#why is that normalized like. I don’t want that. don’t touch me
bakuhatsufallinlove · 17 hours
All right, listen. It’s pretty damn funny that two weeks ago I posted all like, “oh I don’t really comment chapter-by-chapter, I’m waiting to see what happens next,” but this one broke me.
This chapter was everything I wanted for bkdk, and it’s so much more tender than I ever dreamed it could be.
This post is not going to be like most of my posts, because I am a flood of emotion. If you’re wanting some detailed, well-researched analysis of this scene, that ain’t coming for a while.
I don’t have some kind of comparative linguistics to show you. I just have my visceral reactions as someone who speaks Japanese and has absorbed Japanese media for many years. I have shared my heart with others in Japanese, I’ve sputtered out words between sobs and felt the many kinds of comfort different people try to offer. I have comforted others who let themselves be vulnerable with me.
In all these moments, just as in English, I wondered if my words and feelings reached them. Each time, I felt the warmth of connection when they looked at me, and I decided that they knew I did my best. They accepted me, even if it wasn’t perfect.
I’m gonna tell you the truth, and I wouldn’t normally say this so directly, but it matters to me: the fan translation for this specific scene is not good. The tone is wildly off in some ways and it outright omits a number of very important words.
The official translation gets so much of it right.
But that’s not really what I want to talk about right now. I want to talk about how people are reading this scene.
I have seen a ton of, frankly, oblivious interpretations of Izuku’s side of things.
Listen to me. Izuku is not making fun of Katsuki for crying, he is not telling Katsuki that crying isn’t like him, that isn’t in the text at all. He is not rejecting Katsuki’s feelings, or belittling them, or ignoring them, or any of that.
Izuku has seen Katsuki cry in-canon a number of times, but every time it was over his own personal failures, and the frustration, anger, guilt, and grief associated with them. We see it in the aftermath of Deku vs. Kacchan 1. We see it during Deku vs. Kacchan 2.
Izuku is shocked to see Kacchan cry because this is the first time he has cried for Izuku.
When Katsuki apologized in 322, he looked Izuku in the eye and told him his feelings with conviction and poise. He was gentle and vulnerable, but strong, because he was asking Izuku to trust them and rely on them. To come back with them and believe in them, like they believe in Izuku. He bowed his head to show his remorse. He caught Izuku when he fell, and he accepted Izuku’s own apology.
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He embodied dignity, sincerity, and strength of character. He was a true hero.
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This is the raw, honest sorrow of a young boy. It is a tender, earnest, unguarded display of how much Izuku means to him.
These are the tears you shed for someone you cherish. These are tears for when you think you are losing something you can’t live without. Because Katsuki isn’t just crying for the loss of Izuku’s dream—it’s their dream, the future they dreamt up together as kids.
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Izuku is almost pathologically incapable of understanding how other people see him and feel about him, but this is unmistakable. He is stunned because there is no other explanation.
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There is unmitigated heartache and longing at the core of Katsuki saying, “I just thought somehow we would be together like this, competing and chasing after each other, forever.”
And Izuku is reeling, but so, so touched, and filled with fondness. Look at how his shock shifts to this overwhelmed, affectionate smile.
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He’s right—this isn’t the usual Katsuki, and that is precisely why it means so much. We as the audience have been privy to Katsuki’s feelings, but until now Izuku himself has never really grasped the depth of them. This is all the tenderness Katsuki has kept locked up inside, and he is letting Izuku see it for the first time.
To see Kacchan—strong, fierce, and absolutely unstoppable—shed these innocent, helpless tears for him and tell him through sobs that he wanted things to stay this way forever, I can’t blame him for being blown away.
I think Izuku expected Katsuki to be shocked and a little sad that he gave up OFA, both for Izuku’s sake and because it is the legacy of their hero. Before Katsuki even starts crying, Izuku has this small smile on his face, like he was ready to reassure him that he had made peace with his own choice.
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But he clearly didn’t expect for Katsuki to weep openly in front of him about it or to confess to wanting him by his side. Izuku had so enjoyed just being allowed near Katsuki, allowed in his life at all—to think that Katsuki could want the same and want it this much, to the point that he worries that things would change, that Izuku would abandon him or deny him? How could that ever be?
In what world could Izuku ever stop chasing Kacchan?
Izuku is a bit of an idiot. He has always thought that Katsuki understood how much he cared for and admired him—that’s why he is so shocked during DvK2 to hear that Katsuki thought he looked down on him for years. Izuku thought Katsuki understood his feelings and simply rejected them.
The way he loves Kacchan is natural and unquestionable. Even now, he can’t understand how Katsuki doesn’t know. It’s baffling to him.
But he still accepts Katsuki’s vulnerability and responds to the intimacy.
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This is such an affectionate, loving thing to say. Izuku is being so sweet. I cannot convey to you strongly enough how Izuku telling Katsuki, “C’mon, stop it, this isn’t like you!” reaffirms their closeness.
If Izuku had not said this line and instead skipped straight to this nervous, awkward little attempt at comfort here:
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It would have read as so much more distant.
With his tears and his confession, Katsuki pleads with Izuku to not leave him. To be with him always.
And in response, Izuku unabashedly stakes his claim on their bond by being bold enough to affectionately scold him and even assert authority on what kind of person Katsuki is. Remember these?
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Chapters 202 and 319
This is such a staple in Japanese media for showing close bonds. Your loved ones know you. They tease you. They scold you. They have that right. You gave it to them.
The people you love cheer you up by reminding you that you’re strong and brave and that even if things feel hopeless and like you can’t go on, that they know you can. Everything will be okay, and they know so because they’ll be right there with you. Of course they’ll be there.
Symbolically, throughout the series, Izuku’s response to Katsuki trying to be closer to him has always been: “Of course.”
He has always accepted Katsuki as much as he is able to, as much as he had awareness for. He is wildly lacking in self-awareness, so it’s certainly not perfect, but by god does he try.
What Izuku is really saying is a mixture of “Really? You want that, too?” and “Don’t be silly!”
One part is him being shocked and touched; the other is him being absolutely certain of his own heart, and showing it as best he can.
He does get flustered and self-conscious, though—because it’s overwhelming to see Kacchan this way, and this is kind of new territory for them. So he switches tactics to reassure Kacchan about how things are now, and make sure he doesn’t feel embarrassed about this outburst. He still has the embers, so it’s okay for now. And their bodies are weak, so of course their heads will be in a bad place too, it’s easy to get low spirits. Of course Katsuki would be feeling vulnerable. It’s normal.
He gives Katsuki so many things here. He gives him as much as he can.
Izuku doesn’t know how long he’ll have the embers for and, frankly, he doesn’t have any guarantee that he will be able to satisfy this longing of Katsuki’s after he loses them. This, too, is a staple of promises in Japanese media: “I don’t know if I can satisfy you, but I want to try. I hope you can accept me.”
Things will be different—the future is always uncertain, now more than ever for their world. But what will never change is what they feel in their hearts.
After this scene, I honestly don’t care if we get something other people see as “bkdk canon.”
What Katsuki says is as good as a confession to me. What Izuku says in return is genuine and pure. This is a messy pair of teenage boys figuring out how to reach each other with words, when they have always been so damn bad at it. This is the two of them both reaching a new point of intimacy and reaffirming everything that came before.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 days
He Doesn’t Know That I Turned into an Animal - Roger Barel (Premium End)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
Roger: Can you follow this scent too?
Roger held out a white handkerchief to me.
(This is the handkerchief I lent to Roger on a mission…!)
(Could it be that the one he’s looking for is me…?)
Roger: I have sharp ears, so I was listening for the voice of this handkerchief’s owner, as well as her heartbeat and footsteps. But I haven't been able to hear anything. So…please. Help me find her.
(Last night you were listening for me…)
(Why did I assume that he wouldn’t?)
(I want to tell him that I’m right here since he’s so worried about me!)
I led Roger to my room.
Roger: The scent led you to this room?
Kate: Arf! (Yes!)
Roger: …Any clue where she went after?
I made laps around my room. I wanted to convey to Roger that the scent couldn’t be traced out of this room.
Roger: You’re telling me that Kate never left her room…? No…that’s not right. She left without anyone noticing?
(Yes! You’re doing great, Roger!)
I’ve been wondering about how I ended up like this, but…
I think the cause was me touching some kind of chemical while cleaning up the infirmary.
The things Roger researches range from useful to questionable.
The fact that he had a drug that could turn a person to an animal shouldn’t be a surprise.
(Since Roger’s the one that manages the drugs, he should be aware of the possibility of me turning into a corgi…!)
Roger: …Like if she could disappear like Liam, or transform, then no one would notice her.
(You’re pretty sharp, Roger…!)
Roger: As an animal, the lil’ lady wouldn’t be able to say anything or call for help…
(You’re getting there, Roger!!)
Roger: And then a cute female corgi just so happens to show up… Meaning you’re— 
Kate: Arf! (I’m Kate!)
I met Roger’s eyes and barked to make it sink in. However…
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Roger: … No, that’s impossible…
Roger looked away from me, throwing the answer he worked toward out.
Roger: This is bad. I don’t have a clue.
(You’re kidding me…All that work and you’re not putting it together?!)
From experience, I knew Roger was knowledgeable and open-minded.
Normally it’s impossible to turn into an animal, but I thought he’d consider it.
(How do I tell you…?)
Roger: Hmm… I should write down what I know so that I can find Kate…
Roger took out a notepad from his pocket and started writing things down.
Maybe he was writing down things he noticed while looking for me.
(...It felt like Roger was analyzing things just then, but maybe I was imagining things?)
(In any case…I can’t give up! I’ll keep trying until I get through to Roger!)
And so I used all of my corgi brain power…
I tried to tell Roger that this corgi was Kate.
I tried to use the typewriter… (My dog paws were too big)
I tried to use the piano to show that I was human inside… (William praised me for being a genius, though as a dog)
I tried to show the mystery novel where people and animals swapped places… (Harrison tossed me out his room)
After numerous failed attempts, the sun set— 
By the time I returned to the infirmary, I was completely exhausted.
(What can I do…)
Ale: Arf? (What’re you trying so hard for?)
Kate: Awoo…(I want to tell Roger that I’m Kate…)
Ale: Woof woof? (That guy can’t understand us though?) …Woof, woof (...Sometimes Roger gives me a sad smile)
Ale: Awoo…(Maybe he still thinks about how he couldn’t wake my previous owner up) Woof, woof? (I enjoy being with Roger, but I can’t tell him that you know?)
Kate: Woof… (Ale…)
(Until now, I’ve always thought that it was important to deliver people’s thoughts and feelings. But as a fairytale keeper…)
(...I’m now in a position where I can’t no matter what I try, so I understand the pain better now) 
Ale: Woof! (There’s no point in moping. Let’s eat some snacks!)
Ale: Arf? (Hey Roger, what do you have there? In your pocket!) Woof… (It’s been rustling for a while now…)
What Roger’s been repeatedly taking out of his pocket was just a notepad.
Every time I did something, Roger would take it out and jot something down.
Ale: Woof?! Woof! (Do you have tasty treats in your pocket?! Give it here!)
It seemed that Ale mistook Roger’s notepad for a treat or something.
Suddenly, Ale jumped high and the notepad fell out of Roger’s pocket.
Roger: Ah, Ale!
Ale: Woof… (What the…This isn’t a treat…)
The notepad fell open on a page…and I happened to catch what was written on it.
“Animal transformation curse observation record…Subject: Kate”
And then the page turned thanks to Ale’s paw touching the notepad.
(...Hm?! This…)
“She understands human speech, but can’t speak due to having a dog’s vocal chords.”
“To reveal her identity, she played the piano and tried to show me a novel. She’s kept her memories from when she was human.”
His notes were filled with information related to me as an animal.
Kate: Arf…? (Roger…?)
I stared hard at Roger and quickly put his notepad away.
Kate: Arf! Arf?! (This! This is my record, isn’t it?!)
Roger: Ah…You saw, lil’ lady?
Kate: Arf! Arf?! (Just now! Did you say “lil’ lady”?!) Grrr…(You noticed that I’m Kate, didn’t you…!)
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Roger: Can’t understand what you’re saying, but I know you’re angry.
Kate: Arf! (Explain!)
Roger: You probably want an explanation now?
Roger sat down on a chair in the infirmary and began his explanation.
Roger: I didn’t notice that you turned into a dog until this morning. When you led me to your room after smelling the handkerchief… That’s when I finally realized that you might be a dog.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: As an animal, the lil’ lady wouldn’t be able to say anything or call for help…
(You’re getting there, Roger!!)
Roger: And then a cute female corgi just so happens to show up… Meaning you’re— 
Kate: Arf! (I’m Kate!)
Roger: No, that’s impossible…
~~ Flashback end ~~
(You did notice at that time…?!)
Roger: …This is probably why you became a dog)
Roger fetched a green bottle from a shelf.
Roger: This bottle has a “become whatever animal you want to be” drug. But…it was leaking because of a crack on the bottom, so you probably touched that while cleaning.
Kate: Woof…(Yeah…)
Roger: Also, I have a guess on how to turn you back. With a kiss…
Roger: Like in the fairy tales you know? A curse is broken with a kiss.
(If you knew that, then why…)
Roger: Why didn’t I turn you back immediately? So that I could study you, of course.
Those words reminded me of how Roger acted this morning.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: This is bad. I lue. Hmm…I should write down what I know so that I can find Kate…
~~ End flashback ~~
(At the time, I thought Roger’s tone was analytical…)
(I can’t believe you were pretending to take notes to find me when you were really just writing down your observations…!)
If Ale hadn’t jumped and Roger hadn’t dropped his notepad…
I would never have known.
Kate: Grr…Yip! Yip! (You…mad scientist! Egoist!)
Roger: What’d you expect me to do? It would've been such a waste to turn a valuable research subject back so soon. But I’ve done enough research for now, and I miss your human form. Shall we turn you back?
Kate: Grrrr…! (You���re the worst…!)
It’s true that Roger looked hard for me before realizing who I was.
Last night, he looked so serious while listening for me.
(But…that’s besides the point!)
(I worked so hard to make you realize who I was so it’s right for me to be angry that he decided to use me as a research subject!)
Ale: Woof…? (I don’t know what’s happening, but is it Roger’s fault?) Arf! (In that case, go all out!)
(Go all out…Yeah, let’s do that!)
Following what Ale said, I jumped onto Roger’s lap—
Roger: !
I kissed Roger on the lips.
I didn’t do this for Roger, but because I wanted things to go back to normal, but…
Maybe because I wasn’t used to having a corgi body, I only touched the corner of his lips.
I doubt this could be called a kiss.
(Will this really turn me back…? …Ah)
At that moment, my body grew hot…The corgi body started to shift.
Kate: Finally! I’m back…!
Roger: Ah…Lil’ lady, I don’t wanna say this, but…
Roger’s gaze on my body made me realize that I was naked.
Kate: D-don’t look!
I quickly wrapped myself in a blanket and huddled a corner of the infirmary.
Kate: Will you take responsibility for making me your research subject and bring me some clothes?
Roger: Yeah, no problem. But… Is that what all?
Roger pointed at my head and my body that was hidden by the blanket.
Kate: …? What do you mean— 
I casually touched the spot on my head that he was pointing to…And froze.
There was something coming out of my head that shouldn’t have been there.
Kate: W-what is this?!
I borrowed a mirror to check…
I still had corgi ears on my head and a short corgi tail on my butt.
Roger: Maybe because it wasn't a full kiss so it wasn’t a complete transformation. This really is interesting.
Kate: No way…! How do I turn back completely?!
Roger: Why not kiss me again?
Kate: It doesn’t have to be you, does it? All I need is a kiss.
Roger: If that person loves you, then it’s no problem.
Kate: Love…
Roger: Actually it has to do with the area of contact, the duration, and saliva composition… A loving, passionate kiss should do just the trick. A loving kiss is what breaks the curse in a fairytale after all.
(If that’s the case, then the half-hearted kiss only undid part of the transformation…)
Kate: Roger…do you…l-love me?
I felt oddly embarrassed asking that, and my voice was shaky.
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Roger: Of course I do. You were so cute as a corgi.
Roger’s answer wasn’t really what I wanted to hear.
He probably knew what I was really asking and dodged the question on purpose.
Roger: Is that all you wanted to ask? Then go ahead and kiss someone else?
Kate: …
I was angry with Roger for knowing who I was but not saying anything about it because of research.
That’s why I wanted to kiss someone besides him…
(...Why can’t I move my legs?)
Roger: Just so you know… If you leave this room with those cute corgi ears and tail, you’re gonna run into some troublesome men. Not everyone in this castle’s a gentleman. Since research’s my priority, it’d be safer to kiss me.
Kate: Why are you saying stuff to make me stay?
Roger: It doesn’t feel good watching someone you’re fond of wagging their tail for someone else. It’s only natural.
(I can’t take this anymore…)
(I should be angry with Roger, but more than that…)
(I really want to kiss him)
Surely this was just an after-effect of Roger doting on me when I was a dog…
That’s what I told myself.
Kate: Okay… Since you took care of me while I was a dog, I’ll take care of you.
Roger: That so? Thanks.
The moment I saw Roger’s satisfied smile, my tail started wagging under the sheet.
(What am I so happy for!?)
Roger: But before a kiss to turn you back— —Let me do a thorough examination of your body.
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tenjiiku · 2 days
how sweet!
based on cherry magic
You are upset at of a lot of things; finding out your favourite coffee shop is closing at the end of the month due to declaring bankruptcy, your parents’ incessant meddling in your non-existent love life, and your grumpy coworker — Rin Itoshi — whom you heavily believe you upset in a past life given his constant vitriol you are made victim to.
And it seems that a higher deity had taken pity on you: because on the morning of your thirtieth birthday, you developed the incredibly terrifying ability to read minds. A Sunday, luckily. The only person made victim to your hysteria when your power developed was your coolheaded friend, Emi.
(“I don’t know why you’re freaking out about this. It only happens when you touch someone? That’s fucking sick. Just don’t use it on me or I’ll kill you.” Emi states as you have your face buried in your arms, seated at a table in the middle of a breakfast diner. Luckily it is 1pm, no one is around to witness your breakdown.
You lift your head up and sniffle, wiping the last few stray tears away.
“I—I guess you’re right.”
“I always am,” Emi mumbles, snatching the basket of fries in front of you, “I’m taking these.”)
Today was Monday. You were supposed to work in office. You would be a liar if you said you were still not as much of a nervous wreck as you were yesterday. But, you work in IT at this mega insurance company, in a dingy secluded office hidden across the janitor’s room. So, surely you would not accidentally graze shoulders with any intimidating finance folks. Or, god forbid, the human resources women. (You had an inkling they despised you after you refused to assist them with their monitors for the five billionth time in a span of a month.)
Your commute is normal. You get your small treat (today, it was a chocolate danish) from Reiko-san’s cafe, pet her Siberian cat, Yoko, and head inside the large building — scurrying towards the elevators.
There are others waiting. They scan your appearance head to toe which makes you want to shrivel up into yourself. You did not necessarily need to take pride in your appearance considering you operated as a ghost for most of the work day. Still, this ritual was ever the humiliating.
When the elevator doors open, it fills in. You find yourself pushed to the corner, faced against the wall. Turning around, you make a sound between a grunt and a whimper when you hit another wall. Only, it isn’t another wall. It’s Rin Itoshi’s rather broad chest. Your hands instinctively press against him, which only makes heat travel directly to your head.
You look up towards the man — and notice he is not even staring at you. Shyly taking one hand away, you intended on taking away the other and returning it to your side — until you hear a familiar, deep voice, one that has been directed towards you in awkward, often unpleasant conversation.
Shit. She smells so good.
Your head instantly snaps up towards Rin. The man looks towards… the wall. But his thoughts are loud and true — his inner voice sounds in pain. He is taller than everyone in the elevator so you cannot really tell who he is thinking about, given he is not even looking at anyone. Which makes him only weirder, in your opinion. Whoever this poor girl he was thinking about was — you felt sorry for.
You take your hand away, but you still brush against Rin’s arm. You take the moment to try and look at everyone else to your left. There’s Kate-san from America. She is pretty and has long legs. But she is taken for, you would be surprised if Rin didn’t know given how long he’s been working here. There’s also Fumiko-chan and Nanami-chan. Could Rin potentially like one of them?
What does someone put in their hair to smell that way? Shit did I put on deodorant today?
Your lips quip up. Something was seriously wrong with this man.
The elevator doors open, and when some people leave, more people enter. You yelp when Rin suddenly pushes against you, his hand that was once over your head bending. Your breath quickens and hitches when you hear his next thoughts.
Fuck. I can feel everything. I am a degenerate. What the hell is she hiding under that stupid cat sweater?
You flounder and cough. Your cat sweater? You quite liked it! Wait. No way. The girl who smelled good? He wasn’t talking about—
“Sorry,” he mumbles, quickly removing himself off of you — but still too close for comfort.
You blink and look up into his eyes. This time he is looking down at you. His hair brushes over his forehead. In this lighting, it looks like his cheeks are a bit flushed. There was no way. There was no way.
You make a weird sound. There’s something stuck in your throat. You try to say it’s fine but it only comes out as, “M—Mmm.” You nod, hoping it saves you.
Rin breaks eye contact and adjusts his tie.
What the hell was that sound? Her hands are so small. Shit. That’s so stupid. I hate her. Why is she so cute?
Your heartbeat quickens. You need to get off this elevator immediately. There was no way this man; who glared at you every time you entered the same room, who insulted your lunch choices (calling it rabbit food), who came with the most idiotic technical problems whenever you were in office — there was no way he liked you.
The elevator stops at your floor. And, coincidentally Rin’s as well. You cough when he doesn’t get off, tugging on his sleeve.
“I—Itoshi-san, I— I get off here.” You speak quietly, feeling out a breath.
She touched me. I need to die.
“Oh— sorry.”
Rin exits first. You follow after but he has longer legs and disappears from your view. When you enter your office, you succumb against the door. You place your cold hands against your now heated face and bury your head in your trembling knees. Rin Itoshi liked you? Rin Itoshi liked you.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 2 days
john marino fluff next 🥺
Just because | John Marino x reader
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Summary: cute way to end the night with the man you’ve been with for four years.
Warnings: language I think? That’s it..
A:N- i think a Jack smut is next?
John and I had just came back from sweep the deck in the prudential center. Many events had taken place at this fun night party.
“How’d you like it?” John asks me, he hooks his hand onto my waist as he walks me out of the crowded room where the ice would normally sit. I hold onto him as support, I recently just injured my knee, I was an elite track star- like literally I was an all star track athlete for Harvard. Obviously it’s been years since my college days, but being a 26 year old is tuff in my joints- especially working and over training my body for the last 23.
John and I have been together for years! It’s been a long lasting relationship and I’m proud to say that he might be the one to marry. “Oh, it was fun! I enjoyed it. I loved curling.” I reply, almost forgetting the question he asked me. I go back to day dreaming as I look up at him. How dreamy he looks. I can see his dimples- if he smiles hard enough.
I love the way he handled me, and he only wnats to love me, and that doesn’t mean having to fuck every night. We go down on eachother every other night, and yes, that means we fuck off and on all week. “It helps keep his stamina for hockey.” He says. It’s embarrassing to even admit- but I love the way he just carry’s himself. It’s like no one matters except me and you.
He knows what he wants, and he’ll beg.
John loves me like he’ll buy me Lego’s. Why? I don’t know, but I love building. I love going out. I love snuggles. I am in love with John Marino.
A couple years ago, I had told John I will never love anyone. I barely love myself, I told him that I’m incapable of being loved and loving. I’m cold hearted.
“You’re not cold hearted! And I love you. So you’re Not incapable of being loved. I will make you love me anyway.”
Has he been successful since then? Yes. I do love him.
We get in the car. I’m hoping that we don’t fuck tonight. I’m just really tired. I do hope we can sleep tonight.
If anything, I’d want to recieve a blowjob in the shower. I’d rather suck on John in the bed as well, and maybe do the business in the bathtub, or maybe the couch? I don’t know, but I pray I won’t have to have sex with John tonight. Maybe tomorrow just not tonight, I’m just so drained from the party.
We get home, John unlocks our house and he walks in, leaving me in the car. It’s pitch black out. I cannot see anything, and I’m too scared to walk in. “I’ll be back.” John said as he turns on our lights to our home.
He opens the door wide, and grabbed a blanket. He came running out of the house with a white fluffy blanket wrapped around his arm. He opens my car door and pulled me into his arms.
He holds me in a baby cradle and hides me away in the blanket. “John, I’m perfectly fine! I can walk!” I beg John to just put me down. “No.” He responded.
What a gentalmab. What did I say? This guy knows his priorities- and he will do whatever he wants.
We make it back to the door and I’m almost asleep, I gave up on begging to let me down. He sets me on our white couch. John turns the lock to ensure we’ll be safe tonight. He turns the light switch if and he takes my hand leading me to our room.
He undresses me, he tried looking for my pajamas- as a result of not finding them he takes his clothes off as well. He cuddles with me and or skin touches skin. His front on my back, John being big sooon, and I, being little spoon. The star lit the room.
The moon glares down at us and I fall asleep feeling loved and warm in his presence.
When I woke up, I saw flowers on my bedside table. John wasn’t next to me in bed.
I slide my slippers on and walk out if the room. I head towards the kitchen, hearing sizzling on the stove from possibly John cooking.
I step down the stairs to see John in a tight apron watching the office. He is shirtless under the blue apron and has a hot ontop of his curls.
His feet are covered in his fluffy socks I gifted him on our 3rd year anniversary. John has green shorts over his lower half, he walks over to our countertop. There is a wood plater holding a glass plate full of eggs, hash brown and newly cooked bacon.
John slides in a cup of orange juice on the platter and sets a bowl of fruit that I cut up yesterday before sweep the deck. I walk down the stairs fully to see John smirk at me. He runs over to me to give me a big hug. “Nice boobs.” John mocks me, he takes his apron off and slides it over me.
“Get dressed, Curtis is bring his kids over. We’re watching them so he and reanne can have time alone.” John lets me know. “Thelyll be here in 30 minutes.” He informs me. I run up the stairs and to my suprise I see a note next to the flowers that John probably provided me.
I slide on my sweatpants and a hoodie over my bare chest. I read the note as I slicked my hair back into a messy bun.
Dear y/n,
I love you so much, hope you had a good night of rest. I woke up early for you so I could make breakfast and have time to run to the store to pick up your favorite flowers!
And yes, I thought you flowers just because.
Anyway, love Johnny.
xoxo- cuteness.
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ijustwantogethigh · 11 hours
¿so, like the myth?
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Percy Jackson x Daughter of Amphitrite reader
n/a:some fluff, percy being a stalker, y/n being just a girl, mentions of greek mythology, AMPHITRITE RAAAAAAHHHH
yeah! i love her, she is my mother, self indulgent? maybe, aged-up characters, mentions of sTalking but nothin' super dark, this is nothing like i'am used to writte! enjoy muack muack.
sorry for not writting in litteral month, y'know, not inspired like- never, i hope you'd like this!
Words: 1202
Reading Time: 4m 22s.
when she first arrived at the camp, she was..like a normal girl, nothing special! but.. the way she smiles, how she is so gentle with nature, and the thing that got his attention in first place, was the fact that she spent so much time in the lake, looking at the water but never, never touching it or going to swim at least.
 And when the camp was at the bonfire, she always was in the lake, he obviously never talked to her! but there was something more in her that make him so attracted to her, she wasn’t claimed yet, maybe she was an athena daughter, or an aphrodite child tho, maybe a demeter daughter, she was still in hermes cabin, I was thinking while zooming out in her direction, until Annabeth wake me up from my delusions.
‘’Hey, seaweed brain! Why are you looking at her? that’s creepy..’’ she says, almost laughing at him, she was reading a new book that chiron translated to her, but when percy stopped yapping about how bored he was, she caught him.
Looking at the most recent camper y/n l/n, a very sweet girl, very kind with the kids and a very energetic demigod, she was sitting by the side of the lake, on a towel, the shadow of the trees heading at the lake covering her almost completely, reading and talking to the girls and boys who pass by her side.
‘’mmh? What are you saying annie? didn’t hear you..’’ he says, automatically, he can’t stop his curiosity to show up in every moment, or in every moment he sees her, almost like magic.
‘I WAS saying , stop looking at her, se will think you are a weirdo and probably wouldn’t talk t you..even she does-’’ she was going to start augmenting that, that girl didn’t know he existed, well she probably knew who the amazing percy jackson was, but had no idea how, he was.
‘’Stop Annie, I just don’t know how to talk to her, you know? it’s like- i need to talk to her but i don’t know why i can’t talk to her, and yeah, maybe she doesn’t not know me, but either i know her!.’’ He expressed his frustration to her best friend, and he did know why he didn’t talk to her. The shame of ruining it or not making a good impression terrorizes him.
‘’don’t mortified perce, what if she likes you back mmh?’’
For the rest of the day, Annabeth's words rested in his head all day.
and, a month since that conversation has passed, just like that lake water, she was in the same spot, doing what she was doing a month before, but something was new, this time it was late,she was using a blue bikini, with a white shirt on top, and reading, he hesitated his actions for a moment, but ¿if wasn’t this the right moment, when the right moment began?
and, doubting, in every step he’d take, he walked  by her side, and it all started with a ‘’hey, are you always here?’’ like he never stalked her, in annabeth's words, and a cute friendship began..yeah friendship.
Now, both of them were sitting in a calurus day, not even the shadow of the trees could make them cool. It was late again, like 6:25 pm, everyone was on the lake, refreshing and trying to have a good time while helios wanted to burn them.
‘’we should step on the water, and..y’know.. swim i’am burning here N/n’’ he spoke, groaning, trying to catch ‘’his girl’’ attention, but she frowned, 
‘’why? the water probably is warm and we are gonna burn, sun causes cancer perce, did you bring sunscreen?’’
 she put her book down, looking at him while sitting and grabbing something from his backpack.
‘’Why in the world would I need sunscreen? I’am son of poseidon! that sound ridiculous y/n.’’
‘’Well, I have no godly mother but I need sunscreen. I don't want a sunburn.’’
 she says while putting sunscreen in her face, arms, legs and stomach. 
‘’so..are we going to swim or nah?’’
and both of them walked into the water, the sun wasn’t strong and in fact, the water was warm, there weren't a lot of campers, most of them were in his cabins, or doing his duties, no one was prepared for it.
percy was looking at her while she was swimming and heading her back at him, she summergerd and take a pair of seconds to come back to the surface,and, in above his lover’s head, appear a trident, upside down, with a seashell crown, illuminated by a slightly bluish light.
he was speechless, then she saw it, and looked up, she gasped in surprise and horror, as a deep voice talked, Chiron, repeating.
‘’welcome to the camp, Y/n L/n, daughter of Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, consort of poseidon’’
he looked at her, he was more shocked than her, but she was having s lot of emotions, she laughed, the she cried, and at the end she was angry, she was hitting the water, and murmuring between her teeth, but she started stomping out of the water, all angry.
‘’h-hey, wait f’me y/n!’’ he start walking of the water, but she didn’t run away, she sat on the towel as she looked at the water, slowly moving with the air.
‘’are you okay? how’d you feel?’’ 
‘’i feel like a dam truck ran me over’’
he smiled and sat by her side, trying to comfort her, he hugged her all wet.
‘’why you feel like that mmhh? i know, it’s hard when you first find out, but believe me, is not that bad’’ 
but she sighed, and lean over his shoulder.
‘’i don’t..know, it feels odd…maybe that’s why the ocean call me, or whatever she did..’’
‘’what are you- she call, you?’’
‘’something like that, she called me ‘’my little starfish, come with mama’’ i thought  it was someone who wanted to drown me’’
He laughed, and kissed her temple. He felt like he could do it, well her mother and his father were married..so..eh better not think of it.
but she laughed, but she came back to her sad expression.
‘’but amphitrite is a minor goddess, she doesn’t have a cabin, where the heck i'm sleeping at?’’
‘’Well, your mother and my father are married, both god and goddess from the sea, so we are like, half siblings or we’re married-?’’
she hitted his arm, laughing and blushing.
‘’let’s go to our cabin perce, i'm getting cold’’
she says as she stands up, grabbing her tote bag and the towel, heading back to the camp.
‘’but first let's get dinner, i'm hungry’’
‘’of course, miss starfish’’
‘’shut up, seaweed brain’’.
and both start walking, side by side, holding each others hand, maybe, it was just like the myth.
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inked-night · 2 days
Tartaglia, with every fiber of his being screaming in agony, tries to rise. The blood, sliding down his chin, is a palpable reminder of his precarious state.
A violent cough shakes him, forcing him to double over, his body refusing to obey his iron will. The idea of invoking the power of the Foul Legacy seems like a distant fantasy, a frustratingly unreachable possibility in his current condition.
Darkness threatens to swallow him, small black dots dancing before his eyes. Yet, he discerns a figure crouching before him, firm hands capturing his chin, forcing him to face the looming reality.
"How pitiful" Murmurs Luo Binghe, his voice laden with theatrical disappointment, accompanied by a click of his tongue.
"Big brother!"
Teucer’s desperate cry pierces the fog of pain, a beacon of childish concern. Tartaglia can visualize him in his mind, alongside Tonia and the traveler, Lumine, who stands firm in her promise to protect them, rising as a living shield against any threat.
"Oh, perhaps I should offer you a more… convincing motivation, Shizun?" Luo Binghe releases, a playful smile emerging on his lips as his thumb caresses Tartaglia’s cheek with deceptive softness. "Something to ignite that beautiful determination in your eyes"
A chilling shiver runs down Tartaglia’s spine, the realization of the hidden intentions behind those words hits him with the force of a storm. This despicable being dares to threaten his brothers.
'Tonia and Teucer' Those names resonate in his mind like a mantra, desperation and fear, emotions he believed buried in the depths of the Abyss, cling to him with icy claws.
A growl, almost animalistic, bursts from his lips, and with a bloodied and trembling hand, Tartaglia clings to Luo Binghe’s arm, preventing him from advancing towards where his brothers stand with Lumine. "Don’t you dare touch them!" He demands, his normally dull blue eyes now burning with visceral hatred, a silent promise to inflict unimaginable pain if he dares harm his family.
"You seem so concerned about them, Shizun… how about we make a deal?" Luo Binghe proposes, his smile boding nothing good, resuming his position to be at Tartaglia’s level. "You will come with me, without complaints or resistance, and I guarantee that I will not touch a single hair on these people. Does that seem like a fair deal to you?"
"Tartaglia, no…" Lumine’s soft murmur reaches his ears, and as he turns his head, his heart contracts at seeing her wield her sword with determination, although the helplessness of not being able to act is reflected in her eyes, knowing that any movement could leave the younger ones at the mercy of the demon.
"Do you promise you won’t do anything to them?" Tartaglia forces himself to look again at Luo Binghe, whose eyes light up with a malicious gleam as they meet his.
"This disciple would never lie to Shizun" Purrs the demon. "I only need you, anyone else is irrelevant to me"
Tartaglia still does not understand who this person is, what he wants, or why he calls him in such a strange way, but he cannot risk the safety of his family and Lumine…
No, Tartaglia will resolve this. What does it matter if he has to swallow his pride and agree to be taken by this person wherever he wishes? As long as his loved ones are safe, any sacrifice is worth it.
"Fine, you win…" He whispers with a broken voice, accepting the deal with a weight on his soul that no physical blow could match.
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streetwiseangel · 1 year
also I get it I’m big and fat and scary and evil. get over it lol
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plushiehamuko · 1 year
we should normalize any and all friend cuddles no matter how clingy and intimate they seem we should make that an extremely normal friend thing to do
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aussie-bookworm · 2 months
I forget other people on the internet aren’t as friendly with the block button as the people on Tumblr
I legit was playing one of those social games apps and this guy was annoying me with messages and constant friend requests so I blocked him and apparently he held a fucking grudge about it because over a month later he got his friend who I hadn’t blocked to harass me about it, just swearing and calling me slurs.
One of the messages before I blocked the second guy was “do you think you’re somebody to ignore friend requests and messages?”
Like no. I saw an annoying guy with bad vibes and blocked them. Simple. Who tf do you think you are carrying on like this after I blocked someone?
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tbcanary · 10 months
the thing. about outlaws. is that it has some really really nice moments and the team dynamic is lovely, and i have a lot of positive feelings about that. but the other thing about outlaws is that it’s a character assassination and the plots are so bad that i do want to set things on fire.
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chryzuree · 6 months
i know this is something i’ve written (& not posted because im shyyyy), but what if jacks lost both chrysi and azure and jst went insane because of it. what then, huh. and what does he do when, after hundreds of years of cruelty and evil, he finds himself face to face with both his soulmates and he realizes he can never be the companion they loved. what then.
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 year
scp 001 when day breaks is a transgressive and romantic story of love and metamorphosis to me but you wouldn’t get it
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like is this not the peak of romance to you??
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is this not beautiful?? are you still afraid?
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cryptcatz · 1 year
like yeah im diagnosed with ADHD but no one will give me stimulants cuz of my eating disorder (anorexia), they say i have to solve that first. but it’s difficult cuz they feed into each other i feel like, I feel like it would be easier to overcome my ED if i was medicated
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fleshdyke · 2 years
#i cant wait to get out of this fucking house#still a few years until i can legally move out and even then i probably won’t be able to for a few more years bc of money#my dad gets mad at me for showing any emotion ever or being anything other than the perfect golden child#no one will fucking believe me that im autistic and disabled#i get fatigued from walking out of a fucking restaurant to the parking lot! look me in the eyes and tell me thats normal!#but just because im fat thats the reason for all my issues#thats why i have chronic pain and i just don’t exercise enough when they fucking know IM IN RECOVERY FOR ANOREXIA#and my dad wont stop talking about weight loss in front of me even when i ask him to stop because its triggering for me because im#just a fucking snowflake i guess#one time i asked him to stop talking about his diet or whatever when im around and he said no but i could use it myself! AND HE WONDERS WHY#IM FUCKING RELAPSING AGAIN#literally the past entire week i’ve just been repeating ‘no food is as harmful as an eating disorder’ bc its all that will fucking stop me#and he wont believe that i have tics for some reason so i have to fucking suppress them all around him if i dont want to get screamed at#and mid july of 2022 im still not vaccinated for covid. bc my dad is a conservative that doesnt give enough of a shit about me to get it#the only vaccinated person in my family is my mom and my dad didnt want her to get it either#but she says shes an adult so she has bodily autonomy#do i not fucking deserve that? do i not get bodily autonomy bc im a minor? fuck you#and i’ve told both my parents multiple times that i dont like when people touch me without permission except for my friends#ESPECIALLY ON MY FUCKING HIPS AND THIGHS AND ASS#BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY BC THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT I WANT#i dont fucking care how shitty adulthood is i dont care aboyt the stresses it gives me i just want to be fucking out of here#i want to be out of here i want to be with people that fucking respect me like my parents don’t#i don’t want to be abused anymore i just want to feel safe in my own fucking home#and i feel like such a spoiled brat because i have everything i need given to me because im a fucking child but im complaining anyways and#logically i know i have every right to complain bc theyre not giving me privileges theyre givimg me basic human rights and even then only#some of them. i dont have fucjing bodily autonomy from the people i should be able to expect it from and i dont have respect or fucking love#the only thing keeping me fucking alive right now is the promise that one day i’ll get out of here#and its fucking terrifying knowing you’re relapsing into anorexia again but its so fucking hard to stop it#its got a fucking grip on me and its so fucking hard to get out of it#vent
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Like I genuinely don’t know what to say when people ask me why I’m single because there are so many reasons, and honestly if you’ve met me in person and spent more than 5 minutes in my presence and are still confused, I just don’t know what to tell you
#like do we talk about the fact that i’m questioning my sexuality AND my gender at the age of 26#do we talk about how i’m so out of touch with my emotions that i don’t even know if i’ve ever had a crush or been in love#do we talk about how goddamn fucking weird i am#do we talk about how i’m simultaneously touch averse and touch starved so i’m worried that if i got one good honest kiss i’d disintegrate#do we talk about how the one time i WAS kissed i completely froze because i couldn’t get my head around it for like. minutes.#and by the time i was kind of okay with it he was already doing other stuff without my consent and now That whole experience has damaged me#(we don’t talk about that)#do we talk about how i can barely hold a normal conversation; never mind flirt#do we talk about my body image issues#do we talk about how abrasive and secretive i am for no goddamn reason#do we talk about my almost uncanny ability to say exactly the wrong thing in every situation#do we talk about how i am HORRENDOUS at messaging so dating apps don’t work for me#do we talk about how i live in the arse end of nowhere (conservative small town yorkshire)#do we talk about how i literally just don’t know how to be a person. still. after almost 27 years#and this is without even touching on how i look physically which.. okay beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that#but seriously. S E R I O U S L Y. why anyone would pick me when they could have literally anyone else is beyond me#i’ll tell you what i look like. i look like if one of botticelli’s models was 6’1; very wide; completely dead inside & had horrible posture#is there an audience for that?? i just don’t know#i just genuinely think there’s no one out there for me. and if there was i probably wouldn’t want them; or be able to keep their good will.#thanks for listening#personal
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kavehater · 1 month
#it feels unreal#gonna cry#I wish guys didn’t exist !!! that way I wouldn’t be so awkward around them !!!!#like it’s so mean to expect me to suddenly be okay with interacting with them when I’ve been shut out from them for most of my development#years#its like so unhealthy 🧍‍♀️#anyways I already have a tough time talking when I’m in a mildly stressful situation but …#like my words always get stuck in my throat / I just mumble random nonesense / I don’t know how to articulate my thoughts / stammering#I’m a rlly anxious person and it’s rlly debilitating 🧎‍♀️#who ever thinks stammering is cute can respectfully … idk IM JUST LIKE 😭😭😭 how’s stammering cute I am stressed beyond belief !!!#I hate socialisation#anyways ughhh that was so embarrassing pls like now I think I made him feel bad about himself …#I didn’t mean to I swear I would never 😭 he just misunderstood me is all 😭#Muslim Girls CANT TOUCH ANY GUY INCLUDING HANDSHAKES FISTBUMPS ETC#pls … why are guys trying to fist bump me I am not a bro 😔#I Ran out of the lab basically#my mum when I told her the story she was sympathising w him more than me and said I should get over it !!!!#girl … I cannot stand men … even the normal ones creep me out to some extent#I’ve been shut out from them for centuries everyone wants a token goody two shoes good girl#who doesn’t talk to boys until she’s thrust into said mixed environment and is expected to deal with it how about no …#dora daily#yeah I dislike every male idk they make me feel weird ? it’s hard to explain 😭#it wouldn’t be that deep if everyone didn’t slaughter malala for the handshake UGHHH ID RATHER JUST SHAKE HIS HAND WHY IS THIS AN ISSUE#like on one hand I could’ve said hey I’m not allowed in my religion but doesn’t that just sound like rlly bad ?#the only thing I managed to tell him was after I stared at him like a deer in headlights was “uh …. I … can’t”#and he was like wdym you can’t LIKE LOOKING UPSET 😭#I DONT DO WELL WITH MAKING PPL UPSET IM SOBBING#I hope he didn’t take it personally it’s just 😭😭😭#anyways time to shut up !!!
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