#why did he fucking follow my new account there? why? didnt he get enough? didnt he fucking get enough god i.
pyrriax · 5 months
hi everyone remind me to never look at deviantart again
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Part 10: A swicharoo for the the dabi lovers 
Dabi was back at wokr but his face didnt have the look of i want to murder everyone who talks to me.
“What are you doing with your face, it's creeping me out.” Tomura said as he set a box down on the dolly.
“You mean a smile.” Dabi said
“Yeha creepy.” Tomura said
“Dabi is in love~”Toga chirped out
“Can it gremlin?” Dabi said and she blew a raspberry at him
“Well you also have a bunch of hello kitty bandages on your knuckles so that is also concerning.” TOmura said as he cut open the box
“Yeah I ended up punching some guy in the face and she patched me up back at her place, thai was all she had.” Dabi said as he bet down and removed the contents of the box
“Same girl?” Tomura asked, “And by guy you mean her ex.”
“Yup, she even found out about my arson charges and still wants to see me.” Dabi said
“Wow she is a keeper.” Tomura said a roll of his eyes
“Also I learned she used to be a model.” Dabi said
“Oh now you are just bragging, so can it and stock up this box i'm going to go grab one front he back.” Tomura said as he went to the back and pulled out his phone, what was your name again, oh right (Name).
All of your social media was privatized, so there was that, but you can’t stop people from seeing the magazine issues you were in, and huh he wasn't kidding you were a model, lets see what was this about a power couple, must be the crazy ex dabi was talking about. So easy to find his name, and of course he had his social media opened to the public, and sure enough there was a post about how his new gig was in this city, looks like Dabi is telling the truth.
“What are you doing?” Dabi said looming over his coworkers shoulder
“JEUSUES FUCKING CRIST.” Tomura jumped, nearly dropping his phone “Don't sneak up on me like that.”
“Why were you looking her up?” Dabi asked
“Okay, first of all calm down, second it was just some curiosity, also found her ex platform.”
“Okay and?” Dabi asked as he took the box above tomura head.
“Dabi you are an idiot, don't you know how easy it would be to follow his movements and actions this way.” Tomura said, ``Here, give me your phone.”
“I told you I don't want you in my contacts. I'm not gonna cover a shift for you.” Dabi said
“No, not that.” tomura said, dabi begrundly took his phone out and handed it to him
“...what type of 2003 bullshit is this?” Tomura asked holding his flip phone
“All i need a phone for is to call and text.” Dabi said
“Ugh you sound like a grandpa, i would suggest getting an actual phone if you want to keep tabs on this guy.” Tomura said hanging Dabi fossil of a phone back to him. “Get rid of the burner phone and upgrade.”
“I already spent 360 dollars on an overpriced screen and game.” Dabi said “why do you care anyways?”
“Because I hope that having a  girlfriend will make you less of a bitch.” Tomura said and Dabi dropped the box on his head “Yeah like that!”
“Hey you two, stop fighting back here and help me at the register.” Toga shouted
Keigo was having no luck, Dabi really didn't have any social media presents did he, and you had still blocked him, and private your account, even after making a couple of account and trying to follow you, still didn't let him see what you were posting.
You were on a video chat with Mina as you enjoyed your day off, you tried your best to explain the events of the night before, without her freaking out, but it was Mina.
“Wait a darn second, so not only did keigo stalk you and your boy toy-”
“He ain't a boytoy mina.”
“Whatever, but he also chased you down, and he came back and socked him in the face.”
“Yup.” you said
“ I am so glad I got you that little alarm.” Mina said “I'm just glad you are safe.”
“Same, i think Dabi is a cool guy...I like him a lot.”
“(name) has the heart badumps for the bad boy.” Mina cooed
“Oh hush, and what do you think I should  ask him to be my boyfriend?”
“Maybe you ready to get back in a relationship?”  MIna asked
“I think so, the dates have been going well, we like the text all the time, he is also chill and understanding, and has helped me a lot, so why not?”
“Are you telling me this or yourself?”
“...both? I mean i really like him, but I also really liked Keigo and we saw how that turned out...you don't think dabi would be like that?”
“You can never really tell, but if he is, i'll fight him.” MIna said 
“Thanks Mina, I mean I just can't stop dating because of a bad experience.” You said
“Again you talking to me, or yourself here hon?” she asked
“Byeee Mina ill let you know how it turns out.” You said and hung up, and you went over to the sink to dry off the rest of the dishes, when there was a knock on yoru door, you tip toed over, ah just the delivery person.
What was this box, did Mina send you something, no return address though, this had Keigo written all over it. A part of you wanted to take a big marker and write return to sender on it, the other part of you was wondering what exactly did he send to you. Maybe it was the anger that wasn't making you think clearly because you took a kitchen knife and stabbed the box ripping it open, and on top there was a note.
To my birdie
(name) i'm really sorry how i've been acting the past few days, i did not report your friend to the police for punching me in the face, and i will be staying here till i have time to heal up, please accept these gifts as my way of apologizing
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
deadass wish diavolo was real tbh. snack looking mofo.
n e wayz, enjoy.
basically, this is just a oneshot of how i feel most of the time. its correlated to the reader's birthday, which is your birthday and i will NOT make one up for the reader since that would be unfair as hell. but this is what i would like to happen for when my birthday comes around pwq but it wont tbh
people forget my birthday a lot and its mainly because i was born on November 1st which is after Halloween. :,))) the only people who do remember my birthday is my mom TvT but its not like i forget other people's birthdays >:0
i've always remembered my family's birthdays, my friend's, and i had to remind them that it was my birthday until i gave up and said fuck it.
𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
diavolo x female reader fluff
words : 1.3k+
it was like always. i shouldn't have gotten my hopes up so high. just like in the human world, it happened here. people forgot my birthday. and to make it worse, the brothers forgot it. they can remember everything else, but they can't remember something like this. they never once said happy birthday, not one of them. it hurt, knowing that those who i was close to here didn't even care to remember. though, its best not to tell them. then they'd be apologizing constantly and do things they wouldn't.
heading towards the exit to RAD, i could hear someone calling out my name. a voice i know way too well. turning around, i could see diavolo, waving his hand around to get my attention, coming towards me with barbatos, who looked dead inside as always, following after him. "(y/n)! i'm glad i found you!" the red-head said as he smiled. "happy birthday!" he cheered, barbatos smiling and saying a happy birthday to me as well.
staring at them with wide eyes, i watched as diavolo's expression changed. "what's wrong? is today not your birthday?" he asked. i shook my head and smiled, giggling softly. "no no, it's today. its just i didnt think anyone would remember."
he shook his head. "nonsense! i remembered! didn't lucifer and his brothers remember as well?" he asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. "no, they didn't. though its no big deal, honestly."
he mumbled something about lucifer and his brothers under his breathe before grabbing my hand. "nonsense! it is a big deal! i'll make sure you have the most wonderful birthday then!" his childish aura came back, barbatos looking more dead inside now. i feel bad for him sometimes, but then again, that's the job he agreed to having. well, i'm not exactly sure if he agreed.
with diavolo and i sitting at a table, he was talking about his day. so far, it mainly consisted of his shenanigans with lucifer, not that i minded though. it was interesting to hear how much lucifer suffers with diavolo by him all the time. giggling at one of the stories, barbatos soon walked in carrying a small cake. he set it down gently and stuck in a few candles.
"happy birthday." he smiled as he lit them. diavolo thanked the overworked soul before turning to me. "happy birthday, (y/n)!" he moved the cake closer to me. staring at the sweet in front of me, i gently blew out the candles before barbatos started to cut it. he couldve cut it from the beginning, but i didn't mind. them remembering my birthday was good enough.
        frosting on my nose, a red blush upon my cheeks, i stared at the camera with wide eyes as diavolo snapped a photo of the scene in front of him. "i'll be sending that to lulu," he giggled like a highschool girl and most definitely posted it on his devilgram. seconds later, i got a notification on my d.d.d. saying "happy bday (y/n) 😝" with the photo of me in it.
        moving my eyes from my d.d.d. and towards the demon king, i stared at him with disbelief. he had a mischievous look upon his face, he muttered out a few words.
        "now everyone in devildom will know its your birthday."
        "HEKSDSNS liPSTIcK iN mY ValEnTinO wHitE bAg"
        "hi welcome to chilis."
        "mOthEr tRuckEr DooD! that HuRt like a bUttChEek on a stick!"
        with vines playing in the background, and as messed up as it sounds, diavolo and i were cuddled up together in his room. with his arms wrapped around my torso, keeping him close to me, he hummed in delight as he watched the vine compilations. he was most likely confused as to what they were really doing, and why they were doing it, but he still watched and enjoyed.
        "ahahahHaha wHy yOu mAd? CuZ mY puSsY pOpS moRe SevEreLy, anD yOurS doNT haH!"
        "hey, (y/n)." diavolo whispered, turning his head away from the screen and towards me. i looked up at him, confused. "yeah? what is it?"
        "i want to be honest with you." he sighed, removing his arms from around me. he sat up, and looked away. as if afraid to say what he wanted to. "i want to tell you that, i want to become more then friends. not best friends, but as in a dating scenario."
        i sat up and hugged him tightly, nesting my face into his chest. "glad to know, i feel the same." i stared up at him with a small smile. it was true. maybe or maybe not i had fallen for the child like demon prince who could kill me whenever he wants. okay, yeah i did fall for him. he was too much of a snack, and damn he dummy thicc doe.
        and before i knew it, our cuddling session turned into a full make out session. him looming over me, the vines still playing in the background. lips moved against mine, tongues brushing against each other. his hands pinning my wrists above me, pulling his head away as he panted and stared down at me. we both knew where this was going to go, and we were willing to take it to that level so soon.
        "what's worse than a rapist?"
        "a ChiLD!"
        sitting at the table, lucifer wondered where (y/n) was. she hadn't come home from RAD and hadn't seen her there either when he went to check. anger was fuming inside of him. the least she could do was answer his texts and calls.
        it wasn't until a notification popped up on his d.d.d. that caught his attention. a new post from diavolo's devilgram account. opening up the app, he stared at the picture that was taken.
        "happy bday (y/n) 😝"
        he sighed and set his d.d.d. back in his pocket. he forgot that today was her birthday, and to make it worse, diavolo's use of words and the emoji after it didn't help him. he needed to confront diavolo about emojis and their uses before he makes himself more of a cringe then he already is.
        asmodeus, on the other hand, grumbled to himself. his brothers, who had no clue at what was going on, looked towards the fourth eldest. "what's wrong, asmo?" beel asked, chewing on his food. "today was (y/n)'s birthday and i FORGOT! ugh! and now she's spending time with lord diavolo!" he squirmed around in his seat "does she even KNOW how many times ive tried to get laid by him? ugh! and now she has a free ticket!"
        the rest weren't surprised about asmo wanting to get a taste of thiccavolo. but when he mentioned it being (y/n)'s birthday, guilt rushed over their past emotions.
        "it's (y/n)'s birthday?"
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope
chapter one - Where it all began.
We all thought the new decade would be a new fresh start, a new beginning for humanity, we were all so excited for the the arrival of 2020... and it's unknown horrors that we awaited along with it.
it started with just jokes and memes, the virus wasnt affecting us, it didnt seem like a big deal. Then it reached Italy, then the United States. In a span of three months, the entire world changed and was affected by COVID-19. Then it happened.. the attack and sudden uprising of those who had privilege, but didnt know of it's power..
it started with the Black Lives Matter Protests, but it got worst, so unhumaningly worse. People around the country and the world tried to help and stop this evil, but it wasnt enough to stop them. The White Suprimacy.
Death, despair, anguish, loss for hope... What has the world come to?
Even after two years of the incident, in the year of 2022, the same horrors from before was still going on. No one could stop them, those who tried were imprisioned or now buried six feet under, people gave up, they lost hope... Until a new reason for that hope arrived.
It started as a friendship group. Eight people of different kinds, intetrests and hobbies brought together by a common interest, which soon grew into an unbreakable bond, sharing pictures or tagging one another with a funny meme attached to it, simple acts but filled with love.. Until this group almost lost a member.
A fight was happening while she was visiting a store, it was between a simple teen wearing a pride shirt and a middle aged man, bickering and arguing issued, but no one expected the man to pull out a gun and attempt to shoot the kid... Only to miss, and shoot the beloved group friend...
She was texting her friends while it happened, only for them to not hear anything for weeks... But she finally replied, after weeks in the hospital, recovering from the shot. One of the members couldnt have it anymore, and kindly asked for everyone to create a Discord account so they could all see how their wounded friend was doing. Everyone agreed, and surprised her with a call.
Maria was her name, and she couldnt be more delighted about the surprise..
"Yo! Yooo Bitch can you see us?!" Shouted one friend from their call
"For fuck's sake Spike the woman was shot and you have to call her a bitch?!" Rudely replied another friend, who's background was dark and gloomy and had far too many halloween decorations.
Maria laughed softly. "It's OK Spooks.. Wow.. I cant believe Im seeing you all.. Just wished it wasnt at the hospital through a videochat..." She said with a soft smile.
"It is truly a concerning situation we've been dragged into.. but it brings me joy to see you alive and well Maria" Said another friend, looking a little too-well dressed in the call
"Im guessing Griff begged you all to make a Discord huh..?" Maria said, looking at the video box of young man with a concerned yet and embarrassed look.
"Queen... We were so worried..." He answered, slightly choked up. "We thought you were a goner.. When you finally texted back I..I just had to see you..!"
Queen. A nickname she never thought someone would ever call her, hell it was a title that she didnt even deserve. Until she met Griff, which started to call her that, and her other friends jumped along, she always loved that nickname.. Made her feel special...
"Seeing you all together... All for me... It makes me want to cry.. But we dont have time for me getting emocional" Maria answered, suddenly stern
"Why is that Queen? Something going on?" Answered another friend, who was sucking on a lollipop during the call, such the sweet tooth she is.
Maria smiled. "No Muffin.. I simply have a proposal for you all.. And I hope you all are in with me...Because Im getting pretty sick of the way things are in this shit world.."
And so was born a new hope, a group of fighters that are indignified about the way things are, and how they almost took their friend away.
After healing completly at the hospital, they all met in person for the first time. Maria told them that they way they are now wont be enough to make a change to the world, but she knew how to fix that. After a small walk through the woods in the park, they came through a gated area, which Maria crawled under a broken spot of the gate and the others followed, doing the same.
"Long ago" Maria started speaking. "After I moved here, I decided to explore around this park for fun. That's when I found this abandoned gate and went through the same broken piece of wall of the gate we all came through, I believe that's here can help us become better then we already are."
Spike, chewing a piece of gum sneered at her comment. "Oh sure, what is it? A wishing well?"
"Well..." She answered as they came to a stop.
In front of them was a perfectly clean, almost sparkling fountain with clean crystal water still working and flowing out of an angel's vase. The fountain was too bright and shiny, it sure as hell didnt match the rest of the area's gloomy and dark visuals..
"It's a wishing fountain!" Maria spouted out, smiling wide. But the rest werent as.. cheery as she was.
"A fucking... wishing fountain?" Spike answered. "You expect me to believe that's a real wishing fountain? If that's true then why dont you wish for this shit world to become better?"
"I tried!" Maria answered "Apperently it doesnt make big wishes like that, it only makes wishes about yourself or something very small. Like wishing your room to be clean kind of small"
"I mean.. It kinda has that magic aesthetic, I mean, that thing is impeccably clean while the rest is covered in dirt?" Kip answered, glancing at the fountain.
"I know it sounds silly but it really works, I actually did my wish already!" Maria said smiling wide
"Bullshit" Spike answered "You aint a fucking Werewolf, what makes you think we believe you actually wished to be one?"
".. Cause I didnt wished to be a Werewolf..?" Maria answered, dumbfounded. "I always said that I LIKE Werewolves, but I never wanted to be one. I wished to be good at using a scythe and knife throwing, like exceptionally good ya know?" She said excitedly. "And before you answer, YES I do have a scythe, I bought one. Dont ask where."
"So... who goes first?" The smollest of the group, Rook, asked.
"I'll go" Said Griff, pulling out a coin before Maria stopped in this tracks. "This.. Doesnt accept coins" Maria said, seeming a bit worried.
"Then what?" Griff answered back, only to shocked when Maria answered "Blood".
Before Spike could throw a fit, Maria cut him. "Just a drop! Literally! I got a needle here with me, all you gotta do is prick your hand and let the drip fall after you make a wish."
"Let's just get on with it before Spike goes crazy again" Said Blink, the tallest of the group and the one to deal with Spike's bullcrap
Griff took Maria's needle and stood in front of the fountain...And said outloud his wish..
At first he whispered his wish, as if he didnt want anyone to hear it.
"Uh.. It has to be out loud or it wont work Griff." Maria said.
"I-I said.. I wish to be a strong, masculine and really beefy Wererabbit that's really manly and buffed up!!" he shouted with a tone of embarrassment in his voice.
"A Werebunny.. Griffy?" Said Maria in disbelief. "What?! It's co- ow!!" Without looking, he pricked his hand with the needle, and let the drop of blood fall into the fountain's water, mixing along with it. The fountain suddenly shined so brightly that everyone had to cover their eyes for a brief moment before it died out.
Then.. Silence.
"... So.. Now wh-AHCK!!!" Shouted Griff, hit with a sudden shot of pain throughout his body, which made him fall on his knees as everyone backed away from him. They watched in horror as not only he grew almost three times his size, but he got much fuzzier, his ears stretched into rabbit ears, his muscles swelled and bubbled as they grew bigger, his body shifted painfully into a hybrid between man and rabbit. When he finally finished, he just collapsed on the floor, panting exaustedly.
His friends were inicially shocked, until Maria snapped out of it and rushed to his side, placing a hand on his head. "Griffy? You OK..?"
He answered, in a much gruffer, deeper voice.. "Yeah.. Yeah Im good.."
"Jesus.. It worked.. Can you stand?" She asked. Griff nodded as he slowly got up and almost knocked his head on a tree branch from how tall he was now. Everyone was looking up at him, jaws dropped in shock and awe, until..
"HOLY SHIT YOU'RE NAKED!!!" Rook shouted as she covered her eyes, running in place "MY EYES!! THEY BURN!!!"
"We.. better finish these wishes quick and get you some pants." Maria added, Griff simply nodded as he covered himself embarrassed.
One by one they did their wishes. Becoming who they wanted to be to fufill their purpose with Maria.
Spike wished for strong arm strenght, fast stamina and an aluminum bat that never breaks, and can destroy almost anything. Blink asked for a sword, the ability to parkour and jump from building to building like some kind of vigilante. Kip asked to be part cat for the heck of it and that whatever she draws will become a reality. Muffin asked to be a fairy, to bring joy because she isnt a fighter. Togekiss asked for high I.Q, the ability to see simulations of possibilities in the future and telekenisis and teleportation. Spooks asked to be like an Underworld Goddess, with the power to summon shadows and have the darkness on her command, and finally, Rook asked to be part bird and a wizard with elemental nature, and musical spells,to honour her beloved Lammy, she also wished to have a split personality to be like her favorite character, ENA.
And so the team was ready, and soon they would make a change to the world, the revolution has begun, it was time to shine..
For a Future Hope.
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blookmallow · 3 years
i finally decided to find out what the hell project makeover actually is 
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this is the best fucking dress ive ever seen
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so its your standard match-3 game with pretty much the exact same mechanics as matchington mansion, i have too many of these and am very tired of matching things and yet i keep downloading more of them anyway
off to a great start here with the “take away her glasses and it’ll make her instantly hot” trope 
i thought maybe we’d be giving her some new glasses that suit her better but nah she never gets the glasses back lmao 
the poor girl with the bushy hair is not a gremlin who hasnt showered in weeks standing there with her hair actively on fire, she’s just a college student who recently graduated and wants help with a new professional look, it’s actually very focused on “lets help you look good to inspire confidence and love yourself” and generally pretty wholesome except for the “you can’t wear glasses it makes you look like a nerd lol” thing 
also the blue hair guy is not her boyfriend, or the blonde lady’s boyfriend, he’s the makeover show’s hair stylist. the blonde lady is actually the villain. theres a villain of this makeover game, more on that later, but my point is i do not understand how these app games don’t ever seem to get in trouble for false advertising when their ads literally have nothing to do with the game 
granted, everything about the real game is massively better than the ads. but i still dont understand 
anyway you also redo their rooms too, and the process for this is like. taking absolutely everything out and just replacing it all so in the meantime you end up with. like 
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this poor man fsdjkg i took everything from his garage and also his shoes and now hes just standing in there looking lost. and barefoot 
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alright lets get some DESIGNER concrete in this barren basement 
gjdsfsgh it did actually look nice when i finished this one. i didnt use the designer concrete 
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theres a whole section for drama, which is very funny to me 
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so the blonde lady was the previous show manager/host who ran the whole thing in a very “you’re ugly and disgusting, let Me, the Great Fashion Diva, try my best to fix you” way so she got kicked off for being terrible and now she’s out for revenge and also has an assistant who is desperately in love with her. the assistant is also really vindictive and mean to everyone too 
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“greta left her laptop here so i went snooping in it. and hacked into her bank account. gotcha” 
isnt that like. illegal 
she didn’t actually hack into the account, greta left it logged in (even though. most bank sites log you out automatically after a while im pretty sure, but whatever) but isn’t it still illegal to go searching through someone’s laptop and personal finance accounts without their knowledge or permission. even if they are a fashion villain. like greta’s Mean but she hasn’t done anything illegal 
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hold up why the fuck is this girl on my makeover list she clearly doesn’t need me 
can she give ME a makeover. look at her she’s gorgeous. she has everything figured out what more can i possibly do 
if i have to ruin her gothic theater and turn her “”normal”” im going to actually cry i really want to play this one bc i want to meet her so bad but im also so, so afraid 
like so far it hasn’t been “everything you like sucks we’re going to Improve You” its been like. ok the guy in the basement with the designer concrete was a car mechanic who Wanted to learn how to take better care of himself/his appearance but didn’t know how, and wanted to look good for his wife but needed help, and he already has a professional garage and all this stuff so it was like ok he loves coffee and cars lets help him make his garage into a little coffee lounge with car posters and stuff so he can actually relax at home and not think about work so much 
so it was “what would help improve this person’s quality of life and give them more confidence/lets use the things they love” so i cant imagine they’d just be destroying everything this girl loves??
also id just like to point out the horrible eye slime dress is one of my own personal wardrobe items that i bought because i love and hate it. why am i allowed to have the eye slime dress and she’s not allowed to have her vastly superior victorian goth look here 
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anyway my theory that maybe if i finally play this game it’ll stop following me everywhere with these horrible ads was a failure. im still getting these and i still hate them even though the game itself seems to be mostly pretty alright 
i still think homescapes is the superior match 3 game of all the ones ive played but this one’s at least alright. they dont give you nearly enough powerups though its rly frustrating when you get stuck and i refuse to spend actual money on this, so 
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iamtheempress · 4 years
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A Vegeta x OC Fanfiction (part 3)¤ ¤ ¤
Many things ran through her mind and all she could think was, abit of excitement! Something to prove herself and show her worth, that shes not just some pretty piece to hang onto the emperor's arm, she pushes the button on the wall and the door to the Saiyan chambers and comes face to face with Nappa out of his armor. “Calamatta! Was just wondering why it took you so long to get back!” He smiled down at her and rubbed his hand over his bald scalp. 
The sliding door shut and they both walked side by side in tandem, Calamatta walked abit faster to keep pace with Nappa. “Did Vegeta tell you about the mission?” “Briefly! He didnt look too happy about it.. What gives.” She gets to her room and she sighs a bit anticipatory for this month long excursion made extermination mission.
 “Vegeta and I are to go to this one super planet… to completely wipe within a month but its just the both of us.” Nappa blinks and shakes his head Raising his eyebrow his eyebrow looking down at the small Saiyan. “Are you serious? Dont get me wrong your great at conquering planets entirely, but… what happens if you dont.” Calamatta looks away from Nappa and her tail deflates to the floor. “I...Dont know..” She answers. At the end of the day,  Saiyan or not shes terrified of what could happen, the last thing she wants is to have everything come crashing down all because of her.
Nappa stood up straight and pat her on the shoulder and startled her straight out of her stupor, grinning. “hey now! Where's that pride you had in you earlier!? Dont you get down on yourself now that your life's on the line!" She gawped at him and shook her head. "What do you-"  "What i mean is when you start facing something dire, you gotta pull your head out of your ass and charge forward!!" He bellows to her, Raditz shuffled over to her and pat her shoulder. Both of them looking down upon her. "Listen to Nappa. Hes got experience on all of us.. and you're a killer. Youll realize that when you get to To-Rot."
 Calamatta nodded and smiled hopefully for the first time in a while. Actual hope. Actual excitement! "Thank you Nappa." "AHEM" Calamatta rolled her eyes and punched Raditz in the arm. "Yea yea thank you too Raditz…" she turned and went into her room, holding her suit up she twitched and groaned. "Your fucking with me…" her tail deflated to thw floor. 
She put the suit on and goddamn did she think of herself as some kind of joke, she knows she's shapely but this is egregious. A form fitting blue bodysuit bikini type briefs and short sleeves to her elbow, the new armor covered her chest in a more shapely manner than the men. She rolled her eyes shamelessly, checked herself out in the mirror and pulled up her boots and jumped upon hearing hard pounding on the door. "Calamatta? You decent?" 
It was Vegeta
"I mean yea." The door slid open and he was focused on the holopad in his hand to  notice what she looked like "dinner is ready. Get out of your room and ……." He had to do a double take and it kinda made her sneer "its the… new suit Lord Frieza wants me to wear." He made a disgusted face and turned his head "W-whatever just come out so we can eat and you can turn in…" he turned fully and the prince blushed a tiny bit. 
Calamatta followed side by side with him and he kept with all his might to keep his eyes forward. "A-are you serious.. they made you wear th-" "yeap.. trust me it's uncomfortable to walk around in." she kept her eyes forward heading to the table with Nappa and Raditz who both simultaneously dropped their food. "Nice costume change! You can see those killer legs!" Nappa barked, bringing alittle attention to the small Saiyan and making her face red as hell. "Nappa, i'm pretty sure she wants to be wall paper at this point." Raditz kicked his shin and pushed a plate over to her. "Eat up, Cala.." she groaned.
They spent their time sitting together all eating except Cala who earned some hoots and hollers. A degrading damn get up for a saiyan who wants to be seen for more then yarm candy to the fucking emperor.. her respect for him has dindled to 0 but she has to cater to him till the 20 hours are up.. she dejectedly pushes the rest of her food away "i cant eat anymore." She sat up and realized theres a chair flush against her back "no your gonna eat.." Raditz protests as he nudges her shoulder.. a big brother figure to the little saiyan.. she felt more comfortable near him, no matter how big a jackass he is. "No damn saiyan is going hungry because of whay they have to wear." He glares at her, and smirks. 
Vegeta looks at her and leans back. "We will walk back with you to ensure you dont get any seedy looks." "Dontcha think thats pathetic" she said between bites. "Nonsense.. as the last woman of our kind you deserve alittle respect." Raditz protested, earning a curt nod from both Nappa and Vegeta.
Her mini family is small, its made up of men. But it's all she's got and she's got a hefty amount of respect for them all. 
The four walked in tandem with one another Raditz and Calamatta leading the way and Nappa and Vegeta following.
 "So does being a daughter of a general give you a leg up?" Raditz asked, tucking his hands behind his head, Calamatta walked with her hands folded in front of her, peering over at the tall long haired Saiyan. “I mean. Not entirely, same sort of treatment as everyone else here actually! Im just something pretty to gawk at while Lord Frieza does what he needs to.” Vegeta pipes up keeping his voice dead flat as he makes his point known. “If any race sees Frieza with a Saiyan at his side they’ll perceive him as a threat. Why do you think he has her within arms reach.. A warrior race reduced to a pet and something to look at is insulting but i cant necessarily blame her for not going after him.” He flippantly rolls his eyes. “I suppose your right… Calamatta is basically the next best thing to Vegeta.” “Hey now i'm not that great… i only went out once with yall.” She nudges Raditz and rolls her eyes.
The 4 were stopped in their tracks when Zarbon cut a corner and met with them, promptly making the tension between the four starkly apparent. “So apes travel in packs now? Hmhm.. Calamatta. Come. I wish to speak with you please.” The tall reptilian walked in the opposite direction of the saiyans, shoulder checking the Saiyan prince causing the vein in his forehead become more prominent, he crossed his arms and scoffed, raising his chin and moving forward. “Well go follow the vain bastard…” Vegeta growls and marches away. Calamatta turned on her heels and ran to catch up to him.
Zarbon had his hands behind his back beneath his cape, he chuckled upon seeing the short saiyan besides him. “Took you long enough, Calamatta.” “What is it you wanted to speak with me about Zarbon?” He ushers her into a room overlooking a massive planet, ripe with lush greenery and red deserts. “Thats the planet you and Vegeta are set to conquer. It has a high population density of 4 billion. What that document that Vegetas been analyzing doesnt mention the fact that the planet experiences a full moon every other day. The inhabitants will attack on sight… i should know weve sent 15 other squads before you and Vegeta.” Calamatta gawked at the planet then up to Zarbon. “Why are we just being sent then?” “I asked the same to Lord Frieza… He said he sees the prince of nothing as an excellent protege and this will prove Frieza right if one or the both of you return in one whole piece.” Calamatta looked over the two multi colored belts in the distance.. One bright white and the other red, absolutely magnificent and terrifying in retrospect. The magnitude of this entire planet was bigger then shes ever seen before. 
While she was busy being thunderstruck she was caught off guard by a weighted cloth on her shoulder. Becoming strapped to her one shoulder followed by Zarbon cooing. “Its a shame Dodoria doesn't really like your acquaintance. You'd be beautiful as a General.” It caught her off guard as he adjusted it perfectly to her armor, the end of his long velvety cape dragged haphazardly on the floor. 
“Dodoria… i never understood why he never liked me...what about you Zarbon? You have been so kind to me for years and you really don't have to be.” The green haired general tilted his head and sighed as he took two hair bands from his wrist and walked behind Calamatta and started to pull her hair back. “You're just a kid. You'll never understand the position Dodoria is in. He wants to be the general in the spotlight instead of you.” 
Calamatta remained silent and allowed him to pull her hair into two large buns on her head, he pulled any fly aways out and reviewed her facial features in the reflective window. “I honestly could give a damn one way or another but on account of why I like you is purely because you're not like the rest of your ape-ish race.. You're pretty, you have a defined face and you have a way of carrying yourself with grace and poise… the amount of times i have heard other alien councils talk about how attractive you are adds to Lord Frieza's intimidation factor..A beautiful little warrior on his arm is a display of power... So yes he prefers you much more highly then the likes of Dodoria.” He pats her shoulders and she looks back at herself. She never puts her hair up so this is something new. 
Two large pretty black buns on her head, loose fly aways of her hair make her look effortless, she could actually see her gold piercings on her ears. “You have plenty of hair so i couldnt put it all in one hair tie…” The hatch door to the side slid open, the two of them turn to see Lord Frieza seated in his chair, a small smile grew on his face as he saw Calamatta all dolled up. 
“Well WELL my little monkey is playing dress up! OHohohohooo stunning.” Calamatta goes to disrobe the cape and is promptly stopped by Zarbon. “Keep it Calamatta. It suits you. Farewell.” He turns on his heel and saunters out of the room leaving her and the Emperor in this room. She bows respectfully to him, when she raises back up Frieza is out of his chair, tail fluttering around with his arms behind his back.
Calamatta gulped while Frieza analyzed her up close; both her and the emperor are easily the same height but the Saiyan knew her place to him. Behave and dont die. “I want you to take a good look at that planet right there. Realize that you and Vegeta are my star pupil...and that being the star pupil means that one of you two simians is the best!” He preens and moves the cape to see her hands held at her front, he smirks devilishly and tilts his head.
 “That suit looks very nice on you, powerful shapely little legs for a warrior..” He raises his hand and makes a fist to emphasize the word power. Calamatta remains quiet and blushes alittle bit. “Thank you, Lord Frieza.. What exactly do you mean by the best..? I only helped out with one planet!” She stated only to be met with the steely flat stare of Frieza. 
“What im saying is that i expect you to listen to what i say, woman…” She nodded obediently and her tail droops abit. “Yes Lord Frieza sorry..-” She was cut off almost instantly “Hush now Calamatta if you know whats good for you.” He states making little calamatta bite on her lips. 
“Good.. Both of you are excellent but just so you know so you dont get a big head about it… Vegeta is the better of the two of you.. By lightyears infact.. I suspect that Zarbon told you that I plan on making Vegeta my protégé, I dont expect you to be any better than what you already are, your prince would possibly say the same of you… your untrained and unskilled in anything and i'm surprised you even came back alive and without a scratch, girl. The three other apes were to see you as useless and not want you anymore… not want you apart of their damned group.”
Calamatta looked upon Frieza disheartened, her stomach dropped to her feet and she felt like nothing, like her purpose was to be nothing more then a pretty face and nothing more, living a hollow existence. SHe felt ultimately like nothing. She twiddled her thumbs infront of her and drooped her head abit. 
“Oh now now Calamatta.. No need to look so sad.. I'm just speaking the truth to you, child… Here i know a way of earning your trust. Give me your tail.” Her head shot up and she gulped. “My-my tail?” She shivered and let her long pretty fully groomed tail come from behind her back and with trepidation she handed her most sensitive-untrained limb- to Frieza.
"You stupid little runt…" The Emperor smirked and narrowed his eyes closing his fist tightly around the tail sending Calamatta to the floor with a pained cry and a beg. “L-Let it go please! Frieza please!!” SHe begged him feeling this hot pain rocket up her back as she looked at the emperors feet through pained tears. 
Her head raised to be met with the end of Frieza’s pointer finger inches from her nose. "The prodigal prince is no where to be seen to protect you now.. oh woe is you.." The very one that death beams people without care. She panted heavily, started to sweat and tear up “W-Why I dont understa-” 
Frieza’s voice became dark and grave, she feared Frieza but this was a side of him she had never seen first hand and to be directed at her. “Your life though as entertaining as it is.. Is forfeit to me. You only serve your worth as useful until I become bored of you and when I do you will die by my hand. You will come to realize that on To-Rot your life is just as forfeit to Vegeta as it is to me… Vegeta works alone, I know him better than anyone here, Calamatta. You will discover that when your need is used up and you're on the ground begging for help… he will gladly leave you to die… tragic isn't it…? To be worthless to everyone including your own races Prince…”
 He furrowed his brow and stared her sadistically in her face and chuckled upon seeing a single tear. “I dont expect you to return after your little trip… should you return you can go with your little mates so they can ravage you.” He growled and released her tail making her tail disappear under the cape, she gasps and scrambles to her feet. “You are excused, Calamatta. Sleep well!” He turned on his lizard-like feet and left to his hoverpod. Leaving Calamatta frightened, depressed… and worthless.
She just wanted to go to bed. She just wanted to stop caring. She just wanted to feel like a Saiyan.
The day had drawn to a close and the 4 waved eachother off to wish each other a good night, Vegeta said nothing and returned to his room. The small saiyan lay down in her bed and fell asleep very quickly, a deep peaceful and relaxing sleep to ease her tense and tight muscles and weary emotional state. 
5 hours later Vegeta opened her room door and walked right in like he belonged there. the prince being deep in thought and not really in any mood to fully wake Calamatta up. He sat at the end of her bed and looked through acouple files. That being the inhabitants of To-Rot. 
An insatiably hungry and carnivorous race that wiped the original inhabitants of the planet by the guise of an infection which then grew into hunger then a form or zombified state where food is the only primary objective, while still maintaining full sentience they scour the planet for new victims to eat or to find other like minded groups and repopulate. Vegeta sneered and twitched at the sight.. both he and Calamatta wont be the first of the Frieza Force to go there, and meet an untimely demise. "Dammit.." he grunts and the female saiyan begins to stir sitting up in bed to see the spikey haired prince hunched over with his chin in his hand at the foot of rhe bed.
"Hm…? Vegeta.. what gives?" She yawned and gently kicked the princes back with her bare feet. "Read this.. brush up on what were going to face.. its not going to be easy. Especially with me doing all the heavy lifting." He growls and hands her the holo pad. "Hey.. i'm just as capable as you dont give me that crap when i just wake up, Vegeta..." "im not 'giving you crap' i'm being realistic and percautionary. The planet before hand wasn't that hard. This ones lethal and were not the firsts to go here" she pulls her tail under the covers of her blanket and rubs her eyes. Still very in a daze of sleep. "If you are tryna scare me im not scared. Well be fine and well do this planet and ill be with the 3 of yall." She reads over the holopad. 
Feeling a sense of dread and nervousness bubble up in her stomach. "Dont pass that arrogance around so easily… its not just YOUR neck on the line here its mine. And i'm not willing to die because you end up being cocky." "Can you lighten up? Your the one that came into my room and looked pretty comfy at the end of my bed." She retorts to the prince who looks mighty taken aback by the implication hes looking comfy around her.
 "Gah! Quit with your nonsensical babbling and take this seriously! Ugh.. just read that over.. ill be in my room. Ill see you in 5 hours, i need my sleep too." He goes to the door. "Vegeta, you haven't slept yet?" He stops before the button, confused as to what's with the change in tone, he turns his head and looks at her through his bangs that still hung in his face. "Please.. sleep for like.. a little longer than that. Ok? I need you as much as you need me" she asked and smiled softly, pressing her hand to her chest. 
Vegeta scoffed and blushed from nose to the tips of his ears "worry about yourself, woman… go to sleep" the begrudging prince leaves and Cala smirks. Laying back and looking at the ceiling and sighing a tear ran down her cheek and she grit her teeth hard.
“Atleast he pretends to give a damn…” Calamatta sighed wearily. CUrling in on herself and letting herself fall back into her slumber.
¤ ¤ ¤
Tags:  @memevember @dragonblobz @gonuclear @msgreenverse @fallen--lilith​ @jimbobslurpnchug​ @dragonballzforlife​ @nikabriefs​ @lilhemmo​ @lizardhipsdontlie​ @hierophantblue​ @supremeleadershitlord​ @thotful-writing​ @chickiedinner​ @anti-jaina @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit
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Zukaang soulmate au part 13
Everything felt heavy, he couldnt move his arms but he could feel... someone holding his hand? Groaning Aang opened his eyes to find himself in the chambers of a fire nation ship with a guard holding his hand? He shot up and made a gust of wind that knocked the man back and away from him. The man's helmet fell off and he looked up.
"Aang?" It was Zuko
"Zuko?! What are we doing here? What's going on?"
"Calm down, you need to take it easy okay? You got hurt pretty bad." Aang relaxed back into the bed and Zuko moved closer to him taking a seat on the stool after setting it back up. "I like your hair" this statement made Aang freeze for a second before reaching to his head.
"I have hair!? How long was I out?!"
"A few weeks"
A knock came at the door and Katara walked in "Hey Zuko how's he- Aang! Your awake!" He went to wave at her but his hand shot to his chest and he groaned in pain "looks like you need a healing session"
With Katara now using her water to heal Aangs wound Zuko was over in the corner watching. "Tell me where your pain feels more intense"
Aang winced "a little higher" Katara nodded and moved her hands just a little higher. Aangs eyes went wide and he let out a pained gasp "wow, you're definitely in the right area there"
"I feel alot of energy twisted up around there..." she went to pull her hands and the water back "let me see if I can-" as soon as the water left Aangs skin he shot back in pain, falling forward and catching himself with his hands on his knees.
"I went down! I didn't just get hurt, it was worse than that... I was gone" he glanced at Zuko who was holding his mark before looking at katara "but you brought me back"
Katara looked over at Zuko with a sad expression "I just used the spirit water from the north pole... I'm not sure what I did exactly"
"You saved me" Aang said as he turned to look at Katara fully.
"You need some rest, Zuko come on-"
"No!" Aang blurted out and froze when the two looked at him "I uh... I want him to stay with me... please?"
Katara let out a snort "sure, but be careful, you still need to heal" and with that she left the two soulmates alone.
Aang reached his arms out at Zuko and cheerily said "up" wanting Zuko to pick him up.
Rolling his eyes Zuko lifted Aang into his arms bridal style and set him down on the bed before climbing in with him. Aang wrapped his arms around Zuko's waist and rested his head against his chest. "Are you okay?" He heard himself asking
"Do you mean in general or with the fact that I watched you die and felt my mark burning away?" Zuko asked with a raspy voice
"Uh... the second"
Zuko took a breath and sighed "not really? I mean, I know your still alive and well, and I'm so glad that you are, but Aang... I thought I lost you." His voice cracked "I caught you, and you were dying in my arms, my mark is still a bit faded even after these weeks, and it still hurts so bad."
He took a shaky breath "I know you're in excruciating pain and I'll never know the full extent of it but dammit Aang, I... I dont want to lose you, and I almost did" feeling a hand on his cheek he closed his eyes, letting Aang turn his head towards him and plant a kiss on his shaking lips.
He shifted and placed a hand to the back of Aang's neck before they separated "Zuko, I'm sorry"
"Don't, don't you dare apologize Aang" Zuko said as he moved his hand to hold Aang's cheek "You're still with me, and for now, thats more than enough" with Aang now smiling he placed a quick kiss to his nose "now sleep goofball"
And he did, they both did only waking up when Hakoda knocked on the door and walked in "hey Aang y- oh Zuko..... hello?"
Zuko opened his eyes and groaned "what?"
"What are you... why are you... spooning with Aang?"
"Uh... oh right, uhm, we're uh, soulmates..."
"Right, okay, I hope you're aware you've got a backpack tho"
"What?" Only now realizing that the smaller boy was the big spoon Zuko flushed and let out a laugh "I guess I do... what do you need?"
"Well, Sokka told me to come get Aang, we're going over our invasion plans"
They reluctantly got up and made their way to the deck where Sokka explained everything Aang had missed, why they were on a firenation ship, where they were currently, and their new plan for the invasion.
"And the best part is, the eclips isn't even out biggest advantage" Sokka smirked before leaning forward "we have a secret... you"
"Yep! The whole world thinks your dead! Isn't that great?"
"The world thinks I'm dead!? How is that good news?! Thats terrible!"
"No its not! With the world thinking your dead the firenation won't be hunting us anymore and better yet they won't be expecting you on the day of black sun!"
After a little incident with another firenation ship and the giant sea serpent they docked at a marketplace where the group, minus Aang went to get food. When Zuko walked into the room with some food for Aang he knocked twice "hey Aang, I brought you some food" looking around he found that Aang was gone, and he'd taken his glider with him. His heart sank "oh no"
He dropped the food and took off running to the deck of the ship where everyone else was gathered. They all turned to face him when he arrived. "What's wrong Zuko?" Hakoda spoke up
"He left!"
"What?" Katara stepped forward
"Aang! He took his glider and left!" He threw his hands out to the side "he has this crazy notion that he has to save the world by himself!" He shouted with tears falling as he brought his hands to his head in frustration
"Maybe that's his way of being brave" Hakoda suggested simply
"Its not brave!" Zuko shouted "it's stupid! It's like he doesn't even account for us needing him! For me needing him! How could he do this!? How could just up and fucking leave like that!?"
"Language son."
"Im not your fucking son! Why do you keep calling me that!? The only man who ever called me son burnt off half my fucking face and kicked me out of my own nation in the span of twenty four hours! So just stop!" Zuko was full on sobbing at this point.
Hakoda's eyes widened at the boys screaming but Sokka was the first to talk "wait, your dad did that to you?"
"Of course he did! Why else do you think I flinch away when someone reaches for that side of my face!? I spoke out of turn and so I had to fight an Agni Kai with him, only I didnt know it would be him. But I didnt fight him, I was kneeling on the ground begging him to forgive me! And you know what he did!? He took my face in his hand and just went fucking ham melting my face off and now I can hardly hear or see out of my left side!" Sokka reached out and wrapped his arms around Zuko and the pair fell to the ground with Zuko sobbing into his shoulder.
Katara and Hakoda followed suit, both wrapping Zuko in a comforting hug. Hakoda let out a sigh "Zuko, I know you don't have a good connection to the word Son, but... if you'd let me. I'd-"
"Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry, I just..." Zuko sighed as they parted from the hug "you can call me son, I just didn't make the connection with it as a good thing like I should have..." He let out yet another sigh "we have to find Aang"
And they did find him. On a crescent shaped Island. As soon as Zuko spotted Aang he jumped off of Appa, softening his drop with a bit of fire before running to his soulmate who was slowly waking up from Momo poking his head. "Aang!"
"Zu-" was all Aang could get out before Zuko pulled him into a tight embrace.
"You're okay" Zuko choked out while he held his soulmate close.
And with that it became a group hug with Toph, Katara, Sokka, Momo, and Appa all joining in. "I have so much to do"
"I know," Katara started
"But you have us to help you" Zuko continued
"Yeah! You didn't think you could get out of training just by flying into the firenation did you?" Toph gave Aang's leg a light punch.
"Ow..." Aang gave held his leg where Toph punched him and turned to Sokka "what about the invasion?"
"We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force the day of the eclipse" Sokka reassured Aang with a pat to his shoulder
"Hey what's" Toph picked up Aangs destroyed glider and frowned when she realized "oh.. its your glider"
Taking his mangled glider in his hands Aang let out a sigh "thats okay, if someone saw it, it would give away my identity"
After Aang left his glider on the island they took off on Appa with Aang being held in a tight hug by Zuko "I'm not gonna fly away again... you know that right?"
"No. I don't know that." Zuko snipped
"Right, I'm sorry"
"Its okay, just don't do that again"
"Okay, I won't-" Zuko placed a kiss to Aang's forehead making him lose all words and just melt into the cuddles he was receiving.
There was a lot work to do.
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thelifetimechannel · 4 years
“So what the fuck was all that” or, I acknowledge that we laid all this plot stuff out like 3 years ago so if you forgot here’s a rundown of what Coda’s Deal was
As some background, when we first started this project, the main idea was to have the versions of the kids we were invested in win the game. But as we kept working, and as the world around us got progressively nastier (and listen, I drafted this explanatory post months ago, so the ride don’t stop on that account), that didn't feel like enough. The game is sick. The game is broken. The game tortures children and builds new worlds off their backs. SBURB is what gave Caliborn the power he used to become the monster he did. How would simply playing by SBURB's rules and giving it a win be a victory? To quote TLC!Roxy,
TG: when the meteors start coming down again do we just watch? TG: when we get 2 the new universe callies gonna b there and we have 2 let her suffer bc the loop says so TG: so if the rules are still gonna force us 2 do shitty stuff do we ever rly get out?? TG: how do u win a game like that?
And so, the game became the last villain. Or what the game represents: an endless cycle of profiting off torment, promoting creation at any cost. I wanted the kids to break the cycle, since so much of the story centered around breaking out of bad patterns (personal, societal, structural). Especially in light of... everything going on in the world, I wanted to tell a story about a bunch of people who had gone through absolute hell and said, No one else should ever have to do this. I wanted to tell a story about survivors saying, Tomorrow is going to be better than today, and we are going to make sure that happens. That's a conclusion several of the characters start to come to in the later parts of the comic, until Rose directly states that her goal is to make a better system (following in her Act 4 footsteps after having learned to balance destruction with creation):
ROSE: There has to be a better way to perpetuate reality. ROSE: We may be trapped in a time loop when it comes to the cherub session, but beyond that... ROSE: I don't know what, or how, but I want to do something for the world we create, if that's where we're spat out. ROSE: If we let it keep selecting a few malleable lost children as the sole survivors to keep this cycle going, we're no better than the puppetmaster we're trying to escape.
How to accomplish that? Well, one of the forces that serves as an antagonist is the Alpha timeline.  Characters who make perfectly good decisions that simply deviate from what the Alpha demands are punished with death and banishment to the furthest ring.
ARADIA: working within the alpha timeline can be frustrating ARADIA: sometimes in my role as the maid of time i had to doom timelines where we succeeded because it would cause a paradox down the line ARADIA: for example you had to create the cancer in the humans genesis frog, otherwise a whole chain of events contributing to our own existence wouldnt be! ARADIA: there were realities where you didnt make the same mistakes ARADIA: there were some where we all did great
TG: it sux that it works this way TG: that u need some sort of hacky workaround 2 not die bc someone down the line fucked up or mayb u were just in the wrong place at the wrong time
In canon, it is established that the Alpha timeline is based on Lord English, as Scratch explains by saying,
The path which alone has my absolute mastery is the alpha timeline, a continuum I define as that which boasts exclusive rights both to my birth and to my death, two circumstantially simultaneous events.
Which means, without the Lord of Time forcing all viable timelines to feed into his being, multiple timelines could hypothetically coexist as long as none of them break other pre-existing loops.
ARADIA: english narrowed the options to direct all energy toward his desired outcomes much like a virus repurposing a cells production mechanisms to reproduce itself instead ARADIA: but he is gone now ARADIA: there are plenty of realities my selves left behind that could have survived if not for his loops and his insistence on wiping clean all offshoots that did not contribute to him ARADIA: an insistence that bled into the very laws of the universe ARADIA: but with his defeat the way forward is much broader
The alpha timeline isn't the only oppressive force at play, however. The other is the game and behind that, Skaia itself. Skaia is portrayed as a benevolent force for creation, but it supports a system where killing children isn't a bug. It's a feature. It's very devoted to the bigger picture and the greater good at the expense of the people caught in the system's gears, which sounds... familiar. Sure, Skaia could just exist, but Homestuck is an origin story. Almost everything has a starting point, so why not Skaia and the game too?
DIRK: The point is, this game didn't come out of nowhere. DIRK: Someone had to make it.
It made sense to me to have a benevolent cherub behind that, just as a malevolent cherub is behind the alpha timeline. So, enter alt!Calliope.
CALLIOPE: through the rules of the game that brought you here, i gave you my blessing. CALLIOPE: in doing so i hope i have created a battlefield for soldiers to rise up against him, even as my efforts brought about his own birth. CALLIOPE: both he and i labor bound to our own path from creation to destruction, locked in an ouroboros that will only end when you have passed through the final door.
JADE: just to make sure im understanding you correctly JADE: youre behind the game that ruined our lives?
And if one Muse of Space got us into this mess...
CALLIOPE: if she'd grown Up with friends like i had, she woUldn't have bUilt it that way, i know she woUldn't have. ROSE: Maybe this is your chance to set it right. CALLIOPE: what? ROSE: You're a Muse of Space too. ROSE: If she had the ability to craft the inner workings of an entire multiverse-spanning system and set it in motion, you must have that potential too. ROSE: Maybe you can change the rules.
In the walkarounds, Rose starts making her case to the other characters.
ROSE: Your mistake with the DNA affected our game session, which means the frog's construction influences how SBURB games launched within it are played. ROSE: If you did that accidentally, we might be able to influence future SBURB sessions intentionally.
And in the last update before our two flashes, they make their plan and put it to a vote.
ROXY: we need 2 come up w/ a world we like
That brings us to Coda. The alpha timeline (red snake) winds around the dream bubbles filled with ghosts who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Skaia's influence (green snake) winds around the events it engineered. We see the characters digging into DNA readouts, temple carvings, etc. to figure out how to reverse engineer the game. Then Calliope makes it happen, banishing the ouroboros of the two cherubs' influence so they won't poison the new universe. But of course, if we are banishing the alpha timeline and saying any number of realities can exist concurrently, we can't see any of them. That would be pinning us down to one. So, as Calliope works her magic, the viewers lose sight of the characters, so they can finally be free. Because if we're rebelling against authority, even we authors have to step aside in the end.
And so, for now, let’s drop the curtains and take our bow. :) As for what’s behind those curtains, who’s to say? Maybe us. Maybe you. Maybe everyone. 
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Before This Dance Is Through V
Tumblr media
Chapter: 5/16
Rating: M (Smut Warning)
Summary: Ringo's being going through a dry spell for the last year or so and when he regretfully tells his best friend John, he insists on taking them to an all-male strip club for some "fun". Ringo isn't sure whether it's the alcohol, his desperation or a mixture of the two but he thinks he might be falling in love with a stripper.
Tags: AU - Strippers, Modern Setting, Smut, Slow Burn
Pairings: George Harrison/Ringo Starr, John Lennon/Paul McCartney
AO3 link here / Fic masterlist here
Despite what John had suggested, Ringo didn't go back to The Helter Skelter the following week; he'd considered it when John sent him yet another late night text but ultimately decided it wasn't the best idea. Spike had been playing on his mind daily and Ringo wasn't sure he was prepared to face him again. Instead he focused on his drumming and searched for a few more students to teach, which were fairly easy to find. Usually Ringo enjoyed his time off, he understood he was lucky that he didn't have to work a 9-5 job just to get by, but recently he wanted his fill his time up as much as possible, to distract himself.
One of his new students seemed incredibly interested in him, they'd spent an hour just chatting in his living room before they'd even moved over to the drum kit. Ringo wasn't too fussed, he was getting paid by the hour so wasting time was beneficial to him but he didn't want to give the guy the wrong impression. He was a little bit older and attractive enough but Ringo simply wasn't interested.
"Why didn't you just go for it?" John had asked him when they next met up.
"I dunno..." Ringo mumbled, but a part of him knew very well.
He'd given the guy another lesson since then and it became clear that the guy's interest in him wasn't going away any time soon. Ringo felt bad about the whole thing, wasn't he just doing exactly what Spike was doing to him? He tried to act as professional as possible the second time around in attempt to get the guy to back off, considering he hadn't heard from him since he was hoping it had worked. What was wrong with him? Was he really going to make himself suffer like this all because of one guy? And not just any guy, a stripper who had shown absolutely no interest in him at all. It was ridiculous, he kept telling himself, but no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he had to get over Spike, he would still think about him every day without fail. Trying to distract himself with clients had been working somewhat, but it had been difficult, especially when his best friend was John Lennon.
       youre gonna love me
The text came through when Ringo was sat in a café getting some lunch. He'd finished with one of his younger students, a sweet girl who's parents had tried to convince her to try a more 'ladylike' instrument but she had promised only to give up the drums if she was awful; much to her delight, and Ringo's for being able to prove the stereotypical parents wrong, she was pretty good. Seeing her always put Ringo in a good mood, the parents mostly stayed away partly due to the noise but mostly due to disappointment, which meant they could joke around together. Ringo could tell she admired him and he welcomed it gladly, one of the best things about teaching was inspiring others, at least for him it was.
        do i not already?
        well yes         but youre gonna love me EVEN more
        what have you done
        well i happened to stop by the club last night
        oh god what did you do
        wow is that how little you trust me
        can you blame me
        suppose not         ANYWAY i got talking to paulie
        surprise surprise
        do you want the good news or not???
        fine fine sorry
        AS I WAS SAYING i was talking to paulie         and he told me that your special little someone has an onlyfans account
        first of all fuck you for calling him that         second of all wtf is onlyfans
        oh sorry i didnt realise you werent living in the 21st century
        ......         care to grace me with your knowledge?
        basically its a website where you can post exclusive stuff for ONLY FANS to see         its not a porn site or anything but its basically where people sell their nudes         MEANING spike has an account so you can totally see loads of raunchy filthy perverted pics of him
        but i have to pay?
        well weve all gotta make a living
        i can basically see him naked for free
        but this way you wont get all freaked out and embarrassed         well you will but nobody will know at least         so do you want the link or not???
Ringo paused for a few moments, he was gripping his phone tightly in both of his hands as he unblinkingly looked at John's words. If his mind was going to decide to make him suffer by enabling his intense interest in Spike, he may as well get something out of it.
        where are your manners richard??
        can i please have the link to the strippers nude photos please john please
        alright calm down         let me know if its worth while i might have a look
        idk if im even gonna look at it         paying for porn is a little dated
        treat yourself ringo         id offer to pay but im broke
        if youre broke why were you at the strip club last night?
        well SOMEONE had to go
        they really didnt
        im supporting my local economy
        i dont think thats how that works
        sure it is         anyway here you go
Ringo stared at the link for a while, his eyes even began to blur, he didn't want to risk opening it in public even though he knew there was little chance of anyone seeing. He finished his lunch in a hurry and headed home quickly, only when he was in the privacy of his bedroom did he dare open it. First he had to make an account, when he saw the screen loading up asking for an email address and password he just turned his screen off and put the phone down. This was far too much effort for something he shouldn't really have been doing in the first place. But it only took a few minutes for him to pick the phone back up and begin signing up, he used an old email as it felt less seedy that way and he didn't want to risk his name cropping up anywhere for Spike to see. Now he could load up the link properly and take a proper look at Spike's profile.
Just looking at the small profile picture was enough to startle Ringo a little, the dark eyes looking into the camera with that unreadable glimmer behind them. He was shirtless in the picture, Ringo wondered why that didn't catch his attention first, with the frame cutting off just before it showed anything too explicit. The header was a photo taken from the club, showing him in tight, leather pants and tassels on his nipples which matched the whip he held in his hand. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. He'd spent so much time and effort trying not to think about this man, attempting to keep him out of his mind as much as possible. Ringo knew that if he went through with this all that progress would be lost, he'd be giving in to whatever strange obsession he'd developed for Spike, one that no doubt wasn't going to lead to anything good.
Ringo kept staring at the screen as though it was going to tell him what he should do. Spike's profile had no description, which wasn't very surprising, and it dashed any hope Ringo had of discovering something new about him. Right before he was about to put his phone down again, it vibrated.
        howd the wank go??
        john i dont care how long weve been friends asking how my wank was will always be weird
        youre right sorry         so how did it go???
        if you must know         i havent had a wank         i havent even paid for entry
        now whos the one being inappropriate??
        ha ha
        why havent you???
        feels weird
        oh i see         youll consume a bunch of unethical porn for free but god forbid you actually give sex workers any actual money
        you are the last person who can lecture me about unethical porn
        hey now watch yourself         ringo if you dont get a subscription I WILL
        go ahead
        and ill tell you every day what sexy sexy pictures hes posting         ill tell you EVERY SINGLE TIME i have a wank over them
        every time? i dont think youve got enough data for that
        im not joking
        neither am i         you wank A LOT
        ringooooo just buy it i swear to god         if its not worth it or you regret it or whatever ill give you the money back
        on top of the money you already owe me?
        have you always been such a capitalist
        youre not doing a very good job of convincing me
        fine         spikes cock         now are you convinced???
        naked pictures of spike whenever and wherever you want them all for the low low price of 10 quid a month         convinced??
        fine fine         if itll shut you up
        im starting to think thats code for 'i really wanna do this but im too embarrassed to admit it'
        i hate you
        now that DEFINITELY code for 'john youre right'         anyway theres no time to be telling me how right i am all the time youve got dick pics to look at         even i wont stand in the way of a good wank         so dont bother replying to me until youve paid for that subscription young man
        im older than you
Ringo let out a sigh and rested his head against the bedroom wall from where he was laying on the bed. He opened up the link again and his thumb hovered over the subscription button, why couldn't he just do it? The money wasn't an issue, it could've cost half as much or be double the price and he'd still be debating it all the same. Somehow it felt like an invasion of privacy, after all Spike hadn't told Ringo about it himself, but then again that didn't necessarily mean he didn't want Ringo to see it. After all it was like John said: everyone has to make a living somehow. Sometimes Ringo wished he could turn off that part of his brain that was so empathetic, so concerned about how everyone felt and what they were thinking. He knew that he wanted this, so why wasn't he allowing himself to have it? Ringo could see that he was being ridiculous, as he was with almost anything involving Spike, and after lying there for a while pondering and debating he decided to flip a coin. Heads would mean he got the subscription, tails that he didn't. He watched the coin spinning through the air after he flicked it upwards, then snatched it and slammed it down onto his forearm before slowly moving his hand away: it was tails. What a relief. Ringo chuckled to himself for being so foolish, settling down into his bed; it was still only around midday but he didn't have anywhere he needed to be.
So why didn't he feel relieved in the slightest?
This whole thing was getting tiring, the constant debate between what he believed he should do and what he wanted to do, and it seemed like it wasn't going to be ending anytime soon. Apparently he was in this for the long run, whatever that meant, but if he was going to turn down relatively attractive guys practically throwing themselves at him, he may as well go all the way. While he was putting in his credit card information, he stopped to think around three of four times, but once he'd finished and the images became accessible to him, his brain was barely able to conjure up a coherent sentence.
"Jesus..." Ringo breathed out as his eyes flicked across the plethora of pictures loading up on his screen.
There was a lot of them, and a lot of Spike was on display. Most of them were pictures taken at the club, either from a professional photographer in the audience or photos he'd taken himself in the mirrors backstage - Ringo could even see glimpses of Paul in the background of some of them. The ones that caught Ringo's eyes the most were those that seemed to be taken in his house, these also happened to be the ones in which Spike tended to be fully naked. It was very different experience to see him like this: a static image that he'd intentionally taken of himself and posted for so many people to see, an image that couldn't look back at Ringo and make him feel that strange mixture of excitement and shame. He began scrolling down the feed which only revealed more and more enticing photos. Ringo began to feel himself hardening, he suspected it had been happening for a while now but he'd been far too distracted to notice. He felt like a teenager discovering porn for the first time, it was difficult to remind himself that this wasn't anything new. Seeing Spike naked shouldn't have excited him so much, and yet it did.
One picture in particular drew Ringo's attention: Spike was stood in front of a bathroom mirror with a loose black tie lying against his bare chest, one hand was holding a phone and the other gripping his cock. He had dark eye make up on and his hair was messy. Ringo wasn't sure exactly what it was about this photo that was so enticing but he couldn't take his eyes off it. The prominence of his collarbones, the faint curls of his dark hair, how his slim fingers wrapped around himself. Slowly Ringo slid his own hand under the waistband of his boxers as he stared at the picture. At first he hesitated, his fingers stopped right above the base. It's not like this would've been the first time he'd touched himself while thinking about Spike, it would've been far from the last he imagined, but this was different. It was more concrete, more of an admission. Nothing felt quite as real when it's only being imagined, the haziness of lust fuzzing up the mind as it so often did, but now with a very real photo of Spike in front of him - which he'd paid to see - the feeling was far more tangible, far harder to ignore.
He'd come this far, he told himself as his hand sunk lower until his fingers were running along the length of his semi-hard cock, he may as well go all the way. To begin with Ringo stayed looking at this single picture as he slowly pumped himself, but as his lust began to grow he perused through more and more pictures: Spike kneeling naked in front of a mirror with a loose cigarette hanging from his lips, lying in the bath with bubbles only just about covering his nakedness, spread out on the bed with a gag in his mouth, handcuffs forcing his slim arms behind his back with his cock throbbing. None of this was anything Ringo hadn't seen before, like most people in this day and age he'd searched through the darker corners of the internet - sometimes willingly, sometimes John was to blame - but to see Spike in such a way was like an entirely new rush. Each picture drove Ringo further and further on, at times he almost dropped his phone with how sloppy his movements were becoming. Who took these photos? Ringo figured it was best not to think about it, the possibility that Spike had a boyfriend who took all these pictures of him would've been the quickest way to kill his erection.
Ringo began moaning and cursing wantonly as he got closer and closer to his orgasm, he had to stop flicking through the pictures because he could hardly concentrate on what his other hand was doing, so he settled on a final one to help him finish; it wasn't particularly strategic but he was definitely grateful that he selected the one that he did. In it Spike was looking directly into the camera, allowing Ringo to gaze longingly into the rich brown of his eyes and how his dark lashes curled beautifully around them. He was shirtless with nothing but a necklace on, the same necklace that Ringo had seen him wearing in the record store and Ringo couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction that he'd seen it with his own eyes, as though it meant something. Deep down he knew that it didn't but his inebriated mind was latching onto it. The nudity in the photo was hardly interesting Ringo by this point, although it would be wrong to say that he completely ignored the flatness of his stomach or the faint shadows of his ribs beneath his pale skin, it was the personal aspect which truly affected him.
This wasn't just lust. Lust Ringo could understand, he could compartmentalise it and give into it without much shame or a second thought. If this was just lust, he would've bought the subscription without a care and touched himself looking at the nakedness of Spike's body as though it meant nothing more than a way to get off. Yet here he was on the brink of orgasm looking into another man's eyes, eyes that felt like they were looking straight back at him as though they were sharing this moment together. It wasn't hard to imagine Spike's hand in place of his own, those deep eyes watching Ringo come undone piece by piece. Ringo's hip began to stutter, his leg twitching a little as he had to drop the phone down onto his lap as his head fell back against his pillow as his orgasm approached. It wasn't the image of Spike's naked body that filled Ringo's mind as he came, it wasn't his arse or his cock or even his chest, it was his face, his voice, it was him.
Ringo lay breathless on his bed for a while, the clarity that arrived as his orgasm subsided wasn't welcome in the slightest and he was reluctant to pick his phone back up to see Spike's eyes looking at him once again. There was no use in feeling ashamed about it, no point in trying to deny it any longer: his feelings for Spike were more than a mere passing fancy, that was clear. Exactly what he was meant to do about these feelings was far from clear but that wasn't something Ringo could figure out right now with cum on his stomach and the daylight seeping through his bedroom curtains.
When he'd picked up his phone he'd closed all the apps immediately, doing his best not to catch a glimpse of what he'd been so eagerly looking at before. Just as he was about to step into the shower to clean himself off, his phone buzzed; he almost couldn't hear it over the music he was blasting out. It alerted him for a moment as though it was going to be a message from Spike stating he knew exactly what Ringo had just done - it wouldn't have really surprised him had that been the case, Spike's face almost always looked like he knew something that nobody else did - but fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it was John.
        sooo how did the wank go
         who knows          but on a totally unrelated note im about to get into the shower
         well before you do that i have even more good news 
         can it not wait?
         NO because you might cum just at the thought of it and then youd be wasting a good shower
         well arent you considerate          and unnecessarily graphic
         thats me          anyway im taking you to the club next tuesday whether you like it or not
         im still waiting for the good news
         well if youd let me FINISH          next week theyre doing a special event and we just have to go          youll never guess what it is
         what is it?
         you just said ill never guess
         youre no fun
         WHAT IS IT
         alright alright keep your hair on          its a crossdressing event          high heels make up probably a few wigs all that good stuff
         im still waiting for the good news
         OH COME ON youre telling me you dont want to see spike in heels and fishnets with some lovely lipstick on
Ringo gulped. It wasn't a difficult image to conjure up his mind, considering he'd been staring at photos of Spike for the past twenty minutes and it excited him to say the least. He did want to see that, very much indeed.
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Career Day
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Gif credit @cutiepie-lou
I hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies
@chriscrosscerulli. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @ryansitkowskiswifey.
"You said we were friends, right"?
"I lied". He said walking away. You followed right behind him.
"Oh Ryan, come on".
"No I'm not doing that".
"But I need you too".
"Can't you get one of the other guys to do it"?
"Sure, they're going to freak out the whole school, kids will need therapy for life".
"It will be easy. You go in talk a little and then come out".
"I'm not a good talker, you know that".
"Then nod your head and agree with them". 
"Please Ryan".
"Yeah Uncle Ryan please". Your son pouted and batted his green eyes at Ryan. Who loved your son like he was his own.
"Fine, okay". "What time does it start"? Ryan caved.
"At eight".
"In the morning"?
"Yes Ryan in the morning, you get out of bed, put some nice clothes on and drive to the school. Go to the front desk and ask for his class number and then go there and find him".
"Why did you get it so early in the morning"?
"It's career day. They wanted to do early so people can have time to go back to work".
"And you signed me up without asking"?
"You have a awesome job. You're doing what you love and still making money. Kids love that shit cause everyone wants that in life".
"Fine, I'll go but you owe me".
"Thank you Ryan. You're a sweetheart". You kissed his cheek, he began to blush.
"Quiet down kids, we have a very special guest here today. Mr. Sitkowski would you like to end us"? Your sons teacher asked. Ryan nodded gulping as he stood up. All eyes were on him. Your son gave him a thumbs up for encouragement.
"Hi, I'm Ryan Sitkowski I am a guitarist for Motionless In White".
"I'm supposed to tell you what it's like to be a guitarist. Um.. It's a great job. I get to travel and meet new people. I get to do something that I love and still pay bills". The class laughed.
"How long have you been playing"? One of the kids asked.
"Um since I was little. So if you're going to take up a instrument I would do it now. So when you're older you can join a band". Ryan chuckled.
"Do you get homesick alot"?
"Yeah, I do. I miss my family, my pets and my friends". Ryan looked at your son who had a smile on his face. "But my band mates are family and they get me through it when I'm not doing so good".
"Do you get lots of chicks"? The class laughed. The teacher cleared her throat. "That's enough of that".
"No not really. You dont have a lot of time. You get to a place you play a couple shows then back on the bus to the next stop".
"Wouldn't you rather stay with your family than go out and meet people you'll never see again"?
"You don't know that. I've met people that have been coming to the show's since day one and that keep coming back. Just have to go out and have fun".
"Well thank you Mr. Sitkowski".
"Thank you for having me".
"Okay kids time for lunch". The class got up and went to the lunch room.
"I crashed and burned, didn't I"? Ryan asked your son as they went to sit down at the lunch table.
"Nah you did good. It was better than that accounting dad. He was all over the place".
"If I had his job I'd throw myself out of a moving car".
"So how's home life"? Ryan asked sitting down at the lunch table.
"Good, mom misses you when you're gone".
"I miss her too".
"Don't get mad when I ask you this but wasn't your dad and Y/N getting back together"?
"No, he tried but she wouldn't. I don't blame her he had different women over all the time when it was my weekend to stay with him. I dont like going over there anymore".
"I'm sorry he's like that". "When do you go back over there"?
"He's suppose to pick me up from school but I doubt he shows".
"You want me to give you a lift home"?
"Yeah that'd be great I wont have to ride the bus". "Thanks Ryan".
"No problem kid". Ryan ruffled his hair.
Ryan was waiting by his car when the doors opened and all the kids came screaming out. "Schools out"!
He looked for your son in the crowd of kids. Ryan spotted him talking to a man on the side. Walking over Ryan heard the man yelling at him.
"What's going on here"? Ryan crossed his arms across his chest. The man Ryan knew he was your ex and the father of your son and a lying cheating piece of shit.
"Ryan, what the hell are you doing here"?
"He came for career day". Your son spoke up.
"Was I talking to you? Your ex asked your son, he flinched and shook his head. "No that's right so be quiet".
"I'm here for career day and to take him home". Ryan pulled your son close to him away from his father. Ryan knew how he was and why you left. He had a temper and took it out on you even when you were pregnant.
"I'm taking him home with me, its my weekend".
"Y/N didnt tell me about this so I cant let him go with you".
"Well Y/Ns a forgetful bitch and you cant do anything to stop me from taking my son". Your ex stepped forward, Ryan got in the way of your son. Pushing him behind him for his safety. Ryan didn't like the way your ex was acting.
"You shouldnt disrespect his mom in front of him".
Your ex laughed, who did Ryan think he was?
"Is she slipping you the pussy? Is that why you're so protective over that bitch"?
"She's my friend and that's no way to talk around her son".
"He's my son too and I can do whatever the fuck I want". He towered over Ryan as he got into Ryan's face. Ryan gulped he may have been a little scared but he wasnt going to show it or let someone talk shit about his friends.
"I suggest you back off because we're at a school right now, there's a cop over there and I dont think you want to be hauled off to jail....again".
"You're right but you see I don't care what some cop sees". Your ex reared back his arm fixing to punch Ryan. Ryan acted fast throwing the first punch to your ex's face making him stagger. Ryan grabbed your sons hand and ran to his car jumping in and speeding off.
"That was so cool". You son said excitedly. Ryan's heart beating fast as if it was going to fly out of his chest.
"Don't hit anyone unless its the last resort, okay"?
"Yeah. I've never seen anyone stand up to him like you did". "You must really like my mom". Your son stated.
"Your mom is my best friend and I love her". Ryan smiled, he finally said it. He loved you.
"You should tell her this, she loves you too".
Pulling up to Y/Ns house, you both got out of the car and went inside. You were waiting for them at the front door.
"So Ryan how was school"?
"Surprisingly well".
"Then can you tell me why I just got a phone call from the principal telling me that my son was in a fight"?
"What...he wasn't in one... I was with your ex". Ryan looked confused.
"What the hell Ryan you cant go starting fights"?
"Mom he didn't, dad was saying bad things about you. Ryan stood up to him and then punched him in the face. It was awesome".
"Go do your home work". You ordered your son.
"Alright. Later Ryan". He fist bumped Ryans fist.
"He was talking shit about you and he was scaring him. I had to do something. I even told him that there was a cop but he's definitely not afraid of jail".
"How can I stay mad at you. Thank you Ryan". You wrapped your arms around him hugging him tightly. Ryan snuggled into your neck his arms around your waist.
"It was nothing".
You released him slowly. Looking into his eyes you saw something that wasnt there when you looked at Ryan when he left last night.
"It was. You're so brave and sweet and kind. You care more about my son than his real father does and you care about me more than any other guy has ever thought about".
"That's what I'm here for".
You cupped Ryan's face leaning in and kissing his dry lips. Ryan blinked to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He has been wanting this to happen for so long.
Ryan relaxed into the kiss. You smiled as he pulled you closer deepening the kiss.
"I really like you Y/N". Ryan mumbled into the kiss.
"I really really like you too".
"Yayay". You heard your son cheer, jumping up and down.
You pulled away giggling. Ryan blushed.
"Do you want to stay for dinner"?
"Yeah. I'd like that". Ryan smiled at you. You were finally his after all these years of friendship.
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blackgirlblues · 5 years
Being A Black Girl: And Chasing Your Dreams.. Yikes.
It’s me, your resident black girl back with some new shit to rant about. I’ve been posting a few screenshots of short poems and paragraphs I’ve been writing on my phone as a way to heal and get over Capricorn boy from my last post on here and I see you guys like and reblog. Thank you for showing love, although it makes me sad that so many of you seem to be going through the same range of emotions I am. I’m sorry. 
I know it’s a lonely place to be in. 
But, on the bright side, I’ve got a lot of new followers joining the diary/manual/rant page that is blackgirlology and it’s nice cause I think it’s becoming a little bit of a community. So, in a way, were never really going through any of these emotions alone. If you’ve found this page-you’re part of a community. Bask in it. 
Anyways, that aside, a lot has happened since I last spoke to you. I don’t know if any of you may remember, and for some new people this will be a surprise. But I’m actually a singer songwriter from Ireland. Moved to London a year and a half ago to pursue my music dream and that’s how I met Capricorn boy whos been the source of all my poems. 
Throughout this time in between, I’ve been trying to chase my dreams, and chase them relentlessly. and this summer i did just that, let me tell you, what im about to tell you guys, is to put it simply, wild. I’ll just cut to the chase. 
It all started in July. I’d been in London for quite a long time now, over a year and now have a manager who’s my best friend first and foremost. We’ll call her Maya. I met her in my first week of moving to London in the student halls I was staying at and we became best friends pretty quick. She studies music business, so it made sense and she just naturally ended up taking up the role as my music manager. Shes seen everything. The songs I wrote about Capricorn boy, the tears, everything. And she saw everything this summer. 
I saw an ad for a record label opportunity in London. It was advertised on my university facebook page; a new indie label, looking for demo submissions for a competition they were setting up to find their new signee. I sent a screenshot to Maya who agreed I should send my stuff in. I did, they liked it, I got a meeting, we were sent terms and conditions for the competition. We signed it, the rest was supposed to be history. 
Big yikes. 
There’s so many layers to this story that I will be shortening it, just because it can get very draining for me to talk about or even write about. I’ve healed from it i think, but I still want to put it here and write it about to finally close that chapter and be done with my feelings about what happened to me and my music. 
Basically, the whole competition, the record label, the dickhead CEO, it was all a scam. I had accidentally signed away the master rights to my new song to a record label started by a fake CEO who was committing fraud and known for tricking young artists into handing over their master rights so he could profit off of them, for power. 
It was a mess. Another contestant told me and Maya when we were outside of their office. Just minutes before we were under the impression that I was doing an interview for Billboard Magazine. Honestly, I never truly believed it. Shit was too good to be true. 
But she told us everything. How he was actually a run away from Spain, where he was caught and exposed for doing the exact same thing to artists there, how he didn’t have any money to fund the competition he had somehow roped all of us into, how he was illegally avoiding paying his team, how none of the creatives we had collaborated with for photoshoots etc were paid, how everything was a lie, how he didnt have any connections, and how he was trying to convince me specifically to sign a 360 deal with his label. 
Which, guys, I’m not stupid. After the first week of being with the label for the competition and letting my song live through their disastrous marketing campaign, Maya and I long decided that regardless of what they said, I would not under any circumstances be signing anything with any entity of their company. 
After being told the truth, I had to sit down. You see, when I came across this opportunity, I thought this was finally the life I’d been manifesting coming true. I had begun to grow in my spirituality and start journaling, writing down my manifestations, and getting to work with a record label who would later offer me a fair contract before I turn 20 was one of the manifestations I had written down every night before I went to bed. However, what I’d gotten was the exact opposite. 
I remember, me, Maya, and 2 of the girls from the competition all stood around in a circle outside of their new office that the CEO also hadnt paid for wondering what our next move would be with this new information. There was still 2 other contestants inside who had no idea what was really going on was an elaborate scam. One of them wanted to go in and expose them on the spot. I said no, we had to go in and pretend like everything was normal until we figured out what to do afterwards. 
So in I went, plastering the fakest smile on my face and pretended like I still thought I was about to be speaking with Billboard Magazine. Once I got out, I broke down in Maya’s arms. 
I went home to my flatmates, Ellie and Bea and cried for hours before I had to go work a 7 hour shift at a pizza place. 
I stayed in bed, and cried, and cried. and cried again. I didn’t get out of bed unless I needed too. The only people I talked too were my flatmates E and B and Maya. 
Everything was sorted out eventually, a lot more happened, but as I’ve been writing this article for you guys, I realised that all of that stuff is no longer relevant to my journey and isnt something I want to bring back into my energetic circle because I’ve made peace with the fact that a lot of people who betrayed me when I was at my lowest, peace with the fact that these contestants who wanted to “work together” to get out of this mess, actually wanted to save their own asses and leave me in the cold. 
But I still got out of it and I’m still here. 
I nearly got sued by a man with less than 20 pound to his company account online, but hey, I’m here.
I guess why I’m telling you guys this really short account of my summer is to both record it for myself but also to say its okay to flop, its okay to fail. I did both this summer. and thank god i did. it was the best thing that ever happened to me. 
following your dreams is scary, doing it as a black girl is terrifying because society has already kind of set you up to fail. there’s already misconceptions about what you do, who you are, where you come from and how good you’re going to be at what you do. its almost like we cant fail and we need to work 10 times harder to obtain half of what the average white person will get. and sometimes it can feel like we dont have any space to fail or make mistakes because of this but let me tell you thats not true. 
if anything, the universe will put you in places that will force you to grow through the mistakes you make. and thats exactly what happened to me this summer. 
i chased my dream so relentlessly i ended up in an environment i thought i manifested, i thought was good for me, only for the universe to show me that that specific environment i’d been wishing to be in is the furthest from what i need right now in my life. 
this so called failure showed me that not everybody who smiles can be trusted, and that people can be way more deceiving than i ever thought, especially when push comes to shove and they need to save themselves. you start to see the real them when it starts to get tense. the people who seem to be around you when you’re doing good will most likely dissapear when things start to go south, including some of your oldest friends. you will get radio silence on their end. be upset. cry. but after that be glad that this situation revealed their true colours. 
and then never put any more energy into them again. 
this failure showed me how fucking strong i am. how resilient and kind i am even in the face of disrespect and actual evil. it showed me how much i can care for someone who i believe is at a risk of losing it all, and showed me that this will not always be reciprocated. and for a while i thought that meant that i had to harden myself up and grow a shell. but i dont think so. i will not allow the things ive been through to make me into a hard person when i was born soft. i mean now, im a little rough around the edges, jagged enough to cut anyone who comes too close with some of that bad energy, but soft enough to hold myself tight and glue myself back together when i need to. soft enough to hold the people who held me this summer. soft enough to help people who i know deserve it. 
im a good person in a shitty world, i don’t need to match the world and become a shitty person to survive. 
after all of this happened, i stopped writing music. 
i haven’t written anything properly or produced anything in months and sometimes i get worried that ive completely lost my talent. but thats another thing that this failure taught me, i can never truly lose whats meant to be mine. i know that i was put on this earth to create change, to inspire, to be an activist and a voice for people who dont have one. i know i was put here to do it through a creative medium and right now i still think that is music. 
i think i just need to stop being so scared to start again, to learn my craft again.
i used to be so scared of failure but now i am so thankful for it and the lessons its taught me. i had so much hurt and pain and hatred in my heart for the universe for, in my head, doing this to me. but then i realised that the universe never does anything to you, it does it for you. all of this happened in my best interest and while i definitely didnt understand at the time, i get it now.
thank you universe for the worst summer of my life. 
and my black ass will be continuing to chase my dreams relentlessly, failing, tripping and falling on my ass until i get to the very top. 
besides, if everything had just gone right, that wouldnt have been very interesting, would it?
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Chikara: Zenshin suru (2/?)
Summary:Moving forward. At least thats what Ellie is trying to do. Meanwhile Colt finds trouble back home. Catch up HERE. If you would like added to the tag list, let me know.
Raiting: Mature. This series deals with violence, angst, death, sexual situations and bad choices. Read at your own risk.
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Ellie sat up in disbelief oh you have got to be kidding me she flopped back down on the bed. "Oooh come on Ellie, its gonna be so much fun." Ellie rolled her eyes as she was lifted up off the bed. "Seriously Ingrid, how the hell did you end up in here? You had a different roommate." Ellie groaned, could her luck get any worse? A horribly emotional Thanksgiving, and now this, she was convinced someone hated her.
"Well," Ingrid flipped her hair and sat on ellies bed "I put in for a new roommate before Thanksgiving. She was horrible, she used to microwave liver, the dorm smelled like burnt rotten sneakers." She pointed her finger to her throat, making a gagging sound. "So they called with this opening and well,  here I am!" She perked up. "Come on, there's a party tonight in the dorms across the quad, lets go."
"A party? God no. I'm really not in the mood to party, it was a long,  long break and a long flight, you go on without me this time ok. " Ellie refused.
"No can do! I have watched you mope around this campus like a sad little puppy dog. It stops now! Get up, get your ass dressed." Ellie eyed Ingrid in disbelief, was she really going to allow her high school rival boss her around. She stared at Ingrid a moment longer,  arms folded against her chest. "Fiiiiiiine!" She got up and started getting ready. Once she was fully dressed she grabbed Colts jacket and walked out the door.
They walked into the crowded halls of the building across the quad. The music pumping throughout, kegs in many of the rooms and almost everyone had a red solo cup in hand. "Want a beer?" Ingrid tried talking over the loud music. "No. I don't drink." She shouted back, Ingrid shrugged her shoulders "suit yourself."  Ingrid paraded Ellie around, introducing her to so many people. She felt oddly out of place, but if she was going to try and move on, she figured maybe this was a start. What she wouldn't give to have Riya here with her now, but Riya was a little over an hour away at hartfeld. They were standing there talking to some girl Ingrid knew when two guys approached, one with Dark blonde hair, the other a brunette with stunning blue eyes. The girl walked away leaving the two of them, with the two guys.  "Looking good Ingrid." The blonde smirked as he leaned in kissing Ingrid's cheek. "Kyle, this is Ellie. Ellie, kyle." Ellie gave him a shy wave. "Nice to meet you Ellie, this is my friend Nick." Kyle introduced the two.
Ingrid and Kyle were caught up in an intense, flirtatious conversation, leaving Ellie and Nick standing there. "So. You don't look like you want to be here." Nick finally broke the silence. "I'm not really into the whole party scene." She admitted.  "Neither am I, I only came because Kyle wanted to see Ingrid." He chuckled as he stood next to Ellie. "Yeah. Ingrid drug me out. Still getting used to being friends with her, after being rivals for so long."
"Oh, so you two knew each other before college?" He quirked his brow, seemingly interested in having a conversation with her. "Yeah. We went to the same high school. Battled for valedictorian our senior year."
Nick leaned in a little closer.  "And which one of you won it?" His voice low and Intoxicating. She bit her lower lip. Trying to stop the huge grin from spreading across her face. "I bet it was you. You got that smart and beautiful thing going for you." Her face was now beat red. "Beautiful huh?" She tried to even her voice, praying he didn't hear the slight tremor. "I call it how I see it. And you Ellie, are probably the most beautiful woman here." Ellie turned a deep shade of crimson,  it had been a while since anyone flirted with her. She couldn't help but think about Colt, what he was doing in that moment, wondering if he even thought of her at all anymore. Ellie mentally reprimanded herself, she was trying to move on with her life, she needed to stop pretending that she and Colt were anything but a distant memory now. "Hey Nick, wanna dance?" Nick smiled wide "Lets do it."
Colt climb off his bike and stashed it, he made his way quickly down the familiar street and ducked in the side through the loose boards. He had been coming to the shop here and there for a few months, ever since the heat from the FBI died down. He hadn't been in a couple weeks, he spent Thanksgiving break with his mom and he was itching to get back to the shop and continue his treasure hunt. He started in the back of the shop, mostly sticking to the private quarters. His pop wasn't like a regular blue collar guy, he didn't use a bank except for the legit auto shop account. Everything else he had was hidden in the shop like In the walls where one or more of his great grandparents installed a fireproof safe, Loose floorboards, hollowed out cabinets with a removable panel. Colt had found the deed to the garage, a copy of Kaneko's will leaving everything to him, the original he was certain in a safe deposit box somewhere, he knew he would have to piece clues together,  it was what his dad did. He also found Several stacks of money, bonds and other property deeds.
He climbed the steps to Logans loft. He had yet to go up there, the bitter taste of Jealousy still thick on his tongue. He hated Logan from the moment he met him, he hated that a pretty boy was his father's prize poodle, he had the nice car,  the good jobs, and he had Ellie eating out of the palm of his hand. He snorted, a smirk forming on his lips when that changed. He swore he could still feel the softness of her lips pressed against his, her arms wrapped tightly around him as they lost themselves in the pacific.
Colt walked through the room, stepping over debris, a gaping hole in the roof letting the moonlight shine in giving him some natural light.
He found a metal box under the burnt bed frame, he had to pry it open, not much inside except a few slips of paper and a flash drive. He checked his phone, 9pm. He had been there longer then he should. He pocketed the flash drive and descend the stairs to the bay. His eyes landed on something glimmering in the moonlight. He reached down to pick up the item,  his heart caught in his chest as he realized what it was.
The day he took Ellie to her driving test, he wandered around inside the dmv, waiting for her to finish up. He knew she would pass, she was a natural. A rack of keychains sat displayed in front of him, he fumbled through them until he found the perfect one.
He waited outside as Ellie bounced out of the DMV, a freshly printed license in hand. "I passed, I passed!" She squealed as she threw her arms around Colts neck. "Congratulations. Here I got you something." He held out the silver crown keychain. Ellie looked between him and the key chain, as she took it out of his hand "thank you colt. But why a crown?" Colt shrugged his shoulders, "I'll tell you later, now come on let's get back to the shop."
How did it get here? He knew Ellie had it on her keychain when she left for school, she hadn't been back to the shop after that night, unless. Unless she was there, sometime while he was away. He felt the lump in this throat grow bigger, she was there and he could have seen her. In that moment the need to see her, to feel her in his arms, to hear her voice, taste the sweetness of her lips. It was all too much to bare. He shook the thoughts from his head,  she was at Langston, safely away from the crime ridden streets of LA, it wouldn't be long until he was with her again.
He put the keychain in his pocket, along with the flash drive and headed to where he stashed his bike a few blocks over. He kept looking over his shoulder,  a nagging feeling he was being followed. He got to his stash spot, attempting to quickly climb on his bike and start it and thats when he hit him. Colt crashed to the ground with a thud, his bike coming with him. He had just enough time to roll as his attacker came down on him with a knife. He sprang to his feet, adrenaline coursing through him. His assailant charged forward, colt side stepping, grabbing the attacker by the arm, bringing his elbow down on his shoulder,  the knife hitting the ground with a clatter.
The man clutched his shoulder, crying out in pain. "Wrong choice buddy. Guess you don't know who I am?" Colt spat as the man turned, baring a rage filled face. "I don't ask names, I do what im told." He circled Colt, looking for his opening when his fist connected hard with Colts jaw. The attacker grabbed the knife, as colt lunged forward, tackling him to the ground. Colts first landing blow after blow, the man lifted his hand, slicing into colts side. Fuck! Colt screamed out in pain, it only fueled his rage further as he screamed "Who sent you?" he screamed as he twisted his body bringing the mans arm behind him,incapacitating him. "Arg, not going. To tell you." Colt shook his head as he pulled his arm further behind him. "Ahhh. Wallace. His names wallace." Satisfied colt released his hold on the man, shoving him to the ground. "Of course he didnt give you a fucking name. The little bitch. He knew you'd never fucking do it." Colt circled the man, stalking him like a lion and he was his prey. The man looked up at him confused, A devious smirk played on his lips, "the names Kaneko." He let the name set in. "I'm thinking the letters M.P.C are flashing in your mind right now aren't they?"  The man sat there, paralyzed in fear. "Now, you run and tell all your friends, that MPC still runs things." The man nodded his head and took off.
Colt clutched his side,  the realization that he was hurt crashing down on him at once. He hopped on his bike, flying down the highway to the only place he could think to go.
He pulled up to a small house in a backwoods California town, Killed the engine and walked to the house. He reached the door, banging harder than necessary. "Colt. What the hell are you doing here?" The voice spoke through the latched door. "I know. I'm sorry but, its an emergency." He pulled his blood covered hand from his side. "I need your help."
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101 @hazah @desiree-0816
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@littlemissimaginativerhi @somebarbietingz
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kataracy · 5 years
My job just does not care that rent is like 400+ huh cool cool im about to go awf under this read more if yall dont mind
So I work at corner bakery cafe its a weird fusion fast casual place where i make $9/hr, less than what i’ve made from my  last jobs but incredibly close to where i live like deadass across the street. So I have a manager that I steadily don’t get along with, he’s a blowhard. He picks a person to be mad at for the day, he hovers, he treats the girls there like his personal punching bags and I noticed all of that and started to dislike him to the point where I just couldn’t work with him. 
I would go in on days where he would close, because i work the night shift (my job favors the day shift btw. They only care about having people work in the day shift the dont give a fuck about night crew is ridiculous how much the dont clean up after their shifts and we have to pick up behind these grown ass women) and i would noticeably make little o no effort to converse with him, I just went in, did my job and went home. 
He would write me up for not saying hi to him. He would constantly start telling the GM I was being insubordinate when i was literally doing everything good at my job except talking to his sensitive ass. So I complained to the GM. I begged him to not put me on any more shifts with this manager because i was Tired of getting written u for nothing and I was tired of not having fun at my job. I was getting anxiety attacks while working with this dude it was so bad because again, he HOVERS. HE STANDS IN THE FRONT WHEN THERE IS OTHER STUFF TO DO AND JUST FUCKING HOVERS LIKE CAN YOU GO FIND SOMETHING TO DO and my GM said ok its fine we know (BECAUSE THE DONT LIKE HIM EITHER WE LITERALLY WOULD TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH WE DID NOT LIKE THIS DUDE OK NONE OF THE MANAGERS LIKE HIM) we will try not to put you on the same shift, we’ll let Z (the scheduling manager) know and if u do have to be scheduled with him make sure you find a cover and we’ll tell him to leave you alone because we know you know how to do your job.
So. That was a fucking lie.
They keep scheduling him with me. I tell another manager I don’t like him and why and he says I get it I’ll let B (GM) know. 
So I keep getting scheduled with him. And how the hell am I supposed to know when because, the managers have an entirely different schedule thats just their shifts and its fucking private. They end up scheduling me with him again and again and I just don’t show up one day I let the night manager know hey im not coming in on these 2 days, i found someone for this day but not this one so i hope yall find someone.
And then the next day, im getting called by a coworker like hey where are you are you coming in and i say no. no im not. i gave the managers plenty of time ( a whole fucking day) to find someone else bc they know i dont like working with this man. i said im not coming in repeatedly. im not coming in. but the coworker keeps fucking picking at me and saying hey they dont have anyone can you please come and then i get so pissed off i say im on my way and when i get there the fucking manager says you can go home i found someone.
I get so pissed. Why did you keep calling me then?
I didn;t call you they called you.
and the coworker that kept calling me and making me feel guilty for not wanting to work with this man who makes me uncomfortable and pissed and anxious, is my boyfriend. My fucking boyfriend decided this job was more important than my feelings that day and it was beyond hurtful dude im tearing up just talking about it because god it hurt, it was like a dramatic ass betrayal (AND THAT JOB IS SO DRAMATIC BY THE WAY THEY WILL GET SO FUCKING UNCOORDINATED OVER A SMALL RUSH ITS THE STUPIDEST SHIT)
So I go back there and im so angry now. Why have you been blowing up my phone to tell me to come in and being so dramatic. There arent even any customers in here. Why did you keep calling me asking me to come in when they already found somebody.
They just found somebody.
So you could call me and even come back home to fucking say they asked you to come get me> But you cant find the time to pick up the phone again and send a quick nvm?
The next day im scheduled. Another write up from the manager who loves writing me up. because he couldn’t be a fucking manager and just find a replacement no, he had to call and tattle-tell on me to the GM for nothing. I get called in to office by the scheduling manager.
So GM asked me to have you read this, its a warning. I heard you have problems with B and I din’t know that.
I find out they never fucking told the scheduling manager. they lied to me to just keep me coming in.
And... listen. look. I get that everyone in that place must have a complaint. I get that the managers must hear complaints all the time but. just because they do, does not mean my complaint matters less. Im a young woman who is uncomfortable working with an older male manager, how about yall give a shit about that at least. This job didnt care about me the entire time and that hurts even fucking more.
So now, im only getting two days. Because instead of the other managers just stepping up and working the easy night shift, instead of being accommodating and considerate, they decide to just shit on my feelings like this. 
The last time I went in. the manager is fucking talking to me because thats what fucking happens. The more you work with someone like that, the more they get use to you not liking them and being uncomfortable with them and they decide they dont fucking care, that they dont have o be accountable. that they can just keep messing with you. My last shift was so anxiety riddled I had to excuse myself 5 times (I counted the tissues) to go fucking cry because of how awful it felt to just, be surrounded by so many people who have the power to do something and yet, decide they just dont feel like it. 
He keeps his shifts and i have to deal with having 2.
He works on salary, I have  9 dollars an hour.
my bf and i had to move out of our 1 bedroom that we share with his dad because we needed the space and rent is an extra $100. I broke my glasses last month and cant afford to get replacements so i have been straining my eyes faily. I have to pay a full internet bill from my account and my bf gives me half of that. the dog wont stop fucking barking and giving the cat fleas. My mother and I dont speak, we have no relationship. I dont want to ask my aunts for money any more than i already do, i have no family out here, i only have like 3 friends that are close enough to visit and even then, i dont have a car and “close” equals driving distance and... i’m just
I am so exhausted haha. its been such a long few months. The ups and downs are there but, the downs have been so much more amplified lately its hard to see a silver lining so i just, idk, I dont know. I do not know.
I got our new schedule today. Only two days. This ko-fi stuff and this commission stuff guys its what i have right now. Its what i need to work because nothing else is. lol im not a begging person, im not like... this. Im not so open but, i could really use any help right now, please. Just share the links, if u dont see something u like maybe someone else will, and that hope is the only thing i can look forward to right now. thanks for reading this far if u did. thanks for listening to me yell about avatar for all these years thanks for following me and giving me notes and making me laugh and making me smile and im burned out after all of this so, take care guys.
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That one time a guys Ghost and Demon gave me more attention than he did- A Storytime
To preface this story- I've been single for 2 years- I do go on dates using tinder from time to time but I knew this dude through friends and he was a genuine dude (he just possessed the personality of wet cat food and is kinda douchey to women due to not being in relationships whatsoever)
I wouldn't just roll up at someones house like this typically and do what I did under most circumstances!
We will call him "Sasuke" b/c I cant think of anything else but Naurto rn ( R*O*C*K*S* )
The story
This story takes place back in beginning of December and I was 21 at the time. I was swiping on tinder one morning and I see Sasuke is on tinder. Last time I had heard something from him is when he spazzed on me for dating someone and I blocked him on snapchat! I swiped on him thinking, "Hes not going to swipe lol" Hahaha I was WRONG. He indeed did and completely forgot he said what he said to me -.- so I was shook and he wanted to hang out that night- at his house. I obviously snapped immediately and asked- "Why are you asking me over to your house? Sasuke we've never hung out!" He flipped and unmatched me. He acts like he does not follow my cosplay account on instagram so I find his page and slide into his DM's. He starts treating me A LOT differently (idk why. I think I was close to 300 followers at that time?? I dont think following should determine how you treat people in my opinion.) He apologized and said he was moving (side note: I still do not know if he did move because I decided the universe was doing me a favor that nice and made sure he was blocked off my private accounts.) I straight up asked Sasuke "So you're alone is what you're saying- in an empty house and you want me to come over?" Of course I'm expecting him to address the obvious red flags popping up- you know an empty house, you're there alone and you want me over? He doesn't and says I'll be fine. A couple people know this dude and in my mind I got this figured out "I'll just leave enough DNA evidence with my hair, shoes, fingerprints, google location like good luck murdering me and getting away with it lol"
It's the best mindset I have towards things and someone who doesn't understand the value of forensic evidence could believe they could get away with such a crime. Also, the thought of dragging my dead body tires me. I assume the killer would get messy anyway b/c ya know. They didnt really sign up for a work out session with murder I guess? I digress
I got over there and I park in the driveway (like I was informed to, I hate just parking in places other people have claimed as there spot yk? So I asked him where like 4 times) So I'm parked and waiting for him to come outside. It's around 5:30/6 during the bigging of winter so the sun is gone and it's dark already. As I'm waiting I'm staring at this home and I'm getting a vibe from it. Unless I see that door open I'm not getting out of my car it's way to dark outside. I'm looking at this house and it's very inviting but when I see him come out hes very starled. So I quickly learn hes scared to be alone at the house by himself not by him telling me but by how hes acting, which he could have said upfront, I'm not a bad person! I'd stay with someone to house sit if they were scared of spirits in their home! I get inside and the house was set up like a split level so you'd walk up the stairs and get to the main level of the home. The first room was like an entry room and it had really pretty paintings in it. I, almost immediately, felt something standing back against the wall staring at him and I. When you walk up the stairs you face the hallway and the kitchen. The feeling was to the left of me, not to the right towards the hallway. This becomes important and relevant information.
Now this spirit, hes a younger looking business man, very attractive if I may add, and hes around 6ft, 6ft 1. I can feel hes taller than me and he is absolutely pissed off. He's not pissed with me and I can feel hes not aiming anything at me, he is, however, annoyed I'm there. I'm now walking through the hallway to his room. He shows me his little step up and stuff, which it's cute and his camera equipment was on point! I heard a knock two doors down but I know he has 2 bigger dogs that he always keeps with him so I guessed he put them two rooms down so they didn't swarm to me coming up the steps. We leave his room and go back down the hallway, he doesn't let them out so I assume hes like, scare they'll hurt me?? We through the kitchen to get to the living room to sit with him and chat. He starts talking about how he's suppose to be getting gumies (the not scooby doo kind so 🚮) from this dude. I'm looking at dude Sasuke like he's stupid. I asked him why he wanted me over so badily if he was waiting for something like that to come. He said he wanted a girl to kiss and then I feel something watching me. I stop him in the middle of his fuck boy bs and ask him if he has family or friends here. He said no, he has a cat and I know he has 2 dogs. I'm like oh okay I love cats and he asks what we should watch. I skeme and make him watch Yu Gi Oh. He leaves me alone off and on for about 2 and half almost 3 hours. His cat kept coming and going which was super cute but I hadn't seen the dogs and safely assumed they were in the room 2 doors down from his bedroom. I could still feel the man in that room, kinda peaking through the doorway to check on me through the opening over the kitchen sink. (the couch was on the other side of it) I was totally fine with that as he wasn't up to anything crazy and I didn't feel like he was going to harm me.
We changed to watching some show I now forget and I had to use the bathroom. He showed me where it was and that was all fine. He went back down the street or whatever he was doing to wait for his gummies. I saw the cats food bowl was in there (relevant I swear) and I do my business and leave out the other door. I went through a bigger bedroom and back out into the hallway. I heard knocking at the door again and told the dogs to calm down and I want back into that little room. This mans spirit was now very upset and I sorta felt for him for whatever reason. I go back into the living room and sit down. The man is now closer, like inside the kitchen staring at me watching tv. I then hear Sasuke come back in and call to me. I follow basically in front of the Invisible Man and into Sasukes room. The man does not follow us through the hallway so I determine hes just keeping an eye on me for some reason. He can see me still b/c I feel him staring. Sasuke sits his gummies on his dresser (this is relevant important information to back up a personal theory) and didnt do anything else but walk back out with me.
I follow him out and I can feel this man growing more upset by the second. I rush through the kitchen into the living room and sit down on the couch furthest away from the opening to the kitchen. Sasuke starts trying to put the moves on me by kissing me and I feel the man come into the room. Hes pissed and feels hurt. I take it as a warning that something's not right and push on Sasuke to stop. I ask him
"Is your house haunted?" The energy from the man almost automatically settled. I got the saddest feeling from the man in the corner. They completely ignore the fact they have a spirit in the home (which in my opinion, if you know for a fact it's not a malevolent spirit you are directly ignoring something a spirit that was human and imo I think its trashy to do. Especially if this spirit does NOTHING BUT EXIST WITH YOU!!! You're basically roommates.)
This spirit was, very obvious to me at least, very upset he wasnt being acknowledged. I think he knew I could feel and see him in a way so he flocked to me. Sasuke sort of stops and gets bug eyed at the same time. He asked why I ask so I tell him.
"I feel something here, hes been watching me." I answered. I wasn't upset or freaked out, but Sasuke was. I remember this vividly due to the fact I've never had anyone freak out on me like this!! The man backed off almost completely when he felt Sasuke getting freaked out so if he ever claims he had a demon in his home at that point: that man didn't want to harm him or me whatsoever. He gets up and starts looking around the room- at the walls, down at the floor and on tables.
At first I was confused at what he was doing but I noticed he was looking at things he sees every day and would have a usual spot it stayed in. He was actively looking for proof of poltergeist activity (imo I never did ask).
He gets done running around and sits back down next to me. He's visibly more calm and relaxed so whatever he was running around for helped I guess? He then starts to tell me he use to play is ipod at night to tall asleep and a spirit would violently rip it off and throw it. Of course, I thought he was exaggerating because the spirits in my home display that activity but only when my mother and I are extremely busy and ignore them so to speak.
They also don't have to use energy to throw things so far, they move things on high shelves while we're in eyesight or make a dish towel fall. They know we respond to more relaxed behavior than more extreme behavior.
I straight up told him that's bs, the man you have seems really okay and you dont even have an ipod dock. He said that was before he moved into another room. I asked him which room he stayed in orginally and he walks me into the hallway and shows me the door. 2nd. From. His. He said he would wake up with scratch marks but I didnt take that at face value until I left. I ask him where his dogs were, while I was here I'd love to give them pets (I love animals yk) he said they were ALREADY AT THE NEW HOUSE WITH HIS MOM.
I told him I was not going to be scammed out of pets and I knew his pup were in there. He asked me had a seen them. I hadn't, obviously, so I took the L and walked back out with him. He then proceeds to tell me the family (mom and uncle I believe) used an Ouija board in the home. I automatically hear a crunching noise behind me and look for his cat. She wasn't where the noise came from. I asked if his cat had food somewhere else? Like in the bigger bedroom. He said no.
Something was trying to make itself known and it wasn't the man. The man knew I felt him and knew I acknowledged him fully, so he wouldnt need to use energy like that to get my full attention. I feel something so heavy now lingering by that door. I told him I dont mess with that, whatever is in here with that man means you harm. I grab my shoes and go into his room to get my purse and then he goes to eat his gummies since I'm leaving. He cant find the 3rd pack and eventually makes me dump my purse out on the floor because he thinks I'd steal it (I don't do drugs but okay) I didnt have it so I started to help him look. He found it deep inside his dresser drawer. I automatically left after that because whatever bad spirit/demon this was wanted me to stay longer than I had to. Imo- something was most definitely trying to delay me from leaving and wanted my attention, which tbh if it's not a good spirit, it's not getting my attention. I felt the mans spirit come near the railing to the steps as I'm walking down while Sasuke was trying to get me to stay, he felt more authoritative like and wanted me to leave. I never really got the chance to thank that kind business man spirit but you are the MVP of the universe let's you see this stuff. Probably working to be angel. I don't forget that night because it's important to note that spirits can be stuck around with a demons/bad spirits and that doesnt mean they hold ill intent for you either!! Whatever sort of darker spirit that is, is attached to hallway or the man doesnt let him venture beyond it. It didn't follow me so I assume it's also stuck to the space!
My ending theory is:
His house has two spirits stuck, a good boy and a bad boy
Hes naturally scared to be alone in the house. He could just not be use to energy like that so take that with a grain of salt
He was activity speaking about poltergeist activity (when you think about this, disregard the movie) he was looking for things moved around or out of place.
He said there was use of an Ouija board so I can come to the conclusion that he may just have a low level demon and a spirit stuck there. I'm pretty sure if it was anything higher it would have fed off his panicked energy and would have done something bigger than crunching. It could also be a really grumpy old man but idk.
The scratch marks don't happen usually from everyday spirits but I do have a story time about that though!
Anyway. Be safe, sometimes your tinder dates are scared to be in there own homes. Anyway until next time~
Kawaiigirlgoingghost out!
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cordytriestowrite · 6 years
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Battle of the Bars
Bucky x Reader
Summary: When you finally achieved your dream of opening a bar on Stark Street you had no idea you'd have competition or that the owner of the bar across the street would be so cute. (Business Owner Bucky AU)
"Holy shit this place is awesome!" Your best friend Wanda exclaimed, her voice echoing through the empty space. You nodded in agreement with a satisfied smile. You folded your arms as you watched Wanda maneuver around the tables, exploring every inch of your new place of business.
It had been hard work snagging a piece of real estate on the most popular party street in the city, but somehow you managed to be in the right place at the right time with just enough money in your savings account. So now you were broke, happy, and ready to open tomorrow. That is if Wanda was willing to help. You watched her make her way behind the bar, her delicate hands trailing along the polished wood.
"You look good behind the bar, Maximoff." You smirked when Wanda rolled her eyes.
"I haven't been behind a bar since college and I swore I would never work one again once I graduated." She scoffed.
You approached the bar and leaned against it, your smirk still firmly affixed. "But you didnt graduate did you Wanda?"
She bit her lip, trying to keep her smile from showing itself to you, but you knew you had caught her in a loophole to her own promise since she never finished her last semester. Her eyes fell closed as she let her head fall back with a groan.
"When do I start?" She asked with a smack of her small hands on the polished bar.
"I want to open tomorrow. A Friday night will bring good traffic." You explained, walking along the bar to join Wanda behind it. She nodded in agreement and accepted your grateful hug.
"Pietro could help too. My brother would do anything for you." Wanda offered. You made a noncommittal noise in your throat. Pietro was a harmless flirt and she knew that, but it didn't stop her from teasing you for occasionally indulging in his flirtatious compliments.
"I'll take all the help I can get." You concluded, looking around the room. Imagining all the people who would fill the space tomorrow, talking and laughing and enjoying your hard work.
Music blasted through the room sounding loud in the mostly empty bar. You felt helpless as you watched droves of small and large groups pass right by your open door.
"Why aren't they coming in?" You asked no one in particular, a slight whine in your tone.
"It's still early." Wanda said checking her watch.
"Its eight o'clock," Pietro countered, leaning against the bar gnawing on a toothpick, "people want to drink, just not here."
"Not helping." Wanda shot at her brother through clenched teeth, Pietro straightened and strode over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Want me to go out there, huh? Get some of the ladies in here with my charm and good looks" He mumbled into your ear. You shook your head and pulled away from his touch. You leaned in the open doorway, not bothering now to hide how you watched the people pass your bar with not even a second glance.
What were you missing? Your bar was modern, clean, had good music, and a good looking staff. Why did no one want to come in and have a drink?
"You open?" A voice rang out over the chatter on the street.
When you had pictured your bar patrons as you fell asleep last night you imagined cute instagram-worthy guys and gals who couldn't wait to tag your bar in their photos that always get a thousand likes. When you lay in bed at night feeling lonely you imagined this kind of man doing anything he wanted with you until your spent body fell into dreamland. He was, in a word, hot. His broad shoulders were covered by a worn leather jacket, his strong thighs clad in dark wash jeans, his hair was long and his strong jaw stubbled with a five o'clock shadow. He was gorgeous and dark and obviously waiting for an answer.
You cleared your throat and straighted up, "Yes we are. Come on in." You moved out of the doorway so he could move past you.
"Could've fooled me." He smirked as his shoulder brushed yours. You had almost missed his jab as you caught a whiff of worn leather and gasoline, a surprisingly comforting smell. You followed him in with a slight frown.
Wanda took care of him quickly, flashing her lovely smile and leaning forward on the bar as she took his order. You could tell she was checking him out just as you had. You felt no ounce of jealousy at her appreciating gaze, knowing Wanda was more in to preppy nerds than biker boys. He must have ordered a drink because Wanda was now turned around, staring at the wall of liquor holding an empty glass.
You didn't want to seem like a creep but you couldn't keep your eyes off your only patron as he sipped the whiskey Wanda poured for him. Your eyes only left him when his eyes met yours, so stunningly blue and filled with mirth they were hard to look at for more than a moment.
"Join me for a drink, doll?" He lifted his glass in your direction and you found yourself feeling suddenly coy at the pet name. Still, you put up a confident front, allowing your hips to sway with swagger as you strode over to join him.
He offered you his hand and his name, James; you did the same cordially. Wanda placed an amaretto sour in front of you with a subtle wink. It was your favorite drink when you were in a flirty mood and as your best friend she knew that, the tramp. You turned, intending to ask him how he was enjoying his drink.
"Wanna know why no one is coming in to your bar?" James interrupted as he brought the whiskey to his lips draining the glass and declining another drink when Wanda came along with the bottle.
You felt your mood shift from friendly flirtation to full on defensive stubbornness. You had a feeling his criticism would not be constructive. "If you are so inclined to tell me without prompting."
He smirked and turned fully to face you, his knees hitting the side of your thigh as you kept your body and stare straight ahead, prepared to secure yourself emotionally.
"No sign, no flyers, no hype men or plants to make your place seem like a happening spot, you don't have any drink specials and if I were to guess you dont even have a target audience. You'll be out of business in a month if you don't get your head out of your ass."
"Fuck you." You seethed before you could admit to yourself that he was right. You hadn't even though to do any of those things before he mentioned them, too worried about meeting an imaginary deadline to really think about the small details that would make your business successful.
"Just trying to help, doll face." James pulled his wallet from his back pocket and threw down a generous stack of bills next to his empty glass.
"If you want to see a real bar come to Bucky's," he whispered into your ear as he stood up to leave, his body leaning over yours and encompassing you in the smell of whiskey and leather, a smell you were forcing yourself to detest. "Its where all your potential customers are headed anyway."
You pulled your head back and glared at him, making sure he saw the hard line of your lips when he glanced down to them briefly.
"Get out."
He let out a small chuckle and pushed himself away from you.
"Not a problem, doll."
You watched him stroll leisurely out the door and kept your eyes trained on his retreating form until losing him on the crowded street just outside. You turned away at the sound of a low whistle behind you.
"That was kind of hot. All that tension." Pietro said lowly, earning a smack on the arm from his sister.
"That was insulting." She countered angrily, "I can't believe he said that. Who does he think he is?"
You turned back to the entrance, you eyes scanning the street once more expecting to see James' smirking face in each passerby. Your eyes lifted a little higher than the crowd, seeing a neon red sign across the road, the word Bucky's lighting up the crowded street in a red glow.
"I don't know," your eyebrows furrowed in determination, "but I'm sure as hell never going to Bucky's to find out."
Tag list is open and feedback is welcome! @starfisharchives @depressedcoffeebean @lilypalmer1987 @bambamwolf87 @sleeplessnights06 @suckmyrichardx @soldierplum @kali-mav @illegalportkey @just-some-stuff-in-life @oursickestsecrets @sammbubble @leftmewaitinginthecold13 @love-pinknblue @sky-the-squirrel @lauxxury @bedtimeserenades @waywarddemigod221b @fanfictionrecommendations-com @sawdustandsugar @chickenandrea @elwenia
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anyhao-archived · 6 years
okay im finally getting around to posting this, tbh i had to take a few days to (rest) before i thought more about this lol. also sorry it’s so long, ill put it under a read more. ANYWAYS my vav experience, as follows:
so for the fan sign there was a Lot going on so i forgot most of it but.. barons teeth sparkled when he smiled lmao anyways st van was first and I told him he was my moms favorite and he went rly?? in a really cute voice and he just seemed so surprised, it was endearing
and then jacob... i don’t mess with him anymore. jk lol he was so freaking attractive but like in a Hot way? his smile was so nice that im pretty sure i garbled my words but i tried to tell him i really like love night.. and I was going to ayno and like idk if i was joking to myself or what but just loud enough i actually said, oh that’s lots of bling! and both ayno and jacob heard me, ayno laughed genuinely and jacob was like omg i can’t believe this idiot.. i don’t think i said anything to ayno, he seemed really uncomfortable so i didn’t want to bother him anymore. but his laugh was genuine i could tell, and for a split second i don’t think he was wearing his Idol Mask(TM) when he smiled. but that’s probably just wishful thinking lol
ACE I CANT BELIEVE HIM he looked so fucking good oh my god i got to him and i called him a Casanova and he went ayyyy with a thumbs up and finger guns and i wanted to die lmfao
when i got to baron he said my name but kinda pronounced it wrong but i corrected him, and he said it again. and then i told him my name rhymes with his and he said mine like four times in different ways trying it out and rhyming it with his stage name😭 HE DIDNT have to say my name that many times, god. his English was so fucking good holy shit and his pronounciation??? Amazing and he’s so handsome up close, like literal Disney prince handsome
ziu talks sooo much!!! I love it and he’s so good looking and kind and he shook my hand and ??? he said to enjoy the show and i told him to enjoy doing the show and he did like a shy smile kind of thing !! you could tell he was trying hard with the English i was rly proud of him
lou had a flower crown on and i complimented on it and he said my name so well and there was more with him but i forgot 😢
but that was just the fan sign lol so much other stuff happened... later during the show i nearly died bc of ayno.. they were picking people to go up on stage, right? and there was a girl in front of me also with her hand raised, like freaking out (maybe a bit too much?) and i was like okay she probably wants it so i kinda like.. stopped raising my hand and gestures to her? If that makes sense... he almost picked her but when he saw me be nice and let her have it, he literally stares at me and picks me, dead on...but someone random that he wasn’t pointing at like ROWS back walked on stage before we could realize it was me but that fucking eye contact i had with him made him SHOOT up my bias list lol now I have to rethink my entire order. im like 75% sure that he picked me because i wasn’t a crazy fan, like the girl in front of me was a bit much.. and obviously if i was willing to give it up im not that insane... ladies, it pays off to be a nice person!
AND JACOB WITH THE BABY please end me i fell for him so much like he’s almost overtaking baron that’s how much i liked him last night and how nice is vav that they tried to pick new people?? like they picked the fan boy, the little baby, the elderly lady.. and they even helped her to and from the stage 💗😍 AND SPEAKING of gentlemanly stuff there was a guy with a wheelchair during the snapshots in line for jacob and when they were done he personally pushed the guy in the wheelchair all the way to where the man needed to go. he breaks my heart and heals it simultaneously, he’s so underrated but still a genuinely and QUIET nice person.. he doesn’t do good stuff to be noticed. like when winter breeze was over, they had the rappers sing it too... but not jacob. i was so upset and he also didn’t do his solo song that i specifically told him i liked, but ayno did two of his. im not bitter at all what do u mean ??? 🤷‍♀️
i feel like more happened at the concert but i can’t think of much more, im sure other fan accounts will have it all. the only thing i can think about is the snapshots anyways lol
the group picture was ... interesting. the hi touch wasnt much except it reinforced my idea that ayno recognized me, bc instead of a high five he held my hand for as long as possible, probably an apology for earlier. i nearly died. the pic ended up looking awful but thats okay lol. then we tried to leave but i ended up going the wrong way, and a staff handed me roughly like actually grabbing my shoulders and pushing me in the right direction (which i did not appreciate, please chill, u just didnt tell us the right way to go...) and a few members saw that and didnt like either. ayno looked irritated but im sure  hes just irritated at everything at that point lol, lou and ace looked at me sympathetically, and i gave ace the happy bday present someone asked me to give to him. he was so surprised it was adorable.
OKAY, NOW FOR THE SNAPSHOTS: so i actually had 7 snapshots but ended up getting 2 with jacob and 2 with ayno instead of one with everyone (which.. if u look above is not a surprise lmfao) so the first snapshot i do is with baron, obviously.. and this ASSHOLE wants to kill me like... for everyone i tried to pick poses that werent too touchy bc a) im not comfortable w that and b) im sure they were all tired of being touched lol so i picked the one where you make fingerhearts while standing next to each other, but NOOOOO
baron decides he doesnt like that pose enough so he literally puts his hands on my shoulders, guides me to a position thats not only in FRONT of him but CLOSER TO HIM than i was originally!!! what the fuck!! thats not all after that he had to lean around me and basically like... he was so fucking close to me oh my god. he smelled so good i need to know where he gets his cologne. also lol when he moved me in front of him i was like... omg are u sure??? im kinda tall.. and he just laughs and smiles and leans into/around me. that picture of me looks so stupid bc i was so.. happy and Not Ready lmao
anyways i go to jacob next and do the e-t touch pose lol since like i said... didnt want touchy ones and he seemed amused that i picked that one. i wonder if it was one of the least popular ones? probably.. and GOD hes rly such a gentleman hottie like i rarely say h*t but.... jacob was hot. since we did the e.t touch pose we had to touch fingertips and (eyes emoji) not to have a hand kink or anything but hes got. really nice hands. long fingers. also lmfao he had long ass fingernails and i kinda joked with him like “youve got longer fingernails than i do!!” and he laughed and smiled at me. and okay i turn to leave like gotta have the next person go but APPARENTLY he wasnt ready for the next person yet...  i literally had to have the staff be like wait! jacob is saying bye to you!!! and i was like WHAT and turned around and ran back to him basically to say bye he was grinning the entire time and he waved his hand and held it up for (i thought) a high five but he grabbed it and i swear i fell for him right there. JACOB WHEN WILL U BE MINE godfjkdgd and i watched him for a little bit but he didnt say bye that enthusiatically to anyone else (that i saw, at least)
then i did the prom pose with st. van, it was adorable. you could tell he was rly trying to interact with everyone and idk what it is about him but i felt comfortable enough to actually do a Touchy pose (the holding arm pose, like prom yknow). we love an amazing leader~
oH i did one with ziu too!! i did the byung byung pose with the hands together and we both looked ridiculous lol. i dont remember much about him except he was so tall wtf taller than i expected.
at this time i keep looking at my pics and THE E.T PIC WITH JACOB??? makes me crack the hell up.... it had to have been fate, obviously. in the pic (from the camera flash, i guess) where our fingers were touching, it just SO HAPPENED THAT THERE WAS A FLASH OF LIGHT......... iconic. jacob n i are meant to be. so i get in line for him again bc i want to show him the pic, but by the time i got up there again i had forgotten. i was also like... ready for a touchy pose with him bc why not. i cant remember what pose i did with him or if anything happened, im sure i was in a trance then lmao. pretty sure he recognized me but i cant be sure. 
then i get in line for ayno and i have two snapshot tickets left, and the staff announces theres only a few mins left so i was like SHIT and figured id just do two with ayno bc i didnt wanna waste any. his line was so long and staff had to keep reminding ppl not to hug/touch him and i felt soooo bad. i picked poses that werent too close to him, and even those in the pic he looked like he was trying to not be close to me lol. i feel so bad for him, im sure he got a lot of weird fans that night. i think he recognized me (again) because he smiled genuinely like he was happy i was there. i think he appreciated that i picked poses that didnt require touching -- he probably had a Lott of that. when the second pic was being printed the staff member laughed at something someone said, but i thought she was laughing at my picture bc i take shit pics and i got offended for a second and so did ayno LMAO but then she explained and i said bye to him and he went back into Idol Mask(TM) and i think that was it. 
i also ate at ihop that night, it was great, we didnt get back to our hotel till after 2am, it felt so... young adult-ish to be out so late lmao. i was very proud at how everything turned out, i dont think i wouldve changed a thing
anyway, long story short: im in love with jacob, baron is a disney prince, ayno shot up my bias list (he was like... last lmao) and i appreciate him as a person. those three were the Big Three, but i still loved meeting the other members. 10/10 would recommend vav
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