#winx club acheron
vicontheinternet · 1 year
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My moodboards, winx club
Daphne x acheron
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crazy-queen-winx · 3 months
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spilledmilkfkdies · 1 month
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I love men!! Not all of these but!! Men!!
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charmixpower · 6 months
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Why does he look like a wizards of the black circle reject, you'd imagine that the guy who made the Legendarum would look the most fantasy themed out of all the villains but he doesn't
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emsartwork · 1 year
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Some minor witches! Selina and Lucy in their full Witch uniforms! 
Selina is the Witch of Ink in my verse, Lucy is the Witch of Insects, same as the show
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secretkittywolf · 8 days
As someone who's decided to rewatch Winx Club (for nostalgia) I have grown to really hate The Trix.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE them in season 1. Icy, Stormy & Darcy were so cool and I adored them but after that, they appeared in every. single. season.
It drove me insane when I was a kid and I can see why. Why couldn't the villains in Wind Club be:
S1: The Trix
S2. Lord Darkar
S3. Valtor
S4. The Wizards of the Black Circle
S5. Tritannus
S6. Selina & Acheron
S7. Kalshara
S8. Valtor & The Trix
And not be:
S1. The Trix
S2. Lord Darkar & The Trix
S3. Valtor & The Trix
S4. The Wizards of the Black Circle
S5. Tritannus & The Trix
S6. Selina, Acheron & The Trix
S7. Kalshara & The Trix
S8. Valtor & The Trix
I get it, they're fan favourites but do they have to be shoved into every season? I've started S4 and I'm loving the focus on the Wizards and not having the Trix show up. I think they were in an episode but that was it.
I also get that there's a story with them that after S1, they're at this prison or a rejuvenating site and they escape, they're on the run, get imprisoned, break out but why did they go from cool & badass to just sidekicks/henchmen to the other villains?
This is nothing against them being in love (even tho that was annoying too) but I just wished the show focused on the season's villain and have no Trix whatsoever or have cutaways to them but don't have them be the main focus.
I also understand that they want revenge on the Winx and that's understandable but wouldn't it have been cooler to have not seen them until S8 where they have trained and planned the revenge? Like they weren't seen because they were making themselves stronger and are actually beating the Winx in fights when they reappear again.
I do apologise for the long rant but rewatching this show has made me realise why younger me loved the Wizards of the Black Circle way more and S4 as a whole.
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nymphiess · 5 months
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"The singer of stories has no one to sing her own. How pitiful."
Angst piece of my s6 Musa! I didn't plan on posting this on my blog. @charmixpower was supposed to be the only blog this showed up on lmao (love you rus) BUT. I thought eh why not. Enjoy the only winx posting I'll ever do on my blog!
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witch-ix · 3 months
The Sorcerers of the Black Circle
Everything started with Acheron, a man who wanted to practice magic. However, humans were never born with magic. Thus it was only possible for them to use dark magic, which draws upon the magical energy within magical creatures to fuel spells.
To be able to do so, he crated a book, which he titled the Legendarium and a ring forged of iron - the Black Circle.
The Legendarium was capable of consuming magical creatures, sending them into a purgatorial-like dimension. Once captured within it, the creatures' existence got wiped from the collective conscience and they continued to be remembered as myths and folklore.
Through the Black Circle he was ultimately able to harness the magic contained within the Legendarium, without killing the creatures off completely.
In his travels through Europe, Africa and Asia he was successful with collecting every magi. And on the way he met four men who were very interested in sharing the gift of magic.
The first was Ogron. They met in Scotland, where Acheron also heard about fairies for the first time. But he wasn't able to find them.
The second was Gantlos, in Norway. The third, Anagan, in Africa. And the fourth, Duman, in Souteast Asia.
By then about 130 years had already passed and Acheron hadn't aged even single day since capturing the first magi inside the Legendarium. He theorized it was the magic, that kept them all from growing older. So, they settled and decided to practice magic.
Eventually, each one of them focused their magic into different powers, which would help them capture more creatures.
Acheron studied the Legendarium further and was able to enhance its powers, so they would only have to actually capture one of every creature and have all others of its kind caught at the same time. In doing so a page of the book was filled with every information about the captured magi. Ogron taught himself to absorb magic, when attached with it, to make himself resilient against magical attacks of any kind. Gantlos turned himself into a detector of magic and learned to actively drain one magi at the time of its magic. Anagan trained to be able to turn the magic of any magi against itself. Duman learned to block a magi's connection to its magic. The block can only be active for a few minutes, but it significantly weakens the magic for a longer amount of time.
Eventually they traveled to Ireland, to learn more about the supposed fairies and their hiding place.
With their combined powers they were able to find and get into Tir na Nog, where they killed a lot of fairies and burned down the magical core of Earth. But they weren't able to capture even a single fairy inside the Legendarium.
Instead, one fairy succeeded in capturing Acheron inside the Legendarium, before she escaped with it, whilst also saving two young fairies.
The four remaining Sorcerers were able to kill every remaining fairy. But in the end, they couldn't leave Tir na Nog and where doomed to stay there for hundreds of years, since the magic of the island had that effect on humans.
The destruction of Earths magical core didn't render it useless - it rather made it harder to control, while it also kept growing. The four men just kept practicing their powers to perfection. All whilst planning out what they would do, if they ever were to escape.
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bluewings55 · 11 months
Acheron, the Legendarium and the Mythix Transformation.
NOTE: I didn't watch Season 6, only a summary/documentary/research so i don't know everything by 100%. So in case I got smt wrong, that's why.
So I kinda wrapped my head around a few ideas that I thought were really cool to have for this.... Idk can u really call it an AU? Let's call it an AU for now.
Let's start with the guy that started everything:
Part one:
Acheron was known to be a loyal and great Paladin. He wasn't a warrior but actually a teacher, telling young paladins the different legends, history and creatures that existed, or had existed.
He was obsessed with legends and stories, his house resembling a library, full of books, objects and parts of magical creatures.
After a visit to other realms, including earth, he realized something interesting:
Stories had powers. Legends and stories, real or fanfiction had the power to influence and change people, inspiring them to create art and more stories, shaping people since they believed in certain legends from History
The paladin started his research, finding out if he could use that power for the greater good.
Acheron was so obsessed with finding out if he could use stories as power that the others started to make him feel like an outcast: ridiculed by the idea to use fanfiction to fight evil.
After many years, he created the Legendarium, a magical book that could not only bring fictional creatures to reality, but also had an own world inside the book, shaped and inspired by other stories.
The other Paladins were overjoyed with his research, and used it's power to banish evil inside the book and summon creatures to aid in battle.
However: the Legendarium needed others stories, legends and ideas to use that power: it lead to stealing and removing bits, or even the entire story from the original.
The paladins realized that the Legendarium was leaving humans and magical beings to loose their history and art, turning them into lifeless uninspired beings that couldn't create, live and enjoy.
The Legendarium had to be sealed away.
Acheron was already consumed with the power it had, refusing to never use his creation again.
The paladins were forced to seal Acheron into the Legendarium world. They managed to bring back the stolen parts of History and only used the book to seal away dangerous beings and creatures.
I hope you guys like this idea!
I will try to post Part two, telling more about the Legendarium and how it works.
As for the Mythix update: Flora and Aisha only need their wings and they are done!
Not only that:
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 4 months
(and the legendarium ig)
Acheron has light tan skin, glowing yellow eyes, a crooked pointy nose, and a black goatee. He has black marks (which might be Kohl) around his eyes with triangular black marks on its edges.
Acheron was a sorcerer researcher long ago, who was endlessly curious about myths and stories of all the planets of the magical universe. He found an entrance to the imaginary dimension and became obsessed. He created the legendarium as a magical link between the imaginary world and the real world, and he travels between planets to connect the stories in the book to the places they match with the best. This brought forth a turbulent time in history, where mythic creatures ravaged the magix dimension. Acheron didnt realise the damage he had done, only wanting to bring the mythical creatures into the magix dimension to share them with everyone. 
Because of that, the 7 ancestral fairies (long said to be the first company of light) go into the mythic dimension to learn about it and they gain mythix after putting all their magic energy into random objects they found (becoming the mythix wands) afterwards they trapped acheron back in his own book (this was after he realised he could basically ransom the entire magic dimension). before slowly trapping all the creatures back in the dimension they came from. And because they were worried that he would escape, they used their entire life force to trap him specifically in the pages of the legendarium (not even the mythic dimension, they basically trap him in a piece of paper), leaving their wands behind for future generations in case (its basically a failsafe for the legendarium in case it is misused ever again)
This final fight happened on earth in egypt and thus, thousands of years later The Legendarium was kept in the lost Library of Alexandria, until it was discovered by the Fairy Godmother Eldora and her protege Selina. 
Acheron was able to convince Selina to help free him by promising her power and revenge on bloom, transforming Selina into the "Witch of Snakes". One night, Selina stole the Legendarium from Eldora and fled with it, beginning her quest to release Acheron from its pages. And becoming the keeper of the legendary dimension. The keeper of the Legendarium can summon any number of wild creatures from the book just by reading it out loud.
It was owned by Selina, which she usually shrinks and hangs it on the belt around her skirt. The book was used to help the Trix during Selina's time with them. 
By the end of Season 6, Bloom traps the Trix inside the mythic dimension. Selina then locks the Legendarium and returns it back to Eldora.
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dragonflyxparodies · 2 years
do you have any winx club ships that aren't common
and if you have any, maybe you can share some headcanons about them
Or at least that not many people have posted yet, me included, and I'm including most of these in A Fable, Agreed Upon, so proceed at your own risk lmfao.
Okay look there's this terrible episode in Season 8 where the Winx and the Trix get into a DDR battle and there's a throwaway line that Stormy does competitive DDR online and fucking rules at it, and Aisha is standing RIGHT THE FUCK THERE, so I've had a hc that the two are bitter DDR rivals and are Mildly Obsessed with Beating The Shit out of each other at it since. Bonus points if they don't recognize each other's screen names.
Coupled w/the fact that Musa and Aisha have a lot of chemistry in canon....And the fact that A Fable!Stormy doesn't know what the fuck she's got going on but Musa vibes w/it....
Beyond the sheer violence and chaos this will obviously unleash in A Fable!, the idea of Musa composing music for her gfs to dance to is <3
Stella and Diaspro should fuck. Brandon can watch. This is in fact their relationship dynamic in A Fable.
'Nuff said.
No but seriously they're both very similar in exactingly opposite ways and Brandon serves as a nice grounding point for the two of them. Brandon's also chill enough to go along with their bullshit. Diaspro's gonna be plotting to eviscerate her enemies, and Stella will be on some design spree, and Brandon will have to drag them out of their respective offices to Relax.
This one probably isn't that weird. Just watch S1 + S2. Them bitches be exes.
They come off as HIGHLY competitive and I like the idea that they mostly got together by like. Going after the same dude. They probably had rage sex, but never "officially" dated, because neither of them is/was mature enough for that. They ended explosively and on bad terms, but even up into canon would still protect each other's backs.
This is still technically a thing in A Fable, and is like 40% of why Griffin's going to fucking murder Faragonda.
NOT in A Fable, because they're COUSINS THERE, but, generally. Bloom's a redhead, she absolutely had a goth phase. Selina's obsessive. It writes itself.
I'd prefer if these two morons were like. Dramatically torn apart by Bloom finding out she was a fairy; the sudden transfer and secrecy would have driven Selina into Acheron's arms, so to speak.
This would only ever work in an Extreme AU but Darcy is canonically very into evil animals and Roxy would be too. Let them adopt a hundred murderous monsters together tyvm.
Steve Irwin but lesbians and magic au when
I have nothing to base this on other than that they're both hot and Musa getting to be a knight in shining armor is dope.
I tried to go for at least slightly out-there ships lol. Hope this satisfies your curiosity!
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
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My moodboards, winx club
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callmejudgement · 1 month
Winx Club Script
About Me
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Age: 20
Height: 5’6
Appearance: Similar to my cr self but 100% yassifyed. Note: I have 40inch sister locs, not a buss down.
I also gave myself 20/20 vision because I’m sick of glasses.
Backstory: I am a changeling (like in Fate) who lives a normal human life on Earth. One day I suddenly wake up in Magix. While I was asleep, a wizard transported me through the Realm of Dreams to his residence in Magix City. Apparently, I'm the last living member of my planet's royal family (I am not naming the planet in my script bc I suck at names). The Wizard is an old friend of my mom's and has been searching for me for centuries because I'm the only one capable of saving our realm. I am to start at Alfea and learn to control my powers as one of the last surviving dream fairies. When I’m strong enough, we will reclaim my realm from the darkness overtaking it.
My powers: fairy of dreams + some secret power (like how Bloom has the dragon flame, I want to be special.)
My pixie: I'll let y'all know once I meet her. I want it to be a surprise!
The three major schools (Alfea, Cloud Tower, Red Fountain) are coed. I believe in male fairy/witch and female specialist rights! You also study for 5 years, like the show initially stated before changing it to 3! There isn't much to say here because I mostly like how the schools are canonically.
I am changing the average first-year age to 20, though. Why? Because I'm 20, and I don't want to age myself down to 18 or 16. Besides, people in the Magic Dimension live so much longer than humans, so why would their schooling ages be the same as Earth? (Not to mention that this is my dr and I can do what I want!)
I'm also making the schools less strict on curfew since we're older.
Speaking of which, I’m also scripting in inter-school weekend parties at Lake Roccaluce!
This is oddly specific, but Helia is also a wizard (because his grandad is, so I feel like he should be, too).
I honestly want to nuke any canon villain post-season 4. Tritanus is on thin fucking ice, but Selena can stay. Acheron and them season 7 animal things need to go though (they get the most useless and forgettable villains award!).
The Trix
Let's get this out of the way first. Stormy is male in my dr! Why? Because!
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Do I need to say more? Now, on to more important things. I love these baddies (even though they became pathetic as the seasons went on)! I plan for the plot to mostly follow seasons 1-3, but I want the Trix to get a redemption arc at some point. I'm not going to script out exactly when it happens, but it will happen after season 3 (assuming that event even follows the show after all the changes I've made).
I just really want to work with the Trix! I am a firm believer that the Trix are not pure evil. Maybe it's their ancestor's influence that is twisting their minds without them knowing? Or perhaps they were corrupted by the Shadow Phoenix through the Whipserian Crystals that they used in season 1? Idk, but it'll be something and after being cleansed with fairy dust, they return to normal and can continue at Cloud Tower.
The Shadow Pheonix
The show could have done so much more with this so I will make use of it instead. Speaking of the Shadow Pheonix is taboo throughout the Magic Dimension because of how fucking evil it is. Even witches don't fw it. The Shadow Phoenix created the Dark Circle (I don't like that the Wizards of the Dark Circle canonically made it), and the Phoenix is not a physical thing. It's more like a concept or energy that is recorded to have appeared as a Shadow of a Phoenix in history.
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mirrorred-star · 1 year
Whumpuary 1
Prompt: Unconventional Restraints
Fandom: Winx Club
Previously on: Bloom is the main character, Selena is the big bad of this season, everyone has magic but if you're good you're a fairy and if you're bad you're a witch. No it doesn't make sense if you think about it too much.
Warnings: herpetophobia, restraints, canon-typical violence
Bloom was fending off an attack on a group of fairy students when she felt a sharp crackling pain in her back and screamed. The student fairies of Tir Na Nog school fled.
“Not so strong now Bloom, huh?”
Spectral green snakes formed over Selena’s arms and slid sinuously down, wrapping themselves around Bloom’s legs, then her chest, and then her arms. As she gasped for the breath to speak, the snakes tightened themselves around her chest, squeezing the air out of her lungs.
“Selena… why?”
“I need the dragonflame.”
Selena paused, watching Bloom writhe in pain at her feet, gasping for air. She’d wanted this ever since she’d started at Cloud Tower, since the moment she’d heard that Bloom was now a hero of the magical realms, had been raised human but was secretly the long lost Princess of Domino, and the heir to the Dragonflame, and went everywhere with her new best friends.
Bloom had been her only friend growing up, and then Bloom had left, leaving Selena to endure the bullies and her mom hating her [and her mom’s indifference] and everything alone.
The snakes tightened their grasp in Selena’s anger.
Selena grabbed the snakes and raised the fairy up in the air with magic-assisted strength, to slam her back against the wall. Bloom grunted. A soft glow of firelight started shimmering around the fairy, and Selena slammed her against the wall again.
“No you don’t!”
Bloom looked up at her, weak but angry.
“Make me.”
Selena flicked her fingers and the snake bit into Bloom’s shoulder, injecting its venom into her. The shimmer of Bloom’s magic faded as the venom started to take over, and Bloom stopped struggling, stopped moving at all.
For a moment Selena panicked, thinking she had killed her, but she could still feel the magic there, and dead fairies don’t have magic.
Selena laid Bloom on the floor, releasing the snakes to slither back into her arms, and laid her hands on Bloom’s chest to take the Dragonflame.
She pulled the Dragonflame out of Bloom’s body, pulling with her mind as well as her hands. It was easy; the Dragonflame burned bright and cleanly in her hand
The flame promptly dissapated from her hand, being absorbed by the Legendarium.
“Acheron, my only friend, now you are free.”
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charmixpower · 6 months
Acheron: I created the Legendarium Icy: Oh Acheron: But I was trapped in the book's only blank page Darcy: What a drag Stormy: Well, at least, he's on our side. Right? Acheron: Wrong! It's time for me to rule! And only me! Selina: What do you mean only you? You promised me great power Acheron: I did what I had to do. I owe you nothing, Selina
It's so clear why they wrote Acheron to immediately double cross Selina. Like. Selina was never going to be redeemed UNLESS Acheron kicked her to the curve so that's what happened. It's literally just like this to give Selina a reason to turn towards Bloom, and get a unearned redemption arc and it annoys me so badly
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emsartwork · 5 years
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MAJOR VILLIANSSSSSS, part 1 of 2, brafilus and kalshara, Acheron and Selina, and Tritanus.  The wizards, valtor, and darkar are coming up next.
i made a lot of changes lol sry if this aint ur cup of tea
looooooots of re-writing below the cut
Kalshara was originally the fairy of animals, but she grew obsessed with wild magic, and experimented with ways to obtain it. She acheived Faunix(Butterflix) but it wasn’t enough and she eventually started experimenting with wild magic on living beings. She started with animals, and then moved onto her family, including her parents and brother, after being sure that Brafilius wasn’t going to die from the wild magic injected into him, Kalshara turned herself into something not quite human. She has much more power than Brafilius and didn’t loose any of her mental acuity either. She’s the same age as Faragonda
Brafilius is much younger than Kalshara, who had already achieved Enchantix by the time he was born. He’s in between Griselda and The Winx’s ages. Their parents died as a result of Kalshara’s experiments, but Brafilius survived. He doesn’t really embrace the wild magic, and is ashamed of his animal attributes, wearing clothing that covers as much as possible. He isn’t exactly a willing partner with Kalshara, as she’s pretty abusive towards him, but he doesn’t have anywhere else to go and has developed an unhealthy dependence on his sister. His obtaining the “ultimate power” wasn’t really a willing choice either, but he tried to use it to get away from Kalshara who read it as a betrayal. After Kalshara dies I like to think he starts to recover and becomes friend with Roxy and Flora especially, who are eventually able to reverse some of the wild magic’s effects on him.
Acheron is a wizard, and stores his magic in the legendarium. He was active at the same time as the wizards, but they looked at him like “uh ok u got a book. good 4 u. gotta go rip fairy wings off bye.” and left him to his own devices since they didn;t see him as a threat. He originally only stored his own spells in the legendarium, but started to collect and imprison living creatures inside the pocket dimension of the legendarium, binding their lives and will to his own blood.(so basically he didn’t create a portal to another world he took the real world and captured it: Rumpelstiltskin, Frankenstein etc. were all real figures). The Seven Ancestral Fairies had escaped the Wizards and were outside Tir Nan Og, and realized they had to deal Acheron before he eventually captured all the magical creatures left and overpowered the wizards. In order to avoid getting trapped in the legendarium themselves, they removed their powers from themselves and manifested them into wands. Even with the seven of them, they barely managed to subdue the legendarium creatures and trap Acheron within his own book. Six of the fairies lost their lives, and Eldora lost her legs in the battle. 
Similar to Brafilius and Kalshara, Selina and Archeron do not have an equal relationship. Selina is actually a descendant of Acheron, which is why she has strong magic on a magic-less earth and was able to pass through Eldora’s shields and into the field of flowers with Bloom. Eldora could plainly sense Selina’s magic, but she couldn’t figure out how to unlock Bloom’s magic which is why she took Selina on as a student but not Bloom. Selina isn’t the witch of snakes (wtf the rainbow) but instead is the witch of ink. Acheron convinces her to help him because of their blood relation. Selina is also very shy and struggles with self worth, so the power of the legendarium, besides calling to her blood, was very attractive. Bloom was actually the one who stopped being friends with her, in stupid childhood fashion, she was drawn to Mitzy’s strong personality and turned on Selina in favor of popularity. Selina retaliated by embracing her outcast status. Bloom eventually realized Mitzy was a bitch and left that whole social circle(which is why she has barely any friends at the beginning of season 1). Selina bears no real ill will towards Bloom, and wants to be friends again. 
Tritanus is a the younger twin brother, something that follows and irks him for his entire life. He is extremely resentful that Nereus has always been the brighter twin, more talented, more loved, more prepared to rule. The “choice” between crowning Tritanus or Nereus was a choice in name only, Nereus was selected basically from birth. His ability to absorb magic is standard of male magic users, but the sudden release of magic on earth(season4) has infused everything with way more power than it should have, basically making it magically radioactive. The pollution is channeled through his body, making him a sorcerer instead of a wizard. His ability is the first of it’s kind and would never had been invented with out the perfect situation. True merfolk have very long tails and mulitple fins(as opposed to sirenix fairies, who only mimic the merfolk form.) Male merfolk have a single fin on their back and female have two. 
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