#why would they all conveniently be at the mall at the same time
stevie-petey · 8 months
hello i wanted to say this earlier when you were talking about the wiritng of duffer brothers and specifically how they will likely be bringing back the love triangle again and i just wanted to add how it feels like a step back for all three of them! i felt like nancy breaking up with steve was important for both of them, for steve to realise that he needs to do some serious introspection and let go of the life that he knows is fake, and for nancy it feels doubly important to not attempt to stick with something just because it was there in the past, and instead allow herself to move on from a stage she feels complete with and move onto what she really wants (johnathan), even if it's unconventional! and then for johnathan it felt like the more classic, someone is choosing me when i am not usually chosen moment. i honestly, truly, wouldn't even be that mad if they break jancy up, just because, y'know they're like 19-20, and it's okay for nancy to decide she wants to explore things outside of hawkins and it's pretty normal for most people, and would strengthen that "moving on" theme they were able to capture in s2, but if she goes back to steve.............hmmmm. feels unfair thematically for steve to go back to a person he dated during a specific period of his life he wants to get away from, feels unsatisfying for nancy wheeler to be delegated to Love Interest TM (as u mentioned) AGAIN, and feels bad for johnathan because omg why??!!?!? would u do that to a character whose already lost a lot of the importance and relevance that he used to have???? remember when he used to be the main character (not to mention they literally cut out his new friend argyle for the hell of it). idk i feel like after s2 they just stopped caring about a lot of these core characters and there are so many moments i could point to and be like hey guys nice regressing you did there.
my apologies, this is getting really wrong, but you mentioned that you like themes and i LOVE your themes it's very cathartic. i am excited for s3 to see character themes continue because i understand ur working with the show itself here but it immediately upset me when they made, like, russian soldiers, the main villain of the season. i felt like we had developed two very good seasons exploring the US's ability to use its citizen's bodies, especially women and girls' bodies, in its war for imperial power, and were doing some good digging at the crux of the cold war, with the upside down and its monsters making up great metaphors for the war crimes and unnatural horrors it's willing to unleash onto people as long as the government and military benefits, with brenner and the scientists and the labs all representing this part of the government. and then we get "russian communists are bad".......right......and i'm sure you believe that....... i understand that they needed like a new villain, but i think it would have been better for them to continue that thematic critique they had established already. like, the base being in the lab is perfect! wow! what an immediate link to capitalism and consumerism in reaganamics and the ways it is designed to hypnotise you to spend your money and feed the economy that thrives on unethical practices and can only exist if it has a population hooked into the addiction of product consumption that in turn provides the economics to increase the empire. DO SOMETHING WITH THAT, GODDAMIT. The mindflayer even mind controls people which fits so well into this theme but they insisted on having the russians be the human villains of the show and it blew it so bad for me :(. i don't know exactly what they should have done, but i think maybe even having a portal open to the upside down because of all the artificial-ness of the mall mixed with the constant ads trying to convince (ie control) people to bye stuff mixing with hawkins freakiness would have been more fulfilling for me. obviously i know you won't be doing anything like that but i'm excited to get some relief through character relationships from this huge problem i have with the duffer brothers.
yeaaaaah u can def tell the show was going a bit haywire once season 3 released BUT the seasons vibes were immaculate u cannot argue with that. however yeah its wack how they brought up some cool villains and powers and then just. dropped it. do we know what happened to all those flayed people ???
as for jonathans character just becoming less and less important as the seasons go on ,,,, i grieve that every day. he deserves so much better in that aspect. and nancy !!! and steve !!!! like the love triangle pisses me OFF !!!!
as for ur russian rant imma be real i followed a bit of it but my brain is so sleepy and im not a history buff but ur SO real and valid for all that. i think the russians were fun but apparently everyone hates them ??? wild. i also have poor media literacy but thats not important rn
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jlheon · 3 months
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(𝓹airing) — psh x fmr ꣑୧ 𝓯renemies to lovers ; fluff, profanity, & lots of kissing (𝔀ordcount) one-thousand five-hundred forty 𝓹eng's note. these pics. #iWantThat 𝓫ookshelf
𝓼ynopsis. seeing your ex in public leads to hiding in a small photobooth with your annoying student council vice president park sunghoon
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“you’re late,” sunghoon says in the most agitating voice possible as you walk through the classroom door.
“i wouldn’t be late if you did your job,” you huff, walking right up to the desk he sat at and dropping the bags of decorations you had picked up from the party supplies store.
“hey! i said i would pick those up!” he says annoyed, sifting through everything you brought.
“mrs. kim said we needed them by today! why the fuck were you just sitting around?” 
“geez, loosen up,” the boy gets up from his seat, his tall body looming over yours. “let’s just go decorate the gym.”
the two of you split up the bags of party supplies and headed towards the gym where the rest of the council and student volunteers were waiting. 
setting up for the fundraiser was easy until you and sunghoon started yelling at each other over which color streamers should be used over the doorway. 
jake had to drag you away by the shoulders to come to help him with the balloons. sunghoon felt a bitter taste when he saw jake with his arm around your shoulder but decided to ignore it. 
“hoon,” jungwon calls out. “we’re out of balloons!”
“that’s why i should have bought the decorations…” sunghoon mutters under his breath before walking up to where you and jake were giggling. 
sunghoon walks up behind you and places a hand on your shoulder. “we have to go back to the store.” he whispers in your ear. 
you freeze at his touch but nod and say goodbye to jake. he lets go of you and the two of you walk out the exit leading to the parking lot.
the two of you get into sunghoon’s car and he drives off to the mall. 
there’s an awkward silence between the both of you, which you can’t decide if you like bantering with him over it. there’s so much tension due to sunghoon’s lingering touch from earlier.
once inside the mall, you quietly walked side by side into the automatic doors. 
only a few feet from the party supplies stores you halt. spotting your ex-boyfriend and old friend seemingly on a date.
“sunghoon,” you whisper, tapping on his shoulder. “do you see what i see?”
he rolls his eyes at you finally breaking the silence but then looks up to see for himself. once he does that the two seem to have had the same idea, making eye contact with the other.
“oh shit they saw us,” he panics, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the photo booth you were conveniently standing next to.   
the photo booth is small. way too small. sunghoon is already sitting as you uncomfortably sit on the ledge with your legs peeking out from the curtain. 
“get up,” he instructs. 
“what?” you raise an eyebrow. “i’m not letting them see me again! especially not with you!”
“i meant like come here,” sunghoon grabs you and settles you on his lap, so the both of you fit into the small space.
“oh my god, what if they come over here!” you panic resting your hands on his shoulders. “this is bad! especially since i’m with you of all people-”
“with me?” sunghoon questions. 
“well, like when we were dating, he always thought you had a crush on me, which isn’t impossible! i had to keep reassuring him but he never believed me! like me and you are barely even friends-” you ramble, balling sunghoon’s shirt in your fists as you freak out. 
“woah, calm down,” he tells you, prying your hands from his uniform so you don’t wrinkle it. “it’s not like they’ll come to talk to us.”
just as the words left his mouth the sound of two sets of footsteps were picked up by your ears. you started to become overwhelmingly nervous. it was the first time seeing your ex-boyfriend since the split and the fact your childhood best friend was on a date with him. 
even if you drifted, shouldn’t she have some sense of girl code?
“you’re shaking,” sunghoon stares at you. 
“no i’m not!” you shake your head, your heartbeat being undeniably fast. “but like i haven’t had a date since him and that’s kind of sad for me-”
“i swear i saw her,” the familiar voice of your old friend says, sounding so close. “it could have been anyone though.”
“no, i saw her and that motherfucker,” your ex hisses. 
“wow, i’m ‘motherfucker’,” sunghoon whispers, rolling his eyes.
“if he made a move on her i swear.”
“hey, i have an idea,” he says in your ear. 
sunghoon reaches for his phone out of his pocket, holding you close as he leans over slightly to pay the machine for a photo. the screen activates after processing his card and he selects a random frame. 
the camera starts going and you sit confused as sunghoon starts posing. you can’t help but watch him. he always looks pretty but you must admit he knows how to pose. 
you peek over to the curtain to see two pairs of legs standing outside the photo booth. you can only assume it’s them. 
“you weren’t looking in any of them,” sunghoon recalls, pressing print on the screen. 
“oh, sorry,” you turn your attention back to him. 
“it’s fine, let's do another one,” he says nonchalantly as he pays for another photo strip.
this time sunghoon shifts in his spot, making it so that your face can be seen on the screen without having to turn you around in his lap.
you awkwardly copy sunghoon’s poses until by the second to last picture you hear him again.
“that fucker is in the photo booth,” the male voice outside says, seeing as he drops the photo strip back into where it fell from. 
“come closer,” he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“fine,” you lean onto him. “but don’t show my face too much. i’m not wearing concealer today.”
“you look just as pretty,” sunghoon leans closer so your lips barely brush the others. “maybe even prettier than usual.”
he brings his thumb to your bottom lip, gently stroking it before closing the gap. 
you hate to admit it but kissing sunghoon was everything you expected and more. you’ve caught yourself daydreaming about his lips on yours during one-on-one meetings in the conference room. when his hair is still damp from his after-shower practice and his face is still slightly flushed.
park sunghoon can make you mad, especially when he got secretary over you in freshman year. but you cannot deny that even when bitter about the council's choice you wanted to kiss that proud smile on his face. 
he made you mad when he stole your posters when you were running for secretary again the next year. but after he found you crying in the far stairwell he explained he only did that because he thinks you should run for president instead. sunghoon even pulled out another stack of flyers he made for you that he spent the whole night doing.
the sunghoon that got you both kicked out of a council meeting for arguing with each other is the same sunghoon with his lips molded perfectly against yours. 
the same boy that had you studying your ass off when class ranks came out, since he’s your only competition, is the same boy in front of you now with his lips locked on yours.
you start to feel dizzy by the decreased amount of air in your lungs by the minute but you can’t bring yourself to let go just yet. when you start seeing black specs dotting your vision you finally pull away to see a heavily panting sunghoon with a flushed face. 
“sorry,” sunghoon apologizes as he catches his breath.
your heart sinks. he only kissed you to distract you and probably so your ex will see the photos when they print.
“oh,” you fight the frown threatening to appear on your face. “it’s okay. he’s probably gone now.”
“i would have asked for your permission but you looked really stressed and i thought it would help you get your mind off your asshole ex.”
“thanks,” you say with a pout sunghoon finds adorable.
“you still seem sad,” he pokes at your sides, making you squirm in his hold. “maybe another kiss?”
“maybe,” you say shyly. 
sunghoon is out forty dollars by the time you and he are done kissing in the photo booth. he kept mindlessly swiping his card as his lips stayed on yours to prevent anyone from kicking you two out since you were there for a considerable amount of time.
you’re interrupted by sunghoon’s phone ringing profusely. 
“where are you two?” jungwon asks in a panic. “we need those balloons.”
“traffic,” sunghoon says as you plant a line of kisses down his neck, hands tangled in the hair at his nape.
“hurry up,” jungwon advises him.
you and sunghoon return to school an hour and a half after you originally left. with a bag of balloons and a stack of photo strips. most of them capturing purely just of you two making out.
when stepping foot in the gym and you go over to hand jungwon the balloons he so desperately needed. he quickly notices the matching hickeys forming on both your necks and how disheveled your uniforms and hair appear.
“traffic huh?” jungwon asks as his eyes flicker between both of you.
"lots," you nod as you walk away to help minjeong tie balloons.
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fatehbaz · 3 months
In just eight blocks of sidewalk in quiet neighborhood, walking through the not-quite-rain of a sunshower, today I encountered four missing shoe soles. Little pieces of plastic and rubber, detached from pedestrians' shoes, now lonely on the concrete, with the weeds.
No such thing, really, as a "weed", though. "Weed" is not a botanical term. Instead, describes perceived pests, at the discretion of the observer. At the discretion of the authority. Designated as weed by the one with power over that land. The agronomist, the rancher, the plantation manager. The weed wastes space that could otherwise be given to a monoculture cash crop, an "economically significant" plant. The weed interferes with the productivity of the plot of land. The weed interrupts the extraction. The weed diminishes the value. The weed doesn't belong in this place.
People are made to be weeds, too.
Some cities will designate you as a weed, and then they'll take action to pull you out. They'll uproot you. But it's not always explicit, like "we're outlawing loitering" or "we're outlawing taking a nap in the park" or "we're defunding the library". Sometimes it's quite clever, it's written into the physical landscape. Self-congratulatory "progressive" cities learn to co-opt language, to obscure the violence, to use and abuse space.
Thinking about things you might encounter, you might perceive, after you've been destitute, broken, lived at a homeless shelter, for years. Little signs of other peoples' misery. Indicators of desperation that some might overlook. And the way that environment shapes, and is shaped by, these miseries.
A friend asks "why is there always an unusual amount of scuffed detached missing shoe soles on this particular stretch of sidewalk? There are hardly any homes around here, it's all asphalt and empty lots, so where are all these be-shoed people coming from?" Because even though this is a wide expanse without either home residences or any kind of commercial or recreation space someone would want to visit, these blocks are the straight-line direct path between a low-income apartment complex and the cluster of corporate big box stores, and there's no bus line that runs between the two areas. "But don't the vast majority of customers of shopping malls and box stores drive vehicles, hence the obscenely massive parking lots?" Sure, customers drive, but guess who actually has to work at those places? An underclass of people living at that apartment complex with harsh restrictions and cheap amenities, who can't afford car insurance or who might be too physically disabled to bike. And so that apartment complex is a de facto "company town", the residents are essentially in confinement. It is written into that landscape. It can be read. "Why is there always debris, wrappers, coins, etc. in this particular quiet couple of blocks of the boulevard?" Because these blocks are between a thrift store and a same-day drop-in clinic, so many impoverished people will routinely be walking between these two locations. They attend their appointment, and then have forty-five minutes to kill before the bus comes back around, so why not check out the thrift store? The city and county collaborated and placed all the low-income assistance offices on the far side of town, which conveniently forces the poor and disabled to both stay away from the luxurious downtown district and also to waste their time making a four-hour commute, catching various connecting buses or else riding the bikepath, across the city just to attend a ten-minute-long appointment.
Then this spatial layout, this city's physical environment, will shape the physical body. This violence writes itself into the flesh. The way the denim is chafed and discolored on the left shoulder of someone's jacket from carrying a small backpack around by foot, day after day after day. The way someone's heart rate increases when they see a white and black vehicle in the periphery of their vision, subconsciously recollecting institutionalization and institutional abuse, or fearing what a ticket fee would mean for their budget (they might not be able to afford rent). The way someone develops a painful limp, maybe occasionally depends on a cane, because they had to walk great distances every day to get to work and their shoe sole fell off on the sidewalk, but they can't replace the shoes because their employer is underpaying them, and they're forced to stand all day at work anyway, and they already had some modest nerve damage in their foot because they've been rationing their insulin and can't afford their prescriptions, and federal medical insurance keeps denying them because their physical letters in the mail always show up too late or not at all, and groceries are too expensive so it's hard to get good nutrition to heal, but the diabetic nerve damage has by now damaged their digestive tract too so they have a strictly limited bland diet and can't enjoy the simple pleasure of a home-cooked meal (if they can even afford a home, at this point), and all those "little" miseries add up, and now they're hungry, and in pain, because they were forced to walk kinda funny for a long time over all those decaying sidewalks with all those other weeds.
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notspiders · 5 months
Liminal Spaces w/ 141
A thought I made with a few friends who fleshed it out more:
Liminal spaces! But you know, 141 are the monsters :P Now, the rule is that as long as you're compliant and not trying to escape, your liminal space is going to be heaven. They'll make sure of that to ensure you don't associate anything negative to their space. Can't have that, hmm?
Each man has their own domain. :)
Price - Suburbia:
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Quiet, infinite neighborhood, everything looks the same. There's people but they all seem to act exactly like you'd imagine Stock Images people would act.
You can't really talk with them either. Strange how when you approach one of them, they just disappear in a blink of an eye.
Price would prefer if you act as his loving partner :)
The fridge is always stocked! Beds are warm and cozy. The television plays anything you want.
You also get WIFI. Don't bother messaging anyone (that isn't your husband.)
You can try to 'exit' the neighborhood. There's a car even! You can drive in it. There's unlimited amount of fuel. Too bad the road never seems to end and the houses are still there...
Not to worry. You can exit out of the car and enter any one of the houses. Price is always waiting :)
Got that all out of your system, hm?
Gaz - Shopping Mall:
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Shopping mall has everything and anything.
Movie theaters, designer clothes, outlets, cafeterias, anything you want- it's there! Have fun exploring :)
It's just you though. No one else is in this mall.
Gaz's voice will always guide you over the speakers, should you ever get lost.
Or, your favorite music always plays over the speakers. You can ask Gaz to skip any song or play whatever you want at any moment of time.
Arcades, cafes, even a pet shop! Gaz will be happy to join you if you wish for company :)
The doors to the exits don't budge open. Stop trying.
There's an Internet cafe and library in this mall. Anything you want to read, watch, listen- it's all there. Still can't talk with anyone... Shame.
But you have Kyle. Who else do you want?
Soap - the Woods:
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The Firewatch tower in the endless, dense woods.
It's pretty cozy.
Food is always stocked in the fridge. Plenty of water too. If you want something fresh, just ask! Soap is happy to hunt for you :)
You can watch sunsets and sunrises with him. He loves it :)
No WIFI here unfortunately, but, really- say goodbye to your electronic devices and embrace nature. It's good for you.
If you want to explore the woods, always have Soap beside you. He'll guide you around. Maybe you might find a small, beautiful clearing beside a lake. It's a perfect campsite. Could go swimming, fishing, canoeing...
Don't worry. No harmful bugs or creepy crawlies you dislike.
Oh? You want to go rock-climbing? Why how convenient that there's this cliff right beside us. With harnesses and such attached to the wall! And would you look at that, it's very easy to climb.
Plenty of things to do.
Starwatching. :)
As long as you're with him, no harmful monsters are going to bother you two.
Never go alone.
Ghost - the Beach
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It's... a lovely beach.
If it weren't so foggy in most days.
But that's what you have Ghost for. He's your personal heater. :)
Seriously it gets freezing at night and the small shack by the ocean isn't really keeping the cold out.
Don't you worry. Sand won't get everywhere. And it's smooth. Calm your tits, Anakin.
Some days, when the Sun is out, the sand is just the perfect warm bed for you to lay down and just... sunbathe.
You can tan with Ghost to get that impeccable bronze. Don't worry, you won't get sunburnt. Of course... could always ask Ghost to lather sunscreen on you. He'll be happy to help you with that :)
The water can vary in temperature- from freezing cold to a nice sunny warm.
You can swim and wade in it. And you can try to go deeper but isn't that strange? The depth isn't changing and you just don't seem to be leaving the shore too much.
The currents do get stronger when you keep on trying. Don't bother, you're never getting past it.
Plenty of food and water in that shack. And spare clothes, towels...
WIFI? Babe, this is the beach. You don't need it. You have Ghost.
Credits to @angelcqre for this line:
something about the boys all going to Gaz’s domain at random points to pick up shit they don’t have in their own domains [...]
Yes they would. They absolutely would.
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megxplryxb · 15 days
Dance with me Forever
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Pairings - Steve Harrington x Fem!HopperReader
Warnings: None. Absolute fluff, Idiots in love, Mutual Pining, Friends to lovers, Jopper Wedding
The hot summer sun had finally set on a beautiful Saturday evening in the middle of July. The sound of champagne glasses clinking echoed throughout the romantic lake house ballroom, lit up in pinks and purples as guests celebrated the marriage of Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers. The couple had finally decided to tie the knot and unite their families once Vecna had been defeated, ending the nightmare of the Upside Down once and for all. It had been a long four years, continuously battling monsters from another dimension, always wondering when evil would rear it’s ugly head again but this time felt different, like there was finally peace in the mystical little town of Hawkins, Indiana.
The last few years had changed no one more than Steve Harrington. Long gone was the arrogant, rich boy you’d known in High School, having been cut off by his parents and left heartbroken by Nancy Wheeler, he had become somewhat of an outcast. Never in a million years did he imagine his life turning out quite like it had. Steve always thought he’d end up like his Father, marrying some girl for convenience instead of love, being nothing more than a suit for some company and have a mistress in every city he traveled to. Steve was more than grateful he hadn’t gone down the same path and he knew he had you, Robin and the kids to thank for that.
He was sat at a table with Robin, Vickie, Eddie, Chrissy and Nancy, all of whom were engrossed in conversation about how sweet Hopper’s speech had been and how emotional it was when the Chief of Police shed a few tears while gushing about his new Wife, your new Stepmom. Steve couldn’t exactly say he had heard much of Jim’s speech himself, too busy gazing at you sitting at the top table with your family, holding back your own tears, laughing with your siblings, El, Will and Jonathan. He hadn’t seen you all day as you were too busy doing bridesmaid duties, making sure everything was perfect for the ceremony but when you walked down the aisle, holding your bouquet of flowers, smelling like lavender, he swore his heart stopped when you looked his way and smiled at him. You were breathtaking, literally and figuratively, the girl of his dreams. Eddie had teased his friend for how red his cheeks had gotten, knowing that the former King of Hawkins was head over heels for you and that you felt the same about Steve. Chrissy had intervened, telling her boyfriend to lay off with the teasing but she too secretly wondered why Steve didn’t just tell you how he felt. It was obvious to everyone that you loved each other.
It’s not that Steve didn’t want to tell you, he’d almost told you twice before on the brink of death. The first time being when you were stuck in the Russian base under the Starcourt mall, the second time being when you were all preparing to battle Vecna for the final time. But he’d made a promise to your Dad two years prior, after that night in the Junkyard when you first became friends that friendship was all it was ever going to be between you. Steve didn’t blame Hopper for wanting better for his daughter, didn’t blame Jim for thinking he was exactly like his Dad back then. But he wished the Chief of Hawkins could see him for who he was now and not the asshole he was four years ago.
After dinner was done and all the pictures had been taken, you took yourself out to the garden with a glass of champagne in hand, glancing at Steve before you made your escape outside. He looked so handsome in his tux, the tux you’d helped him pick out several weeks ago when he asked you to go shopping with him. You hadn’t spoken to him all day, having been avoiding him like the plague for the better part of a week when he mentioned that he was planning to bring a date to the wedding. You had tried your best to not let it bother you, the thought of Steve with some pretty girl on his arm while you were all alone and you’d be lying if you said you weren't just a tiny bit relieved when he'd shown up all by himself.
You knew your Father had spoken to Steve about you, warned him against asking you out on several occasions and even though you were angry that Steve obeyed him, it kind of made you love him even more, because the Steve you'd known in High School wouldn't have been so respectful. Sometimes though, late at night when you couldn’t sleep, you wished he’d climb through your bedroom window so you both could give in to your feelings just one time.
As Joyce danced with her new Husband, she couldn't help but frown at Steve who was standing talking to Murray at the bar. He'd left his table to get another drink after the meal, not wanting to be surrounded by all the happy couples while he not so secretly pinned for you. Joyce had always liked Steve, saw the goodness in him that her Husband couldn't and she knew how the both of you felt about each other.
"Hop, are you ever going to give that poor kid a break?" She asks as Hopper let out a heavy sigh, knowing exactly who she was referring to.
"Joyce, please not tonight, it's our wedding for Christ sake." He begs as his new wife nodded in agreement. It wasn't the first time they'd discussed this matter.
"Exactly! It's a day full of love and happiness and your daughter is out there miserable and alone because she's terrified to talk to the boy she's crazy about in case she upsets you!" She huffs, frustrated at the Chief's stubbornness.
"Oh come on, I'm not that bad!" He defends as Joyce rolls her eyes. "What about the crap you pulled on Mike when he and El got together? The kid thought you were going to murder him Jim.”
"But I didn't! See, he's alive and well, having a great time!" Jim points to his younger daughter and her boyfriend dancing with their friends.
"And what about Steve, huh? When are you going to admit that you were wrong about him?" The bride asks, raising her brows.
"Jim Hopper, that boy has helped save our children's lives more times than I care to count. He would do anything for OUR daughter, he’s shown it time and time again. You know he’s nothing like his Father. They love each other, Jim. So quit being a god damn pain in everyone's ass and go talk to him, please?" Joyce begs, giving her new Husband a small, hopeful smile as he closes his eyes and sighs defeatedly.
"Fine, alright. I'm going."
Steve is nursing a glass of champagne, trying to look somewhat interested in Murray's ramblings when he see's Hopper approaching him at the bar. Jim lets out a small cough, before giving Murray a nod to give them a minute alone and Steve nervously waits for Jim to speak.
"Oh shit, what'd you do?" Murray mutters to Steve before downing his glass of whiskey, giving him a hopeful pat on the back before going to talk to the new Mrs. Hopper.
Jim leans back against the bar, fixing his suit jacket as he tries to think about what to say the boy beside him. He knows he should apologise for being an asshole to him but it's his wedding day and he wasn't apologising to anyone. Not today at least.
"Harrington, why is my daughter out there by herself?" He asks, pointing to you, still strolling through the garden alone.
"I uh, I don't know Sir, I haven't talked to her all day." Steve replies, wondering if this was some kind of trick.
"Well, maybe you should be a gentleman and go keep her company, huh?" The Chief suggests and Steve is really suspicious now.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell if you're being serious or not?" Steve questions honestly, not trying to offend your Dad in any way.
"When am I ever not serious about anything that has to do with my daughters?" He asks, looking straight at Steve. "Never, sir." He answers back.
There's silence for a moment as the two most important men in your life pause to look at you. You stare back at them, astounded that they seem to be having a conversation without your father looking like he was going to kill Steve.
"Do you love my daughter, Steve?" Jim asks, both of them still watching you in the distance. Hopper already knows the answer, he’s known it for quite sometime. He saw how Steve protected you during the battle in Starcourt, heard about how he looked after you and El when everyone thought he was dead. He’d have to thank him for that one day but not now. This was hard enough.
Steve didn’t have to think twice before answering the question, even if it meant getting choked out or knocked on conscious by Jim Hopper.
"More than anything in this world." Steve admits, smiling brightly as his heart swells with adoration for you. Hopper nods then, placing an approving hand on Steve's shoulder.
"Then go make her happy." He says, giving the boy the smallest of smiles as Steve begins to cross the ballroom floor.
"Hey, Harrington!" Jim yells, as Steve looks back at him, hoping it wasn't really a trick all this time. "You're a good kid." He admits, as the boy nods an appreciative thank you, finally making his way to the garden to find you.
Joyce smiles at Steve as she walks towards her Husband, wrapping her arms around him tightly, before kissing him. "You're a good man, Jim Hopper."
He sighs heavily before he begins to laugh. "Happy wife, happy life."
Steve can hear his heart beating out of his chest as he slowly approaches you, watching you in awe as the moonlit sky makes your skin glow. You haven't noticed him yet, too busy gazing at the stars above, wishing for your own fairytale ending. Your hair which had been in an up-style all day was now hanging below your shoulders and Steve thought you had never looked more beautiful than right now.
"You could catch a cold out here you know?" Steve whispers from behind you, already removing his suit jacket to cover your shoulders before you even turn to face him.
"Hey stranger, I feel like I haven't talked to you all day." You smile, turning to greet him, embracing him in a warm hug as you both stay that way for what seems like several minutes.
"Yeah, I know. I missed you, Hopper." He admits, as you blush. "I missed you too, Harrington."
The song inside changes to Take My Breath Away by Berlin and Steve knows it's one of your favourites, he bought you the album for your birthday and it's still the most played tape in your car. You both watch as everyone begins to fill the dance floor back inside the lake house and Steve swallows hard before extending his hand to you.
"Will you dance with me, out here?" He asks as you nod your head, happily reaching for his hand as he pulls you in closer to him. You nervously wrap an arm around Steve's neck, inhaling his cologne and shampoo all at once. He always smelled so good. He places his other hand gently on the small of your back, intertwining your fingers together as you begin to dance slowly to the music playing inside. There was silence for a few moments before Steve cleared his throat to speak again.
"You know, I really could’ve used you at our table earlier. Nancy ditched us to sit with Jonathan the minute the speeches were over, so I got stuck with all the loved up couples, it was totally awful.” He jokes, referring to Eddie, Chrissy, Robin and Vickie.
"I thought you were going to bring a date?" You question, trying to hide the jealousy in your voice when you ask.
"Oh yeah, I was thinking about asking someone but I didn't in the end." He frowns and you bite your lip, wanting to know more.
"Why not?"
"Cause her Dad would've kicked my ass." He replies, as you let out a small giggle. Stomach filling with butterflies as he gazes at you.
“That’s too bad, I have a feeling she would’ve said yes anyway.” You whisper in his ear, leaning your head on his shoulder as he mumbles “Oh really? Well in that case, the ass kicking would’ve been worth it.”
"I saw him talking to you, thought you were a goner for sure." You tease as Steve shakes his head.
"I knew I'd be ok, too many witnesses around." He jokes, as you both laugh.
"I'd have come to your rescue eventually, if i thought it looked like you were in trouble, you know?" You admit and he nods his head gratefully.
"I know, honey." Honey. Was he trying to kill you?
"Seriously though, he didn't upset you, did he?" You ask as you continue to dance to the music.
"No actually, the total opposite." Steve smirks as you scrunch your nose.
"What do you mean?"
"He asked me why you were out here alone, told me to come and keep you company." He reveals as your eyes widened in surprise.
"I know, I was shocked too but I think Joyce said something to him because she was giving him the death stare the whole time he was talking to me." Steve chuckles and you remind yourself to thank your Stepmom later.
"He asked me something else too." Steve states, swinging you around.
"Oh god, what was it?" You ask, still spinning.
"He wanted to know if I was in love with his daughter." He says, as you fall back in to him in shock, placing your hands on his chest as he wraps his arms around your waist. You feel sick with excitement, like a kid at Christmas about to unwrap her presents under the tree.
“And…what did you tell him?”
"That he had nothing to worry about, El is way too young for me." He jokes as you smack him playfully on the chest.
"Steve! I'm being serious, what did you really say to him?"
“I told him that I do, more than I’ve ever loved anybody.” Steve admits as your eyes begin to water.
“I love you too, Steve.” You reveal, trying to hold back your tears as Steve cups your face gently, placing his forehead lightly against yours.
“You looked so beautiful today honey. When I saw you walk down that aisle, I thought, Christ, I could just marry her right now.” He smirks as you bump your nose with his.
“Careful Harrington, a few more compliments like that and I might just have to kiss you.” You whisper, wrapping your arms around his neck as he hovers his lips over yours.
“Yeah, I’m sort of counting on it.” Steve says, finally crashing his lips with yours, not giving a damn who sees. You were finally all his.
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janeyseymour · 5 months
I Wouldn't Tell Anyone
based off of that tiktok trend: "i wouldn't tell anyone i won the lottery, but there'd be signs".
WC: ~2.75k
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Melissa Schemmenti has worked at Willard R. Abbott Elementary School for years. And in those years, the one constant in her life has been Barbara Howard. The two had started the same year, and while many things have changed, their friendship would never. No, Melissa had watched as Barbara married Gerald, witnessed the woman’s growing belly as she carried both of her daughters, had seen the ups and downs in the Howard family. And likewise, Barbara had been there to see the marriage to Joe, the divorce of Joe, the lean years… and everything in between. They’ve seen the way that teachers come and go, children grow up before their very eyes, and at this point they’ve taught children of students that they had in the starting years. Teaching practices have grown and changed- it’s really an ever-evolving world that they live in.
The second grade teacher had a solid wardrobe that she kept in rotation over the years- really just a few blazers, her signature leather jacket, the same shirt in various colors, a few pairs of slacks and jeans, and of course her heeled boots that she wore everyday without fail.
“Melissa,” Barbara had asked one day. “Perhaps you and I should hit the mall? I know some great places that have wonderful clearance sections.”
“Are you tellin’ me I need to change out my wardrobe?” the redhead teased as she threw her bag over her shoulder.
“You know that is not what I am saying, woman,” Barb rolled her eyes. “But I see the way that your shirts are starting to wear thin. I also need an outfit for the end of the year banquet that this damned superintendent is forcing me to go to.”
“When you’re part of a committee, you have to go to that kind of stuff,” the second grade teacher had smirked. “Why you think I ain’t a part of all that?”
Even after the two of them hit it off, going to the mall whenever they found themselves with enough money to spare to treat themselves to a shopping spree, Melissa’s outfits still mostly circulate without fail. 
Years pass, and then she meets you one night while she’s out at the bar. She walks in, and you’re captivated. You don’t know what draws you to her, but whatever it is is magical. Your eyes hardly leave her stunning figure as she dances. You know that by the end of the night, you have to at least attempt to make a move on her.
And you do when she decides to take a break from dancing to come over to the bar. Conveniently, the only opening is by where you’re sitting and nursing a margarita.
By some grace of God, she’s been watching you too- trying to figure out how to start a conversation with you over the loud music and people dancing all around you.
She saunters up to the spot that you’re at and smiles at you. Wow… her smile is radiant.
“How come a pretty girl like you ain’t out there dancing with someone?”
“Just came here after a hard day at work,” you shrug. “Wanted a marg, thought maybe the music and drinks would brighten my spirit.”
“Well, you got the marg,” she gestures to your half empty glass. “Why don’t I buy you another, and then we can listen to the music together?”
“I’m sure you have friends here that wouldn’t want me crashing.”
“I’m here alone,” the redhead reveals. “The name’s Melissa. And you are?”
“Y/N,” you tell her.
“Well, Y/N, why don’t you let me buy you a drink, and we can be alone… together.”
You end up getting her number as you part ways for the night, and simply text her when you get home that night, time and place.
She’s just walked into her own house when your text comes through. How does Renata’s Kitchen at 5:30 on Tuesday sound?
I have to wait tomorrow and Monday to see you?
I mean, I could grab a coffee tomorrow after church if you’d rather that, the redheaded beauty sends.
You send her the address of your favorite coffee place, which just so happens to be hers as well. You wonder if the two of you have ever run into each other and just not known it at the time.
The outing for coffee ends up being an entire day’s worth of just walking around the city together as you chat about life. You find out that she’s a second grade teacher at one of the local schools and that she has Sunday dinners with her family every week (that is actually the only reason she has to regretfully leave you that day) among many other things. She finds out that you work for one of the local law firms down the street from Abbott, ironically enough. How have the two of you never bumped into each other, or at least seen each other? You get to your place of work at the same time as she does, you’ve both gone down to the same Wawa at the same time for lunch because your lunch hours coincide, and she quite literally walks past your firm to get to happy hour specials with her coworkers.
Once she leaves you to head to her family dinner, she texts you to let you know that she would still love to do dinner with you on Tuesday. You excitedly reply that you would be absolutely delighted. 
The two of you have been going out for quite some time now, and it’s quite funny that you’ve both kept it on the down low. You’re a bit concerned that while courtrooms have progressed with society that if your relationship were to become public, it could get in the way of cases. And she, similarly is nervous that she could face backlash at the school she works for for being in a homosexual relationship. So, neither of you have said anything to your coworkers. And it’s all going swimmingly. While you had both just stumbled upon each other one night at the bar, not expecting to find each other, here you are two years later as a happy couple.
You land the case of a lifetime, one where you could make a decent profit off of your already relatively high paying salary. On top of that, you know that you’re about to be promoted after working with this firm for the last five years.
You end up winning the case, bringing in some good money, and then you’re moving up the ladder and finding yourself with more cash outflow than you know what to do with at the moment. It’s too much for you, living in a small apartment in the city by yourself with nothing else to worry about. So, when your girlfriend comes over to your apartment for dinner, you propose something.
“Mel?” you ask as she stands at your stovetop. She hums to let you know that she’s listening, but her eyes stay trained on the vegetables that she’s chopping right now. “How would you feel if we moved in together?”
The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board halts, and she turns to face you. “What?”
“We’ve been together for almost two years,” you tell her. “I just got that nice promotion, plus a huge payout from the settlement with DuBoise, so… I was thinking maybe we could move in together? Find a nice townhouse somewhere in the city and settle into our lives together?”
About a million emotions flicker through the redhead’s face before it settles on a smile. “I think that might be a good idea.”
So, after months of looking, you both say goodbye to your small apartments and are able to move into a beautiful townhouse in Queen Village. When Melissa files the paperwork to change her address for paychecks, Ava comes flying into the staff lounge with her eyes nearly bulging out of her head.
“Uh, ahem,” the principal coughs out and raises her brows, waving the paperwork in front of the second grade teacher during lunch.
“What?” your girlfriend grumbles as she grades a few papers and shoves a forkful of her salad into her mouth.
“Since when did you move?”
“A couple of weeks ago,” Melissa shrugs.
Barbara’s brows furrow. She wasn’t aware her friend was moving house. “Oh, Melissa. Could you not afford the place anymore?”
“Girl, she upgraded big time! Went from living in the slums to a three bedroom townhouse in Queen Village!”
“Queen Village?” the kindergarten teacher repeats.
Again, the redhead just shrugs.
“Melissa, how did you manage that? I know what you make, and there is no way you could afford to live somewhere like that!” Janine cuts in.
“Can it, pipsqueak,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “Let’s just say… I have my ways.”
Nobody is brave enough to ask the mob-like woman what the hell that could even mean.
“Well, when do we get to see the place?” Jacob tries to invite himself over.
Green eyes glare over at the man. “If I can help it, never.”
“Oh c’mon, Mel Mel,” Jacobs whines out. “I lived with you at one point! Why can’t we come see your new place?”
“At the time, I did not know it was you,” the redhead huffs. “And then you moved out on me.”
“Because I found 
The second grade teacher blows out a breath. “Maybe once I have it all furnished and put together.”
So, once the two of you have the place put together for the most part, the Abbott clan makes their way over while you’re out of town for a convention that you were forced to go to.
To say that the crew is beyond impressed is an understatement.
“Melissa, this is beautiful,” Barbara compliments.
“How? How?” is all Jacob and Janine can stutter out.
The redhead just smirks. “I know a guy.”
They leave not knowing that the guy that she knows is you- her girlfriend of almost two and a half years at this point. And because it’s you, and you have an unwavering love for Melissa, the house is impeccable and everything she could ever want it to. You take good care of her.
Since moving in together, Melissa’s meals have only become more extravagant. With both of your finances almost entirely combined at this point, you spoil her with the best foods and ingredients that you can get her at any moment. So when she comes into the staff room with way fancier dishes for her lunch, it raises a few eyebrows. The teachers have seen Melissa stretch a dollar like a big headed baby stretches a… the redhead smirks.
“I know a guy,” is all she offers up.
The eyebrows of her coworkers only creep further up her head when she comes in with leftovers from one of the nicest restaurants in the city- a place known nationally for the delicate dishes and absolutely delectable desserts.
She’s eating the extra slice of cheesecake the two of you had brought home when Janine leans over. “How’d you get that?”
“I know a guy.”
“You sure seem to know a lot of guys.”
They have no idea that there are not multiple people- you are almost singlehandedly responsible for the lavish lifestyle that your girlfriend suddenly leads. 
Somehow, Melissa is forced to go to one of the banquet dinners that the district is holding because she’s hit a milestone in her teaching, and they’re highlighting her. So, of course Barb offers to go with her to try to find something nice to wear to the dinner that she too will be attending.
“Oh, I think I actually have an outfit,” the redhead refutes the offer. “But thank you.”
“Girl, you never turn down an opportunity to go out shopping,” the kindergarten teacher raises a brow.
“I just… know a guy that already bought me an outfit.”
Melissa shows up to the event looking like a million bucks, and Barbara almost can’t believe it. The redhead’s hair is curled to perfection, the dress that she’s in has clearly been tailored to accentuate all of her curves and to be the proper length. The shoes that she’s wearing are not the black heeled boots Barbara is so used to seeing her work wife wear- no, instead she’s got on a pair of heels that have to be at least two hundred dollars if the kindergarten teacher had to guess. 
Of course, their picture gets snapped and is posted to the school website a few days later. 
At lunch, while Janine is eating and on her laptop, her eyes go wide. “Melissa!”
“You looked beautiful the other night!”
“Thanks, kid.”
“How did you get all of that?”
“I know a guy.”
Jacob moves his chair so he too can get a look.
“Melissa, that is…” he thinks to himself quietly. “At least a six hundred dollar look! For a school event? Girl, where are you getting all of this stuff?!”
“I told youse, I know a guy.”
It’s a weekend when the Abbott crew decides to get together, and they all have plans to go to Barbara’s house for game night, but Gerald gets sick and they can no longer use the Howard residence.
“Well, I guess we should cancel,” Melissa sighs as they’re all leaving the school that day.
“What if we just came to your place?” the kindergarten teacher asks. “It’s the only other space big enough to accommodate us all.”
Begrudgingly, the second grade teacher agrees. As everyone is on their way over, she calls you.
“Hey hun,” she says softly. “So… change in plans for tonight.”
“Oh? Do I get you all to myself tonight?”
“Not exactly…” the redhead trails off. “We’re moving game night to our house.”
“Oh,” you say softly, your face dropping as you thumb through papers in your office.
“Yeah,” she hums.
“I mean, I guess I can go out to dinner with my mom or something to pass the-”
“What if we just… came out? At least just to the crew,” your girlfriend suggests quietly.
You mull that option over for a few seconds. “Y-yeah. If you’re ready for that.”
“I am if you are.”
“I can pick up dinner,” you tell her. “I should be out of here by 5:30, and then I can head over to grab some food before coming home.”
“There’s…” she counts in her head. “eight of us.”
“Somehow Mr. J wormed himself into this get together,” Melissa laughs softly. “Something about getting the band back together- whatever the hell that means. 
Once you’re free from work, you head over to one of the nicer restaurants in the city, and because you and Melissa have become frequent flyers there, they’re able to oblige your request for a few trays of food. You leave a generous tip before packing the food into your car and making your way back to your townhouse. 
Upon pulling in, you take a few deep breaths before gathering your briefcase and the food and making your way to the door.
When you push it open, all eyes are on you.
“Hey,” you sigh as you kick off your shoes and head for the kitchen table to put down all the food.
“Melissa, you didn’t tell us you have a roommate, never mind a hot one!” Ava grins.
The redhead just rolls her eyes before glaring. That glare is gone though once you make your way back into the living room and sit down next to your girlfriend.
“Hey babe,” you smile at her before kissing her cheek softly.
“Babe?” Barbara’s eyes go wide. “Melissa Ann, do you have a girlfriend?”
The redhead just smirks. “Oh, did I not mention that I am happily in a relationship and have been for two and a half years?”
“Wait a minute,” Mr. Johnson furrows his brows and looks you over. “Ain’t you one of those fancy lawyers that works at the firm down the street from Abbott?”
You nod. “Hi. I’m Y/N.” You cordially shake everybody’s hand with a kind smile.
“Wait,” Janine pieces it all together. “Is this why you moved and could afford this place? Why your meals have gotten a lot fancier, and how you could afford the clothes you wore to the dinner the other night?”
Melissa just nods. “I guess you could say… I won the lottery with this one.”
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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chlorinecake · 9 months
⋆ ˚⁀➴ riize as first date clichés ―୨୧⋆ ˚
pairing ⟢ 라이즈 x fem!reader
contains ⟢ a kiss here and there, barely suggestive, mentions of food, around 120 words per member 📍
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osaki shotaro - thrift shopping / mall date
He'd explore every clothing outlet in search of the perfect matching couples outfit, buying every item that caught your eye for longer than three seconds. He’d also end up styling you as if he was your personal fashion manager, taking a ton of pictures to later put as his phone screensaver. And then randomly, I can see him initiating a game of hide-n-seek in one of the larger sub-stores, having his eyes open the entire time as he didn't wanna risk losing you… After, both of you would enjoy cinnamon pretzels from the mall bakery while making silly wishes at the water fountain ♡
song eunseok - convenience store date
Despite the choice of location being below casual, Eunseok would make it his duty to give you the most romantic first date experience ever. He'd open the car door for you, making sure your seatbelt was on and the AC to your liking before driving to your neighborhood gas station, raiding the snack aisles and buying all of your favorite shelf foods. While enjoying microwaved ramen, canned drinks, and sandwich cookies, you two would talk for hours and never get bored, learning more about each other while simultaneously falling deeper in love ♡
jung sungchan - bowling / rollerblading date
He would constantly try to flex his bowling skills on you, taking pride in how he beat you by fifty points all why using his left hand… Though sometime later, you two would get lost on the skating rink, Sungchan’s large yet gentle hands resting at your hips as he guiding you across the floor, whispering things in your ear like “go slow for me, alright?” and “I’ve got you, princess.” Afterwards while sharing a plate of nachos from the bar, he’d tell the most cringeworthy dad jokes just go see your smile all over again ♡
park wonbin - karaoke night and bar
You two (luckily) had similar taste in music, so the song choices flowed well… not to mention how both of you were a bit tipsy from drinking at the bar earlier, so things got interesting pretty quickly. Wonbin would pull you close to him, gently resting his chin on the crown of your head as you both sang, his hand covering yours over the microphone. The vibrations from his throat would send butterflies through your stomach, making you fumble over the lyrics a bit which would only cause Wonbin to giggle even more ♡
hong seunghan - amusement park
Despite his intimidatingly good looks, Seunghan would make you feel totally comfortable around him. Winning you stuffed animal prizes would be the highlight of the night, aside from you two sharing carnival treats like funnel cakes and milkshakes as you explored all the attractions. He’d be super clingy and touchy, too, holding your hand everywhere you went so everyone knew you were his. And while waiting in line for a rollercoaster, I can see him hugging you from behind, kissing your head with his hands clasped in front of you, just to make sure you felt safe ♡
lee sohee - a picnic date (?)
His initial plan to take you to a fancy dinner turned into something you can hardly even explain now. Instead, you ended up going to the nearest park where your now picnic date began. Sohee would shamelessly gaze at you with the dumbest smile on his face as you spoke, or even blush a little if you had food on your face before wiping it away with his thumb, kissing you on the same spot. Then, you’d skip stones on the nearby lake, pick flowers together, and talk about anything and everything that comes to mind ♡
lee anton - chill house date
Anton’s a soft, sweet, and simple kind of guy, so a chill at-home get-together would be the perfect spot for your first date. While hanging in his bedroom that he decorated before you showed up, you two built legos and solved puzzles together while Anton asked you about your upbringing, also sharing things about himself. Afterwards, y’all would make a giant bowl of ice cream and bake pizza bagels to share while watching random TikTok’s together on the middle of his bedroom floor ♡
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no tags bc I’m not sure if my “perm” girlies are into riize :3 feel free to let me know in the comments if you wanna be tagged in future posts to come tho !!
📍 check out my NEW RIIZE masterlist ~
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seokgyuu · 4 months
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Coming back home for the summer hasn’t been fun in ages. Thankfully, that is just about to change when you lay eyes on Matthew who, according to Taerae, isn’t into older girls. Never backing down from a challenge you decide to approach him anyways - making yourself younger than you actually are and calling Matthew “oppa” more times than probably necessary.
Pairing: Seok Matthew x Fem!Reader
Genre: Comedy, Smut
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Reader is actively lying to Matthew to get into his pants, loads and loads of usage of the word “oppa”, alcohol drinking (idk in what country this universe is, they call each other with honorifics but they kind of are in the states because i made the drinking age 21…. just don’t pay it any mind ok, it’s porn disguised as a funny story) , this work contains adult content! MDNI! Smut warnings under the cut!
Playlist: Hot in Herre - Nelly (you’ll get it), Yeah - Usher, Murder on the Dancefloor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz, Durch den Monsun - Tokio Hotel
A/N: thank you sm @xscoupsx for the perfect header & divider!!! absolute masterpiece i am still staring at it. finally got this worm out of my brain!!! take this with a grain of salt, it's all fun and giggles. Tags: @cheolism, @the-boy-meets-evil
When you get home that day it’s his number on your phone (that he saved as ‘matthew oppa’ of course) that pops up asking if you made it home safely. It’s Taerae’s number that pops up to let you know he’s blocking you. Giggling, you fall down onto your bed, your slippers hanging off your feet threatening to fall off any second, but instead of caring, you open up instagram. You find him quick and easy, Seok Matthew followed by Gyuvin and Taerae and Hanbin and basically everyone you know in this small town. How come you’ve never seen him before? 
Smut warnings: oppa kink, sexting, masturbation (f&m), unprotected sex (booo!), blowjob, cumming in mouth, lmk if i missed anything!
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“Forget it. He’s not into older girls.”
Taerae is sipping on his milkshake watching you watch his former classmate and friend Matthew. You’re in the mall in Taerae’s hometown which also happens to be your hometown. You’ve left for college around a year and a half ago and coming back here never truly excites you anymore. Or at least it didn’t use to. Now, looking at the young man outside of Mikey’s Milkshakes handing out flyers with sweat dripping down his temples, you think that just about changed. 
“He doesn’t know that I’m older,” you shoot back, sucking on your own straw and enjoying the taste of peanut butter on your tongue.
“You look older, noona.”
A napkin hits Taerae’s forehead. It was you. You threw the napkin. He just chuckles and shakes his head
“No, you don’t get it. Matthew is… weird. Like he has this whole thing where he hates when people call him cute. He gets all upset and tells them he isn’t cute, he’s Woohyun oppa.”
While you do cringe, you also find it quite interesting. You’ve heard of this before - younger guys who didn’t like to be younger. He was Taerae’s age, so freshly 21 and attending the local college with Tae, which meant if anything he would have to go for girls 18 or 19 and, come on, they surely couldn’t please him like you! 
“How convenient,” you smile in a way that makes Taerae shiver in something close to fear, “I’ve always wanted to try calling a younger guy oppa.”
“You’re horrible,” Tae comments, shoving his milkshake away from him, “horrible and crazy. He is never going to fall for you being younger.”
“Really? Want to make this interesting then?” The evil grin on your face certainly means nothing but trouble. But it’s summer and this town is boring as hell with nothing ever happening. So, why not? Taerae shakes your hand, betting against you that you, in fact, will not succeed to bed Matthew. It’s not just pride that’s on the line but also free milkshakes for the rest of the summer. 
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You somehow convince your friend Gyuvin to act like you’re his same age cousin from a different town. As it turns out he also knows Matthew. How does everyone know this guy but you? And why has no one ever mentioned to you how they have an extremely attractive friend who just so happens to have an oppa kink? 
It’s honestly a mystery to you how Taerae didn’t think you’d be able to pull off being a 04’ liner. You can pretend to be way younger than you are! You don’t look like you’re twenty-three! Matthew is eating out of your hand by lunch. He listens to you attentively and everytime you call him “oppa” he seems to melt into his chair. 
When you get home that day it’s his number on your phone (that he saved as ‘matthew oppa’ of course) that pops up asking if you made it home safely. It’s Taerae’s number that pops up to let you know he’s blocking you. Giggling, you fall down onto your bed, your slippers hanging off your feet threatening to fall off any second, but instead of caring, you open up instagram. You find him quick and easy, Seok Matthew followed by Gyuvin and Taerae and Hanbin and basically everyone you know in this small town. How come you’ve never seen him before? 
His profile isn’t private which means you didn’t have to follow him to stalk his 103 posts, but you still do. It saddens you that you can’t comment things like “you look so good, oppa” or “woah, that color looks so perfect on you, oppa”, but you digress. Sucking on a popsicle from the freezer, you scroll through his feed, seeing that he definitely hasn’t been this hot for a long time. There is a ringing in your ear and you try to lose it by scratching it. What the hell? Back to Matthew, please! Just last year he looked like a teenager freshly hitting puberty and now? He’s buff and handsome and just thinking about what might be under that shirt makes your thighs press together. Perhaps you have a serious problem because when you spot the highlight saying “gym” with the flexing arm emoji, you are already halfway down with your hand to touch yourself. 
His gym pics are a goldmine for your dirty fantasies and thoughts about the man you’re planning to seduce. There is one where he flexes his arm and grinning while winking into the mirror he’s taking the pic in. Then there is the one where he is sitting on the bench press, leaned forward with a half smirk, his tight tank top leaving nothing to the imagination. The shorts he’s wearing make you feel dizzy and as you imagine what his cock would look like and what he would feel like inside of you, you begin to circle your clit with your thumb, throwing your head back as you continue your fantasy. Matthew and you on that bench press, his strong arms holding you down as he fucks into you mercilessly. 
A ‘ping’ disrupts your session and you open your eyes, looking down to see he had texted you again. It’s almost comical - you thinking about him fucking you and touching yourself to that thought and him texting you a “it was so nice to meet you” message as if you weren’t thinking about him fucking your brains out. 
Sighing, you pull your hand out of your panties, wiping them off on your shorts and decide to text him back. 
matthew oppa: it was so nice to meet you
you: you too, oppa <3
matthew oppa: hehe
matthew oppa: so, what are your plans this week? 
you: hmm, not much… why?
matthew oppa: oh well, i was wondering if maybe you’d wanna go to a drive in with me?
you: ohh, like watching a movie in a car?
matthew oppa: yeah, exactly!
Now, this is where your current horniness decides to take over. Licking over your lips you sink deeper into your pillows, your slippers completely fallen off now, your legs spreading slightly as you stare at the screen, thinking about how you can make this guy jerk off to you right now without sounding too experienced. 
you: well… i would love to see you again, oppa, but…
matthew oppa: but…?
you: my friends… they told me some things about drive ins you know
matthew oppa: huh? what things?
you: uhm… like that when you go to a drive in with a boy… well you know 🙈
matthew oppa: oh
matthew oppa: y/n you don’t have to worry
matthew oppa: i won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, oppa promises 
you: that’s nice of you to say, oppa💕
you: but… what if i want something you’re not comfortable with? 
matthew oppa: what do you mean?
you: it’s embarrassing 🥺
matthew oppa: you don’t have to be embarrassed with oppa, yn 
you: ok if you say so…
you: it’s just that i know we only met today but
you: i just can’t stop thinking about you
matthew oppa: that’s cute 
matthew oppa: oppa can’t stop thinking about you too, if that makes you feel better baby
Baby. You bite down on your lip. As much as it makes you cringe it makes your pussy wet, the way he speaks and reacts, how he addresses himself as ‘oppa’. You wonder if maybe your need to get laid is taking over the intelligence you usually inhabit. 
you: really? 🥺
matthew oppa: yeah
you: are you also… thinking naughty thoughts, oppa?
matthew oppa: oh
matthew oppa: are you thinking naughty thoughts, baby?
you: idk… 🥺
matthew oppa: you can be honest with oppa, baby, i would never judge you
you: i am thinking naughty thoughts
matthew oppa: like what?
you: saw oppa’s instagram… your gym highlight
matthew oppa: you liked it?
you: a lot 🙈
matthew oppa: how much did you like it, baby?
you: so much that i got all wet… down there
You want to die and at the same time you don’t think you’ve been this wet (down there) in ages. Not the dude from the semester end party who had fucked you in the smallest bathroom known to mankind and most certainly not Jiwoong last summer. You wonder if anyone has ever made you this wet without even physically being present.
matthew oppa: fuck
matthew oppa: you got wet just from my pictures? you like oppa that much?
you: i do… it’s so embarrassing
you: stared at you the whole day today… now i want you to do bad things to me, oppa
matthew oppa: yeah? what do you want me to do?
you: wanna get on my knees for you and have oppa fuck my mouth 🙈
matthew oppa: shit… got my cock so hard from just reading that, baby. 
you: does oppa wanna fuck my mouth?
matthew oppa: fuck yeah. your mouth and your wet pussy baby
you: i’m so wet oppa, so wet for you 🥺
matthew oppa: can i call you?
He ends up calling you before you can respond his raspy voice on the other side of the line already telling you he’s getting off. What follows is just the two of you simultaneously masturbating while telling the other dirty things you wanna do to each other. He tells you how he wants to fuck you (his main fantasy seems to be you on all fours and him behind you drilling into you like a sledgehammer) and how you need him to fill you inexperienced pussy.
Obviously you don’t say that, you just hint at it. Matthew wants to be an oppa, he wants someone younger who looks up to him - especially in a sexual way. So, of course you’re gonna lie to him and tell him you’ve only had sex like twice and both times had been five minutes tops and you also had never had a guy make you cum or cum inside of you. All of these are lies. Your body count has gotten to a point of you not even remembering anymore and the amount of plan bs you had taken should probably be illegal. You’re not responsible when it comes to fucking and you are well aware. Matthew, though, doesn’t need to know this. 
When he cums with your name on his lips and you cum begging for him to fill you up, you call it a night. 
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The drive in idea doesn’t come up again. You worry for a day that he might have lost interest. Then, you hear from Gyuvin that the drive in had to close because there was a fire and Matthew has just been swamped with work. You deem that as a good enough reason for him to leave you on read for approximately two seconds before it starts to piss you off. Thankfully, summers in your hometown promise extreme ragers every weekend to which you are sure Matthew will come too. At least you hope he does.
Out of all people, Jiwoong is the one to throw the first big rager of the summer and even knowing that Jiwoong could very easily blow your cover, you decide to go. With your sluttiest little dress and some skimpy underwear on, Taerae only sighs when you get into his car.
“You will give the man a damn heart attack,” he comments as he turns out of your parents driveway. You chuckle.
“Let’s hope that happens after I win that bet against you, Taetae.” 
“You truly are a horrible person. Lying to get into someone’s pants? Shouldn’t that be below you?” 
“Dramaqueen.” You roll your eyes and pull down the visor to open the small mirror and check your make-up. 
“I’m just saying,” Taerae continues as he stops at a traffic light, “watch out. If he finds out you’re lying chances are he’s gonna be mad.”
“Come on. I’ve lived in this town my whole fucking life. If anything it’s kind of his fault for not knowing me.”
It is odd. How he has apparently been in Taerae’s class all this time and neither of you knew each other. But then again, how were you supposed to know everyone? You don’t see Taerae looking at you with the biggest side eye. And even if you had, you probably wouldn’t have cared. 
Jiwoongs house is huge. His parents are both lawyers or whatever and you remember vividly how one of Jiwoong’s friends wanted to hit on you, some small unremarkable guy you had already forgotten the name of, and how Jiwoong saved you from him, getting your pussy as a thank you. In his parent’s room. You wonder if they ever found out.
There is already loud music playing when you get to the house, Tae parking his car in the last available spot on the street. Getting out, you try your best not to flash the people walking past you and Tae chuckles when you land on your heels a little shaky. You decide to ignore him and just start walking towards the door, him right behind you. Right at the entrance you already spot Gyuvin with Ricky and Gunwook and you raise your brows when you spot a red cup on the latter’s hand.
“It’s coke, noona, I swear!” He says the second you reach him, showing off the contents of his cup by tilting it slightly. Clicking your tongue you nod in approval, moving on to the other two. 
“Technically,” Gyuvin says, his own cup suspiciously close to his chest and far away from your glaring eyes, “you are the same age as us tonight, so…,” he seriously tries to talk him out of this. You put your hands on your hips and look at him, Ricky, his cup, Ricky’s cup. The two share a gaze before sighing and finally handing the cups to you. You smile triumphantly.
“Very good. Thank you, boys.” 
“Aaaand these are for me, thank you very much,” a voice startles you, taking the two cups from your hands. Your look to your right and see Taerae grinning widely.
“What? If they are underage, so are you, bestie.” 
Waving with his occupied hands, Tae goes inside humming along to the music. You groan and roll your eyes, knowing full well you did this to yourself but also hating Taerae because this was obviously all his fault.
“Now, now. We can all have a wonderful time without alcohol!” Gunwook smiles widely and if he wasn’t so adorable you might have punched him in the stomach. Instead, you just sigh once more and walk into the house, leaving the three boys behind.
Inside, there is a big crowd of people gathered in the spacey living room and your eyes are already scanning your surroundings for Matthew. While you really want him to fuck you (like so much you literally thought about not wearing any panties just for him. Then you put on your dress and realized there was no way in hell), you also need to stay in character. You are innocent, shy, a young girl who needs her oppa to show her the ropes. Perhaps, you are even a little insecure because he left you on read for two days, who knows?
It doesn’t take long to spot him. And when you do, you are suddenly thankful Tae took the cups away from you because you for sure would have dropped them. It’s almost comical that Nelly’s “Hot in Herre”starts playing right this second. 
Matthew has his hair styled up, a few strands falling into his forehead, his face so perfectly on display you want to place kisses all over it. And as if that wasn’t enough, there is a white sleeveless shirt on his muscular body that lets everyone know he is buff and proud of it. 
Fuck. You need him. Like, right now. 
No one has ever looked that fucking delicious, you decide. He is the yummiest person on this planet and you’re gonna have him. 
For a few moments, you only watch him. Watch how he talks to someone you don’t know, how he nips at his cup, how he laughs at a joke. It’s a miracle you haven’t started drooling. People keep on walking around you and only when one nearly runs you over, you decide to move closer to Matthew. So far, he hasn’t seen you. 
Biting down on your lip, you wonder how you could best catch his attention without going right over to him. The solution presents itself in the form of Hanbin standing leaned against the wall with a cup in one and his phone in the other hand. 
Showtime. You grin to yourself. Then, you get into character. 
“Hanbin oppa!” You squeal, loud enough for Matthew and the girl he is talking to hear. And when Matthew sees you, sees the way you beam at Hanbin, he feels a sting in his pride. His eyes burn into you, making you feel hot all over. 
Hanbin, on the other hand, is more than confused. Mainly because you’re older than him and just called him oppa. 
“Uh, what?” 
“Play along, or you’re dead,” you say with the same enthusiastic beam as before, your voice lowered for only Hanbin to hear. He clears his throat and nods. He knows not to mess with you and your antics.
“S-sure, uhm, whats up?” 
“Trying to make Matthew think I wanna fuck you instead of him,” you laugh loudly, as if he had said something funny, your left hand slightly hitting his shoulder, while the other twirls a strand of hair around your finger. Hanbin’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Right, Tae mentioned you were doing that.” He shoves his phone into the back pocket of his jeans and watches you with his brows still raised. 
“Don’t judge me, Sung Hanbin. I remember very well how you tried to get with Katie last summer and literally told her your dad invented fucking Microsoft.”
“Is it my fault she didn’t know Bill Gates?” Hanbin defends himself right away and you chuckle. 
“No. Is it my fault Matthew’s into younger girls?”
Hanbin stays silent for a beat, the song now changing to Usher’s “Yeah” and you wonder what decade you’re in.
“Fair point. But then again I’m just confused becau-,”
An arm is wrapped around your waist the next second, an arm you’ve been fantasizing over for days now. 
“Oppa, hi,” your eyes are basically hearts staring up at him. Hanbin thinks he’s very likely stuck in a simulation.
“Hyung,” Matthew smiles at Hanbin, but even someone blind could have figured out it wasn’t an actual smile, “I think Hao hyung is looking for you. Better go check on him, yeah?” 
Hao hyung  definitely isn’t looking for him. Hao hyung is upstairs with a cute boy and a cute girl and Hanbin is well aware. Taking this as his leave, he nods at both of you and leaves you to your idiotic game. 
“Hey,” Matthew now looks at you, eyes softening only slightly. 
“Hi,” you repeat yourself, biting down on your lip.
“I was hoping to see you here.” 
He moves closer to you, your back hitting the wall and his other hand tugging a loose hair behind your ear. 
“Did you? I thought maybe you weren’t interested anymore after we, you know….” You truly deserve an Oscar for the performance you’re giving. Matthew licks over his lips.
“After you came so good for me on the phone, you mean?” His eyes bore into yours and your panties are seemingly swimming away. 
“I- I, yes, after that.”
“Of course oppa is still interested, baby. Oppa just had a lot of work, oppa is sorry.”
He leans closer to you, both hands now on your waist and you can feel the growing tension.
“Oppa..,” you whimper when he is right there, so close to kiss you. 
“Oppa has been thinking about you and your tight pussy all week, will you let Oppa fuck her?”
You moan when his hands creep around and squeeze your ass. 
“W-We didn’t even r-really talk!” You cry after, but Matthew just chuckles, his lips hovering over your own. 
“We can still talk after, doll. Now I desperately need to sink my cock into you, ‘am already so fucking hard.” 
And then he kisses you. Kisses you hard and so full of lust and desperation your knees give in. He pulls you closer against him and you can feel he didn’t lie. He is hard. You decide not to give it too much thought as of why. 
Instead, you part from him, breathlessly and grab his hand to take him to the one room you know for sure won’t be occupied. 
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Matthew’s hands are all over you. Groping your boobs one second, then they are back on your ass, all while Murder On the Dancefloor blasts through the house. Desperation radiates off of him and you bathe in it. Bathe in the way he drags your dress up and touches every second of skin he frees. His lips chase yours in haste and you wrap your arms around his neck, letting him push you towards the large bed in the center of the room. 
“Shit, you’re so hot,” he whispers against your lips and you suck his tongue into your mouth as a response. You know he’s already hard. Can feel it when you press your hand against his crotch. He moans and kisses you harder, tongue continuously slapping against yours like he needs to prove a point. 
Your back hits the bed seconds later, his thigh pressed between yours against your clothed cunt that’s already throbbing with want. 
“Want you so bad, oppa,” you cry out, hands fumbling with that god forsaken muscle shirt that has got your pussy wet the second you spotted him in it. He rips off his body the next second and you sigh in absolute bliss. Immediately, you move to touch his toned torso, his defined abs, his perfect shoulders. Fuck, he is incredibly hot. 
“Yeah? Want oppa to fuck you, hm?” His voice is deep and raspy against your ear and you nod rapidly, moving your hips against his thigh. Matthew chuckles, hands back to squeeze your tits, causing you to arch your back against him. His touch feels intoxicating, already got you addicted. It’s the way he is still oh so desperate for you. His kisses are sloppy and his cock is hard against you, his hips moving for any kind of friction. A part of you wants to take your sweet time with him, put him in your mouth, have him come undone on your tongue. Work him so long until he can fuck you for real. But there is a party downstairs and people will eventually notice you’re gone. 
“Put it in me, oppa, please, please, please.” 
He groans at your begging, his head nodding as if in trance, quickly ridding you of your panties and himself of his pants. You watch with a heaving chest how he doesn’t even fully shove his jeans and briefs down his legs, how they pool there at his ankles as he gets on his knees and flips you over. You gasp in surprise, another enormous wave of lust overcoming you when he pulls you up, your ass in the air, the perfect position for him to fuck you like he wanted to. 
Matthew is surprised he isn’t foaming at the mouth with you in front of him like this. His eyes are glued to your glistening pussy, his cock hard against his stomach. Grabbing his cock, he jerks himself off a few times before guiding himself to your entrance - only to stop just before he breaches you.
“Shit, I don’t have a condom,” he curses. You look back at him.
“Just pull out, Matthew, please.” 
In your impatience you forgot to call him “oppa”. For a second you’re worried but he is too distracted by you wanting him to fuck you raw he doesn’t even notice the missing honorific. 
Without any more hesitation, he finally sinks into you, his thick head stretching you out just the way you hoped it would. Your fingers grab the bedsheets, eyes falling shut as you get used to the way he feels, inch by inch. And, shit, does he feel good. 
Matthew is scared he’ll come right away when he bottoms out. His cock has never felt more comfortable inside anyone before. Almost as if he was made to fuck you and only you. Thankfully, he doesn’t immediately shoot his load and instead begins to move. And really, he tried to start slow and steady, he really did. But he’s just a horny dude, in the end. His thrusts are rapid and hard and you feel like you’re high. Your thoughts are empty, there is only him and the way he fucks you like an animal. All you feel is your rising orgasm, your pussy squeezing him over and over, your moans getting louder and louder. Matthew isn’t quiet either - both of you seem like you’re harmonising as he fucks you from behind with gluttal moans escaping him every few seconds. His eyes are rolled back and his hands are around your waist, holding you so hard you’re sure there will be marks later on. You are more than ready to welcome them. 
“You- You take oppa’s cock so fucking well, fuck,” Matthew is so close to finishing, you can feel it. 
“Oppa fucks me so good! Don’t stop!” You push your hips against him and he gifts you another one of his melodic moans that have you gushing over his cock. He curses under his breath. 
“Yeah, I can feel how much you like oppa fucking you, such a naughty girl, aren’t you?” His nails dig into your skin and you cry out, his dirty words doing exactly what they are supposed to: bring you close to the edge.
“Ngh- Oppa! Gonna c-cum!” Your mouth hangs open, drool landing on Jiwoong’s parent’s bed. Matthew’s head is spinning and he does his best to keep fucking you exactly like this. He wants you to cum before he does, wants you to cum on his cock, wants to feel you squeeze and clench around him. Wants your release to be the finishing touches for his. 
And when he leans slightly forward, his arm creeping around you to press his thumb to your clit, you can feel the knot tighten and finally explode. 
You’re cumming hard around his cock, vibrating around him with nothing but utter pleasure. You keep calling for him, tell him to keep going, to fuck you through your orgasm and he manages to pull out of you just when you deem yourself satisfied. Quickly, he jerks himself off, ready to finish on your ass, when suddenly you are right there, your mouth around his tip, catching his spurts of cum that shoot out the second he feels your lips around him.
“O-oh, f-fuck! Yeah, t-take all of oppas cum! Fuuuuck!” He pushes you further down his cock, nose in his neatly trimmed pubic hair, more and more strings of his cum gushing down your throat. You swallow every last bit, even lick him clean when he pulls you back, his eyes meeting yours. 
“That was insane,” he says, helping you sit up fully. You grin and pull him down into a kiss he is more than happy to return. 
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With your clothes back where they belong, the two of you walk out of Jiwoong’s parents room only to run into… Jiwoong. A mad Jiwoong. Who has a girl with him. A girl who looks more spooked than she should considering she came up here with Jiwoong for probably the same reason as you and Matthew did.
“Oh, hey!” You chirp and Jiwoong looks from you to Matthew and back. 
“”Oh, hey”? Are you fucking with me?” 
“Pretty sure I was just fucking with him, oppa,” you counter, thumb pointing over your shoulder and at Matthew who awkwardly lifts his hand in a wave. Jiwoong groans. 
“Would you give us a second?” He says to the girl and the girl rolls her eyes but finally nods, making her way down the hallway and back downstairs, where Taio Cruz’s Break You Heart is most definitely making the people lose their shit on the dancefloor.
“Yo, hyung, sorry, I know this is your parents room and all, but-,”
Jiwoong raises his hand and Matthew stops speaking. 
“Frankly, I don’t give a fuck, thank you very much. I am more interested in what the fuck this is.” 
He points between you and Matthew and the two of you share a look.
“What- what do you mean?” You ask, continuing to play innocent. 
Jiwoong blinks.
“Are you- are you for real?” 
With being so focused on not understanding what the fuck Jiwoong is on about, you fail to see Matthew using his hands to gesture to Jiwoong to stop talking!
“Jiwoong oppa, what is your problem?” You ask, crossing your arms. 
“My- what my problem is? Jesus, Y/N, just last summer you turned Matty down and instead went to fuck me and now this?”
“What are you talking about, what Matty, wha-,” 
Matty. Matt…y… Matt….hew. Oh.
You remember. Remember the friend that had hit on you, the small unremarkable guy that you couldn’t even remember the name of when you tried. You hadn’t been mean to him, just politely said no and while he did take it as an answer, he still tried to make conversation. Matty. 
Slowly, you turn to Matthew, your mouth hanging slightly open. He is red as a beet and one of his hands is rubbing his neck awkwardly. 
“You- you are Matty?” You ask. After another beat of silence (not really silence considering there was still a party going on) he nods.
“Yes, that would be me.”
You are dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. In shock. Your arm flies to Jiwoong’s shoulder to hold yourself steady.
“But you are- you are so-,”
“You told me you saw the gym pics, didn’t you?”
Oh yeah, you did. 
“You know I am not younger than you?”
“Younger than him, wha-,” Jiwoong chimes in, but neither you nor Matthew pay him any mind.
“Yup.” He pops the “p” at the end and you feel like you’re about to faint.
“So… everyone knows…. you know?” 
“Yup,” he repeats.
They are playing fucking Tokio Hotel downstairs now. 
“Right. Right, sure. That- uh, my bad.” You stand up straight again, letting your hands run over your dress. 
“Noona-,” Matthew starts, but you hold up your hand. 
“Let’s not. I need to let this sink in.”
You walk down the stairs and of course Taerae is leaning against the frame of the big arch, grinning from ear to ear. There is no way of knowing how he even fucking knows what just happened, but he does. When you finally get your hands on your first drink of the night, you are sure the bet was all part of the plan you were so kindly left out of. 
Later, when you spot Matthew with Hanbin and Gyuvin and your eyes meet, you tip your cup at him. Well played.
“If it makes you feel better, he probably would have had you call him oppa during sex anyways,” Ricky says from next to you and you close your eyes. 
This is going to be a long summer. 
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
Post-Credits AU intro post!
the genloss au me and my good friend bee @wings-of-flying have been working on for a bit. here's all the basic information
what if charlie hadn't listened when ranboo told him to leave the axe? what if charlie had been able to break through the boarded up door? what if they made it out?
well it would result in a shitload of trauma
after they make it out of the mall and hijack a car charlie tries to get the mask off of ranboo and is half successful. he can't get the wires out of them though and also ranboo passes out before charlie could even get that far. a stranger calls them an ambulance and they end up in hospital. the doctors get the wires out of ranboo's mouth, neck and back and also find a chip in his upper back. when checking up charlie, who has a bad panic attack (he doesn't quite know why yet but he knows he hates hospitals) and needs to be sedated, they find a chip in his back too (spoilers it's trackers). they get the chips out and patch them up. after a bit of talking their nurse (sasha my beloved!) tells them she'd pay for their bills and also recommends they seek professional psychological help.
charlie and ranboo break out of the hospital bc they can't risk showfall finding them and after that they just kinda. live. heal a bit. figure out who they are and what they want, all that stuff. they stay moving. they don't settle down anywhere for too long, staying in motels and homeless shelters. charlie takes up jobs to get them some money, ranboo discovers drawing as a coping mechanism and later hobby and eventually starts selling some of their less personal works for extra money.
eventually, after a few weeks/months of this, charlie starts toying with the idea of going against showfall, motivated by guilt for leaving their friends and a deep seething anger at showfall. ranboo is a bit hesitant since they are mostly just tired and want to leave all that behind, but he does work with charlie on trying to take down showfall.
also, no spoilers but sneeg will show up in this. bc i felt bad not including him somehow.
a few noteworthy extra bits:
ranboo has psychosis in this
charlie goes on daily jogs. he likes the idea of being in shape in case they ever need to fight/run
a big part of this story is them regaining memories from their time with showfall and their life before that
also before breaking out they have gone through the same show and been reset many times. which means ranboo will be regaining memories of dying in the trap, and charlie will be regaining memories of being torn apart by the security
ranboo has scars all over his face bc of the mask
ranboo is a bit suicidal
they do not own anything with cameras or screens
when they need to access the internet, they go to the nearest library
they put up anti-showfall posters, trying to raise awareness
charlie gets a gun. he deserves it
also for convenience, have the playlist we made here too
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go on, roll your eyes || adam stanheight
SMUT!!!!! (minors dni tq)
x afab!gn!reader | 2306 words
this is my first time um ever writing smut for public consumption so i would love to start off by saying i do not know what i am doing! eye yam raw dogging this <3
id also love 2 say ily 4ever hot girls love saw discord server for literally inspiring this whole thing,, enjoy spotting things we said in chat :3
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Adam’s main goal is to make your eyes look directly into the back of your own head - conveniently, this is one of the things he does best. He barely has to try.
Doesn’t stop him from always giving it his all, though.
And he loves it. Loves it. 
Loves the way you lose yourself, the way your head falls back and you say his name like it’s the only part of reality your brain has held onto.
It happens when you’re at the mall - and God only knows why you’re even there, neither of you particularly like the mall - as he watches you in the afternoon sun from the skylight above. Watches you like you’re his world.
For all intents and purposes, it’s been a perfectly normal and sweet afternoon. 
“I’m just saying this mall wouldn’t have the reputation it does if anybody cleaned up after themselves,” You say, leaning on the food court table, “I mean look at that guy- five bucks says he gets up and leaves everything right where it is,”
“I’m not taking that bet, we both know you’re right,” Adam laughs and presses a kiss to your cheek, gentle smile on his face. 
You watch as the aforementioned guy stands up from where he was eating, wipes his hands on his pants, and abandons everything on his table - six steps away from a bin.
Time seems to slow down for Adam as you roll your eyes at the sight. His eyes glaze over - you, tangled in the sheets, twitching, on cloud 9. He feels like he’s there now, buried deep in you, filling you up, his teeth sinking into your collarbone and your nails in his back. 
His smile drops, his heart flutters, and… oh, there goes a rush of blood. How strange, such an innocuous motion can cause Adam to just about see stars.
“What’s up with you?” You ask, confused smile on your face. He doesn’t budge. He’s white knuckled, gripping the table. “Seriously, Adam, what’s going-“
But you recognise that look in his eyes. You know the way his breath stutters. 
Adam is falling apart. There is a tent growing under that table.
Suddenly a warm, trembling hand is on your wrist and you’re being dragged away from the table, leaving everything behind (and becoming the same as the person you were just mocking).
Before you really even register you’ve left the food court and entered somewhere else, your back is against a cool tiled wall and he’s pressed against you like he’s trying to crush you.
“God, you get me so worked up, you don’t even have to try,” His voice is a low rumble, halfway between a growl and a desperate plea.
“You can’t be serious,” You whisper into his ear as he kisses down your neck, “From one little eye roll?”
Suddenly his hand is on your face, gentle but firm, holding you in place so you have to maintain eye contact.
He can read it in your eyes, you’re no good at hiding it, not from him. He’s got you wrapped around his finger by now. You want him BAD.
He smirks, drinking in the sight of you like this. He hasn’t even touched you yet.
“If that’s all you think you did, then go on,” He challenges, and as he presses himself somehow even closer to you you can feel just how rock hard he is, “Roll your eyes,”
“Make me,” You bite back, and Adam just grins.
“Oh, I intend to,”
He doesn’t give you a chance to reply. He kisses you feverishly, like he’s on death row. His left hand stays on your face and his right drifts to your hip, his fingers digging into the flesh so hard he can feel the bone under his thumb. He presses one knee in the space between your legs.
You whimper into his mouth and he groans. He knows exactly what this mix of pain and pleasure does to you. He knows that he’s ripping you into ruin.
Adam then drops to his knees, like this bathroom stall is Church and you are holy. 
His eyes are wide and pleading, he looks almost hungry, like he’s been in the desert for a thousand years and you are a blessed mirage.
He looks at you like he’s going to eat you whole. In a way he is.
Adam raises his eyebrows for a second, just a twitch, as if to ask if you’re sure you want him doing this. You nod with vigour. How could you not want this? Adam and his perfect lips…
Your head falls back as he unzips your jeans, yanks them down with the gusto of someone who’s been waiting to unwrap their present for years. 
Your hand finds his hair. He lets a pathetic little groan fall from his lips in response - it gets louder when your nails graze his scalp. 
“God, look at you. Fucking barely holding it together,” He quips, kissing up your thighs, “Eager little whore,”
You try to speak, try to banter back; tell him he’s being mean. He swings one of your legs over his shoulder before you can, and he takes the words out of your mouth as he teases his fingers under the very edge of your underwear. He laughs low in his throat as your hips roll against nothing. He wants you so bad he could tear you to shreds about it. 
“Use your words,” He breathes, “C’mon, baby. You’re not that far gone yet, talk to me,”
“Please,” Whispered like a prayer, “Please, God, Adam- Please,”
“Good enough,” 
He tucks your underwear out of the way with one hand, his breath makes you quiver just a little as it hits your sensitive skin. 
“Needy slut,” 
One hand firmly gripping your thigh and the other allowing him access, Adam kisses along the very very sensitive inside of your thigh, until he reaches right beside the dripping wet, wanton hole that belonged, truly, to him. 
Oh, yes. Adam wants you to see stars. Adam wants you to walk out of here on legs made of jelly. Adam wants to make those eyes roll.
He presses his tongue flat against that bundle of nerves he knows how to find so well, and you cry out in a strangled voice - “Adam!”. He flicks his tongue and you twitch. 
Adam has never been this hard in his LIFE. His jeans are suddenly a prison. But he has to take care of you first, he has to make the risk of a public bathroom worth it. 
“God you taste perfect, baby,” He whispers, and then his tongue is right back where it was a second ago. 
There’s little gentleness involved. It’s like he’s trying to find a way to say he loves you, but the only way he can is through devouring. 
His tongue is harsh in its flicking, in how he focuses hard on your already sensitive clit, the way his nose gets pressed against you makes you worry he might hurt himself - but there’s no sign of him stopping. If anything he’s getting worse. 
Every noise you make eggs him on. Tentatively at first, he presses one long finger inside of you. When your back arches off the tile, you feel the way he moans, before he pulls the first one out only to add a second finger.
He’s like clockwork. You manage to find the will to look down again, to find he’s closed his eyes, focussed. 
He curls a finger inside of you, and you’re ashamed to admit how close you are to coming undone already. You don’t have to admit it though, Adam knows. He can feel you clenching around him, and if he had the brains right now to do it he might just laugh at how desperate you are. 
His fingers pound now, setting a pace that is quick and even but rough. Adam needs you. Adam could cum in his jeans right now from the way you squirm on his fingers alone. 
You rock back and forth against his face and he just about loses his mind. HIS eyes are in danger of rolling back. He eats you out like a man starved, like he’s begging for more despite being the one in control. 
It takes you over before you realise you’ve reached that point - no warning, and you’re jerking back and forth, a twitching mess, fingernails in his scalp - and you cum. It washes over you, and you have to grab Adam’s shoulder for stability. 
If he didn’t know any better, if he didn’t know what you always wanted (more), he’d stop here. Thank God Adam knows better. 
He retracts his fingers and watches as you clench on instinct around nothing. He wipes his mouth a little, but not enough to wipe the taste away. The taste he savours, the taste he craved and craves more often than he should ever admit. 
A wreck. He’s making a wreck of you. 
He stands, letting your leg fall back to where it can try to support you. 
You practically fall into his firm chest, and he chuckles down at you. 
“Good, hm?” He asks, as if he’s not sure, “You terrible thing,” 
You can only hum in response, half sex-drunk, clinging onto him for dear life. 
“Can’t get enough, can you?” 
He’s teasing you? This is his fault! That asshole-
You whimper again, and he comes undone. 
“Fine,” He concedes, making quick work of his own jeans, “Ready?”
You in fact started to nod before he’d even finished saying ‘ready. 
And then, bliss - you feel him start to line his thick cock up with your entrance, the very tip of the head poking just inside. 
You feel like you could gush just at that contact. 
He kisses you quickly as he presses himself in, catching the cry of pleasure and surprise that you let out between his lips. He groans, deep in his throat - a deeply, deeply satisfied sound. Adam’s been waiting so patiently. 
“Taking me so well,” his whisper fans across your face and you lose any contact with the world of words. 
Adam doesn’t wait any longer because he CAN’T. He pulls himself almost all the way out, only to slam himself back in again a second later. 
Adam fucks you like he hates your guts. Like he detests everything about you so much he has to rearrange your insides into something he can stand. 
“A-Adam,” You choke out, and if it weren’t for the hand he’s just begun to rest on your cheek, you’d forget that he loves you. The harsh feeling of his teeth in your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder… you’d be forgiven for forgetting that he’s capable of being gentle. You roll in time with the violent pace he’s set, your hips slapping together so hard you know it’ll bruise. 
“G…God,” He breathes against your now bruised neck, “You’re so good,” 
Your core tightens and you know the second orgasm is coming, quickly. You cry against him, fingers digging into his back. 
“Go on,”
It’s like it was a taught command. He tells you, you cum. 
He’s nowhere near done yet. He’s got too much in mind. He can’t stop until you’re all but faded away from that pretty little head of yours. Until you forget your own name, but remember his. 
His pace never lets up, never even pauses. You’re making sounds that are obscene, bordering on pornographic, and if Adam wasn’t so determined he’d bust right here and now.  
Your head is pressed against the tile again, crying out like an animal in heat, when his hand covers your mouth and he stops moving completely. 
A whine comes from you, unwillingly. You’d be embarrassed of the sound if you could be right now. 
“Sh, sh sh. Someone’s going past,” He whispers, pressing his sweaty forehead to your own, “Wait, baby. Don’t want to get caught, do you?”
You shake your head but your body betrays you. Adam watches, jaw dropping a little at just how fucking perfect you are as you squirm around him. He’s still fully inside, fully sheathed. He’s hitting every place in there and he’s STOCK STILL. It feels cruel, crueller when you realise how much he’s enjoying watching you suffer in the stillness. 
You whimper against his hand, and he only presses it to your face further. 
“Stay quiet,” 
There’s a threatening edge to his voice and it doesn’t take long to realise why. The thumb of the hand that’s not desperately silencing you reaches down and plays with your clit - you could explode at this point. He barely has to do much, you’re squirming so hard and he’s so close to letting go inside of you-
It seems he decides the threat to your privacy is gone, and your torture is over, as he kicks back into action like a machine again. 
He loses himself, now, it’s his turn. The most desperate sounds you’ve heard him make echo on the bathroom walls.
“God- Fuck, fuck- baby, I- Can I- Please, please, can I- I need to, I-“ He stutters against you, getting a little sloppy but no less violent in his thrusts, “Let me fill you,”
You keen and he takes it as a green light, painting your insides white with his orgasm, and your third of the day comes crashing over you as he grunts your name.
Everything gets tensed for a moment - his fingers in the skin of your face and your hip, his jaw. His head falls to your shoulder for a second. He catches his breath, slow final thrusts pushing his own spend in and back out of you. 
He looks at you now, assessing the job he did. 
“You beautiful thing,” He pants, swallowing harshly, “There they go. Those fuckin’ eyes,”
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
I really hope my ask won't be seen as mean, hope to word correctly....bc your last post about how Eri and Shig do share some common ground. I agree but it irks me how LoV stans use this to make shig sound not so bad.
Many fics and arts where "shig saved Eri" exists as Eri is an accessory for Shig and nothing else.
I do see the paralels here. I do wonder about the mother....did overhaul killed her?
It's very convenient for the heroes to label Eri's quirk as good ...bc if she had just decay...she would be label as having a bad quirk. Maybe the heroes wouldn't care much. (Makes me wonder where are the healing quirks or medical advancement in this world)
But while they have a similar backstory...how Izu would possible know? I sincerely ask here bc AM went radio silence regards Shig to Izu, same with Gran and the police did a really lousy investigation (I'm assuming is lousy bc we don't see what they did and whatever they did it was one time thing) and didn't share the infos with Izu.
Does Izu knows about the nomus?
Im even surprised he knows shig is TENKO...but of course, such reveal is underwealming as fuck and him and Nana don't take at all.
Izu is mistreated by the narrative and no one talks to him ever.
Not to harpy on your post bc I agree this could have been useful....but like how Izu would know anything about Shig? Unless Shig tells or Izu becames the best hacker ever...or reads mind...he can't know. Ever.
I've said this before, but the reason Izuku doesn't understand Shigaraki is because they haven't interacted enough prior to the Final War.
Their conversation at the mall was a good moment. It shows that a) Izuku has the capacity to resonate with a villain's intent AND disagree with their actions (Stain), b) Shigaraki at this point didn't have a goal or direction, and c) it IS possible for Izuku to understand why hero society is corrupt. It also highlights the differences between them, attempting to show them as complete opposites.
The mall scene was a great way to explain the dynamic between them. And it's something that should have been expanded on throughout the story.
Admittedly, I don't know how Shigaraki's backstory would come up. But I'm sure it wouldn't be a hard thing to do. Didn't All Might pull up Tenko Shimura's disappearance? Maybe Izuku figures it out on his own somehow. Idk.
But to me, it doesn't even specifically have to be Tenko's actual past. It could be an implied thing that Izuku learns from watching how people treat Eri. Hell, part of him already has a clue from his fight with Shinsou.
(One thing I actually hate about Izuku's character is his inability to acknowledge the corruption of society despite being a victim of it. He started off being able to do this with Stain, but for some reason that just went away. He studies under Endeavor, even defends him to Dabi and tells Todoroki he's ready to forgive him. Lady Nagant spelled it out for him and he just... Doesn't react. Doesn't even think about what she said. This is on Horikoshi's awful writing decisions, but it's the one criticism of Izuku that's 100% valid)
Eri shouldn't be used for Shigaraki's redemption. I honestly wouldn't want her around any of the LOV, that's putting her in danger to make another character look better. It's the same issue that I have with Aizawa making Bakugou watch her.
But I do think that Izuku's experiences with the people around him- which includes Eri- should give him a broader worldview. That's typically how development and growth work. If Izuku was going to reach out and try to save Shigaraki, it should have been with an understanding of how society failed Shigaraki.
Saving him also could have meant a lot of different things. Saving Shigaraki from AFO's influence/brainwashing wasn't a bad goal. Saving him from himself, though, is different. People have to want to change, you can't make them. You can give them support, but Izuku wasn't in a position to do so because he's, y'know, a sixteen year old who isn't even an official pro hero. Of course he wasn't equipped for this. Most actual pros wouldn't have been
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nancywheeeler · 1 year
‘Eddie Munson should have died at the hands of the government instead of the Upside Down’ please expound on this your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
okay, i am finally gonna release from the vault a text post i had drafted months ago about how reductive and bland i find eddie munson's "heroism" arc.
from a characterization standpoint, i totally understand why eddie declares himself a coward for running after witnessing chrissy (and later, patrick) die. his image of himself as a proud outcast willing to brandish a middle finger at societal norms, bolstered by playing a "satanic" game about misfits coming together to bravely face great evils, is completely shattered. however, from our viewpoint as an audience, eddie does what just about any of us would have done after watching someone die in a horrific, unexplainable manner and not knowing if what happened to them is about to happen to us.
...except the show then does this weird thing where it agrees with eddie's warped, guilty view of his actions. eddie is a coward for running. he should have...what? stayed, again not knowing if he would be killed next, tried to explain everything to hawkins pd, and gotten arrested? (which would have derailed the rest of the hawkins plot because, unless dustin & company staged a jailbreak, eddie then would have been in custody during fred and patrick's murders.) the plot demands he run, but to wring any sort of emotional catharsis out of his death, the writers want us to think "look! he's redeemed himself! this time he ran into the danger!" it equates self-preservation with selfishness and cowardice, which certainly isn't a new thing in media but it's boring and doesn't reflect reality.
and when you parallel eddie's death with billy's (and what i imagine steve's death would have been had they gone through with killing him in season one), it paints this uncomfortable picture that redemption can only be found through extreme self-sacrifice and ultimately death. boring! very boring! and again, why are we redeeming a character who doesn't need redemption?
i appreciate (and really like actually!) that the narrative dooms eddie from the beginning. there wouldn't have been a satisfying way to write him out of a triple homicide rap had he lived. that being said, i would have loved to see eddie survive the upside down, get arrested for the murders, and, while our intrepid heroes are expecting owens and his shadowy government contacts to swoop in, be killed by those same shadowy government contacts as a cover-up.
because that is all owens has been doing for the past three seasons: covering things up to save a fringe organization's ass. it's just been convenient for our gang that the cover-ups align with their interests, too, to the point they are over-reliant on owens stepping in with forged birth certificates and mall fires. only, in season four's case, eddie is the most convenient cover story. with owens left for dead in a bunker in the middle of the desert, what loyalty does the rest of this strange government operation have to the gang and to eddie that they would exert any additional effort concocting a more outlandish story than the easy one the town of hawkins has already bought into?
it would have been a great way to add additional stakes going into season five because the gang would have had absolutely no one to rely on or trust but themselves. no more clean-up crew to plant fake stories and file the paperwork. the government has never actually been on their side. it's hawkins against the upside down and the world, baby.
wow, this is so long and i am so sorry. i still have a lot of feelings about this apparently, even after all this time.
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vrabbiit · 1 year
Could you write a oneshot of glamrock freddy x reader where he is overworked and stressed so the reader manages to pull some strings to have the glamrocks get a day off. But freddy feels bad and tries to work anyway but the reader just goes
'Sit yo ass back down'
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that i absolutely can, anon! this ended up being in hc form, i hope that's ok!!
There weren't a huge amount of perks to your job maintaining the animatronics at the Pizzaplex. Long hours, little thanks from management, and general stressful work were offset by a slightly higher-than-average pay, and the knowledge that even if they refused to admit it, you were indispensible. Which meant that while you didn't have many bargaining chips, you still had a foot in the door when it came to making decisions about the robotic stars of the show.
That's why, when you came to your higher-ups demanding that the Glamrocks took a day off, it was (albeit reluctantly) accepted. You'd spouted enough jargon about the animatronics' fans and their programming that they didn't understand to convince them that there was a very real need for this day off, and technically you weren't lying. Constant running of any electrical equipment can cause its functioning to decline, and the robots in the Pizzaplex were no exception. However, that wasn't the real reason you'd so adamantly advocated for them to have some time away from the spotlight (separately, though, as to not distress the patrons of the mall too much - that was management's caveat).
The reason stood in front of you, eyeing the door to his room - the one you were conveniently blocking his path too.
Freddy had accepted, even encouraged, the others to have time off. He'd backed you up to his bandmates when they'd floundered at the idea of having time to themselves. For all intents and purposes, he should have been the easiest to leave to his own devices.
Except that the bear was an absolute workaholic.
You understood it, sympathised with the guy, it was even part of the reason you were so fond of him (not that you were quite ready to admit it to yourself). But it would be a lie if you said that a huge part of this decision wasn't made for him. It wouldn't have been too noticeable unless you were as close to him as you were, but he'd been... worn down, recently. While he did his best to still give the same energetic performances, you'd noticed the internal struggle he was having to keep those energy levels high. He was suffering from burnout, but he didn't even seem to realise.
And now, he was trying to tell you he didn't need a day off. That while it was good for the others, he didn't need the rest. You called bullshit, of course. It takes a long conversation (which is more like a thinly veiled argument, because if there's one thing that Freddy hates more than being called out on his hypocrisy, it's apparently actively being confrontational) for you to finally level with him and get him to understand that not only are you not stupid, but you're worried about him.
Framing it as your concern instead of an attempt to stop him from working doing what he loves helps him understand your point of view a lot better, and when it becomes clear that you're not going to budge unless he actually rests and stops trying to sneak past you out of the door, he finally acquiesces.
On one condition: that you spend the day with him so he doesn't get bored.
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waywardrose · 8 months
stranger things
eddie munson x reader
rated e
spotify playlist
for @punk-in-docs​​​
fem/witch/goth!reader, sweetheart!eddie, magic, slow burn (for me), friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, no y/n only pet names, series-typical horror, period-typical sexism and homophobia, historical inaccuracies and anachronisms, drug dealing and use, smoking, alcohol use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fantasizing, one-bed trope, making out, fingering, dirty talk, chasing, oral sex, handjobs, condoms, piv sex, reader’s father is a dirtbag, mild spanking, magical violation, mental torture, body horror, blood, aftercare, nightmares, strict parenting, panic attack, past child abuse and abandonment, semi-public sex, break-ups, running away, guns, fist fighting, everyone survives, suicide ideation, fighting and making up
Eddie would have to wait until his lunch break to see this new, hot, weird chick. He wondered which flavor of weird she was. Art weird? Theater weird? Band weird? Weird weird? He shrugged. He liked weird. In other words, you’re the new girl in town, and Eddie is intrigued.
note: This is it, my dudes! The final chapter. No epilogue, because I don't think this story needs it. Thank you for all your comments, likes, and reblogs! Your support has kept me going. I'll post a masterlist directly.
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Today’s volunteers had been abuzz with the news of Chief Jim Hopper’s miraculous return from the dead. The story was he’d uncovered a terrorist plot and worked with the government to thwart the radicals. Starcourt Mall had been the unfortunate backdrop of the confrontation.
It was also unfortunate a surviving radical had recognized Hopper. Since Hopper had been in danger, he’d been put in a protection program until the threat had been eliminated.
Rumor had it he’d been involved in defeating the rest of these radicals, who had something to do with Hawkins National Laboratory.
You didn’t bother to point out the specific government agency had been conveniently omitted. Same with the terrorist organization. Over sandwiches in the courtyard, Steve said Hawkins Lab had been closed for over a year when Starcourt’s fire occurred.
Nevertheless, while there had been casualties at Starcourt, they’d been few. Everyone considered Hopper a local hero.
A few volunteers discussed Eddie, too. They felt sorry for him and insisted they’d never believed those ugly rumors. Eddie was an orphan who’d been taken in by his uncle Wayne. Wasn’t that sad? Why, they’d known Wayne Munson for years! Wayne was an upright person. A veteran, too. There was no way he would’ve tolerated Devil-worship under his roof.
Those horrible classmates — bullies, really — must’ve targeted Eddie because he was different. Being different wasn’t a crime! Besides, Eddie had never hurt anyone. He performed at The Hideout with his little band all the time. One volunteer knew The Hideout’s owner, Cliff, who said Eddie was a good, if weird, kid.
You’d nodded and hummed in agreement while sorting donated home goods. There was no point in calling them hypocrites. Perhaps some of them weren’t. You wished you’d gone to that town hall meeting with your parents. Then you’d be able to pick out the liars.
On the way home in Steve’s car, Robin turned in the front seat to face you.
“You know, people want to be on the winning side. They like to think of themselves as smart enough to know who’s telling the truth.”
“But they were blinded by fear,” you said in agreement. “And looking for someone to blame.”
Steve said, “Like the pilgrims burning all the witches in Salem.”
You and Robin shared a look. He was close enough.
“Yup,” she said.
He appeared proud to have contributed to the conversation.
Robin rested her chin on her forearm.
“Eddie’s lucky you found him before anyone else.”
“Outside of the military, yeah, I guess.” You offered a bitter grin. “Who knows what they would’ve done to him if he’d survived Vecna.”
Though you don’t think he would have. Most likely, he would’ve dropped dead with the rest of the hivemind. If you hadn’t died from taking part of Vecna’s curse earlier, you might’ve shared that fate.
Steve said, “God, I’m so glad that fuckface’s dead.”
“Me too.”
“Me three,” Robin said with a grin.
Once at Steve’s, you three talked about dinner. Steve had pulled everything this morning to make a pan of baked ziti with roasted broccoli on the side. Robin made a disgusted face at the mention of a vegetable. You laughed at her scrunched nose and tongue poking out. Robin exclaimed eating broccoli was like eating green farts while Steve opened the front door.
Classical music played from the sunroom’s stereo system.
“Hey, Munson,” Steve said, projecting his voice as he tossed his keys into the bowl on the foyer table.
The music cut off, leaving a silence that felt as if you needed to pop your ears.
Robin kicked off her shoes and hung her jacket on an empty hanger in the closet. She reached for yours as Eddie jogged across the living room.
“Hey, good day?” He didn’t wait for a reply as he said to Steve, “I know this is a pain in the ass, but would you take me to my van? I want to do it before it gets dark. It’s on Coal Mill.”
“Dude, I gotta start dinner.”
Robin held up her hands when Eddie looked at her.
“No license. And the last time I tried to cook in that kitchen, I almost set everything on fire.”
Steve smirked.
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“Yeah? Tell that to your smoke detector that wouldn’t shut up for fifteen minutes.”
You snorted to hide the pang at being Eddie’s last choice and shrugged your jacket back onto your shoulders.
“I guess that leaves me.”
With a pat to your pockets, confirming you had your wallet and keys, you left the house. Eddie bumbled out the front door a minute later, swinging on a navy sport coat that was a size too big. It clashed with his green track pants and untied blue sneakers.
You kept your comments to yourself as you unlocked your car and got behind the wheel. Eddie sat in the passenger seat as you started the engine. The stereo came to life. The Sisters of Mercy simmered through the speakers. You hit the power button, cutting them off.
Sounding amused, Eddie said, “I haven’t heard that in a while.”
“I was in the mood for them the other day.”
“You can turn it back on, if you want.”
“No, it’s fine.” You shifted the car into Drive. “How do I get to Coal Mill?”
“Uh, take a left. We’ll go the back way.”
You nodded and pulled onto the street. He tied his sneakers. At the first intersection, he directed you to go left. The evening sun’s golden light flickered between the trees. This far from the nexus, the woods appeared unaffected by the poisonous ash. You mentioned it. Eddie asked how downtown was faring.
You lifted a shoulder.
“It’s like a war zone and a natural disaster had a horrible, mangled baby.”
He laughed. “Vivid.”
“There’re construction crews all over, and the school gets dusty overnight. We have to cover everything with sheets before we leave. People sleep with masks on.”
“What a nightmare.”
You nodded as you passed the turnoff to Sattler’s Quarry.
After that, the road narrowed and twisted. Eddie navigated you through more intersections and over train tracks. You passed farmhouses with fields of growing corn and pastures for cattle. He had you take a road into the woods where squat houses sat close together.
The road dead-ended with Coal Mill Road T-ing into it. Behind the houses, sunlight reflected off rippling water. He advised you to park in the gravel at the side of the road; his van wasn’t far. You found a wide, flat section and stopped the car. The peaceful neighborhood didn’t seem the place to stash a van.
You then recognized the house reflected in the rearview mirror as the one from the broadcast identifying Eddie as a suspect. That had been a shitty day. Even for you.
Eddie opened the passenger door. You blinked out of the memory, unlatched your seatbelt, and got out of the car. He was quiet as you came to his side. His grim face had you reaching for his hand.
He stiffened at the touch.
You recoiled and looked away. Rather than the quiet hurt you expected, though you were hurt, this white-hot feeling spread through you. Your jaw locked and vision narrowed. Each inhale became deliberate. You wanted to claw at his pretty face.
“Okay, what the hell is your problem?”
That pretty face became dismissive, and he stepped onto the road towards the woods.
Over his shoulder, he asked, “What do you mean, what’s my problem?”
“You’re…” You struggled to find a word as you followed, but the only one came. “Skittish. I don’t know.”
“I’m not skittish.”
A few yards down from your car, he separated two shrubs to reveal parallel tire ruts in the grass.
“You are!” You waved a hand at his back. “You are. You won’t sit next to me. You won’t touch me. Not that I expect you to be all over me, but you don’t reach for me.”
He stepped between the shrubs and held one back for you.
“I take your hand, you flinch.” You tramped into the underbrush and onto a rut. “I sit next to you, you make sure there’s plenty of space between us. I make a move, and it’s always wrong.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong,” he said, letting the shrub go.
He went to the other rut. You stopped to glare at him.
Did he not see the irony of maintaining four feet of distance?
“I…” He frowned, though he continued walking. “I don’t want to crowd you.”
“Eddie, you’ve had your dick in me.” You resumed walking. “And I’ve never pushed you away.”
In fact, you had only pushed him away when he’d been under Vecna’s control. When it was just the two of you, the thought never crossed your mind.
He sighed.
“I’ve needed space.”
“Then tell me that. I don’t want you to feel pressured.” That heat inside you vanished. “You’re not obligated to… to do anything.”
“No, it’s not that.” He stopped and glanced at you. “I haven’t felt like myself since…”
“No, not like— It’s like…” He sighed again, his face twisting up. “There’s this emptiness.”
What could you say to that? You wouldn’t diminish his experience by saying plenty of people felt that. His was different. It wasn’t anything one could ignore or fill. You remembered dissolving into silence, and how it had swallowed everything.
You said softly, “Like a hunger.”
He met your gaze. In the sepia light and dusty shade, his brown eyes appeared darker and more vulnerable than you’d ever seen them.
“I don’t want it to touch you.”
You shook your head.
“It’s not a stranger.”
He looked away, into the trees, chin quivering. The tip of his nose turned pink. You wanted to kiss it, kiss him, make it better somehow. You took a hesitant half-step to take his hand, at least, but he walked farther into the woods.
With a deep breath, you followed a couple paces behind. The ruts curved around a dead pine and disappeared behind a thicket. Eddie knelt at the far side of the pine to dig into the rust-colored needles. An old camouflage net covered his boxy van from roof to tires.
You pushed up your sleeves while circling the van.
As you came around, he said, “Look, I know you’re too smart to believe the shit Vecna said.” He pulled something from the needles. “But I want… I want you to hear it from me—”
“Eddie.” You shook your head again. “That’s—”
“No, let me get this out. Every shitty thing he said — I said — was a lie.” The metallic jingle of keys punctuated his statement. “I don’t believe any of it. I never thought it.”
While you didn’t doubt Eddie, there was a part of you that wondered if Vecna was right. You were privileged. Your parents could afford to send you to any college. They’d even set up a savings account for you. You didn’t have to worry about a part-time job. You had a car. You’d been protected from the banal cruelty in the world. You’d taken so much for granted over the years. On top of that, you were a witch.
He straightened and looked at you.
“I don’t know how to prove it. All I got is my word.”
“No, no, I believe you,” you said, holding up your hands.
“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”
“You saved me, sweetheart.” A corner of his mouth quirked. “Kinda feels like a blood debt.”
You grinned.
“Is that a real thing?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
“I don’t know, but, Eddie…” You drew closer to him. “You owe me nothing. You’ll never owe me.”
The keys rattled in his hand. His gaze darted away.
You continued, “I know what I did spooked you, but I did it because I love you. And it’s okay if you don’t…”
You couldn’t finish the sentence. It was hard to breathe or think or control the swelling sob in your chest. A tear rolled down your cheek, and you swiped it away.
Eddie’s head tilted in sympathy, lips thinning. He stepped near and offered his empty hand. It was the first time he’d done that in days.
Your vision prismed with fresh tears as you grasped his hand. The callused pads of his fingers scuffed against your skin. Your sob transformed into a long exhale.
“Vecna took you from me,” you said, and sniffed back the wet clog in your nose and wiped at your eyes. “I did it because you’re mine. Because he hurt us — hurt me.” You barked a laugh. “Now that I say it out loud, I hear how fucking selfish I am.”
You met his red-rimmed eyes. He shook his head like he couldn’t accept you were selfish. Regardless of his belief, you were, but you’d try not to be with him.
You whispered, “Even if we don’t stay together, you’ll never owe me. You’ll always be special to me.”
He tugged you near and put your palm on his sternum with his hand covering yours. His chest rose and fell because he’d pushed Vecna out, because you’d brought him back. That was something you’d never regret.
His voice was a hoarse whisper as he said, “I love you too, and you didn’t spook me. Don’t… don’t hide from me.”
As gently as you could, you said, “I’m not the one who’s been hiding.”
He stared at your stacked hands.
“Jesus Christ, I’ve been fucking up so goddamn bad.” He shook his head, his hair obscuring part of his face. “I hadn’t protected you. God, I actually hurt you. I can’t give you what you deserve. I can’t even fucking graduate.”
If his last statement was an obstacle, you would’ve tripped over it.
He couldn’t graduate? That made no sense. Nothing was official yet, of course, but Dr. Owens hadn’t balked at the party’s insistence of all the seniors graduating. Had no one told him? Hadn’t it been mentioned in conversation?
“Wait,” you said, trying to remember if anyone had brought it up.
He watched you from under his bangs, eyes so fawn-like, a little furrow between his brows.
You said, “I thought Steve told you about the party’s demands.”
He angled his head.
“One was all the seniors graduating, regardless of standing.” You took hold of his coat’s lapel. “What did you have in O’Donnell’s?”
“A low D.”
“D’s passing.” You grinned. “You’re graduating, anyway, but you passed her class. That’s all you needed, right?”
His eyes went wide and lips parted as he nodded. You glanced at his full bottom lip while scraping your own between your teeth. You hadn’t kissed him in ages.
You stepped closer and slid your hand from his lapel.
“Congratulations,” you said before rising and pressing your lips to his.
He gasped. His lips dragged against yours. Then he jolted, pulling away.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Why would you hurt me?”
His gaze slithered from your lips to your neck to the neckline of your shirt in an invisible touch.
“What if I lose control?”
You studied his worried face in the dimming light.
“Is it the emptiness?” you asked.
He nodded, casting his gaze to the side.
You remembered how predatory Eddie had looked with the MP’s blood on his chin. That hadn’t been Eddie. Not entirely. That had been the hivemind of bloodthirsty carnivores.
“Is it…” You didn’t know how to be tactful with this. “Do you want my blood?”
His tongue worked in his mouth, licking his canine, before he said, “I don’t know.”
You cradled his jaw over the scar and eased his head forward. His focus remained to the side.
“Please, look at me.”
His irises swung to meet yours. A flicker of sunlight illuminated them cinnamon sweet. His dark lashes fluttered as he blinked.
“I know you don’t want to hurt me,” you said. “But if you want to try—”
His posture went rigid as he shook his head. His hand pressed yours tighter to his chest.
You pressed on.
“If you want to try my blood, I’ll let you.” You grazed the corner of his mouth with your thumb. “I’m not scared.”
He closed his eyes, mouth pinching and brows furrowing.
“Honey, don’t be scared.” You stroked his cheek to his clenched jaw. “It’s just me and you here.”
“Yeah, it’s just me and you.”
You sighed.
“What, you think you can kill me? You think I’d let you? You think I don’t know my limits?”
He opened his eyes, which blazed with anger and frustration and panic.
“What if I don’t know mine anymore, huh?”
Gritting your teeth, you said, “Then we’ll discover them together.”
With your hand on his chest, you pushed him towards the van. He bumbled backwards, dropping the keys. His back collided with a dull clunk. You slid your hand from his chest to the van, boxing him in, and pressed your front along his.
“Fucking trust me.”
“I do.”
“Do you want me to kiss you?”
He nodded, throat bobbing with a swallow.
“Are you sure?”
Again, he nodded.
You closed the distance with a hand on his nape. He angled his head, lips moving counter to yours. The kiss stole your breath and thought. You ravaged, biting his bottom lip. His hands cupped your ass and drew you against him. He plundered, groaning as your tongues slid over each other.
Teeth scraped your lip, yet it didn’t frighten you. Let them break skin. You didn’t care.
Trembling hands snuck under your shirt. He pulled at your waist, making your back arch. You mewled into the kiss and plunged your fingers into his messy hair. His tentative palms skimmed up your back.
You shivered as your nipples pebbled.
You broke the kiss to whisper, “Touch me. It’s okay. I trust you.”
His eyes gleamed as he drew his swollen bottom lip between his teeth. He spread his feet and maneuvered you between his knees. The firm mound of his erection pressed into your belly. He trailed his hands down to your ass. His fingers met at the central seam of your jeans.
“You’re so hot here.”
“Because of you.”
He caught your lips in another kiss. You gripped his hair as the woods went fuzzy. His hands, more confident, skated up your ass, under your shirt, and up your sides. Cool air swept over your skin. You inhaled as he found the band of your unsexy bra. The earlier work at the school hardly warranted anything fancy.
Eddie didn’t seem to mind. A hungry noise came from his chest as he fondled the underside of your breasts through the bra. He sucked on your bottom lip, and the sensation flowed through you like water. Your nipples tightened further. Your cunt clenched.
“God, you’re so soft.”
You caressed the warm skin at his nape, saying, “I’ve missed you.”
Without waiting for a response, you kissed him. His fingers dragged across your breasts until he pinched your nipples between his thumbs and sides of his palms.
You gasped at the wicked frisson, angled your face up to catch your breath, and writhed. You pressed your hips to his, the thick seam of your jeans rasped between your legs. He rocked his erection against you. New heat zinged down to your toes.
Voice husky, he said, “Fuck, I missed you, too.”
He kissed the side of your neck. Each kiss became more open-mouthed. His tongue moved as if he tasted more than your skin. He pulled his sharp teeth across the big tendon in your neck, like he was teasing you both. The threat of a bite had your heart beating double-time and eyes rolling back.
He pinched your nipples harder, making your lower body squirm from the ache. You kept your chest and neck still as you waited to feel what he’d do. He groaned and mouthed his way to the artery under your jaw. He sucked hard at the skin there, mouth scalding. You gasped at the delicious pain.
“Jesus,” he said between pants against the sore spot.
As his saliva cooled on your skin, you swooped down to kiss him once more. His tongue slid over yours as his hands left your breasts. You held his head in place by the hair, losing yourself to the decadent back and forth.
He folded his arms around you when you held his smooth cheek. There was no panic here. There were no monsters. It was only you and him, sharing breath and touch.
“How do you feel?” you asked.
You stroked his cheekbone.
“That’s all that matters.”
“I didn’t… freak you out there?”
“By giving me a hickey?” You smiled with a chuckle. “No.” You brushed your lips against his. “I like wearing your mark.”
His cheeks pinked further. He made a happy sound and buried his face in your neck once more.
“Gonna give me another one, baby?”
Muffled against your skin, he said, “I might.”
Tightening your hold in his hair, you pulled his head back. He looked at you with hazy eyes. His red lips parted, breaths shallow.
“Gorgeous,” you said.
His gaze drifted to the side. He wanted to shy away, but you wouldn’t have it.
“You act like I haven’t seen you, but I have.” You traced the scar on his jaw. “And nothing’s changed for me.”
He met your eyes, his own bright with conviction.
“Me neither, I swear, milady.”
You smiled at the endearment you hadn’t heard in too long.
“Then no more hot-and-cold, good sir.”
He nodded as much as he could.
“I’m with you.”
“No half-assed crap, either. I mean it, Eddie,” you said, relinquishing your grip on his hair and lacing your fingers behind his neck.
His spine straightened as if coming to attention.
“Whole-ass-ing it from here on out.”
“Good, I like your ass.”
“I like yours, too.”
His eyes lit with mischief, reminding you of the Eddie you’d first met. The one who quoted the Scorpions during roll call, who always answered the phone, who howled during concerts.
A hand gripped the underside of your ass-cheek and gave it a squeeze. It put to mind him holding you against the cold wall behind The Hideout and fucking you with hungry desperation. You wanted that with him.
“Wanna go home and prove it?” you asked with a quirk of an eyebrow.
He gave you a toothy grin.
He didn’t release you, nor you him, despite the blue of the sky having faded to ginger and blushing violet. Rose-gold sunlight graced the tree tops. Once gentle shadows were now hard-edged and inky.
You liked the heat radiating from under his thin t-shirt and all the evidence he was alive. He’d survived. You had as well. He must’ve had a similar idea, because he surveyed you with loving eyes.
You swayed.
“Let’s go, Muffin Man.”
He groaned and let his head flop back.
“I swear to God, that’s adorable when we were high, but you cannot say that in front of our friends.”
“Not even—”
His head shot up.
“You didn’t let me finish,” you said with an exaggerated pout.
“Oh, well, please continue, sweet lady.”
“I was going to say, not even—” You imitated his dramatics as you said, “The Muffin of Demonic Charm!?”
He laughed. “I only like the ‘muff’ part of that.”
You backed away with a giggle, sticking out your tongue. His hands went to the sides of his head, pointer fingers out, and stuck his tongue out at you.
You said, “You won’t get any part of that out here.”
He fluttered the tip of his tongue.
“Tempting, but no.”
He spread the sport coat and posed like a centerfold to entice, hip canting to the side and his chest arched.
“Oh, if only I had a camera, baby.” You found the forgotten keys amongst the pine needles and dead leaves. “You’d make Goodwill a lot of money in their annual calendar,” you said and tossed the keys at him.
He straightened to catch them, juggling them to his chest.
��I’ll have you know—” He swept his empty hand down his body. “—all of this is House of Harrington.”
“How chic.”
“Very exclusive.” He pointed to the corner of the van for you to help gather the netting. “Not just anyone can say they’ve worn Steve Harrington’s tighty whities.”
You laughed and lifted the corner of the netting.
Together, you uncovered the van. Eddie gathered the netting and kicked it under the thicket before going to the passenger door to open it for you.
“I’ll drop you off at your car.”
You thanked him and climbed into the stuffy van. The scent of old smoke, warmed plastic, and upholstery seasoned with boy invaded your nose. You rolled the window down halfway after he closed the door.
With a glance at the vacant back, you thought of Corroded Coffin’s equipment there. You’d seen little of Jeff, Gareth, or Dougie at school. You hadn’t asked Eddie if they still played at The Hideout. You hadn’t asked him about a lot of things. There was so much you’d missed since New Year’s.
Eddie opened the driver-side door and hopped in. He made a face, then rolled down his window.
He turned all the air-system controls off, saying, “Cross your fingers she’ll cooperate.”
He shoved the key in the ignition and turned it. The engine sputtered and whined and chugged until something aligned, and it roared to life. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, throwing you a laugh.
You smiled back and fastened your seatbelt.
He shifted into Reverse and maneuvered away from the thicket. The tires spun in the layer of pine needles and budding grass before finding traction. The van lurched forward. You hung onto the seatbelt and prayed the van wouldn’t get stuck. It was too old for off-roading. He steered onto the ruts, tires kicking up dirt as they bit into the earth.
Your prayers were unnecessary or maybe something out there listened to you, because a minute later the van was on the pavement and next to your car.
“Your noble steed, milady.”
With a smirk, you said, “I thought that was you, stud.”
He leaned in, eyes sparking.
“I’m at your beck and call.”
You bent close enough to feel his breath on your lips.
“Get me home, sir, and I’ll show my appreciation for your fealty.”
His eyes darted to your lips.
“I can do that.”
Tilting your head as if to kiss him, you said, “I know you can,” and moved away to unfasten your seatbelt.
His head drooped.
He looked at you when you opened the door, expression amused.
You said, “Don’t go too fast, honey, wouldn’t want to get pulled over.”
“Depends on who’s doing the pulling over, sweetheart.”
You smiled, shaking your head at the cheesy line, and left the van. His attention stayed on you as you crossed to your car, like fingers trailing down your spine.
Once in the car, you made a U-turn and followed him to Steve’s. Eddie was something of a lead-foot, but you could keep up easily. He parked in front of the garage at Steve’s. You stopped next to him and locked up.
He met you at your trunk and offered his elbow.
“Not too fast for you?”
You snaked your arm around his bicep.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
He hummed in agreement as he walked with you to the front door.
“Um, I know this is out of left field,” you said, “but I thought about the rest of the band. I hadn’t seen them at school, except in the hallways sometimes. Like, I don’t share any classes with Jeff or Dougie.”
“Last time I saw them was during the last Hellfire meeting.”
“Maybe you should call them? Now that your name’s cleared, it’s safe for all of you.”
“I don’t know…”
“They’re probably worried about you.” You squeezed his arm. “And unlike me, they can’t use magic to track down your ass.”
He bobbed his head once.
“I’ll call them tomorrow.”
You stopped him before he could make his way to the front door. He turned to you, gaze searching.
The blue hour painted him in shades of purple. Warm light from the porch sconces and nearby kitchen window caught in the waves of his hair. He was a fallen angel, halo stripped yet seraphic nature undeniable.
That felt like a line from someone more imaginative. You were no poet, though you wished you were.
Softly, he asked, “What is it?”
You shook off the thought and grinned.
“Nothing, I just… I just like you like this.”
He glanced at himself before giving you a wry look.
“In borrowed clothes with dirty hands?”
“No, butthead.” You jostled him by the arm. “I like you here — with me.”
That wry look disappeared. His eyes rounded, earnest and affectionate. He drew you in with a gentle hand on your nape and kissed you. His lips were tender on yours in silent relief, as though you’d surprised him. While he’d withdrawn after Vecna’s defeat, and you’d been uncertain about a future with him, you still loved him. That had never changed.
You threw yourself into the kiss, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Blood rushed through your veins. Your cheeks burned as the kiss deepened. His other hand clutched your hip to guide you against him.
It was easy to lose yourself with him. It was easy to love him, and he made it easy to let yourself be loved.
He cradled the back of your head like you were priceless. He held you like he couldn’t get close enough. The mark on your neck was a brand of sweet possession.
At an inevitable pause, you said, “Let’s go inside.”
“I can’t sit through dinner.” With a small shake of his head, he said, “I can’t wait.”
“Then we won’t. We’ll go straight to your room.”
“What about…?” He gave you a meaningful look. “Condoms?”
“I got it covered.”
“Sounds like I’ll be saying that later.”
You laughed, playfully shoving at his shoulder. He looked pleased with himself and trotted to the front door. Hand on the doorknob, he glanced back to make sure you were behind him.
You whispered, “Wait,” and drew energy up your body. It had been so long since you’d obfuscated your presence to sneak around, you’d nearly forgotten it as an option. You laced your fingers with Eddie’s, including him in the silent bubble you created.
“Keep close and avoid making too much noise.”
He nodded before easing the door open.
A top-40s station played on the radio in the sunroom. Robin and Steve’s voices floated from the kitchen. They remained out of sight even after you gently shut the door.
You directed Eddie to the stairs and remained a tread behind him as you both climbed. Once on the second floor, you ushered him to his room. He left the door ajar and lights off. You padded to your room, pocketed the couple of condom packets you’d stolen days ago from Steve’s nightstand, and slunk to Eddie’s room.
He sat at the head of the bed, blanket hiding his lower half with his t-shirt covering the upper. You closed the door and locked it. By the meager light coming through the window, you found the nearest lamp and clicked it on.
“You okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, sure, fine, why?”
The sport coat and track pants draped across the armchair. The sneakers and socks lay jumbled by the bathroom door.
“Just asking.”
You crossed the room and set the condom packets on the nightstand at Eddie’s side. He remained motionless, hands hidden in the rumpled sheets. You perched at the edge of the bed while he stared at the condoms.
Something was off. He should be flirting or reaching for you. What had happened between kissing you, saying he couldn’t wait to be with you, and now? Most guys would be naked and panting like a dog for sex.
With a minute shrug, you said, “If you don’t want to…”
“No! No, I do. Trust me, I do.”
He exhaled.
“I don’t… You should know, I don’t look the same.”
“I’ve seen you in only a towel. I’m aware of what you look like.”
“That’s not up close and personal.”
“You think I’m going to run screaming from some scars?”
He said, “Look, baby, I’m a horror show under this,” and plucked at the t-shirt.
You let out an exasperated sound. “Are you trying to push me away? Again?”
“Do you not want me?”
“Oh my god, I want you.” He scooted to you and cupped your face. “I’ve wanted you for weeks. Months!”
“Well, me too!” You held one of his wrists. “Anything you got under there is gonna work for me, okay?”
He scanned your face, gaze roaming from your eyes to your lips and back.
The protective blessing you’d placed in his handkerchief had failed you — and him. Your magic had been nothing compared to Vecna’s power. Eddie had pushed out the hivemind on his own. He was so much stronger than he gave himself credit for.
Through a constricted throat, you said, “Your blood soaked through your clothes.” Your eyes pricked with tears. “You di-died in front of me.”
Eddie leaned in, crushing your lips together. You forgot about tears and the feel of his blood thick between your fingers. He tilted your head. His lips, puffy and slick, glided across yours.
“I’m here,” he said, and kissed you again. “I’m right here.”
You kissed him in reply, letting your greed and relief guide you.
You shimmied your jacket off your shoulders. His hands went to your arms to help tug it off. You grinned into the kiss when the fabric caught on your forearms. He huffed, amused, before yanking at the sleeves. You shook your arms free and flung the jacket.
Planting a knee on the bed, you crowded him back onto the pillows. He put his hands at your waist and pulled you onto him. You straddled his hips, the linens bunching between you.
He hauled you up his body to tuck his face against your throat. He mouthed and bit at your neck, all hesitation thrown to the side. You encouraged him with a whimper and fingers gripping his hair. His soft lips left a fiery line as his hands grabbed your ass.
You arched your back. Your ribs pumped with every rapid breath.
“Wanna eat you alive,” he said. “Fuck, you taste so good.”
“Want you, too.”
Teeth scraped under your jaw, catching on the sore hickey there. You gasped, yet refused to shy away. Let him bite and draw blood. Let it hurt. You could heal yourself.
With a groan, he dug his teeth midway down your neck. The sting made your spine melt. His palms slid up your back, taking your shirt with them. Then he sucked, and you felt it between your legs.
You ground against him — as much as you could through the layers of fabric. You needed to feel his heat, taste his skin and scars. Because he was alive, and you were in his bed.
When he released your skin, sensation beyond pain, beyond heat, bloomed through your neck. It rang in your ears, fisted a groan from your lungs, stole your strength. He folded his rangy arms around you and grazed his lips over the spit-wet spot.
You closed your eyes with a hum.
He kissed you from jaw to cheek. He even kissed your chin. You curled to catch his lips in a languid kiss. It went aggressive in a handful of seconds. You couldn’t tell who set it in motion, but you’d follow it through with sucking on the tip of his tongue and biting his lip. He shivered and squirmed and held onto your waist.
You broke the kiss to leave him reeling.
“You’re mine, aren’t you?”
He nodded, eyes half-closed.
“Then let me take care of what’s mine.”
Again, he nodded.
You directed Eddie’s hands to the pillow, letting your fingertips linger on the silky insides of his forearms. His t-shirt sleeves slipped up to expose scarring on his upper arms. You pressed your lips to the delicate scar tissue.
He inhaled sharply.
You whispered, “It’s okay.”
He closed his eyes with a brief nod.
You kissed the scar on his jaw and the faint one at the side of his neck. He angled his chin to expose himself. In reward, you kissed his lips. His muscles unspooled. You brushed your thumbs over his cheekbones.
“I got you.”
“I know.”
You wiggled down his torso and sat up. Oh-so slowly, you skimmed your hands under his t-shirt to his sides. The jagged edge of a bigger patch on his torso peeked from under the t-shirt’s hem. The uneven texture of the scars didn’t feel ugly or rough. They were interesting, and you wanted to see them.
He clapped his hands over yours.
You met his uneasy gaze and waited, keeping your expression open. While you could offer platitudes or compliments, they’d ring hollow. He knew how you felt and how you viewed him. It was only a matter of time for him to gain confidence — or at least trust you.
His hold relaxed, then gradually drifted away.
You followed the taper of his torso until you held his undulating ribs. With the t-shirt bunched at his pecs, you could assess the havoc the bats had wrought. Beyond the patch on his lower torso was a line of bites and healed sutures on his left. A wedge of pink scar tissue defaced the right side of his ribs. Between the larger patches were claw and teeth marks.
You traced them with a light touch before looking at his face. His teeth dug into his lip as his gaze jumped from between your bodies to the side to your face and back again.
“So, this is the horror show you promised?” you asked with a playful look.
He frowned, mouth opening.
Before he spoke, you asked, “Can you feel my touch?”
He wet his lips and nodded.
“Then that’s all that matters.”
“You don’t—”
“No, I don’t whatever. I’m not grossed out.”
To prove your point, you bent to kiss the bite mark on his sternum. The satiny, pitted skin wasn’t disgusting. It was just skin — that smelled like him. You nudged the t-shirt higher to get at his left nipple. You teased it with your tongue, and he stilled. You pinched it between your teeth, and he arched against your lips. You soothed the tiny hurt with a kiss, and he gasped.
You inched the t-shirt higher until you propelled his arms up. He took over and snatched the t-shirt over his head. He dropped it beside the bed as you caressed his chest.
Only fragments of his demon-head and black-widow tattoos were visible around a darker scar. You followed the scar’s border with your fingers and pouted at the loss of the tattoos. Not because they were the most beautiful you’d ever seen, but because they’d been Eddie’s.
“You can have these redone.”
“Nah, I’d rather get a cover-up.”
You smiled before bending to pepper kisses on the scar.
“That’s going to be a big cover-up, honey.” You kissed your way from the scar to the dip of his throat. “Maybe I can hold your hand through it.”
He tilted his head back with a soft groan. You angled his chin to the side and sucked at the hot skin of his neck, giving him a faint hickey. You kissed your way up to his ear and sucked on the lobe.
With a near growl, he said, “God, I can’t—” and pulled you into a burning kiss.
You opened for him as he teased your tongue with his own. He kissed your hot cheeks and your forehead. His hands surged down your sides, then under your shirt. You straightened onto your knees and stripped off your shirt and bra. Your nipples puckered in the cooler air.
His hips jerked as his hands gripped your hips. He stared at your chest and licked his lips.
Instead of asking if he wanted to touch, because that seemed obvious, you bent and guided his hands to your breasts. You encouraged him to support them, squeeze them, while you watched his flushed face.
He circled your nipples with his thumbs, his touch graceful yet electrifying. A feeling like goosebumps trickled through your gut and had your thighs tensing. You curved into his caress in encouragement. Your underwear’s saturated cotton grazed your pussy, and you wished it was his cock.
Eddie held your ribs and rose to bury his face between your breasts. He mouthed at the valley between them and kissed the beginning swells. You held the back of his head. He sucked at one nipple, then the other. That goosebump feeling intensified until you were a quivering mess.
He undid your jeans, and your eyes popped open. He looked at you through his pretty lashes. There was a voracity in his dark gaze that said only you could slake his need — and you wanted to be the only one to do it, too.
“This okay?” he asked.
You nodded.
With no hesitation, his hand slithered between your stomach and underwear. It burned a line down the curve of your belly through your pubic hair. His middle and ring fingers glided between your wet folds. You gripped his shoulders, hard muscle moved under his skin.
The first long stroke to your clit had your nails digging into his skin and sucking air between your teeth. You couldn’t stop the tiny sound you made. He nibbled at your collarbone, teeth scraped your skin. You leaned your weight against him as your watery legs trembled. His free arm held you upright by the waist.
Rather than circle your clit, he kept stroking. The first wash of pleasure fueled you to move your hips counter to his fingers. His calluses pulled at the hood of your clit, then drove it down. He pressed harder, sparking a sensation deeper than your clit.
Your focus narrowed to your rising orgasm and the thought of his cock pumping deep inside your juicy cunt. You wanted to feel his strong hands restraining you, his sweat-slick skin on yours, and his lush mouth between your legs.
An animalistic keen left your throat at the jumble of images. Your heart hammered in your ears. You rode that knife-edge of climax. It was right there.
“C’mon, baby, fuck those fingers.”
You moaned, doing as he ordered, until ecstasy forced its way through you — so hard, so deep. The internal throb of it stole your strength as it went on and on. You crumbled, putting more of your weight on him. He held you without protest.
“Can feel it,” he said, petting your oversensitive clit.
You writhed in his arms and begged for something you couldn’t put words to. He kissed your throat as he lay still pressure on your clit. Your cunt pulsed strong enough that your hips moved of their own volition.
After a moment, he pulled his hand from your underwear and brought his fingers to his mouth. You sat on his thighs to watch him suck at his wet fingers. He hummed in satisfaction. Your cunt pulsed one last time, as though it hadn’t had enough.
Maybe it hadn’t.
He met your gaze and offered his flushed lips for a kiss. You cradled the back of his head and kissed him with unexpected fervor. You tasted the tang of your own come on his tongue. He held your face, sticky fingers on your cheek, and pushed into the kiss. You sucked your flavor off his bottom lip, pulling a moan from his chest.
“Take the rest off,” he said, falling onto his back.
“You too.”
He smirked.
“Not much more to go.”
You let your eyes track from his chest to the wrinkled lump of blanket covering his groin. Despite knowing, intimately, what was underneath, getting him naked continued to be a thrill.
He blushed, and his smirk softened.
You climbed off him to sit at the edge of the bed. You untied your Docs and wrenched them off. Your socks followed. Eddie kicked the blanket away. While he wiggled out of his briefs, you hooked your thumbs in your underwear and jeans, rising enough from the bed to slide them down your hips and off your legs.
You pivoted on a hip to find him reaching for a condom. His eyes went wide with a question. Or like you’d caught him doing something he shouldn’t. You bent a leg on the bed and plucked a condom from the pile before he could.
“You know,” you said, holding the condom like a cigarette between your fingers. “I think I need to get on the pill.” You got on all fours. “Or get an IUD, or something.”
Sounding on tenterhooks, he asked, “Why’s that?”
You crawled between his legs. He spread his thighs to make room for you.
“So I can have you raw.”
He let out a breath, cheeks reddening further, and wrapped a hand around the base of his cock. A thick bead of precome pearled at its slit.
“Would you like that, honey?”
“Shit, you know I would.”
You gave him a playful wink before hunching to lick the tip of his cock. He groaned through a smile, squeezing his cock. You savored the salty taste of him.
You tapped at the back of his hand.
“Let go.”
“I swear, I’m gonna blow in, like, ten seconds flat.”
You sat on your calves with a self-satisfied shrug. He needed to feel as good as he’d made you feel. If that happened quickly, that was fine with you because—
“We got all night,” you said, and tore open the condom packet.
He still hadn’t released his hold.
“Eddie, honey, let go.”
“Just—” He swallowed. “Get it halfway down first.”
You pulled out the lubed condom and discarded the wrapper. He bit his lip, looking as though you were about to perform surgery on him. Keeping your touch light and at the minimum, you pinched the tip of the condom and rolled it over his shaft until it met his fingers.
He shuddered with eyes closed and a crease between his brows.
You said, “Let go.”
He exhaled and thumped his fists to the bed. You wasted no time in rolling the condom the rest of the way down. He panted and keened. His cock twitched in your hand, but you wiped your palms on the sheets before he could embarrass himself.
With a gentle shush, you caressed his hips and ran your thumbs in the shallow groove of muscle on either side. You kept at it until his breathing slowed and tense thighs relaxed.
You maneuvered your knees on either side of him and balanced yourself with a hand on his chest.
When he nodded, you reached between your bodies to brace his erection. You were so ready, so wet, for this. Even the feeling of the condom didn’t turn you off. You found your hole and eased onto his thick cock, inch by slick inch.
Once you settled, you had to give yourself a moment. You sat with hands on your thighs while you adjusted to the fullness. He felt perfect and delicious. You looked at Eddie to see him watching you, bottom lip between his teeth and fingers digging into the mattress. Emotion filled his bright eyes.
You wanted to soothe him, but if you moved, it would set off a chain reaction he’d been trying to suppress.
“Don’t think.”
Through gritted teeth, he said, “Trying not to.”
If you didn’t take the initiative, he would torture himself for the rest of the evening. You rotated your pelvis. The simple movement made you gasp. It had been so long, and you were so eager for this with him. Under you, he choked on a desperate sound.
“I can’t wait to feel you without any barriers,” you said, rotating your pelvis again. “Feel you come deep inside me.”
He grabbed your hips to propel your movements.
“I’ll fill you up,” he said.
You planted your hands on his chest with a groan and rode him like he wanted you to. You rose only to sink down a second later, never letting him slip out. His hands glided up your sides. With a hum, you encouraged him to touch you — touch you anywhere, everywhere. You couldn’t get enough of his cock, of his nimble hands, of his body tight against yours.
Your need ramped to a boiling fever, some thrilling sickness. You bent to kiss him, sucking on his lip and tongue, as you rolled your hips in a frantic rhythm. Your skin slapped against his, but it wasn’t enough. You hid your face in his shoulder and whimpered when you found no relief.
His arms looped across your back, as if you’d try to escape. Like you could get away from this desire.
You stilled in time for him to roll to the side and on top of you. He pushed his cock deep. You mewled, your thighs stretched around his hips.
His gaze roved over your features.
“I’m gonna fill your sweet pussy.”
You nodded.
He said, “I’ll make you come.”
You closed your eyes as you imagined it. Hands all over you, gripping you, going between your legs, holding you steady as he worked your body. Your cunt clenched at the image.
“Because you’re mine, too.”
You nodded once more.
He adjusted his stance, knees dipping into the mattress. He grasped one of your shoulders as you held onto his arms with shaking hands.
“Look at me and tell me you love me.”
You stared into his eyes. It was all written out there for you to see: no denial, no hiding, and no more doubt.
“I love you.”
He caught your lips and kissed you so thoroughly you forgot anything beyond him. His hold tightened. His hips minutely rocked. His heavy cock kindled that heat hidden inside.
You moaned against his lips and pulled at him. He needed to move. You’d been wanting him for what felt like years. You’d both gone through hell, seen oblivion, and returned to each other’s side. You needed him to move — now.
He buried his face in your neck, lips against the marks he’d left. The rocking of his hips descended into grinding, then full-out thrusting. He fucked you hard. His cock dragged at the underside of your aching clit. The bed springs whined every time he bottomed out.
You couldn’t catch your breath as his thrusts became desperate. He yanked at your hair to bare your throat. His long hair — that smelled of your shampoo — veiled your humid face.
He kissed his marks and murmured something you couldn’t make out. You agreed anyway. He groaned in reply, driving you down while he thrust up. The sheets stuck to the sweat on your back. His hips snapped forward over and over, his cock ramming deep. You tried your best to move with him, but he was too fast.
Then you couldn’t move at all. Your belly quivered and your thighs tensed. His cock was too much. You strained against him, with him, until that fever broke. You shook in his arms. Your jaw clenched. Orgasm burned through you like a geyser. It sizzled up your spine. You couldn’t catch your breath. Hot tears trickled over your temples in rapturous agony.
Eddie fucked you through it, holding you tight. Your cunt throbbed and clamped around his pistoning length. He cursed in needy growls until he seized, breathless. His voice cracked. His thrusts slowed, yet remained fierce, as his cock pulsed with each thrust.
He stuttered a jumble of cut-off thoughts, all of them flattering and loving. You grinned and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, hugging his sides with your thighs. He mouthed at your neck lazily.
After a tranquil moment, he kissed you, gentle yet demanding. You felt him — every bit of him. His lips tasted of salt. His hands sheltered and cradled. His gaze warmed you. You could only respond in kind. He melted as you smoothed his hair away from his flushed, glowing face.
He kissed you one more time before steadying the condom and slipping out of you.
You relaxed, allowing your tired limbs to sink to the bed. He rolled to the side and dropped the condom on the heap of his dirty clothes. You wrinkled your nose, but didn’t comment. He flopped beside you and pillowed his head on a bent arm. The heating system kicked on. Your sweat cooled as you contemplated getting out of bed. Instead, you tucked your feet between the folds of the blanket.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said.
You hummed in acknowledgement and glanced at him.
“I was thinking, and you might not be into this, but you want to go to LA? With me?”
You stared at the ceiling.
Los Angeles: broken glass glittering in gutters, live music every night, fluttering neon, cars with their tops down, a bland apartment with a mattress on the floor, your feet warmed by sunshine as you read the newspaper’s entertainment section, Eddie writing songs at the kitchen table.
A smile spread across your face.
“Hell yeah.”
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musedblues · 1 year
Another Little Piece
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a/n: im supposed to be writing a completely different story but i literally dreamed this monstrosity up after too much nyquil. sorry it's so sad that's my brand i guess.
Ever since Eddie came back, he'd felt further away than before. 
Maybe it was how you'd reacted to the news. When your beloved metal headed lover showed up at your door after having gone on the run for the police, dirty and tired and all scratched up; you sat in stunned silence as he explained to you everything that had happened in deadly detail.
Eddie explained to you why he'd run away from home the night the cheerleader wound up dead in Wayne's living room. He told you how Dustin and Steve and company had found him and how Eddie wound up in the upside down. He explained the upside down to you. He showed you his scars. He cried and you sat in stunned silence. You thought he'd died. You were busy planning a funeral. But then he was back and talking a mile a minute about something you could barely comprehend. 
"Oh God, do you think I've lost my mind?" Eddie tried to laugh, but you could tell he was really worried in his asking. And because you were stunned, you waited one second too long to respond. And even though your answer was no, that beat of silence caused Eddies face to turn irrevocably twisted into an expression of upset you couldn't bear to see. You assured him over and over, once you got the words out, that you believed him. That you were sorry you weren't there with him. That you'd always been on his side through frenzy that erupted through Hawkins. 
Or maybe it was the way you'd tried to make him feel normal again. You made plans and insisted on going out with Eddie as often as possible. Plans he'd never want to follow through. Maybe it was the night you kept asking too many questions, trying to understand better what he'd gone through. Maybe it was just the fact that what Eddie had gone through shifted something within him that couldn't be nudged back with good intentions. 
It was the first day of Spring when you woke up to find him gone; again. Unlike the night he disappeared on the run from what killed Chrissy; he was prepared this time. Your shared drawers were disheveled, his clothes missing. His guitar gone from the stand in the corner. Your heart vanished, all the same. You ran from room to room as if you'd find him, ending up outside hoping the bike tire tracks out of the drive would give away the direction he'd fled. No matter, you'd lost Eddie.
But you weren't about to let him get away with it again. And this time, with a better idea of where to go looking, you took off into town. 
The first stop was Wayne's place. When he finally answered your pounding at his door, he looked just as worried as you felt. But he'd gotten good at being reasonable. After telling Wayne that Eddie vanished with all his things, and learning your man hadn't ended up at his uncles, you both decided not to panic. Wayne told you to keep looking around town, and if you both had too, you'd figure out the next step when night fell. You thanked the elder fellow for keeping you calm and laying out a loose plan to follow. 
And so your search went on. You stopped at the record store, the guitar shop, the convenience store, the school, all of his bandmates homes and his old hiding places. Every place you went looking for Eddie disappointed you. The weather seemed to turn chilly as the sun sank low in the sky. The breeze cut your face as you paced through town. As you sat waiting for your car to warm, you realized your nose wasn't running from the cold but from the tears you could no longer keep contained.
So you sat in the old mall parking lot and cried until your throat went dry. And then you drove back to Wayne. You didn't want to. You didn't want a new plan. You didn't want to keep looking or figure out a next step. You wanted your boyfriend back and better. And when you found Wayne waiting on the steps of his home, you realized nothing was quite the same at all. It hadn't been and it wasn't about to be. 
"What are you doing?" You asked with a sniffle, halting your approach in the gravel pathway as Wayne looked up, his elbows on his knees, a cigarette burning between his fingers. 
"He's here. He's safe. You don't need to worry." The man nodded, matter of factly. You breathed a sigh of relief, moving to race inside, to dote over the man you'd been missing for longer than a day. But before you could break out into your intended sprint, Wayne stopped you. 
"But, darlin', he don't wanna see you right now." Wayne was slow to stand, looking regretful as he held a hand out to signal you to stay right where you were. You thought you're heart had up and gone when Eddie did, this morning. But it was still beating somewhere inside you, you realized, when it ached in a way it never had before. 
"Wha- well, why not?" You stuttered, looking toward the windows, hoping if you caught a glimpse of Eddie you could get him to come out, or let you in.
"Look I don't know." Wayne spoke, stepping down to approach you now. "I don't like not lettin' ya in but he'- I don't know, he just needs more time I think." 
"It's been months." You cried, voice dull as the voice around your throat grew tighter. 
"I know." Wayne frowned, seemingly just as unhappy about this situation as you. "I know. Look kid, just come back in a day or two. I'll do my best to talk some sense into him, deal?"
You listened, letting your hands cover your face as you cried yet again. Wayne stood there a while longer, promising he'd do what he could to help. And you knew he would.
The knocking at your door stirred you from your slumber. A shot of hopeful adrenaline coursed through your system, could it be Eddie? No, you realized, as sadness numbed you. Eddie wouldn't knock. He would barge in and jump on the bed or kiss you awake. But a false hope ached at your core, because things had been so different since he'd gotten back. Maybe, just maybe, he was a knocker now?
Steve Harrington was the last person you'd expected to see on your doorstep. You'd never known him, you'd never cared to. So, when you found out Eddie's adventure away featured the infamous jock, you'd been more surprised by that fact than most anything else. 
"Is Eddie here?" Steve wondered right away.
"No, but you are. Weird right?" You noted the quizzical quirk that appeared on Steves face as he sighed and decidedly told you why he'd shown up.
"Look, during the... the thing that happened, Eddie and I talked. He helped me realize some stuff and I just really could use more of his input. Could you let him know I stopped by?"
You bit your lip to cease the tears that threated to sting the backs of your eyes. 
"Look, he's staying with Wayne. You'd have better luck stopping by there. I don't know when I'll be seeing him again."
"Wait what?" Steve waved a hand, confusion engulfing his features. 
"I dunno." You shrugged and shifted your weight as you stood in the doorway. "I woke up on two days ago and he was gone." You'd stopped by the trailer like Wayne instructed, last night, and it went almost exactly like the one before. You were turned away with little to know information and an invitation to try again some other time. Steve stared at you, his befuddled expression unchanging. 
"Okay, let me use your phone." Steve barged his way past you, inside your home. You watched with a slacked jaw as the guy headed right for the receiver on the stand by the sofa.
"Waynes number." Steve demanded, and because you were so caught off guard by his unexpected company and actions, you told him. After a beat of silence, waiting for someone to pick up the other line, Steve smiled with a hand on his hip.
"Hey, Edwardoooo!" Steve gave you a thumbs up, like a plan you'd worked on together had come together. Your heart dropped when you realized Eddie had picked up, and was listening to Steves call. Why did he get to talk to him? Why were you being left in the dark?
"Listen man, meet me at the diner? It's an emergency." Steve plead, and after another beat of silence, he nodded. Then he put the receiver down and told you to grab a jacket. You were both going to the dinner.
"Thanks." You muttered, confused, pissed, hopeful.
This wasn't how you pictured spending your year. You'd planned to watch Eddie graduate and to by a little piece of land and start a new job. You planned to help Eddies band get gigs in the shitty bars across town. You were fully unprepared for these new plans. For such lingering hurt and worry to haunt the outlines of your every waking moment. You were fully unprepared to hold small talk with Steve Harrington from the passenger seat of his car. You were fully unprepared to try and win Eddie back. You were fully unprepared to have lost him once, let alone all over again.
Steve bought you a coffee and started rambling about Nancy, and before you knew it he was asking you for the advice he'd sought after Eddie for. Inside, you scoffed. Outside, you listened and tried to offer the best answers you could to the guy's dilemma. Should he risk it all and publicly express his undying love for his high school sweetheart? Or should he let her go off with the man she'd been in a long-distance relationship with for longer than anyone had expected? You didn't know.
But your opinion on his quandary didn't matter anymore. Because Eddie was walking in. His eyes squinted as he searched the eatery for the man who'd called him here. He looked tired, he looked like the man you'd loved the most of all. He looked right at you.
When Eddies eyes locked with yours, for one moment, your heart soared. You sat up a little straighter, you began to open your mouth to call him over. But he spun around and hurried out of that dumpy diner faster than he'd waltzed in. Leaving Steve disappointed. Leaving you irate. Enough was enough.
"Maybe you two need my input more than I need yours..." Steve wondered aloud, watching you struggle to contain your hurt. He'd watched the whole thing play out, seemingly more confused than before. "I think you should let me take you over to Waynes. Don't ask to see him. Make him talk. He's running away from his problems again. But you don't have to let him keep at it."
You sniffled back tears as a fiercer hotter anger swelled with in you, and nodded, agreeing to Steves plan. You hadn't expected Steve Harrington to show up at your door or save the day. You'd thank him later.
Wayne opened the door, sad eyes flashing with shock when you stormed past him, apologizing with each step. He moved instantly to let you through, and you noticed out of the corner of your eye as the guy grabbed a hat and let the door shut on his way out.
Your march through the trailer ended when you reached Eddies opened doorway. He was slumped in a chair, head rested on a fist, a cassette blaring from his radio. He didn't look at you. Instead, he let both of his hands cover his face as you started to yell.
"Tell me you don't love me anymore. Tell me you're moving out, tell me what's wrong. Say something. But don't just fucking disappear again. I cannot take it again Eddie."
"I do love you!" He shouted back, uncovering his features, eyes leaking instant tears. You'd never seen him so distraught. Not when his car broke down on the way to a Metallica show. Not when he got back from the upside down. His heartbreak was never so apparent as it was now.
"Then what the fuck is wrong!" You demanded to know, throwing your hands in the air as the man you loved rose from the seat he'd occupied.
"I wake up from those crazy fucking nightmares and I see that you're not sleeping. I stay home from all those stupid parties that I know you want to go to, and you stay at home with me. I can't eat the dinner you make because I can't keep it down. I'm in the fucking way. I'm in your way. And I don't know how to get over all the shit that happened. But I do know I can't fucking live with myself if I keep dragging you down with me."
"Shit Eddie, I'd rather never sleep again so long as I knew we got to share a bed each night!" You pointed as he paced before you. Then Eddie stepped an inch away to let his grasp engulf the sides of your face. His hold on you was delicately gentle, his response was manic.
"That's romantic but it's bullshit." He hissed, his glossy eyes widening under a furrowed brow. "I'm gonna fuck this up eventually. You're gonna get sick of me screaming in my sleep. You're gonna tell me I'm wasting perfectly good food. You're gonna start going to all all those parties without me and come home to find out I still can't move on. I don't want us to end like that. So I'm ending things on my own terms, get it?"
"No, I don't fucking get it!" You cried, reaching for the man's arms and softly shoving his hands away from your face. "You don't just get to decide the future. You don't just get to decide what I think or what I might get sick of! You sure as fuck don't get to just leave. I know you don't want that. And I know you know I don't either. And that should be enough for now."
"So this is what you want? Because this is what it's like now." Eddie frowned, gesturing at the space between the two of you. Acknowledging the fight, the confusion, the hurt.
"Yes." You rang, voice still raised, desperate for your point to become clear.
"I'm gonna ruin your life. I'm gonna be a bitch. I don't know what else." Eddie warned in a whimper, seemingly exhausted. He probably wasn't sleeping well here, either. Not in the home he'd fled that housed such trauma.
"Sure, maybe." You pointed, eyes piercing into his. "But I'm choosing that. I'm begging you to let me deal with whatever happens. Now..." You shuddered a deeply held breath and tried to lower your tone, speaking up again more gently, "I'm gonna go make some tea, and then I'm going home. I want you to come with me. I want you to pack up all your shit and come with me. But if you don't, and I leave by myself, I'll be back in the morning. I won't stop coming back here until we work this out."
Eddie stood silent, watching you speak. You declared your final statement and watched him begin to decide his next move. After you'd announced your intentions, you stormed out of the room and put the kettle on. Try as you might to hear a bag unzip or a closet door shut, Eddies cassette drowned out any other noise. 
You sipped your tea, trying to make it last as long as you could. Trying to give him as much time as possible. But the longer the clock ticked, the more your hopes crashed further to the floor. He wasn't coming out of that room. He wasn't coming back with you.
You abandoned your borrowed mug and slipped past Wayne as he arrived back, a million questions in his gaze. You couldn't meet his eye, however, and mumbled something about seeing him around.
You wished Steve had waited up to give you a lift home. You wished you lived on the same side of town, that the night air wasn't so cold. You wished you knew how to get to the upside down. You wished you'd gone there with Eddie, that you knew exactly what he went through. There was nothing more you could do or say, nothing that you hadn't already tried. Maybe Eddie was right. Maybe the pair of you couldn't make this work, even if that's what you both wanted.
"Hey, wait up."
You stalled, turning to find someone standing at the bend of the dirt path you were near the end of. Eddie was there, guitar slung over his back, bag in hand. You let your gaze sweep across the expanse of his figure, lean and scared. His features wrought; his hair frizzy. And you fell a little more in love; knowing that even through terse shared words and the uncertainty of the days ahead, love still kept the pair of you tethered. That even if you couldn't make it work, that he was about to let you try. 
Eddie stepped deeper into the night, closer to you. He grinned when you took his bag in your hands and told him you loved him as you started to share the long walk back home together. And that was enough for now. 
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allwormdiet · 16 days
Agitation 3.2
Okay so I passed out pretty quickly last night, picking up where we left off
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This is funny but also a little fucked up. "Oh boy I'm sure glad that my plan to turn against my new friends and throw them all in prison has a convenient bus stop" like damn!
Also lmao at her still calling Rachel Bitch
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Well isn't this just a little slice of hell. What if mall cops could beat your head in for shoplifting, or thinking you shoplifted?
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I wonder what both of them think this interaction is, bc I guarantee you they have different ideas of what's going on
Brian and Alec's spar is a little funny honestly, Brian's trying so hard to get Alec to take this seriously and Alec is looking at this six-foot-something martial artist and former bouncer like "what do you expect me to do here"
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Little surprised that Taylor knows what Beavis and Butthead is but that's focusing on the wrong thing
Iirc Taylor and Brian try being together and it doesn't shake out, but it's sweet seeing them get along regardless. Maybe it's just one of those "better as friends" things, or at least I hope it is.
The confusion over where the balls of your feet are is funny and also real, I had that same issue back when I was doing martial arts as a kid
Neat that Brian is a bit of a martial arts dabbler though, that's gotta be an interesting blend of styles on display when he's actually fighting
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On the one hand, I sympathize with Taylor finding it a little unnerving that this polite guy is able to rattle off the best ways to incapacitate people with the application of violence
On the other hand, having read all of Arc 3 before doing these posts, I know Taylor isn't going to end up being nearly as precious about targeting weak points as she's going to be when it comes to actual combat
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I'm a little shocked that none of the Undersiders find this setup too good to be true, honestly
Taylor's got good instincts to feel suspicious about this, not that she can do anything about it at this point
Also, knowing the how and why of Lisa joining this team, I'm sure she'd love to spill on this particular topic
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Fun fact actually, as I was reading this arc I went from "I don't know what's gonna happen in this one" at the very beginning, to "oh I guess we're prepping for the bank robbery," to "oh my god the bank robbery is NOW?"
I mentioned it in an aside but holy shit this feels like it's going so fast, I never anticipated that the bank robbery would be on arc 3. I don't know what I was anticipating exactly, maybe more team-building exercises or something, getting to know the crew, but nah we're just in there.
Current Thoughts
More time with Brian, which Taylor doesn't seem to mind, and more time with Alec, which Taylor seems to mind quite a bit
Still reeling a bit that we're on the bank job already
I guess let's keep it rolling
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