#why does crazy shit in the fandom always happen when i'm away
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Well well well :)
Michael is done filming now, right..
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Ooh. Well, first of all, last week was another crazy week of travel for work, so here I am catching up on Anons again, and boy, what a way to start a new week.
So yes, I did indeed see Georgia's Insta story earlier today, and thank you to @feuerkindjana for providing a visual! In terms of Michael filming, IIRC he is either about to wrap filming on The Way very soon, or he did indeed just wrap, but either way, I love that the first thing so many of us thought of when seeing this was David visiting Michael. Especially because David has worked on DW in Wales for years and years--long before Good Omens and he and Michael were ever a thing--and yet they are so strongly tied together that people now seem to associate David and Wales with Michael more than with DW.
It would be wonderful if he is going to see Michael, though. Of course Georgia is there as well, and on these particular outings I tend to imagine her as a chaperone taking a hyperactive David on his favorite school trip, with him bouncing up and down in the car asking "Are we there yet??" Haha. Who knows, perhaps Georgia gets a luxurious hotel room all to herself while David and Michael get to spend the day wandering around Swansea together--for instance, in this bookshop where Michael was photographed yesterday:
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I often feel like bookshops are akin to a candy store for Michael, so I could see him gleefully running around to show David his favorite new books and saying he's only buying one today and saving up for the rest. Then later in the day, David goes back to the shop to buy the others and surprises Michael with them at dinner that night, and Michael completely swoons.
Whatever the case may be, it certainly is lovely to think that David could be visiting Michael again. I especially do wonder if they know that a large chunk of the fandom now knows about certain activities in GO 2, and if the thought of fans' reactions alone makes them giggle like naughty schoolboys. With any luck, we'll find out in a month's time, if/when they do interviews to promote the second season...
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sarucane · 10 months
Why didn't Ed always protect Stede?
I'm a bit late to the party and only really got into OFMD with S2, so I've started watching S1 really thoroughly only recently. And I've noticed that there's this narrative in the fandom that Ed and Stede are super protective of each other, particularly Ed--but as I've gone through S1 (number redacted) times, it's been driving me nuts how much Ed doesn't protect Stede.
Sure, there's the meme we all love when Ed stands in front of the firing squad--but for most of the scene before that, he's been standing and watching Stede beg for his life. He's upset, but he doesn't intervene until it's nearly do late. And before that, Ed doesn't say or do a thing about Calico Jack treating Stede like shit--sure it's believable that he just doesn't notice the passive aggression, but not even catching the "Steve" thing? That's something that isn't even intervening, Jack could be making an honest mistake. But the thing no-protection moment that's really driven me nuts is this moment
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In the scene before this, Ed and Stede have just had an incredibly emotionally intimate conversation. Ed is clearly at least half in love with Stede at this point. This is a relationship that means something important to him, this is a person he cares for deeply. And…and Izzy almost murdered Stede in front of him, because of him, and he just looked away.
But at the same time, Ed does love Stede, he does intervene to protect him from the English--at great personal risk and cost. By the end of S2 Ed's much better about this kind of thing (though I'd argue he's never as super-protective as I've seen suggested).
So what was going on here? Ed's a total softie inside, especially with Stede, so why was he like this?
And I've got a theory! Here goes:
Mr. "greatest pirate who ever lived" is, in fact, an overachieving rule-follower (cough teacher's pet cough).
Ed doesn't intervene to help Stede because Ed conforms himself to the rules set by whoever has the strongest personality in a room, or whatever "code" is being pushed on him/is easiest to follow.
I think this is part of why Ed often struggles to identify what he wants, or hold onto a firm sense of his self-identity. And I think it's a lot of why he's so attracted to Stede, and why that relationship is so important to his development: Ed is much less likely to follow the rules when he's one-on-one with someone, and spending a lot of time alone with Stede gives him much more mental space to understand what he wants.
And just like Stede is most successful when he doesn't try to follow the traditional rules of pirating, Ed is most successful--in his relationship with Stede and outside it--when he doesn't obsess over bending to the rules, and instead picks and chooses which ones to follow and which ones to discard.
I have a partly-written super-long version of this where I go episode by episode looking at how the rules theme works with Ed's character mechanics, but I'm just going to focus on the topic question here (I might get around to posting the long version, but I also might be distracted by something shiny;) )
So let's start with The Art of Fuckery and the thing that was driving me crazy.
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Ed's core conflict in this episode was whether he'd going to send Stede to "doggy heaven." Why would he follow Stede to doggy heaven? Because according to Izzy, Stede is categorized as a pet, and Ed has "a policy regarding pets aboard your vessel." It's a rule. Ed has to follow it.
And Ed fully intends to follow it, right up until the kraken turns up and the rules go out the window. And then he's in a safe space with Stede, drowning in memory of the good rules he broke (don't kill people you love). But Stede rejects the idea that Ed breaking that rule makes him a bad person. He appeals, instead, to friendship. And offers his own rule: that they could pretend the murder thing never happened.
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Because that's the amazing thing about Stede: he lives at the intersection of aristocratic and pirate rules (which isn't supposed to exist, and which drew Ed to him), and he makes up his own rules.
When Ed's with Stede, he can follow different rules, unlike anything he'd imagined. Can even sometimes make up his own rules. Can actually pay attention to himself, think about what he wants, what he likes and fears.
But when Ed's in a crowd, or alone with someone trying to impose something on him, he conforms. So when Izzy invokes Pirate Rules and steamrolls Ed ("no you're not doing this,") Ed lets him.
It's a character flaw, and it's a serious one...but it's also one Ed works on when he stops complaining about the treasure hunt business. And when he and Stede discuss the idea of co-captains, and arrangement that would break the rule that "a ship has only one captain."
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Which Ed is able to do because he's in a safe space. Calico Jack disrupts that, and introduces a succession of games with clearly defined rules, which Ed follows one after another. And Ed has so little self-awareness, is so easily swamped by Jack's personality, that he doesn't notice how Jack's treating Stede, let alone defend him, and he bows to every hint of pressure.
And all that culminates in Ed having to make a decision: follow pirate rules, where everyone's just at "various stages of screwing each other over," or do what he wants. Go help his friend, the guy he loves.
Which just ends up with him being absorbed right back into the pirate system of rules. He tries to use this at first, faking a confession on the grounds that he's a "life is cheap sort of guy." But Izzy's outsmarted him, and Izzy invokes pirate rules again: that Ed told him the rule for a first mate was "above all loyalty to your captain."
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Ed doesn't call out for the Act of Grace until the last minute. He could have done it at the trial--he didn't. This is a hard thing for him to do, because he's surrounded by rule-following pressure, from Izzy and from Chauncy. The last time he was in a situation like this, Ed just looked away and let Stede die (he thought).
But the thing about Ed is that he's "half insane." For years, he used the combo of being considered "mad" and also having Izzy around to have his cake and eat it too with rules, to be the world's greatest pirate and also hang onto his own authentic self.
As a result, Ed got good at finding loopholes. Places where you can follow the rules and break them, at the same time. Getting run through, but in a place that missed "all the important bits." Being sentenced to death, but asking for an Act of Grace.
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It's a big deal when Ed steps in front of Stede like that. He's acting against pirate rules, risking being absorbed by the rules set by the English.
He does it for Stede--and that starts to set him free. After that, Ed's never just following the rules again. He actually can't, even when he tries: his going kraken at the end of S1 and start of S2 is doomed from the start and full of contradictions, starting with the fact that he's on Stede's ship, the ship with hidden passages where rule-breaking can be hidden until it's needed.
Ed struggles a lot to figure out which rules to follow ("I will abide by the guidelines"), which rules to set aside ("Can we take it slow?"), when to make up his own rules ("So we're innkeepers now."). And Stede helps him, telling him things like "This can be whatever we want it to be," and "you're not a dick, life's a dick."
I don't really have a clever conclusion to this particular meta. It's a messy thing, and individual figuring out how to their life does and does not intersect with society. This theme doesn't resolve neatly, it just stops at the end of the season, like the tension between Ed/kraken/Blackbeard.
But there's a lot of hope here, I think. When Ed acts to protect Stede, and to fight alongside him, he's not just being a protective partner. It's a learned action, the physical manifestation of a decision Ed's made about who he wants to be in the world. Rules be damned.
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littlecharmingenvy · 1 year
Belphie Headcannons
This is the first thing I've written for a fandom in literal YEARS so forgive me if I'm a little rusty- but anyways belphie headcannons!
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), mentions of lesson 16, belphie being a little shit
<3- Steals your clothes to put them on his pillows to sleep with. Doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, as soon as he gets comfortable with you, say goodbye to your comfy sweatshirts
<3- Very clingy. Thinks he's being slick ab it (he's not) always finding excuses as to why he ended up right where you are, totallyyy a coincidence. Brushing your teeth? That's crazy, so is he. Getting up for a midnight snack? Suddenly he's wide awake. For a yandere, he's got an awful lot of tsundere habits
<3- If he knows you'll be busy with plans with someone else -especially one of his brothers- he just so happens to fall asleep directly on your lap and just won't wake up. Oh, you weren't able to make it? That's ok, you can just nap with him instead :)
<3- ^^^ only gets away with this because he's the youngest. He knows his siblings can't bring themselves to be as mad at him as they should when he brings out the puppy eyes and he uses that to his full advantage
<3- Speaking of the puppy eyes, no one's safe except for MC. Bonus points if they're an oldest sibling who's used to it from their own siblings, or are a youngest sibling themselves so they know what tf is up. The others don't know how they don't fall for it, and it frustrates Belphie as much as it entertains him
<3- Even tho he's fairly small for a demon, he still stands at about 6'2. He's the second shortest of his brothers, Asmo being the shortest.
<3- Still gets nightmares from when he killed MC. He always goes to them for comfort, but the guilt of it all eats him alive. He never tells them why he's upset, but MC has an idea
<3- This man wouldn't know a coping mechanism if it hit him in the face. Relies on Beel to process things and to comfort him, which Beel is happy to do. Belphie tries to return the favor when he can. He's awful at comforting people, but Beel finds his awkwardness with it strangely comforting
<3- overall this man is just a pisces (bitch) who is too tired to process things. but, he is sweet when he wants to be
<3- brat. Doesn't matter if hes domming or subbing, full fledged brat. Anything you want from him, you'll have to (figuratively) beat it out of him
<3- He's torn between preferring to dom or sub. On one hand, he loves the control domming gives him, as well as any chance he can get to break you. On the other hand, he doesn't have the energy to a lot of the time. Plus, it's nice to let himself get taken care of sometimes. doesn't mean you won't have to fight him to get him to sub tho
<3- Prefers receiving versus giving head. He doesn't mind giving, in fact he enjoys it, but boys just lazy :(
<3- Does enjoy when you sit on his face, especially since it's less work for him. Likes teasing you by making you keep eye contact, and will stop if you do.
<3- I've seen a lot of people say he would fall asleep during it, and as hilarious as that image is, I'm not sure if he would. Idk, I just feel like he'd be too into it to fall asleep. Might fall asleep while you give him head tho-
<3- in theory, he'd have some pretty out there kinks, but they normally stay confined to his fantasies, as he doesn't feel like putting the effort in to test them out and totally not because he's scared you'll think they're weird
<3- Overstim him!!! please!!! He'll stop his bratting real quick once he realizes you still aren't stopping after he's cum for the 3rd time-
<3- On the opposite end, if you want to see him cry, edge him. He can take being overstimulated like a champ, but with edging he'll break after 15 minutes if you're lucky
&lt;3- adores cockwarming, and will often fall asleep while inside of you despite your protest. He just wants to be as close to you as he can get, especially after a hard day. How could you say no when he asks so nicely? :(
<3- not much aftercare from him. If you ask, he'll help you clean up, but otherwise he tells himself he'll deal with it when he wakes up. always regrets it when he wakes up tho
anyways hope y'all enjoy!!! live, laugh, lethargic-
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
Let’s talk about the changed between white book laena to black show laena
Book leana had a pretty awesome life. She married at the age of 22 to a man she loved, traveled the world with him, had 2 babies and they lived happily on driftmark with her family together until she passed away at childbirth despite her loving husband doing everything he can to save her. + her husband remarried 6 months after her death.
Now let’s talk about show leana
She married daemon much younger than book laena, was neglected and unloved by him, was forced to live away from her beloved family and burned herself to death because “feminism” 🤡 only to have her husband sleep with another woman on her fucking funeral. And the showrunners claim they wanted to respect her character?????? Disgusting.
In the book laena is the only wife that daemon seemed to truly love. (Until nettles). He never cheated and they had a happy marriage. But when she’s black suddenly she’s the second choice to the white female lead. What a fucking joke. And then they absolutely spit on her by having her husband sleep with said white female main character on her funeral. This show treats its black characters like shit. I really don’t understand why people aren’t talking about this.
This shows deranged fandom tells you everything you need to know about the problematic way they treat black characters. We haven’t even got nettles’s casting yet. The most important dragon seed. Literally who gives a shit about the others? But I wonder why we have their castings but not the casting of the only canonically black character in the dance???? If nettles is not in season 2 I’m going to drop this show. If they’ll introduce the dragonseeds without nettles they are fucking disgusting.
All of this is why I criticize this shitty show and equally shitty fandom👏🏽
People try to act like you’re the crazy one for noticing how these changes affect the treatment of the characters, but nope fandom racism, more specifically fandom misogynoir, is real and it’s happening with HOTD.
Book!Laena was treated with love and respect, but the moment she became Black-ish she became worthless to both the showrunners and the fandom. All she's good for is to be a prop/placeholder. Hell, when she died people seemed more concerned about Vhagar, a dragon, rather than the woman who lit herself on fucking fire.
They made Laena into a stereotype just to make a crazed white woman’s death look better than it was and this demented ass fandom cheers it on.
Because she’s Black and not a cookie-cutter stereotype in the source material, Nettles' whole existence is a problem to these people and she must be cut, erased, reduced, etc.
They try to say she’s completely irrelevant. That the only reason people like her is because she's Black or out of spite, but I can think of a dozen white characters who don’t even come close to reaching her relevancy to the plot
This is why she’s always included where some characters like Ulf, Hugh, Sara Snow, Alys Rivers, Gwayne Hightower, and Silver Denys are omitted, and 5/6 of those characters are confirmed for s2. And I'm not trying to say none of these characters shouldn't be included(well we could do without 2 of them), but they aren't more important than her.
Nettles literally has all the qualities people usually like in characters(the ordinary girl who despite all odds does the unthinkable, she’s a survivor, she’s a final girl, she has one of if not the most powerful men in the realm willing to die for her, and she becomes a goddess like figure) yet she’s hated for it because she dares to be Black. They won't even try to relate to her or see her importance because she is Black.
They’d rather prop up psychos or mediocre flops just because they are white rather than ever admit that Nettles is an interesting and integral character to the Dance. She’s awesome. The man who created these freaking books that you claim to love and swear his word is law thinks she’s awesome and yet you want to deny that she’s awesome and has no real value because you’re scared shitless she’ll upstage your psycho(book!Missy Anne)/boring(show!Missy Anne) fave.
It’s nuts and like you, I won’t be watching s2 if Netty’s not there. They found time for a maid who shouldn't even be there, propped up Addam to the Gods, and gave Hugh an unnecessary sex scene, all while cutting Nettles out. Nope. I’ll skip straight to s3 cause I’m not dealing with this show's BS and blatant disrespect. It’s unacceptable!
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lydiaas · 1 year
No ‘cause I’ve just realized something from S1 (yes I must be the slowest person in the world).
I don’t know why, maybe it’s because the pogues have been friends since forever and from the very first minutes in the show their bond seems so great but in my mind I always associated Kie’s Kook year as something that happened in the past like a few years prior to that summer however at the very beginning of S1 they specifically say that Big John has been missing for 9 months and when later on Kiara and Pope are having that fight on the boat he says (roughly I don’t remember the exact words 🫣) “you’re trying to make it up ‘cause you feel guilty you weren’t there when his dad was gone” so it’s implied that Kie came back to the pogues just a handful of months prior to the beginning of the show, a little before that summer and it got me thinking about JJ’s “you’re picking Kie, no brainer” “We can’t do this without Kie” “what have you done to her John B?”
Pope clearly had some resentment inside that came out in that fight and if I remember correctly John B also says something about her maybe acting the way she is with him ‘cause she feels sorry, so it’s still clearly on their minds how she hasn’t been there for a while and during hard times however JJ never doubts her, he never for a second thinks of leaving her behind, he won’t allow John B to push her away again with the whole “Sarah issue” and doesn’t second guess her intentions ever. It’s something so hidden and that probably wasn’t even intentional in the storytelling but it’s one of those things that shows from the very beginning how they were so ride or die for each other. Throughout the show we always see Kie visibly annoyed at people belittling JJ, she won’t stand any shit against him and with JJ that thing about season 1 shows how it’s exactly the same from him, she’s back and she’s here to stay and she doesn’t have to take shit for her mistake.
NO I LOVE THIS! It's one of those little things from S1 that drives me crazy as well. Now they've got the kook academy uniforms from S3, give me a Kie kook year episode in S4 😂
Not only does JJ never really hold her kook year against her it's also a line he immediately doesn't like Pope crossing in 1x08. That reaction always made me feel like JJ knew how dark of a time that was for her and felt really protective of her because of it. It's a really interesting period in jiara's relationship to contemplate. When she ghosted did he try the hardest to keep in touch? Did they actually communicate a little bit during the year? Did she confide him in?
There seem to be 2 main theories in the fandom about JJ's reaction to Kie post-kook year. The first being that it took him the longest to forgive her but once he did it was behind him and the second is that he forgave and forgot the fastest. I'm more in the latter camp personally although I think both options work.
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxxv - two dobbermans in one
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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As you, Hongjoong, and Yeosang stepped into the campus housing complex, you were immediately welcomed with the sound of what you could only assume as a stampede.
Before you could even tell neither Hongjoong nor Yeosang, you could see several men running towards you from the distance. Upfront, you could see Mingi and Wooyoung running as fast as they could whilst San, Seonghwa, and surprisingly Jongho followed behind. A little bit further back, you could see Yunho trying to catch up, obviously left behind by the rest.
You couldn't help but grin widely at the sight. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as your heart swelled with love for them. Before neither Hongjoong nor Yeosang could do anything, you had taken off to meet the other boys halfway.
All of you, except for Hongjoong and Yeosang, crashed onto each other in a big hug. The first to wrap his arms around you was San which then followed by Seonghwa and Mingi, then Wooyoung and Jongho and finally Yunho.
"I'm so glad you're fine, baby," Seonghwa exhaled shakily, arms tightly wound around you protectively. You giggled at him and pulled away from them slightly, "You're dramatic, you know? I'm fine, perfectly fine even, they didn't find anything wrong with me," you grinned at them.
San took one of your hands in his, inspecting it thoroughly with a pout on his face, "are they 100% sure? You hit Sunhee pretty hard last night,"
You slipped your hand from his grasp to cup his face instead. You stared into his eyes before giving him a peck on his nose, "Yes, Sannie, they were 100% sure, I even got an x-ray just to be sure," you assured him.
Wooyoung suddenly pushed forward, pushing San away to take his spot. He had his hands on your waist and a deep pout on his face, "no fair, I want nose kissies too," he whined. The others groaned at his childish behaviour but you only giggle at his adorableness before complying. You leaned in to peck his nose but as you pulled away, he pulled you back in to kiss your lips.
The rest of the boys let out protests, pulling Wooyoung away from you and smacking his arm and scolding him. But Wooyoung only had a goofy grin on his face, looking far too satisfied.
You rolled your eyes at their childish antics, but a smirk remained on your face. As you walk off past them towards the frat.
Realizing this, the boys immediately caught up with you. Mingi and Yunho linked each arm around yours, making sure to not be too rough as you had just gotten back from the hospital. You kept reminding them that you were okay but they insisted that they won't take any chances.
Even as you walked in, the boys immediately rush forward before you to get things ready. Mingi and Yunho led you to the couch, Seonghwa and Jongho ran to the kitchen, telling you that they'll bring you tea. Somehow, San had ran up to your room and back with your blanket in his arms which he immediately draped over your lap while Wooyoung took your shoes off. Hongjoong and Yeosang however, sit idly by the side, snickering at how the others were running around like headless chickens.
You, however, were basking in their affection, feeling somehow special and very much loved by them.
"Are you okay, baby?"
"Are you comfortable?"
"Do you want me to lend you my hoodie?"
"Do you want me to help you change first?" "Woo, not the time,"
"Is this spot good enough for you?"
"Want me to move you to your bedroom?"
The questions they threw at you were neverending and relentless, bordering on nagging. But you didn't find them annoying at all. You answered each of them with a smile on your face, even reassuring them that all you need is for them to stay with you.
Seonghwa once again appeared in front of you, kneeling with a pout on his face, "are you sure you're fine? We can get you literally anything you need," he said, hands on your knees and thumb rubbing gently.
You put the cup of tea on the coffee table and put your hands on top his, your own thumb caressing the back of his hand softly, "I'm 110% sure I'm fine, hwa! What kind of confirmation do you need?" you giggled, finding his caring nature to be quite amusing at the moment.
"(Y/N)'s fine hyung, she's still bad at math! If she'd been in a worse condition, she'd suddenly be good at it," Jongho joked as he plopped down next to you, head on your shoulder as he playfully twined his arm around yours.
As you rolled your eyes at Jongho's teasing, Seonghwa smacked him on his leg, "Don't say that! She just got hurt!" he scolded the younger. Yeosang suddenly piped in from the other side, "Well, having your arm smack someone sure does hurt but I wouldn't say she is HURT hurt, they literally didn't find anything wrong other than her odd cardiac rhythm," he said casually.
Seonghwa's eyes almost bulged out when Yeosang mentioned your odd cardiac rhythm. You could almost see him visibly paled. You sent a glare to Yeosang for not being mindful of his wordings before cupping Seonghwa's face gently, "It wasn't anything serious, I told them it was because I drank coffee and I had quite an exciting night," you explained. But Seonghwa was still not relaxing. "I'm going to start limiting your caffeine intake, young lady, and I won't take no for an answer," he told you.
Before you could retort, San reappeared from the stairs. He skipped over to you and tug your arm, "I made you a bath, come on!" he said excitedly.
You let San tug you up and lead you to the 2nd floor. But then a set of footsteps followed behind you two.
"And where are you going?" Yunho called.
You looked to the side to find Wooyoung casually following you behind.
He blinked innocently before answering Yunho, "(Y/N)'s gonna take a bath," he stated simply.
"And why were you following behind?" Hongjoong asked, arms crossed in front of his chest.
Wooyoung shrugged nonchalantly, "She might need some help in there. Besides, I know a way or two to help her de-stress," he smirked, pumping his eyebrows suggestively.
The boys collectively booed him. Hands coming forth to pull him away from you. They all threw protests at him, to which he defended himself with equal ferocity.
You couldn't help but watch them. There was a sense of pride and comfort seeing all of you together like this. You all might be unconventional, a little bit crazy and bordering on madness. But you love them all to bits. Every single part of you felt nothing but care and adoration for them.
And now, after what had happened, the crazy shit you went through. You were sure that they love you as well. You were sure that no matter what happened, you all will always have each others' backs no matter what.
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @xuxiable @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @whyisquill @bikiniholic @yunhorights @exfolitae @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @malewife-supremacy @hyunsukream @peachyho @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @ateezminonspace @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn @hwahwaseong @kpop-khh-writer-trash
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
I sometimes feel that, because school is coming up, so many people out there are saying stuff may come out later because of school ya know. I always feel so bad saying that. Especially when I jump in and out of fandoms. I always try to not tell people that i am an online college student (I'm in my third year)... because then they think what's the point of doing college online? Or they automatically think that... I have so much more time on my hands.
Truth is... well yeah it has its aspects... but there are so many things I have to read so much stuff I have to do, and to juggle a job on top of it. I work five days out of the week. I think when you spend so much time on a fic or just on something and it doesn't get as much love it hurts. Because I spent time out of my day to write that. I put a fun little game on it, and it just does shit.
I suffer through a lot of things, and my Autism has been just killing me. I didn't always have this issue or even like... and no one believes me when I tell them I have autism. I went to my doctor or sent me to a therapist and I told them that I was looking to get diagnosed. Went through the whole thing and in the end she was like, "Well its definite there that you have autism I cannot probably diagnose you that you have it"
Its hard growing up and being told... you cant just develop all these things of Autism when you're twenty. Just a few weeks ago I can remember when I had to wash my hair, shower, and do my clothes. Now I can barely remember and have to write it down on the calendar.
How does this all work together you ask? Because when I write I write maybe a paragraph before I sit lean back in my chair to watch tiktok for way longer then needed. I was able to get fic out day by day, and I don't know how you're able to write such short things, it's like my body physically cannot let that happen.
I don't know if it's because I took creative writing classes. But It pains me so much when I can't write anything under 1,000 words. And then it pains me when I sit there looking at a request and being like... I don't know how. like how to I set up a background, how do I end it? And I just can't write it, so it sits there forever while I work on other things, and I feel like people get mad that It's not out right away.
And the hate, god... why are people coming out here and hating? I can't wait for people to say... you don't have Autism cause you diagnosed yourself or they didn't actually diagnose you. Please for the love of god... some people don't have the guts to ask for help. Some people feel embarrassed to admit it, own family members will think your crazy.
I haven't seen my boyfriend in four goddamn months even though he lives twenty minutes away. Why? Don't ask me I don't know. He only wants to see me at fucking midnight when I'm already asleep cause the dude doesn't sleep.
My point is... for people who put out requests... if someone says they can do better... they will rewrite it and it may take longer. If you don't hear a response back, it doesn't mean we're ignoring you. We seen it, trust me, I check my inbox every single day.
I'm sorry I went off, I never really told anyone and I guess everyone will know now.
hey babes, you are completely valid in your statements. your fics are amazing, great works take time. You have such amazing pieces, being diagnosed later in life is hard. If anyone and I mean anyone wants to come at you saying anything rude to you, i will personally beat some ass. you are doing amazing babes. If you want my p.ms are always open. I love you so much, you are valid and you are loved. You are completely valid in all of your points. I love you honey
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thelittlepalmtree · 3 years
Okay, now that it's been a few hours since I got caught up on euphoria I want to talk about some of the concerns I have for the show.
Now the biggest concern I have which anyone who knows me will not be surprised is that this is a show about very diverse characters primarily about young girls that is written and directed by a white man. And I just think that sometimes we should step back and ask ourselves am I the person to tell this story? Because Sam Levinson is not the person to tell the story of a young black girl dealing with severe mental health problems and Severe drug addiction. Even if you have struggled with drug addiction which I'm not sure if he has he is still not the right person to tell this story.
And that is why it is giving off such glamorizing romantic Vibes around drug abuse. It is frustrating because I am almost always against the argument of like this TV show is romanticizing this issue that it just talks about. But like I've mentioned before my brother recently passed away he was an alcoholic he was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar like I am Gia in this story. And the way that all of this is portrayed makes you want to be in the story. Like you want to go to those parties you want to see the drama you may not want to be one of those kids but you want to live in the beautiful blue and pink world that is being portrayed in this show. The actual drug use especially is portrayed as very glamorous and beautiful sometimes being full-on music videos. And even the parts where it gets real are still incredibly glamorized with Roo being like kind of this Rebel slick character like a Captain Jack Sparrow type character. Like it's fun to watch her getting chased by the cops and it's fun to watch her sneaking out of things because you know ultimately she's going to be okay and all this suspense and cleverness that we get to see is very exciting for you as a viewer.
And then there's all of this like questions about like am I a good person? And no she isn't a good person. But within the show, everyone is a bad person there's not a single good person in the whole show. And it kind of makes it seems like well Rue is a bad person but everyone's bad so it's okay. We're like in reality like I'm a great fucking person like there are really good people in the world and those people are watching Euphoria and laughing at how crazy it is. And when you don't place any contrast to ruin the story you once again make her behavior seem more acceptable. The whole show seems to be about making this Behavior acceptable.
And began all of this seems to stem from the fact that I feel like the person who wrote the show does not understand the experiences that real-life people who live the lives of these characters have. In fact a huge joke amongst the fandom is how out of touch with reality Euphoria is. Like I have seen so many people joke about what it must be like to go to euphoria high school because that's not what real high school is like. And my high school is like known for having drug use in it like at one point there was an article in the local paper about how one kid had injected another kid with heroin in our gym and it was consensual because he was just trying to teach him how to use heroin. I mean people get in trouble for drugs in my high school all the time. And the school district I work at just recently had a stabbing. Like shit happens it's not that I'm living in like a boring vanilla life it's just that it doesn't happen the way that they are saying that it happens. The aesthetic of the show is what makes the show bad. And all of the real complex struggles that these characters are dealing with are reduced to these archetypes and tropes and very reductive ideas about gender and sexuality.
So like those are my concerns with the story but I also have a lot of specific concerns about how the show is being run. And this is just going off watching it like I haven't Googled anything but I could tell you right now I have a feeling that it's going to come out that Sam Levinson if not abused actors on the show definitely mishandled a lot of things because certain things just make me very uncomfortable in the show.
So first of all I feel like some of the child actors we're putting scenes that could be damaging to explain those Concepts to them. So like the little girl who played cat as a child is basically playing a character who was insecure about her weight at 11 and the girl who is playing her is a little bit chubby and is played up to be fat. I just don't understand how you have a little girl play that role and do those shots without imparting body problems on to her. I just don't understand how you have a little girl look at her stomach and see how big it is and be upset visibly upset even if she's acting and not take from that that being fat is damaging to you. I just don't understand how you could do that well. And I felt that way about the young boy who played Nate as well I think maybe you could get the reaction that you want by just telling the actor that he see something that freaks them out but to some extent I have to wonder how ethical it is to have those scenes in the show.
Another thing that upsets me about the way the show is shot is the way that Hunter Schafer is shot and the way that Jules is portrayed. I mean again that's another backstory we're like I just don't understand how you can have a little kid be in those shots and do the things that the character did in those shots and that not be damaging to a kid. And maybe that kid is older maybe it's like actually a teenager and they can handle it but that concerns me because of how graphic it was. But going more into Hunter Schafer so I already talked about this but in the beginning, a lot of our shots of Jules had Jules's penis in the middle of the shot. There were several shots right when we first meet the character of jewels in underwear and her penis is like in the middle of the screen. And this happened frequently when Jules was portrayed in underwear. I noticed it less as the episodes went on but that's still concerning. Another thing I don't like is that in season 2 a lot of Jules's makeup seemed to Highlights the more angular and masculine features of her face. Maybe that's just my point of view but I definitely felt like in season 1 Jewels was very soft and feminine looking and in season 2 Jules was portrayed much more masculine. And this is even confirmed when Elliot says that Jules is wearing a binder. And there's no indication in the scene that Jules is no longer identifying as a trans woman and is now identifying as non-binary. But it does kind of feel like Jewels decided to date a woman and then immediately had to take on more masculine qualities. And that just doesn't really seem right to me. And I also have to wonder if Hunter Schafer was considered you know how that would affect her. She is non-binary so maybe she doesn't care but I just think that it doesn't necessarily seem like the best take. And most notably she also gets very low billing like when they List the cast of the first one should be Zendaya which I think she is the first one and then it should be Hunter Schafer right but no Hunter Schafer is like way down the list.
I also want to point out that the actress who plays Cat on Barbie Ferreira is not plus size she is a size 12 according to a quick Google so feel free to correct me plus size is 14 and up. She identifies as a plus-size model but that probably just means that she models for plus-size clothing and most of the people who model for plus-size clothing are not actually plus size. So that sucks if you are going to have a character's entire existence revolves around the fact that they are fat maybe they should at least be a size 14. Especially if her whole character's storyline is that she hates herself because she's fat which seems to be her entire season 2 storyline.
I think the thing that is so disturbing about Euphoria is the fact that it very much portrays teenage girls as just so desperate and needy for love when of course some girls have that struggle but that's not the majority by far. Like as a former teenage girl you are not always thinking about that stuff. And every single character who acts badly traces it back to their father as their fathers are like these incredibly important parts of a teenage girl's life. And yes it is important to have a father in your life but like I know one person who acted like this when they were a teenager and she still acts like that but every other person I knew as a teenager would have issues would have conflicts but it wouldn't be like this the drama craziness would not be like this is.
The thing that makes this show watchable is the aesthetic and unfortunately, that's the worst part. I mean I pretty much hate it top to bottom no. I could go into every storyline I could go into every character and explain how bad the writing is for each of them but I think I kind of made my point here. I just want to again remind everyone that the person who has the earliest credits on the show is Sam Levinson a white dude. And I don't know much about him but I can tell you a lot about what kind of a person he is based on this fucking show. The actors are very good and they do bring a lot of life to these characters but in many ways, that uphold a show that should never have been made. It's a beautifully made show it's very high production value but the show itself the core is rotten.
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goji-pilled · 3 years
Okay @princekirijo you want an essay? Well here it is now, or as I like to call it Felix's "Asumari is great and this fandom has no fucking taste" rambling and infodump. Congrats fellas, thanks to Prince you ALL get an asumari essay. But before that I'll try to give you a rundown of Mari and Asuka. 
(I'm also so sorry for putting this long ass post on everyone's dashboard)
(Spoiler warning for Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time!!)
Alright on one hand we have Mari Illustrious Makinami. Her whole deal? She's a walking ray of sunshine, literally lol. Unlike any other character in the Evangelion franchise she doesn't suffer from her trauma, she's quite literally the only healthy and functioning human being, she's just slightly leaning towards "batshit crazy" with the stunts she pulls 🤷‍♂️. Other than that she just loves living, she loves being with people, she keeps moving forward, stays positive and decides to live life to it's fullest even after she experiences loss and multiple apocalyptic events (Second Impact, Third Impact, etc.) and she really just embodies the joy of living. That's all there is to her, or at least all we know.
On the other hand, we have Asuka Langley Shikinami who is... well it's hard to explain what she is to be honest. She's part-German and part-Japanese and part of a line of clones specifically made with the purpose to pilot an Evangelion and later on be used as a sacrifice to trigger another Impact (ITS COMPLICATED I KNOW-) Asuka is, unlike Mari, very much suffering from her trauma. She doesn't have her parents and has a very deep seated belief that she's completely alone, which she says doesn't matter as long as she can pilot the Eva. She also very much wants to fight and kill angels all by herself, and it's seriously messing with her when she can't achieve that.
Now we get to the more interesting parts (hopefully this so far wasn't too confusing, then again it's Eva and even I can't fully wrap my head around it all LMAO)
In the second Rebuild movie (Evangelion 2.0 You can (not) advance) we get introduced to both of them, Mari's introduction scene (in the original English dub) has her pilot an Eva and singing about how she'll take the world on by herself, while in the third movie's (Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo) opening scene she's piloting the Eva again but this time it's together with Asuka (in her own Unit 02 though) and during that Mari sings about how wonderful it is not to be alone. It's nothing big yet, but it's a really cute detail me thinks,,, you know what else I love about them? They bicker and they banter and it's genuinely so fun to listen to shskdhsuwj
(For a quick catch up: During the end of 2.0 Shinji (the protagonist) triggers another apocalyptic event, the Near Third Impact, and was only stopped due to Kaworu (the guy in my pfp) stepping in. Also between 1.0/2.0 and 3.0/3.0+1.0 are about 14 years (without Shinji bc he's like comatose) where A LOT happens AND we learn in 3.0 that Eva pilots don't age physically bc of "The curse of the Eva"... honestly Eva is wild lmao)
Okay okay I'll get back to it!
So one thing that happens is that Asuka during 2.0 develops a crush on Shinji (girl why-), unfortunately things take a turn for the worse. Asuka had volunteered to be the testpilot for a new Eva (Unit 03), she seemed happy at the time and it was a really sweet build up with the "I can smile, I didn't know I could still do that."-line. And then? Then it turns out the Ninth Angel had infected Unit 03 (Angels are basically the Kaijus they fight using Evas btw). The thing goes on a loose and Shinji is forced to fight it (With Asuka inside mind you), he refuses and his father uses an autopilot to destroy Unit 03. And boy did it destroy the angel, well it and it crushed Asuka between its jaws (you can actually hear her scream btw haha pain :)).
Asuka survived though, but the whole incident cost her her humanity and she ended up becoming an angel herself/she took the place of the Ninth. But despite that, there's one person who keeps believing in Asuka's humanity, who fiercely believes Asuka is still a human and tells her as much.
Yep, that one person is Mari and she keeps holding onto that belief until the very end when Asuka uses her last resort, which is using the power of an angel (Doing so was a guaranteed death sentence btw). Mari's own words (in the German dub) were, "Princess, you're giving up being human…" AND IT MAKES ME SO EMO GOD FUCK
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While I'm at it, Mari and Asuka are a fucking killer combo as a team. They rely on each other for support in combat, listen to the other's orders and advice. Especially in Asuka's case it's kind of a big deal that she so openly relies and counts on Mari's support. Like these two trust each other with their damn lifes!!! Holy shit!!
Guess what though, they also have nicknames for eachother. Mari always calls Asuka "Princess" or "(Your) Highness" while Asuka calles Mari "Four-eyes" / "Four-eyed chrony (idk how you spell that tbh RIP" Even better though, in the German dub Asuka calls Mari "Brillerella" as in a combination of "Brille" (German for glasses) and "Cinderella",,,,Cinderella and her Prince,,,Brillerella and her Princess,,, man, that was a gay fucking move of the translation team. Spoiler: I owe them my life.
Funfact: There's exactly two times throughout the Rebuild movies where Mari uses Asuka's actual name. These two times being when she watches Asuka "die" and be used as a sacrifice for Gendo's selfish plan and when later on she begs Shinji, "So please the Princess… Asuka needs your help!" And the best part? That wasn't even the first time she did that. The mentioned line came from 3.0+1.0, but she did that too in 3.0 with the, "At least save the Princess!" line (although her tone was much more...pissed, like she was really angry lol)
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Remember the crush Asuka had on Shinji? Well due to the Unit 03 incident a whole lot of other shit got mixed into that and her feelings for him in general became really bitter (understandably so). Now Mari being who she is sometimes teases Asuka about said old crush but she really does want Asuka to get closure and sort that mess out. 
As an example for the teasing, in 3.0 there's a scene that goes like this (please imagine Mari with a literal :3 face while saying that):
"Unit! Are you back in the game?"
"I'm on it, your Highness. But first things first, how was our little puppy (Shinji)? Did he sit like a good little boy?"
"He's exactly the same! Same stupid face talking mayhem!"
"That goofy face of his, that's what you wanted to see? Riiiiight?"
"Shut up! I went there to bat him one!... And I feel better!"
There's also a very short bonus manga that was released in Japan for Thrice Upon a Time's release that has Mari trying to convince Asuka to come with her on the mission to get Shinji, given everything that follows, it's just another thing to prove my point. And the final bit relating to that is this:
"Feeling better now?"
"Yeah, I do feel better."
That's the exchange Asuka and Mari have after they talked to Shinji, it's nothing special but I think it's really sweet and this time Asuka actually sounded like she was feeling better instead of when she was screaming after she nearly broke pretty thick glass with her fist (If she had hit someone with that much force she definitely would've broken something omggg #violentimpulsesgang)
To get back on track though: I already mentioned it but during the second half of 3.0+1.0 Asuka "dies" (and honestly that entire scene is worth its own in-depth post because its just one huge parallel to The End of Evangelion), the point is: You can tell that the loss of Asuka honestly hits Mari hard. Not only because of how Mari screams Asuka's name but also because of her expressions. They're pained, like really fucking pained and Mari even apologizes to her that she has to fall back due to the fact that she's injured AND because eveything is going wrong.
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After the events of Evangelion 3.0 these two got seperated from eachother, Mari was with WILLE (the organization both of them are with) and on board of Wunder (the ship WILLE basically operates from) while Asuka was in a Village full of (Near) Third Impact Survivors. When they do meet again it went like this:
Asuka, barely back, comes to the door and calls, "I'm back." And within seconds of Asuka stepping into their room after the door opens Mari already runs towards her, arms wide open and she says, "Welcome back, your Highness! Good job. I missed you so much!" And she says that while she literally nuzzles into Asuka,,,like,,,what the fuck gay people real!!! 
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Best part? Asuka clearly has enough strength to push Mari completely away if she were uncomfortable, but she doesn't. Asuka merely wanted enough space to look at the room (because Mari managed to horde even more books lol) and play her game. During their entire renunion Mari keeps hugging her, and part of me thinks that perhaps deep down Asuka actually enjoys the feeling of physical affection.
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Before we get to the last point though, let me say that Asuka and Mari have scenes in 3.0+1.0 that parallel Shinji and Kaworu's from 3.0. (Fyi Kaworu loves Shinji (yeah, like that, and 3.0 was basically them being gay as fuck for an hour) so like...do I even need to explain? 
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And then of course there's also this, the "Take care of yourself, Princess…" line. That is the last time Mari talks to Asuka and as much as that line alone already is so much, it's Mari's expression in particular that kills me. Because this? This soft, almost bittersweet expression she has, as she basically says goodbye? Because she knows Asuka will finally be happy and safe? It just makes me feel so much actually. Man.
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In the end it's a fact that Mari loved Asuka, wether that is interpreted as platonic or romantic by someone is up to them. But it is a fact that Asuka was loved enough that someone wanted to hug her, was happy to see her, to praise her, was hurt by her loss, wanted her to be safe, that someone told her "Take care of yourself…" Asuka was really and honestly so loved that someone would tell her, "I missed you."
But Asuka? Asuka was too hurt, too wrapped up in her own head to actually see how loved she was by Mari (and other people) that she genuinely believed she's completely alone and always will be alone.
It makes the "Take care of yourself" line hit even harder to me, because it's not only Mari's goodbye, but it's a goodbye during the one time Asuka allowed herself to be vulnerable and admit what she really wanted.
And honestly? All of this? Its makes me feel so many things and I just love them  so much man.
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neoistic · 3 years
what's going on with STAYs?
the hyunjin (and woojin) situation - a (very long) rant
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DISCLAIMER : This post was not meant to slander Hwang Hyunjin or Stray Kids, it is intended to educate others on their problematic behaviour.
I'm gonna start at the beginning of all this. So unless you a.) live under a rock or b.) unlike the rest of us you have a life, then you have possibly heard of the idol bullying scandals. If you dont know what that is, I'll give a brief summary. A bunch of idols were being accused by former middle school or high school classmates of bullying. It started with Soojin of (G)I-dle and then the whole thing started rippling. Aisha of Everglow, Kihyun of MonstaX, Mingyu of SEVENTEEN, and many more. It's even gone as far as SA allegations. Basically everyone and their mothers were being dragged into the mess. However some of these accusation were later to be proven as false. Others have been somewhat half-true. The point is the majority of these idols end up going on a hiatus and stopped contributing in their groups activities for a while. It was a very frustrating situation. There's been apologies, addresses, fights occurring left and right. While these idols were being accused, everybody was like "let's wait for the official statement from the comany and see what is up, and then we make our decision from there. So for now lets stay our best to be neutral". That was the norm for a majority of fandoms. And then there were STAYs.
_____________________________________________________________ I think we've learned in the last five months that STAYs are anything but a normal fandom. After what has happened and the way they chose to behave entirely was embarassing. I feel like toxic STAYs really ruined the name of this fandom when the Woojin situation happened. But after Hyunjin was accused of bullying, they pretty much just shredded any redeeming qualities that fandom had left—all of it—everything went down the drain. Soon enough I feel like people are going to be embarassed to become a STAY or to mention that they're a STAY, because those motherfuckers really screwed this up If some of you're really confused right now, as to why I called STAYs toxic. It's because the base of this fandom is pretty privilege. Ok, let's start with the definition. What is pretty privilege? Pretty privilege is the principle that people who are deemed more attractive (based on societal beauty standards) have an upper hand in the world and are afforded many opportunities that us regular folks don't have. Like most other biases, pretty privilege is something we're all aware of—whether we have experienced it first-hand or not. Yet, it's not often that we are willing to admit or even talk about it, especially if we're on the receiving end of its benefits. This bias, also known as lookism, is defined as “Prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's appearance” and occurs in a variety of settings such as social environments, workplaces and especially in this godforsaken fandom. Let me explain; everything that they do for the boys is simply based on looks. And how do i know that? Because when the baseless accusations that targeted woojin came out one of the things that i kept hearing over and over again was that they always thought he was 'ugly'. And that to me is very intersting because this fandom found him ugly but they didn't say anything, because he was in the same group as their faves. So they kept their mouths shut, and they acted as if they loved him they told him all the sappy bullshit. When he left they decided to pull an "Okay let's tell him how much we miss him, then dump it, and leave it there."
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Consequently by cause of his so called 'wrongdoings' you're now telling people "Oh I found him ugly all along, but now I can finally admit it" which is an incredibly pathetic move. They were throwing shit everywhere based off unsubstantiated allegations. Through this I realised that everything goes down to looks. Because when this exact same thing happened to Hyunjin and his accusations, which at the time we did not know the legitimacy of it, the first thing they chose to tweet was"uhmm hyunjin is too cute to be a bully," say what now? You wanted to tell me you decide whether someone is capable of bullying based on their looks, how is that supposed work. Not everybody's heart is as beautiful as their face, I'm just saying. Like why on earth would you think that Hyunjin isn't a bully based on the fact that he's handsome but you believe the accusation about Woojin based off the fact that he is quote 'ugly'. You see the parallel difference between their behaviour towards them and that's because all they care about is looks and they will do just about anything to garner the attention of these boys. Yes, you're right, the reason behind their doings is because they know pefectly well that Stray Kids read their comment. Their defending them because they are desperately wanting their faves to pay attention to them. And they think by letting Hyunjin get away with everything, he would thank them for it.
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Exhibit B; When the posts against Woojin came out the very first thing they told us was that, you have to believe the victim no matter what. It got to the point where even when we tried to reason with them about how there was no solid evidence, all they said was how they would rather believe a possible liar then a possible r4pist. ikr, oh. my. gosh. However when it's Hyunjin's turn to get blamed, believing the victim doesn't matter anymore. The actuality that people were already putting a judgement on the victim, and refusing to hear them out is just shocking to me.
The energy was completely different, for some crazy reason it didn't matter when it came to Hyunjin. When it came to Woojin we had to believe the victim because it's so damn important, and it got to the point that people were saying they believed Stray Kids that he 'bullied' them. Although Stray Kids didn't say anything, they never said a peep, a word, nothing. Everyone kept saying I believe Felix saying #8, i believe Chan and his vlive, are you for real? First of all what is Felix supposed to say then?? The group has 8 members not nine, is he supposed to put #9 in? #13? #24?? And with Chan he has already clarified that his statement on vlive that time wasn't about Woojin.
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Then they were diagnosing them them of depression they were victimizing the poor boys of something they were not a victim of. So not are they speaking for them, they're telling us that you believe them off what you've stuff in their mouths, not things they said themsleves. On the other hand when Hyunjin was accused of bullying no we don't believe them we believe Hyunjin. What? Do you know him personally or what? You dont! I don't know what's the matter with you people. This fandom is just a no. You guys are left with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Then you know what it gets even worse because if you think this is bad. It's not even half of it. How does it get worse? They were people saying that "It's bullying, its normal everybody does it," I don't know what universe you live in, but where I live down here, on earth bullying isn't something that everybody comes around and do. It's not a phase in life. "From ages 15-20 you're a bully" That doesn't happen it's not a chapter in life that everyone goes through like puberty, that's not what happens with bullying. You dont just wake up and go through a phase in you life that is inevitable, that you have to be a bully and a jerk to everybody, that's not a thing. You can't just sit here and justify bullying. Because how are you supposed to sit here and say that bullying is normal and that everybody does but when Woojin does it... You see where I'm going with this right? They said it wasn't okay for Woojin to bully Stray Kids and that he is a horrible person "how could he?" But then you bend over and said "Bullying is okay because Hyunjin is the one doing it" When he is on the receiving end it wasn't okay, though when he was the one administering it was completely fine and forgivable.
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Do you not see how problematic you're being right now? You're justifying bullying because you think he's pretty? Are you playing with me? I read his statement and he apologized for his immature and insensitive demeanor, even he wasn't justifying it. the reason behind me mentioning this is because even JYP themselves specified that they would do a better job at picking trainees. That alone says something. They forthrightly threw him under the bus. Why would they do something like that? Because the allegations were true. Here's the thing, Hyunjin has not admitted to bullying anybody, what he has admitted to was being immature and hurting people with the way he spoke. That statement felt like he was beating around the bush about a lot of things. It's like "ok i hurt someone, I can't justify it, therefore I'm sorry" Okay but did u bully anybody? yes or no? That wasn't clarified. You guys can decide for your selves, but this was Hyunjin's and his former teacher's statement.
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The message I'm trying to get accross from all this is that Stray Kids have way more power over you than you realized, and that is definitely not okay. To the point where you are throwing your morals away, just to defend them. You know what? no idol should have influence over you like that. I don't care how good looking, how hot, how sweet, how talented they are. I don't care if they grew up with a single mother and a story so sad it will make Simon Cowell cry. I don't care how many time they have supported the lgbtq+ community. I don't give a damn about how adorable they act on camera with their members. You can not validate immoral actions whatsoever. And no, you absolutely can not sit here being a desperate, self-absorbed, pick-me, dusty girl for a man who doesn't even know you.
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Exhibit C; Before we end this I want to clarify something. STAYs did not became toxic because of the Woojin fiasco, this fandom always was toxic, and the Woojin situation simply revealed that. The facts are that they were always toxic, they were always messed up, they were always fake. The wreckage with Woojin showed us their true colors. That is the reality, my friends. As of now this fandom is directly taking the crown for trashiest fandom alive in kpop. At this degree I honestly don't know what else to say. I have no respect left for them. I do though want to say that I am genuinely sorry to all the kind STAYs, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. Because in the near future I don't see this issue going away. Since Stray Kids is becoming more and more popular and it's never going to stop they're going to keep getting bigger and bigger, the story will just become more aparent. Thank you for listening to my long rant. And at the end of the day all I can say to STAYs is good luck, cause you'll need it.
anywho stream Still Dream
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chattegeorgiana · 5 years
Gotta give it to you, watching/reading Boruto after the shit show Naruto was and analyzing the story... Holy shit, I'm still upset with how things went after many years of following and I'm unable to bring myself to read/watch the sequel or want to. I wonder how the shitty sequel makes you feel after everything that happened with the shitty original.
Welp, I must admit that being “freed” from Naruto and its canon, helped me a great deal in this matter. That’s why I am able to read Boruto with no problem.
I am no longer attached to it, therefore I can easily just get through the new phase. I was too attached like many others in the fandom to the old story. Maybe a little bit too much. Buuuuut that’s who I am, quite passionate when I am really taking a liking into something. And Naruto made it there. I don’t get attached to many things, I have about one story to each phase of my life. For example, for childhood Sailor Moon tops everything. 
Same with games. I am a gamer, but not that idk fanatic type. You can count the games I played on the fingers of your hand. It’s quite simple: all Need for Speed series up to Carbon (VIVA MOST WANTED!), Diablo 2 and 3, Starcraft Brood War and Starcraft 2, Sacrifice aaaaand I think that’s about it.
With Naruto I gave in because it seemed something else aaaaand due to its great symbolism. I have to admit I am a fool for love, ahem, symbolism. Even in school when we studied it, I was all over the subject. You wanna have my heart? Give me a story with mythology and symbolism and I’m all yours. That’s why I have great interest in astrology as well.
But anyway, getting back to the subject because I have derailed a bit once more (sorry for the bad habit!).
How does it make me feel? Curious. I have a curious mind and that curiosity of mine can be both a blessing and a curse, depends how someone wants to use it, haha. Guess it can be used for my own benefit or against it.
I’ve said in the past that I am done with Naruto - and I am, nevertheless. It’s not a story that I will recommend due to the illogical paths it took from a development pov and character development pov. After Pein arc it suuuuuuure went crazy. Imo, up to that point Naruto as a story was gold. From there on, the whole mess started if you ask me.But I still watched it and still gave it a chance because I thought Kishimoto would end it in a somewhat satisfying end for the story. Of course, he was never gonna satisfy everyone, that’s for sure. You can never do that because we’re 8 billion people on this goddamn earth and we each have our views and taste. However, I wished he would’ve stayed true to his intentions, to his authorial intent.
So what if Hinata grew popularity without doing nothing? Keep that damn Sakura development going on, damn it. Aside for everything else, this is something I will never be able to forgive Kishi for. Pairings aside, plot aside, everything else aside. I don’t care about them in the end, life moves on. But for this move, I’m like.. nah, bro. Ain’t doing it. This is the reason I’ll never ever ever support any  Kishimoto written story ever again, nor I will forgive him.
Of course, not that he needs my forgiveness anyway. I’m a mere human continents away, he’s a world renown writer who wrote his story. But that’s the thing here. Naruto was his story. He should’ve stayed true to it. Not change it at the last minute on the whims of a loud fanbase. It’s that resilience against external forces that makes you who you are, and the way you respond to it. Apparently, Kishimoto gave in.
And you know what’s funny about it, in the bittersweet sense, of course? And imma throw a little pairing shade here. People were quick to jump the bandwagon that “Naruto didn’t give up his love for Sakura”. But I am posing a question here… didn’t he really? I mean, think a bit logical here… if we’re to make an analogy, as we all know it Kishimoto always said that he identifies as Naruto. And in the interview with Kobayashi he said that no matter how much he tried to write about Sakura, he saw Hinata’s popularity grow inexplicably, so then, in the end he gave-up writing about Sakura.Therefore, in a parallel way (like he so much liked to build his story on), couldn’t one say that “Naruto gave up on Sakura”? 
Kishimoto always said how he’s fond of Sakura in her own way, because she was the normal one, she represented the human weakness.
But you know what the problem is? She was that mirror, Sakura was that mirror to our humanity, and thus to our weakness. In a world full of powerful ninja-gods, we didn’t like to see a human girl trying to attain her own worth through her own trials and errors, while showcasing human weakness at doing so. Why? Because she brought-us back to reality, out of our “genjutsu’d” way of living in that story. In that very story we all liked to live, where we had powerful Uchihas, Hyugas, Senjus and Uzumakis who were offered everything on a silver plate from birth, here came a girl who had nothing, no support, no special ability, nothing more but her brains.
And that girl was human, and humans are weak. And we are humans. And we don’t like that we’re weak. So of course, we had to take her out. By all and any means. And they did so. The loud fanbase whose name I won’t be naming right now did so.
And thus, Kishimoto, the Naruto of our story, saw himself forced into a corner to give up on his love for Sakura. Of his fondness of a character that was something else, than your usual god-like powered ninja. So in the end, yes… Naruto gave up on his love for Sakura. Take it shipping wise or authorial-character relationship-wise, however you wanna take it, but it’s the truth.
And that is my beef with Kishi. He could’ve made this open-ended, he could’ve made this like it is but with different development, a normal and in accordance with his story one. And I would’ve been just fine with it.
But he didn’t. He preferred to throw all that into nothing, throw Sakura away for the popularity of this wretched story. He took the short way out. And for someone who preached different in his story, boooy it so seems wrong.
However, I’ve made peace with it. I moved forward, accepted that this is the way he chose to deal with the situation. Now only my curiosity is peaked in seeing how will they deal forward with the story and how many retcons will they build over and over again in order to rewrite 15 years of development, for that “shock value” of the finale.
As someone who aspires to write her story one day, and who happens to work in marketing and thus knows the know-hows of how you advertise a product, for me at this point as I said, this story became a case-study from where I’ll be drawing my own conclusions on how to and how not to. Even if things didn’t fully went the way I predicted them (though funnily enough 80% did so and even do so in the current story with Boruto - which is odd - but alas), and one could argue that I am bitter because of the pairings and because I lost and whatnot, I am at peace. It was never about the pairings - though one could argue so because most of my writings were NaruSaku centered. It was about the characters themselves, the relationships and dynamics between them AND their development. A cornerstone in every well-built story. But alas…
In the end it’s as the old tale says: You win or you learn. You never lose.
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killian-whump · 5 years
(I wanna preface this with a trigger warning for mentions of rape) Hey, I was scrolling through my twitter feed and saw some people being nasty about season 7 (and the cast) but something that stood out to me was the fact that there's a couple of people who are accusing Wish!Hook/Rogers of being a r*pist and accusing him of admitting to it. I'm currently rewatching s7 and was wondering if there was something I missed, either explicitly or implicitly stated 😅
Are these people STILL going on about that shit???
I’m going to fucking rant about this for a bit, so hit the jump. Or don’t.
Okay, refresher for Nonny and those who are new to this ShitShow:
A bunch of people decided to opt out of S7, because Emma Swan was no longer going to be on the show. Now, not watching a show after your fave character/actor leaves it is absolutely understandable. There’s nothing wrong with it. However, hate-watching that show, campaigning for it to be cancelled, attacking the actors, writers, show-runners and crew who are continuing to work on that show or join the show after your fave’s departure... That’s all completely shitty (and absolutely batshit CRAZY) behavior. There is NO excuse for it. Ever.
And that segment of batshit crazy assholes is who we’re talking about here.
Now, most of these motherfuckers haven’t even watched S7. They base their crazy-ass opinions on synopses of the episodes, and heresay from their similarly sanity-impaired friends. So most of the time, it’s useless to counter their rantings with facts and canon interpretations. They’ll simply repeat, “Well, my friend Janet said it, and I believe her.” or some other nonsense.
So. With all of that in mind, Episode 2 of Season 7 re-introduced Wish Hook to viewers and revealed that he was Detective Rogers, set up Emma as his “savior” as a respectful nod to the idea of every Hook being “destined” to be saved by Emma Swan, and also established his primary and singular drive as a character - reuniting with his daughter. THOSE were the main points of the episode.
However, the fuckwits I spoke about above decided to focus, not on any of the important aspects of the episode, but on his cockamamie plot to score a True Love’s Kiss from Emma in order to cure his poisoned heart. The plot entailed using magic to de-age himself, returning to Storybrooke with Regina, getting a kiss from Emma to cure said heart, then returning to his own Enchanted Forest to reunite with Alice. It is this last part that the nutters refuse to believe. They prefer to believe that Hook intended to stay in Storybrooke, take over OG Hook’s entire life, and in so doing - engage in sex with Emma under the pretense that he is “her” Killian. And that is where the rape claim comes in.
Now, for those of us who actually watched the show, it’s painfully (and embarrassingly, for those nutters) obvious that Wish Hook would never have stayed in Storybrooke for even a second longer than necessary after curing his heart (or finding that his plot didn’t work). His entire impetus as a character was to reunite with Alice, his daughter. Remaining in Storybrooke, a realm far away from where his daughter even IS, and maintaining the charade of being someone else, someone without said daughter, and bothering to keep up that pretense... doesn’t suit his character’s main goals whatsoever. It’s ludicrous to think he would. It’s literally insane and one has to be awfully dedicated to besmirching the show and the character to even maintain it.
And yet, they do. Their ONE “ace in the hole” is that they managed to get one of the writers (Adam Horowitz, I believe) to answer a question about what Wish Hook intended to do with his plan with an admission that Wish Hook intended to take over Hook’s life. Now, I’m gonna come right out and say it: That answer, regardless of who it came from, also doesn’t fit the narrative of S7 or Wish Hook’s main drives as a character. And I’m also gonna say that sometimes even the people who should know best about a show don’t... and also, sometimes people mis-speak or are trying to emphasize one thing (in this case, how “bad” Hook was going to be to get what he wanted, and how “in need” he was of Emma’s saving him and setting him right) instead of the more important thing (that these fuckers had no interest in Wish Hook’s redemption and only wanted to bait Adam into saying something they could use as “proof” of their claims).
But regardless, it’s the ONE thing they have to “back up” their insanity, and they use the fuck out of it. Mind you, these same people will summarily throw out any and all claims that there wasn’t rape involved or intended there as factually incorrect, regardless of where they come from. Instead, they will simply trot out that ONE well-worn screencap yet again and insist, as always, that they are right and Everyone Else is wrong.
So... Long story short, it’s absolute apeshit, and the people who argue it’s true are so asinine and obsessive that they’re not worth arguing with. You can’t change their minds or make them see sense, because they desperately want to cling to their belief that S7 Is Bad and Wish Hook Is Bad and that they were/are right to boycott, campaign against the show, and attack those who took part in creating it, because it is clearly Bad and does Bad Things. This is also the entire basis of their claims that Wish Hook, Rogers, and S7 itself are “triggering” to them and deeply disturbing. They use this claim to try to essentially erase S7 from existence by complaining whenever the S7 exclusive actors are involved in “Once” events, or whenever S7+ actors refer to S7 events or Wish Hook, himself. Colin has even been directly accused by these assholes of “approving” of rape and being “insensitive” to his fans by wearing clothing he got from Rogers’ wardrobe to conventions. It’s absolutely batshit, toxic, and rude.
I suspect this is all rearing its ugly head yet again because Jen is scheduled to appear at Enchanted 3, and some of these crazies (who are all Jen fans, incidentally) are already trying to get Starfury to not invite anyone who exclusively starred in S7. Which, considering the only other announced star is Tiera Skovbye, I sincerely wish them all the luck in the world with XD But regardless, the SANE fans are all pretty much telling them, “Hey, what? That’s rude? Why are you being a dick?” and I’m assuming the jerks quickly resorted to “but rape is bad!” arguments to derail all the legit complaints about their shitty-ass behavior.
SO! My advice to you, Nonny, and to everyone else... is to mute those assholes and not engage with them in any way, shape or form. Like the comments of those poor fools who try, because their hearts are in the right place, even if their brains are doomed to be scrambled by the illogical reaches they’re about to be subjected to. It’s good to show support for the sensible people in our fandom(s). But I don’t recommend actually engaging with them, yourself. They’re hateful, toxic people... and your entire life will be better off for steering clear of them. Also, there’s only about 10-20 of them in their entirety, so once you weed them out and mute them, it’s like they don’t even exist.
And, hopefully, if they’re ignored by enough people for a long enough time, they’ll move on to something else. I guess that hasn’t happened yet, but here’s hoping it happens eventually. If not for our sake, then for Jen’s. I can’t imagine getting a reputation for having fans who literally harass and stalk her co-stars, employers and even people who simply continue to work on a project after she voluntarily leaves it will actually help her career at all.
Don’t get me wrong here, working with Jen on Once was a huge step up for Colin’s career... but the crazies in her fandom are literally following him into his next projects, naysaying them, criticizing and insulting him, attacking his fans for supporting him and his projects, and insisting that nothing Colin does will ever be as good as the work he did with Jen... and that’s just fucking NUTS. And it’s not limited to Colin. Remember the fervor when Josh Dallas dared to call another actress his “Tv Daughter”? Yeah, that was charming. If this keeps up, it won’t be long before Jen’s earning herself a reputation for being “lovely to work with, but comes with a cloud of toxic fans who will make her co-stars sorry they worked with her for YEARS afterwards.” And, I mean, color me weird if you want to, but I think that’s generally NOT a good plan.
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curiousdamage · 5 years
For the Merry prompts: 37 or 76.
Thank you for the request!
I chose 76: “You’re not alone.”
Fandom: Karate Kid Becca-Verse
Pairing: Terry Silver/Mikey Sullivan
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The sound was so soft, Mikey wasn't even sure he had actually heard it. But something had pulled him out of his booze-soaked dreams. Dreams that he probably shouldn't be having anyway.
He stared blearily at the clock on the wall. It was just after one a.m. Surely Terry wasn't still awake, but Mikey was sure he could hear him, mumbling through the thin walls. Probably on the phone with Cori again. Mikey wasn't sure why he'd begged him to come up here if all he was going to do was argue with his wife.
His wife. The reason he shouldn't be having dreams about blue eyes and killer grins. Well, one reason anyway. He put a pillow over his head to block out the sound.
After a few minutes, he decided he'd had enough. He didn't drive 3 hours for this. 
No. He'd driven 3 hours to feel stupid. To torture himself, to be so close to who he wanted and unable to…, well how was that any different than any other trip? Terry had been right at the wedding. He wasn't even able to admit to what he wanted much less act on it.
"Say it, Mickey. Say you want me, and I'll stop it. I'll put a stop to all of it and we’ll be together," Terry looked at him with that possessive look that made him crazy. "Admit it. Admit that you want me."
But he couldn't do it. Not even when everything he'd ever wanted was being held out to him.
“That’s what I thought,” Terry muttered.
What did Terry know anyway? Richie Rich didn't live in the real world.
This was ridiculous. They couldn't be friends, not when one of them wanted more. And one of them would always want more. He was just going to head back to base. It’d be easier that way. He dressed quickly and slung his duffel bag on his shoulder and grabbed his boots. 
He was looking around for his jacket in the sitting room when he noticed the phone was off the hook. Were all the phones in the suite connected? Terry was still mumbling. He grabbed his jacket off a nearby table. His hand was on the door. He could leave. He should leave. A clean break. For both of them.
He had a wife and a kid now, and Mikey…, well mom was always pushing for another General in the family.
"No! No!" He heard Terry moan.
"Shit," he muttered. He dropped his jacket and bag on a nearby chair and set his boots back by the door. He'd just go check on him, then he'd leave.
He crossed the sitting room and tapped lightly on Terry's door. He was probably just arguing with Cori again.
Not getting an answer, he opened the door quietly.
Terry was sound asleep…, Well, it wasn't very sound. He was thrashing
around in the bed.
“Terry. Terry, Terry!"
He jerked awake.
"What? What is it?" Terry sat up and looked at Mikey standing in the door. "Shit. I was doing it again, wasn't I?"
"It happens," he shrugged.
"Thanks for waking me. I'm…," he looked around. "I'm good now. You can go back to bed." He looked at him properly. "Or wherever you were going. Where were you going?"
"For a smoke," he lied, "Been happening a lot?”
"You know, we all have them," he said, softly. Terry didn't look okay. He still looked scared to death. Shit. It really should be easier than this. But he couldn't break that link. He didn't want to. He pulled off his shirt. "Move over."
"Thought you needed a smoke?" Terry reminded him.
"It can wait," he replied. "Besides, nicotine fit me is a lot of fun. Now, it's cold as fuck in this room so move over."
"Get in before I change my mind," Terry said, sliding over in the bed.
Mikey crawled in with him. "Come here, Baby." He put his arms around the younger man, pulling him against his chest. "Damn, you're tall."
"Yeah. It's a genetic thing," he laughed, though he was still shaking. "Only good thing my father gave me."
"Well, that and several billion dollars, and houses, and cars, and…,"
"I sold his cars," Terry interrupted. "They were stupid cars. He had no taste. I bought a plane instead. Know any good pilots?"
"Give me about eight years," he laughed, "Come on, Baby, relax. I got you." He pressed a kiss to the back of the other's neck and snuggled closer. "Damn, why is it so cold in here?”
"I can't sleep when it's hot," Terry said. 
Something in his tone implied that hot usually brought on more nightmares.
"Yeah, well, I don't see how Cori sleeps with you every night, the silicon in her tits is gonna freeze. She'll be able to use them as weapons."
Terry snorted with laughter. "First of all, her tits are real. Second, I’m pretty sure she already does, and third, she doesn't sleep with me."
"Oh." He felt bad that the thought made him a little happy. "Why not?"
"Because rich people don't sleep together. Haven't you ever watched television? Once they have a child, they sleep with their secretaries, gardeners, tennis coaches, whatever blue-collar workers are hanging around," he joked.
“Are pilots on that list?"
"I thought pilots were white-collar," he replied.
"Maybe if you are the top pilot in some corporate firm, but the rest of us just wear pretty uniforms and pretend we don't get dirty," Mikey answered.
"I don't sleep much and when I do, I don't do it well. I have nightmares…, I keep her awake," he muttered.
"Oh." He was quiet for a moment. "We all have problems sleeping. If you weren't there you don't get it. You can't blame her for that." He pulled on Terry's arm to get him to turn to face him. He caressed the younger man’s face. "You’re not alone. If you can’t sleep, chances are, I’m not either.” He paused and smiled. “Especially since I’m normally nine hours ahead of you, you can almost bet on it.  Call me. We’ll get through it together, Baby.”
Baby. There it was again.  He wasn’t hearing things he wanted to hear.  Terry usually couldn’t stand endearments. Fake declarations to fool people into doing what you wanted.  That ridiculous name Cori used when she wanted something did nothing but set his eyes rolling, however, coming from Mikey’s lips it was as much his undoing as his use of the name ‘Mickey’ was Mikey’s. He pressed his lips against Mikey’s, for once not being stopped or pushed away.
The kisses were desperate and needy. Mikey ran his fingers through black curls, grabbing a fistful and pulling Terry back, looking at him for a moment.
“Is…, is this okay?” he panted. 
Mikey nodded slowly, studying the other’s face.  And it was.  The usual fear and panic he felt when he was with another man weren’t there.  Maybe it was because this wasn’t about sex, it was about comfort.  Maybe it was because Terry finally had as much to lose over this as he did.  Or maybe he was just so fucking lonely lately that he no longer gave a damn.  Whatever this was, whatever it could be or cause, had to be better than what he had now, which was a whole lot of nothing.  Hollow, empty, hateful nothing.  He felt safe and wanted and it was better than a whole damn bottle of Jack Daniels could ever be.  
Terry pushed him back on the bed, moving over him, kissing his jaw and down his neck.  He forced himself to relax and just enjoy what was happening for once.  They were hundreds of miles from anyone that knew either of them and half a world away from anyone that really mattered.  
“You’re not alone, either, you know,” Terry said, laying his head on Mikey’s chest.  “This.  What you feel.  What we’re doing.  You’re not alone.  I feel the same way.  It’s not wrong.  You aren’t wrong.  It’s just us.  No one else ever has to know.”
It was on his tongue to ask about Cori, but right then, he just didn’t care.  Besides, their two very different lives gave it a ‘not real’ feeling.  He lay there silently, contemplating what the other man had said.  It was almost too much to be real.  His fingers traced over the lines of the cobra tattoo on Terry’s shoulder.  He wanted him.  He felt the same way. What wasn’t real couldn’t hurt them, could it?
“We…, we would have to be very discrete,” he heard himself saying.  “If anyone ever found out…,”
“I know, Mickey.  You aren’t the first man I’ve been with.  I know the stakes.  I know they’re ten times higher with you because of your family and career and everything, but I care about you.  I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Could it really be that easy?  Could he really have someone he cared about?  
He took a deep breath.  “If I say it’s over, it’s over.”
“And no one can even suspect….,”
“They won’t.  We will figure this out.  Please, Mickey?”
He let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.  “Okay. Yeah. Yes.”  
Whatever this was, whatever it could be, whatever it was going to cause was already a hell of a lot better than the empty, hollow, hateful nothing that was receding from his life.  He just prayed nothing worse would take its place.
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lovelyyy-luna · 6 years
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✶march 13, 2021✶
It's alright, I'm right here
Why did you choose me? \ You know very well why Y/N
I can do it myself
I'm a monster \ no you're not
Please hold me
I'm begging you please don't lock yourself in your room
Give me one single fucking reason why I shouldn't leave
That wasn’t a question
Don't listen to them
Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that
I don't care what they think, to me, you are perfect.
You don't have to be alone
This is illegal
Your tutor is pretty hot
Why have you been so secretive lately?
I think we should take a break
How come you're the only one that can see me?
I just wanted to hear your voice
I'm not helping you babysit
Did we sleep together?
If you don't do it I will?
You're scared? Really?
This place is abandoned, don't worry
This was a stupid idea
This is crazy..none of this is real
You need to believe me, please!
Close the door
It’s three in the morning
I should have told you a long time ago
Why are you helping me?
You're in love with her
We could get arrested to this
Love is overrated
Watch me
I've missed this
Was it all a lie?
This is all your fault
Are you happy now? Huh? Does this make you happy?
Maybe I'm meant to be alone
Did it ever occur to you that I'm hurting too?
You said that you'd always be there for me. What happened?
I'm sorry what are you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes
If I ever see you anywhere near her, you'll have to deal with me
Is that a challenge
Get behind me now!
Here I have an extra weapon
You scared the shit out of me, I'm never letting you go
I am not jealous
I think I love you
Don't be silly I want to stay up with you
How about a kiss?
Dance with me!
We’d make a cute couple
Do you trust me?
if you don't want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don't just lie and say it's fine.
Stop staring at me
I said I don't know anything
You don’t think its a bit much
Call me one more time to see what happens
Put some clothes on for the love of god
Can you just give me a hug? Just once?
That was the last time. Im serious this time
It’s pitch black in here and I can see you're blushing
Am I supposed to be scared of you?
I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It'll save water
You're just not the same anymore
It's midnight where the hell are you
What the hell if your problem
Why do you run away from all your problems?
You can't keep it all inside you know? Bottling it up won't do you any good
Hey I know you're hurting but you're not alone okay
I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression
You can't just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset
Calm down you're scaring me
Don't look at me like that
Were you ever going to tell me?
Sorry doesn't fix everything
I loved you first
You broke my heart
I was alone
We have to stop
You left me
I can't do this anymore
Your hair is really soft after you wash it
Shh stop fussing I’m just braiding your hair
Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you
If you steal the blankets I am going to put my cold feet on you
Here let’s share the blanket
You Are comfy
You are my new pillow
But I want to hear you sing
We can talk over dinner
Don't get up I’ll do it
Stargazing was a good idea
I'll be here to protect you
It’s okay I couldn't sleep anyway
I heard you talking in your sleep
Your bedhead is really cute
I love your hugs
You mess with them you mess with me
I don't want to sleep alone tonight
I love you, you know that right
I'm Coming to get you to stay there
Okay so don't freak out but I got flour everywhere
Woah I never knew you had a tattoo
Stop moving
Im worried about you
What happened to you
You can't stay in bed all days 
You're a terrible liar
Don't act so innocent
Do you believe in soulmates?
What if something happens to you
Are you sure about this
I gotta say I’m a little surprised
I'm not a child
You're screwed
You called me to remember
Do you need to go to the hospital?
Sleep is for the weak
I don't like the way they look at you
I don't want to be friends
Let's get out of here
Maybe you should sit down
You're burning up
I've got your back
Walk it off
I wish I could sleep
I'm going back to bed
Your heart is pounding
It's too early for this
Get on your knees
I thought you said you knew where you were going? Yeah I lied
Shit you're freezing let's get you warmed up alright
What happened to me
Im not letting you sleep on the floor get up here
Everything I’ve done for you’s the only thing in the world that matters to me
Feel like another round?
You were great last night
Wow you look even better in daylight
My clothes look better on you than they do on me
I had no idea you were into that stuff glad I found out
You should play with my hair more
I don't remember ever having this many hickeys but I don't mind
I don't know your name but you can share it with me so I know what to scream this time
The fun doesn't have to end
I think I can convince you to stay
Are you even listening to me?
Leave right now
What more do you want?
I hate you
Can you just shut the fuck up already
What the hell is wrong with you
I can't do this anymore
Oh my god I don't care
That hurt you son of a bitch
Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight
I can break your nose if I wanted 
Meet me on the bridge in an hour
No one needs to know
No one will ever hurt you again
None of that matters now
Oh my god! You're in love with her/him/them!
Please don't cry
Please don't leave
Please listen to me
Please say something
Promise me you won't let anything happen to him/her/them
Promise me you'll stay
Shit are you bleeding
Shut up and kiss me
Somebodies in love
Sorry I thought I was alone
Stop0 talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound
Tell me a secret
You said you'd always be there for me so how did this happen why weren't you there for me
Did it occur to you that you're hurting me toto
We can be friends instead
I tried to move on but nobody is you
Does it look like I moved on
I don't remember a fight or a reason so what happened why did we make up
Can I at least buy you coffee for old time’s sake?
I can’t take large loneliness anymore
What are you talking about your married
I feel like everyone forgot I exist
I gave you a chance and you used it to stab me in the back
I've been alone for so long
But you promised
I think you'll be happy to know I’m not wearing any underwear
I want you right here right now
Isn't this illegal probably
You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this. Non im not drunk at all you're just blurry
I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or a bad feeling
I love the way your hand fits in mine
You can call me whenever you want. Even if you don't have a reason to
I'm bad  at calling first so I always ending up hoping you will
Wait don't pull away not yet
You look really cute in that sweater
No like it just I can’t believe you’re  actually wearing my clothes
God you always make me blush so damn much
You've been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half because I know you're going to look so good and I need to try and match up
The first second I saw you I couldn't get over how beautiful you were
I wanted to say I love you for the first time without stuttering but that failed
Could you hold my hand?
You can't leave without letting me hug you first
I really love holding you darling
As you're blushing like a rose
Your lips are really warm
I can't get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you're having breakfast with me in my seater
My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes
Wanna like I mean if you're not busy we should get lunch or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time
Wow I didn't think you could make me smile this big
Quit smiling at me I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that
Your hair is so soft
It's too cold come back
No im not letting you go it's too early to get out of bed
Care you can sit in my lap until I’m done working
Shh you're safe I won't let you go
I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified
I'm not going to leave you. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again I promise
Look I know we don't know each other all that well but im still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone
If I could I would kiss away all your scars
I think I might be falling in love with you
Your lips are soft I could kiss them all-day
It's not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a stronger person
Mmm you're so warm
You're cute when your half asleep like this
Please talk to me about his
I would've had breakfast ready but you were sleeping on my arm and didn't want to wake you up
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omoghouls · 5 years
Oh, sorry! Anon from last ask. I mean basically can you,, introduce me to the fandom, to the characters? I'm sorry if thats too much, you don't have to if you don't want to? I know the their names and stuff and honestly Klaus omo is starting to look good lmao. Me rant? Never,
Ooh!! I getcha thank you for clarifying ♡♡♡♡
So, I personally have not read the original comic books (where the show is based off, the comics are written by Gerard Way☆) but the show itself is currently on their first season (season 2 is on the way!) And only on Netflix 
The general plot of the show is about how, one day in the 1980s 43 women mysteriously all gave birth at the exact same time to babies that all have super powers! This billionaire named Reginald was amazed and tried to buy these children, and he got 7 of the 43 :^0 And those 7 were trained to be super heroes that helped in the city of the crimes.
So, each child has their own powers! Now, Reginald is one big ol piece of shit so he never named the children, save for numbers so the children named themselves,
Number one(aka; Luther) he has amazing strengths and can withstand the cold weather of space! He's kinda acted as designated leader, seems one dimensional due to his sorta dry personality 
Number two(aka; Diego) he has impeccable aim with anything he throws, it'll go directly where he wants it to go! He's chaotic and takes matters into his own hands (which, doesn't always end good)
Number three(Aka; Allison) she has the power of altering the truth and getting people to do as she says if she says "I heard a rumor." (She's somewhat narcissistic but does have a loving and caring gside!)
Number four(Aka; Klaus) he has the ability to talk and see the dead,,,which is constant, he always sees the dead (so, he starts taking drugs at a very young age to make the dead go away. Another chaotic one, quick witted and always ready to go (really cares about his siblings, has some real bad trauma)
Number five(aka; five,,,he never choose another name) his powers are time manipulation, he can go through time and teleport either to and from in a room or teleport to the future! Some snarky, personally you expect from an old man who has seen it all, curt and to the point with his actions
Number six(aka; Ben) his powers were that under his skin he had eldric horrors that could appear as giant, useable tentacles! Nor a spoiler since its said within the first few minutes of the first episode, he's dead but Klaus can see/talk to him. Soft boy, good boy, cares tremendously for Klaus and the others from beyond the grave.
Number seven(aka: Vanya) now, she is seen as just ordinary, no powers, however that is tested the futher the series goes (and I ain't gonna spoil that for ya🤭) Very anxious, kinda the outcast  black sheep of the family ;^;
SO basically, they all live together as kids, something  b a d  happens to Five and the time cuts to about 13nyears into the future when they're all adults. Reginald dies and it's a bit mysterious as to why. So the five living ones come back together after that long time away to hold a funeral for Reginald. That's when shit gets crazy, Five mysteriously returns from the very distant future and declares the world is going to end in a week from when he returned (aka; shits going down in a couple days and Five doesnt have long to catch everyone up!)
That's about all I can say without heading into spoiler territory! So far there are 10 episodes (all a bit over an hour long) 
Aaa that got kinda long but that's the fandom in a nut shell☆ and Klaus omo is always good omo nonny👀👀👀 I've got a few omo hcs around our spooky lil séance bab💖💖💖 Because he's just such a good omo victim omggggGG
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bella-ca · 6 years
Bound: A TRR AU
Mireya has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. I decided to name my MC. the Y/N= your name format was a little too impersonal for me. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer: All characters belong to choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death, underage drinking. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1571
Chapter 3
7 years ago
Before you could scream they attack. Alex pushes you out of the way as they descend. You scream seeing the wolves bite Alex. You hear Josh scream as one attacks him. You reach for your dagger pulling it from the holster. One of the wolves tries to bite you and you lash out with the dagger stabbing it. It howls as the dagger tears into the flesh, the wound starting to smoke and burn. You stab it again and it retreats running away with a howl. You run to Alex and stab at the beast. You managed to get stab it once before you feel the other one grab you and throw you against the wall. Your head hits the concrete wall pain erupting from your skull. You feel dizzy you touch your head and see blood on your hand. You grab the dagger right before the beast comes at you again. You stab it and it howls. It takes off. The other one growls at you before following the others. Once they are gone, You look and see Josh laying next to you dead. The look of fear still in his face. “Josh!” You scream crawling to him cradling his hand in your head. “No Josh please!” you scream looking for your phone. He’s already gone. You hear moaning and look over and see Alex still alive and bleeding out from a wound to the stomach. “Alex!” you scream running over. You grab your phone seeing that it was smashed in the attack. “Shit!” you yell. You place your hand on Alex’s stomach to try to stop the bleeding. “Reya..” He says coughing up blood. “No Alex dont talk.” you tell him. Tears running down your face. You grab his phone and dial 911. You tell them where you are and wait for them to arrive. “Help!” you scream. “Someone help!” “Reya..” you hear again looking down. “Shhh..I'm here you tell him. “You're okay? He asks. “Yes Alex I’m okay.” “I…..I…” he tries to talk coughing up more blood. “No Alex..stay with me dammit. Don't you leave me!!” you tell him tears streaming down your face. “Reya, I have to tell you.” He says looking into your eyes. “I...I...have always loved you. You are everything to me...even….even if you don't love me back.” He tells you tears streaming down his face. “I...I..just had to tell you before I...I….” “No damn you No!! This is not goodbye Alex!” You tell him “You can't leave me!” “I...I..love you Reya.” You bend down and kiss him gently on the lips. You hear sirens in the distance. “I love you too Alex...please, don’t leave me.” He gives you one last smile before closing his eyes forever.
You are in a daze as the police and ambulance find you in the alleyway. You can hear them asking you questions, but their sounds far away. All you can see is Alex and Josh dead in your mind. Alex confessing his love for you and closing his eyes. You don't even notice the paramedics talking to you. “She’s in shock.” You hear one of them say. Then the voices blur once again. You begin to feel dizzy unable to catch yourself. Then darkness.
You wake up in the hospital with your mom, dad, and sister at your side? “Mireya.” your mom says grabbing your hand. “Alex, Josh...where?” you start to say, then the events of the night flash thru your mind. You try to get up. Your head pounding. “No! Alex Josh!” You cry looking at your mom as you sob. “I’m so sorry Reya.,” your father tells you pulling you into a hug. “No!” You scream crying. You fight to get out of bed. “No!..I need to see them!” you say trying to get out of the hospital bed. “I’m sorry mija. They are gone. You need to take care of yourself.” your father tells you. “No!...It’s all my fault…” you tell them. “They died protecting me! It’s all my fault.” You break down in your mother's arms until exhaustion takes over and you cry yourself to sleep.
“Is she okay? Liam asks. “Yes she is fine. Her father gave her a silver dagger. She fought and wounded Nicolas and the women and they ran off.” Drake tells him. “I tried to warn her, but she didn’t listen.” He says rubbing his forehead. “You weren't supposed to warn her Drake. You weren't supposed to be seen.” Liam glares at him. Drake looks away rubbing his neck. “What of Nicolas and the women?” Liam asks. “I took care of the women. They will no longer be a problem, but Nicolas fled. I tracked him, but he hid himself well.” “He will be a problem.” Liam says taking a drink of scotch. “Keep looking. He needs to be stopped.” Liam tells Drake. Drake nods. “Does she know what she is?” Liam asks Drake. “I don’t think so.” She has not left her home since the funerals. Liam nods. “Keep me informed Drake. “Once she knows her legacy she could become a problem for us.” “Will do” Drake tells Liam before heading out. Liam sighs. He had heard of the prophecy, the one who would put an end to all of his kind. He never thought it would be a reality. The more he hears about this woman and her heightened abilities, the more he believes that the prophecy is true. She would either destroy or unite his kind for the better good. He had yet to meet her or see her, for fear he might imprint. He has heard stories of how beautiful this woman was and how one look would make him want to protect and even love her. Drake already broke protocol by warning her of the attack. He was supposed to watch her and not reveal himself to her, but he couldn’t help himself around her. If his greatest warrior couldn’t resist her, then Liam knew he had to be strong. There might be a chance that he would have to kill this woman himself in order to save his kind. He needed to be the one strong enough to save his people. All he can do is hope she would understand and that it wouldn’t come to that. He paces back and forth. He needs to run. He waits until dark and then shifts to his wolf form. He runs thru the forest his mind on this woman and the prophecy that was foretold.
It's been two weeks since Alex and Josh’s funeral. You told the police everything you knew and they looked at you like you were crazy. They said it was probably wild wolves that attacked you but you knew better. The police confiscated your fake ID and wrote you a ticket. They did not give you jail time due to the deaths of your friends and left it up to your parents on how to punish you. Your parents put you under house arrest. You took a leave of absence from your job. You spent your days locked in your room staring at photos of your two best friends. You spent most of your time on the computer researching everything you could on werewolves. Your parents and sister did their best to console you but it was no use. You had managed to get ahold of a bottle of liquor from your parents stash and drank it to numb the pain. Your father had finally had enough and dragged you to the basement when your sister and mom were away for a weekend. “Mireya, we need to talk. This had to stop.” He tells you “Dad, I know but they were my best friends. They died because of me.” you tell him tears falling from your eyes. Your father sighed giving you a hug. “I wanted to talk to you about the attack.” “What about it? “You asked him “I believe you.” He says looking straight into your eyes. “What do you mean?” You ask him. “I believe you about the werewolves.” He tells you. “You...you do?” You ask. “Why do you think I gave you that specific dagger?” He asks you. “It was pure silver. Why do you think the werewolves ran away. Silver is one of the few things that can harm them.” You eyes grew wide taking in your father’s words. “He walks over to a statue in the corner of the room. He reaches behind it and pushes a button you had no idea was there. The wall slides open revealing an array of pure silver weapons from knives to guns, silver bullets and the like. You see a row of books on one side with the name Lycanthrope. You walk over to the hidden room. “What is all this? You ask your father. “Well for starters, It has to do with my job.” He tells you. You look at him surprised. “I am a bodyguard yes, but not the kind you think. I protect people...from werewolves. We come from a long line of hunters. Werewolf hunters.” You look at your father speechless. Your father looks at you with a grin. “I have been training you since you were sixteen for this moment. It’s time you knew about the family business.”
Chapter 4
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
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