winw1nn · 20 days
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winwin vampire 🧛
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Some New Post Notification images I'm going to use on other sites (where I can't avoid my content fed to AI)
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Kyte (busy silly) for Tumblr updates
Winko (edgy (somehow) silly) for Scratch updates
Stickpen (hype silly) for Cara updates
Texamplate (shy silly) for YouTube updates
They were meant to be all the same height...
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power-chel · 11 months
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miumiu-s · 11 months
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sailorjisunq · 11 months
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the-bong-water-rake · 5 months
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vitiligorakebaby · 3 months
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Redesigned my own sona and had the idea to make this! Just sonas holding our special beans! Hands fucking suck to draw-
@amelonboi and his scrungle, Angel the demon! Anyone from the early days of this blog might remember that.
And @pinko-winko with ole papa Swampy! Palm sized grumpy Swampy just couldn't be resisted I did one for you!
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Another Gay Love Spell by Joe Winko ♥ The Ken Doll from 1968 ♥ SYMPATHETIC MAGIC ⛤ IMAGINE IT OCCURING ⛤ SO MOTE IT BE ⛤
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Incase you haven't read my Love spell petitions, here's one of them (this one sums it up the best):
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crimson-roots · 2 years
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fucking scronched him. skrinked her real good
@l0stmyfr0g <- the guy ever
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liankwn · 10 months
[ SANTA ] para que Lu se vista de santa.
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" Vamos, tienes que salir. Eh, solo estoy curioso..." y con los brazos cruzados para cualquier sorpresa, conociendo a la contraria podría tener algún giro inesperado. " Esto me recuerda a Mean Girls, ¿es que también se va bailar jingle bell rock?" /* @lucifvrq ♡
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appalachy · 1 year
Przylapalysmy matke z jej chloptasiem.s nowtm xdddd chlejeny teraz
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autistickfigure · 2 years
green accidentally opened idle skilling instead of idleon and just left at that #pwned
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zealfruity · 3 days
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Collection of star wars related stuff I'm probably never finishing. These have been sketches for ages.
(1 is cyberpunk style echo; 2 is padme and anakin because i found a photo that reminded me of them; 3 is cake, query, and poppy, the youngests of Gold Squad and therefore the chaos children; 4 is a mandosona i talked abt months ago; 5 is a commander shard post o66 when he's healed up from his head injury and doing on-the-run shenanigans with his pirate boyfriend, whom ive never shown or mentioned; 6 is zeiyva and winko on a beach day, back when i was working on the 212th beach episode drawing; and 7 is fives, echo, and oc wraith as cowboys in my friend @mothartella 's dystopian western cowboy world)
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tickfleato · 2 years
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i guess i should be posting my secret santa art too!! this is @hrtwyrm‘s lovely beast, winko, and this was a blast to draw!
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p33rfekcja · 8 months
Dawno nic nie wstawiłam, ale nie martwcie się - nie obżerałam się. Przez ostatnie dni miałam bilans około 400kcal i mam nadzieję, ze jak zaraz wejdę na wagę, zobaczę mniejszą liczbę, trochę się stresuje, mimo tego, że wiem że schudłam. Dziś jestem sama w domu, więc chyba zrobię fasta, albo zjem mało, zależy ile schudłam.
Najgorsze jest w tym wszystkim to, ze boję się napić mojego ulubionego winka, bo ma dużo kcal, możecie mi powiedzieć, jak to jest z kaloriami w alkoholu. Wiem, zete z wódki sie nie przyswajają, ale wino ma dużo cukru i to już zupełnie inna sprawa. Mam taką ochotę na to winko, ze to hit 😭😭
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Diary of a Man who Loves Joe Winko ⛤ MANIFESTATION SPELL ⛤ IMAGINE THIS ALL HAPPENING! ⛤ (pages 1-26)
Pages from the journal of a crazy man who falls in love with me/Joe Winko ⛤ This is actually all part of a spell that a witch online told me to do to attract a lover/partner. They told me to write a journal from the perspective of a crazy man who ends up falling in love with me so it ends up manifesting in real life ⛤ REMEMBER: THE PERSON WRITING THIS IN THIS JOURNAL IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ME/JOE-WINKO!
Remembering that will make you far less confused... IMAGINE THIS HAPPENING FOR REAL ⛤ SO MOTE IT BE ⛤
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