#why did i decide to do smart people things i have no brain :((
trenchcroats · 7 months
Luckily I have psych on Wednesday but I also have a two hour Japanese lesson tomorrow so I don't know how much time I'll have
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faithisland · 7 months
damn I forgot that I spent the morning on the phone w my bank trying to get what is likely a scam charge to go through so that my package can be delivered (I know I'm likely being scammed but I'm so fucking medicine anxious that I took the risk) and I won't know the result until tomorrow and I'm so anxious about it I just completely blocked that out
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evilminji · 1 year
Okay... so it COULD be because, as a writer, I'm an ASSHOLE to my Characters...
Danny, innocent, gets YEETED into DC. As ya do. And he's a bit messed up. But! He's a Baby Ancient in the making. Gonna be master of Spaaaaaace(~~~☆!) one day. Very exciting, only slightly relevant.
See, Ectoplasm? Dumb. That's why we need Cores and Brains etc. Never let Ectoplasm decide things. It WILL chose the "technically correct but now the buildings on fire" option EVERY SINGLE TIME. And you are running out of fire extinguishers.
Because it is dumb.
Very, VERY No Brain, Just Goo, Dumb.
And THIS Goo has a life to save. A Halfa too maintain in Peak Performance(tm). Because THIS Goo is VERY smart Goo(according only to itself) and TOTALLY knows what it's doing! Damaged meat bits? Oh that's EASY! You just FIX that! Replace with meat bits! See? It's BRILLIANT Goo. 10 out of 10 stars, me!
Small problem.
The instructions have been damaged.
Wait! No! We got this! We are Very Smart Goo(tm). And have Space Powers. This is FINE. We'll... we'll just FIX the instructions! Hand me a hammer! If we smash enough bits together, it'll sort? Of look right? Close ENOUGH? Yeeeeeah. We're GENIUS Goo~
But where did they GET their ill begotten DNA? Well OBVIOUSLY the place all the OTHER DNA they had was stored, DUH? Keep up, says the Goo with literally no braincells making horrifying choices for an unconscious man. It's Earth.
As in... the planet.
It's not even HIS planet. It's AN Earth. A Planet CALLED "Earth" that dwells in the DC universe, not his, and is covered with ZERO(0) Fentons but plenty of superhumans and aliens. THAT planet.
The Goo grabbed the Very BESTEST Meat Instructions it could FIND! The Goo is also a collective and did not AGREE on what the "Best" WAS. But it's... okay, no, I can't lie to you, it is NOT fine.
But thankfully it IS stable.
Because Ectoplasm may be dumb and indiscriminate as super-bacteria with a flamethrower, but it is a MASTER at the jigsaw of Life. It can reanimate ANYTHING.
Including the now SINGLE MOST CHIMERAD MAN you've ever SEEN. Who is he related too? YES. His left knee is Kryptonian, the fingers on his right hand are Tameranian, his skin tone has shifted to the most ambiguously multi-ethnic tone imaginable (think that future of humanity mock up, where they combine every ethnicity on the premise that inter-racial marriage will becoming increasingly common up to the point where we all just kinda look averaged out thanks to the ease of travel) because it's trying to do all of them at once and none of them are willing to back down, because all of them got the instructions "Be Skin". He might have Slade Wilson's cheek bones and hair.
Danny wakes up and basicly is half Ectoplasmic Goo, half the extended Super Community.
Because of course this IS fixable. It's just medical shape-shifting. But without HIS template, undamaged. His body is REFUSING to change from what is OBVIOUSLY the CORRECT form. And he keeps getting clocked as "probably related to me".
With the Fenton Luck kicking in? The parts of him people manage to swab and/or get DNA from? Keep MATCHING them. Danny doesn't know WHO is behind this but-! *spots a giggle child with a cat* !!!!!!
Klarion you little SHIT!
So now he's wearing a face that's BARELY his, running from very determined superhumans who want to parent him, trying to steal enough technology to build a portal. AND vowing to kick the witch boy's ASS.
His body is Frankenstein's FEVER DREAM! Every time he gets hurt, it tries to "FIX" itself! He lost a chunk of his should back there and HIS ENTIRE BODY CHANGED SKIN TONES. He's pretty sure if he SITS funny, his teeth might fall out and regrow POINTY! He's handing you over to WALKER you horrible little gremlin child!
Just? Take the "Danny is related to X" and "Danny is sick" and turn them uuuuup. Make EVERYBODY concerned except Danny. This is just another fucked up adventure in a long string of fucked up adventures. Give him his DNA back. If he has to suffer the Fenton Luck then he should AT LEAST get to keep the Fenton "built like a tank"!
*gets hit again*
*is GREEN now for some reason* The fuck?
Garfield, aka Beast Boy: I HAVE A CLONE SON!?
Danny: Zone DAMN IT not another one!
@ailithnight @hdgnj @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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barcaatthemoon · 19 days
home, sweet home || ona batlle x child!reader ||
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your first practice back at barcelona with your mom.
you loved manchester, but it wasn't your home. the language came a bit easier to you since you were young, but it was still difficult. you had liked a lot of things about manchester, but you missed barcelona. it was obvious to ona the whole time that you just wanted to come back to spain, and for a while, she had felt extremely guilty for dragging you away from home.
she remembered the way you'd cling to laia and leila after a long day of being around english people. there were girls on the team that you loved like alessia, mary, and ella. you thought that they were fun and silly, but barcelona had silly girls who didn't make your brain remember english. and as much as you loved ella, her spanish was not good enough for more than a couple of words back and forth.
you and your mami weren't the only ones coming to barcelona from manchester. there were other players, keira and lucy. you didn't know them very well, but you had seen them before. they played for the bad manchester like leila and laia. now that they were at barcelona, you presumed that they could be friends, not like misa and the madrid girls. madrid was an evil place full of evil people, that was what your tia alexia taught you.
"alright, do you have everything that you need?" mami asked you. you nodded as you tugged on your own backpack straps. mami smiled as she ruffled your hair and pushed you along towards the door. you didn't know why you weren't taking her car, but mami had told you that you were riding with lucy to practice.
"are we staying in spain forever?" you asked. mami looked surprised for a moment. she didn't know if she'd stay forever, but you looked hopeful. ona didn't want to crush those hopes, so she nodded.
"if i can. i thought you liked manchester," ona said. you shrugged as you plopped down at your mother's feet. "what didn't you like?"
"the english, and only laia made good food. she made me food like from here." the reasons didn't seem to serious. ona tried to push the thought of you having been unhappy without saying anything from her head. none of that mattered now that you were home anyway. besides, ona was sure that you had just meant the language when you complained about english.
lucy's car was nice, and she opened the door for you just like she did for your mami. you sat in the back by yourself, but you could see mami glancing back at you as she spoke with lucy. they were switching back and forth between english and spanish, like they were teaching each other. you heard lucy say a couple of other things in a language that you didn't recognize. you didn't really know her, but you decided that you liked lucy because she seemed smart and made your mami smile a lot.
"just so you know, she is going to run ahead the moment she sees someone she knows. don't worry, it only happens at practice," ona warned lucy. true to her word, you ran off the moment that you saw someone you recognized.
"tia sandy!" lucy looked on in shock as you sprinted faster than she knew your little legs could move. you were moving like the flash until you were in the goalkeeper's arms. you hadn't seen any of the spanish girls since the last camp, which felt like forever in your mind. "look, i came home!"
"i can see that. the others are in the locker room. i bet that claudia and salma would love to see you." sandra set you down gently, and you immediately sprinted towards the locker room. you didn't care about anybody greeting and catching up with your mom, instead focused on finding your old friends. you felt like you had been away for a long time, and you were scared that they didn't remember you.
there were a handful of new girls that you didn't know, but with the help of some of your mami's teammates, you were introduced to them. you had fun making new friends and getting to see your old ones, but you began to feel a little sad as you sat and colored by yourself in the gym. this would have normally been a time whenever mary used you to do her arm curls until you were practically scream laughing and begging her in between gasping breaths to set you down.
with alexia around, you knew that there wasn't as much room for having fun during training. alexia meant serious business, and for a moment, it made you sad. you loved your tia alexia, but sometimes you wished that she was a little bit more like mary or ella. they took their jobs super seriously, but still made sure that there were moments for you to be included and play around with them. alexia didn't pay much attention to you whenever you came to training with your mami, and she got onto mapi for trying.
"hey kiddo, is everything okay?" lucy asked as she bent down in front of you. everybody had seemed really busy, so you were surprised that lucy approached you. you thought that she'd be like tia alexia and too focused on work to check on you. you couldn't explain why, but the moment that you looked up at lucy, you started to cry a little. "hey, no, it's okay. don't cry, please don't cry."
"i miss my manchester friends," you sniffled. lucy sat down across from you and placed her hand out for you to set yours in.
"i miss my friends in england too, but there are new friends here. and this is your home, your family is here. that's pretty special, but maybe when you miss your manchester friends, you come find me or keira and we'll give some of them a ring, okay?" lucy offered. you really liked the sound of that, and even if they couldn't get a hold of anybody, you were sure that keira and lucy counted as manchester friends too.
just to test the waters a little, you shuffled onto your knees and hugged lucy. she was a bit awkward, but eventually hugged you. you liked hugging lucy, she was big and strong. reluctantly, you moved away to let lucy go back to training, but she stayed right by your side until everybody else was finished and ready to head out for lunch. even during lunch lucy didn't stray too far away. your mami seemed surprised by your sudden closeness to lucy, but you could tell that she didn't mind. if anything, she was happy that you made a new friend.
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kalki-tarot · 5 months
Please read : This is just a general reading and may not be 100% true all the times. Please use your brain before making any decisions. Kalki tarot is not responsible for your actions and life decisions.
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Pile 01
I can see you lived by a river, it seems to be the country side. Green grass and shallow wind is what I feel where you belonged. Your sense of belonging in nature comes from this lifetime. You felt comfortable laying over the grass and just looking at the clouds. You were an innocent human being. Your heart held deep sense of purity for everyone and everything. You belonged to a foreign country, different from where you are right now.
I'm getting one more lifetime for you, where you wanted to be a saint or a nun or something like that. You wanted to attain moksha so you decided to take necessary actions but your responsibilities held you down. You could not leave your family or responsibilities i guess.
Your were an emotionally intelligent human being. It can be your gift in your current lifetime to be knowledgeable about spirituality and mysticism. You were born with healing abilities and you may also be a psychic.
Another gift you carried in this lifetime is of alchemy. You may be interested into witchcraft and rituals. Try to practice it more, it will really work well for you. Don't use it for bad things though. You have the power to create and manipulate energies. Your soul possesses infinite knowledge about spiritual. Unlock your hidden potential for its best use.
One more thing I'm seeing is that you carried a lot of burdens too from your previous life. Some traumas or fears, it can be anything. This is the reason why your psychic gifts were blurred or you were just not able to believe in your self, you have wounds from past life too. Healing is needed.
Pile 02
Dear Pile 2, you were someone very helpful and empathetic in your previous life. You were a gentle human being, you may have active water placements in your chart which influence you the most. You were and still are someone very deep and emotional. You understand people around you but sometimes you feel misunderstood. You feel different from everybody else. Yes you are different and it's not bad to be different. You are indeed a very special human being.
In your previous life too, you were a nice person and you did many humanitarian works. All the good karma you did is coming back to you in this lifetime. Please don't let your pure soul get corrupted or influenced by negative people. You often struggle with patience, you get anxious and restless when things don't go as you planned or when you don't see results when you want it. This is what you carried in this lifetime too. Work on having patience. You will definitely reap the fruits of your labour, but before accepting divine timing only!
Again with the fool card, your energy is very restless and childlike. You have the curiosity of a child and you crave adventurous things in life. You can't sit at one place for a long time. But this over restlessness may make you do foolish things. You should try to shift your energy from wasting it on useless things to creating something with your creative mind. You are someone who can build a castle in the sky. What i mean is you have the potential to start from scratch and turn it into something big. Use your energy here rather than doing foolish things.
You were like a wise sufi saint in your past life and you've also carried a lot of wisdom from there. Sometimes you go like where am i even getting these wise thoughts from lol. Yes! You are a street smart person. Use your potential to create something big.
Pile 03
You were someone who used to run behind success. You had or still have a fear of failing and that comes from your past life. You were in a high position in your previous life and you constantly used to work hard for keeping up or maintaining what you had.
You lacked the need to rest. And due to this you became a little too much workaholic. You were too much indulged in your work life that you kind of forget your presonal life and relationships. You will be forced to address the fear of failure in this lifetime too.
And the karma for not addressing your personal relationships is that you will not have any genuine connections in this lifetime. But don't worry, once you accept balance in your life and address your mistakes, things will start aligning for you.
Have a balanced approach and towards work and personal life. Don't be too rational, listen to your head anf heart both. And try not to force yourself to work hard. You will not fail! Don't worry.
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nxuvillette · 5 months
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synopsis : vertias decided to have a little bit of fun with you during one of his lectures.
❥- pairings : vertias ratio x fem!reader
❥- note : finally back out of my slump ! sort of.. LMAO. this post was inspired by this thirst, all credit goes to them :) ! i hope you enjoy and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3.
content warnings : nsfw [17+], fem!reader, ageless + blank blogs dni, use of a vibrator, reader is in class, mentions of hookups, teasing, cum mentions, professor!vertias ( they are around the same age ! ), reader is a bit shy.
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It wasn’t smart of you to do, no. You should have shut down Vertias the moment he even thought of the idea, but his persuasion corrupted your mind and made you unable to say no. Then again, it was harmless fun! It’s not like anybody would actually be able to notice the beads of sweat that chased down your face, or how your eyes kept flickering at that damn clock that just couldn’t seem to move any faster.
Down below you was Vertias Ratio in all of his glory. He spoke nonsense about mathematics and how to do the proper formula in order to solve the problem written on the board. You knew he loved nothing better than teaching complete, well, idiots how to do things the right way. The man you had been sneaking around with always spoke negatively about the classmates you had. He said they would probably never obtain great knowledge like he did. 
He hadn’t bat even an eyelash at you the entire time. He was merely too focused on teaching the class he almost forgot about the little vibrating object that was tucked nice and snug between your legs. You, however, were fully aware of the toy that was buzzing away inside your panties. Although it was quite subtle, you were still feeling such a great wave of pleasure against your clit. You were convinced that you had soaked through your panties and were probably making a mess on the chair underneath you, but that wasn’t your biggest concern at all. Honestly, you didn’t know why you agreed to such a lewd thing. It might have been because thrill was something you were into, but then again, thrills came with loads of risk.
The scholar then turned to face the many people sitting inside his lecture hall. His amber eyes landed on you sitting in the third row. Vertias could feel his cock aching in his boxers, knowing that your pussy was probably dripping with arousal. He maintained his serious facade, and decided to have some fun.
He stepped towards the desk at his table, leaning over to hold the controller that went together with the vibrator inside you. Suddenly, the buzzing became more intense. It whirred against your folds and made you snap your thighs together almost immediately. Vertias could hardly hide the smirk on his features when he saw you trembling in your seat and shifting around uncomfortably. How fucking cute.
“(Y/N), do you know the answer?” he questioned, motioning his head at the equation written on the board. 
Your cheeks burned the moment his question registered inside your brain. You couldn’t fucking believe him right now. It was almost as if he was setting you up to embarrass the hell out of you. Not to mention, you hadn’t been paying attention the entire time. You really didn’t know the answer, and you were far too occupied with the burning pleasure between your legs to even think of the solution. 
The many eyes of the people sitting around you were felt. It was becoming an awkward silence given how long you had been quiet for. “N-No, I have yet to s-solve it!” the last few words almost came out like a gasp, because Vertias pumped up the pleasure. 
He didn’t seem to mind your reply. If it was any other person, he would have scolded them with some snarky comment that would have for sure left them feeling stupid. “Do try and work faster next time.” he then turned around, scraping the chalk against the board to begin another equation.
But, just as he finished, the bell signaling that his class was over rang in your ears. You felt immediate relief come over you, but once you caught his eyes looking right at you, you knew that it wasn’t really over for you anyway. 
You began to pack up your things while the other people inside of the room filed out into the hallway. This left you completely alone with Vertias. He was waiting for you down below. It didn’t take you long to reach the man you were secretly fucking for months on end. He could see the way your thighs were shaking and how your breathing was just a bit heavier than usual. He was so fucking thankful that this stupid class was over. Vertias couldn’t hide his bulge any longer.
The taller man pulled you against his body. Butterflies swarmed your stomach the moment you felt his cock pressing against your belly. It was painfully hard. You automatically knew what he wanted by the way his hands were exploring your body. Your hands rested on his muscular shoulders while his fingers traveled below to your skirt. A sigh left his mouth when he made contact with your underwear that were completely soaked through. 
Vertias’ digits pulled your panties aside. His fingertips brushed your clit, making you whimper into his ear. Oh my, you were just so fucking sensitive for him. He loved the way you were melting in his hands like putty. “How dirty of you..” he whispered. “Your pussy is so wet.. you must have been having the time of your life in your seat.”
Your eyes were focused on the ground before you. It felt almost embarrassing knowing what he was doing to you. “Vertias.. please.” you mewled as he played with your sensitive bead. 
He forced you to look at him. His eyes were completely blown with lust and you could just sense how turned on he was. “If anyone asks.. I’m giving you some extra credit, got it?” he raised his eyebrows, waiting for your reply. 
You nodded. “Y-Yes..”
“Good.. now sit on my desk. We’re gonna be here a while..” he whispered, squeezing your lips together.
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© NXUVILLETTE ┆ all rights reserved, do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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fallstaticexit · 22 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning
DJ plays- Color Me Badd - I Adore Mi Amor
Transcript under the cut
Geoffrey: Hey! Check out this little guy.
Bob: Probably one of the cats they let in the church to keep the mice out. Wonder what’s he doing all the way out here.
Geoffrey: We can’t leave him out in the cold. It’s starting to get cold soon.
Bob: There’s no way you think we can sneak a cat in the dorms.
Geoffrey: I’m pretty sure people have snuck in worse. Besides, we’re doing an act of kindness, right, little guy?
Bob: Does Nancy like cats?
Geoffrey: [nervously] W-why?
Bob: I saw you two being all cozy at the game the other day. Care to share?
Geoffrey: She was just being nice, that’s all...
Bob: Popular girls aren’t just nice for no reason. Actually...popular girls aren’t nice at all.
Geoffrey: She’s different. She’s still the same Nancy Landgraab I knew when we were kids. Kind. Smart. Um, really pretty...
Bob: Oh, boy. Do you hear yourself! You my friend are in l-o-v-e and you should talk to her! Ask her out!
Geoffrey: Ask you Nancy Landgraab? How do I do that?
Bob: Glad you ask. I am a certified ladies man. You just gotta- you know, talk to her! Listen to her when she talks. Ask about her day. Compliment her brain, not just her looks, trust me.
Don: [snorts] You listen to this dickhead and you’ll never get laid, Osteer. If you want to hook up with Blondie, I can help you out. It’ll cost you, though.
Geoffrey: Like what?
Don: Room swap. It’ll be easier for my girl to come over without getting caught if I have your room. Dina is friends with the hot blonde chick and she’ll put in a good word. Don’t worry, you can tap that before we swap. Deal?
Geoffrey: I don’t know... shouldn’t I get to know her better?
Don: We’re saying the same thing, dumbass! I’ll let you in on a secret; Tonight, a couple of us cool kids are sneaking out to a college party. Blondie will be there, and you two can get your freak on. How’s that?
Geoffrey: I-
Don: Atta boy, Osteer! Don’t dress like a dork virgin either.
Bob: [in a baby voice] I think this is a bad idea, Geoffrey! Yeah, couldn’t have said it better myself, little guy.
Geoffrey: Hey, Nancy. Um. Thanks again for helping me the other day. The only thing that’s bruised is my ego, honestly.
Nancy: Yes, of course. I’m glad you’re okay. Sorry about your ego.
Geoffrey: [chuckles] It’s ok, it should be used to this by now. What are you reading? Can I sit with you before class?
Nancy: Yeah, sure.
Vanessa: She has a crush on Geoffrey? Why didn’t she tell me?
Nina: Apparently, they’re childhood sweethearts. We need you to play matchmaker. If anyone can hook them up, it’s you, VV.
Nancy Narrates: [Ever since that night in my room, Vanessa has been noticeable distant from me. The only thing reaching me was that lost, faraway look in her eyes]
Cassie: Guys...I don’t know. What if Sister Agnes decides to do another room check? What am I supposed to say?
Cassie: I’m just gonna say it- I don’t think you should do this. Feels wrong. Lying? I wouldn’t even know what to say if someone asks. Nancy, say something-
Vanessa: Jesus fucking Christ, figure it the fuck out! Come on, Nancy.
Geoffrey: Do you want to da-
Nancy: Getting a drink.
Vanessa: Hi.
Nancy: Are you mad at me about something?
Vanessa: Why would I be mad at you?
Nancy: I don’t know..
Vanessa: Put that down and come dance.
DJ plays- Color Me Badd - I Adore Mi Amor
Dream on, dream away I think I'm gonna have to stay Stay forever I adore mi amor
You want to take her place You say you'd treat me better Better I know for sure
You see she loves me And I could never leave her
Nancy Narrates: [There it was, that feeling again. Only this time, I did fall completely apart]
Nancy: [panting]
You're the one that I adore (I adore) I'll be forever your love (mi amor)
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santanasaintmendes · 2 months
new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
part3! to the cosmic girl records 
¡Cosmic Girl Records!
summary: graduation day! and having the grid in the city for the US GP makes the day 1000x better 
olliebearman x reader & platonic!grid x reader 
fc!: gorgeous girls and couples on pinterest all credits go to rightful owners of the photos used below 
a/n: thank you for everyone who’s shown love to part 1 and 2 of the cosmic girl records!
disclaimer!: there are sensitive jokes that are used in this smau that may be offensive to some people they are all purely used to make the story more humorous. if you have any problems with the jokes that are used please feel free to message me and i will do my best to make sure everyone is happy, thank you!
tg!: swearing, sensitive jokes, carlos and y/n bully lando, if there are any other ones let me know!
wordcount: 1.5k ?
enjoy and i hope it makes you smile/laugh!
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liked by olliebearman, bestie1, georgerussell64, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux and 4,583,483 others
unfortunatelyy/n: hey upper east siders, 2 days down, 3 to go and im thinkin’. . . more coffee ☕️
view 2,483,322 comments 
 bestie1: I BELIEVE IN US 💪
 unfortunatelyy/n: i wish i had the brain capacity to 😮‍💨
 user1: wait so now that she’s graduating does that mean no more aesthetic studying vlogs and pics 😨
 user2: hopefully instead we’ll have photos from inside one of the f1 motorhomes instead 🙏
 user3: hoping, manifesting and praying 🙏 
user12: the last pic hits hard 😭
 olliebearman: can’t wait to see you this weekend 🥰
 liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 georgerussell64: get a room geez 🙄 
 unfortunatelyy/n: @carmenmmundt get your child off instagram 
georgerussell64: HEY
 user4: just when I thought y/n couldn’t get any  more relatable she goes and drops this on us 
 user12: real. 
user5: the fits go hard 💪
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 alexandrasaintmleux: more coffee and like 45+ hours of sleep, am i right?
 unfortunatelyy/n: FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT 
 user5: what’s she studying?
 user6: she’s been studying mechanical engineering for the last couple of years, she did karting as a kid and met lando when she lived in England that’s why she’s good friends with them all but she decided to stop karting and pursue mechanical engineering in school 
 user7: we love hot smart girls 😍
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 user8: any idea why lando hasn’t been very active on insta lately?
 user9: maybe he’s busy 
 liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 user11: not her liking the comment, she’s so real for that 
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liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, alex_albon, charles_leclerc, kimi.antonelli, arthur_leclerc and 5,583,483 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: i think. . . i’d step on a lego for you
tagged olliebearman 
 olliebearman: wow, i’m honoured 🥹
 unfortunatelyy/n: damn straight you are those things hurt like hell 
user2: y/n’s really out here living the life we only dream of 😣
 kimi.antonelli: good job Bearman, i told you it would work 
 olliebearman: ???? 
 user3: it’s not only me who’s looking at ollie’s arms in the last pic right?
 unfortunatelyy/n: nope 🤭 
 olliebearman: 🤨 
 arthur_leclerc: lego dates, i wish i would’ve thought of that first, if i do it now carla will say i’m copying you 😔
 olliebearman: sorry man 😔
 user5: guys, any ideas why the 2019 rookies are being less active in y/n’s insta comments 
 user6: it's not their job you know 
 user5: yeah i know but it’s still weird right??
lilymhe: STOP STEALING HER FROM ME 😡 @olliebearman
 alex_albon: I’m right here???
 unfortunatelyy/n: your point being?
 alex_albon: oh i hate you 
 unfortunatelyy/n: grab a ticket and get in line 
 user9: she cooked him 
 user10: ate and left no crumbs we stan a queen fr
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liked by olliebearman, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, georgerussell64, alex_albon, lilymhe and 11,482,973 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: ya snooze ya lose. it’s called defeat, Norris. 
tagged landonorris
view 72,492 comments 
user13: welcome back miss relatable 
user14: im sorry but lando doesn’t stand A CHANCE against y/n 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 user3: poor lando 😭
 user4: there are two types of people:
 user5: i did it. i manifested lando and HE’S BACK IN Y/N’s INSTA 
 user6: sum goofy ass future telling shit fr 
 landonorris: i let you win on purpose
 unfortunatelyy/n: OH so you WEREN’T crying and begging for mercy when i was going to win against you for the 5th time? 
 landonorris:  . . . yes.
 unfortunatelyy/n: hmmm 🤔
user11: don’t believe him he’s a liar y/n 🗣️🗣️
 carlossainz55: @unfortunatelyy/n how many times did you win against him
 unfortunatelyy/n: 8 times 😄
 user7: in conclusion: lando sucks at chess 
 carlossainz55: very good. i taught you well
 user15: they’re best friends your honour 
 carlossainz55: @landonorris i see you have not improved 
 user8: i just KNOW y/n and carlos love to roast lando together every weekend 
 landonorris: YOU GUYS SUCK 
 unfortunatelyy/n: and you good sir, suck at chess 
 user9: sorry lando but HAHAHAHA
 landonorris:@unfortunatelyy/n  i’m blocking you. 
user10: i bet y/n especially asks lando to play chess just to win against him
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, bestie1, lilymhe, georgerussel64, alex_albon, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lewishamilton and 8,822,329 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: it all paid off in the end, how did I do it? That’s a secret I’ll never tell, XOXO gossip girl 
tagged bestie1
olliebearman: so proud of you ❤️
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
user1: the gossip girl references my heart can’t take it, i’m so proud of her 🥹
 user11: SHES GORGEOUS 😍 Ollie better know how to fight 
 olliebearman: 😅
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
bestie1: no more 3am late nights studying?? 😦
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 landonorris: guess i’ll be seeing you next year alongside the ENEMIES 
 user2: LANDO WHAT
 unfortunatelyy/n: can’t keep a secret to save your life can you? 🙄
 mercedesamgf1: can’t wait to have you on the team next year y/n!
 user13: ARE U FOR REAL
 charles_leclerc: congratulations traitor!
 unfortunatelyy/n: thank you ferrari’s sacrificial lamb
 charles_leclerc: I-
 user6: bro’s speechless 
 charles_leclerc: why would you choose mercedes? we could’ve been world champions y/n 😔
 user14: HELP 
 unfortunatelyy/n: with your driving? i think not. 
 user7: oop 
 user8: dang that must’ve hurt 
 charles_leclerc: I take it back. SUFFER WITH MERCEDES 
 user9: i just know his PR team is going insane right now 
 unfortunatelyy/n: whatever you say baguette boy 
 user11: oh she went there 
 charles_leclerc: oh you’re a little shi-
 unfortunatelyy/n: OH I HATE YOU 
 mercedesamgf1: . . . note to self: don’t EVER get into a fight with Y/N 😅
user10: new thing to look forward to next season: charles and y/n beefing with one another 
 georgerussell64: you chose well, welcome to the dark side 😌
 unfortunatelyy/n: thanks. . .?
 lewishamilton: congratulations y/n!
 unfortunatelyy/n: thank you lewis! finally a normal comment 
landonorris: honestly and all jokes aside, i’m so proud of how far you’ve come from being that annoying little shit who followed me around all the time to a smart and somewhat kind girl, can’t wait to celebrate tonight 🥳
 unfortunatelyy/n: screenshotted, i’m going to hang this over your head for the rest of your life norris 
 landonorris: dang it. 
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liked by lilymhe, olliebearman, carmenmmundt, alexandrasaintmleux, arthur_leclerc and 23,383,938 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: thanks for the memories xx 
tagged olliebearman, georgerussell64, landonorris, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 18 others 
 maxverstappen1: DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW 
 unfortunatelyy/n: no. 🫶
 carlossainz55: i look good, no? 
 unfortunatelyy/n: whatever floats your boat man 
 unfortunatelyy/n: someone tell him he looks like he’s on crack 
 carlossainz55: 😨
 unfortunatelyy/n: 🫢 
user1: i just know yuki and pierre were pouring their whole heart and soul into the song 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 georgerussell64: let me just say, alonso and i tore up that dancefloor 
 unfortunatelyy/n: alonso yes, you no. 
 georgerussell64: damn ok 😔
 unfortunatelyy/n: no backchat? are you feeling okay? 
user2: i think i’m going to cry, they all love her sm 
user3: is this why they were so absent on her recent posts, were they planning all of this 🥹
user4: DON’T TALK TO ME. i’m in my feels rn
 landonorris: “thank you lando for planning this, i will be your servant for the rest of your life” 
 user5: HELP WHAT
 landonorris: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT 
 landonorris: OKAY FINE U MANIAC
 unfortunatelyy/n: WHAT DID U JUST CALL ME 
 landonorris: . . .and for legal reasons that’s a joke 
 landonorris: @olliebearman help me man, i’ll let you past this weekend 🙏
 olliebearman: you want me to help you after you tried to kill me? 
 landonorris: well if you say it like that it sounds bad
 landonorris: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT
 olliebearman: “iT wAs aN acCiDeNt” 
user6: ollie and y/n truly belong together, look at them bullying lando. i feel like a proud mother
 charles_leclerc: i’m sorry for my past actions y/n please never embarrass me on your instagram 🙏
 unfortunatelyy/m: apology NOT accepted 
 charles_leclerc: PLEASE 
 unfortunatelyy/n: no. 
user7: charles leclerc’s worst enemy: ferrari ❌ y/n ✅
a/n: thank you for reading! Have an awesome day lovely 🫶🏻
191 notes · View notes
bloodyserratus · 10 months
get fucked
pairing: toji x fem!reader x sukuna word count: 4.1k synopsis: toji & sukuna fuck the living daylights out of you... themes/warnings: pwp, smut, MDNI, threesome, piv, degradation, praise, double penetration, oral, fingering...this is pretty explicit. they're both huge... i feel like they're both kind of ooc.
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“Miss us?” Toji sneered as he stepped out in front of you, intersecting your path.
“Can’t say I did, Fushiguro,” you smiled sarcastically at him. The dark-haired male towered over you, lips turning down at the corners.
“That’s too bad,” his partner in crime, Sukuna, chuckled as he appeared behind you.
“What do you want?” you sighed.
These two had been bothering you for a couple of weeks now. They were your local, neighborhood delinquents who liked to frequent the restaurant that you worked at. You knew they were in some shady line of work, but had decided to just mind your own business. Aside from some crass flirting and lingering touches at work, they’d never done much to bother you. Today, though, following you on your way home was now escalating to a level that had you concerned.
“Can’t we just pay a visit to our favorite girl?” Toji’s lips curled up at the corners as he raked his eyes over you.
“Favorite girl my ass,” you rolled your eyes and laughed. “Come on,” you glanced at Sukuna, who had crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“What’s with the reaction?” Sukuna cocked his head at you, hiding his surprise.
“At best, I’ll be the next target of your bullying,” you rolled your eyes at the pair of delinquents, “At worst, I’m your plaything of choice for the next month or so. I have interest in neither, so I suggest you consider someone else.”
It should be easy enough. Though their personalities were more or less garbage, they were good looking and well built.
“You’re a smart one,” Sukuna chuckled, advancing on you, “You must be able to guess, though, that part of your appeal is the fight,” he reasoned, sarcastic words curling around your ear. Toji approached from the other direction until you were sandwiched between their chests.
“Tell us, pretty girl,” Toji chuckled, chest vibrating against yours, “Tell us you know that.”
Your breaths were choppy as they both pressed against you, overwhelming you with their size.
“I-,” you panted, chest tightening as they jostled you, hoping to get a rise out of you.
You placed your hands against Toji’s chest and pushed, trying to put some distance between you. It did not work.
“Wha-?!” you blinked in surprise when Toji lifted you up so that your feet were off the ground and pressed back into you, suspending you mid air against Sukuna. They both snickered as you realized your predicament.
“Why me?” you tried to ask, but your voice caught and trailed into a small moan as Toji’s leg slotted itself between your thighs, pressing against your core.
“Hmm,” his eyebrows rose with delight at the sound.
“There it is,” Sukuna snickered as his lips brushed against your neck.
You shuddered as he nibbled his way up the curve of your neck. Your hands shot out and gripped Toji’s biceps when Sukuna nipped sharply at your earlobe. Toji and Sukuna’s eyes met and a dangerous spark passed between them before Sukuna’s hands closed around your waist. To your surprise, they both stepped away and Sukuna placed you back on the ground before they vanished as suddenly as they had appeared.
“What the fuck?” you huffed, straightening yourself out.
You groaned and laid your forehead on the desk. You'd been working on holiday scheduling for the next three weeks and after cataloging all of the vacations everyone had submitted for, your brain was fried. You turned to pack up your things and head home and you’d been so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn’t notice people had entered your room until you turned back to face the door. 
“Look what we found, Toji,” Sukuna grinned down at you.
“Look what we found indeed,” Toji smiled, cocky.
“What do you want?” you asked, body tensing at the sight of them and the memory of last time.
“More like…who do we want,” Toji smiled. His mouth was smiling, but his eyes promised something dark.
“Again…why me?” you asked, putting up a brave front, but you could already feel yourself responding to their presence. Recollections of the way they had overpowered you so easily had graced your dreams, day and night, a few times already.
“Something about you,” Sukuna considered you for a moment, “I want to see it break.”
Your eyebrows raised and despite your rational mind, you clenched at his words.
“I or we?” you couldn’t help but tease, “You guys really can’t do anything yourselves, huh? Always a package deal.”
Sukuna’s eyes flashed at you and you almost took a step back. His eyes were sharp and a strand of hair hung in front of them. You swallowed nervously…
“Have you been thinking about us, pretty girl?” Toji purred while Sukuna locked the room’s door. “You seem less difficult today.”
“Why would I be?” you asked politely, “Thinking about you, that is.”
“Because of the way you were panting, holding back your moans the last time we saw you,” Toji leaned down to whisper in your ear. His lips brushed against the shell and your mouth fell open with surprise. “Like a bitch in heat,” he laughed, condescending as hell.
“Oh get fucked!” you moved to strike him. Mistake.
“That's right,” Toji chuckled as he caught your wrist in his large hand easily. “You’re more of a hellcat than a bitch, aren’t you?”
You tried to pull away, but in all ways you were at a disadvantage. Toji lifted his arm and yours went with it. He was tall enough that this stretched you out uncomfortably and you were balanced on the tips of your toes. Your other hand moved reflexively for balance and it planted itself squarely on Toji Fushiguro’s firm chest. Your hand fisted in his shirt as he jerked you around, playing with you.
“You like this, don’t you?” Sukuna narrowed his eyes as he watched. Your mouth was agape and your eyes had grown slightly glossy at the way Toji disrespected you. He had to credit you…you’d managed to keep your sounds down, but everything else about your body language was so clear…you were turned on.
“Answer him, pretty,” Toji commanded and you looked up at him with begging eyes. “We all know the answer anyways, just want to hear you say it.”
You glared at him. You would never.
“So stubborn,” Toji’s voice was a low rumble against your fist, “Hope you know that I like that,” he grinned at you, backing you onto the desk.
“I wonder,” Sukuna cocked his head suddenly and placed a sharp nail against your neck. Dragged the pointed tip down to your collarbone and you shivered at the pain. “Still won’t admit it?” he goaded you, pressing and the tip bit deeper into your skin, just shy of breaking it.
“Pretty girl,” Toji gripped your chin and lifted it to meet his piercing eyes. “Answer us and we’ll give you what you need.”
As rough Toji liked to be, he wasn’t one to take without some indication of consent. Your eyes searched his and you must’ve seen or realized this because one of the coils in your stomach loosened with some sort of relief.
“...want,” you sighed, body sagging as you finally gave in.
“Oh you good girl, you,” Sukuna was at your back in a flash, hands running up your sides, grabbing and groping freely.
You moaned softly as Toji’s fingers traced along your inner thigh. You squirmed when they met your center and found it hot and wet.
“Dirty girl,” he snickered and rubbed, drawing a strangled cry from you.
“To-Toji,” you groaned, legs parting for him as Sukuna squeezed your tits harshly.
“Sukuna,” you panted when he squeezed your nipples through the fabric of your shirt. You were overwhelmed.
“She is dripping,” Toji laughed, caressing you through your panties. “I knew you’d be perfect,” he remarked smugly.
“Please,” your hips shifted desperately towards him, needing him to take more.
“Please what?” Sukuna cooed in your ear.
“More!” was all you could manage as Toji pushed your panties aside and stroked his fingertips lazily through your folds. The wet sounds brought heat to your face as you whined for him.
“We can give more,” Toji held your gaze, serious for a moment. “But if it’s too much, how will you tell us?”
“Safe word?” you answered, finding it difficult to focus when he grazed your clit repeatedly.
“And what is your safe word, pretty girl?” Toji asked.
“Sp-split Soul,” you stuttered out when your nipples were tweaked gently. Toji’s eyes widened a splinter at your answer.
“Aren’t you making your favorite a bit too obvious?” Sukuna teased upon hearing the name of Toji’s cursed tool, though he didn’t mean much by it.
“Fascinating,” Toji looked you over from head to toe one more time before he slid two fingers inside of you, drawing a loud cry from your lips. His knuckles stroked against you and you clenched around him, panting.
“She’s crying,” Sukuna chuckled, watching your eyes go glassy as Toji finger fucked you deeply. Sukuna’s large hands cupped your breasts and his fingers tweaked your nipples every so often as he nibbled on your neck.
“Wait, I-!” your eyes shot open as an orgasm barreled through you. Your body tensed in their hands and Toji’s fingers continued to curl up into you until the knot uncoiled you threw your head back with a loud wail. Sukuna’s chest was there to support your sagging body as you watched Toji lick your arousal off of his fingers.
“My turn,” Sukuna announced, shifting to take Toji’s place between your legs. His hands stroked down your inner thighs and his nails dragged deliciously along the soft, delicate skin. He watched with sadistic pleasure as it left long, red lines behind.
Toji took a seat behind you and palmed himself through his pants as he watched Sukuna’s handiwork. He throbbed at the marks and he thought about leaving a few marks of his own. His eyes widened with interest when Sukuna turned his hand around and tapped the backs of his knuckles, littered with rings, against your clit.
All of your muscles tensed at the sensation of cold metal against your hot, swollen clit and you let out a sound that was halfway between a squeal and a moan. Sukuna chuckled cruelly and kept up an erratic pattern until your back was arching up off of the table.
“Ha, hah, hah!” your soft pants were all that could be heard as Sukuna edged you mercilessly. “Sukuna, please!” you finally cried when you felt on the brink of insanity. You were surprised at the feral noise that escaped you when he stepped back and away, leveling you with a cruel smirk.
“Desperate little thing,” he chuckled and the way he peered disdainfully down at you shot a jolt of electric energy through you.
“Toji?” you looked towards the other man in the room hopefully. Your pupils dilated when you realized he was thrusting his hips, cock rubbing through the fabric of his pants against his palm. “Toji…,” you moaned, your voice dreamy and almost slackjaw at the visual.
“You sure know how to get what you want, don’t you?” Sukuna laughed heartily, helping you upright.
“May I?” you approached Toji, dropping to your knees before him.
“Polite when you need to be,” Toji rolled his eyes at you and shared a laugh with Sukuna.
You grinned and busied yourself with unearthing his erection. It was thick and heavy and tipped just slightly forward unassisted. You sighed with delight when you saw it, which served as a real shot to Toji’s ego.
“What a good little slut,” Sukuna chuckled, taking a seat. Unlike Toji, he had no desire to exercise restraint and pulled himself out of his pants, stroking eagerly.
Toji hissed when you closed your mouth around him. So wet and warm. The visual of your lips pursed around his shaft as you sucked gently was almost dizzying to him and he found himself gritting his teeth, trying to stay level. You were so singularly focused on lapping at his cock that you jolted with surprise when Sukuna smacked your cheek suddenly.
“Spit,” he demanded, his palm outstretched before you. You blinked up at him in surprise for so long that he slapped you lightly again. “I said spit.”
When he was satisfied, he brought his hand back to his cock, using your saliva as lubrication. You were embarrassed that the realization only served to turn you on more. Toji cleared his throat, grabbing your attention again. You moved to put your mouth back on him and you were surprised when he stopped you.
“Why don’t you sit?” he gestured to his shining erection with an expectant look. He had to hold back a smile at the way your expression grew hungry and dazed at the same time. You peeled off your panties and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He offered you no help and instead leaned back and watched with lazy eyes as you positioned him at your opening.
“You’re too big,” your eyes flashed to him with mild annoyance. Your knees spread as you tried to lower yourself onto him with little success. Toji kept up his poker face as you clenched and gripped around his engorged tip. Finally after some desperate bucking of your hips, he popped into you, stretching you almost painfully around his girth. “Fuuck,” you whined, lips pursed as your eyes squeezed shut.
“My god she’s fucking tight,” Toji remarked to Sukuna through gritted teeth.
“Good thing you went first then, huh?” Sukuna taunted.
Toji’s lip twitched in response, but he didn’t say anything because you were doing your best to take more of him.
“Oh my god, Toji,” you mumbled mindlessly as you worked your way down, lips stretched taut around his shaft. At the very least, you were soaked and dripping, but his sheer size was still a challenge. You weren’t sure if Sukuna was just trying to get a rise out of Toji, but the possibility of him being even bigger made you feel faint.
“Are you struggling, kitty?” Toji teased, lips curled up into a smirk. “My cock too fat for our little whore?”
“You're big!” you gasped out, with a nod. “It doesn't, it barely fits,” you whined, but not because you wanted to stop. It was because you wanted Toji to drive up into you, punishing and hard.
Toji watched, proud at the way you struggled to split yourself open around you. You struggled and yet you persisted and he found himself admiring that. 
“Shall I take over?” Toji cupped your chin and brushed his thumb across your cheek. You nodded eagerly and he flexed his hips up into you and you moaned even louder than before. The way he pushed into you was simply divine. His rhythm was slow and deep as you grew accustomed to it.
“How is it, pretty girl?” Sukuna surprised you when he came up behind you. His hands closed around your hips and he pressed you further down on Toji’s cock, drawing hisses from both of you. “Does he feel good?”
“Asshole,” Toji spat at Sukuna when he pressed against your cervix and you clamped down around him.
You couldn’t even manage an answer as Toji’s cock was stuffed into you deeper than you thought possible. Sukuna was unrelenting and held you in place as Toji’s hips jerked reflexively up into you.
“Fuck!” Toji cursed, his orgasm incoming.
“Come on,” Sukuna taunted. “You’ve been wanting to fill her up for a while now, just do it.”
“Wha-?” you struggled to comprehend Sukuna’s words, but Toji’s cock jerked strongly inside of you and you squeezed back reflexively.
Toji inhaled a few ragged breaths as he came, unloading deep inside of you with Sukuna pinning you down.
“Look at you,” Sukuna snickered cruelly, hand cupping your chin and tilting your head to face him. “Filled with Fushiguro’s cum,” he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose.
You were surprised at the gesture.
“Do you let just anybody fuck you raw?” Sukuna taunted, leering at you. You narrowed your eyes at him, god he gave you whiplash.
“Do you just go around fucking anybody raw?” you bit back and Toji chuckled.
“Guess Fushiguro was too soft on you, cause this bitch ain't broken yet,” Sukuna barked out a laugh. “My turn,” his eyes glinted at you before he pulled you off of Toji’s lap.
Sukuna forced you to your knees and smacked the heavy head of his cock against your cheek. You glared up at him defiantly.
“Can’t wait to see those eyes water as you glare at me,” he sneered, hooking his thumb into your mouth and yanking it open. You let out a noise of surprise, but it was quickly muffled by his cock being shoved unceremoniously between your lips.
“God that’s a sinful little mouth,” Sukuna groaned when your lips closed around him, enveloping him in your wet warmth. “Shut this mouthy little slut right up,” he snickered as you sucked.
Toji settled in behind you and snaked his arms around you. One looped around your waist and the other reached between your thighs. Your lips squeezed around Sukuna’s head when Toji’s palm landed a slap squarely against your cunt, like a hammer against your clit. Sukuna’s hand shot out around the back of your neck and pulled you forward until he was lodged against the back of your throat. You moaned loudly as both men ground against you, your wet, drooly holes.
“Fuck that’s tight!” Sukuna hissed when you relaxed your throat and let him slip inside. Toji’s hand moved from your waist to cup your throat, feeling the way it bulged to accommodate Sukuna.
“Hah…I can feel him,” he whispered in your ear as his fingers dipped into your pussy, pushing his cum back inside.
You whimpered and clenched at his observation. Your whimper was muffled by Sukuna’s cock, but your clench was easily felt by Toji’s thick fingers. Toji’s lips curled up into a sadistic grin and the hand around your throat tightened and Sukuna’s knees almost buckled.
“Fucking shit!” he glared at Toji after pulling out, leaving you gasping for breath in his firm grip.
Toji’s chest rumbled with laughter, pleased to be able to get the best of Sukuna for a turn. Despite yourself, it pleased you to hear Toji laugh. Something about the both of them using you to toy with each other made you swell with pride.
“Keep playing, Fushiguro,” Sukuna spat venomously, pulling you up by a fistful of hair. He bent you forward over the table and flipped your skirt up, rubbing his cock along your dripping length. “Watch me fuck your cum out of her,” he snarked before sliding into you in one fluid motion.
“Ohh~!” you cried as you stretched around Sukuna. You weren’t sure if he was actually bigger or you were just sensitive, but the feeling had you clawing at the tabletop like a feral cat.
“How’s that feel, baby?” he grunted as he pounded into you harshly. Your hips clipped against the edge of the table painfully with each thrust and his balls slapped wetly against you.
“G-good,” you cried.
“Better than Fushiguro?” he goaded and Toji’s eyebrows furrowed.
“I-,” you hiccuped, “I don’t know,” you answered honestly, tears welling up in your eyes as an orgasm approached. “Su-kuna,” you cried, back arching.
“Answer me, pretty girl,” Sukuna asked again, pupils dilating with satisfaction as he worked a creamy ring of Toji’s cum and your arousal around the base of his shaft. “Who do you prefer?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know! Both!” you cried as your body tensed and you came, thinking of the different ways in which they both used and ravaged your body.
“Did I say you could come?” Sukuna gripped you by the chin and pulled you up against him. He tipped your head back so that you could meet his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you realized your error quickly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” your eyebrows pinched with worry at what fresh hell he would unleash on you for this.
He surprised you by trailing his wet tongue across your cheek before licking into your open mouth. You clenched as he nipped your lips and then sucked your tongue into his mouth. Toji had already claimed your pussy by filling it with his cum and you understood this as Sukuna’s way of claiming your mouth for his own. You squirmed when he pulled back slightly and held your mouth open for him. His teeth ran across his tongue before he spit into your mouth. You shivered as you accepted his saliva eagerly. It was intimate, filthy, and wanton all at the same time.
“Fushiguro,” Sukuna’s eyes flicked to Toji’s as he picked you up, holding your back against his chest with surprising ease. “Get over here.”
Toji’s eyebrows furrowed as he tried to understand Sukuna’s meeting.
“She said she wants both,” Sukuna chuckled, “Let’s see if she can take both.”
Your eyes widened at his words. You were already tired and sore, but something about these two gave you something to prove. You knew Sukuna didn’t expect you to be able to, which triggered something defiant and stubborn inside of you and you knew you wouldn’t back down.
“I can,” you insisted as Sukuna set you down on the small couch that was tucked against the wall of the room. He laughed at your show of confidence. You’d have to see.
“You gonna let me fuck that pretty ass, baby?” Toji’s voice was raspy from behind. “You so cock hungry that you need both of those holes filled?”
Perversion curled through you and your eyes flashed when you look at him and nodded. Toji was taken aback for a moment. It was true he’d had his eye on you for some time, but he had sorely underestimated you. He shifted behind you while you straddled Sukuna and his cock was screaming to be inside of you. You had dripped so much that he easily coated himself in your fluids. His eyes were transfixed as he pressed the dark head of his cock against your puckered sphincter. You let out a series of warm pants as Sukuna gripped your hips tightly.
“Wait,” you placed your hand on Toji’s abdomen, “Give me a sec?” you breathed hard as you tried to relax. You’d had difficulty accommodating Toji in your pussy, so anal was going to be an even bigger challenge, but you were determined.
“Take your time, pretty,” Toji pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He held still as you pressed your hips back against him, stretching a little more each time around him. Watching the way you stretched yourself around him, from hesitant to eager, was dizzying to Toji in a way that he had not expected.
Sukuna reached up to stroke your face affectionately as you adjusted. He cooed praise up at you, telling you how good you were being for them, how sexy you looked taking both their cocks. Behind you, Toji egged you on with words of his own. How good your pretty hole looked stretched around him, how much more he had left to give you.
Your breaths were ragged as you pushed back, dragging him deeper and deeper into you.
“Almost there,” he encouraged, “To the hilt, baby, show me,” he watched proudly until you had taken him completely.
“Fuck,” you let out a sigh, eyes flickering between the two men. It surprised you to see satisfied smiles on both of their faces. This was short lived because before long, they both thrusting up into you alternately and all coherent thought left your mind.
The room was filled with grunts, pants, and the wet sounds of sex as they both pistoned their cocks into you. You were so full and so sore, but it was the most delicious pain that you had ever experienced.
“Close,” you murmured when you felt the coil in your belly constricting. “May I?” you asked.
“What a fast learner,” Sukuna clicked his tongue, pressing a kiss against your neck. “You’re doing so well…whenever you wish,” he nodded and Toji couldn’t agree more.
They fucked you and kept fucking you through two more orgasms. You briefly wondered if you might pass out, but their climax came mercifully and with heavy twitches and muttered curses, they emptied themselves into you. Their muscles unwound and relaxed post orgasm and you found yourself sandwiched pleasantly between their large bodies. You knew they were both notorious for sleeping around, but you wondered if they’d be up for a repeat. You needed more experience before you could declare a favorite, after all.
498 notes · View notes
mercurygguk · 11 months
head over skates · jjk ; part iv.
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··· SUMMARY; jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you happen to have known him for as long as you can remember but he is not who he used to be and you simply can’t stand it.
so what happens when you’re suddenly stuck doing a project with him for three weeks?
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PAIRING; hockey player!jungkook x f. reader
GENRE; fwb au, childhood friends to enemies to lovers au, college au
WARNINGS; swearing, mentions of sex, jk being nice and getting shit for it lol
a/n; part 4 and ohmygodddd the angst is coming y'all !! i hope you enjoy reading this one – lmk what you think and tysm for reading <3
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It’s a nice day today.
The sun is shining, it’s getting warmer due to spring, there’s not a single hint of a breeze in the air, and everyone seems to be in a great mood. It’s amazing what the changing seasons do to people and their mood – yourself included.
You’re working on the project for your photography class while sitting on your jacket on the grass quad on campus. You’ve almost finished the introduction and made sure to note down the plans for the project as well as set up the whole layout. The need to be organized has taken over but you always see it as a good thing; it keeps you focused and it makes school work seem less overwhelming.
It’s peaceful here on the quad, the faint sound of other students talking and laughing fills the atmosphere around you. There’s even a guy playing the guitar not too far away from you.
It’s nice, you think to yourself as a small smile spreads across your lips.
Until it isn’t anymore.
The evil spawn, also known as Jeon Jungkook, suddenly appears in front of you and blocks the sun as he grins at you, looking cheerful and happy for some reason you don’t care to know about.
Your smile has now turned into a scowl as you stare at him, ignoring the fact that he’s once again holding two americanos in his hands, “is this gonna be a thing now?”
Jungkook nods instantly, not noticing or simply just ignoring the glare you shoot at him.
“Yeah, it’s a tradition now, ____ – I bring iced Americano and you bring your moody attitude and then we work on the project together,” he says, his grin now a smirk that you suddenly feel the urge to slap off his face.
God, why is he so persistent on doing this project with you? Why can’t he just leave you to do it on your own? Why can’t he go do what he usually does – being a fuckboy and play hockey – instead of bothering you with his presence?
You can’t help but scoff and roll your eyes at his words, choosing to ignore the comment he so casually dropped about you being ‘moody’.
“I can get my own iced americano, thank you very much,” you pointedly say.
“Oh, really? Where is it?” He asks, looking around on the grass surrounding you, “did you chug it?”
His quick retort circuits your brain as you’re left gaping at him. You then shake your head as if to clear your head and ask another question.
You’re not quite sure why you haven’t told him to leave yet…
“So what? Are you stalking me now?”
Jungkook snorts as you quirk an eyebrow at him in question, shooting you a look of amusement as he glances around at all the people surrounding you and him.
“____, you’re literally on the campus quad. Anyone with eyes in their head could find you here.”
You blink at him for a second, causing Jungkook to flash you a knowing smirk and offer you one of the beverages he so kindly brought along once again. You decide to ignore his smart retort and take the iced americano he’s holding out, instantly taking a sip and withholding the moan of satisfaction that was threatening to escape just now.
Jungkook huffs out a chuckle to himself as he sits down next to you and slips off his backpack, pulling out his laptop. You stare at him in bewilderment as if he has three heads when he sits down, wondering how he’s taking your hostility as an invite to sit down with you.
“Jungkook, what are you doing here?” You can’t help but ask, confused as to why he’s sitting here next to you for the second time within just two days.
“To work on the project?”
There’s a look of confusion on his face as he looks at you, eyebrows pulled together in question.
“No, seriously – I told you, I’m doing this project by myself. What are you really doing here?”
Jungkook’s face twists in slight annoyance at your determination to work on the project by yourself, “you’re not the only one who cares about their grades, you know?”
He doesn’t care about his grades – there’s just no way that a stereotypical jock like him could care about anything but frat parties, getting laid and his sport. Old Jungkook might’ve cared but this Jungkook right here? He hasn’t given a single fuck about anything but hockey and his image since he became the popular and hot hockey player.
“Are you saying that me doing the project on my own will give us a bad grade? If anything, you working with me on the project will make it even worse!”
The tone of your voice has turned defensive as you cross your arms over your chest and stare at him. Jungkook scoffs, a hint of amusement within the sound. If he’s offended by your words, he doesn’t show it. Why would he be? He doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
“Excuse me, I have a 94 in this class right now!”
You fall silent.
A score of 94%.
You can’t help but let out a laugh, wondering how he managed to score a 94 in photography when all he ever does with his spare time is hooking up with girls around campus or spending it in the hockey arena with his teammates. 
“And how did you manage to do that? Did you flirt with Mrs. Kim or something?” You huff out a mocking chuckle.
Just for a split second, you swear you see a flicker of hurt flash across his eyes before it’s replaced by his usual smirk.
“And if I did?” He taunts.
Your eyes roll before you have a chance to stop them from doing so, causing Jungkook’s smirk to turn into an almost devilish grin.
“Wow, ____, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”
His words have you scowling at him – something you seem to do a lot when he’s anywhere near you. You then grab the iced coffee and take another sip, turning your attention back to your laptop screen, leaving Jungkook to sit next to you and work on the project in silence. You don’t say another word to him as you share the document with him so he can partake in the process.
His words affected you more than you wish they did because it was once the truth but if there’s anything you’ll never be again, it’s being jealous of something Jeon Jungkook does.
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tlou-reid · 2 years
visitor's list ✰ spencer reid
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warnings ✰ angst, cursing, prison spencer
summary ✰ when spencer goes to prison, his visitor's list seems to be missing a name
notes ✰ idk if i like this but it's an idea i had since i first saw s12 lol i hope u like it!
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you don't know if anything has ever hurt as much as this. you've had emily prentiss tell you bad news before, this was definitely not the first. but, damn, this was the worst. every word felt like a gunshot right into your heart.
"spencer was found in mexico."
"we are still trying to figure out how and why he ended up there."
"he was, thankfully, extradited back to the united states due to a complication in the case."
"we are still figuring everything out but for now he's here and he is safe."
okay, that part felt good. knowing he was safe was comforting, a little. but, that feeling did not last long. emily had that look on her face. her sad eyes with a soft tilt of her head. she was hiding something. "emily, what else?"
well, she was actually hiding a lot from you. she was hiding that there was drugs involved. she was hiding that reid was on said drugs. she was hiding that he decided not to take a plea deal and was going to have to remain in jail. she was hiding that the fbi would not be helping him at all. she was hiding that he is not in protective custody. she was hiding that you were not on his visitors list.
"we're still figuring everything out, there's a lot of details i don't know and even more i cannot tell you," she takes a sigh, "he has been allowed to have visitors, garcia is going to the first-"
"why not me?" you interrupted with a furrow of your brain. you were spencer's lover. spencer's person. spencer's other half. sure, you did not go out in the field with him. sure, you weren't equipped to handle the legal side, but you knew spencer. physically, mentally and emotionally; you knew spencer. he needed you. he needed you more than someone to talk about what he is missing on the field. he needed comfort, stability, love. all of these things only you could provide for him.
"y/n," emily says, her eyes even sadder, "there are some," she takes a breathe, letting the statement hang in the air for a couple seconds, "complications".
"what kind of complications?" your voice is harsher than you intend for it to be. the tears that have been welling up in your eyes since she knocked on your door are threatening to fall. your whole body is tense as you rush out each inquisitive statement.
"y/n, you cannot see spencer." her tone was more authoritative, but her look, that fucking stare, that was full of pity. full of sadness. god, you hated it.
"what the fuck do you mean?" you rush out, tears finally falling. they had changed their composition. the tears that had welled up in your eyes were full of sadness, full of fear. but the ones that hit your cheek were full of anger, full of distrust. of course you could see spencer, he's yours. he's more yours than any of the bau agents, that's one thing you were sure of.
"spencer, he uh, he had to create his list. the list of people who could go visit him while he is in prison. your name was never put on it."
bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang.
emily tried to break the news gently, she did not want you to be hurt and she did not want to be the one hurting you. but there was no way to prevent it. your knees started to wobble and your hands started to shake. your breathing became ragged. this was a new feeling, one you'd never experienced before. you felt sad, angry, distrustful, resentful, jealous. you felt so many things.
emily reached out to put a gentle hand on your shoulder but you dodged it. "he chose not to let me see him." you declared, not leaving any room for emily to reply. emily prentiss is a smart woman, one who rarely doesn't know what to say or do. but she was speechless. she hurt for you. she was sad for you.
"i need to go," you stepped away from her, closing the door and walking into your house. she didn't come in when you invited her and now you knew why. she had nothing but bad news for you.
your tears were flowing freely. you didn't know what to do, so you sunk to the middle of the living room floor, trying to find comfort within yourself. what did this mean for you? what did this mean for spencer? what did this mean for your relationship? here you were, laying in the middle of your shared living room, surrounded by his books, the art he liked, the blanket jj's mom made for him. and yet, he was behind bars not even acknowledging your feelings, your hurt, your uncertainity. upon this realization, the tears turned into sobs, echoing through your home that now felt so empty.
but you were so wrong. so so so wrong. every single thought that wracked his brain was you. from the time he had enough clarity in his brain to think after coming down off of the drugs, you were on his mind. he had written his list with your name at the top, before recalling all of the things he'd been told.
"You just gotta learn how to survive"
"But if you keep this up, keep thinking the normal rules apply in here, then I cannot help you"
"They're gonna beat you again. Might even kill you"
the first time he removed your name from the list, it was selfish. he was struggling in here already, how would he get by if they knew he had a beautiful, loving, kind woman coming into to see him? being happy he was alive? feeling protective over him? loving him? sure, he knew he was a good person, and he knew he was probably the smartest person in here, but he felt so weak. he felt exposed, vulnerable. he did not want them to use the one thing in the world that made him feel those things in a safe, positive way, and run with it. so, for the first time, he removed your name from the list. he was being selfish, he knew that. but he also knew he needed to survive. otherwise, he wouldn't get to come home to you. so, going a few months, just until his team proved his innocence, without you seemed like the best course of action.
once he got over those fears, he decided he'd need to see you eventually. he missed you. he missed your smile. he missed talking to you. and so, he put your name back on the list. he might've even smiled as he went to turn it in, thinking about the day he got to see you.
and then he pictured you. your radiant smile and bubbly energy, walking into such a dark, desolate place. he looked at himself in the mirror, and he imagined you. he imagined you with dark circles under your eyes, the smile wiped off of your face. he imagined you in his spot, weak, scared and unsure of the future. he ripped the list up, re-writing it one last time. to any normal person, it was irrational. obviously visiting a prison and being imprisoned are two very different things. but to spencer, it was the same. you were an extension of him. you felt the things he felt, you saw things the way he did. and he knew that him seeing you, and you seeing him, would not be good for you. so, the list was ripped up. then, it was rewritten with the bau members, then it was turned in.
and then it was forgotten. by him, at least.
as time went on, he had other things to prioritize. he was focused on his safety, as well as the safety of the other inmates. he feels as though he has a duty to protect them, so he moves on and takes action in the prison.
you, on other-hand, are never going to forget his list. the pain you felt because of that stupid fucking list.
so, you keep yourself busy. you work longer hours, picking up extra work in your job. you meet up with your friends, not spencer's friends, your friends. you don't tell them about where he is, just some off handed comment about his job when they ask.
your favorite activity becomes visiting ms. diana. spencer's mom has grown to love you, and you enjoy your talks, even if she doesn't remember all of them. you make it a point to be there when the nurse is taking her lunch, just because you know that jj comes later than lunch time, and you do not want to see her. so, naturally, you do not see the nurse or jj, getting to enjoy your time with ms. diana all by yourself.
you have not seen any of the team. penelope and luke have both left messages on your phone that you haven't bothered to listen to. jj has called and texted, you even answered one time. but when she told you she was on her way to see spencer, you quickly, but politely, ended the call. it wasn't that you didn't want to hear about spencer or didn't want to talk to the team, it just hurt too much. it's been over a month and you haven't gotten to see spencer, or even hear his voice. because of a choice he made. so, seeing those who did get those privileges was too much and you avoided it.
until rossi was knocking on your door, and luke was creeping in your windows. the knocks were quick and heavy, clearly indicating that they needed you. reluctantly, you opened it.
"y/n," rossi smiles, "we did it." you thought you knew what he was talking about, but just in case you were wrong, you furrowed your eyebrows and cocked your head. "reid's out," luke calls from behind rossi. they are expecting you to look excited, to move to the car to go see him right now. but you don't.
your body relaxes. it was a natural instinct. despite all of your feelings about this situation, knowing he was both innocent and out of prison was a comforting thought. a lot of the pent-up negative energy releases from your body once you know he is safe.
"he is coming to the bureau, we came to get you so you can be there when he arrives," rossi clarifies, slightly confused by your lack of excitement.
"he doesn't want me." you were going to say 'he doesn't want me there', but your brain stops you. it's not that he didn't want you at the bureau; spencer did not want you. he did not want you to visit. he did not want to call you. he did simply did not want you.
"what are you talking about?" luke asks. you were getting real tired of crying in front of fbi agents, but here you were. standing in your doorway, crying over spencer reid, just as you had done a few months ago. rossi's face softens, understanding your pain now.
"he didn't let me visit, he didn't call. he didn't want me, luke. he didn't want me when he needed me most and he definitely doesn't want me now." you feel bad for talking to luke the way you were, he was always nice to you. but, fuck, you were hurting.
"he loves you so much," rossi starts one of his speeches, "he was scared, y/n. please, give him a chance. the spencer you knew was not the same spencer in prison. he asked about you every time anyone went to see him. he tried to explain and apologize. not seeing you destroyed him. please, just come with us."
you had never heard rossi beg for anything before. you could see the sincerity in his eyes. right now, rossi knew spencer better than you did. you felt like you didn't know anything about him. so you decided to listen to the person who does. you climbed into the car, letting rossi and luke take you to see spencer.
you arrived before him, taking the elevator up to the bau floor. you were familiar with this room, having dropped off plenty of lunches that spencer had forgotten at home. your eyes fell on his desk. there was a picture frame that you knew had a picture of you and him. despite keeping a neat, proper desk, he always made sure to have a way to show you off. everyone in the room was looking at you with sad expressions.
what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes passed before the elevator dinged, signaling his arrival. when he stepped out, his eyes immediately fell on you. he looked so tired. so scared. so weak. he didn't even glance at anybody else, making his way straight to you. as he approached, you looked at his chest, too sensitive to bring your eyes to meet his.
"i'm sorry," was the first thing he said. he couldn't imagine the pain you were feeling. he had a million things to say but also nothing at all. he let this statement hang in the air before he continued, "and i love you. so much."
you finally looked him in the eyes. you didn't say anything, just looked at him.
"can i hug you?" he asked cautiously. you hesitated and then nodded. you were quickly enveloped by his arms, his scent, his love. him.
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livstarlight · 2 years
Please allow me to break down this wakanda forever scene for my personal entertainment and the mere reason why I think it's the funniest shit I have ever seen
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So we have Namor who is blabbering his sob story to a stranger foreigner surface-dweller princess he met once and who has known for a total of... five minutes, give or take. But whatever, we are on a tight schedule, on the brink of war and with the risk of being exposed any minute, plus we are trying to form an alliance with above mentioned princess and her country, that seems to be the only one to have something in common with his own, so it's fine.
ANYWAY, he has just finished unraveling his people's but especially his entire life story because he wants Shuri to understand why he has to do what he has to do, and she starts arguing back, trying to find a common ground. A peaceful solution for both parties. Which... fair. Usual diplomatic stuff. They are both making sense.
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Then Shuri says THIS:
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Mind you, he is a mutant god king. A mutant god king of 500 years old. He has seen and heard a lot of things, nothing should faze him that's what I am saying. And technically has the upper hand, considering he is also sort of holding her hostage (she asked to be brought there but still) and yet:
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Stunned. Absolutely flabbergasted. Looks like his brain is stammering and failing to elaborate what's happening.
But Shuri keeps going, smart and confident in her ability to turn things around.
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She even smiles. And that's it. He is done. Now we can actually see his braincells on the loose, helplessly scattering around. Live.
(500 years old. Let me remind you. 500.)
Then... this. Whatever this is.
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1 Why are you swaying your hand around. And so dramatically. Besides, you gave her that dress.
And 2... what are you doing. Where are you looking. Please focus we are in the middle of a diplomatic meeting that could decide the fate of both of your nations for crying out loud.
But no. No no no. We are not done. If that wasn’t enough already:
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Which... scary. Shuri is genuinely unnerved, like everyone with common sense would be.
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He is just stating how things are. He is being serious, after all we are talking about a secret underwater kingdom that has been hidden for centuries, but no-
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Look at him. He is so proud. So cheeky for having delivered this stupid joke he is probably mentally giving himself a pat on the back for having thought of it in the first place.
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Look at her face. Look at her. She is a mix between "dafuq dude" and "are you for real"
I am not even gonna say anything about the fact that after her proposition he raised zero-to-none complain and/or hesitation about showing his super secret beloved kingdom that he has been going above and beyond to protect for centuries to a girl he met yesterday whom he talked to for a total of now ten minutes. Because... really.
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ivryne · 2 years
late night, telephones ˖ ࣪
⋆ ᳝ ֺ alhaitham x gn!reader | modern high school!au
— in which Kaveh made it his life mission to find out who is his roommate’s secret lover. [ pt two here ]
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“Yes, goodnight darling. I’ll see you tomorrow. Yeah, love you too.”
Accidentally overhearing Alhaitham’s late night phone call was one thing Kaveh didn’t plan on. But hearing those words spur from his literally cold-as-ice tongue made him question his existence. Alhaitham?? Being affectionate with someone???? Saying ‘I love you’ back??? Was Kaveh about the be called up to celestia and live his remaining life with the primodial one??
Okay it’s not even about the fact that he called them darling. OR THE FACT THAT HE SAID I LOVE YOU BACK. Even though those facts alone were something he desperately need to talk about later. But one thing Kaveh was mostly surprised at was the fact that someone wanted to be affectionate with him.
That made him wonder. Like the green haired moron does literally nothing but sit and read. Without his pretty face, perfect brawns, and outstandingly smart brain, he would be nothing. No but seriously, did you ever see Alhaitham taking a step forward to start a conversation? No, exactly! In fact he’s the one that takes the initiative to stop them.
So from now on, Kaveh decided to make it his life mission to find out who exactly is willing to suffer for the sake of being with Alhaitham.
Going to his lists of candidates he has…uhm. He can’t really think of anyone right now rather than the librarian that spends 24/7 in the library. I mean he guessed they do have one thing in common. But no let’s cross that out.
Oh yeah! Alhaitham was in the student council. He was there as secretary! Okay that opened up a few spots for some people Alhaitham could be dating.
Okay so far here is his list:
1. Vice president of the student council, Cyno
Notes: possibility 40%. Seen them talk before but they hate each other sm. Honestly giving enemies to lovers vibe but didn’t Cyno had a thing w Tighnari? Idk need to check again.
2. Student council head of social media department, Nilou
Notes: possibility 60%. Very very pretty, single too (I think??) Seen them talk but I think only abt student council matters (or is it??). Kinda too good for Alhaitham. She doesn’t seem to be the type that likes cold guys. Does that cross her out??
3. Student council head of sports department, Dehya
Notes: possibility -100%. Definitely not. Rumour spreading around that she’s dating Dunyazard. Ship them sm ngl if she turned out to he dating Alhaitham I’ll kill him for ruining my ship. But overall definitely not.
4. Student council president, [ Name ]
Notes: possibility 25%. Nah bro they too good for him. They’re literally the definition of social butterfly and he’s likes the opposite. So many ppl chasing after them fr so if they turned out to be taken by Alhaitham, I’ll personally go back to celestia myself.
So far that was the list! It was okay so far but he needed more evidence. The one with most percentage on his list was Nilou. He’ll have to ask around to find more candidates too. But he was sure that the list of candidates wouldn’t be more than 5.
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Before you questioned Kaveh to why didn’t he just asked Alhaitham, it’s because he would just stare at him blatantly and said “It’s not your problem” ! Honestly, getting an answer from Alhaitham aside for calculus matters is extremely difficult.
He did his research and observations. Alhaitham goes to the library every day (literally). He spends his time there reading the same kind of shit he does at home, staying quietly at a remote corner, away from all the other students.
There was no way this man is taken. The problem is he doesn’t even try. Like at all. 0 efforts. If Kaveh was his lover, he would’ve dump his ass in public and let him suffer the embarrassment. The worst part about that is the fact that he probably won’t even care!
After what seemed like 30 minutes, Kaveh decided that all was hopeless and finally went his merry away. Ah, if only he stayed just a minute more. Then he wouldn’t have missed your approaching figure heading towards the man whose nose is stuck in a book.
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“Hi.” A small smile graced your lips, your eyes melt into those turquoise hues, one that reeked of fondness and admiration.
No words of greetings has yet to leaves his tongue, but the way he scooted over to the right, indicating you too sit by him was more than enough.
“So, when are we going to tell him?” Alhaitham averted his gaze from his book unto you. His eyes slightly squinted, showcasing evidence of him clearly thinking.
“Is it really equivalent for him to know?” Your boyfriend asked, earning a soft chuckle from you.
“Statically speaking, not really. But the way he’s searching for candidates is so hilarious and amusing to watch, don’t you think, darling?” Alhatham lifted his book up to eye level, covering the dust of pink that shimmered around his features.
He pondered awhile before replying “Ah you’re not wrong. It is quite the fun to see him run around chasing for some bit of evidence. A mastermind are you, my love?” Now it was your turn to flush shades of red. You can see the smile of adoration on his eyes cascading through the shades of his irises.
Times like these are where you love him most. Where the two of you sit in the presence of one another, quietly scheming and watching that friend of yours running around like a detective on a case. Seeing him desperately looking for the answer when it is right in front of him, sitting cross legged and maneuvering the most amusing smile.
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Thankyou for taking ur time to read this hope you enjoyed it! Follow me for more xx
©️ shrslair.
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
SAGAU story idea
Apologies for the wrong lore or information. I don't play it, and I write it based on memories.
In which you, the player, are heavily associated with Celestia (friends? boss and secretary? etc.). You and the (bunch of gods in) Celestia have looked over this world forever. You are close, and you would bicker with them once in a while, but there are ranks between you and them.
With that being said, you know with certainty that Celestia has done many unforgivable things. No, you may be a part of them, but you refused to be one of them.
What you have seen in the game is worse, but not as bad as what Celestia came up with. Why doesn't it show? Well, that's because you interfere and reason with Celestia to tone down their ruthlessness.
Celestia is like the embodiment of a childish king who took the throne and thinks they can do anything, and you are like the minister who's trying to make the situation less worse.
The day you became a very responsible person is when the Archon war began. It was at this point where you realized you questioned why did you became friends with them.
For safety's sake and to improve the Celestia image (you failed this part hard), you didn't use any names but preferred to be seen and called as Celestia, as disgusting as it is.
When Khaenriah did something that absolutely got on Celestia's nerve, they began to plan the most horrible plan of all. That plan was to wipe out everything and restart. A failure, they said, and you, as the most reasonable of all, decided to smack some brain cells into them.
And thus, Khaenriah got destroyed, and the people turned into monsters and so on. Some few gods also lost their lives, and other troubling things began to pop up. But hey, you prevented the destruction of the entire world, and that's something.
The Electro Archon and her sibling would cease to exist, but you tweak the string of fate, and only one of them died. Sure, the nation will be a bit tense in the future because of the newly made Archon, but don't worry, you've got a plan for this, but that's for later.
The Geo Archon also lost someone just as planned otherwise. If both survived, something even more horrible would greet them if they stayed there, and you need certain people in certain areas to keep the plan in motion, so the God of Dust has to go.
Venti wasn't supposed to be an Anemo Archon, but he did because you planned it! if the rebels, the God of Storm and the God of North Wind keep doing that, everyone will be fcked. Game over. You placed the pieces carefully, and that's how Venti's background came to be.
Dendro Archon sacrificed herself to save her people from the forbidden knowledge that is spreading and same goes for her friends. This is the acceptable route because, in the beginning, Celestia wanted them to be straight up deceased with no disease. But you are very good at negotiating, and this is how it came to be.
For creating a new species of human, the Hydro Archon were prisoned, assumed control again and then died. She get replaced but that doesn't mean the new species of human would get spared from the sin. Celestia is just that sadistic and cruel. You were a bit late to the game, but you got a plan! You knew how to avert killing thousands of people. Unfortunately, at the cost of a certain new Archon's life. Again. Damn.
You have done so many things, all for the greater good. Celestia is despicable for wanting to destroy everything, but no doubt you are more despicable after all; you planned every tragedy just so Celestia don't act on their whim.
You could have stopped Celestia, but you are the smart one. You deduced that if you continue to disobey and disregard their orders and opinions, Celestia would have ditched you and destroyed everything. You love this world enough you couldn't bear to see it get destroyed.
Obviously, no one knows this. No one knows you planned the most intricate plan with the most complicated results, but when they do, it's mostly half true. No doubt that some had assumed you are the cause of the tragedy, which isn't wrong, but compared to the original order by Celestia, this is by far, less tragic.
What you failed to see is that the unknown god has dragged a certain pair of twins into this mess, and now you have to think even harder and smarter on how they are going to affect Teyvat and the future to come.
This is your previous life. Your recent life was a normal person and had a hobby for gaming. Your new life started when you woke up in Genshin Impact.
The new you doesn't know the past you, but you know the story unfolding before your eyes when you played the game as the traveler.
How does the story go when you begin your journey?
I know things don't line up, but then again, it's just an idea, and I'm tired.
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princesssmars · 9 months
plsssss do something for michael munroe im so starved
i could change your mind
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some college football player mike headcanons.
contains: fluff. some nsfw. american football gross. mike is cocky whats new. fem!reader. hair nor skin color described.
a/n: anon i lowkey miss him too so i'll do a few headcanons for you anon. sorry that my until dawn rewrite is like on hiatus I just feel like it's gonna be such a flop so my brain says it cant be bad if I don't write it ??? idk. ty for making me do this. set in college but i've decided to start a year late so if i get shit wrong sorry scholars. (heart fingers emoji I'm on desktop fml.)
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idk why but the first thing that popped into my head was him loving a sport...like he gives smart but also dumbass jock to me we let's go with he did football in high school and he's at college on a scholarship.
if you're like me you don't give two shits about the sport you probably would not like twice in a football player's way, which he definitely sees as a challenge. he'll come up to you in the dining hall and try to hit on you in front of his jock friends, spouting a "whatever you say, sweetheart" when you reject him with a grimace.
to your surprise and horror he's in one of your advanced classes in your second semester, sitting with his feet up next to your seat with a smile when you walk in. you do call him troglodyte for having his shoes on the table but he says with an easy smile that he's in with the teacher who said it was alright.
for the first three weeks, you try to ignore his questions and poking at all costs, but when you get paired up on an important assignment you decide to hold your disdain on pause. he invites you to "study in his dorm" which nearly gives you a migraine, until he chuckles and tells you he's joking, telling you you can meet at common ground and study in the library.
you hold your tongue instead of giving a quip about how he probably won't be able to keep his mouth shut, but once you actually get there you realize the worst thing ever: mike munroe isn't a moron. he's actually pretty smart, maybe nearly as smart as you, and shows pretty good leadership with how he takes in both your academic strengths and divides the workload based on them. its not hard to see why he's the quarterback.
after you get an a+ on your project, you start to warm up to mike. his stupid quips in class start to actually become funny, leading to numerous moments where he makes you snort in class and the professor rolls his eyes.
your friendship soon grows enough that mike has the confidence to invite you to one of his games while you're walking around campus, and if you start to say no he informs you that he will not hesitate to get on his knees and beg in front of everyone. that makes you feel a little weird so you groan and tell him fine.
the whole time you don't really know what's going on, even though ten minutes before he had to get ready he tried to cram all of the rules into your head. even though you don't know everything you can tell when something good happens, like when he makes the touchdown that wins your school the game. he celebrates with his team members and his crowd of fangirls before coming over to you, clearly waiting for you to say football is fun or something,
you don't. but the after-party definitely was. you don't know what that frat guy put in the punch but it was good, and had you nearly drunk in only two hours. nearly being a keyword, because someone who was past the point decided to do a childish game of seven minutes, and you decided to play along for fun.
but it wasn't so funny when they spun the bottle and it landed on you, then the next turn between two people to point towards the couch where mike was watching with his friends. they both burst out laughing at the horrified look on your face as you reluctantly follow him inside the closet.
for the first minute it's quiet, soft noises from the two of you adjusting your bodies in the quiet space and "sorry"'s when you bump into the other.
he takes your silence for uncomfortableness, telling you he's alright with just sitting with you. "one of my favorite things to do actually"
you don't really know why but you kiss him after that. when you pull away you can faintly see his blank face. great. you ruined everything. you're about to give some half-assed excuse before his hand is on the back of your neck and he's pulling you back into him and pressing your body into his.
things get weird after that night.
you're still friends after that night, of course. except now its...different.
you still have your movie nights laughing at people making dumb decisions in horror movies, except now you'll sometimes wind up on mike's lap with your tongue down his throat.
you still text each other stupid pictures you found on snapchat (he insists on using it, fuckboy he is. or used to be, weirdly). except now before you go to sleep he'll send you a picture of his bulge with a smiley face at the bottom. if you send a picture back he'll send a long voice message that you don't open for your own sanity.
but you aren't like. dating. and you don't know why in passing you hear his teammate nick call you "mike's girl". because you aren't. at all.
and plus its not like you've slept together or even gone on an actual date. you're just...closer than normal friends are.
and then he leaves the next december to spend a week with his old friends, and you kind of mope around campus while he's gone. he makes sure to text you constant updates until the night where he arrives at the cabin, where he leaves you delivered for two days. he did say his ex was going to be there, so that nagging voice in the back of your head is telling you the worse.
until you finally get the call from some random number in alberta. when you pick up after some initial confusion you hear mike on the other side.
"mike? what the actual hell? its been two days, thought you somehow managed to get lost in the snow."
he laughed on the other line, able to tell you're insult at his intelligence meant you cared. his voice sounds hoarse.
"yeah, yeah i know. i'm sorry. something came up and i...i've been stuck in this damn police station-"
"police station? jesus, how hard did you guys party."
he calls your name and it's serious. he only sounds like that when something important or bad has happened.
"mike? is everything ok?"
"no, no its not. josh is...he's gone. the cabins gone. we're all pretty messed up."
you don't give a response, waiting for him to elaborate if he wants to.
"i don't know what to say..i'm so sorry."
"it's alright. i'll explain more when i get back. i just wanted to hear your voice."
"now you're really scaring me."
he laughs again, the scratch of his voice returning.
"thank you."
"for what? constantly insulting you and bringing you back to reality?"
"for making me laugh. haven't done it in a while."
"yeah, well...i'll make sure your roommate hasn't completely trashed your dorm. and we can get some takeout. on me, because i'm polite."
"screw that, we're going on a date."
your heart skips.
"did you actually get a concussion because that's not funny."
"im serious. no more being a pussy. time to start getting serious. plus we're basically already dating, so."
"god, why does everyone keep saying that?"
"i'll see you soon."
the phone hangs up and you toss the phone to the side with a slight smile.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 28 days
I think I figured out part of why I don't like the Doriath characters.
I think part of it is because of how much Jirt emphasizes how great they are and why we should like them, but rarely actually SHOWS it. I decided to do a thing on the main few Doriath characters who are the center of much controversy. I listed out various things. If I thought the thing is a positive, I gave it a positive mark. If I thought the thing is a negative, I gave it a negative mark. I also kind of put my opinion of the character at the top, so it's a bit of a spoiler.
Thingollo - very dislike
Only Incarnate to marry an angel. Good for him, I guess, but the Ainur aren't always quality judges of character. +0
Focused on his kingdom's security. +1
Tried to help Denethor out. +1
He welcomed the Laiquendi, but not the Noldor. I get keeping Doriath safe is a priority, but there's no indication that he invited any of the Noldor princes to Doriath until he learned the Arafinwions were his kin. Wasn't Finwë his supposed to be a very good friend? This was before he learned about Alqualondë, mind you. -1
Graciously granted the Noldor lands he didn't actually have any say over anymore, as he had stopped trying to protect them due to an inability TO protect them. +0
Acted like he had authority over the Noldor (Quenya ban) when there was no lord-vassal relationship between them. At least, he wasn't keeping his end of the bargain. -1
Demanding a Silmaril, a SILMARIL, which his "friend" Finwë had DIED for, was incredibly insensitive. He could have asked for something else to get Beren to run away or die, but, no. -1
Tried to use other people to kill a man. -1
Refused to give the Silmaril back to the Fëanárions, whose grandfather, his "friend", died for it. -1
Didn't listen to his wife. -.5
Refused to take part of an alliance that, ultimately, resulted in this destruction of Doriath. He had understandable reasons, though. -.25
Adopted a cursed child. He's also part of the reason that child is cursed, but he's not directly responsible either. +1
Let refugees in, even Noldor. Granted, all the Noldor came from Nargothrond, his nephew's kingdom. Still, better than nothing. +1
Didn't listen to his wife again. -.5
Ultimately destroyed his kingdom through his actions, but not directly. -.25
Total: -2.5
Melian - Like
Not as much of a Mary Sue as Lúthien. Melian is more like Cassandra. +1
Has a brain cell. +1
The worst thing she did, abandon Doriath, could be because she actually died. -.5
Total: 1.5
Lúthien - Dislike
Exhibits many Mary Sue traits - impossibly beautiful, smart, clever, the best at dancing and singing, and all of her plans work, and she even manages to get the dog who stood by Celegorm through worse things to defect to her. While these aren't necessarily bad when done right, she doesn't really have a personality other than "FREEDOM!" (yes, you must imagine William Wallace) and "I really love this scruffy hobo dude". More than anything, she's BORING. -1
Disappeared to the farthest place away from Morgoth to chill with her family. Screw the rest of Beleriand. Sure I riled up Morgoth, but I don't have to deal with the consequences. -1
Total: -2
Dior Eluchíl -
Killed some guys when it wasn't self-defense. The Dwarves were fleeing, and Beren and Dior chased them. That is, technically, murder, even if the Dwarves started it. -1
Sacrificed his kingdom for a rock. -2
Total: -2
Eluréd and Elurín - like and pity
Died. +0
Are cute babies. +1
Total: 1
Elwing - dislike, but also pity
Traumatized. +1
Sacrificed her kingdom for a rock. -1
Left her children at the mercy of people she believed killed her brothers, knowing that if the Fëanárions didn't get them, Morgoth would. -1
Gave the rock to her husband. +.25
Is a bird. +0
Total: -.75
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