#wierdly different
rattus-viridis · 2 years
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visceraspit · 6 months
i used to be like " why are the sims houses so mismatched these homes look so bad" but then i started looking at zillow and by god they're charging Above market value for this shit look at this garbage
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and just for fun: what is this.
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what. the fuck is this.
i dont even know where this is in its respective house i shit you not i have NO idea
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writers-potion · 4 months
hi!! could we get a list of unique character traits? things like: sweet-tooth, really loves glittery/sparkly eyeshadow, etc. thank you!
List of Interesting Character Traits
Wearing thick, red eyeliner all the time
Paints each fingernail a different color
Wears an eye patch to look cool
Wears hoodies all the time
Has two identical tattoos, in different locations
Wears fake glasses of various colors
Has n number of same shirts, maybe in different colors
Loves to wear only green
Never goes out without wearing heels
Like to wear flowers/floral scent
Only yellow lamps in their room
Feeling sleepy after drinking coffee because caffeine does nothing for you and you've just had something warm
Being addicted to childhoos snakes even as an adult and flexing them in bulk now that you don't have you mum to shout at you
Keeping Christmas lights up all year
Huge fan of horror movies because they're genuinely fun
Likes to go out barefoot
Uses empty wine bottles as flower vases
Unlit cigar in their mouth all the time
Chews on the neck of shirts
Listens to songs in languages they can't understand
Loves sweet stuff but will only drink zero coke to cur calories
Has a large gallery of cat/dog photos but doesn't own a pet
Doesn't sweat
Chews gum all the time
Puts water on ceral instead of milk
Types in all caps in chat rooms
Drives barefoot
Likes to eat everything frozen
Wierd Character Traits/Habits
*trigger warning : some of these are embarrassing/dirty, but hey, haven't we all done this at least once...? (please tell me I'm not the only one)
(for characters with long hair) Pulling out a strand of hair stuck between your buttcheeks after a shower
Playing with your breasts as you sit at your desk studying
Lacing your fingers through your toes
Letting that one, wierdly long hair on your toe grow - aka "Lucky Hair"
Smelling your floss string after using it
Scrunching your nose because your nose hairs aren't in the right position somehow(?)
Cutting their own hair with a pair of scissors...even pubic hair
+ I really hope this helps since I nearly died of embarassment writing the last bit haha
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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sir-fluffbutts · 5 months
hi fluff! Ive been a big fan of yours for a while and ive been following your oc's stories for a while especially the axolotls but im more confused on your otger plot and lores such as
Lotl.corp (hope i spelled that right)
Fish market
Angle café
Along with others stories Such as Berry and that blue haired priest character. If you dont mind can you explain certian plot points and lore im just really confused and i'd like to know more so i can get more used to seeing these characters and understand tbeir stories
HELLO!!! AND OH 😈😈 let ME
without spoiling anything,
the axolotls story follows latte as the main character (although i use chiffon as the "main character" in my YT stuff)
muffin (his brother) has went in a coma after a freak drunk driving accident 5 years ago and he's SURE chiffon(his little brother) has to do something with it.
the story goes as latte try to track the evidence down and make chiffon face proper punishment by the law.
fish market follows pepper as the main character
he's a troubled indevisual with issues but is slowly stepping away from the shadow his past created, however he have done something to someone that backtracks all that and made him became the worst version of himself
i haven't went into lore specifics of this story yet so sit down and enjoy the show 😎
angel cafe story follows blossom as the main character
he (a tracker hellhound) had escaped hell in hopes of running away from his unfair treatment, however this made him public hell enemy #1 and he is being activly haunted by almost everyone
a high angel (cupid) named valentine has took him in and they're in a temporary symbiotic relationship cause valentine needed someone to track something, a powerful demon named eve
again! this one you gotta sit down and enjoy the show cause i haven't even introduced backbite yet
the humans lore is....built different
cause it don't really have a specific "lore", its more of bunch of slice of life storys with sprinkles of timelines of horrible butterfly effects and resets
the main characters are
vincent, a art college student who draws buff furries for a "temp living". he can tick anytime and kill people but thats for a another time
joie, a college dropout that has the will of a wet sponge. currently living with his cosmic horror boyfriend and he has the curse of regeneration
barry, a event host and a bar owner who has a tiny crush on his childhood friend. he also has been a canibal (not a killer!) before but this is wierdly very unrelevent to everything
and colin, who dropped out of uni to seek for his true passion but struggling, mothers everyone mentioned above and is the most normal guy here, childhood friend of barry
with bit of side characters such as
mael, a prist at a local church who has darker intentions
amy whos crushing on vincent (he is not getting the hint at all, at this point she has suspicions that he's 🏳️‍🌈?)
rico, a random kid that seems to follow the main cast
and him
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hero-ar · 28 days
Highlights of Ep 8 of Murder drone to me
The teachers nonchalantness to whole thing is so real. Especially the reaction the little slap.
I found the fact they was no sound during the space seens so cool. Excellent usage of that too.
"Stop :)"
Nuzi canon yay
Lizzy casually text V while she is in the middle of the fight is so funny
Why is the sentinel velociraptor beefing with Lizzy? (Still funny)
Cyn. Is so silly. And also so very terrifying (let me in, let me in, letmein, letmein, letmeinletmein)
Hands! That is so cool
I was at the edge of my metaphorical seats when V crashed through
I sorta wish all the cores look slightly different from one another.
Go- fu- da- it
Khan little moment where he saves N with the door, I adore it
"Wierdly hot robots" immediately made me think of NuziV, I still head canon it
They is something so funny about Cyn/the Solver saying "Kay" so casually after Uzi's speech about being an absolute nerd
She is not at all concerned and only slightly amused, and it for some reason is so funny
And then [amazing battle] also nightcore
Cyn was so cool through out all of it, she is so unserious.
V's absolute disgust with Nuzi is so real, also her disgust when Uzi fistbump her after the secret handshake is so funny
My brother screaming "Eat it, Eat it" into screen only made the moment funnier
Uzi standing like Cyn and swatting the gun away made me chuckle a bit, also her eyes look so cool✨️✨️✨️
(😧 . 😧)
"Broken OC"
More ammo for my NuziV headcanon.
Doll.. a moment of silence for her
I know it says Solver in the caption, but that is definitely Cyn, Cyn was the one with the bow obsession.
Khan and Nori. Just that
Overall, I really liked this episode, the animation was so COOL, I liked the story, and it made me feel some genuine horror sometimes. Generally positive feeling about the ending. Only truly negative feeling being how some questions feels unanswered, but Cyn's silliness somehow made up for it?
No actually criticism from, I don't think I know how to criticise anyway, not the point, I have no problems with the finale, 9/10 series would watch again
If you read through all of this thanks, and feel free to add your favourite moments.
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sonicasura · 1 month
So another interesting thought would the Mega Stones and Z-Crystals react wierdly towards the Choas Emeralds and The Master Emerald?
The Emeralds tend to inquisitively 'poke' at the Mega Stones and Z-Crystals. Chaos is an unpredictable power with a very unique sentience to it. Both respective stones probably feel like a long lost 'chill' cousin to the Emeralds.
Thankfully any interaction between the two doesn't lead to a chaotic event. Although Sonic is curious if the Mega Stones or Z-Crystals could affect him similarly. It's not everyday that emeralds act 'buddy-buddy' to other magical crystals from a different world.
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mcytblrconfessions · 10 months
It's been bothering so much lately how wierdly obssessed with family dynamic the mcyt community is. I know this probably goes for other spaces (seen this with DSMP too) but I only interact with QSMP but it's starting to get disturbing. Especially on Twitter, they're so fucking weird about making everyone either siblings or parent figures , including characters who BLATANLY FLIRT WITH EACHOTHER. Like who the fuck looks at Forever "I'm going to put him in a jail forever because he rejected my love" PlayerG and interpret his feelings for Philza as fraternal?????? Is it a cultural difference? I'm not really used to the english speaking mcyt community so?? What the fukc is wrong with yall over there
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silvysartfulness · 5 months
I'm involved in a project that requires casting some residential circular-arch doors out of concrete, one side at a time. I was considering designing the embellishments with digital tools and having them cut with a CNC machine for the mold, but it seems like a lot of trouble and I already know how to design things in the physical world. My question: what did you carve your beautiful embellished doors from, was it expensive, and do you think it'd work to cast a rubber mold from?
That sounds like a really cool project!
The carved panels on the doors I made were made in mdf-board. It's pretty cheap, about the same as plywood, and you can carve it like wood with a multitool - with the right bit, it's pretty fast work! (I talk about the different bits I use in this post.)
As long as the relief doesn't have any wierdly angled deep nooks and crannies, you should absolutely be able to make a rubber cast from it! Especially if you put down a base coat of somewhat glossy paint first, to make all the surfaces smooth and non-porous!
(Mandatory word of caution - carving mdf means a lot of sawdust, and it's a health-hazard to breathe it in. So do it outside, if you can, and wear a mask and goggles!)
The board on the doors is actually quite thin, about 10-12mm - the layered paint helps accentuate the 3D depth of the carvings. If you want a physically deeper relief, it'll be more work to carve it and the mdf sheets are more expensive the thicker they are.
That said, even a relatively shallow pattern can be very striking!
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This divider was carved from 10mm mdf, so the carvings are just a few mm deep, but even without paint, it makes for a pretty effect! 🙂
If you do go ahead with it, feel free to share pictures! I'd love to see what you end up making! 😀
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justatalkingface · 1 year
I just saw your recent rant on the manga and i couldnt agree more.
My main issue with the current manga chapters is the fact that the characters are not fully developed enough to the point where the main themes and arguements can be handles correctly.
What i mean is, the LOV initially starting out kind of aimless and mad at the world to confronting the fact that the problems they faced were systematic would better help their arguements as well as if they were allowed to be morally grey and showcase compassion and empathy for people who suffered as they did then we would feel more sympathy for them and make the conflict more dynamic. Instead they are saying all the right things but it all seems to be surface level and not like the characters fully contemplated this.
Likewise, the heroes havent been allowed to consider the corruption and ramifications of hero society prior to the war arc in a meaningful way. It all came during the war arc and when it did it felt flat, like there was little depth to their arguements at all. Like Hori didn't really consider the deeper implications of his themes here. This is extreamly prominent in the side characters such as Monoma, Shinsou, Shoji and Tsuyu. All have themes of discrimination they discuss and showcase but Midoriya nor they contemplate it any further which renders the heroes feeling so shallow in their arguements. The most moral greyness we get is Monoma saying that they cannot be heroes the typical way to Shinsou and must act unheroicly to compensate for it.
Its all there. But it hasnt been explored well enough so we end up with Bakugou and Endeavour getting more focus without contemplation for how hero society helped create this and Midoriya being wierdly naive and hypocritical. All the heroes end up being hypocritcal alongside the villains and not in a 'oh theyre just as bad as the other' intentional way but in a 'i did not consider the arguements in their totality' kind of way.
This and the entire premise and consequences of the Nomu's not being acknowledged (thats a whole different rant) feel so underexplored and end up making me very fustrated with the manga. Because the building blocks were there, but for whatever reason it ended up being so underdeveloped.
I've said it before, but a lot of the villain/hero dynamic is built off a situation Hori seems actively afraid to explore after the manga progressed to a certain point.
Originally, MHA was built off the idea of flaws in society, the failures it causes, the people it alienates... deep ideas, and deeply interesting ones. But the thing is, looking at that kind of thing makes the good guys look bad. If heroes are flawed, if they fail people because of their own issues, then that makes them harder to root for, and at some point, probably because of Endeavour and Bakugou, Hori started almost running from that happening.
But, its so baked into the story's lore that he can't ditch it, so we get surface deep nods to 'failure' of heroes, while we watch heroes do and say everything right, all the time. No indivision, no selfishness, just all in devotion to the cause of making everything better.
At the same time, though, the villains are supposed to have a point, but if they go into that, if they seem like rational actors, again, the heroes look bad. So, the villains double down into cartoon villainous bullshit, before spouting out empty sounding platitudes about how unhappy they are... that everyone response to like that makes sense.
It runs the overall narrative, but more than that, without these imperfections, without the real people in the bad guys, it destroys their character development as well. No one like a one dimensional character, they want the interest and depth of a person to connect to, doubly so when this one dimensional character seems to be so wildly disconnected with the actual reality they're living in.
If the heroes, the perfect, selfless heroes, willing to give their lives amass to save one person, live in a society so corrupt as to make these monsters, to the point where that corruption surrounds their day to day life... why aren't doing something about it? Why are they fine with this status quo? Why is no one trying to reform the heroic system, however that works in reality? Why aren't they fighting the HSPC?
If the villains have all these causes and ideas and grievances, why don't they do something about it beyond just killing people? Shigaraki (who lived an absurdly sheltered life before being lead by the nose to losing his shit about reality, before he stopped being a relevent character/villain) and Dabi (who had executed a plan to solve his problem, even if it got fucked up by writing changes later on) have excuses, but why don't Twice, Toga and Compress, these big, dramatic personalities, broadcast... anything about what they want to say? Being part of the League, these big time villains, gives them, among other things, a platform to spread their message to all of Japan, and this is by design on their parts; they joined to fulfil these dreams and ambitions, and fight everything that oppressed them.
Why doesn't Toga, like, break into news stations to spread her message? Why didn't Twice flash-mob an elaborate graffiti manifesto onto an entire city? After all, a hint of them talking would bring slavering reporters to televise everything in droves, there's no way the heroes could suppress the sheer amount of publicity they could so easily generate.
Why? Because then that ruins the story. Not the actual story, but the little one Hori has made inside of it, where the good heroes beat the bad villains, then everyone cheers and goes on with their lives, the end. No depth. No deep thinking. No villains you can truly sympathize with, or heroes you can despise.
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loopingpyre · 5 months
Free balling?
I have like, no interest in Hades 2.
I'm annoyed they made a sequel to Hades, what I think is Supergiant's worst property, when they haven't even ported Pyre to the switch.
The Gods in Hades have good voice actingbut designs that are fanservicey to a certain audience and do not reflect their Greek heritage.
"Well the greek gods were the gods of the world, not just of Greece" was Supergiant's whole thing about it.
The entire world to someone from the time period was a bit outside the scope of the mediterranean. The tales of the gods reflect the immediate environment, Zeus was born on one of two different mountains. The islands of Cyclades were created because Poseiden threw his trident into a mountain, shattering it.
Dionysus' depiction in Hades is especially amusing, because in myth he went and conquested out 'the rest of the world' and taught them how to make wine. He also spent so long away from Greece, he seemed to be a foreigner upon return.
The rest of the world here, is basically India/West Asia.
So of course. They gave Dionysus in Hades, a british accent. And you know what the brits famously did to india.
Also he's got the purple grapes when white wine is the predominate type of greek wine within history.
Also also, going back to game and narrative here. They're just talking to Zagreus? He doesn't talk back, occasionally he throws a gift back and for some reason they start opening up to him in this wierdly parasocial manner???
The only characters who really exist are the people in the underworld and the plot just sort of stagnates because it's contingent upon it's rougelite system where it has to stretch out a concept that can be finished in 3 runs to 7000 runs for satisfaction. It means there's no real sweetspot for character progression and events are too disparate.
So whilst I continue to keep thinking about the desolate tones of Transistor, and the finality of Pyre...
I don't really care about Hades.
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kebriones · 1 year
I am here once again hello
I am so terribly hyperficated in Alcibiades I have not stopped thinking about him
I just really don't know how/what I can read or consume that in some way involves him and you're my best bet, please enlighten me on your knowledge you seem to possess
alright well, I will include some reading links, as many as I can, even the basic ones, since I don't know what you've already read or not:
The symposium (alcibiades arrives at page 28/35 of the pdf) sorry for the bad quality, if you have trouble reading it I can send a different one, this is simply a translation I personally rather like
his biography by plutarch mega important reading
(not linked but if you're feeling really hungry, get a copy of thucydides and go looking for all the alcibiades mentions in there. best of luck. Thucydides is probably the single most accurate account we have of alcibiades)
The first Alcibiades (it's a proper platonic dialogue between socrates and alcibiades.)
This whole book about him which I believe you know about because i see you have liked my previous post about it but I am linking it just in case.
The speech of Alcibiades by martha nussbaum, I personally find this extremely enjoyable to read, i recommend having read his bit from the symposium to understand what's going on.
okay from here on out these are just from my bookmarks and I don't remember which are good and which are not, feel free to dig through them as you please (the jstor stuff require you to make a free acount to read them) (I also recommend having read the symposium and plutarch at least to understand most of what these are talking about) apologies in advance for any that may not actually be available without uni access.
Article on JSTOR about his relationship to some ancient plays
This article it starts talking about alcibiades on page 6/13 of the pdf
this short text which i thought had some interesting ideas (but the website is bright yellow so maybe you can use some settings to turn it to balck and white because at least to me this feels horrible on the eyes)
pretty big article about eros and tyranny which discusses alcibiades and plato, i don't remember much of it
short text about his military/political career
jstor thingy about him and socrates in the symposium
yet another pdf about alcibiades and socrates
alcibiades and the failure of socratic rationalism or smth i don't remember again
this isn't a text, it's pictures of his daughter's grave. thought i'd include it
french film of the first alcibiades doesn't have subtitles and it's wierdly shot but hey if you're deep in obsession maybe it doesn't matter
more about erotic tyranny and alcibiades uwu
yet another jstor article about him I don't remember
alcibiades and aristophanes' birds if the other article about him being related to plays wasn't unhinged enough for you
a study in violets cool title, it's about alcibiades
the loves of alcibiades, one more jstor article
other random article about alcibiades
the socratic turn to alcibiades I believe you need an academia.edu account (free i think) to read this
then there's two novels which I think aren't too bad to read, "the last of the wine" which isn't focused on alcibiades but has a few scenes with him and is overall very well written and features a really good set of protagonists imo
the second novel is "the flowers of adonis" and while it's not as great overall as a book as the last of the wine is, this one is actually focused on alcibiades. Only problem is that he isn't as bisexual as he should be in this but you can treat it as fanfiction and somewhat ignore that maybe? idk, it has some nice bits in my opinion.
speaking fo fanfiction there's a couple very good ones on ao3 (not talking about my own, there's one in particular that's a single chapter about him and aristophanes that is just UGH SO GOOD)
there's also this short sci-fi-esque story about alcibiades which is quite nice: https://web.archive.org/web/20141225183208/http://www.asimovs.com/Nebulas03/gods.shtml
and last but not least if you've made it this far, I have the only podcast thingy that I remember not having as huge inaccuracies and BS as most other ones i've heard. I still recommend having already read plutarch's life of alcibiades beforehand but if anyone reading this post doesn't wanna do reading and prefers to listen to something for starters, this is a good start, as far as I remember. you can listen to it HERE I will also give it a listen as i'm working and will edit this post if I find any issues with it.
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margindoodles2407 · 8 months
High Fantasy Clone Wars on Heroforge Sneak Peeks
Tagging everyone who expressed interest: @whyoneartheven @anime-obsessed @majorproblems77
Eventually I will post all the finished pieces but FOR NOW! Have some ✨sneak peeks✨ (mostly... mostly the Clones. i had to do my boys first you know :] )
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The ✨Disaster Duo✨ because I had to. There's a lot of detail in this one alone, even though it's a simpler piece, so I'm really proud of it
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✨Ahsoka✨. Or, at least, her face. Because it's a High Fantasy now, there aren't really... aliens... so I'm adapting the various races into different cultures scattered across the kingdom far, far away, which explains her facepaint and headscarf. (I might make a public Google Doc so i can get all the information in one place, because the few Togruta headcanons I have I find very interesting :D )
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✨Fives✨ who... isn't perfectly canonically accurate but you gotta work with what you've got in Heroforge. And I am very proud of him. And he is one of my favorite Clones. So there. Also he has a flail because I think he deserves one (actually, all the Clones fight with a different weapon in this series! it's really time-consuming to fiddle with but it's been fun thinking about who would wield what :D )
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And uh... here's Waxer, who I'm putting for funsies because Heroforge wierdly distorted his face when I copied him from the original Clone model (because I took a page out of the kaminoans' book and made a single Clone model and I keep copying that to make each new Clone, so I can ensure their faces are identical) and while he still looks like the rest of them, his expression made me CACKLE. So. ✨Waxer.✨
Anyway, let me know what you think! And feel free to ask questions because I LOVE to answer them! I'm going to post actual pictures eventually, don't worry, I'm just waiting to finish the Clones because I want to do a side-by-side comparison of each one so you can see their similarities and differences. Thank you for your time!
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wolfbearingroses · 5 months
I like the concept of gemma doing magic even though no one wants her to. Like hell yeah, become a mage, make your uncles life even more stressful.
So like, I perfectly understand why people don't like John having a mentee. He's a mess, better not have a kid get stuck in the chaos that is his life.
But at the same time, I think (before Milligan's run) they'd given her some really good trajectory to be an exception. Like, it wasn't John going "alright kiddo, here's how cool magic is, btw I'm your new dad", Gemma basically came into it on her own when he couldn't stop her, and became, in her words, not quite as big a bastard as John. In a way, it's wierdly fitting that what he'd see as one of his biggest mistakes was something he wasn't involved in but instead part of a legacy he left. But since at that point she was kind of stuck in it, (and already refused to stop once) he'd just have to be sure she doesn't end up like Gary Lester. They're the only family they have, and despite how much he'd beat himself up, John would stand by his niece.
But yeah, enough waxing lyrical. If we do get Gemma back, I'd really like her to be more like an update on Carey's Gemma. Rather than having her denounce magic, having her go in deeper to overcome the pain. An upcoming witch in her own right, who does suffer for it, but isn't just John's sidekick. A prominent part of the Hellblazer mythos again without being part of the crowd. Just give the girl her mallet and nails back haha.
In the meantime, Si Spurrier's Damn Them All is basically telling the story of Gemma having her own adventure with different names (highly encourage people to read it if you liked his Hellblazer run btw). So clearly there's someone working in the industry who sees this potential. Maybe the next person to writer Hellblazer can take a leaf from his book.
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loreleiv3 · 2 years
If I had to take a shot for every time someone mischararcterizes Gon , I would be an alcoholic.
But in all honesty the amount of times I've seen people present Gon as an oblivious , innocent guy with only two working brain cells who can't tell the definitions to basic terms and words is too much.
Like the amount of love confession fics from Killua's side I have seen with this dialouge
Killua : I want to be more than friends
Gon : You mean best friends ?
Killua : No more
Gon : Bestest of best friends
Like I'm sorry but Gon is not that dumb to not know what Killua must be implying.
I think that because Killua has always been the more calculated and reserved one people automatically assume he must be more intelligent than Gon. And because Gon can be reckless + that unfortunate math scene ; people just labeled him as stupid and decided to roll with it.
And I want to talk about that
First of all, let's ask ourselves what does it mean to be intelligent?
By a definition I've found on the internet it says that being intelligent means " having or showing the ability to easily understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations " There's not a point in this description where it says in what external way intelligence is shown. And it's because there are different types of intelligence and while in some areas of life you might be a literal expert , in others you might feel like a little baby trying to to make their first steps.
For example , someone can be very academically gifted, but they are not life smart. Like they can have straight A's , absorb information with no effort and etc , but they can't go anywhere alone because they will get lost.
Or someone can be very emotionally intelligent. They always know what to say , how to act and they are very mature. But they struggle academically. They make amazing leaders or social workers but you ask them to calculate a simple math question and it's the end for them.
See ? Both of these examples show how in different ways intelligence can be shown , but it doesn't mean that one is less important than the other.
Gon might be reckless , bad at math and not as observing and calculated as Killua is , but that does not make him any less intellectual. And there are definitely areas of life where Gon is more knowledgeable than Killua is.
Let's start with the first example. When Tonpa gives out the orange juice , Gon spits it out a few seconds later because the juice tastes wierdly to him. After this scene Gon explains that the reason he knows all that is because he posses a great knwoledge on plants and can tell when something tastes bad. Killua on the other hand drinks it because well he knows that poison won't affect him , due to the training he has endured. However if you really think about it if it wasn't for his immunity to poison , Killua might've not known the difference as easily as Gon did.
Now let's look at the 4th phase ( ? ) of Hunter exam , when Gon is hunting Hisoka to get his badge. And throughout this whole ordeal you can see a great strength that Gon posses which is his ability to observe things in the enviroment around him. He uses butterflies to help him locate Hisoka , and uses flying birds as a way of practice.
Like this shows us that Gon's intelligence is very much focused on the external world. He knows about plants , animals , knows how to make use of his environent and etc.
While someoene like Killua who did not grew up on an island could've a harder time doing something like that if it wasn't for his assasin training. And I'm not saying that to make Killua look stupid now. I'm just stating that there are parts of life where Gon is definitely more knowledgeable than Killua because both of them had a different upbringing.
I really really wish that people recognized that because a character doesn't display the textbook stereotype of an intelligent person doesn't automatically mean that they are stupid
Thanks for listening to my ted talk : )
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marazhaibrainrot · 8 months
Speculating on the companions a bit (and altering some their circumstances) to explore my take on what a possible dynamic with owning Marazhai would look like for them and how they'd define it.
It's also kind of hard because this reduces him to just another drukhari about to be swallowed and crushed by the imperial machine. RT can order their retinue to get them a dark eldar from the expanse and have them as a toy, heck, you literally have two to mess with for your coronation.
But getting marzipan means you get one that's going to be wierdly into it. It's the equivalent of bestiality for their species and still he will go down on his knees and beg. You can literally tell him up front you're going to be starving him and there's the rage yes but also a strangely aroused subservience. He'll beg you to brand him, show it off and then crack if you try to toss him aside. And RT is the only one who would think to play into it and also be in a place of sufficient power, both personal and political, to be able to do so safely.
And there's also the question of just how did he end up this way? Did getting the low gothic tortured into him also embed other human concepts into his pscyhe/identity that kind of morphed with everything that was already there and gave him a taste for what he does to his victims?
Or maybe just knowing the language was enough. Languages also affect the way people think and model the world and if marzipan has been thinking in low gothic, not just speaking it, it could also be a candidate for why he turned out wierd. Or maybe he was always like this from the start.
Anyways, the main piece (lol), RT gifts marazhai to one of their retinue as a jape/appreciation
Heinrix first since you actually can do this: full dogmatic heinrix admits to utilzing xenos weapons/artifacts in an inquisitorial capacity so I think they'd have something where, if Marazhai wasn't passed on to another member of the order, he'd be mutilated until he was docile. It would be clinical, and he'd replace marazhai when the latter wore out so to speak.
Marazhai would be outwardly the same little shit but inwardly tense, calculating, desperate. He recognises the sheer danger heinrix is to his person but is too damaged to do anything about it. Attempts a furious attempt at freedom, or at least hurting heinrix, when it becomes clear he's outlived his usefulness and is about to be disposed of, but heinrix literally just taps a button and like a little bomb goes off inside marazhai's skull and that's that.
Cassia: hmm, I guess I could see a version where she's the Novator, and it's an official gift from von valancius to the navigator house, among other things. And when the noblity gather and hold little hunts he's released into a bounded enclosure with other captured xenos and like maybe he dies an anticlimatic death getting mauled by some creature after months of muscle fatigue or maybe he makes it out and onto corsairhood. Very detached, and no different than say RT had gifted marazhai to any other noble house.
Argenta would take him behind the Imperial 7/11 and put him down, Abelard I see packaging and passing the xenos off to the Werserian house because it's a gift from the rogue trader, and like he'll be entertainment at the next event. Pascal and Yrilet wouldn't even play this game with you. For Idira this stewardship would make her day to day worse because slaneeshi warp whispers would also be showing up in her head along with everyone already in there, trying to get to Marazhai through her and like she'd get fed up at some point and get rid of him.
I think Jae would be the most vulnerable to marazhai's manupilations all things considered. Literally everyone in RT's retinue has some wierd edge going for them (and Abelard is too level headed for this xenos nonsense) while she's just a very ambitious trader that lives too close to the abyss just to see if she can and the abyss is where marazhai thrives.
Think that's everyone.
Ulfar got bugged first play through and just wasn't there so I don't know him all that well :P
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krimsonkatt · 2 months
Ryuuta Instinct Form (Alpha Ver)
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A version of Ryuuta's instint form I drew on a whim. I like the overall design concept I had going for this one, but this particular version of the design blows for a couple of reasons. 1: the winds are wierdly shaped and don't look lieke wings. 2: the weapon isn't right. In the current rendition Instinct form's weapon is a light whip, not floating light spears. And 3: once again the sprite is just too low res to be fully fleshed out. This is my first of 3 renditions of the instinct form design, and honestly I think a whole 4th design is in order before I actually start work on Chronicles IV in god knows what year.
Anyways in Chronicles IV, like the other games in the series, has "talents" and "s-talents." However, unlike the previous turn-based games, Talents can be freely used by pressing the R/R1/RB button and are exclusive to each character like S-Talents are in the previous games. Talents are usually some sort of exclusive gimmick for each character. For example, Ryuuta's talent is "Spirit Blade", gaining the ability to swap the elemental affinity of his swords between fire, water, thunder, force, light, and dark to strike enemy weaknesses. Another example is Tycho's talent art "Berserk" which allows Tycho to enter a state where his DEF is syphoned into his STR, greatly increasing his attacking power at the cost of having little to no defense.
S-Talents are different, and are more akin to "super moves" you would see in a fighting game. They're all mostly super-cinematic special moves that either clear all enemies on screen or deal a ton of damage to bosses, and use up the entirety of a character's TP gauge when used. However, Ryuuta is unique as he has multiple S-Talents. all of which being transformations rather than being just cinimatic super moves. When using Ryuuta's S-Talent Ryuuta changes form into one for 5 forms: Valor Form, Wisdom Form, Instinct Form, Ultima Form, or Rage Form. The form Ryuuta takes is based on what dragonstone he has equipped. If no dragonstone is equipped Ryuuta enters Rage Form, a powerful yet risky form that if overused causes an instant game over.
Valor Form specializes in attack. Wisdom Form specializes in ranged elemental attacks, instinct form specializes in speed and quick melee and magickal attacks, and Ultima Form is the ultimate OP endgame form that specializes in everything and is only unlocked in the true ending route.
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