#why did i say no to talking to the nice lady meant to help the class i cannot go on like this
lavendarsarepretty · 8 months
sometimes i think i’m fine then someone talks to me and i go absolutely ballistic because they a) asked me where i was going instead of how i am so i don’t have a script for what to say b) smiled at me and now my brain is convinced they’re Out To Get Me because being friendly isn’t real apparently c) asked for my contact info to talk to me and it stressed me out so badly i ended up acting like a dick. i am under the impression that this interaction would have gone a lot better had i known his name except because i didn’t i genuinely thought it would be best to aggressively avoid all chances of contact so i didn’t possibly upset him by not knowing his name later down the line (my anxiety made me prickly and unapproachable and most definitely was ruder than not knowing his name). this is why i can’t make friends
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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dungeonpuppykai · 1 year
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Summary: It was meant to be a light hearted joke when Y/n had declared that she and Lloyd were married after he had put his insignia band in her ring finger. Little did the younger one know, the humour had not been mutual. 
Pairing: Mafia Ex-Boyfriend Lloyd Hansen | Naive!Reader.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Lloyd Hansen. This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact.
Warning(s): Noncon/dubcon, Lloyd, gun play, dacryphilia, fear kink, age gap, house wife kink, husband kink, wife kink, slight breeding kink, boot riding, degradation, humiliation, dumbification, probably misogyny, pet names. The reader also pees herself out of fear. 
Note: English is not my first language but whoring is and so this came to me when I was literally half asleep at like 6 in the morning. Please be nice or don't say anything. Feedback (that isn't straight up hate) is always much appreciated!
"Hey, baby sunshine" the near slur in his words caused her eyes to roll. 
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"God, hold your horses, I am coming!" Y/n yelled at the door in annoyance as she trudged her tired feet to it. "Hold your horses!" She had had a long day so she couldn't be bothered with the peep hole, clicking the locks open as she prepared herself for the crazy lady that lived across the hall since no one else could rival how she could bang doors. It didn't help that she seemed to have a personal vendetta against the young female. "Wha-" her words locked up in her throat at the sight that awaited her behind the door. 
Come on. 
Not this again. 
Could this day end already?
"What do you want, Lloyd?" Raising an eyebrow at her ex to express her annoyance with the unexpected visit, the female crossed her arms over her chest as she awaited a response. 
"Can I come in?" 
"Can you?" The sadist pulled the saddest eyes he could and coupled it with a kicked puppy expression. Though the girl knew he was anything but. 
"Come on, bunny. We had a life" Lloyd tried his best persuasive tone that did not do anything for him since the only way he knew to talk was his commanding and authoritative usual. 
Always expecting obedience. 
"Correct, Lloyd. We had a life" she stepped back and wrapped her arms along the edge of the door. "And it's over" his foot stuck between it and the frame to restrict it from closing. The female sighed as she looked up at him with tired and pleading eyes. "Leave." 
"Five minutes?" If it weren't Y/n giving him the attitude -that he frankly could not fathom why she was-, he was sure he had already pushed them to their knees, broken them into submission and probably put them out of their misery. 
He could never lay an ill spirited finger on her. 
Not his little sunshine, no. 
Everything Lloyd did ever since meeting her was for them.
For her good.
Whether she liked it or not. 
"Lloyd." Her tone was clipped. 
"I am not leaving here until you do" the determination in his voice was clear. 
In the year she had dated him, Y/n knew he could be awfully stubborn if he really put his foot down. 
"Five minutes." She couldn't help but sigh after the warning before leaving the door for him to enter and walking to the living room to plop on one of the couches. 
Lloyd snorted as he took a seat besides her, causing the female to uncomfortably scoot over. 
"So, what? Now your husband is so bad that you won't even offer him a glass of water when he comes home?" I fucking knew it. The moment he wormed his way into her walls and got what he wanted, he was back to that taunting and cocky default tone of his. 
"What the hell are you on about, now?" Y/n turned to look at him, confused. "What is this new–"
"This," she nearly jumped when he reached for her hand and pulled it out of its lock over her chest, propping one digit under her ring finger to make it stand out amongst the others even more. "Remember this?" His insignia ring twinkled under the lights. 
Wearing it had become such a habit that she hadn't even noticed it in the past week that had followed the break up after the girl had accidentally watched a footage of him torturing– no, tormenting a suspect when looking for something on the computer in his study. Though Y/n used the unit often, it was an established rule to not access his work files and folders but this one had been on the desktop. The date showed that it was recent. 
Betrayal had filled her veins as she had watched it with wide eyes in horror. Lloyd had told her that he was a businessman that funded government operations hence the mysterious agents that visited him in his study every once in a while. But this, it changed everything. 
Not only was he a liar, but the video showed how sadistic and brutal he was. Y/n could almost not recognize the man enjoying the pain he was inflicting on the bound man begging for mercy. 
She could not live with a man like that. 
It was horrifying to think that she had been doing so for over a year at that point. 
Memories flooded her brain as she looked up in his deep blue eyes, fear filling her senses the more his grip on her hand tightened.
Placing the massive bowl of nachos away that Y/n had failed to finish besides them, she wiped her fingers on one of the napkins on the table in front of her and Lloyd in the fancy entertainment room that he had in his mansion. She shook her head at the bowl as she leaned back against his chest and let him wrap his built arms around her form, perching his chin on the top of her head as he watched the movie that was playing on the huge screen in front of them. 
She had told him that she liked to eat nachos while watching movies. So he had the house help prepare an entire pots' worth for her. And now at least half remained. The girl sighed and finally looked away from the delicious bowl and onto the screen. But it was some old movie that Lloyd swore was a masterpiece but she couldn't really understand the hype. 
Her eyes travelled down to his thick arms now, fingers tracing the bulging veins. The action caused the male to press a kiss to her head which resulted in a surge of hundreds of butterflies in her stomach. 
Y/n's lips quirked up as she felt the ring he wore on his pinky finger now, toying with it for a bit before she pulled it off his finger and put it on hers with a mischievous smile. 
"What?" Her lips pouted as she furrowed her eyebrows. It didn't fit her smallest finger like his. She jabbed it back and forth to try and make it fit somehow but the ring hung loosely near her knuckle. "Ugh!"
"Your finger is smaller than Daddy's, baby" Lloyd's mustache tickled the shell of her ear as he took her hands in his and pulled the ring off. "Must be because you're such a tiny little bunny compared to him" she blushed and bit her lip. 
He loved to make her feel the smallest he could. 
"There we go, all fit and pretty" he pressed a kiss to her temple after sliding it on her ring finger where the ring locked comfortably against her skin almost as though they were meant for each other. 
"Oopsie!" Y/n giggled as she tilted her head back to look at him. "We are married now!" 
Lloyd had an amused smile on his face. "Nothing oopsie about that, little bunny" and he sealed it with a kiss. 
"Agreed." The younger blushed harder as she giggled again due to how his mustache tickled her upper lip. 
"That was then." Y/n replied back coldly as she pulled her hands from his. "Now is now. And it's different." Trying her best to suppress the shudder threatening to break its way into her voice, she went to pull the ring off. "You-"
"Don't." His darkening eyes locked on her fingers and tone became one of warning. "Y/n Y/L/N, do not." 
Who did he think he was? Her lips turned into a firm line as she ripped the ring off her finger angrily. 
"You lied to me- LLOYD!" Before the jewellery could completely come off her finger, the man had pounced onto her. "STOP! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" Terror filled her body as she realized that her strength was no match to his. 
Lloyd calmly pushed the ring back down on her finger. "Would you calm the fuck down already?" His tone was one that he had never used with her before. Cold droplets of sweat trickled down her back.
It was similar to the one he had been using in the video. 
"P- Please." 
"You didn't even give me a chance, sunshine. Good wives don't do that" his eyes were crazed as he caressed her fingers with no regard to her visibly upset state. "You just up and left with a silly little note while I was on the other side of the world working so hard for us and our future family like a loving husband." He sounded cross but still kissed the ring. 
"You lied to me" Y/n could only whisper back, the only man she could see in front of her the one from the video. 
"For us." His eyes finally flickered up to meet hers. "It was for your own good, bunny." When she tried to struggle, his jaw clenched and he pulled her into him before grabbing her by the jaw. His patience was wearing thin. How dare she? "And I would really appreciate it if you quit acting like I am some amateur criminal. I work for the government and I am an agent." Inching her face closer to his, he brushed their noses together before pecking her lips. "And a damn good one at that."
"No." He chuckled.
"No?" Lloyd went to pull something out of his back pocket. "You see, bunny. Dumb little wives such as you are too small to know anything wise to make decisions for themselves." Her body stilled when a bloody pistol came into her view. His other hand still held her by the jaw. "They need their husbands to show them the way. Regulate them with rules. Protect them under their wings." A strangled cry escaped the girl when he thought the barrel to her lips. 
"Good little wives don't worry about anything other than keeping the house warm and clean for their man while he takes care of the rest. They are supportive and obedient." Her teeth started to chatter when he caressed her cheek with the weapon. "I thought you were a good wife too. But the little antic you pulled last week proved that there is much training ahead of you." Y/n could not recognize the man in front of her. 
He was the polar opposite of the one she had lived with and loved for a whole year. 
"L- Lloyd…"
"Yes, sunshine?" The male looked perfectly comfortable. 
"Y- You're scaring me" hot tears spilled from her eyes. 
"It is for your own good, little bunny." The tip of the gun traced the shape of her lips now. "You need to learn your place here. You want the truth, right? I will not only tell you but I'll show you it." A whimper escaped her as she silently cried in disbelief. Her tears did not seem to move him in the slightest. 
"Kiss it" Lloyd's demand caused her heart rate to thunder faster. The barrel pressed against her lips. "Show me that you are a trusting and obedient wife who trusts her husband with her safety and wellbeing." The female's body jumped when he thrusted the cold metal against her sealed mouth. "Do it."
Y/n trembled as her hands hung uselessly at her sides. The girl didn't know much about weapons but she knew nothing was faster than a bullet. Although it was something about his mannerisms that indicated that he wouldn't actually pull it. The happy memories of their past resurfaced. He had never hurt her after all.
"Come on" he tried to pry open her mouth with the tip. "Don't make this any worse for yourself than you already have, sunshine." The darkness in his warning had her open her mouth and finally conform to his wishes by pressing a shaky kiss to the weapon.
Lloyd smiled as his dark blue eyes flickered to her luscious lips and then to her teary eyes. "Ah," her eyes widened when he took her slightly parted lips as an invitation to push the barrel of the gun inside her mouth. Y/n tried to back away, the man restricted her from doing so by grabbing her by the throat with his other hand. "You always did look the prettiest when you were crying for me" now his eyes sickeningly travelled down her neck and over the valley of her boobs that was visible from the loose t-shirt that she was wearing, then they went down her stomach and onto the shorts that were increasingly becoming damp from the middle, a hot liquid oozing past the fabric. 
The male threw his head back and laughed out loud. "Oh, bunny. Look at you pissing yourself like a scared little mutt!" Her already red and distressed face now burnt even hotter as the stretch that the gun was causing produced a pang of pain in her jaw. "See? This is why you need your husband to protect you. Because you are so small and helpless on your own… right?" His fingers tightened around her throat as he slowly rocked the barrel in and out of her mouth. "Hm?" The girl slowly nodded in response as she realized there was no way out of this. 
Lloyd sighed as he released her air duct but kept his fingers around her throat still, scanning her face and her body. "This is how long it would have taken us to sort it out, bunny. But you had to go ahead and make it hard for the both of us." Taking the weapon out of her mouth, he caressed one of her cheeks with the barrel. "You know I never did like punishing you" but the man in the video definitely would. 
"P- Please… Please…" Y/n whispered pleadingly. "Please…" 
"You ready to be a good girl for me again?" It was the love in his tone and sheer disregard for her horror stricken state that proved that this man, indeed, was the one from the video. 
She had no choice but to nod. "Y- Yes…" Just don't hurt me. 
"Yes, what?" 
"Yes… Daddy" he snorted and shook his head before nodding towards the ring glinting in her finger. 
"What's that make me?" She whimpered as a hiccup trembled its way out of her. 
"... H- Husband…" 
"Good girl…" Pulling her closer, he pressed his lips to hers in a rewarding manner -ever the narcissist- before continuing. "You are to call me that or hubby from now on, okay? The only exception will be Daddy. No using my name. Good little wives show respect." He dangled her body left and right by the throat. "Is that understood? Or does your tiny wife brain need me to explain it some more?" 
"I- I understand" she clenched her jaw when he raised an eyebrow at her. "... H- Hubby…" 
"Hmmm" Lloyd lazily eye fucked her again, unbothered by the fact that she had pissed herself a few minutes prior. He was used to much worse. "Now show me what's mine. Tsk, these clothes do nothing for you, bunny. Besides, you know you're only allowed to wear my shirts for pjs, what is this?" Moving her in front of him on the floor, he leaned back. "Tsk, tsk, bunny. I didn't think it was necessary since you used to behave so well but now I am positive that you need proper training." The man shook his head because even he knew that training with him was no easy thing. He had broken many little girls and boys while doing so. 
Though none had kept him drawn for this long. 
They eventually bored him out. 
Lloyd had never wanted to put any of them in a pretty dress and fill their tummies with his babies to have them waddle around his kitchen.
Y/n was different. 
"I don't have all day for this, sunshine." The girl hung her head low as she trembled under his piercing gaze, fingers grabbing the gem of the oversized shirt before she pulled it off. "Hmmm… my favorite fuck handles" the sight caused the male's cock to harden as he reached for her breasts and felt them both in turns, squeezing and spanking them before teasing her erecting nipples. "Fuck, sunshine. I missed you so much." Y/n blinked through her tears as she slid her wet shorts off her legs next, the reminder of the cause of the dampness making her face burn in embarrassment. 
"Hmmm. Look at how pretty you look, baby. All submissive and mum for me." Pulling her closer by a pinch on one of her nipples, he started to stroke her cheek with the gun again. The terror in her eyes whenever he did so thrilled him. "This is your true place. Good and pretty for me on your knees. Your only purpose is to keep me happy and my balls empty." The degrading words burnt her face. A chill ran down her back upon realization. The filthy and humiliating words he used to utter during their passionate episodes weren't just nothings. He actually meant every one of them. 
This was proof. 
"You do that, you'll be the happiest and most protected little wife in the whole world." Lloyd pushed the barrel back in her mouth and one of his boot clad feet between her lungs. Y/n whimpered in response. 
"Remember how much you used to love to suck my cock? Sometimes that was all you wanted to do for hours at a time" his foot teased her damp folds. "You remember, don't you?" The ruthless twist of a nipple had her nodding as her back arched in pain. "It's a pity that you can't have it anymore since you've become such a misbehaving little girl just because work took a bit longer than expected" in his world, whatever he said was the truth. "But since I am such a caring husband and I know how much you love sucking cock…" Her stomach twisted from how he was rubbing the top of his foot against her pussy as he thrusted the barrel in and out of her mouth. 
She tried to mumble his name through the mouthful to plead but the man refused to acknowledge any of it. 
"I have always loved you just the way you are but I really think you should learn to be more grateful, you know? Because look at me…" When Lloyd kept on the pretense that he couldn't hear her pleas and instead reached the back of her throat with the gun, Y/n hurriedly started to bob her up back and forth. "You betrayed me, you left me without giving me a chance to explain myself and then refused to let me in like you are big enough to make any decisions, yet I am treating you so well. Doesn't this call for appreciation and respect for your husband?" The female whimpered against the weapon, feeling heat form between her hips as they started to sway along his foot. 
"God, Y/n," he chuckled deeply, pearly white teeth coming out on full display. "You're such a pathetic cockwhore. Sucking a gun that can go off any second while fucking yourself on my shoe like a horn bunny." The man reached for her hair now, fingers snaking through a handful of the pieces on the top of her head before he gave a humiliating jerk to it, eliciting a gasp out of the female who was confused, scared, shivering and aroused all at the same time. "This is where you belong, sunshine; at my mercy between my legs. Your only job is to worship me because your little brain is too small to do anything else… right?" Lloyd forced her to nod her head by the hold he had on her hair. "Right?" He drew his words out tauntingly before nodding himself. "Atta girl." 
Sense was starting to desert a moaning and sobbing Y/n as she struggled to decide whether this was scaring her or exciting her. As the knots in her stomach tightened, her insides churned but pussy clenched at the thought that maybe it was both. The danger, the fear, the loss of power coupled with the stretch in her mouth and stimulation against her folds was clouding up her head. 
It was Lloyd after all.
He wouldn't actually hurt her. 
… Right? 
Her conscience trembled its way out and away from her along with the moans she was letting out, the burn of the leather of his shoe against the skin of her pussy lips adding to the pleasure as she stared at him with teary eyes, hands now holding onto his legs for support as she felt a spinning building up behind her eyes. 
It has been so long. 
God. He smells like himself. 
… So good.
When her eyebrows scrunched up and lips pouted in a similar way, a very turned on Lloyd opened his mouth to speak. "You wanna cum for your hubby like a good little cock whore wife, bunny?" Fuck. She looked so fragile and… scared. The tears just added to the appeal. "So needy, aren't you? Crying these pretty tears for him?" Y/n nodded before she could dwell over the rights and wrongs. "Do you deserve it?" He tugged her head back by the hair he still had a firm hold on. Her fingers tightened around his legs and nails dug into his pants as whined pleadingly, rocking herself against him faster and faster. 
"You do?" Lloyd strictly questioned in disbelief when she dared to nod although he knew it was out of desperation. No worries. A good old fashioned wife spanking would fix it. "Cum, then" he could torment her about it later, right now he needed her as vulnerable as he possibly could. It was the perfect state to brand something into someone; the process of building them back up with modifications of his liking after breaking them down completely. 
Y/n closed her mouth around the gun and sucked at it as she moaned loudly while her eyes fluttered close, cheeks hollowing to endure the intensity of the orgasm as her bodily needs had not been taken care of in a while. The girl's back arched as her thighs that he loved to bite and suck at shook from the violent surge of pleasure bolting through her whole body.
"Someone's forgotten all their manners, hm?" Y/n panted and shuddered as she looked at him through her lust drunken eyes, brain scattered. 
"T- Thank you… h- hubby" it was only when Lloyd raised a warning eyebrow did she muster up the response he had taught her a while back. Her hips moved slower now. 
"Good bunny." Finally unplugging her mouth and setting the weapon aside, the man cupped both sides of her very hot and red tear stained face as he pulled her closer and off his foot now. A snort escaped him when Y/n whined under her breath from the loss of the warmth between her legs.
"Now, you saw that video and thought that I just go around doing that to people?" He actually did go around doing just that. "And that I'd do it to you? My lovely little sunshine?" The younger whimpered as she softly pouted, feeling small and dumb. "Why? Have I ever hurt you? Did this very loaded gun go off throughout the whole episode even though it very easily could have?" His words sounded just and right. "If I wanted to, I could have very easily messed you up at any given time, bunny." Even his condescending tone didn't bother her fucked out and fear numbed mind that could only think about how nice he smelt. "But why would I? You're just my harmless little dumb cock warming bunny wife, aren't you?"
"I… I am sorry, h- hubby…" I should have given him a chance to explain. He has never hurt me. Hubby always says that whatever he does, he does it for us. 
Lloyd sighed, an expression of benevolence on his handsome face as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. "It's alright, bunny. I should have known better. Silly little pea brain wives can't be left unattended for too long. They need constant monitoring and guidance, right?" The degrading words were spoken so lovingly that the girl given her state could not even be blamed. Small silver patches and strands in his mustache and hair that were otherwise barely noticeable glinted in the lights at this proximity. 
"... Y- Yes, hubby…" Y/n's mind was blank as she leaned into his chest and closed her eyes, finally breathing in a huge whiff of his scent. 
She felt shuffling around her but she didn't bother to open her eyes. Her body was taken care of and warm tucked into his; protected. How foolish she had been! Lloyd would never hurt her! He was her hubby! 
Whether this resolution would remain branded in her mind or give way to better sense the next morning was a mystery for now. 
The man took his jacket off and wrapped her nude form in it before one of his strong arms hooked under her ass and he swung her body over his shoulder, standing up. 
"Huh?" Lloyd tucked the gun behind him in its holster. "W- What?" 
"We are going home, baby" a harsh smack on Y/n's ass accompanied his words before he headed for the door. "Tsk, silly little bunny wife. Needs husband to teach her everything."
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smolvenger · 1 month
First Lady (President Loki x fem! Reader blurb)
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Summary: It's not easy being in the spotlight as First Lady of the Nation. But your President's Husband knows what to do when your online critics take it too far.
Or "Who did this to you?" with President Loki.
Word Count: 1318 (blurb time)
Warnings: SMUT! 18 + (wall diddling, whee), online bullying and harassment (inspired from my own personal experience, whee) mention of sex. Angst and then fluff and hurt/comfort. I steal ideas from Ana Huang and Sadie Kincaid. Bad grammar. I had writer's block with this one and was stuck so not as revised and polished as I could be bc I just wanted this done, I'm not Shakespeare or Donna Tartt okay? If I miss a warning, please inform me at once. Don't victim blame those affected, Report it! If you see something disturbing or triggering that isn't tagged that I missed, then that is on me to take accountability for it and it is your responsibility to report it!
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
Dick-Tionary: The exact, more explicit smut begins at “Open wide, my dear.” and ends at "He gently let you down."
Something about the internet gave people anonymity and with that came power. They could say and do what they wanted…even the vilest things.
Comment after comment. Ding after ding on your phone. There were posts about how you were wrong. Irresponsible because they didn’t like your cause of supporting raising minimum wages. Even under posts where you were talking about the importance of your cause, so many people went “Well, to be fair-” 
You couldn’t help but look at more about you.
A pig.
And those were the tamer ones. 
The constant bullying and demands from these people. You thought you were qualified for this. That you knew your way around tenfold. Dolled up in your nice dress and makeup…and here you were, crying. Wanting to throw a fit. Wanting to scream and call them vile, horrible things. T sob until you couldn’t breathe and crash down, heels, pearls, lipstick and all.  No better than a little girl playing dress up. Not an adult who handled everything with strength and grace. Not a First Lady of an entire country.
You should be strong. Thick-skinned. “Don’t take it personally” was the advice everyone gave you. Every single time. Without fail. But at this point, it just numbed in your head. What did that even mean? It meant nothing. Like “thoughts and prayers” maybe at once it could help, and has helped but now…it was just a phrase people threw out that fixed nothing.  And how could you not take a comment beneath your post telling you to not take it personally?
You found yourself stumbling onto the Oval Office adn there he was- your husband in folden horns. A crowd of suited men around him.
He noticed your state. You had no time to compose yourself. But he raised a hand and their chatting voices silenced.
“Everyone! Leave- now!” he ordered, snapping his fingers.
They ducked and left. A few careful eyes at your frazzled, pensive state.
He went over and looked at you. Then he put one hand and put it under your cheek so you faced him. His voice was soft, yet subtly angry not at you, but at your tormenters. 
“My darling…who did this to you?”
You sniffed. Then you answered him.
“All of the comments…online…I know I have to. It’s part of the platform. A First Lady has to have social media…but…but…”
He wiped a tear. Then you leaned onto him. His cold buttons grazed your cheek and he let you cling to him. Let yourself break down.
“What am I even doing? Why should I say or do anything online? They just want to tear you apart and spit you out! And they just want a lady who looks pretty and does or says nothing. Even when I wear anything, they tell me I look like cat vomit. I can’t win whatever I do, Loki. And the split second I try to do anything, say anything they…they..”
“Give me your phone,” he said.
You handed it to him. From his pocket, he took out a chip and attached it to yours.
“Firstly,  I’m taking this away from you for now. You will get a new one for communication. I will not have my wife and First Lady miserable.”
 He set the chip in.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping track of them. We’re going to track them down. They’re going to regret every word of it…here…”
He sat down on the chair in the center and tapped his lap.
How could you resist?
He set you on his lap. He pulled out his personal phone and immediately was making calls. You leaned into him, snuggling him close. 
“Yes, Grant, I want you to hire a Social Media manager for the First Lady. Have the comments filtered and in need of approval before posted. Also, look for security. There are several people we must hunt down. They have threatened the security of the first lady. The tracker is on her phone, we’ll analyze the data on the comments and find each and every one of them- they cannot go on without consequence, don’t you think? Freedom of Speech is overrated anyway…hurry along, do it now- no- Grant, I don’t care if you’re about to get a blowjob from the Black Widow this second, I want you to do it!”
He ended the call.
He held you. And then kissed you. You leaned in more. How handsome he looked- his suit fixed up. His smirk was confident, rakish. You found you were straddling him, his hands on your hips. As you kissed again, he pushed his tongue inside.
He raised your skirt some, to feel your bare leg.
“I feel if I make you cum, that would make you feel better…wouldn’t it?”
He slid a hand and saw you weren’t wearing underwear at your hip bone. 
He tilted his head, his voice even quieter. 
“And you followed my one little rule, too. Good girl.”
He held up the phone one last time, pressing a call.
“Barton, cancel my meeting for this hour. Reschedule it. Emergency, shall we say.”
Before the man on the other end could ask why he hung it up.
He smiled at you.
“Open wide, my dear.”
Keeping your legs open, he adjusted them to wrap around him. He backed you up to part of the wall. Not caring about the curtains of the window. Not caring about the security cameras.
 In fact, let them watch if they want.
He kissed you intensely, his tongue inside and out. Tasting you. He lifted your skirt to your hips, backing you up. You hung onto him, shaking with wet, desperate need as he undid the zipper of his trousers.
“I’m going to fuck you. Fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk and live the next week curled up in the lap of luxury, how does that sound?” he asked, his voice husky.
“Please- fuck me, Loki-”
“I’m the President-” he corrected.
“Fuck me, Mr. President-” you quietly begged.
He entered briskly. You let out a loud gasp. But you were already so soaked from him, it was clear. He kissed you again. One hand going to move one of your legs to hook around his waist. 
He only slowed down so he could speak, his eyes intense. 
“Yes, moan louder. I want them all to hear- I don’t care who hears- or sees. I want them-to- to know you’re mine- My little doll. My little toy. My First Lady- my wife-”
Your breasts bounced lewdly as he picked up speed, thrusting in and out of you. He pounded you so much, the portraits shook. You held onto his shoulders, and then his horns on his head. He was grunting like a madman.
He fucked hard, his hand digging.
“I want you to cry out, say what I am as you cum. I am Loki, I am your president, I rule you- say it- say it, fuck, I’m cumming-I’m going to-say it.”
You cried his title, your throat scratchy. Pleasure breaking on you, as well as on him.
He gently let you down. You adjusted his dark curls. He smoothed your dress, though your legs wobbled. The bliss of ecstasy makes you forget what even happened just an hour ago.
“Now…how do you feel now?” he asked.
You took in a deep breath, the blood still rushing and the world spinning.
“Better…” you replied. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist. But he traced a finger down your spine, into your skirt.
“Good. Because I’m going to order some…gifts for you tonight. For you to wear beneath these dresses and skirts and blouses. And I want us to have dinner- just us. And when I rip off your clothes, that lace will be on you. Because, my dear, once this next meeting is done…we are far from over with this.”
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actuallyacerrr · 1 month
hi! can i get tmnt 2012 boys general relationship hcs?? bonus points for poly (not tcest, god no!! just reader is dating all the boys but the boys arent together) (if that makes you uncomfy you absolutely do not have to include that and do them separately!!) 🦕
Hello lovely!! <33 Thank you for requesting. Polyam will never be turned away on this blog, unless it is rooted in tcest or toxic relationships.
For best experience read all of them in order.
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|| So Much Love <3
Pairing(s) ->
2012!Leonardo H. Raphael H. Donatello H. Michelangelo H. x GN!Reader
Warning(s) ->
Reader is meant to be polyam with the headcanons made to he read as such! DNI with this post if you don’t like it, and just keep scrolling.
Summary ->
Reader is in a poly relationship with the turtles.
L ML : R ML : D ML : M ML
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Leonardo ->
He’s a gentle man even before you get together.
He’d open the manhole cover for you, keep any snacks you like stocked in the lair the best he can.
Big ole sweetheart to you.
While it’s kinda obvious he like you he plays it off.
Notices his brothers acting a little different with you but just assumes it’s cause you’re a human. But has a feeling it’s something more.
Once they (and you) caught on, it became a think like sibling rivalry. Trying to one up each other for you.
Gentleman x10, invites you out with them constantly, makes small talk and tries to joke around (sometimes.)
He tries out in other areas like helping you with training, he compliments you alot.
Hes always there for you, checking up on you. He cares for you a lot.
He goes to splinter for advice when it comes to you. Wants to make sure he’s not messing up.
You quickly get annoyed by all they do. So you sit them down to have a talk.
You call them out on in and yeah they admit to having a crush on you.
Well lucky for them you’re poly! and after explaining that to them, they think about it and decide hey- why not give it a shot. You assure them that if things don’t work out they all can go back to being friends and forget it ever happened.
Now he’s more of a nervous and shy mess because you’re the first person he’s dated, like ever.
But he’s super supportive, and hypes you all all the time!!
I gotta get this one out the way.
Turtle piles, are IMMACULATE.
They love cuddling with you because you’re so so warm.
But if you’re a cold blooded mutant or just always cold, they are trying to keep you warm.
But for 1 on 1 cuddles he’s the big spoon, you’re the little spoon. But if you decide to be the big spoon he’d try it out.
After awhile he gets really affectionate like in a chill way, gentleman way.
Holding your hand, kissing your hand.
Dancing to music together because yes. He likes spinning you around. Cutie patootie.
Starts asking april for more advice.
He’s a gets you flowers and favorite things kinda guy.
Most dates are at home dates, like watching movies and stuff. But he makes them so much fun.
Get him hooked on your favorite show and suddenly boom he’s a bigger fan than you. Especially in the hero and action genre. But yall get rambling on it together and would probably shush them.
“Oh! Did you know! *insert cool fact-*”
Then you and leo go back to rambling.
I think he’s not the kind to get (to) jealous. Like a maybe “why didn’t I think of that!” other then that he’s like “that’s nice, i’m glad you had fun with Mikey.”
So supportive <3
Def will mom you, especially when you’re sick.
‘Nuh uh young lady, you ain’t getting out of bed, go back to laying down’ type momming. He gets you soup and whatever you need, medicine, water, kisses and cuddles.
First one to say ‘i love you.’
Also takes things slow, making sure you want to do it, and triple checking.
He’s a dork but you live em. :>
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Raphael ->
Acts like he doesn’t like you, but he does. Tough guy act.
Atleast around his brothers. There’s just something about you that makes him a itty bitty lot softer.
But be prepared for him to push you when it comes to stuff like training or improving any of your skills.
Even if your interests or skills are ‘stupid’ he still pushed you, he’s always very encouraging.
Finds it odd the way his brothers act around you, like they like you. Reminds him of his romance books.
Kinda jealous when he caught on, but he’s now just showing off in his fighting, showing and teaching you all these cool moves.
Very supportive as always, pushed you and helps you even if he knows nothing of what he’s helping you with.
Mf is soft for you, especially in private. But like not soft as you’d expect all the time. Soft for you in the way he’s constantly giving you supportive and encouraging words. soft for you in the way he admires and respects all that you do.
Would sneak out with you if you asked.
Lowkey kinda a fangirl about you, imagine that scene between mikey and raph where they’re talking about mona. Yeah that’s how he is about you.
Kinda awkward during cuddle piles because yes they teased him at first. but has gotten use to it.
You are the big spoon, he is the little spoon.
Or yall are in such a random cuddle position but it works. Like you’re cuddling on top of him.
He likes kissing you a lot though, especially on the nose.
Mfs a romantic like those romance books paid off.
Like really, he’s always respectful, he’s a good flirt when he wants to be, but boy he can be awkward sometimes.
Asks to lift you.
Or you ask to lift him depending on size and strength differences.
But yall work out together and is your spotter.
He knows how to plan dates.
Stargazing, picnic, to Mr. Murakami’s noodle shop, walking around town. Seems basic but he makes them fun. Even the at home dates!!
Yall read comics together.
Ok but fr hell do things for you if you ask, even partake in a ‘girls night’ and somehow leo ends up there too.
He acts like he’s done it many times before. in which he has.
It’s their little secret.
You tease him though, he does get flustered but like a grumpy flustered. The best way to make it up is with kisses.
Anyway yall totally dress chompy up and take pictures, that is your child.
The pet parents.
He finds it interesting to know how his brothers treat you, sometimes he gets jealous.
He listens though.
He gets very anxious when you’re sick. stays by your side and watches over you. His brothers get a bit worried about him whenever you get sick.
But hey with all four of them and april taking care of you it’s helps with the anxiousness.
He’s the first to say ‘I love you.’ he was sweating like a hot day in hell though.
You both listen to each other when you have problems. He appreciates it.
Mental health days :>
Yall call on them when you need it. Will cancel any plans happening or going to happen. The other brothers understand and will leave yall alone.
After Mikey interrupted one and got a mouth full.
He loves you dearly and is happy to have you.
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Donatello ->
You got special treatment april gets in canon. But like a lot more toned down (rewatching 2012 and I question my sanity each time we get some apriltello-)
You get early access vip treatment with new inventions!! You get subjected to his rambles about inventions, fandom fun facts, just his ramblings in general.
Donnie would research into all the stuff you like to get a bunch if fun facts to try and impress you.
If you’re like April and join in the fight, he’s protective of you. Or well in general. But not to a degree is like really over protective, like he knows you can hold your own but he’s always watching your back whenever enemies get to close.
Makes you things, especially if they’re useful or related to your interests.
I don’t think he notices much the way his brothers act, but he might catch on quicker to others and get a bit jealous.
Always trying to include you in his work, whether it’s studying something or an experiment. Well the non dangerous ones. He cares to much for your safety.
He would take you out on rides in the shellraiser if you ask or convince him enough.
(He will not admit it but he has a lot of fun when you do, relaxing a lot more.
The real simp of the family. Little giddy over anything you do to help him around in his lab or just in general.
Yall don’t cuddle 1 on 1 often, he’s too busy in his lab or out on missions. But on the times you do manage to pull him away from his work!
You are big spoon. Also frequently cuddle in chairs.
And he somehow finds a way to bypass the cuddle excuse and do both! D:<
But y’a know you can be prettyyyy distracting.
Physical affection is rare but always in big quantities when it happens.
Like he can be clingy when he’s not working and likes to hold your hand when he can.
Shellraiser rides and sneaking out are more frequent than before.
He does a grasp of romantic things. But theirs always a twist to em that just makes em Donnie.
He’d also fix things for you if you ask (or if you didn’t and he just knew.)
A worry wart, but also protective. And that goes for all of them. Sometimes it can be a bit much but they just don’t wanna see you hurt.
Other then gift giving acts if service is his love language.
Big on parallel play. Just hanging out in the same room doing your own thing.
Will partake in your hobbies and interests to get a better understanding of it. there’s a 75% chance he gets really invested (if he hasn’t already from trying to impress you with his knowledge.
Also mostly in house dates, buttt he’ll take you to Mr. Murakami’s too.
Also takes you on stargazing dating on the shellraiser. And nighttime rides through the city.
Jealousy is not directed at his brothers, can’t be. But Casey? He will, 100%
First to notice you’re getting sick.
Calls you out and like Leo, he’s also one to make sure you don’t do anything you’re supposed to.
But unlike Leo he isn’t by your side he just makes sure you take all your meds, etc. He repeats facts to you about.
You said ‘I love you’ first to him.
But it can go the other way where he says ‘I love you’ first.
Sometimes things go a little fast then immediately slow down because he’s nervous.
But he’s very thankful that he can call you his lab partner.
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Michelangelo ->
In away he tries to show off too, in a way he makes you things, in a way he just he’s his regular old goofy self we all love.
Skateboarding tricks done, even the hardest ones to learn. Mikey tries to come up with a skateboard trick to name after you even if it already exists you don’t say anything.
Will (attempt) making you anything you want to eat.
Especially your favorite foods!
Oh and if you have a dish from your culture that is your childhood favorite. You teach him it and it’ll be one of the things he remembers by heart.
He tells and comes up with jokes just for you. Laughing at them because he saves his funniest ones for you.
He does not see himself being different or weird. He’s just unapologetically Mikey and we love him for that. Calls out his brothers on it but them just being the brothers they are and gang up on him bout it.
Finds out what jokes you like and tells those like 99% of the time.
Really affectionate but like he’s always like that.
He would totally make you both costumes of your favorite show, yes I imagine he a very good designer with the right materials.
Idk much in what to add besides Mikey is literally just himself (except x10).
The frequent cuddler, yall cuddle just about anywhere and everywhere.
It’s just been accepted that 99% of the time if you aren’t on his brothers time then you and Mikey are cuddling.
Very excitable and loves hearing about your day.
Very creative dates, arts and crafts, he’ll cook something and play it as a fancy restaurant (he absolutely does it when his brothers ask because he enjoys it.) You both probably go on walks around the sewer and graffiti things! or he graffiti’s things while you watch.
Pulls pranks on you lovingly, just cause you’re dating doesn’t mean he won’t.
Oh but you both absolutely pull pranks on his brothers though.
Just be ready to run and hide.
He likes gifting you art pieces.
Likes herring what his brothers do for you! Gives him ideas that he can make in to his own.
For better or for worse.
Doesn’t like when your sick, gets worried but brings you things to try and cheer you up. You appreciate the laughs and giggles.
He says ‘I love you’ first.
You both go at a comfortable pace just doing what yall do, hugging, kissing (which he loves pecking your face btw,) etc.
He says you’re the best partner ever, and he means it.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
love, death, and curses - toge inumaki
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word count: 6k warnings: swearing, gore, stabbing summary: near death experiences make people confess the funniest things ___
A simple assignment.  It’s always the simple assignments that go horribly wrong, isn’t it? It must be some sick joke.  Why couldn’t things just go right for once? A break would be nice… but there were no breaks in this line of work.
(y/n) dropped herself to the ground before the four-eyed curse throwing itself at her could actually hit her.  With no time to catch her breath, she threw herself back, pulled the ring knife out of the holster on her thigh, and even with her hazy sight she was able to fling the small weapon into it’s skull.
Nope, no breaks.  Just knives and evil spirits.
Toge’s worried voice carried from some twenty feet away, or wherever he was taking on more grade threes’ than he probably should have, but even as (y/n) tried to make her way to help him, it just seemed more spirits were spawning.
“I’m fine!” She hollered back.
With a kick to the curse’s disappearing body, it rolled over and she was able to retrieve her knife.  Just in the knick of time as three more curses approached.
This wasn’t looking good.
And things had been so nice this morning. ___
~ earlier that day ~
“Mustard leaf”
Finger stalling on the line in the book she was reading, (y/n) glanced behind her, a smile blossoming on her face as her favorite cursed speech user approached.
She’d been studying in the common room all morning, and it was about time some better entertainment rolled around.  And with a cute language and cuter face, here it was.
“Hey,” She greeted him back, and moved over on the couch so there was room for him to sit.  “You here to save me from my studying?”
From the crinkles around his eyes, she knew he was grinning as he plopped down on the couch next to her.
“Salmon” He chuckled to himself.
Truth was, he’d been working himself up all morning trying to find a way to ask (y/n) out, to a movie or dinner or anything she wanted to do at all.  He’s been trying to do it for a while, but it’s hard when you can’t exactly just say the words.
(That was kind of a copout, there was always writing on the post-its he kept in his pocket, or taking her hand and staring deep into her eyes, but he wasn’t exactly the most experienced when it came to these things, and he really wanted to sweep her off her feet)
So now here he was, blushing like crazy under his collar, his hands fidgeting together, with about fifteen crumpled up post-its in his jacket pocket with everything he’d had prepared for this moment.
And this was the moment.  He’d decided.  He didn’t want to put it off any longer, and he’d told himself all morning that no matter what, he was going to ask her out!
(Panda was a big help too, but he was trying to not think about him right now)
“You alright?” (y/n) asked, drawing Toge out of his scrambling brain.
His brows furrowed, confused.
“You’re just quieter than usual,” She explained, laughing a bit.  “Usually you’re talking my ear off.  Remember at the market, that lady thought you were yelling at me about how to make rice balls?”
She laughs more at the memory, and it was a funny one, but Toge can only bring himself to force out a few chuckles.
“So what is it then?” She asks, closing her textbook and tossing it onto the coffee table so that he could have her attention.
Admittedly, he’d already had her attention as soon as he’d walked into the room.  He always did.  It didn’t matter what was in front of her, if Toge appeared, she was a goner.
(One time she was waxing Maki’s eyebrows when Toge appeared.  Maki still hasn’t forgiven her for taking half of the left one.  Even after it grew back)
He shakes his head, mumbling a ‘salmon’, which (y/n) assumes was meant to assure her he was alright, but it wasn’t all that convincing.
“Toge…” (y/n) said softly, turning her body sideways on the cushion to give him more of her attention.  “I think I know what this is about…”
His eyes go wide.
Did she? Was he so transparent? Had he been embarrassing himself this whole time?
“Yuuta hasn’t written in a while,” She sighed.
Oh.  Right.  That guy.
(Yuuta was one of Toge’s closest friends, but he hadn’t been anywhere close to present in his mind currently)
“I miss him too.  But he’s probably just busy, it’s a pretty serious assignment you know,”
Toge’s frozen for a moment, processing her assumption.  Unfortunately, (y/n) took his silence for sadness, and she continued on.
“I know that he thinks about us all the time though,” She said cheerfully, before shoving her elbow into his side.  “But who wouldn’t, right?”
The teasing is friendly, and normally he’d laugh and joke along happily.  But his nerves are eating him up inside and he feels really hot- was it hot in here? The common room was known for having a busted ac unit that always had a breeze in the room, and now here he was sweating.  
“He’ll write soon enough.  Probably with some crazy story.  It’s always something weird with him” (y/n) says.  She’s so reassuring and kind.  If only this was advice he was actually looking for.
With a small, defeated sigh, Toge nods his head.
And not too long after, Gojo bursts into the room, excited to have found the pair, and claiming he had a quick assignment for them.  Leaving no good time for asking someone on a date, Toge mentally cursed his sensei for his notorious bad timing. ___
~ present ~
Things weren’t getting any easier, and (y/n) was starting to think Fushiguro was onto something for being so cranky about Gojo’s nonchalant attitude, because in no way was this assignment simple.
I’m gonna give that man a piece of my mind if I make it out of this alive.
Ring daggers could only be so good of a weapon.  Right now a sword would be more practical, like Yuuta’s katana.  Or better hand to hand skills, like Maki.  Hell, being a 6’7 bear would be more of a help than what she had on hand.
And she loved her ring daggers, she trained with them relentlessly.  But one of the four she had on her was already gone, disappeared with a curse carcass that disintegrated faster than expected.  She’d have to get better used to another weapon, because this was just getting frustrating.
Another knife flew through the air with such speed she was certain it’d hit her target.
But the particular four eyed- curse’s head she’d aimed for swerved, and the dagger whizzed right past it, before clattering to the ground, far out of reach.
(y/n) grimaced.  No way some grade two curse was able to dodge a swift attack like that.
This was no grade two.
Realization dawned on her, eyes widening as she quickly glanced around her, noticing how all the other curses they’d been fighting seemed to form a circle around this one.
They were protecting it? Hive mind? On their own accord?
Her train of thought ran a million miles a minute trying to find the answer to this behavior, but as quickly as she was trying to solve this odd mystery, she heard a yelp of surprise, and the sound of Toge’s struggle destroyed her worry about anything else but him.
“Toge!” She screeched, watching him get thrown back a few feet.  His landing wasn’t all that graceful, but he pushed himself back up to his feet without too much struggle.
“Salmon!” He hollered back before even catching his breath.
He couldn’t have (y/n) looking over her shoulder for him.  There were too many of these damn things, and she needed to focus on herself, not him.
“Look!” (y/n) called to him, pointing to the odd curse that had dodged her knife.  “I think that one’s in charge or something!”
Violet eyes follow her gesture, and just as quickly as she had, he notices the strange pattern in which most of the curses surround the one.  He nods back at her, understanding what she was telling him.
Well, at least he thought he understood.  He didn’t think she’d charge after the damn thing to take it on herself.
And yet before he could blink, she was grabbing her last two daggers out of their sheaths, and breaking into a sprint towards the curse without a second longer of hesitation.
He caught himself before he could call after her to wait.  However, just as he was about to make his way over to help her, it seemed a horde of the four-eyed nuisances were crowding before him.
He allowed himself a mutter of curses under his breath before unzipping his collar to take care of them.
Meanwhile (y/n) was confidently approaching the little ringleader.  At this point, she was taking this thing down no matter what it took.
It was agile, and able to elude more of her attacks than any grade two could.  In fact, she had her assumptions that it could have been a grade one, if it were this strong and also powerful enough to gather other curses to protect it.
And after a tiring bout of slashing towards it only for it to duck and dodge, she was starting to think that it was mocking her.  And this made her agitated.
And angry.
She’d trained for many years to perfect the craft of exorcizing curses.  Sure, there were always new things to learn, but she considered herself pretty damn good at what she did, because she stuck to a few simple rules.  
And her number one rule was to stay sharp.  The better an eye is at inspecting an environment, the less likely a surprise can happen.  So emotions like fear and anger were red flags.
So she should have seen it coming.
But in an instant, the knife she had gripped in hand and plummeting towards the space between all four of the curse’s eyes, was swiped right out from her hold.
With one hand the curse had taken her wrist, halting her attack.  Then it took advantage of her shock to steal her weapon.
After that, everything seemed to blur together.
A really sharp pain in her abdomen.  
That hurt.
Warmth, then heat, pooling over her skin.  
Almost in slow motion, she looked down.
Her own knife.  In the hand of a curse.  Buried in her guts.
It seemed surreal, in the most horrific way possible.  In what world she thought her death would come from her own negligence- her own weapon damn it! Her anger was only set aflame.  With self preservation and fury colliding in her bones, she found herself acting without thought.
As Toge was trying to fight through the raw pain in his sore throat, he was contemplating a bit of hand to hand until he could spare a second to chug down his medicine and obliterate what was left of the curses.  He didn’t want to risk rushing it and losing what little medicine he had left.
The answer came to him before he could do anything, and right before his eyes, the curses he’d been fighting off started to disappear.
At first he was on guard, surprised, confused.  But as the area around him began to clear and he saw the curse (y/n) had been fighting with was crumpled to the ground, a knife in the middle of it’s face, it clicked.
He chugged down the rest of his medicine before jogging over to her.
It’s over.
(y/n) fought to keep her eyes open, and to keep her hand covering the wound in her abdomen.  At least the fabric of her shirt was black, so the blood wasn’t so visible.
“Mustard leaf!”
Fighting to keep her vision straight, (y/n) could barely make out the double Toge heading towards her.
“Mustard leaf!” He called out again when she hadn’t responded, worried she’d hit her head or something.
He can’t know.
She pressed her palm harder into her stomach, biting down on her cheek to keep from groaning aloud.
As Toge approached, he was clapping, cheering for her.
He was so sweet.
“Salmon roe!”
He was grinning from ear to ear, she could just barely make it out, but it made her feel warm that he was so proud of her.
Or maybe that was all the blood spilling over her hand.
She stumbled forward towards him, and he abandoned his excitement and was reaching out to steady her instantly.
With furrowed brows he waited for her to explain, to tell him what hurt, or to tell him she’d be okay.  But she didn’t say anything.
In fact, she could barely keep eye contact with him, her gaze kept shifting around, as though she didn’t have control over it.
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, concerned, his eyes flickering between hers, hoping to catch her attention.
“I-” Her voice got caught in her throat, and she coughed to try to cover for herself, but from what she could make out from Toge’s expression, she wasn’t doing well.  “I’m f-fine, I’m okay” She forced the words out with as little a stammer as possible.
Toge wasn’t believing it.
“Bonito flakes”
His voice was harsh.  He was upset.
Normally (y/n) was comfortable voicing when she had an injury.  They both were.  They always reassured each other they were okay after missions.  Especially particularly difficult ones.  So for her to be blatantly lying irked him.
But without the ability to say anything else, all he could do was glare and grumble while he pulled out his phone to get Ijichi the ‘ready for pickup’ text.
The haze in (y/n’s) was turning to dark.  Like black clouds.
I’m going to die.
She blinked a few times, trying to focus her vision well enough to keep herself upright at least.
Am I swaying? I feel like I’m not standing upright.
That awful slow-motion feeling came back as she lowered her head to focus on her feet, just to make sure they were both planted on the ground.
Before she could even notice her feet, her eyes landed on her blood covered hand, and suddenly a wave of nausea hit her.
“T-Toge,” She stuttered out, clutching her hand tighter to her stomach, and forcing herself to look up at him.  “I-I’m sorry,”
Her voice broke into a whimper, effectively washing away any annoyance Toge had been feeling, and now he was worried immensely.  
He shook his head in confusion, silently asking her what was going on.
“I…” She trailed off, her head going light.  “I can barely keep my eyes open”
She was losing feeling in her legs completely now.
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, reaching his hands out to her shoulders, steadying the slight swaying she was starting to do.
And then she stumbled forward, falling almost completely against him.
“Mustard leaf!?” He asked a little louder, hoping she would be able to tell him what was going on.
But as he secured his arms around her, he felt something on his hand.
Something warm.
And wet.
“Mustard leaf?”
That time, the question came out a lot smaller.  Quieter.
Shakily, he brought his hand out, confirming his fear when he saw the blood.
“It’s- it’s okay,” (y/n) stammered, lifting her heavy head from his shoulder.
But Toge was already looking her over for the source of the blood.
“It’s just a little scratch-”
“Bonito flakes!”
Prying her hand away from her abdomen, it was like he was living a nightmare.
Her hand was stained in red, and from the looks of the hole in her shirt, this wasn’t even a scratch.
He wants to scold her, cuss her out for hiding an injury like this from him.  He wants to comfort her, tell her she’ll be okay and he’d take care of her now and do whatever was needed to fix her up.
Even if he was able to speak, he wouldn’t have been able to.  His throat closed up and hot tears rose to his eyes so fast, anything that came out would have been a stuttered, blubbering mess.
“I didn’t-” (y/n) coughed, and he tried his best to wipe the blood from her lips, but she swatted his hand away.  “Listen,”
Her half-lidded eyes met his, and she hoped he’d just shut up so she could say what she needed to.  She didn’t know when she’d pass out, but she knew it was coming.
“I… I j-just didn’t want t-to h-hurt you,” Her words are a bit slur and she can’t fight that stutter very well but he catches on to every word.  “I’m s-sorry,”
He shakes his head.
Don’t be sorry, he means, and he hopes she understands.
“I’m so, so sorry,” (y/n) repeats, her voice growing weaker, softer.
She grows a little heavier in his hold, and carefully, he lowers them, hoping to help save her energy.  He’s torn between holding her tightly, in an iron grip where nothing could ever hurt her again- or barely touching her, she was too delicate right now, he couldn’t bear to cause her any more pain.
As he cradles her in his lap with one arm, his other hand putting as much pressure on her wound as he could manage, he’s feverishly looking around, cursing silently that Ijichi’s car hasn’t rolled up yet.
What part of ‘EMERGENCY (Y/N) GOT HURT AND NEEDS SHOKO NOW’ wasn’t understood? He should have been here seconds after that text was delivered.
Glancing back down at (y/n), the situation wasn’t looking good.
Her eyes had fallen closed, her head lolled against his arm weakly, and the pants coming from her mouth grew fainter.  His panic was worsening.
How could this happen? How could he let this happen? He was a terrible partner, and friend.  He was never going to forgive himself for this.
He patted her cheek gently, trying to stir her into consciousness for just a little longer.
(y/n) whimpered, her eyelids fluttering briefly, but she refused to open them.
If only he could say something, beg her to stay awake for just a minute longer.  Ijichi would be here soon-
It was a mumble, but it was something.
He smoothed his trembling hand over her cheek, staring at her intently, and impatiently.
“You sh-should know,” She continued.
It took a tremendous effort to roll her head so she could look up at him.
If I’m going to die, I might as well suck it up and tell him I love him.
A shiver ran through her body, and Toge scrambled to get his jacket off, draping it over top of her, making sure to tuck the fabric around her shoulders so she was as comfortable as could be.
Even in her declining state of mind, she noticed a few things.
First, his collar was off.  Usually whenever he wasn’t wearing his face covering, she couldn’t help but smile and blush like a little girl with a crush.  He had the most handsome face, she simply had to admire him for his beauty.
Second, his hands were trembling incredibly hard.  She could see it as he tucked her into his coat, and she could feel it as well.  He was scared for her life.  Hell, she was too, but seeing him become this much of a wreck was starting to make this all too real for her.
And third, her pain was starting to go away.  At first she was relieved, but she’s realized now that it’s been replaced with a numbness, across her entire body.  That wasn’t a good sign.
I can’t possibly tell him how I feel, and then die in his arms.  It wouldn’t be right.
So instead, she just stared at him.  His violet eyes were so round, and filled with fear.  She wished that she had the words to actually comfort her, but she knew that there was nothing she could say that he would believe.
He shakes his head a little, his brows furrowing even deeper.  She knows that if he could speak he would be telling her to spit it out already.
“You’re beautiful,” She murmurs.
The knot in his brow softened into a more confused look, and it only made her smile.
Oh no.  She’s smiling.  This can’t be good.
“You’re the m-most beautiful person I’ve ever known,” She goes on, her murmurs turning into lovesick babbles.  “I n-never told you… I was too nervous I g-guess.  But I should have told you,”
He starts to shake his head again, but her small smile only blossoms into a toothy grin.  It would be off putting with the blood stained on her lips, but he has to admit even now, something in him just melts.
“You’re my favorite person, okay?”
It takes everything she has to keep her eyes open, to stare at him and try to convey every last feeling she has towards him.
For a moment he just stares back at her, his mouth moving a bit but no words were coming out.
And then slowly, he nods his head at her.
He wants to keep fighting, to keep smacking her until her eyes stay open, to keep shaking his head at her because he can’t scream for her to just please stay awake.
It’s dawning on him now, how quickly time is ticking, and the last thing either of them need is more panic.
So he tries to calm himself, for her sake.
But her eyes are closing again, and he can see the rise and fall in her chest is slowing, until it’s barely moving at all.
By the time the car pulls up and Ijichi is hopping out and running over to them, Toge hadn’t gotten her to open her eyes once. ___
Fuck it was bright.
(y/n) winced as she slowly blinked her eyes open, trying to get used to the blinding white shining on her.  With a groan she raised her hand to her face, rubbing her already strained eyes.
“Oh, you’re up earlier than I thought”
Dragging her palm down her face, (y/n) squinted to see Shoko smiling down at her, clipboard in hand.
“I’m not dead?”
“Not this time,” The doctor jests, smirking to herself.  “Gave us a scare though.  Especially Inumaki”
“Where is-?”
“I’ll let him know you’re up in a minute, don’t worry.  First, can you tell me what all you remember?”
“Yeah, I got stabbed with my own knife.  Then I almost died.  And now I’m alive and embarrassed and I will never hear the end of it.  Actually… could you do me a favor-?”
“I’m not killing you.  Sorry, kid”
Shoko chuckled to herself.
“I guess I can check off alert and snarky,” She teases, before setting her board down.  “Any pain? Nausea?”
“Just absolute delight to be here” (y/n) teases back.
Shoko’s smiling, which is a bit of a rare sight, but (y/n’s) more familiar with it than her peers.
“As always,” Shoko hums.  “Well, let me find your boyfriend.  Try not to strain yourself before then, alright?”
“No promises” (y/n) muttered back.
With that, the doctor was strutting out of the room.  From the way the left side of her lab coat sagged a little heavier than the right, she figured she had some extra time to herself.  Ten minutes if she smoked alone, twenty five if Gojo happened to catch up with her.
Settling back into her cot, she shut her eyes and sighed.
I should have asked her to shut the lights off before she left.
She sat up again, trying to find something to put over her eyes to keep the LED’s from piercing right through her eyelids.  Unfortunately the thin cotton blanket she had wasn’t large enough to cover her head to toe, and she wasn’t ready to give up her pillow- the only comfortable thing about this dumb cot- so that left her back at square one.
It was then that she realized she was wearing an extra layer.  Puzzled, she inspected the jacket that clearly wasn’t hers.
Did Shoko give her this when she showed up?
Curiously, she dipped her hands into the pockets.  She wasn’t sure what drove her to do such a thing, but sure enough she found something.
Post-its.  A bunch of folded and crumpled post-its.
Oh, this is Toge’s jacket!
She felt her face get warm as she smiled, and piled them up in her lap.  These must have been all the notes he wrote to better communicate with people throughout his day.
But after unfolding the first one, she wasn’t so sure what these notes were.  Scribbled there in Toge’s distinct handwriting, was without a doubt a love note.
You’re so beautiful no matter what you wear or do with your hair.  It’s mostly because of your personality, but your eyes take some of the blame too.
She had to admit, she was pretty shocked.  She didn’t think Toge was the type to have a romantic side, but clearly he’s got a knack for it.
Now all that was left to figure out was who these little love notes were meant to be delivered to.
And hell, there was no other entertainment in this boring, bright room.  So why not indulge in a little snooping?
Eagerly, she uncrumpled the next one.
I’m sorry I can’t speak well to you, but I’m glad I can still laugh, because you make me laugh every time I’m with you.  And sometimes you’re funny too! :)
(y/n) snorted before rolling her eyes.  Alright, he must have had some help from Panda.  She reached for the next note.
You tell me all the time how brave I am and now here I am pouring it all out there.  I wish I could tell you myself instead of writing all these notes.
A few of the notes didn’t even have words, just doodles, but they were just as cute.  She especially loved the one of two turtles holding hands.  Well, stubs.  He drew their little stubs touching with a heart over them.
It wasn’t meant for her, but she decided she’d have to steal that one for herself.  It was just too cute.
Dropping the post-its, (y/n’s) head shot up to the doorway where her visitor was standing.  She looked like a deer caught in headlights- which she was, he’d literally just caught her reading through his private notes.
“Toge!” She squeaked, embarrassed, but there was still a smile on her face, eager to see him as always.
She can’t see it because he has his collar zipped up, but his face was red with bashfulness.
How many of those notes had she read? Did she know they were for her? Dummy! Of course she did! It was so obvious! Idiot! Why did I even keep those in there when I gave her that jacket!?
“I’m so glad you’re here” She told him, beckoning him to come into the room.
Some of his nerves were settled as he took a few steps closer.  Maybe she hadn’t put together that the notes were for her?
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, gesturing to her stomach, which she kept covered with her blanket.
“Oh, it’s fine,” (y/n) shrugged a shoulder.
After finding the notes, she’d kind of forgotten about it actually.  Surely once her pain meds wore off she’d be irritable and reliving the worst pain she’s ever felt in her whole life- but for now she didn’t care, and she’d rather focus on something more enticing.
And nothing was more enticing than love notes to a mystery person.
“Tell me about these!” She told him, excitedly holding up the few notes that she’d read.
Toge’s eyes widened for a moment, before he decidedly shook his head back and forth.
(y/n) frowned.
“Bonito flakes” Toge explained to the best of his ability, pointing again to her blanket.
“Really, it’s fine, I can’t feel a thing right now,” (y/n) said nonchalantly.  “I’d rather just be normal? Please?” She gave him her best puppy dog eyes and held the notes up to him.
Toge sighed, staring back at her, giving up on trying to voice his concerns.  When all he could voice were rice ball ingredients, it was hard to be convincing sometimes.
But even giving her the deadest eyes he could manage wasn’t working.  And he was no match for puppy dog eyes.
(It was truly a weakness- and not just (y/n).  If anyone gave him that face, odds were he was caving in on whatever ridiculous thing they were requesting.  Panda abused this knowledge frequently)
He groaned and rolled his eyes, making (y/n) grin and cheer.
“Ok so tell me! Who are these for? Do they go here??”
She shuffles to sit upright on her cot, making Toge panic momentarily, because no way should she be moving this much after she was just stabbed.  She was still healing damnit!
He reaches his hands out, shaking his head as he grabs her shoulders to keep her in place, but she swats his hands away.
“Relax, just sit” She demands, patting the open space she’s made for him.
Toge glares at her.
“Bonito flakes”
“Stop saying that and just sit,” (y/n) requests again.  “Or I’ll walk out of this room and find Panda and make him tell me who these are-”
His groan is louder this time, more annoyed, before he shoves his finger in her face.
(y/n’s) brows knit together.
He rolls his eyes.
His finger points rather aggressively to the notes in her lap, before pointing at her again.
How much clearer could he be? Was he going to have to spell it out for her?
“Yeah… I found them in your pockets-”
Toge smacked his hand to his head.
Man, he loved her.  But this was a whole different level of cluelessness.
He’d have to find another way to tell her.  So he went sifting through the mess of post-its.  Surely there’d be a note in there that explained his feelings to her.
(y/n) watched him curiously, not quite sure what he was doing, but she had to admit she was a little entertained by his annoyed scrambling.  It was cute to get him worked up, and he didn’t do it often, so it was also a treat.
Finally, he produced the perfect note, and handed it to her.  (y/n) raised a brow at him before she took it.
This note wasn’t like the others.  It was a direct question, clearly meant to be used to communicate with, not just a cute message or doodle.
(y/n), I’ve liked you for a really long time, and you’re a great friend.  But I think we would be great as something more.  Would you want to go on a date with me?
Her eyes widened as she re-read the note a few times, scanning it as if it were going to say something else after ten more reads.  But sure enough, it had her name, and he was asking her out.
He was asking her out!!
“Oh my god,” She mumbled, mostly to herself but Toge heard it anyway.  “I’m an idiot,”
Glancing up at him, she caught his nodding, and smacked his arm.
“But you’re a bigger idiot!” She chastised.  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He shrugged his shoulders.  There were few instances where he was lucky to not have to explain himself.
Like right now, he didn’t have to sit here and tell her he was too scared of rejection to tell her how he really felt about her.  That would be humiliating.  Instead, he gets to stand there and just smile at her.
“Well, you’re in luck.  I like you too,” (y/n) replies, giving him a smile.  “I didn’t know that you felt this way,”
He shrugs his shoulders.
“So romantic,” She chuckles, rolling her eyes at him.  “So what kind of date do you have planned?”
He reaches for one of the post-its, flipping it over and grabbing one of Shoko’s pens.  (y/n) waits while he quickly scribbles on the paper.
(y/n) grins as she reads it, nodding her head in agreement.
“How about dinner too?” She asks, her cheeks starting to tinge with pink.
Toge nods excitedly.
“Okay, perfect.  It’s a date then,” (y/n) grins back.  The elation of this moment was definitely going to last until her pain wore off.  “You know it’s funny, I was actually going to confess last night,”
Toge rose a brow, before whistling, making her giggle.
“Oh shut up.  I only didn’t because… you know.  If I had…”
Finally, Toge perches himself on the side of the cot beside her.  He unzips his collar before reaching out to take hold of her hand.  (y/n) smiles softly at the sweet gesture.  She admired him very much for the way he was able to convey exactly what he wanted to say.
“I just didn’t want to drop a bomb on you and then… die.  It didn’t seem right, and I wanted the right time to tell you, you know that I… I love you”
His eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.  Brows raised and mouth slightly parted.  He was shocked.  (y/n’s) pink cheeks deepened to a bright red, and she could feel the heat spreading to her neck as well.
All at once, it hits Toge, and his hands sprung to action.  
You love me? He signs.
“Well, yeah,” She answers.  “I was trying not to die in front of you, doesn’t that make it kind of obvious?”
He shakes his head at her, a smile beginning to break out across his face.
He holds his hand up, sticking out his thumb, index finger, and pinky.
(y/n) may have been a bit rusty when it came to sign language, but she knew what that one meant.
She reached out, taking his hand and tugging gently, prompting him to lean closer.
Brows furrowed, Toge followed the silent command, turning his head with the expectation that she was going to say something softly in his ear.
With a hum, (y/n’s) free hand finds his cheek, directing him to face her again, before guiding him down closer so that she could plant her lips on his.
For a moment, he hesitates.  His eyes go wide and it feels like his whole body is frozen.  He wonders briefly if this is what his opponents felt when he used his cursed speech to stop them in place.
It’s like all time as he knows it comes to a halt.
And then, slowly but surely, he melts into the sensation.
Her lips, soft and sweet like the chapstick Shoko always keeps around, were warm, and familiar.  As though he’d kissed them countless times before.  His hands find their natural place at her jaw, keeping her in place so he can be sure to kiss her again and again.
The feeling of the corners of her mouth tilting upwards was sensational, and Toge finds himself smiling into the kiss as well.  The pair silently acknowledged that now was as good a time as any to finally come together.
When time starts again and works against them, forcing them to break apart for air, their smiles were ever so present.  Paired with pink cheeks and shy eyes that could barely maintain contact.
“I’m going to have to learn sign language for kiss me, huh?” (y/n) teases quietly.
Toge beams, before happily showing her the motion.  He brings his fingers to his thumb, then traced his mouth to his cheekbone.  The phrase is finished with pointing to himself.
“Well, if you insist” (y/n) giggles, before yanking on him again so she can reach him once more.
Their laughter is interrupted as their lips meet once more, and this time Toge thinks he might never come back up for air. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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kiankiwi · 4 months
Husband Jacob comforting hormonal pregnant reader 🩷
You had no ideas why you were crying. You just were. There was often no point to your tears at this point in your pregnancy so you often just had to feel your feelings until you calmed down and were able to go about your day.
Jacob was up and on set before you even got up so you were used to waking up alone. Because he didn't get to see you in the morning, he would facetime you to say good morning and have a little chat because he had missed out on his morning with you.
He just so happened to call when you were mid sob. "Baby? What's the matta?" (his R's sound like a/aw to me lol) He asked, his eyes filling with concern. "You just--" You continued to sob and Jacob put his hand up, "Breathe baby, you're okay, breathe with me." He helped guide you through a few deep breaths so you weren't choking and coughing as you cried anymore.
"Just give it a second and then tell me what's up okay? Do I need to come home?" You shook your head in silence as you put your sleeve over your hand and wiped your face. "Take a deep breath." He took a breath with you to calm you even more so you didn't feel as silly.
"It's stupid..." You chuckled, laying back down in bed. "No, no baby, your feelings are never stupid okay. Can you talk to me, tell me why you're so sad?" That made you chuckle again because you felt so silly. "I'm not even sad! I just... you didn't wake me up when you left so I didn't get a goodbye kiss and then when I went downstairs to make a bagel, we're out of cream cheese and I'm too tired to go to the store and the store feels too public anyway, I feel like everyone's gonna be staring at me with this huge bump and I just.... argh!" You screamed out your frustration into Jacob's pillow which of course smelled like him and that sent you into a new wave of crying.
"What baby, what?" "Argh, your pillow smells like you!" You yelled, frustrated still. Jacob couldn't help but smile at that.
"Here bub, I see your water bottle is behind you on the nightstand can you take a drink please?" You nodded, guiding the straw into your mouth and taking a long pull. "Good, good job, keep doing that today okay?" You nodded.
Jacob got closer to the camera of his phone, so close that you could only see his mouth and facial hair. You laughed. "You wanna know a secret?" He asked, looking off somewhere on set so now you could only see one of his eyes. You grabbed Jacob's pillow and cuddled it. "What?" "I did give you a kiss goodbye, I tried to wake you but I knew you were probably gonna be sick as soon as you woke up so I left you be. I still gave you a forehead kiss though, I promise." You nodded. He was right, you did puke as soon as you got up for the day. "Thank you. I was really tired, I was up late reading again." Jacob smiled. "Is the book good?" You nodded, grabbing the 800 page monstrosity off your nightstand and showed it to him where you had left off.
"Damn baby, you can kill someone with that thing?" You quirked your eyebrow. "Don't piss the pregnant lady off." Jacob nodded. "Here how about I send an uber eats out for the cream cheese and maybe some chocolate too and they'll drop it off so you don't have to go anywhere?" You nodded, wiping at your eyes again. The nice gesture caused your eyes to well up again. "I'd really like that, thank you."
"I'm happy to help baby, is there anything else you want?" "Nutella... and maybe some cheetos? The jalepeno ones..." Jacob expected some weird items to be added to his shopping list. "Got it bub. I gotta get back now but by the time I get home, I want you to have drank that whole water bottle okay?" You nodded and just to make him smile took another long drink from your straw.
"Thank you, I'll see you in a few hours okay? Go and get my Rugby sweater if that'll help too?" Your eyes lit up at the mention of his old sweater. He blew you a kiss "Love you baby! Give the bean my love."
"We love you too!"
I meant for this to be a ficlet but then I got inspiration and it was quite fun! I hope you liked this
@eee-lordy @mooodyblue
129 notes · View notes
backtotheshitshow · 1 year
Ghost Clothes Part 2 : the field.
(Wally Clark x reader)
Part1 part3 part4
Summary: after finding y/n in the locker room, Wally wants to show her around the school.
Warning: idk if there is any 🤷‍♀️
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Wally lead the way down the hall, doing his best to make small talk with Y/n.
“How did I not hear about you dying. I’ve been here since the ‘80’s and I never heard of a girl dying in the locker rooms.” Wally questioned.
“I died the same week Zayn left One Direction. So a dead girl wasn’t exactly the top story of the local teens.” Y/n explained.
“Ah yes I remember that band, they were no Motley Crüe though.” Wally says, opening the door to the school office. “Ladies first”
“Thank you. Yeah, I was always more of a 5 seconds of summer girl anyway.” Y/n came to a stop at the lost property bin. Everything in there was awful, old sweaty trackpants and hoodies.
“I’ll wait outside.” Wally says, giving a quick smile before leaving.
The only decent thing y/n could find in the bin was some girls basketball shorts and an AC/DC shirt that looked older than her, well older than what she’s supposed to be. Y/n reluctantly changed out of Wally’s jacket and into the other clothes.
She emerged from the lost property room, to be greeted with a smiling Wally. “Oooh AC/DC, you know they’re in my top ten list of bands to work out to. “ the boy chuckled, taking his jacket back.
Wally felt a twinge of sadness, he longed to see her in just his jacket again. God why was he being such a perv. He just meant this girl. Y/n clears her throat, snapping Wally back to reality.
“What? Sorry did you say something” Wally rambled.
“No. you’re just stairing.” Y/n informs.
“Right, sorry. Ah should we.. I don’t know, go for a walk?” Wally suggests rubbing the back of his neck.
“That sounds nice, actually can we start outside.” Y/n asked.
“Of course, come on I’ll show you the football field.” Wally says excitedly.
Wally took y/n out to the field, but he couldn’t help but wonder, we’re they on a date?. Like does them going for a walk and chatting together count as a date. Eventually the two stopped at the five yard line, and took in the scenery, glazing at the moon and all the stars .
“Do you spend a lot of time out here, Wally?” Y/n questioned
“ not as much as you would think. I do like being in the library, theirs always new stuff to read in there. Sometimes I just go to the cafeteria and just watch the student, you know, see how things keep changing year after year.” Wally explains.
“You died in 84, didn’t you?”
“Ah yeah… how’d you know.” The boy asked.
“ well I remember sitting at a game one night and I saw the score board and thought. Who the fuck is this Wally Clark guy? So I googled you. But it never said how you died.”y/n says.
“Oh I was layed out in a tackle on the five yard line. Right where you’re standing actually.”
Y/n instantly took a step back, “shit sorry” she gave Wally an apologetic look.
“It’s ok, they’ve re-grassed this field so many times since then, I doubt there’d be any trace of me left.” Wally gave a light chuckle, but to y/n it seemed forced. “Anyway… here lay down.” Wally encouraged y/n lay on the field and look up at the sky.
It was quiet as they both scanned the flickering light of the night sky, until Wally turned his attention to the girl next to him. He studied her profile, the shape of her nose, how soft her lips looked under the moon light, the way her eyelashes fluttered when she would blink.
Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n noticed Wally staring, again. “You know you have a really bad staring problem, Wally.” Y/n states still looking up at the moon.
Wally immediately turns his head back to the sky. “Sorry.”
The air fell silent again, the only thing y/n could here was the sound of Wally’s soft breaths. It was her turn to stare, y/n looked at the kind boy next to her, he had been so sweet and helpful to her, and under the moon light she wondered why she hadn’t noticed how handsome he was before.
Wally turns and meets Y/n eyes. “ now who’s the one staring” they both chuckle before falling silent again, gazing at each other intently. Wally briefly glanced at the girls lips, only for a second and began to lean closer.
“Who’s that?” Both ghosts jumped apart at the sudden noise.
“Jesus, Dawn. Don’t sneak up on people like that.” Wally sighs.
“Oh I’m sorry, Wally. I just wanted to know who this lovely girl is.” Dawn apologises.
Wally sighs in annoyance “Dawn this is Y/n, Y/n this is Dawn.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Y/n says
“ you too. Did you die during practice?” Dawn asks.
“Basketball practice, I just thought because of the shorts and the shirt..”
“Oh no these are from lost property, I died in the showers.” Y/n explains.
“Oh my. Well I’m sure one of the ghosts around here can sew, maybe we can make you some new clothes.” Dawn suggests.
“Really! That would be great.” Y/n smiles then looks at Wally, who seems slightly annoyed, “ you don’t mind, do you Wally?”
“No of course not, I’ve got stuff to do anyway.”
“Great” Y/n stands up and begins walking with Dawn back inside the school. “ Hey, Wally I’ll see you later ok.” Y/n shouts from the door.
Wally gives a thumbs up as the girls go inside. Laying back down on the field Wally sighs, asking himself so many questions. Why did he ever think that could of been a date? Why is he so attached to a girl he just met? What is he feeling? Is this what falling in love feels like?
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Pop A Plan B Before I Let Him Trap A Bitch (NSFW 18+)
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Jealous Jackman 😜
Synopsis: Jack isn't very happy with you after he hears your verse on FNF remix and decides to make a little song of his own
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by: my treacherous twin @harlowsbby 😘🥰
Thank you @hoodharlow and @nattinatalia for helping me 😘
Warnings: Mention of a miscarriage
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was currently in New York for a few appearances while you were home in Atlanta working on a few different things and he was fuming.
Maybe he was overreacting a little bit, but a fair warning would have been nice from you as he was still trying to wrap his head around your verse and the song that you were featured on. 
The FNF remix with Glorilla and JT had been released and Jack had your verse on repeat, sitting in disbelief as to why you even mentioned that last line.
Pop a plan B before I let him trap a bitch
He was trying to gather his thoughts because you had just sent him a text asking if he had listened to it and if he liked it. That was something that the two of you always did when you wanted to keep songs a secret from each other so it could be a surprise. 
A text response wasn't going to get his point across so he decided to call you on facetime.
When you picked up, his face came into view and you were nothing but smiles. But you could tell that something was wrong with your husband and you were immediately going to try to pull it out of him.
"Hii baby! I miss you! You okay?"
"You got something you wanna tell me? Now I'm trying to trap you?" Jack asked and you were extremely confused as to what he was talking about.
"What you mean babe? What in the world are you talking about? Trying to trap you? Last time I checked I had a whole ring on my finger and we have the same last name."
"You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about so stop fucking playing with me.” You then looked at your husband sideways and took a deep breath to calm yourself not wanting to go off on him because you were definitely ready to.
"Pookie, I'm not a mind reader so be an adult and say what's on your mind."
Jack was quiet for a few seconds before confessing on why he was so upset.
"Your FNF verse."
"Did you like it? We had so much fun in the studio that day." You answered while smiling in the camera and Jack knew he was mad at you and wasn’t even paying attention to how excited you were about it. 
"Pop a plan B before I let him trap a bitch? Are you serious right now?"
Oh. So that’s why he’s upset.
"Baby, it's just a song. You know I meant nothing by it. Didn’t I marry you?"
"How am I supposed to know that? And you've been asking me to get you pregnant for the longest. So what the fuck?"
"Are you really mad about this? Like seriously Jackman?"
"Do I look overjoyed to you right now? I thought it was fucking clear that I was mad." 
"Baby come on. Don't be mad. It was just meant to be something fun and that was it."
You were a little disappointed in Jack’s reaction seeing how proud you were of your verse and the fact that you had been getting a lot of features with many different artists.
Jack just shook his head before responding to you and you knew that he was about to be an entire ass about this for the next few days. All you knew was that by the time both of you got back home, he had better fixed his attitude. 
"I'll talk to you later." Jack immediately hung up without telling you that he loved you and of course it made you feel some type of way because he usually never hung up a call without saying it to you.
You simply threw your phone on the side of you and shook your head in disbelief.
After Jack had hung up with you, he sent a quick text to Drama saying he wanted to meet up with him in the studio.
What better way to let out his frustrations?
He couldn’t have sex with you to let it out and besides, you were the one that he was mad at. 
Jack- My mind is racing and I need to get it out
Drama- Been working on some things and I got the perfect beat for you. But we can listen to a few of them and then you can decide which one fits best. When did you want to do it?
Jack- Today. You in New York?
Drama- I am. Give me an hour and we can make it happen. I'll send you the address.
It was now Friday and you and Jack had barely spoken to one another since the whole incident of him being mad about the FNF verse. You even sent him nudes as a last resort and all he sent back was a thumbs up leaving you even more pissed.
And you had gotten all of the perfect angles too.
You figured he would come around when he was ready and that you were done stressing over it. If he planned on being an ass, he could go right ahead while you continued to do your features on other people’s songs.
You just planned on giving him head in the hopes that he would forget about it, but if he didn’t even react to your nudes, you didn’t know how that was about to suffice.
You then got a text from Saweetie and you were highly confused.
Saweetie- OOP Jack's new song is FIRE
You- Huh? When did he release it?
Saweetie- uh? At midnight. He didn't tell you? It's called Mockingbird Valley with Drama. Doesn't he tell you everything since yall are attached at the damn hip?
You immediately pulled it up on your phone and began listening to it.
But it wasn't until you heard a few lines that left you with your jaw on the floor. 
I'm finally speakin' up to anything that's not okay with me
Okay, so far so good.
Long way from my wife having kids
You were starting to get annoyed.
Course I got a main, but I'm still out here a la cartin'
Was he fucking serious?
You immediately sent him a text still in disbelief about it. In no way shape or form did you put in your verse about having a main and a side piece and you were about to get on him about that. 
You- Oh, so you think you funny huh? You better fucking answer me, Jackman and answer me now.
Jack- Yeah I'm the funniest
You- I will kick your white ass. Now why would you say that!?
Jack- Same reason you said that last line in your verse
You- You know that you are the only person that I ever want to have kids with so why are you acting like an ass? Oh and you got a main but you still out here a la cartin? I wish you motherfucking would, I fucking dare you.
Jack- It’s just a song, babe. I didn’t mean anything by it. Sound familiar?
Just then you called him on facetime and he was simply laying in the bed in his hotel room eating strawberries and looking at you.
“You got some fucking nerve.” You blurted out when you saw how calm he was. 
“Oh? Me? You started this shit, so don’t get mad now.”
“Go ahead and pop that plan B the next time we go at it to make sure. Don’t want to mess anything up for you.”
“Nah, now your ass is being petty with a capital P. We usually say a whole bunch of different things in our lyrics, but this is what set you off?”
“Are we done talking about this?”
“Oh because you got your lick back you think that everything is all good? Fuck outta here with that bullshit. I thought you would be proud of me, but I guess not. I am always supportive of you. ALWAYS. And this is what I get in return? If you want to act like this don’t bother coming home until you get rid of that fucking attitude.”
“I am always proud of you so cut that shit out and I’m supportive. I LITERALLY GOT DRAMA TO SIGN YOU. I always want to see my wife win at everything she does but why would you say that shit when we just recently had a miscarriage? What was the reason?”
Oh, that’s what it was.
“I wrote the lyrics before it happened so I didn’t do that on purpose. Is that what you’re so mad about? And didn’t your ass say my wife is a long way from having kids? Make it make sense.”
“And you didn’t think to change the lyrics? And I didn’t mean it in that context, it was a response to what you had said in FNF.”
“For what, Jack? For fucking what? Is me changing the lyrics going to suddenly bring our baby back? Didn’t fucking think so.”
You could feel your eyes start to water and Jack noticed this and knew he had fucked up and went a bit too far.
“Baby.. I-....”
“I have to go, got things to do. See you whenever you get home.”
“Baby, wait a minute!”
Without another word, you hung up the phone and placed it on DND for the rest of the day not wanting to be bothered with anything or anyone. 
The next morning you woke up to see your husband beside you and he was wide awake looking over at the TV and playing with Blanche and Sophia who were both perched on his lap.
You really didn’t want to talk to him, but you knew that you needed to.
All you did was turn around and face away from Jack which immediately led to him getting a pout on his face.
“Baby girl?”
“What, Jackman?”
“Can you turn back around and look at me so we can talk about this?”
“Baby, come on. I need to apologize to you because I definitely overreacted and took it too far. I just… for some reason when I heard it, I just got pissed off. I shouldn’t have taken that out on you. And don’t ever for a second think that I’m not proud of you because I am. I love you and always want to see you be successful in everything that you did. You’re my baby girl and you know how much you mean to me. When I said that line in the song, it was simply a response back to what you said in FNF and nothing else. That was not meant to be taken any other way.”
“It sounds as if you were saying that I’m incapable of having kids because of what happened.”
“No, Y/N. I don’t think that at all and I apologize. You’re going to get pregnant when the time is right and I have no doubt about that.”
“Baby, please turn this way and look at me.”
You slowly turned around and saw Jack looking at you before leaning over to kiss your forehead. 
“I love you, mamas.”
“And I love you too no matter how much you get on my last nerve.”
“I deserve that.”
“And the fact that you only sent me a thumbs up emoji when I sent you nudes the other day? You had me fucked all the way up with that one. I hit all of your favorite angles and that’s the thanks that I get?”
“I-... I was mad at you still, but if it makes you feel any better, I definitely had to make good use of my hand when I saw them. Especially the one where you were on all fours and I know that I could probably see that pussy dripping from a mile away.”
Blanche and Sophia had hopped down to do only God knows what and you were simply staring at Jack.
“You okay?” He suddenly asked and you simply nodded.
“I’m fine.” You answered while shrugging but you slowly sat up to take your shirt off throwing it across the room leaving your top half bare in front of Jack.
He immediately raised an eyebrow at you and all you did was look at him.
“You owe me for that response to my nudes and I want it now.” You desperately pleaded as you could feel the flood gates opening up down below and Jack hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Say less, mamas. But be careful what you ask for.” Jack said as he hovered over top of you before sliding down your shorts and seeing how wet you were. All he did was take two of his fingers and slowly massage your clit as you went to answer him. 
“I’m still not showing you any mercy for what you did. You ready for me? Because I didn’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
When you didn’t answer him, he stopped his movements to peer down at you and gave you a look. 
“I’m ready. Just come on.”
“Get on all fours. Now.”
As Jack was pounding into you from behind, you were grabbing at the sheets beneath you and you were a screaming crying mess.
The two of you had been at it for at least an hour switching to different positions, but Jack once again wanted you on all fours.
“Shit… shit…. Oh fuckkkkkkk!”
“There’s my good girl. You gonna cum for me again?”
You simply nodded your head, but quickly opened your mouth to respond because you knew that Jack would stop his movements if he didn’t hear you.
In the process of Jack fucking you into oblivion, your bonnet had fallen off and it was somewhere across the room so your hair was literally everywhere. The only thing that you would probably get on him about was sweating out your hair.
Jack then slid out of you before starting to eat you out from the back.
You absolutely loved every time that he did this and it took everything in you to hold still.
“Babe….” You let out while trying to catch your breath, but Jack simply kept going.
He inserted two of his fingers in you while keeping his mouth on you and you knew that you were close.
“Shit…. Jackkkkkk.”
“Damn, you never call me by my first name when I’m in you.”
“Baby, let me cum. Please let me cum.”
“Not yet. Almost, be patient.”
Jack had then slid back into you and you knew that you weren’t about to be able to hold on much longer.
Jack then reached underneath you to massage your clit and you were squirting all over him within a matter of seconds. 
Jack soon followed and pulled out of you, releasing all over your back.
You would have preferred your face, but that could be for next time. 
“What you got to say now mamas? Screaming, crying mess underneath me. Did that make up for me not saying anything about the pictures you sent me?” Jack asked as he slapped your ass and you immediately groaned. 
“Leave me alone.” You replied while collapsing onto your stomach and trying to catch your breath.
“Nah, we not about to leave this bed until I get you pregnant. Go wash the cum out your weave and get ready for the next round. Pop a plan B, my ass.” 
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aurumacadicus · 2 months
92 or 14 maybe? 🤔
Going with 14!
Prince Anthony was picking his feathers out again.
Steve wordlessly set his shield aside and walked over to grab his hands, yanking them down, away from his wings. "Your highness--"
"I know!" Prince Anthony exclaimed defensively. His wrists jerked in Steve's grip, though, back toward his wings, and he wilted under Steve's stern glare. "I know," he repeated miserably.
It broke Steve's heart, but he turned to grab the picking glove, and while Prince Anthony obediently stuck his hands in so the mouth could be cinched tight around his wrists, he couldn't help but think it wasn't fair. Maybe Prince Anthony wouldn't be picking himself bald if he didn't have to choose a suitor in the next three days.
Prince Anthony had always been put off by the cock parties, as he'd called them--"cockerel balls" had always seemed to lend a layer of refinement to them that they didn't deserve, he'd said. Mostly, it was young cocks approaching and trying to impress prospective hens, and as Prince Anthony had a sizeable fortune behind him, he'd been the one most flocked to. It had made him suspicious, nervous even, of anyone's attention. Steve had watched, heart sinking with every ball, as grabby kids who barely knew what to do with a cloaca fawned all over Prince Anthony for the chance at his wing in matrimony.
It had given him nothing but a dim view on mating parties and cocks in general, which was probably why he'd gotten away with his secret for so long. He was so visibly disgusted after each cockerel ball that everyone assumed even if he was pregnant, he'd get rid of it as quickly as possible. Only when the rumors about his sudden cravings for sardines and almonds got loud enough to reach the royal court did it become necessary for Prince Anthony to undergo medical examination. And, well, when it was found to be true, that a royal hatchling was on the way, an unwed, pregnant royal was deemed a hazard to... what was it they had said? Public decency and the dignity of the crown?
Either way, it meant that another cockerel ball had been set up as quickly as possible, and Prince Anthony no longer had the choice of saying no to all comers if he wanted to keep his financial backing, even if he plucked himself bare in the meantime.
Steve watched Prince Anthony begin to pace, feeling helpless. His prince was in trouble, and he could do nothing of import to stop it. Prince Anthony looked like a caged animal as he walked up and down the carpet. He wasn't even showing yet. Was the palace hoping to get him wed immediately and lie about the hatchling being early? Someone would be bound to talk. That's what had started this mess, after all.
"I suppose," Prince Anthony began, voice halting and pained as he turned to pace in front of the window, obviously hoping the sun's rays would help him feel better. "That Lady Pepper is. Nice enough. Could pass the egg off as hers if we married."
"I suppose," Steve agreed, hoping he sounded noncommittal instead of just bitter.
"Or. Or that kind--Bruce? I think?"
"The alchemist Bruce was very kind," Steve answered with a nod.
"Or I could... I could just..." Prince Anthony stopped in front of the window, staring outside. Then, as quickly as he stopped, he turned around, eyes wide and beseeching. "Run away with me."
Steve's mouth dropped open in shock. He blinked at Prince Anthony slowly, unable to comprehend what he'd just been asked. Prince Anthony was a well-loved public figure, and while Steve was famous for his work in the war, he'd never been... someone people wanted to see running the country. In fact, if anyone ever found out that he was the one who had henned the heir apparent, he likely wouldn't be able to see him again. Prince Anthony was royalty. Steve had clawed his way up from the streets. He was only Prince Anthony's personal guard because there had been several attempts on his life, and Steve was the best at what he did.
"Run... away...?" Steve finally repeated, still not quite believing it.
"I'm just a figurehead for this stupid country," Tony spat, hope giving way to anger. "They only kept royalty on as a tradition they didn't know how to quit, as a show. I don't have any real power. And that's how they can bully me into getting married, picking a cock I don't even like all that much to be the legitimate father of my egg--So. So let's run away."
There were many reasons why Steve should say no. The country loved Prince Anthony, for one--he was only behind his late mother in terms of charity, and was quickly gaining on her record; despite the fact that he had no real power, he always did his best to influence parliament to vote in favor of the people; and the whole country had collectively swooned when a tabloid had leaked a picture of him holding a baby at the hospital with the quote 'babies need to be held' splashed under it. Steve was a nobody, come up from nothing, and most people did not have good things to say about him coming up from nothing because of the war.
Prince Anthony's gaze was steady, though, when Steve met his eyes. He was certain of his decision. That was one of the things Steve liked about him--he knew what he wanted, and if he could get it, he eagerly went through with it. And if he couldn't get it, he was a gracious loser.
"Your highness," Steve began with a sigh.
"I don't care if we're poor," Prince Anthony continued before he could voice his dissent, the determination in his voice making Steve's mouth snap shut in surprise. "You'll take care of us. And I--I have an education. I can get a job to help. You helped make this egg," he added sharply. "Are you refusing to take responsibility? And could you really just let someone else raise your chick?"
If he told himself it was for the better, to make sure the chick got everything it needed or wanted, he probably could. Prince Anthony would love it enough for the both of them, even if his new spouse only tolerated the chick. It wasn't ideal, but then, neither was getting Tony laden with egg before marriage. A marriage that couldn't happen because of who he was and who Prince Anthony had turned out to be. Steve opened his mouth to tell him in no uncertain terms that he would not be taking the spot from a more deserving rooster.
But he didn't want to. And Tony was clearly showing he didn't want to either. So he looked up at Tony and nodded sharply. "Alright, Tony."
"Tony," he repeated in a whisper, shocked. Steve only ever called him that in bed; he needed the separation of work and intimacy, and it helped to remind Tony, too, that he couldn't reach out and touch whenever he wanted. Steve watched as Tony's mouth spread into a wide smile as he lunged toward him, hooking his bound hands behind Steve's neck and pulling him down for an overjoyed kiss just bordering on desperation. Apparently, eschewing his proper name was all the real confirmation he needed of Steve's feelings.
Steve threw his wings up in a mating display just to make sure there was no misunderstanding.
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Thorin- 9 to 5
Number 33 from this post. Requested by @ohnonotnow
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Thorin was grateful to find a tavern this far out of town, especially one so quiet. Traveling alone, although slightly more relaxing compared to having 12 other dwarves with him, did seem to make him more tired. It was probably because instead of having lots of his kin to focus on, it was just him and this thoughts.
Walking through the tavern there was only two older men in the corner quietly talking to themselves. Not wanting to draw more attention to himself as a dwarf in a human village would, he quietly sat down in the corner.
Not really caring when a maid would take his order, Thorin began to stare out of the window, looking at the blue sky and birds of the early afternoon. His quiet meditation however was quickly interrupted by the sound of the tavern doors slamming open and a yell from the kitchen.
“That better be y/n!” He heard a shout from the kitchen.
“Or what?! You’ll fire me? I told you ma was sick and that I’d be starting later today! Keep your petticoat on, I’m starting now.” Her voice quieted down as she got closer to the kitchen. Such an interaction left the two once quiet men to chuckle to each other.
Of course Thorin looked up to see what all the commotion was about. As the young lady he had gathered was ‘y/n’ came into view, his eyes could not leave her face or her form. As a new king Thorin was meant to be level headed and calm always, but this young lady made his heart and thoughts race.
Not only was she beautiful but she wasn���t afraid to give people a piece of her mind, and hearing how she was taking care of her mother and the way she joked with the two old men, it seemed she was caring too.
Thorin began to panic as said young lady began to walk towards him. Was he blushing? ‘Oh please don’t blush! Kings aren’t meant to blush!’ He thought to himself as she began to come over.
“Hello, sir. How can I help you today?” She beamed at him, small notepad and pencil in hand.
Now both looking into each others eyes he began to get a little nervous. Was he staring too long? Oh Mahal he was!
“Hon?” You gently asked.
“Oh, um, hem! I- just um- pint of ale and um a pie. Please. Thank you. Ahem.” He managed to awkwardly blurt out.
Luckily for him, his awkward display just seemed to make you sweetly giggle at him.
“A pint and a pie, the house favourite. I’ll be back with that as quick as I can.” She genuinely smiled at him as she walked away.
‘Don’t stare at her behind! Don’t stare at her behind!’ He mentally chastised himself as he forced his head to look out the window again.
It was fifteen minutes before you returned again. In that time Thorin had managed to get his kingly courage and confidence back, now determined to actually have a proper conversation with you.
“Here you are, hon. A pie and a pint. Enjoy.” You once again beamed at him.
“Ma’am!” Thorin quickly called before you were able to walk away.
“Yes?” You gently asked, standing beside him once again.
“Are you working all day?” He gently asked, almost afraid to raise his voice too much in case it would scare you away.
“Nine to five, five days a week. Had to come in at twelve today but that’s because my Ma is unwell. Why you ask?”
“I’m sorry to hear about your mother and I’m glad she has someone looking out for her. I won’t be in town very long today but perhaps if I were to come back another day I could treat you to a pie and a pint.” He asked you, his kingly confidence waning the longer he spoke.
“That sounds wonderful. The company I mean, not the meal. Don’t get me wrong it’s good food but when you’ve worked here for three years it gets a little tiring. I know a nice spot you could take me to and I’ll even bring my famous cherry pie.” You smile down at him, hand lightly grazing his shoulder.
“I look forward to it.” He says proudly, his confidence quickly returning.
“You know, every now and then a new traveler will come in here and flirt with me, offering me evenings a lot more crass then the one you offered. Usually I turn them down, even the lovely offers,” getting closer he could smell a sweet floral scent as you go close to his ear, “but it’s not every day a king takes interest in me.”
As you straighten up again you wink at his shocked face.
“Guess I’ll be keeping my eye out for a handsome dwarf king to come back into this tavern.” You slyly smirk at him as you walk off.
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The joke demon is here
And remember that Exsotica in the red light district that people make wild rumors that the most beautiful and enchanting oran is a kind yokai or something
Liked it started by one of the low rank ladies and as they where getting harassed by a costumer Exsotica open the sliding door without her veil/hat as it a rare for them to do and it scared the costumer out and made sure they are alright while giving them her ready made remedies out of her kimono sleeves; due to Exsotica keep on getting gifts she something share or give to the other girls ( Daki gets some nice hair ornaments and silks to be safe )
Some of the kids or servants who works around the area sometimes sneek to an area that the rumored Exsotica tends to go when she have free time and say if you hear her sing with bunch of cats with her you get good luck, say a poor traveler who hear her sing as they are there to get medicine for a love one and they got it the same day, or maybe someone hear her sing and they gotten some money bonus as they where struggling
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Exotica | Rumors
Rumors are bound to spread when you’re the talk of the town
Both the girls and the consumers that continue to fight for the chance to so much as get a glance at you
The girls may start it first, purposely spreading your medicinal and business prowess where many will hear
Is it kind of scummy
But it certainly helps when you happen to solve these problems
You can’t fix everything and the rumors of you being a yokai help with that
“Oh, Exotica must have been punishing you for something!”
But I doubt the girls would genuinely believe this 
Having access to you directly certainly changes their view of you
Some may think you’re a descendant or a reincarnation of some benevolent yokai
But for the most part, they gather that you’re just an immaculate human
Because despite your fame and accomplishments they see you’re humanity
The corners you continue to bang your hip against 
Or the flowers you like so much triggering allergies
They see you for you 
Admiring the things that you do even when no one is watching
But for those who look from the outside 
You can be anything yokai, angel, demon
Whether fantasizing about your singing, your dancing, painting, heck even your accounting
Your hobbies are a blessing for both those in the know and the ones who are left fantasizing from afar:
Rukia listened. Something she couldn’t help but do in a place as busy as the Yukaku District. It was exhausting to constantly hear every creak, every whisper, every scream while she was doing her job. The glorious occupation of being a handmaiden for The Exotica! It meant many things including hearing the various rumors and gossip stemming from the house you are in. 
“Did you hear Exotica gave that one guest a cure for their illness.”
“But that couldn’t be the medicine they produce? Its supposed to be a minor assistant in creating some much needed antibodies.”
“Shuuush! You’re so boring! Can’t you just let it be?It just makes people more eager to visit.”
“Why you–��
Hearing the girls giggle as they walked through the hallways Rukia also could hear the gasp of a client. Before watching the man scurry out the house, no doubt to share whatever he took from that. She shook her head continuing on her route to the linen closet, earlier she had been tasked with changing Exotica’s sheets. It was an honor to do something like this, especially since so many degenerates were willing to pay for them.
Passing by the various rooms tending to the guests that bled into the early morning, the whispers of your name were just about everything she could pick up. It was a normal occurrence that even guests who would pay for others would still ask about you, it was what exalted your name all the more. 
But it didn’t compare to seeing the real thing. The real (Y/n) behind Exotica being just as fulfilling. Speaking of, Rukia arrived to your room which was meant to be unoccupied only to find her master humming in the silence of the room. At a time where you should be preparing to rest you were humming. Letting your head sway to an unfamiliar tune just letting yourself run on the tired musings to let you go. 
Rukia decided she’ll stagger her steps if only to give you the moment to be yourself.
It's her greatest honor...to keep you happy.
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silent-stories · 2 years
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Summary: You and Dean go on a hunt together. The only problem is that he hates you and you never understood why.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader 
Warnings: blood, a bit of angst, Dean being an asshole, swearing
Word count: 1420
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Dean hated you. You weren't sure why. You never did anything bad to him. But, as it seemed, he did everything to hurt you. When Sam announced to Dean that you were moving into the bunker he rolled his eyes and just said "really?".
From that moment you knew he didn't like you. At all. And that hurt you more every day. Because you liked him. A lot. You didn't know why he treated you like shit but you saw that it wasn't like that with others. He would die for his family and friends. Hell, he would also have died for strangers, when you hunted he did not hesitate to get hurt to save the lives of people he didn't even know. He was kind to Donna, Jody and the girls, hugging them every time he saw them and making funny jokes.
So you estabilished that the problem had to be you.
After several attempts you stopped making coffee for him in the morning and after a few days you stopped saying "good morning" too. He never thanked you or replied, you didn't see the point of continuing to be nice to him.
So when Sam found a case a few days ago, your heart almost missed a beat. Sam had his arm in a cast for a week now and he couldn't have come with you two. That meant you and Dean, alone, hunting. Together. "I can go alone" announced Dean entering the room.
"You'll get killed, you need y/n."
"Maybe she'll get me killed, Sam. I don't need her." He said before going to get his things ready.
Sam sighed. "I don't know why he behaves like this, I ..."
"It's okay, I'm going pack my things." You said before heading to your room. You had to hold back the tears. He didn't even want to fucking hunt with you.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
The trip took almost an hour and no one spoke. Not even once. AC/DC have filled the silence between you and Dean all the way. You took the opportunity to reread the news of the people found dead in the small town where you were heading, probably it was a vampire nest.
When you arrived at the first motel you found you almost cheered when the the lady at the reception said that the room you were assigned had two beds.
You couldn't bear to spend the night in the same bed as Dean if the man couldn't even look you in the face for two seconds straight.
About an hour later you walked around the town asking people questions and came to the conclusion that vampires were hiding in an abandoned factory not far from there. Dean always talked to you the bare minimum and you did the same to him. By now you had given up on having a conversation as a normal human being with him.
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The vamps were really in the factory, there were only three and you got rid of them easily and in little time. You were walking out of that place that was starting to smell of blood when you heard a noise coming from behind you. Dean quickly pushed you behind him (Dean Winchester, the man who hated you with all his being pushed you behind him?!) and a second later a vampire pushed him against a wall and his nails had dug into the skin of his side.
You had heard the sound of tearing flesh and a scream come out of Dean's mouth. The son of a bitch was the alpha. Despite this he wasn't very smart because he didn't even look at you as he brought his face close to Dean's neck. The vampire's head rolled to the ground seconds later as his body fell on the ground. Like Dean's soon after. You dropped the knife and walked towards to him.
"Hey..." You whispered. "I'm fine." he replied immediately, standing up with one hand on the wall, without accepting your help. After a few steps, however, he fell to his knees holding his bleeding side with one hand, breathing heavily and he had to let you help him.
With his arm on your shoulders you arrived at the impala.
"You're not driving." You said.
"Of course I am." he replied, pulling you away.
"Dean, I don't give a damn if you bleed to death while driving but this time I'm in the car too and I'd rather not crash into a tree." You blurted out coldly, thinking this was probably the biggest lie you've ever told in your entire life but pushed the thought away as quickly as possible.
He threw you the keys and you drived back to your motel room without saying a word.
This time he was the first to approach and put his arm around you as you climb the stairs.
As he sat down on the bed with a grunt you went to find the things you needed to stitch him up in the bathroom.
Going back to him you found him without his t-shirt, the flannel left on the floor. You tried not to stare.
"Can I stitch you up or will you repel me like the plague?"
He just nodded.
Several minutes later you were done, wrapping the wounds with white gauze.
“Guess what? You will survive." You said with fake excitement before you took the kit back to the bathroom.
Returning to the room you sat on your bed with a sigh, before silence fell between you again.
"Thank you" he said a few minutes later.
"Why did you push me behind you?" You asked instead.
"I didn't want you to get hurt."
"Dean, I know you hate me. You don't give a shit if I get hurt or not."
"Believe me when I tell you that I don't hate you at all."
"So explain Dean, because before you act like a asshole for months and now you suddenly seem to care about me."
He sighed.
"People who get close to me die, y/n. The first time I saw you, the day we met on that hunt, I knew I was screwed. You came and saved my ass and Sam's, you were beautiful also covered in blood and full of scratches and I knew that if I let you get too close to me it would be the end. Charlie died because of me. She wasn't the first and she won't be the last. The people I love die. One after the other. I just knew I didn't want you to be next. "
You stared at him for a moment, in silence.
"You're not an awful company when you're not trying to be an asshole." you said eventually.
"I was expecting you to say something like "go fuck yourself" so it's already more than I expected. Or what I deserve" he replied with a sad laugh.
"Anyway, you don't have to forgive me or stop hating me just because ..." he continued.
"I don't hate you Dean, I've never done that. Not even when I tried hard." You said getting up from your bed to sit next to him. Your shoulders touched lightly.
"You should, I'm an awful person." he whispered looking down.
"Dean, you are one of the best people I have ever met in my entire life, you are funny, kind, you would give your life for the people you care about and ..." Suddenly his hand was on yours.
"Y/n I'm so sorry I acted like an asshole. I'm really so sorry. You don't deserve it. Hell, you made me coffee in the morning, you were always kind and ..."
You kissed him. You really did.
Thinking back at it, you would have never expected it from yourself, but Dean was there, saying he didn't hate you and maybe he liked you too. What were you supposed to do?
When he kissed you back you smiled against his mouth. Neither of you hated the other. Good to know.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
You stayed on his bed, lying next to him talking most of the night. When you were getting up to go back to your bed, around 3am, he grabbed your hand, only whispering a sleepy "stay". You curled up next to him and stayed there, enjoying the heat coming from his body. You both fell asleep a few minutes later.
Eventually, even though there were two beds, you didn't even use yours, you thought with a smile the next morning, when you woke up with Dean's arm holding you against his chest.
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raya-hunter01 · 11 months
Lights, Camera, Action! Pt. 5
Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, defloration (Virginity) masturbation
Words: 7,288
Summary: How do you keep it together as Smackdown’s production director and navigate your life as the girlfriend of Mr. Main Event Jey Uso.  Follow Shantell as she navigates her life as a girlfriend, sister, and confidant to the bloodline. Follow her on her journey to self-discovery of love and happiness.
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R&B Brunch Club
One Week Later
Shantell’s POV
I can’t believe I let them talk me into coming here, but I have to say this is a cool concept. Blasting R&B past and present, people just vibing together from all walks of life enjoying. The dance floor isn’t too bad either.
“You drinkin' tonight?” Trin asks as I shake my head. “Nah, I don’t really feel like it,” I say nursing my ginger ale trying to keep the nausea at bay.
“I can’t believe this shit,” I hear Joe mutter as I follow his eyes and there was Jey and Taraji making their way over to our table. “Who invited her ass, I knew ya’ll invited him,” Tangela says looking at Taraji hanging all over Jey, who didn’t seem to mind.
“I know you fuckin’ lyin’. He knew Shan would be here, and he comes in here with her ass,” Trin hisses as Solo looks guilty.  He took a sip of his drink looking around. “We didn’t get to celebrate his win last week. Regardless of what we think, he’s with her and we got to accept it,” Solo says taking a deep breath.
“Guys, it’s ok, I’m good.  I don’t want ya’ll arguing, your family,” I say looking at them.  “So are you, we meant that shit when we said it,” Joe said looking at Jey shaking his head.
“Girl you so mature, because I would have been done beat his ass, and hers,” Sofia says eying the couple.  I took a deep breath as I felt Sofia’s hand on my leg.  I refuse to let this ruin my night, I’m going to dance and have fun. I looked over at Jimmy who is nursing his drink shooting daggers at his brother.
Jey’s POV
I see my family sitting at the table, and I know in this moment I’m wrong for bringing Taraji here. Shit! Shantell did decide to come. I know that ain’t the dress I bought for her to wear on our first date.
“What up my fam,” I say eying Shantell up and down as I see her plaster a small smile on her face. “Sit down, Uce,” Solo says getting up making room for us.
“This place is so nice,” Taraji says looking around as Shantell is nodding her head to the music, ignoring making eye contact with me. I couldn’t help staring at her, she was on point tonight, hell every night.
The table was quiet and tense as Joe finally spoke.  “let’s party,” he says ordering a round for the table. “Let’s dance, ladies,” Solo says standing up as all the girls except Taraji went to join him dance floor. She stayed sitting beside me, and I wanted to disappear. Why the hell did I bring her here?
Joe’s POV
“Why don’t you join them Taraji,” Jimmy says as I see him gulp, trying plaster a smile on his face. At least he’s trying, I guess.  “Yea, come on Jey,” she says pulling him up to go dance. “You just had to open your mouth,” I say eying Jimmy.
“Look I was trying to be nice, this shit ain’t easy,” he says honestly. “Well, now she bout to try to make Shantell jealous,” I said looking at them on the dance floor.  “Shan is in her element, she ain’t bothered bout that shit,” Jimmy says shrugging his shoulders pointing at Shan and Solo dancing.
As the Flex by Cupid started to play, we shared a knowing smile. “Ah, Shan and Solo bout to tear it up, let’s go by the dance floor,” I say also wanting to keep an eye on my wife as well because some of these guys like to get too touchy feely for me.  
"I’m going to dance with my wife, she got too much ass to be dancing to this song alone,” Jimmy laughs heading ahead of me, sliding in beside Trin as she gives him a quick kiss.
Jey’s POV
I love dancing especially with Shan, she doesn’t have a care in the world when she’s dancing. I find myself glancing down at her and she wasn’t disappointing. Her arms in the air moving, her body in sync to the music hitting every step,
I feel my dick tighten in my pants just looking at her fine ass controlling the dance floor in her own little world dancing next to Solo.
Slide to the right Slide to the left Right foot left foot then turn with it Right foot left foot then turn with it
“She just gotta be so sexy with that shit. Just throwing dat ass I love in a circle,” I mumble as I can’t help but to watch her, and I don’t care who sees me.
Now flex Come on flex Back it up, back it up Then turn to the left
“I know she ain’t disrespecting me? She really out here backing it up and twirlin' her ass like she single. The hell you say,” I mumble as I watched her continuing to swirl her hips, looking like a sex goddess.  Her moves are making it hard for me to control myself, we gotta talk about this shit.
I look around and I swear I’m bout to nut up as I see men looking at her. “Nah, this shit ain’t gon work, that’s my woman,” I mumble looking around the club at the attention that’s on her and my brother. I don’t even feel like dancing no more, I walked off to stand by Joe as Taraji stayed on the dance floor trying to keep up with them.
“They killin' it out there,” Joe says looking at the girls, Solo and Jimmy as they all moved together. Many of the people are now standing by watching, some recording. “Yea, a little too good,” I say looking at Shan as she continues to glide across the floor flawlessly in her heels.
Shantell’s POV
“Man, it’s lit in here!” Jimmy shouts as hey pulls Trin close to him as they share a kiss. We continued to dance as the D.J.’s voice rang out through the crowd. “Welcome to the R& B Brunch! Ya’ll we gon’ take it back with an oldie but goodie.”
The opening cords to “I like by Guy” began playing “Ah, shit! He jammin’ now,” Jimmy says taking mine and Trin’s hand as we danced together. The atmosphere was awesome as the whole crowd sang along, finishing the lyrics when the DJ stopped the music. I haven’t had this much fun in so long.
“Excuse me, Shan,” I hear as I turn and it’s no other than Montez Ford. “Hey you!” I greeted him with a hug as he laughed dappin’ up Jimmy and gave Trin a hug as well.
“How you ended up here?” I asked as he shrugged, smiling at me. “I came down to see to check on my mom,” he says as we made small talk for a few minutes on the dance floor casually dancing a little.
“Well, ya’ll shut it down out here, I might have to steal a dance before I leave Shan,” he says as I blush. “She would love that,” Trin says smiling as Jimmy shoots her a look.
“What! She’s single,” Trin says grabbing Jimmy’s hand steering them back to our table, leaving Montez and I on the dance floor. “Well, you heard the lady,” he says smiling at me as we began dancing together. His hands went around my waist pulling me close.
Ok, unexpected but it doesn’t feel bad as he spun me around and started doin' some old school dance moves. He's such a clown, and I can't help but to join in laughing.
“Sis, you good?” I hear Solo ask coming over to us. “Yea, I’m good,” I say shooting him a smile as I see him looking over my shoulder at something with a worried expression.
I spun around dancing, playing it off as my eyes landed on Jey. His gaze was so intense, it almost seemed like he was questioning me with his eyes.  If looks could kill Montez would be dead. “Great,” I mutter as I turn back to Montez finishing our dance.
Jey’s POV
“Why you staring at her like she is doing something wrong?” Joe questions me as I continued to look at Shan and Montez on the dance floor.
“She knows I don’t play that shit,” I say watching this clown’s hands as he's trying to find a reason to touch her. He really trying it, bitch ass.
“Dude, you here with a whole ass woman, who is pregnant with yo child,” Joe says frowning his face up at me before looking back at Shan and Montez on the dance floor. I don’t even care Taraji is out there dancing with someone else at the moment.
“Wait, so she’s just suppose to put her life on hold while you play house with Taraji?" Tangela asks looking at me pissed off.  “You done truly lost yo rabid ass mind,” Trin says shaking her head at me. They comin’ at me from all sides, but I don’t care Shan is my woman.
“Shantell knows she’s mine,” I say as Jimmy cuts me off. “But do you know your hers!” Jimmy says staring angrily at me. “Cause if you know it, fix it! Co-parent with Taraji ass and get your woman back,” he says bluntly not caring who could hear. “It ain’t that easy, “I say tapping my nervous fingers on the table.
  “Fuck, what people say, mama ass included!” Jimmy hisses at me as the table gets quiet. The tension is real as I feel attacked listening to the truth bombs my brother is laying on me. “I need a drink,” Solo says standing up. “Bro, keep an eye on Shan,” I say as he nods heading to the bar.
Shantell’s POV
“Thanks, for the dance Montez,” I say giving him a hug before excusing myself to get some air. I hate how he can just stare at me and get under my skin; I did nothing wrong.
“So, you layin’ down for him da night?” Jey accuses walking up to me as I try to put distance between us.” Really, you want to go there?” I question as I see the anger in his face. “Yea, I do! You been twirling yo ass all night like you single!” He hisses at me as I do the only thing, I felt like doing, I laughed straight in his face.
News flash! Jey, I am single,” I say smiling at him and it seems to have set him off. “No, yo ass ain’t  and stop calling me Jey,” he says warning me, invading my space. “You with somebody, you really think my life is going to stop. Nah, you got the game and me fucked up!” I shout as he backed me up against the wall.
“I ain’t gon’ have another night of men staring at you, or having anybody feel comfortable enough to approach you like I ain’t even here. You understand me, Shan?” he asked as I didn’t respond at first. “Have a good night,” I say beginning to walk away.
He grabbed my arm, and in an instant took me in a possessive kiss as I struggled not to moan, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You came up in here, shaking yo ass, givin all these bums a show, showing them how you put it down for me,” he groans nipping at my neck as I gasped feeling his hands roaming under my dress.
  “I paid for this dress, and you out her dancing with another man in it,” he groans as he slides my underwear to the side playing with my clit, before thrusting one of his fingers inside me as I kissed him.
Stay strong Shan, don’t give in my mind was screaming. My heart and body were betraying me as he’s all over me, overriding my senses as I’m moving against his fingers inside me.  
“We can’t keep doing this. We either going to be together or you let me go,” I gasp as he kisses me again, it’s so powerful it scares me. “I can’t let you go; I love you. Just let me take care of you” he pants against my mouth as I turn my head finally snapping out of his spell.
“No!” I shouted pushing him off me as we both are trying to catch our breath. “You want to be with me, you say you love me?!  I question getting more worked up by the second. “You know I do Shantell,” Jey says with an irritated groan readjusting himself.
“Then man up!  Be a man, show me that you love me! EARN ME!” I shout as I feel it’s the only way for him to hear me. I see Solo by the entrance looking at me worried as I wave him off that I’m ok.
 “I am a man! A man who fuckin’ loves yo' ass! He shouts, pointing his hands at me in exhaustion. “Ugh!! You make me can’t fuckin’ stand you!” I screamed, hitting his chest in frustration. “I’m trying Shan! I’m in a mess that I don’t know how to get out of! What am I suppose to do?” he asks as I could feel the heavy weight, he’s carrying on his shoulders.
“Choose to make yourself happy for once,” I whispered hugging him feeling like he really needed it as the moment, we both did. After a few minutes I did what I had to do, I kissed him gently on the lips and walked away.
Fatu Family Barbecue
Jey’s POV
“Can you stop pushing him to be with Taraji. Ma, the boy miserable, he loves Shan, “I hear Jimmy say as he’s helping her in the kitchen.
“I ain’t did nothing, he knows that he laid down with her and made a baby. That’s his responsibility to take care of her and the baby,” she says with attitude in her tone.  “Ma,” Jimmy says as she cuts him off. “I’m talkin’ son, I know he loves Shan, but maybe it isn’t meant to be,” she said as Jimmy frowns sitting beside her.
“Ma, times have changed, he could be a great dad and not be tied down to a woman he despises. Josh, been crazy over Shantell since he first laid eyes on her in 2018,” Jimmy says as my she rolled her eyes at him.
“Yea, so much he divorced his wife, which I still ain’t forgiven.  Now we’re adding illegitimate babies to the damn list,” she says as the insult just rolling off tongue without a second thought.
“Ma, she was cheating on him, their divorce was in progress months before Shantell even came to WWE doing her internship,” Jimmy says trying to make her understand.
“Yea, I heard,” she snaps as Jimmy shakes his head. “Josh will do what I ask and will eventually grow to love Taraji and his family. It’s what’s right,” she says taping her hands on the table.
“Ma, if you really knew this girl, you would be begging Josh to stay away from her. The baby would be legitimized after the blood test, he or she would have the family name,” Jimmy says pleading my case. I loved my brother, my twin. We shared a bond like no other, but it was my battle to fight.
“Ma, I can’t do this no more,” I say walking into the kitchen leaning against the fridge. “What you mean you Joshua!?” she asks raising her voice.
“Calm down, I know you raised us a certain way. Ma, I can’t just turn my feelings off and marry somebody I don’t love,” I say trying to get my point across.  
“You can learn,” she says, her cold stare making me uncomfortable. “Ma, I’m sorry, I love Shan, and I gotta make it right with her,” I say honestly.  “Why her?” my mother questions in anger. “Because I know she’s going to be my wife one day,” I say confidently as I see my brother smiling at me with pride.
“So, instead of staying away like I asked, she’s encouraging you to abandon your responsibilities. I was so wrong about her, these damn career girls, I tell you.”She sighs getting up going to the sink. Jimmy and I share a look as he nods his head for me to continue.
“Ma, she ain’t told me to neglect my responsibilities, she told me to do what makes me happy. She’s right, I can’t live my life for you,” I say finally finding my voice to stand firm with my mom as I spot Taraji listening at the door.
“Jey, I’m not feeling well, can we go. I want to go lay down, the pain is trying to come back a little,” she says holding her stomach.
“Yea, I was ready to leave anyway,” I say giving my mom a kiss. “I’ll talk to you later, I love you,” I say as her face doesn’t hide the fact, she is not happy with me. “Bro, I’ll hit you up later,” Jimmy says as Taraji and I head out.
Solo & Sofia’s House
Shantell’s POV
“Ya’ll should have gone with the guys to the family dinner,” I say coming out of the bathroom for the second time. All this throwing up is for the birds “No ma’am something is wrong with you, and we need to find out what it is,” Trin says sitting on the bed next to me.
“We all wanted to make sure your good Sofia,” adds as I steady my breathing trying to not throw up again.
“I think you pregnant,” Tangela says as I shake my head at her. “No, that isn’t possible,” I say fighting the tears in my eyes. “Don’t cry, you are going make me cry,” Tamina says, but I couldn’t stop my tears from falling.
“I don’t want to do this ya’ll, I cried looking at my friends. “Well, I’m sorry this ain’t normal being this sick for weeks,” Sofia says standing at the end of my bed. “Sofia knows, she’s a nurse Shan,” Trin says agreeing with her as I laid back on the bed.  “The doctor said it was a slim chance of me having kids, ya’ll know that. Plus, I’m on the birth control shot,” I say quietly not trying to get upset thinking about that night my life changed and left me damaged.
2018 After Raw
Mercy General Hospital, Chicago, IL
Being a student intern is fun and I’ve really seemed to have met some cool people in Joe, Josh, Trin and Jon. They really took me in and are taking care of me as I’m learning about the business. How many folks can say they got to do their summer internship with WWE. Hopefully it’s a step in the right direction to work here someday. Two more years of school and I’m free to pursue my dreams. Currently a temporary wrench was thrown in the plans as I lay here in the hospital.
“You sure you, ok?” Jey asks holding my hand as I’m trying to hold it together. “Well, I’m trying, it’s not every day you’re at work, collapse, and they tell you they need to do emergency surgery to take out one of your ovaries,” I say as Jey leans over wiping my tears away.
“You gon’ be ok,” he reassures me with a smile. His wife is a lucky woman, I hope they work it out their issues. I just appreciate how much of a great friend he’s been to me. He even rode in the ambulance with me here. “I’m going to be damaged; the doctor says having kids is going to be hard for me,” I say trying to keep my tears at bay.
“You ain’t gon’ be damaged, you everything Shan. A man would be lucky to have you, I mean you could adopt. You can do the thing where you let somebody carry the baby for you,” he says fumbling a little over his words.  “Well, I’m glad your positive about this,” I say throwing him a small smile. “A few of my family members are adopted, and we love them just the same, they blood, “he whispers kissing my hand.
 “You’re so nice to me,” I say feeling the drugs taking effect, trying to force my eyes to stay open.  “You stuck wit me too, yo' ass is in the family now. He says staring at me smiling lightly.  “Just sleep, everybody will be here when you wake up baby,” Jey says as I finally let sleep take over.
“Shan, you hear me!” Tangela shouts bringing me out of my that painful but somewhat beautiful memory.
“I didn’t hear you; I was thinking about something else,” I said honestly. “Well, we got you a couple different type of pregnancy tests to take, let’s do this,” Tamina encourages as I look around at my circle of sisterhood.
“Fine, “I say going in the restroom shutting the door. There is no way I’m pregnant.
Tamina’s POV
“I say she’s pregnant,” Trin says getting tired of the silence. “This could get messy though with that Taraji girl,” Sofia says looking at her phone. “Chile, if Taraji pregnant I will twerk across a pit of hot ass coals. Now Shan, she preggo and we all know who the daddy is,” Tangela says confidently.
 A couple minutes later Shan opened the door in a daze almost like she had seen a ghost. “What is it, Shan?” Sofia asks rubbing her back as she saw the fresh tears falling silently down Shan’s face. “We didn’t mean to get your hopes up to take it,” Trin says feeling bad knowing how much Shan wanted to be a mom one day, we all did.
 Tangela and I walked around Shan going into the bathroom, looking at the tests lined up on the counter. “Holy shit!” Tangela exclaimed covering her mouth, slowly looking at every last test. They were all positive, Shan was pregnant just as we had figured.
Shantell’s POV
“No, I’m not pregnant,” I say rushing back in the bathroom looking again at the results. “Girl, let me break this down for you.  Test one has two pink lines…Pregnant,” Trin says as I roll my eyes at her. “Oh, I’m on a roll, follow me,” she taunts looking at the next two.
 “These two are digital. What do they say? Pregnant!” She exclaims as I try to cut her off, “I get it Trin,” I say trying to process the news.  “They all say the same thing, which is you’re going to be an amazing mother,” she says embracing me as I cried.
I always wanted children, but I put off the idea after my surgery. That’s one of the reasons I made Jey wait so long before I even dated him. I wanted him to be sure about us because I knew it was a chance, I couldn’t have children.
Hospital, Pensacola, FL.
Jey’s POV
After we left my folks, I took Taraji home and she was back to saying Shan had attacked her after the PPV and she was now feeling more pain from time to time. So, I brought her to the hospital, and it’s been hours since I’ve heard anything.
Her sister Rachel works here, and she assured me she would help take care of her and give me updates. The other day I finally heard the baby’s heartbeat on a recording she had taken and I’m finally feeling attached in a way to the baby. I hope everything is ok with them both.
Taraji’s POV
“Look, he will never know. Just say you did a scan, found no heartbeat. I’ll turn on the tears and the rest is done, it matches up,” Taraji says begging her sister who is an ultrasound tech. “How the hell you get yourself into this shit anyway?” Rachel says shaking her head at me.
“I had a plan, but some kinks happened, but after this blows over, he’s going to want to make it up to me. So, then he will ask me to marry him,” I say confidently as there is more than one way to skin a cat. “What if he asks to speak to a doctor. You know with a miscarriage that far along you would do a procedure called a D&C.,” Rachel says not letting me get a word in edge wise.
“You are going out there to comfort him as my sister, he’s going to be so concerned with comforting me, he ain’t going to worry about the rest,” I reassure her as she shakes her head at me.
 Rachel’s POV
 “You can tell him they have already done the D&C since I’ve been back here practically all night. Say it was an emergency, and I asked you not to worry him,” Taraji says as I raise my eyebrows at her crazy idea. “You are a piece of work;” I tell her stunned by the words coming out of my sister’s mouth.
 “Shit, like this always comes out Taraji, I could lose my job or even go to jail, I say looking at my her, angry about being put in this situation. “It won’t come to that I assure you;” Taraji says turning to looking out the window in a daze.
Taking a deep breath, I walked into the waiting room. This poor guy, the couple times I met Jey, he was so nice. My money hunger sister just doesn’t give a shit who she hurts. She really thinks saying she lost a baby is going to guilt him into marrying her.
“Hey, can we talk outside?” I asked him as his worried eyes told the story of a man with a lot on his plate. As we walked outside, I was struggling with what I had to do. “What’s wrong Rachel?” Jey asks worried. “Taraji had a miscarriage, and they had to do a D&C,” I say calmly. “Excuse me?” he questions, his face scrunching up in disbelief.
“The baby didn’t make it,” I say feeling myself about to cry as I see him about to break down. “You sure?” he asks quietly as a few tears had fallen from his eyes. “I’m sorry Jey, she should be ready to go home soon since the procedure was done a couple hours ago and she’s doing ok,” I say embracing him as he sobs. God, I’m evil like her, I can’t believe she has roped me into this.
“Can I see her?” he asked as I nod making the long journey back to Taraji’s room and thank God, she has been given her discharge papers. Looks like she may get away with this after all.
I watch from the door as Taraji started crying as Jey went over to hold her, both of them crying silently together. “Shan cost us our baby,” I heard her silently weep as he held her tighter. “It’s ok Raji, I got you,” he sooths her. I can’t watch anymore; I feel like confessing now. “I got some final paperwork to do before my shift ends; I will call you later.” I say as they seem to not hear me.
Sofia’s POV
I hate the morning shift; I would rather work all night. I had just clocked in making my way to the nurse’s station.  Turing the corner I ran into my brother-in law and Taraji. “Jey, ya’ll ok?” I asked walking over to him as he hugged me tight. “The baby is gon'," he cries as I rub his back and glance back at Taraji. I don’t know, it’s something about the look on her face that just don’t sit right with my spirit.
“I’m so sorry, bro,” I whisper comforting him as I held him for a few minutes. “Thanks, sis, I need to get Taraji back to her apartment,” he says pulling away starting to push Taraji towards the exit. “I’m so sorry for your loss, Taraji,” I say as they continued their way out, “Thank you,” she says still holding her head down.
I tried to call Solo, but I got no answer. Shantell was staying with us, waiting on the remodeling of her house to get done. I just hoped Jey didn’t have plans of going to our house today. I texted Shantell quickly after calling and getting no answer from her either, trying to give her a heads up.
Solo & Sofia’s House
Solo’s POV
I see my brother’s car speeding into my driveway. “What the hell he got going on?” I say out loud, seeing him run up to my front door, knocking frantically.
“What’s goin’ on?” I ask stepping aside to let him in as he’s pacing. “Where is Shantell?” he asks as I see him trembling. “Maybe we should talk first, she’s upstairs asleep,” I say as he pushes me aside taking the steps two at a time. “Uce! Let her sleep, she’s been sick,” I say walking behind him as he reaches the spare bedroom door.
 “I need to see her now,” he says going inside slamming the door in my face, locking it.  “Josh! Let me in!” I semi shout now seriously worried about my brother and Shantell but also trying not to wake Cameron.  “I’m ok,” I hear Shan say as I stand by the door prepared to break it down if need be.
Shantell’s POV
“What is wrong?” I ask him as I saw a few tears streaming down his face. “You are what’s wrong! My mama was right!” He shouted as I looked at him trying to figure out what the hell was going on. “Me!” I say unsure of what he was trying to say.
“Taraji lost the baby,” he says coming towards me, his body trembling with rage. “Jey, I’m sorry,” I say honestly feeling sympathy for them both because I knew how much he wanted children. “Yo ass probably glad my baby died! You attacked her, didn’t you?” He shouted as I slapped him as hard as I could, the sound echoing throughout the room.  “I never touched her, and you know it!” I yelled in frustration that he would even believe that lie about me.
“I would never, that baby was never to blame for anything she or you did!” I continued as Jey seemed to be losing it, he wasn’t hearing anything I was saying,” “I think you were jealous; I mean it ain’t like you were gon’ give me any kids, Ms. damaged,” he says viciously at me as I gasped in shock.
How could he say something so cruel; it gutted my soul. My eyes filled instantly with tears as I backed away from him needing to put some space between us. Realizing what he said, I see the instant remorse on his face as he starts to follow me.  “No…. Stay away. You told me I was everything,” I whispered as he pulled me close hugging me as I began sobbing uncontrollably.
  I’m so sorry baby, I didn’t mean it,” he pleads as I’m trying to pull away. “Don’t fuckin touch me! I yell, finally pushing him away and using all my strength to slap him again. “Get out!” I scream as he continues to apologize.
“I didn’t mean it Shan; I swear to God. You’ve always been perfect baby; I shouldn’t have come here angry; “he says full of remorse and guilt. “You shouldn’t have done a lot of things,” I say wiping my tears, trying to calm myself down. “Look, just stay away from Taraji,” he says turning to walk away.
Pausing at the door, I heard his broken voice” I’m sorry, I really am,” he whispers, walking out of the room closing the door behind him.
“I… I’m pregnant,” I barely whisper finally letting the emotion take over me as I felt my world crumbling down.
Solo’s POV
I started to move, seeing the door open as Jey walked out of Shan’s room. I see red as he almost collided with me. “What the hell you say to her?” I ask hearing her crying. “I fucked up, I got to go,” he says as I block his path, refusing to move.
“You don’t come in my house slamming fuckin' doors and attacking people that love you. You need to fix your mess!” I say slightly raising my voice. “Move Solo!” Jey shouts in my face as I still refuse to move. I can’t let him drive in this condition something is wrong. “You gon’ hit me, Josh?” I ask looking at his closed fists and hard stare.
“What the fuck is wrong wit you? My son!  Your nephew is in this house!” I hiss in his face as it finally seems dawn on him when I mention Cameron, that he’s out of control.  I see his body relax and his fists open as he collapses against my shoulder, as I hugged him.
“My baby gon’ man,” he cried as I held him tight. “He gone” he cried against my chest. “I got you, bro, I always got you,” I say holding my brother letting him grieve the loss of his child.
Shantell’s POV
“I need a favor Shantell,” Paul says looking at me. “Sure, what you need,” I ask almost dreading what it would be. “Janice is out, and I need someone to walk Jey, he is going to enter through the crowd tonight,” he says looking at me.
“You need me to give him his cue,” I say finishing his sentence.  “You would be correct,” he says with a small smile as I got up to go find Jey.
I found him by the side entrance with Jimmy and Trin as they seemed to be in deep conversation. “Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I need to walk Jey up to make his entrance,” I say making my presence felt as Jimmy hugged him.
Sis, I need to talk to you later,” Jimmy says giving me a quick hug. “I’ll catch you after the show,” I say as Trin gives me a hug. “Have you told him?” she whispers as I shake my head no in response. “I’ll text you,” I said as I could feel Jey’s eyes on me.
“Let’s get this over with,” he says breaking my thoughts as we made our journey up to the 105 section in silence waiting below the steps. I see him looking down at his title around his waist in deep thought.
I’m sorry beautiful,” he finally says grabbing my hand. I look around to see if anyway is around recording or looking.  “I know your grieving. You know I never touched her,” I say looking down as I feel him kiss the top of my head, his hands rubbing my shoulders “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you,” he says as we stand in silence.
“Well, it’s time for you to get ready,” I say as I began talking in my headset. "What camera do you want on Jey?” Stu asks through my headset “Camera five Jey will be coming down your way from section 105 pace yourself Don,” I say as I began the countdown for his entrance”
"5,4,3,2,1 go kill it,” I say as he storms into the crowd. “I’m on my way back, Paul and I know you set me up to talk to Jey” I say heading back to Gorilla. “Prove it,” he says laughing into my headset as I rolled my eyes.
Gorilla After Smackdown
Shantell’s’ POV
Sitting in Gorilla packing up my things I got a text from Trin. “Girl, I believe shit bout to hit the fan, Jey got a call from Mike asking to meet with him by his office. It was something about some labs that had been done,” “Ah, hell,” I mutter as I finished packing up my things. I went to find Jimmy and Trin refusing to give Jey’s drama anymore power over me. It isn’t my business; I’ve got my own issues to deal with.
Rounding the corner, I saw him talking to Mike and it seemed to be a tense conversation. “God, why you keep putting me in these positions, this ain’t my business no more,” I groan to myself as I hide where they can’t see me.
 “You sure, Uce?” I heard him say as Mike put his hand on his shoulder. “We do routine pregnancy tests through blood work, along with their full body work up panel for the women. We do it every couple of months,” Mike says trying to explain the situation to a confused Jey.
 “So, what you sayin’ man,” Jey asks anxiously. “Her checkup panel results were all good, but her pregnancy screen was negative, she isn’t pregnant Jey, labs don’t lie.” Mike says, looking at him with sympathy.  
“You got it wrong; she just miscarried last weekend when we were home,” Jey says rubbing his face anxiously. “Who told you that?” Mike asks intrigued. Her sister works at the hospital, and she told me Taraji lost the baby,” Jey says trying to wrap his head around what was being said.
“So, no doctor told you that correct?” Mike asked as Jey shook his head no. “Jey, I think you’ve been had son, there is no way Taraji was pregnant, blood work doesn’t lie,” he says giving him the results and a comforting quick hug before going back into his office.
“I can’t believe this shit!”  Jey shouts hitting his fist against the wall before stalking out of the building.
“Babygirl, why you hiding in the corner,” Joe says coming over to me with Tangela, Trin, and Jimmy in tow. “You and Jimmy need to talk to Jey, he just stormed out of the building,” I say nervously, still trying to process the news I heard.
“What’s wrong?” Jimmy asks, grabbing my hand, giving me a look as I looked at Trin. She quickly looked down, unable to look at me. She blabbed. “It’s not that,” I say as he smiles at me before looking down at my stomach,” Yea, he knew. “It’s about something else, but it’s not my business to tell,” I say to them.
“Well, you girls head to the bus and we will go check on him,” Jimmy said all headed out of the building, separating at the buses.
Hospital, Pensacola FL.
Sofia’s POV
It’s been a slow night so far, but Rachel seems to be really on edge. I wasn't trying to not listen to her call, but then I heard who she was talking too, and my interest peaked. Something just isn’t right about her and her damn sister.
“I did what you wanted, I could still lose my job Taraji,” she whispers as I frown watching her.
“Lisa, I’m about to take my lunch break early, I got a little headache,” I said walking out of the er. I needed to be sure, so I headed down to the medical records room.  “Where is it,” I say talking to myself as I’m looking for Taraji’s medical file.
 It took awhile but there it was in writing under doctor’s notes. I got more pissed off the more I read.   Patient was brought in with complaints of stomach pains, x-rays, blood work were all normal. Further testing was done in a form of a pregnancy test through blood work, pregnancy screening panel results were negative.
“Son of a bitch,” I whisper looking at the rest of the notes. I quickly made a copy of all the information before clocking out for my break. I went to my car and tried to call my husband, but so far there was no answer.  I hate when he forgets to take his phone off silent when finally leaving the building.
Jey’s Bus
Jey’s POV
“Jey, what Mike got to lie about? “Joe asks trying to reason with me as I’m grasping at straws. “Ya’ll didn’t see her at the hospital, she was devastated,” I say trying to not get ahead of myself.
“I think she heard us talkin’ with ma, she panicked. She knew that blood work from Mike was gon’ expose her ass too,” Jimmy says honestly as Solo looks confused as he sees he has four missed calls from his wife.
“Hold on, Sofia been blowing me up,” he says looking worried. “I hope everything is ok,” I say as he gets up to call her back.
“Sofia, baby slow down, I can’t understand you,” Solo said turning his phone on speaker.
“Where is Jey, I tried to call you both,” her exhausted voice filled the bus as we all listened. “He’s here with me baby, what’s up?” he says as I feel my night is about to get worse.
“I did something I could get in trouble for, but I had to know. I just sent you and Jey some pictures of Taraji’s medical files, I just copied it at work,” I pulled out my phone to look at the pictures Sofia sent. My anger slowly taking over my body as I look at Taraji’s hospital records.
“Jey, I’m so sorry. Taraji was never pregnant;” Sofia says as I exit out of the pictures. This is the second time tonight I’ve looked at a piece of paper telling me there was never a baby. I don’t even know what to feel as I got up and retreated to my room slamming the door.
Jimmy’s POV
“Sofia, thank you for looking out for my brotha,” I said hearing how sad her voice sounded. “I love ya’ll, we’re family,” she says as I smile at Solo, he really had him a ride or die in Sofia.  
“Baby, I love you, I’m gon’ check on you later,” he says as he and Sofia hung up. “So now what happens?” Joe asks as I rub my face. “We be there for him because I know my twin, it’s about to get ugly” I say heading back to speak with him.
“Uce, it’s me,” I say going inside. I could feel and see his pain as he is listening to the recording Taraji had given him, saying it was their child’s heartbeat.” “It was all a lie man, got me out her cryin’ over a baby that didn't even exist,” he says throwing his phone.
“We gon’ get through it,” I say reassuring him as we sat in silence. It was an unspoken bond, when my brother hurt, I’m hurt too.
“I was gon' be a dad,” he said pulling out the ultrasound picture, studying it for a few moments before ripping it up.
I hated seeing him like this and I wanted to scream at the top of lungs that Shantell was pregnant, but I knew it wasn’t my secret to tell.
“What you gon’ do bout Taraji?” I ask as I felt a shift in his demeanor. “I’m gonna find out why, Uce,” he says as we sit in silence trying to figure out what the next step was.
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo @arination99 @2-muchsauce
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italeean · 1 year
Beetle fight? I meant tickle fight!!
Itto finds Gorou on his own after the TCG Tournament, and he can't accept that someone is getting bored during such a cheerful day
A/N: Hiiii sorry for the delay with this request... è stata una settimana lunga e impegnativa (it's been a long and busy week) 😅 This was my first time writing for this pair, and it was one of my favorites too 😻 A big thanks to @lokiisiconic for requesting it!! Un bacio!! (Kiss!!) 💚🤍❤️
WARNING: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"...I'll go play with Gorou. It's been a while since we last met... has anyone seen him?" Yae's words were the signal for Gorou to sneak away from his hiding spot and get away as fast and as far as possible. He was Kokomi's right arm, he had led his soldiers in battle during the civil war against the Shogunate, he had built a name for himself... but facing Yae Miko was beyond his capabilities.
He ran at top speed until he reached the harbor of Ritou and sat there on his own, watching the people come and go for the most different reasons. Business, sightseeing, diplomacy... everyone had their own story and Gorou couldn't help but be curious about the bustling environment he was in, especially after the TCG Tournament. Speaking of which, he had to talk to the Traveler for an update about the thief they were trying to catch...
"Heyo dog boy!! How're ya doing?"
Well... the general's stream of thoughts got abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice. Itto was approaching him with long and rapid steps and his usual cheerful expression. "My gang told me that your boss beat the Fox Lady in the final, congrats!"
Gorou scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed by the attention that the loud Oni was catching, "Hehe yeah... Her Excellency is extremely smart and has studied countless strategy books so I thought she had her chances, although Lady Guuji is..." he gulped at the thought of Yae Miko "...a valid opponent..."
"Oh yeah... this tournament was full of geniuses!! I didn't even pass the qualifications..." Itto chuckled "but why are you here? Aren't you gonna visit Narukami Island or celebrate with your boss?" The general hesitated a little before replying, he was sure that Kokomi was having a nice chat and maybe a cup of tea with Miko. "Well... she's busy with a friend... and I wanted to get away from the confusion of the city..."
The taller guy grinned and pulled out his deck, "Since we're together, we could find somewhere quieter and play a few matches!! What do you say?" The Inu accepted the challenge and, after they reached a secluded place under a cliff on the seashore, the match began... and ended surprisingly quickly, and so did the following, and the one after that...
"How's it possible that I'm losing with Shinobu's deck?!!" the leader of the Arataki Gang huffed. Gorou chuckled, "Well... I'd use the cards more, if I were you... and I'd think of a rotation to optimize elemental reactions." he suggested.
"Hey hey hey!! You're smart, aren't ya?" Itto tried to give a headpat to his friend, but while doing so, his hand brushed on the general's ear, which resulted in a startled noise and a chocked giggle coming from the latter.
"Oh yeah... I forgot how ticklish you are..." Itto snickered, but an evil thought suddenly took over his mind. "Actually... I think it's time for us to try a new game. What about a beetle fight?"
Gorou sighed at the thought of having a beetle fight and said "Ummm... sure, let me go grab an Onikabuto. I'll be back qui- WAH!!" When he got up and turned around, the Oni jumped on him and tackled him to the ground, while his hands wasted no time and immediately found his tummy.
"HaaaehEHEhehe whahAHat ahareHEHE yohohou dohOHOHOing?!" the poor Inu started squirming and laughed uncontrollably as his tummy was targeted by ten fingers with evil long nails. "IHIhihi thohOHOught wehe wereheHE gonnAHAHa havehehe aha beeHEHEhetle fihIHIhight..!" He whined between his cackles and squeals.
"Oh? Did I say beetle fight? I meant tickle fight... hehe" Itto smirked, clearly knowing what he was doing, "I'm sure it's the same for you, right?" "AhaHAHAbsoluhutely nahaHAhahat!!" the shorter boy squeaked while he tried to get away.
After realizing it was pointless, he decided to be bold and dare to counterattack. His right hand shot up and tried to reach his friend side... but it only met the Oni's bigger hand. And Itto's smirk was almost ominous.
"You're in trouble now~"
The taller guy pinned Gorou's right arm above his head and wiggled a single finger above the underarm, enjoying the distressed giggles of his friend, who was completely at his mercy and was clearly feeling the anticipation.
"JUST DO IT ALREADY!!" Itto got almost startled by that almost exasperated request. He knew that the anticipation was getting to him, but he had no idea it was this bad! "Oh well... if you insist..." five nimble fingers quickly descended on the Inu's underarm, causing a screech, high-pitched laughter and futile attempts to get away.
"Ohoho? Trying to get away from Arataki Numero Uno Itto?" Gorou's fight was so weakened by all the laughter that the bigger guy didn't even try to pin him harder. It just wasn't necessary. "That's impossible, no one gets away from me!! I'm too strong for tha- OUCH!!"
The little general managed to hit the strong Oni's back with his knee, making him almost fall. Keyword: almost.
"Oh now you did it." Itto quickly regained his balance and turned around to face his feet. "You still got some fight in you, huh? I shall go for the grand finale then!!" he exclaimed while taking off Gorou's shoes.
"No!! Nononono Itto not tha- WAAAAHHAHAHAHAHA IHIHITTO WAHAHAHAIT!! PLEHEAHAHAHSE NOHOHOHOHO!!" The poor Gorou had no choice but succumb to laughter when his friend targeted his toe beans with quick scribbles, sneaky pokes and even light traces.
"Oh no... nope nope nope... you had the audacity to hit me and now you'll have to face the consequences!!" Itto exclaimed playfully as he kept tickling that spot mercilessly. "So squishy... I could do this all day. Your beans are soft like dango!!" Even if it was meant to be a compliment, that sentence flustered the Inu even more. "I CAHAHAN'T!! CHAHANGE SPOHOHOTS!!" he begged.
However, this time Itto didn't listen to him. On the contrary, he made sure to tease every inch of that squishy patch of skin, even getting the little beans of the toes and targeting the skin between them as well.
After five minutes, Gorou's face was red and stained with tears, but his wagging tail was a signal that he was actually enjoying himself. But at a certain point, he reached his limit.
Hearing that, Itto immediately stopped and got up to give his friend room to breathe deeply and welcome plenty of oxygen into his lungs. "Are you okay? How're ya feeling? Did I get you a little too good?" he had a Cheshire Cat-like smug smile, but he was also ready to help the smaller boy if necessary.
"I'm... I'm fine... yohou got me good, yeah..." Gorou chuckled. "Sooo..." the red-eyed guy asked expectantly, "who won this tickle fight?" The general rolled his eyes "You..." "Exactly!! You have no chance again Arataki Numero Uno Itto!!" He boasted proudly. "Yeah... maybe next time you won't need a false start to win..." the Inu said in a sassy tone, but he regretted it right after.
"Excuse me?? I didn't use a false start, it was a brilliant strategy! You know what? Now you really did it, get ready for round two!!"
"No- nonononono Itto we... we can talk about this..! Itto please-"
Too late, the Oni's evil fingers went straight for Gorou's ears, focusing around the ultra-sensitive tips.
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firstdivisiongirl · 7 months
Day 5: Kid - Keep Doing That, And You’ll End Up On the Naughty List
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No one ever would’ve expected Kid to be in a relationship.  But he was.  He met you while traveling, you were an elementary school teacher.  Definitely not the type of girl you would think he’d be with.  You were small, sweet and quiet.  He was loud, brash, and huge.  But he came and visited you every chance he got.  So since it was Christmas time, he figured it would be nice to actually see you for Christmas instead of just sending you some gold and jewels.  
When he arrived on your island, it was about 10:30AM.  That meant you were currently teaching your students.  But thankfully, the teachers and principal at your school (shockingly) liked him, so he could come anytime he wanted.  So he walked in.  The school was an old rusty colored farmhouse.  It wasn’t very large since they didn’t have many children to teach because of the size of the island.  As he walked towards your classroom all of the little old ladies who you worked with waved and said hello and Merry Christmas to him.  He finally reached the navy blue door to your classroom, he peaked in to see what you were doing.  You were showing your students how to make marbled ornaments.  He knocked on the door with his normal arm.  He was afraid of knocking the door off its hinges again.  You hear a knock and walk over to the door.  You are shocked to see your punk rock pirate boyfriend.  “Hi,” he says waving a little awkwardly, “ can I come in?”  You nodded both shocked and happy he’s here.
“Hey kids,” you say, opening the door wider, “look who came to help make Christmas ornaments.”  Kid walks into the room and all the kids get really excited.  They love it when Kid comes to visit their class.  He tells them stories of his adventures and shows them all of the cool stuff he’s been building.  You’d never think that the man with a metal arm and anger issues would be so good with children.
“Captain Kid?  Why aren’t you as good as Strawhat Luffy or Shanks?” little Zack asked.
Kid looked right at Zack, fuming, “what are you talking about?  I’m just as good as them?  Have you seen my bounty?”
“Theirs are higher than yours.  Plus they look cooler than you!”
“You little twirp!  I swear I’m going to…” before Kid could finish saying what violent act he was going to Zack you interrupted him, arms crossed anger dripping from your voice, “keep doing that, and you’ll end up on the naughty list!”
Kid stopped.  He hated seeing you sad, but seeing you angry was scary.  How ironic.  Eventually, a few of the other children told Zack he was wrong because Luffy and Shanks weren’t better than Kid.  Luffy and Shanks never came to visit them.  Kid felt better knowing that these kids did really love him.  For the rest of the school day, he helped you with your class.  After the last kid left to head home, he walked you home.  “Did you really have to yell at me in front of your class” he asked, a little annoyed as he looked down at you.
“Yes!  I don’t need my kids acting up.  And threading you with being on the naughty list was the best way,” you said smiling up at him.  He blushed a little.  His face was starting to match his hair at this point.
“Fine.  But, I’ll be on the nice list after you see your Christmas gift.”
He grabbed your hand with his nonmetal arm.  He led you back to the Victoria Punk to get your gift.  Let’s just say, it was shiny and fit perfectly on your ring figure.
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