#why did he tinker with her lightsabers?
my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
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It was sweet Anakin took care of Ahsoka’s lightsabers, but why did he tinker with them?
Star Wars Animation Geeks, Unite
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nothasideblog · 9 days
Problems of All Sizes
Cal comes down with a cold and tries to power through. ---
He hates to say it, but shoveling would be much easier without Kata's “help.” Every fifteen minutes or so, she shouts, “Wait!” and scrambles down to pluck out a bug or root, spilling dirt into the bottom of the hole.
She’s just trying to be helpful, he knows, and she is, in the long run. The likelihood of finding pyrite is pretty high on Koboh, and the plants she sees tend to be useful.
But Cal isn’t thinking about the long run. He’s thinking about the growing crick in his neck and ache in his–...he pauses thoughtfully and rolls out his wrists. 
Everywhere, he decides. He aches everywhere. He wants to be done with this. 
There was a problem with Pyloon’s electrical system. Cal woke up to the lights sporadically flickering and Greez swearing up and down. Cal quickly discovered that tinkering with the breaker box would not fix the problem. Hence, digging in the sand for wires. 
“Cal? Why’s your lightsaber blue?”
He also might want to be done with this because Kata has been asking a lot of questions lately. 
Usually, he can come up with something semi-intelligent to say. But, right now, he struggles to find any answer that satisfies her. He blames the heat getting to his head and the fact she gets sharper every day. 
 “That’s a good question. I don’t know. Why do you think it’s blue?”
She hums, turning over a sprout in her hand. “Is it because it’s your favorite color?”
He laughs a little, something catches, and he coughs once before saying, “I’ve honestly never really thought about it. I guess so.” He digs the shovel's tip under a stone and thinks of the glint of Merrin’s hair. Was silver a color? “Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe blue isn’t my favorite.”
“I didn’t think so. Red wasn’t Papa’s.” 
“I-hhheehh--HEt’SH!” Whether it’s a blessing or a curse, Cal sneezes, the shovel slips forward, and his head collides into the dirt wall. 
It’s all pretty embarrassing. Luckily, Kata reacts with grace–she holds her stomach and kicks her legs and she snorts-laughs so hard it has her choking for breath. 
Cal can’t help but let a little smile quirk at the corner of his mouth. He grabs her foot, shaking it with false venom, “Laugh it up. If I’m sick, guess who finishes the job?” 
She jerks her sandal from his grasp and stands up with a grin, “Merrin! I’ll go get her.”
“I meant you!” Cal calls after her, but she’s already around the corner. She’s faster than usual, and he swears he sees a hint of green. Merrin must be teaching her things. Good. That was good, right? 
Cal shifts his weight onto the shovel's step, and he meets the resistance of the wire’s rubber coating. He kneels to get to work, brushing away dirt with his hand to find the wire’s insulation cracked. He begins stripping away at it. 
A flash of green cracks to his right. He doesn’t need to look away from his work. He knows who it is, “Kata said you needed help,” Merrin’s alto voice rings out. 
“Well,” He starts taping over the newly restored wiring, “The hard part is over.”
“Do you want me to leave?” 
He turns to face her, “Of course, I don’t want you to–what?” He falters when her eyes flick up to his forehead and she smiles, not unsympathetic. 
He rubs at it with the back of his hand and it comes back with dirt. He can feel his ears turn pink. 
Merrin takes the shovel from his hand first and reaches down to help him out of the hole. Once he’s above ground again, she wordlessly begins finishing the task, pushing dirt back into place. Cal helps to the best of his ability, kicking it in with his foot. “Did she tell you how–…” “She told me how it happened, yes.” She shakes her head and uses her thumb to wipe the rest of the dirt off his face, ”What is wrong with you?”
Ears pinker still, he says, “Thanks. Nothing major. I, uh, think I might have picked up a bug.” 
She regards him carefully, eyebrows raised, “A parasite?”
“I think it’s-a-cold..!” As if confirming its presence, Cal pitches forward. This time, he covers it with the crook of his arm. “HAT’SHh’uH…ugh.” 
He feels a tug at the back of his neck and hears a tearing noise. Merrin pushes something into his hand—a piece of cloth. Bewildered, he sniffs, “Did you rip this off the back of my scarf? 
Merrin pinches the edge of what’s left of it behind him between two fingers. “Was it not more of a cape? Did you need it?”
“I guess not.” Cal huffs out a laugh and turns away to blow his nose. 
They walk back to Pyloon’s together. The doors slide open, and he’s relieved that half of the bar’s lights hold steady with a healthy hum. The other half remains disconnected and black. He’ll take it as a win. 
“Cal!” He turns to see Kata with a grin so wide he worries it’ll crack her face. “I helped make you something! Be right back!” He clears his throat to reply, but she’s already rushing towards the kitchen, weaving between customers. The regulars side-step her, used to her bursts of energy. 
Merrin slips into a booth, and Cal sits across from her. He swipes a few napkins from the dispenser and shoves them into his pocket. He pulls out three more and uses the first to swipe under his nose.
Merrin’s dark eyes watch him, and she smiles, amused, “You are like a Moog hoarding food for the winter.” 
“Well, at the rate I’m going, I won’t have much scarf left by the end of the night,” He huffs. 
“Excuse me!” Kata’s voice rings out around the corner. Cal pokes his head out of the booth to see her stepping heel-toe towards them, eyes glued to the giant steaming bowl of soup in her hands. It sloshes wildly from left to right. He morbidly thinks of how it’s a perfect representation of how his stomach feels watching the piping-hot liquid get dangerously close to her skin. 
He’s at her side instantly, lifting it from her grasp, “Is this for me?”
Kata follows him to the booth, crossing her arms, “Yeah but I had it!” She insists.  
“Sorry. Do you want it back?” he asks, though he’s already set it on the table and reclaimed his seat. 
Kata rolls her eyes, “It’s okay, I guess,” She scrambles up next to Merrin and sits on her knees.
Cal scoops up a heaping spoonful and sticks it in his mouth. It’s still steaming when he swallows it, but he can barely mind the burn when it’s wonderfully salty with something akin to dill. He chews on a bite of potato, “Did Greeze help you with this?”
Kata grins, “How did you know?”
Cal shrugs, “Because it’s delicious.” 
“Really?!” She plants her hands on the table to lean over to look into the bowl. Her eyes reflect the golden blobs floating in the broth. They look like stars. 
I saw the entire galaxy in her eyes. 
He feels a wave of nausea, but he pushes through and shoves the spoon back into his mouth. Under the table, Merrin taps his foot a little. He glances up and she gives him a questioning look. He smiles at her and hopes it’s reassuring.
“Tell us how you made it, child,” Merrin says, tucking a strand of hair behind Kata’s ear. 
“Greeze chopped the vegetables, but I added the spices,” Kata lights up, “They’re from the garden.”
Cal eats while she talks. The broth is rich and coats his throat, and the steam makes it easier to breathe. He should make sure Kata gets a bowl, one that hasn’t been contaminated with whatever head cold struck him this time. Unfortunately, his nose starts running before he can say anything. He ducks his face into another napkin, “Hih-HIt’SHuh!” 
“Sounds like you’re coming down with something nasty.” 
Cal sniffs, teary-eyed, as Greeze saddles up next to them and leans against Merrin’s side of the booth. “It’s not so bad. I ended up getting free soup out of the whole thing.” 
“You get a free bed along with it, too,” Greeze jerks his thumb towards Cal’s room, “Might as well make use of it.”
The thought is tempting. His head feels too heavy and too light simultaneously, “Thaahhnk-Hih!…” He catches himself, turning and blinking away the feeling. It leaves his nose buzzing. “Sorry, thank you. I’ll head down in a minute. I haven’t had a chance to catch up with Merrin.”
She shares a look with Kata, who grins and asks, “Who’s Berrid?” 
“Oh, ha ha,” Cal smiles, despite himself, “Our beloved Nightsister has nothing to say to that?”
“Don’t make fun of the ailing; it’s not honorable,” Merrin’s voice remains steady, but her eyes dance with laughter. “My day was fine, Cal.” 
He rests his cheek in his hand. She looks nice in this light. He wonders if everything looks different to her nocturnal eyesight. He sniffs and bites down a curse as his nose starts to itch again. “That’s good. You went book huh-hunting?” 
Her dark lips quirk into a smile, “I found an old text on magnets and galaxies. I left it on your bed.” Merrin had been exploring caves on Jeddah to help Cal link something–anything to figure out how to fix the compass. The design was so advanced, Cal struggled to even get the damn thing open. 
But, reading books is a nice, non-physically exhausting activity, something to look forward to. He would be so lost without Merrin. He would be so dead without Merrin.
“RRt’SHHuh!” He buries his face into his napkin and tries to recover as casually as possible, but, “MPHHsshuh!!!” He blinks, dizzy. 
Merrin squeezes his forearm, “You should go take a look.”
“...Yeah, alright,” Cal lets his shoulders slump and he begins to get up, stiff. “Wait,” He squints, his focus hazing. He turns to Kata, “There’s enough soup left for you, right?”
Greeze laughs, “You don’t usually just make one bowl of soup, Cal, there’s a whole pot.” He seems a little disturbed, but that’s nothing new. Greeze is routinely unsettled by a lot of things Cal says these days. The thought makes him ache. 
A flash of green and a cool hand on his forehead diverges him from his thoughts. He’s having trouble holding onto those today–thoughts. But Merrin is taking his arm, so he’s fine with whatever happens next. 
“Goodnight Cal!” Kata calls after him.
They turn the corner and he slurs, “S’the middle of the day.” 
Merrin pushes his hair back. He fights a shiver creeping up his shoulders, and she whispers, “On’sila,” in his ear. He doesn’t know what it means, but the words are nice little puffs of air on his neck. She scrapes her nails down his scalp, and he finds his eyes closing. Her other hand guides him to lie down, and he recognizes the soft comforter of his bed. 
When did they get here?
The floor crackles and he hears the doors slide open. “What about the ‘old magnet text?’” He asks, and he winces when his voice breaks on “text.”
There are a few moments of silence where he worries he’ll fall asleep. But, soon enough, he feels the heavy weight of paper and leather as she drops it, rather heavily into his lap.
“You won’t last 15 minutes,” She wagers. 
He blinks his eyes open and sits up on his elbows. The world spins momentarily but settles, and he begins thumbing through the pages,“C’mon, give me at least twenty.” 
Merrin plucks it from his grasp. He doesn’t reach for it back but shoots her a questioning look. She meets it with a level stare, “I will read.” 
Cal rolls his eyes and starts to reach for it again, but she jerks it away and hastily announces, “To practice my Basic.”
That gets him reconsidering and relaxing back into bed, so she begins. “Magnetic fields in the spiral arms of our galaxy are tilted away from the galactic average by a high degree…”
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raehs · 6 months
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misc rey headcanons !!!
gifted with psychometry. it's not something they're typically has control of due to the lack of training she has in the sequels but in prequels au's she was able to be taught things to help her control it. it's also why she gets overwhelmed with emotions so easily.
rey is a very skilled fighter. they're also very intelligent ( knows multiple languages, and understands technology and spaceships very well )
her favorite things include tinkering with things, rain, PLANTS, animals, the ocean, and nature. it might be a force-sensitive thing to be very in tune with nature but regardless, it's something she loves and appreciates ( she's always careful when walking around nature, makes sure to not step on flowers, respect it, etc ). she's also a big reader and will read manuals FOR FUN.
flying spacecraft is one of their favorite things, even if there's nowhere to go. being in the sky is one of the most freeing things for her to experience.
they're very susceptible to the dark side but has always chosen the light.
her fighting style is very messy. this is verse-dependent. she's not afraid to fight, pull your hair, fight dirty. she's a very capable fighter and easily angered so if she feels threatened she might (probably will) attack.
on jakku, it hardly rained. and yet some of her own water supply went to a little plant she had.
on jakku, while there was genuinely nobody looking out for them, i imagine there was this crazy old lady who taught her a few things. like the basics on how to read, maths, a bit of history, survival stuff. she gave rey the basics to let her explore further on her own. in a way, rey taught herself everything from the basics she was given. so rey will likely pronounce things wrong since she had nobody to bounce things off of. she's also fluent in many languages but not fluent in speaking.
they were left with unkar plutt and he basically controlled everything she did. ( i wouldn't say she was ever SOLD, she wasn't a slave or anything like that but he was very controlling ( she was prob more of an indentured servant? bc since her parents didn't come back for her he made her make up the debt / work for him but by the time tfa happens she's independent ) ! but he basically controls all the workers on jakku bc he's the only one around with food, so. it's bc most on jakku are poor and don't have other choices. she was his favorite scavenger so he controlled the jobs she took, and would typically make sure she only took his jobs, the lack of food she'd be given, made sure she couldn't leave even if she wanted to + didn't see her as a person which reflected on rey's identity issues and not knowing who or what she is ). very manipulative, instilled in her head that she was a nobody and nothing and didn't matter in the galaxy. he also made her work right away. so she was like. five years old and working all day in the heat. the few good things he gave her was making her figure out how to survive on her own and he kept other scavengers from bothering her / stealing her stuff. and also was a person she NEVER wanted to become.
rey's name is taken from the dosmit raeh helmet she has on jakku ! but her birthname was kira. kira kenobi.
if rey had a gun tlj + tros wouldn't have happened bc she would've taken down the entire first order with sheer willpower and spite.
rey was visited by various force ghosts as a child, whether she was aware/remembers is tbd.
rey doesn't actually remember most of her childhood. she gets brief flashbacks in dreams but that's the extent of it. she doesn't remember what her father looked like but vaguely remembers her mother.
when rey has her own lightsaber, it's dual-bladed lightsaber staff that can also split in half to form two separate lightsabers. she prefers it in the staff form.
i DO like the idea of rey's parents actually caring for her and they were killed by palpatine / the first order / the sith who wanted rey bc they knew she'd be a powerful force user ! but it wouldn't be bc she's a palpatine who would inherit the sith legacy or w/e but because she's a kenobi. i can't really vibe with parents who genuinely didn't care for rey or abandoned them on purpose.
rey wasn't born on jakku. i think she was either born on coruscant, OR hyperkarn ( her mothers homeworld which is a forest planet.
rey is bisexual, but leans more towards demisexual, potentially grey-ace. she very much needs to develop a deep bond with someone to consider anything.
rey would identify as non-binary, but is very fluid in it. they're ok with typical feminine descriptions ( woman/girl, daughter, etc ). they have a connection to womanhood + girlhood while simultaneously feeling outside of it. ( rey's so me, actually ) so she/they/any pronouns are fine! i will either go back and forth with pronouns or choose one in a thread and stick to it.
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echoisbabe · 3 years
Still in love
Thanks @fabulousapple for the request! Sorry they’re taking so long!!! I hope you and everyone that reads enjoys!
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It's quiet on the ship aside from the usual hum and tinkering sounds the ship makes as it moves through hyperspace. Omega holds Lula close to her as she shifts in her makeshift bed. She lets out a sigh as she sits up at the sound of soft giggling and whispering. She moves closer to the sheet that allowed a little privacy and moves it slightly to peak out. A smile breaks out on her face.
She can see you and Echo, sitting across from one another. Your legs entangled together. She tilts her head to the side as you move your hand from your mouth to place your forefinger to your lips.
"Shh, you're going to wake the others" You chuckle as you scoot closer to Echo, coving his mouth as his body shook with laughter, his hand grips your wrist and he pulls it down slightly as he says "You're the one being loud" he imitates your laugh causing the both of you to cover your mouths to muffle more laughter.
The laughter eventually dies down. Omega perks up as she watches the you both stare at each other. Your hands now intertwined with Echo's. There's something filling the air around you both, and she can't figure out what it is. Then she sees the shy expression on Echo's face as he moves his hand from yours to cup your cheek.
Her eyes widened. He's going to kiss her finally. She almost hopeful as she watches the way you lean into Echo's touch. She watches you slowly turn back to look at him, she's sure the love in your eyes is clear and that alone should show Echo that you love him just as much as he does you.
Your leaning in, eyes fluttering shut and Omega scrunches her nose as her eyes squint. She ready to shut her eyes before your lips would even meet. Turning her head slightly away but she stops when Echo's hand falls from your face and all the hope that filled her dies away.
"You should get some sleep before we get back to Cid's" Echo sounds defeated and Omega groans as she lets the sheet fall back into place
Why can't he see it? Maybe he needs a push. From what Omega knows or rather overhead is that you and Echo had known each other before all this mess. She wonders what it was like back then for you both. Did you love each other than? She hope you both did. It's kind of sweet knowing that the feelings you both had for each other outlasted everything.
Omega peaks back and you are no longer next to Echo but Echo is still in the same spot. His head in his hand, shoulders slumped. He defiantly needs a push. She'll just wait a few more minutes before climbing down to talk with him...
Omega wakes to Hunter shaking her shoulder. She snaps up and looks past Hunter. You and Echo are standing next to each other, smiling at each other as if last night didn't even happen. He's whispered something to you that made you laugh.
"Do you think they love each other? I feel like they do but I can't be sure" Omega meets Hunter's eyes and he looks back at the two standing closer together, fingers brushing each others and shoulders bumping
"I think everyone sees it but them" Hunter's hands catch Omega just under her arms as she had hopped down into his arms "Why?" He asks as she smiles up at him as he places her down
"I'm going to make them see it" Omega brows set in determination and Hunter chuckles softly as he wishes her good luck before ushering towards the group.
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Omega has tried everything. She even had Hunter try and help her but neither of you made the move. She lets out a huff as she sit down in the pilots chair. She fiddles with the arms on her trooper doll when she hears a sigh from behind her and she peaks around the chair and smiles. Despite failing at her attempts she's glad to see the sight before her.
Echo sits with a loving smile on his lips as he watches you. His eyes flashing between your face and the lightsaber that’s floating disassemble in front of you. She wishes she could hear what Echo is thinking as he watches you. His hand fiddles with the scomp link before he himself goes back to work.
“Dank farrik!” You shout and Omega quickly turns back around as you stand with a now assembled lightsaber in your hand
“What’s wrong?” Echo is quick to stand, his hand catching your arm before you can turn away from him
“I need to be alone right now” You growl out as you storm off the ship, Omega catches the heart broken expression on your face as you go and turns over to Echo
She’s seen him worry over you many times but this is different. Maybe because you were so lost in the force. Omega didn’t understand it but you said someone had to die for you to live. You were an older Padawan, still learning not yet granted the right to call yourself a Jedi knight. Maybe that’s where you went, maybe you went back to that dark day and lost focus.
Echo sits back down as his hand covers his face. Omega lets out a breath and Echo turns to her. His face becomes stoic as he waves her over. Omega walks over and places her hand on his shoulder and she opens her mouth to speak but he does before her
"It's okay, Omega, She's just-" he pauses as he looks to where you had stormed off the ship "She's just going through a lot" He looks up at her with a soft smile
"You love her, don't you?" His eyes widened at her question, and he begins to fumble over his words and Omega grips his shoulder as she says "She loves you too, you know"
Echo turns away and lets out a shaky breath. Had it really been that obvious? I guess he wasn’t really hiding it just didn’t want to believe that everything is still there after all those years that had gone by. It wasn’t like he pursued you back than, you were a Jedi commander after all. Maybe something back in his mind is keeping him from moving further with you.
It could be that everything is rocky. How could he give you something that should last forever if he didn’t even know how long either of you had. He could die tomorrow on a mission Cid sends everyone on. Hell, you could be discovered and then you would just be gone. He’s scared but right now, bu maybe this is what you both need. Something new and promising.
“Go talk to her, let her know that you’re there for her, she needs you” Omega smiles and he nods as he stands thanking her as he runs off the ship to find you
He finds you sitting against a tree. Hands running up and down your thigh as your eyes are screwed shut. Your trying to focus and he almost turns around but doesn’t. He forces himself to move forward and with in seconds he’s standing next to you. He lowers himself as you turn to meet his eyes. Cupping your face as he sadly smiles.
“You okay?” He asks lowly and you nod your head as you lean forward, he lets you connect your forehead with his as you let out a shaky breath “I love you” he whispers and you pull back eyes wide “I’ve been in love with you from the moment I first saw you, I just didn’t think you could love me even now with the way I am”
“Oh Echo” You smile “I love you more now than ever before” you lean forward once more and he press his lips to yours in a soft kiss before pulling back and lets you lean your head on his shoulder.
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hrtiu · 3 years
“ name told me you're in love with me. tell me it isn't true. tell me this is all just a huge misunderstanding. “ “ i can't. “ @famouskittychild​ thanks for the prompt! prompts are from this post.
“Ahsoka, can I talk to you?” Rex asked.
Ahsoka looked up from tinkering with the tiny power cell that she hoped would eventually power her new lightsaber. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Rex cast a quick glance around the cramped mess. “Maintenance shaft?”
She looked blankly up at him a moment before nodding and getting to her feet. It was only Rex, Ahsoka, and Gregor on their antique transport, but there still never seemed to be enough space. The maintenance shaft was where she and Rex would go to talk if they didn’t want Gregor to overhear.
Ahsoka followed Rex into the shaft and shut the door behind them, deftly dodging the exposed wires and sharp metal bits that stuck out from the walls at odd angles. This was already pretty inconvenient—she wondered what they’d do if they ever managed to recover other dechipped clones.
“So, what was so top secret we couldn’t talk about it in the mess?” Ahsoka asked.
Rex sucked on his cheeks and shrugged, his golden eyes avoiding her gaze.  “It’s… probably nothing.”
Ahsoka crossed her arms and gave him a flat look. “If it’s nothing then why did you drag me into this safety hazard?”
“Well, uh…” Rex scratched at the back of his head and looked up to the ceiling. “Gregor said something the other day. And you know, it’s probably just Gregor being Gregor. But I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I thought I’d come to you and clear the air.”
Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at him, warning bells beginning to sound in the back of her head. “Clear the air of what?”
“Like I said, it’s probably nothing. But Gregor said that he thought we make a cute couple.”
A gentle hiss emitted from one of the mystery pipes overhead, but the sound barely registered in Ahsoka’s mind. She fought to keep her expression blank, to not give anything away. It was possible this might turn out well. It was possible. But every one of her instincts was screaming at her that this was bad.
“Oh. Well, you know Gregor,” she said with forced calm.
“Yeah, and I told him he’d misunderstood. I told him we’re good friends. But he said…” Rex paused, his gaze once again skittering away. “He said that he’s spent more time around civilians than I have and that he recognizes love when he sees it. He said that you’re in love with me.”
Every synapse in Ahsoka’s brain froze over. Count on Gregor of all people to pick up on her great secret.
“Oh,” she said, her numbed senses oddly beneficial in keeping her tone cool and collected.
“Yeah.” Rex jerked his gaze back to Ahsoka’s and his brows knit together in concentration. “It’s… It’s not true, is it?” He forced a chuckle. “Tell me it’s just Gregor imagining things.”
She opened her mouth to tell him he was right. She moved her lips up and down to form the words. It’s not true. I don’t know what Gregor’s talking about. You’re a great friend. But no sound came out.
Rex’s expression hardened, and he took a half step closer to her in the already-confined space. “Ahsoka…”
She held his gaze as long as she could manage, then looked away. Her eyes fixed on a torn red cable sticking out of the durasteel wall, jagged metal wires spilling out of its guts. She shook her head.
“I can’t lie to you, Rex,” she whispered.
He let out a heavy breath and retreated from her as much as the narrow space allowed. Ahsoka sank into her shoulders, her heart breaking a million different ways.
“This isn’t… we can’t…” Rex struggled to find the words. “Ahsoka, I can’t.”
A hot tear coursed down Ahsoka’s cheek, but she refused to wipe it away—refused to call any attention to it. She wanted to fold herself up over and over again until she disappeared. She didn’t want to be having this conversation.
“I know. I’m sorry,” she said.
Another tear seeped out, and Rex let out a choked sigh, his hand coming to rest on her shoulder. “Please, please don’t cry.”
“It’s not like I want to,” Ahsoka said, almost back to her freshly-minted Padawan days.
“You mean the world to me, Ahsoka,” Rex said, his hand squeezing her shoulder awkwardly before letting go. “But almost everyone I care about in this galaxy would shoot you on site.”
“I know,” she reiterated, because she did. She could see the ghosts of his brothers in his eyes, could feel the guilt he carried—a shame that only magnified her own. It was eating them both alive, being together like this, but she couldn’t imagine being alone. They should have already separated by now, but she couldn’t bring herself to suggest it.
She loved him.
Rex leaned back against the wall, somehow finding a surface that wouldn’t skewer him. His expression sagged and the dim lights overhead exaggerated the bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.
Looking at him like this—suffering, tired, and oh so lonely—Ahsoka made herself a resolution. It would kill her to say it, but she had to get the words out. If she spoke them aloud, maybe she could accept their truth.
“I know you don’t feel the same way,” she said. “You don’t have to worry about my expectations.”
His eyes shot to hers with startling intensity. “It’s not that I don’t feel the same way.”
Ahsoka’s breath caught in her throat. “You… don’t?”
“I… care about you. I don’t know what the right word to use is, but I care about you so much it’s… difficult to describe.” He ran a hand through locks that weren’t there, his eyes looking off into somewhere lightyears away. “But I can’t keep choosing you over my brothers, over and over and over again. And that’s what will happen if we stay together.”
The brittle pieces of what was left of Ahsoka’s heart blew away, scattered by the winds to some unknown corner of the galaxy. More tears threatened to fall, but Ahsoka ordered them back in. She forced her chin up and looked Rex in the eyes. He deserved as much.
“I understand. We’ll be refueling in Pantora tomorrow. You can drop me off there.”
A tiny part of her waited for him to object. He nodded.
“Alright… I… Yeah, that’s good,” he said.
She swallowed thickly then stood up tall, her hands clenched together behind her back for strength. “Well, I guess I’ll get packing then.”
He made no move to stop her as she edged her way towards the hatch. Just a few more feet, and she’d be out of his line of sight. Then she could cry.
She reached the hatch and looked back at him, her resolve weakening for a brief moment. He slumped against the wall, the ghosts of his brothers written plainly across his face.
He looked up at her, eyes shining. “Yeah?”
“Is there… I know not today, but someday… Is there any hope?”
Through all the memories and anguish, Rex managed a small but true smile. “Always, little’un.”
She offered a wobbly smile of her own, then stepped back through the hatch.
Gregor was right. She was in love with Rex.
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crab-instruments · 3 years
Dust in the Wind Part 3 (tbb)
Master <Part 2 Part 4>
Pairing: Hunter x Secret Jedi! Reader (GN)
Rating and Warning: General audience, not much happens (yet)
Words: 1K
a/n: some notes at the end. I didn't think this would get any attention really and I did not know how good it would feel, so please give that little heart like to the fics you read (not just mine lol). I really liked Fallen Order so if you haven't played it and can, I would recommend it, but I'll be incorporating pieces of that game into my fic. I've been using italics for thoughts, if it's in quotes it just means it's being said at not a normal volume (like through a door or spoken really fast). If that doesn't make sense in the fic, it's something I can work on.
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The reflection that stared back at you in the mirror looked like someone else. Your hands gripped the sink hard, in an attempt to focus. In your head, you chanted loudly your new identity. My name is Maxis, I’m a freelance mechanic, and I’m now… temporarily… a part of a crew I’ve never met. Kriff, am I insane? That question was rhetorical, the answer was an resounding yes, although this may not be the most outlandish situation you’ve gotten yourself in.
The necklace under your top felt heavy. You pulled it out, staring at the parts. Carrying your deconstructed lightsaber wasn’t the smartest idea but it was something you couldn’t let go of, even before The Purge happened. Most of the pieces were on a long wire that you wrapped loosely around your neck and it hid fairly nicely, looking like just random junk on a wire. The parts that didn’t fit on the necklace well sat on your wrists as bracelets. You tucked it back in and moved your welding goggles from your head to your neck, hiding it further down.
“That’s fine Hunter, but where are they going to sleep? We barely have space as it is,” a muffled voice came from outside the door, drawing your attention back to reality.
Hunter had stepped out leaving you in the small room alone, thinking that explaining the situation to the squad would better. It had been a few minutes since he had left and by the sounds of it, was still trying to sell the idea of you being here was a good idea.
Moving quietly towards the door, your curiosity got the best of you. You pressed your ear to the cold metal, attempting to listen in on the conversation.
“They can sleep in the gunner’s mount with me!” a small, cheerful voice piped up.
“That’s very kind of you, Omega, but we’ll figure it out later,” Hunter’s voice had a hint of favor to it, he obviously adored the child he who had offered space for you. He was probably giving her a small smile, the thought was contagious enough to bring a small smile to your own face.
“I would like to go back to the fact that we know nothing about this ‘Maxis’ or their past. They could very well be a dangerous criminal on the run, based on the story they gave you,” the very pragmatic voice cut through the rest.
At that accusation, you crossed your arms and pouted. “Dangerous? I’m about as dangerous as a bogling.”
Suddenly, the door you were leaning against had opened, sending you dropping to the ground. You shot your arms out, attempting to grab something to stop your introduction to the ground. Luckily, strong arms grabbed yours, steading you. Your eyes met Hunter’s, and stars, did you wish you could stay there. However, five other pair of eyes were on you. Quickly, you attempted to gain your composure and stand up straight.
“What was that about a bogling?” There was a hint of humor in Hunter’s voice. I barely said that above a whisper, how did he hear that?
You cleared your throat and adjusted your tunic. “Uh, I just meant that… I’m not dangerous to you. I’m just a mechanic and got caught up with... I just…” you tried to swallow the nothing in your dry mouth. “IsabotagedanImperialSoldier’sspeederbecausehewasactinglikealaserbrain.” It was a risk to insult the Empire in front of this crew without knowledge of their current standing but more than likely by their hasty escape, they weren’t friendly with the newer overlords.
Everyone’s eyes went wide at your confession, except for the silver haired man who’s grip on the toothpick in his mouth got tighter.
The little girl, Omega, stepped closer. “You sabotaged an Imperial Soldier’s speeder? He caught you and that’s why you were running?” Her eyes may or may not have held something like admiration.
You nodded. “Yeah… It was… worth it to see the bike fall a part under him while trying to catch up.”
The largest one laughed loudly, probably didn’t have any other setting other than ‘loud and explosive’, but it wasn’t threatening. It seemed he also enjoyed the thought along with Omega. “I think Maxis does belong with us if that’s why they’re running.” The others were also holding back laughs.
“If you know how to put machines together, you know how to take them apart,” a slight smile crossed your face. “Of course, when I’m working on your ship, I’ll only put in quality work. I’ll treat the ship like it was my own. That is… if you’ll have me.” The others gave looks to each other and eventually nodded, looking back at Hunter for direction.
“Of course. We aren’t exactly… on great terms with the Empire either. Well, since that’s settled…” He gestured to the paler man to his left, starting the introductions. “This is Echo, part machine, all tactics. Crosshair is our sniper, doesn’t say much. Tech, on the hand, will talk about everything in the universe. Wrecker does explosives and takes down anything in his path. Lastly, this is Omeg—”
“I’m Omega! It’s so nice to meet you!” She was obviously very excited to meet new people. She grabbed your hand, shaking it. “Hunter, can I show Maxis around the ship?” Her eyes sparkled.
Hunter met your eyes and you gave a slight nod. “Of course.” Omega dragged you past the boys, starting the tour of your new home.
After a few standard hours, you found yourself sitting in the cockpit watching hyperspace fly by, Omega in your lap slowly falling asleep but doing her best to stay awake. How she could become fast friends with you was something you’d never understand, but it felt like you’d known her for much longer than you did.
Most of the others went to sleep for the rest of the ride, Tech seemed to be tinkering with something just beyond the cockpit. Hunter had been with you but stepped back a bit, possibly figuring out space issues.
“Omega, you’ve been a great hostess but you can go to sleep.”
She rubbed her eyes before laying her head back on your shoulder. “I’m not sleepy”.
“Ha, okay.” You brought your hand to her head to stroke it, running your fingers through her hair. She seemed to melt closer to you. Your eyes were also heavy, and this would fix the shortage of beds problem, if you just… slept here. Almost absentmindedly, you started to hum to Omega, lulling her to sleep.
“♪ I close my eyes
Only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind ♪”
Unbeknownst to you, Hunter had returned and leaned against the doorframe. In his hand, he had a blanket. He waited until both of your breaths became even to make sure you were asleep before putting the blanket over both of you and took a seat.
Part 4
Bogling: basically a racoon sized squirrel. Could be dangerous if they get into the vents of your ship, but otherwise, pretty cute. First Fallen Order "reference".
Dust in the Wind - Kansas: This is where the name of the fic comes from. Roll credits. It'll come up a few times like a connection. There's a reason, not necessarily a good one but it's not like a "aha! gotcha" sorta thing. I hope that it's not too cheesy.
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maulusque · 4 years
(I started writing this and then it got out of hand and now it’s 3:30 in the morning, rest of it’s under the break so i don’t monopolize your dash)
So for whatever combination of reasons, Maul spits out the kool-aid and gets really disenchanted with Sidious a lot earlier than in canon. He starts wondering things like “why is he not telling me his master plan if i’m so important to it?” and “why do i get nothing more than vague promises of power sometime in the future, when i should be guaranteed a position as his second-in-command, after all I’ve done for this guy?” and “why does he treat me like i’m disposable, and then constantly tell me i’m crucial for his plans?”
and he starts thinking things like “hey wait a minute, none of that childhood torture made me better at anything sith-related, it just gave me crippling trauma that actually impairs my capacity for self-control and incredible violence” and (possibly due to his experiences at Orsis Academy) “oh whack looks like kids learn a lot better and faster when they’re, like, having fun? Whatever ‘fun’ is?”
and anyway by the time he gets to tatooine with orders to “find that stoner jedi and kick his ass”, Maul is pretty annoyed at his master. And when he senses not one, not two, but THREE powerful force-presences on Tatooine, one of which vastly eclipses any other force presence he’s ever felt, and belongs to a nine-year-old slave boy, Maul gets an idea. You know, (he thinks), his master sure would love to get his hands on a force-baby like that. Master Sidious sure would be evilly thrilled to have an extremely powerful nine-year-old delivered directly to his doorstep on coruscant, with the jedi having to do all the heavy lifting of training the kid. Master Sidious would probably want nothing more than to have this kid be taken in by the Jedi, so he can start grooming a new apprentice. 
And Maul, full of spite and an as-yet-undiscovered need to adopt every force-sensitive in sight, decides to deprive Sidious of a potential apprentice. He follows Anakin to Naboo (in this universe, Anakin still wins the podrace, still wins his own freedom), and, after the fighting is over, sees a prime window of opportunity, and kidnaps Anakin right out from under the Jedi’s nose. 
(In this universe, Obi-Wan does not cut Darth Maul in half and dump him down the garbage chute- Maul, unwilling to do his master’s bidding any longer, doesn’t go full out against Qui-Gon, doesn’t kill him, and Obi-Wan doesn’t get that grief-and-rage filled boost that helped him dismember Maul last time. The fight ends, the Jedi are convinced that Maul is dead, and Naboo is freed).
Once Maul has the kid, since he’s a pragmatic guy, he also returns to Tatooine and takes the kid’s mom. Maul doesn’t know how to cook, do laundry, tie shoes, or any of that shit. He doesn’t want to have to PARENT the kid, he just wants to train him. 
Maul has zero money, and also zero subtlety, so he stomps into Watto’s shop, grabs him by the neck, and says “The boy's mother is coming with me. You will disable her slave chip and let her leave unharmed, or I will squeeze your head off.” Watto complies. For Anakin, this is his first real impression of Maul- storming the junk shop and threatening his former master for the freedom of Anakin’s mother.
Maul is determined to do a better job training Anakin than Sidious did training Maul. Because FUCK Sidious. Maul can be a WAY better Sith than Sidious ever allowed him to be. And since Maul is slowly realizing how... unhelpful... the way he was raised was, he’s determined to figure out how to do it better.
So he reads. He reads training manuals, child psychology books, teaching books, studies on motivation and performance, anything he can get his nerdy little hands on. He learns that frightened children don’t perform well. He learns about “trauma”, and how “trauma” makes it hard to control your emotions sometimes. Well, you can’t have THAT in your ultimate sith apprentice. Okay, so no scaring Anakin and no traumatizing him. Maul quickly realizes that literally everything he does frightens Anakin or his mom, and frightening Anakin’s mom also frightens Anakin (cut him some slack, he’s literally never been in a positive relationship, Maul has no model for any behavior other than “evil abuser” and “subservient slave”).
Maul is not an idiot. He knows he’s not doing it right. He’s reluctant to start teaching Anakin ANYTHING until he knows he won’t accidentally damage his precious spite-apprentice. So he mostly ignores the kid while he reads and learns.
He also observes. Specifically, he observes Shmi Skywalker. Somehow, she seems to be able to interact with Anakin without scaring him. She can even tell him what to do without scaring him. She can teach and correct him without scaring him. And she never physically hurts him at all. Maul is kind of blown away- he didn’t even know it was possible to interact with people like that? HOW does she DO it???
So Maul watches and learns. He practices. Shmi helps, guides him, tells him when he messes up and tells him how to do it better. Maul gets a lot better at restraining his murderous urges. Turns out, if you immediately kill everyone who annoys you, it’s hard to ask them for advice after. The other person Maul gets pointers from is C3PO, the protocol droid the kid dragged along. Maul understands 3PO better than he understands Shmi and Anakin. 3PO is a droid. Maul was raised by a droid. Maul knows how to talk with 3PO, whereas talking with Shmi or Anakin feels like wandering around in a fog full of landmines.
So anyway, Maul and 3PO become unlikely friends, and, as Maul, determined to out-parent Sidious in every conceivable way, learns more and more social skills, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, he truly comprehends how fucked up his own childhood was. There’s rage. There’s grief. There’s murderous desire for vengeance. But there’s also Anakin. Who would be scared if Maul smashed the ship or killed random people to vent his anger. Anakin, who needs something called a “positive role model”, who needs to be taught how to use the Force, and who needs the adults around him to have their shit together. There’s also Shmi, who makes him soup and hot chocolate when he’s feeling bad, and tells him off for breaking things, and who helps him get better at being a real person, and who doesn’t seem to want anything from him other than a general expectation of not hurting her or her son. So Maul deals. He grows. He heals, slowly. There’s setbacks, and gains. And somewhere in there, he starts teaching Anakin how to use the Force.
The problem is, Maul learned to access the Force first through fear and anger. Turns out, it’s really hard to teach someone fundamentals of force usage via fear and anger without first having to traumatize them. So right away, Maul hits a barrier. He doesn’t have any clue how to teach Anakin a different way though. He needs help.
But also, FUCK the jedi. NO WAY is Maul asking the Jedi for help, he hates the Jedi. Maul is still a Sith, he’s just a new, better kind of Sith, the kind that trains apprentices who are gonna kick WAY MORE ASS and be HEALTHY WELL-ADJUSTED PEOPLE while doing it (let him dream, ok?). So Maul starts hauling Shmi and Anakin around the galaxy, seeking out any non-Jedi Force-users they can, to learn Force techniques that the Sith didn’t teach Maul.
They spend time with the Guardians on Jedha, with those weird duck-people from that one episode with Jar-Jar’s girlfriend, with some wacky monks on a tiny island in the ass-end of nowhere, and even some time with a long-lost sith cult in a box system in the middle of the Unknown Regions. Maul learns. Anakin learns. Maul uses what he learns from the other force-users, combines it with what he knows, and teaches Anakin even more. The Jedi and the Sith are really the only two groups who really use the force for Big Impressive Things, like telekinesis and lightning and whatnot, so while the other force groups would have a lot to teach them both, they wouldn’t really be able to teach Anakin how to levitate something. And you can’t be the kick-assiest, bestest Sith Apprentice Ever if you can’t levitate shit. So Maul takes takes all these new techniques, like “being calm and chill when you meditate instead of super pissed off” and “using the Force while not being filled with incredible rage” and “mindfulness techniques” and “who knew you could do cool stuff like floating rocks without having to exhaust yourself by hating everything in existence, including yourself” and applies them to the skills and methods he already has. He and Anakin have to do a lot of fumbling and exploring and mistake-making, but they figure it out. And Anakin learns. And he kicks ass.
When Anakin is 11, Maul hauls him off to Ach-To to dig a crystal out of the roots of an ancient tree. He tells Anakin to hold it and meditate, to let his emotions rise around him, to feed them, to pull them through the crystal, let it resonate, let it take on the shape of his strongest feelings. After all, that is how Maul was trained to bleed his crystals. Maul’s pain and fear and anger yielded him red crystals.
Anakin comes out with yellow. Determination, fierce protectiveness, drive, hunger for justice, righteous fury. That is Anakin’s lightsaber.
Anakin grows up, planet-hopping with his Mom and Uncle Maul in a beat-up freighter with under-the-hood enhancements out the ass (Maul ditched the Scimitar right after Tatooine so his master couldn’t instantly track him down, and Maul and Anakin are both huge mechanics nerds and bond over things like “but what if you put ANOTHER PLASMA CORE IN THE ENGINE”, so this ship is, uh, certainly some sort of thing). Anakin grows up learning a hundred different Force traditions- just about every major Force tradition in the Galaxy (except for Jedi), and more than a few obscure ones. He grows up, tinkering with his droid, learning Juyo from Maul and how to sew a button from his mom. He grows up, beholden to two destinies only: “Help me take down Sidious, because he’s an asshole and a shitty Sith Lord” and “do whatever the fuck you want, because you are a Sith and no one gets to tell you what to do” (”except me.” Shmi interrupts. “Sith Lords still have a bedtime.” “Sith Lords still have a bedtime,” Maul amends, having no desire to repeat what happened when he encouraged a ten-year-old Anakin to ignore all the rules on purpose).
And what Anakin wants to do is what he’s always wanted to do- go back to Tatooine and free the slaves. Maul thinks that a big project like that would be an excellent learning opportunity for Anakin. He also wants Anakin to succeed, so he sits him down and talks logistics. How do you free the slaves without hundreds of slave owners detonating their chips when they hear what is happening? How do you keep them free once you do that? How do you get them jobs, clothes, food, houses? What about the ones who want to leave Tatooine? What about the ones who want to stay? And what about the economic upheaval that will happen when you deprive a whole planet of its cheapest source of labor? When Anakin is fourteen, they start planning.
When Anakin is eighteen, they make their move. Anakin, coordinating with Shmi, who returned to Tatooine three years earlier to organize things on the ground (living with a woman named Beru Whitesun, who is a gateway to the Freedom Path network), activates several massive orbital EMP devices, frying every electrical device on the planet, including slave chips. (The EMPs came from a pirate friend of his mom’s, who seems to do whatever she wants as long as she makes him hot chocolate). All over the planet, lights go out, slave chips fry, and radios go silent. And Shmi’s agents get to work. Ordinary citizens all over tatooine grab their rifles and head out. They meet up with others in their settlement, and the teams sweep the area, following a plan devised by Skywalker and Whitesun. They systematically visit every house in every settlement, city, spaceport, and town that is known to house slaves, and tell the slaves to grab their families and most treasured possessions and follow them.
(Tatooine is a sparsely populated planet- you can count the major settlements on two hands. If it weren’t, this would never have worked.)
Not many slaveowners put up much of a resistance- fifty angry masked people pointing guns in your face tend to make you compliant. The only slaveowner who puts up more than a token resistance is Jabba the Hutt. His resistance, however, lasts about thirty seconds, before Anakin cuts off his head.
Maul meets Anakin at Jabba’s palace, where he’s rounding up the last of Jabba’s cronies. 
“No trouble?” Maul asks.
“Nope,” Anakin replies. “You?”
“None.” Maul said. Turns out, it’s like, super easy to take down an entire criminal organization when you can turn up to a meeting of the Hutt family heads, kill them all, and waltz out past all their security forces without breaking a sweat. (Seriously, it’s kind of hilarious how Maul is literally just that good). 
“The slaves here are freed?”
“Yep,” says Anakin. Then frowns. “Hold on...” He senses a presence. Big, hulking, simple, and starving. He can sense that, whatever it is, it hasn’t seen the sunlight or been able to move freely in years. 
So anyway, that’s how Anakin turns up at Mos Espa at first sunrise, riding on the back of Jabba the Hutt’s pet rancor. “Who’s a good girl,” Anakin says, scratching behind her ear nubs. “You are!” And she is a good girl. Padme (”I just think it sounds like a nice name, you know?”) is very good at dispersing angry slaveowners who look like they might start rioting. 
The slaves freed overnight have been gathered together at pre-designated safe zones-mostly warehouses or large buildings that Shmi has been buying up over the years for exactly this purpose.
(The slaves living in remote settlements, at moisture farms and homesteads, didn’t get a visit from the freedom teams. However, Shmi had a plan for them too. She has made overtures to the Tusken tribes. Once she managed to negotiate her way into speaking to one of the leaders without getting killed, she sold them a story, a dream. A revolution. Free the slaves. Transform Tatooine. She doesn’t promise the Tuskens to expel humans from the planet entirely. She promises them equal rights under the law (she also promises the existence of laws in the first place). She promises them the right to raise Banthas, the right to traverse their ancestral lands and the return of sacred sites taken from them, the right to trade, the right to control who passes over their lands. She promises them the right to water and shade. And, she promises them half the seats on the ruling council she plans to set up. And so, on the night the EMPs blow, Tusken raiders visit every homestead on Tatooine (again, there’s only a few hundred, a thousand at most), and kidnap the slaves. Perhaps not the most reassuring experience for enslaved peoples who have been taught their entire lives to fear the Tuskens, and not without reason, but, nevertheless, it is freedom).
As the new day dawns- Tatooine’s first dawn as a free planet- Anakin, Maul, and Shmi know that the easy part is over. Now, they have to house tens of thousands of people currently cooped up in warehouses with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They have to establish and keep iron-tight control over the planet and its settlements, and quash any violent reprisals before they gain momentum. They also have to completely rebuild an economy completely upended by the overnight emancipation. 
However, Shmi’s not the only one who’s been busy for the past few years. While Shmi was on Tatooine, planning a revolution, Anakin and Maul were traversing the galaxy, gathering resources, using the Patented Maul Method (TM)- breaking into the headquarters of powerful organizations and threatening to kill everybody in charge unless they did what they said.
As the second sun rises, ships begin arriving in Tatooine’s orbit. Pop-up housing is dropped onto the outskirts of Tattooine’s settlements, the kind that mining companies use to set up new bases on mineral-rich asteroids. The accommodations are small and sparse, but each family has a kitchen, bathroom, beds, and private space. Huge generators are hooked up to cool the new housing. Anakin knows that the already-existing slave quarters, made of stone with no windows and mostly underground- are already built to keep the occupants cool, but he refuses to make the former slave population live in slave quarters. Some of the freed people are moved into Jabba’s old palace, some into buildings abandoned by rich business owners who fled the planet when they saw what was happening. Food, water, medicine, clothes, books, toys, tools, and shoes are deposited. (the Republic’s equivalent of the FBI had been utterly baffled when Galaxy’s three biggest criminal organizations started moving cargo that looked less like a drug trade and more like a disaster relief mission). 
Anakin walks among the newly freed slaves, reassuring them- yes, you are free. Yes, you will be fed and housed and clothed as long as you need it. Yes, we will try to find your child/husband/wife/mother who was sold years ago. Yes, you can go home, you can do whatever you want.
He also asks for volunteers. And he gets them. Hardly anyone would say no to the chance to work with the Skywalker, who once was a slave like them, but freed himself and returned, who freed the slaves in one night of glory, and appeared at sunrise riding a rancor.
Anakin sends out messengers, all across the planet. “Tatooine is a free world,” they say. “All slaves are hereby freed, by order of the He who Walks in the Sky. Any slaveowners who, by their own free will, turn over their detonators will not be harmed. Any who resist, will be.” Not many resist.
At the end of that first day, as the suns are setting, once the freed peoples of Tatooine are fed, and given water, and sheltered, Maul comes to Anakin.
“I am proud of you.” He says. “You have come into your power, you have mastered yourself, and so have mastered the Force. You have the freedom and the power to do anything you choose. You are no longer my apprentice. Lord Skywalker, you are a true Sith Master.” Anakin pulls him into a hug. He maybe cries a little bit. Maul maybe cries a little bit. Maul maybe also feels mildly annoyed that Anakin is a full head taller than him now.
(Sidious would be truly, utterly offended at Maul’s criteria for Sith-Lord-ness. “THAT’S NOT SITH” he would have said. “THAT’S BARELY EVEN DARK SIDE ADJACENT, YOU ARE DILUTING OUR THOUSAND YEAR HERITAGE-” but Maul wouldn’t care about Sidious’ stupid opinions, anyway).
And Anakin and Shmi get to work. They employ the newly freed people of Tatooine, constructing permanent houses, tearing down slave markets, building critical infrastructure. Anakin pays them more than a living wage, thanks to the extremely deep pockets of Crimson Dawn. He brings in doctors and teachers, and guarantees healthcare and education for all who want it (whenever one of Crimson Dawn’s higher-ups says “wait, why are we dumping massive amounts of money into this one random-ass planet?” Darth Maul just casually sidles up behind them with his lightsaber until they remember that he can literally just show up anywhere, at anytime, and kill them unless they do what he says. If Maul’s busy, he sends 3PO instead- 3PO’s been outfitted with about ten times as much weaponry as is legal, and can be very convincing when he wants to be).
While Anakin works on infrastructure and supporting the freed peoples of Tatooine, and unfucking the economic trainwreck they caused, Shmi and Beru work on the government. They write down a few, very basic rules-Tatooine is to be ruled by a council of people, half of whom will come from the Tusken tribes, all of which shall be selected by fair and free election. All citizens of Tatooine shall have the right to vote in these elections, and the right to vote shall be guaranteed to all- except for those who have ever owned or sold a sentient being. (it was a huge debate in the Lars-Whitesun-Skywalker household, this matter of restricting voting rights. In the end, it was decided that slaveowners, and ONLY slaveowners, were to be the sole exception for universal suffrage). Every citizen of Tatooine is guaranteed access to food, medicine, and water, and has the right to have their grievances addressed by the council.
Shmi works quickly to gather her council- she knows she has to do it fast, to prove to the Tuskens that she is as good as her word. The first elections are chaotic, and perhaps not completely non-violent, but in the end, there is a council of twenty representatives, with Shmi Skywalker representing Mos Espa.
The Council proceeds to have raging- and occasionally violent- debates about the structure of their future government. What rights to guarantee citizens. Should they have a court system? What about a financial system? How are they to guarantee water, food, and medicine to everyone? What even are taxes?
The Rebuilding of Tatooine is long, and hard, and contentious. There are arguments and rage and fighting- the repatriation of traditional Tusken lands is especially fraught. But Shmi promised, and so she makes it happen (Anakin and Padme may have helped too). Maul, for his part, keeps training Anakin, and keeps managing the criminal underworld with a careful balance of death threats and actual death, but mostly stays out of the way of Anakin’s Senior Project. 
Soon, Anakin is able to re-purpose the pop-up housing, since most people have moved into traditional Tatooine-built homes, suited to the environment. The newly restructured economy is tentatively taking its first steps, and Tatooine’s baby government is becoming less and less dependent on intergalactic criminal funding (partially thanks to Anakin confiscating the entirety of Jabba’s personal fortune). He spends a lot of time in Council meetings, trying not to scream at people while also trying to stop Padme from eating them. The Council debates what is next for Tatooine, and eventually, they vote to petition the Republic for membership. Tatooinians, as a people, including the Tuskens, are fiercely independant, but, as Shmi points out, joining the Republic would guarantee them to certain things like humanitarian aid, a voice in decisions affecting interplanetary trade routes and taxation, legal legitimacy and the right to call on the Republic for aid should their sovereignty ever be threatened. Most importantly, slavery is illegal on all Republic planets, which means that if any slave-owning organizations ever pushed in on Tatooine, there would be another (much better funded) organization to call on to help quash it. 
The Republic requires that a petitioning planet’s head of state visit the Senate on Coruscant to ask the Senate for entry into the Republic. The Council, grumbling, re-jiggers their constitution to allow for a “chief councilor”, and promptly elect Anakin to the position (”Fuck me,”) Anakin says. Maul laughs at him, then sobers and tells him to be careful on Coruscant (”My former master lives there.” he says. “Mind your shields, and do not let him know your true nature. You are not yet ready to take him on, and you have your planet and your people to think of.” “Yes, Uncle Maul.” Anakin says. “I will be careful.”).
Anakin shows up in the Galactic Senate, sandy robes, uncombed hair, and half smirk on his face. “I am Anakin Skywalker, free person of Tatooine,” he says. He presents the case for Tatooine’s admittance to the Republic in a booming, confident voice, drawing on his inner strength- his righteous anger and determination to ensure his people’s future- to keep his voice from wavering.
There are grumbles. Muttering. No Senator wants to be the one to blatantly say “no”- it’s a sort of miracle story, Tatooine, the little planet that rose up and threw of the shackles of slavery and now wants to join the Republic- the exact sort of mythos that the Republic itself is built on. It’s bad PR to vote against that little planet. But at the same time, Tatooine is a sandy, useless dustball that’ll need fiscal support from the Senate, with nothing to offer in terms of economic value. Many Senators are debating with themselves, not whether or not to say “no”, but how to vote “no” without losing ten points in approval ratings.
Until the Senator from Naboo, a diminutive woman who somehow reminds Anakin of his rancor, stands up. She gives an impassioned, off-the-cuff speech, reminding the Senate of how her own planet had thrown off the shackles of oppression not ten years ago, how the Republic was founded by planets like Tatooine, and how, most importantly, they had no legal basis to deny them entry, and if the Senate voted no, Naboo’s lawyers would litigate the issue six ways from taungsday- which, due to a clause in the Senate’s constitution that forbade them from passing legislation while the issue of a planet’s admittance to the Republic was on the floor, would effectively paralyze the Senate until the courts made a ruling. And, as Padme made sure to emphasize, if the court’s decision was not favorable, she would appeal. She could feasibly stop the Senate from doing anything for years, if necessary.
Tatooine is admitted to the Republic.
“Two Senators,” Anakin demands. “In order for my people to be fairly represented, my planet requires two Senators.” When complaints are made, Jar-Jar Binks threatens to explain the complicated dynamics of a planet attempting to grapple with a colonial past. He doesn’t have to. Tatooine gets its two Senators.
Anakin meets with Senator Amidala in her office, to thank her.
“Of course,” she said. “I remember a little boy who helped free my planet- how could I not help you when you needed it?”
“Uhh, thanks, yeah, that’s, really nice of you. Like your hair. Which is nice. In an objective sort of way,” Anakin says, because there is no universe in which Anakin is not a complete idiot in front of Padme. “I named my rancor after you,” he blurts.
Before Anakin is scheduled to leave Coruscant, the Jedi send a knight to scope out the new planetary leader. Obi-Wan Kenobi shows up at Anakin’s hotel room, and goes “Oh. It’s.... you.” 
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin grins. He only knew him for about two days when he was nine, but he still greets him like an old friend, like a brother. They fall into easy, teasing conversation. “I thought you were dead, I confess, after you disappeared from Naboo,” Obi-Wan admits. “I am truly sorry that I was unable to fulfill Qui-Gon’s promise to train you as a Jedi Knight.”
“That’s ok,” Anakin waves his hand dismissively. “I got trained as a Sith instead.” Then he freezes. Oops. He was not supposed to say that. Maul would be so disappointed in him.
“Beg pardon?” Obi-Wan says.
“I, uhh, got trained, as a, uh, sift...er? Instead? A sand sifter? I sift sand for a living?”
“You said Sith.”
“No I didn’t, I definitely said sift.”
“No, you said Sith.”
“I definitely did not.”
Anakin changes the subject, and Obi-Wan lets it drop. He’ll tell the Council, of course, but he honestly cannot fathom the concept of this kid being a Sith. He senses nothing Dark about him- well, at least no more dark than is present in any sentient. Besides, it’s not like there are any Sith Lords around anymore, ever since he killed Maul (luckily, Obi-Wan doesn’t see the picture in Anakin’s wallet, a candid shot 3PO took in the cockpit of their family’s ship. Fifteen-year-old Anakin, at the controls, hyperbrake still on with his hands on the hyperdrive lever, Maul, standing behind him, hands gripping Anakin’s seat and face distorted half-way through a panic-induced rant about flight safety, and Shmi, sitting in the co-pilot’s seat, laughter on her face and knitting needles in her hands).
Anakin contacts his mother, tells her the good news. The Council, moving with alacrity, elects Tatooine’s first Senators. And four days later, one year after the Dawn of Freedom, Senator Shmi Skywalker and Senator Ooutrigh (a Tusken warrior) of Tatooine arrive on Coruscant and address the Senate for the first time. 
Of course, while Anakin has been growing up, planning for Tatooine’s future, and annoying the shit out of Maul, Palpatine’s own plans have continued apace. Barely four months after Tatooine is admitted to the Republic, Obi-Wan finds himself in an arena on Geonosis. The battle goes much differently this time, partially due to the fact that Anakin has retrofitted the cargo bay of his family’s ship to house Padme (the rancor, not the Senator), and descends onto the Arena sands just as Yoda and the Clone Troops arrive, and deposits both Padme’s (the rancor, and the Senator) into the melee. 
“Hi, Obi-Wan!” Anakin calls, whipping out his lightsaber to deflect the hail of blaster bolts (Maul would disapprove, but Maul isn’t here, he’s ten clicks away, chasing down the Jedi dropout Sidious replaced him with). 
“Anakin, what the FUCK” Obi-Wan says, staring at Chief Councilor Anakin Skywalker of Tatooine, riding a rancor and swinging an honest-to-Force yellow lightsaber. 
“Master Yoda, what the FUCK” Anakin says, later, after the battle is over, when he finally gets Yoda to answer his questions about the clone troopers. “You found out about an entire-ass army of slave child soldiers commissioned AND PAID FOR by one of your own council members, and your reaction is ‘oh thank goodness, now we have an army?’ What the FUCK is WRONG with you?!” Yoda tries to explain to Councilor Skywalker that the situation was dire, they’d had no choice, but Councilor Skywalker just keeps repeating “AN ARMY OF SLAVE CHILD SOLDIERS” at him. “No choice, we had,” Yoda says yet again.
“BULLSHIT, you had no choice!” Anakin yells. “You could have chosen to not use the entire army of slave child soldiers that you legally own!”
“Let Kenobi and the others die, you would have? Hmm?”
“PROBABLY, YEAH!” Anakin hollers (”Thanks,” mutters Obi-Wan). “Sometimes the choices you have all really suck, but you still have to make them! You can’t just pretend you didn’t have any options, you HAD OPTIONS, and you chose the one that involved using a SLAVE ARMY OF CHILD SOLDIERS.” He gestures behind him to the battlefield, where clone troopers and medics are moving amongst the bodies, white and red stark against the sand, tallying their dead brothers.
Yoda shakes his head. “emotional, you are, young Skywalker.” he said. “Cloud your judgement, your feelings do.” 
“Yeah, I’m fucking emotional!” Anakin practically screams. “I have personal beef with slavery, so excuse me if I feel emotions about it. Your problem is that you’re able to use an ARMY OF SLAVE CHILD SOLDIERS and not feel bad about it! Your lack of emotions is clouding YOUR judgement!” He stomps off. Yoda shakes his head. Skywalker is young, and too close to the issue of slavery to really have perspective on it. He does not understand. It was a great loss to the Jedi Order when the Council rejected him, all those years ago- if he had been trained as a Jedi, he would have learned to put aside his emotions about slavery, and he would have understood why it was necessary now. If Anakin could have heard what Yoda was thinking, he would have turned right back around, picked Yoda up, and punted him like a limmie ball.
Anakin and Maul return to Tatooine. Maul offers to assassinate the entire Jedi Council, but Anakin says no. He’s still fuming about his conversation with Yoda. He knows he gets emotional. He knows that Yoda isn’t entirely wrong- he knows he lets his emotions cloud his judgement sometimes. It’s something he’s worked hard on, over the years, him and Maul. How to take a step back from the emotions howling in your head, and how to view the situation without them getting in the way. And what kinds of situations you should let your emotions guide you. Anakin thinks he’s damn well entitled to strong emotions about slavery. 
Short of declaring war on the entire Jedi Order, Anakin doesn’t know what to do about the Republic’s slave army. The Tatooine Council releases a public condemnation of it, explicitly calling it slavery and calling for the clones to be freed. The Council seriously debates joining the Separatists, until Padme (the Senator, not the Rancor) and Shmi look in-depth at the Separatist Council, which is buried deep in the pockets of corporate interests. Shmi files a lawsuit, under the Republic’s anti-slavery legislation, suing for the freedom of the clones. It’s a battle of miserable inches, and meanwhile, the war rages.
With Dooku gone, Sidious’s only means of controlling the Separatists is through Grievous and Ventress, both of whom are loose cannons whose loyalty (and competence) he seriously doubts. It’s frustrating for him, and not necessarily better for the Jedi and their army (of slave child soldiers). Sidious needs to keep the war in careful balance, neither side gaining too much ground, to draw it out and grind the Jedi down and manipulate their public image until he can heap all the blame on them. Without Dooku to pass down his orders, he has no way of keeping a firm check on the Separatist Council, and the Seps are in serious danger of completely overrunning the Republic. The droid army is fifty times as many as the clones, and the Separatists have the Trade Federation, the Banking Clans, and all of the major military tech corporations on their side. Honestly, it’s a testament to the Jedi and the Clone Army that they haven’t lost the war in the first month.
Speaking of that first month, Anakin doesn’t spend long on uninvolved in the war. Scant weeks after Geonosis, the Separatist Army threatens to roll right over Tatooine on their way to gaining control of the Outer Rim Hyperlanes. Tatooine has no army, doesn’t even have a police force. It has no fleet, no orbital defenses, and the droid army headed their way has ten times more droids than there are guns on the planet. The Council faces a choice. Ask the Republic to send in the GAR to defend them- ask for an army of slaves to be sent to die on Tatooine, to stain the sand with enslaved blood so soon after Tatooine clawed her way to freedom, or do nothing, and almost certainly ensure the annihilation of Tatooine and her people. To die, or to live by the blood of slaves who died for you. It’s not a pretty choice.
In the end, the choice is taken away from them (and perhaps it’s a kindness, that they weren’t forced to choose, perhaps it’s the coward’s way out, but it is what it is). A GAR cruiser shows up in orbit, and the Council is hailed by a man identifying himself as Captain Rex, commanding officer of the 501st legion of the GAR.
“The Republic sent you here?” Anakin asks, incredulously. 
“Well, not exactly.” Captain Rex hedges. “The 501st is due for leave on Kamino, but the hyperdrive was making funny noises, so we decided to stop off in the nearest Republic system to check it out.” Rex shrugs. “If a bunch of tinnies just so happen to show up, it’s not like we’ll just sit back and watch.”
“Why are you doing this?” Anakin asks the clone captain, once they’ve got him on planet and in the council room. He’s got a lump in his throat, and his eyes are stinging. The 501st has no Jedi on board, no natborn officers, and no orders to go to Tatooine. Rex and the 501st showed up here of their own free will. Because they wanted to. To defend Tatooine.
“Geonosis.” Rex says. “On Geonosis, you saved the lives of over two hundred of us. Including me. We couldn’t stand by and let your planet fall to the Separatists, Councilor Skywalker.”
After the battle, during the cleanup, when Tatooinians are passing through the rows of injured, giving out water- giving out life- Rex tells Anakin the other reason.
“We all know about Tatooine, sir.” He says, quietly. “A bunch of slaves who stood up and said “no,” and took their freedom.” He shrugs. “Stories like that, it gives us hope. For the future.” He fixes Anakin with a stare. “If we let that hope die, we die too. Tatooine cannot fall.”
That is the first time Anakin and Rex fight together. Somehow, when the 501st leaves Tatooine, Anakin goes with them- officially, as a consultant/observer, appointed at the request of Senator Skywalker to observe the GAR and monitor the health and wellbeing of the troopers. Unofficially, Anakin and Rex become a lethal team, making the 501st one of the most effective legions in the Galaxy. Anakin isn’t dumb. He knows he’s being a massive hypocrite, running around with an army of slave child soldiers. Rex, however, insists that it’s different.
“First of all, we asked you to come with us.” he says. “Second of all, it’s not like you staying behind would have made any difference in our situation. And besides, scrapping clankers isn’t the only reason I asked you to come with us.” Anakin raises an eyebrow.
And Rex introduces Anakin to his older brother, Cody, commander of the 212th (Anakin is happy to see Obi-Wan again, but appalled to meet Obi-Wan’s fourteen-year-old togruta padawan, because why would you put a CHILD in a warzone, in a COMMAND POSITION). And Cody brings Anakin in on The Plan. The clones will not remain slaves forever, and they will not wait for some elusive promise of gratitude after the war is over. They will take their freedom, and they will defend their own, and they’re asking Anakin, who freed the slaves of Tatooine, to help them do it. 
“So basically, you want me on as a consultant.”
“Basically, yeah.” Cody says. “And also as a guy with a lightsaber who can leap fifty feet into the air and dodge blaster bolts. Those are always handy to have around.”
So Anakin and Rex and Cody, and Cody’s small circle of commanders, lay their plans. And in the meantime, there’s a war to fight. Shmi’s still on Tatooine, but Maul comes with Anakin and the 501st. He and Rex get along like a house on fire, but you wouldn’t know it from watching them- they do nothing but argue and needle each other. Rex sarcastically calls Maul “Commander Maul” because it pisses him off so much, and it catches on with the whole legion. Maul constantly mutters about murdering and/or poisoning Rex.
But after Ventress almost chokes Rex to death, and breaks into his mind to make him do her bidding, Maul doesn’t leave Rex alone for a week, and clutches his hand tightly in the medbay. Rex doesn’t mention it, so neither does Anakin. 
Padme, on the other hand, makes no secret of how much she loves Rex (the Rancor, not the Senator, though she likes him too). Padme seems to have concluded that Rex is some sort of long-lost hatchling, and can be seen chasing Rex down the hangar bay, trying to corral him into the nest she’s constructed in the corner reserved for her. Rex gets used to surprise cuddles from a massive predator.
The Jedi Council are at their wit’s end with Skywalker, but their hands are full and honestly, he’s a benefit to the war effort, so they assign Obi-Wan to “supervise” the legion, and leave them to it. Obi-Wan and Anakin strike up a deep friendship, unfettered by the baggage that comes with being master and padawan. Obi-Wan finds himself having serious questions about the Jedi’s role in the war, since Anakin is not at all shy about challenging him on the whole “slave army of child soldiers” thing. Obi-Wan is also, quite frankly, too busy to effectively teach a padawan, and by this point, he knows that Anakin’s had some sort of Force training. He’s fought beside him enough to be confident in his skills, and often sends Ahsoka on extended missions with the 501st, and explicitly begs Anakin to help him fill in the gaps in her training. Anakin obliges enthusiastically. 
Of course, Maul helps train her too. Obi-Wan shows up on the Resolute one day to pick her up, and asks how her training’s going. 
“Great!” She says. “Skyguy’s weird uncle is teaching me jar’kai-”
“Anakin has an uncle?” Obi-Wan asks, surprised. “Who knows jar’kai?”
And so Obi-Wan and Maul meet once again. And Obi-Wan is just absolutely pole-axed. 
“Darth Maul?” He splutters. “Is your uncle?” 
“Not biologically,” Anakin shrugs. “He practically raised me, along with my mom. He taught me everything I know about lightsabers and the Force.”
“...you did say Sith, Anakin, you bastard, sand-sifting MY ASS-”
“Oh, it’s you.” Maul says. “I won’t kill you, but only because Anakin likes you.” Obi-Wan throws up his hands.
Somehow, Obi-Wan and Maul come to an understanding. Somehow, Obi-Wan doesn’t turn him over to the council. 
At one point, a giant of a zabrak, easily eight feet tall, with skin a poisonous yellow, shows up, claiming that Maul is his brother, and that he’s here to bring him home to Dathomir. Maul takes one look at Savage and goes “Fuck that”. “I will train you in the ways of the Force,” he says. “I can show you power like you’ve never wielded before.” he says. “You shall be a great and feared Sith Lord,” he says. “Have some hot chocolate, you look cold,” he says. “Put on a sweater.” Savage, slightly bemused, comes to terms with the fact that he’s just been adopted.
It’s Maul who figures it out, of course. How could he not? He was raised by Sidious. He knows how devious he is, how his plans have layers upon layers, backups upon backups, contingencies stacked from here to the Outer Rim. Once Sidious moves, you can be sure that any reasonable outcome will be in his favor, because he has completely engineered the situation before you were even aware it existed.
The Sith caused the war and are playing both sides. The Sith caused the clones to be commissioned (these things are trivially easy to figure out, if you’re paying attention). The Sith want the Jedi dead.
“Contingencies,” Maul mutters. “It’s always a trap, and there’s always contingencies.”
When he finds the chip in Rex’s head, he shakes with rage and refuses to talk to anyone, fearing, for the first time in years, that he will lose control and hurt someone he loves. It is Rex who talks him down, who manages to get close to him, who embraces him and lets him cry on his shoulder, then scream and rage and punch the walls. When Maul is able to explain, Rex has to choke back his own terrified, horrified sobs. He holds them back, and calmly looks at Maul and says “What are you going to do about it?”
The surgery, they discover, is simple enough. An astromech can do it in two minutes (C2PO can do it in seventy seconds, and Artoo can’t stand it). When Anakin is told, he goes quiet for a minute, and when he looks back up, it is not Anakin, Rex’s friend, Maul’s kid, who is sitting at the table in the briefing room. It is He Who Walks in the Sky, Huttslayer, Breaker of Chains, who looks back at them. Anakin Skywalker has always wanted nothing more than to free all the slaves. And Anakin Skywalker’s destiny has always been to do what he wanted.
They tell Cody. They modify their plans. They quietly contact medics throughout the GAR, and Artoo quietly sends the details to every military astromech he trusts. When the army is safe from Sidious’ control, Anakin, Rex, and Maul conspire to lure him off of Coruscant. Maul takes over Mandalore, exiling the duchess and announcing a New Sith Empire. Sidious shows up, declaring that Maul has become a rival, disowning his former apprentice and attacking him, with intent to kill. Savage loses an arm. Maul almost loses his life. But as he lies on the ground at Sidious’s feet, arms trembling with the effort of holding the parry keeping Sidious’ saber from his throat, he hears “We’ve got the face shot! Go, go go!” in his earpiece. Gunfire, real slugthrowers, difficult to block with a saber, erupts around him. C3PO and his arsenal, along with Fives, Jesse, and Echo, the 501st’s best ARC troopers, open fire on Sidious. The Sith is forced to back away, raising a hand to stop the bullets in midair. Maul leaps to his feet, and Anakin joins him, lightsaber drawn. 
The fight is quick, but brutal. Maul’s hands threaten to tremble with terror, facing down the horror of his childhood, the monster whose treatment of him is woven fundamentally into his psyche, whose shadow has haunted Maul all his life, and still invades his dreams. But he reaches out to his family, to Rex, beside him, steady, full of faith in him, to Anakin, a blazing sun of love and anger, a shield of raw power, and to Shmi, all the way in her Senate offices on Coruscant, cool and calm and soothing like a desert spring as ever-present as the stars. His hands do not tremble. He raises his lightsaber against his master, beside the blade of his son. Together, they beat the Sith Lord back. Anakin binds the Sith’s blade, knees him in the ribs, and while Sidious is thus occupied, Maul cuts his head off.
“You were a terrible parent,” he pants, and spits on the corpse. Then, he collapses, and Rex is there to catch him, and Maul clings to him and shakes, and cries. Anakin reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder, and Rex pulls him in with a look, and together, they surround Maul, a bulwark against the rest of the world, a safe circle for him to fall apart for a little bit. At some point, one of them unstraps the small camera that Maul had been wearing on his chest. Ahsoka has, at that point, already sent the footage to every major news office on Coruscant.
That evening, plastered all over the galactic news, is a video of the Chancellor himself, showing up on a neutral world and attacking its sovereign leader, wielding red lightsabers of all things. And it’s obviously the Chancellor; there’s a clear shot of his face when he knocks Mandalore’s ruler to the ground and the camera gets a good view right up into his hood.
It’s a massive scandal. One tabloid shows the footage with a little counter in the corner, counting up every treaty and galactic law that Palpatine violates onscreen. The only thing that saves Palpatine from impeachment and arrest is the fact that he’s already dead. Inquiries are launched, investigators are sanctioned, documents and hard drives and testimony are subpoena’ed. Padme (the Senator, not the Rancor), spearheads the investigative committee, and within a month, they’ve uncovered decades worth of bribes, backroom deals, contracts with droid manufacturers, clear evidence of Palpatine authorizing Republic funds for weaponry that went straight to the Separatists, and even communication records between the Chancellor and the two military leaders of the Separatists. Grievous and Ventress go into hiding (the Tales of Grievous and Ventress, unlikely buddies forced on an intergalactic road trip on the run from the cops, is a story for a different absurdly long post at 3am). The Separatists break down in chaos, and the war grinds to a halt. In the middle of all the political hurricane, Cody enacts his plan, and the entire GAR simultaneously deserts, and fucks directly off to Tatooine. This ignites another scandal, with Senators calling for Tatooine’s expulsion from the Republic. Shmi stands in her Senate Pod, hands tucked into her roughspun sleeves, listening attentively while Senator Burtoni of Kamino accuses her of theft.
“If Tatooine does not return the stolen military assets, the Senate may sanction the use of force!” the Senator from Ryloth threatens.
“Pardon me,” Shmi says, “May I ask what army the Senate is planning sending to invade Tatooine? I was under the impression that the only Republic army was already there.” There’s a bit of an awkward silence.
In the middle of the shitstorm, before Shmi is arrested and Anakin declared an enemy of the state, Shmi’s lawsuit finally receives a ruling. And just like that, the clones are legally free. And the judge orders the Senate to pay reparations. Anakin cackles with glee when he hears. 
Rex and Cody, with the full support of the people of Tatooine, begin the long, hard, work of resettling their brothers and building a life for the vod’e. Shmi files a lawsuit against the Zygerrian Empire. Savage receives a new arm, courtesy of Anakin, who may or may not have added a few extra utilities to it. Ahsoka is knighted, and controversially invites Anakin to be present at the ceremony, along with Obi-Wan. Maul admits, very quietly and where only Rex can hear, that he doesn’t actually want to poison him. “I know,” Rex says, smiling at him. Anakin, meanwhile, finally marries Padme, the love of his life (the Senator, not the Rancor).
And in Mos Eisly, there is a stone slab, pulled from a crumbled wall and stuck upright in the ground in the middle of the square. No one knows who put it there, but someone carved fifty-seven names into the stone. The fifty-seven names of the clone troopers who died defending Tatooine from the Separatist army, at the beginning of the war. The last slaves to spill their blood on the sands of Tatooine.
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katelynnwrites · 4 years
pairing: Ezra Bridger x f!Reader
warnings: angst
summary: For reasons unknown to you, Ezra has been distancing himself from you and it’s hurting you.
word count: 802
Febuwhump Prompt: ‘I can’t take this anymore’ (Day 2)
‘She likes you too you know?’ Hera smiled at the blue haired boy who had been staring at you. His eyes were fixated on every movement of yours, tracking you as you helped Sabine with her newest art piece. The same blue haired boy who was so clearly in love with you, the newest member of the Ghost crew.
‘Hera I don’t think-’ Ezra looked back down at the supplies he was supposed to be sorting through, blushing furiously.
Chuckling softly, she nodded her head towards you, ‘You would be good together.’
With that, she left the boy whom she considered her son to his thoughts.
After that, Ezra was much more careful around you. He distanced himself from you, going out of his way to avoid you. Every day that he pushed you away felt like you were getting closer to losing him. It was killing you, the distance between the both of you. And it was made even worse by you not knowing why he was doing this.
Hera being the space mom that she is, picked up on his tactics immediately. She didn’t comment on it at first, hoping that he would come to his senses.
One day after she watched him make himself too busy to talk to you, she asked, ‘Ezra? Why do you keep pushing Y/n away?’ He had not shown any sign of stopping and she decided that she needed to intervene before yours and Ezra’s friendship became truly ruined.
‘She’s my best friend. I don’t want to ruin what we already have.’ Ezra replied, distracting himself by tinkering with his lightsaber. Anything that would help him forget the image of your hurt expression.
Hera stood still for another moment, knowing that there was another bigger reason behind his actions.
Sure enough, she was right. Ezra stopped his tinkering and there was a short moment of silence.
‘I don’t want to lose her.’ Ezra’s voice was quiet but in it, Hera could hear how much it scared him. The very idea of losing you terrified him. He wanted to be your friend...well more than just your friend but he couldn’t bring himself to admit his feelings to you. He couldn’t help thinking that if you didn’t feel the same way, things would never be the same between the two of you.
‘You may lose her this way too.’ Hera’s tone had a note of finality in it that made his heart stop.
You approached Ezra with the datapad that Hera had just given you.
‘Hey. You and I have been assigned a supply run tomorrow.’
Ezra didn’t look up from the supplies he was sorting through and hummed noncommittally.
‘The details are on the datapad.’ You continued. Once again, he made a small indifferent noise and you felt something in you break.
‘That’s it? What’s wrong? Why won’t you talk to me?’ You felt tears stinging your eyes as Ezra finally looked up.
‘Did I do something wrong? Please Ezra, just tell me if I did. I can’t keep- I can’t take this anymore!’
Tears were spilling onto your cheeks as you turned to flee the room.
Right as you crossed the doorway, Ezra grabbed your arm to stop you moving further.
‘Ezra! I-’ The rest of your sentence was cut off as he pulled you towards him and pressed his lips to yours.
Unconsciously, your hands moved to rest on his shoulders as you kissed him back. The hand holding your arm suddenly let go, only to travel to your waist as he tugged you all the more closer to him.
Too soon, he pulled away.
‘I’m sorry. For hurting you. I didn’t mean to...’ He quietly said, stepping slowly away from you. Almost as if he was afraid of you.
Your eyes widened, suddenly realizing the reason for his distance. ​He was afraid you would reject him.
‘Look at me Ezra.’ You commanded softly, lifting your hand to gently trace the twin scars left by the Grand Inquisitor’s lightsaber.
Ezra’ blue blue eyes met yours as you brought your other hand up to cup his cheek.
He didn’t pull away from your touch and instead found himself leaning into it.
Tiptoeing, you pressed your lips lightly against his. Resting your forehead against his, you murmur ‘I love you.’
You didn’t need the Force to read his emotions. Ezra was still for another moment before he ever so carefully placed one of his hands on the back of your neck while the other returned to your waist. Leaning down to brush his lips against yours, you smiled against his lips.
This time, when he pulled away; his lips broke into a grin. ‘I love you too.’
Through the doorway, Hera smiled to herself before quietly making her way back to the cockpit.
Ezra Bridger Tag List:
Febuwhump Tag List:
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
father figure
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader (though there’s not much jedi-ing just dumbassery on Obi’s part)
summary: Obi-Wan feels unneeded. You’re there to remind him he’s not. Idk how to summarize hahdjfn
a/n: I just love this scene from episode III so much, it’s my hc that it’s happened before. This is my first fic I’m ever posting in my six years of tumblr! I’m so excited to share it with you guys. Feedback and comments are incredibly welcome, and I’m always here for a chat! I hope you guys enjoy :-)
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Obi-Wan is no stranger to failure.
In fact, depending on the point of view, he was quite familiar with it - his years as a youngling held many a blunder, and one didn’t reach the status as a well-respected Jedi Master without learning from many, many mistakes.
Still, he can’t help but admit that the feeling of messing up utterly sucked.
His former student, on the other hand, seems to be perfectly amicable with the experience - if he even stopped to acknowledge the instances in the first place. Even at 20 years old, Anakin is as nonchalant as ever when it comes to getting caught in a sticky situation.
Like right now, as the pair of them dangle from an absurdly long curtain out of the window of a Coruscanti high rise, 80-some floors in the air.
Obi-Wan struggles against the breeze and tightens his grip around Anakin’s neck, biting back a groan. Normally, he’d have the sense to feel embarrassed clinging to his Padawan like a human backpack, but his head is still spinning from a backhanded hit from a Devaronian - the very blow that had sent him and Anakin crashing through the window, at the mercy of the expensive fabric that shaded every room of the building they were currently hanging from.
“How’re you holding up, Master?” Anakin grunts, and Obi-Wan is unsure if the pun is intended or not. He decides to ignore it entirely.
“This is why I always tell you to think these plans through -“ a gust of wind ruffles both of their hair, “so we don’t end up in such predicaments.”
He wishes he could have one uneventful week on leave. It’s not enough that his time on the frontlines looks to have no foreseeable end, but even between missions, trouble seems to follow his makeshift family to the capital city. He only hopes Ahsoka is studying in the archives as he’d instructed her to before Anakin had dragged him away to pursue a pair of slythmongers meeting at a swanky hotel in the derrick major.
Apparently, he had overheard the details of the transaction on his way back from a lunch out - from the Senate District, no less - and had been on his merry way before his old master had stopped him. Obi-Wan was pretty sure Anakin was trying to find any excuse to get out of his scheduled session to train the younglings at the temple, but he couldn’t argue against interrupting a smuggling ring, especially when it had to do with drugs. He still remembered the havoc that had followed when Vos and Aayla had been forced to take glitteryll and had temporarily lost their memories...
And if there’s one thing Obi-Wan hates, it’s letting Anakin throw himself in the path of danger under his watch. Force knows that boy will drag Obi-Wan to an early, stress-filled grave.
Anakin pauses before speaking. “Master, this was your idea.”
Right - that too.
“My idea was to wait and see if we could catch the person that orchestrated the deal along with the smugglers, to have patience,” he tries not to sound too defensive, but multitasking while trying to find a foothold on the slippery glass of the window pane is near impossible, and maintaining his usually cool exterior is not a price he’s willing to pay for falling to his death. He isn’t sure he could use the Force to break his fall with a mild concussion.
“Honestly, Master, I appreciate your help, but you really didn’t have to come.” Anakin’s metal fingers flex around the curtain. “My arms are getting a little tired holding the both of us.”
Obi-Wan bristles at the comment. “We wouldn’t even be in this situation if you hadn’t snuck off to see Senator Amidala during her afternoon recess.”
“Yes, and there would still be an illegal drug deal happening right now, so I’m not sure I’m getting your point.”
“My point is,” he snaps, readjusting his grip, “none of this will have been worth it if one of them wakes up and finds us in such a comprising position.” Obi-Wan knows he dropped his lightsaber before the fall. Judging by both of Anakin’s hands gripping the curtain fabric - that is positively straining under the burden of their weight - his saber is either in the room as well, or smashed to irreparable bits on the ground below. Obi-Wan groans internally. Wouldn’t be the first time.
He feels Anakin tense under him, and his hair itches Obi-Wan’s face as he tilts his head up. “Well, we’re about to test that theory, because someone’s coming.” Anakin’s voice is tinged with unpunctual worry as Obi-Wan finally senses the rapid footsteps towards the shattered window. Maker, he got hit hard.
But he’s sure he can recognize the familiar presence anywhere, and sure enough, your head pops out of the window as he swallows his enlivenment down with a smile.
“What,” you stare down at the both of them, and Obi-Wan is sure that the view must be positively comical from where you’re standing, “are you doing?”
You’re much less happier to see them than Obi-Wan is to see you, and he wonders if your incredulous exasperation is directed towards him or Anakin. Probably both.
“Waiting for you to save the day, of course,” he quips. You snort in response, and he notes the glow of your hair in the mid-afternoon sunlight. If you weren’t looking like you were completely done with him, and his head wasn’t throbbing incessantly, and he wasn’t dangling hundreds of feet in the air, he might have admired the sight of you.
He always did have a penchant for having ill-timed observations.
Anakin interrupts his thought with a strained plea for assistance before you finally reach your hand out to grab his flesh one, though not before shaking your head.
“I swear, it’ll be your own stupidity that will kill you two before the war does.” Though your voice is stern, Obi-Wan can see the affectionate relief in your eyes as he’s pulled up by the both of you. “And you can bet that I won’t always be there to save your sorry skins.”
Yep, Obi-Wan thinks, it’s both.
It’s a short ride back to the temple in the air taxi you’d commandeered on the way to their rescue, though how you’d even known to come, Obi-Wan has no clue. He’d been sent to the back seat while Anakin occupied the passenger beside you, meekly tinkering with his mechno-arm with the occasional guilty glance back at his master. Though you’d been humoured upon finding them in the hotel, you’d been silent the whole ride, save for a tired demand of Anakin’s recap of the disastrous operation. Though, to their credit - they had successfully apprehended the slythmongers present. Even if it was only because you’d arrived with the police.
Obi-Wan knows that despite you being the midpoint between his and Anakin’s ages, Anakin still sees you as a substitute parent, especially since you’d been the one to comfort the former Padawan in his worst hours of homesickness. Despite no longer being the same innocent child from Tatooine, Anakin still hates to disappoint you. It’s written all over his face, clear as day for Obi-Wan to see.
What he can’t tell, however, is if you are as disappointed as your silence suggests. You certainly don’t look mad, but you haven’t met his gaze since you’d pulled him from the window.
It’s starting to get to him too.
Soon, you’ve arrived at the Temple, docking smoothly to a stop as Anakin turns to you with a rare look of remorse. “Thanks for saving our skins back there, Master.” His tone is sincere, as it always is with you. “Who knows how long we’d have been hanging there if you hadn’t showed up.”
You blink at him in acknowledgment, a corner of your mouth lifting slightly. “As much as I enjoy spending time in the crèche, maybe inform me fully the next time you ask me to cover a training session so you can run off to fight crime?”
Anakin nods enthusiastically, and sends Obi-Wan one last look before reaching for the door to leave.
“Be sure to report to Master Yoda so he can reschedule your instruction slot,” you call as he exits the speeder. “You’ll learn to handle the younglings yet, Skywalker.”
And then, you’re alone. And he’s nervous.
Not necessarily because of your uncharacteristic demeanor, though he is still trying to get a read on you. More than that, he’s on edge with the same nagging feeling he always gets when he’s around you, amplified whenever the two of you are by yourselves. While you’re the person Obi-Wan feels most at ease with, at home with - he also can’t deny the persistent tug that pulls his heart towards you every time you look his way.
But right now, you’re not. You’re gazing at the distant traffic ahead of you, gently tapping the bend of your elbow. Obviously deep in thought.
Obi-Wan stares at you from his seat, unsure whether to speak first. “Thank you,” he begins, “not just for the save. You could have been much harsher with him, and you weren’t. I appreciate it.”
“From what I heard, Obi-Wan, you’re just as much to blame for that spectacular plan,” your voice is much sharper now, and Obi-Wan winces at the irony that he’s just thanked you for the lenience you’re now depriving him of. “If not more.”
He knows he shouldn’t push you while you’re like this. He can tell you’re bothered, but why, he doesn’t know. Why are you so concerned?
“To be fair, I couldn’t let Anakin go charging in alone.”
“Honestly, I thought you’d know better than to try and stop him by now.”
He can’t help the surprise that paints his face as his eyes flash up to yours. It certainly isn’t what he’d expected you to say. “What?”
Finally, finally, you turn sideways in your seat and your gaze meets his, and even though he’s as confused as he’s ever been around you, the sight of your eyes is enough to placate him a fraction. Still, he’s bewildered at your statement. He clears his throat before speaking again. “You expect me to just let him loose on the galaxy? The boy’s only just become a knight, and only because of the need sparked by the war.”
“That’s exactly the point, Obi, he’s a knight,” you’re quick to reply, though your expression softens as you utter the nickname. “You can’t be looming over his shoulder anymore. You shouldn’t be. Force’s sake, he’s got a Padawan of his own now.”
“Only just,” Obi-Wan replies stubbornly, and later he’ll chalk it up to the concussion for his behavior. But deep down, he knows you’re right. He’d been inserting himself into Anakin’s missions. And until now, he hadn’t recognized the reason why.
Anakin had grown up.
Anakin had grown up, and he didn’t need him anymore.
Obi-Wan was well aware that he’d trained the boy as best he could. The pride that engulfed him every time he looked at Anakin was no secret, especially to you. But there would always be the painful reminder of abandonment along with it, almost as persistent as his fondness for you. Those feelings, at least, were kept hidden down deep. He still had a reputation to maintain, after all, but it’s hard to combat your incessant empathy. Not that he’s complaining.
You reach for his hand where it’s gripping the back of your seat. “Oh, Obi-Wan,” your voice is a murmur that has him leaning forwards to hear. “I know.” You fix with a firm look, as if you’re repeating the words with your gaze. He swears you can see right through him. You’ve always been better at emotions between the two of you.
“Promise me,” you blink at him with knowing eyes, “that you’ll end the secret chaperoning. Otherwise, he’ll never get over his father figure issues with you.”
“His - what?” Obi-Wan blurts out for the second time, and you pull away and laugh. A beat passes before you shake your head again.
“Don’t tell me you’re not aware, Obi. We don’t have the time to walk through it. You should be with the healers by now.” You shift to exit the speeder as well, and he finds himself chasing your hand before moving to leave himself. You approach a Padawan on the platform and instruct him to return the taxi with payment as Obi-Wan regains his composure and falls in line with you towards the Temple.
“You know, I don’t remember you claiming the role of the ‘responsible one’,” he jokes, despite the dull buzz in his head. He feels lighthearted now, better, even.
You smile softly at him, but he can tell you’re suppressing the urge to roll your eyes. “We rotate the duty around. Maker knows you’re not actually the goody-two-shoes Master Yoda thinks you are, joining your Padawan’s escapades the first chance you get. Do I need to remind you why you had to cut off the mullet?”
“Because you like me better with short hair?” He grins boyishly back at you, pushing down the desire to touch hands again. “I do promise, you know. No more trying to reign him in. I suppose the day was bound to come when he’d leave me behind.”
He smothers the twinge of regret with an amused tone, but still, he knows you sense it. He’s thankful, anyhow. There never was a need for explanations with you.
“He’ll always need you, Obi-Wan. We all will.” You punctuate the comment with a lingering pat on his arm, and Obi-Wan’s heart tugs again. No attachments, a voice in his head reminds him.
But he hopes it’s true what you say. He’d hate to see you leave him behind, too.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
#YEEEESSSS#I love the idea that he found her holocron on tython!#and that he was drawn to it without even knowing why#(and maybe it helped him find a little peace even though he didn't realize it 👀👀👀 that seems like an endrali thing to do)#and SMOOCHES YES#they both deserve all the smooches#they are so sweet 💖💖#I also see you share my headcanon that arcann is very good at fixing/tinkering with things#trained to forge his own armor + lightsaber + cybernetic arm + a side of trust issues and/or social anxiety = tinkering hobby (haledamage)
:D :D :D I’ve headcanoned about Arcann finding her holocron since... not long after deciding she was gonna romance him, actually. I love the Consular’s Rishi quest(it’s probably my fave), and being able to tie it back into her story so far down the road makes me so happy. Doing it by having Arcann find Endrali’s holocron, and then hold on to it even though it’s broken, was just the cherry on top. ^^ Her holocron did help him find peace--Tython in general does that, but the holocron gives it a nice boost--bc that is a very Endrali thing to do. Arcann’s felt it, others have felt it; she radiates peace. It only makes sense her holocron would, too.
After writing three pre-relationship pieces, I had to set this one after they’re together. 🥰 (I’d put it post-Nathema Conspiracy but pre-Ossus) They do deserve some smooches. (I have another one 3/4 done that’s also with them together :3 before we return to the build-up)
Yes, absolutely, I feel like Arcann’s good with his hands in general, but with the comments about being trained to craft his own armor etc, I definitely see tinkering as a big hobby for him.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
For 50 types of kisses. With my favorite swtor couple, Corellan and Kira.
Lets do 7 and 12
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Kira Carsen hopped down from the Alliance shuttle and onto the pad of the hangar on Odessen as it landed, feeling elated. She’d been gone for a week while on Tatooine; one of the hottest, driest, most unpleasant planets in the galaxy. She’d spent most of that time fighting rakghouls, nightmare creatures born out of Sith alchemy, and managing a team of individuals with a rather “diverse” mix of personalities and ambitions, as well as coordinating with the independent THORN agency (The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization, what a dumb acronym.) all to bring the Rakghoul outbreak on Tatooine under control.
For those reasons alone, she had good reason to be pleased to be back on Odessen, a place that – in just the two months since her rescue from carbonite – had become like home. This mission had been the longest she’d been separated from Corellan Halcyon since she’d joined, and that was an even more important reason to her.
But to her own surprise, there was another reason why she was truly in such a happy mood:  
Her mission had been a success.
Her mission. She’d been team leader for this one. She wasn’t playing second-fiddle to anyone.
And she’d found – over the course of the week – that she had a knack for it. She’d learned to appreciate the crew of Alliance personnel she’d been assigned. Blizz – the Jawa mechanic, a native of Tatooine – had been incredibly resourceful, and was adorable, besides. "Deadeye" Leyta, the Selonian gunslinger, had a ruthless streak, but Kira could relate to her desire to protect the people she cared about. HK-51 – the same hunter-killer droid who’d joined their crew on select operations years before – was still a sociopath, but his sense of humor was starting to grow on her. Doctor Lokin – the former Imperial scientist and expert on the Rakghouls – was as tricky as Corellan had (privately) warned her. But he was also as brilliant as Corellan had said, and in just a few days – using only the gear from his field kit – he had successfully adapted an effective vaccine to this new ‘Tatooine strain’ of the Rakghoul plague, as Lokin himself had dubbed it. THORN was already distributing synthesized versions of Lokin’s vaccine and achieved containment.  
Xalek… was Xalek. The Kaleesh Sith was arguably the bluntest individual she’d ever met. Even the other Sith in the Alliance didn’t seem to care for him. But she had to admit, he was (almost) as good with a double-bladed lightsaber as Kira herself was, and he followed orders when told to protect their support teams.
She wondered for a moment if this was how Corellan had felt. First with his old crew, and now with the whole Alliance. It had worked out. And the mission had given her a greater appreciation for what the Eternal Alliance truly stood for.
The whole experience had given her a greater sense of belonging.
Kira looked around the hangar, somewhat disappointed that there was no one there to greet her. The flight deck officer gave her a casual smile and a nod, then proceeded to take stock of the shuttle’s condition and fueling levels. A few other individuals around the hangar tossed glances her way, exchanging a whispered word to their fellows.    
She felt much more confident about that sort of thing now than she had a week ago.  
(Kira didn’t want to admit that she was a little disappointed that he wasn’t there to greet her. Corellan Halcyon had a whole Alliance to run, after all. He couldn’t afford to be seen running off every time the love of his life came back from a mission. But she was certain he was on-planet nearby; she could feel him through the Force.)
Behind her, the rest of the team – her team started to walk down the shuttle’s loading ramp.
Doctor Lokin already had his datapad out, preparing a report as he walked. The scientist had seemed quite pleased with their results. Leyta – who had been piloting the ship – was assisting the flight deck officer with checking in their shuttle. Xalek and HK were making themselves useful, carrying a crate of Lokin’s equipment and genetic samples to the labs. Blizz sauntered past Kira with backpack full of used THORN equipment he’d recovered that he seemed certain he could do something with. The small creature looked up at Kira, happily.
“Blizz thank red-haired big boss friend lady for taking Blizz on trip!” He chirped up at her in Jawaese Trade Language. “Blizz enjoy seeing old home – but good to be back on new home!”
Kira smirked at his excitement.
“Don’t mention it, Blizz. I hope we work together again soon.”
“Blizz hope so, too!” he gave her a wave, then walked off with his catch. No doubt he was headed for his work bench at the Underworld Logistics section of the base. The Jawa had proven an impressive tinkerer, so maybe his side project would result in something after all.    
As Xalek and HK hauled their cargo off, Lokin paused in his deliberations to regard Kira. The older man’s smile was somehow grandfatherly, charming, and creepy all at the same time. As Corellan had confided to her privately, he was someone to watch closely.
“I must echo our small companion’s sentiments, Knight Carsen.” He bowed to her. Lokin had taken to addressing her by her old title, even though Kira wasn’t even sure if she qualified as a Jedi anymore. “This has been a most efficacious expedition, and I must commend your leadership and skill. I do hope we are assigned to another operation soon.”
Kira found – much to her surprise – that her smile back to Eckard Lokin was genuine, and not forced like it had been earlier in the week.
“Thank you, Doctor.” She kept her tone and choice of words formal. “Your work was as impressive as advertised. I would certainly ask to work with you again.”    
“I am quite gratified to hear that.” Lokin’s smile turned into a toothy grin for just a second.
Yeah. He could be creepy. Kira thought to herself. She wondered how much of his behavior was intentional, and how much of it was just his nature.
“I’ll get started on my follow-up research right away.” He continued. “I would be elated if you could please inform the command staff that my preliminary findings will be submitted for review by oh-nine-hundred hours tomorrow morning.”
“No problem.” She nodded, holding his gaze firmly. “I look forward to… reviewing your work, myself.”
“Of course.” Lokin bowed again. “I’ll leave you to your own reports. Congratulations once again.”
With that, he turned and departed, no doubt heading for his laboratory.
Kira exhaled, relieved that she’d held up so well. She’d learned she could deal with the Doctor Lokins of the galaxy.
(Truth be told, she’d never met anyone quite like Doctor Lokin. But that was a problem for another day.)
For now, she had a report to make in the command center. Corellan – along with his advisors – was probably waiting for her there.
Satisfied that Leyta and the support staff had everything else taken care of, Kira headed for the corridor that would lead her to the war room, briefly mulling hitting the showers first. She’d been on Tatooine for a week, a planet where water was a luxury, spending almost half of her time in the Rakghoul tunnels. The brief sonic shower she’d taken at Anchorhead was the most hygienic relief she’d had in that time. Followed up with the day’s travel in the rather cramped shuttle, Kira suspected she could certainly have used the genuine experience of the shower in the quarters she shared with Corellan. It was a tempting prospect. But the Alliance had a reputation for being a ‘rough’ bunch. If she dallied, people – particularly Lana Beniko – might suspect she was trading on her relationship with the Commander, and that was something Kira would never allow.
The Commander. Still strange to think about Corellan that way, even if the role did suit him. He was good at it; the loyalty he commanded from his people was proof of that.
Kira was so distracted by her inner thoughts that she was taken completely unawares when a strong hand reached out seemingly from nowhere, grabbed her by the shoulder, and yanked her into a darkened maintenance closet where the door promptly slammed shut behind her.
Every instinct in Kira’s mind screamed at her to respond to this obvious attack with aggression in kind; to pull her lightsaber from her belt and lash out with the Force at her assailant.
But the Force, her soul – and her heart – all told her to do otherwise.
Kira stifled a gasp as Corellan Halcyon pulled her in for a deep, passionate kiss, pinning her against the sealed metal door. Instinctively, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as her lips tried to reciprocate the affection, only to feel his tongue assert itself possessively, slipping deep into her mouth and tracing her teeth, as if trying to memorize them. Kira released a slow, needing moan as their lips continued to press together for minutes on end. He so rarely took control like this. And the kiss… shavit. She couldn’t remember him kissing her quite like this since that night on Tython so many years ago, when kissing had been fun and mysterious and the ultimate. When the only thing either of them had wanted was to explore and then get lost in each other.
For a few fleeting moments, she almost felt overwhelmed by the sensation pulsing through her mind and body. It was like he was devouring her essence; her very sense of identity. And all she could do in that instant was to moan softly again in contentment.
But no. He would never do that to her. Even for as long as he’d been forced to deal with Vitiate haunting him, he would never become anything like him.
After what felt like an eternity – but still nowhere long enough to satisfy Kira’s sudden want – he released her from the kiss. She caught her breath, feeling like she’d been holding her breath underwater. Even after all that, he didn’t pull back completely, instead letting his forehead press down against hers, her back still against the door. Their breaths were heavy, even as they began synchronizing with each other.
“I missed you.” He whispered.        
In the minimal lighting, she could barely make out his boyish grin.
Kira actually giggled in embarrassment, pressing her hands against his chest. Corellan was the only one who could make her feel girly like this.
But despite that, she was still herself. She was truly part of something special rather than being subsumed by something that wanted to dominate and destroy her. Those fears she’d had as a child on Korriban could not be further from her mind.
Kira trusted him completely.  
“I can tell.” She grinned up at him, eyes sparkling in the dark.
Corellan reached up, gently caressing her cheek as she closed her eyes at his touch.
“I read the preliminary reports.” He whispered. “We’ll do the debriefing with Lana and Theron in just a bit. But I just wanted to welcome you home. And to tell you how proud I am of you.”
Kira chuckled as she cast her eyes downward, relieved that in the dark he probably couldn’t see her blush.
Then again, with their Force bond, she doubted she could fool him.
She’d realized instinctively that he’d used his Force camouflage ability just to surprise her in the corridor just now. It was the first time he’d done something like that since they’d been reunited. And he’d planned it perfectly; no one had seen him grab her in the corridor, which meant there’d be less tongue-wagging and gossip from the rank and file. He’d given her the ‘welcome home’ they’d both wanted without doing anything to undermine her position in the Alliance.
It had been perfect.
On the other hand, her competitive streak was pushing her to… assert herself just a bit.
Just because she’d found her place with the Alliance – and with him – didn’t mean she’d stop being herself.
“Tell me tough guy.” She grinned up at him saucily, reaching down and grabbing him by his belt. “Exactly how long do we have before that debriefing?”
Author’s Notes: Something I really liked about the Echoes of Oblivion story was there were multiple moments in the story where Kira clearly takes the lead, even in the presence of characters like Scourge and Senya who are far more experienced, and the Outlander, who is theoretically the most accomplished warrior in the galaxy regardless of the other variables. She’s the one who comes up with the plan to find the ship. She’s the one who leads the group in the process of ‘Let’s meditate and go into Satele’s mind so we can fight the Emperor’. And so on. It all highlights Kira’s character development; she’s always been driven and now she’s coming into her own as a leader. Even though I don’t plan on taking my fic into that specific story, I did want to capture a measure of that.      
I had another piece of fic planned regarding this mission to Tatooine I’ve alluded to, but I like this, too.
I really like the character of Doctor Lokin. I wish he had more content. The others just seemed to be an interesting mix to me.
Full disclosure - I borrowed some stuff about the kiss from an old John Grisham novel; just a line that always stuck with me.
Roping in the Rakghoul even and THORN just seemed natural. I like to world build in my stories.
Tagging interested parties - @legacyofabsolutewalnuts , @misthios00 , @raven-of-domain-kwaad , @no-name16-21 , @a-muirehen and @jagger127 ! 
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
We Have A Jedi [20] | Peter Parker x Male Reader
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Fandom: Star Wars, Marvel
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male Reader, Tony Stark x Son Reader
Summary: (M/N) and Peter are settling into their new relationship with ease. However the Stark boy can feel whatever he’s been worried about is getting closer.
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Read from the beginning
“So yeah...He’s in prison now and the bank is safe.”
(M/N) listened as Peter finished up telling him about his latest crime fighting endeavor. The two were in Tony’s lab, Peter was upgrading his suit while (M/N) tinkered away at T3. Bwoop. “T3 says good job,he thinks you'd make a great jedi.” The droid did a little happy dance. “Hey watch it! I still have a wrench in you.” The droid stopped at that. Peter let out a laugh at the interaction. “Hey be nice to him! Thank you T3, I think I’d make a good jedi too.”
Peter went back to his suit but his eyes caught something. “Hey what’s this?” He walked over to the container and began looking through it. “Oh, that’s just a project I’ll start someday.” Peter continued to look through it. “It’s all just...scrap? Is this part of you dad’s old suit? And are these...captain america’s leather straps? What exactly are you planning to make?” Peter looked back over to his boyfriend who finished up his work on the droid. “It’s a surprise...and going to be for emergencies only. I still don’t have all the parts anyways.”
“What else are you missing?” (M/N) only put a finger to his mouth. “It’s a surprise.” Before Peter could say anything else Tony walked in. “There’s my favorite boys, dinner’s ready. You staying Peter?” Peter nodded at the older Stark man and Tony caught sight of the box. “Ah! I see you’ve found the mystery box of crap. I’m not exactly sure what he’s planning to do with that but it has scraps of all the avengers in there.” (M/N) stood up from T3 and walked over grabbing the box. “Yes, and it’s important so please keep your hands off.” He playfully glared at them before putting the box away. “Alright. Dinner?”
The sound of blaster fire returned to him. For a while it had seemed like the dreams, the visions, had left him. But tonight proved otherwise. Once again the colors purple and gold flashed. “Keep fighting!” The fighting seemed even more chaotic than it had been. The sounds of explosions and smell of fire filled his senses, it was like he was back in the middle of the war.
The landscape around him changed from the darkness of a void to a cityscape. It was the same domed city from all the other times, at first it was everything was normal and then with a flash it was on fire. “You’re too late.” (M/N) recognized that voice, it was one he hadn’t heard in a long time. He turned to where the voice was and looked the Sith in his red eyes. Kren. “There is only one victory here...and it doesn’t belong to either of us.”
With another explosion the sith was gone. “What’s going on?” (M/N) said aloud. The dreams had never gone like this before, never showing Kren, but he wasn’t the only one it would show. “(M/N)?” He turned to the familiar face and saw Peter. The boy stood there looking confused as the battle raged on behind him. Another voice entered his mind, the one from before. “You should have gone for the head.” There was a bright light and then (M/N) watched as Peter seemed to dissolve. “(M/N)-” He tried to run after the boy but couldn’t reach him before he was completely gone. That’s when he noticed how the fighting had once more gone quiet and all around him ashes littered the landscape.
He felt a presence in front of him. Looking up he saw him. Revan.
“It has begun.”
(M/N) woke up with a gasp. He took in a deep breath before pulling on some pajamas. “Mr.(M/N). Are you alright? I monitored your vitals rising, are you distressed?” (M/N) stepped out of his bed and walked over to T3. “Yes, but I’m alright. Friday don’t record anything in this room until I say so alright? I have something private to do.” The A.I did as he requested and he woke up T3. Bwoop? “T3, hey buddy. I need you to help me record a message.
Thanks to the dreams (M/N) wasn’t able to go back to sleep and now he was barely staying awake in class. He felt his eyes beginning to close on him. “I’m sorry Mr.Rogers am I not interesting to you?” (M/N) didn’t respond. “Mr.Rogers!” That got his attention and he saw the entire class looking at him. For a moment he forgot he was under Steve’s name here. “Sorry sir, didn’t get any sleep last night...but I agree with you being boring.” The class laughed but the teacher didn’t seem pleased. “Detention after school.” (M/N) shrugged but put his head back down. With what happened last night and the things he’s faced, detention didn’t mean anything to him.
Finally the end of the day came and (M/N) quickly left his classroom. Normally he would stop and wait for Peter and Ned, but he wasn’t feeling it today. He’d apologize to them later. He was moving down the hallway, pushing past people when he felt their presence. “(M/N)! Hey, what’s up? You normally always wait for us.” Ned asked, Peter on the other hand looked worried. “(M/N)? Babe you okay?” (M/N) just kept looking ahead as he moved. “No I’m not.” Then Ned spoke up again. “If it’s about detention don’t sweat it! Peter and I can wait for you if you-”
“It’s not that Ned. I just...don’t feel good.”
He turned the corner to exit the building but Principal Morita stood in his way. “Mr.Rogers. I’ve heard some things from some teachers and heard you had detention. My office.” (M/N) let out a frustrated groan before waving his hand and walking past the principal. “You don’t need to talk to me. I’m free to go and don’t have to go to detention.” The principal fell into a daze. “I don’t need to talk to you. You don’t need to go to detention.” Ned was in shock of what he just saw but besides him Peter was worried about what was making his boyfriend tick. 
The two boys followed him out of the school. “Is someone going to tell me what all that was!? It was like something out of Star Wars!” Ned shouted, (M/N) didn’t stop walking and Peter noticed how he was walking in the opposite direction of Where happy was waiting and knew then something must have been really wrong. “Sorry Ned, I gotta follow him.” Ned only nodded, “Yeah! Just...text me!”
Peter went to follow (M/N), but had lost where his boyfriend had walked off too. “Aw man, where are you?”
(M/N) wasn’t sure where he was going. He wasn’t ready to go home, not ready to see his father, he just wanted to think. He didn’t keep track of the time so who knows how long he actually walked but he found himself in a part of new york where construction work was going on for new buildings. No one was around so it must have been an off day for them. Needing to sit down, he placed his bag on the ground and sat next to it.
He watched as storm clouds gathered in the sky. The wind picked up and a chill creeped into his skin. He wasn’t sure what to do, he knew the visions were telling him something but he wasn’t sure what. Whatever it was telling him...it meant lots of people were going to die, Peter included. He could sense that Peter was getting closer to him and he wasn’t sure what he was going to say to him. The sound of footsteps were getting closer and he couldn’t tell if it was Peter or maybe Tony coming to talk. 
“You make this too easy.” It was neither of them. Feeling the hair on the back of his neck standing up, (M/N) quickly rolled out of the way of a lightning shock. Landing into a fighting position he got a good look at the sith who attacked him. The familiar wicked face of the red twi'lek greeted him. “Talon.”
“In the flesh.” She lunged at him and he dodged out of her lightsabers slashes. He reached for his own, only to realize he no longer had them. “Karabast.” He landed and continued to dodge her slashes. “Oh...what’s wrong? Lose your lightsabers?”
Seeing a weak spot on a pillar above them, (M/N) used the force to bring the next level down on the sith. He then took this chance to gain the advantage and moved into a hiding spot. It was quiet and soon the hum of Talon’s lightsabers were the only noise being made. Soon the sound and smell of rain poured into the construction sight. “Come out, come out wherever you are.”
Focusing through the force, he pulled another pillar down distracting Talon. He moved out of his hiding spot to another. He had to figure out how he’d fight back. Thanks to his quick movements and loose bars and rocks, (M/N)’s clothes had been torn up pretty good. A quick slash and (M/N) let out a yell as he felt the tip of her saber just skim his arm.
Without much thought, (M/N) used the force to launch himself into the air. He grabbed onto the next floor’s supports and began to climb the building. He could hear Talon close behind, he heard a swirling sound and ducked his head intime as one of her sabers went flying past him and returned to her. He continued to make his way up the construction site, the rain making his footing and grasp slicker.
Of course Talon had made her way to the level he was on as well. “Go on, keep running. I love the chase.” (M/N) was breathing hard, the rain coming down harder now, drenching him. “Where’s your master? Too afraid to face me himself?”
“Oh my master has important things to do. More important than YOU.”
“Aw so that’s why he sent you to deal with me.”
That definitely got her angry. Just as she was about to lunge again, her foot was webbed to the support beam. Spiderman went flying by, landing on another beam. “You know, I KNOW red sabers mean bad guys so I suggest you surrender.” (M/N) felt his heartbeat quicken, normally he would be happy to see Peter but this wasn’t a good thing. Talon let out a snarl before throwing a detached beam at Peter with the force.
Luckily Peter had got out of the way just in time by webbing out of there. “Woah! Close on-” He swung head on into a shock of Talon’s force lightning. “Peter!” He watched as the boy fell down a story but landed...hopefully okay. The sith let out a wicked laugh and cut herself out of the webbing, “Now...back to you!” She swung her blades at (M/N), but before they made impact with his body, he had grabbed her hands.
He pulled her hands down to his level, letting the blades illuminate his face. It was then that Talon quickly lost her smirk as she saw (M/N) with a deep frown himself. She also noticed something else, his eyes were just a bit more yellow then before. (M/N) was tightening his grip on her hands and it wasn’t long before she called out in pain dropping one of her lightsabers.
Using the force he pushed her back, grabbing hold of her dropped saber he let the red illuminate his face again. He couldn’t help it anymore, seeing what she did to Peter, he let all of his anger out. With a yell he brought up the red blade and ran at the sith letting it hit her other one. Red blad clashed with red blade, (M/N) was letting his anger get the best of him and it was showing with how he was gaining the advantage against Talon.
He had pushed her to the end of a support beam, with a quick slash to the beam Talon went falling down. (M/N) quickly cut a rope and went swinging down after her. Talon being the acrobatic that she was, managed to land on her feet. However before she was able to get back into a fighting stance, (M/N) swooped down on her. Brining the red blade down, he slashed her right in half.
It got quiet again after that, only the hum of the lightsaber, the rain and (M/N)’s heavy breathing. “W-what have I done?” He turned off the lightsaber and caught his breath. “Peter.” Remembering his boyfriend he quickly ran to him. Getting down to his boyfriend he saw he was breathing. He pulled off Peter’s mask quickly to properly look at him. “Ugh...What happened? I feel like that time I put a paperclip in the outlet.” (M/N) couldn’t help but laugh at that, he was just relieved to see his boyfriend okay. “We are SO talking about that later. I’m just glad you’re okay.” Peter smiled. “Me too...you. I’m glad you’re okay too. Where'd the red lady go?”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
(M/N) called Happy to come pick them up and to also get the remains of Talon out of the construction site. Happy was...frantic to say the least, first because (M/N) didn’t show up after school and second both boys looked torn up. “What happened?!” (M/N) only shook his head and carried Peter to the car. “Not now, just...get us back to the compound please.” Happy, while still shocked, did what he said and drove them both back. In the back seat, (M/N) held onto Peter like if he let go he’d lose him...which he very possibly could.
Arriving back at the compound Tony was already waiting for them. (M/N) helped Peter out of the car and started taking him to the med bay. “Oh god, What happened?! Are you okay.” He grabbed Peter’s other side and helped carry him in. “I’m fine, Peter I think will be okay, I just want to get him checked out.” Tony looked worried at him. “And you too, you look like you’ve been put through the shredder.” 
Not much was said after that, both boys were taken to medical and looked over. Luckily it seemed like both of them had only received minor cuts and bruises. (M/N) was sitting up in the bed he had been placed in, Tony sitting in a chair next to him. “She was a sith.” At that Tony lifted his head at that. “She's dead. I killed her.” (M/N)’s voice was quiet. “I couldn’t let her come after any of you...and she was trying to kill Peter. So I killed her first.” Tony quickly got up from the chair and hugged his son. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay. You did what you had to do.” (M/N) didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so he simply hugged his father back.
A little while later, he entered the other medical room where Peter was. “Hey.” Peter was laying in the bed but quickly jumped up upon seeing him. “(M/N)! You’re okay!” He pulled him into a hug and (M/N) couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course, you saw me before this. Don’t you remember?” Peter blushed. “Yeah...but I was just worried.” He ran his hands through Peter’s hair. “It’s alright. I’m okay, you’re okay...we’re okay.”
That night Peter had stayed at the compound, the doctors and Tony wanted him to stay over to be watched over. They wanted the same for (M/N) but he refused any help saying he was fine. Night had fallen and everyone had gone to sleep, making sure the coast was clear (M/N) entered the lab. Surprisingly, his dad actually wasn’t up for once. Not wanting to risk getting caught, he made his way over to his work bench and pulled out the box from earlier. With the box in tow he made sure to quickly return to his room.
Setting the box on the ground he pulled out Talon’s lightsabers and sat on the ground with them. He placed her lightsaber on the ground and began focusing on the crystal’s within them. He lost himself in his thoughts as her lightsabers loosened up and tore apart until only the Kyber crystals remained. He could hear them calling out to him like his lightsabers before had...but these were different. These were muted, like they were corrupted.
He gripped the crystals, he could feel the power that radiated from them. Closing his eyes, he let the images come to him. At first there was nothing and then he felt cold and images of Kren, Talon and the sith all flashed at him. The scene of the jedi council wanting to erase his mind came to him and he felt...he felt angry. He was quickly getting frustrated and knew his anger was building rather quickly. Then he realized, it was the crystals. The crystals had so much anger and hate in them it was pouring into him.
The images continued to flash at him and he tried his best to hold on. The anger was growing too strong and it was getting harder to focus. As his vision clouded, in the darkness there was a small piece of light. Using all his strength he focused as hard as he could on that small piece of light and finally a new image appeared. Peter. Then like a rolling storm more and more images came flooding into him. The avengers, his mother, Sheyo, Tony. Everything that kept him in the light. Those feelings of anger fell away and all that remained was hope, happiness and love. Opening his eyes, he looked down in his hands and saw that the kyber crystals had changed. They were no longer the angry and corrupted red that the Sith always had, however they were also not the same color he had before in his old lightsabers. They were white.  Placing the crystals on the ground, he moved over the box of components and began meditating. After the encounter with Talon, he knew he couldn’t go defenseless anymore he needed new lightsabers. He focused on his friends, his family, the people he needed to protect.
He continued thinking about all of them, as he did the pieces from the box began floating along with the crystals. The sound of clicking and spinning was heard but (M/N) continued to meditate. The crystals became encased by the new lightsaber hilts being made. When (M/N) opened his eyes he saw two new lightsabers, all made from parts of the avengers suits and gear. Most noticeable was his dad’s old armor fragments as the outer shell of them. Grabbing hold of the sabers he activated them and bright white blades shot out.
“I’ll be ready for whatever’s coming.”
Peter woke up and walked to (M/N)’s room. Before he even knocked on the door Friday spoke to him. “Mr.(M/N) is in the training room Peter.” Peter stopped and wondered what he was doing there. “Thanks Fri.” With that he walked to the training room.
Seeing the simulator was active, Peter entered the observation room and lost his breath as he caught sight of (M/N). His boyfriend was in the simulation with two new white lightsabers fighting the computer generated enemies. “I’m not sure if this is because of yesterday or if there’s something he isn’t telling us.” Peter looked over and saw Tony sitting in a chair watching the boy fight. “What do you mean?” “It’s been two years and he hasn’t had his sabers and now...now he has new ones. I”m not sure if it’s because of that sith you fought yesterday and he just wants a defense...or if he’s planning on leaving again.”
Peter felt his heat drop a bit. He wasn’t wanting (M/N) to leave, but he also knew his boyfriend wanted to help people and would eventually return to the war he had told him about. The simulator shut off and (M/N) deactivated his sabers. Grabbing a towel he wiped the sweat off his head before leaving the simulator, Peter went to speak to him. “(M/N)! Hey, I saw you in the simulator. You looked good. When did you get new lightsabers?”
(M/N) smiled as he saw Peter. “Hey. Glad you enjoyed the show.” He lifted up one of his lightsabers. “I made them last night. I figured I needed some extra protection in case more Sith come our way.”
“That makes sense.” (M/N) saw Peter’s hesitation. “Want to hold it?” At that Peter’s eyes widened and he gave a genuine smile. “Wait...really? Yes! I-I mean I’d love to.” (M/N) only shook his head and handed Peter the saber. “Wow, it’s heavier than I thought it would be.” “Well yeah, it’s still a weapon.” He watched as Peter looked it over, running his hand over the casing. “I made it from all the components in that box you were curious about. See my dad’s armor there. The grip is made from Steve’s old leather straps. There’s more too, however I didn’t have anything to add for you sadly. You didn’t have any components or anything.” Peter smiled. “I’m going to fix that.”
“Isn’t that sweet.” Both boys turned to the new voice and (M/N) quickly recognized the Mandalorian. “I’m guessing your boyfriend?”
(M/N) didn’t reach for his lightsabers, he wasn’t a threat. “Ven. A pleasure to see you again...what are you doing here?” The familiar mandalorian had two other Mandalorians beside him.
Ven frowned. “I need your help.”
Ven and the other two mandalorians had returned to their ship leaving (M/N) with his father and Peter. There was some tension in the air but they all knew what had to happen. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I need to do this, Ven helped me and I need to help him. Especially if Kren is involved. I need to put an end to him once and for all.”
Tony only nodded and pulled him into a hug. “I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. I kind of...figured something like this was coming since you made those new laser swords this morning.” He pulled back and smiled at him. “Just come back in one piece okay?” (M/N) nodded before looking at Peter. Peter was smiling and (M/N) noticed that he was holding something behind his back. “So...you know how you made your lightsabers out of the gear? Well I wanted to be a part of it...just different.” He pulled out his hands and handed him a sash...it looked quickly made with a simple needle and thread. “I made it out of my old spiderman suit. I don’t really wear it anymore and figured you could wear it and think of me.” (M/N) quickly pulled Peter in a hug. “I love it.” Pulling back he took the sash and put it on. “What do you think?” Peter smiled and held up a thumb. “Looks good.” Then it got quiet and before Peter could say anything (M/N) pulled him into a kiss. “I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”
“Just come back soon.” Then with that (M/N) gave one last look to both him and his dad before moving towards Ven’s ship. Peter and Tony watched as he left. “He’ll come back to us...right?” Peter asked. “He always has.” Tony said those words, but something felt off about them. As for (M/N), he couldn’t help the feeling he got that it would be the last time he saw them for a long time.
Are you ready fam? The Siege of Mandalore begins! Now’s the time when everything changes. So buckle up and get ready.
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songbird-wings · 4 years
that was not me - Febuwhump Day 1
This is for Febuwhump 2021 - Day 1: Mind Control @febuwhump Summary: Ahsoka's lost memories from Mortis come back to her in a dream that was not me - ao3
They wouldn’t tell her what happened, and she couldn’t remember anything passed being taken from the ship. The monsters talons gripping her shoulders, the winds drying her tears. She tried to use the Force to slow him down, but her powers were useless compared to the beasts. 
She woke up, laying on the ground, coughing up whatever was in her lungs. How did she get here? Then suddenly, someone was wrapped around her. A familiar hold and her connection with her Master washed her with a calming ease. She had asked what happened, but all Anakin said was,
“Nothing much, it’s good to see you, snips.” 
They were on route now to Coruscant, the distress signal turned out to be a hoax. The three of them agreed that whatever happened on Mortis was just a strange Force vision, nothing more than that. But, Ahsoka felt otherwise, she knew whatever she experienced on that planet  was real, even if the other two wouldn’t agree, or admit she was right. 
Anakin had ordered her to sleep once they got aboard. He hadn't done that since she was first assigned to him as his padawan. There was something he wasn’t telling her. 
“Master, I’m fine. I do not need to sleep.” She protested, Anakin turned and looked back at her. His brows furrowed in a way that made him look concerned, yet sympathetic at the same time. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at her, then quickly turned his head around and began walking again. She followed closely behind. 
“I don’t care, Ahsoka.” He said as they walked from the hanger bay into an adjoining corridor. “Whatever happened out there was…” He trailed off and his walking pace slowed. “Look, there’s nothing to do now but wait until we get back to Coruscant. Just go back to your room and rest, please .” He said, turning to face her now. His eyes looked tired. Not the same as being on the front lines for three days tired, but another tired that Ahsoka couldn’t quite place. She searched in their bond for how he was really feeling but she seemed to hit a wall. He was blocking her. 
“Fine.” She huffed, crossing her arms over the front of her. 
“Thank you.” Anakin replied before continuing down the corridor alone. 
Ahsoka made her way back to her quarters and sat on her cot. She felt a slight shift and realized they just made the jump to hyperspace. Her body flopped to its side, her head hitting the thin pillow and Ahsoka suddenly felt tired. Her muscles ached and her eyelids became heavy. But, the thought of Mortis flashed in her mind again. She considered going to ask Obi-Wan what happened, but if Anakin wouldn’t tell her the truth, then his former Master certainly wouldn't either. 
 “Are you proud of me, Master?” She’d asked him. He was stuttering. She didn’t think it was that difficult of a question. Clearly he wasn’t. 
“He said, if you don’t join him, he will kill me!” She giggled. She could sense the anger flare within him. She sensed power. 
“No. I won’t let him!” 
“Then you will be forced to kill me!” She felt her lightsaber hit the palm of her hand before activating it. She pounced, and blue collided with green. He wasn’t fighting back, he was just deflecting her blows. So she swung harder, and faster, until she was out of breath. But her anger towards him drove her to strike again. “And now, the student will kill the Master!” She growled as she pushed against his saber. 
“Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you snips.” She hated that name. It was degrading, it made her feel like a child. 
“Don’t call me that!” She hissed. “I hate it when you call me that!” 
Ahsoka grabbed the sword before it could reach Anakin's hand, and presented it to her new Master. 
“Very good, child.” He said, swinging the blade through the air. “Your usefulness has come to an end.” 
He touched her forehead and for a quick second Ahsoka felt pain, sorrow, and regret all at once. Then, she felt nothing. 
“Ahsoka?” her eyes opened to a bright light. She focused her vision and saw she was laying in the fields of Mortis under a tree in the shade. She turned her head, and the Daughter was knelt down next to her, a hand stroking her mortral. Ahsoka shot up. 
“Where am I? What happened-” 
The Daughter placed her hand to Ahsoka’s cheek and smiled. A long, sad smile. “My brother had no right to poison you, to control you and your mind. This is my final act, young one.” 
Ahsoka felt tears on her cheek, but she didn’t know why. 
“I will always be a part of you, Ahsoka. Always watching, always protecting.” Her hand faded away, and soon, the Daughter vanished right before her eyes. Ahsoka couldn’t breathe. Something was happening and she tried to call out for Anakin, for Obi-Wan. But, she couldn’t breathe.
Ahsoka gasped, sitting up in her cot. She must've fallen asleep. Her lost memories on Mortis coming back to her in flashes. Her arms wrapped around her torso, trying to calm her breathing and rapid heart. But, she couldn't stop imagining her lightsaber aimed at Anakin's throat, and how he must have felt when he had to watch her die . Her mind seemed clouded as her thoughts fogged her brain. She needed to speak with him. Now. 
She found him, tinkering at his table, the smoke from the repairs surrounded his head. She hesitated for a moment, before her knuckles knocked on the metal. He spun around on his stool, nearly dropping his droid when he saw her in the doorway. 
“Ahsoka,” He said getting to his feet. 
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered as he got closer. 
“For-” But she glanced up at him now, the tears flowing freely from her eyes. “Oh.”
“I remember. They came back to me. I remember what happened. What I did! ” Anakin pulled her close, and she could sense the wall crumbling down. She felt guilt, immense guilt within her Master. She buried her tear-stricken face into his chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She sobbed. Her chest ached with every breath she inhaled. “I didn’t want to. I tried to stop, I-I wanted to stop, I didn’t want to hurt you!” Her words mixed with her cries and she hugged her Masters torso tighter. “It wasn’t me, you know that, right?” She lifted her head for a second to glance up at Anakin. 
“Of course I know, snips.” He said reassuringly. His hand moved infront of her face and he quickly wiped a few tear droplets from her cheek. “I didn’t teach you to fight so sloppily.” He gave her a smirk. She wiped at her nose and chuckled before laying her face back onto his chest. 
“Thank you, Skyguy.” She whimpered into his robes. 
“It wasn’t your fault, Ahsoka.” He tells her, placing a comforting hand on her back lek. 
“It wasn’t yours either.”
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bitsofboots · 4 years
Rewatching TCW and it's mentioned when Ahsoka sees the new paint job for the clones' helmets, that they did it when they heard she was coming back. Which is already so sweet but what I want to focus on is the fact that Anakin had Ahsoka's lightsabers with him.
Anakin and Obi Wan were already out on a mission when Ahsoka announced she was coming to see them so it's not like they had time to zip on back to the temple in that time. So I can only assume Anakin has been carrying around Ahsoka's lightsabers with him this entire time and if that isn't heartbreaking idk what is.
They even had what looked a wooden box specially made for them. The new color of the blades also makes me wonder just how often Anakin stared at them in his down time. He's a tinkerer so he probably was sitting somewhere quiet (probably away from Kenobi because you know the guy would feel obligated to say something about attachment) and just. Taking them apart and putting them back together. Cleaning them, fiddling with the intensity, changing the crystals because he could swear these old ones are losing their intensity or something.
It just breaks my heart about how excited he was to give them to her. To see her again. He missed Ahsoka so much and he didn't even seem hurt that she left. He immediately started rationalizing why she left the second she told them about Maul. "Oh of course! This makes sense! The force made her leave to take down Maul! She wasn't leaving me, she never would. This all works out and she'll come back and we'll all be happy."
The worst part is, I think Ahsoka realizes this too. She sees how excited and eager Anakin is. How quickly he's willing to play peacemaker between her and Obi Wan. He wants them to get along. He wants everything to go back to how it used to be.
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nimsajlove · 3 years
As a Team (III)
Brothers-AU  Ao3
Part I/II, Part IV
"I like it when the reg's are angry.", Wrecker grinned and left his place as copilot. Ahsoka raised an eyebrow and ground her teeth, the sound earning a slight twitch from Hunter from the corner of her eye. So realized what Jesse had meant hours ago. The attitude that those few words already conveyed pissed her off. "Reg? Good to know.”, she muttered and went back to her pockets. Sighing, she went down on her knees and opened the backpack, it was crammed to the brim with everything she could get from a medic. Burnes must have taken his job seriously, very well. She pushed her way down past the bandages and plasters. Warming blankets, which she had already got to know years ago, were stuck next to some hypnos. She took one out and scanned the label. Some pain relievers and medication in case of shock. Not that she could take any of this! As soon as she had thought through the thought to the end, she spotted a bundle of a few tablets and colored Hypnos tied together at the bottom. Damn it, she owed her medics something now! “Don't take it personally. We don't work with regular clones on a daily basis.", Hunter said next to her and watched as the Jedi put the medical equipment back properly. Then she turned to the other, smaller, bag. “It doesn't matter. I'm afraid of my brothers when they're angry, maybe you should be too?”, she tried to chat lightly, that everyone in the ship was watching her and also had the nerve to want to judge her brothers, pressed her on the mood. There was a big knot in her stomach and she didn't like the way it contracted every now and then.
In the second pocket she found a clean robe, a few rations, and water bottles. She could kiss the boys! If it continued like this, she would soon not have to think about anything at all. But when she pulled the robe out to throw it on, something fell from the folded fabric to the floor. Before she fully understood what it was, Wrecker had already reached for it curiously and Crosshair let out a breath that was reminiscent of a low whistle. Both looked at Ahsoka's old headdress and Wrecker turned it a little. "Wrecker...", Hunter warned and Asoka smiled, he sounded a bit like Rex when she had done something stupid again. Wrecker responded and handed the jewelry back to her, teeth clattering softly against each other. "Scared huh?", smiled Hunter and with a little roll of her eyes Ahsoka stuffed his teeth back into her pocket with the other things. The thought was very sweet and the trophy might earn her respect from Force 99, but she really liked her current clone jewelry. Whenever she saw her reflection in a helmet or mirror, it reminded her where she belonged. With her robe in hand she picked herself up again and threw on the thick, brown fabric. Immediately it enveloped her like a warm hug. "Now she looks like a Jedi!", commented Wrecker, drawing another smile and roll of her eyes from her. When it wasn't about other clones, these men had the potential to be fun people. "Thank you.", she replied, irony loud and clear in her voice. "Sorry, he just doesn't have a mental filter.", Tech announced from the front and this time she had to grin, the flight would be interesting.
Sighing, she made herself comfortable on the floor next to her bag and stretched out her legs. This would be the perfect flight to meditate a little. However, she had only enjoyed it to a limited extent before and did not believe that it would get rid of the uncomfortable tingling sensation under her skin now. Nevertheless, there was silence for a while and Ahsoka closed her eyes for a few seconds. Then she noticed that this wasn't like any of the other flights at all. Nobody sat there and complained, nobody had bent over a datapad to write reports. Kriff, her reports from the past few days! She should have taken her datapad... Even if only to plan the next few hours! Maybe... With a little grunt she got up again, the irritated looks from Wrecker and Crosshair followed her on the way forward. Tech had put the ship on autopilot and seemed to be tinkering with something, she wasn't even going to try to understand what it was! Anakin had taught her a lot, but not that much either. Everything beyond doors, normal droids and small spaceships was out of her league. At least most of the time. "Tech, right?", she asked softly and leaned against the pilot's seat from behind, the clone nodded tightly and precisely. "Do you have a datapad for me?" Sighing, Tech laid his tangle of cables away and bent to one side, datapad in hand he reappeared. When he handed it to her, he eyed her curiously. "What are you going to do with it?", he asked a little suspiciously and Ahsoka had to smile. “I just want to play through my plans a little. Or is there something on it that I am not supposed to find?”, she teased and Wrecker gave a violent snort behind her. Tech continued to stare at her, then shrugged and turned back to his work. Well, then that was settled. With her slender fingers, she switched on the pad and decided, with the luck of her own, to search Tech's collection of data for her target. She found little, but it was better than nothing!
"You just didn't seem like someone who's planning long beforehand.", Hunter remarked as the Jedi sat back down on the floor. She shrugged her shoulders. “My brother had priority, I would go in there blind if I had to. And I think that getting in won't be the big problem...", she mumbled and looked at the few dates and plans in front of her. "But out will be?", Crosshair growled and Ahsoka looked up, he looked at her with a chilled look and when she got goose bumps on the back of her neck under her lekku, she gave him a challenging grin. "Scared?", she grinned broadly and showed her sharp fangs, Crosshair rolled his eyes and turned back to his weapon. Wrecker was still giggling to himself and even Hunter smiled next to her. “But so much effort for a reg? One soldier out of thousands, I just would like to point out.", Tech suddenly called from the front, he turned around a little in the chair and could watch how Ahsoka screwed up her eyes and suppressed a rumble deep in her chest.
Hell, she had a really bad grip on her emotions today! She swallowed the growl and took a deep breath, her heart beating hollow and loud in her chest. "Would you just leave one of those here?", she asked and pointed with a palm around, Tech shrugged his shoulders a little incomprehensibly and Wrecker cocked his head helplessly. However, Hunter's expression when she looked at him had tightened. He stood beside her, tense, leaning against the wall. “I don't know if I can follow completely. You are a Jedi, you have the whole Order behind you, right?", he said softly and Ahsoka almost escaped an amused snort. “My brothers never left my side, without them I wouldn't even have survived the first year. If I have a tiny chance of doing the same for Echo then I'll do it.”, she explained, and as she stared at Hunter, an unexpected lump formed in her throat. "I have to take care of them, all of them.", she pressed out and averted her gaze ashamed, tears tingling in her eyes. Damn it, she hadn't talked about Echo and his 'death' in a long time and she hadn't suspected how much it was still hurting her. The very idea that she might just have left for nothing came with such a headache that she stifled the idea in the bud. "I understand. You will get him back.”, Hunter suddenly mumbled and patted her shoulder hard and sure.
 The rest of the flight was quiet, Ahsoka didn't ask why Hunter didn't wrote any reports. She kept her thoughts to herself. Even then, when she almost had to wrestle with Wrecker over one of her rations. But the loud laugh of the massive clone made her grin too. Crosshair still didn't seem to like her much when they started to approach the planet. He stubbornly avoided her gaze. Hunter, on the other hand, seemed to be getting used to her presence, and since the conversation he had made suggestions about her plans from time to time and discussed possible enemies with her. Thanks to him, she now felt as prepared as she could be. Still, she was nervous and restless when she looked out the window and watched the storm outside. "Tech, can you get the signal from here-" A rum interrupted her and they held their breaths for two seconds, then a large head appeared in their field of vision. "What is that?", Wrecker grumbled. “A conspecific simple lizard. The locals worship these creatures because-” “Enough.”, Hunter interrupted Tech, drawing his gun. "Just get it off my ship." "Wait, maybe we should think first and then...", sighing, Ahsoka let the sentence end and ran after the clones into the open, it was no use anyway. Outside the sand pricked her eyes and her bared arms, damn it, she had left the robe inside! At least she was already wearing her backpack. She hastily drew out her lightsabers and got a quick overview. On the ship sat the, truly not pretty, lizard and growled at her with bared teeth. The clones had already opened fire when the back of her head began to tingle violently. Like Rex gave her a brotherly pat. She trusted that feeling. "Get down!", she barked and actually the others followed, just above them another flying reptile shot away and missed the Jedi by a hair's breadth. Ahsoka was immediately on her feet again, her gaze followed the attacker and his rider. If they didn't have to fight these locals, they'd be not stuck here! Maybe... "Wrecker, stand still!", she instructed harshly, the big clone looked at her with noticeable irritation. Right then her window opened. The attacker came down again, the claws already open. With one jump Ahsoka stood on Wrecker's shoulders, with another she landed on the flying reptile and snatched the reins from the rider.
 It was impressive how well the animal knew the way home. No sooner had Ahsoka relaxed the reins than it changed direction. Behind her she heard the ship start again and follow them, with a triumphant grin she glanced over her shoulder at the clones.
The flight did not last long, with short and powerful wingbeats the mount landed and Ahsoka swung down. With cries of surprise, the locals backed away from her and cocked their heads. With a grin, Ahsoka patted the reptile next to her briefly and then looked around, the clones were just about to land at the top of the basin in which the village was located. Sliding, they came down to her. "You could have warned us!" Hunter complained a few meters before he reached her and Ahsoka grinned at him. Then she turned to Tech, she wanted to get this done quickly. It wasn't sure if the Techno Union knew of their discovery and if they did, would they kill Echo? Dispose him? "You can translate, can't you?", she asked and Tech jerked his head. “What do you think I am? A protocol droid?", he muttered, but still seemed to get the right program on his glasses. “I want you to tell them about my brother. I will tell you everything you need to know and translate."
Ha, the line of pity had probably pulled! "They provide us with two scouts, they will show us the way to the city and then return home." Ahsoka nodded in agreement, that was a good deal. “Okay, that will do. The main thing is that we get to this damn city faster."
 The walk was shorter than expected. After about an hour of brisk walk, they stood on a small ledge and looked at the town in the distance. “Why do you build so high up here? There's nothing to see anyway.", Ahsoka mumbled and shook her head, somehow they would get in there. "I won’t wait for you this time, if you complain again.", Tech grumbled from behind her and astonished Ahsoka looked around at the others. "Wrecker is afraid of heights?", she asked and Wrecker shrugged his shoulders protectively. "No! I only have a problem with... gravity.", he grumbled and the hunched shoulders, the snapped apology, the hunched head. All of this reminded Ahsoka so much of all the younglings in the temple and the clones when they first realized that they were afraid. She couldn't help it, in her head Wrecker snapped like another piece of the puzzle into the picture of her family and a gentle smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "It's okay, I'll try to find an non-seethrough elevator.", she assured him jokingly and then got up. "We should go while the sandstorm can still cover us.", she urged the others to hurry and trotted ahead.
As soon as they had left the slipstream, Ahsoka had to pull the collar of her tunic up over her mouth and nose. The fine grains burned in her eyes, even when squeezed tightly together, it was hard to see anything. Sighing, she closed them. Back to her traditional training then. With a few deep breaths, she forced herself to calm down and let her mind explore the area in waves. Suddenly she realized how much life was hidden in this barren landscape. The little lights of the Techno Union were easy to see, they glowed cold and empty in front of her. But there was something else, it was practically magical. Even if it could hardly be described as alive, she knew that there was her goal. Half blind, she grabbed the wrist of the next clone behind her and dragged him behind her, the wrist too narrow to be Wreckers. Only when they were back in the shadow of the city and the wind eased a little did Ahsoka look up, open her eyes and look around. All the clones were hot on her heels, she had caught Tech and released his wrist from her grip. Then she looked around, there had to be an elevator somewhere! "Over there.", Tech nodded and was already trotting towards one of the pillars of the city, in fact it was adorned with a thickly armored door and a control panel. The group hurried after Tech with crouched heads and, grumbling, Ahsoka sought shelter from the wind behind the thick pillar. If the Techno Union thought they could keep a Jedi away with these weather conditions, then they had clearly underestimated the determination of such a person! She rubbed her bare arms with her rough fingers, the skin felt sore. As if they had been sandblasted. Terrible clothes for this planet, definitely. In addition, it was only half as warm as she had expected, the constant wind made her shiver. Had they flown in Echo and spared him that sand? What agony he had to suffer while she was moaning about such little things... "Are you done?", Hunter growled and Tech snorted, then the door slid open. "Take a look inside.", instructed Hunter Crosshair and the sniper disappeared into the dimly lit room with his weapon raised. A few seconds later his head reappeared. "Yes, thats a lift.", he commented dryly and Ahsoka grinned broadly, it actually earned her an amused shrug from the clone. Hey, he didn't hate her! Maybe this friendship wasn't lost yet? Still grinning, she pushed herself into the elevator, Wrecker hesitated. "Everything is fine Wrecker, I'll hold your hand too.", Hunter teased next to her and the massive clone snorted before squeezing into the narrow space and the doors closing.
As soon as the elevator began to move with a jerk, the grin disappeared from her face. Now the highest concentration was required, Echo's life perhaps depended on it! "Quick in and out, okay? We won't be able to hide our presence, but if we eliminate their droids quickly, they will take a while to regroup. ”Ahsoka explained to the small unit hastily and Wrecker thrust her on the shoulder enthusiastically. "I can do that!" Crosshair shook his head with a sigh, but still checked his weapon one last time. Then the doors suddenly opened and in a flash Ahsoka built herself up as a shield between the clones and droids. Wrecker didn't care, he ran past her with a loud roar and Ahsoka would lie if she said his strength hadn't impressed her a little. Hunter glided past her a little more elegantly and turned to the next opponent with less force but more precision. Tech and Crosshair rose behind her and fired over her shoulders. The shots so close to her ear hadn't frightened her for a long time now! The hangar they had arrived in was quickly emptied and when Ahsoka straightened up, Tech pulled out his datapad and switched it on. Crosshair, meanwhile, leaned forward a little and when he spoke, Ahsoka could hear his smile too. “You know, Jedi. I could get used to that.” “How nice that you like the sword and shield maneuver so much.”, she smiled back a little tense.
 At first Tech tried to catch the signal from Echo again. With every passing second, Ahsoka's impatience grew. "They seem to be interfering with my signal, seem to be well prepared.", the clone cursed and Ahsoka sighed deeply, it would take them forever to find Echo. "Leave it be Tech, I'll take care of it.", she hastily interrupted another wave of curses and Tech sighed deeply and painfully, as if Ahsoka had just stolen what he loved. Anyway, there was no time for such thoughts! Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tried to open up to her surroundings. She had learned from Anakin to pursue goals with the force, so she should be able to find an echo from Echo in the force. Slowly she felt her way forward, away from the hangar in which they were standing and deeper into the city. She did not dare to linger with the members of the Techno Union. They weren't Force Sensitive, but who knows... Maybe they'd notice something after all? Only a tiny light, a weak spark, made her pause. It wasn't a uniform glow like the others, more like the flickering of a small candle flame. "That way!"
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superhero--imagines · 5 years
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A/N: If you ask to be tagged, I’m just going to tag you for the whole series.
<--- Part 2 Here!  /  Part 4 Here! --->
* Ben has always thought of himself as a lonely child
* Even when he was surrounded by people, he still felt lonely
* He wasn’t quite sure why, he had a blessed life
* Loving family, a group of extended unrelated aunts and uncles that doted on him, and a clear path for his future
* So why did he feel so alone?
* Perhaps it’s the giant shadow his family casts, his mother a princess and fearsome general, father a war hero, his uncle the last Jedi
* They cast a shadow so large, he feels like he’s drowning
* For most of his childhood Ben smiles without feeling happy, he doesn’t want anyone to worry about him
* This will pass
* “I’m worried about him Luke” He overhears his mother say, late one night
* He isn’t supposed to be up, he isn’t supposed to hear this
* “I think, maybe we should start his training early”
* He understood it then, his future had already been set out for him
* He had heard the stories, of how he would levitate things as a baby, without meaning to
* How it was impressive he could use the force at such a young age
* Of course becoming a Jedi was the natural path for him
* Ben’s always felt lost, but for the first time he feels trapped
* It’s the first time he hears it, the darkness
* “Why stand by those who would not stand by you?”
* “Betray them and seize your future”
* But he can’t do it, he could never betray his family
* He’s at his lowest point, when he meets you
* Your this, tiny little thing, that Holdo brought back from her diplomatic mission
* Bundled in blankets and shivering, terribly malnourished
* You must be about 5 years old
* He hears it from those around him, you were a slave, abused and starved
* Holdo brought you back, claiming you as her daughter now
* But children are cruel, and no one will play with you
* He watches you, sitting by the lake, on that beaten brown dock
* You’re wearing a bright yellow tunic, the smallest size, and it still engulfs you
* A belt wrapped around your waist to keep it in place
* You’re just this small, fragile, thing
* You stare out into the cerulean blue water, you came from the desert, you’ve probably never seen this much blue before
* You look so lonely, as lonely as he feels
* “Can I join you?” He asks, you turn to him. And for the first time, he gets a good look at your face.
* You look at him, it’s not the beauty he hears of at love at first sight
* But then you smile, broad with your teeth showing
* He’s filled with a rush of affection
* He has to protect that smile at all costs
* The rest is history, Ben’s never alone after that
* You follow him everywhere
* He still hears the voice
* “Push her down, make her cry”
* Never, he could never hurt you
* But he can’t help but wonder, how genuine you are in your affection of him
* “Hey, what did you think when you first met me?” He asks you one day, you’re sitting on the ground as he tinkers with lightsaber parts
* “What do you mean?” You ask
* “You know, were you disappointed?”
* Discovering he wasn’t a hero like his family, he was just a boy
* “What’s there to be disappointed about, Ben is just Ben!” You say with a giggle
* His hands stop tinkering with the lightsaber, and warmth floods through his chest
* Of course
* You don’t see Leia Organa’s son, or Luke Skywalker’s nephew when you look at him
* You just see your best friend Ben
* He’s so happy, he doesn’t even notice how you start to float until you start giggling
* He’s scared for a second, but your smiling face eases all his worries
* For a moment it’s just the two of you, laughing on the beach, just pure joy
* “Drop her, she is your weakness”
* The voice catches him off guard, a shiver running through him
* It’s just a moment, but he loses focus and you fall
* He doesn’t remember much, just that he saw blood, he remembers feeling numb as he carried you home
* And the droids patched you up
* He remembers being worried that you would never wake up, as he sat by your bedside
* Everything changes after you wake up
* He can’t quite explain it, in a lot of ways you’re still quite the same
* Still as clumsy as ever, tripping over air. Still the same scrawny body.
* But there’s this way that you carry yourself, there is this fire in your eyes
* “It’s possible to have a sight personality change, she did hit her head” His mother tells him, and he nods
* You’re still the person he cares about the most, that won’t change
* He still has to protect you
* Though, as the years go by, it’s hard to say who’s protecting who
* “Say that again!” You shriek, a bruise already blooming on the tender skin of your knuckles, but your eyes are fierce
* Ben sighs, even though you’ve lived on the base for years now, the stigma still stayed. You were a slave after all, it’s a hard fact for society to forget.
* “I said that someone who hangs out with trash, is trash too” the boy who says it is much bigger than you, you would be dumb to hit him again
* But that’s what you do, right in the crotch
* “Ben’s not trash!” You yell, hitting him some more with your small body
* Ben tries to pull you away, but ends up getting pulled into the fight as well
* You both end up sporting matching bruises and cuts
* “Why’d you do that?” He asks after the very long lecture he gets from your mother
* He sighs, his Dad will probably go easy on him, his Mother will be angry though
* “I don’t like it when people say bad things about you.”
* Warmth blooms in his chest, and his hand moves so it rests over you own
* “Thank you”
* When his mom finally finds out about to extent which he can use the force, it’s not the worst thing
* He’s known this was coming for a long time, even with your constant warmth
* In all honesty that promise he made you, to keep it a secret, it was self serving
* Because the longer they didn’t know, the longer he could be with you
* He isn’t at all surprised to learn you stowed away on the ship to follow him
* “It hurts” you wine, rubbing your aching back
* A normal person would have stowed away on the ship, not hidden in a bag
* Still as reckless as ever, he can’t help but grin
* He is a little surprised you got rid of all his underwear
* He’s a little excited, it’s like a sleepover that will never end
* He expects to sneak you half of his meals, do your laundry, and watch guard while you bathe
* It’s exhausting even just to imagine, but he’s happy to do it
* It’s always been his dream to take care of you
* To his surprise you’ve already made spears and knives out of rocks, you’ve even hung up laundry on the clothesline outside
* “How was training?” You ask with a grin, stirring a large pot of broth over an open fire
* “It was fine” he says with a sigh
* Well there goes his dream
* He’s not at all surprised when you get caught
* It was only a matter of time after all
* “Because the force told me! Ben is my prince and I’m his knight!”
* He is surprised by that little phrase though, is that why you don’t sleep at night?
* He decided it was best not to ask
* Sometimes you would get this strange look on your face, when he mentioned the smallest things, like a new recruit, or if someone was rude to him
* It was like you were a star collapsing in on yourself
* He doesn’t ever ask you about it
* In all honesty, he’s scared to hear the answer
* When you leave, he can’t help but feel lonely
* Your presence, your aura, lingers all over his hut
* He knows the force telling you things is a big lie, you would have told him by now if it were true
* Still, he wonders how you know what you know
* “The force connects with us in different ways.” Luke tells him,
* “She may be, what the texts call, an oracle”
* Ben nods, he’s heard of the oracle before, someone who isn’t always force sensitive but can see visions of the future. 
* “What is that girl to you?” Luke asks him, in all 13 years of life, he’’s never seen Ben care about anything this much
* He opens his mouth, you’re his best friend, of course
* But then he closes it, it’s more than that though isn’t it?
* “She’s my light”
* And it’s true, you’re the light that chases away even the darkest of times
* Luke doesn’t say anything, he just nods
* Years pass, and Ben isn’t allowed to go home, not yet
* “It will be a break in your training”
* He hates this, he turns in his bed, he wants to see you
* It’s been so long it’s hard to imagine the exact shape of your eyes, he wonders if you’ve been eating enough, you were always so scrawny as a child
* He just wants to see that you’re okay, just once
* He closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, you’re there
* Your backs to him, sitting on something
* The dock, you always loved the lake
* Your hair is tied up, and your clothes fit you well, no longer the malnourished child he remembers
* You turn over your shoulder, facing him
* His heart stops when your lips curl up into a smile
* Can you see him? Or is this just a dream? His wildest fantasies sending his heart into a frenzy
* You turn away from him, looking at your side, and someone else comes to focus
* A boy
* He’s well built, with a clean straight nose, and deep hazel eyes
* He’s handsome
* “She doesn’t care about you anymore”
* That’s not true
* “She’s replaced you” it whispers
* Had you really replaced him?
* He watches on as the boy beside you leans back
* “How come you’re always here?” The boy asks, and he watches the sparkle in your eyes
* “My best friend and I used to come here all the time” You tell him with a grin
* Ben’s heart skips a beat, you still think of him, even after all this time
* “I thought I was your best friend!” The boy beside you says, mocking hurt, he’s flirting
* You just laugh and shake your head
* “My best friend is training to be a Jedi”
* That smile chases away the darkness, after that the voices he hears have no effect
* Not when it comes to you
* His heart still stirs when he thinks of that boy; talking to you, touching you, seeing your smile
* He wishes he could make it so you only smiled at him
* “Monopolize her”
* It’s an appealing thought, to keep you beside him at all times, to trap you in a place only he can reach. But then, you would never smile again
* “That’s not an option” He says out loud, to no one in particular. 
* For the first time, Ben wonders if these feelings that keep him awake at night are just from friendship and gratitude
* He shakes the thought away, he just wants to protect you
* You’re his precious friend
* It’s not long after that Luke gives him his first mission, to protect an ambassador from a nearby galaxy
* “It’s someone you’re familiar with” He says with a small smile
* Imagine his surprise when he see’s you, in all your glory
* He was expecting his mother, who would smother him in affection
* Instead it’s you, elegant braid pulling your hair back. A long red gown, hugging your curves.
* You look so pretty
* He’s surprised when you throw your arms around him
* Not giving a second though to the king and queen, or the shocked maid staff behind you
* Tears fall from the corners of your eyes, as you hold him tight
* He holds you as well, it’s so good to see you, so good to take in your warmth and scent again.
* You move back, touching the braid that adorns all padawan’s. 
* “Ben this is not a good look for you”
* He has to contain his laughter as he glimpses at the shocked expressions behind him
*You’re still as reckless as ever
Tags: @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark​ @treestarrrrrrrr​ @treblebeth​ @lokilover-39​
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