A terrace! Lord, I feel like I should’ve worn other clothing for this. 
I approached a team player who had blond hair, feeling the nerves floating around in my stomach, “Uhh… Hi.” 
The boy who was filling up his water bottle turned around, raising his eyebrows, “Hi there.” 
Shit, he was nice. I inhaled, “I was looking for uhh, the football team…” He gave me the same look, “I was asked to help.., or I need to help with their inju-”
“Ahh!” He exclaimed, disregarding his bottle and he turned to fully face me, “You’re the one!”
I shrugged my shoulders, “I guess I am?”
“My name’s Niall.” He held out his hand, “I’m the star player of the time you’ve been assigned to!” 
I shook his hand, smiling a little. “Hi,” We still held hands, “Do you know where I’m supposed to go?” 
Still holding my hand, he began shaking it up and down. “I’m glad we finally have someone.”
“You are?”
“Yeh, we desperately need new people to liven things up a little.” 
I pried my hands from his grip, which wasn’t that strong. But I was already sweating, I didn’t need more reasons to be nervous. “Alright, that sounds good.” 
The pregnant pause that followed made him inhale and pack his bottle in his bag, “You are probably wanted by the football field, which is right there.” 
He pointed out somewhere behind me, making me turn my head. I already saw some players dribbling with the ball, so that was easily recognisable. “Go to the coach, he’s the tallest and biggest one. Has a loud voice too, probably won’t miss him.” He grinned, making me smile up at him. 
“I’ll meet you there in a second, we’re starting in like two minutes.” 
I nodded, “Alright, thanks…”
“Niall.” He answered for me, giving me a wink. “But you can call me anytime.” 
I rolled my eyes at his remark, but by the look on his face and the laugh that followed his statement, I knew it was to lighten my mood and assure me. 
I walked towards the field with a small smile on my face and with a lot less nerves. The players were now assembling and putting their heads together so I walked towards the dug-out and waited for them. There weren’t a lot of spectators or bystanders standing around the field, since it was a friendly game. I inhaled again. This should be fine. I recognized some of the players. They were all from the same college after all. Why did I sign up for this? I’m such an idiot.
When the team was done with sharing strategy and doing their, what appeared to be a yell, the trainer walked towards me. I was nervous when he approached me, he towered over everyone. 
“Hi Mattie,” he said, “You ready?”
I stood there, with my own little bag of supplies in my hand. I nodded. Luckily he spoke to me when I got drafted for this, so I already knew him. What if it was someone else who ended up being the coach? Since our conversation was very brief, you’re a nurse, I’m in need of a carer for the team, the deal was easily made. I didn’t know exactly what to take with me for this, but it was a college football team anyways, so nothing was really high-class. I had put some aspirin, plasters, scissors, antiseptic wipes, bandages and tweezers in my supply bag. That should be enough for a college team right? Surely they wouldn’t crash and fall every single game. He saw me fiddling with the bag, and smiled at me, “Good luck.” 
I nodded at him in gratitude and looked around the field. Gosh, couldn’t I talk? I was punching myself in my head. The trainer, whose name I seemed to have forgotten the second after the interview, sat down on his seat. 
Right now, all the players on the field were starting to go to their positions, other members of staff, the referee, seconds officials and the trainers and staff of the opposing team, all seemed ready to go. It wasn't hot or cold, but the slight breeze that blew over the field chilled me just slightly, making the tip of my nose go red. My job was already halfway done, which is just waiting for something to happen and providing the supplies they needed. If something did happen, I was the chosen person to help the players and fix their injuries. I didn't expect that these games would be very intense anyways. The players often knew each other since the teams were always against other colleges. Today it was just a practise match to start off the season, so I should be fine. 
The minute everyone started and the whistle blew, I wondered where Niall even was. Wasn’t he one of the players? As everyone was running and shouting on the field, I felt like he fit right in. I let my eyes wander. I didn’t know that much about football. I rarely watched the Champions League, I could just about name all the rules. The players, however, were something that did interested me. Especially the ones I already knew.
As I was sitting there, everyone seemed to be in the right place and doing exactly what everyone expected of them. The coach shouted an obnoxious loud praise towards his team, making me jump in my seat. The referee whistled at what suggestiably were the right times. No-one seemed to be getting angry at him. They were getting into it already. It'll probably go fine tonight, and my nerves I had bubbling in my stomach would probably be for nothing. At least, I was hoping for that. I watched the players going for the ball intensely, running after it and passing each other the ball. 
Right as the spirits of the team heightened and they almost scored, Niall crept up from behind me. “You didn’t even give me your name.” 
I shrieked, startling even the trainer who was deep into the game, “Jesus, Niall. Don’t scare me like that.” 
He sat down next to me, “Sorry, babe.” 
“My name’s Mattie.” I said, looking at him briefly. He nodded his head, “Like that.” 
I smiled, turning my head towards the field. “Aren’t you playing?”
He pointed towards his knee, that was covered by his track pants, “This annoying thing won’t let me.” 
“Ahh, that’s too bad.” I grimaced. 
“It’s alright,” he shrugged, “get to sit next to you.” 
I rolled my eyes again. “You’re not getting any.” 
He burst out laughing, “What! How could you resist me?” 
I playfully smiled at him. I was glad he was here to ease my nerves, “Dunno,” I glanced at the field, “quite like the others.” 
“You already know them?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” I nodded, “same college.”
Liam was the goalie. He was broad, quick and could move fast so he was the one that suited that job the most. He was also rough, and shouted really loudly which was a benefit when he would have to coach the team from the goal. He scared opponents off easily, grabbing the ball before they could shoot to keep the score at zero. Liam shared a house with Zayn, Louis and Brad, who were also playing tonight. Zayn was a little bit more of an introvert, and I didn’t really speak to him much. He did show he was a good midfielder though. He was quick and could pass the ball to his teammates effortlessly. When he did score though, he wouldn’t hesitate to cheer loudly and scare everyone with his intensity. 
Brad was a little bit older than the rest, but he was great nonetheless. He was very broad in the shoulders and had legs every gym boy would be jealous of. He was the ex-boyfriend of my sister’s, who also attended this college a few years ago. But to me, he still felt more like an older brother than someone who had been in my sister’s life for years. 
Louis was very serious. He was known for only having one thing on his mind, and that was to score goals. He was quick, could dribble fast and made the stronger players against him look back at him in surprise. Others called him Suarez because he was just that good, and his name was close to Luiz’, which made it easier for his teammates to choose a name. He was actually the only one, alongside Harry, to maybe get upgraded to a higher team. From what I heard of some girls on campus, was that he was a bit snarky. He had some quick-witted comebacks, and he didn’t care if he would hurt your feelings.
The house right next to their one, was filled with other boys from the team. This one was occupied with Josh, Ben and Harry. They had been friends since they were around sixteen, and now had the best bond you could have as college brothers. The three boys were always seen with each other, going out together and even doing groceries together. It wouldn’t surprise me if they also fucked the same girls. 
I actually didn’t know them that well, they were just known around campus. That house was classed as the party house and had a reputation of being used to shag a new girl every week. Don’t get me wrong, they were also good at their sport, but the girls they pulled mostly went for their looks rather than for their skills. 
It wasn’t a surprise that two of the boys that I knew, Louis and Harry, played as strikers, in the centre forward position. Harry was the only one that I had never actually spoken to before but knew from the parties. He was in the team because he was good, but also because he could easily show off to the ladies that way. He was popular amongst the college, mainly because he offered up his house to all the party-goers that wanted to celebrate a win that he created. No-one complained about that, seeing as he was gifted with the most attractive face on the campus. He could dribble the ball, yes, and he had the skill of a young Neymar when it came to approaching the goal. But with those eyes and smile with dimples, and his full head of curls that were covered in a backwards snap-back most of the time, I couldn’t help but check him out instead of his moves on the field. He was the captain of the team, living up to his name. He was also a leader of the group outside of football, which made all the girls like him even more.
“Ahh,” Niall exhaled, “shame I don’t know you.” 
This time, I shoved him, making him laugh. He was already a pain in my arse. “Fuck off.”
The boys were playing for around fifteen minutes now, without something happening that would probably make me do some work. The coach was getting into it, standing up every so often and giving the players some tips. He had really created a team, I felt like. You could feel the bond and fondness between them. When a player fell down, another player helped him up and patted him to ask if he was okay. When it almost went wrong and the opposing team had a shot at the goal, everyone from the team would shout positives to each other. It felt like a real team. This team wasn’t only together while playing, though. I had seen them all at parties together and they also liked to play outside of the games they already had. 
I was really into it the first fifteen minutes, but now I was growing kind of bored. Sure, watching boys play was fun, but with no work or particular action, it was kind of boring. Especially since it was a friendly match. The one form of entertainment I got, however, was Niall, who was really into the game.
“Fuck’s sake, Leon! You’re a defender! You should play in the back!” He shouted profanities to his team mates, cheering them on. 
When Niall saw that Leon didn’t comply, he nudged another player next to him and said something in his ear with a scowl on his face. It made me grin lightly in my seat, him being so serious. I liked watching them already. 
“Come on!” He yelled again, standing up in his seat, “Run Louis! Go after…” 
I was looking at Niall with a smile on my face. I also saw how his face turned into a grimace and his hands went to cover his mouth. “Oooh,” 
I looked at the field, panicked. Niall nudged me, tapping his hands on my arm. I saw that Louis had fallen to the ground, his arms holding his leg up now, groaning in pain. It was probably his ankle. I didn’t know what to do at first, shocked that something had actually happened. I looked at Niall, who was already looking at me, nudging his head towards the field. “Go!”
I jumped from my seat, wanting to run straight to the victim. I saw the referee signing for me, which made me run onto the field even more desperately. After a couple of seconds of running, I realised I had forgotten my bag. Fuck. Seriously? Groaning to myself in embarrassment, I quickly grabbed my supplies and ran a little quicker to the boy who was lying on the field in pain. 
“Hey,” I said as I approached him, a little out of breath from running so quickly. 
He didn’t look at me, just kept touching his ankle. It made me frown, it was probably really bad. He was crying out in pain, and some teammates and opponents had gathered around him to see what happened. In the meantime I had wet the sponge in the bag that the coach had brought with him, stretching Louis’ leg. He didn’t really want to, resisting to want to move it. 
“Don’t worry, it’ll be alright.” 
As I was wetting his ankle to cool it down over his shoes, I tried to look if it was bruised or if it had swollen up. None so far that I could see, so that was a good sign. I stretched his leg a bit to keep it moving, but with his socks on, I couldn’t see if there were any wounds or cuts. I tried to sit him upright, but he wasn’t having it. “Calm down,” He hissed, still holding his ankle. He sat upright now, finally looking who was taking care of him. When he saw it was me, he raised his eyebrows. 
“What’re ye doing here?”
I looked at him in shock, already not wanting to help him anymore. So much for running hurriedly over to him. I tried to not react to his degrading question, although it was hard. I continued to check out his foot, trying to place it straight down on the field. He placed his other food next to the injured one, and leaned on his knees with his elbows. The trainer gave Louis a bottle with water, which he gladly took. He took a large gulp, sitting there for a while. Was I overreacting or something? He seemed to be in a lot of pain, why was he now so calm and chilling?
I started grabbing my things, giving Louis one last look to see if he was okay. He seemed to be fine, being helped up by another team mate and testing to stand on it. 
I couldn’t believe this, he was groaning about his ankle no less than one minute ago! What an idiot. Letting me come all the way over here for nothing. As I was walking away frowned my eyebrows in confusion. If it was going to be like this the whole time, I was gone. Not gonna happen. I was here for a reason and the team mates should take that seriously. 
I looked back one last time to Louis who was now laughing with Brad, which resulted in me bumping into someone. His back was hard. He had drawn his head back so he could fill his mouth with water, causing me to also run into the back of this someone’s arms. 
“Fuck, sorry.” I exclaimed, “I shouldn’t..”
When he turned his head around and I saw who it was, I immediately shut my mouth and stared at him. I was frozen into my place for a moment, not knowing what to say. He turned around completely, a dimple showing on his face. I blushed. He was even more attractive up close.
“Don’t worry about it, babe.” He didn’t look angry or anything at all, he actually smiled, which made me feel a little bit better. I wanted to keep on walking to let me soak in my distress towards the situation that just occured, when Louis spoke up again from behind us, “So who’s the pretty girl who wears tight ass clothes to her job?” 
I heard him laugh quietly at his own remark, and he said it loud enough to let his mates in on it too. Instead of just ignoring him and walking on, I decided to turn around and shout after him, 
“Someone who can actually pull it off.”
His team mates ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ at my quick remark. I sighed. Harry was still looking at me. I saw his face turn into a frown, silently apologizing to me with his gaze. I shrugged at him. My comeback towards Louis made me feel good again. He’s the idiot.
When I turned around again, and actually began walking, I smiled quietly to myself, forgetting the situation. This was going to be an interesting job.
The whistle blew, announcing the end of the game. For a practice match, the game went surprisingly well. There weren't any more instances or fake ankle injuries, what I was glad about. Harry had scored the one and only goal, which made the team go home with a win. Even though the game was for practice, they were pretty happy about it.
"Okay boys! Bundle up," the coach announced as everyone was walking off the field. I was still standing by the dug-out, not really knowing if I had to say goodbye or when the next game was. I saw everyone rounding around the coach, listening in, just like I did.
"Great game, happy about this one. Leon, next time: please bring your shin pads, so you could actually play and I could see what condition you're in. I have made notes and I will be announcing who's playing this Saturday, before the real game." The team looked around at each other, gauging who played good tonight and who didn't. 
Apparently they used this match as a mock try-out, so the trainer and coach could see who were in shape and who weren't for the first big game on Saturday.
"Before you all go, I would like to introduce you to our new on scene doctor, who will be helping you if there's anything actually wrong." He glared at Louis when he said that last part, making him scowl.
I took a step forward, looking around the group. I saw that everyone was intensely looking at me, so I spoke up quickly, "Hi everyone, my name's Mattie and just like Patrick said, I'll be helping you guys out during the games."
"You'll help me out outside of the game, too?"
I ignored him, saw that Niall was once again encouraging me and disregarding his team mate who shouted that from the group, nodding his head for me to continue. I smiled a bit, and went on, "I'm studying to be a doctor, and I'm currently doing the bachelors for it, so yeah.."
Patrick, the coach, nodded at me and returned to the group, "For now, keep in shape boys and help each other out. I haven't decided anything yet so miracles can happen!"
The team shuffled away quietly, talking to each other. I tapped Patrick on his shoulder, "Sorry, coach, is there some place where I can put my bag so I don't have to bring it with me every time?" 
He nodded, gazing above me to where the boys were walking, "Of course Mattie, just a moment,” He took two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, making me try to cover my ears, “Captain!" he shouted, "Harry come here!" 
I turned around and saw that Harry was saying goodbye to his teammates, as he already heard his couch, before jogging over to us. He nodded at me, looking me up and down and placed his arms in his sides as a greeting and turned to Patrick, "What's up coach?" 
Patrick cleared his throat and looked at me, "Mattie here would like to put her bag in the dressing room so she won't have to take it with her," he started grabbing his keys from his pocket, "you can show her, yes?" 
Harry nodded, taking the keys from him. "No worries coach, I'll help her." 
The coach patted Harry in his shoulder, "Thank you, bring the keys to my office tomorrow. And work on your left foot!" 
Niall was waving goodbyes at me, so I quickly waved back, “Bye!” and turned towards Harry. 
With the team and Niall gone, it was just Harry and I. It was still dark, with only the lights from the field still on. Harry jiggled the keys in front of us, and winked at me, "I'll show ya," 
It wasn't that I was nervous or anything, but I hesitated for two seconds before strolling behind him. He was so cocky, with his kit still on and smirking all the time. I couldn't help but watch him while he was playing. He had a certain glow around him, an aura that just radiated confidence. He could probably pull everything off and he certainly could wrap everyone around his finger. 
"So you enjoyed the game, doc?" 
I cringed at the nickname, but decided to let it go this time, "I enjoyed watching it yeah," 
Nodding, he faced me, "You liked my goal?" 
He said it with a smirk and as if he knew I was watching him the whole time, which was true, but he didn't need to know that. 
"Actually, I really liked how Leon could outrun everyone on the field.." 
He stopped abruptly and turned around, in the middle of the path. Once he was fully in front of me, he leaned in, “I saw you watching me, you know.”
Because he stopped suddenly and leaned in immediately, I accidently took a step too much, almost bumping into him again. “Maybe I was watching Louis.”
He laughed, showing me his dimple as he looked to the side. “I know you weren’t, that douchebag really doesn’t know how to play it.”
I nodded my head, and rolled my eyes as if he was stating the obvious. “That’s right.” 
I began walking again, not really knowing where to, but at least in the same direction we were already going. Harry followed me soon after, jumping into step with me. I already saw the building coming closer, which made me think of something. “Why aren’t you all showering in the dressing room after a game?”
He bumped his shoulder with mine, which made me notice the height difference we had. He was a lot taller than me, my eyes looking straight at his collarbones when I turned to look at him. 
I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows in question. 
“You would like to see that, huh?” He stated, smiling shyly at me.
I groaned, “Harryy..”
“Already moaning my name, I see.” 
This time it was me that bumped my shoulder with him, making him laugh in response. “I was just joking, love.” 
When we fell into step once more, he looked ahead and started explaining my question to me, “No we’re not there because it was a practise game and obviously we want to go home fast so we can go to the party later, so we just decided to shower at home.”
I nodded my head, kneading my eyebrows in confusion. There was a party tonight? I haven’t heard anything about that. I quite liked going to parties. Normally my friend Niamh made sure we could get invites so we could go together, but not tonight apparently. It was a Wednesday after all, so maybe she just wanted to stay in tonight. “A party?” I asked Harry. 
He nodded, “Yeah it’s like a frat party only, I would have gotten you an invite but I didn’t really know you before this, soo..”
I laughed, grinning to myself. Harry was really nice. At least, nothing like I had pictured him to be in my head. I didn’t like to judge people before I knew them, but with Harry that was kind of inevitable. Also, I couldn’t exactly invite myself now since he said he didn’t know me but I already knew him. I was not going to make a fool of myself, obviously. So I just shrugged.
“Don’t worry about it.”
We had reached the building where the shower rooms were. We walked quite slow, and it was already quite late so it was kind of eerie here. No lights, the doors were all left open and there were no people to be seen. 
“So these are our shower rooms,” Harry started as we walked into the building after he unlocked it, “We normally take the first one, so you can just put your stuff in there.”
The dressing room was big and spacious. Everyone had a seat, there was a whiteboard in there and the showers were in a separate room. The closet that stood against the wall next to the showers, held all the equipment. “There,” Harry said, as he took my bag and placed my stuff in, “A special place for you.”
As he placed my stuff in the closet, I could finally see how he’d looked up close. He still had his short sleeved football shirt on, revealing his tattoos on his arms. For a guy that was still in college, he sure had a lot of them. Not that I minded. 
“Thank you Harry,” I smiled at him, at which he winked in return when he faced me again. Gosh, I could almost feel myself getting red. I was acting like a schoolgirl, I needed to step up my game. “I’ll remember this place,” I said, as I looked at the showers. I could almost imagine all the naked boys right here. 
I smirked, glancing at the shower himself, “I’m sure you will.”
After making sure everything was locked and closed, we started to walk back to the parking lot.  I was sure Harry was also with his car, considering campus was at least a twenty minute walk. Right as we reached our cars and I wanted to say goodbye, he faced me again and leaned on his already open door, “You know what, Mattie?”
I looked up from the inside of my car towards him, giving him a questioning look. “What?”
“You free Saturday?”
He said it so casually that I wasn’t sure how to respond. He wasn’t asking me out on a date was he? I mean, I was attracted to the guy but I barely knew him! And it wasn’t like I wanted to go out with him, really. But I did want to see him. With hesitation evident in my voice, I answered him, “Yeah, why?”
He saw my facial expression and laughed a bit, “To take you up on my offer. We’re having a party again at our house, so if you’d like to come?”
I almost sighed in relief, “Yeah, I’d like that, thank you Harry.” 
He shot a quick wink at me as he started to climb in his car, “No worries!” As a last afterthought, right as I wanted to shut my door, I heard him shout, “And bring your friends!”
My friend Niamh was present at the game this time, too. We were here a little early, so we could catch up on our week and talk about everything that had happened to us. She was a friend from years ago, almost from when we were kids, so she knew everything about me. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to be a doctor and had chosen to go pursue her dancing career. She was really good at it, too. She was asked to dance in videoclips and she often performed on stage with singers or bands. It was her job now, one she always wanted. It made me proud of her, because she actually went for it, and ignored her parent’s complaints about it. She had proved them and their comments about how she was never going to make it, wrong. 
We sat in the canteen, which was still fairly quiet. The game would start at two, and it was now one thirty. I had only been to a professional game once, and then I arrived at two on the dot and I didn’t even look if there were many people there. The only time I’d been here was when I met up with the trainer to see if this was the right place for me to take my extra credits. I could choose to work in an elderly home, or at the swimming pool, but I had decided that this would be more fun for me. I didn’t mind watching 22 boys running after a ball for two hours back to back, particularly. 
Niamh had ordered a coffee whereas I preferred cold drinks over hot drinks, so I just stuck with some soda. “So how has your week been, Matts?” She said as she took a sip of her drink. 
I smiled at her, excited to tell her she would be having something to do tonight, “Actually, I need to invite you to something.”
Her eyebrows perked up, and she placed the drink on the table, “To where?��
I grinned, “Harry Styles asked me if I wanted to come to this party at his house tonight, and said I could bring some friends.” 
“No way!” She exclaimed gasping, “Harry Styles from the team?” 
I nodded happily back at her, “That’s the one.”
She already started to grab her phone, so she could text our friends, I presumed. “When did he ask you this? I didn’t even know you talked to him!”
After I placed my drink down from taking a sip of it myself, I shrugged casually at her. “Well, I had to help at that game you know,” I said as she nodded at me, “And right after he had to show me where I could put my stuff and started talking about this party he had this Wednesday----”
“Oh yes!” She interrupted me with wide eyes, “So that’s the party Emily talked about! She said she had fucked the captain of the team, and that he was quite good. That’s Harry right?” 
I paused, opening my mouth in surprise. “What? Yeah he is the captain.” 
“That’s so sick! I have to text Emily about this party tonight then,” She said, grinning excitedly at me and putting her phone down to look at me again. “Anyway, go on, I’m listening.”
I coughed, choosing to ignore this disappointing bit of information, “Yeah so he told me about that party and that he couldn’t invite me then, which is a bit weird if I think about it now, but anyways, he invited me for tonight and said I could bring some friends.” I forced a smile on my face as I finished my story and looked at her. 
She copied my smile, “That’s great! Maybe I can finally meet Niall and get to know him better, if you know what I mean,” She said as she wiggled her eyebrows. 
I laughed, genuinely excited for her. “I hope you will!” 
After I had finished my drink, I announced to Niamh that I had to leave if I wanted to be at the dug-outs on time. She wished me well, and said that she would see me tonight. After I hugged her and said goodbye to her and the bartender who had served us, I walked out of the canteen towards the shower rooms. 
I needed to grab my bag if I wanted to be helping players today. Today they had to play against a popular college not far away from where we’re from, so it was kind of exciting to be able to see that. The coach had probably announced who would be playing and who wouldn’t for today, which made the pressure on the players to play well a tad bit higher. I knew that obviously Harry and Louis would be playing, along with our goalie Liam, but the rest of the team was still unsure. For me it would be kind of fun if Niall was still benched, just for entertainment, but he would rather be on the field, I’m sure. Hopefully his knee was doing better.
I had reached the shower rooms and discovered that the door was still open, allowing me to walk right in the building. I knew Harry said it was the first one when we dropped my bag off, so without hesitation I whipped open the door. Right as I did that, I heard commotion and deep yelling from from the inside, causing me to rapidly close the door again. Shit. How the fuck was I supposed to know they were still here, they were just warming up outside!
Bowing my head in embarrassment, I quickly walked out of the building. I would just grab my bag when they were out so I didn’t have to walk in with all of them staring at me. I waited outside, leaning against the wall and just staring ahead at the field they would be playing on. They were taking their sweet time. Probably just discussing the match quickly just before the game started, but to me it felt like ages.  
The other team was walking towards the field in a pack, and the referee started to walk towards this building, probably to let our team know the game was about to start. I actually felt nerves bubbling in my stomach, with everything being so serious in comparison to the last game. There were a lot of supporters walking towards the bleachers, too. 
I was just staring at the field again when the door opened and everyone on the team started to walk out. First it was the coach and trainer, who nodded in greeting. The coach was needed here too, apparently. I saw that Niall walked in the front with his jacket still on, so that meant he was benched again. When he walked by me, he ruffled my hair. “Hey Matts!” 
“Hey!” I shouted after him, “I’m here to help you, you know!”
He turned around and laughed loudly, pointing at his knee, “Not me!’
At that, I didn’t have anything back to say knowing he was benched again, so I just shook my head. 
“Is he messing with you?” 
I heard Harry’s voice before I saw him, making me look up towards him. He was walking at the back of the team’s row to get out of the building with a smile on his face, standing out from everyone else walking before him.  
When he reached me, he stopped and raised his eyebrows, awaiting my answer. “No it’s just Niall,” I told him, shrugging my shoulders indifferently. 
“Right,” He smirked, “Well, I figured ‘t was you that tried to come in during our important speech, so I decided to grab your bag for you.” 
My heart swelled just a little bit at his kind gesture, having not expected this at all from him. Shit, you should never listen to rumours, huh? He proved once again that he could actually be kind.
“Wow, Harry! Thank you so much. That’s so kind of you to do that!” I grabbed the bag from him and in a split second decided I wanted to hug him. I threw myself in his arms, catching him off guard for a second. My bag that I now carried in my hand whipped him in his back, causing him to groan in my shoulder. Hugging me back, he draped his arms slowly around me, positioning them right above my ass. 
When I loosened my arms around him, I nodded my head towards the field, “You should probably go,”
He nodded in confirmation, still standing in close proximity to me. “I do.”
I placed my hand on his shoulder blades, and wished him luck for the game, “Break a leg Harry, or don’t actually.”
He laughed at my comment, showing me his dimples. Before he walked away towards the field, he winked at me, “I’ll try not to.”
When I saw him run on the field and give his teammates one last cheer for good luck, I smirked to myself watching him. It was a good choice to wear my tight yoga pants again, at least. 
The game was very intense. Not like practise-match intense, but full on competition match intense. Louis luckily hadn’t faked any injuries yet, so that was a good sign. However, I had to run on the field in the first half for Liam, who had taken a good shot right in his eye. He fell to the ground, making me run on the field for him. When I got there, he was already sitting up and not at all groaning in pain like Louis had, making me smile a bit. At least Liam could handle something. I also discovered his injury wasn’t fake, because I could see a bruise forming immediately. I cooled it a little, but told him it would be better if he took some rest. He said that he’d be fine and would just tell me and the coach if he wanted to switch between the other goalkeeper and him. I was still a bit concerned, but he insisted. So I walked back with my supplies and some worries, hoping that it was really just a shot with the ball, and it wouldn’t turn out to be something worse. 
The score was 2-1 for our team, with just ten minutes to go when I came back from grabbing some more water. It was so tense, all the players were proper going for it. The bleachers were filled with supporters, all reacting to the match as if their life depended on it. When the opponents came near our goal, they would stand up and shout at our defenders. And when our team was striking and near the opponents goal, they would yell and scream for us to score. I was nervous too. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping that the score would stay the same. I was fiddling with the hem of my shirt to stop myself from standing up and screaming towards the players. 
We did have a good few people that came out to support us, yes. But our biggest supporter sat on the bench. He was biting his nails, screaming in frustration and cursing loudly whenever we missed a goal. 
“Fuck! Who in their goddamn mind would even pass like that!”, or “Holy shit! That was fucking close!” and my favourite: “Son of a… get that fucking ball in the goal you arseholes!”
Least to say, I was entertained for the match.  
Currently we had the ball on our side, passing each other the ball and walking forwards towards the goal. Once we had crossed the midfielders of the opponents, Zayn passed the ball towards Brad who then passed it on to Ben. Ben had a good shot, and could easily get the ball miles away. So when Louis sprinted towards the goal, Ben saw an opportunity to pass the ball onto him. He put the ball in front of him and shot the ball, right into Louis’ feet. I could see that Louis was looking for someone to help him out, because there were two defenders near the goal and he couldn’t pass them himself. Luckily Harry had seen it, and sprinted with him on the other side. He made sure he ran close to the goal but not to close, so he had the space to shoot the ball right in if he got it. He shouted for Louis to pass the ball onto him, and Louis immediately did. The ball was flying over the defenders, in a straight line towards Harry. Harry prepared for it, taking his foot back so he could place it right on it. He jumped, the ball almost near him, and kicked the ball--- 
Right before he could kick it, a defender sprung onto him making Harry fall right to the ground. “Nooooo!” Niall yelled loudly from beside me, “For fuck’s sake no!”
I heard everyone gasp from the audience, immediately voicing their worries from behind me. I panicked for a second, freezing in my spot. Shit! Harry just fell to the ground. He was laying there, in pain. I heard the coach shout my name, making me snap back to reality. Immediately I grabbed my bag, and ran towards him in a hurry. Shiiit. Why Harry? Others had gathered around him, so I couldn’t see how Harry was doing. Right as I arrived near him, I shouted for them to walk away. 
“Everyone! Leave!” 
My voice must have sounded really angry or intimidating, because everyone hurried away quickly. This way, I could finally see Harry. He was laying on the ground, on his back. He had his hands on his forehead, making me think there was something wrong with his head. Hopefully he didn’t have a concussion or something. The defender that had pushed him to the ground, was still looking at Harry. He was probably worried about what he’d done, but I didn’t care. 
“What are you doing? Leave!” 
He started saying that he was sorry, and that he could help, but I wasn’t having it. “I don’t care, leave before I force you.” 
He nodded, worry evident on his face. For a second I felt bad, but then I saw that Harry was still laying here, and then those thoughts escaped my mind right away. The defender walked away eventually, leaving me alone with Harry. I looked at him, seeing how he had one hand over his head, feeling for bruising. The moment I sat down next to him, he turned his head towards me. He opened his eyes, and smiled.
“Am I dreaming?” 
Relief washed over me immediately. At least he could still make jokes. I began sitting next to his head, wetting my sponge once again and placing it over his head. “You okay, Harry?” 
He nodded, his head in front of my knees on the ground. I looked at him from above, so that I could see how his body reacted when I would do certain things to see if he was okay. Right now I had my hands on his forehead with the sponge in between, “I’m fine actually, Mattie. I just wanted you to come save me.”
I rolled my eyes, not believing him. “No you didn’t.” 
He laughed, causing his chest to go up and down, “I did,” He smirked, his eyes shining as he looked at me. 
I shook my head in disbelief, staring at him smiling at me for a second. But then I remembered I could take revenge. He saw that I was wetting the sponge again, and began to sit up straight. “No you won’t!’
I began splashing him with water in revenge, making him soaking wet. I was laughing my ass off, seeing him so flustered and shocked at what I was doing. “Mattie! Shit, stop!”
I was aware that the rest of the team and the coach were still watching us, so I stopped splashing him, throwing the sponge in the water bag. I took a step towards his soaked body, pressing my lips together and looking him in the eye mischievously. “Next time you’ll play a joke on me like that, I’ll take you to the hospital so you’ll have to sit next to Niall for a month.”
He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. “Noted, doc, noted.” 
As I walked away smiling and the referee began gathering everyone together again, I heard him shout one more thing after me, “I’ll pay you back tonight Mattie! Watch out!”
I just shot my middle finger in the air, hearing him bark out another laugh in response. 
The party was in full swing when Niamh, Emily, Joey and I arrived. It was in Harry’s and his roommates’ house, one that I had never been in before, let alone seen how packed it could be. Everyone that was just a little bit known around campus, was there. I recognized some people from my class, and others I knew because they were popular around campus. 
When we arrived, the door was unlocked and you could just walk right in. That wasn’t unusual with the parties I went to, if we ever went to house parties. There was a pile of jackets formed, so we just threw ours over it. Joey and Emily claimed they knew some people and went off to speak to them, leaving me and Niamh alone at the party. 
“Let’s have a drink,” Niamh said to me over the loud music, “We need to get drunk to process this!”
I nodded in agreement, already taking her arm towards the kitchen. It was already quite busy, but we had come a little late. We didn’t want to be the first ones to arrive, as we didn’t know a lot of people here. All the drinks were placed on a table, leaving us with a lot of choice of what we wanted to drink tonight. I hadn’t realised before this that these college boys actually spend a lot of time planning these things. They had a lot to think about. And to be fair, they had done a good job at it.
We had appropriately dressed ourselves, luckily. Since we didn’t really know what to expect, we just went for black: Niamh wearing a tight dress with spaghetti straps and me wearing a skirt with a t-shirt. It was something you could never go wrong with.
I poured myself some alcohol, waiting for Niamh to do the same. Once we both had our drinks, we leaned against the table and started looking at people. This was our favourite activity to do. You saw some crazy people at parties, so we had a lot to think about. 
“Oh wow, there’s already people on the edge of drunkenness.” Niamh laughed, raising her eyebrows at a boy who had run straight towards the loo. “Jesus wept.”
“Shit,” I exclaimed, looking at a girl who had just came in with a gift in her hand, “It’s someone’s birthday? Did we need to bring a gift?”
She just shrugged her shoulders at me. “No fucking clue.” And resumed to look around the room. We had been sipping on our drinks lightly, just enjoying the music that was blasting loudly and how everyone was dancing and talking with each other.
“Look at that girl, she's going for it!” Niamh pointed out at me, looking at a girl that was standing in the middle of the room, dancing her ass off. I followed her gaze, seeing how the girl was dancing to the music, not caring about anyone it seemed like. I wish I could be like her. “She’s really good!”
Right as I wanted to respond to Niamh, I saw that Louis had walked in the door she was close to. I rolled my eyes and turned around, looking at the sink. 
“What’re you doing?” Niamh asked me incredulously, looking at me over her shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” I answered her, “He just annoys me.”
She came to stand beside me, searching for my eyes. “How? Last time we talked about him you said he was hot!”
I shrugged my shoulders again, “He’s just annoying.”
“Right.” She answered, turning around again and taking a sip of her drink. “If you want to fuck him just tell me. I could be your wing woman.”
I bumped my hips with hers, and turned around to look at the crowd again, “Never.” 
She laughed, standing up straight and finishing up her drink. “Okay then, just tell me why another time. I just saw Harry come in and you need to talk with him.” 
Immediately I felt my stomach go wild. Shit. My eyes began to search around the room, looking for his head of curls amongst the crowd. I found him talking with a friend of his from his team, who’s name I couldn’t remember. Harry looked extremely attractive tonight. Instead of the usual kit I saw him in, he wore all black. His black vans stood out with the other clothing he wore, black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. Even with such a simple look, he made it seem like he wore a million dollars. As he was talking, his jawline moved with his mouth and it made me just weak in the knees. He was actually so hot, how hadn’t I fully appreciated this man before? 
It seemed like he was asking if his friend wanted a drink, because he leaned into him with his ear, nodded and started walking away towards the kitchen. Oh no, why had I been sitting in the kitchen, so obviously out in the open? He strode confidently towards the drinks, when in mid-walk he saw me sitting there. Niamh also recognised him and saw he was walking over here, so she made up an excuse to leave. “Just need the loo for a moment,” 
I couldn’t answer her, because Harry interrupted my thoughts. He was also smirking at me as he arrived right in front of me, only leaving a few inches in between us. I crossed my arms, looking up at him challengingly. 
“Hey doc,” he greeted, speaking in a raspy voice. He began to smile mischievously, making me wonder what he was going to say, “Or should I say, hero?”
I groaned out loud, hitting him in the chest with one hand, and shaking my head. It made him laugh, making his chest vibrate. I could almost feel the vibrations with how close we were. “Shut up,”
He was still chuckling a bit as if he were still thinking about it. Suddenly he stopped, and looked me right in the eyes. “Really though, that was really hot with how you fought everyone out of your way for me.”
I felt my face go warm and I tried to not to smile too much. “Thank you,” I said, straightening up a bit and raising my chin up at him, “But like hell that I fought everyone away.” 
He gasped, nudging me with his arms “Heyy, you did!” he said with a fake offense, frowning his eyebrows, “You were basically performing CPR on me with the way you acted!”
I laughed, making me lean into him a little bit and hide in his shoulder. When I brought myself back in front of him, I raised my eyebrows at him, “You would like me to give you a mouth to mouth performance, wouldn’t you?” 
My heart skipped a bit when he got all serious and looked me straight in the eye. “I would,” 
Our eye contact was intense, I could feel it in my stomach. He was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face. I was almost certain that he could feel my heartbeat against his chest. We weren’t even touching completely, but it was beating so hard that I wouldn’t doubt it. I looked at his green eyes, to his plump and pink lips. They were a nice shape, and I felt the urge to just kiss them. I didn’t though, maybe he did this with every other girl he tried to get in his bed. 
I was proven right when he took my hand, “Come with me,” 
I tried to act confused, furrowing my eyebrows, “Where to?” 
He didn’t respond, just tugged on my hand and began leading the way. People weren’t even looking at us, they were dancing or drinking and talking. And even though I liked doing those things at parties, this thing that I thought Harry was planning to do with me, seemed much more fun. 
He made his way towards the door to go upstairs, avoiding bumping in with people or getting splashed by someone’s drink. Once we were on the way up he let go of my hand so we could walk better. There were only one or two people upstairs, making out with each other or searching for someone. Two doors were open out of the four, and Harry went into a closed one with me. 
He revealed his bedroom to me, which was completely dark apart from the moon that lit up the room a little bit. His room was mostly a dark blue, with a grey colour covering the one wall that wasn’t blue. His bed stood in the middle of the room with two bedside tables next to it. He had a desk and his sports bag that he had used still stood in his room, untouched. He didn’t have a desk, but a dresser was shoved against the wall. Once I did my onceover, I saw Harry standing in front of his bed, looking at me. 
He smiled, and began to walk over to me again, making me back into the door once he reached me completely. He stood closer than he did when we were in the kitchen, his pelvis against mine and his chest leaning against my body. “Hey,” He said again, even raspier this time. 
I looked up at him, examining his face, “Hey.”
He cleared his throat, and hesitated a bit, “Can I kiss you?”
I hesitated, “One thing.”
He raised his eyebrows, “Tell me you don’t fuck girls every week, otherwise I won’t be able to handle this.”
He took a step back, frowning, “Who told you that?”
Looking up at him, I felt myself growing more nervous, “Just hear that about you.”
He looked up at the ceiling, then back at me. “I promise you Mattie. I didn’t bring you here or invite you just to fuck you. I’d happily talk with you all night. You seem fun.”
I smiled, “And,” he continued, “my roommates are the ones who get laid every party. I do have sex yeah, but I promise you, I haven’t had sex since the first week of this semester.”
With the sincerity in his eyes, I believed him, “Okay, you can kiss me now.”
“Only if you want to.”
I looked into his eyes, “I really do.”
With one nod and another reassuring glance he was in the clear and we were done with being slow. He smacked his lips against mine, moving his arms from against the door to my body. Roaming his hand around my hips to my ass as he hungrily kissed me. I kissed him back, recuperating his movements. He squeezed my ass, making me gasp a little bit, giving him access to use his tongue in the kiss as well. I moved my arms from his shoulders to his neck, pushing him closer to me with my fingertips in his hair. Our tongues were wet and desperate, making the kiss hot and heavy. Once he had enough of just making out, he grabbed me by my thighs and lifted me up, turning me around towards the bed. 
I fell backwards onto his soft mattress, with Harry on top of me. My legs were around him in an instant, crossing my feet on his back. I still had my sneakers on and all my clothes, but not for long. Harry’s hand went from my ass to the hem of my shirt. I lifted my back for him, pausing in the kiss, to let him take my top off in one swift movement, leaving me in my bra. I didn’t wear my sexiest bra, but he didn’t seem to mind. His mouth went from the sweet spots on my neck towards my cleavage, leaving wet kisses on my body. He was already working on getting my bra off, pushing the straps off my shoulders. I sat upright for him, making him readjust his position to get closer to me. He was struggling with the clasp, so I unclasped my bra for him and threw it on the ground. He didn’t waste any time cupping my breasts, feeling them and leaning in my neck to leave some more spots, but I wasn’t having it. I pushed him away on his chest, making him stand on the ground again. He looked at me in confusion for a moment, until I stood up and pushed him on the bed. I bent my knees so I could reach his t-shirt, and he got the idea. Moving his arms up to let me take his shirt off, he gladly let me do it. 
His chest was revealed to me, just like mine was to him. This wasn’t enough, though. I crouched on my knees completely so I was level with his belly button, and began to unbutton his jeans. His bulge was evident in the tight material, so when I moved the zipper down I cupped him over his jeans and pants, making him groan in response. 
“Fuck, Mattie.” 
I just smiled at him, moving to tug at his jeans. He got the hint and thrust his hips up, so I could take his jeans off. Once they were off, he was just left in his boxers. I moved a little closer to him, so I was level with his bulge, making me look up at him with wide eyes. “Impressive,” I smirked. 
He wasn’t having it, and took his boxers off immediately, revealing his dick to me that sprung to his stomach. He must be proper into it, because I had never had a man be this turned on from just kissing. He threw his boxers onto the pile we had already made, and leaned on his arms so he could look at me properly. I took him in my hands, gliding my thumb over his tip. I looked at him for his consent, and he nodded at me eagerly. That was all I needed before I licked him on the tip. He responded loudly, groaning and moaning through the room. I never knew he was so loud in the bedroom. 
I licked him from his balls to the tip, and let him slip in my mouth to take all of him. He moved his hand in my hair, not pushing me, but finally having something he could do with his hands. 
I started bobbing my head up and down, all the while looking at him how he responded to me. His eyes were closed and his pink lips were voluminous and opened just slightly. 
I enjoyed giving blowjobs, especially if it was someone as responsive as Harry. He was groaning and moaning for me, letting me know how much he enjoyed it. “A-ah,” He cried once I hit him in the back of my throat. “Fuck,”
Kissing his tip, feeling his balls and sliding my tongue over his dick was making me wet as well. He still had one hand in my hair, the other going from my arms that were drawn over his upper thighs. My naked boobs rested on his naked legs, and my still clothed butt was stuck in the air. 
He slid his hand over my arm and went to my back, leaning over my head that was still bobbing over his cock. Once he could reach the hem of my skirt, he started moving the zipper. At least, trying to. 
I stopped sucking him off and let my mouth pop when his dick was out of my mouth, making him moan in annoyance. I quickly took my skirt and panties off and went back on my knees in front of him, when he was the one that stopped me this time. He grabbed my arms and basically threw me on the bed, covering my body immediately. Fuck, he was good. 
He started kissing me again, while I searched for his dick and began giving him a handjob. He cupped my breasts and squeezed them. I started leading his dick towards my entrance, giving him a hint of what I wanted. He backed away to look at me with wide eyes, paused for a bit and went to his dresser to get a condom. I watched him as he slid it on, and grabbed his shoulders as he started to position himself in front of me. Before he did, he looked at me once more. I nodded in approval, and he slid himself in me slowly. I could feel him filling me up immediately, making me throw my head back in bliss. “Fuck, Harry..”
“You like my dick, don’t you?” He said as he began thrusting into me. 
I could only nod in response, gasping as he looked at me, “Tell me,” he said as he thrusted into me hard once, “Tell me how you feel.”
His trust were getting harder with each second I wasn’t responding, because I could only moan in pleasure, “Fuck Harry,” I moaned, “I feel so good..”
He reacted with his hips. Thrusting into me rapidly, making my breasts go up and down and the bed creak against the wall. “I know, baby, I know.” 
“Holy shit, I do.” 
He started to kiss my neck, hungrily going for it as my legs crossed at his back once again. I was certain that the guests that were still here could hear us, but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted to everyone to know that he was fucking me, and not some other girl. 
“You’re so good baby, I knew it,” 
I started to roam his back with my arms, feeling his muscles move each time he thrusted. His dick was so long and hard that he hit the right spots inside of me each time. I could feel my head getting a little lighter, and my stomach filled with warmth. “I’m gonna cum, Harry, please,”
“Begging for it, see?” He cockily stated once he moved to look at me again, he even had a smirk on his face when he was fucking me. “Knew you would do me good,”
“Mhh, Harry, almost there,” 
“Me too, baby, me too.” 
He thrusted a couple more times before I could really feel it, my pleasure taking over me completely. I came hard, my legs trembling around him and my head thrown back. My orgasm made me cry out loud, and he was still going at it. 
He was coming too, I knew it. His thrust became harder before they slowed down, squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure. He groaned loudly when he came, looking beautiful while he did. His cheeks had gone slightly pink, making his lips stand out even more, and his hair was all dishevelled and damp with sweat. Once I felt that he filled the condom inside of me, he opened up his eyes and slid out of me. 
We both smiled at each other and started catching our breaths from out intensive activities, “Fuck, Mattie.” He laughed, pulling out of me completely and leaned on his arms to stand up. Once he cleaned up the condom, throwing it in the bin, he started walking back to the bed. He plopped on it, almost on top of me. “That was good.” 
I nodded in response, “Almost as good as Louis’ goals.” I smirked, hoping to get a reaction out of him with bullshit. 
He laughed, letting his head fall on the pillow, “Shut up.”
There we lay, both naked over the covers with our chest moving as we breathed, still hearing the thumping music from downstairs where the party was still going in full swing. 
“I told you,” He started, looking at me playfully, “I would get you wet later.” 
I groaned, but couldn’t help to let a laugh escape. I grabbed my pillow from underneath my head, saw how he was smiling to himself, and smacked him in the head with it. 
Payback, my arse.
Thank you for reading!! If you want more, let me know. This was my first real one shot and I’m working on other stuff as well. xxxxxxx
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A feeling.
This was requested by the lovely @ben-c-group-therapy who asked for this:
< Hi! So I’d like to request a story between Nick and reader. Reader is Nick’s pregnant wife who gets kidnapped and held most likely due to a case Nick had been involved with putting the person away for etc. (of course that’s up to you lol.) She and baby would be fine just she would have some bruises or something from where they tied her or whatever. Idk. I don’t have enough courage to write it and I wanted to come to you with it. If you like the idea I’d love to read it! Thanks!>
Hope this hits the spot for you lovely and it’s what you were looking for. A I bet you could absolutely write something like this and it would be amazing. 
Warning: angst, a lot of angst, talks of SVU cases, talks of kidnapping,  happy ending and soft soft Nick. The pinch of Spanish that’s in there, sorry if its wrong I used google.
WC: 1770
Enjoy x
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Nick had been day dreaming since he got back to his desk after court that morning, he hadn’t been this happy in a long time and he was finally starting to feel more relaxed now your maturity leave had started, you had only been married for 6 months before the two pink lines showed up and you were both looking forward to adding to your existing family. He knew you had an appointment with your OBGYN that lunch time that he couldn’t go to because he was in court.
But as he sat at his desk, he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that was filling him. His phone started to buzz in his pocket and when he pulled it out, he frowned his brows at the doctors office number flashing on it, confused at why they were calling, you weren’t due for another 2 weeks,
“Hello, Nick Amaro”
“Mr Amaro, its Jill, Y/N didn't show up for her appointment today, I have tried to call her cell but she didn’t answer. Have you heard from her?”
All colour drained from his face and he froze just as Liv walked out of her office and Sonny jumped up from his chair walking to Nick and taking the phone off him to find out what was going on. Sonny hung up after talking to Jill and turned to Liv, Amanda and Fin filling them in. Nick was looking ahead, fear filling him and everyone tried not to show how worried they were as well, it wasn’t like you not to show for an appointment and even if you didn’t Nick always knew why you weren’t going. Sonny grabbed Nick’s shoulder and shook him to snap him out of his head,
“Come on man, I’ am sure she is having a nap, we all know how tired she is. She only has 2 weeks left. We’ll go and check on her, ok?”
Sonny drove as fast as he could to your apartment building, they rode the lift up to your floor while Amanda and Fin worked with TARU to track your phone as you still weren’t answering and Liv made some calls around to local hospitals and your family to see if you were at any or if they had seen you.
Nick and Sonny rushed out the lift door down the hall to the front door. At first it looked like it was shut but when Nick tried to put his key into the lock, the door opened up. He raised an eye brow at Sonny trying to hold back tears and they both reached for their weapons, drawing them and started to walk into the apartment. Nick had to remember to breath at the state of it and tried to push away the horrible feeling that washed over him as his eyes scanned around your shared home. Sonny’s eyes blew wide at the mess around, the whole place was trashed and there was a smashed coffee cup with coffee pooling around it on the floor.
They both searched the apartment finding you nowhere, Nick yelling your name at the top of his lungs, but he panicked even more when he walked into the bedroom and found photos spread out on the bed of Nick with a recent victim, who had to go into hiding after testifying against her FBI husband,
“Carisi” Nick shouted trying to hide the fear in his voice. Sonny came rushing through the door and his eyes set on the photos, and he too had to try and hide the panic that bolted through him,
“I’ll call Liv” Sonny pulled his phone out of his pocket and made the call to her.
The next few hours where a blur and Nick found it hard to focus worrying if you and the baby were ok. TURU and the FBI agents sergeant finally found the location on where you were and they were getting ready to move in, Nick given strict instructions to wait at the car. Liv, Sonny and FBI were busting into the front of the old factory and Amanda, Fin and SWAT were getting ready to move in from the back.
Nick had seen first hand what this guy was capable of, you had as well, it was the last case you worked on before your maternity leave started and you knew how much Nick was there for the wife and helped her get out with her kids. He kicked himself for not knowing this was coming, and now you had been gone for hours, heavily pregnant and although he was trying to prepare himself for what he could be walking into, he also knew you were strong and he was hoping for nothing but the best for the whole situation.
They all moved in as quickly, but quietly as possible. As they walked into the big room, Liv and Sonny saw you in the middle of the room tied to a chair still in your pj’s, rope around your wrists to the chair arms and duct tape on your mouth. Sonny could see your tears in the shine of the sun from the windows behind you and the FBI agent was screaming in your face and holding something up to you throat,
“Stop, police” Amanda’s voice filled the room.
Shots where fired and you squeezed your eye’s shut, sobbing hearing the shots being rung out of the room and fading away into the background. As soon as Nick heard the shots, he did what he was told not to do and he ran as fast as his legs could carry him into the factory. It didn’t take long for him to find you sitting in the middle of room shaking and crying,
“Y/N, mi amor” his voice echoed through the room.
Your eyes sprung open and you sobbed uncontrollably watching as Nick ran towards you dropping to his knees in front of the chair undoing the rope on your wrists as quickly as he could. As Nick undid one rope he saw the deep marks around your wrist from how tight the rope was around you. He then moved onto the other one and when he pulled off the rope, you were bleeding slightly. Rage filled him even more when he looked up your arm just under your sleeve and saw a bruise from where you had been grabbed too hard,   
“It’s ok Y/N, I’ am here now, you're safe. You’re ok. Baby, you’re ok”  Nick repeated over and over till he reached up pulling the tape off your mouth.
You launched onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck hugging him tight and he did the same wrapping one arm around your middle tight and his other rested on your large belly, tears spilling from his eyes when he felt the baby kick his hand,
“Nick” you sobbed squeezing your arms around him tighter.
Nick kissed all over the side of your face, the hand around you rubbing over your back and his other rubbing over your belly,
“It’s ok, I’ am here my love. I got you”
Without pulling out of your embrace, Nick moved to stand up, pulling you up with him and he scooped you up carrying you out to EMT’s. Nick spent the rest of the day with you at the hospital while you and the baby were checked to make sure you were both fine and getting your wrists patched up, Amanda and Nick’s mum went back to the apartment to pack bags for you both, Amanda dropping the bags and his mum back at her place where you were both going to stay for a while and Sonny organised a cleaner for your apartment for when you were both ready to go back. Liv told Nick to start his leave to keep an eye on you, while she, Fin and Rafael worked on the case against the FBI agent to make sure the book was thrown at him harder this time.
You were finally back at Nick’s mum’s sitting on the spare bed after having a shower and his mum making your favourite dish, Nick just got out of the shower and he was making you a tea. He walked over to sit next to you on the bed, sitting the cup on the bedside table and he sat down right next to you, his arm going around you and his hand resting on your belly.
You moved yourself to lay into his side, his arm coming down to rub up and down your arm, kissing the top of your head and then resting his head on top of yours, a comfortable silence filling the room till Nick broke it,
“We will stay here as long as you want to, I’ll go and pick up the bassinet and the new born stuff tomorrow and we will look for another apartment we can move into as soon as we can, a secure one this time”
“I like that idea”
You sat up off him and your eyes locked with his, you both sat there for a moment looking deep into each others eyes. Your hand rose up to his cheek, a smile pulled to his face and he lent into your hand,
“You were on my mind the whole time” you whispered.
“You were on mine too. Everything was out of my control, I wanted to go out to find you, I felt so helpless. I needed you to be safe” a tear rolled down his cheek and landed on your thumb “I couldn’t lose you” you both giggled when the baby kicked hard and Nick lent down kissing your belly and muttering into it “You too, mi pequeña niña, Te quiero” Nick kissed your belly again.
Nick sat back up and rested his forehead on yours, both of his hands moving to the sides of your head. Nick pulled back slightly, his hands still on your head and yours on his cheek. Nick titled his head to the side looking into your eyes again,
“Nick, kiss me, Please?”
A small smile pulled to his face again and he licked his lips before he closed the gap and his lips met with yours, fitting together. The kiss never deepened, it was soft, slow and loving. Nick peaked your lips, then along your cheek till he hugged you tightly in his arms pulling you into his warm solid body as he sat back on the bed head. You laid into him, your head resting under his chin,
“I love you mi amor, so much”
“I love you too babe”
Tags: @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo
65 notes · View notes
newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hard to believe but I think among the some 300 fanfics out there no one did a what-if Edmund never died. Probably because the premise of the whole story was edmunds death and what wld be the conflict if not that? However, I think it would make a brilliant story since I am pretty sure Anthony as Mr. Bridgerton wouldve been an even bigger rake. So, maybe you can write it? Pretty please with cute corgis on top? Preferably set in the regency era, it can just a Drabble, nothing more. But I want to see it take some form. Who knows maybe someone else will get inspired to write it if not you.
Okay So... Apparently I couldn't bloody help myself.
You owe me two cute Corgis anon. (Please forgive me for how bad I am at writing in regency)
Anthony sighed to himself as he stood in the corner of the ballroom in his family home. Not Hiding per se, That would be undignified for a future Viscount, Anthony reasoned, merely keeping a low profile. He'd promised his mother he would attend, and at least pretend to look interested but really, it wasn't to be born. Anthony saw Mrs Featherington set her sights on him, tugging her daughters in his direction, Anthony bit back a groan, casting around for someone with whom he might enter conversation, panic rising slightly as she drew closer.
"I do hope you're not attempting to sneak out early, Anthony." Anthony sighed, turning towards the voice. "I wouldn't dream of it father." Edmund, Viscount Bridgerton's face lit up as he laughed jovially, clapping his son on the shoulder. Anthony huffed as his father said. "You did promise to indulge your mother tonight I believe, I heard it was in penance for being rather late to the house party last week." His father said pointedly. Anthony flushed slightly at the light admonishment from his father. "I arrived in time for the final day." He muttered shame faced. His father chuckled. "And I'm sure whatever detained you was very amusing, son. However we have a duty to honour our commitments as gentlemen. Do we not?" He asked, his tone firm. Lord Bridgerton was speaking now. Anthony nodded. "Yes, Sir."
"And that rather includes humouring your mother where dance partners are concerned, I'm afraid." He said, Anthony's father once more. "I hope you're not telling your son to be as cheeky as you are, Lord Bridgerton." A voice said to their left. Anthony rolled his eyes. She'd found him. "Oh I'd never dream of it, Lady Bridgerton." Anthony watched his parents closely, their eyes sparkling as they looked at one another, the picture of marital bliss, and something deep inside Anthony ached. Ached to be so happy and settled and sure of one's partner.
His eyes drifted around the room his parent's voices filtering into the background and then he saw her. A striking woman was standing, some distance across the room, her skin glowing in the candlelight bouncing off her high cheekbones, her spine straight and proud. Beautiful Anthony's subconscious echoed. And he couldn't help himself. "Who is that?" The words had left him before they'd fully formed in his mind. His mother's head spun in his direction, her eyebrows raised. "Who, Darling?" "The young woman, with dark hair, by the Featheringtons." Mrs Featherington had retreated from her pursuit but was still casting hopefully looks in his direction.
Lady Bridgerton sighed "A Miss Edwina Sharma. Newly arrived with her mother and sister from Somerset." Yes, Anthony could see her talking with another pretty young woman, and a woman who must be her mother. "Her mother is an earl's daughter, married a tradesmen, who has since passed. Rather a popular young Lady this season." His mother finished pointedly. And the look on her face was unbearable, but Anthony couldn't help himself. "Excuse me, Mother, Father." Anthony said, turning away from their identical grins, his most charming smile working it's way on to his face as he picked his way through the crowded ballroom.
"How Do you Do?" Anthony heard his voice ring out and two pairs of dark eyes turned in his direction, and then, much slower, the woman, Miss Edwina Sharma he corrected, slowly turned towards him, her eyebrow raised, Surprised. Lady Sharma spoke first "Very Well Sir. And You?" "Very Well. Forgive the intrusion, Lady Sharma. My mother, Lady Bridgerton, mentioned you were newly in town for the season and I thought to introduce myself." He said politely, his eyes flicking in Edwina's direction, she was casting an odd, almost exasperated look at her sister, who appeared several years younger. Lady Sharma smiled politely, gesturing to her daughter's in approval. "Mr Anthony Bridgerton." He said, smiling his most charming smile, the one that always made ladies flutter their eyelashes at him. "And you must be Miss Edwina Sharma." He finished, "I am, Yes." She replied politely, although, it was the wrong she. Miss Edwina Sharma was standing to his intended's left, her younger sister apparently. Anthony cursed himself.
Edwina Sharma for her part, looked a little surprised at having ben addressed at all. Anthony floundered, a little unsure how to continue. He recovered quickly, turning back to the woman who had stayed silent, her brow furrowed slightly. "And might I enquire after your name, Miss?" Anthony said, refusing to allow himself to be ruffled by the odd turn of events. And still the woman stayed silent, her eyes narrowing. "Might I present my elder daughter, Mr Bridgerton? Katharine." Katharine. That certainly seemed to fit her better. Regal. His smile grew. "Miss Sharma." He said with a small bow. "Mr. Bridgerton." A curtsy. Her voice firm, unemotional.
"Miss Sharma, I wondered if I might engage you for the next? Have you permission to waltz?" He kept his voice light, maintaining eye contact. One of her eyebrows was in danger of disappearing into her hair altogether now, she opened her mouth "Kate would be delighted." Her sister cut across her, a broad warm smile on her face. Kate the name seemed to echo through him. Kate seemed to sigh, resigned, taking his proffered hand as he lead her to the floor.
His hand light on her back, electricity coursing through him as the dance began, moving in time to the music. "Forgive me for my forwardness, Miss Sharma but I-" Anthony started, desperate to know something about her. "And I hope you'll forgive mine in return Mr. Bridgerton when I ask you to keep your distance." Her tone stiff, Anthony's heart stuttered even as her foot stomped on his. "You see, your reputation proceeds you, sir. And I'd rather my family not have their reputations linked with one such as yours." Her tone was clipped, her eye contact defiant. And he should have been angry, indignant but dear god, What a woman. Her eyes seemed to go on forever, layer after intelligent layer. Anthony scoffed. "I assure you, Miss Sharma, my reputation has been vastly exaggerated." It had been slightly. Miss Sharma laughed as the dance came to an end.
"I'm not sure I care to find out, Mr. Bridgerton. Merely being in your presence this long has surely tarnished me in some way." Her eyes were shining with her own joke now. And she was witty as well, something deep inside Anthony burned. "That rather sounds like a challenge." Her eyebrow raised again. "And do you enjoy those, sir?" "Why don't I call on you tomorrow and you can find out?" He couldn't stop the smirk from his face at the surprise written plainly on her own. Tension seemed to build between them, their eyes locked together. Her breath caught oddly. "I shan't hold my breath Mr. Bridgerton." And then she'd dropped his arm, stepped back from his presence and was making her way back through the throng leaving Anthony staring after her.
"Careful, brother. Mother's planning a wedding breakfast." Benedict's amused voice said in his ear. Anthony finally took a breath. "Perhaps she should."
Again there will never be any more of this, but what a thrill
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
hello i have fallen i love with your charlie fic (❤❤!!) and i want to ask if you could you write some angst where barnaby has a crush on mc and they're super oblivious and later they start dating someone else ans barnaby realizes he lost them?
My dearest anon, let me say: I AM SORRY. Writing your ask took me forever (literally, lol) even though I had it in my head the moment I got your asks all those months ago. But I never felt the right inspiration to actually write it down until today. Today it just hit me. I do hope you're actually still around and reading what I made out of it.
I'm really truly sorry. 😅
So, without further ado, I present to you:
Missed Chances
Barnaby Lee x Reader
Barnaby Lee wasn’t the smartest kid around.
He was by no means dumb, he just wasn’t as clever or booksmart as most of his peers, a fact he was well aware of. But it didn’t bother him that much, really. He had found his means of getting by during classes and ever since distancing himself from Merula Snyde back in their third year, he had been able to gather a circle of friends around him he could fall back upon.
There was popular Penny Haywood for Potions, shy but gifted Ben Copper for Charms, and ever so patient Rowan Khanna when he had troubles with Transfiguration.
Barnaby’s favourite study sessions, however, were those for Defense Against The Dark Arts. Not because he was particularly bad at the subject; on the contrary, he was a skilled duelist and most charms and jinxes came naturally to him. No, the real reason those lessons were his favourite was because it was you who was teaching him.
Ever since he’d been drawn into your close circle of friends, his above average DADA marks had been plummeting, since he kept getting distracted during class. The professors weren’t impressed but neither surprised at his apparent lack of academic skills and under normal circumstances, Barnaby would have tried everything in his power to prove them wrong, that he could do better, that he wasn’t as stupid as everyone made him out to be.
But when you offered your help in catching up on the subject, Barnaby had changed his mind. You were always top of your DADA class and what better way to spend some time alone with you while listening to your beautiful voice explaining the differences between a curse and a hex.
Barnaby knew most of the things you were telling him already, so he had ample time to just watch you talk during your study sessions. He knew no one else could get so excited over dark creatures and cursed objects like you did. The way your eyes were sparkling when lecturing him on the differences between a werewolf and regular wolf had him enthralled every single time and the proud smile you gave him when he answered one of your questions correctly never failed to make Barnaby’s heart beat hard in his chest.
He would have loved to see that smile more often, but he made sure to let his real knowledge of the subject shine through sparingly. He was afraid that if he got too good, you might want to drop studying with him and that was something he couldn’t risk; spending time with you had become the highlight of his day. No one he knew rivalled the warmth you radiated and the unbroken faith you had in him, a sentiment that was completely new to Barnaby.
When the big news of the Celestial Ball was announced, it was all his peers could talk about. What to wear, how to look and who to bring were the questions dominating all of the four common rooms.
Barnaby never had to think twice who he wanted to be his date for the dance. He thought about how to properly ask you out for days on end; you were no common girl after all. You were the most extraordinary girl he knew and thus deserved an extraordinary invitation. But when he finally plucked up the courage to ask you out, you looked at him sheepishly.
“That’s so sweet of you, Barney. I’m so flattered, really. But I already promised Rowan and Ben to go with them. You know, just as friends.”
His heart sank at the words. Why hadn’t he acted sooner? Maybe people were right about him being stupid after all.
Seeing his disheartened look, your face changed into something softer. “But I’m sure Rowan and Ben wouldn’t mind if you came along with us? As another friend?”
Barnaby beamed at her. “I’d love that. We’re going to have such a great time together, as friends,” he added, not quite sure whom he wanted to reassure, you or himself.
He would probably never forget the night of the Celestial Ball when he saw you in the dress André Egwu had designed for the first time. Rowan and Ben had arrived at the ball before you and when you stepped into the Great Hall all on your own, Barnaby’s breath stopped for a moment.
You were dressed in a beautiful, burgundy dress with intricate patterns embroidered around the neckline. Your waist was accentuated by a small belt and the skirt of your dress flowed around you in several layers of fabric. You looked like an ethereal being to him as you walked through the crowd over to him, Rowan and Ben, your skirt trailing slightly behind you.
His eyes didn’t leave you for the whole evening even for a second. He could hear you laughing when you danced with Rowan and Ben, the sound like silver bells to his ears. When he asked you for a dance with him, your hand just happened to fit perfectly into his and your bright smile made Barnaby forget everything else around you and him. He did take great care to not step on your dress, however. You looked so perfect, he didn’t want to ruin it with his own clumsiness; although he pretty much doubted anything could have taken away from your beauty.
When the Celestial Ball was over, Barnaby took the chance to walk you back to your common room. You had your arm linked with his and marched in step with him. As he was taller than you, it required some effort on your part, the strange walking rhythm making you giggle. The sound had Barnaby’s heart beat faster.
Barnaby was almost reluctant to let you go when you had reached the concealed entrance to your common room. He wasn’t quite sure what to do; all he wanted to do was put his arms around you, drawing you as close to him as possible and never letting go again. But he hesitated; what if you didn’t feel the same?
To gain some time, he cleared his throat. “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me too,” you smiled at him. “I’m glad you came along. You just have the most fun with your friends, right?”
The word ‘friends’ put a damper on the butterflies that had been swarming in Barnaby’s stomach until this point.
“Yes, friends,” he echoed, “because we’re friends.”
A look of confusion crossed your face for a moment. “Are you alright?”
“Of course I am,” Barnaby lied quickly, glad that the flickering light of the torches hid the blush spreading on his cheeks. “Just exhausted from dancing, I guess.”
“Oh, alright. I’d better get to my common room then. Good night.”
There was a short, awkward pause, before you smiled at him, waved and vanished into your common room. Barnaby sighed; at least for night, he had definitely botched his chances.
Ever since the Celestial Ball and the anticlimax of its ending, Barnaby had made it his mission to convince you there was more to him than being your friend. He’d ventured into the library on his own and gathered together all books on romance he could find and read every single one of them. Most of them, especially the older ones, had given him quite some headaches, but he knew you enjoyed reading old love stories, so maybe they had some useful information to offer. How someone could spend their free time reading things like Jane Austen for fun, however, remained a mystery to him.
And apparently, the tips he had sourced weren’t that helpful either. Barnaby tried it all, he complimented you, he brought you flowers and small gifts that reminded him of you and tried connecting with you over things he knew you loved. Whenever he saw the chance to ask you out he tried. But as soon as he had gathered his courage, you had already promised one of your numerous friends to go with them instead. It was exasperating, really.
All the while, the study sessions with you continued. Barnaby had stopped pretending to be as oblivious as he made himself out to be in the beginning; he knew it was risky, in case you might want to drop studying with him if he got better, but he was too addicted to your smile at this point. No matter how hard his day had been, a smile from you and everything else was forgotten.
Barnaby wished you would finally notice just how much he adored you, but as long as he could spend time with you, listen to your voice and hear your laughter, everything was fine with him.
Until it was not.
He had noticed you were distracted lately and not as talkative as he was used to. Today’s Potions class was no exception. Professor Snape, who was even moodier than usual, was lecturing the class on the importance of knowing potion recipes by heart.
“You will not always carry a textbook with you,” he droned, “and while I wouldn’t trust half of you to brew a potion even with proper instructions, maybe some of you will be able to produce something remotely resembling a proper concoction by sheer luck. If I see one piece of parchment on the table, you will clean your classmates’ cauldrons after class. Begin.”
Dreading the next two hours of guessing which ingredients to use in what order, Barnaby glanced over to you. But you hadn’t been listening to the instructions, it seemed. Your attention was focused on a piece of parchment in front of you, hastily scribbled lines running across it. Barnaby tried catching a glimpse but when you noticed, you blushed deeply and quickly covered the parchment with your hand.
Barnaby, however, wasn’t the only one who had noticed the piece of parchment. Before you could do anything, Professor Snape had appeared next to you and snatched the parchment out of your grip.
“I thought I said no notes allowed, or didn’t I express myself clearly enough for your convenience?” he snarled.
“No, Professor, you misunderstand,” you gasped, “these aren’t Potions notes, it’s private. Can I please have it back?”
You reached for it, but Snape jerked his hand up so it was just out of reach. “That gives it even less reason to be present in my classroom,” he said coldly, a cruel smile stealing onto his face. “Let us share with the rest of the class what is distracting you from my lesson.”
Your cheeks were glowing bright red as Snape started reading the content of your note.
“Do you like me? Yes or No. Circle your answer,” he read out loud. “How droll,” he sneered over the chuckle of your classmates, “I suggest, next time you concentrate more on your potion and less on your silly personal bearings. Perhaps the result will be more decent then. 10 points from you and detention tonight.”
As he swept past your table, Barnaby noticed your hanging head. You had your hands clasped tightly together in your lap and seemed so small all of a sudden that he felt furious. Even though Snape was his head of house, he had no right whatsoever to embarrass you in front of everyone like that.
“Are you okay?” he asked you gently.
Not looking at him, you shook his head. “Why did he have to do that?” you whispered. “He could see I wasn’t taking notes. There was no need to read it out loud.”
“There wasn’t,” Barnaby agreed. He hesitated for a moment before reaching out and lightly placing his hand on your arm. “He’s just a big, old, mean bat. Everyone says so.”
You sniffed, a small smile already spreading on your face again. “That’s true. Thank you.” You covered his hand with yours and squeezed it lightly. The touch sent jolts of energy through Barnaby from where your hands connected. His skin was still tingling when you turned towards your cauldron again, breaking the contact.
“Who was your note for, anyway?” Barnaby asked, trying not to sound as if this wasn’t the question burning red hot on his mind.
You looked at him wide-eyed. “I can’t possibly tell you.”
“Why not? Do I know him?”
Blushing again, you could only nod before dropping your gaze.
“It’s someone I’ve been friends with for a while now, but I don’t know if he feels the same. I don’t want to ruin our friendship by making a stupid move.”
Barnaby held his breath. You couldn’t possibly be talking about him, could you?
“How could it ruin your friendship?” he asked. “If he’s your friend, he’s your friend and nothing can change that.”
He took a deep breath. “Maybe you should just tell him,” he said deliberately casually, “who knows, maybe that friend of yours has been feeling the same for some time now, too.”
You looked up at him in surprise. “You think so?”
Barnaby nodded in agreement. “Definitely. Just try your luck, maybe you’ll be surprised.”
After the class was over and you had parted ways for the rest of the day, Barnaby counted the minutes until the evening when you had agreed to meet for another study session before your detention. He was positively bouncing with energy ever since lunchtime. You had come over to him with a nervous smile on your lips to ask him to meet up with you later.
“Chances are, I’ll need to tell you something,” you had said with a shaky laugh before joining your other friends for lunch. Barnaby had swallowed the lump in his throat, trying to look unfazed, but his insides had been burning with impatience ever since.
That was why he had arrived earlier than usual at the library that evening. He picked all the books out you would be needing and stacked and restacked them several times at the table you were usually working on.
It felt like an eternity until you finally entered the library, each second dragging into an eternity of its own. Barnaby saw you first. You stood in the entrance to the grand room and all of a sudden the library seemed to be a little brighter just by you being there. You scanned the rows of bookshelves with your eyes and a wide smile appeared on your face as they fell on him, waiting for you between books and quills in your favourite spot.
You quickly bounded over to him, a spring in your step that was a stark contrast to the miserable mood you had been in this morning. Before Barnaby even had a chance to ask what made you so happy, you had flung your arms around his neck in a tight embrace.
On instinct, Barnaby put his arms around your waist and held you for a sweet moment that he wished would last forever. He could smell the flowery scent of your perfume and breathed it in deeply, trying to commit every last detail of how you felt in his arms to memory. He was sure you had to feel his heartbeat; how could you not with how hard it was hammering against his ribcage?
“He said yes, Barney! He really said yes!” you squealed, not caring one bit about Madam Pince’s indignant shush.
The sheer happiness coursing through his veins turned into ice that froze him from the inside in a matter of seconds. Confused, he loosened his hold on you and pushed you far enough away from him to look you in the face. The joy visible on it almost broke his heart.
“My crush!” you beamed at him. “I followed your advice and asked him out, just now! And he said yes!” you repeated, hugging him again.
“You’re the first person I wanted to tell,” you said. Barnaby could feel your breath on the skin exposed by the open collar of his shirt. He hated himself for the shiver running down his spine.
“Why?” was all he managed to whisper in response.
“Because without you, I’d never have the courage to talk to him upfront. It’s all thanks to you that I have a date now. You’re really the best friend I could ask for.”
Every word you spoke was like a dagger pushed up to the hilt into his broken heart, every second he saw you smile at the prospect of going out with the boy you wanted to be with - the boy that wasn’t him - a twist of the blade until he felt like he couldn’t breathe anymore. His heart, that had beaten so wildly just moments before when he had held you in his arms, could have stopped beating right there and then; Barnaby doubted it would have felt much different to the consuming emptiness he felt at this very moment.
You were rambling on and on about where you wanted to take your date and what you would wear but Barnaby wasn’t listening. He didn’t even know who you were talking about; all he knew was that it wasn’t him and that thought was louder in his head than your words could ever be.
“What do you think of that?”
Barnaby realised you had come to the end of your explanations and expected an opinion from him. He forced himself to smile apologetically at you, when all he wanted to do was scream.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” he croaked out.
Your brow creased. “Are you okay? You’re so pale all of a sudden.”
“I’m good,” Barnaby answered with a hoarse voice. He cleared his throat and started again. “I’m good, I just caught a cold, I think. I should go see Madam Pomfrey later.”
You made a sceptical sound and raised one eyebrow. “If you say so. So what do you think? Is Madam Puddyfoot’s Tea Shop a good idea or not?”
Barnaby had never heard of this tea shop before, but he’d go to Knockturn Alley for a date if it only was with you. “It doesn’t matter where you take him. He’s lucky he gets to go with someone like you in the first place.”
“That’s sweet of you to say.”
“I’m just happy you’re happy,” Barnaby said and even meant it, in a way. He just wished the source of your happiness was him and not somebody else.
You hugged him once again and he was glad that you couldn’t see the pained expression crossing his features for a moment. “You’re the best, Barney. I’m so glad to have you in my life.”
You let go and turned towards the table laden with books Barnaby had so carefully set up. “Shall we?”
He sat down with you and watched as you started taking out your notes on objects cursed with minor jinxes. Your eyes were sparkling even more than usual and even now, you were so beautiful to Barnaby it hurt.
With a sigh, he concentrated on what you had to say for a change. His time spent daydreaming about you was over for good now, so he might as well do what the two of you were here for and study.
No, Barnaby Lee wasn’t the smartest kid around.
But even he knew that when it came to you, he had missed too many chances.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Pls could you do a Bad Ben x reader?
Why I Hate Bellwood 
Pairing: (Bad) Ben Tennyson x Reader
Warnings: Sexual assault and harassment themes
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: You don’t think there’s anything redeemable or good about Ben Tennyson until he saves you from a dangerous situation.
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You hated living in Bellwood. It was the worst place to be and you couldn’t even imagine how it was a functioning city. It was a town rampant with criminals and villains. In a place where the crime rate not only sky-rocketed each week but also where no one gave any damn to change it.
They even had their own super-powered thief. Of course.
Coincidentally, the town you hated the most also happened to be the place where you were transferred to. Maybe it was because your supervisor wanted to send the most capable and competent student there. Or maybe it was because you ran your mouth and chewed out her daughter (who had a severe case of princess syndrome).
You and your big mouth.
You had a small studio apartment that could barely fit a bed and that made you feel claustrophobic. Even though you wanted a bigger place, this was the only apartment you could find that was in your price range and in the safer parts of town. Relatively speaking.
Even though you made a conscious effort to stay out of trouble, it seemed to present itself to you on a silver platter. Or more accurately, a stolen silver platter. The trouble you were talking about was Ben Tennyson himself, the friendly neighbourhood criminal.
It was absurd to think that a boy your age could have his entire town at his mercy because of a fancy watch but it was true. He was terrifying, and more importantly, unstoppable. So, you tried your hardest to stay out of his sight, and out of his way.
Unfortunately, that seemed like it wouldn’t happen either. Not even a week after you had moved, you had found out that the crazy crime lord that you had been trying to avoid was living in the apartment next to yours. And not only were you neighbours, but you could see right into his room through the window.
Not like you tried. You had been too afraid to even open the window.
How could this be the safest place in town if this maniac was living right across from you?
Although when you asked the other women in the building, they had told you that was the whole point. Ben Tennyson was a ruthless maniac and known criminal. That’s why no sane person would come into a mile of his home.
All they had to do was avoid him like the plague and so would the other criminals.
And in the psychotic, irrational fashion that was accustomed to Bellwood, that actually made sense. And knowing that Ben was living right across from you was a sign of extreme comfort but also fear.
Would he kill you if you snored too loudly in the night? Or if you kept the lights on in the night and disturbed him?
The fear you had made you want to fall beneath his radar and go completely unnoticed by him. You would stay out of his sight and completely out of his life until you completed your work and could return home.
That had been the plan.
Until one day you had been returning from your classes a little later than usual. It was already dark out and there were fewer cars out on the roads. Walking through the streets alone made an eery feeling settle in your veins and you pumped your legs faster, breaking out into a run.
Just as the busy intersection came into your sights, somebody stepped in front of you and you stopped instinctively. Even though you shouldn’t have. It was a broad man, who had tattoos covering his arms up until his neck. He grinned widely at you, but it was a sick smile that made you gulp and back away.
You didn’t take your eyes off him, scared that he was going to make a sudden move. But just as you began backing away, you collided into someone and when you turned around, ice settled in your veins to see another man smirking at you.
You were immediately frozen in fear, breaths shortening in your chest when his hands came towards you. You wanted to run away from there. But they seemed to realize what your plan was.
They grabbed you, hands digging painfully into your arms and you yelped, resisting in their grip.
“Oh, now sweetheart, don’t fight, it’s not gonna be fun for you if you do.”
Tears started burning your eyes and panic burned through your chest, “Let—Let me go.”
They didn’t reply, only chuckling in response but their grip got tighter when you started thrashing. Your mind went blank, reducing to instincts and you began screaming as tears escaped your eyes.
The men’s faces hardened and they started dragging you with them, not fazed by your rapid kicking and squeezing your throat when you started screaming and crying again.
You had never been so scared in your entire life. They got closer to a dark alley and your breaths shortened, crying out and begging against the hand slapped over your mouth but they didn’t hear or they didn’t care.
Just as they pulled you into the shadows of the alley, there was a bright flash of light from its depths. Your eyes burned from the brightness but you still didn’t close them, scared that something would happen in the second you did.
Because you kept them peeled open, you were able to make out the silhouette of some creature before the light faded. It moved too quickly for your eyes to process, especially in your state of fear, but in a second, the pressure of the men pressed to your front and back had disappeared.
The figures were knocked over like small boys and you heard the sounds of their grunts. Even though you felt immense relief, you were still frozen. You didn’t even bother moving from your place when the creature came to stand in front of you.
“Who the fuck dares to mess with us.” One of them growled, standing up. You couldn’t see anything in the dark and you just chose to grip tightly onto the straps on your back, clenching your jaw tightly.
The bright light came back and you glanced up to see the figure get reduced to a boy. He held up his watch, it glowing in the night and you finally saw his face. He was glaring darkly at the men, lips turned in a frightening scowl.
“Who the fuck dares to mess with a defenceless woman.” He spat and they froze, realizing who they were talking to.
“Holy shit, it’s Ben Tennyson.”
He glared at them, seeing the way they were turned, probably about to make a break for it, “If you even think of running, I will hunt you down like the dogs you are.”
He then turned to you, holding up the watch to your face. You finally got a good look at his face, dark hair and deep green eyes. His face was innocent and charming, even though you knew he was rougher around the edges. Even then, he looked safe, like he’d protect you.
You, on the other hand, looked like a mess. Eyes red and tears streaming down your cheeks, your clothes were dishevelled and your hair because of the way they yanked it.
Ben’s jaw tightened, noting the way you were still sobbing quietly into your hand but when his eyes handed on the bruises around your neck, you saw the unadulterated rage that boiled over on his face.
He turned into another alien, pinning the two men against the wall by their necks. They choked, gasping for the breath that got knocked out of them but Ben didn’t care, his grip only got tighter when they started begging.
“You didn’t hear her when she was crying? You didn’t stop when she was in pain? Then why the fuck should I?” He spat and you felt mixed emotions. For a second, you were relieved and flattered he was sticking up for you. And then you were reminded of the way these men were overpowering you mere minutes before.
Even though you didn’t have a reason to be afraid now, the terror still returned and your knees buckled, sending you to the ground as a choked sob left your lips.
Ben glanced back at you, eyes softening just for a second before he turned back to the monsters that were left at his mercy. They cowered at his gaze and tried mangling out some pleas through the grip he had on their throats but he felt disgusted to even be touching them.
“If you even touch another woman like that in my town, I will rip your fingers off and feed them to you. The only reason I’m letting you go is so that you can spread the word to other lowlifes like you.” He spoke lowly, loosening his grip and they fell to the floor, nodding and apologizing.
They tried to come closer to you, to apologize but you cowered, backing away with a whimper and Ben growled at them before pointing at you, “Her especially. If I ever see you within 50 feet of her, I won’t be so kind.”
They nodded wordlessly before running away, tails tucked between their legs and only when the sound of their footsteps completely disappeared were you finally able to breath.
Ben gently knelt in front of you. He made no move to touch you, only watching as you lifted your head to meet his eyes and your chest cleared. You felt unbelievable relief looking at him.
Before you could control yourself, you started sobbing uncontrollably, launching yourself into his arms and throwing yours around his neck. He stiffened for a minute before relaxing, gently holding your body against his, knowing that you just needed to be comforted.
Eventually, your cries lulled down and you were left feeling exhausted, but he still didn’t let go.
“I thought you were supposed to be the bad guy?” You asked breathlessly and he smirked at you.
“I am, but I have some class. Touching someone against their consent is beneath me.” He said it with so much disgust in his voice that you believed him. You always thought he was just like them, a lowlife and mangy criminal, but looking at him now, he was much more honourable than you realized.
“Come on, I wanna get back home.”
Even though he was holding out his hand for you to take, you still couldn’t move from your place on the floor, staring up at him with wide eyes. You thought he was supposed to be a criminal. Why was he being so good to you?
“Ask me something.” He said suddenly and you flinched. Ben looked down at you and pursed his lips. He knew you needed to get your mind off whatever just happened.
“I’m giving you permission to ask me something. Anything. You’re getting a really rare chance here.”
Of course, a million and one questions were going through your head. Why did he help you? Was he really a bad guy? Was he a misunderstood person? Like Robin Hood?
Even with so many thoughts rushing through your head, when you opened your mouth, the only thing that slipped out was, “Is it true you walk around in your apartment without your shirt?”
You had heard about it from the girl who lived in the apartment before you and had been too scared to look out the window to prove her right or wrong. You don’t know why you were so curious about it, just because you wondered whether he was comfortable enough to roam around without his shirt on or whether he really didn’t care.
Ben smirked at you, “Why? Interested in the view?”
Your face went red, “No, I just heard it from someone.”
“My hand is getting tired.”
You looked at his hand again, still held out for you to take. Gingerly, you slipped your palm into his and he held onto your hand firmly, pulling you to your feet. You were still tense, looking around suspiciously and huddling a little closer to him.
“Let’s go, no one’s gonna be stupid enough to come near you while I’m here.”
“I can trust you right?”
He sent you a smirk that made you uneasy and flustered at the same time, “At your own risk.”
Looking down at your intertwined hands, you figured you might just take it.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Domestic life; Ben Hardy x reader
*Author’s note*
Here is a cute little drabble request I got from my Wattpad account, I had hoped to have also posted this yesterday but oh well (I mean the fic doesn’t really revolve around Valentine’s day but it’s still fluffy enough to be counted as such). So enjoy this sweet little drabble. 
Warnings: Fluffy till your teeth rot. Lockdowns due to COVID (BUT THAT’S IT. Just the word and mention of just lockdowns in general).
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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, even though I didn’t want to.  My arms raised over my head as I let out a tired groan and stretched myself out and let out a soft yawn.  I then looked over to my left and saw the man of life sleeping right beside me.  His golden locks looked like a halo under the rare chance we had a sunny day in London.
His tattoos exposed from his nightshirt, my favorite of course being his lion nose and mouth tattoo.  Those soft cute snores that came off his lips (even though he tries to deny it), and his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. I raised my hand up and couldn’t help but lightly stroke the shape of his tattoo, very faintly tracing the curve of the nose, sliding my finger down the straight line before swaying across the bottom curve of the mouth.
“You know we could get you a matching set.” Ben’s sleepy baritone voice spoke up.  I looked up at him and said.
“If we did it’d have to be washable. You know how I am around needles.” He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in closer.  “Did you sleep good?”
“I slept great. You?”
“Like a rockfish.” He placed a kiss to my forehead and we just looked into each other’s eyes.  “So what shall it be today?”
“Well you know WandaVision premieres today so wanna check it out?”
“I still can’t believe you made me binge the entire MCU movies during our lockdown.”
“And you loved it admit it. Hell Benny boy you were in the Marvel Universe. Granted it was solely owned by Sony before Disney bought the rights but it’s still the Marvel fandom.”
“So after that, then what shall we do?”
“Well we really can’t go anywhere so……wanna just have a lazy day in? No work out day, order take out for our three meals and maybe—fool around?” I teased with a wink.
“You are a cheeky mix.” He then captured my lips with his.
“Yes but—you did asked me to marry you. Which I’m surprised by the way.”
“What do you mean?” he asked as he began to kiss down my neck.
“Don’t act stupid Ben. I know about that affair with Joe and your little side hustle with Gwil. I swear it’s like I married 3 men instead of 1.”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into when you agreed to marry me.” He said as he hovered over me.
“Yes I know.” He chuckled as he pecked my lips. Then again, and again and again. I giggled and playfully pushed him off of me and said. “Alright you human golden retriever.”
“You know that if I were going to be a dog, I’d be a beagle like Frankie.”
“Nah you’re a golden retriever. Silly, goofy, and loving all the way.” I bopped his nose before getting up and headed downstairs to let Frankie out into the backyard to go pee.
As soon as she saw me, she got out from her bed and I greeted her with a ruffle and scratch on her head.
“Hey there baby girl, ready for breakfast?” her head cocked to the side as her tail began wagging softly. “Come on let’s have breakfast.” She got out of her bed and trailed me to the kitchen.  I reached in and grabbed her dog food and dumbed a good amount into her dog bowl and she immediately started scarfing it down.
I began preparing breakfast and as I cracked the last egg, I felt Ben’s arms wrap around me and felt a kiss at my temple.
“You make the best omelets ever.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” I teased him.
“Who says I’m trying to flatter you? I’m stating pure fact.” I smiled at him.
“Well how about you give me a hand here instead of just standing there looking pretty.” He chuckled softly and saluted to me.
“Just tell me what to do Captain.” I then told him what to give me next and I proceeded to finish making the omelets.
Once they were done, Ben and I went over to the living room and I started up Disney+ to play the first 2 episodes of WandaVision.
“Okay so remind me again, is this before or after Endgame?” asked Ben.
“I wanna say this is after Endgame. Again I’ve been a little confused as to the timeline or what exactly is the time period here. All I know is that it’s like a sitcom now. And I can see that they’ve definitely gotten the exact cinematography down. You see how it’s a full screen and them using a single camera.”
“God I love it when you talk cinematography like that.”
“Sorry if I come across as annoying while we watch this.”
“No, no, no, no, no it’s fine. Really. It means you’ve got a good eye for camera angels. Remember when Dexter allowed you to film us when we were doing the We will rock you scene?”
“It was only for 10 minutes while he went to talk with the costuming department and to get him his 10th cup of coffee.”
“Still, he was amazed at the fact you helped with blocking and what you had already filmed. So much so we had it in the film.” I softly smiled and we continued to watch the episode, then watched the second one.
As the day went on, Ben and I kept watching various films as well as taking Frankie out for her walks.  The sun was just starting to set and Ben said.
“Alright one last movie of the day, I feel like if I keep eating more popcorn I won’t be able to fit into these sweats anymore.”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Whether you have a 6 pack or a bit of a pooh bear tummy, I’d love you either way.” He blushed at my compliment and scrunched himself into a ball as I poked his tummy.
“Alright so what shall our last movie be tonight?”
“Well, how about we do Gwil’s movie Top End Wedding?” Ben pondered before saying.
“Okay. Any reason why?”
“Well I—he and I may have talked about that shortly after it came out and I might have told him I’d already seen it when actually I didn’t.” I wearily said.
“Oh I see so you-you lied to my best mate about a movie he was in and wanted your opinion on.”
“Oh coming from you Mr. Oh yes I’ve drummed since I was 12!” I sassed back at him.  He shushed me and covered my mouth with his hand.  I pushed his hand away from my mouth and said. “So can we watch it? I’ve been busy and you know it.”
“Yeah I know love, you know I was just teasing.” He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and switched over to Hulu now and we found Gwil’s movie.  I’ll admit it took me by surprise (I mean based off the trailers I’ve seen it pretty much told the whole story) but the humor and message it sent out really spoke volumes that no other romcom has ever done before.
Plus the aerial shots were just amazing.  The way the cameras would pan over the river or the ridges, you can’t fake that breathtaking view with CGI.  After the movie was over, I let out a soft yawn.
“You tired?” questioned Ben.  I nodded, barely able to keep my eyes open any longer. “Alright, come on then you. Let’s get you into bed.” I moaned softly and held my arms out.
“Carry me.” I heard him chuckle but I felt him lift me up in his arms bridal style and he carried me all the way to our bedroom.
He set me down on the bed and cuddled up close to me before putting the duvet over us.  I automatically placed my head over his chest and placed my arm over his stomach while his arms came around me.
“I had fun today.” I said as I nuzzled into his chest.
“Me too. It’s nice to just kick back and relax for the day. Thank you babe.”
“Anything for my handsome boy.” He kissed the top of my head and soon the two of us cuddled closer (even though I don’t know how much closer we could be at this point) to one another till finally we fell fast asleep.
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