#why they're fantastic musicians
spacenintendogs · 8 months
how embarrassing is it that metallica is my fucking kryptonite
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queenofthearchipelago · 2 months
Long Rant about the Watcher Thing
The thing about what's happening with Watcher is that I'm a musician. I understand deeply the difficulties that come with an artist making their art and needing money and the relationship with the people that art is for. So I understand that Watcher needs money to pay their employees and maintain their business.
That said, they revealed that they have 25 employees (half of which are nepotism hires and friends from BuzzFeed) and that one episode of Ghost Files costs "hundreds of thousands of dollars." (Ghost Files being their most expensive show by bar, not their average spending habits per Watcher episode)
I understand from a few people I've seen who are in their Patreon that they make at least 100k per month from the patreon. And then there's the money they get from youtube itself from the views. And then there's the money they get from the ads.
Now I understand that Ryan said this decision came down to primarily 2 things: the ad companies were making them feel stifled with what they could do (which they don't explain how), and they want more money to be able to keep up a higher production quality.
I'm going to skip past the thing about the ads. They never specified how the ad companies were making them change their content in a way that made them feel unsatisfied. I can't speak or provide any opinions on why they want so badly to escape needing ad deals.
But I can talk about the higher production quality they speak of and that's specifically because Ryan said that they wanted to pay for a higher production quality FOR US. "For you guys."
We... we didn't ask for higher production. This is NOT a decision they need to make on our account. I understand and respect if they aren't creating on they level they want. But it's odd that they're speaking towards not being able to afford their current spending habits, as if this is something we asked them to do.
I've read a lot of comments about this and I agree with a lot of you that it's odd that this decision to switch to streaming coincides with the return of Worth It, a show that when produced by Steven, seems like it could easily cost just as much as Ghost Files to produce.
I understand why it feels like this is all Steven's fault. His vibes in the video today, compared to Ryan and Shane, made it seem like he was the most excited about it. It's Steven that has been highlighted multiple times as the business man, the one who makes the financial decisions. It's Steven's shows on Watcher that get canceled after one or two seasons, meanwhile Ryan and Shane's shows just keep going to 5 seasons and beyond.
Shane even said it explicitly, that there are "shows that didn't do as well on youtube, that might do better on a streaming service."
But most of the fans DO watch Watcher for Ryan and Shane, they always have. Steven's shows don't do as well. When Watcher brings in a new host and makes a new show for them, those shows do even worse.
I know this upsets Ryan, he's been very vocal about wanting Watcher to expand beyond himself and Shane. He wants his company to be successful regardless of whether he's in front of the camera or not.
But I feel like this step is trying to force it. Right now, this is still Ryan and Shane's channel. This is why we're here. The people haven't latched onto Steven as much, and the attempts to bring in new hosts have been unsuccessful.
There are lots of comments floating around about why Watcher didn't do what Rhett and Link did and open up youtube membership. Or why didn't they host more live events. Or why didn't they do more livestreams. These all could have been fantastic ideas that wouldn't betray the fans.
Because I do think they forgot that their fanbase is largely women in their 20s. People are right in bringing up the cost of living crisis, in bringing up how many subscription services we're already subscribed to. And my heart goes out to the international viewers who can't access the website at all in their country and the ones who can't afford it because Watcher forgot to consider the currency difference.
I feel that they have betrayed their fanbase. I remember when Watcher started and Ryan admitted he was scared no one would watch. And then we showed up for them because we loved them and what they did.
But now most of the fans can't or won't follow them where they're going. And I think Ryan might know this too from the way he said If this is goodbye, it's been fun.
I wish they would have tried other things before hard launching a streaming service. I wish they would have had a long game plan to get to the place they wanted to be as a company and as creatives.
I feel betrayed but I also don't want this company going bankrupt. If they go bankrupt, then we truly have lost them forever. I hope they take a look at the overwhelming backlash, at their falling subscriber numbers, and I hope they reconsider doing this.
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makuyi13 · 12 days
No because listen. This is what the characters of X-Men '97 would look like as an orchestra.
Charles Xavier/Professor X would be the conductor. No explanations necessary.
Scott Summers/Cyclops would be the concertmaster. He was in charge when the conductor (Charles) was away. He's always stressing, but for good reason.
Logan Howlett/Wolverine would be that one violinist who isn't the concertmaster but would kill to be. Always criticising the actual concertmaster (Scott) and endlessly jealous of him. Nevertheless, he does play a major role and serves his purpose loyally, perhaps even fiercely.
Jean Grey would be the right hand/top/treble line of the piano, and Madelyne Pryor would be the left hand/bottom/bass line of the piano. I mean, come on guys, they're such piano people. It just makes sense.
Ororo Munroe/Storm is a cellist. She has the classic elegance. She has the spotlight once in a while. She's great, but not in the mainstream way.
Nathan Summers/Cable is the harpsichord dude. Kind of weird, but in a cool way (in the harpsichord kind of way?) Classic, has been around for a while, and is related to the pianists (Madelyne specifically).
Jubilation Lee is the flute girl who has a vibe of her own and is known by everyone.
Roberto Da Costa/Sunspot is the clarinet guy who is like super shy for no reason but is friends with the principal flautist (Jubilee). Literally look at him. He looks like a clarinetist.
Morph is the second violinist who be super chill but also be making dumb jokes all rehearsal long and is fantastic friends with that one wannabe concertmaster violinist (Logan) and completely supports him. But also they're just fine with whatever they have, as long as they're having fun, which pretty much seems all the time.
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler is the viola man everybody loves because he's just so nice and funny and friendly. He's warm and he works well with others.
Of course Trish Tilby or Valerie Cooper is the lady who like is the business manager or some crap of the orchestra and you know talks to other people and yaps about stuff at the beginning of every concert and starts talking about sponsors and stuff. Literally why not
By the way this is a kind of habit I have, to watch movies/shows and then turn them characters into musicians. Sorry for the yapping haha. I know it's weird but it is what it is. Debate with me, I'd love to hear your opinions. Also help me out here, I can't figure out what to do for Rogue, Gambit, Beast or Magneto
Edit: Thanks to @that-cinnamon-kid, Magneto is now a flute player.
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mockerycrow · 11 months
wait. WAIT. 141 boys or Vaqueros x reader who does music as a hobby.
he walks in on the reader one day playing an instrument (the demons in my head are telling me it's electric guitar idk) and singing/humming a little and he falls in love all over again. the moment the reader notices him, they immediately stop - they're very self-conscious.
he keeps trying to convince the reader to play/sing for him, but they have a severe lack of self-confidence
i may not have voices in my head but i have... gay worms or something. they wake up at 1 AM every day (it's 1:30 rn).
I feel like Rudy and Gaz would find extreme comfort in your musician skills, quietly begging you to continue—especially if they just came home from a grueling day. even if it isn’t calm music, it can be rock, metal, whatever!
Ghost would be so silent that you wouldn’t know he’s there until you’re finished with your song. You blush and look away and he demands you keep going!
Price would listen for a bit before he starts clapping, making you very flustered! He murmurs praises before kissing your cheek, asking for you to play that song again, assuring that you sounded fantastic.
Alejandro can sing, idc. maybe he isn’t the best singer, but my boy has lungs!!! he starts to harmonize with you if he knows the song and when you stop, he laughs and asks why, saying you make beautiful sounds!!
Soap makes sure he doesn’t make noise so he can listen, but you manage to notice him. He grins and walks over, sitting down in front of you, asking you to keep going. when you don’t, he assures that he loves the way you sound and that he NEED to hear more!
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hello!!!! i love your writing style so much, and your characterization of the M6 is fantastic!!! i was wondering about a headcanon for an MC that plays an instrument?
The Arcana HCs: When MC plays a musical instrument
~ honestly I don't know why I haven't done this one already. thank you for the appreciation anon, it's always good to know I'm on track! enjoy - brainrot ~
He thinks it's the most romantic thing, which regularly sends him into a "I'm too attracted to MC to function" spiral
He plays the vielle himself, and is determined to perform a beautiful duet with you regardless of how well they pair with each other
If you have the kind of instrument naturally suited to his vielle, wonderful!
If you don't, never fear. He's never composed a musical piece before, but he'll take a crack at it with varied success
He can also sing along if that doesn't work out
Heaps you with compliments whenever you play and always encourages you to pursue your skills as far as you want to
More than ready to gather the entire South End to listen to you play if you so much as mention a semi-public performance
You're hesitant to do this because you've known him to get worked up from watching you perform and the roguish grin he gave you when he promised to behave doesn't convince you at all
Malak, being a crow, can and will imitate your music. This annoys Julian immensely
Loves it when you play. Wherever and whenever it happens, they'll pause whatever they're doing and watch you with the most adoring, enchanted gaze
Canonically the best dancer of the M6, if you get him in the right mood he might dance along
This is very rare because it means they have to get up from their pillow pile, but it's possible because they like feeling your eyes on them
One time, he danced while his parents were over. Salim joined him and it became the funkiest performance you've ever seen
Very curious about what kind of magic you could do with this
Summoning? Enhancing? Hypnotizing?
More than willing to be your test subject, even for the less advisable ideas. Sometimes you think they might have a little too much faith in your abilities
Will take you to concerts if you're traveling together to broaden your horizons
If they're by themself, they'll keep any eye out for any unusual music written for your instrument and bring it home
Faust likes to bop, wriggle, and blep along
Is very content to sit and watch you play during her down time
She loves studying the way your music affects you - how your facial expressions shift with the tone of the music, the subtle changes in posture, your nimble hands
Jumps at any opportunity to play her organ along with you
If it's an uncommon pairing she will interview any traveling musicians for well-written duets
If you prefer to keep music as a hobby, she will respect that
But if you want to develop your skills, she'll have a list of tutors for you to choose from on her desk. You have talent! It's good to pursue that!
In a similar vein, she'll never pressure you to practice, but she'll bring it up frequently
It's really a covert way of requesting that you play for her
It goes without saying that any and all of your musical needs will be met. New sheet music? Cleaning supplies? A whole new instrument? Say the word and it's yours
Chandra has been known to subtly perch nearby to listen in
He's not used to this much noise in the woods
Why is there so much noise in the woods
Oh, it's you. This is kind of ... nice, actually. Maybe he can get used to some extra noise in the woods
He eventually finds that work goes more smoothly when there's something to listen to
He might bring it up once or twice that he doesn't mind you practicing in the same clearing as him while he chops wood, or clears part of a path, or works on a charm
If he doesn't have that excuse he'll just pull your instrument and music out and leave it somewhere visible in case you feel prompted to play it
Listening to you play will remind him of some of the sounds he has vague memories of hearing from his early childhood. He'll start trying to collect information on Kokhuri instruments and music
Very willing to involve you in that project, but only if you're interested
You don't know how, you don't know why, but regardless of the instrument you play, it always puts Inanna to sleep
She thinks it's fantastic
Being an ambassador means lots of time on the boat between countries. This is a great way to pass it
She doesn't play an instrument herself, but she can and will sing along as loudly as she has to to be heard
Which means that, between learning pieces that work with a human voice, and being on a ship, you learn to play for a lot of sea shanties and ballads
You're quite popular with the sailors for the free entertainment as well (whether that's your talent, or Portia's squeaky high notes)
Some of them play as well, and will pick out tunes with you by ear so you can play the same piece together
Anytime Portia hears a new style of music on your travels, she'll ask if you can play it too with the utmost confidence in your abilities
She also invites you to play at formal gatherings. She doesn't necessarily expect you to say yes every time, she just thinks anyone would be lucky to hear it
It always gives Pepi the most intense zoomies
At this point, your musical skills are just another item on the list of why you are The Best
Hearing music of any kind is a little bittersweet for him. Where he grew up, it was a frivolous past time when you could be hunting something instead
As Count, he always had music playing, but it was grand, complex pieces with massive orchestras and opera singers
Now the music he hears you play is just one instrument, because you want to, and because it makes you happy
Will request at least one song from you every single night
Especially enjoys it on the nights you spend by a campfire under the stars, after you've finished a job. It's like a reward
He tried singing along, once, but it didn't really work because he's canonically tone deaf and it threw you off
The first few times you played he nearly threw a fit because Mercedes and Melchior kept trying to howl along
They shut up when they're eating, so now he keeps an eye out on the road for a deer or rabbit carcass to distract them with later
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Round 3 Poll 13
Use My Fkn Pronouns: 「I first met Allegra on the bus in 8th grade. I thought they were cool, but I didn't approach them for a couple months because I couldn't figure out if they were a boy or a girl. When I finally did talk to them, they told me they were nonbinary and explained what that meant. They asked me why knowing their gender was so important to me that I was afraid to talk to them, and that question spurred a series of epiphanies that lead me to who I am today.
The conversation moved on. We giggled about how mad their mom was that an *allergy medication* of all things used the same name just a couple years after she had her baby. They told me that they were a guitarist and that someday they were gonna be a rockstar. I said that when it happens, people will finally think of the musician first and not the medication, and we cheered.
Being openly gay and trans in a red state is fucking daunting now, but it was even moreso a decade ago. Allegra was *the* out queer kid in our class. Having the grit to withstand that kind of social abuse while remaining a goofy and deeply kind person speaks to their character. They used their music to carve out a precedent for the classes below us: showing them a queer person can be out and well-liked and successful while still having personal boundaries. Even here.
Next month they'll be onstage performing at the biggest music festival in the state. The song I submitted is the flagship single from their second album. It's about how tiring it gets to have to ask for simple respect all day every day. It's at about 3,600 some streams on spotify now, which puts it above the stream limit. (I submitted Windmill, a personal favorite of mine off the same album, as a backup.)
I think Use My Fkn Pronouns should be included in this bracket because it represents my friend standing on a stage and singing out to thousands of people, in the face of a government that is actively trying to erase them, that their life and experiences have value. They're gonna stand up there and BE the role model we needed when we were kids, and they're gonna fucking rock while they do it.
Even if it doesn't win, I want everyone to know that I am so, so proud to be their friend.」
Fang into Vein: 「okay listen.
Not only is this a chilling and beautiful song about vampires (the way he sings "it means nothing to me" the first time?! HOLY SHIT) it also is by someone so fantastic I don't have words for it.
So he is a Trans Elder TM, he is iconic for many reasons but most of all because he transitioned publicly in his mid 40s after having an established career and EXPLAINED THAT HE IS A CHANGELING, that a faerie had lived his life for him under a glamour while he the real boy had been kept in faerieland! It's the best metaphor of all time and he has stuck to it for 15 years no matter how much it baffles cis people. Also he is kind and thoughtful and if he were a spiritual leader I would follow him. Might be too popular for this bracket but this song only has 1.7k plays on youtube (I can't check spotify because I don't have a computer)... so, thank you for your consideration!」
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satanicallypanicky · 2 months
Do you think musicians who use Satanic imagery are ''gimmicky''? Are they personally offensive to you?
Oh yeah they're hella gimmicky and always have been. Black Sabbath, arguably the first metal band, was the first to be spooky on purpose and they were doing it specifically for the gimmick - they're mostly practicing Catholic and Anglican, including Ozzy. Ghost is particularly funny to me, tbh - they go so hard on the aesthetics and then the music is... not hard. Fun though. The frontman of Ghost is (to my knowledge) actually Satanist though so at least his gimmick is somewhat sincere.
But no, I'm not offended at all. Why would I be? Spooky aesthetics and Satanic imagery have been a part of metal music for precisely as long as metal music has existed (see Black Sabbath, above). Some of the musicians are using Satanic imagery because they're honestly devil-worshippers, which I respect greatly (obviously). And some of the musicians are doing it as a bit, sure, but In This Household We Respect The Bit. Especially when the aesthetics of said bit are so fantastic.
They give me (us?) a bit of plausible deniability too - if I dress like a metal musician who is acting like a Satanist, people just assume I'm a metalhead who likes that musician, which works for me just fine.
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thisaintascenereviews · 11 months
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Nita Strauss - The Call Of The Void
While it's common for bands and solo artists to release albums, it's more uncommon these days to see an instrumental musician release a solo album, especially in certain genres. Jazz music, for example, is known for instrumental albums, and many different artists have released their own records by themselves, or with other musicians, but rock and metal aren't known for that. They're known for singers to release solo albums, but not musicians. That's why the sophomore solo album, entitled The Call Of The Void, from guitarist Nita Strauss is very interesting. Strauss has been getting a lot of buzz and hype lately, thanks to being both a guitarist of Alice Cooper's backing band and Demi Lovato's backing band, but she's also found the time to release solo albums, starting with 2018's Uncontrolled Chaos. I've never listened to that, but instrumental albums can be kind of overwhelming and intimidating, especially if they're long. That album was quite long, if I recall, but so is The Call Of The Void. What separates this one, however, is that Strauss does the smart thing by making this record a bit more accessible by adding a handful of guest vocalists from the worlds of rock and metal.
Both records are still around an hour long (this one is even longer if you include the instrumental versions of the songs with vocalists on them), but this one doesn't feel its length. The album is littered with a variety of instrumental cuts and songs with vocalists, so it makes for an interesting listen. Hell, even just the list of guest vocalists is interesting, and should make most rock and metal fans curious about this, thanks to featuring Lzzy Hale of Halestorm, Chris Motionless of Motionless In White, Alissa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy, David Draiman of Disturbed, Anders Friden of In Flames, and Alice Cooper himself. There are a few more, but those are some huge names. You'd think that this record would be a mixed bag, because each song would sound different, or the quality would vary between vocalists, but it doesn't. Honestly, I love The Call Of The Void, and this is easily one of the best rock and metal albums I've heard all year (possibly of the last few years as well). The sad thing is, this record will go unnoticed by a lot of people because Strauss isn't a household name just yet. This record has a very consistent sound and feel to it, all the while having enough variety in each track to make it a unique listen. Every song goes between hard-rock and heavy metal, whereas some tracks leans towards metalcore, arena-rock, melodic death metal, and nu-metal, but there's just enough of the "core" sound of this record that keep them all somewhat similar, especially when Strauss comes in at various points with killer riffs and solos.
Yeah, as great as a lot of the vocalists are here (more on that in a second), Strauss herself is the best part of it. Her guitarplaying is utterly fantastic, and I find myself really going back to some of the instrumental cuts on here, such as opener "Summer Storm," or "Consume The Fire," "Scorched," and "Momentum." The songs with vocalists are great, too, and a lot of them feature fantastic hooks that really get stuck in your head, as well as some great riffs and solos that showcase her playing very well, despite being a more accessible sound. One could argue that she limits herself by contorting her playing to that of the guest vocalists, and to an extent, I can understand that, but it's also a testament to the amount of different styles she can play and not miss a beat. She doesn't sound out of place at any point. She can play nu-metal / alt-metal with David Draiman on "Dead Inside," hard-rock with Lzzy Hale on "Through The Noise," or melodic death metal with Alissa White-Gluz on "The Wolf You Feed," and it all sounds natural. Even the metalcore cut on this record with Chris Motionless, "Digital Bullets," still works very well, because alongside a pretty solid breakdown, there's a great solo in that song (definitely one of the best on the album).
The album's length at around an hour may turn some people off, and I get that, but I find myself coming back to this album a lot. I get super excited when certain tracks come up, because I'm just so excited to listen to it over and over. If you enjoy hard-rock and/or heavy metal in any capacity, I'd listen to this. It doesn't do anything that you haven't heard before, but the solos, riffs, and hooks are enough to really elevate this album. The vocalists on here never become the sole focus of the record, which can be an issue when musicians feature vocalists, because the vocalists can take center stage, but just when you think that the vocalists are becoming the most important part, Strauss comes through with a face-melting solo that reminds you that this is her record. Adding vocalists, however, is a very good idea, because it makes for a more accessible and digestible listen. Sure, it's around an hour, but it doesn't lose its edge, momentum, or interest. It never gets boring, and that's surprising with albums this long, but I've always said that it takes the right album to keep me engaged for more than 40 - 45 minutes. If an album can do that, it's something special, and boy, this album is something special. it's one of the best of the year, so check it out.
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userparamore · 4 months
I feel like talking so, you're gonna get it.
This Is Why is Paramore's best album (and I am an after laughter truther), I was skeptical bc of CCC and the length of it but tbh, the album as a whole is so cohesive and flows nicely together. It's the perfect length for a drive, a shower, even doing the dishes. Some of their best lyrics (Crave & Thick Skull) to date... I wish I knew more about music theory so I could dissect it, but even the sound has matured. I truly think this is the beginning of their actual true sound..
Forgive me, I spend too much time on Reddit but people who hold on to brand new eyes and riot as their best are just wrong lol! I wish I could feel casual about this, but I've followed this band since 2007 when I was 12... and to really grow up with Hayley has been an incredible experience. She has inspired me in so many ways, I relate to her personal solo music and I just think she / paramore are one of the most authentic musicians of our time!!!
Anyways, Crave... all time song of our existence... truly their best song. Thanks for reading, love your blog! I submitted for the zine and can't wait to see everyone's work for this fantastic album!!!!
oh i welcome this ask with open arms! <3 if you're interested in music theory, stereogum did a piece on ROOT that was extremely interesting to read.
i don't know if paramore will ever develope a true sound? i think they're artists that are always on the search for new ways to express themselves through music. i think describing what makes paramore, paramore, is difficult as it's almost more of a feeling? does that make sense? i used to think it was hayley's voice, but then again i think no friend is such a paramore sounding song.
the people who think riot is their best album doesn't know paramore's discography and are just stuck in time. it's okay to love the sound of the record, and now years later it's a defining album for that particular sound in the 00s. but paramore then and paramore now are just so detatched to me. it's not the same band anymore. i agree that bne is one of their strongest albums but then you have AL and tiw who i think are both much stronger bodies of works.
i'm a little too young to have been here from the beginning, but they've been such a monumental (<- pun intended 😎) band to me throughout my pre-teen/teenage years and now young adulthood- just like you <3 every album have defined my life in different ways and i'm so happy to be a small part of the fandom here on tumblr.
and AH!! it makes me so happy to hear that you submitted something for the zine!!! <3 can't wait for it to be posted tomorrow (well technically today for me) so we can share all the great art and writing we've gotten! @ignorancelive have been working their ass off to put it together <333
here's to 1 year of this is why <3
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genderqueer-miharu · 4 months
Hello, so this was supposed to be a reblog of this post by @archivalofsins but since tumblr mobile sucks its not letting me reblog to add anything. So i decided to write what i wanted to add in a seperate post. Please go read the og post first since this will be discussing something she mentioned at the end about the similarities between Caligula Effect and Milgram and the possible connections with how the locations in both series operate. It's really interesting especially if you're a fan of both series. Spoiler warning for both Caligula Effect games as well
First off, your observations were fantastic i was blown away when i read that last part. But you mentioning how similar milgram and mobius and redo work made me realize something. So you already mentioned the weird passage of time, the connections with Miku and the songs the prisoners cover, the doors, they're all are great catches, but there is something else that would just give this connections even more credibility, something that's a big part of both the Caligula games and Milgram: the songs.
Right at the start of the musician route in Overdose after the protagonist gains the form of Lucid, they tell Thorn and Mu that they'll need a song of their own, to which Thorn and Mu show them a mixing console to compose their song and after they're done composing Mu says this
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[Image description: A screenshot from The Caligula Effect Overdose. Thorn, Lucid and Mu stand in front of a mixing console as Mu says: "Now, release your emotions! I'll see the lyrics in your heart and sing them for you!". /End description]
Specifically mentioning that she'll sing the lyrics in their heart. Her saying this might just mean she does this with all the other musicians. Unlike Thorn and the Obbligatto musicians in Redo the rest of the musicians were not actual composers in the real world and they might have just started when they got to Mobius. But they didn't actually have to write any lyrics, as Mu did here she could just look into their hearts and get the lyrics, not too different for how Milgram extracts the songs. The Obbligatto musicians in Redo on the other hand, were all actual Virtuadoll producers in reality as stated in their profiles (with the exceptions of Regret and Bluffman). So the songs there were all most likely all written and composed by them, with Regret simply singing the songs.
However, there's something else that give the connections with Milgram even more credibility, and that's the fact that music videos for these songs exist in-universe as well
MVs for 1 (except love scope and onboro)
MVs for 2
None of the musicians in both games mention having made these videos themselves, so it wouldn't be too farfetched to assume that Mobius and Redo are able to do just do this. And since Mu and Regret had control over their respective worlds they could've created these videos to broadcast to a wider audience to drag more people in, and create more digiheads.
I know that it's not just like how Milgram extracts videos but all the individual details can be combined to make the system Milgram uses make more sense. As you stated Mu is able look into people's hearts and see what they were like in reality, along with her stating that she can look into the musicians' hearts to extract the lyrics for their songs and the possibility of her creating music videos for these songs it starts to sound more and more like how Milgram works, if anyone has access to the code of Mobius then they could use all these things to create the videos we see.
That's pretty much all i wanted to mention. And i really like the idea that Milgram might just work similar to Mobius and Redo cause it really explains many of the unexplained things in the series, like the weird passage of time in the prison, why the prisoners cover Miku's songs, why Es can't be attacked by the prisoners or why they can't attack each other during specific periods of time, hell it might also explain where the items the prisoners ask for come from since someone could just program these things to appear. And them being in comas in reality would really explain Yuno's comment on wether she's alive or not. It's all really interesting to me and i'm glad you brought this up. We'll see if Milgram actually explains this and if it really is as similar as we think.
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Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @bazzybelle for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, eighty-three! There are a couple more I've orphaned, though.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
83,430. Damn, seeing a big number and my name in the same sentence is weird xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Dragon Prince, Carry On, and Nimona! I've also written for Starkid and She-Ra in the past.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The top three are Nimona haha. I jumped on the Nimona train pretty early, so I'm not surprised.
These scars that never fade [Nimona, G, 300] - 320 kudos
Bad Days [Nimona, T, 500] - 295 kudos
A Second Chance [Nimona, T, 1.6k] - 235 kudos
Kiss It Better [Carry On, T, 2.1k] - 186 kudos
Sexualities and Crises [Carry On, T, 1.5k] - 181 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love interacting with my readers, especially because a good majority of them are also friends and people I've talked to before.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohoho, so I have been Living It Up in angst land over here! The first one that popped into my mind was a personal fic, so here's another very angsty hurt no comfort:
Lavender hearts [Carry On, M, 3.4k]
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I joked with @that-one-dingus last night that I write three kinds of fics: stupidly cute, horrifically angsty, and amazingly chaotic. In other words, I have posted lots of stupidly cute fics! 😂 This is one of my favorites with a happy/hopeful ending!
Hurting, Healing (Loving, Forgiving) [The Dragon Prince, T, 2.1k]
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yuuup. I've gotten quite a bit of arophobia on my aro Baz fic. (I believe this is when I turned off guest commenting.) I've absolutely loved stepping into writing for The Dragon Prince because people took one look at this baby aplatonic writing aplatonic Ethari and jumped right on the train. I adore y'all <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I'll write almost anything as long as it's safe, sane, and consensual. My favorite kinds of smut to write is anything using non-human parts--which is basically all my snowbaz and ruthari smut! I love getting to use the wings and tail and horns.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I do have one in the works... and I'd say it's pretty chaotic. Lamb (Simon Snow)/Aaravos (The Dragon Prince) smutfic. The most top4top struggle to ever top4top struggle.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
...does translating my own fic count? I translated Worst seats known to musician-kind into Spanish!
Other than that, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don't really want to, honestly. Knowing me, it won't be a good idea unless I trust the person I'm writing with really well.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well okay then, this question went for the throat. Snowbaz is great and all, but ruthari... I adore ruthari. They're murder husbands and fantastic parents. I just... adore them. *holds gently*
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My disabled Baz fic. The passive--and explicit--ableism in these books is... certainly something. I really want to write a fic where Baz is disabled and has chronic leg pain, but it's just too personal. I don't know if I can continue.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write short fics really well! I've been told I can hit people right in the feels in just a couple hundred words. I'm also good at flow and poetry-like writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing longfics, I guess. My writing is an escape, so I don't tend to look at weaknesses a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Sure! I love reading it when authors write other languages into their fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, I think.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Mmm how about one from each fandom I'm active in? I love my writing, and rules are more like guidelines anyway.
Hurting, Healing (Loving, Forgiving) [The Dragon Prince, T, 2.1k] - Hurt/comfort, so much communication, aplatonic Ethari, and disabled Runaan! This one was supposed to be something much shorter and fluffier, but it turned into a longer fic with more feels. (Who gave you permission to have feelings, Runaan?) But that's fine because it was so much fun to write!
Mark of the Beast [Carry On, E, 1.5k] - Speaking of monsterfucking... I am so fucking proud of this lambden fic. It was sooo much fun to write.
Wave your flag high [Nimona, G, 300] - Supportive Ambrosius! Goldenheart doing menial household chores together! Bal gets a disability pride flag! This is one of my favorite things I've ever written. What I wouldn't give for my own disability pride flag...
Tagging @iamamythologicalcreature @hoothalcyon @legend-of-the-fandoms @youarenevertooold @stitchyqueer @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @yeonjunenby 💖💖
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apocalypticavolition · 4 months
Film Thoughts
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So in an effort to become more cultured and whatnot I figured I might as well get the streaming service for film nerds. Way too many essential films I haven't seen, so why not knock a bunch out? Here's what I watched in the last week.
The Graduate
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It's rare for a romantic comedy (well, dramedy, but still, it's hilarious) to be aware that its male protagonist is a horrible person whose only virtue, if you can call it that, is an unrelenting persistence in getting what he wants. It's even rarer for those with incompatible romantic leads to be aware of exactly how miserable they're going to make each other once the honeymoon phase wears off. The Graduate is famous for its ending that makes it very clear exactly how badly its protagonists have torpedoed their lives. But I'd really like to highlight that delightfully horrible moment in the middle, when Dustin Hoffman's character drags Katharine Ross to the front row of a strip club and - for basically the only time in the film until the ending - feels something resembling the human emotion of regret as she is humiliated by the dancer and brought to tears. Anne Bancroft is a fantastic Mrs. Robinson, a woman whose initial affair with Hoffman and perpetually caustic attitude don't quite manage to hide how desperately depressed she really is. A+, should have seen it a lot sooner.
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
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I've seen Time Bandits, so I'm honestly not sure why I expected anything different. Terry Gilliam adapts a German novel about a tall-tale-telling nobleman (played by John Neville) who fought in the Russo-Turkish War of the 1730s. It's... well, with just a little effort you could easily make it a sequel to Time Bandits. The big differences are that the Baron's obligatory child companion is a girl this time (Sarah Polley) and that he only has one dwarf (Jack Purvis) in the party instead of six, with his other companions being a variety of dudes with extraordinary abilities. Like the Bandits, the Baron jumps from fantastic location to location, visiting a city under siege, Greek myths, and a distant ocean. Finding Robin Williams as the King of Space on the moon is a new touch at least. But sadly, where Bandits's strange ending is almost entirely based on how its plot unfolded bar Sean Connery's unexplained presence in the present, Baron doubles down on the inexplicable at the last minute and deliberately muddles its own finale. I'm not sure Gilliam really ever knew how to end stories. Everything else was quite fun though.
The Delta
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An obscure indie film about a young man (Shayne Gray) in Tennessee who embraces his queer leanings and goes boating with a black Vietnamese immigrant (Thang Chan). It's the kind of indie film I often find myself bouncing off of, avoiding a clear dramatic arc in favor of atmosphere and subtle characterization, but on the whole I was drawn in. Chan was a particular delight, demonstrating the difficulties his character had as a queer immigrant of unusual heritage navigating the south in the 90s. It's obvious their relationship is going to fall apart, but I rooted for it anyway. I also enjoyed an earlier scene in the film in which Gray hooks up with a middle-aged man with fetishes that end the encounter prematurely, despite the man's begging as Gray prepares to leave. Sadly, this is another film with ending problems, escalating to a violent conflict that feels more like it was about shocking the audience that anything else. It's still worth watching for Chan's performance.
Inside Llewyn Davis
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I really enjoy the Coen Brothers. Oscar Isaac plays the titular character, the Coens' take on real folk singer Dave van Ronk, a talented musician whose impulsiveness and pride consistently prevent him from ever finding real success. Davis remains a more sympathetic character than the company he keeps in part because of the grief of his former musical (and romantic?) partner's death and in part because he does consistently try to do right by his friends even as he makes poor decision after poor decision. Other strong performances in the film include Carey Mulligan, who is almost completely unlikable but dominates every scene she's in, and of course John Goodman who could play a decayed corpse and still be nominated for several awards. In this case he plays a complete asshole of a jazz musician with a heroin problem. It's a fun look at a fictitious variant of the New York folk music scene, but honestly "Coen Brothers" should have already told you whether or not you'd like it.
The Lady Vanishes
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Since the Criterion Channel cycles their roster monthly and Hitchcock is being kicked off the streams at the end of this month, I figured I'd give him a bit of attention. The Lady Vanishes offers up a simple enough story: bride-to-be Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) crosses paths with Miss Froy (May Whitty) on a train, but Miss Froy vanishes and Iris has to team up with Gilbert (Michael Redgrave) when no one will admit to having seen the woman, some for merely selfish reasons and others for far more sinister ones. It's a bit too "civilized Brits keeping their chins up amid wicked foreigners" for my liking, but the mystery is a good one and the suspense keeps up even as the characters unravel it. Apparently side characters Charters and Caldicott (who were kinda gay for each other, just saying) were so popular that the BBC just kept using them, which I... do not understand at all. A fun movie, but not Hitchcock's best.
Rear Window
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Okay I've already seen this one, but it's been years so it was time to watch it again dammit. I don't know if Rear Window is Hitchcock's best, but it's my favorite. A film that's as much about film as it is about spying on your neighbors, Rear Window is a technical marvel. James Stewart and *checks notes* future princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly-
*checks notes again*
Nope, that's what it says. Hell of a career move.
-star in this thriller about a man who tragically broke his leg about five years before TV became popular and so had to turn to voyeurism to pass the time instead. When he's not spying on the hot dancer or the lonely over-30 woman who is about ready to kill herself from the loneliness, he solves crime! Seriously, just watch it, unless you don't like movies where the dog doesn't live. (Spoiler alert: the dog does not live and its owners are fucking distraught.)
The Cat from Outer Space
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Imagine crossing E.T. with Hocus Pocus and adding some of the cast of M*A*S*H, then carefully distilling all of that quality entertainment, tossing it in the trash, and turning the dregs into film. I cannot even begin to fathom why the Criterion Channel has this movie. Its individual scenes are blandly predictable while its overall plot veers wildly from concept to concept (the military reacts to an extraterrestrial probe! the heroes need to gamble on sports and then at a pool hall to get gold! there's an air rescue scene!) in a mishmash of ideas that are each almost but not quite interesting. Since it does predate the kids films it so strongly resembles I won't ding it for having a scene where our alien cat levitates a bike for our hero to ride to safety, but I was so uninterested in this movie that I still kind of want to. Show this to your young kids, ideally when you don't have to be in the same room, but otherwise skip.
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So this was a Hitchcock that I thought I hadn't seen but realized very shortly that I definitely had back in high school. Struggling against the limitations of the era, it's a Hays Code movie starring John Dall and Farley Granger as a murderous gay couple and it's shot to look like a single take despite the fact that they literally couldn't fit more than ten minutes of film into the cameras back then. The title refers both to the literal murder weapon and to the metaphorical noose tightening around the main characters' necks as they try to flaunt their criminal genius by throwing a dinner party with all of their victim's family and friends while he's stuffed into the table they're eating off of. Dall, the sociopathic dom of the relationship, is all too pleased with himself and confident they have everyone (including James Stewart) fooled, while Granger, the obedient sub, slowly cracks under the guilt. You should definitely watch this, especially if you somehow didn't notice how gay it was.
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xombiriot · 6 months
TOP 3 Metal Albums I Enjoyed from 2023
A lot of great metal came out this year and it was hard to narrow it down to my Top 3. There were some great EPs released this year— Spiritbox’s The Fear of Fear, Brand of Sacrifice’s Between Death and Dreams and Knosis’s The Eternal Doom among them. Singles I enjoyed include: "On the Verge" by thrown, “Masterpiece” by The Anchor, “Enemy” by The Gentle Men (ft. Andy Cizek), “Weight of the World” by Harper (ft. We Came as Romans and Brand of Sacrifice), “Viking” by Slaughter To Prevail, "III" by DEATHPHONK (Nik Nocturnal's weird project); and Knocked Loose had the double, “Deep In the Willow”/“Everything is Quiet Now”.
My Top 5 honourable mentions: 5. [m]other by Veil of Maya, their newest does everything I want it to do, good riffs, cool effects, great vocals; 4. Soul Elegy by Termina, Nik Nocturna, Andy Cizek and friends deliver an awesome metal album; 3. Chaos Horrific by Cannibal Corpse is a strong entry and shows why they're still so loved after so long; 2. The Fox and the Bird by Ok Goodnight mixes folk, rock, metal and whatever else they want to create this really entrancing album; and 1. Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token is one of the albums I listened to the most because it's easy to put on when you're tired of being relentlessly pummelled by deathcore, but though its highs are super high, it just misses out landing on my top 3 because there are a few spots it lags
3. ...And Everything In Between - Unprocessed
Manuel Gardner Fernandes has quickly become one of my favourite guitarists between this release and Unprocessed's previous album Gold. The combination of styles on this album exemplify modern metal: bludgeoning heaviness, thumpy prog riffing (à la Animals As Leaders or Polyphia) and a mix of harsh and clean vocals. Despite the polish of these 9 tracks, some express such raw emotion and a ferocity that they really get me hyped up. The variety of tones and vocals kept me engaged throughout, and they blend and balance heaviness and melody so well. The guitar sounds so angry sometimes–especially the part of "Thrash" where Manuel beats the shit outta his guitar after screaming, "But you're just a fucking lie!" I love that. Other songs like "Blackbone" and "Die on the Cross of the Martyr" continue the trend of excellent instrumentation, the latter featuring guest solos by Polyphia's Tim Henson and Scottie Lepage. It's so well done and so engaging. In the short time I've had this album, it's become one of my favourites of 2023.
2. Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre - Periphery
When Periphery released "Wildfire" as a single I immediately bought into what they were selling. The way they transition through the various parts is seamless, the mix of vocal techniques and the jazzy interlude are all fantastic. It really captures the spirit of the whole record. Songs like "Dying Star" and "Zagreus" are also so hard. Periphery continues to show off their musical dexterity, and the band members prove once again they're not only some of the best musicians djenting their way through the world but as a collective they add up to more than the sum of their parts. My hottest take when it comes to this album is that I love "Silhouette" — it's like if you ran 80s soft rock and 90s/00s boy bands through a progressive music filter. I think they wrote this song and put it on the album just to prove they can do anything. And if Periphery is Djent, and Djent isn't a genre then why shouldn't they go in every genre direction they want to explore?
1. War of Being - TesseracT
In other years this top 3 could have been entirely deathcore or melodeath or metalcore, but this year it was djenty prog metal through and through. It's the music I gravitated to the most this year and nobody did it better than TesseracT. Daniel Tompkins vocals are incredible throughout, his cleans sounding particularly great on "Echoes" – giving us one of the best choruses before following it up with another great one on "The Grey". The album offers engaging lyricism throughout and the instrumentation is at a pedigree one would expect for a band in the vanguard of this genre. The album gives us atmospheric moments, synths, meditative passages before blasting us with metal. In many ways the whole album does what the best tracks on Sleep Token's Take Me Back To Eden do. Each song and the album as a whole provide an expansive experience. And that's why it's my number one. More than any other album released this year, TesseracT's War of Being makes me want to sit down and listen to it from beginning to end.
Other great albums: SUPERBLOOM by Silent Planet; Fatalism by Polaris; Feral by Left To Suffer; Foregone by In Flames; Ashen by Humanity's Last Breath; The Sin of Human Frailty by END; Symptoms of Survival by Dying Wish; and The Death We Seek by Currents.
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music-for-them-asses · 6 months
I'm going to recount my night last night! Under a read more because it's a tad long :)
I've been to the venue several times, and it's a nice space. I shelled out $15 for a cocktail (which was good, but Jesus, this is why I don't drink often!!) The first band was two guys-- one on drums and one playing guitar and singing. They were good, just played a few songs. The next band was a Cyndi Lauper tribute band. The lead singer was fantastic!! She had a great voice and could hit all of those high notes! She also looked just like Cyndi, it was fun! They're called We Bop, and you should look them up if you like Cyndi Lauper :)
The next band was a Texan INXS tribute band called INTXS. I recognized a lot of songs from my time in retail hell lolol. The band itself was really good! Only knew a few songs, but the whole set was great. I also learned INXS is from Australia lmfao.
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Next was what I was there for--STRANGELOVE!! They were incredible!! Not only were they just really talented, but they had so much fun on stage! Dave was INSANE, I wish I had caught a video of him spinning because OMG!
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They played: A Question of Time, World In My Eyes, New Life, Master and Servant, People Are People, Get the Balance Right, Just Can't Get Enough, Stripped, A Question of Lust, Strangelove, It's No Good, Behind The Wheel, NLMDA, Enjoy the Silence, Personal Jesus, and their encore was BUT NOT TONIGHT!!! I love that they played their old stuff. The synth is so fun to dance to live!!
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Yes, Dave was a slut. I approve lmfao
I wish they were closer together. It was hard to get a photo of Alan! But he's on the very right:
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My feet hurt by the end, but my back surprisingly didn't! Thank you, Doctors Scholl and Marten! I only talked sparingly to other folks. But I still had a great time! Got a t-shirt and took a photo with the bands afterward!
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I really did kiss Dave, hehehe. I posed like this and he leaned over and I smooched him. Totally out of character for me, but I was ENTRANCED. Maybe I need to meet a Dave impersonator irl LOL.
Anyway!! Tribute bands are a lot of fun. I highly recommend supporting local acts in your area! You're supporting local and traveling musicians while enjoying good music. It's a win win!
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rikastrology · 1 year
Mediastrology - Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
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Used the show birth date September 26 1987 (+ noon as his hypothetical birth time & Arlington TX as birth place from his bio)
Ardhra Moon
Whenever I picture Ardhra Nakshatra, I think of monsoon clouds. From the distance they look weightless, hovering miles above us, yet weigh tons and can bring havoc.
Ardra's lord Rudhra, described in texts as "frightening to behold", balances on this thin line between destruction and preservation. One is just as likely to drown from the summer rains as they are to be saved by them. Ardhra is, like the monsoon, inevitable. Like rains uncovering buried objects, they always end up getting to the root of the matter.
Rudhra natives tend to be courageous, with piercing gazes and a hefty dose of sarcasm. They tend to be more cynical than the people around them, often assuming the worst will happen as a coping mechanism. Their lives, like cloudbursts, often change drastically over short periods of time.
Uttara Phalguni Sun
According to David Frawley's writings, Uttara Phalguni placements tend to be noble in nature, at least to their allies. Ruled by Surya, they're headstrong and set in their ways.
At worst, they can be proud, arrogant, overly critical, and resentful. Additionally, this tendency towards hubris often ends up being their downfall. Uttara Phalguni suns especially have the karmic task to learn humility and to rely on others.
Chitra Mercury
Chitra's Lord Twashtar (the celestial architect) governs organized production, and tend to be better doers than talkers. These placements make great creators of any kind, such as artisans, mechanics, musicians, carpenters, etc.
Chitra placements (especially Mercury!) are known for speaking without thinking haha. Not very good at verbalizing their emotions, even to themselves.
Chitra's are also fighters, I like to call them the "David" placement relating to the David and Goliath story. They tend to be underdogs, and often have issues with authority figures (unless they are the authority figure in question).
Another important Chitra theme is their love for their children. Chitra's central desire is "To have wonderful children" and their lives often feel bleaker without them. This energy can of course present in many different ways irl, such as through pets, cared-for objects, vocations, students, or being a fantastic aunt/uncle/older sibling/mentor for another's children
Anuradha Rising
Anuradha is all about sacrifice - what we can do to serve the people around us. However, these individuals can sometimes develop a sense of resentment for their constant sacrifices. They might ask, "why is it always me taking care of them? why can't they meet me in the middle?
The perfect second-in-command, they're better at taking orders than giving them. Even when Anuradha risings end up taking supreme leadership, they often secretly defer to others for guidance, and most cool-voiced, charismatic Anuradha placements often have imposter syndrome behind closed doors.
Anuradha's power is worship, and worshiping something placed high above necessitates belief in something far below. Anuradhas fear shadows behind every corner. Anuradha placements are often their own worst critics, and are known to be "wrathful in defeat".
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twiggyrogue · 2 months
Crazy Ex Girlfriend reading that no one has asked for but I've been thinking about it! but it's about whats up with the songs that Rebecca isn't present for (and some solos that she is but that just makes it confusing)! Because there's a lot of different interpretations of it, and I want to just put out mine
For me, the songs that Rebecca isn't there for aren't in her head, they are in the singers' minds. In the world of the show, especially with songs like "Hey West Covina," "Thought Bubbles," "I Go to the Zoo," (and plenty more), Rebecca absolutely doesn't know the inner thoughts being shared in those numbers. We know she is still projecting onto them from other songs from around those times- "Settle for Me", "Ping Pong Girl", "Strip Away My Conscious" (the first two are putting words in other character's mouths, the third spells out her impression of him pretty clear.) Rebecca doesn't know their struggles, that's why they are singing them to us, the viewers!
They're singing because it's the language that the show, "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" uses to share large emotions and inner thoughts. Yes, it's also the diegetic way Rebecca sees the world, but since her POV is the primary view the show, that's how the viewpoint remains. Despite this, even though Becks is the main character, CXG still goes out of its way to develop and explore character when they are outside of her, to show that none of them are exactly perfect narrators.
I think saying that Rebecca is the one choreographing their personal vignettes- retroactively, after she learns about them- weakens them and puts too many filters over the ideas in the songs. Because then it makes every song actually about what she thinks someone's breakthrough is about. Lets be real, she never had and will never have enough thoughts about George to formulate "George's Turn."
If this was a much more experimental show- which, it already is, but even moreso than normal- everyone would have their own interpretations of their psyche, like Nathaniel's romcom episode. Like, say for "Trapped in a Car" maybe Rebecca is singing in her head, but Paula is imagining a really shitty filler part in a romance novel where the side character she does not care about has way too many lines. They'd be saying the same thing in different mediums, but in the show, they just converge into one song.
CXG is musical comedy, written by comedic musicians and sold with the idea that each episode has a song. And as a medium, musicals are fundamentally fantastic at doing this introspective character work! The changing of genres for certain characters is already an insight on how to read them, which makes it a joy to analyze. It's a format that really, really works for a show that wants viewers to empathize with everybody in the cast. The show needs to use "Rebecca's worldview" on other characters because that's the kind of show it is!
imo it's such a neat move that the writers decided to explore how the introspective and emotional medium of musicals could work as a coping mechanism and I love it! But, if anything, making the main character literally have vivid mental music numbers does confuse the use of them in any other place when they're played more narratively straight lol
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