#wilde finds bugs
dirgewoods · 3 months
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A bit ago at work there was a big wolf spider in the office, and upon closer inspection I noticed she had loads of children on her back. This was actually super cool for me to see and get a close look at.
Since I'm known to apparently be the bug whisperer, my coworkers just stepped aside and quietly let me handle it. It was difficult and she only stepped on the paper one leg at a time so I had to adjust a lot to not nudge her too much, but I managed to very gently move her onto the paper and then put her somewhere else safely without a single baby explosion happening!
She was also posted up right in front of the door, which was kind of the worst place for her to chill
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wildegeist-old · 1 year
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When I was on patrol today I found a huge beetle I'd never seen before (the size of my whole thumb!) She was stuck on her back and struggling so I turned her back over. (I think she might be Old.) I'm not an expert but I think she might be an eastern hercules beetle? (Calling the beetle a she because no horns usually means female with those. Correct me if I'm wrong about literally any of that though.)
She was very polite and she let me get some nice pictures afterwards. A kindly creature I'm glad I encountered you wonderful lady
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themundanemudperson · 8 months
let me tell you all abt a little thing i like to call
the kevin day paradox
the kevin day paradox is when you have conflicting headcanons over a character's sexuality!
it first came about when i did not know if i headcanoned kevin day as bisexual or aroace. and i realized that i didn't have to choose! and thus: the kevin day paradox was born
so, if you too have conflicting sexuality headcanons for characters, you now have a word for that!
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andrewknightley · 4 months
do you guys know how funny it was to see a fucking ton of durgetash and people talking about it and then i was like "oh lets see what this is about lets try durge" and get the meeting scene completelly normal. i was like."oh so people just invented this out of nothing wtf. so dissapointed"
(i got the scene bugged i didnt know durge helped create the absolute until 15 hours later in game)
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what do you think dros was thinking when he first saw the phasmid? was he experiencing wonder; serenity? did he feel the world was still playing sick tricks on him: did he believe he was going insane from isolation and this was one of the symptoms? was it helplessness - that even though this miracle of nature stood before him, his beliefs prevented him from telling anyone about it? did the phasmid stand over iosef, watching him watch martinaise through his scope? did he feel her eyes on him for hours, until he forgot the eyes and the pheromones burnt a hole in his brain where she used to be? is he in a kind of grief over her absence in his head? is it a coincidence that the character who is most unable to move on from his past is on an island where the only other living being tells the player to turn from the ruin and move forward? that the most self-appraisingly noble and hopeless of causes has looked at the future for too long, and it is destroying him...
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dood1e-bug · 2 months
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doofnoof · 2 years
Pardon the clunky format but;
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This is what I imagine newly-daycare-attendant'd Moon is like when he's attempting to flirt. Like, he's entirely befuddled as to why Y/N isn't swooning into his arms after he's mutilated 5 teddy bears, tied one kid to the jungle-gym, spilled a whole gallon of glitter glue on the floor and sent the children running through it so it looks like they're covered in red glittery blood, and cackled menacingly whenever he's swooped at Y/N from the ceiling, what could he possibly be getting wrong? Maybe next time he should tie them to the jungle-gym instead??? He is scratching his head and crossing out scheme after scheme on his vision-board (hastily scribbled on cork board that looks more like deranged rambling than a put-together plot, and it certainly doesn't help that Sun keeps going over it in Red Crayon to "Correct" Moon's plots, which just makes Moon want to be Even More Despicable and Villainous), and he's beginning to run out of dastardly plans to use to court his Beloved Daycare Assistant.
And Sun is seeing all of this and metaphorically pulling his hair out because No Moonie, That's Not How You Woo Someone, Gosh Forbid You Act Normal And Just Be Nice To The Daycare Assistant. While he firmly believes he's gonna be the one to Woo the Daycare Assistant, Sun is absolutely no better, every time he thinks something Romantic is about to happen he fumbles and falls face first into the ball pit, or trip over his own feet and faceplants into the floor, or he'll get caught looking at how cute Y/N is and break whatever he was holding on accident, one time it was an orange one of the kids needed help peeling and he squeezed it so hard that it exploded all over his face in a delicious, pulpy mess. He was so embarrassed he couldn't even make eye contact while Y/N cleaned his face off with a wet wipe and grabbed an orange from their own lunch-box to replace poor little Jeremy's exploded cutie, not that Y/N would've noticed (they did), because of the whole Completely Blank-White-Eyes-Thing. Nailed It.
The funniest part? Y/N is probably Just As Smitten as Sun and Moon are and Just As Bad At Letting Them Know that the whole Faux-Villain and Clumsy-Hero thing is Working, which doesn't do them any favors, because inevitably it's Y/N cleaning up Moon's Glitter-Glue-Devastations and Sun's Oopsie-Daisy-Cutie-Catastrophies.
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springypaws · 4 months
OH I forgot to share vacation discoveries
So I didn’t find Tim (maybe I will next time I kayak 😔🤙) but I found a Beholding tree and a friend we named Sir Rupert the 3rd instead so
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teknikolor-walters · 1 year
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My kind!!!
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abirddogmoment · 1 year
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European starling with lunch
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wildegeist-old · 1 year
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Moth I found chillin' outside of the grocery store today
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Also it was the size of my hand
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coridallasmultipass · 9 months
Has Dirk ever actually eaten steak?
(TW casual animal death I guess, sorry)
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Okay, so this is a total shitpost idea I had last night on Tweeter and I said I'd make it a post here, so I'm following through. Bear with me, because if I jump past my thought process, I'll probably sound like a total maniac for even imagining this.
Let me back up.
I was thinking about Dirk (a normal occurrence). Then I start thinking about Nepeta, since they have the same Aspect. And then I start thinking about Tavros' cat allergies. So then I circle back to Dirk, since Dirk has obviously never seen a cat in person before, and therefore has no built-up immunity to cat dander, and would definitely be hella allergic. (Also, it's been my headcanon since, like, the dawn of time, that Dirk would have a shit immune system when it comes to humans, on account of never being around another person in his life, and he probably gets super sick upon meeting up with people in person for the first time.)
Back to the steak quote. Dirk has obviously never eaten like, actual steak from a cow before. Cows probably don't even exist anymore, outside of maybe a scant few super high elevation places on the other side of the globe. He probably wouldn't be able to digest it well regardless, since he's never had red meat. Dirk says he fishes, and he's obviously got seagulls around, so that's probably also on the menu (besides the super expired canned and dry ration shit left behind), and it's as natural as eating chicken is for everyone else (cough chicken of the sea joke cough), and he assumes that's what chicken is supposed to taste like, which leads to a hilarious spit-take for his first time trying actual chicken.
Moving forward to post-game. We're gonna set this scenario inside a neat little anime beach episode setting where everyone is happy and alive, because that makes it hilarious. Everyone's having a chill day at the beach. The seagulls presumably pester everyone who has a shiny bag of chips in their hands. People are playing volleyball. It's lunch time.
Dirk is looking at the seagulls eyeballing his bag of chips like, "Man, these guys are so dumb, watch this." And he calls a seagull over because he knows how to call them in a way they immediately trust him, and just... kills it quickly, and goes, "Alright, that was easy, let's start the barbecue, guys."
But there's a pall that's fallen over everyone. The beach ball blows past like a tumbleweed. Everyone's* mouth is agape in pure horror.
Dirk looks at the seagull in his hands. And back at the group. And he's like, "This is another one of those things I needed to deprogram, isn't it."
Everyone is whispering like, "What the fuck..." But to make things worse, Jade declares that there needs to be a funeral for the seagull, because literally no one else there is okay with eating it (and no one told Dirk beforehand, but someone already brought store-bought and pre-seasoned chicken for the barbecue, which doesn't make sense to him because it's not even fresh, aren't you supposed to have like a 'catch of the day' type of thing? Someone has to tell him that that only applies to fish, however arbitrary that seems). And Dirk has to stand there, living the most embarrassing moment of his life, keeping his cool, while perfectly good seagull meat is being lowered into the ground. People build a fucking sand castle memorial.
Jade like, gives him a hug like, "It's okay, Dirk, you didn't mean to do it." And Dirk has to bite back a 'Yeah, I kinda did mean it. This is stupid, and if anything, even worse to waste its life for nothing.' But he has enough self-awareness to know when to at least keep his mouth shut to prevent further damage.
He never could get over how weird chicken actually tastes, it's like fluffy and weird and doesn't even fit the theme of a beach party.
*everyone, except Jake and Nepeta/Davepeta, is completely scandalized at the image of Dirk just snapping a seagull's neck like it's nothing. They still wouldn't eat it, but they at least don't think he's a murderer for doing it.
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the-knife-consumer · 11 months
what is louie. doing on pnf 404 during dawn pustules. did he just decide to stay there for fun
she would just go there to chill 100% yeah
But she's there for a reason!! because there are some very valuable/exotic wildlife on pnf 404 the president sent her back to get them and sell them. (Louie made the mistake of telling him that some of the creatures tasted good. made the super bad mistake of telling him about glint beetles. very expensive and delicious bug that professional chefs would kill for)
haven't gotten to it (delay in chapters is because I'm laying out proper planning for once) but Louie is sent with the sassy freight ship who now has an updated appraisal ai, specifically for the quality of ingredients and meat.
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dinosaurwithablog · 2 months
July 27, 1940.... Bugs Bunny's birthday. He made his cartoon debut in the cartoon entitled "Wild Hare". The world has been a better place ever since that day. Thank you, Chuck Jones, for creating him. I have loved Bugs Bunny since I was a kid. I still watch the original cartoons every now and then to keep my inner child alive and happy. It works every time. Thanks for all the joy and laughter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUGS!!! 🥕🥕🥕
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A photo of Bugs Bunny now and then 🥕💛💛💛🥕
"What's up, Doc?"
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The original Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd from the debut cartoon, Wild Hare. 💜💜💜
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guccilavalamp · 11 months
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Found a friend 🤍🌙
📍central Alabama
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ratcandy · 3 months
somehow, through some unknown skill, an isopod escaped from my gecko enclosure, crawled down off the dresser on which the enclosure is sat, took off clear across to the opposite side of the room, miraculously undetected by my cat, and made it more than halfway up the wall above my bed before I noticed it
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