#why dont we snapchat stories
AITA for not wanting my fiancé to hang out with my sister and I?
Okay so my fiancé (22f) offered to drive to Mexico with her aunt and stay a couple days. It was only three days notice and she hadn't discussed it with me(24f) at all. I do think she should go, she's been wanting a vacation lately and been really upset because I can't afford to go anywhere. It's a good opportunity to get vacation and family time. I was really happy for her. I just feel like it's basic politeness to at least let me know before she gave a definitive yes since we live together so I was slightly annoyed.
Fast forward two days and it seemed like that plan wasn't going to work out because her aunt wanted to postpone, so instead she decided to go out of town with her brother (18) since she had gotten her hopes up about a vacation, which again sounded like a good idea. In the meantime I'd set up a sleepover with my sister that same weekend.
Without even mentioning the situation to me, my fiancé posted on snapchat asking if a third person wanted to go with them to keep the costs down, which would be fine if she hadn't posted it to her story. Its okay if someone else goes but maybe asking in a groupchat or a few people individually but not absolutely everyone.
So of course her ex (who she has readily admitted shes left multiple people for) asked to go. It isn't her fault that her ex is the only one who offered but also that's part of the reason why I would have asked her to ask more directly than every single person she has on snapchat.
She asked me if I was comfortable with that which was nice, and I said not really because of the nature of their relationship. The only times we've hung out, my fiancé ended up being super cold and hostile to me and laughing her ass off at inside jokes with her. I get that they have a history and I don't expect her to pretend they dont, but it just makes me uncomfortable when we're all together because I feel like a third wheel to the person I'm engaged to and her ex girlfriend.
She got upset and said I was being unfair and ruining her weekend. I told her it was fine if she could find literally anyone else and that frankly it was inappropriate for her ex to even ask. She got argumentative about how she's been hanging out with her ex for years because they have mutual friends (which is fair except the mutual friends are not invited) and that her ex didnt even know I wouldnt be there. The argument lasted another two days. She kept saying that I am being too controlling, which I dont think is fair because if she didnt care about my feelings then why ask about them. I just gave up and said it was fine. I'd be having fun with my sister anyway so I wouldn't spend the whole time worrying, and I trust her not to cheat on me I just think it's a weird situation and it makes me uncomfortable, which is what she asked.
As soon as I said yes she told me it was too late to book an airbnb so she wasn't going to go, and that really upset me because she'd been so angry about me being uncomfortable that she wouldn't leave me alone for days and what was even the point of all that if she wasn't going to go anyway and she already decided that.
During the past 4 days until canceling suddenly like that, she was 100% supposed to be going out of town to somewhere, and I had gotten really excited about my sleepover with my sister. We were going to do things that my fiancé does not enjoy (arts and crafts, watching period movies) since it would be just us and also have some much needed sister time.
All of a sudden, the next day, my fiancé asked if she could come over too since she wasn't going anywhere. I said "I guess, but we were going to do stuff that you wouldn't like." And she got mad and told me I was being super rude and I could have been nice about it, which I thought I had been and I told her I feel like if she came either she wouldn't have fun or we wouldn't get to do the stuff that we were planning to. She was still angry all night and kept saying she obviously didn't want to come now since she wasn't welcome. I barely slept because she was so clearly upset with me and I didn't see any way to fix things without ruining my night with my sister.
The day before the sleepover she kept hinting that she wanted me to invite her and I really didn't want to. Maybe before all this stuff but I am really annoyed with all of this and I don't want he to butt in on my sisters night.
I think she's been inconsiderate and mean to me over this whole thing. I just don't get her thought process with any of it. But she seems really sad and that does make me think maybe I'm being the asshole here.
So AITA for not wanting my fiancé to hang out with my sister and I?
What are these acronyms?
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orlamccools · 23 days
vent post under the cut- if youve got advice id love to hear it
so. ive been talking to this guy for a long ass while, you can scroll thru the last tag on this post to see what its all about, but long story short is this: i asked him out two saturdays agoto my friends going away party (which was held this past friday). hes met this friend once before, and we planned to meet at her place and then maybe go out to the bars after
entire week he is super into it, texts me more often than normal, creates a spotify blend for the two of us (w that feature that lets you combine your tastes into a single playlist) like im getting VIBES. and he asks abt our plans!!!! we make a solid schedule!!!
night of the party he texts me at 8:45 checking in to see if its all happening and i say yeah. i get home from work, change, then get to my friends house and text him that im here. he doesnt respond for an hour and finally says something abt how he has to charge his phone before coming out. im like ok man whatever i just want to hang so do what you gotta do. another half hour passes and then he hits me with the "hey idk if im gonna make it out". im disappointed by this, so i respond with like a "damn that kinda sucks :/" message. at this point i expect him to stop messaging me, but then he texts me quite literally for the rest of the night. like he literally doesnt stop until i text him that im walking home.
saturday i see him in person for a short period when he does the close out but another driver fucking also comes to sweep the store and just. will not stop talking to the dude in question. he like tries to get away twice but between customers and this other guy we dont talk like at all. after the other driver leaves and the store is closed he comes back in to use the bathroom and like stands by the door for a moment so i like look over but all he does is smile and wave then leave.
SATURDAY NIGHT. he texts me at like 8 responding to a text i had sent the previous night asking if im going out again tonight. i said yeah (bc a separate friend had a party) and he was like bet lemme know where youre at i might stop by and see you. i send him the address of the restaurant and proceed to hang w my friends until midnight. hes again texting me all night abt getting ready to head out but when we finally leave he hits me with the "finally leaving now where should i meet you". at this point i am exhausted, as ive just finished my first week of classes, had drunk heavily over the past 48 hours, and had worked a 13 hr workday that day. i text him and say im like too tired im going home and hes like damn :////
yesterday night. i do an eras movie night w my friends and i send a picture of the opening sequence to the ppl i have snapchat streaks with. he snaps me the rest of the night and is like "ohhhh you should have invited me" and stuff like that and its like. i didnt invite you for a multitude of reasons but like you ditched plans once this weekend and kept pushing back the other time i tried to invite you out, so why do you think i would ask you a third time???????
and now im just confused bc like. he seemed sooooooooo into it all week and then as soon as it was time for things to happen he just didnt show and kept stringing me along. im also lowkey pissed bc i wanted to hang with him and i was SO anxious abt asking him out (like i literally threw up twice friday morning bc i was so anxious abt how the day was gonna go). im just frustrated and like i had thought he had gotten the vibe that i was into him romantically bc it sure as shit seemed like he was reciprocating, and now im not even sure what to do anymore.
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myun-saidthoughts · 2 years
Composite Chart:
Real Life Experiences
(I will express my own experiences and in hindsight knowing some of the basics in astrology might make this post make more sense, I'm only stating experiences not what each sign/placement/aspect means on it's own)
(If anyone wants me to add some background knowledge with each composite synastry aspect let me know)
💐🌸 Libra Moon, Libra Venus, & Libra MC 🌸💐
(Moon & Venus Conjunct MC)
Now for my experience, I have this with one boy. When we are out in public my emotions and feelings can not be hidden from him or anyone, we are playful together, we flirt openly to one another, I compliment him and he compliments me back. Very giddy with one another and I like to make him feel good about himself, I just have that desire too. We aren't dating but there's a weird sense of known responsibility he has for our dynamic per se? When he is talking to another girl he over compensates by keeping the "peace." Once he talked to a childhood friend and right when she walked away he was over expressing how random and weird that conversation was, even though in my eyes it was a innocent conversation, he felt like he needed to state something. In that circumstance on that night we were really cute together, I grabbed his hand and he leaned down to go and kiss me, and it felt natural. But there has been nights where that wasn't the case, whenever he is with another girl or isn't keeping the balance he acts awkward or tries to run away from the situation to avoid the tension he feels? Another time when we stopped contact randomly for a few weeks and he randomly said to me "I haven't been on snapchat, I haven't talked to anyone at all on there" something along those lines and I was like "no worries, it's okay!" Another time he was with another girl and my sister passed him without saying hi, the following day he was extremely weird and couldn't even say hi to me?He only did when we abruptly passed each other and he nervously said "Hi love" and there's more stories. So even though I have never been upset at him or yell at him with his choices, and (never will I because we aren't dating) he feels the need to keep the balance between us. One thing though, his choices and actions affect me and my face can't hide it even though I wish I could. So the balance is shown when it's off because my face can not hide it. That might also be why he is overly aware of how I feel when he is acting off. He also has always seen me 'done up' meaning hair done, makeup done and so fourth. Even when we snapchatted I always tried to look my best, this could be my natal Libra MC but I thought he was so attractive so I wanted to match his appearance.
🔮🕸️ Scorpio Sun & Mercury in the 12H 🕸️🔮
Now for this, even though our attraction and playful energy is not hidden from the public, the identity and communication between the two of us lacks. I dont know where I stand with him because when I'm with him I do feel a sense of intense feelings and desires but things are left unsaid, I don't want to overstep or say the wrong thing to him, I want to match his energy and so far that keeps us in a stagnant spot. His friends and my friends know that we like each other, and on a whim I have gone up and kissed him in front of his friends and others but nothing gets passed that. Our communication is limited, we only have each other on social media, and I've known him since summer of 2021 but the stagnancy persists. (This also ties into other composite aspects but I'll talk about that later) I dream of him a lot, could be my subconscious trying to make sense of why I think about him often, but he is in my dreams, almost every night (I believe my Moon is in his 12H). When and if we ever get passed this shallow spot I do feel his energy will feel transformative and feed my natal 12H Venus. He will check that box off for me because based on the time I have spent with him, I can just feel it. He could read my eyes like a story and like I said previously as much as I wish I could hide my emotion, it's impossible.
🪬🌛Cancer North Node & Vertex in the 8H 🌜🪬
So for this placement, I do feel this resonates with our dynamic, at least for me. I am a very emotionally closed off individual, I am afraid of commitment, love, and most of all, vulnerability. So with this relationship he unlocks a side in me where I feel safe enough to be vulnerable, safe enough to give a part of myself to him in ways that seem impossible to others. If I ever do date him, from my souls being I know I won't be the same afterwards, the way I communicate my feelings, how I regulate my feelings and emotions would be altered. Now I dont know in what positive or negative way our relationship would transform myself and my ego but in my gut I know it's possible. Vertex and North Node signifies fate, destiny, these two points showcase experiences we have to deal with and it being in the 8H tells me it's about change, so in my perspective he is here for me to allow the love I want from him, to flow through me instead.
☀️☪️ Scorpio Sun and Mercury Squaring Aquarius Uranus ☪️☀️
So, this also ties into the 12H placements we share. Our dynamic and communication was constantly on and off, we talked then we didn't, we flirted with each other then we stopped, once it got too consistent he felt he needed to back away (He has a lot of natal Uranus influence). The more inconsistent our communication was through social media, the more present he was in person. The more consistent he was on social media the more stand offish he was in person (unless he was drunk lmao). It was a back and fourth tennis match. He still would feel responsible to not hurt my feelings but it was random, one day he would compensate his weird standoffish attitude and then another day he wouldn't try. My attitude would stay the same because I always knew what I wanted but I share more fixed and Plutonic energy, needless to say his Moon and Venus are in my 8H, while my Moon is in his 12H and my Venus is in his 1H.
🪐🌙 Scorpio Mercury Oppose Taurus Saturn 🌙🪐
Now here's another poor communication element. Our Mercury being in the 12H and the Saturn in the 6H. In this instance, work, mundane affairs, activities, other responsibilities and hobbies, have been the main reason why our communication has stopped or dwindled. He focuses a lot on his career and income, and the second he focused only on his career, contact through social media and in person hit an all time low, other responsibilities overtook our dynamic and his attention. And to come to think about it, if he came consistent in my life my responsibilities to my school work and other limitations such as lack of resources I have; would create a blockage within our dynamic as a whole. I could also read this as us wanting to achieve deeper topics or communication but because of outside responsibilities/other factors we don't control or limitations, those desires are hard to reach.
🍄✨💥 Sagittarius Rising 💥✨🍄
I met him online in Summer of 2021, and a few months later I randomly met him when he was on a trip to where I'm from. He became friends with people I knew, and in the early fall he came here to visit them, and I just so happened to of ran into him at a party. So, in some cases the rising signs indicate how you meet and how the public see's you two together, I met him when he was on a trip and my main outings with him was at parties/gatherings where there's alcohol.
🏹 🎀 Libra Venus Sextile Sagittarius Pluto 🎀🏹
From how I've felt with this boy, I do feel our connection would showcase change and growth for both parties. The Libra Venus wants to want the love and the Sagittarius Pluto will ignite that everlasting change and growth within one another. The energy together (when heightened and at it's absolute) would feel cohesive and ignite passion. The letting go aspect to love and to love whole heartedly seems doable and 'easy.'
🍃🪷 Libra Moon Trine Aquarius Mars 🪷🍃
When our dynamic is flowing naturally, without outside factors or limitations, our desires for each other acts well together. We both have similar love languages, our emotions can go into alignment with the way we act to each other. It's natural, and it's easy. Flirting is not difficult and there's no awkwardness when doing so, we have similar desires and attraction (again) is not hidden nor is it dismissed. The emotions in play without dynamic can flow with the actions we are comfortable with taking part it. Passion is never an issue between us two. Another analysis in my opinion is the Mars acts freely and openly to the public with no care of what other people will think, (only time there is stagnancy is when internal problems arise like I said before) The Mars doesn't feel trapped with not portraying it's emotions (whether good or bad). Therefore even when things are off the emotions are again heightened and easy to be expressed whether (I) want to be open or not.
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rottenblur · 7 months
Why does dealer!ellie work so well, and why do we see it so often
i could actually speak about this
Dealer!ellie is so excepted throughout the tumblr fandom as she does smoke weed in the game..
Another thing that could add to this is her brutal force throughout the game showing that she would possibly be a dealer in a modern society without infected
But me personally? Ive only dipped my toes into dealer ellie as since i saw this one tiktok about how the tumblr fandom makes her out to be so tough💀💀💀 ive looked at it differently?
I feel like yes ellie would smoke weed outside of the apocalypse but being a dealer?? Im not sure about that. Ellie is quiet and keeps to her self, indulging in nerdy shit (like me) i PERSONALLY don’t see it but maybe i need to do more research.
I could see myself writing dealer!ellie in the future if it was requested but id 100% make her less… money flexing on snapchat story dealer and more dealing to friends and friends of a friends kind of dealer yk? One that keeps it on the down low!
Why do i think it works so well?
Well… idk bout yall but i can assume at least one of you has had a crush on a dealer in the past.. also ellie is legit a mass murderer so dealing is acceptable to her modern non apocalypse au character. I think alot of people like the rebellious troupe of character as it is attractive
As with all different kinds of au’s we attach to characters (dbf!, dealer!, college!) it’s fantasy!! We can all get behind a well written fantasy! Plus the intoxication and lust works so well together, being with someone you lust after can be intoxicating so added to a substance makes it even more intense.
Really to sum it up, i think the extreme of the illegalness, drugs and lust makes it so desirable!
After you read a good fic with a troupe like dealer!ellie you search for others with the same troupe i think thats why it works well!
With the popularity theres a even better rounded character to this troupe of ellie
Also my bias opinion on this is even though we dont see abby ever smoke weed in the game i feel like she would be a dealer just for the connections and money.
Tumblr media
I could keep yapping but i know yall aint reading all that! I love being asked questions please don’t hesitate to send requests for fics/ questions or even just saying hi!! I love talking to yall even if its just in comments or asks!
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theatrekidstatus · 9 months
Chapter 31
-emily is 9- Anthony ramos pov:"ok so maybe it did take a year but todays the day" "EMMY VEN ACA" "sí papa" "we're going out today" "for real" "yes get ready" "ok" -15 minutes later- "ok are you hungry" "very much so" "lets head to breakfeast" "ok daddy wheres mommy" "warming up the car" "ok" we head to the car and lock the doors turn on the security and called jazzy to house sit "hey baby you ready for today" "yes ma'am" "so are we getting breakfast" "can we get breakfast and brunch" "ok princess" "guys theres something ive meant to ask you" "yes sweet heart" "can i PLEASE social media" "sfffff i dont know sweetie" "PLEASE ILL DO ANY THING" "ok you can have social media but we will run and watch the account but you can have snapchat to your self" "OK THANK YOU SO MUCH" she started downloading the apps and following people "here log into the accounts on our phones" "ok" she did then we made it to breakfeast we step inside and sit down i look up shes making a tictok "let us see before you post" it was a lip sync to one more hour" "you do love us" "never didn't" "EMILY" a young voice called "oh no" "whats wrong is that he brothering you" "no no no no no dad" "ohhhh is that jose" "no no no no" "tell him to come over" "NO NO NO NO NO" she whispered screamed "does he speak spanish?" "mas o menos" "jose ven aquí" "hola emily" "hola" "como estas" "bien y tú" "biennnnnn" "so jose you into mixed girls" "PAPA" "oh y-yeah?" "oh my god" "im just asking a question mija" "ANYWAY jose donde esta tú familia" "esta aquí" "bien bien" "well this is my sisters birthday brunch so i gotta split bye m&m's" "bye" "that went well" "DAD!" "what" "why did you do that" "what" "ANY OF THAT" "i was getting to know him" "you embarrassed all three of us" "i did not" "DID TOO" "well i apologize for trying to meet my duaghter crush A family fun day is a special time for families to come together and enjoy each other's company while having a blast. It's a day filled with laughter, excitement, and unforgettable memories. Let me take you through a fun-filled day that you and your family can enjoy!
The day starts with everyone gathering in the morning, full of anticipation for the adventures ahead. You and your family decide to kick off the day with a visit to a local amusement park. As you enter the park, the sound of joyful screams and the smell of cotton candy fills the air. The rides are calling your name!
You start off with a thrilling roller coaster ride that leaves you breathless and exhilarated. The wind rushes through your hair as you twist and turn through loops and drops. The adrenaline rush is contagious, and you can't help but laugh and cheer alongside your family members.
After the roller coaster, you make your way to the water park section of the amusement park. Splashing and laughter fill the air as you slide down towering water slides and float lazily along the lazy river. The refreshing water cools you down on a hot summer's day, and you can't help but feel a sense of pure joy as you see the smiles on your family's faces.
As the day progresses, you and your family decide to take a break from the rides and head to a nearby picnic area. You spread out a cozy blanket and unpack a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. The sun shines down, casting a warm glow on your family as you enjoy a leisurely lunch together. Laughter and conversation fill the air as you bond over shared stories and jokes.
After lunch, you and your family decide to try something new and exciting - a mini-golf adventure! The colorful and whimsical mini-golf course is filled with challenging obstacles and tricky holes. You cheer each other on, celebrating every hole-in-one and laughing at the near misses. It's a friendly competition that brings out the playful spirit in everyone.
As the sun begins to set, you and your family head to a nearby beach for some relaxation and fun. The sand feels warm between your toes as you build sandcastles and collect seashells. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls overhead creates a serene atmosphere, allowing you to unwind and appreciate the beauty of nature.
To end the day on a high note, you and your family gather around a cozy bon
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
idk why he says nothings wrong when i ask him, when clearly something is wrong. ik how he is & when somethings up but he still denied it. i understand if he doesnt wanna get into it rn or he just wants to let it go but like in this case, i pretty much know exactly what its about that could be bothering him & the only way to put him at ease is to talk about it….again! this one specific thing triggered his mood last night & i didnt even think it would. i noticed a red scratch mark on my chest and sent him a pic saying how i think his cat made the scratch. his reply was soo serious, like i could actually feel him doubting me thru the phone. i knew he was questioning if it was really the cat bc he said how he was close to my chest the other day and didnt see anything so that is odd that theres a scratch. !! i immediately knew where his mind went & that thought didnt even occur to me when i sent that pic..like if i knew that would cause him to think of this crazy scenario then i wouldnt have sent that snap in the first place tbh bc right after that, his tone & the way he texted just shifted. hes not the best at masking his feelings like me so i can tell when the energy feels different. i also posted some pics from the hangout on my ig story & he saw it later that night. i have a feeling that added to his misery and all of today it was so prevalent, even if he denies it. idc if he says nothings wrong bc its not convincing and its not just in my head. he went from msging me all cutesy & happy to immediately being more neutral & uninterested. we always send a snap to say good morning (unless we get busy but we still send a snap with whatever we’re doing). he didnt open the app, as well as reply to my snap, until 7:15pm.. around 4 was when i asked him whats wrong (bc i already knew he was ignoring me). his response was that nothing really is wrong and how he went straight to work and his boss switched his assignment. usually id let that go but not when its already past 7 and hes firsttt opening snapchat to answer me ? and i see that hes been on instagram. also.. hes always talking to me when hes either at work already, still at home, or driving to work. the only time he goes mia like that is when something is definitely upsetting him. also!.. when that happens, he will text me after a couple hrs to let me know how hes feeling & why he was silent. he didnt always do that but i told him to bc its not fair to me by feeling like ive done something or just the feeling of purposely being ignored by my own boyfriend. but yeah.. he didnt do any of that this time BC its this whole situation again. i really dont know what more i could do to reassure him about it. i feel like ive done and am doing all that i can rn. its mostly up to him now to let himself figure it out and honestly, just trust me. like just saying.. im not gonna be making that mistake that you (both) did and be stupid with it.. and neither will snow. theyre not a “friend” its actually becoming really genuine and sweet and i wont let it get ruined bc of him doubting me. i also wont let the friendship ruin me and him. i really cant help but compare it to what he did with his friend, especially since i just found out like a month ago. i also have this suspicion that it happened earlier that yr (when we were still together) than what he told me, but i dont even wanna think about that for any longer. i was told by her Husband! that it happened when they were still in school together. that means a year before. idk if i believe that. she mightve lied, but my suspicion’s still there. like i asked him if he remembered what month and he couldnt. all he knew was that it was during our break..-.- the what.…like 1 1/2 month long break. you dont remember which month..? i sound so salty rn omg i dont mean to. im just trying to understand. ill see how he is with me tm bc we barely talked today. kind of glad i worked most of the day so i was able to keep busy and not hyper focus on him ignoring me.
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boyenthusiast · 2 years
okay master post of all the Guys in my life that i post about kinda often. both cause it can be confusing and also i like talking about these guys
vinyl guy- his real name is matthew and we met through a post i put on my college's snapchat story about how im selling my vinyl collection. he's from my hometown (went to my rival high school!) and he's buying two of my beatles vinyls on saturday morning and when i researched the history of these albums and my specific vinyls, i told him about it and he seemed excited :)
micro econ guy- he's also in my science and critical thinking class, but i didn't realize until later cause they're both huge classes. his real name is pierce and he's tall with the like middle part longish hair that's popular now. he has nails painted light blue and he sits next to me in micro econ but across the room in science and critical thinking. painted nails on a guy who's a business major is like. unheard of. and thats why i first noticed him. i do not know how to talk to him lmao.
ive referred to him as "brba j guy" cause there used to be two breaking bad guys but the other one is just kinda meh to me actually- the first breaking bad guy, k guy, is named kaden, and j guy is named john. he went to my high school and we had english class together senior year (thats when i first met him) and also last semester (we go to the same college). he plays keyboard in a band and has good tastes in music and fashion. he also has cool longish hair and always has v cool outfits.
sam- he's not really a Guy, he's my most recent ex. i'm over him but there are aspects of our relationship that still affect me and he's the reason behind like 11 of the poems i wrote in late november if that gives you any idea. a few days ago i sent him a "i dont think i want to be friends again or even talk with you because of these reasons" text but he has yet to read or respond to it (i know because snapchat has read receipts). i dont really have negative feelings toward him, but i just dont want him in my life anymore because personal and complicated reasons
ethan- again, not really a Guy, but they're my second-to-last ex and the partner i was with the longest (2 1/2 years). they broke up with me the last week of august and both the breakup and relationship obviously affected me a whole lot. while i have no negative feelings toward them, i havent talked to them since early october and we dont want to be in each other's lives.
matthew, pierce, and john are all maybe potential crushes?? idk i'd have to hang out with them one-on-one before i can tell for sure. however, idk how i'd get with any of them. matthew has a girlfriend, i dont know if pierce is gay (but he has painted nails 👀), and john is pan but i'm not sure if i like him just yet. like 95% of my journal (that i started in late december) has been about these guys. also i've referred to them as ___ guy in the past because i didn't know id post about them as much as i have also to protect their privacy, but tbh you cant tell much from a first name so
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
you keep mentioning the malishka thing as a turning point but i dont think that was it, she did a loooot of shady shit and keeps doing so, she is still heavily benefitting from being around him which is why she keeps liking stuff about just them (also why im over her and dont trust her shes a mlp part 2). what im saying is if the malishka thing WAS in fact a turning point, wouldnt that be the first thing he deletes off his snap high lights? He actually added it after he cut her off and moved too. he has atleast 6 snaps of her and someone made a funny point on twitter saying hes trying to balance stuff out by adding more mlp to his second ig account instead of cutting everyone off. I know he doesnt like conflict but the simple gesture of deleting those, or achieving the tiktok, or NOT participating in another tiktok with her would send a big message. he confuses himself, why delete dating comments or shipping comments and then films another tiktok with her? That just brought them back.
obviously i don't know everything, so there's probably a lot of key details that we are missing to really know the full story. this is just my assumption.
the reason why i think the malishka thing was the turning point was how almost immediately after coming home from the europe trip, he stopped being around her. he hung out with her one more time before they moved to vegas and then borderline ignored her for a couple months. that's also when she started up her poetry, did some subtweeting about him when he may or may not have went on a date, and that's when he also deleted comments about him and her.
also that was at the same time kat and sam stopped paying attention to her too, and she talked about feeling abandoned.
but, i think the thing to remember is that colby is extremely sentimental and doesn't want to end a friendship, even if it would be better for him. he still hung out with corey and jake even tho both of them bad mouthed him and sam. clearly colby doesn't know how to let go lol
personally, while ms. snapchat may have done some questionable shit, i don't think (in his eyes) she did anything that was worth ending their friendship over. which i think is also why he hasn't deleted any old stories/snaps or still comments on her stuff. he is still her friend, regardless of what happened. i think he just kept his distance for a while, probably bc he was uncomfortable that she had feelings for him.
and i think the main reason why he deleted shipping comments off of tiktok was bc he doesn't want to be shipped with her. even when they were on good terms, he deleted comments. all colby has ever asked of this fandom is to not be shipped with his girl friends, and no one listens to him. so, he went out of his way to get rid of those comments. and i think her having feelings for him also played a huge part in him deleting them as well.
and he continues to hang out with the ppl he is shipped with, film content with them, bc he is their friend. he can't just… cut every girl out of his life bc he's gonna get shipped with them - which is what always happens. so i think he took matters into his own hands and deleted top shipping comments.
i'm not saying this makes perfect, logical sense. i just think this is how he did it, somewhat lol
also, this is a slight side tangent, but also not really. personally, i don't think she has done anything super shady or weird in a while. not saying this to you in particular, anon; but some anons i have gotten are so stuck on her that they can't accept that not everything she does is to either get attention or weirdly relate back to snc/colby. like her wearing merch…. like, that's not her drawing attention. it's clothes that she owns. what do you want her to do? not wear snc's merch?? lol
if she starts up with the poetry or other weird stuff, then we can talk about her. but otherwise…. let it go.
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ariarivivi · 2 years
i havent been in a relationship since highschool. ive only ever been able to get one date off an app and it was an enby who had me drive them to a grocery store which i thought was cute and I got them a birthday present and they ghosted me. i dont think anybody owes me anything as far as app shit goes but it really does just kind of stick with me that ive never been able to get matches and the one time it ever works out slightly well i get burned. I lied I did get in a month long relationship with a friend on final fantasy 14 but she basically immediately cheated on me which makes sense because I figure I was just a rebound but it was one of the most miserable weeks of my life because i couldnt understand why someone would tell me they wanted to be with me after I repeatedly tell them it's okay if they aren't ready and we don't have to call it anything only to immediately go and not even try to hide you being romantically involved with someone else on your snapchat story. My highschool girlfriend cheated on me too, a lot. I kept going back to her because I liked her a lot and obviously I have self esteem issues but it sucked because once we got past all the drama and finally could be honest with eachother we had to end it because i was paranoid and miserable and she knew she must be poly. we're still friends and we talked a few years later and she told me shes in a committed relationship with one guy which was a real blow to my psyche but afaik theyre poly again so i can at least make sense of some things. I just want something cute with someone but I'm a shutin and outside of that one highschool relationship ive only ever been in ldrs with people ive met on here mostly which is fine and honestly sounds heavenly right now but at the end of the day it means ive never learned how to flirt or date or be interesting to any prospective partners and even if i could do that I'm unemployed and live with my parents and I'd be too embarrassed to even talk about that with anybody. fuck man.
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Just like how I got my doorknob sooner than I thought and how it's a very real concrete tangible reality with its own very valid tangible energetic story, I'll get Laika sooner than I thought and see how it's a very real concrete tangible reality with its own very valid tangible energetic story like Laika and I are fr gon be making out, taking pics and videos together, like I'll have Snapchat memories with her and her phone will be filled of photos with me and we'll deadass travel and join the mile high club and we actually bump into Aubrey cause why not- that shit can happen. Like laika and I deadass will stay at hotels together and I'll deadass hold her hand and she'll kiss me and she'll actually meet my family and I'll ACTUALLY MEET HER FAMILY ILL ACTUALLY SEE HER BABY PICS VALIDATING THE FACT I DONT HAVE ANY REASON TO WORRY K. Like just like how you're seeing mfs that look like Laika how that baby with black and white hair poliosis named ANNA (inner guidance) out of ABSOLUTELY ALL NAMES???????? BLACK AND WHITE HAIR POLIOSIS OUT OF ABSOLUTELY ALL HAIR TYPES???? Like the rarity of that happening.................................................................. the rarity is soul-staggering.
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loud-sturniolos · 5 months
So I need to ramble about my ex “friend” bc this mf did some horrible shit recently and I have no one to talk to abt it‼️‼️ This is rlly long, and may not make sense, but yk drama is drama, read if u wanna🤷‍♂️ Also, ngl, I’m also toxic in this argument but idc😞‼️
Also I’ve said like a bajillion times but nobody does it; my asks are open for literally anything, like pls talk to me I’m lonely af😞 U can literally ask for drama and I will tell y’all some random ass drama from my life if u want js pls talk to me LMFAO🙏
SOOOOO This kid that I was “friends” with (more like acquaintances, I dont rlly do friends) is such a fucking bitch like if I see him im gonna fucking beat the shit out of him. He messages me like every few weeks out of nowhere about random shit as if we’re friends, so the other day I kinda snapped when he asked “how are you” and i was like “idk why you care, you literally never talk to me at all, you left me on delivered for 3 months when I had nobody then randomly showed up again and tried to act as if nothing happened” and that kinda started an argument but he was to much of a pussy to argue w me😞 (Haven’t had a proper argument in a good while icl). Anyways next day this snapchat accoumt messages me that I’ve had added since december but like idk who it is, they message me w a snap using a random ass filter and the caption “Damien you gave me an eating disorder” so OBVIOUSLY I’m fucking confused asf, bc what?? Who randomly claims someone gave them an eating disorder??? Like especially claiming I gave them one whilst I’m recovering from my own?? back tf up. but anyways im like “wtf, who r u? idk u” and they listed like a few basic things that anybody on my snap knows, and i said anyone would know that, and then this mf bitch goes “Well ik your real parents are druggies” (Long story short, im adopted bc my real mum was addicted to her dads meds, idk abt my real dad) and obviously im like SHOVKED bc i’d only ever told like 4 ppl abt this that I trusted (idrc now tho, ill tell the world tbh😞‼️) so im instantly like “wtf who r u??” and he tries to make a guessing game out of it?? Like what the actual fuck?? Making a game out of my personal life is like a straight up no? Anyways I start yk, stalking n shit bc bro wont tell me who they are and I see their user name has “bl00dy” in, what do I see on my quick add? Ex friends full name, on a different account BUT the username has “bl00dy” in (btw im not like censoring that, thats literally how they spell it in the user💀), so I’m instantly like Who does this ugly mf think they are adding me on a fake account to talk abt my real parents n shit like that, so I head on over to whatsapp bc thats where we message and i send a ss of the fake acc and i say “is this you”, he deny it, I tell him all the proof I have that it’s him (Same hair colour/length from the snap, identical usernames, same humour, same typing style) and he denies it.
Guess who messages me 20 minutes later confessing? he does. If u gonna lie at least keep up the lie like tf? Anyways, he confessed and I was obviously pissed off bc I trusted him with personal info abt my real parents yk?? And I basically tell him he’s a stupid fuck that needs to get a life and he goes “Maybe I went a bit too far.” A BIT?! A BIT TOO FAR?! No mf you went WAYYY too far. Anyways idk what happened adter that part bc whatsapp wont let me back on it bc my storage is HORRIBLE. But I have some screenshots and can remember a bit of it sooo..
Next thing I have is him telling me “Human error is a think yn, you might not be autistic” so obviously I go off at him for that umh.. I wrote a lot so I’ll js put in the screenshot
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so yhh.. that part happened😽
Next thing I have screenshotted pissed me off so much y’all dont understand omg. So first, he called me a high school drop out and called me special n told me i got sent to a “special school”, basically mocking my mental health and autism?? When I tell you I know so much about his trauma, and his mental health that I could have brought up in that argument i swear. anyways, i told him how the school i go to now isnt a special school, and that I didnt get “sent” i literally chose to go there, and also I haven’t dropped out of high school bc im still enrolled in a school??? then he suddenly starts asking me abt what job I wanted to do when I’m older, so I tell him (Child protection officer or a detective) and he starts telling me how 1. I’d probably brag about making a child cry and thats a whole other fucking thing if i went on abt that this would be way too long. and 2. How I can never get the jobs bc I need science. Keep that shit in mind, SCIENCE. He starts telling me abt how to get the job i want, the job i’ve been researching into for 3 years, he js starts telling me abt how ill mever get it. Then he brings up how I need psychology for it. And he says how psychology is a science. When I tell u this mf stupid istg😞 So I have to go explaining to this dumbfuck that i do not, in fact, need a science degree i meed a psychology degree. Then he tries to tell me how detectives use chemicals and stuff and I’m like… you mean the forensics team need chemicals? Bc detectives and forensics teams are two different jobs bae😨.
anywaysss, next thing I have screenshotted is me mocking his dumbass but idk the messages b4 it. but the SS is just this:
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so thats cute. Anyways, the next thing that happened is when I got my older sister involved bc mf should not have brought it up!!
So I told him at some point to sort his memory out bc he was telling me things that didnt happen, then this mf tells me to basically stop being a hypocrite and tells me that the pills im on fucks up my memory. So, then im confused bc.. I’m not on meds? So I’m like “where tf did you get that from? i dont take pills” and this little fucker i swear i will kill him if he comes near me again, he fucking says “You failed an overdose, hence why I thought you took pills”. Who the fuck does this fucker think he is to bring up MY mental health? To bring up MY suicide attempts?!?! Like actually, he can shut right up bc he’s attempted too, so????? Anyways I was like fully gobsmacked rhat this stupid little fuck thought he could bring up my mental health like that, so I gave the phone to my sister bc shes a toxic bitch and she will gladly argue w anyone🤗
Heres a lil list of things I remember happening but don’t remember the whole thing(that dont make sense but oh well):
He brought up (to my sister) that she hangs out with “druggies” (People in her friend group smoke, vape, do ket, and weed etc. but she only smokes and vapes)
He sent a very quickly deleted message that I managed to read that was basically him 1. calling me a she (transphobic little shit) and 2. telling someone else about MY overdose. Honestly💀. Me and my sister know who he was most likely telling anyways bc he only has one friend😽
Anyways rhats all I rlly rememberrrr.. I can probably remember skme other things, or drama that happened before this argument so if you want more of my drama filled life js ask‼️😽
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if you dont interact with your favorite model's tik toks or IG stories or IG post or podcast videos so she can screenshot and tell her models, actresses, vloggers, lady singers, commercial writers, lady comedians and tik tokers "fake friends" in her group chat so they use it for ideas and views without PAYING YOU EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE LOTS OF MONEY in their accounts, @ing you for credit or just so they can have something to talk about without following you. plus they're paying to put an instagram activity subscription service on the models are crazy clothing IG because they're addicted to not minding their business even though they reach their goals already and have fan bases. your favorite model won't do her part and be there for you, your ideas, bills and companies by stop screenshoting us supporting her and sending it to the groupchat. it's exhausting to deal with when you remember millions of other ladies including those who support our ideas and future, wouldn't do that. they are actually caring and thoughtful. your favorite model just gets remorseful, peaceful and sad for a week or 2. which keeps bringing you back because of her iconic beauty.
models tweeting while angry will forget remorseful, peaceful and sad her to feel like she got a win. at "models are crazy clothing brand" one of our creatives is experiencing that when over 10 of her "friends" have a crush on him. even though it's clear which model "models are crazy clothing brand" want to make happy, be there for and support whatever dream she has for her life.
one of our creatives asked our favorite model to make decision and communicate yes or no like millions of other single ladies do or have done. a creative for "models are crazy clothing brand" and two40 e productions asked after being each other valentine's in 2023, spring 2022 and summer 2022. so two40 e productions can can make the best move for us. the lack of a yes or no yet but more tik tok vids, tweets, following people who are not our creative or "models are crazy clothing brand", youtube vids, and IG stories about one of our creative without trying to communicate like 80% of ladies in the dating scene eventually birth the "model are crazy clothing brand" idea but are these original and creative ideas what's best for us or should we just work on castings, comedy and scripts instead.
our favorite model who we care about and support whatever dream she has for her life. only thinks about herself in that 48 hours and who she's gonna interact with her IG, tik tok. twitter and youtube next week or enjoys attention so much she is letting commercial writers and comedians who never talked to her before 2022 or book her for acting jobs use her, her singer and model close friends to cyberstalk, invade privacy and steal intellectual property to create commercials, scenes, paid ads or movies that we could of created or been hired on. costing her and "two40 e productions" opportunities along with over thousands of dollars yearly for bills and other needs also helped birth the "model are crazy clothing brand" idea. we had multiple reasons, we wish we had none and could create other ideas. if models would just communicate directly to us why they do the things we mentioned above so we could confirm who will be our event or wedding or award show date.
models will say "i love wearing half broken things whatever it's still pretty" instead of trying to think long term on how this non stop group chatting could effect us in 2027 or just give someone with lot of options including her "friends" a yes or no. if she says yes one of our creatives would be with the prettiest girl on earth in the dating scene but if she says no she'll have to watch someone who isn't her but with the same amount of credits or more being with her old valentine, her old supporter or even finally leave the groupchats cause the odds are they will try to contact more of our creatives tik tok following and snapchat following they are obsessed and won't tell us what they want so they can stop cyberstalking, invading privacy, harassing, stealing intellectual property and go back to living their life like 2017, 2018, and 2019 without knowing or caring we exist.
at "models are crazy clothing" our creatives are not a romanticizers just people who want a wife like people have had for over 300 years including the people they went to high school and college have. she won't give a creative, script writer or actor an opportunity to lift his future wife vail at the wedding if she doesn't want it to be her.
our favorite model just uses her beauty to get you to come back when you try to distance yourself due to her lack of deleting her angry in that 48 hours tik tok vids, tweets, IG stories and unfollowing people she followed out of anger and isn't related too, plus wasn't following last month or on valentine's day 2023 just want our creative to react for her models, actresses, vloggers, lady singers, commercial writer, lady comedians and tik tokers "fake friends" in her group chat so they can use it for ideas and views without paying us so we can pay our bills which is wrong way to treat people. that behavior coming from the "our insecurities turned us into hypocrites and we take it out on strangers online but check twitter we never do anything wrong if you don't count cyberstalking and invading strangers privacy weekly without paying groupchat" or just so they can have something to talk about without following us. when again they should go back to living their life like 2017, 2018, and 2019 without knowing or caring we exist.
without knowing or caring we exist is how millions of other people in the U.S. treat "models are crazy clothing brand" and two40 e productions creatives everyday. it helps all of us create, network and grow in our careers in peace without seeing other people copying our dope ideas. which is another example of our favorite model not thinking long term about how this non stop group chatting for attention from her "friends" we mentioned earlier is going to effect our companies, the bills or us in 2027 when she's already beautiful that should be enough attention.
most ladies are focusing on their goals not attention why doesn't our favorite model or just communicate a yes or no when over 10 of her "friends" have a crush on him and other ladies do too. who wants to be angry about a lady they do so much for and sacrifice for because they want her to be great while she just seeks attention from someone focused on their creating and goals. our creatives our normal people with responsibilities who don't want to be groupchatted again next week, and the week after and the week after that without a yes or no. when they can be talking to a future wife improving in sports or life or just creating ideas and laughing with her
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dailyangelrant · 1 year
A lot
I am going to make it a goal for myself to begin journaling daily again. I need this. It helps me a lot and I don't know why I stopped consistently doing it. I think ever since I started posting on my sneakyjuicebox Instagram account, I stopped relying on this as much. But that Instagram account doesn't actually share my true emotions so I don't think it is a viable source of letting my emotions out. I am going to make it a goal for myself to write something here everyday as a habit. Even if it is not a lot or even if it is something small.
A LOT happened yesterday. I am ashamed of a lot of it but I think it is important to write it all down so I can reflect back on it. Basically, Luca has been at Lake Como in Italy with 6 women and 2 men for the past few days. I was okay with all of that at first. Something that didn't completely sit right with me is that one of the women there is a woman that he has had a sexual relationship with in the past. And I kept seeing stories and posts of them together. Almost everytime I saw something from him, she was in it. And he explained to me that that was because she was also in a relationship so he thought that she was a safe person for him to hang around? I don't totally buy that because the time that they had sex in the past, she was also in a relationship... so it seems very inconsistent to me. That is beside the point. I was upset and not in-control of my emotions. I tried to workout to get past it but that didn't work. I had plans that evening with one of my new coworkers from the KYOJIN restaurant and he was going to come over so we could drink before we went to a party event. Before he came over, I was already upset from the Luca thing and I was not responding to what he was saying on Snapchat and I was not texting him on WhatsApp. Then, my friend got here and we began drinking and only like half an hour later, I was puking all over myself and my desk. He comforted me for awhile and then he ended up leaving. That was around 8:30pm. Then I fell asleep and woke up at 4am. Luca was upset with me at that point and left me on read on snapchat. Anyway, he called me out on Snapchat and we talked for awhile. He was upset that the guy was in my bed and I wasn't speaking to him. And at a certain point he texted me saying he loved me and missed me and I apparently replied with a video of me and the guy laughing. I take some responsibility for what happened the other night. Honestly, I will take a lot of responsibility for it. But it is just so frustrating for me as well because I feel hidden. It almost felt like he wants to keep up an appearance of being a party person. He says that he cant post me on his social medias because we aren't together. I suppose that's fair but even in the past, it has always felt like he doesn't want to be seen with me by his peers. He could have posted me on his second account in the past? Also I mentioned that he hasn't officially asked me out yet. That it feels like he has one foot in the door of being in a relationship while maintaining another foot outside the door of being single and free to do as he pleases. I just dont want to be taken for a fool. And I even outlined that him posting online with all of these women, with Sebastian on his account, I guarantee his stories were screenshotted and sent around and I look stupid for having a boyfriend who goes around and parties with a bunch of women. I'm not sure. I think we have worked past it. I'm not sure how we will move forward with this but I think only time will tell.
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I am scared of my mom
alr everyone i gotta vent
so my mom stole my brothers phone while he was sleeping, and decided to look through snapchat and my story on there. She called me (i am in another state rn) stating that she is "livid" and that i had to delete snapchat "RIGHT NOW". I obviously didnt know what i did, so i asked what this was about and she said i was "doing weird things with my hands"??????? She hung up so i called her back and she said we would talk about when i get back to the house on Tuesday. I am really worried. She insisted on having parental controls on my phone even though i bought my phone with my own money. The only way i can talk to my boyfriend is through it, but i cant access it anymore because she disabed it. She has done things like this in the past, and last time she looked through my phone, she found out i was bi. It seems like she always tries to find things to get mad about whenever she is stressed (my dad got into a car crash(hes fine)) I also think part of me coming out is adding to her resentment of me. I Want to get away from her. I cant take this anymore. Why wont my dad stop her from doing this. i feel so alone. When i come back i feel she will yell at me again. I really dont like that. i dont. I think she might take my phone permanently again and probably my computer. why is she doing that i bought them with my money theyre mine i own them i have them they are my things. i dont want to be around her anymore. i want to feel like she cant hurt me anymore. i cant take it. i cant i cant i cant i cant. i feel so alone
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I disagree with the part you told the anon that you dont think she plans what to post or like. She absolutely does she makes it known that she likes stuff, they all plan because they know they have thousands upon thousands watching their every move on there and anything they like and post will get twisted into something else or hyped up or made into an edit. There is a reason she never posted her roommate until very recently. Theres a reason she never posted any guy even though from her roommates account they had a few living and partying with them. She always cropped or angled her photos to only show her. There was a reason she would mimic her posts after Colbys and why shes not doing so much anymore, and why after being m.i.a or not mentioned as much, she went all mopey and depressed posting all this sad stuff knowing damn well people will reach out to her and praise her. She likes attention like the rest of them.
My accounts are private and i will like or post random stuff. What i share is stuff i want those that i follow to see. I never post open answer questions because I dont care for responses. She does. She’ll rarely post a bizzare question and then goes back to saying shes sad, shes abandoned, her last tiktok saying she was rejected. Posting her playlist of sad music and telling people to listen to one called “back to friends!” Same with mlp, posting about not getting invited on the night of their Halloween party or posting that she had been replaced when he was chilling with Amber. Look at the numbers and how that suggestive stuff gets more attention versus stuff they post that is just about them. So yes their stuff is calculated and i think as far as Snapchat goes, she wants to cast enough stones that will cause a frenzy and give her enough time to run away which is why she posts and deletes. I wont believe her stuff isn’t about him or geared towards using the situation to get attention til i see her posting about coffee,raves, or tailgating like she used to do way back when. Til her mom stops answering his fan accts and til both stop suggesting something happened.
i meant that not EVERY thing she posts is related to getting attention or colby or snc or whatever. there are some stuff that clearly could be seen as egging on the situation, i'm not arguing that. but not every single thing is calculated by her. at least, i don't think so.
i'm gonna reiterate something i've said a thousand times at this point: we have to stop giving her attention since clearly that is all she wants.
bc think of it this way, recently (as both i realized and an anon just pointed out) she posted a tiktok about feeling rejected or being rejected, right? of course, the first thing fans are gonna jump to is that it's about her and colby, and that colby rejected her and that's why she's feeling this way recently. HOWEVER, we don't know that for certain. she could easily be talking about a previous time in her life, or a random dude, but bc the fans are fans, they jump to the conclusion of tc4 or colby.
and in the end, she wins. bc this is the game she wants. she gets attention, we talk about it, she gets more attention. every time ppl assume she's talking about tc4 or colby, we play into her hand. bc honestly, she could be talking about someone else, or just straight lying, but bc we already assume otherwise, she gets attention from it. AND IF THAT IS WHAT SHE WANTED ALL ALONG (aka that she is talking about colby and is telling fans all the "tea") she wins YET AGAIN.
no matter the scenario, she wins bc fans pay attention. they either assume wrong or right, but it doesn't matter. bc she gets what she wanted.
so again…. stop paying attention to her. and thus, she loses.
and mlp is a whole different story. well, not that different. the prequel if you will. but at least she's gone now for the most part. you only hear whisperings of her. but at least her connection with colby seemed more legit than ms. snapchat lol
(not all of this was directed at you, anon. just the general audience that reads my asks)
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