#why cant he just leave the show like chloe?
peridotamethyst · 1 year
I’m convinced Andre puts mind control bs in that ice cream cuz that’s the same man that literally tries to ruin your day every time you even speak to Cat Noir
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love-is-a-pearl · 5 months
Thinking about how Dawn was very clearly established as a member of the Pokémon Journeys Quartet and yet she was never in any of the character returns after her own and never showed up after the Leon fight.
Like- we could’ve gotten Dawn reuniting with Iris or meeting the Alola Class for the first time. It’s such a missed opportunity I’m ngl.
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I KNOW QAQ she got lucky to at least talk to Cynthia
Can you imagine if they had used her cameos to instead of showcasing legendaries, to showcase past companions???? Like, it could even make easier for Goh and Chloe to fit in and all that yknow?
Like, we get Gary in sinnoh doing some research for project mew (take the alolan ninetails thing and give to him) and she is there, and it makes easier for Goh to see him as a rival but also as a cool dude cause hey, if Dawn really likes Gary, he cant be that bad right?
We get her and Serena getting ready to meet May for a contest or something and then DAWN brings Chloe into it cause it makes more sense that way. And I get Dawn doing /something/ but also we stabilish that Serena takes inspo from her appeals and thats how they met (cause Serena did a thing that looked like ice chandelier and thats canon in my heart)
Have her appear before Iris left or keep Iris in the tournament watching Ash (why did she leave anyway?) so they could both cheer for him like the biggest supporters they are.
Scrap any of the useless Mezamas episodes and replace it with Dawn getting Ambipom and have the 2 most epic pokeani encounters of all time (Dawn and Ambipom, Dawn and Misty).
There was so many chances for her to just add so much in general. And we were robbed and Im still sad
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 14 Derision
Spoilers Below
-Umm Marinette? You okay?
-Have some cereal with your milk.
-Yea something is up with Marinette.
-Marinette's bike is cool.
-Okay adrinette hand holding is cute. But something seems wrong here
-Okay so she reacted seeing an image of Kim... okay weird.
-Okay ... Marinette is having a panic attack. That feels a bit too real
-Bugs! Locker full of bugs. But what does it have to do with...
-Marinette freaked out hard. and Kim says thats her normal reaction to pranks... Kim? What the fuck?! What did you do?
-Of COURSE the akuma shows up now
-"Panic" Oh damn thats a good name for an akuma. But I know Marinette would never get akumatized (especially at this point) But I really want some art interpretations of that form
-So Marinette is having a flashback while Monarch be trying to work on akumatization... How does that work?
-Okay so Marinette had a crush on Kim in 8th grade... Wow someone somewhere owes Lunian some money.
-Marinette with her hair down! Not a drill. Flashbacks matter
-Marinette of 8th grade doesnt want to go to school... Oh wow it feels like origins. Does Sabine KNOW how bad it is? Why not just let her change schools?
-Chloé bullied Marinette, but that was already known...
-JEEZ! Bugs in the locker. Seriously!? Where did chloe make sabrina get those
-And Damacles is a f***ing asshole
-Oh Jeez, Mendeleiev still a harsh b****
-Oh come on! Someone give Marinette a break
-Wait... Kim just thought these were NORMAL Reactions to pranks. He thought these were Okay?!
-Okay wow, yea Mendeleiev and Damocles are garbage. Sure hope no one thought they were better teachers than Ms.Bustier. That would sure suck.
-Chloé is really no different then how she has been all season or season 1
-Juleka looks ready to throw hands. So I really cant hate any of the other students in the class, they seem scared of Chloé, and honestly seeing what I saw. I dont blame them.
-Mylene out right said "Chloé's mom leaving is no excuse. My mom left and I aint a bitch." Go off Queen
-At least Juleka, Rose and Mylene talked to Marinette and were kind
-Kim actually offered his swim trunks to her. Well that is kind of sweet in a himbo way.
-Chloé really just decided to hate on Marinette.
-Damn Socqueline! You defend Marinette. Maybe thats why Marinette wears her hair like that.
-So Socqueline is a year older confirmed. And it does explain the deeper lore about her knowing her mom.
-Tonto. Hehehehehehe
-For a change? So the implication is that Marinette has crushes before. Makes sense. Marinette at this point seems like the type to develop crushes on anyone nice to her.
-Kim doesnt really get when Pranks are pranks and Pranks are... well TOO far. OMG he is the "Its just a prank Bro" type
-Sabrina was watching.... oh this can only end poorly
-Oh... oh no. No no no no no no no.
-Kim you are really an idiot. And not in the endearing himbo way.
-Marinette didnt have a plan back then... Oh! This is gonna result in a trauma where she needs to... Oh wow this is gonna be traumatic af.
-Socqueline is like a big sister to her. Poor thing already can see this going poorly
-This looks like an adorable time. The marikim looks adorable, yet all I can think about is how Chloe will ruin it.
-Oh no, Kim. Please dont do this.
-Welp... Chloé has done some f***ed up things. But Wow. This really is her at her worst. Like damn. That is just... And here I thought Lila was bad.
-So Astruc, you really needed to drive the point home on why you hate chloé. You REALLY drove it home. But really
-Socqueline Out here for the save! At the very least saving Marinette from ABSOLUTE eternal shame. Put some respect on this character that only appeared this season.
-Kim REALLY doesnt get how f***ed that was. Its a sad day when a Himbo is more dumb than kind. That just make him an idiot.
-Marinette needs a hug.
-So this explains everything about Why Marinette knows absolutely everything about adrien early on. Well except for the fact he is chat noir. But yea. It was actually TRAUMA!
-"And that he is not friends with Chloé." Yea Adrien, buddy. You might want to completely burn that bridge now. Side note, this completely contextualizes Origins and why Marinette assumed the worst about Adrien off the bat. Damn. This was deep. A little exposition heavy... but deep
-And Chloé gets Socqueline because she broke her phone. Well Damocles. You are officially s*** in my eyes. Even Darker owl seems less slay to me. YOU RUINED DARKOWL FOR ME YOU BASTARD
-She got suspended for two weeks. That sucks
-Wow, so was that flashback instant? Or was Monarch just patiently watching that flashback ENGROSSED by it?
-She broke free by working through the source of her trauma in a matter of seconds... Okay.
-Oh damn! Ondine and Adrien look ready to throw hands at Kim. And Justifiably so.
-Kim... You done goofed. You really are an idiot and My opinion of you is trash.
-Adrien going full arthur anger meme. PUNCH HIM ADRIEN. PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE
-Dude doesnt even swim with his goggles.
-Monarch really said "If I gotta settle, I can at least spin it to make it sound better than it is."
-Dark Humor, Hehe instead of Dark cupid. Clever. Cause his sense of humor is dark. Also CHAT NOIR HAS A REASON TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE.
-Its twisted that he gets his old power
-Also... was he wearing that in the pool? That thing is waterproof? Neat.
-I like the updated costume. But I hate kim right now
-Adrien is ready to throw hands.
-Chat noir wants to beat Kim's ass today. SLAY KITTY SLAY
-YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Chat noir giving Dark Humor the Two Piece No Biscuit.
-He gonna cataclysm him! oh sh*t. Chat noir really felt regret about accidentally cataclysming Monarch, but now ready to erase kim. Yea I completely understand. Valid.
-Ladybug understably needed to stop him... But that caused him to get hit with the goofy arrow. Damn
-Ladybug had to detransform and retransform quick. Tikki really sped ate her cookie today.
-She got jokes
-And Ladybug's plan faked him out and now he got a toilet on his head
-Ladybug may also be using this as a chance to work stuff out.
-The ladynoir is cute. But Chat noir was still 100% justified in his beating of dark humor... Except the cataclysm. But I get why he was ready to use it.
-Well at least Kim is owning up to his s***. He is still an idiot. But He is a himbo. But yea, still a dick move early on Kim. Path to redemption Kim. (still forgave him too quickly.) But Ondine will beat his ass if he doesnt stick to it.
-This Adrinette is adorable and sweet and understanding.
-Trauma is still there. Guess she isnt completely over it, which is understandable. It will take some time (or like 3 episodes)
-Adrien went to chloé. Oh damn. You go boy
-Yea, this chloé is season 4-5 chloé alright. Nothing surprising here. She is just vile
-Sabrina looked annoyed at that speech. (Sabrina will remember that)
-Adrien is officially done. He ended it there officially. Friendship over.
So I have a LOT of thoughts on this.
For one, Every adult in miraculous is an idiot. Sabine, its good you has Socqueline there to help... but that doesnt really mean s***. This is where you work with the school to have her change classes, or even schools. 3 years of that treatment is enough.
Also, Damocles. You gutless coward. Even if it did cost you your job. The fact you let yourself get controlled to let your STUDENTS suffer is gross.
And Kim... Kim you are an idiot. The fact that you didnt even think that a prank like that was too far?! Adrien was more than justified in a cataclysm. But you did apologize and promised to THINK about the consequences. Plus you are a kid. I can forgive. But THIN ICE MY GUY
Chloé, yea season 2 and Season 3 chloé might as well be a completely different character than this chloé. Zoe appeared after harnessing any decency Chloé has left. But yea, I dont care for this chloé. Not gonna defend this chloé.
So this does explain a LOT about Marinette's more cautious personality. But it also doesnt make sense in a way that Marinette didnt really think things through before. Because if thats the case... then the thing that made her a good ladybug was because of a crippling trauma?! I feel like this maybe should have fleshed out younger marinette more.
Socqueline really was like an older sister to Marinette, but sadly it feels like her inclusion without mention before makes this feel like this traumatic event wasnt planned from the get go as the reason Marinette is how she is. Also after what happened to Socqueline. How could Tom and Sabine allow Marinette to go to that school again?! Seriously. Especially after KNOWING Chloé would be in Marinette's class in origins.
Side note, Adrien was 100% perfect this episode. Loved him. Ondine too. I do wish Civilian adrien did get ONE punch on Kim tho. Just one.
Chat noir laying a beating though was great.
Right, so even though I enjoyed the episode to an extent... I cant say it leaves the show in a better place. If anything, I think it leaves things much worse off.
3 points for the adrinette moments
2 points for Chat noir laying a beating on Kim
1 point because Kim apologized.
Overall I dont like the direction of things this implies
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waremyth · 2 years
Marinette Kent(prob cringy)
(so Marinette is not from krypton, but she is a dormant meta, she was abused by the Dupin Chéngs since she was small when she went on a trip to metropolis with her class she met Jon Kent on that trip the two got along well together, and acted like they were siblings, Clark and Lois saw this and were happy that the two got along but after the 3 weeks were up they were upset she was leaving so they swapped phone number, one day they did a video call and noticed bruises on her and were worried she said it was just some bullies,  after a few more weeks they got the truth out because she was showing up with bruises, cuts, black eyes, they were pissed and arrested her parents for child abuse, after that the Kents adopted her and later on found out she was a meta(her powers are like ivy's but more powerful), Jon introduced Mari to Damien and they hit it off, after about 4 months they started dating, a month after that she met Bruce and his siblings, oh and she already knew about there hero identities, she decided to go and continue school in Paris, after Lila came she started getting bullied for pointing out her lies, they just called her names till the 3 year they started to get physical, Damien had started to realize make up covering some spots so him and the bats hacked into the schools cameras and Kent was there to they found out that she was being bullied(also Chloe's nice now))
Marinette P.O.V. 
i was in the back of the class talking to Chloe as she was doing a case I presume, then the door had sung open getting everyone's attention, when I looked up I saw non other than my brother Jon at the door looking worried.
"Mari!" Jon yelled
"Jon, what's wrong?" I asked in a worried tone, as soon as I said that I heard another person running.
"Angel, why didn't you tell us you were getting bullied!?" Damien said, also looking worried.
Alya had gotten up yelling "She's not getting bullied, She is the bully!"
 "I know my sister, and she wouldn't hurt a fly" Jon said "And who are you!?" "I am Jon Kent, son of Lois lane and Clark Kent, and brother of Marinette Kent" "Liar!, they only have two kids both boys!" Alya yelled out, Lois and Clark walk in" if you had researched us then you would know we have adopted her" Alya stood there with her mouth wide open while Damien came over to me and hugged me, Lila also went pale as a ghost since someone she lied about was here.
 "Eeeeck, you guys are the ones who inspired me to become a journalist!Do you like my ladyblog?Will I ever work with you?" Alya said completely forgetting what is going on, Damien looked at me like 'is she for real?' i just nod in response. Lois just glares at her and says,"Mrs. Césaire your blog is filled with false information along with many lies, I will not work with a wanna be reporter who does not fact check especially one who bullies one of my kids, and you have done both." when she was done Alya had tears in her eyes, then lila got up and told alya something that made her mad "Mari-Slut how could you do this i thought we were friends!?" she yelled at me the class just glared at me after that "Cesaire you did this to yourself, Do not blame this on my girlfriend!" Damien glares at her.
"I cant believe you Marinette did you pay them or lie to them to side with you?" Lila screeches out, I got mad at this then Damien intervenes "Rossi, you should shut up before I make you, she did not pay me or anyone, I love her and she loves me, I am in the family you had decided to lie about, my name is Damien Wayne the blood son of Bruce Wayne, and boyfriend of Marinette Kent" Lila went pale once more along with a good chunk of the class.
Adrien decided to open his mouth and said "Mari you don't want to date him he's a cocky spoiled brat" i was Pissed at that comment
I decided to speak up "Adrian Agreste, you cannot speak, he loves me and will stick up for me, you on the other hand do not care for me and would not at least help me when they hurt me, and you are also a spineless cowered who always takes the 'High road' when something happens (veins start coming out of the ground and wrapping Adrien's legs) so your the cocky brat here Agreste!" at this point everyone was shacked except the Kents, Wayne, and Chloe.
"Angel, calm down" Damien said as he hugs me, i hug back with tears in my eyes {Drama Lover!}
"Done!" Chloe said with a smirk, while everyone looks at her, she starts handing out papers to everyone in the class and put the rest on the teacher's desk. everyone looks at the papers in the class.
"Your suing us!?" the class asks
"yup" Chloe says while popping the P
"You cant do that!" Mylen yells
Buce had just walked in "actually we can, we will see you in court, Lila Rossi and Alya Cesaire you will be going to jail for you actions, now Marinette and Chloe you will be coming with us and finishing school in Gathom" we just nodded and left.
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australet789 · 2 years
I LOVE your ML Lion King AU!!!! And also basically any of your LK stuff I just went on a search/liking spree lol sorry. 🙈
I had a few questions, if that’s allowed?
1. What kind of lions are the Dupain-Cheng family? Since their pelts, especially Sabine and Marinette’s, are very dark. Or were you just making stuff up for the AU? I wasn’t sure, since you seem to know a LOT about the Lion King.
2. Is there a reason why Alya looks like she kinda has a mane, or was that just your way of showing off her canon hair? Either way I really like it!!!!!
3. Why does Zoè look so scared/sad in your drawing of her? Is she okay? Or is that just her being sad that Queen Audrey and Princess Chloe don’t really accept her?
4. I saw you mention the Tsurugi pride allying itself with King Gabriel. But Kagami is a member of the Lion Guard. I thought only members of the Prideland’s pride could be part of the Lion Guard? Of course that would also exclude Adrien, technically. Are you just changing it up for your AU, is there more info we don’t know about Kagami and Adrien yet, or am I wrong about the requirements of the Lion Guard? (I will admit I don’t know a lot about the canon Lion Guard, so I’m curious lol)
5. What’s a Leopold (?)? I think you mentioned Luka being one? Also I just wanted to say your design for Luka is great! I still prefer Kovu, but Luka is fun too lol. He does look a little stoned though - and honestly I find the thought of Luka being high hilarious for some reason lol
6. Are all the classmates gonna be part of the pride? I would LOVE to see your takes on them! I already can’t wait to see more of Marinette and Adrien, but I’d love to see haughty Princess Chloe too! 👑
Okay I’ll leave you alone now! 🙈 Love you and your AU k thanx bye!
Sure thing i love questions about this AU!
1. Tom is just a typical african lion while Sabine and Marinette are Asian lions! In The Lion Guard Asian lions look like this:
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The lionesses specifically seem to have a very visble mark in their backs, which is what im using to differentiate them from the typical african lions. 
Grey lions, on the other hand, have been a thing since Simba's Pride:
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So the grey color palette is not unusual. This is all my reasoning to make Sabine, Marinette and Kagami look that way. And im also using their clothes instead of the color skin as pelts, while with the males, is easier because their manes are their hair's color.
2. Showing off xD she has fluffier fur hehe
3. Yeah, she has a lot of insecurities and she doubts her position as The Strongest, since Audrey has made her feel like nothing and Chloé doesnt accept her as her sister.  
4. I asked some people in the fandom that has watched the show more than me and is up to interpretation? But the agreements is that, once chosen, they need to live in the Pridelands. So, in the lore of my AU, that applies as well.
 I explained that Adrien kinda loses his powers if he is not close to Marinette because of this rule. The Tsurugi pride is indeed in ally with Gabriel but it’s more of “i want to live here because i dont want to make an ally with the Pridelands royals cause they suck and is convenient” rather than being full pals lol. Kagami does end up moving to the Pridelands after she is chosen as The Bravest, and she visits her mom from time to time. Tomoe agrees to this because she is proud of her daughter’s achievements.
5. Leopon! It’s a hybrid between a male leopard and a lioness. So Jagged is a leopard and Anarka is a lioness.
6. Yes, they are all part of the Pridelands! I do want to draw all of them, but i cant promise it will be soon tho. Chloé, tho, she is coming up next! 
Thank you so much for asking! 
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
Marinette Changes Schools: A funny little Lila salt prompt
So, there are a lot of ‘Marinette changes schools’ au’s and I love a whole bunch of them don't get me wrong. BUT the one thing I haven’t seen yet is Marinette changing schools not because of Lila or salt but simply because her parents are moving and they want her to attend a school close to home. So without further ado let me sell you on my little idea: 
Lila has been plotting weeks worth of plans and lies, she’s thought up some sob stories about being stalked, about near death experiences, about celebrities that are like her family. She has plans for Marinette all the ways she could make the girl look bad and all the ways she could force Adrien to see her. That all goes out the window one day when she gets to school and it's a sob fest. There is a clear air of dread and dismay, the blue skies she saw on the way to school replaced with heavy storm clouds. And when she gets to class it's worse. Marinette and Alya are hugging and crying, Adrien looks like he's been shot, Nino and Kim are demanding to know ‘why’ even Chloe looks upset, her blue eyes a little glassy. Lila quickly learns why, Marinette’s parents' business is doing GREAT so great in fact that they have decided to open a second location! The twist? They also decided to move INTO the new location and with it being on the other side of Paris and her parents fears for their daughters safety that means Marinette is moving to a new school!
Now Lila doesn’t even have to school her face into a practiced expression of shock. She genuinely is shocked here she’d been planning months in advance picturing the ways she would destroy her rivals life and steal her friends! And now just like that Marinette is MOVING? Of course Lila quickly decides this is a good thing! After all if Marinette is out of the picture ruling the school will be that much easier. Sure Chloe might be queen bee but with Marinette gone people will be looking to replace her! In walks Lila Rossi, a gorgeous upstart model with a heart of gold and connections coming out of her bangs! She’d rule the school and Adrien would fall for her, then Marinette would probably come crawling back desperate for her old friends only to learn she’d snatched them all up! It was brilliant! And with Marinette gone she could probably do it in record time! So Lila covers up her smirk and says she’s devastated to hear that the twin tailed girl would be leaving and begins plotting.
In the month that follows Lila leaves Marinette alone letting her have her friends for what would be for the last time. After all if everyone still loved the designer when she left they’d be all the more eager to replace her with a new and better version. Of course just because Lila is playing nice doesn’t mean she enjoys it. Alya is practically glued to the girl and ignores Lila even when she’s not trying to sabotage Marinette. Adrien is acting like his life is ending and all anyone will talk about is Marinette. When she checks social media it's all just pictures of ‘old-great times with Marinette’ or new photos and videos of helping the girl pack up and move into her new room, which Lila seethes about for a week when she sees the photos of the spacious luxurious room with a private bath. Apparently the Dupain-Cheng’s new bakery was in a pretty ritzy rich neighborhood. During school Marinette is mobbed by a constant stream of people begging her to stay and when they accept that not happening they all at least beg her to ‘come back and visit’ Marinette promises and Lila has to hide her snort. Fat chance of that actually happening. 
Finally the last day arrives and Lila has to hold back the urge to gag as everyone fills the nearby park giving Marinette gifts and heartfelt goodbyes. Adrien is the last one to offer his gift and Lila seethes as Marinette gingerly opens the box with a gasp and pulls out two brand new pink hair ribbons, and Adrien goes on to say that they’re made of imported silk! SILK, as if the little baker brat deserved silk! The whole exchange is cliche and romantic as Marinette removes her current hair ribbons to tie in the new ones and Adrien ties the old ones around his wrist like some idiot who doesn’t realize what a love struck longing look he's giving his ‘good friend’. But Lila just keeps reminding herself its just a bit longer and sure enough not long after the hideously gooey exchange between Adrien and Marinette is over the designer is leaving with more tears and farewells. FINALLY Lila thinks she can get back to what matters! Ruling her empire.
As it turns out ruling her empire is not what she thinks. For the first month after Marinette leaves all anyone will talk about is the photos she’s posted online. The first week its ALL about HER new school is a private well known academy with uniforms, and isn't Marinette cute in it? And look at her in her custom black kitty thigh highs? Lila wants to scream, but not as much as when she catches Adrien drooling over the photo of said thigh highs and twirling the old nasty hair ribbons around his wrist. The second week its all about the video tour of her new home and school that Marinette sent Alya. Lila glares the whole time as Alya puts the video on the projector at lunch so everyone can see the big new gorgeous bakery and the beautiful house on the second floor and her stupid big bedroom that should belong to someone like herself and not some bratty bakers daughter! By the third week Lila has had enough and fakes some nasty texts from Marinette hoping to speed up the process of helping her classmates move on to HERSELF. It backfires spectacularly with Alya going on the warpath to learn who would dare frame Marinette now that she’s gone. Lila is starting to realize that somehow Marinette has reached a higher level of popularity now that she’s gone. But she reminds herself it won't last forever that in ‘just a little bit longer’ everyone will forget the baker. Right?
A little bit longer. Never happens. Lila asks the girls to hang out that weekend with plans of winning them over with some juicy celeb story? Alya says they all already made plans to hope aboard the train to spend the whole weekend at Marinette’s new place! Lila tries to corner Adrien into a date after a photo shoot. He disappears and all she hears from the workers on set is that he's been looking up some new bakery on the other side of town. [Marinette is suddenly being visited by Chat Noir every other night but she figures she must have moved closer to where his civilian self lives if hes dropping by so much.] She tries to throw a party for the class? They can't. Marinette will be coming out to the park today! With her new school friends!
AH HA! Lila see’s opportunity and decides to tag along. After all if Marinette has new friends Lila can twist it! She’ll whisper about her replacing them all! Make them hate Marinette’s new friends! Fill them with jealousy till they hate Marinette! It's BRILLIANT! And, it fails in less than two minutes, with Alya learning about Aurore being a ballet dancer and the two girls bonding over their mutual love of DANCE?? How the heck was Lila supposed to know Alya had been a champion ballet dancer in her younger years! Then Nino is bonding with some kid named Allen or whatever about classical vs modern music and how to blend the two! And some kid named Claude is joking with Kim, Max, and Alix! And this is definitely not how things were supposed to go!
The worst part is Adrien, who is passive aggressively fighting for Marinette against Kagami AND Felix who are both all too eager to show how ‘close’ they’ve gotten to the baker's daughter while Adrien’s been across the city. Kagami is all to happy to show off that she ALSO bought Marinette some new silk hair ribbons [in a red shade that happens to match her fencing uniform] while Felix eagerly wisks Marinette away the moment Kagami and Adrien are distracted the two fencers find him openly flirting with an oblivious Marinette her hair down because ‘oh felix was nice enough to help me get some leaves out of my hair and said i should leave it like this!’ [while both Kagami and Adrien agree she looks beyond cute they know this means war.] Needless to say Lila didn’t realize that Marinette was that damn popular with men and woman.
The week after the meet up Lila is worn so thin she’s ready to snap. Not only did the class not get jealous but they actually became FRIENDS with all of Marinette’s new buddies and were planning many more meet ups including a paintball war over the baker girl that saturday. Adrien had taken to openly mumbling to himself about changing schools and how he ‘cant believe’ his own flesh and blood would so openly flirt with HIS very good friend! And what was with Kagami showing off how easily she can pick up and carry Marinette? And why did she invite Marinette to watch their next tournament! He needed to train, what if he lost?? In front of Marinette?! And then she thought he was too weak to keep her safe like all good friends are supposed to do! Clearly Kagami was trying to replace him as Marinette’s very good friend! Poor Nino who was sitting next to the boy had actually volunteered to switch with Lila but she came up with a lie to avoid it, she’d had enough of hearing about Marinette from Alya and Juleka and the rest of the girls, she didn’t also need to hear it from Adrien! 
It all comes to a head that Saturday during the paintball tournament when Lila now at her wits end her plans out the window her schemes barely thought out hopes to find something ANYTHING to ruin Marinette’s day and reputation and everything. But Lila just so happens to get completely pelted with paintballs everytime she so much as moves and then later gets ignored when trying to wow Marinette’s new friends, and then gets called out by Felix and Kagami snaps and finally she snaps and SCREAMS and runs off and not even a dark little butterfly comes to help her ruin the perfect day. As it turns out Hawkmoth was a little preoccupied with trying to save his business after all the computers and data involved in his precise scheduling were mysteriously corrupted suddenly freeing up his son's time and schedule so he could spend more with HIS very good friend and no one else's. Kagami and Felix apparently had the same idea as when he gets to her new house their already their doing their best to get on her parents good side.
Basically just give me some comedic, fluffy, Lila salty, Marinette changes school fics. Because I love them ok.
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arlakos · 3 years
Miraculous Rant
Actually, you know what, while im still mad from the previous post I made, lets go off on a rant. No punches pulled. Lets do this.
The lovesquare is the most terrible ship in this fandom. One girl is a hyper obsessed stalker who tracks her crush with her planner for 3 whole seasons, while the boy couldn’t learn to take a hint and stop flirting for 3 whole seasons until he decided to move on with another girl. Ironically that makes them perfect for eachother, but its in a creepy kind of way, not a loving kind of way.
Adrigami and Lukanette in the S3 Finale were wasted events and never should have occured because they were immediately axed in the first few episodes of the next season. I feel sorry for those that were hoping their ships could be real for at least a short actual while, and it makes me want to curse the writers for their story-boner for the status quo of teases
Despite what I said earlier, none of the girls are good for Adrien. Marinette’s stalkery and a borderline yandere, Kagami’s somewhat controlling and too similar to Adrien help him grow as a person, Chloe is a queen bee beyotch and honestly too much like a sibling to Adrien, and Lila is garbage. Fuck it, have Luka date Adrien and they can play some sweet music together (not like that you pervs, I meant they both play instruments).
Nino needs more love. Not only that, but there needs to be more Adrien/Nino bro moments. If Marinette and Alya can have moments together, why not the bros?
Chloe’s character is a mess, and is neither redeemable, nor notably evil. Her role as a villain in season 1 is very hamfisted, such as in the episodes Mr Pigeon and Kung Food. Not only that, Chloe also lacks any of the qualities that makes a good “bully villain” or rival to Marinette, and her sympathetic moments (which are Written by Sebastien) are mostly overshadowed by the fact that Astruc wants her to be a bully, so it just makes her bipolar and confusing when her character is tugged between two writers.
Chloe should not have joined Hawkmoth in Miracle Queen, see my other post as to why I think so. TLDR, its kinda ooc  for her to go full on 2d villain like Hawkmoth especially after Miraculer, plus Lila was being build up to be the main antagonist of S3
Chloe got kicked from the Team in Miraculer because people know her identity? Fine. Kagami gets to be Ryuko again despite being known to Hawkmoth in Ikari Gozen? Not cool. Ladybug shouldn’t be a hypocrite and be willing to break her own rules just because “Kagami is my friend and Chloe’s not”. Same goes for her breaking the rule with secrect identities with Alya, only for her to go on and on about the rules to Chat when he pries.
Zoe is a bland character who’s only notable trait that she likes Marinette, which automatically makes her worthy of a miraculous after two episodes and no actual development.
Astruc is a petty frick who makes episodes that give the finger to fans of the show that have a different opinion than him. Queen Banana, Miracle Queen, and Reverser are good examples of this (Reverser did Nathaniel dirty).
Master Fu is a shit guardian. Read my post for more.
FRICK THE FEAST EPISODE. Not only did is ruin Fu as character, it ruined all the good theories as to why the order fell, and wasted the idea of a new villain being introduced or even taking over as the main antagonist! Speaking of Feast, despite the sentimonster destroying an order when he wasn’t even big, he still go beat by 2 kids even when he was supersized!
Marinette is not a good Guardian. Her ability to choose heroes does not make her capable, and just because “tradition is stupid” doesnt mean that Marinette shouldn’t be tested like others before her!
Despite the Kwami’s being ancient magical buildings, they seem to act like kids a lot, and that annoys me when in S1 they are supposed to apparently be mentors to their wielders, like how Tikki was before she was mentally de-aged.
Lila is trash and should be removed from the show. The only reasons her lies work is because the writers dumb down every other character in the show and ignore the fact the people have smartphones with google.
The “Miraculous” Ladybug spell should require both Ladybug and Chat Noir to cast, because not only does the power have nothing to do with creation, but it also “destroys” anything created by the akuma, which thematically makes no sense. Also it would place more emphasis on the two heroes being equals and “two halfs of the same coin”
On that note, Ladybug has too many powers. Not only is she the only one who can purify akumas, and can cast a spell that can fix Paris time and time again like its no one’s buisness, but she also now gets a new suit and the ability to nullify Hawkmoth’s akumas. Like COME ON! Give Chat some powers too.
Mayura’s feather’s shouldnt be able to be purified by Ladybug since they have no dark energy, and (thematically speaking) Chat should be given an ability that allows him to “vanquish” the energy in Mayura[’s feathers similar to how Ladybug can purify Hawkmoth’s akumas. At least it would develop a rivalry between Chat and Mayura, and would make Chat necassary against Shadowmoth rather than being replacable with any other hero.
The are too many temporary heroes. They should have just stuck with the 3 heroes from s2 and leave it at that. Sure, new heroes were cool, but the overuse has made the whole hero thing feel less special. It made sense for the first 3 to have them, but now it’s just like Oprah where everyone gets a miraculous. Except Gabe.
Chat Blanc was a stupid reason as to why secret identities cant be revealed, also Chat could have told LB who Hawkmoth once he returned back to normal was and the show would be over.
Hawkmoth should not be Gabriel. Frick the lore about Gabriel’s wife dying and him going evil to get her back, it makes the story feel too much like a star wars/Darth vader reference and leaves Gabriel acting bipolar, flipping from wanting to save his wife and doing this out of necessity to being a power hungry madman wanting to take over the world ( which is said in his canon music video). Having Hawkmoth be his own character means he can be an actual maniac who wants world domination and not just have villanous plot that rely on obtaining magical jewellery (perhaps doing other evil things/taking a more active role), while Gabriel being his own character means he can be a father that has become estranged from his son due to the lose of his S,O, and thus can have a plot about him reuniting with his son (I liked the end seen in Simon says, ok?)
On that same note, I think Mayura shouldn’t have been Nathalie. Considering Hawkmoth’s plans were repetitive as heck for most of the show, when I heard about the Mayura leaks back in Season 2 (when she was called “le Paon”) I was theorising that Mayura would actually being Hawkmoth’s boss, the villain the was responsible for giving him his Miraculous and the one who destroyed the Order of the Miraculous, and would take over as the main villain in season 3 due to Hawkmoth’s failures. However, that turned out not to be the case.
Not only that, but Mayuras power is a copy paste power with some modifications to make it complement Hawkmoth’s power, by basically giving his akuma’s magic pokemon.
Speaking of Hawkmoth’s power, for a miraculous that is supposed to be used for good, how can his power mind control people and make them become evil? More importantly, for a miraculous that is supposedly weaker than the main heroes of the show, having it be able to multiply and posses people to create an army is kinda strong.
Fuck the Maribat ship that the salt fandom came up with. Its trash, it was made to bash most of the Miraculous cast sans Marinette, and anyone thinks it is good are either those same salters or are the same people who think that Rey-lo and the Twilight Saga are masterpieces of romance.
Whew! I needed that vent. Hope you enjoyed it as as much as I did, and Tune in next time on the next episode of:  Arlakos loses his Mind and Rants for 2 pages of writing!
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Lolirock: in a world where Chloe didn't fight the rings dark magic and let it corrupt her thoughts
Ladybug: This needs to stop! Has anyone found out who and where these akuma went!
Talia (in her transformation): *grabs a broken piece of crystal* this isn't an akuma.....
Chat: then if it's not an akuma....what is it?
Iris (also in her transformation): *grabs the crystal that Talia was holding* .... *looks at it with sad soft eyes* it's Chloe
Rena Rouge: Of course it was Chloe! She couldn't just accept the fact that she was never going to be a fucking hero- *a red crystal gets launch between her legs*
Praxina: *arm extended showing everyone that it was her that launch the crystal* *as if the color wasnt already a big hint* I recommend you not to talk ill-ly of someone who *gestures to the destroyed paris* did all of this with such little training
Iris: *sternly* Prax....
Praxina: *looks at iris* No...they don't know nothing....I'm have every right to be angry with them *glares back that the miraculass team* for they are the reason why Chloe stopped fighting!
Talia: *looks around* where's Mephisto?
Praxina: *looks at talia with pained eyes* ...I think you know where he is...
Auriana: *gives a small gasp* he cant- that cant- she can still be saved-
Iris: Auriana... you off all people know that there's no time
Talia: Plus...even if we did save her....she wouldn't see us the next day
Ladybug: what do you mean by that?
Chat: Are you like...going to leave her here or?
Praxina: Do you know anything about dark magic?
Carapace: Dark magic if real?
Talia: Oh my God, how can you bunch be-
Iris: *Sharply* Talia.
Talia: ....
Iris: Yes, dark magic is real...and no we're not going to leave her here....that wouldn't be what she wishes for...
Vesperia sho wants to know if she'll ever see her sister again: Then....then what are you going to do?
Praxina: *sighs* dark magic.....is complicated *opens glyph on her hand* it has a mind of its own, therefore making the user a vessel or avatar. To properly control the magic you have to have a good relationship with them...its said that those that use dark magic and get along well with it get to live for a long period of times
Ladybug: I don't understand how this has anything to do with chloe though
Praxina: *glares coldly at ladybug* there's a lot of benefits to being compatible with dark magic...but if there's no compatibility and if the the magic ends up corrupting the user....they will die a week after the corruption...for their body can't take that much raw magic being continually pumped into their system
Vesperia: So your saying that-
Auriana who dropped down to her knees after finding out what mephisto is doing: chloe's going to die...yes
Rena Rouge: Guys...look
*everybody finally pays attention to what is happening around them, seeing that all the crystals are disappearing and that the civilians that were trapped are being freed*
Vesperia: *points at silhouette in the distance* who's that?
Iris: *covers her mouth* *sobs*
Talia: *Silent tries stream down her face* mephisto...
Praxina: *destroys a car out of rage*
*the figure comes closer indeed showing that it is mephisto....carrying the limp body of Chloe in his arms*
*he is seen to be crying too*
Auriana: *runs up to mephisto* chloe- Chloe plz wake up *grabs her face* plz you promised me you would fight! Wake up! *sobs* you promised me *hics* you wou- would take me to a ball *sobs* *hugs chloes limp body* *sobs harder*
Mephisto: *looks at praxina* *break down and sobs* I'm sorry- I tried to bring her back alive but- but it was to late- I'm so sorry- *hugs auriana and sobs harder*
(The next ask is going to be what happened between Chloe and mephisto)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 18 Emotion
(So this is completely far ahead in the order and I will likely revisit this when I am able to see it in order. But if this doesnt deter you from reading this review. Spoilers below)
-Andre is here. And is like "Wait, no drama this time?" Then is happy. I am still mad at you andre, but you are a mood
-I really hoped he was planning on leaving
-Wait a minute, they going right into it? Like no drama? Marinette and adrien about to kiss? NO WEIRDNESS? What is this?
-AND RIGHT ON CUE, interuption
-"Was that weird that he left tikki." "Bitch you both weird af"
-Okay, I am calm. But apparently they havent kissed officially yet
-So Marinette decided to back off on the scheduling thing which is why she doesnt know. Good for her
-Kagami fighting with her mom with kendo swords and then lila shows up...
-Lila... what are you up too. Also Kagami and Adrien are getting introduced as king and queen at this ball which is awkward af because they arent together
-Still has feelings... Oh.... oh no.
-"You arent a precious stone, you're just a stone!' ROASTED. Kagami roasting bitches by the open fire
-No kagami, you SHOULD mean to hurt her
-What the heck, Zoe out here blasting these parties. Good on her.
-Zoe being a good friend here and helping Marinette work stuff out and then giving her a means of getting into the ball.
-So the masks are the way to get in. Also Ali is there. Neat
-Nathalie being passive aggressive is fun
-Lila got denied!
-Kagami laughing over Marinette and adrien being together and having fun. She gets some joy out of that.
-Tikki growing so tired of Marinette's Bulls***
-Good thing those Mask dont have pictures of the person they actually look like.
-Why was adrien stunned at Kagami's ring... Unless... THATS NOT ADRIEN
-Amelie is here and Felix is missing?! Well that confirms my theory
-He didnt invite her to the ball, what the f*** gabe
-"There is always a choice." damn Amelie. Putting Nathalie on blast
-How did she get that dress on so fast. Also Marinette is slaying it.
-They really just copy and pasted that one girl in the background like 5 times
-Chloé just took Marinette because she thinks she's a rich girl. Oh no
-Marinette saying her underling's name was Chloé which is funny to me. Girl shot her insult
-Kagami saying adrien is being the brave assertive guy she always wanted him to be, but Adrien (who I know isnt adrien) is being flirty af. That is Felix, 100%.
-I am like 99% sure Kagami is a sentimonster now
-Adrien/Felix really out here slinging massive dick energy. Like kagami is smitten but cant help but feel its off
-Marinette... thats not Adrien! OH NO
-Gabriel heard the name Marinette and IMMEDIATELY knew s*** was going wrong
-Marinette was precious and I cant help but think, Aww she doesnt
-Wait... IS it adrien? No it cant be something is off. He isnt adrien
-Wow these are lame rich kids
-Where is Adrien?! Also did Chloe just JUMP HER! OMG
-Wait did he just summon a moon? DID HE JUST GIVE HIMSELF THE POWER OF THANOS!?
-And Chloé is gone. Felix is MVP
-Argos, thats such a cool name
-Gabriel is gone! Felix you lovable little bastard. You are great. Keep it up
-Kagami looks so devastated. BABY GIRL
-Felix cares about his cousin, thats cute
-Marinette wants payback! FOR STRIKEBACK
-Felix just embracing it. I feel so much joy (10/10)
-Felix also says NO COPS
-Ladybug really letting Felix have it. Go girl!
-Felix just kicked her into a building.
-Wow... so the Peacock miraculous makes him super strong too? wtf
-Felix trying to make a better world with no masters or slaves.
-Tell me youre a sentimonster, without saying you are a sentimonster
-Felix really thought this out. So bascially saying he will thanos the world.
-Ladybug looking for a solution with... NOTHING?!
-Omg there is no solution. OMG THERE IS NO LUCKY CHARM
-Oh.... I get it hehehe
-Ladybug called his bluff.
-Yo... empty paris. Dark
-Wait... Adrien? Did he ... oh he made the sentimonster earlier and snapped adrien first! thats how... OMG
-So he made the moon earlier in a ring. And they did all this to save adrien
-He planned this for weeks. DAMN so he hid it in the fake ring. Smart
-Its kind of funny that Kagami is just swinging at him like crazy, and Felix has been acting like a little kid thinking he did good. I feel kind of sad man
-You can be happy without your father adrien. But everything else you said is true
-Felix realizes he done goofed. Its sad he went from evil to adorable. Baby boy.
-Marinette's plan worked. Because Felix wasnt a true villain. Nice
-So Polygami coming back anyone? BRING ON THE THRUPPLE! -"My friend... My sister." Yea Felix is 100% a sentimonster
-Yo... can i give Felix a hug. He needs a hug
-Oh so now you can make ice cream for the 3 of them. Sure Andre. You bastard
-The ring... Gabriel... you son of a ....
-And apparently Lila knows he's monarch apparently?!
So I am missing a LOT of what happened. Thankfully it seems like i can piece together a few things.
Adrien, Kagami and Felix are like 99% likely to be Sentimonsters.
Yep... so thats a thing
I think I will rate this a 8/10.
I may not like all the revelations that happened. But Felix stole the show and I loved every scene he was in.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Last Name: Wayne
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 9: Last Name: Wayne
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
Why do I have time to school early mainly keep an eye out for little Miss Goody Goody. She knew that the moment that a little Dupain-Cheng showed up she would pull out the waterworks and everyone would be fighting over her to comfort her, and so very one would ignore the little Maribrat. What she didn’t expect was that Marinette showed up riding a motorcycle.
Hell she didn’t even know the girl could ride. That’s when most of her other classmates noticed her too. She was wearing a light brown leather jacket with what looked like neon pink piping. Comfortable blue jeans and a pair of dark gray combat boots. Her hair was just in a simple ponytail but that was definitely Marinette. Which means the other day that was probably her as well.
Adrien, Nino, and Kim were the first to break out of the group and headed towards her.
“Hi Mari” Nino simply spoke rubbing the back of his neck.
“Mars are you OK?” Kim asked almost too soft explosive speech.
While Adrien simply just stood there. She gave them a smile like usual as she pulled her backpack over her shoulder. “Hey guys! Nice seeing you guys again.” She said, pulling out her phone, and grabbing her helmet. With that she simply walked off in towards class.
After that she didn’t even acknowledge any of rest of the class. Well how could she could ever since she took a step towards the school she was being stared at so she distracted herself by looking at her phone. However that didn’t stop them from trying to get her ‘attention‘.
Even though she was completely distracted, every attempt to push shown or even trip her failed, she seem to have gained uncanny sense of balance three weeks no one had seen her, Millie having to do with the constant sparring and Random prank attacks her brothers like to play.
At some point they seem to have just given up and followed her back to their homeroom where again she didn’t pay them any attention. She just walked up the steps towards her seat in the back and sat down.
“Girl why are you ignoring us we just wanted to say hi” Alya spoke out. Maria didn’t respond. However this seemed to throw the entire class into a fit of rage. “Mari really what’s wrong with you“
“Oh you only want to say hi, well where was that concerned when none of you showed up to my parents funeral, when none of you try to reach out to me during that time.” She said in a calm voice above a whisper. “Because you know what, oh yeah I don’t know about you but having the three people in my life who were my only family die unexpectedly tends to leave a person in the mourning. I was lucky that I had an actual support group of people who support me and love me but none of which are currently in this room right now.” Mari finished in the same calm voice leaving the entire class silent as if only just remembering yeah Marinette’s entire family died. There was no miracle cure to bring them back.
“No one really” Alya began to get angry, “are you kidding us everyone knows that Lila went last week to see if you were OK but you kicked her out“ at this Lila began to cry as if knowing that was her cue.
“Really I don’t remember anyone come to the states to try and talk to me?“
“What do you mean the states“ Lila asked tentatively.
“I’ve been in the United States for the past 2 1/2 weeks I haven’t been in France.”
In that moment Miss Bustier decide to enter the classroom and by her side Damian silencing all further conversation.
“Alright class as you can see we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?” Miss Bustier asked.
“Hello my name is Damian and I am from Gotham that is all.” He spoke in a bored tone. “Oh Qamri you forgot your tablet.” He whispered pulling the said item from his bag handing it to her and sitting down next to her. The entire class had been watching him and in turn this interaction.
“Thank you Mon Sol” she whispered in return.
“Okay” Miss Bustier clapped her hands to get the classes attention. “It is time to take roll” she went though roll but didn’t call me between Julia and Mylene, so of course Alya spoke up.
“Miss you missed Marinette, and she is on time”
“That is not the order of the roll now, Max Kante” she continued while the class broke out into hushed whispers, “Lila Rossi”
“Present” she called now the entire class was watching them as both still haven’t been called.
“Damian Wayne”
“Present” the class went silent watching her brother but nothing could prepare them for what would happen next.
“Marinette Wayne”
“Present” chaos erupted.
“You cant be a Wayne, your lying” suddenly everyone began to cowed their desk and was shouting at the two.
Just as suddenly the class went quiet receiving matching glare from both her and Damian.
“Honestly a simple search would prove my identity” Damian began “and as for my half sister it really is no concern of yours as to why she never told any of you” he growled.
“Holy shit” Alex yelled from her phone “He is the Damian Wayne”
“Wait is this why you don’t like Lila cause she’s dating your brother”
“If you are implying that I am in a relationship with that sausage haired harlot you are sorely mistaken”
“When did this lie come up because I don’t remember it before”
“What she is not lying!” Alya cried out.
“Honestly I don’t know how you deal with theses sheep Qamri”
“I don’t know how I’ve survived either.”
“Really we have wasted half of this class on this drivel, Madame may we begin the class or are we going to waste the rest of the time as well?” Damian spoke up hoping to end all of this.
Luckily Miss Bustier started the class attempting to reign everyone in. Their next classes were much more pleasant, mainly due to the teachers actually being competent. For lunch they happened to escape the school without being noticed and only returned right as the lunch bell rang signaling the end. By the time she and Damian went back to class the air was tense and many had changed seats. Lila still sat with Alya and with them on the left side of the class sat Adrien, Sabrina, Rose, Mylene, Ivan and Max. But on the other side sat Juleka, Chloe, Alix, Nathaniel, Kim, and Nino we’re now sitting on the right side of the class in front of her and Damian. Lila’s house of cards was beginning to crumble but that was nothing compared to what was to come.
@mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
Silence and Milkshakes
TW: dehumanizing whumpee, General bbu warning, implied past noncon, tired and stressed boy
The engine of the old, filthy truck hums with a low drone; something clicks around in the hood. It could be nothing, or it could be something terrible. Flynn isn’t planning on checking it now. It is a nice distraction from the aching throb in his side. Silently, he rubs his fingers on the worn leather steering wheel, just barely cooler than the surface of the sun. When he first bought this car, he hated the way the leather stuck to his hands and made driving a lifetime commitment, but now it only resonates warmth through the calluses of his fingers.
The radio is turned down; it broke and is now stuck on an old jazz station saturated in static. Flynn can tell what the artist is through the grinding of the static, he thinks it’s Miles Davis, but Flynn was more likely to guess the winning lottery numbers than guess the song currently playing. Flynn taps lightly on the brake as he approaches a light. Yellow lights glare down at him from its pole. As the car rolls to a stop, Flynn glances at his passenger seat.
Kai is sitting there. Yesterday, Flynn gave him one of his hoodies for comfort while he was at school. Unfortunately, the high school hoodie permanently acquired the faint smell of cigarette smoke years ago. Kai sits as straight as a nail, eyes at his feet. His hands are perfectly still on his lap.
Position 3.
Flynn presses on the gas, and the car lurches forward. His eyes go back to the road, but his thoughts stay on the box boy. He had read up on some information about box boys from WRU’s website. They are people who signed over their rights to get better, happier lives. Flynn keeps himself from scoffing at the thought. Happier lives, Kai looks like he’s seen some horrible stuff. Hell, he’s been traumatized to the point of muteness. Flynn had triple-checked his medical records for anything that would render him mute, but he found nothing.
Why willingly put yourself through that?
Flynn pulls into a small section of town, and he drives the car into a Chick-fa-la drive-through. He wants something in his stomach before he goes and lifts bricks all day from some rich guy. His eyes trail back to Kai, “Do you want anything bud?”
Kai’s bright green eyes look at him. For a moment, Flynn thinks that he’s not going to respond. But, instead, Kai tilts his head slightly, strands of silky red hair fall across his face. Some deep inside Flynn, a side of him twisted by the horror he lives with every day, understands why someone would buy a little box boy like Kai.
So tiny, adorable.
Flynn curses himself and says, "Do you want a milkshake?"
Kai nods silently. His thin fingers pull at the shorts Flynn gave him a week ago. Flynn pretends not to notice; Kai seems to panic when he does.
"Wjat flavor?"
Kai blanks again. Green eyes looking wide at the menus that glow in the early morning light. His eyes grow distant, and he just looks back at Flynn.
Flynn sights and raises a hand. Kai flinches, Flynn pretends to ignore it. Then, he holds up a finger, "Can you hold up fingers?"
Kai nods. The tiny box boy is as tense as hardwood cut against the grain.
"Okay, one for vanilla, two for chocolate, and three for cookies and cream."
Flynn watches the gears turn in Kai’s head. Three pale fingers raise for a second before shooting back to his thigh. Flynn gives Kai a warm smile as he pulls around to the speaker.
As Flynn orders, he sees Kai shift in his seat. Kai pulls his knees into the hoodie and tries to hide his nose in his knees. Flynn notices the boy shivering, and once he finishes ordering, he leans into the partial backseat and pulls out an old quilt.
"I know it's chilly bud, the heat doesn't work in this car," Flynn says as he wraps the quilt around Kai's body. Kai looks with wide eyes at Flynn. He seems to lean into Flynn's touch, no matter how brief the contact.
The drive over, and Flynn hands the woman cash and grabs the food. He sets in it the cup holder area and pulls out. As he drives, he gives the milkshake to Kai. The box boy gingerly takes the cup and holds it. His eyes on Flynn, the entire time, waiting in his eyes.
"That's yours Kai, you can drink it."
Kai instantly puts the straw in his mouth and tries to suck down all of the liquid. Almost immediately, he regrets it. Flynn holds back a chuckle, "You can't drink it so fast Kai you'll get a brain freeze."
Kai blinks at the drink and puts the straw back in his mouth, this time drinking slower. Flynn tosses a chicken mini into his mouth, and he keeps driving.
He drives mindlessly for a few lights until Kai sneezes, ripping him back to reality.
At a red light, Flynn looks over at Kai. He put the milkshake into a cup holder and is now quietly sleeping against the seat belt. Flynn smiles subconsciously and then memories of a few nights ago.
He had awoken to Kai sleeping against his chest. Flynn shoved him aside in a panic and freaked the little guy out. Guilt gnawed at his throat all day after that.
Kai has not tried to touch him since.
Flynn swears under his breath. Why did he put him? There were so many ways to handle that, and you chose aggression.
Why am I so much like my father?
Flynn shoves those thoughts aside. Now wasn't the time for self-loathing; he had the stuff to do. He needs to drop Kai off at Chloe’s and get to work. Gritting his teeth, Flynn pulls through onto one of the highways near his home.
Usually, he wouldn't mind leaving Kai home by himself. Since he got home before his Father, Kai stayed in his room, so even if he did, he would be fine. Not today.
His Dad will have his drinking buddies over to watch the game tonight. Flynn rubs his thumbs across the leather of the steering wheel, anxiety crawling up his spine.
Dad expects him to cater to his friends.
One of those friends is Morrie Mitchell.
Flynn holds back a gag as he pulls into the shopping district of the town. A small bakery with its backlights on sits off to the right. Flynn, with white knuckles, pulls into the back parking.
Putting the car in park, Flynn sets his head on the steering wheel. Bile rises in his throat, but Flynn bites it back.
Hands, he can feel ghost and across his back. The man's voice is a specter across his mind, whispering twisted sweet nothings. He wants to hide away from a voice and hands that are not there.
Tap tap.
Flynn rips his head up and locks eyes with Worried dark eyes. He sighs and opens the door; Chloe stands out in the dawn light. The golden light crosses her face and makes her skin look like golden chocolate.
"Sorry," Flynn says, "I'm just out of it this morning."
Chloe smiles, "Not an issue, I have coffee inside if you want some."
Flynn nods, "Yeah, thanks."
Hopping out of the car, he walks over to the car’s passenger side and opens the door.
Kai stirs. He wakes up and looks at Flynn, confusion and worry across his face.
"Hey bud," Flynn says calmly, "Chloes going to watch you while I'm at work today."
Chloe walks up behind him and wakes at Kai. Flynn guides Kai out by the hand. Kai hops out of the car and lands next to Flynn. Chloe looks down at Kai’s hands and says, "Hd drew on his hands."
Kai freezes and starts to shake. Flynn mentally curses and tries to soothe him, "Its alright bud, it's okay."
Flynn reaches into the car and grabs Kai’s milkshake. Then, leaning into the back of the truck, his fingers wrap around an old math notebook. He hands both to Kai and says, "How about the draw in here okay?"
Kai nods profusely, his eyes begging out apologies. Flynn guides Kai towards the bakery.
Chloe trots out in front of them and opens the door. She steps into a sitting area in the back for the staff that's linked to the pantry.
"I explained the situation to Ma as you explained to me and she's perfectly fine with him staying here."
"Thank you Chloe," Flynn yawns, "I seriously cant thank you enough."
Chloe smiles, "Dont mention it."
She turns to Kai, who holds his things in a death grip, "How are you Kai."
Kai just steps behind Flynn and inches as close to him as possible.
"He doesn't speak," Flynn says softly as he leads Kai over to the worn couch, "He'll listen to you though."
"Mute or nonverbal?"
"I don't know, he just doesn't talk."
Kai sips on his milkshake and bundles in both the quilt and the jacket.
Flynn walks towards the door and pulls out his wallet. Before he can pull out a twenty, Chloe shakes her head, "Flynn, you and I both know you need every penny, see this as a favor from a friend."
"Are you sure, I really don't want to put a burden on you all."
Chloe gives Flynn a look worth an entire essay; we both know you'll need it to escape.
Flynn pierces his lips and nods. He turns back to Kai and says gently, "You can draw back here; let Chloe know if you need anything.
Kai nods sleepily.
Flynn turns to Chloe, "Just remember to give him lunch around noonish and check on on him every so often, if you show him where stuff is hell usually take care of himself."
"Aye aye captian."
Flynn chuckles and waves to Kai. Kai blinks back at him and continues drinking his milkshake.
Flynn hops in his car and drives off to work. But, he still could not stop thinking about Kai.
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melloian · 3 years
Character Bio 13
Andre Bourgeois aka Mayor
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Age: 50
Gender: M
Race: French Species:  Human Alignment: Neutral  Status: Alive, (later on: injured) Relatives: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Chloe (daughter) Occupation: Director (formerly), Mayor, owner of Le grand paris hotel Love interest:  Audrey (married)
Friends: Gabriel (formerly), Emilie, Adrien (currently) the man trying to find new friends 
Enemies: Villains
Personality: Manipulative, Cowardly, stubborn, Sensitive, Skeptical, can be nice in some terms.
Post-Gabriel incident personality: Emotional wreck (worse then redeemed chloe),  still coward, sensitive, skeptical, nice, Empathetic
Post-unknown Villain attack (in unknown season): confident, less emotional, protective, venturesome, nice, alert Bio: Andre is the mayor of France. He keeps charge of the country, though he does a bad job of doing that... He’s usually abuse his power just for his family. He sometimes manipulate his citizens for his own gain. He also very stubborn on others opinions however, is scared of own family so he just listens to their opinion. He sometimes check on his family in a meantime.
Post-Gabriel incident bio: He cries much more lately. He can be easily get upset and angered. He pretty much stressed out Even though he’s the mayor, he wants to stay away from his country so he can deal with his problems. But he cant do that. 
Post-unknown Villain attack bio: Before the attack, he finally calm down and apologize to everyone (he been wanted to do that after post Gabriel incident but he wasn’t in the correct mood.  he gotten this feeling after seeing Gabriel), especially his daughter. He promised her he is going be better person.
After the attack: He’s is no longer scared, he’s much more confident.  He willing to protect his own family and country, even if it risks his own life. He takes his job much seriously now, awhile still checking on his family. Because of this, he family sometimes just think he took his courageous little too far.  Backstory:
When he was kid, he used to dance to music in class. From there, he hated dancing because he embarrassed from doing it. Believe it or not, Andre used to be middle class. He didn’t have much but he enjoyed awhile he could. He knew how to cook, clean and etc. In the meantime, he go skateboarding. When he was a preteen, He was skateboarding one day and found a little boy (by hitting him by accident.)  The boy name was revealed to be Gabriel. He realized Gabriel never been out much before because of his parents. So he wanted to show him around and they became friends after that. Andre will usually get ladder and climb up to Gabriel so that they can go out together.
When they both became a teenager, they usually go to parties (Andre don't dance in them don't worry.) But one day, they went to a party. The party was a house party,. Andre and Gabriel went outside and chat there. Hours later, someone ended up shooting up the party. Everyone started to scream and started running. the shooter then goes to the backyard and noticed two boys. The shooter decided to point the gun at Gabriel. Gabriel was terrified.  As soon as the shooter pull the trigger, Andre jumped in front of Gabriel and got shot on the side. Andre started screaming and crying in pain which caused the shooter run. Andre yell at Gabriel to go nearby telephone pole and call the hospital. But Gabriel was so scared that he ran off instead. Andre thought Gabriel wasn’t really his friend because he did that.  He ended up passing out afterwards. He wake up in the hospital, found his mother angry. He attempted to tell her what happened but the mother yelled at him and took it as something else. He couldn’t reason with her. He developed becoming a coward because he feared to go to parties after that and talking back to his mother. After getting healed, he attempts to please his mother so she doesn’t get angry. This also how he ends up gaining the pleasing and manipulative tactic. 
In his young adult years, He met Gabriel again but he wasn't so happy to met him. Gabriel saw him and wanted to apologize about the past. Andre accepts his apology but was little skeptical about it.
At some point in his young adult years, he became a director as he always wanted. He made 2 films, only one being successful (the one with Emilie.) Even though he liked filming, he lost motivation overtime.  In his adult years, He decided he wanted to be mayor, his wife (Audrey) questioned if he’s sure about what’s he doing. He claims he does and moves on to be mayor. He claims he wants to protect the country.
As Malediktator
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Altered personality: its the opposite of his personality. and all the bad traits are increased.
cause of akumanzation: He got upset because chloe and his wife wanted to leave him to go to new york.
Akumantized object: sash
Goal: he wants to control his own family awhile doing the same with the country.
Abilities: He can shoot circle like projectile at people and they’ll be under his control.
As Heart hunter 
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I have already made a post for this so I really don't have to type but I still can show these:
cause of akumanzation: Him and his wife ended up in argument leading to them to think they need a divorce. Akumantized object: brooches
As Wraith
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Altered personality: overprotective, strict, aggressive, ignorant Force chloe to be with him...
cause of Haunzation: Chloe didn’t want to be bother by him or see him ever again, causing him to become upset.
Hauntzation object: Sash
Goal: He wants the entire Paris to be gone just for him and chloe to only exist. 
He usually would target who chloe loves or friends with first. 
He can extend his chain arm He can make extra chain arms He can create a portal
He can create a chained jail
When he floats, everything behind him turns black and pink.
Night vision
Not ability but awhile he hauntzatied, the entire France turns into nighttime.
Relationships (main ones)
Andre & Gabriel
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Andre and Gabriel was childhood friends. They used to play together and hangout as kids. But because of that one incident, they wasn’t as close anymore. 
They met again as young adults, and decided to hangout but not as much as before. They introduced each other wives and etc. 
Andre pretty much considers Gabriel is only friend. He sometimes encourages his job though Gabriel never does the same. He’s usually happy to see him.
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Post-Gabriel incident: After Hawkmoth/Gabriel was defeated, mayor found out he was hawkmoth. When he did, this completely broke him. He couldn’t look at Gabriel the same anymore. Not only he was upset, he is also mad at the fact he terrorize his country. But he was extremely mad at him for targeting him and his family. 
After that, mayor believes that everyone he ever talk to, he corrupts which is why he wanted to start distancing himself from people. But he knew he can’t, so he ends up putting up a fake smile. Andre & Chloe
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Andre loves his daughter dearly, too the point he spoils her.  Every time his daughter is upset, he goes to fix it to make her happy again. However, he wish his daughter loved him back the same way. 
Depise all this, he dislikes his daughter's way and fears her. 
Before and After post-villain attack:
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Before the attack: After getting over his sadness, he decided to go apologize to Chloe about everything he’s done. He claims he going be better, which chloe liked. 
After the attack: Andre loves his daughter so much to the point he would protect her. He doesn’t want anyone hurting her. 
Andre & Audrey 
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Andre loves Audrey but he kinda of annoyed by her. He dislikes her attitude and rudeness. Even though he dislikes that side of her, he’s more scared of her then his daughter. He definitely doesn’t want to see her angry. 
He dislikes how she treats their daughter.
After post-villain attack: Since he gained courage, he doesn’t tolerate her acting the way she does anymore. He yells at her when he sees her doing something he doesn’t like. He also told her to treat their daughter better.
Even though he could’ve divorce her, he still loves her somehow...
Full body:
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Injured version:
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Younger andre
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Teen-Young adult andre
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Other information:
In the days when Andre wasn’t a mayor, He used to dress fancy clothing because of his wife.
Andre hair used to grow very long. It stopped and started to fall out when he got older.
He will heal later on anyways here’s a chart ig
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yes, I sat here and gave a literal mayor a backstory. am just that utterly ridiculous. 
and you might be thinking, why didn’t I just make him divorce his wife? because I don't want to gave them man more suffering then he already have.
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squeiky · 3 years
What if there was a mall based episode of pokemon adventures?
Ps: im on limited juice on what exactly happened after the episode of "practically pikachu" so if anything seemed off, thats why. I can only have so much spoilers.
This is a really REALLY long post, i did my best and added some wholesome satogou moments cause why not. I hope you enjoy ^.^
!!!!!SPOILER WARNING BTW!!!!!!! If that wasn't obvious.
.....(I can't do the read more thing on mobile, so stick with me here.)
So the Professor finds out about some mysterious instances of this shopping district being haunted or constantly full of mischief. So of course he sends Gou and Ash to check it out. Of course Koharu/chloe ends up tagging along with her pokemon, out of curiostiy. Of course something is seemingly following them from behind, and you hear a cute little giggle.
At first, its all nice and fun. They go sight seeing, getting a bit distracted here and there. Gou and koharu do a bit of dress up, and Ash is stuck having to be refferee on who dressed up better. You get some cute satogou moments, and some wholesome koharu and gou rivalry. Before....
The lights start to flicker..
And things go south.
See, before they got to the mall, there was a warning the Professor gave them before the went on their journey. The mall had been abandoned not to long ago, as Pokemon have been infesting it and taking over. Poison types, gost types, what ever dangers you could think of. It used to be very popular, attracting all kinds of mons and trainers from across the globe. Sadly, it had to shut down.
He told them to be careful, and stay on their guard. They did the complete opposite of that, and got distracted.
The light shuts down, and their in complete darkness. Bit of twist, but Koharu brings out a flashlight, then makes a sly remark on how reckless the two are getting. Followed by a slightly agitated gou, though ash doesn't seem to mind. Instead he focuses on another thing.
Wheres.. Pikachu?
Actually... Where is all of their pokemon?
Ash makes a slightly panicked remark about this... Slightly... PanicKEd.. ReSpoNse.. Then everyone starts to freak out. Then the lights suddenly turn on and everywhere around them seems like a battle field. Clothing racks are rolled over, there's some string from some bug pokemon, lying around and some other attack residues from not only their pokemon, but possibly other poison, or dark types. if the situation couldn't get bad enough.
They call out their pokemon names to no evail. The mall is big, even with the 3 of them, they cant possibly cover all the ground. They've only explored basically half of the entire mall.. Or atleast half of what they thought was the entire mall.
Gou gets a bit pessimistic, worrying if they where taken by some baddies like team rocket, or hurt, mabye even kidnapped!! While ash is a bit optimistic, saying they probably got away, or are off fighting them now, and winning!
Koharu though.. Shes not focused on any of that. The patterns of pokemon attack residue.. Shows a winding trail leading off into the bigger part of the mall. Making her even more curious than before..
She turns around to she ash and gou sending out their pokemon from their pokeball, luckily, who ever this was didn't think to take those. Gou explains that the mall is big, and they need as much help as they can get.
So for awhile, we see interactions with their pokemon, looking around, in union or in chaos. Slowly exploring the rest of the mall.
But.. Never once, do we stop seeing all these things happen, in someone elses pov....
We see things from the ground floor, behind clothes, in the ceiling... Anywhere.
Every now and then, we get a faint giggle.. Usually when gou is on screen.
At this point they scaled almost the entire mall. Every now and then finding little things. Nothing to eventful. But no matter what, it all keeps leading then to the same point.
Some random door that says "Antiques" on it, in this freakishly terrifying place. The area is the most rusted, old, and overall creepy place. Inside theres smashed pots and this place has alot of scratch marks and decay. The mall may be abandoned, but not for a very long time. This place looks like it has been there for decades, as if it didn't belong there. You could see a lot of struggle, with some old scratch marks and some strangely.. Fresh ones.
Everyone's tired, and worried, and a bit frightened. Though koharu.. She seems more than excited, it wss her own little adventure. It was nice. Of course, she still worried for her poor yamper.. But she couldn't help but be a bit excited too.
During the whole montage, they'd find some fur from pickachu, yamper or eevee. Sometimes left over pokefood or some old remains of what looks to be pokemon battles. Sometimes they saw some old pokeball, abandoned or even smashed. And even noticed some of the Pokemon that had been watching them through cracks or corners, or under floorboards.
Ash and gou finally catch up to koharu, who has been waiting for them in this creepy antique store. Aimlessly wandering about, searching the place. With the whole gang reunited, they discuss what they found, with koharu piecing it togther.
It seems this antique store looked to be the meeting place for who ever stole their pokemon. They show koharu some of the pokeballs they found lying about, some customized, broken and old. None of them have no strange brandings like "R" on it. Meaning people had their pokemon taken, but not by our common baddies. They found some evidence of pokemon battles, some of the tracks still fresh. Meaning they just left recently, probably during when they got here. That would explain why they kept feeling like they where being followed. They're probably all hiding.
But that doesn't explain why they'd take their pokemon or why it lead them in the antique store of all places. Ash suggests that they should look around here too, find some secret lever or something. Goh agrees, but dismisses the thought that someone would have a secret lever in a antique portion of the mall, then again.. Who has an antique store in a mall??
While they're searching for hidden compartments,
They hear a quick "PIKAA!!" Following a loud bang noise. Sending them all to a panic. Ash locates the sound, and moves one of the shelves. Surprise, Surprise, its a secret compartment. Its pitch black and you can't see a thing. Before ash can jump head first into whatever is happening down there, gou catches him. Followed by koharu, taking out that trusty flashlight, and beaming the light on the creepy old stairs. Seemingly going no where but down.
They quickly and carefully descend the stairs, though their all trying to act brave to lift up on another, you can tell everyone is absolutely terrified.
Then they find a light, like an entrance to some room. The hallway was dim and you could see pipes and some garbage, puddles, e.c.t. Gou runs towards the persumed, but ash catches him. He almost fell into a hole, without Realizing it. Koharu goes infront of gou, with the flashlight beaming infront of her.
Cut to a scene of pikachu. He's charging up a weak electric attack, and looks pretty beaten up. So does the rest of the Pokemon. Though, he is doing his best. The basement is pretty big, but its old. Theres some steel pipes that are broken and bent, scratches and marks everywhere on the wall. Its dark, with only a few lights, struggling to illuminate the room.
You can't tell how many pokemon are there, but there are many glowing eyes all around. There are many different kinds of pokemon. Seemingly coming from all different regions too. They don't seem freindly.
Eevee starts to yell out, angered and fustreated. To their suprising, a quick "umberon~" came rom the darkness.
You can see its shiny yellow rings, glowing in the darkness. It yells back at eevee, hitting the ground over and over with its tiny paws. As if it was trying to prove a point, trying to get eevee to fight like their pikachu did. Taunting them.
The umberon wears some kingly robe it got from a costume part of the mall, presumably the halloween section. Category: medieval.
Yamper could see eevee's eagerness to fight, so he lets out a bark of concern. He's huddled next to pikachu, who still wants to keep going. Determined, to stop them.
Whenever eevee hesitates to attack, umberon lets out a disappointed purr, and attacks them with a weak attack, but it stings either way. It wants a fair fight afterrall.
This was an insult to them. A fellow umberon., using smaller pokemon to rank them up, forcing them to train with them, untill they tire out. All these pokemon henchmons had some kind of scar, or evidence of training. Even the umberon had one. Most of them evolved, seemingly living in the mall, as some are wearing human items like sunglasses, or badazzled items too look cooler.
Then they hear a quick "EEVEE! WHERE'D YOU GO?!" And "PIKACHU! ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT?!"
They look back to see its their trainers! And gou, all rushing towards them. Immediately going into the room to protect them. Along with their summoned pokemon charging up their attacks as well.
Seeing this, umberon is pissed. You can see an onslaught of pokemon, who look just as mad. They where crossing their turf, they had to get out.
Umberon curls into the darkness.. Slowly back away from them, in silence.
Untill a tiny, soft. "Umberon" comes out of its mouth and..
They all start to attack, left, right and center. The whole team is surronded. All the pokemon are uncoordinated, but tankish, so they're pretty easy to take down, but leaves you pretty damaged in the long run.
Eventually, they get rid of most of them. Leaving 5 remaining pokemon left. These five being the strongest out of every pokemon and the biggest. Seemingly been in charge for a long time. Basically, its the boss fight.
The pokemon tired them out, and theres not much they can do at this point. Of course they fight, but get taken down, one by one, with ease.
Leading to the grand finale. Everyones on their knees, but still staying strong.
Umberon and its team start to charge this giant attack, thats going blast them into bits and peices.
They charge the attack, for longer and longer and longer. Getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger untill it basically becomes a giant wall. Then they release it. Going full blast at not only the entire team, but the Pokemon behind them that attacked them as well.
The was no where to go.
Pokemon where behind them, and infront.
What do you do then?
Just take it?
Like that?
Everyone throws their hand infront of their faces. Away from this giant charge attack, heading towards them in what seems to be slow motion. Some pokemon are running away, others are just watching this happen.
Its a pretty big basement.
Pretty dangerous basement too.
Gou looks back for a split second.
And a familiar sound plays out.
A tiny..
And then it just stops.
The attack was stuck in place..
Then suddenly, behind them in the darkness...
From the entrance of where they came..
Glowing eyes emerge, with a silent.. "Mew!"
And the whole attack backfires onto the 5 pokemon with one, full, swoop.
The place collapses onto them. Knocking 4 pokemon unconscious, except for that..
With the only expression on its face being absolute RAGE.
Everyone starts running out, a bunch of pokemon try to help move the 4 unconscious ones, and umberon runs in the opposite direction, into what might be their secret escape route. They look back, at the commotion.
The 3 little humans and their pokemon are running out, even picking up some of the pokemon, who attacked them, and helping them run away from the collapsing area.
Umberon sees this. But looks away. Muttering a "umber.." Before leaving. This wasn't the last of them.
Everyone safely makes it out of the mall, alive.
Everyone is tired, exhausted and hurt.
They look up to see the many battle scars of all the pokemon, who are just lying around, not knowing what to do anymore without a leader.
Some a bickering and arguing, some are confused and tired, others are just watching from afar.
Eeveee jumps out of koharu's hands, and onto some tall boxes and rocks lying about near he store. They yell out a "EEVEE!!" Which everyone quiets down immediately. They even stiffen up, as if they where trained to do that by the umberon. Which startles eevee and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Ash stands up, looking at his poor pikachu, for a bit. Its smiling, with its eyes closed. Ash gives them a concerned, but soft smile. He tells everyone that they should all go to a pokecenter, and get some rest. The pokemon try to argue, not wanting to go and to wait for their umberon, but they see eevee is following ash, and they end up following along.
Gou runs up to ash and softly pats ash's shoulder, and gives him a soft, but concerned look. Only followed by a smile. Then everyone starts following them to pokemon center.
It cuts to scene, where they show the pokemon center for a sky view. Its night time and everyone is tired. a bunch of the nurses and doctors are taking care of the many pokemon without question.
Ash is sitting there, next to his pikachu, with gou is standing right beside him, and koharu is somewhere off with her pokemon as well. They all have some bandages here and there, on their knees or hands, just watching as nurse joy takes care of pikachu.
She asks what the three of them had done to get not only so many injured pokemon, but get this pikachu in the state its in now.
They explained to the nurse about the whole incident, with this umberon and a giant battle in a basement, and a this abandoned pokemon infested mall. How the umberon acted and all the Pokemon who teamed up agasint them.
Nurse joy recognizes the umberon, to their suprise.
She explains its not the first time shes heard of this umberon. Apparently, its trainer had abandoned it when it was a little eevee. She said that they'd capture pokemon who they saw great potential and power in. One day, the eevee's win streak went away, losing many battles every single day. Thats when they abandoned them, or atleast, thats what they say.
Ash mutters a quick and angered response of why someone would do such a thing.
Nurse joy looks at ash and gou sadly, then returns back to what she was doing. She doesn't know why someone would do that. Though, she tells them she always used to see that same eevee in the pokecenter constantly. For some reason, the pokemon really loved their trainer, to the point of exhaustion. When it got abandoned, it probably took it personally. Who knows though, that umberon is quite the mystery. Some people even tried to catch it seeing how strong it was, but they'd never succeed.
She pauses what shes doing to ask if ash doesn't mind leaving his pikachu here for the night. Its pretty injured, and needs some rest. She wants to be able to take care of it, in case it needs extra care. She says he can see them tomorrow, as it might feel better by then.
He sadly agrees, and they go home for the night.
Here, we get a nice scene, just to calm things doen a bit. The 2 boys put on their cozy pajamas, and get ready to go to bed.
We see koharu in her bedroom, with her pjammas on, petting her yamper who has a cute little "get well soon!!" Sticker, stuck on his forehead, and he has his younger sticking out, as he sleeps. She doing one of those lo-fi girl poses, as she writes in her journal about her day, as a moonlight shines on her, through her window.
We see gou sleeping on the bottom bunk this time, since he's too tired to try to climb to the top. Ash isn't in bed though. He's looking out through the window of the room. With the moonlight coming through. He's tired and exhausted, but still worried for pikachu. Gou notices he's not in bed yet, asking if he's alright. Ash doesn't give a response, he just continues staring.
So gou walks up to him, and ash speaks a bit low. He wonders if pikachu is alright, and the umberon too. The umberon was hurt too, they could've helped it.
Gou looks at him, then out the window. "Sometimes you cant save everyone, and you cant help those that don't want to be helped."
He smiles brightly at ash. "Like catching pokemon!" Ash is confused, but he tries his best to understand. "Sometimes pokemon want to be caught, and some don't. All that matters is that you tried, right?"
Ash looks at gou, and smiles back. Then looks at the window, still smiling "Yeah, you're right.. Do you think pikachu will be okay though?"
Gou softly pats him on the back. He tries his best to comfort ash. "Yeah, i think so."
It goes quiet for a bit. And it zooms out as they both look out at the window.8
With that, it ends here.
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adriensaltprompts · 4 years
(Not a prompt but I just wanna get this out to you) Ok so Ive re-read your Covid story and I cant understand why people think its such a bad thing just because you wrote a character thats OOC? You’re using your own experience as a someone who works in the front lines so whats the issue?
He’s not even OOC.
What would make him OOC is if I were saying that he’s pefectly fine with staying home and being home-schooled.
It would be OOC if he was perfectly fine with the schools staying closed.
Adrien has proven over and over and over again that he only cares about himself. If he cared about his classmates, he wouldn’t be friends with their abuser. He wouldn’t shame them for being happy about their abuser leaving. He would have reacted with fear in weredad when he thought Marientte had been killed and he would have been taking the fight seriously to begin with while her parents were in mortal peril.
Adrien is the son of a billionaire. Adrien is literally never going to have to deal with Covid19 even remotely in the same way his classmates are. He’s not hearing about his family members dying or being hospitalized, he’s not having to worry every day that his father is going to come home sick, he does not have to worry about Covid19 the way everyone else on this planet does.
Adrien Agreste is a billionaire.
That affects literally every aspect of his life.
Adrien Agreste is safe from Covid19.
He does not have to face the reality of it like everyone else does. He doesn’t have to deal with the stress of it like everyone else does.
He doesn’t see the toll it’s placing on the population.
He doesn’t have to deal with the anxiety of whether or not he’s going to die every time he leaves the house to get food or whenever his parents or family leaves to go to work. Gabriel is not an expendable worker. Nathalie is not an expendable worker. Gorilla is not an expendable worker. Gabriel is a billionaire. He probably has the staff literally living at the house so that there’s no chance of anyone getting infected and passing it onto Gabriel or Adrien.
Adrien wants to go back to school. Adrien wants the schools to reopen.
Being trapped at home is literally Adrien’s worst nightmare.
Saying that he’s fine with it would be OOC and disrespecting the trauma his father’s abuse has caused him.
Adrien has proven over and over again that he is selfish. If he cared about his classmates, he wouldn’t still be friends with Chloe. He wouldn’t defend her. He wouldn’t enable her. He wouldn’t enable Lila. He does not care about his classmates.
Just because that’s something Adrien stans don’t want to accept doesn’t mean it’s not true.
In Bubbler, set months after they’ve had their powers, when Adrien knows everything there is to know about Akuma, he literally allowed his so-called friends to be held hostage by an Akuma so that he could have a party.
That was not his first day as a hero. If it were, he could be forgiven for not undestanding how Akuma work. He could be forgiven for not seeing the danger his classmates are in, he could be forgiven for forgetting that Nino is being victimized right in front of him.
But that wasn’t his first day as a hero. that’s months after he became a hero.
He knows what’s happening, he knows how wrong it is to leave his classmates as hostages.
Adrien Agreste is selfish.
Adrien Agreste would rather believe a pretty lie than face the hard truth.
Adrien Agreste only cares about himself.
Adrien Agreste wants to go back to school so he can get away form his abusive father.
And he doesn’t care--because he literally cannot fathom--the danger it would place his peers in.
Adrien Agreste is a billionaire. Gabriel Agreste is this universe’ equivalent of Tony Stark, Jeff Bezos, literally any other fucking disgustingly rich person,fictional or not, you can think of.
He is literally NEVER going to have to deal with aNYTHING even REMOTELY close to what everyone else in this pandemic is going through. Having enough money to pay your rent every month without cutting corners is a priveledge.
Adrien is a billionaire. He literally cannot even imagine what it is like to not have the privledges he does.
Adrien Agreste has proven over and over and over again that he is selfish, that he does not care about his classmates, that he literally doesn’t even care if they are DEAD. 
Him wanting the schools to reopen is not OOC. It’s perfectly in character if you actually pay attention to what he does instead of what the writers tell you he does.
The writers tell you that Adrien Agreste is a good person.
But if you look at the things he actually does, it becomes immediately clear that he is not.
If you rewatch the scene where Master Fu tested him? Actually what Adrien? He wasn’t helping Master Fu out of the goodness of his heart. He did it because he was expecting to be praise for it. He thought it would help him win the argument with Nathalie and Gorilla. He didn’t do it because he wanted to help. He did it because he wanted to be rewarded.
Also, you know, the fact that their only take away from the entire post is that ‘Adrien is bad’ really fucking shows you what their priorities are. 
Here’s a link to an incomplete masterpost of all of Adrien’s shitty behavior if you don’t believe me. 
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
In Defense of Salt AND Sugar: Aka ML Fandom pls chill out.
So I don’t talk much as those who follow me will say I tend to just stick to myself and my own things. HOWEVER, Ive gotten a lot of asks about why I write both Salt and Sugar for Miraculous Ladybug.
The short answer: Both salt and sugar are valid, fun, intriguing things to read and write and the point of writing is to entertain and be entertained.
The long answer: Salt isn’t inherently someone hating on your fav show and sugar isn't someone necessarily giving it a free pass either. Ya’ll are just dramatic as hell.
The LONGER answer:
I write salt because I LIKE Miraculous Ladybug, BUT the show has not lived up to its potential AT ALL. The show could be so much better and the characters are so flawed or full of holes that occasionally I feel FRUSTRATED and mad!
I hate that Alya a character who I was so excited about, gets shafted ignored, sidelined, or written like a jerk! She could have been this great detective working alongside her friend to unmask the villain, but instead she often comes across as pushy, obsessed with Ladynoir or Adrinette, and so damn easily tricked. Not to mention how when shes not gushing over her ‘ships’ shes pushed to the side and ignored. [or you know... LILA]
I hate that Marinette’s crush makes her do things that are so cringy and awkward i feel ill I hate that she’s constantly the only one making mistakes and ‘learning lessons’ when the show has all these other great characters that could use the spotlight and be the ones learning lessons. I hate that she’s so jealous and that she cant ever seem to catch a break as if the show is punishing her constantly.
I HATE that Adrien is a mary sue, how the writers say hes perfect and treat him as such, I hate that he gets to guilt Marinette into fixing everything and dealing with bullies, I wanted a funny, Ron Stoppable, naive boy who learns about real friendships and grows into a great partner. Instead he gets to be pushy and downright a jerk as Chat Noir ignoring his responsibilities, guilting Ladybug with his feelings, never taking no as an answer. He’s not a good role model for kids.
I hate that Chloe got built up to have a redemption arc several times only for the writers to decide that Chloe a teenage girl who needs some serious therapy [and actual reasonable punishment for her actions] is worse than Gabriel child abuse Agreste. She could have been a great lesson on compassion and growth and dealing with your own pain without hurting others. Instead the writers wrote her off completely.
And dont get me started on how the show treats Nino, Kagami, Luka and the rest of the cast. They may as well be a backdrop for the forced love square that we NEVER get a break from. Seriously I’m a sucker for romance but does it need to be EVERY damn episode?! Can’t we just get some wholesome friendship between everyone including Adrien and Marinette at this point like COME ON.
And i’m not even touching on the white washing, awful lessons on responsibility and forgiveness, awful lessons on well so much other stuff really, the guilt trips, the teacher, the fact that she show could be used to teach kids how to better handle negative emotions and the importance of open communication and not keeping quiet about injustice and/or your feelings but instead decided that the main priority should be a love square that gets force fed to us EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
My point is the show has FLAWS. That doesn’t mean its the worse show ever and it doesn’t mean its not fun, and has a great premise and characters, and so when I write Salt I write it because i’m frustrated! Im frustrated with the show, with the characters, with the writing and so I vent that out with salt I write those characters as their worst selves because I cant stand how the show has decided to treat them and Im ANGRY and disappointed.
It feels good to write salt and to read it. It’s nice to see characters get called out for bad behavior, its nice to read about Adrien not getting the girl. Its nice to occasionally indulge in salt because it validates that the show is flawed and lets you get out that frustration.
Miraculous Ladybug is a lovely show. It’s a show that decided to give little girls a FEMALE HERO. And not just as a side kick or background character! No they made her the protagonist! Its so important to me that little girls see good well rounded female characters in media.
And even if the show is clumsy about it they are TRYING to build an expansive lore that tickles the theorist brain. And gets people invested in the world.
The show also made Marinette shy, and awkward, and clumsy something a lot of girls deal with during puberty as growing up can literally make you clumsier as your body adjusts. Having a character who tries to be positive and tries to find solutions who solves things with creativity instead of pure violence. Thats LOVELY for young girls to see.
Growing up I loved and admired Kim Possible, and probably would have loved Marinette, even if the shows not perfect I can admit its trying and I can see why people love it as much as they do! And why they write these fluffy sugary fics its the reason I WRITE fluffy sugary things.
Because even though I am frustrated and angry and disappointed with the show, I still see Alya’s potential and how great she is as representation to little girls who want a black female superhero so I write fluff where Alya’s loyalty, compassion, cleverness and her pursuit of justice are center stage.
I see how Adrien could be better and I want him to be better and I WANT him to be the naive funny comic relief the Ron Stoppable to Marinette’s Kim Possible. I want Adrien to grow and learn and spit in his dad’s face I want him to overcome the abuse and be happy. To show people that neglect and abuse doesn’t mean you will get stuck like that forever, that you can overcome that and be a better kinder person.
I want Nino and Kagami, and Luka and Chloe and the class to grow and get attention and have funny moments I want to laugh and make other people laugh! So I write prompts focused around comedy and shenanigans and where the characters get to be fun and silly and make decisions for themselves!
I write salt AND sugar. I see the value and merit in both sides of the coin, and I respect how other people see the show. I know its easy to get angry with other people in the fandom who see the show differently then you do but please can we put down the weapons and just BREATHE.
Someone who writes salt might LOVE the same show as you, and they might in fact love it so much that they vent their frustrations in angst and salt and cracky fics. Let them vent about how they wish the show was better, leave their tags alone or block them if you cant stand to see it. But dont attack salt writers for ‘hating on your show’ when they might love it just as much as you do but want a way to vent out their feelings.
On the flip someone who writes sugar might NOT be forgiving the show for its flaws, they might see all the same flaws as you but decide to take that frustration and write fluff and fix it fics and sugar because they want to indulge in a version of their favorite show where everything is just... OK. Where everyone is well written and happy and the character development sticks. Stay out of their tags let them have their sugar, they aren't writing it to hurt you just like you don't write salt to hurt them.
So ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each others tags. Let people write SALT if they feel angry and vengeful and disappointment, let them have their tags, let them explore the dark side of the characters, let them rant and rave and be HURT when the characters they love upset them with their actions. Its not your place to tell them to stop, to tell them their feelings are invalid, to tell them that ‘adrien is sweet sunshine boy how dare you’ or ‘alya would never’ or ‘i hate your marinette leaves dupont au’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
AND ENOUGH. Enough hunting each other down, enough sending each other hate, enough filling each other tags. Let people write SUGAR if they just want something to feel happy about. Let them makes coffee shop au’s, let them make fix it fics where everything is just happy without needing 8 pages of backstory for why everything is just happy. Let them squeal and gush and talk about the ship they like and the fluff they see. Its not your place to argue with them that the show is flawed, its not cool to ruin their fun by accusing them of not understanding the flaws, to tell them ‘umm actual this character shouldn’t get to be happy’ or ‘wow this is so shallow’. Just leave it be, heed the tags, and let it go.
PS: Now with that said and done. I do have one final message for everyone - If you write/enjoy pedophilia, if you sexualize KIDS. Then get the fuck out of fandom spaces, stop fucking following me, and do everyone salt and sugar a favor by LEAVING. Your pedophilia and child sexualization aint wanted, aint ok, and I will fight you.
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thequeenb · 4 years
Come Back (part 2)
Poppy x MC
It has been highly requested for me to continue the cheating fic.
Here you can read  part 1
I walk around the campus with Chloe and Veronica by my side. Its been three days since Bea left and it feels like eternity. Everyone looks at me weirdly ever since the incident and i honestly can't blame them. Carter never dared to approach me after he read what the T said
"So we are going to go to the veggie restaurant for lunch?" Chloe asks and Veronica shrugs
I didn't realize that they stopped walking, my eyes were fixed at the Anthropology classroom where i used to wait outside for Bea to finish. She always seemed bored as hell but every time she saw me her eyes sparkled, her smile was bright
I stop, running my hand through the door watching Miss Kingsley sitting on her desk. Our eyes lock and for just a moment i feel ashamed, before i remember who i am.
"Can i help you Miss Min-Sinclair?" she politely ask and i hesitate to walk in
Who can help me? The one girl i let inside my heart left and its all my fault. What could she do? Bring her back?
Regardless i walk further looking around the classroom. My gaze falls to Bea's seat, she always sat there so she could easily text me during boring lessons. I chuckle remembering how many photos i sent her just so i could provoke her
Without thinking twice i walk towards that spot sitting down gracefully. Miss Kingsley seems to pick up with me and she comes to sit down next to me
"I know you miss her, we all do but we cant control everyone's decisions, only ours"
Normally i would roll my eyes ignoring every criticism because Queens don't make mistakes but she is right, and it hurts my ego even more
"You read that trashy blog don't you? Everyone did and now they hate me even more" i sit back thinking how Bea used to sit right here, being happy..free
"I try to avoid it but Bea told me that she won't attend my classes for the rest of the semester" she takes a deep breath
"She seemed sad, that means what she felt was real enough to break her when you--"
"Don't even say it" i try not to tear up but i cant. The images of Carter grabbing my face and kissing me cant escape my mind and i let the pain take over
"So Pops, Bea Hughes huh?" Carter said approaching me. He asked to meet behind the field but i ignored the red flags, he said it was important
"Is that why you asked me to meet up? So we could analyze my relationship? Maybe we can have a sleepover like besties do" i roll my eyes ready to storm off but he grabs my hand pulling me against him
"Don't run before you can walk Pops, after all we don't want Bea to know about our negotiation" his hand was stroking my hair but i went stiff not knowing how to react.
When we were a couple it was bearable but now all i want to do is scream. We got together for the fame, for my reputation. Because he was the football captain, its funny isnt it?
"Get your hands off of me Carter" i manage to say but he just smirks
"You know i can get her expelled with one phone call" his laughter echoed and my heart stopped beating
I didn't realize how close he was until he leaned in capturing my lips. A bright flash hit my eyelids. I gasp in surprise pulling him immediately away
"You are so disgusting" i storm off not wanting him to see my vulnerability. Tears ran down my face but back then i didn't think much of it but now i know that was his plan.
I come back to painful reality. Miss Kingsley holds my hand and i feel tears run down my face. Fuck don't show how weak you actually are
"She went back to Farmsville, you still have time" she gave me a faint smile and i throw my arms around her
"Thank you" i whisper in her ear while she pat my back not knowing how to react. I pull away adjusting my clothes, ready to pack my bags
"I can't believe you are back! I am so glad" And here she is, my childhood best friend wrapped her arms around me suffocating me in her hug
"Wow there, you will kill me" i laugh embracing her tightly. After everything i have been through seeing Charlie is like a dream come true
She pulls away, her smile never fading away and it warms my heart. She always knew when i was upset but never said a thing, she tried to bring my mood back in her own way
"Come on! The dinner awaits for us" i link out hands together walking down the road of Farmsville. I missed the fresh air, the people who knew me since i was little
Here you don't have to fight for respect because its something you deserve regardless. No ranks, no drama, no sassy students. Just me, nature and my best friend
We finally arrive at the dinner and we sit down to the booth we always do. I sink to my seat and oh god, i missed this place
"So tell me everything, we didn't had a lot of time to talk" Charlie says excitedly, thinking i will tell her my happy adventures but my mind keeps drifting to Poppy
I brush these thoughts away smiling "This is going to be a long ride"
We enjoyed our food chatting about the T, the professor, my plan to take Poppy down, how amazing Zoe is and how extra mean people used to be when i first went there
"Oh wow, they really have a blog to embarrass students?" Of course she is shocked, so was i and honestly every logical human would. But the students of Belvoire created a world of their own
"You have no idea, they made fun of everything i did" i roll my eyes but then laugh "soon enough they ate from my palm, silly rich kids"
"I am glad you came back, it sounds toxic" oh Charlie you have no idea
I gaze at the window remembering how much i wanted to take Poppy here. She always laughed at the thought but i know deep down she would like nothing more. I wanted us to walk down the empty streets, take her to my parents farm and watch the sunset, do everything she didn't let herself do
Charlie seem to notice my distant stare and pats my hand "Hey what's wrong? I knew something happened, your social media was filled with happy moments"
I don't dare to look at her because she knows me too well at this point
"What made you decide to leave?" she places her hand on my shoulders pulling me into a side hug
"Remember the mean girl i told you about? We were dating" i exhale heavily, my mind racing with that damn image of her and Carter making out
I fill her in with the details, sometimes i smile missing our happy moments. But then i show her the image and my tears threaten to escape. How could she do this to me? After everything that we had been through
"Oh sweetheart i am so sorry" she says hugging me tightly. This time i let her hold me closer.
I grip at her shirt as one simple tear turned into body wrecking sobs. Poppy's voice message still plays in my mind over and over again. She said she loves me but her actions show that she hates me. My heart breaks once more, knowing well that i will never see her perfect smile again, hear her surprisingly cute laugh
"Let it all out, i am here for you" Charlie pats my back, running slow circles with her palm. That always calms me and she knows, because ever since we were kids whenever i was in pain she was always there.
A part of me regrets leaving Belvoire but most of all i am glad i returned to a land where people are real and genuine, away from cruelty and drama..away from Poppy
I pull away wiping my eyes but before i could even pull myself together i watch a black limousine stop right outside of the dinner. Everyone looks stunned because hello? This is a small town which celebrity would visit?
"Oh my god i am sorry Bea but if this is Lady Gaga you have to take a picture of me" Charlie stands up and i roll my eyes
Some people came out of their stores wondering who this might be. We step out forming a circle on the sidewalk waiting for the mysterious rich person to reveal themselves
"This is stupid let's just go" i try to pull Charlie away but she is so stubborn, typical
Everyone whisper questioning the same thing, who the hell would be so rich and know where Farmsville even is. I sign impatiently
That until a man gets out of the car and everyone stops talking. The man walks around the car carefully opening the door. All eyes are on the limousine waiting for the person to come out
The first thing i see is a pair of red heels and then oh my god you have to be kidding me. My breath stops, everyone around me fades and my gaze is focused on her, am i dreaming?
"Bea?" Her sweet tone destroy my inside and i froze. What the hell is she doing here? How does she know where i am? I swear if Zoe told her i will kill her but oh wait she is approaching
"We need to talk"
My knees feel weak and i stop breathing for a second. I need time to comprehend that Poppy Min-Sinclair is in my town, here with me. Oh boy what did i get myself into
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @tyrils-star @nydeiri @justastranger-passing
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