#will be frequently updated
Increased Original Resin Cap and Optimized Artifact Custom Configurations | Developers Discussion 05/22/2024
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Dear Traveler,
The latest Developers Discussion has arrived~ Today, we'll be introducing the optimizations that will be released in Version 4.7. To improve your gaming experience, we've raised multiple caps and updated existing systems. Let's check them out!
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superfruitland · 6 months
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back at it with a lightly more sketchy style! infinitely more fun to draw, and its fast too! updates will be dropping a bit more frequently now~
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tanked-up · 22 days
Soap: Two guys, one rat, one bed-
(Ghost grabbing his gun from the holster)
Soap: C’mon LT… I don’t bit-
Ghost: Two guys, one bed, and a dead rat
Soap proceeds to get behind Ghost: Yes yes, I agree
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ameliathornromance · 5 months
Hot summer evenings are your worst nightmare.
With the relentless heat, your hair suffered greatly. Having curls was one thing in the winter, it was easier to maintain then, it meant that there was no need to use as many potions you needed for hair care.
Sometimes, you just felt like you couldn’t be bothered with your hair. It was too much hassle, too much work. But your Orc Boyfriend adored them and that’s why you kept up the routine.
You didn’t do it just for him of course, you loved having shiny and healthy ringlets… but on hot summer evenings, the last thing you wanted to do was all the hair care that it took to keep them looking nice.
Orcs naturally have straight, jet black hair and although they do style it in braids and updo’s none of them ever have it curly, so it’s not like any of them have some fast track way to keeping their hair in check that you could use.
A part of you was jealous that all they had to do was lie down in a river, rinse their hair through once and leave it to air dry. Lucky bastards.
After coming back from a nearby spring, you sat on the floor and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your tired expression stared back, your damp hair dripping water onto the carpeted rug below you.
In front of you, on the little table you’d set up, were all the potions you used on your hair. One a bright aqua blue for locking in moisture and another, a soft lilac to help the curls keep their form.
You wanted to get started… really you did. But looking at the two bottles in front of you, you found that your arms would not move.
“Need a hand?”
Looking around, your saw your Orc sitting up from his place on the bed. You’d thought he was asleep.
“Oh, no hun you go back to sleep.” You told him.
“I don’t mind helping.” Throwing the covers off the bed, he came over and sat behind you. “I’ve seen you do this routine hundreds of times and you look exhausted.”
When you went to protest again, your Orc shushed you, “let me help, love.” He kissed your cheek and leaned over your shoulder to reach for the potion bottles.
Realising that there was no way to talk him out of this, you stayed quiet and watched as he took the towel you had slung over you shoulder and began to towel your hair dry.
It was a pleasant surprise to see him work so meticulously. To feel his hands comb through your hair with such care, gently separating it into sections and working on them one by one.
The stress and build up to actually doing your hair melted away as his hands massaged your scalp. You nearly fell asleep then and there.
“I didn’t think you ever paid much attention to me when I did my hair.” You admitted as he scrunched your hair in his fists.
Your Orc Boyfriend let out a chuckle, “how could I not? You look so gorgeous when you’re concentrating.”
Pursing your lips, you look away from him and look at your lap, hiding an abashed smile. Once he was finished, he got up and tossed a satin cloth to you. “For when you sleep.”
Catching it, you looked down at it, then back at your Orc, who smiled at you. “Yeah, I even pay attention to that.”
Your heart fluttered as he pulled you into bed alongside himself, and kissed your forehead.
“Thank you,” you whispered, snuggling into his body.
“Anytime my love.”
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marigoldcanaries · 3 months
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[Beautiful art done by @supersardineburial! She is hosting a free art commission if you have donated to Palestine and Sudan! Click here to check it out!]
This blog is to spread awareness about fundraisers, mutual aid, news, and resources for Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Sudan, Tigray, and other Black majority countries.
Please bear in mind that I do NOT verify or vet fundraisers! I only share!
Please Support:
Evacuation (Sudan): Eman Abdelrahman - URGENT!
Evacuation (Sudan): Randa's Family - URGENT!
Evacuation (Sudan): Elaf, Eman, Randa, and Sajida!
Evacuation (Sudan): Mohammad Abdullah's Family!
Evacuation (Sudan): Tigani's Family!
Fundraisers (Caribbean): Hurricane Beryl!
Fundraisers (DR Congo): Part 1!
Fundraisers (Haiti): Part 1!
Fundraisers (Sudan): Part 1!
Fundraisers (Sudan): Part 2!
Mutual Aid (Tigray): Part 1!
Evacuation (DR Congo): Goal Achieved!
Verified Fundraisers for Sudan.
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is passion!
(197 words.)
Everyone expected Sirius Black to become an auror.
It seemed obvious from the moment he arrived at Hogwarts. He was scarily talented in the subjects needed for it, barely studying for his straight Os. Not only that, but his sense of justice was unparalleled. Growing up in the way Sirius had was more than enough to instil someone with the passion for it.
Remus saw it, though.
He noticed the curiosity that flickered across Sirius' face when he was in the hospital wing; his eyes fixing on a book in Madame Pomfrey's hand, or on a potion sitting on the bedside table. He saw the parchment Sirius kept, with spells to help Remus after particularly rough full moons. As much as Sirius tried to pretend he wasn't fascinated by it, Remus wasn't at all surprised the day Sirius pulled Madame Pomfrey aside and quietly asked about the steps to becoming a healer.
He was, however, completely and utterly stunned when Sirius mentioned his name.
"I'd quite like to be able to help Remus, once we leave school. Maybe even find a way to get lycanthropy treated properly in St. Mungos."
Fuck, Remus loved that boy.
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notbecauseofvictories · 7 months
man, the world seems terrible and full of bad things, and then you read about the Chicagoan who started developing ramen recipes with meticulous (even obscene) attention to detail, or an Irish hurler who decried state-sponsored spending for sports complexes live on air, or well-considered analyses of films or animated television shows and whether they are narratively/dramatically coherent, and it's....well, it's okay to be here. I like it here.
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kzdigiarc · 10 months
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✱ atz, svt, txt, & skz fic recs ✱
MDNI 18+ (most if not all recs are smut)
fem / gen. neutral reader unless stated otherwise
★ – personal faves!
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☆ the drill — yunho x reader [m] @byuntrash101
★ the thing about pretty boys — seonghwa x reader [m] @wonusite
☆ first snow — wooyoung x reader [m] @cheollipop
☆ deep down (abo) — alpha!ot8 x reader [m] @seventhcallisto
★ the kraken — kracken!yunho x reader [m] @atzfilm
★ wonderwall — faeire!ot8 x reader [m] @atzfilm
☆ mind over matter — mingi x reader [m] @mingisaddctn
☆ coming of age — incubus!san x reader [m] @byuntrash101
☆ never say never — vampire!ot8 x reader [m] @seonghwaddict
★ into the aurora — idol!ot8 x reader [m] @honeyhotteoks
★ this night together (abo) — alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x reader [m] @honeyhotteoks
☆ treasure — yunho x wooyoung x san x reader [m] @honeyhotteoks
★ mists of celeste — ot8 space pirates!ateez x reader [m] @hongism
★ hotel california | book one — ot8 yandere!demonic entities!ateez x reader [m] @mint-yooxgi
★ paradise gardens | book two — ot8 yandere!demonic entities!ateez x reader [m] @mint-yooxgi
★ telepathy — mind reader!beomgyu x reader [m] @agustdiv1ne
☆ pose — yeonjun x reader [m] @agustdiv1ne
☆ meet the parents — mingyu x reader [m] @sluttywoozi
☆ control me — gamer!wonwoo x reader [m] @duhnova
★ crawl — devil!jeonghan x reader [m] @himbocoups
★ a whisper from the forest — lumberjack!woozi x forest nymph!reader [m] @idyllic-ghost
☆ and the universe said, — idol!ot13 x reader [m] @thepixelelf
☆ greed — hoshi x reader [m] @cheolism
☆ after LIKE — mingyu x reader @sluttywoozi
★ strange dreams — incubus!hyunjin x reader [m] @planetdream
★ code of (mis)conduct — mingyu (svt) x san (atz) x reader [m] @sluttywoozi
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kirbart90 · 19 days
wanna share some kirby and ocs as vocaloid songs i did a while ago
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when I saw this tweet earlier today, I knew I had to draw this sweetheart to share her story with you all. this is Rahaf, she’s only two years old and her family is raising money to evacuate her, her parents, and her aunts and uncles from Gaza - they’re at 72.8/80k and very close to their goal. her uncle Bashar’s tweet is linked above, and I’ll link their fundraiser here also:
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pastafossa · 3 months
TW for those with religious trauma. A little long and just about something personal so putting it behind the cut, but basically:
I got to set a boundary and say No today, and that's huge.
I'm still mildly on FB to keep up with older friends and fam and events, and a few groups where I learn things generally from older folks (trust me, the old woodcarving guys aren't usually on tiktok). And let's just say I'm... very obviously not a Christian over there - not rude, not attacking, just happily on my own path. And there was this lady, who apparently had known me when I was 5 or so and had somehow stuck around. She had recently taken it upon herself to evangelize and 'bring me back' by repeatedly bringing up me loving Jesus at 5, and talking about God at me, and I am loved by him and etc etc don't you still talk to him, Pasta? Maybe that's why I remember you talking to him when you were little, so he can reach you through me, aren't you afraid Pasta that he's reaching for you and you'll miss it, etc etc.
Now I was raised strongly christian. The whole shebang. Christian elementary school, church every Sunday, youth groups on Wednesday, radio set to a christian station, etc. I'd heard these lines, believed those lines, said those lines for a long time. And even though my family was chill (one reason I wound up feeling supported enough to leave the church as an adult), I'm still unpacking a lot of that trauma. And one bit is my inability to set boundaries. Girls and women must always be polite, kind, and nice no matter what. Respect your elders when they speak. You are to be the sacred little vessel of the light and always be ready and willing to explain and advocate your beliefs even if someone's being mean, don't walk away. If someone asks you to help with something you don't want to do, you do it anyway, because your happiness and comfort doesn't matter, you are meant to serve.
I mentioned this while chatting with a group of friends the other night - I told them about this woman who'd been targeting me, and the bad memories it brought up and the ensuing anxiety attack when a bunch of things stacked a few weeks ago. And one of my friends turned and looked at me and gently said, 'why haven't you unfriended her?'
And I... paused at that. Why? Why hadn't I? Because this woman didn't 'intend' to be mean? Because I wanted to try to 'represent' something? Because I used to know her? Because I was afraid to be judged as rude? Because... my comfort and happiness didn't matter? Why on earth hadn't I?
Because... my comfort and happiness does matter. And I was being disrespected. It doesn't matter if I'm seen as rude. I'm allowed to say, 'no, you don't get to treat me like that.'
I... am allowed to cut someone off, even if they find that mean.
Even if they knew me when I was little.
Even if they have positive intent.
I don't have to give those people access to me if they're hurting me and trying to scare me.
And so I got home, and I rolled through that old list, and I culled it. Out went the people who I got a sick feeling thinking about. Out went the people who'd never really respected me. Out went the people who saw me as a trophy they could win by 'bringing me back'.
I said no to all of that.
I can say no.
And I know that seems small. But it feels like a giant leap for me.
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azzydoesstuff · 6 months
people on steam discussion forums when making the game takes time and the developer has a life instead of slaving away 23 hours a day for to make them free updates twice a week:
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brynn-lear · 5 months
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Case File: Missing Person Investigation
Victim:  (Y/n) (L/n)  
Date reported missing: 04/20/2024  
Reported by: Jelena "Topaz" ███████, close friend.  
Circumstances: Suddenly went missing before reaching the airport, hasn't left the country. Missing for more than 72 hours when authorities were notified.
Possible Motive/s:  
- Unknown.
Victim's Background:  
- An overseas immigrant worker from ██████, registered Penacony citizen for 3 years.  
- Full fledged human, no remarkable hybrid bloodline.  
- Moved near Clockie Memorial, Penacony City to start the Dreamjolt Cafe. The cafe is heavily supported and funded by retired famous actress, Siobhan.
Possible Suspects:
1. Gallagher  
   - Description: Victim's flatmate, canine hybrid, possibly a former bloodhound detective.  
   - Relationship: Lives in the same apartment with the victim. Home is located besides the cafe.  
   - Circumstances: Unlikely to leave shared home to kidnap or attack (Y/n) due to surveillance footage.  
   - Suspicions: Suspicions were raised by Jelena but her accounts are shaky and not conclusive.
2. Sunday  
   - Description: Penacony senator.  
   - Relationship: Alleged arguments with the victim regarding cafe spot.  
   - Motive: Possibly interested in victim's cafe spot for the capital's town hall extension.  
   - Denial: Claims cordial and friendly relationship with (Y/n).
Relevant Information from Witness: Ms. Robin:  
- Sunday's Visits: Contradictory statements regarding visits to the cafe near closing time. Sunday often happily remarks prior to (Y/n)’s disappearance that he fondly enjoys listening to them talk. Close friends and regulars corroborate the opposite as he had “never visited the cafe at night.”
- Gallagher's Popularity: Adored by customers, the victim often jokes about him replacing them as owner/barista when they retire. Gallagher declines all their proposals. 
- Relationship Status via Prof. Ratio: Victim is “not dating anyone, not looking to date”. Prof. Ratio was very adamant that they were not lovers with Gallagher or Sunday.
- Sunday's Opinion On The Victim: [Audio file attached]
“I'm not sure why you're suspecting me, Robin. Even though (Y/n) thinks little of me, I enjoy their company very much. I have never met someone who has passionately disliked me as much as they do. I wouldn't want to start missing that voice.”
- Family Bond via Kakavasha: Victim has strong bond with family, unlikely to elope. As the family's “breadwinner”, there is pressure for them to send financial assistance.
- Digital Disappearance: All of the victim’s accounts are offline, unreachable by phone.  The Cyber Investigations Division has yet to find their cell's last known location. Investigator “SW” is assigned to this case.
- Rumors of human trafficking: Word is spreading that there has been a series of other missing people in the area. Some claim a mafia is involved.
- Rumors of rigged election: Mr. McCoy has been implicated in the ████ elections for his role of (allegedly) manipulating the vote count in Penacony City to favor Senator Sunday.
My personal notes:  
04/20/2024: The investigation is ongoing with focus on Gallagher and Sunday as potential suspects. Further inquiries and evidence collection required to determine the whereabouts of (Y/n) (L/n).
They removed me from the fudging case and now I can't do any flipping poop about it. Hecking suspicious that they're so tight-lipped  about some cafe owner's disappearance. Ain't no way something political ain't involved here. They won't let just anyone in. They even have the audacity to get Agents Kafka and Yingxing to look for em. Robin thinks Sunday has something to do with it and now the little bird thinks about partnering up with me. I can't shake her off. Annoying, but I don't want to just do paperwork. Gotta do some legwork for fun.
04/21/24: Gallagher looks like he's genuinely confused by what's happenin. But as an ex-cop (?), he's doing a darn commendable Watchmaker Award worthy job of hiding it. Ya'd think he'd be very aggressive, but the old dog's warming up. Slightly. Dunno. He's being kind of a son of a nice lady about this and I have a stinkin' feeling he's going to try and investigate this matter on his own.
04/21/24: Robin isn't feeling well. I wonder why?
1) The First Meeting
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4filen0tfound4 · 11 months
Quick art dump
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bittybeanie · 4 months
fics for gaza
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august 13th update: all previously sponsored words have been completed, and sponsored wips are being paused! $5 requests will remain open, and gravity falls has been added to the list of available fandoms.
for examples of my works, check out my masterlist!
text version of images and more detailed information under the cut
hi y'all! i'm excited to announce that i'll be participating in @ficsforgaza! this post will be updated at least once a week as a progress tracker.
how it works: you make a donation to a fundraiser for palestine (for the indecisive or overwhelmed, i recommend gazafunds). then, you'll send me a screenshot of your donation with your personal info blocked out and a link to the fundraiser. then i'll start writing based on what you send along with your proof of donation!
you must be 18 or older to participate. if you ignore this rule, even if you make a donation, i won't take your request or count your word count toward any sponsored wips, and i will block you.
some housekeeping: your original ask/message will not be published, and i won't mention you on the finished fic post unless you verify it's okay in your ask. if you consent, you'll be thanked and tagged in the finished post. your donation amount won't be included.
rates: $1 = 100 words of sponsored wip (unlimited) OR $5 = 1 headcanon/drabble request (3 slots open at a time, these posts average about 800 words, and will be 600 words minimum)
rules for $5 requests: your request will be filled as either headcanons or a drabble, depending on what i think will lend itself better to the prompt. some direction is appreciated, but more general prompts such as tropes or lines of dialogue will help ensure i can fill your request! if a prompt is too specific, I may reach out and ask for more direction or for you to simplify.
you may request reader inserts for: mob psycho 100, osomatsu-san, undertale, gravity falls, the adventure zone (balance arc only)
request rules: requests may be nsfw. all requests must be for adult characters only. reader will be gender neutral by default (requests otherwise will be honored). requests may not include noncon, graphic violence, pregnancy, or family relationships (ie, you're related to the character). if your request includes something else i'm not comfortable writing, i'll get in touch privately for a second choice.
slot 1: open slot 2: open slot 3: open
wips available to sponsor:
on pause, check back later! total sponsored words written so far: 2,500!
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crispyjenkins · 15 days
ive been really lucky NOT getting many comments demanding updates or stuff like "oh the author is gone forever" but have gotten multiple on my maze runner fic in the last month and just got another on my naruto one and like. i feel fucking awful. like ive started being filled with dread when i get email notifs for comments now, and i hate it because i can’t do anything about it. like there are always going to be people that leave comments like this, no matter what i say or do and like i don’t?? want to block them?? but maybe i should? i don’t know.
the entitlement and rudeness is getting to me. im tired, y’all.
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