#why isnt Animate more animator-friendly!!
hydrossity-zone · 4 months
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fecto-forgo · 1 month
the whole thing of treating pets like family members is real cute until you lose the capability of understanding youre caring for animals n not cute fluffy plushies labeled "child"
my mom INSISTED on adopting 2 somewhat big dogs out of pity last year, she insists on getting attached to pets like theyre her children so thats the cutesy way she originally treated them.we do not have enough space for 2 dogs their size n she refuses to ever play w them or take them on walks (im unable to do that myself bc i cant go where theyre kept without help n shed just get mad.i know she would from experience), most of her interaction w them when shes not cutely calling them her kids bc theyre cute to look at is screaming at them for barking, she literally spends the entire day at times talking abt how she wishes she didnt have them n their food is getting way too expensive for how much money we have.so yk she decided to give them away to this guy w a HUGE farm space proper for dogs like them, ignoring how she treats them one could say its noble she realized theyre not well here n let them go somewhere better for their needs
anyways then in less than a day she threw a hissy fit she wanted her "children" back bc she cannot see pets as animals but as cutesy children who need mommy constantly so the dogs r back at somewhere theyll eventually die of boredom bc their only entertainment is barking at lizards bc my mom cant understand dogs have needs n arent there to play cutesy family roles n look nice.its just your responsability for a pet owner to know your ANIMALS needs, n some ppl r literally just not cut to own pets if they insist on seeing them as "essentially people bc its cute to treat them like they r" than animals w specific needs to be kept
like.on base calling pets family is cute.i get the appeal im willing to play along w being the pets sister bc it IS a cute term to use for fun.but when you do it sm you can no longer understand you own animals n not literal children (granted if she treated a child like that shed land in jail immediately) thats just.honestly youre just kinda stupid n obviously get pets bc theyre cute to have, not bc you want to take care of animals
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serejae · 3 months
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WHAT ! - matthew bf thoughts for my menda😇
WHEN ! - (warnings) fluff, kissing, petnames
WHO ! - i get you. ill be completely new to a group but THATTTTT one is my man. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY MENDA BOOKIE SNOOKS😇
! - dating matthew is like a breath of fresh air, he isnt too distanct nor suffocating
! - i think thats mainly based on the fact that he took time to study and know you before he asked you out. by the time it was your 1 month he already (been) knew the temperature you like certain drinks, how much milk is too much in your cereal, and if we wanna be normal, when you need space
! - i feel like the trope that most resonates with matthew to me, is bestfriends brother. him and his sister have such a cute bond that i feel like he’ll recognize some of his sisters friend, but when it was you it was different. he couldnt pull himself away, his sister quickly caught on and realized what he was up to (before helping you both out)
! - matthews favorite parts of his day is definitely the morning and nights time. how he’ll wake up with you in his arms taking some time to admire you before carefully sneaking off and getting ready for the gym. he’ll wait for the clock to go off at a certain time that he memorized to start making your breakfast and drink, cause by the time you get ready and freshen up it’ll be the perfect temperature
! - speaking of gym, i see some people describe matthew as friendly, in which yes he is BUT HE DOESNT HAVE EYES ON ANYOJE BUT YOU. in his mind you guys already have a white fenced house with a dog and 3 kids running around. but i digress, he’ll call you and work out while talking to you because there’s nothing that gets him more pumped than you. if any other person tries to talk or hit on him he’ll act like he cant hear them through his headphones as he speaks to you
! - he loves the night time, because after a long day or you both being tired and stressed at least he knows he can come home to you and relax with you in his arms again. he loves how his day begins with you and ends with you
! - if hes away he’ll definitely buy a stuff animal that reminds him of you before the trip and take photos of it doing the most basic things “look were on a breakfast date:)” captioned to a photo of a breakfast platter with the stuff animal sitting infront of it sitting straight up (he adjusted it making sure ur postures always right)
! - his family loves you, they hear all abour you 24/7. his family knows that when matthew cherishes something he means it. mattthew has a big heart that he doesnt take for granted , he’ll try to bring you over to canada as much as he can to bring you to his family, talk about his childhood town, as well as trying his favorite childhood snacks
! - you dont have many arguments with matthew but when you do, he does get rather defensive wanting to defend himself but after a couple arguments with you he learned that being defensive wouldnt get him anywhere, so he tries to keep his composure. on those days he does slip up, he reflects why and what made you two get here. afterwards he’ll try to start a convo so you both can go back to normal and the way he missed
! - sometimes to matthew he gets tired of the basic ways of showing affection. he loves physical touch yes, but he knows you know he basically latches onto anyone he loves. so he decided to make a new system for you, and just for you. he loves you more than the words i love you, i love you isnt enough to describe his love for you so he tweaks it a little. he’ll say phrases that make your heart flutter
“i wanna be with you in every life time”
“you make me believe in love”
“you make me feel safe”
“you look like the in bloom instrumental”
! - matthew would love to indulge in your interest, could be as adventurous as rock climbing to as calming as bird watching. he never complains. if you like it , he does too
! - he loves to try new things with you. he wants his first to always be with you, if the members invite him to go to a new amusement park he’ll drag you along or go later with you because he knows he’ll constantly be in a state of mind of “yn wouldve liked that”, “i wish yn couldve seen that”
! - please. before there was rizz king matthew, the amount of tries he took on you. you were his first victim at all his flirting attempts. more of them making him look silly than 🫦🫦 but youd never tell him that. for all he knows he is your rizz king❤️
! - everything always relates back to you somehow. if someone asked him what happiness meant to him the conversation will lead back to you. if someone asked him if he knew the technique of how to make the best slime, its still gonna lead back to you
! - yeah sure you’ll have to fight jiwoong and gunwook every so often for your own boyfriend but hes worth the fight right? or at least thats what he constantly tells you 🤨
! - when matthew loves you you know he does, not because he tells you all the time but its the little things he does that remind you “im right here if you need anything”
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bxnnie-bxwl · 1 year
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so think ive settled for something of original spring bonnie.. took inspiration from the glitchtrap design and his ears are springs so they bounce around when he moves.
and you know how the old animatronics of chuck e cheese and rock-afire explosion looked unsettling so was going for that realistic animal animatronic look for why the newer spring bonnie (springtrap) looks more rounder and cartoony to be more kids friendly but isnt friendly at all... old spring bonnie however, tho looking evil and a little scary is very nice <3
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
BNHA College AU - Midoriya Izuku
Major: Biology
Minor: Forensic Science
Sports: Track
Clubs: Various fan clubs
Ever since izuku was little, he always had an interest in helping people. He’s overly caring and too nice for his own good, and on top of that the biggest overachiever on the planet
Which is why he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t picked a specific department to go into, because he finds everything so interesting
He did also consider going into forensic studies as a whole career, always thinking solving crimes and stopping bad guys was super cool as a kid, and he knows there are ways he can kind of mix both interests, but for now hes just aiming for his degree
He does also hope to maybe be able to teach at medical schools later in life, once he’s fully experienced so that he can pass on all this experience to the next generation
Growing up he was always weak and small, and so towards the end of high school he decided he wanted to change himself a bit and worked out like crazy, going from scrawny as hell to strong and buff.
He’s always going to the gym in his free time, and he thought it would be a good idea to join a sport that way he can have some motivation to stay fit, so he picked track since he’s pretty agile
Any time a new fan club gets made for something he happens to be interested in, he’s always willing to join it, even if theres only like 3 members. He might not be the most active member, but he loves them.
Izuku is kind of known across campus now, hes so friendly that people cant help but like him. He’s also insanely helpful, and takes god tier notes, so a lot of people rely on him for help with school work
So, he has a busy schedule constantly. He prioritizes his friends over random people always, but with his heavy study based school paths, with sports, and working out, he rarely has free time
You had had a few classes with him here and there, and talked to him once or twice. You knew he was super sweet (and very cute), but you never really expected to even become friends with the dude
Which is why you were almost terrified when he ran into the room you were using for your new club (that you literally started like 2 days ago). You were more so looking for something to put on resumes and stuff, how you ‘managed a successful club in college’ or whatever, so you decided to make a fun little fan club for your favorite anime
Sadly, people weren’t exactly rushing to it (you knew it might take a while, but you knew people would come eventually at least to check it out). Which is why izuku running in so excitedly scared you
“Oh hey! y/n right? We had anatomy together last semester!”
You nodded, kind of surprised he remembered your name, and you asked why he was there.
“I love this anime, and I havent seen any other clubs for it here so i thought i would check it out.Is it just you?”
“Yeah, I just officially started this club the other day. No ones come yet except you.”
“Ah, well don’t worry, I’m sure people will come soon. It usually takes a week or two.”
The two of you started talking more, both about the anime you mutually enjoyed as well as him giving you advice for how to make people flock to your club.
He actually stayed for the entire time you were allotted to use this room, and helped you clean up (there wasn’t much, but you still had some materials just in case people did show up)
Afterwards, you both said goodbye, and went off on your own
Following this, twice a week every week, he would meet you for your club. Eventually more people did show up as well, izuku’s advice was working well, but you were more so interested in talking with him. As it turns out, his sweetness isnt just an act, and hes actually really interesting and fun to talk to
He would eventually even come a bit early to help you set up. Youd usually bring snacks and something artsy to do, or any type of activity you could think of to relate to the anime, so you tried to get there a bit early
After club one day, about 3 months after it started, Izuku and you were cleaning up the room just talking about whatever before he changed the topic
“Did you want to go get food after this? Like real food? I haven’t eaten all day other than what you brought.”
You were a little surprised, you had never hung out outside of club really, but you were definitely happy to do so so you agreed
The two of you walked to a near by restaurant, which also surprised you because you thought he meant fast food, and went inside. He told you to get whatever you wanted, that itd be on him, and you started to protest, “No, its okay! You don’t have to pay for me.”
He shook his head, “You have to buy snacks and supplies every week, youve probably spent way more than I will today, so I don’t mind.”
You definitely felt your face getting warm. You couldn’t really help it, he was so pretty, and probably the nicest man youve ever met. You had thought lately you might have the tiniest little crush on him, but now you were thinking it was an actual crush
It didn’t help when the waitress, a slightly older lady, finally came to take your order and went “Aw, you two are so cute! What’s the occasion?” It wasn’t a fancy restaurant by any means, but it was definitely nice enough to be date quality, and it seemed the lady assumed you two were a couple
And Izuku didn’t even care! All he did was smile and tell her that its a reward for all your hard work lately, to which she said he was ‘such a sweet boyfriend’, and then she asked for your orders
You told her what you wanted, and went quiet. He wasn’t saying anything either, and you wished you could reach into his brain and figure out what he was thinking. Was this just another act of kindness from him? Did he not get what she was saying? Did he just feel bad correcting her? It was too much to process right now, but luckily your food came pretty quick so you could hide your lack of talking through eating
The entire meal was pretty silent honestly, and it was killing you. Normally, you two could talk for hours about anything, but it was just so weird right now. You couldn’t even think of anything to say, and Izuku was staring weirdly at his food.
After he paid, and you walked back towards the dorms, you thanked him for all of his help with your club and for the meal, and he said not to worry about it, your little club was essentially his break time anyways.
There were a few too many moments of silence to be comfortable, so you awkwardly smiled, said “well, still, thanks again” before running off, not noticing Izuku’s lingering eyes on you as you disappeared into the building
In all honesty, izuku was just as flustered as you were. Hes worked hard over the years to not let all of his emotions show, but inside he was panicking the entire time.
He did enjoy your club a lot! It was probably one of the better fan clubs he’s joined, but he didn’t give it so much loyalty just because of that. He stayed because of you - how enthusiastically you talked about the things you like, or your career choice, or anything. How passionate and caring and considerate you are, not to mention beautiful. You’re genuinely perfect in his eyes
Originally, when he asked you if you wanted to eat, he was considering asking you on a date, but he chickened out and made it sound more casual instead
Which is why as he walked back into his dorm, his roommate, Iida, had to deal with all of the loud groaning and mumbling coming from Izuku’s mouth
Izuku had told Iida about his crush on you, and about how he wanted to ask you out today, so his first assumption was that you rejected him. But then Izuku went over and told him about how much of a coward he is, and Iida realized he never even asked you
“It’s alright, Izuku, you can always try again next time.”
Izu shook his head, overthinking, “No, they probably think I’m so weird now. I was so awkward. They were barely talking the entire time we were at the restaurant. Even if it wasn’t a date, it was still so awkward, Iida! I doubt they’d ever even consider dating me now.”
He was kind of losing it, so Iida patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.
“Just go explain yourself now then, before it’s been too long.”
Izuku considered it, and he was probably right. If he waited too long, he might lose all his nerve and never ask you out. And if you did think today was too weird, who knows if you’d even talk to him again.
He decided he’d do it, and so he thanked Iida and went back outside and towards your dorm building. He had your number because you put it on your welcome message for the club for anyone to text you if they had questions, but the two of you had never texted before. He was always too nervous to
Soon after, you got a message from an unknown number, reading “Hey, its Izuku. I’m sorry about earlier, I was wondering if we could talk? I’m outside your dorm if you can.”
You immediately felt anxious, but happy at a chance to make sense of what happened earlier. So you got dressed (you had changed into pajamas as soon as you got home) and went back out as quickly as you could, and immediately noticed him
He was anxiously messing with his fingers, but he smiled softly when he saw you
“Hey, thanks for coming out here. I promise I won’t take long, I just needed you here in person.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused, but told him not to worry and you didnt mind it.
“So, uhm, I’ll just get straight to the point. Earlier, I was going to ask you on a date, but I chickened out and made it a more casual thing. Which is still fine! But that’s why I was so weird, I was kind of mad at myself and kind of embarrassed. The waitress didn’t really help any, but her thinking I was your boyfriend did make me happy… Anyways! Before I go on too long of a rant, I’m just trying to say I like you Y/n, and if youd let me, I’d really like to take you on an actual date.”
Your heart was melting, he looked so cute and shy as he asked you, and it made you happy knowing your feelings were reciprocated.
“Yes, of course I’d let you, Izuku. I like you too.”
He let out the biggest sigh of relief, barely mumbling out ‘oh thank god’, and his smile only got bigger when you hugged him.
For your real* first date, he took you to a nearby aquarium, it was really cute. He couldn’t help but send this really cute selfie he took of the both of you in front of a sea turtle to his mom and his friend group chat
Most of his friends were ecstatic for him, bakugou did make fun of him though for taking so long to ask you out (of course he knew about his crush too)
His mom immediately wanted to meet you, and you did after a few weeks of dating
It really didn’t take long for Izuku to tell you he loved you, like maybe a month later at most, you’re cleaning up the club room again and he just stops what hes doing and kisses you softly before saying he loves you, to which you reciprocate
He takes you with him to the gym all the time, even if youre not super into working out you can just hang out with him or go at your own pace. But its a great opportunity for tons of hot pictures/videos
Same with his track meets, youre always there cheering him on
You two study together a lot, especially if youre in the same class or even similar ones. Izuku always makes sure youre prepared for your tests even if it means he has to learn the material with you
Izuku is genuinely probably one of the best boyfriends on the planet, you are his biggest motivation and he will do anything to make sure that you are happy
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thoughts-and-gayers · 9 months
here's how the freaky mortys theory can still win. (aka, what i'm calling the friendly mortys theory.)
(carrying over a lot of connections made by @trucknoisettes and @glitteringcrab)
so, its no secret that evil morty tends to play up his 'mortyness' when he needs to appear innocent. most recently seen in unmortricken, where he pretends to be morty prime and the first words out of his mouth are "aw jeez".
its also no secret that morty's been ping-ponging a bit between s1/2 personality and s5/6 personality.
i posit that the moments where he's seen acting more like the cliche morty is the moments where its actually evil morty overcompensating, and the moments where he actually acts like morty prime are, yknow, morty prime.
this would, of course, require that they be swapping places off-screen throughout season 7.
or, and this is where i get full tinfoil-hat, theyve been doing it even longer than that.
while rick was off having his anime crow arc in season 5, morty was doing... something. the show doesnt really dwell on it, except mention that morty was on the citadel at some point. its entirely possible that morty got to talking with people on the citadel, maybe even making some friends. maybe one of those friends just so happened to be the president.
evil morty didnt have a clear reason to invite our rick and morty to dinner before he destroyed the citadel. i doubt that he had a soft spot for rick c-137, but maybe, just maybe, he had a soft spot for morty prime. the morty who stood up to his rick and had been complaining about being left by him only a few days ago.
obviously morty hadn't known EM's actual plan. he probably didnt know too much about EM at all. but there's no way that EM, the character who just wants to be alone, would invite a total stranger along with him out of the cfc.
but no. morty declined.
what if the second seat wasnt a toilet. what if he had built a second seat in order to take morty with him, but lied to protect his reputation.
so imagine, our morty, morty prime is reeling from everything that happened. and as horrified as he is, maybe he also understands. just a little bit.
and evil morty, he built his base, he's finally left alone, but maybe he's also a bit lonely. after all, the robot butler also clearly was programmed for conversation.
so, maybe partway through season 6, evil morty talks to morty prime. they make up. they agree to switch places on occasion. after all, morty needs a break from all the bullshit sometimes, and EM is probably curious what morty's family, and indeed rick c-137, is actually like.
and so when evil morty comes to that base where rick and morty are, morty obviously isnt going to act like they know each other. so he overcompensates just like EM can, but in the other direction.
like, come on, can you really believe that morty prime would act like that with no provocation? he may have a violent side, but it doesnt just come out of nowhere. and yes, the blood vortex was horrifying, but clearly EM isnt here to attack either of them right now.
now, if he was, say, exaggerating his dislike of EM so rick wouldnt get suspicious, then this makes a lot more sense. morty's not really a good liar! in fact, they could even be swapped right then! this seems more like what EM would say in this situation, doesnt it?
now, while i was reading @trucknoisettes unmortricken analysis, i was wondering why morty would jump from being openly hostile to EM to agreeing to temporary mind control, but if the hostility was all an act? if he already had some precedent for trusting EM? well, a whole lotta things start making sense.
so, to summarize this wild speculation:
- evil morty and morty prime have been friends since after season 5 episode 9
- at some point in season 6, evil morty made up with morty off-screen.
- after making up, the two of them started switching places on occasion throughout season 6 and 7
- morty prime's hostility to evil morty in 7.5 was an act
and perhaps ive taken a few too many liberties, but yknow. i'm here to have fun and ship evil morty x morty not make perfect sense.
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hazbin-hotel-6-3 · 8 months
Alastor and lilith
Alastor values his free will more than anything, clearly saying to adam that chosing his own fate made him this powerful. So he didnt sell his soul simply for power.
What i think happened is that he was seeing lilith go to heaven ( he loves Gossip and would spy on someone ) and she caught him. Forcing him into a deal where he isnt allowed to tell anyone ( only told husk he sold his soul but not everything / he is shown having stitches over his mouth ) and serve her and in exchange she lets him live. Making it a forced deal with no real Benefit to alastor and an excident with cost him everthing.
He was serving lilith in heaven. That is why nobody saw them. ( others just saw alastor with angels during the deal lilith made with them, asuming he is about to die = starting the rumer he was killed by them. Why he is so afraid of Others mentioning the angels. It is not about their race but more about what happened during that moment )
During the song he mentioned that he want to clip his wings. Usually that is the opposite of freedom but what if wings stand for heaven instead. Wanting to cut his strings to heaven.
Not sure why lilith would need a servant or what alastor was doing in heaven for her or why he is allowed to see hell again.
This is interesting since Alastor made it clear that his wish is to chose his fate / gaining his freedom. And that that wish is stronger in him than even in husk or angel dusk. They were hating what they have to do, but their fates feels more like an abusive job your stuck in. Alastor feels more like a caged animal who loses his sanity because of his lack of choice.
Making him the perfect foil to our lilith ( hypocrite who pretends to value hell, so why would she be honest about valueing free will = she was only interested in her own well beeing and choice not for everyone elses will ). Alastor cares about it, that is why husk has the ability to live his live outside of the job. Having a somewhat friendly deal. He even hugged him during the end with the Others ( but wasnt Smiling )
In the end, the Others will see alastor finally break down ( cyring not angry ), showing his longing to freedom. Since he will help angel dusk to get free and let husker go. They will pay back his kindness and help him get free.
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lucksea · 11 months
they should make more movies about aliens that are really scary and powerful but its not a horror movie and the alien is friendly and cares about humans and they work together to accomplish a common goal. and the alien never stops being scary but it also never stops being nice. shapeshifting into something else such as an animal or person is acceptable if it is incredibly terrifying and/or only temporary. this is why blue beetle is so awesome and also why im an alien fan who isnt a fan of 99% of alien media because its either horror or stupid or both and typically not in a way i enjoy. the alien is usually a metaphor or vehicle for something else, it’s something for the humans to overcome. it’s not an actual character in the narrative. yes there are movies such as E.T., Earth to Echo, and Paul, where the alien is charming and cute and friendly after the initial reveal. but i dont want them to be cute. obviously the titular Alien Franchise is good and i love xenomorphs but again thats horror. the xenomorphs want to kill people. i want a movie where the xenomorph is a friendly murder dog who hangs out with the protagonist and they fight monsters together. i want a movie where the Thing saves the research group. do you understand me. i want the horrifying alien to not only be a character but be a protagonist. i want the scary creature to mean more than shock value. i want the freak to save the day. i swear i might as well become a fuckin movie director given how rare this seems to be
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ellovett · 2 years
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Twstsona - Corvus [ Proper Intro ]
More Under the cut!
Occupation: Student, research assistant for the town observatory
School: Night Raven College
Pronouns: They/them/he
Height: 5'9
Homeland: ???
Age: ??, appears to be 16
"The enigmatic man from Diasomnia who's too cosmic for this academy."
Thoughts and Lore:
Corvus is a creature or fae whose origins seems to come from the stars above, theyre very astronomically aligned and hold the concept of space very closely to themselves. they seem to embody it, from their manner of speech to their aesthetic, u can most definitely say that theyre out of this world. One moment he's all boisterous and being overly friendly, and the next they're crying because of some sad mlp tribute video they watched. No one can tell what they're thinking, and I don't think he can tell either.
They don't possess the traditional kind of magic, so they have no need for a magic gem, or for a unique magic, their magical power is condensed in their scarf that they never seem to take off, he uses it as a rope heehee.
How they got into NRC however, is unknown.
Corvus is generally a very nice person, they're a jovial character that smiles a lot....maybe smiles a little too much for anyones liking..see, what Corvus makes up for with their outward charming looks, they lack in social cues. He isnt too sure how to interact with other people, cuz hes never done that kinda stuff before, so they either end up being too friendly or just ends up weirding them out.
They always look so mischievous, like they're planning smthn...but nah he's just thinking about what he's gonna eat for dinner. Quite literally ":3" personified.
They'd lean in a little too close and ask how many fridges are in your home and then wonder why you just ran of all of a sudden. They're eccentric like that! The way they move around is theatrical, and dramatic, very animated in demeanor, their mind doesn't seem to be all there, yknow? Always floating and wandering off somewhere.
GREAT friends with Rook
Divus is their favorite teacher, often hangs out around his classroom or the alchemy lab, shows him funny video of cats while Divus just sighs cuz he knows he can't make Corvus leave.
Divus: .What the fuck do you want!
Corvus: I just wanted to show you my handstand ..
Divus: :/ Do your shit come on!
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vanillaxoshi · 3 months
Things im mostly finding out,
Monsta didnt plan to make a season 2 animation so they lended the comic all up to the comic writers and artists
I knew about the didnt plan the animation, but i didnt know about the lending it all up to the comic writers and artists
I mean i had a hunch because of how more different the comic is basis on story and direction, but that does explain why it was more different
And also explains why its different in animation,
I did wonder why Kuputeri only hid during the battle, since she knows how to fight even without powers, this might have nothing to do with it but still
And well, many more changes that happened,
I do love the new kokotiam interactions, and how theyre the ones shown at the "you and me" part of the opening cuz that makes more sense than it being papazola or Tarung
The boi angst, and stuff
Im not more overly satisfied on the tourist spot of windara since its basically an earth carnival, thats just on me
Im calling boi dumb on using a fusion(this is mostly my hatred for the fusions being canon) but i like it making sense afterwards in him fainting and being tired to fight so they need to escape, also him destroying the ship that they needed to escape, its a nice character flaw,
I have yet to see the next episode to know if he'll be called out on using a fusion, the most powerful fusion in a closed area, i know that he might know its wrong now, but i would like him being called out on it
Im hearing on how they cut out the slavery concept in windara to make it more kid friendly
I know its too early for me to judge since the ep isnt out yet, but thinking that if they show slavery to kids and portray it as bad, its a nice way to tell kids to not do this, even if it may be horrific in some way
Cuz i think if you just say it to kids directly like a whole psa or something, that wont work(well that depends if the kids know what slavery is), showing them is more better
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dannybobany · 2 months
Welcome, see anything you fancy?
[if this is the first post you’re seeing of this au refer to the tag for more information on it]
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For today’s Marzenie, Maverick! Yup, that’s him alright! Remember how I said he’s actually kinda important for this au? This is why
Maverick is the shopkeeper, he sells a selection of items out of his cart, since I’ve been looking at this AU from the angle of it being a game and having a lot of Fear and Hunger inspiration, this is your basic food and sanity items shop- the rarest commodity in in Marzenie would be health items which would mostly be obtained from crafting (but since it’s you know… eternal winter, it’s rare to find the needed herbs for these recipes, making it super hard to heal yourself)
And maybe I’m overthinking it because Marzenie ISNT a game it’s just an AU but like, I like to imagine what it’s gameplay systems would be like yk? Anyway
Below is some further elaboration on this character ⬇️
The two types of animals ‘Maverick’ is are a wolf and a bull, the wolf is because from a lore standpoint wolves are typically the form enemies take in Marzenie, those are like your standard encounter- and while Maverick is friendly towards Marze he’s still part of the group that definitely isn’t, this is a representation of a really delusional headcanon I have that’s a canon thing in Marzenie, which is that Mikhael/ ‘The Maverick’ is secretly friendly towards Basil whenever the rest of the hooligans aren’t around, because in my mind Mikhael isn’t the kind of person who enjoys being cruel- he just puts on that facade to seem cool and dangerous, but in reality Mikhael feels a lot of guilt about how he and his friends treat Basil, being from a very religious family definitely doesn’t help with that guilt
Mikhael chooses to be the person he is for two reasons: Validation and Fear
Not wanting to be part of his family’s business has made him feel isolated and unaccepted, joining to hooligans made him feel validated in his choice to be his own person, even if it meant being a bully
The fear is a fear of many things, the fear that if he isn’t a bully then he’ll be the bullied, the fear that not wanting to hurt Basil will make his friends leave him and he’ll end up in the same situation as Basil himself, the fear that he’s a bad person for his behavior, the fear that he’s a sinner
Like I said, being from a very religious family does not help at all
But all this stuff I’ve pulled out of thin air about Mikhael’s character is why it’s part of Marzenie’s story that he’s secretly nice to Basil, he’ll help him up and walk him home, he’ll drop off something from the bakery for him, and sure he’ll claim that he’s just trying get rid of any baked goods his family gives him because he just doesn’t like them- but the truth is that he just doesn’t want to admit that he’s trying really hard to be a good person, maintaining an aggressive attitude while doing something nice, trying to play both sides in hopes it might all work out in the end-
Mikhael’s comparatively decent behavior towards Basil is why his character in Marzeine is someone helpful rather then an enemy like most of the rest of the hooligans are (ill get to why that’s a MOST later)
Oh, and the bull horns (plus legs but they aren’t visible here) are because the origin of the term ‘Maverick’ for an independent person comes from how it used to be a term for unbranded cattle, thus, … bull, I just thought it was neat
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Meet cute clexa. Clarke and Lexa are both single moms who take their kids to the aquarium. Their kids meet each other at the tide pool exhibit and become friends. This leads to them hanging out with each other for the rest of the day at the aquarium which also leads to Clarke and Lexa spending time together. They exchange numbers at the end to setup another playdate and maybe an adult date too
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Okay, okay, im kind of mashing both together where they end up technically having a first date at the aquarium.
Lexa just really enjoys fun educational trivia. She reads all the guides and helps her six year old read out the info on the side of the tide pool. And there's this little boy right next to her daughter, about her age too, attentively listening to what Lexa is saying and then nodding and whispering it to who Lexa assumes is his mom. At some point, her daughter seems to make friends with him, and they go around the tide pool, pointing and whispering about what they learned about each star fish and barnacle they can see.
Its sweet to see them making friends so fast. Within a few minutes they've exchanged names and are calling out to one another to show off the new creature they found. Lexa stands slightly to the side, letting her little girl lead the exploration, always the little leader as the blonde little boy follows her and nods with amazement.
"They got along fast hm?"
Lexa is slightly startled by the voice next to her but quickly she ginds herself staring at beautiful blue eyes and the friendly smile of a woman whose hair is the exact same shade of Madi's new best friend.
"I'm Clarke, Aden's mom!" She extends a hand in gretting. Lexa takes it.
"Lexa. That's Madi. And yeah, they're already best friends, it seems." Lexa chuckles, pointing at the two little kids, already holding hands so they wont lose one another.
"Im glad. Aden is very shy sometimes, its always nice to see him making friends."
"Thats great! Madi is always making friends whenever she goes."
"Oh good, a little social butterfly!"
"Oh yeah!"
An awkward silence of two adult strangers sets in while their kids talk as if they have known one another from birth. Lexa takes a quick look at her watch.
"Well, we should get moving, she was dying to see the penguin feeding and its nearly time." Lexa comments, hoping to get away from the awkward silence next to a pretty woman. She was never great at those.
"Oh yeah! I bet Aden would love to watch that too! Hey maybe we can walk together, as the kiddos seems to not wanna let go of one another" Clarke seems to find no issue in the awkwardness, as she suggests they propongue it for the sake of their kids.
With an awkward smile, Lexa agrees. The kids have a wonderful time talking and laughing with one another as they walk to the next exhibit, both faces glued to the glasses to see the fishes inside. Lexa and Clarke walk behind them exchanging quick words but never really having a conversation, no matter how much Clarke tries to initiate one. She never had troubles with a gorgeous girl before but damn, isnt Lexa making her doubt her herself.
"Is she starting first grade too?"
"Mmhum. In Polis Elementary."
Clarke grabs Lexa's arm so fast that Lexa nearly loses her balance. "No way! Aden is starting there, too!" The excitement is evident in the woman's face as she stares at Lexa and Lexa has to admit the motherly excitement is contagious. Although she does not have much fear about Madi's capabilities of making friends, she can see why Clarke would be excited for Aden to have a friend in her daughter already. She's so different from Lexa in that regard, she is nearly allergic to new people, which makes the /single/ side of her single parenthood very, very pronounced.
"Oh I bet they'll be so excited about that!"
They reach the penguin exhibit rather quickly. Both kids squeal when they see the animals waddling and swimming around, and both mothers smile at one another at their excitement. Lexa shares a few more facts about penguins marveling both the kids and Clarke herself, who may ask more follow up questions than the children. Aden even follows her lead and asks Lexa a few questions, albeilt a little shyly and with some persuasion from Clarke, ones she answers with a smile at the little boy's courage.
They continue their visit together because there is no separating those two now, both kids showing very little interest in their moms unless its to show them something or to pose for a picture Lexa insists on taking.
It is no long before Lexa and Clarke actually start talking. Their both single they quickly find out, and live in the same neighborhood it seems, Lexa having moved in just a couple months ago and despite Madi's quickness in making friends with the neighborhood kids, Lexa barely knows the name of her next door neighbors. Clarke laughs at the differences between Madi and her mother, which Lexa promises she takes after her other mother eho was perhaps a little too friendly with their past neighbors, so much so she ended up cheating on her and taking off from their lives.
"That bitch!" Clarke snarks once Lexa tells her in a half joking tone. Lexa slaps her on her stomach at her loud remark in the middle of a room full of kids "Sorry. But what a bitch!"
"Yeah. A real bitch. Barely pays child support too. Not that I need her, but Madi does you know? Its hsrd when they just up and leave you with a kid." Lexa comments bitterly. Madi still asks about Costia from time to time, less now but it still hurts to see her little girl long for her momma.
"It does." Clarke replies more quietly.
"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to bring out any bad memories about your ex..." Lexa quickly interjects awkwardly.
"No, no. I don't really have an ex like that. Aden is mot even mine technically."
Lexa stares at her in surprise. The little biy is a carbon copy of Clarke, it seems almost impossible to think they aren't related, "is he adopted or...?"
"He's my nephew. My little brother's kid. He made some shitty decisions on his last year of high school and knocked up a girl, but he was trying to straighen up. He loved Aden. A lot. But he also had an addiction problem and despite working to get an apartment and give Aden a better life, he and his girlfriend ended up OD'ing with Aden in his crib. He was a good kid, he loved his son so much and he made me promise I'd take care of him if anything ever happened. So I got custody of him. Sometimes I'm scared I'll fuck him up and let my brother down."
Lexa is silent for a while. They are sat by the big tank, the kids sat by the glaas enchanted as they watch the fish above them. Lexa and Clarke are standing against the wall, luckily more isolated from the rest of the parents around them.
Lexa is not good at comforting grown ups. With Madi she can hold her and kiss her, she's her daughter and she knows what she needs. But adults are much different. So all Lexa does and hold Clarke hand and brush her finger over her top of her hand. "I think you're doing a wonderful job with him."
Clarke looks up at her slowly and then. She smiles. Big.
"Thank you Lexa"
And suddenly Lexa's heart is beating faster, her cheeks growing red, luckily unnoticed by the low blue light of the room, and she feels like she's on a first date and finally got the courage to hold her dates hand. A part of her tells her to lean in and kiss Clarke and in the intimacy of the moment she nearly does.
"MOMMY! LOOK AT THE SHARK!!!" Madi's voice echoes through the room.
"Mama! Its the shark look!!" Clarke hears as Aden pulls at her shirt.
Clarke and Lexa smile at each other and gollow their kids to see the magnificent shark as it swims oh so close to the glass.
The rest of the visit is much more relaxed and passes by fast as they talk like old friends, the kids always pulling them along, happily to chat amongst themselves with the odd intervention from Lexa as she shares yet another fun fact that makes Clarke's eyes twinkle as she listens.
They leave the gifshop together, Clarke holding far too many shark themed items as Aden plays with his new shark plushies while Lexa manages only a bag with only one big sting ray plushie, a shirt and plenty stationary supplies for Madi to use in the new school year.
"I think I over did it" Clarke comments as she tries to hold the second, smaller shark toy underneath her arms, "its hard to tell him no."
Lexa chuckles, "You're doing great. Although maybe the overpriced shark themed markers weren't needed."
"They have shark names!" Clarke exclaims and Lexa laughs once more. If she catches the way Clarke stares at her in amazement she ignores it.
They exchange numbers and promises of a playdate as the kids nearly cry at not wanting to be separated, only lerting go of each others hand when their moms share that they'll be classmates and neighbors and that they'll be sure to set up something together soon. With a wink and a flirty smile, Clarke comments on them setting up their own little playdate just the two of them, chuckling when Lexa turns red at the suggestion and ealkimg away with an enthusiastic "Bye you two!"
Lexa watches her walk away with stupid smile of her face.
"Yeah baby?"
"I like Aden. And Aden's mom! Dont you?"
Lexa smiles at her daughter, "I do."
Madi nods, with a cheeky smile "I think Aden's mom likes you too."
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sicherosaga · 1 year
Any tokusatsu that kinda transcends the genre? Like the tokusatsu equivalent of Akira or Evangelion - something true to form but "elevated" or distinctive enough that it can still be appreciated by outsiders? I want to dive in but I also want to convince a friend to watch some with me. A starter tokusatsu that is unmistakeably good
hello! first of all thanks for the ask and secondly i dont think i quite have the expertise on the subject i would like to yet, so dont take me as an authority. also! i really think most tokusatsu will be enjoyable to the average person as long as they understand what theyre getting into and theyre willing to engage with the given series and be receptive. anyways.
godzilla 1954: this one doesnt exactly transcend tokusatsu since it basically created the genre but its earned its reputation. dark, harrowing, emotional, and tragic, it also still has some of the best looking visuals of any kaiju media to date. I think its probably the single best godzilla movie
godzilla vs hedorah: this one has it all: with psychedelic musical numbers, animated interstitial scenes, and a stark environmental message, godzilla vs hedorah is a memorable standout from the showa era. it also has an uncanny bleakness and desolation you wouldnt expect from an era of godzilla known for being more kid friendly
basically any episode of the original ultraman or ultraseven directed by akio jissoji: jissoji had a very distinctive, almost avant-garde directorial style in the early ultra series and his are some of the most memorable. also i wouldnt call it transcendental but return of ultraman has some excellent episodes as well
heisei gamera trilogy, particularly 2 and 3: the heisei gamera trilogy is one of my favorites of the genre, the second one has incredible effects and the trilogy as s whole isnt afraid to do weird sicko shit that godzilla is afraid of. also frequent hideaki anno collaborator shinji higuchi directed the special effects
kamen rider kuuga: kuuga was the first of the heisei era kamen rider tv shows and as of right now my favorite. it gives a lot of the different usual aspects of kamen rider a sort of weight that you dont usually get from the series and it has an excellent ending. its also like. 1/3 police procedural 1/3 medical drama and 1/3 kamen rider show. it rocks. however you may want to do some research on how you watch it since the official shout factory subtitles on tubi and shout.tv make make some changes to the show
shin godzilla, shin ultraman, and shin kamen rider: its funny that you mention evangelion since anno and higuchi are actually enormous tokusatsu fans evangelion is chock full of references to ultraman specifically. i really think the shin series is and excellent introduction to their respective series. ultraman and kamen rider in particular embrace the conventions and themes of the original shows in a way that demonstrates a deep understanding of the source material on the parts of anno and higuchi. shin godzilla has already been talked about to deat, shin ultraman is like a perfect ultraman movie, and while its not without its faults shin kamen rider made me cry 👍. you may want to watch a few episodes of their respective series before you watch the movies bc they really do replicate the vibes perfectly
also of note but not exactly the most elevated , kamen rider agito, w, ooo, amazons, zo, j, and black are all good shows ive seen. i like them. zo and j in particular are worth checking out because theyre very short movies. also ultraman blazar is very good and its on youtube with official subtitles AND a dub. and while i havent gotten around to watching it yet, ive heard very good things about keita amemiyas graou series
no matter what you decide to watch or how much you enjoy it, its crucial to remember that scenes like this are why tokusatsu is good
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prohader · 2 months
Littlewood Review - July 18, 2024
Developer: Sean Young | Publisher: SmashGames
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I'm a lover of farm and lifesim games. I first played this a few years ago on Switch in between a move- I was transferring colleges and living with my parents, and had to spend a whole summer living at my older sister's home in the middle of bumfuck nowhere while waiting for our new home to finish being built. I am a completionist at heart, and this game was light enough to complete without wasting my life and chill enough to listen to some video essays or watch some shows while I did it. Now it's 2024, so I decided to give it another go. Let's dive into what Littlewood is about, why I love it, and why I find it underrated... but far from perfect.
What It's About:
This game is an extremely lighthearted, chill, and cozy world directly an apocolyptic scenario where you, the hero of Solemn, have single-handedly defeated an evil dark wizard. The world is saved but fragmented, and everyone knows who you are... except for you. You see, you lost all of your memories of the battle before and you no longer have any of your magical powers or your trusty sword. So what do you do when you no longer have any ultimate goal and the world is broken apart? Well, build a new home, of course! Two of your trusty, ragtag friends and a warm fatherly figure from before your lost your memories are here to help you start your new life as a mayor of sorts for your town in which you will reside, grow, care for, and customize to your heart's content. The Game: I'd say this game is like a lite and easy-to-digest version of games like Animal Crossing (New Leaf and New Horizons, to be specific) and Stardew Valley, but it has its own identity and unique mechanics that stand out from other "cozy family-friendly farmsims" on the market. The main mechanic that I find a breath of fresh air compared to real-time progression and set in-game clocks is Littlewood's time system. All of your choices in the game are revolved around actions that take energy to use, and you have set amount of energy to spend each day. The amount of energy you spend fishing, cooking, gathering, crafting- almost everything in the game, in fact- progresses the time and once you have completely depleted all of your energy in the day, the day ends. As the leader of your town, you are free to do virtually whatever you want and whenever you want, so the player is incentivized make all of their energy spent per day feel worth it. As mentioned, the player can do a myriad of things such as watering and collecting flowers, picking weeds, talking and hanging out with townsfolk, getting closer to them, growing crops, mining ores, chopping wood, creating furniture, catching bugs, upgrading their town amenities, and even (later on) playing a card mini-game that's easy to understand but takes a bit of practice to master. Progression in Littlewood, I'd say, strongly involves growth of the town amenities and making your little villagers happy. By talking to your villagers and making their homes more comfortable, they will incrimentally provide you more blueprints and unlockable tools and items that are critical for you to make money ('dewdrops') and increase you rate and efficiency of the things you produce or catch, such as building materials, crops, fish, and bugs- all that you can use to get even more dewdrops or craft furniture, homes and buildings. As per the nature of these type of cozy games, there isnt a very primary goal that you're encouraged to reach or complete. By naturally engaging with the game you will come across most of the villagers you can unlock eventually. But this game is really great for people that want to catch EVERY bug, breed EVERY variety of flower, and donate EVERYTHING they can to complete their museum for no reason but the satisfaction of seeing a job completed. The Positives: If you want a comfortable game to kill an afternoon or hunker down in bed with every now and then, i'd be hard-pressed to find something as cozy and easy to pick up and put down than Littlewood. The gameplay is stupid simple (did I mention you only really needs three buttons and a d-pad to play this game? So it's extremely accessible), and the collection aspect can get pretty addictive, especially when each day ends with a barrage of exp being gifted to you for all the work you did and all of the affection meters for the villagers you've interacted with that day shooting up.
The setting isnt super unique, but the way in which the world is introduced to you incrementally is something I wish more cozy games did- I love that the world is broken up in such a way that the major mode of transportation is by hot air balloons, I love the quirky characters you can find, I love the lore about the world you can unlock through books and little pieces of conversation, and I just adore the tiny itty bitty sprites. Animals look so tiny and adorable you want to pop them in your mouth like tic-tacs, and the character profile sprites are expressive and a joy to see. Each character also has their own unique 2-frame animation. And like I said, there's plenty of things to upgrade and collect.
The Negatives: The game doesnt really give you much reason to pay attention to what the characters are saying to you. My biggest problems with this era of "cozy" games is that I feel like sometimes writing and character development is left to die in a ditch, and you can sort of feel that in Littlewood. Yes, each villager is charming and cute and have their own quirks and personalities, but theyre all so extremely 2 dimensional that it's hard to really feel anything for most of them. But this is kind of a big deal when you're playing this game blind for the first time- because the characters actually occasionally tell you very important information! In my first playthrough, I got several hours into the game (almost giving up) before getting some really helpful tools that are intrinsically tied with building a desk in your villagers' houses and accommodating their home requests- especially the beginning handfuls of characters you recruit to your town. I feel like if the tools are going to be tied to making your villagers furniture, it should be made way more clear, and the things the characters say to you should be more engaging so you're not just mashing through everything they say. Additionally, due to the lackluster writing combined the entire setup of the game- you being the Solemn's savior- leads everyone to just put you on a pedestal and stroke your ego all the time for something you never did (in game). You can never do anything wrong and you're automatically cool and attractive and amazing to everyone, no matter what. It kind of makes romancing characters feel extremely forced and imbalanced, like many characters are only interested in you because you're the Hero of Solemn. One really important aspect of this I want to discuss is with one NPC in particular that sours the whole game for me SO much that i will actually mash through their dialogue or intentionally ignore them outside of completing tasks... maybe I should say her. It's Willow, I'm talking about Willow. Now, im sorry for all of those out there that may actually really like Willow. But the game strongly communicates that the player and Willow were in love before the game began. It makes talking to her when you're not particularly interested in her in the first place really awkward, and even moreso when you're much more interested in ANY of the other characters over her. It'd be one thing if it was just coming from her, but Dalton and Dudley also frequently bring it up and it's really distracting and uncomfortable. And even though i'm bisexual, i (usually) tend to favor bachelors in games whenever there's any sort of romancing element, so it adds another layer of uncomfortability in an otherwise cutesy-cozy-soft-power-fantasy game. I wish that the developer instead just made it so she had a crush on the hero before losing their memories or something, because my mind cannot help but think about how devastating it would be if my partner were to lose all of their memories and wake up one day with them marrying someone else and forgetting everything about me and the things we did together. It's not that I absolutely hate the idea, but with a game of this tone, it really puts an awkward damper on what is normally a fun self-indulgent mechanic. Willow having had a romantic history with the main character prior to the game up until the moment they lost their powers makes the player feel guilty for not choosing her, and makes the player's choice to marry anyone but her feel less "meaningful" as a result. Maybe that’s just me, but it really feels mismatched with the purpose of the game. Additional Thoughts: I really think this game would benefit significantly from even a minor update or DLC. There are a couple tiny graphical bugs on Switch (doors open for some reason, and you can really easily go OOB in the town hall) but there's honestly a lot more that can be added to add in more customizeability to the player and the town, but I can make a whole separate post on what I think would make for GREAT Littlewood DLC (and I probably will)! Personal Rating: B
💚 Unique time-progression system
💚 Chill, cozy collectible game.
🚫 Interesting lore, but too little of it shared or explored
🚫 Villagers are pretty one-note, any depth they have is left unexplored, and they all put the player on the pedestal so it makes interacting with them sometimes uncomfortable if you think about it for a little too long.
🚫 Important Tools and QOL features should be tied to other systems, not how comfy or aesthetically pleasing your villagers's homes are.
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daphnebowen · 6 months
omg you watched journey to bethlehem too?? what'd you think of it??
(also just realized your ask button thingy is a reference to nini's voicemail greeting)
I really really liked the movie! as a Christian i was lowkey kind of worried there would be some stuff that went against my church's doctrine, or be stuff I didn't know anything about, plus the premise of it being a musical... but it had Milo Manheim in it, and i am always and forever going to be in love with him, so that's originally why i watched it mostly for Milo (me and a couple of my friends are die hards for him for absolutely no reason, so we watched it literally the day it arrived on Netflix together). it was everything I could have ever needed and more! i did not expect Antonio banderas to be in there, lol, it kinda surprised me (and who knew he could sing?) when i tell you the first time that i watched this movie i watched it purely for Milo... i was literally kicking my feet anytime he opened his mouth 😭 but the second and third rewatch i was able to actually enjoy the whole story of Mary and Joseph. Because it really is such a powerful story! and I really didn't think about a ton of aspects of Mary and Joseph before Jesus was born. I didn't think about their home lives, or the struggle Mary went through when she had this vision of an angel, telling her she was going to give birth to the literal son of god! like, would i believe her at first either?? probably not! But this movie actually did a really good job at making you fall in love with the characters, even king Herod and his son. plus, can we talk about the music? I really liked it. I like how i could sing most of the more well known church songs (at least, well known for my church) but then they also had songs like "ultimate deception" and "mother to a savior and king" that made my heart fall out of my chest. I never before thought of the different perspectives of how nerve wracking it must be to know that you are going to give birth to the son of god but it's so hard to believe. so i just really liked that the movie used the songs to give us that perspective, as well as herod's son's song, that was an interesting one 😭 so yeah loved the songs, 10/10, Joseph and Mary's chemistry had me crying and wishing for love like that 😭😭😭 and can we talk about how CUTE baby Jesus was?? Like omg that is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen 😍 he got the good genes!
all jokes aside, I really did like this movie. I wouldn't necessarily watch it with a certain sort of Christian mindset of like THIS ISNT THE STORY OF JESUS AND THIS ISNT EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED AND THEY FORGOT THIS AND blah blah blah. it's a fun, family friendly, goofy musical movie with lots of good morals and really loveable characters that if you are religious you probably already know. it definitely added another layer to the birth of baby Jesus and that story for me, so hopefully it will for anyone else who watches it as well! The cast portray the characters so perfectly, it's very well cast, it was SO funny for no reason, and honestly quite sad at some parts but obviously you know how it ends. doing a tribute to the greatest story ever told is quite high stakes and you can tell that everyone - the writers, the directors, the cast, even the animals lol - poured their heart and soul into making this film. so yes, 10/10 I would recommend, even if you aren't religious and just looking for a fun movie with goofy catchy songs and great characters. I absolutely loved it! Let me know what you think @imjustavenuxwithaboomerang!
(and yes, I had to steal nini's voicemail greeting. the opportunity was there and I don't know what Ricky's or Gina's is so I couldn't do theirs lol. plus it's so cute! and so nini! 🥰)
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dumblemonchickenwing · 8 months
ut fandom experience, r-word mention tw
I usually dont hang out much in communities, and I barely ever got hate from anyone (because I had the cosmic collossal luck or a 8 leaved clover and most people in deep past were kind to me(before 2018.)). But i remember how once when I was younger and I saw an Undertale blog that shows fans confessions, I remember I got excited and wrote my confession there too.
I dont recall how old i was, probably a teen, which isnt that small actually.
Basically my confession was a bit loud bc i was excited and wanted to share how fun it was to me that Undyne loved anime. It was sth along the lines "Can you imagine how the world would have been if Undyne's imagination was true and humans were like in anime! Anime is reaal!!"
and after that, when I was scrolling thorugh the blog, i accidentally saw a complaints section, and a user wrote there "Im sorry but your blog is starting to get retards." And the admin of that blog, they kind of agreed to that and replied "Well, we can't do anything about it."
That was a very small moment.
I m not sure what causes me to be kind of mean-ish, but maybe it was one of the reasons why I dont really want to talk with people or enter communities anymore. I dont remember my self from that time, but I know I was more of a 'friendly excited over dumb stuff' type
I guess this is part why I want to be nice to younger fans, and want to be nice to their excitement, even if I personally dont relate or agree or understand it. I dont look down on anyone who write keysmashes in tags, or who is loud in reblogs, who is very excited and wants to express their appreciation in loud or awkward ways. Cause, i guess I know what it feels like when people make you feel like you were terrible for simply being awkward in expressing your love for something.
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