#why is dressing that way seen as sexy? and why is 'sexy' for a woman so humiliating and submissive? what would a sexy man wear by contrast?
daydreamerwoah · 3 days
Love Through It All Pt. 9
tw: mentions of cheating, mentions of divorce; hurt; angst; anger; drinking; rollercoaster of emotion; sadness; mentions of therapy/counseling; a jealous and possessive Ghost; violence
Read Part 1 for my author notes for the beginning of this story if this is your first time here.
"Slow down," Ava yelled over the loud music, "That's like your second shot and we just got here."
You smirked at her before tossing back the shot. The liquor burned your throat a little, but you didn't care. As you placed the glass down on the bar top, you tried ordering another before Ava stopped you.
"Why not," you pouted a little before giggling.
"Y/n... what's going on?" she asked in concern.
You slightly groaned, "Can't a girl have fun out at the club with her best friend?"
"I mean yes but-"
"But what?" the grin still on your lips as you ordered another shot - this time for both of you. When the bartender slid them to you, you raised your glass up, "Cheers!" you shouted, as you didn't even wait for Ava to clink her glass with yours before you threw your head back, gulping the liquor down your throat. You looked around the club, seeing people dance to the music.
This wasn't like you. Of course, you drank, and of course, Ava had seen you drunk before. But something was off.... way off. You'd barely said anything about why you wanted to go out when she picked you up. And you only talked about the dress you had on and how sexy you looked.
"Simon come back today?" she asked, eyeing you with a knowing look; looking for a reaction out of you.
And a reaction you gave. Your body tensed while the smile that was plastered over your face dropped immediately. You glanced at her and almost scoffed, "Yeah."
"And?" she pushed for an answer.
One you weren't wanting to give.
You sighed, "And nothing... Look I don't wanna talk about him right now alright? I just drink and shake my ass," you laughed at your own sentence, "Now will you take a shot with me?"
She wanted to protest. She should have convinced you to leave the place. But she also knew exactly what you were going through. The moments where you said fuck it to everything; the progress you had made with Simon. Something set you off... but she wasn't going to make it worse. So she did what any best friend would do.... she ordered a shot for both of you.
She would get you to tell her eventually anyway. For now... she'd help you have your fun.
"Can I get a whiskey? No ice," a deep voice, that was next to you, yelled at the bartender, "And.. whatever the pretty lady's having."
You glanced up, meeting the blue eyes of the man who had ordered his drink, only to find him smiling down at you.
He meant you.
The immediate blush that formed on your face as you looked down at the empty glass in your hand only made his grin wider. He leaned down closer to you, lips halfway to your ear, "What's your name beautiful?" he asked before straightening up and waiting for you to respond.
Ava couldn't help her eyes from widening and the giggle that escaped from her as she stood next to you. You quickly glanced at her, shooting her a look - stop laughing.
"Y/n." You smiled., half blushing... half internally freaking out.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he said before the bartender handed his drink to him while sliding another shot of tequila to you. "I'm Keegan." He introduced himself while holding out his hand for you to shake.
God, was he flirting hard. But you shook it anyway, hating how red your face was. You hoped he hadn't noticed it since it was dark in the club. The only light being from the DJ and strobe lights that flickered over the huge room. But you were pretty sure he saw as you couldn't help but observe how his blue eyes seemed to shine even in the darkness of the club.
Simon and Johnny arrived back at your apartment, with Simon all but busting through the front door as soon as he unlocked it. Johnny tried multiple times to calm him down... At least get him to slow down when driving back there, but the man hadn't heard anything he said. All he wanted was to get back home to you. But you were gone.
What was he expecting? That you were joking? That you were tricking him into coming back home? No. He wasn't stupid. He knew you meant what you said. And that alone made his hands tremble a bit.
"Simon," Johnny grabbed his shoulder to face him. The sergeant rarely used his friend's real name; always accustomed to calling him by his callsign. But this time was different. This time he needed to really get through to him.
There was a long and silent pause as Johnny looked at Simon. The desperate and regretful look in his eyes. The water that gathered around the white part of them as he fought back the tears that threatened to fall. He was scared. Fuck he was so scared. Of what though? He didn't want to think about it. It wasn't that he didn't trust you. God, he trusted you with his entire life, and only he fucked that up because of his stupid actions.
What he didn't trust.. was other men. You'd had been drinking some wine when he got home. He remembered seeing the glass in your hand and the half-empty bottle on the counter. He didn't want to think about you being out and so vulnerable to someone taking advantage of you.
"Y'need to calm down. She's gonna come back home."
"I need to go find her," Simon said as he stepped back and made his way to the front door.
"What? L.T. ya can't do that!" he yelled, trying to rationalize with his friend. "She's gonna kill ya."
Simon repsonded immediately "I'll let her then."
"Y're not thinkin right mate."
A loud groan left his mouth, muffled by the mask he still had on, "I just wanna go get m'wife Johnny.
This was a bad idea; a terrible idea. But the sergeant couldn't help but feel bad for the damn man. He barely focused on the mission while they were gone, Price barking out orders several times because he wasn't listening. He hardly slept.... and now he was about to go out and look for you.
"Fuckin' hell," Johnny said before agreeing, "If she does kill ya, can I have ya motorcycle at least?"
He couldn't help it. He was a comedian.. even if it wasn't funny.
But Simon couldn't help but smirk, "I'll give you the chest candy,"
You were definitely going to regret drinking when you woke up the next morning. But as the night continued on, you didn't want to think about that. You and Ava were either on the dance floor when one of your favorite songs played over the speakers, or you'd be at the bar, talking to Keegan. Ava couldn't help the teasing comments she said under her breath when he said something that made you blush. Even when you went to the restroom to touch up your makeup, she teased you.
"He's been staring at you all night," she giggled.
You playfully rolled your eyes, "I don't care. It's not like I'm going home with him." She hummed in agreement.
Yes, Keegan was very attractive (really fucking attractive), and he was flirting a lot with you. His eyes trailing up and down your body ever so often, always pausing at your thigh where the split in your dress was or the low cut in the front that exposed your chest.
Really you damn near had on nothing - the dress showing very little left to the imagination, especially with the guy. And you could tell he wanted to see more.
When the two of you made your way back to the dance floor, you thought nothing more about Keegan. Your hips swayed to the beat, singing the lyrics to the song. You giggled when you saw Ava decline some random dude who wanted to dance. You were so caught up in the beat you almost didn't feel a pair of hands graze your hips as a warm body strolled up behind you. You looked back, seeing those blue eyes of Keegan.
"You know, I've been watching you dance all night beautiful," he said, lips so close to your ear, your pulse quickened. But with the liquor clouding your mind a bit, you just blushed.
"Oh yeah?" you turned your head to look at him."
"Mhmm," he leaned even closer, lips brushing your ear, "Makes me want to worship you."
"Worship me?" you asked in pure curiosity, making him hum again, "How would you do that?"
He was waiting for you to ask that. He had been waiting all goddamn night for you to say something - say anything - for him to show you what he meant. He wrapped his right arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as you felt the slight bulge in his jeans before he pressed his lips to the shell of your ear and then dipped his head to kiss your neck.
It felt wrong. It felt all wrong. Before you even pulled away to deny his offer, a fist flew through the air, hitting him in the face. His arm gave way from your waist as he stumbled back. You turned around, eyes wide, as gasps were heard from the crowd around you, and you glanced to see who had punched him.
Everything happened so fast. Keegan - not even realizing why he was just punched - swung back on Simon, hitting him in the jaw. All hell broke loose, and a full-on fight spiraled between them as other men from the crowd tried to break it up. Johnny yelled Simon's name as he tried pulling him off of Keegan. It was a futile attempt to get him to back off, but it was your scream that got him to stop, his eyes locking directly on yours.
In the midst of it all, you had tried fighting your way in the middle to stop both of them but only got pushed into the arms of Ava, who pulled you back so you wouldn't get hurt. Security had forced their way through the crowd, finally making Keegan leave first. You felt awful as he glanced at you in disgust before rolling his eyes and leaving out of the club.
Simon walked up to you not even two seconds later, his hand wrapping around your arm and pulling you out of the club with Johnny and Ava right on your tail. The moment the four of you were outside, you tried to pull away, but it only made his grip tighter.
God, he was mad. He was so mad... but so were you. Something mystifying and intense stirred in your stomach as you looked at Simon. He hadn't said a fucking word. Even when Johnny said he was going to go home, even when Ava said she'd call you tomorrow before she got in her car and left. All he did was open the passenger door, letting you get in the car before walking around the other side and getting in the driver's seat.
Something was brewing between the both of you, and the entire ride home was fueling the fire that was underneath.
Okay.... I hate that I put our Keegan in this only to get into a fight with Simon. Don't hate me okay!!! :( I needed someone to make him lose his mind lol! (I honestly might change this part at a later time... idk yet) What do we think? Give me all the feedback! I love when you all comment and be mad with me.... we are all frustrated and mad at Simon together!
Taglist: @kalypsoox @fruitymoonbeams-blogz @kylies-love-letter @xrosegoldwolfx @linaaaaa654 @jessicab1991 @darkravenqueen98 @yazyazali @thychuvaluswife @chloeforde
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chaoxfix · 1 year
god i need the algorithm to stop recommending lore olympus to me.
reframing a kidnapping of a woman as romance, and painting her mother as an overbearing shrew rather than rightfully worried and protective, and portraying the kidnapper as sympathetic ... what about my overtly feminist ass makes anyone or any algorithm think i'd enjoy ANY hades/persephone romance retellings.
at this point the only hades and persephone retelling i'm interested in is a retelling that focuses on demeter's love for her daughter. one where persephone's abduction and transition from kore, the maiden, to persephone, goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld, was one where she carries out a revenge fantasy against her abductor... She cannot fully escape the underworld, no; she is death, doomed by the narrative. Underground she will stay for half the year. But she will not subject herself to be trapped with him.
hades dies at dawn; hades dies in the spring light, by persephone's power, and a knife garnished with evergreen thistles. demeter holds him down, and persephone cuts the head. judith slaying holofernes; persephone slaying hades.
#i just cant stand it. i cant stand women simping over abusive and controlling men. begging yall... have some dignity#and i cannot stand women who write stories expecting their love of controlling and abusive men to be validated.#ladies... you dont have to like this........ the only things you have to lose are your chains!!!!!#also i dont like the girls outfits in lore olympus.#i cant be the only one who thinks theyre degrading.#why is dressing that way seen as sexy? and why is 'sexy' for a woman so humiliating and submissive? what would a sexy man wear by contrast?#lets stop treating ourselves as objects. we arent here to be ogled. you arent a sexy lamp. you can stop stop dressing as one.#also no amount of therapy speak in the world can cover up the fact that this is a relationship with untenable power differences#you can talk about boundaries all you like. hes 2000 years old ...and youre 19.#and the fact that all the older folk around her have their worries dismissed by the narrative........... side eye#ladies. sugar daddy and older 'mature' man fantasies are fine whatever. but lets not kid ourselves. theyre not *empowerment* fantasies.#you still dont have agency no matter how much money your boyfriend makes. not as long as it's *his* money.#you still dont have power no matter how powerful your boyfriend is. it's still *his* power.#its not empowerment if YOU arent the one that receives power. i dont care if you FEEL empowered. ARE you? in a material and objective way?#are you truly receiving POWER? or are you receiving gifts? if its in HIS power it isnt in YOURS.#and if you truly believe that there can ever be a relationship where he loves you enough that you have 'power' over him...#you fundamentally misunderstand the risks in dynamics like that. how abusive men can change in an instant.#women throughout history weep for you. please understand that you are not so different from them.#you are not inherently any smarter or better than abused women of the past. they thought they made the best choices they could too.#dont ever put yourself in a relationship with a man where he holds all the power. retain your power.#and when the older women in your life tells you something is a bad idea... run. run as fast as you can. they are trying to protect you.#ill regret posting feminist rants eventually but god i need an outlet
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zhuhongs · 1 year
many thots on body image and the way i present myself in light of going to pr and my cousin from belize coming to live with us and. sighsss. Btw i dont want any opinions. im just Thinking
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kissitbttr · 1 year
miguel putting up with his girl’s princess attitude
“miguel!” you call out from the bathroom as your fingers delicately fix the straps of your bodycon dress. “can you come here for a minute?”
miguel sighs, this is the third time you keep calling him knowing how busy he is at the moment. work has gotten the best of him, and if reinventing new techs back to back isn’t enough to drain him, he has to keep up with your needs daily.
does he has the courage to say no to you, though? nope. as much as he hates to admit it because it’s embarrassing, he’s scared of you. if the spider society think that Miguel is too frightening then they have not seen you get mad or being a brat.
“coming, baby!” he walks out of his office while taking off his glasses, rolling the sleeves of his henley shirt to his elbows.
the bathroom door is left wide open, immediately seeing you standing before the mirror in a long and tight fitting grey dress that falls just around your ankles. and just like that, his annoyance completely washed off,
he takes a good look at you. eyes slowly observing every single detail of your face and down to your body. the way that dress hugs your curves and accentuate your best assets should be a crime,
God, you’re such a perfection.
“shut your mouth before you catch flies, babe” you jokingly say as your fiancee stares at you with his jaw slightly agape. “mind helping me?”
Miguel clears his throat after, slightly smirking as he shrug his shoulders. he leans against the door way with his arms crossed, eyes never leaving yours.
“you look absolutely divine, mi amor.” he comments, taking his lower lip between his teeth. “is that new?” he points at the dress,
rolling your eyes playfully, you try to keep your composure still. even after three years of dating—now engaged— he still manages to make your heart skips and create butterflies in the pit of your stomach,
“I know” you reply in confidence, winking at him which he chuckles in return. “and yes it is! it’s SKIMS! got it yesterday, does it look good on me?”
he frowns, tilting his head to the side. “baby, you already know the answer to that come on now… you make anything look sexy.” he strides closer to you as he stands from behind you, “now, què necesitas?” he questions, resting his hands on his hips
you find it attractive how he towers over you, and it’s one thing that you love about him. it’s not that you’re petite or anything. but compared to how tall and big he is, you’re definitely tiny.
“straighten my hair for me please? I can’t reach it” you pout at him through the mirror, “just this part right here” fingers move to the back to touch part of your hair,
“ay dios mio, woman… you’re lucky i love you” he teases before grabbing the iron from the sink. “going out with the girls, mami? i assume lunch?” he asks as he starts parting your hair with one hand,
your head shakes, straightening the dress. “no, I’m doing cake testing today and wedding dresses … Darla is bringing three more flavors.”
he stops what he’s doing, giving you a confused look. “alone? cariño why didn’t you tell me? you know I’d come with you” he feels a bit disappointed and now guilty that he’s busying himself with work and instead you’re left dealing with your wedding, alone.
his hand rests on your shoulder and you move yours on top of him. “hey, it’s okay, Miggy… you’ve been so stressed lately i do not want to put more pressure… it was last minute anyway, she texted me this morning.”
“you’re my girl, i would never be too busy for you.” he says almost too fast,
giving him a sincere smile, you nod your head. “yes… i know, baby. trust me it’s okay…plus it’s bad luck for the groom to see his bride in a wedding dress” you giggle a bit. “we can go over the seating arrangements again together, yeah? i promise” you plant a soft kiss on his finger,
Miguel exhales a sigh, still feeling tiny bit upset that he won’t be there to keep you company. “okay, fine… tell Darla that keep vegan options open for the cakes.”
“noted, honey.” you tell him as he continues to straighten your hair, “is everything okay with work?”
he nods, eyes too fixated on your long hair, not wanting to mess up a single strand. “just running over a few reports and fixing few minor defects on the techs and my suit…the last guy did quite a number on me.”
“hmm i love it when you speak science to me” you comment, watching him laugh a bit at your flirty remark. “but you still need to be careful. i do not want to see my future husband all bruised up when i walk down that aisle or else I’ll leave your ass.” your tone comes off demanding and firm, but it’s only because you care.
“yes ma’am” he replies, setting down the hot object down on the sink before slowly running his fingers through your hair. “there you go, baby” he moves your hair to the front, kissing your cheek and seeing you smile just makes him happy. knowing he’s done a great job.
turning around to face him, you stand on your toes to kiss his lips. “thank you, miggy… I’ll see you later, okay? we can go grab dinner outside and then movie night at 9?”
his heart warms at that and lips stretches into a large grin. “sounds like a plan.” then he lightly slaps your ass as you walk out of the door,
“let me know if there’s going to be bunch of assholes staring at you today, I’ll hunt them down and fucking kill them on the spot.” he mentions as if it’s nothing
and they say romance is dead.
cake testing with miggy!
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“Why’s she so rude?” (She’s Not)- Stereotypes, pt2
So I'm sure that you all thought I was going to give a blow-by-blow list of "visual stereotypes to avoid". I'm going to be honest here, I thought about it, and figured it would be redundant. My page already includes sensitivity on depicting Black people. So instead, I'm going to focus on stereotypical "character" concepts, so that you can 1) not write it in your stories and/or 2) recognize it in media (fiction and reality!) and in life!
Two major resources: the Jim Crow Museum website is an EXCELLENT resource to understand the imagery of antiblack racism in U.S. history and society. The other, White Tears, Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad. The book focuses on the many racist stereotypes projected onto women of color and how that purposeful, systemic negative perception of us bleeds into every aspect of our lives- specifically by white women/white feminists who believe that they are not contributing to said oppression.
I'll start with Black women, just because I’m passionate about it (obviously) and there are so many things I wish I had and hadn’t seen growing up. We deserve better by the year of our lord 2024.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of sexual assault, assault
What I want everyone to understand, before I get into this, is the concept of intersectionality, and more specifically, misogynoir. Misogynoir is the specific type of contempt and prejudice that Black women face at the intersection of race and gender. I say this because you might read these things and go “oh, as a woman, I experience these things!” I get it, but I want you to PAUSE, and remember, that right now, we are talking about Black women���s experiences. And those will often be different, due to that intersection of identities. And that understanding will have an effect on how you understand (and thus, write) those experiences.
The Jezebel
The link goes into much deeper detail, but the Jezebel is the idea that a Black woman or girl who is sexual is somehow “fast”, “salacious”, “a hoe”, “driven by desire/doesn’t understand purity”, and at its worst, unable to be r*ped/a victim because she is less valuable yet somehow inherently seductive to men.
This gets thrown around CONSTANTLY in media and life for Black women (my first experience of treated like I was ‘fast’ was when I was like… twelve?) One major, visible example is Megan Thee Stallion. Meg has a college degree, she likes anime, she’s a brilliant rapper, and has an entire personality and struggles she’s shared… But she also likes to dress scantily clad and have sex. By doing those things, she ‘lessened in value’. And because of this, when she was shot at and assaulted, even Black people questioned her character, rather than understanding that she could have been anyone, and she still wouldn’t have deserved to be assaulted. She's not allowed to be multi-faceted; she "brought it on herself".
Black girls and women who happen to take charge of their own sexuality, to the discomfort of society, are treated as Jezebels- as whores. Think about it- if one of Taylor Swift's recent boyfriends shot at her, would the media question her value or her word? Question her equivalently high ‘body count’?
Question how you write your Black woman- she can enjoy sex! She can be sexy! We love to see it! But if you're punishing her specifically, or judging her within the narrative, versus your other characters who are allowed to safely explore and act upon their sexuality… Check your judgment! Why do you feel the way you do about this character? Why do you think that your Black character is the one that should be judged for her actions. Would you feel this way if it were a nonblack character?
The Sapphire/Angry Black Woman
Ohohoho, I have infinite amounts of feelings about this one.
This is the "sassy Black friend", the "aggressive Black boss", “step on me angry mommy”, the one who does the z formation and makes everyone "uncomfortable". She’s not allowed to be confident, assertive, or self-assured- she’s arrogant, rude, and aggressive.
I discussed it in part one, but I'll reemphasize it: your Black woman doesn't have to be an ‘Angry Black Woman’ in order to be angry! Just like any other human being on the planet, we are allowed to be mad. (In my honest opinion, we have a lot to be mad about, but I digress 😅)
If the only character that ever gets angry is your Black character, I want you to consider why. What is she angry at? Was this something you wanted the reader to understand or empathize with? Are we supposed to disagree? How does everyone around her treat her anger? Is her anger righteous? Is she always shut down or dismissed for it? Is it only meant to defend her friends, but never herself? Does the narrative suggest that it’s only good in use of others and not herself? Would this be the same reaction if one of the nonblack characters was angry? Is this something you did on purpose?
Very often, we're called 'angry Black women/girls' to invalidate our emotions. My therapist once said anger is a protective emotion. We might be hurt, overstimulated, sad, depressed, frightened, anxious… But we are often not allowed the grace of others digging deeper to see that. Even if the other characters do not understand her anger, even if her motives are not meant to be understood at the moment… you as the writer should be aware. But if every time it’s time to show anger or upset, it’s your Black character… consider why this is the one you thought would best convey that message, and how your Black readers might feel seeing that this character (who may not even be the ‘bad guy’) is the one that is ‘only’ angry. No other development, no other emotions, just… there to be mad.
I take this one to heart, as someone who feels very passionately about things… this is one of those things where I wish, in life and in media, people would have more grace for Black women. We're human, too. We have feelings, too.
The Mammy
This one isn’t as visually blatant anymore in media as it was in the past (like every Mammy doesnt look like Aunt Jemima), but you may have seen this one as "the mommy figure". The "lesbian that parents the silly gay boys". The one that’s always encouraging the ship of the white boys, but never the one allowed to be in the ship (especially when her ship is canon!)
A good example of this was how people expected Jessica Drew from ATSV to be "more loving" to Gwen, rather than the mentor and boss she was (plus, as a Black woman with a Black mother… trust and believe, she was quite direct and gentle). And in comparison to her counterpart, white man Peter B. Parker, was decried far worse for similar detrimental actions.
The Mammy often serves in opposition to the Jezebel and Sapphire/Angry Black Woman. What makes the Mammy particularly annoying is that it implies that the only good Black woman character is a ‘nice’, demure, unthreatening, homely, motherly figure whose job it is to make sure to center the (usually) white ones. The Mammy is expected to coddle everyone, to her own detriment. She's a ‘good Black’ because she causes no issue, raises no fuss, never shows a negative feeling, knows that she has to ‘be strong’ but to always defer because the white characters know best. She’s ‘not a threat’, and that’s why she’s ‘allowed’ to be around. We shouldn’t have to be those things in order for our stories to be heard and understood, in order to be empathized with or treated like someone of value.
The Strong Black Woman
If I never hear this phrase again in my life, if we eradicate it from future generations for Black girls and women, I'll cry of joy lmao. I hate it, and it's not for the reasons most nonblack people would expect. Lord, this one. Anyway. The ‘strong Black woman’ is meant to protect everyone, no help needed! Whenever something is wrong and we all need a pickup, here she comes to ‘let me do it’ and everything is going to be okay! She did all the necessary suffering so that your characters don't have to! She can sweep in and save the day!
Now here's the dissonance kicks in. This one on its surface probably sounds like a good thing. She's a hero! She’s resilient! She's great! Who wouldn't want to be superwoman? Who wouldn't want to reject being a love interest, all women are always love interests! Let us be the badass that kicks ass and shows the men what for! Who wouldn’t want that, 24/7?!
The answer: US. 👍🏾🤣
This is a long, separate conversation on its own, but we have to understand that Black women (women of color, really) and White women do not always share the same end goals and understanding of "strong woman character" or even feminism. We certainly aren't always the love interest. Very usually not, in fact. We are always pushed to the side. We are already the hero in our lives, we're already the "strong woman".
Not everyone yearns to be the Singular Hero who will Fix It All as many of us are already expected to do. It's exhausting having to swallow your own needs for everyone else all the time, especially when it's suggested that you have no value otherwise if you don't. Heroism is Exhausting, and it's something worth looking into when you’re characterizing your Black girls and women. I’m not saying that we can’t be strong! We are, and it’s impressive! But I also want us to add some nuance to that strength, the way we would for any other character. What it means to have community, rather than to do it all alone. How even if she wants to be the hero (and that’s okay! That’s fine!) how it would still wear on her. Surrounding your Black girl character with unconditional support, to have a lover that actually wants to pull some weight- that's something many of us actually would like to see, because we're usually shafted to the side as 'someone who can do it all herself' (in order to hide that no one thinks we need or are deserving of the help).
It's okay to let your Black woman and girls show weakness, to rest, to be taken care of! It's not "less feminist" to accept that we're humans that need help and can't carry it all, too. That it’s okay to want to feel valued and protected. Because god knows, I wish I didn’t grow up strong and resilient, I wish I grew up knowing that the world cared that I was safe.
Standards of Beauty
These standards are not the same! I've mentioned it before in my lesson on skin tones, but very often when we think of "beauty", it’s easy to fall into the idea of whiteness. Pale skin, thin hair textures, etc. If those are our existing standards of beauty, then it doesn’t matter what any of us look like- we’re ugly! When I was in high school, I remember a classmate saying that Swedish people were the most beautiful people because of "white hair and pale skin". Without even meaning to, that guy basically said everyone darker than a stack of loose leaf printer paper was ugly by proxy of not being Nordic White (no matter how pretty they actually might be!!) 🤣
It’s also of note that whiteness/paleness tends to be connected with innocence and cleanliness in western culture, while blackness/darkness tends to be considered dirty, sinful, fearful. Now, while the origin of this idea may not be racist itself, when you spend hundreds of years implying that Blackness is bad- to the point that, in the U.S. they came up with an entire slur one step past “negro” (meaning ‘Black’) to deem you less than- it’s hard to say that the societal connotation didn’t apply.
Now we've already discussed working on describing our Black characters better! I continually remind you all that you should be describing them as wonderfully made as you do your white characters. Keep in mind that we live in a world where from day one when we enter the world, Blackness and Black features are not seen as beautiful nor emphasized. Whiteness is the standard of beauty that we, for a long time and still, are expected to adhere to. If you'd like to do better by your characters, remember that you don't have to give them "white features" or use "white" as an adjective to do that!
Black Women as Women
“There was literally nothing, not a thing, that a white woman could ever have that was worth more than her sexual virtue, and this obligated mandatory chasteness and sexual vulnerability… If the most important thing a woman has is virtue, and only white women can have virtue, then by definition, only white women can be women.” Ruby Hamad, ‘Only White Women Can Be Damsels’, White Tears, Brown Scars
Often, Black women by definition are not included under the societal banner of “women”, from our features, to our personalities, to our 'role' in life. "True Womanhood" is denied us, cis and trans, because of our Blackness. The things that make women ‘women’, we are not included under, because systemically, the only ‘women’ that were meant to mean anything were white.
I bring up Megan Thee Stallion again. Meg is probably one of the most beautiful, feminine women I've ever seen in my life. Men still call her a man, due to her height, due to her confidence, and due to their insecurities. Same with Serena Williams; Serena is damn near built like a god in my eyes. She was told she was manly from the beginning of her career, no matter how beyond skilled she was in women's tennis. Even when she damn near died giving birth- the most basic of 'tasks' women are seen as having in this society, it didn't matter. Black women are 'less womanly', 'less valuable', 'less in need' of that protection and identity that society swears Women™ need (and not in the honest way that we do need protection).
Consider that you're making sure that your Black women have the options of range of gender expression and emotions (and if they aren't allowed to, is that on purpose). If you're only ever creating us and we're in service of some dainty white woman and never the other way around... consider how that may reflect what you think our role is in your story, and in your mind.
“Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the innocent blond girl you imagine.” twitter: sw4q
It has been shown that Black girls the same age as their white girl counterparts are deemed older and less in need of protection, and supposed to 'be more mature'. Imagine that. Deemed inherently less innocent, due to your skin color. Having to parent our siblings, get jobs to contribute, do all the cleaning, and more. Yet, when we act with the maturity that we've been forced to grow into, we're "fast". A little 12-year-old girl, now to society, the Jezebel. All because she wanted to try pink lip gloss or wear a skirt; things that little tween girls might try to understand the big world around them and push boundaries. Now she's a woman, now she can never be a victim. Now she can be beat on and hurt and it's her fault.
I explain this for two reasons: One, for you to think about how your write your Black girls, and Two, for you to hold more grace for Black girls- real and fake. Do you hold her to a higher standard than your white characters of similar age? Does she inherently seem less innocent to you for reasons outside the plot? Is she as human to you as your other characters? Is she allowed to be a child? To act like one? To make mistakes? Are you as empathetic or understanding about that childishness as you are towards nonblack characters? Do you make these decisions on purpose?
It's not like Black girls can never be YA protags or anything- ofc we can. But keep in mind that she's not somehow automatically "stronger" by proxy of her Blackness, that she'd "be tougher". She's a kid. Let her be one.
There’s a LOT you have to consider when writing Black girls and women. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s easy, because being Black, and being a Black woman, is not easy. If you’re stressed reading it, imagine being stressed living it lmao. It’s a constant chain of quick-time events every day of your life to prevent nonblack nuclear meltdown in response to your every single action. I’m not going to apologize for it, either.
That being said, I don’t expect you to understand everything, especially not all at once. I just want you all to keep these things in mind, to question yourself when you’re writing your character- are you treating her differently on purpose? Or are you treating her differently because of a bias you might not even notice you have? It might help to go back, to read how you treat all of your characters. Or, if you’ve never written before, to maybe outline the traits of your characters and figure out where things balance out. As always, all you can do is practice at it. Because it's the thought that counts, but the action that delivers.
Whew, I'm actually emotionally strained after this one. My chest is beating fast. Let me go get some groceries now.
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springseasonie · 7 months
Notice Me | LHC (M)
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Friends to lovers
Summary: You and your friends go to a college party, and tonight is the night where you are finally going to try and catch your crush's attention, who also happens to be one of your good friends. He doesn't think that he thinks of you in that way, but what happens when he sees you with another guy at the party?
Warnings: sexual content, protected sex, auralism, guided masturbation (kinda), sensory deprivation, super vanilla, reader is legally blind (trust it's important 🙏🏾), long haired haechan, violence (minor fight scene), special appearances: Karina and Yunjin
Word count: 7,5k
Song recs: moment by Victoria Monet
A/N: wrote this on a random whim. Def not my best writing but oh well. Hope you guys like it. I will start working on request after this one I promise 🫶🏾 feedback is loved and appreciated
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“Are you guys sure I don't look crazy?” 
“Yes we're sure! Now let's go, we're already 45 minutes late and Mark is yelling at me in my messages!” 
Karina grabbed your hand, pulling you into the frat house followed by your other best friend Yujin. A chill ran down your spine and also your legs, never having this much skin exposed. This was new to you– dressing in skimpy clothes and college parties. But that wasn't the only thing new to you. Having a crush is also very new. 
The only reason you're even here is because of him. Haechan to be exact, who is a part of your friend group. He's the exact opposite of you– loud, cheerful, outgoing. But maybe that's why you like him so much. Opposites attract. 
And that's why you're standing in the middle of the doorway, looking like a deer in headlights in the shortest skirt and tiniest top ever. Tonight was gonna be all about catching his attention. It was going to be about making him look at you like a woman and not a friend. 
You walk through the crowd of people, their bodies constantly smashing yours. The constant bumping makes your glasses slide down your nose, making you fear that you may lose them. Most people think you're being dramatic when you say you can't see without them, but you're as blind as a bat.
Mark and Haechan soon come into view, standing in a circle with their other friends from the basketball team. 
“But don't you guys remember- woah..” Mark turned his head, stopping mid sentence when he saw Karina, and Yujin walking towards them. 
“Hey guys,” Yunjin said excitedly. 
Everyone said their hellos, but you couldn't help but notice the way their eyes lingered on you, all except Haechan. He spared you one glance and one hello before going silent, sipping whatever it was in his cup. You felt yourself die inside, the way he was treating you like an acquaintance all of a sudden. Was it too much? Did you go too far? 
“Sorry were we so late, it takes a long time getting ready,” Karina says, fixing her hair. 
“I'm sure it did.” Mark is still eyeing you like you've said something weird. None of them has ever seen you like this. You're always pretty much covered up. Hoodies and leggings are your daily attire. 
Mark turns his attention to you, scoffing in disbelief. “And look at you, walking in here looking like a sexy Velma.” 
“Oh shut up, she looks good. Right Haechan, doesn't she look good,” Yujin inquires. 
The male glances at you then back to Yujin then at Mark, whose brow is raised waiting for his answer. “You look…nice Y/N.” 
Nice? That's it? “Thanks,” you say, hands glued to your sides. 
Karina sighed, shaking her head at the dry response. “You guys suck at compliments,” she said. “Anyway, let's go get something to drink.” She took a hold of both Yujin and your hands, pulling you to the kitchen. 
Eyes never left your figure since you walked in the building. There were other girls dressed just like you, but for some reason all attention remained on you, and you didn't like it. So used to being a background character in your own life, you'll never get used to attention. 
“God you look hot, we did so good,” Yujin whispered to you, her voice slightly muffled because of the loud music. 
“Do I? He didn't have much of a reaction,” you argued, a frown tugging at your lips. 
“Everyone's been ogling at you all night, even Mark. You definitely look hot,” Karina reassures. “Besides, maybe you'll meet someone else here that you'll like. Haechan doesn't know what he's missing.” 
“Yeah, honestly if he doesn't do anything tonight, you need to move on sister,” Yunjin adds. “Can't keep dwelling on the same guy for 3 years.” 
But you don't want to move on. And if he rejects you, you know that you can't regardless. You'll still like him, because he's a good guy and always has been. There's probably nothing that could make you think anything less. Karina continued to pull you to the kitchen between the bodies when you suddenly bumped your shoulder into someone, causing them to drop something. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-” 
“It's no problem,” he said, a smirk tugging at his lips. “No big deal. It was just my phone.” 
You didn't even notice you lost the hold of Karina’s hand at this point, your attention being on the man in front of you. “D-did it break? I'll pay for it.” 
“No, it's doing just fine,” he said, placing the phone in his pocket without sparing a glance. He eyed you up and down, his gaze undressing you right in front of him. “What's your name?”
“Y/N,” you answered, gulping slightly out of nervousness. “Yours?” 
“Johnny.” Licking his lips, he narrows his eyes slightly while speaking to you. “You new around here? I've never seen you on campus before.”
“Well, I actually don't go here,” you say, words leaving your mouth a little too fast. “I have a couple of friends that do. They invited me to this party.” 
“Cool,” he said. “Can I… get you a drink?” 
Your eyes widened, a bit taken back by the sudden request, but you didn't disapprove of it at all. Johnny was cute, tall, had a nice voice and seemed like a nice guy. So why not take the offer? “Yeah, sure. That would be great.” 
“Man, he sure is chatting her up,” Mark remarks, watching you and the unknown guy stand and talk while sipping on your drink.
“How can he not? She looks great tonight,” Yunjin comments. “Doesn't she Haechan?” 
Haechan furrows his brows, side eyeing her as he man-spreads on the couch they're all sitting on. “Why me specifically?” 
“Why not?” Yunjin shrugs. 
Haechan rolls his eyes, looking down at his lap trying to focus on anything but the scene in front of him, but he can't help it. You did look good, you looked great. But for some reason he couldn't say it. His stiffness towards you when you came in was because of how different you looked. Haechan wouldn't say he had a crush on you , more so complicated feelings. He didn't yearn for you, but he wouldn't hate it if something sprung from your friendship. 
Haechan knows that his female friends are attractive. Guys always talk about Karina and Yunjin, telling him that he should pursue them or sleep with them, that he's wasting his time being friends. He's never looked at them in that way, but with you it's a different story. You're easy to talk to, and you have lots in common with him. He also loves your glasses. It's something you don't like about yourself, but he thinks they make you look pretty. You've always been pretty to him, probably his exact type on paper. Someone who's smart, calm, a bit of a homebody, true to themselves. 
But disregarding any of that, he didn't have a crush on you. He wasn't into you in that way, despite what everyone else in the friend group thinks. His eyes narrow watching you cross your arms, throwing your head back while laughing at something. “So funny,” he mumbled. 
“You said something,” Yunjin asked. 
“Sure… you know, if you like her you should-” 
“I don't like her. We are just friends,” he cuts her off.
Yunjin sighs, making her head. “Haechan you are fooling no one but yourself. I'll let you in on a little secret. Y/N has a crush on you,” she says, hoping that would help him open his eyes. 
Haechan stays silent, expression remaining stoic and straight as he stares directly at the male putting his hand on your hip. That's when he feels a slight sting in his chest. The small ping of jealousy. 
“How would you know that,” he says after a few beats of silence between them. 
“Why do you think she dressed up tonight? God, use your brain.” 
Before Haechan could respond, he watched as someone walked past you, bumping you on the shoulder. He watched as the drink fell out of your hand, almost like a cliche movie. 
The liquid splashed all over the guy’s chest, but he didn't seem too upset. In fact, he looked happy to Haechan, especially when you dabbed the paper towels all over his chest
“God, I am so sorry,” he heard you say panicked. Just as soon as you thought you were done panicking someone else walked beside you, bumping you in the shoulder. You must've been getting bumped all night because your glasses fell. 
“Shit,” you said. You dropped to your knees, feeling around the floor for your frames. “I-Im sorry can you please-”
You look up at Johnny, but you see nothing but a flash in your face. “J-Johnny?”
“God, has anyone ever seen you like this,” he laughed softly. “You're so hot, I could just-”
You heard a loud smack above you, followed by gasp and tons of commotion.
“What the fuck? Who the fuck are you,” you heard Johnny yell. 
“She's looking for her glasses. Aren't you gonna help,” you heard a voice similar to Haechan say. 
Johnny laughed, scoffing at the guy you couldn't see. “Is she your girl or something? You should keep her on a leash before I take her to my place and show her what a good time is.”
“Excuse me,” the other guy grumbled. You were still searching for your glasses, but from what you could tell, a group started to form around the 2 guys and yourself 
 “You heard me. Get your bitch or-”
A loud sound was heard coupled with oh’s and ah’s from the crowd. 
You heard another sound. This time, it sounded like a punch. There was a fight happening, and you were on the ground still looking for your glasses. Just as you reached in another direction on the floor, you felt hands pull your body up. 
“What the fuck was he thinking,” you hear Karina groan. She turned your body, placing your glasses back on your face. For the first time in a minute you can see, and you do not like what you see. 
Haechan and Mark were currently trying to fight Johnny and his two friends. “What is going on? Why is everyone fighting all of a sudden?” 
“Let's just get away from all this, and we'll tell you.”
You were pulled away, Karina and Yujin dragging you outside to the driveway away from the loudness of the party. “So what exactly is going on?” 
“Okay, so basically-” Karina started to speak, but Yujin cut her off quickly. 
“Everyone was watching you and that guy hit it off the whole time, but Haechan looked like he was gonna kill someone. So I said, you know if you like her you should tell her. And he was like I don't like her , we're just friends. Then he saw you trying to clean off that guy's shirt. Then your glasses fell and you got on the ground and-”
“I'm sorry, but what does that have anything to do with what just happened in there,” you say exasperated. 
“Well when your glasses fell and you got down to look for them your-”
“Oh my God.” Karina looked at her phone shocked. You and Yunjin stood next to her to see the screen, and was immediately horrified. 6 different people recorded and took pictures of you looking for your glasses on the floor. Every post had people calling you names ranging from desperate to slut. You didn't realize at the time, but almost your entire ass was out, and your cleavage could be seen clearly. 
“Fuck,” you groaned. “i'm going to kill myself.” You placed your face in your hands, covering the embarrassed expression. 
“Yeah,” Yunjin said, lips pursed right after. “That's what happened.” 
“Why did you guys let me do that” you whined. 
“We were on the couch, surprised. We thought you were trying to seduce the guy, but then we saw him pull his phone out and everything went to hell,” she explains. 
At this point you're pacing the driveway, trying to figure what to do about the party, the post, Johnny, Haechan, everyone. “Well now we have to leave,” you said. “We've been here for less than 2 hours and we have to leave.”
“Okay, well let me call them,” Yujin said. Just as she pulled out her phone, a voice was heard behind her. 
“No need,” Mark said, making his presence known. 
The three of you turned back to see them with their clothes messed up, cuts and bruises on their faces, and tired. 
“Oh my God,” Karina says with her hand over her mouth. “Are you guys okay?” 
“We're fine…well I'm fine. He's a bit..” 
You look over at Haechan who's standing there with his hands in his pockets. You don't know what came over you, but you took a couple of steps towards him, anger filling your mind. 
“Why would you do that,” you said. Your voice startled him, making him look up from the ground. 
“Y/N I-”
“I had no idea what was going on, and you two getting into a fight scares me to death,” you told him. “How did you even get all the cuts on your faces?” 
“Him and his friends had rings and stuff on,” he mumbled, shrugging. “Shit happens.” 
There weren't many times Haechan has seen you upset. The last time you were this mad was when Mark accidentally deleted your essay from your laptop doing his homework. 
“We have to leave right now,” you sighed, arms folded at your chest. “I won't know what to do if you get into another fight and you're already hurt like this.”
Without thinking, your hands reach up to his face, taking his chin between your fingers as you check his face for any other injuries that you can't see. Haechan thought he was crazy when the butterflies erupted in his stomach, but they erupted again when you looked at him with pity, like you cared about him. He hadn't felt that way in a long time. Getting attention from girls came easy to him, but none of the girls he's dealt with made him feel the way you do. 
 “I'll um..I'll get an Uber for us-”
“No I'll get it,” you said. “We're going back to my house, you can't take care of all these by yourself.” 
There it was, more butterflies. 
“We'll go back to Mark’s and help him out,” Karina said, side eyeing Yunjin. 
Yunjin quickly nodded, picking up the message Karina was sending. “Yep! Absolutely! We'll see you tomorrow!” 
“What? I don't need help. I'm a grown man,” he whined. Karina and Yunjin nudged Mark who didn't seem to understand what was going on, making the man look at them confused.
“Grown men don't get into fights at parties,” you snap. “We'll see you guys tomorrow.” 
“Wait in the bathroom. I'm going to change super quickly.” You shut your door behind you, locking it before kicking your shoes off. Before walking to your room, you turn to Haechan who looks as stiff as wood. “You look uncomfortable.” 
Haechan watched as you walked away from him, going to your kitchen instead of your room. You grabbed a mug, filling it with water. He's never been so uncomfortable with you, but right now he feels like he could explode. You look so good in your current outfit, the way your hips sway when you walk, the way the shirt hugs your chest. He feels like he shouldn't be looking at you like this, but he feels like he's the only one who should be allowed. 
“Here.” You hand him the mug, looking at him in the eyes like usual. 
Haechan gulps, forcing himself to stop, keeping his eyes on yours and not let the travel any further. “Thanks,” he says, taking it out of your hands. 
“Take your shoes off and relax,” you say. “I'll meet you in the bathroom in 5 minutes.” 
He watches you walk away, holding his breath until you shut the door behind you. “Fuck,�� he sighs. The one thing he can't do is get hard standing at your front door. Haechan knows he wouldn't be able to explain that, let alone lie to you about it. The only thing he could do is sit in your bathroom like you asked, and wait for you to put normal clothes on. 
But Haechan is only a man. When you walked into the bathroom with short shorts and a laced lined camisole, the only thing he could do was pray for his presumed innocence. Pray that he didn't make a fool of himself in your house. 
You reached up in your medicine cabinet taking out the pain meds and supplies for his injuries. It took you 10 seconds to get everything out, but for him it felt like 10 years. The way the fabric rose as you lifted your arms, watching you lean your hips on the edge of the counter giving him the smallest piece of your ass to stare at. And the way your nipples poked through the shirt– he was going to pass out right then and there. 
There's nothing Haechan wanted more than to get behind you, feel up on your body. Whatever you were planning for the party worked because now he can't keep his mind off of you, and soon, it'll be his hands. To think you wore that outfit for him, he never would've guessed it. 
“I can change if you need me to,” you said softly, startling him. 
“N-no you don't need to change,” he said, watching you take two pills of pain meds out of the container. 
“Take these.” You handed him the pills, watching him drink them down as you leaned on the counter. Haechan was sitting on the toilet seat, so the sight of him taking deep gulps with his eyes closed was a treat to say the least. You shouldn't be eyeing him like this, but God, was he attractive, even with bruises and cuts. “Are you feeling any better?” 
“Gotta wait for them to kick in first,” he joked, but there was no smile on his face. 
You grabbed an ointment for his bruises, opening it and squeezing some on your fingers. Haechan watched you as you tended to his wounds, concentrating on not trying to hurt him. He loved the way you would bite your lip whenever you were trying to concentrate, he always did. 
The silence was comforting for a while, but then his thoughts got the best of him. Both of you actually. Your chest was in his face, his eyes wouldn't leave yours. The less talking there was, the more sexual tension filled the air, so you needed to get rid of it. But your mouth moves faster than your brain and for some reason, you felt it was the perfect moment to come clean about your intentions with him.
“I have something to confess,” you said softly. 
“What is it?” 
“I wore that outfit for you tonight,” you said, fixing your glasses on your nose bridge. 
He smiled to himself, but you didn't see. “I have something to confess.” 
“Hm,” you hummed. 
“I already knew that.” 
You let out a soft gasp, laughter soon following. “How did you know?” 
“Yunjin,” he said simply. You let out a sigh, shaking your head making him chuckle softly. 
“That girl can't keep a secret to save her life.” You moved on from his bruise, now tending to the scratches on his cheeks. Taking your fingers you apply the cream on the scratches, making him wince. “I only have a little bit left. This is why you shouldn't get in fights Mr. Lee.” 
“Well, I..” he hesitated. “I fought for you.” 
For a second you felt your heart drop. The guy you liked for 3 years fought for you, and you had absolutely nothing to say. “Thank you” was all you could manage. “But…why?” 
“He was…an ass.” Memories of the guy recording you why you were down struck his brain, pissing him off all over again. “He was treating you like some kind of sexual fantasy. And I don't like that.” 
You frowned, remembering that videos and pictures of yourself looking for your glasses are now circulating the Internet. “Yeah…”
“And I didn't like the way he was touching you,” he said, wincing at the feeling of you putting the bandage on. 
“You sound like a protective father,” you joke, trying to lighten the mood. “I appreciate you for defending me, but there's no reason to get hurt while doing it.” 
“But I want to,” he says, making you pause. “Y/N, I think I like you.” 
“I-I..uh..” You wanted so badly to say you liked him too, but now you were nervous. Your face was beating up, fogging your glasses. Be cool, be normal. “T-thanks..” 
“Thanks?” Haechan laughs softly. “That's what I get for fighting.” 
“No, that's not what I meant! I meant-”
“I know what you meant, and it's fine,” he reassured you. “I think I liked you for a long time, just didn't know if you felt the same way.” 
“How long is a long time to you?” 
“A couple months,” he answered. 
You sighed, a slight wave of disappointment filling your chest. “I wanted you for 3 years.” 
Haechan's eyes widened slightly, brows shooting up hearing your words. “3 years? Why didn't you tell me?” 
“Because I'm the kind of girl you befriend, not date,” you answered bitterly. 
“That's not true.” 
“All the girls you like are exactly like you. They're loud, adventurous, cool, hot, wear skimpy clothing,” you argued. “I'm just not your type.” 
“Well that can't be true now, because it seems like you are exactly my type,” he stated. 
“For now.” You started treating his last bit of scratches, scrunching your nose to keep your glasses from slipping again. “Why do you think I wore that outfit? I just wanted you to notice me.” 
“But I noticed you. I do all the time,” he revealed. 
“But it wasn't until tonight which made you realize that,” you added. And with that final comment, you finished tending to his wounds, placing the last bandage on his face. “I'm all done. If you wanna go home, I can-” 
“No,” he said. Haechan placed his hands on the back of your thighs, his soft palms sending lightning through your body. “I'm staying here.” 
You could barely think straight with him touching you, the hold on your legs just getting stronger and stronger, his thumbs pressing into your skin. That's when Haechan kisses up your clothed stomach softly and slowly, making your lashes and heart flutter as you watch him from above. 
“Haechan, stop,” you sigh. “Y-you're not thinking straight.” 
He stands up, his lanky figure looming over yours. You swear you feel dizzy the moment his cologne hits your nose. He pulls you closer, his pelvis on yours. You could feel his hard on sitting right on your aching cunt. 
“I know you feel it,” he whispers. “I know you feel the tension here. And I know you feel how hard I am too.” 
Gulping, you look away from him. This is everything you've fantasized about for the last 3 years, but something is telling you no. Something is telling you it's too good to be true. “Maybe..maybe we should wait.”
Haechan takes your chin in his bruised knuckles, lifting your chin to look at him, but all you can see are his pretty lips hovering over yours. “Are you sure you wanna wait? Because I'm not sure I can hold myself back for even a second.” 
His free hand travels up your leg, his fingertips grazing the heat between your legs ever so slightly, teasing you even more. “You have no idea how pissed it made me feel seeing that guy touch and feel on you, knowing it should've been me.” 
“That's why you fought him?” 
The breathiness of your words almost made him spiral. You were breathing heavily, your chest pressed against his so turned on at every little thing he did. 
“Mhm,” he mumbled. “Seeing you walk around in that tiny skirt knowing I couldn't have you..”
“You have me now..” 
“You're right, I do.” 
Haechan kisses you just as you imagined, soft and with care. He kept kissing you, each kiss making you feel high. His hands left your face and leg, grabbing a hold of your waist. You yelp, feeling your body be lifted onto the end of your sink, legs spread apart as he stands between them. His tongue entered your mouth, the kisses slowing down and lingering a bit. 
Haechan places his hands on your sides, soon traveling to your chest. Hard nipples looking through the fabric, teasing him the whole time he's been in your house can finally be his. Haechan hooks his fingers on the bottom of your shirt, begging to pull it up when you grab his wrist, stopping him. 
You pull away painfully slow, a strong of saliva still connecting your lips only for a second. “Can we go to my room?” 
Haechan said nothing, just backing away from your body and pulling you off the counter. He pulled you to your room, still messy as always. He always loved your house, especially your room. Something about it felt like home. There's always little bits of you scattered throughout your space, whether it be homework, a brush, a mug, or even a sock. It doesn't matter how many times he comes over, it always feels the same. 
But this time it felt a little different. He wasn't going to your room to hang out with the others, he was going to have sex with you. Going to make out with you, to be more than friends with you. This was going to change everything about your relationship with him, but it didn't matter right now. All that mattered was making you feel good. 
Haechan sat on your bed looking up at you, mirroring his previous actions in your bathroom. You were more nervous than ever now with him sitting there expectantly. Fixing your glasses, you placed your hand on his shoulder, climbing on his body to straddle him. 
“Can I take your top off,” his whispered peppering soft kisses down your neck. 
You nod, giving him permission. Haechan hooks his fingers on the hem of your top, lifting the fabric off your body. He feels like he's 16 again, like this is his first time seeing a woman's chest, except it's yours, which is much more important. He starts kissing you slow, his hands naturally finding their way to your chest. You shuddered at the way his cold palms molded your breasts, shaky breaths leaving your mouth and into his every once in a while. 
Haechan started kissing down your jaw, then to your neck, making tilt your head to give him more access. His hands leave your chest for a bit, placing them on your back pulling you closer to his body. Your nipples touch the cold of the print on his graphic tee, stimulating you more while he leaves wet messy kisses all over your skin. 
He kisses lower and lower, lips now pressing against the top of your breast. You look down at him, the most dreamy expression ever when his eyes meet your framed ones. You look so cute in them, but still the sexist person he'd ever seen in glasses. 
You let out a soft moan feeling his tongue swipe against your nipples, the feeling being foreign after being on such a long dry spell. He licks the stiffened peak again, then sucking it while staring up at you. 
“So pretty,” he whispers on your skin. 
You're soaking at this point, his touch and voice bewitching you. Haechan holds you tight, sucking your nipples softly. His eyes hung low, the stare making you squirm. You watched as his brows furrowed hearing your soft whines, his hand gripping the fabric on your hip. He releases your breast from his mouth with a soft pop, the cold air hitting the wet peak making you shiver. 
“Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
Your eyes dart to his face, glasses slipping down your nose bit by bit. “I..”
Haechan smirks, his soft lips kissing your chest once again while his hands roam your body. “I know you do,” he whispers. “You're the most obvious person I know.” 
Haechan slips his hands to your lower back, his fingers dipping lower and lower into your shorts. He can't help himself, squeezing the flesh in his hands like a stress ball making you push into his palms more. 
“I want you to show me,” he says, words muffled in your neck while he kisses it. 
“S-show you,” you question.
“I want you to show me what you do when you make yourself feel good,” he adds. “Is that okay?” 
You were intoxicated in your home and he's barely touched you yet, but his voice and eyes did something else to you. You needed more. You nodded, lips parting slightly when he takes his hands out your shorts. 
“Stand up.” 
You remove your leg from his side, removing yourself from his lap. Haechan stood up, body so close to yours you could feel the heat emitting off of him. He tugged at the bottom of his shirt, lips curling into a small smile. “Wanna help?” 
You nodded slowly, hands lifting his shirt above his head. His eyes disappeared behind the fabric but once it was off him, they connected with yours once again, making your core clench around nothing. You tossed his shirt on the floor, eyes trailing down his soft but toned body. You've seen him shirtless plenty of times but this was different. This felt different. 
Haechan's gaze lingered on you as he unhooked his belt, the sound of the metal clinging sending a shiver down your spine. He let them fall, showcasing black underwear to you. Haechan leans down, kissing you softly as he steps out of the pool of fabric, groaning in your mouth softly when your chest touches his. 
“Now,” he says softly, pulling away from you. Taking your hand, he pulls you to the side of your bed, climbing onto the mattress. Haechan plops down, leaning his head on your headboard in the dreamiest way possible. “I need those off” – he points to your shorts – “and you right here.” He pays the spot between his legs. 
Your fingers dig into your waistline, hesitating for what feels like an eternity. Your heart was beating rapidly,  with every second feeling like years. Haechan watched you pull the last piece of decency off your body, soaking in every bit of bare skin he laid his eyes on. He needed to feel you, touch you, eat you. But first he wanted to see you. 
Climbing on the bed, he sensed how anxious you were, wrapping his arms around your body once you settled between his legs. And just like that, you were like putty in his hands, immediately melting in his touch letting him run his hands all over your skin, groping at you wherever he liked. 
“Spread those legs for me pretty,” he said into your ear, smiling when you obeyed. His fingertips trail lines in your hips, soon moving down your legs. He could barely control himself, hands moving closer and closer to your soaked core, the actions making you bring your knees together. 
“Shit,” you mumbled, face hot as you witnessed your glasses fog bit by bit. 
“Do you always wear your glasses during sex” he asked, kissing behind your ear softly. 
“Y-yes, why?”
“I want you to take them off for me.” Haechan laughs to himself softly when you sit up, turning to him with a confused expression. 
“But then I-I can't see,” you say, a slight whine in your voice. 
“I'll do that for you.” Haechan removes the frames from your face gently, folding them and placing them on your lamp table. “I want you to focus on how you feel and what I say. Can you do that for me?” 
His milky tone, the way his lips brushed on your earlobe, his soft touch between your thighs. You'd do anything he asks for in a heartbeat. “Y-yes.” 
“Good girl,” he praises. “You know what to do.”
Haechan watched you start rubbing your clit slowly, biting his lip softly. His hands continued rubbing your thighs, soothing you as you leaned into his chest more. You feel his heavy breathing on your back, your lids going heavy once you insert two fingers inside. 
Haechan was rock solid at the point, watching your fingers move in and out of you, the squelch your pussy made being music to his ears. “Fuck,” he mumbles in your ear.
You clench around your fingers to his voice, the breath tickling your ears making you squirm between him. Your eyes are closed, so you don't see the way he's looking beside you, watching the way your face twitches at every feeling or sound. His stomach flips when you gasp at the sudden feeling his hands on your chest, small moans escaping to the added pleasure. 
“I love that sound,” he says, the sound of your pussy getting louder when you finger yourself faster. 
“S-stop,” you stutter. 
“Are you embarrassed,” he chuckles softly, nipping at your ear, not taking his eyes off the scene between your legs. You gulp and nod, a small whine spilling from your lips. 
“God you're so cute.” Haechan removes one hand off your chest, creeping his fingers back between your legs. “Almost as cute as this pretty clit right here.” 
He started rubbing small, slow circles, your moans increasing in volume. You kept fingering yourself, but you needed more. You needed his cock, his mouth, his pretty hands. The thought of him finger fucking you till you came stimulated you, making your hips move on their own, grinding against his fingers.
“Tell me what you're thinking about.” He had pressure on his fingers making a whine leave you plump lips. “What do you want from me Y/N?” 
“I..I want you Haechan,” you answer breathlessly. “I want you to make me cum.” Your hand pumps your hole faster, wetness coating your fingers running down your hands. His breath tickles your neck as he begins to grind on you. Eyes closed, head falling back on his shoulder, you let your hips move on their own. You're so close, the feeling of his chest rising on your back aiding to the pleasure throughout your body. 
“I want you inside me,” you moan softly, brows furrowing. 
“How bad,” he teased, a smile on his lips. He rubbed your clit faster, starting to feel your legs shaking. Your moans increased, whines and whimpers freely falling from your lips. He knew you were going to cum. 
“So, so bad,” you whispered. “I-Im gonna cum haechan..” 
“Cum for me,” he whispered. “You're so pretty when you cum.” 
You pumped your fingers harder and faster, the sound of your wet hole filling his ears. You came around your fingers, pussy squeezing tight on the digits inside you. Haechan kept rubbing your clit, the feeling of his fingers on the sensitive bud making you shiver on his shoulder. 
“There you go Y/N,” he said softly, his other hand rubbing your thigh. “Let it out. God, you make the prettiest sounds.” 
You pulled your fingers from between your legs, hand resting on your other thigh as you breathed heavily against his body. That's when you feel his hand take yours, bringing it to his mouth. Haechan wrapped his lips around your fingers, sucking your arousal off your fingers. 
“Haechan,” you whined, hanging your head low in embarrassment. He chuckled, taking your face and turning it to him. He kisses you softly, the taste of your own cum on his lips. “I need you so bad,” you mumbled on his lips. 
“Lay down for me okay?” 
You nodded, lifting yourself from his body, allowing him to move from behind you. You reached for your glasses, putting them on, clearing your blurry vision. When you looked back up, Haechan was pulling his underwear off his body, hard on so big, it hit his stomach. 
“Holy fuck,” you mumbled to yourself. He was big. Bigger than you imagined, and it makes you wonder where he was hiding it all this time under his skinny jeans. 
“Staring isn't very polite, you know.” 
His voice broke your thoughts, making your eyes snap back up to his face. Dark locks of hair fell in his eyes, that same teasing grin on his mouth. He looked like a dream– bruises and bangs on his face, knuckles red, but still hot. He crawled onto the bed, yanking your body lower on the bed by your ankles. 
“You have some condoms,” he said, eyes scanning your naked body. 
“I-In my drawer.” You point to your bedside table, eyes following him as he bends over you to open the drawer. You were practically drooling at this point, the thirstiest you've ever been and it was starting to become too real to be true. Haechan takes an unopened packet from the drawer, shutting it right after. Your eyes don't leave him as he sits back up and opens the plastic, a gulp going down your throat in anticipation. 
“If at any point you wanna stop, just let me know,” he says, sliding the condoms on. Haechan watches your facial expressions and body language. You were excited, he could tell. But you were also the most nervous he's ever seen you. “Listen,” he says softly. His fingertips glide on the inner side of your thighs, hands pushing your legs up by the back of your knees. “I want you to look at me the whole time. Can you do that?” 
The softness in the way he spoke felt a bit unfamiliar to you, you immediately softened nodding at his request. “Y-yeah.”
Haechan licks his lips, lining himself with you. A small gasp fell from your lips feeling his tip stretch you open. He pushed himself in a bit more, watching your face slowly contort silently. Haechan held your legs up to your chest, eyes never leaving the view of his dick disappearing between your legs.
“Fuck,” he sighed, the feeling of your tight pussy almost making him cum right then and there. He looks back up at your face, your eyes are closed, head resting on your pillow. Your glasses are crooked due to the position of your head, but it's sexy to him. 
Haechan starts thrusting in you slowly, eyes shut as he moves taking in the feeling. But you keep looking at him. You keep staring at the way the muscles in his arms slightly flex, you stare at the way his chest moves after every deep breath he takes. He must've known you were staring because he opens his eyes, staring at you fucked out face. 
“Youre.. you're so big,” you mumbled, voice shaky from the pleasure. 
Haechan opens his eyes, staring down at you through his bangs as he thrusted deeper. “Keep saying things like that, and you'll boost my ego.” He snaps his hips into yours, his dick reaching further into you. Haechan speeds up his movements, his hands gripping your legs tighter, pushing them closer to your chest. You tried you best to look at him, but with every movement, you felt your vision go blurry with pleasure. Your moans and whimpers filled the room accompanied with his grunts and the sound of the bed. 
Haechan lets go of your legs, letting himself fall onto your body. He held himself up, one hand on your hip and the other holding himself. You let your eyes close for one second, but Haechan is quick to slap your hip, making you open your eyes. You stare at him, raising your hand and fixing your glasses with your brows furrowed at the feeling of him inside you. 
“Don't look away,” he moans softly. “Keep looking at me..keep those eyes on me.” 
And you did, arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Haechan lets out a small hiss feeling you squeeze around him. 
“Faster,” you moaned shakily, breath tickling his nose. Haechan melts when your face twists in pleasure, brows scrunching with every moment. 
“Fuck, right there,” you whimpers, pulling him closer. Haechan kisses you, you both moaning and grunting into each other's mouths. 
“You like this Y/N? You like when I fuck you good,” he groans, on your mouth.
“Yes, yes.” You nod fast, eyes stuck in his as he plows you into the mattress. The sound of your skin colliding, bed creaking, moans filling the air over stimulated you along with his raspy voice, saying the dirtiest things in your ear. 
He reaches up, removing your glasses from your face and throwing them somewhere on your bed. Too fucked out to even respond, you shut your eyes letting him bury his head in your neck, leaving wet kisses all over your skin. 
“I'm so close,” you moaned, legs starting to shake on either side of him. 
“Cum for me,” he grunts. “I want you to cum around my cock right now.” He reaches down between your bodies, fingers rubbing your clit fast. Haechan has had sex a million times, but nothing could compare to the way you felt squeezing around him. The way your moans rose in pitch when you came, the way you said his name. 
“Haechan,” you whispered, nails pressing into the skin on his back. “Oh my God, fuck..”
He kept fucking you into the mattress, chasing his own high right after yours. “Just a little more baby, fuck..”
You opened your eyes, brows furrowed as you watched his body rise, hands grasping your waist tight. His thumbs pressed into your sides, holding your body close to his while he plowed into you. Even blurry, he was a dream to look at. His hair hung in his face, biting his lip as he chased his orgasm. 
But better get, you looked like an angel underneath him. The sweat on your body, your face, hair, sounds. Perfect. His eyes followed your hand, watching them as one went to your nipple and the other went between your legs. 
“Fuck,” he kissed. The tight feeling in his stomach started getting tighter. Haechan’s jaw dropped, brows scrunched as he came, a strangled moan escaping his throat. 
Haechan stopped thrusting, pulling out of you after a couple of seconds. The both of you sat in the silence of heavy breathing, his hands still on your waist. You reached to grab your glasses, finding them on the blanket and putting them on lazily. That's when you look at Haechan, his blushed  cheeks, sweat on his forehead, trying to catch his breath. 
“Are you-”
“Can we-”
Both of you stop and look at each other. The air starts to feel heavy for some reason, the silence giving you time to think about what you were going to say. Can we go on a date?
You gulped at the way his eyes won't stop staring into yours. His lips part, eyes narrowing when he rubs his thumbs on your sides, soothing your very obvious nerves. 
“Say it,” he says softly, 
“Can we… be more than friends?” 
You blinked, Haechan staring at you with a blank expression. Suddenly he began laughing, hanging his head low after you spoke. 
“What,” you questioned, heart sinking into your stomach. 
“Why did you ask me that,” he chuckled, grinning from ear to ear at you question. 
You swallowed, expression hardening at his words. “Did I say something wrong?” 
Haechan noticed the tremble in your words and immediately stopped laughing, realizing that you were very much serious. Haechan leaned down, his body on yours and head in your neck. He kissed your skin softly, one hand holding him up while the other caressed your skin. 
You watch him, feeling yourself melting into his soft touch. His fingertips dragged along your abdomen, sending chills down your spine. “H-haechan,” you said softly. “Answer my question.”
Instead of answering you, he moved from your neck to your lips. He captured you in a soft, sweet kiss, turned deep and passionate. Something about the way he kisses you at the moment feels romantic, as if he's trying to communicate his feelings without speaking, but you need him to say it. You need him to speak to you.
Haechan pulled away from you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. “Did that answer your question,” he said softly. 
You shook your head, making him laugh softly. “Answer.” 
He smiled, licking his lips before speaking. “I can be whatever you want me to be.”
“Well..” you paused before looking  up at him, eyes staring into his soul. The silence felt like an eternity between you both, but it soon disappeared when you spoke. 
“Can you be mine?”
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inkskinned · 1 year
you're grabbing lunch with a nice man and he gives you that strange grimace-smile that's popular right now; an almost sardonic "twist" of his mouth while he looks literally down on you. it looks like he practiced the move as he leans back, arms folded. he just finished reciting the details of NFTs to you and explaining Oppenheimer even though he only watched a youtube about it and hasn't actually seen it. you are at the bottom of your wine glass.
you ask the man across from you if he has siblings, desperately looking for a topic. literally anything else.
he says i don't like small talk. and then he smiles again, watching you.
a few years ago, you probably would have said you're above celebrity gossip, but honestly, you've been kind of enjoying the dumb shit of it these days. with the rest of the earth burning, there's something familiar and banal about dragging ariana grande through the mud. you think about jeanette mccurdy, who has often times gently warned the world she's not as nice as she appears. you liked i'm glad my mom died but it made you cry a lot.
he doesn't like small talk, figure out something to say.
you want to talk about responsibility, and how ariana grande is only like 6 days older than you are - which means she just turned 30 and still dresses and acts like a 13 year old, but like sexy. there's something in there about the whole thing - about insecurity, and never growing up, and being sexualized from a young age.
people have been saying that gay people are groomers. like, that's something that's come back into the public. you have even said yourself that it's just ... easier to date men sometimes. you would identify as whatever the opposite of "heteroflexible" is, but here you are again, across from a man. you like every woman, and 3 people on tv. and not this guy. but you're trying. your mother is worried about you. she thinks it's not okay you're single. and honestly this guy was better before you met, back when you were just texting.
wait, shit. are you doing the same thing as ariana grande? are you looking for male validation in order to appease some internalized promise of heteronormativity? do you conform to the idea that your happiness must result in heterosexuality? do you believe that you can resolve your internal loneliness by being accepted into the patriarchy? is there a reason dating men is easier? why are you so scared of fucking it up with women? why don't you reach out to more of them? you have a good sense of humor and a big ol' brain, you could have done a better job at online dating.
also. jesus christ. why can't you just get a drink with somebody without your internal feminism meter pinging. although - in your favor (and judgement aside) in the case of your ariana grande deposition: you have been in enough therapy you probably wouldn't date anyone who had just broken up with their wife of many years (and who has a young child). you'd be like - maybe take some personal time before you begin this journey. like, grande has been on broadway, you'd think she would have heard of the plot of hamlet.
he leans forward and taps two fingers to the table. "i'm not, like an andrew tate guy," he's saying, "but i do think partnership is about two people knowing their place. i like order."
you knew it was going to be hard. being non-straight in any particular way is like, always hard. these days you kind of like answering the question what's your sexuality? with a shrug and a smile - it's fine - is your most common response. like they asked you how your life is going and not to reveal your identity. you like not being straight. you like kissing girls. some days you know you're into men, and sometimes you're sitting across from a man, and you're thinking about the power of compulsory heterosexuality. are you into men, or are you just into the safety that comes from being seen with them? after all, everyone knows you're failing in life unless you have a husband. it almost feels like a gradebook - people see "straight married" as being "all A's", and anything else even vaguely noncompliant as being ... like you dropped out of the school system. you cannot just ignore years of that kind of conditioning, of course you like attention from men.
"so let's talk boundaries." he orders more wine for you, gesturing with one hand like he's rousing an orchestra. sir, this is a fucking chain restaurant. "I am not gonna date someone who still has male friends. also, i don't care about your little friends, i care about me. whatever stupid girls night things - those are lower priority. if i want you there, you're there."
he wasn't like this over text, right? you wouldn't have been even in the building if he was like this. you squint at him. in another version of yourself, you'd be running. you'd just get up and go. that's what happens on the internet - people get annoyed, and they just leave. you are locked in place, almost frozen. you need to go to the bathroom and text someone to call you so you have an excuse, like it's rude to just-leave. like he already kind of owns you. rudeness implies a power paradigm, though. see, even your social anxiety allows the patriarchy to get to you.
you take a sip of the new glass of wine. maybe this will be a funny story. maybe you can write about it on your blog. maybe you can meet ariana grande and ask her if she just maybe needs to take some time to sit and think about her happiness and how she measures her own success.
is this settling down? is this all that's left in your dating pool? just accepting that someone will eventually love you, and you have to stop being picky about who "makes" you a wife?
you look down to your hand, clutching the knife.
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hajoon-iz-won · 6 months
Magnetic Force of a Man
Tumblr media
smut 18+ mdni
Pairing: ceo!Jay x worker!Y/N
"Do you know why I require all of my assistants to have Masters degrees?” he asked as he stood up and began to walk slowly around his desk.
"It's because I find educated women incredibly sexy," he said softly, leaning down close to my ear.
Warnings: smut, 18+, MDNI, dom!Jay, impregnation, dirty talk, fingering, pussy fucking, female masturbation, age gap (4 years), exhibitionism, breeding, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 5.4k
"You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I cursed as I stared down at the tear in my brand new sheer pantyhose. "Run-proof my ass! "
Shaking my head in dismay, I quickly looked around the large underground parking garage, praying to God that no one could see or hear me as I hurriedly positioned myself between my front door and the driver's seat of my beige sedan, hiking my lavender pencil skirt up to my ass, and then slid the ruined pair of hose the rest of the way down my legs.
Thankfully, I packed an extra pair!
I sat down on the side of the car seat and removed my violet high heels, almost like I was pulling out the replacements, taking them from the packing and quickly began slipping my feet inside.
The voice of a man said abruptly, "Yes, that's right."
My breath caught in my throat, I paused and turned to see the source of the voice. I was stunned by what I saw and halted abruptly, my new pantyhose halfway up my legs.
He had a great appearance. He was sitting at least fifty feet away from me, yet I could still see the platinum shine of his watch as he raised his left arm to check the time. He was dressed elegantly in a navy blue suit. His shiny black low-cut hair must have reached at least five eleven" in height.
With a dark satchel clasped in his right hand, he confidently walked towards the elevator labeled "PRIVATE." His broad shoulders, confident gait, and commanding presence evoked the image of a male model seen in GQ publications. His whole demeanor was confident.
I could tell that he was chatting to someone else and not about me or my pantyhose dilemma when a blue light blinked next to his ear. He never even gave me a sidelong glance.
I eventually snapped back to reality as he slid behind one of the pillars and finished pulling on my pantyhose. I tucked my skirt in and put my stilettos back on, eager to begin my first day of training as an executive assistant for Park Industries within the enormous, imposing Park Business building. (It seems the corporation required more than one because it was so large.)
I'd never seen or heard of Jay Park, the CEO of the company, before applying for this job. Even though I had looked him up online, all the pictures I could find of him included him wearing dark sunglasses and hats, which made me think he was probably a very secretive person. It appeared that he would much rather maintain a very low profile than be in the spotlight.
Nothing could have prepared me for the day I visited the Park Building for the first time, even though I had finished an internship at a Fortune 500 corporation close to my college campus.
My first interview had been with a woman named Son Eunsaem. She'd had a highly professional appearance and a no-nonsense attitude. She hadn't smiled once during the interview.
I was surprised when I got a call back for a second interview. That was where I met the other executive assistants. Park Industries had an executive assistant for each and every department in the company, and I had applied to the marketing department.
And I started working on the actual job today. At nine o'clock, I had my official orientation meeting, and then I was meant to meet with Jay Park, the company's CEO.
On their first day of work, all new hires were required to meet with the CEO, who was said to like having face-to-face meetings with each and every one of his staff members. I'll admit that I was anxious, but I was also interested to see this billionaire's true appearance.
The thirty-story building housed the marketing department on its twenty-fifth floor. At the orientation, there was another new hire in addition to me. Ryu Hanbin was his name, and he had been employed in the software department.
At orientation, our ID cards were issued to each of us. We were granted entry to the elevators, break facilities, and exits reserved for employees only. My heart started to race inside my chest as the orientation was coming to a conclusion.
Hanbin and I were taken to a private employee elevator and showed how to use our ID cards to operate it. Jay Park's office was on the top floor, and that's where our orientation leader, a middle-aged woman named Won Chaerin, led us up.
As the elevator door opened at the pinnacle floor, we had been greeted with the aid of using a short, stout, but very neat and well-groomed bald guy with a cleanly-shaven face in a vibrant purple pantsuit.
"Welcome to Park Land,” he stated with a welcoming grin as he reached out to shake our hands. "That's what we name the pinnacle floor, right here." He appeared to laugh after each sentence he spoke. “My call is Jinyoung, however all of us right here calls me Jin.” Another laugh.
What a unusual guy, I thought.
He led us down a hallway that ended with a reception table and a small living room area. There had been high-returned black leather-based chairs and a large flat-display tv withinside the ready area. There additionally regarded to be a bar of a few kind in the back of the reception table.
"Y'all can simply make yourselves comfortable whilst I allow Mr. Park recognize you are right here,” he instructed us with every other laugh earlier than sashaying returned to his spot in the back of the reception table.
"Thank you,” I instructed him as I took a seat in one of the leather-based chairs and crossed my legs.
As I sat ready, my heart commenced to overcome so rapid that it felt like it'd leap up out of my throat at any second. A stolen look over at Hanbin noticed his foot nervously tapping in opposition to the carpeted floor, and I felt relieved that I wasn't the simplest worried individual withinside the room.
A second later, the telephone on Jin's table rang, and he spoke back it on speaker.
"Send Ms. Y/L/N in first,” the voice said in a deep, authoritative tone.
"Right away, sir," Jin answered as he glanced over towards me.
I stood up and accompanied him down but every other lengthy hallway, with stylish artwork lining the partitions and porcelain statues each few feet.
At the quit of the hall, there has been a fancy-searching door with a platinum door knob.
"Knock, knock,” Jin said in a singsong-like voice as he knocked on it twice before turning the knob and pushing it open. “Ms. Y/L/N, meet Mr. Jay Park.”
He waited for me to step inside the large, elaborately decorated office before shutting the door behind me.
I stood there, with my back to the door and my orientation folder in my hand, not sure what to do next. Mr. Park had his head down and was doing something on his phone, but as soon as the door closed, he looked directly up at me, and my jaw almost hit the floor in utter awe.
Jay Park was none other than the sexy, model-esque man who'd been walking through the employee parking garage earlier.
I knew I was staring, but I didn't care. The man was a real-life Adonis.
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N. Come. Have a seat.”
It was more of an order than a request, but I didn't mind. He had the most hypnotizing pair of eyes. They were a deep, dark br, and I felt as if I could get lost in them if I stared too long.
He didn't smile, but he didn't frown. He was eyeing me curiously as I made my way over to the chair in front of his huge, rectangular desk. I felt as if he was sizing me up for something... something other than just this job position.
"So, Ms. Y/L/N, you are twenty-four and you have an MS in Business Management. Impressive. What are your plans in the next five years?”
I felt completely on the spot. I cleared my throat before speaking.
"Well, I'm hoping to be working a job I love, maybe get promoted, and start moving up in the ranks."
"Hmm," he said quietly.
I leaned forward a bit and noticed that he had a folder open with my resume, cover letter, and some photos of me inside.
"Do you know why I require all of my assistants to have Masters degrees?” he asked as he stood up and began to walk slowly around his desk.
My heart sped up and began to beat harder than ever. He had removed his suit jacket, and his white silk shirt hugged his toned upper body with flair, accenting the broadness of his shoulders.
I shook my head and swallowed hard as my body temperature began to rise. No man had ever had such a profound effect on me. I could actually feel heat starting to build within my core and a noticeable tingling between my thighs.
He walked around to the back of my chair and stood behind me. My heart was beating a billion beats per minute.
"It's because I find educated women incredibly sexy," he said softly, leaning down close to my ear.
I shuddered at the feel of his breath against my lobe. My body was completely on fire for this man, and he hadn't even touched me. I was at a loss for words.
I wanted to glance up at him, but I was frozen in place like a stone statue, and all I could do was sit there facing forward as I waited to see what was going to happen next. From behind me, I heard him inhale deeply and then exhale slowly.
“Ahh, your perfume is intoxicating, but I sense something else about you, Ms. Y/L/N. You are in your prime,” he stated sensuously, his voice barely more than a whisper.
His lips were so close to my neck that his breath felt hot against my skin. It caused a shiver to run down my spine, and I had to muster every ounce of strength to keep a moan from escaping my lips.
Then, suddenly, he stood straight up and walked back around to the other side of his desk, and his demeanor had returned to a strictly professional one.
"Mrs. Son was quite impressed with you and spoke very highly of your interview," he said plainly as he sat back down in his chair.
"Really? Wow," I replied.
"You sound surprised," he said with a slight grin. "I know she can come across as somewhat ‘rigid, but it's all just part of how she does her job. She's extremely professional and would make an excellent poker player, no doubt.”
He chuckled slightly at his comment, and I uttered a small giggle as well.
"Well, I'm certain you'll be a definite asset to Park Industries, Ms. Y/L/N. Welcome to the team,” he said with a smile.
His smile revealed a set of the most perfect pearly whites I had ever seen up close. While staring at them, I almost missed the fact that he'd also extended his hand to me.
"Thank you, Mr. Park,” I said nervously, returning his smile with one of my own.
"You have a lovely smile, Ms. Y/L/N," he stated softly, still holding onto my hand after I'd stopped shaking it.
“Thanks,” I said coyly, tearing my eyes away from his before I became completely lost in them.
He ran his thumb slowly across the side of my hand before finally letting it go. That small, simple touch from him only added more fuel to the fire that was already building in my loins.
“Ms. Y/L/N? ”He called out to me just as I was about to leave his office.
"Yes?" I replied, turning around to look at him one more time.
"I'm having a small meeting this evening at the Italy Garden restaurant. The dress code is semi-formal. Can you be ready by 7:00?”
"Uhh, yes. Certainly, Mr. Park,” I replied, caught completely off guard.
"Great. I'll send a car to your place at 7:00, then.”
I left his office feeling flustered in more ways than one. It had been more than a year since I'd last had sex, and my attraction to Mr. Park was anything but subtle. He had a magnetic effect on me, one that I knew I was incapable of fighting.
I walked swiftly down the hall, past the small lounge where Hanbin was still seated, and into the ladies' restroom directly adjacent to Jin's reception desk. Breathing hard, I went into one of the stalls, set my folder down on the back of the commode, hiked my skirt up to my waist, and yanked my pants down to my thighs.
Panting like an animal in heat, I sat down on the seat and spread my legs.
"Mmm," I muttered as I closed my eyes and placed my right hand on the crotch of my thin satin pants.
Yanking my pants to the side, I exposed my moist, partially-swollen bud and began to massage it. Another moan escaped my lips as I bucked my hips and rubbed my pussy faster and harder.
I imagined that Mr. Park was in the bathroom stall with me and that he had pulled my pants to the side. It was his lips and tongue against my throbbing, swollen bulb, causing sighs and moans of delight to escape my mouth and sending me into a frenzy of pleasure.
“Ohhh,” I murmured softly as I pictured him rubbing the head of his hard, pulsating cock against my slick, hot slit.
I imagined his hands grabbing my ass cheeks and squeezing them hard in a fit of primal, uncontrollable passion. I pictured him entering me slowly at first, until his rock-hard dick was deep inside my pussy, stretching me to the limit.
"Fuuuck," I whispered as I plunged my fingers as deep into my warm, wet tunnel as they would go. "Yesss! Fuck me, Mr. Park!"
I imagined his cock moving in and out of me, faster and harder, fucking like wild animals as we both got closer and closer to our climaxes. Completely and totally engulfed in how unbelievably good the sex felt, neither one of us even cared that we were fucking unprotected.
"I want you to cum inside me, Mr. Park,” I imagined telling him. “Oh fuck, yessss! Cum in my pussy! Fill me up with your cum."
I didn't even care if I got pregnant or not; I just needed to feel his hot cum inside of me.
I was right on the brink of my orgasm, and I could already tell it was going to be a really good one. As I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out in pleasure, I pictured myself biting down on Mr. Park's ear to stifle my passion-filled moans.
My legs began to shake, and my hips bucked uncontrollably as a powerful climax wracked my entire body. I imagined Mr. Park squeezing my ass cheeks hard as his cock squirted into my cunt, filling me to the brim.
"Ohhh," I whispered, uttering a sigh of satisfaction as my orgasm began to wane.
After taking a moment to enjoy the afterglow, I quickly cleaned myself up, left the restroom, and headed back down to the 25th floor to finish out my workday.
I had just finished putting on my makeup when I noticed it was 6:45. The dress I had selected for tonight's meeting was a long, form-fitting silver cocktail gown I'd bought last spring. It was elegant, with a touch of sex appeal. The back dipped below the waist, and the front wrapped around the neck.
At 6:54, I heard a horn blow outside of my apartment. I slid into a pair of silver stiletto sandals, grabbed a small silver purse, and headed outside.
"Wow!" I exclaimed when I saw the pearly white stretch limousine waiting at the curb.
A tuxedo-clad chauffer opened my door for me and helped me into the back seat.
The inside of the limousine was immaculate! There was a fully-stocked bar with liquor, wine, and champagne. There were wine glasses on a glass shelf next to the bar. There was also a small fridge with fruits, cheeses, and other exotic-looking snack foods.
I helped myself to a glass of champagne and turned on the satellite radio to listen to on the way to the restaurant.
When we arrived about twenty minutes later, the chauffeur helped me out of the limo, and I walked inside. An older male host in a black and white suit was standing at a podium near the entrance.
"Good evening, Madam. Welcome to the Italy Garden restaurant. Do you have a reservation?” he asked.
“Umm, yes. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm here for a dinner meeting with Mr. Jay Park,” I replied anxiously, trying hard to hide how nervous I truly was.
The five-star dining facility was way out of my league and price range. I had never been in a place so upscale and fancy. There were scores of expensive-looking pictures hanging on the walls and exquisite artifacts and statues in and around the corners.
I followed the host to a luxurious VIP balcony area where Jay Park was already seated and waiting for me.
"You look amazing, Ms. Y/L/N," he said, flashing that billion-dollar smile that made me want to melt right where I stood.
"Thank you," I replied shyly, returning a smile his way.
The host pulled out my chair, and I sat down.
"I've taken the liberty to order us a bottle of the finest champagne this place has to offer,” he told me with a grin. “What are you in the mood for?”
I couldn't pronounce a single dish on the menu.
"I'll have whatever you're having," I said softly, closing my menu and setting it to the side. I didn't want to risk embarrassing myself in front of our waiter.
"This champagne is delightful," I exclaimed before taking another sip.
"Only the best for a woman as perfect as you, Y/N," Jay stated sweetly.
It was the first time he'd ever called me by my first name. I could feel my cheeks reddening as I smiled somewhat sheepishly.
"So where are the rest of the meeting attendees?” I asked inquisitively as I glanced around the area we were seated in.
"This meeting is just for you and me, Y/N," Jay said in a sultry tone of voice. "There's something about you, Y/N, that drives me crazy. Ever since you walked into my office, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind."
I felt the same way about him. He was definitely the most attractive, magnetic, and alluring man I had ever met. I was just too shy to tell him so.
Dinner was absolutely incredible. The food was delicious, and I'd probably had a bit more champagne than I'd actually intended to drink. After a perfect meal, Jay led me back out to the limousine, and we both got into the backseat.
As we talked about our backgrounds, childhoods, and future plans while drinking top shelf champagne, I suddenly remembered that I hadn't even asked him where we were headed. Before I could even form the words to inquire, the limo slowed to a stop.
"Where are we?" I asked, just as the chauffeur opened the door.
“My place,” Jay replied with a grin. “I hope that's okay with you. There's something I want to show you."
Normally, I would have thought twice about going to the home of a man I'd just met, but there was just something about Jay that made him all but irresistible to me.
His house was beyond magnificent. The outside of it took up damned-near an entire city block, and the front yard stretched out around the sides of the house. There was a huge, circular, paved driveway at the front, and the limo had stopped directly in the middle.
I couldn't even imagine what it was he wanted to show me. I felt both excited and anxious simultaneously.
Taking my hand inside his, he proceeded to lead me through his humongous residence, showing me all of the different paintings and other extraordinary decor and informing me of the countries from which they'd been ordered. Finally, we came to this nice, dimly lit room with a beautiful faux fireplace against the rear wall. My eyes widened in amazement as we entered the romantic-looking space hand-in-hand.
"Wowww!" I exclaimed, as I had done several hundred times since we'd first gotten out of the limo. "This room is so..."
“Enchanting? ”Jay stated in a questioning tone, finishing my exclamation for me.
"Yeah! Definitely!” I agreed as I looked around in bewilderment.
There was a bar counter in the far left area of the room and what appeared to be a fully-stocked mini bar behind it. A lavish-looking cream-colored sectional sofa was in the middle of the space, facing the fireplace, and there was a huge matching rug laid out in front of it.
Just as I was about to remove my shoes out of respect for the rug, the lights suddenly dimmed lower, and about a hundred faux candles all lit up simultaneously. Also, smooth, relaxing, slow music immediately began to play. The candlelight appeared to dance to the beat of the music.
I was totally speechless and utterly astonished. I had never seen anything like it before. I glanced over at Jay, who had already removed his own shoes and was filling two wine glasses at the built-in mini bar.
"Please, have a seat, Y/N,” he said amorously, nodding toward the sectional.
I sat down and continued to enjoy the ambiance of the supremely romantic setting until he soon came over to join me and placed a glass of champagne in my hand.
"So? Do you like it?" he asked after taking a sip of his drink.
"Like it? This is absolutely amazing!" I said with a huge grin.
"I'm glad you think so. I've never brought any woman into this room until tonight.
"I find that extremely hard to believe,” I said honestly."
I may be a lot of things, Y/N, but I am definitely not a liar,” he asserted. “Men like me don't have to be in order to get what we want."
“Now that, I absolutely do believe,” I replied with a grin. “So, what is it that you want with me? ”
"Ahh, the billion-dollar question," he said sultrily.
Just then, a very popular song began to play.
"Ohh, I love this song!" he said excitedly as he stood up and held out his hand. “Dance with me.”
I didn't refuse. He pulled me upward and into his strong arms, and I wrapped mine around his neck. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating. I closed my eyes and pressed my body against his as we swayed to the music. Caught up in the moment, I felt like I could stay in his arms like that forever.
Then, suddenly, he pulled away for a moment and looked deep into my eyes.
“Y/N, you have it all. I adore your womanly physique, your stunningly bright brown eyes, and the fact that you are a very intelligent young woman. You are damned-near flawless. From the very first moment you walked into my office, I have had an undeniable, overwhelming attraction to you, and I know you feel it too."
I was completely speechless. I mean, what was I supposed to say? How do you even reply to a statement like that?
In all honesty, I was just as attracted to him as he was to me, but with him being both my boss and such a wealthy, sophisticated man, I think I felt a little bit intimidated. I'd never imagined myself being wined and dined with a billionaire Adonis like him.
I just kind of stood there, gazing into his tantalizing eyes like a giddy schoolgirl with a crush.
"Y/N,” he whispered as he suddenly spun me around so that he was behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Yes," I whispered back to him as the feeling of his warm breath against the nape of my neck instantly made me moist between my thighs.
I moaned as his soft lips brushed against the lobe of my him,. My body was instantaneously on fire for him and he had barely touched me.
"I want you," he whispered as his manly hands found my breasts and cupped them through the thin fabric of my cocktail dress.
The tips of his fingers found my nipples, causing another moan to escape my mouth. I felt his hand on the back of my neck, and then suddenly, my dress slid carelessly to the floor. I was braless, and this seemed to turn Jay on even more.
He groaned as I felt his manhood begin to stiffen against my ass.
"Y/N, you're fucking perfect,” he said gruffly, his voice raspy against my ear. “I want you. And you want me, too, don't you?
"Yes, Jay, yes," I moaned.
His hands squeezed my breasts, and I sighed loudly, arching my back. I felt his stiffening cock twitch in his pants.
"I'm twenty-eight years old, and I'm not getting any younger, Y/N. I've been looking for the right woman to bear my offspring, and you are the perfect specimen. I know you probably walked into the Park building today with your own plans and aspirations for your career and whatnot, but I have to be honest with you; I want you to bear my children.”
It was a lot to take in. He had certainly said a mouthful. I wasn't so sure about having kids with a man I'd just met, but he was definitely different from any other man I'd ever met, and odds were that I'd probably never meet anyone quite like him again.
His right hand slid down my midsection and into the front of my satin pants. I hissed with delight, biting down on my lip to stifle my cry of pleasure. He was applying just the right amount of pressure to my bud, and I was grinding my crotch against his hand.
"Don't hold back, Y/N,” he ordered in a breathy voice. “Let it all out!”
With that, he slid two fingers inside my dripping-wet pussy. I thrust my hips forward and let out a cry.
“Fuck, your pussy is already so wet for me! ”He declared with a grunt, pressing his erection against my ass.
Just as I was about to climax, he stopped, pulled his fingers out of my pants, and turned me around to face him. He put his fingers in his mouth and sucked my excitement out of them. My face flushed with need.
Then he pushed me down onto my knees as he undid his pants, releasing his stiff, throbbing cock. It was large—larger than I'd expected. It was definitely the biggest dick I'd ever seen in my twenty-four years on this earth. But I didn't care. I was going to try my damnedest to swallow it whole.
I caressed the shaft as I slid my tongue around the tip of his cock, teasing it gently, and then sliding it down into my mouth as far as it would go. I sucked it slowly and easily at first, and then I took my hand and used it with the rhythm of my mouth, sucking it as hard and fast as I could.
Groans fell from Jay's lips as he grabbed my hair and fucked my mouth. Then suddenly, he stopped me.
Easing the rest of the way out of his pants, he pulled me up toward him again and kissed me passionately, using his tongue to invade my mouth hungrily. I moaned as he began to trail his lips and tongue down my neck, pausing to lick, suck, and fondle both of my breasts, and then continuing down my belly until he reached the top of my pants.
With his teeth, he worked my pants down over my hips and buttocks, letting them drop to the floor near my dress. He parted my thighs slightly, using his fingers to slide my folds apart and massage my bud. Then, his lips replaced his fingers against my moist, pulsating pussy, and I cried out in sheer passion.
He was so skilled and talented—his tongue was like a fucking vibrating sex toy! He grabbed and squeezed my ass with one hand and used the other to slide two fingers back inside my pussy. I couldn't take it anymore!
"Fucckkk, I'm going to cum, Jay! I'm going to cum...so...fucking..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. His fingers pressed against my g-spot, and his tongue darted fast and hard against my pussy, sending me completely over the edge with the most powerful, intense, earth-shattering orgasm I had ever experienced.
My entire body shuddered and shook, and my legs tensed up. I grabbed his head as my crotch jerked forward uncontrollably against his face.
"Shiiiiittt! Oh fuuuuck!" I screamed loudly, unable to speak any other words.
When my climax finally began to wane, just as I was about to catch my breath, Jay suddenly lifted my legs up on his shoulders and gently pushed me down onto the soft, cream-colored rug lying me down on my back.
Not wasting a second, he slid his huge, hard cock into me slowly, with my legs still hoisted up on his shoulders.
I moaned long and hard as he stretched me to my limit, sliding deeper into my pussy than any other man had ever been.
“Fuck, Y/N, your pussy's so tight and wet! ," he exclaimed, moaning as he began to thrust in and out of me, going deeper with every stroke.
I was moaning so loudly that I could barely even hear the music playing anymore. His own groans became louder and longer with every thrust of his burly hips.
I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck as he started fucking me harder and faster. It wasn't long before I felt a second orgasm building, getting closer and closer...
I still wasn't exactly certain about letting him impregnate me and make me the mother of his children, but the sex was fucking earth-shattering. I had never been fucked so good before! I felt his huge, stiff cock plunging in and out of me as I cried out in delirious pleasure.
Just as I was about to scream out loud, having reached my second powerful orgasm, he let out a loud, long groan, and I knew he was there, too. We were climaxing together simultaneously, and for a brief moment, it was like the two of us became one in our own world of bliss.
I felt his cock spurting his hot cum deep inside of me, filling my pussy to the brim, but it felt so fucking wonderful that I didn't give a shit. Besides, he was rich and handsome and could fuck like a damn machine.
As we finally came back to our senses, Jay kissed my lips as he slid out of me and plopped down on the rug beside me. The fake fire was still going, and the lights and music were still playing.
"That was, by far, the best sex I've ever had in my life,” I said breathily as I looked over at him.
"Me too," he said sultrily as he slid his arm beneath my neck.
With that, his eyes closed, as did mine, and we both drifted off into a satisfied slumber.
Jay and I continued to fuck like rabbits over the next few weeks, having hot, steamy, amazing sex every chance we got. And every time he came, he shot his hot cum deep inside of me.
Three weeks later, my pregnancy test came back positive. Jay was ecstatic, of course. At first, I had mixed emotions. I was going to become a mother. Was I really ready?
He immediately made me quit my job and put me in a beautiful condo with a view that overlooked the entire city. He found me the best doctors in the area and accompanied me to all of my prenatal appointments.
So I wouldn't be able to work for a while. I mean, babies don't stay babies. They eventually grow up into adults who can take care of themselves. Who knows? Once I've raised my kids, perhaps I'll still want to go back into the workforce.
For now, though, I think I'll just enjoy swelling with Jay's seed, growing rounder and riper by the day.
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exoticbvnni · 4 months
cvte_bunny04 | C.Y.
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Emo boy!Choi Yeonjun x kinderwhore camgirl!reader
Plot:Yeonjun loves watching his favourite streamer until,one day,a nice surprise comes his way
Warnings:Yeonjun has a lip piercing,masturbation,sex talk,cyber sex,prise kink but also a lil bit of degradation,daddy kink,thigh riding,finger sucking,dom!possessive!Yeonjun,pussy eating,unprotected sex (don’t do it!),smut
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With a sigh,Yeonjun unzipped his black hoodie,throwing it on the bed:what a nerve wrecking day.
First,he had to attend the rehearsal of his rock band;then,as if he wasn’t tired enough,and his social battery wasn’t completely dead,he had to meet up with his tinder date.
How much he hated it,the worst two hours of his life:he didn’t have serious intentions, nor the girl he met had, however he wasn’t even able to kiss her.
From her Tinder and Instagram accounts she indeed seemed his type:long hair,big eyes,angelic features in contrast with her alternative look; however,in real life,she wasn’t that alternative. All she did was wearing black and going around saying she liked Nirvana. Besides that,she probably had photoshopped her pictures to highlight her almost non-existent cute features. How frustrating:he hoped that, for once,he may had found someone that actually attracted him,but, again, as soon as he met her, all his feelings had turned off.
He didn’t know why being interested in someone was so hard for him: maybe he was an idealistic? Maybe he was picky? Maybe he had high standards? Or, maybe, he had only one standard:cvte_bunny04.
It was stupid, he knew it, but he couldn’t avoid comparing every girl to his favourite streamer. She was,indeed,the stereotype of the woman of his dreams.
Right in that moment, a notification popped on the monitor of his computer:
cvte_bunny04 is going live now!
Yeonjun walked to his desk,sitting on his gaming chair and clicking on the notification banner. Immediately, he was directed to your account and the frame of your bedroom appeared in front of his eyes.
He had seen it a million times already, but he loved analysing every single detail of that small space:it gave him a glimpse of your personality.
He was sure you liked purple, since that was the colour of the lighting. It was sexy, as sexy as you.
Furthermore, hint by the posters on the wall facing your bedroom, he could tell you were into The Cure, The 69 eyes and Hole. Hole were,probably, your favourite band considering that you dressed following Courtney Love’s kinderwhore aesthetic.
He was smirking, thinking how much he would’ve loved talking about music with you while smoking; and then fuck you in that pretty bed of yours covered in stuffed bunnies. Bunnies, surely your favourite animals.
Yeonjun licked his lips, the cold of his piercing hitting his senses as you appeared on the screen:
“Good evening babes -you talked with that silky voice of yours. So smooth. So soft. So pure. -I’m a little bit late today, so I think I’ll stream a little longer to forgive myself” you smiled, adjusting your bunny mask.
The comment section started flooding:
hvjk88:gotta change my schedule then
m1k67:stream all night angel~
dedee344:can’t fucking wait😈
On this round, Yeonjun didn’t comment:he was too busy admiring you.
Every night you looked more and more gorgeous in your signature dress:the white corset highlighted your small waist,while the short, ruined tulle skirt, showed your pretty thighs, sending shivers along Yeonjun’s spine who couldn’t stop thinking how much he would’ve loved biting that skin.
“How’s everyone tonight? How we feeling?” you asked, sliding your chair a little further from the the desk, so you could bring your legs on your sitting, showing your lace knee socks.
m_mmi00:so horny now that you showed us how pretty you look in those socks🥵
You giggled:
“Do I? Really?” you asked. You knew your viewers would’ve gone crazy over them. You left nothing to chance.
Yeonjun smirked, typing his first comment of the night:
yeo.nj99:naughty princess knows how to do it
As soon as you read his comment, you bit your lips:
“Princess? Am your princess,babes?” you demanded
yeo.nj99:gotta say ours,but I’ll say mine.
“Yours? Okay Yeo,I’ll be yours” you giggled. You didn’t mind giving special attention to him:he had been flooding you with the most interesting comments, the ones that worked you up the most. He, indeed, was your favourite follower.
hvjk88:I’m jealous now ehehe
dedee344:want you to be my princess as well😭
“I’m everyone’s,don’t worry guys. Yeo, you’re making them jealous,you should apologise” you teased him, curious to see what he would’ve answered.
Yeonjun laughed,immediately typing his answer. If you wanted to play, he would’ve played along. What a turn on.
yeo.nj99:if you don’t apologise for being so likeable I won’t apologise for liking you
A little laugh escaped your mouth:
“Am I? Oh -you paused, faking hesitation- then…what do you like the most about me?” you asked, your hands wandering upon your chest,making the chains on your neck swing, hitting one another. It was time to start the show.
“Do you like my hair? -you kept on,swinging your long strands- my lips? -you sent a kiss to the camera- or -your voice lightened- my legs?” you spoke, sliding your fingers up,following your socks until you touched the skin of your inner thighs.
Yeonjun rested his back against the chair,playing with his lip piercing as he was admiring you:how much he loved when you teased your viewers. You were so good at it:you would start slowly,showing the boner to your dogs,making it look like the best thing they could have,and from there a climax of nice meals would follow until it was time for the dessert. He was so eager to enjoy every second of it…every second of you.
The comment section was already flooding,and the views increasing:
nmxxx06:I’m already so turned on
Yeonjun stretched his arm out to type:
yeo.nj99:show us how pretty you are,princess
You bit your lips again,lifting your short skirt up to let them see how you were slowly caressing your intimacy through your lace panties.
“Fuck” Yeonjun mumbled,his legs spread to mirror you and a bulge already appearing from underneath his trousers. The white sleeve of his shirt fell,revealing his collarbone and shoulder;however he didn’t notice:he was too busy admiring you.
yeo.nj99:so freaking pretty
yeo.nj99:our favourite girl
yeo.nj99:don’t stop princess,our eyes are on all you;mine,especially
Your comment section was exploding,but all you were focused on were Yeo’s words. He was so good at talking,or better,typing, you through it, so good that you were already completely wet.
“I want your eyes on me” you replied,marking the third word to let him understand that you were now talking directly to him,even if you couldn’t do it openly.
Yeonjun gasped as soon as the realisation hit him:he would’ve never imagined that he could get to that point, to you feeling so good at the idea of being watched by him. Shit,he was more worked up than ever.
yeo.nj99:all eyes on you,princess
He typed,while his free hand slipped on his crotch,palming it through his trousers. He wanted to take it slow,to enjoy the whole thing and cum only when you did. It wasn’t a random live anymore,it was HIS live now.
You closed your legs for a second, not only to tease Yeo,but also to loosen a little bit the laces of the corset. The cloth slid down, revealing your breast line.
Yeonjun hand started moving faster:he was so hard,so needy;but you were so pretty teasing him,so pretty that,for how much he wanted to get to the point,he also didn’t want you to stop your thing
yeo.nj99:never see someone like you
yeo.nj99:such a pretty whore
yeo.nj99:don’t stop I -he cancelled the words- we wanna see more
“You will” you replied,sliding your hand back in between your thighs. You stimulated yourself a little longer, stroking your wetness; the first few moans filled the room as your cheeks started getting red and your mind foggy. You didn’t dare to shift your eyes away from the monitor, though, you didn’t want to miss a single comment of Yeo.
“I want you so bad,I wanna fuck you so so bad…” the boy talked to himself, unbuckling his belt to let his trousers fall. Then, he slid his hand into his boxers,which he lowered. He was so freaking hard,it almost hurt. He needed to get off fast, he had never felt like that before.
yeo.nj99:come on bunny…
yeo.nj99:…and let us hear your pretty moans
yeo.nj99:lots of pretty moans
At those words a new whimper left your mouth:
“Fuck, I’m so so horny tonight,babe…babes” you corrected yourself immediately, moving your panties aside to slid one of your fingers inside you.
Yeonjun sighed in relief for a second, staring to move his hand, and jerking off at the same tempo as yours.
“Fuck…fuck this feels so good” he moaned, head thrown back and eyes shut while your grunts echoed in his mind, making him imagine the most unholy scenarios.
He could picture himself in your bed, above you, watching as you squirmed and twitched while he fucked you numb. He knew you would’ve been so good at taking him, your walls clenching around his hardness. He would’ve shown you what heaven was:he would’ve gone so deep, he would’ve been so buried inside of you that you would’ve screamed his name so loud that all your neighbours would’ve heard it.
He would’ve showered you with those prises that you seemed to love so much, but, at the same time, he would’ve made sure to remind you what a whore you were…his whore. His pretty, little, amazing whore.
yeo.nj99:so good princess
yeo.nj99:feeling so good
Then an idea crossed his mind:it could’ve been risky,but he knew you would’ve loved it. He would’ve loved it.
He watched as your lips parted, your head was thrown back, just like his, but, as soon as your eyes were back on the monitor he shot his shot:
yeo.nj99:those chains are so pretty
yeo.nj99:would love to see you play with them
“Gonna-gonna do it if you ask me so nicely…” you gasped, dragging your free hand to your neck.
You wrapped your fingers around the chains, tightening them. You were using so much strength that a bruise would’ve popped out the next day, but it felt too good to stop…especially if Yeo was the one asking you to do it.
Yeonjun’s eyes widened as he was watching, and a smile of lust appeared on his face. He was grunting and sweaty as he stroke himself; the breath was irregular,fast. He knew he was close:the more he heard your squirm, the more he saw you holding onto those chains for dear life just because he had told you, it sent him to the edge of his orgasm.
yeo.nj99:so close
yeo.nj99:cum and I’ll give you a reward baby
yeo.nj99:be a good girl
yeo.nj99:be a good whore
As you read, your head felt dizzy and your legs shook:you were close, so close, and nothing else but his name was filling your mind. How frustrating it was for you not being able to openly moan his name, tell him how good he was making you feel. Tell him how you were pretending that the soaked fingers hitting your g spot so well were his. How much you wanted it.
You bit your lips, pushing back the need do scream his name, replacing those three letters with a loud, high-pitched whimper as you cum all over your hand.
Immediately, you let the chains go; your head fell against the back of the chair. You were panting, completely gone.
In the meantime, Yeonjun’s breathing got stuck in his throat as, with a deep grunt, he cum all over his lap.
“F-fuck” he was trembling, but collected the strength to send you one hundred coins and leave one more commet
yeo.nj99 has sent +100 coins
yeo.nj99:good girls always get rewarded
he smirked, watching while your eyes lit up at those notifications. You loved that so much, he knew:you were an open book to him,now.
Since things were now getting too blatant, and you didn’t want to break your followers’ fantasy focusing only on one of them, you recomposed yourself and greeted them, ending the live.
Yeonjun’s breath had just gotten back to normal and he had just cleaned himself, when, ready to turn off the computer,a notification of a private message popped on his screen:
cvte_bunny04:hi Yeo, do you wanna meet up?
His eyes widened:what the fuck was that? A joke? A scam? It couldn’t be you!
The boy immediately opened the chat, checking your account:shit,it was you. He was astonished. He was about to type the most condescending and desperate message, but, thanks to a glimpse of common sense, he held back,playing it cool.
yeo.nj99:do you always hit up your fav viewers like this?
What a prick, you thought, he seemed even more interesting now.
cvte_bunny04:getting two special treatments in a row,you should be happy
cvte_bunny04:but if you aren’t, it doesn’t matter. I won’t text you again☺️
Yeonjun laughed
yeo.nj99:so touchy for nothing, I didn’t say that I don’t wanna meet you
cvte_bunny04:ofc you didn’t babe
cvte_bunny04:I guess I made you cum all over the place ehehe
yeo.nj99:just like I did with you…
cvte_bunny04:here’s my address,you deserve it. Good at sex and also really funny. You must be a one of a kind guy,Yeo😉
Said so, you sent in one more text containing your address.
As soon as Yeonjun read it, his heart skipped a bit:you used to live in the same building as him! Just a few floors above him!
yeo.nj99:can I come over right now?
cvte_bunny04:you ain’t tired yet?👀
yeo.nj99:that’s not the point
yeo.nj99:just wait a second
He sent the text, leaving his apartment to get to the elevator and reach your floor,the fourth. He then knocked at your door.
Confused,you quickly changed your clothes and hid your bunny mask in the drawer of your desk, then you opened the door.
A boy with faded pink hair and dark eyes was now standing in front of you,playing with his lip piercing as his hands were hidden in the pockets of his black,baggy jeans.
“You are?” you asked
“Yeo” he replied, smirking.
“Holy shit! -you laughed- this is absurd! Get in man. Can’t believe we live in the same building!”
You closed the door, letting him sit on the couch of your living room:your flat was extremely small, Yeonjun had to admit it,but it was really pretty. It reminded him of a vintage apartment,one of those you see in those movie released in the 90s.
The two of you chatted for a bit, getting to know each other; then, you showed him your very famous bedroom.
“It’s smaller than what I imagined” Yeonjun commented, fixing his leather bracelets
“I can’t afford a huge flat right now, after all I’m just a broken art students”
“Who gains money by cumming in front of a bunch of perverts” he pointed out, stepping closer. The tip of his nose was almost touching yours.
The attraction between the two of you was undeniable:even there, even after having jerked off the whole evening, you would’ve jumped on each other just to get another round.
“Shut up. You’re one of the perverts, which is worse” you bit back
“Touché…princess” he caressed your lips with his thumb
“I’m surprised you don’t have a pretty girlfriend to fuck numb everyday” you commented, sitting on your bed, Yeonjun followed you.
“Can I smoke in here?” he asked
“Yes, just open the window when you’re done”
The boy nodded, lighting up a cig. You stole one for yourself, smoking with him.
“So, what about your pretty girlfriend? Why you don’t have one?” you asked again
“Cuz I can’t find women I’m drawn to”
“How’s that possible?”
“You tell me, since you must be in the same situation as mine…aren’t you? Nothing makes me think that you’re in a relationship”
“I’m not looking for one, I just want to have fun” you shrugged your shoulders, the smoke left your mouth to fly to the ceiling
“Let’s have fun together, then” he smirked.
You laughed, nodding
“Of course, you can come over tomorrow night -you looked at your PC- I wonder if…” a little smile appeared on your lips
“You wonder if your viewers would be jealous if you fucked a man in front of them? -he looked at cigarette in his hand, shifting his eyes on your direction immediately after- we can find out” he giggled
“Are you really available to stream with me??” you were surprised:every guy watches porn, but not all of them are willing to stream one themselves
“Sounds so much like one of my wet dreams. Can you imagine it? Fucking your favourite streamer while thousands of people are watching, cursing because they aren’t you. Damn, yes, that would be so funny” he turned off the cigarette
“Kinky bitch -you commented,leaning in- I like it” you bit your lips, giving a fast kiss to the boy. He tasted of cigarettes and beer. Lovely.
“See you tomorrow then. Don’t be late to our streaming. Same hour, same place”
The next day Yeonjun showed up at your flat as promised:he was wearing a black tank top, low waisted black baggy jeans, his usual leather bracelets and a studded choker with a few longer chains.
“Welcome back” you smirked, tilting your head:you were already wearing your signature dress.
Yeonjun squared you from head to toe, smiling at how much prettier you were in real life while wearing those clothes. He couldn’t wait to lift that skirt and make you see the stars.
He stepped closer, grabbing your chin as his thumb rubbed the soft skin of your cheek. Shivers crossed your spine.
“Even better than on my pc” the boy commented, walking to your bedroom. You didn’t reply,you just bit your lip and followed him. Yeonjun’s attitude made you dizzy:he wasn’t the regular boy who worshiped the ground you walked on, he wasn’t the usual idiot who would stare at you with his mouth drooling; he was straightforward and masculine. He had that attitude of a leader that you loved in men. You would’ve a lot of fun with him.
“Have you thought how to settle the workstation?” he demanded, staring at your desk. You could see he was in deep reflection.
“Isn’t my chair enough? -you demanded-it’s a gamer one, it’s bigger than regular chairs,we’ll fit in” you crossed your arms
“I’ve got something else in my mind” Yeonjun looked at the bed. You giggled.
“Baby boy wants to get laid in my pretty bed with my pretty bunnies” you taunted him, he licked his lip:
“What makes you think that I won’t be the one getting you laid in your pretty bed with your pretty bunnies,bunny?” he snapped
“We’ll see-you kept on teasing him;then you opened a drawer of yours-for now choose your steamer identity”.
Yeonjun walked closer, analysing the animal masks you were hiding
“What kind of collection is this?” he asked, surprised
“Stuff from the old days in which I used to play dress up…so,what animal are you gonna choose?”
“I’ll take this one-the boy looked at you-the foxy and the bunny…it’s exciting,isn’t it?” he put the mask on.
You didn’t reply, you just fixed the workstation and turned the live on.
“Welcome back,babies -you purred- today there are a few news” you nodded to Yeonjun, telling him to sit on the bed. He followed, looking straight to the camera with his head tilted and a satisfied smirk on his lips.
“We’ve got a new set and…-you turned around-a special guest”
“Sit here,baby” the boy immediately talked, his voice suddenly deepened, giving you shivers as you followed his words.
As soon as you placed yourself on his lap,Yeonjun’s hands started wandering all over your legs and thighs:in and out,left and right,teasing every inch of your skin.
You were so soft, so dreamy, the boy thought, his little candy to unwrap and eat. Suck and bite, lick and twist in his mouth.
His lips immediately rested on your neck, leaving wet kissing all over it. Eyes focused on the screen,dark, behind the foxy mask he was wearing. He didn’t want to lose a single curse of those idiots that wanted to replace him…and damn if there were many of them.
“He’s-he’s not my boyfriend -you tried to explain as viewers were curious,tipping on Yeonjun’s cheek to tell him to let you talk;but he ignored you:his game had already started- he’s just a guest to…-you hesitated for a second:not only because you didn’t really know how to justify his presence there,but also because his mouth was disconcerting you…”
“To make tonight’s stream funnier” Yeonjun spoke on your behalf, saving you from a complicated story
“Y-yea…that…” you leaned onto his chest, meeting his eyes. He admired you for a second, then his lips met yours. The coldness of his piercing arose a fire in your tummy,a fire which burned hotter when his hand held onto your neck.
A whimper escaped your mouth as you arched your back
“Already wet,princess? I’m just kissing you” he whispered, sucking behind your right ear. You closed your eyes, shaking your head
“Make me” you bit back, dragging his face closer so you could kiss him again. Your movements were harsh, your tongue eager to taste his as you bit and sucked on his pinky lips.
Yeonjun didn’t make you wait:he moved your weight on his right leg, holding you by the waist
“Ride my thigh and I’ll make you pour” he talked to your hear,biting your lobe.
Like in a trans, you grabbed the cloth of his jeans and started swinging your hips; however Yeonjun stopped you by grabbing your hips.
“Not like this. Turn around, I wanna see your pretty face”
You nodded, turning your body in order to face him. Breath stuck in your throat.
“Now,move” he whispered, kissing your lips.
Immediately,you started swinging your hips again:
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
fingers deep dung in the cloth of the boy’s jeans as you started to feel your lower abdomen tingle.
Yeonjun lead you, tensing his muscles and pressing your core against his thigh as much as he could.
You started panting and sweating,a wet spot appeared on Yeonjun’s trousers as you had begun to soak.
“Faster” he ordered you, controlling your peace through his hands,which were still holding your hips. His grip was firm, strong.
Moans started filling the air while Yeonjun watched your beautiful,contracted expression.
He was grateful you were facing him and not the camera, he was a jealous man and would’ve never shared that beautiful scenario with anyone else.
Your cheeks were red and flushed,your hips plumb due to the harsh kisses the two of you had shared before; and your head was slightly thrown back in pleasure. He knew you were already close to your orgasm, so he started whispering prises to your hear:
“Good girl riding daddy’s thigh so well. Don’t stop princess” he sucked your exposed neck, leaving a dark hickey on its side
“Need-need to cum…” you mumbled, you slowed your pace to better rub your intimacy against his thigh.
“Then cum” he replied, kissing your shoulder as he untied your corset, revealing your chest.
His hand rested on your breast, massaging it while his lips sucked on your collarbone
“Cum princess,cum for me” he talked again, watching as your release hit you.
Your lingerie was soaking, and so were Yeonjun’s jeans; however you weren’t tired yet, you couldn’t be when the boy’s hands were playing with your breast.
“I need more” you whimpered, tightening his grip on your chest
“Don’t worry angel, it’s just the beginning -he grunted, grabbing your hand to let you feel the bulge in his trousers- good girl,making daddy so happy. Say it” his thumb tugged on your lips, ordering you to let it slip in. You opened your mouth, sucking on it.
“Who am I? Say it,angel. Say it” he spoke
“D-daddy…” you mumbled
“Louder, they didn’t hear you”
“D-daddy” you repeated, your voice pitch came out higher than usual
“Good girl” he praised you, moving your body weight to let you lay down on the bed and tower you.
Yeonjun admired you from above; then he unbuckle his jeans and let them fall to the side of the bed together with a bunch of plushies.
“You’ve been good,so I’ll let you choose:tongue or fingers?”
You didn’t answer, you just grabbed the boy’s face to kiss him one more time. Yeonjun smirked, biting your lower lip:
“I’ll take this as an answer” he replied,giving a glance to the camera. He couldn’t see the precise number of viewers and comments,but he could tell the live was imploding.
“Yeo…” you whispered, demanding his attention. Thank god your viewers didn’t hear you:you couldn’t reveal his name, but your train of thought was so far gone that you weren’t even able to control your own words.
Yeonjun turned around, lifting your skirt up to kiss your inner thighs. They were exactly as he had imagined:the sweetest,most satisfying place he had ever leaned his lips on after your pretty mouth.
He sucked and licked, sending shivers along your spine as you arched your back, holding the sheets with one hand, and Yeonjun’s strands with the other.
His mouth went up,up until he was close to your wetness. He moved your panties aside, sucking on your clit.
“Fuck!” you moaned, shaking, the guy blocked you with his strong hands. Fingers dug in the flesh of your thighs, almost scratching them. What a good feeling.
Yeonjun grunted, he was getting harder every time he tasted you; every time his tongue twisted around your intimacy. Damn if he wanted to fuck you, to hear you squirm as he pounded inside of you.
He fasted his movements, you were so close to come once again when he distanced his lips.
“Come on!” you protested, tightening your fingers around his hair. Yeonjun laughed, sliding your body closer before lowering his boxers.
“No more time to play -he blocked your wrists above your head- gonna make you feel good, don’t worry, princess” he kissed the angle of your mouth, sliding himself in.
Loud moans followed one another as you adjusted to his side:fuck, how good he felt inside of you; even Yeonjun’s breath got stuck in his throat when he realised your walls were perfectly welcoming him in.
Immediately, his minds started racing as fast as a horse:he had gotten there, he was living his wet dream. An electric discharge crossed his body from head to toe; adrenaline begun to frizz his blood as he started pounding inside of you.
He went deeper at every thrust. No hesitation in his movements:as always,he knew what he was doing and would’ve never stopped until both of you cum.
Grunts filled the air, your sweaty skin slamming against the boy’s whose breaths were irregular.
“So fucking good. Taking me so well -he looked down to you, enjoying once again your pornographic expression- v’been dreaming of this for so long and now look at you, look at you folding for me. Fuck” he hit your g spot, making you whine both in pain and pleasure.
“God, it’s good! Don’t stop” you shut your eyes, tears wetting your cheeks.
“Never gonna stop until you cum for me princess. Come on,make daddy happy again” he grunted. His movements got sloppier as he was close, just like you.
You moaned, fingers sliding beneath his tank top, scratching his back; then, a few thrusts later, you cum all over the place, followed by Yeonjun.
“Damn” he let his body fall on yours, resting his head in the crook of your neck. He kissed you, leaving a few more hickeys here and there.
You were panting, drying your sweaty forehead before exchanging one last needy, but tired, kiss.
Yeonjun slowly collected the strength to dress up and walk towards the pc:
500k viewers
+50k coins gained
The boy smirked:
“See you next time, whores, and remember:she’s mine”
cvte_bunny04 has ended the livestream
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merthosus · 3 months
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Summary: After Five has gone to hell and back to prevent the end of the world and save his whole family, it drives him insane to do it a second time. Despite all his efforts not to let humanity go to ruin, it feels like an endless loop. After a long evening of martinis and some more martinis, he stumbles through the hotel door of a stranger. Not only is he surprised that the face behind the door looks familiar, but also the fact that she was just getting ready for bed.
Here a sexy poster from Five I fell in love with! With every purchase you automatically support me :) https://amzn.to/3yGK6Fm
"So her beauty would be never forgotten no matter in which timeline"
The terrible feeling of powerlessness made Number Five reach for the glass again and again. No matter how many times he tried, no matter how great his efforts, it was hopeless. The thought of giving up plagued him more than he thought. But he had to be strong, not for himself, but for his siblings. The only place where they still felt safe was this hotel, a collection point for criminals of all kinds who didn't want to be found so quickly. You met all kinds of people in the corridors. Be it the woman who treated her dog like a child or Diego's son, who left a trail behind him with his leaking ear, just like in Hänsel and Gretel. Behind every hotel room door was a different personality that you definitely wouldn't have expected.
It was relatively difficult for Five to stay on his feet, and not just this evening. The usually so dressed up Five stumbled from corridor to corridor, searching in vain for his bed. He actually had a good feeling for how much alcohol he could drink, but after having to return to his young body, he had forgotten that his liver was not quite the same as that of a sixty-year-old. His hair, usually so tightly pulled back, was disheveled and strands were hanging out. His shirt was anything but pressed and his bow tie hung loosely around his neck. The only thing he had in mind, was his cozy bed, waiting for him in one of this many bedrooms.
He didn't know exactly why, but he was drawn to a particular door, number 45. The door was no different in any way from the other 123 he had seen on his tour, but like a moth to a lantern, he was drawn in that direction. The temptation to simply walk past the wooden door without paying attention to it was impossible for Five. He wondered whether it was really his gut feeling or perhaps the few drops too many. He decided not to think about it any longer and took a step towards the door. His long, thin fingers gripped the knob and Five felt no resistance. The door was only ajar. This couldn't be a coincidence.
He opened the door as quietly as his alcohol-soaked body would allow him. Then he leaned against the doorframe. He couldn't believe who was standing in front of him. His mouth was agape with astonishment, but also with admiration. His thoughts no longer had any self-control. The usually rational Five couldn't stop the thoughts flowing through his head. Y/n stood a few meters in front of him, his former colleague from the commission who had disappeared at some point. Five had never expected to see her again, especially not half naked. Still his mouth wasn't closed, admiring what was standing in front of him. She's lifting her long armed shirt, stretching her torso. He was leaving none of her body parts unwatched.
Her shining thighs, which doubled in size when she sat down. Oh God, how many times Five had had to sit differently to hide his arousal, how many times he had negotiated with the handler to go on missions with her instead of alone. Years of suffering, years of unsatisfied lust, years of concealed love. Five didn't move an inch to not draw attention to himself and scare her off. Five wondered how long he could hold out. He would stand at this very door for hours, starving, just to keep looking at her. Her stretch marks, which piled up on her like the waves of the sea. Her beautiful back which was covered in tattoos. Everything about her was as perfect for Five as the stone carved figures from Greece. Every time he looked at her, he remembered the beautiful figures and vowed to, one day, carve one of her. So her beauty would be never forgotten no matter in which timeline.
The more he focuses his thoughts on her, the less control he has over his body. He stumbles forward and barely manages to hold on to the Anden doorframe with his left hand. Suddenly, Y/n's head shoots up and she has just tried to pick up her T-shirt. Startled, she presses the scrap of fabric against her unclothed upper body. It feels like she is swallowing her air when she sees the drunken Five standing at the doorway. "Five…" she whispers to herself. "Mademoiselle Y/n," Five bows, trying in vain not to fall over. "W… what are you doing here?" she asks as she quickly pulls her T-shirt over her head. "You shouldn't be in this timeline," she mumbles to herself. Five laughs to avoid showing his true emotions. "So you're still working for the Commission. Funny, after you just disappeared like that," he says as he closes the door behind him and takes a step towards her.
"Five I needed to… It was this or killing you. The handler gave me no choice. You turned against her, what else was I supposed to do?" she asked. Five thought before walking towards her with quick yet shaky steps. He stopped just before her and tapped her heart with his finger. "You could have stayed with me. I can't believe it, after everything we've been through together," Five shakes his head. "Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about you, Five," Y/n confesses, looking at him. Despite the transformation back into his youthful body, Five was taller than her, Y/n struggled to look him in the eye. So much pain was reflected in them. "I've been looking everywhere for you Y/n," he breathes it out rather than saying it.
Thank you for reading love :)
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gilverrwrites · 8 months
Takeout Tuesday
Pairing: Human!Castiel/Fem!Reader (Season 9)
Reader has AFAB body parts, hair long enough for pulling, & feminine pronouns’ are used.
A follow-up/sequel too If you will have me, I am yours. But can 100% be read as a stand alone.
Plot: The reader fulfills Castiel's fantasy of reenacting a porno he once watched. (AKA Clarence the pizza-man & the babysitter)
Rating: M/18+
Words: 3138 (all smut)
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Content: Porn without plot, roleplaying, Dominate Cas, cheesy porno dialogue, kitchen sex, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, rough sex, hair pulling, spanking, clothed man/naked woman, teasing, doggy-style, denial/edging, oral (female receiving), bodily fluids, size difference (slightly), begging, choking, vaginal fingering, p in v sex, swearing.
Excerpt: You force yourself not to cringe at the cheesy dialogue as you make your offer; “Maybe I could pay you with my body?” “That would be acceptable.” He responds curtly, taking a decisive step forward, into the doorframe of your shared apartment. 
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You checked the time on your phone; 19:45. It was Takeout Tuesday, and Cas should be home any minute. Normally he’d be home by 2, and it was your job to pick up dinner after your own shift finished at 6. But someone had no call, no showed, and ever the Samaritan; Cas had stayed late to help out. He’d called you on his break to let you know he would be home late, and that he would grab food on the way back.  
The sound of knocking on your front door made you jump. Careful to remain quiet, you made your way over, stopping to grab your gun on the way. Carefully you pressed the firearm to the door and leaned up to look through your peephole. Hunter instincts never really die.
Relieved and confused, you lower the gun and unlock the door, finding Cas on the other side. Your confusion only increased as you realised he was not dressed in his normal button-up and blue vest. Instead, he was dressed in a red and black polo and cap, and holding two large pizza boxes, all bearing the logo of your local pizza shop. 
“Cas, I… I don’t know what to ask first.” You wondered aloud. “Where are your keys? Why are you dressed like that?”
“I do not understand.” Cas stated, tilting his head, and narrowing his eyes. You would almost believe him, were it not for the quiver in the corner of his lip. He was holding back a smile. “My name is Clarence. I am here to deliver your pizzas.” 
“Ooooh, right!” You nod hesitantly, a smile sneaking onto your face. You recall a conversation about sexual fantasies, in which Cas had expressed wanting to reenact a porno he’d once seen in which a babysitter had paid for pizza with sexual favours. You stepped back into your hall, simultaneously returning your gun to its designated spot, and pretending to search for your purse. Purposefully arching your back and sticking your out your ass as you acted out searching through drawers and countertops. 
“I’m really sorry, Clarence.” You say, trying to make your voice sound airy and sexy; rejecting the urge to laugh at yourself. You return to the door where you begin to trail your hand up your body slowly, directing Cas’s eyes over your curves as you move upward until you loop a finger in your hair and begin twirling it. “I don’t have any money to pay you.” 
“That is unfortunate.” Cas responds. His tone is serious and deliberate, but the pink in his cheeks, the way he sucked in his lips, and the growing bulge in his pants told you he was enjoying himself.
“Maybe I could pay you another way?” You ask, batting your lashes at him as you continue to play with your hair. You internally pray no neighbours are passing through to overhear you. 
“What would that be?” He asks, unable to prevent himself from nodding, urging you to continue in your little roleplay. 
You grin at him, leaning forward and fiddling with the top of your shirt, pulling it down to try and expose some of your cleavage. You force yourself not to cringe at the cheesy dialogue as you make your offer; “Maybe I could pay you with my body?”
“That would be acceptable.” He responds curtly, taking a decisive step forward, into the doorframe of your shared apartment. 
You briefly contemplate teasing him, telling him to leave the pizza and come back later, once you’d put the imaginary children you were supposed to be babysitting to bed. But the thought passed quickly, he might actually play along, and you were horny, and hungry, but mostly horny. You did not want to wait.  
“Please, come in.” You tell him, stepping back to allow him full access. He quickly passes you. The apartment is small, the front door leads directly into a joined kitchen and living room. The only other rooms are your bedroom and the bathroom. In a few strides, Cas is already standing in the kitchen area where he deposits the pizza boxes on the counter and turns to watch you. You stare right back, taking him in. His shirt is just slightly too tight, drawing attention to the shape of his chest. His arms look thick and strong protruding out of the too-small sleeves. Heat tingles through your body as you watch him cup himself over his jeans, readjusting his growing erection. 
“Do you like what you see?” He asks you, his lips stretching into a mischievous smirk. 
You nod, locking the door and following him into the kitchen. As you approach, he reaches for you, his hands firmly wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. A hand snakes under your shirt, and you enjoy his warm, gentle touch as he slides it up your spine, guiding your upper body in close so he can plant his lips on yours. 
It starts slow and tentative. The brim of his cap rubs against your head as he delicately ghosts his mouth against yours. The kiss quickly grows heated, his lips pressing ever harder against yours. Knees growing weak, you grab onto his shoulders as you open your mouth up for him to explore, and in return his other hand cups the back of your head, locking you in place as he delves his tongue into you. 
You trail one hand down his chest until you reach his belt and begin to unbuckle him. He groans into your mouth, savouring the moments before clamping a hand around yours and pulling you away. Pouting, you break away from the kiss to look up at him. He returns your questioning gaze with a stern one. He places one last kiss on your lips before locking his fist in your hair and pulling you away from him. 
“If you behave, I might give you what you want, but right now you have a job to do.” He taunts, and you can’t help the whimper that escapes your lips. You’re about to ask him what he wants, but he beats you to the punch, releasing your hair as he instructs you. “Take off your clothes.” 
“Yes sir!” You respond before correcting yourself. “Yes Clarence.” 
Castiel hums appreciatively as he watches you undress. Unable to keep his hands off you, he begins assisting. Making quick work of your bra and kicking your jeans across the floor once you get them off. Your face grows hot as he holds you in place, his eyes unabashedly raking across your body, taking in every inch of you. 
“How would you like to use my body?” You question. 
“I want to kiss every inch of it.” He answers matter-of-factly before doing just that. Pushing your back against the kitchen counter he starts pressing passionate, open-mouthed kisses against your jawline, his tongue traces over your skin as he works his way down your neckline, over your collar, your chest. He holts momentarily over your breasts, giving them extra attention. He catches a nipple between his lips and rolls his tongue against it. Your body jerks at the sensation, and his muffled laugh serves to fuel the sensation. Strong fingers replace his lips, both hands roaming your body before attaching to your breasts as he lowers his head further. 
“Hmmm, you like that?" He asks as he drops to his knees and you let out a breathy pant in response. You’re rapidly losing composure as he peppers more kisses over your stomach, and hips. The rough texture of his hat brushes your thighs as he situates himself between your legs. His breath is warm against your core, and you thrust yourself closer to him. He places one last chase kiss on your folds before leaning back to look up at your flushed face. 
His hands release your chest and gesture to the small dining table in the centre of the kitchen area. “Bend over.” 
You’re barely able to open your mouth to complain before he interrupts. “Don’t whine. Do as you’re told.” 
You remain silent as you follow his order. Unable to refrain from frowning at him while you cross the small space and angle your body against the table. Cas is on you before you’re able to finish adjusting yourself. He slips his feet between yours to nudge your legs apart. Firm hands settle in on the curve of your back, directing you to arch your rear out. 
“You have been a very naughty babysitter.” He growls. 
You wiggle your ass at him as you respond. “Are you going to punish me?”
You hear the slap of his hand coming down on your ass cheek before you feel the sting.
“Yes.” His voice is solemn, and you barely have time to think of a response before his hand comes down on you again. You moan out in pain and unconsciously clench your hands around the edge of the table as you brace yourself for the next hit. Cas hesitates slightly, taking a moment to caress your reddening skin before reeling back to deliver another smack. You moan out again and again with each blow. Your head growing fuzzy, unable to think of anything but the heat pooling between your legs, and the stinging of your butt.
When Cas pokes two fingers between your folds you flinch, not expecting the sensation. He runs his fingers up and down, collecting the wetness before retreating. Lazily you stretch your neck back to watch as he brings them close to his face for inspection. You expect him to taste it, he’s never been shy about his affinity for your wetness or cum before, so you’re surprised when he looks over at you with a devious glint. 
“I think you’re enjoying this too much.” He says as he leans over your slumped frame and presses his fingers to your lips. Following his lead, you open up, allowing him to push his fingers into your mouth, to rub your wetness against your tongue. It's sharp and bitter, but you close your mouth around him and suck until his fingers leave your mouth without wet pop. “Wouldn’t you agree?”
That felt like a trick question. Any semblance of an answer is immediately lost when you feel him grind his crotch against your backside. When you don’t respond, he continues. “Do you like this? Being bent over, and spanked like a filthy whore?”
The words sound so outlandish, coming out of Cas’s mouth. Castiel, (former) angel of the lord, calling you a whore. Outlandish, but so fucking hot. 
Unsure if he’s warning, or chastising you, he pulls his body back and lands another strike on your cheek. 
“Fuck. Yes!” You cry, jolting back, pushing your ass against his crotch again. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I like it!” You stare forward, unsure if you could look at him without breaking again. “I like being spanked like a filthy whore.” 
Castiel rewards you by placing a gentle kiss between your shoulder blades. His voice is hoarse as he leans up and whispers. “Then we shall have to find another way to discipline you.” 
You might regret asking, but that doesn’t stop you. “What did you have in mind?”  
Strong arms lift you; Cas turns you to face him and paces you back onto the table in a seated position before dropping to his knees and maneuvering your legs over his shoulders. 
“Keep your hands behind your back.” He instructs, and the moment your arms are locked behind you he delves in, dislodging his cap along the way. He presses his tongue flat against your clit and licks at it mercilessly. A finger inches up your thigh, and circles your entrance before plunging in. 
You want nothing more than to grip his hair, to use it for purchase as you rub your cunt against him, but you can’t. The added challenge of remaining positioned only adds to your growing frustration. The synchronised feel of his finger fucking into you, and his tongue lapping at your sweet-spot has you panting. 
“Holy fuck. Don’t stop, please.” You muster, trying and failing to buck in rhythm with him. “That feels so good Cas, Cas, Ca- Clarence.”
He murmurs something incomprehensible between your lips and the vibration has you coming undone. Your muscles seize, your legs shoot out, and your head rolls back as you approach your climax. No sooner has it started when Cas pulls back, releasing you completely. 
Your mouth falls open, ready to ask him why he stopped, ready to beg him to come back, to finish you off but all that escapes your lips is a frustrated groan. 
“Don’t worry.” Cas assures you, re-adjusting his hat as he stands up. His arousal is evident from his blown-out pupils and the playful smile on his lips. He cups your face between his hands and pulls you in to rest a kiss on your hairline. You don’t miss the chuckle he tries to suppress. “I’m nowhere near done with you.” 
“Are you going to fuck me, Mr Pizza-man?” Your voice is barely a whisper. “Please?”
“You would enjoy that, wouldn’t you?” It’s not really a question. “You’d like me to bend you over again and stretch you out like a needy slut. You’d liked like me to fuck you right here, wouldn’t you?”
You shiver at his words and reach up for him, wrapping your arms around his neck to draw him closer.
“Yes.” You speak between languid kisses to his jaw, and neck. “Please, please Clarence. I would do anything to feel your cock inside me.” 
“I thought you might. You naughty girl.” He states, grasping your wrists and pulling you away from him. “Turn around.”
It’s an order, but you needn’t act. Using your arms and hips for purchase Cas flips you back over. Fresh waves of excitement shoot through your body as you hear his belt and zipper opening. Your breath hitches when you feel the head of his cock at your entrance. He doesn’t make you wait for it, pushing through your lips and bottoming out in seconds. A low moan escapes him as he does so. 
“You don’t cum until I say so.” He commands as you both adjust. The feel of his dick stretching your walls out makes you feel lightheaded. You whimper your response and begin rocking your hips, urging him to start fucking you. Your motion is halted when you feel his hand in your hair. With little warning, your head is whipped back. “Your body is mine. I will decide when and how to use it. You’ll be fortunate if I let you cum at all. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” You answer hastily, you suspect you look like a deer in the headlights. 
“Since you seem to want this so badly, beg for it.” You’re not sure which is more telling to your enjoyment of his dominance. The way your pussy twitches around him, or the involuntary cry you let out. 
“Please… Please Mr Pizza-man, use my pussy.” You begin, through shaky breaths. The excruciatingly slow pump of his body pushing against yours encourages you to keep going. “Use me however you please, I want you, I want to make you cum.” 
“Since you asked so nicely.” Cas pulls back and slams back into you harshly, hand still firmly latched in your hair, keeping you in place as he begins pounding into you, riding you from behind. 
Still on edge from his previous assault, it isn’t long before you felt an orgasm approaching again.
Knowing you won’t be able to fend it off for long you speak up. The jolt of Castiel’s thrusts causes your words to be punctuated by involuntary moans. “Cas, I’m. so. close. Please, I’m. gonna- “ 
“Not yet.” He barks. A moment later he tightens his grip on your hair, forcing you further back until you're close enough for him to lock a hand around your neck. 
Fingers squeeze either side of your throat and you fear you’ll lose your resolve any second. 
For stability, and to try to distract yourself from the growing tension in your cunt, you hold onto his arm. As if determined to make you suffer, Cas slows his speed, focusing on deliberate, torturous thrusts that fill you up and hit all the right places. 
Gurgled cries fall from your lips, attempts to beg for your release, but nothing is intelligible. Unable to move, to breathe, or to think straight, all you can think of is the orgasm you’re barely holding at bay. The pressure of your fingers around the arm holding you by your neck is sure to leave bruises. And then it happens. 
“Now.” He releases his grip on your hair and slides his hand to your folds, erratically pawing until he finds your clit. 
You didn’t really need the extra assistance. You fall apart in an instant, your walls convulsing around his cock, as your body rides the high. Your already tingling, pulsing cunt tightens when you feel the warmth of Castiel’s cum spilling inside you. Low, lethargic hums leave his chest as his thrusts grow sluggish and strained. 
Spent and panting, Cas lets his hands relax, electing to rest them on your waist as he pulls you in, back to his chest for an embrace. His softening cock dislodges as you move together, and you feel his cum trickle out. You elect to ignore it for now, enjoying the hug, and the delicate kisses he places to the back of your head. 
“Do you understand why the pizza-man spanked the babysitter now?” You asked.
The rumble in Cas’s chest as he laughs tickles your skin. “Yes. That was exceedingly enjoyable. How was it for you?”
“That was, amazing.” You concede, turning in his arms until you’re able to rest your face against his chest. He’s smiling down at you, blue eyes filled with admiration. “I should order pizza from Clarence more often.” 
“If that is what you want.” Now that he has a clear view of it, you can see him examining your neck. You’ve no doubt it’s still red, but you doubt it’ll be bruised, at least, not half as much as your ass. “We should get you cleaned up.” 
“Good idea.” You reach up onto your toes and kiss him on the lips. On impulse, you also decide to steal the godforsaken cap from his head and place it on your own before backing towards the bathroom. “Put those pizzas in the oven to reheat, then meet me in the bedroom?”
Cas nods, seemingly unbothered by your thievery as he watches you go. You’ll have to ask him where he got the costume from later. You ask him one last question as you reach the bathroom door. “So, was there ever a sequel to this porno?” 
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atomicladytimetravel · 9 months
Employees Only
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Summary: No outbreak AU. Joel Miller owns Miller Contracting and you are his assistant. When Joel gets the bid from a huge client, he celebrates by doing what any sane man would do…banging the assistant.
Warnings: Porn with very little plot. Drug use (marijuana), Boss/Employee relations, Smut/Explicit. Contains sex under the influence of marijuana, nipple play/stimulation, oral (f and m receiving) light gagging, fingering, Joel’s a little cocky about his dick (pun intended). Joel is a simp for you. No physical description of reader, other than female.
18+ only - MDNI
Friday. Fucking finally. Not only is it the end of your work week, but it’s also the end of you spending longer evenings than usual helping your boss put together a bid for one of the biggest clients he could ever hope to acquire. You can’t do any real complaining though - Joel made sure you were well compensated for your extra time and (let’s just face it) he sure is fun to look at. Not to mention the, you know, huge fucking crush you’ve had on the man for…well, for probably about as long as you’ve worked for him. Suffice to say, you’d do juuuuust about anything Joel asked you to do.
You’re making your way to your favorite hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant, the air conditioning in your car blasting to combat the sweltering Texas heat. You have to pass the small office building that houses Miller Contracting on your way to get to the Chinese place and, even though it’s damn near ten o’clock, Joel’s old pickup truck still sits in its usual parking space. Curious, you pull out your phone and select his name from your recent call log. He answers on the first ring.
“Now why are you callin’ me this late darlin’?” he drawls. His speech is raspy and a little slow; he sounds so fucking sexy.
“Oh no reason really, just wondering why I see your truck parked at the office,” you respond. He chuckles a little.
“You stalkin’ me or something?”
You smile and roll your eyes, even though he can’t see you.
“In your dreams, Miller,” you retort playfully. “I’m on my way to get some food and I just so happened to pass by.”
“Well, I was gonna wait until Monday and tell you in person, but…Avalon Premier Hotels accepted our bid.”
You can hear the grin in his voice and you hear yourself gasp.
“Joel, oh my god! That’s incredible news!” you squeal excitedly. On the other end of the call, Joel thinks to himself that he would very much like to hear those first four words again in a much different context.
Unbeknownst to you, Joel has been smitten since you stepped foot in his office for the first time. He internally cursed his HR department that day for hiring the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But they had done just as he’d asked and hired the best damn person for the job. Joel has told you on more than one occasion that he has no idea how he made it without you.
“I’m just over here celebrating a little. The sound system Tommy insisted we put in the employee lounge outdoes mine by a long shot and I wanted to hear some music,” he explains further. “You should come join me. You know I couldn’t have done this without you.”
You look down at your outfit - a tank top, no bra and a pair of what are quite possibly the shortest shorts you own - and contemplate the offer. You remember you’re off the clock and think, “the hell with it, he can’t dress code me now.”
“Sure,” you accept. “You want some Chinese food?”
When you open the front door to the office, you’re immediately hit by the pungent aroma of marijuana. Ah, now his slow, raspy speech makes sense. When you enter the employee lounge, you find Joel manspread on the couch, a fat blunt dangling from his lips. He’s changed out of the button up you had drooled over all day and into a Miller Contracting t-shirt that hugged his delicious biceps. Nirvana is playing loudly over the sound system and he doesn’t realize you’re there until you plop the food down on the coffee table. His eyes rake over your body unashamedly and you find yourself blushing under his gaze. He reaches for the remote and turns the music down.
“God damn sugar, I didn’t realize I’d be gettin’ dinner and a show.”
“It’s like 103 degrees right now Joel. Besides, I’m off the clock,” you remind him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Hey, ain’t sayin’ it’s a bad thing,” he winks. You eye him suspiciously, but he just smiles innocently. He pats the couch cushion next to him and when you sit down, he holds the blunt to your lips. “You deserve t’relax a little, too.”
You take the blunt between your lips and inhale the smoke, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling through your nose. You’re not exactly a stranger to pot, but it has been a while since you’ve smoked any. It doesn’t take long at all for the foggy feeling to take over, your body feeling weightless. The munchies kick in soon after, and you and Joel practically inhale the Chinese food. As you eat, another blunt is passed back and forth and you’re soon the highest you can ever remember being.
Joel cleans up the remnants of your dinner and you sink into the couch cushions, your fuzzy brain content to just stare at nothing. When he returns, he sits so close to you that your thighs touch. He leans back and throws his arm around the cushion behind you. You’re close enough to smell his cologne and that plus the fact that he’s so close makes you want him, bad.
“This may have been a bad idea. Weed makes me so horny,” you say. You had wholeheartedly intended for that to be a thought and not something you said aloud to your boss. You’re mortified when you realize that the words actually came out of your mouth. Before you can even attempt to apologize, though, Joel responds.
“Oh yeah? You want some help with that?” He looks down at you expectantly and you stare back at him blankly for a moment before answering.
“I…y-yeah, yes,” you stammer. The next thing you know, you’re being pulled onto his lap; the fabric of your shorts is thin and you can feel just how hard he already is beneath the denim of his jeans. He kisses you with the passion of someone who’s been starved of affection. He holds you tightly close to his body, as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he doesn’t.
“Please tell me this is real,” he murmurs into the kiss.
“It’s real,” you giggle, resting your forehead against his.
“You are so pretty. Absolutely fuckin’ gorgeous,” he says softly. You kiss again, open mouthed and tongues swirling together. You grind your hips onto him, trying to relieve the aching between your thighs. He puts his hands on your hips to stop them.
“Ain’t gotta do all that now. I’ll take care of ya soon, understand?” he says sternly. You let out a tiny, pathetic whimper but nod in agreement. He shakes his head and uses his pointer finger to tap your lips.
“Use your words.”
“Yes, I understand,” you tell him.
“Yes what?” he asks, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Yes sir.”
“That’s a good girl. Fuck, I just knew you would be. You want to be my good girl, hm?”
The whole time he’s been talking, his hands have been roaming farther and farther under your tank top. His fingertips brushing against your skin makes a shiver run down your spine.
“Yes sir,” you reply in a voice barely above a whisper.
He’s cupping your breasts now, thumbs swiping repeatedly over your nipples. The urge to grind on him again is overwhelming, but you hold still. You whine softly when he removes his hands and he shushes you.
“Relax sweet thing. I just want to get this shirt off of ya is all.”
He pushes the shirt up your torso and you raise your arms to let him pull it over your head. He groans appreciatively at the sight of your breasts and pushes them together before burying his face between them.
“So fuckin’ perfect,” he mumbles against your skin. He puts his mouth all over your breasts, sucking and nibbling and making you want to rock your hips so badly you can hardly stand it. You gasp softly when he latches on to your nipple, sucking until the bud has hardened. When he switches to the other side, you can’t help but roll your hips, craving some sort of relief.
“Ah, ah,” he admonishes, his hands holding onto your hips firmly. “What did I say?”
“I’m sorry,” you pout. “I just need you to touch me so bad sir.”
“Oh, is that all?” he teases, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He pinches both nipples between his fingers gently. “How’s this?”
“It feels good, but I need more sir.”
“Hmmm…no, I think I’ll see if I can make you cum like this first.”
No one has ever tried to make you orgasm this way, and you’re not even sure it’s possible. You tell him this, but he just shakes his head.
“Can I try? If it doesn’t work for you, we can move on, I promise.”
“Yes sir, you can try.”
He smiles softly and presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I’m going to squeeze a little harder, just let me know if you start feelin’ anything besides good.”
It feels amazing. Pleasure surges through you and you tip your head back, your hands gripping onto his shoulders to keep you steady. He alternates between pinching and rolling and you concentrate on the throbbing between your legs. He squeezes just a bit harder and it feels so good that a drawn out moan passes through your lips.
“Yeah sugar? How’s that feel?” he asks.
“Good. R-really good,” you respond breathlessly. “Maybe a little harder.”
“How’s this baby?” he asks as he pinches a little harder. There’s a little pain this time, but it’s a delicious kind of hurt.
“Oh!” you gasp, surprised to feel the stirrings of an orgasm. “Don’t stop please, it feels so good.”
“You’re doing so good baby,” he praises, leaning forward to press a kiss to your throat. He keeps the pressure and rolls your sensitive nipples between his fingers. Your eyes flutter and your orgasm is so close you can taste it.
“You’re close aren’tcha? What a good girl; go ahead and let it go baby.”
With his encouragement, an orgasm washes over you and you hear yourself shouting his name. With one hand still tweaking a nipple, he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady as you shake above him. When you come down, your eyes open to see Joel looking at you with a mix of awe and adoration.
“That was the most beautiful god damn thing I’ve ever seen,” he says before capturing your lips in a needy kiss. He sets you gently back on the couch and stands above you, squeezing the length of his cock through his jeans.
“God damn, I swear I stay hard for you,” he groans. “You know how many times I’ve shot my load thinkin’ ‘bout you?”
“Probably as many times as I’ve made myself cum thinking about you.”
“You mean we coulda been doin’ this all along?” he asks, still palming himself through his jeans. You lean back into the corner of the couch and press your middle finger to your clit over your shorts while you watch him; something about the action turns you on so much.
“You’re my boss Joel,” you point out.
“I also own this company doll. I can do whatever I want,” he reminds you. He pulls his shirt over his head and you finally get to see the body you’ve been fantasizing about for so long. His shoulders are broad and his arms are thick. His midsection is soft, but you can still see v-lines disappearing into his jeans. He undresses down to his boxer briefs and you watch, mesmerized, when he slowly pulls his belt through its loops. You’re not sure if you’ve ever been more turned on. He kneels in front of you and taps your hip, signaling for you to lift them.
“Up,” he commands. You lift your hips and he hooks his fingers in the waistband of your shorts. He drags them down your legs and is pleasantly surprised to see your lack of panties.
“No bra, no panties? What a naughty girl,” he tuts.
“Told ya I was dressed for comfort.”
He doesn’t respond, just tosses the shorts aside and admires your naked form.
“I can’t get over how gorgeous you are,” he says, shaking his head. He showers your body with kisses, sucking occasionally on your most sensitive places. You’ll be covered in hickeys later, splotchy red and purple reminders of how Joel worships your body. He places his palms on the insides of your knees and spreads them, giving himself a view of your glistening pussy. He spreads your lips with his first two fingers to admire what he considers a work of art.
“Look how pretty,” he murmurs. Before you can utter a response, he leans in and licks you from opening to clit. He alternates between this and kitten licking your clit and you have to fight yourself to not start riding his face.
“Fuck, you got the sweetest little pussy darlin’,” he groans into your center. He hooks his arms behind your knees and begins to eat you out with fervor. He swirls patterns on your clit with his tongue, dipping it into your entrance every now and then. You’re enjoying it too much to notice that he spells “J O E L” on your clit with his tongue, silently claiming your pussy as his.
“Mmm, fuck Joel, it feels so good,” you whine. You feel two thick fingers slide into your entrance and you buck your hips at the sensation. He flattens his free hand over your belly and pins you to the couch cushions. He curls his fingers into your g-spot as his tongue continues to flick over your clit and your moans mix with the wet squelching sounds of your pussy.
“Joel, oh my god!” you shout, your head falling back onto the arm of the couch. And there they were, those four words he’d wished to hear just over an hour ago. He’s never heard anything so beautiful in his life. You hear him moan and you lift your head to watch him. His eyes are hooded and his free hand is in his boxers stroking his cock. It’s undoubtedly one of the hottest things you’ve ever witnessed.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Oh god I’m so close,” you moan. He sucks your clit once, twice and on the third time, you come apart for him. He can’t help the satisfied smile on his face as he watches you tremble, his name tumbling from your lips like a chant. When he pulls his fingers out, they’re shiny with your spend. He spreads them apart and a string of fluid connects them.
“Look at the mess you made for me baby,” he marvels. He brings his fingers to your lips and you open for him; you suck his fingers clean, never breaking eye contact. You hear him moan softly when you swirl your tongue around the digits. He stands and you can see how painfully hard he is through his boxer briefs. You can’t help but stare at the outline of his cock, wondering how he walks around with that thing between his legs. He sees you staring and smirks.
“You wanna see my cock baby?” he asks.
“Yes sir,” you nod, blushing a little at being caught staring. You watch in anticipation as he pulls his underwear down, cock springing free and practically smacking him in the stomach. Your eyes widen when you see his size. He’s thick and probably around eight or nine inches. He wraps a hand around it and strokes a few times.
“Think you can put it in your mouth for me? I wanna see those pretty lips around my cock,” he says, smoothing his other hand over your hair.
“Yes sir, wanna make you feel good,” you respond obediently, sitting up from your reclined position.
“Oh, what a good girl,” he praises. You wrap your lips around his tip and suck the precum seeping out.
“Oh fuuuuuck baby girl,” he rasps. You hollow out your cheeks and slowly inch him in your mouth. You put your hands on his hips as you bob your head back and forth. His hand flies to your hair when you pull all the way back to his tip before plunging him down your throat. You gag a little bit and pull back some, tears prickling at your eyes. You repeat the process until there are tears trickling down your cheeks.
“Shit baby, you give such good fuckin’ head,” he says through gritted teeth. “Look at ya, chokin’ on my cock.”
He lets you gag a few more times before he pulls your head back gently. He looks down at you sweetly and wipes the tears from your cheeks before offering his hand to help you up.
“You did so good f’me baby, gaggin’ on this big cock like a pro. I wanna stuff that pretty pussy now, though. Get on your knees f’me.”
You settle onto your knees, resting your palms on the back of the couch. A stinging smack lands on your right ass cheek and you moan.
“There’s that gorgeous ass I love to look at,” he says, squeezing it appreciatively. He lays his palm flat on your lower back, his other hand wrapping around the base of his cock. He pushes the tip into your entrance and your walls stretch around him. He’s a bit bigger than anything you’ve taken before and it stings for just a moment, making you whimper.
“I know it’s big baby girl. I’m gonna go slow,” he coos. He rubs his thumbs in soothing circles on your hips as he inches himself inside.
“You’re doin’ so good, takin’ me so well,” he praises.
“Oh fuck, I’m so full,” you moan when he’s fully sheathed inside you.
“Yeah baby? You like bein’ full of my big cock?”
“God yeah, it feels so good.”
He squeezes your hips affectionately as he sets a languid pace. He’s only been inside you for a minute and you know that no other man will be good enough ever again.
“Fuck, this is the best god damn pussy I’ve ever had,” he says, as if reading your mind. “Like it was made just for me.”
You begin to push back and meet his thrusts, your bodies moving in sync. His grip on your ass is so tight that you’re sure half moon shaped indentions will be left behind from his fingernails.
“That’s it baby, bounce back on my dick,” he grits out. He smacks your ass and groans appreciatively as it ripples underneath his palm. “Does it feel good baby, hmm? Tell me how good it feels, lemme hear you.”
“F-feels so good. You’re making my little pussy feel s-so fucking good.”
He grabs your shoulder and pulls you up so that your bodies are flush; he moves your hair aside and puts his lips to your ear as his thrusts become faster and more aggressive.
“I’m gonna destroy your pussy this weekend baby,” he says in a gravelly whisper. “I’ve been waitin’ so long. Might have to carry you into work Monday.”
“Oh god, please,” you mewl in response.
“Yeah baby? You’d like that huh, takin’ this cock all weekend?”
“Yes, oh god yes, your cock feels so good!”
He reaches around to toy with your clit and your head falls back onto his shoulder.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you pant. He rubs your clit faster, pressing a frenzied kiss to your lips.
“That’s it, give it to me baby girl. Cum all over my cock.”
You grab onto his forearm to steady yourself as you cum hard around him. He talks you through it, whispering lowly in your ear.
“There ya go baby, let it go. Doing so good f’me darlin’.”
Once you’ve come back to earth, he pulls out gently and sits down on the couch. He takes you by the hand and guides you to straddle him again.
“I wanna see you baby,” he explains. “You’re a fuckin’ goddess.”
You sink onto his cock and he rests his hands on your hips. He guides your hips back and forth slowly and it feels so good that you attempt to speed up.
“No baby, let’s go slow,” he says, looking into your eyes. “Just enjoy this with me, yeah?”
You smile softly, saying, “yes sir” before grabbing his face and kissing him. His arms wrap around your torso and he holds you close, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck.
“I want you to be my girl. Tell me you’ll be my girl baby.”
You respond without hesitation, “I’m yours Joel, all yours.”
The two of you share another kiss; Joel can no longer hold back and he plants his feet firmly on the ground so that he can thrust up into you.
“Can’t believe I get to call you mine,” he pants. “My pretty fuckin’ girl.”
“Oh god,” you whimper as he pounds into your g-spot. “Joel, fuck baby, I’m so close.”
“Me too baby girl. Should I pull out?”
“No! I want you inside me. Fuck, I want to feel you cum inside me so bad.”
“God damn, dirty little thing,” he grunts. “Gonna fill this little pussy so much.”
“Oh god, I’m cumming,” you announce, clenching around his cock. A chorus of, “fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck YES,” comes from your mouth. Joel makes a deep, guttural sound and spills inside of you, hugging your trembling body tight.
“Shit,” you giggle breathlessly.
“Yeah? Good?” he asks hopefully, just as breathless as you are.
“Good? Amazing. Incredible.”
He grins and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I could actually go again. How about you let me take you back to my place and I’ll put you in my jetted tub, hm? We’ll take a nice bath, maybe smoke a little more and then I’ll fuck you to sleep. How’s that sound?”
It’s your turn to grin and you give him a long, burning kiss.
“Sounds like an offer I can’t pass up.”
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theoldsports · 10 months
Domestic Cruelty | 500 words | Coriolanus x Reader
“You’re brilliant. Did you know that?” Coriolanus said, walking up behind his wife. He wrapped her in his long arms. [Y/N] was in the kitchen attempting to make dinner. She had never done that. [Y/N] was learning to become such a good wife to Coriolanus. It had just taken some elbow grease. Eventually, both of them expertly found the ways to get the other to yield to what they wanted. Coriolanus could tell exactly what [Y/N] wanted.
This was his favorite game.
Coriolanus pressed his pelvis against her ass and locked her into the kitchen counter with the cage of his forearms.
“You don’t have to cook,” Coriolanus nuzzled his mouth into her ear. He inhaled her scent deeply. “We have a staff that can handle that. What gives?” Coriolanus’ teeth caught on her earlobe. [Y/N] wore a knee length white skirt. Most of the time, she let Coriolanus dress her. He had grown to be so particular. This was a new piece, the skirt. Coriolanus hadn’t seen it before. He had stared at her for ten minutes in the doorway before his dick was too hard from simply looking. Coriolanus needed more.
“I wanted to,” [Y/N] shivered. Coriolanus bent her further into the counter. “Is that a crime?”
“No. Your cooking might be.”
“Hey!” [Y/N] tried to turn around to face Coriolanus, but he locked his cold fingers around her wrists.
“Your cooking may be a crime, Darling,” Coriolanus started. “You look sexy playing the pretty little wife, though,” his hands travelled down her hips to hold her firmly in place where he wanted her. [Y/N] moaned and tried to slide her cunt over Coriolanus’ clothed cock. “You may as well give up. I’m not so bold as to eat anything you made. It looks vile…”
“But did you have dessert in mind…”
“I think I know what I want,” Coriolanus replied. He bit his lip at the friction she created on his lower half. “Why? What did you have in mind?”
“Same as you.” [Y/N] pulled the pot of the counter and set it on an empty burner.
Coriolanus smirked. “How do I know we’re on the same page if you won’t say, my stunning wife? Communication is key, hm?” His fingers must’ve bruised the fat on her hips by now. “I love saying those words… My wife. My wife, my wife, my wife.”
[Y/N] sighed in ecstasy, knees quivering at the pressure on her ass and pussy. “Coriolanus—“
“Tell me what you want.” He licked a long stripe down her neck.
“It-It’s childish. You know what I—“ She started. [Y/N] reached across the stove with one hand. Before [Y/N] could click the burner off, Coriolanus grabbed her right hand and held it over the burner. Hot enough to scald, but not a proper burn.
“Did I give you another option?” He grunted.
Coriolanus nodded. “Good,” he released her hand and got her full hips back in his aggressive grasp. “I think a woman willing to do all you have done for me… To look as beautiful as this. To work, to manage the house, to put up with all you’ve put up with; I know it’s been a lot— I’m not an easy man. A woman capable of all that deserves a baby.”
[Y/N] leaned back into his chest and sat up straighter. Her ears perked up. That was a new conversation. [Y/N] didn’t want that; not now. She panicked.
“Coriolanus… That’s not what I intended. The timing may not be right for us…”
“Did I give you another option?”
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f1fantasys · 6 months
Always and Forever
Summary: You and Charles have a long history together. Will he finally come home to you?
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A long, smutty, angsty Charles Leclerc imagine.
You had known Charles since the two of you were kids. You families we close friends, so naturally your childhood meant being around Charles a lot. From a very young age you knew you had a crush on Charles, who wouldn't? Your families had always been aware of yours' and Charles' blossoming relationship, but Charles always gently shut down the thought of you getting together, using the excuse that he was older than you (only by 2 years). You had remained close friends, and when Charles started traveling more and more due to F1, you also became close friends with his brother Arthur. Arthur had always known you craved Charles more than you let on, more than anyone else in the family. He was always the one to comfort you whenever Charles had shut you down, or whenever you saw a new girl on Charles' arms in every country he visited.
When you were 22, and Charles was 24, thriving in his career, things changed between the 2 of you.
The Leclerc family had invited you and yours to their house for the annual Christmas dinner. It was a lavish dinner with the fanciest foods and the most expensive wines. You made sure to dress as sexy as you could, hoping to make an impression on the one you love. Yes, you can easily say you are in love with Charles. You opted for a satin white dress that hugged all your curves in the right places. Your heels were a high as the sky. Your hair was curled and pinned in a way that made you look stunning and your makeup was simple yet beautiful. You know you looked like a million bucks. To give you a boost of confidence, you decided to forego any panties or a bra. You boobs held the dress perfectly, and you couldn't wait to see Charles' reaction. You were no more the young Y/N, too young for him. You were now a beautiful woman, ready to take her step into the world.
As you entered the Leclerc residence in the heart of Monaco, your eyes quickly searched for him. You hadn't seen him for 6 months, him busy with F1, and you had started a new internship that was in Nice.
You heard him before you saw him, but before you could react and even look around for him, someone pulled you and whisked you away to a quiet place.
'Arthur, what are you doing' you whispered.
Arthur looked at you with sad eyes, he looked scared to even say anything.
After a few seconds of raising your brows at him, he finally started -
'Y/N, maybe we should just ditch the party and go out somewhere. We can have a nice dinner and then hit up a club with some friends.'
Confused, you questioned him again. 'why would we do that? Your parents are throwing an amazing party so why would we just up and leave to go someplace else?'
'It's...it's..-' he stammered. 'Charles. He's here with a girl. Alex.'
Your heart started to heat faster. You didn't know what to make of that. You certainly weren't prepared to see another girl on Charles' arms tonight. Not when you haven't even spoken to him for a few months, and not when you made an effort to get noticed by him, only for him not even give you a second glace.
'That doesn't mean its ok for us to leave the party. Your mum would be very upset with us' you said.
Arthur continued to look at you with a worried face.
'I'll be okay' you lied.
He simply nodded his head and took your hand, leading you back to the living room where everyone was mingling.
As soon as you entered the room you eyes found his. He flashed you his signature smile, dimples showing, eyes crinkling. You felt your heart start to beat faster. Maybe you should have taken Arthur's offer to leave. You felt him squeeze you hand, to let you know he was there for you. And you were grateful for that.
Charles and who you assumed to be Alex, made their way over to where you were standing. 'Y/N' Charles sweetly said, kissing both your cheeks and pulling you into a hug. Your body felt frozen, out of place. This was your Charles, your friend first and foremost, yet you felt like you were meeting him for the first time. 'Charles, how are you?' you managed to smile. 'All well. Oh, this is Alex by the way' he said, looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the room. He wasn't wrong. She was beautiful. So beautiful in fact. Her slim figure wore a lovely dress and her long hair looked so soft. You managed another smile. 'It's lovely to meet you.' Charles turned to you 'and this is Y/N, one of my first best friends.' Alex kissed both your cheeks in greeting.
You spent the rest of of the evening mingling with different people. Family members of the Leclercs, friends, when finally Joris, a very good friend of both you and Charles found his way to you. 'All okay?' He asked.
'Yep, all good. Actually getting a bit tired. I have an early drive back to Nice tomorrow to fetch some of my stuff. My internship is over so I'll be back in Monaco for a while'
'That's great. It will be nice to have to back. I miss our catchups' he smiled.
Hearing him say that made you think of the memories you had growing up alongside him and Charles. You always had the best time with them. Only now you couldn't imagine making yourself available to tag alone with them, especially with Alex at Charles' side.
'I need some air,' you croaked out and walked away.
You made your way to the back garden, desperate for some fresh air to breathe. It felt like you were holding your breath the whole evening.
As soon as you stepped outside you immediately regretted it. There was Charles. With this tongue down Alexs' throat. Hand up her dress. You wanted to be sick. This was one thing you could have gone without seeing tonight. It all happened in a matter of seconds. You hoped they didn't hear your heals clanking on the bricks. But they did. Charles' eyes immediately widened at seeing you.
'Y/N' he smiled and let go of Alex. ' I was hoping we could spend some time together. I'd love for you Alex to get to know each other better.'
What was he playing at? He knew you had a 'crush' on him, so why the fuck would he want you and his girlfriend to be friends.
'Oh, sorry for interrupting, I was just one my way out' you muttered, hoping he would shut up and leave you. You started making a beeline for your car, when he ran after you.
'Y/N what is this. You hardly talk to me for months, you somewhat ignore me all evening, and then you don't even attempt to get to know Alex better.'
By now you were fuming. You were hurt for sure, but angry.
'I have a busy life too, you know. You're busy traveling around the world, but I'm not sat here waiting to message or call you every second of the day. You could have tried to contact me too. But it all makes sense now. Alex is keeping you even busier that you can't even check up on a friend or congratulate her for graduating and getting an internship.'
'Oh yeah, it all comes down to Alex.' He scoffed. What? That was what he took away from your whole rant?
'Why can't you just be happy for me that I found someone and I'm in love?'
You felt tears start to sting you eyes.
He continued 'At least i can keep a partner and not have them cheat on me'
That was a dagger to you heart. He knew how broken you were when your ex cheated on you, then broke up with you, as if you had done something wrong. Arthur was away at the time, so it was Charles who comforted you. To have him throw those words to you, you didn't know who he was anymore.
'I need to go' you whispered as you walked past him to your car and drove off.
It was so surprise that you struggled to sleep that night. Arthur had texted, asking where you disappeared to. You told him you wanted to get enough sleep before your drive to Nice tomorrow.
You thought back at the night. It definitely didn't go the way you thought it would. But more so you were disappointed in the way Charles was towards you. Where was the boy who made you laugh, who showed you an endless amount of respect, who gave you flutters of hope every time he smiled at you. Today he only broke your little heart.
As you were deep in thought, your phone lit up and the noise of a new message. Your heart skipped a beat at the name that popped up
'Y/N, i apologize for my behavior tonight. You did not deserve all those things I said to you. I hope you find it in you to forgive me.'
Just as you finished reading that text, another one popped up:
'And i wish I told you in person - you looked absolutely beautiful tonight....goodnight..x'
You heart skipped a heat at reading that and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
'Thank you, Charles. Goodnight' was all you said back to him.
A few months had passed since that night. Charles was back to his traveling, and you'd exchanged a few texts here and there, and even Face-timed once after he won a race.
One Friday night in, alone at your house in Monaco, when your phone rang with an unknown caller ID.
'Y/N.' You would recognize that voice anywhere
'Charles' you smiled. 'Are you ok? Why didn't you call me from your number?'
'I uh..forgot my phone at home. Yours was the only number i remembered. I'm out at a nightclub..I wondered if you are able to come and fetch me? I really need to talk to you.'
'Of course I'll come fetch you, but is everything ok?' you panicked. But secretly felt happy that he only remembered your number.
'Everything will be better when you're here' he said into the phone.
Not 15 minutes later and you were pulling into the nightclub he was at. You saw him sitting at the curb, surprised he wasn't with any friends or anyone. As you parked, you got out the car and made your way to him.
'Charles are you ok? Why are you sitting here alone? Have you been drinking?'
He smiled 'very little, can i drive?' he stood up and took the car keys from your hand. You followed him and sat in the passengers seat.
He started the car and backed out onto the street, you noticed he was going in the direction of his house.
The car ride was silent, until you started 'Hey, what's going on?'
He looked at you. His eyes bore into yours.
'Alex and I broke up'
Oh. Oh you weren't expecting that.
'Oh, im so sorry to hear that, Charles.' To be honest, you weren't sorry.
'I'm not' he said.
You didn't really know what to say back. It was silent for few more minutes until he started again:
'Breaking up with her made me realize something'
You looked to him, waiting for him to continue.
'It's you'
Wait what? What did he just say? What's 'you'?
'Y/N, I'm sorry. I've dragged you along for too long. Given you hope. False hope. Even though I was lying to myself. I've always had feelings for you. You're always going to be my annoying little best friend, but I couldn't help falling for you.'
I'm sorry, are you hearing this right? Charles is telling you he...likes you? What? You had no words, you weren't sure if you could even voice a word right now. So you stayed silent.
He parked the car at his apartment basement and turned his body towards you.
'I know this is a lot to take in right now. But i needed you to know. I've wanted to tell you since last summer, but never had the guts to. Too scared to hear you tell me you've moved on from me. But i cant hold it in anymore. I really really like you Y/N.'
You were shocked. All you could do was smile but then a doubt crept into your mind.
'if you've felt like this since summer, why did you start dating Alex for the most part of the year?' you asked. It just wasn't adding up for you.
He sighed. 'I started dating her to try and forget about you. I couldn't bring myself to tell you how i feel and be shut down by you, so i thought finding someone else was the solution. I tried to distance myself from you.'
You didn't know what to say. Charles took you hand and kissed your knuckles.
'I still want to be with you Charles. I don't think there will be a time where i don't want to be with you.' you smiled at him.
The pair of you quickly made your way to the elevator to get up to the apartment. Everything was happening quickly. Too quickly even. But you both were so caught up with everything that was said.
The two of you stepped into the elevator. Standing close together, but before the door could even close, Charles had pushed you against the wall. His lips ghosting over yours.
'Can I?' he asked.
You couldn't form a coherent thought or word to say. You simply nodded.
His lips crashed into yours. They were soft and plump, and tasted even more delicious than you ever imagined them to be. (and yes, you imagined what they would taste like....a lot). You both smiled into the kiss. It very quickly got heated. The both of you battling for dominance. In the end, Charles won, as you opened up your mouth to him. You felt him suck on your bottom lip, before his tongue slid into your mouth, and explored you as if there was gold to find. Eventually he pulled back when the elevator dinged. You smiled at each other and walked rather quickly to his door.
As soon as the door was shut behind you, Charles scooped you up and carried you to his bedroom. He lowered you to his bed and began peeling his shirt off. All you could do was stare. Sure you had seem him shirtless before, but this was a whole new ballgame. Charles was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. But he also wore a smirk, that had you wrapped around his little finger.
You took that as a new found confidence, and slowly shimmied out of your dress, completely forgetting you were alone at home before he called, and you weren't wearing any underwear.
Charles' eyes widened and you gasped, but quickly his eyes darkened, and all you could see was lust. Lust for you.
He pulled you flush against himself 'so fucking beautiful, i don't know why i waited this long to see you like this'
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks at his words. The two of you started kissing again. A dirty, sloppy kiss with teeth and tongues clashing. He moved down to your neck and very quickly found your sweet spot. That earned him the sexiest moan from you. 'Fuck' he muttered. He gently laid you down on his mattress and opened your legs up. You should have felt conscious, him staring into your most private parts, but you didn't. If anything, you felted so turned on. You'd dreamt about moments like this. To have your Charles look at your like this.
He started kissing a path up your thighs. Too slow for your liking. He was teasing you, and you both knew it. You moaned 'Charles please' and he smirked. He very quickly realized he would never tire of hearing you beg for him.
Suddenly without warning, his tongue licked a strip up your cunt. You were speechless, you couldn't even breathe properly. In no time he found your clit, sucking and pulling at it with this mouth, earning more and more moans from you. This is what you call eating your girl out. He was a professional. If it were an Olympic sport, he would win gold. Double gold even. The feeling was incredible. The noises in the room were obscene. All it took was a few minutes until you came crashing down. Charles made sure to lick up all of your warm juices, leaving nothing behind.
'So delicious Mon amour'
The nickname made your heart flutter. You grabbed his hair gentle and bought his face up to yours to kiss him. You could still taste your saltiness in his mouth. While kissing, you felt his fingers find your pussy. He slowly started rubbing circles on your clit. He kept getting close to your entrance, then moved his fingers further away. You gave him a groan 'Charles' you said breathlessly. ''What do you want Y/N.' He was smirking again.
He continued his movements, but still didn't give you what you wanted. You continued to groan, getting so worked up. 'You need to tell me what you want Y/N' Fuck this man is going to be the end of you, and is he really making you beg after making you wait practically your whole life for this day?
'Finger Charles, use your fingers, fuck'
And without a second thought the thrust two fingers at once. You both moaned in unison. You at the incredible feeling of his fingers hitting the right spots, him at the how tight you were.
You came a second and third time. Breathless, yet still needing more. You needed to feel him. In your mouth and in your cunt.
You slowly pushed him onto his back and climbed onto of him.
He took your boobs into his hands and started massaging them and pinching your pebbled nipples. 'Fuck Charles' you said as you felt him bring his lips closer and quickly take your one nipple into his mouth while he still played with the other. Once he had enough time with your boobs, you shimmied you way down his body and peeled off his jeans and boxers. His cock sprang free, smacking his stomach. He looked so painfully hard. But oh so beautiful.
'My turn to taste you' you cooed. Charles flashes you his signature smile with his dimples. 'You don't have to-' 'I want to' you interrupted him.
You took him in your hands. No surprise he was thick. And long. And there was a vein at the side that made everything that much hotter. What Charles did next sent a jolt of electricity to your core. He bent forward and let his spit dangle from his mouth down to his dick. If you weren't horny before, you definitely were now. You'd never seen anything hotter in your 24 and a half years on earth. 'Fuck me' you muttered. 'Well, that is the plan' he replied.
You lowered you mouth to take his cock inside it. Obviously, you couldn't fit all of him in, so your hand took care of the rest. You slowly licked a stripe up his shaft and suck the tip of him into your mouth. His pre-cum was already so delicious, you couldn't wait to get more.
'Hmm' you looked up to see his eyes roll to the back of his head, as he pulled your hair out of your face and held it behind your head.
'Fuck Y/N, you take me so well. You're fucking amazing at this' he muttered as you started to bob your head up and down, gagging slightly as you felt him reach the back of your throat.
'Fuck, im close Y/N'
'Come for me Charles, let go for me' and with that you tasted him. Salty and warm, and oh so delicious.
He bought you up to sit on his lap again, kissing you again for what felt like hours. Until he heard his phone ringing. Whining, you climbed off him so he could take the call. It was Arthur, you heard him speak in french 'Charles? Do you know where Y/N is? I've tried calling and texting her but she's not answering.' 'Charles had to keep a giggle in. I saw her at the club earlier, she said she was spending the night at her friends.' They're probably already sleeping, they got quite drunk' he said while sending you a wink. 'Ah okay' said Arthur, 'I wanted to invite her for Charlottes' birthday lunch tomorrow, you're coming right? It will just be the 4 of us and Enzo.' Yes, we''l be there...I mean..I'll be there' Charles said holding in a laugh. 'Great, see you tomorrow' Arthur said as he ended the call.
'How am i going to be in the same room as you and keep my hands to myself?' Charles said quickly. You could only laugh as he pulled you back into his lap, resuming his activities of kissing you as deep as he could.
You started to grind on him, and when you heard a string of french words leave him mouth, you finally, finally lifted yourself up and sank down on him. It felt like you were made for each other. He filled you so perfectly. You mind went blank, all you could think about was your Charles, finally coming home to you. He started meeting you halfway, lifting himself up and thrusting into you, as hard as he could. The room was filled more obscene noises, pants, breath, moans and swear words from the both of you. 'M close, Charles' you managed to say.
He quickly found your clit with his fingers and within seconds you came for a 4th time in one night. Your bundle of nerves were so sensitive, but you still couldn't get enough of him.
He slid out of you and switched positions. This time you were on all fours, and he slammed into you with no warning. 'Fuck, so tight, so fucking tight me ma belle' he panted.
'Charles, i'm close' you muttered, surprised your 5th orgasm was rolling around so quickly.
'Wait for me cherie' he said as he fucked harder and harder into you. By know you legs were shaking, and he had to hold you upright to balance you. You could feel his hot breath on your neck and in unison, you both came undone.
You both stayed in that position for a while, catching your breaths, until he slowly slid out of you causing the two of you to let out a groan. He quickly ran to his bathroom and came back with a warm cloth and wiped you down, leaving you feather kisses all over.
When he returned again, he climbed into the bed beside you can pulled you to his side. 'I know everything is happening rather quickly, but Y/N i want you to know i am serious about you. I've known you for a very long time and every single part of your being, inside and out, is incredible. I love you.'
You eyes started tearing up upon hearing that. You've wanted to hear those words since you found out what a 'crush' is or what 'feelings' are. You snuggled closer to him and kissed his nose. 'I love you too Charlie.' You fell asleep in each others arms.
The next morning you woke up slightly confused with where you were. Until the memories came crashing down. You tried to hide your smile before turning around in the strong arms that were around you. He was still asleep, slightly snoring. He looked as beautiful as ever, and you couldn’t believe he was yours. You took in his appearance. He had a soft smile, dimples peaking out, a good tan and the hottest jawline ever. You quickly pecked his nose as he started shuffling. His eyes flew open and within a second those dimples came to life. He gave you the biggest boyish grin and pulled you impossibly closer.
‘Good morning mom amour’ he whispered.
‘Good morning my love’
‘We’ve got lunch with the family today, care to join?’ He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
You threw him a genuine smile, secretly hoping more days like this would come.
Instead of saying anything, you kissed him. Hard and deep, and he kissed you back. He rolled onto you and removed your (his) tshirt.
Charles started meddling with your boobs, pinching your nipples and earning a moan from you.
‘I’ll never get tired of hearing that my love. It’s so fucking sexy’
To hear him say than in his raspy morning voice turned you on even more. Yes, you definitely were sensitive from last night, but you craved so much more.
Before you could continue, an idea popped into Charles’ head. He suddenly stopped his movements and swiftly removed himself from on top of you, got up and walked to the bathroom, stripping his boxers on the way. Shocked, you looked on. What is he doing you thought. He popped his head out a few seconds later.
‘Coming? Or non’.
You’ve never got out of bed faster than right now.
He had the shower turned on and once the water was nice and hot, you both stepped in. He started to shampoo your silky hair, massaging you, earning moans from you. You did the same to him in return. Suddenly your back hit the cold tiles and Charles knelt down in front of you, opening your legs. You held onto his hair, knowing what was coming. Only it wasn’t what you expected. You thought his mouth would be on you. But he angled the shower head to your most sensitive parts. You gasped as you felt the water spray on your clit. Charles gave you his signature smirk before adding his tongue, AND FINGERS to the mix.
You mind could form no coherent thoughts. You could barely hold your body up. Luckily Charles and his strong arms held you in place. He soon placed the shower head back in place and added two more fingers to you.
‘Y/N you look so fucking hot right now. Definitely a sight for sore eyes’
All you could do was nod.
As Charles felt you getting close, he stood up and replaced his fingers with his painfully hard cock. The stretch was a bit of a sting at first, but when he started pumping in and out of you, the pleasure made it all worth it. He was fucking into you harder than you’d ever had it before.
‘Fuck, Charles’ was all you could say. ‘Fuck fuck fuck’
He smiled, ‘I am fucking you mon amour. You’re taking me so well. So tight and needy for my thick dick’ he muttered, almost to himself.
Within minutes your legs were shaking and your warm cum released from you. You wanted to taste him again, so as soon as you knew he was close, you made him slide out of you and you got on your knees. Taking him as deep into your mouth as you could. Pumping what you couldn’t fit with your hands, and massaging his balls. No sooner than I minute later you could taste his deliciousness and he moaned and praised you for your activities.
You stood up and kissed him again. You could kiss him forever, as you felt his hands massaging your ass.
‘Charles I really am sore now, no more sex for a loooong while’ you said.
He laughed ‘as if. Let’s see who breaks first’
‘Is that a challenge? Let’s see who can’t keep their hands off the other at lunch later’ you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
‘Deal' he said with a smirk.
You needed to go home to change since it was already 11.30 and the lunch was for 12.15. You'd decided with Charles that he would drive the pair of you to the lunch. And if anyone raises eyebrows at the fact you came together, he would say you talked about it at the club last night.
You opted for mini summer dress that ended just above your knees, and paired it with a pair of wedges. Charles wore a simple white cotton button up and some shorts - it was just a casual lunch, nothing fancy.
As he parked the car at the restaurant, he turned to you and stopped your movements of getting out of the car. The next thing you felt were his lips on yours surely leaving a bruise. It was hard and rough, his tongue exploring your mouth once again.
Breathlessly, you both pulled away, smiling at each other.
'Just needed something to keep me going through lunch, since i can't even touch you, and until i get you back home to ruin you all over again' he said.
You felt your cheeks get red and you heart beat faster. Not knowing what you say, you smiled and sent him a wink, before climbing out of his pista.
Walking up to the table, everyone's eyes was on the two of you.
'Did you guys come together?' Lorezno asked.
'Yep,' you said, looking at Charles who had his shades on, the sneaky bugger.
'We saw each other at the club last night and decided to come together' he said back.
'Okay, Y/N, where have you been? You hair looks like its just been through a room full of fans' Arthur said, showing you a smirk. He knew something fishy was going on.
'Oh i had the window down in the pista, thats it' you said back.
Of course the only two chairs that were left were next to eachother, which meant the lunch would be 10x more difficult for you to keep your hands away from him.
'Happy Birthday Charlotte', you said kissing her cheeks and gifting her a stunning bouquet of flowers. 'I hope Enzo is spoiling you today,' you said sending a wink to Enzo.
So far the lunch was going well. Everyone was in conversation with each other and it was nice to catch up with Charlotte after a long time. The food and drinks were flowing nicely.
Nicely, until you felt somebody's hand creep up your legs, almost touching your most sensitive parts. You jumped in surprise, and started coughing, having to blame your wine go down the wrong hole. As you settled down again, it came back. This time you had to keep your blush at bay, and you sent Charles a pleading look. All he did was smirk at you, before removing his hand.
Two can play at the game you thought, as you sneakily bought you hand to rest on his bulge, feeling his dick grow hard as rock under your touch. He could barely even concentrate on what Arthur was saying, let alone engage in the conversation.
When he was sure no one was looking, he bought his lips to your ear and said 'behave, mon amour, or you'll be sorry later'
Just the thought of later caused you to squeeze your thighs shut together to release the ache between them.
'We're thinking of taking the yacht out after lunch, to watch the sunset. Care to join?' Enzo said looking at you and Charles.
You wanted to say no. To say you had someplace else to be. But they would surely notice Charles missing as well.
'Of course' you replied, while Charles gave you an annoyed look.
Some time later, all of you were out on the yacht. It was a beautiful day to be out on the waters, and you were glad you decided to come. Although you also wish you were tucked away in yours' or Charles' apartment with him inside you. Thinking about that only turned you on, and for the past 30 minutes you were having difficulty focusing on anything other than Charles and his fingers and his tongue and his dick.
A few more friends had joined your group, and Charles was currently sitting opposite you, sending what you could only describe as heart eyes in you direction. You tried to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't.
The sun was set and the sky was getting darker. Some were in the water enjoying the coolness of the water while others were just lounging around.
You decided you need some air, so you went to the other side of the boat and climbed to the bottom of the steps where the boat met the water, and dunked your feet in. It was nice and relaxing, until someone decided to join you.
'Having fun? Or would you rather be fucking' he smirked at you.
'Oh my god Charles' you whispered. 'You cant say things like that out loud. And get away from here. Its hard not being able to jump you as it is'
'Relax, amour. Everyone is in the water on the other side of the boat' he said as he slowly got into the water himself, and settled between you legs.
The last 24 hours had honestly been a dream Everything you've ever wanted had come true and you couldn't be happier.
'Are you ok, love?' Charles asked as he caught you deep in thought.
All you could do was smile and lean forward, bringing your lips to his.
It was a gentle kiss. Not heated like before. Just a gentle embrace between two people who love each other.
'i love you'' he whispered
'I love you too, my Charlie'
Things quickly took a turn as he started to slide your bikini bottoms down from under your dress.
Before you could process what was happening or worry about the others, you felt Charles gently push into you. To say the feeling was incredible was an understand.
'Fuck, mon cherie' he whispered. 'You feel so good' he said as he started to set a faster pace. You braced yourself, holding onto his shoulders, playing with his hair, moaning into his ear. Trying to be as quiet as you could.
Nothing was gentle anymore. Charles was slamming into you. Fucking into your cunt. Hitting all the right places.
'Charles' you moaned. 'I'm close'. 'Let go princess, but be quiet, unless you want the others to find me fucking you here' he whispered, smiling at you.
'Fuck' was all you could say. You were incredibly sore but you couldn't get enough at the same time.
Within minutes you reached your peak. It was so intense that you couldn't hold yourself together. Charles literally had to carry you into the water, to support you, as well as chase his own high.
'Merde' he gasped as you finally felt him splutter into you.
'You are so amazing, I cant get enough of you' he whispered as he peppered your face in open-mouthed kisses.
You could hear some voices getting closer to where the two of you were, so you quickly separated yourself from Charles and sat back on the step.
'Oooooh, whats going on here?' Arthur and Charlotte said as the approached you and Charles.
'Nothing, just chilling' you said, although your feet were inside of Charles shorts, playing with his willy, but the others' couldn't see that
Arthur gave you raised eyebrows. 'ooookay, well we are heading back now, just wanted to let you know. As he turned on his heel and pulled a confused Charlotte behind him.
'He so knows we're fucking. He knows me too well. And he knows you' you told Charles as he started getting out of the water.
He suddenly gave you a shocked look.
'What?' you almost jumped up because of the way he was looking at you.
'I took your bikini bottoms off of you and i think i let them go in the water' he said, barely holding in his laughter.
'Oh my god Charles, im wearing an almost see-through dress, and that was my favorite bikini' you said pouting.
'I'll buy you a new one amour. and wrap my towel around you. Whatever is under that dress is only to be seen by me, no one else' he said as he helped you on your feet and guided you back towards where the others were.
'Need a ride home?' Arthur asked you quietly. You felt your cheeks heating up. How could you say no without giving away the fact that your were fucking his brother?
'Um-' you started, but Charles quickly interrupted you.
'Y/N, do you still need me to take a look at the thing wrong with your car?'
Life saver.
'Yes please, if you don't mind.'
You looked at Arthur. All he did was smile and mutter 'okay'
'Thanks for the save''' you giggled to Charles as you both got settled in his pista again.
'No problem, babes'
You made a face. You weren't used to being called babes, or babe, especially by Charles, so to hear him say that made you wet. So wet. As if you've had a dry spell for the last 24 hours.
There was a sudden shift in the mood on the way back to your apartment.
'What's got you thinking so hard' you asked as you observed Charles.
He smiled a gentle smile. 'I know everything is happening really quickly, and I wouldn't change it for the world.. But i've realised i dont want to be away from you. At all times. I know that sounds crazy, because i travel so much, and although i would love for you to join me at every race, I can't expect you to leave home and work all the time. Don't get me wrong, i would gladly have you with me 24/7 if it’s something you wanted’ he paused. You waited for him to continue.
He looked at your with eyes that held so much love ‘join me for the triple header.’
You kept silent, rewarding him with a smile.
‘We just got together, and I don’t think I can go 3 whole weeks without seeing you’ he whispered.
‘Charles, I’d love to’ you gushed. Leaning forward and pecking his cheek as he showed you a full dimpled smile.
‘Mom amour’ he said softly, almost to himself.
Two days later (and A LOT of sex later) you and Charles were on a private plane to Austin. Arthur had joined you as well. You nor Charles had told him anything, just the shit-eating grin he had told you both that he knew everything.
As Charles had drifted off to sleep on the long flight, Arthur came to sit next to you.
‘Y/N, I am so happy that you finally got what you wanted. I don’t know how it happened’ he made a face ‘nor do I want to know’ he winked ‘but I’m happy. For the both of you.’ He spoke in French.
‘Thank you Arthur, and thank you for always standing by me. I appreciate you’ you said as your hugged him.
You’d arrived in Austin the day before media activities were to take place. Charles told you he wanted to take you out for an ‘Official first date’ in his words.
He wouldn’t tell you where he was talking you - all he said was ‘dress smart, as you always do’.
This time, you opted for a midi black dress that had a sexy slit on the side. You paired it with a stunning pair of black heels and decided on an up-do for your hair.
As Charles waited for you in the living room of your suite, he nearly choked on his breathe upon seeing you.
‘You know, maybe we should skip dinner. Just go straight to dessert’ he cussed in French as he approached you.
‘Charles! No. I’m very hungry and you owe me a ‘date’’ you told him.
‘Fine, but I might get arrested for public indecency’ he scoffed behind you as your closed your hotel door.
Of course, he rented a Ferrari for your time in Austin. As you settled in the car, his left hand graced your thigh the whole way to the restaurant. He tried, but failed, to get his fingers to enter your lacy panties.
Dinner was amazing. He really picked well. You chatted about everything and nothing at the same time.
Just as your were finishing actual dessert, an idea popped into your head. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
You don’t know where the confidence came from, you quickly removed your panties and scrunched them up in your hand. You topped up on your lipstick, and walked back to Charles with some swagger. He smiled as he saw you approach him. You held out your hand as he opened his to take what you were giving him.
When he checked what you gave him, his eyes widened in surprise.
‘Merde’ he muttered. You quickly noticed he was very ansty from then on. Mission accomplished, you thought to yourself.
Needless to say, Charles couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel. He fucked you in the car. Or rather- he made you ride him. It’s safe to say it was the hottest sex the two of you had had til today. The way his dick filled you up was no joke, especially with the limited space to move around. You were flush against him. Your nipple was in his mouth. His fingers were playing your clit. You were pulling his hair, surely leaving marks on his neck. It was hot. You moaned in unison as you came while he still slammed his thick cock into you. A few seconds later ‘fuck Y/N I’m cuming’
You stayed in your positions as you both caught your breathe. Gently kissing each other. Just as your lifted yourself up to let Charles pull out, he ordered you to open your mouth.
‘Open your pretty mouth Cherie’ he whispered. But not softly. It was harsh. You did as you were told, as Charles let his spit dangle from his mouth down into yours. The things this man comes up with. He is incredible.
Back at the hotel, you came a second, third and fourth time. This time though, not only from his cock, but from his tongue, fingers and wait for it-the shower head combo again.
Austin was an amazing race for Charles, and so was Mexico. It all came down to Brazil.
As you entered the paddock with Charles (not as a couple, yet) you couldn’t help but feel excited.
That quickly changed as you both entered the Ferrari garage and saw a familiar face. One you hoped you wouldn’t see so soon. You froze next to Charles, as you felt his face keep switching between you and the woman before you. She came up to you both and hugged him. But what caused you to shiver was the way her fingers ruffled through his hair. And he let her. You just looked at he both of them. It was like he forgot you were right beside him or something.
‘Y/N’ he started but before he could continue, you walked away. You needed some air. What is his ex doing here. Why did he let her touch him like that.
You walked through the paddock until you found a secluded area that hardly had any people. You sat down and tried to calm your breathing.
Maybe you read the whole situation. Maybe he was playing a game with you. But at the same time, he told you he loved you.
You stayed away for the remainder of the day. Charles and Arthur had called you multiple times but you told them you just need space as you returned to the hotel.
Quality was a disaster for Charles. He was started P10 for the race. You didn’t want to add to his problems because you knew he would be beating himself up for doing so bad, but at the same time your life and relationship was no joke.
He walked into your room around 7pm to find you sitting on the couch staring at the tv. He could tell you had being crying.
‘Y/N, please let me explain. What you saw was nothing. I don’t even know why or how she even was there. I guess I didn’t pull away because I was just as shocked as you were. But please believe me there is absolutely nothing going on between us. The last time I spoke to her was two weeks before we got together. I love you and only you. No-one can tell you otherwise’ he said as he sat next to you and took your hand into his.
You felt him wipe away a few tears you didn’t know were even falling.
He took your face in your hands and gentle caressed it.
‘I’m sorry if I over-reacted, but it was so hard to see the two of your together again. You sobbed into him and he hugged you.
‘And I’m sorry I caused you more stress, for not doing well in quail’
‘Whatever’ he said. ‘You will always be first’ he kissed your forehead.
Tonight was the first night since you got together that you hadn’t had some sexual activities with Charles. You just cuddled and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The next few weeks went in a blur. Things were good with Charles, and before you knew it, it was time for the Leclerc's annual Christmas party again.
As you walked into their house hand in hand, you couldn't help but think back to a year ago. You were still pining over Charles, and he was pining over someone else. But that was then. This time, you were still pining for him, but he was yours, and finally, he was actually pining for you.
He took you up to his childhood bedroom before attacking your lips with his.
'Char,' you tried to say but he quickly swallowed your words by sticking his tongue down your throat.
'Shhhh, lets just be in the moment,' he said as he started to unzip your dress from the back.
You shimmied out of it while he got rid of his own clothes. He was not surprised to find out without any underwear.
'My girl' he smiled as he carried you to his bed and gently laid you down.
He opened your legs to find you like Niagra Falls. Juices already spilling out of you.
Confused, he looked at you.
'Are you already this wet, for me?'
'I'm always wet for you Char, you just found out sooner rather than later tonight'
He flashed you his dimpled-smile.
'I love you, and your juice, baby'
You didn't have time to say it back. He attacked your pussy with his lips. Licking and sucking, eventually sinking two fingers.
'Oh Charles, yes' you panted as you grabbed onto his bed sheets , trying to suppress your moans so no-one would hear what the two of you were up to. He continued his slaughter until you were practically shaking and whimpering underneath him.
'Fuck me' was all you could say as he bought his lips up to yours, pulling you in for a messy kiss. Cum and spit certainty ruining your makeup.
'That's the plan, amour' he said as you rolled him over so now your ass was sitting his obnoxiously large dick. You made out with him some more until you couldn't take it anymore. You needed to feel him in you.
You didn't even take off his pants or boxers properly - you practically pulled his dick out and wasting to time, you sank down on him.
Groaning in unison, Charles sat up and moved the two of you to the end of the bed. His mouth latched onto your boobs while he met up halfway to fuck into you. Once again, the room was filled with obscene sounds - bodies slamming into each other. Juices squeezes between the two of you, Charles' mouth sucking on your nipples, you panting and trying to catch a breath, moaning, and a splutter of french curses leaving his mouth.
Just as you were reaching you high, both your bodies' froze.
''Charles,' his mother knocked on his door. 'Are you inside?' she asked.
As much as you wanted , no needed, to moan, you couldn't hold back a giggle into Charles' neck.
'Yes maman, I'll be down just now' he tried, hoping she would leave.
But of course, she didn't.
'I really need to talk to you, I'm coming in' he said, oblivious to the fact that her son was fucking into his childhood friend-now girlfriend- like there was no tomorrow.
'NO! maman' but it was too late.
She walked in, to find you sat on her childs' lap, boobs in his face, while Charles looked at her with wide eyes. You, you couldn't find the courage to look back at her, so you simply hid your face in Charles' neck.
The room was silent for two seconds until Pascale finally came to terms to what she walked in on'.
'Oh my god, Charles, OH MY GOD Ý/N' she shut her eyes. 'I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything' she all but screamed, while Charles was still in pure shock, neither of you comprehending what was happening.
'Oh wow, I've waited for this day for so long. Oh no, not like that. I mean I've waited for the two of you to FINALLY accept your love for one another.' You and Charles both stayed silent. What is happening right now?
'When neither of you said anything, again, Pascale whispered, rather loudly, ' You know I think I'm gonna go now. I'll leave you two. But please don'' be long, we've got a dinner to host.' and with that she closed the door.
'Fuck me'
'I....wow. I have no words' he stared at you, heart still racing from getting caught.
You laughed into his shoulder.
Slowly, he started a good rhythm again.
'Fuck, Y/N, you don't know what you do to me' he said through gritted teeth, still making you bounce up and done his shaft.
'Char I'm close, please' you moaned into his ear as his thumb found your clit and started rubbing circles and within seconds you came undone, walls clenching around his dick.
'Merde' he all but shouted as he felt himself spill into you, both your bodies shaking from the high.
You slowly felt your movements come to a halt. Content to just give yourselves a few minutes to come back to earth.
Little giggles filled the air as you both recounted the events of the last 20 or so minutes.
'I don't know how I'm gonna look at your mum again' you shyly told Charles.
'I don't know how the fuck I'm going to. I really hope she hasn't told anyone what she walked in on. We'd never hear the end of it' he said giggling back to you.
You quickly cleaned yourselves up and made yourselves look presentable again.
Hand in hand you walked back downstairs, just in time for the arrival of the other dinner guests. You parents included.
Pascale just smiled at you and Charles whenever she made eye contact with the two of you.
The evening was filled with good food, good wine, dancing and a lot of curious eyes.
As the night was coming to an end, you and Charles bid farewell to everyone and drove off in his pista.
'Well that was an eventful evening' you cooed to him.
The roads were quiet at this time of the night-or early morning. He stopped at the side of the road and got out of the car.
He walked around your side and helped you out the pista. You took a short walk to the edge of the hill, and overlooked Monaco-how beautiful she looked all lit up.
'It's beautiful' you whispered, more to yourself, as Charles wrapped his arms around you from behind.
'It is, not more beautiful than you though, mon amour' he said as he kissed your cheek.
You smiled as you held onto his hands and squeezed them.
'Move in with me' he suddenly said. We already spend almost ALL of our time together, either at your place or mine, so why not make it permanent' he said, kissing your cheek again.
You couldn't smile a bigger smile.
'Char, I'd love that' you said, turning around so you could give him a proper kiss this time. Nothing sexual, just pure love. You ended sitting on a near by bench, just basking in each others presence and the love you had for one-another.
Things had progressed well from then-on.
You'd moved in with Charles, graced each and every corner of his apartment with unbelievably good sex, attended as many races as you could. And before you know it your one year anniversary was coming up, when you'd be in Belgium for the GP.
You were due to join Charles in Belgium in a few days.
But today you woke up feeling man down. You met Carmen, George's girlfriend for lunch but halfway through you had to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and be sick.
Must be something you ate, you thought.
You were so wrong.
Carmen lightly suggested you take a pregnancy test, then it hit you. It was no secret that you and Charles had A LOT of sex. A lot of unprotected sex. You were both clean, and you were on birth control. But you should have realized sooner that its not always going to do its job to the max, especially with the amount you fucked. And now that you think out it, you have been feeling low of energy the whole week.
'Shit' you muttered to yourself. You and Charles hadn't really talked about when you'd have kids. It was more of a 'yes, we definitely want kids, in the future.' Not near future.
Carmen drove you to the pharmacy and picked up a few different brands of tests just to make sure they were consistent. Back home, she waited for you in the lounge, while you took the tests.
By now you were hyperventilating. What if they come out to be positive and Charles doesn't want it at this point of his life? What if he pushes you away too?
'Okay, calm down,' you told yourself. 'You'll be okay. You and Charles will be okay' you whispered.
You peed on the 3 sticks, and then came the waiting game. It felt like time was frozen.
The longest 3 minutes of your life, when your phone buzzed with a message from Charles: 'I can't wait to see you baby xx' That put a smile on your face and warmed you up a little bit.
Until you timer went off. Bracing yourself, you gave yourself another small pep-talk, and finally checked the tests.
Positive Positive Positive
'Pickles' you mumbled, but you couldn't keep a smile off your face.
You needed to figure out what to say to Charles. You needed to prepare yourself for happy tears or sad tears.
As you arrived in Belgium, two days later, it was also the day of your anniversary.
As soon as you got to your shared room with Charles that morning he had pulled you in and his lips were on yours instantly.
'You're finally here mon amour' he mumbled as his tongue fought yours for dominance.
'Happy Anniversary baby' you said as you pulled away and hugged him as tight as you could.
'Happy Anniversary Y/N, I love you more than life.'
His words warmed your nerves. There was no way there were going to be sad tears when you told him. Right? You could only hope and pray so.
Since media duties for the race only started tomorrow, the day started with a good round of lazy sex and a beautiful bouquet of flowers from your boyfriend. Charles then took you on an unofficial tour of the city. He'd been here for 4 GPs now, so he had a couple of his favorite spots that he wanted to show you.
You had a lovely lunch at a tapas bar and then the afternoon was filled with more touring. You were glad today was a better day and you weren't feeling so ill.
You'd decided to tell Charles the news after dinner tonight. To make it a bit special, you had a onesie made in red that had a picture of a Ferarri and 'Baby Leclerc' written on it.
Dinner was lavish. He took you to an expensive restaurant meaning you dressed extremely smart with a black satin dress that showed your curved off in the most delicious way. It was no doubt that you would forgo any underwear today. Although once you told him the news and shed happy tears, you would go and change into some teeny lingerie for him.
As you got back to the hotel room, you told Charles you needed to talk to him, just as he was about to pounce on you. He said the serious look in your face and immediately backed away. He got so worried so you had to reassure him that everything was fine and it was nothing bad.
You made him sit on the couch while you went to get his gift.
Handing him the gift bag he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He smiled and started to open it up.
By now your heart was pumping out of your body and you were shaking.
You bit your lip as he finally took the onesie out and looked at it, with a puzzled expression.
Then, he looked at your with wide eyes. You just gave him a smile.
Then his dimples flashed out at you. 'Y/N, is this for real? Are we actually having a baby?' he talked in quick French.
'Oui, we are, Charles'
He quickly pulled you in for the tightest hug.
'Oh my god, i can't believe it' he cooed in your neck.
Then he bought his hands down to your stomach and gently rubbed it, tears stinging his eyes and yours.
Pulling back, he had a brightest smile.
'Y/N you are such an incredible person. I can't tell you how happy you make me' he said, pulling you in again, this time for a kiss.
He breaks away to look that the onesie again, smiled growing impossibly bigger.
As you watched him, you wondered how you ever let yourself think Charles would be unhappy.
'I'll be back' you mumbled as you went to the bathroom to quickly change into your lacy black lingerie.
When you walked out and Charles looked you - let's just say he would die a happy man right now.
'Fuck me. What did i ever do to deserve you?' he said as he stood up and made a beeline to you.
He pushed you to the bathroom door and kissed you. He kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Full of passion. Full of love. And full of lust.
You opened your mouth to him and he explored all of your mouth, sucking into your bottom lip before giving you a small bite.
Quickly though, he removed himself from your hold and lowered down to his knees. He touched you stomach again and started talking.
'Hi baby, it's you daddy here.' he whispered, pecking your tummy.
'Mummy is keeping you safe, and i can only hope you turn out to be as amazing as she is. I love you so much, even though i just learnt about you not 10 minutes ago' kissing you stomach again.
You giggled at his words before pulling him to stand up again.
'He, or she, is only the size of a a grape right now' you told him.
'Grape or orange, i love them all the same. And i love you Y/N, so much'
'i love you too, my Charlie. I am so incredibly happy right now. I could burst' you told him.
'Oh non, please don't burst now' he laughed before his lips were on yours again.
'Wait, is it safe for us to have sex? Oh my god we had sex this morning. Are you ok? Is the baby okay?'
You all but giggled. 'Of course its safe my love. Plus, i am incredibly horny'
He didn't need to be told twice. He scooped you off your feet and set yow down on the bed.
'Let me show you how much i love you. Oh and i'm definitely fucking you with this still on, but another day' he said, pointing towards your lingerie. He quickly removed it before settling himself between you legs, aiming himself at your cunt.
He licked a warm strip up your pussy before sucking on your clit.
'Oh Charles. Fuck. You're amazing' you moaned while tugging on his hair.
'Cherie, you are the amazing one. Merde' he whispered before sinking two fingers into you.
It didn't take long to reach your first orgasm. He continued to finger fuck before you tried to move away.
'Need to feel you in me, Charles. Please. Please fuck me'
'A bit eager today, are we?' he smirked
'You fucking better get used to it. These hormones are not playing anymore' you laughed as he settled his weight on you.
He gently slid in and set a slow pace.
'Charles?' 'Hmm?' ha answered.
'I said fuck me. Not make love to me'
And so he did. He slammed into you. Filling you up so perfectly.
'Y/N' he breathed. 'You're so tight. Clenching around me so nicely. Fuck'
His thumb found your clit and you cried out. Your orgasm fast approaching. Charles as well finished rather quickly today. His warm cum feeling better than ever.
As you slowed down and both came down from you high, he slowly slid out of you.
As you looked down on him you noticed something.
'Char, you're still so hard' you said with a shocked face.
'Y/N, you don't know how turned on i still am' he said, almost shyly.
'Oh my god, please fuck me again. But this time i want to taste you, so finish in my mouth' you said as you both quickly found your places again.
You certainly were sore and sensitive, but you still couldn't get enough of him.
In no time you were crashing down again.
'Fuck, Charles' you moaned into his ear.
You quickly felt him pull out and place his feet on the floor as you sat up and took his dick into your hands.
He held you hair out of your face as you took him into your mouth and started bopping your head up and down.
'Fuck Y/N. Yes baby. Fuck' he all but screamed as he emptied himself to the back of your throat.
You swallowed everything you could.
You both tried to catch you breath as he sat back down on the bed and took you into his arms.
You were so overwhelmed. Now, you were crying.
'Are you okay Y/N? Did i hurt you? Shit, I heard you'
He barely held in a laugh. 'No Char, you didn't. I'm just so happy. I love you and out life so much.'
He kissed your forehead.
'I've never been happier my baby'
He got up to get a cloth to clean you both up the settled back into bed.
He pulled you to his side and just cuddled you.
'I love you, and happy anniversary amour'
'Love you too Char. Happy anniversary''' you replied back.
He kissed you. Long and soft. And you both were so excited for the rest of our lives together.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it!
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i-m-art-ix · 5 months
Ninjago headcanons just FSM family
(Sorry for my English but it is not my native language)
Lloyd discovered one day that if he just calls Wu uncle he can get out of any trouble (because Wu adores his nephew), which he often uses to his advantage, for example, when he was still a child, he would often approach Wu and ask for various things, and if Wu did not agree, he would simply say "Okay, Uncle Wu" in the saddest voice he could, which made Wu immediately change his mind and agree. As Lloyd got older he stopped using it as much but still does it sometimes. Best of all, everyone is aware of this except Wu himself, so if the ninja want to do something and know that Wu won't agree, they send Lloyd to "convince" Wu.
FSM was a teenage parent, I'm mean in season 15 it was said that when he came to ninjago he was still a child and as we know hybrids age differently so I'm sure when he created Wu and Garmadon (I don't give a damn that this man had a woman, I just don't see it) he was still a teenager and mentally he could have been about 18-20 years old.
I'm sure FSM tried to be a good parent but didn't know what to do, apart from the fact that he was still a teenager at the time, this man never had any idea what a healthy family should look like, he literally was a child soldier and had to choose between dragons and Oni and I suspect that neither the dragons or the Oni were not very nice to him and they probably didn't have much affection for him. And unfortunately it was visible, but he loved his sons (and he certainly loves his grandson).
So screw the canon, Wu never loved Misako, he didn't like her at first (because he claimed she was stealing his brother because Garmadon only talked about her), later he started liking her and then they became good friends.
So when I said that Wu doesn't love Misako, I mean that Wu is gay, no really look at the teenage version of him, he can't be straight.
I am sure that Wu was the creator of many fashion trends, considering that back then there was not much fashion and Wu had the power to create, he had to create many clothes that no one had ever seen before. Many of these clothes were very sexy and revealed a lot of things.
Due to the way Wu dressed, many men stared at him and flirted with him, which of course neither Garmadon or their father not liked, that's why they never sent Wu to the city alone, someone always went with him and whenever a man tried to hit on him he got a death glare from Garmadon or FSM (which must have been terrifying, as if God himself wants to kill you because you thought in a erotic way about his son and also Garmadon who is the essence of destruction and intends to rip out your organs for looking at his younger brother).
FSM loves his grandson, the guy literally gave him his golden power without a second thought and even let him choose between life and death, he must adore Lloyd.
Before the events of Season 1, when Lloyd was expelled from school and wandered the streets, FSM was his guardian angel. He made sure Lloyd didn't hurt himself, and when he did something to himself, he simply accelerated his regeneration with his divine powers, when Lloyd had nothing to eat, he directed him to places where food could be easily obtained. In episode 1 of season 1, when Lloyd gets to the tomb, he falls over perfectly to avoid being hypnotized and the leader of the snakes hypnotized himself, it not way that this kid failed perfectly, I'm actually sure that his grandfather helped him
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sonamytrash · 5 months
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Bad, bad boy.
Underground Levi x F! Reader
An: With bad boy out in less than four days, I felt inspired to write some sexy underground Levi.
Warnings: S3x, semi public s3x, dirty talk, alcohol drinking mentioned, smoking mentioned, reader has big tiddies, underground Levi, fem reader, female anatomy described, vaginal fingering, multiple org@sms, creampie, unprotected s3x.
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The dimly lit bar, nestled deep within the labyrinthine underground, was a haven for those seeking solace from the harsh realities of their world. The warm glow of amber lights danced across the rough-hewn walls with a haze of cigarette smoke hanging in the air like a thin veil.
He'd been nursing his drink for the better part of an hour, lost in thought, when you walked in. Levi glanced up as he felt a familiar presence. Something about you had caught his eye weeks ago - the way you moved, the confidence in your step, your curvaceous figure that seemed to demand attention.
The beautiful woman who had been frequenting his thoughts, and this bar as often as he. Your hair fell in waves down your back, and your eyes seemed to glow in the low light. You were dressed in a form-fitting black dress that hugged your body tightly. You were always a striking contrast to the drab surroundings of the underground. He could feel his heart race as your eyes met, the connection between the two of you almost tangible.
Your eyes adjusted to the light, scanning the crowd for his familiar face. You spotted him almost immediately; Levi, the short, brooding man with piercing blue eyes and a body that could make even the most jaded of women weak at the knees. His gaze was locked on you, and you could feel it like a physical touch, sending shivers down your spine.
You smiled to yourself, taking a step forward. The sound of your high-heeled shoes clicking on the floor seemed to echo through the bar, drawing everyone's attention to you. Levi's gaze never wavered as you sauntered to towards him, feeling more and more confident with each step.
It was true that your mere presence demanded the gaze of everyone in the room. And as often as other regulars tried to court you, it was all in vain. Very rarely did you bother to give them the time of day. Most of these men were filthy, obnoxious, and rude. But there was something about Levi, something you decided was becoming too much to ignore. He was always so well kempt, so aloof. Why not indulge your curiosity? for just tonight.
Finally, you reached the bar and leaned down, your breasts grazing the surface. "Whiskey, please." You purred to the bartender, your voice low and sultry.
Without another word, you slid onto the bar stool next to him as the man behind the counter poured your drink, your knees brushed against each other as you crossed your legs, sending a wave of desire coursing through the both if you.
Levi glanced at you, his expression unreadable. He took a sip of his drink, and then another, as if to steady his nerves. "You come here often, don't you?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly. "But you never seem to leave with anyone." He comments.
You smirked, taking a sip of your own drink, "About as often as you." You reply, "and I could say the same, I leave whenever I can manage to slip away, can't a woman enjoy a drink without having to go home with someone?." you continued, raising an eyebrow, your own voice equally husky. He shrugs in response "I'm not judging you, there's fuck all else to do in this shit hole." He says, taking another drink.
"You're Levi, right?" You asked. You weren't sure why you were asking; you already knew who he was. You had seen him here every other night, alone at the corner of the bar. He'd drink a few whiskeys and leave, much like yourself.
The handsome, brooding man in the corner had caught your attention weeks ago, and you knew he was trouble. You had thoroughly enjoyed watching him effortlessly wipe the floor with the owner of the establishment in an arm wrestle. Each and every time you saw one another, there was an exchange of glances from across the room. An unspoken longing that was evident in his gaze.
He nodded, still not taking his eyes off you. "And you must be y/n." he said, his voice rough with desire. "I've seen you here, watching me. I didn't know if you were interested, or just curious...either way, you never try to hide the fact." He smirked.
"Well, I've heard stories about you," you admitted playfully, taking another sip of whiskey. "You're quite the legend, you and your friends, you know that? So I suppose you could say I'm both curious and interested." You tease.
Levi raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" he drawled, his voice laced with skepticism. "And what have you heard?"
You leaned closer to him, your breath fanning his cheek. "Well, I've heard you're strong, fearless, and loyal to a fault," you said, your voice lowering even further. "They say you're reckless, but I think it's just that you don't know how to back down from a fight." You trail your fingers gently over his knee and slowly up his leg, your face closer still until your lips were millimetres away from his ear. "They say you're nothing but trouble,"
Levi shot you a sidelong glance, his expression unreadable. "Funny, they say the same about you." he replies, another sip.
You smiled, feeling a thrill run through you at his words. "They say I'm trouble," you admit, your voice low and sultry. "That I'm always up to something, and that you should stay away from me if you know what's good for you." You rest your head in your hand, tilting it innocently. A playful smile painted accross your lips.
Levi chuckled darkly, the sound vibrating against your ear. "Well, it seems we've both been given some interesting reputations," he said, his gaze locked on you. "I have to admit, I'm curious. What do you think we should do about that?"
You leaned even closer, your breath tickling his neck. "I think," you whispered, "we should see just how much trouble we can get into together." Your fingers traced circles on his thigh, and he could feel the heat emanating from your body. "Don't you agree, Levi?"
He smirked, knocking back the last of his drink and then set it down on the bar. "I think," he growled, his voice rough with desire, "that we've danced around whatever this is long enough. "
You didn't seem the least bit intimidated, which only served to fuel his curiosity and arousal further as you smirked, standing up and gesturing towards the door.
Without another word, he slid off his stool and followed you out of the bar. The cool night air hit you like a wave as you stepped onto the street. You lit up a cigarette, cupping your hands around it to shield the flickering light. Levi stood beside you, close enough that he could feel the heat from your body, the tip of the glowing red stick illuminating your face in the darkness. Levi took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart as he watched you exhale smoke into the air.
After some moments, Levi followed your gaze, taking in the darkened alleyway to the left. He grabs your arm, leading you down the alleyway, dropping your cigarette in the process. "What a waste." You complain, your lips curling into a wicked grin as he presses you against the rough brick wall. He reaches out and trails his fingers down your cheek, feeling the softness of your skin beneath his touch. "Finally." He purrs before your your lips meet in a hungry, desperate kiss. Your body pressed against his, hands tangled in his hair, your tongues intertwined, mixing the tastes of alcohol and nicotine. Levi revelles in the curve of your breast against his chest. He pushes you harder against the wall, your lips still locked, bodies grinding together in a frenzy of desire.
A low, guttural groan rumbles in his chest as he presses his body flush against yours, his fingers trailing up your sides. His tongue sweeps in and out of your mouth, urgently exploring, as his kisses grow more demanding. Pulling away slightly, he murmurs against your lips, "Fuck, I've wanted this for so long..." His hands slide down to grip and lift your plush thighs, silently urging you to wrap your legs around him.
Levi lets out a shuddered groan as you wrap your legs around his waist and press yourself against his hardness. His grip tightens on your thighs, his fingers digging into the soft flesh. "Fucking tease," he growls, grinding his hips against you. His lips capture yours in another searing kiss, all tongue and teeth.
One hand slides up your body to cup your breast, kneading the supple flesh as his thumb teases your nipple through the thin fabric. "You have no idea what you do to me," he mutters against your lips, his voice a low, rumbling rasp.
"Oh, I do, Levi...." You moan in between kisses, taking his face into your hands, biting hip lip seductively. "I've seen the way you look at me." A moan escapes you as he tweaks your hard nipple through your dress. "You like these, don't you?" You tease breathlessly.
Levi's eyes darken with desire as he hears your seductive words. "You have no idea," he growls, his fingers kneading your breast with more fervour. His hips grind against your core, the hardness in his pants pressing deliciously against you.
With a low, rumbling chuckle, his hot breath caressing your neck. "These tits drive me wild," he murmurs, nipping at the sensitive skin on your neck. He yanks the dress down, baring your upper body to his hungry gaze. A low, guttural groan rumbles in his chest as he drinks in the sight of your ample breasts. "I'm going to enjoy every inch of you." His teeth graze your neck again, eliciting a whimper of pleasure from your lips. His other hand slides down to grip your rear, pulling you up tighter against him. "But you know what I want even more?"
You throw your head back against the wall and moan as you feel his hard cock through his trousers rubbing against your dampened cunt. "Mmmph, I can take a pretty good guess." you say, rolling your hips again against him suggestively, tightening your legs around his waist.
He smirks as his grip on your hips tightens further, his eyes narrowing with predatory hunger. "I want to feel your tight little pussy wrapped around my cock, milking me dry." He hikes up your dress as his fingers hook into the waistband of your panties, tugging them aside. "Can you handle that?" he growls, his voice thick with desire. His lips crash against yours again, his tongue plundering your mouth as his hands roam your body.
You nod breathlessly. "Even if I can't, don't stop...." You purr.
Levi's eyes flash with dark desire at your breathless response. His fingers tease your slick folds, coaxing a soft whimper from your lips. "Good girl," he murmurs against your skin, nipping at your neck and travelling diwn to take one of your nipples into his mouth. Without warning, he plunges two digits deep into your quivering heat, curling them to stroke your most sensitive spot. His thumb presses against your swollen clit, rubbing in firm, tantalizing circles. "You're so fucking wet for me, I can't wait to bury my cock in this tight little pussy."
You didn't make a habit of hooking up with men in bars, but something about him made you weak in the knees and you were right to follow your intuition. You bit your lip in an effort to suppress a moan.
Levi's eyes flash with wicked delight at your muffled moans. "Don't be shy now y/n, let me hear you," he growls, his fingers picking up pace as they pump in and out of your slick heat. His thumb presses harder against your swollen nub, drawing out more delicious whimpers. Leaning in close again, he captures your lips in another hungry kiss, swallowing your cries of pleasure. "You feel so fucking good. I'm going to make you come so hard on my fingers before I split you open on my cock."
"W-what a dirty mouth." You hiss, your eyes rolling upwards blissfully, fingers gripping the undercut at the back of his head harder. He really is as strong as they say, gripping your ass effortlessly and pinning you against the wall while finger fucking you, what a fucking treat.
Levi's lips curve into a devious smirk at your breathless taunt. "Looks to me like you love it," he growls, his fingers curling and thrusting with renewed fervor. "You're fucking soaked. Now come for me, nice and hard." He grinds his palm against your sensitive clit, his piercing gaze fixed intently on your face as he works to bring you to the edge. A man had never made you cum so fast before, Levi's fingers curl and stroke relentlessly as your orgasm crashes over you, your entire body shuddering against him. He swallows your desperate moans with a searing kiss, drinking in every quiver and twitch of your pussy around his digits. "That's it, let it all out," he murmurs roughly against your lips. When your climax finally begins to ebb, he slowly withdraws his hand, bringing his glistening fingers to his mouth to suck them clean. "Delicious," he growls, his eyes smoldering with dark desire.
Levi's eyes are fixated on you as he watches you guide his hand to your lips before you lick and suck his fingers clean. A low, guttural sound rumbles in his chest. "Fuck, you're insatiable," he growls, pressing his body flush against yours. His hands grip your hips again, pulling you snug against his straining erection. 
"I need to be inside you," he rasps, his hands gripping your hips possessively. In one swift motion, his fingers deftly work to unfasten his pants, freeing his aching hardness. "Hold onto me," he growls, guiding the tip of his cock to your slick, quivering entrance. With a sharp thrust, he buries himself to the hilt, a guttural moan tearing from his throat. His eyes fluttering shut as your tight, soaking pussy envelops his aching length. A strangled groan tumbles from his lips as he stills for a moment, allowing you to adjust to his impressive cock, "So fucking tight..."
Levi's hips begin piston relentlessly, driving his thick cock into your sopping pussy with bruising force. Each powerful thrust punched the breath from your lungs, his cock plumbing your depths. The cold brick wall pressed against your back, but it only seemed to heighten the sensation of being so close to him. He grunted and growled with primal satisfaction, his fingers leaving bruises on your hips. "That's it, fucking take it all," he rasped, his voice dripping with lust. "Your greedy cunt is loving this...." His pace grew more erratic as he neared the edge, desperate to find his own release.
Levi's grip on your hips remains tight, pounding into you with deep, relentless thrusts. His breath comes in ragged gasps, mingling with your desperate moans.
Levi's calloused hands grip your thighs, holding you in place as he fucks you relentlessly, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoing through the alleyway. His steel-gray eyes blaze with primal hunger, locked on your face as he drinks in every pleasured moan and gasp that tumbles from your lips.
"Cum all over my cock, I want to feel you dripping down my thighs." He states as his fingers find your clit, rubbing it in circles with just the right amount of pressure.
"Levi," You moan breathlessly, arching your back as your body tensed, ready to explode.
Levi felt your muscles clench around him, your walls rippling as they contracted, your breath hitching in your throat. He thrust deeper, harder, faster as he felt the hot rush of your release, the tightening of your inner muscles around him. He groaned into your neck, feeling your body shudder with the force of your orgasm.
Levi's eyes are fixated on you as you convulse around his throbbing length, your desperate cries of pleasure sending a jolt of primal satisfaction through him. With a feral growl, he redoubles his efforts, slamming his hips against yours at a punishing pace as he chases his own release.
Levi leans in, claiming your lips in a bruising kiss as his rhythm begins to falter, his muscles tensing as the thick ropes of his release spill deep inside you. "Fuck... Levi!" you whimper against his lips, his hips grinding into you as he empties himself completely.
Levi's taut frame shudders, his fingers digging into your hips as he rides out the aftershocks of his release. His steel-gray eyes are molten with satisfaction, his usually stoic features etched with unbridled bliss.
You both remained there for a moment, panting, your chests heaving as you tried to catch your breath. The alleyway seemed to swirl around you as you came to your senses. You leaned your head back against the rough brick wall, feeling the coolness seep into your flushed skin.
"So," mischievous glint in your eye, "you ready for more trouble?"
Levi grinned, his gaze travelling up and down your body. "Only if it comes in the form of you."
You smirk playfully, feeling a thrill of excitement run through you. "My place, it's not far from here." You managed to say between ragged breaths. "Lead the way," he said, his voice rough with desire.
You laughed the sound low and husky. You leaned in, your lips brushing against his ear. "Come on then, you bad, bad boy. Let's go."
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