#why does he burp him like a baby
suitsofarmour · 9 months
robots that are friends and hug ueue
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sugurizz · 7 months
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐬, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐬, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐬 ✧ Feat. JJK MEN
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ── Jjk Men in their -real- Daddy era. (Am I secretly having a baby fever LMAOO)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 ── fluffy stuff, pure wholesomeness and affectionate dads.
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𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢
It's safe to say that sometimes you're raising two babies - only one of them is a big buff pouty one.
Daddy Toji sneaks to the kitchen in the middle of the night, leaving you both sleeping in your shared bedroom and then slowly closes the door. He promised himself he'd only take one *unnoticeable* spoon of your newborn's baby formula but ends up stuffing his face with the forbidden powder in the heat of the moment. He tries his best to hide his tracks by shoving the tin somewhere far in the cupboard.
He *oddly* always makes sure to be the one preparing his baby's bottle the next day - 'Oh darling, don'tcha move a muscle...I'll be right back with our baby's breakfast!'
You smile and raise a brow, already suspecting something. Daddy Toji is not much of a morning person. much less when it comes to baby chores...
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
Gojo is always there whenever you change your baby's diaper. He keeps laughing and giggling like a 6 year old, curiously learning from his baby momma how to take care of his little child. His sky blue eyes are staring at your skilled hands, handling your precious little one with infinte care. He keeps smiling in awe, chuckling every time your baby farts and making the funniest faces just to make them giggle.
He takes a million pictures of his baby every day; we're talking his whole camera roll is just his baby's face, cutesy hands, tiny feet, smiling, eating, sleeping on daddy's chest, drooling on his shoulder...the list never ends.
His baby looks so smol when he holds it in his huge hands. He has to bend all the way down just so he could pick them up cause obviously my dude is the tallest man ever.
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢
He'd take full care of your newborn just to see you rest and relax. He told you to teach him everything he needs to know so that he'd be perfectly fit for his new -and best ever- occupation; your baby father. He's got however only one pet peeve; getting his little one to burp after feeding them.
The reason? He was doing it once, holding the baby while gently patting its back...until he suddenly felt a warm liquid slithering down his shirt - the expensive one you dearly gifted him on your wedding anniversary- and to his surprise it was none other than his little one's vomit dripping down his shoulder...
Now he makes sure you hold a napkin behind him whenever he does it.
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨
He's by far the chillest Daddy EVER. Carries his little one whenever he goes. Gets super jealous when your baby starts calling for you, or wants you to hold them instead of him. He's determined to make them say 'daddy' first, but deep down knows it'd melt his heart when he sees the little version of him utter mommy's name for the first time.
Staying awake at night putting his baby to sleep just so you can get your full nightly rest is something he'd never miss out on. He hates seeing you tired or sleepy and puts both of your needs before anything else.
Daddy Geto is always calm and smiley, no matter how much mess his baby makes or how long it'd take for him to clean it up - sometimes makes you seriously wonder how he manages to be so damn chill all the time.
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚
For a husband twice your size with four arms and eyes he sure should take most care of your little offspring - He does tbf - His baby is always laying somewhere on his body or at least near him; sleeping against his chest, nibbling on his thumb, drooling on the side of his shoulder or sitting on his huge lap.
He's got a 6th sense whenever it comes to his baby being hungry, thirsty, sleepy or needing anything at all. Instantly knows the reason why his little one is crying and most of the time is very quick to make them happy again.
Absolutely hates poopie smell and calls them a brat whenever he senses their diaper getting heavier. 'Aggh you little runt!' You can't help laughing at him getting overwhelmed with such a tiny thing and start teasing him over it.
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐭𝐚
There's nothing that Yuuta loves more than children. He has always wanted to have kids and couldn't wait to create his very first and own one with you. He's in LOVE with seeing you taking care of them; almost admiring every move and every word you say. He smiles like an idiot whenever he sees you holding your baby, breastfeeding them, playing with them or even laying next to them.
His favorite game is to hide somewhere in the house and let his little one look for him. He does it so suddenly and quickly, leaving them puzzled with big round eyes - comes out of his hideaway when they start sobbing and laughs at their little red nose and pouty cheeks.
'Aww why is my little cupcake cryiiing?...Daddy's right here!'
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thebearer · 4 days
Mama and sugar doing bonding time. Maybe they leave the kids with Pete and Carmy and they go for a spa day and gossip
pete and carmy bonding time?? i'll cackle rn. i had to make it a blurb.
"Why does Pete have to come over here?" Carmen grumbles, burping Willow on his shoulder. You can see his sulking expression in the reflection of the vanity's mirror, rolling your eyes at his dramatics.
"You could've gone over there." You give him a pointed look, pulling your wedding ring and band out of the small jewelry dish.
"No," Carmen huffs. "I didn't plan on seeing Pete at all."
"Carmen," You hiss, giving a pointed look at Teddy, who's currently playing on your phone. "He's your brother-in-law." Carmen huffs. "Your children's uncle."
Carmen frowns, faltering under your unimpressed glare. "But... Baby, it's Pete."
"And he's always been lovely and kind and very supportive of you." You snap, rolling your eyes. "Honestly, Carmen, I don't know where this whole Pete hate thing comes from, but it's embarrassing."
"It's not hate." Carmen corrects quickly, following you into the closet. "It's just... You know how he is. He's just got that- I dunno he's just Pete."
"Pete treats your sister wonderful, treats his babies wonderful, treats our babies wonderful, treats your family wonderful, treats you wond-"
"-Alright, alright." Carmen huffs.
You frown at him, slipping on your shoes. "We'll be gone for a few hours. You can survive being cordial and nice with Pete for the sake of Teddy." You knew it was a low blow, using Teddy like that, but it was one you knew would work. "She loves playing with MJ and Maggie. You're going to deprive her of seeing her cousins because you think Pete's annoying?"
"No," Carmen said fiercely, defensively. "I never said that. I just said I'm not lookin' forward to it just bein' me and Pete. I don't," Carmen paused, looking down at Willow to avoid your gaze. "I don't know how to talk to him sometimes."
You smile softly, walking over to him, your hand sliding over his on Willow's back. "Baby, Pete talks enough for the both of you." You tease lightly, head tipping up to catch his lips in a sweet kiss. "Just talk to him about the restaurant, about New York, you know he just wants to talk to you."
The doorbell saved Carmen from answering, Teddy's screech and bounding feet interrupting you both. You frowned, stepping into the hall, shouting a warning at Teddy before you followed her to the front door.
Carmen looked down at Willow, the sounds of his niece and nephews mixing withe Pete's and Sugar's floated into the house. "Carm's burping Willow, but he should be here in a second." You said sweetly. His heart swelled at your covering for him, like second nature, like you knew what he needed before he did, giving him a few more minutes to mentally prepare and calm his anxieties.
"Carm! We're leaving!" Sugar yelled, her voice echoing down the hall. "I'm stealing your wife for the whole day, so you better come say bye!"
Carmen rolled his eyes, pressing his nose into Willow's hair. She still had that sweet baby smell lingering with the powdery baby lotion your lathered her in. He walked down the hall, turning into the kitchen where the three adults stood.
"Hey," Pete grinned widely. "You ready for this, Carm? Just the dudes today. Boys day- Well, I mean Teddy and Willow and Maggie. B-But just the dads today!" He rambled a little nervous, a little excited.
Carmen could feel your glare on him, letting his lips curl in a smile. "Yeah, we got it." He nodded at Pete. "You guys go have a good time."
You looked at him carefully. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Carmen nodded, lips brushing your cheek lightly. "You got my card?" He nodded at your purse. "Go have a day. You deserve it." He turned to Pete, a hint of a grimace that he tried to swallow down. "The dudes got it."
Pete cheered, your lips curling in a bright smile. "Thank you," You muttered, pressing a kiss to Willow's head. "I'll have my phone if you need me."
"Except when we're in the massage and the facial." Sugar glared at you lightly.
"I've got it." Carmen nods, reassuring you sweetly. "We've got it." He nodded at Pete, who beamed with excitement. "Go have fun."
"We will." Sugar pulled you towards the door. "Take care of my babies! Bye!"
Carmen sat in an slightly tense silence with Pete, the kids squealing in the other room, Willow yawning ready for her nap. Pete tapped his hands rhythmically on the counter. "Dad's day, amiright?"
Carmen fought back a cringe, rocking Willow. "Dad's day." He nodded, knowing Mikey was rolling in his grave with laughter right now.
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corroded-hellfire · 6 months
Merry and Bright - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish story
Collaboration with the marshmallows to my hot chocolate @munson-blurbs 💝
Summary: It's Eliza's first Christmas, and even though she may not have a clue what's going on, the rest of the Munson family have fun introducing her to their traditions.
Note: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, and have a safe and cheerful whatever it is you celebrate!
Words: 4.3k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eliza’s usual 6am feeding has you and Eddie awake before the boys on Christmas morning for the first time ever. Their 11-week-old sister has them beat for the earliest riser this holiday. 
Both of you sleepy-eyed as usual, you and Eddie slip into your daughter’s nursery and close the door behind you so her cries don’t wake her brothers. As soon as she sees you, she calms down because she knows the routine by now. You show up when she cries? Eliza gets food. 
You walk over and peer into her crib, Eddie stepping up behind you and slipping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. Eliza’s tears dry as she stares up at you and her father, her eyes wide like his. 
“Merry Christmas, Eliza,” Eddie says. 
“Happy first Christmas, sweetheart,” you echo. 
She clearly has no idea what you’re saying, but the way she’s looking at you makes you think that she’s thinking: Why are you just standing there smiling at me? Did you not hear the crying? Do you not know what time it is? Where is my food, lady?
You pick her up, clad in her green pajamas dotted with snowflakes and Santa Claus on them. The very same pajamas you, Eddie, Ryan, and Luke are all wearing. When you came up with the idea of matching family pajamas, you weren’t entirely serious until the boys backed you up. Whether they were truly into it or were just going along because they knew their dad would hate it, you have no idea. But Eddie grumbled and agreed, and once it’s just the two of you, declared that you are the only person in the whole world that he would do this for. 
Eddie goes to the window and pulls back the pink curtains with the white polka dots while you settle into the rocking chair with your baby. 
“Wow,” Eddie says as he looks outside. “It must’ve snowed the whole night. Everything is white.”
“Hear that, Eliza?” you coo as she begins to drink. “Your very first Christmas is a white Christmas. I think your brothers are going to have some fun outside later. Maybe we’ll go out and join them.”
Eddie looks over his shoulder at you. “Does she have enough clothes to layer up and go outside in this?”
“Enough clothes?” you ask with a chuckle. “Between the baby shower, Max and Nancy giving us some of their old baby clothes, and what we and the boys bought? I think she has enough layers to look like the Michelin Man.”
“Oh, but look at those rolls,” Eddie says in that baby-talk that’s pretty rare for him. He grins and kneels down next to the two of you in the rocker. “She already looks like the Michelin Man.”
There’s no denying Eliza’s rolls around her wrists and knees and ankles are absolutely the most adorable thing ever. And there is most definitely a long list of adorable things about Eliza. 
Once Eliza is done eating, you burp her—and she gives you one her father is quite proud of—and change her diaper, then you head out into the hallway and it’s time to wake the boys. 
Eddie walks into Luke’s room and heavily plops down on the mattress, making the ten-year-old bounce. He’s usually a pain to wake up in the morning, but Christmas is an exception. 
Luke rouses with a sleepy laugh and rubs at his eyes. “Present time?” he asks.
“I dunno,” Eddie casually replies, shrugging his shoulders as though the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. “You think Santa came this year? I haven’t checked the tree yet.”
“And why wouldn’t he come?” you ask from the doorway, holding Eliza. Luke glances over at you and grins; you return his gesture in a silent I’ve got your back. 
Eddie, meanwhile, is dead set on provoking him. “Oh, come on,” he scoffs, “Luke had to have made the naughty list.”
Luke playfully lunges at his dad, who catches him and swings him over his own body to let his son land on the floor. 
“Nice try,” Eddie says. “But you’ll never beat me.”
When you let out a snort of laughter from where you’re standing, Eddie raises his eyebrows at you. 
You innocently raise your shoulders and walk across the hall to Ryan’s room. He’s a bit easier to wake up than his younger brother, though he’s started to fit the teenage stereotype of sleeping in late.  
“Oh my God, it snowed! A lot!” you hear Luke shout from his room, which makes you chuckle. “It’s like Antarctica!”
You can practically hear Eddie playfully rolling his eyes. “Yeah, bud. We’ll see a penguin waddle by in a sec.”
Ryan is already awake from all the chaos. He’s slightly grumpy from his unconventional wake-up call, but he smiles as soon as he stumbles into the hallway and scoops Eliza from your arms. 
“Merry Christmas, baby sis!” he coos. You notice that his pajamas barely reach his ankles even though you’d only bought them a few weeks ago. “You ready to see what Santa brought this year?”
As anticipated, Eliza says nothing, but you unanimously agree that she’s excited for presents. 
The five of you head to the family room to see multiple gift piles under the meticulously decorated tree. 
Luke points at the biggest pile near the front, blue eyes wide. “Who’s that for?”
“Eliza,” you tell him as you ruffle his curls. “Mostly from you and Ryan, I’d wager.” 
The boys had wanted to spoil their new sister with heaps of presents; you had to continually remind them that she’ll quickly grow out of any clothes and won’t be playing with toys for a few more months. Eddie had to keep reminding them that they were technically spending his money on the baby. He’d found it nearly impossible to say no to them, his heart swelling with pride that he’d raised such thoughtful—if not rambunctious—young men. 
Luke and Ryan get down on the floor, while you and Eddie sit down on the couch with the baby. 
“So, this is how we do it, Eliza,” Luke tells his sister, as if she will grasp any of what he’s saying. “Ryan picks up a present, reads who it’s to and from, then he gives it to me, and I give it to whoever’s it is.” It’s a tradition they’d started before Luke learned how to read, but it’s stuck throughout the years. 
Eliza lets out a few puffs of air that Luke takes as confirmation that she understands.  
“She gets me,” he says simply.
“Or,” Eddie teases, “she can’t tell which one of you is Ryan and which one of you is Luke in these ridiculous matching pajamas.” 
The four of you take turns opening Eliza’s presents for her. Each time a new one is opened you try to get her attention to show it to her, but she rarely cares. Eddie’s curls start to be more of interest to her than anything anyone else is doing. 
Whenever Luke or Ryan open them for her, they get really excited and hype their sister up about whatever it is that she got.
“Wow, Eliza! Look at this dress!” Luke says as he picks it up and shows her. “It has Princess Ariel on it! I bet you’re going to love the princesses.”
“Ooh, Eliza! Look at these!” Ryan shakes the oversized keyring with the pastel-colored plastic keys hanging from it. “You can drive Dad’s car with these.”
“I’d let her drive it before I let either of you two menaces behind the wheel.”
Eventually, Eliza’s pile is depleted, and the boys open their own presents. Ironically, they were more enthused for Eliza’s, though their new Game Boys are an absolute hit. There was eventually a gift that Eliza seemed to be enthralled with though. The only thing that really caught her attention was the shininess of a new watch that Eddie got from Luke. She wanted to put it directly in her mouth, but Eddie stopped her as Luke warned that he wasn’t sure if it was water proof or not. 
Once presents are done, Eddie cleans up the variety of wrapping paper while you dress Eliza in her Christmas candy cane outfit. This outfit Eddie picked out. It seemed only fair since you practically forced him into the pajamas. 
It’s nap time for Eliza, so you settle her down while the boys go through their new gifts. The clothes they received only got a once over while the toys and video games were more heavily scrutinized. 
After Luke makes his rounds through his toys, he notices how much snow has built up on the ground.
“Whaaaat?” Eddie mimics as he walks in the room.
Luke walks over and gives his dad an over the top smile—a telltale sign that he wants something.
“Wanna go play in the snoooow?”
Eddie pretends to consider the question even though he’s been waiting for one of the boys to ask all day. He’s still a kid at heart and has been dying to get out there and mess around. 
“I guess I could go for kicking your asses in a snowball fight.”
“Luke and I can take you, old man!” Ryan says.
“Two against one? Huh. Babe? Wanna come be on my team?”
“Sorry, hot stuff,” you say as you stroll in from the kitchen. “Then who would be here to get little Miss Eliza up from her nap and get her all bundled up for the snow?”
Eddie suddenly looks a bit more serious. “She’s going to have to have a lot of layers.”
“Really? Because I was going to bring her out in just her diaper.” You can’t help but chuckle at Eddie’s protectiveness and lean up to press a kiss to his lips. “Don’t worry. She’ll have so many layers she’ll look like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.”
The three men get all layered up and you get comfortable in a cozy chair near the window with a mug of hot chocolate to watch their shenanigans unfold. The boys go to one side of the yard and start making snowballs while Eddie goes to the other side. Your husband makes a little snow barrier that he can crouch behind before he starts making his snowball supply. 
“Teach these kids to call me old,” he mumbles to himself. 
Eddie quickly throws a snowball that hits the back of Luke’s head before he ducks back behind his wall. Eddie tries to control his laughter, but it keeps coming out in hot puffs of breath that he can see float away from his mouth.
“What the?!” Luke shouts, looking all around. “How’d he do that?”
Eddie chuckles to himself as he creates more ammunition. These amateurs. 
You look on in amusement as the three of them commence in all-out war. Eddie clearly gets the better of them, which you can tell he’s secretly proud of. Or not-so-secretly as he sticks his tongue out at them and taunts them. You’d swear you were the one in this relationship who is older by a decade, not him. 
After a while of running around, your sons and husband fall into a pile in the middle of the yard, obviously tired from so much exertion. You giggle as you watch them try and catch their breaths; Luke literally reaching up with his gloved hands to swipe at the condensation his huffing and puffing is causing. 
Luke is the first one up and starts tugging on his dad’s coat sleeve to pull him up too. Ryan is the next one up, then finally Eddie. It takes you a couple of minutes to figure out what they’re doing at first. It looks like they’re just moving piles of snow around with no rhyme or reason. 
Just as you’ve put together that they’re trying to build an igloo, you hear Eliza’s cries coming from her room. You get up from your warm cocoon on the chair and wander into Eliza’s nursery where she’s whining for attention.
“What’s all the fuss about?” you ask as you scoop her up. “It’s Christmas. Didn’t anyone tell you there’s no crying on Christmas?”
Eliza’s only response is a tiny sneeze that makes you giggle.
“God bless you. Now, let’s see how many layers of clothes we can put on you before you’re as good as bubble wrapped.”
When you open the back door, both you and your daughter bundled up tightly against the cold, the igloo looks like it had some architectural issues. Eddie pushes himself off the ground and comes over to the two of you. 
“Look at my girls. So cute in all your layers.” He presses a kiss to your nose, which gives you a shiver.  
“Your lips are freezing!” you exclaim, scrunching your face. 
“What do you expect?” Eddie asks with a laugh. “Igloo construction is very serious work that can only be done in these dire weather conditions.”
A few snowflakes fall onto Eliza’s pale pink coat, and she blinks at them in confusion before they melt away. 
“How is the construction crew doing?” you ask, nodding to the boys and their building, snow stuck to their gloves like Velcro. 
“Some structural problems,” Eddie shrugs. “Definitely inhabitable, but I don’t have the heart to break it to them.” He brushes his gloves onto his jacket and holds his arms out towards Eliza. “Come here, you.”
He takes her, snuggling her to his chest, and walks over to where the boys are working tirelessly. Crouching down, he lets Eliza’s legs hang down so her booted up little feet are on the snowy ground.  
“Hey, ‘Liza,” Luke chirps. “We’re making a house out of snow.”
“It’s not going too well,” Ryan adds under his breath. 
His brother scowls. “She doesn’t know that!” he hisses. 
Eliza’s eyes track the snowflakes falling down around her. 
“You like the snow, huh?” Eddie asks her, kissing the tiniest sliver of exposed forehead beneath her fuzzy hood. 
A chunk of the attempted igloo comes off in Ryan’s hands and he lets out a defeated sigh. “You wanna try some snow?” he asks Eliza just as you walk over to join them. He breaks off the snow into a small chunk and holds it up near Eliza’s lips. She only stares at it for a second before Eddie helps her lean in and she opens her mouth, just as she does when she’s trying to eat. 
The moment the coldness touches her lips, Eliza turns her head and curls her hands towards her face, making the rest of you laugh.
“Cold, huh?” Ryan chuckles, tossing aside the snow that Eliza hasn’t consumed. 
“All right,” Eddie says as he stands up, shifting his daughter in his arms. “I don’t know about you boys, but my butt is pretty numb. What do you say we head inside?”
Both boys whine, even though you can tell by their chattering teeth that they’re getting a bit cold themselves. 
“How’s hot chocolate sound?” you add.
That gets both boys up and headed towards the back door. Eddie walks ahead of you with Eliza, and you shuffle towards him so you can whisper in his ear. 
“If you can’t feel your ass, maybe I could feel it for you?” Your lips curl into a smirk. 
Eddie turns to face you. “Why, Mrs. Munson, how very naughty of you.” His kiss lingers in a way that tells you to expect a special gift the moment you two are truly alone. 
It takes a few minutes for everyone to peel off their wet clothes. Eddie and Ryan work on throwing the snow-soaked pants and socks into the dryer while you recruit Luke to help a freshly warmed Eliza into her swing in the living room so you can make hot chocolate. 
Luke buckles the straps over Eliza’s red and white outfit and turns the swing on the lowest setting. It gently sways her back and forth from left to right, which is usually her favorite thing in the world, but her tiny cries warn that she is not amused. 
“Hey, what’s the whining about?” Luke asks, frowning at his fussy sister. 
Eliza squeals and throws her little arms up as much as she’s able to as though purposely acting in defiance. 
Luke immediately springs into action. “No, no!” He scrambles for an idea. “Here, watch me, Eliza!”
He starts to do an overexaggerated jig in front of her and sings I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.
“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. I don't want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy. I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy!”
Eliza stops her crying and just stares at her older brother as he continues his impromptu performance. 
“I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs. Oh, what joy and what surprise. When I open up my eyes to see my hippo hero standing there!”
Watching the mini concert from the kitchen, you notice that Eliza is mesmerized by her brother; the look on her face reads, “what the hell are you doing?”, but you’re not going to question whatever it is that’s quieted her down—even if it means being subjected to one of the most irritating holiday songs in existence. 
“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. No crocodiles, or rhinoceroseses. I only like hippopotamuseses. And hippopotamuses like me too!”
Successfully distracted, the baby makes spit bubbles and flaps her arms. Luke feels that he’s done his job, and he gives a small bow. 
Luke finishes imagining the applause his baby sister so obviously wants to give him when Eddie comes into the living room carrying two mugs full of steaming hot chocolate.
“Hey, Timberlake. Here’s your drink.”
You and Ryan are right behind him as you carefully balance your own drinks, giggling at each other as you check on one another’s progress from the corner of your eyes. It’s almost a game to see if one of you will spill a few drops before the other.
Luke plops down in the chair you had been sitting in while watching the boys outside and Ryan settles in on the loveseat. You take advantage of your husband sitting alone on the couch to cuddle up to his side. Eddie settles one arm over your shoulders and brings his Metallica mug to his lips with his other hand. Taking care to hold your “Meowy Christmas” mug dotted in adorable kittens in both of your hands, you rest your head on his shoulder. Your eyes admire the cup that Luke gave you last year for Christmas before they drift over to your daughter comfortably rocking in her swing. 
Her large eyes move from family member to family member, as if wondering what you’re all doing. You imagine her holding her own little mug-shaped bottle to join in with the rest of you and you let out a soft giggle at the thought.
“What, baby?” Eddie asks softly.
“Nothing,” you say with a shake of your head. “Just look at our little girl. Watching all of us.”
Eddie smiles when he looks over and his daughter’s gaze locks on his. He feels as if one more ounce of happiness was pumped into his heart it would explode. The room is still and quiet, but Eliza continues to look on as the four of you warm up by drinking the confectionary delight. 
By the time the four of you have emptied your mugs, Eliza is fast asleep in her swing. Eddie presses a kiss to your temple, and you take his empty cup as he rises to his feet. He walks over, slowly stops the rocking, and scoops Eliza up. She lets out a little sigh as Eddie resituates her in his arms; her classic sign of contentment when she knows she’s safe in her daddy’s care. He carries the sleeping infant into her room and lays her down in her crib. 
“Sweet dreams, sweet pea.”
An hour later, the buzzer rings. 
Wayne’s on the other side of the door, two pizza boxes in hand. Since Eliza is still so little and requires almost all of your energy, there isn’t a fancy meal this year, but no one seems to mind. 
The Munson patriarch sets the food on the table, opening the boxes to reveal pepperoni & green peppers atop each pie. “Christmas colors,” he announces proudly. 
Eddie pops a Christmas album into the CD player as you all gather around the table and eat. By some miracle, Luke and Ryan manage to take their slices without fighting over the bigger one, and you thank your lucky stars. 
No sooner do you sit down and lift your own slice to your lips, Eliza’s cry bleats through the baby monitor. You instinctively start to stand, but Wayne puts a gentle hand out to stop you. 
“I got it,” he assures you, walking into the room where Eliza lays in her crib. 
“You’re the cutest candy cane I’ve ever seen!” you hear him exclaim as he lifts her to carry her back out to the kitchen.
He takes his seat next to Luke, who holds his slice in the baby’s direction, a glob of sauce plopping onto the floor. 
“Eliza, you want some pizza?” He pretends to bring it to her mouth before he pulls back and cackles. “Aahh, just kidding!”
The tiny baby manages to stay awake for the entirety of dinner, but by the end of dessert, she’s starting to get cranky again. 
When it’s time to clear the table, Eddie stands up and stretches his arms high over his head. And so what if your gaze drifted to the pale expanse of his stomach that it showed? 
“Come on, men,” Eddie says. “Let’s get this place looking ship-shaped.”
“You sure you weren’t the one in the military?” Wayne asks with a husky laugh. He hands you the baby who is only getting fussier by the second.
“I think it’s time for some jammies,” you say as you hold her against your chest. Her whines and whimpers in return sound like a disagreement, so you can only imagine what her backtalk will be like when she can speak. 
“Not fair,” Luke says with a huff as you move to leave the dining room. You turn around and raise an eyebrow at him.
“What’s not fair?” you ask.
“You don’t have to clean,” he says as he picks up the bowl of mashed potatoes that is now so empty it looks as if it’s been licked clean. It wouldn’t surprise you if it was, honestly. 
“Do you want to try and get Miss Crankypants into her pajamas? Then to bed?” you ask.
“No,” Luke admits with a groan and brings the empty dishes into the kitchen.
“That’s what I thought,” you say to Eliza as you carry her down the hall to her room. 
It’s time for the annual tradition of watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas, but Eliza still hasn’t gone to sleep. You’re not sure how long you’ve been trying to soothe her to sleep, but it feels like it’s been hours. You tell the guys to start watching it without you as you start to walk throughout the house with your fussy daughter in your arms. The rocking motion of walking tends to have a calming effect on her. Hasn’t worked so far, but it’s worth another shot.
“Come on, sweetie,” you beg her. “You had a big day. You must be so tired.”
She continues her protests, so you hold her closer to your chest, her green elf pajamas soft in your hands. On your fourth lap of the house, you pass by the living room again but there’s music coming from the television this time.
Eliza stops her fussing at the sound. The scene ends and Eliza starts to act up again, so you take another lap around the house. Once more back at the living room, there’s music and again she calms down. 
“Hmm…” you hum to yourself.
Testing your theory, you sit at the edge of the couch and keep your firm hold on Eliza. The music continues as Eliza calms all the way down. This time, she’s calmed enough that you can sit back on the couch and enjoy the show with your family. Every time a scene with music comes on, Eliza gets happier and even gives you a smile that you’re pretty sure had nothing to do with gas.
“You like the music, huh?” you ask your daughter softly. 
“Making her daddy proud,” Eddie says, throwing a wink your way. 
Not much later, Eliza falls asleep, and it allows you to watch the rest of the program with your family. When it’s time for bed, the boys each get up and press a soft kiss to their sister’s forehead. Once they’ve gone to brush their teeth, you bring Eliza into her room, Eddie right behind you. You gently lay her down and Eddie snakes his arms around your waist from behind. Both of you look down at your daughter, her little pink lips parted as her chest moves up and down with her steady breathing. The soft downy hairs on her head are starting to get a curl to them and you smile at the thought of her having hair like your husband.
Eddie presses a kiss to your cheek and rests his chin on your shoulder so he can look down at the sleeping girl as well.
“We made a cute baby,” Eddie says softly.
“The cutest,” you agree. 
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miikapie · 4 months
Your boyfriend Choso gives you scary dog privileges!!
cw:.. Choso x fem!reader, reader gets harassed by a creep at the bar:(, bad grammar as always. this is literally just me barfing up an idea because i love the idea of choso protecting reader from weirdos!!
Along with his resting bitch face, his tall stature makes strangers shiver. Whether that be in a bar, out on a nighttime walk, or in the city. Aslong as Choso is not even two paces away from you you're practically untouchable!
Its amazing, ofcourse, he keeps away weirdos with just a glare, sending them running in the opposite direction. You think that's fantastic obviously!! You'll have no need to invest in self defense classes when Choso is around you 24/7! Well, he can't be around you all the time...
You were sat on the high stool of the bar, waiting for your boyfriend to come back from the bathroom. Specifically he placed his black bomber jacket on the seat beside you to silently let it be known to anyone who even thought of approaching you that there was already someone sitting there.
You sat twirling the cocktail drink with the little paper umbrella your bartender had given to you in the meantime while you wait for your lovely boyfriend to return.
It was a rare night for you both. Usually, nights like this were spent on the couch together, while you scratched his scalp softly like a (not so) little puppy. Well, he was your puppy afterall!!
As you sat daydreaming innocently about your sweet boyfriend to distract yourself from the bustling atmosphere of the bar, a particularly tragic attempt at a suave voice made itself known beside you.
"Hello, cutie~" A waft of alcohol hit your face like a brick, originating where the voice came from.
It was a drunk guy, leaning on the table beside you. His eyes hung low, shamelessly checking you out, and his hair was a greasy bird's-nest. You almost gagged at how fucking badly he smelled.
"What're you doin' here all by yourself?" He slurred, a burp following suit as he moved closer to you. "Shouldn't a woman like you be in my bed? hmmmm?" And jesus fucking christ, you wished your boyfriend would hurry up in that damn washroom.
"I uh.. im here with my boyfriend." You reply with a deadpan, slightly leaning away from the man who was inches away from your face.
"What boyfriend, baby?" He cackled "I don't see no man with you..hmmmm?" And you swear you could puke just from how putrid his breath was.
His filthy hands come in contact with a lock of your hair, and he inched impossibly closer to you, whispering. "Me, you, my bed, tonight. How does that sound?"
"No. I- Choso, there you are!" You smiled, catching eyes of your boyfriend making his way through the crowds that separated like the red sea infront of him- some people marvelling at how intimidating he was, and some cowering.
A small smile resonated on his features before he caught eyes of the creep right beside you. He saw the nervousness in your eyes and knew immediately that you did not know this guy.
The smile dropped immediately, as he locked eyes with the creep beside you.
He stood just a foot away from the stranger, as he let go of your hair and stared up at your-quite frankly-terrifying boyfriend, gulping audibly. You saw a drop of sweat fall down his forehead.
"Thats my seat." His voice, usually softer in tone, dropped an octave as he subconsciously grit his teeth infront of the man. You watched along like a giddy child on christmas day opening their gifts.
"Beside my girlfriend." He stated plainly, venom laced through his words. Now you could see why strangers cowered under the gaze of your other half.
The creep could quite obviously be seen scrambling around his empty head for an explanation to your boyfriend. You held back a snicker and took a gulp of your drink.
"Get out of here. Never approach her again." Shaking his head, your boyfriends eyebrows furrowed.
The man nodded haphazardly and scuffled swiftly away into the dense crowd to get far, far away from Choso. After his sharp eyes followed the man making his way out of the bar, he finally sat beside you awkwardly. You couldn't stifle the giggle in your throat any longer and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
He looked down to you, a small sigh leaves his lips.
"Im s-"
"Choso, dont apologize" Predicting exactly what he was gonna say. choso was a softie at heart, and knowing him, you knew he was gonna blame it on himself- even though he wasn't there.
"But I wasn't there, so its my fault." aaand there he goes! You roll your eyes in response with a smile, classic Choso.
"Its not your fault, Cho. I promise you. I could feel someone was eyeing me up for a while, I guess he was just waiting for you to leave."
Your eyes met his, and he looked a little bashful. he always looked bashful when your eyes met.
"Hes a scumbag." He spat quietly, looking away from you. A laugh erupted from your chest, making him smile. You always made him smile. Your manicured hand rested beside his on the wooden table.
His shoulders slumped a little and he nodded. It seems you guys wont be going to the bar anytime soon, instead opting to spend now 100% of your nights curled up on the couch together, where no creeps could harass you!
"Al..alright then, i believe you." Were the words that leaves his lips, his larger pinky finger wrapping around yours for mutual comfort.
Fascinating, really, how your boyfriend barely has to say a couple of words and hes sent a creep running out of the door. If only everyone knew him like you did- for what he really was.
It doesnt bother him at all, actually. he likes it. He finds a sense of pride in it, being able to protect you from any unwanted attention without having to lift a finger. He feels content devoting himself to loving and protecting you.
And if he had a say in it, he'd continue doing both for forever, for you.♡
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loneliestluvr · 4 months
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cassian head-canons:
newborn edition ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
☾ has definitely accidentally tasted your breastmilk. and then purposely because he was curious to why it didn’t taste as weird as he thought. then you caught him and got mad and he got scared shitless because you do not mess around about your supply.
☾ does skin to skin with the babe everyday to give you time for yourself to do whatever you want with. mostly so you always have a time slot to rely on being free cause he wants you to be able to feel like your own person still. he also genuinely enjoys it because he loves talking to the baby and just telling them random stuff like how pretty their momma is.
☾ refuses to let you do anything. fr worse than rhys was before nyx. doesn’t let you lift a finger, changes almost every diaper for you so you can just relax and rest because he says “you already did so much of the work” and that it’s his turn to return the favor.
☾ will thank you everytime he watches you interact with the babe for bringing them into the world. he makes everything so easy for you so all you do is smile at him and he tries to refrain himself from saying “if you keep smiling like that, i’m gonna give you another one” but you can always read it on his face and it makes you giggle.
☾ does not let anyone at the house for the first two weeks simply out of respect for you. you expressed your want to be comfortable in a routine before having anyone over so he gladly took on the role of rejecting people at the door.
☾ gets up with you in the middle of the night when you have to breastfeed so you’re not alone and wipes away your tears when you get frustrated the babe won’t latch. he’ll take them from you, with permission, to give you a little break and he’ll try and soothe the babe and then bring them back. when they eventually do nurse he just strokes your hair and says, “see? they just needed a minute to wake up, baby.”
☾ then, he’ll burp the babe for you so you can get back to sleep and rocks them until they succumb too.
let me know if you want more :)
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henneseyhoe · 11 months
Adonis being clingy with his wife and new baby.
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Adonis x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS: postpartum depression mentions, other baby related stuff
SUMMARY: Adonis trying to be as helpful as he can, but the reader finds it a bit overwhelming while dealing with postpartum depression.
“Burping cloth?”
“Check. Babe, we have everything. I promise” I chuckle, watching Adonis go through a list of baby necessities on his phone, while trying to calm the whining boy in his arms, the man being adamant on keeping everything where they need to be just for times like this when his son was irritated.
“We have diapers right?”
“What about wipes?”
“Yes, all in the nursery, Donnie”
“Okay, good, good….you need anything? Thirsty?” He tucks his phone away, rocking the now resting baby in his arms.
“Mmm…water, maybe?” I shrug and he nods, rushing out of the room. He had been acting like this all day, running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off. I hadn’t even been home for two hours yet, just coming back from the hospitals secondary check up after a very unplanned home birth. The house was a mess from two days ago, my poor mother and brother being stressed out of their minds trying to deliver a baby that wasn’t supposed to be here just yet.
Luckily, him coming two weeks earlier didn’t matter and he was healthy as a horse. with the way he was screaming at the top of his lungs, you could tell that was a healthy baby. But, meanwhile I was pushing a 5 pound, big headed baby out of me, Adonis was scrambling to find a flight back to Cali so he could make it to the birth, which was unsuccessful. It took an entire day and some change to get back home, the man so disappointed in himself that he took a business trip so late in my 3rd trimester.
Though I told him to do it, he still felt bad, promising to never leave my side in circumstances like this ever again. The birth went smoothly even though it wasn’t expected, and as soon as Adonis landed, he was blowing up my phone with FaceTimes back to back. And he was completely serious with the ‘never leave your side” thing, cause he was on me like white on rice when he got home. Helping me to and from the bathroom, even though I could walk fine, supplying me with any kind of food or snack I asked for, diaper duty, which was the best perk, and massages.
He was showering me with all kinds of love and affection, but as fast as my high came from giving birth, the lows swooped in just as quick. The 6th day after birth came and postpartum depression came knocking. I was still functioning though. Not cause I wanted to, but because I had an infant now and had no time to dissect why I really felt the way I did.
As more days passed, I became more agitated with my circumstances and Adonis constant ‘bugging’. I knew it was from a place of love, but I needed rest before anything. I was just too cautious to tell him that, afraid I’d end up sounding like a bitch because I wanted a break from my husband for a few hours. Some women would have to beg their husbands to do what Adonis does, but I felt ungrateful because I didn’t have to, and quickly got tired of that because of emotions I couldn’t control.
About three more days had gone by, and it had officially been a month since giving birth. My postpartum depression had subsided a bit, and I felt better about myself, but Adonis was the same, and so was my sleep schedule.
“…can I help you, sir?” I look over my shoulder, spotting my husband watching me intensely. The infant I had in my arms whines and mixes at the sudden movements, unlatching from my nipple for a moment before going right back to feasting. I was reclined in a couch placed in the nursery, praying to god that I could catch some Z’s.
“Huh?” He queries, still staring.
“You’ve been following me around the house like a lost puppy all day. Now you over my shoulder watching me nurse like I don’t know what I’m doing” I say, a bit agitated since I haven’t slept for more than a few hours everyday for the passed month.
“What? I know you know what you’re doing, baby” He completely ignores my other statement, his attention still drawn to my current ‘activity’. I blink at him for a prolonged second, then laughed, shaking my head. “Okay, well back up off my bumper, can you?” I suggest, waving him off with my hand. He sighs, leaning up and walking away. “Your daddy is a bit obsessed, don’t you think?” I look down at our son, his brown eyes fluttering closed as he begins to drift off into his fourth nap of the day.
I close my eyes too, relaxing.
‘Maybe I could sneak in a nap too’
just as I thought I was gonna have peace and quiet, I feel Adonis plop down right besides me, looking over my shoulder. I was in my right mind to lock him in a room now. I sigh, opening my eyes back up to the unpleasant sight of the sun shining through the baby blue curtains across from me. I’d rather see the inside of my eyelids. I was exhausted.
“…he looks like me, doesn’t he?” He pokes, smiling down at his new found pride and joy.
I slowly turn my head to the man, his face being so close to me that our noses touch. “Donnie…get outta my face” I mellowly warn him, ready to run him out of the nursery.
“I’m sorry! I’m just intrigued. I wasn’t there for when he came, I just wanna make that time back” I bite back a loud cackle for the sake of not scaring my son out of his cinnamon toned skin. Snorting, I cover my mouth.
Giving him a ‘be serious’ look with the tilt of my head, I uncover my mouth. “Donnie, please. It’s been almost five weeks since his birth, you came a day late, and it’s not your fault. Be happy you even found a flight that would get you back here so suddenly. Plus, you already made that 24 hours back, now you just being clingy” I say, pecking his lips twice. “It’s just a bit…overwhelming right now, that’s all,”
“I’m not saying it’s you, I’m not not really in a place to…ya know…be as social with you as I was before”
He nods, understanding. “And you know I love you, but sometimes I don’t need anything at all, just silence” Taking in everything I say, he doesn’t argue, understanding that maybe he was doing a little much on the waiting hand and foot, asking me questions at every movement I made.
He caresses my thigh, kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry. I’m really not trynna stress you, I just don’t wanna feel like I’m not doin’ enough, or want you to feel like I don’t care”
I smile. “It’s okay. Just tone it down a bit, okay? Next week I promise you can be as clingy with us as you want” he nods, starting to play with the little mitten that covered our sons hand. I knew he still wasn’t gonna leave any time soon yet, waiting for the baby to stop eating so he could hold him again. I just let him be. For now.
“Does it hurt?” He asks suddenly, and I shake my head. “Not really. It did for the first few times, but since he’s latching better, no”
“…he getting enough, right?”
I pause, my eyebrow raising at the man.
“Yes, my titties produce enough milk for our son. Any other questions, doc?” I ask with playful attitude.
He shakes his head, still looking. It was silent for a moment , only the sounds of summer rain tapping against the window and swallowing followed by shallow sighs from the infant being heard. That was until I decided to put my boob up and replace my nipple with his favorite paci since he had fallen asleep, remembering the doctor told me not to feed him while he’s not awake, considering my milk supply was fine and he gets full fast.
Yet, that still doesn’t stop my husband from breathing down my neck, attempting to reach for him, which I dodge by brushing him off with my shoulder.
Taking a breath, I glare at him. “What, Adonis? You wanna feed him?”
His eyes glimmer with excitement as he smiles, perking up at the simple question. “I can? Yeah” he asks before quickly answering.
“Grow some titties then” I pat his chest then stood to my feet, now attempting to burp the resting baby.
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citadelsanchez · 2 years
hahah what if Rick gets drunk and reader if taking care of them and he just slips that he likes them? and compliments them and just kinda goes off?(then denies anything happened the next day when they ask?) I just think about that a lot tbh sdkj
You got it! Wrote this at 3 am and couldn't think of a better bit than the hair thing, go easy on me asfjkxc. Also did it in y/n fashion again. Hope you like it!
"Alright Rick, I may be alone in this opinion, but the way you're staggering and drooling on the floor tells me you need that bottle confiscated" you sigh, miserably attempting to snatch the alcohol from Rick's fingers.
"Hey s-s-sh-ut the fuck up Y/N, y-y-y-you're being ridiculous. I'm a-alwaaays drunk" Rick retorted, successfully pulling away the bottle away. He laughs before teetering again, placing his hands on your shoulders to balance himself.
You look up at him with a slightly annoyed expression. "Rick, I've been trying to get you to bed for 2 hours. Please just stop being stubborn and follow me."
He pokes your shoulders playfully now, "Oooooh, really? Into bed for w-what cause I think I'm down."
"Into bed for my sanity, please."
He scoffed in response, beginning to walk off into the Smiths' living room but knocked over the table near the wall instead.
"Rick, Jesus Christ," you tug on his arm and he bends down slightly, clearly fighting sleep to the best of his ability. He puts a hand in your hair and starts twirling it in his fingers slowly.
"How do youuu get it s-so bouncy?"
You're confused for a second and then stifle a laugh, as you've never seen Rick this vulnerable and... affectionate? before.
"I- uh, it's just volumizer" you respond.
He looks at you still in a dazed wondrous state. "It's pretty. And I-I don't like that wo-ORRD but you know, I guess I co-could tell you that now. I always n-notice it firSSTT when I see you," he burps out.
You feel a slight warmth in the pit of your stomach. Rick has always been playfully flirty with you here and there, but has never expressed any kind of genuine sentiment like this before.
"Thanks Rick, that's.. that's sweet of you."
"I-I-I mean like I actually think you're cu-cute like a little baby, i-it's weird," he goes on.
"Okay, tell me more, but let's go in here okay?" You gently place your arm under his and steer him towards his bedroom. He rolls his head to the side and gives a small "okay" in response.
You manage to drag him into his room and take his lab coat and pants off and get him onto the bed. "Ugh, see wh-what I mean, it's sick..ening" Rick slurs out, staring up at you.
"What?" You ask, sitting on the bed beside him.
"H-how fucking caring you are. G-god I just want to be around you aalllllll the time. I always hope it'll-it'll rub off on me b-but I don't think anyone could be as go-good natured as you."
Your cheeks burn red as you study his face, his head still bobbing while blinking at you slowly.
"A-and I know that I'll deny this sh-shit later but Y/N you're a saint. B-beautiful and delicate. And I've s-seen a lot o-o-of fine specimens b-but I think you're the truuee definition of a goddess."
Your mouth hangs agape a little as you realize that he's serious. He's not just spouting some speech, he's telling the truth. The unfiltered truth. Only drunk Rick does that, and you've only seen it twice before.
"Um, well- thank you Rick, you're uh, not so bad yourself. I've always-"
"Hey, shh, this was my confession t-time, not yours. J-just lay with me, pleaaseee.." you can see his eyes start to flutter shut as he holds an arm out to invite you into an embrace.
You lay your head on his chest and he wraps his arm tightly around your body before you both drift into a deep sleep.
In the morning, you awake to an empty bed and glance at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It reads 11:54 am. You're beginning to recall last night's events as Rick walks in, fully dressed. He clears his throat.
"So you wanna tell me why uh, you're in my bed?"
You snicker at this. "Oh, Rick, you suddenly don't remember?"
"Remember what? If we screwed, th-then clearly not. Must not have been that impressed sweetie."
"Nope, we didn't. Buuuut, you did basically praise me all night" you smirk.
"Not a chance," Rick laughs and crosses his arms sternly.
"You did though. And I know that for the smartest man in the universe, your memory isn't that bad. Even in a hangover," you tease now, desperate for him to admit to his vulnerability.
He sits on the bed beside you and leans to get in your face. "Are you that desperate for my attention that you're making things up?"
"Hmm, I guess so. Anyway, I've got to go get dressed and volumize my hair, we'll talk later," you smile as you get up to leave.
Before you go, you catch a small look of shock on his face and a quiet "shit" escape his mouth.
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richeeduvie · 2 months
thank you genius anon for the roman summer house ask. but also richee can you elaborate on this time that roman came out from under the table while drunk… curious to know if he did that for the reason I think he did
"That tickles. Jesus fuck-!"
"I'm not even licking anythi-"
Roman's not. He just finds the inside of your thighs quite comfortable. And your skin smells good. Like really good, it's whatever body wash you're using.
Sometimes, it doesn't feel that taboo to want to peel bits of you off. If he could put you back together without any pain, he would.
"Someone's coming. Just shh."
He rolls his eyes, but his heart feels like the way his mouth purses when he hears it's Kendall.
Roman understands his jealousy. Not very fucking well, but he knows that it's just not right whenever you talk to people. It doesn't even have to be other boys that Roman's sure they want you naked and nippled and for them, it's just...anyone. It's Kendall, but Kendall's a fucking freak. It's Shiv and every adult adult who takes time away from him. It's school and it's movies that distract you.
Maybe it's fucking pathetic? Roman doesn't it. It's not right because it makes him feel sick and small.
And Kendall just keeps yapping. You're too nice to everyone, like it's your job. It's especially peevy when you make it so Kendall's comfortable.
You won't admit it - Kendall won't even admit it, but the brotherly fucker wants you so badly. It's gross. And you should pretty much have the understanding that you don't do well with other people. Just him, even when he's mean. Sorry.
"So, I was just thinking about...you ever hear of go-karting?"
"Jesus fuck."
Roman cringes and lazily comes up from your legs. Not air, cause that would mean he wouldn't be taking in your mouth whole.
"You taste like cake. Yum. Hi, Ken." He furrows his brows, looking down. "Close your legs, you don't want to look slutty in front of my brother."
And Roman tries not to wear a stupid-born smile when Kendall just stares, all the confidence and shitty banter gone now that he's here. And his mouth was just on your crotch. That doesn't need to be said between the three of you.
"Do you - do you guys do that al-all the time? What the fuck? That's not cool, dude."
"Why are you pushing this on me? What if she wanted me down in the trenches."
"...Are you-" You hiccup. Roman fixes your hair. "Is my vagina the trench?"
"It's like - take it as a fucking compliment. Wet, narrow....I'm the only one up in there, right?"
"Don't fucking...Roman. Both of you, what if Dad saw?"
"He wouldn't have?"
Roman scratches behind his ear. He can see a purposeful, slight shake of his brother's body.
"What? Cause you wouldn't have made the fucking effort to come up?"
"Why does it bother you so much? It would've only bothered Dad cause it's just more proof that I am his disappointment baby. A vat of unprofessionalism."
Roman knows why Kendall looks so strangled by the way he came up from under the table, why he still looks tense as he throws his legs over you. You look heated. It makes Roman smile.
He knows why even if Kendall never admits it. Maybe he'll get over you like a normal fucking person. But Roman's selfish as much as he is someone that loves his brother. He deserves a bit of tense nerves, his own amount of jealousy because he's not even suppose to be jealous in the first place.
Roman burps and presses a thumb into your hand.
"Go away, Kendall. You have Stewy cock to make you feel better. About what? I don't think either of us have a clue."
He drags out the word clue and stares into your skin, a low head looking down.
Don't give her that fucking look, bitch.
He looks at your guilted face like you've vomited on his shoe.
"Don't tell me you actually feel embarrassed and bad about it."
"You should've waited."
"Oowee, let's spare Ken's feelings. What feelings am I sparing by making the effort to not remind him that I'm inside you at all times?"
When you don't respond, the casual and sickly humor turns red in Roman. He stares.
"What feelings?"
But he's weak, it never takes much and it takes nothing when he's drank a lot. Like a softy, touchy little hand holding his.
"Wanna pick a movie?"
"...It's gonna be a super dirty movie. The most visible pussy and dick you've ever witnessed."
"You had a panic attack watching the first fifteen minutes of boogie nights and we had to put on the beauty and the bea-"
Roman's heart picks up. Why would you ever bring that up?
"You didn't make that moment feel like something you were gonna fucking laugh at me for."
"I'm not laughing, I'm just saying...do you think you'd get like that if you watched us on camera?"
He blinks.
"Have you been fucking recording us?"
"No! I was just wondering."
"You're not good at that. Fucking Jesus."
"Where are you going?"
Back down. Where it's easier to breathe.
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iguessitsgabe · 2 years
Random obey me HC in no particular order (part 1)
Beel’s phone screen is always sticky from something he was eating, he tries to wipe it with his pants, only smudging the stickiness even more.
Levi’s phone screen has a pattern imprinted with his fingerprints from too many idol games he plays.
Mammon and Solomon have bad mouth hygiene (canon) therefore imagine the smell their breaths must have. 
Specially when mammon makes one of those odd spicy ramen combinations
Solomon breath could literally kill a man from the oddly poisonous food he seems to ingest on the daily
So if MC kiss any of them, they better make sure to force them to brush their teeth properly
Lucifer phone is literally a mom’s phone. With a huge font that can be read miles away from the screen, a screen brighter than the Celestial Realm and a terrible lag from the thousand of windows and apps he has open. Also, the notifications will make anyone jump from how LOUD he has it.
He says it's because otherwise he won’t pay attention to them, but in reality he does it on purpose to startle his brothers. It doesn’t help he chose and specifically obnoxious tone for them
Belphie’s phone screen is so broken you could literally cut your fingers with it. No one knows how the hell it still works. That poor phone has been through a lot, from falling to literally being dumped on scorching lava.
Asmo is that obnoxious friend who would send 1h long voice notes and demand you to listen to it all. Otherwise he would be so mad you won't ever hear the end of it. 
The only one who actually sits through all of Asmo’s podcast-like voice notes is Satan. The rest would either skip it all together or pretend they listened to it
Satan, however, is one to send huge paragraphs of texts as “short conclusions” with complex narrative, as if it was a fragment of a novel.
Levi and/or Asmo would have to TLDR all of Satan’s testaments for the rest, because they are the only ones who would actually read it whole. Which makes Satan mad and starts to complain “no one reads these days”.
Levi has the awful tendency to type words 𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 or in Z̴̡̨̩̠̺̝͈͈̻̟̮͔̈́͜ạ̴̰̥̯͇͎̌̐l̷͓̫͊̏̐̊͂͠͝ğ̴̢̨̛͕̖̜̜̩̘͈̝̳͆̂̊̉̈͗́͗̕ő̴̬͔̈̉̍̒̉̓̽̄ whenever he wants to remark something. Which is incredibly frustrating if your MC uses screen reading softwares.
Satan uses “:3” unironically.
Mammon is the type of guy who does corny TikToks thinking he looks super sexy. Funny enough, he has a big fanbase that enjoys them.
Beel is the type of person who chews ultra loud, so if you dislike Muckbangs you will have to get used to a 24/7 walking live muckbang.
Simeon sends these types of images unironically.
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Solomon replies with a similar one but ironically.
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Beel, Levi and Mammon have competitions of who can burp/fart louder. 
Belphie sometimes joins and wins.
Satan, Asmo and Lucifer find it disgusting. Lowkey would like to join but they care more about keeping the appearance.
One day Beel tried to eat Asmo’s hair because it smelled like vanilla cake. Asmo wasn’t happy with this, and that day Beel understood what true fear feels like.
Belphie sometimes feels like an outsider to his brothers because he tends to miss too many things because of his uncontrollable sleep. Luckily Beel is there to catch him up and make him feel comfortable again
Despite it, everyone loves Belphie and babies him too much. 
He used to be less spoiled, but thanks to the fall it made his big brothers feel more protective over him, causing him to be spoiled rotten.
Sometimes Beel wishes to be spoiled the way Belphie is.
Due to Fangol, Beel has lost a couple of teeth. Luckily they grow back fairly quick.
Beel has the habit of rubbing his hands a lot, kinda like a fly does. He does it especially when he is nervous or sad.
 Satan’s tail in his demon form acts like a cat’s tail when he is mad/impatient, so that’s why he rolls it around his leg to avoid it from breaking things. If he is too mad, sometimes he rolls it so tight it breaks the skin from his leg, making him bleed a bit.
Dark/tan skin is considered a sign of royalty in the Devildom, and it’s a beauty standard among the monarchs. Having dark/tan skin means you are a pure royal (e.g: Diavolo, Mephisto)
((Reblogs and comments are appreciated it💕))
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dadsbongos · 6 months
the iron giant - f.toji
part of the jjk movie marathon event / movie selection … warnings - you are actually not in this very much (you are megumi's mom tho), i've never written toji before but i love him so just... please lmao, one use of the s-word (smirk), non-curse au where toji was still a contract killer word count - 2.7 K / rating - PG
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Toji breathes in deeply, eyes closed despite the blanketing darkness of the laundry room. The plastic floral scent of detergent invades his senses. Much different than the tangy iron he’d been used to before. Iron and earthy dirt. Now the only “earthy tones” he smells are from his cologne - one you’d gifted him years ago; now it’s the only brand he’ll buy. Even so, you’re the one to say it has earthy tones, Toji can’t pick them up. To him, his cologne has the same polite chemical scent that wafts off every other man in the street.
He likes it, though, he swears. He is not fond of dirt and grime or the clinging stench of blood, and he isn’t sure how he could stomach it before.
Megumi continues to cry in the kitchen. Diaper clean. No fever. Fed. Burped. Held. Rocked. Napped. Megumi can only cry, and Toji can only guess as to why.
But Toji has run out of guesses.
He sucks in another breath, letting the oxygen fill his chest until his lungs feel like popping. He is not very patient when it comes to personal annoyances. Slow walkers and stubborn stains, for example. Yet this is even worse.
This is him burdened with ear-shredding shrieks. This is his son in some agony he cannot communicate. This is letting you down.
Much slower than Toji would like to admit, he finally unlatches the laundry door hatch and returns to the kitchen.
Megumi has a trail of tears down each cheek, hands balled into chunky fists, as he keeps crying.
His large hands that’ve popped skulls now very slowly, very carefully lift Megumi from his chair. Mentally rerunning his checklist. Clean diaper. No fever. Fed. Burped.
And this time, there’s change. Megumi quiets, only a little, when he’s cradled to his father’s chest. So Toji keeps him there. He swathes his son in both arms and tenderly rocks the infant. Megumi tattles off into whimpers before eventually: the house is quiet.
Oh, how Toji wants to groan. Grumble, even, about how he had already done that and how Megumi was being picky and stubborn and a handful, but he refrains. Not because those things are untrue, but because some paranoid part of him worries that maybe by the universe’s terrible whim, Megumi will somehow remember those words.
So, instead, he settles on, “You’re such a fussy one, huh?” he clicks his tongue when Megumi’s big eyes flutter and he yawns, “Another nap?” Toji laughs, already turning to his son’s nursery, “Just woke up crying to go back to bed, huh?”
Megumi got that from his father.
On chilly, buzzing midnights, Toji will shoot up from your shared sheets with sweat slicking down his hair and a burning sensation in his chest. He’ll jump up from bed to check every lock and watch Megumi’s chest rise and fall as the baby sleeps soundly in his crib. Toji then wanders back to the master bedroom and does the same with you. Sometimes he takes so long staring that the sun will already be painting the sky when he settles under the duvet once again.
However, there will be no relief because he knows, God does he know, that he will do the routine all over again.
Toji lays Megumi into his crib and the boy sleepily reaches up for his father, yawning again before finally giving into his exhaustion.
Toji struggles with the repetition and the cooing and the hours of thankless preening, but he likes to imagine that his son is better off with a father.
Megumi sighs and drools in his sleep, rounded tummy moving in time with each fluid breath. His little hands are curled up by his head; messy tendrils of dark hair flying about in every direction. Megumi is more precious to Toji than he knows how to say - the mere thought of it chokes him, a lump forming in his throat and his chest tightening.
So, naturally, Toji wonders if he’d still be able to walk away for good, as he’d done with the Zen’ins.
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“Do you like your mom or your dad more?”
“Hm…” Megumi holds the red block between both hands, no longer interested in building his tower with Yuuji, “I dunno…”
“I like my oldest brother more,” Yuuji continues, “He’s nicer than ‘kuna.”
“I like my dad,” Megumi copies defiantly, “but I like my mom, too. They’re both nice.”
“Your dad’s scary,” Nobara pipes up, plucking off a dented, yellow cardboard block from the tower, quickly replacing it with a smoother blue one, “I bet he’s scarier when he’s mad.”
“No,” Megumi shakes his head, shoving his red block into Yuuji’s hands, “He calls me nicely all the time. Like this!” he scrunches his brows to mimic his father’s resting scowl, voice digging deeper, but still singing out gently, “‘Megumi’ - or! Or ‘Megs’.”
“I thought he’d be loud,” Nobara wriggles her nose at the thought.
“And mean,” Yuuji nods wisely, eyes closed.
“Well, he’s not,” Megumi’s cheeks flush, his fingernails biting into his palms tightly, “My dad isn’t mean!”
The boy turns swiftly, scrambling up from his spot between Yuuji and their blocks, abandoning his tower to charge into his father’s legs. His small forehead bangs off Toji’s shin, and he rubs over the sore area as the man signs the timesheet in Ms. Utahime’s hands.
“‘gumi’s dad!” Yuuji runs over (defying rule one of the classroom) with Nobara charging after. The two toddlers crash around Megumi, latching onto the soft material of Toji’s sweatpants as well.
“Hey, ‘rats,” Toji settles a hand in his son’s hair, ruffling the untamed tresses further, “Where’re your wards, huh? Thought we were going out!”
He grins watching Yuuji and Nobara get riled up, the pair jumping and clawing at his pants with rapid nods. Repeatedly, they echo ‘yeah!’s and ‘where are they?’s amongst each other that have Utahime shaking her head and sighing.
Megumi stretches his arms up and Toji complies, lifting Megumi into his arms as if the preschooler weighed no more than a loaf of bread. Immediately, Yuuji and Nobara are jealous.
“I wanna be tall, too!” Yuuji shouts.
“Me first!” Nobara grunts, arms wide and expecting to be lifted.
More preschoolers waiting for their guardians holler a small collection of “no fair!” and “me too!” signaling the gaggle’s arrival. Children clamber over each other, hoping to climb atop Toji’s broad frame.
“Oh, my friends! We should ask before touching!” Utahime tries settling the kids, and to her credit, all excited Yuuji and Nobara fall back from the man’s personal space, “Megumi’s father doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to.”
But the man himself shrugs, calmly approaching the rainbow circle time carpet and shadowing over the forgotten tower of blocks. Before he can fully settle into the new seat, children are clinging to his shoulders and jamming footholds over his legs.
“Eh, I don’t mind,” Toji snags Yuuji and Nobara, each in one hand, and lifts them above the other children’s heads, “‘m already waiting for Higuruma to take Yuuji and Megs with Nobara. Might as well let the germ-bots play.”
Fun and delight were not Toji’s original intention for toiling away for his muscles, but he allows it now. Though, even he cannot deny: it feels like a bastardization of innocence, to use bloodied skin for the gleeful entertainment of kids.
But radiant stars light up Megumi’s seafoam eyes, a cherub’s rosy glow stretching over his cheeks, awkwardly gapped teeth on display from his grin, and the jingle of his giggles overtaking the room. So Toji ignores the bubbling feeling.
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“Heard you’re a father now,” Shiu and Toji don’t meet often anymore. When they do, it’s unpleasant.
“A real father,” Shiu muses, remembering the times he would have to care for Megumi in Toji’s bumbling, clueless stead, “Still not accepting any jobs, then?”
“Nah,” Toji looks around for the nearest clock and finds none. The humor is not lost on him; that a heart familiar with gunfire and gore, now frets over whether or not he’s late to go with you to pick up Megumi from school.
“Your offers just keep plummeting, you know?”
Toji’s blank stare tells Shiu all he needs to know. All that he’s already known.
“Alright,” Shiu waves Toji away before teasing lightheartedly, “See you in a year when someone remembers you exist.”
Toji merely rolls his eyes.
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“Where’re you goin’?” Toji watches his son pace from the living room to the kitchen like a madman for five full cycles before speaking up.
“Out,” Megumi’s voice echoes through the short hall as he storms in from the kitchen. His eyes scramble from the base of the front door to the short shelf stuffed full of the little family’s various shoes, “Do you know where my dress shoes are?”
Toji snickers, hands folded back behind his head, pale skin illuminated by the television, “Where is your ass going that you need dress shoes?”
Megumi groans, cutting a quick glare to his father, “A date.” he watches the older man raise a brow at him, “Yuuji’s older brother - the goth one - his girlfriend is in town so the apartment is free…” he shrugs, “It’s a date. Do you know where my shoes are?”
“Dress shoes for a date? A night-in date?”
“I want to look nice,” Megumi pauses, “You wouldn’t care if I was going on a louzy date?”
“You know the rules,” Toji shrugs, “Don’t add or subtract from the population. Don’t go to jail,” he snickers suddenly, his son fidgets at the sound, “Not that you or your boy can add to the population.”
Megumi sighs, the urge to call out for his mother’s help is bubbling up from his chest, but he feels a more pressing concern rise faster, “Will Mom care? I know it’s… late.”
Almost-ten-at-night late.
Toji stares at his boy, unsure how he’ll be able to adjust once his son moves out. It was hard enough to mourn that gaping, useless feeling in his chest when he realized Megumi was now older, and therefore more independent.
But he’s been staring too long and doesn’t know how to say that in simple terms, “Nah, she knows you’re too lame to do anything fun.”
Megumi’s expression falls flat, then shifting into a full grimace, “You’re awful,” he turns back towards the kitchen, where the upstairs staircase awaits. His voice echoes through the short hallway as he calls, “Mom! Have you seen my nice shoes?!”
Toji was a shithead kid. He smoked and drank and snuck out and sucked up attention from girls.
Could it be called sneaking out when nobody cared enough to make sure he was in his room past lights out?
He is glad Megumi isn’t like him in either regard.
“Okay,” Megumi waltzes into the living room, one hand splayed at his side and the other clutching the heels of his shiniest leather shoes. He stops at the front door, back slumping into the connected wall as he squeezes on the pair, “I’ll be back before two.”
“‘kay,” Toji watches his son flick the front door open, “Tell your lil’ boyfriend I say hi.”
“Don’t,” Megumi glares again, “Don’t say it like that.”
“What? You two break up or something?” he returns his son’s narrowed gaze, “This some closure bullshit?”
Toji laughs at how Megumi visibly stiffens, hands flexing as if he wants to threaten something nasty. A white-knuckled fist. A middle finger. But he holds himself back, he’s more respectful than Toji is even now, as a grown adult man.
“No, I just hate when you say he’s my ‘little boyfriend’,” the boy sighs, shoulders tense, “And we got in a disagreement. We’re fine. It’s fine,” Toji must make a face because his son sighs louder, “Stop being a dick.”
Toji barks a laugh at his son’s crude language, “You’re so fussy,” he waves away the insult, “I’ll be up, so call me if you need a ride home.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“You know, ‘cuz I don’t want you getting driven around by a stranger. Or a Yuuji that missed his bedtime.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“That’s how people die.”
“Yeah, got it,” Megumi grunts, then sighs once more, “Thanks, Dad,” he suddenly sucks in a sharp breath, shoulders going lax before he waves the white flag, “Well, before I go…”
“Is it about your tiff with the boyfriend?”
“Stop, or I won’t ask you,” Megumi threatens, arms folding across his chest, “So, I don’t- we’re not breaking up. But I’ve been thinking.”
“About our,” he cringes before spitting out the most applicable word, “sustainability?”
“We’re different, and sometimes we’re both talking about stupid shit and we just…” Megumi swallows thickly, “We fight about it sometimes. Like with Nobara’s new boyfriend. I think he’s terrible and Yuuji just wants to see the good parts, and we couldn’t agree. I know that’s nothing crazy, but what if it becomes a pattern?”
Toji mulls over the question, weeding through the inane example to pinpoint his son’s real struggle, “So, you think you two won’t be able to work out a ‘disagreement’ one day?”
Megumi switches the weight on his feet, eyes darting down to his fanciest shoes. Yuuji will be in old, coffee-stained, hand-me-down blue slippers. Megumi knows he’ll find it charming, “He’s just really positive. And nice. I feel like I just bring him down.”
“What? With your shitty attitude?” Toji laughs despite his son’s blank stare, “Quit pouting. It was the same thing with me and your mom. You’ll be fine.”
“Good advice.”
“Not done: Don’t get paranoid about it. Just be the you that Yuuji asked out in high school. The kid liked you, and still likes you, knowing you’re a bit of a priss. Your mom loves me even though I can be the same way, and even if her positivity can sometimes feel… overbearing,” he pauses, grasping for what he’s sure started his son’s concern, “Naive, even, to things I think are trouble; I love her,” he can see Megumi smother down a smile at his father’s admission, “I love your mother so much it feels like my entire body wants to convulse until I can’t breathe or talk. And if you feel like that with Yuuji, and him with you, you’ll be fine. Just remember not to be a prick, and you’ll be okay.”
The boy nods slowly, “Okay,” then he smirks, “You’re sappy, by the way.”
“What? Gonna put me in jail for loving my wife? Weird ass kid,” Toji huffs, brushing off the jab before calling out, “Seriously, call me if you need a ride! And don’t die!”
“I got it already!”
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Shiu watches the horses silently.
When Megumi was born, Toji’s acceptance of contracts took a devastating plummet. Once Megumi turned two, they ceased completely, and by the time Megumi was ten - offers for Toji had dwindled so significantly that most speculated the man had died.
Despite their rocky acquaintanceship, Shiu is happy for Toji. Content that somewhere, anywhere in Tokyo, Toji is with his wife and son rather than stinking of sweat and iron and bleeding out in an alleyway.
Out of respect, Shiu watches Toji’s lucky number seven finish in a tragic last before leaving just as alone as he’d arrived.
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Toji yawns, eyes heavy and stinging, as he stands in his son’s doorway. The room has changed massively over the course of twenty years, with a twenty-first fast on the way. And Toji continues to stumble over to his son’s room after nightmares like no time has passed since his son was a baby.
Toji wasn’t sure he’d been meant for fatherhood, especially when Megumi was only able to wail and shriek over his displeasure, but he did it. He did it, and he doesn’t regret it.
Toji wonders again if he’d be able to walk away from you and Megumi as he did with his birth family, but the internal response is an instant, resounding: No.
He could not walk away then, and he cannot do it now. Nor does he want to.
Toji much prefers to have struggled those years as a father than having excelled at being some other schmuck’s gun.
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jackharloww · 2 years
"through thick and thin” 
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TW: depressive thoughts, anxiety. 
The first weeks after giving birth to Gracie were hard; having a newborn baby was not easy. The sadness and emptiness I felt every day only complicated everything. The first days I was so excited about it all, but then came the nervousness of being a mom, and with that followed the anxiety. I thought it was baby blues and would go away after a week, but with Grace’s colic and all the hormone changes my body underwent, the feelings stayed longer than I would’ve wanted. 
Grace cries a lot, and it’s been going on for two weeks. once she starts crying, it takes hours before she stops. Jack and I talked to the doctor, who informed us that it was colic and common during the first six weeks. It would go away on its own eventually, but we couldn’t do anything to make her stop crying other than comfort her. Constant crying and not knowing what to do took a toll on Jack and me. 
I feel sad, and I’m always overwhelmed these days. Guilt is consuming me for feeling this way.  I have every reason to be happy. I have a beautiful little baby girl, and my husband, who loves us unconditionally, is amazing; I have the family I’ve always wanted, so why am I feeling this way? What is wrong with me? I can’t control my emotions even though I try my hardest. These past few weeks, I’ve woken up feeling anxious and irritated, and not only does it affect me but also Jack. He has to deal with Grace crying as well as my daily mood swings and frustration.
Jack tries to help as much as possible. He took some time off work after Grace’s birth and stayed home to be there for us. Even Jack has noticed that I’m not feeling like myself, but he doesn’t pressure me to talk about it. He asks me daily if I’m okay, and when I nod and tell him that I am, he smiles at me, not really believing me. He has noticed the change in me, but he always proceeds to tell me that he’s here for me and tells me to relax more. But how do I tell him that even getting up from bed is starting to feel like a task these days? How do I tell him that the only reason I keep going is for our little girl?  Every time I get out of bed, it feels like I have a heavy weighted blanket on top of me, and the feeling is not going away. 
Today though, Jack had to go to the studio to work on some things; the studio was only 10 minutes away by car, so he assured me he would come home immediately if I needed him to. 
Right now I’m in Grace’s nursery with her in my arms. She’s looking for my breast, indicating that she is hungry, so I sit down in the chair we have in the nursery and lift my shirt to feed her. She latches on to my breast and starts to eat. I rubbed her pretty, chubby cheeks and sat comfortably on the chair. After burping her, she was lying in my arms, looking at me, making small sounds. I’m watching her in my arms, and I’m filled with so much love for her. I love this little creature and I’m going to guard her with my life. Only a few minutes after having a moment with her, my mind got once again filled with intrusive thoughts. Am I taking care of her well enough? Is she eating well? Is she getting a good amount of sleep? Does she feel loved? All the different questions are rushing through my head, and I can’t seem to stop them. She finally falls asleep and I put her in her crib, before going out to the kitchen to do some cleaning.  
Jack messaged me throughout the day asking how everything is going, and now after a few hours of being away, he is calling me on FaceTime. 
”Hey baby, how is it going?” He smiled big at the phone when I answered
”Hi, fine” I gave him a small smile, my hair was a mess, and I was wearing one of his shirts, which was now stained with milk leaking from my nipples. The dark circles under my eyes could be spotted from miles away, but he still managed to look at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. 
”Where’s my Gracie baby?” He asked 
”She just went for a nap” I sighed and rubbed my eyes. 
”You should take a nap too. I was thinking we could go out for dinner tonight,” He told me, making me stare into the phone, not knowing what to answer him. It has been five weeks since I gave birth, and we’ve mostly stayed at home. I was overwhelmed and did not feel like dressing up and going out, but I didn’t know if Jack would understand. 
”Hey, what do you say? You got real quiet on me there” He chuckled through the phone. 
”Uhm, I don’t really feel like going out.” I mumbled. 
”Okay babe, I can grab some takeaway and we can have a movie night” Jack answered as he started playing with his beard. 
”Sounds good. How is it going at the studio?” I ask him 
”It feels good to be back, you should hear the beat we are working on, it’s amazing,” Jack said with a big smile, happy to be back. Just as I was about to answer him, Grace’s cries could be heard from the nursery. 
”Jack I’ll call you back soon, She just woke up. Love you” I let out a big sigh as we hang up and go to Grace’s nursery to pick her up.  
”Shh baby, mommy is here” I held Grace in my arms, rocking her gently. Her small cries only got more and louder, and I’m trying everything to get her to stop crying or at least calm down a little, but nothing is working. Why can’t I comfort her? What is wrong with me? With every sob she lets out, the lump in my throat grows as the overwhelming feelings engulf me. The feeling of sadness is again there, and my eyes get filled with tears that I cannot stop from falling. The weight in my chest gets heavier with every sob that I let out. After trying to get her to stop crying for about 20 minutes, I grab my phone and call Jack, he answers after the second ring. 
“Please come home, I need you” I sobbed into the phone as soon as he picked up. Without any hesitation, Jack got up from the studio. Almost 15 minutes after I called, Jack came home and walked straight to the nursery where Grace’s cries could be heard. 
”Jack, What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I make her stop?” I sob as soon as I lock eyes with him. I try to take deep breaths to calm down, but I only seem to be crying more and breathing faster. Jack comes closer to us and puts one of his arms around me, kissing my head. 
”Hey hey hey, come on. It’s going to be okay, we got this” He said and pressed another kiss to my head before trying to wipe away my tears with his thumbs.  
”Go sit down for a while ma’, I’ll handle it” He grabs Grace from my arms and I feel exhausted. What kind of mother am I that I can’t even comfort my child, and get her to stop crying.
”Hey my Gracie baby, daddy missed you so much, yes he did,” He cooed and kissed her tiny hands, pulling her closer to his chest, whilst she continued to cry out. 
”Everything is going to be alright darling, shhh” He started rocking her. 
”Hush little baby don’t say a word, daddy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird” I heard Jack sing as I walked out of the room to go into the shower, needing to calm myself.
Jack stood in the same spot, watching me go. Jack and I have always been good at communicating and talking with each other when something is wrong. The problem is, I don’t know what’s wrong, so if I don’t, how would he? 
Hastily, I took my clothes off before stepping into the shower, letting the warm water release some of the tension in my back. I slid down the shower wall, using it as support as I sat on the floor, letting my thoughts consume me as tears streamed down my face. At some point, I couldn’t hear any cries, which made me somehow relieved, yet the pain in my chest didn’t fade. My eyes caught a glimpse of Jack’s feet making their way towards me, not even hearing the bathroom door open. 
”Oh baby,” Jack came in, immediately shut the water, and helped me stand up. I couldn’t say anything; I could only cry. He grabbed a towel and helped me get into it. 
”I can’t do it anymore,” I sobbed in his arms as he held me closer to him. 
”I’m overwhelmed, Jack,” I let out another big sob. ”I can’t do this,” this time, I didn’t have the energy to hold back from him. At this moment I’m mostly grasping for air and sobbing into his chest. 
Jack pulled me off him for a second and held my face in his hand, making me look at him
”I’m here, look at me. I’m here for you, you’re not alone” he said and wiped my tears, and brought me closer to him once more. 
”What kind of mother can’t get her child to stop crying?” I asked him, the tears not once stopping from falling. 
”Hey don’t say that. This is not your fault” 
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I want it to get easier,” I cried to Jack, holding onto his shirt. He didn’t say anything. He only rubbed my back and kissed my head, calming me down. 
”Come on, let’s get you dressed,” He said after a few minutes. We walked out to our bedroom, and I sat on our bed. He brought out one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. He helped me get dressed, seeing I didn’t even have the energy to do that. 
”Come here” He grabbed my hand and walked me out to the living room, we sat down on the couch, and he gently rubbed my hand. 
”I’m here for you. You have a husband who loves you and a beautiful daughter who loves you more than life itself. And we want you to be happy.” He finally said, ”I don’t understand what it is that you’re feeling, but I’m here for you. Let us try to understand together” He still tried to wipe the tears from my cheeks and kissed me gently. 
”I’m sorry,” I whispered. 
”What are you sorry about? Stop it. it’s okay not to feel okay” 
”I’m sorry you had to come home from the studio, and that I put all this weight on you,” I said feeling remorseful. 
”Stop that, I don’t give a fuck about that right now. You’re my wife and you need me to be here for you, and right here is where I want to be. We got this together. I’m with you through thick and thin.” 
It took some time for me to write this, I wrote and deleted a lot. And my bestie also helped me!! So I hope you like it🥺❤️
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t4tails · 4 months
19. ponies
theyre just saying ponies over and over again in an autotuned voice. hyperpop for eight year olds except without the charm
18. shishis lullaby
once again the simplicity is its downfall... there is nothing going on here! somebody get shishi a hankey!!
17. bad to the biscuit
i do NOT like how he yells gimme those gummy buttons :/
16. shoney the amazin blazin raisin
shoney is a menace to moshi society. what a nothingburger of a song
15. go do the hoodoo
i actually think this one slaps but the racism definitely knocks it down significantly. i wish they werent like that because dont look now but i think i heard a twig crack 🕺
14. coco loco
gets a groove going and then RUINS it with a BURP joke. STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE
13. moshi twistmas
ill freely admit the vocals in this one kind of suck because of the childrens chorus but i think it has charm the ones lower than it lack... its cute
12. the pooky song
11. the moshi dance
okay this one fucks. we are getting into fucks territory. the bangers. this one gets held back by the weird fucking baby lyrics is all... i understand its the joke but i do not want to hear lady googoos voice like that. but then the chorus hits and yessss bitch
10. i heart moshlings
this ones adorable but im not a fan of the soft singing. and the chorus prioritizes the gimmick over rhymes so it feels a little clunky, but the mv is soooo cute ^_^
9. diggin ya lingo
the hip hop genre does not gel well here but once again the chorus is so groovy i cant help but do a little shimmy. a little shakin
8. sweet tooth stomp
im not as big a fan of this as some others but i can appreciate game. and sweet tooth has game
7. head over heels
the worse of zack binspins iconic singles. but this ones pretty hilarious like why is blingo such an asshole 🤨
6. the iggy chomp
i have no excuse for this being so high up. im literally dancing to this like its 2009. sorry
5. the missy kix dance
i never heard this one as a kid but its suoer catchy. missys adorable too. she should stay away from zack binspin. she deserves better than him
4. do the doodle
LETS FUCKING GO MR SNOODLE 😩 hes so real. this unironically bangs it fucks it goes hard do the doodle mr snoodle live ur truth
3. moptop tweenybop
this is the one that personally gets stuck in my head the most but the ones above it have better artistry so it gets 3rd. i wake up at 2am on the regular with this chorus haunting my mind
2. uptown fifi
the STYLE the GRACE the sleekness...! and it tells a story about a cute little diva dog? what is not to love!!
okay not to be predictable but somehow the "villains songs are always the best" rule continues even in moshi monsters. 10/10 thank you moshi for these fantastic songs
1. dr strangeglove
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zirawrites · 1 year
What do you think would be each Romanced!Companions + Gage biggest parenting screw up when it comes to raising Synth Shaun? Nothing traumatic, just those funny cringy “Yeah I screwed up” moments.
As someone who grew up with severely abusive parents, Cait is an awkward mixture of “fun mom” and overbearing guardian
She spoils Shaun with toys and gadgets she finds on trips
However, she isn’t sure how to discipline him; fearing she’ll come off too much like her own folks, but also afraid if Shaun doesn’t learn any lessons that he’ll become prey in the Commonwealth
Since Cait realizes she doesn’t have it in her to ever punish Shaun, she decides to toughen him up and teach him to fight. Even though he looks ridiculous, Cait pads Shaun up with plenty of protective gear before teaching him to spar.
As she’s explaining how to block, Shaun mishears and thinks Cait asked him to punch. He hits her directly in the eye. She doubles over as he bursts into tears apologizing.
But Cait isn’t upset; she’s laughing. He gave her a black eye that’d make any veteran of the Combat Zone proud.
Cait and Shaun agree to tell Sole that Cait got it in a skirmish with raiders.
Next time Cait and Shaun step in the ring, Shaun suggests she wear protective gear. Cait wasn’t laughing then.
Codsworth (synth):
Shaun falls and scrapes his knee? Codsworth is spooling his entire leg in gauze. Shaun gets stung by an insect? Codsworth is holding him down to administer three stimpacks. Shaun and MacCready have a burping contest? Codsworth is making up a diet plan for Shaun to combat possible indigestion.
He’s the definition of a helicopter mom
“I waited over 200 years for your return, young master. I’m not about to lose you to the common cold!”
Sole finally draws the line when Codsworth wouldn’t let Shaun play in a light drizzle, claiming it was the “gateway to a full-blown radstorm”.
Unless one of Shaun’s limbs are literally hanging off his body, Codsworth is now only allowed to administer light first aid.
Even if he really wants to force Shaun on bedrest after falling off his bike.
Curie is constantly assuring Shaun that knowledge is just as important as strength when navigating the Commonwealth
It’s hard for Shaun to believe when he hangs around the likes of Cait and MacCready all day
“Just because Monsieur MacCready lived in a cave does not mean you need to act like you do, too.”
Sometimes she takes his education too seriously. Curie makes up tests and lesson plans on everything from calculus to marine science.
Curie finally admits she is going too far when she unironically asked Shaun to name every pre-war state capitol.
To let him get silly revenge, Curie allows Shaun to make his own pop quiz for her to take. It’s filled with questions like “who was the most popular villain in Grognak the Barbarian?” and “what is my favorite flavor of Nuka Cola?”
She answers them all correctly :)
Danse knows the best soldier is one who is prepared. That’s why -- against Sole’s absolute disagreement -- he takes Shaun on a routine patrol with other Brotherhood members.
Danse turned his back for just a moment, and Shaun slipped over debris and slid down a startlingly steep hill.
Danse literally shrieked as he watched Shaun’s little head disappear down the incline.
He went charging after Shaun on instinct, slipping on the same debris and falling flat on his ass.
When he reached the bottom of the hill, he quickly checked Shaun for injuries. When it was clear the boy was unharmed, Danse shook his head, face red with embarrassment.
“Lets head back to the Prydwyn,” he mumbled. “Don’t tell your father/mother about this. Now hurry. Sole packed us a really nice lunch.”
Deacon had always wanted to be a father. When he was married to Barbara, he read every pre-war parenting book he could find.
However, the sterile pages of “make sure to speak gently but firmly” and “check your baby has reached certain developmental milestones per year” never covered what to do when you adopt the synth child of an Institute genius.
Shaun was constantly building (and blowing up) contraptions. Wiring strange blinking inventions. Asking Deacon to find textbooks on physiology and number theory.
Deacon’s biggest fault was giving into every whimsical request Shaun made of him. He was the first one to volunteer for Shaun’s whacky science experiments. Filled Shaun’s bookshelves with salvage from pre-war classrooms and hospitals. Let Shaun paint his face with weird ink the kid claimed would turn him invisible.
(The paint didn’t work. Deacon broke out in hives.)
He could just never tell the boy no. And he never would. Shaun was the son he always wanted.
“Well shit, boy. Of course you got hurt. What’dya think would happen playing on a scrapheap?”
Gage was a loving parent, but also a blunt one. He was just as quick to point out Shaun’s strengths as he was the kid’s youthful stupidity.
Gage called it “tough love”. Sole said it was “asshole advice”.
He just didn’t want Shaun growing up in a way that wouldn’t teach him to defend himself. Even if that defense was against sarcasm.
Shaun is jumping on the couch when Gage enters his room, startling him. In Shaun’s panic, he falls to the floor and twists his ankle.
“Ya can’t jump on the damn furniture and not expect to --” Gage had barely started his lecture when Shaun burst into tears. The boy started babbling about always being a disappointment and never doing anything right.
Gage fell to his knees next to Shaun, his own face twisted in pain.
“No, no! Shaun, that ain’t what I meant, son. You’re smart and creative and all that wonderful shit. Please don’t cry! Here...” Gage took off the armor over his torso and flexed his arm. “Punch me hard as you can. Then we’re even.”
Shaun’s sobs turned to sniveled giggling. “Are you trying to get me to stop crying before dad/mom finds out? Afraid we’re gonna get grounded?”
Gage laughed heartily. What had he been thinking?! Shaun was his son, not a little brother who needed to feel equal.
“Your damn right,” Gage lied, smiling. “‘Cause if Sole won’t let us read past bedtime after this I’m blame’n you, kiddo.”
Don’t judge Hancock’s parenting skills. Not many could raise a boy in a neighborhood known for its lack of goodness. Despite its name.
He was a hands-off parent. Hancock observed Shaun from afar, of course. But he wanted Shaun to make his own mistakes. Find his passions without any authority nudging him in a certain direction.
That all changed when he caught Shaun smoking a cigarette in his room. Hancock acted like the kid was snorting buffout.
“We raised you better than this, Shaun!” Hancock snatched the cigarette from Shaun’s mouth and stomped on it. “This stuff’ll kill you! You think smoking is cool? You wanna impress the ladies? Get a good head on your shoulders. Do something with your life. That’s how you get status. Not...” He gestured exasperatedly around them. “...drugs!”
Shaun bust out laughing. “You gave me a pack last night, Hancock. When you and dad/mom came back from the Third Rail. You were going on about me finally being a man and if I was going to do something reckless might as well do it in the house.”
Hancock was speechless.
“And you were, like, totally high,” Shaun added.
[Hancock disapproves... of himself]
MacCready is a family man. He loves Shaun like his own flesh-and-blood. 
He’d do anything for the kid. Storm the Glowing Sea. Infiltrate an Institute 2.0. Join the damn Brotherhood of Steel if needed.
And MacCready shows it. He is the one who teaches Shaun to shoot his first gun, ride a bike and change the radio station by shooting a rubber band.
Which is why it is shocking every time........ MacCready calls Shaun by the wrong name.
“Hey Duncan! Shoot, I mean Dogmeat! Darn it. Codsworth! Um, no. Shaun!”
It’s a classic dad move to call your kid the dog’s name.
It’s an advanced dad move to call your kid after your partner’s Mr. Handy.
Shaun is always flustered but laughing. “Did you call me every person’s name in this house but my own?”
“Can it. And, um, please bring me a rubber band so I can change the station.”
Preston was happy to teach Shaun to shoot a gun or repair a generator. There were plenty of mundane tasks and skills that needed mastered to survive in the Commonwealth.
It was the growing-up talks Preston needed to have with him that were the hardest.
He rather help Shaun scrub the entire Castle with a toothbrush than explain where babies come from.
Preston wasn’t some delicate wallflower. He hadn’t survived so long in the Commonwealth by being overly-sensitive.
But there was something about answering questions about bodily functions and puberty that twisted his stomach.
“Well, you see Shaun...” Preston coughed. “When a mommy and a... you know, when a...”
Shaun blinked. “When a mommy and a who do what?”
“Can’t you just ask Sole?”
The woman who profits off her kid sister’s labor is not the most ethical of mothers.
Piper lets Shaun get away with far more than he should, and pushes him further than he sometimes wants to go.
She doesn’t understand why Sole won’t let him get a part-time job at the water treatment plant.
“When I was his age I was cleaning chimneys and bartering with caravans!”
Piper encourages Shaun to work hard, and so when Sole deems most jobs in Diamond City too dangerous, she lets him sell papers with Nat.
Unfortunately, Shaun is garbage at it. He’s more occupied with pointing out Piper’s typos than actually advertising.
Piper eventually drops the whole “child labor” thing and allows him to be more of a kid. She knows he deserves a break after all he’s been through.
As someone who has encountered many cases of missing children, Nick can be a little overbearing.
He’s adamant about enforcing curfew and knowing exactly which friends Shaun hangs out with.
However, he struggles to understand Shaun’s youthful desire to be “normal”
“One of your parents is a gen-2 synth detective and the other is a pre-war popsicle, Shaun. You were never going to be boring, that’s for sure.”
He really tries to make Shaun feel like a regular kid. Nick introduces him to crime noir comics and a respectable wardrobe. Even if Shaun feels like an outsider, the kid has developed excellent taste.
Coursers were designed for killing. Not parenthood.
X6 tries his best to be a sensitive father. He listens to Shaun’s problems and, only when asked, offers solutions.
He even researches games Shaun might like to play, just so they could experience some traditional pre-war father-son bonding. 
However, Sole banned sports in the house. An errant baseball through a window could be blamed for that.
X6′s biggest mistake was trying to impress Shaun. He didn’t realize Shaun loved him unconditionally. Coursers only knew the value of usefulness. If he wasn’t actively showing his worth as a father, he felt like he was failing.
Shaun finally begs X6 to stop his constant posturing. “I don’t love you because you give me toys and take me on cool trips,” Shaun explained. “I love you because you’re my dad.”
X6 felt like Father of Shaun was a better title than even Father of the Institute.
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Chris argent x reader - getting along
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Hey do you think You can do one of Chris Argent were he is trying to help he’s wife with the new baby…… I love how you right - Anon💜
A/N: I decided to do this as a part two to a previous fic :))
Part two:
Walking around, you were holding the baby in your arms, gently trying to shush him to sleep but no matter what you did nothing was working.
“Did you try burping him?” Derek asked.
“I did! It won’t work!”
He raised his hands and took a step away, looking to his uncle.
“Maybe he needs changed?”
“Already tried that, please tell me Chris is coming home…”
“He’s stuck in traffic right now.” Derek sighed.
You groaned, looking back down at your son.
“Please Henry, I don’t know what you want from me..”
Henry carried on crying, and you began to walked back and forth, hoping that the pacing would be enough to lull him back asleep.
But it wasn’t working.
“Peter!” You whined.
“What do you want me to do?!”
“He’s your nephew help me!”
“He’s your son!” Peter huffed.
Derek walked over after punching his uncle in the stomach and took the baby from your arms as he began to walk back and forth.
You sniffled a little and walked over to Peter, hugging him.
“Why do I such at this Pete?”
“You don’t, you’ve just never had a baby before that’s all, you’ll get it.” He sighed.
Peter placed his hand on your back and watched as Derek tried to calm Henry down, but after a while of that not working, Peter went to try whole Derek hugged you.
Nothing seemed to work, and when your front door opened you all looked at it.
“Are we having a werewolf meeting I wasn’t aware off?” Chris chuckled.
“Your son is crying and he won’t shut up.” Peter said.
Chris set his stuff down and walked over, taking Henry and he began to bounce his arms up and down gently, and sure enough after a few minutes the crying stopped.
Then you began to cry and Peter pushed your forward a little.
“You can deal with this I’ve had enough of crying for a lifetime.”
With that he left, dragging Derek along with him and Chris walked over, wrapping an arm around you.
“Why’re you crying darling?” He asked gently.
“Henry doesn’t like me!” You sobbed.
“Oh darling no, that’s not true of course he does, he loves you.”
“He doesn’t!”
You moved from Chris and moved away to the bedroom.
Sitting in the bed you buried your face in your hands as you cried, and it wasn’t long until Chris came in, setting Henry in his own bed so he could sleep.
Walking over, Chris knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“Henry loves you so much.” He said gently.
“He always Chris when he’s with me…”
Chris laughed softly.
“He’s a baby darling, all he can do is cry, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. You just need some time to learn all the tricks there is to get a baby to quieten down is all.”
“So I’m just bad…?”
“No! No! Of course not!”
You sniffled, wiping your tears with the backs of your hands.
“Then why can’t I do it like you can…?”
“You can, you absolutely can. I’ve seen you sitting next to him in his crib while you sing to him almost every night, I can’t do that.”
“He likes it…”
“Exactly, that’s yours and his thing, he likes it when you sing.”
You looked at your husband.
“Henry loves you so much darling, okay? I love you too.”
You sniffled again, nodding your head.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat and then get you a bath and some rest.”
“Don’t go away again…”
Chris laughed, turning around so you could climb on his back and he carried you through the house.
“I promise I’ll stay here until you’re ready.” He said.
You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Being a mom is hard.”
“You’re going to be an amazing mom, you already are.”
You said nothing, you just kept your arms around him, slowly drifting asleep as he wondered around trying to find a takeout menu.
When Chris noticed this, he carefully lowered you down on the couch, covering your up with his jacket and sat in front of you as he ordered you both some food.
When Henry began to stir he quickly got up to pick his son up before he started crying, and he walked around holding him as he started to do other things.
He made Henry a bottle and fed him, he burped him, changed him, then just sat there in front of you while he played a game with Henry to keep him happy.
As long as Henry was happy, and you were catching up on some much needed sleep that’s all Chris could ask for right now, he wanted to make sure that you slept for as long as possible.
Even when it meant Chris sitting in the crib with Henry to lull him to sleep, that’s what he did, even if he didn’t think about how he was going to get out afterwards and was probably stuck there until you woke up
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Some Sh*t my OC Said...
tagged by @gamyrmaiden, more quotes from...
Devin Villareal (aka my fav) Part 2
Luna having trouble breastfeeding
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Devin: Lu they’ll survive if you can’t produce milk Luna: But they said breast is best Devin: They also said leeches were an infallible cure Luna: How do you know that word Devin: TV
When Luna is feeling bad
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Luna: I was meaning the poop was disgusting, not him Devin: Lu he doesn’t know words Luna: So he doesn’t hate me Devin: Of course not. Here watch. Who’s a poopy mcpoop face, huh? Is it you Alfred: *coos happily* Devin: Who’s a yucky lump of poop Alfred: *coos away*
First day as a TV regular
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Rudolphus: Why are we doing this zombie show again Devin: We need to pay rent Rudolphus: Like you pay rent Devin: I pay property taxes. Plus Norah asked
Honourable Mentions
Diaper change commentary
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Luna: I know but how bad can- Alfred: *pees everywhere* Luna: Disgusting Devin: Try think of it as, he’s marking you as his
Defending Alfred from the trash talk
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Joey: Why is he looking at me like that Luna: He does that, we have to try not take it personally Joey: right Devin: He’s just a smiley boy, you know, when he’s not bawling his eyes out
Burping the babies
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Alfred spits out all over Devin’s back Devin: Fine… this is… totally fine. You get that gas out piccolo mio Luna: Let’s see if Rilian feels like- no it’s just gas bubbles from him Devin: *laughs* It’s okay Alfred, none of us are perfect, although I’m pretty damn close Luna: I love how you are just unfailingly confident Devin: And I love how you know words like unflail-unfailed… It’s 3am, I cannot be literate at this hour
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